Yamaha psr 350 инструкция на русском языке

Название Русский English
PSR-350 Owner’s Manual


PSR-350 Owner’s Manual (Text Version)


PSR-350 Owner’s Manual (Text Version)


PSR-3500 Owner’s Manual (Image)



Внимание! Текст в этом документе был распознан автоматически. Для просмотра оригинальной страницы Вы можете воспользоваться режимом «Оригинал».


Document Outline

  • Панели управления
    • -■^ддр-^’.щИ~Т^«Г^МГП»Г1Г^«Г^Ш-‘ГПМтЯГПвГ1*^)1»^ШГПГ^
    • В режиме Song (песня) она используется для ^
    • 23 — Кнопка ТЕМРО/ТАР (темп/настукиваи11е)
    • 26 “ Кнопки REGISIRATION MEMORY (сохранение в памяти)
    • Задмя«! панель
  • Настройка
    • Использование адаптера переменного тока
    • Использование батарей
    • 1ммтп шапм
    • es«iifirimyiui щщш
      • в Иепользомние наушников
      • Подклтенне клавнатурного усилителя или стереофонической
      • системы
      • ИсЕшл1ьзо1ваш1е
      • Ис&ол1^зова1Шс выхода МШ1
  • Краткое руководство Шаг1. Голоса
    • ■: © ,
    • Исполнение на фортепьяно
      • ш 1. Нажмите кнопку PORTABLE GRAND (рояль).
    • Исполнение с метрономом
      • ■ 1. Нажмите кноик^ METRONOME (Метроном).
      • 2* Начните исполнение на клавиа1тре.
    • Выбор г исполнение
      • i 1. Нажмите кнопку VOICE (голос). i 2. Выберите голос.
      • 1 3ì( Начните исоолиенне на клавиатуре.
      • 1. Нажмите киопку 03 (современная музыка).
      • 2. Нажмите кнопку LESSON (Е)|Ф (обучение — пррваа/левая).
      • i 3. Начните исполнение 03 голоса.
      • I. Запустите исполнение демонстрационной песни.
      • 1. Нажмите кнопку Song (песня).
      • 2. Оставовите исполнение демонстрационной песяв«
      • I 3. Начните ее исполнение.
    • Исполнение песни с дискеты
      • 3. Для начала/остановки воспроизведения нажмите кнопку START/STOP
      • (нуск/остановка) .
      • 2. Выберите нужную несню пользователя для записи.
      • и Список песен
    • ^Музыкальная база данных
      • 1. Нажмите кнопку MUSIC DATABASE (музыкальная база данных).
      • 2. Выберите музыкальную базу данных.
    • Поиск аккордов в оправрчнике
    • Обучение исполнению
    • определенного аккорда
    • Использование функции обучения
      • Ш 1, Выберите одну из песен для обучения, ■ 3. Начните урок.
      • 2. Выберите партию, которую яы хотите отрабатывать, и номер урока.
      • 4. Когда вы завершите, нажмите кнопку LESSON (L)|® (урок — правая/левая).
      • я Урок 1 — Синхронимцня
      • ■ Оценка , ^
      • Я урок 2 — Ожцданце
      • я урок 3 — Минус один
      • ■ Голосовое оповещение
      • ш Изменение темпа
        • 1. Нажмите ТЕМРО/ТАР (темп/настукивание).
        • 1. Используйте цифровые кнопки для заданна темпа.
  • Индикация на панели дисплея
    • Р8к-350 имеет большой много функциомалгьнь!й дисплей« на котором отобрджэ10тси^ важные настройки инструмента. Прмведеннаа ниже информация кратко разъяснит индикацию и пиктограммы.
    • 1 — Индикаторы
    • ш 2 ~ Общий индикатор
    • I 3 — Обозиачение/4 — Ю|авиа’1ура
    • ■ 5 — Такт
    • 6- Маркеры долей такта
    • ^ 7- Аккорд
    • 8 — Название и номер песнн/голоса/етиля, 1‘емн
    • 9 — Икдвквторы дорожки Я1€сгсяк
    • Индикатор нажатия
    • ^ П ‘ {Индикатор гармонии
    • i 12 — Инднкатдр сдвоеииой функции
    • i 13 — Индикатор синхронной остановки
    • н 14 — Индикатор вкд10Чр|Ша аккомпаиемеш^а
    • • 15 — Индикатор октавы
    • ■ 16 — Индикатор степени зараженности батарей
    • Стойка музыканта
  • Рояль
    • Эта функция позволяет игновенко вызваз ь ro,ioc рояля.
    • 1. Вызовите настройку метронома.
    • 2. Измените значение.
    • 3. мет|юяом^
    • — SrKlicâtes.îin« bisainumbet ^ the measure.
    • Задание размера метронома
    • Настройки громкости метронома
      • I . Вызовите настройку громкости метронома.
      • 2. Измените значение.
        • 1. Нажмите кнопку DJ (современная музыка).
    • Si)
      • 2. Включите функцию обучения и выберите соответствующий шаг.
      • ш 3. Няжмвте кнопку START/STOP (пуск/оставовка)
    • Исполнение голоса
      • 1. Изикмите кнопку VOICE (голос) .
      • 2, Выберите нужный номер голоса.
        • 001.. 006 ФОРТЕПЬЯНО
        • 007.. .011 ЭЛ. ФОРТЕПЬЯНО
        • 012.. .023 ОРГАН
        • 024.. .027 АККОРДЕОН
        • 028.. .036 ГИТАРА
      • Использование цифровых кнопок
      • ш 3. Исполнение выбранного голоса
    • .;’Л.
      • Схема голосов наборов ударных (голоса 117-128)
    • Cjllllliui гшс
      • ш 1, Включнте/выключнте DUAli (сдвоенный) голос.
      • 2. Выберите один из кшраметров основного и сдвоенного голоса.
      • в 3. Задайте зиаченяе параметра*
      • ш Параметры
    • 1ктр|1н 1 ■яи 1ан1ш
      • 1. Выберигге голос 000 (настройка в одно нахатне).
    • Тршпзци и lacTpiiia
      • Транспозиция
        • в 1. Выберите функцию транспозиции.
        • 2. Измените значение.
      • Изменение настройки
        • 1. Выбервгге функцию настройки.
        • 2. Измените значение.
    • laiiin I ч|И1Ш||шт1»1тм
      • в 1, Выберете управление чувствительностью нажатия.
      • В 2. Измените значение.
        • 2. (средняя) 3 (сильная)
  • Эффекты
    • В }. Выберите футсцню реверберации.
    • 1. Выберите функцию DSP.
    • 2< З^йте типа DSP.
    • 1. Включите эффект гармонии.
    • 2. Выберите функцию гармонии.
    • 3. Задайте тип гармонии.
    • Типы DSP
  • Автоаккомпанемент
    • PSR-350 o6ecne4HiiaeT паттерны ритма/аккомпанемента^ a также настройки голосов для каждого патТ^ша для различных популярных музыкальных стилей.
    • lufep спя
      • Щ Í. Нажмите жнонку STYLE (сталь).
      • ш 2. Выберите нужный номер стиля.
    • 1ппмаап|111та
      • 1. Включите автоматический аккомпавемент.
      • 2. Запустите аккомпанемент.
        • • Нажмите кнопку START/STOP (пуск/остановка)
      • ойЖ/ eScMMG tMHIL
      • • Использование настукивапвя темпа для запуска
      • • Использовпяяе функянв SYNC STA&t’ (Сннхронйзацня вуска)
      • Запуск с секции вступления
        • Запуск с секции вступлевия:
      • Использование функции SYNC START (синхронизации пуска) с секцией вступления
      • Для использования синхронизации пуска с секцией вступления:
        • ■ 4. Останоанте аккомпанемент.
          • О Используя секцию концовки
          • • Нажмите кнопку SYNC START (синхронизация пуска)
        • 1. Настройка ЛСМР (акконпанемеит).
        • 2, Настройка SYNC STOP (синхронизация остановки).
        • И 3. Исоолиите аккорд на клавиатуре (в секции автоматического аккомпанемента).
        • ш 4. Остановите автоматический аккомпанемент, сняв пальцы с клавиш.
        • И 5. Для повторного запуска автоматического аккомпанемента исполните аккорд вновь.
        • ■ 1. Вызовете пастро1Ьку темпа.
        • 2. Измените значение темпа.
      • Информация относительно паттерна-вставки
    • lacrpiiu rpuiucTH нкомяааемекта
    • 1с1митми а1Т1матмчкк1га атммкммта — кавдаеаи ЛБияити аадцами
      • Аккорды, исполняемые отдельными пальцами
        • ш Лжкордм, исполняемые всеми пальцами
          • Ст№ Ст$
          • Ст7№ ОптОП
    • Задпнв Т1Ш разшвнм
      • 1. Нажмите кнопку Di<^. (Спряночник).
      • 2. Задайте основную ноту аккорда.
      • 3. Задайте тин аккорда (мажорный, минорный, септима и т.о.)*
      • 4^Ис11ол11е1ше1 «иорда. ,
        • Минорн.
        • Мажорн.
        • терция
        • Мажорн.
        • Минорн.
        • терция
        • Мажорн. Мажорн. ^ Минорн. минорн. Терция терция Терция терция
  • Музыкальная база данных
    • 1. Нажмите 1шопку MUSIC DATABASE (музыкальная база данных).
    • 2 Выберите MUSIC DATABASE (музыкальная база данных).
    • 3. Исполните аккорд левой рукой и линию мелодии правой рукой в соответствии с нотной записью.
    • ■ 4. Когда аы дойдете до места, обозначенного стрелкой в нотной записи, нажмите кнопку Ending (конйов^)*
    • Дак1ые, снраиниык i м|зи|[аяы1|1 iaae даиых
  • Регистрационная память
    • flipaaiTfu. 31ИПНЫ11 num
    • Запсет яастраея я яамять
      • 1. Быаолните все настройки для PSR-350.
      • 2. Выберите нужный бянк
      • 3. Сохраните настройка в нужной ячейке памяти — 1 или 2.
  • Режим песен
    • 1. Нажмите кношЕу Song (песня).
    • я 3. Запустите аШранвую иесяю.
    • Я 4. Остановите исоолненне песни.
    • [Навтврпяе А1
      • i i. Исполняя песню, задайте точку А (начальная точка).
      • Э. организуйте ваузу или остановите воспровзведенне.
      • 4. Выклипнте фунЕцию новтореяня А-В.
    • 13ШИ1П гшса имнп
      • 1. Выберите желаемую песню.
      • 2. Выберш*е нужный голос.
      • ш 3. HsxMsre я jmffmamaitTe швоияу VOICE (голос) о течсжке не иенее 1 секуилы.
    • ■змнет тми
      • 1. Вызовите настройку темпа.
      • 2. Измените значение.
      • ЧР’W W
        • 2. Измените значение.
  • Запись собственных песен
    • Р8Н~350 предоставляет простую процедуру записи песни, позволяющую записывать ваше исполнение на клавиатуре — с использованием до шести независимых дорожек (включая одну дорожку аккрмпанемсйнта) для создания собственной оркестровой композиции. Вы можете записать до пяти песен пользователя
    • Зшеь пт няцаитея!
      • 1. Выполните все необходимые настройки на Р8В^350.
        • Использование метроно^«а |
      • 2. Выберете номрр песне пользователя.
      • 3. Выберете номер дорожки для записи.
      • ■ Запясь на должку мелодий (105)
      • ш 4, Начните запись.
      • * а При задней дорожки а1кордов
      • ^ 5. Остановите запись.
      • S8 6. Запись за другие дорожки.
      • В 7. Прослушиаание новой записи.
      • 1. Выберите нужную иесню.
      • 2. Удерживая нажатой кнопку (А), нажмите кионку SONG MEMORY (1) (песенная память).
      • ■ 3. Нажмите кпоик +/YES (да),
      • ■ 4. На запрос “Sure? “ (Вы уверены? ) нажмите кнопку +/VES (да) для подтверждения или /NO (нет) для прерывания.
      • il 1. Выбернте песню.
      • 2. Нажмите и удерживайте кнопк соответствующей дорожки.
      • Я1 3. Нажмите кнопк +/YES (да).
      • й 4. На запрос “Sure? “ (Вы уверены? ) нажмите кнопку 4-/^/ES (да) для подтверждения или /NO (нет) для прерывания.
      • ■ вУрок 1 Синхрояидация
      • Я Урок 2 -Ожидание
      • ■ Урок 3 — Минус один
      • В Урок 4 — Обе руки
    • 1с1№31НМ1 ф|нцт урвка
      • 1. Вымрите один из уроков.
      • 3, Запустите урок.
      • 4. Нажмите кнопш^ 8ТАЕТ/8ТОР (оуск/остановка) для остановки урока.
      • К 1. При остановлеяиом воспроизведеяини песня нажмите левую или правую общую кнопку для выбора дорожки для обучеиия
      • 2, Задайте номер дорожки.
      • В 1. Выберите песню для обудеипя.
      • 2. Выберите Урок 1.
      • 3. Исполните соответствующую мелодию или аккорды с песней.
    • Ура12-1н1«т|
      • 1. Выберите одну из песен для обучения.
      • 2. Выберите Урок 2.
      • Я 3. Исполните соответствующую мелодию или аккорды с песней.
      • 1. Выберите песню для обучения.
      • 2. Выберите Урок 3.
      • ■ 3* Исполикте соответствующую партию с песней.
      • ■ 1. Выберите песню для обучения.
      • ш 2, Выберите Урок 4.
      • 3. Исполните соответствующую партию левой и правой руки с песней.
    • liein/3i|UHi iiuinnie
      • 1. Выберите функцию оценкн/голосового оповещения.
      • ш 2.В1СТ(Ючите или выключите функцию,
  • Операции с дисководом
    • PSR-350 имеет встроенный дисковбд. Он позволяет записывать и роспроизводнть собст]венмые песни пользователя и сохранять и загружать важные данные.
    • м Данные, которые может быть сохранены/загружены в PSR- 350
    • ■ Использование коммерческих м(узыкальных данных (продаются отдельно)
    • Использование дискеты и дисков<М|а
      • а Совместимость типа дискеты
      • И ш Установка/нзилечение дискеты
      • Очистка записывающей/читающей гооики дискеты
      • ■ О дискетах
    • 1тшш lieu e дкиты
      • i 1, Ветавьте дисиету t ДИСКОВОД.
      • В 2. Выберете номер нужной песне.
      • В 3. ЗввустНте выбранную песнею
      • S 4. Если вы хотете нерейти к другой песни, новторнте шаг 3.
      • ■ 5. Остановите песню.
      • Изменение настройки октавы для дорожки песни с дискеты
        • 1, Выберите функцию октзюы.
        • 2. Измените настройку октавы.
        • ^ 1. Вставьте отформатированную днекету.
        • 3. Если необходимо, измените имя фяйлд.
        • й 4. Нажмите кнопку EXECUTE (нынолннтк).
        • 5. Выполнить оперяцию сохряяиния.
      • Сохранение файлов в формате SMF О
        • 2-1. В шаге 2 операции сохранения после нажатия кнопки SAVE (сохранить) нажмите вновь кнопку SAVE (сохранить) для выхова сохранения SMF .
        • 2-2. Нажмите кнопк EXECUTE (выполнить).
        • 2-3. Выберите песню для сохранения, если нужно воспользуйтесь кнопками +/•
        • 2-4. Нажмите кнопку EXECUTE (выполнить).
    • 3irp|3ia
      • ■ 2. Нажмите кноок у LOAD (загрузка).
      • 3. Выберите файл для загрузки.
      • Я 4. Иажмитё кнопку EXECUTE (выполнить).
      • Я 5. Выполните онерацин» загрузки.
      • Я 1, Вставьте дискету в дисковод.
      • ^ 2. Нажмите кнонку UTILITY (Сервис).
      • ш 4. Нажмите кнопку EXECUTE (выполнить).
      • 5. Выполните операцию удалении.
    • Inna ITIIITY iCipiacl lipMaTipiiain лщш
      • 1. Введите неотформатяроваяи:^ диет? в дясжовод,
      • I 2. Няжмите 1ШОПКУ EXECUTE (выполнять).
      • X Выполните операцию форматирования.
    • Хпш 1Т111ТУ (Серш1 -пш1рт ф|рмат1|11ит
      • а I. Вставьте дискету в дисковод, в 2. Нажмите кнопку UTILITY (Сервис).
      • 3. Вновь нажмите кнопку UTILITY (Сервис).
      • S 4. Нвжмнте кнопку EXECUTE (выполнить).
      • а 5. Выполните операцию форматирования.
    • Чте таш Mill?
      • • Channel messiage (канал||Иое сообщение)
        • Название сообщения
      • • Системные сообщения
        • Название сообщения
        • Операцйя/настройка PSR-350
      • MIDI выходы
    • nuumim I прпкми|11| iiMMinpi
      • ^ 2 Выберите параметр «Локальное управление».
      • 3. Нажмите кнопки
    • 1с1ми1нм111Р1ДП1К1ЩЫ1 мастрвек ва свввввсвр
      • ■ Передача данных по исходным настройкам
        • > I. Скачала, подготовьте секвенсе|» для записи.
        • к 2. Выберите операции MIDL
        • 1 З.Выбернте операцию ио передаче исходных настроек.
        • ■ 4. Нажмите квоику START/STOP (иуск/останоака).
        • ш 5. Начните запись на секиенеере, затем передайте данные по исходным настройками.
        • я 6. Остановите запись ва секвенсере.
    • Внешмя БЯ11рензаи1
      • В 1. Нажмите кнопку TEMPO (темп).
      • в 2. Настройте инструмент на внешнюю синхронизацию
      • Отмена приема MEDI LSB
  • Устранение неисправностей
  • Инициализация данных

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Раздел: Бытовая, кухонная техника, электроника и оборудование

Тип: Синтезатор/фортепиано

Инструкция к Синтезатору/фортепиано Yamaha PSR-350

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Related Manuals for Yamaha Raptor PSR-350

Summary of Contents for Yamaha Raptor PSR-350

  • Page 2: Special Message Section

    Yamaha. This product should be used only with the components supplied or; a cart, rack, or stand that is recommended by Yamaha. If a cart, etc., is used, please observe all safety markings and instructions that accompany the accessory product.

  • Page 3
    Yamaha service personnel. • Use the specified adaptor (PA-5C or an equivalent recommended by Yamaha) only. Using the wrong adaptor can result in damage to the instru- ment or overheating. • Before cleaning the instrument, always remove the electric plug from the outlet.
  • Page 4: Main Features

    PSR-350’s authentic voices. Other powerful features include: • The advanced Yamaha Education Suite — a special set of learning tools that make it easy and fun to master the keyboard. These tools include Lesson, which guides you through the parts of a song just as a teacher would, Grade &…

  • Page 5: Table Of Contents

    Panel Controls and Terminals … 6 Setting Up… 8 • Power Requirements …8 • Turning On the Power…8 • Accessory Jacks …9 Quick Guide Step 1 Voices … 10 Step 2 Songs… 12 Step 3 Music Database… 14 Step 4 Lesson … 16 Panel Display Indications …

  • Page 6: Panel Controls And Terminals

    Panel Controls and Terminals Front Panel q Power switch ([STANDBY/ON]) w [MASTER VOLUME] dial This determines the overall volume of the PSR-350. e [DEMO] button This is used to play the Demo songs. (See page 12.) r [TOUCH] button This turns the Touch function on and off. (See page 29.) Holding down this button allows you to adjust the Touch Sensitivity setting.

  • Page 7
    !7 [ACMP ON/OFF] / [A-B REPEAT] button When the Style mode is selected, this turns the auto accompaniment on and off. (See page 36.) In the Song mode, this calls up the A-B Repeat function. (See page 54.) !8 [SYNC STOP] button This turns the Sync Stop function on and off.
  • Page 8: Setting Up

    Power Requirements Although the PSR-350 will run either from an optional AC adaptor or batteries, Yamaha recommends use of an AC adaptor whenever possible. An AC adaptor is more environmentally friendly than batteries and does not deplete resources. Using an AC Power Adaptor • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •…

  • Page 9: Accessory Jacks

    Using a Footswitch • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • This feature lets you use an optional footswitch (Yamaha FC4 or FC5) to sustain the sound of the voices.

  • Page 10: Quick Guide

    Quick Voices Step 1 Guide Playing the Piano Simply by pressing the [PORTABLE GRAND] button, you can automatically reset the entire PSR-350 for piano play. Press the [PORTABLE GRAND] button. Play the keyboard. Want to find out more? See page 20. G Panel Voice List Voice Name Voice Name…

  • Page 11
    Selecting and Playing Other Voices The PSR-350 has a huge total of 618 dynamic and realistic instrument voices. Let’s try a few of them out now… Press the [VOICE] button. GrandPno Playing with the DJ Feature The exciting new DJ feature gives you a full variety of dance and DJ sounds — letting you create your own real-time mixes and groove along with various contemporary rhythms.
  • Page 12: Step 2 Songs

    Quick Songs Step 2 Guide Playing the Songs The PSR-350 is packed with a total of 100 songs, including three Demo songs, plus seventeen songs that have been specially created to showcase the rich and dynamic sounds of the instrument. There are also eighty additional songs, designed to be used with the educational Lesson feature.

  • Page 13: Song List

    Playing the Disk Song This function lets you play songs contained on the included disk or on other song data disks. Insert the disk. Select a desired User song for recording. Song List Song Name Demo Mission:Impossible Beauty And The Beast Linus And Lucy Bandman Rock Chick…

  • Page 14: Step 3 Music Database

    Quick Music Database Step 3 Guide Music Database Here’s a convenient feature that lets you instantly reconfigure the PSR-350 for playing in different music styles. If you want to per- form in a certain genre but don’t know what settings to make, simply select the genre from the Music Database —…

  • Page 15
    Looking up Chords in the Dictionary The convenient Dictionary function teaches you how to play chords by showing you the individual notes. In the example below, we’ll learn how to play a GM7 chord… Keys for entering the chord type (C3 — B4) the chord root (C5 —…
  • Page 16: Step 4 Lesson

    Quick Lesson Step 4 Guide Using the Lesson Feature Songs 021 to 100 are specially designed for use with the educational Lesson feature. Lesson makes it fun and easy to master these songs. You can practice the left- and right-hand parts of each song individually: simply press the appropriate button, [L] (left) or [R] (right).

  • Page 17
    Lesson This step lets you work on the timing of the notes. In Les- son 1, the particular note you play on the keyboard is unimportant. The PSR-350 checks your timing and how rhythmically “tight” your playing is. Want to find out more? See page 65. Lesson In Lesson 2, you practice playing the notes correctly as they appear in the display notation.
  • Page 18: Panel Display Indications

    Panel Display Indications The PSR-350 features a large multi-function display that shows all important settings for the instrument. The section below briefly explains the various icons and indications in the display. Battery Level indicator Touch indicator Overall indicator Harmony indicator Dual indicator Sync Stop indicator Accompaniment On…

  • Page 19
    u Chord When a song (with chords) is being played back, this indicates the current chord root and type. It also indi- cates chords played in the ACMP section of the key- board when the Style mode and auto accompaniment are on.
  • Page 20: Portable Grand

    Portable Grand This convenient function lets you instantly call up the Grand Piano voice. Playing the Portable Grand Press the [PORTABLE GRAND] button. Doing this automatically cancels any other mode or function, and resets the entire instrument for playing the special “Stereo Sampled Piano” Grand Piano voice. It automatically calls up song #061 (Für Elise) and style #097 (Stride).

  • Page 21: Turn On The Metronome

    Turn on the Metronome. Press the [METRONOME] button. To turn the Metronome off, press the [METRONOME] button again. Setting the Metronome Time Signature The time signature of the Metronome can be set to var- ious quarter-note based meters. • The time signature changes automatically when a style or song is selected.

  • Page 22: Playing The Dj

    This exciting feature lets you instantly call up a dynamic DJ voice and style for playing contem- porary dance music. Playing the DJ Press the [DJ] button. Doing this automatically resets the entire instrument for playing the spe- cially programmed DJ song and voice. Turn on the Lesson feature, and select a Lesson step.

  • Page 23: Playing Voices

    The PSR-350 features a total of 618 authentic voices — all of which have been created with Yamaha’s sophisticated AWM (Advanced Wave Memory) tone generation system. These include 480 Expanded voices, plus special Split voices, DJ voices and drum kits.

  • Page 24
    Playing Voices There are two ways to select voices: 1) directly entering the voice number with the numeric keypad, or 2) using the [+]/[-] buttons to step up and down through the voice numbers. Using the numeric keypad Enter the digits of the voice number as indicated on the panel. For example, to select voice #109, press “1”…
  • Page 25: Dual Voice

    Drum Kit Voice Chart (voices 117 — 128) When one of the 12 Drum Kit voices are selected you can play different drums and percussion instruments on the keyboard. Dual Voice The Dual Voice function lets you combine two different voices in a layer — one the Main voice, which is selected normally, and the other the Dual voice, which is selected here.

  • Page 26
    Playing Voices Set the parameter’s value. Use the numeric keypad or the [+]/[-] buttons. (Refer to the parameter list below.) The parameters below provide all settings for both the Main Voice and Dual Voice — letting you change or enhance the sound of these voices independently.
  • Page 27: One Touch Setting

    One Touch Setting This special “voice” is actually a convenient feature which automatically selects a suitable voice for you when you select a style. The voice is selected to best match the style or song you’ve called up. Select voice #000 (One Touch Setting). You can also turn on One Touch Setting by simultaneously pressing both the [+]/[-] buttons.

  • Page 28
    Playing Voices Change the value. Use the numeric keypad to set the desired Transpose value (-12 — +12). To transpose the pitch down, simultaneously press and hold the [-] button, and use the numeric keypad to type in the (negative) value. You can also use the [+]/[-] buttons to increase or decrease the value.
  • Page 29: Touch And Touch Sensitivity

    Touch and Touch Sensitivity The Touch function gives you dynamic, expressive control over the voices, letting you determine how loud or soft the sound is by your playing strength. Turn the Touch function on or off as desired by pressing the [TOUCH] but- ton.

  • Page 30: Effects

    Effects The PSR-350 is equipped with a wide variety of effects that can be used to enhance the sound of the voices. The PSR-350 has three separate effect systems — Reverb, DSP, and Harmony — and each has many different effect types to choose from. Reverb The Reverb effect reproduces the natural ambient “wash”…

  • Page 31: Dsp

    The DSP effect section provides distortion and chorus effects, plus a wealth of other useful and dynamic effects for enhancing and changing the sound of the voices. Included among these miscellaneous effects are reverse gate reverb, phaser, rotary speaker, tremolo, echo, delay, distortion, equalization, and wah. A total of thirty-eight DSP types are available.

  • Page 32: Harmony

    Effects Harmony The Harmony section features a variety of performance effects that enhance the melodies you play when using the accompaniment styles of the PSR-350. A total of twenty-six Harmony types are available. Tremolo, Trill and Echo effects can be used even if accompaniment is off. There are five different Harmony Types that automatically create harmony parts (for notes played in the upper section of the keyboard) to match the accompani- ment chords.

  • Page 33: Effect Types

    Effect Types Reverb Types Reverb Type Display Name Hall 1 Hall1 Hall 2 Hall1 Room 1 Room1 Room 2 Room2 Stage 1 Stage1 Stage 2 Stage2 Plate 1 Plate1 Plate 2 Plate2 DSP Types DSP Type Display Name Hall 1 Hall1 Hall 2 Hall2…

  • Page 34
    Effects Harmony Types Harmony Type Duet Trio Block Country Octave Trill 1/4 note Trill 1/6 note Trill 1/8 note Trill 1/12 note Trill 1/16 note Trill 1/24 note Trill 1/32 note Tremolo 1/4 note Tremolo 1/6 note Tremolo 1/8 note Tremolo 1/12 note Tremolo 1/16 note Tremolo 1/24 note…
  • Page 35: Auto Accompaniment

    Auto Accompaniment The PSR-350 provides dynamic rhythm/accompaniment patterns — as well as voice settings appropriate for each pattern — for various popular music styles. A total of 106 different styles are available, in several different categories. Each style is made up of separate “sections”…

  • Page 36: Playing The Accompaniment

    Auto Accompaniment Playing the Accompaniment The panel buttons below function as accompaniment controls. Pressing this button alter- nately enables and can- cels the bass and chord accompaniment. (See below.) Pressing this button alter- nately enables and can- cels the Sync Stop function.

  • Page 37
    You can select the Main A or B section by pressing the appropriate button — [MAIN A/B] — before pressing the [START/STOP] button. (The display briefly shows the letter of the selected section: “MAIN A” or “MAIN B.”) Using Tap Tempo to Start This useful feature lets you tap out the speed (tempo) of the auto accompani- ment and automatically start the accompaniment at that tapped speed.
  • Page 38
    Auto Accompaniment Starting with an Intro section Each style has its own two- or four-measure Intro section. When used with the auto accompaniment, many of the Intro sections also include special chord changes and embellishments to enhance your performance. To start with an Intro section: 1) Press the [MAIN/AUTO FILL] button —…
  • Page 39
    Change chords using the auto accompaniment feature. Try playing a few successive chords with your left hand, and notice how the bass and chord accompaniment change with each chord you play. (Refer to page 43 for more information on how to use auto accompaniment.) Stop the accompaniment.
  • Page 40: Sync Stop

    Auto Accompaniment Sync Stop This convenient feature lets you stop (or pause) the auto accompaniment by releasing your fingers from the auto accompaniment section of the keyboard. Playing the chord again restarts the auto accompaniment. This is ideal for putting dynamic breaks in your performance —…

  • Page 41: Changing The Tempo

    Changing the Tempo The tempo of style playback can be adjusted over a range of 32 — 280 bpm (beats per minute). Call up the Tempo setting. Press the [TEMPO/TAP] button. Change the value. Use the numeric keypad to set the desired Tempo value, or use the [+]/[-] buttons to increase or decrease the value.

  • Page 42: Adjusting The Accompaniment Volume

    Auto Accompaniment About the Fill-in Patterns If you press the [MAIN/AUTO FILL] button before beat 4… Adjusting the Accompaniment Volume The playback volume of the accompaniment can be adjusted. This volume con- trol affects only the accompaniment volume. The volume range is 000 — 127. Select the Accompaniment Volume function.

  • Page 43: Using Auto Accompaniment — Multi Fingering

    Using Auto Accompaniment — Multi Fingering When it is set to on (page 36), the auto accompaniment function automatically generates bass and chord accompaniment for you to play along with, by using Multi Fingering operation. You can change the chords of the accompaniment by playing keys in the auto accompaniment section of the keyboard using either the “Single Finger”…

  • Page 44
    Auto Accompaniment Chord Name/[Abbreviation] Major [M] Add ninth [(9)] Sixth [6] Sixth ninth [6(9)] Major seventh [M7] Major seventh ninth [M7(9)] Major seventh add sharp eleventh [M7(#11)] Flatted fifth [(b5)] Major seventh flatted fifth [M7b5] Suspended fourth [sus4] Augmented [aug] Major seventh augmented [M7aug] Minor [m] Minor add ninth [m(9)]…
  • Page 45: Setting The Split Point

    Setting the Split Point The Split Point determines the highest key for the auto accompaniment section. The accompaniment can be played with the keys up to and including the Accom- paniment Split Point key. Split Point Auto accompani- ment section Select the Split Point control.

  • Page 46: Dictionary

    Auto Accompaniment Dictionary The Dictionary function is essentially a built-in “chord book” that shows you the individual notes of chords. It is ideal when you know the name of a certain chord and want to quickly learn how to play it. Press the [Dict.] button.

  • Page 47
    Play the chord. Play the chord (as indicated in the display) in the auto accompaniment sec- tion of the keyboard. The chord name flashes in the display (and a “congrat- ulations” melody is played) when the correct notes are held down. (Inversions for many of the chords are also recognized.) To leave the Dictionary function, press the [Dict.] button again.
  • Page 48: Other Chords

    Auto Accompaniment Beautiful sounding harmonies can be built in this manner. The use of intervals and chords is one of the most important elements in music. A wide variety of emotions and feelings can be created depending on the types of chords used and the order in which they are arranged. •…

  • Page 49: Using The Music Database

    Using the Music Database If you want to play in a certain genre of music but don’t know which style and voice settings would be appropriate, simply select the desired genre from the Music Database. The PSR-350 automatically makes all appropriate panel settings to let you play in that music style! Press the [MUSIC DATABASE] button.

  • Page 50: Data Stored By The Music Database

    Using the Music Database When you reach the point in the music indicated by the arrow above, press the [ENDING] button. The accompaniment plays an ending phrase in ritardando. When the ending is finished, the auto accompaniment automatically stops. You can also stop the accompaniment by using the [STOP] button. Data stored by the Music Database Each of the Music Database settings has been specially programmed to match the selected style and each features the best suited voice (or combination of voices), style and other settings.

  • Page 51: Registration Memory

    Registration Memory Registration Memory is a flexible and convenient function that lets you instantly reconfigure virtually all settings of the PSR-350 with the touch of a single button. Simply save your favorite custom panel settings to one of the Registration Memory presets (up to sixteen are available) for future recall.

  • Page 52: Recalling A Registration Memory Preset

    Registration Memory Recalling a Registration Memory Preset Select the appropriate Registration Memory bank. Press the desired Registration Memory preset button ([1] or [2]).

  • Page 53: Selecting And Playing Songs

    Selecting and Playing Songs The PSR-350 features a total of 105 songs. These include 100 songs that showcase the rich and dynamic sounds of the instrument, and 80 of these songs can be used with the educa- tional Lesson feature (page 63), a powerful tool that makes learning songs fun and easy. Three of the songs are special Demonstration songs that can be played automatically by pressing the [DEMO] button.

  • Page 54: A-B Repeat

    Selecting and Playing Songs Start the selected song. Press the [START/STOP] button. As the song plays back, the measure num- ber and chords are shown in the display. Stop the song. Press the [START/STOP] button. A-B Repeat The convenient A-B Repeat function is an ideal aid for practicing and learning. It allows you to specify a phrase of a song (between point A and point B) and repeat it —…

  • Page 55: Melody Voice Change

    Pause or stop playback as needed. Use the [PAUSE] button or [START/STOP] button. Stopping playback does not cancel the set A/B points or the A-B Repeat function. Turn off the A-B Repeat function. Press the [A-B REPEAT] button. Melody Voice Change The PSR-350 lets you play a melody on the keyboard along with each of the songs, either with the original melody voice or one of your own selection.

  • Page 56: Changing The Tempo

    Selecting and Playing Songs Press and hold down the [VOICE] button for at least one second. “MELODY VOICE CHANGE” appears in the display, indicating that the selected panel voice has replaced the song’s original melody voice. Changing the Tempo The tempo of song playback can be adjusted over a range of 32 — 280 bpm (beats per minute).

  • Page 57: Adjusting The Song Volume

    Adjusting the Song Volume The playback volume of the song can be adjusted. This volume control affects only the song volume. The volume range is 000 — 127. Select the Song Volume function. Press the right Overall button, repeatedly if necessary, until “SONG VOL” appears in the display.

  • Page 58: Song Recording

    Song Recording The PSR-350 features powerful and easy-to-use song recording features that let you record your keyboard performances — using up to six independent tracks (including one track for accompaniment) — for creating your own complete, fully orchestrated compositions. You can record and save up to five User songs.

  • Page 59
    Select a User song number for recording. Use the numeric keypad to select the desired song: 201 — 205. If no song is manually selected, the PSR-350 automatically selects the first available empty song number. Select a track number for recording. While holding down the [RECORD] button, press the appropriate SONG MEMORY button.
  • Page 60
    Song Recording Recording to a Melody Track (1 — 5) Five independent Melody tracks are provided for recording your keyboard performance. Normally, you’ll want to record these after you’ve recorded the Chord track. You can also record the Chord track and one of the Melody tracks simultaneously.
  • Page 61: Song Clear

    Song Clear The Song Clear operation completely erases all recorded data on all tracks of a selected User song. Use this operation only when you’re sure you want to erase a song and record a new one. To erase an individual track of a song while leaving the other tracks intact, use the Track Clear operation (page 62).

  • Page 62: Track Clear

    Song Recording Track Clear The Track Clear operation completely erases all recorded data on a selected track of a selected User song, leaving the other tracks intact. Use this operation only when you’re sure you want to erase a track and record a new one. To erase the data of an entire song, use the Song Clear operation (page 61).

  • Page 63: Song Lesson

    Song Lesson The Lesson feature provides an exceptionally fun and easy-to-use way to learn how to read music and play the keyboard. There are a total of 80 Lesson songs (Songs 021 to 100), spe- cially designed for use with the educational features. Lesson lets you practice the left- and right-hand parts of each song independently, step by step, until you’ve mastered them and are ready to practice with both hands together.

  • Page 64
    Song Lesson Select the part you wish to work on (left or right) and the Lesson step. If you want to work on the right-hand part, press the [R] button; to work on the left, press the [L] button. Pressing either button repeatedly cycles through the available Lesson steps in order: Lesson 1 Lesson 1, etc.
  • Page 65: Select The Lesson Track

    Select the Lesson Track This function allows you to select the track number of a disk song (only SMF format 0). (Refer to the Disk Operations chapter on page 69.) With Song playback stopped, press the Overall left or right button to select LESSON TRACK.

  • Page 66: Lesson 2 — Waiting

    Song Lesson Lesson 2 — Waiting In this lesson step, the PSR-350 waits for you to play the correct notes before con- tinuing playback of the song. This lets you practice reading the music at your own pace. The notes to be played are shown in the display, one after another, as you play them correctly.

  • Page 67: Lesson 4 — Both Hands

    Play the appropriate part with the song. After the lead-in, the song starts automatically, and the appropriate notes appear in the display. In Lesson 3, listen carefully to the un-muted part, and play the muted part yourself. Lesson 4 — Both Hands Lesson 4 is a “Minus One”…

  • Page 68: Grade/Talking

    Song Lesson Grade/Talking The Lesson feature has a built-in evaluation function that monitors your practicing of the Lesson songs, and just like a real teacher, it tells you how well you did each exercise. Four grades are assigned, depending on your performance: “OK,” “Good,”…

  • Page 69: Disk Operations

    You can load and play with the style files collected on these disks. (See page 75) The Style File Format — SFF — is Yamaha’s original style file format which uses a unique conversion system to provide high- quality automatic accompaniment based on a wide range of chord types.

  • Page 70
    To maintain the disk drive in optimum working order Yamaha recommends that you use a commercially-available dry-type head cleaning disk to clean the head about once a month.
  • Page 71: Disk Song Playback

    Disk Song Playback This function allows you to play back song data on commercially available GM (General MIDI), Yamaha DOC (Disk Orchestra Collection), or Clavinova Diskla- vier Piano Soft disks. It also allows you to play back Standard MIDI File (SMF) format 0 data.

  • Page 72: Save

    Disk Operations Change the Octave Setting for a Disk Song Track When a disk song is playing and the note data exceeds the limit of C1 — C6, an «OVER» indication flashes and Q or W appears in the display. If this happens, you can adjust the octave setting of the relevant track up or down to com- pensate.

  • Page 73
    If you wish to overwrite the data already saved to an existing file, use the [+]/ [-] buttons to select the file you want to overwrite. If necessary change the file name. The PSR-350 automatically creates a file name ( for example “UF_00nnn” ) for the file you are about to save.
  • Page 74: Saving Files In Smf Format 0

    Disk Operations Execute the Save operation. Press the [+] button (“YES”), and the Save operation will start. Once started, the operation cannot be canceled. As the file is saving, “Saving” will appear on the top line of the display. To avoid saving the file, press the [-] button (“NO”) instead of the [+] button (“YES”).

  • Page 75: Load

    Once you’ve saved your User data onto a floppy disk, you can reload that data back to the PSR-350. You can also load style data from the included disk or com- mercially available Yamaha Style File disks. Insert the floppy disk into the disk drive.

  • Page 76: Utility — Delete

    Disk Operations Utility – Delete This function allows you to delete individual files of User data you’ve saved to floppy disk. Insert the floppy disk into the disk drive. Press the [UTILITY] button. The filename will appear at the top of the display. To exit from the UTILITY screen, press the [UTILITY] button twice.

  • Page 77: Utility — Formatting An Unformatted Disk

    Utility – Formatting an Unformatted Disk Insert the unformatted floppy disk into the disk drive. A “Format?” message will appear at the top of the display. Press the [UTILITY] button to exit from the FORMAT screen. Press the [EXECUTE] button. Execute the Format operation.

  • Page 78: Utility — Formatting A Previously Formatted Disk

    Disk Operations Utility – Formatting a Previously Formatted Disk This function is useful for quickly deleting unnecessary files from an already for- matted disk. Be careful when using this operation, since it automatically deletes all data on the disk. Insert the floppy disk into the disk drive. Press the [UTILITY] button.

  • Page 79: Midi Functions

    MIDI Functions The PSR-350 is MIDI-compatible, featuring MIDI IN and MIDI OUT terminals and providing a variety of MIDI-related controls. By using the MIDI functions you can expand your musical possibilities. This section explains what MIDI is, and what it can do, as well as how you can use MIDI on your PSR-350.

  • Page 80
    MIDI Functions MIDI is an acronym that stands for Musical Instrument Digital Interface, which allows electronic musical instruments to communicate with each other, by send- ing and receiving compatible Note, Control Change, Program Change and various other types of MIDI data, or messages. The PSR-350 can control a MIDI device by transmitting note related data and var- ious types of controller data.
  • Page 81: Connecting To A Personal Computer

    (sequencer software) When connecting to a computer with a USB interface, use the Yamaha UX256 USB/MIDI Interface. Connect the UX256 and the computer with a standard USB cable, then make the proper MIDI connections between the PSR-350 and the UX256.

  • Page 82: Local Control

    MIDI Functions Local Control This function lets you enable or disable keyboard control over the PSR-350’s voices. This would come in handy, for example, when recording notes to MIDI sequencer. If you are using the sequencer to play back the voices of the PSR-350, you would want to set this to “off”…

  • Page 83: Using Initial Setup Send With A Sequencer

    Using Initial Setup Send with a Sequencer The most common use for the Initial Setup Send function is in recording a song on a sequencer that is intended for playback with the PSR-350. Essentially, this takes a “snapshot” of the PSR-350 settings and sends that data to the sequencer. By recording this “snapshot”…

  • Page 84: External Clock

    MIDI Functions An “End” message briefly appears in the display when the operation is com- plete. Stop recording on the sequencer. Stop recording on the sequencer in the normal way. Make sure that any sub- sequently recorded performance data is recorded at least one measure fol- lowing the Initial Setup data.

  • Page 85: Troubleshooting

    Troubleshooting Problem When the PSR-350 is turned on or off, a popping sound is temporarily produced. When using a mobile phone, noise is produced. There is no sound even when the keyboard is played or when a song is being played back. Playing keys in the right hand section of the key- board does not produce any sound.

  • Page 86: Data Backup & Initialization

    Data Backup & Initialization Data Backup • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Except for the data listed below, all PSR-350 panel settings are reset to their initial settings whenever the power is turned on.

  • Page 87: Voice List

    Voice List I Maximum Polyphony • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • The PSR-350 has 32-note maximum polyphony. This means that it can play a maximum of up to 32 notes at once, regardless of what functions are used.

  • Page 88
    Voice List Bank Select MIDI Voice Program Change# FLUTE SYNTH LEAD SYNTH PAD PERCUSSION SPLIT DRUM KITS G Expanded Voice List Voice Name Voice Flute Piccolo Pan Flute Recorder Ocarina Square Lead Sawtooth Lead Voice Lead Star Dust Brightness Analogon Fargo Fantasia Bell Pad…
  • Page 89
    Bank Select MIDI Voice Program Voice Name Change# Carillon Dulcimer Dulcimer 2 Cimbalom Santur ORGAN DrawOrg Detuned DrawOrg 60’s DrawOrg 1 60’s DrawOrg 2 70’s DrawOrg 1 DrawOrg 2 60’s DrawOrg 3 Even Bar 16+2″2/3 Organ Bass 70’s DrawOrg 2 Cheezy Organ DrawOrg 3 Percussive Organ…
  • Page 90
    Voice List Bank Select MIDI Voice Program Change# ENSEMBLE TRUMPET etc. Voice Voice Name Contrabass Tremolo Strings Slow Tremolo Strings Suspense Strings Pizzicato Strings Orchestral Harp Yang Chin Timpani Strings 1 Stereo Strings Slow Strings Arco Strings 60’s Strings Orchestra Orchestra 2 Tremolo Orchestra Velocity Strings…
  • Page 91
    Bank Select MIDI Voice Program Voice Name Change# Chiff Lead Rubby Charang Lead Distorted Lead Wire Lead Voice Lead Synth Aahs Vox Lead Fifths Lead Big Five Bass & Lead Big & Low Fat & Perky Soft Whirl SYNTH PAD New Age Pad Fantasy Warm Pad…
  • Page 92
    Voice List Bank Select MIDI Voice Program Change# PERCUSSION SOUND EFFECT Voice Voice Name Fiddle Shanai Shanai 2 Pungi Hichiriki Tinkle Bell Bonang Altair Gamelan Gongs Stereo Gamelan Gongs Rama Cymbal Asian Bells Agogo Steel Drums Glass Percussion Thai Bells Woodblock Castanets Taiko Drum…
  • Page 93
    DJ Voice List Voice No. MSB/LSB/PC 0/123/118 0/123/119 0/123/120 Note DJ Set1 DJ Set2 DJ Set3 C# 1 D# 1 Drum Loop Yo-Kurt Kick G# 1 C# 2 D# 2 Scratch Come On 1 Snare G# 2 3 Uhh+Hit C# 3 One 3 One More Time D# 3 Two 3 Ohh 2…
  • Page 94: Style List

    Style List Serial No. Style Name 8BEAT 8Beat 1 8Beat 2 8Beat Adria 8Beat Pop 1 British Pop 8Beat Soft 16BEAT 16Beat 1 16Beat 2 16Beat 3 Soft Fusion Hip Hop Pop Cool Dance 16Beat Funk Funky Pop 16Beat 4 BALLAD Piano Ballad U.S.

  • Page 95: Music Database List

    Music Database List MDB No. MDB Name POP HITS AlvFever Croco Rk Dsurvive EasySday GoMyWay HurryLuv I’m Torn Imagine JustCall JustWay HowDeep! MscThnks NikitTrp PdiseDay ProudGtr SailngSx Sept.Pop SultanSw SweetLrd TitanicH WatchGrl WaterSfl WhiterSh YestDGtr SWING & JAZZ DayOfSax HoneyTst LostHrt MistyGrg HighMoon…

  • Page 96: Drum Kit List

    Drum Kit List • “<——” indicates that the drum sound is the same as “Standard Kit 1”. • Each percussion voice uses one note. • The MIDI Note # and Note are actually one octave lower than listed. For example, in “119: Standard Kit 1”, the “Seq Click H” (Note# 36/Note C1) corresponds to (Note# 24/Note C0).

  • Page 97
    Voice No. MSB/LSB/PC 127/000/000 Keyboard MIDI Standard Kit 1 C# 0 -1 Surdo Mute -1 Surdo Open D# 0 -1 Hi Q -1 Whip Slap -1 Scratch Push -1 Scratch Pull -1 Finger Snap G# 0 -1 Click Noise -1 Metronome Click A# 0 -1 Metronome Bell -1 Seq Click L…
  • Page 98: Midi Implementation Chart

    MIDI Implementation Chart YAMAHA [ Portable Keyboard ] Model PSR-350 Function… Basic Default Channel Changed Default Mode Messages Altered Note Number : True voice ************** Velocity Note ON Note OFF After Key’s Touch Ch’s Pitch Bend 0,32 o 6,38 x…

  • Page 99
    NOTE: *1 By default (factory settings) the PSR-350 ordinarily functions as a 16- channel multi-timbral tone generator, and incoming data does not affect the panel voices or panel settings. However, the MIDI messages listed below do affect the panel voices, auto accompaniment, and songs. •…
  • Page 100: Effect Map

    MIDI Implementation Chart Effect map * If the received value does not contain an effect type in the TYPE LSB, the LSB will be directed to TYPE 0. * The numbers in parentheses in front of the Effect Type names correspond to the number indicated in the display..

  • Page 101: Specifications

    • 12cm x 2 + 3cm x 2 Power Consumption • 22 W (when using PA-5C power adaptor) Power Supply • Adaptor : Yamaha PA-5C AC power adaptor • Batteries : Six “D” size, R20P (LR20) or equivalent batteries Dimensions (W x D x H) •…

  • Page 102: Index

    Index Misc. +/- buttons …24 AC Power adaptor …8 accessory jacks …9 accompaniment sections …41 Accompaniment Split Point …45 Accompaniment Volume …42 accompaniment, playing …36 Auto Accompaniment …35 Bank …51 Batteries …8 Beat display …53 beat marks …53 Chord Names …48 Chord Track …59 Chord Type …48 Chords, About …47…

  • Page 103: Limited Warranty

    PSR SERIES OF PORTATONE ELECTRONIC KEYBOARDS If during the first 90 days that immediately follows the purchase date, your new Yamaha product covered by this warranty is found to have a defect in material and/or workmanship, Yamaha and/or its authorized representative will repair such defect without charge for parts or labor.

  • Page 104
    For details of products, please contact your nearest Yamaha or the authorized distributor listed below. Pour plus de détails sur les produits, veuillez-vous adresser à Yamaha ou au distributeur le plus proche de vous figurant dans la liste suivante. NORTH AMERICA CANADA Yamaha Canada Music Ltd.

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