Vsampler 3 мануал на русском

VSampler 3.5.1 от SpeedSoft - сэмплер

VSampler 3.5.1 от SpeedSoft — это программное обеспечение, превращающее ваш компьютер в 255 голосый полифонический сэмплер, который может использовать любой записанный звук, как музыкальный инструмент. Он предоставляет все классические функции сэмплера, превосходное качество звука, а также предлагает множество новых уникальных возможностей. VSampler играет XXL инструменты, не ограничивая объем оперативной памяти. В сотрудничестве с пользователями своего знаменитого предшественника, он действительно сочетает в себе обширные возможности редактирования с простейшей обработкой. Перетащите и отпустите или через контекстном меню (правая кнопка мыши), обеспечивают быстрый доступ ко всем функциям и обеспечивает плавный рабочий процесс.

VSampler может функционировать как модуль (VSTi, DXi) в секвенсоре или в качестве самостоятельной программы (ReWire, MIDI), он использует до 32 отдельных аудио выходов (ASIO, DirectSound). Включен «виртуальный MIDI-кабель», также связывает VSampler с любым MIDI-файловым плеером или с классическим секвенсором MIDI.

VSampler загружает инструменты в популярные форматы сэмплеров: SF2 ™, GigaStudio ™, HALion ™ 1 + 2, Kontakt ™ 1.x, DLS, AKAI ™ (CD S1000/S3000 и S5000/S6000. ПСР файлов) и E-MU ™ III / IV CD. Кроме того VSampler грузиться в LM4 ™ и Battery ™ drumkits plus ReCycle ™ (RCY, REX, RX2) и ACID ™ drumloops. Ваши собственные инструменты быстро создаются путем перетаскивания WAV или AIF сэмплов на экранной клавиатуре.

VSamplers — уникальный инструмент предварительного просмотра, позволяет тестировать различные звуки одним щелчком мыши, даже во время воспроизведения. Владельцам звуковых карт SB Live! ™ / Audigy ™ / X-Fi ™ будет приятно, потому что VSampler может сохранить файлы в популярном формате SF2.

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Метки к статье: сэмплер


  • #1

Можно ли сделать так, чтобы он не плодил сэмплы для каждого банка, а только хранил ссылки на них, как, напр., Контакт? Оч. удобный сэмплер, но проблема ненужного размножения сэмплов достала. В хелпе и мануалах я ничего вразумительного не нашёл.


  • #2

А в ответ тишина… Люди, отзовитесь, ау! Я знаю, вы есть!

  • #3

Полностью избежать создания новых директорий с семплами не удастся. Просто надо привыкнуть к этому. Но вместо множества wav файлов, можно создать один комбинированный *.vs3 файл. Это особенно удобно, когда создаешь свой собственный пользовательский банк.
Для этого зайди в «Options -> Import …).

Такой банк будет иметь большой размер (размер звуковых файлов + размер самого банка). При желании этот банк можно будет сжимать. Например, 10 МБ банк в зависимости от типа и степени компрессии можно сжимать в пределах 0,68-4,97 МБ.
Для компрессирования семплов, зайди в меню «File -> Export -> Export compressed library» и в открывшемся диалоговом окне выбери нужные значения компресии.

ПАдробности во вложенной графике.

И еще можно сливать все свои семлы (wav-ки) в одну директорию, а в «Options -> Import …). Таких директорий может быть множество, они могут быть не только на дисках вашей машины, но и на сетевых дисках, или на внешних носителях. После этого можете удалить те директории, которые создаются рядом с файлами банков. Программа не обнаружив данные директории, будет искать семплы в директориях, заданных по умолчанию в автопоиске.
Еще можно открыть сами файлы *.vs3 в каком нибудь продвинутом текстовом редакторе (не производства MS !!!) и редактировать все пути ручками, но этот метод не для всех. :lol:


  • #4

Спасибо за ответ. Про Embed банки я знаю. У меня такое впечатление (может ошибаюсь), что при открытии компрессированых банков он всё равно копирует из них сэмплы. Суть моей проблемы в том, что есть своя подборка в EXS и Soundfonts. И ещё раз дублировать это для VS и ещё на каждую песню — это уже слишком, тем более что в силу специфики своей работы я использую практически одни и те же звуки. EXS можно конвертануть в Контакт без сэмплов, а nki загрузить в VS. А вот Autosearch может выручить. Буду пробовать.

DJ Eddy: Интересные у тебя скриншоты. Прям таки MAC OS. Поделись фишкой, плз.

  • #5

Да это Panthering из StyleXP. ИМХО лучший интерфейс для работы. Совершенно не отвлекает на себя внимание, о нём просто не думаешь.

  • #6

Originally posted by Jackson
Да это Panthering из StyleXP. ИМХО лучший интерфейс для работы. Совершенно не отвлекает на себя внимание, о нём просто не думаешь.

В принципе да, это у меня в пакете FlyakiteOSX. Жена любит такие фишечки, по мне, ваще с консоли бы работал. :gigi:


  • #7

DJ_Eddy: Вот спасибо! Рульная шняга! Настолько грамотно его нарисовали, просто и со вкусом. Взгляд радуется и зрение не напрягает.

  • #8

Alex_HS, вы до сих пор им пользуетесь?
У меня вот не прижился сразу сей мультяшка, тыкал, тыкал я его.. Малопонятное дерево программ-семплов, все как-то не по человечески, и еще вот рассказываете о странной файловой структуре и лишних телодвижениях.. Стоило оно того?


  • #9

Alex_HS, вы до сих пор им пользуетесь?

Да нет конечно, я вообще недолго его юзал, в нескольких песнях, а потом по вышеперечисленным причинам соскочил.

3.5.1 от
SpeedSoft — это программное обеспечение, превращающее ваш компьютер в
255 голосый полифонический сэмплер, который может использовать любой
записанный звук, как музыкальный инструмент. Он предоставляет все
классические функции сэмплера, превосходное качество звука, а также
предлагает множество новых уникальных возможностей. VSampler играет XXL
инструменты, не ограничивая объем оперативной памяти. В сотрудничестве с
пользователями своего знаменитого предшественника, он действительно
сочетает в себе обширные возможности редактирования с простейшей
обработкой. Перетащите и отпустите или через контекстном меню (правая
кнопка мыши), обеспечивают быстрый доступ ко всем функциям и
обеспечивает плавный рабочий процесс.

VSampler может
функционировать как модуль (VSTi, DXi) в секвенсоре или в качестве
самостоятельной программы (ReWire, MIDI), он использует до 32 отдельных
аудио выходов (ASIO, DirectSound). Включен «виртуальный MIDI-кабель»,
также связывает VSampler с любым MIDI-файловым плеером или с
классическим секвенсором MIDI.

VSampler загружает инструменты в
популярные форматы сэмплеров: SF2 ™, GigaStudio ™, HALion ™ 1 + 2,
Kontakt ™ 1.x, DLS, AKAI ™ (CD S1000/S3000 и S5000/S6000. ПСР файлов) и
E-MU ™ III / IV CD. Кроме того VSampler грузиться в LM4 ™ и Battery ™
drumkits plus ReCycle ™ (RCY, REX, RX2) и ACID ™ drumloops. Ваши
собственные инструменты быстро создаются путем перетаскивания WAV или
AIF сэмплов на экранной клавиатуре.

VSamplers — уникальный
инструмент предварительного просмотра, позволяет тестировать различные
звуки одним щелчком мыши, даже во время воспроизведения. Владельцам
звуковых карт SB Live! ™ / Audigy ™ / X-Fi ™ будет приятно, потому что
VSampler может сохранить файлы в популярном формате SF2.

This music software allows you to use a collection of virtual musical instruments for recording audio tracks. There are flexible output quality parameters.

Windows version:

Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10

VSampler is a Windows utility for creating songs. It provides a virtual keyboard and lets users imitate a wide variety of guitars, organs, drums and string instruments. There is a library of sound effects that can be applied to the music.

Brief overview

With the help of this application you can record unique audio tracks and samples. It is possible to adjust the volume, change the playback speed and set custom delay values.

Users are able to import projects from various programs like Gigasampler, KOMPLETE KONTROL and HALion. Moreover, there are options for inserting WAV and MIDI files.

Instrument parameters

Flexible controller settings allow you to adjust pan and volume. Additionally, there are checkboxes for enabling the legato pedal, filtering the resonance and pitching the bend wheel. A library of custom controllers for various situations is provided.

The instrument polyphony options can be corrected. Users are able to select the number of voices as well as tune the release cutoff level and rate. Modulation parameters include the maximum pitch range and envelope time. Hundreds of microtuning scale files for different purposes are included.


  • free to download and use;
  • offers you tools for playing and recording audio tracks;
  • there is a library of musical instruments and sound effects;
  • you can configure the tempo, pitch, gain and delay parameters;
  • compatible with all modern versions of Windows.

ImageMixer SE ImageMixer SE

Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Windows 11 Free

This update file allows you to install a patch for the ImageMixer media management application. It fixes technical errors found in the previous version.

ver 3.1

GeoGebra GeoGebra

Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11 Free

Thanks to this powerful utility, you have the ability to write complex math equations. Moreover, you can utilize a considerable amount of drawing instruments.

ver 6.0.772.0

WebEx Recorder WebEx Recorder

Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Windows 11 Free

With the help of this application users can record audio and video conferences, business meetings, presentations, webinars and online training sessions.

ver 3.17

Super Decoder Super Decoder

Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Windows 11 Free

This audio editing software is intended for processing songs in various popular file formats. It is possible to cut and rearrange individual track fragments.

ver 3.0

vBulletin vBulletin

Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11 Free

Using this web application, you are able to build websites and manage content. Moreover, you have the option to apply a wide range of preset layout styles.

ver 5.7.3

Microsoft Mathematics Microsoft Mathematics

Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11 Free

With this advanced Microsoft utility, users have the ability to enter and solve mathematical equations. Additionally, it is possible to choose the input mode.

ver 4.71.1015.0


Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11 Free

This comprehensive tool was designed to help you create custom aircraft configurations. Moreover, you have the option to add, remove, and move wheels.

ver 3.0

Subtitle Edit Subtitle Edit

Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11 Free

Thanks to this comprehensive utility, users are able to modify movie and TV show subtitles. Additionally, it is possible to adjust delay time and other settings.

ver 3.6


Cakewalk VSampler 3 User's Manual

User’s Manual

Start Up and Basics


© 1998-2004 Speedsoft Audio Tools GmbH, Döbeln, Germany All rights reserved

Stand: 26.03.2004

Products made by the following companies are mentioned solely for information purposes.

Microsoft, Microsoft Windows, DirectX, DirectSound, WDM © Microsoft Corporation

Cubase, Cubase SX, Steinberg, VST, ASIO, HALion, LM4 © Steinberg Media Technologies AG Cakewalk, Sonar, DXi © Twelve Tone Systems, Inc.

Emagic, Logic © Emagic Softund Hardware GmbH

Battery, Kontakt, Kompakt, Intakt © NATIVE INSTRUMENTS Software Synthesis GmbH Sound Blaster, EAX, Audigy, Live!, E-MU © Creative Technology Ltd.

ACID, Soundforge © Sonic Foundry, Inc.

Reason, ReBirth, ReWire, ReCycle, REX © Propellerhead Software AB Ogg, Vorbis © Xiph.Org


All software and hardware terms not specified, as well as brand names, are registered trade marks or trade marks of their respective owners.

VSampler 3 Start Up and Basics

License agreement

In the following, “software” designates the program “VSampler” contained in the packaging, including the manual, Soundlibraries and purchased registration key. “Manufacturer” designates the company Speedsoft.

The buyer acquires the non-exclusive right from the manufacturer to use the software for an unlimited period of time on a suitable computer. With the opening of the CD packaging, the buyer agrees to the following license agreement:

The buyer is entitled to resell the software, to install the software on one computer per purchased license and to make backup copies of the software for personal use.

The buyer is not entitled to keep backup copies of the software after sale, to rent or lend the software, to manufacture or distribute copies of the software, or to change the software (with exception of the Soundlibraries) in any way.

The software has been produced with the utmost care. Buyer and manufacturer agree that it is not possible to develop an absolutely error-free software for all applicable conditions. The manufacturer will repair known software bugs as quickly as possible. The suitability of the software for a specific purpose is not guaranteed by the manufacturer. The buyer is not entitled to compensation in the case of a defect, except in states where liability exclusion is not permissible. In any case, liability is limited to the amount of the purchase price. Liability for consequential damages is excluded. The customer is responsible for the storage and back-up of their data.

Venue for all disputes related to the software is the state court of the company location of MAZ at the time of the dispute. Applicable law is the one of the Federal Republic of Germany. Should any provision of this agreement contravene valid law all other provisions will continue in full force and effect.



Make sure to back up your data.

A power failure, a program crash or a virus can destroy your files. Make sure that you regularly back up important data such as Soundlibraries and song files, and keep these in a safe place, preferably outside of your computer at an external data medium. This also applies to your serial number.


Due to the variety of VSampler’s control possibilities, unexpected high signal levels can occur that can harm both your hearing and your equipment if the playback level is too loud. Please do not turn up your amp any louder than is comfortable for you to listen to at the highest digital output level (0 dB in the VSampler mixer).

VSampler 3 Start Up and Basics

Table of Contents








About this Manual………………………………………………………………………..



Setting Up Your System………………………………………………………………..



Minimum system requirements …………………………………………….



Recommended system requirements ……………………………………..



Installation …………………………………………………………………………



Starting VSampler ………………………………………………………………



Registration …………………………………………………………………………………



Restricted demo — mode …………………………………………………………


1.4.2 Registering the serial number online (once) ……………………………


1.4.3 Inserting the registration key in VSampler……………………………..



OEM Version vs. Independent Version …………………………………………..


1.5.1 What does OEM-Version mean?…………………………………………..


1.5.2 Restrictions of the OEM version …………………………………………..



Free updates ……………………………………………………………………….


1.5.4 Upgrade to the VSTi-DXi-ReWire-Standalone package…………..







Quickstart ……………………………………………………………………………………



Decision: ……………………………………….Standalone, Plug-in or ReWire?


2.2.1 ………………………………………………………………

Standalone version


2.2.2 ……………………………………………………………….

VSTi/DXi plug — in


2.2.3 ……………………………………………………………………………..




Standalone ………………………………………………………………………-Version



VSTi/DXi ………………………………………………………………………..Plug-in


2.4.1 ……………………………..Setting up the VSTi plug-in in Cubase SX


2.4.2 …………………………..Setting up the VSTi plug-in in Cubase VST


2.4.3 ………………………………………Setting up the DXi plug-in in Sonar



ReWire ……………………………………………………………………………………….



Graphic ……………………………………………………..User Interface (GUI)



Typical ……………………………………………………………..Control Elements



Drag ……………………………………………………………………………….& Drop



Less is ………………………………………………………………………………..more



The Small …………………………………………………………………………..View


3.4.1 …………………………………………………Title bar and Status displays



3.4.2 MIDI channel slots and controllers………………………………………..



Instruments Pool…………………………………………………………………



Import Window ………………………………………………………………….



On-Screen Keyboard …………………………………………………………..



Bank Manager ……………………………………………………………………



Operation …………………………………………………………………………………..



Supported Import Formats …………………………………………………………….



Loading a Soundlibrary…………………………………………………………………



Importing Instruments…………………………………………………………………..


4.3.1 Importing per menu item “File | Import”………………………………..


4.3.2 Importing per drag & drop …………………………………………………..


4.3.3 Importing using the Import Window ……………………………………..


4.3.4 Importing from the Bank Manager………………………………………..



Assigning Instruments to MIDI Channels………………………………………..


4.4.1 The MIDI channel’s padlock symbol …………………………………….


4.4.2 Decision: Assign Instruments in Sequencer or in VSampler? ……


4.4.3 Assigning MIDI channels in the sequencer …………………………….


4.4.4 Assigning MIDI channels in VSampler………………………………….


4.4.5 Troubleshooting: no sound when playing the keyboard? ………….



Using Separate Outputs…………………………………………………………………


4.5.1 Display of the assigned output devices…………………………………..


4.5.2 Assigning Instruments to output devices………………………………..


4.5.3 Assigning Samples to individual outputs (DXi, VSTi, ReWire) ..



Recommended Working Methods and Organization …………………………



General tips………………………………………………………………………..



Settings ……………………………………………………………………………..



Basis for working efficiently ………………………………………………..



Assembling the song-specific Soundlibrary ……………………………



Important General Settings…………………………………………………………



Setting Up Audio Devices……………………………………………………………..



Standalone version………………………………………………………………



VSTi, DXi, ReWire …………………………………………………………….



Setting Up Individual Outputs………………………………………………………..



Standalone version………………………………………………………………



VSTi, DXi, ReWire …………………………………………………………….


5.2.3 Plug-in: changing the number of outputs in a project……………….



Setting Up MIDI Devices………………………………………………………………


5.3.1 Connecting to a MIDI keyboard……………………………………………


5.3.2 Setting up the virtual MIDI cable ………………………………………….


VSampler 3 Start Up and Basics


Optimizing Performance ……………………………………………………………….


5.4.1 Setting the Resampling quality……………………………………………..



Limiting polyphony — background…………………………………………



Limiting polyphony — implementation……………………………………



Optimizing DRC…………………………………………………………………



Decision: Linked or Embedded Samples?………………………………………..



Comparison ……………………………………………………………………….





5.5.3 Automatic search for not-found Samples ……………………………….



Decision: Save the Library in the host project?…………………………………


5.6.1 Project-oriented: saving the Bank in the host project ……………….


5.6.2 Soundlibrary-oriented: saving in a .VS3 file …………………………..






Adjusting the keyboard velocity …………………………………………………….







What is a Sampler?……………………………………………………………………..



MIDI and Sequencer …………………………………………………………………..


6.2.1 The classic MIDI cable………………………………………………………



The sequencer…………………………………………………………………..


6.2.3 The 16 MIDI channels……………………………………………………….


6.2.4 Sequencer tracks vs. MIDI channels ……………………………………



Frequencies, Bits and Floating Points ……………………………………………



Sampling Frequency………………………………………………………….



Bit depth ………………………………………………………………………….


6.3.3 Zero clipping thanks to floating point processing ………………….



The Structure of a VSampler Soundlibrary…………………………………….



Soundlibrary …………………………………………………………………….












Multi ……………………………………………………………………………….



Dynamic Resource Control (DRC) ……………………………………………….



The advantage…………………………………………………………………..


6.5.2 Instrument level (DRC 1) …………………………………………………..


6.5.3 Sample level (DRC 2) ……………………………………………………….


6.5.4 Maximum size of Instruments …………………………………………….



Polyphony …………………………………………………………………………………



The more, the…?……………………………………………………………….



Counting Voices ……………………………………………………………….



Archiving and Internet Exchange of Soundlibraries ………………………..




Optimizing the PC for Audio Performance…………………………………….


6.8.1 Purchasing decisions: hardware…………………………………………..


6.8.2 Optimizing Windows XP for audio processing ……………………..






Contact ……………………………………………………………………………………..



Updates …………………………………………………………………………………….


VSampler 3 Start Up and Basics

1 Introduction


Speedsoft and MAZ congratulate on your purchase of VSampler 3!

Small View of VSampler 3

VSampler transforms your Windows PC into a 255 voice polyphonic software sampler that transforms each recorded sound into a musical instrument. It provides all of the classical sampler features in excellent sound quality, and also offers you a multitude of new opportunities. In cooperation with the users of it’s award-winning predecessor, an intelligent software sampler has been developed which, beneath a truly transparent surface, combines extensive signal processing abilities with simplest handling. Drag & drop actions and context menus allow quick access to all functions and provide for a smooth workflow.

VSampler can operate either as a plug-in (VSTi or DXi) in your sequencer, or it can run as an independent program, connecting via Rewire or MIDI. The included “virtual MIDI-cable” also connects VSampler to classical MIDI sequencers.

VSampler loads Instruments in the following popular sampler formats: SF2™, ReCycle™ (RCY, REX, RX2), Gigastudio™, HALion™, Kontakt™, DLS, AKAI™ (S1000/S3000 CD and S5000/S6000 .AKP files) and E-MU™ III / IV CDs, as well as Samples (WAV, AIF) and drum kits (LM4™, Battery™ KIT).



Some of the previously mentioned sequencer interfaces and import formats are not available in the VSampler 3.0 OEM version, see “1.5. OEM Version vs. Independent Version” on page 20.

VSampler’s unique Instrument preview allows you to test different sounds with a single mouse-click even during playback. Owners of an SB Live! or Audigy sound card will be pleased that VSampler can also save files in the popular SF2 format.

VSampler’s various envelope types which can be synchronized to the song tempo, it’s LFO’s and it’s velocity sensitive filters ranging from subtle to aggressive are all inducive to sound editing. Instruments can be further refined using either the included effects (Reverb, Delay, Phaser, Distortion, EQ …) or any VST plug-in. The animation of all effect-, envelopeand filter parameters in a mutual modulation matrix, creates Instruments with extraordinary dynamics and convincing, realistic playability. The included presets for effects, envelopes and modulations will get you off to a good start.

transparent auto-zoom envelopes

Whether you want a quick playback module for everyday use, or a creative tool with the qualities of a synthesizer; VSampler 3 offers you both in one versatile instrument.

Speedsoft and MAZ hope you enjoy using VSampler!


VSampler 3 Start Up and Basics

1.2About this Manual

Manuals usually begin with sentences such as: “please take the time to read this user manual carefully.” We certainly don’t want to stop you. This manual “Start Up and Basics” helps you set up VSampler on your system, and explains the basic concept and use of VSampler as well as it’s most important settings.

Further information, such as how to build your own sampler instruments, is available in the VSampler Reference Manual. This is included as a PDF file with the VSampler version 3.1 and up, and can be downloaded for free from the VSampler website www.vsampler.com as soon as version 3.1 is released, or a print version can be purchased for a nominal price.

After the first phase of testing, we would like to suggest that you take a look at the appropriate chapter in this introduction or in the Reference Manual while you are working with VSampler. The better you are at taking advantage of VSampler’s capabilities, the faster you will be able to realize your ideas in the future. Often, there are several ways of performing an operation, but in the long run, the most obvious way is not always the shortest.

As with every other instrument, the old adage “practice makes perfect” also applies to VSampler.

The manual will give some background information if it is needed in order to understand a chapter. We do however assume that you have some basic knowledge about your sequencer and music software. Please don’t expect a comprehensive treatise on the subject of “Digital Audio Workstation for the PC.” A huge amount has been written on this and other music-related topics. Look around and you’ll certainly find a book that fits your needs.

All information in this manual refers to VSampler 3.1

The term “VSTi plug-in” is used to mean “VST instrument plug-in” in order to differentiate it from VST effect plug-ins.



1.3Setting Up Your System

1.3.1Minimum system requirements

In order to use VSampler as an instrument, your PC must fulfill the following minimum requirements.


CPU (processor): Intel Pentium II 400 MHz and up (or comparable)

RAM (main memory): 256 MB, VSampler itself uses approx. 25 MB

Graphics card: 800 x 600 pixels, 16 Bit color depth


o VSampler VSTi/DXi/ReWire: depending on host sequencer

oVSampler Standalone: each with an appropriate driver for ASIO or DirectSound (not emulated)


Operating system Microsoft Windows 98SE, ME, 2000 or XP

VSampler VSTi/DXi plug-in: Host sequencer with support for the Synth plug-in interfaces VSTi or DXi

VSampler ReWire-Instrument (slave): Host sequencer (master) supporting the ReWire interface

The OEM version “VSampler 3.0 DXi” includes the DXi- plug-in, but not VSTi plug-in, ReWire, Standalone version and virtual MIDI cable. If you like, you can purchase them us an upgrade, see “1.5. OEM Version vs. Independent Version” on page 20.

1.3.2Recommended system requirements

VSampler can operate with the above minimum system requirements. However, in order to playback larger Soundlibraries in a song with an intricate arrangement and a large number of Voices, the following system profile is recommended (see “6.8.1. Purchasing decisions: hardware” on page 116):

Intel Pentium IV of 1 GHz and up (or comparable), the faster the processor, the greater number of possible Voices (see “6.6. Polyphony” on page 114)


VSampler 3 Start Up and Basics

512 MB RAM: the more memory, the larger the Instruments that can be played even without using DRC (see “6.5. Dynamic Resource Control (DRC)” on page 112)

Fast hard disk with 7200 rpm1 or more: the faster the hard disk, the greater the number of Voices possible (polyphony) with activated DRC. A fast hard disk also speeds up the loading of Soundbanks.

If you want to use VSampler as a live instrument, and play it with a MIDI keyboard and/or a MIDI controller, it is recommended that you use a sound card with an ASIO driver with a latency below 15 ms.

We recommend to use the Microsoft Windows versions 2000 or XP. Based on our experience, these are more reliable than the earlier versions 98 and ME.


Boxed version

Place the program CD in your CD-ROM drive. Depending on the auto-start settings of your system, either the setup program will start automatically, or you must open setup.exe in the Explorer.

Download version

Get the VSampler downloadversion from www.vsampler.com and start the setup program from the Explorer by opening the selfextracting .exe file.

Please follow the instructions of the setup program as described below:

Step 1

Choose the language for the GUI (Graphic User Interface) and Help texts.

Step 2

Read the VSampler 3 license agreement and accept it if you agree to it (necessary for installation).

Step 3

If you’re interested, read the quick information of the latest version

Step 4

1 Revolutions per minute: The more revolutions, the faster data can be continuously read.



Choose the directory on your hard disk where you want VSampler to be installed – the directory of a previously installed earlier version will be recognized automatically and suggested.

If you have previously installed an earlier version of VSampler 3 on your hard disk, please select the same directory. This guarantees that VSampler will retain all of your settings, and that no orphaned VSampler data will be left stranded on your hard drive.

Step 5

Choose the components which you wish to install.

The first two options (at least) should be selected. Exception: The current version of VSampler is already installed, and you just want to add one of the other options.

The lower options are for selecting how VSampler should connect with your sequencer. Select the appropriate variation(s). You can find a list of popular synthesizers and the preferable way of connecting each to VSampler in section 2.2 on page 24.


VSampler 3 Start Up and Basics

VSTi plug-in, ReWire and the virtual MIDI cable can also be installed by owners of a VSampler 3.0 OEM registration key. They will then be available in the restricted demo-version, and can be tested thoroughly.

If you like, you can purchase an upgrade including VSTi plug-in and Standalone version (incl. ReWire and the virtual MIDI cable), see “1.5. OEM Version vs. Independent Version” on page 20.

Note about the VSTi plug-in: Please check whether VSampler’s “VST plug-in directory” shows the correct “VST plug-ins” directory, i.e. the one that your sequencer actually uses. Otherwise change it with the “Browse” button.

Note about the Speedsoft virtual MIDI cable: If this is installed, a MIDI output to VSampler will appear throughout Windows (i.e. in every MIDI sequencer). It is only necessary to install this if your sequencer supports neither VSTi/DXi plug-ins, nor sending MIDI data per ReWire. For more information, see 2.2.1. on page 24.

Step 6

Choose the type of files which should be associated with VSampler. This means, whenever you click one of these files in the Explorer, it will be automatically loaded in VSampler (see the tip at the end of this section).

Step 7

Click “Start Install” to complete the installation.

Tip about associating file types with VSampler: The files can still be opened with any other (appropriate) program. You can also change the association of the file type at any time:

in the Explorer, click with the right mouse button on a file whose association you wish to change, and select “open with…” and then “select program”

select the program from the list

select the option “Always open file with this program” and click “OK”



1.3.4Starting VSampler

After you have installed VSampler, you can start the program for the first time. For more information concerning the first start of VSampler see section “2. Start” on page 23.


1.4.1Restricted demo-mode

After installation, VSampler starts up in demo mode. In comparison to the full version, the demo version has two restrictions.

Soundlibraries can not be saved

Playback is interrupted regularly by a beeping noise

In order to remove these restrictions, you must register your serial number online (this must only be done once), whereupon you will receive your permanently valid registration key, which you must then paste into VSampler.

1.4.2Registering the serial number online (once)

VSampler comes with a serial number in the form of “VS3-12345678- 12345678-12345678-12345678.” This can be found either on the CD cover (boxed version) or it will be sent to you by email (download version). In order to remove these restrictions, you must register your serial number online, whereupon you will receive your permanently valid registration key in return.

As opposed to e.g. the product activation scheme of Microsoft Windows XP, VSampler must only be registered online one single time.

By registering your “VS3-…” serial number, you receive a permanently valid registration key, which will be accepted by every VSampler 3.x version on any computer. Also, after re-installing VSampler or even Windows, you can immediately insert the key in VSampler (see screenshot, option “skip this step”)..

In order to start the registration, select “Register” from VSampler’s “Help” menu. This occurs automatically the first time you start VSampler. VSampler offers three registration variations:


VSampler 3 Start Up and Basics

the three registration variations

Automatic (online)

For the automatic registration, your computer must be connected to the Internet. Unless your computer is permanently online, you must now connect to the Internet manually.

VSampler automatically opens your Internet browser with the online registration form, so that you can enter your serial number. After sending the completed form, your permanently valid registration key will be shown on the website. Now copy & paste it in the large text field in VSampler, as described in the next section “1.4.3. Inserting the registration key in VSampler.”

Please don’t attempt to type in the (long) registration key manually, this will most certainly lead to typing errors. Instead, use the Windows copy & paste function (right mouse button).


If your music computer does not have Internet access, you can fill out the online registration form from another computer in order to enter your serial number:




Alternately, VSampler can save this address as an .url file, which you can transfer to an Internet PC on a floppy disk in order to open the online registration form the Internet PC by double-clicking the .url file.

registration with the help of another computer with Internet access

1.4.3Inserting the registration key in VSampler

After sending the filled-out online registration form, a permanently valid registration key will be created, which will be shown on the website. Copy & paste it into the large text field in VSampler. See the following screenshots.

Please don’t attempt to type in the (long) registration key manually, this will most certainly lead to typing errors. Instead, use the Windows copy & paste function (right mouse button).

If you have registered your copy of VSampler on another computer due to lack of Internet access, copy the registration key onto a floppy disk as a text file, and then paste the key from the text file into VSampler’s registration page at your music PC. This way, you won’t have to type it in manually.


VSampler 3 Start Up and Basics

After the registration key has been pasted in, your screen should look like this:

To complete the registration, click the button “next step” for the last time. Afterwards, the successful registration will be shown:

You can view your current registration status at any time by pulling down the “Help” menu and selecting “Register.”

Please store a copy of your serial number and registration key permanently, e.g. as a text file on a CD!



You will receive a summary of your registration with all relevant details in an email. This should be saved as a text file on an external medium, i.e. on CD. In the future (for example after re-installing Windows or VSampler) you can paste your registration key into VSampler immediately without having to register online again.

1.5OEM Version vs. Independent Version

1.5.1What does OEM-Version mean?

In addition to the VSampler package offered at www.vsampler.com, an OEM1 version of VSampler is also available, bundled with other products. An OEM is a manufacturer (e.g. a sequencer or soundcard manufacturer), who integrates components of other manufacturers (e.g. VSampler) in their own product, and distributes this product under their own name.

Despite the significantly lower price, the OEM version of VSampler offers all of the functions available in the full version at the time of OEM licensing – however, only within that package. Outside of the package, OEM versions of VSampler only operate in the restricted demo-mode (see section 1.4.1. on page 16). This currently applies to “VSampler 3.0 DXi” from the Cakewalk package “Sonar 3 Producer.”

1.5.2Restrictions of the OEM version

The VSampler 3.0 DXi version distributed by Cakewalk with it’s “Sonar 3 Producer” edition has the complete functionality of the VSampler 3.0 full version’s DXi plug-in. It is functional within all DXi compatible sequencers such as Cakewalk Sonar or Project 5 , and includes all future updates offered by Cakewalk that improve existing 3.0 features or fix bugs.

VSTi plug-in, ReWireand Standalone version, as well as some additional new functions, which are not offered by Cakewalk as a free update to the VSampler OEM version, can be purchase as an upgrade at the online-shop of www.vsampler.com. At “1.5.4. Upgrade to the VSTi-DXi-ReWire-Standalone

1 Original Equipment Manufacturer


VSampler 3 Start Up and Basics

package” on page 21 you can find the exact listing of the additionally available features.

Whenever one of these features is mentioned in the manual, it will be marked by this symbol.

1.5.3Free updates

Updates to the OEM version provided with the “Sonar 3 Producer” package, can be downloaded from Cakewalk in the form of patches. Updates can also be downloaded from www.vsampler.com.

The latest VSampler 3.x update for all VSampler 3 versions can be downloaded at www.vsampler.com

This download is suitable for updating all versions of VSampler 3. This way, users of the OEM version can test the VSTi plug-in and Standalone version of VSampler in the restricted demo-mode (see section 1.4.1. on page 16). VSampler automatically recognizes the previously installed version, and retains all of it’s settings. This also includes the registration level, i.e. the registration key (for either the OEM version or the full VSTi-DXi-ReWire-Standalone package) determines which features will be activated.

All future improvements and bug fixes of existing features of “VSampler 3.0 DXi” will of course be free for users of the OEM version as well. This is also valid for numerous new features which have been added in VSampler 3.1, but not for all of them:

1.5.4Upgrade to the VSTi-DXi-ReWire-Standalone package

If you wish to add features, which are not offered by Cakewalk as a free update to the VSampler OEM version, or if you would like to use the VSTi plug-in, ReWire or Standalone version of VSampler, no problem. The upgrade can be purchased at the online-shop of www.vsampler.com at a reasonable price. It includes the following features, in addition to those of the OEM version.



VSTi, ReWire, Standalone, virtual MIDI cable

Users of the full VSTi-DXi-ReWire-Standalone package can use VSampler and it’s Soundlibraries with identical sound in almost any sequencer:

as a VSTi plug-in, inside of e.g. Nuendo, Cubase, Cubasis, Logic, Acid, Orion, Fruityloops, Renoise, Samplitude, n-track

as a DXi plug-in, inside of e.g. Cakewalk Sonar or Project 5

by using ReWire with e.g. Live or Protools

by using the included virtual MIDI cable with any classical MIDI sequencer, e.g. Cakewalk Pro Audio, Band-In-A-Box, Power Tracks Pro, Sibelius, or Finale

The Standalone version also lets you use VSampler without a sequencer as a live instrument. 16 individual stereo outputs are available when using multichannel soundcards (ASIO or DirectSound). For more information see «2.2. Decision: Standalone, Plug-in or ReWire?» on page 24.

Whenever VSTi, ReWire, Standalone version or virtual MIDIcable is mentioned in the manual, this symbol marks their absence in the OEM version.

New features included with VSampler 3.1 and up

Some of the new features added after the release of VSampler 3.0, are not offered by Cakewalk as free update to the “VSampler 3.0 DXi” OEM version. They can however be added, and are also part of the upgrade. This affects the following additional features:

playback of Instruments of any size, without being limited by RAM size

import of the formats ReCycle™ (RCY, REX, RX2), Kontakt™, Battery™ and E-MU™ III / IV CD

group effects and individual outputs at Sample level, e. g. to add different effects to the bass-drum and snare-drum of a drum kit, or to send their signals to different mixer channels of the sequencer

Whenever one of these features is mentioned in the manual, it will be marked by this symbol.


VSampler 3 Start Up and Basics

2 Start

When you start VSampler for the first time, VSampler offers to search your computer for installed VST effect plug-ins, in order to make them available for your VSampler Instruments. If you are unsure whether VSampler should do this, click “no” for the moment, you can perform the search at another time (see VSampler Reference Manual).


VSampler Small View: 16 MIDI channels, the most important controls, on-screen keyboard

When starting VSampler for the first time, the Soundlibrary «startup.vs3» is loaded automatically. Loading and importing other sounds is described in the sections “4.2. Loading a Soundlib” on page 58 and «4.3. Importing Instru- ments» on page 59.

You can play the first Instrument “euro” right away using your MIDI keyboard, your sequencer, or the on-screen virtual keyboard. As soon as VSampler receives MIDI signals, the number of the MIDI channel receiving data lights up briefly. Test the velocity behavior of this sound – the harder you strike the keys (or by clicking farther down on a key of the on-screen keyboard), the brighter the sound.

Everything else you’ll need to get started using VSampler’s powerful features will be explained in the following chapters – have fun!



2.2Decision: Standalone, Plug-in or ReWire?

VSampler can be used with practically any sequencer, because it supports all important sequencer interfaces under Microsoft Windows. Which variation of VSampler you should use depends on your sequencer. Since most current sequencers support several interfaces, here is some information to help you make your decision. VSampler can be started in three different ways:

2.2.1Standalone version

The Standalone version of VSampler transforms your PC into a dedicated sampler with 16 channel MIDI input and up to 16 individual stereo outputs with an ASIO or DirectSound soundcard. This way, the entire processing power of your computer is available to VSampler. If you’re not using a sequencer (e.g. to play VSampler as a live instrument), this is your best option.

The Standalone version of VSampler is not just for live performance. The included virtual MIDI cable (see “5.3.2. Setting up the virtual MIDI cable” on page 84) enables VSampler to connect to any MIDI sequencer, e.g. Cakewalk Pro Audio, Band-In-A-Box, Power Tracks Pro, Sibelius or Finale. In comparison with the plug-in version, the Standalone version runs outside of the sequencer and is treated like external MIDI hardware. There is neither an audio connection to the mixer of the sequencer, nor can the sequencer synchronize the timing of the connected devices. This is a general disadvantage of the 20 year old MIDI standard: all data is sent indiscriminately in succession (one after another), at a rather leisurely tempo. The consequence is that even perfectly simultaneously played notes never arrive at the sound module (VSampler) at the same time, but rather one after another with a slight and normally inaudible temporal delay. Nonetheless, it hasn’t kept musicians over the last 20 years from making good electronic music, without which VSampler probably wouldn’t exist.


The Standalone version is ideal for using VSampler independently (without a sequencer). In order to control VSampler through a classic MIDI sequencer, the connection per virtual MIDI cable is the way to go. If your sequencer supports VSTi/DXi plug-ins or ReWire, then these versions are preferable.


VSampler 3 Start Up and Basics

Make sure that the audio output from VSampler and from the sequencer don’t block each other!

If you want both programs to use the same soundcard for audio output, then the soundcard driver must support multi-clients. This is the case with most multi-channel soundcards, which use separate individual outputs. Many older soundcards however do not support multi-clients.

2.2.2VSTi/DXi plug-in

If your sequencer supports the plug-in interface VSTi or DXi, then you should run VSampler as a plug-in. The VSTi plug-in can be used with e.g. Nuendo, Cubase, Cubasis, Logic, Acid, Orion, Fruityloops, Renoise, Samplitude and ntrack. The DXi plug-in can be used with Cakewalk Sonar and Project 5.

VSTi plug-in and individual outputs per Sample are not available in the VSampler 3.0 OEM version, see “1.5. OEM Version vs. Independent Version” on page 20.

The seamless integration of VSampler as a sequencer plug-in has significant advantages compared to the Standalone version hooked up with the virtual MIDI cable:

sample accurate timing: The sequencer has complete control over audio/MIDI synchronization — automatic compensation of delay during playback: 50 notes played at once are in fact heard absolutely simultaneously – impossible with a MIDI cable

up to 32 flexible individual outputs: (up to 16 in the OEM version)

oswitchable between mono and stereo: 32 mono or 16 stereo or any mixed combination

oSamples within an Instrument can also be routed to individual outputs (not in the OEM version)

one mixer for everything: audio tracks and Instrument plug-ins are all mixed in the sequencer’s mixer – VSampler’s separate outputs show up as mixer channels

no soundcard conflicts: since a plug-in lives within the sequencer, the sequencer is solely responsible for connecting to the soundcard



comfort: instead of the numbers 0-127, the real names of the VSampler Instruments can be chosen from the sequencer’s track properties

multiple instances: if 16 simultaneously playable Instruments, 255 stereo Voices and up to 32 individual outputs aren’t enough, just start another VSampler plug-in

total recall: all Soundlibrary settings are saved together with the song and are automatically restored when the song is loaded


By using VSampler as a plug-in (VSTi or DXi), you have the full comfort and perfect timing of an integrated virtual studio at your disposal.


ReWire is not a plug-in format, but rather a synchronized audio/MIDI connection between two independently running programs. VSampler runs separate from the sequencer (e.g. Live, Protools), but ReWire still offers all but the last two of the above mentioned advantages of running VSampler as a plug-in.

ReWire also makes the audio output of VSampler’s individual outputs available in the mixer of the connected sequencer (ReWire master). The output to the soundcard takes place exclusively through the ReWire master. Unlike the plugin version, multiple instances of the Standalone version are not possible. So when VSampler is hooked up to your sequencer per ReWire, it is limited to 16 MIDI channels.


If your sequencer does not support VSTi/DXi plug-ins, you should use ReWire to connect VSampler to your sequencer. Since programs connected per ReWire run independently, the performance on a multi-processor system can be better than when using VSampler as a plug-in.


VSampler 3 Start Up and Basics


By using all 16 MIDI channels (see basics on page 102) VSampler can play up to 16 different Instruments simultaneously.

Start VSampler using the Windows start menu:

Start Programs Speedsoft VSampler 3

After the start, VSampler’s GUI appears on your screen. Since the operation of VSampler is the same whether the Standalone version or the plug-in version is used, further steps will be described together in the following chapters.

Connecting to a MIDI sequencer

In order to connect the VSampler Standalone version to a classic MIDI sequencer e.g. Cakewalk Pro Audio, Band-In-A-Box, Power Tracks Pro, Sibelius or Finale, please proceed as follows:

if you have not yet done so, install the included virtual MIDI cable, see “5.3.2. Setting up the virtual MIDI cable” on page 84.

start your sequencer and VSampler

create a new MIDI track in your sequencer, or assign an existing track to the output device “SpeedSoft MIDI cable 1”

In order for VSampler to know which track belongs to which Instrument, assign a unique MIDI channel number (1 to 16) to each track.

The SpeedSoft MIDI cable receives data from any MIDI sequencer. However, it only sends data when the other end is connected to a Speedsoft Instrument.

This avoids operational errors and MIDI feedback loops.



2.4VSTi/DXi Plug-in

By using all 16 MIDI channels (see basics on page 102) each opened VSampler plug-in can play up to 16 different Instruments simultaneously. To do this, assign the output of several tracks to VSampler. Set each of these tracks to a different MIDI channel. You can also open several instances of the VSampler plug-in, in order to increase the available number of MIDI channels by another 16 channels for each additional VSampler plug-in.

The OEM version “VSampler 3.0 DXi” includes the DXi- plug-in, but not VSTi plug-in, ReWire, Standalone version and virtual MIDI cable. If you like, you can purchase them us an upgrade, see “1.5. OEM Version vs. Independent Version” on page 20.

In order for VSampler to know which Instrument belongs to which track, two settings must be made in the track properties of the sequencer:

a unique MIDI channel number (1 – 16) must be assigned for each track

the respective VSampler Instrument must be selected for each track

The Instrument selection («program change») is always sent per MIDI channel, and not per sequencer track!

For each sequencer track both the Instrument and the MIDI channel must be set, otherwise all tracks would play the same VSampler Instrument (see “6.2.4. Sequencer tracks vs. MIDI channels” on page 103).

After you have gotten somewhat used to VSampler, you should read «4.4.2. Decision: Assign Instruments in Sequencer or in VSampler?» on page 66. Here is where it’s explained how to assign Instruments to corresponding MIDI channels directly in VSampler. This method is significantly faster than changing the track properties in the sequencer, particularly when you are comparing Instruments.

In the following sections, it is explained how to connect VSampler to your sequencer in order to play back several tracks at once. You can skip these sections if you already have experience with other multitimbral plug-ins. If you are using a different sequencer than in the examples below, please take a look in


VSampler 3 Start Up and Basics

documentation of your sequencer about how to integrate a plug-in as the output device of a MIDI track.

After the start, VSampler’s GUI appears on your screen. Since the operation of VSampler is the same whether the Standalone version or the plug-in version is used, further steps will be described together in the following chapters.

2.4.1Setting up the VSTi plug-in in Cubase SX

This description applies to Steinberg’s Cubase SX – however, the steps are similar in other VSTi compatible sequencers.

start Cubase SX and load a project

pull down the “Devices” menu, and click on “VST instruments”

in the list of your VST instruments, select “VSampler 3”:

the VSampler GUI opens automatically — if the startup Soundlibrary “startup.vs3” is not automatically loaded, load it by pulling down VSampler’s “File” menu and selecting “Open”

create a new MIDI track (right mouse button “Add MIDI Track”), or assign an existing track of your song to the output device VSampler („out : VSampler 3“):



select a track for a MIDI channel (“chn: 1” is the default) and an Instrument from the loaded Soundlibrary (“euro”)

Now you can play VSampler using your MIDI keyboard or the on-screen virtual keyboard. You can create further MIDI tracks for the common output device “VSampler 3” in order to play up to 16 different VSampler Instruments. In order to get a better view of the track properties, you should widen the window.

Make sure that each track is set to a different MIDI channel number (“chn: 2”, “chn: 3” etc.). You can now assign Instruments from the current VSampler Soundlibrary to other tracks (“prg : …”).

After clicking the “Edit” button of the “VST instruments” dialog, the VSampler GUI appears on your screen. Since the operation of VSampler is the same


VSampler 3 Start Up and Basics

whether the Standalone version or the plug-in version is used, further steps will be described together in the following chapters.

2.4.2Setting up the VSTi plug-in in Cubase VST

This description applies to Steinberg’s Cubase VST – however, the steps are similar in other VSTi compatible sequencers.

start Cubase VST and load a project

pull down the “Panels” menu, and click on “VST Instruments”

in the list of your VST instruments, select “VSampler 3”:

click the “Edit” button in the “VST Instruments” dialog in order to open the VSampler interface. If the standard Soundlibrary “startup.VS3” does not open automatically, open it using VSampler’s menu “File | Open”

create a new MIDI track (pull-down menu “Structure | Create Track”) or assign an existing track of your song to the output device VSampler (Output “VSampler 3”)

select a track for a MIDI channel (Channel 1 is the default) and an Instrument from the loaded Soundlibrary (Patchname “euro”)



Now you can play VSampler using your MIDI keyboard or the on-screen virtual keyboard. You can create further MIDI tracks for the common output device “VSampler 3” in order to play up to 16 different VSampler Instruments.

Make sure that each track is set to a different MIDI channel number (Channel 2, 3, etc.). You can now assign Instruments from the current VSampler Soundlibrary to other tracks (Patchname …).

After clicking the “Edit” button of the “VST Instruments” dialog, the VSampler GUI appears on your screen. Since the operation of VSampler is the same whether the Standalone version or the plug-in version is used, further steps will be described together in the following chapters.

2.4.3Setting up the DXi plug-in in Sonar

This description applies to Cakewalk Sonar 2 and 3 – however, the steps are similar in other DXi compatible sequencers.

start Sonar and load a project

in the Sonar toolbar, click the small DXi button to open the Synth Rack:


VSampler 3 Start Up and Basics

In the Synth Rack, insert VSampler…

… by selecting “VSampler 3 DXi2 Synth“ from your list of DXi’s:

select the options as shown in the screenshot to create the MIDI and audio track for VSampler:

If you want several individual outputs, select “All Synth Outputs (Audio)”, see also “4.5. Using Separate Outputs” on page 70.

Sonar has now created two tracks. The MIDI track sends MIDI data to the output device VSampler, die Audio track receives the audio signal from the input device VSampler:



double-click the “Edit” button in the “VST instruments” dialog in order to open the VSampler GUI:

if the standard Soundlibrary “startup.VS3” does not open automatically, open it using VSampler’s menu item “File | Open”

expand the MIDI track so that you can see the track properties; choose a MIDI channel («Ch 1: …») and an Instrument from the loaded Soundlibrary (“euro”)

Now you can play VSampler using your MIDI keyboard or the on-screen virtual keyboard. You can create further MIDI tracks (right mouse button “Insert MIDI Track”) for the common output device “VSampler 3”, in order to play up to 16 different VSampler Instruments:


VSampler 3 Start Up and Basics

In order to playback existing MIDI tracks with VSampler, you have to set the output device to VSampler for each track (in the right column). Make sure that each track is set to a different MIDI channel number (Ch 2, 3, etc.). You can now assign Instruments from the current VSampler Soundlibrary to the other tracks.

After double-clicking the VSampler rack module in Sonar’s Synth Rack, the VSampler GUI appears on your screen. Since the operation of VSampler is the same whether the Standalone version or the plug-in version is used, further steps will be described together in the following chapters.


By using all 16 MIDI channels (see basics on page 102) VSampler can play up to 16 different Instruments simultaneously. To do this, set your keyboard’s MIDI out to an appropriate MIDI channel, or the MIDI outs of several keyboards or sequencer tracks to different MIDI channels.

Connecting the sequencer (master) to VSampler (slave):

first start your sequencer

then start the Standalone version of VSampler using the Windows start menu: Start Programs Speedsoft VSampler 3

when asked “Do you want to start VSampler in ReWire mode?” answer “yes”

After the start, VSampler’s GUI appears on your screen. In the sequencer, assign the output device of the desired MIDI tracks to “VSampler 3 ReWire,” and/or activate VSampler as input device for the desired number of audio tracks. If your sequencer only supports audio tracks per ReWire, you can use the included virtual MIDI cable (see “5.3.2. Setting up the virtual MIDI cable” on page 84) for the MIDI connection.



VSampler’s individual outputs in the Ableton Live mixer

Since the operation of VSampler is the same whether the Standalone version or the plug-in version is used, further steps will be described together in the following chapters.


VSampler 3 Start Up and Basics

3 Graphic User Interface (GUI)

3.1Typical Control Elements

Context sensitive help

For every control element and every area of the GUI, VSampler offers context sensitive help. To get help, click the question mark in the VSampler title bar:

A little question mark is now attached to your mouse pointer. Then click on the control element that you want help with. You can access the entire help file by opening the “Help” menu or by pressing the “F1” key. In order to search the help file for a particular word, click on the “Index” tab and enter the first letters of the word you’re looking for.


In the menu “Options | Environment” you can switch the GUI and help file languages. Currently, English and German are available.

Context menus (right mouse-click)

VSampler offers numerous menus which are dependent on the situation. A right mouse click will show you on the spot which further actions or settings are available for the selected item. By using the right mouse button, for example, you can set-up a fader or a switch for the remote control per external MIDI controller, or you can switch a tempo-related knob between Hz and BPM.

Less is more

VSampler supports the workflow principle “less is more.” The GUI is adaptable to your individual way of working. There is an extra chapter devoted to this subject, see 3.3. on page 41.



  • #1

Можно ли сделать так, чтобы он не плодил сэмплы для каждого банка, а только хранил ссылки на них, как, напр., Контакт? Оч. удобный сэмплер, но проблема ненужного размножения сэмплов достала. В хелпе и мануалах я ничего вразумительного не нашёл.


  • #2

А в ответ тишина… Люди, отзовитесь, ау! Я знаю, вы есть!

  • #3

Полностью избежать создания новых директорий с семплами не удастся. Просто надо привыкнуть к этому. Но вместо множества wav файлов, можно создать один комбинированный *.vs3 файл. Это особенно удобно, когда создаешь свой собственный пользовательский банк.
Для этого зайди в «Options -> Import …).

Такой банк будет иметь большой размер (размер звуковых файлов + размер самого банка). При желании этот банк можно будет сжимать. Например, 10 МБ банк в зависимости от типа и степени компрессии можно сжимать в пределах 0,68-4,97 МБ.
Для компрессирования семплов, зайди в меню «File -> Export -> Export compressed library» и в открывшемся диалоговом окне выбери нужные значения компресии.

ПАдробности во вложенной графике. :rolleyes:

И еще можно сливать все свои семлы (wav-ки) в одну директорию, а в «Options -> Import …). Таких директорий может быть множество, они могут быть не только на дисках вашей машины, но и на сетевых дисках, или на внешних носителях. После этого можете удалить те директории, которые создаются рядом с файлами банков. Программа не обнаружив данные директории, будет искать семплы в директориях, заданных по умолчанию в автопоиске.
Еще можно открыть сами файлы *.vs3 в каком нибудь продвинутом текстовом редакторе (не производства MS !!!) и редактировать все пути ручками, но этот метод не для всех. :lol:


  • #4

Спасибо за ответ. Про Embed банки я знаю. У меня такое впечатление (может ошибаюсь), что при открытии компрессированых банков он всё равно копирует из них сэмплы. Суть моей проблемы в том, что есть своя подборка в EXS и Soundfonts. И ещё раз дублировать это для VS и ещё на каждую песню — это уже слишком, тем более что в силу специфики своей работы я использую практически одни и те же звуки. EXS можно конвертануть в Контакт без сэмплов, а nki загрузить в VS. А вот Autosearch может выручить. Буду пробовать.

DJ Eddy: Интересные у тебя скриншоты. Прям таки MAC OS. Поделись фишкой, плз.

  • #5

Да это Panthering из StyleXP. ИМХО лучший интерфейс для работы. Совершенно не отвлекает на себя внимание, о нём просто не думаешь.

  • #6

Originally posted by Jackson
Да это Panthering из StyleXP. ИМХО лучший интерфейс для работы. Совершенно не отвлекает на себя внимание, о нём просто не думаешь.

В принципе да, это у меня в пакете FlyakiteOSX. Жена любит такие фишечки, по мне, ваще с консоли бы работал. :gigi:


  • #7

DJ_Eddy: Вот спасибо! Рульная шняга! Настолько грамотно его нарисовали, просто и со вкусом. Взгляд радуется и зрение не напрягает.

  • #8

Alex_HS, вы до сих пор им пользуетесь?
У меня вот не прижился сразу сей мультяшка, тыкал, тыкал я его.. Малопонятное дерево программ-семплов, все как-то не по человечески, и еще вот рассказываете о странной файловой структуре и лишних телодвижениях.. Стоило оно того?


  • #9

Alex_HS, вы до сих пор им пользуетесь?

Да нет конечно, я вообще недолго его юзал, в нескольких песнях, а потом по вышеперечисленным причинам соскочил.

VSampler 3.5.1 от SpeedSoft - сэмплер

VSampler 3.5.1 от SpeedSoft — это программное обеспечение, превращающее ваш компьютер в 255 голосый полифонический сэмплер, который может использовать любой записанный звук, как музыкальный инструмент. Он предоставляет все классические функции сэмплера, превосходное качество звука, а также предлагает множество новых уникальных возможностей. VSampler играет XXL инструменты, не ограничивая объем оперативной памяти. В сотрудничестве с пользователями своего знаменитого предшественника, он действительно сочетает в себе обширные возможности редактирования с простейшей обработкой. Перетащите и отпустите или через контекстном меню (правая кнопка мыши), обеспечивают быстрый доступ ко всем функциям и обеспечивает плавный рабочий процесс.

VSampler может функционировать как модуль (VSTi, DXi) в секвенсоре или в качестве самостоятельной программы (ReWire, MIDI), он использует до 32 отдельных аудио выходов (ASIO, DirectSound). Включен «виртуальный MIDI-кабель», также связывает VSampler с любым MIDI-файловым плеером или с классическим секвенсором MIDI.

VSampler загружает инструменты в популярные форматы сэмплеров: SF2 ™, GigaStudio ™, HALion ™ 1 + 2, Kontakt ™ 1.x, DLS, AKAI ™ (CD S1000/S3000 и S5000/S6000. ПСР файлов) и E-MU ™ III / IV CD. Кроме того VSampler грузиться в LM4 ™ и Battery ™ drumkits plus ReCycle ™ (RCY, REX, RX2) и ACID ™ drumloops. Ваши собственные инструменты быстро создаются путем перетаскивания WAV или AIF сэмплов на экранной клавиатуре.

VSamplers — уникальный инструмент предварительного просмотра, позволяет тестировать различные звуки одним щелчком мыши, даже во время воспроизведения. Владельцам звуковых карт SB Live! ™ / Audigy ™ / X-Fi ™ будет приятно, потому что VSampler может сохранить файлы в популярном формате SF2.

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Метки к статье: сэмплер

VSampler is a Windows utility for creating songs. It provides a virtual keyboard and lets users imitate a wide variety of guitars, organs, drums and string instruments. There is a library of sound effects that can be applied to the music.

Brief overview

With the help of this application you can record unique audio tracks and samples. It is possible to adjust the volume, change the playback speed and set custom delay values.

Users are able to import projects from various programs like Gigasampler, KOMPLETE KONTROL and HALion. Moreover, there are options for inserting WAV and MIDI files.

Instrument parameters

Flexible controller settings allow you to adjust pan and volume. Additionally, there are checkboxes for enabling the legato pedal, filtering the resonance and pitching the bend wheel. A library of custom controllers for various situations is provided.

The instrument polyphony options can be corrected. Users are able to select the number of voices as well as tune the release cutoff level and rate. Modulation parameters include the maximum pitch range and envelope time. Hundreds of microtuning scale files for different purposes are included.


  • free to download and use;
  • offers you tools for playing and recording audio tracks;
  • there is a library of musical instruments and sound effects;
  • you can configure the tempo, pitch, gain and delay parameters;
  • compatible with all modern versions of Windows.

Cakewalk VSampler 3 User's Manual

VSampler 3 Tour

Feature Overview


© 1998-2003 Speedsoft Audio Tools GmbH, Döbeln, Germany All rights reserved.

Revision: 23.12.2003

All product names mentioned in this document remain the property and/or trademark of their respective owners. Mentioning product names of 3rd parties is for information purposes only.

Microsoft, Microsoft Windows, DirectX, DirectSound, WDM © Microsoft Corporation

Cubase, Cubase SX, Steinberg, VST, ASIO, HALion, LM4 © Steinberg Media Technologies AG Cakewalk, Sonar, DXi © Twelve Tone Systems, Inc.

Emagic, Logic © Emagic Softund Hardware GmbH ACID, Soundforge © Sonic Foundry, Inc.

Reason, ReBirth, ReWire © Propellerhead Software AB Ogg, Vorbis © Xiph.Org



Table of contents






VSTi, ……………………………………………………………..DXi, Rewire, MIDI


2.1 ………………………………………………………………..

Plugin (VSTi, DXi)


2.2 ……………………….

Standalone (MIDI, Rewire, DirectSound, ASIO)


2.3 ……………………………………………………

Optimized for MS Windows



Import …………………………………………………………………………………………


3.1WAV, LM4, Battery, SF2, HALion, Gig, Kontakt, AKAI, E-MU..8








AKAI and E-MU CDs 1:1 on harddisk …………………………………….






SF2: for SB Live! and Audigy……………………………………………….



VC3: up to 20:1 compressd for Internet exchange ……………………



Sampler ……………………………………………………………………………………..



High Performance Audio Engine……………………………………………



from “true to nature” to experimental……………………………………..






Auto-Looper ……………………………………………………………………….



Beat-Slicer ………………………………………………………………………….












Remote control and automation…………………………………………………..



User Interface — The Chameleon ………………………………………………….



Different Views …………………………………………………………………..



Variable designs using Skins …………………………………………………



User interfaces should be transparent. …………………………………….



The rack-devices………………………………………………………………….



Smart helpers ………………………………………………………………………



1 Intro

It is aim of this tour to introduce the possibilities of VSampler 3 to you in a summary.

This is the print-version of the VSampler 3 online tour of www.vsampler.com, which additionally contains animated illustrations, demonstrating e.g. the possible drag’n’drop actions.

Small View of VSampler 3

VSampler transforms your PC into a 255-voice software sampler, turning any recorded noise into a musical instrument. VSampler provides all of the classical sampler features in excellent sound quality, and also offers you a multitude of new opportunities. In cooperation with the users of its award-winning predecessor (see www.maz-sound.com/?show=product&id=5) an intelligent softwaresampler has been created, which beneath a truly transparent surface combines extensive editing abilities with simplest handling. Drag&drop and context menus allow quick access to all functions and provide for a smooth workflow.

VSampler can operate either as a plugin (VSTi or DXi) in your sequencer, or it can run as standalone version, connecting via Rewire or MIDI. The included “virtual MIDI-cable” also connects VSampler with classical MIDI sequencers.

VSampler loads instruments in the industry standard sampler formats SF2™, Gigasampler™, HALion™, Kontakt™, AKAI™ (S1000/3000 CDs and


S5000/6000 AKP files) and E-MU™ III / IV CD, as well as drumkits (LM4™, Battery™ KIT) and samples (WAV, AIF).

The following new functions are available in VSampler 3.1 (and up):

• plays instruments of any size without being limited to RAM-size

• import formats Kontakt, Battery and E-MU III / IV CD

• group-effects and individual outputs for samples of e.g. a drumkit

Those functions are not available in OEM-versions of VSampler 3.0, which are licensed and distributed by 3rd parties as part of their own products. At the moment this applies to „VSampler 3.0 DXi“ of the Cakewalk product „Sonar 3 Producer“.

The upgrade to the full version is available at www.maz-sound.com for 39 € (around $47).

The unique instrument preview allows you to test different sounds with a single mouse-click on-the-fly during playback. Owners of an SB Live!™ or Audigy™ soundcard will be pleased that VSampler is able to save files in SF2 format as an option.

VSampler’s various tempo-synchronizable envelope types and LFO’s, and its velocity sensitive filters ranging

from subtle to aggressive are all inducive to sound editing. Instruments can be further refined using either the included effects (Reverb, Delay, Phaser, Distortion, EQ …) or any VST-plugin. The animation of all effect-, envelopeand filterparameters in a mutual modulation

matrix, creates instruments with extraordinary dynamics and impressive, realistic playability. The included presets for effects, envelopes and modulation will get you off to a good start.

Whether quick playback module for everyday use or creative tool with synthesizer qualities — VSampler fuses both in a versatile instrument.


2 VSTi, DXi, Rewire, MIDI

2.1Plugin (VSTi, DXi)

Used as a plugin, VSampler is seamlessly integrated in your sequencer with sample-accurate timing. All settings are saved together with the song and are restored on load — total recall! If 16 simultaneously playable instruments, 255 stereo voices and 16 individual outputs (number and mono-/stereo adjustable) are not enough, just start another VSampler plugin — at no extra cost :)

VSampler VSTi with Steinberg Cubase

VSampler DXi with Cakewalk Sonar

2.2Standalone (MIDI, Rewire, DirectSound, ASIO)

The standalone version of VSampler can be played live via MIDI keyboard, independent of a sequencer. Thanks to the included “virtual MIDI cable” VSampler can be easily connected to any MIDI-sequencer. Audio signals are routed via 16 individual outputs to DirectSound or ASIO soundcards. Each instrument can be assigned to separate output devices which in turn are managed within the integrated 16-channel-mixer, multi-effects and record option inclusive. Via Rewire, VSampler can be hooked up with sample accurate audio/MIDI synchronization to the mixer of sequencers like e.g. Propellerhead’s Reason.


2.3Optimized for MS Windows

VSampler has been developed exclusively for the Windows platform. The program code is not limited by forced compatibility with other operating systems. VSampler supports the Windows versions 98SE, ME, 2000 and XP.


3 Import

3.1 WAV, LM4, Battery, SF2, HALion, Gig, Kontakt,


VSampler owners have the broad range of existing sound libraries at their disposal right away. Additionally to it’s own format, VSampler loads instruments in the industry standard sampler formats SF2™, Gigasampler™, HALion™, Kontakt™, AKAI™ (S1000/3000 CDs and S5000/6000 AKP files) and E- MU™ III / IV CD, as well as drumkits (LM4™, Battery™ KIT) and samples (WAV, AIF).

The following new functions are available in VSampler 3.1 (and up):

• plays instruments of any size without being limited to RAM-size

• import formats Kontakt, Battery and E-MU III / IV CD

• group-effects and individual outputs for samples of e.g. a drumkit

Those functions are not available in OEM-versions of VSampler 3.0, which are licensed and distributed by 3rd parties as part of their own products. At the moment this applies to „VSampler 3.0 DXi“ of the Cakewalk product „Sonar 3 Producer“.

The upgrade to the full version is available at www.maz-sound.com for 39 € (around $47).

Import-Rack with One-Click-Autoload



VSampler’s unique instrument preview with its autoload function takes the difficulty out of searching for the right sound; you can test different sounds with a single mouse-click on-the-fly during playback. Before importing the instrument, you can hear how it will actually sound in the song. If you like it, just double-click to import it, or continue testing other instruments by stepping to the next one by cursor keys or mouse — there’s no easier and quicker way. Very practical for everyday use is the Import Rack, which recalls the last used location for each file type separately.


VSampler’s integrated Soundbank-Manager with search function and category filter offers unique comfort for the administration of extensive sound libraries. Each instrument of the soundbank-manager can be loaded to a MIDI-channel with a single mouse-click.

3.4AKAI and E-MU CDs 1:1 on harddisk

VSampler offers users of AKAI™ and E-MU™ CD’s 100%-future compatibility by building a 1:1 copy of the CD as disc image file at your local harddisk or network. No more time consuming conversion into one or even multiple sam- pler-specific formats. The CD fully retains its best feature — the compatibility with all existing samplers1. VSampler loads the instruments directly from the disc image and handles them the same way as any other soundbank format. Without having to change CD’s, you can scroll through your AKAI™ or E- MU™ CD-collection in the soundbank-manager, enjoying the VSamplertypical comfort of the autoload-feature, testing different sounds with a single mouse-click on-the-fly during playback.

1 by the help of e.g. Daemon Tools (freeware, see http://www.daemontools.org) other softwaresamplers are able to access such a «virtual CD» as well


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