Volvo s60 2007 инструкция по эксплуатации

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В моей машине есть цепь ГРМ. С каким интервалом ее нужно менять? Проверенный
При нормальной эксплуатации цепь ГРМ должна прослужить весь срок службы автомобиля и не нуждается в замене.

Это было полезно (2409)

Почему я не могу открыть одну или несколько дверей изнутри? Проверенный
Вероятно, в машине активирован детский замок. Обычно его можно разблокировать с помощью механизма в двери.

Это было полезно (761)

Как часто следует менять масло? Проверенный
Практически для каждого автомобиля есть свои точные рекомендации, однако в целом масло разумно менять каждые 10 000–15 000 км пробега или один раз в год. Загрязненное масло может со временем серьезно повредить двигатель.

Это было полезно (643)

Когда следует отключать подушку безопасности сбоку от пассажирского сиденья? Проверенный
При движении с ребенком в автокресле на пассажирском сиденье необходимо выключить подушку безопасности с этой стороны. Это также рекомендуется для детей до 12 лет, которые размещаются на пассажирском сиденье. Это необходимо для предотвращения травм в случае аварии.

Это было полезно (582)

Ключи от машины больше не будут открывать машину на расстоянии, почему? Проверенный
Автомобильные ключи, которые можно разблокировать на расстоянии, обычно работают от аккумулятора. Когда он закончится, ключ перестанет работать. Замените аккумулятор и попробуйте еще раз.

Это было полезно (576)

Приведет ли более низкое давление в шинах к большему сцеплению с дорожным покрытием при езде по снегу? Проверенный
Нет, несмотря на то что при снижении давления пятно контакта шин с дорогой увеличивается, автомобиль становится менее устойчивым. Садитесь за руль, только если в шинах правильное давление!

Это было полезно (330)

Я залил в машину не то топливо, что мне делать? Проверенный
Не садитесь за руль! Неважно, заливаете ли вы дизельное топливо в автомобиль с бензиновым двигателем или бензин в автомобиль с дизельным двигателем. В обоих случаях это может привести к повреждению машины и / или других частей автомобиля. Обратитесь в службу технической поддержки на дорогах.

Это было полезно (219)

Где я могу найти VIN-номер моей машины? Проверенный
Это может варьироваться в зависимости от марки и модели, но на многих автомобилях номер VIN можно найти на дверном косяке, под капотом или на металлическом полу переднего сиденья.

Это было полезно (184)

Как часто нужно менять щетки дворников? Проверенный
Желательно заменять щетки стеклоочистителя не реже одного раза в год. Признаками необходимости замены лезвий являются полосы, дымка, шум или отслоение резины.

Это было полезно (160)

Сколько миль в одном километре? Проверенный
1 километр равен 0,621 мили. 10 километров равны 6,21 мили. 1 миля равна 1,609 километра. 10 миль равны 16,09 километра.

Это было полезно (137)

Какой номер VIN? Проверенный
VIN означает идентификационный номер автомобиля и является уникальным номером, который есть у каждого автомобиля. Это делает автомобиль не идентифицируемым, например, после аварии или в случае отзыва. Это также позволяет идентифицировать автомобиль в случае отсутствия номерных знаков.

Это было полезно (135)

Могу ли я использовать дворники, когда на лобовом стекле обледенел? Проверенный
Нет, это не рекомендуется. Лед острый и может повредить резину на щетках стеклоочистителя.

Это было полезно (132)

После замены шин мой Volvo выдает ошибку. Это почему? Проверенный
Это может произойти после смены шин. Откалибруйте систему контроля давления в шинах. Если это не помогает, обратитесь к производителю.

Это было полезно (52)

Руководство Volvo S60 (2007)

Посмотреть инструкция для Volvo S60 (2007) бесплатно. Руководство относится к категории автомобили, 6 человек(а) дали ему среднюю оценку 8.9. Руководство доступно на следующих языках: русский. У вас есть вопрос о Volvo S60 (2007) или вам нужна помощь? Задайте свой вопрос здесь

Не можете найти ответ на свой вопрос в руководстве? Вы можете найти ответ на свой вопрос ниже, в разделе часто задаваемых вопросов о Volvo S60 (2007).

Как перевести мили в километры?

1 миля равна 1,609344 километрам, а 1 километр — 0,62137119 милям.

Где я могу узнать идентификационный номер транспортного средства Volvo?

Место размещения идентификационного номера транспортного средства зависит от марки и типа транспортного средства. Номер может быть выбит на раме транспортного средства или указан на номерном знаке. Чтобы узнать место расположения идентификационного номера транспортного средства лучше всего ознакомиться с руководством по эксплуатации Volvo S60 (2007).

Что такое идентификационный номер транспортного средства (VIN)?

Идентификационный номер транспортного средства — уникальный для каждого транспортного средства идентификационный номер. Аббревиатура VIN расшифровывается как «Vehicle Identification Number» (Идентификационный номер транспортного средства).

Когда транспортному средству Volvo требуется техническое обслуживание?

Регулярное техническое обслуживание необходимо всем транспортным средствам. С информацией о том, как часто необходимо проходить техническое обслуживание и чему именно стоит уделять особое внимание можно ознакомиться в инструкции по техническому обслуживанию. Как правило, транспортное средство требует технического обслуживания каждые 2 года или 30 000 километров пробега.

Когда следует заменять тормозную жидкость на Volvo?

Тормозную жидкость рекомендуется менять каждые два года.

В чем разница между топливом E10 и E5?

В топливе E10 содержится до десяти процентов этанола, в то время как в E5 содержится менее пяти процентов. Соответственно, топливо E10 менее вредит окружающей среде.

Одна или несколько дверей не открываются изнутри. Что мне делать?

Скорее всего, замок оснащен защитой от детей и поэтому не может быть открыт изнутри. Процедура открытия замка с защитой от детей зависит от марки и типа замка.

Автомобильный радиоприемник не включается, что делать?

Если автомобильный радиоприемник не включен, на него не будет подаваться питание. Убедитесь, что красный провод подключен к контактному источнику питания, а желтый провод — к источнику питания постоянной мощности.

Инструкция Volvo S60 (2007) доступно в русский?

Да, руководствоVolvo S60 (2007) доступно врусский .

Не нашли свой вопрос? Задайте свой вопрос здесь

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    DE AR VOL VO O WNER THANK YOU F OR CHOOSING V OLVO We hope that you will enjoy many years of dr iving pleasure in your Volvo. The car has been desi gned for the safety and com- fort of you and your pass engers. Volvo is one of the safest cars in the world. Your Volv o has also been designed to satisfy all current safety and env ironmental requirem […]

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    Contents 2 00 Introduction Introduc tion …………. ………….. ………….. 6 V olvo C ar Corporation and the envir onment ……. ……….. …………… …….. 7 01 Safety Seatbelts …….. ……….. ………….. ……… 1 2 Airbag system .. ………….. ………….. …. 1 5 Airbags (SRS) ………… ………….. …[…]

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    Contents 3 03 Climate control General information on climate contr ol ………… ………….. ………….. …… 70 Manual climate contr ol, A C …….. …… 72 Electronic climat e control, ECC (option) …….. ………….. …………… …….. 7 4 Air distribution ……….. …………… …….. 77 F uel-driven heater (option[…]

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    Contents 4 06 Starting and driving General ….. ………….. ……….. …………. 1 1 0 Refuelling ………. ………….. ………….. .. 1 1 3 Star ting the car . ………….. ………….. .. 1 1 5 Manual gearbo x …………….. …………. 1 1 8 Automatic gearbo x ………… …………. 1 1 9 Brake system …………. .[…]

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    Contents 5 09 Maintenance and service V olvo service …………………. ………….1 7 6 Self-maintenance . …………….. ……… 1 77 Bonnet and engine compar tment .. 1 78 Diesel …… ………….. ………….. ……….. . 1 79 Oils and fluids ……… …………….. …… 1 80 Wiper blades ………………. …………[…]

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    Introduction 6 Introduction Owner ’s Manu al A good way of ge tting to know your new c ar is to read the owner’s manual, ideally befo re your first journey. Th is will give you the op- portunity to famil iarise yourse lf with new functions, to see how best to handle the car in different situations, and to make the be st use of all the car’s f[…]

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    Introduction 7 V o lvo Cars and the environment V olvo Car Corporation ’ s environm ental philosophy Environmental ca re, safety and quality a re the three core values whi ch influence all op- erations of the Volvo C ar Corporation. W e also believe that our customers share our consideration for the environment. Your Volvo compl ies with strict i[…]

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    Introduction 8 V olvo Cars and the environment Efficient emission control Your Volvo is ma nufactured follo wing the concept Clean inside and out – a concept that encompasses a clean interior environ- ment as well as highly efficien t emission con- trol. In many cases the exhaust emissions are well below the appli cable standards. In addition the[…]

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    Introduction 9 Reducing environmental impact You can help reduce enviro nmental impac t, for exampl e, by driving economicall y , by pur- chasing eco-labelle d car care pro ducts and by servicing and mai ntaining the car accord- ing to the instructions in the owner’s manual. The following hints will he lp you to do your bit for the environment: ?[…]

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    10 Seatbelts …….. ………….. ………….. ………….. ……….. ………….. ………….. ……… 1 2 Airbag system ……….. …………………………………… ………………………. ……… 1 5 Airbags (SRS) ………. ……….. ………….. ………….. ………….. ………….. ………….. 1 6[…]

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    01 SAFETY[…]

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    01 Safety 12 Seatbelts 01 Always use a seatbelt Tensioning the hip strap. The belt must be positioned low down. Heavy brak ing can have seri ous conse- quences if seatbelts are no t used. Ensure that all passengers use their seatbelts. Putting on a seatbelt – Pull the belt out sl owly and secure it by pressing the buckle into the lock. A loud &qu[…]

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    01 Safety 13 Seatbelts 01 Seatbelt reminder The seatbelt warning s ymbol in the com- bined instrument panel and above the rear- view mirror illuminates until the driver and front seat passeng er buckle their seatbelts. The seatbelt reminder switches off afte r 6 seconds if speed is below 10 km/h. If the driver or front sea t passenger have no t buc[…]

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    01 Safety 14 Seatbelts 01 the vehicle as they dri ve (which means they must be able to easily operate the foot ped- als and steering whee l). Within this context, they should strive to positio n the seat with as large a distance as poss ible between the ir abdomen and the steering wheel. Seatbelt tensioner Label on seatbelts with seatbelt tensioner[…]

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    01 Safety 15 Airbag system 01 W ar ning symbol in combined instr ument panel The airbag system 1 is continua lly monitored by the system control modul e. The warning symbol in the comb ined instrument panel il- luminates when the ignition key is turned to position I , II or III . The symbol goes out after approx. seve n seconds provid ed the airbag[…]

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    01 Safety 16 Airbags (SRS) 01 Airbag (SRS) on the dri ver ’ s side The car has an SRS air bag (Supplemental Restraint System) in the steering wheel to supplement the protectio n afforded by t he seatbelt. This airbag is fitted into the centre of the steering whee l. The steering wheel is marked SRS AI RBAG . Passenger airbag (SRS) The car has an […]

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    01 Safety 17 Airbags (SRS) 01 SRS system SRS system, left-hand drive. The system consists of a irbags and sensors. A suffici ently vio lent co llision trips the sen- sors and the airbag(s) are inflat ed with hot gas. To cushion the impa ct, the airbag de- flates when compre ssed. When this occurs, smoke escapes in to the car. This is co m- pletely […]

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    01 Safety 18 Airbags (SRS) 01 Location of the passenge r airbag in left-hand drive and right- hand drive cars WA R N I N G Never interfere wit h SRS components in the steering wheel or the panel above t he glovebox. Objects and accessories must not be posi — tioned or glued o n or near the SRS AIR — BAG panel (above the glovebox) or in the area aff[…]

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    01 Safety 19 Activating/deactivating the airbag (SRS) 01 P ACOS (option) Indicator sh owing that the pa ssenger airb ag (SRS) is deactivated. The airbag (SRS) fo r the front passenger seat can be deactivated using a sw itch. This is necessary if a child se at is to be fitted there for exampl e. Indicator A text message o n the roof panel indicates […]

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    01 Safety 20 Activating/deactivating the airbag (SRS) 01 Switc h positi on Switch for SRS in ON position. ON = Airbag (SRS) activated. With the switch in this position, persons taller than 140 cm can sit in the front passenger se at, but never children in a child seat or on a booster cushion. Switch for SRS in OFF position. OFF = Airbag (SRS) is de[…]

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    01 Safety 21 Side airbags (SIPS bags) 01 Side airbags – SIPS bag Side airbag locations. A large proportion of the collision force i s transferred by the SI PS (Side Impact P rotec- tion System) to beam s, pillars, the floor, the roof and other structur al parts of the body. The side airbags at the driv er’s and front pas- senger seat s protect […]

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    01 Safety 22 Side airbags (SIPS bags) 01 SIPS bags Driver’s side The SIPS bag system consis ts of side air- bags and sensors. A sufficientl y violent colli- sion trips the sensors and the side airbags are inflated. The airb ag inflates between the occupant and the door panel and thereby cushions the initial impact w hile deflating. The side airba[…]

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    01 Safety 23 Inflat able Cur t ain (IC) 01 Proper ties The inflatable curtain, IC (Inflatable Curtain) , is a supplement to the SIPS system. It is fit- ted in the headlining along both sides of the roof and protects both front and rea r seat passengers. The infla table curtain is activa t- ed by sensors in the eve nt of a sufficie ntly vi- olent co[…]

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    01 Safety 24 WHIPS 01 Protection again st whiplash injur y – WHIPS The whiplash protection system (WHIPS) consists of energy abso rbing backrests and specially designed hea d restraints for the front seats. The syste m is actuated by a r ear- end collision, where the ang le and speed of the collision, and the nature of the colliding vehicle all h[…]

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    01 Safety 25 WHIPS 01 Do not obstruct the WHIPS system WA R N I N G Do not squeeze rigid objects be tween the rear seat cushion and the fro nt seat back- rest. Make sure you do not to obstruct the function of the WHIPS s ystem. WA R N I N G If a rear seat backrest is fold ed down, the corresponding front se at must be moved forward so that it does […]

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    01 Safety 26 When the systems deploy 01 If the airbags have been deployed, the fol — lowing is recommende d: • Have the car trans ported to an authorised Volvo workshop. Do not dr ive with de — ployed airbags. • Have an authorised V olvo workshop re — place components in the car’s safety sys — tem. • Always co ntact a doctor . System Tr i g[…]

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    01 Safety 27 Child safety 01 Children should sit comf or t ably and saf ely The position of a child in the car and the choice of equipment is dictated by the chi ld’s weight and size, for more informati on see page 29. Children of all ages and size s must alwa ys sit correctly secure d in the car. Never allow a child to sit on the knee of a passe[…]

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    01 Safety 28 Child safety 01 Decal located on dashboard end face. Decal located on instrument panel end face (Australia only).[…]

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    01 Safety 29 Child safety 01 Placement of c hildr en in the car W eight/age Fr ont seat 1 Outer r ear seat Centre r ear seat <1 0 kg (0–9 months) Alternatives: • Rear-facing child seat, s ecured with seatbelt. L 2 : Type approval no. E5 03160 • Rear-facing child seat, s ecured with Isofix mounting. L: Type approval no. E5 03162 • Rear-fa[…]

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    01 Safety 30 Child safety 01 15 – 3 6 k g (3–1 2 years) Booster cushion with or without backr est. L: T ype appro val no . E5 031 39 Booster cushion wi th or without backre st. L: T ype appro val no . E5 031 39 Alternatives: • Booster cushion with or without backrest. L: Type approval no. E5 03139 • Integrated booster cushion 3 . B 4 : Type[…]

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    01 Safety 31 Child safety 01 Integrated booster cushi ons (option) Volvo’s integra ted booster cushio ns for the outer rear seats are specially designed to provide optimum s afety for children. Co m- bined with the regular seatbelts, the booster cushions are approved for children weighing between 15 and 36 kg. Folding out the booster cushion – […]

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    01 Safety 32 Child safety 01 Folding in the booster cushion – Fold down the upper section (A). – Fasten the Velcro (B). – Raise the booster c ushion into the re ar seat backre st (C). WA R N I N G Repair or replacement should only be per- formed by an authorised Vol vo workshop. Do not make any modification s or additions to the booster cus h[…]

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    01 Safety 33 Child safety 01 Fitting a c hild seat Volvo has chi ld safety pro ducts that ar e de- signed for and tested by Volvo. When using other products that are availa ble on the market, it is important to rea d the fit- ting instructions incl uded with the product. • Do not attach the straps for the child seat to the horizontal adjustment b[…]

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    34 Ov ervie w , left-hand drive car ……….. ………….. ………….. ………….. ………….. 36 Ov ervie w , right-hand dr ive car ………….. ………….. ………….. ………….. ……… 38 Combined instrument panel ……………. ………….. ………….. ………….. ……….. 40 Indicator and w arning symbo[…]

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    02 Instruments and controls 36 Overview , left-hand drive car 02[…]

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    02 Instruments and controls 37 Overview , left-hand drive car 02 1. Fog lamps 2. Headlamps, position/parki ng lights 3. Rear fog lamp 4. Direction indicators, beam select ion 5. Cruise control 6. Horn 7. Combined instrument panel 8. Keypad for phone/audio 9. Windscreen wipers 10. Parking b rake (h andbrak e) 11. Switch panel 12. Climate control 13.[…]

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    02 Instruments and controls 38 Overview , right-hand dr ive car 02[…]

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    02 Instruments and controls 39 Overview , right-hand dr ive car 02 Driver’s door control panel 1. Rear fog lam p 2. Headlamps, position/parki ng lights 3. Fog lamps 4. Windscreen wipers 5. Keypad for phone/audio 6. Horn 7. Combined instrument panel 8. Cruise control 9. Direction indicators, beam select ion 10. Parking b rake (h andbrak e) 11. Ele[…]

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    02 Instruments and controls 40 Combined instrument panel 02 1 . T emperature gauge Displays the temperature o f the engine cool- ing system. If the tem perature is abnormal ly high and the needle enters the red zone, a message is shown in the di splay. Bear in mind that extra lamps in front of the radia tor grille reduce the cool ing capacity at hi[…]

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    02 Instruments and controls 41 Indicator and warning symbols 02 automatic gearbox and drive using the man- ual function, the curren t manual gear is dis- played. 1 1 . Outside temperature gauge Displays outside temperature . When the tem- perature lies between +2 °C to –5 °C, a snowflake symbol is sho wn in the display. This symbol serves as a […]

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    02 Instruments and controls 42 Indicator and warning symbols 02 Y ellow symbol: – Read the message on the display. –A c t i o n . The message text i s cleared using the READ button, see page 44, or disappears automati- cally after 2 minutes. When the message text TIME FOR REGULAR SERVICE is shown, the symbol lamp and me ssage text are cleared u[…]

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    02 Instruments and controls 43 Indicator and warning symbols 02 Fa u l t i n S R S If a fault in the SRS sy stem is de- tected the warning symbol will remain lit or light up while driving. Drive to an authorised Volvo workshop to ha ve the system checked. Alternator not c harging If this lamp illumi nates while driv- ing, there is prob ably a fault[…]

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    02 Instruments and controls 44 Information disp lay 02 Messages in the display A message appea rs in the display whenev er a warning o r indicator symbol il luminates . Once you have read and understood the message, press the READ button (A). Read messages are then er ased from the displa y and stored in a memory. Messages reg arding faults remain […]

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    02 Instruments and controls 45 Switc hes in the centr e console 02 Acti ve c h assis, FOUR-C (op tion) Press the button to select chassis setting Com fort or Sport, see page 127. The information display shows the current setting for 10 seconds. BLIS (Blind Spot Inf ormation System) – option Press the button to deacti- vate or reactivate the func-[…]

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    02 Instruments and controls 46 Switc hes in the centr e console 02 Electric sock et/Cigar ette lighter (option) The electric socket can be used for various 12 V ac- cessories, e. g. mobile phone or a cooler box. The ignition key must be at least in position I so that the socket can supply power. The cigarette lighter is ac tivated by pressing in th[…]

  • Страница 48

    02 Instruments and controls 47 Switc hes in the centr e console 02 Active Bi-X enon Lights, ABL (option) The ABL headlamps ’ head- lamp pattern follows the movements of the steeri ng wheel during driving. The function is activated auto- matically when the ca r is started and can be deacti- vated/activated by pre ssing the button. The LED in the b[…]

  • Страница 49

    02 Instruments and controls 48 Switc hes in the centr e console 02 Door mirror and rear windo w defrosters Heating is used to quickly remove mist- ing and ice from the rear window and door mirrors . Press the switch to start defrosting the rear window and door mirrors. The LED in the switch illuminat es. Defrosting is automati- cally disconnected a[…]

  • Страница 50

    02 Instruments and controls 49 Lighting panel 02 Headlamps Automatic dipped beam (cer t ain countr ies) Dipped beam comes on a utomatically when the ignition key is turned to pos ition II , ex- cept when the headlam p control ( 1) is in the centre position. If necessary the au tomatic dipped beam can be d eactivated by an a u- thorised Volv o works[…]

  • Страница 51

    02 Instruments and controls 50 Lighting panel 02 Fog l am p 2 – Fr ont f og lamps (option) The front fog lamps can be switched o n along with the headlamps or the position lamps/parking la mps. – Press the button (2). The light in the button (2) illuminates when the front fog lamps are switched on. 4 – Rear fog la mp The rear fog lamp can onl[…]

  • Страница 52

    02 Instruments and controls 51 Left-hand stalk switch 02 Stalk switch positions 1. Short flash sequence , direction indicators 2. Continuous flash sequence, direction indicators 3. Main beam flash 4. Switching, main and dipped beam, and home safe lighting Direction indicators Continuous f lash sequence – Move the stalk switch up or down to end po[…]

  • Страница 53

    02 Instruments and controls 52 T rip computer 02 T rip computer (opt ion) Controls To scroll through trip computer inform ation, turn the thumbwheel (B) in steps, either up- ward or downward. Co ntinue turning to re — turn to the starting point. Fun c t io n s The trip computer displays the following in- formatio n: • AVERAGE SP EED • SPEED IN […]

  • Страница 54

    02 Instruments and controls 53 Right-hand stalk switch 02 Windscreen wipers Windscreen wipers off The windscreen wiper s are off when the stalk switch is i n position 0 . Single sweep Raise the stalk switch to make a single sweep. Intermitte nt wiping You can adjust and set a suitable speed for intermittent wiping. Rotate the ring clockwise to in- […]

  • Страница 55

    02 Instruments and controls 54 Right-hand stalk switch 02 Windscreen w asher Pull the lever towards the steer ing wheel to activate the windscreen w asher. Headlamp washers (option cer t ain markets) Use of the windscre en washer automa tically activates the headlamp washer. High-pressure headlamp washing consumes a large quantity of washer fluid. […]

  • Страница 56

    02 Instruments and controls 55 Cruise control (option) 02 Acti vating The controls for c ruise control are to the left of the steering whee l. – Setting the desired speed: –P r e s s t h e CRUISE button. CRUISE is shown on the combined instrument panel. – Touch + or — to lock the v ehicle speed. CRUISE-ON appears on the c ombined in- strume[…]

  • Страница 57

    02 Instruments and controls 56 Steering wheel adjustment, parking brake 02 Steering wheel adjustment The steering wheel c an be adjusted for both height and reach. – Press down the contr ol on the left-hand side of the steering co lumn. – Then adjust the steering whee l to the position tha t suits you best . – Press the control back i nto pla[…]

  • Страница 58

    02 Instruments and controls 57 Electrical soc ket, cigar ette lighter 02 Electrical sock et in r ear seat The electrical so cket can be used for acces- sories, such as a mobile phone charger or a cooler, and it is designed for 12 V. The maxi- mum current is 10 A. The ignition key must be at le ast in position I for the socket to supply power. Cigar[…]

  • Страница 59

    02 Instruments and controls 58 Po w er windows 02 Operating The power windows are operated using the controls in the doors. The igniti on key must be in position I and II for the power w indows to operate. The w indow s continue to work when the car is stoppe d and ignition key re- moved, provided none of the doors is opened. Operate the windows wi[…]

  • Страница 60

    02 Instruments and controls 59 Po w er windows 02 Bloc king pow er windo ws in the r ear door s Blocking rear power windows and electric child safety locks 1 . The rear power w indow s can be blocked us- ing the switch on the driver’s door contro l panel. The light in the switc h is illuminated The rear door windows can only be ope rated from the[…]

  • Страница 61

    02 Instruments and controls 60 Po w er windows 02 Rear pow er windows The rear do or windows can be operated wit h the control on each re ar door or with the switch on the driver’s door . If the light i n t he s w i t c h f o r b l o c k in g t h e r e a r power windows (lo cated in the control pane l in the driver’s door) is lit, the rear door[…]

  • Страница 62

    02 Instruments and controls 61 Rear view and d oor mirror s 02 Interior rear view mirror Bright light from behind could be reflected in the rearview mirror and dazzle the driver. Use dimming when disturbed by light from be- hind. Dimming A. Normal position B. Dimmed position. Automatic dimming (option) Bright light fr om behi nd is automatically di[…]

  • Страница 63

    02 Instruments and controls 62 Rear view and door mir rors 02 Switch the compass on or off by pressing the button set into the rear of the mirror. Use a straightene d paper clip for e xample. The but- ton is countersunk appr oximately 2.5 cm in the mirror. Set the correct z one f or the compass The earth is divide d into 15 magnetic zones. The corr[…]

  • Страница 64

    02 Instruments and controls 63 Rear view and d oor mirror s 02 Magnetic zones for the compass Calibration The compass may need c alibrating to display correctl y. For best results , switch off all ma jor power consumer s such as interio r lighting, ventilation fan, heated rear window etc. and avoid having metal objects an d magnetic ob- jects cl os[…]

  • Страница 65

    02 Instruments and controls 64 Rear view and door mir rors 02 Door mirrors The controls for a djusting the two door mir- rors are a t the fron t of the dri ver’s door arm- rest. –P r e s s t h e L button for the left-hand door mirror or R for the right-hand door mirror. The light in the button illuminates. – Adjust the position with the joyst[…]

  • Страница 66

    02 Instruments and controls 65 Po w er sunroof (option) 02 Open positions The sunroof controls are located in the roof panel. The sunroof can be opened to two po- sitions: • Ventilation position, up at the rea r edge • Sliding/comfort position 1 , backwards/for — wards The ignition key must be i n position I or II . 1. C l o si n g , automatic […]

  • Страница 67

    02 Instruments and controls 66 Po w er sunroof (option) 02 Sunscreen The sunroof features a manual, sliding interi- or sunscreen. The sunscree n slides back au- tomatically when the s unroof is open ed. Grip the handle and slide the screen f orwards to close it. Pinc h pr otection The sunroof’s pinch prot ection function is activated i f the hatc[…]

  • Страница 68

    02 Instruments and controls 67 02[…]

  • Страница 69

    68 General inf ormation on climate control ……………… ………….. ………….. …… 70 Manual climate control, AC …………………. ………….. ……….. ………….. ……… 72 Electr onic c limate con tro l, ECC (o ption) ….. ………….. ……….. ………….. …… 7 4 Air distribution …………………[…]

  • Страница 70


  • Страница 71

    03 Climate control 70 General information on climate control 03 Air conditioning The climate control system cools or heats, and dehumidifies the air entering the passen- ger compartment. The ca r is equipped with either manual ( AC ) or electronic c limate con- trol ( ECC ). Misting windo ws Reduce the problem of windows misting up on the inside by[…]

  • Страница 72

    03 Climate control 71 General information on climate control 03 Air distr ibution Incoming air i s distri buted through several different vents located thr oughout the car. Panel vents in the dashboar d A. Open B. Closed C. Lateral airf low D. Vertical a irflow Aim the outer vents towards the side win- dows to remove mi sting from the fro nt side w[…]

  • Страница 73

    03 Climate control 72 Manual climate control, A C 03 Control panel 1. AC – ON/OFF 2. Recirculation 3. Air distribution 4. Rear window and door mirror defroster 5. Heated front sea ts 6. Heating/Cooling – r ight-hand side 7. Heating/Cooling – left-h and side 8. Fan You must turn the fan knob (8) fro m the 0 po- sition to engage the ai r condit[…]

  • Страница 74

    03 Climate control 73 Manual climate control, A C 03 – P r e s s o n c e : H i g h h e a t – bo t h L E D s i n t h e switch light up. – Press twice: Low heat – one LED in the switch lights up. – Press three time s: Heating switched of f – no LEDs in the swi tch light up. An authorised Volvo worksh op can adjust the temperature. Fa n Fa[…]

  • Страница 75

    03 Climate control 74 Electronic climate contr ol, ECC (option) 03 Control panel 1. AC – On/Off 2. Recirculation/Multifilter with sensor 3. Recirculation 4. AUTO 5. Air distribution 6. Passenger compartment temperature sensor 7. Defroster, windscreen and side windows 8. Rear window and door mirror defroster 9. Seat heate r – righ t-hand sid e 1[…]

  • Страница 76

    03 Climate control 75 Electro nic climate control, ECC (option) 03 Fa n Fan speed can be increas ed or decreased by turning the knob. If AUTO is selected, fan speed is controlled automatically. The previ- ously set fan speed is disconnec ted. Rear window and door mirror defrosters Use this button to quickly remove misting and ice from the rear wind[…]

  • Страница 77

    03 Climate control 76 Electronic climate contr ol, ECC (option) 03 Recirc ulation Recirculation can be used to shut out bad air, ex- haust, etc. from the passen- ger comp artment. The air in the passenger co mpartment is then recirculated, i.e. no air from outside the car is taken into the car when this function is activated. If you allow the air i[…]

  • Страница 78

    03 Climate control 77 Air distributio n 03 Air distribution Use: Air distribution Use: Air thro ugh front and r ear panel vents. When you w ant good cooling in a war m climate. Air to f loor . There is a cer tain amo unt of air f low to the panel v ents and the defroste r vents f or the windscreen and side windows. Wh en yo u wa n t t o war m you r[…]

  • Страница 79

    03 Climate control 78 Fuel-dri ven heater ( option) 03 General The electrical sys tem must be «awake ned» before the parking heater can be pr o- grammed. This is most easil y done by: • pressing the READ button o r • activat ing main bea m or • turning on the ignition. The parking heater can be started immedi- ately or set with two […]

  • Страница 80

    03 Climate control 79 Fuel-driven heater (option) 03 Setting TIMER 1 and 2 For reasons of safe ty, you can only pro- gramme times for the fo llowing 24 hours, not several days in a row. – Use the ring (B) to toggle to TIMER 1 . – Brief ly press the RE SET button (C) so that the hours setting starts to flas h. – Use the ring (B) to set the des[…]

  • Страница 81

    80 F ront se ats ……………………. ……….. ………….. ………….. ………….. ………….. … 82 Interior lighting ………………. ………….. ………….. ………….. ……….. ………….. … 84 Storage spaces in the passenger compa r tment ………………….. ………….. 86 Rear seat ………….[…]

  • Страница 82

    04 INTERIOR[…]

  • Страница 83

    04 Interior 82 Fr ont seats 04 Seating position The driver’s and passe nger seats can be ad- justed to the optimum sitting and driv ing po- sitions. 1. Forward/backwa rd: lift the handle to ad — just the distance to the steer ing wheel and pedals. Check that the seat is loc ked after changing position. 2. Raise/lower front edge of seat cushi on: […]

  • Страница 84

    04 Interior 83 Fr ont seats 04 Po w er seat (option) The seats can be adjusted for a certain time after unlocking the door with the remote con- trol without the key being inse rted into the ig- nition switch. The se ats can always be se t when the ignition is on. Po wer seat (option) 1. Front edge of sea t cushion up/down 2. Seat f orward /rear war[…]

  • Страница 85

    04 Interior 84 Interior lightin g 04 Reading lamps and in terior lighting Passenger compartment lighting and reading lamps. 1. Reading lamp left -hand front 2. Interior lighting 3. Reading lamp right-hand front The front reading la mps are switche d on and off using button (1) o r (3). The interior lighting is switched on and off with a short press[…]

  • Страница 86

    04 Interior 85 Interior lightin g 04 Va n i t y m i r r o r 1 The light illuminates a utomatically wh en the cover is lifted. 1 Option in cer tain markets.[…]

  • Страница 87

    04 Interior 86 Storage spaces in the passenger compar tment 04[…]

  • Страница 88

    04 Interior 87 Storage spaces in the passenger compar tment 04 Storage spaces 1. Sunglasses compar tment, driver’s side (option) 2. Storage pocket. 3. Ticket clip. 4. Cup holder (option) 5. Gloveb ox. 6. Storag e compar tment in the centre con — sole. 7. Compartment in door panel. 8. Cup holder in the armrest, rear seat. 9. Storage pocket. Storag[…]

  • Страница 89

    04 Interior 88 Storage spaces in the passenger compar tment 04 Cup holder in fr ont storage compar tment (option) The cup holder can be easily remove d: – Press the cup hol der forwards (1) , while lifting it at the rear edg e (2). – Push the cup ho lder back (3), into the cut- out, under the roller cover . – Angle the front edge (4) o f the […]

  • Страница 90

    04 Interior 89 Storage spaces in the passenger compar tment 04 Gl oveb ox The glovebox can be used to store things such as the owner’s manual, maps, pens and petrol cards. Coat hanger The coat hanger is o nly intended for light gar- ments. Bottle holder f or rear seat passengers (option) Proceed as follow s to use the bottle holder : – Open the[…]

  • Страница 91

    04 Interior 90 Rear seat 04 Cup holder in armrest, r ear seat (option). Head restraints in the r ear seat Adjusting the vertical position of the head restraint. The centre seat head r estraint can be adjust- ed vertically to suit the height of the passen- ger. Raise the head r estraint as needed. The release button on one of the supports must be pr[…]

  • Страница 92

    04 Interior 91 Rear seat 04 Low ering the rear seat bac kr est Both rear seat backr e sts can be tipped for- ward, together or individua lly. This makes it easier to transport long objects. Fold the rear seat backre sts as follows: – First check that the head restrai nts have not been lowered. – Pull the handle in the cargo area as shown in the[…]

  • Страница 93

    04 Interior 92 Cargo area 04 Hatc h fo r long objects Use the seatbelt to se cure the load. Integrated booster cushion The cover on the armrest/child seat has no hinge. The cover must be removed before the ski hatch is used. When r emoving – Open the cover 30°. – Pull straight up. When f ittin g – Move the cover ba ck in the grooves be- hind[…]

  • Страница 94

    04 Interior 93 Cargo area 04 The load cap acity of the ca r is reduced by the number of passenger s and their weight. WA R N I N G The driving charac teristics of the car change based on its ker b weight and how heavily it is loade d.[…]

  • Страница 95

    94 Keys an d remo te controls ………………. ………….. ……….. ………….. ………….. 96 Locking and unlocking ……. ………….. ………….. ………….. ………….. ………….. 99 Child saf ety locks …………… ………….. ………….. ………….. ………….. ……….. . 1 03 Alarm (option) ..[…]

  • Страница 96


  • Страница 97

    05 Locks and alarm 96 Keys and remote contr ols 05 Keys 1. Master key This key opens all lo cks. 2. Service key 1 This key is for the front door, ignition switch and steering wheel lock only. Your car is delive red with two mast er keys and one servic e key 1 . One of the ma ster keys is collapsible and equippe d with an integrat- ed remote contr o[…]

  • Страница 98

    05 Locks and alarm 97 Keys and remote contr ols 05 Remote control functions Unloc king Press the button (1) once to unlock all doors, the boot lid and th e fuel fil ler fla p. Boot lid Press the button (2) twice to unlock the boo t lid only. Panic alarm function The panic alarm functi on can be used to at- tract attention in an eme rgency. Press an[…]

  • Страница 99

    05 Locks and alarm 98 Keys and remote contr ols 05 Changing the r emote control bat ter y Replace the battery a fter repeated failur e by the locks to respond when rem ote control signals are transm itted within a normal dis- tance. – Remove the cover by carefully prising up the rear edge of with a small screwdri ver. – Replace the battery (typ[…]

  • Страница 100

    05 Locks and alarm 99 Loc king and unloc king 05 Loc king/unlo c king the car fr om outside The master key or remote control locks/un- locks all side doors and the boot lid simulta- neously. The side door lock buttons and in- side handles are disengage d. 1 The fuel filler flap can be opened when the car is unlocked. The fl ap remains unlocked for […]

  • Страница 101

    05 Locks and alarm 100 Loc king and unloc king 05 – Press and hold the button for central locking until a new me ssage for lock sta — tus is shown in the inf ormation display. The messages AUTOLOCK ACTI VATED ( the car is also locked when it moves) a nd AUTOLOCK DEACTIVA TED respectively are shown in the information dis play. Loc king and unloc k[…]

  • Страница 102

    05 Locks and alarm 101 Loc king and unloc king 05 Unloc king the boot lid with the master key The master key should be used when unlo ck- ing the boot lid manually during emergencies only, e.g. if the remote control does not func- tion or the car is without po wer. Open the boot lid as follow s: – Insert the master key into the upper o r lower se[…]

  • Страница 103

    05 Locks and alarm 102 Loc king and unloc king 05 Loc king the glov ebox The glovebox can only be locked/opened us- ing the master key – not with the se rvice key. Deadloc ks 1 Your car has a speci al deadlock function, which means th at the doors c annot be opened from the ins ide if they are locked. Deadlocks can only be activated from the outs[…]

  • Страница 104

    05 Locks and alarm 103 Child safety loc ks 05 The LED in the button illuminates until the car is locked with the key or remote control. A message is shown in the di splay as long as the key remains in the ig nition switch. The sensors will be reac tivated the next time the ignition is switched o n. Mec hanical c hild saf ety locks – rear doors Co[…]

  • Страница 105

    05 Locks and alarm 104 Alarm (optio n) 05 The alarm system When the alarm is armed, it continually moni — tors all alarm in puts. The alarm is tri ggered if: • the bonnet is opened • the boot lid is opened • a side door is ope ned • the ignition switch is turned with a non- approved key or su bjected to force • movement is detecte d in th[…]

  • Страница 106

    05 Locks and alarm 105 Alarm (option) 05 T emporar y deactivation of detectors and deadloc ks To avoid inadvertently triggering of the al arm, for exampl e when leav ing a dog in the car or during a ferry crossing, the moveme nt and tilt detectors can be temporarily deactiv ated: 1. Insert the key in the ignition s witch, turn it to position II and[…]

  • Страница 107

    05 Locks and alarm 106 Alarm (optio n) 05 T esting the alar m system T esting the passenger compar tment motion sensor: – Open all the windows. – Activate the alarm . Alarm activ ation is confirmed with a slow flash of the LED. – Wait 30 seconds. – Test the movement detector in the pa s- senger compartment by l ifting a bag or similar from […]

  • Страница 108

    05 Locks and alarm 107 05[…]

  • Страница 109

    108 General ….. …………… ……….. ………….. ………….. ………….. ……….. ………….. . 1 1 0 Refuelling ………. ……….. ………….. ………….. ………….. ………….. ………….. …. 1 1 3 Star ting the car ………………….. ………… ………….. ………….. ………….. ….[…]

  • Страница 110


  • Страница 111

    06 Starting and driving 110 General 06 Economical driving Economical drivi ng results from dri ving gen- tly with anticipation and adapting your driv- ing style and speed to the situation. Keep in mind the following: • Drive the engine to oper ating temp erature as so o n a s p o s s i b l e ! T h a t i s t o s a y : d o n o t let the engine idle[…]

  • Страница 112

    06 Starting and driving 111 General 06 Dri ving in water The car can be dr iven through water at a maximum depth of 25 cm at a maximum speed of 10 km/h. Extra caution sho uld be exercised when passing through flowing water. When driving in water , maintain a low s peed and do not stop the car. Whe n the water has been passed, de press the brake ped[…]

  • Страница 113

    06 Starting and driving 112 General 06 Do not allow the en gine and cooling system to ov erheat Under certain conditions, e.g. when drivin g in hilly terrain and with a hea vy load, especially in warm weather, the re is a risk of the en gine and cooling system o verheating. T o av oid ov erheating in the cooling system: • Drive at low speeds if d[…]

  • Страница 114

    06 Starting and driving 113 Refuelling 06 Opening the fuel filler f lap The fuel cap is inside the fuel filler flap on the right-hand rear wing and hangs up on the inside of the fuel filler flap. The fuel filler flap can be opened when the car is unlocked. Fuel filler f lap High outside temperatur es can cause some overpressure in the tank. Open th[…]

  • Страница 115

    06 Starting and driving 114 Refuelling 06 Emergency opening of the fuel filler fla p The fuel filler flap c an be opened manually when necessary if it cannot be o pened normally. There is a detachable hatch on the right- hand panel of the cargo ar ea. Undo this, in- sert your hand and locate the f lap’s electrical lock – locatio n is approximat[…]

  • Страница 116

    06 Starting and driving 115 Star ting the car 06 Befor e star ting the engine – Apply the parking brake. Automati c gearbox – Gear selector in position P or N . Manual gearbo x Shift the gear lever into neutral and hold the clutch pedal fully depre ssed. This is par ticu- larly impor tant in very cold conditions. Star ting the engine Petrol Tur[…]

  • Страница 117

    06 Starting and driving 116 Star ting the car 06 Start regeneration of the filter by driv ing the car until the engine reaches normal operating temperature, prefer ably on a main ro ad or motorway. The car should then be driven for approximately 20 minu tes mor e. When re- generation is underway the engine power is reduced. When regeneration is com[…]

  • Страница 118

    06 Starting and driving 117 Star ting the car 06 Ignition switc h and steer ing loc k 0 – Loc ked position The steering wheel l ocks when the ignition key is re- moved. I – Radio position Certain electrica l compo- nents can be switched on. The engine’s electric al sys- tem is not activated. II – Dri ving position The key position when dri […]

  • Страница 119

    06 Starting and driving 118 Manual gearbox 06 Gear position s, fi ve-speed Depress the clutch pedal fully with each gear change. Remove your fo ot from the clutch pedal betwee n gear change s. Follow th e ap- propriate shifting pattern. For the best possible fu el economy, use the highest gear possible as often as possible . Reverse gear inhibitor […]

  • Страница 120

    06 Starting and driving 119 Automatic gearbox 06 Cold star t When starting in low temperatures, the gear changes can sometim es feel hard. This is due to the gearbox oil’s visc osity at low tem- peratures. To minimise engine em issions, the gearbox shifts up later than normal wh en the engine is started at low te mperatures. T urbo engine When th[…]

  • Страница 121

    06 Starting and driving 120 Automatic gearbox 06 Manual position s P – Park Select this position w hen you wish to start the engi ne or park the c ar. The car should be statio nary when you select P ! In P the gearbox is mechanically locked. A l- ways apply the parking brake when parking the car. R – Reverse The car should be statio nary when y[…]

  • Страница 122

    06 Starting and driving 121 Automatic gearbox 06 Gear tronic 1 The S60 R with Geartroni c has an S button instead of a W button located at the gear se- lector. The gearbox s ports programme is a c- tivated using the S button. An LED is lit in the button to indicate active mode. The S programme provides sportier ch arac- teristics. It allo ws higher[…]

  • Страница 123

    06 Starting and driving 122 Automatic gearbox 06 W – Winter The W button 1 by the gear selector engages a nd dis- engages the winter programme W . The symbol W is shown in the combined instrument panel when the winter pro- gramme is activated. The winter programme s tarts th e gearbox in 3 rd g e a r t o m a k e i t e a s i er to p u l l o f f o […]

  • Страница 124

    06 Starting and driving 123 Brake system 06 Brake servo If the car is rolling or is being towe d with the engine turned off, the brake pedal must be pressed about five times ha rder than when the engine is running. If the brake pedal is pressed when the engine is sta rted, you will feel the pedal drop. This is normal and due to the brake servo beco[…]

  • Страница 125

    06 Starting and driving 124 Brake sys tem 06 The ABS symbol lights up: • for appr oximatel y two seconds during the system test when the car is started. • if the ABS system has shut dow n due to a fault. Electronic brak e for ce distribution system – EBD The Electron ic Brakeforce Distri bution sys- tem (EBD) is an integrated part of the ABS […]

  • Страница 126

    06 Starting and driving 125 Stabilit y and traction control system 06 General The Dynamic Stability and Traction Control system (STC/DSTC) im proves the car’s tra c- tion and helps the driv er to avoid skidding. A pulsing sound may be noticed during brak- ing or accelerati on when the system is i n ac- tion. The car may ac celerate mor e slowly t[…]

  • Страница 127

    06 Starting and driving 126 Stabilit y and traction control system 06 –P r e s s a n d h o l d RESET (2) until the STC / DSTC menu is changed. At the same time the symbo l illuminates as a reminder that the sys tem has been re- duced. The system rema ins reduced until the engine is next started. Messages in the information display TRACTION CO NTR[…]

  • Страница 128

    06 Starting and driving 127 Active c hassis – FOUR-C 06 Active c hassis – FOUR-C 1 FOUR-C switch in the centre console (not S60 R) The car is equipped with an extremely advanced ac tive chassis system – C ontinu- ously Controlled Ch assis Concept – that is regulated electronically. The functions of the system are based on a number of sensor[…]

  • Страница 129

    06 Starting and driving 128 Parking assistance 06 General 1 Parking assistance front and rear. Parking assistance i s used as an aid to park- ing. A signal indicates the di stance to a de- tected object. Fun ct io n The system is activated automatica lly when the car is started at which po int the LED in the swit ch for parki ng assis tance il lumi[…]

  • Страница 130

    06 Starting and driving 129 Parking assistance 06 Activating/deacti vating Parking assistance c an be deactivated with the button in the switch panel. The LED in the switch goes out. Park ing assistance is re acti- vated with the switch and the LED illumi- nates. Cleaning the sensors Parking assistance sensors . The sensors must be cleaned regularl[…]

  • Страница 131

    06 Starting and driving 130 T owing and r eco very 06 Do not tow the car to bump star t it If you bump star t a car with ma nual gearbox, the catalytic converte r may be damaged. Cars with automatic gearbox cannot be bump started. Use a booster batte ry if the battery is flat. If the car must be tow ed • Unlock the steering whee l lock so that th[…]

  • Страница 132

    06 Starting and driving 131 T owing and r eco very 06 Recov er y The towing ey e may only be used for towing on roads, no t for recovery after driving i nto a ditch or the like. Professi onal help should be called for re covery. NOTE The towing eye cannot be fitted i n the rear bracket on cars with towbar. In which case, secure the to w rope in the[…]

  • Страница 133

    06 Starting and driving 132 Star t assist ance 06 Star ting with a donor batter y If for some re ason the battery in y our car is discharged, you can «borro w» current from a spare battery or another car’s battery to start the engine. Always check that the clamps are fastened properly to prev ent sparking during the start attempt. To av[…]

  • Страница 134

    06 Starting and driving 133 Dri ving with a trailer 06 General The towing bracket on the car must be ap- proved. Your Volvo deal er can advise you as to which towing bracket to use. • Distribute the load on the trailer so that the weight on the towing bracke t follows the specified maximum towba ll load. • Increase tyre pre ssure so that it cor[…]

  • Страница 135

    06 Starting and driving 134 Dri ving with a trailer 06 Dri ving with trailer – automatic gearbox • When parking on hills, apply the parking brake before moving the gear selector to P . When starting on a hill, first put the gear selector in dri ve and then release the parking brake. • Select a low ge ar in the gearbox w hen driving on steep i[…]

  • Страница 136

    06 Starting and driving 135 T owing equipment 06 To w b a r s The towball must be cleaned and greased regularly. If a to wbal l hitch with vibration damper is used, it is no t necessary to grea se the towball. If the car is equipped with a detachable tow- bar, the towball mounting instr uctions must be followed carefully, see page 137. T railer cab[…]

  • Страница 137

    06 Starting and driving 136 T owing equipment 06 Specifications Dimensions for mounting points (mm) A B C D E F G Fixed towbar standard 1 058 83 1 083 542 12 2 50 305 Fixed towbar with Niv omat 91 Detachable to wbar standar d 1 069 94 31 6 Detachable towbar w ith Niv omat 10 0 1 Side member 2 Ball centre[…]

  • Страница 138

    06 Starting and driving 137 Detac hable to wbar 06 Fitting the to wball – Remove the guard plug. – Ensure that th e mechanis m is in the un- locked position by turning the key clock- wise. – Check that t he indicator windo w (3) shows re d . I f t h e w i n d o w does not show red, press in (1) and turn the locking wheel anticlo ckwise (2) un[…]

  • Страница 139

    06 Starting and driving 138 Detachable t owbar 06 – Insert the towball sectio n until you hear a click. – Check that the indicator window shows green. – Turn the key anticlockw ise to the locked position. Remove the key fr om the lock.[…]

  • Страница 140

    06 Starting and driving 139 Detac hable to wbar 06 NOTE Check that the to wball section is secure by pulling it up, down and back. If the towball s e c t i o n i s n o t f i t t e d c o r r e c t l y t h e n i t m u s t b e removed and refitted in accordance with the previous steps. NOTE The trailer’ s safety cable mus t be attached to the attach[…]

  • Страница 141

    06 Starting and driving 140 Detachable t owbar 06 Removin g the towball – Insert the key and turn it clockwis e to the unlocked position. – Push in the loc king wheel (1) and turn it anticlockwise (2) until you he ar a click. – Turn the locking wheel do wn fully, until it comes to a stop. Hol d it in this position while pulling the tow ball r[…]

  • Страница 142

    06 Starting and driving 141 Detac hable to wbar 06 – Insert the guard plug.[…]

  • Страница 143

    06 Starting and driving 142 Load on the r oof 06 General The load capacity is affected by extra acces- sories mounted on the car, such as a towbar, load carriers, spa ce box, the passenger s’ combined weight etc. as well as tow ball load. The load cap acity of the ca r is reduced by the number of passeng ers and their w eight . For information on[…]

  • Страница 144

    06 Starting and driving 143 Load on the roof 06 Fitting load carr ier s – Make sure the load carrier is fitted in the right direction (see the marking on the decal under the cover). – Fit the guide pins into the guide hole s (1). – Carefull y lower th e bracket on th e other side to the roof. – Screw the kno b up a bit. – Press the knob a[…]

  • Страница 145

    06 Starting and driving 144 Adjusting headlamp patter n 06 Correct light pat tern for right or left- hand traffic A. Headlamp pattern for left-hand traffic. B. Headlamp pattern for right-hand traffic. So as not to dazzle onc oming drivers, the headlamp beam pattern can be altered by masking th e headlamps. Th e quality of the beam pattern may not b[…]

  • Страница 146

    06 Starting and driving 145 Adjusting headlamp pattern 06 Halogen headlamps Location of halogen headla mp masks, 1 and 2 = LHD variant, 3 and 4 = RHD variant LHD variant Copy templates 1 and 2. Check the meas- urements to ensure they are correct. Transfer the template to a self-adhes ive, waterproof material and cut it out. Refer ence measur ements[…]

  • Страница 147

    06 Starting and driving 146 Adjusting headlamp patter n 06 xx Masking templates for halogen headlamps, LHD variant Masking templates for halogen headlamps, RHD variant[…]

  • Страница 148

    06 Starting and driving 147 Adjusting headlamp pattern 06 Bi-Xenon headlam ps Location of Bi-Xenon headla mp masks, 1 and 2 = LHD variant, 3 and 4 = RHD variant LHD variant Copy templates 1 and 2. Check the meas- urements to ensure they are correct. Transfer the template to a self-adhes ive, waterproof material and cut it out. Refer ence measur eme[…]

  • Страница 149

    06 Starting and driving 148 Adjusting headlamp patter n 06 Masking templates for Bi-Xen on headlamps, LHD variant Masking templates for Bi-Xen on headlamps, RHD variant[…]

  • Страница 150

    06 Starting and driving 149 BLIS (Blind Spot Information System) – option 06 1 – BLIS c amera, 2 – Ind icator la mp, 3 – BLIS sym bol BLIS is an informa tion system which indi- cates whether there i s another vehicle mo v- ing in the same direct ion in the so-called «blind spot». Blind spots cover ed by BLIS Distance A = approx. 9[…]

  • Страница 151

    06 Starting and driving 150 BLIS (Blind Spot Information System) – option 06 When you are ov er t aken by another veh i cl e The system reacts if y ou are overtaken by a vehicle tr avelling up to 70 km/h faster than you are tr avellin g. System function in daylight and darkness Daylight In daylight the system reac ts to the shape of the surroundi[…]

  • Страница 152

    06 Starting and driving 151 BLIS (Blind Spot Information System) – option 06 Switc hing off and r eactivating BLIS • BLIS is activated automatically each time the ignition is switc hed on. The indicator lamps in the door pane ls flash three times when the ignition is switche d on. • The system can be sw itched off by press — ing the BLIS butt[…]

  • Страница 153

    152 General ….. …………… ……….. ………….. ……….. ………….. ………….. ……….. …. 1 54 T yre pressur e ……………………. ……….. ………….. ………….. ………….. ……….. . 1 57 W ar ning tr iangle and spare wheel ………… ………….. ………….. ………….. …. 1 59 T y[…]

  • Страница 154


  • Страница 155

    07 Wheels and tyres 154 General 07 Dri ving c haracteristics and t yres The tyres greatly affect the ca r’s driving char- acteristics. The type of tyre, dimensions, tyre pressure and speed rati ng are important for how the car pe rforms. When changing tyres, ensure tha t tyres of the same type and dimens ions, and preferably also the same make, a[…]

  • Страница 156

    07 Wheels and tyres 155 General 07 More ev en wear and maintenance The correct tyre press ure results in mo re even wear, see page 158. To achieve the best traction and more even wear on the tyres, the regular sw itching of the front an d rear tyres with ea ch other is recomm ended. The first change should be after 5000 km and then at intervals of […]

  • Страница 157

    07 Wheels and tyres 156 General 07 Loc king wheel bolts Locking wheel bolts can be used on both alu- minium and steel r ims. If steel rim s with lock- ing wheel bolts are used in combination with wheel covers then the l ocking wheel bolt s must be fitted furthest from the air valve. Otherwise the w heel cover ca nnot be fitted on the rim. Summer an[…]

  • Страница 158

    07 Wheels and tyres 157 T yre p re ss u re 07 Recommended tyre pressur e The tyre pressure decal on the driv er’s side door pillar (betwe en frame and rear door) shows which pre ssures the tyres shoul d have at different loa ds and speed conditions. Stated on the decal: • Tyre pres sure for th e car’s r ecommended wheel size • ECO pressure […]

  • Страница 159

    07 Wheels and tyres 158 T yre p res s ure 07 T y re p re s su re t a b le Va r i a n t Ty r e s i z e Speed (km/h) Load, 1 -3 persons Fr ont (kP a) Rear (kPa) Max. load Fr ont (kP a) R ear (kP a) T5 21 5/55R1 6 0 – 1 60 220 220 260 260 235/40R1 8 16 0 + 260 260 280 280 225/45R1 7 0 – 1 60 260 1 260 1 260 1 260 1 205/55R1 6 16 0 + 250 250 280 28[…]

  • Страница 160

    07 Wheels and tyres 159 W ar ning tr iangle and spare wheel 07 W ar ning tr iangle (cer tain countr ies) Follow the warning triangle regula tions of the country you are in. Use the warning triangle as follo ws: – Turn both attachment screws to the ve rti- cal position. – Carefully remove the warning triangle case. – Remove the warni ng triang[…]

  • Страница 161

    07 Wheels and tyres 160 W ar ning tr iangle and spare wheel 07 If the car is equipped with a carr ier bag holder: – Turn the two clips lo cated at the rear corner of the mat 90 de grees. – Pull the front of the floor mat back to wards the boot lid opening. – Lift the mat slightly and turn 90 degress to lift it out. – Lift the mat out of the[…]

  • Страница 162

    07 Wheels and tyres 161 T yre pr essure monitoring (option) 07 T y re p re s su re mo n i to r in g TP M S The Tyre Pres sure Monitoring System warns the driver when the pressure is too low in one or more of the ca r’s tyres. It uses sensors lo- cated inside the air va lve in each wheel. When the car is dr iven at approximately 40 km /h the syste[…]

  • Страница 163

    07 Wheels and tyres 162 T yre pr essure monitoring (option) 07 • Volvo recommends tha t sensors are not moved between di fferent w heels. Dri veable puncture d tyres (option) If the car has Se lf Su pporting run flat Tyres ( SS T) t h e n i t i s a l s o e q ui pp e d w i t h T P M S . This type of tyre has a specially reinforced side wall th at […]

  • Страница 164

    07 Wheels and tyres 163 Changing wheels 07 Removin g wheels Remember to set out the w arning triangle if you must ch ange a wheel in a traffic ked area. The spare wheel is under the pl astic trough in the car go area. – Apply the parking brake and engage 1st gear on cars with ma nual gearbox – position P on cars w ith automatic ge ar- box. – […]

  • Страница 165

    07 Wheels and tyres 164 Changing wheels 07 Fitting the wheel – Clean the contract su rfaces on the wheel and hub. – Fit the wheel. Scre w the wheel nuts. – Lower the car so that the wheel ca nnot rotate. – Tighten the wheel nuts cross wise. It is important that the wheel nuts are tight- ened properly. Tigh ten to 140 Nm. Check the torque wi[…]

  • Страница 166

    07 Wheels and tyres 165 07[…]

  • Страница 167

    166 Cleaning …… ………….. ………….. ………….. ………… ………….. ………….. ……… 1 68 T ouching up paintw ork ……. ………….. ………….. ………….. ………….. ………… 1 71 Rustproofing ……….. ………….. ………….. ……….. ………….. ………….. ………… 1 72[…]

  • Страница 168

    08 CAR CARE[…]

  • Страница 169

    08 Car care 168 Cleaning 08 W ashing the car Wash the car as soon as i t becomes dirty. Use car shampoo. Dirt and r oad salt can lead to corrosion. • Do not park the car in direct sunshine. Washing a car with hot paintwork can cause permanent paintwork dama ge. Wash the car in a ca r wash with waste water separator. • Thoroughly rinse dirt off […]

  • Страница 170

    08 Car care 169 Cleaning 08 Po lishing and w axing Polish and wax the car if the paintwork is dull or to give the paintwork extra protection. The car does not ne ed to be polished until it is at least one year old. However , the car can be waxed during this ti me. Do not polish or wax the car i n direct sunl ight. Wash and dry the car th oroug hly […]

  • Страница 171

    08 Car care 170 Cleaning 08 To achieve best res ults Volvo recomm ends cleaning and applicatio n of the protective cream two to four times per year. Ask your Volvo deal er about Volvo’s Leat her care product Washing instructions for leat her upholstery – Pour the leather cleane r on the dampened sponge and squeeze out a strong foam. – Work th[…]

  • Страница 172

    08 Car care 171 T ouc hing up paintwork 08 Pai nt wor k Paint is an important part o f the car’s rust- proofing and should therefore be checked regularly. To avo id the onset of rust, dam- aged paintwork must be rectified immediate — ly. The most commo n types of paintwork damage are stone c hips, scratches, and marks on the edges of wings and do[…]

  • Страница 173

    08 Car care 172 Rustproofing 08 Inspection and maintenance Your car rece ived a thorough and complete rustproofing at the factor y. Parts of the body are made of galvanis ed sheet metal. The un- derbody is protected by a wear-resistant anti-corrosion com pound. And, a thin, pene- trating rustproo fing flui d was spr ayed into the members, cavities […]

  • Страница 174

    08 Car care 173 08[…]

  • Страница 175

    174 V olvo ser vice ……….. ……….. ………….. ………….. ………….. ……….. ………….. . 1 7 6 Self-maintenance …… ………….. ………… ………….. ………….. ……….. ………… 1 77 Bonnet and engine com par tment ……………… ………….. ………….. ………… 1 78 Diesel ……. […]

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  • Страница 177

    09 Maintenance and service 176 Vo l v o s e r v i c e 09 V ol vo ser vice programme Before the car l eft the factory, it wa s thor- oughly test driven. It was c hecked again in accordance with Volvo Car Cor poration reg- ulations before it wa s handed over to you. To keep your Volvo as safe and reliable as possible, follow the Volvo service pr o- g[…]

  • Страница 178

    09 Maintenance and service 177 Self-maintenance 09 Befor e star ting work on the car Batter y Check that the battery cables a re correctly connected and tightened. Never disconnect the battery when the e n- gine is running (e.g. if replacing the battery). Never use a quick charge r to charge the bat- tery. The ba ttery cables must be disconnect- ed[…]

  • Страница 179

    09 Maintenance and service 178 Bonnet and engine compar tment 09 Opening the bonnet Left and right-hand drive cars. To open the bonnet: – Pull the handl e on the far l eft under the dashboard. You will hear when the catch releases . – Insert your hand under the centre o f the front edge of the bonne t and press the safety catch to the right. ?[…]

  • Страница 180

    09 Maintenance and service 179 Diesel 09 Fuel system Diesel must fulfil the EN 590 or JIS K2204 standards. Diesel engine s are sensitive to contamin ants such as hig h volumes of sul- phur particles for e xam ple. Only use diesel fuel from a well -known producers. Nev er use diesel of dubious quality. At low tempe ratures ( –40 °C to –6 °C), […]

  • Страница 181

    09 Maintenance and service 180 Oils and flu ids 09 Engine compar tment decal for oil grade Volvo recommends oil produc ts. Using oil of a higher than specified grade is permitted. Volvo rec ommends using an oil of a higher grade t han that speci fied on the de- cal for adverse dr iving conditions. See page 247. Adverse dr ivin g conditions Check th[…]

  • Страница 182

    09 Maintenance and service 181 Oils and fluids 09 Certain models have both variants. Contact an authorised Volvo deale r for more info rma- tion. Checking the oil leve l in a new car is es pe- cially importan t before the first schedule d oil change. The Service and Warranty Bookle t specifies the odo meter rea dings for oil changes. Volvo recomme […]

  • Страница 183

    09 Maintenance and service 182 Oils and flu ids 09 W asher f luid r eser voir Washer fluid reservoir The windscre en and headla mp washers hav e the same fluid re servoir. See ca pacities and recommended grade for fluids on page 249. Use washer fluid during the winter so that the fluid does not freeze in the pump, reservoir and hoses. Tip: clean th[…]

  • Страница 184

    09 Maintenance and service 183 Oils and fluids 09 Clutc h and brake fluid reservoir Location dependent on whether car is left or right-hand drive. The brake and clutch fluid have a common reservoir. The fluid level must be between the MIN and MAX marks. Check the level regu — larly. Change the brake fluid every other y ear or at every other regular[…]

  • Страница 185

    09 Maintenance and service 184 Wiper blades 09 Replacing windscreen wiper blades – Fold out the wiper arm and gr asp the wiper blade. – Press in the ribbed s pring catch on the wiper blade while lifting it off at the a rm extension. – Fit the new blade in rever se order and check that it is properl y secured. Replacing a headlamp wiper blade […]

  • Страница 186

    09 Maintenance and service 185 Batter y 09 Batter y care There may be two different typ es of battery. They are fully interchangeable with each other. The service life and function of the battery is influenced by factors such as the number of starts, discharging, driving sty le, driving con- ditions and climatic conditi ons. For the battery to func[…]

  • Страница 187

    09 Maintenance and service 186 Battery 09 Symbols on the battery Use protective goggles. Further information in the owner’s manual. Store the battery out o f the reach of ch ildren. The battery contains corr o- sive acid. Avoid sparks and naked flames . Risk of explosion. Changing the battery Removing the batt er y – Switch off the ignition and[…]

  • Страница 188

    09 Maintenance and service 187 Batter y 09 – Detach the lower co nsole holding the bat- tery. – Bend aside the plastic cover and discon- nect the posi tive cable. – Undo the evacuation hose. – Remove the battery. Fitting the battery – Fit the battery into position. – Position the lower co nsole and screw it i n place. – Connect the po[…]

  • Страница 189

    09 Maintenance and service 188 Replacing bulbs 09 General All bulb specifications are given on page 255. The following lis t contains bulb s and point- source lamps that ar e specialised or unsui ta- ble for changing except at a workshop: • Active Bi-Xenon a nd Bi-Xenon lamp • General interior li ghting in the roof • Reading lamps •G l o v […]

  • Страница 190

    09 Maintenance and service 189 Replacing bulbs 09 Dipped beam, halogen To r e m o v e t h e b u l b – Switch off all lights and turn the ignition key to position 0 . – Remove the cover. – Unplug the connector. – Disconnect the spring clamp. First push to the right so that the spring disco nnects and then out and down. – Pull out and remov[…]

  • Страница 191

    09 Maintenance and service 190 Replacing bulbs 09 Position/parking lamps Halogen and Bi-Xenon headlamps To r e m o v e t h e b u l b – Switch off all lights and turn the ignition key to position 0 . – Remove the cover (same cover as for dipped beam). – Pull out the lamp. – Unplug the connector. To f i t – Fit the new bulb. – Plug in the[…]

  • Страница 192

    09 Maintenance and service 191 Replacing bulbs 09 Direction indicator , ri ght-hand side – Switch off all lights and turn the ignition key to position 0 . – Remove the radiator hose (1) from the radiator. – Remove the scre w (2) to the filler pi pe. – Pull the pipe (3) straight up. – Remove the ventila tion hose (4) from the pipe. – Rep[…]

  • Страница 193

    09 Maintenance and service 192 Replacing bulbs 09 Fr ont fog lamps (option) To r e m o v e t h e b u l b – Switch off all lights and turn the ignition key to position 0 . – Turn the bulb holder slightly anticlockwis e. – Pull out and remove the bulb. To f i t – Fit the new bulb. In ca n only be positioned one way. – Refit the bulb holder,[…]

  • Страница 194

    09 Maintenance and service 193 Replacing bulbs 09 Rear light cluster Location of bulbs 1. Brake light 2. Position/parking lamps 3. Rear fog lamp (one side) 4. Side marker lamps 5. Direction indicato rs Reversing lamp Remov al All bulbs in the rear lam p cluster can be re — placed from inside t he cargo area. Bulb specifications can be found on page[…]

  • Страница 195

    09 Maintenance and service 194 Replacing bulbs 09 Cour tesy lighti ng There is courtesy lighting unde r the dashboard on the driver and passenger sides. – Insert a sc rewdriver an d gently turn so that the lamp housing c omes loose. – Remove the bulb. – Fit a new bulb. – Refit the lamp housing. V an ity mir ror lightin g Vanity mirror, diff[…]

  • Страница 196

    09 Maintenance and service 195 Fus e s 09 General Cable routing may vary slightly due to engine va riant. However, the compon ents listed are in the same positions. All electrical functio ns and components ar e fused to protect your car ’s electrical syste m from damage by short circuiting and overloa ding. Fuses are housed in fo ur different loc[…]

  • Страница 197

    09 09 Maintenance and service 196 Fus e s Relay/fuse box in th e engine compar tment Press in the plastic ca tches on the short sides of th e box and pull the cover upward. 1. ABS. ……………………………………………………………………………… 30 A 2. ABS ……… …………. ……….. …………. ………. …..[…]

  • Страница 198

    09 09 Maintenance and service 197 Fus e s 17. D ipped bea m, right …….. ……….. …………. ………. …………. ….. 20 A 18. — ………………… ………. ……….. …………. ………. …………. ……….. ….. — 19. E ngine control mod ule (ECM) supp ly, engine relay ………….. . 5 A 20. Po sition la mps ….[…]

  • Страница 199

    09 09 Maintenance and service 198 Fus e s Fuses in the passenger compar tment at dashboard end face on dri ver ’ s side A decal which indicates the posit ions and amperages of the fuses is located in the end box cover. 1. Power driver’s seat …………………………………………………………. 25 A 2. Power pas senger seat ……[…]

  • Страница 200

    09 09 Maintenance and service 199 Fus e s Fuses in the passenger compar tment within the sound barr ier on the dri ver’s sid e 1. Seat heating, right side ……….. ………………………………………….. 15 A 2. Seat heat ing, left si de …. …………. ……….. …………. ………. ….. 1 5 A 3. Horn ……. ………. .[…]

  • Страница 201

    09 09 Maintenance and service 200 Fus e s 21. Transmission Control Module (TCM), reverse gear inhibitor (M66) …….. ……….. …………. ………. ……….. …………. ………. ….. 1 0 A 22. M ain beam, le ft ………… ………. …………. …………. ……….. ……. 10 A 23. M ain beam , right …. ……….. ……[…]

  • Страница 202

    09 09 Maintenance and service 201 Fus e s Fuses in the cargo ar ea 1. Reversing lamp ………………………………………………………………..10 A 2. Position lamps, fog lamps, cargo area light ing, number plate lighting, LED s in brake lighting … …………. …………. …. 20 A 3. Access ories (AEM) …………….. …..[…]

  • Страница 203

    09 09 Maintenance and service 202 Fus e s 26. Pa rking assistanc e ……………. …………. ……….. …………. ……… 5 A 27. Main fuse: Towing bracket wiring, Four-C, Parking assista nce, AWD …………… …………. …………. ………. 30 A 28. Ce ntral locking s ystem (PCL ) …… …………. ……….. …………[…]

  • Страница 204

    09 Maintenance and service 203 09[…]

  • Страница 205

    204 Ov erview HU-450 …… ……………………………………………………………. ……. 20 6 Ov ervie w HU-650 .. ………….. ………….. ………….. ………….. ………….. ……….. 207 Ov ervie w HU-850 .. ………….. ………….. ………….. ………….. ………….. ……….. 208 Audio function[…]

  • Страница 206


  • Страница 207

    10 Infotainment system 206 Overview HU-450 10 1. POWER (On/Off) – P ress VOLUME – Turn 2. PRESET/CD PUSH MENU – Stored radio station s CD changer (option) 3. SOURCE PUSH MENU – Opens main menu – Press Turn to select: Radio – FM, AM Cassette CD changer (option) 4. FADER – Press out and turn BAL – Press out, pull and turn 5. SCAN – […]

  • Страница 208

    10 Infotainment system 207 Overview HU-650 10 1. POWER (on/off) – Press VOLUME – Turn 2. 1-6 – Station setting buttons/selecting CD changer position 3. BASS – Press out an d turn 4. TREBLE – Press out and turn 5. BALANCE – Press out and turn 6. FADER – Press out and turn 7. SOURCE PUSH MENU – Opens main menu – Press Turn to select[…]

  • Страница 209

    10 Infotainment system 208 Overview HU-850 10 1. POWER (On/Off) – P ress VOLUME – Turn 2. 1-6 – Station setting buttons/selecting CD changer position 3. BASS – Press out an d turn 4. TREBLE – Press out and turn 5. BALANCE – Press out and turn 6. FADER – Press out and turn 7. SOURCE PUSH MENU – Opens main menu – Press Turn to selec[…]

  • Страница 210

    10 Infotainment system 209 Audio functions HU-450/650/850 10 On/Off switc h Press the knob to turn on or switch off the radio . V olume control Turn the knob clockwis e to increase volume. V olume control is electron ic and lacks an end stop . If you have a steering wheel keypad, increase or decrease volume w ith ( + ) or ( – ) butto ns. Low bat […]

  • Страница 211

    10 Infotainment system 210 Audio functions HU-450 10 V olume contr ol – AUX –P r e s s SOURCE , turn to ADVANCED MENU and select by pressing SOURCE. –P r e s s SOURCE , turn to AUDIO SET- TINGS and select by pressing SOURCE . –P r e s s SOURCE , turn to AUX INPUT LEVEL and select by pressing SOURCE . In this mode the volume can be adjusted […]

  • Страница 212

    10 Infotainment system 211 Audio functions HU-650/850 10 Bass Adjust the bass by pressing out the knob and turning it to the left or right. The bass is «normal ised» in the centre posi- tion. Press the knob back into its original po- sition after adjustment. Tr e b l e Adjust the treble by pressing the knob a nd turning it to the left or […]

  • Страница 213

    10 Infotainment system 212 Radio functions HU-450/650/850 10 Scanning Press the SCAN button to start the search. When the radio finds a station, it stops there for about 10 s econds and then con- tinues its search. To liste n to the station, press the SCAN or EXIT button. Tu n i n g Press or to seek lower or hig her fre- quencies. The radio searc h[…]

  • Страница 214

    10 Infotainment system 213 Radio functions HU-450 10 Programming stations – Set the desired frequency. – Brief ly press th e PRESET/CD knob. – Select a number by turning forward or back. Press again to store the desired frequenc y and station. Prese t To select a preset radio programme, turn the PRESET/CD knob to the stored number. The preset[…]

  • Страница 215

    10 Infotainment system 214 Radio functions HU-650/850 10 Stori ng stat ions To store stations on the preset buttons 1-6: – Set the desired station. – Press and hold the desired s tation storage button. The sound mutes a f ew seconds. STATION STORED is shown in the dis- play. Up to 6 stations each ca n be stored under AM1, AM2, FM1, FM2 and FM3,[…]

  • Страница 216

    10 Infotainment system 215 Radio functions HU-450/650/850 10 Radio Data System – RDS RDS is a system tha t links together specifi c network transmitters. It is used, for example , to tune the correct freq uency of a station irre- spective of the transmitter or the active audio source (e.g. CD). The sys tem can also be used for receiving tra ffic […]

  • Страница 217

    10 Infotainment system 216 Radio functions HU-450/650/850 10 Alarm » Alarm! » is shown in the radio display when an alarm mess age is broadcast. T his function is used to warn moto rists of major a ccidents and catastrophes, such as a bri dge collapse or an accident at a nuclear plant. TP searc h This function allows you to listen to traf[…]

  • Страница 218

    10 Infotainment system 217 Radio functions HU-450/650/850 10 Programme type – PT Y Use the PTY function to select between the various pr ogramme types . – Select radio mode using the FM button and press SOURCE . – Turn SOURCE , select PTY and press SOURCE . – Turn SOURCE , select PTY in the menu and press SOURCE . The radio begins see king […]

  • Страница 219

    10 Infotainment system 218 Radio functions HU-450/650/850 10 Automatic frequen cy updating The AF function is normally activate and en- sures that the radio tunes to the strongest available transmitte r. Activating AF – Select radio mode using the FM button and press SOURCE . – Turn SOURCE , select ADVANCED MENU and press SOURCE . – Turn SOUR[…]

  • Страница 220

    10 Infotainment system 219 Radio functions HU-450/650/850 10 – Turn SOURCE , select RESET TO DEFAU LT and press SOURCE . –P r e s s EXIT . ASC (Active Sound Contr ol) The ASC function automatically adapts the volume of the radio to vehicle speed. Activating ASC : – Select radio mode using the FM button and press SOURCE . – Turn SOURCE , se […]

  • Страница 221

    10 Infotainment system 220 Cassette play er HU-450 10 Cassette opening Insert the cassette in the slot with the wider part to the right. TAPE Side A appears i n the display. When one side is finished, the c assette play- er automatically plays back the other side (auto reverse). To play a cassette tha t is already in the cas — sette player, turn th[…]

  • Страница 222

    10 Infotainment system 221 CD player HU-650 10 CD player Insert a CD. If there is already a C D in the player, activate it by turning the SOURCE knob or pressing the CD shortcut key. CD eject If you press the button shown in the illustration, the CD player stops playing and the disc is ejected. F ast f or war d/rev erse and c hange trac k Press and[…]

  • Страница 223

    10 Infotainment system 222 Internal CD changer HU-850 10 Internal CD changer HU-850 contains an in ternal 6-disc CD changer. Press the CD shortcut key or turn the SOURCE knob to activate the CD play er. The CD player resumes with the mos t recent- ly played CD. Up to 6 discs can be inserted in the CD play- er. An empty slot in the player must be se[…]

  • Страница 224

    10 Infotainment system 223 External CD c hanger HU-450/650/850 (option) 10 CD c hanger The external CD changer is mounted behind the panel on the rear left-ha nd side of the cargo area. Activate the CD changer mode by turning the SOURCE knob; the C D changer resumes playing the most recently pl ayed disc and track. If the CD player c artridge* is e[…]

  • Страница 225

    10 Infotainment system 224 Dolby Surround Pro Logic II HU-850 10 General Dolby Surround Pro Logic II is a further re- finement of the pr ev ious system an d pro- vides a significantl y improved sound experi- ence. This improvem ent is especially noti ce- able to rear seat passe ngers. Dolby Surround Pro Logi c II together with a centre speaker in t[…]

  • Страница 226

    10 Infotainment system 225 T ec hnical data 10 HU-450 HU-650 HU-850 Output 4 x 25 W 4 x 25 W 1 x 25 W (centre loudsp eaker) Impedance 4 Ohm Operating voltage 1 2 V , negative ground External amplif ier – 4 x 50 W or 4 x 75 W (option) 4 x 50 W or 4 x 75 W 1 Radio F requenc y U (FM) 87 .5 – 1 08 MHz M (AM) 522 – 1 61 1 kHz L (AM) 1 53 – 279 k[…]

  • Страница 227

    10 Infotainment system 226 Phone functions (option) 10 Phone system components[…]

  • Страница 228

    10 Infotainment system 227 Phone functions (option) 10 General r ules • Put traffi c safety firs t! If when driving you require to use the privacy handset in the armrest, park the ca r in a safe plac e first. • Switch off the phone wh en refuelling. • Switch off the phone in areas where blast — ing work is being carried out. • Only allow au[…]

  • Страница 229

    10 Infotainment system 228 Phone functions (option) 10 SIM card The phone can only be used w ith a valid SIM card (Subscriber Identity Module). Your net- work operator suppli es this card. Always use the SIM card during phone use; the name of your network o perator will be displayed. Switch off the phone w henever a SIM card is not in use. Otherwis[…]

  • Страница 230

    10 Infotainment system 229 Call options 10 Display The display will show the function in use, f or example menu selectio ns, messages, phone numbers or settings. Making and receiving calls To d i a l Dial the number and press on the steer- ing wheel or centre consol e keypad (or lift the handset). T o receive an incomin g call Press (or lift the ha[…]

  • Страница 231

    10 Infotainment system 230 Call options 10 Speed dial Storing speed dial number s A number stored in the phon e book can be linked to a speed dial button (1-9) as follows: – Scroll with to Edit memory (menu 3) and press . – Scroll to Speed dial (Menu 3.4) and press . – Choose the digit that is to be the spee d dial number. Press to confirm. ?[…]

  • Страница 232

    10 Infotainment system 231 Call options 10 Call waiting If you hear a tone in the speaker when the phone is engaged followe d by a two-tone signal, ano ther party is pl acing a call t o your phone. The two-tone signal will repeat until you answer the call o r ringing ceases. When this occu rs, you may ac cept or decli ne the call. If you do not wis[…]

  • Страница 233

    10 Infotainment system 232 Memor y functio ns 10 Stori ng in the memor y Phone numbers and names can be stored in either the phone memory or the SIM card memory. When you accept a phone ca ll from a party whose number is stored in the memory, their name will be shown in the display. The phone memory can store up to 255 names. Storin g phone numbers[…]

  • Страница 234

    10 Infotainment system 233 Memor y functions 10 Dialling from the memory – Press in the centr e console o r in the steering wheel keypad. Choose from the f ollowing alternati ves: – Press in the ce ntre console or in the steering whe el keypad and browse with the arrows until yo u locate the required name. – Press the key of the first letter […]

  • Страница 235

    10 Infotainment system 234 Menu functions 10 Menu function Use the menu function when checking func- tions, changing settings and pro gramming new functions in your system. The vario us menu selections w ill be shown in the displa y. Press to acce ss the menu function. The following a pplies in the menu function: • A long press on means you exit […]

  • Страница 236

    10 Infotainment system 235 Menu functions 10 3. Edit memory 3.1. Enter item 3.2. Search 3.2.1. Edi t 3.2.2. Era se 3.2.3. Copy 3.2.4. Move 3.3. Copy all 3.3.1. SIM to phone 3.3.2. Phone to S IM 3.4. Speed dial 3.5. Empty SIM 3.6. Empty memory 3.7. Status 4. Call options 4.1. Transmit number 4.2. Call waiting 4.3. Automatic answe r 4.4. Automatic re[…]

  • Страница 237

    10 Infotainment system 236 Menu functions 10 Menu options, description 1. Call register 1.1. Missed calls A list of missed c alls is shown here. You can choose to call, erase or store the number in the phone or SIM card m emory for l ater use. 1.2. Rece ived calls A list of rec eived calls is s hown here. You can choose to call, erase or store the […]

  • Страница 238

    10 Infotainment system 237 Menu functions 10 3.5. Empty SIM The entire memory of the SIM card can be erased. 3.6. Empty memory The entire memory of the phone can be erased. 3.7. Status See how many places in t he SIM card or phone memory are occupied by names and numbers. 4. Call options 4.1. Transmit number Select whether or not your own number sh[…]

  • Страница 239

    10 Infotainment system 238 Menu functions 10 5.5.2. Phone code (use 12 34 until you change to your own code). The phone co de is used to reset the call timer. 5.6. Volume 5.6.1. Ringer vol ume: Here you can choose the volume of the ringer for incoming calls. 5.6.2. Ring signa l: You have eigh t different types of ring signals to choose from. 5.6.3.[…]

  • Страница 240

    10 Infotainment system 239 Miscellaneous inf ormatio n 10 Radio/Phone The four lower buttons on the steer ing wheel keypad are common to the audio system and phone. The phone must be in ac tive mode in orde r to adjust the phone functions with these but- tons, see page 228. If you wish to adjust r adio settings using these buttons you must first de[…]

  • Страница 241

    240 T ype designation ……………. ………….. ………….. ………….. ……….. ………….. . 242 Dimensions and w eights …….. ………….. ………….. ………… ………….. ……… 243 Engine specifications …………………….. ………….. ………….. ………….. ……… 244 Engine oil ………[…]

  • Страница 242


  • Страница 243

    11 Specifications 242 T ype designation 11 Knowing the car’s type desi gnation, vehicle identification and engi ne numbers can facili- tate all contact with a Volvo de aler regarding the car and when ordering spare parts and accessories. 1. Type des ignation, ve hicle i dentification number, maximu m permissible weights, codes for colour and upho[…]

  • Страница 244

    11 Specifications 243 Dimensions and weights 11 Dimensions (cm) We i g h t s Kerb weight includes the driver, the we ight of the fuel tank when filled to 90 % an d various fluids, such as washer fluid and coolant. The weight of passenger s and accessories, such as a towbar, loa d carriers, space bo x etc. and towball load ( when a trailer is hitche[…]

  • Страница 245

    11 Specifications 244 Engine specif ications 11 Engine type designation, com ponent and se- rial number can be re ad on the engine, see page 242. 2.4 BIFUEL (CNG) 2.4 2.0T 2.5T 2.4T Engine designation B5244S2 B5244SG B5244S B5204T5 B5254T2 B52 44T4 1 Output (kW/rpm) 1 03/4500 103/5800 12 5 / 6 0 0 0 1 32/5500 1 54/50 0 0 1 62/550 0 (hp/rpm) 1 40/45[…]

  • Страница 246

    11 Specifications 245 Engine specifications 11 Engine type designation, com ponent and se- rial number can be re ad on the engine, see page 242. T5 R D 2.4D D5 Engine designation B5244T5 B5254T4 D5244T7 D5244 T5 D5244T4 Output (kW/rpm) 19 1 / 5 5 0 0 220/550 0 92/40 0 0 12 0 / 5 5 0 0 1 36/400 0 (hp/rpm) 260/5500 300/550 0 12 6 / 4 0 0 0 16 3 / 5 5[…]

  • Страница 247

    11 Specifications 246 Engine oil 11 Adve rse dr iving conditions Check the oil level m ore freque ntly for long journeys: • towing a caravan or trailer • in mountaino us regi ons • at high speeds • in temperatures col der than –30 °C or hotter than +40 °C. This can produce abnormally high oil temper- ature or oil consumption. Also check[…]

  • Страница 248

    11 Specifications 247 Engine oil 11 Oil decal When the oil deca l shown alongside he re is in the car’s engine co mpartment, the following applies. See locati on on page 242. Oil grade: ACEA A1/B1 Viscosity: S AE 5W–30 When driving under adv erse conditions, use ACEA A5/B5 SAE 0W-30. Engine variant V olume between MIN–MAX (litres) Vo l u m e […]

  • Страница 249

    11 Specifications 248 Engine oil 11 Oil decal When the oil deca l shown alongside he re is in the car’s engine co mpartment, the following applies. See loca tion on page 242. Oil grade: ACEA A5/B5 Viscosity: S AE 0W–30 Engine variant V olume bet ween MIN–MAX (litr es) Vo l u m e 1 (litres ) 2.0T B5204T5 1.2 5.5 2.4 B5244S B5244S2 2.4T B5244T4[…]

  • Страница 250

    11 Specifications 249 Fluids and lubr icants 11 Fluid System Vo l u m e (litr es) Recommended oil grade Gearbo x oil Manual 5 speed (M56/M58) 2.1 T ransmission fluid MTF 97309 Manual 6-speed (M66) 2.0 Automatic gearbox (A W55-50, A W55-51) 7. 2 T ransmission fluid JWS 3309 Automatic gearbo x (TF -80SC) 7. 0 Coolant Petr ol engine without t urbo 8.0[…]

  • Страница 251

    11 Specifications 250 Fue l 11 Consumption, em issions and v olume Engine Gearbox Consumption litre/1 00 km Emissions of CO 2 (g/km) T ank vo lume (litres ) 2.4 B5244S2 Manual 5 speed (M56) 8.8 209 70 Automatic gearbo x (A W55-51) 9.5 226 Bi-fuel B5244SG Manual 5 speed (M56) 8.7 208 30 Automatic gearbo x (A W55-50) 9.5 228 2.4 B5244S Manual 5 speed[…]

  • Страница 252

    11 Specifications 251 Fue l 11 Engine Gearbox Consumption litre/ 100 km Emissions of CO2 (g/km) T ank vo lume (litres ) D5 D5244T4 Automatic g earbox (TF -80SC) 7. 5 19 9 70 Manual 6-speed (M66) 6.6 174 2.4D D5244T5 Automatic gear box (TF — 80SC) 7. 5 19 9 Manual 6-speed (M66) 6.6 174 Manual 5 speed (M56) 6.4 16 9 D D5244T7 Manual 5 speed (M56) 6.4[…]

  • Страница 253

    11 Specifications 252 Fue l 11 Fuel consumption and emissions of carbon dioxide Official fuel c onsumption figures ar e based on a standard driving cy cle in accordance with EU Directive 80/1268 comb. Fuel con- sumption figures may chang e if the car is equipped with extra equipment that af fects the car’s weight. The manner in whi ch the car is […]

  • Страница 254

    11 Specifications 253 Catalytic conver ter 11 General The purpose of the catalytic converter is to purify exhaust gases. It is located in the flow of exhaust gases close to the engine so that it quickly reaches operatin g temperature. The catalytic converter co nsists of a monolith (cerami c or metal ) with chan nels. The chan- nel walls are line d[…]

  • Страница 255

    11 Specifications 254 Electrical system 11 General 12 V system with a voltage-reg ulated alterna — tor. Single pole system in which the chassis and engine block are used as conductors. Batter y If the battery is change d, replace it with a battery of the same cold start capacity and reserve capacity as the original (see the decal on the battery). V[…]

  • Страница 256

    11 Specifications 255 Electrical system 11 Bulbs Lighti ng Output W Soc ket Dipped beam 55 H7 Bi-Xenon 35 D2S Main beam 55 HB3 Brake lights, re versing lamps, r ear fog lamp 21 BA1 5s Dire ction indicator s, rear/fr ont (y ello w) 21 BA U1 5s Rear position/parking lamps, rear s ide mark er lamps 5 BA Y1 5d Cour tesy lighting, car go ar ea lighting,[…]

  • Страница 257

    11 Specifications 256 11[…]

  • Страница 258

    11 Specifications 257 11[…]

  • Страница 259

    Alphabetical index 258 A ABS ………………………………………………….. 123 ABS fault ………………………………………… 42 AC ………………………………………………… 7 2, 75 Active Bi-Xenon Lights, ABL ………………….. 47 Active chassis ……………………………………… 45 Active […]

  • Страница 260

    Alphabetical index 259 Child child seats and airbags …………………….. 27 Child seat fixture system …………………………….. …… 33 installation ………………………………………. 33 Children child safety locks …………………………… 103 child seats and side airbags ……………… 21 position in car[…]

  • Страница 261

    Alphabetical index 260 Engine oil …………………………………………… 180 adverse driving conditions ………………. 246 capacities ……………………………………… 247 changing ………………………………………. 180 filter ……………………………………………… 180 oil grade …………[…]

  • Страница 262

    Alphabetical index 261 Lighting Active Bi-Xenon Lights ……………………… 47 automatic lighting ……………………………. 84 automatic lighting, dipped beam ……….. 49 bulb replacement, general ………………. 188 bulbs, specifications ………………………. 255 dipped beam …………………………………… […]

  • Страница 263

    Alphabetical index 262 R Radio functions general …………………………………………. 212 HU-450 …………………………………………. 213 HU-650/850 ………………………………….. 214 Rain sensor …………………………………………. 53 Reading lamps ……………………………….. …… 84 R[…]

  • Страница 264

    Alphabetical index 263 Temperature actual temperature …………………………… 70 passenger compa rtment, electroni c climate control ………………………………… 74 passenger compartment, m anual climate control ……………………………………………. 72 Tools ……………………………………………….[…]

  • Страница 265

    Volvo Car Corporation TP 9014 (English), A T 0648 Printed in Sweden, Göteborg 2006, Copyright © 2000-2006 Volvo Car Corporation V olvo. for life[…]

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