Водонагреватель timberk swh fs1 100 ve инструкция

Руководство пользователя TIMBERK SWH FSL1 100 VE. Основные функции, характеристики и условия эксплуатации изложены на 17 страницах документа в pdf формате.


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  • Instruction manual
    Руководство по эксплуатации
    Электрический              Electrical
    накопительный              storage water
    водонагреватель            heater
    Модели/Models:           SWH FSL1 30 V
    SWH FSL1 50 V
    SWH FSL1 80 V
    SWH FSL1 100 V
    SWH FSL2 30 H
    SWH FSL2 50 H
    SWH FSL2 80 H
    SWH FSL2 100 H
    FSL1 серия/series  FSP1 серия/series
    SWH FSP1 30 V
    SWH FSP1 50 V
    SWH FSP1 80 V
    SWH FSP1 100 V
    SWH FSP2 30 H
    SWH FSP2 50 H
    SWH FSP2 80 H
    SWH FSP2 100 H
    FSL2 серия/series
    Outlook of devices, aslo colour scores can be revised without any special advance
    Производитель вправе менять внешний вид прибора и цветовую гамму при-
    бора без специального уведомления.
  • the first run.
    TABLE OF CONTENTS                       Dear customer!                                                                      2. PRECAUTIONS                       To prevent burns  you  should adjust  the temperature  of  the  discharging
    Thank you for your good choice. You purchased TIMBERK                A number of precautions is to be observed upon operation of the fan heat-
    1.  Important information                     2     electric storage water heater with an enameled internal tank. It     er. Improper operation as a result of ignoring precautions may harm health   16. Do not use the water heater for purposes not specified by this oper-
    ation manual.
    2.  Precautions                               3     will serve you for a long time!                                      of the user and other people, as well as damage their property.  17. Do not use the water heater in an explosive or corrosive environment.
    3.  Application of water heater               3     TIMBERK electric storage water heaters will provide a lot            1. Any electrical appliance must be supervised when in operation, espe-  Do not store gas and other volatile flammable liquids next to the appliance
    4.  Performanceparameters                     3     of hot water and will automatically maintain the specified           cially if there are children nearby. Make sure children do not touch the ap-  – it is very dangerous!
    Technical characteristics                   4     temperature. They are perfect to provide hot water for country       2. Prior to installing the water heater, not connecting it to electrical main,   18. It is forbidden to make alterations in the design of the water heater or
    houses, cottages, baths and other standalone amenity rooms.
    Dimensional features                        5                                                                          check and make sure the outlet for the  water heater has a ground pin and   modify it.
    5.  Water heater description                  5                                                                          if it is properly earthed. If there is no earth circuit in your electrical main then   19. Any service operations must be performed by a specialized organisa-
    tion and qualified specialists. Improper installation may cause voiding of
    6.  Delivery set                              6             1. IMPORTANT INFORMATION                                     operation of the water heater is dangerous for your life.  guarantee maintenance.
    7.  Water heater installation                 7                                                                          3. Connect the water heater only to 220-230V, 50Hz main. If necessary,   20. The water heater is not intended for use by children and persons with
    find out parameters of your mains at power suppliers.
    Location                                    7                                                                          4. To prevent overheating and risk of fire, as well as damage of internal   reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or a lack of experience
    Water heater mounting methods               7    Please, read this operation manual carefully prior to use of the water heater.  electrical main, do no modify the power cord’s length and do no connect   and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or instruction
    concerning use of the appliance by an individual responsible for their safe-
    Water heater mounting                       8    This operation manual contains important information regarding your   the water heater through electrical extenders.      ty. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the
    safety, as well as recommendations on the proper operation of the unit and
    Connection to water main                    9    its maintenance.                                                      5. It is forbidden to switch on the water heater if it is not filled with water or   appliance.
    Connection to electric mains                9    Save this operation manual together with the guarantee card, cash register   if water cannot go through a pressure safety valve.
    Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter(GFCI)     10    receipt, if possible, cardboard box and packing material.             6. Never use the water heater if it is broken.           3. APPLICATION OF WATER HEATER
    8.  Water heater control                     11    Different types of this device are described in this manual.          7. Do not remove the water heater cover when it is in operation.
    Control panel                              11    The purchased water heater can slightly differ from the one, described in   8. Immediately unplug the water heater from electrical main if strange   Electric water heater is used to heat cold water from water supply. Unit is
    sounds, odor or smoke are coming from it.
    Water heater operation                     11    the manual, but that doesn’t affect methods of its use and operation.  9. Always unplug the water heater from electrical main during a thunder-  for household use.
    9.  Maintenance                              12                                                                          storm.
    10.  Troubleshooting                         13              IMPORTANT!                                                  10. Prior to cleaning and maintenance of the water heater unplug it from   4. PERFORMANCE PARAMETERS
    11.  Transportation and storage conditions   13              Important precautions  and  instructions, contained  in     electrical main. Cleaning and maintenance must be performed in compli-
    ance with instructions of this operation manual.
    12.  Wiring diagram                          14              this manual, do not account for all possible modes and      11. Do not use hazardous chemical substances to clean the water heater   1. Completely automatic control: automatic water heating, continuous auto-
    13.  Disposal                                14              situations  to  be  encountered.  It  is  vital  to  understand   and prevent their contact with the appliance.  matic water temperature control.
    that common sense, caution and thoroughness are the
    14.  Serial number and production date       14              factors that are impossible to be built-in in any product.   12. To prevent electrical shock the damaged power cord must be replaced   2. DROP Defense – leakage protection and protection against surplus pres-
    These factors must be taken into consideration by           only in manufacturer’s authorized service centers by qualified specialists.  sure within a tank (pressure safety valve).
    a  person,  interested  in  proper  operation  of  the  unit.   13. To prevent electrical shock do not place the power cord nearby heating   HOT Defense – two-stage overheating protection (thermostat and tempera-
    The manufacturer does not bear any responsibility in        devices and flammables or combustibles.             ture limiter).
    case when the unit or its parts are damaged during                                                              ALL PROTECTION SYSTEMS ARE RELIABLE AND SAFE.
    transportation,  as  a  result  of  improper  installation,   14. Do not press buttons on the control panel of the water heater and its
    voltage fluctuations, as well as if some part of the unit   remote controller (for some models) otherwise but by your fingers.  3. Pipes of heating elements are designed taking into account high heat load:
    was altered or modified.                                    15. Since temperature of water in the water heater can reach +75°C, when   safe and reliable, with an increased service life.
    it is in operation you should not place your body parts under hot water at   4. NON CFC urethane foam insulation of increased thickness: excellent heat
    2      www.timberk.com • electrical storage water heater                                                                                                                             www.timberk.com • electrical storage water heater  3
  • insulation that allows to efficiently retain accumulated heat and save energy.  Table 2
    5. Temperature controller: accurate and reliable water temperature control.  SWH FSP1 30 V/   SWH FSP1 50 V/   SWH FSP1 80 V/   SWH FSP1 100  V/   IMPORTANT!                         Capacity, l  A  B  C  D  E  F   G   H
    6. FSP models equipped wiht temperature display shows current water tem-  Description  Units  SWH FSP2 30 H  SWH FSP2 50 H  SWH FSP2 80 H  SWH FSP2 100 H
    perature in water heater tanks.                                                                                                    Technical characteristics of the water heater you    30   550  266  240  238  435  450  20  73
    7. Internal tanks and all internal components are made out of SUS 304 stain-  Rated voltage  V/Hz  230~/50  230~/50  230~/50  230~/50  purchased as of the date of manufacture correspond to
    less steel with walls 1.2 mm thick.                                                                                                data, specified in the table. Technical characteristics and   SWH    FSL2/  SWH    50  855  266  500  238  435  450  20  73
    scope of delivery can be revised without any prior notice.
    8. The water heater is equipped with an anode bar to protect the internal   Rated current  A  8.7  8.7  8.7  8.7                                                              FSP2 series
    tank from corrosion and decrease scale generation on the heating element.                                                                                                               80   991  298  450  270  493  510  20  91,5
    Technical characteristics                           Rated power  W  2000   2000     2000     2000                        Dimensions                     Series FSL1/FSP1                100  1190  298  550  270  493  510  20  91,5
    Series FSM1/FSQ1
    Technical characteristics of water heaters are given below in Table 1, 2.
    Table 1                                             Stage power  W  800/1200/2000  800/1200/2000  800/1200/2000  800/1200/2000  Series FSL2/FSP2
    Series FSM2/FSQ2                                           5. WATER HEATER DESCRIPTION
    SWH FSL1 30 V/   SWH FSL1 50 V/   SWH FSL1 80 V/   SWH FSL1 100  V/
    Description  Units
    SWH FSL2 30 H  SWH FSL2 50 H  SWH FSL2 80 H  SWH FSL2 100 H  Tank capacity  L  30  50  80  100
    Fig.3 shows the design of the horizontal-type water heater.
    Rated voltage  V/Hz  230~/50  230~/50  230~/50  230~/50
    pressure  Mpa  0,7    0,7      0,7      0,7                                                                             Example is FSL/FSP.
    Rated current  A  8.7  8.7      8.7       8.7
    Protection   –  I     I        I         I                                                                              FSL2
    Rated power  W  2000  2000     2000     2000
    Stage power  W  800/1200/2000  800/1200/2000  800/1200/2000  800/1200/2000  protection   –  IPX4  IPX4  IPX4  IPX4
    Tank capacity  L  30   50       80        100       Heating time,   min  21  43     64       79
    at ? 30 ?C
    pressure  Mpa  0,7    0,7      0,7       0,7        Appliance   mm  550x435x238  855x435x238  991x493x270  1190x493x270  Fig. 1                        Fig. 2
    Protection   –  I      I        I        I
    Class                                                                                                                  Dimensions of water heaters (mm) are made in accordance with fig. 1, fig.
    Weight  kg   9,8      13,4     18,9     23,4
    Water                                                                                                                  2 and fig. 3.
    protection   –  IPX4  IPX4     IPX4     IPX4
    class                                             Factual year                                                         Table 3
    energy   kW•h  335,8  452,6   481,8     518,3
    Heating time,   min  21  43     64        79        consumption
    at ? 30 ?C                                                                                                                        Capacity, l  A  B  C  D  E  F   G   H
    Constant daily   kW•h /
    Appliance                                          heating loss  day  0,98  1,23   1,33     1,45
    dimensions  mm  550x435x238  855x435x238  991x493x270  1190x493x270                                                                30   550  570  240  238  435  20  73  -
    Weight  kg  9,8      13,4     18,9     23,4
    50   855  875  500  238  435  20  73  -
    Factual year                                                                                                             SWH  FSL1/ SWH
    energy   kW•h  335,8  452,6   481,8    518,3                                                                             FSP1 series
    consumption                                                                                                                         80   991  1011  450  270  493  20  91,5  -
    Constant daily   kW•h /   0,98  1,23  1,33  1,45                                                                                                                  91,5  -
    heating loss  day                                                                                                                  100  1190  1210  550  270  493  20
    Fig. 3
    4      www.timberk.com • electrical storage water heater                                                                                                                             www.timberk.com • electrical storage water heater  5

Код: 86882

Водонагреватель Timberk SWH FSL1 100 VE — фото 1 / 2

Водонагреватель Timberk SWH FSL1 100 VE — фото 3 / 2

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Instruction manual

Руководство по эксплуатации





SWH FSL1 30 V 



SWH FSL1 100 V

SWH FSL2 30 H 



SWH FSL2 100 H

SWH FSP1 30 V 



SWH FSP1 100 V

SWH FSP2 30 H 



SWH FSP2 100 H

FSL1 серия/series

FSP1 серия/series

FSL2 серия/series


storage water


Outlook of devices, aslo colour scores can be revised without any special advance 

Производитель вправе менять внешний вид прибора и цветовую гамму при-

бора без специального уведомления.

  • Инструкции по эксплуатации



TIMBERK SWH FSL1 100 VE инструкция по эксплуатации
(17 страниц)

  • Языки:Русский
  • Тип:
  • Размер:
    612.31 KB
  • Описание:
    Накопительный водонагреватель


На NoDevice можно скачать инструкцию по эксплуатации для TIMBERK SWH FSL1 100 VE. Руководство пользователя необходимо для ознакомления с правилами установки и эксплуатации TIMBERK SWH FSL1 100 VE. Инструкции по использованию помогут правильно настроить TIMBERK SWH FSL1 100 VE, исправить ошибки и выявить неполадки.

Раздел: Климатическое Оборудование

Тип: Электрический Проточный Водонагреватель

Характеристики, спецификации

Тип водонагревателя:


Способ нагрева:


Нагревательный элемент:


Способ подачи воды:


Максимальная температура нагрева воды:

+75 °С

Номинальная мощность:

2 кВт


индикатор включения, ускоренный нагрев


ограничение температуры нагрева,магниевый анод, защита от перегрева, предохранительный клапан, обратный клапан

Внутреннее покрытие бака:



вертикальная, нижняя подводка, способ крепления: настенный

Размеры (ШхВхГ):

490x1180x270 мм

Инструкция к Электрическому Проточному Водонагревателю Timberk SWH FS1 100 V

Аннотация для Электрического Проточного Водонагревателя Timberk SWH FS1 100 V в формате PDF

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