Виды руководства целевой

  • Contents

  • Table of Contents

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User Manual

Nord Electro 4d

OS Version 1.x

Part No. 50384

Copyright Clavia DMI AB

Print Edition 1.1


Related Manuals for Clavia Nord Electro 4D

Summary of Contents for Clavia Nord Electro 4D

  • Page 1
    User Manual Nord Electro 4d OS Version 1.x Part No. 50384 Copyright Clavia DMI AB Print Edition 1.1…
  • Page 2: Important Safety Instructions

    Trademarks: The Nord logo is a trademark of Clavia DMI AB. All other trademarks mentioned in this publication are the properties of their respective holders. Specifications and appearances are subject to change without notice.

  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    | 3 Nord Electro 4D Table of Contents Clav .EQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 The Quick Tour .

  • Page 4: Thank You

    All .trademarks .and .brand .names .mentioned .in .this .manual .are .the . property .of .their .respective .owner’s .and .are .not .affiliated .or .associated . with .Clavia . .These .trademarks .and .brand .names .are .only .mentioned .to . describe .the .types .of .sounds .reproduced .by .Nord .Electro .4D .

  • Page 5: Knobs & Buttons

     chaptEr2ovErviEw | 5 2 Overview The .front .panel .of .the .Nord .Electro .4D .has .four .main .areas, .Organ, . Selector buttons Piano, .Program .and .Effects . .We’ll .familiarize .ourselves .briefly .with .the . Selector .buttons .are .used .to . panel .here .and .describe .the .functions .in .detail .in .the .following .chapters .

  • Page 6: Audio Connections

    6 |  N orDElEctro4DUsErMaNUalosv1.x 3 Connections CONTROL ROTOR SUSTAIN MIDI MIDI MONITOR RIGHT LEFT OUT PEDAL PEDAL PEDAL MONO HEADPHONES Audio connections MIDI Connections Headphones MIDI In This .is .where .you .connect .a .¼» .stereo .connector .from .a .pair .of .head- MIDI .connection .used .to .receive .MIDI .data .to .the .Nord .Electro .4D .from .

  • Page 7: Pedal Connections

     chaptEr3coNNEctioNs | 7 Sustain Pedal Pedal Connections ¼» .connector .for .a .switch .type .pedal . .When .a .connected .pedal .is . operated, .the .notes .you .play .will .be .sustained . CONTROL ROTOR SUSTAIN MIDI MIDI MONITOR RIGHT LEFT OUT Rotor Pedal PEDAL PEDAL…

  • Page 8: About The Programs

    8 |  N orDElEctro4DUsErMaNUalosv1.x 4 Getting Started Let’s .take .a .few .minutes .to .get .familiar .with .the .Electro .4D . .The .user .interface .is .designed .to .be .as .intuitive .as .possible, .and .to .perform .as .well .as .you . do .in .a .live .situation .

  • Page 9: Using The Organ

     chaptEr4GEttiNGstartED | 9 Use .the .Model .selector .buttons .to .select .one .of .the .samples .that .are . included .in .the .Electro .4D .from .the .factory . . The Rotary effect Press .the .Samp . The .rotary .effect .adds .some .great .sonic .drama .to .the .organs, .but .can . Env .button .

  • Page 10: Storing A Program

    10 | NorDElEctro4DUsErMaNUalosv1.x Storing a program Adding effects If .you .are .happy .with .a .change .to .a .program .that .you .have .made, .you . Select .the .program .number .1 .2 .which . should .probably .store .the .program . is .a .Grand .Piano .with .a .hint .of .reverb . . .Press .the .Store .button .

  • Page 11: Master .Level .Knob

     chaptEr5NorDElEctro4DrEfErENcE | 11 5 Nord Electro 4D Reference Master level knob This .control .sets .the .overall .output .level .of . Each .drawbar .represents .a .partial .with .a .fixed .harmonic .interval .relating . the .Electro .4D, .at .the .line .and .the .headphone .

  • Page 12: Rotary .Speed

    12 | NorDElEctro4DUsErMaNUalosv1.x Rotary Speed Percussion The .rotary .speaker .speed .is .controlled .with . The .Percussion .effect .adds . the .rotary .speed .buttons .or .with .an .external . extra .attack .to .the .B3 .sound .by . pedal .connected .to .the .rotor .pedal .input .on . having .a .single .envelope .gener- the .rear .panel .

  • Page 13: Additional .Midi .Keyboard

    . .That’s .one .reason .why .they .all . sound .and .feel .so .authentic . The .Piano .section .also .includes .the .ability .to .use .samples .from .the . Nord .Sample .Library, .like .the .Mellotron .or .Chamberlin .sounds .that .have . been .licensed .by .Clavia .

  • Page 14: Samp .Env

    14 | NorDElEctro4DUsErMaNUalosv1.x Samp Env Program section When .the .Samp .Lib .type .is .active, .the .Samp .Env .LEDs .and .button .can . be .used .to .set .a .desired .velocity .response .and .attack .and .release .time . The .Program .section . behavior .that .affects .the .playback .of .the .samples .

  • Page 15: Instrument .Selectors

     chaptEr5NorDElEctro4DrEfErENcE | 15 If .the .Live .memory .is .selected .and .you .decide .you .wish .to .store .the . PressMandMholdMShiftMandMpressMtheMEffectMselectorMtoMcycleMthroughM settings .permanently .as .a .program .you .can .do .so .using .the .stan- theMeffectsMinMaMcounterMclockwiseMfashion.M dard .methods .(see .above) . .You .can .also .store .programs .into .the .Live . memory .location, .in .which .case .the .program .settings .will .replace .the .

  • Page 16: Reverb

    16 | NorDElEctro4DUsErMaNUalosv1.x Reverb The .Reverb .section .simulates .the .natural .sound .reflections .in .various . acoustic .environments . .You .can .choose .between .five .reverb .types .with . various .lengths .and .densities, .indicated .by .the .three .LEDs .that .light .up . one .or .two .at .a .time .

  • Page 17: System Menu

     chaptEr6thEMENUs | 17 6 The Menus Any .settings .that .you .change .in .the .System, .MIDI, .B3 .or .Rotary .menu .will .take .immediate .effect .on .a .global .basis, .and .will .be .stored .until .you . change .them .the .next .time . .Enter .the .menus .by .pressing .and .holding .Shift .and .the .System, .MIDI, .B3 .or .Rotary .button .(Prog .1, .Prog .2, .Prog .3 .or . Prog .4) .

  • Page 18: Ctrl .Pedal .Mode

    18 | NorDElEctro4DUsErMaNUalosv1.x 10 — Ctrl Pedal Mode 4 — Lower Channel A .connected .control .pedal .can .be .used .to .control .several .things . .It .can . This .sets .the .MIDI .channel .that .the .Lower .Manual .of .the .Nord .Elec- be .used .as .a .solitary .organ .swell .pedal .(swell .is .a .combination .of .vol- tro 4D .organ .section .responds .to .when .the .organ .split .and .the .MIDI .

  • Page 19: Tonewheel .Mode

     chaptEr6thEMENUs | 19 B3 Menu Rotary Menu 1 — Tonewheel Mode 1- Rotary Model Sets .the .level .of .tonewheel .crosstalk .and .cable .leakage .artifacts .of .the . There .is .one .rotary .model .available, .with .two .separate .microphone . B3 .organ .model . positions .

  • Page 20: System .Requirements

    The .Nord .Sound .Manager .is .compatible .with .computers .running .Mac .OSX .10 .4 .or .later, .Windows .XP, .Windows .7 .and .Windows .Vista . .If .you .run .the . Nord .Sound .Manager .on .a .Windows .computer, .you .also .need .a .Clavia .USB .Driver .of .version .3 .0 .or .later .installed .

  • Page 21: The .Toolbar

     chaptEr7NorDsoUNDMaNaGEr | 21 The Toolbar Replace (Pianos & Samples) This .feature .makes .it .possible .to .replace .a .piano .or .a .sample .in .the .unit . with .another .piano .or .sample .from .your .hard .drive . .The .process .will . update .all .the .programs .that .used .the .former .piano/sample, .to .use .the .

  • Page 22: The Quick Tour

    22 | NorDElEctro4DUsErMaNUalosv1.x Using .the .Toolbar .or .Menu .command: .Click .on .the .Sound .Down . icon .in .the .toolbar . .The .same .command .is .also .available .in .the .File . The Quick Tour menu: .Sound .Download .(Ctrl-D) . Let’s .get .acquainted .with .some .of .the .functions .in .the .Nord .Sound . Browse .to .the .folder .on .the .hard .drive .where .the .desired .sound .is .

  • Page 23: Relink

    Open .the .Program .tab .and .right-click .a .program .in .the .list . . Upload sounds from the Nord Electro 4D Select .the .Relink .Samp .Lib .option .in .the .context .menu . .The .menu . will .expand .to .show .the .sample .that .is .linked .to .this .program . .

  • Page 24: Upload .A .Program .Bundle

    24 | NorDElEctro4DUsErMaNUalosv1.x After .the .Manager .has .verified .the .files .in .the .Bundle, .the .Program . Upload a Program Bundle Bundle .Download .dialog .will .appear . . Open .the .Program .Tab .and .select .one, .or .several .programs . .Use . ClickMonMShowMDetailsMifMyouMwantMtoMseeMwhatMprograms,MpianosM Ctrl-click .to .make .non-consecutive .selections .like .this .one: .

  • Page 25: Organize .The .Program .Partition

     chaptEr7NorDsoUNDMaNaGEr | 25 Organize the program partition Restore By .using .drag .and .drop, .you .can .organize .the .content .of .the .Program . When .you .want .to .restore .the .entire .content .of .the .Nord .Electro .4D, . partition .with .its .128 .programs . click .on .the .Restore .icon .in .the .Toolbar .and .select .a .backup .file .that .

  • Page 26: Sound Manager Reference

    26 | NorDElEctro4DUsErMaNUalosv1.x Rename Sound Manager reference This .allows .you .to .rename . a .Program .and .assign .a . Category .to .it . .16 .char- Toolbar acters .can .be .used, .and . the .supported .characters . are: .a-z, .AZ, .0-9 .and .the . hyphen .(-) .

  • Page 27
     chaptEr7NorDsoUNDMaNaGEr | 27 FlashingMLEDsMinMtheMPianoMTypeMandMModelMsectionMindicatesMthatM Backup theMpianoMthatMtheMcurrentMProgramMtriedMtoMuseMisMnotMavailableMinM This .will .make .a .backup .of .all .the .pianos, .programs, .Live .programs . theMFlashMmemory.MSelectManotherMprogramMorMdownloadMtheMmiss- and .the .menu .settings .in .the .Nord .Electro .4D . .The .file .that .is .created . ingMpianoMtoMtheMNordMElectroM4D. on .the .hard .drive .will .have .the .extension . .ne4db . .Backing .up .the .entire . memory .content .in .this .manner .will .take .some .time, .depending .on .the .
  • Page 28: Menus

    28 | NorDElEctro4DUsErMaNUalosv1.x time, .depending .on .the .sizes .of .the .pianos .and .samples .in .the .unit . Menus BackingMupMfromMtheMNordMSoundMManagerMisMdoneMinManMincre- mentalMmanner.MUnlessMyouMchangeMtheMnameMorMtheMlocationMofM In .the .Nord .Sound .Manager, .the .usual .Windows .and .Mac .OSX .key- theMbackupMfile,MonlyMtheMpianosMand/orMprogramsMthatMhaveMbeenM board .commands .can .be .used . .The .menus .can .be .accessed .by .press- changedMsinceMtheMpreviousMbackupMwillMbeMsaved.

  • Page 29: View .Menu

     chaptEr7NorDsoUNDMaNaGEr | 29 Select All (Ctrl+A) Find Ctrl+F Select .all .items .in .a .bank/partition . This .is .a .shortcut .to .the .Search .Box . .By .entering .one .or .several .charac- ters .in .the .Search .Box, .you .can .filter .out .the .content .that .is .presented . Invert Selection in .the .lists .

  • Page 30: Note

    30 | NorDElEctro4DUsErMaNUalosv1.x Note This .area .may .contain .error .information .about .broken, .corrupted .or . rejected .files, .in .the .unlikely .event .that .something .has .happened .with .a . particular .piano, .program .or .sample .in .the .Nord .Electro .4D .memory . Footer Area The .footer .area .is .located .at .the .bottom .of .the .Nord .Sound .Manager .

  • Page 31: About .The .Midi .Implementation

    | 31 8 MIDI functions About the MIDI implementation Nord Electro 4D with a sequencer The .following .MIDI .messages .can .be .transmitted .and .received .from .the . Nord .Electro .4D: Connections Note On/Off Connect .the .MIDI .Out .on .the .Nord .Electro .4D .to .the .MIDI .In .on .

  • Page 32: Mono

    32 | NorDElEctro4DUsErMaNUalosv1.x Nord Electro parameter MIDI CC Program and Controller dumps Drawbars .- .Preset .2/Upper Drawbar .1 . To .dump .a .Program .SysEx, .or .MIDI .Controller .data .via .MIDI, .either .to . Drawbar .2 another .Nord .Electro .4D .or .for .recording .the .data .into .another .MIDI . Drawbar .3 device, .proceed .as .follows: Drawbar .4…

  • Page 33: Midi .Implementation .Chart

     chaptEr8MiDifUNctioNs | 33 MIDI Implementation Chart Function Transmitted Recognized Remarks Basic Channel 1 .- .16 1 .- .16 Default Channel 1 .- .16 1 .- .16 Mode . Default Mode .3 Mode .3 Message Altered 0-127 0-127 Note True .Voice Number .

  • Page 34: Index

    34 | NorDElEctro4DUsErMaNUalosv1.x 9 Index Append . 24 Key .Bounce . 19 Rel . 14 Auto-Panning . 15 Key .Click .Level . 19 Relink . 21 A-Wa . 15 Rename . 26 Replace . 22 Restore . 27 Reverb . 16 LED .

  • Page 35: Declaration Of Conformity

    This product, when installed as indicated in the instructions contained in this manual, meets FCC requirements. Modifications not expressly approved by Clavia may void your authority, granted by the FCC, to use the product. 2. IMPORTANT: When connecting this product to accessories and/ or another product use only high quality shielded cables.

  • 0 товаров

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  • Page 1
    User Manual Nord Electro 4d OS Version 1.x Part No. 50384 Copyright Clavia DMI AB Print Edition 1.1…
  • Page 2: Important Safety Instructions

    Trademarks: The Nord logo is a trademark of Clavia DMI AB. All other trademarks mentioned in this publication are the properties of their respective holders. Specifications and appearances are subject to change without notice.

  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    | 3 Nord Electro 4D Table of Contents Clav .EQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 The Quick Tour .

  • Page 4: Thank You

    All .trademarks .and .brand .names .mentioned .in .this .manual .are .the . property .of .their .respective .owner’s .and .are .not .affiliated .or .associated . with .Clavia . .These .trademarks .and .brand .names .are .only .mentioned .to . describe .the .types .of .sounds .reproduced .by .Nord .Electro .4D .

  • Page 5: Knobs & Buttons

     chaptEr2ovErviEw | 5 2 Overview The .front .panel .of .the .Nord .Electro .4D .has .four .main .areas, .Organ, . Selector buttons Piano, .Program .and .Effects . .We’ll .familiarize .ourselves .briefly .with .the . Selector .buttons .are .used .to . panel .here .and .describe .the .functions .in .detail .in .the .following .chapters .

  • Page 6: Audio Connections

    6 |  N orDElEctro4DUsErMaNUalosv1.x 3 Connections CONTROL ROTOR SUSTAIN MIDI MIDI MONITOR RIGHT LEFT OUT PEDAL PEDAL PEDAL MONO HEADPHONES Audio connections MIDI Connections Headphones MIDI In This .is .where .you .connect .a .¼» .stereo .connector .from .a .pair .of .head- MIDI .connection .used .to .receive .MIDI .data .to .the .Nord .Electro .4D .from .

  • Page 7: Pedal Connections

     chaptEr3coNNEctioNs | 7 Sustain Pedal Pedal Connections ¼» .connector .for .a .switch .type .pedal . .When .a .connected .pedal .is . operated, .the .notes .you .play .will .be .sustained . CONTROL ROTOR SUSTAIN MIDI MIDI MONITOR RIGHT LEFT OUT Rotor Pedal PEDAL PEDAL…

  • Page 8: About The Programs

    8 |  N orDElEctro4DUsErMaNUalosv1.x 4 Getting Started Let’s .take .a .few .minutes .to .get .familiar .with .the .Electro .4D . .The .user .interface .is .designed .to .be .as .intuitive .as .possible, .and .to .perform .as .well .as .you . do .in .a .live .situation .

  • Page 9: Using The Organ

     chaptEr4GEttiNGstartED | 9 Use .the .Model .selector .buttons .to .select .one .of .the .samples .that .are . included .in .the .Electro .4D .from .the .factory . . The Rotary effect Press .the .Samp . The .rotary .effect .adds .some .great .sonic .drama .to .the .organs, .but .can . Env .button .

  • Page 10: Storing A Program

    10 | NorDElEctro4DUsErMaNUalosv1.x Storing a program Adding effects If .you .are .happy .with .a .change .to .a .program .that .you .have .made, .you . Select .the .program .number .1 .2 .which . should .probably .store .the .program . is .a .Grand .Piano .with .a .hint .of .reverb . . .Press .the .Store .button .

  • Page 11: Master .Level .Knob

     chaptEr5NorDElEctro4DrEfErENcE | 11 5 Nord Electro 4D Reference Master level knob This .control .sets .the .overall .output .level .of . Each .drawbar .represents .a .partial .with .a .fixed .harmonic .interval .relating . the .Electro .4D, .at .the .line .and .the .headphone .

  • Page 12: Rotary .Speed

    12 | NorDElEctro4DUsErMaNUalosv1.x Rotary Speed Percussion The .rotary .speaker .speed .is .controlled .with . The .Percussion .effect .adds . the .rotary .speed .buttons .or .with .an .external . extra .attack .to .the .B3 .sound .by . pedal .connected .to .the .rotor .pedal .input .on . having .a .single .envelope .gener- the .rear .panel .

  • Page 13: Additional .Midi .Keyboard

    . .That’s .one .reason .why .they .all . sound .and .feel .so .authentic . The .Piano .section .also .includes .the .ability .to .use .samples .from .the . Nord .Sample .Library, .like .the .Mellotron .or .Chamberlin .sounds .that .have . been .licensed .by .Clavia .

  • Page 14: Samp .Env

    14 | NorDElEctro4DUsErMaNUalosv1.x Samp Env Program section When .the .Samp .Lib .type .is .active, .the .Samp .Env .LEDs .and .button .can . be .used .to .set .a .desired .velocity .response .and .attack .and .release .time . The .Program .section . behavior .that .affects .the .playback .of .the .samples .

  • Page 15: Instrument .Selectors

     chaptEr5NorDElEctro4DrEfErENcE | 15 If .the .Live .memory .is .selected .and .you .decide .you .wish .to .store .the . PressMandMholdMShiftMandMpressMtheMEffectMselectorMtoMcycleMthroughM settings .permanently .as .a .program .you .can .do .so .using .the .stan- theMeffectsMinMaMcounterMclockwiseMfashion.M dard .methods .(see .above) . .You .can .also .store .programs .into .the .Live . memory .location, .in .which .case .the .program .settings .will .replace .the .

  • Page 16: Reverb

    16 | NorDElEctro4DUsErMaNUalosv1.x Reverb The .Reverb .section .simulates .the .natural .sound .reflections .in .various . acoustic .environments . .You .can .choose .between .five .reverb .types .with . various .lengths .and .densities, .indicated .by .the .three .LEDs .that .light .up . one .or .two .at .a .time .

  • Page 17: System Menu

     chaptEr6thEMENUs | 17 6 The Menus Any .settings .that .you .change .in .the .System, .MIDI, .B3 .or .Rotary .menu .will .take .immediate .effect .on .a .global .basis, .and .will .be .stored .until .you . change .them .the .next .time . .Enter .the .menus .by .pressing .and .holding .Shift .and .the .System, .MIDI, .B3 .or .Rotary .button .(Prog .1, .Prog .2, .Prog .3 .or . Prog .4) .

  • Page 18: Ctrl .Pedal .Mode

    18 | NorDElEctro4DUsErMaNUalosv1.x 10 — Ctrl Pedal Mode 4 — Lower Channel A .connected .control .pedal .can .be .used .to .control .several .things . .It .can . This .sets .the .MIDI .channel .that .the .Lower .Manual .of .the .Nord .Elec- be .used .as .a .solitary .organ .swell .pedal .(swell .is .a .combination .of .vol- tro 4D .organ .section .responds .to .when .the .organ .split .and .the .MIDI .

  • Page 19: Tonewheel .Mode

     chaptEr6thEMENUs | 19 B3 Menu Rotary Menu 1 — Tonewheel Mode 1- Rotary Model Sets .the .level .of .tonewheel .crosstalk .and .cable .leakage .artifacts .of .the . There .is .one .rotary .model .available, .with .two .separate .microphone . B3 .organ .model . positions .

  • Page 20: System .Requirements

    The .Nord .Sound .Manager .is .compatible .with .computers .running .Mac .OSX .10 .4 .or .later, .Windows .XP, .Windows .7 .and .Windows .Vista . .If .you .run .the . Nord .Sound .Manager .on .a .Windows .computer, .you .also .need .a .Clavia .USB .Driver .of .version .3 .0 .or .later .installed .

  • Page 21: The .Toolbar

     chaptEr7NorDsoUNDMaNaGEr | 21 The Toolbar Replace (Pianos & Samples) This .feature .makes .it .possible .to .replace .a .piano .or .a .sample .in .the .unit . with .another .piano .or .sample .from .your .hard .drive . .The .process .will . update .all .the .programs .that .used .the .former .piano/sample, .to .use .the .

  • Page 22: The Quick Tour

    22 | NorDElEctro4DUsErMaNUalosv1.x Using .the .Toolbar .or .Menu .command: .Click .on .the .Sound .Down . icon .in .the .toolbar . .The .same .command .is .also .available .in .the .File . The Quick Tour menu: .Sound .Download .(Ctrl-D) . Let’s .get .acquainted .with .some .of .the .functions .in .the .Nord .Sound . Browse .to .the .folder .on .the .hard .drive .where .the .desired .sound .is .

  • Page 23: Relink

    Open .the .Program .tab .and .right-click .a .program .in .the .list . . Upload sounds from the Nord Electro 4D Select .the .Relink .Samp .Lib .option .in .the .context .menu . .The .menu . will .expand .to .show .the .sample .that .is .linked .to .this .program . .

  • Page 24: Upload .A .Program .Bundle

    24 | NorDElEctro4DUsErMaNUalosv1.x After .the .Manager .has .verified .the .files .in .the .Bundle, .the .Program . Upload a Program Bundle Bundle .Download .dialog .will .appear . . Open .the .Program .Tab .and .select .one, .or .several .programs . .Use . ClickMonMShowMDetailsMifMyouMwantMtoMseeMwhatMprograms,MpianosM Ctrl-click .to .make .non-consecutive .selections .like .this .one: .

  • Page 25: Organize .The .Program .Partition

     chaptEr7NorDsoUNDMaNaGEr | 25 Organize the program partition Restore By .using .drag .and .drop, .you .can .organize .the .content .of .the .Program . When .you .want .to .restore .the .entire .content .of .the .Nord .Electro .4D, . partition .with .its .128 .programs . click .on .the .Restore .icon .in .the .Toolbar .and .select .a .backup .file .that .

  • Page 26: Sound Manager Reference

    26 | NorDElEctro4DUsErMaNUalosv1.x Rename Sound Manager reference This .allows .you .to .rename . a .Program .and .assign .a . Category .to .it . .16 .char- Toolbar acters .can .be .used, .and . the .supported .characters . are: .a-z, .AZ, .0-9 .and .the . hyphen .(-) .

  • Page 27
     chaptEr7NorDsoUNDMaNaGEr | 27 FlashingMLEDsMinMtheMPianoMTypeMandMModelMsectionMindicatesMthatM Backup theMpianoMthatMtheMcurrentMProgramMtriedMtoMuseMisMnotMavailableMinM This .will .make .a .backup .of .all .the .pianos, .programs, .Live .programs . theMFlashMmemory.MSelectManotherMprogramMorMdownloadMtheMmiss- and .the .menu .settings .in .the .Nord .Electro .4D . .The .file .that .is .created . ingMpianoMtoMtheMNordMElectroM4D. on .the .hard .drive .will .have .the .extension . .ne4db . .Backing .up .the .entire . memory .content .in .this .manner .will .take .some .time, .depending .on .the .
  • Page 28: Menus

    28 | NorDElEctro4DUsErMaNUalosv1.x time, .depending .on .the .sizes .of .the .pianos .and .samples .in .the .unit . Menus BackingMupMfromMtheMNordMSoundMManagerMisMdoneMinManMincre- mentalMmanner.MUnlessMyouMchangeMtheMnameMorMtheMlocationMofM In .the .Nord .Sound .Manager, .the .usual .Windows .and .Mac .OSX .key- theMbackupMfile,MonlyMtheMpianosMand/orMprogramsMthatMhaveMbeenM board .commands .can .be .used . .The .menus .can .be .accessed .by .press- changedMsinceMtheMpreviousMbackupMwillMbeMsaved.

  • Page 29: View .Menu

     chaptEr7NorDsoUNDMaNaGEr | 29 Select All (Ctrl+A) Find Ctrl+F Select .all .items .in .a .bank/partition . This .is .a .shortcut .to .the .Search .Box . .By .entering .one .or .several .charac- ters .in .the .Search .Box, .you .can .filter .out .the .content .that .is .presented . Invert Selection in .the .lists .

  • Page 30: Note

    30 | NorDElEctro4DUsErMaNUalosv1.x Note This .area .may .contain .error .information .about .broken, .corrupted .or . rejected .files, .in .the .unlikely .event .that .something .has .happened .with .a . particular .piano, .program .or .sample .in .the .Nord .Electro .4D .memory . Footer Area The .footer .area .is .located .at .the .bottom .of .the .Nord .Sound .Manager .

  • Page 31: About .The .Midi .Implementation

    | 31 8 MIDI functions About the MIDI implementation Nord Electro 4D with a sequencer The .following .MIDI .messages .can .be .transmitted .and .received .from .the . Nord .Electro .4D: Connections Note On/Off Connect .the .MIDI .Out .on .the .Nord .Electro .4D .to .the .MIDI .In .on .

  • Page 32: Mono

    32 | NorDElEctro4DUsErMaNUalosv1.x Nord Electro parameter MIDI CC Program and Controller dumps Drawbars .- .Preset .2/Upper Drawbar .1 . To .dump .a .Program .SysEx, .or .MIDI .Controller .data .via .MIDI, .either .to . Drawbar .2 another .Nord .Electro .4D .or .for .recording .the .data .into .another .MIDI . Drawbar .3 device, .proceed .as .follows: Drawbar .4…

  • Page 33: Midi .Implementation .Chart

     chaptEr8MiDifUNctioNs | 33 MIDI Implementation Chart Function Transmitted Recognized Remarks Basic Channel 1 .- .16 1 .- .16 Default Channel 1 .- .16 1 .- .16 Mode . Default Mode .3 Mode .3 Message Altered 0-127 0-127 Note True .Voice Number .

  • Page 34: Index

    34 | NorDElEctro4DUsErMaNUalosv1.x 9 Index Append . 24 Key .Bounce . 19 Rel . 14 Auto-Panning . 15 Key .Click .Level . 19 Relink . 21 A-Wa . 15 Rename . 26 Replace . 22 Restore . 27 Reverb . 16 LED .

  • Page 35: Declaration Of Conformity

    This product, when installed as indicated in the instructions contained in this manual, meets FCC requirements. Modifications not expressly approved by Clavia may void your authority, granted by the FCC, to use the product. 2. IMPORTANT: When connecting this product to accessories and/ or another product use only high quality shielded cables.

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Бренд-производитель: CLAVIA DMI AB

Наименование модели: CLAVIA NORD Electro 4D SW61

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CAUTION - ATTENTION                              The lightning flash with the arrowhead symbol within
an equilateral triangle is intended to alert the user to the
RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK                        presence of uninsulated voltage within the products en-
DO NOT OPEN                              closure that may be of sufficient magnitude to constitute
RISQUE DE SHOCK ELECTRIQUE                      a risk of electric shock to persons.
Le symbole eclair avec le point de fleche a l?interieur d?un triangle
equilateral est utilise pour alerter l?utilisateur de la presence a
l?interieur du coffret de ”voltage dangereux” non isole d?ampleur
CAUTION: TO REDUCE THE RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK        suffisante pour constituer un risque d`electrocution.
REFER SERVICING TO QUALIFIED PERSONNEL.            The exclamation mark within an equilateral triangle is
intended to alert the user to the presence of important
operating and maintenance (servicing) instructions in the
ATTENTION:POUR EVITER LES RISQUES DE CHOC ELECTRIQUE, NE   literature accompanying the product.
AUCUN ENTRETIEN DE PIECES INTERIEURES PAR L?USAGER.    Le point d?exclamation a l?interieur d?un triangle equilateral est
CONFIER L?ENTRETIEN AU PERSONNEL QUALIFE.          employe pour alerter l?utilisateur de la presence d?instructions
AVIS: POUR EVITER LES RISQUES D?INCIDENTE OU D?ELECTROCUTION,   importantes pour le fonctionnement et l?entretien (service) dans le
N?EXPOSEZ PAS CET ARTICLE A LA PLUIE OU L?HUMIDITET.  livret d?instructions accompagnant l?appareil.
Instructions pertaining to a risk of fire, electric shock or injury to persons.
Warning - When using electric products, basic precautions should always be followed, including the following:
1) Read these instructions.                   10) Protect the power cord from being walked on or pinched
particularly at plugs, convenience receptacles, and the point
2) Keep these instructions.
where they exit from the apparatus.
3) Heed all warnings.
11) Only use attachments/accessories specified by the manu-
4) Follow all instructions.                   facturer.
5) Do not use this apparatus near water.      12) Use only with the cart, stand,
tripod, bracket, or table specified by the
6) Clean only with dry cloth.
manufacturer, or sold with the apparatus.
7) Do not block any ventilation openings. Install in accordance   When a cart is used, use caution when
with the manufacturer’s instructions.         moving the cart/apparatus combination to
avoid injury from tip-over.
8) Do not install near any heat sources such as radiators, heat
registers, stoves, or other apparatus (including amplifiers) that   13) Unplug this apparatus during lightning
produce heat.                                 storms or when unused for long periods of time.
9) Do not defeat the safety purpose of the polarized or   14) Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel. Servicing
grounding-type plug. A polarized plug has two blades with one   is required when the apparatus has been damaged in any way,
wider than the other. A grounding type plug has two blades   such as power-supply cord or plug is damaged, liquid has been
and a third grounding prong. The wide blade or the third prong   spilled or objects have fallen into the apparatus, the apparatus
are provided for your safety. If the provided plug does not fit   has been exposed to rain or moisture, does not operate nor-
into your outlet, consult an electrician for replacement of the   mally, or has been dropped.
obsolete outlet.
Additional Safety Information
No naked flame sources, such as lighted candles, should be placed on   Il convient de ne pas placer sur l?appareil de sources de flammes nues,
the apparatus;                                telles que des bougies allumees;
Do not use the apparatus in tropical climates.  L?appareil n’est pas destine a etre utilise sous un climat tropical.
WARNING: To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not expose
this apparatus to rain or moisture.
The apparatus shall not be exposed to dripping or splashing and that   L?appareil ne doit pas etre expose a des egouttements d?eau ou des
no objects filled with liquids, such as vases, shall be placed on the   eclaboussures et de plus qu?aucun objet rempli de liquide tel que des
apparatus.                                    vases ne doit etre place sur l?appareil.
The maims plug is used as the disconnect device and shall remain   Lorsque la prise du resau d’alimentation est utilisee comme dispositif
readily operable.                             de deconnexion, ce dispositif doit demeure aisement accessible.
Trademarks: The Nord logo is a trademark of Clavia DMI AB. All other trademarks
mentioned in this publication are the properties of their respective holders.
Specifications and appearances are subject to change without notice.
Copyright © Clavia DMI AB

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