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Temperature-Volume Corrector TC210

Operating Manual and Installation Instructions

Operating Manual:



73018728 (a)

SW version:

02.02.2005 (a)


from V1.00


Related Manuals for Elster TC210

Summary of Contents for Elster TC210

  • Page 1
    TC210 Temperature-Volume Corrector TC210 Operating Manual and Installation Instructions Operating Manual: 73018728 (a) SW version: from V1.00 Issued: 02.02.2005 (a) Edition:…
  • Page 2
    Temperature-Volume Corrector TC210 ELSTER Handel GmbH…
  • Page 3
    TemperatureVolume Corrector TC210 All rights reserved. Copyright © 2004 ELSTER Handel GmbH, D-55252 Mainz-Kastel All details and descriptions in this operating manual and installation instructions have been given only after careful checking. Despite this however, the possibility of errors cannot be completely eliminated.
  • Page 4: Table Of Contents

    Temperature-Volume Corrector TC210 Contents Safety information ………………… 6 II Items supplied and accessories…………… 7 Part 1……………………. 9 1 Brief description ………………..10 1.1 Functions and performance features…………..10 2 Operation ………………….12 2.1 Front plate ………………….12 2.2 Display……………………13 2.2.1…

  • Page 5
    TemperatureVolume Corrector TC210 4.1 Setting the parameters on site …………….47 4.2 Checking the set values………………47 4.3 Calibration check ………………..47 4.4 Sealing……………………48 4.5 Recalibration ………………….48 4.6 Seal layout ………………….49 4.6.1 Cable connection by cable glands…………..49 4.6.2 Cable connection using plugs…………….50 Part 2……………………53 5 Installation ………………….
  • Page 6: I Safety Information

    Make sure that the limits quoted in the EC prototype test certificate (see Appendix A- 2) for the devices to be connected are not exceeded. The housing of the TC210 must be earthed directly to a potential equalisation strip. A terminal screw is provided for this on the left housing wall.

  • Page 7: Items Supplied And Accessories

    II-2 Ordering information and accessories Designation Order no. • TC210 Temperature-Volume Corrector in various versions (refer to Chap- 834 52 240 ter 5 ) • Mounting plate for fixing directly to the thermowell or to the thermowell via 730 18477 a bendable arm •…

  • Page 8
    Temperature-Volume Corrector TC210 ELSTER Handel GmbH…
  • Page 9: Part 1

    TemperatureVolume Corrector TC210 Part 1 Device description for applications subject to calibration ELSTER HANDEL GmbH…

  • Page 10: Brief Description

    1.1 Functions and performance features General remarks: The TC210 Temperature-Volume Corrector is used for the conversion of the gas volume measured in the operating state by a gas meter to the standard state. To determine the measurement conditions, the momentary value of the temperature is measured.

  • Page 11
    TemperatureVolume Corrector TC210 Data interface: • Optical interface according to IEC 1107. Temperature sensor: • Pt500 temperature sensor. Mechanical details / housing: • Suitable for wall mounting and meter installation (with mounting plates). • Mounting + device installation without breaking the calibration seals.
  • Page 12: Operation

    Temperature-Volume Corrector TC210 2 Operation 2.1 Front plate A single-line display (LCD) with 12 characters, various special symbols and a key are pro- vided on the front plate for operation. TC210 m³ m³/h 1/m³ online User S.Reg Service System Archiv…

  • Page 13: Display

    The right-hand eight places are normally used for displaying numerical values. 2.2.2 Special characters The special characters are arranged in the top margin of the display. The TC210 does not use all of the special characters. In the following the special characters that are used are described.

  • Page 14: Indicating Arrows

    Temperature-Volume Corrector TC210 2.2.3 Indicating arrows 1. Units The arrows located in the right margin of the display point to the relevant physical unit for the displayed value. 2. Communication If the arrow in the bottom right margin of the display points to «online» (→ 2.1 ), then a data transmission is running via the optical interface.

  • Page 15: Keypad

    TemperatureVolume Corrector TC210 2.2.4 Keypad Action • Downwards movement within the current list: From the end of the list movement is then to the first value. • Changing values in the entry mode • Initiate functions, e.g. Clear all volumes => CLR.V •…

  • Page 16: User Interface Structure

    Temperature-Volume Corrector TC210 2.3 User interface structure The user interface in the TC210 is structured as a list (main menu). From here at the ap- propriate entry points it is possible to skip into the submenus Archive, Total status register, System or Service.

  • Page 17: Structure Of The Archive «Arc1» And The Submenus «U1» — «U3

    TemperatureVolume Corrector TC210 2.3.2 Structure of the archive «ARC1» and the submenus «U1» – «U3» ARCH (ARC1) S.REG (U1) AONo Block number SR.SY System status register TIME Storage time-point SR.1 Status Register 1 Standard volume SR.2 Status Register 2 Totaliser standard volume SR.5…

  • Page 18: Changing Values

    «data classes» (abbreviation: «DC»). Values in the same data class are treated identically during entry. A prerequisite for an entry is that the lock assigned to the value is open. The following data classes (DC) are present in the TC210: Type Entry, change using «ENTER»…

  • Page 19: Entry Errors

    TemperatureVolume Corrector TC210 2.4.2 Entry errors Entry errors are output to the display if incorrect entries are made via the keypad by the operator. The display is structured as follows: —xx— x = Error code according to the following table.

  • Page 20: Example Of Changing Values

    Temperature-Volume Corrector TC210 2.4.3 Example of changing values Adjustable values can be conveniently changed via the optical interface using the «Win- PADS» parameterisation software. With the key on the device this is only possible with re- strictions. The adjustable values are identified in the lists of the functional description.

  • Page 21: Quitting A Submenu Or The Archive

    TemperatureVolume Corrector TC210 PROG Entry is terminated by pressing the key for at least 2 s. OK is C P. I 1 briefly displayed. Then the set 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 value is displayed statically.

  • Page 22: Example Of Initiating Functions

    Temperature-Volume Corrector TC210 2.4.5 Example of initiating functions The «Status register» is to be deleted (short designation: CLR). Use key to access SERVICE submenu S E R V (Right indicating arrows flash) Ù Service Press the key for at least 2 s.

  • Page 23: Securing The Values (Access Rights)

    TemperatureVolume Corrector TC210 2.5 Securing the values (access rights) The TC210 differentiates between four access parties. Each access party has a lock and a corresponding code. The locks have the order of priority Calibration lock – Manufacturer’s lock – Supplier’s lock – Customer lock.

  • Page 24: Supplier’s Lock: Status, Closure, Opening, Changing The Combination

    Temperature-Volume Corrector TC210 2.5.3 Supplier’s lock: Status, closure, opening, changing the combina- tion Displaying the current status of the supplier’s lock The supplier’s lock is located in the submenu Service. Move to the submenu SERV with the key S E R V (Right indicating arrows flash) Ù…

  • Page 25
    TemperatureVolume Corrector TC210 Opening the supplier’s lock Example customer combination: 13579Ad Move to the submenu SERV with the key S E R V (Right indicating arrows flash) Ù Service Press the key for at least 2 s. The value CLR (Clear status C L R register) is displayed.
  • Page 26
    Temperature-Volume Corrector TC210 With the key this figure can be C o d. S — 3 — — — — — — set to the desired value. 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Ù Service You can edit the remaining figures in the same manner.
  • Page 27: Customer’s Lock : Status, Closure, Opening, Changing The Combination

    TemperatureVolume Corrector TC210 Changing the supplier’s combination Changing the supplier’s combination is only possible with an open supplier’s lock (ST.SL = 1, see above). The change is made in the same way as for opening the supplier’s lock (see above) C o d.

  • Page 28: Functional Description

    Temperature-Volume Corrector TC210 3 Functional description The user interface in the TC210 is structured as a list (main menu) (see Chapter 2.3). From here at the appropriate entry points it is possible to skip into the submenus Archive, Total status register, System or Service.

  • Page 29: Main Menu (User List)

    TemperatureVolume Corrector TC210 3.1 Main menu (User list) Address Designation / value Unit Access 2:300 Standard volume 2:302 Total standard volume 4:300 Actual volume 4:302 Actual volume (total) 6:310_1 Temperature °C TIME 1:400 Date and time 7:311 Pressure fixed value…

  • Page 30
    The conversion factor is calculated according to the following formula: ⋅ ⋅ (Standard pressure Pb, pressure p = P.F (for TC210), temperature T, gas law de- viation factor K= K.F (for TC210): see above, standard temperature Tb → 3.3.2) TMIN…
  • Page 31
    T.MES = EQ1T + EQ2T ž BIN.T + EQ3T ž BIN.T To adjust the temperature measurement circuit, the three coefficients of the quad- ratic equation can either be found by the TC210 itself or calculated by the user and entered using the WinPADS parameterisation software.
  • Page 32: Archive

    The total depth of the archive is > 500 data rows. 3.2.1 Reading out the archive There are a number of ways of reading out the archive in the TC210: • AS-200/S2 (from version V8.4) on site (with entry of mech. meter reading possible).

  • Page 33: Submenus

    SR.SY and in the status registers SR.1, SR.2, SR.5 and SR.6. Their meanings are described in Chapters and SR.SY System status Here, messages can be found which generally relate to the TC210 system (→ SR.1 Status Register 1 SR.2…

  • Page 34
    16 Daylight saving (Report) The TIME (→ 3.1) in the TC210 is summer time (CEST). The daylight saving selection (manual or automatic) can be changed via the serial in- terface using the WinPADS parameterisation software. The factory setting is manual.
  • Page 35: Messages In The Status Registers 1, 2, 5 And 6

    TemperatureVolume Corrector TC210 Messages in the status registers 1, 2, 5 and 6 In SR.1, SR.2, SR.5 and SR.6 all messages are qualitatively equivalent. Table 1: Overview of the messages in Status 1, 2, 5 and 6 Message SR.1 SR.2…

  • Page 36
    Temperature-Volume Corrector TC210 SR.1 Status Register 1 Error on Output 1 (Warning) The volume pulses to be passed through an output are temporarily saved in a pulse buffer. The buffer can accommodate 65535 pulses. If the volume to be output is con- tinuously greater than that which can be output in the form of pulses, the pulse buffer continually fills and will eventually reach its maximum state.
  • Page 37
    Vb and V (→ 3.1). 10 Temperature input not adjusted (Report) The temperature input of the TC210 is precisely adjusted in the factory to the con- nected temperature sensor. The error message indicates that this has not yet been carried out.
  • Page 38: System

    Temperature-Volume Corrector TC210 3.3.2 System Address Designation / value Unit Access BAT.R 2:404 Remaining bat. life MRL.T 5:224_1 Measurement range lower temperature limit °C MRU.T 5:225_1 Measurement range upper temperature limit °C 6:311_1 Temperature substitute value °C TARG 3:424 Ambient temperature range °C…

  • Page 39
    If the measured temperature T.MES (→ 3.3.3) is outside of the alarm limits, T.F is used as the temperature T for the conversion. T = T.F. TARG Ambient temperature range Identifies the ambient temperature for the TC210 in operation subject to calibration regulations. Standard temperature The standard temperature is used for computing the conversion factor (→…
  • Page 40
    ). The TC210 uses ADJ.T to optimise the running accuracy of the clock. The adjustment of the clock is carried out in the factory. Provided no value has been entered for ADJ.T, the TC210 displays the message 11 in the system status in the status Stat. (→
  • Page 41: Service

    TemperatureVolume Corrector TC210 3.3.3 Service Address Designation / value Unit Access 4:130 Clear status register 1:1F7 Display test CP.I1 1:253 cp value Input 1 1/m³ CP.I2 2:253 cp value Input 2 1/m³ CP.O1 1:611 cp value Output 1 1/m³ CP.O2…

  • Page 42
    +50°C, the value to be entered is normally about 80% of the capacity quoted by the manufacturer. With the use of the size «D» battery obtainable from ELSTER GmbH, the value 13.0 Ah should be entered accordingly for BAT.C.
  • Page 43
    TemperatureVolume Corrector TC210 ST.SL Supplier’s lock status and close Depending on the status of the supplier’s lock a «0» (= closed) or «1» (= open) ap- pears. Here, it is only possible to close the supplier’s lock. Closing the supplier’s lock is comprehensively described in Chapter 2.5.3.
  • Page 44
    Temperature-Volume Corrector TC210 CLR.X Initialise device With this function the TC210 can be reset to a defined initial status. All data (counter readings, archive and settings) are cleared. (See Chap. 2.4.5 for the prin- cipal procedure). The function should only be executed by trained persons with appro- priate operating equipment, because a complete parameterisation with, where applicable, calibration must then be carried out.
  • Page 45
    TemperatureVolume Corrector TC210 With the aid of the WinPADS Parameterisation Software the access rights (→ 2.5) men- tioned here can be changed for each output with an appropriately open lock. In this re- spect there are the following alternatives: Changes to the settings only possible subject to the calibration lock.
  • Page 46
    Temperature-Volume Corrector TC210 SP.O1 Status pointer for Output 1 The setting of the status pointers for the outputs can only be carried out via the optical interface with the aid of the WinPADS parameterisation software. If the output is programmed as «status output with active logic» (Md.O…= 2), then SP.O…
  • Page 47: Putting Into Operation Subject To Calibration

    (Tel.: +49 (0) 6134 / 605-123 or at support@elster.com). In the rating data book the associated parameters are clearly described by quoting the ad- dress. Values not directly available in the TC210 display can be recalled under «Applica- tion-specific values» (see Chap. 3.1, 3.3.2 or 3.3.3).

  • Page 48: Sealing

    Ensure that the screws are securely tightened so that no moisture can pene- trate the TC210. 4.5 Recalibration When using the TC210 in applications subject to official calibration, the recalibration peri- ods should be observed. According to the Calibration directive – General regulations, issued in 2000, these re- calibration periods are given in Appendix B under item number 7.10.

  • Page 49: Seal Layout

    TemperatureVolume Corrector TC210 4.6 Seal layout 4.6.1 Cable connection by cable glands Main stamp TC210 Name-plate m³ m³/h 1/m³ online Wire seal for User S.Reg Service System Archiv calibration lock 2 sec ENTER + S2+ S2- — + S1+ S1- -…

  • Page 50: Cable Connection Using Plugs

    Temperature-Volume Corrector TC210 4.6.2 Cable connection using plugs Main seal TC210 Name-plate m³ m³/h 1/m³ Wire seal for online User S.Reg Service calibration Archiv System lock 2 sec ENTER Adhesive seal for input and output terminals (calibration or user adhesive label) Plug connections for inputs Steckeranschlüsse für…

  • Page 51
    TemperatureVolume Corrector TC210 ELSTER HANDEL GmbH…
  • Page 52
    Temperature-Volume Corrector TC210 ELSTER Handel GmbH…
  • Page 53: Part 2

    TemperatureVolume Corrector TC210 Part 2 Description of the Initial Operation ELSTER HANDEL GmbH…

  • Page 54: Installation

    5.1 Fitting to a diaphragm gas meter ≤ G25 According to the PTB directive TRG3, the TC210 can be put into operation together with the commercial diaphragm gas meters BK-G10 to BK-G25 in the factory as a measure- ment unit.

  • Page 55
    TemperatureVolume Corrector TC210 TC210 with installation plate Order no. Installation plate: 73018477 Connecting piece Order no. 73013853 73013854 73013853 Bendable Order no. 73014250 73014251 Thermowells Order no.. 73014456 73012634 73018428 73014456 73012634 73018428 73012100 73012100 Version ELSTER HANDEL GmbH…
  • Page 56: Installation Procedure For The Device Versions I To Iv

    2. Connect the pulse transmitter. 3. If required, connect further equipment to the pulse/signal outputs. If the TC210 is used in a hazardous area (Zone 1), then only intrinsically safe elec- trical circuits of certificated «associated operating equipment» must be connected.

  • Page 57: Terminal Layout

    TemperatureVolume Corrector TC210 5.4 Terminal layout TC210 Typenschild Name-plate m³ m³/h 1/m³ online User S.Reg Service Archiv System Calibration switch Eichschalter 2 sec ENTER Batterieanschlüsse Battery connections + S2+ S2- — + S1+ S1- — Output 2 Input 1 Battery…

  • Page 58: Connection Of A Low-Frequency Pulse Transmitter (Reed Contacts)

    Pulse transmitter 1 Pulse transmit- ter 2 (optional) 5.6 Output connections The TC210 outputs can be connected in two ways. The TC210 outputs have a common negative potential. 5.6.1 Connecting the negative pole Connection diagram: TC210 E.g.: Data Logger DL220…

  • Page 59: Connecting The Positive Pole

    (see Chapter 2 ). Setting the time The device time can be set with the WinPADS parameterisation software. Test of pulse counting The pulse transfer from the meter to the TC210 must be checked for proper function- ing. ELSTER HANDEL GmbH…

  • Page 60: Maintenance

    5.9.1 Battery replacement During operation a check must be made from time to time of whether the battery needs to be replaced. A display of the remaining battery service life is provided for this in the TC210 under «System» submenu.

  • Page 61: Carrying Out Battery Replacement

    «D» battery obtainable from ELSTER GmbH, the value 13.0 Ah should be entered ac- cordingly for BAT.C. (11) Check the operating life calculated by the TC210: For BAT.R (→ 3.3.2) at least 96 months must be displayed. Apart from that, carry out step (9) again.

  • Page 62
    Temperature-Volume Corrector TC210 ELSTER Handel GmbH…
  • Page 63: Appendix

    TemperatureVolume Corrector TC210 Appendix ELSTER HANDEL GmbH…

  • Page 64: Appendix A Approvals

    Temperature-Volume Corrector TC210 Appendix A Approvals A-1 EC Declaration of Conformance ELSTER Handel GmbH…

  • Page 65
    TemperatureVolume Corrector TC210 Declaration of Conformance (Translation of original document) KCE115 According to: EMC Directive 89/336/EEC of the Council in the current version or «Law on the electromagnetic compatibility of equipment (EMCL)» in the current version. Supplier: ELSTER GmbH Address:…
  • Page 66: Certificate For Ex Zone 1

    Temperature-Volume Corrector TC210 A-2 Certificate for Ex Zone 1 ELSTER Handel GmbH…

  • Page 67
    TemperatureVolume Corrector TC210 ELSTER HANDEL GmbH…
  • Page 68
    Temperature-Volume Corrector TC210 ELSTER Handel GmbH…
  • Page 69
    EC TYPE-EXAMINATION CERTIFICATE Equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmos- pheres — Directive 94/9/EC EC-Type Examination Certificate Number TÜV 04 ATEX 2574 Equipment: Temperature-Volume Corrector type TC210 Manufacturer: ELSTER GmbH Address: Steinernstraße 19-21 D — 55252 Mainz-Kastel The construction of this equipment and any acceptable variation thereto is specified in the schedule to this certificate and the documents therein referred to.
  • Page 70
    Temperature-Volume Corrector TC210 TÜV NORD CERT GmbH & Co. KG Hanover, 09.12.2004 TÜV CERT-Certification Body Am TÜV 1 D-30519 Hannover Tel.: 0511-986-1470 TÜV NORD CERT Fax: 0511- 986-2555 Signed Head of the Certification Body This certificate may only be reproduced without any changes, schedule included.
  • Page 71
    (14) EC-TYPE EXAMINATION CERTIFICATE No. TÜV 04 ATEX 2574 (15) Description of the equipment The temperature-volume corrector type TC210 is an intrinsically safe supplementary device, which, with the aid of the state variable, temperature, and the entered fixed values for pressure and K-factor, converts the volume measured by a gas meter un- der service conditions to the basic volume (=Standard volume) and displays it.
  • Page 72
    Temperature-Volume Corrector TC210 Schedule EC-Type Examination Certificate No. TÜV 04 ATEX 2574 (16) Test documents are listed in the test report No. 04 YEX 5515620. (17) Special conditions None (18) Essential health and safety requirements No additional ones page 3/3…
  • Page 73: Appendix B: Technical Data

    Each input can be parameterised and sealed separately. Designation DE1, DE2 Nominal data When connecting the TC210 in Ex Zone 1, the limits quoted in the certificate of conformance must also be followed (see Chap. A-2 ). ELSTER HANDEL GmbH…

  • Page 74: Pulse And Signal Outputs

    Each output can be parameterised and sealed separately. Designation DA1, DA2 Nominal data: When connecting the TC210 in Ex Zone 1, the limits quoted in the certificate of con- formance must also be followed (see Chap. A-2 ). Maximum switching voltage 30 V DC…

  • Page 75: Optical Interface

    TemperatureVolume Corrector TC210 B-5 Optical interface Optical interface according to IEC 62056, Electricity metering — Data exchange for meter reading, tariff and load control — Part 21: Data exchange for fixed and mobile connections (IEC 62056-21:2002), bit serial, asynchronous data transfer according to ISO 1177, half- duplex Support of Data transmission mode «C»…

  • Page 76: Appendix C: Data List

    Temperature-Volume Corrector TC210 Appendix C: Data list Below all values are listed which as standard cannot be called via the keypad, but instead only via interface and can also be changed depending on the status of the locks. Via the interface all values must be accessed by means of the «address». The «address» of the values which can be recalled in the display can be found in Chapter 3.

  • Page 77
    TemperatureVolume Corrector TC210 Address Meaning Access Entity : Object 1: 04A0 CET.b Summer time, beginning 2: 04A1 Battery warning limit (months) 1: 04A8 CET.E Summer time, end 1: 0600 Status of output 1 (active / inactive) 2: 0600 Status of output 2 (active / inactive) 1: 0605 Md.O1…
  • Page 78: Index

    Temperature-Volume Corrector TC210 Index Customer’s lock, current status · 27 Abbreviated designations. · 13 Access rights · 23 Data backup · 33 Accessories · 7 Data list · 78 Adjustment · 31 Data protection · 23 Alarm · 29, 31, 41, 46 Day boundary ·…

  • Page 79
    TemperatureVolume Corrector TC210 Maintenance · 60 Submenu · 21 Measurement uncertainty · 77 Submenus · 17 Supplied items · 7 Messages in the status register · 33, 35 Month boundary · See month boundary supplier’s combination · 43 Supplier’s lock · 23, 28, 43 Supplier’s lock, current status ·…

  • Page 1
    TC210 Temperature-Volume Corrector TC210 Operating Manual and Installation Instructions Operating Manual: 73018728 (a) SW version: from V1.00 Issued: 02.02.2005 (a) Edition:…
  • Page 2
    Temperature-Volume Corrector TC210 ELSTER Handel GmbH…
  • Page 3
    TemperatureVolume Corrector TC210 All rights reserved. Copyright © 2004 ELSTER Handel GmbH, D-55252 Mainz-Kastel All details and descriptions in this operating manual and installation instructions have been given only after careful checking. Despite this however, the possibility of errors cannot be completely eliminated.
  • Page 4: Table Of Contents

    Temperature-Volume Corrector TC210 Contents Safety information ………………… 6 II Items supplied and accessories…………… 7 Part 1……………………. 9 1 Brief description ………………..10 1.1 Functions and performance features…………..10 2 Operation ………………….12 2.1 Front plate ………………….12 2.2 Display……………………13 2.2.1…

  • Page 5
    TemperatureVolume Corrector TC210 4.1 Setting the parameters on site …………….47 4.2 Checking the set values………………47 4.3 Calibration check ………………..47 4.4 Sealing……………………48 4.5 Recalibration ………………….48 4.6 Seal layout ………………….49 4.6.1 Cable connection by cable glands…………..49 4.6.2 Cable connection using plugs…………….50 Part 2……………………53 5 Installation ………………….
  • Page 6: I Safety Information

    Make sure that the limits quoted in the EC prototype test certificate (see Appendix A- 2) for the devices to be connected are not exceeded. The housing of the TC210 must be earthed directly to a potential equalisation strip. A terminal screw is provided for this on the left housing wall.

  • Page 7: Items Supplied And Accessories

    II-2 Ordering information and accessories Designation Order no. • TC210 Temperature-Volume Corrector in various versions (refer to Chap- 834 52 240 ter 5 ) • Mounting plate for fixing directly to the thermowell or to the thermowell via 730 18477 a bendable arm •…

  • Page 8
    Temperature-Volume Corrector TC210 ELSTER Handel GmbH…
  • Page 9: Part 1

    TemperatureVolume Corrector TC210 Part 1 Device description for applications subject to calibration ELSTER HANDEL GmbH…

  • Page 10: Brief Description

    1.1 Functions and performance features General remarks: The TC210 Temperature-Volume Corrector is used for the conversion of the gas volume measured in the operating state by a gas meter to the standard state. To determine the measurement conditions, the momentary value of the temperature is measured.

  • Page 11
    TemperatureVolume Corrector TC210 Data interface: • Optical interface according to IEC 1107. Temperature sensor: • Pt500 temperature sensor. Mechanical details / housing: • Suitable for wall mounting and meter installation (with mounting plates). • Mounting + device installation without breaking the calibration seals.
  • Page 12: Operation

    Temperature-Volume Corrector TC210 2 Operation 2.1 Front plate A single-line display (LCD) with 12 characters, various special symbols and a key are pro- vided on the front plate for operation. TC210 m³ m³/h 1/m³ online User S.Reg Service System Archiv…

  • Page 13: Display

    The right-hand eight places are normally used for displaying numerical values. 2.2.2 Special characters The special characters are arranged in the top margin of the display. The TC210 does not use all of the special characters. In the following the special characters that are used are described.

  • Page 14: Indicating Arrows

    Temperature-Volume Corrector TC210 2.2.3 Indicating arrows 1. Units The arrows located in the right margin of the display point to the relevant physical unit for the displayed value. 2. Communication If the arrow in the bottom right margin of the display points to «online» (→ 2.1 ), then a data transmission is running via the optical interface.

  • Page 15: Keypad

    TemperatureVolume Corrector TC210 2.2.4 Keypad Action • Downwards movement within the current list: From the end of the list movement is then to the first value. • Changing values in the entry mode • Initiate functions, e.g. Clear all volumes => CLR.V •…

  • Page 16: User Interface Structure

    Temperature-Volume Corrector TC210 2.3 User interface structure The user interface in the TC210 is structured as a list (main menu). From here at the ap- propriate entry points it is possible to skip into the submenus Archive, Total status register, System or Service.

  • Page 17: Structure Of The Archive «Arc1» And The Submenus «U1» — «U3

    TemperatureVolume Corrector TC210 2.3.2 Structure of the archive «ARC1» and the submenus «U1» – «U3» ARCH (ARC1) S.REG (U1) AONo Block number SR.SY System status register TIME Storage time-point SR.1 Status Register 1 Standard volume SR.2 Status Register 2 Totaliser standard volume SR.5…

  • Page 18: Changing Values

    «data classes» (abbreviation: «DC»). Values in the same data class are treated identically during entry. A prerequisite for an entry is that the lock assigned to the value is open. The following data classes (DC) are present in the TC210: Type Entry, change using «ENTER»…

  • Page 19: Entry Errors

    TemperatureVolume Corrector TC210 2.4.2 Entry errors Entry errors are output to the display if incorrect entries are made via the keypad by the operator. The display is structured as follows: —xx— x = Error code according to the following table.

  • Page 20: Example Of Changing Values

    Temperature-Volume Corrector TC210 2.4.3 Example of changing values Adjustable values can be conveniently changed via the optical interface using the «Win- PADS» parameterisation software. With the key on the device this is only possible with re- strictions. The adjustable values are identified in the lists of the functional description.

  • Page 21: Quitting A Submenu Or The Archive

    TemperatureVolume Corrector TC210 PROG Entry is terminated by pressing the key for at least 2 s. OK is C P. I 1 briefly displayed. Then the set 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 value is displayed statically.

  • Page 22: Example Of Initiating Functions

    Temperature-Volume Corrector TC210 2.4.5 Example of initiating functions The «Status register» is to be deleted (short designation: CLR). Use key to access SERVICE submenu S E R V (Right indicating arrows flash) Ù Service Press the key for at least 2 s.

  • Page 23: Securing The Values (Access Rights)

    TemperatureVolume Corrector TC210 2.5 Securing the values (access rights) The TC210 differentiates between four access parties. Each access party has a lock and a corresponding code. The locks have the order of priority Calibration lock – Manufacturer’s lock – Supplier’s lock – Customer lock.

  • Page 24: Supplier’s Lock: Status, Closure, Opening, Changing The Combination

    Temperature-Volume Corrector TC210 2.5.3 Supplier’s lock: Status, closure, opening, changing the combina- tion Displaying the current status of the supplier’s lock The supplier’s lock is located in the submenu Service. Move to the submenu SERV with the key S E R V (Right indicating arrows flash) Ù…

  • Page 25
    TemperatureVolume Corrector TC210 Opening the supplier’s lock Example customer combination: 13579Ad Move to the submenu SERV with the key S E R V (Right indicating arrows flash) Ù Service Press the key for at least 2 s. The value CLR (Clear status C L R register) is displayed.
  • Page 26
    Temperature-Volume Corrector TC210 With the key this figure can be C o d. S — 3 — — — — — — set to the desired value. 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Ù Service You can edit the remaining figures in the same manner.
  • Page 27: Customer’s Lock : Status, Closure, Opening, Changing The Combination

    TemperatureVolume Corrector TC210 Changing the supplier’s combination Changing the supplier’s combination is only possible with an open supplier’s lock (ST.SL = 1, see above). The change is made in the same way as for opening the supplier’s lock (see above) C o d.

  • Page 28: Functional Description

    Temperature-Volume Corrector TC210 3 Functional description The user interface in the TC210 is structured as a list (main menu) (see Chapter 2.3). From here at the appropriate entry points it is possible to skip into the submenus Archive, Total status register, System or Service.

  • Page 29: Main Menu (User List)

    TemperatureVolume Corrector TC210 3.1 Main menu (User list) Address Designation / value Unit Access 2:300 Standard volume 2:302 Total standard volume 4:300 Actual volume 4:302 Actual volume (total) 6:310_1 Temperature °C TIME 1:400 Date and time 7:311 Pressure fixed value…

  • Page 30
    The conversion factor is calculated according to the following formula: ⋅ ⋅ (Standard pressure Pb, pressure p = P.F (for TC210), temperature T, gas law de- viation factor K= K.F (for TC210): see above, standard temperature Tb → 3.3.2) TMIN…
  • Page 31
    T.MES = EQ1T + EQ2T ž BIN.T + EQ3T ž BIN.T To adjust the temperature measurement circuit, the three coefficients of the quad- ratic equation can either be found by the TC210 itself or calculated by the user and entered using the WinPADS parameterisation software.
  • Page 32: Archive

    The total depth of the archive is > 500 data rows. 3.2.1 Reading out the archive There are a number of ways of reading out the archive in the TC210: • AS-200/S2 (from version V8.4) on site (with entry of mech. meter reading possible).

  • Page 33: Submenus

    SR.SY and in the status registers SR.1, SR.2, SR.5 and SR.6. Their meanings are described in Chapters and SR.SY System status Here, messages can be found which generally relate to the TC210 system (→ SR.1 Status Register 1 SR.2…

  • Page 34
    16 Daylight saving (Report) The TIME (→ 3.1) in the TC210 is summer time (CEST). The daylight saving selection (manual or automatic) can be changed via the serial in- terface using the WinPADS parameterisation software. The factory setting is manual.
  • Page 35: Messages In The Status Registers 1, 2, 5 And 6

    TemperatureVolume Corrector TC210 Messages in the status registers 1, 2, 5 and 6 In SR.1, SR.2, SR.5 and SR.6 all messages are qualitatively equivalent. Table 1: Overview of the messages in Status 1, 2, 5 and 6 Message SR.1 SR.2…

  • Page 36
    Temperature-Volume Corrector TC210 SR.1 Status Register 1 Error on Output 1 (Warning) The volume pulses to be passed through an output are temporarily saved in a pulse buffer. The buffer can accommodate 65535 pulses. If the volume to be output is con- tinuously greater than that which can be output in the form of pulses, the pulse buffer continually fills and will eventually reach its maximum state.
  • Page 37
    Vb and V (→ 3.1). 10 Temperature input not adjusted (Report) The temperature input of the TC210 is precisely adjusted in the factory to the con- nected temperature sensor. The error message indicates that this has not yet been carried out.
  • Page 38: System

    Temperature-Volume Corrector TC210 3.3.2 System Address Designation / value Unit Access BAT.R 2:404 Remaining bat. life MRL.T 5:224_1 Measurement range lower temperature limit °C MRU.T 5:225_1 Measurement range upper temperature limit °C 6:311_1 Temperature substitute value °C TARG 3:424 Ambient temperature range °C…

  • Page 39
    If the measured temperature T.MES (→ 3.3.3) is outside of the alarm limits, T.F is used as the temperature T for the conversion. T = T.F. TARG Ambient temperature range Identifies the ambient temperature for the TC210 in operation subject to calibration regulations. Standard temperature The standard temperature is used for computing the conversion factor (→…
  • Page 40
    ). The TC210 uses ADJ.T to optimise the running accuracy of the clock. The adjustment of the clock is carried out in the factory. Provided no value has been entered for ADJ.T, the TC210 displays the message 11 in the system status in the status Stat. (→
  • Page 41: Service

    TemperatureVolume Corrector TC210 3.3.3 Service Address Designation / value Unit Access 4:130 Clear status register 1:1F7 Display test CP.I1 1:253 cp value Input 1 1/m³ CP.I2 2:253 cp value Input 2 1/m³ CP.O1 1:611 cp value Output 1 1/m³ CP.O2…

  • Page 42
    +50°C, the value to be entered is normally about 80% of the capacity quoted by the manufacturer. With the use of the size «D» battery obtainable from ELSTER GmbH, the value 13.0 Ah should be entered accordingly for BAT.C.
  • Page 43
    TemperatureVolume Corrector TC210 ST.SL Supplier’s lock status and close Depending on the status of the supplier’s lock a «0» (= closed) or «1» (= open) ap- pears. Here, it is only possible to close the supplier’s lock. Closing the supplier’s lock is comprehensively described in Chapter 2.5.3.
  • Page 44
    Temperature-Volume Corrector TC210 CLR.X Initialise device With this function the TC210 can be reset to a defined initial status. All data (counter readings, archive and settings) are cleared. (See Chap. 2.4.5 for the prin- cipal procedure). The function should only be executed by trained persons with appro- priate operating equipment, because a complete parameterisation with, where applicable, calibration must then be carried out.
  • Page 45
    TemperatureVolume Corrector TC210 With the aid of the WinPADS Parameterisation Software the access rights (→ 2.5) men- tioned here can be changed for each output with an appropriately open lock. In this re- spect there are the following alternatives: Changes to the settings only possible subject to the calibration lock.
  • Page 46
    Temperature-Volume Corrector TC210 SP.O1 Status pointer for Output 1 The setting of the status pointers for the outputs can only be carried out via the optical interface with the aid of the WinPADS parameterisation software. If the output is programmed as «status output with active logic» (Md.O…= 2), then SP.O…
  • Page 47: Putting Into Operation Subject To Calibration

    (Tel.: +49 (0) 6134 / 605-123 or at support@elster.com). In the rating data book the associated parameters are clearly described by quoting the ad- dress. Values not directly available in the TC210 display can be recalled under «Applica- tion-specific values» (see Chap. 3.1, 3.3.2 or 3.3.3).

  • Page 48: Sealing

    Ensure that the screws are securely tightened so that no moisture can pene- trate the TC210. 4.5 Recalibration When using the TC210 in applications subject to official calibration, the recalibration peri- ods should be observed. According to the Calibration directive – General regulations, issued in 2000, these re- calibration periods are given in Appendix B under item number 7.10.

  • Page 49: Seal Layout

    TemperatureVolume Corrector TC210 4.6 Seal layout 4.6.1 Cable connection by cable glands Main stamp TC210 Name-plate m³ m³/h 1/m³ online Wire seal for User S.Reg Service System Archiv calibration lock 2 sec ENTER + S2+ S2- — + S1+ S1- -…

  • Page 50: Cable Connection Using Plugs

    Temperature-Volume Corrector TC210 4.6.2 Cable connection using plugs Main seal TC210 Name-plate m³ m³/h 1/m³ Wire seal for online User S.Reg Service calibration Archiv System lock 2 sec ENTER Adhesive seal for input and output terminals (calibration or user adhesive label) Plug connections for inputs Steckeranschlüsse für…

  • Page 51
    TemperatureVolume Corrector TC210 ELSTER HANDEL GmbH…
  • Page 52
    Temperature-Volume Corrector TC210 ELSTER Handel GmbH…
  • Page 53: Part 2

    TemperatureVolume Corrector TC210 Part 2 Description of the Initial Operation ELSTER HANDEL GmbH…

  • Page 54: Installation

    5.1 Fitting to a diaphragm gas meter ≤ G25 According to the PTB directive TRG3, the TC210 can be put into operation together with the commercial diaphragm gas meters BK-G10 to BK-G25 in the factory as a measure- ment unit.

  • Page 55
    TemperatureVolume Corrector TC210 TC210 with installation plate Order no. Installation plate: 73018477 Connecting piece Order no. 73013853 73013854 73013853 Bendable Order no. 73014250 73014251 Thermowells Order no.. 73014456 73012634 73018428 73014456 73012634 73018428 73012100 73012100 Version ELSTER HANDEL GmbH…
  • Page 56: Installation Procedure For The Device Versions I To Iv

    2. Connect the pulse transmitter. 3. If required, connect further equipment to the pulse/signal outputs. If the TC210 is used in a hazardous area (Zone 1), then only intrinsically safe elec- trical circuits of certificated «associated operating equipment» must be connected.

  • Page 57: Terminal Layout

    TemperatureVolume Corrector TC210 5.4 Terminal layout TC210 Typenschild Name-plate m³ m³/h 1/m³ online User S.Reg Service Archiv System Calibration switch Eichschalter 2 sec ENTER Batterieanschlüsse Battery connections + S2+ S2- — + S1+ S1- — Output 2 Input 1 Battery…

  • Page 58: Connection Of A Low-Frequency Pulse Transmitter (Reed Contacts)

    Pulse transmitter 1 Pulse transmit- ter 2 (optional) 5.6 Output connections The TC210 outputs can be connected in two ways. The TC210 outputs have a common negative potential. 5.6.1 Connecting the negative pole Connection diagram: TC210 E.g.: Data Logger DL220…

  • Page 59: Connecting The Positive Pole

    (see Chapter 2 ). Setting the time The device time can be set with the WinPADS parameterisation software. Test of pulse counting The pulse transfer from the meter to the TC210 must be checked for proper function- ing. ELSTER HANDEL GmbH…

  • Page 60: Maintenance

    5.9.1 Battery replacement During operation a check must be made from time to time of whether the battery needs to be replaced. A display of the remaining battery service life is provided for this in the TC210 under «System» submenu.

  • Page 61: Carrying Out Battery Replacement

    «D» battery obtainable from ELSTER GmbH, the value 13.0 Ah should be entered ac- cordingly for BAT.C. (11) Check the operating life calculated by the TC210: For BAT.R (→ 3.3.2) at least 96 months must be displayed. Apart from that, carry out step (9) again.

  • Page 62
    Temperature-Volume Corrector TC210 ELSTER Handel GmbH…
  • Page 63: Appendix

    TemperatureVolume Corrector TC210 Appendix ELSTER HANDEL GmbH…

  • Page 64: Appendix A Approvals

    Temperature-Volume Corrector TC210 Appendix A Approvals A-1 EC Declaration of Conformance ELSTER Handel GmbH…

  • Page 65
    TemperatureVolume Corrector TC210 Declaration of Conformance (Translation of original document) KCE115 According to: EMC Directive 89/336/EEC of the Council in the current version or «Law on the electromagnetic compatibility of equipment (EMCL)» in the current version. Supplier: ELSTER GmbH Address:…
  • Page 66: Certificate For Ex Zone 1

    Temperature-Volume Corrector TC210 A-2 Certificate for Ex Zone 1 ELSTER Handel GmbH…

  • Page 67
    TemperatureVolume Corrector TC210 ELSTER HANDEL GmbH…
  • Page 68
    Temperature-Volume Corrector TC210 ELSTER Handel GmbH…
  • Page 69
    EC TYPE-EXAMINATION CERTIFICATE Equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmos- pheres — Directive 94/9/EC EC-Type Examination Certificate Number TÜV 04 ATEX 2574 Equipment: Temperature-Volume Corrector type TC210 Manufacturer: ELSTER GmbH Address: Steinernstraße 19-21 D — 55252 Mainz-Kastel The construction of this equipment and any acceptable variation thereto is specified in the schedule to this certificate and the documents therein referred to.
  • Page 70
    Temperature-Volume Corrector TC210 TÜV NORD CERT GmbH & Co. KG Hanover, 09.12.2004 TÜV CERT-Certification Body Am TÜV 1 D-30519 Hannover Tel.: 0511-986-1470 TÜV NORD CERT Fax: 0511- 986-2555 Signed Head of the Certification Body This certificate may only be reproduced without any changes, schedule included.
  • Page 71
    (14) EC-TYPE EXAMINATION CERTIFICATE No. TÜV 04 ATEX 2574 (15) Description of the equipment The temperature-volume corrector type TC210 is an intrinsically safe supplementary device, which, with the aid of the state variable, temperature, and the entered fixed values for pressure and K-factor, converts the volume measured by a gas meter un- der service conditions to the basic volume (=Standard volume) and displays it.
  • Page 72
    Temperature-Volume Corrector TC210 Schedule EC-Type Examination Certificate No. TÜV 04 ATEX 2574 (16) Test documents are listed in the test report No. 04 YEX 5515620. (17) Special conditions None (18) Essential health and safety requirements No additional ones page 3/3…
  • Page 73: Appendix B: Technical Data

    Each input can be parameterised and sealed separately. Designation DE1, DE2 Nominal data When connecting the TC210 in Ex Zone 1, the limits quoted in the certificate of conformance must also be followed (see Chap. A-2 ). ELSTER HANDEL GmbH…

  • Page 74: Pulse And Signal Outputs

    Each output can be parameterised and sealed separately. Designation DA1, DA2 Nominal data: When connecting the TC210 in Ex Zone 1, the limits quoted in the certificate of con- formance must also be followed (see Chap. A-2 ). Maximum switching voltage 30 V DC…

  • Page 75: Optical Interface

    TemperatureVolume Corrector TC210 B-5 Optical interface Optical interface according to IEC 62056, Electricity metering — Data exchange for meter reading, tariff and load control — Part 21: Data exchange for fixed and mobile connections (IEC 62056-21:2002), bit serial, asynchronous data transfer according to ISO 1177, half- duplex Support of Data transmission mode «C»…

  • Page 76: Appendix C: Data List

    Temperature-Volume Corrector TC210 Appendix C: Data list Below all values are listed which as standard cannot be called via the keypad, but instead only via interface and can also be changed depending on the status of the locks. Via the interface all values must be accessed by means of the «address». The «address» of the values which can be recalled in the display can be found in Chapter 3.

  • Page 77
    TemperatureVolume Corrector TC210 Address Meaning Access Entity : Object 1: 04A0 CET.b Summer time, beginning 2: 04A1 Battery warning limit (months) 1: 04A8 CET.E Summer time, end 1: 0600 Status of output 1 (active / inactive) 2: 0600 Status of output 2 (active / inactive) 1: 0605 Md.O1…
  • Page 78: Index

    Temperature-Volume Corrector TC210 Index Customer’s lock, current status · 27 Abbreviated designations. · 13 Access rights · 23 Data backup · 33 Accessories · 7 Data list · 78 Adjustment · 31 Data protection · 23 Alarm · 29, 31, 41, 46 Day boundary ·…

  • Page 79
    TemperatureVolume Corrector TC210 Maintenance · 60 Submenu · 21 Measurement uncertainty · 77 Submenus · 17 Supplied items · 7 Messages in the status register · 33, 35 Month boundary · See month boundary supplier’s combination · 43 Supplier’s lock · 23, 28, 43 Supplier’s lock, current status ·…

Корректор объема газа ТС210

Корректор объема газа ТС210 предназначен для приведения рабочего объема газа, прошедшего через счетчик, к стандартным условиям (давление газа — 760 мм. рт. ст., температура газа +20 0С) путем вычисления коэффициента коррекции с использованием измеренного значения температуры газа, подстановочных значений давления и коэффициента сжимаемости газа.


Корпус корректора состоит из двух отсеков: микропроцессорного и батарейного. Клеммные колодки для подключения входных и выходных цепей расположены в батарейном отсеке. Интерфейс информативен и прост: буквенно-цифровой дисплей и клавиатура, содержащая всего лишь одну клавишу, а так же оптический последовательный порт передачи данных, расположены на лицевой панели прибора. Датчик температуры входит в состав изделия и поставляется предустановленным. Срок службы автономного источника питания при номинальном режиме работы составляет 5 лет.

Выполняемые функции:

— Учет объема газа при рабочих условиях;

— Вычисление стандартного объема газа;

— Мониторинг несанкционированного вмешательства;

— Сравнение счетных импульсов от первичного преобразователя расхода газа;

— Измерение температуры газа;

— Формирование архива объемом около 600 записей с интервалом час, день или месяц;

— Сигнализация о нештатных ситуациях (несанкционированное вмешательство, нарушение границ измеряемых параметров и т. п.);

— Формирование выходных импульсов, количество которых пропорционально значению выбранного счетчика.

Корректор ТС210 со счетчиком BK-G

Отличительные особенности:

— Учет объема газа при рабочих условиях;

— Вычисление стандартного объема газа;

— Мониторинг несанкционированного вмешательства;

— Сравнение счетных импульсов от первичного преобразователя расхода газа;

— Измерение температуры газа;

— Формирование архива объемом около 600 записей с интервалом час, день или месяц;

— Сигнализация о нештатных ситуациях (несанкционированное вмешательство, нарушение границ измеряемых параметров и т. п.);

— Формирование выходных импульсов, количество которых пропорционально значению выбранного счетчика.

— Вычисление коэффициента коррекции.

— Раздельный учет расхода при номинальном и нештатном режимах.

— Архивирование значений параметров расхода газа (стандартный Vс и рабочий V объемы газа, давление Р, температура Т, коэффициент коррекции С, статусная информация), необходимых для коммерческого учета.

— Просмотр архива на дисплее корректора и передача на персональный компьютер.

— Протокол обмена с персональным компьютером или мобильным считывающим устройством, соответствующий международным стандартам (ГОСТ Р МЭК 61107).

— Автономное питание.

— Замена элемента питания без потери данных.

— Оптический интерфейс, не требующий коммутации проводов.

— Два счетно-импульсных входа предназначенных для подключения герконов или транзисторных ключей.

— Два импульсных выхода предназначены для выдачи импульсов, количеством пропорциональным расходу газа, или для работы в сигнальном (статусном) режиме

Унифицированная конструкция корпуса корректора позволяет устанавливать прибор на все типы механических счетчиков газа, выпускаемых ООО ElsterГазэлектроника. Предлагаемые комплекты монтажных частей предназначены для установки на счетчики газа СГ, TRZ, RVG, BK, на трубопровод или на стену. Вариант монтажа оговаривается в процессе формирования заказа.

Совместимость с программным обеспечением СОДЭК, WinPADS.

Схема монтажа корректора ТС210 на трубопровод

Варианты использования для установки на (см. рис. сверху):

1) трубопровод, счетчик газа

2) стену, коммунальный счетчик

3) голову счетчика

Корректор объема газа ТС210 снят с производства, актуальная модель корректора: Корректор ТС215

Заказать Корректор объема газа ТС210 узнать цену, сроки поставки можно воспользовавшись формой заказа или контактной информацией. По запросу предоставим: схему, паспорт, сертификат, разрешение.

Temperature-Volume Corrector TC210


Safety information


The connections of the TC210 are freely accessible during setting up. In order to

avoid damage to the components, make sure that no electrostatic discharge (ESD)

can occur.

The person carrying out the installation can, for example, discharge himself/herself by

touching the potential equalisation line.


To avoid erroneous operation and problems, the operating manual must be read

before putting the TC210 into operation.

The TC210 Temperature-Volume Corrector fulfils the requirements of Category 2 of the

directive 94/9/EC (ATEX) and can be used according to EN 1127-1 in Ex Zone 1 for gases

of Group IIB and Temperature Class T4 (ignition temperature > 135°C, e.g. natural gas).

EC prototype test certificate, refer to Appendix A-2)

In this application it is essential to take note of the following information:


Follow the regulations and standards applicable in the respective country, e.g. in

Germany DIN EN 60079-14 (VDE 0165 Part 1) and DIN EN 50014.


Make sure that the limits quoted in the EC prototype test certificate (see Appendix A-

2) for the devices to be connected are not exceeded.


The housing of the TC210 must be earthed directly to a potential equalisation strip. A

terminal screw is provided for this on the left housing wall.


ELSTER Handel GmbH

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