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Корпоративное программное обеспечение TRBOnet

Этот документ предназначен только для информационных целей. Neocom Software не дает никаких явных или подразумеваемых гарантий в данном документе.
Neocom и логотип Neocom, TRBOnet и логотип TRBOnet являются либо зарегистрированными товарными знаками, либо товарными знаками Neocom Software, Ltd.
MOTOROLA, MOTO, MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS и логотип Stylized M являются товарными знаками или зарегистрированными товарными знаками Motorola Trademark Holdings, LLC.
Права на интеллектуальную собственность защищают технологию кодирования голоса, реализованную в этом изделии, включая патентные права, авторские права и коммерческую тайну Digital Voice Systems, Inc. Эта технология кодирования голоса лицензирована исключительно для использования в данном коммуникационном оборудовании. Пат. США. №№ 6,199,037 5,870,405 5,754,974, 5,664,051 5,630,011 5,517,511, 5,491,772 5,247,579 5,226,108, 5,226,084 5,216,747 5,081,681, XNUMX XNUMX XNUMX, XNUMX XNUMX XNUMX, XNUMX XNUMX XNUMX, XNUMX XNUMX XNUMX, XNUMX XNUMX XNUMX, XNUMX XNUMX XNUMX, XNUMX XNUMX XNUMX и XNUMX XNUMX.
Microsoft, Windows, SQL Server и логотип .NET являются либо зарегистрированными товарными знаками, либо товарными знаками Microsoft Corporation в США и/или других юрисдикциях.
Другие названия продуктов или компаний, упомянутые здесь, могут быть товарными знаками соответствующих владельцев.
© 2022 Neocom Software, Ltd. Все права защищены.
Последний раз этот документ был пересмотрен 1 апреля 2022 года.


1.1 Об этом руководстве
Этот документ предназначен для администраторов, настраивающих оценочные и экспериментальные развертывания решений MOTOTRBO Dispatch over IP. В документе описывается, как настроить и использовать функцию геозоны.
1.2 О TRBOnet
TRBOnet — это набор профессиональных приложений для цифровых сетей двусторонней радиосвязи MOTOTRBO. TRBOnet управляет путями передачи голоса и данных через конечные точки сети. Он предоставляет унифицированный графический интерфейс рабочего места диспетчера для всего спектра задач управления парком рабочей силы.
Для получения дополнительной информации о продуктах TRBOnet обратитесь к нашему webсайт.
1.3 Контакты

Регион  Телефон  Электронная почта и поддержка 
в регионе EMEA +44 203 608 0598 — общие и коммерческие запросы — техническая поддержка — он-лайн база знаний

Северной и Южной Америки +1 872 222 8726
APAC +61 28 607 8325


Функция геозоны в модуле отслеживания местоположения TRBOnet предназначена для реализации различных правил управления абонентами на основе движения и местоположения. В сценарии наружной установки на основе GPS два типа исходных событий для инициирования ответных действий:

  • Вход/выход из региона
    Следующая последовательная фиксация GPS от абонента за пределами заданного пользователем периметра. Или подписчик остается внутри или вне заданного пользователем периметра сверх установленного периода времени.
  • Скорость выше/ниже порога
    Абонент ускоряется, замедляется или остается неподвижным сверх заданного пользователем предела.

Определение правила геозоны в TRBOnet может объединять данные о местоположении и движении, полученные от радиостанции, для охвата управляемых абонентов настолько широко или узко, насколько это необходимо.


В этом разделе описывается, как рисовать регионы карты и задавать правила геозоны на основе региона.
3.1 Области рисования
В диспетчерской консоли TRBOnet вы можете рисовать многоугольные области, круглые области и маршруты.
3.1.1 Рисование полигональной области Рисование полигональной области вручную

Программное обеспечение neocom TRBOnet Enterprise Software - рис.

  • Когда закончите, нажмите на ссылку Сохранить.
    В открывшемся диалоговом окне Объект на карте укажите следующие параметры:

Общая вкладка

  • Имя и фамилия
    Укажите имя области карты.
  • ID
    Введите идентификатор региона карты.
  • Описание
    Введите описание области карты.

Вкладка «Регион»

  • Цвет
    Выберите цвет для отображения региона на карте.
  • Заполнить область области
    Установите этот флажок, чтобы заполнить область региона на карте.
  • Прозрачность
    Укажите уровень прозрачности (в процентах) для цвета заливки.

Вкладка «Логические группы»

  • Выберите логические группы, которые будут связаны с областью карты. Рисование полигональной области по координатам

  • Нажмите Программное обеспечение neocom TRBOnet Enterprise Software - значок 1и выберите Указать координаты.

Программное обеспечение neocom TRBOnet Enterprise Software - рис. 1

  • Щелкните ссылку Добавить, чтобы добавить точку.

Программное обеспечение neocom TRBOnet Enterprise Software - рис. 2

  • Система координат
    Из выпадающего списка выберите удобный формат (например,ample, десятичные градусы) для координат.
  • Широта / Долгота
    Введите координаты точки.
  • Нажмите OK, чтобы добавить точку.
  • Щелкните ссылку Изменить, чтобы изменить выбранную точку.
  • Щелкните ссылку Удалить, чтобы удалить выбранную точку.
  • Закончив редактирование точек региона, нажмите кнопку Сохранить.

3.1.2 Рисование круглой области Рисование круглой области вручную

  • Нажмите Программное обеспечение neocom TRBOnet Enterprise Software - значок 1 и выберите Нарисовать на карте.

Программное обеспечение neocom TRBOnet Enterprise Software - рис. 3

  • Нажмите на карту, чтобы разместить центр региона. Перетащите маркеры изменения размера, чтобы отрегулировать радиус области. Чтобы изменить положение центра региона, щелкните другое место на карте.
  • Когда закончите, нажмите на ссылку Сохранить.
    В открывшемся диалоговом окне Объект на карте укажите следующие параметры:

Общая вкладка 

  • Имя и фамилия
    Укажите имя области карты.
  •  ID
    Введите идентификатор региона карты.
  • Описание
    Введите описание области карты.

Вкладка «Регион»

  •  Цвет
    Выберите цвет для отображения региона на карте.
  • Заполнить область области
    Установите этот флажок, чтобы заполнить область региона на карте.
  • Прозрачность
    Укажите уровень прозрачности (в процентах) для цвета заливки.

Вкладка «Логические группы»

  • Выберите логические группы, которые будут связаны с областью карты. Рисование круглой области по координатам

  • Нажмите Программное обеспечение neocom TRBOnet Enterprise Software - значок 1 и выберите Указать координаты.
    В диалоговом окне Круговая область укажите следующие параметры:

Программное обеспечение neocom TRBOnet Enterprise Software - рис. 4

  • Система координат
    Из выпадающего списка выберите удобный формат (например,ample, десятичные градусы) для координат.
  • Широта / Долгота
    Введите координаты центра круга.
  • Радиус
    Введите радиус круга.

3.1.3 Рисование маршрута

  • Нажмите Программное обеспечение neocom TRBOnet Enterprise Software - значок 3 а затем устанавливайте точки маршрута одну за другой, нажимая на карту.

Программное обеспечение neocom TRBOnet Enterprise Software - рис. 5

  • Когда вы закончите рисовать маршрут, щелкните ссылку Сохранить.
    В диалоговом окне Объект на карте укажите имя и описание маршрута.
  • Откройте вкладку Маршрут.Программное обеспечение neocom TRBOnet Enterprise Software - рис. 6
  • Цвет
    Выберите цвет, которым будет отображаться маршрут на карте.
  • Заполнить область области
    Установите этот флажок, чтобы вокруг линии маршрута отображалась прозрачная кромка. Ширина кромки задается значением параметра «Зона допуска».
  • Прозрачность
    Укажите прозрачность в процентах для края линии.
  • Зона допуска
    Укажите ширину коридора (в метрах или футах, в зависимости от того, что выбрано в Инструменты > Параметры > Дополнительно / Система измерения). Если радиостанция выходит за пределы этой зоны допуска, диспетчер получает сигнал тревоги.

3.2 Определение правил геозоны

  • Нажмите «Администрирование», «Задачи» (1) и дважды щелкните «Геозона» (2) на панели «Задачи».Программное обеспечение neocom TRBOnet Enterprise Software - рис. 7Администратор может добавлять/отключать/удалять правила геозоны, а также редактировать выбранные правила:Программное обеспечение neocom TRBOnet Enterprise Software - рис. 8
  • Нажмите кнопку «Добавить правило» (1) и выберите соответствующее правило из раскрывающегося списка («Регион карты», «Маяки», «Радиостанции», «Одинокий работник»), чтобы добавить правило в текущую конфигурацию геозоны. Новое правило отобразится в списке правил (4).
  • Нажмите кнопку «Отключить правило» (2), чтобы отключить выбранное правило.
  • Нажмите кнопку Удалить правило (3), чтобы удалить выбранное правило.
  • Повторно запускайте правила после каждого редактирования правила, …
    Если вы выберете эту опцию (хотя это и не рекомендуется), правило будет перезапускаться каждый раз при изменении правила, перезапуске сервера или при запуске запланированного временного окна.

3.2.1 Правило области карты
В этом разделе описываются настройки, которые можно применить к правилу Map Region.
Общая вкладка

  • Имя и фамилия
    Укажите имя правила.
  • Описание
    Добавьте описание правила.
  • Запуск правила по расписанию
    Выберите этот параметр и в полях ниже укажите расписание запуска правила.
  • Дни недели
    В раскрывающемся списке выберите дни недели, в которые следует запускать правило геозоны.
  • Время начала
    Укажите время активации правила.
  • Остановить время
    Установите время деактивации правила.
  • После срабатывания правила
  • Сбросить режим тревоги, когда условия правила больше не выполняются. Выберите этот параметр, чтобы сбросить режим тревоги после срабатывания правила.

Вкладка Программное обеспечение neocom TRBOnet Enterprise Software - рис. 9Активируйте это правило, когда подписчик:

  • Входит в выбранные регионы
    Выберите этот параметр, чтобы правило срабатывало, как только подписчик входит в выбранный регион.
  • Покидает выбранные регионы
    Выберите этот вариант, чтобы правило срабатывало, как только подписчик покинет выбранный регион. Для нескольких вложенных/перекрывающихся регионов
    Выберите один из вариантов, указывающих для нескольких регионов, учитывать ли только внешнюю границу группы регионов или любую границу региона внутри группы.

Выполните следующие действия:
Здесь вы указываете, какие действия выполнять при срабатывании правила.

  • Активировать режим будильника
    Выберите этот параметр, чтобы активировать режим тревоги в диспетчерской консоли.
  • Активировать режим одинокого работника
    Выберите этот параметр, чтобы автоматически включать или выключать режим «Одинокий работник» для радиостанции, если она входит в выбранный регион или покидает его.
  • Отправить текстовое сообщение на исходное радио
    Выберите этот параметр, чтобы автоматически отправлять текстовое сообщение на радиостанцию, когда она входит в выбранный регион или покидает его.
  • Отправить уведомление
    Выберите этот параметр, чтобы отправлять уведомления другим пользователям, когда радио входит в выбранный регион или покидает его. Щелкните ссылку Получатели и укажите получателей, которым будет отправлено уведомление.
  • Отправить запрос на разговор с исходным радио
    Выберите этот параметр, чтобы автоматически отправлять запрос на разговор на радиостанцию, когда она входит в выбранный регион или покидает его.

Вкладка «Скорость» Программное обеспечение neocom TRBOnet Enterprise Software - рис. 10Активировать правило, когда подписчик:

  • Двигается быстрее, чем
    Выберите эту опцию и укажите максимально допустимую скорость для транспортных средств. Правило сработает, когда транспортное средство с радио превысит это ограничение скорости.
  • Двигается медленнее, чем
    Выберите эту опцию и укажите минимально допустимую скорость для транспортных средств. Правило сработает, когда транспортное средство с радио упадет ниже заданной скорости.
  • Остается неподвижным дольше
    Выберите этот параметр и укажите период времени в секундах, в течение которого транспортному средству разрешено оставаться неподвижным. Правило сработает, когда транспортное средство с радиостанцией останется без движения дольше указанного периода времени.
  • Скорость отслеживания по регионам
    Из выпадающего списка выберите, где отслеживать скорость транспорта: внутри или вне выбранных регионов или независимо от регионов.

Выполните следующие действия:
Здесь вы указываете, какие действия выполнять при срабатывании правила.

  • Активировать режим будильника
    Выберите этот параметр, чтобы активировать режим тревоги в диспетчерской консоли.
  •  Отправить текстовое сообщение на исходное радио
    Выберите этот параметр, чтобы автоматически отправлять текстовое сообщение на радиостанцию, когда она входит в выбранный регион или покидает его.
  • Отправить запрос на разговор с исходным радио
    Выберите этот параметр, чтобы автоматически отправлять запрос на разговор на радиостанцию, когда она входит в выбранный регион или покидает его.

Вкладка «Регионы» Программное обеспечение neocom TRBOnet Enterprise Software - рис. 11

  • Все регионы
    Выберите этот параметр, чтобы применить это правило ко всем регионам.
  • Только избранные регионы
    Выберите этот вариант, чтобы применить правило для одного или нескольких регионов.
  • Выбрать все
    Нажмите эту кнопку, чтобы выбрать все регионы в списке.
  • Убрать выделение со всего
    Нажмите эту кнопку, чтобы отменить выбор всех регионов в списке.

Вкладка «Радио» Программное обеспечение neocom TRBOnet Enterprise Software - рис. 12

  • Все радио
    Выберите этот параметр, чтобы применить это правило ко всем радиостанциям.
  • Только избранные радиостанции
    Выберите этот параметр, чтобы применить правило к одному или нескольким радиомодулям.
  • Выбрать все (1)
    Нажмите эту кнопку, чтобы выбрать все радиостанции в списке.
  • Отменить все (2)
    Нажмите эту кнопку, чтобы отменить выбор всех радиостанций в списке.
  • Свернуть все (3)
    Нажмите эту кнопку, чтобы свернуть view радиостанций в списке.
  • Развернуть все (4)
    Нажмите эту кнопку, чтобы развернуть view радиостанций в списке.
  • Программное обеспечение neocom TRBOnet Enterprise Software - значок 4 (5)
    Нажмите эту кнопку и в раскрывающемся меню выберите фильтры для радиостанций, которые будут отображаться в списке (в сети (в помещении, с фиксированным GPS, без GPS), в автономном режиме).
  • Программное обеспечение neocom TRBOnet Enterprise Software - значок 5 (6)
    Нажмите эту кнопку и в раскрывающемся меню выберите, какой список отображать: список радио, группы радио или логические группы.

Вкладка «Одинокий работник» Программное обеспечение neocom TRBOnet Enterprise Software - рис. 13

  • Все задачи
    Выберите этот параметр, чтобы выполнять все задачи Lone Worker, настроенные администратором, при срабатывании правила.
  • Только избранные задачи
    Выберите этот вариант и в списке ниже выберите задачи Lone Worker, которые будут выполняться при срабатывании правила.

3.2.2 Другие правила
В этом разделе описываются настройки, которые можно применять для правил геозонирования типов, отличных от региона карты (маяки, радиостанции и одинокий работник). Эти настройки представлены в таблице ниже:

Тип правила Имя вкладки Параметры Описание
Настройки общие для всех типов правил Общие Имя – укажите имя правила. Описание — добавьте описание правила.
Планировщик Запускать правило по расписанию — выберите, чтобы запустить планировщик для правил геозоны.
Дни недели — выберите дни недели, в которые будет активироваться правило геозоны. Время запуска — установите время, в которое будет запускаться правило. Время остановки — установите время остановки правила.
Радио Все радиостанции — выберите применение этого правила ко всем радиостанциям;
Только выбранные радиостанции — выберите применение правила для одной или нескольких радиостанций;
Тип правила Имя вкладки  Параметры Описание
Маяки Позволяет настраивать правила, когда радиостанция входит или выходит из зоны действия маяка. Общие Режим управления:
Контролировать вход в зону действия маяка – выберите, чтобы включить правило при входе радиостанции в зону действия маяка. Контролировать выход из зоны действия маяка — выберите, чтобы включить правило, когда радиостанция выходит из зоны действия маяка. Активировать режим тревоги, если сработало правило — выберите этот параметр, чтобы активировать режим тревоги в диспетчерской консоли, если сработало правило маяков.
Сбросить режим тревоги, если правило не сработало – выберите, чтобы автоматически сбрасывать режим тревоги в Диспетчерской консоли, если условие правила не сработало (например,ample, когда выбран контроль входа в зону действия маяка и радиостанция входит в контролируемую зону действия, а затем покидает зону, режим тревоги в Диспетчерской консоли будет сброшен автоматически). Отправить запрос на разговор на радио, если правило сработало — выберите этот параметр, чтобы автоматически отправлять запрос на разговор на радио, если правило сработало. Отправить текстовое сообщение на радио, если правило сработало — выберите этот параметр, чтобы автоматически отправлять текстовое сообщение на радио, если правило сработало.
Активировать одинокого работника, если правило сработало — выберите этот параметр, чтобы разрешить автоматическую активацию политики одинокого работника для радиостанции в случае входа или выхода из зоны действия маяка.
Планировщик См. Выше.
Радио См. Выше.
Маяки Все маяки — выберите применение этого правила ко всем маякам;
Только выбранные маяки — выберите применение правила для одного или нескольких маяков.
Одинокий рабочий Все задачи — выберите применение всех задач, настроенных администратором, при срабатывании правила; Только выбранные задачи — выберите этот вариант и в списке ниже выберите задачи Lone Worker, которые будут выполняться при срабатывании правила.
Тип правила Имя вкладки  Параметры Описание
Радиостанции Позволяет использовать радиостанции в качестве области карты и отслеживать, когда другая радиостанция входит или покидает зону радиостанции. Общие Режим управления:
Control Entering Region — выберите, чтобы включить правило, когда радиостанция входит в зону близости, связанную с другой радиостанцией. Control Leaving Region — выберите, чтобы включить правило, когда радиостанция покидает зону близости, связанную с другой радиостанцией. Активировать режим тревоги, если сработало правило — выберите, чтобы активировать режим тревоги в Диспетчерской консоли, если сработало правило «Радио». Сбросить режим тревоги, если правило не сработало – выберите, чтобы автоматически сбрасывать режим тревоги в Диспетчерской консоли, если условие правила не сработало (например,ample, когда Control Entering Region
выбран и радио входит в контролируемую зону поблизости, а затем мгновенно покидает зону, режим тревоги в Диспетчерской консоли будет сброшен автоматически). Отправить текстовое сообщение на радио, если правило сработало – выберите, чтобы информировать радиоабонента, если правило сработало. Отправить запрос на разговор с радио, если правило сработало – выберите, чтобы сообщить радиоабоненту, если правило сработало. Минимальное расстояние между радиостанциями — укажите расстояние в метрах или футах, в зависимости от того, что выбрано в меню «Инструменты» > «Параметры» > «Дополнительно» / «Система измерений». Когда расстояние меньше выбранного значения, правило сработает в соответствии с указанными выше настройками.
Цвет региона – выберите цвет зоны окружения радиостанции.
Планировщик См. Выше.
Радио Регионы Выберите радиостанции, которые будут использоваться в качестве регионов, для которых применяется правило.
Радио См. Выше.
Карта регионов Правило работает только в регионах
Выберите этот параметр, а затем выберите «Все регионы» или «Только выбранные регионы».
Тип правила Имя вкладки Параметры Описание
Lone Worker Позволяет настраивать запланированные задачи Lone Worker. Общие Дни недели — выберите дни недели для активации правила «Одинокий работник».
Время запуска – установите время запуска правила; Время остановки — установите время остановки правила.
Радио См. Выше.
Одинокий рабочий Выберите «Все задачи» или «Только выбранные задачи» из списка задач «Одинокий работник», настроенного администратором.
Когда задача Lone Worker упоминается как Disabled, администратор должен включить задачу.

3.3 Активация правил геозоны

  • Чтобы активировать задачу «Геозоны», на панели «Задачи» установите флажок рядом с названием задачи.

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Radio-over-IP Gateway

User Manual





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Related Manuals for TRBOnet Swift A100

Summary of Contents for TRBOnet Swift A100

  • Page 1: User Manual

    Radio-over-IP Gateway TRBOnet Swift A100 User Manual World HQ US Office Internet Telephone Neocom Software Neocom Software EMEA: +44 203 608 0598 8th Line 29, Vasilyevsky Island 15200 Jog Road, Suite 202 Email: Americas: +1 872 222 8726 St. Petersburg, 199004, Russia Delray Beach, FL 33446, USA WWW.TRBONET.COM…

  • Page 2
    This document is for informational purposes only. Neocom software, Ltd offers no warranties, express or implied, in this document. Neocom and the Neocom logo, TRBOnet and the TRBOnet logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Neocom software, Ltd. MOTOROLA, MOTO, MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS and the Stylized M logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Motorola Trademark Holdings, LLC.
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    Contents Introduction …………………………..1 About This Document ……………………1 About TRBOnet Swift …………………….1 Contacts …………………………1 About TRBOnet Swift A100 ………………………2 Features …………………………2 Capabilities ……………………….2 Restrictions ……………………….3 Package Contents ……………………..3 Specification ……………………….4 Panels …………………………5 Interior Layout ……………………….6 LED Indication ……………………… 10 Setup and Connection ……………………..11 MOTOTRBO Mode ……………………..

  • Page 4: Introduction

    TRBOnet Swift is a family of hardware products designed by Neocom Software Solutions, Ltd for MOTOTRBO radio networks. The Swift family hardware is presented by the RoIP gateways A100 and A200, and the option board ST002. For more information about the TRBOnet Swift family products, refer to our website. Contacts Region Phone Email &…

  • Page 5: About Trbonet Swift A100

    About TRBOnet Swift A100 TRBOnet Swift A100 (also referred to as the «A100 gateway») is a hardware radio- over-IP gateway intended to connect a control radio to TRBOnet Server. The radio can transfer voice and data to one or multiple connected TRBOnet Servers over IP.

  • Page 6: Restrictions

    Controls the power supply and switches to the backup battery automatically if  the AC power fails. Sends an alarm notification to all connected TRBOnet Servers in case of power  loss or when switching to the backup power supply.

  • Page 7: Specification

    Audio (wired) + Control (PTT, CSQ) Non-MOTOTRBO Inputs/outputs Open collector Output type 100 mA Output current, max 12 V Input voltage, max The OLED is located on the IP controller. TRBOnet Enterprise/PLUS of version 5.2.5 and higher is required. TRBOnet Swift A100 – User Manual…

  • Page 8: Panels

    About TRBOnet Swift A100 Panels TRBOnet Swift A100 comes in a metal case. 2.6.1 Front Panel The front panel features a slot for a two-way mobile radio (1) and two handles (2) for transportation and mounting. 2.6.2 Rear Panel The rear panel of the unit has two built-in fans (3), several connectors, and a power switch (8).

  • Page 9: Interior Layout

    2. Rear panel 3. Power supply unit 4. AC power socket and switch 5. Radio (user supplied) 6. Brackets for the radio 7. IP controller (see section 2.7.1) 8. External antenna socket 9. Built-in fans TRBOnet Swift A100 – User Manual…

  • Page 10
    About TRBOnet Swift A100 2.7.1 IP Controller 1. Rear panel 2. USB port, type B 3. LAN port 4. Input/Output terminal block (for pin assignment, see section 5. Analog terminal block (see section 3.2.1) 6. Power terminal block 7. LED Display (see section 2.8) 8.
  • Page 11
    RADIO terminal block pinout: 1 – D- USB 2 – +VBUS USB 3 – — 4 – IGNITION (radio on) 5 – D+ USB 6 – GND 7 – GND 8 – SWB (radio detect) TRBOnet Swift A100 – User Manual…
  • Page 12
    About TRBOnet Swift A100 Analog terminal block ANALOG terminal block pinout: 1 – CSQ 2 – PTT 3 – GND 4 – AUDIO GND 5 – AUDIO IN 6 – AUDIO OUT Power terminal block POWER terminal block pinout: 1 – GND 2 –…
  • Page 13: Led Indication

    Flashing icon: The radio is disconnected or powered off. Radio TX Radio RX IP connection The number next to the icon indicates how many TRBOnet Servers are connected. Flashing icon: the A100 gateway is not connected to an IP network. Incoming/outgoing data indicator USB connection to the radio Memory card The memory card is not detected.

  • Page 14: Setup And Connection

    Setup and Connection Setup and Connection TRBOnet Swift A100 can operate in the MOTOTRBO mode or in the non- MOTOTRBO mode. The choice of the operation mode depends on the type of the connected radio. Table 4: A100 operation modes…

  • Page 15
    7. Assemble the control head seal on the radio. Assemble the control head to the radio chassis by aligning one side of the control head assembly tabs to one side of the radio chassis tabs and then rotate the control head assembly until the other side engages. TRBOnet Swift A100 – User Manual…
  • Page 16
    Setup and Connection Note: Verify that the control head seal is not pinched and not visible. If a pinch is found, disassemble the control head, reseat the seal and reassemble the control head. 3.1.2 Installing and Connecting the Radio Now install your MOTOTRBO radio into the A100 gateway and connect it to all required components inside the unit.
  • Page 17
    1. Power off the A100 gateway. Connect the programming cable to the radio and to a USB port of your computer. Power up the A100 gateway. 2. Launch TRBOnet Swift CPS on your computer. In the main window, select USB as the programming interface (Figure 6, page 15).
  • Page 18
    Configuring the A100 Gateway To configure the A100 gateway: 1. Launch TRBOnet Swift CPS. In the main window’s bottom bar, select USB as an interface for device programming (Figure 6). Connect the programming cable to a USB port of your computer.
  • Page 19
    IP address of your A100 gateway and click Read.  If you use the USB connection and the Select device window appears, point your device. The configuration settings appear in a separate tab. 4. Click Network Settings in the left panel. TRBOnet Swift A100 – User Manual…
  • Page 20
    Setup and Connection Figure 9: Configuring the IP network settings of the A100 gateway In the right panel, specify the following settings:  IP Address: The IP address assigned to your A100 gateway.  Subnet Mask: The mask of the subnet to which the A100 gateway belongs.
  • Page 21: Non-Mototrbo Mode

    Non-MOTOTRBO Mode To configure TRBOnet Swift A100 to operate in the non-MOTOTRBO mode, follow the steps in Table 6. Table 6: High-level steps to configure TRBOnet Swift A100 to operate in the non-MOTOTRBO mode Step Refer to: Assemble the service cable.

  • Page 22
    Setup and Connection A100 6-pin connector Radio connector CSQ DETECT 2. (Optional) Add two wires between the A100 Radio terminal block and the radio connector plug to implement additional features. A100 Radio terminal block Radio connector PIN 4 IGNITION SENSE PIN 8 SWB+ 3.
  • Page 23
    A100 gateway. Use the radio programming software provided by the manufacturer of the radio. Program the GPIO pins of your radio as described in the documentation supplied by the manufacturer of the radio. TRBOnet Swift A100 – User Manual…
  • Page 24
    Configuring the A100 Gateway To configure the A100 gateway: 1. Launch TRBOnet Swift CPS. In the main window, select USB as an interface for device programming at the bottom (Figure 6, page 15). Connect the programming cable to the USB type B port of the A100 gateway and to a USB port of your computer.
  • Page 25
    If any I/O pins are connected to external hardware, configure the A100  gateway to send the states of these pins to TRBOnet software. For each I/O pin connected by external hardware, expand the menu and select the logical pin in TRBOnet: Specify the active level of the signal and other I/O pin settings.
  • Page 26
    Setup and Connection 6. Click Audio Settings in the left panel. In the right panel (Figure 15), do the following:  Use the sliders to adjust the level of the input and output audio signal in the range of -42Db to 20 Db. …
  • Page 27: Trbonet Configuration

    (page 27)  TRBOnet Enterprise/PLUS Configuration In this example, TRBOnet Swift A100 is registered as a radio system in the TRBOnet Enterprise (PLUS) Server configuration (Figure 16). Figure 16: Registering the A100 gateway as a radio system Launch the TRBOnet Dispatch Console and click Voice Dispatch in the left pane. If registered correctly, your A100 gateway appears on the Radio Interface tab with the green (“connected”) icon (Figure 17).

  • Page 28
    TRBOnet Configuration To configure pins: 1. In the TRBOnet Dispatch Console, click Administration and Radio Systems in the left pane (Figure 18, step 1 and 2). 2. In the right pane, the list of the registered radio systems appears. Double-click the radio system associated with your A100 gateway (Figure 18, step 3).
  • Page 29
    A pop-up window appears displaying the pin states: Figure 20: Pin states The temperature is measured inside the unit and transmitted to TRBOnet by default, no additional configuration is required. The fan speeds for each of the two coolers are displayed in revolutions per minute.
  • Page 30: Trbonet Watch Configuration

    Figure 21: Changing the output pin states TRBOnet Watch Configuration The I/O pins of TRBOnet Swift A100 are supported in TRBOnet Watch 2.5 and later versions. In this example, the A100 gateway is registered as a radio system in the TRBOnet Watch Server configuration (Figure 22).

  • Page 31
     specified in the A100 configuration (see section 3.1.5). After you apply the changes, launch the TRBOnet Watch console and click Live Monitor in the left pane. You can see the states of the connected A100 pins on the Diagnostics tab and on the Physical GPIO Pins tab.
  • Page 32: Maintenance

    Maintenance Maintenance Built-in Clock Battery Replacement If the flashing Low battery charge icon appears on the display of the unit, you need to replace the built-in clock battery. Figure 24: Replacement of the battery and memory card To replace the battery: 1.

  • Page 33: Memory Card Replacement

    Note: The maximum supported memory size of a microSD card is 32 Gb. Important Note The manufacturer reserves the right to make changes and/or improvements in designs and dimensions without notice and without incurring obligation. TRBOnet Swift A100 – User Manual…


Aktuelle Version

TRBOnet Enterprise Release v4.6 — Januar 2015

TRBOnet Enterprise v4.6 with Mobile Client

Mobile Client for Android, Event Driven GPS, Scheduled Reports, MOTOTRBO Firmware 2.4 support, 7 New reports, General performance improvements

TRBOnet Watch Enterprise v2.2 — Januar 2015

TRBOnet Watch Enterprise v2.2

Brand new fine-grained filter tool, Re-mastered Coverage Map (RSSI Levels), Improved support for control station network adapters, CSBK and RSSI Data for Linked Capacity Plus support

Vorige Versionen

TRBOnet Enterprise Release v4.0.3 — April 2014

TRBOnet Enterprise v4.0.3 with NAI support

VoiceDispatch and AVL for Single repeaters, IPSC, CapacityPlus, Linked CapacityPlus and ConnectPlus.

Note: Windows XP is NOT supported for Voice Dispatch/Voice Recording

TRBOnet Enterprise Release v3.6 — March 2013

TRBOnet Enterprise v3.6

VoiceDispatch and AVL for Single repeaters, IPSC, CapacityPlus, Linked CapacityPlus and ConnectPlus.

Note: Windows XP is NOT supported for Voice Dispatch/Voice Recording

TRBOnet Enterprise Release v3.0 — January 2012

TRBOnet Enterprise v3.0 (http, Europe server)

User Manual

Quick Install Guide for Windows7

Full Install Guide

TRBOnet Enterprise Release v2.8 — 3 August 2011

TRBOnet Enterprise v2.8 R15 (http, Europe server)

No MCDD required for Windows Vista, Windows7. For Windows XP MCDD required.
Direct Repeater IP Connect and/or Master Radios supported.

User Guide (PDF 19 Mb) for TRBOnet Enterprise 2.8

TRBOnet Enterprise Release v2.6 R9 — 11 November 2010

TRBOnet Enterprise v2.6 (http, Europe server)

No MCDD required for Windows Vista, Windows7. For Windows XP MCDD required.

TRBOnet Pro v1.8.9 — 8 December 2010

TRBOnet Pro v1.8.9 (http, Europe server)

User Guide ( 8 Mb)

TRBOnet Standard v1.8.9 — 8 December 2010

TRBOnet Standard v1.8.9 (http, Europe server)

TRBOnet for MDC v1.8.9 — 25 February 2010

TRBOnet for MDC v1.8.9 (http, Europe server)

TRBOnet for MDC v1.8.9 (http, USA server)

TRBOnet for Analogue Radios v1.8.9 — 1 March 2010

TRBOnet for Analogue Radios v1.8.9 (http, Europe server)

TRBOnet for Analogue Radios v1.8.9 (http, USA server)

Additional Software

TRBOnet Prerequisites (http, Europe server)

TRBOnet Prerequisites (http, USA server)



Mototrbo USB Multi-Channel Device Driver 0236

MS SQL Server 2008 R2 Express. 10 Gb database. The best for Windows7

MS SQL Server 2005 Express Edition SP2

SQL Server Management Studio SP2

Windows Installer 3.1 Redistributable (v2)

Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Service Pack 1

Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Package

.Net Framework 4.0


TRBOnet Quick Support (2MB)

TatukGIS Viewer Freeware (for vector maps like ERSI, Shape, MapInfo etc) (16MB)

GPS MAP Tool (for raster maps) (4MB)

SAS Planet 9111 (3.5 MB)

TRBOnet Localization Tool v2

RadioServer HardwareID Generator (0.2 MB) for TRBOnet Enterprise 2.8 Only

Installer CleanUp Utility

TRBOnet Microphone Connector Driver

TRBOnet Microphone User Manual

Page 1: TRBOnet Enterprise v2.8 User Manual 2

TRBOnet Enterprise 2.8

User Guide

Copyright © 2011Neocom Software, Ltd.

Page 2: TRBOnet Enterprise v2.8 User Manual 2


Contents: 2

1. Dispatcher Console 11

1.1. Radio interface 1

1.1.1 Radio interface overview 1

1.1.2 How to 2

To connect to a RadioServer 3

To change the password 5

To change the console’s language 6

To configure quick buttons 7

To change the Contacts Tree view 9

To perform an action 14

To perform an action in the Subscribers tree 15

To edit a subscriber 17

General Tab 17

Groups Tab 18

Optionboard Tab 19

Additional Tab 20

To make a private call 21

To send a voicemail or a text message to an offline subscriber 23

To make a broadcast or a group call 24

To make an Intercom call 26

To make an Intercom call to all users 26

To make a private Intercom call 27

To activate CrossPatch 29

To make or receive telephone calls 30

To make a phone call from the Dispatcher Console 30

To receive a phone call 31

To redirect a phone call to a subscriber radio 32

To make a call from telephone to radio 33

To make a call from subscriber radio to telephone 33

DTMF Call 33

A call by sending text message to the base 33

Actions available for a master radio or repeater slot 34

Actions on master radio pane 34

Copyright © 2011Neocom Software, Ltd.

Page 3: TRBOnet Enterprise v2.8 User Manual 2

Actions from master radio context menu 35

Actions available from master radio icon context menu 36

Master radio properties 38

Description tab 38

Radio channels tab 39

Talk groups tab 40

Transmits tab 41

Volume tab 42

To send text messages 43

To navigate through log records 45

To playback a call 46

To playback several files 46

To group or filter log records 47

To group log records 47

To filter log records 48

To add messages and notes to the log 49

Notes 49

Messages 50

1.1.3 Contacts tree 53

1.1.4 Calls pane 59

How to 60

To perform an action 60

To make a private call 60

To make broadcast or a group call 60

To make an Intercom call 60

To mutemaster stations 60

To transmit a message on a busy channel 61

To patch channels 61

To send text message 61

To navigate through log records 61

To playback calls 61

To group log records 61

To add messages and notes to the log 61

Notes 61

Messages 62

Call types 62

Viewmodes 63

Standby Mode 64

Copyright © 2011Neocom Software, Ltd.

Page 4: TRBOnet Enterprise v2.8 User Manual 2

Transmission Mode 64

ReceiveMode 65

Small master radios 66

1.1.5 Recent Calls/Events log 68

How to… 69

To navigate through log records 69

To playback records 69

To group log records 69

To add messages and notes 70

Notes 70

Messages 70

1.1.6 Telephone Interconnect 71

Programming themaster radio 72

Programming portable radios 74

To register a SIP account 76

To configure Telephone Interconnect 76

To configure Telephone Interconnect with a virtual local SIP Server 76

To configure SIP Interconnect with a hardware phone or a SIP account 77

Advanced SIP settings 79

To make a phone call from the Dispatcher Console 80

To receive a call 81

To redirect a phone call to a subscriber radio 82

To make a call from telephone to radio 83

To make a call from radio to telephone 83

DTMF Call 83

A call by sending text message to the base 83

1.1.7 CrossPatch 84

Creating a CrossPatch 85

To create a CrossPatch: 85

To activate CrossPatch 88

Types of CrossPatch 89

1. Master radios redirect the calls to each other 89

2. Onemaster radio redirects the calls to several master radios 91

3. Master radios redirect the calls to onemaster radio 93

1.1.8 TX Passive 95

Recording a message to transmit 97

Selecting an existing audio file to transmit 99

1.2. GPS Positioning 101

Copyright © 2011Neocom Software, Ltd.

Page 5: TRBOnet Enterprise v2.8 User Manual 2

1.2.1 GPS Positioning overview 101

1.2.2 How to 103

To load a map to a new tab 104

To load a map to a newwindow 105

To select the activemap 106

To savemap settings 107

To load the default map settings 108

To save an onlinemap 109

To specify the folder to storemap data 109

To save themap 109

Toolbar icons 110

To show/hide subscribers on map 111

To show/hide types of subscribers 111

To perform an action in the Subscribers tree 112

Context menu 112

To monitor a subscriber 116

To enable map drawing toolbar 118

To add a region 119

To add an object 121

To perform an action in the objects pane 122

To show/hide objects and regions 123

To show/hide all the objects and regions 123

To show/hide exact objects or regions 123

To configure Geofencing and Speed Control 124

To add/delete a rule 124

To edit a rule 125

General 125

Regions 126

Radios 127

To enable/disable a rule 127

To navigate through log records 128

To playback a call 129

To playback several files 129

To group log records 130

To add messages and notes 132

Notes 132

Messages 133

Radio Events 136

Copyright © 2011Neocom Software, Ltd.

Page 6: TRBOnet Enterprise v2.8 User Manual 2

Radio State 136

Active Tasks 137

User Activity 138

To enable/disable User Activity 138

To configure User Activity 139

To add or delete a User Activity list 139

To Edit a list 140

To assign an offline subscriber to the default User Activity list 141

1.2.3 Subscribers tree 142

To show/hide subscribers on themap 142

To perform an action 142

1.2.4 Electronic maps 143

To load a map to a new tab 145

To load a map to a newwindow 145

To select the activemap 145

To savemap settings 145

To load the default map settings 145

Toolbar icons 146

1.2.5 Objects Pane 147

To enable map drawing toolbar 147

To add a region 148

To add an object 150

To perform an action 151

To show/hide objects and regions 152

To configure Geofencing and Speed Control 152

1.2.6 Event Log 153

Recent Calls/Events 153

Radio Events 154

To navigate through log records 154

To playback records 155

To group log records 155

To add messages and notes 155

Notes 155

Messages 155

Radio State 156

Active Tasks 156

User Activity 157

To enable/disable User Activity 157

Copyright © 2011Neocom Software, Ltd.

Page 7: TRBOnet Enterprise v2.8 User Manual 2

1.3. Text Messages 158

1.3.1 Text Messages Overview 158

1.3.2 How to 159

To send a message to a node 160

To show/hide records from theMessage Session pane 161

1.3.3 Contacts tree 162

1.3.4Message Session pane 163

1.3.5 Text Message pane 164

To send a message 164

1.4. Event Log 165

1.4.1 Event log overview 165

1.4.2 How to 167

To navigate through log records 168

To playback a call 169

To playback several files 170

To group log records 172

To add messages and notes to the log 175

Notes 175

Messages 178

1.4.3 Events tree 180

1.4.4 Log pane 181

To navigate through log records 181

To playback records 182

To group log records 182

To add messages and notes 182

Notes 182

Messages 182

1.4.5 Entry pane 183

1.5. Reports and Statistics 184

1.5.1 Reports and statistics overview 184

1.5.2 How to 185

To generate a report 186

To view a generated report 188

To manage a report 189

Toolbar 189

1.5.3 Report Types tree 193

1.5.4 Report pane 195

To generate a report 195

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To view a report 195

To manage a report 195

1.6. Administer 196

1.6.1 Administer overview 196

Navigation Tree 197

1.6.2 CrossPatch 198

To add a CrossPatch 199

To activate a CrossPatch 202

To edit a CrossPatch 203

1.6.3 Database 204

To clean the database 205

To use the database backup scheduler 206

1.6.4 Disabled Radios 207

To disable a radio 208

To enable a radio 209

1.6.5 Dispatchers 210

To add/delete a dispatcher 210

General 211

Access rights 212

AvailableMaster Radios 213

Available groups 214

To edit a dispatcher 214

1.6.6 Logical groups 215

To add a logical group 216

To add a logical subgroup 217

To edit a logical group 218

To delete a group 218

1.6.7Master Radios 219

To reset a master radio 219

To view/edit a master radio’s properties 220

Description tab 221

Radio channels tab 222

Talk groups tab 223

Transmits tab 224

Volume tab 225

1.6.8 Tasks 226

Geofencing 227

To enable/disable Geofencing 227

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To configure Geofencing and Speed Control 228

To add/delete a rule 228

To edit a rule 229

General tab 230

Regions tab 231

Radios tab 232

LoneWorkers tab 233

To enable/disable a rule 233

SMS and Email notifications 234

To enable/disable SMS and Email notifications 234

To configure SMS and Email notifications 235

SMS settings tab 236

Outgoing Email settings (SMTP) tab 238

Incoming Email settings (POP3) tab 240

User Activity 241

To enable/disable User Activity 241

To configure User Activity 242

To add or delete a User Activity list 243

To Edit a list 243

To assign an offline subscriber to the default User Activity list 245

Export Data 246

To add Export Data task 246

Export data to database table 247

Connection tab 247

Data tab 248

Scheduler tab 252

Advanced tab (for location of radio only) 253

Export data to Versa Trans 254

Data tab 254

Scheduler tab 255

Export data to Google 256

Data tab 256

Scheduler tab 257

Export data to NMEA 258

Data tab 258

Scheduler tab 259

Export Data to file 260

Data tab 260

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Scheduler tab 261

To configure Export Data 261

LoneWorker 263

To enable/disable LoneWorker policy 263

To add LoneWorker policy 263

To configure LoneWorker 264

Task Start tab 265

Conditions tab 266

Task Stop tab 267

Scheduled Task 268

To enable/disable Scheduled Task 268

To add Scheduled Task 268

To configure Scheduled Task 269

Command tab 270

Scheduler tab 271

Idle Time 272

Configure Idle Time 272

1.6.9 Telemetry 273

To add or edit a Telemetry profile 274

To configure a telemetry button 275

Input tab 276

Output tab 277

1.6.10 Users 278

To add a user 279

General tab 280

Radios tab 281

To edit a user 281

1.6.11 Radios 282

Subscriber Groups 283

To add a group 283

To edit or remove a group 284

Subscribers 285

To add a subscriber 285

General Tab 286

Groups Tab 287

Optionboard Tab 288

Additional Tab 289

To edit or remove a subscriber 290

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2. TRBOnet Radio Allocation 291

2.1 To administer radio users 293

To add a user 294

General tab 295

Radios tab 296

To edit a user 296

2.2 To see Radio Allocation Statistics 297

2.3 TRBOnet Radio Allocation Console 299

To start the TRBOnet Radio Allocation Console 299

To take or return a radio 301

TRBOnet Quick Support 303

How to use TRBOnet Quick support: 303

About the Company 305

Contact Details 305

Feedback 305

Copyright 305


TheDispatcher Console interface provides remote access to the data from the database via

IP. A dispatcher can communicate with any of the radio stations from a PC. A dispatcher with

administrative rights can configure the parameters of the server.

When theDispatcher Console is launched it connects to the RadioServer and by default the

Radio Interface is displayed. To navigate among theDispatcher Console tools, use the

Navigation Pane:

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The following tools are available in theDispatcher Console:

1. Radio interface — the interface for voice communication with dispatchers and

subscribers, displays information on state of their radio stations, and allows you to

play back previous calls.

2. GPS Positioning — the interface for monitoring subscribers location

3. Text messages — the interface for reviewing and sending text messages to dispatchers,

individual subscribers, or groups.

4. Event Log — the interface for monitoring events recorded in the log

5. Reports and Statistics — the interface with various printing forms with information on

activity of themonitored radio network

6. Administer — the interface for administering the radio network and the TRBOnet system

Note: To access this interface, you must connect to the TRBOnet RadioServerwith

administrative privileges. The default administrative login and password are admin.

The interface is invisible if you are logged on as user.

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1.1. Radio interface

1.1.1 Radio interface overview

The Radio tool provides interface for voice communication with subscribers, displays information on

state of their radio stations, and allows you to play back previous calls.

This interface includes the following parts:

1. Contacts tree , which displays the state of dispatchers and subscribers.

2. Calls Pane , themain interface ofmaster radio station, which allows you make voice calls to a

chosen group of subscribers and change active channel of themaster radio station.

3. Recent Calls/Events Log , which contains information on all communication sessions and

allows you to playback the recorded calls.

4. Navigation Pane , which helps navigate through theDispatcher Console tools.

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1.1.2 How to

Themain actions in the Radio interface are described below.

1. To connect to a RadioServer.

2. To change the password

3. To change the console’s interface language

4. To configure quick action buttons

5. To change the Contacts Tree view

6. To perform an action

7. To edit a subscriber

8. To make a private call

9. To send a voicemail or a text message to an offline subscriber

10. To make a broadcast or a group call

11. To make an Intercom call

12. To activate Crosspatch

13. To make or receive telephone calls

14. To transmit a message on a busy channel

15. To patch channels

16. To send text messages

17. To navigate through log records

18. To playback calls

19. To group log records

20. To add notes and messages to the log

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To connect to a RadioServer

To connect to a RadioServer do one of the following:

l Click File | Connect to Radio Server…

l Click the RadioServer button on the Status bar and select a RadioServer from the list or click

Connect to Radio Server… to specify the details.

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The Connect to Radio Serverwindow is displayed. Specify the RadioServer IP address, Port, User

Name and Password. Then click OK.

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To change the password

To change your password to access theDispatcher Console:

1. Click Tools | Change password.

2. Enter the old password.3. Enter the new password twice.

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To change the console’s language

To change the interface language:

1. Click Tools | Set language….

2. Select language from the dropdown list. Click OK.

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To configure quick buttons

To configure Quick Action Buttons for groups and subscribers do the following:

1. Click on the contact tree toolbar.

2. In the displayed window specify actions to have quick buttons for

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To change the Contacts Tree view

The following views of the Contacts Tree are available:

1. To see Radio Groups click on the Contacts Tree toolbar

2. To see the list of groups and subscribers click on the Contacts Tree toolbar

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3. To see logical groups specified in the Administer section click on the Contacts Tree toolbar

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4. To group subscribers by status (offline, online and no GPS or online with GPS fix) click on

the Contacts Tree toolbar

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5. To filter the Contacts Tree click on the Contacts Tree toolbar. Specify items to hide or show

and click OK.

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To perform an action

1. In the Contacts tree do one of the following:

l Click a quick button in front of the contact or group node

l Right-click a contact or group node

2. Select an action to perform (either in the actions pane or in the context menu). Actions

available depend on the type of the node you selected, contact’s state and, for subscribers,

themodel of the radio station.

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To perform an action select a node in the Subscribers tree and right-click it. The context menu lists

options for the selected node. Actions available depend on the type of node you selected,

subscriber’s state and themodel of the radio station.

Contact Type Actions

Online Dispatchers • Send message – sends a text message to all available dispatchers.


• Send message – sends a text message to the dispatcher.

•Disconnect Dispatcher (available only when you have the respective

privileges) – Disconnects the dispatcher from the RadioServer.

Subscriber Group

• Send message – sends a text message to all radio stations equipped with

a display in the group.

• Reset GPS trigger – resets GPS trigger of all radio stations in the group

Offline Subscriber

For disconnected (physically or by a dispatcher) subscribers, or subscribers

out of network reach:

• Presence in Network – attempts to determine availability of the


• Find on Google Earth – attempts to locate the subscriber on Goggle


• Show Route on Googe Earth – shows the route of a subscriber for the

period set by the user on Google Earth

•Googe Street View – opens Google Street View due to subscribers latest

location and direction

• Yandex Panorama – opens Yandex Panorama due to subscribers latest

location and direction

• Private call – allows recording a voicemail for an offline subscriber. The

message will be transmitted as soon as the subscriber gets online.

• Send message… – allows sending a message for an offline subscriber. The

message will be delivered as soon as the subscriber gets online.

• Enable (Disable) Radio (available only when you have the respective

privileges) – activates a previously blocked radio station or disables a radio

station (an off-line radio gets disabled as soon as it gets available).•Monitoring in New Window – opens GPS Monitoring window for

selected subscriber• Set … – Assigns the user to a User Activity list set by the administrator

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Contact Type Actions

Online Subscriber

For connected and on-line subscribers:

• Presence in Network – attempts to determine availability of the


• Request Location (available only for radio stations equipped with a GPS

module) – requests the subscriber’s exact geographical location

• Find on Google Earth – attempts to locate the subscriber on Goggle


Show Route on Googe Earth – shows the route of a subscriber for the

period set by the user

•Googe Street View – opens Google Street View due to subscribers latest

location and direction

• Yandex Panorama – opens Yandex Panorama due to subscribers latest

location and direction

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To edit a subscriber

NOTE: Administrator rights are required to edit subscribers.

To view the radio properties window double-click the subscriber in the Contacts Tree.

The following parameters are available:


l Callsign – enter the radio’s callsign

l Radio ID – enter the radio’s ID

l MDC ID (Hex) – Enter theMDC ID (for analogue channels)

l Talk Group – Select a talk group to assign the radio to

l Equipped with GPS-module – select to make GPS positioning enabled for the radio

l Use custom GPS polling interval for this radio – select if necessary (specify the Period)

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l Equipped with display (for Text Messaging) – select to make text messaging enabled for the

radiol Telemetry – if necessary, select a custom telemetry profilel On the Map

l Use icon settings – select the type of icon displayed on themap from dropdown list:

Mobile radios, Portable Radios, Radio on a boat, Bus, etc.l Show callsign – select or clear to show or hide radio’s name on themap


Select a logical group (groups) to assign the subscriber to

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TRBOnet supports Sprite optionboard. Select Sprite if necessary. To test optionboard click Check


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Name – Type the name of the subscriber

Load Image… – Load an image for the subscriber

Description – Type the radio’s description

Make – enter the vehicle make

Plate Number – enter vehicle plate number

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To make a private call

1. To make a private call select a radio in the Contacts tree

2. Do one of the following:

l Right-click the radio and in the context menu select Private Call

l Click in front of the subscriber in the Contacts tree

3. To terminate the private call do one of the following:

l press PTT

l click in front of the subscriber in the contacts tree

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To send a voice mail or a text message to an offline subscriber

To send a voice or a text message to an offline subscriber do one of the following:

l Select the subscriber and click or in front of the subscriber in the Contacts tree, then

record your voicemail or type a message

l Right-click the subscriber and select in the context menu Private Call or Send Message…, then

record your voicemail or type a message

Themessage will be received as soon as the subscriber gets online

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To make a broadcast or a group call

1. Select the call type (Broadcast Call or exact group)

2. Press PTT

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3. To terminate the call press PTT.

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To make an Intercom call

There are 2 types of Intercom calls:


1. Select Broadcast on the Intercom pane.

2. Press INTERCOM in the calls pane.

3. To terminate Intercom call press INTERCOM in the calls pane.

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1. Select a dispatcher on the Intercom pane.

2. Press INTERCOM in the calls pane.

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3. To terminate the private Intercom call press INTERCOM.

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To activate CrossPatch

TRBOnet Enterprise allows adding and activating rules for patching different channels. For more

information see «CrossPatch».

To activate or deactivate a CrossPatch select the checkbox in front of the CrossPatchWork Area.

Then confirm the activation (deactivation).

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To make or receive telephone calls


To make a phone call from the dispatcher Console use the SIP Interconnect pane.

Select the line, enter the phone number and click .

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To answer a phone call click .

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To redirect a phone call to a subscriber click the icon then click Redirect Call… and select

the subscriber or dispatcher to redirect the call to.

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To make a phone call to a subscriber radio dial the SIP account’s phone number. Then follow the voce

menu’s prompts or ask the dispatcher to redirect your call to the subscriber.



NOTE: Only 1.07.02 firmware version and higher support DTMF.

To make a DTMF call do the folowing:

1. Press PTT on a portable and hold it.

2. While holding PTT dial the phone number and press # (For example: 0079521112233#).

3. Release PTT. TThe RadioServer will initiate a phone call.

A call by sending text message to the base

To make a call to a phone number send to themaster radio a text message with the text «PrefixN».

Prefix — the prefix set in the RadioServer configuration (the default prefix is sip:)N — the telephone numberNOTE: Only the phone subscriber can terminate the call.

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Actions available for a master radio or repeater slot

The following actions are available for a master radio or a repeater slot:


The following actions are available on master radio pane:

l — select the checkbox to make this channel a radio default PTT channel (for external

microphone or spacebar)

l (Tone and PTT) — starts transmitting after a tone sound

l (Solo) — mutes all channels except for this one

l (Mute) -mutes this channel

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To perform an action right-click a master radio or repeater slot and select action from context menu.

The following actions are available from master radio context menu:

l Default PTT channel — select the checkboxmake this channel radio default PTT channel (for

external microphone or spacebar)

l Specify Hot Key — Select to specify the hot key to transmit on this channel

l Tone and PTT — click to start transmitting after a tone sound

l Mute this channel — click to mute this channel

l Mute all channels except this — click to mute all channels except this

l Terminate Transmission — Click to terminate a call on this channel

l Reset Master Radio — Click to reset themaster radio or repeater slot

l Minimize/Maximize — Click to minimize or maximize themaster radio pane

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All master radios are displayed as icons.

To view a master radio or repeater slot info rollover a master radio icon:

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To perform an action click a master radio icon and select the action:

The following actions are available:

l Reset Master Radio — reset a master radio

l Properties — seemaster radio properties

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Description tab

This tab provides the following information:

l ID –master radio’s ID

l Name –master radio’s name

l Type –master radio’s type

l Mode –mode (Single Master Radio, IP Site Connect or Capacity Plus)

l Status (Connected or Disconnected)

l Serial number (only available for connected master radios)

l Firmware version (only available for connected master radios)

Note: The information is read-only.To change themaster radio settings run the TRBOnet RadioServer Configurator by selecting

All Programs | Neocom Software | TRBOnet Enterprise v2.8 | Configure TRBOnet

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Enterprise RadioServer v2.8 in the Startmenu or using the TRBOnet RadioServer v2.8

shortcut on your desktop.

Radio channels tab

To add a zone click .

To add a channel to a zone, select a zone and click .

To edit a zone or channel left-click it and type text.

To remove a channel or a zone select it and click .

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Talk groups tab

Specify available talk groups in this tab. Select or clear checkboxes.

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Transmits tab

Select the checkbox to use an external master radio for private calls and select themaster radio from

the dropdown list.

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Volume tab

Adjust TX and RX levls on the channel manually or select Configure system volume to follow system

volume settings.

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To send text messages

1. To display the Send Messagewindow, do one of the following:

l Click in front of the contact in the Contacts treel In the Contacts tree, right-click a contact node and select Send Message

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2. If necessary, select a message template to use.

TIP: To create a newmessage template for future use, click , enter template text in a new

line, and click OK.

3. Enter message text, or modify the template if necessary.4. To send themessage, click OK. To clear all text, click Clear. To close the windows without

sending themessage, click Cancel.

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To navigate through log records

To help you locate the information you want, use any of the following methods:

l To navigate through the call sessions, use the navigation bar at the bottom of Recent


l To sort the list by a specific column, click the column heading to sort records in ascending

order, or click the column heading again to reverse the sort order

l To hide old log records from the Recent Calls/Events pane, click

l To display all log records, click

l To switch to default settings click

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To playback a call

1. Select a communication session in the list.

2. To download from the radio server and play the audio file, click on the toolbar

To playback several files

l To playback several items, press Ctrl and select recordings from the list, then click

on the toolbar.

l To playback a list of items, select one item, then press Shift and select the last one from the list

you need to playback, all items between these 2 recordings will be selected. Click

on the toolbar.

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To group or filter log records


You can group all log records by:

l Date

l Master Radio

l Sender

l Recipient

To group records, do the following:

1. Click on the toolbar.

2. A small pane is opened. Drag the column (for example, Date) to group by to the pane.

The records are grouped by theDate column. To view the records for exact date double-click the date

or click .

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You can group records by several columns. For example, after dragging theDate column, drag

Sender. Now you can view records for exact dates by senders.

To exit the grouping viewmode, drag columns names from the pane, then click on the



To filter log records due to exact column content click on the toolbar and type text in a

column you need to filter.

To exit Auto Filter mode click on the toolbar.

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To add messages and notes to the log

A dispatcher can add notes for records in the log and messages for other dispatchers connected to

the RadioServer.


All records in the log can have user’s notes. To see the notes, click on the toolbar. The

Note column is shown.

To add a note, select a record and click on the toolbar. Type your note in theNote


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The note is shown in theNote column and displayed in theMessage column as icon. This icon is

displayed even if the Show notesmode is not enabled.

To get information on a note, rollover the icon . The information on the author of the note and

it’s text are displayed. To edit the note’s text, click . If you make the text blank the note is deleted.


A dispatcher can add messages for Dispatcher Console users. To add a message to the log, click

on the toolbar. The Add user messagewindow is displayed.

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The default recipient is All.If necessary, type the name of the recipient. Select the severity from

dropdown list: Information,Warning or Alarm. Type themessage and click OK. Themessage is

added to the log. Now rhemessage is displayed in the Recent Calls/Events log and in theUser

messages section of the Event Log tool.

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1.1.3 Contacts tree

The Contacts tree displays all contacts available to you, including fellow dispatchers connected to the

same RadioServer, individual subscribers, and subscriber groups.

Different icons represent the state of radio stations:

l Grey – the subscriber is off or beyond the reach of the system

l Blue – the subscriber is on, but the position data is not available

l Green – the subscriber is on, has a GPS module installed, and his position data is available

in the GPS Positioning tool.

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If you rollover a radio in the Contacts tree, the popup window is displayed:

The user can get the following information:

1. Press this icon to request the subscriber’s presence in network

2. Press this icon to send a message to the subscriber

3. Press this icon to request the subscriber’s location

4. The User Activity list the radio is assigned to is displayed if theUser Activity task is activated

5. The LoneWorker policy’s state is displayed if the Lone Worker task is activated

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You can also access actions from the context menu of a node in the navigation tree. For this, right-

click a node.

Contact type Actions

Online Dispatchers • Send message – sends a text message to all available dispatchers.


• Send message – sends a text message to the dispatcher.

•Disconnect Dispatcher (available only when you have the respective

privileges) – Disconnects the dispatcher from the RadioServer.

Subscriber Group

• Send message – sends a text message to all radio stations equipped with

a display in the group.

• Reset GPS trigger – resets GPS trigger of all radio stations in the group

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Contact type Actions


For disconnected (physically or by a dispatcher) subscribers, or subscribers

out of network reach:

• Presence in Network – attempts to determine availability of the


• Find on Google Earth – attempts to locate the subscriber on Goggle


• Show Route on Googe Earth – shows the route of a subscriber for the

period set by the user on Google Earth

•Googe Street View – opens Google Street View due to subscribers latest

location and direction

• Yandex Panorama – opens Yandex Panorama due to subscribers latest

location and direction

• Private call – allows recording a voicemail for an offline subscriber. The

message will be transmitted as soon as the subscriber gets online.

• Send message… – allows sending a message for an offline subscriber. The

message will be delivered as soon as the subscriber gets online.

• Enable (Disable) Radio (available only when you have the respective

privileges) – activates a previously blocked radio station or disables a radio

station (an off-line radio gets disabled as soon as it gets available).•Monitoring in New Window – opens GPS Monitoring window for

selected subscriber• Set … – Assigns the user to a User Activity list set by the administrator

For connected and on-line subscribers:

• Presence in Network – attempts to determine availability of the


• Request Location (available only for radio stations equipped with a GPS

module) – requests the subscriber’s exact geographical location

• Find on Google Earth – attempts to locate the subscriber on Goggle


Show Route on Googe Earth – shows the route of a subscriber for the

period set by the user

•Googe Street View – opens Google Street View due to subscribers latest

location and direction

• Yandex Panorama – opens Yandex Panorama due to subscribers latest

location and direction

• Private call –makes a private call to the subscriber

• Send Message (available only for radio stations equipped with a display) –

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Contact type Actions

sends a text message to the subscriber

• Send Call – the subscriber will hear a beep tone notifying on the call

• Remote Monitor (Open mic)(available only when you have the

respective privileges) – activates themicrophone of the subscriber’s radio

station in hidden mode

• Enable (Disable) Radio (available only when you have the respective

privileges) – activates a previously disabled radio or blocks the subscriber’s

radio station.

• Reset GPS trigger – resets GPS trigger of the radio station

•Monitoring in New Window – opens GPS Monitoring window for

selected subscriber

• Set … – Assigns the user to a User Activity list set by the administrator (if

user activity is enabled)

• [Telemetry Name] – Send to the subscriber a telemetry command

• Start Lone Worker – Starts a Lone Worker policy for the user

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Contact type Actions

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1.1.4 Calls pane

Calls pane is themain interface of the Dispatcher Console.

The Calls pane includes the following main elements:

1. Press To Talk (PTT) – the button which initiates a voice call.

2. Intercom – the button which initiates a broadcast voice call to available dispatchers.

3. Microphone – the indicator of your microphone status:


Blue – themicrophone is off, the radio station is not ready for transmission

lGreen – themicrophone is on, the radio station is ready for transmission

When calling, please wait for the icon to become green.

4. Channel change – the buttons which change an active channel of themaster radio station. In

receive and transmission modes these buttons are disabled.

5. Call Type change — the dropdown list allows changing the type of call (you can make a

broadcast call or select a group of subscribers).

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6. TX Passive — if the channel is currently busy this function allows record and queue a message to

transmit or use an existing audio file to queue and transmit.7. CrossPatch — this function allows patching different master stations in one network.8. SIP Interconnect — this function allows making and receiving calls to telephones.

How to

Themain actions in the calls pane are described below.


To perform an action, see the respective section


To make a private call, see the respective section


To make a broadcast or a group call, see the respective section


To make an Intercom call, see the respective section


To mutemaster stations, see the respective section

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To transmit a message on a busy channel use the TX Passive function{/color}.


To patch channels in a common channel use the CrossPatch function{/color}.


To send a text message,see the respective section


To navigate through log records, see the respective section


To playback records, see the respective section


To group log records, see the respective section


A dispatcher can add notes for records in the log and messages for other dispatchers connected to

the RadioServer.


To manage notes, see the respective section

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To managemessages, see the respective section

Call types

There are 4 call types:

1. Broadcast Call is received by all radio network subscribers and all connected dispatchers

2. Group Call is received by all subscribers or dispatchers in the selected group

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3. Private Call is received by a selected subscriber only

4. Remote Monitor is a call for the hidden monitor, which is received by that dispatcher only who

launched themonitor

View modes

The Calls panemay be displayed in one of the following modes:

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l Standby mode, themain viewmodewhen you can initiate a voice call

l Transmission mode

l Receivemode

l Compact mode


In this mode, you can initiate a voice call.


If an operator initiates a call , the Calls pane changes mode to transmission.

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1. The green PTT button indicates that you are an active sending subscriber.

2. The green microphone icon indicates that themaster radio station microphone is on and

transmits your call.

3. The call type.

4. A subscriber or group being an object of the call.

5. Active sending radio subscriber or dispatcher.

6. Indication of transmission/receiving of voice information.


In this mode, you receive a voice signal.

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In the receivemode, the PTT button is disabled. The button is enables again once the calling

subscriber or dispatcher finishes transmission.


To see this mode select View | Small Master Radio Boxes

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1.1.5 Recent Calls/Events log

All communication sessions and events are stored on the RadioServer and listed in the TRBOnet

Dispatcher Console. You can review information on all communication sessions and playback any of

the recorded audio files.

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How to…


To help you locate the information you want, use any of the following methods:

l To navigate through the call sessions, use the navigation bar at the bottom of Recent


l To sort the list by a specific column, click the column heading to sort records in ascending

order, or click the column heading again to reverse the sort order

l To hide old log records from the Recent Calls/Events pane, click Clean

l To display all log records, click Reload


To playback records, see the respective section


You can group all log records by:

l Date

l Master Radio

l Sender

l Recipient

To group records, see the respective section

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A dispatcher can add notes for records in the log and messages for other dispatchers connected to

the RadioServer.


To manage notes, see the respective section


To managemessages, see the respective section

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1.1.6 Telephone Interconnect

The SIP interconnect function allows making calls from telephones to radios and vice versa. You only

need to register a SIP account and configure the RadioServer to connect to this account.

When you make a call, the SIP service connects to the RadioServer. For instance, you make a call to a

radio subscriber from phone. For this you need to dial the SIP account’s phone number. After that

the SIP service connects to RadioServer and the call is conducted due to the RadioServer

configuration (you are forwarded to a dispatcher or the voicemenu to connect you to a subscriber).

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Programming the master radio

NOTE: Firmware version 1.7 or higher is required to support SIP Interconnect feature in IP

Site Connect or Capacity Plus systems

Make sure theMaster Radio is correctly programmed. For this openMOTOTRBO CPS, select the

expert view and read the radio’s configuration.

1. Make sure the Private Calls are allowed in General Settings.

2. Go to your channel configuration and make the following settings:

l Under the TX column select the Allow Interruptionand TX Interruptible Frequencies

checkboxesl In Admit Criteria dropdown list select Channel Free and in In Call Criteria dropdown list

select Follow Admit Criteria.

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Programming portable radios

NOTE: Firmware version 1.7 or higher is required to support SIP Interconnect feature in IP Site

Connect or Capacity Plus systems

Make sure that portable radios are correctly programmed. For this openMOTOTRBO CPS, select the

expert view and read the radio’s configuration.

1. Make sure the Private Calls are allowed in General Settings.

2. Go to your channel configuration and make the following settings:

l Under the TX column select the TX Interruptible Frequencies checkboxl In Admit Criteria dropdown list select Channel Free and in In Call Criteria dropdown list

select TX Interrupt.

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To register a SIP account

To register a SIP account go to a SIP provider’s website (for example, or

and follow the prompts.

To configure Telephone Interconnect


TRBOnet team developed a virtual SIP Server for making phone calls inside a local network. The

Virtual SIP Server supports up to 6 telephone lines.

For information on Virtual SIP Server Configuration see the SIP_Server_Configuration.PDF document.

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1. Open the TRBOnet RadioServer Configurator using one of the following options:

l Use the TRBOnet Enterprise RadioServer v2.8 shortcut on your desktop

l In the Start menu, select All Programs | Neocom Software | TRBOnet Enterprise v2.8 |

Configure TRBOnet Enterprise RadioServer v2.8

2. Select Sip Interconnect in the navigation tree.

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3. Configure the following parameters:

Parameter Hardware SIP phone SIP account

Use Sip Interconnect Select to enable SIP Interconnect

Provider addressspecify your PBX phone IP address

in local networkspecify the SIP provider’s website

Provider port 5060

Local IPspecify IP address of the adapter to

access your local network

specify IP address of the adapter

to access Internet (e.g.

Port 5060

Input calls Select the RadioServer’s actions in case of incoming phone calls:

Decline calls, Open voice menu or Redirect to dispatchers

Allow subscribers to

make outgoing callsselect to allow subscribers making calls to telephones

TMS prefix

The prefix a radio subscriber will need to use to make a call (for example,

if the prefix is «sip:», the subscriber will need to send a text message to a

master radio with the text «sip:N», whereN is the phone number to

make call to)

DTMF Select to enable DTMF

SIP IDThe ID from the phone

configurationYour SIP account ID

SIP userThe phone number to be indicated

when an outgoing call is madeYour SIP account phone number

PasswordThe password from your phone

configurationYour SIP account password

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Advanced SIP settings

To configure the advanced SIP settings select Advanced under SIP Interconnect.

Set up the following parameters:

l Packet time (ms) — Specify the packet time compatible with your PBX phone or SIP Account.

l Used codecs — Select the codecsa to be suported (we recommend selecting all codecs)

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To make a phone call from the Dispatcher Console

To make a phone call from the Dispatcher Console use the SIP Interconnect pane.

Select the line, enter the phone number and click .

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To receive a call

To receive a call click .

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To redirect a phone call to a subscriber radio

To redirect an incoming or outgoing phone call to a subscriber click then click Redirect

Call… and select the dispatcher or subscriber to redirect the call to.

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To make a call from telephone to radio

To make a phone call to a subscriber radio dial the SIP account’s phone number. Then either follow

the vocemenu’s prompts or ask the dispatcher to redirect your call to the subscriber.

NOTE: Only the phone subscriber can terminate the call.

To make a call from radio to telephone


NOTE: Only 1.07.02 firmware version and higher support DTMF.

To make a DTMF call do the folowing:

1. Press PTT on a portable and hold it.

2. While holding PTT dial the phone number and press # (For example: 0079521112233#).

3. Release PTT.


To make a call to a phone number send to themaster radio a text message with the text «PrefixN».

Prefix — the prefix set in the RadioServer configuration (the default prefix is sip:)N — the telephone numberNOTE: Only the phone subscriber can terminate the call.

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1.1.7 CrossPatch

TRBOnet Enterprise v2.8 provides the CrossPatch function. CrossPatching allows the user configure

the network to redirect the calls thus patching master radios (analogue and digital stations, Capacity

Plus and IP Site Connect).

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Creating a CrossPatch

Note: You have to logon as the administrator to create a CrossPatch.


1. Select Administer in the navigation tree.

2. Then select CrossPatch.

3. To add a CrossPatch click Add in the work area.

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The CrossPatchwindow is displayed.

You can set the following items:

1. Name — The name of a CrossPatch

2. Work Mode — There are 3 options of CrossPatching:

l Master radios redirect the calls to each other

l Onemaster radio redirects calls to several master radios

l Master radios redirect the calls to onemaster radio

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3. Master radios to redirect calls – set the source(s) and the target(s) of redirected calls. You can

select an exect group or all groups of a master radio to redirect calls.

After setting all the parameters click OK.

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To activate CrossPatch

To activate or deactivate a CrossPatch select the checkbox in front of the CrossPatch in the

Radio interface or in the Administer tool.

Then confirm the activation (deactivation).

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Types of CrossPatch

You can use three different variants of CrossPatching:


This is themost common type of CrossPatch when there is data exchange between themaster

stations set in the CrossPatch settings. Thus, there is a common channel for all the subscribers of the

specified master stations.

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To create this mode of CrossPatching add a CrossPatch and set theWork Mode asMaster radios

redirect the calls to each other. Set the CrossPatch name and themaster radios to redirect calls.

Click OK. The CrossPatch is now displayed in the Radio interface.

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To create this type of CrossPatching add a CrossPatch and set theWork Mode as One master radio

redirects the calls to several master radios. Set the CrossPatch name and themaster radios to

redirect calls.

Click OK. The CrossPatch is now displayed in the Radio interface.

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To create this type of CrossPatching add a CrossPatch and set theWork Mode asMaster radios

redirect the calls to one master radio. Set the CrossPatch name and themaster radios to redirect


Click OK. The CrossPatch is now displayed in the Radio interface.

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1.1.8 TX Passive

TRBOnet Enterprise v2.8 provides the TX Passive function. This feature enables dispatchers to queue

messages in a situation when a messagemust be transmitted but the channel is currently busy. The

dispatcher records a message on a busy channel and then TRBOnet broadcasts this message as soon

as the channel becomes available.The TX Passive function is presented in the Radio interface.

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The user can record a message or select an existing audio file to broadcast. You can specify the

recipients of the transmitted message. The default setting is Selected Master Radios(To select a

master radio for transmitting a message select the checkbox near its name in themaster station’s

window in the Radio interface). To set the recipients click the Selected Master Radios text and select

from the dropdown list. The available variants are: All Master Radios, Selected Master Radios and

the list of available master radios to select an exact master radio.

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Recording a message to transmit

To record a message set the recipients and press Record.

The Record audiowindow is displayed.

To start recording press Start. After recording themessage press Stop.

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Themessage is queued and the respective information is displayed.

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Selecting an existing audio file to transmit

You can use an existing audio file for transmitting. To que a file press File.

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The Send audio filewindow is displayed. Browse for the file you want to queue. The TRBOnet audio

files are usually stored in: C:\ProgramData\Neocom Software\TRBOnet Enterprise v2.8\Audio

Select the file and press Open. Themessage is queued and the respective information is displayed.

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1.2. GPS Positioning

1.2.1 GPS Positioning overview

TheGPS Positioning tool provides interface for monitoring subscribers location.

This interface includes the following parts:

1. Subscribers tree, which displays groups and individual subscribers.

2. Electronic map, which displays latest positional data received from subscribers and state of

their radio stations.

3. Objects Pane, which allows you to add objects and regions and to display them on themap.

4. Navigation Pane, which helps navigate through theDispatcher Console tools.

5. Event Log, which contains tabs with positioning history for subscribers, radio stations state,

active policies, and user activity notifications.

6. Calls Pane, which is displayed in compact mode in this interface.

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To locate subscribers

1. Open theGPS Positioning tool.

2. In the Subscribers tree, select groups or individual subscribers whose position you want to


3. Review the subscribers location manually or click Find on Map in the context menu. If a radio

station is on and transmits subscriber’s coordinates, themap displays location of the

subscriber. If radio station is off or does not transmit GPS coordinates, themap displays

location of the subscriber according to the latest received positioning data. Different icons

represent the state of radio stations:

l Green – location is actual

l Blue – location may be outdated, the radio station does not transmit GPS coordinates,

the latest received coordinates are displayed

l Grey – location may be outdated, the radio station is off, the latest received coordinates

are displayed

4. If necessary, use the following options:

l To center themap according to position of a particular subscriber, right-click the subscriber in

the Subscribers tree and select Find on Map.

l To change themap allocation according to changes in the position of a particular subscriber,

right-click the subscriber in the Subscribers tree and selectMonitoring (On/Off). In the

tracking mode, themap is centered to reflect subscriber’s location every 15 seconds (themap

refresh interval).

l To start monitoring of exact subscriber in a newwindow, right-click the subscriber in the

Subscribers tree and selectMonitoring in New Window.

l To change a subscriber’s location manually, right-click the subscriber in the Subscribers tree

and select Set Location. Then point the new position with the cursor and click the left mouse


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1.2.2 How to

Themain actions in theGPS Positioningtool are described below.

1. To show/hide subscribers or groups

2. To perform an action in the Subscribers tree

3. To load a map to a new tab

4. To load a map to a newwindow

5. To select the activemap

6. To savemap settings

7. To load the default map settings

8. To save an onlinemap

9. Toolbar icons

10. To enable map drawing toolbar

11. To add a region

12. To add an object

13. To perform an action in the objects pane

14. To monitor a subscriber

15. To show/hide objects and regions

16. To configure Geofencing and Speed Control

17. To navigate through log records

18. To playback calls

19. To group log records

20. To add notes and messages to the log

21. Radio Events

22. Radio State

23. Active Tasks

24. User Activity

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To load a map to a new tab

To add a map and open it in new tab, do the following:

1. ClickMap | Open New Map in Tab… in themenu.

2. The Select Map…window is displayed. Select the type ofmap and then select themap to

open. If necessary, click Add… and browse for themap.

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To load a map to a new window

To add a map and open it in newwindow, do the following:

1. ClickMap | Open New Map in Window… in themenu.

2. The Select Map…window is displayed. Select the type ofmap and then select themap to

open. If necessary, click Add… and browse for themap.

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To select the active map

The user can select the activemap on a tab.

To select the activemap, do the following:

1. ClickMap | Select Active Map in themenu.

2. In the Select Map…window select themap. If necessary, click Add… and browse for themap.

Note: You can only select themap of the same format the current tab map is. For example, if

you clickMap | Select Active Map in a tab with aMapPoint format map, the Select Map…

windowwill display the availableMapPoint format maps. Thus, if you need to select another

format map, use theMap | Open Map in Tab or theMap | Open Map in Window option.

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To save map settings

The user can savemap settings for future use.

To save settings, do the following:

1. Load themap and configure its scale and position.

2. Click the arrow on the icon on the toolbar and select Save as Default Region. The

current state of themap is set as default.

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To load the default map settings

To reset themap view to the default settings click the Show Default Region icon on the


Themap is positioned in accordance with the default region.

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To save an online map

The user can save an onlinemap to the PC in order to use it offline.


To specify the folder selectMap | Map Content… then browse for the folder.


To save themap select themap region you need to save themap starting from and then selectMap |

Save Online Map Data….

NOTE: The system will cashe themap «downwards» which means you will not be able to zoom out

the selected region in offlinemode.

In the displayed window click Start and wait for the system to save the files. This might take a

sufficient amount of time.

Click Close.

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Toolbar icons

The toolbar has the following icons:

1. Zoom In and Zoom out – Scale themap.

2. Bookmarks – allows opening a bookmark on themap and managing bookmarks (adding

and deleting)

3. Show Default Region – Centers themap according the saved default region or saves the

map as default region (click the arrow and select Save as Default Region).

4. Google Earth – Opens Google Earth.

5. Show Route… and Clear Route – Shows or hides the route of the selected subscriber

for the period set by the user.

6. Filter: Radio-On GPS-On , Radio-On GPS-Off and Radio-Off GPS-Off – Show or

hide subscribers due to their state.

7. History – opens Historymode to view subscribers location history for a set period

of time.

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To show/hide subscribers on map


You can show or hide 3 types of subscribers:

l To show or hide online subscribers with available position data, click on the toolbar.

l To show or hide online subscribers with unavailable position data, click on the toolbar.

l To show or hide offline subscribers, click on the toolbar.

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To perform an action in the Subscribers tree

To perform an action right-click the node and select the action in the context menu or click a quick

button in front of the subscriber or group.


Actions available depend on the type of node you selected, subscriber’s state and themodel of the

radio station.

Contact type Actions

Subscriber Group

• Send message – sends a text message to all radio stations equipped with

a display in the group.

• Reset GPS trigger – resets GPS trigger of all radio stations in the group

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Contact type Actions


For disconnected (physically or by a dispatcher) subscribers, or subscribers

out of network reach:

• Presence in Network – attempts to determine availability of the


• Find on Google Earth – attempts to locate the subscriber on Goggle

Earth due to the latest received coordinates

• Show Route shows the route of a subscriber for the period set by the


Note: To clear themap from the displayed route, click the Clear Route

icon on the toolbar.

• Show Route on Googe Earth – shows the route of a subscriber for the

period set by the user on Google Earth

•Googe Street View – opens Google Street View due to subscribers latest

location and direction

• Yandex Panorama – opens Yandex Panorama due to subscribers latest

location and direction

• Set location (available only when you have the respective privileges) –

changes a subscriber’s location manually

• Private call – allows recording a voicemail for an offline subscriber. The

message will be transmitted as soon as the subscriber gets online.

• Send message… – allows sending a message for an offline subscriber. The

message will be delivered as soon as the subscriber gets online.

• Enable (Disable) Radio (available only when you have the respective

privileges) – activates a previously blocked radio station or disables a radio

station as soon as it gets available.•Monitoring in New Window – opens GPS Monitoring window for

selected subscriber• Set … – Assigns the user to a User Activity list set by the administrator

For connected and on-line subscribers:

• Presence in Network – attempts to determine availability of the


• Request Location (available only for radio stations equipped with a GPS

module) – requests the subscriber’s exact geographical location

• Find on Map – centers themap according to the position of a subscriber

• Find on Google Earth – attempts to locate the subscriber on Goggle


• Show Route shows the route of a subscriber for the period set by the

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Contact type Actions


Show Route on Googe Earth – shows the route of a subscriber for the

period set by the user

•Googe Street View – opens Google Street View due to subscribers latest

location and direction

• Yandex Panorama – opens Yandex Panorama due to subscribers latest

location and direction

• Set location (available only when you have the respective privileges) –

changes a subscriber’s location manually

• Private call –makes a private call to the subscriber

• Send Message (available only for radio stations equipped with a display)

– sends a text message to the subscriber

• Send Call – the subscriber will hear a beep tone notifying on the call

• Remote Monitor (Open mic)(available only when you have the

respective privileges) – activates themicrophone of the subscriber’s radio

station in hidden mode

• Enable (Disable) Radio (available only when you have the respective

privileges) – activates a previously disabled radio or blocks the subscriber’s

radio station.

• Reset GPS trigger – resets GPS trigger of the radio station

•Monitoring (On/Off) – centers themap to display a subscribers location

eech 15 seconds

•Monitoring in New Window – opens GPS Monitoring window for

selected subscriber

• [Telemetry Name] – Send to the subscriber a telemetry command

• Set … – Assigns the user to a User Activity list set by the administrator (if

user activity is enabled)

• Start Lone Worker – Starts a Lone Worker policy for the user

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Contact type Actions

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To monitor a subscriber

1. To monitor a subscriber right-click it in the Contacts Tree and select Monitoring in New


2. Select map type and themap.

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3. Themonitoring window is displayed for selected subscriber. Themap will be centered due to

the subscriber’s position. Quick buttons with themain actions are available for the subscriber

(Presence in Network, Private Call, Find on Map, Send Message, Hidden Mic, etc.)

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To enable map drawing toolbar

To enable theMap Drawing Toolbar, which allows adding to themap regions (1) and objects (2),

clickMap | On/Off map drawing toolbar in themenu. TheMap Drawing Toolbar is displayed.

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To add a region

1. To add a region click .

2. Then left-click the points of the region on themap. To cancel the operation click Cancel. To

save the region click Save.

3. The Add New Object on Mapwindow is displayed.

2. On General tab specify object’s name and description.

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3. On Region tab specify region’scolour and transparency and select the Fill region area

checkbox if necessary.

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To add an object

1. To add an object click one of the object icons .

2. Then left-click the place on themap to add the object at. To cancel the operation click Cancel.

To save the object click Save.

3. The Add New Object on Mapwindow is displayed. Specify object’s name and description and

click OK.

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To perform an action in the objects pane

To perform an action select an object or region in theObjects Pane and right-click it. The context

menu is displayed.

Action Description

Configure geofencingOpens theGeofencing and Speed Control window, which helps

set the rules for geofencing and speed control.

Show all objects on the map Shows all the objects and regions on themap.

Hide all objects on the map Hides all the objects and regions on themap.

Remove object Removes the selected object (region).

Properties Shows the selected object’s (region’s) properties.

Context menu in the Objects pane

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To show/hide objects and regions


To show or hide all the objects, right-click any of the objects and select Show all objects on the map

or Hide all objects on the map in the context menu.


To show or hide an object, a region or all objects or regions, select or clear the respective node’s


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To configure Geofencing and Speed Control

To configure Geofencing and Speed Control:

1. Right-click any of the objects or regions in theObjects Pane and select Configure geofencing in

the context menu. TheGeofencing and Speed Control window is displayed.

2. Add a rule or select an existing rule.

3. If necessary, edit a rule.

4. Enable or disable a rule.


To add a rule click Add Rule in theGeofencing and Speed Control window.

To delete a rule click Delete Rule in theGeofencing and Speed Control window.

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Select the rule on the list and set the following parameters:


You can set the following parameters in theGeneral tab:

Name – Enter the rule’s name

Description – Enter the rule’s description

Send Call Alert to a radio if the rule has been triggered – Select the checkbox if necessary

Speed Control – Select the checkbox to enable speed control

Control mode – Select the control mode from the dropdown list: Control everywhere, Enabled for

selected regions only, Disabled for selected regions

Maximum speed – Set themaximum speed

Activate Alarm mode if the rule has been triggered – Select the checkbox if necessary

Send Text Message to a radio if the rule has been triggered– Select the checkbox if necessary

Regions Control – Select the checkbox to enable region control

Control mode – Select the control mode from the dropdown list: Control everywhere, Enabled for

selected regions only, Disabled for selected regions

Activate Alarm mode if the rule has been triggered – Select the checkbox if necessary

Send Text Mesage to a radio if the rule has been triggered– Select the checkbox if necessary

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You can set the following parameters in the Regions tab:

All regions – Select this option to apply this rule all regions

Only selected regions – Select this option if you want to apply the rule for one or several regions and

check the regions to apply the rule for in the Region List

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You can set the following parameters in the Radios tab:

All radios – Select this option to apply this rule for all radios

Only selected radios – Select this option if you want to apply the rule for one or several radios and

check the radios to apply the rule for in the Radio List


To enable/disable a rule, click Enable Rule or Disable Rule in theGeofencing and Speed Control


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To navigate through log records

To help you locate the information you want, use any of the following methods:

l To navigate through the call sessions, use the navigation bar at the bottom of Event Logpane

l To sort the list by a specific column, click the column heading to sort records in ascending

order, or click the column heading again to reverse the sort order

l To hide old log records from the Event Log pane, click Clear

l To display all log records, click Reload

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To playback a call

1. Select a communication session in the list.

2. To download from the radio server and play the audio file, click on the toolbar

To playback several files

l To playback several items, press Ctrl and select recordings from the list, then click

on the toolbar.

l To playback a list of items, select one item, then press Shift and select the last one from the list

you need to playback, all items between these 2 recordings will be selected. Click

on the toolbar.

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To group log records

You can group all log records by:

l Date

l Master Radio

l Sender

l Recipient

To group records, do the following:

1. Click on the toolbar.

2. A small pane is opened. Drag the column (for example, Date) to group by to the pane.

The records are grouped by theDate column. To view the records for exact date double-click the date

or click .

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You can group records by several columns. For example, after dragging theDate column, drag

Sender. Now you can view records for exact dates by senders.

To exit the grouping viewmode, drag columns names from the pane, then click on the


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To add messages and notes

A dispatcher can add notes for records in the log and messages for other dispatchers connected to

the RadioServer.


All records in the log can have user’s notes. To see the notes, click on the toolbar. The

Note column is shown.

To add a note, select a record and click on the toolbar. Type your note in theNote


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The note is shown in theNote column and displayed in theMessage column as icon. This icon is

displayed even if the Show notesmode is not enabled.

To get information on a note, rollover the icon . The information on the author of the note and

it’s text are displayed. To edit the note’s text, click . If you make the text blank the note is deleted.


A dispatcher can add messages for Dispatcher Console users. To add a message to the log, click

on the toolbar. The Add user messagewindow is displayed.

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The default recipient is All.If necessary, type the name of the recipient. Select the severity from

dropdown list: Information,Warning or Alarm. Type themessage and click OK. Themessage is

added to the log. Now themessage is displayed in the Recent Calls/Events log and in theUser

messages section of the Event Log tool.

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Radio Events

The Radio Events tab displays the log of the selected subscriber’s events.

In this log you can see the history of a subscribers events (such as Voice Calls, Text Messages, Radio

Online, LoneWorker, Geofencing etc.).

The user can add notes and messages like in the Recent Calls/Events tab.

Radio State

The Radio State tab displays the log of the selected subscriber’s state.

In this log you can see the history of a subscribers states (such as Radio Online, LoneWorker,

Geofencing etc.).

The user can add notes and messages like in the Event Log tab.

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Active Tasks

The Active Tasks tab displays all active Lone Worker policies.

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User Activity

TheUser Activity tab displays theUser Activity lists and subscribers assigned to these lists.


To enable or disable User Activity click Enable the User Activity monitoring or Disable the User

Activity monitoring. Then click Yes.

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To configure theUser Activity lists, click Configure…. TheUser Activitywindow is displayed.

To add or delete a User Activity list

To add or delete a list click Add or Delete.

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To Edit a list

To edit a list click Edit. TheUser Activity List Settings window is displayed.

Set the following parameters:

Name – Enter the list’s name

Description – Enter the list’s description

Background – Select the background color to display the subscribers assigned to the list. Two variants

are available:

l [do not replace default] – leaves the subscriber’s icon color as it is due to its state (grey, blue

or green)

l Violet –makes the subscriber’s icon color violet

Move a radio to this list if: – Select the proper checkbox(es)

l Manually (on demand of dispatcher) – to assign subscribers to the list manually

l Automatically by receiving Text Message from a radio – to assign a radio to the list after

receiving a message (specify themessage text in theMessage field).

l Automatically by receiving Telemetry Command from a radio – to assign a radio to the list

after receiving a telemetry. Specify the telemetry (1 to 5) and the command (High, Low or


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To assign an offline subscriber to the default User Activity list

The first User Activity list is default. The default list is unremovable.

To assign an offline subscriber to the default User Activity list, go to the Advanced tab. Select the

checkbox and set the timeout to assign an offline subscriber to the default list after.

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1.2.3 Subscribers tree

The subscribers are displayed in the Subscribers Tree.

To show/hide subscribers on the map

To show or hide subscribers, see the respective section

To perform an action

To perform an action, see the respective section

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1.2.4 Electronic maps

TheGPS Positioning tool uses electronic maps to display location of subscribers.

TRBOnet Dispatcher Console supports maps of the following types:

l OpenStreet Map format

l TRBOMap format

l GIS Panorama format

l MapLib format

l Maps by the Ingit company

l Microsoft MapPoint maps

l Maps in TatukGIS format

With this interface, you can:

l Load maps on separate tabs

l Load maps on separate windows

l Select the activemap on a tab

l Savemap settings for future use

l Load the default map settings

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When you switch to theGPS Positioning tool for the first time, TRBOnet Dispatcher Console displays

the Select map…windowwhere you can select the electronic map you want to use or add newmaps.

Click Add… then browse for themap and click OK.

Note: Somemap formats (such as MapPoint or Ingit) don’t have the Add… button. The Select

Map…window displays all available maps of the format to select from.

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To load a map to a new tab

To add a map and open it in new tab, see the respective section

To load a map to a new window

To add a map and open it in newwindow, see the respective section

To select the active map

The user can select the activemap on a tab.

To select the activemap, see the respective section

To save map settings

The user can savemap settings for future use.

To save settings, see the respective section

To load the default map settings

To reset themap view to the default settings, see the respective section

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Toolbar icons

The toolbar has the following icons:

1. Zoom In and Zoom out – Scale themap.

2. Bookmarks – allows opening a bookmark on themap and managing bookmarks (adding

and deleting)

3. Show Default Region – Centers themap according the saved default region or saves the

map as default region (click the arrow and select Save as Default Region).

4. Google Earth – Opens Google Earth.

5. Show Route… and Clear Route – Shows or hides the route of the selected subscriber

for the period set by the user.

6. Filter: Radio-On GPS-On , Radio-On GPS-Off and Radio-Off GPS-Off – Show or

hide subscribers due to their state.

7. History – opens History mode to view subscribers location history for a set period

of time.

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1.2.5 Objects Pane

TheObjects Pane displays the objects and regions of themap.

To enable map drawing toolbar

To enable theMap Drawing Toolbar, which allows adding to themap regions (1) and objects (2),

clickMap | On/Off map drawing toolbar in themenu. TheMap Drawing Toolbar is displayed.

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To add a region

1. To add a region click .

2. Then left-click the points of the region on themap. To cancel the operation click Cancel. To

save the region click Save.

3. The Add New Object on Mapwindow is displayed.

4. On General tab specify object’s name and description.

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5. On Region tab specify the region’s color and transparency and select the Fill region area

checkbox if necessary.

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To add an object

1. To add an object click one of the object icons .

2. Then left-click the place on themap to add the object at. To cancel the operation click Cancel.

To save the object click Save.

3. The Add New Object on Mapwindow is displayed. Specify object’s name and description and

click OK.

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To perform an action

To perform an action select an object or region in theObjects Pane and right-click it. The context

menu is displayed.

Action Description

Configure geofencingOpens theGeofencing and Speed Control window, which helps

set the rules for geofencing and speed control.

Show all objects on the map Shows all the objects and regions on themap.

Hide all objects on the map Hides all the objects and regions on themap.

Remove object Removes the selected object.

Properties Shows the selected object’s properties.

Context menu in the Objects pane

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To show/hide objects and regions

To show or hide all the objects, right-click any of the objects and select Show all objects on the map

or Hide all objects on the map in the context menu.

To show or hide an object, a region or all objects or regions, select or clear the respective node’s


To configure Geofencing and Speed Control

To configure Geofencing and Speed Control, see the respective section

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1.2.6 Event Log

The Event Log contains the following tabs:

l Recent Calls/Events, which displays all the events

l Radio Events, which provides information on changes in the selected subscriber’s location and

radio station state, as well as all voice calls, text messages and telemetry messages received

l Radio State, which displays current information on subscriber’s radio station

l Active Policies, which displays information on LoneWorker policies currently applied

l User Activity, which displays information on User activity lists and subscribers assigned to

these lists

Recent Calls/Events

This log displays all the events in the System.

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Radio Events

The Event Log tab displays all events and call sessions associated with the selected node.


To help you locate the information you want, use any of the following methods:

l To navigate through the call sessions, use the navigation bar at the bottom of Event Logpane

l To sort the list by a specific column, click the column heading to sort records in ascending

order, or click the column heading again to reverse the sort order

l To hide old log records from the Event Log pane, click Clear

l To display all log records, click Reload

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To playback records, see the respective section


You can group all log records by:

l Date

l Master Radio

l Sender

l Recipient

To group records, see the respective section

To exit the grouping viewmode, drag columns names from the pane, then click on the



A dispatcher can add notes for records in the log and messages for other dispatchers connected to

the RadioServer.


To manage notes, see the respective section


To managemessages, see the respective section

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Radio State

The Radio State tab displays the log of the selected subscriber’s state.

In this log you can see the history of a subscribers states (such as Radio Online, LoneWorker,

Geofencing etc.).

The user can add notes and messages like in the Event Log tab.

Active Tasks

The Active Tasks tab displays all active LoneWorker policies.

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User Activity

TheUser Activity tab displays theUser Activity lists and subscribers assigned to these lists.


To manageUser Activity, see the respective section

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1.3. Text Messages

1.3.1 Text Messages Overview

This tool provides you with an interface for reviewing and sending text messages to dispatchers,

individual subscribers, or groups.

This interface includes the following parts:

1. Contacts tree, which displays dispatchers and subscribers available for text communication. To

receive text messages, a subscriber’s radio station must be equipped with a display.

2. Message Session pane, which displays latest messages transmitted via the radio network.

3. Text Message pane, which provides you with text sending options.

4. Navigation Pane, which helps navigate through theDispatcher Console tools.

5. Calls Pane, which in this interface is displayed in compact mode.

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1.3.2 How to

Themain actions in the Text Messages tool are described below.

1. To send a message to a node

2. To show/hide records from theMessage Session pane

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To send a message to a node

1. To select a node do one of the following:

l Select the node in the Contacts tree.

l Click the node in theMessage Session pane.

l Select the node from the dropdown list in the Text Message pane.

2. Type themessage text in the Text message pane

3. Click in the Text Message pane.

NOTE: An offline user will receive themessage as soon as one gets online.

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To show/hide records from the Message Session pane

l To hide old log records from theMessage Session pane, click

l To display all log records, click

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1.3.3 Contacts tree

The Contacts tree displays all online dispatchers and subscribers and subscriber groups.

To send a message to a node, see the respective section.

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1.3.4 Message Session pane

TheMessage Session pane displays all latest messages.

l To hide old log records from theMessage Session pane pane, click Clean

l To display all log records, click Reload

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1.3.5 Text Message pane

The Text Message pane allows sending messages to subscribers, subscriber groups or online


To send a message

To send a text message:

1. Select the recipient from the dropdown list.

2. Type up to 120 characters of text.

3. Click Send .

NOTE: An offline user will receive themessage as soon as one gets online.

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1.4. Event Log

1.4.1 Event log overview

TRBOnet Enterprise retains information on all communicational and system events, including:

l Text messages

l Telemetry messages

l Voice communications

l Changes in state of radio stations

l System messages

l User messages

The Event Log tool provides you with an interface for monitoring events recorded in the log.

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This interface includes the following parts:

1. Events tree, which displays types of events TRBOnet Enterprise records.

2. Log Pane, which lists on the records in the Event Log.

3. Entry pane, which displays the details on the log entry you select on the Log pane.

4. Navigation Pane, which helps navigate through theDispatcher Console tools.

5. Calls Pane, which in this interface is displayed in compact mode.

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1.4.2 How to

Themain actions in the Event Logtool are described below.

1. To navigate through log records

2. To playback calls

3. To group log records

4. To add notes and messages to the log

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To navigate through log records

To help you locate the information you want, use any of the following methods:

l To navigate through the call sessions, use the navigation bar at the bottom of Log panepane

l To sort the list by a specific column, click the column heading to sort records in ascending

order, or click the column heading again to reverse the sort order

l To hide old log records from the Log pane pane, click Clean

l To display all log records, click Reload

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To playback a call

1. Select a communication session in the list.

2. To download from the radio server and play the audio file, click on the toolbar orin the Entry pane.

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To playback several files

l To playback several items, press Ctrl and select recordings from the list, then click

on the toolbar.

l To playback a list of items, select one item, then press Shift and select the last one from the list

you need to playback, all items between these 2 recordings will be selected. Click

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on the toolbar.

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To group log records

You can group all log records by:

l Date

l Master Radio

l Sender

l Recipient

To group records, do the following:

1. Click on the toolbar.

2. A small pane is opened. Drag the column (for example, Date) to group by to the pane.

The records are grouped by theDate column. To view the records for exact date double-click the date

or click .

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You can group records by several columns. For example, after dragging theDate column, drag

Sender. Now you can view records for exact dates by senders.

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To exit the grouping viewmode, drag columns names from the pane, then click on the


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To add messages and notes to the log

A dispatcher can add notes for records in the log and messages for other dispatchers connected to

the RadioServer.


All records in the log can have user’s notes. To see the notes, click on the toolbar. The

Note column is shown.

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To add a note, select a record and click on the toolbar or in the Entry pane.

Type your note in theNotewindow.

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The note is shown in theNote column and displayed in theMessage column as icon. This icon is

displayed even if the Show notesmode is not enabled.

To get information on a note, rollover the icon . The information on the author of the note and

it’s text are displayed. To edit the note’s text, click . If you make the text blank the note is deleted.

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A dispatcher can add messages for Dispatcher Console users. To add a message to the log, click

on the toolbar. The Add user messagewindow is displayed.

The default recepient is All.If necessary, select the dispatcher from the dropdown list. Select the

severity from dropdown list: Information,Warning or Alarm. Type themessage and click OK. The

message is added to the log.

Now themessage is displayed in theAll Messages and User messages sections.

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1.4.3 Events tree

The Events tree displays types of events. The selected type of events is displayed in the Log pane and

the Entry pane.

The following types of records are displayed:

l All Messages

l Text Messages

l Inboxl Sent

l Telemetryl Obtained signalsl Sent commands

l Talk Sessionsl Registration in a radio networkl System Messagesl User messages

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1.4.4 Log pane

The Log pane displays the records of the type specified in the Events tree.

The Log pane is the expanded version of the ones in the Radio and theGPS Positioning tools.

To navigate through log records

To help you locate the information you want, use any of the following methods:

l To navigate through the call sessions, use the navigation bar at the bottom of Log pane

l To sort the list by a specific column, click the column heading to sort records in ascending

order, or click the column heading again to reverse the sort order

l To hide old log records from the Log pane, click Clean

l To display all log records, click Reload

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To playback records

To playback records, see the respective section

To group log records

You can group all log records by:

l Date

l Master Radio

l Sender

l Recipient

To group records, see the respective section

To add messages and notes

A dispatcher can add notes for records in the log and messages for other dispatchers connected to

the RadioServer.


To manage notes, see the respective section


To managemessages, see the respective section

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1.4.5 Entry pane

The Entry pane displays the details of the selected log record.

The Entry pane consists of the following parts:

1. The icon reflecting the type of event; information on the sender an the recipient

2. The event’s date and time and the functionality to playback the record (if it is a call session) -, and add a note (for all types of events) —

3. The events description and the note’s author and its text (if there is one)

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1.5. Reports and Statistics

1.5.1 Reports and statistics overview

This tool provides you with various printing forms with information on activity of themonitored radio


This interface includes the following parts:

1. Report Types tree, which displays groups of reports available.

2. Report pane, which contains tabs with report generation settings and report previews.

3. Calls Pane, which in this interface is displayed in compact mode.

4. Navigation Pane, which helps navigate through theDispatcher Console tools.

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1.5.2 How to

Themain actions in the Reports and Statisticstool are described below.

1. To generate a report

2. To view a generated report

3. To manage a report

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To generate a report

1. Select the type of report

2. Set the report’s parameters:

l Start date (for all report types) – set the start date of the report

l End Date (for all report types) – set the end date of the report

l Min. interval (only for «Location for period) – set the time interval to take data in (for

example, to get the location data each 90 seconds). The recommended value is not less than 90

seconds for a report for one day.

l Avg. interval (only for «Speed for period») – set the time interval to take data in (for example,

to get the location data each 90 seconds). The recommended value is not less than 90 seconds

for a report for one day.

l Speed (only for «Idle time detailed» and «Idle time summary») – set theminimum speed

value not to consider a subscriber idle.

l Filter:

l Message Type (only for «Messages for period» report and query) – select the type of

message from the dropdown list (All Messages, Text Messages, Telemetry, Talk Sessions,

Registration in a radio network, System Messages, User messages)l Radio (for «State of Radios», «Location for period», «Staying in a zone», «Drive activity

detailed», «Speed for period», «Idle time detailed» and «Idle time summary») – select the

radio to make report on from the dropdown listl Region (only for «Staying in a zone») –set the region to make the report on.l Find Text (for Common reports and Queries) – type the text to make report only on

messages, containing the textl Print Notes (for «Messages for period» and «State of Radios» – include notes in the

reportl Find user messages only (only for «User messages and notes») – find only user messages

to make report onl Find messages with notes only (only for «User messages and notes») – find only notes to

make report onl Grouping:

l Group by (for «Radio allocation» only) – select grouping by radios or users

3. Click Generate Report

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To view a generated report

Go to the report’s tab in the Report pane.

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To manage a report


The toolbar provides the following functions:

1. Print

l Print – Select the printer; if necessary, set the page range, the number of copies and

the printing preferences, then click Print

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l Quick Print – Click this icon to print the document according to the settings from the


2. Page Setup – Set the paper size, source, orientation and margins

3. Scale

l Zoom Out – Click to zoom outl Zoom – Click to scale the documentl Zoom In – Click to zoom in

4. Navigate

l First Page – Click to see the first pagel Previous Page – Click to see the previous pagel Next Page – Click to see the next pagel Last page – Click to see the last page

5. Multiple Pages – Click to select the number of pages displayed

6. Background color and Watermarks

l Background – Click to set the background colorl Watermark –Type a text or select a template or an image for watermark and set the

parameters (position, size, direction, transparency, page range etc.)

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7. Export document

l Export Document… – Select the file type to save from the dropdown list, then set

the export options and click OK. Browse to save the file

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l Send via E-Mail… – Select the file type to save from the dropdown list, then set the

export options and click OK. Browse to save the file and set the address to send the file

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1.5.3 Report Types tree

TRBOnet Enterprise supports the following types of reports:

l System reports on system events (subscribers’ registration and state change)

l Common reports for a specific time period with information on communication events and

states of radio stations per subscriber

l GPS reports for a specific time period with information on subscriber’s location, activity and


l Queries with information retained by TRBOnet Enterprise in a data grid.

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Report type Description

System reports

Registered radios A report on subscriber groups and radios registered in the system

GPS status A report on current GPS data from radios

Common reports

Messages for period

A report on activity of radio subscribers and dispatchers for a given

time period. You can filter the activity to display in the report

according by type ofmessage. You can set whether to include notes to

the report. For text messages, you can also set an additional filter by

message text (special characters are supported).

State of RadiosA report on registration of subscribers in the network for a given time


User messages and notesA report on user messages and notes in the system for a set period.

You can filter by text and set to find only notes or messages.

Radio allocation A report on radio allocation for a given time period.

Radio disabling A report on disabling/enabling radios for a given time period.

GPS Reports

Location for period A report on changes in location of a subscriber for a given time period.

Staying in a region A report on radios staying in a map region for a given time period.

Drive activity detailedA detailed report on radio station activity per subscriber for a given

time period.

Drive activity summary A general report on activity of all radio stations for a given time period.

Speed for period A report on changes in speed of a subscriber for a given time period.

Idle time summaryA general report on idle time (speed lower than a set value) of radios

for a given time period.

Idle time detailedA detailed report on idle time (speed lower than a set value) of radios

for a given time period.


Messages for period

A report on activity of radio subscribers and dispatchers for a certain

time period. You can filter the activity to display in the report

according by type ofmessage. For text messages, you can also set an

additional filter by message text (special characters are supported).

Themessages are displayed in a grid, which allows you to filter and

sort data.

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1.5.4 Report pane

The Report pane contains tabs with report generation settings and report previews.

To generate a report

To generate a report, see the respective section

To view a report

To view a report, see the respective section

To manage a report

To manage a report, see the respective section

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1.6. Administer

1.6.1 Administer overview

This tool provides you with an interface for administering the radio network and the TRBOnet system.

Note: To access this interface, you must connect to the TRBOnet RadioServerwith

administrative privileges.The default administrative login and password are admin. For security reasons, we

recommend you to change the default password once you access the administration tool,

then connect to TRBOnet RadioServerwith user privileges. SeeManage Dispatchers.

TIP: Check status bar notifications to ensure you have administrative privileges.

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This interface includes the following parts:

1. Navigation Tree, which provides easy access to management options.

2. Work Area, which provides you with administrative options according to your selection in the

navigation tree.

3. Calls Pane, which in this interface is displayed in compact mode.

4. Navigation Pane, which helps navigate through theDispatcher Console tools.

Navigation Tree

TheNavigation Treewithin the Administer tool contains the following administrative nodes:

l CrossPatch –Manage the CrossPatch function

l Database –Manage the database

l Disabled Radios – Disable or enable subscriber radios

l Dispatchers –Manage the dispatchers registered within the TRBOnet system

l Logical groups –Manage the logical groups

l Master Radios –Managemaster radios

l Tasks –Manage tasks (such as Geofencing, User Activity, LoneWorker etc.)

l Telemetry –Manage telemetry

l Users –Manage radio users to control assigning radios to exact employees

l Radios –Manage radio subscribers and groups

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1.6.2 CrossPatch

This node allows adding, editing and deleting CrossPatch rules.

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To add a CrossPatch

To add a CrossPatch do one of the following:

l click Add in theWork Area

l right-click a CrossPatch from the list and select Add from the context menu

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The CrossPatchwindow is displayed.

You can set the following items:

1. Name — The name of a CrossPatch

2. Work Mode — There are 3 options of CrossPatching:

l Master radios redirect the calls to each other

l Onemaster radio redirects calls to several master radios

l Master radios redirect the calls to onemaster radio

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3. Master radios to redirect calls – set the source(s) and the target(s) of redirected calls

After setting all the parameters click OK.

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To activate a CrossPatch

To activate or deactivate a CrossPatch select the checkbox in front of the CrossPatchWork Area.

Then confirm the activation (deactivation).

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To edit a CrossPatch

To edit a CrossPatch rule do one of the following:

l double-click the CrossPatch

l select the CrossPatch in theWork area and click Edit on the toolbar

l right-click the CrossPatch in the work area and select Edit from the context menu

Make the changes and click OK.

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1.6.3 Database

This node gives the information on the RadioServer database.

The following data is available:

l Server name – The Server name set in the TRBOnet RadioServer Configurator

l Database name – The Database name set in the TRBOnet RadioServer Configurator

l Backup date – The latest backup date and time

l Database version – CurrentMicrosoft SQL Server version

l Data size – Current database size

l Audio size – Current audio data size

Note: The information is read-only.To change the database or the SQL Server run the Configure TRBOnet Enterprise RadioServer

v2.8 file by selecting All Programs | Neocom Software | TRBOnet Enterprise v2.8 | Configure

TRBOnet Enterprise RadioServer v2.8 in the Startmenu or using the Configure TRBOnet

Enterprise RadioServer v2.8 shortcut on your desktop.

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To clean the database

To clean the database and save backup to an archive click Backup.

Specify the data you need to remove the data older than and, if necessary, select the Remove audio

files checkbox.

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To use the database backup scheduler

To backup the data automatically due to the schedule, click Schedule.

Select Enable the database backup scheduler. Then select days of week and time to perform the

backup and configure the scheduler to remove the data older than exact number of days.

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1.6.4 Disabled Radios

This node allows disabling or enabling subscriber radios.

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To disable a radio

Note: TRBOnet Enterprise provides the Stun Kill Passive function. The dispatcher can disable

a radio even if it’s offline. The system will disable an offline radio as soon as it gets available.

To disable a radio click Disable Radio on the toolbar.

The Lockwindow is displayed.

Select the radio from the dropdown list, specify the reason and click OK.

The disabled radio is added to theDisabled Radios list and its icon is changed to .

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To enable a radio

To enable a radio select it from theDisabled Radio list and do one of the following:

l Right-click the radio in the list and select Enable Radio in the context menu

l Click Enable Radio on the toolbar.

The Lockwindow is displayed.

Specify the reason and click OK.

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1.6.5 Dispatchers

This node allows adding, editing and deleting dispatchers.

To add/delete a dispatcher

To add a dispatcher do one of the following:

l click Add or Delete on the toolbar.

l right-click a dispatcher from the list and select Add or Delete in the context menu

If you click Add, the Add/Edit Userwindow is displayed.

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In this tab specify the following parameters:

l Login – Enter the dispatcher’s login

l Password – Enter the dispatchers password

l Repeat password – Repeat the dispatchers password

l Display Name – Enter the name that will be displayed for other dispatchers

l Description – Enter the dispatcher’s description

l Hide logon of the user from other users – Select this checkbox to make this dispatcher

invisible for other users

l Allow this user to login in several consoles in same time – Select this checkbox to allow this

user multiple connections to RadioServer

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Select or clear checkboxes to specify the dispatcher’s access rights:

l Allow using the Radio Interface (Radio over IP)

l Allow using the Intercom calls

l Allow using the Telephone Calls (SIP)

l Allow to view reports

l Allow to change channels

l Allow to edit subscriber radios

l Allow to Lock/Unlock radios remotely (Kill Radio)

l Allow the Remote Monitoring of subscriber radios (Open Mic)

l Allow to reset Master Radios

l Allow to Enable/Disable Cross-Patch

l Allow to edit map objects

l Allow to reset GPS trigger

l Allow to set location of radios manually

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Select between 2modes:

l All Master Radios are available

l Only selected Master Radios are available – select or clear checkboxes to make channels

available or unavailable

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l All groups are available

l Only selected groups are available – select or clear checkboxes to make groups available or


To edit a dispatcher

To edit a dispatcher do one of the following:

l select a dispatcher and click Edit on the toolbar.

l right-click a dispatcher from the list and select Edit in the context menu

l double-click a dispatcher from the list

If you click Add, the Add/Edit Userwindow is displayed.

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1.6.6 Logical groups

TRBOnet Enterprise allows adding logical groups in addition to radio groups. You can add groups and

subgroups and assign subscriber to these groups.

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To add a logical group

To add a dispatcher, deselect groups from the list and click Addon the toolbar

The Add/Edit Userwindow is displayed. Specify the name and description.

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To add a logical subgroup

To add a subgroup do one of the following:

l Select a group to add subgroup to and click Add on the toolbar

l Right-click a group to add subgroup to and select Add

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To edit a logical group

To edit a dispatcher do one of the following:

l select a group and click Edit on the toolbar.

l right-click a group from the list and select Edit in the context menu

To delete a group

To delete a group do one of the following:

l Select a group and click Delete on the toolbar

l Rightclick a group and select Delete in the context menu

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1.6.7 Master Radios

This node allows editing and resetting master radios.

To reset a master radio

To reset a master radio do one of the following:

l Click on the toolbar

l Right-click themaster radio in the list and select Reset in the context menu

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To view/edit a master radio’s properties

To view or edit a master radio’s properties do one of the following:

l Double-click themaster radio in theMaster Radios list

l Select a master radio in theMaster Radios list and click on the toolbar

l Right-click themaster radio in theMaster Radios list and select Properties in the context menu

TheMaster Radiowindow is displayed.

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This tab provides the following information:

l ID –master radio’s ID

l Name –master radio’s name

l Type –master radio’s type

l Mode –mode (Single Master Radio, IP Site Connect or Capacity Plus)

l Status (Connected or Disconnected)

l Serial number (only available for connected master radios)

l Firmware version (only available for connected master radios)

Note: The information is read-only.To change themaster radio settings run the Configure TRBOnet Enterprise RadioServer v2.8

file by selecting All Programs | Neocom Software | TRBOnet Enterprise v2.8 | Configure

TRBOnet Enterprise RadioServer v2.8 in the Startmenu or using the Configure TRBOnet

Enterprise RadioServer v2.8 shortcut on your desktop.

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To add a zone click .

To add a channel to a zone, select a zone and click .

To edit a zone or channel left-click it and type text.

To remove a channel or a zone select it and click .

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Specify available talk groups in this tab. Select or clear checkboxes.

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Select the checkbox to use an external master radio for private calls and select themaster radio from

the dropdown list.

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Adjust TX and RX levels on the channel manually or select Configure system volume to follow system

volume settings.

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1.6.8 Tasks

This nodes allows managing the following tasks:

1. Geofencing

2. SMS and Email notifications

3. User Activity

4. LoneWorker

5. Export Data

6. Scheduled Task

7. Idle Time

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To enable or disable geofencing select the respective checkbox in theWork Area and click Yes.

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1. Do one of the following:

l Double-click Geofencing in theWork Area.l Right-click Geofencing in theWork Area and select Edit from the context menul Select Geofencing in theWork Area and click on the toolbar

TheGeofencing and Speed Control window is displayed.

2. Add a rule or select an existing rule.

3. If necessary, edit a rule.

4. Enable or disable a rule.

To add/delete a rule

To add a rule click Add Rule in theGeofencing and Speed Control window.

To delete a rule click Delete Rule in theGeofencing and Speed Control window.

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To edit a rule

Select a rule from the list and set the rule’s parameters.

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General tab

You can set the following parameters in theGeneral tab:

Name – Enter the rule’s name

Description – Enter the rule’s description

Send Call Alert to a radio if the rule has been triggered – Select the checkbox if necessary

Speed Control – Select the checkbox to enable speed control

Control mode – Select the control mode from the dropdown list: Control everywhere, Enabled for

selected regions only, Disabled for selected reions

Maximum speed – Set themaximum speed allowed

Activate Alarm mode if the rule has been triggered – Select the checkbox if necessary

Send Text Message to a radio if the the rule has been triggered – Select the checkbox if necessary

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Regions tab

You can set the following parameters in the Regions tab:

Control mode – Select the control mode from the dropdown list:

Send Text Message to a radio if it enters, exits or changes a region –Slect the checkbox if

necessarySend Call Alert to a radio if the rule has been triggered – Select the checkbox if necessary

All regions – Select this option to apply this rulefor all regions

Only selected regions – Select this option if you want to apply the rule for one or several regions and

check the regions to apply the rule for in the Region List

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Radios tab

You can set the following parameters in the Regions tab:

All radios – Select this option to apply this rule for all radios

Only selected radios – Select this option if you want to apply the rule for one or several radios and

check the radios to apply the rule for in the Radio List

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Lone Workers tab

This tab allows activating a LoneWorker policy in case the rule has been triggered.

All tasks – Select this option to activate all LoneWorker tasks

Only selected tasks – Select this option to specify exact LoneWorker task(s) to be activated

To enable/disable a rule

To enable/disable a rule, select a rule and click Enable Rule or Disable Rule.

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SMS and Email notifications

TRBOnet Enterprise provides the functionality for SMS and Email notifications on system events.


To enable or disable SMS and Email notifications select the respective checkbox in theWork Area.

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To configure this function do one of the following:

l double-click SMS and Email notifications in theWork Area

l right-click SMS and Email notifications in theWork Area and select Edit from the context


l select SMS and Email notifications in theWork Area and click on the toolbar

The SMS and Email notifications window is displayed.

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SMS settings tab

If necessary, select respective checkboxes and enter the data:

l Send SMS to recipients if ALARM has been activated – select to send SMS in case of Alarm

l Send MMS to recipients if ALARM has been activated – select to send MMS in case of Alarm

l Forward Text Messages to cell phone recipients

l Input messages (from radionetwork to dispatchers) – select to forward incoming text

messages to cell phonel Output messages (from dispatchers to radionetwork) – select to forward outgoing text

messages to cell phone

l Sender – Enter the sender

l Recipients – to add a recepient click Add and type the cell phone number (11-digit); to remove

a recipient click Delete

l Type of connection to GSM – select the type of connection (Nokia mobile phone connected

to RadioServer PC or Vianett service(

l Vianett account (for Vianett connection only) – enter the account

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l Vianett password (for Vianett connection only) – enter the password

l Send Test MMS (for Vianett connection only) – сlick to send a test MMS

l Send Test SMS (for Vianett connection only) – сlick to send a test SMS

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Outgoing Email settings (SMTP) tab

If necessary, select respective checkboxes and enter the data:

l Send Email to recipients if ALARM has been activated – select to send Email in case of Alarm

l Forward Text Messages to email recipients

l Input messages (from radionetwork to dispatchers) – select to forward incoming text

messages to Email address(es)l Output messages (from dispatchers to radionetwork) – select to forward outgoing text

messages to Email address(es)

l Sender – enter the sender

l Recipients – to add a recipient click Add and type the Email address; to remove a recipient

click Delete

l SMTP server host or IP – enter the SMTP server host or IP

l This server requires a secure connection (SSL) – select to use a secure connection

l SMTP server port – use the default value

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l Connect using

l Anonymous access – select to use an anonymous accessl Windows authentication – select to connect with Windows authenticationl Use SMTP user name and password – select to enter SMTP user name and password

l User name – enter the SMTP user namel Password – enter the SMTP password

l Send Test Message – click to send a test message

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Incoming Email settings (POP3) tab

If necessary, select respective checkboxes and enter the data:

l Forward incoming emails to radionetwork (from emailbox to radios) – select to forward

incoming emails to radio network

l POP3 server host or IP – enter POP3 server host or IP

l This server requires a secure connection (SSL) – select to use a secure connection

l POP3 server port – use the default value

l Check for new messages every … seconds – set the time interval to check for new emails

l Connect using

l Anonymous access – select to use an anonimous accessl Windows authentication – select to connect with Windows authenticationl Use SMTP user name and password – select to enter POP3 user name and password

l Check New Emails Now – click to check for new emails

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User Activity

TheUser Activity function lets the dispatcher make lists subscribers can be assigned to due to their


For example, if a subscriber sends a message “On duty” or presses an exact preset telemetry button

this subscriber gets assigned to the “On duty” list in the Remote Dispatcher Console. The dispatcher

can also assign subscribers to lists manually.


To enable or disableUser Activity select the respective checkbox in theWork Area.

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To configureUser Activitydo one of the following:

l double-click User Activity in theWork Area

l right-click User activity in theWork Area and select Edit from the context menu

l select User Activity in theWork Area and click on the toolbar

TheUser Activitywindow is displayed.

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To add or delete a User Activity list

To add or delete a list click Add or Delete.

To Edit a list

To edit a list click Edit. TheUser Activity List Settings window is displayed.

Set the following parameters:

Name – Enter the list’s name

Description – Enter the list’s description

Background – Select the background color to display the subscribers assigned to the list. Two variants

are available:

l [do not replace default] – leaves the subscriber’s icon color as it is due to its state (grey, blue

or green)

l Violet –makes the subscriber’s icon color violet

Move a radio to this list if: – Select the proper checkbox(es)

l Manually (on demand of dispatcher) – to assign subscribers to the list manually

l Automatically by receiving Text Message from a radio – to assign a radio to the list after

receiving a message (specify themessage text in theMessage field).

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l Automatically by receiving Telemetry Command from a radio – to assign a radio to the list

after receiving a telemetry. Specify the telemetry (1 to 5) and the command (High, Low or


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To assign an offline subscriber to the default User Activity list

The first User Activity list is default. The default list is unremovable.

To assign an offline subscriber to the default User Activity list, go to the Advanced tab. Select the

checkbox an set the timeout to assign the subscriber to the default list after.

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Export Data

TRBOnet Enterprise provides the Export Data function, which allows exporting data to an external

database table.


The user can have several Export Data tasks for different purposes.

To add Export Datado one of the following:

l right-click any of theWork Area items and select Add | Export Data

l click on the toolbar and select Export Data

The Export Datawindow is displayed.

The following parameters are available:

l Task name – enter the task’s name

l Type – select type from the list: Export to database table, Export to Versa Trans, Export to

Google, Export to NMEA or Export to file.

l Data – select the data type to export : Location of radio (for all types of export except for

Export to file), Radio status changes (for Export to database table only), Event messages (for

Export to database table only) or Telemetry (for Export to file only).

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Connection tab

l Default connection – select for default connection to SQL Server.

l Specified connection – select to specify SQL Server and database.

l Server name – specify SQL servber name.

l Database name – select a database from the list.

l Windows authentication – select for Windows authentication or clear and enter SQL Server

authentication user name and password.

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Data tab

l Table – the table’s name in the following format: [database name].[dbo].[table name].

database name – the external database nametable name — the external database table name

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l Create table – click to create a new table. The Create tablewindow is displayed. Enter the

Table name in format: [database name].[dbo].[table name]. Click OK.

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l Load columns list – click to load the columns list from an existing table, which must be set in

the Table field

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l Column mapping – this table displays the table’s column mapping. Select the data to export

for each row from the dropdown list, which depends on the data type you specified in theData


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Scheduler tab

l Days of week – select days of week to execute data export on

l Execute recurrently with interval – select to execute in a time interval

l Start time – set the start timel Stop time – set the stop timel Repeat every … … – set the interval to export data in

l Execute at particular time – select to execute at particular time and set the time(s)

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Advanced tab (for location of radio only)

l Export only changed data – select to export only changed data

l Export mode

l Always add new records – select to add new records onlyl Update existing and add new records – select to update existing records and add new

recordsl Update existing records – select to update existing records only

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The system can export location data to Versa Trans.

Data tab

l IP address — specify the Versa Trans data collector service’s IP address.

l Port – Specify the port to connect to Versa Trans.

l Test connection – Click to test the connection to Versa Trans data collector.

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Scheduler tab

l Days of week – select days of week to execute data export on

l Execute recurrently with interval – select to execute in a time interval

l Start time – set the start timel Stop time – set the stop timel Repeat every … … – set the interval to export data in

l Execute at particular time – select to execute at particular time and set the time(s)

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Data tab

l File name — specify the file name. To browse for file, click .

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Scheduler tab

l Days of week – select days of week to execute data export on

l Execute recurrently with interval – select to execute in a time interval

l Start time – set the start timel Stop time – set the stop timel Repeat every … … – set the interval to export data in

l Execute at particular time – select to execute at particular time and set the time(s)

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Data tab

l Directory — specify the directory. To browse for folder, click .

l File extension — specify the file extension. The default extension is txt.

l Message type — specify themessage type. Select $GPGGA, $GPGLL or both formats.

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Scheduler tab

l Days of week – select days of week to execute data export on

l Execute recurrently with interval – select to execute in a time interval

l Start time – set the start timel Stop time – set the stop timel Repeat every … … – set the interval to export data in

l Execute at particular time – select to execute at particular time and set the time(s)

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Data tab

l Directory — specify the directory. To browse for folder, click .

l File name — specify the file name.

l Extension — specify the file extension. The default extension is txt.

l Start new file every — specify the the time interval to start a new file in (Hour, Day orMonth).

l Export column headers — select the checkbox if necessary.

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Scheduler tab

l Days of week – select days of week to execute data export on

l Execute recurrently with interval – select to execute in a time interval

l Start time – set the start timel Stop time – set the stop timel Repeat every … … – set the interval to export data in

l Execute at particular time – select to execute at particular time and set the time(s)


To configure an Export Datapolicy do one of the following:

l Double-click the task in theWork Area.l Right-click the task in theWork Area and select Edit from the context menu

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l Select the task in theWork Area and click on the toolbar

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Lone Worker

The Lone Worker policy lets the dispatcher set a time interval in which the communication with a

subscriber is expected. For example, if a lone worker hasn’t called the dispatcher for 15minutes,

he/she gets a message and the dispatcher gets an alarm signal.


To enable or disable Lone Worker select or clear the respective checkbox.


The user can have several Lone Worker policies for different purposes.

To add a Lone Worker policy do one of the following:

l right-click any of theWork Area items and select Add | Lone Worker

l click on the toolbar and select Lone Worker

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The user can have several Lone Worker policies for different purposes.

To configure a Lone Worker policy do one of the following:

l Double-click the policy in theWork Area.l Right-click the policy in theWork Area and select Edit from the context menul Select the policy in theWork Area and click on the toolbar

The Lone Workerwindow is displayed. Specify the name of the policy in the Task name field and set

the policy’s parameters.

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Task Start tab

This tab contains the parameters that control the start of the policy.

The following parameters can be set:

l Manually (on demand of dispatcher) – select to start Lone Worker for a subscriber manually

l Automatically by receiving Text Message from a radio – select to start Lone Worker after

receiving a message from a subscriber (specify themessage text in theMessage field).

l Automatically by receiving Telemetry Command from a radio – select to start Lone Worker

after receiving a telemetry. Specify the telemetry VIO (1 to 5) and the Command (High, Low or


l Send Text Message to a radio – select to notify a subscriber with a message when Lone

Worker starts (specify themessage text in theMessage field).

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Conditions tab

This tab contains the parameters that control the conditions of the policy.

The following parameters can be set:

l Radio has not been transmitting during … minutes – set the timewithout transmitting, after

which the Lone Workerpolicy is triggered

l Send a notification to a radio to start transmitting – select to send notification to a radio

before triggering the policy when a subscriber has not transmitted for a set period of time

l Send notification before … seconds – set the time after the notification for the radio to

respond before triggering the Lone Worker policy

l Send Call Alert to a radio – select to send a call alert to a radio in case the policy has been


l Send Text Message to a radio – select to send a text message to a radio in case the policy has

been triggered (specify themessage text in theMessage field).

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Task Stop tab

This tab contains the parameters that control stop of the policy.

The following parameters can be set:

l Manually (on demand of dispatcher) – select to stop Lone Worker for a subscriber manually

l Automatically by receiving Text Message from a radio – select to stop Lone Worker after

receiving a message from a subscriber (specify themessage text in theMessage field).

l Automatically by receiving Telemetry Command from a radio – select to stop Lone Worker

after receiving a telemetry. Specify the telemetry VIO (1 to 5) and the Command (High, Low or


l Send Text Message to a radio – select to notify a subscriber with a message when Lone

Worker stops (specify themessage text in theMessage field).

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Scheduled Task

This function allows sending scheduled messages to radios.


To enable or disable Scheduled Task select or clear the respective checkbox in theWork Area.


The user can have several Scheduled Task policies for different purposes.

To add Scheduled Taskdo one of the following:

l right-click any of theWork Area items and select Add | Scheduled Task

l click on the toolbar and select Scheduled Task

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To configure Scheduled Task do one of the following:

l Double-click the task in theWork Area.l Right-click the task in theWork Area and select Edit from the context menul Select the task in theWork Area and click on the toolbar

The Scheduled Taskwindow is displayed. Specify the name of the policy in the Task name field and

set the task’s parameters.

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Command tab

This tab contains the following parameters:

l Command– select Send Text Message, Send Telemetry or Request Location

l Message — type themessage textl VIO — select the Telemetry to sendl Command — select High level, Low level, Toggle level, Pulse orQuery state

l Send to a radio group – select to send to a group (several groups)

l Send to subscribed radio – select to send to a subscriber (several subscribers)

l Recipient – select the recipient(s)

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Scheduler tab

l Start date – set the start datel Stop date – set the end date

l Days of week — select days of week to send messages on

l Execute recurrently with interval – select to execute in a time interval

l Start time — set the start timel Stop time – set the end timel Repeat every … … — set the interval to send messages in

l Execute at particular time — select to execute at particular time and set the time(s)

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Idle Time

To configure Idle Time task do one of the following:

l Double-click the task in theWork Area.l Right-click the task in theWork Area and select Edit from the context menul Select the task in theWork Area and click on the toolbar


Specify the telemetry VIO and command to start and to stop the Idle Time .

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1.6.9 Telemetry

This node allows configuring Telemetry.

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To add or edit a Telemetry profile

To add a Telemetry profile do one of the following:

l Click Add on the toolbar

l Right-click Telemetry in the Navigation Tree and click Create New Profile

Specify the Profile name and configure its VIOs

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To configure a telemetry button

To configure a telemetry select it in theWork Area and click Configure.

The respective window is displayed.

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Set the following parameters:

l Name – Enter the telemetry’s name to be displayed

l Event — select Any event, High level, Low level or Pulse.

l Severity – Select the severity from dropdown list (Information,Warning or Alarm)

l Auto reset — select to reset the telemetry contact automatically

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Set the following parameters:

l Name – Enter the telemetry’s name to be displayed

l Command — select High level, Low level, Toggle level or Pulse.

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1.6.10 Users

An exact radio can be now assigned in the system to an exact employee registered in the system. This

can be really useful for situations with shift workers.

All available radios are disabled and an employee will need to enter username and password to take a

radio or return it.

When the radio is taken it gets enabled and assigned to this worker in the system. When the radio is

returned it’s no more assigned to the employee and it gets disabled again.

NOTE: The function of taking (enabling) or returning (disabling) radios is available in separate

TRBOnet Radio allocation Console.

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To add a user

To add a user, do one of the following:

l Click Add on the toolbar

l Right-click any of the users in the work area and in the context menu select Add

l Right-click Users in the Navigation Tree and select Add New User

The Add/Edit Userwindow is displayed.

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Specify the following information:

l Login — enter user’s login

l Password — specify user’s password

l Repeat password — repeat the password

l Display name — Specify user’s name to be displayed in the system

l Max radios count — specify themaximum number of radios the user can take at once

l Description — Enter user’s description

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Select radios to allow this user to take:

Allow all radios — allows the user taking all the radios

Only selected radios — specify exact radios the user is allowed to take

To edit a user

To edit a user, do one of the following:

l Select a user and click Edit on the toolbar

l Right-click a user in the work area and in the context menu select Edit

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1.6.11 Radios

When you select a node of a radio station or group (including the Radios group node) in the

Navigation Tree, the work area displays the following elements:

1. Additional toolbar, which provides you with options for managing subscriber’s accounts

2. List of radio stations registered with the TRBOnet system

All registered subscribers and groups are also displayed under the Radios node in the navigation tree.

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Subscriber Groups


To add a group do one of the following:

l click on the toolbar

l right-click the Radios node or an existing group in theNavigation Tree and select Create New

Group… in the context men

TheGroup Properties window is displayed.

Set the following parameters:

l Name – enter the group’s name

l Group ID – enter the group’s ID

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l MDC ID (Hex) – enter theMDC ID (for analogue channels)

l Description – Type the group’s description


To edit or remove a talk group right-click it in theNavigation Tree and select Edit Group… or Remove

Group… in the context menu.

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To add a radio do one of the following:

l click on the toolbar

l right-click the group you want to add a radio to and select Add New Radio… in the context


l right-click a radio in theWork area and select Add in the context menu

The Add Radio to systemwindow is displayed.

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General Tab

l Callsign – enter the radio’s callsign

l Radio ID – enter the radio’s ID

l MDC ID (Hex) – Enter theMDC ID (for analogue channels)

l Talk Group – Select a talk group to assign the radio to

l Equipped with GPS-module – select to make GPS positioning enabled for the radio

l Use custom GPS polling interval for this radio – select if necessary (specify the Period)l Equipped with display (for Text Messaging) – select to make text messaging enabled for the

radiol Telemetry – if necessary, select a custom telemetry profilel On the Map

l Use icon settings – select the type of icon displayed on themap from dropdown list:

Mobile radios, Portable Radios, Radio on a boat, Bus, etc.l Show callsign – select or clear to show or hide radio’s name on themap

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Groups Tab

Select a logical group (groups) to assign the subscriber to

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Optionboard Tab

TRBOnet supports Sprite optionboard. Select Sprite if necessary. To test optionboard click Check


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Additional Tab

Name – Type the name of the subscriber

Load Image… – Load an image for the subscriber

Description – Type the radio’s description

Make – enter the vehicle make

Plate Number – enter vehicle plate number

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To edit or remove a subscriber do one of the following:

l Right-click it in theNavigation Tree and select Edit Radio Properties… or Remove Radio in the

context menu.

l Right-click a radio on the list of radios and select Edit or Delete in the context menu.

l Select a radio on the list of radios and click or on the toolbar.

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TRBOnet Radio Allocation is a new feature of 2.7 and higher versions of TRBOnet software. An exact

radio can be assigned in the system to an exact employee registered in the system. This can be really

useful for situations with shift workers.

All available radios are disabled and an employee will need to enter username and password to take a


When the radio is taken it gets enabled and assigned to this worker in the system. When the radio is

returned it’s no more assigned to the employee and it gets disabled again.

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2.1 To administer radio usersTo manage users go to the Administer tool ofDispatcher Console and select Usersin the Navigation


NOTE: You can only administer users in Dispatcher Console. The function of taking (enabling)

or returning (disabling) radios is available in separateSee «TRBOnet Radio Allocation Console»

on page 299

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To add a user

To add a user, do one of the following:

l Click Add on the toolbar

l Right-click any of the users in the work area and in the context menu select Add

l Right-click Users in the Navigation Tree and select Add New User

The Add/Edit Userwindow is displayed.

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General tab

Specify the following information:

l Login — enter user’s login

l Password — specify user’s password

l Repeat password — repeat the password

l Display name — Specify user’s name to be displayed in the system

l Max radios count — specify themaximum number of radios the user can take at once

l Description — Enter user’s description

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Radios tab

Select radios to allow this user to take:

Allow all radios — allows the user taking all the radios

Only selected radios — specify exact radios the user is allowed to take

To edit a user

To edit a user, do one of the following:

l Click Edit on the toolbar

l Right-click a user in the work area and in the context menu select Edit.

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2.2 To see Radio Allocation Statistics

To see Radio Allocation statistics open the Report and Statistics tool in TRBOnet Dispatcher Console

and select Radio Allocation in the Navigation Tree.

To generate a report:

1. Set the following parameters:

l Start date – set the start date of the report

l End Date – set the end date of the reportl Device – select all radios or an exact radio to generate a report forl User – select all users or an exact user to generate a report forl Group by – Select to group the report data by devices or by users

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2. Click Generate Report.

A table with detailed data on Radio Allocation is displayed.

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2.3 TRBOnet Radio Allocation Console

TRBOnet Radio Allocation Console is designed as an interface for employees to take or return radios.

To start the TRBOnet Radio Allocation Console

To start the console, In the Startmenu, select All Programs | Neocom Software | TRBOnet

Enterprise v2.8 | TRBOnet Radio Allocation Console.

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Specify the RadioServer’s IP address, user name and password and click OK. TRBOnet Radio

Allocation console window is displayed.

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To take or return a radio

To take or return a radio do one of the following:

l select a radio from the list and click on the toolbar

l double-click a radio on the list

The Take Radio/Return Radiowindow is dispalyed.

Select a user from the drop-down list then type your password and click Take radio/Return Radio.

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The radio will be now enabled/disabled and the respective reason of enabling/disabling will be

indicated in the Dispatcher Console’s Event Log.

NOTE: To add users to the system and specify their rights go to the Administer tool of

Dispatcher Console and select Users

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TRBOnet has a special tool for quick and efficient remote support. To get quick support you just need

to run the TRBOnet_QuickSupport.exe file and tell your TRBOnet support engineer your unique ID.

After that the support engineer will have access to your PC.

How to use TRBOnet Quick support:

1. Download the TRBOnet_QuickSupport.exe file here:

2. Launch the file. You have your unique ID.

3. Contact your TRBOnet support specialist and tell your unique ID. Now the support engineer

can get remote access to your PC.

4. When the specialist starts the connection session, you will see the session window in the

bottom-left corner of your desktop.

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5. Now the support engineer has access to your PC. You can use the Chat function in the Session

window to communicate. For this click Functions and then select Chat in the context menu.

Note: To save the conversation as a text file, click and select Save. Then browse for the

folder to save the text file to.

6. Tell the support engineer what help you need and let him make the required changes in your


7. To close the connection session click the red cross in the Session window.

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Neocom Software, Ltd was created in 2007 on the basis of Neocom, Ltd., which was founded in 1997

and is the largest supplier of radio communication systems for professional or license-free use on the

ground, seas or rivers.

Today, Neocom Software has status of a Motorola Application Partner in EMEA, Latin America and

the Asia Pacific region, and the status of a Motorola Application Provider in the North America.

Contact Details

29-51, Vasilievskiy Ostrov, 8th Line, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 199004

Telephone/fax: +7 (812) 327-0-567

E-mail: [email protected]


We are always glad to get response from our customers. If you have any suggestions on functional

capabilities of the product, please, contact us:

E-mail: [email protected]

Official Website:


The voice coding Technology embodied in this product is protected by intellectual property rights

including patent rights, copyrights and trade secrets of Digital Voice Systems, Inc. This voice coding

Technology is licensed solely for use within this Communications Equipment. U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,199,037,

5,870,405, 5,754,974, 5,664,051, 5,630,011, 5,517,511, 5,491,772, 5,247,579, 5,226,108, 5,226,084,

5,216,747, and 5,081,681.


Голосовая диспетчеризация

Диспетчера могут принимать и осуществлять вызовы радиостанций (прием и передача): общие, индивидуальные, групповые и аварийные. Интерфейс диспетчерской консоли интуитивно-понятный и позволяет диспетчеру сконцентрироваться на действительно важных процессах в его работе.


GPS / ГЛОНАСС мониторинг

GPS / ГЛОНАСС мониторинг — одна из самых популярных опций наряду с Диспетчеризацией вызовов и Записью переговоров. Если ваша радиостанция MotoTRBO оборудована GPS/ГЛОНАСС модулем, она может посылать свои координаты через радиосеть, что позволяет диспетчеру видеть и отслеживать местонахождение абонента на карте в диспетчерском ПО TRBOnet.


Мониторинг внутри помещений

Мониторинг внутри помещений (InDoor) позволяется отслеживать местонахождение ваших радио абонентов в зонах, где недоступны сигналы GPS или, например, где невозможно получить точные координаты GPS по различным причинам (соседствующие высокие здания, деревья и т.п.).


Управление маршрутами

Модуль Управление маршрутами позволит создавать маршруты и назначать их на радио абонентов. Каждый маршрут состоит из контрольных точек. Контрольная точка может быть, как географической координатой, так и маяком (ibeacon), используемым для позиционирования абонентов внутри помещений. Для каждой контрольной точки можно назначить время входа, период обслуживания и т.д.


Управление событиями и тревогами

Автоматизация и безопасность средствами TRBOnet

Управление событиями и тревогами — это приобретаемый модуль для TRBOnet Enterprise / PLUS. Представляет собой всеобъемлющий набор инструментов для выявления внештатных ситуаций и автоматического оперативного реагирования на них. Этот модуль поможет автоматизировать как выполнение ежедневных задач, так и доставку сигналов и тревог практически от любого источника на радиостанции MotoTRBO, диспетчерам, мобильным клиентам TRBOnet, на электронные почтовые ящики, на сотовые телефоны и т.д. 


Продвинутый мониторинг (Store-and-Forward)

Больше нет голых пятен на маршрутах

Диспетчер больше не будет в неведении, где точно находятся или как двигались радио абоненты его радиосети. Радиостанция собирает данные о своем местонахождении каждые 2-5 секунд, что позволяет строить маршруты передвижения с максимальной детализацией. Кроме того, программное решение оптимизирует передачу данных с координатами и событиями посредством пакетирования и рассылки с настраиваемыми интервалами, и тем самым снижает загрузку радио канала. В случае потери связи радиостанции с радиосетью или при работе вне зоны действия радиосети все данные также записываются и хранятся в памяти опциональной платы, и также будут переданы в диспетчерскую после восстановления связи с радиосетью.



Интеграция с телефонными сетями

Телефония — это приобретаемый модуль для радиосистем MotoTRBO — IP решение, позволяющее радио абонентам вызывать телефонных абонентов и принимать телефонные звонки. Модуль поддерживает протокол SIP 2.0 для прямой связи с устройствами VoIP телефонии.


Мобильный клиент

Мобильный клиент TRBOnet — это многофункциональное РТТ (push-to-talk) приложение на Android и iOS, позволяющее интегрировать смартфоны и планшеты с системами радиосвязи MotoTRBO. Оно работает подобно традиционной консоли диспетчера с возможностью голосовых вызовов по РТТ, мониторингом абонентов на картах и обменом сообщениями. Решение позволит обеспечить полное взаимодействие смартфонов с радиостанциями MotoTRBO через сети 3G, 4G или Wi-Fi.


Web Консоль

TRBOnet Enterprise и PLUS являются приложениями, построенными для работы на Windows ОС. Но если, например, вы являетесь пользователем MacBook или IOS устройств (Apple) или хотите видеть вашу систему через планшет на Android, то вы сможете подключиться к серверу TRBOnet через Web интерфейс.


IP камеры

Полное представление о ситуации

TRBOnet Enterprise/Plus поддерживает TCP и UDP камеры. Диспетчерская консоль позволяет захватывать видео поток со всех подключенных камер в реальном времени. Камеры можно привязывать к точкам на карте, к радио абонентам или маякам iBeacon. В случае тревоги, поступившей от любого из этих объектов, автоматически будет демонстрироваться видео поток с соответствующей камеры в отдельном окне диспетчерской консоли. 



Поддержка телеметрии

Диспетчерский центр более не ограничивается функцией моста для коммуникаций. Диспетчерское ПО TRBOnet позволит удаленно взаимодействовать с исполнительными устройствами (открывать, закрывать двери, включать/выключать двигатели, изменять права доступа и т.д.), принимать и обрабатывать данные с телеметрических датчиков.


Управление задачами (Job Ticketing)

Модуль управлениям задачами (Job Ticketing) — это очень удобное и простое в использовании решение для эффективного управления и контроля за выполнением повседневных задач. Диспетчер создает, назначает и в автоматическом режиме отслеживает все задачи (job tickets) абонентов своей радиосети. После назначения задачи соответствующий радио абонент может принять, отклонить или отчитаться о выполнении задачи посредством, например, нажатия назначенной кнопки на радиостанции или отправкой заранее записанного текстового сообщения. Диспетчер может настраивать временные условия для выполнения задач, а также создавать отчеты по выполнению задач абонентами.

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