Телефон cisco 7965 инструкция на русском

Настройка параметров телефона

IP-телефон Cisco 7961G/7961G-GE и 7941G/7941G-GE


Настройка экрана телефона под пользователя

Некоторые параметры экрана телефона можно настроить в соответствии с выполняемыми задачами.

Настройка функций быстрого набора

Функции быстрого набора позволяют размещать вызовы путем нажатия кнопки или ввода кода 
сокращенного набора.
Предусмотрено два способа настройки номеров быстрого набора для телефона.

• Быстрый набор с помощью кнопки – номер быстрого набора можно назначить любой 

программируемой кнопке телефона, которая не настроена в качестве кнопки линии, кнопки 
функции или кнопки услуги.

• Быстрый набор с помощью кода – используя функцию сокращенного набора, можно вместо ввода 

номера телефона ввести соответствующий ему код (от 1 до 99).

Если требуется…

Выполните следующие действия…

экрана телефона


> Пользовательские настройки > Контрастность.

Нажмите ВверхВниз или , 

затем нажмите Сохр

Либо нажмите Отмена для возврата к ранее сохраненному уровню 

Если случайного сохранен слишком высокий или слишком низкий 
уровень контрастности и на экране телефона отсутствует 
изображение, выполните следующие действия.

Нажмите , 

затем нажмите на клавиатуре 13.

Нажимая , 

измените уровень контрастности до 

появления изображения на экране телефона, затем нажмите Сохр.

Изменить фоновое 


Пользовательские настройки > Фоновое 

изображение. С помощью кнопки перемещения просмотрите доступные 
изображения. Для выбора изображения нажмите Выбор. Если требуется 
просмотреть фоновое изображение в том виде, как оно будет выглядеть 
после установки, нажмите Просмотр; для возврата в меню выбора нажмите 
Выход. Нажмите Сохр для установки изображения или Отмена для 
возврата к ранее сохраненной настройке.

Если выбранные изображения не отображается, этот параметр 
не включен в данной системе.

Изменить язык

10 доводов в пользу Asterisk

Распространяется бесплатно.

Asterisk – программное обеспечение с открытым исходным кодом, распространяется по лицензии GPL. Следовательно, установив один раз Asterisk вам не придется дополнительно платить за новых абонентов, подключение новых транков, расширение функционала и прочие лицензии. Это приближает стоимость владения станцией к нулю.

Безопасен в использовании.

Любое программное обеспечение может стать объектом интереса злоумышленников, в том числе телефонная станция. Однако, сам Asterisk, а также операционная система, на которой он работает, дают множество инструментов защиты от любых атак. При грамотной настройке безопасности у злоумышленников нет никаких шансов попасть на станцию.

Надежен в эксплуатации.

Время работы серверов некоторых наших клиентов исчисляется годами. Это значит, что Asterisk работает несколько лет, ему не требуются никакие перезагрузки или принудительные отключения. А еще это говорит о том, что в районе отличная ситуация с электроэнергией, но это уже не заслуга Asterisk.

Гибкий в настройке.

Зачастую возможности Asterisk ограничивает только фантазия пользователя. Ни один конструктор шаблонов не сравнится с Asterisk по гибкости настройки. Это позволяет решать с помощью Asterisk любые бизнес задачи, даже те, в которых выбор в его пользу не кажется изначально очевидным.

Имеет огромный функционал.

Во многом именно Asterisk показал какой должна быть современная телефонная станция. За многие годы развития функциональность Asterisk расширилась, а все основные возможности по-прежнему доступны бесплатно сразу после установки.

Интегрируется с любыми системами.

То, что Asterisk не умеет сам, он позволяет реализовать за счет интеграции. Это могут быть интеграции с коммерческими телефонными станциями, CRM, ERP системами, биллингом, сервисами колл-трекинга, колл-бэка и модулями статистики и аналитики.

Позволяет телефонизировать офис за считанные часы.

В нашей практике были проекты, реализованные за один рабочий день. Это значит, что утром к нам обращался клиент, а уже через несколько часов он пользовался новой IP-АТС. Безусловно, такая скорость редкость, ведь АТС – инструмент зарабатывания денег для многих компаний и спешка во внедрении не уместна. Но в случае острой необходимости Asterisk готов к быстрому старту.

Отличная масштабируемость.

Очень утомительно постоянно возвращаться к одному и тому же вопросу. Такое часто бывает в случае некачественного исполнения работ или выбора заведомо неподходящего бизнес-решения. С Asterisk точно не будет такой проблемы! Телефонная станция, построенная на Asterisk может быть масштабируема до немыслимых размеров. Главное – правильно подобрать оборудование.

Повышает управляемость бизнеса.

Asterisk дает не просто набор полезных функций, он повышает управляемость организации, качества и комфортности управления, а также увеличивает прозрачность бизнеса для руководства. Достичь этого можно, например, за счет автоматизации отчетов, подключения бота в Telegram, санкционированного доступа к станции из любой точки мира.

Снижает расходы на связь.

Связь между внутренними абонентами IP-АТС бесплатна всегда, независимо от их географического расположения. Также к Asterisk можно подключить любых операторов телефонии, в том числе GSM сим-карты и настроить маршрутизацию вызовов по наиболее выгодному тарифу. Всё это позволяет экономить с первых минут пользования станцией.

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 1

    Americas Headquarters Cisco Systems, Inc. 170 West Tasman Drive San Jose, CA 95134-1706 USA http://www.cisco.com Tel: 408 526-4000 800 553-NETS (6387) Fax: 408 527-0883 Cisco Unif ied IP Phone 7965G and 7945G Phone Guide f or Cisco Unif ied Communications Manager 7 .0 (SCCP and SIP) …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 2

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 3

    Cisco, Cisco Systems, the Cisco logo, and the Cisco Systems logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of C isco Systems, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the United States and certain other countries. A ll other trademarks mentioned in this docume nt or W ebsite are the property of t heir respective owners. The use of the word partner does not impl …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 4

    GPickUp Answer a call that is r inging in another group or on another line iDivert Divert or redirect a c all to a voice message syste m Joi n Join together existing calls to create a conference Links V iew related Help topics Main Display the Help main menu MeetMe Host a Meet-Me conference call more Display additional softkeys New Call Make a new …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 5

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 iii Contents Getting Started 1 Using this Guide 1 Finding Additional Information 2 Accessing Cisco Unified IP Phone 7900 Series eLearning Tutorials 2 Safety and Performance Information 2 Cisco Product Security Overview 3 Accessibility Features 3 Conne …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 6

    iv OL-15896-01 Using Hold and Resume 25 Using Mute 26 Switching Betwe en Multiple Call s 27 Switching an In-Progre ss Call to Another Phone 27 Viewing Multiple Calls 27 Transferring Calls 28 Sending a Call to a Voice Message System 29 Forwarding Calls to Another Number 30 Using Do Not Disturb 31 Making Conference Ca lls 32 Using Conference Features …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 7

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Gu ide for Cisco Unified Co mmunications Manager 7.0 v Prioritizing Critical Calls 47 Using Cisco Extension Mobility 49 Managing Business Calls Using a Single Phone Number 49 Using a Handset, Headset, a nd Speakerphone 52 Using a Handset 52 Using a Headset 52 Using a Speakerphone 53 Using AutoAnswer wit …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 8

    vi OL-15896-01 Understanding Additiona l Configuration Options 79 Troubleshootin g Your Phone 82 General Troubleshooting 82 Viewing Phone Admin istration Data 83 Using the Quality Reporting Tool 83 Cisco One-Year Limited Hardware Warranty Terms 85 Index 87 …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 9

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Gu ide for Cisco Unified Co mmunications Manager 7.0 1 Getting Started Using this Guide This guide provides y ou with an overview of the fea tures available on your p hone. Y ou can read it completely for a solid understanding of y our phon e’ s ca pabilities or refer to the table below for pointers t …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 10

    2 OL-15896-01 Finding Additional Information Y ou can access the most current Cisco Unified IP P hone documentation on the W orld Wide W eb at this URL: http://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/hw/phones/ps379/prod ucts_user_guide_list.html Y ou can access the Cisco website at this URL: http://www.cisco.com/ International Cisco websites ca n be accessed …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 11

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Gu ide for Cisco Unified Co mmunications Manager 7.0 3 Using External Devices The following information applies when you use exte rnal devices with the Cisco Unified IP Ph one: Cisco recommends the use of good quality external de vices (such as headsets) that are shielded against unwanted radio frequenc …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 12

    4 OL-15896-01 Connecting Your Phone Y our system a dministrator will likely connect your new C isco Unified IP Phone to the corporate IP telephony network. If that is not the case, refer to the graphic and table below to connect your phone. 1 DC adaptor p ort (DC48V) 6 Handset port 2 AC-to-DC power supply 7 Headset port 3 AC power cord 8 Footstand …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 13

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Gu ide for Cisco Unified Co mmunications Manager 7.0 5 Removing the Hoo kswitch Clip (Required) Before you use your phone, remo ve the hookswitch clip from the crad le area. W ith the clip removed, t he hookswitch lifts sli ghtly when you pick up the handset. Adjusting the Handset Rest (Optional) Cisco …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 14

    6 OL-15896-01 Adjusting the Footstand (Optional) T o change the angle of the pho ne base, adjust the footstand while pressing the footsta nd button. Registering with TAPS After your phone is connected to the network, your system administrator might ask you to auto-register your phone using T APS (T ool for Auto -Registered Phones Support). T APS mi …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 15

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Gu ide for Cisco Unified Co mmunications Manager 7.0 7 For information about wireless headsets that work in conjunction with the wireless headset remote hookswitch control feature, got to the following U RL: http://www.cisco.com/pcg i-bin/ctdp/Search.pl 1. Choose IP Communications from the Enter Solutio …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 16

    8 OL-15896-01 An Overview of Your Phone Y our Cisco Unified IP Phone is a full-feature tele phone that provides voice co mmunication over the same data network that your computer uses, allowi ng you to place and receive phone ca lls, put calls on hold, transfer calls, make conference calls, and so on. In addition to basic call-ha ndling features, y …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 17

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Gu ide for Cisco Unified Co mmunications Manager 7.0 9 Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G 1 16 2 4 5 7 9 6 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 186422 17 3 …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 18

    10 OL-15896-01 Cisco Unified IP Phone 7945G 186421 4 3 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 12 8 1 17 …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 19

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 11 Item Description For more information, see… 1 Programmable buttons Depending on configuration, programmable buttons provide access to: • Phone lines and intercom lin es (line buttons) • Speed-dial numbers (speed-dial buttons, including the BL …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 20

    12 OL-15896-01 6 Help button Activates the Help menu. Accessing the Help Sy stem on Your Phone, page 17 7 Settings button Opens/closes the Settings menu. Use it to change phone screen and ring settings. Changing Phone Setti ngs, page 55 8 Services button Opens/closes the Services menu . Using the User Options Web Pages, page 64 9 Volume button Cont …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 21

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 13 Understanding Lines and Calls T o avoid confusion abou t lines and calls, refer to these descriptions: • Lines—Each corresponds to a directory number or intercom number that ot hers can use to call you. Each line corresponds to a directory numb …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 22

    14 OL-15896-01 Encrypted call See Making and Receiving Secure Calls, page 46 . BLF- monitored line is idle See Using BLF to Determine a Line S tate, page 45 . BLF- monitored line is in-use See Using BLF to Determine a Line S tate, page 45 . BLF- monitored line is ringing (BLF Pickup) See Using BLF to Determine a Line S tate, page 45 . Line in Do No …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 23

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 15 Understanding Phone Screen Features This is what your ma in phone screen might look lik e wi th active calls and seve ral feature menus open. 1 Primary phone line Displays the phone number (directory num ber) for your primary phone line. 2 Programm …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 24

    16 OL-15896-01 Choosing Phone Screen Items There are two way s to choose it ems on your ph one’ s screen. Cleaning and Maintaining the Phone Screen Use only a soft, dry cloth to wipe the phone screen. Do not use any liquids or powders on the phon e, as they can contaminate phone components and cause failures. Waking the Phone Screen from Sleep Mo …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 25

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 17 Understanding Feature Buttons and Menus Press a feature button to open or close a feature menu. Accessing the Help S ystem on Your Phone Y our phone pro vides a comprehensive online help sy stem. Help topics appear on the phone screen. If you want …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 26

    18 OL-15896-01 Understanding Feature Availability Depending on your phone system configuration, feat ures in cluded in this Phone Guide might not be available to you or might work differently on yo ur phone. Contact your support desk or system administrator for information about feature operation or availability . Y ou can access many features eith …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 27

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 19 Understanding SIP vs. SCCP Y our phone can be configured to work with one of two signaling protocols: SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) or SCCP (Skinny Call Control Protocol ). Y our system administrator determines this configuration. Phone feature …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 28

    20 OL-15896-01 Basic Call Handling Y ou can perform basic call-handling tasks using a rang e of features and serv ic es. Feature availability can vary; see your system admi nistrator for more information. Placing a Call—Basic Options Here are some easy ways to place a call on your Cisco Unified IP Phone. If you want to… Then… For more informa …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 29

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 21 Tips • You can dial on-hook, without a dia l tone (pre-dial). T o pre-dial, enter a number , then go off-hook by lifting the handset or by pressing Dial , , or . • When you pre-dial, your phone tries to anticipate the numbe r you are dialing by …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 30

    22 OL-15896-01 Use CallBack to recei ve notification when a busy or ringing extension is available 1. Press CallBack while listening to the busy tone or ring soun d. 2. Hang up. Y our p hone alerts you when the line is free. 3. Place the call again. Y our system administrator See if a line associated with a speed-dial, call record, or directory lis …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 31

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 23 Answering a Call Y ou can answer a ca ll by simply lifting the handset, or you can use other options i f they are available on your phone. Place a call using Fast Dial Note Before using this option, your system administrator must configure this fea …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 32

    24 OL-15896-01 Tip If parties on a call hear a beep tone, the call mi ght be monitored or recorded. Ask your system administrator for more information. Answer using call waiting Press Answer . Using Hold and Resume, page 25 Send a call to a vo ice message system Press iDivert . Sending a Call to a Voice Message S ystem, page 29 Auto-connect calls U …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 33

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 25 Ending a Call T o end a call, hang up. Here are some more d etails. Using Hold and Resume Y ou can hold and resume calls. W hen you put a call on hold, the H old icon a ppears next to the caller ID and the c orrespond ing line button fl ashes green …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 34

    26 OL-15896-01 Tips • Engaging the Hold feature typically generates music or a beeping tone. • If you receive an alert for an incoming call and a re verting call at the same time, by default your phone will shift the focus of the phone screen to display the incoming call. Y our system administrator can change this focus priority setting. • If …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 35

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 27 Switching Between Multiple Calls Y ou can switch between multiple ca lls on one or more lines. If the call that you want to switch to is not automatically highlighted, scroll to it. Switching an In-Progress Call to Another Phone Y ou can switch in- …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 36

    28 OL-15896-01 In standard viewing mode, y our phone displ ays calls as follows fo r the highlighted line: • Calls with the highest precedence and longest duration display at the top of the list. • Calls of a similar ty pe are grouped together . For example, calls that you hav e interacted with a re grouped near the top, and calls on hold are g …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 37

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 29 Tips • If your phone has on-hook transfer enabled, complete th e call by hanging up. • If on-hook transfer is not enabled on your p hone, hanging up without pressing Tr a n s f e r again places the call on hold. • Y ou cannot use Tr a n s f e …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 38

    30 OL-15896-01 Tip If your phone displays a menu th at disappears be fore you make your selection, you can press iDivert again to re-display the menu. Y ou can also ask your system administrator to con fig ur e a lo nge r t im eo ut value. Forwarding Calls to Another Number Y ou can use the cal l forwarding features to redirect inco ming calls from …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 39

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 31 • Y ou can forward your calls to a trad itional analog phone or to another IP p hone, although your system administrator might restri ct the call fo rwarding feature to numbers within your company . • Call forwarding is phone line specific. If …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 40

    32 OL-15896-01 Making Conference Calls Y our Cisco Unified IP Phone allows you to talk si multaneously with multiple parties in a conference call. Using Conference Features Y ou can crea te a conference in various ways, de pe nding on your needs and the features that are available on your phone. • Conference—Allows you to crea te a standard (ad …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 41

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 33 Using Conference Conference allows you to call each particip ant. Con ference is available on most phones. If you want to… Then… Create a conference 1. From a connected call, press Confrn or Conference . (Y ou may need to press the more softkey …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 42

    34 OL-15896-01 Using Join Join allows you to combine two or more existing calls to create a conference in which you are a participant. Tips • If you frequently join more than two parties into a single conference, you might find it useful to first select the calls that you want to join, then p ress Join to complete the action. • When Join comple …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 43

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 35 Using Meet-Me Meet-Me conferencing allows you to start or join a conference by calling the conference number . Tip If you call a secure M eet-Me conf erence number from a non-secure phone, your phone displays the message, “Device Not Authorized . …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 44

    36 OL-15896-01 Viewing or Removing Conference Participants During a standard (ad hoc) conference, you ca n view a list of participants a nd remove participants. Starting or Joining a Meet-Me Conference Call Meet-Me conferencing allows y ou to start or join a conference by calling the conference number . V iew a list of conference participants Press …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 45

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 37 Tip If you call a secure M eet-Me conf erence number from a non-secure phone, your phone displays the message, “Device Not Authorized .” For more information, see Making and Re ceiving Secure Ca lls, page 46 . Placing or Receiving Intercom Call …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 46

    38 OL-15896-01 If you want to… Then… Place an intercom call to a preconfigured intercom target Press (intercom target line) and, after you hear the intercom-alert tone, begin speaking. Place an intercom call to any intercom number Press (an intercom line). En te r t he i nt er com ta rge t n u mb er or press a speed-dial number for your target. …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 47

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 39 Advanced Call Handling Advanced call-handling tasks involve special features that your system admin istrator might conf igure for your phone depending on your call-handling needs and work environment. Speed Dialing Speed dialing allows you to enter …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 48

    40 OL-15896-01 Picking Up a Redirected Call on Your Phone Call PickUp allows you to answer a call that is ringing on a coworker’ s phone by redi recting the call to your phone. Y ou mig ht use Call PickUp if you share call-handling tasks with coworkers. Tips • If multiple calls are available for pick up, your phone picks up the oldest call firs …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 49

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 41 • Depending on how your ph one is configured, you mi ght receive an audio and/or v isual alert about a call to your pickup group. • If you use the BLF Pickup feature on your phone, see Using BLF to Dete rmi ne a Line State, page 45 . Storing an …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 50

    42 OL-15896-01 • Y our system administrator can assign Directed Call Park buttons to availa ble line buttons on your Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G that has a Cisco Unified IP Phone Expansion Module (the Cisco Unified IP Phone 7945G does not support the Cisco Unified IP Phone Expansion Module). • Y ou can dial directed ca ll park numbers if you d …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 51

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 43 Sharing Call Information and Barging Phones that share a line e ach display information about calls that are placed and received on the sha red line. This information might include caller ID and call duration. (See the Privacy section for exception …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 52

    44 OL-15896-01 Using Barge Features The table below describes how to use barge features to add yourself to a ca ll on a shared line. Tips • When you barge a call, other parties hear a beep tone announcing your presence. With cBarge, other parties hear a brief audio interruption and the phone screen changes to display conference details. • If a …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 53

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 45 Tips • If the phone that shares your line h as Privacy en abled, you can make and receive calls using the shared line as usual. • The Privacy feature applies to a ll shared lines on your phone. Consequently , if you have multiple shared lines a …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 54

    46 OL-15896-01 Tips • Y our phone might play an audible indica tor to alert you when a ca ll is ringing on the monitored line (BLF Pickup only). • BLF Pickup answers th e oldest ringing call first (i f the line that you are monitoring has more than one ringing call). Making and Receiving Secure Calls Depending on how your system administrator h …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 55

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 47 Note There are interactions, restrictions, and limitatio ns that affect how security features work on your phone. For more information, ask y our system administrato r . Tracing Suspicious Calls If you are receiving suspicious or malicious calls, y …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 56

    48 OL-15896-01 Keep these terms in mind: • Precedence indicates the priority associated with a call. • Preemption is the process of ending an existing, lo wer priority call wh ile accepting a higher priority call that is sent to your phone . Tips • When you make or receive an MLPP-enabled call, you will hear special ring tones and call waitin …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 57

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 49 Using Cisco Extension Mobility Cisco Extension Mobility (EM) allows you to temporarily configure a Cisco Unified IP Phone as your own. Once you log in to EM, the phone adopts your user profile, including yo u r phone lines, features, established se …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 58

    50 OL-15896-01 Tips • When calling Mobile V oice Access, you must ente r the number you ar e calling and your PIN if an y of the follo wing are true: – The number you are calling from i s not one of your remote dest inations. – The number is blocke d by you or you r carrier (shown as “Unkno wn Number”). Put a call that has been picked up …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 59

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 51 – The number is not accurately matched in the Cisco Unified Communica ti ons Manager database; for examp le, if your number is 510-666-99 99, but it is listed as 666-9999 i n the database, or your number is 40 8-999-6666, b ut it is en tered as 1 …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 60

    52 OL-15896-01 Using a Handset, Headset, and Speakerphone Y ou can use yo ur phone with these audio devices: a handset, headset, or speakerphone. The phone is off-hook when the handset is lifted or another audio device is in use. The phone is on-hook when the handset is in its crad le and other audio devices are not i n use. Using a Handset Using a …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 61

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 53 Using a Wireless Headset Refer to the wireless headset documentation for info rmation about using the w i reless headset’ s remote features. Also , check with your system adminis trator to be sure your phone is enabled to use a wireless headset w …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 62

    54 OL-15896-01 Using AutoAnswer with a Headset or Speakerphone When AutoAnswer is enabled, your phone answers incoming calls auto matically after a few rings. Y our sy stem administrator configures AutoAnswer to use either the speakerp hone or a headset. Y ou might use AutoAnswer if you receive a high volume of incoming calls. Tip AutoAnswer is dis …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 63

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 55 Changing Phone Settings Y ou can personalize y our Cisco Unified IP Phone by adjusting the ring tone, background image, and other settings. Customizing Rings and Message Indicators Y ou can customize how your phone indicates an inco ming call and a …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 64

    56 OL-15896-01 Customizing the Phone Screen Y ou can adjust the characteristics of the phone screen. If you want to… Then… Change the phone screen brightness 1. Choose > User Preferences > Brightness . 2. T o make adjustments, pres s Up , Down or . 3. Press Save , or press Cancel . Change the background image 1. Choose > User Preferenc …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 65

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 57 Using Call Logs and Directories This section describes how you can use call logs and directories. T o acce ss both features, use the Directories button . Using Call Logs Y our phone maintains log s of your missed, placed, and receiv ed calls. If yo …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 66

    58 OL-15896-01 Tips • (SCCP and SIP phones) Y our pho ne might be set up for i nternational call logging, wh ich is indicated by a “+” symbol on the call log s, redial , or call directory entries. See your system administrator for more information. • (SCCP phones only) T o view the complete call record of a multiparty call (for example, of …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 67

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 59 – The second logged entry is the name/number o f the first completed call of a multiparty call received on your phone. Directory Dialing Depending on configuration, your phone can prov ide corporate and p ersonal directory features: • Corporate …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 68

    60 OL-15896-01 Tip Use the numbers on your keypad to enter characte rs on your phon e screen. Use the Navigation button on your phone to mov e between input fields. Using Personal Direct ory on Your Phone The Personal Directory feature set contains your Perso nal Address Book (P AB) and Fast Dials. This section describes how to set up and use Perso …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 69

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 61 Add a new P AB entry 1. Access Personal Direc tory , then choose Personal Address Book . 2. Access the Search page by choosing Submit . (Y ou do not need to input search information first.) 3. Press New . 4. Use your phone keypad to enter a name a …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 70

    62 OL-15896-01 Tips • Y our system administrator can pro vide you the user ID and PIN that you need to log in to Personal Directory . • Personal Directory automatically logs you out after a certain amount of time . This time limit can vary . Ask your system administrator for more information. • Use the numbers on your keypad to enter char act …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 71

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 63 Accessing Voice Messages T o access voice messages , use the Messages button . Note Y our com pany determines th e voice messag e service that your phone system use s. For the most accurate and detailed informatio n, refer to the documentation that …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 72

    64 OL-15896-01 Using the User Options Web Pages Y our Cisco Unified IP Phone is a network device that can sh are information with other network devices in your company , including your personal computer . Y ou ca n use your computer to log in to your Cisco Unified CM User Options web pages, wher e you can control features, settings, and services fo …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 73

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 65 Configuring Features and Services on the Web The topics in this section describe how to configure features and services from your User Options web pages after logging in. See Accessing Your User Options Web Pages, page 64 . Using Personal Dire ctor …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 74

    66 OL-15896-01 Delete a P AB entry 1. Search for a P AB e ntry . 2. Select one or more entries. 3. Click Delete Selected . Assign a line button for P AB Note Before you can assign a line button for P AB, your system administrator must configure th e phone to display services. Contact your system administrator for more information. 1. Choose User Op …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 75

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 67 Configuring Fast Dials on the Web This section describes how to assign Fast Dials from your User Options web pages. If you want to… Then do this after you log in… Assign a line button for Fast Dial Note Before you can assign a line bu tton for …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 76

    68 OL-15896-01 Tips • Y ou can create up to 5 00 Fast Dial and P AB entries. • Y ou can create a new Fast Dial entry without using a P AB entry . Such Fa st Dial entries are labeled “raw” in the User Options web pages a nd do not display a confi gurable text label. Using the Address Book Synchronization Tool Y ou can use the Address Book Sy …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 77

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 69 Note For help using speed-dial features, see Speed Dialing, page 39 . Ti p Y ou can set up a speed-dial button for each programmable button on your phone that is not reserved as line button. Alternately , use Abbrevia ted Dial or Fast Dial. If you …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 78

    70 OL-15896-01 Setting Up Phone Services on the Web Phone services can include special phone features, network da ta, and web-based information (such as stock quotes and movie listings). Y ou must first subs cribe to a phone service before accessing it on your phone. If you want to… Then do this after you log in… Subscribe to a service 1. Choos …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 79

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 71 Add a service to an available programmable phone button 1. Choose User Options > Device . 2. Choose a phone from the Name drop-down menu. 3. Click Service URL . Note If you do not see this option, ask your system administrator to configure a ser …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 80

    72 OL-15896-01 Controlling User Settings on the Web User settings include your password, PIN, and language (locale) settings. Tip Y our PIN an d password allow you to access different features and services. For example, use your PIN to log in to Cisco Extension Mobility o r Personal Directory on your p hone. Use your password to log in to your User …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 81

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 73 If you want to… Then do this after you log in… Set up call forwarding per line 1. Choose User Options > Device . 2. Choose a phone from the Name drop-down menu. 3. Click Line Setti ngs . 4. If you have more than on e directory number (line) …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 82

    74 OL-15896-01 Change the audible voice message in dicator setting per line 1. Choose User Options > Device . 2. Choose a phone from the Name drop-down menu. 3. Click Line Setti ngs . 4. If you have more than one director y number (line) assigned to your phone, choose a line from the Line drop-down menu. 5. In the Audible Message W aitin g Indic …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 83

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 75 Setting Up Phones and Access Lists for Mobile Connect When using Cisco Mobile Connect, you must add your mobile a nd other phones that you want to use to make and receive calls using the same direct ory numbers as your d esk phone. These phones are …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 84

    76 OL-15896-01 Add a new remote destination 1. Choose User Options > Mobi lity Settings > Remote Destinations . 2. Click Add New . 3. Enter the following information: – Name—Enter a name for the mobile (or other) phone. – Destination Number—Enter your mobile phone number . 4. Select your remote destination profile from the drop -down …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 85

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 77 Using Cisco WebDialer Cisco W ebDialer allows you to make calls on yo ur Ci sco Unified IP Phone to directory contacts by clicking items in a web browser . Y our system ad ministrator must configure this feature for you. If you want to… Then… U …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 86

    78 OL-15896-01 Log out of W ebDialer Click the logout icon in the Make Call or Hang Up page. Set up, view , or change W ebDia ler preferences Access the Preferenc es page. The Preferences page appears the first time that you use W ebDiale r (after you click the number that you want to dial.) T o return to Preferences in the futu re, click the prefe …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 87

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 79 Understanding Additional Configuration Options Y our system a dministrator can configure your ph one to use specific button and softkey templates along with special services and fea tures, if appropri ate. This table provides an overview of some co …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 88

    80 OL-15896-01 W ork with (or work as) an administrative assistant Consider using: • Cisco Unified Communicatio ns Manager Assistant • A shared line See: • Using a Shared Line, page 42 • Cisco Unified Communications Manager Assistant User Guide W ant to use one extension for several phones Request a shared line. This allows you to use one e …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 89

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 81 Determine the state of a phone line associated with a speed-dial button, call log, or directory listing on your ph one Ask your administrator to set up the Busy Lamp Field (BLF) feature for your phone. See Using BLF to Determi ne a Line State, pag …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 90

    82 OL-15896-01 Troubleshooting Your Phone This section provides troubleshooting information for your Cisco Unified IP Phone. General Troubleshooting This section provides information to help you troubleshoot g eneral problems with your phone. For more information, see your system administrator . Symptom Explanation Y ou cannot hear a dial tone or c …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 91

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 83 Viewing Phone Administration Data Y our system administrator might ask you to ac cess administration data on your phone for troubleshooting purposes. Using the Quality Reporting Tool Y our system administrator may temporarily config ure your phone …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 92

    84 OL-15896-01 …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 93

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 85 Cisco One-Year Limited Hardware Warranty Terms There are special terms applicable to your hardware wa rranty and various services that you can use during the warranty period. Y our formal W arranty Statement, including the warranties and license ag …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 94

    86 OL-15896-01 …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 95

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 87 Index A Abbreviated Dialing 39, 68 access li sts creating 75 setting up 75 Address Book Synchronization Tool 68 answering calls 23 ASCII label field support 69 audible message waiting indicator 63 audio, quality of 6 authenticated calls 46 Auto Dia …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 96

    88 OL-15896-01 icons for 13 maximum per line 13 multiple parties o n 32 multiple , switch ing betw een 27 muting 26 parking 41 placing 20, 21 prevent barging of 44 prioritizing 47 redirecting while ringing 40 reporting problems with 83 secure 46 storing and retrieving 41 transferring 28 using DND 31 viewing 15, 27 Cisco Extension Mobility 49 Cisco …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 97

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 89 encrypted calls 46 ending a call, options for 25 Extension Mobility 49 F FAC 22, 82 Fast Dials configuring from web page 67 using on phone 60 feature buttons directories 11 display of 17 help 12 messages 11 services 12 settings 12 feature menus 17 …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 98

    90 OL-15896-01 K keypad 12 L language (locale) settings 72 line buttons 11 lines and call forwarding 72 and call states 13 and using BLF 45 buttons for 11 description of 13 icons for 13 number of calls supported on 13, 79 ring patterns for 72 ring tone s for 55 shared 42 switchin g betwe en 27 text label for 72 viewing 15 voice message indicator se …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 99

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 91 on-hook dialing 21 online help, using 17 P PAB using from web page 65 using on phone 60 password, changing 72 Personal Address Book, see PAB Personal Directory using from web page 65 using on phone 60 phone lines buttons for 11 description of 13 vi …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 100

    92 OL-15896-01 sleep mode 16 secure calls 46 secure conferences 36 security, for calls 46 Select bu tton 12 services button 12 services, subscribing to 70 settings button 12 settings, customizing 55 shared lines and remote-in-use icon 42 description of 42 with barge 43 with privacy 44 sleep mode, waking phone screen from 16 softkey buttons descript …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 101

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 93 for phone ringer 55 volume button 12 W warnings, safety 2 web-based services configuring 64 see also User Options web pages WebDialer 77 whisper 14 wideband headset 53 …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 102

    94 OL-15896-01 …

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 103

  • Cisco Systems 7965G — page 104

    Americas Headquarters Cisco Systems, Inc. San Jose , CA Asia Pacific Headquarters Cisco Systems (USA) Pte. Ltd. Singapore Europe Headquarters Cisco Systems International BV Amsterdam, The Neth erlands Cisco has more than 200 offices worldwide. Addresses, phone numbers, and fax numbers are l isted on the Cisco W ebsite at www .cisco.com/go/offices . …

Настройка параметров телефона

IP-телефон Cisco 7961G/7961G-GE и 7941G/7941G-GE


Настройка экрана телефона под пользователя

Некоторые параметры экрана телефона можно настроить в соответствии с выполняемыми задачами.

Настройка функций быстрого набора

Функции быстрого набора позволяют размещать вызовы путем нажатия кнопки или ввода кода 
сокращенного набора.
Предусмотрено два способа настройки номеров быстрого набора для телефона.

• Быстрый набор с помощью кнопки – номер быстрого набора можно назначить любой 

программируемой кнопке телефона, которая не настроена в качестве кнопки линии, кнопки 
функции или кнопки услуги.

• Быстрый набор с помощью кода – используя функцию сокращенного набора, можно вместо ввода 

номера телефона ввести соответствующий ему код (от 1 до 99).

Если требуется…

Выполните следующие действия…

экрана телефона


> Пользовательские настройки > Контрастность.

Нажмите ВверхВниз или , 

затем нажмите Сохр

Либо нажмите Отмена для возврата к ранее сохраненному уровню 

Если случайного сохранен слишком высокий или слишком низкий 
уровень контрастности и на экране телефона отсутствует 
изображение, выполните следующие действия.

Нажмите , 

затем нажмите на клавиатуре 13.

Нажимая , 

измените уровень контрастности до 

появления изображения на экране телефона, затем нажмите Сохр.

Изменить фоновое 


Пользовательские настройки > Фоновое 

изображение. С помощью кнопки перемещения просмотрите доступные 
изображения. Для выбора изображения нажмите Выбор. Если требуется 
просмотреть фоновое изображение в том виде, как оно будет выглядеть 
после установки, нажмите Просмотр; для возврата в меню выбора нажмите 
Выход. Нажмите Сохр для установки изображения или Отмена для 
возврата к ранее сохраненной настройке.

Если выбранные изображения не отображается, этот параметр 
не включен в данной системе.

Изменить язык

10 доводов в пользу Asterisk

Распространяется бесплатно.

Asterisk – программное обеспечение с открытым исходным кодом, распространяется по лицензии GPL. Следовательно, установив один раз Asterisk вам не придется дополнительно платить за новых абонентов, подключение новых транков, расширение функционала и прочие лицензии. Это приближает стоимость владения станцией к нулю.

Безопасен в использовании.

Любое программное обеспечение может стать объектом интереса злоумышленников, в том числе телефонная станция. Однако, сам Asterisk, а также операционная система, на которой он работает, дают множество инструментов защиты от любых атак. При грамотной настройке безопасности у злоумышленников нет никаких шансов попасть на станцию.

Надежен в эксплуатации.

Время работы серверов некоторых наших клиентов исчисляется годами. Это значит, что Asterisk работает несколько лет, ему не требуются никакие перезагрузки или принудительные отключения. А еще это говорит о том, что в районе отличная ситуация с электроэнергией, но это уже не заслуга Asterisk.

Гибкий в настройке.

Зачастую возможности Asterisk ограничивает только фантазия пользователя. Ни один конструктор шаблонов не сравнится с Asterisk по гибкости настройки. Это позволяет решать с помощью Asterisk любые бизнес задачи, даже те, в которых выбор в его пользу не кажется изначально очевидным.

Имеет огромный функционал.

Во многом именно Asterisk показал какой должна быть современная телефонная станция. За многие годы развития функциональность Asterisk расширилась, а все основные возможности по-прежнему доступны бесплатно сразу после установки.

Интегрируется с любыми системами.

То, что Asterisk не умеет сам, он позволяет реализовать за счет интеграции. Это могут быть интеграции с коммерческими телефонными станциями, CRM, ERP системами, биллингом, сервисами колл-трекинга, колл-бэка и модулями статистики и аналитики.

Позволяет телефонизировать офис за считанные часы.

В нашей практике были проекты, реализованные за один рабочий день. Это значит, что утром к нам обращался клиент, а уже через несколько часов он пользовался новой IP-АТС. Безусловно, такая скорость редкость, ведь АТС – инструмент зарабатывания денег для многих компаний и спешка во внедрении не уместна. Но в случае острой необходимости Asterisk готов к быстрому старту.

Отличная масштабируемость.

Очень утомительно постоянно возвращаться к одному и тому же вопросу. Такое часто бывает в случае некачественного исполнения работ или выбора заведомо неподходящего бизнес-решения. С Asterisk точно не будет такой проблемы! Телефонная станция, построенная на Asterisk может быть масштабируема до немыслимых размеров. Главное – правильно подобрать оборудование.

Повышает управляемость бизнеса.

Asterisk дает не просто набор полезных функций, он повышает управляемость организации, качества и комфортности управления, а также увеличивает прозрачность бизнеса для руководства. Достичь этого можно, например, за счет автоматизации отчетов, подключения бота в Telegram, санкционированного доступа к станции из любой точки мира.

Снижает расходы на связь.

Связь между внутренними абонентами IP-АТС бесплатна всегда, независимо от их географического расположения. Также к Asterisk можно подключить любых операторов телефонии, в том числе GSM сим-карты и настроить маршрутизацию вызовов по наиболее выгодному тарифу. Всё это позволяет экономить с первых минут пользования станцией.

Краткое содержание страницы № 1

Setting Up the Cisco Unified IP Phone
This chapter includes the following topics, which help you install the Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and
7945G on an IP telephony network:
• Before You Begin, page 3-1
 Understanding the Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7945G Components, page 3-2
 Installing the Cisco Unified IP Phone, page 3-5
 Attaching a Cisco Unified IP Phone Expansion Module, page 3-8
 Adjusting the Placement of the Cisco Unified IP Phone, page 3-9
 Verifying the Phone

Краткое содержание страницы № 2

Chapter 3 Setting Up the Cisco Unified IP Phone Understanding the Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7945G Components  IP network that supports DHCP or manual assignment of IP address, gateway, and subnet mask Note The Cisco Unified IP Phone displays the date and time from Cisco Unified Communications Manager. If the Cisco Unified Communications Manager server is located in a different time zone than the phones, the phones will not display the correct local time. Cisco Unified Communic

Краткое содержание страницы № 3

Chapter 3 Setting Up the Cisco Unified IP Phone Understanding the Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7945G Components You can use either Category 3/5/5e/6 cabling for 10 Mbps connections, but you must use Category 5/5e/6 for 100 Mbps connections and Category 5e/6 for 1000 Mbps connections. Use the SW network port to connect the phone to the network. You must use a straight-through cable on this port. The phone can also obtain inline power from a switch over this connection. See the “Pro

Краткое содержание страницы № 4

Chapter 3 Setting Up the Cisco Unified IP Phone Understanding the Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7945G Components Audio Quality Subjective to the User Beyond the physical, mechanical and technical performance, the audio portion of a headset must sound good to the user and the party on the far end. Sound quality is subjective and Cisco cannot guarantee the performance of any headsets. However, a variety of headsets from leading headset manufacturers have been reported to perform we

Краткое содержание страницы № 5

Chapter 3 Setting Up the Cisco Unified IP Phone Installing the Cisco Unified IP Phone Using External Devices The following information applies when you use external devices with the Cisco Unified IP Phone: Cisco recommends the use of good quality external devices that are shielded (screened) against unwanted radio frequency (RF) and audio frequency (AF) signals. Depending on the quality of these devices and their proximity to other devices such as mobile phones or two-way radios, so

Краткое содержание страницы № 6

Chapter 3 Setting Up the Cisco Unified IP Phone Installing the Cisco Unified IP Phone Table 3-1 Installing the Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7945G (continued) Task Purpose Related Topics 4. Connect the power supply to the Cisco DC Adapter See the “Providing Power to the Phone” section on page 2-3. port. Optional. 5. Connect a straight-through Ethernet cable from the See the “Network and Access Ports” section on page 3-2 for switch to the 10/100/1000 SW port. guidelines. Each Cisco

Краткое содержание страницы № 7

Chapter 3 Setting Up the Cisco Unified IP Phone Installing the Cisco Unified IP Phone Figure 3-1 Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7945G Rear Cable Connections 8 1 9 AUX 10/100 SW 10/100 PC DC48V 7 2 6 3 5 4 Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7945G Rear Cable Connections: 1 DC adaptor port (DC48V) 6 Handset port 2 AC-to-DC power supply 7 Headset port 3 AC power cord 8 Footstand button 4 Network port (10/100 SW) 9 Auxiliary port (AUX) 5 Access port (10/100 PC) Related Topics  Before You

Краткое содержание страницы № 8

Chapter 3 Setting Up the Cisco Unified IP Phone Attaching a Cisco Unified IP Phone Expansion Module Attaching a Cisco Unified IP Phone Expansion Module Cisco Unified IP Phone Expansion Modules can be attached to a Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G to extend the number of line appearances or speed dial buttons. You can customize the button templates for the Cisco Unified IP Phone Expansion Module to determine the number of line appearances and speed dial buttons. See the “Modifying Phone

Краткое содержание страницы № 9

Chapter 3 Setting Up the Cisco Unified IP Phone Adjusting the Placement of the Cisco Unified IP Phone Expansion Module 7915, or 7916 12-Button Line Expansion Module or 7916 24-Button Line Expansion Module for the Cisco Unified IP Phone Expansion Module 7916. In the Firmware Load Information section, there are two fields that specify the firmware load for Modules 1 and 2. You can leave these fields blank to use the default firmware load. Note If you are running the SCCP protocol, you c

Краткое содержание страницы № 10

Chapter 3 Setting Up the Cisco Unified IP Phone Adjusting the Placement of the Cisco Unified IP Phone Step 2 Adjust the footstand to the desired height. Securing the Phone with a Cable Lock You can secure the Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7945G to a desktop by using a laptop cable lock. The lock connects to the security slot on the back of the phone, and the cable can be secured to a desktop. The security slot can accommodate a lock up to 20 mm. Compatible laptop cable locks include

Краткое содержание страницы № 11

Chapter 3 Setting Up the Cisco Unified IP Phone Adjusting the Placement of the Cisco Unified IP Phone See Figure 3-3 for a graphical representation of the phone parts. Before You Begin To ensure that the handset attaches securely to a wall-mounted phone, remove the handset wall hook from the handset rest, rotate the hook 180 degrees, and reinsert the hook. Turning the hook exposes a lip on which the handset catches when the phone is vertical. For an illustrated procedure, refer to Ins

Краткое содержание страницы № 12

Chapter 3 Setting Up the Cisco Unified IP Phone Verifying the Phone Startup Process Verifying the Phone Startup Process After the Cisco Unified IP Phone has power connected to it, the phone begins its startup process by cycling through these steps. 1. These buttons flash on and off in sequence: – Headset. (Only if the handset is off-hook when the phone powers up. Hang up the handset within 3 seconds to have the phone launch its secondary load. To continue with the primary load, leave

Краткое содержание страницы № 13

Chapter 3 Setting Up the Cisco Unified IP Phone Configuring Startup Network Settings Configuring Startup Network Settings If you are not using DHCP in your network, you must configure these network settings on the Cisco Unified IP Phone after installing the phone on the network:  IP address  IP subnet information  Default gateway IP address  TFTP server IP address You may also configure these optional settings as necessary:  Domain name  DNS server IP address Collect this informa

Краткое содержание страницы № 14

Chapter 3 Setting Up the Cisco Unified IP Phone Configuring Security on the Cisco Unified IP Phone Note You can control access to the Settings Menu by using the Settings Access field in the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Phone Configuration window. For more information, see Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide. Step 3 Press **# to unlock settings on the Security Configuration menu. (See the “Unlocking and Locking Options” section on page 4-3

  • Page 1: Cisco Systems 7965G

    Americas Headquarters Cisco Systems, Inc. 170 West Tasman Drive San Jose, CA 95134-1706 USA http://www.cisco.com Tel: 408 526-4000 800 553-NETS (6387) Fax: 408 527-0883 Cisco Unif ied IP Phone 7965G and 7945G Phone Guide f or Cisco Unif ied Communications Manager 7 .0 (SCCP and SIP)[…]

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  • Page 3: Cisco Systems 7965G

    Cisco, Cisco Systems, the Cisco logo, and the Cisco Systems logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of C isco Systems, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the United States and certain other countries. A ll other trademarks mentioned in this docume nt or W ebsite are the property of t heir respective owners. The use of the word partner does not impl[…]

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    GPickUp Answer a call that is r inging in another group or on another line iDivert Divert or redirect a c all to a voice message syste m Joi n Join together existing calls to create a conference Links V iew related Help topics Main Display the Help main menu MeetMe Host a Meet-Me conference call more Display additional softkeys New Call Make a new […]

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    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 iii Contents Getting Started 1 Using this Guide 1 Finding Additional Information 2 Accessing Cisco Unified IP Phone 7900 Series eLearning Tutorials 2 Safety and Performance Information 2 Cisco Product Security Overview 3 Accessibility Features 3 Conne[…]

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    iv OL-15896-01 Using Hold and Resume 25 Using Mute 26 Switching Betwe en Multiple Call s 27 Switching an In-Progre ss Call to Another Phone 27 Viewing Multiple Calls 27 Transferring Calls 28 Sending a Call to a Voice Message System 29 Forwarding Calls to Another Number 30 Using Do Not Disturb 31 Making Conference Ca lls 32 Using Conference Features[…]

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    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Gu ide for Cisco Unified Co mmunications Manager 7.0 v Prioritizing Critical Calls 47 Using Cisco Extension Mobility 49 Managing Business Calls Using a Single Phone Number 49 Using a Handset, Headset, a nd Speakerphone 52 Using a Handset 52 Using a Headset 52 Using a Speakerphone 53 Using AutoAnswer wit[…]

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    vi OL-15896-01 Understanding Additiona l Configuration Options 79 Troubleshootin g Your Phone 82 General Troubleshooting 82 Viewing Phone Admin istration Data 83 Using the Quality Reporting Tool 83 Cisco One-Year Limited Hardware Warranty Terms 85 Index 87[…]

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    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Gu ide for Cisco Unified Co mmunications Manager 7.0 1 Getting Started Using this Guide This guide provides y ou with an overview of the fea tures available on your p hone. Y ou can read it completely for a solid understanding of y our phon e’ s ca pabilities or refer to the table below for pointers t[…]

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    2 OL-15896-01 Finding Additional Information Y ou can access the most current Cisco Unified IP P hone documentation on the W orld Wide W eb at this URL: http://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/hw/phones/ps379/prod ucts_user_guide_list.html Y ou can access the Cisco website at this URL: http://www.cisco.com/ International Cisco websites ca n be accessed[…]

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    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Gu ide for Cisco Unified Co mmunications Manager 7.0 3 Using External Devices The following information applies when you use exte rnal devices with the Cisco Unified IP Ph one: Cisco recommends the use of good quality external de vices (such as headsets) that are shielded against unwanted radio frequenc[…]

  • Page 12: Cisco Systems 7965G

    4 OL-15896-01 Connecting Your Phone Y our system a dministrator will likely connect your new C isco Unified IP Phone to the corporate IP telephony network. If that is not the case, refer to the graphic and table below to connect your phone. 1 DC adaptor p ort (DC48V) 6 Handset port 2 AC-to-DC power supply 7 Headset port 3 AC power cord 8 Footstand […]

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    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Gu ide for Cisco Unified Co mmunications Manager 7.0 5 Removing the Hoo kswitch Clip (Required) Before you use your phone, remo ve the hookswitch clip from the crad le area. W ith the clip removed, t he hookswitch lifts sli ghtly when you pick up the handset. Adjusting the Handset Rest (Optional) Cisco […]

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    6 OL-15896-01 Adjusting the Footstand (Optional) T o change the angle of the pho ne base, adjust the footstand while pressing the footsta nd button. Registering with TAPS After your phone is connected to the network, your system administrator might ask you to auto-register your phone using T APS (T ool for Auto -Registered Phones Support). T APS mi[…]

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    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Gu ide for Cisco Unified Co mmunications Manager 7.0 7 For information about wireless headsets that work in conjunction with the wireless headset remote hookswitch control feature, got to the following U RL: http://www.cisco.com/pcg i-bin/ctdp/Search.pl 1. Choose IP Communications from the Enter Solutio[…]

  • Page 16: Cisco Systems 7965G

    8 OL-15896-01 An Overview of Your Phone Y our Cisco Unified IP Phone is a full-feature tele phone that provides voice co mmunication over the same data network that your computer uses, allowi ng you to place and receive phone ca lls, put calls on hold, transfer calls, make conference calls, and so on. In addition to basic call-ha ndling features, y[…]

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    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Gu ide for Cisco Unified Co mmunications Manager 7.0 9 Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G 1 16 2 4 5 7 9 6 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 186422 17 3[…]

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    10 OL-15896-01 Cisco Unified IP Phone 7945G 186421 4 3 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 12 8 1 17[…]

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    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 11 Item Description For more information, see… 1 Programmable buttons Depending on configuration, programmable buttons provide access to: • Phone lines and intercom lin es (line buttons) • Speed-dial numbers (speed-dial buttons, including the BL[…]

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    12 OL-15896-01 6 Help button Activates the Help menu. Accessing the Help Sy stem on Your Phone, page 17 7 Settings button Opens/closes the Settings menu. Use it to change phone screen and ring settings. Changing Phone Setti ngs, page 55 8 Services button Opens/closes the Services menu . Using the User Options Web Pages, page 64 9 Volume button Cont[…]

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    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 13 Understanding Lines and Calls T o avoid confusion abou t lines and calls, refer to these descriptions: • Lines—Each corresponds to a directory number or intercom number that ot hers can use to call you. Each line corresponds to a directory numb[…]

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    14 OL-15896-01 Encrypted call See Making and Receiving Secure Calls, page 46 . BLF- monitored line is idle See Using BLF to Determine a Line S tate, page 45 . BLF- monitored line is in-use See Using BLF to Determine a Line S tate, page 45 . BLF- monitored line is ringing (BLF Pickup) See Using BLF to Determine a Line S tate, page 45 . Line in Do No[…]

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    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 15 Understanding Phone Screen Features This is what your ma in phone screen might look lik e wi th active calls and seve ral feature menus open. 1 Primary phone line Displays the phone number (directory num ber) for your primary phone line. 2 Programm[…]

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    16 OL-15896-01 Choosing Phone Screen Items There are two way s to choose it ems on your ph one’ s screen. Cleaning and Maintaining the Phone Screen Use only a soft, dry cloth to wipe the phone screen. Do not use any liquids or powders on the phon e, as they can contaminate phone components and cause failures. Waking the Phone Screen from Sleep Mo[…]

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    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 17 Understanding Feature Buttons and Menus Press a feature button to open or close a feature menu. Accessing the Help S ystem on Your Phone Y our phone pro vides a comprehensive online help sy stem. Help topics appear on the phone screen. If you want […]

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    18 OL-15896-01 Understanding Feature Availability Depending on your phone system configuration, feat ures in cluded in this Phone Guide might not be available to you or might work differently on yo ur phone. Contact your support desk or system administrator for information about feature operation or availability . Y ou can access many features eith[…]

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    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 19 Understanding SIP vs. SCCP Y our phone can be configured to work with one of two signaling protocols: SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) or SCCP (Skinny Call Control Protocol ). Y our system administrator determines this configuration. Phone feature[…]

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    20 OL-15896-01 Basic Call Handling Y ou can perform basic call-handling tasks using a rang e of features and serv ic es. Feature availability can vary; see your system admi nistrator for more information. Placing a Call—Basic Options Here are some easy ways to place a call on your Cisco Unified IP Phone. If you want to… Then… For more informa[…]

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    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 21 Tips • You can dial on-hook, without a dia l tone (pre-dial). T o pre-dial, enter a number , then go off-hook by lifting the handset or by pressing Dial , , or . • When you pre-dial, your phone tries to anticipate the numbe r you are dialing by[…]

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    22 OL-15896-01 Use CallBack to recei ve notification when a busy or ringing extension is available 1. Press CallBack while listening to the busy tone or ring soun d. 2. Hang up. Y our p hone alerts you when the line is free. 3. Place the call again. Y our system administrator See if a line associated with a speed-dial, call record, or directory lis[…]

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    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 23 Answering a Call Y ou can answer a ca ll by simply lifting the handset, or you can use other options i f they are available on your phone. Place a call using Fast Dial Note Before using this option, your system administrator must configure this fea[…]

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    24 OL-15896-01 Tip If parties on a call hear a beep tone, the call mi ght be monitored or recorded. Ask your system administrator for more information. Answer using call waiting Press Answer . Using Hold and Resume, page 25 Send a call to a vo ice message system Press iDivert . Sending a Call to a Voice Message S ystem, page 29 Auto-connect calls U[…]

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    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 25 Ending a Call T o end a call, hang up. Here are some more d etails. Using Hold and Resume Y ou can hold and resume calls. W hen you put a call on hold, the H old icon a ppears next to the caller ID and the c orrespond ing line button fl ashes green[…]

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    26 OL-15896-01 Tips • Engaging the Hold feature typically generates music or a beeping tone. • If you receive an alert for an incoming call and a re verting call at the same time, by default your phone will shift the focus of the phone screen to display the incoming call. Y our system administrator can change this focus priority setting. • If[…]

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    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 27 Switching Between Multiple Calls Y ou can switch between multiple ca lls on one or more lines. If the call that you want to switch to is not automatically highlighted, scroll to it. Switching an In-Progress Call to Another Phone Y ou can switch in-[…]

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    28 OL-15896-01 In standard viewing mode, y our phone displ ays calls as follows fo r the highlighted line: • Calls with the highest precedence and longest duration display at the top of the list. • Calls of a similar ty pe are grouped together . For example, calls that you hav e interacted with a re grouped near the top, and calls on hold are g[…]

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    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 29 Tips • If your phone has on-hook transfer enabled, complete th e call by hanging up. • If on-hook transfer is not enabled on your p hone, hanging up without pressing Tr a n s f e r again places the call on hold. • Y ou cannot use Tr a n s f e[…]

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    30 OL-15896-01 Tip If your phone displays a menu th at disappears be fore you make your selection, you can press iDivert again to re-display the menu. Y ou can also ask your system administrator to con fig ur e a lo nge r t im eo ut value. Forwarding Calls to Another Number Y ou can use the cal l forwarding features to redirect inco ming calls from[…]

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    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 31 • Y ou can forward your calls to a trad itional analog phone or to another IP p hone, although your system administrator might restri ct the call fo rwarding feature to numbers within your company . • Call forwarding is phone line specific. If […]

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    32 OL-15896-01 Making Conference Calls Y our Cisco Unified IP Phone allows you to talk si multaneously with multiple parties in a conference call. Using Conference Features Y ou can crea te a conference in various ways, de pe nding on your needs and the features that are available on your phone. • Conference—Allows you to crea te a standard (ad[…]

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    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 33 Using Conference Conference allows you to call each particip ant. Con ference is available on most phones. If you want to… Then… Create a conference 1. From a connected call, press Confrn or Conference . (Y ou may need to press the more softkey[…]

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    34 OL-15896-01 Using Join Join allows you to combine two or more existing calls to create a conference in which you are a participant. Tips • If you frequently join more than two parties into a single conference, you might find it useful to first select the calls that you want to join, then p ress Join to complete the action. • When Join comple[…]

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    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 35 Using Meet-Me Meet-Me conferencing allows you to start or join a conference by calling the conference number . Tip If you call a secure M eet-Me conf erence number from a non-secure phone, your phone displays the message, “Device Not Authorized .[…]

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    36 OL-15896-01 Viewing or Removing Conference Participants During a standard (ad hoc) conference, you ca n view a list of participants a nd remove participants. Starting or Joining a Meet-Me Conference Call Meet-Me conferencing allows y ou to start or join a conference by calling the conference number . V iew a list of conference participants Press[…]

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    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 37 Tip If you call a secure M eet-Me conf erence number from a non-secure phone, your phone displays the message, “Device Not Authorized .” For more information, see Making and Re ceiving Secure Ca lls, page 46 . Placing or Receiving Intercom Call[…]

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    38 OL-15896-01 If you want to… Then… Place an intercom call to a preconfigured intercom target Press (intercom target line) and, after you hear the intercom-alert tone, begin speaking. Place an intercom call to any intercom number Press (an intercom line). En te r t he i nt er com ta rge t n u mb er or press a speed-dial number for your target.[…]

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    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 39 Advanced Call Handling Advanced call-handling tasks involve special features that your system admin istrator might conf igure for your phone depending on your call-handling needs and work environment. Speed Dialing Speed dialing allows you to enter[…]

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    40 OL-15896-01 Picking Up a Redirected Call on Your Phone Call PickUp allows you to answer a call that is ringing on a coworker’ s phone by redi recting the call to your phone. Y ou mig ht use Call PickUp if you share call-handling tasks with coworkers. Tips • If multiple calls are available for pick up, your phone picks up the oldest call firs[…]

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    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 41 • Depending on how your ph one is configured, you mi ght receive an audio and/or v isual alert about a call to your pickup group. • If you use the BLF Pickup feature on your phone, see Using BLF to Dete rmi ne a Line State, page 45 . Storing an[…]

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    42 OL-15896-01 • Y our system administrator can assign Directed Call Park buttons to availa ble line buttons on your Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G that has a Cisco Unified IP Phone Expansion Module (the Cisco Unified IP Phone 7945G does not support the Cisco Unified IP Phone Expansion Module). • Y ou can dial directed ca ll park numbers if you d[…]

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    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 43 Sharing Call Information and Barging Phones that share a line e ach display information about calls that are placed and received on the sha red line. This information might include caller ID and call duration. (See the Privacy section for exception[…]

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    44 OL-15896-01 Using Barge Features The table below describes how to use barge features to add yourself to a ca ll on a shared line. Tips • When you barge a call, other parties hear a beep tone announcing your presence. With cBarge, other parties hear a brief audio interruption and the phone screen changes to display conference details. • If a […]

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    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 45 Tips • If the phone that shares your line h as Privacy en abled, you can make and receive calls using the shared line as usual. • The Privacy feature applies to a ll shared lines on your phone. Consequently , if you have multiple shared lines a[…]

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    46 OL-15896-01 Tips • Y our phone might play an audible indica tor to alert you when a ca ll is ringing on the monitored line (BLF Pickup only). • BLF Pickup answers th e oldest ringing call first (i f the line that you are monitoring has more than one ringing call). Making and Receiving Secure Calls Depending on how your system administrator h[…]

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    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 47 Note There are interactions, restrictions, and limitatio ns that affect how security features work on your phone. For more information, ask y our system administrato r . Tracing Suspicious Calls If you are receiving suspicious or malicious calls, y[…]

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    48 OL-15896-01 Keep these terms in mind: • Precedence indicates the priority associated with a call. • Preemption is the process of ending an existing, lo wer priority call wh ile accepting a higher priority call that is sent to your phone . Tips • When you make or receive an MLPP-enabled call, you will hear special ring tones and call waitin[…]

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    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 49 Using Cisco Extension Mobility Cisco Extension Mobility (EM) allows you to temporarily configure a Cisco Unified IP Phone as your own. Once you log in to EM, the phone adopts your user profile, including yo u r phone lines, features, established se[…]

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    50 OL-15896-01 Tips • When calling Mobile V oice Access, you must ente r the number you ar e calling and your PIN if an y of the follo wing are true: – The number you are calling from i s not one of your remote dest inations. – The number is blocke d by you or you r carrier (shown as “Unkno wn Number”). Put a call that has been picked up […]

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    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 51 – The number is not accurately matched in the Cisco Unified Communica ti ons Manager database; for examp le, if your number is 510-666-99 99, but it is listed as 666-9999 i n the database, or your number is 40 8-999-6666, b ut it is en tered as 1[…]

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    52 OL-15896-01 Using a Handset, Headset, and Speakerphone Y ou can use yo ur phone with these audio devices: a handset, headset, or speakerphone. The phone is off-hook when the handset is lifted or another audio device is in use. The phone is on-hook when the handset is in its crad le and other audio devices are not i n use. Using a Handset Using a[…]

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    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 53 Using a Wireless Headset Refer to the wireless headset documentation for info rmation about using the w i reless headset’ s remote features. Also , check with your system adminis trator to be sure your phone is enabled to use a wireless headset w[…]

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    54 OL-15896-01 Using AutoAnswer with a Headset or Speakerphone When AutoAnswer is enabled, your phone answers incoming calls auto matically after a few rings. Y our sy stem administrator configures AutoAnswer to use either the speakerp hone or a headset. Y ou might use AutoAnswer if you receive a high volume of incoming calls. Tip AutoAnswer is dis[…]

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    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 55 Changing Phone Settings Y ou can personalize y our Cisco Unified IP Phone by adjusting the ring tone, background image, and other settings. Customizing Rings and Message Indicators Y ou can customize how your phone indicates an inco ming call and a[…]

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    56 OL-15896-01 Customizing the Phone Screen Y ou can adjust the characteristics of the phone screen. If you want to… Then… Change the phone screen brightness 1. Choose > User Preferences > Brightness . 2. T o make adjustments, pres s Up , Down or . 3. Press Save , or press Cancel . Change the background image 1. Choose > User Preferenc[…]

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    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 57 Using Call Logs and Directories This section describes how you can use call logs and directories. T o acce ss both features, use the Directories button . Using Call Logs Y our phone maintains log s of your missed, placed, and receiv ed calls. If yo[…]

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    58 OL-15896-01 Tips • (SCCP and SIP phones) Y our pho ne might be set up for i nternational call logging, wh ich is indicated by a “+” symbol on the call log s, redial , or call directory entries. See your system administrator for more information. • (SCCP phones only) T o view the complete call record of a multiparty call (for example, of […]

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    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 59 – The second logged entry is the name/number o f the first completed call of a multiparty call received on your phone. Directory Dialing Depending on configuration, your phone can prov ide corporate and p ersonal directory features: • Corporate[…]

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    60 OL-15896-01 Tip Use the numbers on your keypad to enter characte rs on your phon e screen. Use the Navigation button on your phone to mov e between input fields. Using Personal Direct ory on Your Phone The Personal Directory feature set contains your Perso nal Address Book (P AB) and Fast Dials. This section describes how to set up and use Perso[…]

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    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 61 Add a new P AB entry 1. Access Personal Direc tory , then choose Personal Address Book . 2. Access the Search page by choosing Submit . (Y ou do not need to input search information first.) 3. Press New . 4. Use your phone keypad to enter a name a […]

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    62 OL-15896-01 Tips • Y our system administrator can pro vide you the user ID and PIN that you need to log in to Personal Directory . • Personal Directory automatically logs you out after a certain amount of time . This time limit can vary . Ask your system administrator for more information. • Use the numbers on your keypad to enter char act[…]

  • Page 71: Cisco Systems 7965G

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 63 Accessing Voice Messages T o access voice messages , use the Messages button . Note Y our com pany determines th e voice messag e service that your phone system use s. For the most accurate and detailed informatio n, refer to the documentation that[…]

  • Page 72: Cisco Systems 7965G

    64 OL-15896-01 Using the User Options Web Pages Y our Cisco Unified IP Phone is a network device that can sh are information with other network devices in your company , including your personal computer . Y ou ca n use your computer to log in to your Cisco Unified CM User Options web pages, wher e you can control features, settings, and services fo[…]

  • Page 73: Cisco Systems 7965G

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 65 Configuring Features and Services on the Web The topics in this section describe how to configure features and services from your User Options web pages after logging in. See Accessing Your User Options Web Pages, page 64 . Using Personal Dire ctor[…]

  • Page 74: Cisco Systems 7965G

    66 OL-15896-01 Delete a P AB entry 1. Search for a P AB e ntry . 2. Select one or more entries. 3. Click Delete Selected . Assign a line button for P AB Note Before you can assign a line button for P AB, your system administrator must configure th e phone to display services. Contact your system administrator for more information. 1. Choose User Op[…]

  • Page 75: Cisco Systems 7965G

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 67 Configuring Fast Dials on the Web This section describes how to assign Fast Dials from your User Options web pages. If you want to… Then do this after you log in… Assign a line button for Fast Dial Note Before you can assign a line bu tton for […]

  • Page 76: Cisco Systems 7965G

    68 OL-15896-01 Tips • Y ou can create up to 5 00 Fast Dial and P AB entries. • Y ou can create a new Fast Dial entry without using a P AB entry . Such Fa st Dial entries are labeled “raw” in the User Options web pages a nd do not display a confi gurable text label. Using the Address Book Synchronization Tool Y ou can use the Address Book Sy[…]

  • Page 77: Cisco Systems 7965G

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 69 Note For help using speed-dial features, see Speed Dialing, page 39 . Ti p Y ou can set up a speed-dial button for each programmable button on your phone that is not reserved as line button. Alternately , use Abbrevia ted Dial or Fast Dial. If you […]

  • Page 78: Cisco Systems 7965G

    70 OL-15896-01 Setting Up Phone Services on the Web Phone services can include special phone features, network da ta, and web-based information (such as stock quotes and movie listings). Y ou must first subs cribe to a phone service before accessing it on your phone. If you want to… Then do this after you log in… Subscribe to a service 1. Choos[…]

  • Page 79: Cisco Systems 7965G

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 71 Add a service to an available programmable phone button 1. Choose User Options > Device . 2. Choose a phone from the Name drop-down menu. 3. Click Service URL . Note If you do not see this option, ask your system administrator to configure a ser[…]

  • Page 80: Cisco Systems 7965G

    72 OL-15896-01 Controlling User Settings on the Web User settings include your password, PIN, and language (locale) settings. Tip Y our PIN an d password allow you to access different features and services. For example, use your PIN to log in to Cisco Extension Mobility o r Personal Directory on your p hone. Use your password to log in to your User[…]

  • Page 81: Cisco Systems 7965G

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 73 If you want to… Then do this after you log in… Set up call forwarding per line 1. Choose User Options > Device . 2. Choose a phone from the Name drop-down menu. 3. Click Line Setti ngs . 4. If you have more than on e directory number (line) […]

  • Page 82: Cisco Systems 7965G

    74 OL-15896-01 Change the audible voice message in dicator setting per line 1. Choose User Options > Device . 2. Choose a phone from the Name drop-down menu. 3. Click Line Setti ngs . 4. If you have more than one director y number (line) assigned to your phone, choose a line from the Line drop-down menu. 5. In the Audible Message W aitin g Indic[…]

  • Page 83: Cisco Systems 7965G

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 75 Setting Up Phones and Access Lists for Mobile Connect When using Cisco Mobile Connect, you must add your mobile a nd other phones that you want to use to make and receive calls using the same direct ory numbers as your d esk phone. These phones are[…]

  • Page 84: Cisco Systems 7965G

    76 OL-15896-01 Add a new remote destination 1. Choose User Options > Mobi lity Settings > Remote Destinations . 2. Click Add New . 3. Enter the following information: – Name—Enter a name for the mobile (or other) phone. – Destination Number—Enter your mobile phone number . 4. Select your remote destination profile from the drop -down […]

  • Page 85: Cisco Systems 7965G

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 77 Using Cisco WebDialer Cisco W ebDialer allows you to make calls on yo ur Ci sco Unified IP Phone to directory contacts by clicking items in a web browser . Y our system ad ministrator must configure this feature for you. If you want to… Then… U[…]

  • Page 86: Cisco Systems 7965G

    78 OL-15896-01 Log out of W ebDialer Click the logout icon in the Make Call or Hang Up page. Set up, view , or change W ebDia ler preferences Access the Preferenc es page. The Preferences page appears the first time that you use W ebDiale r (after you click the number that you want to dial.) T o return to Preferences in the futu re, click the prefe[…]

  • Page 87: Cisco Systems 7965G

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 79 Understanding Additional Configuration Options Y our system a dministrator can configure your ph one to use specific button and softkey templates along with special services and fea tures, if appropri ate. This table provides an overview of some co[…]

  • Page 88: Cisco Systems 7965G

    80 OL-15896-01 W ork with (or work as) an administrative assistant Consider using: • Cisco Unified Communicatio ns Manager Assistant • A shared line See: • Using a Shared Line, page 42 • Cisco Unified Communications Manager Assistant User Guide W ant to use one extension for several phones Request a shared line. This allows you to use one e[…]

  • Page 89: Cisco Systems 7965G

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 81 Determine the state of a phone line associated with a speed-dial button, call log, or directory listing on your ph one Ask your administrator to set up the Busy Lamp Field (BLF) feature for your phone. See Using BLF to Determi ne a Line State, pag […]

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    82 OL-15896-01 Troubleshooting Your Phone This section provides troubleshooting information for your Cisco Unified IP Phone. General Troubleshooting This section provides information to help you troubleshoot g eneral problems with your phone. For more information, see your system administrator . Symptom Explanation Y ou cannot hear a dial tone or c[…]

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    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 83 Viewing Phone Administration Data Y our system administrator might ask you to ac cess administration data on your phone for troubleshooting purposes. Using the Quality Reporting Tool Y our system administrator may temporarily config ure your phone […]

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    84 OL-15896-01[…]

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    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 85 Cisco One-Year Limited Hardware Warranty Terms There are special terms applicable to your hardware wa rranty and various services that you can use during the warranty period. Y our formal W arranty Statement, including the warranties and license ag[…]

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    86 OL-15896-01[…]

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    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 87 Index A Abbreviated Dialing 39, 68 access li sts creating 75 setting up 75 Address Book Synchronization Tool 68 answering calls 23 ASCII label field support 69 audible message waiting indicator 63 audio, quality of 6 authenticated calls 46 Auto Dia[…]

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    88 OL-15896-01 icons for 13 maximum per line 13 multiple parties o n 32 multiple , switch ing betw een 27 muting 26 parking 41 placing 20, 21 prevent barging of 44 prioritizing 47 redirecting while ringing 40 reporting problems with 83 secure 46 storing and retrieving 41 transferring 28 using DND 31 viewing 15, 27 Cisco Extension Mobility 49 Cisco […]

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    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 89 encrypted calls 46 ending a call, options for 25 Extension Mobility 49 F FAC 22, 82 Fast Dials configuring from web page 67 using on phone 60 feature buttons directories 11 display of 17 help 12 messages 11 services 12 settings 12 feature menus 17 […]

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    90 OL-15896-01 K keypad 12 L language (locale) settings 72 line buttons 11 lines and call forwarding 72 and call states 13 and using BLF 45 buttons for 11 description of 13 icons for 13 number of calls supported on 13, 79 ring patterns for 72 ring tone s for 55 shared 42 switchin g betwe en 27 text label for 72 viewing 15 voice message indicator se[…]

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    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 91 on-hook dialing 21 online help, using 17 P PAB using from web page 65 using on phone 60 password, changing 72 Personal Address Book, see PAB Personal Directory using from web page 65 using on phone 60 phone lines buttons for 11 description of 13 vi[…]

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    92 OL-15896-01 sleep mode 16 secure calls 46 secure conferences 36 security, for calls 46 Select bu tton 12 services button 12 services, subscribing to 70 settings button 12 settings, customizing 55 shared lines and remote-in-use icon 42 description of 42 with barge 43 with privacy 44 sleep mode, waking phone screen from 16 softkey buttons descript[…]

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    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 93 for phone ringer 55 volume button 12 W warnings, safety 2 web-based services configuring 64 see also User Options web pages WebDialer 77 whisper 14 wideband headset 53[…]

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    94 OL-15896-01[…]

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    Americas Headquarters Cisco Systems, Inc. San Jose , CA Asia Pacific Headquarters Cisco Systems (USA) Pte. Ltd. Singapore Europe Headquarters Cisco Systems International BV Amsterdam, The Neth erlands Cisco has more than 200 offices worldwide. Addresses, phone numbers, and fax numbers are l isted on the Cisco W ebsite at www .cisco.com/go/offices .[…]

  • Page 1: Cisco Systems 7965G

    Americas Headquarters Cisco Systems, Inc. 170 West Tasman Drive San Jose, CA 95134-1706 USA http://www.cisco.com Tel: 408 526-4000 800 553-NETS (6387) Fax: 408 527-0883 Cisco Unif ied IP Phone 7965G and 7945G Phone Guide f or Cisco Unif ied Communications Manager 7 .0 (SCCP and SIP)[…]

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    Cisco, Cisco Systems, the Cisco logo, and the Cisco Systems logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of C isco Systems, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the United States and certain other countries. A ll other trademarks mentioned in this docume nt or W ebsite are the property of t heir respective owners. The use of the word partner does not impl[…]

  • Page 4: Cisco Systems 7965G

    GPickUp Answer a call that is r inging in another group or on another line iDivert Divert or redirect a c all to a voice message syste m Joi n Join together existing calls to create a conference Links V iew related Help topics Main Display the Help main menu MeetMe Host a Meet-Me conference call more Display additional softkeys New Call Make a new […]

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    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 iii Contents Getting Started 1 Using this Guide 1 Finding Additional Information 2 Accessing Cisco Unified IP Phone 7900 Series eLearning Tutorials 2 Safety and Performance Information 2 Cisco Product Security Overview 3 Accessibility Features 3 Conne[…]

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    iv OL-15896-01 Using Hold and Resume 25 Using Mute 26 Switching Betwe en Multiple Call s 27 Switching an In-Progre ss Call to Another Phone 27 Viewing Multiple Calls 27 Transferring Calls 28 Sending a Call to a Voice Message System 29 Forwarding Calls to Another Number 30 Using Do Not Disturb 31 Making Conference Ca lls 32 Using Conference Features[…]

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    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Gu ide for Cisco Unified Co mmunications Manager 7.0 v Prioritizing Critical Calls 47 Using Cisco Extension Mobility 49 Managing Business Calls Using a Single Phone Number 49 Using a Handset, Headset, a nd Speakerphone 52 Using a Handset 52 Using a Headset 52 Using a Speakerphone 53 Using AutoAnswer wit[…]

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    vi OL-15896-01 Understanding Additiona l Configuration Options 79 Troubleshootin g Your Phone 82 General Troubleshooting 82 Viewing Phone Admin istration Data 83 Using the Quality Reporting Tool 83 Cisco One-Year Limited Hardware Warranty Terms 85 Index 87[…]

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    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Gu ide for Cisco Unified Co mmunications Manager 7.0 1 Getting Started Using this Guide This guide provides y ou with an overview of the fea tures available on your p hone. Y ou can read it completely for a solid understanding of y our phon e’ s ca pabilities or refer to the table below for pointers t[…]

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    2 OL-15896-01 Finding Additional Information Y ou can access the most current Cisco Unified IP P hone documentation on the W orld Wide W eb at this URL: http://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/hw/phones/ps379/prod ucts_user_guide_list.html Y ou can access the Cisco website at this URL: http://www.cisco.com/ International Cisco websites ca n be accessed[…]

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    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Gu ide for Cisco Unified Co mmunications Manager 7.0 3 Using External Devices The following information applies when you use exte rnal devices with the Cisco Unified IP Ph one: Cisco recommends the use of good quality external de vices (such as headsets) that are shielded against unwanted radio frequenc[…]

  • Page 12: Cisco Systems 7965G

    4 OL-15896-01 Connecting Your Phone Y our system a dministrator will likely connect your new C isco Unified IP Phone to the corporate IP telephony network. If that is not the case, refer to the graphic and table below to connect your phone. 1 DC adaptor p ort (DC48V) 6 Handset port 2 AC-to-DC power supply 7 Headset port 3 AC power cord 8 Footstand […]

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    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Gu ide for Cisco Unified Co mmunications Manager 7.0 5 Removing the Hoo kswitch Clip (Required) Before you use your phone, remo ve the hookswitch clip from the crad le area. W ith the clip removed, t he hookswitch lifts sli ghtly when you pick up the handset. Adjusting the Handset Rest (Optional) Cisco […]

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    6 OL-15896-01 Adjusting the Footstand (Optional) T o change the angle of the pho ne base, adjust the footstand while pressing the footsta nd button. Registering with TAPS After your phone is connected to the network, your system administrator might ask you to auto-register your phone using T APS (T ool for Auto -Registered Phones Support). T APS mi[…]

  • Page 15: Cisco Systems 7965G

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Gu ide for Cisco Unified Co mmunications Manager 7.0 7 For information about wireless headsets that work in conjunction with the wireless headset remote hookswitch control feature, got to the following U RL: http://www.cisco.com/pcg i-bin/ctdp/Search.pl 1. Choose IP Communications from the Enter Solutio[…]

  • Page 16: Cisco Systems 7965G

    8 OL-15896-01 An Overview of Your Phone Y our Cisco Unified IP Phone is a full-feature tele phone that provides voice co mmunication over the same data network that your computer uses, allowi ng you to place and receive phone ca lls, put calls on hold, transfer calls, make conference calls, and so on. In addition to basic call-ha ndling features, y[…]

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    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Gu ide for Cisco Unified Co mmunications Manager 7.0 9 Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G 1 16 2 4 5 7 9 6 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 186422 17 3[…]

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    10 OL-15896-01 Cisco Unified IP Phone 7945G 186421 4 3 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 12 8 1 17[…]

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    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 11 Item Description For more information, see… 1 Programmable buttons Depending on configuration, programmable buttons provide access to: • Phone lines and intercom lin es (line buttons) • Speed-dial numbers (speed-dial buttons, including the BL[…]

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    12 OL-15896-01 6 Help button Activates the Help menu. Accessing the Help Sy stem on Your Phone, page 17 7 Settings button Opens/closes the Settings menu. Use it to change phone screen and ring settings. Changing Phone Setti ngs, page 55 8 Services button Opens/closes the Services menu . Using the User Options Web Pages, page 64 9 Volume button Cont[…]

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    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 13 Understanding Lines and Calls T o avoid confusion abou t lines and calls, refer to these descriptions: • Lines—Each corresponds to a directory number or intercom number that ot hers can use to call you. Each line corresponds to a directory numb[…]

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    14 OL-15896-01 Encrypted call See Making and Receiving Secure Calls, page 46 . BLF- monitored line is idle See Using BLF to Determine a Line S tate, page 45 . BLF- monitored line is in-use See Using BLF to Determine a Line S tate, page 45 . BLF- monitored line is ringing (BLF Pickup) See Using BLF to Determine a Line S tate, page 45 . Line in Do No[…]

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    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 15 Understanding Phone Screen Features This is what your ma in phone screen might look lik e wi th active calls and seve ral feature menus open. 1 Primary phone line Displays the phone number (directory num ber) for your primary phone line. 2 Programm[…]

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    16 OL-15896-01 Choosing Phone Screen Items There are two way s to choose it ems on your ph one’ s screen. Cleaning and Maintaining the Phone Screen Use only a soft, dry cloth to wipe the phone screen. Do not use any liquids or powders on the phon e, as they can contaminate phone components and cause failures. Waking the Phone Screen from Sleep Mo[…]

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    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 17 Understanding Feature Buttons and Menus Press a feature button to open or close a feature menu. Accessing the Help S ystem on Your Phone Y our phone pro vides a comprehensive online help sy stem. Help topics appear on the phone screen. If you want […]

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    18 OL-15896-01 Understanding Feature Availability Depending on your phone system configuration, feat ures in cluded in this Phone Guide might not be available to you or might work differently on yo ur phone. Contact your support desk or system administrator for information about feature operation or availability . Y ou can access many features eith[…]

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    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 19 Understanding SIP vs. SCCP Y our phone can be configured to work with one of two signaling protocols: SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) or SCCP (Skinny Call Control Protocol ). Y our system administrator determines this configuration. Phone feature[…]

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    20 OL-15896-01 Basic Call Handling Y ou can perform basic call-handling tasks using a rang e of features and serv ic es. Feature availability can vary; see your system admi nistrator for more information. Placing a Call—Basic Options Here are some easy ways to place a call on your Cisco Unified IP Phone. If you want to… Then… For more informa[…]

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    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 21 Tips • You can dial on-hook, without a dia l tone (pre-dial). T o pre-dial, enter a number , then go off-hook by lifting the handset or by pressing Dial , , or . • When you pre-dial, your phone tries to anticipate the numbe r you are dialing by[…]

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    22 OL-15896-01 Use CallBack to recei ve notification when a busy or ringing extension is available 1. Press CallBack while listening to the busy tone or ring soun d. 2. Hang up. Y our p hone alerts you when the line is free. 3. Place the call again. Y our system administrator See if a line associated with a speed-dial, call record, or directory lis[…]

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    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 23 Answering a Call Y ou can answer a ca ll by simply lifting the handset, or you can use other options i f they are available on your phone. Place a call using Fast Dial Note Before using this option, your system administrator must configure this fea[…]

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    24 OL-15896-01 Tip If parties on a call hear a beep tone, the call mi ght be monitored or recorded. Ask your system administrator for more information. Answer using call waiting Press Answer . Using Hold and Resume, page 25 Send a call to a vo ice message system Press iDivert . Sending a Call to a Voice Message S ystem, page 29 Auto-connect calls U[…]

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    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 25 Ending a Call T o end a call, hang up. Here are some more d etails. Using Hold and Resume Y ou can hold and resume calls. W hen you put a call on hold, the H old icon a ppears next to the caller ID and the c orrespond ing line button fl ashes green[…]

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    26 OL-15896-01 Tips • Engaging the Hold feature typically generates music or a beeping tone. • If you receive an alert for an incoming call and a re verting call at the same time, by default your phone will shift the focus of the phone screen to display the incoming call. Y our system administrator can change this focus priority setting. • If[…]

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    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 27 Switching Between Multiple Calls Y ou can switch between multiple ca lls on one or more lines. If the call that you want to switch to is not automatically highlighted, scroll to it. Switching an In-Progress Call to Another Phone Y ou can switch in-[…]

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    28 OL-15896-01 In standard viewing mode, y our phone displ ays calls as follows fo r the highlighted line: • Calls with the highest precedence and longest duration display at the top of the list. • Calls of a similar ty pe are grouped together . For example, calls that you hav e interacted with a re grouped near the top, and calls on hold are g[…]

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    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 29 Tips • If your phone has on-hook transfer enabled, complete th e call by hanging up. • If on-hook transfer is not enabled on your p hone, hanging up without pressing Tr a n s f e r again places the call on hold. • Y ou cannot use Tr a n s f e[…]

  • Page 38: Cisco Systems 7965G

    30 OL-15896-01 Tip If your phone displays a menu th at disappears be fore you make your selection, you can press iDivert again to re-display the menu. Y ou can also ask your system administrator to con fig ur e a lo nge r t im eo ut value. Forwarding Calls to Another Number Y ou can use the cal l forwarding features to redirect inco ming calls from[…]

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    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 31 • Y ou can forward your calls to a trad itional analog phone or to another IP p hone, although your system administrator might restri ct the call fo rwarding feature to numbers within your company . • Call forwarding is phone line specific. If […]

  • Page 40: Cisco Systems 7965G

    32 OL-15896-01 Making Conference Calls Y our Cisco Unified IP Phone allows you to talk si multaneously with multiple parties in a conference call. Using Conference Features Y ou can crea te a conference in various ways, de pe nding on your needs and the features that are available on your phone. • Conference—Allows you to crea te a standard (ad[…]

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    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 33 Using Conference Conference allows you to call each particip ant. Con ference is available on most phones. If you want to… Then… Create a conference 1. From a connected call, press Confrn or Conference . (Y ou may need to press the more softkey[…]

  • Page 42: Cisco Systems 7965G

    34 OL-15896-01 Using Join Join allows you to combine two or more existing calls to create a conference in which you are a participant. Tips • If you frequently join more than two parties into a single conference, you might find it useful to first select the calls that you want to join, then p ress Join to complete the action. • When Join comple[…]

  • Page 43: Cisco Systems 7965G

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 35 Using Meet-Me Meet-Me conferencing allows you to start or join a conference by calling the conference number . Tip If you call a secure M eet-Me conf erence number from a non-secure phone, your phone displays the message, “Device Not Authorized .[…]

  • Page 44: Cisco Systems 7965G

    36 OL-15896-01 Viewing or Removing Conference Participants During a standard (ad hoc) conference, you ca n view a list of participants a nd remove participants. Starting or Joining a Meet-Me Conference Call Meet-Me conferencing allows y ou to start or join a conference by calling the conference number . V iew a list of conference participants Press[…]

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    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 37 Tip If you call a secure M eet-Me conf erence number from a non-secure phone, your phone displays the message, “Device Not Authorized .” For more information, see Making and Re ceiving Secure Ca lls, page 46 . Placing or Receiving Intercom Call[…]

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    38 OL-15896-01 If you want to… Then… Place an intercom call to a preconfigured intercom target Press (intercom target line) and, after you hear the intercom-alert tone, begin speaking. Place an intercom call to any intercom number Press (an intercom line). En te r t he i nt er com ta rge t n u mb er or press a speed-dial number for your target.[…]

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    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 39 Advanced Call Handling Advanced call-handling tasks involve special features that your system admin istrator might conf igure for your phone depending on your call-handling needs and work environment. Speed Dialing Speed dialing allows you to enter[…]

  • Page 48: Cisco Systems 7965G

    40 OL-15896-01 Picking Up a Redirected Call on Your Phone Call PickUp allows you to answer a call that is ringing on a coworker’ s phone by redi recting the call to your phone. Y ou mig ht use Call PickUp if you share call-handling tasks with coworkers. Tips • If multiple calls are available for pick up, your phone picks up the oldest call firs[…]

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    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 41 • Depending on how your ph one is configured, you mi ght receive an audio and/or v isual alert about a call to your pickup group. • If you use the BLF Pickup feature on your phone, see Using BLF to Dete rmi ne a Line State, page 45 . Storing an[…]

  • Page 50: Cisco Systems 7965G

    42 OL-15896-01 • Y our system administrator can assign Directed Call Park buttons to availa ble line buttons on your Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G that has a Cisco Unified IP Phone Expansion Module (the Cisco Unified IP Phone 7945G does not support the Cisco Unified IP Phone Expansion Module). • Y ou can dial directed ca ll park numbers if you d[…]

  • Page 51: Cisco Systems 7965G

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 43 Sharing Call Information and Barging Phones that share a line e ach display information about calls that are placed and received on the sha red line. This information might include caller ID and call duration. (See the Privacy section for exception[…]

  • Page 52: Cisco Systems 7965G

    44 OL-15896-01 Using Barge Features The table below describes how to use barge features to add yourself to a ca ll on a shared line. Tips • When you barge a call, other parties hear a beep tone announcing your presence. With cBarge, other parties hear a brief audio interruption and the phone screen changes to display conference details. • If a […]

  • Page 53: Cisco Systems 7965G

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 45 Tips • If the phone that shares your line h as Privacy en abled, you can make and receive calls using the shared line as usual. • The Privacy feature applies to a ll shared lines on your phone. Consequently , if you have multiple shared lines a[…]

  • Page 54: Cisco Systems 7965G

    46 OL-15896-01 Tips • Y our phone might play an audible indica tor to alert you when a ca ll is ringing on the monitored line (BLF Pickup only). • BLF Pickup answers th e oldest ringing call first (i f the line that you are monitoring has more than one ringing call). Making and Receiving Secure Calls Depending on how your system administrator h[…]

  • Page 55: Cisco Systems 7965G

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 47 Note There are interactions, restrictions, and limitatio ns that affect how security features work on your phone. For more information, ask y our system administrato r . Tracing Suspicious Calls If you are receiving suspicious or malicious calls, y[…]

  • Page 56: Cisco Systems 7965G

    48 OL-15896-01 Keep these terms in mind: • Precedence indicates the priority associated with a call. • Preemption is the process of ending an existing, lo wer priority call wh ile accepting a higher priority call that is sent to your phone . Tips • When you make or receive an MLPP-enabled call, you will hear special ring tones and call waitin[…]

  • Page 57: Cisco Systems 7965G

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 49 Using Cisco Extension Mobility Cisco Extension Mobility (EM) allows you to temporarily configure a Cisco Unified IP Phone as your own. Once you log in to EM, the phone adopts your user profile, including yo u r phone lines, features, established se[…]

  • Page 58: Cisco Systems 7965G

    50 OL-15896-01 Tips • When calling Mobile V oice Access, you must ente r the number you ar e calling and your PIN if an y of the follo wing are true: – The number you are calling from i s not one of your remote dest inations. – The number is blocke d by you or you r carrier (shown as “Unkno wn Number”). Put a call that has been picked up […]

  • Page 59: Cisco Systems 7965G

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 51 – The number is not accurately matched in the Cisco Unified Communica ti ons Manager database; for examp le, if your number is 510-666-99 99, but it is listed as 666-9999 i n the database, or your number is 40 8-999-6666, b ut it is en tered as 1[…]

  • Page 60: Cisco Systems 7965G

    52 OL-15896-01 Using a Handset, Headset, and Speakerphone Y ou can use yo ur phone with these audio devices: a handset, headset, or speakerphone. The phone is off-hook when the handset is lifted or another audio device is in use. The phone is on-hook when the handset is in its crad le and other audio devices are not i n use. Using a Handset Using a[…]

  • Page 61: Cisco Systems 7965G

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 53 Using a Wireless Headset Refer to the wireless headset documentation for info rmation about using the w i reless headset’ s remote features. Also , check with your system adminis trator to be sure your phone is enabled to use a wireless headset w[…]

  • Page 62: Cisco Systems 7965G

    54 OL-15896-01 Using AutoAnswer with a Headset or Speakerphone When AutoAnswer is enabled, your phone answers incoming calls auto matically after a few rings. Y our sy stem administrator configures AutoAnswer to use either the speakerp hone or a headset. Y ou might use AutoAnswer if you receive a high volume of incoming calls. Tip AutoAnswer is dis[…]

  • Page 63: Cisco Systems 7965G

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 55 Changing Phone Settings Y ou can personalize y our Cisco Unified IP Phone by adjusting the ring tone, background image, and other settings. Customizing Rings and Message Indicators Y ou can customize how your phone indicates an inco ming call and a[…]

  • Page 64: Cisco Systems 7965G

    56 OL-15896-01 Customizing the Phone Screen Y ou can adjust the characteristics of the phone screen. If you want to… Then… Change the phone screen brightness 1. Choose > User Preferences > Brightness . 2. T o make adjustments, pres s Up , Down or . 3. Press Save , or press Cancel . Change the background image 1. Choose > User Preferenc[…]

  • Page 65: Cisco Systems 7965G

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 57 Using Call Logs and Directories This section describes how you can use call logs and directories. T o acce ss both features, use the Directories button . Using Call Logs Y our phone maintains log s of your missed, placed, and receiv ed calls. If yo[…]

  • Page 66: Cisco Systems 7965G

    58 OL-15896-01 Tips • (SCCP and SIP phones) Y our pho ne might be set up for i nternational call logging, wh ich is indicated by a “+” symbol on the call log s, redial , or call directory entries. See your system administrator for more information. • (SCCP phones only) T o view the complete call record of a multiparty call (for example, of […]

  • Page 67: Cisco Systems 7965G

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 59 – The second logged entry is the name/number o f the first completed call of a multiparty call received on your phone. Directory Dialing Depending on configuration, your phone can prov ide corporate and p ersonal directory features: • Corporate[…]

  • Page 68: Cisco Systems 7965G

    60 OL-15896-01 Tip Use the numbers on your keypad to enter characte rs on your phon e screen. Use the Navigation button on your phone to mov e between input fields. Using Personal Direct ory on Your Phone The Personal Directory feature set contains your Perso nal Address Book (P AB) and Fast Dials. This section describes how to set up and use Perso[…]

  • Page 69: Cisco Systems 7965G

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 61 Add a new P AB entry 1. Access Personal Direc tory , then choose Personal Address Book . 2. Access the Search page by choosing Submit . (Y ou do not need to input search information first.) 3. Press New . 4. Use your phone keypad to enter a name a […]

  • Page 70: Cisco Systems 7965G

    62 OL-15896-01 Tips • Y our system administrator can pro vide you the user ID and PIN that you need to log in to Personal Directory . • Personal Directory automatically logs you out after a certain amount of time . This time limit can vary . Ask your system administrator for more information. • Use the numbers on your keypad to enter char act[…]

  • Page 71: Cisco Systems 7965G

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 63 Accessing Voice Messages T o access voice messages , use the Messages button . Note Y our com pany determines th e voice messag e service that your phone system use s. For the most accurate and detailed informatio n, refer to the documentation that[…]

  • Page 72: Cisco Systems 7965G

    64 OL-15896-01 Using the User Options Web Pages Y our Cisco Unified IP Phone is a network device that can sh are information with other network devices in your company , including your personal computer . Y ou ca n use your computer to log in to your Cisco Unified CM User Options web pages, wher e you can control features, settings, and services fo[…]

  • Page 73: Cisco Systems 7965G

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 65 Configuring Features and Services on the Web The topics in this section describe how to configure features and services from your User Options web pages after logging in. See Accessing Your User Options Web Pages, page 64 . Using Personal Dire ctor[…]

  • Page 74: Cisco Systems 7965G

    66 OL-15896-01 Delete a P AB entry 1. Search for a P AB e ntry . 2. Select one or more entries. 3. Click Delete Selected . Assign a line button for P AB Note Before you can assign a line button for P AB, your system administrator must configure th e phone to display services. Contact your system administrator for more information. 1. Choose User Op[…]

  • Page 75: Cisco Systems 7965G

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 67 Configuring Fast Dials on the Web This section describes how to assign Fast Dials from your User Options web pages. If you want to… Then do this after you log in… Assign a line button for Fast Dial Note Before you can assign a line bu tton for […]

  • Page 76: Cisco Systems 7965G

    68 OL-15896-01 Tips • Y ou can create up to 5 00 Fast Dial and P AB entries. • Y ou can create a new Fast Dial entry without using a P AB entry . Such Fa st Dial entries are labeled “raw” in the User Options web pages a nd do not display a confi gurable text label. Using the Address Book Synchronization Tool Y ou can use the Address Book Sy[…]

  • Page 77: Cisco Systems 7965G

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 69 Note For help using speed-dial features, see Speed Dialing, page 39 . Ti p Y ou can set up a speed-dial button for each programmable button on your phone that is not reserved as line button. Alternately , use Abbrevia ted Dial or Fast Dial. If you […]

  • Page 78: Cisco Systems 7965G

    70 OL-15896-01 Setting Up Phone Services on the Web Phone services can include special phone features, network da ta, and web-based information (such as stock quotes and movie listings). Y ou must first subs cribe to a phone service before accessing it on your phone. If you want to… Then do this after you log in… Subscribe to a service 1. Choos[…]

  • Page 79: Cisco Systems 7965G

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 71 Add a service to an available programmable phone button 1. Choose User Options > Device . 2. Choose a phone from the Name drop-down menu. 3. Click Service URL . Note If you do not see this option, ask your system administrator to configure a ser[…]

  • Page 80: Cisco Systems 7965G

    72 OL-15896-01 Controlling User Settings on the Web User settings include your password, PIN, and language (locale) settings. Tip Y our PIN an d password allow you to access different features and services. For example, use your PIN to log in to Cisco Extension Mobility o r Personal Directory on your p hone. Use your password to log in to your User[…]

  • Page 81: Cisco Systems 7965G

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 73 If you want to… Then do this after you log in… Set up call forwarding per line 1. Choose User Options > Device . 2. Choose a phone from the Name drop-down menu. 3. Click Line Setti ngs . 4. If you have more than on e directory number (line) […]

  • Page 82: Cisco Systems 7965G

    74 OL-15896-01 Change the audible voice message in dicator setting per line 1. Choose User Options > Device . 2. Choose a phone from the Name drop-down menu. 3. Click Line Setti ngs . 4. If you have more than one director y number (line) assigned to your phone, choose a line from the Line drop-down menu. 5. In the Audible Message W aitin g Indic[…]

  • Page 83: Cisco Systems 7965G

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 75 Setting Up Phones and Access Lists for Mobile Connect When using Cisco Mobile Connect, you must add your mobile a nd other phones that you want to use to make and receive calls using the same direct ory numbers as your d esk phone. These phones are[…]

  • Page 84: Cisco Systems 7965G

    76 OL-15896-01 Add a new remote destination 1. Choose User Options > Mobi lity Settings > Remote Destinations . 2. Click Add New . 3. Enter the following information: – Name—Enter a name for the mobile (or other) phone. – Destination Number—Enter your mobile phone number . 4. Select your remote destination profile from the drop -down […]

  • Page 85: Cisco Systems 7965G

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 77 Using Cisco WebDialer Cisco W ebDialer allows you to make calls on yo ur Ci sco Unified IP Phone to directory contacts by clicking items in a web browser . Y our system ad ministrator must configure this feature for you. If you want to… Then… U[…]

  • Page 86: Cisco Systems 7965G

    78 OL-15896-01 Log out of W ebDialer Click the logout icon in the Make Call or Hang Up page. Set up, view , or change W ebDia ler preferences Access the Preferenc es page. The Preferences page appears the first time that you use W ebDiale r (after you click the number that you want to dial.) T o return to Preferences in the futu re, click the prefe[…]

  • Page 87: Cisco Systems 7965G

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 79 Understanding Additional Configuration Options Y our system a dministrator can configure your ph one to use specific button and softkey templates along with special services and fea tures, if appropri ate. This table provides an overview of some co[…]

  • Page 88: Cisco Systems 7965G

    80 OL-15896-01 W ork with (or work as) an administrative assistant Consider using: • Cisco Unified Communicatio ns Manager Assistant • A shared line See: • Using a Shared Line, page 42 • Cisco Unified Communications Manager Assistant User Guide W ant to use one extension for several phones Request a shared line. This allows you to use one e[…]

  • Page 89: Cisco Systems 7965G

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 81 Determine the state of a phone line associated with a speed-dial button, call log, or directory listing on your ph one Ask your administrator to set up the Busy Lamp Field (BLF) feature for your phone. See Using BLF to Determi ne a Line State, pag […]

  • Page 90: Cisco Systems 7965G

    82 OL-15896-01 Troubleshooting Your Phone This section provides troubleshooting information for your Cisco Unified IP Phone. General Troubleshooting This section provides information to help you troubleshoot g eneral problems with your phone. For more information, see your system administrator . Symptom Explanation Y ou cannot hear a dial tone or c[…]

  • Page 91: Cisco Systems 7965G

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 83 Viewing Phone Administration Data Y our system administrator might ask you to ac cess administration data on your phone for troubleshooting purposes. Using the Quality Reporting Tool Y our system administrator may temporarily config ure your phone […]

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    84 OL-15896-01[…]

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    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 85 Cisco One-Year Limited Hardware Warranty Terms There are special terms applicable to your hardware wa rranty and various services that you can use during the warranty period. Y our formal W arranty Statement, including the warranties and license ag[…]

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    86 OL-15896-01[…]

  • Page 95: Cisco Systems 7965G

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 87 Index A Abbreviated Dialing 39, 68 access li sts creating 75 setting up 75 Address Book Synchronization Tool 68 answering calls 23 ASCII label field support 69 audible message waiting indicator 63 audio, quality of 6 authenticated calls 46 Auto Dia[…]

  • Page 96: Cisco Systems 7965G

    88 OL-15896-01 icons for 13 maximum per line 13 multiple parties o n 32 multiple , switch ing betw een 27 muting 26 parking 41 placing 20, 21 prevent barging of 44 prioritizing 47 redirecting while ringing 40 reporting problems with 83 secure 46 storing and retrieving 41 transferring 28 using DND 31 viewing 15, 27 Cisco Extension Mobility 49 Cisco […]

  • Page 97: Cisco Systems 7965G

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 89 encrypted calls 46 ending a call, options for 25 Extension Mobility 49 F FAC 22, 82 Fast Dials configuring from web page 67 using on phone 60 feature buttons directories 11 display of 17 help 12 messages 11 services 12 settings 12 feature menus 17 […]

  • Page 98: Cisco Systems 7965G

    90 OL-15896-01 K keypad 12 L language (locale) settings 72 line buttons 11 lines and call forwarding 72 and call states 13 and using BLF 45 buttons for 11 description of 13 icons for 13 number of calls supported on 13, 79 ring patterns for 72 ring tone s for 55 shared 42 switchin g betwe en 27 text label for 72 viewing 15 voice message indicator se[…]

  • Page 99: Cisco Systems 7965G

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 91 on-hook dialing 21 online help, using 17 P PAB using from web page 65 using on phone 60 password, changing 72 Personal Address Book, see PAB Personal Directory using from web page 65 using on phone 60 phone lines buttons for 11 description of 13 vi[…]

  • Page 100: Cisco Systems 7965G

    92 OL-15896-01 sleep mode 16 secure calls 46 secure conferences 36 security, for calls 46 Select bu tton 12 services button 12 services, subscribing to 70 settings button 12 settings, customizing 55 shared lines and remote-in-use icon 42 description of 42 with barge 43 with privacy 44 sleep mode, waking phone screen from 16 softkey buttons descript[…]

  • Page 101: Cisco Systems 7965G

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7965G and 7 945G Phone Guid e for Cisco Unified Commu nications Manager 7.0 93 for phone ringer 55 volume button 12 W warnings, safety 2 web-based services configuring 64 see also User Options web pages WebDialer 77 whisper 14 wideband headset 53[…]

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    94 OL-15896-01[…]

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    Americas Headquarters Cisco Systems, Inc. San Jose , CA Asia Pacific Headquarters Cisco Systems (USA) Pte. Ltd. Singapore Europe Headquarters Cisco Systems International BV Amsterdam, The Neth erlands Cisco has more than 200 offices worldwide. Addresses, phone numbers, and fax numbers are l isted on the Cisco W ebsite at www .cisco.com/go/offices .[…]

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