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SVERKER750/760User’s manualRelay Test Unit

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P r o g r a m m a E l e c t r i c A BZ P — C D 0 1 E R 0 5B 3


© 2007, Programma Electric AB. All rights reserved.

The contents of this manual are the property of Programma Electric AB. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, except as permitted in written license agreement with Programma Electric AB. Programma Electric AB has made every reasonable attempt to ensure the completeness and accuracy of this document. However, the information contained in this manual is subject to change without notice, and does not represent a commitment on the part of Programma Electric AB. Any attached hardware schematics and technical descriptions, or software listings that disclose source code, are for informational purposes only. Reproduction in whole or in part to create working hardware or software for other than Programma Electric AB products is strictly prohibited, except as permitted by written license agreement with Programma Electric AB.


Programma® is a registered trademark of Programma Electric AB. All other brand and product names mentioned in this document are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.

User’s manual

SVERKER 750/760Relay Test Unit

Programma Electric ABEldarvägen 4Box 2970SE-187 29 TÄBYSweden

T +46 8 510 195 00F +46 8 510 195 [email protected]

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Contents1 Safety regulations …………………………..6

2 Introduction ……………………………………7

2.1 Applications …………………………………7

2.2 Design and construction ……………….8

3 Description ……………………………………..9

3.1 General ………………………………………..9Sverker 750 control panel ……………9Sverker 760 control panel ……………9

3.2 Current source…………………………….10

3.3 Timer …………………………………………11Start conditions ………………………..11Stop conditions ………………………..11

3.4 Trip indicator ………………………………12

3.5 Display ……………………………………….12

3.6 Ammeter & voltmeter …………………13

3.7 AC Voltage source ………………………14Sverker 750 ………………………………14Sverker 760 ………………………………14

3.8 Auxiliary voltage source ……………..14

3.9 Make/Break contact …………………….15

3.10 Resistor set and capacitor ………….15

3.11 Power supply ……………………………16

3.12 Computer interface ……………………16

4 Control panel ………………………………..17

Sverker 750 control panel ………….17Sverker 760 control panel ………….18

4.2 Current source…………………………….19

4.3 Timer …………………………………………20

4.4 Trip indicator ………………………………21

4.5 Display ……………………………………….21

4.6 Ammeter & voltmeter …………………22

4.7 AC Voltage source ………………………23Sverker 750 ………………………………23Sverker 760 ………………………………23

4.8 Auxiliary voltage source ……………..23

4.9 Make/Break contact …………………….24

4.10 Resistor set and capacitor ………….24Sverker 750 ………………………………24Sverker 760 ………………………………24

4.11 Power supply ……………………………25

4.12 Other ………………………………………..25

5 Making settings on the display ……..26

5.1 Introduction ………………………………..26

5.2 Button functions …………………………27

5.3 Direction indicator ………………………27

5.4 The menu system ……………………….30

5.5 Test mode …………………………………..32

5.6 Injection ……………………………………..32

5.7 Ammeter ……………………………………33

5.8 Voltmeter……………………………………33

5.9 , , W , VA… (Extrameasurement) ………………………………….34

5.10 Timer ……………………………………….35

5.11 Display ……………………………………..35

5.12 Off delay …………………………………..36

5.13 0-Level filter ……………………………..36

5.14 Save/Recall ……………………………….37

5.15 Remote control …………………………37

5.16 Language………………………………….38

5.17 SW …………………………………………..38

6 How to operate

Sverker ……………………………………………39

6.1 General ………………………………………39

6.2 Injecting current – General rules …..39Output alarm ……………………………39

6.3 Selecting the correct current output40

6.4 Measuring current ………………………40

6.5 Setting the desired current…………..41

6.6 Finding pick-up and drop-out limitsfor over (current/voltage/other entity)relays ………………………………………………42

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6.7 Finding pick-up and drop-out limitsfor under (current/voltage/other entity)relays ………………………………………………43

6.8 Measuring operating times for over(current/voltage/other entity) relays …..44

6.9 Measuring operating times for under(current/voltage/other entity) relays …..45

6.10 Measuring voltage…………………….45

6.11 Obtaining the correct phase anglewhen two or more AC outputs are beingused ………………………………………………..46

6.12 Generating higher voltages ……….46

6.13 Setting an auxiliary voltage ……….47

6.14 Testing voltage relays – both pre-fault and fault voltages …………………….47

Only for SVERKER 750………………47

6.15 Changing the current and voltagephase difference ………………………………48

Sverker 750 ………………………………48Sverker760 ……………………………….48

6.16 Measuring the phase angle ……….49

6.17 Measuring external cycle time(measurement not initiated bySverker) …………………………………………..50

6.18 Measuring Z, P, R, X, VA, VAR andCOS 50

6.19 Plotting a magnetization curve …..51

6.20 Testing an automatic recloser …….52

6.21 Measuring the trip pulse length …53

6.22 Injecting current – External start …53

7 Application examples ……………………54

7.1 Testing voltage relays………………….54

7.2 Testing over-current relays …………..55

7.3 Testing directional over-current relaysystems or directional ground-fault(earth-fault) relay systems ………………..57

Sverker 760 ………………………………57Sverker 750 ………………………………58

7.4 Testing power relays …………………..60

7.5 Testing under- voltage relays ……….62

7.6 Testing motor overload releases and

overcurrent cut-outs that grant/denystarting permission …………………………..64

Only for SVERKER 750 ………………64

8 Troubleshooting ……………………………65

8.1 General ………………………………………65

8.2 Displayed values ………………………..65

8.3 Error messages etc. …………………….66

9 Specifications ……………………………….67

9.1 General ………………………………………67

9.3 Inputs …………………………………………68

9.4 Make/Break contact …………………….69

9.5 Measurement section ………………….70

9.6 Other ………………………………………….72

10 Maintenance ……………………………….73

10.1 Changing the position of the switchfor mains frecuency (Sverker 760) …….73

Index ……………………………………………….74

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1 Safety regulationsIMPORTANT!

For added protection during a lightningstorm, or when the Sverker 750/760 isleft unattended and unused for longperiods of time, unplug it from the walloutlet. This will prevent damage due tolightning and power line surges.

If, for some reason, you need to returnyour Sverker 750/760, please useeither the original transport box or oneof equivalent strength.

IMPORTANT!Read and comply with the followinginstructions.Always comply with local safety regula-tions.The Sverker 750/760 is equipped with amains plug having a third (earthing,grounding) pin. This plug will only fit intoan earthing/grounding-type power outlet.

WARNING!FIRST OF ALL, connect protective earth(ground). Use the green/yellow cable.

NEVER connect the Sverker 750/760 toan external voltage if the protectiveearth (ground) is not connected.

Always use safety connecting leads.

Always turn the Sverker 750/760 offbefore connecting.

Generated voltages and currents may beharmful to the operator or the deviceunder test.

The Sverker 750/760 should be oper-ated only from the type of power sourceindicated on its nameplate.

Never spill water or other liquid of anykind on the Sverker 750/760.

Unplug the Sverker 750/760 from thewall outlet before cleaning. Use a dampcloth for cleaning. Do not use liquidcleaners or aerosol cleaners.

Do not use auxiliary equipment notrecommended by the Sverker 750/760manufacturer since this may causehazards.

Do not attempt to service the Sverker750/760 yourself. Opening or removingcovers may expose you to dangerousvoltage and other hazards.

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2 IntroductionPlotting excitation curves

Current and voltage transformation ratio tests

Burden measurement for relay protection equip-ment

Impedance measurement

Efficiency tests

Polarity (direction) tests

2.1 ApplicationsSverker 750/760 is intended primarily for testingrelay protection equipment, but it can also be usedfor many other purposes. Virtually all single-phaserelay protection equipment that does not requirevariable frequency can be tested, and Sverker 750/760 can also test three-phase relay protectionequipment that can be tested phase by phase.Moreover, many relay protection systems thatrequire phase shifting can be tested.

Items that can be tested using Sverker 750/760include:

Type of relay IEEE standardcode

Overcurrent relay 50/76

Inverse time overcurrent relay 51

Undercurrent relay 37

Ground fault relay 50

Directional overcurrent relay 67

Directional ground fault relay 67N

Overvoltage relay 59

Undervoltage relay 27

Directional voltage relay 91

Directional power relay 32

Power factor relay 55

Differential protection(differential circuit) 87

Distance protectionequipment (phase by phase) 21

Negative sequence overcurrentrelay 46N

Motor overload protection 51/86

Automatic reclosing devices 79

Tripping relays 94

Voltage regulating relay

Overimpedance relay(Z greater than …)

Underimpedance relay(Z less than …)

Thermal relay

Time-delay relay

Other applications

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2.2 Design andconstructionThe current source built into Sverker can provide 0-10 A, 0-40 A, 0-100 A, 0-250 V AC or0-300 V DC. Timing and generation (output) can becarried out simultaneously. When the relay protec-tion equipment trips, both output and timing areinterrupted.

Note! The current output depends on theburden of the relay (circuit). This meansthat it is possible to get high outputcurrents, over the maximum measure-ment range of 250 A.

There is also a separate built-in AC voltage source.It can be varied from 0 to 120 V AC, and it is usedto supply the relay voltage input.

A 20-220 V DC voltage source is used to provideauxiliary voltage.

Using transformer technology in Sverker designgives both advantages and disadvantages. Onedisadvantage is that the quality of the output signalis depending on the quality of the input voltage. ifthe main voltage is distorted the output signal willalso be distorted.

Sverker is equipped with a timer, ammeter andvoltmeter, and these instruments can also be used toindicate resistance, impedance, phase angle, powerand power factor. Moreover, these instruments canbe used for measurements in external circuits.

A set of resistors and a capacitor are provided, andthey can be connected into the circuits being testedto provide phase shifts, fine adjustments and thelike.

A make/break contact can be used to synchronizeother circuits with tests that are being conducted.

Sverker settings are made using knobs and othercontrols on the control panel. Numerous othersettings can be made via the display window builtinto the control panel.

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3 Description3.1 GeneralThis chapter presents a general description ofSverker and the types of functions it performs. Formore detailed descriptions, please see Chapters 4and 5.

Sverker 760 control panelThe front panel of Sverker 760 isalmost the same as Sverker 750’s.The differences are that there isno capacitor terminals in theupper left corner and the ACvoltage source has a phase-anglecontrol.

Sverker 750 control panel

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3.2 Current sourceThe main source built into Sverker can provide 0-100 A, 0-40 A, 0-10 A, 0-250 V AC or 0-300 V DC,depending on which output is used. As a rule, thiscurrent source is used to provide simulated sudden-change fault conditions for the object being tested.

Values are set using the main knob on the controlpanel. Current, voltage and other settings appear onthe display. See section headed ”Ammeter andvoltmeter”.

Generation is turned on and off using the startswitch which has four positions:

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An indicator lamp to the right of the set of resistorsis lighted during generation. Generation start-up issynchronized with the mains, thus eliminatinginaccuracies in the test results attributable to theinstant at which the start switch is activated.

There are a number of different types of generation,and they are selected via the display window(Chapter 5).

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3.3 TimerSince the timer has a start input and a stop input, itcan be used to measure external cycles as well assequences initiated by Sverker. The measured timeappears in the display window.

To test automatic reclosing devices, Sverker is ableto measure a number of sequential time intervalsand display the results later.

The inputs can be set individually to respond eitherto zero-potential contact operation or to a voltage(AC or DC).

Input state indicatorsAt each timer START and STOP input there is aninput state indicator lamp that indicates the state ofthe input. When the indicator lamp is lighted, itindicates either a closed circuit (for contact mode)or the presence of a voltage (for voltage mode).These indicators permit you to (for example) checkthe circuits involved before starting a test sequence.

Start conditionsThe timer can be started in the following ways:

Indication Start condition

INT a) When an internal start occurs, i.e. fora test sequence started by Sverker(ON+TIME or OFF+TIME).

b) When a voltage is applied to thestart input or when a contact is closed.

c) When a voltage applied to the startinput vanishes or when a contact isopened.

+ d) When the state of the input changes.

Stop conditionsThe timer can be stopped in the following ways:

Indication Stop condition

INT a) When an outgoing current is interrupted (internal detection).

b) When a voltage is applied to the stopinput or when a contact is closed.

c) When a voltage applied to the stopinput vanishes or when a contact isopened.

+ d) When the state of the input changes.

Measuring an external cycle

Before measuring, Sverker must be set to theON+TIME state, whereupon the timer will also becleared to zero.

Clearing the timer

The timer will be cleared to zero when generationstarts again.

Testing automatic reclosingdevicesA setting must be made via the display windowbefore you can test automatic reclosing devices.ON+TIME is lighted throughout the entire cycle.Generation starts again each time the timer’s startinput is activated.

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3.5 DisplayCurrent, voltage and other entities can be shown onthe display.

The display window is also used to make settings.To do this, you must put Sverker in the setting modeby pressing the button marked MODE.

3.4 Trip indicatorWhen the stop condition is met, the TRIP indicatoris lighted. This lamp indicates tripping of the relayprotection equipment. When a test includes timing,this indicator lamp flashes when tripping occurs.

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3.6 Ammeter &voltmeterSverker is equipped with an ammeter and voltmeter.These instruments can also be used to displayresistance, impedance, phase angle, power andpower factor. Moreover, these instruments can beused to perform measurements in external circuits.In both cases, the values appear on the display.

The ammeter measures one of the following:

• Current at one of the current outputs0-100 A, 0-40 A or 0-10 A.

• Current in an external circuit connected tothe Sverker 750/760 ammeter panel input(marked ).

You select the desired measurement site (test point)using the button marked A, whereupon a indicatorlamp lights at the selected measurement site.

The voltmeter shows the voltage connected to thevoltmeter input (marked V) on the panel. This inputis always activated.

The ammeter and voltmeter both change rangesautomatically, but they can also be changed manu-ally. For AC, they measure true RMS value. Youcan change from AC to DC and vice versa.

Note! When using AUTO RANGE the measuredvalue can be totally wrong. This canhappen when a previous value was inanother range than the present value.Set the correct range (see section 9.5)and/or repeat the same test again.

A HOLD (freeze) function permits you to measurevoltages and currents having durations as short as aquarter of the mains cycle. When the timer isstopped, the current and voltage values are frozen. Ifthe timer is not stopped, the values present when thecurrent was interrupted are frozen. The hold func-tion is engaged by pressing the button markedHOLD. — — — — can sometimes appear during measure-ment of high-speed AC cycles when the holdfunction is invoked. This means that no value couldbe presented because the cycle was too short.

If O.F. (means overflow, i.e. a value beyond themeasurement range) appears, the cycle beingmeasured may have been so fast that there wasn’ttime for automatic range changing. In such case,you should repeat the measurement. The range-changing system is memory-equipped, and repeating

your measurement may give it time to make thechange properly.

When current and/or voltage fluctuate widely, afilter can be engaged to make reading easier. Thefilter performs an averaging function.

Instead of having current and voltage shown inamperes and volts, you can have them shown as apercentage of a given current or voltage (the relayprotection equipment’s setting for example). Aflashing current value means that the value is lessthan 1% of the range being used. To get a moreaccurate current reading, you can then measure viathe ammeter input.

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3.7 AC Voltage source

Sverker 750The AC voltage source provides 0-120 V AC (splitinto two ranges). It has two knobs of its own, onefor rough and one for fine settings. Since the ACvoltage source is separated from other outputs, it isset independently of the current source.

The AC voltage source is intended primarily for therelay protection equipment’s voltage input. A set ofresistors and a capacitor can be used to change thephase angle of the current and the voltage.

Sverker 760The AC voltage source provides 0-130 V AC withadjustable phase-angle. Since the AC voltage sourceis separated from other outputs, it is set independ-ently of the current source.

The AC voltage source is intended primarily for therelay protection equipment’s voltage input.

3.8 Auxiliary voltagesourceThe auxiliary voltage source provides 20-220 V DC(split into two ranges). It is equipped withovercurrent protection, and it is separate from theother outputs. Moreover, it can be used to supply therelay being tested.

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3.10 Resistor set andcapacitorThe resistor set and capacitor can be used to changethe phase angle of the current and voltage.

Note! There is no capacitor on the Sverker760. The phase-angle is set with theknob at the AC voltage source.

3.9 Make/BreakcontactThere is a make/break contact that is actuated whenSverker 750 is set to the ON+TIME or OFF+TIMEstate. It can be used, for example, to synchronizeother equipment or to change the voltage supplied tothe relay protection equipment at the start of a testfrom non-faulty to faulty or vice versa.

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3.11 Power supplyThe power supply is equipped with a miniaturecircuit breaker.

3.12 ComputerinterfaceSverker has a serial port for communication withcomputers and the Sverker Win software.

To be able to use the Sverker 750/760 with thesoftware Sverker Win the Sverker 750/760 must be“unlocked” with a software key. You can check ifyour Sverker is “unlocked” by doing the folowing.

1. Press “MODE”.

2. Press t (down arrow) until you get to thebottom where the SW-version is displayed.If the text “PC-750” or “SVERKER WIN” isshown the Sverker is ”unlocked”.If the text is not shown you must order thesoftware key for Sverker Win, (Art. No: CD-81000). When ordering you must mentionthe serial number of the Sverker 750/760.

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4 Control panelSverker 750 control panel

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Sverker 760 control panel

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4.2 Current source

0. Neutral for current sources.

1. 0-100 A current output. Regulated withmain knob 7.

2. 0-40 A current output. Regulated with mainknob 7.

3. 0-10 A current output. Regulated with mainknob 7.

4. Indicator lamp, ammeter test point. Whenthis indicator lamp is lighted, Sverker ismeasuring current at the associatedoutput. To change the measurement site,press the button marked A (item 19).

5. 0-250 V, 3 A, AC. AC voltage is variablefrom 0 to 250 V. Regulated with mainknob 7.

6. 0-300 V, 2 A, DC. DC voltage is variablefrom 0 to 300 V. Regulated with mainknob 7.

7. Main knob. Used to regulate the currentsource (outputs 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6).

8. Indicator lamp. When this indicator lamp islighted, the current source is activated(outputs 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6).

9. F2. Miniature circuit breaker for the currentsource. 4 A (230 V), 8 A (115 V).

10. Rx/Cx. Connector for resistor or capacitor.To obtain a smoother characteristic, con-nect one or more resistors in series. Tochange the phase angle 90o (on Sverker750), connect the capacitor. A jumper mustbe connected to this connector when it isnot being used.

11. Start switch. Turns the current source onand off. Use the ↑ and ↓ buttons to selectthe desired mode.

Indication What is meant

ON+TIME Current source is activated until theobject being tested has operated. Thetime is then displayed, whereuponSverker returns automatically to the OFFmode.

OFF Current source is turned off.

ON Current source is turned on (activated).

OFF+TIME Current source is turned off. When theobject being tested has operated, thetime is displayed, whereupon Sverkerreturns automatically to the OFF mode.

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Indication Condition required for timer stop

INT a) Internal. Used when ON+TIME orOFF+TIME is selected.

b) When voltage is applied or when acontact is closed.

c) When applied voltage vanishes orwhen a contact is opened.

+ d) When the state of the input changes.

Select the desired option using the ← button (blue).It is the leftmost of the two buttons located underSTOP on the control panel.

In the setting mode (MODE activated): The ←button provides a move to the left on the display.

Indication Mode

Voltage mode. Detects if voltage isapplied or not.

Contact mode. Detects if circuit isclosed or not.

Select either the voltage mode or the contact modeusing the → button (blue). It is the rightmost of thetwo buttons beneath STOP on the control panel.

In the setting mode (MODE activated): The →button provides a move to the right on the display.

4.3 Timer

12. START input. This is used to start thetimer. Max 250 V (AC or DC). The time isshown in the display

Indication Condition required for timer start

INT a) Internal. Used when ON+TIME orOFF+TIME is selected.

b) When voltage is applied or when acontact is closed.

c) When applied voltage vanishes orwhen a contact is opened.

+ d) When the state of the input changes.

Select the desired option using the leftmost of thetwo blank-faced buttons located under START onthe control panel.

Indication Mode

Voltage mode. Detects if voltage isapplied or not.

Contact mode. Detects if circuit isclosed or not.

Select either the voltage mode or the contact modeusing the rightmost of the two blank-faced buttonslocated under START on the control panel.

13. Indicator lamp. This lamp indicates thestate of the timer input. When this indica-tor lamp is lighted voltage is present at theinput (voltage mode) or the circuit is closed(contact mode).

14. STOP input. This is used to stop the timer.Max 250 V (AC or DC). The time is shownin the display.

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4.4 Trip indicator15. TRIP indicator. This indicates that the objectbeing tested has tripped. The fact that trippingoccurred indicates that the conditions imposed at thetimer’s stop input (item 14) are met. This indicationdoes not occur unless the object being tested isconnected to the stop input.

Steadily glowing indicator lamp: Indicates trippingwhen the test is being conducted without timing(start switch at the ON position).

Flashing indicator lamp: Indicates tripping when thetest is being conducted with timing (start switch atthe ON+TIME or OFF+TIME position). It alsoindicates that timing is completed. Sverker thenreturns automatically to the OFF state. You canreset the flashing indicator lamp by pressing thebutton marked HOLD (item 21) twice.

4.5 Display16. Display.

17. Button marked MODE. This button changesthe display from the measurement mode(normal mode) to the setting mode andvice versa.

Note! In the setting mode (MODE activated):The ESC (blue text) button leaves thepresent menu option unchanged andproceeds to the next higher menuoption.

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4.6 Ammeter &voltmeter

18. Input marked A. This is the external panelinput to the Sverker ammeter. It is acti-vated by pressing the button marked A(item 19) which is located at right beneaththe display window. The indicator lampadjacent to this input is lighted to indicatethat the input is activated. F4 6A: Miniaturecircuit breaker for the ammeter.

19. Button marked A at right beneath thedisplay window. This button is used totransfer the ammeter test point to currentoutputs 1, 2, 3 or to select the externalpanel input to the Sverker ammeter (item18). The current value is shown on thedisplay.

Note! In the setting mode (MODE activated):The SEL (blue text) button selects themenu option that is displayed.

20. Input marked V. This is the input to theSverker voltmeter, and it is always acti-vated. The voltage value is shown on thedisplay.

21. Button marked HOLD. This button freezesthe prevailing current and voltage valueswhen the object being tested is tripped orwhen generation stops. If tripping does notoccur, the prevailing value is frozen whenSverker changes to the OFF state. The hold(freeze) function is toggled on and off bypressing this button.

When you turn the hold function off, the flashingtrip indicator 15 is reset. Moreover, Sverker sensesthe state of timer stop input 14 (STOP), thus makingit possible to respond if a change occurs at thisinput. This is valid only while the input is in changesensing state (b + c, see item 14).

Note! In the setting mode (MODE activated):The CHG (blue text) button opens thedisplayed menu option so that it can bechanged.

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4.7 AC Voltage source

Sverker 750

22. 0-120 V AC. Separate, independent outputfor AC voltage. Can be varied from 0 to120 V using knobs (23) and (24).

23. Knob used for fine adjustment of ACvoltage (22).

24. Knob used for rough adjustment of ACvoltage (22).

25. 0-60, 60-120 switch. This is used to togglebetween the 0-60 V and 60-120 V ACvoltage ranges.

26. I/O. ON/OFF switch used for the AC voltagesource.

Sverker 760

22. 0-130 V AC. Separate, independent outputfor AC voltage.

23. Knob used for setting the AC amplitude.When not in use set to OFF position.

43. Knob used for rough adjustment (about 90°steps) of the phase-angle.

44. Knob used for fine adjustment of thephase-angle. Turn this to 0° position (mostleft) to get 0° phase shift.

4.8 Auxiliary voltagesource

27. 20-220 V DC. Separate, independentoutput for auxiliary voltage (DC) to theobject being tested. Can be varied from 20to 220 V DC using knob (28).

28. Knob used for auxiliary voltage (27).

29. 20-130 / 130-220 switch. This is used totoggle between the 20-130 V and 130-220 V DC auxiliary voltage ranges.

30. I/O. ON/OFF switch used for the auxiliaryvoltage source (27).

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4.10 Resistor set andcapacitor

Sverker 750

35. Capacitor, 10 mF, 450 V.

36. Resistor set.

Sverker 760

36. Resistor set.

4.9 Make/Breakcontact

31. Relay contact. Changes state in responseto ON+TIME and OFF+TIME.

32. Break (normally-closed) function.

33. Make (normally-open) function.

34. F3 1A: Miniature circuit breaker for relaycontact (31).

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4.12 Other

41. SERIAL. Serial port for communication withcomputers and the Sverker Win software.

42. Terminals marked with black dots all havethe same polarity (used for AC voltagesources).

Note! CHG, ESC and SEL are imprinted on thefaces of the buttons marked HOLD,MODE and A respectively. These im-prints (CHG, ESC and SEL) apply onlywhen Sverker is in the setting mode. Thepanel markings (HOLD, MODE and A)apply when Sverker is in its normalmode, i.e. the measurement mode.

4.11 Power supply

37. Mains voltage ON/OFF.

38. Connector for mains voltage.

39. F1: Miniature circuit breaker for the powersupply. 4 A (230 V), 8 A (115 V).

40. Ground (earth) terminal.

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5 Making settings on thedisplay

In addition, there is a special memory that containsProgramma’s original Sverker settings. These canbe recalled whenever you want to use them. Theoriginal settings are kept in the special memory.They are determined by Programma, and you cannotchange them.

How to return to the measurement(normal) modeYou can return from the setting mode to the meas-urement mode at any time by pressing the ESCbutton. Note, however, that you may sometimeshave to press this button twice, depending on whereyou are in the menu.

5.1 IntroductionThere are a number of ways to make Sverkersettings. In addition to using the buttons and othercontrols on the control panel, you can make settingsvia a menu shown on the display. To proceed viathis menu, however, you must first put Sverker inthe setting mode.

How to enter the setting mode

Before you can change from the measurement mode(normal mode) to the setting mode, Sverker must bein the OFF state. To enter the setting mode, youpress the button marked MODE.

Display shown in the setting mode

When Sverker is in the setting mode, two linesappear in the window. The menu heading appearson the first line, and the selected menu optionappears on the second line between < and > charac-ters.

Menu heading<Menu option>

Memories – Your default settingsand the original Sverker settingsYou can save settings that have been made via amenu. This can be useful when, for example, youwant to prepare settings in advance to make it easierto test different types of protective relay equipment.Saved settings remain in the memory even after theSverker has been turned off. Since ten memories areavailable for this purpose, you can save settings forup to ten different types of protective relay equip-ment.

Each time Sverker is turned on, the settings inmemory No. 0 are recalled as defaults. Your defaultsettings, i.e. the settings you want to recall automati-cally at turn-on time should thus be saved inmemory No. 0.

To save something in or recall something from amemory you proceed via the Save/Recall menuoption. See section 5.13.

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5.2 Button functions

Button Function in setting mode(MODE activated)

CHG Opens a menu option so that it can bechanged. If a numeric value is to bechanged, a cursor appears which canbe moved by pressing the î button or Äbutton.

ESC Leaves the menu option unchanged andmoves to menu level 1. If you arealready on menu level 1, pressing ESCcauses Sverker to leave the settingmode.

SEL Invokes the menu option that has beenselected.

Moves up in menu or increases anumerical value.

Moves down in menu or decreases anumerical value.

Moves right in display window.

Moves left in display window.

5.3 Direction indicatorIn addition to the menu heading and menu option, adirection indicator appears on the display. It indi-cates the direction(s) in which you can move in themenu or change a numerical value. The directionindicator can have one of three shapes: diamond(double up/down arrow), up arrow or down arrow.

Direction indicator ↓↓↓↓↓


Direction indicator shapes andtheir meanings

Indicator shape Meaning

Up and down arrow You can moveeither up or down (orincrease/decrease avalue).

Up arrow You can only move up(or increase a value).

Down arrow You can only movedown (or decrease avalue).

How to change a numerical value

Some menu options include numerical values(settings) that can be changed. To open a numericalvalue for change, you press the CHG button,whereupon a cursor appears beneath the rightmostdigit. Change numerical valueNumerical valuechange

You can now move the cursor with the ← or →button until it is beneath the desired digit. Thenincrease or decrease the value using the ↑ or ↓button.

InjectionMax time:99.9 s

a) If you want to change 99.9 to 95.0 you press theCHG button to open the numerical value for change.

InjectionMax time:99.9 s

b) A cursor that indicates which digit can be changedappears beneath the rightmost digit.

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InjectionMax time:99.0 s

c) You press the button nine times to step from 99.9down to 99.0, and then move it one step to the left bypressing the ← button.

InjectionMax time:95.0 s

d) Press the button four times to step from 99.0 downto 95.0. The numerical value is now set as desired, but toinvoke it you must press the SEL button.

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5.4 The menu systemMenu level 1 Menu level 2 options Explanation

Test mode Normal Measures time from START to STOP.Trip + pulse time Measures time from START to STOP and also the duration of the trip

pulse.Reclose: #01 999 s Sets time for reclosing. Max 49 reclosings. The total time for the

specified number of reclosings can range from 001 to 999 s.

Injection Maintained Generation continues without time limit.Momentary Generation continues while button is kept pressed.Max time 99.9 s Generation continues throughout a preset interval that

can range from 00.1 s to 99.9 s.External start See section 5.6

Ammeter AC Measures AC, true RMS.DC Measures DC, mean value.Unit: Ampere Expressed in amperes.Unit: % of nom I Expressed as % of nominal current.Nom I: 001 A Used to set nominal current.Range: Auto Range selected automatically.Range: Low Fixed low range.Range: High Fixed high range.

Voltmeter AC Measures AC, true RMSDC Measures DC, mean valueShunt (1 — 999 mΩ) Default shunt value is 100 mΩ. Displayed value is shown in A or kA.Unit: Volt Expressed in volts.Unit: % of nom U Expressed as % of nominal voltage.Nom U: 063 v Used to set nominal voltage.Range: Auto Range selected automatically.Range: Low Fixed low range.Range: Mid Fixed mid range.Range: High Fixed high range.

Q , ϕ , W ,VA None No extra measurement function displayedZ (Ω. ϕ) Impedance (magnitude + phase angle)Z (Ω) Impedance (magnitude)R. X (Ω. Ω) Resistance and reactance (magn and magn)P (W) Active powerS (VA) Apparent power.Q (VAr) Reactive power.cos ϕ Power factor.ϕ (°, Iref ) Phase difference, current as reference.ϕ (°, Uref ) Phase difference, voltage as reference.

Timer Unit: Seconds Time expressed in seconds.Unit: Cycles Time expressed in mains-frequency cycles.

Display Slow Average-value filter enabled, thereby stabilizing the display. 10 valuesare used to create the average. Phase difference is not filtered.

Fast Average-value filter disabled.Hold Trip Shows the max value in RMS for 1 period immediately before tripping.Hold Max Shows the max value in RMS for 1 period within the last 0.5 s held in

memory.Hold Min Shows the min value in RMS for 1 period within the last 0.5 s held in


Off delay Cycles 004 Mains-frequency cycles throughout which generation is to continueafter tripping occurs.

0-Level filter 1-9 To avoid measuring noise that can be encountered during testing. A 0-level of 1 (min.) allows low-level signals to pass. A 0-level of 9 (max.)filters out most noise.

Save/Recall Recall mem #: O Recalls all settings that were stored in the specified memory.Range is O-3.

Recall default Recalls all of the original settings made by Programma prior to delivery(they are stored in a special memory).

Save mem #: 0 Saves the settings in the specified memory. The range is 0-3.

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Remote control ON Settings are controlled from Sverker Win.This will be set automaticallywhen Starting Sverker Win.

OFF Sverker is controlled from the panel.

Language English English language menus, prompts etc.Deutsch German language menus, prompts etc.Francais French language menus, prompts etc.Espanol Spanish language menus, prompts etc.Svenska Swedish language menus, prompts etc.

SW: R04E Software version.“PC-750” or “Sverker Win” The Sverker is “unlocked” and ready to be used with Sverker Win (or

ProView PC750

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5.5 Test modeTest mode<Normal>

This menu option is used to specify the desired typeof time measurement. You have three choices:Normal, Trip + pulse time and Reclose.

You press the CHG button to access the differentmemory options, and then scroll up or down usingthes or t button.

Menu option Explanation

Normal Measures time from START to STOP.

Trip + pulse timeMeasures time from START to STOPand also the duration of the trippulse.

Reclose: #01 999 sSets time for reclosings. Max 49reclosings. The total time for thespecified number of reclosings canrange from 1 to 999 s.

1. Press the SEL button to invoke the se-lected option.

5.6 InjectionInjection<Maintained>

Here, you select the type of generation. You havefour choices: Maintained, Momentary, Max timeand External Start.

Menu option Explanation

Maintained Generation continues without any timelimit.

Momentary Generation continues while start switchis kept activated.

Max time: 99.9 sGeneration continues throughout apreset interval that can be set from00.1 to 99.9 s. IMPORTANT: To changea numerical value, press the CHGbutton one additional time and thenuse the arrow buttons.

External StartSelect dry or wet contact and closing oropening contact for the external signal.This feature enables you to start two ormore Sverkers simultaneously. TheSverkers “slaves”can be connected tothe make/break contact on the Sverker“master” and then be set for externalstart. The slaves will start at the sametime as the master (±1 ms).

1. Press the SEL button to invoke the se-lected option.

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5.8 VoltmeterVoltmeter<AC Volt Auto>

This option is used to make settings for the Sverkervoltmeter.

The voltmeter can be set to measure AC or DC. ACreadings are expressed as true RMS values whileDC readings are mean values.

Readings can be expressed in volts or percentagesof nominal voltage (which can be set from 1 to999 V). These choices are called units on the menu.IMPORTANT: To change a numerical value, youpress the CHG button one additional time and thenuse the arrow buttons.

The range can be set to Auto or to Fixed low, Fixedmid or Fixed high. The fixed ranges are useful forshort measurement cycles during which the voltme-ter doesn’t have time to change range automatically.If this occurs, O.F. (range overflow) is displayedconstantly.

For more information about the different ranges seeChapter 9, Specifications.

noitpouneM evitanretlA noitanalpxE

CA .1.tlA CAserusaemretemtloVSMReurtsa

CD .2.tlA CDserusaemretemtloVeulavnaemsa

tnuhS m999-1 Ω roAsanwohssieulaVAk

tloV:tinU .1.tlA stlovninwohssiegatloV


.2.tlA %asanwohssiegatloVegatlovlanimonehtfo1morfegnarnachcihw



— lanimonehttesotdesU.egatlov

otuA:egnaR .1.tlA detcelesegnaRyllacitamotua

woL:egnaR .2.tlA egnarwoldexiF

diM:egnaR .3.tlA egnardimdexiF

hgiH:egnaR 4.tlA egnarhgihdexiF

1. Press the SEL button to invoke the se-lected option.

5.7 AmmeterAmmeter<AC Amp Auto>

This option is used to make settings for the Sverkerammeter.

The ammeter can be set to measure AC or DC. ACreadings are expressed as true RMS values whileDC readings are mean values.

Readings can be expressed in amperes or percent-ages of the nominal current (which can be set from 1to 999 A). These choices are called units on themenu. IMPORTANT: To change a numerical value,you press the CHG button one additional time andthen use the arrow buttons.

The range can be set to Auto or to Fixed low orFixed high. The fixed ranges are useful for shortmeasurement cycles during which the ammeterdoesn’t have time to change range automatically. Ifthis occurs, O.F. (range overflow) is displayedconstantly.

For more information about the different ranges seechapter 9, headed Specifications.

noitpouneM evitanretlA noitanalpxE

CA 1.tlA CAserusaemretemmA.SMReurtsa

CD 2.tlA CDserusaemretemmA.eulavnaemsa

erepmA:tinU .1.tlA ninwohssitnerruC.serepma


.2.tlA fo%sanwohssitnerruCtnerruclanimoneht



— gnittestnerruclanimoN

otuA:egnaR .1.tlA detcelesegnaRyllacitamotua

woL:egnaR .2.tlA egnarwoldexiF

hgiH:egnaR .3.tlA egnarhgihdexiF

1. Press the SEL button to invoke the se-lected option.

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enoN noitcnuftnemerusaemartxeoNdeyalpsid

(R Ω) deyalpsidecnatsiseR

)W(P deyalpsidrewoP




eciohcoN noitcnuftnemerusaemartxeoNdeyalpsid

1. Press the SEL button to invoke the se-lected option.

5.9 ΩΩΩΩΩ , ϕ ϕ ϕ ϕ ϕ , W , VA…(Extra measurement)

ΩΩΩΩΩ, ϕϕϕϕϕ, W, VA. . .<None>

Here, you can select extra measurement functions(in addition to the voltage and current functions)

For all extra measurement functions, Sverker mustbe set for AC measurement, i.e. for AC Amp andAC Volt. However, this does not apply to themeasurement of resistance or active power. Forthese, DC measurement can also be used.

Either voltage or current can be used as a referencefor calculating the phase difference (phase angle)between current and voltage.

Then, when Sverker is used in the generation mode(normal mode), the selected extra measurementfunction is displayed at the top of the window,beside the time.

Only one option can be selected at a time.




enoN noitcnuftnemerusaemartxeoNdeyalpsid

(Z °,Ω ) elgnaesahpdnaecnadepmIdeyalpsid

(Z Ω) tuohtiwdeyalpsidecnadepmIelgnaesahp

(X,R Ω, Ω) ecnatcaerdnaecnatsiseRdeyalpsid

)W(P deyalpsidrewopevitcA

)AV(S deyalpsidrewoptnerappA

)rAV(Q deyalpsidrewopevitcaeR

soc ϕ deyalpsidrotcafrewoP

ϕ )ferI,°( htiwdeyalpsidecnereffidesahPecnerefersatnerruc

ϕ )ferU,°( htiwdeyalpsidecnereffidesahPecnerefersaegatlov

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5.11 DisplayDisplay<Slow>

If the values shown on the display become unstableas measurement proceeds, you can filter them.Filtering is accomplished by averaging, and itaffects all displayed values except time values.

You can measure using very short time settings,down to a minimum of 1/2 period (10 ms at 50 Hz).

Extra measurement functions such as R and X cannow be calculated after finishing a test (after aHOLD trip).

noitpouneM noitanalpxE

wolS ,delbaneretlifeulav-egarevA.yalpsidehtgnizilibatsybereht



tsaF .delbasidretlifeulav-egarevA

pirTdloH rofSMRnieulavxamehtswohSerofebyletaidemmidoirep1


xaMdloH rofSMRnieulavxamehtswohSs5.0tsalehtnihtiwdoirep1


niMdloH rofSMRnieulavnimehtswohSs5.0tsalehtnihtiwdoirep1


1. Press the SEL button to invoke the se-lected option.

5.10 TimerTimer<Unit: Seconds >

Here you select the unit in which the time displayedin the window by the timer is expressed. Timemeasurements can be expressed in seconds (s) or inmains-frequency cycles.

noitpouneM evitanretlA noitanalpxE


.1tlA nidesserpxeemiTsdnoces

selcyC:tinU .2tlA nidesserpxeemiTselcycycneuqerf-sniam

1. Press the SEL button to invoke the se-lected option.

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5.13 0-Level filter0-Level filter<1=Min, 9=Max>

To avoid measuring noise that can be encounteredduring testing, Sverker features a well-defined lowerlimit called the 0-level.

When testingt ground fault protection (for example)using low currents, this difficulty could arise incases where test values were below the 0-level.

The 0-level can be set between 1 and 9. A 0-level of1 (min.) allows low-level signals to pass. A 0-levelof 9 (max.) filters out most noise. A 0-level of 5 isthe same as the level provided in the previousversion.

5.12 Off delayOff delay<004 Cycles>

This is used to set the time, expressed in mains-frequency cycles throughout which generation is tocontinue after tripping occurs. The range is 0-999cycles. The original Programma setting is 4 cycles.If no delay is desired, set the number of cycles to 0.IMPORTANT: To change a numerical value, pressthe CHG button one additional time, and then usethe arrow buttons.

Range: 000-999.

1. Press the SEL button to invoke the se-lected option.

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5.15 Remote controlRemote control<OFF>

Together with the PC software SVERKER Win youcan control the settings (except the dials) from thecomputer.

When Sverker Win is started, the text “RemoteControl” will appear on the display.

5.14 Save/RecallSave/Recall<Settings>

The settings made under the headings/optionsdiscussed above can be saved in a memory wherethey will remain even after Sverker has been turnedoff. Then when you want to conduct a similar testagain, they can be recalled from the memory inquestion. There are four such memories.

Each time Sverker is turned on, the contents ofmemory No. 0 are recalled as defaults. You can,however, recall and use the contents of any othermemory by specifying its number in this menu.

In addition, there is a special memory that containsProgramma’s original Sverker settings, and they canbe recalled whenever you want to use them.

noitpouneM noitanalpxE

:#memllaceR ehtmorfsgnittesllaceR



:tluafedllaceR ammargorPlanigiroehtllaceR



:#memevaS ehtnisgnittesehtevaS



1. Press the SEL button to invoke the se-lected option.

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5.16 LanguageLanguage<English>

Here, you select one of five languages in which themenus, prompts etc. will appear.

Menu option Explanation

English English-language menus, prompts etc.

Deutsch German-language menus, prompts etc.

Français French-language menus, prompts etc.

Español Spanish-language menus, prompts etc.

Svenska Swedish-language menus, prompts etc

1. Press the SEL button to invoke the se-lected option.

5.17 SWSW: R04D

This enables you to display the software version andhardware version. The user cannot change thisinformation.

Menu heading Explanation

SW Software version you are using.

Note! If you have ”“unlocked” the SVERKERusing the “software key” for SverkerWin, this is shown with the text “PC-750” or “Sverker Win” in the “Softwareversion” window in the menu tree.

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6 How to operateSverker

6.2 Injecting current –General rulesWhen you inject current through protective relayequipment for testing purposes, you must observeseveral rules of thumb:

• Provide as much impedance as possible inseries with the load.This will counteract changes in current andminimize waveform distortion for relayswhose impedances change when they haveoperated, and also for relays that becomesaturated.Moreover, the current become more easy toto adjust, since this will increase the turn ofthe knob.

• When you are measuring operating times,the value of the applied current or voltageused for testing must exceed the trippinglimit by an ample margin (rule of thumb: 1.2-1.5 times the pick-up limit).

• High current should be injected through theprotective relay equipment for as short atime as possible to prevent overheating.It may be advisable to use manually-control-led (momentary) generation or time-limitedgeneration when injecting high current.

Output alarmIf more than 1 V/ 0.5 A flows (in the 10 A range)when Sverker is in the OFF state there will be amessage on the display «CAUTION OUTPUT».


6.1 GeneralThis chapter presents the steps you should take toperform typical Sverker testing operations effi-ciently. Sometimes several alternative ways ofcarrying out a step are presented. This chapter willhelp you formulate testing procedures for differenttypes of protective relay equipment.

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6.4 Measuring current

The ammeter in Sverker has four inputs. Three ofthem are internal inputs fixed to the individualcurrent outputs, and one is an external input locatedon the control panel. Active input (i.e. ammeter testpoint) is indicated by an indicator lamp.

Use the button marked A to transfer the ammetertest point to the selected input.

The internal inputs are used to measure the currentgenerated by Sverker. The external input is used tomeasure current in an external circuit. If so desired,however, it can be used for measurement of currentfrom Sverker. This is useful since ammeter accuracyis highest when measurement proceeds via theexternal input. The external input can be used forcurrents of up to 6 A.

The HOLD (freeze) function makes it possible tomeasure currents of very short duration. Activate itby pressing the button marked HOLD. See thesection headed ”Ammeter and voltmeter” in Chap-ter 3.

6.3 Selecting thecorrect current outputSelect the output at which the setting knob must beturned the furthest to obtain the desired current.This will improve setting accuracy and enableSverker to deliver maximum power.

When the object being tested has high impedance ormay reach saturation, it is especially important touse the output having the highest possible voltage.This will drive the desired current through theobject being tested efficiently and minimize distor-tion of the current waveform.

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6.5 Setting thedesired current1. Connect the object being tested to a

suitable output on Sverker.

2. Use the button marked A to transfer theammeter test point to the selected currentoutput or to the external ammeter panelinput.

3. Activate ON using the start switch.

4. Adjust the current using the main knob.The current can be read from the Sverkerdisplay.

High currentsHigh currents may overheat both the object beingtested and Sverker. You can prevent overheating bygenerating currents of very short duration. Short-duration currents can be read very easily using theammeter’s HOLD (freeze) function.

The best way to generate short-duration currents isto use manually-controlled (momentary) or time-limited generation. See explanation of settings inChapter 5.

1. Connect the object being tested to asuitable output.

2. Use the button marked A to transfer theammeter test point to the selected output.

3. Activate the HOLD (freeze) function.

4. Activate ON briefly using the start switch.

5. Read the current.

6. Repeat, starting with step 4, until thecorrect current is set.

Low currents and good settingresolution

You can obtain low currents and good settingresolution by connecting one or more of the resis-tors in the Sverker set of resistors in series in thecurrent circuit. You can also use these resistors tocreate a voltage divider, thereby reducing the outputcurrent.

Limiting resistors can also be connected into theprimary side (terminal Rx/Cx) of the output trans-former. More-over, if you want to limit the currentwithout generating heat, you can connect the

Sverker capacitor (only Sverker 750), al-though thiswill change the phase angle of the current.

Sometimes it is advantageous to use the 0-100 Aoutput when you want low currents since it has thelowest output voltage. This low voltage will drive alower current than any of the other Sverker outputsthrough a high-ohm load or series resistor.

Always use the ammeter input for external measure-ment when measuring low currents since it providesthe best accuracy.

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6.6 Finding pick-upand drop-out limits forover (current/voltage/other entity)relaysMethod 1a: Normal injection,gradual increase in current.

Current is generated continuously. This procedure issuitable in situations where there is little risk ofoverheating the protective relay equipment and youwish to measure the drop-out function without usinga second test procedure.

1. Initial settings: OFF. Main knob at 0.

2. Connect the relay’s current input andtripping output to Sverker.

3. Use the button marked A to transfer theammeter test point to the selected output.

4. Set the timer stop condition (to CLOSURE+ OPENING, CONTACT for example).

5. Activate ON using the start switch.

6. Turn up the current until the relay operates(pick-up).

7. Read the current.

8. Turn down the current. Read the currentthat flows when drop-out takes place.

9. Interrupt output by setting the start switchto OFF.

Method 1b: Normal injection, pick-up and drop-out values obtainedusing the HOLD (freeze) function

Increase the current gradually until the relay oper-ates, whereupon the current reading is frozen. Youcan then start reducing the current immediately, andthe current reading will be frozen when drop-outoccurs.

1. Initial settings: OFF. HOLD. Main knob at 0.

2. Connect the relay’s current input andtripping output to Sverker.

3. Use the button marked A to transfer theammeter test point to the current outputthat is being used.

4. Set the timer stop condition (to CLOSURE+ OPENING, CONTACT for example).

5. Activate ON using the start switch.

6. Turn up the current until pick-up.

7. The tripping limit will be frozen and held onthe display.

8. Press the HOLD button twice in order toreset the HOLD function.

9. Turn down the current until the relay dropsout. You can now read the frozen drop-outvalue from the display window.

10. Interrupt output by setting the start switchto OFF.

Method 2: Manually-controlled(momentary) injectionHere, the current is interrupted when you release thestart switch (from the ON or ON+TIME position).This procedure enables you to prevent overheatingof the protective relay equipment when, for exam-ple, you are trying to find the pick-up value for aninstantenous unit.

1. Initial settings: OFF. MOMENTARY (seeexplanation of settings in Chapter 5).HOLD. Main knob at 0.

2. Connect the relay current input and trippingoutput to Sverker.

3. Use the button marked A to transfer theammeter test point to the current outputthat is being used.

4. Set the timer start condition to INT.

5. Set the timer stop condition (to CLOSURE+ OPENING, CONTACT for example).

6. Change the main knob setting.

7. Activate ON briefly. The duration of theoutput must be longer than the operatingtime of the instantaneous unit. If you wantto check the time, you can activateON+TIME instead of ON.

8. Check to see that the instantaneous unithas tripped. This can be done by a) check-ing the indicator lamp on the relay or b)checking to see that the TRIP indicatorlamp in Sverker is on and that the meas-ured operating time matches the operatingtime of the protective relay equipment.Repeat, starting with step 6, until you findthe lowest current that provides operation.

9. Read the current.

10. To measure the drop-out value, activate ONagain using the start switch until trippingoccurs. Then, while keeping ON active,

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reduce the current by turning the mainknob until resetting takes place. Releasethe start switch and make a note of thecurrent.

Method 3: Time-limited injection

Time-limited injection Time-limited generation, asits name implies, interrupts output after a presettime. This is useful when you want to preventoverheating in the protective relay equipment.

1. Initial settings: OFF. MAX TIME (see expla-nation of settings in Chapter 5.) HOLD.Main knob at 0. The maximum time mustbe set longer than the operating time ofthe instantaneous unit.

2. Connect the relay current input and trippingoutput to Sverker. 3. Set the ammeter tomeasure current at the current output thatis being used.

4. Set the timer start condition to INT.

5. Set the timer stop condition (to CLOSURE+ OPENING, CONTACT for example).

6. Change the main knob setting.

7. Activate ON using the start switch. If youwant to check the time, you can activateON+TIME instead of ON.

8. Check to see that the instantaneous unithas operated. This can be done by a)checking the indicator lamp on the relay orb) checking to see that the TRIP indicatorlamp on Sverker is on.

9. Read the current.

10. Search for the lowest current where therelay operates, by repeating from point 6above and onwards.

6.7 Finding pick-upand drop-out limits forunder (current/voltage/other entity)relays1. Initial settings: OFF, HOLD, Main knob at 0.

2. Connect the relay input and tripping outputto Sverker.

3. Use the button marked A to transfer theammeter test point to the current outputthat is being used.

4. Set the timer stop condition (to CLOSURE+ OPENING, CONTACT for example).

5. Activate ON using the start switch.

6. Increase the entity (current or voltage)being tested until it exceeds by an amplemargin the value of the relay setting.

7. Turn the main knob anti-clockwise until therelay trips. Read the pick-up value.

8. Turn the main knob clockwise until therelay drops out. Read the drop-out value.

9. Interrupt output by setting the start switchto OFF.

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6.8 Measuringoperating times forover (current/voltage/other entity)relaysMethod 1: Normal injectionGeneration continues until the protective relayequipment operates.

1 Initial setting: OFF, HOLD, Main knob at 0.

2. Connect the relay current input and trippingoutput to Sverker.

3. Use the button marked A to transfer theammeter test point to the selected output.

4. Set the timer start condition to INT.

5. Set the timer stop condition (to CLOSURE+ OPENING, CONTACT for example).

6. Activate ON using the start switch. Set thedesired current for measuring the operatingtime. This current must be set well abovethe operating limit.

7. Interrupt output by setting the start switchto OFF.

8. Activate ON+TIME using the start switch.

9. Read and note the time and current.

Method 2: Manually-controlled(momentary) injectionThis is useful when you want to eliminate overheat-ing in the relay. Generation continues only as longas the start switch is kept at the ON position.

1. Initial settings: OFF. MOMENTARY (seeexplanation of settings in Chapter 5).HOLD. Main knob at 0.

2. Connect the relay’s current input andtripping output to Sverker.

3. Use the button marked A to transfer theammeter test point to the output that isbeing used.

4. Set the timer start condition to INT.

5. Set the timer stop condition (to CLOSURE+ OPENING, CONTACT for example).

6. Set the desired current (it must exceed thepick-up value by an ample margin) bychanging the setting of the main knob.

Activate ON briefly using the start switchand read the current from the ammeter.Repeat until the desired current has beenset.

7. Activate ON+TIME using the start switchand keep it activated until tripping occurs.

8. Read and note the time and current.

Method 3: Time-limited injection

Time-limited generation, as its name implies,interrupts output after a preset time. This is usefulwhen you want to prevent overheating in theprotective relay equipment.

1. Initial settings: OFF. MAX TIME (see expla-nation of settings in Chapter 5.) HOLD.Main knob at 0. The maximum time mustbe set longer than the operating time ofthe instantaneous unit.

2. Connect the relay current input and trippingoutput to Sverker.

3. Set the ammeter to measure current at thecurrent output that is being used.

4. Set the timer start condition to INT.

5. Set the timer stop condition (to CLOSURE+ OPENING, CONTACT for example).

6. Change the main knob setting.

7. Activate ON+TIME using the start switch.

8. Check to see that the instantaneous unithas operated. This can be done by a)checking the indicator lamp on the relay orb) checking to see that the TRIP indicatorlamp on Sverker is on.

9. Read and note the time and current.

10. Search for the lowest current where therelay operates, by repeating from point 6above and onwards.

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6.9 Measuringoperating times forunder (current/voltage/other entity)relays1. Initial setting: OFF.

2. Connect the relay current input and trippingoutput to Sverker.

3. Set the timer start condition to INT.

4. Set the timer stop condition (to CLOSURE+ OPENING, CONTACT for example).

5. Activate ON using the start switch. Set theentity (current or voltage) being tested sothat it exceeds by an ample margin thevalue that has been preset for the relay.

6. Activate OFF+TIME using the start switch.

7. Read and note the time and current.

6.10 Measuringvoltage

1. Set the voltmeter to measure AC or DC (seeChapter 6).

2. Connect the voltmeter input to the voltagethat is to be measured. Do not exceed thevoltmeter specifications.

Note! To measure a voltage in the HOLD state,you must simultaneously measure acurrent (by short-circuiting the currentoutput with a wire for example).

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6.12 Generatinghigher voltagesSince the AC voltages sent out from Sverker areseparated from each other and from the mains,series connections can be made. In such case,however, it is important to keep the following inmind:

• Make certain that no insulation voltage limitsare exceeded.

• Do not exceed the insulation voltage of theconnected voltmeter.

• Always comply with the applicable safetyregulations.

6.11 Obtaining thecorrect phase anglewhen two or more ACoutputs are beingusedThree separate AC voltages can be obtained fromSverker:

• 0-250 V AC output from the current source.

• 0-120 V AC voltage source.

• 0-100 A, 0-40 A and 0-10 A current outputs(from different taps on the same winding).

If these are connected to a common point, it’simportant to know the polarity. The right-handterminal in each of the outputs is thus provided witha black dot, thereby indicating that these outputsocket terminals have the same polarity.

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6.13 Setting anauxiliary voltage

1. Connect the Sverker voltmeter input to theoutput of the auxiliary voltage source.Auxiliary voltage source

2. Set the voltmeter to measure DC (seeexplanation of settings in Chapter 5).

3. Select the range to be used for the auxil-iary voltage (20-130 V or 130-220 V).

4. Turn on the auxiliary voltage source and setthe desired value.

5. Turn off the auxiliary voltage source.

6. Connect the auxiliary voltage to the relay.

7. Turn on the auxiliary voltage source. Checkthe voltage on the Sverker voltmeter.

6.14 Testing voltagerelays – both pre-faultand fault voltages

Only for SVERKER 750Note! This connection will damage a


Sometimes it is necessary to change between twovoltage levels and measure the time that elapsesuntil operation. This can be done using the Sverkermake/break contact.

1. Connect the voltmeter input to the 0-250 Voutput. Activate ON using the start switch.Set the voltage that corresponds to thepre-fault voltage.

2. Set the start switch to OFF.

3. Connect the voltmeter input to the 0-120 VAC voltage source. Turn on the AC voltagesource and set the voltage that corre-sponds to the fault voltage.

4. Turn off the AC voltage source.

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5. Connect together the terminals markedwith black dots on the 0-250 V output andon the AC voltage source. From this junc-tion, make a connection to one side of therelay’s voltage input.

6. Connect the left-hand socket terminal onthe 250 V output to the upper left-handsocket terminal on the make/break contact(the one that performs a break function).

7. Connect the left-hand output socket termi-nal on the AC voltage source to the upperright-hand socket terminal on the make/break contact (the one that performs amake function).

8. Connect the lower left-hand socket terminalon the make/break contact to the otherside of the relay voltage input.

9. Make certain that the relay tripping outputis properly connected to Sverker.

10. Activate ON using the start switch, where-upon the pre-fault voltage will be applied tothe relay.

11. Turn on the AC voltage source.

12. Activate OFF+TIME using the start switch,whereupon fault voltage will be applied tothe relay and timing will start.

13. Read the time at which the relay operated.

6.15 Changing thecurrent and voltagephase difference

Sverker 750Using the built-in capacitor and set of resistors, youcan change the phase difference between currentand voltage. You can connect the phase-changingcomponents at either the current output or voltageoutput.


It is easiest to change the phase angle ofthe entity (current or voltage) having thelowest power.The capacitor can be connected in serieswith the current output if the current is notexcessively high. This provides almost a90° phase displacement of the current.The phase angle is determined by thephase-changing components and the load.Since changing the phase angle alsocauses the current/voltage to change, youmust first adjust the phase angle and thenset the current/voltage.If possible, use the ammeter’s externalpanel input to measure the phase anglesince this will provide better accuracy andlower currents.

Sverker7601. Connect the AC voltage output (22) to the


Note! Connect the output marked with the»black dot» to the black input on thevoltmeter.

2. Select ϕ (°, Iref) or ϕ (°, Uref), see section5.9 Extra measurement.

3. Set the amplitude of the AC voltage withthe knob (23).

4. Generate a low current to make it possibleto measure the phase angle.

5. Set the phase-angle by using the knobs(43) and (44).

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6.16 Measuring thephase angleThe phase angle between the current being meas-ured by the Sverker ammeter and the voltage acrossthe Sverker voltmeter input can be displayed (seeExplanation of settings in Chapter 5).

Phase angle Current and voltage can be measuredregardless of whether or not they are generated bySverker. If the current is less than 6 A, it should bemeasured at the ammeter’s external input, since itprovides better accuracy.

The phase of the current or the voltage can beselected as reference, see chapter 5 Settings.



Example: Phase shift at an inductive load (current lagsvoltage). Current selected as reference.a) Current generated by Sverker (ammeter connectedinternally).b) Current generated by external source (ammeter panelinput used).

a) b)

Definition of polarities.a) Current generated by Svreker (ammeter connectedinternally).b) Current generated by external source (ammeter panelinput used).

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6.17 Measuringexternal cycle time(measurement notinitiated by Sverker)The timer’s start and stop inputs are independent ofeach other. Activation takes place when the presetcondition is met (pulse-edge triggering). Theseinputs are not polarity-dependent when voltage isbeing measured.

1. Initial settings: OFF. Main knob at 0.

2. Connect the Sverker start input (START) tothe circuit that is to start measurement.

3. Connect the Sverker stop input (STOP) tothe circuit that is to stop measurement.

4. Set the start condition (to CLOSURE,VOLTAGE for example).

5. Set the stop condition (to CLOSURE,CONTACT for example).

6. The input state indicator lamp at eachinput shows whether or not the desiredcondition is present there before the cyclestarts.

7. Activate ON+TIME using the start switch. 8.The timer is now ready to start.

6.18 Measuring Z, P,R, X, VA, VAR andCOS ϕϕϕϕϕSverker can be used to measure these entities, evenin external circuits. Here the currents phase is usedas reference. For information about phase defini-tions, see section 6.15, entitled ”Measuring thephase angle”.

1. Connect the Sverker ammeter and voltme-ter to the current and voltage circuit re-spectively.

2. Check the AC/DC setting. See explanationof settings in Chapter 5.

3. Set the entity that is to be measured (seeexplanation of settings in Chapter 5).

NOTE! that the HOLD (freeze) function can alsobe used for these measurements.

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6.19 Plotting amagnetization curve

Since Sverker has an ammeter, voltmeter andvoltage output, it can be used to plot points on acurrent transformer magnetization curve.

IMPORTANT! Be sure to comply with theapplicable safety regulations, and neverexceed any insulation voltage limits.

1. Initial setting: OFF. Main knob at 0.

2. The primary side of the current transformermust be open, and the secondary sidemust not be connected to any other circuit.

3. Connect the Sverker voltage output to thesecondary side of the current transformer.One side of this voltage output must beconnected via the Sverker ammeter input.If a voltage higher than 250 V is needed,proceed as instructed in section 6.11,entitled ”Generating higher voltages”.

4. Connect the Sverker voltmeter input to theSverker voltage output.

5. Use the button marked A to transfer theammeter test point to the panel input usedfor measurement in external circuits.

6. Activate ON using the start switch.

7. Turn the knob clockwise and read thecurrent and voltage for different points onthe curve.

8. When the knee of the curve is reached,slowly lower the voltage and set the startswitch to OFF.

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Sverker make/break contact (perhaps inseries with the voltage source) to theautomatic recloser.

3. Use the button marked A to transfer theammeter test point to the output that isbeing used.

4. Set start and stop conditions

5. Activate ON using the start switch.

6. Turn up the desired test current.

7. Set the start switch OFF.

8. Start the reclosing cycle by activatingON+TIME using the start switch.

9. Check that the switch is in position OFFafter the cycle has been completed.

10. You can now scroll through the relay timesand the de-energized intervals on thedisplay using the and buttons.Please note: Current value is not shown.

T#02: 489ms IT#03: 75ms 0

11. After you press the button marked MODE,you can start a new test.

6.20 Testing anautomatic recloser

Sverker can be used to measure partial times in areclosing cycle. The relay times and the de-ener-gized intervals are stored so that you after themeasurement can scroll through them on the displaywhenever desired. The Sverker make/break contactcan be used to stimulate the state of the breaker forthe automatic recloser.

1. Initial setting: OFF. Main knob at 0. SetSverker to measure reclosing (see explana-tion of settings in Chapter 5). You can alsoset a time limit so that the test will beinterrupted when the time limit expires.

2. Connect the reclosing signal to the Sverkertimer start input (START). The relay trippingsignal must be connected to the timer stopinput (STOP). Connect the relay currentinput to a suitable current output onSverker. If the automatic recloser requiresa breaker-state indication signal, you cancreate such a signal by connecting the

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6.22 Injecting current– External startYou can start generation by sending an externalsignal to Sverker. This feature enables you to starttwo or more Sverkers simultaneously. The ”slave”Sverkers can be connected to the make/breakcontact on the ”master” and then set for externalstart, whereupon they will start simultaneously withthe master (±1 ms).

1. Connect the external signal to th STARTinput (12).

2. Select dry or wet contact and closing oropening contact, for the external signal.


If 120o phase shift is desired betweenthe Sverkers, you can connect them tothe different phases of a 3-phase outlet.

6.21 Measuring thetrip pulse length1. Initial settings: OFF. TRIP+PULSE TIME,

HOLD. Main knob at 0.

2. Connect the relay current input and trippingoutput to Sverker.

3. Use the button marked A to transfer theammeter test point to the input used formeasurement in external circuits.

4. Set the start condition to INT.

5. Set the stop condition (to CLOSEING +OPENING, CONTACT for example).

6. Activate ON using the start switch. Set theentity (current or voltage) being tested sothat it exceeds by an ample margin thevalue that has been preset for the relay.

7. Set the start switch OFF.

8. Start the test cycle by activating ON+TIMEusing the start switch.

9. After the test cycle the display windowshows the result.

T#00: 689ms IT#01: 53ms 0

T#00 = Time from START to STOP.

T#01 = Time of trip pulse.

Total = The total time, T#00 + T#01. Press thebutton once to get here. Read and

note the times at which the relay operated.Please note: Current value is not shown.

10. After you press the button marked MODE,you can start a new test.

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7 Application examples4. If the display window is to freeze the

voltage reading at the instant of operation,check to see that the HOLD function isactive (it can be activated by means of theHOLD button).

Pick-up and drop-out functions: U >ON and U > OFF1. Turn on the Sverker voltage source by

activating ON with the start switch (pressthe t key once), whereupon the ON indica-tor lamp will light.

2. Increase the voltage carefully until theprotective relay equipment operates (U >ON), whereupon the Sverker TRIP indicatorwill start to glow steadily.

3. Read the U > ON value from the Sverkerdisplay window.

4. If the freeze function has been activated,press the HOLD button twice to unfreezethe value shown.

5. Decrease the voltage until the relay isreset (U > OFF (drop-out)), whereupon theTRIP indicator will be extinguished.

6. Read the U > OFF (drop-out) value fromthe Sverker display window.

7. Decrease the voltage to 0.

8. Turn off the Sverker current source bysetting the start switch to the OFF position.

Operating function: U > ON + TIMEDELAY

1. Turn on the Sverker voltage source byactivating ON with the start switch where-upon the ON indicator lamp will light.

2. Increase the voltage to 1.5 x U > ON.

3. Turn off the Sverker voltage source bysetting the start switch to the OFF position.

4. Activate ON + TIME by means of the startswitch, whereupon the timer will start andthe voltage source will start to generatevoltage.

5. When the protective relay equipmentoperates, the timer will stop automaticallyand the voltage source will be turned offautomatically, whereupon the TRIP indica-tor will start to flash.

7.1 Testing voltagerelaysThe following functions are to be tested:

• Pick-up function: U > ON

• Drop-out function: U > OFF

• Operating time: U > ON + TIME DELAY

Test hookup and initial settings1. Connect for testing as shown in the above

diagram. a. Connect the Sverker AC voltageto the protective relay equipment. b. Alsoconnect the Sverker AC voltage to thevoltmeter input. c. Connect the timer stopinput (STOP) to the relay trip output.

2. Turn on power to Sverker using the mainsswitch.

3. Activate the desired stop condition for thetimer by setting the stop input for a makeand/or break function and for a live ordead contact.

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7.2 Testing over-current relaysThe following functions are to be tested:

• Pick-up functions: I > ON and I >> ON

• Drop-out functions: I > OFF and I >> OFF

• Operating times: I > ON + TIME DELAY and I>> ON + TIME DELAY

Test hookup and initial settings

1. Connect for testing as shown in the abovediagram.a. Connect the Sverker current output tothe protective relay equipment.b. Connect the timer stop input (STOP) tothe relay trip output.c. If the test current is not too high, youcan connect one or more resistors into the

6. Read the U > ON + TIME DELAY value fromthe Sverker display window.

7. Repeat the U > ON + TIME DELAY run twoor three times to confirm its accuracythrough repetition.

8. Decrease the voltage to 0.

Finishing the test

• Enter the values read from the display intothe test report.

• Turn off power to Sverker using the mainsswitch.

• Disconnect the equipment.

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Operating function: I > ON + TIMEDELAY1. Turn on the Sverker current source by

setting the start switch to the ON position,whereupon the ON indicator lamp will light.

2. Increase the current to 1.5 x I > ON. (Foran inverse time relay, you should conductthree tests at 1.5, 2 and 3 x I > ON, thusproviding additional test points on theinverse time curve.)

3. Turn off the Sverker current source bysetting the start switch to the OFF position.

4. Activate ON + TIME by means of the startswitch, whereupon the timer will start andthe current source will start to generatecurrent.

5. When the protective relay equipmentoperates, the timer will stop automaticallyand the current source will be turned offautomatically, whereupon the TRIP indica-tor will start to flash.

6. Read the I > ON + TIME DELAY value fromthe Sverker display window.

7. For the remaining phases, repeat the steps1-6 as set forth above.

Pick-up and drop-out functions forthe high-current stage: I >> ON andI >> OFF1. Move the connections to the desired

current output.

2. Select the desired test point for the amme-ter. This can be done step by step with theA button located to the right of the displaywindow.

3. If the protective relay equipment has aseparate trip output for I >>, connect it tothe timer stop input (STOP) after havingdisconnected the trip output of I >.

4. Turn on the Sverker current source usingthe start switch, whereupon the ON indica-tor lamp will light.

5. Increase the current rapidly until the equip-ment operates (I >> ON), whereupon theSverker TRIP indicator will start to glowsteadily.

6. Read the I >> ON value from the displaywindow.

current circuit in series. Moreover, resis-tors can be connected into the Sverker Rx/Cx terminal.

2. Turn on power to Sverker using the mainsswitch.

3. Move the ammeter test point to the de-sired current output. When measuring lowcurrents, less than 6 A, use the separateammeter input for better accuracy. Thiscan be done step by step with the A buttonlocated to the right of the display window.When a test point is selected, its indicatorlamp lights.

4. Activate the desired stop condition for thetimer by setting the stop input for a makeand/or break function and for a wet or drycontact.

5. If the display window is to freeze thecurrent reading at the instant of operation,check to see that the HOLD function isactive (it can be activated by means of theHOLD button).

Pick-up and drop-out functions: I >ON and I > OFF1. Turn on the Sverker current source by

activating ON with the start switch (pressthe t key once), whereupon the ON indica-tor lamp will light.

2. Increase the current carefully by turning themain knob until the protective relay equip-ment operates (I > ON), whereupon theSverker TRIP indicator will start to glowsteadily.

3. Read the I > ON value from the Sverkerdisplay window.

4. If the freeze function has been activated,press the HOLD button twice to unfreezethe value shown.

5. Decrease the current until drop-out occurs(I > OFF), whereupon the TRIP indicator willbe extinguished.

6. Read the I > OFF value from the Sverkerdisplay window.

7. Decrease the voltage to 0.

8. Turn off the Sverker current source bysetting the start switch to the OFF position.

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7. If the freeze function has been activated,press the HOLD button twice to unfreezethe value shown.

8. Decrease the current until drop-out occurs(I>> OFF), whereupon the TRIP indicator willbe extinguished.

9. Read the I >> OFF value from the displaywindow.

Operating time: I >> ON + TIMEDELAY1. Turn on the Sverker current source by

setting the start switch to the ON position,whereupon the ON indicator lamp will light.

2. Increase the current to 1.1-1.2 x I >> ON.

3. Turn off the Sverker current source bysetting the start switch to the OFF position.

4. Activate ON + TIME using the start switch,where-upon the timer will start and thecurrent source will start to generate cur-rent.

5. When the protective relay equipmentoperates, the timer will stop automaticallyand the current source will be turned offautomatically, whereupon the TRIP indica-tor will start to flash.

6. Read the I >> ON + TIME DELAY valuefrom the Sverker display window.

7. For the remaining phases, repeat the steps1-6 as set forth above.

Finishing the test• Enter the values read from the display into

the test report.

• Turn off power to Sverker using the mainsswitch.

• Disconnect the equipment.

7.3 Testing directionalover-current relaysystems or directionalground-fault (earth-fault) relay systems

Sverker 760The following functions are to be tested:

• Pick-up functions: I > ON and U > ON

• Drop-out functions: I > OFF and U > OFF

• Operating time: I > ON + TIME DELAY

Test hookup and initial settings

1. Connect for testing as shown in the abovediagram.a. Connect the Sverker separate 0-130 VAC voltage output to the protective relayequipment input (U).b. Also connect the Sverker separate ACvoltage output to the voltmeter input.c. Connect the Sverker current source, viathe ammeter input and the set of resistors

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(the resistor you select will depend on thetesting current) to the current input (NI) tothe protective relay equipment.d. Connect the timer stop input (STOP) tothe relay trip output.

2. Turn on power to Sverker using the mainsswitch.

3. Activate the desired stop condition for thetimer by setting the stop input for a makeand/or break function and for a wet or drycontact.

Testing the pick-up and drop-out1. Select stop conditions, dry or wet contact.

2. Select HOLD to freeze the current reading.

3. Press button SEL/ until you get a redlight at the built-in ammeter.

Note! Maximum allowed current through theseparate ammeter used in this connec-tion example is 6 A. The other measure-ment points do not have this limitation.

4. Press the MODE button.

5. Use the key to select ΩΩΩΩΩ, ϕϕϕϕϕ, W, VA….

6. Press CHG (Change)

7. Select ϕ ϕ ϕ ϕ ϕ (°, Iref) or (°, Uref) by using thekey .

8. Press SEL (Select)

9. Press ESC

10. Set the voltage amplitude with the uppersmall knob.

11. Make sure the main knob is set to 0.

12. Turn on the SVERKER output by activatingON using the start switch .

13. Set the phase-angle. Use the lower knobfor fine adjustment, and the middle knobfor step of 90°.

000ms 070°0.100A 63.05V

Note! A small current flowing in the circuit isrequired to measure the phase angle.

14. Increase the current until the relay oper-ates (pick-up). Read the value. Press theHOLD button twice to reset the display.

15. Decrease the current until the relay dropsout. Read the value.

Testing the operation time

16. Increase the current to 1.5 times the pick-up value.

17. Invoke the ON+TIME state by means of thestart switch. The outputs will now remainturned on until the protective relay equip-ment operates.

18. Read the time from the display. Check alsothe high current setting using the sameprocedure.

Sverker 750The following functions are to be tested:

• Pick-up functions: I > ON and U > ON

• Drop-out functions: I > OFF and U > OFF

• Operating time: I > ON + TIME DELAY

Test hookup and initial settings

1. Connect for testing as shown in the abovediagram.a. Connect the Sverker separate 0-120 VAC voltage output to the protective relayequipment input (U).b. Also connect the Sverker separate ACvoltage output to the voltmeter input.c. Connect the Sverker current source, viathe ammeter input and the set of resistors

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(the resistor you select will depend on thetesting current) to the current input (NI) tothe protective relay equipment.d. Connect the timer stop input (STOP) tothe relay trip output.

2. Turn on power to Sverker using the mainsswitch.

3. Activate the desired stop condition for thetimer by setting the stop input for a makeand/or break function and for a wet or drycontact.

4. Transfer the ammeter test point to thepanel input, whereupon its indicator lampwill light. This can be done step by stepwith the A button located to the right of thedisplay window.

5. Select the desired voltage range (0-60 or 0-120 V) for the separate AC output bypressing the button at left beneath theoutput.

6. Activate the separate AC voltage output bypressing the button at right beneath theoutput

Pick-up and drop-out functions: I >ON and I > OFF

1. Increase the voltage using the small knobuntil U > is exceeded. If the protective relayequipment has no adjustable voltagefunction (U >), set the voltage to the valuesame as a fault voltage. Keep this voltageconstant during the remainder of the test.It is not necessary to test the U-ON and U-OFF voltage limits. It may, however, bedesirable to test I > ON and I > OFF atdifferent voltage levels.

2. Turn on the Sverker current source byactivating ON with the start switch (pressthe ? key once), whereupon the ON indica-tor lamp will light.

3. Increase the current until the protectiverelay equipment operates (I > ON), where-upon the Sverker TRIP indicator will start toglow steadily.

4. Read the I > ON value from the displaywindow. If the protective relay equipmentfails to operate, reverse the polarity of thevoltage circuit.

5. If the freeze function has been activated,press the HOLD button twice to unfreezethe value shown.

6. Decrease the current until drop-out occurs(I > OFF), whereupon the TRIP indicator willbe extinguished.

7. Read the I > OFF value from the displaywindow.

8. Decrease the current to 0. 9. Turn off theSverker current source by setting the startswitch to the OFF position.

Operating time: I > ON + TIMEDELAY1. Turn on the Sverker current source by

setting the start switch to the ON position,whereupon the ON indicator lamp will light.

2. Increase the current to 1.5 x I > ON. (Foran inverse time relay, you should conductthree tests at 1.5, 2 and 3 x I > ON, thusproviding additional test points on theinverse time curve.) 3. Turn off the Sverkercurrent source by setting the start switch tothe OFF position.

4. Activate ON + TIME by means of the startswitch, whereupon the timer will start andthe current source will start to generatecurrent.

5. When the protective relay equipmentoperates, the timer will stop automaticallyand the current source will be turned offautomatically, whereupon the TRIP indica-tor will start to flash.

6. Read the ON + TIME DELAY value from theSverker display.

Pick-up and drop-out functions: U >ON and U > OFF1. Decrease the voltage using the small knob

until the voltage drops beneath U.

2. Turn on the Sverker current source using thestart switch, whereupon the ON indicatorlamp will light.

3. Increase the current with the main knob untilI > ON is exceeded (more than 1.1-1.2 x I> ON).

4. Increase the voltage using the small knobuntil the <%-2>protective relay equipmentoperates (U > ON), whereupon the SverkerTRIP indicator will start to glow steadily.

5. Read the U > ON value from the displaywindow.

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7.4 Testing powerrelays

P: Active power α = 0°

Q: Reactive power α = 90° (phase-shifting capacitor incurrent circuit)

6. If the freeze function has been activated,press the HOLD button twice to unfreezethe value shown.

7. Decrease the voltage until drop-out takesplace (U> OFF), whereupon the TRIPindicator will be extinguished.

8. Read the U > OFF value from the displaywindow.

Finishing the test

1.Enter the values read from the display intothe test report.

2.Turn off power to Sverker using the mainsswitch.

3.Disconnect the equipment.

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The following functions are to be tested:

• Pick-up function: P > ON or Q > ON

• Drop-out function : P > OFF or Q > OFF

• Operating time: P > ON + TIME DELAY or Q >ON + TIME DELAY

• Sensitivity (depends on phase angle)

Make a note of the relay setting data (U, I and timedelay as well as P or Q). If so desired, calculate theoperating/drop-out values that are of interest:P = U * I * cos ϕ or Q = U * I * sin ϕ

Test hookup and initial settings1. Connect for testing as shown in the above

diagram.a. Connect the Sverker separate 0-120 VAC voltage source to the protective relayequipment voltage input.b. Connect the Sverker current source tothe protective relay equipment currentinput.c. Connect the timer stop input (STOP) tothe protective relay equipment trip output.d. Also connect the separate 0-120 V ACvoltage source to the voltmeter input.e. If low currents are to be measured,connect the current source to the separateammeter panel input.

2. Turn on power to Sverker using the mainsswitch.

3. Activate the desired stop condition for thetimer by setting the stop input for a makeand/or break function and for a live ordead contact.

4. Activate extra measurement of P or Q bycalling up and using a menu on the displayas follows:MODE — — ’Ω, ϕ, W, VA…’ — CHG — -P(W) or Q(VAr) — SEL — ESC, whereupon thefollowing will be shown on the display:ms — A — V mW.

5. Select the desired voltage range (0-60 or 60-120 V) for the separate AC voltage outputby pressing the left button beneath theoutput.

6. Activate the AC voltage output by pressingthe right button beneath the output. Thenset the voltage.

7. Move the ammeter test point to the desiredcurrent output or to the separate ammeterpanel input. This can be done step by step

with the A button located to the right of thedisplay window. When a test point isselected, its indicator lamp lights.

Pick-up and drop-out functions: Por Q > ON and P or Q > OFF1. Turn on the Sverker current source by acti-

vating ON with the start switch (press the key once), whereupon the ON indicator

lamp will light.

2. Increase the current until operation takesplace (P > or Q > ON), whereupon theSverker TRIP indicator will glow steadily. Ifoperation does not take place, reverse thepolarity of the protective relay equipmentvoltage circuit.

3. Read the P > ON or Q > ON value on thedisplay (U, I and P or Q).

4. If the freeze function has been activated,press the HOLD button twice to unfreezethe value shown.

5. Decrease the current until drop-out occurs (P> OFF or Q > OFF), whereupon the TRIPindicator will be extinguished.

6. Read the P > OFF or Q > OFF value from thedisplay window.

7. Decrease the current to 0.

8. Turn off the Sverker current source bysetting the start switch to the OFF position.

Operating times: P > ON + TIMEDELAY or Q > ON + TIME DELAY1. Turn on the Sverker current source by set-

ting the start switch to the ON position,whereupon the ON indicator lamp will light.

2. Increase the current to 1.5 x P > ON.

3. Turn off the Sverker current source bysetting the start switch to the OFF position.

4. Activate ON + TIME by means of the startswitch, whereupon the timer will start andthe current source will start to generatecurrent.

5. When the protective relay equipment oper-ates, the timer will stop automatically andthe current source will be turned off auto-matically, whereupon the TRIP indicator willstart to flash.

6. Read the ON + TIME DELAY value from theSverker display.

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7. Repeat the U > ON + TIME DELAY run two orthree times to confirm its accuracy throughrepetition.

8. Decrease the current to 0.

Finishing the test1. Enter the values read from the display into

the test report.

2. Turn off power to Sverker using the mainsswitch.

3. Disconnect the equipment.

7.5 Testing under-voltage relaysThe following functions are to be tested:

• Pick-up function: U < ON

• Drop-out function : U < OFF

• Operating time: U < ON + TIME DELAY

Test hookup and initial settings

1. Connect for testing as shown in the abovediagram.a. Connect the 0-250 V AC voltage sourceoutput to the protective relay equipment.b. Also connect this output to the voltmeterinput.c. Connect the timer stop input (STOP) tothe relay trip/signal output.

2. Turn on power to Sverker using the mainsswitch.

3. Activate the desired stop condition for thetimer by setting the stop input for a makeand/or break function and for a wet or drycontact.

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4. If the display window is to freeze the voltagereading at trip/signal time, check to seethat the HOLD function is active (it can beactivated by means of the HOLD button).

5. If the 0-250 V AC output is considered notsensitive enough, one of the followingoutputs can be selected: 0-10, 0-40 or0-100 A. Alternatively, the voltage can bedivided by means of the set of resistorsincluded with the Sverker.

Pick-up and drop-out functions: U <ON and U < OFF1. Turn on the Sverker current source by acti-

vating ON with the start switch (press the key once), whereupon the ON indicator

lamp will light.

2. Increase the voltage to 1.1-1.2 x the relayvoltage setting.

3. Decrease the voltage until operation occurs(U < ON), whereupon the Sverker TRIPindicator will start to glow steadily.

4. Read the U < ON value from the displaywindow.

5. If the freeze function has been activated,press the HOLD button twice to unfreezethe value shown.

6. Increase the voltage until drop-out takesplace (U < OFF), whereupon the TRIPindicator will be extinguished.

7. Read the U < OFF value from the displaywindow.

Operating time: U < ON + TIMEDELAY1. Turn on the Sverker main source by setting

the start switch to the ON position, where-upon the ON indicator lamp will light.

2. Increase the voltage to 1.1-1.2 times therelay voltage setting (1.1-1.2 x U < ON).

3. Activate OFF + TIME using the start switch(press the key), whereupon the mainsource stops to generate voltage and thetimer starts .

4. When the protective relay equipment oper-ates, the time stops automatically, where-upon the TRIP indicator starts to flash.

5. Read the U < ON + TIME DELAY value fromthe display window.

6. Repeat the U < ON + TIME DELAY run two orthree times to confirm its accuracy throughrepetition.

Finishing the test

1. Enter the values read from the display intothe test report.

2. Turn off power to Sverker using the mainsswitch.

3. Disconnect the equipment.

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selected. The fault current is set in the usual waywith the main knob. The test is started by pressingON+TIME, whereupon the normal-operationcurrent changes to fault current and time measure-ment starts. This procedure provides you with thetripping times for the release/cut-out for a fault thatoccurs occurring during normal operation and alsofor a fault that prevents starting permission frombeing granted.

7.6 Testing motoroverload releases andovercurrent cut-outsthat grant/denystarting permission

Only for SVERKER 750Note! This connection will damage a


Test equipment used for motor overload releasesand overcurrent cut-outs that govern the granting ordenial of starting permission must be able to provideboth normal-operation current and fault current, andit must be possible to change between them withoutinterrupting the test. Moreover, time measurementmust start precisely when the change occurs.

The Sverker voltage source can supply the outputtransformer via a reverse circuit comprising twoparallel-coupled resistors of 1000 Ω and 500 Ω. Seeillustration above. The normal-operation current isset from the voltage source, and it can be variedfrom 0 up to 6 A, depending on the impedance ofthe release/cut-out and the current output that was

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8 Troubleshooting8.2 Displayed values

gnidaeR esuacelbissoP ydemeR






















































































































8.1 General

tluaF esuacelbissoP ydemeR





































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8.3 Error messagesetc.

gnidaeR esuacelbissoP ydemeR

eulavgnihsalF nwohseulavehT




.F.O wolfrevosnaeM
























—- ebnaceulavoN
























RORREMAR nitluaflanretnI






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9 SpecificationsThe voltage outputs of the currentsource

egnaR daol-oN,egatlovmuminim



















The DC voltage output provides rectified, smoothedAC. The maximum current should not be used whileany of the current outputs are being used.

NOTE! Time-limited (max-time) generationshould be used for times shorter than 1minute.

Separate AC voltage source

This output is protected by a PTC resistor.

Moreover, it is equipped with two 400 V transientvoltage suppressors (transils). One is locatedbetween the output contacts, and the other betweenthe output contact marked with a dot and ground(earth).















07 06 52.0



031 021 52.0













031-0 541 031 ylsuounitnoc52.0




noituloseR ycaruccA

°953-0 °1 °2±

9.1 GeneralThe following specifications are for an ambienttemperature of +25°C (+77°F) and nominal inputvoltage. Sverker is designed to comply with EUstandards as set forth in IEC 1010 and also with EUEMC directives.

The specifications are subject to change withoutnotice.

Maximum load times for different currents






001 002 )semit3(s1 5

051 )semit5(s3 01

001 etunim1 51

57 setunim01 54

05 setunim03 001

03 suounitnoC –

04 08 )semit3(s1 5

06 )semit5(s3 01

04 etunim1 51

03 setunim01 54

02 setunim03 001

21 suounitnoC –

01 02 )semit3(s2 5

51 )semit5(s5 01

01 setunim2 51

5.7 setunim51 54

5 suounitnoC –

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Auxiliary DC voltage output




031-02 02 003

04 523

06 553

08 583

031-09 004

022-031 031 523

051 553

071 583

022-081 004

The auxiliary voltage output is stabilized and alsoshortcircuit proof.

Moreover, it is equipped with two 400 V transientvoltage suppressors (transils). One is locatedbetween the output contacts, and the other betweenthe black output contact and ground (earth)

The respective max currents can be used continu-ously at high output voltages in either of the tworanges. When the respective max currents are usedat low voltages in either range, a temperaturemonitor will trip after a while, and the voltage willbe shut off. However, the voltage will be restored asthe temperature drops.

9.3 InputsTimer inputs

These inputs are equipped with 400 V transientvoltage suppressors (transils) at three locations:

• Between the input contacts.

• Between the black input contact and ground(earth).

• Between the red input contact and ground(earth).

Potential state

retemaraP niM epyT xaM tinU


02 CDV



,levelegatlovhgiHCA|HIV|,CA 1

06 smrCAV





1 5 Am


Contact state

retemaraP niM epyT xaM tinU

revoegnahchgiHR,ecnatsiser HI

3 kΩ

revoegnahcwoLR,ecnatsiser LI

057 Ω



7 31 CDAm

ylppuslanretnIVegatlov s

02 CDV

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Maximum values

retemaraP xaM tinU



572 CDV



052 smrCAV

External ammeter input

Maximum values for external currentmeasurement

retemaraP xaM tinU

CD,tnerrucxaM 6 A

CA,tnerrucxaM 6 smrA

Voltmeter input

Maximum values for external voltagemeasurement

retemaraP xaM tinU

CD,egatlovxaM 006 V

CA,egatlovxaM 006 smrV

9.4 Make/BreakcontactThe make/break contact is equipped with a 1 Aminiature circuit breaker

Make/break contact 400 V transient voltage sup-pressors (transils) are provided at three locations:

• Between common contact and ground.

• Between common contact and break contact.

• Between common contact and make contact.

Normal use

noitcnuF dnatnerrucneewtebrorreemiTtcatnockaerb/ekam

tratstnerruC )xam(sm1±

dnetnerruC sm03-0

Breaker state simulation

noitcnuF ehtdnatnerrucneewtebrorreemiTtcatnockaerb/ekam





Maximum values

retemaraP xaM tinU

tnerrucxaM 1 A

CA,egatlovxaM 052 CAV

CD,egatlovxaM 021 CDV

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9.5 MeasurementsectionTimer

Time can be displayed in seconds or in mains-frequency cycles.

Specifications for the time expressed inseconds

egnaR noituloseR ycaruccA

s999.9-000 sm1 )%10.0+sm1(±

s99.99-00.01 sm01 )%10.0+sm01(±

s9.99999-0.001 sm001 )%10.0+sm001(±

Specifications for time expressed in mains-frequency cycles

egnaR noituloseR ycaruccA

selcyc9.999-0.0 selcyc1.0 )%10.0+selcyc1.0(±


elcyc1 )%10.0+elcyc1(±


elcyc1 )%10.0+elcyc1(±

AmmeterSwitching between ranges can be carried out eitherautomatically or manually as desired.

The measured current can be displayed in amperesor as a percentage of a presettable nominal value.

AC current is measured as true RMS.

DC current is measured as a mean value.

The external current measurement input is protectedby a 6 A miniature circuit breaker, and input resist-ance Rin is 0.22 Ω.

The values specified below are for measurementintervals (times) longer than 100 ms. The measure-ment error is greater for shorter measurementintervals.

Specifications for current in amperes



egnaR noituloseR fo%(ycaruccA


A01-0 CAA2 :CAA99.1-01.0



CAA02 :CAA99.91-00.2



A04-0 CAA8 :CAA99.7-04.0



CAA08 :CAA99.97-00.8



A001-0 CAA02 :CAA99.91-00.1



CAA002 :CAA99.99-00.02





nretxE CAA6.0 :CAA995.0-000.0



CAA6 :CAA999.5-006.0



CDA6.0 :CDA995.0-000.0



CDA6 :CDA999.5-006.0



Specifications for current displayed as apercentage of a presettable nominal value.




%1:%999-000 A1:A999-000 %1

VoltmeterSwitching between ranges can be carried out eitherautomatically or manually as desired.

The measured voltage can be displayed in volts oras a percentage of a presettable nominal value.

AC voltage is measured as a true RMS.

DC voltage is measured as a mean value.

The input is protected by a PTC resistor, and inputresistance Rin is 220 kΩ.

The values specified below are for measurementintervals (times) longer than 100 ms. The measure-ment error is greater for shorter measurementintervals.

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Specifications for voltage displayed in volts

egnaR noituloseR ycaruccA)Vm+gnidaerfo%(

CAV6 :CAV999.5-00.0CAVm01


CAV06 :CAV99.95-00.6CAVm01


CAV006 :CAV99.99-00.06CAVm01



CDV6 :CDV99.5-00.0CDVm01


CDV06 :CDV99.95-00.6CDVm01



CDV006 :CDV9.995-0.001CDVm001


Specifications for voltage displayed as apercentage of a presettable nominal value.




%1:%999-000 A1:A999-000 %1±

Reclosing test





semit94 s999 s1

Extra measurementsPower factor and phase anglemeasurements

The following specifications are for voltages andcurrent readings that are higher than 10% of theselected range.

tinudnametI egnaR noituloseR ycaruccA

rotcafrewoPsoc ϕ


10.0 40.0±


953-000 ° 1° 2± °

The following items can be measured for AC:

• cos ϕ• ϕ in (°) with current as reference (Iref)

• ϕ in (°) with voltage as reference (° ,Uref)

Impedance- and power measurementsFor these measurements, the result is calculatedusing 2 or 3 items. The measurement error obtaineddepends on the measurement errors for the itemsincluded (U, I and sometimes ϕ ).



Xm999-000 100.0

X99.9-00.1 10.0

X9.99-0.01 1.0

X999-001 1

Xk99.9-00.1 01

Xk9.99-0.01 001

Xk999-001 0001

For AC, the following items (X above) can bemeasured:

• Z (Ω and °)

• Z (Ω)

• R and X (Ω and Ω)

• P (W)

• S (VA)

• Q (VAr)

For DC, the following items (X above) can bemeasured:

• R (Ω)

• P (W)

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9.6 OtherInjection


Injection continues without any time limitation.

MomentaryInjection continues only as long as be button is keptdepressed.

Minimum momentary injection time is 0.1 s.

Max time

Injection stops automatically when the presetmaximum time is reached.

Max injection time: 99.9 s.

Resolution at max time: 0.1 s.


If filtering was selected, five successive readings areaveraged. The following can be filtered:

• Current

• Voltage

• Extra items that are measured

Off delay

The turning off of generation can be delayed aftertripping throughout a specified time interval that isexpressed in mains-frequency cycles.

Max off delay: 999 mains-frequency cycles.

Resolution at max off delay: 1 cycle.

MemoriesThere are four memories numbered 0 through 3.


The menus, prompts etc. can be expressed in one offive languages: English, German, French, Spanish orSwedish.

Set of resistors

egamhorotsiseR tnerrucxaM

5.0 Ω A01

1 Ω A7

52 Ω A2

001 Ω A7.0

005 Ω A3.0

k1 Ω A22.0

k5.2 Ω A11.0

Capacitor (Sverker 750)Capacitance: 10 μF

Max voltage: 450 V AC


egatlovsniaM tupnI.xaM




%01±CAV032 A6 zH06-05

%01±CAV511 A21 zH06-05


057rekrevS 067rekrevS esactropsnarT

)sbl1.83(gk3.71 )sbl5.93(gk9.71 )sbl6.71(gk0.8


067/057rekrevS esactropsnarT

htdiW )»8.31(mm053 )»0.42(mm016

htpeD )»6.01(mm072 )»8.01(mm572

thgieH )»7.8(mm022 )»8.31(mm053

Ambient temperaturesDuring use0 to +50°C ( +32 to +122°F)

During transportation-40 to +70°C ( -40 to +158°F)

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10 Maintenance10.1 Changing theposition of the switchfor mains frecuency(Sverker 760)1. Disconnect Sverker 760 from the mains.

2. Remove the 8 screws on the bottom ofSverker 760.

3. Lift the hood about 5 cm (2 inches).

4. Set the switch to the right position, seepicture below.

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IndexLow currents ……………………………………………….. 41


Magnetization curve ……………………………………. 51Maintenance……………………………………………….. 73Make/Break contact …………………………………15, 24Making settings …………………………………………… 26Measuring current ……………………………………….. 40Measuring voltage ………………………………………. 45Menu system ……………………………………………… 30


Numerical value ………………………………………….. 27Numerical value change ……………………………… 27


Off delay …………………………………………………….. 36Operate ………………………………………………………. 39Operating times ……………………………………..44, 45Overcurrent relays ……………………………………….. 55


Phase angle ……………………………………………46, 49Phase difference …………………………………………. 48Pick-up and drop-out limits ………………………….. 42Power relays……………………………………………….. 60Power supply …………………………………………16, 25


Recall …………………………………………………………. 37Remote control ……………………………………………. 37Resistor set and capacitor ……………………………. 15


Safety regulations …………………………………………. 6Save/Recall …………………………………………………. 37Select current output …………………………………… 40Set of resistors and capacitor ………………………. 24Setting mode ……………………………………………… 26Setting the desired current …………………………… 41Software …………………………………………………….. 38Specifications ……………………………………………… 67SW …………………………………………………………….. 38


Test mode …………………………………………………… 32Testing directional over-current relay…………….. 57


0-Level filter ……………………………………………….. 36


AC Voltage source ………………………………….14, 23Ammeter ……………………………………………………. 33Ammeter & voltmeter …………………………….13, 22Application examples ………………………………….. 54Automatic recloser ……………………………………… 52Auxiliary voltage …………………………………………. 47Auxiliary voltage source ………………………….14, 23


Break contact ………………………………………….15, 24Button functions …………………………………………. 27


Capacitor ……………………………………………….15, 24Change numerical value………………………………. 27Computer interface ……………………………………… 16Control panel ………………………………………………. 17Current source ………………………………………..10, 19


Direction indicator ………………………………………. 27Directional ground-fault relay syste ………………. 57Directional overcurrent relay ………………………… 57Display ……………………………………………. 12, 21, 35


External cycle time ………………………………………. 50


Finding pick-up and drop-out limits ……………… 43


Generating higher voltages …………………………. 46


High currents ………………………………………………. 41


Injecting current ………………………………………….. 39Injection ……………………………………………………… 32


Language ……………………………………………………. 38

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Testing motor overload releases ………………….. 64Testing over-current relays …………………………… 55Testing power relays ……………………………………. 60Testing under- voltage relays ……………………….. 62Testing voltage relays ………………………………….. 54Timer ……………………………………………… 11, 20, 35

Start conditions 11Stop conditions 11

Trip indicator ………………………………………….12, 21Trip pulse length …………………………………………. 53Troubleshooting ………………………………………….. 65


Undervoltage relays …………………………………….. 62


Voltage relays ………………………………………..47, 54Voltage source ……………………………………….14, 23Voltmeter ………………………………………… 13, 22, 33

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Subject to change without notice. Printed matter ZP-CD01E R05B 2007

S V E R K E R 7 5 0 / 7 6 0

3.1 General

This chapter presents a general description of

Sverker and the types of functions it performs. For

more detailed descriptions, please see Chapters 4

and 5.

Sverker 750 control panel

Sverker 760 control panel

The front panel of Sverker 760 is

almost the same as Sverker 750’s.

The differences are that there is

no capacitor terminals in the

upper left corner and the AC

voltage source has a phase-angle


P r o g r a m m a E l e c t r i c A B

Z P — C D 0 1 E R 0 5 A


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