Striction bp инструкция по применению на русском

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Торговое название


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Лекарственная форма

Капсулы 50 мг


Одна капсула содержит

активное вещество
– этифоксина гидрохлорид 50 мг,

вспомогательные вещества:
лактозы моногидрат, тальк очищенный, целлюлоза микрокристаллическая,
кремния диоксид коллоидный, магния стеарат,

капсулы —
(Е132), титана диоксид (Е171), желатин, вода очищенная,

крышечка- титана диоксид (Е
171), вода очищенная, желатин.


желатиновая капсула размера «2» с корпусом белого цвета и
крышечкой голубого цвета. Содержимое капсулы порошок белого цвета.

Фармакотерапевтическая группа

Препараты для лечения
заболеваний нервной системы.

Анксиолитики другие

Код АТС N05ВХ03

Фармакологические свойства


Этифоксина гидрохлорид хорошо
всасывается в желудочно-кишечном тракте. Быстро метаболизируется в
печени. Средняя максимальная концентрация этифоксина гидрохлорида и
его активного метаболита диэтилэтифоксина в крови достигается через
1-2 часа, проникает через плацентарный барьер. Начальные уровни
этифоксина гидрохлорида и активного метаболита в крови постепенно
уменьшаются на протяжении первых 2-х часов и 20 часов соответственно.
Период полувыведения этифоксина – 6 ч. Период полувыведения
диэтилэтифоксина 20 часов. Препарат и его основной метаболит
выводятся почками и кишечником.


В терапевтических дозах
этифоксина гидрохлорид обладает анксиолитическим действием.
Производное бензоксазина, обладает анксиолитической активностью в
меньшей степени оказывает седативное действие. Избирательно действует
на хлорные каналы супрамолекулярного ГАМК-бензодиазепинхлорионофор
рецепторного комплекса, ингибируя ГАМК-ергическую передачу

Показания к применению

— неврастенические состояния,
связанные со стрессовыми расстройствами, которые сопровождаются
тревогой, страхом и беспокойством

— тревожно­­ —
фобические расстройства

— вегетативные расстройства с
умеренно выраженным страхом, апатией, пониженной активностью.

Способ применения и дозы

Дозу и длительность курса
лечения врач определяет индивидуально, в зависимости от тяжести
заболевания. Взрослым назначают по 1 капсуле до еды по 2 – 3
раза в сутки. Максимальный курс лечения составляет 6 недель.

Побочные действия


— легкая сонливость


— кожная сыпь, отек Квинке

очень редко

крапивница, ангиодерматит


— повышенная чувствительность
к компонентам препарата

— шоковое состояние

— миастения

— тяжелые нарушения функции
печени, почек

— период беременности и

— десткий возрат до 18 лет

— одновременный прием этанола

Лекарственные взаимодействия

При одновременном применении
с лекарственными средствами, которые угнетают действие центральной
нервной системы (нейролептики, транквилизаторы, антидепрессанты,
антигистаминные, барбитураты, анальгетики, седативные), усиливает их
действия. Усиливает действия этанола.

Особые указания

В состав препарата входит
лактоза, поэтому не рекомендуется назначать больным с врожденной
галактоземией, с синдромом мальабсорбции глюкозы и галактозы или с
дефицитом лактозы.

Не рекомендуется употребление
алкоголя и применения других веществ центрального действия (
галоперидол, диазепам, имипрамин и т.д. ) во время лечения

В случае прекращения лечения
у пациентов не возникает синдрома отмены.

Особенности влияния
лекарственного средства на способность управлять транспортным
средством или потенциально опасными механизмами:

В период лечения необходимо
воздержаться от управления автотранспортом и потенциально опасными


вялость, чрезмерная

промывание желудка, в случае необходимости – симптоматическое
лечение. Специфического антидота не существует.

Форма выпуска и упаковка

20 капсул в контурной ячейковой упаковке из ПВХ и алюминиевой фольги.

По 3 контурной ячейковой
упаковке вместе с инструкцией по медицинскому применению на
государственном и русском языках помещают в картонную пачку

Условия хранения

Хранить в защищенном от света
месте, при температуре не выше 25 оС.

Хранить в недоступном для
детей месте!

Срок хранения

3 года

Не применять препарат после
истечения срока годности, указанного на упаковке.

Условия отпуска из аптек

По рецепту


Авеню Гальени, 94250 Жантилли- Франция


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1 капсула содержит:

Этифоксина гидрохлорид50мг

Лактозы моногидрат119 мг

Тальк15 мг

Целлюлоза микрокристаллическая 10 мг

Кремния диоксид коллоидный

безводный 3 мг

Магния стеарат3 мг

Состав оболочки капсулы:

титана диоксид (Е171)


индигокармин (Е132)

Гладкие блестящие желатиновые капсулы № 2 с белым корпусом и голубой крышечкой. Содержимое — порошок белого или белого с легким желтоватым оттенком цвета.

Разные анксиолитики Этифоксин. КОД АТХ: N05BX03.

Фармакологические свойства

Этифоксина гидрохлорид принадлежит к производным бензоксазина.

Анксиолитическое средство. Оказывает регулирующее действие на вегетативные проявления тревоги. Исследования на животных и человеке установили отсутствие синдрома отмены или способности вызывать зависимость (физическую или психическую).

ФАРМАКОКИНЕТИКА: быстро всасывается из ЖКТ, быстро метаболизируется в печени до образования нескольких метаболитов. Один из метаболитов (диэтилэтифоксин) является активным и его период полувыведения составляет около 20 часов.

Проникает через плацентарный барьер.

Время достижения максимальной концентрации в крови — 2-3 часа, период полу выведения — около 6 часов.

Выводится преимущественно с мочой в виде метаболитов, а также в неизмененном виде в небольших количествах. Также выводится с желчью.


Психосоматические проявления тревоги, такие как вегетативная дистония, особенно при заболеваниях сердечнососудистой системы.

Шоковые состояния, миастения, тяжелые нарушения функций печени и/или почек, гиперчувствительность.

Не рекомендуется использовать в возрасте до 18 лет.

Применение препарата при беременности и лактации

В качестве меры предосторожности, рекомендуемся избегать приёма этифоксина во время беременности независимо от срока.

Внутрь, с небольшим количеством воды.

Доза препарата определяется врачом, индивидуально, в зависимости от состояния больного.

Обычно назначается по 1 капсуле 3 раза в день, или по 2 капсулы 2 раза в день. (150-200 мг/сут)

Продолжительность лечения — от нескольких дней до нескольких недель.

Побочные действия

Незначительная сонливость, появляющаяся в первые дни приема и обычно исчезающая самостоятельно в процессе лечения; редко возможны кожные высыпания, а также аллергические реакции в виде крапивницы и отека Квинке.

Симптомы: вялость, чрезмерная сонливость. Лечение: промывание желудка большим количеством воды, симптоматическое лечение. Специфический антидот отсутствует.

Потенцирует действие препаратов, угнетающих ЦНС, таких, как опиоидные анальгетики, барбитураты, снотворные препараты, антигистаминные средства, нейролептики и др. Также усиливает воздействие алкоголя.

Особые указания

Из-за присутствия в составе препарата лактозы, препарат не должен использоваться при галактоземии, синдроме мальабсорбции глюкозы и галактозы, а также в случае лактазной недостаточности.

В случае пропуска приёма препарата не следует удваивать дозу при следующем приеме.

Влияние на способность управлять автомобилем и работать с механизмами

В связи с риском возникновения сонливости, следует во время лечения избегать управления автотранспортом и деятельности, требующей повышенного внимания, например, управления различными механизмами.



Форма выпуска

Капсулы; по 12 капсул в блистеры ПВХ/алюминий, по 2 блистера с инструкцией по применению в пачки картонные; или по 20 капсул в блистеры ПВХ/алюминий, по 3 блистера с инструкцией по применению в пачки картонные.

При температуре от 15°С до 25°С.

Хранить в недоступном для детей месте!

3 года.

Условия отпуска из аптеки

По рецепту.



7, avenue Gallieni,

94250 Gentilly, France


7, авеню Галльени,

94250 Жантийи, Франция.

Получить дополнительную информацию о препарате, а также направить свои претензии и информацию о нежелательных явлениях можно по следующему адресу:


107045, Россия, г. Москва, Последний пер., д.11, стр.1.

Тел.: 8-8200-491-0058 (бесплатный номер для звонков из Беларуси).

Тел.: +7(495)783-26-80.

Факс: +7(495)783-26-81.

e-mail: .

Адрес в сети Internet: .

Striction BP was formulated to offer an alternative to Supporting Healthy Blood Pressure already in the normal range.

High blood pressure threatens your health and quality of life. In most cases, the damage done by unhealthy blood pressure takes place over time. Left undetected or uncontrolled, it can lead to a multitude of risky health conditions.

Unfortunately; physicians have limited pharmaceutical treatment options and often prescribe medications that have undesirable side effects like Cough, Skin Rash, Nausea or Vomiting, Diarrhea or Constipation, Anxiousness, Sleep Problems, Dizziness or Light-headedness, Headache, Loss of taste, Erectile Dysfunction, Weight Loss or Gain, Lack of Energy and Depression.

The secret to Striction BP’s effectiveness is our unique and advanced formula containing a special type of cinnamon from Sri Lanka — called Ceylon Cinnamon. It is combined with optimal doses of the most active forms of Vitamin B6 (as Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate) and Magnesium Malate to create a potent alternative to pharmaceutical options. Numerous clinical studies have detailed the benefits of these natural ingredients in combating unhealthy blood pressure and we’re proud to have successfully been able to combine them all into a proprietary formulation that has received rave reviews.

Striction BP was developed to deliver the following benefits:

  • Supports Healthy Blood Pressure Already In The Normal Range*
  • Supports Healthy LDL Cholesterol Already In The Normal Range*
  • Supports Healthy Blood Sugar Already In The Normal Range*
  • Complete Nutrition for Supporting Heart Health*

Healthy Habits® has been serving our customers for about 2 decades now and we take great care to deliver only the safest and most effective ingredients in the ‘clinically studied’ doses for all of our supplements. Take advantage of our 365 Day No-Rush Satisfaction Guarantee to evaluate it for 365 days and if you don’t love it – you can take advantage of our “Best in Industry” Guarantee!

Caution: This product supports a healthy blood pressure level. Discuss it with your doctor if you are taking a prescription for blood pressure, and monitor your blood pressure regularly to prevent it dropping too low.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Are there any corn/corn by-products in your Striction BP product?

Here is the information we received from the cGMP manufacturer that makes it for us: «We are not testing for any allergenic corn
proteins in the finished product, and I see no potential sources of corn in the formula.»

Q: Does coffee/tea affect the benefits of StrictionBP?

Some people’s blood pressure is affected by caffeine, but not everyone. It may be a good idea to experiment with eliminating
caffeine if your blood pressure is high. Caffeine has a diuretic effect and is contraindicated for those who do not drink adequate
water. Dehydration is a common contributor to HBP.

Q: Is Striction BP a Statin Drug? That I have to take a CoQ-10 drug with this?

No, StrictionBP is not a natural statin and is not suggested for cholesterol lowering. StrictionBP has shown to be highly effective
for addressing the common triggers for elevated blood pressure.

Q: How many bottles should I order?

If you’re looking to experience a significant change, we recommend you invest in our discounted 3-bottle option. If however you want to experience the dramatic change that Striction BP can provide, we recommend our even further discounted 6-bottle option. These recommendations will ensure you have an ample supply of Striction BP on hand to achieve your goal without the need to re-order often. You can always return what you don’t use, if you achieve results even faster and these packages will allow you to take advantage of our lowest possible prices today.

Q: What are the ingredients and amounts used in the formula?

Refer to Striction BP label.

Q: How long do I have to use this product before I see results?

We expect you to see noticeable, results within 30 days and more profound results with prolonged, continued use. Moreover, many users report results within just days of beginning with Striction BP.

Q: Are there any allergy concerns with this product?

Like all of our products, Striction BP is made with natural ingredients with our ingredients listed on the product label. However, if you have any concerns you should consult your physicians before using or taking any of our products.

Q: If I have a medical condition, can I take this product?

Striction BP is made with natural ingredients and is considered safe and extremely effective for nearly everyone. However, if you take prescription medications or have a medical condition, we recommend that you show a bottle of Striction BP to your physician and/or pharmacist for proper approval. If however, for any reason, during this 365 day period you are unsatisfied with your purchase, just give us a call and we will be pleased to help you take advantage of our industry leading 365 Day Satisfaction Guarantee.

Q: How will this product be shipped to me and how quickly?

We will ship your order directly to your home or office using a premium carrier such as FedEx or USPS, and you can expect your order within 5 to 7 business days.

Q: Will anything else be sent to me, or billed to me, after I order?

No. This is NOT an auto-ship program. You only get 1 shipment with what you order today. Unless you have selected the «Subscribe & Save» autoship option.

Q: Is it safe to order online from your web site?

Yes. We use a 256-bit secure ordering server so you are protected the same as if you were ordering from or any other trusted Web site.

Q: How long will today’s special pricing be available?

We are unable to guarantee today’s pricing beyond today. Our pricing often changes due to the constantly changing prices of the high-quality, exotic ingredients used in Striction BP as well as supply and demand. To guarantee our lowest pricing, be sure to secure your order today.

Q: What if this product doesn’t work for me?

While Striction BP was designed to be effective based on the extensive research we completed, we do recognize that not all products work for all people. As such, we offer you a full 365 days to try the product and evaluate its effectiveness for yourself. We suggest you take at least 90 days to evaluate any product for effectiveness so that the ingredients have a chance to get into your cells and make a difference. If however, for any reason, during this 365 day period you are unsatisfied with your purchase, just give us a call and we will be pleased to help you take advantage of our industry leading 365 Day Satisfaction Guarantee.

Q: Is it OK to keep taking this product even after achieving my goals?

Striction BP is an all-natural formula that is completely safe for daily use. You may safely and confidently take Striction BP as long as needed to achieve your goal.

Q: If I am diabetic (type I or type II) should I use this product?

While the active ingredients in Striction BP are of premium quality, Striction BP does not treat, cure, or prevent any disease, such as diabetes. If you are on medication, you should continue to take your medication under the direction of your physician and must consult with your physician before using Striction BP. That said, don’t worry as you’re always protected by our 365 Day “No Rush” Satisfaction Guarantee. Shop with Healthy Habits and if for any reason you are not completely satisfied, simply call us at 800-604-6766 and we’ll make things right for you — guaranteed!

HomeDiabetes CareStrictionBP Review: Does it Really Work or Scam?

StrictionBP Review

Modern life brings modern problems. In this fast-paced world, automation has both a blessing and a curse. Many chronic diseases like hypertension are rising exponentially. Controlling your blood pressure within the normal course can be a tough job. This Strictionbp review will help you with this problem.

Having a hard time lowering your blood pressure? Don’t drugs seem to work for you? Strictionbp supplement is the answer for you. This revolutionary product will change your life forever. In this review of striction bp, we will go through everything you need to know about Strictionbp.

We will try to be true to our words. All the information provided here is authentic and transparent. Be ready to emerge into a new world of a stress-free life with your own Strictionbp. Continue on reading to learn more.

>>Visit Now Official Website Of StrictionBP<<

StrictionBP Review

You may have seen many reviews on Striction bp online or offline. Some may be good, some may be bad. This review on striction bp is neither one of those. We have carefully balanced every information. So, you can have a clear concept of this product.

In this StrictionBP pill review, we will also discuss some important queries related to the product. Please note that we did not write anything on our own. The manufacturer company and online reviews have helped us to collect the necessary information.

What is StrictionBP?

Striction BP provides a unique and proven combination of ingredients that delivers a knockout punch to hypertension. A natural supplement that will help you manage your blood pressure and lower bad cholesterol.

Striction bp is an excellent and new blood pressure supplement for managing high blood pressure. This product is a brainchild of the company GNC blood pressure is not a problem anymore.

The secret formula for this striction bp supplementary pills is a miracle of science. The key ingredients are Ceylon Cinnamon, Magnesium Malate, and Vitamin B6. This Striction bp formula has a dual-action. These ingredients are proven to lower your blood pressure including the systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

Many clinical trials have proven Striction bp‘s efficacy in reducing blood pressure levels. Additionally, it purifies your circulatory system, diminishes your bad cholesterol, and controls your basal sugar level. Striction bp also provides you with a pump of antioxidants, so your cells can function more evenly. As a result, your health status improves greatly.

Ingredient of Striction BP:

Striction bp ingredients are given below:

Ceylon Cinnamon:

Some people call it the true variety of cinnamon plants. Ceylon Cinnamon is one of the most praised and prized types of spice. It is an essential component of ancient traditional Medicine, indigenous to Sri Lanka. It has been used all over Southeast Asia for centuries as a holistic remedy. It has made its way into modern-day medicine. Around the world, this spice is highly used for its unmatched benefits.

Striction bp ingredients


Many scientists have found that magnesium is a powerful tool to dilate your blood vessels. This allows vessels to widen and reduces your blood pressure. It also relieves stress on the myocardial tissues. With excellent formulae, Striction bp gives it at maximum bioavailability.

Vitamin B6:

Vitamin B6 is a member of the vitamin B complex. Research shows that this is an important element of your cellular function. It lowers blood pressure and controls cholesterol levels in the blood.

Does StrictionBP Works?

Now comes the moment of truth – does Striction bp deliver what it promises? Does Striction bp formula work? The answer to both of them is yes. Strictionbp at GNC is always true to their words. The company has maintained a good reputation for the past half a decade.

At some point in life, we face daily moments that raise our blood pressure unexpectedly. Luckily enough for the majority, these sudden increments are not permanent. And these bear no chronic effect on our life. But, those who have been diagnosed with chronic hypertension aka high blood pressure suffer.

These may lead to an exponential increase in angina, brain stroke, heart failure, chronic kidney disease and lastly, death. To eliminate, you must control blood pressure aggressively. Many recommend lifestyle modifications and antihypertensive drugs.

For some unfortunate reasons, more than half of the patients, these proved to be insufficient. There comes striction bp is the play. This Striction bp advanced formula can be adjuvant therapy for moderate to severe hypertension.

How does StrictionBP Work?

Does Striction bp really work? If it does, how? This amazing product, StrictionBP, guarantees you a satisfying result. It is the company’s number one priority. If we recap to Striction bp formula review, this supplement only uses evidence-based proportion.

Striction BP has three main ingredients. Ceylon Cinnamon, Magnesium, and vitamin B6. The main Striction Bp blood pressure support comes from Ceylon Cinnamon. It is an important herb in traditional medicine.

This herb helps to detoxify your body fluids. The exact mechanism of this herb is yet to be discovered. Scientists claim that Ceylon Cinnamon releases some vasoactive chemicals in your blood. This dilates your vessel walls and reduces peripheral vascular resistance.

Cinnamon and magnesium for high blood pressure often used in alternative medicine. Although magnesium is used in allopathic medicine mostly for neurological disorders. Recently, it has been discovered that magnesium may have vasoactive properties. It dilates the vessel wall and therefore lowers your blood pressure.

Cinnamon also is one of the highest qualities of the antioxidant property. This is measured by Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity aka ORAC. Striction bp UK is ideal for hypertension. To control blood pressure it uses a pure and natural form of materials. Striction bp diabetes supplement is not like any other.

Where to Buy Striction BP?

Does the next question arise Striction bp where to buy? Unlike others, Striction bp blood pressure medicine is available around the globe. You can find it in online markets like Amazon. Or you can buy it at the local supermarket and pharmacy.

You can also find it on the Striction bp website. Guess what, Striction bp at GNC is as good as Striction bp at Walmart. The company provides a unique batch number for each sample.

Not looking for Striction bp Amazon, buy it from the Official Site.

Where to Buy Striction BP

You will find a Striction bp contact number on their official page. It is the Striction bp customer care phone number accessible all around the world.

How to use Striction BP?

As Striction bp GNC is a supplemental pill for adults, there are some certain rules. Most dietary tablets recommend dividing the dose into smaller intervals. The time may vary from person to person. The rule of thumb is to take four to five pills daily. You may consult your doctor before starting it. Regarding Striction bp Dr. Oz said to follow the same timing.

Take Striction bp with breakfast in the morning. Take the pills before the meal. Add 2 more pills with supper. You may follow the chart of a healthcare professional. To achieve the best effort, add this to your normal lifestyle. Try to eat healthy foods. Do some lightweight exercises like walking, skipping ropes, running, benching, etc.  practice to sleep at least seven to eight hours a day. Drink a lot of water.

Every Striction bp review warns you not to exceed the appropriate dose. This healthcare product is not for following individuals – pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, people under the age of eighteen.  Those who have any medical disorder, do not use it without any indication. We always request every consumer to consult a healthcare professional. It is applicable to using Striction BP or any kind of supplements.

Striction BP for Manage Diabetes:

Striction bp may be one of the blood pressure support supplements. But it’s efficiency does not stop there. Striction bp shark tank just keeps on giving more and more. In addition to lowering blood pressure, it also has an effect on your blood sugar levels. You may wonder, how this works? Is this true at all? Well, it is very much true.

Additional benefits of Striction bp blood pressure support are numerous. The scientists consider high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus, and obesity as a part of a syndrome complex. The name is metabolic syndrome. If you can control one portion of this syndrome, others will reverse. Striction bp supplement lowers your blood pressure. In turn, it also lowers your blood sugar levels. The underlying mechanism is still up to research.

For obtaining optimal health Striction bp maybe your helping hand. Ceylon Cinnamon, one of the Striction bp ingredients, may have an effect on hepatic metabolism. Some say that Strictionbp pills may reduce the amount of gluconeogenesis and accelerate glycogenesis. So, more and more glucose is converted to glycogen and stored in the liver. Your blood sugar comes down to the normal range.

In many Striction BP pills reviews, some proclaimed Striction bp diabetes supplement is not an active product. It may not be sufficient to control your blood sugar levels adequately. So, using Striction bp diabetes can be easily controlled.

Benefits of Striction BP:

Striction BP supplement reviews show many examples of additional benefits of it. To understand this product further, we have collaborated on all the benefits in one place. Strictionbp gives you the following benefits:

Lowering blood pressure

Unlike others, Striction bp Australia provides you with all-natural and highly potent ingredients. The company, GNC uses a formula that begins within a short time. It takes about ten to twenty minutes to reach maximum bioavailability. Strictionbp has an effect on both systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

Reducing bad cholesterol

Ceylon Cinnamon, one of the most prominent ingredients of Striction BP, has an effect on lipid metabolism. Research has proven Striction BP’s efficacy. It can reduce LDL aka the bad cholesterol by seven to twenty-seven percent. Furthermore, it can reduce triglycerides by twenty-four to thirty percent.

Controlling the blood sugar levels

Striction BP modulates your sugar metabolism and peripheral uptake. Striction BP has been proven to lower your blood sugar levels by eighteen to twenty-nine percent. For type two diabetes mellitus, this supplement also improves insulin resistance of targeted tissues.

Giving antioxidants to cells

As Ceylon Cinnamon extract is believed to be one of the best antioxidants, Striction BP is unbeatable. It breaks down excessive free reactive oxygen species. In the long term, it reduces the risk of age-related diseases like stroke, chronic kidney disease, myocardial infarction, etc. It also has a protective effect against degenerative diseases especially Parkinson ‘s disease.

Striction BP Side Effects:

By using Striction bp blood pressure is not a problem anymore. But is this supplement entirely free of side effects? Well, there is no ideal drug like that. Look at other medications used for hypertension. They may cause more harm than good.

Some of those drugs can cause a lot of side effects, which exceeds health benefits. We have listed the most important disadvantages of these antihypertensive drugs. Take note these are documented and purely evidence-based.

For example – Erectile dysfunction, leg pain, weight gain, muscular weakness, exacerbation of asthma, skin rash, heart failure, chronic kidney disease, etc.

But these symptoms are completely absent in Striction BP. This supplement is good for you, especially if you are having trouble with pressure control. Some consumers may face mild health issues if they are hypersensitive to any ingredients. You may the following Striction bp side effects:

  1. Mild allergic reaction in allergic people
  2. Minor gut symptoms e.g. blotting, incontinence, heartburn, etc.
  3. Sleep disturbance
  4. It may cause hypotension

Is Striction BP Safe?

Is Striction BP safe? Can you use it for your high blood pressure? Without a doubt, the answer is yes. The majority of other Striction bp reviews have declared it as a safe alternative to other antihypertensive drugs. You surely are aware of the side effects of those. In comparison, Striction BP is more beneficial. So, why worry?

Other than that, the company has always been serious about the end result. You will be surprised to learn about the health benefits you can have from Striction BP. The company even offers a money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied with it. Within the sixty days of purchase of Striction BP, you can return the unused pills. The company will pay for you even if the supplement is less than the original amount.

Disclaimer: This article on Striction bp review is for reference uses. It is never a substitute for professional health care. Always read labels and directions on the package before using it or any other supplements. Above mentioned facts regarding this pill have not been approved by the FDA. Always contact your doctor before starting Striction BP.

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Striction bp Real Customer Reviews:

Striction bp always delivers what it promises. Hundreds of real Striction bp customer reviews prove the same thing. The company always prioritizes quality over quantity. Striction bp customer service is 24/7 available for anyone from anywhere. They provide real Striction bp phone numbers and addresses.

We have added some customer reviews from the official website of the Striction BP. These are:

  1. Adams form PA says, “ I have been using this product for about two weeks now. Trust me, I have never been this much satisfied. My blood pressure used to be above 180/100 mm Hg. Now, it has come down to 120/70 mm Hg. All thanks to Striction BP!

  2. Schroeder from Elk Grove, CA reports, “ My doctor warned me of using other supplements. He told me that if my blood pressure would have gone any higher, he would prescribe drugs. I am always looking for all-natural methods of treatment. Then my friend recommended Striction bp. My blood pressure is now normal. Thank you Striction bp!

  3. Joyce B, Redding, CA says, “Praise the Lord for these natural ingredients. They lowered my blood pressure better than my previous prescription drugs. I have been struggling to control my pressure quite some time now. But now I feel better than ever before. I love the product!

  4. Raven, Brookhaven, New York claims, “ I have been using Striction BP for almost a month. Prior to the use, my blood pressure used to be 140 over 90 or more. Now, my blood pressure is stable. The last reading I got is 127 over 70 mm Hg. All thanks to strictionbp!

Striction BP Pros and Cons:

Now let’s summarize everything we know about Striction bp. We have listed every pro and con of this product in bullet formation for easier interpretation. The Striction bp pros and cons are the following:


  • Striction BP works effectively for moderate to severe hypertension.
  • It controls your blood pressure within the normal range.
  • Its ingredients are from natural and organic sources.
  • It does not alter your normal physiological state.
  • It improves blood flow to vital organs such as the brain, kidney, heart, etc.
  • It has a beneficiary effect on your hepatic function.
  • It reduces bad cholesterol and triglyceride.
  • For diabetics patients, it improves their insulin resistance.
  • It lowers blood sugar levels by increasing uptake into the cells.
  • It gives you a large number of antioxidants.
  • It destroys oxidative agents and protects your body from harm.
  • It reduces the risk of geriatric and degenerative diseases.
  • It has almost zero side effects.
  • It improves your health as a whole.


  • Striction BP may cause some allergic reactions in hypertensive individuals.
  • It may cause some gut issues, mostly during the first time use.
  • It may fail to control blood pressure in some people.
  • It may abruptly decrease blood pressure.
  • The FDA still has not approved this product.
  • It is not for children with hypertension.

The Bottom Line:

We are at the end of this Striction bp review. From start to bottom, we tried to be as neutral as possible. All information is true. We hope this article will help to choose the right supplement for effective blood pressure control.

Science may have advanced a long way but in the end, we owe everything to nature. What is better than all-natural medicine for you? Thanks for sticking with it throughout the article. Best of luck!

The FAQs About StrictionBP

Q. Does GNC sell Striction BP?

Answer: Yes, the company GNC sells the original Striction BP. This product works like a blood pressure-lowering supplement. It also has many additional benefits for your health.

Q. Can I buy the Striction bp at Walmart?

Answer: Yes, you can buy Striction bp at Walmart. Whether you buy it online or offline, you will get the same quality. Though pricing can vary from one another. We recommend buying it from the official site.

Q. Is Striction bp FDA approved?

Answer: Unfortunately, the answer is no. The FDA yet to approve the supplement. Because the market trials need several years. But all the ingredients of Striction BP is approved by the FDA. So, you can try it for the moment.

Q. Is Striction bp good?

Answer: Striction BP is good for your health. This product is 100 percent natural. So, you have side effects. Plus, it gives some extra benefits. For example, controlling blood sugar and cholesterol levels. It also gives protection from oxidation stress.

Q. Can Ceylon cinnamon lower your blood pressure?

Answer: Yes, Ceylon Cinnamon can lower your blood pressure. The underlying mechanism is yet to be researched. The best-known theory is that it releases some vasoactive agents into the blood and widens your vessels. It gives blood to flow through more space.

Q. What supplements help in lowering blood pressure?

Answer: There are many supplements for lowering blood pressure. Every product is different in its own way. We highly recommend Striction BP for you. It has more benefits than others. Striction BP has a lesser extent of side effects.

Q. How can I lower my blood pressure?

Answer: there are many ways to lower blood pressure. Some prefer medication, some prefer lifestyle change. Using a supplement to your regular medicines is more efficient.



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