Эта опция позволяет
увеличить количество
полосканий в программах
стирки белья из прочных
Советуем пользоваться этой
опцией, когда стиральная
машина загружена
полностью, а также в
случаях, когда имеет место
п о в ы ш е н н а я
чувствительность к
стиральным порошкам
(контактная аллергия).
Кнопка включения /
Нажатие кнопки G включает
машину. Если кнопка G не
нажата, то машина вы-
ключена. Выключение ма-
шины не отменяет задан-
ную программу.
Индикатор включения /
Индикатор H мигает, когда
машина включена и ожида-
ет ввода программы. Если
H горит
постоянно, это означает, что
выбранная программа
Легкое глажение
Эта функция позволяет про-
изводить стирку без образо-
вания складок на белье, об-
легчая в последующем его
глажение. Кнопку D можно
использовать только с про-
граммами 3-5 (хлопок), 6-7
(синтетика)10. При нажатии
этой кнопки на программах
4-5-6-7-10 рукоятка програм-
матора остановится на сим-
воле . Вы можете завер-
шить стирку повторным
нажатием кнопки D.
Внимание: эту функцию
нельзя использовать вмес-
те с функцией «Выведение
пятен» (кнопка E).
Рукоятка выбора
Рукоятка используется для
выбора температуры стирки
согласно таблице программ
(cм. c. 9). Кроме того, с по-
мощью этой рукоятки вы
можете установить темпера-
туру ниже рекомендованной
или выполнить холодную
стирку (символ
Кнопка исключения
Нажатием кнопки
исключается режим отжима
(символ ) или понижается
скорость отжима, предус-
мотренная программой.
Максимальная скорость
вращения барабана при от-
max об./мин;
синтетика 800 об./мин;
600 об./мин;
Распределение массы бе-
лья по барабану всегда вы-
полняется на малых оборо-
Рукоятка выбора
и запуска программы
Рукоятка используется для
выбора программы стирки.
Вращайте рукоятку только по
часовой стрелке.
Чтобы выбрать программу,
поверните рукоятку А и со-
вместите метку на рукоятке с
с и м в о л о м / н о м е р о м
желаемой программы.
Теперь нажмите кнопку
включения/ выключения G
(положение I включено),
индикатор включения/
начнет мигать. Через 5 сек.
установка будет принята, ин-
дикатор H перестанет мигать
(будет гореть постоянно) и
начнется цикл стирки.
Если вы хотите прервать ра-
ботающую программу или за-
пустить другую, установите ру-
коятку А на один из символов
l (Стоп / Сброс) и подождите
5 сек.; когда отмена програм-
мы будет принята, индикатор
H начнет мигать: с этого мо-
мента вы можете установить
новую программу или
выключить оборудование,
если хотите добавить белье
для стирки. Подождите при-
близительно 2 минуты
прежде, чем открыть дверцы
Панель управления
Важно сделать правильный
выбор. И это очень просто!
«Здесь командую я»
Также вы можете использо-
вать эту рукоятку для уста-
новки отложенного старта
Выберите одну из 4-х
з а п р о г р а м м и р о в а н н о г о
(через 12, 9, 3 или 1
час), нажмите кнопку
включения / выключения G
(положение I включено).
Через 5 сек., когда установ-
ка будет принята (индикатор
включения/выключения H
перестанет мигать и будет
гореть постоянно), вы
можете выбрать желаемую
Указанием на то, что задан
отложенный старт
программы, служит особый
режим работы индикатора:
2 сек. горит, 4 сек.
После того, как заданная про-
грамма была принята,
любые изменения положе-
ния рукоятки А будут беспо-
лезны, за исключением уста-
новки в положение l (Стоп /
Удаление пятен
(см. стр. 12-13)
Этой кнопкой задается ре-
жим усиленной стирки, при
котором возрастает эффек-
тивность действия жидких
добавок удаляются самые
стойкие загрязнения.
После нажатия этой кнопки
вы не сможете задейство-
вать режим предваритель-
ной стирки.
с обозначениями
R e s e t
Инструкции по установке и использованию
Раздел: Бытовая, кухонная техника, электроника и оборудование
Тип: Стиральная Машина
Характеристики, спецификации
Дополнительное полоскание:
Отложенный старт:
1/ 3/ 9/ 12 ч
»Ручная стирка» шерсти:
Тип управления:
Уровень шума при стирке:
60 дБ
Уровень шума при отжиме:
71 дБ
Защита от протечек:
доп. опция
Наим. защиты от протечек:
Габаритные размеры (В*Ш*Г):
85*40*60 см
Максимальная загрузка:
5 кг
Макс. скорость отжима:
850 об/мин
Энергопотребление за цикл:
0.95 кВтч
Класс энергоэффективности:
Потребляемая мощность:
2100 Вт
Тип загрузки:
Инструкция к Стиральной Машине Ariston AT 84
AT 84
Instructions for
installation and use
Consigli per lavare meglio
The secrets
dinstallation et demploi
Èíñòðóêöèè ïî óñòàíîâêå è
of fabrics
How to get better results
Beüzemelési és
használati utasítás
Instrucciones para la
instalación y el uso
Class A at
The first washing ma-
chine to give a perfect
wash at only 40°C
Top loading
washing machine
The first washing
machine to have «The
Woolmark Company»
and easy to use
k Guidek Guide
k Guidek Guide
k Guide
Here are the 12 topics explained in this manual. Read,
learn and have fun: you will discover many secret ways
to get a better wash, more easily and making your
washing machine last longer. And especially keeping
an eye on safety.
Installation and removal (p. 2) Installation and removal (p. 2)
Installation and removal (p. 2)
Installation and removal (p. 2) Installation and removal (p. 2)
Installation, after delivery or transport, is the most important
operation for the correct functioning of your washing machine.
Always check:
1. That the electric system complies with the law;
2. That the inlet and draining pipes are connected correctly;
3. That the washing machine is levelled properly: something
worth checking for the life of your washing machine and the
quality of your wash;
That the tub fastening screws (on the back of the appliance)
That the tub fastening screwsThat the tub fastening screws
That the tub fastening screwsThat the tub fastening screws
have been removed.
have been removedhave been removed
have been removedhave been removed
Useful tips to avoid mistakes (p.
Useful tips to avoid mistakes (p. Useful tips to avoid mistakes (p.
Useful tips to avoid mistakes (p. Useful tips to avoid mistakes (p.
Safety for you and your children (p. 3)Safety for you and your children (p. 3)
Safety for you and your children (p. 3)Safety for you and your children (p. 3)
Safety for you and your children (p. 3)
Years back, our grandmothers were the ones who gave us good
advice — and in those days synthetic fibres did not exist: washing
Here you will find the necessary guidelines for the safety of
was easy. Today, your washing machine gives you helpful
your entire household. Because safety is very important indeed.
What goes in your washing machine andWhat goes in your washing machine and
What goes in your washing machine andWhat goes in your washing machine and
What goes in your washing machine and
How to close the drum (p. 9)How to close the drum (p. 9)
How to close the drum (p. 9)How to close the drum (p. 9)
How to close the drum (p. 9)
how to start it (p. 4)
how to start it (p. 4)how to start it (p. 4)
how to start it (p. 4)how to start it (p. 4)
Open and shut the doors fully for a safe wash cycle.
A correct distribution of your laundry is vital both to the successful
outcome of the wash and to the life of your appliance. Learn all
the tips and secrets to dividing your linen: colour, type of fabric
The detergent dispenser (p. 10)
The detergent dispenser (p. 10)The detergent dispenser (p. 10)
The detergent dispenser (p. 10)The detergent dispenser (p. 10)
and tendency of creating fuzz are the most important criteria.
How to use the detergent dispenser.
Understanding the control panel (p. 5)Understanding the control panel (p. 5)
Understanding the control panel (p. 5)Understanding the control panel (p. 5)
Understanding the control panel (p. 5)
lems and solutions (p.lems and solutions (p.
lems and solutions (p.lems and solutions (p.
lems and solutions (p.
11 and 12)
11 and 12) 11 and 12)
11 and 12) 11 and 12)
The control panel is very simple. It has only a few essential
buttons to help you choose any type of wash cycle, ranging
from the most energetic, capable of cleaning a mechanic’s
Before calling a technician, read these pages: immediate
overalls, to the most delicate for wool. Familiarising with it will
solutions may be found for a number of problems. If the problem
help you get the best out of your wash, while spending less and
persists, call Ariston customer services and any failure will be
helping your washing machine last longer. It’s easy.
repaired as soon as possible.
Guide to the wash programmes (p. 6)
Guide to the wash programmes (p. 6)Guide to the wash programmes (p. 6)
Guide to the wash programmes (p. 6)Guide to the wash programmes (p. 6)
Care and maintenance (p.Care and maintenance (p.
Care and maintenance (p.Care and maintenance (p.
Care and maintenance (p.
13) 13)
13) 13)
Herein is an easy table to help you choose the right programme,
Your washing machine is a true friend: with just a bit of care, it
temperature, detergents and possible additives. Choose the
will repay you with loyalty and devotion.
right programme and you will get better results with your wash
With the necessary upkeep, it will wash for years and years to
while saving time, water and energy, day after day.
Guide to understanding labels and symbols (p. 7-8) Guide to understanding labels and symbols (p. 7-8)
Guide to understanding labels and symbols (p. 7-8) Guide to understanding labels and symbols (p. 7-8)
Guide to understanding labels and symbols (p. 7-8)
hnical fhnical f
hnical fhnical f
hnical f
eatures (p.
eatures (p.eatures (p.
eatures (p.eatures (p.
14) 14)
14) 14)
The international symbols on the labels of your garments are
Herein are the technical features of your washing machine:
easy to understand and equally important for the success of
model type number, electric and water specifications, size,
your wash. The guide includes simple instructions to help you
capacity, speed of the spin cycle and compliance with Italian
choose the suitable wash programme, the right temperature,
and European rules and regulations.
wash cycles, ironing methods and specific Ariston symbols.
1 Instructions for installation and use
Installation and removal
When the
When theWhen the
When theWhen the
appliance arrives
appliance arrivesappliance arrives
appliance arrivesappliance arrives
Whether new or just transported to a new house, installation is extremely
important for the correct functioning of your washing machine.
After removing the appliance
Do not throw the blocking
from its packaging, check that
screws and the spacers
it is intact. If in doubt, contact
away. In the event of a
a qualified technician
removal, they can be used
The inside of theThe inside of the
The inside of the
The inside of theThe inside of the
to block the components
machine is blocked, for
machine is blocked, formachine is blocked, for
machine is blocked, formachine is blocked, for
inside the appliance again
transportation, by fourtransportation, by four
transportation, by four
transportation, by fourtransportation, by four
and so protect it during
screws and rubber washersscrews and rubber washers
screws and rubber washersscrews and rubber washers
screws and rubber washers
on the back panel.
on the back panel.on the back panel.
on the back panel.on the back panel.
Unblocking: removeUnblocking: remove
Unblocking: removeUnblocking: remove
Unblocking: remove
the 4 screws!
the 4 screws!the 4 screws!
the 4 screws!the 4 screws!
Connection to the waterConnection to the water
Connection to the waterConnection to the water
Connection to the water
Electric connection
Electric connectionElectric connection
Electric connectionElectric connection
Before connecting the
Water pressure must range
appliance to the electric
within the values indicated on
socket, be sure that:
the data plate on the rear of
1) the electric socket is able
your washing machine.
to sustain the appliance’s
Connect the inlet hose
maximum power load
(situated unassembled inside
The hook to be used in case the
indicated on the data plate
the drum) to a cold water tap
drain hose ends at a height
and in compliance with the
with a 3/4 gas threaded mouth.
below 60 cm.
If the water pipes are new or
left unused, run the water until
2) the supply voltage is
it is clear and free of debris.
included within the values
Attach the hose to the
If the hose drains into a tub or
indicated on the data
appliance, in line with the
sink, apply the plastic guide
appropriate water pipe inlet at
and tie it to the tap.
3) the socket is compatible
the top right.ù
with the appliance’s plug.
If not, do not use adapters,
Before using the washing
but replace either the
remove the
remove theremove the
remove theremove the
socket or the plug;
screws, remove the rubber
4) electric household appli-
washers with the relative
ances must be equipped
spacer (keeping all the parts)
with an «earthing» system,
and use the plastic tabs
5) that the machine is not
provided to fill in the holes.
The guide for draining into tubs
placed on top of the power
Warning: should the screws
and sinks.
supply cable once the
be re-used, make sure you
Water hose inlet to be fitted to
connection has been
fasten the shorter at the top.
the top right.
The hose must never
The hose must neverThe hose must never
The hose must neverThe hose must never
Connecting the drain hoseConnecting the drain hose
Connecting the drain hoseConnecting the drain hose
Connecting the drain hose
remain immerremain immer
remain immerremain immer
remain immer
sed in watersed in water
sed in watersed in water
sed in water
The washing machine must be
On the back of the appliance,
Extensions are inadvisable. In
Any modifications made to the
levelled appropriately in order to
towards the top, you will find a
case of absolute need, the
factory settings or an irregu-
guarantee its correct functioning.
hook onto which you should
extension must have the same
lar electric connection, any
o leo le
o leo le
o le
vel the appliance
vel the appliancevel the appliance
vel the appliancevel the appliance
the f the f
the f the f
the f
fasten the drain hose if
diameter as the original hose
must be adjusted; the angle of
must be adjustedmust be adjusted
necessary. Insert the other end
electrical, mechanical or hy-
must be adjustedmust be adjusted
and must not exceed 150 cm
inclination, measured according
in a wall draining duct or place
in length. In case of wall
draulic modification whatso-
to the worktop, must not exceed
it on the edge of a sink or tub
draining pipes, their efficiency
ever to the appliance shall
2°. When placed on fitted carpet,
avoiding excessive kinks and
must be checked by a qualified
render the guarantee invalid
make sure the ventilation is not
It should be placedIt should be placed
It should be placedIt should be placed
It should be placed
technician. If the dwelling is on
and shall relieve the manufac-
obstructed within its surroundings.
at a height ranging from 60 to
at a height ranging from 60 toat a height ranging from 60 to
at a height ranging from 60 toat a height ranging from 60 to
one of the upper floors of a
turer and retailer of any and
100 cm.
100 cm.100 cm.
100 cm.100 cm.
building, there may be drain
In case it is necessary to fix the
all liability.
trap problems causing the
end of the hose at a height
washing machine to load and
below 60 cm from the ground,
Plastic bags, polystyrene
unload water continuously.
foam, screws and other
it must be fixed in the
In order to avoid such an
packaging parts are not
appropriate hook placed on
inconvenience, special anti-
children’s toys, and are
the back panel as mentioned
drain trap valves are available
potentially dangerous.
The feet are adjustable.
in shops.
Instructions for installation and use
More and more important
our safour saf
our safour saf
our saf
ety and that of
ety and that ofety and that of
ety and that ofety and that of
Your washing machine has been built in compliance
with the strictest international safety regulations.
our c
our cour c
our cour c
To protect you and all your family.
Read these indications and all
on the left beneath the
Never use extensions or
Never use extensions orNever use extensions or
Never use extensions orNever use extensions or
abundance of foam could
the information in this manual
base, and the retractable
multiple plugs, which are
multiple plugsmultiple plugs
multiple plugsmultiple plugs
come out from the lid and
carefully: they are an important
wheels will appear, thus
particularly dangerous in
cause damage.
source, not only of numerous
allowing for easy move-
humid environments. The
Never pull on the plugNever pull on the plug
Never pull on the plug or
Never pull on the plugNever pull on the plug
useful tips, but also of vital
power supply cable must
the washing machine to
information on safety, use and
5. Before loading the
never be bent or dange-
disconnect it from the wall
washing machine,
rously compressed.
socket: it is extremely
sure the drum is emptysure the drum is empty
sure the drum is empty.
sure the drum is emptysure the drum is empty
1. In case of malfunctioning,
1. In case of malfunctioning,1. In case of malfunctioning,
1. In case of malfunctioning,1. In case of malfunctioning,
Do not remove the filter
Do not remove the filterDo not remove the filter
Do not remove the filterDo not remove the filter
first unplug the appliancefirst unplug the appliance
first unplug the appliancefirst unplug the appliance
first unplug the appliance
Never touch the washingNever touch the washing
Never touch the washing
Never touch the washingNever touch the washing
while the appliance is on.
while the appliance is on.while the appliance is on.
while the appliance is on.while the appliance is on.
10.While the appliance is
from the wall socket and turn
from the wall socket and turnfrom the wall socket and turn
from the wall socket and turnfrom the wall socket and turn
machine when barefoot
machine when barefootmachine when barefoot
machine when barefootmachine when barefoot
Do not use hand wash
Do not use hand washDo not use hand wash
Do not use hand washDo not use hand wash
do not touch
do not touchdo not touch
do not touchdo not touch
off the water tap; do not under
off the water tapoff the water tap
off the water tapoff the water tap
with wet or damp
with wet or dampwith wet or damp
with wet or dampwith wet or damp
detergent because the
the drain waterthe drain water
the drain waterthe drain water
the drain water as it could
any circum-stances touch
hands or feethands or feet
hands or feet.
hands or feethands or feet
reach very high tempera-
internal parts in order to
Keep it out ofKeep it out of
Keep it out ofKeep it out of
Keep it out of
attempt repairs. This will also
children’s reach.
children’s reachchildren’s reach
children’s reachchildren’s reach
render the guarantee invalid.
force the washingforce the washing
force the washing
force the washingforce the washing
The washing machineThe washing machine
The washing machineThe washing machine
The washing machine
machine doormachine door
machine door because this
machine doormachine door
should not be installed in
should not be installed inshould not be installed in
should not be installed inshould not be installed in
could damage the safety
an outdoor environmentan outdoor environment
an outdoor environment,
an outdoor environmentan outdoor environment
«I only want an authorised
block on the opening,
not even when a roof
specialised technician with
original Ariston spare
which serves to protect
shelters the area, because
from accidental openings.
it may be very dangerous
to leave it exposed to rain
This appliance is intendedThis appliance is intended
This appliance is intendedThis appliance is intended
This appliance is intended
and thunderstorms.
for domestic use.for domestic use.
for domestic use.for domestic use.
for domestic use.
It must only be used byIt must only be used by
It must only be used byIt must only be used by
It must only be used by
Industrial use (in hotels,
adults adults
adults and exclusively for
adults adults
restaurants and laundries)
washing clothes following
compromises its original
the instructions provided in
manufacturing charac-
this manual.
teristics and invalidates the
4. Should it have to be moved,
pull the white lever, situated
How to change the power supply cableHow to change the power supply cable
How to change the power supply cable
How to change the power supply cableHow to change the power supply cable
The power supply cable is spe-
2. Remove the appliance base
3. Disconnect the electricity sup-
5. Once you have positioned
cial and can be purchased ex-
and unscrew the 2 screws on
ply to the radio interference sup-
the new power supply cable, re-
clusively from authorised
the bottom right-hand side, then
presser by removing the connec-
connect the connector, making
Ariston Technical Service Cen-
unscrew the 6 rear screws, on
tor (fig. 3).
sure the safety hook is securely
the left-hand side, and remove
in place.
the side panel by tipping it
4. Unscrew the 2 outer filter fas-
You must contact a qualified
To replace it, do as follows:
slightly outwards and pulling it
tening screws and, with the help
professional to replace the
1. Make sure that the washing
out. (fig. 1 and 2).
of a screwdriver (see fig. 4), re-
power supply cable. The same
machine is switched off and un-
lease it from the back panel by
must respect the applicable
pulling upwards.
norms in force.
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Fig. 4
3 Instructions for installation and use
What goes in yWhat goes in y
What goes in yWhat goes in y
What goes in y
our washing macour washing mac
our washing macour washing mac
our washing mac
Before washing, you can do a great deal for better results. Divide your garments according to fabric and colour.
Read the labels and follow their indications. Alternate small items with large ones.
Before washing.
Before washing.Before washing.
Before washing.Before washing.
Alternate small items
Alternate small itemsAlternate small items
Alternate small itemsAlternate small items
Dividing your garments
Divide your washing according
with large ones.with large ones.
with large ones.with large ones.
with large ones.
to the type of fabric and colour
according to fabric and
resistance: sturdy fabrics should
Unfold all your washing. Place
colour is very important
be separated from delicate
it loose inside the drum and
for good results.
follow the indications as to the
Light colours should be
recommended load quantity for
separated from dark ones.
the different wash programmes.
Empty all pockets (coins, paper,
Your clothes will come out
money and small objects) and
cleaner and with fewer creases.
check the buttons. Mend
Garments treated withGarments treated with
immediately or remove loose
Garments treated withGarments treated with
Garments treated with
ol-based stain remool-based stain remo
ol-based stain remool-based stain remo
buttons as they could fall off
ol-based stain remo
during the wash cycle.
Do not place garments in your
washing machine that have
The labels say it all.
The labels say it all.The labels say it all.
been treated with petrol, pure
The labels say it all.The labels say it all.
Always look at the labels: they
alcohol, trichlorethylene etc.
tell you everything about your
until these products have
garment and how to wash it in
evaporated completely.
the best way possible.
The table on page 7 shows you
all the secrets of the symbols
found on labels. Their
indications are a valuable guide
to a better wash and to longer
lasting clothes.
w to starw to star
w to starw to star
w to star
t the appliance
t the appliancet the appliance
t the appliancet the appliance
Putting your appliance
in place and moving it.
If your washing machine is
equipped with a special set of
retractable wheels you can
easy move it. To lower the
wheels and thus move the
appliance effortlessly, just pull
the lever, situated on the left-
hand side beneath the base.
Once the appliance is in the
required position, put the lever
back in place. The washing
See figure. (Just for equipped
machine is now firmly in place.
After installing your new washing machine, start a wash cycle (with the appliance empty) by setting programme
«1» at 60 degrees C.
Starting the washing machine
1. The appliance doors are
consult the table on page 6. Turn
Then turn the washing machine
in the right way is important for
firmly shut.
knob A and set it to the number
off by pressing ON-OFF button
the quality of your wash, for
2. The plug is inserted in the
corresponding to the desired
G (O position). You can now
preventing problems and for
programme. Select the
open the washing machine
lengthening the life of your
3. The water tap is turned on.
temperature using knob B, in
doors safely. After having
appliance. After loading your
4. button G is on the O position.
the case turn the knob C
removed the freshly cleaned
washing and pouring in the
5. The set of retractable wheels
selecting the spin speed and, if
washing, leave the doors open
detergent together with any
is stored away (i.e. the wheels
necessary, press the function
or ajar so that the humidity left
additives, always check that:
are not touching the floor).
buttons (D-E-F); finally press the
inside can evaporate.
Choose the desired program-
ON-OFF button G (position I).
Always turn the water tap off.
For delicate garments:
Don’t forget to select “12h, 9h,
protect underwear, tights
The programme is selected
3h 1 h” (one position) whether
Remember that, in the event
and stockings, children’s
according to the type of
you need such delaied wash.
of a power failure, or should
socks and delicate items
garments that need to be
At the end of the wash cycle…
the washing machine switch
by placing them in a
washed and how dirty these are.
Wait for approximately two
itself off, the programme
canvas pouch
To select the programme,
selected will start up again
from where it was interrupted.
Instructions for installation and use
Understanding the control panel
Here I’m in command
Here I’m in commandHere I’m in command
Here I’m in commandHere I’m in command
Making the right choice is important. And it’s easy.
The knobThe knob
The knobThe knob
The knob
with your washing
with your washingwith your washing
with your washingwith your washing
machine’s wash
machine’s washmachine’s wash
machine’s washmachine’s wash
Programme selector knob
Programme selector knobProgramme selector knob
Programme selector knobProgramme selector knob
and programmed start
and programmed startand programmed start
and programmed startand programmed start
The information
H flashes in a special way
In any case, the appliance
It is used to select the wash
contained in the
(2” on and 4” off) to indicate that
distributes the load at low
table is purely
the programmed start has been
urn this knob curn this knob c
urn this knob curn this knob c
urn this knob c
kwise onl
kwise onlkwise onl
kwise onlkwise onl
indicative. It could in
set. Even during this phase, you
fact vary depending
can open the appliance door
To select the programmes, the
on the appliance
and change the wash load.
mark situated on the knob must
iron iron
iron iron
model, the quantity
After the wash cycle has been
be aligned with the symbol/
This function allows your
and type of garments
set and accepted by the
number that corresponds to the
washing to come out of the
to wash, the hardness
washing machine, any changes
and temperature of
desired programme.
machine without creases,
to the position of the knob will
the mains water
Now press the on/off button
G (
making it much easier to iron.
be of no use (except in the Stop/
supply, as well as the
position), and lamp
H will begin
You can use it with
Reset position).
temperature of the
flashing. After 5 seconds, the
3-5 (Cotton),
setting is accepted, lamp
H stops
6-7 (Synthetics),
10 Silk.
flashing (staying lit) and the
Press this button in program-
rinsing results when washing
wash cycle begins.
4-5-6-7-10 and the wash
full loads and large quantities
If you want to interrupt the
cycle will come to a stop on
of detergent are used.
programme in progress or set a
emperature contr
emperature contremperature contr
emperature contremperature contr
ol knobol knob
ol knobol knob
ol knob
symbol . You can complete
Recommended in case of
new one, select one of the
It is used to set the wash
it by pressing button
D again.
detergent contact allergies.
positions Stop and wait 5
temperature indicated in the
Option available with program-
seconds: when the cancellation
programme table (on page 6).
has been accepted, lamp
H will
It also allows you to reduce the
flash, at this point you can set
temperature recommended for
Stain removal
Stain removalStain removal
Stain removalStain removal
(see page
(see page (see page
(see page (see page
9 9
9 9
the new one or turn the
the selected programme, and
Thanks to this command, the
appliance off, should you wish
even to set a cold wash cycle
washing machine will carry out a
to add some garments, by then
( snow symbol ).
more intensive wash that
waiting for approximately 2
When button
G is pressed, the
optimises the effectiveness of the
minutes before opening the
washing machine is switched
liquid additives, thus allowing
appliance doors.
on, when it is not the machine is
more resistant stains to be
Spin exclusion/variation KnobSpin exclusion/variation Knob
Spin exclusion/variation Knob
Spin exclusion/variation KnobSpin exclusion/variation Knob
switched off.
When you press theWhen you press the
When you press theWhen you press the
When you press the
urning the mac
urning the macurning the mac
urning the macurning the mac
hine off doeshine off does
hine off doeshine off does
hine off does
ou can also use this knob toou can also use this knob to
ou can also use this knob to
ou can also use this knob toou can also use this knob to
It is used to exclude the spin
tain tain
tain tain
emoval button,emoval button,
emoval button,emoval button,
emoval button,
not cancel the selectednot cancel the selected
not cancel the selected
not cancel the selectednot cancel the selected
delay the start of the washingdelay the start of the washing
delay the start of the washingdelay the start of the washing
delay the start of the washing
cycle and/or to reduce the
run run
run run
and and
and and
spin speed of the selected
Easy Easy
Easy Easy
ron ron
ron ron
(button (button
(button (button
Select one of the four positions
programme. The maximum
is enabled.
is enabled.is enabled.
is enabled.is enabled.
for the programmed start (after
speed for the four types of
12 hours, 9h, 3h or 1 hour),
fabric are:
ON-OFF lamp
ON-OFF lampON-OFF lamp
ON-OFF lampON-OFF lamp
press the on/off button
G (
Extra RinseExtra Rinse
Extra RinseExtra Rinse
Extra Rinse
H flashes when the
position) and wait 5 seconds.
Cotton max rpm
This function increase the
appliance is switched on and
This is when the setting has
Synthetics 800 rpm
been accepted (lamp
H stops
quantity of water during the
awaiting a programme to be set.
for resistantfor resistant
for resistant
A steady light means the
flashing and stays lit) and you
Wool 600 rpm
rinse cycles
for resistantfor resistant
can select the programme you
fabrics. Use of this function is
appliance has accepted the
Silk none
recommended to improve
selected programme.
5 Instructions for installation and use
What are you washing today?
A pr
A prA pr
A prA pr
ogramme fogramme f
ogramme fogramme f
ogramme f
or all seasonsor all seasons
or all seasonsor all seasons
or all seasons
Bleach Cycle
Type of fabric and
Description of wash
for pre—
for wash
degree of soil
After 12 — 9 — 3 —1 hours Delaied Start by 12-9-1 hours
Interrupts/Cancels selected Program.
Exceptionally soiled whites
u u u
Pre-wash, Wash at high temperature,
(Sheets, tablecloths, etc.)
rinses, intermediate and final spin cycles
Heavily soiled whites
u u
Wash at high temperature, rinses,
tablecloths, etc.)
intermediate and final spin cycles
Normally soiled whites
u u
Wash at 60°C, rinses, intermediate and
3 60°C
tablecloths, etc.)
final spin cycles
Normally soiled whites and fast
Long Wash cycle at 40°C,
rinse cycles,
4 40°C
u u
intermediate and final spin cycles
Normally soiled whites and fast
Wash cycle at 40°C,
rinse cycles,
5 40°C
u u
intermediate and final spin cycles
Rinse cycles/Bleach
Rinse cycles, intermediate and final spin
Spin cycle Draining and final spin cycle
Stop/Reset Interrupts/Cancels selected programme
Heavily soiled fast colour synthetics
u u
Wash at 60°C, rinses, anti-crease or
6 60°C
(baby linen, etc.)
delicate spin cycle
Delicate colour synthetics
(all types
u u
Wash cycle at 40°C,
rinse cycles, anti-
7 40°C
of slightly soiled garments)
crease or delicate spin cycle
Delicate colour synthetics
(all types
u u
Wash cycle at 30°C,
rinse cycles and
8 30°C
of slightly soiled garments)
delicate spin cycle
Rinse cycles/Bleach
Rinse cycles, anti-crease or delicate spin
Fabric softener
Rinse cycles with automatic introduction of
softener, anti-crease or delicate spin cycle
Anti-crease — Rinse Hold Rinse hold for silk and especially delicate
Spin cycle Draining and delicate spin cycle
Stop/Reset Interrupts/Cancels selected programme
Wash cycle at 40°C
, rinse cycles and
9 40°C
u u
delicate spin cycle
, particularly delicate garments
u u
Wash cycle at 30°C,
rinse cycles, anti-
10 30°C
and fabrics (curtains, silk, viscose, etc.)
crease or draining
Rinse cycles
Rinse cycles, anti-crease or draining
Anti-crease — Rinse Hold Rinse hold for silk and especially delicate
Spin cycle Draining and delicate spin cycle (wool)
Draining Draining
Stop/Reset Interrupts/Cancels selected programme
Important: To cancel the wash programme you have just set, select one of the position “Reset- Stop”
Special programmes
for 3 seconds.
4— Class A at 40°C
Your washing machine has a special programme to allow you to obtain optimum results even at low
temperatures. By setting programme 4 at a temperature of 40°C, the results you will obtain will be the same as you
would normally obtain at 60°C thanks to the washing machine’s action and the length of the wash cycle.
Daily wash at 30° in 30 minutes. Your washing machine has a programme designed to wash lightly soiled garments
in a short amount of time. By setting programme 8 at a temperature of 30°C, you can wash different fabrics together
(except for woollen and silk items), with a maximum load of 3 kg. This programme allows you to save on both time and
energy as it only lasts approximately 30 minutes. WE RECOMMEND THE USE OF LIQUID DETERGENT.
Instructions for installation and use
Understanding labels and the symbols
Understanding labels and the symbolsUnderstanding labels and the symbols
Understanding labels and the symbolsUnderstanding labels and the symbols
or the v
or the vor the v
or the vor the v
arious Ariston
arious Ariston arious Ariston
arious Ariston arious Ariston
op Loaderop Loader
op Loaderop Loader
op Loader
Learn the meaning of these symbols and you will get better results, your garments
will last longer and your machine will repay you by washing better.
All over Europe, garment
better results and treat your
labels contain messages
garments the way they they
expressed in small yet
deserve to be treated.
important symbols.
These symbols are divided in
Understanding them is very
five different categories and
important if you want to get
wash cycle
wash cycle wash cycle
wash cycle wash cycle
bleaching bleaching
bleaching bleaching
Useful tips
ironing ironing
ironing ironing
dry cleaning dry cleaning
dry cleaning
dry cleaning dry cleaning
Turn shirts inside out to get better
drying drying
drying drying
results and make them last longer.
Always empty pockets of their
Look at the label: it will always give
you useful advice.
When loading your washing,
Make sure you select the right temperature
alternate large and small garments.
Consult and learn the symbols in this table: they will help you obtain a better wash, treat your clothesConsult and learn the symbols in this table: they will help you obtain a better wash, treat your clothes
Consult and learn the symbols in this table: they will help you obtain a better wash, treat your clothesConsult and learn the symbols in this table: they will help you obtain a better wash, treat your clothes
Consult and learn the symbols in this table: they will help you obtain a better wash, treat your clothes
and g and g
and g and g
and g
et a better perfet a better perf
et a better perfet a better perf
et a better perf
ormance out of y
ormance out of yormance out of y
ormance out of yormance out of y
our washing macour washing mac
our washing macour washing mac
our washing mac
cycle Bleaching Ironing Dry cleaning Drying
Tem p .
Can be
Wash cycle
Can be bleached
Hot iron max
Dry cleaning with
in cold water
all solvents
Do not
tumble dry
Dry cleaning with
aviation gasoline,
Wash cycle
Warm iron
pure alcohol, R111
60°C Do not bleach
max 150°C
and R113
Lay flat to
Dry cleaning with
aviation gasoline,
Wash cycle
Cool iron
pure alcohol and
max 110°C
Hang to dry
Wash cycle
Do not iron
Do not dry clean
Dry on
hand wash
Do not
wash in
7 Instructions for installation and use
Silk and curtains
Rinse level/Extra
Daily wash at 30° in
Easy iron
Delayed start
Fabric softener
Pre-wash —
Rinse hold —
Stain removal
Wash Max°
90° Wash
Spin cycle
Half load
Spin cycle variation
Temperature setting
60° Wash
or no spin cycle
Delicate 40° Wash
Water Draining
60° Synthetics
Wash cycle intensity
50° Synthetics
40° Synthetics
Hand wash
Useful tips to avoid mistakes
Never use your washing ma-
(figures show weight when dry):
chine to wash… torn, fraying or
Coloured T-shirts, printed
Holidays: unplug the appli-
— Sturdy fabrics:
non-hemmed linen. If it is abso-
ones and shirts last longer if
maximum 5 kg
lutely necessary, place it in a bag
— Synthetic fabrics:
turned inside out before washing.
When you go on holiday, we rec-
for protection. Brightly coloured
maximum 2.3 kg
Printed T-shirts and sweatshirts
ommend that you unplug your
linen with whites.
— Delicate fabrics:
should always be ironed inside
washing machine, turn off the
maximum 2 kg
water inlet tap and leave the door
Persistent or special stains
— Pure virgin wool:
open or ajar. This way, both the
Treat these before washing by
maximum 1 kg
Salopette alert.
drum and the gasket will remain
rubbing the toughest stains with
— Towelling:
Very popular «salopette» type over-
nice and dry and unpleasant
maximum 2.3 kg
a special detergent, with deter-
alls have straps with hooks that can
odours will not develop inside the
gent paste or specific stain re-
damage the drum of your washing
washing machine.
movers (see the inset on treating
machine or other garments during
How much does it weigh?
special stains with stain remov-
the wash. By placing the hooks in
1 sheet 400-500 gr.
ers on page 9).
the bib pocket and fastening them
1 pillowcase 150-200 gr.
with safety pins, all risks are
1 tablecloth 400-500 gr.
For best results, use
Watch the weight!
1 bathrobe 900-1,200 gr.
a specific detergent,
For best results, do not exceed
1 towel 150-250 gr.
taking care not to
the weight limits stated below
exceed a load of 1kg.
How to wash almost anything
ber to use the specific programme
Quilted coats and wind-
Curtains tend to crease a great
10 which automatically excludes
Once you have removed mud and
deal. Here is a tip to reduce creas-
the spin cycle.
You can wash quilted coats and
dirt from trainers, you can wash
ing: fold the curtains and place
wind-cheaters, too, if they are
them with jeans and other tough
them in a pillow case or mesh
padded with goose or duck down.
garments. Do not wash trainers
bag. Do not load anything else,
The important thing is not to run
with whites.
so that the overall weight does
a 5 kg load.
not exceed the half load. Remem-
Cashmere Gold: As gentle as a hand wash
The first washing machine to have «The Woolmark Company» recognition.
The Cashmere Gold programme
been approved by The Woolmark
by The Woolmark Company.
Always use programme 9 (wool)
was designed to machine wash
Company for washing woollen
with all garments labelled hand
the most delicate and precious
garments labelled «hand wash
This result has been achieved
wash: the tub with a hand in it.
woollen and Cashmere gar-
only» featuring The Woolmark
thanks to the speed of the drum
it is advisable to use specific de-
Company Brands. This is the first
(90 rpm), even during the rinse
tergents for woollen garments.
The Merloni Elettrodomestici
delicate hand wash cycle offered
phase, which prevents the fibres
«Wool-Cashmere» programme has
by a washing machine approved
from rubbing.
Instructions for installation and use
When detergents and water are not enough…
How to get rid of some special stains
How to get rid of some special stainsHow to get rid of some special stains
How to get rid of some special stainsHow to get rid of some special stains
— Red wine. Leave to soak with detergent, rinse and treat with acetic acid or citric acid, then rinse. Treat any residue with
— Blood. Fresh stains should be treated immediately with cold water. In the event of dry blood stains, leave to soak overnight
with a special detergent and then rub with soapy water.
— Dry grease stains. Moisten with turpentine, dab the stains with your fingertips and a cotton cloth, after placing the
garment on a soft surface.
— Rust. Oxysalt (can be found in a chemists) hot molten, or a cold anti-rust product. Old stains may have already damaged
the fabric: risk of holes
— Mould stains Treat with bleach, rinse thoroughly (only white and coloured garments resistant to chlorine).
— Oil paint. Moisten with detergent petrol, dab the stains after placing the garment on top of a soft cloth, then treat
repeatedly with the detergent.
— Ink and biro. Dab with cotton soaked in methyl alcohol or alcohol at 90°.
— Tar. Dab with fresh butter, rub in turpentine then wash immediately.
— Wax. Scrape away, then run a hot iron between two sheets of absorbent paper. Then rub in cotton with turpentine or
methyl alcohol.
— Chewing gum. Rub in nail polish remover and wipe with a clean rag.
— Mould. Cotton and white linen should be placed in a solution of 5 parts water, one bleach and a spoon of vinegar, then
washed immediately. For other white fabrics, use hydrogen peroxide at 10 volumes and wash immediately.
— Lipstick. Dab with ether on wool or cotton. Use trichlorethylene for silk.
— Nail polish. Place a sheet of absorbent paper on the side of the stain, wet it with nail polish remover, shifting the garment
as the sheet gradually changes colour.
— Grass. Dab with a wad of cotton soaked in methyl alcohol.
For a safe wash cycle
How to open and shut the drumHow to open and shut the drum
How to open and shut the drumHow to open and shut the drum
How to open and shut the drum
A) OPENING (Fig. 1).A) OPENING (Fig. 1).
A) OPENING (Fig. 1).A) OPENING (Fig. 1).
A) OPENING (Fig. 1). Lift the external lid and open it completely.
B) Then open the drum using both hands as shown in Fig. 2:B) Then open the drum using both hands as shown in Fig. 2:
B) Then open the drum using both hands as shown in Fig. 2:B) Then open the drum using both hands as shown in Fig. 2:
B) Then open the drum using both hands as shown in Fig. 2:
— press the button indicated by the arrow in Fig. 2 lightly downwards,
with one hand firmly resting on the doors to prevent them from
suddenly opening and hurting your fingers;- therefore follow the
appliance doors along as these unhook and open easily.
Fig. 1
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Fig. 2
(Fig. (Fig.
(Fig. (Fig.
3). 3).
3). 3).
D) SHUTTING. (Fig. 4).D) SHUTTING. (Fig. 4).
D) SHUTTING. (Fig. 4).D) SHUTTING. (Fig. 4).
D) SHUTTING. (Fig. 4).
— close the drum fully by first shutting the front door followed by the
rear one;
— then ensure the hooks on the front door are perfectly housed
within the seat of the rear door;
— after the hooks have clicked into position, press both doors lightly
downwards to make sure they do not come loose;
— finally shut the external lid.
Fig. 3
Fig. 4
9 Instructions for installation and use
It’s important for a good wash
The secrets of the deter
The secrets of the deterThe secrets of the deter
The secrets of the deterThe secrets of the deter
ent dispenser
ent dispenserent dispenser
ent dispenserent dispenser
The first secret: the detergent dispenser is in a handy position underneath the appliance door.
You should add detergent and
the wash in each pro-gramme.
Pre-wash, bleach and fabric
Pre-wash, bleach and fabricPre-wash, bleach and fabric
Pre-wash, bleach and fabricPre-wash, bleach and fabric
any additives following the
Liquid detergent is to be
Liquid detergent is to beLiquid detergent is to be
Liquid detergent is to beLiquid detergent is to be
dosage recommended by the
poured in just a few secondspoured in just a few seconds
poured in just a few secondspoured in just a few seconds
poured in just a few seconds
manufacturers: generally, all
before starting the washbefore starting the wash
before starting the wash
before starting the washbefore starting the wash
Should it be necessary to
the indications you need are
bleach, set the special
1) Concentrated bleach must1) Concentrated bleach must
1) Concentrated bleach must
1) Concentrated bleach must1) Concentrated bleach must
on the box.
Remember that liquid de-
Remember that liquid de-Remember that liquid de-
Remember that liquid de-Remember that liquid de-
programmes and pour the
be diluted in all cases.be diluted in all cases.
be diluted in all cases.
be diluted in all cases.be diluted in all cases.
Doses vary
Doses vary Doses vary
Doses vary Doses vary
according toaccording to
according toaccording to
according to
tergent is particularly sui-tergent is particularly sui-
tergent is particularly sui-tergent is particularly sui-
tergent is particularly sui-
bleach into compartment
4 4
4 4
2) For concentrated2) For concentrated
2) For concentrated
2) For concentrated2) For concentrated
wash load, the waterwash load, the water
wash load, the waterwash load, the water
wash load, the water
table for wash cycles of up totable for wash cycles of up to
table for wash cycles of up totable for wash cycles of up to
table for wash cycles of up to
of the detergent dispenser.
detergents (in powder or
detergents (in powder ordetergents (in powder or
detergents (in powder ordetergents (in powder or
hardness and how soiled thehardness and how soiled the
hardness and how soiled thehardness and how soiled the
hardness and how soiled the
60 degrees and those not60 degrees and those not
60 degrees and those not60 degrees and those not
60 degrees and those not
When you pour the bleach in,
liquid), use a programme
liquid), use a programmeliquid), use a programme
liquid), use a programmeliquid), use a programme
washing is. Do not exceed.washing is. Do not exceed.
washing is. Do not exceed.washing is. Do not exceed.
washing is. Do not exceed.
requiring pre-washing.requiring pre-washing.
requiring pre-washing.
requiring pre-washing.requiring pre-washing.
take care not to exceed the
without pre-washing.
without pre-washing.without pre-washing.
without pre-washing.without pre-washing.
More detergent does notMore detergent does not
More detergent does notMore detergent does not
More detergent does not
Liquid or powder detergents
“max” level indicated.
3) For detergents contained3) For detergents contained
3) For detergents contained
3) For detergents contained3) For detergents contained
necessarily mean greaternecessarily mean greater
necessarily mean greaternecessarily mean greater
necessarily mean greater
are sold together with special
The use of bleach excludes
The use of bleach excludesThe use of bleach excludes
The use of bleach excludesThe use of bleach excludes
in a ball or in tablets, do not
in a ball or in tablets, do notin a ball or in tablets, do not
in a ball or in tablets, do notin a ball or in tablets, do not
wash efficienc
wash efficiencwash efficienc
wash efficiencwash efficienc
on the
on the on the
on the on the
containers that are to be placed
the possibility of running a
the possibility of running athe possibility of running a
the possibility of running athe possibility of running a
run a pre-wash.
run a pre-wash.run a pre-wash.
run a pre-wash.run a pre-wash.
directly inside the washing
Experience will help you select
machine drum, according to
the right dosage almost
the instructions found on the
raditional b
raditional braditional b
raditional braditional b
h can onl
h can onlh can onl
h can onlh can onl
automatically: it will become
detergent box.
be used on sturdy white
be used on sturdy whitebe used on sturdy white
be used on sturdy whitebe used on sturdy white
your secret.
Never use hand wash
fabrics, whereas delicate
fabrics, whereas delicatefabrics, whereas delicate
fabrics, whereas delicatefabrics, whereas delicate
When pouring in the softener
detergent, because it may form
bleach can be used for
bleach can be used forbleach can be used for
bleach can be used forbleach can be used for
in compartment
3, avoid
too much foam, which could
coloured fabrics and
coloured fabrics andcoloured fabrics and
coloured fabrics andcoloured fabrics and
Fabric Softener AdditionFabric Softener Addition
Fabric Softener AdditionFabric Softener Addition
Fabric Softener Addition
exceeding the “max” level
damage the washing machine.
synthetics. You cannot
Fabric softener makes your
One last secret: when washing
bleach with the “Silk” program
washing softer and decreases
The washing machine auto-
with cold water, always reduce
me and with the “Special
the electrostatic load of synthetic
matically adds the softener to
the amount of detergent you
Programmes” (see page 6).
use: it dissolves less easily in
Fabric softe-
cold water than in hot water, so
Degrees of water hardness
ners can be
part of it would be wasted.
used for towel-
Level -Feature German French
ling fabrics,
°dH °T.H
In compartment 1:
Detergent forDetergent for
Detergent for
Detergent forDetergent for
0— 7 0-15
pre-wash (powder)
pre-wash (powder)pre-wash (powder)
pre-wash (powder)pre-wash (powder)
1 — Soft
curtains, etc.
8-14 16-25
In compartment 2:
Detergent for
Detergent forDetergent for
Detergent forDetergent for
2 — Medium
Pour the fabric
the wash cycle (powder and liquid)the wash cycle (powder and liquid)
the wash cycle (powder and liquid)the wash cycle (powder and liquid)
the wash cycle (powder and liquid)
3 — Hard
15-21 26-37
softener into
In compartment 3:
Fabric softener
Fabric softenerFabric softener
Fabric softenerFabric softener
4 — Very hard
more than
more than
compartment 3
of the dispen-
In compartment 4:
ser following
A guide to running your
the manufacturer’s instructions.
Cutting costs efficiently
household appliances cheaply
The fabric softener is
while respecting the environment.
automatically inserted into the
machine during the last rinse.
The best way to save on energy, water, detergent and time is to use your washing machine,
At the end of the wash
washing a full recommended load.
programme, some water will be
A full load instead of two half loads allows you to SAVE up to 50% of energy.
left in compartment 3. This is
used for the inlet of denser fabric
USE LESS DETERGENT IF: you are washing few garments, the washing is only soiled
softeners into the machine, i.e.
lightly, foam forms during washing or the water is not very hard, or soft even (please see
to dilute the more concentrated
small table above with the degrees of water hardness). To find out how hard the water in
your area is, contact your local Water Works.
Should more than a normal
amount of water remain in
Only for extremely soiled garments.
compartment 3, this means the
Programming a wash WITHOUT pre-washing for lightly soiled or medium soiled garments
emptying device is blocked,
allows you to SAVE on detergent, time, water and between 5 and 15% of energy.
thus interrupting the suction
effect of the device.
Treating stains with a stain remover or soaking garments with dry stains in water before
For cleaning instructions, see
washing can reduce the need to programme a wash using hot water.
page 13. Never pour fabric
Use a wash programme at 60° to SAVE up to 50% of energy.
softeners together with starch
into the dispenser, as the
Select a high speed spin cycle, where the spin speed can be adjusted, if the washing should
overflow system could get
be dried in a tumble-dryer. A reduced water content in the washing allows you to SAVE
both time and energy in the drying programme.
Instructions for installation and use
ore calling,
ore calling,ore calling,
ore calling,ore calling,
read the f
read the f read the f
read the f read the f
Your washing machine could fail to work. In most cases, the problems arising can be easily solved without having to
call for a technician. Before calling for assistance, always check these points.
The washing machineThe washing machine
The washing machineThe washing machine
The washing machine
washing machine cannot
fails to start.
fails to start.fails to start.
fails to start.fails to start.
work if the door is open or
not shut properly.
Is the plug correctly
Is the plug correctly Is the plug correctly
Is the plug correctly Is the plug correctly
inserted in the socket?inserted in the socket?
inserted in the socket? It
inserted in the socket?inserted in the socket?
Is the ON/OFF button Is the ON/OFF button
Is the ON/OFF button Is the ON/OFF button
Is the ON/OFF button
could have been moved
whilst cleaning.
If it is, then a programmed
start has been set.
Is there electricity in the
Is there electricity in the Is there electricity in the
Is there electricity in the Is there electricity in the
Is the programmed start
Is the programmed startIs the programmed start
Is the programmed startIs the programmed start
A circuit breaker could have
knob, on those models
knob, on those modelsknob, on those models
knob, on those modelsknob, on those models
gone off, perhaps because
concerned, in the correctconcerned, in the correct
concerned, in the correct
concerned, in the correctconcerned, in the correct
too many appliances are on
at the same time. Or
perhaps because of a
Is the water tap turned on?
Is the water tap turned on? Is the water tap turned on?
Is the water tap turned on? Is the water tap turned on?
general power failure in
For safety reasons, if the
your entire area.
washing machine does not
load water, it cannot start a
Is the appliance door shutIs the appliance door shut
Is the appliance door shut
Is the appliance door shutIs the appliance door shut
wash cycle.
For safety reasons, the
The washing machineThe washing machine
The washing machine
The washing machineThe washing machine
The washing machine
The washing machineThe washing machine
The washing machineThe washing machine
fails to load waterfails to load water
fails to load water
fails to load waterfails to load water
continuously loadscontinuously loads
continuously loadscontinuously loads
continuously loads
Turning off the water
Leave the washing machine
tap after each wash
plugged in while cleaning.
and unloads waterand unloads water
and unloads waterand unloads water
and unloads water
limits the use of the
Even during maintenance,
Is the tap correctly Is the tap correctly
Is the tap correctly
Is the tap correctly Is the tap correctly
washing machine’s
the appliance should always
attached to the pipe?attached to the pipe?
attached to the pipe?attached to the pipe?
attached to the pipe?
Is the drain hoseIs the drain hose
Is the drain hoseIs the drain hose
Is the drain hose
hydraulic system and
be unplugged.
positioned too low?positioned too low?
positioned too low? It must
positioned too low?positioned too low?
eliminate leakage
Is there a water shortage?
Is there a water shortage?Is there a water shortage?
Is there a water shortage?Is there a water shortage?
be installed at a height
risks when no-one is
Use solvents and aggres-
There could be work in
ranging from 60 to 100 cm.
at home.
sive abrasives.
Never use solvents or
progress in your building or
Try to only leave the
abrasives to clean the
Is the hose’
Is the hose’Is the hose’
Is the hose’Is the hose’
s mouth
s mouths mouth
s mouths mouth
appliance in use
external and rubber parts
Is there enough pressure?Is there enough pressure?
Is there enough pressure?Is there enough pressure?
Is there enough pressure?
immersed in water?immersed in water?
immersed in water?
immersed in water?immersed in water?
unattended if the place
of the washing machine.
The autoclave may be
where it is located is
Does the wall drainage
Does the wall drainageDoes the wall drainage
Does the wall drainageDoes the wall drainage
equipped with a floor
Neglect the detergent
Is the tap filter clean?Is the tap filter clean?
Is the tap filter clean?Is the tap filter clean?
Is the tap filter clean? If the
system have a breathersystem have a breather
system have a breathersystem have a breather
system have a breather
water is very calcareous, or
pipe? pipe?
pipe? If the problem
pipe? pipe?
It is removable and can
Always leave all
if work has recently been
persists even after these
easily be cleaned by leaving
appliance doors ajar.
carried out on the water
checks, turn off the water
it under running water.
piping, the tap filter could be
tap, switch the appliance off
This will avoid the
formation of bad
and call for assistance.
Go on holiday without
clogged with particles and
thinking about it.
If you live on an upper floor
Before leaving, always
Is the rubber hose bent?
Is the rubber hose bent?Is the rubber hose bent?
Is the rubber hose bent?Is the rubber hose bent?
of your building, there may
Clean the appliance’s
make sure that the washing
The tract of the rubber hose
be a problem with your
exteriors delicately.
machine is unplugged and
bringing water to the
drain trap.
To clean the exteriors
that the water tap is turned
washing machine must be
To solve this problem, a
and the rubber parts of
as straight as possible.
special valve must be
the appliance, always
Make sure it is not
use a cloth dipped in
squashed or bent.
lukewarm soapy water.
11 Instructions for installation and use
11 11
11 11
Is the rubber hose bent?
Is the rubber hose bent?Is the rubber hose bent?
Is the rubber hose bent?Is the rubber hose bent?
should not be leaning
The tract of the drain hose
against any sanitary fixtures
must be as straight as
and must have some free
possible. Make sure it is not
space around it. If it is
squashed or bent.
placed on a fitted carpet
floor, ensure that there is
Is the washing macIs the washing mac
Is the washing mac
Is the washing macIs the washing mac
enough room for air to
drain duct clogged? Is
drain duct clogged? drain duct clogged?
drain duct clogged? drain duct clogged?
circulate between the
there an extension on the
appliance feet and the
drain hose? If so, is it
positioned incorrectly,
blocking the water flow?
oo m
oo moo m
oo moo m
h fh f
h f
h fh f
The washing machine
The washing machineThe washing machine
The washing machineThe washing machine
does not drain or spin.
does not drain or spin.does not drain or spin.
does not drain or spin.does not drain or spin.
Is the detergent suitable
Is the detergent suitableIs the detergent suitable
Is the detergent suitableIs the detergent suitable
for washing-machine
for washing-machinefor washing-machine
for washing-machinefor washing-machine
Does the selectedDoes the selected
Does the selectedDoes the selected
Does the selected
use? Make sure that it
programme foresee waterprogramme foresee water
programme foresee water
programme foresee waterprogramme foresee water
bears the definition «for
draining? Some wash
washing-machines» or
cycles require enabling the
«hand and machine wash»,
draining manually.
or the like.
Has the Has the
Has the Has the
Has the
Is the correct amount
Is the correct amountIs the correct amount
Is the correct amountIs the correct amount
function — in those
function — in thosefunction — in those
function — in thosefunction — in those
being used?being used?
being used? An excessive
being used?being used?
The washing machine
The washing machineThe washing machine
The washing machineThe washing machine
appliances where it is
appliances where it isappliances where it is
appliances where it isappliances where it is
The washing machineThe washing machine
The washing machineThe washing machine
The washing machine
amount of detergent,
foreseen — been enabled?foreseen — been enabled?
foreseen — been enabled?foreseen — been enabled?
foreseen — been enabled?
vibrates too much
vibrates too muchvibrates too much
vibrates too muchvibrates too much
besides producing too
This function requires
during the spin cycle.
during the spin cycle.during the spin cycle.
during the spin cycle.during the spin cycle.
much foam, does not
enabling the draining
guarantee a more effective
Is the metal ring of the inletIs the metal ring of the inlet
Is the metal ring of the inletIs the metal ring of the inlet
Is the metal ring of the inlet
wash, and causes scaling
Has the internal floating
Has the internal floatingHas the internal floating
Has the internal floatingHas the internal floating
hose properly attached?
hose properly attached?hose properly attached?
hose properly attached?hose properly attached?
in the internal parts of the
unit been correctly
unit been correctlyunit been correctly
unit been correctlyunit been correctly
Turn off the tap, unplug the
Is the drain pump clogged?Is the drain pump clogged?
Is the drain pump clogged?Is the drain pump clogged?
Is the drain pump clogged?
unblocked during
unblocked duringunblocked during
unblocked duringunblocked during
appliance and try tightening
To check it, turn off the tap,
installation? installation?
installation? See page 2
installation? installation?
its attachment without
If, despite all checks, the
unplug the washing
on installation procedures.
forcing it.
washing machine fails to
machine and follow the
function and the problem
instructions on page 12, or
Has the washing machineHas the washing machine
Has the washing machineHas the washing machine
Has the washing machine
Is the detergent dispenserIs the detergent dispenser
Is the detergent dispenser
Is the detergent dispenserIs the detergent dispenser
persists, call your nearest
call for technical assistance.
been levelled correctly?
been levelled correctly?been levelled correctly?
been levelled correctly?been levelled correctly?
obstructed? Try extracting
obstructed? obstructed?
obstructed? obstructed?
authorised Customer Service
The levelling of the
it and washing it under tap
Centre, providing the following
appliance should be
Always get
checked periodically. In
— the type of malfunctioning
— the type of malfunctioning— the type of malfunctioning
— the type of malfunctioning— the type of malfunctioning
assistance from
time, the appliance could
Is the drain hose well
Is the drain hose wellIs the drain hose well
Is the drain hose wellIs the drain hose well
— the model type no.— the model type no.
— the model type no.— the model type no.
— the model type no.
move imperceptibly. Adjust
hed? Turn off the tap,
(Model……. )
(Model……. ) (Model……. )
(Model……. ) (Model……. )
the feet and check them
technicians and
unplug the appliance and
— the serial number (S/N …..)— the serial number (S/N …..)
— the serial number (S/N …..)— the serial number (S/N …..)
— the serial number (S/N …..)
with a level.
try tightening its attachment.
These indications can be found
always insist on
on the data plate situated on
original spare parts
Has it got enough roomHas it got enough room
Has it got enough room
Has it got enough roomHas it got enough room
the back of the washing
ound it? The appliance
ound it?ound it?
ound it?ound it?
machine front base. (fig. 1)
When in need, check the pump and the rubber hose.
When in need, check the pump and the rubber hose.When in need, check the pump and the rubber hose.
When in need, check the pump and the rubber hose.When in need, check the pump and the rubber hose.
The washing machine comes equipped with a self-cleaning pump that does not require any cleaning or maintenance. Small objects
may accidentally fall into the pump: coins, hair clips, loose buttons and other small items. To avoid possible damage, they are
withheld in an accessible pre-chamber, situated at the lower end of the pump.
To access this pre-chamber, just remove the panel covering the
bottom of the washing machine (fig. 1); then lift the cover rotating it
anti-clockwise (fig. 2) and check its contents accurately.
The rubber hose
Check the rubber hose at least once a year. If you see any cracks,
replace it immediately. When you use your washing machine, water
pressure is very strong and a cracked hose could easily split open.
Fig. 1
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Warning: make sure that the wash cycle has come to a full stop and unplug the appliance before removing the lid as well as before any
type of maintenance procedure. It is normal to find that a little water comes out after removing the lid. When replacing the panel, make
sure you insert the hooks situated at the bottom of the washing machine in the right slots before pushing it back against the appliance.
Instructions for installation and use
Easy Care and Maintenance
reat it well and it’ ll be yreat it well and it’ ll be y
reat it well and it’ ll be yreat it well and it’ ll be y
reat it well and it’ ll be y
Your washing machine is a reliable companion in life and on
friend f
friend ffriend f
friend ffriend f
the job. It is just as important for you to keep it in shape.
Your washing machine is
designed to last a lifetime
It is important to wash
without any problems. A few
the detergent dispenser
simple steps help keep it in
shape and last longer.
To prevent dried washing
powder from
Firstly, you must turn off the
accumulating, place the
water tap after each wash:
dispenser under running
the constant pressure of water
water for a few minutes.
could warp a few of the
component parts.
In addition, by doing so, you
will avoid the risk of leaks when
Never exaggerate with
no-one is at home.
detergent doses.
If the water in your area is too
Normal detergents already
hard, use a deliming product
contain deliming agents. Only
(water is hard if it often leaves
if the water is particularly hard,
whitish stains around taps or
that is, rich in lime content, do
drains, especially of bath tubs.
we recommend the use of a
For more accurate information
specific product at every wash.
as to the type of water in your
A periodical wash cycle with a
system, call the local water
dose of a deliming product,
works or a local plumber).
without detergents or
Pockets must always be
washing, may prove useful.
emptied by removing even
Never use too much detergent
coins, pins, badges and any
or additives because this
other hard object.
could cause an excess
The washing machine exterior
amount of foam, scaling and
should be cleaned with a cloth
possible damage to the
dipped in lukewarm soapy
component parts of your
washing machine.
Do not forget to empty all pockets:
small metallic objects can cause damage to your
washing machines drum during the spin cycle.
w to cw to c
w to cw to c
w to c
lean the deterlean the deter
lean the deterlean the deter
lean the deter
ent dispenser
ent dispenserent dispenser
ent dispenserent dispenser
Press lightly on the large but-
Then clean the dispenser under a tap (fig. 3) using an old tooth-
Do not forget to reinsert the
ton on the front of the detergent
brush and, once the pair of siphons inserted in the top of com-
pair of siphons into the special
dispenser and pull it upwards
partments 1 and 2 (fig. 4) have been pulled out, check whether
housings and then to replace
(fig. 1).
the same are not clogged and then rinse them.
the dispenser into its seat,
clicking it into place (fig. 4, 2
and 1).
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Fig. 4
13 Instructions for installation and use
We take care of your loads
Electronic ABC balancing of
Electronic ABC balancing ofElectronic ABC balancing of
Electronic ABC balancing ofElectronic ABC balancing of
your spin cycle
your spin cycleyour spin cycle
your spin cycleyour spin cycle
This appliance is equipped
In special load conditions,
In these conditions, two
with an electronic auto-
these revolutions may not be
different things may happen:
balancing device (
sufficient to distribute the
Balance Control)
weight inside the drum evenly
enables the spin cycle to be
(if there are towel bathrobes,
— the ABC system “accepts” the
— the ABC system deems this
run at high speed only with
blankets and sheets inside it
imbalance, but reduces
imbalance to be beyond the
well-distributed wash loads.
that have formed a “ball”, etc.).
the spin speed. In this
acceptability threshold and
An unbalanced wash load
case, the clothes will come
excludes the spin cycle. In
would in fact seriously
out wetter than usual;
this case, take out the
damage the appliance.
washing, unroll the
garments and put them all
Before each spin cycle phase,
back into the appliance and
the ABC auto-balancing
set the spin cycle
system makes the drum
perform repeated revolutions,
both clockwise and anticlock-
In both cases, it is not a matter
wise, in order to distribute the
of poor appliance quality, but
garments inside it uniformly
raher one of the more
and then to start the spin cycle
advanced features it has to
off gently.
protet it from breakages,
vibrations, movements on the
floor or other inconveniences.
Technical features
AT 84
wid th cm 4 0
height cm 85
depth cm 60
from 1 to 5 kg
voltage 230 Volts 50Hz
maximum absorbed power 2100 W
Water connections
maximum pressure 1 Mpa (10 bar)
minimum pressure 0.05 Mpa (0.5 bar)
drum cap a city 42 litre s
Spin speed/min
up to 800 r.p.m.
hnical fhnical f
hnical fhnical f
hnical f
run with a load of 5.0 kg, programme 3, 60° C
programmes in
accordance with
IEC Norm 456
This appliance conforms with the following European Community Directives:
— 73/23/EEC of 19/02/73 (Low Voltage) and subsequent modifications
— 89/336/EEC of 03/05/89 (Electromagnetic Compatibility) and subsequent modifications
The manufacturer reserves the right to make any modifications whatsoever, at any time and without notice, to the appliance or any of its accesso-
ries that may be deemed necessary for technical or commercial requirements.
Instructions for installation and use
14 14
14 14
Merloni Elettrodomestici
Viale Aristide Merloni 47
60044 Fabriano
Tel +39 0732 6611
Fax +39 0732 662501
12/2002 — 195 033 153 03 — XEROX BUSINESS SERVICES — DOCUTECH
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AT 84 The secrets of fabrics Consigli per lavare meglio How to get better results Instructions for installation and use GB Mode dinstallation et demploi F Èíñòðóêöèè ïî óñòàíîâêå è èñïîëüçîâàíèþ CIS Beüzemelési és használati utasítás HU Instrucciones para la instalación y el uso E Class A at 40°C
Quick Guide Here are the 12 topics explained in this manual. Read, learn and have fun: you will discover many secret ways to get a better wash, more easily and making your washing machine last longer. And especially keeping an eye on safety. 1. Installation and removal (p. 2) Installation, after
Installation and removal When the appliance arrives Whether new or just transported to a new house, installation is extremely important for the correct functioning of your washing machine. After removing the appliance from its packaging, check that it is intact. If in doubt, contact a qualified
More and more important Your safety and that of your children Your washing machine has been built in compliance with the strictest international safety regulations. To protect you and all your family. Read these indications and all the information in this manual carefully: they are an important
M What goes in y our washing mac hine? your machine? Before washing, you can do a great deal for better results. Divide your garments according to fabric and colour. Read the labels and follow their indications. Alternate small items with large ones. Before washing. Divide your washing according to
Understanding the control panel Here I’m in command Making the right choice is important. And it’s easy. Reset The knob with your washing machine’s wash programmes Programme selector knob and programmed start It is used to select the wash programme. loc Turn this knob c kwise onl y. lockwise only
What are you washing today? or all seasons A pr ogramme ffor programme Type o f fabric an d degree of soil P rogr. K nob Temp. K nob D etergent D etergent Fabric for prefor w ash softener w ash B leach C ycle length (minutes) D escrip tion of w ash cycle P R OGR AMME D S TAR T A fter 12 — 9 — 3 -1
Understanding labels and the symbols for the v arious Ariston Top Loader s… various Loaders… Learn the meaning of these symbols and you will get better results, your garments will last longer and your machine will repay you by washing better. All over Europe, garment labels contain messages
ON OFF Silk and curtains Start-reset Rinse Rinse level/Extra rinse Daily wash at 30° in 30′ Delayed start Fabric softener Easy iron Rinse hold Anti-crease Stain removal 90° Wash Spin cycle 60° Wash Spin cycle variation or no spin cycle Half load Spécial setting Temperature taches Delicate 40° Wash
When detergents and water are not enough… How to get rid of some special stains — Red wine. Leave to soak with detergent, rinse and treat with acetic acid or citric acid, then rinse. Treat any residue with bleach. — Blood. Fresh stains should be treated immediately with cold water. In the event of
It’s important for a good wash The secrets of the deter gent dispenser deterg The first secret: the detergent dispenser is in a handy position underneath the appliance door. You should add detergent and any additives following the dosage recommended by the manufacturers: generally, all the
Troubleshooting wing ollo Bef ore calling, read the ffollo ollowing Before Your washing machine could fail to work. In most cases, the problems arising can be easily solved without having to call for a technician. Before calling for assistance, always check these points. The washing machine fails
Is the rubber hose bent? The tract of the drain hose must be as straight as possible. Make sure it is not squashed or bent. Is the washing mac hine’s machine’ s hine’ drain duct clogged? Is there an extension on the drain hose? If so, is it positioned incorrectly, blocking the water flow? should
Easy Care and Maintenance Treat it well and it’ ll be your friend forever Your washing machine is a reliable companion in life and on the job. It is just as important for you to keep it in shape. Your washing machine is designed to last a lifetime without any problems. A few simple steps help keep
We take care of your loads Electronic ABC balancing of your spin cycle Warning This appliance is equipped with an electronic autobalancing device ( Auto Balance Control) that enables the spin cycle to be run at high speed only with well-distributed wash loads. An unbalanced wash load would in fact
Viale Aristide Merloni 47 60044 Fabriano Italie Tel +39 0732 6611 Fax +39 0732 662501 www.merloni.com 12/2002 — 195 033 153 03 — XEROX BUSINESS SERVICES — DOCUTECH Merloni Elettrodomestici
Les secrets des tissus Des conseils pour mieux laver AT 84 Mode dinstallation et demploi F Classe A à 40°C Le premier lave-linge qui lave parfaitement à 40°C Cachemire Gold Le premier lave-linge recommandé par TheWoolmark Company Lave-linge top loader sûr et facile à utiliser
Guide rapide Découvrez ci-dessous les 12 sujets qui seront développés dans les pages de ce manuel. Lisez, apprenez, amusezvous: vous découvrirez un tas de petits secrets pour laver mieux, avec moins defforts tout en augmentant la longévité de votre lave-linge. Et surtout, en toute sécurité . 1.
M Installation et déménagement Quand votre lavelinge arrive Que votre lave-linge soit neuf ou que vous veniez juste de déménager, son bon fonctionnement dépend en grande partie de son installation. Après avoir déballé l’appareil, vérifiez s’il est en bon état. En cas de doute, faites appel à un
Ce qui compte par dessus tout Votre sécurité et celle de vos enfants votre lave-linge a été fabriqué selon les normes internationales de sécurité les plus sévères. Pour vous protéger ainsi que votre famille. Lisez attentivement ces conseils ainsi que toutes les informations contenues dans ce mode
M Que placer dans votre lavelinge? Quelques astuces pour mieux laver. Triez votre linge en tenant compte des textiles et des couleurs. Attention aux étiquettes, suivez leurs indications. Alternez les petites et les grandes pièces. Avant de laver. Triez votre linge selon le type de tissu et la
Maîtrise du panneau de commandes Cest vous qui commandez Choisir les bons programmes: cest important et cest facile. Le Sélecteur des programmes de votre lave-linge Reset Bouton programmes et départ différé Il sert à sélectionner le programme de lavage. Netournezceboutonquedansle
M Que laver, aujourdhui? Des programmes pour toutes les saisons Nature des tissus et degré de salissure Pré Bouton Bouton programmes tempéra- lavage ture Lessive Assou- Antilavage pliss. taches/ Javel Durée du cycle (minutes) Description du cycle de lavage DEPART DIFFERE Retard de 12 — 9 — 3 — 1 —
Sachez lire les étiquettes et les symboles de lavage des differents modèles top loader Ariston Apprenez à lire ces symboles, vous laverez mieux, votre linge durera plus longtemps et votre lave-linge ne vous en servira que mieux. Partout en Europe, les étiquettes contiennent des messages sous forme
Marche Arrêt Départ Annulation Départ différé Lavage Max°+ prélavage Rinçages Niveau Rinçage/ Rinçage plus M Soie et rideaux Lavage quotidien de 30’ à 30° Assouplissant Repassage facile Anti-froissement arrêt cuve pleine Anti- taches Lavage 90° Essorage délicat 1/2 charge Lavage 60° Variation ou
Les produits lessiviels et l’eau ne suffisent pas… Comment enlever certaines taches spéciales -Vin rouge. Laissez tremper avec le produit lessiviel, rincez et traitez avec de l’acide acétique ou de l’acide citrique, rincez à nouveau. Traitez les éventuels résidus à l’eau de Javel. — Sang. Traitez
M Important pour mieux laver Le secret du tiroir à produits lessiviels Son premier secret: c’est facile, il se trouve sous le couvercle. Versez les produits lessiviels et ladditif éventuel en ne dépassant pas les doses conseillées par le fabricant: lisez les informations indi- quées sur les
Problèmes et solutions Avant de téléphoner, lisez ce qui suit Il peut arriver que le lave-linge ne fonctionne pas bien. Il sagit très souvent de problèmes faciles à résoudre sans laide dun technicien. Avant dappeler le SAV, veuillez effectuer les contrôles suivants. Le lave-linge ne démarre
M Est-ce que la machine est coincée entre des meubles et le mur? A moins que ce soit un modèle à encastrer, votre lavelinge a besoin dosciller un peu pendant lessorage. Prévoyez quelques cm de libres tout autour. Est-ce que le tuyau dévacuation est plié? Le parcours du tuyau doit être le plus
Soins et Entretien facile Chouchoutez-le et il vous sera toujours fidèle Votre lave-linge est un vrai compagnon de vie et de travail. Le garder en forme, cest important. Pour vous aussi. Votre lave-linge est une machine conçue pour durer longtemps sans causer de problèmes. Quelques astuces vous
Equilibrage électronique ABC de votre essorage Attention Cette machine est équipée dun dispositif électronique auto-équilibrant (Auto balance Control) qui permet lessorage à vitesse élevée unique-ment si les charges de linge sont bien distribuées Un déséquilibre dans la charge pourrait en effet
Viale Aristide Merloni 47 60044 Fabriano Italie Tel +39 0732 6611 Fax +39 0732 662501 www.merloni.com 12/2002 — 195 033 153 03 — XEROX BUSINESS SERVICES — DOCUTECH Merloni Elettrodomestici
Consigli per lavare meglio Ñåêðåòû òêàíåé Ýòî âàæíî äëÿ õîðîøåé ñòèðêè Consigli per lavare meglio AT 84 Èíñòðóêöèè ïî óñòàíîâêå è èñïîëüçîâàíèþ CIS Êëàññ A ïðè 40°C Ïåðâàÿ ñòèðàëüíàÿ ìàøèíà, êîòîðàÿ îáåñïå÷èâàåò âûñîêèå ðåçóëüòàòû ñòèðêè óæå ïðè 40°C Êàøåìèð Ãîëä (Ñachemire Gold) Ïåðâàÿ ñòèðàëüíàÿ
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Çàãðóçêà áåëüÿ ïîä êîíòðîëåì! Merloni Elettrodomestici Ýëåêòðîííàÿ áàëàíñèðîâêà (ABC) öèêëà îòæèìà Viale Aristide Merloni 47 60044 Fabriano Italie Tel +39 0732 6611 Fax +39 0732 662501 www.merloni.com Âíèìàíèå! Ýòà ìàøèíà ñíàáæåíà ýëåêòðîííûì óñòðîéñòâîì àâòîìàòè÷åñêîé áàëàíñèðîâêè (Auto Balance
A szövetek titkai Fontos az eredményesebb mosáshoz. Consigli per lavare meglio AT 84 Beüzemelési és használati utasítás HU «A» osztályú 40°C-on való mosás Felsõ betöltésû mosógép biztonságos és könnyen használható Az elsõ mosógép, amely már 40°C-on tökéletesen mos Cachemire Gold Az elsõ mosógép
Rövid útmutató Ismerd meg az alábbi 12 témakört, melyek a jelen kézikönyv oldalain magyarázatot kapnak. Olvasd el, sajátítsd el, szórakozz: sok apró rejtélyt fogsz felfedezni a jobb, a kevesebb fáradságot igénylõ mosáshoz, miközben a mosógéped is tovább él. Legfõképpen a biztonság szem elõtt
Beüzemelés és áthelyezés Amikor a mosógép megérkezik A beüzemelés nagyon fontos pillanat a mosógép jó mûködéséhez, az akár új, akár át lett költöztetve az egyik lakhelyrõl a másikra. A csomagolás kibontása után gyõzõdj meg a készülék épségérõl. Kétség esetén azonnal fordulj szakemberhez. A mosógép
Mindig a legfontosabb A biztonság számodra és a gyermekeid részére A mosógéped a legszigorúbb nemzetközi biztonsági szabványok szerint készült. A Te és a családod védelmére. Olvasd el figyelmesen az alábbi utasításokat és minden információt, melyeket ez a könyvecske tartalmaz: fontos, mert számos
M Mi kerül a mosógépbe? A mosás elõtt sokat tehetsz a jobb mosásért. Válaszd szét a ruhákat anyag és szín alapján. Nézd meg a címkéket és kövesd az utasításokat. A kis és a nagy ruhanemûket egymást felváltva, vegyesen helyezd be. A mosás elõtt. Különítsd el a kimosandó ruhanemût az anyagtípus és a
A kapcsolótábla értelmezése Itt Te irányítasz A helyes programok kiválasztása fontos. Valamint könnyû is. Programok és programozott indítás szabályozógombja A mosási program kiválasztására szolgál. Ez a szabályozógomb kizárólag az óra járásával egyirányban csavarható el. A programok kiválasztásához
Mit szeretnél mosni ma? A programok minden idõszakra A z anyagok és a szennyezõdés jellege M osószer Öblítõf- Fehérítõszer P rogram Hõm érséklet M osószer m osáshoz olyadék szabály- szabályozó- az elõm osáshoz ozógom b gom b A cik lus A m osási ciklus leírása idõtartama (perc) P R OGR A M OZ OT T
A címkék értelmezése… Vigyázz, hogy el ne téveszd a hõmérsékletet Sajátítsd el ezeket a jeleket és jobban fogsz mosni, a ruháid tovább fognak tartani és a mosógéped jó mosással viszonozni fogja a figyelmességedet. Valamennyi címke egész Európában egy üzenetet tartalmaz kicsi, de fontos jelek
…és a különféle Ariston modellek jelei: On — Bekapcsolva Off — Kikapcsolva Mosás intenzitása Indítás Lenullázás/Reset Mûszálasok 40° Gyapjú Késleltetett indítás Öblítés Kézi mosás Elõmosás Maximum° Mosás Öblítés szintje/ Extra öblítés Selyem és vászon Napi mosás 30°-on 30 percig. Mosás 90°-on
Amikor a mosószerek és a víz nem elegendõek Hogyan kell eltüntetni néhány különleges foltot -Vörösbor. Beáztatni a mosószerrel, kiöblíteni majd ecetsavval vagy citromsavval kezelni, végül kiöblíteni. Az esetlegesen visszamaradt foltokat fehérítõszerrel kezelni. -Vér. A még friss foltokat hideg
Fontos az eredményesebb mosáshoz. A mosószertartó titka Az elsõ titok: a mosószertartó kényelmes helyen, az ajtó alatt van elhelyezve. A mosószereket és az esetleges adalékanyagokat a gyártó által elõírt adagok figyelembe vételével kell betöltened: az információkat olvasd el a csomagoláson. Az
Problémák és megoldások Mielõtt telefonálnál, olvasd el a következõt Megtörténhet, hogy a mosógép nem mûködik. Sok esetben könnyen megoldható problémákról van szó, amikor nincs szükség a szerelõ kihívására. Mielõtt telefonálnál a szervízszolgálatnak, mindig ellenõrizd az alábbi pontokat. A mosógép
A leresztõ szivattyú eltömõdött? A megvizsgálásához zárd el a csapot, húzd ki az elektromos dugót és kövesd a 12. oldal utasításait vagy hívd ki a mûszaki szervízszolgálatot. A leresztõcsõ meg van hajolva? A leeresztõcsõ teljes hosszának a lehetõ legegyenesebbnek kell lennie. Ellenõrizd, hogy ne
Könnyû kezelés és karbantartás Jól kezeld õt, így mindig a barátnõd marad A mosógéped egy megbízható élet- és munkatárs. Karbantartása fontos. A Te számodra is. A mosógépedet arra tervezték, hogy több éven keresztül, problémák nélkül mûködjön. Néhány egyszerû észrevétel segít a karbantartásához és
Ügyelünk a terhelés mennyiségére A centrifugád ABC elektronikus kiegyensúlyozása Figyelem! Ez a gép elektronikus önkiegyensúlyozó berendezéssel van felszerelve (Auto Balance Control), mely csak jól elosztott ruhatételeknél teszi lehetõvé a nagy sebességû centrifugálást. Egy kiegyensúlyozatlan tétel
Merloni Elettrodomestici Viale Aristide Merloni 47 60044 Fabriano Ita ly Tel +39 0732 6611 Fax +39 0732 662501 www.merloni.com Vevõtájékoztató adatlap, megfelelõségi nyilatkozat Típus Méretek AT 84 Szélesség: 40 cm Magasság: 85 cm Mélysége: 60 cm Feszültség 230 Volt 50 Hz Elektromos csatlakoztatás
AT 84 Instrucciones para la instalación y el uso E Los secretos de Consigli lavare meglio lospertejidos Consejos para lavar mejor E Clase A a 40°C Laprimeralavadora quegarantizaunlavado perfectoyaa40°C Lavadora con carga superior segura y fácil de usar Cachemire Gold La primera lavadora que ha
Guía rápida Descubra aquí los 12 temas que se explican en las páginas de este manual. Lea, aprenda y diviértase: descubrirá tantos pequeños secretos para lavar mejor, con menor esfuerzo y haciendo durar más la lavadora. Y sobre todo con mayor seguridad. 1. Transpor te e instalación (p.2) ransporte
Transporte e instalación Cuando llega la la vadora lav Ya sea en el caso de recibirla nueva o que haya sido recién trasladada por mudanza, la instalación es un momento importantísimo para el correcto funcionamiento de la lavadora. Después de haber retirado el embalaje controle la integridad de la
Es cada vez más importante Seguridad para Ud. y para sus niños Su lavadora se fabrica según las más severas normas internacionales de seguridad. Para protegerlo a Ud. y a su familia. Lea atentamente estas advertencias y toda la información contenida en este manual; es importante ya que además de
¿Qué se puede introducir en la lavadora? Antes de lavar, puede hacer mucho para obtener un mejor lavado. Separe las prendas según tejido y colores. Mire las etiquetas y respete las indicaciones. Alterne prendas pequeñas y grandes. Antes de la var lav ar.. Separe la ropa según el tipo de tejido y la
Comprender el funcionamiento del panel de mandos Aquí manda Ud. Reset Elegir los programas adecuados es importante. Y es fácil. La perilla con los programas de su lavadora Mando programas y partida programada Sirve para seleccionar el programa de lavado. Gire esta perilla exclusivamente en sentido
¿Qué desea lavar hoy? Los programas para todas las estaciones Tipos de telas y de suciedad Perilla de Perilla de la Detergente Deterge- Suavizante Blanqueador tradicional o nte para programas temperatura para delicado prelavado el lavado Duración del ciclo (minutos) Descripción del ciclo de lavado
Comprender las etiquetas y los símbolos de las lavadoras con carga superior Ariston: Aprenda el significado de estos símbolos y lavará mejor, sus prendas durarán más y su lavadora recompensará su atención lavando mejor. En toda Europa cada etiqueta contiene un mensaje representado por pequeños pero
On — Encendido Off — Apagado Comienzo inicializaciónreactivación Comienzo retrasado Prelavado Lavado Max° Sintéticos a 40° Lana Enjuague Nivel de enjuagues/ Enjuague Extra Lavado a mano Seda y cortinas Lavado diario a 30° en 30′ Suavizante Stop con agua Antiarrugas Lavado a 90° Lavado a 60° Lavado
Cuando los detergentes y el agua no bastan… Cómo eliminar algunas manchas especiales -Vino rojo. Deje en remojo con detergente, enjuague y trate con ácido acético o ácido cítrico, luego enjuague. Trate eventuales residuos con blanqueador. — Sangre. Las manchas todavía frescas se deben tratar con
Importante para lavar mejor El secreto de la cubeta de detergente El primer secreto: la cubeta de detergente está cómodamente colocada bajo la puerta. Debe verter el detergente y el eventual aditivo respetando las dosis indicadas por los fabricantes: en general encontrará toda la información en el
Problemas y soluciones Antes de telefonear, lea aquí Puede suceder que la lavadora no funcione. En muchos casos se trata de problemas que pueden ser resueltos con facilidad sin necesidad de llamar al técnico. Antes de telefonear al Servicio de asistencia controle siempre los siguientes puntos. La
¿El tubo de descarga está plegado? El recorrido del tubo de descarga debe ser lo más rectilíneo posible. Controle que no esté aplastado ni doblado. La lavadora no descarga o no centrifuga. ¿Los tubos de la instalación de descarga están obstruidos? ¿La eventual prolongación del tubo de descarga es
Cuidado y Mantenimiento fácil Trátela bien y será siempre su amiga Su lavadora es una confiable compañera de vida y de trabajo. Mantenerla en forma es importante. También para Ud. Su lavadora está proyectada para durar muchos años sin problemas. Algunas intervenciones muy simples ayudan a
Características técnicas Modelo AT 84 Dimensiones Ancho cm 40 Altura cm 85 Profundidad cm 60 Capacidad de 1 a 5 kg Conexiones eléctricas Tensión 230 voltios 50 Hz potencia máxima absorbida 2100 W Conexiones hídricas Presión máxima presión mínima capacidad del cesto 1 MPa (10 bar) 0,05 MPa (0,5 bar)
Viale Aristide Merloni 47 60044 Fabriano Italie Tel +39 0732 6611 Fax +39 0732 662501 www.merloni.com 12/2002 — 195 033 153 03 — XEROX BUSINESS SERVICES — DOCUTECH Merloni Elettrodomestici