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VBG-cosmetic Skincare Options 3 in 1 EMS Body Slimming Device Ультразвуковой аппарат для лифтинга кожи
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Описание товара
VBG-cosmetic Skincare Options 3 in 1 EMS Body Slimmimg Device Ультразвуковой аппарат для лифтинга кожи
EMS аппарат для лица и тела 3 в 1 — это косметический аппарат с 3 функциями: УЗ-массаж, ИК-массаж и EMS-массаж.
Функции: EMS массаж — процедура, способствующая уменьшению объемов тела. Функция инфракрасной термотерапии для омоложения кожи, быстро и эффективно уменьшает и помогает избавиться от сильных хронических болей в спине и других болей в теле.
Функция ультразвукового массажа улучшает текстуру кожи, разглаживает морщины, помогает бороться с проблемными участками, подтягивает кожу.
Миниатюрный и стильный внешний вид, удобный для переноски, простой в использовании. Для лица и тела. Идеальный подарок для девушки, которая следит за своей внешностью!
Комплектация Массажер — 1 шт, блок зарядки — 1 шт, ems-подушечки — 4 шт.
Меры предосторожности
- Не используйте устройство, превышающее рамки использования, указанные в данном руководстве.
- Следуйте советам врача, если вы беременны.
- Не используйте в области металлических протезов и анатомических областях, таких как глазные яблоки, внутреннее ухо, область костей и другие суставы.
- Не используйте у людей с кардиостимулятором, остеопорозом, высокой температуры или чувствительности к боли, а также с кожными заболеваниями, поврежденными участки кожи (царапины, ссадины, экземы и дерматит в период обострения).
- Избегайте физического воздействия на устройство.
- Запрещается разбирать, изменять, ремонтировать или переделывать устройство в частном порядке.
- Храните устройство в сухом и чистом месте. Не храните устройство рядом с огнем или в слишком жарком / холодном месте.
- Устройство не является водонепроницаемым. Не использовать под водой.
- После использования отключите адаптер питания.
- Разместите устройство в недоступном для детей месте.
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Цены на VBG-cosmetic Skincare Options 3 in 1 EMS Body Slimmimg Device Ультразвуковой аппарат для лифтинга кожи
- Описание
VBG-cosmetic Skincare Options 3 in 1 EMS Body Slimming Device Ультразвуковой аппарат для лифтинга кожи. EMS аппарат для лица и тела 3 в 1 – это косметический аппарат с 3 функциями: УЗ-массаж, ИК-массаж и EMS-массаж. Функции: EMS массаж – процедура, способствующая уменьшению объемов тела. Функция инфракрасной термотерапии для омоложения кожи, быстро и эффективно уменьшает и помогает избавиться от сильных хронических болей в спине и других болей в теле. Функция ультразвукового массажа улучшает текстуру кожи, разглаживает морщины, помогает бороться с проблемными участками, подтягивает кожу. Миниатюрный и стильный внешний вид, удобный для переноски, простой в использовании. Для лица и тела. Идеальный подарок для девушки, которая следит за своей внешностью! Комплектация Массажер – 1 шт, блок зарядки – 1 шт, ems-подушечки – 4 шт.
Наиболее популярные, чем VBG-cosmetic Skincare Options 3 in 1 EMS Body Slimmimg Device Ультразвуковой аппарат для лифтинга кожи
Рекомендации по проведению процедуры:
- Перед применением аппарата кожу необходимо очистить;
- На лицо наносится сыворотка на водной основе (без масел и парфюмированных отдушек);
- Лицо условно делится на зоны и поочередно прорабатывается Clione, легкими движениями по массажным линиям снизу вверх, интенсивность воздействия подбирается индивидуально;
- Важно — сыворотка наносимся не на все лицо сразу, а только на ту зону, которая в данный момент прорабатываемся аппаратом (в противном случае сыворотка может впитаться или подсохнуть, не обеспечив необходимого уровня увлажнённости, который нужен для проводимости токов);
- Подробная инструкция со схемой движений прилагается к аппарату;
- Для эффективной работы очень важно, чтобы кожа была хорошо увлажнена. Если сыворотка быстро впитывается можно дополнительно сбрызгивать лицо термальной водой (для улучшения скольжения и проводимости);
- Рекомендуемое время процедуры — лицо 20 мин, зона вокруг глаз — 4 мин, губы — 2 мин, шея — 5 мин;
- Регулярность — первые 2 недели процедуру рекомендуется проводить раз в 2-3 дня, а затем — 1 раз в неделю.
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May 14, 2020
How to use and how the ems ultrsonic cavitation slimming device work? Please look at here.
About 3in1 Ultrasonic Anti Cellulite Body Slimming Massager you want to know!
What Is Infrared Massager?
The Infrared Slimming massager helps you reduce weight and become slim by delivering infrared light (which is an invisible light) into your body cells and tissues in the form of heat.
This heat not only enhances the massage effect but also increase the blood circulation within an area. As a result, the cells and tissues receive the required oxygen and nutrients.
Fat deposits are broken down and eliminated by the body. Aches and pains are also reduced because of improved blood circulation.
How Does The Infrared Slimming Massager Work
The slimming massager makes use of infrared light therapy sometimes referred to as Red light therapy or low light therapy.
It aims at improving the blood circulation and melting the fats under the skin by using infrared heat.
As infrared therapy has healing abilities and has the ability to kill bacteria, this skincare options cavitation machine also aims at improving the skin and tighten the skin eliminating any wrinkles in the skin.
What Is Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS)?
The Electrical Muscle Stimulator produces micro-currents via the electrodes. It impulses the motor nerves so that the targeted muscle groups have to exercise passively in the way of expanding and contracting.
The EMS therapy can enhance the metabolism by improving blood circulation. It enhances the muscle strength, endurance, and reduces fat. It helps to remove toxin and relieve pain, too. EMS has been widely used in physical therapy, fitness training, and beauty rejuvenation recently.
EMS Muscle Stimulator is used to build muscle to improve its strength and promote its size. A frequently asked question is whether the EMS machine would make the muscle bulk up like a weight-lifting athlete or even like King Kong. And the answer is definitely NO. It is because the muscle has its limit in size and strength in growing. And the EMS muscle stimulation treatment can help to achieve the maximum strength and maximum size, but not over the limit.
EMS also helps dieting and weight loss. It can also prevent your body from being weak, damaged, or flabby.
For the slimming clients, EMS can increase body temperature, heart rate and metabolism, which promotes energy and fat absorption from the body. Consistent use of the muscles requires the burning of calories.
The more the slimming machine is used, the more calories and fat are burned away. Stimulating the body’s natural fat burning and toning processes with EMS Body Toning machines helps to keep your body firm and healthy.
What Is Ultrasonic Massager?
Ultrasonic is a minimally invasive alternative to tumscent liposuction that uses ultrasonic waves to turn fat cells into free fatty acids, which are easier for the body to get rid of.
Proponents of ultrasonic cavitation say that the technology tones and tightens skin, without causing any pain or significant downtime. The machine essentially fragments body tissue with low fiber content, while leaving the tissue structures around it intact. This is why it is also used in conjunction with certain cancer treatments and surgeries, especially those involving the pancreas or liver.
For best results, most patients require between 10 and 12 treatments , but many see up to one to 2 inches (5 cm) of circumference reduction after only a few treatments. Each treatment session lasts for around 15 to 20 minutes.
To get the most out of your treatments, doctors recommend drinking water, maintaining a healthy diet, and exercising regularly in-between sessions.
What exactly do the studies show?
A study funded by Erchonia included 54 overweight or obese patients.Most of the patients were Caucasian men which is odd, since most weight loss patients are women. The patients were treated weekly for 6 weeks. The study found a significant reduction in the combined circumference of hips, waist, thighs, and upper abdomen by 13 cm (about 5 inches) after 6 weeks. Two weeks after the final treatment, patients lost another 2 cm (about 0.8 inches). However, patients knew that they were getting this treatment and may have changed their diet or exercise in an effort to succeed.
Whether or not infrared therapy is effective on its own, some scientists are studying whether it can potentially boost the benefits of exercise. To do this, they study obese patients all of whom are in an exercise program. Half the patients also get light therapy and the other half don’t. Results in these studies show us that it is possible that infrared therapy boosts the effect of exercise on weight loss.
Our Ultrasonic Anti Cellulite Body Slimming Massager
This amazing device offers three different settings:
- electronic muscle stimulation (EMS)
- infrared
- snoic
The ultrasonic vibration massager helps stimulate circulation, while the EMS and infrared settings tone and tighten the skin. The device can be used both on the face and body.
How Does It work?
1.Time for each use of different body parts
- Jowls — 5 minutes
- Chest -10 minuts !! Avoid areas where the heart is!!
- Hips — 20 minutes
- Thighs — 20 minutes
- Arm — 20 minutes
- Abdomen — 20 minutes
- Crus — 20 minutes
2.Device and device parts description:
3.How to use ultrasonic cavitation function at home:
Put the thin layer application gel into the treated skin (gel is not supplied) . The gel is for use of the instrument very important. It creates the necessary bonding layer between the application head and skin. It is made based on water. It cannot damage the application head. The use application of the gel is necessary. The device mode ultrasonic is not possible without the presence of the gel on the skin use.
Connect the power cable into the device (at the bottom). Plug the adapter into a 220V.
Turn on the device, press the POWER button — the button will light red and you hear a beep sound.
Function ultrasonic waves will turn on pressing SONIC.
One press switches on the mode LOW (low) — it will light the LED diode at the letter «L»
A second press switches on the mode HIGH (high level) — it will light the LED diode at the letter «H»
Application head moves on selected body part in circular motions (See. The following figures). NEVER Application head not stay in one place. Ultrasonic cavitation function is automatically preset timer of 10 minutes. After this time, the unit automatically turns off (confirmation beep sound)
Note: Effect of ultrasonic waves is not felt on the skin. Users with good hearing can perceive the long continuous audible tone. To be sure, it is the action of ultrasonic wave function, spray application head a few tiny drops of water. You can then see their oscillations. After this test, wipe dry immediately head.
4.How to use Infrared light function:
For more effective body shaping recommend during ultrasonic cavitation can also activate the infrared light. Along the perimeter of the applicator head units are built in 4 IR emitters.
Infrared rays penetrate into the body in the wavelength range of 8 to 12nm. The infrared radiation in comparison to other sources of heat better ability to penetrate deeper into the subcutaneous tissue.
Infrared heat is strongly supported by circulation. The body is then able to quickly get rid of harmful substances and waste products. Contributes to the overall regeneration and recovery of the body.
To use infrared light functions:
- After you connect the device to the mains cable, press INFRARED button.
- The function is activated button glows INFRARED and 4 LEDs around the perimeter of the applicator head.
- During the movement across the skin will feel warmth.There’s no burning sensation!
- Functions of infrared light turns off automatically after 10 minutes or can be switched off by yourself pressing INFRARED button (LEDs and button is off).
5.How to use EMS function:
- First, thoroughly clean the skin where you will apply the gel electrode. This is very important for the correct transmission of pulses through the skin.
- Each electrode plug to the flat connector.
- Electrodes stick to the body part that you want to treat.
- Cable electrodes connect to the device. Socket is positioned below the surface of the applicator head cavitation.
- Before switching on, make sure the side button on the value of the 0.
- Once you will connect device to the electric socket, press POWER button.
(POWER button lights up)
- Press the button EMS (electrostimulator function is ON).
- The electrical pulses begin to flow through to the skin as soon as you set on the side 1.
- On the other side of the device, select the mode of electrical pulses that suits you best. There are the following:
These modes are useful for muscle relaxation:
These modes are suitable for active muscle strengthening:
- During the treatment by electrostimulator you can change the EMS function:
(TAPPING, MASSAGE, KNEAD, SCRAPPING, SLIMMING). You can change the power level of the EMS function also (0 — off,1,2,3,4,5).
EMS will switch off after 10 minutes automatically or you can switch it off by yourselves by the pressing EMS (LED button will lights off).
Note: If you’re starting with the device, we recommend that the length of the application of 10 minutes, 20 minutes later. Never use electrical stimulation in one place for more than 30 minutes!
You can see in the picture how to apply electrode pads on the body:
6.Is treatment painful device?
Treatment with ultrasonic waves is completely painless.
7.How do I know that ultrasound devices really work?
During treatment, you will only hear a slight squeaking high, which publishes an ultrasound. Sensitive individuals may feel a gentle tingling. As a test, you can apply a small amount of water drops on the application head. Ultrasound waves vibrate water molecules.
8.What results can be achieved?
The result is greatly influenced by several factors. A relaxed body fat must be processed. How fast it processes depends mainly on the rate of metabolism, the type of your fat condition lymphatic system or regimen. Under optimal conditions it may be several centimeters loss after repeated treatment.
9.Ultrasonic cavitation is safe for the body?
If the instrument is used in the right parts, and users do not match any of these contraindications, ultrasonic cavitation is absolutely safe. The released fat is the body can gradually handle.
10.What principles is essential to adhere to the desired slimming effect came?
As mentioned in the foregoing, it is necessary to modify the diet and increased fluid intake. Treatment ultrasonic cavitation can safely undergo after 7-10 days. We do not recommend treatment more than two batches simultaneously. If the caregiver of games that are closer together, cavitation effect is multiplied. Otherwise (remote parts) with effect splits.
If have any question, welcome Email( info@sazzus.com ) to us.
Line to: Massage Gel
Line to: 3in1 slimming and beautify machine
Upgraded version: 6in1 slimming and beauty machine
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Special recommendation: Feipushi Microcurrent Facial Lift Machine
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