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Owners Workshop Manual Skoda Fabia 2000-2006 г.

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Skoda Fabia 2000-2006 годов выпуска.

  • Автор: A.K. Legg
  • Издательство: Haynes Publishing
  • Год издания: 2006
  • Страниц: 373
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 122,1 Mb

Обслуживание, ремонт, эксплуатация Skoda Fabia с 1999 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Skoda Fabia с 1999 года выпуска с бензиновыми и дизельными двигателями.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Техническая книга
  • Год издания: 2007
  • Страниц: 246
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 234,9 Mb

Ремонт и ТО Skoda Fabia 2000-2006 г.

Руководство по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Skoda Fabia 2000-2006 годов выпуска с бензиновыми и дизельными двигателями.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Алфамер
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 384
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Руководство по обслуживанию и ремонту Skoda Fabia с 2000 г.

Руководство по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Skoda Fabia с 2000 года выпуска.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Skoda Auto
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц:
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 553,0 Mb

Руководство по обслуживанию и ремонту Skoda Fabia с 2007 г.

Руководство по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Skoda Fabia с 2007 года выпуска.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Skoda Auto
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц:
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 33,8 Mb

Руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации Skoda Fabia с 2000 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации и ремонту автомобиля Skoda Fabia с 2000 года выпуска с бензиновыми и дизельными двигателями.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Монолит
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 428
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Руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации Skoda Fabia с 2007 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации и ремонту автомобилей Skoda Fabia/Fabia Combi/Fabia Sport Edition с 2007 года выпуска с бензиновыми и дизельными двигателями.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Монолит
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 350
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Руководство по эксплуатации Skoda Fabia II.

Сборник руководств по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию автомобиля Skoda Fabia второго поколения.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Skoda Auto
  • Год издания: -/2010/2014
  • Страниц: 284/276/213
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 84,6 Mb

Руководство по эксплуатации, ремонту и ТО Skoda Fabia 1999-2008 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Skoda Fabia 1999-2008 годов выпуска с бензиновыми и дизельными двигателями.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Арго-Авто
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 664
  • Формат:
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Руководство по эксплуатации, ремонту и ТО Skoda Fabia с 2006 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Skoda Fabia с 2006 года выпуска с бензиновыми и дизельными двигателями.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Арго-Авто
  • Год издания: 2009
  • Страниц: 400
  • Формат:
  • Размер:

Руководство по эксплуатации, ТО и ремонту Skoda Fabia с 2007 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Skoda Fabia с 2007 года выпуска с бензиновыми двигателями объемом 1,2/1,4/1,6 л.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Третий Рим
  • Год издания: 2012
  • Страниц: 325
  • Формат:
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Экономим на сервисе Skoda Fabia.

Руководство по техническому обслуживанию автомобиля Skoda Fabia второго поколения.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: За рулем
  • Год издания: 2010
  • Страниц: 89
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 35,7 Mb

Эксплуатация, обслуживание, ремонт Skoda Fabia с 2007 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Skoda Fabia с 2007 года выпуска.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Мир автокниг
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 400
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Доп информация

Кто-то уже выкладывал все файлы по нашей Фабии. Выложу ещё раз, чтобы не потерялось. Файлы на русском языке с заводским руководством по ремонту большинства двигателей, коробок передач, кузовни, электроники, ходовой всех версий и т. п.

Папка в Яндекс.Диске — yadi.sk/d/4XE83o-tluSkFA

Коробки передач
АКПП 001 — yadi.sk/i/rLycVhHDyX8E9A
КПП 002 — yadi.sk/i/tbFh97Hp-NoiwA
КПП 02R — yadi.sk/i/xIPUOOUGv67XQA
КПП 02T — yadi.sk/i/AOMj1Fn9A-65WA
КПП 0A8 — yadi.sk/i/bdmoWStnXSt-AA

Бензиновые двигатели
1,0 (50 л.с.) и 1,4 (60/68 л.с.)
Механическая часть — yadi.sk/i/XXiWGmOXM00eHQ
Впрыск — yadi.sk/i/CagNOY6T8YdTbw

1,2 (54 л.с.) и 1,2 (64 л.с.)
Механическая часть — yadi.sk/i/Dic_RVed8t4cRA и yadi.sk/i/pYxH1SFt5FLKDQ
Впрыск — yadi.sk/i/cxUpOow22b0xew

1,4 (75 л.с.) и 1,4 (101 л.с.)
Механическая часть — yadi.sk/i/ddODrv2mOQGzxA
Впрыск — yadi.sk/i/AyYQA_nNPg30Hg

2,0 (115 л.с.)
Механическая часть — yadi.sk/i/avtsCyu45nC31Q
Впрыск — yadi.sk/i/nljDwTii5CD2zQ

Дизельные двигатели
1,4 TDI (75 л.с.)
Механическая часть — yadi.sk/i/FIZKM7lnD82Pkg
Впрыск — yadi.sk/i/oeOQsL4yDjRkDQ

1,9 SDI (64 л.с.)
Механическая часть — yadi.sk/i/0QMzWGp240t2nQ
Впрыск — yadi.sk/i/YtfVyvTc4QzIXA

1,9 TDI (100 л.с.)
Механическая часть — yadi.sk/i/tpVn7SMolo9Diw
Впрыск — yadi.sk/i/FAB07jDoaO4eBw

1,9 TDI RS (130 л.с.)
Механическая часть — yadi.sk/i/t9ddX6HCfwYOzw
Впрыск — yadi.sk/i/UYSLIYtWl_1m8g

Электроника и схемы
Электрооборудование — yadi.sk/i/jkDQNlRUPe3GRQ
Схемы электрические 1 — yadi.sk/i/_FKOUkUs1BeZpg
Схемы электрические 2 — yadi.sk/d/auG3fH0R_4ApEw
Схемы электрические 3 — yadi.sk/i/1-swiFc-fNTcQA

Всё остальное
Отопление и кондиционер — yadi.sk/i/6Afrhm6TO9sn_A
Ходовая часть — yadi.sk/i/tTEyzhhGU8Sg0A
ТО — yadi.sk/i/qx15l-bmrq7DXQ
Кузов, жестяные работы — yadi.sk/i/zcP3pNP0cQgh8g
Кузов, сборочные работы — yadi.sk/i/y50h0MSiJ6KixQ

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Skoda Fabia (с 1999 г. выпуска). Пособие по ремонту и эксплуатации

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      Дата: 15 апреля 2014
      В разделе: Руководства ремонт
      Загрузил:  KADKA
      Скачиваний:  2 837
    • Нравится
    • 0

Издательство: Техническая книга
Год издания: 2007
Язык: русский
Формат: PDF
Страниц: 246
Размер: 233,5 Мб + 3% rar

Приводится описание двигателей:

1.0 л. ARV-37 кВт (50 л.с.)
1.4 л. 8V АМЕ — 50 кВт (68 л.с.)
1.4 л. 16V AUA — 55 кВт (75 л.с.)
1.4 л.-16\/ AUB -74 кВт (100 л.с.)
2.0 л. AQY, АРК, AEG — 85 кВт (116 л.с.)

1.9 л. SDI ASY — 47 кВт (64 л.с.)
1.9 л. TDfATD — 74 кВт (100 л.с.)

Руководство по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобилей Skoda Fabia с 1999 г. выпуска и его модификаций, с бензиновыми и дизельными двигателями.

Даны рекомендации по техническому обслуживанию, ремонту двигателей, трансмиссии, ходовой части, рулевого управления, тормозных систем с ABS, электрооборудования и элементов кузова.

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Skoda Fabia II 2007 Workshop Manual

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Workshop Manual

Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ ,

Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ ,

Rapid NH 2013 ➤ , Rapid NH 2014 ➤ ,

Roomster 2006 ➤

Gearbox 02T

Edition 05.2014

Service Department. Technical Information


Related Manuals for Skoda Fabia II 2007

Summary of Contents for Skoda Fabia II 2007

  • Page 1
    Service Workshop Manual Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , Rapid NH 2013 ➤ , Rapid NH 2014 ➤ , Roomster 2006 ➤ Gearbox 02T Edition 05.2014 Service Department. Technical Information…
  • Page 2
    Service List of Workshop Manual Repair GroupsList of Workshop Manual Repair GroupsList of Workshop Manual Repair Groups R e p a i r G r o u p 00 — Technical data 30 — Clutch 34 — Controls, housing 35 — Gears, shafts 39 — Final drive — differential…
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    Clutch control …………Summary of components — foot controls (Fabia II 2007 ►; Roomster 2006 ►) ..

  • Page 4
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Remove and install gearshift knob and shift lever collar (Rapid) ….
  • Page 5: Technical Data

    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 00 – Technical data Identification of the gearbox (SRL000700; Edition 05.2014) Assignment Fabia II ⇒…

  • Page 6
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Manual gearbox 5 speed 02T Manufac‐ from 12.06 06.09 01.07 06.09 tured 05.09 03.10 05.09…
  • Page 7
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Manual gearbox 5 speed 02T Clutch control hydraulic Clutch disc ∅ ⇒ Electronic Catalogue of Original Parts Drive shaft flange ∅…
  • Page 8
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Manual gearbox 5 speed 02T Manufac‐ from 02.07 06.09 04.07 06.09 tured 05.09 05.09 05.10…
  • Page 9
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Manual gearbox 5 speed 02T Clutch control hydraulic Clutch disc ∅ ⇒ Electronic Catalogue of Original Parts Drive shaft flange ∅…
  • Page 10: Identification Characters, Aggregate Assignment, Ratios, Filling Capacities (Roomster)

    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Manual gearbox 5 speed 02T Manufac‐ from 02.07 06.09 tured 05.09 09.10 Assign‐ Engine 1.4 ltr./51 kW TDI-PD…

  • Page 11
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Manual gearbox 5 speed 02T Filling capacity 2.0 l Specification ⇒ Electronic Catalogue of Original Parts…
  • Page 12
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Manual gearbox 5 speed 02T Identification characters Manufac‐ from 05.06 11.06 06.09 tured 11.06 05.09…
  • Page 13
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Manual gearbox 5 speed 02T Specification ⇒ Electronic Catalogue of Original Parts Gear oil change interval…
  • Page 14: Identification Characters, Aggregate Assignment, Ratios, Filling Capacities (Rapid)

    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Manual gearbox 5 speed 02T Identification characters Manufac‐ from 08.06 11.06 06.09 tured 11.06 05.09…

  • Page 15: Identification Characters, Aggregate Assignment, Ratios, Filling Capacities (Rapid Nh)

    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Manual gearbox 5 speed 02T Reverse gear 35 : 24 x 24 : 11 = 3.182…

  • Page 16
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Note Vehicles with ABS do not have the sender for speedometer — ♦ G22- .
  • Page 17: Overview Of Transmission System

    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Overview of Transmission System Designation of components and transmission ratio Note The arrow shows the direction of travel.

  • Page 18: General Repair Instructions

    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 General repair instructions To ensure flawless and successful gearbox repairs, the greatest care and cleanliness as well as the use of good and proper tools are essential.

  • Page 19
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Before installing Lightly lubricate the outside diameter of the gasket ring. Fill half the space between the sealing lips -arrow- with grease — G 052 128 A1- .
  • Page 20
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Nuts and bolts ♦ Slacken and tighten fixing screws and nuts of covers and housings diagonally across in stages.
  • Page 21
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 ♦ These are not interchangeable. If re-using, allocate synchron‐ izer rings to the same sliding gear.
  • Page 22: Clutch

    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 30 – Clutch Clutch control Summary of components — foot controls (Fabia II 2007 ►; Room‐…

  • Page 23: Summary Of Components — Foot Controls (Fabia Ii 2007 ►; Roomster 2006 ►)

    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Summary of components — foot controls (Fabia II 2007 ►; Roomster 2006 ►) Note Summary of components — Hydraulics ⇒…

  • Page 24: Removing And Installing, Setting Angular Clutch Pedal Switch F36

    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 13 — 28 Nm ❑ always replace ⇒ Electronic Catalogue of Original Parts 14 — Master cylinder ❑…

  • Page 25: Removing And Installing, Setting Cylindrical Clutch Pedal Switch F36 , (Fabia Ii 2007 ►; Roomster 2006 ►)

    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Removing – Remove the storage area on the driver’s side ⇒ Body Work; Rep. gr. 70 .

  • Page 26: Removing And Installing The Crash Strut For The Clutch Pedal (Fabia Ii 2007 ►; Roomster 2006 ►)

    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Removing and installing the crash strut for the clutch pedal (Fabia II 2007 ►;…

  • Page 27
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Tightening torque Crash strut to steering column 9 Nm…
  • Page 28
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Removing and installing the over-centre helper spring (Fabia II 2007 ►; Roomster 2006 ►) Special tools and workshop equipment required ♦…
  • Page 29
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 – Press over-centre helper spring against the bearing and posi‐ tion on the support of the clutch pedal -arrow-.
  • Page 30
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Tightening torque Crash strut to steering column ⇒ page 22…
  • Page 31: Removing And Installing The Clutch Pedal (Fabia Ii 2007 ►; Roomster 2006 ►)

    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Removing and installing the clutch pedal (Fabia II 2007 ►; Roomster 2006 ►) Special tools and workshop equipment required ♦…

  • Page 32
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Tightening torques Crash strut to steering column ⇒ page 22 ⇒ page 19 Clutch pedal to bracket…
  • Page 33: Summary Of Components — Foot Controls (Fabia Ii 2011 ►; Roomster 2011 ►; Rapid Nh 2013 ►)

    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Summary of components — foot controls (Fabia II 2011 ►; Roomster 2011 ►; Rapid NH 2013 ►)

  • Page 34
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 8 — Stop ❑ for the clutch pedal 9 — Bearing bolt ❑ always replace ⇒ Electronic Catalogue of Original Parts 10 — Over-centre helper spring ❑…
  • Page 35
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Removing and installing tension spring – Removing and installing with hook — 3438- .
  • Page 36
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 The clutch pedal switch is installed from the front wall. – Insert the clutch pedal switch into the support of the bracket and turn it 45°…
  • Page 37
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Tightening torque Crash strut to steering column (2 screws) 9 Nm…
  • Page 38
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Version with one fixing screw Removing – Remove the storage area on the driver’s side ⇒ Body Work;…
  • Page 39
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Tightening torque Crash strut to steering column (1 screw) 20 Nm…
  • Page 40: Summary Of Components — Foot Controls (Rapid)

    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Summary of components — Foot controls (Rapid) Note Summary of components — Hydraulics ⇒ page 54 ♦…

  • Page 41
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 ❑ removing and installing ⇒ page 54 13 — Master cylinder ❑ removing and installing ⇒…
  • Page 42: Removing And Installing The Bracket With The Master Cylinder (Fabia Ii 2011 ►; Roomster 2011 ►; Rapid Nh 2013 ►)

    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 – Turn the clutch pedal switch at the bracket 45° in -direction of arrow- and remove it from the support.

  • Page 43
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 – If the master cylinder is not accessible, remove the engine control unit from the front wall ⇒ Engine; Rep. gr. 23 or ⇒…
  • Page 44
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 – Unscrew the two lower fixing nuts -arrows-. – Remove the bracket -A- from the front wall -B-.
  • Page 45: Removing And Installing The Bracket With The Master Cylinder (Rapid 2011 ►)

    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Tightening torques ⇒ page 29 -Position 4- Bracket/clutch pedal to front wall ⇒ page 29…

  • Page 46
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 – Unscrew the two lower fixing nuts -arrows-. – Remove the bracket -A- from the front wall -B-.
  • Page 47: Removing And Installing The Bracket Without The Master Cylinder (Fabia Ii 2011 ►; Roomster 2011 ►; Rapid Nh 2013 ►)

    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 ⇒ page 36 -Position 4- Master cylinder to front wall Replace self-locking nut. 1.11…

  • Page 48: Removing And Installing The Bracket Without The Master Cylinder (Rapid 2011 ►)

    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Note Position self-locking nuts -1- and -2- for bracket -3- on front wall. – The support -A- must be located on the actuating rod -B- of the master cylinder.

  • Page 49
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Unlock the actuating rod/master cylinder from the clutch pedal as follows: – Pull clutch pedal slightly into the passenger compartment.
  • Page 50: Removing And Installing The Clutch Pedal With The Over-Centre Helper Spring (Fabia Ii 2011 ►; Roomster 2011 ►)

    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 1.13 Removing and installing the clutch pedal with the over-centre helper spring (Fa‐ bia II 2011 ►; Roomster 2011 ►) Note Install clutch pedal with new bearing bolt.

  • Page 51
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 – The support -2- must be located on the actuating rod -1- of the master cylinder.
  • Page 52: Removing And Installing The Clutch Pedal With The Over-Centre Helper Spring (Rapid)

    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 1.14 Removing and installing the clutch pedal with the over-centre helper spring (Rap‐ Note Install the clutch pedal with a new bearing bolt.

  • Page 53: Removing And Installing The Clutch Pedal With The Tension Spring (Fabia Ii 2011 ►; Roomster 2011 ►; Rapid Nh 2013 ►)

    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 – The support -2- must be located on the actuating rod -1- of the master cylinder.

  • Page 54
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 – Unhook the tension spring e.g with hook — 3438- . Note Only observe the right part of the fig. -arrows- when installing.
  • Page 55: Summary Of Components — Hydraulic (Fabia Ii ►; Roomster ►; Rapid Nh)

    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 – Position the bolts -A- horizontally. – Turn the bearing bolt to the right -in direction of arrow-, for this purpose use the hexagon socket wrench -1-, wrench size 8 mm.

  • Page 56
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 1 — Brake fluid reservoir ❑ test tightness ⇒ page 57 2 — Supply hose ❑…
  • Page 57
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 11 — Support ❑ holds the tube-hose line -Pos. 9- on the gearbox ❑ not fitted to all vehicles…
  • Page 58: Summary Of Components — Hydraulic (Rapid 2011 ►)

    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 As of 12.05 on certain vehicles plastic return hose -1-: ♦ Gaskets -2- must be present on the return hose.

  • Page 59
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 13 — Gasket ring/O-ring ❑ pull onto line connection ❑ insert with brake fluid ❑…
  • Page 60
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Push the actuator rod/master cylinder in the support -A- in -direction of the arrow-.
  • Page 61: Check Hydraulic Clutch Control

    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 1.18 Check hydraulic clutch control Note If the master cylinder and/or slave cylinder must be replaced ♦…

  • Page 62: Removing And Installing The Master Cylinder (Fabia Ii 2007 ►; Roomster 2006 ►)

    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 1.19 Removing and installing the master cyl‐ inder (Fabia II 2007 ►; Roomster 2006 ►)

  • Page 63
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Unlock the actuating rod/master cylinder from the clutch pedal as follows: – Insert pliers — T10005- in the clutch pedal recesses.
  • Page 64
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Tightening torques Crash strut to steering column ⇒ page 22 ⇒ page 19 Clutch pedal to bracket…
  • Page 65: Removing And Installing The Master Cylinder (Fabia Ii 2011 ►; Roomster 2011 ►; Rapid Nh 2013 ►)

    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 1.20 Removing and installing the master cyl‐ inder (Fabia II 2011 ►; Roomster 2011 ►;…

  • Page 66
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Note If the slave cylinder must be replaced due to a predetermined ♦ fault, first of all check the hydraulic clutch control ⇒…
  • Page 67
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 – Disconnect the Bowden cable support from gearbox -arrows-. – Tie up shift cable and selector cable.
  • Page 68
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Tightening torques Slave cylinder to gearbox Fabia II, Roomster, Rapid NH ⇒ page 51 Rapid ⇒…
  • Page 69: Bleeding The Clutch Control

    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 1.22 Bleeding the clutch control Special tools and workshop equipment required ♦ Brake filling and bleeding device , e. g. -VAS 5234-…

  • Page 70: Repairing The Clutch Release Mechanism

    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Repairing the clutch release mecha‐ nism Special tools and workshop equipment required ♦ Grease — G 000 100- 1 — Clutch release bearing ❑…

  • Page 71
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 8 — Gearbox 9 — 20 Nm 10 — Support 11 — Slave cylinder ❑…
  • Page 72: Repairing Clutch

    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Repairing clutch Fault finding power transmission — problems with the clutch and clutch control ⇒…

  • Page 73
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 1 — Flywheel ❑ make sure the centering pins are correctly fitted ❑ The locating face for the…
  • Page 74: Fault Finding Power Transmission — Problems With The Clutch And Clutch Control

    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Centering the clutch disc and removing and installing the pressure plate for vehicles with 1.2 ltr and 1.4 ltr engines –…

  • Page 75
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Complaint Fault description Measure Clutch pedal does not return to ini‐ ♦ Air in line system.
  • Page 76
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Complaint Fault description Measure ♦ Centre displacement of engine/ – Check dowel sleeves. gearbox.
  • Page 77
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Complaint Fault description Measure ♦ Clutch disc on the serration – Check the hub for damage, if sluggish/jams.
  • Page 78
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Complaint Fault description Measure ♦ Clutch disc worn out, burnt, – Replace clutch disc.
  • Page 79
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Complaint Fault description Measure ♦ The contact surface of the pres‐ – Check the contact surface of the sure plate lifts off only unilater‐…
  • Page 80: Controls, Housing

    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 34 – Controls, housing Shift mechanism Installation position — selector mechanism ⇒ page 76 Summary of components — Gearshift mechanism ⇒…

  • Page 81
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 A — Shift cable B — Selector cable C — Heat shield ❑ take off before removing…
  • Page 82: Summary Of Components — Gearshift Mechanism

    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Summary of components — Gearshift mechanism Note If the battery earth strap is disconnected and connected, carry out additional operations ⇒ Electrical System;…

  • Page 83: Summary Of Components — Gearshift Knob With Shift Lever Collar

    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Summary of components — Gearshift knob with shift lever collar 1 — Gearshift knob ❑…

  • Page 84: Remove And Install Gearshift Knob And Shift Lever Collar (Rapid)

    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 – Lever off the collar with two disassembly wedges — 3409- out of the surround of the centre console in -direction of arrow-.

  • Page 85: Remove And Install Gearshift Knob And Shift Lever Collar (Rapid Nh)

    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 – Lever off the collar frame with the disassembly wedge — T30098- out of the surround for the centre console in -direction of arrow-.

  • Page 86: Summary Of Components — Shift Lever And Shift Housing

    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 – Open clamp -arrow- and pull off gearshift knob together with the collar. Install –…

  • Page 87
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 1 — Lock washer ❑ removing and installing ⇒ page 84 2 — Pressure spring 3 — Gasket ❑…
  • Page 88: Summary Of Components — Control Cables

    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Removing and installing lock washer – When removing and installing the circlip -A- pull the gearshift…

  • Page 89
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 1 — Shift cable ❑ slacken from the shift lever guide within the shift mechanism ❑…
  • Page 90
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 ❑ it is not necessary, if it is a plastic relay lever 13 — Bush ❑…
  • Page 91: Plastic Relay Lever As Of 06.07 (Fabia Ii, Roomster, Rapid Nh)

    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Fitting location of gearbox shift lever – When inserting the gearbox shift lever, make sure that the tooth opening -arrow A- is located above the interrupted spac‐…

  • Page 92
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 – Pull forward the locking mechanism as far as the stop in -direction of arrow 1-, then lock by turning to the left in -direction of arrow 2-.
  • Page 93: Remove And Install Shift Mechanism (Fabia Ii, Roomster, Rapid Nh)

    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Relay lever with clip – Remove clip -arrow°1-. – Carefully take the relay lever together with the cable lock out of its bearing point.

  • Page 94
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 ♦ Disassembly wedge — 3409- (2 pieces) (Fabia II, Roomster) ♦ Release tool — T30098- (Rapid NH) ♦…
  • Page 95
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 – Remove underbody cover on right and left (if present) -arrows-. – Remove tunnel bridge -arrows-.
  • Page 96
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 – Always replace lock washers -3- and -4- after each disassem‐ bly ⇒ Electronic Catalogue of Original Parts .
  • Page 97
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Tightening torques Components Tightening torque Underbody cover 2 Nm Shift housing to body ⇒ page 82 Cable support to gearbox ⇒…
  • Page 98: Removing And Installing Shift Mechanism (Rapid)

    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 1.11 Removing and installing shift mecha‐ nism (Rapid) Special tools and workshop equipment required ♦…

  • Page 99
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 – Remove underbody cover on right and left (if present) -arrows-. – Remove tunnel bridge -A- -arrows-.
  • Page 100: Setting The Shift Mechanism

    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 – Apply a small quantity of grease — G 000 450 02- onto the studs -arrows- of the gearbox shift lever -1- and of the relay lever -2-.

  • Page 101
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 • Gearbox in Neutral. Note If the battery earth strap is disconnected and connected, carry out additional operations ⇒…
  • Page 102
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 – Turn locking mechanism at shift cable and at selector cable to the right up to the stop -direction of arrow-.
  • Page 103: Removing And Installing The Gearbox

    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Removing and installing the gearbox Removing the gearbox ⇒ page 99 Installing the gearbox ⇒…

  • Page 104
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 – Remove circlip -arrow 1- for shift cable from gearbox shift lever -A-. – Pull off shift cable from the stud.
  • Page 105
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 – Remove Bowden cable support -arrows-. – Tie up shift cable and selector cable.
  • Page 106
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 – Remove the earth strap from the engine/gearbox connecting screw -1- (on certain types of engines the earth strap is not connected).
  • Page 107
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 – Install supporting device — MP9-200 (10-222A)- . For this pur‐ pose, position the supports -C- next to the screw -arrow 1- and the support for the engine hood -arrow 2- as shown.
  • Page 108
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 – Unscrew the fixing screws -arrows- from the gearbox mount. – Remove front left wheel ⇒ Chassis; Rep. gr. 44 and raise vehicle: ♦…
  • Page 109
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 – Release the nuts -arrows- for the left steering joint ⇒ Chassis; Rep. gr. 40 (on certain vehicles release the screws, see fig.
  • Page 110
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 – Release the screws -arrows- and remove the fan shroud downwards (on newer models, the screws are no longer present and the fan shroud is only clipped in at the radiator, see fig.
  • Page 111
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 – Screw in the mounting elements -A- as shown on adjusting plate . – Position engine/gearbox jack below vehicle, ⇒ Abb. S34-0340, arrow symbol -B- on adjusting plate points in the direction of travel/vehicle.
  • Page 112: Installing The Gearbox

    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 – Adjust supporting arm at slide with locking pin. Number of visible holes -arrow- = 5.

  • Page 113
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 2.2.1 Tightening torques Gearbox to 1.2/44 kW, 1.2/47 kW, 1.2/51 kW and 1.2/55 kW en‐…
  • Page 114
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Gearbox to 1.6 ltr./77 kW engine (Fabia II, Roomster) Pos. Screw Piece M12 x 60…
  • Page 115
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Components Tightening torque 40 Nm + 90° Fixing screws of gearbox mount Cover plate for flywheel…
  • Page 116: Inspect The Gear Oil Level In The Gearbox

    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Inspect the gear oil level in the gear‐ Special tools and workshop equipment required ♦…

  • Page 117: Disassembling And Assembling The Gearbox

    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Disassembling and assembling the gearbox Gearbox — Summary of components ⇒ page 113 Summary of components ⇒…

  • Page 118: Summary Of Components

    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Summary of components I — Removing and installing gearbox housing cover and 5th gear ⇒…

  • Page 119: Removing And Installing Gearbox Housing Cover And 5Th Gear

    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Mounting sequence ⇒ page 118 Removing and installing gearbox housing cover and 5th gear 1 — Gearbox housing ❑…

  • Page 120: Detaching And Attaching Clutch Housing

    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 13 — 5th gear shift fork ❑ disassembling and assembling ⇒ page 132 14 — Bolt ❑…

  • Page 121: Removing And Installing The Drive Shaft, Output Shaft, Differential Gear, Shift Mechanism And Gearshift Forks

    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Removing and installing the drive shaft, output shaft, differential gear, shift mechanism and gearshift forks 1 — Differential gear ❑…

  • Page 122: Mounting Sequence

    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 12 — 5 Nm + 90° further ❑ always replace ⇒ Electronic Catalogue of Original Parts…

  • Page 123
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 ♦ Thrust piece — T10085- ♦ Sealant — AMV 188 200 03- Change gearbox holder -T30012- Drill a new hole in the gearbox holder — T30012 (3221)- to attach the Gearbox 02T.
  • Page 124
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 – Unscrew the cover -arrow- for the gearbox housing. – Pull out the bearing bolt -1- for the 5th gear shift fork -2- and remove gearshift fork.
  • Page 125
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 – Remove transmission neutral sender — G701- -arrow-. Continued for all gearboxes – Remove the gearshift shaft with cover -A-; to do this, put the gearshift shaft in idle position.
  • Page 126
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 – Pressing the sleeve of the 5th gear sliding gear needle bearing onto the drive shaft ⇒…
  • Page 127
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 – Fit the washer — T10083/1- onto the drive shaft and carefully press in the bearing support together with the drive shaft and the output shaft up to the stop.
  • Page 128
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 – Remove transmission neutral sender — G701- -arrow-. Continued for all gearboxes – Screw in new screws -A- and tighten the bearing support of the drive shaft and output shaft.
  • Page 129
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 – Insert the 5th gear shift fork -2- and push the bearing pin -1- up to the stop.
  • Page 130: Repairing Gearbox Housing And Clutch Housing

    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Repairing gearbox housing and clutch housing Special tools and workshop equipment required ♦ Thrust piece — MP3-420 (3124)- ♦…

  • Page 131
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Oil filler plug or oil drain plug with hexagon socket head — 32 Nm 7 — O-ring ❑…
  • Page 132
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 19 — Bushing ❑ for gearshift shaft ❑ extracting ⇒ page 129 ❑ inserting ⇒…
  • Page 133
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Remove bushing for gasket ring – Position the distance sleeve — MP3-458/2- and thrust piece — MP3-484 (30-555)- on the differential gear.
  • Page 134: Repairing Shift Mechanism

    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Repairing shift mechanism Special tools and workshop equipment required ♦ Thrust piece — T10203- ♦…

  • Page 135
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Remove locking bolt -A- from gearshift cover – Remove the outer part of the locking bolt.
  • Page 136: Disassembling And Assembling The Gearshift Forks

    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Disassembling and assembling the gearshift forks Special tools and workshop equipment required ♦ Driver — MP1-304 (10-206)- ♦…

  • Page 137
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 7 — Bearing bolt ❑ for 5th gear shift fork Identification of shift segments and 5th gear shift fork with shift…
  • Page 138
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Fitting the circlip – Press the circlip with a handle wrench into the slot of the shift segment.
  • Page 139: Gears, Shafts

    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 35 – Gears, shafts Drive shaft Disassembling and assembling the drive shaft ⇒ page 135…

  • Page 140
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Note Insert all bearings, gears and synchronizer rings in the gear‐ ♦ box with gear oil.
  • Page 141
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 7 — Gearbox housing 8 — Bearing support for grooved ball bearing ❑ Always replace grooved ball bearing together with the bearing support ❑…
  • Page 142
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 ❑ removing ⇒ page 138 ❑ pressing on ⇒ page 138 ❑ Fitting position: The circlip in the bearing points towards the drive shaft 22 — Clutch housing ❑…
  • Page 143
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Press out the bearing support for grooved ball bearing – Move the sliding sleeve for 1st and 2nd gear to 2nd gear.
  • Page 144
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Disassembling and assembling the sliding sleeve/3rd and 4th gear synchronizer body 1 — Spring (as of production date 06.09 the springs are longer) ⇒…
  • Page 145
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Press on the synchronizer body with the 3rd and 4th gear sliding sleeve Press on the inner ring -A- for the cylindrical-roller bearing –…
  • Page 146
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Note The drive shafts of the individual gearboxes have different ♦ lengths due to the different heights of the serration, dimension -a-.
  • Page 147
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Remove supporting ring – Unclip the hook -A- of the supporting ring from the synchron‐…
  • Page 148: Output Shaft

    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Output shaft Disassembling and assembling the output shaft ⇒ page 144 Disassembling and assembling the out‐…

  • Page 149
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 1 — Clutch housing ❑ repairing ⇒ page 126 2 — Cylindrical-roller bearing ❑ with circlip ❑…
  • Page 150
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 14 — Sliding sleeve with 1st and 2nd gear synchronizer body ❑ press off together with 2nd gear sliding gear ⇒…
  • Page 151
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Pull out the cylindrical-roller bearing from the clutch housing – When removing compress circlip of the cylindrical-roller bear‐…
  • Page 152
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Fitting position 3rd gear pinion and 4th gear pinion. – Place the 4th gear pinion -A- on the output shaft.
  • Page 153
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Disassembling and assembling the sliding sleeve/1st and 2nd gear synchronizer body 1 — Spring…
  • Page 154
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Insert the circlip – Rotate the synchronizer ring in such a way that the slots are flush with the arresters.
  • Page 155: Final Drive — Differential

    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 39 – Final drive — differential Replacing the flange shaft gasket rings (gearbox assembled) Removing ⇒…

  • Page 156: Install

    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 – If present, remove heat shield for drive shaft -arrows-. – Remove drive shaft from flange shaft ⇒ Chassis; Rep. gr. 40 .

  • Page 157
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Steering joint to track control arm ⇒ Chassis; Rep. gr. 40 Wheel bolts to wheel hub ⇒…
  • Page 158: Differential Gear

    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Differential gear Disassembling and assembling differential gear ⇒ page 154 Setting the differential gear ⇒…

  • Page 159
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 1 — Conical screw, 25 Nm ❑ screw into threaded piece -Pos. 8- 2 — Right flange shaft ❑…
  • Page 160
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 ❑ Assignment ⇒ Electronic Catalogue of Original Parts 15 — Outer ring/tapered-roller bearing ❑ removing ⇒…
  • Page 161
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Remove outer ring/tapered-roller bearing from gearbox housing A — Countersupport , e.g. -Kukko 22/2- B — Interior extractor 46 up to 58 mm , e.g.
  • Page 162
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Remove inner ring/tapered-roller bearing on the side of the gear pinion – Before fitting the extractor, position distance sleeve — MP3-458/2- and thrust piece — MP3-431 (3002)- on the differ‐…
  • Page 163: Adjusting The Differential Gear

    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 Press out differential bevel gear shaft The tensioning sleeve is cut during pressing out.

  • Page 164
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 ♦ Interior extractor , e.g. -Kukko 21/7- ♦ Thrust plate — MP3-464 (30-205)- ♦ Dial gauge The differential gear must be re-set when the following compo‐…
  • Page 165
    Fabia II 2007 ➤ , Fabia II 2009 ➤ , Fabia II 2011 ➤ , Rapid 2011 ➤ , R … Gearbox 02T — Edition 05.2014 – Set the dial gauge to 0 with 1 mm preload on “0”. A — Dial gauge extension 30 mm –…

Руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации автомобиля Skoda Fabia (выпуск с 2007 г., рестайлинг в 2010 г.) с бензиновыми двигателями объемом 1,2, 1,4 и 1,6 л. Подробно рассмотрено устройство автомобиля, даны рекомендации по эксплуатации и ремонту. Специальный раздел посвящен неисправностям в пути, способам их диагностики и устранения. Рассмотрены особенности механической, автоматической и роботизированной коробок передач.

Для Fabia 1 (нажать для скачивания на картинку)


Для Fabia 1 (нажать для скачивания на картинку)


(Для распаковки загруженного файла используйте пароль: viamobile.ru)

Все подразделы, в которых описаны обслуживание и ремонт агрегатов и систем, содержат перечни возможных неисправностей и рекомендации по их устранению, а также указания по разборке, сборке, регулировке и ремонту узлов и систем автомобиля с использованием стандартного набора инструментов в условиях гаража.

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