Siemens mc35i gsm модем руководство

MC35i GPRS модем – это платы для дальнейшего применения и использования инженерами-разработчиками в своих проектных решениях. Данное решение прекрасно вписывается в любой программно-аппаратный комплекс, где необходимо решать задачи, связанные с решением вопросов по телематики, телеметрии, диспетчеризации или коммуникационного обслуживания по каналам GSM 900 / 1800 МГц, наличие GPRS.

Siemens MC35i Terminal — надежный двухдиапазонный GSM/GPRS-терминал промышленного применения, обладающий возможностями голосовой связи, высокоскоростной беспроводной передачи данных, приема и передачи SMS и факсов.

При работе GSM-терминала в режиме постоянного подключения по каналам GPRS оплачивается не эфирное время, а только объем принятых и переданных данных.
Набор стандартизованных интерфейсов позволяет легко подключить Siemens MC35i Terminal к различным устройствам в режиме «plug & play», а поддержка протокола АТ-Hayes обеспечивает возможность управления терминалом без разработки или приобретения специального программного обеспечения.
Siemens MC 35i

GSM-Модемы Siemens TC35i и Siemens MC35i — конструктивно законченные терминалы передачи данных и SMS в стандарте GSM900/1800 + GPRS, разработанные на базе одноименных GSM-Модулей Siemens TC35i и Siemens MC35i. GSM-Модемы включают в себя: держатель SIM-карты, разъем под внешнюю трубку, разъем FME под внешнюю антенну, разъем под сетевой адаптер и полный интерфейс RS-232. Управление GSM-Модемами осуществляется с помощью AT-команд.
Для работы с терминалом необходимо подключить к его внешним разъёмам антенну, источник постоянного тока и любой микропроцессорный контроллер или компьютер по последовательному СОМ-порту (RS-232). Дополнительно можно подключить внешнюю телефонную трубку и использовать Siemens TC35i и Siemens MC35i как стационарный сотовый телефон.

Стандартные интерфейсы и встроенный считыватель SIM-карт делают простым и быстрым универсальное применение устройства в качестве двухдиапазонного терминала GSM. Функциональные возможности и прочный корпус устройства облегчают быструю реализацию новых приложений в областях телеметрии и телематики.
Функциональные возможности терминалов соответствуют функциональным возможностям GSM-Модулей Siemens TC35i и Siemens MС35i и расширены добавлением устройства чтения SIM-карт, интерфейса RS-232, аналогового интерфейса для подключения телефона и широким диапазоном напряжений питания.

Все внешние интерфейсы GSM-Терминалов Siemens TC35i и Siemens MС35i надежно интегрированы в корпусе устройства. Штекерные соединения соответствуют стандартам и пригодны для использования в условиях вибрации. Наиболее подходит для использования в различных платежных терминалах, сенсорных киосках, информационно-рекламных киосках, где необходима связь с терминалом для мониторинга и администрирования. Обычно производители программного обеспечения и платежные системы оптимизируют трафик запросов к удаленному терминалу, а передача данных по каналу GPRS делает его не дорогим решением.

Единственным недостатком такого терминала является его интерфейс COM, часто в компьютеры в платежных терминалах имеют не достаточное количество таких портов, что приводит как минимум к неудобствам. Но если Вы стакнулись с такой проблемой, то лучшим выходам для Вас будет выбор GPRS-модема с USB интерфейсом, благо таких становиться все больше, да и цена на них приближается к недорогому модему. Siemens MC-35i

Области применения MC35i :
Cистемы управления движением и навигации
Системы безопасности
Дистанционный контроль
Дистанционные измерения
Торговые автоматы

Общие характеристики MC 35i :
Диапазоны радиочастот: EGSM900 / GSM1800
Совместимость с GSM Phase 2/2+
Выходная мощность:
Class 4 (2 Вт) для EGSM900
Class 1 (1 Вт) для GSM1800
Управление АТ-командами
Поддержка SIM Applicaion Toolkit
Интерфейс RS-232
Экономичный режим питания
Напряжение питания: 8…30 В
Габариты: 65 х 74 х 33 мм
Масса: 130 г
Диапазон рабочих температур: -20…+55 °С

Передача данных, SMS и факсов
GPRS Class B Multislot Class 8 (до 85.6 кбит/с)
Прием и передача SMS:
Точка-точка MO и МТ
Широковещательная передача
Текстовый режим, режим PDU
Факс Group 3 Class 1, 2
Полная поддержка PBCCH
CSD (до 14.4 кбит/с)
Непрозрачный режим
Схема кодирования CS1, 2, 3,

Интерфейсы MC 35i
Разъем для подключения блока питания
Аудиоинтерфейс RJ-9 для подключения телефонной трубки
Считыватель SIM-карты
Разъем для подключения антенны FME (Male)
9-пиновый последовательный интерфейс RS-232, протокол V.24/V.28
Световой индикатор состояния.»

  • Page 1
    MC35i MC35i Terminal Siemens Cellular Engine Version: 01.03 DocId: MC35i_ATC_V01.03…
  • Page 2
    MC35i AT Command Set obile MC35i AT Command Set Document Name: Version: 01.03 Date: May 7, 2004 DocId: MC35i_ATC_V01.03 Status Confidential / Released General Notes Product is deemed accepted by recipient and is provided without interface to recipient’s products. The documen- tation and/or product are provided for testing, evaluation, integration and information purposes.
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    1.6.2 Hardware Flow Control (RTS/CTS Handshake)…………… 26 Unsolicited Result Code Presentation………………. 27 1.7.1 Communication between Customer Application and MC35i ……….27 Errors and Messages ……………………28 Configuration Commands……………………29 AT&F Set all current parameters to manufacturer defaults …………29 AT&V Display current configuration ……………….. 30 2.2.1…

  • Page 4
    MC35i AT Command Set Contents obile 2.12 AT+CSCS Select TE character set ………………… 51 2.13 AT^SM20 Set M20 compatibility mode ………………53 Status Control Commands ……………………55 AT+CMER Mobile Equipment Event Reporting …………….55 AT+CIND Indicator control ………………….58 AT^SIND Extended Indicator Control ………………62 AT+CEER Extended Error Report………………..
  • Page 5
    MC35i AT Command Set Contents obile AT+CPWD Change Password ………………..114 AT^SPWD Change Password ………………..118 Identification Commands……………………119 ATI Display product identification information …………….119 AT+CGMI Request manufacturer identification…………….. 120 AT+GMI Request manufacturer identification …………….121 AT+CGMM Request model identification ……………… 122 AT+GMM Request TA model identification …………….
  • Page 6
    MC35i AT Command Set Contents obile 7.27 AT^STCD Display Total Call Duration………………169 Network Service Commands ………………….170 AT+COPN Read operator names ………………… 170 AT+COPS Operator selection ………………..172 AT+CREG Network registration ………………..175 AT+CSQ Signal quality ………………….178 AT^SMONC Cell Monitoring…………………. 180 AT^MONI Monitor idle mode and dedicated mode …………..
  • Page 7
    MC35i AT Command Set Contents obile 10.7 AT+CGQREQ Quality of Service Profile (Requested) ………….. 239 10.8 AT+CGREG GPRS network registration status ……………. 243 10.9 AT+CGSMS Select service for MO SMS messages …………..245 10.10 AT^SGACT Query all PDP context activations …………….. 247 10.11 AT^SGAUTH Set type of authentication for PPP connection…………
  • Page 8
    MC35i AT Command Set Contents obile Short Message Service (SMS) Commands………………290 12.1 SMS parameters ……………………. 290 12.2 AT+CMGC Send an SMS command………………294 12.3 AT+CMGD Delete SMS message………………… 295 12.4 AT+CMGF Select SMS message format ……………… 296 12.5 AT+CMGL List SMS messages from preferred store…………..297 12.6 AT+CMGR Read SMS messages…………………
  • Page 9
    MC35i AT Command Set Contents obile 15.4 AT+CPBW Write into Phonebook ………………… 356 15.5 AT^SPBC Search the first entry in the sorted telephone book……….359 15.6 AT^SPBD Purge phonebook memory storage…………….361 15.7 AT^SPBG Read current Phonebook entries …………….363 15.8 AT^SPBS Step through the selected phonebook alphabetically ……….
  • Page 10
    MC35i AT Command Set Contents obile Appendix ………………………… 420 19.1 Restricted access to SIM data after SIM PIN authentication…………420 19.2 List of Star-Hash (*#) Codes ………………….. 421 19.3 Available AT Commands and Dependency on SIM PIN …………. 424 19.4 AT Command Settings storable with AT&W…………….431 19.5 Factory Default Settings Restorable with AT&F …………….
  • Page 11
    MC35i AT Command Set List of Tables obile List of Tables Table 1.1: Product specific use of AT commands ………………13 Table 1.2: Symbols used to mark the type of parameters …………….16 Table 1.3: Symbols used to indicate the correlations with other commands ……….16 Table 1.4:…
  • Page 12
    MC35i AT Command Set List of Figures obile List of Figures Figure 1.1: Main character table of GSM 03.38 alphabet …………….21 Figure 1.2: Extension character table of GSM 03.38 alphabet …………..22 Figure 16.1: Audio programming model………………….372 MC35i_ATC_V01.03…
  • Page 13: Introduction

    Release Notes [1]. More information is available at the Siemens Website: If features differ between MC35i and MC35i Terminal this is noted in the section that refers to the AT command. At present the following features are concerned: Table 1.1:…

  • Page 14: Related Documents

    MC35i AT Command Set 1.2 Related documents obile Related documents MC35i Release Notes, Version 01.03 MC35i Hardware Interface Description, Version 01.03 MC35i Terminal Hardware Interface Description GPRS Startup User’s Guide Remote-SAT User’s Guide Multiplexer User’s Guide Multiplex Driver Developer’s Guide for Windows 2000 and Windows XP…

  • Page 15: Document Conventions

    Throughout the document, the GSM engines are referred to as ME (Mobile Equipment), MS (Mobile Station), TA (Terminal Adapter), DCE (Data Communication Equipment) or facsimile DCE (FAX modem, FAX board). When the Siemens product names are required to distinguish the two models, MC35i is short for the engine type and MC35iT for the terminal.

  • Page 16: Superscript Notation For Parameters And Values

    MC35i AT Command Set 1.3 Document conventions obile 1.3.2 Superscript notation for parameters and values Table 1.2: Symbols used to mark the type of parameters Parameter type Meaning (num) <param> Parameter value must be numeric type (str) <param> Parameter value must be string type Table 1.3:…

  • Page 17: At Command Syntax

    MC35i AT Command Set 1.4 AT Command Syntax obile AT Command Syntax The «AT» or «at» prefix must be set at the beginning of each command line. To terminate a command line enter <CR> Commands are usually followed by a response that includes «…

  • Page 18: Combining At Commands On The Same Command Line

    MC35i AT Command Set 1.4 AT Command Syntax obile Example 1: Omitting parameters in the middle of a string Query current setting AT+CCUG? +CCUG: 1,10,1 Set only the middle parameter AT+CCUG=,9 Query new setting AT+CCUG? +CCUG: 1,9,1 Example 2: Using default parameter values for optional parameters…

  • Page 19: Supported Character Sets

    MC35i AT Command Set 1.5 Supported character sets obile Supported character sets The ME supports two character sets: GSM 03.38 (7 bit, also referred to as GSM alphabet or SMS alphabet) and UCS2 (16 bit, refer to ISO/IEC 10646). See for information about selecting the character set.

  • Page 20
    MC35i AT Command Set 1.5 Supported character sets obile Examples for character definitions depending on alphabet GSM 03.38 GSM character Corresponding ASCII Hex Esc character hex. value ASCII character Esc sequence sequence Ö 5C 35 43 » » 5C 32 32 ò…
  • Page 21: Gsm Alphabet Tables And Ucs2 Character Values

    MC35i AT Command Set 1.5 Supported character sets obile 1.5.1 GSM alphabet tables and UCS2 character values This section provides tables for the GSM 03.38 alphabet supported by the ME. Below any GSM character find the corresponding two byte character value of the UCS2 alphabet.

  • Page 22: Figure 1.2: Extension Character Table Of Gsm 03.38 Alphabet

    MC35i AT Command Set 1.5 Supported character sets obile Figure 1.2: Extension character table of GSM 03.38 alphabet 1) This code value is reserved for the extension to another extension table. On receipt of this code, a receiving entity shall display a space until another extension table is defined.

  • Page 23: Ucs2 And Gsm Data Coding And Conversion For Sms Text Mode

    MC35i AT Command Set 1.5 Supported character sets obile In the event that an MS receives a code where a symbol is not represented in Figure 1.2, Extension character table of GSM 03.38 alphabet the MS shall display the character shown in the main default 7 bit alphabet table (see Figure 1.1,…

  • Page 24: Implementing Input Of Terminal Data To Sim (Direction Te To Ta)

    MC35i AT Command Set 1.5 Supported character sets obile Implementing input of Terminal data to SIM (direction TE to TA) 7-Bit 8-Bit 16-Bit CSCS (GSM default) (Data) (UCS2) Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 GSM (1:1) IRA to 8-Bit (2:1)

  • Page 25
    MC35i AT Command Set 1.5 Supported character sets obile Example: UCS2 character 9F3A’H typed as «9F3A» is sent as 39’H,46’H,33’H,41’H ® converted into 9F3A’H. Maximum number of UCS2 characters is 70 which are represented by 280 IRA characters. Number of IRA char- acters must be a multiple of four.
  • Page 26: Serial Interface Flow Control

    MC35i AT Command Set 1.6 Serial Interface Flow Control obile Serial Interface Flow Control Flow control is essential to prevent loss of data or avoid errors when, in a data or fax call, the sending device is transferring data faster than the receiving side is ready to accept. When the receiving buffer reaches its capacity, the receiving device should be capable to cause the sending device to pause until it catches up.

  • Page 27: Unsolicited Result Code Presentation

    Hence, when the TE receives the echo of the first character «A» of the AT command just sent by itself it has control over both the receive and the transmit paths. This way no URC can be issued by the MC35i in between.

  • Page 28: Errors And Messages

    MC35i AT Command Set 1.8 Errors and Messages obile Errors and Messages The final result codes «+CME ERROR: <err>» and «+CMS ERROR: <err>» indicate errors related to mobile equip- ment or network. The effect is similar to an ERROR result code.

  • Page 29: Configuration Commands

    2. Configuration Commands obile Configuration Commands The AT Commands described in this chapter allow the external application to determine the MC35i’s behaviour under various conditions. AT&F Set all current parameters to manufacturer defaults sets all current parameters to the manufacturer defined profile.

  • Page 30: At&V Display Current Configuration

    MC35i AT Command Set 2.2 AT&V obile AT&V Display current configuration returns the current parameter setting. The configuration varies depending on whether or not PIN authen- AT&V tication has been done and whether or not Multiplex mode is enabled (see…

  • Page 31: Table 2.1: Current Configuration On Asc0 / Mux Channel 1 (Example)

    MC35i AT Command Set 2.2 AT&V obile Table 2.1: Current configuration on ASC0 / MUX channel 1 (example) PIN authentication done No PIN authentication ACTIVE PROFILE: ACTIVE PROFILE: E1 Q0 V1 X4 &C1 &D2 &S0 Q0 E1 Q0 V1 X4 &C1 &D2 &S0 Q0…

  • Page 32: At&W Stores Current Configuration To User Defined Profile

    MC35i AT Command Set 2.3 AT&W obile AT&W Stores current configuration to user defined profile stores the currently set parameters to a user defined profile in the non-volatile memory. AT&W Syntax Exec Command AT&W [ <value> Response(s) ERROR/+CME ERROR <err>…

  • Page 33: Atq Set Result Code Presentation Mode

    MC35i AT Command Set 2.4 ATQ obile ATQ Set result code presentation mode This parameter setting determines whether or not the TA transmits any result code to the TE. Information text transmitted in response is not affected by this setting.

  • Page 34: Atv Set Result Code Format Mode

    MC35i AT Command Set 2.5 ATV obile ATV Set result code format mode This command determines the contents of header and trailer transmitted with AT command result codes and information responses. Possible responses are described in Section 2.5.1, Verbose and numeric result codes.

  • Page 35
    MC35i AT Command Set 2.5 ATV obile Verbose format Numeric format Meaning CONNECT 4800/RLP Link with 4800 bps and Radio Link Pro- tocol CONNECT 9600/RLP Link with 9600 bps and Radio Link Pro- tocol CONNECT 14400/RLP Link with 14400 bps and Radio Link Pro-…
  • Page 36: Atx Set Connect Result Code Format And Call Monitoring

    MC35i AT Command Set 2.6 ATX obile ATX Set CONNECT result code format and call monitoring determines whether or not the TA detects the presence of dial tone and busy signal and whether or not TA transmits particular result codes.

  • Page 37: Atz Set All Current Parameters To User Defined Profile

    MC35i AT Command Set 2.7 ATZ obile ATZ Set all current parameters to user defined profile sets all current parameters to the user profile stored with . If a connection is in progress, it will be ter- AT&W minated. All defined GPRS contexts which are not activated or not online will be undefined (see AT+CGDCONT command).

  • Page 38: At+Cfun Set Phone Functionality

    = 5, 6, 7 or 8, <fun> since in these modes MC35i automatically resumes power saving, after you have sent or received a short mes- sage or made a call. =5 or 6 do not offer this feature to the same extent and are only supported for com- <fun>…

  • Page 39
    MC35i AT Command Set 2.8 AT+CFUN obile ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 § § § Reference(s) GSM 07.07 Command Description The test command returns the values of the supported parameters. The read command returns the current functionality value. The write command can be used to reset the ME, to choose one of the SLEEP modes or to return to full func- tionality.
  • Page 40
    For the same reason, power sav- <fun> ing cannot be used if MC35i operates in Alarm mode. Furthermore, in order to accept incoming calls, SMS or network related URCs in SLEEP mode the ME must be registered when it enters the SLEEP mode.
  • Page 41
    MC35i AT Command Set 2.8 AT+CFUN obile Examples EXAMPLE 1 To check the level of functionality use the read command: AT+CFUN? Default mode after ME was restarted +CFUN: 1 Remember that the AT interface is not accessible in NON-CYCLIC SLEEP mode. Consequently, the read command is only useful when the ME is set to full functionality or, when is set to 5, 6, 7 or 8.
  • Page 42: Wake Up The Me From Sleep Mode

    MC35i AT Command Set 2.8 AT+CFUN obile 2.8.1 Wake up the ME from SLEEP mode A wake-up event is any event that causes the ME to draw current. Depending on the selected mode, the wake- up event either switches the SLEEP mode off and takes the ME back to full functionality…

  • Page 43: At^smso Switch Off Mobile Station

    MC35i AT Command Set 2.9 AT^SMSO obile AT^SMSO Switch off mobile station initiates the power-off procedure. Low level of the module’s VDD pin and the URC » » ver- AT^SMSO ^SHUTDOWN ifies that the procedure has completed and the module has entered the POWER DOWN mode. Therefore, be sure not to disconnect the operating voltage until VDD is low or until the URC «…

  • Page 44: At+Gcap Request Complete Ta Capabilities List

    MC35i AT Command Set 2.10 AT+GCAP obile 2.10 AT+GCAP Request complete TA capabilities list returns a list of additional capabilities. AT+GCAP Syntax Test Command AT+GCAP=? Response(s) Exec Command AT+GCAP Response(s) +GCAP: <name> ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Reference(s) V.25ter Parameter Description (str) <name>…

  • Page 45: At+Cmee Mobile Equipment Error Message Format

    MC35i AT Command Set 2.11 AT+CMEE obile 2.11 AT+CMEE Mobile Equipment Error Message Format controls the format of the error result code +CME ERROR: <err> that indicates errors relating to ME AT+CMEE functionality. Possible error result codes are listed in Section 2.11.1, CME ERRORS related to GSM 07.07, Section 2.11.2,…

  • Page 46: Cme Errors Related To Gsm 07.07

    MC35i AT Command Set 2.11 AT+CMEE obile Example To obtain enhanced error messages it is recommended to choose <errMode> AT+CMEE=2 2.11.1 CME ERRORS related to GSM 07.07 Code of <err> Text (if AT+CMEE phone failure no connection to phone phone-adapter link reserved…

  • Page 47: Gprs-Related Cme Errors

    MC35i AT Command Set 2.11 AT+CMEE obile Code of <err> Text (if AT+CMEE Network personalization PIN required Network personalization PUK required Network subset personalization PIN required Network subset personalization PUK required service provider personalization PIN required service provider personalization PUK required…

  • Page 48: Cms Errors Related To Gsm 07.05

    MC35i AT Command Set 2.11 AT+CMEE obile 2.11.3 CMS ERRORS related to GSM 07.05 Code of <err> Text (if AT+CMEE Unassigned (unallocated) number Operator determined barring Call barred Short message transfer rejected Destination out of service Unidentified subscriber Facility rejected…

  • Page 49
    MC35i AT Command Set 2.11 AT+CMEE obile Code of <err> Text (if AT+CMEE SC system failure Invalid SME address Destination SME barred SM Rejected-Duplicate SM TP-VPF not supported TP-VP not supported D0 SIM SMS storage full No SMS storage capability in SIM…
  • Page 50
    MC35i AT Command Set 2.11 AT+CMEE obile Code of <err> Text (if AT+CMEE unable to store invalid status invalid character in address string invalid length invalid character in pdu invalid parameter invalid length or character invalid character in text timer expired Operation temporary not allowed MC35i_ATC_V01.03…
  • Page 51: At+Cscs Select Te Character Set

    MC35i AT Command Set 2.12 AT+CSCS obile 2.12 AT+CSCS Select TE character set write command informs the TA which character set is used by the TE. This enables the AT+CSCS <chset> TA to convert character strings correctly between TE and ME character sets. See also «Section 1.5,…

  • Page 52
    MC35i AT Command Set 2.12 AT+CSCS obile Parameter Description (str) <chset> (&F) “GSM“ GSM default alphabet (GSM 03.38 subclause 6.2.1); Note: This setting may cause software flow control problems since the codes used to stop and resume data flow (XOFF = decimal 19, XON = decimal 17) are interpreted as normal characters.
  • Page 53: At^sm20 Set M20 Compatibility Mode

    MC35i AT Command Set 2.13 AT^SM20 obile 2.13 AT^SM20 Set M20 compatibility mode M20 is an earlier, widely used SIEMENS GSM engine. The command selects different modes of AT^SM20 responses returned upon execution of the commands and sms commands like e.g.

  • Page 54
    <CallMode> Call setup response mode Applies only to voice calls. Set compatibility to Siemens mobile phones. ME will return «OK» immediately after attempting a call with the command. In case of failure, additional call release indications, such as «NO DIAL TONE, «NO CARRIER», «BUSY»…
  • Page 55: Status Control Commands

    MC35i AT Command Set 3. Status Control Commands obile Status Control Commands The AT Commands described in this chapter allow the external application to obtain various status information from the MC35i. AT+CMER Mobile Equipment Event Reporting This command controls details of the «…

  • Page 56
    TE afterwards. Otherwise they are forwarded directly to the TE. Forward » » URCs directly to the TE. If MC35i is in online data mode, +CIEV URCs are signaled via sending BREAK (100ms) and stored in a buffer. Once it is back in command mode e.g.
  • Page 57
    MC35i AT Command Set 3.1 AT+CMER obile Note • If the ME operates on different instances (MUX channels 1, 2, 3) avoid different settings for routing and indi- cating SMS. For example, if messages shall be routed directly to one instance of the TE (set with…
  • Page 58: At+Cind Indicator Control

    AT+CIND Indicator control This command controls information about status changes via URC presentation of the MC35i or connected items, e.g. battery charge level, signal quality, service availability, sound generation, indication of unread short messages, full SMS storage, call in progress or roaming activities.

  • Page 59
    The following indications are accessible via AT+CIND “battchg“ Battery charge level always equals 5, i.e. value is not relevant for MC35i “signal“ Signalquality (0..7) or (99) if not measurable. The indicated value is the bit error rate of the signal received. If there are bit errors this is not a constant but a esti- mated value which will change in time.
  • Page 60
    MC35i AT Command Set 3.2 AT+CIND obile “smsfull“ A short message memory storage in the MT has become full (1) or memory locations are available (0), i.e. range is (0-1) “rssi“ Received signal (field) strength (0..5) or (99) if not measurable.
  • Page 61
    MC35i AT Command Set 3.2 AT+CIND obile Make a call. ATD0123456; Receive a set of » » URCs reports. +CIEV: sounder,1 +CIEV +CIEV: call,1 +CIEV: sounder,0 The receiver hangs up. +CIEV: call,0 NO CARRIER Deregister the indicators «call» and «sounder».
  • Page 62: At^sind Extended Indicator Control

    MC35i AT Command Set 3.3 AT^SIND obile AT^SIND Extended Indicator Control supplies extended event indicator control and AT^SIND • offers greater flexibility than standard AT+CIND • offers several extra indicators, • can show the current status of all indicators supported by…

  • Page 63
    Ciphering Status Change Indication As stated in GSM specifications 02.07 and 02.09 the ciphering indicator feature allows the MC35i to detect that ciphering is not switched on and to indicate this to the user. The ciphering indicator feature may be disabled by the home network operator setting data in the «administrative data»…
  • Page 64
    AT^SIND • On the other hand indicators supported by are registered while AT+CIND the MC35i is powered up. Query the registration status and the current value of a single indicator type. MC35i_ATC_V01.03 Page 64 of 444 5/7/04 Confidential / Released…
  • Page 65: At+Ceer Extended Error Report

    MC35i AT Command Set 3.4 AT+CEER obile AT+CEER Extended Error Report returns an extended error report regarding the reason of the last AT+CEER • call release • failure to set up a call (both mobile originated or terminated) • failure to modify a call by using Supplementary Services •…

  • Page 66
    MC35i AT Command Set 3.4 AT+CEER obile Parameter Description (num) <locationID> Location ID as number code. Location IDs are listed in Section 3.4.1, Cause Location ID for the extended error report. Each ID is related with another table that contains a list of s or <reason>…
  • Page 67: Cause Location Id For The Extended Error Report

    MC35i AT Command Set 3.4 AT+CEER obile EXAMPLE 3 The user attempts to activate call barring. Activation is denied by the network since the password is blocked after previous failures to enter the password. AT+clck=oi,1,»0000″,3; +CME ERROR: incorrect password AT+CEER The Location ID 35 in Section 3.4.1…

  • Page 68: Gsm Release Cause For L3 Radio Resource (Rr)

    MC35i AT Command Set 3.4 AT+CEER obile Description SIEMENS cause for GPRS Mobility Management GSM cause for Session Management (GSM 04.08 annex I) SIEMENS cause for Session Management SIEMENS cause for protocol module or other local cause Supplementary Services general problem (GSM 04.80 3.6.7) Supplementary Services invoke problem (GSM 04.80 3.6.7)

  • Page 69: Siemens Release Cause For L3 Radio Resource (Rr)

    MC35i AT Command Set 3.4 AT+CEER obile 3.4.3 SIEMENS release cause for L3 Radio Resource (RR) Number Description Racchs not answered Racchs rejected Access class of the SIM is barred by the network provider SABM failure Radio link counter expiry or PerformAbnormalRelease…

  • Page 70: Siemens Release Cause For L3 Mobility Management (Mm)

    MC35i AT Command Set 3.4 AT+CEER obile Number Description Message not compatible with protocol state Information element non-existent or not implemented Conditional information element error Messages not compatible with protocol state Protocol error, unspecified Causes related GPRS GPRS services not allowed…

  • Page 71
    MC35i AT Command Set 3.4 AT+CEER obile Number Description No route to destination Channel unacceptable Operator determined barring Normal call clearing User busy No user responding User alerting, no answer Call rejected Number changed Pre-emption Non-selected user clearing Destination out of order…
  • Page 72: Siemens Release Cause For L3 Call Control (Cc)

    MC35i AT Command Set 3.4 AT+CEER obile Number Description Invalid message (e.g. parameter out of range) class Invalid transaction identifier value User not member of CUG Incompatible destination Invalid transit network selection Semantically incorrect message Protocol error (e.g. unknown message) class…

  • Page 73: Siemens Release Cause For L3 Advice Of Charge (Aoc)

    MC35i AT Command Set 3.4 AT+CEER obile 3.4.8 SIEMENS release cause for L3 Advice of Charge (AOC) Number Description SIM data not available SIM does not support AOC SIM data access error ACM limit almost reached ACM range overflow ACM range overflow 3.4.9…

  • Page 74: Siemens Release Cause For Call-Related Supplementary Services (Crss)

    MC35i AT Command Set 3.4 AT+CEER obile Number Description ResourcesNotAvailable General Problem Codes Unrecognized Component Mistyped Component Badly Structured Component Invoke Problem Codes Duplicate Invoke ID Unrecognized Operation Mistyped Parameter Resource Limitation Initiating Release Unrecognized Linked ID Linked Response Unexpected…

  • Page 75: Siemens Release Cause For Session Management (Sm)

    MC35i AT Command Set 3.4 AT+CEER obile Number Description Insufficient resources Unknown or missing access point name Unknown PDP address or PDP type User authentification failed Activation rejected by GGSN Activation rejected, unspecified Service option not supported Requested service option not subscribed…

  • Page 76: Gsm Cause For L3 Protocol Module Or Other Local Cause

    MC35i AT Command Set 3.4 AT+CEER obile Number Description A MT PDP context which is active or in the activation process is deactivated because another MT PDP context with the same TI is requested by the network to be activated. As a static PDP…

  • Page 77: Ats18 Extended Call Release Report

    MC35i AT Command Set 3.5 ATS18 obile ATS18 Extended call release report controls the presentation of extended call release reports for circuit switched fax and data calls. Extended ATS18 call release reports related to voice calls are controlled via AT+CEER The call release report is presented in numeric format and shows as follows: +CAUSE: <locationID>,…

  • Page 78
    MC35i AT Command Set 3.5 ATS18 obile (num) <reason> Reason for last call release as number code (see also numbers and the <reason> AT+CEER <reason> associated descriptions are listed in several tables, sorted by different categories at . The tables can AT+CEER be found proceeding from the Location IDs listed in Section 3.4.1,…
  • Page 79: At+Cpas Mobile Equipment Activity Status

    MC35i AT Command Set 3.6 AT+CPAS obile AT+CPAS Mobile equipment activity status Syntax Test Command AT+CPAS=? Response(s) +CPAS: (list of supported <pas> Exec Command AT+CPAS Response(s) +CPAS: <pas> ERROR +CME ERROR: <err> ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Reference(s) GSM 07.07 Command Description TA returns the activity status of ME.

  • Page 80: At+Ws46 Select Wireless Network

    MC35i AT Command Set 3.7 AT+WS46 obile AT+WS46 Select wireless network Syntax Test Command AT+WS46=? Response(s) +WS46: (list of supported <n> Read Command AT+WS46? Response(s) <n> Write Command AT+WS46= [ <n> Response(s) ERROR +CME ERROR ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Reference(s) GSM 07.07…

  • Page 81: Serial Interface Control Commands

    MC35i AT Command Set 4. Serial Interface Control Commands obile Serial Interface Control Commands The AT Commands described in this chapter allow the external application to determine various settings related to the MC35i’s serial interface. ATQ Flow control Syntax Exec Command ATQ [ <n>…

  • Page 82: At&C Set Circuit Data Carrier Detect (Dcd) Function Mode

    MC35i AT Command Set 4.2 AT&C obile AT&C Set circuit Data Carrier Detect (DCD) function mode Syntax Exec Command AT&C [ <value> Response(s) ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Reference(s) V.25ter Command Description This parameter determines how the state of circuit 109(DCD) relates to the detection of received line signal from the distant end.

  • Page 83: At&D Set Circuit Data Terminal Ready (Dtr) Function Mode

    MC35i AT Command Set 4.3 AT&D obile AT&D Set circuit Data Terminal Ready (DTR) function mode Syntax Exec Command AT&D [ <value> Response(s) ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Reference(s) V.25ter Command Description This parameter determines how the TA responds when circuit 108/2 (DTR) is changed from ON to OFF during data mode.

  • Page 84: At&S Set Circuit Data Set Ready (Dsr) Function Mode

    MC35i AT Command Set 4.4 AT&S obile AT&S Set circuit Data Set Ready (DSR) function mode Syntax Exec Command AT&S [ <value> Response(s) ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Reference(s) V.25ter Command Description This parameter determines how the TA sets circuit 107 (DSR) depending on the communication state of the TA interfacing TE.

  • Page 85: Ate Enable Command Echo

    MC35i AT Command Set 4.5 ATE obile ATE Enable command echo Syntax Exec Command ATE [ <value> Response(s) ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Reference(s) V.25ter Command Description This setting determines whether or not the TA echoes characters received from TE during command state.

  • Page 86: At+Ilrr Set Te-Ta Local Rate Reporting

    MC35i AT Command Set 4.6 AT+ILRR obile AT+ILRR Set TE-TA local rate reporting The command controls whether or not the intermediate result code » » is transmitted from the AT+ILRR +ILRR DCE to the DTE when a connection is set up. The result code indicates the local rate. It is reported before the final result code of the connection, e.g.

  • Page 87
    (num) <rate> Port rate setting on connection (bps) Autobauding (see Section 4.7.1, Autobauding) 1200 2400 4800 9600 14400 19200 28800 38400 57600 115200 230400 (Not available if product is MC35i Terminal) MC35i_ATC_V01.03 Page 87 of 444 5/7/04 Confidential / Released…
  • Page 88: At+Ipr Set Fixed Local Rate

    MC35i AT Command Set 4.7 AT+IPR obile AT+IPR Set fixed local rate The command can be used to set or query the DTE-DCE interface bit rate. AT+IPR Syntax Test Command AT+IPR=? Response(s) +IPR: (list of supported auto-detectable s) , (list of supported fixed-only <rate>…

  • Page 89
    4800 9600 14400 19200 28800 38400 57600 115200 230400 (Not available if product is MC35i Terminal) Notes • Factory default is autobauding enabled ( =0). It will not be restored with AT+IPR AT&F • The current setting of will be preserved when you download firmware (i.e. a firmware update does AT+IPR not restore the factory setting) or in the event of power failure.
  • Page 90: Autobauding

    =0 and any commands on the same line might be cor- AT+IPR rupted. MC35i Terminal version: autobauding should not be used at bitrates over 115200bps. • Autobauding and bit rate after restart The most recently detected bit rate is stored when the ME is powered down (with ).

  • Page 91: At+Cmux Enter Multiplex Mode

    AT commands. The MC35i module incorporates an internal multiplexer and thus integrates all the functions needed to implement full-featured multiplex solutions. For the application on top, customers have the flexibility to create their own mul- tiplex programs conforming to the multiplexer protocol.

  • Page 92: Restrictions On Multiplex Mode

    MC35i AT Command Set 4.8 AT+CMUX obile request. Please contact your local distributor to obtain the latest installation software and user’s guide. Parameter Description (num) <mode> Multiplexer transparency mechanism Basic option (num) <subset> Subparameters defined in GSM07.07 are adjusted for control and logical channels as follows…

  • Page 93: Table 4.2: Summary Of At Commands With Different Behavior In Multiplex Mode

    MC35i AT Command Set 4.8 AT+CMUX obile Command Behavior on channel 1 Behavior on channel 2+3 as described only =000 ATS0 <n> as described not usable ATS6 as described not usable ATS7 as described not usable ATS8 as described not usable…

  • Page 94
    MC35i AT Command Set 4.8 AT+CMUX obile Command Description If the ME is in Multiplexer mode, it is not recommended to activate SLEEP mode AT+CFUN with . The best approach to properly control SLEEP mode in this AT+CFUN <fun> case is to issue the PSC messages described in [6], Section «Power saving control (PSC)».
  • Page 95: Security Commands

    MC35i AT Command Set 5. Security Commands obile Security Commands The AT Commands described in this chapter allow the external application to determine various security related settings. AT+CPIN Enter PIN Syntax Test Command AT+CPIN=? Response(s) Read Command AT+CPIN? Response(s) +CPIN: <code>…

  • Page 96
    MC35i AT Command Set 5.1 AT+CPIN obile If no PIN request is pending (for example if PIN authentication has been done and the same PIN is entered again) ME responds +CME ERROR: operation not allowed. No action is required from your part.
  • Page 97: What To Do If Pin Or Password Authentication Fails

    MC35i AT Command Set 5.1 AT+CPIN obile PH-SP PIN ME is waiting for service provider personalisation password PH-SP PUK ME is waiting for service provider personalisation unblocking password PH-C PIN ME is waiting for corporate personalisation password PH-C PUK ME is waiting for corprorate personalisation un-blocking password Notes •…

  • Page 98
    MC35i AT Command Set 5.1 AT+CPIN obile Phone lock: If the mobile was locked to a specific SIM card (= «PS» lock or phone lock), the PUK that came with the SIM card cannot be used to remove the lock. After three failed attempts to enter the correct password, ME returns +CPIN: PH-SIM PUK (= response to read command ?), i.e.
  • Page 99: At+Cpin2 Enter Pin2

    MC35i AT Command Set 5.2 AT+CPIN2 obile AT+CPIN2 Enter PIN2 Syntax Test Command AT+CPIN2=? Response(s) Read Command AT+CPIN2? Response(s) +CPIN2: <code> ERROR +CME ERROR: <err> Write Command AT+CPIN2=<pin> <new pin> Response(s) ERROR +CME ERROR: <err> ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Reference(s) GSM 07.07…

  • Page 100
    MC35i AT Command Set 5.2 AT+CPIN2 obile (str) <new pin> If the requested code was SIM PUK2: new password (PIN2). See Section 5.1.1, What to do if PIN or password authentication fails? for more information about when you may need to enter the PUK.
  • Page 101
    MC35i AT Command Set 5.2 AT+CPIN2 obile EXAMPLE 3 To write to «FD» phonebook: AT+CPBS=»FD» AT+CPBW=2,»+493012345678″,145,»Charly» access denied due to missing PIN2 authentication +CME ERROR 17 AT+CPIN2=8888 AT+CPBW=2,»+493012345678″,145,»Charly» MC35i_ATC_V01.03 Page 101 of 444 5/7/04 Confidential / Released…
  • Page 102: At^spic Display Pin Counter

    MC35i AT Command Set 5.3 AT^SPIC obile AT^SPIC Display PIN counter Syntax Test Command AT^SPIC=? Response(s) Read Command AT^SPIC? Response(s) ^SPIC: <code> Exec Command AT^SPIC Response(s) ^SPIC: <counter> Write Command AT^SPIC=<facility> Response(s) ^SPIC: <counter> ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Reference(s) SIEMENS Command Description The read command returns an identification of the currently required password, e.g.

  • Page 103
    MC35i AT Command Set 5.3 AT^SPIC obile If the responses to » ?» and » ?» both read «READY», there is no currently required password, AT+CPIN AT+CPIN2 and the referrer of the execute command «AT^SPIC» is explicitly undefined. In these cases, the read command «AT^SPIC?» may be used to determine, which password the response of the execute command actually refers to.
  • Page 104
    MC35i AT Command Set 5.3 AT^SPIC obile • Use the read commands » ?» and » ?» to check which password is currently required. AT+CPIN AT+CPIN2 If the responses to » ?» and » ?» both read «READY», there is no currently required pass-…
  • Page 105
    MC35i AT Command Set 5.3 AT^SPIC obile at^spic ^SPIC: 9 (9 attempts left for PUK 1) EXAMPLE 2 Though a mobile is locked to a specific SIM card (phone lock), the client attempts to operate it with another SIM card. The client correctly enters the SIM PIN of the SIM card currently inserted, but then fails to give the…
  • Page 106
    MC35i AT Command Set 5.3 AT^SPIC obile at+cpin=4714 +CME ERROR: incorrect password at^spic ^SPIC: 63 MC35i_ATC_V01.03 Page 106 of 444 5/7/04 Confidential / Released…
  • Page 107: At+Clck Facility Lock

    MC35i AT Command Set 5.4 AT+CLCK obile AT+CLCK Facility lock Syntax Test Command AT+CLCK=? Response(s) +CLCK: list of supported <facility> Write Command AT+CLCK=<facility> <mode> <password> <class> Response(s) is not equal 2 and command successful: <mode> = 2 and command successful: <mode>…

  • Page 108
    MC35i AT Command Set 5.4 AT+CLCK obile Parameter Description (str) <facility> Phone security locks set by client or factory Primarily intended for the client to take safety precautions, «SC», «PS» and «FD» can be configured individually. «PS» may also be factory set.
  • Page 109
    MC35i AT Command Set 5.4 AT+CLCK obile patibility commands like »ATD*99***1#» or »ATD*98***1#». Indication is »+CME Error 257: Call barred». Factory defined SIM locks: Typical examples of factory set SIM locks are prepaid phones or network locks, used to restrict the operation of a mobile to a specific provider or operator.
  • Page 110
    MC35i AT Command Set 5.4 AT+CLCK obile (num) <status> lock is inactive lock is active (str) <password> Password string used to lock and to unlock a . Length and authority for passwords depend on the <facility> in question and are therefore listed in the section on parameter .
  • Page 111
    MC35i AT Command Set 5.4 AT+CLCK obile serial interface the running command is aborted after a short timeout and returns CME ERROR 100 AT+CLCK («unknown»). If then the command is issued once again execution is denied with CME ERROR 256 AT+CLCK («Operation temporary not allowed»).
  • Page 112
    MC35i AT Command Set 5.4 AT+CLCK obile To operate the mobile with the SIM card for which «PS» lock was activated: AT+CPIN? +CPIN: SIM PIN AT+CPIN=»9999″ No additional password is required for operation (SIM recognized by mobile). To operate the mobile with other SIM card than the one used for the «PS» lock: Enter SIM PIN of present card, followed by «PS»…
  • Page 113: At^slck Facility Lock

    MC35i AT Command Set 5.5 AT^SLCK obile AT^SLCK Facility lock AT command provides the «Facility lock» function as described for AT command defined in AT^SLCK AT+CLCK GSM 07.07. It is identical in every respect to , except that the command syntax and response prefix is «^SLCK»…

  • Page 114: At+Cpwd Change Password

    MC35i AT Command Set 5.6 AT+CPWD obile AT+CPWD Change Password Use this command when you want to change the passwords defined for the «facility lock» functions available from . A password consists of a string of numeric digits with a length in the range specified by AT+CLCK <password…

  • Page 115
    MC35i AT Command Set 5.6 AT+CPWD obile Parameter Description (str) <facility> Phone security locks set by client or factory: Primarily intended for the client to take safety precautions, passwords «SC» (SIM PIN) and «P2» (SIM PIN2) are usually predefined, but can be configured individually. The password for lock facility «PS» may also be factory set.
  • Page 116
    MC35i AT Command Set 5.6 AT+CPWD obile “PU“ Network subset Personalisation “PP“ Service Provider Personalisation “PC“ Corporate Personalisation Supplementary Service Call Barring: Supplementary Service «Call Barring» allows to specify conditions under which calls will be disallowed by the network. The availability of the Supplementary Services varies with the network. To benefit from call barring the client will need to subscribe them, though a limited number of call barring types may be included in the basic tariff pack- age.
  • Page 117
    MC35i AT Command Set 5.6 AT+CPWD obile Examples EXAMPLE 1 To change PIN2 (where «0000» = old PIN2 and «8888» = new PIN2) AT+CPWD=»P2″,»0000″,»8888″ PIN2 Password has been changed to «8888» EXAMPLE 2 To set password used to enable or disable barring of all outgoing calls: Requests the network to change the password for AT+CPWD=»AO»,»0000″,»3333″…
  • Page 118: At^spwd Change Password

    MC35i AT Command Set 5.7 AT^SPWD obile AT^SPWD Change Password Use this command when you want to change the passwords defined for the «facility lock» functions available from . Specifically the command can be used to AT+CLCK • change PIN1 or PIN2, •…

  • Page 119: Identification Commands

    MC35i AT Command Set 6. Identification Commands obile Identification Commands The AT Commands described in this chapter allow the external application to obtain various identification infor- mation related to the MC35i and linked entities. ATI Display product identification information Syntax Exec Command Response(s)

  • Page 120: At+Cgmi Request Manufacturer Identification

    MC35i AT Command Set 6.2 AT+CGMI obile AT+CGMI Request manufacturer identification Syntax Test Command AT+CGMI=? Response(s) Exec Command AT+CGMI Response(s) SIEMENS ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Reference(s) GSM 07.07 Command Description TA returns manufacturer identification text. Note • See also: AT+GMI MC35i_ATC_V01.03…

  • Page 121: At+Gmi Request Manufacturer Identification

    MC35i AT Command Set 6.3 AT+GMI obile AT+GMI Request manufacturer identification Syntax Test Command AT+GMI=? Response(s) Exec Command AT+GMI Response(s) SIEMENS ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Reference(s) V.25ter Command Description TA reports information to identify the manufacturer. Note • See also: AT+CGMI MC35i_ATC_V01.03…

  • Page 122: At+Cgmm Request Model Identification

    MC35i AT Command Set 6.4 AT+CGMM obile AT+CGMM Request model identification Syntax Test Command AT+CGMM=? Response(s) Exec Command AT+CGMM Response(s) MC35i ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Reference(s) GSM 07.07 Command Description TA returns product model identification text. Note • See also: AT+GMM MC35i_ATC_V01.03…

  • Page 123: At+Gmm Request Ta Model Identification

    MC35i AT Command Set 6.5 AT+GMM obile AT+GMM Request TA model identification Syntax Test Command AT+GMM=? Response(s) Exec Command AT+GMM Response(s) MC35i ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Reference(s) V.25ter Command Description TA reports one or more lines of information text which permit the user to identify the specific model of device.

  • Page 124: At+Cgmr Request Revision Identification Of Software Status

    MC35i AT Command Set 6.6 AT+CGMR obile AT+CGMR Request revision identification of software status Syntax Test Command AT+CGMR=? Response(s) Exec Command AT+CGMR Response(s) REVISION <xx.yy> ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Reference(s) GSM 07.07 Command Description TA returns product firmware version identification text.

  • Page 125: At+Gmr Request Ta Revision Identification Of Software Status

    MC35i AT Command Set 6.7 AT+GMR obile AT+GMR Request TA revision identification of software status Syntax Test Command AT+GMR=? Response(s) Exec Command AT+GMR Response(s) REVISION <xx.yy> ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Reference(s) V.25ter Command Description TA returns product software version identification text.

  • Page 126: At+Cgsn Request Product Serial Number Identification (Imei) Identical To Gsn

    MC35i AT Command Set 6.8 AT+CGSN obile AT+CGSN Request product serial number identification (IMEI) identical to GSN Syntax Test Command AT+CGSN=? Response(s) Exec Command AT+CGSN Response(s) <sn> ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Reference(s) GSM 07.07 Command Description TA returns identification text for determination of the individual ME.

  • Page 127: At+Gsn Request Ta Serial Number Identification (Imei)

    MC35i AT Command Set 6.9 AT+GSN obile AT+GSN Request TA serial number identification (IMEI) Syntax Test Command AT+GSN=? Response(s) Exec Command AT+GSN Response(s) <sn> ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Reference(s) V.25ter Command Description TA reports one or more lines of information text which permit the user to identify the individual device.

  • Page 128: At+Cimi Request International Mobile Subscriber Identity

    MC35i AT Command Set 6.10 AT+CIMI obile 6.10 AT+CIMI Request international mobile subscriber identity Syntax Test Command AT+CIMI=? Response(s) Exec Command AT+CIMI Response(s) <imsi> ERROR +CME ERROR: <err> ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Reference(s) GSM 07.07 Command Description TA returns IMSI for identifying the individual SIM which is attached to ME.

  • Page 129: Call Related Commands

    MC35i AT Command Set 7. Call related Commands obile Call related Commands The AT Commands described in this chapter are related to Mobile Originated (MOC, i.e. outgoing) Calls and Mobile Terminated (MTC, i.e. incoming) Calls. ATA Answer a call Syntax…

  • Page 130
    MC35i AT Command Set 7.1 ATA obile code «NO CARRIER», but the call in question will continue to ring. It is possible to change the setting for to 0 while the call is ringing, and accept the call normally AT+FCLASS afterwards with •…
  • Page 131: Atd Mobile Originated Call To Dial A Number

    MC35i AT Command Set 7.2 ATD obile ATD Mobile originated call to dial a number Syntax Exec Command ][;] ATD<n> <mgsm> Response(s) If no dialtone (parameter setting 2 or NO DIALTONE If busy (parameter setting 3 or BUSY If a connection cannot be set up:…

  • Page 132
    MC35i AT Command Set 7.2 ATD obile Using during an active call: • When a user originates a second voice call whil there is already an active voice call, the first call will automat- ically put on hold. The second call attempt is acknowledged with «OK» immediately after dialing with ATD has completed, without relation to a successful call setup.
  • Page 133
    MC35i AT Command Set 7.2 ATD obile Example The following example shows the call setup procedure when a call is already active and a second call attempt fails because the line of the called party is busy: Dialing out the first party’s number.
  • Page 134: Atd> Originate Call To Phone Number In Memory

    MC35i AT Command Set 7.3 ATD><mem><n> obile ATD><mem><n> Originate call to phone number in memory Syntax Exec Command ATD><mem><n> <mgsm> Response(s) ERROR +CME ERROR: <err> If no dialtone (parameter ATX2 or ATX4): NO DIALTONE If busy (parameter setting ATX3 or ATX4):…

  • Page 135
    MC35i AT Command Set 7.3 ATD><mem><n> obile (num) <n> Integer type memory location in the range of locations available in the selected memory, i.e. the index number returned by AT+CPBR (str) <mgsm> String of GSM modifiers: Activates CLIR (disables presentation of own phone number to called party)
  • Page 136: Atd> Originate Call To Phone Number Selected From Active Memory

    MC35i AT Command Set 7.4 ATD><n> obile ATD><n> Originate call to phone number selected from active memory Syntax Exec Command ATD><n> <mgsm> Response(s) ERROR +CME ERROR: <err> If no dialtone (parameter ATX2 or ATX4): NO DIALTONE If busy (parameter setting ATX3 or ATX4):…

  • Page 137
    MC35i AT Command Set 7.4 ATD><n> obile during some states of connection setup such as handshaking. • The command is not applicable to data calls. Any attempt to dial a data call number from causes the <n> result code «NO CARRIER» to appear.
  • Page 138: Atd> Originate Call To Phone Number In Memory With Corresponding Field

    MC35i AT Command Set 7.5 ATD><str> obile ATD><str> Originate call to phone number in memory with corre- sponding field Syntax Exec Command ATD><str> <mgsm> Response(s) ERROR +CME ERROR: <err> If no dialtone (parameter ATX2 or ATX4): NO DIALTONE If busy (parameter setting ATX3 or ATX4):…

  • Page 139
    MC35i AT Command Set 7.5 ATD><str> obile Notes • This command may be aborted generally by receiving a character during execution. Abortion is not possible during some states of connection setup such as handshaking. • The command is not applicable to data calls. Any attempt to dial without semicolon «;»…
  • Page 140: Atdi Mobile Originated Call To Dialable Isdn Number

    MC35i AT Command Set 7.6 ATDI obile ATDI Mobile originated call to dialable ISDN number <n> Syntax Exec Command ATDI<n> Response(s) If no dialtone (parameter ATX2 or ATX4): NO DIALTONE If busy (parameter setting ATX3 or ATX4): BUSY If connection cannot be set up:…

  • Page 141: Atdl Redial Last Telephone Number Used

    MC35i AT Command Set 7.7 ATDL obile ATDL Redial last telephone number used Syntax Exec Command ATDL [;] Response(s) If there is no last number or number is not valid: +CME ERROR If no dialtone (parameter ATX2 or ATX4): NO DIALTONE…

  • Page 142: Ath Disconnect Existing Connection

    MC35i AT Command Set 7.8 ATH obile ATH Disconnect existing connection Syntax Exec Command ATH [ <n> Response(s) ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Reference(s) V.25ter Command Description Disconnect existing call from command line by local TE and terminate call. Parameter Description (num) <n>…

  • Page 143: At+Chup Hang Up Call

    MC35i AT Command Set 7.9 AT+CHUP obile AT+CHUP Hang up call Syntax Test Command AT+CHUP=? Response(s) ERROR +CME ERROR Exec Command AT+CHUP Response(s) ERROR +CME ERROR ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Reference(s) GSM 07.07 Command Description Cancels all active and held calls.

  • Page 144: Ats0 Set Number Of Rings Before Automatically Answering A Call

    MC35i AT Command Set 7.10 ATS0 obile 7.10 ATS0 Set number of rings before automatically answering a call Syntax Read Command ATS0? Response(s) <n> ERROR Write Command ATS0=<n> Response(s) ERROR ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Reference(s) V.25ter Command Description This parameter setting determines the number of rings before automatic answering.

  • Page 145: Ats6 Set Pause Before Blind Dialing

    MC35i AT Command Set 7.11 ATS6 obile 7.11 ATS6 Set pause before blind dialing Syntax Read Command ATS6? Response(s) <n> Write Command ATS6=<n> Response(s) ERROR ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Reference(s) V.25ter Command Description No effect for GSM. Parameter Description (num)(&W)(&V) <n>…

  • Page 146: Ats7 Set Number Of Seconds To Wait For Connection Completion

    MC35i AT Command Set 7.12 ATS7 obile 7.12 ATS7 Set number of seconds to wait for connection completion Syntax Read Command ATS7? Response(s) <n> Write Command ATS7=<n> Response(s) ERROR ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Reference(s) V.25ter Command Description This parameter specifies the amount of time, in seconds, that the ME shall allow between either answering a call (automatically or by the A command) or completion of signalling of call addressing information to network (dial- ling), and establishment of a connection with the remote DCE.

  • Page 147: Ats8 Set Number Of Seconds To Wait For Comma Dialing Modifier

    MC35i AT Command Set 7.13 ATS8 obile 7.13 ATS8 Set number of seconds to wait for comma dialing modifier This command specifies the amount of time, in seconds, that the DCE shall pause, during signalling of call addressing information to the network (dialling), when a «,» (comma) dial modifier is encountered in a dial string.

  • Page 148: Ats10 Set Disconnect Delay After Indicating The Absence Of Data Carrier

    MC35i AT Command Set 7.14 ATS10 obile 7.14 ATS10 Set disconnect delay after indicating the absence of data carrier Syntax Read Command ATS10? Response(s) <n> Write Command ATS10=<n> Response(s) ERROR ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Reference(s) V.25ter Command Description This parameter setting determines the amount of time, that the TA remains connected in absence of a data car- rier.

  • Page 149: Atp Select Pulse Dialing

    MC35i AT Command Set 7.15 ATP obile 7.15 ATP Select pulse dialing Syntax Exec Command Response(s) ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Reference(s) V.25ter Note • No effect for GSM. MC35i_ATC_V01.03 Page 149 of 444 5/7/04 Confidential / Released…

  • Page 150: Ato Switch From Command Mode To Data Mode / Ppp Online Mode

    MC35i AT Command Set 7.16 ATO obile 7.16 ATO Switch from command mode to data mode / PPP online mode Syntax Exec Command ATO [ <n> Response(s) If connection is not successfully resumed: NO CARRIER TA returns to data mode from command mode CONNECT <text>…

  • Page 151: Switch From Data Mode To Command Mode

    MC35i AT Command Set 7.17 +++ obile 7.17 +++ Switch from data mode to command mode Syntax Exec Command Response(s) ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Reference(s) V.25ter Command Description This command is only available during a CSD call or a GPRS connection. The +++ character sequence causes the TA to cancel the data flow over the AT interface and switch to command mode.

  • Page 152: Att Select Tone Dialing

    MC35i AT Command Set 7.18 ATT obile 7.18 ATT Select tone dialing Syntax Exec Command Response(s) ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Reference(s) V.25ter Note • No effect for GSM. MC35i_ATC_V01.03 Page 152 of 444 5/7/04 Confidential / Released…

  • Page 153: At+Cbst Select Bearer Service Type

    MC35i AT Command Set 7.19 AT+CBST obile 7.19 AT+CBST Select bearer service type Syntax Test Command AT+CBST=? Response(s) +CBST: (list of supported s), (list of supported s), (list of supported <speed> <name> <ce> Read Command AT+CBST? Response(s) +CBST: <speed> <name>…

  • Page 154
    MC35i AT Command Set 7.19 AT+CBST obile 2400 bps (V.110) 4800 bps (V.110) 9600 bps (V.110) 14400 bps (V.110) (num)(&W) <name> (&F) asynchronous modem (num)(&W) <ce> Transparent mode is not supported. (&F) non-transparent Note • GSM 02.02[1]: List of allowed combinations of subparameters.
  • Page 155: At+Crlp Select Radio Link Protocol Parameters For Originated Non-Transparent Data Calls

    MC35i AT Command Set 7.20 AT+CRLP obile 7.20 AT+CRLP Select radio link protocol parameters for originated non-transparent data calls Syntax Test Command AT+CRLP=? Response(s) +CRLP: (list of supported s), (list of supported s), (list of supported s), (list of <iws>…

  • Page 156
    MC35i AT Command Set 7.20 AT+CRLP obile (num)(&W)(&V) <mws> Mobile window size (MS to IWF) (&F) 0…[10]…61 (num)(&W)(&V) <T1> Acknowledgement timer (T1 in 10 ms units) (&F) 48…[78] …255 (num)(&W)(&V) <N2> Re-transmission attempts N2 (&F) 1…[6] …255 (num) <verx> RLP version number in integer format; when version indication is not present it shall equal 0.
  • Page 157: At+Clcc List Current Calls Of Me

    MC35i AT Command Set 7.21 AT+CLCC obile 7.21 AT+CLCC List current calls of ME Syntax Test Command AT+CLCC=? Response(s) Exec Command AT+CLCC Response(s) [ +CLCC: <idx> <dir> <stat> <mode> <mpty> <number> <type> <alpha> [ +CLCC: <idx> <dir> <stat> <mode> <mpty>…

  • Page 158
    MC35i AT Command Set 7.21 AT+CLCC obile held dialing (MOC) alerting (MOC) incoming (MTC) waiting (MTC) (num) <mode> bearer/teleservice voice data voice followed by data, voice mode (only in connection with single numbering scheme AT+CSNS alternating voice/data, voice mode (only in connection with single numbering…
  • Page 159
    MC35i AT Command Set 7.21 AT+CLCC obile is ‘UCS2’. Due to time constraints on the necessary evaluation of the phonebook, this parameter may show a default value during early call phases (e.g. for = »dialling», »incoming» or »alerting»), even if a phonebook entry is <stat>…
  • Page 160: At+Cr Service Reporting Control

    MC35i AT Command Set 7.22 AT+CR obile 7.22 AT+CR Service reporting control Syntax Test Command AT+CR=? Response(s) +CR: (list of supported <mode> ERROR Read Command AT+CR? Response(s) +CR: <mode> ERROR Write Command AT+CR=<mode> Response(s) ERROR ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Reference(s) GSM 07.07…

  • Page 161
    MC35i AT Command Set 7.22 AT+CR obile Parameter Description (num)(&W)(&V) <mode> (&F) disable enable (str) <serv> “REL ASYNC“ asynchronous non-transparent “GPRS“ GPRS Notes • The PLMN influences the second air interface (to the terminator), therefore another mode may be established from the network.
  • Page 162: At+Crc Set Cellular Result Codes For Incoming Call Indication

    MC35i AT Command Set 7.23 AT+CRC obile 7.23 AT+CRC Set Cellular Result Codes for incoming call indication Syntax Test Command AT+CRC=? Response(s) +CRC: (list of supported <mode> ERROR Read Command AT+CRC? Response(s) +CRC: <mode> ERROR Write Command AT+CRC= [ <mode>…

  • Page 163
    MC35i AT Command Set 7.23 AT+CRC obile Parameter Description (num)(&W)(&V) <mode> (&F) disable extended format enable extended format (str) <type> “REL ASYNC“ asynchronous non-transparent “FAX“ facsimile “VOICE“ voice “GPRS“ [,[<L2P>][, ]] GPRS network request for <PDP_type> <PDP_addr> <APN> PDP context activation Note •…
  • Page 164: At+Csns Single Numbering Scheme

    MC35i AT Command Set 7.24 AT+CSNS obile 7.24 AT+CSNS Single Numbering Scheme Syntax Test Command AT+CSNS=? Response(s) +CSNS: (list of supported <mode> Read Command AT+CSNS? Response(s) +CSNS: <mode> Write Command AT+CSNS= [ <mode> Response(s) ERROR +CME ERROR ASC0 MUX1 MUX2…

  • Page 165
    MC35i AT Command Set 7.24 AT+CSNS obile Notes • The command must be set before the call comes. By default, when you do not modify the settings, all calls received without bearer element are assumed to be voice. • The setting will be automatically saved when you power down the GSM engine with…
  • Page 166: At^scni List Call Number Information

    MC35i AT Command Set 7.25 AT^SCNI obile 7.25 AT^SCNI List Call Number Information Syntax Test Command AT^SCNI=? Response(s) Exec Command AT^SCNI Response(s) ^SCNI: <id> <cs> <number> <type> ^SCNI: <id> <cs> <number> <type> […] ERROR +CME ERROR: <err> ASC0 MUX1 MUX2…

  • Page 167
    MC35i AT Command Set 7.25 AT^SCNI obile (str) <number> string type phone number in format specified by <type> (num) <type> type of address octet in integer format; 145 when dialling string includes international access code character «+», otherwise 129 Note •…
  • Page 168: At^slcd Display Last Call Duration

    MC35i AT Command Set 7.26 AT^SLCD obile 7.26 AT^SLCD Display Last Call Duration Syntax Test Command AT^SLCD=? Response(s) ERROR +CME ERROR Exec Command AT^SLCD Response(s) ^SLCD: <time> ERROR +CME ERROR ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Reference(s) SIEMENS Command Description TA returns last call duration or current call duration.

  • Page 169: At^stcd Display Total Call Duration

    MC35i AT Command Set 7.27 AT^STCD obile 7.27 AT^STCD Display Total Call Duration Syntax Test Command AT^STCD=? Response(s) ERROR +CME ERROR Exec Command AT^STCD Response(s) ^STCD: <time> ERROR +CME ERROR ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Reference(s) SIEMENS Command Description TA returns total call duration (accumulated duration of all calls).

  • Page 170: Network Service Commands

    MC35i AT Command Set 8. Network Service Commands obile Network Service Commands The AT Commands described in this chapter are related to various network services. More commands related to this area can be found in Chapter 9., Supplementary Service Commands.

  • Page 171
    MC35i AT Command Set 8.1 AT+COPN obile (str) <alphan> Operator in long alphanumeric format; can contain up to 16 characters. MC35i_ATC_V01.03 Page 171 of 444 5/7/04 Confidential / Released…
  • Page 172: At+Cops Operator Selection

    MC35i AT Command Set 8.2 AT+COPS obile AT+COPS Operator selection This command can be used to query the present status of the ME’s network registration and to determine whether automatic or manual network selection shall be used. Automatic mode: Lets the ME automatically search for the home operator. If successful the ME registers to the home network and enters the IDLE mode.

  • Page 173
    AT&W (&F) long format alphanumeric ; up to 16 characters <oper> numeric ; GSM Location Area Identification number <oper> Notes • settings are effective over all interfaces of the MC35i. AT+COPS MC35i_ATC_V01.03 Page 173 of 444 5/7/04 Confidential / Released…
  • Page 174
    MC35i AT Command Set 8.2 AT+COPS obile • When using the =? command during an ongoing GPRS transfer, the transfer will be interrupted for AT+COPS up to 1 minute. MC35i_ATC_V01.03 Page 174 of 444 5/7/04 Confidential / Released…
  • Page 175: At+Creg Network Registration

    MC35i AT Command Set 8.3 AT+CREG obile AT+CREG Network registration Syntax Test Command AT+CREG=? Response(s) +CREG: (list of supported <n> Read Command AT+CREG? Response(s) +CREG: <n> <stat> <lac> <ci> ERROR +CME ERROR: <err> Write Command AT+CREG= [ <n> Response(s) ERROR +CME ERROR: <err>…

  • Page 176
    MC35i AT Command Set 8.3 AT+CREG obile Command Description Read command returns the URC presentation mode and an integer that shows the registration sta- <n> <stat> tus of the ME. The location information elements are returned only when =2 and ME is <lac>…
  • Page 177
    MC35i AT Command Set 8.3 AT+CREG obile #6 … Illegal ME Either the SIM or the MS or the ME are unable to log into any network. User intervention is required. Emer-gency calls can be made, if any network is available.
  • Page 178: At+Csq Signal Quality

    MC35i AT Command Set 8.4 AT+CSQ obile AT+CSQ Signal quality Syntax Test Command AT+CSQ=? Response(s) +CSQ: (list of supported s), (list of supported <rssi> <ber> Exec Command AT+CSQ Response(s) +CSQ: <rssi> <ber> ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Reference(s) GSM 07.07 Command Description…

  • Page 179
    MC35i AT Command Set 8.4 AT+CSQ obile Note • After using network related commands such as , users are advised to wait 3s AT+CCWA AT+CCFC AT+CLCK before entering . This is recommended to be sure that any network access required for the preceding AT+CSQ command has finished.
  • Page 180: At^smonc Cell Monitoring

    MC35i AT Command Set 8.5 AT^SMONC obile AT^SMONC Cell Monitoring Syntax Test Command AT^SMONC=? Response(s) Exec Command AT^SMONC Response(s) ^SMONC: <MCC> <MNC> <LAC> <cell> <BSIC> <chann> <RSSI> <C1> <C2> <MCC> , … <MNC> <LAC> <cell> <BSIC> <chann> <RSSI> <C1> <C2>…

  • Page 181
    MC35i AT Command Set 8.5 AT^SMONC obile (num) <LAC> Location area code 4 hexadecimal digits, e.g. 4EED 0000 not decoded (num) <cell> Cell identifier 4 hexadecimal digits, e.g. 4EAF 0000 not decoded (num) <BSIC> Base station identity code 2 digits, e.g. 32…
  • Page 182: At^moni Monitor Idle Mode And Dedicated Mode

    MC35i AT Command Set 8.6 AT^MONI obile AT^MONI Monitor idle mode and dedicated mode Syntax Test Command AT^MONI=? Response(s) ^MONI: (list of supported <period> Exec Command AT^MONI Response(s) See: Section 8.6.1, AT^MONI responses Write Command AT^MONI=<period> Response(s) See: Section 8.6.1,…

  • Page 183: At^moni Responses

    MC35i AT Command Set 8.6 AT^MONI obile Notes • The two header lines (see Section 8.6.1, AT^MONI responses) are output after every ten data lines. • The length of following output lines exceeds 80 characters. Therefore a terminal program may draw a carriage return on a screen.

  • Page 184: Service States

    MC35i AT Command Set 8.6 AT^MONI obile Column Description cell cell ID, see note below PLMN colour code base station colour code maximal power level used on RACH channel in dBm RXLev minimal receiving level (in dBm) to allow registration…

  • Page 185
    MC35i AT Command Set 8.6 AT^MONI obile ). This is because the MS does not update the cell selection and reselection parameters since, in AT+CREG this mode, they are not relevant for operation. When the connection ends, and the mobile is back to IDLE mode, correct values will be given.
  • Page 186: At^monp Monitor Neighbour Cells

    MC35i AT Command Set 8.7 AT^MONP obile AT^MONP Monitor neighbour cells Syntax Test Command AT^MONP=? Response(s) ^MONP: (list of supported <period> Exec Command AT^MONP Response(s) See: Section 8.7.1, AT^MONP responses Write Command AT^MONP=<period> Response(s) See: Section 8.7.1, AT^MONP responses ERROR…

  • Page 187: At^monp Responses

    MC35i AT Command Set 8.7 AT^MONP obile Note • Due to the fact that not all necessary information of the neighbour cells can be decoded during a connection, there are several constraints to be considered: Only neighbour cells that have already been visible in IDLE mode will be further updated, as long as they are still included in the list.

  • Page 188: At^smong Gprs Monitor

    MC35i AT Command Set 8.8 AT^SMONG obile AT^SMONG GPRS Monitor Syntax Test Command AT^SMONG=? Response(s) ^SMONG: (list of supported s), (list of supported <table> <period> ERROR +CME ERROR Exec Command AT^SMONG Response(s) GPRS Monitor Cell Info Table (see: Section 8.8.1,…

  • Page 189: At^smong Cell Info Table

    MC35i AT Command Set 8.8 AT^SMONG obile Parameter Description (num) <table> Cell Info Table (num) <period> Display period in seconds is omitted the cell data will be presented only once on a single line (as if Execute command was <period>…

  • Page 190: At^shom Display Homezone

    MC35i AT Command Set 8.9 AT^SHOM obile AT^SHOM Display Homezone Syntax Test Command AT^SHOM=? Response(s) Exec Command AT^SHOM Response(s) ^SHOM: <homezonestate> ERROR +CME ERROR: <err> ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Reference(s) SIEMENS Command Description TA returns homezone state. Result is valid only, if network registration state is 1 (registered) (see <stat>…

  • Page 191: At^splm Read The Plmn List

    MC35i AT Command Set 8.10 AT^SPLM obile 8.10 AT^SPLM Read the PLMN list Syntax Test Command AT^SPLM=? Response(s) If error is related to ME functionality: ERROR +CME ERROR: <err> Exec Command AT^SPLM Response(s) , long ^SPLM:<numeric> <alpha> ^SPLM: [… ]…

  • Page 192: At^splr Read Entry From The Preferred Operators List

    MC35i AT Command Set 8.11 AT^SPLR obile 8.11 AT^SPLR Read entry from the preferred operators list Syntax Test Command AT^SPLR=? Response(s) ^SPLR: (list of supported) <indexa> ERROR +CME ERROR: <err> Write Command AT^SPLR=<index1> <index2> Response(s) ^SPLR: <index1><oper> ^SPLR: <index2><oper> ERROR +CME ERROR: <err>…

  • Page 193
    MC35i AT Command Set 8.11 AT^SPLR obile (str) <oper> Operator in numeric form; GSM location area identification number Note • See also GSM 07.07: AT+CPOL MC35i_ATC_V01.03 Page 193 of 444 5/7/04 Confidential / Released…
  • Page 194: At^splw Write An Entry To The Preferred Operators List

    MC35i AT Command Set 8.12 AT^SPLW obile 8.12 AT^SPLW Write an entry to the preferred operators list Syntax Test Command AT^SPLW=? Response(s) ^SPLW: (list of supported) <index> ERROR +CME ERROR: Write Command AT^SPLW=<index> <oper> Response(s) ERROR +CME ERROR: <err> ASC0…

  • Page 195: Supplementary Service Commands

    MC35i AT Command Set 9. Supplementary Service Commands obile Supplementary Service Commands The AT Commands described in this chapter are related to the Supplementary Services offered by the GSM net- work. AT+CACM Accumulated call meter (ACM) reset or query Syntax…

  • Page 196
    MC35i AT Command Set 9.1 AT+CACM obile Parameter Description (str) <acm> Three bytes of the current ACM value in hexadecimal format (e.g. «00001E» indicates decimal value 30) 000000 — FFFFFF. (str) <passwd> SIM PIN2 MC35i_ATC_V01.03 Page 196 of 444 5/7/04…
  • Page 197: At^sacm Advice Of Charge And Query Of Acm And Acmmax

    MC35i AT Command Set 9.2 AT^SACM obile AT^SACM Advice of charge and query of ACM and ACMmax Syntax Test Command AT^SACM=? Response(s) ^SACM: (list of supported <n> Exec Command AT^SACM Response(s) ^SACM: <n> <acm> <acmMax> ERROR +CME ERROR: <err> Write Command AT^SACM=<n>…

  • Page 198
    MC35i AT Command Set 9.2 AT^SACM obile Parameter Description (num)(&W)(&V) <n> (&F) suppress unsolicited result code display unsolicited result code (str)(&V) <acm> Three bytes of the current ACM value in hexadecimal format (e.g. «00001E» indicates decimal value 30) 000000- FFFFFF (str)(&V)
  • Page 199: At+Camm Accumulated Call Meter Maximum (Acmmax) Set Or Query

    MC35i AT Command Set 9.3 AT+CAMM obile AT+CAMM Accumulated call meter maximum (ACMmax) set or query Syntax Test Command AT+CAMM=? Response(s) Read Command AT+CAMM? Response(s) +CAMM: <acmmax> ERROR +CME ERROR: <err> Write Command AT+CAMM= [ <acmmax> <passwd> Response(s) ERROR +CME ERROR: <err>…

  • Page 200
    MC35i AT Command Set 9.3 AT+CAMM obile (str) <passwd> SIM PIN2 MC35i_ATC_V01.03 Page 200 of 444 5/7/04 Confidential / Released…
  • Page 201: At+Caoc Advice Of Charge Information

    MC35i AT Command Set 9.4 AT+CAOC obile AT+CAOC Advice of Charge information Syntax Test Command AT+CAOC=? Response(s) +CAOC: (list of supported <mode> Read Command AT+CAOC? Response(s) +CAOC: <mode> Exec Command AT+CAOC Response(s) ERROR +CME ERROR: <err> =0, TA returns the current call meter value: <mode>…

  • Page 202
    MC35i AT Command Set 9.4 AT+CAOC obile The write command sets the Advice of Charge supplementary service function mode. Parameter Description (num)(&V) <mode> query CCM value (str) <ccm> Three bytes of the current CCM value in hexadecimal format (e.g. «00001E» indicates decimal value 30); bytes are similarly coded as ACMmax value in the SIM 000000-FFFFFF.
  • Page 203: At+Ccug Closed User Group

    MC35i AT Command Set 9.5 AT+CCUG obile AT+CCUG Closed User Group Syntax Test Command AT+CCUG=? Response(s) +CCUG: list of supported , range of supported , range of supported <n> <index> <info> ERROR +CME ERROR Read Command AT+CCUG? Response(s) +CCUG:<n> <index>…

  • Page 204
    MC35i AT Command Set 9.5 AT+CCUG obile Parameter Description (num) <n> explicit CUG invocation options Deactivate explicit CUG invocation Activate explicit CUG invocation (num) <index> explicit selection of CUG index No index (preferred CUG taken from subscriber data) (num) <info>…
  • Page 205: At+Ccfc Call Forwarding Number And Conditions Control

    MC35i AT Command Set 9.6 AT+CCFC obile AT+CCFC Call forwarding number and conditions control Syntax Test Command AT+CCFC=? Response(s) +CCFC: (list/range of supported <reason> Write Command ]]]] AT+CCFC=<reason> <mode> <number> <type> <class> <time> Response(s) is not equal 2 and command successful: <mode>…

  • Page 206
    MC35i AT Command Set 9.6 AT+CCFC obile not reachable all call forwarding (includes reasons 0, 1, 2 and 3) all conditional call forwarding (includes reasons 1, 2 and 3) (num) <mode> network operation to be performed for Supplementary service «call forwarding»…
  • Page 207
    MC35i AT Command Set 9.6 AT+CCFC obile (num) <time> 5…[20]…30 time to wait before call is forwarded, rounded to a multiple of 5 sec. (only for =no reply) <reason> (num) <status> Call Forwarding not active Call Forwarding active Notes •…
  • Page 208
    MC35i AT Command Set 9.6 AT+CCFC obile • To deactivate CFU without specifying <class> at+ccfc=0,0 To check whether CFU was successfully deactivated (note that the destination number remains registered in the network when you disable CFU): at+ccfc=0,2 +CCFC: 0,1,»+493012345678″,145 +CCFC: 0,2,»+493012345678″,145 +CCFC: 0,4,»+493012345678″,145…
  • Page 209: At+Ccwa Call Waiting

    MC35i AT Command Set 9.7 AT+CCWA obile AT+CCWA Call Waiting This command controls the «Call Waiting» supplementary service according to GSM 02.83. Activation, deactiva- tion and status query are supported. Syntax Test Command AT+CCWA=? Response(s) +CCWA: (list of supported <n>…

  • Page 210
    MC35i AT Command Set 9.7 AT+CCWA obile +CCWA: <calling number>, <type of number>, <class>, , <CLI validity> =1 and the call waiting supplementary service is enabled in the network, URC » » indicates a wait- <n> +CCWA ing call to the TE. It appears while the waiting call is still ringing.
  • Page 211
    MC35i AT Command Set 9.7 AT+CCWA obile Data circuit sync Data circuit async Dedicated packet access Dedicated PAD access 1…[7]…255 Combination of some of the above classes. For example, the default setting 7 represents the sum of the integers 1, 2 and 4 (CF for voice, data and fax). The value 255 covers all classes.
  • Page 212
    MC35i AT Command Set 9.7 AT+CCWA obile check the current call waiting settings with <mode> • The AT+CCWA command has been implemented with the full set of parameters according to <class> GSM 07.07. For actual applicability of SS call waiting to a specific service or service group (a specific value) please consult table A.1 of GSM 02.04…
  • Page 213: At+Chld Call Hold And Multiparty

    Like for all Supplementary Services, the availability and detailed functionality of Call Hold and Multiparty services depends on the configuration of the GSM network. The MC35i can only request the service, but the network decides whether and how the request will be answered.

  • Page 214
    MC35i AT Command Set 9.8 AT+CHLD obile Terminate a specific call X (X= 1-7). The call may be active, held or waiting. The remote party of the terminated call will receive a «NO CARRIER» indica- tion. Parameter X is the call number of the targeted call in the list of cur- <idx>…
  • Page 215
    MC35i AT Command Set 9.8 AT+CHLD obile RING RING You accept the data call. CONNECT 9600/RLP hello With »+++» you go in command mode. You interrogate the status of all established calls. at+clcc +CLCC: 1,0,1,0,0,»03038639268″,129 +CLCC: 2,1,0,1,0,»+491791292364″,145 The active data call is terminated and the held voice at+chld=1 call becomes active.
  • Page 216: At+Clip Calling Line Identification Presentation

    MC35i AT Command Set 9.9 AT+CLIP obile AT+CLIP Calling line identification presentation This command refers to the GSM supplementary service CLIP (Calling Line Identification Presentation) that enables a called subscriber to get the calling line identity (CLI) of the calling party when receiving a mobile ter- minated call.

  • Page 217
    MC35i AT Command Set 9.9 AT+CLIP obile +CLIP: <number>, <type> When CLIP is enabled at the TE (and is permitted by the calling subscriber), an unsolicited result code is returned after every RING (or +CRING: ) at a mobile terminating call.
  • Page 218: At+Clir Calling Line Identification Restriction

    MC35i AT Command Set 9.10 AT+CLIR obile 9.10 AT+CLIR Calling line identification restriction Syntax Test Command AT+CLIR=? Response(s) +CLIR: (list of supported <n> Read Command AT+CLIR? Response(s) +CLIR<n> <m> ERROR +CME ERROR: <err> Write Command AT+CLIR= [ <n> Response(s) ERROR +CME ERROR: <err>…

  • Page 219
    MC35i AT Command Set 9.10 AT+CLIR obile (num) <m> Parameter shows the subscriber CLIR service status in the network: CLIR not provisioned CLIR provisioned in permanent mode Unknown (e.g. no network, etc.) CLIR temporary mode presentation restricted CLIR temporary mode presentation allowed Note •…
  • Page 220: At+Cpuc Price Per Unit And Currency Table

    MC35i AT Command Set 9.11 AT+CPUC obile 9.11 AT+CPUC Price per unit and currency table Syntax Test Command AT+CPUC=? Response(s) Read Command AT+CPUC? Response(s) +CPUC: <currency> <ppu> ERROR +CME ERROR: <err> Write Command AT+CPUC=<currency> <ppu> <passwd> Response(s) ERROR +CME ERROR: <err>…

  • Page 221
    MC35i AT Command Set 9.11 AT+CPUC obile (str) <ppu> Price per unit; dot is used as a decimal separator (e.g. «2.66»). The length is limited to 20 characters. If the string length is exceeded, the command is terminated with an error. This string may only contain digits and a dot. Lead- ing zeros are removed from the string.
  • Page 222: At+Cssn Supplementary Service Notifications

    MC35i AT Command Set 9.12 AT+CSSN obile 9.12 AT+CSSN Supplementary service notifications Syntax Test Command AT+CSSN=? Response(s) +CSSN: (list of supported s), (list of supported <n> <m> Read Command AT+CSSN? Response(s) +CSSN: <n> <m> Write Command AT+CSSN=<n> <m> Response(s) ERROR…

  • Page 223
    MC35i AT Command Set 9.12 AT+CSSN obile Command Description The write command enables or disables the presentation of URCs for supplementary services. Parameter Description (num) <n> (&F) Suppress » » URCs +CSSI Activate » » URCs +CSSI (num) <m> (&F) Suppress «…
  • Page 224: At+Cusd Supplementary Service Notifications

    MC35i AT Command Set 9.13 AT+CUSD obile 9.13 AT+CUSD Supplementary service notifications This command allows control of the Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD) according to GSM 02.90. Both network and mobile initiated operations are supported. Syntax Test Command AT+CUSD=? Response(s) +CUSD: (list of supported <n>…

  • Page 225
    MC35i AT Command Set 9.13 AT+CUSD obile is sent to the network. The response USSD string from the network is returned in a subsequent unsolicited result code » » +CUSD The interaction of this command with other commands based on other GSM supplementary services is described in the GSM standard.
  • Page 226: Gprs Commands

    GPRS Commands This chapter describes AT Commands that a TE (Terminal Equipment, e.g. an application running on a control- ling PC) may use to control the MC35i acting as GPRS Mobile Termination (MT). Please use chapter » Using » as a first guidance.

  • Page 227
    MC35i AT Command Set 10.1 AT+CGACT obile The write command is used to activate or deactivate the specified PDP context(s). After the command has com- pleted, the MT remains in V.25ter command state. If any PDP context is already in the requested state, the state for that context remains unchanged.
  • Page 228: At+Cgatt Gprs Attach Or Detach

    MC35i AT Command Set 10.2 AT+CGATT obile 10.2 AT+CGATT GPRS attach or detach Syntax Test Command AT+CGATT=? Response(s) +CGATT: (list of supported <state> Read Command AT+CGATT? Response(s) +CGATT: <state> Write Command AT+CGATT= [ <state> Response(s) ERROR +CME ERROR ASC0 MUX1…

  • Page 229
    MC35i AT Command Set 10.2 AT+CGATT obile Parameter Description (num) <state> Indicates the state of GPRS attachement. detached attached Notes • If the MT is in dedicated mode, write command returns with «+CME ERROR: operation temporary not allowed». • When the module is GPRS attached and a PLMN reselection occurs to a non-GPRS capable network or to a network where the SIM is not subscribed to for using GPRS, the resulting GMM (GPRS mobility management) state according to GSM 24.008 is REGISTERED/NO CELL, meaning that the read command will still show…
  • Page 230: At+Cgdata Enter Data State

    MC35i AT Command Set 10.3 AT+CGDATA obile 10.3 AT+CGDATA Enter data state Syntax Test Command AT+CGDATA=? Response(s) +CGDATA: (list of supported <L2P> Write Command AT+CGDATA= [ [,… ]]]] <L2P> <cid> <cid> Response(s) CONNECT NO CARRIER ERROR +CME ERROR ASC0 MUX1…

  • Page 231
    MC35i AT Command Set 10.3 AT+CGDATA obile Parameter Description (str) <L2P> Layer 2 protocol to be used between the TE and MT. [“PPP“] layer 2 protocol PPP “1“ layer 2 protocol PPP (num) <cid> Parameter specifies a particular PDP context definition. The parameter is local to the TE-MT interface and is used in other PDP context-related commands.
  • Page 232: At+Cgdcont Define Pdp Context

    MC35i AT Command Set 10.4 AT+CGDCONT obile 10.4 AT+CGDCONT Define PDP Context Syntax Test Command AT+CGDCONT=? Response(s) +CGDCONT: (range of supported , , , (list of supported s), (list of supported <cid> <PDP_type> <d_comp> <h_comp> ERROR +CME ERROR Read Command…

  • Page 233
    MC35i AT Command Set 10.4 AT+CGDCONT obile Parameter Description (num) <cid> PDP Context Identifier Parameter specifies a particular PDP context definition. The parameter is local to the TE-MT interface and is used in other PDP context-related commands. 1…2 (str) <PDP_type>…
  • Page 234: At+Cgpaddr Show Pdp Address

    MC35i AT Command Set 10.5 AT+CGPADDR obile 10.5 AT+CGPADDR Show PDP address Syntax Test Command AT+CGPADDR=? Response(s) +CGPADDR: (list of supported <cid> Write Command AT+CGPADDR= [ [… ]]] <cid> <cid> Response(s) +CGPADDR: <cid> <PDP_address> +CGPADDR: … ERROR +CME ERROR ASC0…

  • Page 235: At+Cgqmin Quality Of Service Profile (Minimum Acceptable)

    MC35i AT Command Set 10.6 AT+CGQMIN obile 10.6 AT+CGQMIN Quality of Service Profile (Minimum acceptable) Syntax Test Command AT+CGQMIN=? Response(s) , (list of supported s), (list of supported s), (list of +CGQMIN: <PDP_type> <precedence> <delay> supported s), (list of supported s), (list of supported <reliability>…

  • Page 236
    MC35i AT Command Set 10.6 AT+CGQMIN obile <cid> A special form of the set command, causes the minimum acceptable profile for context AT+CGQMIN <cid> number to become undefined. In this case no check is made against the negotiated profile. <cid>…
  • Page 237
    MC35i AT Command Set 10.6 AT+CGQMIN obile (num) <reliability> Reliability class network subscribed value Non real-time traffic, error-sensitive application that cannot cope with data loss Non real-time traffic, error-sensitive application that can cope with infrequent data loss Non real-time traffic, error-sensitive application that can cope with data loss,…
  • Page 238
    MC35i AT Command Set 10.6 AT+CGQMIN obile 1 000 000 (~2.2 kbit/s) 2 000 000 (~4.4 kbit/s) 5 000 000 (~11.1 kbit/s) 10 000 000 (~22 kbit/s) 20 000 000 (~44 kbit/s) 50 000 000 (~111 kbit/s) best effort (str) <PDP_type>…
  • Page 239: At+Cgqreq Quality Of Service Profile (Requested)

    MC35i AT Command Set 10.7 AT+CGQREQ obile 10.7 AT+CGQREQ Quality of Service Profile (Requested) Syntax Test Command AT+CGQREQ=? Response(s) , (list of supported s), (list of supported s), (list of +CGQREQ: <PDP_type> <precedence> <delay> supported s), (list of supported s), (list of supported <reliability>…

  • Page 240
    MC35i AT Command Set 10.7 AT+CGQREQ obile will undefine the QoS profiles of every context which is not active or not online. AT&F Parameter Description (num) <cid> Parameter specifies a particular PDP context definition. The parameter is local to the TE-MT interface and is used in other PDP context-related commands.
  • Page 241
    MC35i AT Command Set 10.7 AT+CGQREQ obile Non real-time traffic, error-sensitive application that cannot cope with data loss Non real-time traffic, error-sensitive application that can cope with infrequent data loss Non real-time traffic, error-sensitive application that can cope with data loss,…
  • Page 242
    MC35i AT Command Set 10.7 AT+CGQREQ obile 5 000 000 (~11.1 kbit/s) 10 000 000 (~22 kbit/s) 20 000 000 (~44 kbit/s) 50 000 000 (~111 kbit/s) best effort (str) <PDP_type> Packet Data Protocol type “IP“ Notes • If parameters are not defined, the parameter default values depend on the HLR-stored subscribed default val- ues.
  • Page 243: At+Cgreg Gprs Network Registration Status

    MC35i AT Command Set 10.8 AT+CGREG obile 10.8 AT+CGREG GPRS network registration status Syntax Test Command AT+CGREG=? Response(s) +CGREG: (list of supported <n> Read Command AT+CGREG? Response(s) +CGREG: <n> <stat> Write Command AT+CGREG= [ <n> Response(s) ERROR +CME ERROR ASC0…

  • Page 244
    MC35i AT Command Set 10.8 AT+CGREG obile Parameter Description (num) <n> disable network registration unsolicited result code enable network registration unsolicited result code » » +CGREG (num) <stat> not registered, ME is not currently searching an operator to register to the MS is in GMM state GMM-NULL or GMM-DEREGISTERED-INITIATED.
  • Page 245: At+Cgsms Select Service For Mo Sms Messages

    MC35i AT Command Set 10.9 AT+CGSMS obile 10.9 AT+CGSMS Select service for MO SMS messages Syntax Test Command AT+CGSMS=? Response(s) +CGSMS: (list of supported <service> Read Command AT+CGSMS? Response(s) +CGSMS: <service> Write Command AT+CGSMS= [ <service> Response(s) ERROR +CME ERROR…

  • Page 246
    MC35i AT Command Set 10.9 AT+CGSMS obile circuit switched GPRS prefered (use circuit switched if mobile is not GPRS attached) circuit switched preferred (use GPRS if circuit switched is not available) Note • Parameter cannot be stored using AT&W MC35i_ATC_V01.03…
  • Page 247: At^sgact Query All Pdp Context Activations

    MC35i AT Command Set 10.10 AT^SGACT obile 10.10 AT^SGACT Query all PDP context activations Syntax Test Command AT^SGACT=? Response(s) ^SGACT: (range of supported s) , (range of supported <ifc> <state> Read Command AT^SGACT? Response(s) [ ^SGACT: <ifc> <cid> <state> [ ^SGACT: <ifc>…

  • Page 248
    MC35i AT Command Set 10.10 AT^SGACT obile Parameter Description (num) <ifc> Interface Specifies the interface on which a particular PDP context was defined. Every PDP context defined with the com- mand or internally by the GPRS modem compatibility commands is identified one-to-one by its AT+CGDCONT (local) context identifier and the interface on which it was defined.
  • Page 249: At^sgauth Set Type Of Authentication For Ppp Connection

    MC35i AT Command Set 10.11 AT^SGAUTH obile 10.11 AT^SGAUTH Set type of authentication for PPP connection Syntax Test Command AT^SGAUTH=? Response(s) ^SGAUTH: (list of supported <auth> ERROR +CME ERROR Read Command AT^SGAUTH? Response(s) ^SGAUTH: <auth> ERROR +CME ERROR Write Command AT^SGAUTH=<auth>…

  • Page 250: At^sgconf Configuration Of Gprs Related Parameters

    MC35i AT Command Set 10.12 AT^SGCONF obile 10.12 AT^SGCONF Configuration of GPRS related Parameters Syntax Test Command AT^SGCONF=? Response(s) ^SGCONF: (list of supported s), (list of supported <llc_pdu_length> <class> Read Command AT^SGCONF? Response(s) ^SGCONF: <llc_pdu_length> <class> Write Command AT^SGCONF= [ <llc_pdu_length>…

  • Page 251
    MC35i AT Command Set 10.12 AT^SGCONF obile Notes • +CME ERROR: invalid index: Parameter is out of range • +CME ERROR: operation temporary not allowed: The command is blocked as long as GPRS is already in use (as long as mobile is GPRS attached).
  • Page 252: Atd*99# Request Gprs Service

    MC35i AT Command Set 10.13 ATD*99# obile 10.13 ATD*99# Request GPRS service Syntax Exec Command ATD*99 [* [ ][* [ ][* [ ]]]]# <called_address> <L2P> <cid> Response(s) CONNECT NO CARRIER ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 § § Reference(s) GSM 07.07 Command Description This command causes the MT to perform whatever actions are necessary to establish communication between the TE and the external PDN.

  • Page 253
    0 with default properties is used (see AT+CGDCONT AT+CGQREQ AT+CGQMIN 1…2 Notes • If MC35i is in dedicated mode, command returns with «+CME ERROR: phone busy». • is used as a standard V.25ter AT Command, too. MC35i_ATC_V01.03 Page 253 of 444 5/7/04 Confidential / Released…
  • Page 254: Atd*98# Request Gprs Ip Service

    0 with default properties is used (see AT+CGDCONT AT+CGQREQ AT+CGQMIN 1…2 Notes • If MC35i is in dedicated mode, command returns with «+CME ERROR: phone busy». • is used as a standard V.25ter AT Command, too. MC35i_ATC_V01.03 Page 254 of 444 5/7/04 Confidential / Released…

  • Page 255: Ath Manual Rejection Of A Network Request For Pdp Context Activation

    MC35i AT Command Set 10.15 ATH obile 10.15 ATH Manual rejection of a network request for PDP context acti- vation Syntax Exec Command Response(s) ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 § § Reference(s) GSM 07.07 Command Description The V.25ter command may be used to deactivate all PDP contexts which are active or online on the same interface.

  • Page 256: Using Gprs At Commands (Examples)

    MC35i AT Command Set 10.16 Using GPRS AT commands (Examples) obile 10.16 Using GPRS AT commands (Examples) Examples EXAMPLE 1 Defining and using a Context Definition ID (CID): Every time a CID is used as a parameter for a GPRS command the CID has to be defined before by using command.

  • Page 257
    MC35i AT Command Set 10.16 Using GPRS AT commands (Examples) obile All parameters of the QoS are initiated by default to the «network subscribed value (= 0)» but the QoS itself is set to be undefined. To define a QoS use the command.
  • Page 258: Using The Gprs Dial Command Atd

    MC35i AT Command Set 10.17 Using the GPRS dial command ATD obile 10.17 Using the GPRS dial command ATD Example In addition to the GPRS AT commands you can use the «D» command to dial into to the GPRS network.

  • Page 259: Fax Commands

    MC35i AT Command Set 11. FAX Commands obile FAX Commands The following commands can be used for FAX transmission. If the ME is acting as a Fax-Modem to a PC-based application (e.g. «WinFax») it is necessary to select the proper Service Class (Fax Class) provided by the ME.

  • Page 260
    MC35i AT Command Set 11.1 FAX parameters obile (num) <df> Data Compression Format Note: Only the default value needs to be implemented. Use test command to check which parameter values are really possible! 1-D modified Huffman 2-D modified read 2-D uncompressed mode (num) <ec>…
  • Page 261
    MC35i AT Command Set 11.1 FAX parameters obile 40 ms 40 ms (num) <vr> Vertical Resolution normal, 98 lpi fine, 196 lpi (num) <wd> Page Width 1728 pixels in 215mm 2048 pixels in 255 mm 2432 pixels in 303 mm…
  • Page 262: At+Fbadlin Bad Line Threshold

    MC35i AT Command Set 11.2 AT+FBADLIN obile 11.2 AT+FBADLIN Bad Line Threshold Syntax Read Command AT+FBADLIN? Response(s) <badlin> Write Command AT+FBADLIN=<badlin> Response(s) If error is related to ME functionality ERROR ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Reference(s) EIA PN-2388 Command Description This command defines the Copy-Quality-OK-threshold. If consecutive lines have pixel count errors <badlin>…

  • Page 263: At+Fbadmul Error Threshold Multiplier

    MC35i AT Command Set 11.3 AT+FBADMUL obile 11.3 AT+FBADMUL Error Threshold Multiplier Syntax Read Command AT+FBADMUL? Response(s) <badmul> Write Command AT+FBADMUL=<badmul> Response(s) If error is related to ME functionality: ERROR ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Reference(s) EIA PN-2388 Command Description This command defines the «Copy-Quality-OK» multiplier. The number of lines received with a bad pixel count is multiplied by this number.

  • Page 264: At+Fbor Query Data Bit Order

    MC35i AT Command Set 11.4 AT+FBOR obile 11.4 AT+FBOR Query data bit order Syntax Test Command AT+FBOR=? Response(s) (list of supported <bor> Read Command AT+FBOR? Response(s) <bor> Write Command AT+FBOR=<bor> Response(s) ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Reference(s) EIA PN-2388 Command Description Query the bit order for receive-mode.

  • Page 265: At+Fcig Query Or Set The Local Polling Id

    MC35i AT Command Set 11.5 AT+FCIG obile 11.5 AT+FCIG Query or set the Local Polling ID Syntax Test Command AT+FCIG=? Response(s) (max. length of Local Polling ID string) (range of supported ASCII character values) Read Command AT+FCIG? Response(s) <id> Write Command AT+FCIG=<id>…

  • Page 266: At+Fclass Fax: Select, Read Or Test Service Class

    MC35i AT Command Set 11.6 AT+FCLASS obile 11.6 AT+FCLASS Fax: Select, read or test service class Syntax Test Command AT+FCLASS=? Response(s) (list of supported <n> Read Command AT+FCLASS? Response(s) <n> Write Command AT+FCLASS=<n> Response(s) ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Reference(s) EIA/TIA-592-A Command Description The ME is set to a particular mode of operation (data, fax).

  • Page 267
    MC35i AT Command Set 11.6 AT+FCLASS obile • is set to 1 or 2, all incoming calls will be answered as fax calls with , if is issued on multiplexer <n> channel 1 resp. ASC0. For calls explicitly signalled as voice or data calls, this procedure will fail with result code «NO CARRIER», but the call in question will continue to ring.
  • Page 268: At+Fcq Copy Quality Checking

    MC35i AT Command Set 11.7 AT+FCQ obile 11.7 AT+FCQ Copy Quality Checking Syntax Test Command AT+FCQ=? Response(s) (list of supported copy quality checking <cq> Read Command AT+FCQ? Response(s) <cq> Write Command AT+FCQ=<cq> Response(s) ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Reference(s) EIA PN-2388 Command Description This command controls Copy Quality checking when receiving a fax.

  • Page 269: At+Fcr Capability To Receive

    MC35i AT Command Set 11.8 AT+FCR obile 11.8 AT+FCR Capability to receive Syntax Write Command AT+FCR=<cr> Response(s) ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Reference(s) EIA PN-2388 Parameter Description (num) <cr> ME will not receive message data. This can be used when the application has insufficient storage.

  • Page 270: At+Fdcc Query Or Set Capabilities

    MC35i AT Command Set 11.9 AT+FDCC obile 11.9 AT+FDCC Query or set capabilities Syntax Test Command AT+FDCC=? Response(s) (list of s), (list of s), (list of s), (list of s), (list of s), (list of s), (list of <vr> <br>…

  • Page 271: At+Fdffc Data Compression Format Conversion

    MC35i AT Command Set 11.10 AT+FDFFC obile 11.10 AT+FDFFC Data Compression Format Conversion Syntax Test Command AT+FDFFC=? Response(s) (list of <df> Read Command AT+FDFFC? Response(s) <df> Write Command AT+FDFFC=<df> Response(s) ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Reference(s) EIA PN-2388 Command Description This parameter determines the ME response to a mismatch between the data format negotiated for the fax ses-…

  • Page 272: At+Fdis Query Or Set Session Parameters

    MC35i AT Command Set 11.11 AT+FDIS obile 11.11 AT+FDIS Query or set session parameters Syntax Test Command AT+FDIS=? Response(s) (list of s), (list of s), (list of s), (list of s), (list of s), (list of s), (list of <vr>…

  • Page 273: At+Fdr Begin Or Continue Phase C Data Reception

    MC35i AT Command Set 11.12 AT+FDR obile 11.12 AT+FDR Begin or continue phase C data reception Syntax Exec Command AT+FDR Response(s) CONNECT If error related to ME functionality ERROR ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Reference(s) EIA PN-2388 Command Description The command initiates transition to Phase C data reception.

  • Page 274: At+Fdt Data Transmission

    MC35i AT Command Set 11.13 AT+FDT obile 11.13 AT+FDT Data Transmission Syntax Exec Command AT+FDT Response(s) CONNECT Write Command AT+FDT=<df> <vr> <wd> <ln> Response(s) CONNECT ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Reference(s) EIA PN-2388 Command Description This command requests the ME to transmit a Phase C page. When the ME is ready to accept Phase C data, it issues the negotiation responses and the CONNECT result code to the application.

  • Page 275: At+Fet End A Page Or Document

    MC35i AT Command Set 11.14 AT+FET obile 11.14 AT+FET End a page or document Syntax Write Command AT+FET=<ppm> Response(s) ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Reference(s) EIA PN-2388 Command Description This command indicates that the current page or partial page is complete. An ERROR response code results if this command is issued while the mode is on-hook.

  • Page 276: At+Fk Kill Operation, Orderly Fax Abort

    MC35i AT Command Set 11.15 AT+FK obile 11.15 AT+FK Kill operation, orderly FAX abort Syntax Exec Command AT+FK Response(s) ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Command Description This command causes the TA to terminate the session in an orderly manner. Note •…

  • Page 277: At+Flid Query Or Set The Local Id Setting Capabilities

    MC35i AT Command Set 11.16 AT+FLID obile 11.16 AT+FLID Query or set the Local Id setting capabilities Syntax Test Command AT+FLID=? Response(s) (max. character length of Local ID string) (range of supported ASCII character values) Read Command AT+FLID? Response(s) <lid>…

  • Page 278: At+Fmdl Identify Product Model

    MC35i AT Command Set 11.17 AT+FMDL obile 11.17 AT+FMDL Identify Product Model Syntax Read Command AT+FMDL? Response(s) Gipsy Soft Protocolstack ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Reference(s) SIEMENS Command Description Send the model identification to the TA. Note • Used for Fax Class 2 only MC35i_ATC_V01.03…

  • Page 279: At+Fmfr Request Manufacturer Identification

    MC35i AT Command Set 11.18 AT+FMFR obile 11.18 AT+FMFR Request Manufacturer Identification Syntax Read Command AT+FMFR? Response(s) SIEMENS ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Reference(s) SIEMENS Command Description Send the manufacturer identification to the TA. Note • Used for Fax Class 2 only MC35i_ATC_V01.03…

  • Page 280: At+Fopt Set Bit Order Independently

    MC35i AT Command Set 11.19 AT+FOPT obile 11.19 AT+FOPT Set bit order independently Syntax Write Command AT+FOPT=<opt> Response(s) ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Reference(s) SIEMENS Command Description Model specific command to set bit order independently of the understanding which is «mirrored» and which is direct.

  • Page 281: At+Fphcto Dte Phase C Response Timeout

    MC35i AT Command Set 11.20 AT+FPHCTO obile 11.20 AT+FPHCTO DTE Phase C Response Timeout Syntax Read Command AT+FPHCTO? Response(s) <tout> Write Command AT+FPHCTO=<tout> Response(s) If error is related to ME functionality ERROR ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Reference(s) EIA PN-2388 Command Description…

  • Page 282: At+Frev Identify Product Revision

    MC35i AT Command Set 11.21 AT+FREV obile 11.21 AT+FREV Identify Product Revision Syntax Read Command AT+FREV? Response(s) V2.550 ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Reference(s) SIEMENS Command Description Sends the revision identification to the TA. Note • Used for Fax Class 2 only MC35i_ATC_V01.03…

  • Page 283: At+Frh Receive Data Using Hdlc Framing

    MC35i AT Command Set 11.22 AT+FRH obile 11.22 AT+FRH Receive Data Using HDLC Framing Syntax Write Command AT+FRH=<mod> Response(s) CONNECT If error related to ME functionality ERROR ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Reference(s) TIA/EIA-578 Command Description This command causes the TA to receive frames using the HDLC protocol and the modulation defined below. An ERROR response code results if this command is issued while the modem is on-hook.

  • Page 284: At+Frm Receive Data

    MC35i AT Command Set 11.23 AT+FRM obile 11.23 AT+FRM Receive Data Syntax Test Command AT+FRM=? Response(s) (list of <mod> Write Command AT+FRM=<mod> Response(s) CONNECT If error is related to ME functionality: ERROR ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Reference(s) TIA/EIA-578 Command Description This command causes the TA to enter the receiver-mode using the modulation defined below.

  • Page 285: At+Frs Receive Silence

    MC35i AT Command Set 11.24 AT+FRS obile 11.24 AT+FRS Receive Silence Syntax Write Command AT+FRS=<time> Response(s) If error related to ME functionality ERROR ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Reference(s) TIA/EIA-578 Command Description =n causes the TA to report an OK result code to the TE after 10 millisecond intervals of silence <time>…

  • Page 286: At+Fth Transmit Data Using Hdlc Framing

    MC35i AT Command Set 11.25 AT+FTH obile 11.25 AT+FTH Transmit Data Using HDLC Framing Syntax Write Command AT+FTH=<mod> Response(s) CONNECT ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Reference(s) TIA/EIA-578 Command Description This command causes the TA to transmit data using HDLC protocol and the modulation mode defined below. An…

  • Page 287: At+Ftm Transmit Data

    MC35i AT Command Set 11.26 AT+FTM obile 11.26 AT+FTM Transmit Data Syntax Test Command AT+FTM=? Response(s) (list of <mod> Write Command AT+FTM=<mod> Response(s) CONNECT If error is related to ME functionality ERROR ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Reference(s) TIA/EIA-578 Command Description This command causes the TA to transmit data using the modulation mode defined below.

  • Page 288: At+Fts Stop Transmission And Wait

    MC35i AT Command Set 11.27 AT+FTS obile 11.27 AT+FTS Stop Transmission and Wait Syntax Write Command AT+FTS=<time> Response(s) An ERROR response code results if this command is issued while the modem is on- hook. ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Reference(s) TIA/EIA-578…

  • Page 289: At+Fvrfc Vertical Resolution Format Conversion

    MC35i AT Command Set 11.28 AT+FVRFC obile 11.28 AT+FVRFC Vertical resolution format conversion Syntax Test Command AT+FVRFC=? Response(s) (list of supported <vrfc> Read Command AT+FVRFC? Response(s) <vrfc> Write Command AT+FVRFC=<vrfc> Response(s) ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Reference(s) EIA PN-2388 Command Description This command determines the DCE response to a mismatch between the vertical resolution negotiated for the facsimile session and the Phase C data desired by the DTE.

  • Page 290: Short Message Service (Sms) Commands

    MC35i AT Command Set 12. Short Message Service (SMS) Commands obile Short Message Service (SMS) Commands The AT Commands described in this chapter allow an external application to use the Short Message Service with the MC35i. 12.1 SMS parameters Parameter Description (num) <ackpdu>…

  • Page 291
    MC35i AT Command Set 12.1 SMS parameters obile • If indicates that 8-bit or UCS2 data coding scheme is used: ME/TA converts each 8-bit octet into hexa- <dcs> decimal numbers containing two IRA characters. (num) <dt> Discharge Time GSM 03.40 TP-Discharge-Time in time-string format: «yy/MM/dd,hh:mm:ss+zz», where characters indicate year (two last digits), month, day, hour, minutes, seconds and time zone.
  • Page 292
    MC35i AT Command Set 12.1 SMS parameters obile (num) <mn> Message Number GSM 03.40 TP-Message-Number in integer format (num) <mr> Message Reference GSM 03.40 TP-Message-Reference in integer format (num)(+CSCS) <oa> Originating Address GSM 03.40 TP-Originating-Address Address-Value field in string format; BCD numbers (or GSM default alpha- bet characters) are converted into characters;…
  • Page 293
    MC35i AT Command Set 12.1 SMS parameters obile (num) <sn> Serial Number GSM 03.41 CBM Serial Number in integer format (num) <st> Status GSM 03.40 TP-Status in integer format 0…255 (str) <stat> Message status 3GPP 27.005 Interface of SMS and CB. Indicates the status of message in memory.
  • Page 294: At+Cmgc Send An Sms Command

    MC35i AT Command Set 12.2 AT+CMGC obile 12.2 AT+CMGC Send an SMS command Syntax Test Command AT+CMGC=? Response(s) Write Command If text mode (see AT+CMGF ]]]] Text can be entered AT+CMGC=<fo> <ct> <pid> <mn> <da> <toda> <CR> <CTRL-Z> <ESC> Response(s) +CMGC: <mr>…

  • Page 295: At+Cmgd Delete Sms Message

    MC35i AT Command Set 12.3 AT+CMGD obile 12.3 AT+CMGD Delete SMS message Syntax Test Command AT+CMGD=? Response(s) Write Command AT+CMGD=<index> Response(s) ERROR +CMS ERROR ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Reference(s) GSM 07.05 Command Description Write command deletes message from preferred message storage location <mem1>…

  • Page 296: At+Cmgf Select Sms Message Format

    MC35i AT Command Set 12.4 AT+CMGF obile 12.4 AT+CMGF Select SMS message format Syntax Test Command AT+CMGF=? Response(s) +CMGF: (list of supported <mode> Read Command AT+CMGF? Response(s) +CMGF: <mode> Write Command AT+CMGF=<mode> Response(s) ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Reference(s) GSM 07.05 Command Description The write command specifies the input and output format of the short messages.

  • Page 297: At+Cmgl List Sms Messages From Preferred Store

    MC35i AT Command Set 12.5 AT+CMGL obile 12.5 AT+CMGL List SMS messages from preferred store Syntax Test Command AT+CMGL=? Response(s) +CMGL: (list of supported <stat> Exec Command AT+CMGL Response(s) +CMGL: (see write command for default of <stat> Write Command AT+CMGL=<stat>…

  • Page 298
    MC35i AT Command Set 12.5 AT+CMGL obile ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Reference(s) GSM 07.05 Command Description The execute command is the same as the write command with the given default for <stat> The write command returns messages with status value from message storage to the TE.
  • Page 299: At+Cmgr Read Sms Messages

    MC35i AT Command Set 12.6 AT+CMGR obile 12.6 AT+CMGR Read SMS messages Syntax Test Command AT+CMGR=? Response(s) Write Command AT+CMGR=<index> Response(s) Output if text mode ( =1) and command successful: AT+CMGF For SMS-DELIVER +CMGR: <stat> <oa> <alpha> <scts> <tooa> <fo>…

  • Page 300
    MC35i AT Command Set 12.6 AT+CMGR obile ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Reference(s) GSM 07.05 Command Description The write command returns SMS message with location value from message storage to the <index> <mem1> TE. If status of the message is ‘received unread’, status in the storage changes to ‘received read’.
  • Page 301: At+Cmgs Send Sms Message

    MC35i AT Command Set 12.7 AT+CMGS obile 12.7 AT+CMGS Send SMS message Syntax Test Command AT+CMGS=? Response(s) Write Command If text mode (see AT+CMGF Text can be entered. AT+CMGS=<da> <toda> <CR> <CTRL-Z> <ESC> Response(s) +CMGS: <mr> <scts> If sending fails see notes below.

  • Page 302
    MC35i AT Command Set 12.7 AT+CMGS obile If the equals 1 (factory default) any failure to send a message is responded with «OK». AT^SM20 <CmgwMode> Users should be aware, that despite the «OK» response, the message will not be sent to the subscriber.
  • Page 303: At+Cmgw Write Sms Messages To Memory

    MC35i AT Command Set 12.8 AT+CMGW obile 12.8 AT+CMGW Write SMS messages to memory Syntax Test Command AT+CMGW=? Response(s) Exec Command If text mode (see =1): AT+CMGF AT+CMGW Response(s) Text can be entered. <CR> <CTRL-Z> <ESC> +CMGW: <index> If writing fails…

  • Page 304
    MC35i AT Command Set 12.8 AT+CMGW obile Command Description The execute and write commands transmit SMS (either SMS-DELIVER or SMS-SUBMIT) from TE to memory storage . Memory location of the stored message is returned. Message status will be set to <mem2>…
  • Page 305: At+Cmss Send Sms Messages From Storage

    MC35i AT Command Set 12.9 AT+CMSS obile 12.9 AT+CMSS Send SMS messages from storage Syntax Test Command AT+CMSS=? Response(s) Write Command If text mode ( =1): AT+CMGF AT+CMSS=<index> <da> <toda> Response(s) +CMSS: <mr> <scts> If sending fails ERROR +CMS ERROR…

  • Page 306: At+Cnma New Sms Message Acknowledge To Me/Te, Only Phase 2

    MC35i AT Command Set 12.10 AT+CNMA obile 12.10 AT+CNMA New SMS message acknowledge to ME/TE, only phase 2+ Syntax Test Command AT+CNMA=? Response(s) +CNMA: (list of supported <n> Exec Command AT+CNMA Response(s) ERROR +CMS ERROR Write Command AT+CNMA=<n> Response(s) ERROR…

  • Page 307
    MC35i AT Command Set 12.10 AT+CNMA obile Notes • The execute / write command shall only be used when parameter equals 1 (= phase AT+CSMS <service> 2+). • Both the execute and the write command can be used no matter whether text mode or PDU mode is activated.
  • Page 308: At+Cnmi New Sms Message Indications

    MC35i AT Command Set 12.11 AT+CNMI obile 12.11 AT+CNMI New SMS message indications Syntax Test Command AT+CNMI=? Response(s) +CNMI: (list of supported s), (list of supported s), (list of supported s), (list of <mode> <mt> <bm> supported s), (list of supported <ds>…

  • Page 309
    MC35i AT Command Set 12.11 AT+CNMI obile URC 3 =2 (text mode enabled): <mt> +CMT: <oa>, <scts>[, <tooa>, <fo>, <pid>, <dcs>, <sca>, <tosca>, <length>] <data> <CR><LF> Indicates that new message has been received URC 4 =2 (PDU mode enabled): <bm>…
  • Page 310
    MC35i AT Command Set 12.11 AT+CNMI obile Buffer unsolicited result codes in the TA when TA-TE link is reserved (e.g. in on-line data mode) and flush them to the TE after reservation. Otherwise for- ward them directly to the TE.
  • Page 311
    MC35i AT Command Set 12.11 AT+CNMI obile • Parameters =2,3 and =1 are only available with GSM phase 2+ (see =1). Incoming SMs <mt> <ds> AT+CSMS or Status Reports have to be acknowledged with =0 when using these phase 2+ parameters.
  • Page 312: At+Cpms Preferred Sms Message Storage

    MC35i AT Command Set 12.12 AT+CPMS obile 12.12 AT+CPMS Preferred SMS message storage Syntax Test Command AT+CPMS=? Response(s) +CPMS: (list of supported s), (list of supported s), (list of supported <mem1> <mem2> <mem3> Read Command AT+CPMS? Response(s) +CPMS: <mem1> <used1>…

  • Page 313
    The user should be aware that the setting »MT» involves »ME» and »SM», with »ME» being filled up first. If the »ME» storage is full, MC35i will proceed with the »SM» storage. Incoming Class 1 short messages (ME specific) will be preferably stored to »ME» and may be transferred to the »SM» storage if »ME» is used up.
  • Page 314: At+Csca Sms Service Centre Address

    MC35i AT Command Set 12.13 AT+CSCA obile 12.13 AT+CSCA SMS service centre address Syntax Test Command AT+CSCA=? Response(s) Read Command AT+CSCA? Response(s) +CSCA: <sca> <tosca> Write Command AT+CSCA=<sca> <tosca> Response(s) ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Reference(s) GSM 07.05 Command Description Write command updates the SMSC address, through which mobile originated SMs are transmitted. In text mode, setting is used by send and write commands.

  • Page 315: At+Cscb Select Cell Broadcast Message Indication

    MC35i AT Command Set 12.14 AT+CSCB obile 12.14 AT+CSCB Select Cell Broadcast Message Indication Syntax Test Command AT+CSCB=? Response(s) +CSCB: (list of supported <mode> Read Command AT+CSCB? Response(s) +CSCB: <mode> <mids> <dcss> Write Command AT+CSCB= [ <mode> <mids> <dcss> Response(s)

  • Page 316
    MC35i AT Command Set 12.14 AT+CSCB obile • For =0: Six different possible combinations of CBM IDs (e.g. «0,1,5,320-478,922,2000-3000»), default <mode> is empty string. In certain configurations, e.g. if using SIMs that contain data in Elementary File EF-CBMID (Cell Broadcast Message Identifier for Data download) less than six combinations may be available.
  • Page 317: At+Csdh Show Sms Text Mode Parameters

    MC35i AT Command Set 12.15 AT+CSDH obile 12.15 AT+CSDH Show SMS text mode parameters Syntax Test Command AT+CSDH=? Response(s) +CSDH: ((list of supported <show> Read Command AT+CSDH? Response(s) +CSDH:<show> Write Command AT+CSDH=<show> Response(s) +CSDH: <show> ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Reference(s) GSM 07.05…

  • Page 318: At+Csmp Set Sms Text Mode Parameters

    MC35i AT Command Set 12.16 AT+CSMP obile 12.16 AT+CSMP Set SMS text mode parameters Syntax Test Command AT+CSMP=? Response(s) Read Command AT+CSMP? Response(s) +CSMP:<fo> <vp> <scts> <pid> <dcs> Write Command AT+CSMP=<fo> <vp> <scts> <pid> <dcs> Response(s) +CSMP: <index> If sending fails…

  • Page 319
    MC35i AT Command Set 12.16 AT+CSMP obile Parameter Description (num) <fo> First Octet depending on the command or result code: first octet of GSM 03.40 SMS-DELIVER, SMS-SUBMIT (default 17), SMS-STATUS-REPORT, or SMS-COMMAND (default 2) in integer format (&F) 0…17 …255 (num) <vp>…
  • Page 320: At+Csms Select Message Service

    MC35i AT Command Set 12.17 AT+CSMS obile 12.17 AT+CSMS Select Message Service Syntax Test Command AT+CSMS=? Response(s) +CSMS: (list of supported <service> Read Command AT+CSMS? Response(s) +CSMS: <service> <mt> <mo> <bm> Write Command AT+CSMS=<service> Response(s) +CSMS: <mt> <mo> <bm> ERROR…

  • Page 321
    MC35i AT Command Set 12.17 AT+CSMS obile (num) <mt> Mobile Terminated Messages: Type not supported Type supported (num) <mo> Mobile Originated Messages: Type not supported Type supported (num) <bm> Broadcast Type Messages: Type not supported Type supported Notes • If CSMS mode is switched from Phase 2+ to Phase 2 and one or more…
  • Page 322: At^slms List Sms Memory Storage

    MC35i AT Command Set 12.18 AT^SLMS obile 12.18 AT^SLMS List SMS Memory Storage Syntax Test Command AT^SLMS=? Response(s) Exec Command AT^SLMS Response(s) ^SLMS: »MT», <total3> <used3> ^SLMS: »SM», <total1> <used1> ^SLMS: »ME», <total2> <used2> ERROR +CMS ERROR ASC0 MUX1 MUX2…

  • Page 323
    MC35i AT Command Set 12.18 AT^SLMS obile (num) <used2> Number of messages currently stored in the SMS memory of the Mobile Equipment (physical storage «ME») (num) <used3> Concatenated logical SMS storages of SIM («SM») and Mobile Equipment («ME»). Sum of all messages currently stored, indicated as «MT».
  • Page 324: At^smgl List Sms Messages From Preferred Store Without Setting Status To Rec Read

    MC35i AT Command Set 12.19 AT^SMGL obile 12.19 AT^SMGL List SMS messages from preferred store without set- ting status to REC READ Syntax Test Command AT^SMGL=? Response(s) same as AT+CMGL Exec Command AT^SMGL Response(s) ^SMGL: (For default values of , see Chapter «…

  • Page 325
    MC35i AT Command Set 12.19 AT^SMGL obile • We recommend to take advantage of the «^SSIM READY» URC. If enabled with , this URC acknowl- AT^SSET edges to the user that SIM data is accessible after SIM PIN authentication. It will be delivered once the ME has completed reading data from the SIM card.
  • Page 326: At^smgo Set Or Query Sms Overflow Presentation Mode Or Query Sms Overflow

    MC35i AT Command Set 12.20 AT^SMGO obile 12.20 AT^SMGO Set or query SMS overflow presentation mode or query SMS overflow Syntax Test Command AT^SMGO=? Response(s) ^SMGO: (list of supported <n> Read Command AT^SMGO? Response(s) ^SMGO: <n> <mode> ERROR +CMS ERROR Write Command AT^SMGO=<n>…

  • Page 327
    MC35i AT Command Set 12.20 AT^SMGO obile Parameter Description (num)(&W)(&V) <n> SMS overflow presentation mode (&F) disable enable (num)(&V) <mode> SMS overflow status space available SMS buffer full (The buffer for received short messages is . See <mem3> AT+CPMS Buffer full and new message waiting in SC for delivery to phone Notes •…
  • Page 328: At^smgr Read Sms Message Without Setting Status To Rec Read

    MC35i AT Command Set 12.21 AT^SMGR obile 12.21 AT^SMGR Read SMS message without setting status to REC READ Syntax Test Command AT^SMGR=? Response(s) ^SMGR: Write Command AT^SMGR=<index> Response(s) AT+CMGR ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Reference(s) SIEMENS Notes • command is a specific Siemens command with the same syntax as…

  • Page 329: At^ssconf Sms Command Configuration

    MC35i AT Command Set 12.22 AT^SSCONF obile 12.22 AT^SSCONF SMS Command Configuration controls details of some SMS releated commands. Please note that settings are stored AT^SSCONF AT^SSCONF volatile, i.e. after restart or reset the default values will be restored. Syntax…

  • Page 330: At^ssda Set Sms Display Availability

    12.23 AT^SSDA Set SMS Display Availability This command allows to notify the MC35i of its controlling application’s capability to immediately display incom- ing SMS on a display. If the application is able to display incoming SMS, class 0 SMS shall be displayed immediately. However, if it does not, class 0 SMS shall be treated as if no message class is determined (GSM 03.38[17]).

  • Page 331
    MC35i AT Command Set 12.23 AT^SSDA obile Parameter Description (num) <da> Display Availability (&F) Application is not able to display incoming SMS Application is able to display incoming SMS Note • If the ME operates on different instances (MUX channels 1, 2, 3) avoid different settings for routing and indi- cating SMS.
  • Page 332: At^ssmss Set Short Message Storage Sequence

    MC35i AT Command Set 12.24 AT^SSMSS obile 12.24 AT^SSMSS Set Short Message Storage Sequence Syntax Test Command AT^SSMSS=? Response(s) ^SSMSS: (list of supported) <seq> Read Command AT^SSMSS? Response(s) ^SSMSS: <seq> Write Command AT^SSMSS=<seq> Response(s) ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Reference(s) SIEMENS…

  • Page 333: Sim Related Commands

    AT+CRSM As response to the command the MC35i sends the current SIM information parameters and response data. Error result code «+CME ERROR» may be returned if the command cannot be passed to the SIM, e.g. if the SIM is not inserted.

  • Page 334
    <fileID> Identifier for an elementary data file on SIM, if used by <command> (num) <P1> Parameter to be passed on by the MC35i to the SIM. 0…255 (num) <P2> Parameter to be passed on by the MC35i to the SIM.
  • Page 335
    MC35i AT Command Set 13.1 AT+CRSM obile (num) <sw1> Status information from the SIM about the execution of the actual command. It is returned in both cases, on suc- cessful or failed execution of the command. 0…255 (num) <sw2> Status information from the SIM about the execution of the actual command. It is returned in both cases, on suc- cessful or failed execution of the command.
  • Page 336: At^scks Query Sim And Chip Card Holder Status

    Unsolicited Result Code ^SCKS: <SimStatus> During startup, and if the MC35i’s SIM connection status has changed an unsolicited result code (URC) is issued. Command Description The read command returns the URC presentation mode and the status of the SIM card connection.

  • Page 337
    ) the current presentation mode setting will AT+CFUN AT^SMSO <mode> not be retained. Therefore the setting =1 needs to be restored after power on the MC35i or may be saved <mode> in the user profile ( AT&W Parameter Description (num)(&W)(&V) <mode>…
  • Page 338: At^sset Indicate Sim Data Ready

    MC35i AT Command Set 13.3 AT^SSET obile 13.3 AT^SSET Indicate SIM data ready After power on and personalization (PIN entry if required) the ME starts reading data from SIM. With this com- mand it is possible to enable URC «…

  • Page 339
    MC35i AT Command Set 13.3 AT^SSET obile Parameter Description (num)(&W)(&V) <n> SIM ready presentation mode (&F) disable URC » » indication. ^SSIM READY enable URC » » indication. ^SSIM READY MC35i_ATC_V01.03 Page 339 of 444 5/7/04 Confidential / Released…
  • Page 340: At^scid Display Sim Card Identification Number

    MC35i AT Command Set 13.4 AT^SCID obile 13.4 AT^SCID Display SIM card identification number Syntax Test Command AT^SCID=? Response(s) Exec Command AT^SCID Response(s) ^SCID: <cid> ERROR +CME ERROR: <err> ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Reference(s) SIEMENS Command Description TA returns the card identification number in SIM (SIM file EF , see GSM 11.11 Chap.10.1.1) as string type.

  • Page 341: At+Cxxcid Display Card Id

    MC35i AT Command Set 13.5 AT+CXXCID obile 13.5 AT+CXXCID Display card ID Syntax Test Command AT+CXXCID=? Response(s) Exec Command AT+CXXCID Response(s) +CXXCID: <cid> ERROR +CME ERROR: <err> ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Reference(s) SIEMENS Command Description TA returns the card identification number in SIM (SIM file EF ICCID, see GSM 11.11 Chap.10.1.1) as string type.

  • Page 342: Sim Application Toolkit (Sat) Commands

    SIM Application Toolkit (SAT) Commands This chapter offers a brief reference of commands and responses related to the MC35i’s SIM Application Toolkit (SAT) implementation. Detailed information is available with the document «Remote-SAT User Guide» [5]. Please contact the Wireless Modules Application Engineering Department at Siemens AG for details.

  • Page 343
    SAT interface. The write command is used to activate the AT command interface of the SIM Application Toolkit in the MC35i and needs to be issued after every power on. However, removing and inserting the SIM does not affect the acti- vation status.
  • Page 344: Sstn Sat Notification

    MC35i AT Command Set 14.2 ^SSTN obile 14.2 ^SSTN SAT Notification Reference(s) SIEMENS Unsolicited Result Codes URC 1 Proactive Command notification ^SSTN: <cmdType> Every time the SIM Application issues a Proactive Command, via the ME, the TA will receive a notification.

  • Page 345
    MC35i AT Command Set 14.2 ^SSTN obile Parameter Description (num) <cmdType> Proactive Command number (num) <cmdTerminateValue> Defined as + terminate offset. The terminate offset equals 100. <cmdType> MC35i_ATC_V01.03 Page 345 of 444 5/7/04 Confidential / Released…
  • Page 346: At^sstgi Sat Get Information

    MC35i AT Command Set 14.3 AT^SSTGI obile 14.3 AT^SSTGI SAT Get Information Regularly this command is used upon receipt of an URC » » to request the parameters of the Proactive ^SSTN Command. Then the TA is expected to acknowledge the…

  • Page 347
    MC35i AT Command Set 14.3 AT^SSTGI obile (num) <cmdType> Related Proactive Command MC35i_ATC_V01.03 Page 347 of 444 5/7/04 Confidential / Released…
  • Page 348: At^sstr Sat Response

    MC35i AT Command Set 14.4 AT^SSTR obile 14.4 AT^SSTR SAT Response The TA is expected to acknowledge the response with to confirm that the Proactive Com- AT^SSTGI AT^SSTR mand has been executed. will also provide any user information, e.g. a selected menu item.

  • Page 349
    MC35i AT Command Set 14.4 AT^SSTR obile (num) <cmdType> Number related to Proactive Command or event type according to GSM 11.14 [22]. (num) <status> Command status return regarding the type of action that has taken place, e.g. action performed by the user.
  • Page 350: Phonebook Commands

    Phonebook Commands The AT Commands described in this chapter allow the external application to access the phonebooks located in the MC35i’s memory or on the attached Subscriber Identity Modul (SIM). 15.1 Sort Order for Phonebooks Due to the support of UCS2 for the part of phonebook entries, the sort order for phonebook records fol- <text>…

  • Page 351: At+Cpbr Read From Phonebook

    MC35i AT Command Set 15.2 AT+CPBR obile 15.2 AT+CPBR Read from Phonebook This command serves to read one or more entries from the phonebook selected with AT command AT+CPBS It can be used only after the phonebook’s data has been read from the SIM successfully. Reading starts after successful SIM authentication has been performed and may take up to 30 seconds depending on the SIM used.

  • Page 352
    MC35i AT Command Set 15.2 AT+CPBR obile Parameter Description (num) <location1> The first (lowest) location number within phonebook memory for which the corresponding entry is to be dis- played. The supported range is given in the test command response. exceeds the upper bound (as indicated by the test command), command will <location1>…
  • Page 353
    First run the test command to find out the maximum range of entries stored in the active phonebook AT+CPBR=? +CPBR:(1-100),20,17 MC35i returns the supported values, where 100 is the supported range of location numbers, 20 is the length of the phone number and 17 is the maximum length of the associated text. EXAMPLE 2…
  • Page 354: At+Cpbs Select Phonebook Memory Storage

    MC35i AT Command Set 15.3 AT+CPBS obile 15.3 AT+CPBS Select phonebook memory storage This command is used to select the active phonebook storage, i.e. the phonebook storage that all subsequent phonebook commands will be operating on. The read command can be used only after the phonebook data from the SIM have been read successfully for the first time.

  • Page 355
    MC35i AT Command Set 15.3 AT+CPBS obile The write command selects the phonebook memory , which is used by other phonebook commands. <storage> Parameter Description (str) <storage> For phonebooks «MC», «RC» and «LD», automatic deletion of the entries stored in ME will be performed if the SIM card is changed.
  • Page 356: At+Cpbw Write Into Phonebook

    MC35i AT Command Set 15.4 AT+CPBW obile 15.4 AT+CPBW Write into Phonebook This command serves to write onto an entry of the phonebook selected with . It can be used only after AT+CPBS the phonebook’s data has been read successfully from the SIM. Reading starts after successful SIM authentica- tion has been performed and may take up to 30 seconds depending on the SIM used.

  • Page 357
    MC35i AT Command Set 15.4 AT+CPBW obile Parameter Description (num) <location> Location number within phonebook memory. The supported range is given whith the test command response. (str) <number> Phone number with format specified by . Parameter must be present, although it may be an empty <type>…
  • Page 358
    MC35i AT Command Set 15.4 AT+CPBW obile (num) <tlength> Maximum length of assigned to the telephone number. The value indicated by the test command is <text> given in octets. If the string is given in GSM characters, each character corresponds to one octet. If the <text>…
  • Page 359: At^spbc Search The First Entry In The Sorted Telephone Book

    MC35i AT Command Set 15.5 AT^SPBC obile 15.5 AT^SPBC Search the first entry in the sorted telephone book This command can be used to retrieve the index of the first entry starting with selected character in the <schar> sorted list of phonebook records of the phonebook currently selected with…

  • Page 360
    MC35i AT Command Set 15.5 AT^SPBC obile Parameter Description (str)(+CSCS) <schar> The character to be searched in the sorted list of phonebook entries. Character coding and formatting according to the settings made with AT+CSCS Search algorithms follow the sorting algorithms referenced in Section 15.1,…
  • Page 361: At^spbd Purge Phonebook Memory Storage

    MC35i AT Command Set 15.6 AT^SPBD obile 15.6 AT^SPBD Purge phonebook memory storage This command is used to purge the selected phonebook manually, i.e. all entries previously stored <storage> in the selected phonebook storage will be deleted. CAUTION! The operation cannot be stopped nor reversed! Automatic purging of phonebooks is performed when the SIM card is removed and replaced by a different SIM card.

  • Page 362
    MC35i AT Command Set 15.6 AT^SPBD obile Parameter Description (str) <storage> If test command: List of phonebooks which can be deleted by AT^SPBD If write command: Phonebook to be deleted. For a detailed description of storages see AT+CPBS “FD“ Fixed dialing phonebook (In order to delete this phonebook, PIN2 authentica- tion must be performed first.)
  • Page 363: At^spbg Read Current Phonebook Entries

    MC35i AT Command Set 15.7 AT^SPBG obile 15.7 AT^SPBG Read current Phonebook entries This command can be used to display the phonebook records of the phonebook currently selected with AT+CPBS in sorted order by name. The sort order is described in Section 15.1,…

  • Page 364
    MC35i AT Command Set 15.7 AT^SPBG obile Command Description The test command returns the index range for this command, the maximum length of field, and the <number> maximum length of field. <text> Note: The length may not be available while SIM storage is selected. If storage does not offer format information, the format list should be empty parenthesises.
  • Page 365
    MC35i AT Command Set 15.7 AT^SPBG obile (str)(+CSCS) <text> Text assigned to the phone number. The maximum length for this parameter is given in test command response <tlength> (num) <used> value indicating the number of used locations in selected memory storage.
  • Page 366
    MC35i AT Command Set 15.7 AT^SPBG obile TA returns phonebook entries by alphabetical order: ^SPBG:1,»+999999″,145,»Arthur» ^SPBG:2,»+777777″,145,»Bill» ^SPBG:3,»+888888″,145,»Charlie» ..The numbers at the beginning of each line are not the memory locations in the phonebook, but only serial numbers assigned to the entries’ positions in the alphabetical list.
  • Page 367: At^spbs Step Through The Selected Phonebook Alphabetically

    MC35i AT Command Set 15.8 AT^SPBS obile 15.8 AT^SPBS Step through the selected phonebook alphabetically This command can be used to scroll sequentially through the active phonebook records in alphabetical order by name. Three entries will be displayed at a time.

  • Page 368
    MC35i AT Command Set 15.8 AT^SPBS obile you find entries starting with matching characters. However, do not use the listed index numbers to dial out with or to modify entries with ATD><mem><n> AT+CPBW • To access an entry found with…
  • Page 369
    MC35i AT Command Set 15.8 AT^SPBS obile dialling string contains printable non-alphabetic non-digit charac- <number> ters saved with the number string. For phonebook entries with this <type>, dialling from phonebook with is not possible. For further detail, check the parameter ATD><mem><n>…
  • Page 370
    MC35i AT Command Set 15.8 AT^SPBS obile at^spbs=1 ^SPBS:2,»+777777″,145,»Bill» ^SPBS:3,»+888888″,145,»Charlie» ^SPBS:4,»0304444444″,129,»Esther» at^spbs=1 ^SPBS:3,»+888888″,145,»Charlie» ^SPBS:4,»0304444444″,129,»Esther» ^SPBS:5,»03033333333″,129,»Harry» at^spbs=2 ^SPBS:2,»+777777″,145,»Bill» ^SPBS:3,»+888888″,145,»Charlie» ^SPBS:4,»0304444444″,129,»Esther» • If the last index in the sorted list has been reached, then the internal counter overflows to the first index: reset internal counter to 0 at&f…
  • Page 371: At^sdld Delete The ‘Last Number Redial’ Memory

    MC35i AT Command Set 15.9 AT^SDLD obile 15.9 AT^SDLD Delete the ‘last number redial’ memory Reading starts after successful SIM authentication has been performed, and may take up to 30 seconds depend- ing on the SIM used. While the read process is in progress, an attempt to use any of the phonebook commands will result in «+CME Error: 14″…

  • Page 372: Audio Commands

    MC35i AT Command Set 16. Audio Commands obile Audio Commands The AT Commands described in this chapter are related to the MC35i’s audio interface. 16.1 Audio programming model The following figure illustrates how the signal path can be adjusted with the parameters <inCalibrate>…

  • Page 373: Atl Set Monitor Speaker Loudness

    MC35i AT Command Set 16.2 ATL obile 16.2 ATL Set monitor speaker loudness Syntax Exec Command ATL [ <val> Response(s) ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Reference(s) V.25ter Parameter Description (num) <val> Notes • Commands are implemented only for V.25ter compatibility reasons and have no effect.

  • Page 374: Atm Set Monitor Speaker Mode

    MC35i AT Command Set 16.3 ATM obile 16.3 ATM Set monitor speaker mode Syntax Exec Command ATM [ <val> Response(s) ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Reference(s) V.25ter Parameter Description (num) <val> Notes • Commands are implemented only for V.25ter compatibility reasons and have no effect.

  • Page 375: At+Clvl Loudspeaker Volume Level

    MC35i AT Command Set 16.4 AT+CLVL obile 16.4 AT+CLVL Loudspeaker volume level Syntax Test Command AT+CLVL=? Response(s) +CLVL: (list of supported <level> Read Command AT+CLVL? Response(s) +CLVL: <level> ERROR +CME ERROR: <err> Write Command AT+CLVL=<level> Response(s) ERROR +CME ERROR: <err>…

  • Page 376
    MC35i AT Command Set 16.4 AT+CLVL obile • As an alternative to , you can use . The parameter is identical with AT+CLVL AT^SNFO AT^SNFV <level> used by both commands. <outStep> • Any change to ) takes effect in audio modes 2 to 6. That is, when you change <level>…
  • Page 377: At+Cmut Mute Control

    MC35i AT Command Set 16.5 AT+CMUT obile 16.5 AT+CMUT Mute control Syntax Test Command AT+CMUT=? Response(s) +CMUT: (list of supported <mute> Read Command AT+CMUT? Response(s) +CMUT: <mute> ERROR +CME ERROR: <err> Write Command AT+CMUT=<mute> Response(s) ERROR +CME ERROR: <err> ASC0…

  • Page 378: At+Vtd Tone Duration

    MC35i AT Command Set 16.6 AT+VTD obile 16.6 AT+VTD Tone duration Syntax Test Command AT+VTD=? Response(s) +VTD: (list of supported <duration> Read Command AT+VTD? Response(s) <duration> Write Command AT+VTD=<duration> Response(s) ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Reference(s) GSM 07.07 Command Description This command refers to an integer that defines the length of tones transmitted with the <duration>…

  • Page 379: At+Vts Dtmf And Tone Generation

    MC35i AT Command Set 16.7 AT+VTS obile 16.7 AT+VTS DTMF and tone generation The Write command is intended to send ASCII characters or strings which cause the Mobile Switching Center (MSC) to transmit DTMF tones to a remote subscriber. It works during active voice calls only and offers the fol- lowing variants: •…

  • Page 380
    MC35i AT Command Set 16.7 AT+VTS obile (num) <duration> Tone duration in 1/10 second. If not specified current setting of is used. AT+VTD 1…255 MC35i_ATC_V01.03 Page 380 of 444 5/7/04 Confidential / Released…
  • Page 381: At^saic Audio Interface Configuration

    MC35i AT Command Set 16.8 AT^SAIC obile 16.8 AT^SAIC Audio Interface Configuration Syntax Test Command AT^SAIC=? Response(s) ^SAIC: (list of supported s), (list of supported s), (list of supported <io> <mic> <ep> Read Command AT^SAIC? Response(s) ^SAIC: <io> <mic> <ep>…

  • Page 382
    AT^SNFS AT^SAIC module only, it cannot be used with the MC35i Terminal where the second audio interface is not connected. Nevertheless, you can configure MC35i Terminal for operation with audio modes 2, 3 or 6 by setting =2,1,1 instead. See examples provided with…
  • Page 383: At^snfa Set Or Query Of Microphone Attenuation

    MC35i AT Command Set 16.9 AT^SNFA obile 16.9 AT^SNFA Set or query of microphone attenuation Syntax Test Command AT^SNFA=? Response(s) ^SNFA: (list of supported <atten> Read Command AT^SNFA? Response(s) ^SNFA: <atten> Write Command AT^SNFA=<atten> Response(s) ERROR CME ERROR: <err> ASC0…

  • Page 384
    MC35i AT Command Set 16.9 AT^SNFA obile Parameter Description (num)(^SNFW) <atten> Multiplication factor for input samples. Parameter is identical with <atten> <inCalibrate> AT^SNFI Formula used to calculate microphone attenuation (negative gain): Gain in dB = 20 * log( /32768) <atten>…
  • Page 385: At^snfd Set Audio Parameters To Manufacturer Default Values

    MC35i AT Command Set 16.10 AT^SNFD obile 16.10 AT^SNFD Set audio parameters to manufacturer default values Syntax Test Command AT^SNFD=? Response(s) Exec Command AT^SNFD Response(s) ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Reference(s) SIEMENS Command Description TA sets the active audio parameters to manufacturer defined default values.

  • Page 386: At^snfi Set Microphone Path Parameters

    MC35i AT Command Set 16.11 AT^SNFI obile 16.11 AT^SNFI Set microphone path parameters Syntax Test Command AT^SNFI=? Response(s) ^SNFI: (list of supported s) , (list of supported <inBbcGain> <inCalibrate> Read Command AT^SNFI? Response(s) ^SNFI: <inBbcGain> <inCalibrate> Write Command AT^SNFI=<inBbcGain> <inCalibrate>…

  • Page 387
    MC35i AT Command Set 16.11 AT^SNFI obile Notes • Write command works only in audio modes 2 to 6! • Read and write options of this command refer to the active audio mode. • The range of is up to 65535 but will be suppressed to 32767. Values above <inCalibrate>…
  • Page 388: At^snfm Mute Microphone

    MC35i AT Command Set 16.12 AT^SNFM obile 16.12 AT^SNFM Mute microphone Syntax Test Command AT^SNFM=? Response(s) ^SNFM: (list of supported <mute> Read Command AT^SNFM? Response(s) ^SNFM: <mute> Write Command AT^SNFM=<mute> Response(s) ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Reference(s) SIEMENS Command Description The test command returns the supported values of the parameter <mute>…

  • Page 389
    MC35i AT Command Set 16.12 AT^SNFM obile • This command can be used in all audio modes (1 to 6) and during a voice call only. See for more AT^SNFS details on the various audio modes. • During an active call, users should be aware that when they switch back and forth between different audio modes (for example handsfree on/off) the value of does not change, i.e.
  • Page 390: At^snfo Set Audio Output (= Loudspeaker Path) Parameter

    MC35i AT Command Set 16.13 AT^SNFO obile 16.13 AT^SNFO Set audio output (= loudspeaker path) parameter Syntax Test Command AT^SNFO=? Response(s) ^SNFO: (list of supported s) (list of supported s) (list of supported <outBbcGain> <outCalibrate> s) (list of supported <outStep>…

  • Page 391
    MC35i AT Command Set 16.13 AT^SNFO obile (num)(^SNFW) <outCalibrate> Formula to calculate the value of the 5 volume steps selectable with parameter <outStep> Attenuation = 20 log * (2 * outCalibrate[n] / 32768) 0…32767 (num) <outStep> Volume steps 0 — 4, each defined with outCalibrate[n] 0…[4]…
  • Page 392: At^snfpt Set Progress Tones

    MC35i AT Command Set 16.14 AT^SNFPT obile 16.14 AT^SNFPT Set progress tones Syntax Test Command AT^SNFPT=? Response(s) ^SNFPT: (list of supported <pt> Read Command AT^SNFPT? Response(s) ^SNFPT: <pt> Write Command AT^SNFPT=<pt> Response(s) ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Reference(s) SIEMENS Command Description The write command controls the Call Progress Tones generated at the beginning of a mobile originated call setup.

  • Page 393: At^snfs Select Audio Hardware Set

    MC35i AT Command Set 16.15 AT^SNFS obile 16.15 AT^SNFS Select audio hardware set Syntax Test Command AT^SNFS=? Response(s) ^SNFS: (list of supported <audMode> Read Command AT^SNFS? Response(s) ^SNFS: <audMode> Write Command AT^SNFS=<audMode> Response(s) ERROR CME ERROR: <err> ASC0 MUX1 MUX2…

  • Page 394
    MC35i AT Command Set 16.15 AT^SNFS obile Parameter Description (num)(^SNFW) <audMode> Audio mode 1: Standard mode optimized for the reference handset, that can be connected to the analog interface 1 (see your «Hardware Interface Descrip- tion» for information on this handset.) To adjust the volume use the knob of the reference handset.
  • Page 395
    MC35i AT Command Set 16.15 AT^SNFS obile Examples EXAMPLE 1 Suppose a user wishes to use alternatively a handsfree device and a handset. The handset can be connected to the first analog interface and adjusted to audio mode 4. The handsfree device can be attached to the sec- ond analog interface and adjusted to audio mode 2.
  • Page 396
    MC35i AT Command Set 16.15 AT^SNFS obile Settings for a handsfree device connected to the first analog interface and adjusted to audio mode 2: AT^SNFS=2 AT^SAIC=2,1,1 To store the configuration to the user defined audio profile: Stores the audio mode and the interface.
  • Page 397: At^snfv Set Loudspeaker Volume

    MC35i AT Command Set 16.16 AT^SNFV obile 16.16 AT^SNFV Set loudspeaker volume Syntax Test Command AT^SNFV=? Response(s) ^SNFV: (list of supported <outStep> Read Command AT^SNFV? Response(s) ^SNFV: <outStep> Write Command AT^SNFV=<outStep> Response(s) ERROR +CME ERROR ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Reference(s)

  • Page 398
    MC35i AT Command Set 16.16 AT^SNFV obile Notes • The read and write commands refer to the active audio mode. • The write command works only in audio modes 2 to 6! • Any change to takes effect in audio modes 2 to 6. That is, when you change <outStep>…
  • Page 399: At^snfw Write Audio Setting In Non-Volatile Store

    MC35i AT Command Set 16.17 AT^SNFW obile 16.17 AT^SNFW Write audio setting in non-volatile store Syntax Test Command AT^SNFW=? Response(s) Exec Command AT^SNFW Response(s) ERROR CME ERROR: <err> ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Reference(s) SIEMENS Command Description TA writes the active audio parameters in non-volatile store related to the active mode.

  • Page 400: At^srtc Ring Tone Configuration

    MC35i AT Command Set 16.18 AT^SRTC obile 16.18 AT^SRTC Ring tone configuration Syntax Test Command AT^SRTC=? Response(s) ^SRTC: (list of supported) s, (list of supported) s, (list of supported) <type> <volume> <event> Read Command AT^SRTC? Response(s) =0) , =0) ,…

  • Page 401
    MC35i AT Command Set 16.18 AT^SRTC obile The execute command is intended for testing. It starts to play a melody from the audio output currently selected with the command. To deactivate test playback use again. AT^SNFS AT^SRTC During test playback, you can enter the Write command to select another melody and adjust the volume. Also, you can enter the read command to check the type and volume of the current ring tone, and to view the status of playback (on / off).
  • Page 402
    MC35i AT Command Set 16.18 AT^SRTC obile (num) <status> Status of test ringing. Indicates whether or not a melody is currently being played back for testing Switched off Switched on (num) <event> Event to be indicated. All settings of apply to the selected event only.
  • Page 403: Hardware Related Commands

    17. Hardware related Commands obile Hardware related Commands The AT Commands described in this chapter are related to the MC35i’s hardware interface. More information regarding this interface is available with the «MC35i Hardware Interface Description»[2]. 17.1 AT+CALA Set alarm time…

  • Page 404
    MC35i AT Command Set 17.1 AT+CALA obile Unsolicited Result Codes URC 1 +CALA: <text> Indicates reminder message. URC 2 ^SYSSTART ALARM MODE +CALA: <text> Indicates ME wake-up into Alarm mode. If autobauding is active ( =0) the line «^SYSSTART ALARM AT+IPR MODE»…
  • Page 405
    <time> <n> <type> <text> • Each time MC35i is restarted it takes 2s to re-initialize the RTC and to update the current time. Therefore, it is recommended to wait 2s before using the commands (for example 2s after AT+CCLK AT+CALA ^SYSSTART has been output).
  • Page 406: Summary Of At Commands Available In Alarm Mode

    AT+CCLK Query average current consumption, enable / disable the undervoltage URC AT^SBC » «. ^SBC If product is MC35i Terminal: AT command not relevant. Query temperature of GSM engine. AT^SCTM Power down GSM engine. AT^SMSO MC35i_ATC_V01.03 Page 406 of 444…

  • Page 407: At+Cclk Real Time Clock

    = «02/01/01,00:00:00» upon next power-up. <time> • Each time MC35i is restarted it takes 2s to re-initialize the RTC and to update the current time. Therefore, it is recommended to wait 2s before using the commands (for example 2s after…

  • Page 408: At^sbc Battery Charge And Charger Control

    17.3 AT^SBC Battery charge and charger control Please note that the command is intended only for use the MC35i Module. It is not relevant for the MC35i AT^SBC Terminal. If the product is MC35i Module: The read command can be used to query the average current consump- AT^SBC tion of the module.

  • Page 409
    <n> Disables presentation of Undervoltage URC Enables presentation of Undervoltage URC (num) <bcs> Connection status of charging adapter (not relevant for MC35i) No charging adapter is connected (num) <bcl> Battery capacity (not relevant for MC35i) Indicates that no battery is available (num) <mpc>…
  • Page 410: At^sctm Set Critical Operating Temperature Presentation Mode Or Query Temperature

    MC35i AT Command Set 17.4 AT^SCTM obile 17.4 AT^SCTM Set critical operating temperature presentation mode or query temperature Use this command to monitor the temperature range of the module. The write command enables or disables the presentation of URCs to report critical temperature limits.

  • Page 411
    MC35i AT Command Set 17.4 AT^SCTM obile ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Reference(s) SIEMENS Unsolicited Result Code URCs will be automatically sent to the TA when the temperature reaches or exceeds the critical level, or when it is back to normal.
  • Page 412
    MC35i AT Command Set 17.4 AT^SCTM obile (num) <p> (&F) Suppress output of in test and read command. <temp> Output in test and read command. <temp> (num) <temp> Board temperature in Celsius. Is comprised between the lowest temperature limit and the uppermost tempera- ture limit.
  • Page 413: Deferred Shutdown

    MC35i AT Command Set 17.4 AT^SCTM obile Caution: Engine close to undertemperature limit. ^SCTM_B: -1 Alert: Engine is below undertemperature limit and ^SCTM_B: -2 switches off. EXAMPLE 2 URCs issued when the temperature is back to normal (URC is output once):…

  • Page 414: At^ssync Configure Sync Pin

    <mode> • If you have a MC35i module you may select either mode, depending on whether your application is designed to use the SYNC mode (indicates the current consumption in a transmit burst) or the LED mode (drives a status LED connected to the pin). See for further details on both modes.

  • Page 415: Me Status Indicated By Status Led Patterns

    GSM engine if required. Note: =0 is the factory default of the MC35i module. In the case of the <mode> MC35i Terminal this mode is not applicable and should not be selected.

  • Page 416: Miscellaneous Commands

    MC35i AT Command Set 18. Miscellaneous Commands obile Miscellaneous Commands The AT Commands described in this chapter are related to various areas. 18.1 A/ Repeat previous command line Syntax Exec Command Response(s) ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Reference(s) V.25ter Command Description Repeat previous command line.

  • Page 417: Ats3 Write Command Line Termination Character

    MC35i AT Command Set 18.2 ATS3 obile 18.2 ATS3 Write command line termination character command determines the character recognized by the TA to terminate an incoming command line. ATS3 Syntax Read Command ATS3? Response(s) <n> Write Command ATS3=<n> Response(s) ERROR…

  • Page 418: Ats4 Set Response Formatting Character

    MC35i AT Command Set 18.3 ATS4 obile 18.3 ATS4 Set response formatting character command determines the character generated by the TA for result code and information text. ATS4 Syntax Read Command ATS4? Response(s) <n> Write Command ATS4=<n> Response(s) ERROR ASC0…

  • Page 419: Ats5 Write Command Line Editing Character

    MC35i AT Command Set 18.4 ATS5 obile 18.4 ATS5 Write command line editing character Syntax Read Command ATS5? Response(s) <n> Write Command ATS5=<n> Response(s) ERROR ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 Reference(s) V.25ter Command Description This parameter setting determines the character recognized by TA as a request to delete the immediately pre- ceding character from the command line.

  • Page 420: Appendix

    MC35i AT Command Set 19. Appendix obile Appendix 19.1 Restricted access to SIM data after SIM PIN authentication The following commands can be used only after data from the SIM have been read successfully for the first time. Reading starts after successful SIM authentication has been performed, and may take up to 30 seconds depend- ing on the SIM used.

  • Page 421: List Of Star-Hash (*#) Codes

    MC35i AT Command Set 19.2 List of Star-Hash (*#) Codes obile 19.2 List of Star-Hash (*#) Codes The following command strings can be sent via and have to be terminated with a semicolon. The command strings are defined with GSM 2.30 [16].

  • Page 422: Table 19.2: Abbreviations Of Codes And Parameters Used In Table 19.1, List Of Star-Hash (*#) Codes

    MC35i AT Command Set 19.2 List of Star-Hash (*#) Codes obile Star-Hash Code Functionality Response, also see Table 19.3 Call waiting (choice of *,#,*#)43*BS# Activation/deactivation/int WAIT +CCWA : <status>, <class> [,…] like +CCWA (see: AT+CCWA Call barring (choice of *,#,*#)33*Pw*BS# Act/deact/int BAOC ^SCLCK : <fac>, <status>, <class>…

  • Page 423: Table 19.3: Possible Star-Hash Command Responses

    MC35i AT Command Set 19.2 List of Star-Hash (*#) Codes obile Abbreviation Meaning Value Basic service equivalent to parameter class: Voice SMS+FAX Data circuit asynchron Data circuit synchron dedicated PAD access dedicated Packet access Data circuit asynchron+PAD Data circuit synchron+Packet…

  • Page 424: Available At Commands And Dependency On Sim Pin

    MC35i AT Command Set 19.3 Available AT Commands and Dependency on SIM PIN obile 19.3 Available AT Commands and Dependency on SIM PIN ; … command not available ! … command does not require PIN1 % … command requires PIN1 §…

  • Page 425
    MC35i AT Command Set 19.3 Available AT Commands and Dependency on SIM PIN obile AT Command Exec Test Read Write AT+ILRR AT+IPR AT+CMUX Security Commands AT+CPIN AT+CPIN2 AT^SPIC AT+CLCK AT^SLCK AT+CPWD AT^SPWD Identification Commands AT+CGMI AT+GMI AT+CGMM AT+GMM AT+CGMR AT+GMR…
  • Page 426
    MC35i AT Command Set 19.3 Available AT Commands and Dependency on SIM PIN obile AT Command Exec Test Read Write ATS8 ATS10 AT+CBST AT+CRLP AT+CLCC AT+CR AT+CRC AT+CSNS AT^SCNI AT^SLCD AT^STCD Network Service Commands AT+COPN AT+COPS AT+CREG AT+CSQ AT^SMONC AT^MONI…
  • Page 427
  • Page 428
    MC35i AT Command Set 19.3 Available AT Commands and Dependency on SIM PIN obile AT Command Exec Test Read Write AT+FDT AT+FET AT+FK AT+FLID AT+FMDL AT+FMFR AT+FOPT AT+FPHCTO AT+FREV AT+FRH AT+FRM AT+FRS AT+FTH AT+FTM AT+FTS AT+FVRFC Short Message Service (SMS) Commands…
  • Page 429
    MC35i AT Command Set 19.3 Available AT Commands and Dependency on SIM PIN obile AT Command Exec Test Read Write AT^SMGR AT^SSCONF AT^SSDA AT^SSMSS SIM related Commands § § AT+CRSM AT^SCKS AT^SSET AT^SCID AT+CXXCID SIM Application Toolkit (SAT) Commands AT^SSTA…
  • Page 430
    MC35i AT Command Set 19.3 Available AT Commands and Dependency on SIM PIN obile AT Command Exec Test Read Write AT^SNFI AT^SNFM AT^SNFO AT^SNFPT AT^SNFS AT^SNFV AT^SNFW AT^SRTC Hardware related Commands AT+CALA AT+CCLK AT^SBC AT^SCTM AT^SSYNC Miscellaneous Commands ATS3 ATS4 ATS5 MC35i_ATC_V01.03…
  • Page 431: At Command Settings Storable With At&W

    MC35i AT Command Set 19.4 AT Command Settings storable with AT&W obile 19.4 AT Command Settings storable with AT&W Table 19.6: Settings Stored to User Profile on ASC0 / MUX Channel 1 AT Command Stored Parameters Configuration Commands <n> <value>…

  • Page 432: Table 19.7: Settings Stored To User Profile On Mux Channels 2 And 3

    MC35i AT Command Set 19.4 AT Command Settings storable with AT&W obile AT Command Stored Parameters FAX Commands AT+FCLASS <n> Short Message Service (SMS) Commands AT+CMGF <mode> AT+CNMI <mode> <mt> <bm> <ds> <bfr> AT+CSDH <show> AT^SMGO <n> SIM related Commands AT^SCKS <mode>…

  • Page 433
    MC35i AT Command Set 19.4 AT Command Settings storable with AT&W obile AT Command Stored Parameters AT+CRC <mode> Network Service Commands AT+COPS <format> AT+CREG <n> Supplementary Service Commands AT^SACM <n> AT+CLIP <n> Short Message Service (SMS) Commands AT+CMGF <mode> AT+CNMI <mode>…
  • Page 434: Factory Default Settings Restorable With At&F

    MC35i AT Command Set 19.5 Factory Default Settings Restorable with AT&F obile 19.5 Factory Default Settings Restorable with AT&F Table 19.8: Factory Default Settings Restorable with AT&F AT Command Factory Defaults Configuration Commands <n> <value> <value> AT+CFUN <fun> AT+CMEE <errMode>…

  • Page 435
    MC35i AT Command Set 19.5 Factory Default Settings Restorable with AT&F obile AT Command Factory Defaults AT+CREG <n> Supplementary Service Commands AT^SACM <n> AT+CLIP <n> AT+CSSN <n> <m> AT+CUSD <n> FAX Commands AT+FCLASS <n> Short Message Service (SMS) Commands AT+CMGF <mode>…
  • Page 436
    MC35i AT Command Set 19.5 Factory Default Settings Restorable with AT&F obile AT Command Factory Defaults =010 ATS4 <n> =008 ATS5 <n> MC35i_ATC_V01.03 Page 436 of 444 5/7/04 Confidential / Released…
  • Page 437: Summary Of Unsolicited Result Codes (Urc)

    MC35i AT Command Set 19.6 Summary of Unsolicited Result Codes (URC) obile 19.6 Summary of Unsolicited Result Codes (URC) Table 19.9: Summary of Unsolicited Result Codes (URC) AT Command Configuration Commands AT^SMSO ^SHUTDOWN Status Control Commands AT+CMER +CIEV <indDescr> <indValue>…

  • Page 438
    MC35i AT Command Set 19.6 Summary of Unsolicited Result Codes (URC) obile AT Command AT^SMGO ^SMGO <mode> SIM related Commands AT^SCKS ^SCKS <SimStatus> AT^SSET ^SSIM READY SIM Application Toolkit (SAT) Commands ^SSTN ^SSTN <cmdType> ^SSTN ^SSTN <cmdTerminateValue> : 254 ^SSTN…
  • Page 439: Alphabetical List Of At Commands

    MC35i AT Command Set 19.7 Alphabetical List of AT Commands obile 19.7 Alphabetical List of AT Commands Table 19.10: Alphabetical List of AT Commands AT Command Description Section and Page Switch from data mode to command mode Section 7.17, page SAT Notification Section 14.2, page…

  • Page 440
    MC35i AT Command Set 19.7 Alphabetical List of AT Commands obile AT Command Description Section and Page Call Hold and Multiparty Section 9.8, page AT+CHLD Hang up call Section 7.9, page AT+CHUP Request international mobile subscriber identity Section 6.10, page…
  • Page 441: Mc35I_Atc_V01.03

    MC35i AT Command Set 19.7 Alphabetical List of AT Commands obile AT Command Description Section and Page Network registration Section 8.3, page AT+CREG Select radio link protocol parameters for originated non- Section 7.20, page AT+CRLP transparent data calls Restricted SIM Access Section 13.1, page…

  • Page 442
    MC35i AT Command Set 19.7 Alphabetical List of AT Commands obile AT Command Description Section and Page Receive Silence Section 11.24, page AT+FRS Transmit Data Using HDLC Framing Section 11.25, page AT+FTH Transmit Data Section 11.26, page AT+FTM Stop Transmission and Wait Section 11.27, page…
  • Page 443
    MC35i AT Command Set 19.7 Alphabetical List of AT Commands obile AT Command Description Section and Page List SMS messages from preferred store without setting Section 12.19, page AT^SMGL status to REC READ Set or query SMS overflow presentation mode or query Section 12.20, page…
  • Page 444
    MC35i AT Command Set 19.7 Alphabetical List of AT Commands obile AT Command Description Section and Page Mobile originated call to dial a number Section 7.2, page Request GPRS IP service Section 10.14, page ATD*98# Request GPRS service Section 10.13, page…

(Ocr-Read Summary of Contents of some pages of the Siemens Mobile MC35i Terminal Document (Main Content), UPD: 09 April 2023)

  • 8, MC35i AT Command Set Contents s m obil e MC35i_ATC_V01.03 Page 8 of 444 5/7/04 Confidential / Released 12. Short Message Service (SMS) Commands……………………………………………………………………………. 290 12.1 SMS parameters …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 290 12.2 AT+CMGC Send an SMS command…………………………………………………

  • 325, MC35i AT Command Set 12.19 AT^SMGL s m obil e MC35i_ATC_V01.03 Page 325 of 444 5/7/04 Confidential / Released • We recommend to take advantage of the «^SSIM READY» URC. If enabled with AT^SSET, this URC acknowl- edges to the user that SIM data is accessible after SIM PIN authentication. It will be delivered once the ME has completed reading data from the SIM card.

  • 172, MC35i AT Command Set 8.2 AT+COPS s m obil e MC35i_ATC_V01.03 Page 172 of 444 5/7/04 Confidential / Released 8.2 AT+COPS Operator selection This command can be used to query the present status of the ME’s network registration and to determine whether automatic or manual network selection shall be used. Automatic mode: Lets the ME automatically search for the home operator. If successful the ME registers to the home network and enters the IDLE mode. If the home network…

  • 277, Siemens Mobile MC35i Terminal MC35i AT Command Set 11.16 AT+FLID s m obil e MC35i_ATC_V01.03 Page 277 of 444 5/7/04 Confidential / Released 11.16 AT+FLID Query or set the Local Id setting capabilities Syntax Parameter Description Local ID string max. length and possible content as reported by test command. Default value is empty string («»). Notes • Used for Fax Class 2 only •See also AT+FCIG Query or set the Local polling id Test Command AT+FLID=? Response(s) (max. c…

  • 76, MC35i AT Command Set 3.4 AT+CEER s m obil e MC35i_ATC_V01.03 Page 76 of 444 5/7/04 Confidential / Released 3.4.12 GSM cause for L3 Protocol module or other local cause 3.4.13 SIEMENS release cause for GPRS API 3.4.14 SIEMENS release cause for Embedded Netcore 6 A MT PDP context which is active or in the activation process is deactivated because another MT PDP context with the same TI is requested by the ne…

  • 170, MC35i AT Command Set 8. Network Service Commands s m obil e MC35i_ATC_V01.03 Page 170 of 444 5/7/04 Confidential / Released 8. Network Service Commands The AT Commands described in this chapter are related to various network services. More commands related to this area can be found in Chapter 9., Supplementary Service Commands. 8.1 AT+COPN Read operator names Syntax Command Description TA returns the list of operator names from the ME.…

  • 134, MC35i AT Command Set 7.3 ATD><mem><n> s m obil e MC35i_ATC_V01.03 Page 134 of 444 5/7/04 Confidential / Released 7.3 ATD><mem><n> Originate call to phone number in memory Syntax Command Description TA attempts to set up an outgoing call to the specified number. The termination character «;» is mandatory since dialing from a phonebook is only supported for voice calls and for sending *# codes of Supplementary Services or oth…

  • 54, Siemens Mobile MC35i Terminal MC35i AT Command Set 2.13 AT^SM20 s m obil e MC35i_ATC_V01.03 Page 54 of 444 5/7/04 Confidential / Released Parameter Description Call setup response mode Applies only to voice calls. 0 Set compatibility to Siemens mobile phones. ME will return «OK» immediately after attempting a call with the ATD command. In case of failure, additional call release indications, such as «NO DIAL TONE, «NO CARRIER», «BUSY» will follow.…

  • 168, MC35i AT Command Set 7.26 AT^SLCD s m obil e MC35i_ATC_V01.03 Page 168 of 444 5/7/04 Confidential / Released 7.26 AT^SLCD Display Last Call Duration Syntax Command Description TA returns last call duration or current call duration. Parameter Description Format is «hh:mm:ss», where characters indicate hours, minutes, seconds; E.g. 22:10:00 «22:10:00» Max value is 9999:59:59 Test Command AT^SLCD=? Response(s) OK ERROR +…

  • 149, MC35i AT Command Set 7.15 ATP s m obil e MC35i_ATC_V01.03 Page 149 of 444 5/7/04 Confidential / Released 7.15 ATP Select pulse dialing Syntax Note • No effect for GSM. Exec Command ATP Response(s) OK PIN ASC0 MUX1 MUX2 MUX3 ! % % ! ! Reference(s) V.25ter

  • 41, MC35i AT Command Set 2.8 AT+CFUN s m obil e MC35i_ATC_V01.03 Page 41 of 444 5/7/04 Confidential / Released Examples EXAMPLE 1 To check the level of functionality use the read command: Remember that the AT interface is not accessible in NON-CYCLIC SLEEP mode. Consequently, the read command is only useful when the ME is set to full functionality or, when <fun> is set to 5, 6, 7 or 8. EXAMPLE 2 To set the ME to NON-CYCLIC SLEEP mode enter When, for example, an SMS is bein…

  • 224, MC35i AT Command Set 9.13 AT+CUSD s m obil e MC35i_ATC_V01.03 Page 224 of 444 5/7/04 Confidential / Released 9.13 AT+CUSD Supplementary service notifications This command allows control of the Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD) according to GSM 02.90. Both network and mobile initiated operations are supported. Syntax Unsolicited Result Code +CUSD: <m>[<str>[<dcs>]] URC «+CUSD» i…

  • 45, MC35i AT Command Set 2.11 AT+CMEE s m obil e MC35i_ATC_V01.03 Page 45 of 444 5/7/04 Confidential / Released 2.11 AT+CMEE Mobile Equipment Error Message Format AT+CMEE controls the format of the error result code +CME ERROR: <err> that indicates errors relating to ME functionality. Possible error result codes are listed in Section 2.11.1, CME ERRORS related to GSM 07.07, Section 2.11.2, GPRS-related CME ERRORS and Section 2.11.3,…

  • 420, MC35i AT Command Set 19. Appendix s m obil e MC35i_ATC_V01.03 Page 420 of 444 5/7/04 Confidential / Released 19. Appendix 19.1 Restricted access to SIM data after SIM PIN authentication The following commands can be used only after data from the SIM have been read successfully for the first time. Reading starts after successful SIM authentication has been performed, and may take up to 30 seconds depend- ing on the SIM used. While the read process is in progress, an attempt to…

  • 73, MC35i AT Command Set 3.4 AT+CEER s m obil e MC35i_ATC_V01.03 Page 73 of 444 5/7/04 Confidential / Released 3.4.8 SIEMENS release cause for L3 Advice of Charge (AOC) 3.4.9 GSM Release cause for Supplementary Service Call Number Description 1 SIM data not available 2 SIM does not support AOC 3 SIM data access error 4 ACM limit almost reached ACM range overflow 5 ACM range overflow Number Description 0 No error (default) 1 UnknownSubs…

  • 57, Siemens Mobile MC35i Terminal MC35i AT Command Set 3.1 AT+CMER s m obil e MC35i_ATC_V01.03 Page 57 of 444 5/7/04 Confidential / Released Note • If the ME operates on different instances (MUX channels 1, 2, 3) avoid different settings for routing and indi- cating SMS. For example, if messages shall be routed directly to one instance of the TE (set with AT+CNMI, AT^SSDA), it is not possible to activate the presentation of URCs with AT+CMER or AT+CN…

  • 42, MC35i AT Command Set 2.8 AT+CFUN s m obil e MC35i_ATC_V01.03 Page 42 of 444 5/7/04 Confidential / Released 2.8.1 Wake up the ME from SLEEP mode A wake-up event is any event that causes the ME to draw current. Depending on the selected mode, the wake- up event either switches the SLEEP mode off and takes the ME back to full functionality AT+CFUN=1, or activates the ME temporarily without terminating the selected SLEEP mode. Definitions of the state transitions described in Table…

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