Table of Contents
RX-V373 (U, C, R, K, A, B, G, F, L, S, H, J Models)
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When the following parts are replaced, the model name and destination MUST be written to the back-up IC (EEPROM:
IC221 on DIGITAL P.C.B.) to have proper operation. (For details, refer to «22 SOFT SWITCH» menu of the self-
diagnostic function.)
下記の部品を交換した場合、正常動作のためにモデル名と仕向け先をバックアップ IC(DIGITAL P.C.B. の IC221)へ
書き込む必要があります。 (詳細は、ダイアグの 22. SOFT SWITCH メニューを参照してください。 )
This manual has been provided for the use of authorized YAMAHA Retailers and their service personnel.
It has been assumed that basic service procedures inherent to the industry, and more specifi cally YAMAHA Products, are already known
and understood by the users, and have therefore not been restated.
The data provided is believed to be accurate and applicable to the unit(s) indicated on the cover. The research, engineering, and service
departments of YAMAHA are continually striving to improve YAMAHA products. Modifications are, therefore, inevitable and
specifi cations are subject to change without notice or obligation to retrofi t. Should any discrepancy appear to exist, please contact the
distributor’s Service Division.
Front Panels …………………………………………………3–4
Rear Panels …………………………………………………..5–9
SPECIFICATIONS / 参考仕様 …………………………… 11–16
Internal View …………………………………………………. 17
SERVICE PRECAUTIONS / サービス時の注意事項 ….. 17
ファームウェアのアップデート …………………………22–26
ダイアグ(自己診断機能) …………………………………27–52
1 0 1 2 3 4
Failure to follow appropriate service and safety procedures when servicing this product may result in personal injury,
destruction of expensive components, and failure of the product to perform as specifi ed. For these reasons, we advise
all YAMAHA product owners that any service required should be performed by an authorized YAMAHA Retailer or
the appointed service representative.
The presentation or sale of this manual to any individual or fi rm does not constitute authorization, certifi cation or
recognition of any applicable technical capabilities, or establish a principle-agent relationship of any form.
Static discharges can destroy expensive components. Discharge any static electricity your body may have
accumulated by grounding yourself to the ground buss in the unit (heavy gauge black wires connect to this buss).
Turn the unit OFF during disassembly and part replacement. Recheck all work before you apply power to the unit.
Display Data ……………………………………………….53–54
Ic Data ………………………………………………………….55–65
Block Diagrams …………………………………………66–67
Remote Control ……………………………………..106–110
システム設定を変更する ……………………………………… 112
Copyright © 2012
This manual is copyrighted by YAMAHA and may not be copied or
redistributed either in print or electronically without permission.
All rights reserved.
P.O.Box 1, Hamamatsu, Japan
Summary of Contents for Yamaha RX-V373
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Protect modban van mert a kimeneten van DC feszültség, mindkét oldalon megjelenik a + táp (+48V), ha a Left oldalon kiveszem a PNP,NPN végtranzisztor bázis ellenállásait(4R7/0.25W) és csipeszekkel az RCA bemenet GND-jét összekötöm a GND-vel(házzal) akkor a Right oldal 0V, majd a jobb oldal harmadszori bekapcsolas után szintén 0V-ra lecsökken, és a protect mód megszünik.
Ha visszarakom a Left bázis ellenállásait (de a csipeszelés marad) akkor mindkét oldalon -48V jelenik meg, de van néha hogy +48V ra állnak be.
Mérve minden alkatrész jó.Feszültségek a végfokban sehol se jók. Mindenhol +48V vagy -48V van.
Eredetileg az elôerôsítô tápja (+15.8V)-ot elôállító Q133=2SK30 (TO-92) szét volt pukkanva meg a melette levô D109=ZPD16-os tulfeszültség védô zárlatos volt.
Ha kiveszem a Left oldal végtranzisztorait akkor is van a kimeneten +DC feszültség de csak +4V.Na itt megállt a tudomány..
Üdv mindenkinek!
A címben említett erősítőn dolgozok, alaposan szét van bombázva. Kibontottam belőle egy marék hibás alkatrészt, ezeket pótolnám. Leginkább a végfokokkal vagyok bajban, hogy mivel helyettesítsem, mert több helyen olvastam, hogy ajánlatos lenne párba válogatott alkatrésszel dolgozni. (erősítőt még soha nem javítottam ilyen mélységekben) Eredetileg passzolok, hogy milyen végfokokkal szerelték, BD249C/BD250C kombó dolgozott benne, amit utólag építettek bele. A manual 3 fajtát említ beépíthetőnek. 2SC3181/2SA1264 kombó, beszerezhető, de szerintem párba válogatásra nincs lehetőség.
Kereszt referencia katalógus «hozza» a 2SA1186/2SC2837 kombót, ami a hq-ban kapható is, párba válogatva. Ezzel a párossal vajon pótolható?
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A tápot végigmérve minden rendben van.
Ha lenne valakinek valami ötlete, azt előre is köszönöm.
«FONTOS! Olyan fórum téma nevet válassz, ami beszédes, minél pontosabban illeszkedik arra, amivel kapcsolatban írsz. Egy lehetséges jó elnevezés
pl: ORION LCD PT26S chassis 17MB12-2, a tápja nem indul
Az nem elég, hogy pl: «LG LCD-TV» vagy «HP laptop» és hasonlóak. Illetve érdektelen, nem releváns információt se tartalmazzon a cím!
A helytelenül elnevezett topik felfüggesztésre, majd 48 óra után törlésre kerül! Felfüggesztett állapotban nem tudnak mások addig hozzászólni, amíg ki nem javítod a címet.
A hibás cím utólagos javítása (48 órán belül) a «Szerkesztés» fülre kattintva végezhető el.»
Tipikus yamaha hibával indult a dolog, c3015 (22nf) kondi csere és már működik is.
De ez csak 1 napig tartott, másnap ismét nem indul.Újból szétszedve az r3034 ellenállás kiégve, a c3015 jó.
Ellenállás cserélve megfelő értékre, de semmi.Ezután cseréltem még c3016 (50v 1uf) és az ic302 (tc4013bp), de ezek után sem ad élet jelet.
Esetleg valaki megtudná mondani hogy mi mehet még tönre ezekben a tápokban?
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(Ocr-Read Summary of Contents of some pages of the Yamaha RX-V373 Document (Main Content), UPD: 10 March 2023)
89, A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 BCDEFGH I JK L MN 89 OPERATION 2/2 RX-V373/HTR-3065 ★ All voltages are measured with a 10MΩ/V DC electronic voltmeter. ★ Components having special characteristics are marked and must be replaced with parts having specifications equal to those originally installed. ★ Schematic diagram is subject to change without notice. DIGITAL IN CENTER FRONT L SURROUND L SUBWOOFER ANALOG IN 5.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.4 0 0 2.4 2.4 2.…
88, A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 BCDEFGH I JKLMN RX-V373/HTR-3065 88 OPERATION 1/2 ★ All voltages are measured with a 10MΩ/V DC electronic voltmeter. ★ Components having special characteristics are marked and must be replaced with parts having specifications equal to those originally installed. ★ Schematic diagram is subject to change without notice. -30.0-30.0 -30.0-30.0 3.1 -36.7 -36.8 0 3.3 0 0 3.1 -36.7 -36.8 3.1 -36.7 …
103, Value 1/4W Type Part No. 1/6W Type Part No. 11 kΩ HF45 7110 HF45 7110 12 kΩ HJ35 7120 HF85 7120 13 kΩ HF45 7130 HF45 7130 15 kΩ HF45 7150 HF45 7150 18 kΩ HF45 7180 HF45 7180 22 kΩ HF45 7220 HF45 7220 24 kΩ HF45 7240 HF45 7240 27 kΩ HJ35 7270 HF85 7270 30 kΩ HF45 7300 HF45 7300 33 kΩ HF45 7330 HF45 7330 36 kΩ HF45 7360 HF45 7360 39 kΩ HF45 7390 HF45 7390 47 kΩ HF45 7470 HF45 7470 51 kΩ HF45 7510 HF45 7510 56 k…
2, This product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer, or birth defects or other reproductive harm. DO NOT PLACE SOLDER, ELECTRICAL/ELECTRONIC OR PLASTIC COMPONENTS IN YOUR MOUTH FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER! Avoid prolonged, unprotected contact between solder and your skin! When soldering, do not inhale solder fumes or expose eyes to solder/flux vapor! If you come in contact with solder or components located inside the enclosure of this…
61, No. Function Name (P.C.B.) I/O Detail of Function 101 CVDD 102 NC O Asynchronous memory read/not write 103 DVDD 104 EM_OE O SDRAM output enable 105 SPI0_ENA/I2C1_SDA IO SPI0 enable (ready) or I2c1 serial data 106 VSS 107 SPI0_ENA/I2C1_SCL IO SPI0 enable (ready) or I2c1 serial clock 108 SPI0_CLK/I2C0_SCL IO SPI0 serial clock or I2c0 serial clock 109 VSS 110 SPIO_SIMO IO SPI0 data pin slave in master out 111 SPIO_SOMI/I2C0_SDA IO SPI0 …
64, Yamaha RX-V373 Pin No. Port Name Function Name (P.C.B.) I/O Detail of Function POWER ON STANDBY 51 P5_6 SW_N_MT O O Mute control (Subwoofer) 52 P5_5 E8A_N_EPM I- I- 53 P5_4 HP_N_DET I+ O Headphone detection / L: Headphone detected 54 P13_3 HPRY O O Headphone relay control 55 P13_2 SPRY_S O O Speaker relay control (Surround) / H: Relay on 56 P13_1 SPRY_C O O Speaker relay control (Center) / H: Relay on 57 P13_0 SPRY_F O O Speaker relay control (Front) / H: Relay on …
58, Yamaha RX-V373 IC241: D70YE101BRFP266 (DIGITAL P.C.B.) Decoder/Post processor * No replacement part available. / 64 256 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 PLL RT1 I2C1 I2C0 SPI0 SPI1 McASP2 2 Serializes DIT Only McASP1 6 Serializes McASP0 16 Serializes McASP DMA Bus Peripheral Configuration Bus Peripheral Interrupt and DMA Events JTAG EMU Program/Data RAM 256K Bytes Program Cache 32K Bytes Memory Controller Program/Data ROM Page1 256K Bytes Program/Data ROM Page2 256K Bytes Program/Data ROM Page3 256K Bytes …
102, Q17-20 WC435000 TR.DGT KRC102S-RTK デジタルトランジスタ 01 Q21 VP872600 TR 2SA1708 S,T トランジスタ Q22 WB228800 TR KTC3198 Y AT トランジスタ 01 Q23 WC435000 TR.DGT KRC102S-RTK デジタルトランジスタ 01 Q24 WC434900 TR.DGT KRA104S-RTK デジタルトランジスタ 01 Q201-205 WC883400 TR 2SD2704 K トランジスタ Q208-209 WC883400 TR 2SD2704 K トランジスタ Q401 WC397700 TR 2N5401C-AT トランジスタ 01…
107, KEY NO. LAYOUT KEY CODE RAV463, RAV462 RAV463, RAV462 K48 [ (LEFT)] + K40 [SCENE -BD/DVD] ID-1 K48 [ (LEFT)] + K41 [SCENE -TV] ID-2 K50 [ (RIGHT)] + K40 [SCENE -BD/DVD] MAIN MAIN Key No. FUNCTION ID-1 ID-2 RAV463 (U, C, R, K, B, G, F, L, S, H, J models) RAV462 (T model) MAIN MAIN Remote control sheet LED1 TRANSMIT TRANSMIT – – “RECEIVER” (mode fixed) K2 SLEEP SLEEP 7A-30 7A-30CE K3 RECEIVER RECEIVER 7E-2A 7E-2AD4 K4 HDMI-1 HDMI-1 7A-4738 7A-4739 K5 HDMI-2 HDMI-2 7A-4A35 7A-…
24, Fig. 2 Fig. 3 3. The USB UPDATE mode is activated and “USB Update” is displayed. Writing of the firmware starts automatically. (Fig. 2) Writing is started. / Writing is completed. / Writing being executed. / 4. When writing of the firmware is completed, “Update Success”, “Please…” and “Power Off!” are displayed repeatedly. (Fig. 3) 5. Press the “ ” (Power) key to turn off the power. (Fig. 1…
92, A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 BCDEFGH I JKLMN RX-V373/HTR-3065 92 MAIN 3/3 ★ All voltages are measured with a 10MΩ/V DC electronic voltmeter. ★ Components having special characteristics are marked and must be replaced with parts having specifications equal to those originally installed. ★ Schematic diagram is subject to change without notice. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5.0 5.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5.0 -5.0 -5.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5.0 0 -5.0 0 0 5.0 5.0 0 5.0 0 0 -5.0 -5.0 0 0 -5.0 0 0 0 0 0 -9.5 -5.6…
79, ABCDEFGH I J 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RX-V373/HTR-3065 79 IC22 IC25 IC23 IC24 IC21 IC27 MAIN (1) (Side B) 1 14 7 8 4 5 1 8 1 8 4 5 8081 31 51 50 100 1 30 4 5 1 8 5 4 8 1 • Semiconductor Location Ref no. Location D3 C5 D4 F5 D5 E5 D6 B5 D7 G5 D8 F5 D18 I2 D201 D4 D202 D4 IC21 D4 IC22 C2 IC23 B3 IC24 B4 IC25 B3 IC27 C4 Q13 F3 Q14 G3 Q15 H3 Q16 G3 Q17 F3 Q18 H3 Q19 F3 Q20 G3 Q23 H3 Q24 H3 Q201 A5 Q202 A6 Q203 A5 Q204 A5 Q205 A5 Q208 E3 Q209 E3
… -
55, ■ IC DATA IC21: R2A15220FP (MAIN P.C.B.) 8-channel electronic volume with 11 input selector and tone control 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 80 81 79 MUTE A VEE ADCL ADCR AGND INR1 INR2 INR3 INR4 INR5 INR6 INR7 INR8 INR9 INL1 INL2 INL3 INL4 INL5 INL6 INL7 INL8 INL9 INR12 INL12 INL14 RECR3 RECL3 INL11/RECL5 INR13 INR14 INL13 FLIN1 FRIN1 CIN1 SWIN1 SLIN1 SRIN1 SBLIN1 SBRIN1 SBLC SBL Pre-OUT SBL OUT INRA/RECR1 INLA/RECL1 INRB/RECR2 INR10/REC…
19, Fig. 3 Fig. 2 3. Removal of DIGITAL P.C.B. a. Remove CB222 and CB223 (Fig. 2) b. Unlock and remove CB262. (Fig. 2) c. Remove screw ( ). (Fig. 2) d. Remove 2 screws ( ) and 5 screws ( ). (Fig. 3) e. Remove the DIGITAL P.C.B. which is connected directly to the OPERATION (4) P.C.B. with board-to- board connectors. (Fig. 2) 4. Removal of OPERATION (4) P.C.B. a. Remove CB194. (Fig. 2) b. Remove s…
35, ● Details of Self-Diagnostic Function menu 1. BY PA S S This menu is used to check audio signal route of PURE DIRECT mode. 1-1. ANALOG BYPASS The analog input audio signal is output to FRONT L/R channels in PURE DIRECT mode. INPUT: AV5 ANALOG SPEAKER OUT: 1 kHz, SUBWOOFER OUTPUT: 50 Hz Input level Volume SPEAKER OUTPUT SUBWOOFER OUTPUT FRONT CENTER SURROUND Both ch, -20 dBm +6.5 dB +11.5 dBm -∞ -∞ -∞ 2. RAM THROUGH This menu is used to check audio signal route via DSP. 2-1. RAM …
110, SOURCE MODE Key No. FUNCTION IR code in “RECEIVER” mode IR code in “SOURCE” mode K25 K24 K19 K18 K17 K16 K15 K14 K12 K11 K10 K9 K8 K7 K6 K5 K4 RAV461 (A model) ID-1 ID-2 ID-1 / ID-2 [AM] [FM] [ ][] [V-AUX] [USB] [AUDIO-2] [AUDIO-1] [AV-5] [AV-4] [ AV-3] [AV-2] [AV-1] [HDMI-4] [HDMI-3] [HDMI-2] [HDMI-1] MAIN MAIN MAIN “SOURCE/RCVR” K1 SOURCE 7F01-50 7F01-50AE * SOURCE ** RECEIVER * 79-60 * …
Table of Contents for Yamaha RX-V373:
■ Audio Section / Rated Output Power (Power Amp. Section) / (1 kHz, 0.9 % THD) – 1 channel driven – U, C models (8 ohms) FRONT L/R ………………………………………………………. 100 W/ch CENTER ……………………………………………………………….. 100 W SURROUND L/R ……………………………………………….. 100 W/ch R, T, K, A, B, G, F, L, S, H, J models (6
C2264-2267 US662100 C.CE.CHP 100pF 50V チップセラコン C2269 US625100 C.CE.CHP 0.1uF 10V チップセラコン 01 C2270 US634100 C.CE.CHP 0.01uF 16V チップセラコン 01 C2271 US625100 C.CE.CHP 0.1uF 10V JUCRKABGFLSH チップセラコン 01 C2401 US662100 C.CE.CHP 100pF 50V チップセラコン C2402 WP882000 C.CE.CHP 10uF 6.3V チップセラコン C2403-2428 US625100 C.CE.CHP 0.1uF 10V チップセラコン 01 C2430 US663100 C.CE.CHP 1000pF 50V チップセラコン 01 C2431 WP882000 C.CE.CHP
2.59/85 *100=3.05 1.14 /85 *100=1.34 1.32 /85 *100=1.55 138mA 300mW +7A -7A +12A +12A -5VA ACH ACL ACL ACH R2 400mA +18V AC2 AC2 30mA AG0 200mA -18V POWER 145mA VIDEO 104mA +5VA Analog Video Analog Video +8.5V 200mA 73.5mA 92mA AG1 100mA POWER R4 +8.0V AC4 AC4 AC5 AC5 1000mA 1000mA USB IGND R5 200mA FL Filament F1 F2 +12V -12V RY5 RY5 D19 Q21 IC261 IC262 Q2212 IC268 IC264 IC263 Q1303 D201 IC133 D1308 IC134 IC135 IC132 D1307 +5.5U D202 Q401 +5V -5V +5A -30V -7V +5V +7D 7V to 3.3V 436mA 7V to 1.2V 1188mA 200mA +5HDM +3.3M Microprocessor Remote Control S
ABCDEFGH I J 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RX-V373/HTR-3065 77 IC171 OPERATION (7) (Side B) OPERATION (8) (Side B) OPERATION (9) (Side B) 1 4 5 8 U, C, R, K, A, B, G, F, L, S, H, J models • Semiconductor Location Ref no. Location D1703 C3 IC171 D2
No. Main menu Sub-menu 11 NO MENU Invalidity 12 NO MENU Invalidity 13 NO MENU Invalidity 14 NO MENU Invalidity 15 HDMI INFORMATION 1 MODEL NAME 2 PRODUCT ID 16 HDMI SELECT 1 HDMI NONE 2 HDMI IN 1 3 HDMI IN 2 4 HDMI IN 3 5 HDMI IN 4 17 USB 1 USB FILE 1 (U, C, R, K, A, B, G, F, L, S, H, J models) 2 USB FILE 2 3 USB IPL: OK 4 USB iPod CHECK 18 NO MENU Invalidity 19 BUS CHECK 1 TI BUS: 2 EEPROM: 20 NO MENU Invalidity 21 PROTECTION HISTORY 1 HISTORY 1 2 HISTORY 2 3 HISTORY 3 4 HISTORY 4 22 SOFT SWITCH 1 SWITCH MODE 2 MODEL 3 DESTINATION 23 UPDATE 1 TI
A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 BCDEFGH I JKLMN RX-V373/HTR-3065 90 MAIN 1/3 ★ All voltages are measured with a 10MΩ/V DC electronic voltmeter. ★ Components having special characteristics are marked and must be replaced with parts having specifications equal to those originally installed. ★ Schematic diagram is subject to change without notice. FRONT L SURROUND L CENTER FRONT L CENTER SURROUND L -52.6 53.3 52.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 53.0 52.9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 52.8 0 0 52.8 0 0 52.8 0 0 52.8 0 0 52.6 52.6 52.0 3.2 31.8 2.5 52.6 3.
ABCDEFGH I J 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RX-V373/HTR-3065 69 IC242 IC281 IC222 DIGITAL (Side B) 4 1 5 8 54 1 1 5 15 16 11 6 20 10 28 27 No replacement part available. U, C, R, K, A, B, G, F, L, S, H, J models U, C, R, K, A, B, G, F, L, S, H, J models • Semiconductor Location Ref no. Location D2023 C3 D2202 G6 D2203 G6 D2204 G6 IC222 G5 IC242 E5 IC281 B5 Q2003 F3 Q2004 F3 Q2005 E3 Q2006 E3 Q2007 D3 Q2008 D3 Q2201 G3 Q2202 G3 Q2203 F4 Q2209 F4 Q2210 F4
■ FRONT PANELS RX-V373 (U, C, R, K, A, B, G, F, L, S, H, J models) RX-V373 (T model) J model U, C, R, K, A, B, G, F, L, S, H models 3 RX-V373/HTR-3065 RX-V373/HTR-3065
9-2. TH1/TH2 (U, C models) Temperature of the heatsink is detected. The voltage at 122 pin (TH1)/123 pin (TH2: U, C models) of microprocessor (IC225) is displayed. Normal value: 42 to 255 (Reference voltage: 3.3 V=255) * If TH1/TH2 becomes out of the normal value range, the protection function works to turn off the power. 9-4. AMP Output level of speaker output is detected. The voltage at 121 pin (AMP_OLV) of microprocessor (IC225) is displayed. (Reference voltage: 3.3 V=255) 9-3. TH3 Temperature of the power supply voltage (±B, D19) is dete
2-2. RAM FULL ALL The SUBWOOFER signal is output including the head margin. The audio signal other than SUBWOOFER is output without including the head margin. 2-3. RAM FULL CENTER The audio signal is output to only CENTER channel in digital full bit without including the head margin. 2-4. RAM FULL SURROUND The audio signal is output to only SURROUND L/R channels in digital full bit without including the head margin. INPUT: AV5 ANALOG SPEAKER OUT: 1
● Operation procedure of Main menu and Sub-menu There are 26 main menu items, each of which has sub- menu items. Main menu selection Select the main menu using “SCENE TV” (forward) and “SCENE BD/DVD” (reverse) keys. Sub-menu selection Select the sub-menu using “SCENE RADIO” (forward) and “SCENE CD” (reverse) keys. ● Functions in Self-Diagnostic Function mode In addition to the self-diagnostic function menu items, functions liste
ABCDEFGH I J 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RX-V373/HTR-3065 73 OPERATION (2) (Side B) R, S models U, C models U, C, R, K, A, B, G, F, L, S, H, J models T model T model OPERATION (3) (Side B) Ref no. Location D1301 H2 D1302 H2 D1303 H2 D1304 G2 D1305 H2 D1306 H3 D1313 B2 D1314 B2 D1501 G6 • Semiconductor Location Ref no. Location D1502 G6 D1508 G5 D1509 G5 D1510 G6 Q1301 H2 Q1302 H2 Q1304 G3 Q1505 G6
Note : 1) F1, F2 ….. Filament pin 2) NP ….. No pin 3) NX ….. No extend pin 4) 1G-18G ….. Grid pin Pin No. Connection Pin No. 69 F2NX 68 67 NP 66 NP 65 P1 64 P2 63 P3 62 P4 61 P5 60 P6 59 P7 58 P8 57 P9 56 P10 55 P11 54 P12 53 P13 52 P14 51 P15 50 P16 49 P17 48 P18 47 P19 46 P20 45 P21 44 P22 43 P23 42 P24 41 P25 40 P26 39 P27 38 P28 37 P29 34 P32 33 P33 32 P34 31 P35 30 P36 29 28
HTR-3065 (A model) HTR-3065 (B, G, F models) HTR-3065 (L, H models) 9 RX-V373/HTR-3065 RX-V373/HTR-3065
Questions, Opinions and Exploitation Impressions:
You can ask a question, express your opinion or share our experience of Yamaha RX-V373 device using right now.
This manual has been provided for the use of authorized YAMAHA Retailers and their service personnel.
It has been assumed that basic service procedures inherent to the industry, and more specifi cally YAMAHA Products, are already known
and understood by the users, and have therefore not been restated.
Failure to follow appropriate service and safety procedures when servicing this product may result in personal injury,
destruction of expensive components, and failure of the product to perform as specifi ed. For these reasons, we advise
all YAMAHA product owners that any service required should be performed by an authorized YAMAHA Retailer or
the appointed service representative.
The presentation or sale of this manual to any individual or fi rm does not constitute authorization, certifi cation or
recognition of any applicable technical capabilities, or establish a principle-agent relationship of any form.
The data provided is believed to be accurate and applicable to the unit(s) indicated on the cover. The research, engineering, and service
departments of YAMAHA are continually striving to improve YAMAHA products. Modifications are, therefore, inevitable and
specifi cations are subject to change without notice or obligation to retrofi t. Should any discrepancy appear to exist, please contact the
distributor’s Service Division.
Static discharges can destroy expensive components. Discharge any static electricity your body may have
accumulated by grounding yourself to the ground buss in the unit (heavy gauge black wires connect to this buss).
Turn the unit OFF during disassembly and part replacement. Recheck all work before you apply power to the unit.
P.O.Box 1, Hamamatsu, Japan
TO SERVICE PERSONNEL ……………………………………..2
FRONT PANELS …………………………………………………3–4
REAR PANELS …………………………………………………..5–9
REMOTE CONTROL PANELS ………………………………. 10
SPECIFICATIONS / …………………………… 11–16
INTERNAL VIEW ………………………………………………….17
DISPLAY DATA ……………………………………………….53–54
IC DATA ………………………………………………………….55–65
BLOCK DIAGRAMS …………………………………………66–67
SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS …………………………………83–92
REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST ………………………… 93–105
REMOTE CONTROL ……………………………………..106–110
……………………………………… 112
Copyright © 2012 All rights reserved.
This manual is copyrighted by YAMAHA and may not be copied or
redistributed either in print or electronically without permission.
When the following parts are replaced, the model name and destination MUST be written to the back-up IC (EEPROM:
IC221 on DIGITAL P.C.B.) to have proper operation. (For details, refer to “22 SOFT SWITCH” menu of the self-
diagnostic function.)