Probe tip (Voltage sensor)
Probe body
Battery cap
Caution! Risk of electric
Caution! Refer to the
explanation in this
instruction sheet.
Double insulated Battery
Canadian Standards
Association (NRTL/C)
Conforms to relevant
Australian standards
Complies with
European Directives.
Do not dispose of this
product as unsorted
municipal waste. Contact a
qualified recycler.
Equipment is for measurements performed at the source of a low
voltage installation. (i.e. electrical meters and measurements on
primary over current protection devices and ripple control units.)
For Use by Competent Persons
Anyone using this instrument should be knowledgeable and trained about
the risks involved with measuring voltage, especially in an industrial setting,
and the importance of taking safety precautions and of testing the instrument
before and after using it to ensure that it is in good working condition.
To avoid possible electric shock or personal injury:
• If the Tester is used in a manner not specified by the manufacturer,
protection provided by the Tester may be affected.
• Test on a known live source within the rated ac voltage range of the
product, both before and after use to ensure unit is in good working
• When using the Tester, if tip does not glow, voltage could still be present.
The Tester indicates active voltage in the presence of electrostatic fields of
sufficient strength generated from the source voltage. If the field strength
is low, the Tester may not provide indication of live voltage. Lack of an
indication occurs if the Tester is unable to sense the presence of voltage
which may be influenced by several factors including, but not limited to:
— Shielded wire/cables
— Thickness and type of insulation
— Distance from the voltage source
— Fully-isolated users that prevent an effective ground
— Receptacles in recessed sockets/ differences in socket design
— Condition of the Tester and batteries
• Do not use if the Tester appears damaged or if the Tester is not operating
properly. Specifically examine the probe tip for cracks or breakage before
use. If in doubt, have the Tester serviced.
• Do not apply more than the rated voltage as marked on the Tester.
• Use caution with voltages above 30 V ac as a shock hazard may exist.
• Comply with local and national safety requirements.
• Use proper protective equipment as required by local or national
The product is always on and ready to use, subject to battery and Tester
Checking for the Presence of AC Voltage
Placing the tip of the Tester near an ac voltage (within the specified range
of the Tester) produces flashing illumination at the tip, continual beep, and
Testing receptacle: Testing wires:
LINE contact
VP-1000SB: Illuminates, beeps and vibrates when ac voltage is detected.
The Tester can be cleaned with a mild solution of water. Apply sparingly with
a soft cloth and allow to dry completely before using. Do not use aromatic
hydrocarbons, gasoline or chlorinated solvents for cleaning.
Operating Voltage Range: 90 Vac to 1000 Vac, 50 / 60 Hz
VP-1000SB Sensitivity: Illuminates, beeps and vibrates at approximately 10 mm
(0.39 in) distance from a wire carrying 120 Vac.
Operating Temperatures: 0°C to +50°C (32°F to 122°F), ≤95% RH
Storage Conditions: —10°C to +50°C (14°F to 122°F), ≤95% RH
Operating Altitude: ≤ 2000 meters (CAT IV 1000 V)
Power Supply: Two 1.5V AAA batteries
Dimensions (L x W x H): 155 x 24.5 x 21.5 mm (6.10 x 0.96 x 0.85 in)
Weight: Approximately 50 g (0.11 lb) with batteries installed
Safety Compliance: IEC 61010-1 3rd Ed., UL61010-1 2nd Ed. and CAN/CSA C22.2
No. 61010.1-0.92 to CAT IV 1000 V, Pollution degree 2, IP40
EMC Compliance: IEC 61326-1
Limited Warranty and Limitation of Liability
Your Amprobe product will be free from defects in material and workmanship
for one year from the date of purchase, unless local laws require otherwise. This
warranty does not cover fuses, disposable batteries or damage from accident,
neglect, misuse, alteration, contamination, or abnormal conditions of operation
or handling. Resellers are not authorized to extend any other warranty on
the behalf of Amprobe. To obtain service during the warranty period, return
the product with proof of purchase to an authorized Amprobe Service Center
or to an Amprobe dealer or distributor. See Repair Section for details. THIS
THEORY. Since some states or countries do not allow the exclusion or limitation of
an implied warranty or of incidental or consequential damages, this limitation of
liability may not apply to you.
All test tools returned for warranty or non-warranty repair or for calibration
should be accompanied by the following: your name, company’s name,
address, telephone number, and proof of purchase. Additionally, please
include a brief description of the problem or the service requested and include
the test leads with the meter. Non-warranty repair or replacement charges
should be remitted in the form of a check, a money order, credit card with
expiration date, or a purchase order made payable to Amprobe®.
In-Warranty Repairs and Replacement – All Countries
Please read the warranty statement and check your battery before requesting
repair. During the warranty period any defective test tool can be returned
to your Amprobe® distributor for an exchange for the same or like product.
Please check the “Where to Buy” section on www.amprobe.com for a list
of distributors near you. Additionally, in the United States and Canada in—
warranty repair and replacement units can also be sent to a Amprobe® Service
Non-Warranty Repairs and Replacement – US and Canada
Non-warranty repairs in the United States and Canada should be sent to a
Amprobe® Service Center. Call Amprobe® or inquire at your point of purchase
for current repair and replacement rates.
In USA In Canada
Amprobe Amprobe
Everett, WA 98203 Mississauga, ON L4Z 1X9
Tel: 877-AMPROBE (267-7623) Tel: 905-890-7600
Non-Warranty Repairs and Replacement – Europe
European non-warranty units can be replaced by your Amprobe® distributor
for a nominal charge. Please check the “Where to Buy” section on www.
amprobe.com for a list of distributors near you.
European Correspondence Address*
Amprobe® Europe
Beha-Amprobe GmbH
In den Engematten 14
79286 Glottertal, Germany
Tel.: +49 (0) 7684 8009 — 0
*(Correspondence only – no repair or replacement available from this address.
European customers please contact your distributor.)
Non-Contact Voltage Detector
5/2012, Rev.01 ©2012 Amprobe.
All rights reserved. Printed in China
Non-Contact Voltage Probe with Shaker
Sensitivity range: 90 — 1000 Vac
CAT IV 1000V
1 2
Please Recycle v
Бесконтактный детектор напряжения
Артикул LC15
Состояние: Новый товар
За этот товар не начисляются бонусные баллы.
- Отправить другу
- Печать
Работать с бесконтактным тестером переменного напряжения нового поколения Voltage Alert IAC-D 90-1000VAC/LED Light очень легко. Просто дотроньтесь наконечником до клеммной коробки, вывода или кабеля. При наличии напряжения наконечник становится красным. Электрики, ремонтники, персонал по обслуживанию и безопасности, а также домовладельцы могут быстро и безопасно проверить наличие напряжения в сети как в производственных, так и в домашних условиях наличие подсветки.
Бесконтактный детектор напряжения, бесконтактный детектор напряжения оптом
У каждого в доме пропадал свет и первое, что человек ощущает в этот момент так это растерянность. И вправду, без света, без электричества человечество сейчас никуда, оно насколько глубоко проникло в нашу жизнь, что мы попросту незнаем что делать, когда его резко отключают. Отключили ли только у меня свет: Какая причина? На все или другие вопросы в данном случае попробует вам дать ответ бесконтактный детектор напряжения.
Имея под рукой бесконтактный детектор напряжения вы без особых проблем сможете определить имеется ли фаза в выключателе или розетке, а также определить напряжение в водном автомате, либо же на счетчике.
Большинство мужчин предпочитают сегодня приобретать бесконтактный детектор напряжения с функцией бесконтактного использования . Безусловно, это чрезвычайно удобно и практично, ведь при помощи одного такого индикатора вы без особого труда сможете определить наличие либо же отсутствие фазы, а также проверить на целостность цепь в кабеле, предохранителе.
К возможностям бесконтактных индикаторов напряжения следует отнести в первую очередь то, что:
- он сможет найти металлический объект даже тот, который находится на глубине 5 см.
- бесконтактный детектор напряжения сможет с легкостью определить и переменное напряжение, которое варьируется в рамках от 70 до 600 В.
- бесконтактные детекторы напряжения смогут определить полярность в рамках от 6 до 36 В.
- также один такой индикатор сможет проверить на целостность цепь и определить микроволновое излучение. Все эти, а также множество других функций объединило в себе один лишь индикатор напряжения.
Индикатор оснащен не только световым оповещением, но и также звуковым, чтобы повышает уровень безопасности в его эксплуатации. В работе он весьма прост и незатейлив, таким образом, если вы, к примеру, обнаруживаете фазу и срабатывает красный свет и звучит сигнал, значит напряжение имеется. Более того, удобен и безопасен индикатор тем, что теперь вам и вовсе нет надобности оголять провода, достаточно просто приложить индикатор к изоляционному слою.
- Данный вид индикатора еще и удобен тем, что работает от двух батареек, которые по истечении свой работоспособности вы с легкостью сможете сменить.
- Изготовлен индикатор напряжения из высококачественного сырья, а именно из прочного пластика, потому можете не переживать данный индикатор в действительности может прослужить вам длительный срок.
Характеристики Voltage Alert IAC-D 90-1000VAC/LED Light:
Принцип работы определяет установившееся электростатическое поле, вызванное переменным напряжением, через изоляцию без необходимости контакта с оголенным проводником. При наличии напряжения индикатор наконечника загорается красным, и раздается звуковой сигнал (если он не отключен). Поиск провода через штукатурку.
Диапазоны измерения напряжения:
- Номинальный диапазон: от 90 В до 1000 В переменного тока (от 45 Гц до 405 Гц)
- Конструкция наконечника детектора плоский
- Источник света красный светодиод (индикация напряжения), белый светодиод (подсветка)
- Уровень безопасности 1000 В, CAT IV
- Степень защиты IP 54, IEC 1010
- Рабочая температура от -10 °C до 50 °C
- Диапазоны влажности рабочей среды от 0 % до 95 % при (от 0 °C до 30 °C);от 0 % до 75 % при (от 30 °C до 40 °C);от 0 % до 45 % при (от 40 °C до 55 °C)
- Высота над уровнем моря при эксплуатации 3000 метров
- Батареи
- В комплект поставки входят 2 щелочных элемента AA
Non-Contact Voltage Detector
Non-Contact Voltage Probe
Sensitivity range: 90 — 1000 Vac
Probe tip (Voltage sensor)
Probe body
Caution! Refer to the
Caution! Risk of electric
explanation in this
instruction sheet.
Double insulated
Canadian Standards
Conforms to relevant
Association (NRTL/C)
Australian standards
Do not dispose of this
Complies with
product as unsorted
European Directives.
municipal waste. Contact a
qualified recycler.
Equipment is for measurements performed at the source of a low
voltage installation. (i.e. electrical meters and measurements on
primary over current protection devices and ripple control units.)
For Use by Competent Persons
Anyone using this instrument should be knowledgeable and trained about
the risks involved with measuring voltage, especially in an industrial setting,
and the importance of taking safety precautions and of testing the instrument
before and after using it to ensure that it is in good working condition.
SaFety InFormatIon
to avoid possible electric shock or personal injury:
• If the Tester is used in a manner not specified by the manufacturer,
protection provided by the Tester may be affected.
• Test on a known live source within the rated ac voltage range of the
product, both before and after use to ensure unit is in good working
• When using the Tester, if tip does not glow, voltage could still be present.
The Tester indicates active voltage in the presence of electrostatic fields of
sufficient strength generated from the source voltage. If the field strength
is low, the Tester may not provide indication of live voltage. Lack of an
indication occurs if the Tester is unable to sense the presence of voltage
which may be influenced by several factors including, but not limited to:
— Shielded wire/cables
— Thickness and type of insulation
— Distance from the voltage source
— Fully-isolated users that prevent an effective ground
— Receptacles in recessed sockets/ differences in socket design
— Condition of the Tester and batteries
• Do not use if the Tester appears damaged or if the Tester is not operating
properly. Specifically examine the probe tip for cracks or breakage before
use. If in doubt, have the Tester serviced.
• Do not apply more than the rated voltage as marked on the Tester.
• Use caution with voltages above 30 V ac as a shock hazard may exist.
• Comply with local and national safety requirements.
• Use proper protective equipment as required by local or national
oPeratInG InStrUCtIonS
The product is always on and ready to use, subject to battery and Tester
CAT IV 1000V
Checking for the Presence of aC Voltage
Placing the tip of the Tester near an ac voltage (within the specified range of
Battery cap
the Tester) produces flashing illumination at the tip.
Testing receptacle:
LINE contact
VP-1000: Illuminates when ac voltage is detected.
battery rePlaCement
The Tester can be cleaned with a mild solution of water. Apply sparingly with
a soft cloth and allow to dry completely before using. Do not use aromatic
hydrocarbons, gasoline or chlorinated solvents for cleaning.
operating Voltage range: 90 Vac to 1000 Vac, 50 / 60 Hz
Deteccion VP-1000: Illuminates at approximately 10 mm (0.39 in) distance from
a wire carrying 120 Vac.
operating temperatures: 0°C to +50°C (32°F to 122°F),
Storage Conditions: -10°C to +50°C (14°F to 122°F),
operating altitude:
Power Supply: Two 1.5V AAA batteries
Dimensions (l x W x H): 155 x 24.5 x 21.5 mm (6.10 x 0.96 x 0.85 in)
Weight: Approximately 50 g (0.11 lb) with batteries installed
Safety Compliance: IEC 61010-1 3rd Ed., UL61010-1 2nd Ed. and CAN/CSA C22.2
No. 61010.1-0.92 to CAT IV 1000 V, Pollution degree 2, IP40
emC Compliance: IEC 61326-1
Testing wires:
95% RH
95% RH
2000 meters (CAT IV 1000 V)
limited Warranty and limitation of liability
Your Amprobe product will be free from defects in material and workmanship
for one year from the date of purchase, unless local laws require otherwise. This
warranty does not cover fuses, disposable batteries or damage from accident,
neglect, misuse, alteration, contamination, or abnormal conditions of operation
or handling. Resellers are not authorized to extend any other warranty on
the behalf of Amprobe. To obtain service during the warranty period, return
the product with proof of purchase to an authorized Amprobe Service Center
or to an Amprobe dealer or distributor. See Repair Section for details. THIS
THEORY. Since some states or countries do not allow the exclusion or limitation of
an implied warranty or of incidental or consequential damages, this limitation of
liability may not apply to you.
All test tools returned for warranty or non-warranty repair or for calibration
should be accompanied by the following: your name, company’s name,
address, telephone number, and proof of purchase. Additionally, please
include a brief description of the problem or the service requested and include
the test leads with the meter. Non-warranty repair or replacement charges
should be remitted in the form of a check, a money order, credit card with
expiration date, or a purchase order made payable to Amprobe®.
In-Warranty repairs and replacement – all Countries
Please read the warranty statement and check your battery before requesting
repair. During the warranty period any defective test tool can be returned
to your Amprobe® distributor for an exchange for the same or like product.
Please check the «Where to Buy» section on www.amprobe.com for a list
of distributors near you. Additionally, in the United States and Canada in-
warranty repair and replacement units can also be sent to a Amprobe® Service
non-Warranty repairs and replacement – US and Canada
Non-warranty repairs in the United States and Canada should be sent to a
Amprobe® Service Center. Call Amprobe® or inquire at your point of purchase
for current repair and replacement rates.
In Canada
Everett, WA 98203
Mississauga, ON L4Z 1X9
Tel: 877-AMPROBE (267-7623)
Tel: 905-890-7600
non-Warranty repairs and replacement – europe
European non-warranty units can be replaced by your Amprobe® distributor
for a nominal charge. Please check the «Where to Buy» section on www.
amprobe.com for a list of distributors near you.
European Correspondence Address*
Amprobe® Europe
Beha-Amprobe GmbH
In den Engematten 14
79286 Glottertal, Germany
Tel.: +49 (0) 7684 8009 — 0
*(Correspondence only – no repair or replacement available from this address.
European customers please contact your distributor.)
6/2014, Rev.03 ©2014 Amprobe.
All rights reserved. Printed in China
Please Recycle
- Цена: $4.38
- Перейти в магазин
прекрасный тестер напряжения, изготовлен из хорошего пластика на батарейках типа ААА. отсутствие металлического контакта для проверки напряжения. поиск фазы (например в стене) в радиусе 1см или чуть больше, как в заштукатуренной стене, так и в оголённом состоянии. световая и звуковая сигнализация напряжения проводнка под нагрузкой очень к стати.
Пришел в простом целофановом пакетике.
Индикатор фазы является относительно дешевым, удобным в работе и долговечным прибором.
Прибор включает в себя электронный блок и комплект батарей 2*ААА, расположенных в пластмассовом корпусе.(батареи не поставляются)
Технические характеристики:
Напряжение: 90 ~ 1000 В еременного тока
Питание от 2 х 1,5 В батареек ААА (не включены)
Цвет: желтый с серым и белым
Вес нетто: 25 г
Размеры (длина х ширина х толщина): 150 х 25 х 15 мм
Функциональные возможности:
Определение фазного провода и правильности монтажа розеток и другого электрооборудования.Определение обрыва ФАЗНОГО провода.Определение правильности подключения электросчетчиков, без нарушения пломб.
Внешний вид прибора.
В торце расположен светодиод подсветки.На верхней стороне кнопка включения подсветки.
Это индикатор в режиме контроля фазы.
Это в режиме подсветки.
Это со снятой крышкой батарейного отсека.
Были сняты характеристики чуствительности индикатора в зависимости от напряжения фазного провода.
Это график.
От сюда видно что чуствительность линейно зависит от напряжения.Ломаность линии связана с неточностью измерений.Чуствительность при напряжении 220 вольт составляет 10-11 миллиметров.Так что о поиске скрытой проводки говорить нечего.
Но есть один ньюанс при котором чуствительность можно увеличить больше чем в два раза.И тогда есть возможность контроля скрытой проводки.Для этого нужно вывести крайний контакт батареи наружу и измерения проводить касаясь этого контакта.Для обычных измерений такая чуствательность не нужна.Поэтому можно делать проще.При поиске скрытой проводки снять крышку батарейного отсека и касатся корпуса самой батарей при измерении.
Вообщем отличный приборчик.
Планирую купить
Добавить в избранное
Обзор понравился
Бесконтактный детектор напряжения
Артикул LC15
Состояние: Новый товар
За этот товар не начисляются бонусные баллы.
- Отправить другу
- Печать
Работать с бесконтактным тестером переменного напряжения нового поколения Voltage Alert IAC-D 90-1000VAC/LED Light очень легко. Просто дотроньтесь наконечником до клеммной коробки, вывода или кабеля. При наличии напряжения наконечник становится красным. Электрики, ремонтники, персонал по обслуживанию и безопасности, а также домовладельцы могут быстро и безопасно проверить наличие напряжения в сети как в производственных, так и в домашних условиях наличие подсветки.
Бесконтактный детектор напряжения, бесконтактный детектор напряжения оптом
У каждого в доме пропадал свет и первое, что человек ощущает в этот момент так это растерянность. И вправду, без света, без электричества человечество сейчас никуда, оно насколько глубоко проникло в нашу жизнь, что мы попросту незнаем что делать, когда его резко отключают. Отключили ли только у меня свет: Какая причина? На все или другие вопросы в данном случае попробует вам дать ответ бесконтактный детектор напряжения.
Имея под рукой бесконтактный детектор напряжения вы без особых проблем сможете определить имеется ли фаза в выключателе или розетке, а также определить напряжение в водном автомате, либо же на счетчике.
Большинство мужчин предпочитают сегодня приобретать бесконтактный детектор напряжения с функцией бесконтактного использования . Безусловно, это чрезвычайно удобно и практично, ведь при помощи одного такого индикатора вы без особого труда сможете определить наличие либо же отсутствие фазы, а также проверить на целостность цепь в кабеле, предохранителе.
К возможностям бесконтактных индикаторов напряжения следует отнести в первую очередь то, что:
- он сможет найти металлический объект даже тот, который находится на глубине 5 см.
- бесконтактный детектор напряжения сможет с легкостью определить и переменное напряжение, которое варьируется в рамках от 70 до 600 В.
- бесконтактные детекторы напряжения смогут определить полярность в рамках от 6 до 36 В.
- также один такой индикатор сможет проверить на целостность цепь и определить микроволновое излучение. Все эти, а также множество других функций объединило в себе один лишь индикатор напряжения.
Индикатор оснащен не только световым оповещением, но и также звуковым, чтобы повышает уровень безопасности в его эксплуатации. В работе он весьма прост и незатейлив, таким образом, если вы, к примеру, обнаруживаете фазу и срабатывает красный свет и звучит сигнал, значит напряжение имеется. Более того, удобен и безопасен индикатор тем, что теперь вам и вовсе нет надобности оголять провода, достаточно просто приложить индикатор к изоляционному слою.
- Данный вид индикатора еще и удобен тем, что работает от двух батареек, которые по истечении свой работоспособности вы с легкостью сможете сменить.
- Изготовлен индикатор напряжения из высококачественного сырья, а именно из прочного пластика, потому можете не переживать данный индикатор в действительности может прослужить вам длительный срок.
Характеристики Voltage Alert IAC-D 90-1000VAC/LED Light:
Принцип работы определяет установившееся электростатическое поле, вызванное переменным напряжением, через изоляцию без необходимости контакта с оголенным проводником. При наличии напряжения индикатор наконечника загорается красным, и раздается звуковой сигнал (если он не отключен). Поиск провода через штукатурку.
Диапазоны измерения напряжения:
- Номинальный диапазон: от 90 В до 1000 В переменного тока (от 45 Гц до 405 Гц)
- Конструкция наконечника детектора плоский
- Источник света красный светодиод (индикация напряжения), белый светодиод (подсветка)
- Уровень безопасности 1000 В, CAT IV
- Степень защиты IP 54, IEC 1010
- Рабочая температура от -10 °C до 50 °C
- Диапазоны влажности рабочей среды от 0 % до 95 % при (от 0 °C до 30 °C);от 0 % до 75 % при (от 30 °C до 40 °C);от 0 % до 45 % при (от 40 °C до 55 °C)
- Высота над уровнем моря при эксплуатации 3000 метров
- Батареи
- В комплект поставки входят 2 щелочных элемента AA
Non-Contact Voltage Detector
1 |
2 |
3 |
VP-1000SB |
Non-Contact Voltage Probe with Shaker |
Sensitivity range: 90 — 1000 Vac |
CAT IV 1000V |
1 Probe tip (Voltage sensor) |
2 Probe body |
3 Battery cap |
Symbols |
shock.Caution! Risk of electric |
Caution! Refer to the |
explanation in this |
instruction sheet. |
Double insulated |
Battery |
Canadian Standards |
Conforms to relevant |
Association (NRTL/C) |
Australian standards |
Do not dispose of this |
Complies with |
product as unsorted |
European Directives. |
municipal waste. Contact a |
qualified recycler. |
Equipment is for measurements performed at the source of a low CAT IV voltage installation. (i.e. electrical meters and measurements on
primary over current protection devices and ripple control units.)
For Use by Competent Persons
Anyone using this instrument should be knowledgeable and trained about the risks involved with measuring voltage, especially in an industrial setting, and the importance of taking safety precautions and of testing the instrument before and after using it to ensure that it is in good working condition.
Safety Information
To avoid possible electric shock or personal injury:
•If the Tester is used in a manner not specified by the manufacturer, protection provided by the Tester may be affected.
•Test on a known live source within the rated ac voltage range of the product, both before and after use to ensure unit is in good working condition.
•When using the Tester, if tip does not glow, voltage could still be present. The Tester indicates active voltage in the presence of electrostatic fields of sufficient strength generated from the source voltage. If the field strength is low, the Tester may not provide indication of live voltage. Lack of an indication occurs if the Tester is unable to sense the presence of voltage which may be influenced by several factors including, but not limited to:
—Shielded wire/cables
—Thickness and type of insulation
—Distance from the voltage source
—Fully-isolated users that prevent an effective ground
—Receptacles in recessed sockets/ differences in socket design
—Condition of the Tester and batteries
•Do not use if the Tester appears damaged or if the Tester is not operating properly. Specifically examine the probe tip for cracks or breakage before use. If in doubt, have the Tester serviced.
•Do not apply more than the rated voltage as marked on the Tester.
•Use caution with voltages above 30 V ac as a shock hazard may exist.
•Comply with local and national safety requirements.
•Use proper protective equipment as required by local or national authorities.
The product is always on and ready to use, subject to battery and Tester condition.
Checking for the Presence of AC Voltage
Placing the tip of the Tester near an ac voltage (within the specified range of the Tester) produces flashing illumination at the tip, continual beep, and vibration.
Testing receptacle: |
Testing wires: |
LINE contact |
VP-1000SB: Illuminates, beeps and vibrates when ac voltage is detected.
The Tester can be cleaned with a mild solution of water. Apply sparingly with a soft cloth and allow to dry completely before using. Do not use aromatic hydrocarbons, gasoline or chlorinated solvents for cleaning.
Detailed Specifications
Operating Voltage Range: 90 Vac to 1000 Vac, 50 / 60 Hz
VP-1000SB Sensitivity: Illuminates, beeps and vibrates at approximately 10 mm (0.39 in) distance from a wire carrying 120 Vac.
Operating Temperatures: 0°C to +50°C (32°F to 122°F), ≤95% RH Storage Conditions: -10°C to +50°C (14°F to 122°F), ≤95% RH Operating Altitude: ≤ 2000 meters (CAT IV 1000 V)
Power Supply: Two 1.5V AAA batteries
Dimensions (L x W x H): 155 x 24.5 x 21.5 mm (6.10 x 0.96 x 0.85 in) Weight: Approximately 50 g (0.11 lb) with batteries installed
Safety Compliance: IEC 61010-1 3rd Ed., UL61010-1 2nd Ed. and CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 61010.1-0.92 to CAT IV 1000 V, Pollution degree 2, IP40
EMC Compliance: IEC 61326-1
Limited Warranty and Limitation of Liability
Your Amprobe product will be free from defects in material and workmanship for one year from the date of purchase, unless local laws require otherwise. This warranty does not cover fuses, disposable batteries or damage from accident, neglect, misuse, alteration, contamination, or abnormal conditions of operation or handling. Resellers are not authorized to extend any other warranty on
the behalf of Amprobe. To obtain service during the warranty period, return the product with proof of purchase to an authorized Amprobe Service Center or to an Amprobe dealer or distributor. See Repair Section for details. THIS WARRANTY IS YOUR ONLY REMEDY. ALL OTHER WARRANTIES — WHETHER
EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STAUTORY — INCLUDING IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR MERCHANTABILITY, ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED. MANUFACTURER SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR LOSSES, ARISING FROM ANY CAUSE OR THEORY. Since some states or countries do not allow the exclusion or limitation of an implied warranty or of incidental or consequential damages, this limitation of liability may not apply to you.
All test tools returned for warranty or non-warranty repair or for calibration should be accompanied by the following: your name, company’s name, address, telephone number, and proof of purchase. Additionally, please include a brief description of the problem or the service requested and include the test leads with the meter. Non-warranty repair or replacement charges should be remitted in the form of a check, a money order, credit card with expiration date, or a purchase order made payable to Amprobe®.
In-Warranty Repairs and Replacement – All Countries
Please read the warranty statement and check your battery before requesting repair. During the warranty period any defective test tool can be returned
to your Amprobe® distributor for an exchange for the same or like product. Please check the “Where to Buy” section on www.amprobe.com for a list of distributors near you. Additionally, in the United States and Canada in-
warranty repair and replacement units can also be sent to a Amprobe® Service Center.
Non-Warranty Repairs and Replacement – US and Canada
Non-warranty repairs in the United States and Canada should be sent to a Amprobe® Service Center. Call Amprobe® or inquire at your point of purchase for current repair and replacement rates.
In USA |
In Canada |
Amprobe |
Amprobe |
Everett, WA 98203 |
Mississauga, ON L4Z 1X9 |
Tel: 877-AMPROBE (267-7623) |
Tel: 905-890-7600 |
Non-Warranty Repairs and Replacement – Europe
European non-warranty units can be replaced by your Amprobe® distributor for a nominal charge. Please check the “Where to Buy” section on www. amprobe.com for a list of distributors near you.
European Correspondence Address*
Amprobe® Europe Beha-Amprobe GmbH In den Engematten 14
79286 Glottertal, Germany Tel.: +49 (0) 7684 8009 — 0 www.amprobe.eu
*(Correspondence only – no repair or replacement available from this address. European customers please contact your distributor.)
Please Recycle v 5/2012, Rev.01 ©2012 Amprobe.
All rights reserved. Printed in China
Probe tip (Voltage sensor)
Probe body
Battery cap
Caution! Risk of electric
Caution! Refer to the
explanation in this
instruction sheet.
Double insulated Battery
Canadian Standards
Association (NRTL/C)
Conforms to relevant
Australian standards
Complies with
European Directives.
Do not dispose of this
product as unsorted
municipal waste. Contact a
qualified recycler.
Equipment is for measurements performed at the source of a low
voltage installation. (i.e. electrical meters and measurements on
primary over current protection devices and ripple control units.)
For Use by Competent Persons
Anyone using this instrument should be knowledgeable and trained about
the risks involved with measuring voltage, especially in an industrial setting,
and the importance of taking safety precautions and of testing the instrument
before and after using it to ensure that it is in good working condition.
To avoid possible electric shock or personal injury:
• If the Tester is used in a manner not specified by the manufacturer,
protection provided by the Tester may be affected.
• Test on a known live source within the rated ac voltage range of the
product, both before and after use to ensure unit is in good working
• When using the Tester, if tip does not glow, voltage could still be present.
The Tester indicates active voltage in the presence of electrostatic fields of
sufficient strength generated from the source voltage. If the field strength
is low, the Tester may not provide indication of live voltage. Lack of an
indication occurs if the Tester is unable to sense the presence of voltage
which may be influenced by several factors including, but not limited to:
— Shielded wire/cables
— Thickness and type of insulation
— Distance from the voltage source
— Fully-isolated users that prevent an effective ground
— Receptacles in recessed sockets/ differences in socket design
— Condition of the Tester and batteries
• Do not use if the Tester appears damaged or if the Tester is not operating
properly. Specifically examine the probe tip for cracks or breakage before
use. If in doubt, have the Tester serviced.
• Do not apply more than the rated voltage as marked on the Tester.
• Use caution with voltages above 30 V ac as a shock hazard may exist.
• Comply with local and national safety requirements.
• Use proper protective equipment as required by local or national
The product is always on and ready to use, subject to battery and Tester
Checking for the Presence of AC Voltage
Placing the tip of the Tester near an ac voltage (within the specified range
of the Tester) produces flashing illumination at the tip, continual beep, and
Testing receptacle: Testing wires:
LINE contact
VP-1000SB: Illuminates, beeps and vibrates when ac voltage is detected.
The Tester can be cleaned with a mild solution of water. Apply sparingly with
a soft cloth and allow to dry completely before using. Do not use aromatic
hydrocarbons, gasoline or chlorinated solvents for cleaning.
Operating Voltage Range: 90 Vac to 1000 Vac, 50 / 60 Hz
VP-1000SB Sensitivity: Illuminates, beeps and vibrates at approximately 10 mm
(0.39 in) distance from a wire carrying 120 Vac.
Operating Temperatures: 0°C to +50°C (32°F to 122°F), ≤95% RH
Storage Conditions: —10°C to +50°C (14°F to 122°F), ≤95% RH
Operating Altitude: ≤ 2000 meters (CAT IV 1000 V)
Power Supply: Two 1.5V AAA batteries
Dimensions (L x W x H): 155 x 24.5 x 21.5 mm (6.10 x 0.96 x 0.85 in)
Weight: Approximately 50 g (0.11 lb) with batteries installed
Safety Compliance: IEC 61010-1 3rd Ed., UL61010-1 2nd Ed. and CAN/CSA C22.2
No. 61010.1-0.92 to CAT IV 1000 V, Pollution degree 2, IP40
EMC Compliance: IEC 61326-1
Limited Warranty and Limitation of Liability
Your Amprobe product will be free from defects in material and workmanship
for one year from the date of purchase, unless local laws require otherwise. This
warranty does not cover fuses, disposable batteries or damage from accident,
neglect, misuse, alteration, contamination, or abnormal conditions of operation
or handling. Resellers are not authorized to extend any other warranty on
the behalf of Amprobe. To obtain service during the warranty period, return
the product with proof of purchase to an authorized Amprobe Service Center
or to an Amprobe dealer or distributor. See Repair Section for details. THIS
THEORY. Since some states or countries do not allow the exclusion or limitation of
an implied warranty or of incidental or consequential damages, this limitation of
liability may not apply to you.
All test tools returned for warranty or non-warranty repair or for calibration
should be accompanied by the following: your name, company’s name,
address, telephone number, and proof of purchase. Additionally, please
include a brief description of the problem or the service requested and include
the test leads with the meter. Non-warranty repair or replacement charges
should be remitted in the form of a check, a money order, credit card with
expiration date, or a purchase order made payable to Amprobe®.
In-Warranty Repairs and Replacement – All Countries
Please read the warranty statement and check your battery before requesting
repair. During the warranty period any defective test tool can be returned
to your Amprobe® distributor for an exchange for the same or like product.
Please check the “Where to Buy” section on www.amprobe.com for a list
of distributors near you. Additionally, in the United States and Canada in—
warranty repair and replacement units can also be sent to a Amprobe® Service
Non-Warranty Repairs and Replacement – US and Canada
Non-warranty repairs in the United States and Canada should be sent to a
Amprobe® Service Center. Call Amprobe® or inquire at your point of purchase
for current repair and replacement rates.
In USA In Canada
Amprobe Amprobe
Everett, WA 98203 Mississauga, ON L4Z 1X9
Tel: 877-AMPROBE (267-7623) Tel: 905-890-7600
Non-Warranty Repairs and Replacement – Europe
European non-warranty units can be replaced by your Amprobe® distributor
for a nominal charge. Please check the “Where to Buy” section on www.
amprobe.com for a list of distributors near you.
European Correspondence Address*
Amprobe® Europe
Beha-Amprobe GmbH
In den Engematten 14
79286 Glottertal, Germany
Tel.: +49 (0) 7684 8009 — 0
*(Correspondence only – no repair or replacement available from this address.
European customers please contact your distributor.)
Non-Contact Voltage Detector
5/2012, Rev.01 ©2012 Amprobe.
All rights reserved. Printed in China
Non-Contact Voltage Probe with Shaker
Sensitivity range: 90 — 1000 Vac
CAT IV 1000V
1 2
Please Recycle v