Satec pm130p plus руководство по эксплуатации

Satec PM130P Reference Manual

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Series PM130 PLUS Powermeters


PROFIBUS DP Communications Protocol

Reference Guide

BG0444 Rev. A2


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Summary of Contents for Satec PM130P

  • Page 1
    Series PM130 PLUS Powermeters PM130P/PM130E/PM130EH PROFIBUS DP Communications Protocol Reference Guide BG0444 Rev. A2…
  • Page 2
    Every effort has been made to ensure that the material herein is complete and accurate. However, the manufacturer is not responsible for any mistakes in printing or faulty instructions contained in this book. Notification of any errors or misprints will be received with appreciation.
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    Table of Contents 1 GENERAL ………………….5 2 PROFIBUS DP PROTOCOL IMPLEMENTATION ……….6 PROFIBUS ID N GSD-F ………………6 UMBER AND PROFIBUS V ………………….6 ERSION ………………………6 ATES ……………………6 DDRESS ………………..6 NPUT AND UTPUT UFFERS ………………..6 XTENDED IAGNOSTIC PROFIBUS F …………………6 AULT CTION …………………….6 US IN LINE…

  • Page 4
    Setpoint Status SP1-SP16 (bitmap) ………………… 20 ………………21 INIMUM AXIMUM EGISTERS Minimum Phase Values ……………………21 Minimum Total Values…………………….. 21 Minimum Auxiliary Values ……………………21 Maximum Phase Values ……………………21 Maximum Total Values……………………. 22 Maximum Auxiliary Values ……………………22 Maximum Demands ……………………..22 …………….24 EVICE ONTROL AND…
  • Page 5: General

    1 General This document specifies the PM130 PROFIBUS DP messaging protocol used to transfer data between a master PROFIBUS station and the PM130. The document provides the complete information necessary to develop third-party communications software capable of communication with the Series PM130 PLUS devices. Additional information concerning communications operation, configuring the communications parameters, and communications connections is found in «Series PM130 PLUS Powermeters, Installation and Operation Manual».

  • Page 6: Profibus Dp Protocol Implementation

    2 PROFIBUS DP Protocol Implementation 2.1 PROFIBUS ID Number and GSD-File The PM130 uses the certified AnyBus®-IC PROFIBUS communication module from HMS Industrial Networks AB with the registered PROFIBUS ID number 0x1810. The GSD file hms_1810.gsd is shown in Section 6 and is provided with the device on an accompanying 2.2 PROFIBUS Version The PM130 supports the basic version V0 of the PROFIBUS DP protocol.

  • Page 7: Profibus Messaging Protocol

    2.8 PROFIBUS Messaging Protocol Overview Since the PM130 transfer buffers only support 32 bytes or less transfer blocks, all of the device registers cannot possibly be sent over PROFIBUS DP every scan. However, a messaging mechanism allows a master to access all the device registers by placing a command request pointing to the requested items in the output buffer and by receiving a corresponding response in the input buffer.

  • Page 8: Device Response Block

    Table 2-1 Read Request Block Bytes Description Range Type Notes Command control See Table 2-3 UINT16 Start point ID 0x0000-0xFFFF UINT16 Table 2-2 Write Request Block Bytes Description Range Type Notes Command control See Table 2-3 UINT16 Start point ID 0x0000-0xFFFF UINT16 4-31…

  • Page 9: Transfer Synchronization

    Byte Bits Description Range Notes 5-6 Unused 7 Synchronization bit Synchronized with the master synchronization bit when command handling is completed 0-3 Word count 0-14 Indicates the number of words in the data block 4-7 Exception code See Table 2-7 Note: Bit 0 is a least significant bit (LSB).

  • Page 10
    — Raw input data in the range of RAW_LO to RAW_HI ENG_LO, — Data low and high scales in engineering units (see Section 4 for device data ENG_HI scales) RAW_LO — Low conversion scale for raw device data: RAW_LO = -32768 for a point with a negative LO scale, RAW_LO = 0 for a point with a zero or positive LO scale RAW_Hi — High conversion scale for raw device data: RAW_HI = 32767…
  • Page 11
    b) Assume device settings (wiring via PT): Wiring 4LN3; PT = 120; CT primary current = 200A; Voltage scale = 144V. Active Power engineering scales (see Section 4): ENG_HI = Pmax = Vmax × Imax × 3 = (144 × 120) × (200.00 × 2) × 3/1000 = 20,736kW ENG_LO = -Pmax = -20,736kW If the raw data reading is 12000 then the power reading in engineering units will be as follows: Watts reading = (12000 — (-32768)) ×…
  • Page 12: Device Register Map

    3 Device Register Map 3.1 Analog Registers, Binary Registers and Counters Point ID Description Type Notes Options/Range Units 0x0000 None UINT16 Special Inputs 0x0101 Phase rotation order 0=error, 1=positive (ABC), UINT16 2=negative (CBA) Counters 0x0A00 Counter #1 0-99,999 UINT32 0x0A01 Counter #2 0-99,999 UINT32 0x0A02 Counter #3…

  • Page 13: 1-Cycle Total Values

    Point ID Description Type Notes Options/Range Units 0x0C1B I1 Current TDD 0-1000 ×0.1% UINT16 2-cycle value 0x0C1C I2 Current TDD 0-1000 ×0.1% UINT16 2-cycle value 0x0C1D I3 Current TDD 0-1000 ×0.1% UINT16 2-cycle value 0x0C1E V12 Voltage 0-Vmax UINT16 0x0C1F V23 Voltage 0-Vmax UINT16 0x0C20 V31 Voltage…

  • Page 14: 1-Second Phase Values

    Point ID Description Type Notes Options/Range Units 1-Second Phase Values 0x1100 V1/V12 Voltage 0-Vmax UINT32 0x1101 V2/V23 Voltage 0-Vmax UINT32 0x1102 V3/V31 Voltage 0-Vmax UINT32 0x1103 I1 Current 0-Imax UINT32 0x1104 I2 Current 0-Imax UINT32 0x1105 I3 Current 0-Imax UINT32 0x1106 kW L1 -Pmax-Pmax INT32…

  • Page 15: 1-Second Auxiliary Values

    Point ID Description Type Notes Options/Range Units 0x1408 Total kvar import 0-Pmax UINT32 0x1409 Total kvar export 0-Pmax UINT32 0x140A 3-phase average L-N/L-L voltage 0-Vmax UINT32 0x140B 3-phase average L-L voltage 0-Vmax UINT32 0x140C 3-phase average current 0-Imax UINT32 1-Second Auxiliary Values 0x1500 Not used UINT32 0x1501 In (neutral) Current…

  • Page 16: Total Energies E

    Point ID Description Type Notes Options/Range Units 0x161F Not used UINT32 0x1620 Not used UINT32 0x1621 Not used UINT32 0x1622 In Ampere demand 0-Imax UINT32 Total Energies 0x1700 kWh import 0-999,999,999 UINT32 0x1701 kWh export 0-999,999,999 UINT32 0x1702 Not used INT32 0x1703 Not used UINT32…

  • Page 17: V2/V23 Harmonic Distortions

    Point ID Description Type Notes Options/Range Units V2/V23 Harmonic Distortions 0x1A00 H01 Harmonic distortion 0-10000 0.01% UINT16 0x1A01 H02 Harmonic distortion 0-10000 0.01% UINT16 0x1A27 H40 Harmonic distortion 0-10000 0.01% UINT16 V3/V31 Harmonic Distortions 0x1B00 H01 Harmonic distortion 0-10000 0.01% UINT16 0x1B01 H02 Harmonic distortion 0-10000…

  • Page 18: Fundamental Total Values

    Point ID Description Type Notes Options/Range Units 0x290F Power factor L1 -1000-1000 ×0.001 INT16 0x2910 Power factor L2 -1000-1000 ×0.001 INT16 0x2911 Power factor L3 -1000-1000 ×0.001 INT16 Fundamental Total Values 2-cycle values 0x2A00 Total fundamental kW -Pmax-Pmax INT32 0x2A01 Total fundamental kvar -Pmax-Pmax INT32 0x2A02 Total fundamental kVA…

  • Page 19: V1/V12 Harmonic Angles

    Point ID Description Type Notes Options/Range Units 0x3702 V3/V31 Maximum volt demand 0-Vmax UINT32 0x3703 I1 Maximum ampere demand 0-Imax UINT32 0x3704 I2 Maximum ampere demand 0-Imax UINT32 0x3705 I3 Maximum ampere demand 0-Imax UINT32 0x3706 Not used UINT32 0x3707 Not used UINT32 0x3708 Not used UINT32…

  • Page 20: I3 Harmonic Angles

    Point ID Description Type Notes Options/Range Units 0x6800 H02 Harmonic angle -1800-1800 ×0.1º INT16 0x6827 H40 Harmonic angle -1800-1800 ×0.1º INT16 I3 Harmonic Angles 0x6900 H01 Harmonic angle -1800-1800 ×0.1º INT16 0x6900 H02 Harmonic angle -1800-1800 ×0.1º INT16 0x6927 H40 Harmonic angle -1800-1800 ×0.1º…

  • Page 21: Minimum/Maximum Log Registers

    3.2 Minimum/Maximum Log Registers Point ID Description Type Notes Options/Range/Format Units Minimum Phase Values 0xB000 Min. V1/V12 Voltage 0-Vmax UINT32 0xB001 Timestamp UINT32 0xB002 Min. V2/V23 Voltage 0-Vmax UINT32 0xB003 Timestamp UINT32 0xB004 Min. V3/V31 Voltage 0-Vmax UINT32 0xB005 Timestamp UINT32 0xB006 Min.

  • Page 22: Maximum Total Values

    Point ID Description Type Notes Options/Range/Format Units 0xB20A Max. I3 Current 0-Imax UINT32 0xB20B Timestamp UINT32 Maximum Total Values 0xB280 Max. Total kW -Pmax-Pmax INT32 0xB281 Timestamp UINT32 0xB282 Max. Total kvar -Pmax-Pmax INT32 0xB283 Timestamp UINT32 0xB284 Max. Total kVA 0-Pmax UINT32 0xB285…

  • Page 23
    Point ID Description Type Notes Options/Range/Format Units 0xB399 UINT32 0xB39A Not used UINT32 0xB39B UINT32 0xB39C Not used UINT32 0xB39D UINT32 0xB39E Maximum kW export sliding window demand 0-Pmax UINT32 0xB39F Timestamp UINT32 0xB3A0 Maximum kvar export sliding window demand 0-Pmax UINT32 0xB3A1…
  • Page 24: Device Control And Status Registers

    3.3 Device Control and Status Registers Point ID Description Options/Range Units Type Notes Device Reset/Clear Registers 0xA000 Clear total energy registers UINT16 Read as 0 0xA001 Clear total maximum demand registers 0 = Clear all maximum demands UINT16 1 = Clear power demands 2 = Clear volt and ampere demands 0xA004 Clear pulse counters 0 = Clear all counters…

  • Page 25: Device Setup Registers

    +0 Device serial number 0-999999 UINT32 +1 Device model ID 13010=PM130P, 13011=PM130A, UINT32 13020=PM130E, 13030-13032=PM130EH 13010=PM130P, 13030=PM130EH +2-5 Device model name “PM130P”, “PM130A”, “PM130E”, UINT32 Null-terminated string “PM130EH” +6 Device options (bitmap) UINT32 Not used +7-9 Reserved UINT32 +10 Device firmware version number…

  • Page 26: Basic Setup

    Address Description Options/Range Units Type Notes +3 Baud rate COM1: 1=300 bps, 2=600 bps, UINT16 COM2 baud rate does not concern the 3=1200 bps, 4=2400 bps, 5=4800 PROFIBUS baud rate bps, 6=9600 bps, 7=19200 bps, 8=38400 bps, 9=57600 bps, 10=115200 bps COM2: 9=57600 bps +4 Data format COM1: 0=7 bits/even parity,…

  • Page 27: Clock Setup

    Address Description Options/Range Units Type Notes +2 Phase energy calculation mode 0=disabled, 1=enabled UINT16 +3-9 Reserved UINT16 Read as 65535 +10 Energy LED test mode 0=disabled, 1=Wh test, 2=varh test UINT16 LED pulse rate is 10,000 pulses/kWh +11 Starting voltage, percent of FS voltage 15-50 ×0.1% UINT16…

  • Page 28: Data Scales And Units

    4 Data Scales and Units Code Condition Value/Range Notes Data Scales Vmax Voltage scale × PT Ratio, V Imax Current scale × CT Ratio, A 1, 3 Pmax Wiring 4LN3, 3LN3, 3BLN3 Vmax × Imax × 3, W Wiring 4LL3, 3LL3, 3BLL3, Vmax ×…

  • Page 29: Data Formats

    5 Data Formats Format Code Value Description Notes Timestamp Local time in a UNIX-style format. Represents the number 946684800 to of seconds since midnight (00:00:00), January 1, 1970. 2145916799 The time is valid after January 1, 2000. allowed Wiring Mode 3OP2 — 3-wire open delta using 2 CTs (2 element) 4LN3 — 4-wire WYE using 3 PTs (3 element), line-to- neutral voltage readings…

  • Page 30: Device Gsd File

    6 Device GSD File ;============================================================ ; Profibus Device Database of HMS Industrial Networks AB ; Model : ANYBUS-IC PDP ; Description : ANYBUS-IC Profibus DP slave ; Language : English ; Date : 30 September 2003 ; Author : HMS Industrial Networks AB ;…

  • Page 31
    Implementation_Type = «SPC3» ; Supported DP features Freeze_Mode_supp ; supported Sync_Mode_supp ; supported Auto_Baud_supp ; supported Set_Slave_Add_supp ; supported ; Maximum polling frequency Min_Slave_Intervall ; 100 us ; Maximum supported sizes Modular_Station ; modular Max_Module = 24 Max_Input_Len = 48 Max_Output_Len = 48 Max_Data_Len…
  • Page 32
    Module = «OUTPUT: 4 Byte ( 2 word)» 0x61 EndModule Module = «OUTPUT: 8 Byte ( 4 word)» 0x63 EndModule Module = «OUTPUT: 16 Byte ( 8 word)» 0x67 EndModule Module = «OUTPUT: 32 Byte (16 word)» 0x6F EndModule…

  • Page 1
    Series PM130 PLUS Powermeters PM130P/PM130E/PM130EH PROFIBUS DP Communications Protocol Reference Guide BG0444 Rev. A2…
  • Page 2
    Every effort has been made to ensure that the material herein is complete and accurate. However, the manufacturer is not responsible for any mistakes in printing or faulty instructions contained in this book. Notification of any errors or misprints will be received with appreciation.
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    Table of Contents 1 GENERAL ………………….5 2 PROFIBUS DP PROTOCOL IMPLEMENTATION ……….6 PROFIBUS ID N GSD-F ………………6 UMBER AND PROFIBUS V ………………….6 ERSION ………………………6 ATES ……………………6 DDRESS ………………..6 NPUT AND UTPUT UFFERS ………………..6 XTENDED IAGNOSTIC PROFIBUS F …………………6 AULT CTION …………………….6 US IN LINE…

  • Page 4
    Setpoint Status SP1-SP16 (bitmap) ………………… 20 ………………21 INIMUM AXIMUM EGISTERS Minimum Phase Values ……………………21 Minimum Total Values…………………….. 21 Minimum Auxiliary Values ……………………21 Maximum Phase Values ……………………21 Maximum Total Values……………………. 22 Maximum Auxiliary Values ……………………22 Maximum Demands ……………………..22 …………….24 EVICE ONTROL AND…
  • Page 5: General

    1 General This document specifies the PM130 PROFIBUS DP messaging protocol used to transfer data between a master PROFIBUS station and the PM130. The document provides the complete information necessary to develop third-party communications software capable of communication with the Series PM130 PLUS devices. Additional information concerning communications operation, configuring the communications parameters, and communications connections is found in «Series PM130 PLUS Powermeters, Installation and Operation Manual».

  • Page 6: Profibus Dp Protocol Implementation

    2 PROFIBUS DP Protocol Implementation 2.1 PROFIBUS ID Number and GSD-File The PM130 uses the certified AnyBus®-IC PROFIBUS communication module from HMS Industrial Networks AB with the registered PROFIBUS ID number 0x1810. The GSD file hms_1810.gsd is shown in Section 6 and is provided with the device on an accompanying 2.2 PROFIBUS Version The PM130 supports the basic version V0 of the PROFIBUS DP protocol.

  • Page 7: Profibus Messaging Protocol

    2.8 PROFIBUS Messaging Protocol Overview Since the PM130 transfer buffers only support 32 bytes or less transfer blocks, all of the device registers cannot possibly be sent over PROFIBUS DP every scan. However, a messaging mechanism allows a master to access all the device registers by placing a command request pointing to the requested items in the output buffer and by receiving a corresponding response in the input buffer.

  • Page 8: Device Response Block

    Table 2-1 Read Request Block Bytes Description Range Type Notes Command control See Table 2-3 UINT16 Start point ID 0x0000-0xFFFF UINT16 Table 2-2 Write Request Block Bytes Description Range Type Notes Command control See Table 2-3 UINT16 Start point ID 0x0000-0xFFFF UINT16 4-31…

  • Page 9: Transfer Synchronization

    Byte Bits Description Range Notes 5-6 Unused 7 Synchronization bit Synchronized with the master synchronization bit when command handling is completed 0-3 Word count 0-14 Indicates the number of words in the data block 4-7 Exception code See Table 2-7 Note: Bit 0 is a least significant bit (LSB).

  • Page 10
    — Raw input data in the range of RAW_LO to RAW_HI ENG_LO, — Data low and high scales in engineering units (see Section 4 for device data ENG_HI scales) RAW_LO — Low conversion scale for raw device data: RAW_LO = -32768 for a point with a negative LO scale, RAW_LO = 0 for a point with a zero or positive LO scale RAW_Hi — High conversion scale for raw device data: RAW_HI = 32767…
  • Page 11
    b) Assume device settings (wiring via PT): Wiring 4LN3; PT = 120; CT primary current = 200A; Voltage scale = 144V. Active Power engineering scales (see Section 4): ENG_HI = Pmax = Vmax × Imax × 3 = (144 × 120) × (200.00 × 2) × 3/1000 = 20,736kW ENG_LO = -Pmax = -20,736kW If the raw data reading is 12000 then the power reading in engineering units will be as follows: Watts reading = (12000 — (-32768)) ×…
  • Page 12: Device Register Map

    3 Device Register Map 3.1 Analog Registers, Binary Registers and Counters Point ID Description Type Notes Options/Range Units 0x0000 None UINT16 Special Inputs 0x0101 Phase rotation order 0=error, 1=positive (ABC), UINT16 2=negative (CBA) Counters 0x0A00 Counter #1 0-99,999 UINT32 0x0A01 Counter #2 0-99,999 UINT32 0x0A02 Counter #3…

  • Page 13: 1-Cycle Total Values

    Point ID Description Type Notes Options/Range Units 0x0C1B I1 Current TDD 0-1000 ×0.1% UINT16 2-cycle value 0x0C1C I2 Current TDD 0-1000 ×0.1% UINT16 2-cycle value 0x0C1D I3 Current TDD 0-1000 ×0.1% UINT16 2-cycle value 0x0C1E V12 Voltage 0-Vmax UINT16 0x0C1F V23 Voltage 0-Vmax UINT16 0x0C20 V31 Voltage…

  • Page 14: 1-Second Phase Values

    Point ID Description Type Notes Options/Range Units 1-Second Phase Values 0x1100 V1/V12 Voltage 0-Vmax UINT32 0x1101 V2/V23 Voltage 0-Vmax UINT32 0x1102 V3/V31 Voltage 0-Vmax UINT32 0x1103 I1 Current 0-Imax UINT32 0x1104 I2 Current 0-Imax UINT32 0x1105 I3 Current 0-Imax UINT32 0x1106 kW L1 -Pmax-Pmax INT32…

  • Page 15: 1-Second Auxiliary Values

    Point ID Description Type Notes Options/Range Units 0x1408 Total kvar import 0-Pmax UINT32 0x1409 Total kvar export 0-Pmax UINT32 0x140A 3-phase average L-N/L-L voltage 0-Vmax UINT32 0x140B 3-phase average L-L voltage 0-Vmax UINT32 0x140C 3-phase average current 0-Imax UINT32 1-Second Auxiliary Values 0x1500 Not used UINT32 0x1501 In (neutral) Current…

  • Page 16: Total Energies E

    Point ID Description Type Notes Options/Range Units 0x161F Not used UINT32 0x1620 Not used UINT32 0x1621 Not used UINT32 0x1622 In Ampere demand 0-Imax UINT32 Total Energies 0x1700 kWh import 0-999,999,999 UINT32 0x1701 kWh export 0-999,999,999 UINT32 0x1702 Not used INT32 0x1703 Not used UINT32…

  • Page 17: V2/V23 Harmonic Distortions

    Point ID Description Type Notes Options/Range Units V2/V23 Harmonic Distortions 0x1A00 H01 Harmonic distortion 0-10000 0.01% UINT16 0x1A01 H02 Harmonic distortion 0-10000 0.01% UINT16 0x1A27 H40 Harmonic distortion 0-10000 0.01% UINT16 V3/V31 Harmonic Distortions 0x1B00 H01 Harmonic distortion 0-10000 0.01% UINT16 0x1B01 H02 Harmonic distortion 0-10000…

  • Page 18: Fundamental Total Values

    Point ID Description Type Notes Options/Range Units 0x290F Power factor L1 -1000-1000 ×0.001 INT16 0x2910 Power factor L2 -1000-1000 ×0.001 INT16 0x2911 Power factor L3 -1000-1000 ×0.001 INT16 Fundamental Total Values 2-cycle values 0x2A00 Total fundamental kW -Pmax-Pmax INT32 0x2A01 Total fundamental kvar -Pmax-Pmax INT32 0x2A02 Total fundamental kVA…

  • Page 19: V1/V12 Harmonic Angles

    Point ID Description Type Notes Options/Range Units 0x3702 V3/V31 Maximum volt demand 0-Vmax UINT32 0x3703 I1 Maximum ampere demand 0-Imax UINT32 0x3704 I2 Maximum ampere demand 0-Imax UINT32 0x3705 I3 Maximum ampere demand 0-Imax UINT32 0x3706 Not used UINT32 0x3707 Not used UINT32 0x3708 Not used UINT32…

  • Page 20: I3 Harmonic Angles

    Point ID Description Type Notes Options/Range Units 0x6800 H02 Harmonic angle -1800-1800 ×0.1º INT16 0x6827 H40 Harmonic angle -1800-1800 ×0.1º INT16 I3 Harmonic Angles 0x6900 H01 Harmonic angle -1800-1800 ×0.1º INT16 0x6900 H02 Harmonic angle -1800-1800 ×0.1º INT16 0x6927 H40 Harmonic angle -1800-1800 ×0.1º…

  • Page 21: Minimum/Maximum Log Registers

    3.2 Minimum/Maximum Log Registers Point ID Description Type Notes Options/Range/Format Units Minimum Phase Values 0xB000 Min. V1/V12 Voltage 0-Vmax UINT32 0xB001 Timestamp UINT32 0xB002 Min. V2/V23 Voltage 0-Vmax UINT32 0xB003 Timestamp UINT32 0xB004 Min. V3/V31 Voltage 0-Vmax UINT32 0xB005 Timestamp UINT32 0xB006 Min.

  • Page 22: Maximum Total Values

    Point ID Description Type Notes Options/Range/Format Units 0xB20A Max. I3 Current 0-Imax UINT32 0xB20B Timestamp UINT32 Maximum Total Values 0xB280 Max. Total kW -Pmax-Pmax INT32 0xB281 Timestamp UINT32 0xB282 Max. Total kvar -Pmax-Pmax INT32 0xB283 Timestamp UINT32 0xB284 Max. Total kVA 0-Pmax UINT32 0xB285…

  • Page 23
    Point ID Description Type Notes Options/Range/Format Units 0xB399 UINT32 0xB39A Not used UINT32 0xB39B UINT32 0xB39C Not used UINT32 0xB39D UINT32 0xB39E Maximum kW export sliding window demand 0-Pmax UINT32 0xB39F Timestamp UINT32 0xB3A0 Maximum kvar export sliding window demand 0-Pmax UINT32 0xB3A1…
  • Page 24: Device Control And Status Registers

    3.3 Device Control and Status Registers Point ID Description Options/Range Units Type Notes Device Reset/Clear Registers 0xA000 Clear total energy registers UINT16 Read as 0 0xA001 Clear total maximum demand registers 0 = Clear all maximum demands UINT16 1 = Clear power demands 2 = Clear volt and ampere demands 0xA004 Clear pulse counters 0 = Clear all counters…

  • Page 25: Device Setup Registers

    +0 Device serial number 0-999999 UINT32 +1 Device model ID 13010=PM130P, 13011=PM130A, UINT32 13020=PM130E, 13030-13032=PM130EH 13010=PM130P, 13030=PM130EH +2-5 Device model name “PM130P”, “PM130A”, “PM130E”, UINT32 Null-terminated string “PM130EH” +6 Device options (bitmap) UINT32 Not used +7-9 Reserved UINT32 +10 Device firmware version number…

  • Page 26: Basic Setup

    Address Description Options/Range Units Type Notes +3 Baud rate COM1: 1=300 bps, 2=600 bps, UINT16 COM2 baud rate does not concern the 3=1200 bps, 4=2400 bps, 5=4800 PROFIBUS baud rate bps, 6=9600 bps, 7=19200 bps, 8=38400 bps, 9=57600 bps, 10=115200 bps COM2: 9=57600 bps +4 Data format COM1: 0=7 bits/even parity,…

  • Page 27: Clock Setup

    Address Description Options/Range Units Type Notes +2 Phase energy calculation mode 0=disabled, 1=enabled UINT16 +3-9 Reserved UINT16 Read as 65535 +10 Energy LED test mode 0=disabled, 1=Wh test, 2=varh test UINT16 LED pulse rate is 10,000 pulses/kWh +11 Starting voltage, percent of FS voltage 15-50 ×0.1% UINT16…

  • Page 28: Data Scales And Units

    4 Data Scales and Units Code Condition Value/Range Notes Data Scales Vmax Voltage scale × PT Ratio, V Imax Current scale × CT Ratio, A 1, 3 Pmax Wiring 4LN3, 3LN3, 3BLN3 Vmax × Imax × 3, W Wiring 4LL3, 3LL3, 3BLL3, Vmax ×…

  • Page 29: Data Formats

    5 Data Formats Format Code Value Description Notes Timestamp Local time in a UNIX-style format. Represents the number 946684800 to of seconds since midnight (00:00:00), January 1, 1970. 2145916799 The time is valid after January 1, 2000. allowed Wiring Mode 3OP2 — 3-wire open delta using 2 CTs (2 element) 4LN3 — 4-wire WYE using 3 PTs (3 element), line-to- neutral voltage readings…

  • Page 30: Device Gsd File

    6 Device GSD File ;============================================================ ; Profibus Device Database of HMS Industrial Networks AB ; Model : ANYBUS-IC PDP ; Description : ANYBUS-IC Profibus DP slave ; Language : English ; Date : 30 September 2003 ; Author : HMS Industrial Networks AB ;…

  • Page 31
    Implementation_Type = «SPC3» ; Supported DP features Freeze_Mode_supp ; supported Sync_Mode_supp ; supported Auto_Baud_supp ; supported Set_Slave_Add_supp ; supported ; Maximum polling frequency Min_Slave_Intervall ; 100 us ; Maximum supported sizes Modular_Station ; modular Max_Module = 24 Max_Input_Len = 48 Max_Output_Len = 48 Max_Data_Len…
  • Page 32
    Module = «OUTPUT: 4 Byte ( 2 word)» 0x61 EndModule Module = «OUTPUT: 8 Byte ( 4 word)» 0x63 EndModule Module = «OUTPUT: 16 Byte ( 8 word)» 0x67 EndModule Module = «OUTPUT: 32 Byte (16 word)» 0x6F EndModule…

(Ocr-Read Summary of Contents of some pages of the Satec PM130 PLUS Document (Main Content), UPD: 29 April 2023)

  • 39, Chapter 2 Installation Communications C O N N E C T I O N S PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 39 Figure 2-31 TOU RTC Battery Replacement 2.6 Communications Connections Before installing the Communication Module, ensure that all incoming power sources are shut OFF. Failure to observe this practice can result in serious or even fatal injury and damage to equipment. Several communication options are avail…

  • 145, Appendix C S E T P O I N T T R I G G E R S A N D A C T I O N S PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 145 Appendix C Setpoint Triggers and Actions Table 35: Setpoint Triggers Display Code Designation Description nonE NONE None (condition is not active) Status Inputs S1.On STAT INP #1 ON Status input #1 ON S2.On STAT INP #2 ON Status input #2 ON S3.On STAT INP #3 ON Status input #3 ON S4.On STAT INP #4 O…

  • 60, Satec PM130 PLUS Chapter 3 Using F R O N T D I S P L A Y Using T H E M E N U S 60 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 2. If the parameter is represented by a list of values, select the required option with the UP or DOWN arrow buttons. 3. If the parameter is represented by a numeric value, adjust the number with the UP or DOWN arrow buttons. When the button is briefly pressed…

  • 144, Appendix B Analog Output P A R A M E T E R S 144 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series Display Code Designation Description Acd.q.i kvar IMP ACD Accumulated kvar import demand Acd.q.E kvar EXP ACD Accumulated kvar export demand Acd.S kVA ACD Accumulated kVA demand 1 In 4LN3, 3LN3 and 3BLN3 wiring modes, the voltages will be line-to- neutral; for any other wiring mode, they will b…

  • 91, Chapter 5 Configuring T H E P M 1 3 0 P L U S General M E T E R S E T U P PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 91 Table 27: Display Setup Options Display Label Parameter Options Default Description UPdt Display update rate 0.1-10.0 sec 1 sec Defines the interval between display updates ScrL Auto scroll interval None, 2-15 sec None Defines the scroll interval for the main data display or disables auto scroll rEtn Au…

  • 114, Satec PM130 PLUS Chapter 6 Device C O N T R O L A N D U P G R A D I N G Upgrading D E V I C E F I R M W A R E 114 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series Figure 6-6: Device Control Dialog Box – Remote Relay Control Tab To send a remote command to a relay: 1. Select a desired command in the Relay Command box for a relay: 2. OPERATE – to operate a relay 3. RELEASE – to remove your remote command, or to release a latched relay 4. Click Send. 6.6 Upgradin…

  • 70, Satec PM130 PLUS Chapter 5 Configuring T H E P M 1 3 0 P L U S Configuring C O M M U N I C A T I O N S 70 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series Using PAS Select Communications Setup from the Meter Setup menu, and then click on the Network Setup tab. Figure 5-2: Communication Setup Dialog Box – Network Setup Tab The table below lists available network options. Table 15: Ethernet Setup Options Display Label Parameter Options Default A Device IP Addre…

  • 136, Appendix A Technical Specifications 136 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series Appendix A Technical Specifications A.1 Environmental Conditions Operating temperature: -30°C to 60°C (-22°F to 140°F) Storage temperature: -40°C to 85°C (-40°F to 185°F) Humidity: 0 to 95% non-condensing A.2 Construction Dimensions see Figure 2-1 Weight: 0.70 kg (1.54 lb.) Materials Case enclosure: p…

  • 9, PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 9 Table of Contents Chapter 1 General Information ……………………………………………………………….. 12 1.1 Features ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..12 1.2 Available Options …………………………………………………………………………………………

  • 50, Chapter 3 Using F R O N T D I S P L A Y Data D I S P L A Y 50 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series This function is not operational if the meter is password protected and the simple reset is not allowed in protected mode (see Configuring the Display). Common Measurements Display Scroll through pages with the UP and DOWN arrow buttons. Table 3: Common Measurements (Regular version) 1 L V12 V23 V31 Line-to-line volts 2 …

  • 90, Chapter 5 Configuring THE P M 1 3 0 P L U S General M E T E R S E T U P 90 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series Delaying Setpoint Operations Two optional delays can be added to each setpoint to extend monitoring triggers for a longer time before reaching a decision on whether the expected event occurred or not. When a delay is specified, the logical controller changes the setpoint status only if all…

  • 98, Chapter 5 Configuring T H E P M 1 3 0 P L U S Configuring B I L L I N G / T O U 98 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series Figure 5-17: TOU Calendar Setup Dialog Box – TOU Calendar Tab The meter TOU calendar allows you to configure any tariff schedule based on any possible utility regulation. The calendar provides 32 entries that allow you to specify profiles for working days and holidays through all seasons in an…

  • 78, Satec PM130 PLUS Chapter 5 Configuring T H E P M 1 3 0 P L U S General M E T E R S E T U P 78 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series Display Label Parameter Options Default Description U.Str Starting Voltage 1.5-5.0% 1.5% The device starting voltage in percent of FS (120V or 400V) rESL Device Resolution Lo = Low Hi = High Low The voltage, current and power resolution on the front disp…

  • 124, Chapter 7 Monitoring M E T E R S Viewing R E A L — T I M E H A R M O N I C S P E C T R UM 124 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series Figure 7-6: RT Harmonic Monitor – Synthesized Waveforms

  • 34, Chapter 2 Installation I/ O C O N N E C T I O N S 34 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series Figure 2-23 Relay Output Connection Digital Inputs Four optically isolated status inputs are provided for status monitoring, pulse counting, external power demand period, and time synchronization. Figure 2-24 Digital Input Connection

  • 6, 6 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series o Common Wiring Mode: 4LL3 or 4Ln3 CT wiring To connect an Option module: 1. Assemble the module on the meter.

  • 137, Appendix A Technical Specifications PM130 Powermeter Series 137 A.4 Input Ratings Voltage Inputs – Installation category III Measurement operating range: 690VAC line-to-line, 400VAC line-to-neutral Direct input and input via PT (up to 828VAC line-to-line, up to 480VAC line-to- neutral) Input impedance: 1000 k Burden for 400V: < 0.4 VA Burden for 120V: < 0.04 VA Over-voltage withstands: …

  • 94, Chapter 5 Configuring T H E P M 1 3 0 P L U S Configuring M E T E R S E C U R I T Y 94 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series communications unless you provide a correct password. If you cannot provide a proper password, contact your local distributor for the appropriate password to override password protection. Using PAS Ensure that the On-line button on the PAS toolbar is checked, select Administration from the Mon…

Page 1 — PM130P/PM130E/PM130EH

PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series PM130P/PM130E/PM130EH Installation and Operation Manual BG0425 Rev. A15

Page 2 — WARNING

10 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series Min/Max and Maximum Demand Display … 47 Harmonics D

Page 3

Chapter 5 Configuring T H E P M 1 3 0 P L U S Configuring R E C O R D E R S 100 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 2. Configure the list

Page 4 — Quick Start Guide

Chapter 5 Configuring T H E P M 1 3 0 P L U S Configuring R E C O R D E R S PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 101 Factory Preset Data Log F

Page 5

Chapter 5 Configuring T H E P M 1 3 0 P L U S Configuring C O M M U N I C A T I O N P R O T O C O L S 102 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Seri

Page 6 — CT wiring

Chapter 5 Configuring T H E P M 1 3 0 P L U S Configuring C O M M U N I C A T I O N P R O T O C O L S PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 1

Page 7

Chapter 5 Configuring T H E P M 1 3 0 P L U S Configuring C O M M U N I C A T I O N P R O T O C O L S 104 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Seri

Page 8

Chapter 5 Configuring T H E P M 1 3 0 P L U S Configuring C O M M U N I C A T I O N P R O T O C O L S PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 1

Page 9 — Table of Contents

Chapter 6 Device C O N T R O L A N D U P G R A D I N G Resetting A C C U M U L A T O R S , M A X I M U M V A L U E S A N D F I L E

Page 10

Chapter 6 Device C O N T R O L A N D U P G R A D I N G Updating T H E M E T E R C L O C K PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 107 Figure

Page 12 — 1.1 Features

Chapter 6 Device C O N T R O L A N D U P G R A D I N G Viewing A N D C L E A R I N G D E V I C E D I A G N O S T I C S PM130 PLUS P

Page 13

PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 11 Chapter 6 Device Control and Upgrading … 106 6.1 Resetting

Page 14 — Digital I/O

Chapter 6 Device C O N T R O L A N D U P G R A D I N G Viewing C O M M U N I C A T I O N S T A T U S A N D S T A T I S T I C S 110

Page 15

Chapter 6 Device C O N T R O L A N D U P G R A D I N G Upgrading D E V I C E F I R M W A R E PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 111 Figur

Page 17

Chapter 7 Monitoring M E T E R S Viewing R E A L — T I M E D A T A PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 113 Chapter 7 Monitoring Meters 7.1

Page 18 — Chapter 2 Installation

Chapter 7 Monitoring M E T E R S Viewing R E A L — T I M E D A T A 114 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series window is linked to the current sit

Page 20 — DIN Rail Mounting

Chapter 7 Monitoring M E T E R S Viewing R E A L — T I M E W A V E F O R M S 116 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 3. Ensure that the On-

Page 21 — I N S T A L L A T I O N

Chapter 7 Monitoring M E T E R S Viewing R E A L — T I M E W A V E F O R M S PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 117 Figure 7-2: RT Wavefor

Page 22 — Typical Installation

Chapter 7 Monitoring M E T E R S Viewing R E A L — T I M E H A R M O N I C S P E C T R UM 118 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series the Symmetri

Page 23 — Power Source Connection

Chapter 7 Monitoring M E T E R S Viewing R E A L — T I M E H A R M O N I C S P E C T R U M PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 119 spectrum t

Page 24 — Current Input Connection

Chapter 1 General I N F O R M A T I O N Features 12 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series Chapter 1 General Information The PM130 PLUS is a comp

Page 25 — Wiring Diagrams

Chapter 7 Monitoring M E T E R S Viewing R E A L — T I M E H A R M O N I C S P E C T R UM 120 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series The spectrum

Page 26

Chapter 7 Monitoring M E T E R S Viewing R E A L — T I M E H A R M O N I C S P E C T R U M PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 121 Figure 7

Page 27

Chapter 8 Retrieving A N D S T O R I N G F I L E S Uploading F I L E S O N D E M A N D 122 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series Chapter 8

Page 28

Chapter 8 Retrieving A N D S T O R I N G F I L E S Using T H E U P L O A D S C H E D U L E R PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 123 8.2

Page 29

Chapter 8 Retrieving A N D S T O R I N G F I L E S Using T H E U P L O A D S C H E D U L E R 124 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 5.

Page 30 — 4DI/2DO Module

Chapter 8 Retrieving A N D S T O R I N G F I L E S Viewing F I L E S O N — L I N E PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 125 Reviewing Upload

Page 31 — 12DI/4RO Module

Chapter 8 Retrieving A N D S T O R I N G F I L E S Exporting F I L E S 126 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 3. Select a folder where y

Page 32 — Digital Inputs

Chapter 8 Retrieving A N D S T O R I N G F I L E S Archiving F I L E S PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 127 Exporting Files in Excel Forma

Page 34 — WARNING!

Chapter 9 Viewing F I L E S Viewing O P T I O N S PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 129 2. Select the preferred timestamp format. 3. Cli

Page 35 — C O N N E C T I O N S

Chapter 1 General I N F O R M A T I O N Features PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 13  True RMS, volts, amps, power, power factor, neutral cur

Page 36 — COM1 RS-485 Connection

Chapter 9 Viewing F I L E S Viewing O P T I O N S 130 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series Selecting Primary and Secondary Units Voltages and cur

Page 37

Chapter 9 Viewing F I L E S Viewing T H E E V E N T L O G PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 131 Using a Zoom You can use a horizontal and,

Page 38

Chapter 9 Viewing F I L E S Viewing T H E D A T A L O G 132 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series Figure 9-1: Event Log Window See Working

Page 39

Chapter 9 Viewing F I L E S Viewing T H E D A T A L O G PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 133 Figure 9-2: Data Log Window Viewing Data

Page 41

Appendix A Technical Specifications PM130 Powermeter Series 135 A.4 Input Ratings Voltage Inputs Operating range: 690VAC line-to-line, 400V

Page 42 — Numeric LED Display

Appendix A Technical Specifications 136 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series Release time: 0.25 ms max. Update time: 1 cycle Connector type: removab

Page 43 — Measurement Units

Appendix A Technical Specifications PM130 Powermeter Series 137 Number of simultaneous connections: 4 (2 Modbus/TCP + 2 DNP3/TCP). Connector

Page 44 — Auto Scroll

Appendix A Technical Specifications 138 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series IEC 61000-4-6 level 3: Conducted Radio Frequency IEC 61000-4-8: Power F

Page 45 — Navigation Buttons

Appendix A Technical Specifications PM130 Powermeter Series 139 A.12 Measurement Specifications Table 33: Measurement Specifications Parame

Page 47

Appendix A Technical Specifications 140 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 2. Specifications assume: voltage and current waveforms with THD  5

Page 50 — 3.3 Status Display

Appendix C S E T P O I N T T R I G G E R S A N D A C T I O N S PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 143 Appendix C Setpoint Triggers and Act

Page 51

Appendix C Setpoint Triggers A N D A C T I O N S 144 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series Display Code Designation Description 1-Sec Total Val

Page 52 — Diagnostics Display

Appendix C S E T P O I N T T R I G G E R S A N D A C T I O N S PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 145 Display Code Designation Description I

Page 53 — Selecting Menus

Appendix D Parameters for D A T A M O N I T O R I N G A N D L O G G I N G 146 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series Appendix D Parameters for

Page 54 — Selecting a Menu Entry

Appendix D P A R A M E T E R S F O R D A T A M O N I T O R I N G A N D L O G G I NG PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 147 Designation De

Page 55

Appendix D Parameters for D A T A M O N I T O R I N G A N D L O G G I N G 148 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series Designation Description I3

Page 56

Appendix D P A R A M E T E R S F O R D A T A M O N I T O R I N G A N D L O G G I NG PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 149 Designation De

Page 57 — 4.1 Installing PAS

Chapter 1 General I N F O R M A T I O N Customized O P T I O N S PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 15  2 electro-mechanical or solid-state

Page 58

Appendix D Parameters for D A T A M O N I T O R I N G A N D L O G G I N G 150 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series Designation Description kVA

Page 60

Appendix D Parameters for D A T A M O N I T O R I N G A N D L O G G I N G 152 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series Designation Description MIN

Page 62 — Individual Upload

Appendix D Parameters for D A T A M O N I T O R I N G A N D L O G G I N G 154 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series Short Data Name Long Data N

Page 63 — 4.5 Authorization

Appendix E B I L L I N G / T O U P R O F I L E L O G F I L E PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 155 Appendix E Billing/TOU Profile Log Fil

Page 64

Appendix E Billing/TOU P R O F I L E L O G F I L E 156 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series The number of parameters in each section is automa

Page 65 — Setting Up Ethernet

Appendix F D A T A S C A L E S PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 157 Appendix F Data Scales The maximum values for volts, amps and power in

Page 66

Appendix G Device Diagnostic C O D E S 158 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series Appendix G Device Diagnostic Codes Table 40: Device Diagnostic C

Page 67 — Setting Up GPRS Network

Index PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 159 Index A Accuracy, 136 Active energy, 136 Active power, 136 analog outputs, 15, 32, 70, 77, 79, 138 Ap

Page 68

Chapter 1 General I N F O R M A T I O N Measured P A R A M E T E R S 16 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series Display Options Different display op

Page 69

Chapter 1 General I N F O R M A T I O N Measured P A R A M E T E R S PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 17 Parameter Display Comm. Analog Pulse

Page 70

Chapter 2 Installation Site R E Q U I R E M E N T S 18 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series Chapter 2 Installation This chapter discusses the foll

Page 71 — Basic Meter Setup

Chapter 2 Installation Mechanical I N S T A L L A T I O N PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 19 2.3 Mechanical Installation Refer to the figures

Page 72 — M E T E R S E T U P

2 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series LIMITED WARRANTY The manufacturer offers the customer a 24-month functional warranty on the instrument for faulty wo

Page 73 — Device Options

Chapter 2 Installation Mechanical I N S T A L L A T I O N 20 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series Panel Mounting To mount the meter in cutout (ANSI

Page 74 — Power Calculation Modes

Chapter 2 Installation Mechanical I N S T A L L A T I O N PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 21 Figure 2-4. DIN Rail Mounting Figure 2-5

Page 76

Chapter 2 Installation Electrical I N S T A L L A T I O N PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 23 Terminals Figure 2-7 Terminals — Rear View Pow

Page 77 — Configuring Relay Outputs

Chapter 2 Installation Electrical I N S T A L L A T I O N 24 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series Voltage Input connection The equipment installat

Page 78

Chapter 2 Installation Electrical I N S T A L L A T I O N PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 25 In case of a retrofit application where each exte

Page 80

Chapter 2 Installation Electrical I N S T A L L A T I O N PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 27 Figure 2-11 4-Wire Wye 3-Element Connection Us

Page 81

Chapter 2 Installation Electrical I N S T A L L A T I O N 28 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series This configuration provides accurate power measu

Page 82 — Configuring Counters

Chapter 2 Installation Electrical I N S T A L L A T I O N PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 29 Figure 2-15 4-Wire 3-Element Delta Direct Conn

Page 83

PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 3 Do not use the instrument for primary protection functions where failure of the device can cause fire, injury or

Page 84

Chapter 2 Installation I/ O C O N N E C T I O N S 30 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 2.5 I/O Connections Before I/O Module installation ens

Page 85 — Using Binary Triggers

Chapter 2 Installation I/ O C O N N E C T I O N S PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 31 Figure 2-19 Relay Output Connection Digital Inputs Fo

Page 86 — Configuring the Display

Chapter 2 Installation I/ O C O N N E C T I O N S 32 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series Relay Outputs There are four electro-mechanic relay outp

Page 87 — Local Time Settings

Chapter 2 Installation I/ O C O N N E C T I O N S PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 33 4AO Module — Analog Outputs The 4AO module has four opti

Page 89

Chapter 2 Installation Communications C O N N E C T I O N S PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 35 Figure 2-26 TOU RTC Battery Replacement 2.6

Page 90

Chapter 2 Installation Communications C O N N E C T I O N S 36 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series COM1 RS-485 Connection Figure 2-27 COM1 RS-

Page 92 — B I L L I N G / T O U

Chapter 2 Installation Communications C O N N E C T I O N S 38 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series PRO module – COM2 PROFIBUS Connection Figure

Page 93

Chapter 2 Installation Communications C O N N E C T I O N S PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 39 RS-232/422-485 module – COM2 Connection Figu

Page 94

4 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series Quick Start Guide This section can be used by a licensed electrician to install and perform basic PM130 PLUS setup.

Page 95

Chapter 2 Installation Communications C O N N E C T I O N S 40 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series Figure 2-31 COM2 RS-422/485 connection  

Page 97

Chapter 3 Using F R O N T D I S P L A Y Indicators A N D C O N T R O L S 42 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series Chapter 3 Using Front Disp

Page 99

Chapter 3 Using F R O N T D I S P L A Y Data D I S P L A Y 44 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series  For the PT ratio above 4.0, voltages are

Page 100 — R E C O R D E R S

Chapter 3 Using F R O N T D I S P L A Y Data D I S P L A Y PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 45 Brightness The PM130 display has a 3-level a

Page 101 — 101

Chapter 3 Using F R O N T D I S P L A Y Data D I S P L A Y 46 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series This function is not operational if the mete

Page 102 — Configuring Modbus

Chapter 3 Using F R O N T D I S P L A Y Data D I S P L A Y PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 47 Table 4: Common Measurements (Amp-Demand ver

Page 103 — Configuring DNP3

Chapter 3 Using F R O N T D I S P L A Y Data D I S P L A Y 48 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series DMD V2/V23 V3/V31 10 MAX DMD I1 I2 I3 Maxim

Page 105 — 105

PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 5 Mounting two PM130 PLUS side by side Connecting the PM130 PLUS Unit To connect the PM130 PLUS: 1. Ensure that

Page 106 — Upgrading

Chapter 3 Using F R O N T D I S P L A Y Status D I S P L A Y 50 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 9 Ac.i 2 1234 56789 Phase L2 kWh i

Page 108 — Using PAS

Chapter 3 Using F R O N T D I S P L A Y Status D I S P L A Y 52 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 11. 01.01 14 rSSi <RSSI&g

Page 109

Chapter 3 Using F R O N T D I S P L A Y Using T H E M E N U S PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 53 Frequent hardware failures may be the r

Page 111 — 111

Chapter 3 Using F R O N T D I S P L A Y Using T H E M E N U S PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 55  the bottom item acts as an assisting

Page 112

Chapter 3 Using F R O N T D I S P L A Y Using T H E M E N U S 56 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series pressed continuously, the number is cha

Page 114 — Viewing a Data Table

Chapter 4 Using P A S S O F T W A R E Creating A N E W S I T E F O R Y O U R M E T E R 58 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series Figur

Page 115 — Real-time Data Logging

Chapter 4 Using P A S S O F T W A R E Setting U P C O M M U N I C A T I O N S PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 59 4.3 Setting up Communi

Page 118

Chapter 4 Using P A S S O F T W A R E Setting U P T H E M E T E R PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 61 Figure 4-4: Configuration Dial

Page 120

Chapter 4 Using P A S S O F T W A R E Authorization PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 63 3. Click on the tab of the setup you want to read

Page 121 — 121

Chapter 5 Configuring T H E P M 1 3 0 P L U S Configuring C O M M U N I C A T I O N S 64 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series Chapter 5 Conf

Page 122

Chapter 5 Configuring T H E P M 1 3 0 P L U S Configuring C O M M U N I C A T I O N S PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 65 See Table 14 bel

Page 123 — 123

Chapter 5 Configuring T H E P M 1 3 0 P L U S Configuring C O M M U N I C A T I O N S 66 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series Using PAS Selec

Page 125 — 8.4 Exporting Files

Chapter 5 Configuring T H E P M 1 3 0 P L U S Configuring C O M M U N I C A T I O N S 68 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series Table 16: GPRS S

Page 126 — Automatic Converting

Chapter 5 Configuring T H E P M 1 3 0 P L U S Configuring C O M M U N I C A T I O N S PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 69 Figure 5-4: eX

Page 127 — 8.5 Archiving Files

PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 7 To connect an Option module: 1. Assemble the module on the meter. 2. Power the PM130 PLUS unit on. Assem

Page 130

Chapter 5 Configuring T H E P M 1 3 0 P L U S General M E T E R S E T U P 72 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series Display Label Parameter Op

Page 133

Chapter 5 Configuring T H E P M 1 3 0 P L U S General M E T E R S E T U P PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 75 for volts, and THD < 10

Page 134 — A.3 Power Supply

Chapter 5 Configuring T H E P M 1 3 0 P L U S General M E T E R S E T U P 76 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series Figure 5-8: General Set

Page 138

8 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 3. Configure the PAS communications settings. 4. Upgrade the meter firmware if a new version is available. 5.

Page 139

Chapter 5 Configuring T H E P M 1 3 0 P L U S General M E T E R S E T U P 80 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 1. Press the ENTER butt

Page 140

Chapter 5 Configuring T H E P M 1 3 0 P L U S General M E T E R S E T U P PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 81 Display Label Option Range

Page 141

Chapter 5 Configuring T H E P M 1 3 0 P L U S General M E T E R S E T U P 82 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series  ±2 mA: set the 1 mA sca

Page 142 — P A R A M E T E R S

Chapter 5 Configuring T H E P M 1 3 0 P L U S General M E T E R S E T U P PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 83 Display Label Option Range

Page 143 — Actions

Chapter 5 Configuring T H E P M 1 3 0 P L U S General M E T E R S E T U P 84 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series The logical controller pro

Page 145 — 145

Chapter 5 Configuring T H E P M 1 3 0 P L U S General M E T E R S E T U P 86 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series In the PM130, the binary e

Page 146 — Monitoring and Logging

Chapter 5 Configuring T H E P M 1 3 0 P L U S General M E T E R S E T U P PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 87 Table 27: Display Setup Op

Page 147

Chapter 5 Configuring T H E P M 1 3 0 P L U S General M E T E R S E T U P 88 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series Figure 5-13: General Se

Page 148

Chapter 5 Configuring T H E P M 1 3 0 P L U S Configuring M E T E R S E C U R I T Y PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 89 Daylight Saving

Page 149

PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 9 Table of Contents Chapter 1 General Information …

Page 150

Chapter 5 Configuring T H E P M 1 3 0 P L U S Configuring M E T E R S E C U R I T Y 90 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series When password p

Page 151

Chapter 5 Configuring T H E P M 1 3 0 P L U S Configuring B I L L I N G / T O U PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 91 5.4 Configuring Billi

Page 152

Chapter 5 Configuring T H E P M 1 3 0 P L U S Configuring B I L L I N G / T O U 92 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series Figure 5-15: Energy

Page 153

Chapter 5 Configuring T H E P M 1 3 0 P L U S Configuring B I L L I N G / T O U PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 93 Parameter Options Defa

Page 154

Chapter 5 Configuring T H E P M 1 3 0 P L U S Configuring B I L L I N G / T O U 94 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series Configuring the Season

Page 155 — 155

Chapter 5 Configuring T H E P M 1 3 0 P L U S Configuring B I L L I N G / T O U PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 95 before allocating the

Page 156 — Profiles

Chapter 5 Configuring T H E P M 1 3 0 P L U S Configuring R E C O R D E R S 96 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 5.5 Configuring Recorders

Page 157 — Appendix F Data Scales

Chapter 5 Configuring T H E P M 1 3 0 P L U S Configuring R E C O R D E R S PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 97 1. Double click on the

Page 158 — C O D E S

Chapter 5 Configuring T H E P M 1 3 0 P L U S Configuring R E C O R D E R S 98 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series No. File Size, Bytes Chann

Page 159 — 159

Chapter 5 Configuring T H E P M 1 3 0 P L U S Configuring R E C O R D E R S PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 99 2. Select a partition

Table of Contents for Satec PM130 PLUS:

  • Chapter 5 Configuring T H E P M 1 3 0 P L U S Configuring R E C O R D E R S 102 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 3. Select the number of parameters you want to be recorded in the file records. 4. Select the maximum number of records you want to be recorded in the file. 5. Click OK, and then send your new setup to the meter, or sav

  • Appendix C S E T P O I N T T R I G G E R S A N D A C T I O N S PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 147 Display Code Designation Description In.Cn.2 INC CNT #2 Increment counter #2 In.Cn.3 INC CNT #3 Increment counter #3 In.Cn.4 INC CNT #4 Increment counter #4 ti.Cn.1 TIME CNT #1 Count operation time using counter #1 ti.Cn.2 TIME CNT #2 Count operation time using counter #2 ti.Cn.3 TIME CNT #3 Count operation time using counter #3 ti.Cn.4 TIME CNT #4 Count operation time using counter #4 notiF NOTIFICATI

  • Chapter 1 General I N F O R M A T I O N Measured P A R A M E T E R S 18 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series Parameter Display Comm. Analog Pulse Alarm Voltage and Current per phase  kW, PF per phase   kvar, KVA per phase  Total kW, PF   Total kvar, KVA  Min/Max Logging Min/Max A, V, total kW, kvar, kVA, PF   Min/Max Frequency, Neutral current  �

  • 8 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 8. Configure Billing/TOU registers. At this stage, the PM130 PLUS should be ready for operation.

  • Chapter 2 Installation I/ O C O N N E C T I O N S 36 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series Figure 2-27 Relay Output Connection Digital Inputs 12 optically isolated status inputs are provided for status monitoring, pulse counting, external power demand period, and time synchronization. Figure 2-28 12 Digital Input Connection

  • Chapter 6 Device C O N T R O L A N D U P G R A D I N G Updating T H E M E T E R C L O C K 110 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series Figure 6-1: Reset Dialog To reset the desired values or files: 1. Click on the corresponding button, and then confirm your command. 2. If an entry has more than one target, you are allowed to select targets to reset. 3. Check the corresponding boxes, and then click OK. Figure 6-2: Reset Maximum Demands Dialog Box 6.2 Updating the Meter Clock Using the Fro

  • Chapter 5 Configuring T H E P M 1 3 0 P L U S Configuring C O M M U N I C A T I O N S 72 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series The following table lists available GPRS options. Table 16: GPRS Setup Options Parameter Default Description Access Point Name (APN) internetg The mobile network APN name User name Username (if required) Password Password (if required) 2. Configure your mobile network APN, username, password and GPRS Client/Server mode. Consult your network o

  • Chapter 7 Monitoring M E T E R S Viewing R E A L — T I M E H A R M O N I C S P E C T R U M PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 121 the Symmetrical components box on the Channels tab, and then click OK. Viewing Phase-to-phase Voltages PAS can transform phase-to-neutral voltage waveforms in configurations with a neutral into phase-to-phase waveforms allowing you to view the waveshape, angle relationships and harmonics of the phase-to-

  • Appendix D Parameters for D A T A M O N I T O R I N G A N D L O G G I N G 150 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series Designation Description I1 TDD I1 Current TDD I2 TDD I2 Current TDD I3 TDD I3 Current TDD V12 V12 Voltage V23 V23 Voltage V31 V31 Voltage AVR TOTAL 1-Second Total Values kW Total kW kvar Total kvar kVA Total kVA PF Total PF PF LAG Total PF lag PF LEAD Total PF lead kW IMP Total

  • PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 7 2. Power the PM130 PLUS unit on. Assembling a module To operate the PM130 PLUS: 1. Perform device diagnostics. 2. Configure the device through the PM130 PLUS unit front panel display. Configuring the PM130 PLUS remotely 1. Install the PAS application software on your PC. 2. Configure the PAS database for your meter. 3. Configure the PAS communications setti

  • Chapter 8 Retrieving A N D S T O R I N G F I L E S Using T H E U P L O A D S C H E D U L E R PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 127 5. Select a daily, weekly or monthly schedule, and adjust the start time. If you wish to upload data periodically in predefined intervals, click on Periodic and define the time period in hours and minutes. 6. Select the number of attempts to upload data in the event of temporary communication pr

  • Chapter 5 Configuring T H E P M 1 3 0 P L U S General M E T E R S E T U P PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 85 you can change the scales to provide a better resolution on an analog output. Scaling Non-Directional Analog Outputs For non-directional analog outputs with a 0-1mA, 0-20mA or 4-20mA current option, you can change both zero and full engineering scales for any parameter. The engineering scale need not be sym

  • Chapter 4 Using P A S S O F T W A R E Setting U P T H E M E T E R PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 65 Figure 4-4: Configuration Dialog Box – Connection Tab 6. In the Retries box, specify the number of retries PAS will use to receive a response from the meter if communications fail. 7. Click OK. 4.4 Setting Up the Meter Preparing Setups for the Meter PAS allows you to prepare setup data for your meter off-line without the need to have it connected to your PC. To prepare a setup for your meter: 1. Select the dev

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