Sap2000 руководство пользователя

Page 1: Sap 2000 Reference Manual

CSI Anal y sis ReferenceManual

For SAP2000®, ETABS®, and SAFE™

April 2007

Page 2: Sap 2000 Reference Manual


The com puter pro grams SAP2000, ETABS, and SAFE and all as so ci -ated docu men ta tion are pro prie tary and copy righted prod ucts. World -wide rights of own er ship rest with Com put ers and Struc tures, Inc. Un li -censed use of the pro gram or re pro duc tion of the docu men ta tion in anyform, with out prior writ ten authori za tion from Com put ers and Struc -tures, Inc., is ex plic itly pro hib ited.

Fur ther in for ma tion and cop ies of this docu men ta tion may be ob tainedfrom:

Com put ers and Struc tures, Inc.1995 Uni ver sity Av e nue

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© Copy right Com put ers and Struc tures, Inc., 1978–2007.The CSI Logo is a reg is tered trade mark of Com put ers and Struc tures, Inc.SAP2000 is a reg is tered trade mark of Com put ers and Struc tures, Inc.ETABS is a reg is tered trade mark of Com put ers and Struc tures, Inc.SAFE is a trade mark of Com put ers and Struc tures, Inc.Win dows is a reg is tered trade mark of Microsoft Cor po ra tion.

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Thanks are due to all of the nu mer ous struc tural en gi neers, who over theyears have given valu able feed back that has con trib uted to ward the en -hance ment of this prod uct to its cur rent state.

Spe cial rec og ni tion is due Dr. Ed ward L. Wil son, Pro fes sor Emeri tus,Uni ver sity of Cali for nia at Ber keley, who was re spon si ble for the con -cep tion and de vel op ment of the origi nal SAP se ries of pro grams andwhose con tin ued origi nal ity has pro duced many unique con cepts thathave been im ple mented in this ver sion.

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Ta ble of Con tents

Chap ter I In tro duc tion 1

Anal y sis Fea tures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Struc tural Anal y sis and De sign . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

About This Man ual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Top ics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Ty po graph i cal Con ven tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Bold for Def i ni tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Bold for Vari able Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Ital ics for Math e mat i cal Vari ables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Ital ics for Em pha sis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5Cap i tal ized Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Bib lio graphic Ref er ences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Chap ter II Ob jects and El e ments 7

Ob jects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Ob jects and El e ments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Chap ter III Co or di nate Sys tems 11

Over view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Global Co or di nate Sys tem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Up ward and Hor i zon tal Di rec tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

De fin ing Co or di nate Sys tems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Vec tor Cross Prod uct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13De fin ing the Three Axes Us ing Two Vec tors . . . . . . . . . . . 14


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Lo cal Co or di nate Sys tems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Al ter nate Co or di nate Sys tems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Cy lin dri cal and Spher i cal Co or di nates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Chap ter IV Joints and De grees of Free dom 21

Over view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Mod el ing Con sid er ations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Lo cal Co or di nate Sys tem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Ad vanced Lo cal Co or di nate Sys tem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Ref er ence Vec tors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25De fin ing the Axis Ref er ence Vec tor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26De fin ing the Plane Ref er ence Vec tor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26De ter min ing the Lo cal Axes from the Ref er ence Vec tors . . . . . 27Joint Co or di nate An gles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

De grees of Free dom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Avail able and Un avail able De grees of Free dom . . . . . . . . . . 31Re strained De grees of Free dom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32Con strained De grees of Free dom. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32Ac tive De grees of Free dom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32Null De grees of Free dom. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Re straint Sup ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Spring Sup ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Non lin ear Sup ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

Dis trib uted Sup ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

Joint Re ac tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

Base Re ac tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

Masses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

Force Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

Ground Dis place ment Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

Re straint Dis place ments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42Spring Dis place ments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Gen er al ized Dis place ments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

De gree of Free dom Out put . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

As sem bled Joint Mass Out put. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

Dis place ment Out put . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

Force Out put . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

El e ment Joint Force Out put . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47


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Chap ter V Con straints and Welds 49

Over view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

Body Con straint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

Joint Con nec tiv ity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51Lo cal Co or di nate Sys tem. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51Con straint Equa tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

Plane Def i ni tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

Di a phragm Con straint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

Joint Con nec tiv ity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53Lo cal Co or di nate Sys tem. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53Con straint Equa tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

Plate Con straint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

Joint Con nec tiv ity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55Lo cal Co or di nate Sys tem. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55Con straint Equa tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

Axis Def i ni tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

Rod Con straint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

Joint Con nec tiv ity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57Lo cal Co or di nate Sys tem. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58Con straint Equa tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

Beam Con straint. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

Joint Con nec tiv ity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58Lo cal Co or di nate Sys tem. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59Con straint Equa tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

Equal Con straint. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

Joint Con nec tiv ity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60Lo cal Co or di nate Sys tem. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60Se lected De grees of Free dom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60Con straint Equa tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

Lo cal Con straint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

Joint Con nec tiv ity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61No Lo cal Co or di nate Sys tem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61Se lected De grees of Free dom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62Con straint Equa tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

Welds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

Au to matic Mas ter Joints. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

Stiff ness, Mass, and Loads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66Lo cal Co or di nate Sys tems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

Con straint Out put . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67


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Chap ter VI Ma te rial Prop er ties 69

Over view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

Lo cal Co or di nate Sys tem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

Stresses and Strains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

Iso tro pic Ma te ri als . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

Orthotropic Ma te ri als . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73

Anisotropic Ma te ri als . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

Tem per a ture-De pend ent Prop er ties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

El e ment Ma te rial Tem per a ture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

Mass Den sity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

Weight Den sity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

Ma te rial Damp ing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

Modal Damp ing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78Vis cous Pro por tional Damp ing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78Hysteretic Pro por tional Damp ing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

De sign-Type. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

Time-de pend ent Prop er ties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

Prop er ties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79Time-In te gra tion Con trol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80

Stress-Strain Curves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80

Chap ter VII The Frame El e ment 81

Over view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82

Joint Con nec tiv ity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83

Joint Off sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83

De grees of Free dom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84

Lo cal Co or di nate Sys tem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

Lon gi tu di nal Axis 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85De fault Ori en ta tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85Co or di nate An gle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86

Ad vanced Lo cal Co or di nate Sys tem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86

Ref er ence Vec tor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88De ter min ing Trans verse Axes 2 and 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89

Sec tion Prop er ties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90

Lo cal Co or di nate Sys tem. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91Ma te rial Prop er ties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91Geo met ric Prop er ties and Sec tion Stiffnesses . . . . . . . . . . . 91Shape Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92Au to matic Sec tion Prop erty Cal cu la tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94Sec tion Prop erty Da ta base Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94


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Sec tion-De signer Sec tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96Ad di tional Mass and Weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96Non-pris matic Sec tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96

Prop erty Mod i fi ers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99

In ser tion Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100

End Off sets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101

Clear Length. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103Rigid-end Fac tor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103Ef fect upon Non-pris matic El e ments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104Ef fect upon In ter nal Force Out put . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104Ef fect upon End Re leases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104

End Re leases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105

Un sta ble End Re leases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106Ef fect of End Off sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106

Non lin ear Prop er ties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106

Ten sion/Com pres sion Lim its . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106Plas tic Hinge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107

Mass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107

Self-Weight Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108

Grav ity Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108

Con cen trated Span Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109

Dis trib uted Span Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109

Loaded Length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109Load In ten sity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110Pro jected Loads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111

Tem per a ture Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111

Strain Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114

De for ma tion Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115

Tar get-Force Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115

In ter nal Force Out put . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117

Ef fect of End Off sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117

Chap ter VIII Frame Hinge Prop er ties 119

Over view. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119

Hinge Prop er ties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120

Hinge Length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121Plas tic De for ma tion Curve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122Scal ing the Curve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123Strength Loss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123Cou pled P-M2-M3 Hinge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124Fi ber P-M2-M3 Hinge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127


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Au to matic, User-De fined, and Gen er ated Prop er ties . . . . . . . . . 127

Au to matic Hinge Prop er ties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129

Anal y sis Re sults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131

Chap ter IX The Ca ble El e ment 133

Over view. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134

Joint Con nec tiv ity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135

Undeformed Length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135

Shape Cal cu la tor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136

Ca ble vs. Frame El e ments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137Num ber of Seg ments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138

De grees of Free dom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138

Lo cal Co or di nate Sys tem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138

Sec tion Prop er ties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139

Ma te rial Prop er ties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139Geo met ric Prop er ties and Sec tion Stiffnesses. . . . . . . . . . . 140

Prop erty Mod i fi ers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140

Mass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140

Self-Weight Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141

Grav ity Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141

Dis trib uted Span Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142

Tem per a ture Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142

Strain and De for ma tion Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143

Tar get-Force Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143

Non lin ear Anal y sis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143

El e ment Out put . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144

Chap ter X The Shell El e ment 145

Over view. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146

Joint Con nec tiv ity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147

Shape Guide lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149

Edge Con straints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150

De grees of Free dom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151

Lo cal Co or di nate Sys tem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152

Nor mal Axis 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152De fault Ori en ta tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153El e ment Co or di nate An gle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154

Ad vanced Lo cal Co or di nate Sys tem. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154

Ref er ence Vec tor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155


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De ter min ing Tan gen tial Axes 1 and 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156

Sec tion Prop er ties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157

Area Sec tion Type. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157Shell Sec tion Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157Ho mo ge neous Sec tion Prop er ties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158Lay ered Sec tion Prop erty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160

Prop erty Mod i fi ers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163

Joint Off sets and Thick ness Overwrites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164

Joint Off sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164Thick ness Overwrites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165

Mass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166

Self-Weight Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166

Grav ity Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167

Uni form Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167

Sur face Pres sure Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168

Tem per a ture Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169

In ter nal Force and Stress Out put. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169

Chap ter XI The Plane El e ment 175

Over view. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176

Joint Con nec tiv ity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177

De grees of Free dom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177

Lo cal Co or di nate Sys tem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177

Stresses and Strains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177

Sec tion Prop er ties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178

Sec tion Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178Ma te rial Prop er ties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179Ma te rial An gle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179Thick ness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179In com pat i ble Bend ing Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180

Mass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180

Self-Weight Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181

Grav ity Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181

Sur face Pres sure Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182

Pore Pres sure Load. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182

Tem per a ture Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182

Stress Out put . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183


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Chap ter XII The Asolid El e ment 185

Over view. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186

Joint Con nec tiv ity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186

De grees of Free dom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187

Lo cal Co or di nate Sys tem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187

Stresses and Strains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188

Sec tion Prop er ties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188

Sec tion Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188Ma te rial Prop er ties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189Ma te rial An gle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189Axis of Sym me try . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190Arc and Thick ness. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191In com pat i ble Bend ing Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192

Mass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192

Self-Weight Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192

Grav ity Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193

Sur face Pres sure Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193

Pore Pres sure Load. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194

Tem per a ture Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194

Ro tate Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194

Stress Out put . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195

Chap ter XIII The Solid El e ment 197

Over view. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198

Joint Con nec tiv ity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198

De grees of Free dom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199

Lo cal Co or di nate Sys tem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200

Ad vanced Lo cal Co or di nate Sys tem. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200

Ref er ence Vec tors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201De fin ing the Axis Ref er ence Vec tor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201De fin ing the Plane Ref er ence Vec tor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202De ter min ing the Lo cal Axes from the Ref er ence Vec tors . . . . 203El e ment Co or di nate An gles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204

Stresses and Strains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204

Solid Prop er ties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204

Ma te rial Prop er ties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206Ma te rial An gles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206In com pat i ble Bend ing Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206

Mass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207

Self-Weight Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208


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Grav ity Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208

Sur face Pres sure Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208

Pore Pres sure Load. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209

Tem per a ture Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209

Stress Out put . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209

Chap ter XIV The Link/Sup port El e ment—Ba sic 211

Over view. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212

Joint Con nec tiv ity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213

Zero-Length El e ments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213

De grees of Free dom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213

Lo cal Co or di nate Sys tem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214

Lon gi tu di nal Axis 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214De fault Ori en ta tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215Co or di nate An gle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215

Ad vanced Lo cal Co or di nate Sys tem. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216

Axis Ref er ence Vec tor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217Plane Ref er ence Vec tor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218De ter min ing Trans verse Axes 2 and 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219

In ter nal De for ma tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220

Link/Sup port Prop er ties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222

Lo cal Co or di nate Sys tem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223In ter nal Spring Hinges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223Spring Force-De for ma tion Re la tion ships . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225El e ment In ter nal Forces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226Un cou pled Lin ear Force-De for ma tion Re la tion ships . . . . . . . 227Types of Lin ear/Non lin ear Prop er ties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229

Cou pled Lin ear Prop erty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229

Mass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230

Self-Weight Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231

Grav ity Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231

In ter nal Force and De for ma tion Out put . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232

Chap ter XV The Link/Sup port El e ment—Ad vanced 233

Over view. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234

Non lin ear Link/Sup port Prop er ties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234

Lin ear Ef fec tive Stiff ness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235

Spe cial Con sid er ations for Modal Anal y ses . . . . . . . . . . . 235

Lin ear Ef fec tive Damp ing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236

Non lin ear Vis cous Damper Prop erty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237


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Gap Prop erty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238

Hook Prop erty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239

Multi-Lin ear Elas tic ity Prop erty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239

Wen Plas tic ity Prop erty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240

Multi-Lin ear Ki ne matic Plas tic ity Prop erty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241

Multi-Lin ear Takeda Plas tic ity Prop erty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245

Multi-Lin ear Pivot Hysteretic Plas tic ity Prop erty . . . . . . . . . . . 245

Hysteretic (Rub ber) Iso la tor Prop erty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247

Fric tion-Pen du lum Iso la tor Prop erty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248

Ax ial Be hav ior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250Shear Be hav ior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250Lin ear Be hav ior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252

Dou ble-Act ing Fric tion-Pen du lum Iso la tor Prop erty . . . . . . . . . 253

Ax ial Be hav ior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253Shear Be hav ior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254Lin ear Be hav ior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255

Non lin ear De for ma tion Loads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255

Fre quency-De pend ent Link/Sup port Prop er ties . . . . . . . . . . . . 257

Chap ter XVI The Ten don Ob ject 259

Over view. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260

Ge om e try. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260

Discretization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261

Ten dons Mod eled as Loads or El e ments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261

Con nec tiv ity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261

De grees of Free dom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262

Lo cal Co or di nate Sys tems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262

Base-line Lo cal Co or di nate Sys tem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263Nat u ral Lo cal Co or di nate Sys tem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263

Sec tion Prop er ties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264

Ma te rial Prop er ties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264Geo met ric Prop er ties and Sec tion Stiffnesses. . . . . . . . . . . 264Prop erty Mod i fi ers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265

Non lin ear Prop er ties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265

Ten sion/Com pres sion Lim its . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266Plas tic Hinge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266

Mass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266

Pre stress Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266

Self-Weight Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267

Grav ity Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268


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Tem per a ture Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268

In ter nal Force Out put . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269

Chap ter XVII Load Cases 271

Over view. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272

Load Cases, Anal y sis Cases, and Com bi na tions . . . . . . . . . . . . 273

De fin ing Load Cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273

Co or di nate Sys tems and Load Com po nents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274

Ef fect upon Large-Dis place ments Anal y sis. . . . . . . . . . . . 274

Force Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275

Re straint Dis place ment Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275

Spring Dis place ment Load. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275

Self-Weight Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275

Grav ity Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276

Con cen trated Span Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277

Dis trib uted Span Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277

Ten don Pre stress Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277

Uni form Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278

Sur face Pres sure Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278

Pore Pres sure Load. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279

Tem per a ture Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280

Strain Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281

De for ma tion Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281

Tar get-Force Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281

Ro tate Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282

Joint Pat terns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282

Ac cel er a tion Loads. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284

Chap ter XVIII Anal y sis Cases 287

Over view. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288

Anal y sis Cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289

Types of Anal y sis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289

Se quence of Anal y sis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290

Run ning Anal y sis Cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291

Lin ear and Non lin ear Anal y sis Cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292

Lin ear Static Anal y sis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293

Multi-Step Static Anal y sis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294

Lin ear Buck ling Anal y sis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295


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Func tions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296

Com bi na tions (Com bos) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297

Con trib ut ing Cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297Types of Com bos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298Ex am ples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298Ad di tional Con sid er ations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300

Equa tion Solv ers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300

Ac cess ing the As sem bled Stiff ness and Mass Ma tri ces . . . . . . . . 301

Chap ter XIX Modal Anal y sis 303

Over view. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303

Eigenvector Anal y sis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304

Num ber of Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305Fre quency Range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305Au to matic Shift ing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307Con ver gence Tol er ance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307Static-Cor rec tion Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308

Ritz-Vec tor Anal y sis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309

Num ber of Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310Start ing Load Vec tors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311Num ber of Gen er a tion Cy cles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312

Modal Anal y sis Out put . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313

Pe ri ods and Fre quen cies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313Par tic i pa tion Fac tors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313Par tic i pat ing Mass Ra tios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314Static and Dy namic Load Par tic i pa tion Ra tios . . . . . . . . . . 315

Chap ter XX Re sponse-Spec trum Anal y sis 319

Over view. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319

Lo cal Co or di nate Sys tem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320

Re sponse-Spec trum Curve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321

Damp ing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322

Modal Damp ing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323

Modal Com bi na tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324

CQC Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324GMC Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324SRSS Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325Ab so lute Sum Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325NRC Ten-Per cent Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326NRC Dou ble-Sum Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326

Di rec tional Com bi na tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326


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SRSS Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326Ab so lute Sum Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326Scaled Ab so lute Sum Method. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327

Re sponse-Spec trum Anal y sis Out put . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327

Damp ing and Ac cel er a tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327Modal Am pli tudes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328Modal Cor re la tion Fac tors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328Base Re ac tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328

Chap ter XXI Lin ear Time-His tory Anal y sis 329

Over view. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330

Load ing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330

De fin ing the Spa tial Load Vec tors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331De fin ing the Time Func tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 332

Ini tial Con di tions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334

Time Steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334

Modal Time-His tory Anal y sis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335

Modal Damp ing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336

Di rect-In te gra tion Time-His tory Anal y sis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337

Time In te gra tion Pa ram e ters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337Damp ing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338

Chap ter XXII Geo met ric Nonlinearity 341

Over view. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341

Non lin ear Anal y sis Cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343

The P-Delta Ef fect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345

P-Delta Forces in the Frame El e ment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347P-Delta Forces in the Link/Sup port El e ment . . . . . . . . . . . 350Other El e ments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351

Ini tial P-Delta Anal y sis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351

Build ing Struc tures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352Ca ble Struc tures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354Guyed Tow ers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354

Large Dis place ments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354

Ap pli ca tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355Ini tial Large-Dis place ment Anal y sis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355

Chap ter XXIII Non lin ear Static Anal y sis 357

Over view. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358

Nonlinearity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358


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Im por tant Con sid er ations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359

Load ing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360

Load Ap pli ca tion Con trol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360

Load Con trol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361Dis place ment Con trol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361

Ini tial Con di tions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 362

Out put Steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363

Sav ing Mul ti ple Steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363

Non lin ear So lu tion Con trol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365

Max i mum To tal Steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365Max i mum Null (Zero) Steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366Max i mum It er a tions Per Step . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366It er a tion Con ver gence Tol er ance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366Event-to-Event It er a tion Con trol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 367

Hinge Un load ing Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 367

Un load En tire Struc ture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 368Ap ply Lo cal Re dis tri bu tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 368Re start Us ing Se cant Stiff ness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 369

Static Push over Anal y sis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 370

Staged Con struc tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 372

Stages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 372Out put Steps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 374Ex am ple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375

Tar get-Force It er a tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 376

Chap ter XXIV Non lin ear Time-His tory Anal y sis 379

Over view. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380

Nonlinearity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380

Load ing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 381

Ini tial Con di tions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 381

Time Steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382

Non lin ear Modal Time-His tory Anal y sis (FNA) . . . . . . . . . . . 383

Ini tial Con di tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 383Link/Sup port Ef fec tive Stiff ness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 384Mode Su per po si tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 384Modal Damp ing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 386It er a tive So lu tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 387Static Pe riod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 389

Non lin ear Di rect-In te gra tion Time-His tory Anal y sis . . . . . . . . . 390

Time In te gra tion Pa ram e ters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 390Nonlinearity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 390


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Ini tial Con di tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 391Damp ing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 391It er a tive So lu tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 392

Chap ter XXV Fre quency-Do main Anal y ses 395

Over view. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 396

Har monic Mo tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 396

Fre quency Do main . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397

Damp ing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 398

Sources of Damp ing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 398

Load ing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 399

De fin ing the Spa tial Load Vec tors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400

Fre quency Steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401

Steady-State Anal y sis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402

Ex am ple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402

Power-Spec tral-Den sity Anal y sis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403

Ex am ple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404

Chap ter XXVI Bridge Anal y sis 407

Over view. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 408

SAP2000 Bridge Mod eler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 409

Bridge Anal y sis Pro ce dure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410

Lanes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411

Cen ter line and Di rec tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411Ec cen tric ity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412Width . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412In te rior and Ex te rior Edges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412Discretization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413

In flu ence Lines and Sur faces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413

Ve hi cle Live Loads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415

Di rec tion of Load ing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415Dis tri bu tion of Loads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415Axle Loads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415Uni form Loads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 416Min i mum Edge Dis tances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 416Re strict ing a Ve hi cle to the Lane Length . . . . . . . . . . . . . 416Ap pli ca tion of Loads to the In flu ence Sur face . . . . . . . . . . 416Ap pli ca tion of Loads in Multi-Step Anal y sis . . . . . . . . . . . 417

Gen eral Ve hi cle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 418

Spec i fi ca tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419


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Mov ing the Ve hi cle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419

Ve hi cle Re sponse Com po nents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 420

Su per struc ture (Span) Mo ment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 421Neg a tive Su per struc ture (Span) Mo ment . . . . . . . . . . . . . 421Re ac tions at In te rior Sup ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 422

Stan dard Ve hi cles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 423

Ve hi cle Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 428

Mov ing Load Anal y sis Cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 430

Ex am ple 1 — AASHTO HS Load ing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431Ex am ple 2 — AASHTO HL Load ing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 432Ex am ple 3 — Caltrans Per mit Load ing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 433Ex am ple 4 — Re stricted Caltrans Per mit Load ing . . . . . . . . 435

Mov ing Load Re sponse Con trol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 437

Bridge Re sponse Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 437Cor re spon dence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 437In flu ence Line Tol er ance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 438Ex act and Quick Re sponse Cal cu la tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 438

Step-By-Step Anal y sis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 439

Load ing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 439Static Anal y sis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 440Time-His tory Anal y sis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 440En vel op ing and Com bi na tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 441

Com pu ta tional Con sid er ations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 441

Chap ter XXVII Ref er ences 443


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C h a p t e r I


SAP2000, ETABS and SAFE are soft ware pack ages from Com put ers and Struc -tures, Inc. for struc tural anal y sis and de sign. Each package is a fully in te grated sys -tem for mod el ing, an a lyz ing, de sign ing, and op ti miz ing struc tures of a par tic u lartype:

• SAP2000 for gen eral struc tures, in clud ing bridges, sta di ums, tow ers, in dus trial plants, off shore struc tures, pip ing sys tems, build ings, dams, soils, ma chineparts and many oth ers

• ETABS for build ing struc tures

• SAFE for floor slabs and base mats

At the heart of each of these soft ware pack ages is a com mon anal y sis en gine, re -ferred to through out this man ual as SAP2000. This en gine is the lat est and mostpow er ful ver sion of the well-known SAP se ries of struc tural anal y sis pro grams.The pur pose of this man ual is to de scribe the fea tures of the SAP2000 anal y sis en -gine.

Through out this man ual the anal y sis en gine will be re ferred to as SAP2000, al -though it ap plies also to ETABS and SAFE. Not all fea tures de scribed will ac tu allybe avail able in ev ery level of each pro gram.


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Analysis Features

The CSI anal y sis en gine of fers the fol low ing fea tures:

• Static and dy namic analy sis

• Lin ear and non lin ear analy sis

• Dy namic seis mic analy sis and static push over analysis

• Ve hi cle live- load analy sis for bridges

• Geo met ric nonlinearity, in clud ing P-delta and large-dis place ment ef fects

• Staged (in cre men tal) con struc tion

• Creep, shrink age, and ag ing effects

• Buckling anal y sis

• Steady-state and power-spec tral-den sity analysis

• Frame and shell struc tural ele ments, in clud ing beam- column, truss, mem brane, and plate be hav ior

• Ca ble and Ten don elements

• Two-di men sional plane and axi sym met ric solid el e ments

• Three-di men sional solid el e ments

• Non lin ear link and sup port el e ments

• Fre quency-de pend ent link and sup port prop er ties

• Mul ti ple co or di nate sys tems

• Many types of con straints

• A wide va ri ety of load ing op tions

• Alpha- numeric la bels

• Large ca pac ity

• Highly ef fi cient and sta ble so lu tion al go rithms

These fea tures, and many more, make CSI pro grams the state-of-the-art for struc -tural anal y sis. Note that not all of these fea tures may be avail able in ev ery level ofSAP2000, ETABS and SAFE.

2 Analysis Features

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Structural Analysis and Design

The fol low ing gen eral steps are re quired to ana lyze and de sign a struc ture us ingSAP2000, ETABS and SAFE:

1. Cre ate or mod ify a model that nu meri cally de fines the ge ome try, prop er ties,load ing, and analy sis pa rame ters for the struc ture

2. Per form an analy sis of the model

3. Re view the re sults of the analy sis

4. Check and op ti mize the de sign of the struc ture

This is usu ally an it era tive pro cess that may in volve sev eral cy cles of the above se -quence of steps. All of these steps can be per formed seam lessly us ing the SAP2000, ETABS, and SAFE graph i cal user in ter faces.

About This Manual

This man ual de scribes the theo reti cal con cepts be hind the mod el ing and analy sisfea tures of fered by the SAP2000 anal y sis en gine that un der lies the SAP2000,ETABS and SAFE struc tural anal y sis and de sign soft ware pack ages. The graphi caluser in ter face and the de sign fea tures are de scribed in sepa rate man u als for eachprogram.

It is im per a tive that you read this man ual and un der stand the as sump tions and pro -ce dures used by these soft ware packages be fore at tempt ing to use the anal y sis fea -tures.

Through out this man ual the anal y sis en gine may be re ferred to as SAP2000, al -though it ap plies also to ETABS and SAFE. Not all fea tures de scribed will ac tu allybe avail able in ev ery level of each pro gram.


Each Chap ter of this man ual is di vided into top ics and sub top ics. All Chap ters be -gin with a list of top ics cov ered. These are di vided into two groups:

• Ba sic top ics — rec om mended read ing for all us ers

Structural Analysis and Design 3

Chapter I Introduction

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• Ad vanced top ics — for us ers with spe cial ized needs, and for all us ers as theybe come more fa mil iar with the pro gram.

Fol low ing the list of top ics is an Over view which pro vides a sum mary of the Chap -ter. Read ing the Over view for every Chap ter will ac quaint you with the full scopeof the pro gram.

Typographical Conventions

Through out this man ual the fol low ing ty po graphic con ven tions are used.

Bold for Definitions

Bold ro man type (e.g., ex am ple) is used when ever a new term or con cept is de -fined. For ex am ple:

The global co or di nate sys tem is a three- dimensional, right- handed, rec tan gu -lar co or di nate sys tem.

This sen tence be gins the defi ni tion of the global co or di nate sys tem.

Bold for Variable Data

Bold ro man type (e.g., ex am ple) is used to rep re sent vari able data items for whichyou must spec ify val ues when de fin ing a struc tural model and its analy sis. For ex -am ple:

The Frame ele ment co or di nate an gle, ang, is used to de fine ele ment ori en ta -tions that are dif fer ent from the de fault ori en ta tion.

Thus you will need to sup ply a nu meric value for the vari able ang if it is dif fer entfrom its de fault value of zero.

Italics for Mathematical Variables

Nor mal italic type (e.g., ex am ple) is used for sca lar mathe mati cal vari ables, andbold italic type (e.g., ex am ple) is used for vec tors and ma tri ces. If a vari able dataitem is used in an equa tion, bold ro man type is used as dis cussed above. For ex am -ple:

0 £ da < db £ L

4 Typographical Conventions

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Here da and db are vari ables that you spec ify, and L is a length cal cu lated by thepro gram.

Italics for Emphasis

Nor mal italic type (e.g., ex am ple) is used to em pha size an im por tant point, or forthe ti tle of a book, man ual, or jour nal.

Capitalized Names

Capi tal ized names (e.g., Ex am ple) are used for cer tain parts of the model and itsanaly sis which have spe cial mean ing to SAP2000. Some ex am ples:

Frame ele ment

Dia phragm Con straint

Frame Sec tion

Load Case

Com mon en ti ties, such as “joint” or “ele ment” are not capi tal ized.

Bibliographic References

Ref er ences are in di cated through out this man ual by giv ing the name of theauthor(s) and the date of pub li ca tion, us ing pa ren the ses. For ex am ple:

See Wil son and Tet suji (1983).

It has been dem on strated (Wil son, Yuan, and Dick ens, 1982) that …

All bib lio graphic ref er ences are listed in al pha beti cal or der in Chap ter “Ref er -ences” (page 443).

Bibliographic References 5

Chapter I Introduction

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C h a p t e r II

Objects and Elements

The phys i cal struc tural mem bers in a structural model are rep re sented by ob jects.Using the graph i cal user in ter face, you “draw” the ge om e try of an ob ject, then “as -sign” prop er ties and loads to the ob ject to com pletely de fine the model of the phys i -cal mem ber. For anal y sis pur poses, SAP2000 con verts each ob ject into one or more el e ments.

Basic Topics for All Users

• Objects

• Ob jects and Elements

• Groups


The fol low ing ob ject types are avail able, listed in or der of geo met ri cal di men sion:

• Point ob jects, of two types:

– Joint ob jects: These are au to mat i cally cre ated at the cor ners or ends of allother types of ob jects be low, and they can be ex plic itly added to rep re sent sup ports or to cap ture other lo cal ized be hav ior.

Objects 7

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– Grounded (one-joint) sup port ob jects: Used to model spe cial sup portbe hav ior such as iso la tors, damp ers, gaps, multi-lin ear springs, and more.

• Line ob jects, of four types

– Frame ob jects: Used to model beams, col umns, braces, and trusses

– Cable ob jects: Used to model slen der ca bles un der self weight and ten sion

– Tendon ob jects: Used to prestressing ten dons within other ob jects

– Con necting (two-joint) link ob jects: Used to model spe cial mem ber be -hav ior such as iso la tors, damp ers, gaps, multi-lin ear springs, and more.Un like frame, ca ble, and ten don ob jects, con nect ing link ob jects can havezero length.

• Area ob jects: Shell el e ments (plate, mem brane, and full-shell) used to modelwalls, floors, and other thin-walled mem bers; as well as two-di men sional sol -ids (plane-stress, plane-strain, and axisymmetric sol ids).

• Solid ob jects: Used to model three-di men sional sol ids.

As a gen eral rule, the ge om e try of the ob ject should cor re spond to that of the phys i -cal mem ber. This sim pli fies the vi su al iza tion of the model and helps with the de -sign pro cess.

Ob jects and Elements

If you have ex pe ri ence us ing tra di tional fi nite el e ment pro grams, in clud ing ear lierver sions of SAP2000, ETABS or SAFE, you are prob a bly used to mesh ing phys i -cal mod els into smaller fi nite el e ments for anal y sis pur poses. Ob ject-based mod el -ing largely elim i nates the need for do ing this.

For us ers who are new to fi nite-el e ment mod el ing, the ob ject-based con cept shouldseem per fectly nat u ral.

When you run an anal y sis, SAP2000 au to mat i cally con verts your ob ject-basedmodel into an el e ment-based model that is used for anal y sis. This el e ment-basedmodel is called the anal y sis model, and it con sists of tra di tional fi nite el e ments andjoints (nodes). Re sults of the anal y sis are re ported back on the ob ject-based model.

You have con trol over how the mesh ing is per formed, such as the de gree of re fine -ment, and how to han dle the con nec tions be tween in ter sect ing ob jects. You alsohave the op tion to man u ally mesh the model, re sult ing in a one-to-one cor re spon -dence be tween ob jects and el e ments.

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8 Ob jects and Elements

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In this man ual, the term “el e ment” will be used more of ten than “ob ject”, sincewhat is de scribed herein is the fi nite-el e ment anal y sis por tion of the pro gram thatop er ates on the el e ment-based anal y sis model. However, it should be clear that theprop er ties de scribed here for el e ments are ac tu ally as signed in the in ter face to theob jects, and the con ver sion to anal y sis el e ments is au to matic.


A group is a named col lec tion of ob jects that you de fine. For each group, you mustpro vide a unique name, then se lect the ob jects that are to be part of the group. Youcan in clude ob jects of any type or types in a group. Each ob ject may be part of oneof more groups. All ob jects are al ways part of the built-in group called “ALL”.

Groups are used for many pur poses in the graph i cal user in ter face, in clud ing se lec -tion, de sign op ti mi za tion, de fin ing sec tion cuts, con trol ling out put, and more. Inthis man ual, we are pri mar ily in ter ested in the use of groups for de fin ing stagedcon struc tion. See Topic “Staged Con struc tion” (page 79) in Chap ter “Non lin earStatic Anal y sis” for more in for ma tion.

Groups 9

Chapter II Objects and Elements

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10 Groups

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C h a p t e r III

Coordinate Systems

Each struc ture may use many dif fer ent co or di nate sys tems to de scribe the lo ca tionof points and the di rec tions of loads, dis place ment, in ter nal forces, and stresses.Un der stand ing these dif fer ent co or di nate sys tems is cru cial to be ing able to prop -erly de fine the model and in ter pret the re sults.

Basic Topics for All Users

• Over view

• Global Co or di nate Sys tem

• Up ward and Hori zon tal Di rec tions

• De fin ing Co or di nate Sys tems

• Lo cal Co or di nate Sys tems

Advanced Topics

• Al ter nate Co or di nate Sys tems

• Cy lin dri cal and Spheri cal Co or di nates


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Co or di nate sys tems are used to lo cate dif fer ent parts of the struc tural model and tode fine the di rec tions of loads, dis place ments, in ter nal forces, and stresses.

All co or di nate sys tems in the model are de fined with re spect to a sin gle global co or -di nate sys tem. Each part of the model (joint, ele ment, or con straint) has its own lo -cal co or di nate sys tem. In ad di tion, you may cre ate al ter nate co or di nate sys tems that are used to de fine lo ca tions and di rec tions.

All co or di nate sys tems are three- dimensional, right- handed, rec tan gu lar (Car te -sian) sys tems. Vec tor cross prod ucts are used to de fine the lo cal and al ter nate co or -di nate sys tems with re spect to the global sys tem.

SAP2000 al ways as sumes that Z is the ver ti cal axis, with +Z be ing up ward. The up -ward di rec tion is used to help de fine lo cal co or di nate sys tems, al though lo cal co or -di nate sys tems them selves do not have an up ward di rec tion.

The lo ca tions of points in a co or di nate sys tem may be speci fied us ing rect an gu laror cy lin dri cal co or di nates. Like wise, di rec tions in a co or di nate sys tem may bespeci fied us ing rec tan gu lar, cy lin dri cal, or spheri cal co or di nate di rec tions at apoint.

Global Coordinate System

The global co or di nate sys tem is a three- dimensional, right- handed, rec tan gu larco or di nate sys tem. The three axes, de noted X, Y, and Z, are mu tu ally per pen dicu lar and sat isfy the right- hand rule.

Lo ca tions in the global co or di nate sys tem can be speci fied us ing the vari ables x, y,and z. A vec tor in the global co or di nate sys tem can be speci fied by giv ing the lo ca -tions of two points, a pair of an gles, or by speci fy ing a co or di nate di rec tion. Co or —

di nate di rec tions are in di cated us ing the val ues ±X, ±Y, and ±Z. For ex am ple, +Xde fines a vec tor par al lel to and di rected along the posi tive X axis. The sign is re -quired.

All other co or di nate sys tems in the model are ul ti mately de fined with re spect to theglobal co or di nate sys tem, ei ther di rectly or in di rectly. Like wise, all joint co or di -nates are ul ti mately con verted to global X, Y, and Z co or di nates, re gard less of howthey were speci fied.

12 Overview

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Upward and Horizontal Directions

SAP2000 al ways as sumes that Z is the ver ti cal axis, with +Z be ing up ward. Lo calco or di nate sys tems for joints, ele ments, and ground- acceleration load ing are de -fined with re spect to this up ward di rec tion. Self- weight load ing al ways acts down -ward, in the –Z di rec tion.

The X-Y plane is hori zon tal. The pri mary hori zon tal di rec tion is +X. An gles in thehori zon tal plane are meas ured from the posi tive half of the X axis, with posi tive an -gles ap pear ing coun ter clock wise when you are look ing down at the X-Y plane.

If you pre fer to work with a dif fer ent up ward di rec tion, you can de fine an al ter nateco or di nate sys tem for that pur pose.

Defining Coordinate Systems

Each co or di nate sys tem to be de fined must have an ori gin and a set of three,mutually- perpendicular axes that sat isfy the right- hand rule.

The ori gin is de fined by sim ply speci fy ing three co or di nates in the global co or di -nate sys tem.

The axes are de fined as vec tors us ing the con cepts of vec tor al ge bra. A fun da men tal knowl edge of the vec tor cross prod uct op era tion is very help ful in clearly un der -stand ing how co or di nate sys tem axes are de fined.

Vector Cross Product

A vec tor may be de fined by two points. It has length, di rec tion, and lo ca tion inspace. For the pur poses of de fin ing co or di nate axes, only the di rec tion is im por tant. Hence any two vec tors that are par al lel and have the same sense (i.e., point ing thesame way) may be con sid ered to be the same vec tor.

Any two vec tors, Vi and V

j, that are not par al lel to each other de fine a plane that is

par al lel to them both. The lo ca tion of this plane is not im por tant here, only its ori en -ta tion. The cross prod uct of V

i and V

j de fines a third vec tor, V

k, that is per pen dicu lar

to them both, and hence nor mal to the plane. The cross prod uct is writ ten as:

Vk = Vi ´ Vj

Upward and Horizontal Directions 13

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The length of Vk is not im por tant here. The side of the V


j plane to which V

k points

is de ter mined by the right- hand rule: The vec tor Vk points to ward you if the acute

an gle (less than 180°) from Vi to V

j ap pears coun ter clock wise.

Thus the sign of the cross prod uct de pends upon the or der of the op er ands:

Vj ´ Vi = – Vi ´ Vj

Defining the Three Axes Using Two Vectors

A right- handed co or di nate sys tem R- S-T can be rep re sented by the three mutually- perpendicular vec tors V

r, V

s, and V

t, re spec tively, that sat isfy the re la tion ship:

Vt = Vr ´ Vs

This co or di nate sys tem can be de fined by speci fy ing two non- parallel vec tors:

• An axis ref er ence vec tor, Va, that is par al lel to axis R

• A plane ref er ence vec tor, Vp, that is par al lel to plane R-S, and points to ward the positive-S side of the R axis

The axes are then de fined as:

Vr = Va

Vt = Vr ´ Vp

Vs = Vt ´ Vr

Note that Vp can be any con ven ient vec tor par al lel to the R-S plane; it does not have

to be par al lel to the S axis. This is il lus trated in Figure 1 (page 15).

Local Coordinate Systems

Each part (joint, ele ment, or con straint) of the struc tural model has its own lo cal co -or di nate sys tem used to de fine the prop er ties, loads, and re sponse for that part. Theaxes of the lo cal co or di nate sys tems are de noted 1, 2, and 3. In gen eral, the lo cal co -or di nate sys tems may vary from joint to joint, ele ment to ele ment, and con straint tocon straint.

There is no pre ferred up ward di rec tion for a lo cal co or di nate sys tem. How ever, theup ward +Z di rec tion is used to de fine the de fault joint and ele ment lo cal co or di natesys tems with re spect to the global or any al ter nate co or di nate sys tem.

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The joint lo cal 1- 2-3 co or di nate sys tem is nor mally the same as the global X- Y-Zco or di nate sys tem. How ever, you may de fine any ar bi trary ori en ta tion for a jointlo cal co or di nate sys tem by speci fy ing two ref er ence vec tors and/or three an gles ofro ta tion.

For the Frame, Area (Shell, Plane, and Asolid), and Link/Sup port ele ments, one ofthe ele ment lo cal axes is de ter mined by the ge ome try of the in di vid ual ele ment.You may de fine the ori en ta tion of the re main ing two axes by speci fy ing a sin gleref er ence vec tor and/or a sin gle an gle of ro ta tion. The ex cep tion to this is one-jointor zero-length Link/Sup port el e ments, which re quire that you first spec ify the lo -cal-1 (ax ial) axis.

The Solid el e ment lo cal 1-2-3 co or di nate sys tem is nor mally the same as the globalX-Y-Z co or di nate sys tem. How ever, you may de fine any ar bi trary ori en ta tion for asolid lo cal co or di nate sys tem by spec i fy ing two ref er ence vec tors and/or three an -gles of ro ta tion.

The lo cal co or di nate sys tem for a Body, Dia phragm, Plate, Beam, or Rod Con -straint is nor mally de ter mined auto mati cally from the ge ome try or mass dis tri bu -tion of the con straint. Op tion ally, you may spec ify one lo cal axis for any Dia —

Local Coordinate Systems 15

Chapter III Coordinate Systems

V is parallel to R axisaV is parallel to R-S planep

V = Vr aV = V x Vt r p V = V x Vs t r




Plane R-S






Cube is shown forvisualization purposes

Figure 1Determining an R-S-T Coordinate System from Reference Vectors Va and Vp

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phragm, Plate, Beam, or Rod Con straint (but not for the Body Con straint); the re -main ing two axes are de ter mined auto mati cally.

The lo cal co or di nate sys tem for an Equal Con straint may be ar bi trar ily speci fied;by de fault it is the global co or di nate sys tem. The Lo cal Con straint does not have itsown lo cal co or di nate sys tem.

For more in for ma tion:

• See Topic “Lo cal Co or di nate Sys tem” (page 24) in Chap ter “Joints and De -grees of Free dom.”

• See Topic “Lo cal Co or di nate Sys tem” (page 85) in Chap ter “The Frame Ele -ment.”

• See Topic “Lo cal Co or di nate Sys tem” (page 152) in Chap ter “The Shell Ele -ment.”

• See Topic “Lo cal Co or di nate Sys tem” (page 177) in Chap ter “The Plane Ele -ment.”

• See Topic “Lo cal Co or di nate Sys tem” (page 187) in Chap ter “The Aso lid Ele -ment.”

• See Topic “Lo cal Co or di nate Sys tem” (page 200) in Chap ter “The Solid Ele -ment.”

• See Topic “Lo cal Co or di nate Sys tem” (page 213) in Chap ter “The Link/Sup -port El e ment—Basic.”

• See Chap ter “Con straints and Welds (page 49).”

Alternate Coordinate Systems

You may de fine al ter nate co or di nate sys tems that can be used for lo cat ing thejoints; for de fin ing lo cal co or di nate sys tems for joints, ele ments, and con straints;and as a ref er ence for de fin ing other prop er ties and loads. The axes of the al ter nateco or di nate sys tems are de noted X, Y, and Z.

The global co or di nate sys tem and all al ter nate sys tems are called fixed co or di natesys tems, since they ap ply to the whole struc tural model, not just to in di vid ual partsas do the lo cal co or di nate sys tems. Each fixed co or di nate sys tem may be used inrec tan gu lar, cy lin dri cal or spheri cal form.

As so ci ated with each fixed co or di nate sys tem is a grid sys tem used to lo cate ob jects in the graph i cal user in ter face. Grids have no mean ing in the anal y sis model.

16 Alternate Coordinate Systems

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Each al ter nate co or di nate sys tem is de fined by spec i fy ing the lo ca tion of the or i ginand the ori en ta tion of the axes with re spect to the global co or di nate sys tem. Youneed:

• The global X, Y, and Z co or di nates of the new or i gin

• The three an gles (in de grees) used to ro tate from the global co or di nate sys temto the new sys tem

Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates

The lo ca tion of points in the global or an al ter nate co or di nate sys tem may be speci -fied us ing po lar co or di nates in stead of rec tan gu lar X- Y-Z co or di nates. Po lar co or -di nates in clude cy lin dri cal CR- CA- CZ co or di nates and spheri cal SB- SA- SR co or -di nates. See Figure 2 (page 19) for the defi ni tion of the po lar co or di nate sys tems.Po lar co or di nate sys tems are al ways de fined with re spect to a rec tan gu lar X- Y-Zsys tem.

The co or di nates CR, CZ, and SR are lin eal and are speci fied in length units. The co -or di nates CA, SB, and SA are an gu lar and are speci fied in de grees.

Lo ca tions are speci fied in cy lin dri cal co or di nates us ing the vari ables cr, ca, and cz.These are re lated to the rec tan gu lar co or di nates as:

cr x y= +2 2


x= tan -1

cz z=

Lo ca tions are speci fied in spheri cal co or di nates us ing the vari ables sb, sa, and sr.These are re lated to the rec tan gu lar co or di nates as:

sbx y

z= tan

+-12 2


x= tan -1

sr x y z= + +2 2 2

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A vec tor in a fixed co or di nate sys tem can be speci fied by giv ing the lo ca tions oftwo points or by speci fy ing a co or di nate di rec tion at a sin gle point P. Co or di natedi rec tions are tan gen tial to the co or di nate curves at point P. A posi tive co or di natedi rec tion in di cates the di rec tion of in creas ing co or di nate value at that point.

Cy lin dri cal co or di nate di rec tions are in di cated us ing the val ues ±CR, ±CA, and

±CZ. Spheri cal co or di nate di rec tions are in di cated us ing the val ues ±SB, ±SA, and

±SR. The sign is re quired. See Figure 2 (page 19).

The cy lin dri cal and spheri cal co or di nate di rec tions are not con stant but vary withan gu lar po si tion. The co or di nate di rec tions do not change with the lin eal co or di -nates. For ex am ple, +SR de fines a vec tor di rected from the ori gin to point P.

Note that the co or di nates Z and CZ are iden ti cal, as are the cor re spond ing co or di -nate di rec tions. Simi larly, the co or di nates CA and SA and their cor re spond ing co -or di nate di rec tions are iden ti cal.

18 Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates

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Cubes are shown forvisualization purposes

Figure 2Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates and Coordinate Directions

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20 Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates

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C h a p t e r IV

Joints and Degrees of Freedom

The joints play a fun da men tal role in the analy sis of any struc ture. Joints are thepoints of con nec tion be tween the ele ments, and they are the pri mary lo ca tions inthe struc ture at which the dis place ments are known or are to be de ter mined. Thedis place ment com po nents (trans la tions and ro ta tions) at the joints are called the de -grees of free dom.

This Chap ter de scribes joint prop er ties, de grees of free dom, loads, and out put. Ad -di tional in for ma tion about joints and de grees of free dom is given in Chap ter “Con -straints and Welds” (page 49).

Basic Topics for All Users

• Over view

• Mod el ing Con sid era tions

• Lo cal Co or di nate Sys tem

• De grees of Free dom

• Re straint Supports

• Spring Sup ports

• Joint Re ac tions

• Base Reactions


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• Masses

• Force Load

• De gree of Free dom Out put

• As sem bled Joint Mass Out put

• Dis place ment Out put

• Force Out put

Advanced Topics

• Ad vanced Lo cal Co or di nate Sys tem

• Non lin ear Sup ports

• Dis trib uted Supports

• Ground Dis place ment Load

• Gen er al ized Displacements

• El e ment Joint Force Output


Joints, also known as nodal points or nodes, are a fun da men tal part of every struc -tural model. Joints per form a va ri ety of func tions:

• All ele ments are con nected to the struc ture (and hence to each other) at thejoints

• The struc ture is sup ported at the joints us ing Re straints and/or Springs

• Rigid- body be hav ior and sym me try con di tions can be speci fied us ing Con -straints that ap ply to the joints

• Con cen trated loads may be ap plied at the joints

• Lumped (con cen trated) masses and ro ta tional in er tia may be placed at thejoints

• All loads and masses ap plied to the ele ments are ac tu ally trans ferred to thejoints

• Joints are the pri mary lo ca tions in the struc ture at which the dis place ments areknown (the sup ports) or are to be de ter mined

All of these func tions are dis cussed in this Chap ter ex cept for the Con straints,which are de scribed in Chap ter “Con straints and Welds” (page 49).

22 Overview

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Joints in the anal y sis model cor re spond to point ob jects in the struc tural-ob jectmodel. Using the SAP2000, ETABS or SAFE graph i cal user in ter face, joints(points) are au to mat i cally cre ated at the ends of each Line ob ject and at the cor nersof each Area and Solid ob ject. Joints may also be de fined in de pend ently of any ob -ject.

Au to matic mesh ing of ob jects will cre ate ad di tional joints cor re spond ing to any el -e ments that are cre ated.

Joints may them selves be con sid ered as el e ments. Each joint may have its own lo -cal co or di nate sys tem for de fin ing the de grees of free dom, re straints, joint prop er -ties, and loads; and for in ter pret ing joint out put. In most cases, how ever, the globalX-Y-Z co or di nate sys tem is used as the lo cal co or di nate sys tem for all joints in themodel. Joints act in de pend ently of each other un less con nected by other el e ments.

There are six dis place ment de grees of free dom at ev ery joint — three trans la tionsand three ro ta tions. These dis place ment com po nents are aligned along the lo cal co -or di nate sys tem of each joint.

Joints may be loaded di rectly by con cen trated loads or in di rectly by ground dis -place ments act ing though Re straints or spring sup ports.

Dis place ments (trans la tions and ro ta tions) are pro duced at every joint. Re ac tionforces mo ments act ing on each sup port joint are also pro duced.

For more in for ma tion, see Chap ter “Con straints and Welds” (page 49).

Modeling Considerations

The lo ca tion of the joints and ele ments is criti cal in de ter min ing the ac cu racy of thestruc tural model. Some of the fac tors that you need to con sider when de fin ing theele ments, and hence the joints, for the struc ture are:

• The number of ele ments should be suf fi cient to de scribe the ge ome try of thestruc ture. For straight lines and edges, one ele ment is ade quate. For curves andcurved sur faces, one ele ment should be used for every arc of 15° or less.

• Ele ment bounda ries, and hence joints, should be lo cated at points, lines, andsur faces of dis con ti nu ity:

– Struc tural bounda ries, e.g., cor ners and edges

– Changes in ma te rial prop er ties

– Changes in thick ness and other geo met ric prop er ties

Modeling Considerations 23

Chapter IV Joints and Degrees of Freedom

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– Sup port points (Re straints and Springs)

– Points of ap pli ca tion of con cen trated loads, ex cept that Frame el e mentsmay have con cen trated loads ap plied within their spans

• In re gions hav ing large stress gra di ents, i.e., where the stresses are chang ingrap idly, an Area- or Solid-el e ment mesh should be re fined us ing small ele -ments and closely- spaced joints. This may re quire chang ing the mesh af ter oneor more pre limi nary analy ses.

• More that one ele ment should be used to model the length of any span forwhich dy namic be hav ior is im por tant. This is re quired be cause the mass is al -ways lumped at the joints, even if it is con trib uted by the ele ments.

Local Coordinate System

Each joint has its own joint lo cal co or di nate sys tem used to de fine the de grees offree dom, Re straints, prop er ties, and loads at the joint; and for in ter pret ing joint out -put. The axes of the joint lo cal co or di nate sys tem are de noted 1, 2, and 3. By de fault these axes are iden ti cal to the global X, Y, and Z axes, re spec tively. Both sys temsare right- handed co or di nate sys tems.

The de fault lo cal co or di nate sys tem is ade quate for most situa tions. How ever, forcer tain mod el ing pur poses it may be use ful to use dif fer ent lo cal co or di nate sys -tems at some or all of the joints. This is de scribed in the next topic.

For more in for ma tion:

• See Topic “Up ward and Hori zon tal Di rec tions” (page 13) in Chap ter “Co or di -nate Sys tems.”

• See Topic “Ad vanced Lo cal Co or di nate Sys tem” (page 24) in this Chap ter.

Advanced Local Coordinate System

By de fault, the joint lo cal 1- 2-3 co or di nate sys tem is iden ti cal to the global X- Y-Zco or di nate sys tem, as de scribed in the pre vi ous topic. How ever, it may be nec es -sary to use dif fer ent lo cal co or di nate sys tems at some or all joints in the fol low ingcases:

• Skewed Re straints (sup ports) are pres ent

• Con straints are used to im pose ro ta tional sym me try

24 Local Coordinate System

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• Con straints are used to im pose sym me try about a plane that is not par al lel to aglobal co or di nate plane

• The prin ci pal axes for the joint mass (trans la tional or ro ta tional) are not aligned with the global axes

• Joint dis place ment and force out put is de sired in an other co or di nate sys tem

Joint lo cal co or di nate sys tems need only be de fined for the af fected joints. Theglobal sys tem is used for all joints for which no lo cal co or di nate sys tem is ex plic itly speci fied.

A va ri ety of meth ods are avail able to de fine a joint lo cal co or di nate sys tem. Thesemay be used sepa rately or to gether. Lo cal co or di nate axes may be de fined to be par -al lel to ar bi trary co or di nate di rec tions in an ar bi trary co or di nate sys tem or to vec -tors be tween pairs of joints. In ad di tion, the joint lo cal co or di nate sys tem may bespeci fied by a set of three joint co or di nate an gles. These meth ods are de scribed inthe sub top ics that fol low.

For more in for ma tion:

• See Chap ter “Co or di nate Sys tems” (page 11).

• See Topic “Lo cal Co or di nate Sys tem” (page 24) in this Chap ter.

Reference Vectors

To de fine a joint lo cal co or di nate sys tem you must spec ify two ref er ence vec torsthat are par al lel to one of the joint lo cal co or di nate planes. The axis ref er ence vec -tor, Va , must be par al lel to one of the lo cal axes (I = 1, 2, or 3) in this plane and

have a posi tive pro jec tion upon that axis. The plane ref er ence vec tor, Vp, must

have a posi tive pro jec tion upon the other lo cal axis (j = 1, 2, or 3, but I ¹ j) in thisplane, but need not be par al lel to that axis. Hav ing a posi tive pro jec tion means that

the posi tive di rec tion of the ref er ence vec tor must make an an gle of less than 90°with the posi tive di rec tion of the lo cal axis.

To gether, the two ref er ence vec tors de fine a lo cal axis, I, and a lo cal plane, i-j.From this, the pro gram can de ter mine the third lo cal axis, k, us ing vec tor al ge bra.

For ex am ple, you could choose the axis ref er ence vec tor par al lel to lo cal axis 1 andthe plane ref er ence vec tor par al lel to the lo cal 1-2 plane (I = 1, j = 2). Al ter na tively,you could choose the axis ref er ence vec tor par al lel to lo cal axis 3 and the plane ref -er ence vec tor par al lel to the lo cal 3-2 plane (I = 3, j = 2). You may choose the planethat is most con ven ient to de fine us ing the pa rame ter lo cal, which may take on the

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Chapter IV Joints and Degrees of Freedom

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val ues 12, 13, 21, 23, 31, or 32. The two dig its cor re spond to I and j, re spec tively.The de fault is value is 31.

Defining the Axis Reference Vector

To de fine the axis ref er ence vec tor for joint j, you must first spec ify or use the de -fault val ues for:

• A co or di nate di rec tion ax dir (the de fault is +Z)

• A fixed co or di nate sys tem csys (the de fault is zero, in di cat ing the global co or -di nate sys tem)

You may op tion ally spec ify:

• A pair of joints, ax veca and ax vecb (the de fault for each is zero, in di cat ingjoint j it self). If both are zero, this op tion is not used.

For each joint, the axis ref er ence vec tor is de ter mined as fol lows:

1. A vec tor is found from joint ax veca to joint ax vecb. If this vec tor is of fi nitelength, it is used as the ref er ence vec tor Va

2. Oth er wise, the co or di nate di rec tion ax dir is evalu ated at joint j in fixed co or di -nate sys tem csys, and is used as the ref er ence vec tor Va

Defining the Plane Reference Vector

To de fine the plane ref er ence vec tor for joint j, you must first spec ify or use the de -fault val ues for:

• A pri mary co or di nate di rec tion pldirp (the de fault is +X)

• A sec on dary co or di nate di rec tion pldirs (the de fault is +Y). Di rec tions pldirsand pldirp should not be par al lel to each other un less you are sure that they arenot par al lel to lo cal axis 1

• A fixed co or di nate sys tem csys (the de fault is zero, in di cat ing the global co or -di nate sys tem). This will be the same co or di nate sys tem that was used to de finethe axis ref er ence vec tor, as de scribed above

You may op tion ally spec ify:

• A pair of joints, plveca and plvecb (the de fault for each is zero, in di cat ing jointj it self). If both are zero, this op tion is not used.

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For each joint, the plane ref er ence vec tor is de ter mined as fol lows:

1. A vec tor is found from joint plveca to joint plvecb. If this vec tor is of fi nitelength and is not par al lel to lo cal axis I, it is used as the ref er ence vec tor Vp

2. Oth er wise, the pri mary co or di nate di rec tion pldirp is evalu ated at joint j infixed co or di nate sys tem csys. If this di rec tion is not par al lel to lo cal axis I, it isused as the ref er ence vec tor Vp

3. Oth er wise, the sec on dary co or di nate di rec tion pldirs is evalu ated at joint j infixed co or di nate sys tem csys. If this di rec tion is not par al lel to lo cal axis I, it isused as the ref er ence vec tor Vp

4. Oth er wise, the method fails and the analy sis ter mi nates. This will never hap pen if pldirp is not par al lel to pldirs

A vec tor is con sid ered to be par al lel to lo cal axis I if the sine of the an gle be tweenthem is less than 10


Determining the Local Axes from the Reference Vectors

The pro gram uses vec tor cross prod ucts to de ter mine the lo cal axes from the ref er -ence vec tors. The three axes are rep re sented by the three unit vec tors V1, V2 andV3 , re spec tively. The vec tors sat isfy the cross- product re la tion ship:

V V V1 2 3= ´

The lo cal axis Vi is given by the vec tor Va af ter it has been nor mal ized to unitlength.

The re main ing two axes, Vj and Vk , are de fined as fol lows:

• If I and j per mute in a posi tive sense, i.e., lo cal = 12, 23, or 31, then:

V V Vk i p= ´ and

V V Vj k i= ´

• If I and j per mute in a nega tive sense, i.e., lo cal = 21, 32, or 13, then:

V V Vk p i= ´ and

V V Vj i k= ´

An ex am ple show ing the de ter mi na tion of the joint lo cal co or di nate sys tem us ingref er ence vec tors is given in Figure 3 (page 28).

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Chapter IV Joints and Degrees of Freedom

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Joint Coordinate Angles

The joint lo cal co or di nate axes de ter mined from the ref er ence vec tors may be fur -ther modi fied by the use of three joint co or di nate an gles, de noted a, b, and c. Inthe case where the de fault ref er ence vec tors are used, the joint co or di nate an gles de -fine the ori en ta tion of the joint lo cal co or di nate sys tem with re spect to the globalaxes.

The joint co or di nate an gles spec ify ro ta tions of the lo cal co or di nate sys tem aboutits own cur rent axes. The re sult ing ori en ta tion of the joint lo cal co or di nate sys temis ob tained ac cord ing to the fol low ing pro ce dure:

1. The lo cal sys tem is first ro tated about its +3 axis by an gle a

2. The lo cal sys tem is next ro tated about its re sult ing +2 axis by an gle b

3. The lo cal sys tem is lastly ro tated about its re sult ing +1 axis by an gle c

The or der in which the ro ta tions are per formed is im por tant. The use of co or di natean gles to ori ent the joint lo cal co or di nate sys tem with re spect to the global sys tem is shown in Figure 4 (page 29).

28 Advanced Local Coordinate System

CSI Analysis Reference Manual

V is parallel to axveca-axvecbaV is parallel to plveca-plvecbp

V = V3 aV = V x V All vectors normalized to unit length.2 3 p V = V x V1 2 3








Plane 3-1







Figure 3Example of the Determination of the Joint Local Coordinate System

Using Reference Vectors for local=31

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Advanced Local Coordinate System 29

Chapter IV Joints and Degrees of Freedom










Z, 3

















Step 1: Rotation aboutlocal 3 axis by angle a

Step 2: Rotation about newlocal 2 axis by angle b

Step 3: Rotation about newlocal 1 axis by angle c

Figure 4Use of Joint Coordinate Angles to Orient the Joint Local Coordinate System

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Degrees of Freedom

The de flec tion of the struc tural model is gov erned by the dis place ments of thejoints. Every joint of the struc tural model may have up to six dis place ment com po -nents:

• The joint may trans late along its three lo cal axes. These trans la tions are de -noted U1, U2, and U3.

• The joint may ro tate about its three lo cal axes. These ro ta tions are de noted R1,R2, and R3.

These six dis place ment com po nents are known as the de grees of free dom of thejoint. In the usual case where the joint lo cal co or di nate sys tem is par al lel to theglobal sys tem, the de grees of free dom may also be iden ti fied as UX, UY, UZ, RX,RY and RZ, ac cord ing to which global axes are par al lel to which lo cal axes. Thejoint lo cal de grees of free dom are il lus trated in Figure 5 (page 31).

In ad di tion to the regu lar joints that you ex plic itly de fine as part of your struc turalmodel, the pro gram auto mati cally cre ates mas ter joints that gov ern the be hav ior ofany Con straints and Welds that you may have de fined. Each mas ter joint has thesame six de grees of free dom as do the regu lar joints. See Chap ter “Con straints andWelds” (page 49) for more in for ma tion.

Each de gree of free dom in the struc tural model must be one of the fol low ing types:

• Ac tive — the dis place ment is com puted dur ing the analy sis

• Re strained — the dis place ment is speci fied, and the cor re spond ing re ac tion iscom puted dur ing the analy sis

• Con strained — the dis place ment is de ter mined from the dis place ments at otherde grees of free dom

• Null — the dis place ment does not af fect the struc ture and is ig nored by theanaly sis

• Un avail able — the dis place ment has been ex plic itly ex cluded from the analy -sis

These dif fer ent types of de grees of free dom are de scribed in the fol low ing sub top -ics.

30 Degrees of Freedom

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Available and Unavailable Degrees of Freedom

You may ex plic itly spec ify the global de grees of free dom that are avail able to every joint in the struc tural model. By de fault, all six de grees of free dom are avail able toevery joint. This de fault should gen er ally be used for all three- dimensional struc -tures.

For cer tain pla nar struc tures, how ever, you may wish to re strict the avail able de -grees of free dom. For ex am ple, in the X-Y plane: a pla nar truss needs only UX andUY; a pla nar frame needs only UX, UY, and RZ; and a pla nar grid or flat plateneeds only UZ, RX, and RY.

The de grees of free dom that are not speci fied as be ing avail able are called un avail -able de grees of free dom. Any stiff ness, loads, mass, Re straints, or Con straints that are ap plied to the un avail able de grees of free dom are ig nored by the analy sis.

The avail able de grees of free dom are al ways re ferred to the global co or di nate sys -tem, and they are the same for every joint in the model. If any joint lo cal co or di natesys tems are used, they must not cou ple avail able de grees of free dom with the un -avail able de grees of free dom at any joint. For ex am ple, if the avail able de grees offree dom are UX, UY, and RZ, then all joint lo cal co or di nate sys tems must have one lo cal axis par al lel to the global Z axis.

Degrees of Freedom 31

Chapter IV Joints and Degrees of Freedom








Figure 5The Six Displacement Degrees of Freedom in the Joint Local Coordinate System

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Restrained Degrees of Freedom

If the dis place ment of a joint along any one of its avail able de grees of free dom isknown, such as at a sup port point, that de gree of free dom is re strained. The knownvalue of the dis place ment may be zero or non- zero, and may be dif fer ent in dif fer -ent Load Cases. The force along the re strained de gree of free dom that is re quired toim pose the speci fied re straint dis place ment is called the re ac tion, and is de ter mined by the analy sis.

Un avail able de grees of free dom are es sen tially re strained. How ever, they are ex -cluded from the analy sis and no re ac tions are com puted, even if they are non- zero.

See Topic “Re straint Sup ports” (page 34) in this Chap ter for more in for ma tion.

Constrained Degrees of Freedom

Any joint that is part of a Con straint or Weld may have one or more of its avail ablede grees of free dom con strained. The pro gram auto mati cally cre ates a mas ter jointto gov ern the be hav ior of each Con straint, and a mas ter joint to gov ern the be hav iorof each set of joints that are con nected to gether by a Weld. The dis place ment of acon strained de gree of free dom is then com puted as a lin ear com bi na tion of the dis -place ments along the de grees of free dom at the cor re spond ing mas ter joint.

If a constrained de gree of free dom is also re strained, the re straint will be ap plied tothe con straint as a whole.

See Chap ter “Con straints and Welds” (page 49) for more in for ma tion.

Active Degrees of Freedom

All avail able de grees of free dom that are nei ther con strained nor re strained must beei ther ac tive or null. The pro gram will auto mati cally de ter mine the ac tive de greesof free dom as fol lows:

• If any load or stiff ness is ap plied along any trans la tional de gree of free dom at ajoint, then all avail able trans la tional de grees of free dom at that joint are madeac tive un less they are con strained or re strained.

• If any load or stiff ness is ap plied along any ro ta tional de gree of free dom at ajoint, then all avail able ro ta tional de grees of free dom at that joint are made ac -tive un less they are con strained or re strained.

• All de grees of free dom at a mas ter joint that gov ern con strained de grees offree dom are made ac tive.

32 Degrees of Freedom

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A joint that is con nected to any ele ment or to a trans la tional spring will have all ofits trans la tional de grees of free dom ac ti vated. A joint that is con nected to a Frame,Shell, or Link/Sup port ele ment, or to any ro ta tional spring will have all of its ro ta -tional de grees of free dom ac ti vated. An ex cep tion is a Frame el e ment with onlytruss- type stiff ness, which will not ac ti vate ro ta tional de grees of free dom.

Every ac tive de gree of free dom has an as so ci ated equa tion to be solved. If there areN ac tive de grees of free dom in the struc ture, there are N equa tions in the sys tem,and the struc tural stiff ness ma trix is said to be of or der N. The amount of com pu ta -tional ef fort re quired to per form the analy sis in creases with N.

The load act ing along each ac tive de gree of free dom is known (it may be zero). Thecor re spond ing dis place ment will be de ter mined by the analy sis.

If there are ac tive de grees of free dom in the sys tem at which the stiff ness is knownto be zero, such as the out- of- plane trans la tion in a planar- frame, these must ei therbe re strained or made un avail able. Oth er wise, the struc ture is un sta ble and the so lu -tion of the static equa tions will fail.

For more in for ma tion:

• See Topic “Springs” (page 34) in this Chap ter.

• See Topic “De grees of Free dom” (page 84) in Chap ter “The Frame Ele ment.”

• See Topic “De grees of Free dom” (page 138) in Chap ter “The Ca ble El e ment.”

• See Topic “De grees of Free dom” (page 149) in Chap ter “The Shell El e ment.”

• See Topic “De grees of Free dom” (page 177) in Chap ter “The Plane Ele ment.”

• See Topic “De grees of Free dom” (page 187) in Chap ter “The Aso lid Ele ment.”

• See Topic “De grees of Free dom” (page 199) in Chap ter “The Solid Ele ment.”

• See Topic “De grees of Free dom” (page 213) in Chap ter “The Link/Sup port El -e ment—Basic.”

• See Topic “De grees of Free dom” (page 262) in Chap ter “The Ten don Ob ject.”

Null Degrees of Freedom

The avail able de grees of free dom that are not re strained, con strained, or ac tive, arecalled the null de grees of free dom. Be cause they have no load or stiff ness, their dis -place ments and re ac tions are zero, and they have no ef fect on the rest of the struc -ture. The pro gram auto mati cally ex cludes them from the analy sis.

Degrees of Freedom 33

Chapter IV Joints and Degrees of Freedom

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Joints that have no ele ments con nected to them typi cally have all six de grees offree dom null. Joints that have only solid- type ele ments (Plane, Aso lid, and Solid)con nected to them typi cally have the three ro ta tional de grees of free dom null.

Restraint Supports

If the dis place ment of a joint along any of its avail able de grees of free dom has aknown value, ei ther zero (e.g., at sup port points) or non- zero (e.g., due to sup portset tle ment), a Re straint must be ap plied to that de gree of free dom. The knownvalue of the dis place ment may dif fer from one Load Case to the next, but the de gree of free dom is re strained for all Load Cases. In other words, it is not pos si ble to havethe dis place ment known in one Load Case and un known (un re strained) in an otherLoad Case.

Re straints should also be ap plied to any avail able de grees of free dom in the sys temat which the stiff ness is known to be zero, such as the out- of- plane trans la tion andin- plane ro ta tions of a planar- frame. Oth er wise, the struc ture is un sta ble and the so -lu tion of the static equa tions will complain.

Re straints are al ways ap plied to the joint lo cal de grees of free dom U1, U2, U3, R1,R2, and R3. Ex am ples of Re straints are shown in Figure 6 (page 35).

In gen eral, you should not ap ply re straints to con strained de grees of free dom. How -ever, if you do, the pro gram will at tempt to au to mat i cally re write the con straintequa tions to ac com mo date the re straint. It is usu ally better to use spring sup ports atcon strained de grees of free dom.

If a re straint is ap plied to an un avail able de gree of free dom, it is ig nored and no re -ac tion is com puted.

For more in for ma tion:

• See Topic “De grees of Free dom” (page 30) in this Chap ter.

• See Topic “Re straint Dis place ment Load” (page 42) in this Chap ter.

Spring Supports

Any of the six de grees of free dom at any of the joints in the struc ture can have trans -la tional or ro ta tional spring sup port con di tions. These springs elas ti cally con nectthe joint to the ground. Spring sup ports along re strained de grees of free dom do notcon trib ute to the stiff ness of the struc ture.

34 Restraint Supports

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Spring Supports 35

Chapter IV Joints and Degrees of Freedom

2-D Frame Structure, X-Z plane

3-D Frame Structure

Notes: Joints are indicated with dots: Solid dots indicate moment continuity Open dots indicate hinges All joint local 1-2-3 coordinate systems are identical to the global X-Y-Z coordinate system


















HingeFixedRoller1 2 3

4 5 6

Joint Restraints 1 U1, U2, U3 2 U3 3 U1, U2, U3, R1, R2, R3 4 None

Joint Restraints All U3, R1, R2 1 U2 2 U1, U2, R3 3 U1, U2

Figure 6Examples of Restraints

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Springs may be speci fied that cou ple the de grees of free dom at a joint. The springforces that act on a joint are re lated to the dis place ments of that joint by a 6×6 sym -met ric ma trix of spring stiff ness co ef fi cients. These forces tend to op pose the dis -place ments.

Spring stiff ness co ef fi cients may be speci fied in the global co or di nate sys tem, anAl ter nate Co or di nate Sys tem, or the joint lo cal co or di nate sys tem.

In a joint lo cal co or di nate sys tem, the spring forces and mo ments F1, F

2, F

3, M

1, M


and M3 at a joint are given by:

(Eqn. 1)F






















= —

u1 u1u2 u1u3 u1r1 u1r2 u1r3

u2 u2u3 u2r1 u2r2 u2r3

u3 u3r1 u3r2 u3r3

r1 r1r2 r1r3

sym. r2 r2r3






























where u1, u

2, u

3, r

1, r

2 and r

3 are the joint dis place ments and ro ta tions, and the terms

u1, u1u2, u2, … are the speci fied spring stiff ness co ef fi cients.

In any fixed co or di nate sys tem, the spring forces and mo ments Fx, F

y, F

z, M

x, M

y and

Mz at a joint are given by:























= —

ux uxuy uxuz uxrx uxry uxrz

uy uyuz uyrx uyry uyrz

uz uzrx uzry uzrz

rx rxry rxrz

sym. ry ryrz






























where ux, u

y, u

z, r

x, r

y and r

z are the joint dis place ments and ro ta tions, and the terms

ux, uxuy, uy, … are the speci fied spring stiff ness co ef fi cients.

For springs that do not cou ple the de grees of free dom in a par ticu lar co or di nate sys -tem, only the six di ago nal terms need to be speci fied since the off- diagonal termsare all zero. When cou pling is pres ent, all 21 co ef fi cients in the up per tri an gle of the ma trix must be given; the other 15 terms are then known by sym me try.

If the springs at a joint are speci fied in more than one co or di nate sys tem, stan dardco or di nate trans for ma tion tech niques are used to con vert the 6×6 spring stiff ness

36 Spring Supports

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ma tri ces to the joint lo cal co or di nate sys tem, and the re sult ing stiff ness ma tri ces are then added to gether on a term- by- term ba sis. The fi nal spring stiff ness ma trix ateach joint in the struc ture should have a de ter mi nant that is zero or posi tive. Oth er -wise the springs may cause the struc ture to be un sta ble.

The dis place ment of the grounded end of the spring may be speci fied to be zero ornon- zero (e.g., due to sup port set tle ment). This spring dis place ment may varyfrom one Load Case to the next.

For more in for ma tion:

• See Topic “De grees of Free dom” (page 30) in this Chap ter.

• See Topic “Spring Dis place ment Load” (page 43) in this Chap ter.

Nonlinear Supports

In cer tain ver sions of the pro gram, you may de fine non lin ear sup ports at the jointsus ing the Link/Sup port El e ment. Non lin ear sup port con di tions that can be mod eled in clude gaps (com pres sion only), multi-lin ear elas tic or plas tic springs, vis cousdamp ers, base iso la tors, and more.

This Link/Sup port el e ment can be used in two ways:

• You can add (draw) a one-joint el e ment, in which case it is con sid ered a Sup -port El e ment, and it con nects the joint di rectly to the ground.

• The el e ment can also be drawn with two joints, in which case it is con sid ered aLink El e ment. You can use a Link El e ment as a sup port if you con nect one endto the struc ture, and re strain the other end.

Both meth ods have the same ef fect, but us ing the two-joint Link El e ment al lowsyou to ap ply Ground Displacement load at the re strained end, which you can not dowith the one-joint Sup port El e ment.

Mul ti ple Link/Sup port el e ments can be con nected to a sin gle joint, in which casethey act in par al lel. Each Link/Sup port el e ment has its own el e ment lo cal co or di -nate sys tem that is in de pend ent of the joint lo cal co or di nate sys tem.

Re straints and springs may also ex ist at the joint. Of course, any de gree of free domthat is re strained will pre vent de for ma tion in the Link/Sup port el e ment in that di -rec tion.

See Chap ters “The Link/Sup port El e ment – Ba sic” (page 211) and “The Link/Sup -port El e ment – Ad vanced” (page 233) for more in for ma tion.

Nonlinear Supports 37

Chapter IV Joints and Degrees of Freedom

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Dis trib uted Sup ports

You may as sign dis trib uted spring sup ports along the length of a Frame el e ment, orover the any face of an area ob ject (Shell, Plane, Asolid) or Solid el e ment. Thesesprings may be lin ear, multi-lin ear elas tic, or multi-lin ear plas tic. These springs arecon verted to equiv a lent one-joint Link/Sup port el e ments act ing at the joints of theel e ment, af ter ac count ing for the trib u tary length or area of the el e ment.

Be cause these springs act at the joints, it may be nec es sary to mesh the el e ments tocap ture lo cal ized ef fects of such dis trib uted sup ports. The best way to do this isusu ally to use the au to matic in ter nal mesh ing op tions available in the graphical user interface. This al lows you to change the mesh ing eas ily, while still be ing able towork with large, sim pler model ob jects.

It is not pos si ble to as sign dis trib uted re straint sup ports di rectly. How ever, whenus ing au to matic in ter nal mesh ing, you may op tion ally spec ify that the meshed el e -ments use the same re straint conditions that are pres ent on the par ent ob ject.

For more in for ma tion, see Top ics “Re straint Sup ports” (page 34), “Spring Sup -port” (page 34), “Non lin ear Sup ports” (page 37) in this Chap ter, and also Chap ter“Ob jects and El e ments” (page 7.)

Joint Reactions

The force or mo ment along the de gree of free dom that is re quired to en force anysup port con di tion is called the re ac tion, and it is de ter mined by the anal y sis. There ac tion in cludes the forces (or mo ments) from all sup ports at the joint, in clud ingre straints, springs, and one-joint Link/Sup port el e ments. The trib u tary ef fect of any dis trib uted sup ports is in cluded in the re ac tion.

If a two-joint Link/Sup port el e ment is used, the re ac tion will be re ported at thegrounded end of the el e ment.

For more in for ma tion, see Top ics “Re straint Sup ports” (page 34), “Spring Sup -port” (page 34), “Non lin ear Sup ports” (page 37), and “Dis trib uted Sup ports” (page38) in this Chap ter.

Base Reactions

Base Re ac tions are the re sul tant force and mo ment of all the joint re ac tions act ingon the struc ture, com puted at the global or i gin or at some other lo ca tion that you

38 Dis trib uted Sup ports

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choose. This pro duces three force com po nents and three mo ment com po nents. Thebase forces are not af fected by the cho sen lo ca tion, but the base mo ments are. Forseis mic anal y sis the hor i zon tal forces are called the base shears, and the mo mentsabout the hor i zon tal axes are called the over turn ing mo ments.

Base re ac tions are avail able for all Anal y sis Cases and Combos ex cept for Mov -ing-Load Cases. The cen troids (cen ter of ac tion) are also avail able for each forcecom po nent of the base re ac tions. Note that these are the cen troids of the re ac tions,which may not al ways be the same as the cen troids of the ap plied load caus ing thereaction.

For more in for ma tion, see Topic “Joint Reactions” (page 38) in this Chap ter.


In a dy namic analy sis, the mass of the struc ture is used to com pute in er tial forces.Nor mally, the mass is ob tained from the ele ments us ing the mass den sity of the ma -te rial and the vol ume of the ele ment. This auto mati cally pro duces lumped (un cou -pled) masses at the joints. The ele ment mass val ues are equal for each of the threetrans la tional de grees of free dom. No mass mo ments of in er tia are pro duced for thero ta tional de grees of freedom. This ap proach is ade quate for most analy ses.

It is of ten nec es sary to place ad di tional con cen trated masses and/or mass mo mentsof in er tia at the joints. These can be ap plied to any of the six de grees of free dom atany of the joints in the struc ture.

For com pu ta tional ef fi ciency and so lu tion ac cu racy, SAP2000 al ways uses lumpedmasses. This means that there is no mass cou pling be tween de grees of free dom at ajoint or be tween dif fer ent joints. These un cou pled masses are al ways re ferred to the lo cal co or di nate sys tem of each joint. Mass val ues along re strained de grees of free -dom are ig nored.

In er tial forces act ing on the joints are re lated to the ac cel era tions at the joints by a6x6 ma trix of mass val ues. These forces tend to op pose the ac cel era tions. In a jointlo cal co or di nate sys tem, the in er tia forces and mo ments F

1, F

2, F

3, M

1, M

2 and M

3 at

a joint are given by:

Masses 39

Chapter IV Joints and Degrees of Freedom

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= —

u1 0 0 0 0 0

u2 0 0 0 0

u3 0 0 0

r1 0 0

sym. r2 0


































where &&u1, &&u2 , &&u3 , &&r1, &&r2 and &&r3 are the trans la tional and ro ta tional ac cel era tions atthe joint, and the terms u1, u2, u3, r1, r2, and r3 are the speci fied mass val ues.

Un cou pled joint masses may in stead be speci fied in the global co or di nate sys tem,in which case they are trans formed to the joint lo cal co or di nate sys tem. Cou plingterms will be gen er ated dur ing this trans for ma tion in the fol low ing situa tion:

• The joint lo cal co or di nate sys tem di rec tions are not par al lel to global co or di -nate di rec tions, and

• The three trans la tional masses or the three ro ta tional mass mo ments of in er tiaare not equal at a joint.

These cou pling terms will be dis carded by the pro gram, re sult ing in some loss ofac cu racy. For this rea son, it is rec om mended that you choose joint lo cal co or di natesys tems that are aligned with the prin ci pal di rec tions of trans la tional or ro ta tionalmass at a joint, and then spec ify mass val ues in these joint lo cal co or di nates.

Mass val ues must be given in con sis tent mass units (W/g) and mass mo ments of in -er tia must be in WL2/g units. Here W is weight, L is length, and g is the ac cel era tiondue to grav ity. The net mass val ues at each joint in the struc ture should be zero orposi tive.

See Figure 7 (page 41) for mass mo ment of in er tia for mu la tions for vari ous pla narcon figu ra tions.

For more in for ma tion:

• See Topic “De grees of Free dom” (page 30) in this Chap ter.

• See Chap ter “Static and Dy namic Analy sis” (page 287).

40 Masses

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Masses 41

Chapter IV Joints and Degrees of Freedom

Mass Moment of Inertia about vertical axis(normal to paper) through center of mass

Line mass:Uniformly distributed mass per unit length

Total mass of line = M (or w/g)











Triangular diaphragm:Uniformly distributed mass per unit areaTotal mass of diaphragm = M (or w/g)

General diaphragm:

Total mass of diaphragm = M (or w/g)Area of diaphragm = A

Moment of inertia of area about X-X = IX

Circular diaphragm:Uniformly distributed mass per unit areaTotal mass of diaphragm = M (or w/g)

Rectangular diaphragm:Uniformly distributed mass per unit area

Total mass of diaphragm = M (or w/g)

Moment of inertia of area about Y-Y = IY

Shape inplan

Use generaldiaphragm formula





If mass is a point mass, MMI = 0o

Axis transformation for a mass:

Uniformly distributed mass per unit area

MMI = cm

MMI = cm





2MMI = MMI + MDcm o





MMIcm = M 2 2b +d( )


MMIcm =M( )



Figure 7Formulae for Mass Moments of Inertia

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Force Load

The Force Load is used to ap ply con cen trated forces and mo ments at the joints.Val ues may be speci fied in a fixed co or di nate sys tem (global or al ter nate co or di -nates) or the joint lo cal co or di nate sys tem. All forces and mo ments at a joint aretrans formed to the joint lo cal co or di nate sys tem and added to gether. The speci fiedval ues are shown in Figure 8 (page 43).

Forces and mo ments ap plied along re strained de grees of free dom add to the cor re -spond ing re ac tion, but do not oth er wise af fect the struc ture.

For more in for ma tion:

• See Topic “De grees of Free dom” (page 30) in this Chap ter.

• See Chap ter “Load Cases” (page 271).

Ground Displacement Load

The Ground Dis place ment Load is used to ap ply spec i fied dis place ments (trans la -tions and ro ta tions) at the grounded end of joint re straints and spring sup ports. Dis -place ments may be spec i fied in a fixed co or di nate sys tem (global or al ter nate co or -di nates) or the joint lo cal co or di nate sys tem. The spec i fied val ues are shown inFigure 8 (page 43). All dis place ments at a joint are trans formed to the joint lo cal co -or di nate sys tem and added to gether.

Re straints may be con sid ered as rigid con nec tions be tween the joint de grees offree dom and the ground. Springs may be con sid ered as flex i ble con nec tions be -tween the joint de grees of free dom and the ground.

Ground dis place ments do not act on one-joint Link/Sup port El e ments. To ap plyground dis place ments through a non lin ear sup port, use a two-joint Link/Sup portel e ment, re strain one end, and ap ply ground dis place ment to the re strained end.

It is very im por tant to un der stand that ground dis place ment load ap plies to theground, and does not af fect the struc ture un less the struc ture is sup ported by re -straints or springs in the di rec tion of load ing!

Restraint Displacements

If a par tic u lar joint de gree of free dom is re strained, the dis place ment of the joint isequal to the ground dis place ment along that lo cal de gree of free dom. This ap pliesre gard less of whether or not springs are pres ent.

42 Force Load

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Com po nents of ground dis place ment that are not along re strained de grees of free -dom do not load the struc ture (ex cept pos si bly through springs). An ex am ple of this is il lus trated in Figure 9 (page 44).

The ground dis place ment, and hence the joint dis place ment, may vary from oneLoad Case to the next. If no ground dis place ment load is spec i fied for a re strainedde gree of free dom, the joint dis place ment is zero for that Load Case.

Spring Displacements

The ground dis place ments at a joint are mul ti plied by the spring stiff ness co ef fi -cients to ob tain ef fec tive forces and mo ments that are ap plied to the joint. Springdis place ments ap plied in a di rec tion with no spring stiff ness re sult in zero ap pliedload. The ground dis place ment, and hence the ap plied forces and mo ments, mayvary from one Load Case to the next.

In a joint lo cal co or di nate sys tem, the ap plied forces and mo ments F1, F

2, F

3, M

1, M


and M3 at a joint due to ground dis place ments are given by:

Ground Displacement Load 43

Chapter IV Joints and Degrees of Freedom

Global Coordinates








Joint Local Coordinates











Figure 8Specified Values for Force Load, Restraint Displacement Load,

and Spring Displacement Load

Page 64: Sap 2000 Reference Manual

(Eqn. 2)F






















= —

u1 0 0 0 0 0

u2 0 0 0 0

u3 0 0 0

r1 0 0

sym. r2 0








ì u



























where ug1, ug 2 , ug 3 , rg1, rg 2 and rg 3 are the ground dis place ments and ro ta tions,and the terms u1, u2, u3, r1, r2, and r3 are the spec i fied spring stiff ness co ef fi -cients.

The net spring forces and mo ments act ing on the joint are the sum of the forces andmo ments given in Equa tions (1) and (2); note that these are of op po site sign. At are strained de gree of free dom, the joint dis place ment is equal to the ground dis -place ment, and hence the net spring force is zero.

For more in for ma tion:

• See Topic “Re straints and Re ac tions” (page 34) in this Chap ter.

• See Topic “Springs” (page 34) in this Chap ter.

• See Chap ter “Load Cases” (page 271).

44 Ground Displacement Load

CSI Analysis Reference Manual







U3 = -0.866

UZ = -1.000

The vertical ground settlement, UZ = -1.000, is specified as the restraint displacement.

The actual restraint displacement that is imposed on the structure is U3 = -0.866.

The unrestrained displacement, U1, will be determined by the analysis.

Figure 9Example of Restraint Displacement Not Aligned with Local Degrees of Freedom

Page 65: Sap 2000 Reference Manual

Generalized Displacements

A gen er al ized dis place ment is a named dis place ment mea sure that you de fine. It issim ply a lin ear com bi na tion of dis place ment de grees of free dom from one or morejoints.

For ex am ple, you could de fine a gen er al ized dis place ment that is the dif fer ence ofthe UX dis place ments at two joints on dif fer ent sto ries of a build ing and name it“DRIFTX”. You could de fine an other gen er al ized dis place ment that is the sum ofthree ro ta tions about the Z axis, each scaled by 1/3, and name it “AVGRZ.”

Gen er al ized dis place ments are pri mar ily used for out put pur poses, ex cept that youcan also use a gen er al ized dis place ment to mon i tor a non lin ear static anal y sis.

To de fine a gen er al ized dis place ment, spec ify the fol low ing:

• A unique name

• The type of dis place ment mea sure

• A list of the joint de grees of free dom and their cor re spond ing scale fac tors thatwill be summed to cre ated the gen er al ized displacement

The type of dis place ment mea sure can be one of the fol low ing:

• Translational: The gen er al ized dis place ment scales (with change of units) aslength. Co ef fi cients of con trib ut ing joint trans la tions are unitless. Co ef fi cientsof con trib ut ing joint ro ta tions scale as length.

• Ro ta tional: The gen er al ized dis place ment is unitless (ra di ans). Co ef fi cients ofjoint trans la tions scale as in verse length. Co ef fi cients of joint ro ta tions areunitless.

Be sure to choose your scale fac tors for each con trib ut ing com po nent to ac count for the type of gen er al ized dis place ment be ing de fined.

Degree of Freedom Output

A ta ble of the types of de grees of free dom pres ent at every joint in the model isprinted in the anal y sis out put (.OUT) file un der the head ing:


The de grees of free dom are listed for all of the regu lar joints, as well as for the mas -ter joints cre ated auto mati cally by the pro gram. For Con straints, the mas ter joints

Generalized Displacements 45

Chapter IV Joints and Degrees of Freedom

Page 66: Sap 2000 Reference Manual

are iden ti fied by the la bels of their cor re spond ing Con straints. For Welds, the mas -ter joint for each set of joints that are welded to gether is iden ti fied by the la bel ofone of the welded joints. Joints are printed in alpha- numeric or der of the la bels.

The type of each of the six de grees of free dom at a joint is iden ti fied by the fol low -ing sym bols:

(A) Ac tive de gree of free dom(-) Re strained de gree of free dom(+) Con strained de gree of free dom( ) Null or un avail able de gree of free dom

The de grees of free dom are al ways re ferred to the lo cal axes of the joint. They areiden ti fied in the out put as U1, U2, U3, R1, R2, and R3 for all joints. How ever, if allregu lar joints use the global co or di nate sys tem as the lo cal sys tem (the usual situa -tion), then the de grees of free dom for the regu lar joints are iden ti fied as UX, UY,UZ, RX, RY, and RZ.

The types of de grees of free dom are a prop erty of the struc ture and are in de pend entof the Analy sis Cases, ex cept when staged con struc tion is per formed.

See Topic “De grees of Free dom” (page 30) in this Chap ter for more in for ma tion.

Assembled Joint Mass Output

You can re quest as sem bled joint masses as part of the anal y sis re sults. The mass at a given joint in cludes the mass as signed di rectly to that joint as well as a por tion ofthe mass from each el e ment con nected to that joint. Mass at re strained de grees offree dom is set to zero. All mass as signed to the el e ments is ap por tioned to the con -nected joints, so that this ta ble rep re sents the to tal un re strained mass of the struc -ture. The masses are al ways re ferred to the lo cal axes of the joint.

For more in for ma tion:

• See Topic “Masses” (page 39) in this Chap ter.

• See Chap ter “Anal y sis Cases” (page 287).

46 Assembled Joint Mass Output

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Displacement Output

You can re quest joint dis place ments as part of the anal y sis re sults on a case by caseba sis. For dy namic anal y sis cases, you can also re quest ve loc i ties and ac cel er a -tions. The out put is al ways re ferred to the lo cal axes of the joint.

• See Topic “De grees of Free dom” (page 30) in this Chap ter.

• See Chap ter “Anal y sis Cases” (page 287).

Force Output

You can re quest joint sup port forces as part of the anal y sis re sults on a case by caseba sis. These sup port forces are called re ac tions, and are the sum of all forces fromre straints, springs, or one-joint Link/Sup port el e ments at that joint. The re ac tions at joints not sup ported will be zero.

The forces and mo ments are al ways re ferred to the lo cal axes of the joint. The val -ues re ported are al ways the forces and mo ments that act on the joints. Thus a posi -tive value of joint force or mo ment tends to cause a posi tive value of joint trans la -tion or ro ta tion along the cor re spond ing de gree of free dom.

For more in for ma tion:

• See Topic “De grees of Free dom” (page 30) in this Chap ter.

• See Chap ter “Anal y sis Cases” (page 287).

Element Joint Force Output

The el e ment joint forces are con cen trated forces and mo ments act ing at the jointsof the el e ment that rep re sent the ef fect of the rest of the struc ture upon the el e mentand that cause the de for ma tion of the el e ment. The mo ments will al ways be zero for the solid-type el e ments: Plane, Asolid, and Solid.

A pos i tive value of force or mo ment tends to cause a pos i tive value of trans la tion orro ta tion of the el e ment along the cor re spond ing joint de gree of free dom.

El e ment joint forces must not be con fused with in ter nal forces and mo ments which, like stresses, act within the vol ume of the el e ment.

For a given el e ment, the vec tor of el e ment joint forces, f, is com puted as:

Displacement Output 47

Chapter IV Joints and Degrees of Freedom

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f K u r= —

where K is the el e ment stiff ness ma trix, u is the vec tor of el e ment joint dis place -ments, and r is the vec tor of el e ment ap plied loads as ap por tioned to the joints. Theel e ment joint forces are al ways re ferred to the lo cal axes of the in di vid ual joints.They are iden ti fied in the out put as F1, F2, F3, M1, M2, and M3.

48 Element Joint Force Output

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C h a p t e r V

Constraints and Welds

Con straints are used to en force cer tain types of rigid-body be hav ior, to con nect to -gether dif fer ent parts of the model, and to im pose cer tain types of sym me try con di -tions. Welds are used to gen er ate a set of con straints that con nect to gether dif fer entparts of the model.

Basic Topics for All Users

• Over view

• Body Con straint

• Plane Def i ni tion

• Di a phragm Con straint

• Plate Con straint

• Axis Def i ni tion

• Rod Con straint

• Beam Con straint

• Equal Con straint

• Welds


Page 70: Sap 2000 Reference Manual

Advanced Topics

• Lo cal Con straint

• Au to matic Mas ter Joints

• Con straint Out put


A con straint con sists of a set of two or more con strained joints. The dis place ments of each pair of joints in the con straint are re lated by con straint equa tions. The typesof be hav ior that can be en forced by con straints are:

• Rigid-body be hav ior, in which the con strained joints trans late and ro tate to -gether as if con nected by rigid links. The types of rigid be hav ior that can bemod eled are:

– Rigid Body: fully rigid for all dis place ments

– Rigid Di a phragm: rigid for mem brane be hav ior in a plane

– Rigid Plate: rigid for plate bend ing in a plane

– Rigid Rod: rigid for ex ten sion along an axis

– Rigid Beam: rigid for beam bend ing on an axis

• Equal-dis place ment be hav ior, in which the trans la tions and ro ta tions are equalat the con strained joints

• Sym me try and anti-sym me try con di tions

The use of con straints re duces the num ber of equa tions in the sys tem to be solvedand will usu ally re sult in in creased com pu ta tional ef fi ciency.

Most con straint types must be de fined with re spect to some fixed co or di nate sys -tem. The co or di nate sys tem may be the global co or di nate sys tem or an al ter nate co -or di nate sys tem, or it may be au to mat i cally de ter mined from the lo ca tions of thecon strained joints. The Lo cal Con straint does not use a fixed co or di nate sys tem, but ref er ences each joint us ing its own joint lo cal co or di nate sys tem.

Welds are used to con nect to gether dif fer ent parts of the model that were de finedsep a rately. Each Weld con sists of a set of joints that may be joined. The pro gramsearches for joints in each Weld that share the same lo ca tion in space and con strains them to act as a sin gle joint.

50 Overview

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Body Constraint

A Body Con straint causes all of its con strained joints to move to gether as athree-di men sional rigid body. By de fault, all de grees of free dom at each con nectedjoint par tic i pate. How ever, you can se lect a sub set of the de grees of free dom to becon strained.

This Con straint can be used to:

• Model rigid con nec tions, such as where sev eral beams and/or col umns frameto gether

• Con nect to gether dif fer ent parts of the struc tural model that were de fined us ingsep a rate meshes

• Con nect Frame el e ments that are act ing as ec cen tric stiff en ers to Shell el e ments

Welds can be used to au to mat i cally gen er ate Body Con straints for the pur pose ofcon nect ing co in ci dent joints.

See Topic “Welds” (page 64) in this Chap ter for more in for ma tion.

Joint Connectivity

Each Body Con straint con nects a set of two or more joints to gether. The joints mayhave any ar bi trary lo ca tion in space.

Local Coordinate System

Each Body Con straint has its own lo cal co or di nate sys tem, the axes of which arede noted 1, 2, and 3. These cor re spond to the X, Y, and Z axes of a fixed co or di natesys tem that you choose.

Constraint Equations

The con straint equa tions re late the dis place ments at any two con strained joints(sub scripts I and j) in a Body Con straint. These equa tions are ex pressed in terms ofthe trans la tions (u

1, u

2, and u

3), the ro ta tions (r

1, r

2, and r

3), and the co or di nates (x


x2, and x

3), all taken in the Con straint lo cal co or di nate sys tem:

u1j = u1i + r2i Dx3 – r3i Dx2

u2j = u2i + r3i Dx1 — r1i Dx3

Body Constraint 51

Chapter V Constraints and Welds

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u3j = u3i + r1i Dx2 — r2i Dx1

r1i = r1j

r2i = r2j

r3i = r3j

where Dx1 = x

1j — x

1i, Dx

2 = x

2j — x

2i, and Dx

3 = x

3j — x


If you omit any par tic u lar de gree of free dom, the cor re spond ing con straint equa tion is not en forced. If you omit a ro ta tional de gree of free dom, the cor re spond ing termsare re moved from the equa tions for the translational de grees of free dom.

Plane Definition

The con straint equa tions for each Di a phragm or Plate Con straint are writ ten withre spect to a par tic u lar plane. The lo ca tion of the plane is not im por tant, only its ori -en ta tion.

By de fault, the plane is de ter mined au to mat i cally by the pro gram from the spa tialdis tri bu tion of the con strained joints as fol lows:

• The cen troid of the con strained joints is de ter mined

• The sec ond mo ments of the lo ca tions of all of the con strained joints about thecen troid are de ter mined

• The prin ci pal val ues and di rec tions of these sec ond mo ments are found

• The di rec tion of the small est prin ci pal sec ond mo ment is taken as the nor mal tothe con straint plane; if all con strained joints lie in a unique plane, this small estprin ci pal mo ment will be zero

• If no unique di rec tion can be found, a hor i zon tal (X-Y) plane is as sumed in co -or di nate sys tem csys; this sit u a tion can oc cur if the joints are co in ci dent or col -lin ear, or if the spa tial dis tri bu tion is more nearly three-di men sional than pla -nar.

You may over ride au to matic plane se lec tion by spec i fy ing the fol low ing:

• csys: A fixed co or di nate sys tem (the de fault is zero, in di cat ing the global co or -di nate sys tem)

• axis: The axis (X, Y, or Z) nor mal to the plane of the con straint, taken in co or -di nate sys tem csys.

52 Plane Definition

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This may be use ful, for ex am ple, to spec ify a hor i zon tal plane for a floor with asmall step in it.

Diaphragm Constraint

A Di a phragm Con straint causes all of its con strained joints to move to gether as apla nar di a phragm that is rigid against mem brane de for ma tion. Ef fec tively, all con -strained joints are con nected to each other by links that are rigid in the plane, but donot af fect out-of-plane (plate) de for ma tion.

This Con straint can be used to:

• Model con crete floors (or con crete-filled decks) in build ing struc tures, whichtyp i cally have very high in-plane stiff ness

• Model di a phragms in bridge su per struc tures

The use of the Di a phragm Con straint for build ing struc tures elim i nates the nu mer i -cal-ac cu racy prob lems cre ated when the large in-plane stiff ness of a floor di a -phragm is mod eled with mem brane el e ments. It is also very use ful in the lat eral(hor i zon tal) dy namic anal y sis of build ings, as it re sults in a sig nif i cant re duc tion inthe size of the eigenvalue prob lem to be solved. See Figure 10 (page 54) for an il lus -tra tion of a floor di a phragm.

Joint Connectivity

Each Di a phragm Con straint con nects a set of two or more joints to gether. Thejoints may have any ar bi trary lo ca tion in space, but for best re sults all joints shouldlie in the plane of the con straint. Oth er wise, bend ing mo ments may be gen er atedthat are re strained by the Con straint, which un re al is ti cally stiff ens the struc ture. Ifthis hap pens, the con straint forces re ported in the anal y sis re sults may not be inequi lib rium.

Local Coordinate System

Each Di a phragm Con straint has its own lo cal co or di nate sys tem, the axes of whichare de noted 1, 2, and 3. Lo cal axis 3 is al ways nor mal to the plane of the con straint.The pro gram ar bi trarily chooses the ori en ta tion of axes 1 and 2 in the plane. Theac tual ori en ta tion of the pla nar axes is not im por tant since only the nor mal di rec tion af fects the con straint equa tions. For more in for ma tion, see Topic “Plane Def i ni -tion” (page 52) in this Chap ter.

Diaphragm Constraint 53

Chapter V Constraints and Welds

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Constraint Equations

The con straint equa tions re late the dis place ments at any two con strained joints(sub scripts I and j) in a Di a phragm Con straint. These equa tions are ex pressed interms of in-plane trans la tions (u

1 and u

2), the ro ta tion (r

3) about the nor mal, and the

in-plane co or di nates (x1 and x

2), all taken in the Con straint lo cal co or di nate sys tem:

u1j = u1i – r3i Dx2

u2j = u2i + r3i Dx1

r3i = r3j

where Dx1 = x

1j — x

1i and Dx

2 = x

2j — x


54 Diaphragm Constraint

CSI Analysis Reference Manual










AutomaticMaster Joint

Rigid Floor Slab

EffectiveRigid Links

Figure 10Use of the Diaphragm Constraint to Model a Rigid Floor Slab

Page 75: Sap 2000 Reference Manual

Plate Constraint

A Plate Con straint causes all of its con strained joints to move to gether as a flat plate that is rigid against bend ing de for ma tion. Ef fec tively, all con strained joints arecon nected to each other by links that are rigid for out-of-plane bend ing, but do notaf fect in-plane (mem brane) de for ma tion.

This Con straint can be used to:

• Con nect struc tural-type el e ments (Frame and Shell) to solid-type el e ments(Plane and Solid); the ro ta tion in the struc tural el e ment can be con verted to apair of equal and op po site trans la tions in the solid el e ment by the Con straint

• En force the as sump tion that “plane sec tions re main plane” in de tailed mod elsof beam bend ing

Joint Connectivity

Each Plate Con straint con nects a set of two or more joints to gether. The joints mayhave any ar bi trary lo ca tion in space. Un like the Di a phragm Con straint, equi lib rium is not af fected by whether or not all joints lie in the plane of the Plate Con straint.

Local Coordinate System

Each Plate Con straint has its own lo cal co or di nate sys tem, the axes of which are de -noted 1, 2, and 3. Lo cal axis 3 is al ways nor mal to the plane of the con straint. Thepro gram ar bi trarily chooses the ori en ta tion of axes 1 and 2 in the plane. The ac tualori en ta tion of the pla nar axes is not im por tant since only the nor mal di rec tion af -fects the con straint equa tions.

For more in for ma tion, see Topic “Plane Def i ni tion” (page 52) in this Chap ter.

Constraint Equations

The con straint equa tions re late the dis place ments at any two con strained joints(sub scripts I and j) in a Plate Con straint. These equa tions are ex pressed in terms ofthe out-of-plane trans la tion (u

3), the bend ing ro ta tions (r

1 and r

2), and the in-plane

co or di nates (x1 and x

2), all taken in the Con straint lo cal co or di nate sys tem:

u3j = u3i + r1i Dx2 — r2i Dx1

r1i = r1j

Plate Constraint 55

Chapter V Constraints and Welds

Page 76: Sap 2000 Reference Manual

r2i = r2j

where Dx1 = x

1j — x

1i and Dx

2 = x

2j — x


Axis Definition

The con straint equa tions for each Rod or Beam Con straint are writ ten with re spectto a par tic u lar axis. The lo ca tion of the axis is not im por tant, only its ori en ta tion.

By de fault, the axis is de ter mined au to mat i cally by the pro gram from the spa tialdis tri bu tion of the con strained joints as fol lows:

• The cen troid of the con strained joints is de ter mined

• The sec ond mo ments of the lo ca tions of all of the con strained joints about thecen troid are de ter mined

• The prin ci pal val ues and di rec tions of these sec ond mo ments are found

• The di rec tion of the larg est prin ci pal sec ond mo ment is taken as the axis of thecon straint; if all con strained joints lie on a unique axis, the two small est prin ci -pal mo ments will be zero

• If no unique di rec tion can be found, a ver ti cal (Z) axis is as sumed in co or di natesys tem csys; this sit u a tion can oc cur if the joints are co in ci dent, or if the spa tialdis tri bu tion is more nearly pla nar or three-di men sional than lin ear.

You may over ride au to matic axis se lec tion by spec i fy ing the fol low ing:

• csys: A fixed co or di nate sys tem (the de fault is zero, in di cat ing the global co or -di nate sys tem)

• axis: The axis (X, Y, or Z) of the con straint, taken in co or di nate sys tem csys.

This may be use ful, for ex am ple, to spec ify a ver ti cal axis for a col umn with a smalloff set in it.

Rod Constraint

A Rod Con straint causes all of its con strained joints to move to gether as a straightrod that is rigid against ax ial de for ma tion. Ef fec tively, all con strained joints main -tain a fixed dis tance from each other in the di rec tion par al lel to the axis of the rod,but trans la tions nor mal to the axis and all ro ta tions are un af fected.

This Con straint can be used to:

56 Axis Definition

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• Pre vent ax ial de for ma tion in Frame el e ments

• Model rigid truss-like links

An ex am ple of the use of the Rod Con straint is in the anal y sis of the two-di men -sional frame shown in Figure 11 (page 57). If the ax ial de for ma tions in the beamsare neg li gi ble, a sin gle Rod Con straint could be de fined con tain ing the five joints.In stead of five equa tions, the pro gram would use a sin gle equa tion to de fine theX-dis place ment of the whole floor. How ever, it should be noted that this will re sultin the ax ial forces of the beams be ing out put as zero, as the Con straint will cause the ends of the beams to trans late to gether in the X-di rec tion. In ter pre ta tions of such re -sults as so ci ated with the use of Con straints should be clearly un der stood.

Joint Connectivity

Each Rod Con straint con nects a set of two or more joints to gether. The joints mayhave any ar bi trary lo ca tion in space, but for best re sults all joints should lie on theaxis of the con straint. Oth er wise, bend ing mo ments may be gen er ated that are re -strained by the Con straint, which un re al is ti cally stiff ens the struc ture. If this hap -pens, the con straint forces re ported in the anal y sis re sults may not be in equi lib -rium.

Rod Constraint 57

Chapter V Constraints and Welds



X1 X2 X3 X4 X5


Figure 11Use of the Rod Constraint to Model Axially Rigid Beams

Page 78: Sap 2000 Reference Manual

Local Coordinate System

Each Rod Con straint has its own lo cal co or di nate sys tem, the axes of which are de -noted 1, 2, and 3. Lo cal axis 1 is al ways the axis of the con straint. The pro gram ar bi -trarily chooses the ori en ta tion of the trans verse axes 2 and 3. The ac tual ori en ta tionof the trans verse axes is not im por tant since only the ax ial di rec tion af fects the con -straint equa tions.

For more in for ma tion, see Topic “Axis Def i ni tion” (page 56) in this Chap ter.

Constraint Equations

The con straint equa tions re late the dis place ments at any two con strained joints(sub scripts I and j) in a Rod Con straint. These equa tions are ex pressed only in terms of the ax ial trans la tion (u


u1j = u1i

Beam Constraint

A Beam Con straint causes all of its con strained joints to move to gether as a straightbeam that is rigid against bend ing de for ma tion. Ef fec tively, all con strained jointsare con nected to each other by links that are rigid for off-axis bend ing, but do notaf fect trans la tion along or ro ta tion about the axis.

This Con straint can be used to:

• Con nect struc tural-type el e ments (Frame and Shell) to solid-type el e ments(Plane and Solid); the ro ta tion in the struc tural el e ment can be con verted to apair of equal and op po site trans la tions in the solid el e ment by the Con straint

• Pre vent bend ing de for ma tion in Frame el e ments

Joint Connectivity

Each Beam Con straint con nects a set of two or more joints to gether. The joints mayhave any ar bi trary lo ca tion in space, but for best re sults all joints should lie on theaxis of the con straint. Oth er wise, tor sional mo ments may be gen er ated that are re -strained by the Con straint, which un re al is ti cally stiff ens the struc ture. If this hap -pens, the con straint forces re ported in the anal y sis re sults may not be in equi lib -rium.

58 Beam Constraint

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Local Coordinate System

Each Beam Con straint has its own lo cal co or di nate sys tem, the axes of which arede noted 1, 2, and 3. Lo cal axis 1 is al ways the axis of the con straint. The pro gramar bi trarily chooses the ori en ta tion of the trans verse axes 2 and 3. The ac tual ori en ta -tion of the trans verse axes is not im por tant since only the ax ial di rec tion af fects thecon straint equa tions.

For more in for ma tion, see Topic “Axis Def i ni tion” (page 56) in this Chap ter.

Constraint Equations

The con straint equa tions re late the dis place ments at any two con strained joints(sub scripts I and j) in a Beam Con straint. These equa tions are ex pressed in terms ofthe trans verse trans la tions (u

2 and u

3), the trans verse ro ta tions (r

2 and r

3), and the ax —

ial co or di nate (x1), all taken in the Con straint lo cal co or di nate sys tem:

u2j = u2i + r3i Dx1

u3j = u3i — r2i Dx1

r2i = r2j

r3i = r3j

where Dx1 = x

1j — x


Equal Constraint

An Equal Con straint causes all of its con strained joints to move to gether with thesame dis place ments for each se lected de gree of free dom, taken in the con straint lo -cal co or di nate sys tem. The other de grees of free dom are un af fected.

The Equal Con straint dif fers from the rigid-body types of Con straints in that thereis no cou pling be tween the ro ta tions and the trans la tions.

This Con straint can be used to par tially con nect to gether dif fer ent parts of the struc -tural model, such as at ex pan sion joints and hinges

For fully con nect ing meshes, it is better to use the Body Con straint when the con -strained joints are not in ex actly the same lo ca tion.

Equal Constraint 59

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Joint Connectivity

Each Equal Con straint con nects a set of two or more joints to gether. The joints mayhave any ar bi trary lo ca tion in space, but for best re sults all joints should share thesame lo ca tion in space if used for con nect ing meshes. Oth er wise, mo ments may begen er ated that are re strained by the Con straint, which un re al is ti cally stiff ens thestruc ture. If this hap pens, the con straint forces re ported in the anal y sis re sults maynot be in equi lib rium.

Local Coordinate System

Each Equal Con straint uses a fixed co or di nate sys tem, csys, that you spec ify. Thede fault for csys is zero, in di cat ing the global co or di nate sys tem. The axes of thefixed co or di nate sys tem are de noted X, Y, and Z.

Selected Degrees of Freedom

For each Equal Con straint you may spec ify a list, cdofs, of up to six de grees of free -dom in co or di nate sys tem csys that are to be con strained. The de grees of free domare in di cated as UX, UY, UZ, RX, RY, and RZ.

Constraint Equations

The con straint equa tions re late the dis place ments at any two con strained joints(sub scripts I and j) in an Equal Con straint. These equa tions are ex pressed in termsof the trans la tions (u

x, u

y, and u

z) and the ro ta tions (r

x, r

y, and r

z), all taken in fixed

co or di nate sys tem csys:

uxj = uxi

uyj = uyi

uzj = uzi

r1i = r1j

r2i = r2j

r3i = r3j

If you omit any of the six de grees of free dom from the con straint def i ni tion, the cor -re spond ing con straint equa tion is not en forced.

60 Equal Constraint

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Local Constraint

A Lo cal Con straint causes all of its con strained joints to move to gether with thesame dis place ments for each se lected de gree of free dom, taken in the sep a rate jointlo cal co or di nate sys tems. The other de grees of free dom are un af fected.

The Lo cal Con straint dif fers from the rigid-body types of Con straints in that thereis no cou pling be tween the ro ta tions and the trans la tions. The Lo cal Con straint isthe same as the Equal Con straint if all con strained joints have the same lo cal co or -di nate sys tem.

This Con straint can be used to:

• Model sym me try con di tions with re spect to a line or a point

• Model dis place ments con strained by mech a nisms

The be hav ior of this Con straint is de pend ent upon the choice of the lo cal co or di nate sys tems of the con strained joints.

Joint Connectivity

Each Lo cal Con straint con nects a set of two or more joints to gether. The joints mayhave any ar bi trary lo ca tion in space. If the joints do not share the same lo ca tion inspace, mo ments may be gen er ated that are re strained by the Con straint. If this hap -pens, the con straint forces re ported in the anal y sis re sults may not be in equi lib -rium. These mo ments are nec es sary to en force the de sired sym me try of the dis -place ments when the ap plied loads are not sym met ric, or may rep re sent the con -strain ing ac tion of a mech a nism.

For more in for ma tion, see:

• Topic “Force Out put” (page 47) in Chap ter “Joints and De grees of Free dom.”

• Topic “Global Force Bal ance Out put” (page 45) in Chap ter “Joints and De -grees of Free dom.”

No Local Coordinate System

A Lo cal Con straint does not have its own lo cal co or di nate sys tem. The con straintequa tions are writ ten in terms of con strained joint lo cal co or di nate sys tems, whichmay dif fer. The axes of these co or di nate sys tems are de noted 1, 2, and 3.

Local Constraint 61

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Selected Degrees of Freedom

For each Lo cal Con straint you may spec ify a list, ldofs, of up to six de grees of free -dom in the joint lo cal co or di nate sys tems that are to be con strained. The de grees offree dom are in di cated as U1, U2, U3, R1, R2, and R3.

Constraint Equations

The con straint equa tions re late the dis place ments at any two con strained joints(sub scripts I and j) in a Lo cal Con straint. These equa tions are ex pressed in terms ofthe trans la tions (u

1, u

2, and u

3) and the rotations (r

1, r

2, and r

3), all taken in joint lo cal

co or di nate sys tems. The equa tions used de pend upon the se lected de grees of free -dom and their signs. Some im por tant cases are de scribed next.


Axisymmetry is a type of sym me try about a line. It is best de scribed in terms of acy lin dri cal co or di nate sys tem hav ing its Z axis on the line of sym me try. The struc -ture, load ing, and dis place ments are each said to be axisymmetric about a line ifthey do not vary with an gu lar po si tion around the line, i.e., they are in de pend ent ofthe an gu lar co or di nate CA.

To en force axisymmetry us ing the Lo cal Con straint:

• Model any cy lin dri cal sec tor of the struc ture us ing any axisymmetric mesh ofjoints and el e ments

• As sign each joint a lo cal co or di nate sys tem such that lo cal axes 1, 2, and 3 cor -re spond to the co or di nate di rec tions +CR, +CA, and +CZ, re spec tively

• For each axisymmetric set of joints (i.e., hav ing the same co or di nates CR andCZ, but dif fer ent CA), de fine a Lo cal Con straint us ing all six de grees of free -dom: U1, U2, U3, R1, R2, and R3

• Re strain joints that lie on the line of sym me try so that, at most, only ax ial trans -la tions (U3) and ro ta tions (R3) are per mit ted

The cor re spond ing con straint equa tions are:

u1j = u1i

u2j = u2i

u3j = u3i

r1i = r1j

62 Local Constraint

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r2i = r2j

r3i = r3j

The nu meric sub scripts re fer to the cor re spond ing joint lo cal co or di nate sys tems.

Cyclic symmetry

Cy clic sym me try is an other type of sym me try about a line. It is best de scribed interms of a cy lin dri cal co or di nate sys tem hav ing its Z axis on the line of sym me try.The struc ture, load ing, and dis place ments are each said to be cy cli cally sym met ricabout a line if they vary with an gu lar po si tion in a re peated (pe ri odic) fash ion.

To en force cy clic sym me try us ing the Lo cal Con straint:

• Model any num ber of ad ja cent, rep re sen ta tive, cy lin dri cal sec tors of the struc —

ture; de note the size of a sin gle sec tor by the an gle q

• As sign each joint a lo cal co or di nate sys tem such that lo cal axes 1, 2, and 3 cor -re spond to the co or di nate di rec tions +CR, +CA, and +CZ, re spec tively

• For each cy cli cally sym met ric set of joints (i.e., hav ing the same co or di nates

CR and CZ, but with co or di nate CA dif fer ing by mul ti ples of q), de fine a Lo calCon straint us ing all six de grees of free dom: U1, U2, U3, R1, R2, and R3.

• Re strain joints that lie on the line of sym me try so that, at most, only ax ial trans -la tions (U3) and ro ta tions (R3) are per mit ted

The cor re spond ing con straint equa tions are:

u1j = u1i

u2j = u2i

u3j = u3i

r1i = r1j

r2i = r2j

r3i = r3j

The nu meric sub scripts re fer to the cor re spond ing joint lo cal co or di nate sys tems.

For ex am ple, sup pose a struc ture is com posed of six iden ti cal 60° sec tors, iden ti -cally loaded. If two ad ja cent sec tors were mod eled, each Lo cal Con straint wouldap ply to a set of two joints, ex cept that three joints would be con strained on thesym me try planes at 0°, 60°, and 120°.

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If a sin gle sec tor is mod eled, only joints on the sym me try planes need to be con -strained.

Symmetry About a Point

Sym me try about a point is best de scribed in terms of a spher i cal co or di nate sys temhav ing its Z axis on the line of sym me try. The struc ture, load ing, and dis place ments are each said to be sym met ric about a point if they do not vary with an gu lar po si tion about the point, i.e., they are in de pend ent of the an gu lar co or di nates SB and SA.Ra dial trans la tion is the only dis place ment com po nent that is per mis si ble.

To en force sym me try about a point us ing the Lo cal Con straint:

• Model any spher i cal sec tor of the struc ture us ing any sym met ric mesh of jointsand el e ments

• As sign each joint a lo cal co or di nate sys tem such that lo cal axes 1, 2, and 3 cor -re spond to the co or di nate di rec tions +SB, +SA, and +SR, re spec tively

• For each sym met ric set of joints (i.e., hav ing the same co or di nate SR, but dif -fer ent co or di nates SB and SA), de fine a Lo cal Con straint us ing only de gree offree dom U3

• For all joints, re strain the de grees of free dom U1, U2, R1, R2, and R3

• Fully re strain any joints that lie at the point of sym me try

The cor re spond ing con straint equa tions are:

u3j = u3i

The nu meric sub scripts re fer to the cor re spond ing joint lo cal co or di nate sys tems.

It is also pos si ble to de fine a case for sym me try about a point that is sim i lar to cy clic sym me try around a line, e.g., where each octant of the struc ture is iden ti cal.


A Weld can be used to con nect to gether dif fer ent parts of the struc tural model thatwere de fined us ing sep a rate meshes. A Weld is not a sin gle Con straint, but rather isa set of joints from which the pro gram will au to mat i cally gen er ate mul ti ple BodyCon straints to con nect to gether co in ci dent joints.

Joints are con sid ered to be co in ci dent if the dis tance be tween them is less than orequal to a tol er ance, tol, that you spec ify. Set ting the tol er ance to zero is per mis si -ble but is not rec om mended.

64 Welds

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One or more Welds may be de fined, each with its own tol er ance. Only the jointswithin each Weld will be checked for co in ci dence with each other. In the mostcom mon case, a sin gle Weld is de fined that con tains all joints in the model; all co in -ci dent groups of joints will be welded. How ever, in sit u a tions where struc tural dis -con ti nu ity is de sired, it may be nec es sary to pre vent the weld ing of some co in ci dent joints. This may be fa cil i tated by the use of mul ti ple Welds.

Figure 12 (page 65) shows a model de vel oped as two sep a rate meshes, A and B.Joints 121 through 125 are as so ci ated with mesh A, and Joints 221 through 225 areas so ci ated with mesh B. Joints 121 through 125 share the same lo ca tion in space asJoints 221 through 225, re spec tively. These are the in ter fac ing joints be tween thetwo meshes. To con nect these two meshes, a sin gle Weld can be de fined con tain ingall joints, or just joints 121 through 125 and 221 through 225. The pro gram wouldgen er ate five Body Con straints, each con tain ing two joints, re sult ing in an in te -grated model.

It is per mis si ble to in clude the same joint in more than one Weld. This could re sultin the joints in dif fer ent Welds be ing con strained to gether if they are co in ci dentwith the com mon joint. For ex am ple, sup pose that Weld 1 con tained joints 1,2, and3, Weld 2 con tained joints 3, 4, and 5. If joints 1, 3, and 5 were co in ci dent, joints 1and 3 would be con strained by Weld 1, and joints 3 and 5 would be con strained byWeld 2. The pro gram would cre ate a sin gle Body Con straint con tain ing joints 1, 3,and 5. One the other hand, if Weld 2 did not con tain joint 3, the pro gram would only gen er ate a Body Con straint con tain ing joint 1 and 3 from Weld 1; joint 5 would notbe con strained.

Welds 65

Chapter V Constraints and Welds

Mesh B



223 224




Mesh A


Figure 12Use of a Weld to Connect Separate Meshes at Coincident Joints

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For more in for ma tion, see Topic “Body Con straint” (page 51) in this Chap ter.

Automatic Master Joints

The pro gram au to mat i cally cre ates an in ter nal mas ter joint for each ex plicit Con -straint, and a mas ter joint for each in ter nal Body Con straint that is gen er ated by aWeld. Each mas ter joint gov erns the be hav ior of the cor re spond ing con strainedjoints. The dis place ment at a con strained de gree of free dom is com puted as a lin earcom bi na tion of the dis place ments of the mas ter joint.

See Topic “De grees of Free dom” (page 30) in Chap ter “Joints and De grees of Free -dom” for more in for ma tion.

Stiffness, Mass, and Loads

Joint lo cal co or di nate sys tems, springs, masses, and loads may all be ap plied tocon strained joints. El e ments may also be con nected to con strained joints. The jointand el e ment stiffnesses, masses and loads from the con strained de grees of free domare be au to mat i cally trans ferred to the mas ter joint in a con sis tent fash ion.

The translational stiff ness at the mas ter joint is the sum of the translationalstiffnesses at the con strained joints. The same is true for translational masses andloads.

The ro ta tional stiff ness at a mas ter joint is the sum of the ro ta tional stiffnesses at the con strained de grees of free dom, plus the sec ond mo ment of the translationalstiffnesses at the con strained joints for the Body, Di a phragm, Plate, and Beam Con -straints. The same is true for ro ta tional masses and loads, ex cept that only the firstmo ment of the translational loads is used. The mo ments of the translationalstiffnesses, masses, and loads are taken about the cen ter of mass of the con strainedjoints. If the joints have no mass, the cen troid is used.

Local Coordinate Systems

Each mas ter joint has two lo cal co or di nate sys tems: one for the translational de -grees of free dom, and one for the ro ta tional de grees of free dom. The axes of eachlo cal sys tem are de noted 1, 2, and 3. For the Lo cal Con straint, these axes cor re -spond to the lo cal axes of the con strained joints. For other types of Con straints,these axes are cho sen to be the prin ci pal di rec tions of the translational and ro ta -tional masses of the mas ter joint. Us ing the prin ci pal di rec tions elim i nates cou pling be tween the mass com po nents in the mas ter-joint lo cal co or di nate sys tem.

66 Automatic Master Joints

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For a Di a phragm or Plate Con straint, the lo cal 3 axes of the mas ter joint are al waysnor mal to the plane of the Con straint. For a Beam or Rod Con straint, the lo cal 1axes of the mas ter joint are al ways par al lel to the axis of the Con straint.

Constraint Output

For each Body, Di a phragm, Plate, Rod, and Beam Con straint hav ing more than two con strained joints, the fol low ing in for ma tion about the Con straint and its mas terjoint is printed in the out put file:

• The translational and ro ta tional lo cal co or di nate sys tems for the mas ter joint

• The to tal mass and mass mo ments of in er tia for the Con straint that have beenap plied to the mas ter joint

• The cen ter of mass for each of the three translational masses

The de grees of free dom are in di cated as U1, U2, U3, R1, R2, and R3. These are re -ferred to the two lo cal co or di nate sys tems of the mas ter joint.

Constraint Output 67

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68 Constraint Output

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C h a p t e r VI

Material Properties

The Ma te ri als are used to de fine the me chani cal, ther mal, and den sity prop er tiesused by the Frame, Shell, Plane, Aso lid, and Solid ele ments.

Basic Topics for All Users

• Over view

• Lo cal Co or di nate Sys tem

• Stresses and Strains

• Iso tropic Ma te ri als

• Mass Den sity

• Weight Den sity

• Design- Type In di ca tor

Advanced Topics

• Or tho tropic Ma te ri als

• Ani sotropic Ma te ri als

• Temperature- Dependent Ma te ri als

• Ele ment Ma te rial Tem per a ture


Page 90: Sap 2000 Reference Manual

• Ma te rial Damp ing

• Time-de pend ent Prop er ties

• Stress-Strain Curves


The Ma te rial prop er ties may be de fined as iso tro pic, or tho tropic or ani sotropic.How the prop er ties are ac tu ally util ized de pends on the ele ment type. Each Ma te rial that you de fine may be used by more than one ele ment or ele ment type. For each el -e ment type, the Ma te ri als are ref er enced in di rectly through the Sec tion prop er tiesap pro pri ate for that el e ment type.

All elas tic ma te rial prop er ties may be tem pera ture de pend ent. Prop er ties are givenat a se ries of speci fied tem pera tures. Prop er ties at other tem pera tures are ob tainedby lin ear in ter po la tion.

For a given exe cu tion of the pro gram, the prop er ties used by an ele ment are as -sumed to be con stant re gard less of any tem pera ture changes ex pe ri enced by thestruc ture. Each ele ment may be as signed a ma te rial tem pera ture that de ter minesthe ma te rial prop er ties used for the analy sis.

Time-de pend ent prop er ties in clude creep, shrink age, and age-de pend ent elas tic ity.These prop er ties can be ac ti vated dur ing a staged-con struc tion anal y sis, and formthe ba sis for sub se quent anal y ses.

Non lin ear stress-strain curves may be de fined for the pur pose of gen er at ing framehinge prop er ties.

Local Coordinate System

Each Ma te rial has its own Ma te rial lo cal co or di nate sys tem used to de fine theelas tic and ther mal prop er ties. This sys tem is sig nifi cant only for or tho tropic andani sotropic ma te ri als. Iso tropic ma te ri als are in de pend ent of any par ticu lar co or di -nate sys tem.

The axes of the Ma te rial lo cal co or di nate sys tem are de noted 1, 2, and 3. By de fault, the Ma te rial co or di nate sys tem is aligned with the lo cal co or di nate sys tem for eachele ment. How ever, you may spec ify a set of one or more ma te rial an gles that ro tate the Ma te rial co or di nate sys tem with re spect to the ele ment sys tem for those ele -ments that per mit or tho tropic or ani sotropic prop er ties.

70 Overview

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For more in for ma tion:

• See Topic “Ma te rial An gle” (page 160) in Chap ter “The Shell El e ment.”

• See Topic “Ma te rial An gle” (page 179) in Chap ter “The Plane Ele ment.”

• See Topic “Ma te rial An gle” (page 189) in Chap ter “The Aso lid Ele ment.”

• See Topic “Ma te rial An gles” (page 206) in Chap ter “The Solid Ele ment.”

Stresses and Strains

The elas tic me chani cal prop er ties re late the be hav ior of the stresses and strainswithin the Ma te rial. The stresses are de fined as forces per unit area act ing on an ele -men tal cube aligned with the ma te rial axes as shown in Figure 13 (page 71). Thestresses s11, s 22 , and s 33 are called the di rect stresses and tend to cause lengthchange, while s12 , s13 , and s 23 are called the shear stresses and tend to cause an gle change.

Not all stress com po nents ex ist in every ele ment type. For ex am ple, the stressess 22 , s 33 , and s 23 are as sumed to be zero in the Frame ele ment, and stress s 33 istaken to be zero in the Shell ele ment.

Stresses and Strains 71

Chapter VI Material Properties



1Material Local

Coordinate System

s 11

s 33

s 13

s 13

s 12s 12

s 23

s 23

s 22

Stress Components

Figure 13Definition of Stress Components in the Material Local Coordinate System

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The di rect strains e11, e 22 , and e 33 meas ure the change in length along the Ma te riallo cal 1, 2, and 3 axes, re spec tively, and are de fined as:





e 222




e 333




where u1, u

2, and u

3 are the dis place ments and x

1, x

2, and x

3 are the co or di nates in the

Ma te rial 1, 2, and 3 di rec tions, re spec tively.

The en gi neer ing shear strains g12 , g13 , and g 23 , meas ure the change in an gle in theMa te rial lo cal 1-2, 1-3, and 2-3 planes, re spec tively, and are de fined as:





= +du








= +du




g 232




= +du




Note that the en gi neer ing shear strains are equal to twice the ten so rial shear strains e12 , e13 , and e 23 , re spec tively.

Strains can also be caused by a tem pera ture change, DT, that can be spec i fied as aload on an el e ment. No stresses are caused by a tem pera ture change un less the in -duced ther mal strains are re strained.

See Cook, Malkus, and Ple sha (1989), or any text book on ele men tary me chan ics.

Isotropic Materials

The be hav ior of an iso tropic ma te rial is in de pend ent of the di rec tion of load ing orthe ori en ta tion of the ma te rial. In ad di tion, shear ing be hav ior is un cou pled from ex -ten sional be hav ior and is not af fected by tem pera ture change. Iso tropic be hav ior isusu ally as sumed for steel and con crete, al though this is not al ways the case.

72 Isotropic Materials

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The iso tropic me chani cal and ther mal prop er ties re late strain to stress and tem pera -ture change as fol lows:

(Eqn. 1)
























1 — —













0 0 0

1 -0 0 0

10 0 0

10 0

















































where e1 is Young’s modu lus of elas tic ity, u12 is Pois son’s ra tio, g12 is the shearmodu lus, and a1 is the co ef fi cient of ther mal ex pan sion. This re la tion ship holds re -gard less of the ori en ta tion of the Ma te rial lo cal 1, 2, and 3 axes.

The shear modu lus is not di rectly speci fied, but in stead is de fined in terms ofYoung’s modu lus and Pois son’s ra tio as:



+2 1( )

Note that Young’s modu lus must be posi tive, and Pois son’s ra tio must sat isfy thecon di tion:

— < <11


Orthotropic Materials

The be hav ior of an or tho tropic ma te rial can be dif fer ent in each of the three lo calco or di nate di rec tions. How ever, like an iso tropic ma te rial, shear ing be hav ior is un -cou pled from ex ten sional be hav ior and is not af fected by tem pera ture change.

The or tho tropic me chani cal and ther mal prop er ties re late strain to stress and tem -pera ture change as fol lows:

Orthotropic Materials 73

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(Eqn. 2)
























1 — —













0 0 0

1 -0 0 0

10 0 0

10 0

















































where e1, e2, and e3 are the moduli of elas tic ity; u12, u13, and u23 are the Pois -son’s ra tios; g12, g13, and g23 are the shear moduli; and a1, a2, and a3 are the co ef -fi cients of ther mal ex pan sion.

Note that the elas tic moduli and the shear moduli must be posi tive. The Pois son’sra tios may take on any val ues pro vided that the upper- left 3×3 por tion of the stress- strain ma trix is positive- definite (i.e., has a posi tive de ter mi nant.)

Anisotropic Materials

The be hav ior of an ani sotropic ma te rial can be dif fer ent in each of the three lo calco or di nate di rec tions. In ad di tion, shear ing be hav ior can be fully cou pled with ex -ten sional be hav ior and can be af fected by tem pera ture change.

The ani sotropic me chani cal and ther mal prop er ties re late strain to stress and tem -pera ture change as fol lows:

74 Anisotropic Materials

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(Eqn. 3)
























1 — —




















— — —

1 — — — —














1 — — —

1 — —






















































where e1, e2, and e3 are the moduli of elas tic ity; u12, u13, and u23 are the stan dardPois son’s ra tios; u14, u24…, u56 are the shear and cou pling Pois son’s ra tios; g12,g13, and g23 are the shear moduli; a1, a2, and a3 are the co ef fi cients of ther mal ex -pan sion; and a12, a13, and a23 are the co ef fi cients of ther mal shear.

Note that the elas tic moduli and the shear moduli must be posi tive. The Pois son’sra tios must be cho sen so that the 6×6 stress- strain ma trix is posi tive defi nite. Thismeans that the de ter mi nant of the ma trix must be posi tive.

These ma te rial prop er ties can be evalu ated di rectly from labo ra tory ex peri ments.Each col umn of the elas tic ity ma trix rep re sents the six meas ured strains due to theap pli ca tion of the ap pro pri ate unit stress. The six ther mal co ef fi cients are the meas -ured strains due to a unit tem pera ture change.

Temperature-Dependent Properties

All of the me chani cal and ther mal prop er ties given in Equa tions 1 to 3 may de pendupon tem pera ture. These prop er ties are given at a se ries of speci fied ma te rial tem -pera tures t. Prop er ties at other tem pera tures are ob tained by lin ear in ter po la tion be -tween the two near est speci fied tem pera tures. Prop er ties at tem pera tures out sidethe speci fied range use the prop er ties at the near est speci fied tem pera ture. SeeFigure 14 (page 76) for ex am ples.

If the Ma te rial prop er ties are in de pend ent of tem pera ture, you need only spec ifythem at a sin gle, ar bi trary tem pera ture.

Temperature-Dependent Properties 75

Chapter VI Material Properties

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Element Material Temperature

You can as sign each ele ment an ele ment ma te rial tem pera ture. This is the tem -pera ture at which temperature- dependent ma te rial prop er ties are evalu ated for theele ment. The prop er ties at this fixed tem pera ture are used for all analy ses re gard -less of any tem pera ture changes ex pe ri enced by the ele ment dur ing load ing.

The ele ment ma te rial tem pera ture may be uni form over an ele ment or in ter po latedfrom val ues given at the joints. In the lat ter case, a uni form ma te rial tem pera ture isused that is the av er age of the joint val ues. The de fault ma te rial tem pera ture for anyele ment is zero.

The prop er ties for a temperature- independent ma te rial are con stant re gard less ofthe ele ment ma te rial tem pera tures speci fied.

Mass Density

For each Ma te rial you may spec ify a mass den sity, m, that is used for cal cu lat ingthe mass of the ele ment. The to tal mass of the ele ment is the prod uct of the massden sity (mass per unit vol ume) and the vol ume of the ele ment. This mass is ap por -tioned to each joint of the ele ment. The same mass is ap plied along of the threetrans la tional de grees of free dom. No ro ta tional mass mo ments of in er tia are com -puted.

76 Element Material Temperature

CSI Analysis Reference Manual

Interpolated Value



Tmatt Tmatt



Extrapolated Value



indicates specified value eat temperature t

Figure 14Determination of Property Ematt at Temperature Tmatt from Function E(T)

Page 97: Sap 2000 Reference Manual

Con sis tent mass units must be used. Typi cally the mass den sity is equal to theweight den sity of the ma te rial di vided by the ac cel era tion due to grav ity, but this isnot re quired.

The mass den sity prop erty is in de pend ent of tem pera ture.

For more in for ma tion:

• See Topic “Mass” (page 107) in Chap ter “The Frame Ele ment.”

• See Topic “Mass” (page 166) in Chap ter “The Shell Ele ment.”

• See Topic “Mass” (page 180) in Chap ter “The Plane Ele ment.”

• See Topic “Mass” (page 192) in Chap ter “The Aso lid Ele ment.”

• See Topic “Mass” (page 207) in Chap ter “The Solid Ele ment.”

Weight Density

For each Ma te rial you may spec ify a weight den sity, w, that is used for cal cu lat ingthe self- weight of the ele ment. The to tal weight of the ele ment is the prod uct of theweight den sity (weight per unit vol ume) and the vol ume of the ele ment. Thisweight is ap por tioned to each joint of the ele ment. Self- weight is ac ti vated us ingSelf- weight Load and Grav ity Load.

The weight den sity prop erty is in de pend ent of tem pera ture.

For more in for ma tion:

• See Topic “Self- Weight Load” (page 275) in Chap ter “Load Cases.”

• See Topic “Grav ity Load” (page 276) in Chap ter “Load Cases.”

Material Damping

You may spec ify ma te rial damp ing to be used in dy namic anal y ses. Dif fer ent typesof damp ing are avail able for dif fer ent types of anal y sis cases. Ma te rial damp ing is a prop erty of the ma te rial and af fects all anal y sis cases of a given type in the sameway. You may spec ify ad di tional damp ing in each anal y sis case.

Be cause damp ing has such a sig nif i cant af fect upon dy namic re sponse, you shoulduse care in de fin ing your damp ing pa ram e ters.

Weight Density 77

Chapter VI Material Properties

Page 98: Sap 2000 Reference Manual

Modal Damping

The ma te rial modal damp ing avail able in SAP2000 is stiff ness weighted, and isalso known as com pos ite modal damp ing. It is used for all re sponse-spec trum andmodal time-his tory anal y ses. For each ma te rial you may spec ify a ma te rial modaldamp ing ra tio, r, where 0 1£ <r . The damp ing ra tio, rij , con trib uted to mode I by el -e ment j of this ma te rial is given by



i j i


=f f


where f i is mode shape for mode I, K j is the stiff ness ma trix for el e ment j, and K i

is the modal stiff ness for mode I given by

K i ij

j i= åf fTK

summed over all el e ments, j, in the model.

Vis cous Pro por tional Damping

Vis cous pro por tional damp ing is used for di rect-in te gra tion time-his tory anal y ses.For each ma te rial, you may spec ify a mass co ef fi cient, c M , and a stiff ness co ef fi -cient, cK . The damp ing ma trix for el e ment j of the ma te rial is com puted as:

C M Kj M j K jc c= +

Hysteretic Pro por tional Damping

Hysteretic pro por tional damp ing is used for steady-state and power-spec tral-den -sity anal y ses. For each ma te rial, you may spec ify a mass co ef fi cient, d M , and astiff ness co ef fi cient, d M . The hysteretic damp ing ma trix for el e ment j of the ma te -rial is com puted as:

D M Kj M j K jd d= +


You may spec ify a design- type for each Ma te rial that in di cates how it is to betreated for de sign by the SAP2000, ETABS, or SAFE graph i cal user in ter face. Theavail able de sign types are:

78 Design-Type

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• Steel: Frame ele ments made of this ma te rial will be de signed ac cord ing to steelde sign codes

• Con crete: Frame ele ments made of this ma te rial will be de signed ac cord ing tocon crete de sign codes

• Alu mi num: Frame el e ments made of this ma te rial will be de signed ac cord ingto alu mi num de sign codes

• Cold-formed: Frame el e ments made of this ma te rial will be de signed ac cord ing to cold-formed steel de sign codes

• None: Frame el e ments made of this ma te rial will not be de signed

When you choose a de sign type, additional ma te rial prop er ties may be spec i fiedthat are used only for de sign; they do not af fect the anal y sis. Con sult the on-linehelp and design doc u men ta tion for fur ther in for ma tion on these de sign prop er ties

Time-dependent Properties

For any ma te rial hav ing a de sign type of con crete or steel, you may spec ify time de -pend ent ma te rial prop er ties that are used for creep, shrink age, and ag ing ef fectsdur ing a staged-con struc tion anal y sis.

For more in for ma tion, see Topic “Staged Con struc tion” (page 372) in Chap ter“Non lin ear Static Anal y sis.”


For con crete-type ma te ri als, you may spec ify:

• Ag ing pa ram e ters that de ter mine the change in modulus of elas tic ity with age

• Shrink age pa ram e ters that de ter mine the de crease in di rect strains with time

• Creep pa ram e ters that de ter mine the change in strain with time un der the ac tion of stress

For steel-type ma te ri als, re lax ation be hav ior may be spec i fied that de ter mines thechange in strain with time un der the ac tion of stress, sim i lar to creep.

Cur rently these be hav iors are spec i fied us ing CEB-FIP pa ram e ters. See ComiteEuro-In ter na tional Du Beton (1993).

Time-dependent Properties 79

Chapter VI Material Properties

Page 100: Sap 2000 Reference Manual

Time-In te gra tion Control

For each ma te rial, you have the op tion to model the creep be hav ior by full in te gra -tion or by us ing a Dirichlet se ries approximation.

With full in te gra tion, each in cre ment of stress dur ing the anal y sis be comes part ofthe mem ory of the ma te rial. This leads to ac cu rate re sults, but for long anal y seswith many stress in cre ments, this re quires com puter stor age and ex e cu tion timethat both in crease as the square of the num ber of in cre ments. For larger prob lems,this can make so lu tion im prac ti cal.

Us ing the Dirichlet se ries ap prox i ma tion (Ketchum, 1986), you can choose a fixednum ber of se ries terms that are to be stored. Each term is mod i fied by the stress in -cre ments, but the num ber of terms does not change dur ing the anal y sis. This meansthe stor age and ex e cu tion time in crease lin early with the num ber of stress in cre -ments. Each term in the Dirichlet se ries can be thought of as a spring and dashpotsys tem with a char ac ter is tic re lax ation time. The pro gram au to mat i cally choosesthese spring-dashpot sys tems based on the num ber of terms you re quest. Youshould try dif fer ent num bers of terms and check the anal y sis re sults to make surethat your choice is ad e quate.

It is rec om mended that you work with a smaller prob lem that is rep re sen ta tive ofyour larger model, and com pare var i ous num bers of se ries terms with the full in te -gra tion so lu tion to de ter mine the ap pro pri ate se ries ap prox i ma tion to use.

Stress-Strain Curves

For each ma te rial you may spec ify a stress-strain curve that are used to rep re sentthe ax ial be hav ior of the ma te rial along any ma te rial axis, i.e., The stress-straincurve is iso tro pic.

Cur rently these curves are only used to gen er ate fi ber hinges and for hinge mod elsfor frame sec tions de fined in Sec tion De signer.

For more in for ma tion:

• See Topic “Sec tion De signer Sections” (page 107) in Chap ter “The Frame El e -ment.”

• See Chap ter “Frame Hinge Properties” (page 119).

80 Stress-Strain Curves

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C h a p t e r VII

The Frame Element

The Frame el e ment is a very pow er ful el e ment that can be used to model beams,col umns, braces, and trusses in pla nar and three-di men sional struc tures. Nonlinearma te rial be hav ior is avail able through the use of Frame Hinges.

Basic Topics for All Users

• Over view

• Joint Con nec tivity

• De grees of Free dom

• Lo cal Co or di nate Sys tem

• Sec tion Prop erties

• In ser tion Point

• End Off sets

• End Re leases

• Mass

• Self- Weight Load

• Con cen trated Span Load

• Dis trib uted Span Load


Page 102: Sap 2000 Reference Manual

• In ter nal Force Out put

Advanced Topics

• Ad vanced Lo cal Co or di nate Sys tem

• Prop erty Mod i fiers

• Non lin ear Properties

• Grav ity Load

• Tem pera ture Load

• Strain and De for ma tion Load

• Tar get-Force Load


The Frame ele ment uses a gen eral, three- dimensional, beam- column for mu la tionwhich in cludes the ef fects of bi ax ial bend ing, tor sion, ax ial de for ma tion, and bi ax -ial shear de for ma tions. See Bathe and Wil son (1976).

Struc tures that can be mod eled with this ele ment in clude:

• Three- dimensional frames

• Three- dimensional trusses

• Pla nar frames

• Pla nar gril lages

• Pla nar trusses

• Cables

A Frame el e ment is mod eled as a straight line con nect ing two points. In the graph i -cal user in ter face, you can di vide curved ob jects into mul ti ple straight ob jects, sub -ject to your spec i fi ca tion.

Each el e ment has its own lo cal co or di nate sys tem for de fin ing sec tion prop er tiesand loads, and for in ter pret ing out put.

The el e ment may be pris matic or non-pris matic. The non-pris matic for mu la tion al -lows the el e ment length to be di vided into any num ber of seg ments over whichprop er ties may vary. The vari a tion of the bend ing stiff ness may be lin ear, par a -bolic, or cu bic over each seg ment of length. The ax ial, shear, tor sional, mass, andweight prop er ties all vary lin early over each seg ment.

82 Overview

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In ser tion points and end off sets are avail able to ac count for the fi nite size of beamand col umn in ter sec tions. The end off sets may be made par tially or fully rigid tomodel the stiff en ing ef fect that can oc cur when the ends of an el e ment are em bed -ded in beam and col umn in ter sec tions. End re leases are also avail able to model dif -fer ent fix ity con di tions at the ends of the el e ment.

Each Frame el e ment may be loaded by grav ity (in any di rec tion), mul ti ple con cen -trated loads, mul ti ple dis trib uted loads, strain and de for ma tion loads, and loads dueto tem per a ture change.

Tar get-force load ing is avail able that iteratively ap plies de for ma tion load to the el -e ment to achieve a de sired ax ial force.

Ele ment in ter nal forces are pro duced at the ends of each ele ment and at a user- specified number of equally- spaced out put sta tions along the length of the ele ment.

Ca ble be hav ior is usu ally best mod eled us ing the cat e nary Ca ble el e ment (page133). How ever, there are cer tain cases where us ing Frame el e ments is nec es sary.This can be achieved by add ing ap pro pri ate fea tures to a Frame element. You canre lease the mo ments at the ends of the el e ments, al though we rec om mend that youre tain small, re al is tic bend ing stiff ness in stead. You can also add non lin ear be hav -ior as needed, such as the no-com pres sion prop erty, ten sion stiff en ing (p-delta ef -fects), and large de flec tions. These fea tures re quire non lin ear anal y sis.

Joint Connectivity

A Frame el e ment is rep re sented by a straight line con nect ing two joints, I and j, un -less mod i fied by joint off sets as de scribed be low. The two joints must not share thesame lo ca tion in space. The two ends of the el e ment are de noted end I and end J, re -spec tively.

By de fault, the neu tral axis of the el e ment runs along the line con nect ing the twojoints. How ever, you can change this us ing the in ser tion point, as de scribed inTopic “In ser tion Point” (page 100).

Joint Off sets

Some times the axis of the el e ment can not be con ve niently spec i fied by joints thatcon nect to other el e ments in the struc ture. You have the op tion to spec ify joint off -sets in de pend ently at each end of the el e ment. These are given as the three dis tancecom po nents (X, Y, and Z) par al lel to the global axes, mea sured from the joint to theend of the el e ment (at the in ser tion point.)

Joint Connectivity 83

Chapter VII The Frame Element

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The two lo ca tions given by the co or di nates of joints I and j, plus the cor re spond ingjoint off sets, de fine the axis of the el e ment. These two lo ca tions must not be co in ci -dent. It is gen er ally rec om mended that the off sets be per pen dic u lar to the axis of the el e ment, al though this is not re quired.

Off sets along the axis of the el e ment are usu ally spec i fied us ing end off sets ratherthan joint off sets. See topic “End Off sets” (page 101). End off sets are part of thelength of the el e ment, have el e ment prop er ties and loads, and may or may not berigid. Joint off sets are ex ter nal to the el e ment, and do not have any mass or loads.In ternally the pro gram cre ates a fully rigid con straint along the joints off sets.

Joint off sets are spec i fied along with the car di nal point as part of the in ser tion pointas sign ment, even though they are in de pend ent fea tures.

For more in for ma tion:

• See Topic “In ser tion Point” (page 100) in this Chap ter.

• See Topic “End Off sets” (page 101) in this Chap ter.

Degrees of Freedom

The Frame el e ment ac ti vates all six de grees of free dom at both of its con nectedjoints. If you want to model truss or ca ble el e ments that do not trans mit mo ments atthe ends, you may ei ther:

• Set the geo met ric Sec tion prop er ties j, i33, and i22 all to zero (a is non-zero;as2 and as3 are ar bi trary), or

• Re lease both bend ing ro ta tions, R2 and R3, at both ends and re lease the tor -sional ro ta tion, R1, at ei ther end

For more in for ma tion:

• See Topic “De grees of Free dom” (page 30) in Chap ter “Joints and De grees ofFree dom.”

• See Topic “Sec tion Prop er ties” (page 90) in this Chap ter.

• See Topic “End Off sets” (page 101) in this Chap ter.

• See Topic “End Re leases” (page 105) in this Chap ter.

84 Degrees of Freedom

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Local Coordinate System

Each Frame ele ment has its own ele ment lo cal co or di nate sys tem used to de finesec tion prop er ties, loads and out put. The axes of this lo cal sys tem are de noted 1, 2and 3. The first axis is di rected along the length of the ele ment; the re main ing twoaxes lie in the plane per pen dicu lar to the ele ment with an ori en ta tion that you spec -ify.

It is im por tant that you clearly un der stand the defi ni tion of the ele ment lo cal 1- 2-3co or di nate sys tem and its re la tion ship to the global X- Y-Z co or di nate sys tem. Bothsys tems are right- handed co or di nate sys tems. It is up to you to de fine lo cal sys temswhich sim plify data in put and in ter pre ta tion of re sults.

In most struc tures the defi ni tion of the ele ment lo cal co or di nate sys tem is ex -tremely sim ple. The meth ods pro vided, how ever, pro vide suf fi cient power andflexi bil ity to de scribe the ori en ta tion of Frame ele ments in the most com pli catedsitua tions.

The sim plest method, us ing the de fault ori en ta tion and the Frame ele ment co or -di nate an gle, is de scribed in this topic. Ad di tional meth ods for de fin ing the Frameele ment lo cal co or di nate sys tem are de scribed in the next topic.

For more in for ma tion:

• See Chap ter “Co or di nate Sys tems” (page 11) for a de scrip tion of the con ceptsand ter mi nol ogy used in this topic.

• See Topic “Ad vanced Lo cal Co or di nate Sys tem” (page 86) in this Chap ter.

Longitudinal Axis 1

Lo cal axis 1 is al ways the lon gi tu di nal axis of the el e ment, the pos i tive di rec tion be -ing di rected from end I to end J.

Spe cifically, end I is joint I plus its joint off sets (if any), and end J is joint j plus itsjoint off sets (if any.) The axis is de ter mined in de pend ently of the car di nal point; see Topic “In ser tion Point” (page 100.)

Default Orientation

The de fault ori en ta tion of the lo cal 2 and 3 axes is de ter mined by the re la tion shipbe tween the lo cal 1 axis and the global Z axis:

• The lo cal 1-2 plane is taken to be ver ti cal, i.e., par al lel to the Z axis

Local Coordinate System 85

Chapter VII The Frame Element

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• The lo cal 2 axis is taken to have an up ward (+Z) sense un less the ele ment is ver -ti cal, in which case the lo cal 2 axis is taken to be hori zon tal along the global +Xdi rec tion

• The lo cal 3 axis is hori zon tal, i.e., it lies in the X-Y plane

An ele ment is con sid ered to be ver ti cal if the sine of the an gle be tween the lo cal 1axis and the Z axis is less than 10-3.

The lo cal 2 axis makes the same an gle with the ver ti cal axis as the lo cal 1 axismakes with the hori zon tal plane. This means that the lo cal 2 axis points ver ti callyup ward for hori zon tal ele ments.

Coordinate Angle

The Frame ele ment co or di nate an gle, ang, is used to de fine ele ment ori en ta tionsthat are dif fer ent from the de fault ori en ta tion. It is the an gle through which the lo cal 2 and 3 axes are ro tated about the posi tive lo cal 1 axis from the de fault ori en ta tion.The ro ta tion for a posi tive value of ang ap pears coun ter clock wise when the lo cal+1 axis is point ing to ward you.

For ver ti cal ele ments, ang is the an gle be tween the lo cal 2 axis and the hori zon tal+X axis. Oth er wise, ang is the an gle be tween the lo cal 2 axis and the ver ti cal planecon tain ing the lo cal 1 axis. See Figure 15 (page 87) for ex am ples.

Advanced Local Coordinate System

By de fault, the ele ment lo cal co or di nate sys tem is de fined us ing the ele ment co or -di nate an gle meas ured with re spect to the global +Z and +X di rec tions, as de scribed in the pre vi ous topic. In cer tain mod el ing situa tions it may be use ful to have morecon trol over the speci fi ca tion of the lo cal co or di nate sys tem.

This topic de scribes how to de fine the ori en ta tion of the trans verse lo cal 2 and 3axes with re spect to an ar bi trary ref er ence vec tor when the ele ment co or di nate an -gle, ang, is zero. If ang is dif fer ent from zero, it is the an gle through which the lo cal2 and 3 axes are ro tated about the posi tive lo cal 1 axis from the ori en ta tion de ter -mined by the ref er ence vec tor. The lo cal 1 axis is al ways di rected from end I to endJ of the ele ment.

For more in for ma tion:

• See Chap ter “Co or di nate Sys tems” (page 11) for a de scrip tion of the con ceptsand ter mi nol ogy used in this topic.

86 Advanced Local Coordinate System

CSI Analysis Reference Manual

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• See Topic “Lo cal Co or di nate Sys tem” (page 85) in this Chap ter.

Advanced Local Coordinate System 87

Chapter VII The Frame Element





































Local 1 Axis is Parallel to +Y AxisLocal 2 Axis is Rotated 90° from Z-1 Plane

Local 1 Axis is Parallel to +Z AxisLocal 2 Axis is Rotated 90° from X-1 Plane

Local 1 Axis is Parallel to –Z AxisLocal 2 Axis is Rotated 30° from X-1 Plane

Local 1 Axis is Not Parallel to X, Y, or Z AxesLocal 2 Axis is Rotated 30° from Z-1 Plane

Figure 15The Frame Element Coordinate Angle with Respect to the Default Orientation

Page 108: Sap 2000 Reference Manual

Reference Vector

To de fine the trans verse lo cal axes 2 and 3, you spec ify a ref er ence vec tor that ispar al lel to the de sired 1-2 or 1-3 plane. The ref er ence vec tor must have a posi tivepro jec tion upon the cor re spond ing trans verse lo cal axis (2 or 3, re spec tively). Thismeans that the posi tive di rec tion of the ref er ence vec tor must make an an gle of less

than 90° with the posi tive di rec tion of the de sired trans verse axis.

To de fine the ref er ence vec tor, you must first spec ify or use the de fault val ues for:

• A pri mary co or di nate di rec tion pldirp (the de fault is +Z)

• A sec on dary co or di nate di rec tion pldirs (the de fault is +X). Di rec tions pldirsand pldirp should not be par al lel to each other un less you are sure that they arenot par al lel to lo cal axis 1

• A fixed co or di nate sys tem csys (the de fault is zero, in di cat ing the global co or -di nate sys tem)

• The lo cal plane, lo cal, to be de ter mined by the ref er ence vec tor (the de fault is12, in di cat ing plane 1-2)

You may op tion ally spec ify:

• A pair of joints, plveca and plvecb (the de fault for each is zero, in di cat ing thecen ter of the ele ment). If both are zero, this op tion is not used

For each ele ment, the ref er ence vec tor is de ter mined as fol lows:

1. A vec tor is found from joint plveca to joint plvecb. If this vec tor is of fi nitelength and is not par al lel to lo cal axis 1, it is used as the ref er ence vec tor Vp

2. Oth er wise, the pri mary co or di nate di rec tion pldirp is evalu ated at the cen ter ofthe ele ment in fixed co or di nate sys tem csys. If this di rec tion is not par al lel tolo cal axis 1, it is used as the ref er ence vec tor Vp

3. Oth er wise, the sec on dary co or di nate di rec tion pldirs is evalu ated at the cen terof the ele ment in fixed co or di nate sys tem csys. If this di rec tion is not par al lel tolo cal axis 1, it is used as the ref er ence vec tor Vp

4. Oth er wise, the method fails and the analy sis ter mi nates. This will never hap pen if pldirp is not par al lel to pldirs

A vec tor is con sid ered to be par al lel to lo cal axis 1 if the sine of the an gle be tweenthem is less than 10


88 Advanced Local Coordinate System

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The use of the Frame ele ment co or di nate an gle in con junc tion with co or di nate di -rec tions that de fine the ref er ence vec tor is il lus trated in Figure 16 (page 89). Theuse of joints to de fine the ref er ence vec tor is shown in Figure 17 (page 90).

Determining Transverse Axes 2 and 3

The pro gram uses vec tor cross prod ucts to de ter mine the trans verse axes 2 and 3once the ref er ence vec tor has been speci fied. The three axes are rep re sented by thethree unit vec tors V1, V2 and V3 , re spec tively. The vec tors sat isfy the cross- product re la tion ship:

V V V1 2 3= ´

The trans verse axes 2 and 3 are de fined as fol lows:

• If the ref er ence vec tor is par al lel to the 1-2 plane, then:

V V V3 1= ´ p and

V V V2 3 1= ´

• If the ref er ence vec tor is par al lel to the 1-3 plane, then:

V V V2 1= ´p and

Advanced Local Coordinate System 89

Chapter VII The Frame Element


















Local 1 Axis is Not Parallel to pldirp (+Y)Local 2 Axis is Rotated 90° from Y-1 Plane

Local 1 Axis is Parallel to pldirp (+Y)Local 2 Axis is Rotated 90° from X-1 Plane

pldirp = +Ypldirs = –Xlocal = 12

Figure 16The Frame Element Coordinate Angle with Respect to Coordinate Directions

Page 110: Sap 2000 Reference Manual

V V V3 1 2= ´

In the com mon case where the ref er ence vec tor is per pen dicu lar to axis V1, thetrans verse axis in the se lected plane will be equal to Vp .

Section Properties

A Frame Sec tion is a set of ma te rial and geo met ric prop er ties that de scribe thecross- section of one or more Frame ele ments. Sec tions are de fined in de pend entlyof the Frame ele ments, and are as signed to the ele ments.

Sec tion prop er ties are of two ba sic types:

• Pris matic — all prop er ties are con stant along the full ele ment length

• Non- prismatic — the prop er ties may vary along the ele ment length

Non- prismatic Sec tions are de fined by re fer ring to two or more pre vi ously de finedpris matic Sec tions.

90 Section Properties

CSI Analysis Reference Manual



Joint j

Axis 1

Axis 2


Axis 3

Joint i

V (b)p

V (a)p




The following two specifications are equivalent:(a) local=12, plveca=0, plvecb=100(b) local=13, plveca=101, plvecb=102

Plane 1-3

Plane 1-2

Figure 17Using Joints to Define the Frame Element Local Coordinate System

Page 111: Sap 2000 Reference Manual

All of the fol low ing sub top ics, ex cept the last, de scribe the defi ni tion of pris maticSec tions. The last sub topic, “Non- prismatic Sec tions”, de scribes how pris maticSec tions are used to de fine non- prismatic Sec tions.

Local Coordinate System

Sec tion prop er ties are de fined with re spect to the lo cal co or di nate sys tem of aFrame ele ment as fol lows:

• The 1 di rec tion is along the axis of the ele ment. It is nor mal to the Sec tion andgoes through the in ter sec tion of the two neu tral axes of the Sec tion.

• The 2 and 3 di rec tions are par al lel to the neu tral axes of the Sec tion. Usu ally the 2 di rec tion is taken along the ma jor di men sion (depth) of the Sec tion, and the 3di rec tion along its mi nor di men sion (width), but this is not re quired.

See Topic “Lo cal Co or di nate Sys tem” (page 85) in this Chap ter for more in for ma -tion.

Material Properties

The ma te rial prop er ties for the Sec tion are speci fied by ref er ence to a previously- defined Ma te rial. Iso tropic ma te rial prop er ties are used, even if the Ma te rial se -lected was de fined as or tho tropic or ani sotropic. The ma te rial prop er ties used bythe Sec tion are:

• The modu lus of elas tic ity, e1, for ax ial stiff ness and bend ing stiff ness

• The shear modu lus, g12, for tor sional stiff ness and trans verse shear stiff ness

• The co ef fi cient of ther mal ex pan sion, a1, for ax ial ex pan sion and ther malbend ing strain

• The mass den sity, m, for com put ing ele ment mass

• The weight den sity, w, for com put ing Self- Weight and Grav ity Loads

The ma te rial prop er ties e1, g12, and a1 are all ob tained at the ma te rial tem pera tureof each in di vid ual Frame ele ment, and hence may not be unique for a given Sec tion.

See Chap ter “Ma te rial Prop er ties” (page 69) for more in for ma tion.

Geometric Properties and Section Stiffnesses

Six ba sic geo met ric prop er ties are used, to gether with the ma te rial prop er ties, togen er ate the stiff nesses of the Sec tion. These are:

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• The cross- sectional area, a. The ax ial stiff ness of the Sec tion is given by a e1× ;

• The mo ment of in er tia, i33, about the 3 axis for bend ing in the 1-2 plane, andthe mo ment of in er tia, i22, about the 2 axis for bend ing in the 1-3 plane. Thecor re spond ing bend ing stiff nesses of the Sec tion are given by i33 e1× and i22 e1× ;

• The tor sional con stant, j. The tor sional stiff ness of the Sec tion is given by j g12× . Note that the tor sional con stant is not the same as the po lar mo ment ofin er tia, ex cept for cir cu lar shapes. See Roark and Young (1975) or Cook andYoung (1985) for more in for ma tion.

• The shear ar eas, as2 and as3, for trans verse shear in the 1-2 and 1-3 planes, re -spec tively. The cor re spond ing trans verse shear stiff nesses of the Sec tion aregiven by as2 g12× and as3 g12× . For mu lae for cal cu lat ing the shear ar eas oftypi cal sec tions are given in Figure 18 (page 93).

Set ting a, j, i33, or i22 to zero causes the cor re spond ing sec tion stiff ness to be zero.For ex am ple, a truss mem ber can be mod eled by set ting j = i33 = i22 = 0, and a pla -nar frame mem ber in the 1-2 plane can be mod eled by set ting j = i22 = 0.

Set ting as2 or as3 to zero causes the cor re spond ing trans verse shear de for ma tion tobe zero. In ef fect, a zero shear area is in ter preted as be ing in fi nite. The trans verseshear stiff ness is ig nored if the cor re spond ing bend ing stiff ness is zero.

Shape Type

For each Sec tion, the six geo met ric prop er ties (a, j, i33, i22, as2 and as3) may bespeci fied di rectly, com puted from speci fied Sec tion di men sions, or read from aspeci fied prop erty da ta base file. This is de ter mined by the shape type, shape, speci -fied by the user:

• If shape=GENERAL (gen eral sec tion), the six geo met ric prop er ties must beex plic itly spec i fied

• If shape=RECTANGLE, PIPE, BOX/TUBE, I/WIDE FLANGE, or one ofsev eral oth ers of fered by the program, the six geo met ric prop er ties are auto -mati cally cal cu lated from speci fied Sec tion di men sions as de scribed in “Auto -matic Sec tion Prop erty Cal cu la tion” be low, or ob tained from a speci fied prop -erty da ta base file. See “Sec tion Prop erty Da ta base Files” be low.

• If shape=SD SEC TION (Sec tion De signer Sec tion), you can cre ate your ownar bi trary Sec tions us ing the Sec tion De signer util ity within the pro gram, andthe six geo met ric prop er ties are au to mat i cally cal cu lated. See “Sec tion De -signer Sec tions” be low.

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Section Properties 93

Chapter VII The Frame Element





Section Description EffectiveShear Area



Rectangular Section

Shear Forces parallel to the b or d



Wide Flange Section

Shear Forces parallel to flanget f bf



Wide Flange Section

Shear Forces parallel to webtw d





Thin Walled

Circular Tube Section

Shear Forces from any direction

r t

r Solid Circular Section

Shear Forces from any direction 0.9 r 2



2 t d

Q(Y) = n b(n) dny

General SectionShear Forces parallel to

I = moment of inertia of

I x2












Thin WalledRectangular Tube Section

Shear Forces parallel tod-direction


section about X-Xx




Figure 18Shear Area Formulae

Page 114: Sap 2000 Reference Manual

• If shape=NONPRISMATIC, the Sec tion is in ter po lated along the length of theel e ment from pre vi ously de fined Sec tions as de scribed in “Nonprismatic Sec -tion” be low.

Automatic Section Property Calculation

The six geo met ric Sec tion prop er ties can be auto mati cally cal cu lated from speci -fied di men sions for the sim ple shapes shown in Figure 19 (page 95), and for oth ersof fered by the program. The re quired di men sions for each shape are shown in thefig ure.

Note that the di men sion t3 is the depth of the Sec tion in the 2 di rec tion and con trib -utes pri mar ily to i33.

Section Property Database Files

Geo met ric Sec tion prop er ties may be ob tained from one or more Sec tion prop ertyda ta base files. Several da ta base files are cur rently sup plied with SAP2000,including:

• Amer i can aluminum shapes

• Amer i can steel shapes

• Brit ish steel shapes

• Chi Chi nese steel shapes

• Ca na dian steel shapes

• European steel shapes

• SEC TIONS8.PRO: This is just a copy of AISC3.PRO.

Ad di tional prop erty da ta base files may be cre ated us ing the Ex cel macroPROPER.xls, which is avail able upon re quest from Com put ers and Struc tures, Inc.The geo met ric prop er ties are stored in the length units speci fied when the da ta basefile was cre ated. These are auto mati cally con verted by SAP2000 to the units usedin the in put data file.

Each shape type stored in a da ta base file may be ref er enced by one or two dif fer entla bels. For ex am ple, the W36x300 shape type in file AISC3.PRO may be ref er -enced ei ther by la bel “W36X300” or by la bel “W920X446”. Shape types stored inCISC.PRO may only be ref er enced by a sin gle la bel.

You may se lect one da ta base file to be used when de fin ing a given Frame Sec tion.The da ta base file in use can be changed at any time when de fin ing Sec tions. If no

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da ta base file name is speci fied, the de fault file SEC TIONS8.PRO is used. You maycopy any prop erty da ta base file to SEC TIONS8.PRO.

Section Properties 95

Chapter VII The Frame Element

SH = TSH = I SH = C

SH = L SH = 2L

SH = R SH = P SH = B









tw tw













3 t3













3 3




t3 t3



Figure 19Automatic Section Property Calculation

Page 116: Sap 2000 Reference Manual

All Sec tion prop erty da ta base files, in clud ing file SEC TIONS8.PRO, must be lo -cated ei ther in the di rec tory that con tains the in put data file, or in the di rec tory thatcon tains the SAP2000 ex ecu ta ble files. If a speci fied da ta base file is pres ent in both di rec to ries, the pro gram will use the file in the input- data- file di rec tory.

Sec tion-De signer Sec tions

Sec tion De signer is a sep a rate util ity built into SAP2000 and ETABS that can beused to cre ate your own frame sec tion prop er ties. You can build sec tions of ar bi -trary ge om e try and com bi na tions of ma te ri als. The ba sic anal y sis geo met ric prop -er ties (areas, mo ments of in er tia, and tor sional con stant) are com puted and used foranal y sis. In ad di tion, Sec tion De signer can com pute non lin ear frame hinge prop er -ties.

For more in for ma tion, see the on-line help within Sec tion De signer.

Additional Mass and Weight

You may spec ify mass and/or weight for a Sec tion that acts in ad di tion to the massand weight of the ma te rial. The ad di tional mass and weight are speci fied per unit oflength us ing the pa rame ters mpl and wpl, re spec tively. They could be used, for ex -am ple, to rep re sent the ef fects of non struc tural ma te rial that is at tached to a Frameele ment.

The ad di tional mass and weight act re gard less of the cross- sectional area of theSec tion. The de fault val ues for mpl and wpl are zero for all shape types.

Non-prismatic Sections

Non- prismatic Sec tions may be de fined for which the prop er ties vary along the ele -ment length. You may spec ify that the ele ment length be di vided into any numberof seg ments; these do not need to be of equal length. Most com mon situa tions canbe mod eled us ing from one to five seg ments.

The varia tion of the bend ing stiff nesses may be lin ear, para bolic, or cu bic over each seg ment of length. The ax ial, shear, tor sional, mass, and weight prop er ties all varyline arly over each seg ment. Sec tion prop er ties may change dis con tinu ously fromone seg ment to the next.

See Figure 20 (page 97) for ex am ples of non- prismatic Sec tions.

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Section Properties 97

Chapter VII The Frame Element

Axis 2

Axis 2

End I

End I

End J

End J












Steel Beam with Cover Plates at Ends

Concrete Column with Flare at Top

Section B

Section B

Section A

Section A

Figure 20Examples of Non-prismatic Sections

Page 118: Sap 2000 Reference Manual

Segment Lengths

The length of a non- prismatic seg ment may be speci fied as ei ther a vari able length,vl, or an ab so lute length, l. The de fault is vl = 1.

When a non- prismatic Sec tion is as signed to an ele ment, the ac tual lengths of eachseg ment for that ele ment are de ter mined as fol lows:

• The clear length of the ele ment, Lc , is first cal cu lated as the to tal length mi nusthe end off sets:

L Lc = — +( )ioff joff

See Topic “End Off sets” (page 101) in this Chap ter for more in for ma tion.

• If the sum of the ab so lute lengths of the seg ments ex ceeds the clear length, theyare scaled down pro por tion ately so that the sum equals the clear length. Oth er -wise the ab so lute lengths are used as speci fied.

• The re main ing length (the clear length mi nus the sum of the ab so lute lengths) is di vided among the seg ments hav ing vari able lengths in the same pro por tion asthe speci fied lengths. For ex am ple, for two seg ments with vl = 1 and vl = 2, onethird of the re main ing length would go to the first seg ment, and two thirds tothe sec ond seg ment.

Starting and Ending Sections

The prop er ties for a seg ment are de fined by speci fy ing:

• The la bel, seci, of a pre vi ously de fined pris matic Sec tion that de fines the prop -er ties at the start of the seg ment, i.e., at the end clos est to joint I.

• The la bel, secj, of a pre vi ously de fined pris matic Sec tion that de fines the prop -er ties at the end of the seg ment, i.e., at the end clos est to joint j. The start ing and end ing Sec tions may be the same if the prop er ties are con stant over the lengthof the seg ment.

The Ma te rial would nor mally be the same for both the start ing and end ing Sec tionsand only the geo met ric prop er ties would dif fer, but this is not re quired.

Variation of Properties

Non- prismatic Sec tion prop er ties are in ter po lated along the length of each seg mentfrom the val ues at the two ends.

The varia tion of the bend ing stiff nesses, i33×e1 and i22×e1, are de fined by speci fy -ing the pa rame ters eivar33 and eivar22, re spec tively. As sign val ues of 1, 2, or 3 to

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these pa rame ters to in di cate varia tion along the length that is lin ear, para bolic, orcu bic, re spec tively.

Spe cifi cally, the eivar33-th root of the bend ing stiff ness in the 1-2 plane:

eivar33 i33 e1×

var ies line arly along the length. This usu ally cor re sponds to a lin ear varia tion inone of the Sec tion di men sions. For ex am ple, re fer ring to Figure 19 (page 95): a lin -ear varia tion in t2 for the rec tan gu lar shape would re quire eivar33=1, a lin earvaria tion in t3 for the rec tan gu lar shape would re quire eivar33=3, and a lin earvaria tion in t3 for the I- shape would re quire eivar33=2.

The in ter po la tion of the bend ing stiff ness in the 1-2 plane, i22 e1× , is de fined in thesame man ner by the pa rame ter eivar22.

The re main ing prop er ties are as sumed to vary line arly be tween the ends of eachseg ment:

• Stiff nesses: a e1× , j g12× , as2 g12× , and as3 g12×

• Mass: a×m + mpl

• Weight: a×w + wpl

If a shear area is zero at ei ther end, it is taken to be zero along the full seg ment, thuselimi nat ing all shear de for ma tion in the cor re spond ing bend ing plane for that seg -ment.

Effect upon End Offsets

Prop er ties vary only along the clear length of the ele ment. Sec tion prop er ties within end off set ioff are con stant us ing the start ing Sec tion of the first seg ment. Sec tionprop er ties within end off set joff are con stant us ing the end ing Sec tion of the lastseg ment.

See Topic “End Off sets” (page 101) in this Chap ter for more in for ma tion.

Property Modifiers

You may spec ify scale fac tors to mod ify the com puted sec tion prop er ties. Thesemay be used, for ex am ple, to ac count for crack ing of con crete or for other fac torsnot eas ily de scribed in the ge om e try and ma te rial prop erty val ues. In di vid ualmodifiers are avail able for the fol low ing eight terms:

Property Modifiers 99

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• The ax ial stiff ness a e1×

• The shear stiffnesses as2 g12× and as3 g12×

• The tor sional stiff ness j g12×

• The bend ing stiffnesses i33 e1× and i22 e1×

• The sec tion mass a×m + mpl

• The sec tion weight a×w + wpl

You may spec ify multi pli ca tive fac tors in two places:

• As part of the def i ni tion of the sec tion prop erty

• As an as sign ment to in di vid ual el e ments.

If mod i fi ers are as signed to an el e ment and also to the sec tion prop erty used by thatel e ment, then both sets of fac tors mul ti ply the sec tion prop er ties. Mod i fiers can notbe as signed di rectly to a nonprismatic sec tion prop erty, but any mod i fi ers ap pliedto the sec tions con trib ut ing to the nonprismatic sec tion are used.

In ser tion Point

By de fault the lo cal 1 axis of the el e ment runs along the neu tral axis of the sec tion,i.e., at the cen troid of the sec tion. It is of ten con ve nient to spec ify an other lo ca tionon the sec tion, such as the top of a beam or an out side cor ner of a col umn. This lo ca -tion is called the car di nal point of the sec tion.

The avail able car di nal point choices are shown in Figure 21 (page 101). The de fault lo ca tion is point 10.

Joint off sets are spec i fied along with the car di nal point as part of the in ser tion pointas sign ment, even though they are in de pend ent fea tures. Joint off sets are used firstto cal cu late the el e ment axis and there fore the lo cal co or di nate sys tem, then the car -di nal point is lo cated in the re sult ing lo cal 2-3 plane.

This fea ture is use ful, as an ex am ple, for mod el ing beams and col umns when thebeams do not frame into the cen ter of the col umn. Figure 22 (page 102) shows an el -e va tion and plan view of a com mon fram ing ar range ment where the ex te rior beamsare off set from the col umn cen ter lines to be flush with the ex te rior of the build ing.Also shown in this fig ure are the car di nal points for each mem ber and the joint off -set di men sions.

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End Offsets

Frame ele ments are mod eled as line ele ments con nected at points (joints). How -ever, ac tual struc tural mem bers have fi nite cross- sectional di men sions. When twoele ments, such as a beam and col umn, are con nected at a joint there is some over lapof the cross sec tions. In many struc tures the di men sions of the mem bers are largeand the length of the over lap can be a sig nifi cant frac tion of the to tal length of acon nect ing ele ment.

You may spec ify two end off sets for each ele ment us ing pa rame ters ioff and joffcor re spond ing to ends I and J, re spec tively. End off set ioff is the length of over lapfor a given ele ment with other con nect ing ele ments at joint I. It is the dis tance fromthe joint to the face of the con nec tion for the given ele ment. A simi lar defi ni tion ap -plies to end off set joff at joint j. See Figure 23 (page 103).

End off sets are auto mati cally cal cu lated by the SAP2000 graphi cal in ter face foreach ele ment based on the maxi mum Sec tion di men sions of all other ele ments thatcon nect to that ele ment at a com mon joint.

End Offsets 101

Chapter VII The Frame Element

Note: For doubly symmetric members such asthis one, cardinal points 5, 10, and 11 arethe same.

1 2 3




7 8 9

1. Bottom left2. Bottom center3. Bottom right4. Middle left5. Middle center6. Middle right7. Top left8. Top center9. Top right10. Centroid11. Shear center

2 axis

3 axis

Figure 21Frame Cardinal Points

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102 End Offsets

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Cardinal Point B2


Cardinal Point C1



Cardinal Point B1










Figure 22Example Showing Joint Offsets and Cardinal Points

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Clear Length

The clear length, de noted Lc , is de fined to be the length be tween the end off sets

(sup port faces) as:

L Lc = — +( )ioff joff

where L is the to tal ele ment length. See Figure 23 (page 103).

If end off sets are speci fied such that the clear length is less than 1% of the to tal ele -ment length, the pro gram will is sue a warn ing and re duce the end off sets pro por -tion ately so that the clear length is equal to 1% of the to tal length. Nor mally the endoff sets should be a much smaller pro por tion of the to tal length.

Rigid-end Factor

An analy sis based upon the centerline- to- centerline (joint- to- joint) ge ome try ofFrame ele ments may over es ti mate de flec tions in some struc tures. This is due to thestiff en ing ef fect caused by over lap ping cross sec tions at a con nec tion. It is morelikely to be sig nifi cant in con crete than in steel struc tures.

End Offsets 103

Chapter VII The Frame Element

End Offsets


Support Face

Total Length L




ioff joff

Clear Length Lc

Figure 23Frame Element End Offsets

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You may spec ify a rigid- end fac tor for each ele ment us ing pa rame ter rigid, whichgives the frac tion of each end off set that is as sumed to be rigid for bend ing and

shear de for ma tion. The length rigid×ioff, start ing from joint I, is as sumed to be

rigid. Simi larly, the length rigid×joff is rigid at joint j. The flexi ble length L f of the

ele ment is given by:

L Lf = — +rigid ioff joff( )

The rigid- zone off sets never af fect ax ial and tor sional de for ma tion. The full ele -ment length is as sumed to be flexi ble for these de for ma tions.

The de fault value for rigid is zero. The maxi mum value of unity would in di cate that the end off sets are fully rigid. You must use en gi neer ing judg ment to se lect the ap -pro pri ate value for this pa rame ter. It will de pend upon the ge ome try of the con nec -tion, and may be dif fer ent for the dif fer ent ele ments that frame into the con nec tion.Typi cally the value for rigid would not ex ceed about 0.5.

Effect upon Non-prismatic Elements

At each end of a non- prismatic ele ment, the Sec tion prop er ties are as sumed to becon stant within the length of the end off set. Sec tion prop er ties vary only along theclear length of the ele ment be tween sup port faces. This is not af fected by the valueof the rigid- end fac tor, rigid.

See Sub topic “Non- prismatic Sec tions” (page 96) in this Chap ter for more in for ma -tion.

Effect upon Internal Force Output

All in ter nal forces and mo ments are out put at the faces of the sup ports and at otherequally- spaced points within the clear length of the ele ment. No out put is pro ducedwithin the end off set, which in cludes the joint. This is not af fected by the value ofthe rigid- end fac tor, rigid.

See Topic “In ter nal Force Out put” (page 117) in this Chap ter for more in for ma tion.

Effect upon End Releases

End re leases are al ways as sumed to be at the sup port faces, i.e., at the ends of theclear length of the ele ment. If a mo ment or shear re lease is speci fied in ei ther bend -ing plane at ei ther end of the ele ment, the end off set is as sumed to be rigid for bend —

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ing and shear in that plane at that end (i.e., it acts as if rigid = 1). This does not af -fect the val ues of the rigid- end fac tor at the other end or in the other bend ing plane.

See Topic “End Re leases” (page 105) in this Chap ter for more in for ma tion.

End Releases

Nor mally, the three trans la tional and three ro ta tional de grees of free dom at eachend of the Frame ele ment are con tinu ous with those of the joint, and hence withthose of all other ele ments con nected to that joint. How ever, it is pos si ble to re lease(dis con nect) one or more of the ele ment de grees of free dom from the joint when itis known that the cor re spond ing ele ment force or mo ment is zero. The re leases areal ways speci fied in the ele ment lo cal co or di nate sys tem, and do not af fect any other ele ment con nected to the joint.

In the ex am ple shown in Figure 24 (page 105), the di ago nal ele ment has a mo mentcon nec tion at End I and a pin con nec tion at End J. The other two ele ments con nect -ing to the joint at End J are con tinu ous. There fore, in or der to model the pin con di -tion the ro ta tion R3 at End J of the di ago nal ele ment should be re leased. This as -sures that the mo ment is zero at the pin in the di ago nal ele ment.

End Releases 105

Chapter VII The Frame Element

Axis 3

Axis 2

Axis 1ContinousJoint




Pin Joint




For diagonal element: R3 is released at end J

Figure 24Frame Element End Releases

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Unstable End Releases

Any com bi na tion of end re leases may be speci fied for a Frame ele ment pro videdthat the ele ment re mains sta ble; this as sures that all load ap plied to the ele ment istrans ferred to the rest of the struc ture. The fol low ing sets of re leases are un sta ble,ei ther alone or in com bi na tion, and are not per mit ted.

• Re leas ing U1 at both ends;

• Re leas ing U2 at both ends;

• Re leas ing U3 at both ends;

• Re leas ing R1 at both ends;

• Re leas ing R2 at both ends and U3 at ei ther end;

• Re leas ing R3 at both ends and U2 at ei ther end.

Effect of End Offsets

End re leases are al ways ap plied at the sup port faces, i.e., at the ends of the ele mentclear length. The pres ence of a mo ment or shear re lease will cause the end off set tobe rigid in the cor re spond ing bend ing plane at the cor re spond ing end of the ele -ment.

See Topic “End Off sets” (page 101) in this Chap ter for more in for ma tion.

Nonlinear Properties

Two types of non lin ear prop er ties are avail able for the Frame/Ca ble el e ment: ten -sion/com pres sion lim its and plas tic hinges.

When non lin ear prop er ties are pres ent in the el e ment, they only af fect non lin earanal y ses. Lin ear anal y ses start ing from zero con di tions (the un stressed state) be -have as if the non lin ear prop er ties were not pres ent. Lin ear anal y ses us ing the stiff -ness from the end of a pre vi ous non lin ear anal y sis use the stiff ness of the non lin earprop erty as it ex isted at the end of the non lin ear case.

Ten sion/Com pres sion Limits

You may spec ify a max i mum ten sion and/or a max i mum com pres sion that aframe/ca ble el e ment may take. In the most com mon case, you can de fine a no-com -pres sion ca ble or brace by spec i fy ing the com pres sion limit to be zero.

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If you spec ify a ten sion limit, it must be zero or a pos i tive value. If you spec ify acom pres sion limit, it must be zero or a neg a tive value. If you spec ify a ten sion andcom pres sion limit of zero, the el e ment will carry no ax ial force.

The ten sion/com pres sion limit be hav ior is elas tic. Any ax ial ex ten sion be yond theten sion limit and ax ial short en ing be yond the com pres sion limit will oc cur withzero ax ial stiff ness. These de for ma tions are re cov ered elastically at zero stiff ness.

Bending, shear, and tor sional be hav ior are not af fected by the ax ial nonlinearity.

Plas tic Hinge

You may in sert plas tic hinges at any num ber of lo ca tions along the clear length ofthe el e ment. De tailed de scrip tion of the be hav ior and use of plas tic hinges is pre -sented in Chap ter “Frame Hinge Prop erties” (page 119).


In a dy namic analy sis, the mass of the struc ture is used to com pute in er tial forces.The mass con trib uted by the Frame ele ment is lumped at the joints I and j. No in er -tial ef fects are con sid ered within the ele ment it self.

The to tal mass of the ele ment is equal to the in te gral along the length of the massden sity, m, mul ti plied by the cross- sectional area, a, plus the ad di tional mass perunit length, mpl.

For non- prismatic ele ments, the mass var ies line arly over each non- prismatic seg -ment of the ele ment, and is con stant within the end off sets.

The to tal mass is ap por tioned to the two joints in the same way a sim i larly-dis trib -uted trans verse load would cause re ac tions at the ends of a sim ply-sup ported beam.The ef fects of end re leases are ig nored when ap por tion ing mass. The to tal mass isap plied to each of the three translational de grees of free dom: UX, UY, and UZ. Nomass mo ments of in er tia are com puted for the ro ta tional de grees of free dom.

For more in for ma tion:

• See Topic “Mass Den sity” (page 76) in Chap ter “Ma te rial Prop er ties.”

• See Topic “Sec tion Prop er ties” (page 90) in this Chap ter for the defi ni tion of aand mpl.

• See Sub topic “Non- prismatic Sec tions” (page 96) in this Chap ter.

Mass 107

Chapter VII The Frame Element

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• See Topic “End Off sets” (page 101) in this Chap ter.

• See Chap ter “Static and Dy namic Analy sis” (page 287).

Self-Weight Load

Self- Weight Load ac ti vates the self- weight of all ele ments in the model. For aFrame ele ment, the self- weight is a force that is dis trib uted along the length of theele ment. The mag ni tude of the self- weight is equal to the weight den sity, w, mul ti -plied by the cross- sectional area, a, plus the ad di tional weight per unit length, wpl.

For non- prismatic ele ments, the self- weight var ies line arly over each non- prismatic seg ment of the ele ment, and is con stant within the end off sets.

Self- Weight Load al ways acts down ward, in the global –Z di rec tion. You mayscale the self- weight by a sin gle scale fac tor that ap plies equally to all ele ments inthe struc ture.

For more in for ma tion:

• See Topic “Weight Den sity” (page 77) in Chap ter “Ma te rial Prop er ties” for thedefi ni tion of w.

• See Topic “Sec tion Prop er ties” (page 90) in this Chap ter for the defi ni tion of aand wpl..

• See Sub topic “Non- prismatic Sec tions” (page 96) in this Chap ter.

• See Topic “End Off sets” (page 101) in this Chap ter.

• See Topic “Self- Weight Load” (page 275) in Chap ter “Load Cases.”

Gravity Load

Grav ity Load can be ap plied to each Frame ele ment to ac ti vate the self- weight ofthe ele ment. Us ing Grav ity Load, the self- weight can be scaled and ap plied in anydi rec tion. Dif fer ent scale fac tors and di rec tions can be ap plied to each ele ment.

If all ele ments are to be loaded equally and in the down ward di rec tion, it is morecon ven ient to use Self- Weight Load.

For more in for ma tion:

• See Topic “Self- Weight Load” (page 108) in this Chap ter for the defi ni tion ofself- weight for the Frame ele ment.

108 Self-Weight Load

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• See Topic “Grav ity Load” (page 276) in Chap ter “Load Cases.”

Concentrated Span Load

The Con cen trated Span Load is used to ap ply con cen trated forces and mo ments atar bi trary lo ca tions on Frame ele ments. The di rec tion of load ing may be speci fied in a fixed co or di nate sys tem (global or al ter nate co or di nates) or in the ele ment lo calco or di nate sys tem.

The lo ca tion of the load may be speci fied in one of the fol low ing ways:

• Speci fy ing a rela tive dis tance, rd, meas ured from joint I. This must sat isfy 0 1£ £rd . The rela tive dis tance is the frac tion of ele ment length;

• Speci fy ing an ab so lute dis tance, d, meas ured from joint I. This must sat isfy 0 £ £d L, where L is the ele ment length.

Any number of con cen trated loads may be ap plied to each ele ment. Loads given infixed co or di nates are trans formed to the ele ment lo cal co or di nate sys tem. SeeFigure 25 (page 110). Mul ti ple loads that are ap plied at the same lo ca tion are addedto gether.

See Chap ter “Load Cases” (page 271) for more in for ma tion.

Distributed Span Load

The Dis trib uted Span Load is used to ap ply dis trib uted forces and mo ments onFrame ele ments. The load in ten sity may be uni form or trape zoi dal. The di rec tion of load ing may be speci fied in a fixed co or di nate sys tem (global or al ter nate co or di -nates) or in the ele ment lo cal co or di nate sys tem.

See Chap ter “Load Cases” (page 271) for more in for ma tion.

Loaded Length

Loads may ap ply to full or par tial ele ment lengths. Mul ti ple loads may be ap plied to a sin gle ele ment. The loaded lengths may over lap, in which case the ap plied loadsare ad di tive.

A loaded length may be speci fied in one of the fol low ing ways:

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• Speci fy ing two rela tive dis tances, rda and rdb, meas ured from joint I. Theymust sat isfy 0 1£ < £rda rdb . The rela tive dis tance is the frac tion of ele mentlength;

• Speci fy ing two ab so lute dis tances, da and db, meas ured from joint I. Theymust sat isfy 0 £ < £da db L, where L is the ele ment length;

• Speci fy ing no dis tances, which in di cates the full length of the ele ment.

Load Intensity

The load in ten sity is a force or mo ment per unit of length. Ex cept for the case ofpro jected loads de scribed be low, the in ten sity is meas ured per unit of ele mentlength.

For each force or mo ment com po nent to be ap plied, a sin gle load value may begiven if the load is uni formly dis trib uted. Two load val ues are needed if the load in -ten sity var ies line arly over its range of ap pli ca tion (a trape zoi dal load).

110 Distributed Span Load

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Global Z Force Global Z Moment

Local 2 Force Local 2 Moment

All loads appliedat rd=0.5

Figure 25Examples of the Definition of Concentrated Span Loads

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See Figure 26 (page 112) and Figure 27 (page 113).

Projected Loads

A dis trib uted snow or wind load pro duces a load in ten sity (force per unit of ele ment length) that is pro por tional to the sine of the an gle be tween the ele ment and the di -rec tion of load ing. This is equiva lent to us ing a fixed load in ten sity that is meas ured per unit of pro jected ele ment length. The fixed in ten sity would be based upon thedepth of snow or the wind speed; the pro jected ele ment length is meas ured in aplane per pen dicu lar to the di rec tion of load ing.

Dis trib uted Span Loads may be speci fied as act ing upon the pro jected length. Thepro gram han dles this by re duc ing the load in ten sity ac cord ing to the an gle, q, be -tween the ele ment lo cal 1 axis and the di rec tion of load ing. Pro jected force loadsare scaled by sinq, and pro jected mo ment loads are scaled by cosq. The re ducedload in ten si ties are then ap plied per unit of ele ment length.

The scal ing of the mo ment loads is based upon the as sump tion that the mo ment iscaused by a force act ing upon the pro jected ele ment length. The re sult ing mo mentis al ways per pen dicu lar to the force, thus ac count ing for the use of the co sine in -stead of the sine of the an gle. The speci fied in ten sity of the mo ment should be com -puted as the prod uct of the force in ten sity and the per pen dicu lar dis tance from theele ment to the force. The ap pro pri ate sign of the mo ment must be given.

Temperature Load

Tem pera ture Load cre ates ther mal strain in the Frame ele ment. This strain is givenby the prod uct of the Ma te rial co ef fi cient of ther mal ex pan sion and the tem pera turechange of the ele ment. All spec i fied Temperature Loads rep re sent a change in tem -per a ture from the unstressed state for a lin ear anal y sis, or from the pre vi ous tem per -a ture in a non lin ear anal y sis.

Three in de pend ent Load Tem pera ture fields may be speci fied:

• Tem pera ture, t, which is con stant over the cross sec tion and pro duces ax ialstrains

• Tem pera ture gra di ent, t2, which is lin ear in the lo cal 2 di rec tion and pro ducesbend ing strains in the 1-2 plane

• Tem pera ture gra di ent, t3, which is lin ear in the lo cal 3 di rec tion and pro ducesbend ing strains in the 1-3 plane

Temperature Load 111

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112 Temperature Load

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All loads applied from rda=0.25 to rdb=0.75














uz rz


u2 r2



Global Z Force Global Z Moment

Global Z Force onProjected Length(To be Scaled by sinq)

Global Z Moment onProjected Length(To be Scaled by cosq)

Local 2 Force Local 2 Moment

Figure 26Examples of the Definition of Distributed Span Loads

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Figure 27Examples of Distributed Span Loads

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Tem per a ture gra di ents are spec i fied as the change in tem per a ture per unit length.The tem per a ture gra di ents are pos i tive if the tem per a ture in creases (lin early) in thepos i tive di rec tion of the el e ment lo cal axis. The gra di ent tem per a tures are zero atthe neu tral axes, hence no ax ial strain is in duced.

Each of the three Load Tem pera ture fields may be con stant along the ele mentlength or lin early in ter po lated from val ues given at the joints by a Joint Pattern.

See Chap ter “Load Cases” (page 271) for more in for ma tion.

Strain Load

Six types of strain load are avail able, one cor re spond ing to each of the in ter nalforces and mo ments in a frame el e ment. These are:

• Ax ial strain, e11, rep re sent ing change in length per unit length. Pos i tive strainin creases the length of an un re strained el e ment, or causes com pres sion in a re -strained el e ment.

• Shear strains, g12 and g13 , rep re sent ing change in an gle per unit length. The an -gle change is mea sured be tween the cross sec tion and the neu tral axis. Pos i tiveshear strain causes shear de for ma tion in the same di rec tion as would pos i tiveshear forces V2 and V3, re spec tively.

• Tor sional cur va ture, y1, rep re sent ing change in tor sional an gle per unit length.Pos i tive cur va ture causes de for ma tion in the same di rec tion as would pos i tivetorque T.

• Bend ing cur va tures, y 2 and y 3 , rep re sent ing change in an gle per unit length.The an gle is mea sured be tween ad ja cent sec tions that re main nor mal to theneu tral axis. Pos i tive cur va ture causes bend ing de for ma tion in the same di rec -tion as would pos i tive mo ments M2 and M3, re spec tively.

Each of the Strain Loads may be con stant along the el e ment length or lin early in ter -po lated from val ues given at the joints by a Joint Pat tern.

In an un re strained el e ment, strain loads cause de for ma tion be tween the two ends ofthe el e ment, but in duce no in ter nal forces. This un re strained de for ma tion has thesame sign as would de for ma tion caused by the cor re spond ing (con ju gate) forcesand mo ments act ing on the el e ment. On the other hand, strain load ing in a re -strained el e ment causes cor re spond ing in ter nal forces that have the op po site sign as the ap plied strain. Most el e ments in a real struc ture are con nected to fi nite stiff ness,and so strain load ing would cause both de for ma tion and in ter nal forces. Note thatthe ef fects of shear and bend ing strain load ing are cou pled.

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For more in for ma tion, see Topic “Internal Force Out put” (page 117) in this chap ter, and also Chap ter “Load Cases” (page 271.)

De for ma tion Load

While Strain Load spec i fies a change in de for ma tion per unit length, De for ma tionLoad spec i fies the to tal de for ma tion be tween the two ends of an un re strained el e -ment. De for ma tion Load is in ter nally con verted to Strain Load, so you shouldchoose which ever type of load ing is most con ve niently specified for your par tic u lar ap pli ca tion.

Cur rently only axial De for ma tion Load is avail able. The spec i fied ax ial de for ma -tion is con verted to ax ial Strain Load by sim ply di vid ing by the el e ment length. The com puted strain loads are as sumed to be con stant along the length of the el e ment.

See Chap ter “Load Cases” (page 271) for more in for ma tion.

Target-Force Load

Tar get-Force Load is a spe cial type of load ing where you spec ify a de sired ax ialforce, and de for ma tion load is iteratively ap plied to achieve the tar get force. Sincethe ax ial force may vary along the length of the element, you must also spec ify therel a tive lo ca tion where the de sired force is to oc cur. Tar get-Force load ing is onlyused for non lin ear static and staged-con struc tion anal y sis. If ap plied in any othertype of anal y sis case, it has no ef fect.

Un like all other types of load ing, tar get-force load ing is not in cre men tal. Rather,you are spec i fy ing the to tal force that you want to be pres ent in the frame el e ment at the end of the anal y sis case or con struc tion stage. The ap plied de for ma tion that iscal cu lated to achieve that force may be pos i tive, neg a tive, or zero, de pend ing on the force pres ent in the el e ment at the be gin ning of the anal y sis. When a scale fac tor isap plied to a Load Case that con tains Tar get-Force loads, the to tal tar get force isscaled. The in cre ment of ap plied de for ma tion that is re quired may change by a dif -fer ent scale fac tor.

See Topic “Tar get-Force Load” (page 281) in Chap ter “Load Cases” and Topic“Tar get-Force It er a tion” (page 376) in Chap ter “Non lin ear Static Anal y sis” formore in for ma tion.

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116 Target-Force Load

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Positive Axial Force and Torque

Positive Moment and Shearin the 1-2 Plane

Axis 1

Axis 3

Compression Face

Axis 2


Tension Face

Axis 3



Axis 2Axis 1

Axis 2


Axis 1

Axis 3T


Positive Moment and Shearin the 1-3 Plane

Tension Face

Compression Face






Figure 28Frame Element Internal Forces and Moments

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Internal Force Output

The Frame ele ment in ter nal forces are the forces and mo ments that re sult from in -te grat ing the stresses over an ele ment cross sec tion. These in ter nal forces are:

• P, the ax ial force

• V2, the shear force in the 1-2 plane

• V3, the shear force in the 1-3 plane

• T, the ax ial torque

• M2, the bend ing mo ment in the 1-3 plane (about the 2 axis)

• M3, the bend ing mo ment in the 1-2 plane (about the 3 axis)

These in ter nal forces and mo ments are pres ent at every cross sec tion along thelength of the el e ment, and may be re quested as part of the anal y sis re sults.

The sign con ven tion is il lus trated in Figure 28 (page 116). Posi tive in ter nal forcesand ax ial torque act ing on a posi tive 1 face are ori ented in the posi tive di rec tion ofthe ele ment lo cal co or di nate axes. Posi tive in ter nal forces and ax ial torque act ingon a nega tive face are ori ented in the nega tive di rec tion of the ele ment lo cal co or di -nate axes. A posi tive 1 face is one whose out ward nor mal (point ing away from ele -ment) is in the posi tive lo cal 1 di rec tion.

Posi tive bend ing mo ments cause com pres sion at the posi tive 2 and 3 faces and ten -sion at the nega tive 2 and 3 faces. The posi tive 2 and 3 faces are those faces in theposi tive lo cal 2 and 3 di rec tions, re spec tively, from the neu tral axis.

Effect of End Offsets

When end off sets are pres ent, in ter nal forces and mo ments are out put at the faces of the sup ports and at points within the clear length of the ele ment. No out put is pro -duced within the length of the end off set, which in cludes the joint. Out put will onlybe pro duced at joints I or j when the cor re spond ing end off set is zero.

See Topic “End Off sets” (page 101) in this Chap ter for more in for ma tion.

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118 Internal Force Output

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C h a p t e r VIII

Frame Hinge Properties

You may in sert plas tic hinges at any num ber of lo ca tions along the clear length ofany Frame el e ment or Ten don object. Each hinge rep re sents con cen tratedpost-yield be hav ior in one or more de grees of free dom. Hinges only af fect the be -hav ior of the struc ture in non lin ear static and non lin ear di rect-in te gra tion time-his -tory anal y ses.

Advanced Topics

• Over view

• Hinge Properties

• Au to matic, User-De fined, and Gen er ated Properties

• Au to matic Hinge Prop erties

• Anal y sis Re sults


Yielding and post-yield ing be hav ior can be mod eled us ing dis crete user-de finedhinges. Cur rently hinges can only be in tro duced into frame el e ments; they can beas signed to a frame el e ment at any lo ca tion along that el e ment. Un cou pled mo ment, tor sion, ax ial force and shear hinges are avail able. There is also a cou pled

Overview 119

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P-M2-M3 hinge which yields based on the in ter ac tion of ax ial force and bi-ax ialbend ing mo ments at the hinge lo ca tion. Sub sets of this hinge in clude P-M2, P-M3,and M2-M3 be hav ior.

More than one type of hinge can ex ist at the same lo ca tion, for ex am ple, you mightas sign both an M3 (mo ment) and a V2 (shear) hinge to the same end of a frame el e -ment. Hinge prop er ties can be com puted au to mat i cally from the el e ment ma te rialand sec tion prop er ties ac cord ing to FEMA-356 (FEMA, 2000) cri te ria.

Hinges only af fect the be hav ior of the struc ture in non lin ear static and non lin ear di -rect-in te gra tion time-his tory anal y ses.

Strength loss is per mit ted in the hinge prop er ties, and in fact the FEMA hinges as -sume a sud den loss of strength. How ever, you should use this fea ture ju di ciously.Sud den strength loss is of ten un re al is tic and can be very dif fi cult to an a lyze, es pe -cially when elas tic snap-back occurs. We en cour age you to con sider strength lossonly when nec es sary, to use re al is tic neg a tive slopes, and to care fully eval u ate there sults.

To help with con ver gence, the pro gram automatically lim its the neg a tive slope of ahinge to be no stiffer than 10% of the elas tic stiff ness of the Frame el e ment con tain -ing the hinge. This is a new fea ture, and may cause sig nif i cant changes in anal y sisre sults com pared to pre vi ous ver sions. If you need steeper slopes, you can as sign ahinge over write that au to mat i cally meshes the frame el e ment around the hinge. Byre duc ing the size of the meshed el e ment, you can in crease the steep ness of thedrop-off.

Ev ery thing in this Chap ter ap plies to Ten don objects as well as to Frame el e ments,al though usu ally only the use of ax ial hinges makes sense for Tendons.

Hinge Properties

A hinge prop erty is a named set of rigid-plas tic prop er ties that can be as signed toone or more Frame el e ments. You may de fine as many hinge prop er ties as youneed.

For each force de gree of free dom (ax ial and shears), you may spec ify the plas ticforce-dis place ment be hav ior. For each mo ment de gree of free dom (bend ing andtor sion) you may spec ify the plas tic mo ment-ro ta tion be hav ior. Each hinge prop -erty may have plas tic prop er ties spec i fied for any num ber of the six de grees of free -dom. The ax ial force and the two bend ing mo ments may be cou pled through an in -ter ac tion sur face. De grees of free dom that are not spec i fied re main elas tic.

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Hinge Length

Each plas tic hinge is mod eled as a dis crete point hinge. All plas tic de for ma tion,whether it be dis place ment or ro ta tion, oc curs within the point hinge. This meansyou must as sume a length for the hinge over which the plas tic strain or plas tic cur -va ture is in te grated.

There is no easy way to choose this length, al though guide lines are given inFEMA-356. Typically it is a frac tion of the el e ment length, and is of ten on the or der of the depth of the sec tion, par tic u larly for mo ment-ro ta tion hinges.

You can ap prox i mate plas tic ity that is dis trib uted over the length of the el e ment byin sert ing many hinges. For ex am ple, you could in sert ten hinges at rel a tive lo ca -tions within the el e ment of 0.05, 0.15, 0.25, …, 0.95, each with de for ma tion prop er -ties based on an as sumed hinge length of one-tenth the el e ment length. Of course,add ing more hinges will add more com pu ta tional cost, al though it may not be toosig nif i cant if they don’t ac tu ally yield.

Hinge Properties 121

Chapter VIII Frame Hinge Properties








Figure 29The A-B-C-D-E curve for Force vs. Displacement

The same type of curve is used for Moment vs. Rotation

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Plas tic Deformation Curve

For each de gree of free dom, you de fine a force-dis place ment (mo ment-ro ta tion)curve that gives the yield value and the plas tic de for ma tion fol low ing yield. This isdone in terms of a curve with val ues at five points, A-B-C-D-E, as shown in Figure29 (page 121). You may spec ify a sym met ric curve, or one that dif fers in the pos i -tive and neg a tive di rec tion.

The shape of this curve as shown is in tended for push over anal y sis. You can useany shape you want. The fol low ing points should be noted:

• Point A is al ways the or i gin.

• Point B rep re sents yield ing. No de for ma tion oc curs in the hinge up to point B,re gard less of the de for ma tion value spec i fied for point B. The dis place ment(ro ta tion) at point B will be sub tracted from the de for ma tions at points C, D,and E. Only the plas tic de for ma tion be yond point B will be ex hib ited by thehinge.

• Point C rep re sents the ul ti mate ca pac ity for push over anal y sis. How ever, youmay spec ify a pos i tive slope from C to D for other pur poses.

• Point D rep re sents a re sid ual strength for push over anal y sis. How ever, youmay spec ify a pos i tive slope from C to D or D to E for other pur poses.

• Point E rep re sent to tal fail ure. Be yond point E the hinge will drop load down topoint F (not shown) di rectly be low point E on the hor i zon tal axis. If you do notwant your hinge to fail this way, be sure to spec ify a large value for the de for -ma tion at point E.

You may spec ify ad di tional de for ma tion mea sures at points IO (im me di ate oc cu -pancy), LS (life safety), and CP (col lapse pre ven tion). These are in for ma tionalmea sures that are re ported in the anal y sis re sults and used for per for mance-baseddesign. They do not have any ef fect on the be hav ior of the struc ture.

Prior to reach ing point B, all de for ma tion is lin ear and oc curs in the Frame el e mentit self, not the hinge. Plas tic de for ma tion be yond point B oc curs in the hinge in ad di -tion to any elas tic de for ma tion that may oc cur in the el e ment.

When the hinge un loads elas ti cally, it does so with out any plas tic de for ma tion, i.e.,par al lel to slope A-B.

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Scaling the Curve

When de fin ing the hinge force-de for ma tion (or mo ment-ro ta tion) curve, you mayen ter the force and de for ma tion val ues di rectly, or you may en ter nor mal ized val ues and spec ify the scale fac tors that you used to nor mal ized the curve.

In the most com mon case, the curve would be nor mal ized by the yield force (mo -ment) and yield dis place ment (ro ta tion), so that the nor mal ized val ues en tered forpoint B would be (1,1). How ever, you can use any scale fac tors you want. They donot have to be yield val ues.

Re mem ber that any de for ma tion given from A to B is not used. This means that thescale fac tor on de for ma tion is actually used to scale the plas tic de for ma tion from Bto C, C to D, and D to E. How ever, it may still be con ve nient to use the yield de for -ma tion for scal ing.

When au to matic hinge prop er ties are used, the pro gram au to mat i cally uses theyield val ues for scal ing. These val ues are cal cu lated from the Frame sec tion prop er -ties. See the next topic for more dis cus sion of au to matic hinge prop er ties.

Strength Loss

Strength loss is per mit ted in the hinge prop er ties, and in fact the FEMA hinges as -sume a sud den loss of strength. How ever, you should use this fea ture ju di ciously.Any loss of strength in one hinge causes load re dis tri bu tion within the struc ture,pos si bly lead ing to fail ure of an other hinge, and ul ti mately caus ing pro gres sive col -lapse. This kind of anal y sis can be dif fi cult and time con sum ing. Fur ther more, anytime neg a tive stiffnesses are pres ent in the model, the so lu tion may not be math e -mat i cally unique, and so may be of ques tion able value.

Sud den strength loss (steep neg a tive stiff ness) is of ten un re al is tic and can be evenmore dif fi cult to an a lyze. When an un load ing plas tic hinge is part of a long beam orcol umn, or is in se ries with any flex i ble elas tic subsytem, “elas tic snap-back” canoc cur. Here the elas tic un load ing de flec tion is larger than, and of op po site sign to,the plas tic de for ma tion. This re sults in the struc ture de flect ing in the di rec tion op -po site the ap plied load. SAP2000 and ETABS have sev eral built-in mech a nisms todeal with snap-back, but these may not al ways be enough to han dle sev eral si mul ta -neous snap-back hinge fail ures.

Con sider care fully what you are try ing to ac com plish with your anal y sis. A well de -signed struc ture, whether new or retro fit ted, should prob a bly not have strength lossin any pri mary mem bers. If an anal y sis shows strength loss in a pri mary mem ber,you may want to mod ify the de sign and then re-an a lyze, rather than try ing to push

Hinge Properties 123

Chapter VIII Frame Hinge Properties

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the anal y sis past the first fail ure of the pri mary mem bers. Since you need to re-de -sign any way, what hap pens af ter the first fail ure is not rel e vant, since the be hav iorwill become changed.

To help with con ver gence, the pro gram au to mat i cally lim its the neg a tive slope of ahinge to be no stiffer than 10% of the elas tic stiff ness of the Frame el e ment con tain -ing the hinge. By do ing this, snap-back is pre vented within the el e ment, al though itmay still oc cur in the larger struc ture. This is a new fea ture, and may cause sig nif i -cant changes in anal y sis re sults com pared to pre vi ous ver sions.

If you need steeper slopes, you can as sign a Frame Hinge Overwrite that au to mat i -cally meshes the Frame ob ject around the hinge. When you as sign this over write,you can spec ify what frac tion of the Frame ob ject length should be used for the el e -ment that con tains the hinge. For ex am ple, con sider a Frame ob ject con tain ing onehinge at each end, and one in the mid dle. If you as sign a Frame Hinge Overwritewith a rel a tive length of 0.1, the ob ject will be meshed into five el e ments of rel a tivelengths 0.05, 0.4, 0.1, 0.4, and 0.05. Each hinge is lo cated at the cen ter of an el e -ment with 0.1 rel a tive length, but be cause two of the hinges fall at the ends of theobject, half of their el e ment lengths are not used. Be cause these el e ments areshorter than the ob ject, their elas tic stiffnesses are larger, and the pro gram will per -mit larger neg a tive stiffnesses in the hinges.

By re duc ing the size of the meshed el e ment, you can in crease the steep ness of thedrop-off, al though the slope will never be steeper than you orig i nally spec i fied forthe hinge. Again, we rec om mend grad ual, re al is tic slopes when ever pos si ble, un -less you truly need to model brit tle be hav ior.

Cou pled P-M2-M3 Hinge

Normally the hinge prop er ties for each of the six de grees of free dom are un cou pledfrom each other. How ever, you have the op tion to specify cou pled ax ial-force/bi -axial-mo ment be hav ior. This is called the P-M2-M3 or PMM hinge. See also theFi ber P-M2-M3 hinge be low.

Ten sion is Always Pos i tive!

It is im por tant to note that SAP2000 uses the sign con ven tion where ten sion is al -ways pos i tive and com pres sion is al ways neg a tive, re gard less of the ma te rial be ingused. This means that for some ma te ri als (e.g., con crete) the in ter ac tion sur facemay ap pear to be up side down.

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In ter ac tion (Yield) Sur face

For the PMM hinge, you spec ify an in ter ac tion (yield) sur face in three-di men sional P-M2-M3 space that rep re sents where yielding first oc curs for dif fer ent com bi na -tions of ax ial force P, mi nor mo ment M2, and ma jor mo ment M3.

The sur face is spec i fied as a set of P-M2-M3 curves, where P is the ax ial force (ten -sion is pos i tive), and M2 and M3 are the mo ments. For a given curve, these mo -ments may have a fixed ra tio, but this is not nec es sary. The fol low ing rules ap ply:

• All curves must have the same num ber of points.

• For each curve, the points are or dered from most neg a tive (com pres sive) valueof P to the most pos i tive (ten sile).

• The three val ues P, M2 and M3 for the first point of all curves must be iden ti cal, and the same is true for the last point of all curves

• When the M2-M3 plane is viewed from above (look ing to ward com pres sion),the curves should be de fined in a coun ter-clock wise di rec tion

• The sur face must be con vex. This means that the plane tan gent to the sur face atany point must be wholly out side the sur face. If you de fine a sur face that is notcon vex, the pro gram will au to mat i cally in crease the ra dius of any points whichare “pushed in” so that their tan gent planes are out side the sur face. A warn ingwill be is sued dur ing anal y sis that this has been done.

You can ex plic itly de fine the in ter ac tion sur face, or let the pro gram cal cu late it us -ing one of the fol low ing formulas:

• Steel, AISC-LRFD Equa tions H1-1a and H1-1b with phi = 1

• Steel, FEMA-356 Equa tion 5-4

• Con crete, ACI 318-02 with phi = 1

You may look at the hinge prop er ties for the gen er ated hinge to see the spe cific sur -face that was cal cu lated by the pro gram.

Mo ment-Ro ta tion Curves

For PMM hinges you spec ify one or more mo ment/plas tic-ro ta tion curves cor re —

spond ing to dif fer ent val ues of P and mo ment an gle q. The mo ment an gle is mea —

sured in the M2-M3 plane, where 0° is the pos i tive M2 axis, and 90° is the pos i tiveM3 axis.

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You may spec ify one or more ax ial loads P and one or more mo ment an gles q. For

each pair (P,q), the mo ment-ro ta tion curve should rep re sent the re sults of the fol -low ing ex per i ment:

• Ap ply the fixed ax ial load P.

• In crease the mo ments M2 and M3 in a fixed ra tio (cos q, sin q) cor re spond ing

to the mo ment an gle q.

• Mea sure the plas tic ro ta tions Rp2 and Rp3 that oc cur af ter yield.

• Cal cu late the re sul tant mo ment M = M2*cos q + M3*sin q, and the pro jected

plas tic ro ta tion Rp = Rp2*cos q + Rp3*sin q at each mea sure ment increment

• Plot M vs. Rp, and sup ply this data to SAP2000

Note that the mea sured di rec tion of plas tic strain may not be the same as the di rec -tion of mo ment, but the pro jected value is taken along the di rec tion of the moment.In ad di tion, there may be mea sured ax ial plas tic strain that is not part of the pro jec -tion. How ever, dur ing anal y sis the pro gram will re cal cu late the to tal plas tic strainbased on the di rec tion of the nor mal to the in ter ac tion (yield) sur face.

Dur ing anal y sis, once the hinge yields for the first time, i.e., once the val ues of P,M2 and M3 first reach the in ter ac tion sur face, a net mo ment-ro ta tion curve is in ter -po lated to the yield point from the given curves. This curve is used for the rest of the anal y sis for that hinge.

If the val ues of P, M2, and M3 change from the val ues used to in ter po late the curve,the curve is ad justed to pro vide an energy equiv a lent mo ment-ro ta tion curve. Thismeans that the area un der the mo ment-ro ta tion curve is held fixed, so that if the re -sul tant mo ment is smaller, the duc til ity is larger. This is con sis tent with the un der -ly ing stress strain curves of ax ial “fi bers” in the cross sec tion.

As plas tic de for ma tion oc curs, the yield sur face changes size ac cord ing to the shape of the M-Rp curve, de pend ing upon the amount of plastic work that is done. Youhave the op tion to spec ify whether the sur face should change in size equally in theP, M2, and M3 di rec tions, or only in the M2 and M3 di rec tions. In the lat ter case,ax ial de for ma tion be haves as if it is per fectly plastic with no hard en ing or col lapse.Ax ial col lapse may be more re al is tic in some hinges, but it is computationally dif fi -cult and may re quire non lin ear di rect-in te gra tion time-his tory anal y sis if the struc -ture is not sta ble enough the re dis trib ute any dropped grav ity load.

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Fiber P-M2-M3 Hinge

The Fi ber P-M2-M3 (Fi ber PMM) hinge mod els the ax ial be hav ior of a num ber ofrep re sen ta tive ax ial “fi bers” dis trib uted across the cross sec tion of the frame el e -ment. Each fi ber has a lo ca tion, a trib u tary area, and a stress-strain curve. The ax ialstresses are in te grated over the sec tion to com pute the values of P, M2 and M3.Like wise, the ax ial de for ma tion U1 and the ro ta tions R2 and R3 are used to com -pute the ax ial strains in each fi ber.

You can de fine you own fi ber hinge, ex plic itly spec i fy ing the lo ca tion, area, ma te -rial and its stress-strain curve for each fi ber, or you can let the pro gram au to mat i -cally cre ate fi ber hinges for cir cu lar and rect an gu lar frame sec tions.

The Fiber PMM hinge is more “nat u ral” than the Coupled PMM hinge de scribedabove, since it au to mat i cally ac counts for in ter ac tion, chang ing mo ment-ro ta tioncurve, and plas tic ax ial strain. How ever, it is also more computationally in ten sive,re quir ing more com puter stor age and ex e cu tion time. You may have to ex per i mentwith the num ber of fi bers needed to get an op ti mum bal ance be tween ac cu racy andcomputational ef fi ciency.

Strength loss in a fi ber hinge is de ter mined by the strength loss in the un der ly ingstress-strain curves. Be cause all the fi bers in a cross sec tion do not usu ally fail at the same time, the over all hinges tend to ex hibit more grad ual strength loss than hingeswith di rectly spec i fied mo ment-ro ta tion curves. This is es pe cially true if rea son able hinge lengths are used. For this rea son, the pro gram does not au to mat i cally re strictthe neg a tive drop-off slopes of fi ber hinges. How ever, we still rec om mend that youpay close at ten tion to the mod el ing of strength loss, and mod ify the stress-straincurves if nec es sary.

For more in for ma tion:

• See Topic “Stress-Strain Curves” (page 80) in Chap ter “Ma te rial Properties.”

• See Topic “Sec tion-De signer Sec tions” (page 96) Chap ter “The Frame El e -ment.”

Automatic, User-Defined, and Generated Properties

There are three types of hinge prop er ties in SAP2000:

• Au to matic hinge prop er ties

• User-de fined hinge prop er ties

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• Gen er ated hinge prop er ties

Only au to matic hinge prop er ties and user-de fined hinge prop er ties can be as signedto frame el e ments. When au to matic or user-de fined hinge prop er ties are as signed to a frame el e ment, the pro gram au to mat i cally cre ates a gen er ated hinge prop erty foreach and ev ery hinge.

The built-in au to matic hinge prop er ties for steel mem bers are based on Ta ble 5-6 inFEMA-356. The built-in au to matic hinge prop er ties for con crete mem bers arebased on Ta bles 6-7 and 6-8 in FEMA-356, or on Caltrans spec i fi ca tions for con -crete col umns. Af ter as sign ing au to matic hinge prop er ties to a frame el e ment, thepro gram gen er ates a hinge prop erty that in cludes spe cific in for ma tion from theframe sec tion ge om e try, the ma te rial, and the length of the el e ment. You should re -view the gen er ated prop er ties for their ap pli ca bil ity to your spe cific pro ject.

User-de fined hinge prop er ties can ei ther be based on a hinge prop erty gen er atedfrom au to matic prop erty, or they can be fully user-de fined.

A gen er ated prop erty can be con verted to user-de fined, and then mod i fied andre-as signed to one or more frame el e ments. This way you can let the pro gram domuch of the work for you us ing au to matic prop er ties, but you can still cus tom izethe hinges to suit your needs. How ever, once you con vert a gen er ated hinge touser-de fined, it will no lon ger change if you mod ify the el e ment, its sec tion or ma -te rial.

It is the gen er ated hinge prop er ties that are ac tu ally used in the anal y sis. They canbe viewed, but they can not be mod i fied. Gen er ated hinge prop er ties have an au to -matic nam ing con ven tion of LabelH#, where La bel is the frame el e ment la bel, Hstands for hinge, and # rep re sents the hinge num ber. The pro gram starts with hingenum ber 1 and in cre ments the hinge num ber by one for each con sec u tive hinge ap -plied to the frame el e ment. For ex am ple if a frame el e ment la bel is F23, the gen er -ated hinge prop erty name for the sec ond hinge as signed to the frame el e ment isF23H2.

The main rea son for the dif fer en ti a tion be tween de fined prop er ties (in this con text,de fined means both au to matic and user-de fined) and gen er ated prop er ties is thattyp i cally the hinge prop er ties are sec tion de pend ent. Thus it would be nec es sary tode fine a dif fer ent set of hinge prop er ties for each dif fer ent frame sec tion type in themodel. This could po ten tially mean that you would need to de fine a very large num -ber of hinge prop er ties. To sim plify this pro cess, the con cept of au to matic prop er -ties is used in SAP2000. When au to matic prop er ties are used, the pro gram com -bines its built-in de fault cri te ria with the de fined sec tion prop er ties for each el e -ment to gen er ate the fi nal hinge prop er ties. The net ef fect of this is that you do sig —

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nif i cantly less work de fin ing the hinge prop er ties be cause you don’t have to de fineeach and ev ery hinge.

Automatic Hinge Properties

Au to matic hinge prop er ties are based upon a sim pli fied set of as sump tions that may not be ap pro pri ate for all struc tures. You may want to use au to matic prop er ties as astart ing point, and then con vert the cor re spond ing gen er ated hinges to user-de finedand ex plic itly over ride cal cu lated val ues as needed.

Au to matic prop er ties re quire that the pro gram have de tailed knowl edge of theFrame Sec tion prop erty used by the el e ment that con tains the hinge. For this rea son, only the fol low ing types of au to matic hinges are avail able:

Con crete Beams in Flex ure

M2 or M3 hinges can be gen er ated us ing FEMA Ta ble 6-7 (i) for the fol low ingshapes:

• Rect an gle

• Tee

• An gle

• Sec tion De signer

Con crete Col umns in Flex ure

M2, M3, M2-M3, P-M2, P-M3, or P-M2-M3 hinges can be gen er ated us ingFEMA Ta ble 6-8 (i), for the fol low ing shapes:

• Rect an gle

• Cir cle

• Sec tion De signer

or us ing Caltrans spec i fi ca tions, for the fol low ing shapes:

• Sec tion De signer only

Steel Beams in Flex ure

M2 or M3 hinges can be gen er ated us ing FEMA Ta ble 5-6, for the fol low ingshapes:

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– I/Wide-flange only

Steel Col umns in Flex ure

M2, M3, M2-M3, P-M2, P-M3, or P-M2-M3 hinges can be gen er ated us ingFEMA Ta ble 5-6, for the fol low ing shapes:

• I/Wide-flange

• Box

Steel Braces in Ten sion/Com pres sion

P (ax ial) hinges can be gen er ated us ing FEMA Ta ble 5-6, for the fol low ingshapes:

• I/Wide-flange

• Box

• Pipe

• Dou ble chan nel

• Dou ble an gle

Fi ber Hinge

P-M2-M3 hinges can be gen er ated for steel or re in forced con crete mem bers us -ing the un der ly ing stress-strain be hav ior of the ma te rial for the fol low ingshapes:

• Rect an gle

• Cir cle

Ad di tional Considerations

You must make sure that all re quired de sign in for ma tion is avail able to the Framesec tion as fol lows:

• For con crete Sec tions, the re in forc ing steel must be ex plic itly de fined, or elsethe sec tion must have al ready been de signed by the pro gram be fore non lin earanal y sis is per formed

• For steel Sec tions, Auto-se lect Sec tions can only be used if they have al readybeen de signed so that a spe cific sec tion has been cho sen be fore non lin ear anal -y sis is per formed

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For more in for ma tion, see the on-line help that is avail able while as sign ing au to -matic hinges to Frame el e ments in the Graph i cal User In ter face.

Analysis Results

For each out put step in a non lin ear static or non lin ear di rect-in te gra tion time-his -tory anal y sis case, you may re quest anal y sis re sults for the hinges. These re sults in -clude:

• The forces and/or mo ments car ried by the hinge. De grees of free dom not de -fined for the hinge will re port zero val ues, even though non-zero val ues are car -ried rig idly through the hinge.

• The plas tic dis place ments and/or ro ta tions.

• The most ex treme state ex pe ri enced by the hinge in any de gree of free dom.This state does not in di cate whether it oc curred for pos i tive or neg a tive de for -ma tion:

– A to B

– B to C

– C to D

– D to E

– > E

• The most ex treme per for mance sta tus ex pe ri enced by the hinge in any de greeof free dom. This sta tus does not in di cate whether it oc curred for pos i tive orneg a tive de for ma tion:

– A to B

– B to IO

– IO to LS

– LS to CP

– > CP

When you dis play the de flected shape in the graph i cal user in ter face for a non lin ear static or non lin ear di rect-in te gra tion time-his tory anal y sis case, the hinges are plot -ted as col ored dots in di cat ing their most ex treme state or sta tus:

• B to IO

• IO to LS

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• LS to CP

• CP to C

• C to D

• D to E

• > E

The col ors used for the dif fer ent states are in di cated on the plot. Hinges that havenot ex pe ri enced any plas tic de for ma tion (A to B) are not shown.

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Chapter IX

The Cable Element

The Ca ble el e ment is a highly non lin ear el e ment used to model the cat e nary be hav -ior of slen der ca bles un der their own self-weight. Ten sion-stiff en ing and large-de -flec tions nonlinearity are in her ently in cluded in the for mu la tion. Non lin ear anal y -sis is re quired to make use of the Ca ble el e ment. Lin ear anal y ses can be per formedthat use the stiff ness from the end of non lin ear anal y sis cases.

Advanced Topics

• Over view

• Joint Con nec tiv ity

• Undeformed Length

• Shape Calculator

• De grees of Free dom

• Lo cal Co or di nate Sys tem

• Sec tion Prop er ties

• Prop erty Mod i fi ers

• Mass

• Self-Weight Load


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• Grav ity Load

• Dis trib uted Span Load

• Tem per a ture Load

• Strain and Deformation Load

• Tar get-Force Load

• Non lin ear Analysis

• El e ment Out put

OverviewThe Ca ble el e ment uses an elas tic cat e nary for mu la tion to rep re sent the be hav ior ofa slen der ca ble un der its own self-weight, tem per a ture, and strain load ing. This be -hav ior is highly non lin ear, and in her ently in cludes tension-stiffening (P-delta) andlarge-de flec tion ef fects. Slack and taut be hav ior is au to mat i cally con sid ered.

In the graph i cal user in ter face, you can draw a ca ble ob ject con nect ing any twopoints. A shape cal cu la tor is avail able to help you de ter mine the undeformed length of the ca ble. The undeformed length is extremely crit i cal in de ter min ing the be hav -ior of the ca ble.

An un loaded, slack ca ble is not sta ble and has no unique po si tion. There fore lin earanal y sis cases that start from zero ini tial con di tions may be mean ing less. In stead,all lin ear anal y sis cases should use the stiff ness from the end of a non lin ear staticanal y sis case in which all ca bles are loaded by their self-weight or other trans verseload. For cases where no trans verse load is pres ent on a slack Ca ble el e ment, thepro gram will in ter nally as sume a very small self-weight load in or der to ob tain aunique shape. How ever, it is better if you ap ply a re al is tic load for this pur pose.

Each Ca ble el e ment may be loaded by grav ity (in any di rec tion), dis trib uted forces,strain and de for ma tion loads, and loads due to tem per a ture change. To ap ply con -cen trated loads, a ca ble should be di vided at the point of load ing, and the force ap -plied to the con nect ing joint.

Tar get-force load ing is avail able that iteratively applies de for ma tion load to the ca -ble to achieve a de sired ten sion.

El e ment out put in cludes the ax ial force and de flected shape at a user-spec i fiednum ber of equally-spaced out put sta tions along the length of the el e ment.

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You have the op tion when draw ing a ca ble ob ject in the model to use the cat e naryel e ment of this chap ter, or to model the ca ble as a se ries of straight frame el e ments.Us ing frame el e ments al lows you to con sider ma te rial nonlinearity and com pli -cated load ing, but the cat e nary for mu la tion is better suited to most ap pli ca tions.

Joint ConnectivityA Ca ble el e ment is rep re sented by a curve con nect ing two joints, I and j. The twojoints must not share the same lo ca tion in space. The two ends of the el e ment arede noted end I and end J, re spec tively.

The shape of the ca ble is de fined by undeformed length of the ca ble and the loadact ing on it, un less it is taut with no trans verse load, in which case it is a straightline.

Undeformed LengthIn the graph i cal user in ter face, you can draw a ca ble ob ject con nect ing any twopoints. A shape cal cu la tor is avail able to help you de ter mine the undeformed length of the ca ble. The re la tion ship be tween the undeformed length and the chord length(the dis tance be tween the two end joints) is ex tremely crit i cal in de ter min ing thebe hav ior of the ca ble.

In simple terms, when the undeformed length is lon ger that the chord length, the ca -ble is slack and has sig nif i cant sag. When the undeformed length is shorter than thechord length, the ca ble is taut and car ries sig nif i cant ten sion with lit tle sag.

When trans verse load acts on the ca ble, there is a tran si tion range where theundeformed length is close to the chord length. In this re gime, the ten sion and sagin ter act in a highly non lin ear way with the transverse load.

Tem per a ture, strain, and dis tor tion loads can change the length of the ca ble. The ef -fect of these changes is sim i lar to chang ing the undeformed length, ex cept that theydo not change the weight of the ca ble. Strain in the ca ble due to any source is cal cu -lated as the dif fer ence be tween the to tal length and the undeformed length, di videdby the undeformed length (en gi neer ing strain).

If the undeformed length of a ca ble is shorter than the chord length at the be gin ningof a non lin ear anal y sis, or when the ca ble is added to the struc ture dur ing stagedcon struc tion, ten sion will im me di ately ex ist in the ca ble and it er a tion may be re -quired to bring the structure into equi lib rium be fore any load is ap plied.

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Shape CalculatorThe ul ti mate pur pose of the shape cal cu la tor (also called Ca ble Lay out form) in thegraph i cal user in ter face is to help you cal cu late the undeformed length of a ca bleob ject. By de fault, the undeformed length is as sumed to be equal to the chordlength be tween the undeformed po si tions of the two end joints.

You may spec ify a ver ti cal load act ing on the ca ble con sist ing of:

• Self-weight (al ways in cluded in the shape cal cu la tor)

• Ad di tional weight per unit of undeformed length of the ca ble

• Ad di tion load per unit hor i zon tal length be tween the two joints

Note that these loads are only used in the shape cal cu la tor. They are not ap plied tothe el e ment dur ing anal y sis. Loads to be used for anal y sis must be as signed to theel e ments in Load Cases.

You may choose one of the fol low ing ways to cal cu late the undeformed length:

• Spec i fy ing the undeformed length, ei ther ab so lute or rel a tive to the chordlength

• Spec i fy ing the max i mum ver ti cal sag, mea sured from the chord to the ca ble

• Spec i fy ing the max i mum low-point sag, mea sured from the joint with thelow est Z el e va tion to the low est point on the ca ble

• Spec i fy ing the con stant hor i zon tal com po nent of ten sion in the ca ble

• Spec i fy ing the ten sion at ei ther end of the ca ble

• Re quest ing the shape which gives the min i mum ten sion at ei ther end of theca ble

See Figure 30 (page 137) for a de scrip tion of the ca ble ge om e try.

Note that there does ex ist an undeformed length that yields a min i mum ten sion atei ther end of the ca ble. Lon ger ca bles carry more self weight, in creas ing the ten -sion. Shorter ca bles are tauter, also in creas ing the ten sion. If you in tend to spec ifythe ten sion at ei ther end, it is a good idea first to de ter mine what is the minimumten sion, since at tempts to spec ify a lower ten sion will fail. When a larger value often sion is spec i fied, the shorter so lu tion will be re turned.

It is im por tant to note that the shape cal cu lated here may not ac tu ally oc cur dur ingany anal y sis case, nor are the ten sions cal cu lated here di rectly im posed upon the ca -ble. Only the ca ble length is de ter mined. The de formed shape of the ca ble and the

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ten sions it car ries will de pend upon the loads ap plied and the be hav ior of the struc -ture dur ing anal y sis. For ex am ple, the shape cal cu la tor as sumes that the two endjoints re main fixed. How ever, if the ca ble is con nected to a de form ing struc ture, the chord length and its ori en ta tion may change, yield ing a dif fer ent so lu tion.

Cable vs. Frame Elements

In the shape cal cu la tor, you may spec ify whether the ca ble is to be mod eled with the cat e nary el e ment of this chap ter, or us ing straight frame el e ments.

If you are in ter ested in highly vari able load ing or ma te rial nonlinearity, us ing frame el e ments may be ap pro pri ate. Large-de flec tion geo met ri cally non lin ear anal y sis ofthe en tire struc ture will be needed to cap ture full ca ble be hav ior. P-delta anal y sis

Shape Calculator 137

Chapter IX The Cable Element













EA = Stiffnessw = Weight per length

uMAX = Maximum vertical saguLOW = Low-point sag

H = Horizontal forceTI = Tension at Joint ITJ = Tension at Joint J

I, J = JointsL0 = Undeformed lengthLC = Chord length

Figure 30Cable Element, showing connectivity, local axes, dimensions, properties, and

shape parameters

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with com pres sion lim its may be suf fi cient for some ap pli ca tions. For more in for -ma tion, see Chap ter “The Frame Element” (page 81).

For most ca ble ap pli ca tions, how ever, the cat e nary ca ble el e ment is a better choice,es pe cially if the ca ble is very slen der, or sig nif i cant sup port move ment is ex pected.Non lin ear anal y sis is still re quired, but the geo met ric nonlinearity (P-delta and/orlarge-de flec tion be hav ior) of the cat e nary el e ment will be con sid ered in ter nally re -gard less of how the rest of the struc ture is treated.

Number of Segments

In the shape cal cu la tor, you may spec ify the num ber of seg ments into which the ca -ble ob ject should be bro ken. Each seg ment will be mod eled as a sin gle cat e nary ca -ble or sin gle frame el e ment.

For the cat e nary el e ment, a sin gle seg ment is usu ally the best choice unless you arecon sid er ing con cen trated loads or in ter me di ate masses for ca ble vi bra tion.

For the frame el e ment, mul ti ple seg ments (usually at least eight, and some timesmany more) are re quired to cap ture the shape vari a tion, un less you are mod el ing astraight stay or brace, in which case a sin gle seg ment may suf fice.

For more in for ma tion, see Chap ter “Ob jects and Elements” (page 7)

Degrees of FreedomThe Ca ble el e ment ac ti vates the three translational de grees of free dom at each of its con nected joints. Ro ta tional de grees of free dom are not ac ti vated. This el e mentcon trib utes stiff ness to all of these translational de grees of free dom.

For more in for ma tion, see Topic “De grees of Free dom” (page 30) in Chap ter“Joints and De grees of Free dom.”

Local Coordinate SystemEach Ca ble el e ment has its own el e ment lo cal co or di nate sys tem which can beused to de fine loads act ing on the el e ment. The axes of this lo cal sys tem are de noted 1, 2 and 3. The first axis is di rected along the chord con nect ing the two joints of theel e ment; the re main ing two axes lie in the plane per pen dic u lar to the chord with anori en ta tion that you spec ify. This co or di nate sys tem does not nec es sar ily cor re —

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spond to the di rec tion of sag of the ca ble, and does not change as the di rec tion ofsag changes dur ing load ing.

The def i ni tion of the ca ble el e ment lo cal co or di nate sys tem is not usu ally im por tant un less you want to ap ply con cen trated or dis trib uted span loads in the el e ment lo cal sys tem.

The def i ni tion of the Ca ble lo cal co or di nate sys tem is ex actly the same as for theFrame el e ment. For more in for ma tion, see Topics “Lo cal Co or di nate Sys tem”(page 85) and “Ad vanced Lo cal Co or di nate Sys tem” (page 86) in Chap ter “TheFrame El e ment.”

Section PropertiesA Cable Sec tion is a set of ma te rial and geo met ric prop er ties that de scribe thecross-sec tion of one or more Ca ble el e ments. Sec tions are de fined in de pend ently of the Ca ble el e ments, and are as signed to the el e ments.

Ca ble Sec tions are al ways as sumed to be cir cu lar. You may spec ify either the di am -e ter or the cross-sec tional area, from which the other value is com puted. Bend ingmo ments of in er tia, the tor sional con stant, and shear ar eas are also com puted by thepro gram for a cir cu lar shape.

Material Properties

The ma te rial prop er ties for the Sec tion are spec i fied by ref er ence to a pre vi -ously-de fined Ma te rial. Iso tro pic ma te rial prop er ties are used, even if the Ma te rialse lected was de fined as orthotropic or anisotropic. The ma te rial prop er ties used bythe Sec tion are:

• The modulus of elas tic ity, e1, for ax ial stiff ness

• The co ef fi cient of ther mal ex pan sion, a1, for tem per a ture loading

• The mass den sity, m, for com put ing el e ment mass

• The weight den sity, w, for com put ing Self-Weight and Grav ity Loads

The ma te rial prop er ties e1 and a1 are ob tained at the ma te rial tem per a ture of eachin di vid ual Ca ble el e ment, and hence may not be unique for a given Sec tion. SeeChap ter “Ma te rial Prop er ties” (page 69) for more in for ma tion.

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Geometric Properties and Section Stiffnesses

For the cat e nary for mu la tion, the sec tion has only ax ial stiff ness, given by a e1× ,where a is the cross-sec tional area and e1 is the modulus of elas tic ity.

Property ModifiersYou may spec ify scale fac tors to mod ify the com puted sec tion prop er ties. For ex -am ple, you could use a mod i fier to re duce the ax ial stiff ness of a stranded ca ble. In -di vid ual mod i fi ers are avail able for the fol low ing terms:

• The ax ial stiff ness a e1×

• The sec tion mass a×m

• The sec tion weight a×w

You may spec ify these multi pli ca tive fac tors in two places:

• As part of the def i ni tion of the sec tion prop erty

• As an as sign ment to in di vid ual el e ments.

If mod i fi ers are as signed to an el e ment and also to the sec tion prop erty used by thatel e ment, then both sets of fac tors mul ti ply the sec tion prop er ties.

MassIn a dy namic anal y sis, the mass of the struc ture is used to com pute in er tial forces.The mass con trib uted by the Ca ble el e ment is lumped at the joints I and j. No in er -tial ef fects are con sid ered within the el e ment it self.

The to tal mass of the el e ment is equal to the undeformed length of the el e ment mul -ti plied by the mass den sity, m, and by the cross-sec tional area, a. It is ap por tionedequally to the two joints. The mass is ap plied to each of the three translational de -grees of free dom: UX, UY, and UZ.

To cap ture dy namics of a ca ble it self, it is nec es sary to di vide the ca ble ob ject intomul ti ple seg ments. A minimum of four seg ments is rec om mended for this pur pose.For many struc tures, ca ble vi bra tion is not im por tant, and no sub di vi sion is nec es -sary.

For more in for ma tion:

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• See Topic “Mass Den sity” (page 76) in Chap ter “Ma te rial Prop er ties.”

• See Topic “Sec tion Prop er ties” (page 139) in this Chap ter for the def i ni tion ofa.

• See Chap ter “Static and Dy namic Anal y sis” (page 287).

Self-Weight LoadSelf-Weight Load ac ti vates the self-weight of all el e ments in the model. For a Ca -ble el e ment, the self-weight is a force that is dis trib uted along the arc length of theel e ment. The mag ni tude of the self-weight is equal to the weight den sity, w, mul ti -plied by the cross-sec tional area, a. As the ca ble stretches, the mag ni tude is cor re -spond ingly re duced, so that the to tal load does not change.

Self-Weight Load al ways acts down ward, in the global –Z di rec tion. You mayscale the self-weight by a sin gle scale fac tor that ap plies equally to all el e ments inthe struc ture.

For more in for ma tion:

• See Topic “Weight Den sity” (page 77) in Chap ter “Ma te rial Prop er ties” for thedef i ni tion of w.

• See Topic “Sec tion Prop er ties” (page 139) in this Chap ter for the def i ni tion ofa.

• See Topic “Self-Weight Load” (page 275) in Chap ter “Load Cases.”

Gravity LoadGrav ity Load can be ap plied to each Ca ble el e ment to ac ti vate the self-weight of the el e ment. Us ing Grav ity Load, the self-weight can be scaled and ap plied in any di -rec tion. Dif fer ent scale fac tors and di rec tions can be ap plied to each el e ment. Themag ni tude of a unit grav ity load is equal to the weight den sity, w, mul ti plied by thecross-sec tional area, a. As the ca ble stretches, the mag ni tude is cor re spond ingly re -duced, so that the to tal load does not change.

If all el e ments are to be loaded equally and in the down ward di rec tion, it is morecon ve nient to use Self-Weight Load.

For more in for ma tion:

Self-Weight Load 141

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• See Topic “Self-Weight Load” (page 108) in this Chap ter for the def i ni tion ofself-weight for the Frame el e ment.

• See Topic “Grav ity Load” (page 276) in Chap ter “Load Cases.”

Distributed Span LoadThe Dis trib uted Span Load is used to ap ply dis trib uted forces on Ca ble el e ments.The load in ten sity may be specified as uni form or trap e zoidal. How ever, the load isac tu ally ap plied as a uni form load per unit of undeformed length of the ca ble.

The to tal load is cal cu lated and di vided by the undeformed length to de ter mine themag ni tude of load to ap ply. As the ca ble stretches, the mag ni tude is cor re spond -ingly re duced, so that the to tal load does not change.

The di rec tion of load ing may be spec i fied in a fixed co or di nate sys tem (global oral ter nate co or di nates) or in the el e ment lo cal co or di nate sys tem.

To model the ef fect of a non-uni form dis trib uted load on a cat e nary ca ble ob ject,spec ify mul ti ple seg ments for the sin gle ca ble ob ject. The dis trib uted load on theob ject will be ap plied as piecewise uni form loads over the seg ments.

For more in for ma tion:

• See Topic “Dis trib uted Span Load” (page 109) in Chap ter “The Frame El e -ment.”

• See Chap ter “Ob jects and Elements” (page 7) for how a sin gle ca ble ob ject ismeshed into el e ments (seg ments) at anal y sis time.

• See Chap ter “Load Cases” (page 271).

Temperature LoadTem per a ture Load cre ates ax ial ther mal strain in the Ca ble el e ment. This strain isgiven by the prod uct of the Ma te rial co ef fi cient of ther mal ex pan sion and the tem -per a ture change of the el e ment. All spec i fied Tem per a ture Loads rep re sent achange in tem per a ture from the un stressed state for a lin ear anal y sis, or from thepre vi ous tem per a ture in a non lin ear anal y sis.

The Load Tem per a ture may be con stant along the el e ment length or in ter po latedfrom val ues given at the joints.

See Chap ter “Load Cases” (page 271) for more in for ma tion.

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Strain and Deformation LoadAx ial Strain and De for ma tion Load change the length of the ca ble el e ment. De for -ma tion Load is the to tal change in length, whereas Strain Load is the change inlength per unit of undeformed length. Pos i tive val ues of these loads in crease sagand tend to re duce ten sion in the ca ble, while neg a tive val ues tighten up the ca bleand tend to in crease ten sion.

See Chap ter “Load Cases” (page 271) for more in for ma tion.

Target-Force LoadTar get-Force Load is a spe cial type of load ing where you spec ify a de sired ca bleten sion, and de for ma tion load is iteratively ap plied to achieve the tar get ten sion.Since the ten sion may vary along the length of the ca ble, you must also spec ify therel a tive lo ca tion where the de sired ten sion is to oc cur. Tar get-Force load ing is onlyused for non lin ear static and staged-con struc tion anal y sis. If ap plied in any othertype of anal y sis case, it has no ef fect.

Un like all other types of load ing, tar get-force load ing is not in cre men tal. Rather,you are spec i fy ing the to tal force that you want to be pres ent in the ca ble el e ment atthe end of the anal y sis case or con struc tion stage. The ap plied de for ma tion that iscal cu lated to achieve that force may be pos i tive, neg a tive, or zero, de pend ing on the force pres ent in the el e ment at the be gin ning of the anal y sis. When a scale fac tor isap plied to a Load Case that con tains Tar get-Force loads, the to tal tar get force isscaled. The in cre ment of ap plied de for ma tion that is re quired may change by a dif -fer ent scale fac tor.

See Topic “Tar get-Force Load” (page 281) in Chap ter “Load Cases” and Topic“Tar get-Force It er a tion” (page 376) in Chap ter “Non lin ear Static Anal y sis” formore in for ma tion.

Nonlinear AnalysisNon lin ear anal y sis is re quired to get mean ing ful re sults with the Ca ble el e ment.Lin ear anal y ses can be per formed, but they should al ways use the stiff ness from the end of a non lin ear static anal y sis case in which all ca bles are loaded by theirself-weight or other trans verse load. For cases where no trans verse load is pres enton a slack Ca ble element, the pro gram will in ter nally as sume a very small

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self-weight load in or der to ob tain a unique shape. How ever, it is better if you ap plya re al is tic load for this pur pose.

Mod els with Ca ble el e ments will usu ally con verge better if you al low a large num -ber of New ton-Raphson it er a tions in the anal y sis case, say 25 or more. Con ver -gence be hav ior is gen er ally im proved by us ing fewer seg ments in the ca ble ob ject,and by ap ply ing larger load in cre ments. Note that this is the op po site be hav ior thancan be ex pected for ca bles mod eled as frames, where us ing more seg ments andsmaller load in cre ments is usu ally ad van ta geous.

Element OutputThe cat e nary Ca ble el e ment pro duces ax ial force (ten sion only) and dis place mentout put along its length.

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C h a p t e r X

The Shell Element

The Shell el e ment is a type of area ob ject that is used to model mem brane, plate,and shell be hav ior in pla nar and three-di men sional struc tures. The shell ma te rialmay be ho mo ge neous or lay ered through the thick ness. Ma te rial nonlinearity canbe con sid ered when us ing the lay ered shell.

Basic Topics for All Users

• Over view

• Joint Con nec tiv ity

• Edge Constraints

• De grees of Free dom

• Lo cal Co or di nate Sys tem

• Sec tion Prop er ties

• Mass

• Self-Weight Load

• Uni form Load

• Sur face Pres sure Load

• In ter nal Force and Stress Out put


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Advanced Topics

• Ad vanced Lo cal Co or di nate Sys tem

• Prop erty Mod i fi ers

• Joint Off sets and Thick ness Overwrites

• Grav ity Load

• Tem pera ture Load


The Shell ele ment is a three- or four- node for mu la tion that com bines mem braneand plate- bending be hav ior. The four- joint ele ment does not have to be pla nar. Two dis tinct formulations are avail able: ho mog e nous and lay ered.

The ho mo ge neous shell com bines in de pend ent membrane and plate be hav ior.These be hav iors be come cou pled if the el e ment is warped (non-pla nar.) The mem -brane be hav ior uses an iso para met ric for mu la tion that in cludes trans la tional in- plane stiff ness com po nents and a ro ta tional stiff ness com po nent in the di rec tionnor mal to the plane of the ele ment. See Tay lor and Simo (1985) and Ibra him be go -vic and Wil son (1991). In-plane dis place ments are qua dratic.

The ho mog e nous plate-bend ing be hav ior in cludes two-way, out-of-plane, plate ro -ta tional stiff ness com po nents and a translational stiff ness com po nent in the di rec -tion nor mal to the plane of the el e ment. By de fault, a thin-plate (Kirchhoff) for mu -la tion is used that ne glects trans verse shear ing de for ma tion. Op tionally, you maychoose a thick-plate (Mindlin/Reissner) for mu la tion which in cludes the ef fects oftrans verse shear ing de for ma tion. Out-of-plane dis place ments are cu bic.

The lay ered shell al lows any num ber of lay ers in the thick ness di rec tion, each within de pend ent lo ca tion, thick ness, and ma te rial. Mem brane deformation within eachlayer uses the same for mu la tion as the ho mo ge neous shell. For bend ing, aMindlin/Reissner for mu la tion is used which in cludes tran sverse shear de for ma -tions. Out-of-plane dis place ments are qua dratic.

For each ho mo ge neous Shell el e ment in the struc ture, you can choose to modelpure-mem brane, pure-plate, or full-shell be hav ior. It is gen er ally rec om mendedthat you use the full shell be hav ior un less the en tire struc ture is pla nar and is ad e -quately re strained. The lay ered Shell al ways rep re sents full-shell be hav ior. Un lessthe lay er ing is fully sym met ri cal in the thick ness di rec tion, mem brane and plate be -hav ior will also be cou pled.

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Struc tures that can be mod eled with this el e ment in clude:

• Three-di men sional shells, such as tanks and domes

• Plate struc tures, such as floor slabs

• Mem brane struc tures, such as shear walls

Each Shell ele ment has its own lo cal co or di nate sys tem for de fin ing Ma te rial prop -er ties and loads, and for in ter pret ing out put. Temperature- dependent, or tho tropicma te rial prop er ties are al lowed. Each ele ment may be loaded by grav ity and uni -form loads in any di rec tion; sur face pres sure on the top, bot tom, and side faces; andloads due to tem pera ture change.

A vari able, four- to- eight-point nu meri cal in te gra tion for mu la tion is used for theShell stiff ness. Stresses and in ter nal forces and mo ments, in the ele ment lo cal co or -di nate sys tem, are evalu ated at the 2- by-2 Gauss in te gra tion points and ex trapo -lated to the joints of the ele ment. An ap proxi mate er ror in the ele ment stresses or in -ter nal forces can be es ti mated from the dif fer ence in val ues cal cu lated from dif fer -ent ele ments at tached to a com mon joint. This will give an in di ca tion of the ac cu -racy of a given finite- element ap proxi ma tion and can then be used as the ba sis forthe se lec tion of a new and more ac cu rate fi nite ele ment mesh.

Joint Connectivity

Each Shell el e ment (and other types of area ob jects/el e ments) may have ei ther ofthe fol low ing shapes, as shown in Figure 31 (page 148):

• Quad ri lat eral, de fined by the four joints j1, j2, j3, and j4.

• Tri an gu lar, de fined by the three joints j1, j2, and j3.

The quad ri lat eral for mu la tion is the more ac cu rate of the two. The tri an gu lar ele -ment is rec om mended for tran si tions only. The stiff ness for mu la tion of the three- node ele ment is rea son able; how ever, its stress re cov ery is poor. The use of thequad ri lat eral ele ment for mesh ing vari ous geo me tries and tran si tions is il lus tratedin Figure 32 (page 149), so that tri an gu lar el e ments can be avoided altogether.

Edge con straints are also avail able to cre ate tran si tions be tween mis-matchedmeshes with out us ing dis torted el e ments. See Subtopic “Edge Con straints” (page150) for more in for ma tion.

The joints j1 to j4 de fine the cor ners of the ref er ence sur face of the shell el e ment.For the ho mo ge neous shell this is the mid-sur face of the el e ment; for the lay eredshell you choose the lo ca tion of this sur face rel a tive to the ma te rial layers.

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148 Joint Connectivity

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Axis 1

Axis 1

Axis 3

Axis 3

Axis 2

Axis 2








Face 1

Face 1

Face 3

Face 3

Face 4

Face 2

Face 2

Face 6: Top (+3 face)

Face 5: Bottom (–3 face)

Face 6: Top (+3 face)

Face 5: Bottom (–3 face)

Four-node Quadrilateral Shell Element

Three-node Triangular Shell Element

Figure 31Area Element Joint Connectivity and Face Definitions

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You may op tion ally as sign joint off sets to the el e ment that shift the ref er ence sur -face away from the joints. See Topic “Joint Off sets and Thick ness Overwrites”(page 164) for more in for ma tion.

Shape Guidelines

The lo ca tions of the joints should be cho sen to meet the fol low ing geo met ric con di -tions:

Joint Connectivity 149

Chapter X The Shell Element

Triangular Region Circular Region

Infinite Region Mesh Transition

Figure 32Mesh Examples Using the Quadrilateral Area Element

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• The in side an gle at each cor ner must be less than 180°. Best re sults for thequad ri lat eral will be ob tained when these an gles are near 90°, or at least in therange of 45° to 135°.

• The as pect ra tio of an ele ment should not be too large. For the tri an gle, this isthe ra tio of the long est side to the short est side. For the quad ri lat eral, this is thera tio of the longer dis tance be tween the mid points of op po site sides to theshorter such dis tance. Best re sults are ob tained for as pect ra tios near unity, or at least less than four. The as pect ra tio should not ex ceed ten.

• For the quad ri lat eral, the four joints need not be coplanar. A small amount oftwist in the el e ment is ac counted for by the pro gram. The an gle be tween thenor mals at the cor ners gives a mea sure of the de gree of twist. The nor mal at acor ner is per pen dic u lar to the two sides that meet at the cor ner. Best re sults areob tained if the larg est an gle be tween any pair of cor ners is less than 30°. Thisan gle should not ex ceed 45°.

These con di tions can usu ally be met with ade quate mesh re fine ment. The ac cu racyof the thick- plate and lay ered for mu la tions is more sen si tive to large as pect ra tiosand mesh dis tor tion than is the thin- plate for mu la tion.

Edge Con straints

You can as sign au to matic edge con straints to any shell el e ment (or any area ob -jects.) When edge con straints are as signed to an element, the pro gramautomatically con nects all joints that are on the edge of the el e ment to the ad ja centcor ner joints of the el e ment. Joints are con sid ered to be on the edge of the el e ment if they fall within the auto-merge tol er ance set by you in the Graphical User Interface.

Edge con straints can be used to con nect to gether mis-matched shell meshes, butwill also con nect any el e ment that has a joint on the edge of the shell to that shell.This in clude beams, col umns, re strained joints, link sup ports, etc.

These joints are con nected by flex i ble in ter po la tion con straints. This means that the dis place ments at the in ter me di ate joints on the edge are in ter po lated from the dis -place ments of the cor ner joints of the shell. No over all stiff ness is added to themodel; the ef fect is en tirely lo cal to the edge of the el e ment.

Figure 33 (page 151) shows an ex am ple of two mis-matched meshes, one con -nected with edge con straints, and one not. In the con nected mesh on the right, edgecon straints were as signed to all el e ments, al though it was re ally only nec es sary todo so for the el e ments at the tran si tion. As sign ing edge con straints to el e ments thatdo not need them has lit tle ef fect on per for mance and no ef fect on re sults.

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The ad van tage of us ing edge con straints in stead of the mesh tran si tions shown inFigure 32 (page 149) is that edge con straints do not re quire you to cre ate dis tortedel e ments. This can in crease the ac cu racy of the re sults. It is im por tant to un der -stand, how ever, that for any tran si tion the ef fect of the coarser mesh prop a gates into the finer mesh for a dis tance that is on the or der of the size of the larger el e ments, asgov erned by St. Venant’s ef fect. For this rea son, be sure to cre ate your mesh tran si -tions are enough away from the ar eas where you need de tailed stress re sults.

Degrees of Freedom

The Shell ele ment al ways ac ti vates all six de grees of free dom at each of its con -nected joints. When the ele ment is used as a pure mem brane, you must en sure thatre straints or other sup ports are pro vided to the de grees of free dom for nor mal trans -la tion and bend ing ro ta tions. When the ele ment is used as a pure plate, you must en -sure that re straints or other sup ports are pro vided to the de grees of free dom for in- plane trans la tions and the ro ta tion about the nor mal.

Degrees of Freedom 151

Chapter X The Shell Element

Figure 33Connecting Meshes with the Edge Constraints: Left Model – No EdgeConstraints; Right Model – Edge Constraints Assigned to All Elements

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The use of the full shell be hav ior (mem brane plus plate) is rec om mended for allthree- dimensional struc tures.

See Topic “De grees of Free dom” (page 30) in Chap ter “Joints and De grees of Free -dom” for more in for ma tion.

Local Coordinate System

Each Shell el e ment (and other types of area ob jects/el e ments) has its own ele mentlo cal co or di nate sys tem used to de fine Ma te rial prop er ties, loads and out put. Theaxes of this lo cal sys tem are de noted 1, 2 and 3. The first two axes lie in the plane ofthe ele ment with an ori en ta tion that you spec ify; the third axis is nor mal.

It is im por tant that you clearly un der stand the defi ni tion of the ele ment lo cal 1- 2-3co or di nate sys tem and its re la tion ship to the global X- Y-Z co or di nate sys tem. Bothsys tems are right- handed co or di nate sys tems. It is up to you to de fine lo cal sys temswhich sim plify data in put and in ter pre ta tion of re sults.

In most struc tures the defi ni tion of the ele ment lo cal co or di nate sys tem is ex -tremely sim ple. The meth ods pro vided, how ever, pro vide suf fi cient power andflexi bil ity to de scribe the ori en ta tion of Shell ele ments in the most com pli catedsitua tions.

The sim plest method, us ing the de fault ori en ta tion and the Shell ele ment co or di -nate an gle, is de scribed in this topic. Ad di tional meth ods for de fin ing the Shell ele -ment lo cal co or di nate sys tem are de scribed in the next topic.

For more in for ma tion:

• See Chap ter “Co or di nate Sys tems” (page 11) for a de scrip tion of the con ceptsand ter mi nol ogy used in this topic.

• See Topic “Ad vanced Lo cal Co or di nate Sys tem” (page 154) in this Chap ter.

Normal Axis 3

Lo cal axis 3 is al ways nor mal to the plane of the Shell ele ment. This axis is di rectedto ward you when the path j1-j2-j3 ap pears coun ter clock wise. For quad ri lat eral ele -ments, the ele ment plane is de fined by the vec tors that con nect the mid points of thetwo pairs of op po site sides.

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Default Orientation

The de fault ori en ta tion of the lo cal 1 and 2 axes is de ter mined by the re la tion shipbe tween the lo cal 3 axis and the global Z axis:

• The lo cal 3-2 plane is taken to be ver ti cal, i.e., par al lel to the Z axis

• The lo cal 2 axis is taken to have an up ward (+Z) sense un less the ele ment ishori zon tal, in which case the lo cal 2 axis is taken along the global +Y di rec tion

Local Coordinate System 153

Chapter X The Shell Element








For all elements,Axis 3 points outward,

toward viewer












Top row: ang = 45°2nd row: ang = 90°3rd row: ang = 0°4th row: ang = –90°

Figure 34The Area Element Coordinate Angle with Respect to the Default Orientation

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• The lo cal 1 axis is hori zon tal, i.e., it lies in the X-Y plane

The ele ment is con sid ered to be hori zon tal if the sine of the an gle be tween the lo cal3 axis and the Z axis is less than 10


The lo cal 2 axis makes the same an gle with the ver ti cal axis as the lo cal 3 axismakes with the hori zon tal plane. This means that the lo cal 2 axis points ver ti callyup ward for ver ti cal ele ments.

Element Coordinate Angle

The Shell ele ment co or di nate an gle, ang, is used to de fine ele ment ori en ta tions that are dif fer ent from the de fault ori en ta tion. It is the an gle through which the lo cal 1and 2 axes are ro tated about the posi tive lo cal 3 axis from the de fault ori en ta tion.The ro ta tion for a posi tive value of ang ap pears coun ter clock wise when the lo cal+3 axis is point ing to ward you.

For hori zon tal ele ments, ang is the an gle be tween the lo cal 2 axis and the hori zon tal +Y axis. Oth er wise, ang is the an gle be tween the lo cal 2 axis and the ver ti cal planecon tain ing the lo cal 3 axis. See Figure 34 (page 153) for ex am ples.

Advanced Local Coordinate System

By de fault, the ele ment lo cal co or di nate sys tem is de fined us ing the ele ment co or -di nate an gle meas ured with re spect to the global +Z and +Y di rec tions, as de scribed in the pre vi ous topic. In cer tain mod el ing situa tions it may be use ful to have morecon trol over the speci fi ca tion of the lo cal co or di nate sys tem.

This topic de scribes how to de fine the ori en ta tion of the tan gen tial lo cal 1 and 2axes, with re spect to an ar bi trary ref er ence vec tor when the ele ment co or di nate an -gle, ang, is zero. If ang is dif fer ent from zero, it is the an gle through which the lo cal1 and 2 axes are ro tated about the posi tive lo cal 3 axis from the ori en ta tion de ter -mined by the ref er ence vec tor. The lo cal 3 axis is al ways nor mal to the plane of theele ment.

For more in for ma tion:

• See Chap ter “Co or di nate Sys tems” (page 11) for a de scrip tion of the con ceptsand ter mi nol ogy used in this topic.

• See Topic “Lo cal Co or di nate Sys tem” (page 152) in this Chap ter.

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Reference Vector

To de fine the tan gen tial lo cal axes, you spec ify a ref er ence vec tor that is par al lel to the de sired 3-1 or 3-2 plane. The ref er ence vec tor must have a posi tive pro jec tionupon the cor re spond ing tan gen tial lo cal axis (1 or 2, re spec tively). This means that

the posi tive di rec tion of the ref er ence vec tor must make an an gle of less than 90°with the posi tive di rec tion of the de sired tan gen tial axis.

To de fine the ref er ence vec tor, you must first spec ify or use the de fault val ues for:

• A pri mary co or di nate di rec tion pldirp (the de fault is +Z)

• A sec on dary co or di nate di rec tion pldirs (the de fault is +Y). Di rec tions pldirsand pldirp should not be par al lel to each other un less you are sure that they arenot par al lel to lo cal axis 3

• A fixed co or di nate sys tem csys (the de fault is zero, in di cat ing the global co or -di nate sys tem)

• The lo cal plane, lo cal, to be de ter mined by the ref er ence vec tor (the de fault is32, in di cat ing plane 3-2)

You may op tion ally spec ify:

• A pair of joints, plveca and plvecb (the de fault for each is zero, in di cat ing thecen ter of the ele ment). If both are zero, this op tion is not used

For each ele ment, the ref er ence vec tor is de ter mined as fol lows:

1. A vec tor is found from joint plveca to joint plvecb. If this vec tor is of fi nitelength and is not par al lel to lo cal axis 3, it is used as the ref er ence vec tor Vp

2. Oth er wise, the pri mary co or di nate di rec tion pldirp is evalu ated at the cen ter ofthe ele ment in fixed co or di nate sys tem csys. If this di rec tion is not par al lel tolo cal axis 3, it is used as the ref er ence vec tor Vp

3. Oth er wise, the sec on dary co or di nate di rec tion pldirs is evalu ated at the cen terof the ele ment in fixed co or di nate sys tem csys. If this di rec tion is not par al lel tolo cal axis 3, it is used as the ref er ence vec tor Vp

4. Oth er wise, the method fails and the analy sis ter mi nates. This will never hap pen if pldirp is not par al lel to pldirs

A vec tor is con sid ered to be par al lel to lo cal axis 3 if the sine of the an gle be tweenthem is less than 10


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The use of the co or di nate di rec tion method is il lus trated in Figure 35 (page 156) forthe case where lo cal = 32.

A spe cial op tion is avail able for back ward com pati bil ity with pre vi ous ver sions ofthe pro gram. If pldirp is set to zero, the ref er ence vec tor Vp is di rected from the

mid point of side j1-j3 to the mid point of side j2-j4 (or side j2-j3 for the tri an gle).This is il lus trated in Figure 31 (page 148), where the ref er ence vec tor would beiden ti cal to lo cal axis 1. With this op tion, the ori en ta tion of the tan gen tial lo cal axes is very de pend ent upon the mesh used.

Determining Tangential Axes 1 and 2

The pro gram uses vec tor cross prod ucts to de ter mine the tan gen tial axes 1 and 2once the ref er ence vec tor has been speci fied. The three axes are rep re sented by thethree unit vec tors V1, V2 and V3 , re spec tively. The vec tors sat isfy the cross- product re la tion ship:

V V V1 2 3= ´

156 Advanced Local Coordinate System

CSI Analysis Reference Manual

Intersection of ElementPlane & Global X-Y Plane

Intersection of ElementPlane & Global Y-Z Plane

Intersection of ElementPlane & Global Z-X Plane








V 3

V pldirp = +X1

V pldirp = +Z1

V pldirp = –X1pldirp = –Y V1

pldirp = +Y V1

V pldirp = –Z1

For all cases: local = 32

Figure 35Area Element Local Coordinate System Using Coordinate Directions

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The tan gen tial axes 1 and 2 are de fined as fol lows:

• If the ref er ence vec tor is par al lel to the 3-1 plane, then:

V V V2 3= ´ p and

V V V1 2 3= ´

• If the ref er ence vec tor is par al lel to the 3-2 plane, then:

V V V1 3= ´p and

V V V2 3 1= ´

In the com mon case where the ref er ence vec tor is par al lel to the plane of the ele -ment, the tan gen tial axis in the se lected lo cal plane will be equal to Vp .

Section Properties

A Shell Sec tion is a set of ma te rial and geo met ric prop er ties that de scribe thecross-sec tion of one or more Shell ob jects (el e ments.) A Shell Sec tion prop erty is atype of Area Sec tion prop erty. Sec tions are de fined in de pend ently of the objects,and are as signed to the area ob jects.

Area Section Type

When de fin ing an area sec tion, you have a choice of three ba sic el e ment types:

• Shell – the sub ject of this Chap ter, with translational and ro ta tional de grees offree dom, ca pa ble of sup port ing forces and mo ments

• Plane (stress or strain) – a two-di men sional solid, with translational de grees offree dom, ca pa ble of sup port ing forces but not mo ments. This el e ment is cov -ered in Chap ter “The Plane El e ment” (page 175).

• Asolid – axisymmetric solid, with translational de grees of free dom, ca pa ble ofsup port ing forces but not mo ments. This el e ment is cov ered in Chap ter “TheAsolid El e ment” (page 185).

Shell Sec tion Type

For Shell sec tions, you may choose one of the fol low ing types of be hav ior:

• Mem brane – pure mem brane be hav ior; only the in-plane forces and the nor mal(drill ing) mo ment can be sup ported; ho mo ge neous material

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• Plate – pure plate be hav ior; only the bend ing mo ments and the trans verse forcecan be sup ported; ho mo ge neous ma te rial

• Shell – full shell be hav ior, a com bi na tion of mem brane and plate be hav ior; allforces and mo ments can be sup ported; ho mo ge neous ma te rial

• Lay ered – mul ti ple lay ers, each with a dif fer ent ma te rial, thick ness, and lo ca -tion; pro vides full-shell be hav ior, all forces and mo ments can be supported

It is gen er ally rec om mended that you use the full shell be hav ior un less the en tirestruc ture is pla nar and is ad e quately re strained.

Homogeneous Section Properties

Ho mo ge neous ma te rial prop er ties are used for the non-lay ered Mem brane, Plate,and Shell sec tion types. The fol low ing data needs to be spec i fied.

Section Thickness

Each ho mo ge neous Sec tion has a con stant mem brane thick ness and a con stantbend ing thick ness. The mem brane thick ness, th, is used for cal cu lat ing:

• The mem brane stiff ness for full-shell and pure-mem brane Sec tions

• The el e ment vol ume for the el e ment self-weight and mass cal cu la tions

The bend ing thick ness, thb, is use for cal cu lat ing:

• The plate-bend ing and trans verse-shear ing stiffnesses for full-shell andpure-plate Sec tions

Nor mally these two thick nesses are the same and you only need to spec ify th. How -ever, for some ap pli ca tions, you may wish to ar ti fi cially change the mem brane orplate stiff ness. For this pur pose, you may spec ify a value of thb that is dif fer entfrom th. For more de tailed con trol, such as rep re sent ing cor ru gated or orthotropiccon struc tion, the use of prop erty mod i fi ers is better. See Topic “Prop ertyModifiers” (page 163.)

Thickness Formulation

Two thick ness for mu la tions are avail able, which de ter mine whether or not trans -verse shear ing de for ma tions are in cluded in the plate-bend ing be hav ior of a plate or shell el e ment:

• The thick-plate (Mindlin/Reissner) for mu la tion, which in cludes the ef fects oftrans verse shear de for ma tion

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• The thin-plate (Kirchhoff) for mu la tion, which ne glects trans verse shear ing de -for ma tion

Shearing de for ma tions tend to be im por tant when the thick ness is greater thanabout one-tenth to one-fifth of the span. They can also be quite sig nif i cant in the vi -cin ity of bend ing-stress con cen tra tions, such as near sud den changes in thick nessor sup port con di tions, and near holes or re-en trant cor ners.

Even for thin-plate bend ing prob lems where shear ing de for ma tions are truly neg li -gi ble, the thick-plate for mu la tion tends to be more ac cu rate, al though some whatstiffer, than the thin-plate for mu la tion. How ever, the ac cu racy of the thick-platefor mu la tion is more sen si tive to large as pect ra tios and mesh dis tor tion than is thethin-plate for mu la tion.

It is gen er ally rec om mended that you use the thick-plate for mu la tion un less you are us ing a dis torted mesh and you know that shear ing de for ma tions will be small, orun less you are try ing to match a the o ret i cal thin-plate so lu tion.

The thick ness for mu la tion has no ef fect upon mem brane be hav ior, only uponplate-bend ing be hav ior.

Section Material

The ma te rial prop er ties for each Sec tion are spec i fied by ref er ence to a pre vi -ously-de fined Ma te rial. The ma te rial may be iso tro pic, uni ax ial, or orthotropic. Ifan anisotropic ma te rial is cho sen, orthotropic prop er ties will be used. The ma te rialprop er ties used by the Shell Sec tion are:

• The moduli of elas tic ity, e1, e2, and e3

• The shear modulus, g12, g13, and g23

• The Pois son’s ra tios, u12, u13, and u23

• The co ef fi cients of ther mal ex pan sion, a1 and a2

• The mass den sity, m, for com put ing el e ment mass

• The weight den sity, w, for com put ing Self-Weight and Grav ity Loads

The prop er ties e3, u13, and u23 are con densed out of the ma te rial ma trix by as sum -ing a state of plane stress in the el e ment. The re sult ing, mod i fied val ues of e1, e2,g12, and u12 are used to com pute the mem brane and plate-bend ing stiffnesses.

The shear moduli, g13 and g23, are used to com pute the trans verse shear ing stiff -ness if the thick-plate for mu la tion is used. The co ef fi cients of ther mal ex pan sion,a1 and a2, are used for mem brane ex pan sion and ther mal bend ing strain.

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All ma te rial prop er ties (ex cept the den si ties) are obtained at the ma te rial tem per a -ture of each in di vid ual el e ment.

See Chap ter “Ma te rial Prop er ties” (page 69) for more in for ma tion.

Section Material Angle

The ma te rial lo cal co or di nate sys tem and the el e ment (Shell Sec tion) lo cal co or di -nate sys tem need not be the same. The lo cal 3 di rec tions al ways co in cide for thetwo sys tems, but the ma te rial 1 axis and the el e ment 1 axis may dif fer by the an gle aas shown in Figure 36 (page 160). This an gle has no ef fect for iso tro pic ma te rialprop er ties since they are in de pend ent of ori en ta tion.

See Topic “Lo cal Co or di nate Sys tem” (page 70) in Chap ter “Ma te rial Prop er ties”for more in for ma tion.

Layered Section Property

For the lay ered Sec tion prop erty, you de fine how the sec tion is built-up in the thick -ness di rec tion. Any num ber of lay ers is al lowed, even a sin gle layer. Lay ers are lo -cated with re spect to a ref er ence sur face. This ref er ence sur face may be the mid dle

160 Section Properties

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3 (Element, Material)



1 (Element)

1 (Material)

2 (Element)

2 (Material)

Figure 36Shell Section Material Angle

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sur face, the neu tral sur face, the top, the bot tom, or any other lo ca tion you choose.By de fault, the ref er ence sur face con tains the el e ment nodes, al though this can bechanged us ing joint off sets.

The thick-plate (Mindlin/Reissner) for mu la tion, which in cludes the ef fects oftrans verse shear de for ma tion, is al ways used for bend ing be hav ior the lay eredshell.

For each layer, you spec ify the fol low ing, as il lus trated in Figure 37 (page 161.)

Layer Name

The layer name is ar bi trary, but must be unique within a sin gle Sec tion. How ever,the same layer name can be used in dif fer ent Sec tions. This can be use ful be causere sults for a given layer name can be plot ted si mul ta neously for el e ments hav ingdif fer ent Sec tions.

Layer Dis tance

Each layer is lo cated by spec i fy ing the dis tance from the ref er ence sur face to thecen ter of the layer, mea sured in the pos i tive lo cal-3 di rec tion of the el e ment.

Section Properties 161

Chapter X The Shell Element




Axis 1

Axis 3

Layer “A”

Layer “B”

Layer “C”

Layer “D”

Figure 37Four-Layer Shell, Showing the Reference Surface, the Names of the Layers,

and the Distance and Thickness for Layer “C”

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Layer Thick ness

Each layer has a sin gle thick ness, measured in the lo cal-3 di rec tion of the el e ment.

Layer Ma te rial

The ma te rial prop er ties for each layer are spec i fied by ref er ence to a pre vi ously-de -fined Ma te rial. The ma te rial may be iso tro pic, uni ax ial, or orthotropic. If ananisotropic ma te rial is cho sen, orthotropic prop er ties will be used. For fur ther in -for ma tion, see topic “Sec tion Ma te rial” above (page 159.)

Layer Nonlinearity

Spec ify whether the ma te rial should be have lin early or nonlinearly. Dif fer entnonlinear mod els will be in tro duced in the pro gram over time. Please check theon-line help for more in for ma tion.

Layer Ma te rial An gle

For orthotropic and uni ax ial ma te ri als, the ma te rial axes may be ro tated with re -spect to the el e ment axes. Each layer may have a dif fer ent ma te rial an gle. For ex -am ple, you can model rebar in two or thogo nal di rec tions as two lay ers of uni ax ial

material with ma te rial an gles 90° apart. For fur ther in for ma tion, see topic “Sec tionMa te rial An gle” above (page 160.)

Layer Number of In te gra tion Points

Ma te rial be hav ior is in te grated (sam pled) at a fi nite num ber of points in the thick -ness di rec tion of each layer. You may choose one to three points for each layer. The lo ca tion of these points fol lows standard Glass in te gra tion procedures.

For a sin gle layer of lin ear ma te rial, one point in the thick ness di rec tion is ad e quateto rep re sent mem brane be hav ior, and two points will cap ture both mem brane andplate be hav ior. If you have mul ti ple lay ers, you may be able to use a sin gle point for thin ner lay ers. Non lin ear be hav ior may re quire more in te gra tion points or morelay ers in or der to cap ture yield ing near the top and bot tom sur faces. Us ing an ex ces -sive num ber of in te gra tion points can in crease anal y sis time. You may need to ex -per i ment to find a bal ance be tween ac cu racy and computational ef fi ciency.

In ter ac tion Be tween Lay ers

Lay ers are de fined in de pend ently, and it is per mis si ble for lay ers to over lap, or forgaps to ex ist between the lay ers. It is up to you to de cide what is ap pro pri ate.

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For ex am ple, when mod el ing a con crete slab, you can choose a sin gle layer to rep -re sent the full thick ness of con crete, and four lay ers to rep re sent rebar (two near the

top at a 90° an gle to each other, and two sim i lar lay ers at the bot tom.) These rebarlay ers would be very thin, us ing an equivalent thick ness to rep re sent the cross-sec -tional area of the steel. Be cause the lay ers are so thin, there is no need to worryabout the fact that the rebar layers over lap the con crete. The amount of ex cess con -crete that is con tained in the over lapped re gion is very small.

Lay ers are ki ne mat i cally con nected by the Mindlin/Reissner as sump tion that nor -mals to the ref er ence sur face re main straight af ter de for ma tion. This is the shellequiv a lent to the beam as sump tion that plane sec tions re main plane.

Property Modifiers

You may spec ify scale fac tors to mod ify the com puted sec tion prop er ties. Thesemay be used, for ex am ple, to ac count for crack ing of con crete, cor ru gated ororthotropic fab ri ca tion, or for other fac tors not eas ily de scribed in the ge om e try and ma te rial prop erty val ues. In di vid ual mod i fi ers are avail able for the fol low ing tenterms:

• Mem brane stiff ness cor re spond ing to force F11

• Mem brane stiff ness cor re spond ing to force F22

• Mem brane stiff ness cor re spond ing to force F12

• Plate bend ing stiff ness cor re spond ing to mo ment M11

• Plate bend ing stiff ness cor re spond ing to mo ment M22

• Plate bend ing stiff ness cor re spond ing to mo ment M12

• Plate shear stiff ness cor re spond ing to force V12

• Plate shear stiff ness cor re spond ing to force V13

• Mass

• Weight

The stiff ness mod i fi ers af fect only ho mog e nous el e ments, not lay ered el e ments.The mass and weight mod i fi ers af fect all el e ments.

See Topic “In ter nal Force and Stress Output” (page 169) for the def i ni tion of theforce and mo ment com po nents above.

You may spec ify multi pli ca tive fac tors in two places:

Property Modifiers 163

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• As part of the def i ni tion of the sec tion prop erty

• As an as sign ment to in di vid ual el e ments.

If mod i fi ers are as signed to an el e ment and also to the sec tion prop erty used by thatel e ment, then both sets of fac tors mul ti ply the sec tion prop er ties.

Joint Offsets and Thickness Overwrites

You may op tion ally as sign joint off set and thick ness overwrites to any el e ment.These are of ten used to gether to align the top or bot tom of the shell el e ment with agiven sur face. See Figure 38 (page 165.)

Joint Off sets

Joint off sets are mea sured from the joint to the ref er ence sur face of the el e ment inthe di rec tion nor mal to the plane of the joints. If the joints de fine a warped sur face,the plane is de ter mine by the two lines con nect ing op po site mid-sides (i.e., the mid -dle of j1-j2 to the mid dle of j3-j4, and the mid dle of j1-j3 to the mid dle of j2-j4.) Apos i tive off set is in the same gen eral di rec tion as the pos i tive local-3 axis of the el e -ment. However, that the off set may not be ex actly par al lel to the lo cal-3 axis if theoff sets are not all equal.

Joint off sets lo cate the ref er ence plane of the el e ment. For ho mo ge neous shells, this is the mid-sur face of the el e ment. For lay ered shells, the ref er ence sur face is thesur face you used to lo cate the lay ers in the sec tion. By chang ing the ref er ence sur -face in a lay ered sec tion, you can ac com plish the same ef fect as us ing joint off setsex cept that the layer distances are al ways mea sured par al lel to the lo cal-3 axis. SeeTopic “Lay ered Sec tion Property” (page 160) for more in for ma tion.

When you as sign joint off sets to a shell el e ment, you can ex plic itly spec ify the off -sets at the el e ment joints, or you can ref er ence a Joint Pat tern. Us ing a Joint Pat ternmakes it easy to spec ify con sis tently vary ing off sets over many el e ments. SeeTopic “Joint Pat terns” (page 282) in Chap ter “Load Cases” for more in for ma tion.

Note that when the neu tral sur face of the el e ment, af ter ap ply ing joint off sets, is nolon ger in the plane of the joints, mem brane and plate-bend ing be hav ior be comecou pled. If you ap ply a di a phragm con straint to the joints, this will also con strainbend ing. Like wise, a plate con straint will con strain mem brane ac tion.

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Thick ness Overwrites

Nor mally the thick ness of the shell el e ment is de fined by the Sec tion Prop erty as -signed to the el e ment. You have the op tion to over write this thick ness, in clud ingthe abil ity to spec ify a thick ness that var ies over the el e ment.

Cur rently this op tion only af fects ho mo ge neous shells. The thick ness of lay eredshells is not changed. When thick ness overwrites are as signed to a ho mo ge neousshell, both the mem brane thick ness, th, and the bend ing thick ness, thb, take theover writ ten value.

When you as sign thick ness overwrites to a shell el e ment, you can ex plic itly spec ify the thick nesses at the el e ment joints, or you can ref er ence a Joint Pat tern. Us ing aJoint Pat tern makes it easy to spec ify con sis tently vary ing thick ness over many el e -ments. See Topic “Joint Pat terns” (page 282) in Chap ter “Load Cases” for more in -for ma tion.

As an ex am ple, sup pose you have a vari able thick ness slab, and you want the topsur face to lie in a sin gle flat plane. De fine a Joint Pat tern that de fines the thick nessover the slab. Draw the el e ments so that the joints lie in the top plane. As sign thick -ness overwrites to all the el e ments us ing the Joint Pat tern with a scale fac tor of one,and as sign the joint off sets us ing the same Joint Pat tern, but with a scale fac tor ofone-half (pos i tive or neg a tive, as needed).

Joint Offsets and Thickness Overwrites 165

Chapter X The Shell Element

Thickness 1 Axis 1

Axis 3

Joint 1 Joint 2

Offset 2Offset 1

Thickness 2

Reference Surface

Joint Plane

Figure 38Joint Offsets and Thickness Overwrites for a Homogeneous Shell

Edge View shown Along One Side

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In a dy namic analy sis, the mass of the struc ture is used to com pute in er tial forces.The mass con trib uted by the Shell ele ment is lumped at the ele ment joints. No in er -tial ef fects are con sid ered within the ele ment it self.

The to tal mass of the el e ment is equal to the in te gral over the plane of the el e ment of the mass den sity, m, mul ti plied by the thick ness, th, for ho mo ge neous sec tions, and the sum of the masses of the in di vid ual lay ers for lay ered sec tions. This mass maybe scaled by the ap pro pri ate prop erty mod i fi ers.

The to tal mass is ap por tioned to the joints in a man ner that is pro por tional to the di -ag o nal terms of the con sis tent mass ma trix. See Cook, Malkus, and Plesha (1989)for more in for ma tion. The to tal mass is ap plied to each of the three translational de -grees of free dom: UX, UY, and UZ. No mass mo ments of in er tia are com puted forthe ro ta tional de grees of free dom.

For more in for ma tion:

• See Topic “Mass Den sity” (page 76) in Chap ter “Ma te rial Prop er ties”.

• See Topic “Prop erty Modifiers” (page 163) in this chapter.

• See Chap ter “Static and Dy namic Analy sis” (page 287).

Self-Weight Load

Self-Weight Load ac ti vates the self-weight of all el e ments in the model. For a Shellel e ment, the self-weight is a force that is uni formly dis trib uted over the plane of theel e ment. The mag ni tude of the self-weight is equal to the weight den sity, w, mul ti -plied by the thick ness, th, for ho mo ge neous sec tions, and the sum of the weights ofthe in di vid ual lay ers for lay ered sec tions. This weight may be scaled by the ap pro -pri ate prop erty mod i fi ers.

Self- Weight Load al ways acts down ward, in the global –Z di rec tion. You mayscale the self- weight by a sin gle scale fac tor that ap plies equally to all ele ments inthe struc ture.

For more in for ma tion:

• See Topic “Weight Den sity” (page 77) in Chap ter “Ma te rial Prop er ties” for thedefi ni tion of w.

• See Topic “Prop erty Mod i fi ers” (page 163) in this chap ter.

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• See Topic “Self- Weight Load” (page 275) in Chap ter “Load Cases.”

Gravity Load

Grav ity Load can be ap plied to each Shell ele ment to ac ti vate the self- weight of theele ment. Us ing Grav ity Load, the self- weight can be scaled and ap plied in any di -rec tion. Dif fer ent scale fac tors and di rec tions can be ap plied to each ele ment.

If all ele ments are to be loaded equally and in the down ward di rec tion, it is morecon ven ient to use Self- Weight Load.

For more in for ma tion:

• See Topic “Self- Weight Load” (page 159) in this Chap ter for the defi ni tion ofself- weight for the Shell ele ment.

• See Topic “Grav ity Load” (page 276) in Chap ter “Load Cases.”

Uniform Load

Uni form Load is used to ap ply uni formly dis trib uted forces to the mid sur faces ofthe Shell ele ments. The di rec tion of the load ing may be speci fied in a fixed co or di -nate sys tem (global or Al ter nate Co or di nates) or in the ele ment lo cal co or di natesys tem.

Load in ten si ties are given as forces per unit area. Load in ten si ties speci fied in dif -fer ent co or di nate sys tems are con verted to the ele ment lo cal co or di nate sys tem andadded to gether. The to tal force act ing on the ele ment in each lo cal di rec tion is given by the to tal load in ten sity in that di rec tion mul ti plied by the area of the mid-sur face. This force is ap por tioned to the joints of the ele ment.

Forces given in fixed co or di nates can op tion ally be speci fied to act on the pro jected area of the mid-sur face, i.e., the area that can be seen along the di rec tion of load ing.The speci fied load in ten sity is auto mati cally mul ti plied by the co sine of the an glebe tween the di rec tion of load ing and the nor mal to the ele ment (the lo cal 3 di rec -tion). This can be used, for ex am ple, to ap ply dis trib uted snow or wind loads. SeeFigure 39 (page 168).

See Chap ter “Load Cases” (page 271) for more in for ma tion.

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Surface Pressure Load

The Sur face Pres sure Load is used to ap ply ex ter nal pres sure loads upon any of thesix faces of the Shell ele ment. The defi ni tion of these faces is shown in Figure 31(page 148). Sur face pres sure al ways acts nor mal to the face. Posi tive pres sures aredi rected to ward the in te rior of the ele ment.

The pres sure may be con stant over a face or in ter po lated from val ues given at thejoints. The val ues given at the joints are ob tained from Joint Pat terns, and need notbe the same for the dif fer ent faces. Joint Pat terns can be used to eas ily ap ply hy dro -static pres sures.

The bot tom and top faces are de noted Faces 5 and 6, re spec tively. The top face isthe one visi ble when the +3 axis is di rected to ward you and the path j1-j2-j3 ap -pears coun ter clock wise. The pres sure act ing on the bot tom or top face is in te gratedover the plane of the ele ment and ap por tioned to the cor ner joints..

The sides of the ele ment are de noted Faces 1 to 4 (1 to 3 for the tri an gle), count ingcoun ter clock wise from side j1-j2 when viewed from the top. The pres sure act ingon a side is mul ti plied by the thick ness, th, in te grated along the length of the side,and ap por tioned to the two joints on that side.

For more in for ma tion:

168 Surface Pressure Load

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Y Edge View of Shell Element

Uniformly distributed force uzp acts on the projected area of the midsurface.This is equivalent to force uzp cosq acting on the full midsurface area.

Figure 39Example of Uniform Load Acting on the Projected Area of the Mid-surface

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• See Topic “Thick ness” (page 161) in this Chap ter for the defi ni tion of th.

• See Chap ter “Load Cases” (page 271).

Temperature Load

Tem per a ture Load cre ates ther mal strain in the Shell el e ment. This strain is givenby the prod uct of the Ma te rial co ef fi cient of ther mal ex pan sion and the tem per a turechange of the el e ment. All spec i fied Tem per a ture Loads rep re sent a change in tem -per a ture from the un stressed state for a lin ear anal y sis, or from the pre vi ous tem per -a ture in a non lin ear anal y sis.

Two in de pend ent Load Tem pera ture fields may be speci fied:

• Tem pera ture, t, which is con stant through the thick ness and pro duces mem -brane strains

• Tem pera ture gra di ent, t3, which is lin ear in the thick ness di rec tion and pro -duces bend ing strains

The tem pera ture gra di ent is speci fied as the change in tem pera ture per unit length.The tem pera ture gra di ent is posi tive if the tem pera ture in creases (line arly) in theposi tive di rec tion of the ele ment lo cal 3 axis. The gra di ent tem pera ture is zero at the mid-sur face, hence no mem brane strain is in duced.

Each of the two Load Tem pera ture fields may be con stant over the plane of the ele -ment or in ter po lated from val ues given at the joints.

See Chap ter “Load Cases” (page 271) for more in for ma tion.

Internal Force and Stress Output

The Shell ele ment in ter nal forces (also called stress re sul tants) are the forces and mo ments that re sult from in te grat ing the stresses over the ele ment thick ness. For aho mo ge neous shell, these in ter nal forces are:

• Mem brane di rect forces:

(Eqns. 1)F dx11 2


11 3=-


ò th




F dx22 2


22 3=-


ò th




Temperature Load 169

Chapter X The Shell Element

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• Mem brane shear force:

F dx12 2


12 3=-


ò th




• Plate bend ing mo ments:

M x dx11 32


11 3= —


ò thb




M x dx22 2


3 22 3= —


ò thb




• Plate twist ing mo ment:

M x dx12 2


3 12 3= —


ò thb




• Plate trans verse shear forces:

V dx13 2


13 3=-


ò thb




V dx23 2


23 3=-


ò thb




where x 3 rep re sents the thick ness co or di nate mea sured from the mid-sur face of theel e ment, th is the mem brane thick ness, and thb is the plate-bend ing thick ness.

For a lay ered shell, the def i ni tions are the same, ex cept that the integrals of thestresses are now summed over all lay ers, and x 3 is al ways mea sured from the ref er -ence sur face.

It is very im por tant to note that these stress re sul tants are forces and mo ments perunit of in- plane length. They are pres ent at every point on the mid-sur face of the el -e ment.

For the thick-plate (Mindlin/Reissner) for mu la tion of the ho mo ge neous shell, andfor the lay ered shell, the shear stresses are com puted di rectly from the shear ing de -for ma tion. For the thin-plate ho mo ge neous shell, shear ing de for ma tion is as sumedto be zero, so the trans verse shear forces are com puted in stead from the mo mentsus ing the equi lib rium equa tions:









= — —









= — —

Where x1 and x 2 are in-plane co or di nates par al lel to the lo cal 1 and 2 axes.

170 Internal Force and Stress Output

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The sign con ven tions for the stresses and in ter nal forces are il lus trated in Figure 40(page 172). Stresses act ing on a posi tive face are ori ented in the posi tive di rec tionof the ele ment lo cal co or di nate axes. Stresses act ing on a nega tive face are ori entedin the nega tive di rec tion of the ele ment lo cal co or di nate axes.

A posi tive face is one whose out ward nor mal (point ing away from ele ment) is in the posi tive lo cal 1 or 2 di rec tion.

Posi tive in ter nal forces cor re spond to a state of posi tive stress that is con stantthrough the thick ness. Posi tive in ter nal mo ments cor re spond to a state of stress thatvar ies line arly through the thick ness and is posi tive at the bot tom. Thus for a ho mo -ge neous shell:

(Eqns. 2)s11

11 113 3

12= —

F Mx

th thb

s 2222 22

3 312

= -F M

xth thb

s1212 12

3 312

= -F M

xth thb




s 2323=



s 33 0=

The trans verse shear stresses given here are av er age val ues. The ac tual shear stressdis tri bu tion is para bolic, be ing zero at the top and bot tom sur faces and tak ing amaxi mum or mini mum value at the mid-sur face of the ele ment.

The force and mo ment re sul tants are re ported iden ti cally for ho mo ge neous and lay -ered shells. Stresses are re ported for ho mo ge neous shells at the top and bot tom sur -faces, and are lin ear in be tween. For the lay ered shell, stresses are re ported in eachlayer at the in te gra tion points, and at the top, bot tom, and cen ter of the layer.

The stresses and in ter nal forces are evalu ated at the stan dard 2- by-2 Gauss in te gra -tion points of the ele ment and ex trapo lated to the joints. Al though they are re portedat the joints, the stresses and in ter nal forces ex ist over the whole el e ment. SeeCook, Malkus, and Ple sha (1989) for more in for ma tion.

Internal Force and Stress Output 171

Chapter X The Shell Element

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172 Internal Force and Stress Output

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Axis 1

Axis 1

Axis 2

Axis 2

Forces are per unitof in-plane length

Moments are per unitof in-plane length






Transverse Shear (not shown)

Positive transverse shear forces andstresses acting on positive faces

point toward the viewer


Stress Sij Has Same Definition as Force Fij




Figure 40Shell Element Stresses and Internal Resultant Forces and Moments

Page 193: Sap 2000 Reference Manual

Prin ci pal val ues and the as so ci ated prin ci pal di rec tions are avail able for anal y siscases and com bi na tions that are sin gle val ued. The an gle given is meas ured coun -ter clock wise (when viewed from the top) from the lo cal 1 axis to the di rec tion of the maxi mum prin ci pal value.

For more in for ma tion:

• See Topic “Stresses and Strains” (page 71) in Chap ter “Ma te rial Prop er ties.”

• See Chap ter “Load Cases” (page 271).

• See Chap ter “Anal y sis Cases” (page 287).

Internal Force and Stress Output 173

Chapter X The Shell Element

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174 Internal Force and Stress Output

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C h a p t e r XI

The Plane Element

The Plane el e ment is used to model plane-stress and plane-strain be hav ior intwo-di men sional sol ids. The Plane el e ment/ob ject is one type of area ob ject. De -pending on the type of sec tion prop er ties you as sign to an area, the ob ject could also be used to model shell and axisymmetric solid be hav ior. These types of el e mentsare dis cussed in the pre vi ous and fol low ing Chap ters.

Advanced Topics

• Over view

• Joint Con nec tivity

• De grees of Free dom

• Lo cal Co or di nate Sys tem

• Stresses and Strains

• Sec tion Prop erties

• Mass

• Self- Weight Load

• Grav ity Load

• Sur face Pres sure Load

• Pore Pres sure Load


Page 196: Sap 2000 Reference Manual

• Tem pera ture Load

• Stress Out put


The Plane el e ment is a three- or four-node el e ment for mod el ing two-di men sionalsol ids of uni form thick ness. It is based upon an isoparametric for mu la tion that in -cludes four op tional in com pat i ble bend ing modes. The el e ment should be pla nar; ifit is not, it is for mu lated for the pro jec tion of the el e ment upon an av er age planecalculated for the el e ment.

The in com pat i ble bend ing modes sig nif i cantly im prove the bend ing be hav ior ofthe el e ment if the el e ment ge om e try is of a rect an gu lar form. Im proved be hav ior isex hib ited even with non-rect an gu lar ge om e try.

Struc tures that can be mod eled with this el e ment in clude:

• Thin, pla nar struc tures in a state of plane stress

• Long, pris matic struc tures in a state of plane strain

The stresses and strains are as sumed not to vary in the thick ness di rec tion.

For plane-stress, the el e ment has no out-of-plane stiff ness. For plane-strain, the el e -ment can sup port loads with anti-plane shear stiff ness.

Each Plane el e ment has its own lo cal co or di nate sys tem for de fin ing Ma te rial prop -er ties and loads, and for in ter pret ing out put. Temperature- dependent, or tho tropicma te rial prop er ties are al lowed. Each ele ment may be loaded by grav ity (in any di -rec tion); sur face pres sure on the side faces; pore pres sure within the ele ment; andloads due to tem pera ture change.

An 2 x 2 nu mer i cal in te gra tion scheme is used for the Plane. Stresses in the el e mentlo cal co or di nate sys tem are eval u ated at the in te gra tion points and ex trap o lated tothe joints of the el e ment. An ap prox i mate er ror in the stresses can be es ti mated from the dif fer ence in val ues cal cu lated from dif fer ent el e ments at tached to a com monjoint. This will give an in di ca tion of the ac cu racy of the fi nite el e ment ap prox i ma -tion and can then be used as the ba sis for the se lec tion of a new and more ac cu ratefi nite el e ment mesh.

176 Overview

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Joint Connectivity

The joint con nec tiv ity and face def i ni tion is iden ti cal for all area ob jects, i.e., theShell, Plane, and Asolid elements. See Topic “Joint Con nec tiv ity” (page 147) inChap ter “The Shell El e ment” for more in for ma tion.

The Plane el e ment is in tended to be pla nar. If you de fine a four-node el e ment that is not pla nar, an av er age plane will be fit through the four joints, and the pro jec tion ofthe el e ment onto this plane will be used.

Degrees of Freedom

The Plane ele ment ac ti vates the three trans la tional de grees of free dom at each of itscon nected joints. Ro ta tional de grees of free dom are not ac ti vated.

The plane-stress el e ment con trib utes stiff ness only to the de grees of free dom in theplane of the ele ment. It is nec es sary to pro vide re straints or other sup ports for thetrans la tional de grees of free dom that are nor mal to this plane; oth er wise, the struc -ture will be un sta ble.

The plane-strain el e ment mod els anti-plane shear, i.e., shear that is nor mal to theplane of the el e ment, in ad di tion to the in-plane behavior. Thus stiff ness is cre atedfor all three translational de grees of freedom.

See Topic “De grees of Free dom” (page 30) in Chap ter “Joints and De grees of Free -dom” for more in for ma tion.

Local Coordinate System

The el e ment lo cal co or di nate sys tem is iden ti cal for all area ob jects, i.e., the Shell, Plane, and Asolid el e ments. See Topics “Lo cal Co or di nate Sys tem” (page 152) and “Ad vanced Lo cal Co or di nate Sys tem” (page 154) in Chap ter “The Shell El e ment”for more in for ma tion.

Stresses and Strains

The Plane ele ment mod els the mid- plane of a struc ture hav ing uni form thick ness,and whose stresses and strains do not vary in the thick ness di rec tion.

Joint Connectivity 177

Chapter XI The Plane Element

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Plane-stress is ap pro pri ate for struc tures that are thin com pared to their pla nar di -men sions. The thick ness nor mal stress (s 33 ) is as sumed to be zero. The thick nessnor mal strain (e 33 ) may not be zero due to Pois son ef fects. Trans verse shearstresses (s12 , s13 ) and shear strains (g12 , g13 ) are as sumed to be zero. Dis place -ments in the thick ness (lo cal 3) di rec tion have no ef fect on the el e ment.

Plane-strain is ap pro pri ate for struc tures that are thick com pared to their pla nar di -men sions. The thick ness nor mal strain (e 33 ) is as sumed to be zero. The thick nessnor mal stress (s 33 ) may not be zero due to Pois son ef fects. Trans verse shearstresses (s12 , s13 ) and shear strains (g12 , g13 ) are de pend ent upon displacements inthe thick ness (lo cal 3) di rec tion.

See Topic “Stresses and Strains” (page 71) in Chap ter “Ma te rial Prop er ties” formore in for ma tion.

Section Properties

A Plane Sec tion is a set of ma te rial and geo met ric prop er ties that de scribe thecross-sec tion of one or more Plane el e ments. Sec tions are de fined in de pend ently ofthe Plane el e ments, and are as signed to the area ob jects.

Section Type

When de fin ing an area sec tion, you have a choice of three ba sic el e ment types:

• Plane (stress or strain) – the sub ject of this Chap ter, a two-di men sional solid,with translational de grees of free dom, ca pa ble of sup port ing forces but not mo -ments.

• Shell – shell, plate, or mem brane, with translational and ro ta tional de grees offree dom, ca pa ble of sup port ing forces and mo ments. This el e ment is cov ered in Chap ter “The Shell El e ment” (page 145).

• Asolid – axisymmetric solid, with translational de grees of free dom, ca pa ble ofsup port ing forces but not mo ments. This el e ment is cov ered in Chap ter “TheAsolid El e ment” (page 185).

For Plane sec tions, you may choose one of the fol low ing sub-types of be hav ior:

• Plane stress

• Plane strain, in clud ing anti-plane shear

178 Section Properties

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Material Properties

The ma te rial prop er ties for each Plane el e ment are spec i fied by ref er ence to a pre vi -ously-de fined Ma te rial. Orthotropic prop er ties are used, even if the Ma te rial se -lected was de fined as anisotropic. The ma te rial prop er ties used by the Plane el e -ment are:

• The moduli of elas tic ity, e1, e2, and e3

• The shear modu lus, g12

• For plane-strain only, the shear moduli, g13 and g23

• The Pois son’s ra tios, u12, u13 and u23

• The co ef fi cients of ther mal ex pan sion, a1, a2, and a3

• The mass den sity, m, for com put ing el e ment mass

• The weight den sity, w, for com put ing Self-Weight and Grav ity Loads

The prop er ties e3, u13, u23, and a3 are not used for plane stress. They are used tocom pute the thick ness-nor mal stress (s 33 ) in plane strain.

All ma te rial prop er ties (ex cept the den si ties) are ob tained at the ma te rial tem per a -ture of each in di vid ual el e ment.

See Chap ter “Ma te rial Prop erties” (page 69) for more in for ma tion.

Material Angle

The ma te rial lo cal co or di nate sys tem and the el e ment (Plane Section) lo cal co or di -nate sys tem need not be the same. The lo cal 3 di rec tions al ways co in cide for thetwo sys tems, but the ma te rial 1 axis and the el e ment 1 axis may dif fer by the an gle aas shown in Figure 41 (page 180). This an gle has no ef fect for iso tro pic ma te rialprop er ties since they are in de pend ent of ori en ta tion.

See Topic “Lo cal Co or di nate Sys tem” (page 70) in Chap ter “Ma te rial Prop erties”for more in for ma tion.


Each Plane Sec tion has a uni form thick ness, th. This may be the ac tual thick ness,par tic u larly for plane-stress el e ments; or it may be a rep re sen ta tive por tion, such asa unit thick ness of an in fi nitely-thick plane-strain el e ment.

Section Properties 179

Chapter XI The Plane Element

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The el e ment thick ness is used for cal cu lat ing the el e ment stiff ness, mass, and loads. Hence, joint forces com puted from the el e ment are pro por tional to this thick ness.

Incompatible Bending Modes

By de fault each Plane el e ment in cludes four in com pat i ble bend ing modes in itsstiff ness for mu la tion. These in com pat i ble bend ing modes sig nif i cantly im provethe bend ing be hav ior in the plane of the el e ment if the el e ment ge om e try is of a rect -an gu lar form. Im proved be hav ior is ex hib ited even with non-rect an gu lar ge om e try.

If an el e ment is se verely dis torted, the in clu sion of the in com pat i ble modes shouldbe sup pressed. The el e ment then uses the stan dard isoparametric for mu la tion. In -com pat i ble bend ing modes may also be sup pressed in cases where bend ing is notim por tant, such as in typ i cal geotechnical prob lems.


In a dy namic analy sis, the mass of the struc ture is used to com pute in er tial forces.The mass con trib uted by the Plane ele ment is lumped at the ele ment joints. No in er -tial ef fects are con sid ered within the ele ment it self.

180 Mass

CSI Analysis Reference Manual

3 (Element, Material)



1 (Element)

1 (Material)

2 (Element)

2 (Material)

Figure 41Plane Element Material Angle

Page 201: Sap 2000 Reference Manual

The to tal mass of the ele ment is equal to the in te gral over the plane of the ele ment of the mass den sity, m, mul ti plied by the thick ness, th. The to tal mass is ap por tionedto the joints in a man ner that is pro por tional to the di ago nal terms of the con sis tentmass ma trix. See Cook, Malkus, and Ple sha (1989) for more in for ma tion. The to talmass is ap plied to each of the three trans la tional de grees of free dom (UX, UY, andUZ) even when the ele ment con trib utes stiff ness to only two of these de grees offree dom.

For more in for ma tion:

• See Topic “Mass Den sity” (page 76) in Chap ter “Ma te rial Prop er ties.”

• See Chap ter “Anal y sis Cases” (page 287).

Self-Weight Load

Self- Weight Load ac ti vates the self- weight of all ele ments in the model. For a Plane ele ment, the self- weight is a force that is uni formly dis trib uted over the plane of theele ment. The mag ni tude of the self- weight is equal to the weight den sity, w, mul ti -plied by the thick ness, th.

Self- Weight Load al ways acts down ward, in the global –Z di rec tion. You mayscale the self- weight by a sin gle scale fac tor that ap plies equally to all ele ments inthe struc ture.

For more in for ma tion:

• See Topic “Weight Den sity” (page 77) in Chap ter “Ma te rial Prop er ties” for thedefi ni tion of w.

• See Topic “Thick ness” (page 179) in this Chap ter for the defi ni tion of th.

• See Topic “Self- Weight Load” (page 275) in Chap ter “Load Cases.”

Gravity Load

Grav ity Load can be ap plied to each Plane ele ment to ac ti vate the self- weight of theele ment. Us ing Grav ity Load, the self- weight can be scaled and ap plied in any di -rec tion. Dif fer ent scale fac tors and di rec tions can be ap plied to each ele ment.

If all ele ments are to be loaded equally and in the down ward di rec tion, it is morecon ven ient to use Self- Weight Load.

For more in for ma tion:

Self-Weight Load 181

Chapter XI The Plane Element

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• See Topic “Self- Weight Load” (page 181) in this Chap ter for the defi ni tion ofself- weight for the Plane ele ment.

• See Topic “Grav ity Load” (page 276) in Chap ter “Load Cases.”

Surface Pressure Load

The Sur face Pres sure Load is used to ap ply ex ter nal pres sure loads upon any of thethree or four side faces of the Plane ele ment. The defi ni tion of these faces is shownin Figure 31 (page 148). Sur face pres sure al ways acts nor mal to the face. Posi tivepres sures are di rected to ward the in te rior of the ele ment.

The pres sure may be con stant over a face or in ter po lated from val ues given at thejoints. The val ues given at the joints are ob tained from Joint Pat terns, and need notbe the same for the dif fer ent faces. Joint Pat terns can be used to eas ily ap ply hy dro -static pres sures.

The pres sure act ing on a side is mul ti plied by the thick ness, th, in te grated along thelength of the side, and ap por tioned to the two or three joints on that side.

See Chap ter “Load Cases” (page 271) for more in for ma tion.

Pore Pressure Load

The Pore Pres sure Load is used to model the drag and buoy ancy ef fects of a fluidwithin a solid me dium, such as the ef fect of wa ter upon the solid skele ton of a soil.

Sca lar fluid- pressure val ues are given at the ele ment joints by Joint Pat terns, and in -ter po lated over the ele ment. The to tal force act ing on the ele ment is the in te gral ofthe gra di ent of this pres sure field over the plane of the ele ment, mul ti plied by thethick ness, th. This force is ap por tioned to each of the joints of the ele ment. Theforces are typi cally di rected from re gions of high pres sure to ward re gions of lowpres sure.

See Chap ter “Load Cases” (page 271) for more in for ma tion.

Temperature Load

The Tem pera ture Load cre ates ther mal strain in the Plane ele ment. This strain isgiven by the prod uct of the Ma te rial co ef fi cient of ther mal ex pan sion and the tem -pera ture change of the ele ment. The tem pera ture change is meas ured from the ele —

182 Surface Pressure Load

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Page 203: Sap 2000 Reference Manual

ment Ref er ence Tem pera ture to the ele ment Load Tem pera ture. Tem pera turechanges are as sumed to be con stant through the ele ment thick ness.

See Chap ter “Load Cases” (page 271) for more in for ma tion.

Stress Output

The Plane ele ment stresses are evalu ated at the stan dard 2- by-2 Gauss in te gra tionpoints of the ele ment and ex trapo lated to the joints. See Cook, Malkus, and Ple sha(1989) for more in for ma tion.

Prin ci pal val ues and their as so ci ated prin ci pal di rec tions in the ele ment lo cal 1-2plane are also com puted for sin gle-val ued anal y sis cases. The an gle given is meas -ured coun ter clock wise (when viewed from the +3 di rec tion) from the lo cal 1 axis to the di rec tion of the maxi mum prin ci pal value.

For more in for ma tion:

• See Chap ter “Load Cases” (page 271).

• See Chap ter “Anal y sis Cases” (page 287).

Stress Output 183

Chapter XI The Plane Element

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184 Stress Output

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C h a p t e r XII

The Asolid Element

The Aso lid ele ment is used to model axi sym met ric sol ids un der axi sym met ric load -ing.

Advanced Topics

• Over view

• Joint Con nec tivity

• De grees of Free dom

• Lo cal Co or di nate Sys tem

• Stresses and Strains

• Sec tion Prop erties

• Mass

• Self- Weight Load

• Grav ity Load

• Sur face Pres sure Load

• Pore Pres sure Load

• Tem pera ture Load

• Ro tate Load


Page 206: Sap 2000 Reference Manual

• Stress Out put


The Asolid el e ment is a three- or four-node el e ment for mod el ing axisymmetricstruc tures un der axisymmetric load ing. It is based upon an isoparametric for mu la -tion that in cludes four op tional in com pat i ble bend ing modes.

The el e ment mod els a rep re sen ta tive two-di men sional cross sec tion of the three-di -men sional axisymmetric solid. The axis of sym me try may be lo cated ar bi trarily inthe model. Each el e ment should lie fully in a plane containing the axis of sym me try. If it does not, it is for mu lated for the pro jec tion of the el e ment upon the plane con -tain ing the axis of sym me try and the cen ter of the el e ment.

The ge om e try, load ing, dis place ments, stresses, and strains are as sumed not to vary in the cir cumfer ential di rec tion. Any dis place ments that oc cur in the cir cumfer -ential di rec tion are treated as axisymmetric torsion.

The use of in com pat i ble bend ing modes sig nif i cantly im proves the in-plane bend -ing be hav ior of the el e ment if the el e ment ge om e try is of a rect an gu lar form. Im -proved be hav ior is ex hib ited even with non-rect an gu lar ge om e try.

Each Asolid el e ment has its own lo cal co or di nate sys tem for de fin ing Ma te rialprop er ties and loads, and for in ter pret ing out put. Tem per a ture-de pend ent,orthotropic ma te rial prop er ties are al lowed. Each el e ment may be loaded by grav ity (in any di rec tion); cen trif u gal force; sur face pres sure on the side faces; pore pres -sure within the el e ment; and loads due to tem per a ture change.

An 2 x 2 nu mer i cal in te gra tion scheme is used for the Asolid. Stresses in the el e -ment lo cal co or di nate sys tem are eval u ated at the in te gra tion points and ex trap o -lated to the joints of the el e ment. An ap prox i mate er ror in the stresses can be es ti -mated from the dif fer ence in val ues cal cu lated from dif fer ent el e ments at tached to a com mon joint. This will give an in di ca tion of the ac cu racy of the fi nite el e ment ap -prox i ma tion and can then be used as the ba sis for the se lec tion of a new and moreac cu rate fi nite el e ment mesh.

Joint Connectivity

The joint con nec tiv ity and face def i ni tion is iden ti cal for all area ob jects, i.e., theShell, Plane, and Asolid el e ments. See Topic “Joint Con nec tiv ity” (page 147) inChap ter “The Shell El e ment” for more in for ma tion.

186 Overview

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The Asolid el e ment is in tended to be pla nar and to lie in a plane that con tains theaxis of sym me try. If not, a plane is found that con tains the axis of sym me try and thecenter of the el e ment, and the pro jec tion of the el e ment onto this plane will be used.

Joints for a given el e ment may not lie on op po site sides of the axis of sym me try.They may lie on the axis of sym me try and/or to one side of it.

Degrees of Freedom

The Aso lid ele ment ac ti vates the three trans la tional de grees of free dom at each ofits con nected joints. Ro ta tional de grees of free dom are not ac ti vated.

Stiff ness is cre ated for all three de grees of free dom. De grees of free dom in theplane rep re sent the radial and ax ial be hav ior. The nor mal trans la tion rep re sentscircumferential tor sion.

See Topic “De grees of Free dom” (page 30) in Chap ter “Joints and De grees of Free -dom” for more in for ma tion.

Local Coordinate System

The el e ment lo cal co or di nate sys tem is iden ti cal for all area ob jects, i.e., the Shell, Plane, and Asolid el e ments. See Topics “Lo cal Co or di nate Sys tem” (page 152) and “Ad vanced Lo cal Co or di nate Sys tem” (page 154) in Chap ter “The Shell El e ment”for more in for ma tion.

The lo cal 3 axis is nor mal to the plane of the el e ment, and is the neg a tive of the cir -cumfer ential di rec tion. The 1-2 plane is the same as the ra dial-ax ial plane, al thoughthe ori en ta tion of the lo cal axes is not re stricted to be par al lel to the ra dial and ax ialaxes.

The ra dial di rec tion runs per pen dic u larly from the axis of sym me try to the cen ter of the el e ment. The ax ial di rec tion is par al lel to the axis of sym me try, with the pos i tive sense be ing up ward when look ing along the circumferential (–3) di rec tion with thera dial di rec tion point ing to the right.

Degrees of Freedom 187

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Stresses and Strains

The Aso lid ele ment mod els the mid- plane of a rep re sen ta tive sec tor of an axi sym -met ric struc ture whose stresses and strains do not vary in the cir cum fer en tial di rec -tion.

Dis place ments in the lo cal 1-2 plane cause in-plane strains (g11, g 22 , g12 ) andstresses (s11, s 22 , s12 ).

Dis place ments in the ra dial di rec tion also cause cir cum fer en tial nor mal strains:

e 33 =u


where ur is the ra dial dis place ment, and r is the ra dius at the point in ques tion. Thecir cumfer ential nor mal stress (s 33 ) is com puted as usual from the three nor malstrains.

Dis place ments in the cir cumfer ential (lo cal 3) di rec tion cause only tor sion, re sult -ing in cir cumfer ential shear strains (g12 , g13 ) and stresses (s12 , s13 ).

See Topic “Stresses and Strains” (page 71) in Chap ter “Ma te rial Prop erties” formore in for ma tion.

Section Properties

An Asolid Sec tion is a set of ma te rial and geo met ric prop er ties that de scribe thecross-sec tion of one or more Asolid el e ments. Sec tions are de fined in de pend entlyof the Asolid el e ments, and are as signed to the area ob jects.

Section Type

When de fin ing an area sec tion, you have a choice of three ba sic el e ment types:

• Asolid – the sub ject of this Chap ter, an axisymmetric solid, with translationalde grees of free dom, ca pa ble of sup port ing forces but not mo ments.

• Plane (stress or strain) – a two-di men sional solid, with translational de grees offree dom, ca pa ble of sup port ing forces but not mo ments. This el e ment is cov -ered in Chap ter “The Plane El e ment” (page 175).

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• Shell – shell, plate, or mem brane, with translational and ro ta tional de grees offree dom, ca pa ble of sup port ing forces and mo ments. This el e ment is cov ered in Chap ter “The Shell El e ment” (page 145).

Af ter se lect ing an Asolid type of sec tion, you must sup ply the rest of the data de -scribed be low.

Material Properties

The ma te rial prop er ties for each Asolid el e ment are spec i fied by ref er ence to a pre -vi ously-de fined Ma te rial. Orthotropic prop er ties are used, even if the Ma te rial se -lected was de fined as anisotropic. The ma te rial prop er ties used by the Asolid el e -ment are:

• The moduli of elas tic ity, e1, e2, and e3

• The shear moduli, g12, g13, and g23

• The Pois son’s ra tios, u12, u13 and u23

• The co ef fi cients of ther mal ex pan sion, a1, a2, and a3

• The mass den sity, m, for com put ing el e ment mass

• The weight den sity, w, for com put ing Self-Weight and Grav ity Loads

All ma te rial prop er ties (ex cept the den si ties) are ob tained at the ma te rial tem per a -ture of each in di vid ual el e ment.

See Chap ter “Ma te rial Prop erties” (page 69) for more in for ma tion.

Material Angle

The ma te rial lo cal co or di nate sys tem and the el e ment (Asolid Sec tion) lo cal co or di -nate sys tem need not be the same. The lo cal 3 di rec tions al ways co in cide for thetwo sys tems, but the ma te rial 1 axis and the el e ment 1 axis may dif fer by the an gle aas shown in Figure 42 (page 190). This an gle has no ef fect for iso tro pic ma te rialprop er ties since they are in de pend ent of ori en ta tion.

See Topic “Lo cal Co or di nate Sys tem” (page 70) in Chap ter “Ma te rial Prop erties”for more in for ma tion.

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Axis of Sym me try

For each Asolid Sec tion, you may se lect an axis of sym me try. This axis is spec i fiedas the Z axis of an al ter nate co or di nate sys tem that you have de fined. All Asolid el -e ments that use a given Asolid Sec tion will have the same axis of sym me try.

For most mod el ing cases, you will only need a sin gle axis of sym me try. How ever,if you want to have mul ti ple axes of sym me try in your model, just set up as many al -ter nate co or di nate sys tems as needed for this pur pose and de fine cor re spond ingAsolid Sec tion prop er ties.

You should be aware that it is al most im pos si ble to make a sen si ble model that con -nects Asolid el e ments with other el e ment types, or that con nects to gether Asolid el -e ments us ing dif fer ent axes of sym me try. The prac ti cal ap pli ca tion of hav ing mul ti -ple axes of sym me try is to have mul ti ple in de pend ent axisymmetric struc tures inthe same model.

See Topic “Al ter nate Co or di nate Sys tems” (page 16) in Chap ter “Co or di nate Sys -tems” for more in for ma tion.

190 Section Properties

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3 (Element, Material)



1 (Element)

1 (Material)

2 (Element)

2 (Material)

Figure 42Asolid Element Material Angle

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Arc and Thickness

The Asolid el e ment rep re sents a solid that is cre ated by ro tat ing the el e ment’s pla -nar shape through 360° about the axis of sym me try. How ever, the anal y sis con sid -ers only a rep re sen ta tive sec tor of the solid. You can spec ify the size of the sec tor,in de grees, us ing the pa ram e ter arc. For ex am ple, arc=360 mod els the full struc -ture, and arc=90 mod els one quar ter of it. See Figure 43 (page 191). Set ting arc=0,

the de fault, mod els a one-ra dian sec tor. One ra dian is the same as 180°/p, or ap -prox i mately 57.3°.

The el e ment “thick ness” (cir cumfer ential ex tent), h, in creases with the ra dial dis -tance, r, from the axis of sym me try:

h r=×p arc


Clearly the thick ness var ies over the plane of the el e ment.

The el e ment thick ness is used for cal cu lat ing the el e ment stiff ness, mass, and loads. Hence, joint forces com puted from the el e ment are pro por tional to arc.

Section Properties 191

Chapter XII The Asolid Element

X, 3 Y, 1

Z, 2






Figure 43Asolid Element Local Coordinate System and Arc Definition

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Incompatible Bending Modes

By de fault each Asolid el e ment in cludes four in com pat i ble bend ing modes in itsstiff ness for mu la tion. These in com pat i ble bend ing modes sig nif i cantly im provethe bend ing be hav ior in the plane of the el e ment if the el e ment ge om e try is of a rect -an gu lar form. Im proved be hav ior is ex hib ited even with non-rect an gu lar ge om e try.

If an el e ment is se verely dis torted, the in clu sion of the in com pat i ble modes shouldbe sup pressed. The el e ment then uses the stan dard isoparametric for mu la tion. In -com pat i ble bend ing modes may also be sup pressed in cases where bend ing is notim por tant, such as in typ i cal geotechnical prob lems.


In a dy namic analy sis, the mass of the struc ture is used to com pute in er tial forces.The mass con trib uted by the Aso lid ele ment is lumped at the ele ment joints. No in -er tial ef fects are con sid ered within the ele ment it self.

The to tal mass of the ele ment is equal to the in te gral over the plane of the ele ment of the prod uct of the mass den sity, m, mul ti plied by the thick ness, h. The to tal mass isap por tioned to the joints in a man ner that is pro por tional to the di ago nal terms ofthe con sis tent mass ma trix. See Cook, Malkus, and Ple sha (1989) for more in for -ma tion. The to tal mass is ap plied to each of the three trans la tional de grees of free -dom (UX, UY, and UZ).

For more in for ma tion:

• See Topic “Mass Den sity” (page 76) in Chap ter “Ma te rial Prop er ties.”

• See Chap ter “Anal y sis Cases” (page 287).

Self-Weight Load

Self- Weight Load ac ti vates the self- weight of all ele ments in the model. For anAso lid ele ment, the self- weight is a force that is dis trib uted over the plane of theele ment. The mag ni tude of the self- weight is equal to the weight den sity, w, mul ti -plied by the thick ness, h.

Self- Weight Load al ways acts down ward, in the global –Z di rec tion. If the down -ward di rec tion cor re sponds to the ra dial or cir cum fer en tial di rec tion of an Aso lidele ment, the Self- Weight Load for that ele ment will be zero, since self- weight act —

192 Mass

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ing in these di rec tions is not axi sym met ric. Non- zero Self- Weight Load will onlyex ist for ele ments whose ax ial di rec tion is ver ti cal.

You may scale the self- weight by a sin gle scale fac tor that ap plies equally to all ele -ments in the struc ture.

For more in for ma tion:

• See Topic “Weight Den sity” (page 77) in Chap ter “Ma te rial Prop er ties” for thedefi ni tion of w.

• See Subtopic “Arc and Thick ness” (page 191) in this Chap ter for the defi ni tionof h.

• See Topic “Self- Weight Load” (page 275) in Chap ter “Load Cases.”

Gravity Load

Grav ity Load can be ap plied to each Aso lid ele ment to ac ti vate the self- weight ofthe ele ment. Us ing Grav ity Load, the self- weight can be scaled and ap plied in anydi rec tion. Dif fer ent scale fac tors and di rec tions can be ap plied to each ele ment.How ever, only the com po nents of Grav ity load act ing in the ax ial di rec tion of anAso lid ele ment will be non- zero. Com po nents in the ra dial or cir cum fer en tial di rec -tion will be set to zero, since grav ity act ing in these di rec tions is not axi sym met ric.

If all ele ments are to be loaded equally and in the down ward di rec tion, it is morecon ven ient to use Self- Weight Load.

For more in for ma tion:

• See Topic “Self- Weight Load” (page 192) in this Chap ter for the defi ni tion ofself- weight for the Aso lid ele ment.

• See Topic “Grav ity Load” (page 276) in Chap ter “Load Cases.”

Surface Pressure Load

The Sur face Pres sure Load is used to ap ply ex ter nal pres sure loads upon any of thethree or four side faces of the Aso lid ele ment. The defi ni tion of these faces is shown in Figure 31 (page 148). Sur face pres sure al ways acts nor mal to the face. Posi tivepres sures are di rected to ward the in te rior of the ele ment.

The pres sure may be con stant over a face or in ter po lated from val ues given at thejoints. The val ues given at the joints are ob tained from Joint Pat terns, and need not

Gravity Load 193

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be the same for the dif fer ent faces. Joint Pat terns can be used to eas ily ap ply hy dro -static pres sures.

The pres sure act ing on a side is mul ti plied by the thick ness, h, in te grated along thelength of the side, and ap por tioned to the two or three joints on that side.

See Chap ter “Load Cases” (page 271) for more in for ma tion.

Pore Pressure Load

The Pore Pres sure Load is used to model the drag and buoy ancy ef fects of a fluidwithin a solid me dium, such as the ef fect of wa ter upon the solid skele ton of a soil.

Sca lar fluid- pressure val ues are given at the ele ment joints by Joint Pat terns, and in -ter po lated over the ele ment. The to tal force act ing on the ele ment is the in te gral ofthe gra di ent of this pres sure field, mul ti plied by the thick ness h, over the plane ofthe ele ment. This force is ap por tioned to each of the joints of the ele ment. Theforces are typi cally di rected from re gions of high pres sure to ward re gions of lowpres sure.

See Chap ter “Load Cases” (page 271) for more in for ma tion.

Temperature Load

The Tem per a ture Load cre ates ther mal strain in the Asolid el e ment. This strain isgiven by the prod uct of the Ma te rial co ef fi cient of ther mal ex pan sion and the tem -per a ture change of the el e ment. All spec i fied Tem per a ture Loads rep re sent achange in tem per a ture from the un stressed state for a lin ear anal y sis, or from thepre vi ous tem per a ture in a non lin ear anal y sis. Tem per a ture changes are as sumed tobe con stant through the el e ment thick ness.

See Chap ter “Load Cases” (page 271) for more in for ma tion.

Rotate Load

Ro tate Load is used to ap ply cen trifu gal force to Aso lid ele ments. Each ele ment isas sumed to ro tate about its own axis of sym me try at a con stant an gu lar ve loc ity.

The an gu lar ve loc ity cre ates a load on the ele ment that is pro por tional to its mass,its dis tance from the axis of ro ta tion, and the square of the an gu lar ve loc ity. This

194 Pore Pressure Load

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load acts in the posi tive ra dial di rec tion, and is ap por tioned to each joint of the ele -ment. No Ro tate Load will be pro duced by an ele ment with zero mass den sity.

Since Ro tate Loads as sume a con stant rate of ro ta tion, it does not make sense to usea Load Case that con tains Ro tate Load in a time- history analy sis un less that LoadCase is ap plied quasi- statically (i.e., with a very slow time varia tion).

For more in for ma tion:

• See Topic “Mass Den sity” (page 76) in Chap ter “Ma te rial Prop er ties.”

• See Chap ter “Load Cases” (page 271).

Stress Output

The Asolid el e ment stresses are eval u ated at the stan dard 2-by-2 Gauss in te gra tionpoints of the el e ment and ex trap o lated to the joints. See Cook, Malkus, and Plesha(1989) for more in for ma tion.

Prin ci pal val ues and their as so ci ated prin ci pal di rec tions in the el e ment lo cal 1-2plane are also com puted for sin gle-val ued anal y sis cases. The an gle given is mea -sured coun ter clock wise (when viewed from the +3 di rec tion) from the lo cal 1 axisto the di rec tion of the max i mum prin ci pal value.

For more in for ma tion:

• See Chap ter “Load Cases” (page 271).

• See Chap ter “Anal y sis Cases” (page 287).

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196 Stress Output

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C h a p t e r XIII

The Solid Element

The Solid ele ment is used to model three- dimensional solid struc tures.

Advanced Topics

• Over view

• Joint Con nec tivity

• De grees of Free dom

• Lo cal Co or di nate Sys tem

• Ad vanced Lo cal Co or di nate Sys tem

• Stresses and Strains

• Solid Prop erties

• Mass

• Self- Weight Load

• Grav ity Load

• Sur face Pres sure Load

• Pore Pres sure Load

• Tem pera ture Load

• Stress Out put


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The Solid ele ment is an eight- node ele ment for mod el ing three- dimensional struc -tures and sol ids. It is based upon an iso para met ric for mu la tion that in cludes nineop tional in com pati ble bend ing modes.

The in com pati ble bend ing modes sig nifi cantly im prove the bend ing be hav ior ofthe ele ment if the ele ment ge ome try is of a rec tan gu lar form. Im proved be hav ior isex hib ited even with non- rectangular ge ome try.

Each Solid el e ment has its own lo cal co or di nate sys tem for de fin ing Ma te rial prop -er ties and loads, and for in ter pret ing out put. Temperature- dependent, ani sotropicma te rial prop er ties are al lowed. Each ele ment may be loaded by grav ity (in any di -rec tion); sur face pres sure on the faces; pore pres sure within the ele ment; and loadsdue to tem pera ture change.

An 2 x 2 x 2 nu meri cal in te gra tion scheme is used for the Solid. Stresses in the ele -ment lo cal co or di nate sys tem are evalu ated at the in te gra tion points and ex trapo -lated to the joints of the ele ment. An ap proxi mate er ror in the stresses can be es ti -mated from the dif fer ence in val ues cal cu lated from dif fer ent ele ments at tached to a com mon joint. This will give an in di ca tion of the ac cu racy of the fi nite ele ment ap -proxi ma tion and can then be used as the ba sis for the se lec tion of a new and moreac cu rate fi nite ele ment mesh.

Joint Connectivity

Each Solid ele ment has six quad ri lat eral faces, with a joint lo cated at each of theeight cor ners as shown in Figure 44 (page 199). It is im por tant to note the rela tivepo si tion of the eight joints: the paths j1-j2-j3 and j5-j6-j7 should ap pear coun ter -clock wise when viewed along the di rec tion from j5 to j1. Mathe mati cally stated,the three vec tors:

• V12 , from joints j1 to j2,

• V13 , from joints j1 to j3,

• V15 , from joints j1 to j5,

must form a posi tive tri ple prod uct, that is:

( )V V V12 13 15 0´ × >

198 Overview

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The lo ca tions of the joints should be cho sen to meet the fol low ing geo met ric con di -tions:

• The in side an gle at each cor ner of the faces must be less than 180°. Best re sultswill be ob tained when these an gles are near 90°, or at least in the range of 45° to 135°.

• The as pect ra tio of an ele ment should not be too large. This is the ra tio of thelong est di men sion of the ele ment to its short est di men sion. Best re sults are ob -tained for as pect ra tios near unity, or at least less than four. The as pect ra tioshould not ex ceed ten.

These con di tions can usu ally be met with ade quate mesh re fine ment.

Degrees of Freedom

The Solid ele ment ac ti vates the three trans la tional de grees of free dom at each of itscon nected joints. Ro ta tional de grees of free dom are not ac ti vated. This ele mentcon trib utes stiff ness to all of these trans la tional de grees of free dom.

Degrees of Freedom 199

Chapter XIII The Solid Element








Face 1

Face 2

Face 3

Face 4

Face 5

Face 6

Figure 44Solid Element Joint Connectivity and Face Definitions

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See Topic “De grees of Free dom” (page 30) in Chap ter “Joints and De grees of Free -dom” for more in for ma tion.

Local Coordinate System

Each Solid ele ment has its own ele ment lo cal co or di nate sys tem used to de fineMa te rial prop er ties, loads and out put. The axes of this lo cal sys tem are de noted 1, 2and 3. By de fault these axes are iden ti cal to the global X, Y, and Z axes, re spec -tively. Both sys tems are right-handed co or di nate sys tems.

The de fault lo cal co or di nate sys tem is ad e quate for most sit u a tions. How ever, forcer tain mod el ing pur poses it may be use ful to use el e ment lo cal co or di nate sys temsthat fol low the ge om e try of the struc ture.

For more in for ma tion:

• See Topic “Up ward and Hor i zon tal Di rec tions” (page 13) in Chap ter “Co or di -nate Sys tems.”

• See Topic “Ad vanced Lo cal Co or di nate Sys tem” (page 200) in this Chap ter.

Advanced Local Coordinate System

By de fault, the element lo cal 1-2-3 co or di nate sys tem is iden ti cal to the globalX-Y-Z co or di nate sys tem, as de scribed in the pre vi ous topic. In cer tain mod el ingsit u a tions it may be use ful to have more con trol over the spec i fi ca tion of the lo calco or di nate sys tem.

A va ri ety of meth ods are avail able to de fine a solid-el e ment lo cal co or di nate sys -tem. These may be used sep a rately or to gether. Lo cal co or di nate axes may be de -fined to be par al lel to ar bi trary co or di nate di rec tions in an ar bi trary co or di nate sys -tem or to vec tors be tween pairs of joints. In ad di tion, the lo cal co or di nate sys temmay be spec i fied by a set of three el e ment co or di nate an gles. These meth ods are de -scribed in the subtopics that fol low.

For more in for ma tion:

• See Chap ter “Co or di nate Sys tems” (page 11).

• See Topic “Lo cal Co or di nate Sys tem” (page 200) in this Chap ter.

200 Local Coordinate System

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Reference Vectors

To de fine a solid-element lo cal co or di nate sys tem you must spec ify two ref er encevec tors that are par al lel to one of the lo cal co or di nate planes. The axis ref er encevec tor, Va , must be par al lel to one of the lo cal axes (I = 1, 2, or 3) in this plane and

have a pos i tive pro jec tion upon that axis. The plane ref er ence vec tor, Vp, must

have a pos i tive pro jec tion upon the other lo cal axis (j = 1, 2, or 3, but I ¹ j) in thisplane, but need not be par al lel to that axis. Hav ing a pos i tive pro jec tion means that

the pos i tive di rec tion of the ref er ence vec tor must make an an gle of less than 90°with the pos i tive di rec tion of the lo cal axis.

To gether, the two ref er ence vec tors de fine a lo cal axis, I, and a lo cal plane, i-j.From this, the pro gram can de ter mine the third lo cal axis, k, us ing vec tor al ge bra.

For ex am ple, you could choose the axis ref er ence vec tor par al lel to lo cal axis 1 andthe plane ref er ence vec tor par al lel to the lo cal 1-2 plane (I = 1, j = 2). Al ter na tively,you could choose the axis ref er ence vec tor par al lel to lo cal axis 3 and the plane ref -er ence vec tor par al lel to the lo cal 3-2 plane (I = 3, j = 2). You may choose the planethat is most con ve nient to de fine us ing the pa ram e ter lo cal, which may take on theval ues 12, 13, 21, 23, 31, or 32. The two dig its cor re spond to I and j, re spec tively.The de fault is value is 31.

Defining the Axis Reference Vector

To de fine the axis ref er ence vec tor, you must first spec ify or use the de fault val uesfor:

• A co or di nate di rec tion axdir (the de fault is +Z)

• A fixed co or di nate sys tem csys (the de fault is zero, in di cat ing the global co or -di nate sys tem)

You may op tion ally spec ify:

• A pair of joints, axveca and axvecb (the de fault for each is zero, in di cat ing thecen ter of the el e ment). If both are zero, this op tion is not used.

For each element, the axis ref er ence vec tor is de ter mined as fol lows:

1. A vec tor is found from joint axveca to joint axvecb. If this vec tor is of fi nitelength, it is used as the ref er ence vec tor Va

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2. Oth er wise, the co or di nate di rec tion axdir is eval u ated at the cen ter of the el e -ment in fixed co or di nate sys tem csys, and is used as the ref er ence vec tor Va

Defining the Plane Reference Vector

To de fine the plane ref er ence vec tor, you must first spec ify or use the de fault val ues for:

• A pri mary co or di nate di rec tion pldirp (the de fault is +X)

• A sec ond ary co or di nate di rec tion pldirs (the de fault is +Y). Di rec tions pldirsand pldirp should not be par al lel to each other un less you are sure that they arenot par al lel to lo cal axis 1

• A fixed co or di nate sys tem csys (the de fault is zero, in di cat ing the global co or -di nate sys tem). This will be the same co or di nate sys tem that was used to de finethe axis ref er ence vec tor, as de scribed above

You may op tion ally spec ify:

• A pair of joints, plveca and plvecb (the de fault for each is zero, in di cat ing thecen ter of the el e ment). If both are zero, this op tion is not used.

For each element, the plane ref er ence vec tor is de ter mined as fol lows:

1. A vec tor is found from joint plveca to joint plvecb. If this vec tor is of fi nitelength and is not par al lel to lo cal axis I, it is used as the ref er ence vec tor Vp

2. Oth er wise, the pri mary co or di nate di rec tion pldirp is eval u ated at the cen ter ofthe el e ment in fixed co or di nate sys tem csys. If this di rec tion is not par al lel tolo cal axis I, it is used as the ref er ence vec tor Vp

3. Oth er wise, the sec ond ary co or di nate di rec tion pldirs is eval u ated at the cen terof the el e ment in fixed co or di nate sys tem csys. If this di rec tion is not par al lel to lo cal axis I, it is used as the ref er ence vec tor Vp

4. Oth er wise, the method fails and the anal y sis ter mi nates. This will never hap pen if pldirp is not par al lel to pldirs

A vec tor is con sid ered to be par al lel to lo cal axis I if the sine of the an gle be tweenthem is less than 10


202 Advanced Local Coordinate System

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Determining the Local Axes from the Reference Vectors

The pro gram uses vec tor cross prod ucts to de ter mine the lo cal axes from the ref er -ence vec tors. The three axes are rep re sented by the three unit vec tors V1, V2 andV3 , re spec tively. The vec tors sat isfy the cross-prod uct re la tion ship:

V V V1 2 3= ´

The lo cal axis Vi is given by the vec tor Va af ter it has been nor mal ized to unitlength.

The re main ing two axes, Vj and Vk , are de fined as fol lows:

• If I and j per mute in a pos i tive sense, i.e., lo cal = 12, 23, or 31, then:

V V Vk i p= ´ and

V V Vj k i= ´

• If I and j per mute in a neg a tive sense, i.e., lo cal = 21, 32, or 13, then:

V V Vk p i= ´ and

V V Vj i k= ´

Advanced Local Coordinate System 203

Chapter XIII The Solid Element

V is parallel to axveca-axvecbaV is parallel to plveca-plvecbp

V = V3 aV = V x V All vectors normalized to unit length.2 3 p V = V x V1 2 3








Plane 3-1







Figure 45Example of the Determination of the Solid Element Local Coordinate SystemUsing Reference Vectors for local=31. Point j is the Center of the Element.

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An ex am ple show ing the de ter mi na tion of the element lo cal co or di nate sys tem us -ing ref er ence vec tors is given in Figure 45 (page 203).

Element Coordinate Angles

The solid-el e ment lo cal co or di nate axes de ter mined from the ref er ence vec tors may be fur ther mod i fied by the use of three el e ment co or di nate an gles, de noted a, b,and c. In the case where the de fault ref er ence vec tors are used, the co or di nate an -gles de fine the ori en ta tion of the el e ment lo cal co or di nate sys tem with re spect tothe global axes.

The el e ment co or di nate an gles spec ify ro ta tions of the lo cal co or di nate sys temabout its own cur rent axes. The re sult ing ori en ta tion of the lo cal co or di nate sys temis ob tained ac cord ing to the fol low ing pro ce dure:

1. The lo cal sys tem is first ro tated about its +3 axis by an gle a

2. The lo cal sys tem is next ro tated about its re sult ing +2 axis by an gle b

3. The lo cal sys tem is lastly ro tated about its re sult ing +1 axis by an gle c

The or der in which the ro ta tions are per formed is im por tant. The use of co or di natean gles to ori ent the el e ment lo cal co or di nate sys tem with re spect to the global sys -tem is shown in Figure 4 (page 29).

Stresses and Strains

The Solid ele ment mod els a gen eral state of stress and strain in a three- dimensionalsolid. All six stress and strain com po nents are ac tive for this ele ment.

See Topic “Stresses and Strains” (page 71) in Chap ter “Ma te rial Prop er ties” formore in for ma tion.

Solid Properties

A Solid Property is a set of ma te rial and geo met ric prop er ties to be used by one ormore Solid el e ments. Solid Prop erties are de fined in de pend ently of the Solid el e -ments/objects, and are as signed to the el e ments.

204 Stresses and Strains

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Solid Properties 205

Chapter XIII The Solid Element










Z, 3

















Step 1: Rotation aboutlocal 3 axis by angle a

Step 2: Rotation about newlocal 2 axis by angle b

Step 3: Rotation about newlocal 1 axis by angle c

Figure 46Use of Element Coordinate Angles to Orient the

Solid Element Local Coordinate System

Page 226: Sap 2000 Reference Manual

Material Properties

The ma te rial prop er ties for each Solid Property are spec i fied by ref er ence to a pre -vi ously-de fined Ma te rial. Fully anisotropic ma te rial prop er ties are used. The ma te -rial prop er ties used by the Solid el e ment are:

• The moduli of elas tic ity, e1, e2, and e3

• The shear moduli, g12, g13, and g23

• All of the Pois son’s ra tios, u12, u13, u23, …, u56

• The co ef fi cients of ther mal ex pan sion, a1, a2, a3, a12, a13, and a23

• The mass den sity, m, used for com put ing el e ment mass

• The weight den sity, w, used for com put ing Self-Weight and Grav ity Loads

All ma te rial prop er ties (ex cept the den si ties) are ob tained at the ma te rial tem per a -ture of each in di vid ual el e ment.

See Chap ter “Ma te rial Prop erties” (page 69) for more in for ma tion.

Material Angles

The ma te rial lo cal co or di nate sys tem and the el e ment (Property) lo cal co or di natesys tem need not be the same. The ma te rial co or di nate sys tem is ori ented with re -spect to the el e ment co or di nate sys tem us ing the three an gles a, b, and c ac cord ingto the fol low ing pro ce dure:

• The ma te rial sys tem is first aligned with the el e ment sys tem;

• The ma te rial sys tem is then ro tated about its +3 axis by an gle a;

• The ma te rial sys tem is next ro tated about the re sult ing +2 axis by an gle b;

• The ma te rial sys tem is lastly ro tated about the re sult ing +1 axis by an gle c;

This is shown in Figure 47 (page 207). These an gles have no ef fect for iso tro picma te rial prop er ties since they are in de pend ent of ori en ta tion.

See Topic “Lo cal Co or di nate Sys tem” (page 70) in Chap ter “Ma te rial Prop erties”for more in for ma tion.

Incompatible Bending Modes

By de fault each Solid ele ment in cludes nine in com pati ble bend ing modes in itsstiff ness for mu la tion. These in com pati ble bend ing modes sig nifi cantly im prove

206 Solid Properties

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the bend ing be hav ior of the ele ment if the ele ment ge ome try is of a rec tan gu larform. Im proved be hav ior is ex hib ited even with non- rectangular ge ome try.

If an ele ment is se verely dis torted, the in clu sion of the in com pati ble modes shouldbe sup pressed. The ele ment then uses the stan dard iso para met ric for mu la tion. In -com pati ble bend ing modes may also be sup pressed in cases where bend ing is notim por tant, such as in typi cal geo tech ni cal prob lems.


In a dy namic analy sis, the mass of the struc ture is used to com pute in er tial forces.The mass con trib uted by the Solid ele ment is lumped at the ele ment joints. No in er -tial ef fects are con sid ered within the ele ment it self.

The to tal mass of the ele ment is equal to the in te gral of the mass den sity, m, over the vol ume of the ele ment. The to tal mass is ap por tioned to the joints in a man ner that is pro por tional to the di ago nal terms of the con sis tent mass ma trix. See Cook,Malkus, and Ple sha (1989) for more in for ma tion. The to tal mass is ap plied to eachof the three trans la tional de grees of free dom (UX, UY, and UZ).

Mass 207

Chapter XIII The Solid Element

1 (Element)

1 (Material)

2 (Element)

2 (Material)

3 (Element)

3 (Material)










Rotations are performed in the ordera-b-c about the axes shown.

Figure 47Solid Element Material Angles

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For more in for ma tion:

• See Topic “Mass Den sity” (page 76) in Chap ter “Ma te rial Prop er ties.”

• See Chap ter “Anal y sis Cases” (page 287).

Self-Weight Load

Self- Weight Load ac ti vates the self- weight of all ele ments in the model. For a Solid ele ment, the self- weight is a force that is uni formly dis trib uted over the vol ume ofthe ele ment. The mag ni tude of the self- weight is equal to the weight den sity, w.

Self- Weight Load al ways acts down ward, in the global –Z di rec tion. You mayscale the self- weight by a sin gle scale fac tor that ap plies equally to all ele ments inthe struc ture.

For more in for ma tion:

• See Topic “Weight Den sity” (page 77) in Chap ter “Ma te rial Prop er ties” for thedefi ni tion of w.

• See Topic “Self- Weight Load” (page 275) in Chap ter “Load Cases.”

Gravity Load

Grav ity Load can be ap plied to each Solid ele ment to ac ti vate the self- weight of theele ment. Us ing Grav ity Load, the self- weight can be scaled and ap plied in any di -rec tion. Dif fer ent scale fac tors and di rec tions can be ap plied to each ele ment.

If all ele ments are to be loaded equally and in the down ward di rec tion, it is morecon ven ient to use Self- Weight Load.

For more in for ma tion:

• See Topic “Self- Weight Load” (page 208) in this Chap ter for the defi ni tion ofself- weight for the Solid ele ment.

• See Topic “Grav ity Load” (page 276) in Chap ter “Load Cases.”

Surface Pressure Load

The Sur face Pres sure Load is used to ap ply ex ter nal pres sure loads upon any of thesix faces of the Solid ele ment. The defi ni tion of these faces is shown in Figure 44

208 Self-Weight Load

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(page 199). Sur face pres sure al ways acts nor mal to the face. Posi tive pres sures aredi rected to ward the in te rior of the ele ment.

The pres sure may be con stant over a face or in ter po lated from val ues given at thejoints. The val ues given at the joints are ob tained from Joint Pat terns, and need notbe the same for the dif fer ent faces. Joint Pat terns can be used to eas ily ap ply hy dro -static pres sures.

The pres sure act ing on a given face is in te grated over the area of that face, and there sult ing force is ap por tioned to the four cor ner joints of the face.

See Chap ter “Load Cases” (page 271) for more in for ma tion.

Pore Pressure Load

The Pore Pres sure Load is used to model the drag and buoy ancy ef fects of a fluidwithin a solid me dium, such as the ef fect of wa ter upon the solid skele ton of a soil.

Sca lar fluid- pressure val ues are given at the ele ment joints by Joint Pat terns, and in -ter po lated over the ele ment. The to tal force act ing on the ele ment is the in te gral ofthe gra di ent of this pres sure field over the vol ume of the ele ment. This force is ap -por tioned to each of the joints of the ele ment. The forces are typi cally di rected from re gions of high pres sure to ward re gions of low pres sure.

See Chap ter “Load Cases” (page 271) for more in for ma tion.

Temperature Load

The Tem per a ture Load cre ates ther mal strain in the Solid el e ment. This strain isgiven by the prod uct of the Ma te rial co ef fi cient of ther mal ex pan sion and the tem -per a ture change of the el e ment. All spec i fied Tem per a ture Loads rep re sent achange in tem per a ture from the un stressed state for a lin ear anal y sis, or from thepre vi ous tem per a ture in a non lin ear anal y sis.

See Chap ter “Load Cases” (page 271) for more in for ma tion.

Stress Output

The Solid ele ment stresses are evalu ated at the stan dard 2 x 2 x 2 Gauss in te gra tionpoints of the ele ment and ex trapo lated to the joints. See Cook, Malkus, and Ple sha(1989) for more in for ma tion.

Pore Pressure Load 209

Chapter XIII The Solid Element

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Prin ci pal val ues and their as so ci ated prin ci pal di rec tions in the ele ment lo cal co or -di nate sys tem are also com puted for sin gle-val ued anal y sis cases and com bi na -tions. Three di rec tion co sines each are given for the di rec tions of the maxi mum andmini mum prin ci pal stresses. The di rec tion of the mid dle prin ci pal stress is per pen -dicu lar to the maxi mum and mini mum prin ci pal di rec tions.

For more in for ma tion:

• See Chap ter “Load Cases” (page 271).

• See Chap ter “Anal y sis Cases” (page 287).

210 Stress Output

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C h a p t e r XIV

The Link/Support Element—Basic

The Link el e ment is used to con nect two joints to gether. The Sup port el e ment isused to con nect one joint to ground. Both el e ment types use the same types of prop -er ties. Each Link or Sup port el e ment may ex hibit up to three dif fer ent types of be -hav ior: lin ear, non lin ear, and fre quency-de pend ent, ac cord ing to the types of prop -er ties as signed to that el e ment and the type of anal y sis be ing per formed.

This Chap ter de scribes the ba sic and gen eral fea tures of the Link and Sup port el e -ments and their lin ear be hav ior. The next Chap ter de scribes ad vanced be hav ior,which can be non lin ear or fre quency-de pend ent.

Advanced Topics

• Over view

• Joint Con nec tivity

• Zero- Length Ele ments

• De grees of Free dom

• Lo cal Co or di nate Sys tem

• Ad vanced Lo cal Co or di nate Sys tem

• In ter nal De for ma tions

• Link/Sup port Prop er ties


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• Cou pled Lin ear Property

• Mass

• Self- Weight Load

• Grav ity Load

• In ter nal Force and De for ma tion Out put


A Link el e ment is a two-joint con nect ing link. A Sup port el e ment is a one-jointgrounded spring. Prop er ties for both types of el e ment are de fined in the same way.Each el e ment is as sumed to be com posed of six sep a rate “springs,” one for each ofsix deformational de grees-of free dom (ax ial, shear, tor sion, and pure bend ing).

There are two cat e go ries of Link/Support prop er ties that can be de fined: Lin -ear/Non lin ear, and Fre quency-De pend ent. A Lin ear/Non lin ear prop erty set mustbe as signed to each Link or Sup port el e ment. The as sign ment of a Fre -quency-Dependent prop erty set to a Link or Sup port el e ment is op tional.

All Lin ear/Non lin ear prop erty sets con tain lin ear prop er ties that are used by the el e -ment for lin ear anal y ses, and for other types of analyses if no other prop er ties arede fined. Lin ear/Non lin ear prop erty sets may have non lin ear prop er ties that will beused for all non lin ear anal y ses, and for lin ear anal y ses that con tinue from nonlinearanal y ses.

Fre quency-de pend ent prop erty sets con tain im ped ance (stiff ness and damp ing)prop er ties that will be used for all fre quency-de pend ent anal y ses. If a Fre -quency-De pend ent prop erty has not been as signed to a Link/Sup port el e ment, thelin ear prop er ties for that el e ment will be used for fre quency-de pend ent anal y ses.

The types of non lin ear be hav ior that can be mod eled with this ele ment in clude:

• Vis coe las tic damp ing

• Gap (com pres sion only) and hook (ten sion only)

• Multi-lin ear uni ax ial elas tic ity

• Uni ax ial plas tic ity (Wen model)

• Multi-lin ear uni ax ial plas tic ity with sev eral types of hysteretic be hav ior: ki ne -matic, Takeda, and pivot

• Biaxial- plasticity base iso la tor

212 Overview

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• Friction- pendulum base iso la tor, with or with out up lift pre ven tion. This canalso be used for mod el ing gap-fric tion con tact behavior

Each ele ment has its own lo cal co or di nate sys tem for de fin ing the force- deformation prop er ties and for in ter pret ing out put.

Each Link/Support el e ment may be loaded by grav ity (in any di rec tion).

Avail able out put in cludes the de for ma tion across the ele ment, and the in ter nalforces at the joints of the ele ment.

Joint Connectivity

Each Link/Support el e ment may take one of the fol low ing two con fig u ra tions:

• A Link con nect ing two joints, I and j; it is per mis si ble for the two joints toshare the same lo ca tion in space cre at ing a zero-length element

• A Sup port con nect ing a sin gle joint, j, to ground

Zero-Length Elements

The fol low ing types of Link/Support el e ments are con sid ered to be of zero length:

• Single- joint Sup port el e ments

• Two- joint Link el e ments with the dis tance from joint I to joint j be ing less thanor equal to the zero- length tol er ance that you spec ify.

The length tol er ance is set us ing the Auto Merge Tol er ance in the graph i cal user in -ter face. Two- joint ele ments hav ing a length greater than the Auto Merge Tol er anceare con sid ered to be of fi nite length. Whether an ele ment is of zero length or fi nitelength af fects the defi ni tion of the ele ment lo cal co or di nate sys tem, and the in ter nal mo ments due to shear forces.

Degrees of Freedom

The Link/Support el e ment al ways ac ti vates all six de grees of free dom at each of itsone or two con nected joints. To which joint de grees of free dom the el e ment con -trib utes stiff ness de pends upon the prop er ties you as sign to the el e ment. You musten sure that re straints or other sup ports are pro vided to those joint de grees of free -dom that re ceive no stiff ness.

Joint Connectivity 213

Chapter XIV The Link/Support Element—Basic

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For more in for ma tion:

• See Topic “De grees of Free dom” (page 30) in Chap ter “Joints and De grees ofFree dom.”

• See Topic “Link/Sup port Prop er ties” (page 222) in this Chap ter.

Local Coordinate System

Each Link/Sup port el e ment has its own el e ment lo cal co or di nate sys tem used tode fine force-de for ma tion prop er ties and out put. The axes of this lo cal sys tem arede noted 1, 2 and 3. The first axis is di rected along the length of the el e ment and cor -re sponds to extensional de for ma tion. The re main ing two axes lie in the plane per -pen dic u lar to the el e ment and have an ori en ta tion that you spec ify; these di rec tionscor re spond to shear de for ma tion.

It is im por tant that you clearly un der stand the defi ni tion of the ele ment lo cal 1- 2-3co or di nate sys tem and its re la tion ship to the global X- Y-Z co or di nate sys tem. Bothsys tems are right- handed co or di nate sys tems. It is up to you to de fine lo cal sys temswhich sim plify data in put and in ter pre ta tion of re sults.

In most struc tures the def i ni tion of the el e ment lo cal co or di nate sys tem is ex -tremely sim ple. The meth ods pro vided, how ever, pro vide suf fi cient power andflex i bil ity to de scribe the ori en ta tion of Link/Sup port el e ments in the most com pli -cated sit u a tions.

The sim plest method, us ing the de fault ori en ta tion and the Link/Sup port el e -ment co or di nate an gle, is de scribed in this topic. Ad di tional meth ods for de fin ingthe Link/Sup port el e ment lo cal co or di nate sys tem are de scribed in the next topic.

For more in for ma tion:

• See Chap ter “Co or di nate Sys tems” (page 11) for a de scrip tion of the con ceptsand ter mi nol ogy used in this topic.

• See Topic “Ad vanced Lo cal Co or di nate Sys tem” (page 216) in this Chap ter.

Longitudinal Axis 1

Lo cal axis 1 is the lon gi tu di nal axis of the ele ment, cor re spond ing to ex ten sionalde for ma tion. This axis is de ter mined as fol lows:

• For ele ments of fi nite length this axis is auto mati cally de fined as the di rec tionfrom joint I to joint j

214 Local Coordinate System

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• For zero- length ele ments the lo cal 1 axis de faults to the +Z global co or di natedi rec tion (up ward)

For the defi ni tion of zero- length ele ments, see Topic “Zero- Length Ele ments”(page 213) in this Chap ter.

Default Orientation

The de fault ori en ta tion of the lo cal 2 and 3 axes is de ter mined by the re la tion shipbe tween the lo cal 1 axis and the global Z axis. The pro ce dure used here is iden ti calto that for the Frame ele ment:

• The lo cal 1-2 plane is taken to be ver ti cal, i.e., par al lel to the Z axis

• The lo cal 2 axis is taken to have an up ward (+Z) sense un less the ele ment is ver -ti cal, in which case the lo cal 2 axis is taken to be hori zon tal along the global +Xdi rec tion

• The lo cal 3 axis is al ways hori zon tal, i.e., it lies in the X-Y plane

An ele ment is con sid ered to be ver ti cal if the sine of the an gle be tween the lo cal 1axis and the Z axis is less than 10-3.

The lo cal 2 axis makes the same an gle with the ver ti cal axis as the lo cal 1 axismakes with the hori zon tal plane. This means that the lo cal 2 axis points ver ti callyup ward for hori zon tal ele ments.

Coordinate Angle

The Link/Sup port el e ment co or di nate an gle, ang, is used to de fine el e ment ori en ta -tions that are dif fer ent from the de fault ori en ta tion. It is the an gle through which the lo cal 2 and 3 axes are ro tated about the pos i tive lo cal 1 axis from the de fault ori en -ta tion. The ro ta tion for a pos i tive value of ang ap pears coun ter clock wise when thelo cal +1 axis is point ing to ward you. The pro ce dure used here is iden ti cal to that forthe Frame el e ment.

For ver ti cal ele ments, ang is the an gle be tween the lo cal 2 axis and the hori zon tal+X axis. Oth er wise, ang is the an gle be tween the lo cal 2 axis and the ver ti cal planecon tain ing the lo cal 1 axis. See Figure 48 (page 216) for ex am ples.

Local Coordinate System 215

Chapter XIV The Link/Support Element—Basic

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Advanced Local Coordinate System

By de fault, the ele ment lo cal co or di nate sys tem is de fined us ing the ele ment co or -di nate an gle meas ured with re spect to the global +Z and +X di rec tions, as de scribed

216 Advanced Local Coordinate System

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Local 1 Axis is Parallel to +Y AxisLocal 2 Axis is Rotated 90° from Z-1 Plane

Local 1 Axis is Parallel to +Z AxisLocal 2 Axis is Rotated 90° from X-1 Plane

Local 1 Axis is Parallel to –Z AxisLocal 2 Axis is Rotated 30° from X-1 Plane

Local 1 Axis is Not Parallel to X, Y, or Z AxesLocal 2 Axis is Rotated 30° from Z-1 Plane

Figure 48The Link/Support Element Coordinate Angle with Respect to the Default


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in the pre vi ous topic. In cer tain mod el ing situa tions it may be use ful to have morecon trol over the speci fi ca tion of the lo cal co or di nate sys tem.

This topic de scribes how to de fine the ori en ta tion of the trans verse lo cal 2 and 3axes with re spect to an ar bi trary ref er ence vec tor when the ele ment co or di nate an -gle, ang, is zero. If ang is dif fer ent from zero, it is the an gle through which the lo cal2 and 3 axes are ro tated about the posi tive lo cal 1 axis from the ori en ta tion de ter -mined by the ref er ence vec tor.

This topic also de scribes how to change the ori en ta tion of the lo cal 1 axis from thede fault global +Z di rec tion for zero- length ele ments. The lo cal 1 axis is al ways di -rected from joint I to joint j for ele ments of fi nite length.

For more in for ma tion:

• See Chap ter “Co or di nate Sys tems” (page 11) for a de scrip tion of the con ceptsand ter mi nol ogy used in this topic.

• See Topic “Lo cal Co or di nate Sys tem” (page 213) in this Chap ter.

Axis Reference Vector

To de fine the lo cal 1 axis for zero- length ele ments, you spec ify an axis ref er encevec tor that is par al lel to and has the same posi tive sense as the de sired lo cal 1 axis.The axis ref er ence vec tor has no ef fect upon finite- length ele ments.

To de fine the axis ref er ence vec tor, you must first spec ify or use the de fault val uesfor:

• A co or di nate di rec tion ax dir (the de fault is +Z)

• A fixed co or di nate sys tem csys (the de fault is zero, in di cat ing the global co or -di nate sys tem). This will be the same co or di nate sys tem that is used to de finethe plane ref er ence vec tor, as de scribed be low

You may op tion ally spec ify:

• A pair of joints, ax veca and ax vecb (the de fault for each is zero, in di cat ing thecen ter of the ele ment). If both are zero, this op tion is not used

For each ele ment, the axis ref er ence vec tor is de ter mined as fol lows:

1. A vec tor is found from joint ax veca to joint ax vecb. If this vec tor is of fi nitelength, it is used as the ref er ence vec tor Va

Advanced Local Coordinate System 217

Chapter XIV The Link/Support Element—Basic

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2. Oth er wise, the co or di nate di rec tion ax dir is evalu ated at the cen ter of the ele -ment in fixed co or di nate sys tem csys, and is used as the ref er ence vec tor Va

The cen ter of a zero- length ele ment is taken to be at joint j.

The lo cal 1 axis is given by the vec tor Va af ter it has been nor mal ized to unit length.

Plane Reference Vector

To de fine the trans verse lo cal axes 2 and 3, you spec ify a plane ref er ence vec torthat is par al lel to the de sired 1-2 or 1-3 plane. The pro ce dure used here is iden ti calto that for the Frame ele ment.

The ref er ence vec tor must have a posi tive pro jec tion upon the cor re spond ing trans -verse lo cal axis (2 or 3, re spec tively). This means that the posi tive di rec tion of the

ref er ence vec tor must make an an gle of less than 90° with the posi tive di rec tion ofthe de sired trans verse axis.

To de fine the ref er ence vec tor, you must first spec ify or use the de fault val ues for:

• A pri mary co or di nate di rec tion pldirp (the de fault is +Z)

• A sec on dary co or di nate di rec tion pldirs (the de fault is +X). Di rec tions pldirsand pldirp should not be par al lel to each other un less you are sure that they arenot par al lel to lo cal axis 1

• A fixed co or di nate sys tem csys (the de fault is zero, in di cat ing the global co or -di nate sys tem). This will be the same co or di nate sys tem that was used to de finethe axis ref er ence vec tor, as de scribed above

• The lo cal plane, lo cal, to be de ter mined by the ref er ence vec tor (the de fault is12, in di cat ing plane 1-2)

You may op tion ally spec ify:

• A pair of joints, plveca and plvecb (the de fault for each is zero, in di cat ing thecen ter of the ele ment). If both are zero, this op tion is not used

For each ele ment, the ref er ence vec tor is de ter mined as fol lows:

1. A vec tor is found from joint plveca to joint plvecb. If this vec tor is of fi nitelength and is not par al lel to lo cal axis 1, it is used as the ref er ence vec tor V


2. Oth er wise, the pri mary co or di nate di rec tion pldirp is evalu ated at the cen ter ofthe ele ment in fixed co or di nate sys tem csys. If this di rec tion is not par al lel tolo cal axis 1, it is used as the ref er ence vec tor V


218 Advanced Local Coordinate System

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3. Oth er wise, the sec on dary co or di nate di rec tion pldirs is evalu ated at the cen terof the ele ment in fixed co or di nate sys tem csys. If this di rec tion is not par al lel to lo cal axis 1, it is used as the ref er ence vec tor V


4. Oth er wise, the method fails and the analy sis ter mi nates. This will never hap pen if pldirp is not par al lel to pldirs

A vec tor is con sid ered to be par al lel to lo cal axis 1 if the sine of the an gle be tweenthem is less than 10


The use of the Link/Sup port el e ment co or di nate an gle in con junc tion with co or di -nate di rec tions that de fine the ref er ence vec tor is il lus trated in Figure 49 (page219). The use of joints to de fine the ref er ence vec tor is shown in Figure 50 (page220).

Determining Transverse Axes 2 and 3

The pro gram uses vec tor cross prod ucts to de ter mine the trans verse axes 2 and 3once the ref er ence vec tor has been speci fied. The three axes are rep re sented by thethree unit vec tors V1, V2 and V3 , re spec tively. The vec tors sat isfy the cross- product re la tion ship:

Advanced Local Coordinate System 219

Chapter XIV The Link/Support Element—Basic


















Local 1 Axis is Not Parallel to pldirp (+Y)Local 2 Axis is Rotated 90° from Y-1 Plane

Local 1 Axis is Parallel to pldirp (+Y)Local 2 Axis is Rotated 90° from X-1 Plane

pldirp = +Ypldirs = –Xlocal = 12

Figure 49The Link/Support Element Coordinate Angle with Respect to Coordinate


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V V V1 2 3= ´

The trans verse axes 2 and 3 are de fined as fol lows:

• If the ref er ence vec tor is par al lel to the 1-2 plane, then:

V V V3 1= ´ p and

V V V2 3 1= ´

• If the ref er ence vec tor is par al lel to the 1-3 plane, then:

V V V2 1= ´p and

V V V3 1 2= ´

In the com mon case where the ref er ence vec tor is per pen dicu lar to axis V1, thetrans verse axis in the se lected plane will be equal to V


Internal Deformations

Six in de pend ent in ter nal de for ma tions are de fined for the Link/Sup port el e ment.These are cal cu lated from the rel a tive dis place ments of joint j with re spect to:

220 Internal Deformations

CSI Analysis Reference Manual



Joint j

Axis 1

Axis 2


Axis 3

Joint i

V (b)p

V (a)p




The following two specifications are equivalent:(a) local=12, plveca=0, plvecb=100(b) local=13, plveca=101, plvecb=102

Plane 1-3

Plane 1-2

Figure 50Using Joints to Define the Link/Support Element Local Coordinate System

Page 241: Sap 2000 Reference Manual

• Joint I for a two- joint ele ment

• The ground for a single- joint ele ment

For two- joint Link/Sup port ele ments the in ter nal de for ma tions are de fined as:

• Ax ial: du1 = u1j – u1i

• Shear in the 1-2 plane: du2 = u2j – u2i – dj2 r3j – (L – dj2) r3i

• Shear in the 1-3 plane: du3 = u3j – u3i + dj3 r2j + (L – dj3) r2i

• Tor sion: dr1 = r1j – r1i

• Pure bend ing in the 1-3 plane: dr2 = r2i – r2j

• Pure bend ing in the 1-2 plane: dr3 = r3j – r3i


• u1i, u2i, u3i, r1i, r2i, and r3i are the trans la tions and ro ta tions at joint I

• u1j, u2j, u3j, r1j, r2j, and r3j are the trans la tions and ro ta tions at joint j

• dj2 is the dis tance you spec ify from joint j to the lo ca tion where the shear de -for ma tion du2 is mea sured (the de fault is zero, mean ing at joint j)

• dj3 is the dis tance you spec ify from joint j to the lo ca tion where the shear de -for ma tion du3 is mea sured (the de fault is zero, mean ing at joint j)

• L is the length of the ele ment

All trans la tions, ro ta tions, and de for ma tions are ex pressed in terms of the ele mentlo cal co or di nate sys tem.

Note that shear de for ma tion can be caused by ro ta tions as well as trans la tions.These defi ni tions en sure that all de for ma tions will be zero un der rigid- body mo -tions of the ele ment.

Im por tant! Note that dj2 is the lo ca tion where pure bend ing be hav ior is mea suredin the 1-2 plane, in other words, it is where the mo ment due to shear is taken to bezero. Like wise, dj3 is the lo ca tion where pure bend ing be hav ior is mea sured in the1-3 plane.

It is im por tant to note that the neg a tives of the ro ta tions r2i and r

2j have been used for

the def i ni tion of shear and bend ing de for ma tions in the 1-3 plane. This pro videscon sis tent def i ni tions for shear and mo ment in both the Link/Sup port and Frame el -e ments.

Three of these in ter nal de for ma tions are il lus trated in Figure 51 (page 222).

Internal Deformations 221

Chapter XIV The Link/Support Element—Basic

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For one- joint grounded- spring ele ments the in ter nal de for ma tions are the same asabove, ex cept that the trans la tions and ro ta tions at joint I are taken to be zero:

• Ax ial: du1 = u1j

• Shear in the 1-2 plane: du2 = u2j – dj2 r3j

• Shear in the 1-3 plane: du3 = u3j + dj3 r2j

• Tor sion: dr1 = r1j

• Pure bend ing in the 1-3 plane: dr2 = – r2j

• Pure bend ing in the 1-2 plane: dr3 = r3j

Link/Support Properties

A Link/Support Prop erty is a set of struc tural prop er ties that can be used to de finethe be hav ior of one or more Link or Sup port el e ments. Each Link/Support Prop ertyspec i fies the force-de for ma tion re la tion ships for the six in ter nal de for ma tions.Mass and weight prop er ties may also be spec i fied.

222 Link/Support Properties

CSI Analysis Reference Manual











u1j u2j


Shear Deformation Bending DeformationAxial Deformation

Figure 51Internal Deformations for a Two-Joint Link Element

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Link/Support Prop er ties are de fined in de pend ently of the Link and Sup port el e -ments and are ref er enced dur ing the def i ni tion of the el e ments.

There are two cat e go ries of Link/Sup port prop er ties that can be de fined:

• Lin ear/Non lin ear. A Lin ear/Non lin ear prop erty set must be as signed to eachLink or Sup port el e ment.

• Fre quency-De pend ent. The as sign ment of a Fre quency-De pend ent prop ertyset to a Link or Sup port el e ment is op tional.

All Lin ear/Non lin ear prop erty sets con tain lin ear prop er ties that are used by the el e -ment for lin ear anal y ses, and for other types of anal y ses if no other prop er ties arede fined. Lin ear/Non lin ear prop erty sets may also have non lin ear prop er ties thatwill be used for all non lin ear anal y ses, and for lin ear anal y ses that con tinue fromnon lin ear anal y ses.

Fre quency-de pend ent prop erty sets con tain im ped ance (stiff ness and damp ing)prop er ties that will be used for all fre quency-de pend ent anal y ses. If a Fre -quency-De pend ent prop erty has not been as signed to a Link/Sup port el e ment, thelin ear prop er ties for that el e ment will be used for fre quency-de pend ent anal y ses.

This is sum ma rized in the ta ble of Figure 52 (page 224).

Local Coordinate System

Link/Support Prop er ties are de fined with re spect to the lo cal co or di nate sys tem ofthe Link or Sup port el e ment. The lo cal 1 axis is the lon gi tu di nal di rec tion of the el e -ment and cor re sponds to extensional and tor sional de for ma tions. The lo cal 2 and 3di rec tions cor re spond to shear and bend ing de for ma tions.

See Topic “Lo cal Co or di nate Sys tem” (page 213) in this Chap ter.

Internal Spring Hinges

Each Link/Support Prop erty is as sumed to be com posed of six in ter nal “springs” or“Hinges,” one for each of six in ter nal de for ma tions. Each “spring” may ac tu allycon sist of sev eral com po nents, in clud ing springs and dash pots. The force- deformation re la tion ships of these springs may be cou pled or in de pend ent of eachother.

Figure 53 (page 225) shows the springs for three of the de for ma tions: ax ial, shear in the 1-2 plane, and pure- bending in the 1-2 plane. It is im por tant to note that theshear spring is lo cated a dis tance dj2 from joint j. All shear de for ma tion is as sumed

Link/Support Properties 223

Chapter XIV The Link/Support Element—Basic

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to oc cur in this spring; the links con nect ing this spring to the joints (or ground) arerigid in shear. De for ma tion of the shear spring can be caused by ro ta tions as well astrans la tions at the joints. The force in this spring will pro duce a linearly- varyingmo ment along the length. This mo ment is taken to be zero at the shear spring, which acts as a mo ment hinge. The mo ment due to shear is in de pend ent of, and ad di tiveto, the con stant mo ment in the ele ment due to the pure- bending spring.

The other three springs that are not shown are for tor sion, shear in the 1-3 plane, and pure- bending in the 1-3 plane. The shear spring is lo cated a dis tance dj3 from jointj.

The val ues of dj2 and dj3 may be dif fer ent, al though nor mally they would be thesame for most el e ments.

224 Link/Support Properties

CSI Analysis Reference Manual

AnalysisCase Type

AnalysisCase InitialConditions

Element hasNonlinear


Element hasFreq. Dep.Properties?




Zero Yes or No Yes or No Linear


No Yes or No Linear

Yes Yes or No Nonlinear

Nonlinear AnyNo Yes or No Linear

Yes Yes or No Nonlinear


Zero Yes or NoNo Linear

Yes Freq. Dep.


No No Linear

Yes No Nonlinear

Yes or No Yes Freq. Dep.

Figure 52Link/Support Stiffness Properties Actually Used for Different Types of Analysis

Page 245: Sap 2000 Reference Manual

Spring Force-Deformation Relationships

There are six force- deformation re la tion ships that gov ern the be hav ior of the ele -ment, one for each of the in ter nal springs:

• Ax ial: fu1 vs. du1

• Shear: fu2 vs. du2 , fu3 vs. du3

• Tor sional: fr1 vs. dr1

• Pure bend ing: fr2 vs. dr2 , fr3 vs. dr3

where fu1

, fu2

, and fu3

are the internal- spring forces; and fr1, f

r2, and f

r3 are the internal-

spring mo ments.

Each of these re la tion ships may be zero, lin ear only, or lin ear/non lin ear for a givenLink/Support Prop erty. These re la tion ships may be in de pend ent or cou pled. Theforces and mo ments may be re lated to the de for ma tion rates (ve loci ties) as well asto the de for ma tions.

Link/Support Properties 225

Chapter XIV The Link/Support Element—Basic

Joint j

Joint ior ground


Axial Shear PureBending



Figure 53Three of the Six Independent Spring Hinges in a Link/Support Element

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Element Internal Forces

The Link/Sup port el e ment in ter nal forces, P, V 2, V 3, and the in ter nal mo ments, T, M 2, M 3, have the same mean ing as for the Frame el e ment. These are il lus trated inFigure 54 (page 226). These can be de fined in terms of the spring forces and mo -ments as:

• Ax ial: P = fu1

• Shear in the 1-2 plane: V2 = fu2 , M3s = (d – dj2) fu2

• Shear in the 1-3 plane: V3 = fu3 , M2s = (d – dj3) fu3

• Tor sion: T = fr1

• Pure bend ing in the 1-3 plane: M2b = fr2

• Pure bend ing in the 1-2 plane: M3b = fr3

226 Link/Support Properties

CSI Analysis Reference Manual

1 1



2 2

V2 M2

V2 M2

3 3

V3 M3

V3 M3

i i

j j

Figure 54Link/Support Element Internal Forces and Moments, Shown Acting at the Joints

Page 247: Sap 2000 Reference Manual

where d is the dis tance from joint j. The to tal bending- moment re sul tants M 2 and M 3 com posed of shear and pure- bending parts:

M M Ms b2 2 2= +M M Ms b3 3 3= +

These in ter nal forces and mo ments are pres ent at every cross sec tion along thelength of the ele ment.

See Topic “In ter nal Force Out put” (page 117) in Chap ter “The Frame Ele ment.”

Uncoupled Linear Force-Deformation Relationships

If each of the in ter nal springs are lin ear and un cou pled, the spring force- deformation re la tion ships can be ex pressed in ma trix form as:

(Eqn. 1)f























0 0 0 0 0

0 0












0 0

0 0 0

0 0
















































where ku1

, ku2

, ku3

, kr1, k

r2, and k

r3 are the lin ear stiff ness co ef fi cients of the in ter nal


This can be re cast in terms of the ele ment in ter nal forces and dis place ments at jointj for a one- joint ele ment as:

(Eqn. 2)








k ku

u u2




0 0 0 0 0

0 0 01














dj2 2

3 3






0 0

0 0


k k


k k

k k

u u


r u

r u





êêê dj3





























3 j

This re la tion ship also holds for a two- joint ele ment if all dis place ments at joint I are zero.

Link/Support Properties 227

Chapter XIV The Link/Support Element—Basic

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Simi lar re la tion ships hold for lin ear damp ing be hav ior, ex cept that the stiff nessterms are re placed with damp ing co ef fi cients, and the dis place ments are re placedwith the cor re spond ing ve loci ties.

Con sider an ex am ple where the equiva lent shear and bend ing springs are to becom puted for a pris matic beam with a sec tion bend ing stiff ness of EI in the 1-2plane. The stiff ness ma trix at joint j for the 1-2 bend ing plane is:











12 6

6 43 22










üýþj j

From this it can be de ter mined that the equiva lent shear spring has a stiff ness of


Lu2 3

12= lo cated at dj2 =L

2, and the equiva lent pure- bending spring has a stiff —

ness of kEI

Lr3 = .

For an ele ment that pos sesses a true mo ment hinge in the 1-2 bend ing plane, thepure- bending stiff ness is zero, and dj2 is the dis tance to the hinge. See Figure 55(page 228).

228 Link/Support Properties

CSI Analysis Reference Manual

u2j u2j u2j


j j j






Hinge at Joint j Hinge near Joint i No hinge

Figure 55Location of Shear Spring at a Moment Hinge or Point of Inflection

Page 249: Sap 2000 Reference Manual

Types of Linear/Nonlinear Properties

The pri mary Linear/Nonlinear Link/Sup port Prop er ties may be of the fol low ingtypes:

• Cou pled Linear

• Damper

• Gap

• Hook

• Multi-lin ear Elas tic

• Multi-lin ear Plas tic

• Plas tic (Wen)

• Hysteretic (Rub ber) Iso la tor

• Fric tion-Pen du lum Iso la tor

• Ten sion/Com pres sion Fric tion Pen du lum Isolator

The first type, Cou pled Lin ear, may have fully cou pled lin ear stiff ness and damp -ing co ef fi cients. This prop erty type is de scribed in Topic “Cou pled Lin ear Prop -erty” (page 229) in this Chap ter.

All other prop erty types are con sid ered non lin ear. How ever, for each non lin earprop erty type you also spec ify a set of un cou pled lin ear stiff ness and damp ing co ef -fi cients that are used in stead of the non lin ear prop er ties for lin ear anal y ses. Thesesub sti tute lin ear prop er ties are called “lin ear ef fec tive stiff ness” and “lin ear ef fec -tive damp ing” prop er ties.

For more in for ma tion:

• See Topic “Cou pled Lin ear Prop erty” (page 229) in this Chap ter.

• See Chap ter “The Link/Sup port El e ment—Advanced” (page 233).

Cou pled Lin ear Prop erty

The Cou pled Lin ear Link/Sup port Prop erty is fully lin ear. It has no non lin ear be -hav ior. The lin ear be hav ior is used for all lin ear and non lin ear anal y ses. It is alsoused for fre quency-de pend ent anal y ses un less fre quency-de pend ent prop er tieshave been as signed to the Link/Sup port el e ment.

The stiff ness ma trix of Eqn. (1) (page 227) may now be fully pop u lated:

Cou pled Lin ear Prop erty 229

Chapter XIV The Link/Support Element—Basic

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(Eqn. 3)f






k k ku






u u u u u1






1 1 2 1 3ì











k k k

k k k k k

k k k

u r u r u r

u u u u r u r u r

u u r u r

1 1 1 2 1 3

2 2 3 2 1 2 2 2 3

3 3 1 3 2 3 3

1 1 2 1 3

2 2 3



k k k

k k


u r

r r r r r

r r r





































where ku1

, ku1u2

, ku2

, ku1u3

, ku2u3

, ku3

, …, kr3 are the lin ear stiff ness co ef fi cients of the in —

ter nal springs.

The cor re spond ing ma trix of Eqn. (2) (page 227) can be de vel oped from the re la -tion ships that give the el e ment in ter nal forces in terms of the spring forces and mo -ments. See Topic “El e ment In ter nal Forces” (page 226) in this Chap ter.

Sim i larly, the damp ing ma trix is fully pop u lated and has the same form as the stiff -ness ma trix. Note that the damp ing be hav ior is ac tive for all dy namic anal y ses. This is in con trast to lin ear ef fec tive damp ing, which is not ac tive for non lin ear anal y ses.


In a dy namic anal y sis, the mass of the struc ture is used to com pute in er tial forces.The mass con trib uted by the Link or Sup port el e ment is lumped at the joints I and j.No in er tial ef fects are con sid ered within the el e ment it self.

For each Link/Sup port Property, you may spec ify a to tal trans la tional mass, m.Half of the mass is as signed to the three trans la tional de grees of free dom at each ofthe ele ment’s one or two joints. For single- joint ele ments, half of the mass is as -sumed to be grounded.

You may ad di tion ally spec ify to tal ro ta tional mass mo ments of in er tia, mr1, mr2,and mr3, about the three lo cal axes of each ele ment. Half of each mass mo ment ofin er tia is as signed to each of the ele ment’s one or two joints. For single- joint ele -ments, half of each mass mo ment of in er tia is as sumed to be grounded.

The ro ta tional in er tias are de fined in the ele ment lo cal co or di nate sys tem, but willbe trans formed by the pro gram to the lo cal co or di nate sys tems for joint I and j. Ifthe three in er tias are not equal and ele ment lo cal axes are not par al lel to the joint lo -cal axes, then cross- coupling in er tia terms will be gen er ated dur ing this trans for ma -tion. These will be dis carded by the pro gram, re sult ing in some er ror.

230 Mass

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It is strongly rec om mended that there be mass cor re spond ing to each non lin ear de -for ma tion load in or der to gen er ate ap pro pri ate Ritz vec tors for non lin ear modaltime-his tory analy sis. Note that ro ta tional in er tia is needed as well as trans la tionalmass for non lin ear shear de for ma tions if ei ther the ele ment length or dj is non- zero.

For more in for ma tion:

• See Chap ter “Static and Dy namic Analy sis” (page 287).

• See Topic “Non lin ear De for ma tion Loads” (page 231) in this Chap ter.

Self-Weight Load

Self- Weight Load ac ti vates the self- weight of all ele ments in the model. For eachLink/Sup port Prop erty, a to tal self- weight, w, may be de fined. Half of this weight is as signed to each joint of each Link/Sup port ele ment us ing that Link/Sup port Prop -erty. For single- joint ele ments, half of the weight is as sumed to be grounded.

Self- Weight Load al ways acts down ward, in the global –Z di rec tion. You mayscale the self- weight by a sin gle scale fac tor that ap plies equally to all ele ments inthe struc ture.

See Topic “Self- Weight Load” (page 275) in Chap ter “Load Cases” for more in for -ma tion.

Gravity Load

Grav ity Load can be ap plied to each Link/Sup port ele ment to ac ti vate the self- weight of the ele ment. Us ing Grav ity Load, the self- weight can be scaled and ap -plied in any di rec tion. Dif fer ent scale fac tors and di rec tions can be ap plied to eachele ment.

If all ele ments are to be loaded equally and in the down ward di rec tion, it is morecon ven ient to use Self- Weight Load.

For more in for ma tion:

• See Topic “Self- Weight Load” (page 231) in this Chap ter for the defi ni tion ofself- weight for the Link/Sup port ele ment.

• See Topic “Grav ity Load” (page 276) in Chap ter “Load Cases.”

Self-Weight Load 231

Chapter XIV The Link/Support Element—Basic

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Internal Force and Deformation Output

Link/Sup port ele ment in ter nal forces and de for ma tions can be requested for anal y -sis cases and com bi na tions.

Re sults for lin ear analy ses are based upon the lin ear effective- stiffness andeffective- damping prop er ties and do not in clude any non lin ear ef fects. Only the re -sults for non lin ear anal y sis cases in clude non lin ear be hav ior.

The ele ment in ter nal forces were de fined in Sub topic “Ele ment In ter nal Forces”(page 226) of this Chap ter. The in ter nal de for ma tions were de fined in Topic “In ter -nal De for ma tions” (page 220) of this Chap ter.

The ele ment in ter nal forces are la beled P, V2, V3, T, M2, and M3 in the out put. The in ter nal de for ma tions are la beled U1, U2, U3, R1, R2, and R3 in the out put, cor re -spond ing to the val ues of d

u1, d

u2, d

u3, d

r1, d

r2, and d


For more in for ma tion:

• See Chap ter “Load Cases” (page 271).

• See Chap ter “Anal y sis Cases” (page 287).

232 Internal Force and Deformation Output

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C h a p t e r XV

The Link/Support Element—Advanced

The ba sic, lin ear be hav ior of the Link and Sup port el e ments was de scribed in thepre vi ous Chap ter. The pres ent Chap ter de scribes the use of the Link and Sup port el -e ments to model non lin ear be hav ior and fre quency-de pend ent be hav ior.

Advanced Topics

• Over view

• Non lin ear Link/Sup port Prop er ties

• Lin ear Ef fec tive Stiff ness

• Lin ear Ef fec tive Damping

• Non lin ear Vis cous Damper Prop erty

• Gap Prop erty

• Hook Prop erty

• Multi-Lin ear Elas tic ity Prop erty

• Wen Plas tic ity Prop erty

• Multi-Lin ear Ki ne matic Plas tic ity Prop erty

• Multi-Lin ear Takeda Plas tic ity Prop erty

• Multi-Lin ear Pivot Hysteretic Plas tic ity Prop erty


Page 254: Sap 2000 Reference Manual

• Hysteretic (Rub ber) Iso la tor Prop erty

• Fric tion-Pen du lum Iso la tor Prop erty

• Dou ble-Act ing Fric tion-Pen du lum Iso la tor Prop erty

• Non lin ear De for ma tion Loads

• Fre quency-De pend ent Prop er ties


The ba sic fea tures of the Link and Sup port el e ments were de scribed in the pre vi ousChap ter, “The Link/Sup port El e ment—Ba sic” (page 211).

This Chap ter de scribes the var i ous type of non lin ear prop er ties that are avail able,the con cepts of lin ear ef fec tive stiff ness and damping, the use of nonlinear de for -ma tion loads for Ritz-vec tor anal y sis, and fre quency-de pend ent prop er ties.

Nonlinear Link/Support Properties

The non lin ear prop er ties for each Link/Sup port Prop erty must be of one of thevar i ous types de scribed be low. The type de ter mines which de grees of free dom may be non lin ear and the kinds of non lin ear force- deformation re la tion ships avail ablefor those de grees of free dom.

Every de gree of free dom may have lin ear effective- stiffness and effective- damping prop er ties speci fied, as de scribed be low in Sub top ics “Lin ear Ef fec tive Stiff ness”and “Lin ear Ef fec tive Damp ing.”

Dur ing non lin ear anal y sis, the non lin ear force- deformation re la tion ships are usedat all de grees of free dom for which non lin ear prop er ties were speci fied. For allother de grees of free dom, the lin ear ef fec tive stiff nesses are used dur ing a non lin ear anal y sis.

Lin ear anal y ses that start from zero ini tial con di tions will use the lin ear ef fec tivestiff ness re gard less of whether non lin ear prop er ties were spec i fied or not. Lin earanal y ses that use the stiff ness from the end of a pre vi ous non lin ear anal y sis will usethe non lin ear prop er ties. Lin ear ef fec tive damp ing is used for all lin ear anal y ses,but it is not used for any non lin ear anal y sis.

Each non lin ear force- deformation re la tion ship in cludes a stiff ness co ef fi cient, k.This rep re sents the lin ear stiff ness when the non lin ear ef fect is neg li gi ble, e.g., forrapid load ing of the Damper; for a closed Gap or Hook; or in the ab sence of yield —

234 Overview

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ing or slip ping for the Plas tic1, Iso la tor1, or Iso la tor2 prop er ties. If k is zero, nonon lin ear force can be gen er ated for that de gree of free dom, with the ex cep tion ofthe pen du lum force in the Iso la tor2 prop erty.

IM POR TANT! You may some times be tempted to spec ify very large val ues for k,par ticu larly for Damper, Gap, and Hook prop er ties. Re sist this temp ta tion! If youwant to limit elas tic de for ma tions in a par ticu lar in ter nal spring, it is usu ally suf fi -cient to use a value of k that is from 10

2 to 10

4 times as large as the cor re spond ing

stiff ness in any con nected ele ments. Larger val ues of k may cause nu meri cal dif fi -cul ties dur ing so lu tion. See the ad di tional dis cus sion for the Damper prop erty be -low.

Linear Effective Stiffness

For each non lin ear type of Link/Sup port Prop erty, you may spec ify six un cou pledlin ear ef fec tive-stiff ness co ef fi cients, ke, one for each of the in ter nal springs.

The lin ear ef fec tive stiff ness rep re sents the to tal elas tic stiff ness for the Link/Sup -port el e ment that is used for all lin ear anal y ses that start from zero ini tial con di -tions. The ac tual non lin ear prop er ties are ig nored for these types of anal y sis.

If you do not spec ify non lin ear prop er ties for a par tic u lar de gree of free dom, thenthe lin ear ef fec tive stiff ness is used for that de gree of free dom for all lin ear and non -lin ear anal y ses.

The ef fec tive force-de for ma tion re la tion ships for the Link/Sup port Prop er ties aregiven by Equa tion 1 above with the ap pro pri ate val ues of ke sub sti tuted for k

u1, k



, kr1, k

r2, and k


Spe cial Con sid er ations for Modal Analyses

The ef fec tive stiff ness prop er ties are not used for non lin ear de grees of free dom dur -ing non lin ear time-his tory anal y sis. How ever, non lin ear modal time-his tory anal y -ses do make use of the vi bra tion modes that are com puted based on the ef fec tivestiff ness if the modal anal y sis it self start from zero ini tial con di tions. Dur ing timein te gra tion the be hav ior of these modes is mod i fied so that the struc tural re sponsere flects the ac tual stiff ness and other non lin ear pa ram e ters spec i fied. The rate ofcon ver gence of the non lin ear it er a tion may be im proved by chang ing the ef fec tivestiff ness.

Fol low ing are some guide lines for se lect ing the lin ear ef fec tive stiff ness. Youshould de vi ate from these as nec es sary to achieve your mod el ing and anal y sis

Linear Effective Stiffness 235

Chapter XV The Link/Support Element—Advanced

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goals. In par tic u lar, you should con sider whether you are more in ter ested in the re -sults to be ob tained from lin ear anal y ses, or in ob tain ing modes that are used as theba sis for non lin ear modal time-his tory anal y ses.

• When car ry ing out anal y ses based on the UBC ‘94 code or sim i lar, the ef fec tive stiff ness should usu ally be the code-de fined max i mum ef fec tive stiff ness

• For Gap and Hook el e ments the ef fec tive stiff ness should usu ally be zero or k,de pend ing on whether the el e ment is likely to be open or closed, re spec tively,in nor mal ser vice

• For Damper el e ments, the ef fec tive stiff ness should usu ally be zero

• For other el e ments, the stiff ness should be be tween zero and k

• If you have cho sen an ar ti fi cially large value for k, be sure to use a muchsmaller value for ke to help avoid nu mer i cal prob lems in non lin ear modaltime-his tory anal y ses

In the above, k is the non lin ear stiff ness prop erty for a given de gree of free dom. See Chap ter “The Link/Sup port El e ment—Basic” (page 211).

For more in for ma tion, see Topic “Non lin ear Modal Time-His tory Anal y sis(FNA)” (page 295) in Chap ter “Non lin ear Time-His tory Anal y sis.”

Linear Effective Damping

For each non lin ear-type of Link/Sup port Prop erty, you may spec ify six un cou pledlin ear ef fec tive-damp ing co ef fi cients, ce, one for each of the in ter nal springs. Byde fault, each co ef fi cient ce is equal to zero.

The lin ear ef fec tive damp ing rep re sents the to tal vis cous damp ing for theLink/Sup port el e ment that is used for re sponse-spec trum anal y ses, for lin ear andpe ri odic time-his tory anal y ses, and for fre quency-de pend ent anal y ses if fre -quency-de pend ent prop er ties have not been as signed to a given Link or Sup port el -e ment. The ac tual non lin ear prop er ties are ig nored for these types of anal y sis. Ef -fec tive damp ing can be used to rep re sent en ergy dis si pa tion due to non lin ear damp -ing, plas tic ity, or fric tion.

The ef fec tive force/de for ma tion-rate re la tion ships for the Link/Sup port Prop er tiesare given by Equa tion 1 above with the ap pro pri ate val ues of ce sub sti tuted for k



, ku3

, kr1, k

r2, and k

r3, and de for ma tion rates sub sti tuted for the cor re spond ing de for —

ma tions.

236 Linear Effective Damping

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Page 257: Sap 2000 Reference Manual

For re sponse-spec trum and lin ear modal time-his tory anal y sis, the ef fec tive damp -ing val ues are con verted to modal damp ing ra tios as sum ing pro por tional damp ing,i.e., the modal cross-cou pling damp ing terms are ig nored. These ef fec tivemodal-damp ing val ues are added to any other modal damp ing that you spec ify di -rectly. The pro gram will not per mit the to tal damp ing ra tio for any mode to ex ceed99.995%.

Im por tant Note: Modal cross-cou pling damp ing terms can be very sig nif i cant forsome struc tures. A lin ear anal y sis based on ef fec tive-damp ing prop er ties maygrossly over es ti mate or un der es ti mate the amount of damp ing pres ent in the struc -ture.

Non lin ear time-his tory anal y sis is strongly rec om mended to de ter mine the ef fect of added en ergy dis si pa tion de vices. Non lin ear time-his tory anal y sis does not use theef fec tive damp ing val ues since it ac counts for en ergy dis si pa tion in the el e ments di -rectly, and cor rectly ac counts for the ef fects of modal cross-cou pling.

Nonlinear Viscous Damper Property

This el e ment is very well suited for mod el ing vis cous damp ers that have a non lin -ear force-ve loc ity re la tion ship. For sim ple lin ear damp ing, you may in stead want to use the cou pled lin ear Link Sup port Prop erty. The lin ear prop erty does not re quirethe se ries spring used by the non lin ear vis cous damper, and it does al low you tocon sider a par al lel spring. See Topic “Cou pled Lin ear Prop erty” (page 229) formore in for ma tion

For the non lin ear vis cous damper, you can spec ify in de pend ent damp ing prop er ties for each deformational de gree of free dom. The damp ing prop er ties are based on the Maxwell model of viscoelasticity (Malvern, 1969) hav ing a non lin ear damper inse ries with a spring. See Figure 56 (page 238). If you do not spec ify non lin ear prop -er ties for a de gree of free dom, that de gree of free dom is lin ear us ing the ef fec tivestiff ness, which may be zero.

The non lin ear force- deformation re la tion ship is given by:

f d dk c= =k c cexp&

where k is the spring con stant, c is the damp ing co ef fi cient, cexp is the damp ing ex —

po nent, d k is the de for ma tion across the spring, and &d c is the de for ma tion rate

across the damper. The damp ing ex po nent must be posi tive; the prac ti cal range isbe tween 0.2 and 2.0.

Nonlinear Viscous Damper Property 237

Chapter XV The Link/Support Element—Advanced

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The spring and damp ing de for ma tions sum to the to tal in ter nal de for ma tion:

d d dk c= +

The se ries spring is very im por tant for cap tur ing re al is tic be hav ior of non lin eardamp ers, es pe cially those with frac tional ex po nents. It rep re sents the elas tic flex i -bil ity of the damp ing de vice, in clud ing the fluid col umn and the con nect ing mech a -nisms. It pre vents the damp ing term from pro duc ing un re al is ti cally large vis cousforces at small ve loc i ties, which can have a very sig nif i cant im pact on over all struc -tural be hav ior.

You may be tempted to in tro duce a large stiff ness value, k, to rep re sent “pure”damp ing, but this may re sult in unconservative and un re al is tic be hav ior. It wouldbe better to get a re al is tic value of the elas tic flex i bil ity from the man u fac turer ofthe de vice and the de tails of the con nec tions, or make an en gi neer ing es ti mate ofthe value. For more in for ma tion, see the SAP2000 Soft ware Ver i fi ca tion Man ual,where SAP2000 re sults are compared with ex per i ment.

Gap Property

For each de for ma tional de gree of free dom you may spec ify in de pend ent gap(“compression- only”) prop er ties. See Figure 56 (page 238).

238 Gap Property

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Figure 56Nonlinear Viscous Damper, Gap, and Hook Property Types,

Shown for Axial Deformations

Page 259: Sap 2000 Reference Manual

All in ter nal de for ma tions are in de pend ent. The open ing or clos ing of a gap for onede for ma tion does not af fect the be hav ior of the other de for ma tions.

If you do not spec ify non lin ear prop er ties for a de gree of free dom, that de gree offree dom is lin ear us ing the ef fec tive stiff ness, which may be zero.

The non lin ear force- deformation re la tion ship is given by:

fd d

=+ + <ì


k open open( ) if




where k is the spring con stant, and open is the ini tial gap open ing, which must bezero or posi tive.

Hook Property

For each de for ma tional de gree of free dom you may spec ify in de pend ent hook(“tension- only”) prop er ties. See Figure 56 (page 238).

All in ter nal de for ma tions are in de pend ent. The open ing or clos ing of a hook for one de for ma tion does not af fect the be hav ior of the other de for ma tions.

If you do not spec ify non lin ear prop er ties for a de gree of free dom, that de gree offree dom is lin ear us ing the ef fec tive stiff ness, which may be zero.

The non lin ear force- deformation re la tion ship is given by:

fd d

=- — >ì


k open open( ) if




where k is the spring con stant, and open is the ini tial hook open ing, which must bezero or pos i tive.

Multi-Linear Elasticity Property

For each deformational de gree of free dom you may spec ify multi-lin ear elas ticprop er ties.

All in ter nal de for ma tions are in de pend ent. The de for ma tion in one de gree of free -dom does not af fect the be hav ior of any other. If you do not spec ify non lin ear prop -er ties for a de gree of free dom, that de gree of free dom is lin ear us ing the ef fec tivestiff ness, which may be zero.

Hook Property 239

Chapter XV The Link/Support Element—Advanced

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The non lin ear force-de for ma tion re la tion ship is given by a multi-lin ear curve thatyou de fine by a set of points. The curve can take on al most any shape, with the fol -low ing re stric tions:

• One point must be the or i gin, (0,0)

• At least one point with pos i tive de for ma tion, and one point with neg a tive de -for ma tion, must be de fined

• The de for ma tions of the spec i fied points must in crease monotonically, with notwo val ues be ing equal

• The forces (mo ments) can take on any value

The slope given by the last two spec i fied points on the pos i tive de for ma tion axis isex trap o lated to in fi nite pos i tive de for ma tion. Sim i larly, the slope given by the lasttwo spec i fied points on the neg a tive de for ma tion axis is ex trap o lated to in fi niteneg a tive de for ma tion.

The be hav ior is non lin ear but it is elas tic. This means that the el e ment loads and un -loads along the same curve, and no en ergy is dis si pated.

Wen Plasticity Property

For each de for ma tional de gree of free dom you may spec ify in de pend ent uniaxial- plasticity prop er ties. The plas tic ity model is based on the hys tere tic be hav ior pro -posed by Wen (1976). See Figure 57 (page 241).

All in ter nal de for ma tions are in de pend ent. The yield ing at one de gree of free domdoes not af fect the be hav ior of the other de for ma tions.

If you do not spec ify non lin ear prop er ties for a de gree of free dom, that de gree offree dom is lin ear us ing the ef fec tive stiff ness, which may be zero.

The non lin ear force- deformation re la tion ship is given by:

f d z= + -ratio k ratio yield( )1

where k is the elas tic spring con stant, yield is the yield force, ra tio is the speci fiedra tio of post- yield stiff ness to elas tic stiff ness (k), and z is an in ter nal hys tere ticvari able. This vari able has a range of | |z £ 1, with the yield sur face rep re sented by | |z =1. The ini tial value of z is zero, and it evolves ac cord ing to the dif fer en tialequa tion:

240 Wen Plasticity Property

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&& ( | | ) &


d z d z


— >ìíî



exp1 0if


where exp is an ex po nent greater than or equal to unity. Larger val ues of this ex po -nent in creases the sharp ness of yield ing as shown in Figure 58 (page 242). Theprac ti cal limit for exp is about 20. The equa tion for &z is equiv a lent to Wen’s modelwith A =1 and a b= = 05. .

Multi-Linear Kinematic Plasticity Property

This model is based upon ki ne matic hard en ing be hav ior that is com monly ob served in met als. For each deformational de gree of free dom you may spec ify multi-lin earki ne matic plas tic ity prop er ties. See Figure 59 (page 243).

All in ter nal de for ma tions are in de pend ent. The de for ma tion in one de gree of free -dom does not af fect the be hav ior of any other. If you do not spec ify non lin ear prop -er ties for a de gree of free dom, that de gree of free dom is lin ear us ing the ef fec tivestiff ness, which may be zero.

Multi-Linear Kinematic Plasticity Property 241

Chapter XV The Link/Support Element—Advanced






Figure 57Wen Plasticity Property Type for Uniaxial Deformation

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The non lin ear force-de for ma tion re la tion ship is given by a multi-lin ear curve thatyou de fine by a set of points. The curve can take on al most any shape, with the fol -low ing re stric tions:

• One point must be the or i gin, (0,0)

• At least one point with pos i tive de for ma tion, and one point with neg a tive de -for ma tion, must be de fined

• The de for ma tions of the spec i fied points must in crease monotonically, with notwo val ues be ing equal

• The forces (mo ments) at a point must have the same sign as the de for ma tion(they can be zero)

• The fi nal slope at each end of the curve must not be neg a tive

The slope given by the last two points spec i fied on the pos i tive de for ma tion axis isex trap o lated to in fi nite pos i tive de for ma tion. Sim i larly, the slope given by the lasttwo points spec i fied on the neg a tive de for ma tion axis is ex trap o lated to in fi niteneg a tive de for ma tion.

The given curve de fines the force-de for ma tion re la tion ship un der monotonic load -ing. The first slope on ei ther side of the or i gin is elas tic; the re main ing seg ments de —

242 Multi-Linear Kinematic Plasticity Property

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exp = 1

exp = 2k


ratio·kexp ® ¥

Figure 58Definition of Parameters for the Wen Plasticity Property

Page 263: Sap 2000 Reference Manual

fine plas tic de for ma tion. If the de for ma tion re verses, it fol lows the two elas tic seg -ments be fore be gin ning plas tic de for ma tion in the re verse di rec tion.

Un der the rules of ki ne matic hard en ing, plas tic de for ma tion in one di rec tion“pulls” the curve for the other di rec tion along with it. Matching pairs of points arelinked.

Con sider the points la beled as fol lows:

• The or i gin is point 0

• The points on the pos i tive axis are la beled 1, 2, 3…, count ing from the origin

• The points on the neg a tive axis are la beled –1, –2, –3…, counting from the or i -gin.

See Figure 60 (page 244) for an ex am ple, where three points are de fined on ei therside of the or i gin. This fig ure shows the behavior un der cy clic load ing of in creas ing mag ni tude.

In this ex am ple, the load ing is ini tially elas tic from point 0 to point 1. As load ingcon tin ues from point 1 to point 2, plas tic de for ma tion oc curs. This is rep re sented by the move ment of point 1 along the curve to ward point 2. Point –1 is pulled by point

Multi-Linear Kinematic Plasticity Property 243

Chapter XV The Link/Support Element—Advanced

Figure 59Multi-linear Kinematic Plasticity Property Type for Uniaxial Deformation

Page 264: Sap 2000 Reference Manual

1 to move an iden ti cal amount in both the force and de for ma tion di rec tions. Point 0also moves along with point 1 and –1 to pre serve the elas tic slopes.

When the load re verses, the el e ment un loads along the shifted elas tic line frompoint 1 to point –1, then to ward point –2. Point –2 has not moved yet, and will notmove un til load ing in the neg a tive di rec tion pushes it, or un til load ing in the pos i -tive di rec tion pushes point 2, which in turn pulls point –2 by an iden ti cal amount.

When the load re verses again, point 1 is pushed to ward point 2, then to gether theyare pushed to ward point 3, pull ing points –1 and –2 with them. This pro ce dure iscon tin ued through out the rest of the anal y sis. The slopes be yond points 3 and –3 are main tained even as these points move.

When you de fine the points on the multi-lin ear curve, you should be aware thatsym met ri cal pairs of points will be linked, even if the curve is not sym met ri cal.This gives you some con trol over the shape of the hysteretic loop.

244 Multi-Linear Kinematic Plasticity Property

CSI Analysis Reference Manual

Given Force-Deformation Data Points






Figure 60Multi-linear Kinematic Plasticity Property Type for Uniaxial Deformation

Shown is the behavior under cyclic loading of increasing magnitude

Page 265: Sap 2000 Reference Manual

Multi-Linear Takeda Plasticity Property

This model is very sim i lar to the Multi-Lin ear Ki ne matic model, but uses a de grad -ing hysteretic loop based on the Takeda model, as de scribed in Takeda, Sozen, andNiel sen (1970). The spec i fi ca tion of the prop er ties is iden ti cal to that for the Ki ne -matic model, only the be hav ior is dif fer ent. In par tic u lar, when cross ing the hor i -zon tal axis upon un load ing, the curve fol lows a se cant path to the back bone forcede for ma tion re la tion ship for the op po site load ing di rec tion. See Figure 61 (page245).

Multi-Linear Pivot Hysteretic Plasticity Property

This model is sim i lar to the Multi-Lin ear Takeda model, but has ad di tional pa ram e -ters to con trol the de grad ing hysteretic loop. It is par tic u larly well suited for re in -forced con crete mem bers, and is based on the ob ser va tion that un load ing and re -verse load ing tend to be di rected to ward spe cific points, called piv ots points, in theforce-de for ma tion (or mo ment-ro ta tion) plane. This model is fully de scribed inDowell, Seible, and Wil son (1998).

Multi-Linear Takeda Plasticity Property 245

Chapter XV The Link/Support Element—Advanced

Figure 61Multi-linear Takeda Plasticity Property Type for Uniaxial Deformation

Page 266: Sap 2000 Reference Manual

The spec i fi ca tion of the prop er ties is iden ti cal to that for the Ki ne matic or Takedamodel, with the ad di tion of the fol low ing sca lar pa ram e ters:

• a1, which lo cates the pivot point for un load ing to zero from pos i tive force

• a2, which lo cates the pivot point for un load ing to zero from neg a tive force

• b1, which lo cates the pivot point for re verse load ing from zero to ward pos i tiveforce

• b2, which lo cates the pivot point for re verse load ing from zero toward neg a tiveforce

• h, which de ter mines the amount of deg ra da tion of the elas tic slopes af ter plas -tic de for ma tion.

These pa ram e ters are il lus trated in Figure 62 (page 246).

246 Multi-Linear Pivot Hysteretic Plasticity Property

CSI Analysis Reference Manual

Figure 62Multi-linear Takeda Plasticity Property Type for Uniaxial Deformation

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Hysteretic (Rubber) Isolator Property

This is a bi ax ial hys tere tic iso la tor that has cou pled plas tic ity prop er ties for the twoshear de for ma tions, and lin ear effective- stiffness prop er ties for the re main ing fourde for ma tions. The plas tic ity model is based on the hys tere tic be hav ior pro posed byWen (1976), and Park, Wen and Ang (1986), and rec om mended for base- isolationanaly sis by Naga ra jaiah, Re in horn and Con stan ti nou (1991). See Figure 63 (page247).

For each shear de for ma tion de gree of free dom you may in de pend ently spec ify ei -ther lin ear or non lin ear be hav ior:

• If both shear de grees of free dom are non lin ear, the cou pled force- deformationre la tion ship is given by:

f d zu u2 2 21= + -ratio2 k2 ratio2 yield2( ) f d zu u3 3 31= + -ratio3 k3 ratio3 yield3( )

Hysteretic (Rubber) Isolator Property 247

Chapter XV The Link/Support Element—Advanced









Figure 63Hysteretic Isolator Property for Biaxial Shear Deformation

Page 268: Sap 2000 Reference Manual

where k2 and k3 are the elas tic spring con stants, yield2 and yield3 are the yield forces, ra tio2 and ra tio3 are the ra tios of post- yield stiff nesses to elas tic stiff -nesses (k2 and k3), and z 2 and z 3 are in ter nal hys tere tic vari ables. These vari —

ables have a range of z z22

32 1+ £ , with the yield sur face rep re sented by

z z22

32 1+ = . The ini tial val ues of z 2 and z 3 are zero, and they evolve ac —

cord ing to the dif fer en tial equa tions:





a z

a z z

a z z

a z



2 22

2 2 3

3 2 3

3 32





























ad zu

22 21 0






ad zu

33 31 0






These equa tions are equiva lent to those of Park, Wen and Ang (1986) with A =1and b g= = 05. .

• If only one shear de gree of free dom is non lin ear, the above equa tions re duce tothe uni ax ial plas tic ity be hav ior of the Plas tic1 prop erty with exp = 2 for that de -gree of free dom.

A lin ear spring re la tion ship ap plies to the ax ial de for ma tion, the three mo ment de -for ma tions, and to any shear de for ma tion with out non lin ear prop er ties. All lin earde grees of free dom use the cor re spond ing ef fec tive stiff ness, which may be zero.

Friction-Pendulum Isolator Property

This is a bi ax ial friction- pendulum iso la tor that has cou pled fric tion prop er ties forthe two shear de for ma tions, post- slip stiff ness in the shear di rec tions due the pen -du lum ra dii of the slip ping sur faces, gap be hav ior in the ax ial di rec tion, and lin eareffective- stiffness prop er ties for the three mo ment de for ma tions. See Figure 64(page 249).

248 Friction-Pendulum Isolator Property

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This el e ment can also be used to model gap and fric tion be hav ior be tween con tact -ing sur faces by set ting the ra dii to zero, in di cat ing a flat surface.

The fric tion model is based on the hys tere tic be hav ior pro posed by Wen (1976),and Park, Wen and Ang (1986), and rec om mended for base- isolation analy sis byNaga ra jaiah, Re in horn and Con stan ti nou (1991). The pen du lum be hav ior is as rec -om mended by Zayas and Low (1990).

The fric tion forces and pen du lum forces are di rectly pro por tional to the com pres -sive ax ial force in the ele ment. The ele ment can not carry ax ial ten sion.

Friction-Pendulum Isolator Property 249

Chapter XV The Link/Support Element—Advanced











Figure 64Friction-Pendulum Isolator Property for Biaxial Shear Behavior

This element can be used for gap-friction contact problems

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Ax ial Behavior

The ax ial force, f u1, is al ways non lin ear, and is given by:

f Pd d

uu u

11 1 0

0= =


k1 if


In or der to gen er ate non lin ear shear force in the el e ment, the stiffness k1 must bepos i tive, and hence force P must be neg a tive (com pres sive).

You may ad di tion ally spec ify a damp ing co ef fi cient, c1, for the ax ial de gree offree dom, in which case the ax ial force be comes:

f Pd d

uu u

11 1 0

0= +


c1 & if


The damp ing force only ex ists when the iso la tor is in com pres sion.

Force f u1 is the to tal ax ial force ex erted by the el e ment on the con nected joints.How ever, only the stiff ness force P is as sumed to act on the bear ing sur face, caus -ing shear re sis tance. The damp ing force is ex ter nal.

The pur pose of the damp ing co ef fi cient is to re duce the nu mer i cal chat ter (os cil la -tion) that can be pres ent in some anal y ses. You can es ti mate the damp ing co ef fi -cient needed to achieve a cer tain ra tio, r, of crit i cal damp ing (e.g., r = 0.05) from the for mula




where m is the trib u tary mass for the iso la tor, which could be es ti mated from theself-weight ax ial force di vided by the ac cel er a tion due to grav ity. It is up to you tover ify the ap pli ca bil ity of this ap proach for your par tic u lar ap pli ca tion. See theSAP2000 Soft ware Ver i fi ca tion Man ual for a dis cus sion on the use of this damp ingco ef fi cient.

Shear Behavior

For each shear de for ma tion de gree of free dom you may in de pend ently spec ify ei -ther lin ear or non lin ear be hav ior:

• If both shear de grees of free dom are non lin ear, the fric tion and pen du lum ef -fects for each shear de for ma tion act in par al lel:

250 Friction-Pendulum Isolator Property

CSI Analysis Reference Manual

Page 271: Sap 2000 Reference Manual

f f fu u f u p2 2 2= +f f fu u f u p3 3 3= +

The fric tional force- deformation re la tion ships are given by:

f P zu f2 2 2= — mf P zu f3 3 3= — m

where m2 and m3 are fric tion co ef fi cients, and z 2 and z 3 are in ter nal hys tere ticvari ables. The fric tion co ef fi cients are velocity- dependent ac cord ing to:

m2 = — —

fast2 fast2 slow2( ) er v

m3 = — —

fast3 fast3 slow3( ) er v

where slow2 and slow3 are the fric tion co ef fi cients at zero ve loc ity, fast2 andfast3 are the fric tion co ef fi cients at fast ve loci ties, v is the re sul tant ve loc ity ofslid ing:

v d du u= +& &2



r is an ef fec tive in verse ve loc ity given by:

rd d


u u=+rate2 rate3& &




and rate2 and rate3 are the in verses of char ac ter is tic slid ing ve loci ties. For aTeflon- steel in ter face the co ef fi cient of fric tion nor mally in creases with slid ing ve loc ity (Naga ra jaiah, Re in horn, and Con stan ti nou, 1991).

The in ter nal hys tere tic vari ables have a range of z z22

32 1+ £ , with the yield

sur face rep re sented by z z22

32 1+ = . The ini tial val ues of z 2 and z 3 are zero,

and they evolve ac cord ing to the dif fer en tial equa tions:





a z

a z z

a z z

a z



2 22

2 2 3

3 2 3

3 32



























where k2 and k3 are the elas tic shear stiff nesses of the slider in the ab sence ofslid ing, and

Friction-Pendulum Isolator Property 251

Chapter XV The Link/Support Element—Advanced

Page 272: Sap 2000 Reference Manual

ad zu

22 21 0






ad zu

33 31 0






These equa tions are equiva lent to those of Park, Wen and Ang (1986) with A =1and b g= = 05. .

This fric tion model per mits some slid ing at all non- zero lev els of shear force;the amount of slid ing be comes much larger as the shear force ap proaches the“yield” value of P m. Slid ing at lower val ues of shear force can be mini mized by us ing larger val ues of the elas tic shear stiff nesses.

The pen du lum force- deformation re la tion ships are given by:

f Pd

u pu

22= —


f Pd

u pu

33= —


A zero ra dius in di cates a flat sur face, and the cor re spond ing shear force is zero.Nor mally the ra dii in the two shear di rec tions will be equal (spheri cal sur face),or one ra dius will be zero (cy lin dri cal sur face). How ever, it is per mit ted tospec ify une qual non- zero ra dii.

• If only one shear de gree of free dom is non lin ear, the above fric tional equa tionsre duce to:

f P zf = — m

m = — — -fast fast slow rate( )&

e d

&& ( ) &



d z d z


— >ìíî



1 02



The above pen du lum equa tion is un changed for the non lin ear de gree of free -dom.

Linear Be hav ior

A lin ear spring re la tion ship ap plies to the three mo ment de for ma tions, and to anyshear de for ma tion with out non lin ear prop er ties. All lin ear de grees of free dom use

252 Friction-Pendulum Isolator Property

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the cor re spond ing ef fec tive stiff ness, which may be zero. The ax ial de gree of free -dom is al ways non lin ear for non lin ear anal y ses.

Double-Acting Friction-Pendulum Isolator Property

This is a bi axial fric tion-pen du lum iso la tor that sup ports ten sion as well as com -pres sion, and has uncou pled be hav ior in the two shear di rec tions. The fric tional re -sis tance can be dif fer ent de pend ing on whether then iso la tor is in ten sion or com -pres sion. This de vice con sists of two or thogo nal, curved rails that are in ter lockedtogether. It is in tended to pro vide seis mic iso la tion with up lift pre ven tion, and isde scribed in de tail by Roussis and Constantinou [2005].

Ax ial Be hav ior

In de pend ent stiffnesses and gap open ings may be spec i fied for ten sion and com -pres sion. The ax ial force, f u1, is al ways non lin ear, and is given by:

f P

d d


u u


1 1



= =

+ + <

k1c openc openc

k1t opent

( ) ( )

( )




( )du1 0


— >





where k1c is the com pres sive stiff ness, k1t is the ten sile stiff ness, openc is the gapopen ing in com pres sion, and opent is the gap open ing in ten sion. Each of the fourval ues may be zero or pos i tive.

You may ad di tion ally spec ify a damp ing co ef fi cient, c1, for the ax ial de gree offree dom, in which case the ax ial force be comes:

f P du u1 1= + c1 &

The damp ing force ex ists whether the iso la tor is in ten sion, com pres sion, or is gap -ping.

Force f u1 is the to tal ax ial force ex erted by the el e ment on the con nected joints.How ever, only the stiff ness force P is as sumed to act on the bear ing sur face, caus -ing shear re sis tance. The damp ing force is ex ter nal. See Topic “Fric tion-Pen du lumIso la tor Property” (page 248) for a dis cus sion on the use of this damp ing.

Double-Acting Friction-Pendulum Isolator Property 253

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Shear Behavior

For each shear de for ma tion de gree of free dom you may in de pend ently spec ify ei -ther lin ear or non lin ear be hav ior. The be hav ior in the two shear di rec tions is un cou -pled, al though they both de pend on the same ax ial force P.

For each non lin ear shear de gree of free dom u2 or u3, you in de pend ently spec ify the fol low ing pa ram e ters:

• Stiff ness k, rep re sent ing the elas tic be hav ior be fore slid ing be gins. This valueis the same for pos i tive or neg a tive P.

• Fric tion co ef fi cients slowc and fastc for fric tion un der com pres sion at dif fer ent ve loc i ties, and co ef fi cients slowt and fastt for fric tion un der ten sion at dif fer -ent ve loc i ties.

• Rate pa ram e ters ratec and ratet for fric tion un der com pres sion and ten sion, re -spec tively. These are the in verses of char ac ter is tic slid ing ve loc i ties. For a Tef -lon-steel in ter face the co ef fi cient of fric tion nor mally in creases with slid ing ve -loc ity (Nagarajaiah, Reinhorn, and Constantinou, 1991).

• Ra dius ra dius, which is the same for ten sion and com pres sion.

Look ing at one shear di rec tion, and con sid er ing ei ther ten sion or com pres sion us -ing the ap pro pri ate fric tion pa ram e ters, the shear force f is given by:

f f ff p= +

f P zf = — m

m = — —

fast fast slowrate

( )&


&& ( ) &



d z d z


— >ìíî



1 02 if


f Pd

p = -radius

where d is the shear de for ma tion and z is an in ter nal hysteretic vari able. In theabove, the in di ca tors for shear de gree of free dom u2 or u3, as well as for ten sion orcom pres sion, have been dropped.

254 Double-Acting Friction-Pendulum Isolator Property

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Linear Be hav ior

A lin ear spring re la tion ship ap plies to the three mo ment de for ma tions, and to anyshear de for ma tion with out non lin ear prop er ties. All lin ear de grees of free dom usethe cor re spond ing ef fec tive stiff ness, which may be zero. The ax ial de gree of free -dom is al ways non lin ear for non lin ear anal y ses.

Nonlinear Deformation Loads

A non lin ear de for ma tion load is a set of forces and/or mo ments on the struc turethat ac ti vates a non lin ear in ter nal de for ma tion of an Link/Sup port el e ment. A non -lin ear in ter nal de for ma tion is an Link/Sup port in ter nal de for ma tion for which non -lin ear prop er ties have been spec i fied.

Non lin ear de for ma tion loads are used as start ing load vec tors for Ritz-vec tor anal y -sis. Their pur pose is to gen er ate Modes that can ad e quately rep re sent non lin ear be -hav ior when per form ing non lin ear modal time-his tory anal y ses. A sep a rate non lin -ear de for ma tion load should be used for each non lin ear in ter nal de for ma tion ofeach Link/Sup port el e ment.

When re quest ing a Ritz-vec tor anal y sis, you may spec ify that the pro gram usebuilt-in non lin ear de for ma tion loads, or you may de fine your own Load Cases forthis pur pose. In the lat ter case you may need up to six of these Load Cases perLink/Sup port el e ment in the model.

The built-in non lin ear de for ma tion loads for a sin gle two-joint Link el e ment areshown in Figure 65 (page 256). Each set of forces and/or mo ments isself-equilibrating. This tends to lo cal ize the ef fect of the load, usu ally re sult ing in abetter set of Ritz-vec tors. For a sin gle-joint el e ment, only the forces and/or mo -ments act ing on joint j are needed.

It is strongly rec om mended that mass or mass mo ment of in er tia be pres ent at eachde gree of free dom that is acted upon by a force or mo ment from a non lin ear de for -ma tion load. This is needed to gen er ate the ap pro pri ate Ritz vec tors.

For more in for ma tion:

• See Topic “In ter nal De for ma tions” (page 220) in this Chap ter.

• See Topic “Link/Sup port Prop er ties” (page 222) in this Chap ter.

• See Topic “Mass” (page 230) in this Chap ter.

• See Topic “Ritz-Vec tor Anal y sis” (page 295) in Chap ter “Anal y sis Cases.”

Nonlinear Deformation Loads 255

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256 Nonlinear Deformation Loads

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Load forDeformation


Load forDeformation


Load forDeformation


Load forDeformation


Load forDeformation


Load forDeformation


L = Element Length

Figure 65Built-in Nonlinear Deformation Loads for a Two-joint Link Element

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• See Topic “Non lin ear Modal Time-His tory Anal y sis (FNA)” (page 295) inChap ter “Anal y sis Cases.”

Frequency-Dependent Link/Support Properties

Each Link or Sup port el e ment can have an optional set of fre quency-de pend entprop er ties as signed to it in ad di tion to the lin ear/non lin ear prop erty set that must al -ways be as signed. Fre quency-de pend ent prop er ties are only used for fre quency-do -main types of anal y ses, such as Steady-State or Power-Spec tral-Den sity analyses.

Fre quency-de pend ent prop er ties rep re sent the complex im ped ance of the el e ment.There is a real part that rep re sents the stiff ness and in er tial ef fects, and an imag i nary part that rep re sents the hysteretic damp ing ef fects. Fre quency-de pend ent prop er -ties for the six de grees of free dom of the el e ment may be may be cou pled or un cou -pled cou pled, as given by:

(Eqn. 4)f






z z zu






u u u u u1






1 1 2 1 3ì











z z z

z z z z z

z z z

u r u r u r

u u u u r u r u r

u u r u r

1 1 1 2 1 3

2 2 3 2 1 2 2 2 3

3 3 1 3 2 3 3

1 1 2 1 3

2 2 3



z z z

z z


u r

r r r r r

r r r





































where z k icu u u1 1 1= + is the im ped ance term in the u1 de gree of free dom, andwhere ku1 is the stiff ness/in er tial component, cu1 is the damp ing component, and iis the square root of –1. The other im ped ance terms are sim i lar.

In Eqn. (4), the force terms on the left-hand side of the equa tion and the dis place -ment terms on the right-hand side of the equa tions are also com plex. The real partsof these terms rep re sent the be hav ior at a phase an gle of zero, with time vari a tiongiven by the co sine func tion, and the imag i nary parts rep re sent be hav ior at a phase

an gle of 90°, with time vari a tion given by the sine func tion.

Each of the 21 im ped ance terms may vary with fre quency. You de fine the vari a tionfor each term as a set of points giv ing stiff ness vs. fre quency and damp ing vs. fre -quency. It is not un usual for the stiff ness term to be neg a tive over part of the range.

A com mon use for fre quency-de pend ent prop er ties would be in Sup port el e mentsthat rep re sent the far-field ra di a tion-damp ing ef fect of the soil re gion un der a rigidfoun da tion.

Frequency-Dependent Link/Support Properties 257

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258 Frequency-Dependent Link/Support Properties

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C h a p t e r XVI

The Tendon Object

Ten dons are a spe cial type of ob ject that can be em bed ded in side other ob jects(frames, shells, planes, asolids, and sol ids) to rep re sent the ef fect of prestressingand post-tensioning. These ten dons at tach to the other ob jects and im pose loadupon them.

Advanced Topics

• Over view

• Ge om e try

• Discretization

• Ten dons Mod eled as Loads or Elements

• Con nec tivity

• De grees of Free dom

• Lo cal Co or di nate Sys tems

• Sec tion Prop er ties

• Non lin ear Properties

• Mass

• Pre stress Load


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• Self- Weight Load

• Grav ity Load

• Tem per a ture Load

• Strain Load

• In ter nal Force Out put


Ten dons are a spe cial type of ob ject that can be em bed ded in side other ob jects(frames, shells, planes, asolids, and sol ids) to rep re sent the ef fect of prestressingand post-tensioning. These ten dons at tach to the other ob jects through which theypass and im pose load upon them.

You may spec ify whether the ten dons are to be mod eled as in de pend ent el e ments in the anal y sis, or just to act upon the rest of the struc ture as loads. Mod el ing as loadsis ad e quate for lin ear anal y ses when you know the losses that will be caused byelas tic short en ing and time-de pend ent ef fects.

Ten dons should be mod eled as el e ments if you want the pro gram to cal cu late thelosses due to elas tic short en ing and time-de pend ent ef fects, if you want to con sidernonlinearity in the Tendons, or if you want to know the forces act ing in the Tendons due to other load ing on the struc ture.

Ten don ob jects share some fea tures with Frame el e ments, which will be cross-ref -er enced in this Chap ter.


Any num ber of ten dons may be de fined. Each ten don is drawn or de fined as a typeof line ob ject be tween two joints, I and j. The two joints must not share the same lo -ca tion in space. The two ends of the Tendon are de noted end I and end J, re spec -tively.

The Tendon may have an ar bi trary curved or seg mented shape in three di men sionsbe tween those points, and may be off set at the ends from these joints.

260 Overview

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A Tendon may be a long ob ject with com pli cated ge om e try, but it will be au to mat i -cally discretized into shorter seg ments for pur poses of anal y sis. You must spec ifythe max i mum length of these discretization seg ments dur ing the def i ni tion of theTen don. These lengths can af fect how the Ten don loads the struc ture and the ac cu -racy of the anal y sis re sults. You should choose shorter lengths for Ten dons withhighly curved ge om e try, or Ten dons that pass through parts of the struc ture withcom pli cated ge om e try or changes in prop er ties. If you are not sure what value touse, try sev eral dif fer ent val ues to see how they af fect the re sults.

Ten dons Mod eled as Loads or Elements

You have a choice for each Tendon how it is to be mod eled for anal y sis:

• As equiv a lent loads that act upon the struc ture

• As in de pend ent el e ments with stiff ness, mass and load ing

Mod el ing as loads is ad e quate for lin ear anal y ses when you know in ad vance thelosses that will be caused by elas tic short en ing and time-de pend ent ef fects.

Ten dons should be mod eled as el e ments if you want the pro gram to cal cu late thelosses due to elas tic short en ing and time-de pend ent ef fects, if you want to con sidernonlinearity in the Ten dons, or if you want to know the forces act ing in the Ten dons due to other load ing on the struc ture. The discretized Ten don is in ter nally an a lyzedas a se ries of equiv a lent short, straight Frame el e ments.


The Ten don con nected to Frame, Shell, Plane, Asolid, and Solid el e ments throughwhich it passes along its length. This con nec tion is made au to mat i cally by the pro -gram. In ad di tion, it is con nected to the two end joints, I and j, if the ends of theTendon do not fall in side an el e ment.

To de ter mine the el e ments through which the Ten don passes, the pro gram uses thecon cept of a bound ing box:

• For Frame el e ments, the bound ing box is a rect an gu lar prism bounded by thelength of the el e ment and its max i mum cross-sec tional di men sions in the local2 and 3 di rec tions.

Discretization 261

Chapter XVI The Tendon Object

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• For Shell, Plane, and Asolid el e ments, it is the hexahedron bounded by the foursides of the el e ment and the up per and lower sur faces in the lo cal 3 di rec tion,with thick ness be ing considered.

• For Solid el e ments, it is the vol ume bounded by the six faces.

For Tendons mod eled as loads, if any por tion of the Ten don passes through thebound ing box of an el e ment, load from the ten don is trans ferred to that el e ment.

For Ten dons mod eled as el e ments, if any discretization point (i.e., ei ther end of adiscretization seg ment) falls within the bound ing box of an el e ment, that point iscon nected by an in ter po la tion con straint to all joints of that el e ment. This meansthat for large discretizations, the ten don may not ac tu ally be con nected to ev ery el e -ment through which it passes.

By de fault, the Ten don will be checked for con nec tion against all el e ments in themodel. You may re strict this by spec i fy ing a group of ob jects to which the Ten donmay con nect. The Ten don will not con nect to any ob jects that are not in that group.See Topic “Groups” (page 9) in Chap ter “Ob jects and El e ments” for more in for ma -tion.

Degrees of Freedom

The Ten don ob ject has six de grees of free dom along its length. How ever, its ef fectupon the struc ture de pends upon the el e ments to which it con nects. When con nect -ing to Frame and Shell el e ments, it may trans mit forces and mo ments to the joints in those el e ments. When con nect ing to Planes, Asolids, and Sol ids, it only trans mitsforces to the joints.

Even when mod eled as el e ments, a Tendon adds no ad di tional de grees of free domto a struc ture, since it is al ways con strained to act with the el e ments that con tain it.The ex cep tion would be if there is a por tion of the Ten don which is not em bed dedin any other el e ment. At each un-con tained discretization point, an in ter nal jointwould be cre ated with six de grees of free dom. This is not rec om mended.

For more in for ma tion, please see Topic “De grees of Free dom” (page 30) in Chap ter “Joints and De grees of Free dom.”

Local Coordinate Systems

Each Ten don ob ject has two lo cal co or di nate sys tems:

262 Degrees of Freedom

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• Base-line lo cal co or di nate sys tem, which is fixed for the whole ob ject

• Nat u ral lo cal co or di nate sys tem, which var ies along the length of the Ten don

These are de scribed in the following.

Base-line Lo cal Co or di nate System

The Ten don base-line lo cal co or di nate sys tem is used only to de fine the Ten donnat u ral lo cal co or di nate sys tem.

The axes of base-line sys tem are de noted 1, 2 and 3. The first axis is di rected alongthe straight line con nect ing the joints I and j that were used to de fine the Ten don.The re main ing two axes lie in the plane per pen dic u lar to this axis with an ori en ta -tion that you spec ify. The base-line lo cal co or di nate sys tem is fixed for the lengthof the Ten don, re gard less of the Tendon’s tra jec tory in space.

Base-line lo cal axes are de fined ex actly the same as for a Frame el e ment con nectedto joints I and j, ex cept the Ten don has zero joint off sets. Please see Top ics “Lo calCo or di nate Sys tem” (page 85) and “Ad vanced Lo cal Co or di nate Sys tem” (page86) in Chap ter “The Frame El e ment”.

Natural Local Coordinate System

The Ten don nat u ral lo cal co or di nate sys tem is used to de fine sec tion prop er ties,loads, and in ter nal force out put. This co or di nate sys tem is de fined with re spect tothe base-line lo cal co or di nate sys tem as fol lows:

• The 1 di rec tion is di rected along the tan gent to the Ten don, in the di rec tionfrom end I to end J.

• The 2 di rec tion is par al lel to the 1-2 plane of the base-line lo cal co or di nate sys -tem.

• The 3 di rec tion is com puted as the cross prod uct of the na tural lo cal 1 and 2 di -rec tions.

See Topic “Lo cal Co or di nate Sys tems” (page 262) in this Chap ter for more in for -ma tion.

Local Coordinate Systems 263

Chapter XVI The Tendon Object

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Section Properties

A Ten don Sec tion is a set of ma te rial and geo met ric prop er ties that de scribe thecross-sec tion of one or more Ten don ob jects. Sec tions are de fined in de pend ently of the Ten dons, and are as signed to the Tendon ob jects.

The cross sec tion shape is al ways cir cu lar. The Sec tion has ax ial, shear, bend ingand tor sional prop er ties, al though we are pri mar ily in ter ested in only the ax ial be -hav ior.

Material Properties

The ma te rial prop er ties for the Sec tion are spec i fied by ref er ence to a pre vi -ously-de fined Ma te rial. Iso tro pic ma te rial prop er ties are used, even if the Ma te rialse lected was de fined as orthotropic or anisotropic. The ma te rial prop er ties used bythe Sec tion are:

• The modulus of elas tic ity, e1, for ax ial stiff ness and bend ing stiff ness

• The shear modulus, g12, for tor sional stiff ness and trans verse shear stiff ness

• The co ef fi cient of ther mal ex pan sion, a1, for ax ial ex pan sion and ther malbend ing strain

• The mass den sity, m, for com put ing el e ment mass

• The weight den sity, w, for com put ing Self-Weight Loads

The ma te rial prop er ties e1, g12, and a1 are all ob tained at the ma te rial tem per a tureof each in di vid ual Ten don object, and hence may not be unique for a given Sec tion.

See Chap ter “Ma te rial Prop er ties” (page 69) for more in for ma tion.

Geometric Properties and Section Stiffnesses

The cross sec tion shape is al ways cir cu lar. You may spec ify ei ther the di am e ter orthe area, a. The ax ial stiff ness of the Sec tion is given by a e1× .

The re main ing sec tion prop er ties are au to mat i cally cal cu lated for the cir cu larshape. These, along with their cor re spond ing Sec tion stiffnesses, are given by:

• The mo ment of in er tia, i33, about the 3 axis for bend ing in the 1-2 plane, andthe mo ment of in er tia, i22, about the 2 axis for bend ing in the 1-3 plane. Thecor re spond ing bend ing stiffnesses of the Sec tion are given by i33 e1× and i22 e1× ;

264 Section Properties

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• The tor sional con stant, j. The tor sional stiff ness of the Sec tion is given by j g12× . For a cir cu lar sec tion, the tor sional con stant is the same as the po lar mo -ment of in er tia.

• The shear ar eas, as2 and as3, for trans verse shear in the 1-2 and 1-3 planes, re -spec tively. The cor re spond ing trans verse shear stiffnesses of the Sec tion aregiven by as2 g12× and as3 g12× .

Property Modifiers

As part of the def i ni tion of the sec tion prop er ties, you may spec ify scale fac tors tomod ify the com puted sec tion prop er ties. These may be used, for ex am ple, to re duce bending stiff ness, al though this is gen er ally not nec es sary since the ten dons areusu ally very slen der.

In di vid ual modifiers are avail able for the fol low ing eight terms:

• The ax ial stiff ness a e1×

• The shear stiffnesses as2 g12× and as3 g12×

• The tor sional stiff ness j g12×

• The bend ing stiffnesses i33 e1× and i22 e1×

• The sec tion mass a×m

• The sec tion weight a×w

Nonlinear Properties

Two types of non lin ear prop er ties are avail able for the Ten don object: ten -sion/com pres sion lim its and plas tic hinges.

Im por tant! Non lin ear prop er ties only af fect Ten dons that are mod eled as el e -ments, not Ten dons mod eled as loads.

When non lin ear prop er ties are pres ent in the Tendon, they only af fect non lin earanal y ses. Lin ear anal y ses start ing from zero con di tions (the un stressed state) be -have as if the non lin ear prop er ties were not pres ent. Lin ear anal y ses us ing the stiff -ness from the end of a pre vi ous non lin ear anal y sis use the stiff ness of the non lin earprop erty as it ex isted at the end of the non lin ear case.

Nonlinear Properties 265

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Ten sion/Com pres sion Limits

You may spec ify a max i mum ten sion and/or a max i mum com pres sion that a Ten -don may take. In the most com mon case, you can de fine no-com pres sion be hav iorby spec i fy ing the com pres sion limit to be zero.

If you spec ify a ten sion limit, it must be zero or a pos i tive value. If you spec ify acom pres sion limit, it must be zero or a neg a tive value. If you spec ify a ten sion andcom pres sion limit of zero, the Tendon will carry no ax ial force.

The ten sion/com pres sion limit be hav ior is elas tic. Any ax ial ex ten sion be yond theten sion limit and ax ial short en ing be yond the com pres sion limit will oc cur withzero ax ial stiff ness. These de for ma tions are re cov ered elastically at zero stiff ness.

Bending, shear, and tor sional be hav ior are not af fected by the ax ial nonlinearity.

Plas tic Hinge

You may in sert plas tic hinges at any num ber of lo ca tions along the length of theTendon. De tailed de scrip tion of the be hav ior and use of plas tic hinges is pre sentedin Chap ter “Frame Hinge Prop erties” (page 119). For Ten dons, only the use of ax ial hinges gen er ally makes sense


In a dy namic analy sis, the mass of the struc ture is used to com pute in er tial forces.When mod eled as el e ments, the mass con trib uted by the Tendon is lumped at eachdiscretization point along the length of the Tendon. When mod eled as loads, nomass is con trib uted to the model. This is not usu ally of any sig nif i cance since themass of a Ten don is gen er ally small.

The to tal mass of the Tendon is equal to the in te gral along the length of the massden sity, m, mul ti plied by the cross- sectional area, a.

Prestress Load

Each Tendon pro duces a set of self-equilibrating forces and mo ments that act on the rest of the struc ture. You may as sign dif fer ent Pre stress loading in dif fer ent LoadCases.

266 Mass

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In a given Load Case, the Pre stress Load for any Tendon is de fined by the fol low -ing pa ram e ters:

• Ten sion in the Tendon, be fore losses.

• Jack ing lo ca tion, ei ther end I or end J, where the tensioning of the Tendon willoc cur

• Cur va ture co ef fi cient. This spec i fies the frac tion of ten sion loss (due to fric -tion) per unit of an gle change (in ra di ans) along the length of the Ten don,measured from the jack ing end.

• Wob ble co ef fi cient. This spec i fies the fraction of ten sion loss (due to fric tion)per unit of Ten don length, measured from the jack ing end, due to im per fectstraight ness of the ten don.

• An chor age set slip. This spec i fies the length of slip page at the jack ing end ofthe Ten don due to the re lease of the jack ing mechanism.

The fol low ing ad di tional load pa ram e ters may be spec i fied that only ap ply whenthe Ten don is mod eled as loads:

• Elas tic short en ing stress, due to com pres sive short en ing in the el e ments thatare loaded by the Ten don. This may be due to loads from the Tendon it self orfrom other loads act ing on the structure.

• Creep stress, due to com pres sive creep strains in the el e ments that are loadedby the Ten don.

• Shrink age stress, due to com pres sive shrink age strains in the el e ments that areloaded by the Ten don.

• Steel re lax ation stress, due to ten sile re lax ation strains in the Tendon it self.

For Ten dons mod eled as el e ments, the elas tic short en ing stress is au to mat i cally ac -counted for in all anal y ses; the time-de pend ent creep, shrink age, and re lax ationstresses can be ac counted for by per form ing a time-de pend ent staged-con struc tionanal y sis. See Topic “Staged Con struc tion” (page 372) in Chap ter “Non lin ear Static Anal y sis” for more in for ma tion.

To ac count for com pli cated jack ing pro ce dures, you can spec ify dif fer ent pre stressloads in dif fer ent Load Cases and ap ply them as appropriate.

Self-Weight Load

Self- Weight Load ac ti vates the self- weight of all ele ments in the model. For aTendon object, the self- weight is a force that is dis trib uted along the length of the

Self-Weight Load 267

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ele ment. The mag ni tude of the self- weight is equal to the weight den sity, w, mul ti -plied by the cross- sectional area, a.

Self- Weight Load al ways acts down ward, in the global –Z di rec tion. You mayscale the self- weight by a sin gle scale fac tor that ap plies equally to all ele ments inthe struc ture.

For more in for ma tion:

• See Topic “Weight Den sity” (page 77) in Chap ter “Ma te rial Prop er ties” for thedefi ni tion of w.

• See Topic “Sec tion Prop er ties” (page 264) in this Chap ter for the defi ni tion ofa.

• See Topic “Self- Weight Load” (page 275) in Chap ter “Load Cases.”

Gravity Load

Grav ity Load can be ap plied to each Ten don to ac ti vate the self- weight of theobject. Us ing Grav ity Load, the self- weight can be scaled and ap plied in any di rec -tion. Dif fer ent scale fac tors and di rec tions can be ap plied to each ele ment.

If all ele ments are to be loaded equally and in the down ward di rec tion, it is morecon ven ient to use Self- Weight Load.

For more in for ma tion:

• See Topic “Self- Weight Load” (page 108) in this Chap ter for the defi ni tion ofself- weight for the Frame ele ment.

• See Topic “Grav ity Load” (page 276) in Chap ter “Load Cases.”

Temperature Load

Tem per a ture Load cre ates ther mal strain in the Ten don ob ject. This strain is givenby the prod uct of the Ma te rial co ef fi cient of ther mal ex pan sion and the tem per a turechange of the ob ject. All spec i fied Tem per a ture Loads rep re sent a change in tem -per a ture from the un stressed state for a lin ear anal y sis, or from the pre vi ous tem per -a ture in a non lin ear anal y sis.

For any Load Case, you may spec ify a Load Tem per a ture field that is con stant overthe cross sec tion and pro duces ax ial strains. This tem per a ture field may be con stantalong the ele ment length or in ter po lated from val ues given at the joints.

268 Gravity Load

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See Chap ter “Load Cases” (page 271) for more in for ma tion.

Internal Force Output

The Tendon in ter nal forces are the forces and mo ments that re sult from in te grat -ing the stresses over the ob ject cross sec tion. These in ter nal forces are:

• P, the ax ial force

• V2, the shear force in the 1-2 plane

• V3, the shear force in the 1-3 plane

• T, the ax ial torque

• M2, the bend ing mo ment in the 1-3 plane (about the 2 axis)

• M3, the bend ing mo ment in the 1-2 plane (about the 3 axis)

These in ter nal forces and mo ments are pres ent at ev ery cross sec tion along thelength of the Ten don, and may be plot ted or tab u lated as part of the anal y sis re sults.In ter nal force out put is de fined with re spect to the Ten don nat u ral lo cal co or di natesys tem. See Subtopic “Natural Lo cal Co or di nate Sys tem” (page 263) in this Chap -ter.

Im por tant! In ter nal force out put is only avail able for Ten dons that are mod eled asel e ments.

The sign con ven tion is the same as for a Frame el e ment, as il lus trated in Figure 28(page 116). Posi tive in ter nal forces and ax ial torque act ing on a posi tive 1 face areori ented in the posi tive di rec tion of the nat u ral lo cal co or di nate axes. Posi tive in ter -nal forces and ax ial torque act ing on a nega tive face are ori ented in the nega tive di -rec tion of the nat u ral lo cal co or di nate axes. A posi tive 1 face is one whose out wardnor mal (point ing away from the object) is in the posi tive lo cal 1 di rec tion.

Posi tive bend ing mo ments cause com pres sion at the posi tive 2 and 3 faces and ten -sion at the nega tive 2 and 3 faces. The posi tive 2 and 3 faces are those faces in theposi tive lo cal 2 and 3 di rec tions, re spec tively, from the neu tral axis.

Internal Force Output 269

Chapter XVI The Tendon Object

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270 Internal Force Output

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Positive Axial Force and Torque

Positive Moment and Shearin the 1-2 Plane

Axis 1

Axis 3

Compression Face

Axis 2


Tension Face

Axis 3



Axis 2Axis 1

Axis 2


Axis 1

Axis 3T


Positive Moment and Shearin the 1-3 Plane

Tension Face

Compression Face






Figure 66Tendon Object Internal Forces and Moments

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C h a p t e r XVII

Load Cases

A Load Case is a speci fied spa tial dis tri bu tion of forces, dis place ments, tem pera -tures, and other ef fects that act upon the struc ture. A Load Case by it self does notcause any re sponse of the struc ture. Load Cases must be ap plied in Anal y sis Casesin or der to pro duce re sults.

Basic Topics for All Users

• Over view

• Load Cases, Anal y sis Cases, and Combinations

• De fin ing Load Cases

• Co or di nate Sys tems and Load Com po nents

• Force Load

• Re straint Dis place ment Load

• Spring Dis place ment Load

• Self- Weight Load

• Con cen trated Span Load

• Dis trib uted Span Load

• Ten don Pre stress Load


Page 292: Sap 2000 Reference Manual

• Uni form Load

• Ac cel er a tion Loads

Advanced Topics

• Grav ity Load

• Sur face Pres sure Load

• Pore Pres sure Load

• Tem pera ture Load

• Strain and De for ma tion Load

• Ro tate Load

• Joint Patterns


Each Load Case may con sist of an ar bi trary com bi na tion of the avail able loadtypes:

• Con cen trated forces and mo ments act ing at the joints

• Dis place ments of the grounded ends of re straints at the joints

• Dis place ments of the grounded ends of springs at the joints

• Self- weight and/or grav ity act ing on all ele ment types

• Con cen trated or dis trib uted forces and mo ments act ing on the Frame ele ments

• Dis trib uted forces act ing on the Shell ele ments

• Sur face pres sure act ing on the Shell, Plane, Aso lid, and Solid ele ments

• Pore pres sure act ing on the Plane, Aso lid, and Solid ele ments

• Ther mal ex pan sion act ing on the Frame, Shell, Plane, Aso lid, and Solid ele -ments

• Prestress load due to Ten dons act ing in Frame, Shell, Plane, Asolid, and Solidel e ments

• Cen trifu gal forces act ing on Aso lid ele ments

For prac ti cal pur poses, it is usu ally most con ven ient to re strict each Load Case to asin gle type of load, us ing Anal y sis Cases and Com bi na tions to cre ate more com pli -cated com bi na tions.

272 Overview

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Load Cases, Analysis Cases, and Combinations

A Load Case is a spec i fied spa tial dis tri bu tion of forces, dis place ments, tem per a -tures, and other ef fects that act upon the struc ture. A Load Case by it self does notcause any re sponse of the struc ture.

Load Cases must be ap plied in Anal y sis Cases in or der to pro duce re sults. AnAnal y sis Case de fines how the Load Cases are to be ap plied (e.g., stat i cally or dy -nam i cally), how the struc ture re sponds (e.g., lin early or nonlinearly), and how theanal y sis is to be per formed (e.g., mo dally or by di rect-in te gra tion.) An Anal y sisCase may ap ply a sin gle Load Case or a com bi na tion of Loads.

The re sults of Anal y sis Cases can be com bined af ter anal y sis by de fin ing Com bi -na tions, also called Combos. A Com bi na tion is a sum or en ve lope of the re sultsfrom dif fer ent Anal y sis Cases. For lin ear prob lems, al ge braic-sum types of com bi -na tions make sense. For non lin ear prob lems, it is usu ally best to com bine loads inthe Anal y sis Cases, and use Com bi na tions only for com put ing en ve lopes.

When print ing, plot ting, or dis play ing the re sponse of the struc ture to loads, youmay re quest re sults for Anal y sis Cases and Com bi na tions, but not di rectly for LoadCases.

When per form ing de sign, only the re sults from Com bi na tions are used. Com bi na -tions can be au to mat i cally cre ated by the de sign al go rithms, or you can cre ate yourown. If nec es sary, you can de fine Com bi na tions that con tain only a sin gle Anal y sisCase.

• See Chap ter “Anal y sis Cases” (page 287).

• See Topic “Com bi na tions (Combos)” (page 297) in Chap ter “Anal y sis Cases”.

Defining Load Cases

You can de fine as many Load Cases as you want, each with a unique name that youspec ify. Within each Load Case, any number of joints or ele ments may be loadedby any number of dif fer ent load types.

Each Load Case has a de sign type, such as DEAD, WIND, or QUAKE. This iden ti -fies the type of load ap plied so that the de sign al go rithms know how to treat the load when it is ap plied in an anal y sis case.

Load Cases, Analysis Cases, and Combinations 273

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Coordinate Systems and Load Components

Cer tain types of loads, such as tem pera ture and pres sure, are sca lars that are in de -pend ent of any co or di nate sys tem. Forces and dis place ments, how ever, are vec torswhose com po nents de pend upon the co or di nate sys tem in which they are speci fied.

Vec tor loads may be speci fied with re spect to any fixed co or di nate sys tem. Thefixed co or di nate sys tem to be used is speci fied as csys. If csys is zero (the de fault),the global sys tem is used. Oth er wise csys re fers to an Al ter nate Co or di nate Sys tem.

The X, Y, and Z com po nents of a force or trans la tion in a fixed co or di nate sys temare speci fied as ux, uy, and uz, re spec tively. The X, Y, and Z com po nents of a mo -ment or ro ta tion are speci fied as rx, ry, and rz, re spec tively.

Most vec tor loads may also be speci fied with re spect to joint and ele ment lo cal co -or di nate sys tems. Un like fixed co or di nate sys tems, the lo cal co or di nate sys temsmay vary from joint to joint and ele ment to ele ment.

The 1, 2, and 3 com po nents of a force or trans la tion in a lo cal co or di nate sys tem arespeci fied as u1, u2, and u3, re spec tively. The 1, 2, and 3 com po nents of a mo mentor ro ta tion are speci fied as r1, r2, and r3, re spec tively.

You may use a dif fer ent co or di nate sys tem, as con ven ient, for each ap pli ca tion of agiven type of load to a par ticu lar joint or ele ment. The pro gram will con vert allthese loads to a sin gle co or di nate sys tem and add them to gether to get the to tal load.

See Chap ter “Co or di nate Sys tems” (page 11) for more in for ma tion.

Ef fect upon Large-Dis place ments Anal y sis

In a large-dis place ments anal y sis, all loads spec i fied in a joint or el e ment lo cal co -or di nate sys tem will ro tate with that joint or el e ment. All loads spec i fied in a fixedco or di nate sys tem will not change di rec tion dur ing the anal y sis.

For lin ear anal y ses, and anal y ses con sid er ing only P-delta geo met ric nonlinearity,the di rec tion of load ing does not change dur ing the anal y sis.

See Chap ter “Geo met ric Nonlinearity” (page 341) for more in for ma tion.

274 Coordinate Systems and Load Components

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Force Load

Force Load ap plies con cen trated forces and mo ments to the joints. You may spec -ify com po nents ux, uy, uz, rx, ry, and rz in any fixed co or di nate sys tem csys, andcom po nents u1, u2, u3, r1, r2, and r3 in the joint lo cal co or di nate sys tem. Forceval ues are ad di tive af ter be ing con verted to the joint lo cal co or di nate sys tem.

See Topic “Force Load” (page 42) in Chap ter “Joints and De grees of Free dom” formore in for ma tion.

Restraint Displacement Load

Re straint Dis place ment Load ap plies spec i fied ground dis place ments (trans la tionsand ro ta tions) along the re strained de grees of free dom at the joints. You may spec -ify com po nents ux, uy, uz, rx, ry, and rz in any fixed co or di nate sys tem csys, andcom po nents u1, u2, u3, r1, r2, and r3 in the joint lo cal co or di nate sys tem. Dis -place ment val ues are ad di tive af ter be ing con verted to the joint lo cal co or di natesys tem.

See Topic “Re straint Dis place ment Load” (page 42) in Chap ter “Joints and De -grees of Free dom” for more in for ma tion.

Spring Displacement Load

Spring Dis place ment Load ap plies speci fied dis place ments (trans la tions and ro ta -tions) at the grounded end of spring sup ports at the joints. You may spec ify com po -nents ux, uy, uz, rx, ry, and rz in any fixed co or di nate sys tem csys, and com po -nents u1, u2, u3, r1, r2, and r3 in the joint lo cal co or di nate sys tem. Dis place mentval ues are ad di tive af ter be ing con verted to the joint lo cal co or di nate sys tem.

See Topic “Spring Dis place ment Load” (page 43) in Chap ter “Joints and De greesof Free dom” for more in for ma tion.

Self-Weight Load

Self- Weight Load ac ti vates the self- weight of all ele ments in the model. Self- weight al ways acts down ward, in the global –Z di rec tion. You may scale the self- weight by a sin gle scale fac tor that ap plies to the whole struc ture. No Self- WeightLoad can be pro duced by an ele ment with zero weight.

Force Load 275

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For more in for ma tion:

• See Topic “Up ward and Hori zon tal Di rec tions” (page 13) in Chap ter “Co or di -nate Sys tems.”

• See Topic “Self- Weight Load” (page 108) in Chap ter “The Frame Ele ment.”

• See Topic “Self-Weight Load” (page 141) in Chap ter “The Ca ble El e ment.”

• See Topic “Self-Weight Load” (page 159) in Chap ter “The Shell El e ment.”

• See Topic “Self- Weight Load” (page 181) in Chap ter “The Plane Ele ment.”

• See Topic “Self- Weight Load” (page 192) in Chap ter “The Aso lid Ele ment.”

• See Topic “Self- Weight Load” (page 208) in Chap ter “The Solid Ele ment.”

• See Topic “Self-Weight Load” (page 231) in Chap ter “The Link/Sup port El e -ment—Ba sic.”

• See Topic “Self-Weight Load” (page 267) in Chap ter “The Tendon Object.”

Gravity Load

Grav ity Load ac ti vates the self-weight of the Frame, Ca ble, Shell, Plane, Asolid,Solid, and Link/Sup port el e ments. For each el e ment to be loaded, you may spec ifythe grav i ta tional mul ti pli ers ux, uy, and uz in any fixed co or di nate sys tem csys.Mul ti plier val ues are ad di tive af ter be ing con verted to the global co or di nate sys -tem.

Each ele ment pro duces a Grav ity Load, hav ing three com po nents in sys tem csys,equal to its self- weight mul ti plied by the fac tors ux, uy, and uz. This load is ap por -tioned to each joint of the ele ment. For ex am ple, if uz = –2, twice the self- weight isap plied to the struc ture act ing in the nega tive Z di rec tion of sys tem csys. No Grav -ity Load can be pro duced by an ele ment with zero weight.

The dif fer ence be tween Self- Weight Load and Grav ity Load is:

• Self- Weight Load acts equally on all ele ments of the struc ture and al ways inthe global –Z di rec tion

• Grav ity Load may have a dif fer ent mag ni tude and di rec tion for each ele ment inthe struc ture

Both loads are pro por tional to the self- weight of the in di vid ual ele ments.

For more in for ma tion:

• See Topic “Grav ity Load” (page 108) in Chap ter “The Frame Ele ment.”

276 Gravity Load

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• See Topic “Grav ity Load” (page 141) in Chap ter “The Ca ble El e ment.”

• See Topic “Grav ity Load” (page 167) in Chap ter “The Shell El e ment.”

• See Topic “Grav ity Load” (page 181) in Chap ter “The Plane Ele ment.”

• See Topic “Grav ity Load” (page 193) in Chap ter “The Aso lid Ele ment.”

• See Topic “Grav ity Load” (page 208) in Chap ter “The Solid Ele ment.”

• See Topic “Grav ity Load” (page 231) in Chap ter “The Link/Sup port El e -ment—Ba sic.”

• See Topic “Grav ity Load” (page 268) in Chap ter “The Ten don Object.”

Concentrated Span Load

Con cen trated Span Load ap plies con cen trated forces and mo ments at ar bi trary lo -ca tions on Frame ele ments. You may spec ify com po nents ux, uy, uz, rx, ry, and rzin any fixed co or di nate sys tem csys, and com po nents u1, u2, u3, r1, r2, and r3 inthe Frame ele ment lo cal co or di nate sys tem. Force val ues are ad di tive af ter be ingcon verted to the Frame ele ment lo cal co or di nate sys tem.

See Topic “Con cen trated Span Load” (page 109) in Chap ter “The Frame Ele ment”for more in for ma tion.

Distributed Span Load

Dis trib uted Span Load ap plies dis trib uted forces and mo ments at ar bi trary lo ca -tions on Frame and Ca ble el e ments. You may spec ify com po nents ux, uy, uz, rx,ry, and rz in any fixed co or di nate sys tem csys, and com po nents u1, u2, u3, r1, r2,and r3 in the Frame ele ment lo cal co or di nate sys tem. Force val ues are ad di tive af ter be ing con verted to the Frame ele ment lo cal co or di nate sys tem.

For more in for ma tion, See Topic “Dis trib uted Span Load” (page 109) in Chap ter“The Frame El e ment”, and Topic “Dis trib uted Span Load” (page 142) in Chap ter“The Ca ble El e ment”

Tendon Prestress Load

Ten dons are a spe cial type of ob ject that can be em bed ded in side other ob jects(frames, shells, planes, asolids, and sol ids) to rep re sent the ef fect of prestressing

Concentrated Span Load 277

Chapter XVII Load Cases

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and post-tensioning. These ten dons at tach to the other ob jects and im pose loadupon them.

You may spec ify whether the ten dons are to be mod eled as in de pend ent el e ments in the anal y sis, or just to act upon the rest of the struc ture as loads. This af fects thetypes of loads that are di rectly im posed upon the struc ture.

See Topic “Pre stress Load” (page 266) in Chap ter “The Ten don Ob ject” for morein for ma tion.

Uniform Load

Uni form Load ap plies uni formly dis trib uted forces to the mid-sur face of Shell ele -ments. You may spec ify com po nents ux, uy, and uz in any fixed co or di nate sys temcsys, and com po nents u1, u2, and u3 in the ele ment lo cal co or di nate sys tem. Forceval ues are ad di tive af ter be ing con verted to the ele ment lo cal co or di nate sys tem.

See Topic “Uni form Load” (page 167) in Chap ter “The Shell Ele ment” for more in -for ma tion.

Surface Pressure Load

Sur face Pres sure Load ap plies an ex ter nal pres sure to any of the outer faces of theShell, Plane, Aso lid, and Solid ele ments. The load on each face of an ele ment isspeci fied in de pend ently.

You may spec ify pres sures, p, that are uni form over an ele ment face or in ter po latedfrom pres sure val ues given by Joint Pat terns. Hy dro static pres sure fields may eas ily be speci fied us ing Joint Pat terns. Pres sure val ues are ad di tive.

For more in for ma tion:

• See Topic “Sur face Pres sure Load” (page 168) in Chap ter “The Shell Ele -ment.”

• See Topic “Sur face Pres sure Load” (page 182) in Chap ter “The Plane Ele -ment.”

• See Topic “Sur face Pres sure Load” (page 193) in Chap ter “The Aso lid Ele -ment.”

• See Topic “Sur face Pres sure Load” (page 208) in Chap ter “The Solid Ele -ment.”

278 Uniform Load

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• See Topic “Joint Pat terns” (page 282) in this Chap ter.

Pore Pressure Load

Pore Pres sure Load mod els the drag and buoy ancy ef fects of a fluid within a solidme dium, such as the ef fect of wa ter upon the solid skele ton of a soil. Pore Pres sureLoad may be used with Shell, Aso lid, and Solid ele ments.

Sca lar fluid- pressure val ues are given at the ele ment joints by Joint Pat terns, and in -ter po lated over the ele ment. These pres sure val ues may typi cally be ob tained byflow- net analy sis, such as il lus trated in Figure 67 (page 279). Hy dro static pres surefields may eas ily be speci fied us ing Joint Pat terns. Pres sure val ues are ad di tive.

The to tal force act ing on the ele ment is the in te gral of the gra di ent of this pres surefield over the vol ume of the ele ment. This force is ap por tioned to each of the jointsof the ele ment. The forces are typi cally di rected from re gions of high pres sure to -ward re gions of low pres sure.

Note that al though pres sures are speci fied, it is the pres sure gra di ent over an ele -ment that causes the load. Thus a uni form pres sure field over an ele ment will causeno load. Pres sure dif fer ences be tween ele ments also cause no load. For this rea son,it is im por tant that the pore- pressure field be con tinu ous over the struc ture.

Pore Pressure Load 279

Chapter XVII Load Cases

Earth Dam Flow LinesWater Surface

EquipotentialLines (ConstantPore Pressure)


Figure 67Flow-net Analysis of an Earth Dam to Obtain Pore Pressures

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The dis place ments, stresses, and re ac tions due to Pore Pres sure Load rep re sent there sponse of the solid me dium, not that of the com bined fluid and solid struc ture. Inthe case of soil, the stresses ob tained are the usual “ef fec tive stresses” of soil me -chan ics (Ter zaghi and Peck, 1967). Note, how ever, that the to tal soil weight andmass den sity should be used for the ma te rial prop er ties.

For more in for ma tion:

• See Topic “Pore Pres sure Load” (page 182) in Chap ter “The Plane Ele ment.”

• See Topic “Pore Pres sure Load” (page 194) in Chap ter “The Aso lid Ele ment.”

• See Topic “Pore Pres sure Load” (page 209) in Chap ter “The Solid Ele ment.”

• See Topic “Joint Pat terns” (page 282) in this Chap ter.

Temperature Load

Tem per a ture Load cre ates ther mal strains in the Frame, Ca ble, Shell, Plane, Asolid, and Solid el e ments. These strains are given by the prod uct of the Ma te rial co ef fi -cients of ther mal ex pan sion and the tem per a ture change of the el e ment. All spec i -fied Tem per a ture Loads rep re sent a change in tem per a ture from the un stressed state for a lin ear anal y sis, or from the pre vi ous tem per a ture in a non lin ear anal y sis.

Load Tem pera ture gra di ents may also be speci fied in the two trans verse di rec tionsof the Frame ele ment, and in the thick ness di rec tion of the Shell ele ment. Thesegra di ents in duce bend ing strains in the ele ments. Tem pera ture gra di ents are speci -fied as the linear change in tem pera ture per unit length. Thus to spec ify a given dif -fer ence in tem per a ture across the depth of a Frame or Shell el e ment, di vide the tem -per a ture dif fer ence by the cor re spond ing depth, and as sign this value as the tem per -a ture gra di ent load.

The Load Tem per a tures and gra di ents may be dif fer ent for each Load Case. Youmay spec ify tem per a tures and/or gra di ents that are uni form over an el e ment or thatare in ter po lated from val ues given by Joint Pat terns.

For more in for ma tion:

• See Topic “Tem pera ture Load” (page 111) in Chap ter “The Frame Ele ment.”

• See Topic “Tem per a ture Load” (page 142) in Chap ter “The Ca ble El e ment.”

• See Topic “Tem per a ture Load” (page 169) in Chap ter “The Shell El e ment.”

• See Topic “Tem pera ture Load” (page 182) in Chap ter “The Plane Ele ment.”

• See Topic “Tem pera ture Load” (page 194) in Chap ter “The Aso lid Ele ment.”

280 Temperature Load

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• See Topic “Tem per a ture Load” (page 209) in Chap ter “The Solid El e ment.”

• See Topic “Tem per a ture Load” (page 268) in Chap ter “The Ten don Object.”

• See Topic “Joint Pat terns” (page 282) in this Chap ter.

Strain Load

Strain Load in duces dis trib uted strains in the Frame, Ca ble, Shell, Plane, Asolid,and Solid el e ments. The im posed strains tend to cause de for ma tion in un re strainedel e ments, or cre ate in ter nal forces and stresses in re strained el e ments. The types ofstrains that are avail able is dif fer ent for each type of el e ment.

You may spec ify strains that are uni form over an el e ment or that are in ter po latedfrom val ues given by Joint Pat terns.

For more in for ma tion:

• See Topic “Strain Load” (page 114) in Chap ter “The Frame El e ment.”

• See Topic “Strain and De for ma tion Load” (page 143) in Chap ter “The Ca bleEl e ment.”

• See Topic “Joint Pat terns” (page 282) in this Chap ter.

Deformation Load

De for ma tion Load is an al ter na tive form of Strain Load where the ap plied de for ma -tion is spec i fied over the whole el e ment rather than on a per-unit-length ba sis. De -for ma tion Load is only avail able for Frame and Ca ble el e ments. The as sumed dis -tri bu tion of strain over the el e ment is fixed as de scribed in the top ics ref er enced be -low. Joint Pat terns are not used.

For more in for ma tion:

• See Topic “De for ma tion Load” (page 115) in Chap ter “The Frame El e ment.”

• See Topic “Strain and De for ma tion Load” (page 143) in Chap ter “The Ca bleEl e ment.”

Target-Force Load

Tar get-Force Load is a spe cial type of load ing where you spec ify a de sired ax ialforce, and de for ma tion load is iteratively ap plied to achieve the tar get force. Since

Strain Load 281

Chapter XVII Load Cases

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the ax ial force may vary along the length of the el e ment, you must also spec ify therel a tive lo ca tion where the de sired force is to oc cur. Tar get-Force load ing is onlyused for non lin ear static and staged-con struc tion anal y sis. If ap plied in any othertype of anal y sis case, it has no ef fect.

Un like all other types of load ing, tar get-force load ing is not in cre men tal. Rather,you are spec i fy ing the to tal force that you want to be pres ent in the frame el e ment at the end of the anal y sis case or con struc tion stage. The ap plied de for ma tion that iscal cu lated to achieve that force may be pos i tive, neg a tive, or zero, de pend ing on the force pres ent in the el e ment at the be gin ning of the anal y sis. When a scale fac tor isap plied to a Load Case that con tains Tar get-Force loads, the to tal tar get force isscaled. The in cre ment of ap plied de for ma tion that is re quired may change by a dif -fer ent scale fac tor.

For more in for ma tion:

• See Topic “Tar get-Force Load” (page 115) in Chap ter “The Frame El e ment.”

• See Topic “Tar get-Force Load” (page 143) in Chap ter “The Ca ble El e ment.”

• See Topic “Tar get-Force It er a tion” (page 376) in Chap ter “Non lin ear StaticAnal y sis” for more in for ma tion.

Rotate Load

Ro tate Load ap plies cen trifu gal force to Aso lid ele ments. You may spec ify an an -gu lar ve loc ity, r, for each ele ment. The cen trifu gal force is pro por tional to thesquare of the an gu lar ve loc ity. The an gu lar ve loci ties are ad di tive. The load on theele ment is com puted from the to tal an gu lar ve loc ity.

See Topic “Ro tate Load” (page 194) in Chap ter “The Aso lid Ele ment.”

Joint Patterns

A Joint Pat tern is a named en tity that con sists of a set of sca lar nu meric val ues, onevalue for each joint of the struc ture. A Joint Pat tern can be used to de scribe howpres sures or tem per a tures vary over the struc ture. Joint Pat terns may also be used to spec ify joint off sets and thick ness over write for Shell el e ments.

Pat terns are most ef fec tive for de scrib ing com pli cated spa tial dis tri bu tions of nu -meric val ues. Their use is op tional and is not re quired for sim ple prob lems.

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Since Pat tern val ues are sca lar quan ti ties, they are in de pend ent of any co or di natesys tem. The def i ni tion of a Joint Pat tern by it self causes no ef fect on the struc ture.The pat tern must be used in a pres sure, tem per a ture, or other as sign ment that is ap -plied to the model.

For com pli cated Pat terns, val ues could be gen er ated in a spread sheet pro gram or by some other means, and brought into the model by im port ing ta bles or by us ing in -ter ac tive ta ble ed it ing.

In the graph i cal user in ter face, Pat tern val ues can be as signed to se lected joints.They are spec i fied as a lin ear vari a tion in a given gra di ent di rec tion from zero at agiven da tum point. An op tion is avail able to per mit only pos i tive or only neg a tiveval ues to be de fined. This is use ful for de fin ing hy dro static pres sure dis tri bu tions.Mul ti ple lin ear vari a tions may be as signed to the same or dif fer ent joints in thestruc ture.

The fol low ing pa ram e ters are needed for a pat tern as sign ment:

• The com po nents of the gra di ent, A, B, and C, in the global co or di nate sys tem

• The value D of the pat tern at the global or i gin

• The choice be tween:

– Set ting neg a tive val ues to zero

– Set ting pos i tive val ues to zero

Joint Patterns 283

Chapter XVII Load Cases

Zero Datum = Fluid Surface


Fluid weight density = g

Pressure gradient vz = – g

Pressure value v = – g (z – z)j j

Joint j





Figure 68Example of a Hydrostatic Pressure Pattern

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– Al low all pos i tive and neg a tive val ues (this is the de fault)

The com po nent A in di cates, for ex am ple, how much the Pat tern value changes perunit of dis tance par al lel to the global X axis.

The Pat tern value, vj, de fined for a joint j that has co or di nates (x

j, y

j, z

j) is given by:

(Eqn. 1)vj = A xj + B yj + C zj + D

If you know the co or di nates of the da tum point, x, y, and z, in global co or di nate sys -tem at which the pat tern value should be zero (say the free sur face of wa ter), then:

(Eqn. 2)vj = A (xj – x) + B (yj – y) + C (zj – z)

from which we can cal cu late that:

(Eqn. 3)D = – ( A x + B y + C z )

In most cases, the gra di ent will be par al lel to one of the co or di nate axes, and onlyone term in Eqn. 2 is needed.

For ex am ple, con sider a hy dro static pres sure dis tri bu tion caused by wa ter im -pounded be hind a dam as shown in Figure 68 (page 283). The Z di rec tion is up inthe global co or di nate sys tem. The pres sure gra di ent is sim ply given by the fluidweight den sity act ing in the down ward di rec tion. There fore, A = 0, B = 0 , and C =–62.4 lb/ft3 or –9810 N/m3.

The zero-pres sure da tum can be any point on the free sur face of the wa ter. Thus zshould be set to the el e va tion of the free sur face in feet or me ters, as ap pro pri ate,and D = – C z. For hy dro static pres sure, you would spec ify that neg a tive val ues beig nored, so that any joints above the free sur face will be as signed a zero value forpres sure.

Acceleration Loads

In ad di tion to the Load Cases that you de fine, the pro gram au to mat i cally com putesthree Ac cel er a tion Loads that act on the struc ture due to unit translational ac cel er a -tions in each of the global di rec tions, and three unit ro ta tional ac cel er a tions aboutthe global axes at the global or i gin. Ac cel er a tion Loads can be ap plied in an Anal y -sis Case just like Load Cases.

Ac cel er a tion Loads are de ter mined by d’Alembert’s prin ci pal, and are de notedmux , muy , muz , m rx , m ry , and m rz . These loads are used for ap ply ing ground ac cel —

284 Acceleration Loads

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er a tions in re sponse-spec trum (trans la tion only) and time-his tory anal y ses, and canbe used as start ing load vec tors for Ritz-vec tor anal y sis.

These loads are com puted for each joint and el e ment and summed over the wholestruc ture. The translational Ac cel er a tion Loads for the joints are sim ply equal to the neg a tive of the joint translational masses in the joint lo cal co or di nate sys tem. These loads are trans formed to the global co or di nate sys tem.

The translational Ac cel er a tion Loads for all el e ments ex cept for the Asolid are thesame in each di rec tion and are equal to the neg a tive of the el e ment mass. No co or di -nate trans for ma tions are nec es sary. Ro ta tional ac cel er a tion will gen er ally dif ferabout each axis.

For the Asolid el e ment, the Ac cel er a tion Load in the global di rec tion cor re spond -ing to the ax ial di rec tion is equal to the neg a tive of the el e ment mass. The Ac cel er a -tion Loads in the ra dial and cir cumfer ential di rec tions are zero, since trans la tions inthe cor re spond ing global di rec tions are not axisymmetric. Sim i lar con sid er ationsap ply to the ro ta tional ac cel er a tions.

The Ac cel er a tion Loads can be trans formed into any co or di nate sys tem. In a fixedco or di nate sys tem (global or Al ter nate), the translational Ac cel er a tion Loads alongthe pos i tive X, Y, and Z axes are de noted UX, UY, and UZ, re spec tively; the ro ta -tional Ac cel er a tion Loads about the X, Y, and Z axes are sim i larly de noted RX,RY, and RZ.

In a lo cal co or di nate sys tem de fined for a re sponse-spec trum or time-his tory anal y -sis, the Ac cel er a tion Loads along or about the pos i tive lo cal 1, 2, and 3 axes are de -noted U1, U2, U3, R1, R2, and R3 re spec tively. Ro ta tional ac cel er a tions will be ap -plied about the or i gin of the co or di nate sys tem spec i fied with the Ac cel er a tionLoad in the Anal y sis Case. Each Ac cel er a tion Load ap plied in a given Anal y sisCase can use a sep a rate co or di nate sys tem.

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C h a p t e r XVIII

Anal y sis Cases

An Analysis Case de fines how the loads are to be ap plied to the struc ture (e.g., stat i -cally or dy nam i cally), how the struc ture re sponds (e.g., lin early or nonlinearly),and how the anal y sis is to be per formed (e.g., mo dally or by di rect-in te gra tion.)

Basic Topics for All Users

• Over view

• Analy sis Cases

• Types of Anal y sis

• Se quence of Anal y sis

• Run ning Anal y sis Cases

• Lin ear and Non lin ear Anal y sis Cases

• Lin ear Static Analy sis

• Func tions

• Com bi na tions (Combos)

Advanced Topics

• Equa tion Solver

• Lin ear Buckling Anal y sis


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An anal y sis case de fines how loads are to be ap plied to the struc ture, and how thestruc tural re sponse is to be cal cu lated. You may de fine as many named anal y siscases of any type that you wish. When you an a lyze the model, you may se lectwhich cases are to be run. You may also se lec tively de lete re sults for any anal y siscase.

Note: Load Cases by them selves do not cre ate any re sponse (de flec tions, stresses,etc.) You must de fine an Analysis Case to ap ply the load.

There are many dif fer ent types of anal y sis cases. Most broadly, anal y ses are clas si -fied as lin ear or non lin ear, de pend ing upon how the struc ture re sponds to the load -ing.

The re sults of lin ear anal y ses may be superposed, i.e., added to gether af ter anal y sis. The avail able types of lin ear anal y sis are:

• Static analy sis

• Mo dal analy sis for vi bra tion modes, us ing ei gen vec tors or Ritz vec tors

• Response- spectrum analy sis for seis mic re sponse

• Time- history dy namic re sponse anal y sis

• Buckling-mode analysis

• Moving- load analy sis for bridge ve hi cle live loads

• Steady- state anal y sis

• Power-spec tral-den sity analysis

The re sults of non lin ear anal y ses should not nor mally be superposed. In stead, allloads act ing to gether on the struc ture should be com bined di rectly within the anal y -sis cases. Non lin ear anal y sis cases may be chained to gether to rep re sent com plexload ing se quences. The avail able types of non lin ear anal y ses are:

• Non lin ear static anal y sis

• Non lin ear time-his tory anal y sis

Named Com bi na tions can also be de fined to com bine the re sults of Analysis Cases.Re sults can be com bined additively or by en vel op ing. Ad di tive Com bi na tions ofnon lin ear Anal y sis Cases is not usu ally jus ti fied.

288 Overview

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Analysis Cases

Each dif fer ent analy sis per formed is called an Analy sis Case. For each AnalysisCase you de fine, you need to sup ply the fol low ing type of in for ma tion:

• Case name: This name must be unique across all Anal y sis Cases of all types.The case name is used to re quest anal y sis re sults (dis place ments, stresses, etc.), for cre at ing Com bi na tions, and some times for use by other dependent Anal y sis Cases.

• Anal y sis type: This in di cate the type of anal y sis (static, re sponse-spec trum,buck ling, etc.), as well as avail able op tions for that type (lin ear, non lin ear,etc.).

• Loads ap plied: For most types of anal y sis, you spec ify the Load Cases that are to be ap plied to the struc ture.

Ad di tional data may be re quired, de pend ing upon the type of anal y sis be ing de -fined.

Types of Analysis

There are many dif fer ent types of anal y sis cases. Most broadly, anal y ses are clas si -fied as lin ear or non lin ear, de pend ing upon how the struc ture re sponds to the load -ing. See Topic “Lin ear and Non lin ear Anal y sis Cases” (page 292) in this Chap ter.

The re sults of lin ear anal y ses may be superposed, i.e., added to gether af ter anal y sis. The avail able types of lin ear anal y sis are:

• Static anal y sis

• Modal anal y sis

• Re sponse-spec trum anal y sis

• Time-his tory anal y sis, by modal su per po si tion or di rect in te gra tion

• Buckling anal y sis

• Moving-load anal y sis

• Steady-state anal y sis

• Power-spec tral-den sity analysis

The re sults of non lin ear anal y ses should not nor mally be superposed. In stead, allloads act ing to gether on the struc ture should be com bined di rectly within the anal y —

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sis cases. Non lin ear anal y sis cases may be chained to gether to rep re sent com plexload ing se quences. The avail able types of non lin ear anal y ses are:

• Non lin ear static anal y sis

• Non lin ear time-his tory anal y sis, by modal su per po si tion or di rect in te gra tion

Af ter you have de fined an anal y sis case, you may change its type at any time. When you do, the pro gram will try to carry over as many pa ram e ters as pos si ble from theold type to the new type. Pa ram e ters that can not be car ried over will be set to de -fault val ues, which you can change.

For more in for ma tion:

• See Topic “Lin ear Static Anal y sis” (page 294) in this Chap ter

• See Topic “Buckling Anal y sis” (page 295) in this Chap ter

• See Chap ter “Modal Anal y sis” (page 303)

• See Chap ter “Re sponse-Spec trum Anal y sis” (page 319)

• See Chap ter “Lin ear Time-His tory Anal y sis” (page 329)

• See Chap ter “Non lin ear Static Anal y sis” (page 357)

• See Chap ter “Non lin ear Time-His tory Anal y sis” (page 379)

• See Chap ter “Fre quency-Do main Anal y sis” (page 395)

• See Chap ter “Bridge Anal y sis” (page 407)

Se quence of Anal y sis

An Anal y sis Case may be de pend ent upon other Anal y sis Cases in the fol low ingsit u a tions:

• A modal-su per po si tion type of Anal y sis Case (re sponse-spec trum or modaltime-his tory) uses the modes cal cu lated in a modal Anal y sis Case

• A non lin ear Anal y sis Case may con tinue from the state at the end of anothernon lin ear case

• A lin ear Anal y sis Cases may use the stiff ness of the struc ture as com puted atthe end of a non lin ear case

An Anal y sis Case which de pends upon an other case is called de pend ent. The caseupon which it de pends is called a pre req ui site case.

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When the pro gram per forms anal y sis, it will al ways run the cases in the proper or -der so that de pend ent cases are run af ter any of their pre req ui site cases.

You can build up one or more se quences of Anal y sis Cases that can be as sim ple oras com pli cated as you need. How ever, each se quence must ul ti mately start with anAnal y sis Case that it self starts from zero and does not have any pre req ui site cases.

Ex am ple

A com mon ex am ple would be to de fine a non lin ear static anal y sis case with the fol -low ing main fea tures:

• The name is, say, “PDELTA”

• The type is non lin ear static

• The loads ap plied are Load Case “DEAD” scaled by 1.0 plus Load Case“LIVE” scaled by 0.25. These rep re sent a typ i cal amount of grav ity load on thestruc ture

• The only nonlinearity con sid ered is the P-delta ef fect of the loading

We are not nec es sar ily in ter ested in the re sponse of Analysis Case PDELTA, butrather we will use the stiff ness at the end this case for a se ries of lin ear AnalysisCases that we are in ter ested in. These may in clude lin ear static cases for all loads ofin ter est (dead, live, wind, snow, etc.), a modal anal y sis case, and a re sponse-spec -trum anal y sis case.

Be cause these cases have all been com puted us ing the same stiff ness, their re sultsare su per pos able, mak ing it very sim ple to cre ate any num ber of Com bi na tions forde sign pur poses.

Running Anal y sis Cases

Af ter you have de fined a struc tural model and one or more Anal y sis Cases, youmust ex plic itly run the Analysis Cases to get re sults for dis play, out put, and de signpur poses.

When an anal y sis is run, the pro gram con verts the ob ject-based model to finite el e -ments, and per forms all cal cu la tions nec es sary to de ter mine the re sponse of thestruc ture to the loads ap plied in the Anal y sis Cases. The anal y sis re sults are savedfor each case for sub se quent use.

By de fault, all Anal y sis Cases de fined in the model are run each time you per forman anal y sis. How ever, you can change this be hav ior. For each Anal y sis Case, you

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can set a flag that in di cates whether or not it will be run the next time you per forman anal y sis. This en ables you to de fine as many dif fer ent cases as you need with outhav ing to run all of them ev ery time. This is par tic u larly use ful if you have non lin -ear cases that may take a long time to run.

If you se lect a case to be run, the pro gram will also run all pre req ui site cases thathave not yet been run, whether you se lect them or not.

You can cre ate new Anal y sis Cases with out de let ing the re sults of other cases thathave al ready been run. You can also mod ify ex ist ing Anal y sis Cases. How ever, there sults for the mod i fied case and all cases that de pend upon it will be de leted.

When an anal y sis is per formed, the cases will be run in an or der that is au to mat i -cally de ter mined by the pro gram in or der to make sure all pre req ui site cases are runbe fore their de pend ent cases. If any pre req ui site cases fail to com plete, their de -pend ent cases will not be run. How ever, the pro gram will con tinue to run othercases that are not de pend ent upon the failed cases.

You should al ways check the anal y sis log (.LOG) file to see sta tis tics, warn ings,and er ror mes sages that were re ported dur ing the anal y sis. You can also see a sum -mary of the cases that have been run, and whether or not they com pleted suc cess -fully, us ing the Anal y sis com mands in the graph i cal user in ter face.

When ever pos si ble, the pro gram will re-use the pre vi ously solved stiff ness ma trixwhile run ning anal y sis cases. Be cause of this, the or der in which the cases are runmay not be the same each time you per form an anal y sis.

See Topic “Se quence of Anal y sis” (page 397) in this Chap ter for more in for ma tion.

Lin ear and Non lin ear Anal y sis Cases

Ev ery Anal y sis Case is con sid ered to be ei ther lin ear or non lin ear. The dif fer encebe tween these two op tions is very sig nif i cant in SAP2000, as de scribed be low.

All Anal y sis Case types may be lin ear. Only static anal y sis and time-his tory anal y -sis may be non lin ear.

Struc tural properties

Lin ear: Struc tural prop er ties (stiff ness, damp ing, etc.) are con stant dur ing theanal y sis.

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Non lin ear: Struc tural prop er ties may vary with time, de for ma tion, and load -ing. How much nonlinearity ac tu ally oc curs de pends upon the prop er ties youhave de fined, the mag ni tude of the load ing, and the pa ram e ters you have spec i -fied for the anal y sis.

Initial conditions

Lin ear: The anal y sis starts with zero stress. It does not con tain loads from anypre vi ous anal y sis, even if it uses the stiff ness from a pre vi ous non lin ear anal y -sis.

Non lin ear: The anal y sis may con tinue from a pre vi ous non lin ear anal y sis, inwhich case it con tains all loads, de for ma tions, stresses, etc., from that pre vi ouscase.

Struc tural response and superposition

Lin ear: All dis place ments, stresses, re ac tions, etc., are di rectly pro por tional tothe mag ni tude of the ap plied loads. The re sults of dif fer ent lin ear anal y ses maybe superposed.

Non lin ear: Be cause the struc tural prop er ties may vary, and be cause of the pos -si bil ity of non-zero ini tial con di tions, the re sponse may not be pro por tional tothe load ing. There fore, the re sults of dif fer ent non lin ear anal y ses should notusu ally be superposed.

Linear Static Analysis

The lin ear static analy sis of a struc ture in volves the so lu tion of the sys tem of lin earequa tions rep re sented by:

K u r=

where K is the stiff ness ma trix, r is the vec tor of ap plied loads, and u is the vec tor ofre sult ing dis place ments. See Bathe and Wil son (1976).

You may cre ate any num ber of lin ear static Anal y sis Cases. For each case you mayspec ify a com bi na tion of one or more Load Cases and/or Ac cel er a tion Loads thatmake up the load vec tor r. Normally, you would spec ify a sin gle Load Case with ascale fac tor of one.

Ev ery time you de fine a new Load Case, the pro gram au to mat i cally cre ates a cor re -spond ing lin ear static Anal y sis Case of the same name. This Analysis Case ap plies

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the Load Case with a unit scale factor. If you de lete or mod ify the Anal y sis Case,the anal y sis re sults will not be avail able, even though the Load Case may still ex ist.

For a new model, the pro gram cre ates a de fault Load Case call DEAD which ap -plies the self weight of the struc ture. The cor re spond ing lin ear static anal y sis case is also called DEAD.

For each lin ear static Anal y sis Case, you may spec ify that the pro gram use the stiff -ness ma trix of the full struc ture in its un stressed state (the de fault), or the stiff nessof the struc ture at the end of a non lin ear anal y sis case. The most com mon rea sonsfor us ing the stiff ness at the end of a non lin ear case are:

• To in clude P-delta ef fects from an ini tial P-delta anal y sis

• To in clude ten sion-stiff en ing ef fects in a ca ble struc ture

• To con sider a par tial model that re sults from staged construction

See Chap ter “Non lin ear Static Anal y sis” (page 357) for more in for ma tion.

Multi-Step Static Analysis

Cer tain types of Load Cases are multi-stepped, mean ing that they ac tu ally rep re sent many sep a rate spa tial load ing pat terns ap plied in se quence. These in clude theBridge-Live and Wave types of Load Cases.

You can ap ply multi-stepped Load Cases in a Multi-Step Static Anal y sis Case. This type of Anal y sis Case will per form a se ries of in de pend ent lin ear anal y ses, one foreach step of the Load Case:

K u ri i=

where ri is the load at step I, and ui is the re sult ing so lu tion.

You can ap ply any lin ear com bi na tion of Load Cases in the same Anal y sis Case,each with an in de pend ent scale fac tor. These will be summed to gether as fol lows:all multi-stepped Load Cases will be syn chro nized, ap ply ing the load for the samestep num ber at the same time, and all sin gle-stepped Load Cases (e.g., dead load)will be ap plied in ev ery step.

The num ber of so lu tion steps for the Anal y sis Case will be equal to the larg est num -ber of load steps of any of the ap plied multi-stepped Load Cases.

Al though the multi-stepped Load Cases rep re sent a time se ries of loads, Multi-StepStatic Anal y sis does not in clude any dy nam i cal ef fects. You can con sider dy nam ics

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by con vert ing the Multi-Step Static Anal y sis Case to a Time-His tory Anal y sisCase, which can be lin ear or non lin ear.

Linear Buckling Analysis

Lin ear buck ling anal y sis seeks the in sta bil ity modes of a struc ture due to the P-delta ef fect un der a specified set of loads. Buckling anal y sis in volves the so lu tion of thegen er al ized eigenvalue prob lem:

[ ]K G(r)- =l Y 0

where K is the stiff ness ma trix, G(r) is the geo met ric (P-delta) stiff ness due to the

load vec tor r, l is the di ag o nal ma trix of eigenvalues, and Y is the ma trix of cor re -spond ing eigenvectors (mode shapes).

Each eigenvalue-eigenvector pair is called a buckling mode of the struc ture. Themodes are iden ti fied by num bers from 1 to n in the or der in which the modes arefound by the pro gram.

The eigenvalue l is called the buck ling fac tor. It is the scale fac tor that must mul ti -ply the loads in r to cause buck ling in the given mode. It can also be viewed as asafety fac tor: if the buck ling fac tor is greater than one, the given loads must be in -creased to cause buck ling; if it is less than one, the loads must be de creased to pre -vent buck ling. The buck ling fac tor can also be neg a tive. This in di cates that buck -ling will oc cur if the loads are re versed.

You may cre ate any num ber of lin ear buck ling Anal y sis Cases. For each case youspec ify a com bi na tion of one or more Load Cases and/or Ac cel er a tion Loads thatmake up the load vec tor r. You may also spec ify the num ber of modes to be foundand a con ver gence tol er ance. It is strongly rec om mended that you seek more thanone buck ling mode, since of ten the first few buck ling modes may have very sim i larbuck ling fac tors. A min i mum of six modes is rec om mended.

It is im por tant to un der stand that buck ling modes de pend upon the load. There isnot one set of buck ling modes for the struc ture in the same way that there is for nat -u ral vi bra tion modes. You must ex plic itly eval u ate buck ling for each set of loads ofcon cern.

For each lin ear buck ling Anal y sis Case, you may spec ify that the pro gram use thestiff ness ma trix of the full struc ture in its un stressed state (the de fault), or the stiff -ness of the struc ture at the end of a non lin ear anal y sis case. The most com mon rea -sons for us ing the stiff ness at the end of a non lin ear case are:

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• To in clude P-delta ef fects from an ini tial P-delta anal y sis

• To in clude ten sion-stiff en ing ef fects in a ca ble struc ture

• To con sider a par tial model that re sults from staged con struc tion

See Chap ter “Non lin ear Static Anal y sis” (page 357) for more in for ma tion.


A Func tion is a se ries of dig it ized abscissa- ordinate pairs that may rep re sent:

• Pseudo- spectral ac cel era tion vs. pe riod for response- spectrum analy sis, or

• Load vs. time for time- history anal y sis

• Load vs. frequency for steady-state anal y sis

• Power den sity (load squared per fre quency) vs. frequency for power-spec -tral-de nsity analysis

You may de fine any number of Func tions, as sign ing each one a unique la bel. Youmay scale the ab scissa and/or or di nate val ues when ever the Func tion is used.

The ab scissa of a Func tion is al ways time, pe riod, or fre quency. The abscissa- ordinate pairs must be speci fied in or der of in creas ing ab scissa value.

If the in cre ment be tween ab scissa val ues is con stant and the Func tion starts at ab -scissa zero, you need only spec ify the ab scissa in cre ment, dt, and the suc ces sivefunc tion val ues (or di nates) start ing at ab scissa zero. The func tion val ues are spec i -fied as:

f0, f1, f2, …, fn

cor re spond ing to ab scis sas:

0, dt, 2 dt, …, n dt

where n + 1 is the number of val ues given.

If the ab scissa in cre ment is not con stant or the Func tion does not start at ab scissazero, you must spec ify the pairs of ab scissa and func tion value as:

t0, f0, t1, f1, t2, f2, …, tn, fn

where n + 1 is the number of pairs of val ues given.

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Combinations (Combos)

A Com bi na tion (Combo) is a named com bi na tion of the re sults from Anal y sisCases. Combo re sults in clude all dis place ments and forces at the joints and in ter nalforces or stresses in the ele ments.

You may de fine any number of Com bos. To each one of these you as sign a uniquename, that also should not be the same as any Anal y sis Case. Com bos can com binethe re sults of Anal y sis Cases and also those of other Com bos, pro vided a cir cu larde pend ency is not cre ated.

Each Combo pro duces a pair of val ues for each re sponse quan tity: a maxi mum anda mini mum. These two val ues may be equal for cer tain type of Com bos, as dis -cussed be low.

Con trib ut ing Cases

Each con trib ut ing Analysis Case or Combo sup plies one or two val ues to theCombo for each re sponse quan tity:

• Lin ear static cases, in di vid ual modes from Modal or Buckling cases, in di vid ual steps from multi-stepped Anal y sis Cases, and ad di tive Com bos of these typesof re sults pro vide a sin gle value. For the pur poses of de fin ing the Com bos be -low, this sin gle value can be con sid ered to be two equal val ues

• Re sponse-spec trum cases pro vide two val ues: the max i mum value used is thepos i tive com puted value, and the min i mum value is just the neg a tive of themax i mum.

• En velopes of re sults from multi-stepped Anal y sis Cases pro vide two val ues: amaxi mum and mini mum.

• For Moving-Load cases, the val ues used are the max i mum and min i mum val -ues ob tained for any ve hi cle load ing of the lanes per mit ted by the pa ram e ters of the anal y sis.

For some types of Combos, both val ues are used. For other types of Combos, onlythe value with the larger ab so lute value is used.

Each con trib ut ing case is mul ti plied by a scale fac tor, sf, be fore be ing in cluded in aCombo.

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Types of Combos

Five types of Com bos are avail able. For each in di vid ual re sponse quan tity (force,stress, or dis place ment com po nent) the two Combo val ues are cal cu lated as fol -lows:

• Ad di tive type: The Combo maxi mum is an al ge braic lin ear com bi na tion of themaxi mum val ues for each of the con trib ut ing cases. Simi larly, Combo mini -mum is an al ge braic lin ear com bi na tion of the mini mum val ues for each of thecon trib ut ing cases.

• Ab so lute type: The Combo maxi mum is the sum of the larger ab so lute val uesfor each of the con trib ut ing cases. The Combo mini mum is the nega tive of theCombo maxi mum.

• SRSS type: The Combo maxi mum is the square root of the sum of the squaresof the larger ab so lute val ues for each of the con trib ut ing cases. The Combomini mum is the nega tive of the Combo maxi mum.

• Range type: The Combo max i mum is the sum of the pos i tive max i mum val uesfor each of the con trib ut ing cases (a case with a neg a tive max i mum does notcon trib ute.) Sim i larly, the Combo min i mum is the sum of the neg a tive min i -mum val ues for each of the con trib ut ing cases (a case with a pos i tive min i mumdoes not con trib ute.)

• En ve lope type: The Combo max i mum is the max i mum of all of the max i mumval ues for each of the con trib ut ing cases. Sim i larly, Combo min i mum is themin i mum of all of the min i mum val ues for each of the con trib ut ing cases.

Only ad di tive Com bos of sin gle-val ued anal y sis cases pro duce a sin gle-val ued re -sult, i.e., the max i mum and min i mum val ues are equal. All other Com bos will gen -er ally have dif fer ent max i mum and min i mum val ues.


For ex am ple, sup pose that the val ues, af ter scal ing, for the dis place ment at a par tic -u lar joint are 3.5 for Lin ear Static Analysis Case LL and are 2.0 for Re sponse-spec -trum case QUAKE. Sup pose that these two cases have been in cluded in an ad di -tive-type Combo called COMB1 and an en ve lope-type Combo called COMB2.The re sults for the dis place ment at the joint are com puted as fol lows:

• COMB1: The maxi mum is 3.5 + 2.0 = 5.5, and the mini mum is 3.5 – 2.0 = 1.5

• COMB2: The maxi mum is max (3.5, 2.0) = 3.5, and the mini mum is min (3.5, – 2.0) = –2.0

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As an other ex am ple, sup pose that Lin ear Static Cases GRAV, WINDX andWINDY are grav ity load and two per pen dicu lar, trans verse wind loads, re spec -tively; and that a response- spectrum case named EQ has been per formed. The fol -low ing four Com bos could be de fined:

• WIND: An SRSS- type Combo of the two wind loads, WINDX and WINDY.The maxi mum and mini mum re sults pro duced for each re sponse quan tity areequal and op po site

• GRAVEQ: An additive- type Combo of the grav ity load, GRAV, and theresponse- spectrum re sults, EQ. The Combo auto mati cally ac counts for theposi tive and nega tive senses of the earth quake load

• GRAVWIN: An additive- type Combo of the grav ity load, GRAV, and thewind load given by Combo WIND, which al ready ac counts for the posi tive and nega tive senses of the load

• SE VERE: An envelope- type Combo that pro duces the worst case of the twoad di tive Com bos, GRAVEQ and GRAVWIN

Sup pose that the val ues of ax ial force in a frame ele ment, af ter scal ing, are 10, 5, 3,and 7 for cases GRAV, WINDX, WINDY, and EQ, re spec tively. The fol low ing re -sults for ax ial force are ob tained for the Com bos above:

• WIND: maximum , minimum= + = = -5 3 58 582 2

. .

• GRAVEQ: maximum , minimum= + = = — =10 7 17 10 7 3

• GRAVWIN: maximum , minimum= + = = — =10 58 158 10 58 42. . . .

• SE VERE: maximum , minimum= = = =max( , . ) min( , . )17 158 17 3 42 3

Range-type Com bos en able you to per form skip-pat tern load ing very ef fi ciently.For ex am ple, sup pose you have a four-span con tin u ous beam, and you want toknow what pat tern of uni form load ing on the var i ous spans cre ates the max i mumre sponse:

• Cre ate four Load Cases, each with uni form load ing on a sin gle span

• Cre ate four cor re spond ing Lin ear Static Anal y sis Cases, each ap ply ing a sin gle Load Case.

• Cre ate a sin gle range Combo, com bin ing the re sults of the four Anal y sis Cases

The ef fect of this Combo is the same as en vel op ing all ad di tive com bi na tions of any sin gle span loaded, any two spans loaded, any three spans loaded, and all four spans loaded. This range Combo could be added or en vel oped with other Anal y sis Casesand Com bos.

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As you can see, us ing Com bos of Com bos gives you con sid er able power and flexi -bil ity in how you can com bine the re sults of the vari ous analy sis cases.

Ad di tional Considerations

Mov ing Load Cases should not nor mally be added to gether, in or der to avoid mul ti -ple load ing of the lanes. Ad di tive com bi na tions of Mov ing Loads should only bede fined within the Mov ing Load Case it self. There fore, it is rec om mended that only a sin gle Mov ing Load be in cluded in any ad di tive-, ab so lute-, SRSS-, or range-type Combo, whether ref er enced di rectly as a Mov ing Load or in di rectly through an -other Combo. Mul ti ple Mov ing Loads may be in cluded in any envelope- typeCombo, since they are not added.

Non lin ear Anal y sis Cases should not nor mally be added to gether, since non lin earre sults are not usu ally su per pos able. In stead, you should com bine the ap plied loadswithin a non lin ear Analysis Case so that their com bined ef fect can be prop erly an a -lyzed. This may re quire de fin ing many dif fer ent anal y sis cases in stead of many dif -fer ent Combos. Nonlinear Anal y sis Cases may be in cluded in any en ve lope-typeCombo, since they are not added.

When Combos are used for de sign, they may be treated some what dif fer ently thanhas been de scribed here for out put pur poses. For ex am ple, ev ery time step in a His -tory may be con sid ered un der cer tain cir cum stances. Sim i larly, cor re spond ing re -sponse quan ti ties at the same lo ca tion in a Moving Load case may be used for de -sign pur poses. See the SAP2000 Steel De sign Man ual and the SAP2000 Con creteDe sign Man ual for more in for ma tion.

Equa tion Solvers

Some ver sions of CSI pro grams in clude the op tion to use the ad vanced equa tionsolver. This solver can be one or two or ders of mag ni tude faster than the stan dardsolver for larger prob lems, and it also uses less disk space.

Be cause the two solv ers per form nu mer i cal op er a tions in a dif fer ent or der, it is pos -si ble that sen si tive prob lems may yield slightly dif fer ent re sults with the two solv -ers due to nu mer i cal roundoff. In ex tremely sen si tive, non lin ear, his tory-de pend ent prob lems, the dif fer ences may be more pro nounced.

All ver i fi ca tion ex am ples have been run and checked us ing both solv ers. The re -sults us ing the ad vanced solver are re ported for com par i son in the ver i fi ca tion man -u als.

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The ad vanced solver is based on pro pri etary CSI tech nol ogy. It uses, in part, codede rived from TAUCS fam ily of solv ers. Please see the copy right no tice at the endof Chap ter “Ref er ences” (page 449) for more in for ma tion.

Ac cess ing the As sem bled Stiff ness and Mass Matrices

When us ing the ad vanced equa tion solver, you may re quest that the pro gram pro -duce the as sem bled stiff ness and mass ma tri ces in the form of text files. This can bedone for a sin gle lin ear static, modal, or buck ling anal y sis case. To get the stiff nessand mass ma tri ces for a non lin ear case, de fine a lin ear case that uses the stiff nessfrom the fi nal state of the de sired non lin ear case.

The as sem bled ma tri ces are pro vided in five text files that have the same name asthe model file, but with the fol low ing ex ten sions and con tents:

• Ex ten sion .TXA: This file in cludes the counts of the num ber of joints andequa tions in the model, and also de scribes the for mat and con tents of the otherfour files.

• Ex ten sion .TXE: This file gives the equa tion num bers for each de gree of free -dom (DOF) at each joint. Equa tion num bers are pos i tive for ac tive DOF thatare pres ent in the stiff ness and mass ma tri ces, neg a tive for con strained DOFthat are com puted as lin ear com bi na tions of ac tive DOF, and zero for re strained or null DOF.

• Ex ten sion .TXC: This file de fines the con straint equa tions, and is only pres ent if there are con straints in the model.

• Ex ten sion .TXK: This file gives the lower half of the sym met ric stiff ness ma -trix.

• Ex ten sion .TXM: This file gives the lower half of the sym met ric mass ma trix.

Each of the latter four files con tains a sin gle header line that be gins with “Note:”and de fines the data columns. All sub se quent lines pro vide Tab-de lim ited data foreasy im port into text ed i tors or spread sheet pro grams.

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302 Ac cess ing the As sem bled Stiff ness and Mass Matrices

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C h a p t e r XIX

Modal Anal y sis

Modal anal y sis is used to de ter mine the vi bra tion modes of a struc ture. Thesemodes are use ful to un der stand the be hav ior of the struc ture. They can also be usedas the ba sis for modal su per po si tion in re sponse-spec trum and modal time-his toryAnal y sis Cases.

Basic Topics for All Users

• Over view

• Ei gen vec tor Analy sis

• Ritz-Vector Analy sis

• Mo dal Analy sis Out put


A modal anal y sis is de fined by cre at ing an Anal y sis Case and set ting its type to“Modal”. You can de fine mul ti ple modal Analysis Cases, re sult ing in mul ti ple setsof modes.

There are two types of modal anal y sis to choose from when de fin ing a modal Anal -y sis Case:

Overview 303

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• Eigenvector anal y sis de ter mines the un damped free-vi bra tion mode shapesand fre quen cies of the sys tem. These nat u ral modes pro vide an ex cel lent in -sight into the be hav ior of the struc ture.

• Ritz-vec tor anal y sis seeks to find modes that are ex cited by a par tic u lar load -ing. Ritz vec tors can pro vide a better ba sis than do eigenvectors when used forre sponse-spec trum or time-his tory anal y ses that are based on modal su per po si -tion

Modal anal y sis is al ways lin ear. A modal Anal y sis Case may be based on the stiff -ness of the full un stressed struc ture, or upon the stiff ness at the end of a non lin earAnal y sis Case (non lin ear static or non lin ear di rect-in te gra tion time-his tory).

By us ing the stiff ness at the end of a non lin ear case, you can eval u ate the modes un -der P-delta or geo met ric stiff en ing con di tions, at dif fer ent stages of con struc tion, or fol low ing a sig nif i cant non lin ear ex cur sion in a large earth quake.

See Chap ter “Anal y sis Cases” (page 287) for more in for ma tion.

Eigenvector Analysis

Ei gen vec tor analy sis de ter mines the un damped free- vibration mode shapes and fre -quen cies of the sys tem. These natu ral Modes pro vide an ex cel lent in sight into thebe hav ior of the struc ture. They can also be used as the ba sis for response- spectrumor time- history analy ses, al though Ritz vec tors are rec om mended for this pur pose.

Ei gen vec tor analy sis in volves the so lu tion of the gen er al ized ei gen value prob lem:

[ ]K M- =W F2


where K is the stiff ness ma trix, M is the di ago nal mass ma trix, W2 is the di ago nal

ma trix of ei gen val ues, and F is the ma trix of cor re spond ing ei gen vec tors (modeshapes).

Each eigenvalue- eigenvector pair is called a natu ral Vi bra tion Mode of the struc -ture. The Modes are iden ti fied by num bers from 1 to n in the or der in which themodes are found by the pro gram.

The ei gen value is the square of the cir cu lar fre quency, w, for that Mode (un less afre quency shift is used, see be low). The cy clic fre quency, f, and pe riod, T, of theMode are re lated to w by:

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f= =1




You may spec ify the number of modes to be found, a con ver gence tol er ance, andthe fre quency range of in ter est. These pa rame ters are de scribed in the fol low ingsub top ics.

Number of Modes

You may spec ify the max i mum and min i mum num ber of modes to be found.

The pro gram will not cal cu late more than the spec i fied max i mum num ber ofmodes. This num ber in cludes any static cor rec tion modes re quested. The pro grammay com pute fewer modes if there are fewer mass de grees of free dom, all dy namicpar tic i pa tion tar gets have been met, or all modes within the cut off fre quency rangehave been found.

The pro gram will not cal cu late fewer than the spec i fied min i mum num ber ofmodes, un less there are fewer mass de grees of free dom in the model.

A mass de gree of free dom is any ac tive de gree of free dom that pos sesses trans la -tional mass or ro ta tional mass mo ment of in er tia. The mass may have been as signed di rectly to the joint or may come from con nected ele ments.

Only the modes that are ac tu ally found will be avail able for use by any sub se quentresponse- spectrum or modal time-his tory analy sis cases.

See Topic “De grees of Free dom” (page 30) in Chap ter “Joints and De grees of Free -dom.”

Frequency Range

You may spec ify a re stricted fre quency range in which to seek the Vi bra tion Modes by us ing the pa rame ters:

• shift: The cen ter of the cy clic fre quency range, known as the shift fre quency

• cut: The ra dius of the cy clic fre quency range, known as the cut off fre quency

The pro gram will only seek Modes with fre quen cies f that sat isfy:

| |f — £shift cut

The de fault value of cut = 0 does not re strict the fre quency range of the Modes.

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Modes are found in or der of in creas ing dis tance of fre quency from the shift. Thiscon tin ues un til the cut off is reached, the re quested number of Modes is found, orthe number of mass de grees of free dom is reached.

A sta ble struc ture will pos sess all posi tive natu ral fre quen cies. When per form ing aseis mic analy sis and most other dy namic analy ses, the lower- frequency modes areusu ally of most in ter est. It is then ap pro pri ate to the de fault shift of zero, re sult ingin the lowest- frequency modes of the struc ture be ing cal cu lated. If the shift is notzero, response- spectrum and time- history analy ses may be per formed; how ever,static, moving- load, and p- delta analy ses are not al lowed.

If the dy namic load ing is known to be of high fre quency, such as that caused by vi -brat ing ma chin ery, it may be most ef fi cient to use a posi tive shift near the cen ter ofthe fre quency range of the load ing.

A struc ture that is un sta ble when un loaded will have some modes with zero fre -quency. These modes may cor re spond to rigid- body mo tion of an in ade quatelysup ported struc ture, or to mecha nisms that may be pres ent within the struc ture. It isnot pos si ble to com pute the static re sponse of such a struc ture. How ever, by us ing asmall nega tive shift, the lowest- frequency vi bra tion modes of the struc ture, in clud -ing the zero- frequency in sta bil ity modes, can be found. This does re quire somemass to be pres ent that is ac ti vated by each in sta bil ity mode.

A structure that has buckled under P-delta load will have some modes with zero ornegative frequency. During equation solution, the number of frequencies less thanthe shift is determined and printed in the log file. If you are using a zero or negativeshift and the program detects a negative-frequency mode, it will stop the analysissince the results will be meaningless. If you use a positive shift, the program willpermit negative frequencies to be found; however, subsequent static and dynamicresults are still meaningless.

When us ing a fre quency shift, the stiff ness ma trix is modi fied by sub tract ing from

it the mass ma trix mul ti plied by w02 , where w p0 2= shift. If the shift is very near a

natu ral fre quency of the struc ture, the so lu tion be comes un sta ble and will com plain dur ing equa tion so lu tion. Run the analysis again using a slightly different shiftfrequency.

The cir cu lar fre quency, w, of a Vi bra tion Mode is de ter mined from the shifted ei -gen value, m, as:

w m w= + 02

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Automatic Shifting

As an op tion, you may re quest that the eigen-solver use au to matic shift ing to speedup the so lu tion and im prove the ac cu racy of the re sults. This is par tic u larly help fulwhen seek ing a large num ber of modes, for very large struc tures, or when there area lot of closely spaced modes to be found.

The solver will start with the re quested shift fre quency, shift (de fault zero), andthen suc ces sively then shift to the right (in the pos i tive di rec tion) as needed to im -prove the rate of con ver gence.

If no cut off fre quency has been spec i fied (cut = 0), au to matic shift ing will only beto the right, which means that eigenvalues to the left of the ini tial shift may bemissed. This is not usu ally a prob lem for sta ble struc tures start ing with an ini tialshift of zero.

If a cut off fre quency has been spec i fied (cut > 0), au to matic shift ing will be to theright un til all eigenvalues be tween shift and shift + cut have been found, then theau to matic shifting will re turn to the ini tial shift and pro ceed to the left from there.

In ei ther case, au to matic shift ing may not find eigenvalues in the usual or der of in -creas ing dis tance from the ini tial shift.

Convergence Tolerance

SAP2000 solves for the eigenvalue- eigenvectors pairs us ing an ac cel er ated sub -space it era tion al go rithm. Dur ing the so lu tion phase, the pro gram prints the ap -proxi mate ei gen val ues af ter each it era tion. As the ei gen vec tors con verge they arere moved from the sub space and new ap proxi mate vec tors are in tro duced. For de -tails of the al go rithm, see Wil son and Tet suji (1983).

You may spec ify the rela tive con ver gence tol er ance, tol, to con trol the so lu tion; the de fault value is tol = 10

-9. The it era tion for a par ticu lar Mode will con tinue un til the

rela tive change in the ei gen value be tween suc ces sive it era tions is less than 2 × tol,that is un til:




m m

mi i




½½ ½

½½£ tol

where m is the ei gen value rela tive to the fre quency shift, and i and i +1 de note suc -ces sive it era tion num bers.

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In the usual case where the fre quency shift is zero, the test for con ver gence be -comes ap proxi mately the same as:



f f

fi i


i i






½½ ½


½½ ½





tol tolor

pro vided that the dif fer ence be tween the two it era tions is small.

Note that the er ror in the ei gen vec tors will gen er ally be larger than the er ror in theei gen val ues. The rela tive er ror in the global force bal ance for a given Mode gives ameas ure of the er ror in the ei gen vec tor. This er ror can usu ally be re duced by us ing a smaller value of tol, at the ex pense of more com pu ta tion time.

Static-Correction Modes

You may re quest that the pro gram com pute the static-cor rec tion modes for any Ac -cel er a tion Load or Load Case. A static-cor rec tion mode is the static so lu tion to thatpor tion of the spec i fied load that is not rep re sented by the found eigenvectors.

When ap plied to ac cel er a tion loads, static-cor rec tion modes are also known asmiss ing-mass modes or re sid ual-mass modes.

Static-cor rec tion modes are of lit tle in ter est in their own right. They are in tended tobe used as part of a modal ba sis for re sponse-spec trum or modal time-his tory anal y -sis for high fre quency load ing to which the struc ture re sponds stat i cally. Al thougha static-cor rec tion mode will have a mode shape and fre quency (pe riod) like theeigenvectors do, it is not a true eigenvector.

You can spec ify for which Load Cases and/or Ac cel er a tion Loads you want staticcor rec tion modes cal cu lated, if any. One static-cor rec tion mode will be com putedfor each spec i fied Load un less all eigenvectors that can be ex cited by that Loadhave been found. Static-cor rec tion modes count against the max i mum num ber ofmodes re quested for the Anal y sis Case.

As an ex am ple, consider the translational ac cel er a tion load in the UX di rec tion, mx.

De fine the par tic i pa tion fac tor for mode n as:

f xn n x= j T m

The static-cor rec tion load for UX translational ac cel er a tion is then:

m mx x xn nn



= -=

å jn

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The static-cor rec tion mode-shape vec tor, j x0 , is the so lu tion to:

K mj x x0 0=

If m x0 is found to be zero, all of the modes nec es sary to rep re sent UX ac cel er a tionhave been found, and no re sid ual-mass mode is needed or will be cal cu lated.

The static-cor rec tion modes for any other ac cel er a tion load or Load Case are de -fined sim i larly.

Each static-cor rec tion mode is as signed a fre quency that is cal cu lated us ing thestan dard Ray leigh quo tient method. When static-cor rec tion modes are cal cu lated,they are used for Re sponse-spec trum and Time-his tory anal y sis just as theeigenvectors are.

The use of static-cor rec tion modes as sures that the static-load par tic i pa tion ra tiowill be 100% for the se lected ac cel er a tion loads. How ever, static-cor rec tion modesdo not gen er ally re sult in mass-par tic i pa tion ra tios or dy namic-load par tic i pa tionra tios of 100%. Only true dy namic modes (eigen or Ritz vec tors) can in crease these ra tios to 100%.

See Topic “Modal Anal y sis Output” (page 295) in this Chap ter for more in for ma -tion on modal par tic i pa tion ra tios.

Note that Ritz vec tors, de scribed next, al ways in clude the re sid ual-mass ef fect forall start ing load vec tors.

Ritz-Vector Analysis

Re search has in di cated that the natu ral free- vibration mode shapes are not the bestba sis for a mode- superposition analy sis of struc tures sub jected to dy namic loads. Ithas been dem on strated (Wil son, Yuan, and Dick ens, 1982) that dy namic analy sesbased on a spe cial set of load- dependent Ritz vec tors yield more ac cu rate re sultsthan the use of the same number of natu ral mode shapes. The al go rithm is de tailedin Wil son (1985).

The rea son the Ritz vec tors yield ex cel lent re sults is that they are gen er ated by tak -ing into ac count the spa tial dis tri bu tion of the dy namic load ing, whereas the di rectuse of the natu ral mode shapes ne glects this very im por tant in for ma tion.

In addition, the Ritz-vector algorithm automatically includes the advantages of theproven numerical techniques of static condensation, Guyan reduction, and staticcorrection due to higher-mode truncation.

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The spa tial dis tri bu tion of the dy namic load vec tor serves as a start ing load vec torto ini ti ate the pro ce dure. The first Ritz vec tor is the static dis place ment vec tor cor -re spond ing to the start ing load vec tor. The re main ing vec tors are gen er ated from are cur rence re la tion ship in which the mass ma trix is mul ti plied by the pre vi ously ob -tained Ritz vec tor and used as the load vec tor for the next static so lu tion. Each static so lu tion is called a gen era tion cy cle.

When the dy namic load is made up of sev eral in de pend ent spa tial dis tri bu tions,each of these may serve as a start ing load vec tor to gen er ate a set of Ritz vec tors.Each gen era tion cy cle cre ates as many Ritz vec tors as there are start ing load vec -tors. If a gen er ated Ritz vec tor is re dun dant or does not ex cite any mass de grees offree dom, it is dis carded and the cor re spond ing start ing load vec tor is re moved fromall sub se quent gen era tion cy cles.

Stan dard eigen-so lu tion tech niques are used to orthogonalize the set of gen er atedRitz vec tors, re sult ing in a fi nal set of Ritz-vec tor Modes. Each Ritz-vec tor Modecon sists of a mode shape and fre quency. The full set of Ritz-vec tor Modes can beused as a ba sis to rep re sent the dy namic dis place ment of the struc ture.

When a suf fi cient number of Ritz- vector Modes have been found, some of themmay closely ap proxi mate natu ral mode shapes and fre quen cies. In gen eral, how -ever, Ritz- vector Modes do not rep re sent the in trin sic char ac ter is tics of the struc -ture in the same way the natu ral Modes do. The Ritz- vector modes are bi ased by the start ing load vec tors.

You may spec ify the number of Modes to be found, the start ing load vec tors to beused, and the number of gen era tion cy cles to be per formed for each start ing loadvec tor. These pa rame ters are de scribed in the fol low ing sub top ics.

Number of Modes

You may spec ify the max i mum and min i mum num ber of modes to be found.

The pro gram will not cal cu late more than the spec i fied max i mum num ber ofmodes. The pro gram may com pute fewer modes if there are fewer mass de grees offree dom, all dy namic par tic i pa tion tar gets have been met, or the max i mum num berof cy cles has been reached for all loads.

The pro gram will not cal cu late fewer than the spec i fied min i mum num ber ofmodes, un less there are fewer mass de grees of free dom in the model.

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A mass de gree of free dom is any ac tive de gree of free dom that pos sessestranslational mass or ro ta tional mass mo ment of in er tia. The mass may have beenas signed di rectly to the joint or may come from con nected el e ments.

Only the modes that are ac tu ally found will be avail able for use by any sub se quentre sponse-spec trum or modal time-his tory anal y sis cases.

See Topic “De grees of Freedom” (page 30) in Chap ter “Joints and De grees of Free -dom.”

Starting Load Vectors

You may spec ify any number of start ing load vec tors. Each start ing load vec tormay be one of the fol low ing:

• An Ac cel era tion Load in the global X, Y, or Z di rec tion

• A Load Case

• A built- in non lin ear de for ma tion load, as de scribed be low

For response- spectrum analy sis, only the Ac cel era tion Loads are needed. Formodal time-his tory analy sis, one start ing load vec tor is needed for each Load Caseor Ac cel era tion Load that is used in any modal time-history.

If non lin ear modal time-his tory anal y sis is to be per formed, an ad di tional start ingload vec tor is needed for each in de pend ent non lin ear de for ma tion. You may spec -ify that the pro gram use the built-in non lin ear de for ma tion loads, or you may de fine your own Load Cases for this pur pose. See Topic “Non lin ear De for ma tion Loads”(page 231) in Chap ter “The Link/Sup port El e ment—Basic” for more in for ma tion.

If you de fine your own start ing load vec tors, do the fol low ing for each non lin earde for ma tion:

• Ex plic itly de fine a Load Case that con sists of a set of self- equilibrating forcesthat ac ti vates the de sired non lin ear de for ma tion

• Spec ify that Load Case as a start ing load vec tor

The number of such Load Cases re quired is equal to the number of in de pend entnon lin ear de for ma tions in the model.

If sev eral Link/Sup port el e ments act to gether, you may be able to use fewer start ing load vec tors. For ex am ple, sup pose the hor i zon tal mo tion of sev eral base iso la torsare cou pled with a di a phragm. Only three start ing load vec tors act ing on the di a -phragm are re quired: two per pen dic u lar hor i zon tal loads and one mo ment about the

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ver ti cal axis. In de pend ent Load Cases may still be re quired to rep re sent any ver ti cal mo tions or ro ta tions about the hor i zon tal axes for these iso la tors.

It is strongly rec om mended that mass (or mass mo ment of in er tia) be pres ent atevery de gree of free dom that is loaded by a start ing load vec tor. This is auto maticfor Ac cel era tion Loads, since the load is caused by mass. If a Load Case or non lin -ear de for ma tion load acts on a non- mass de gree of free dom, the pro gram is sues awarn ing. Such start ing load vec tors may gen er ate in ac cu rate Ritz vec tors, or evenno Ritz vec tors at all.

Gen er ally, the more start ing load vec tors used, the more Ritz vec tors must be re -quested to cover the same fre quency range. Thus in clud ing un nec es sary start ingload vec tors is not rec om mended.

In each gen era tion cy cle, Ritz vec tors are found in the or der in which the start ingload vec tors are speci fied. In the last gen era tion cy cle, only as many Ritz vec torswill be found as re quired to reach the to tal number of Modes, n. For this rea son, themost im por tant start ing load vec tors should be speci fied first, es pe cially if thenumber of start ing load vec tors is not much smaller than the to tal number of Modes.

For more in for ma tion:

• See Topic “Non lin ear Modal Time-His tory Anal y sis (FNA)” (page 121) inChap ter “Non lin ear Time-His tory Analysis”.

• See Chap ter “Load Cases” (page 271).

Number of Generation Cycles

You may spec ify the maxi mum number of gen era tion cy cles, ncyc, to be per formed for each start ing load vec tor. This en ables you to ob tain more Ritz vec tors for some start ing load vec tors than oth ers. By de fault, the number of gen era tion cy cles per -formed for each start ing load vec tor is un lim ited, i.e., un til the to tal number, n, ofre quested Ritz vec tors have been found.

As an ex am ple, sup pose that two lin ear time- history analy ses are to be per formed:

(1) Grav ity load is ap plied quasi- statically to the struc ture us ing Load Cases DLand LL

(2) Seis mic load is ap plied in all three global di rec tions

The start ing load vec tors re quired are the three Ac cel era tion Loads and Load CasesDL and LL. The first gen era tion cy cle cre ates the static so lu tion for each start ingload vec tor. This is all that is re quired for Load Cases DL and LL in the first His —

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tory, hence for these start ing load vec tors ncyc = 1 should be speci fied. Ad di tionalModes may be re quired to rep re sent the dy namic re sponse to the seis mic load ing,hence an un lim ited number of cy cles should be speci fied for these start ing load vec -tors. If 12 Modes are re quested (n = 12), there will be one each for DL and LL, three each for two of the Ac cel era tion Loads, and four for the Ac cel era tion Load that was speci fied first as a start ing load vec tor.

Start ing load vec tors cor re spond ing to non lin ear de for ma tion loads may of ten needonly a lim ited number of gen era tion cy cles. Many of these loads af fect only a smalllo cal re gion and ex cite only high- frequency natu ral modes that may re spondquasi- statically to typi cal seis mic ex ci ta tion. If this is the case, you may be able tospec ify ncyc = 1 or 2 for these start ing load vec tors. More cy cles may be re quired ifyou are par ticu larly in ter ested in the dy namic be hav ior in the lo cal re gion.

You must use your own en gi neer ing judg ment to de ter mine the number of Ritz vec -tors to be gen er ated for each start ing load vec tor. No sim ple rule can ap ply to allcases.

Modal Analysis Output

Vari ous prop er ties of the Vi bra tion Modes are avail able as anal y sis re sults. This in -for ma tion is the same re gard less of whether you use ei gen vec tor or Ritz- vectoranaly sis, and is de scribed in the fol low ing sub top ics.

Periods and Frequencies

The fol low ing time- properties are printed for each Mode:

• Pe riod, T, in units of time

• Cy clic fre quency, f, in units of cy cles per time; this is the in verse of T

• Cir cu lar fre quency, w, in units of ra di ans per time; w = 2 p f

• Ei gen value, w2, in units of radians- per- time squared

Participation Factors

The mo dal par tici pa tion fac tors are the dot prod ucts of the three Ac cel era tionLoads with the modes shapes. The par tici pa tion fac tors for Mode n cor re spond ingto Ac cel era tion Loads in the global X, Y, and Z di rec tions are given by:

f xn n x= j T m

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f yn n y= j T m

f zn n z= j T m

where j n is the mode shape and mx, m

y, and, m

z are the unit Ac cel era tion Loads.

These fac tors are the gen er al ized loads act ing on the Mode due to each of the Ac cel -era tion Loads.

These val ues are called “fac tors” be cause they are re lated to the mode shape and toa unit ac cel era tion. The modes shapes are each nor mal ized, or scaled, with re spectto the mass ma trix such that:

j jn nT M =1

The ac tual mag ni tudes and signs of the par tici pa tion fac tors are not im por tant.What is im por tant is the rela tive val ues of the three fac tors for a given Mode.

Participating Mass Ratios

The par tici pat ing mass ra tio for a Mode pro vides a meas ure of how im por tant theMode is for com put ing the re sponse to the Ac cel era tion Loads in each of the threeglobal di rec tions. Thus it is use ful for de ter min ing the ac cu racy of response- spectrum analy ses and seis mic time- history analy ses. The par tici pat ing mass ra tiopro vides no in for ma tion about the ac cu racy of time- history analy ses sub jected toother loads.

The par tici pat ing mass ra tios for Mode n cor re spond ing to Ac cel era tion Loads inthe global X, Y, and Z di rec tions are given by:





=( )






=( )






=( )


where fxn, f

yn, and f

zn are the par tici pa tion fac tors de fined in the pre vi ous sub topic;

and Mx, M

y, and M

z are the to tal un re strained masses act ing in the X, Y, and Z di rec —

tions. The par tici pat ing mass ra tios are ex pressed as per cent ages.

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The cu mu la tive sums of the par tici pat ing mass ra tios for all Modes up to Mode nare printed with the in di vid ual val ues for Mode n. This pro vides a sim ple meas ureof how many Modes are re quired to achieve a given level of ac cu racy for ground- acceleration load ing.

If all ei gen Modes of the struc ture are pres ent, the par tici pat ing mass ra tio for eachof the three Ac cel era tion Loads should gen er ally be 100%. How ever, this may notbe the case in the pres ence of Aso lid ele ments or cer tain types of Con straints wheresym me try con di tions pre vent some of the mass from re spond ing to trans la tional ac -cel era tions.

Static and Dynamic Load Participation Ratios

The static and dy namic load par tici pa tion ra tios pro vide a meas ure of how ade quate the cal cu lated modes are for rep re sent ing the re sponse to time- history ana lyses.These two meas ures are printed in the out put file for each of the fol low ing spa tialload vec tors:

• The three unit Accel era tion Loads

• Three ro ta tional ac cel er a tion loads

• All Load Cases spec i fied in the def i ni tion of the modal Anal y sis Case

• All non lin ear de for ma tion loads, if they are spec i fied in the def i ni tion of themodal Anal y sis Case

The Load Cases and Ac cel er a tion Loads rep re sent spa tial loads that you can ex plic -itly spec ify in a modal time-his tory analy sis, whereas the last rep re sents loads thatcan act im plic itly in a non lin ear modal time-his tory anal y sis. The load par tici pa -tion ra tios are ex pressed as per cent ages.

For more in for ma tion:

• See Topic “Non lin ear De for ma tion Loads” (page 231) in Chap ter “TheLink/Sup port Ele ment—Basic.”

• See Chap ter “Load Cases” (page 271).

• See Topic “Ac cel er a tion Loads” (page 284) in Chap ter “Load Cases.”

• See Topic “Lin ear Modal Time-His tory Anal y sis” (page 335) in Chap ter “Lin -ear Time-His tory Anal y sis” .

• See Topic “Non lin ear Modal Time-His tory Anal y sis” (page 121) in Chap ter“Non lin ear Time-His tory Anal y sis”.

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Static Load Participation Ratio

The static load par tici pa tion ra tio meas ures how well the cal cu lated modes can rep -re sent the re sponse to a given static load. This meas ure was first pre sented by Wil -son (1997). For a given spa tial load vec tor p, the par tici pa tion fac tor for Mode n isgiven by

f n n= j T p

where j n is the mode shape (vec tor) of Mode n. This fac tor is the gen er al ized loadact ing on the Mode due to load p. Note that f n is just the usual par tici pa tion fac tor

when p is one of the unit ac cel era tion loads.

The static par tici pa tion ra tio for this mode is given by











u pT

where u is the static so lu tion given by Ku p= . This ra tio gives the frac tion of the to —

tal strain en ergy in the ex act static so lu tion that is con tained in Mode n. Note that

the de nomi na tor can also be rep re sented as u KuT .

Fi nally, the cu mu la tive sum of the static par tici pa tion ra tios for all the cal cu latedmodes is printed in the out put file:

R rSnS






= =

















u p

where N is the number of modes found. This value gives the frac tion of the to talstrain en ergy in the ex act static so lu tion that is cap tured by the N modes.

When solv ing for static so lu tions us ing quasi- static time- history analy sis, the value

of RS should be close to 100% for any ap plied static Loads, and also for all non lin —

ear de for ma tion loads if the analy sis is non lin ear.

Note that when Ritz- vectors are used, the value of RS will al ways be 100% for all

start ing load vec tors. This may not be true when ei gen vec tors are used. In fact, even us ing all pos si ble ei gen vec tors will not give 100% static par tici pa tion if load p actson any mass less degrees- of- freedom.

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Dynamic Load Participation Ratio

The dy namic load par tici pa tion ra tio meas ures how well the cal cu lated modes canrep re sent the re sponse to a given dy namic load. This meas ure was de vel oped forSAP2000, and it is an ex ten sion of the con cept of par tici pat ing mass ratios. It is as -sumed that the load acts only on de grees of free dom with mass. Any por tion of loadvec tor p that acts on mass less de grees of free dom can not be rep re sented by thismeas ure and is ig nored in the fol low ing dis cus sion.

For a given spa tial load vec tor p, the par tici pa tion fac tor for Mode n is given by

f n n= j T p

where j n is the mode shape for Mode n. Note that f n is just the usual par tici pa tionfac tor when p is one of the unit ac cel era tion loads.

The dy namic par tici pa tion ra tio for this mode is given by

( )r

fnD n



a pT

where a is the ac cel era tion given by Ma p= . The ac cel era tion a is easy to cal cu late

since M is di ago nal. The val ues of a and p are taken to be zero at all mass less de —

grees of free dom. Note that the de nomi na tor can also be rep re sented as a MaT .

Fi nally, the cu mu la tive sum of the dy namic par tici pa tion ra tios for all the cal cu -lated modes is printed in the out put file:

( )R r



N nn


= ==





j T



a p

where N is the number of modes found. When p is one of the unit ac cel era tion

loads, r D is the usual mass par tici pa tion ra tio, and R D is the usual cu mu la tive masspar tici pa tion ra tio.

When R D is 100%, the cal cu lated modes should be ca pa ble of ex actly rep re sent ing

the so lu tion to any time- varying ap pli ca tion of spa tial load p. If R D is less than100%, the ac cu racy of the so lu tion will de pend upon the fre quency con tent of thetime- function mul ti ply ing load p. Nor mally it is the high fre quency re sponse that is

not cap tured when R D is less than 100%.

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The dy namic load par tic i pa tion ra tio only mea sures how the modes cap ture the spa —

tial char ac ter is tics of p, not its tem po ral char ac ter is tics. For this rea son, R D servesonly as a qual i ta tive guide as to whether enough modes have been com puted. Youmust still ex am ine the re sponse to each dif fer ent dy namic load ing with vary ingnum ber of modes to see if enough modes have been used.

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C h a p t e r XX

Response-Spectrum Anal y sis

Re sponse-spec trum anal y sis is a sta tis ti cal type of anal y sis for the de ter mi na tion ofthe likely re sponse of a struc ture to seis mic load ing.

Basic Topics for All Users

• Over view

• Lo cal Co or di nate System

• Re sponse-Spec trum Curve

• Modal Damping

• Modal Combination

• Di rec tional Combination

• Response- Spectrum Analy sis Out put


The dy namic equi lib rium equa tions as so ci ated with the re sponse of a struc ture toground mo tion are given by:

K u C u M u m m m( ) &( ) &&( ) && ( ) && ( ) &&t t t u t u t ux gx y gy z gz+ + = + + ( )t

Overview 319

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where K is the stiff ness ma trix; C is the pro por tional damp ing ma trix; M is the di -ago nal mass ma trix; u, &u, and &&u are the rela tive dis place ments, ve loci ties, and ac cel -era tions with re spect to the ground; m

x, m

y, and m

z are the unit Ac cel era tion Loads;

and &&ugx , &&ugy , and &&ugz are the com po nents of uni form ground ac cel era tion.

Response- spectrum analy sis seeks the likely maxi mum re sponse to these equa tionsrather than the full time his tory. The earth quake ground ac cel era tion in each di rec -tion is given as a dig it ized response- spectrum curve of pseudo- spectral ac cel era tion re sponse ver sus pe riod of the struc ture.

Even though ac cel era tions may be speci fied in three di rec tions, only a sin gle, posi -tive re sult is pro duced for each re sponse quan tity. The re sponse quan ti ties in cludedis place ments, forces, and stresses. Each com puted re sult rep re sents a sta tis ti calmeas ure of the likely maxi mum mag ni tude for that re sponse quan tity. The ac tualre sponse can be ex pected to vary within a range from this posi tive value to its nega -tive.

No cor re spon dence be tween two dif fer ent re sponse quan ti ties is avail able. No in -for ma tion is avail able as to when this ex treme value oc curs dur ing the seis mic load -ing, or as to what the val ues of other re sponse quan ti ties are at that time.

Response- spectrum analy sis is per formed us ing mode su per po si tion (Wil son andBut ton, 1982). Modes may have been com puted us ing ei gen vec tor analy sis orRitz- vector analy sis. Ritz vec tors are rec om mended since they give more ac cu ratere sults for the same number of Modes. You must de fine a Modal Anal y sis Case that com putes the modes, and then re fer to that Modal Anal y sis Case in the def i ni tion ofthe Re sponse-Spec trum Case.

Any number of response- spectrum Analysis Cases can be de fined. Each case candif fer in the ac cel era tion spec tra ap plied and in the way that re sults are com bined.Dif fer ent cases can also be based upon dif fer ent sets of modes com puted in dif fer -ent Modal Anal y sis Cases. For ex am ple, this would en able you to con sider the re -sponse at dif fer ent stages of con struc tion, or to com pare the re sults us ingeigenvectors and Ritz vec tors.

Local Coordinate System

Each Spec has its own response- spectrum lo cal co or di nate sys tem used to de finethe di rec tions of ground ac cel era tion load ing. The axes of this lo cal sys tem are de -noted 1, 2, and 3. By de fault these cor re spond to the global X, Y, and Z di rec tions,re spec tively.

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You may change the ori en ta tion of the lo cal co or di nate sys tem by speci fy ing:

• A fixed co or di nate sys tem csys (the de fault is zero, in di cat ing the global co or -di nate sys tem)

• A co or di nate an gle, ang (the de fault is zero)

The lo cal 3 axis is al ways the same as the Z axis of co or di nate sys tem csys. The lo -cal 1 and 2 axes co in cide with the X and Y axes of csys if an gle ang is zero. Oth er -wise, ang is the an gle from the X axis to the lo cal 1 axis, meas ured coun ter clock -wise when the +Z axis is point ing to ward you. This is il lus trated in Figure 69 (page321).

Response-Spectrum Curve

The response- spectrum curve for a given di rec tion is de fined by dig it ized points ofpseudo- spectral ac cel era tion re sponse ver sus pe riod of the struc ture. The shape ofthe curve is given by speci fy ing the name of a Func tion. All val ues for the ab scissaand or di nate of this Func tion must be zero or posi tive.

If no Func tion is speci fied, a con stant func tion of unit ac cel era tion value for all pe -ri ods is as sumed.

You may spec ify a scale fac tor sf to mul ti ply the or di nate (pseudo spec tral ac cel er a -tion re sponse) of the func tion. This is of ten needed to con vert val ues given in terms

Response-Spectrum Curve 321

Chapter XX Response-Spectrum Anal y sis




Z, 3Z






Global csys

Figure 69Definition of Response Spectrum Local Coordinate System

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of the ac cel er a tion due to grav ity to units con sis tent with the rest of the model. SeeFigure (page 322).

If the response- spectrum curve is not de fined over a pe riod range large enough tocover the Vi bra tion Modes of the struc ture, the curve is ex tended to larger andsmaller pe ri ods us ing a con stant ac cel era tion equal to the value at the near est de -fined pe riod.

See Topic “Func tions” (page 296) in this Chap ter for more in for ma tion.


The re sponse-spec trum curve cho sen should re flect the damp ing that is pres ent inthe struc ture be ing mod eled. Note that the damp ing is in her ent in the shape of there sponse-spec trum curve it self. As part of the Anal y sis Case def i ni tion, you mustspec ify the damp ing value that was used to gen er ate the re sponse-spec trum curve.Dur ing the anal y sis, the re sponse-spec trum curve will au to mat i cally be ad justedfrom this damp ing value to the ac tual damp ing pres ent in the model.

322 Response-Spectrum Curve

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Period (time)

10 2 3 4






Figure 70Digitized Response-Spectrum Curve

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Modal Damping

Damping in the struc ture has two ef fects on re sponse-spec trum anal y sis:

• It af fects the shape of the re sponse-spec trum in put curve

• It af fects the amount of statistical cou pling be tween the modes for cer tainmeth ods of re sponse-spec trum modal com bi na tion (CQC, GMC)

The damp ing in the struc ture is mod eled us ing un cou pled modal damp ing. Eachmode has a damp ing ra tio, damp, which is mea sured as a frac tion of crit i cal damp -ing and must sat isfy:

0 1£ <damp

Modal damp ing has three dif fer ent sources, which are de scribed in the fol low ing.Damping from these sources are added to gether. The pro gram au to mat i cally makes sure that the to tal is less than one.

Modal Damping from the Anal y sis Case

For each re sponse-spec trum Anal y sis Case, you may spec ify modal damp ing ra tiosthat are:

• Con stant for all modes

• Lin early in ter po lated by pe riod or fre quency. You spec ify the damp ing ra tio ata se ries of fre quency or pe riod points. Be tween spec i fied points the damp ing islin early in ter po lated. Out side the spec i fied range, the damp ing ra tio is con stantat the value given for the clos est spec i fied point.

• Mass and stiff ness pro por tional. This mim ics the pro por tional damp ing usedfor di rect-in te gra tion, ex cept that the damp ing value is never al lowed to ex ceed unity.

In ad di tion, you may op tion ally spec ify damp ing over rides. These are spe cific val -ues of damp ing to be used for spe cific modes that re place the damp ing ob tained byone of the meth ods above. The use of damp ing over rides is rarely nec es sary.

Com pos ite Modal Damping from the Ma te rials

Modal damp ing ra tios, if any, that have been spec i fied for the Ma te rials are con -verted au to mat i cally to com pos ite modal damp ing. Any cross cou pling be tween the modes is ig nored. These modal-damp ing val ues will gen er ally be dif fer ent for eachmode, de pend ing upon how much de for ma tion each mode causes in the el e mentscom posed of the dif fer ent Ma te rials.

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Ef fec tive Damping from the Link/Support El e ments

Lin ear ef fec tive-damp ing co ef fi cients, if any, that have been spec i fied forLink/Sup port el e ments in the model are au to mat i cally con verted to modal damp -ing. Any cross cou pling be tween the modes is ig nored. These ef fec tivemodal-damp ing val ues will gen er ally be dif fer ent for each mode, de pend ing uponhow much de for ma tion each mode causes in the Link/Sup port el e ments.

Modal Combination

For a given di rec tion of ac cel era tion, the maxi mum dis place ments, forces, andstresses are com puted through out the struc ture for each of the Vi bra tion Modes.These mo dal val ues for a given re sponse quan tity are com bined to pro duce a sin gle, posi tive re sult for the given di rec tion of ac cel era tion us ing one of the fol low ingmeth ods.

CQC Method

The Com plete Quad ratic Com bi na tion tech nique is de scribed by Wil son, Der Kiu -re ghian, and Bayo (1981). This is the de fault method of mo dal com bi na tion.

The CQC method takes into ac count the sta tis ti cal cou pling be tween closely- spaced Modes caused by mo dal damp ing. In creas ing the mo dal damp ing in creasesthe cou pling be tween closely- spaced modes. If the damp ing is zero for all Modes,this method de gen er ates to the SRSS method.

GMC Method

The Gen eral Mo dal Com bi na tion tech nique is the com plete mo dal com bi na tionpro ce dure de scribed by Equa tion 3.31 in Gupta (1990). The GMC method takesinto ac count the sta tis ti cal cou pling be tween closely- spaced Modes simi larly to theCQC method, but also in cludes the cor re la tion be tween modes with rigid- responsecon tent.

In creas ing the mo dal damp ing in creases the cou pling be tween closely- spacedmodes.

In ad di tion, the GMC method re quires you to spec ify two fre quen cies, f1 and f2,which de fine the rigid- response con tent of the ground mo tion. These must sat isfy 0< <f1 f2. The rigid- response parts of all modes are as sumed to be per fectly cor re -lated.

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The GMC method as sumes no rigid re sponse be low fre quency f1, full rigid re -sponse above fre quency f2, and an in ter po lated amount of rigid re sponse for fre -quen cies be tween f1 and f2.

Fre quen cies f1 and f2 are prop er ties of the seis mic in put, not of the struc ture. Gupta de fines f1 as:

f1 =S





where S Amax is the maxi mum spec tral ac cel era tion and S Vmax is the maxi mumspec tral ve loc ity for the ground mo tion con sid ered. The de fault value for f1 isunity.

Gupta de fines f2 as:

f2 f1= +1



3f r

where f r is the rigid fre quency of the seis mic in put, i.e., that fre quency abovewhich the spec tral ac cel era tion is es sen tially con stant and equal to the value at zerope riod (in fi nite fre quency). Oth ers have de fined f2 as:

f2 = f r

The de fault value for f2 is zero, in di cat ing in fi nite fre quency. For the de fault valueof f2, the GMC method gives re sults simi lar to the CQC method.

SRSS Method

This method com bines the modal re sults by tak ing the square root of the sum oftheir squares. This method does not take into ac count any cou pling of the modes,but rather as sumes that the re sponse of the modes are all sta tis ti cally in de pend ent.

Absolute Sum Method

This method com bines the mo dal re sults by tak ing the sum of their ab so lute val ues.Essentially all modes are as sumed to be fully cor re lated. This method is usu allyover- conservative.

Modal Combination 325

Chapter XX Response-Spectrum Anal y sis

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NRC Ten-Percent Method

This is the Ten-Per cent method of the U.S. Nu clear Reg u la tory Com mis sion Reg u -la tory Guide 1.92.

The Ten-Per cent method as sumes full, pos i tive cou pling be tween all modes whosefre quen cies dif fer from each other by 10% or less of the smaller of the two fre quen -cies. Modal damp ing does not af fect the cou pling.

NRC Dou ble-Sum Method

This is the Dou ble-Sum method of the U.S. Nu clear Reg u la tory Com mis sion Reg u -la tory Guide 1.92.

The Dou ble-Sum method as sumes a pos i tive cou pling be tween all modes, with cor -re la tion co ef fi cients that de pend upon damp ing in a fash ion sim i lar to the CQC andGMC meth ods, and that also de pend upon the du ra tion of the earth quake. Youspec ify this du ra tion as pa ram e ter td as part of the Anal y sis Cases def i ni tion.

Directional Combination

For each dis place ment, force, or stress quan tity in the struc ture, mo dal com bi na tion pro duces a sin gle, posi tive re sult for each di rec tion of ac cel era tion. These di rec -tional val ues for a given re sponse quan tity are com bined to pro duce a sin gle, posi -tive re sult. Use the di rec tional com bi na tion scale fac tor, dirf, to spec ify whichmethod to use.

SRSS Method

Spec ify dirf = 0 to com bine the di rec tional re sults by tak ing the square root of thesum of their squares. This method is in vari ant with re spect to co or di nate sys tem,i.e., the re sults do not de pend upon your choice of co or di nate sys tem when thegiven response- spectrum curves are the same. This is the rec om mended method fordi rec tional com bi na tion, and is the de fault.

Absolute Sum Method

Spec ify dirf = 1 to com bine the di rec tional re sults by tak ing the sum of their ab so -lute val ues. This method is usu ally over- conservative.

326 Directional Combination

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Scaled Absolute Sum Method

Spec ify 0 < dirf < 1 to com bine the di rec tional re sults by the scaled ab so lute summethod. Here, the di rec tional re sults are com bined by tak ing the maxi mum, over all di rec tions, of the sum of the ab so lute val ues of the re sponse in one di rec tion plusdirf times the re sponse in the other di rec tions.

For ex am ple, if dirf = 0.3, the spec tral re sponse, R, for a given dis place ment, force,or stress would be:

R R R R= max ( , , )1 2 3


R R R R1 1 2 303= + +. ( )

R R R R2 2 1 303= + +. ( )

R R R R3 3 1 203= + +. ( )

and R1, R2 , and R3 are the modal- combination val ues for each di rec tion.

The re sults ob tained by this method will vary de pend ing upon the co or di nate sys -tem you choose. Re sults ob tained us ing dirf = 0.3 are com pa ra ble to the SRSSmethod (for equal in put spec tra in each di rec tion), but may be as much as 8% un -con ser va tive or 4% over- conservative, de pend ing upon the co or di nate sys tem.Larger val ues of dirf tend to pro duce more con ser va tive re sults.

Response-Spectrum Analysis Output

Cer tain in for ma tion is avail able as anal y sis re sults for each response- spectrumAnal y sis Case. This in for ma tion is de scribed in the fol low ing sub top ics.

Damping and Accelerations

The mo dal damp ing and the ground ac cel era tions act ing in each di rec tion are givenfor every Mode.

The damp ing value printed for each Mode is the sum of the spec i fied damp ing forthe anal y sis case, plus the modal damp ing con trib uted by ef fec tive damp ing in theLink/Sup port el e ments, if any, and the com pos ite modal damp ing spec i fied in theMa te rial Prop erties, if any.

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The ac cel era tions printed for each Mode are the ac tual val ues as in ter po lated at themo dal pe riod from the response- spectrum curves af ter scal ing by the speci fied val -ues of sf and tf. The ac cel era tions are al ways re ferred to the lo cal axes of theresponse- spectrum analy sis. They are iden ti fied in the out put as U1, U2, and U3.

Modal Amplitudes

The response- spectrum mo dal am pli tudes give the mul ti pli ers of the mode shapesthat con trib ute to the dis placed shape of the struc ture for each di rec tion of Ac cel -era tion. For a given Mode and a given di rec tion of ac cel era tion, this is the prod uctof the mo dal par tici pa tion fac tor and the response- spectrum ac cel era tion, di vided

by the ei gen value, w2, of the Mode.

The ac cel era tion di rec tions are al ways re ferred to the lo cal axes of the response- spectrum analy sis. They are iden ti fied in the out put as U1, U2, and U3.

For more in for ma tion:

• See the pre vi ous Topic “Damp ing and Ac cel era tion” for the defi ni tion of theresponse- spectrum ac cel era tions.

• See Topic “Mo dal Analy sis Out put” (page 295) in Chap ter “Modal Analysis”for the defi ni tion of the mo dal par tici pa tion fac tors and the ei gen val ues.

Modal Correlation Factors

The modal cor re la tion ma trix is printed out. This ma trix shows the cou pling as -sumed be tween closely- spaced modes. The cor re la tion fac tors are al ways be tweenzero and one. The cor re la tion ma trix is sym met ric.

Base Reactions

The base re ac tions are the to tal forces and mo ments about the global ori gin re quired of the sup ports (Re straints and Springs) to re sist the in er tia forces due to response- spectrum load ing.

These are re ported sep a rately for each in di vid ual Mode and each di rec tion of load -ing with out any combination. The to tal re sponse-spec trum re ac tions are then re -ported af ter per form ing mo dal com bi na tion and di rec tional com bi na tion.

The re ac tion forces and mo ments are al ways re ferred to the lo cal axes of theresponse- spectrum analy sis. They are iden ti fied in the out put as F1, F2, F3, M1,M2, and M3.

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C h a p t e r XXI

Linear Time-History Anal y sis

Time-his tory anal y sis is a step-by-step anal y sis of the dy nam i cal re sponse of astruc ture to a spec i fied load ing that may vary with time. The anal y sis may be lin earor non lin ear. This Chap ter de scribes time-his tory anal y sis in gen eral, and lin eartime-his tory anal y sis in par tic u lar. See Chap ter “Non lin ear Time-His tory Anal y -sis” (page 379) for ad di tional in for ma tion that ap plies only to non lin ear time-his -tory anal y sis.

Basic Topics for All Users

• Over view

Ad vanced Topics

• Loading

• Ini tial Con di tions

• Time Steps

• Modal Time-His tory Analysis

• Di rect-In te gra tion Time-His tory Anal y sis


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Time- history analy sis is used to de ter mine the dy namic re sponse of a struc ture toar bi trary load ing. The dy namic equi lib rium equa tions to be solved are given by:

K u C u M u r( ) &( ) &&( ) ( )t t t t+ + =

where K is the stiff ness ma trix; C is the damp ing ma trix; M is the di ago nal massma trix; u, &u, and &&u are the dis place ments, ve loci ties, and ac cel era tions of the struc -ture; and r is the ap plied load. If the load includes ground acceleration, thedisplacements, velocities, and accelerations are relative to this ground motion.

Any number of time- history Analysis Cases can be de fined. Each time-his tory casecan dif fer in the load ap plied and in the type of analy sis to be per formed.

There are sev eral op tions that de ter mine the type of time-his tory anal y sis to be per -formed:

• Lin ear vs. Non lin ear.

• Modal vs. Di rect-in te gra tion: These are two dif fer ent so lu tion meth ods, eachwith ad van tages and dis ad van tages. Un der ideal cir cum stances, both meth odsshould yield the same re sults to a given prob lem.

• Tran sient vs. Pe ri odic: Tran sient anal y sis con sid ers the ap plied load as aone-time event, with a be gin ning and end. Pe riodic anal y sis con sid ers the loadto re peat in def i nitely, with all tran sient re sponse damped out.

Pe riodic anal y sis is only avail able for lin ear modal time-his tory anal y sis.

This Chap ter de scribes lin ear anal y sis; non lin ear anal y sis is de scribed in Chap ter“Non lin ear Time-His tory Anal y sis” (page 379). How ever, you should read thepresent Chap ter first.


The load, r(t), ap plied in a given time-his tory case may be an ar bi trary func tion ofspace and time. It can be writ ten as a fi nite sum of spa tial load vec tors, pi , mul ti -plied by time func tions, f ti ( ), as:

(Eqn. 1)r p( ) ( )t f ti ii

= å

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330 Overview

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The pro gram uses Load Cases and/or Ac cel era tion Loads to rep re sent the spa tialload vec tors. The time func tions can be ar bi trary func tions of time or pe ri odic func -tions such as those pro duced by wind or sea wave load ing.

If Ac cel era tion Loads are used, the dis place ments, ve loci ties, and ac cel era tions areall meas ured rela tive to the ground. The time func tions as so ci ated with the Ac cel -era tion Loads m

x, m

y, and m

z are the cor re spond ing com po nents of uni form ground

ac cel era tion, &&ugx , &&ugy , and &&ugz .

Defining the Spatial Load Vectors

To de fine the spa tial load vec tor, pi, for a sin gle term of the load ing sum of Equa tion

1, you may spec ify ei ther:

• The la bel of a Load Case us ing the pa rame ter load, or

• An Ac cel era tion Load us ing the pa rame ters csys, ang, and acc, where:

– csys is a fixed co or di nate sys tem (the de fault is zero, in di cat ing the globalco or di nate sys tem)

– ang is a co or di nate an gle (the de fault is zero)

– acc is the Ac cel era tion Load (U1, U2, or U3) in the ac cel era tion lo cal co or -di nate sys tem as de fined be low

Each Ac cel era tion Load in the load ing sum may have its own ac cel era tion lo cal co -or di nate sys tem with lo cal axes de noted 1, 2, and 3. The lo cal 3 axis is al ways thesame as the Z axis of co or di nate sys tem csys. The lo cal 1 and 2 axes co in cide withthe X and Y axes of csys if an gle ang is zero. Oth er wise, ang is the an gle from the X axis to the lo cal 1 axis, meas ured coun ter clock wise when the +Z axis is point ing to -ward you. This is il lus trated in Figure 71 (page 332).

The response- spectrum lo cal axes are al ways re ferred to as 1, 2, and 3. The globalAc cel era tion Loads m

x, m

y, and m

z are trans formed to the lo cal co or di nate sys tem

for load ing.

It is gen er ally rec om mended, but not re quired, that the same co or di nate sys tem beused for all Ac cel era tion Loads ap plied in a given time-his tory case.

Load Cases and Ac cel era tion Loads may be mixed in the load ing sum.

For more in for ma tion:

• See Chap ter “Load Cases” (page 271).

• See Topic “Ac cel er a tion Loads” (page 284) in Chap ter “Load Cases”.

Loading 331

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Defining the Time Functions

To de fine the time func tion, fi(t), for a sin gle term of the load ing sum of Equa tion 1,

you may spec ify:

• The la bel of a Func tion, us ing the pa rame ter func, that de fines the shape of thetime varia tion (the de fault is zero, in di cat ing the built- in ramp func tion de finedbe low)

• A scale fac tor, sf, that mul ti plies the or di nate val ues of the Func tion (the de -fault is unity)

• A time- scale fac tor, tf, that mul ti plies the time (ab scissa) val ues of the Func tion (the de fault is unity)

• An ar ri val time, at, when the Func tion be gins to act on the struc ture (the de fault is zero)

The time func tion, fi(t), is re lated to the speci fied Func tion, func(t), by:

fi(t) = sf · func(t)

The analy sis time, t, is re lated to the time scale, t, of the speci fied Func tion by:

t = at + tf · t

332 Loading

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Z, 3Z






Global csys

Figure 71Definition of History Acceleration Local Coordinate System

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If the ar ri val time is posi tive, the ap pli ca tion of Func tion func is de layed un til af terthe start of the analy sis. If the ar ri val time is nega tive, that por tion of Func tion funcoc cur ring be fore t = – at / tf is ig nored.

For a Func tion func de fined from ini tial time t0 to fi nal time t

n, the value of the

Func tion for all time t < t0 is taken as zero, and the value of the Func tion for all time

t > tn is held con stant at f

n, the value at t


If no Func tion is speci fied, or func = 0, the built- in ramp func tion is used. Thisfunc tion in creases line arly from zero at t = 0 to unity at t =1 and for all time there af -ter. When com bined with the scal ing pa rame ters, this de fines a func tion that in -creases line arly from zero at t = at to a value of sf at t = at + tf and for all time there -af ter, as il lus trated in Figure 72 (page 333). This func tion is most com monly usedto gradu ally ap ply static loads, but can also be used to build up tri an gu lar pulses and more com pli cated func tions.

See Topic “Func tions” (page 296) in Chap ter “Anal y sis Cases” for more in for ma -tion.

Loading 333

Chapter XXI Linear Time-History Anal y sis


f (t)i

at tf



Ramp function after scaling

Built-in ramp function

Figure 72Built-in Ramp Function before and after Scaling

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Ini tial Conditions

The ini tial con di tions de scribe the state of the struc ture at the be gin ning of atime-his tory case. These in clude:

• Dis place ments and ve loc i ties

• In ter nal forces and stresses

• In ter nal state vari ables for non lin ear elements

• En ergy val ues for the struc ture

• External loads

The ac cel er a tions are not con sid ered ini tial con di tions, but are com puted from theequi lib rium equa tion.

For lin ear tran sient anal y ses, zero ini tial con di tions are al ways as sumed.

For pe ri odic anal y ses, the pro gram au to mat i cally ad justs the ini tial con di tions atthe start of the anal y sis to be equal to the con di tions at the end of the analysis

If you are us ing the stiff ness from the end of a non lin ear anal y sis, non lin ear el e -ments (if any) are locked into the state that ex isted at the end of the non lin ear anal y -sis. For ex am ple, sup pose you per formed a non lin ear anal y sis of a model con tain -ing ten sion-only frame el e ments (com pres sion limit set to zero), and used the stiff -ness from this case for a lin ear time-his tory anal y sis. Elements that were in ten sionat the end of the non lin ear anal y sis would have full ax ial stiff ness in the lin eartime-his tory analysis, and el e ments that were in com pres sion at the end of the non -lin ear anal y sis would have zero stiff ness. These stiffnesses would be fixed for thedu ra tion of the lin ear time-his tory anal y sis, regardless of the di rec tion of load ing.

Time Steps

Time-his tory anal y sis is per formed at dis crete time steps. You may spec ify thenum ber of out put time steps with pa ram e ter nstep and the size of the time stepswith pa ram e ter dt.

The time span over which the anal y sis is car ried out is given by nstep·dt. For pe ri -odic anal y sis, the pe riod of the cy clic load ing func tion is as sumed to be equal to this time span.

Re sponses are cal cu lated at the end of each dt time in cre ment, re sult ing in nstep+1 val ues for each out put re sponse quan tity.

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Re sponse is also cal cu lated, but not saved, at ev ery time step of the in put time func -tions in or der to ac cu rately cap ture the full ef fect of the load ing. These time stepsare call load steps. For modal time-his tory anal y sis, this has lit tle ef fect on ef fi -ciency.

For di rect-in te gra tion time-his tory anal y sis, this may cause the stiff ness ma trix tobe re-solved if the load step size keeps chang ing. For ex am ple, if the out put timestep is 0.01 and the in put time step is 0.005, the pro gram will use a con stant in ter naltime-step of 0.005. How ever, if the in put time step is 0.075, then the in put and out -put steps are out of syn chrony, and the loads steps will be: 0.075, 0.025, 0.05, 0.05,0.025, 0.075, and so on. For this rea son, it is usu ally ad vis able to choose an out puttime step that evenly di vides, or is evenly di vided by, the in put time steps.

Modal Time-His tory Analysis

Modal su per po si tion pro vides a highly ef fi cient and ac cu rate pro ce dure for per -form ing time-his tory anal y sis. Closed-form in te gra tion of the modal equa tions isused to com pute the re sponse, as sum ing lin ear vari a tion of the time func tions,f ti ( ), be tween the in put data time points. There fore, nu mer i cal in sta bil ity prob lems are never en coun tered, and the time in cre ment may be any sam pling value that isdeemed fine enough to cap ture the max i mum re sponse val ues. One-tenth of thetime pe riod of the high est mode is usu ally rec om mended; how ever, a larger valuemay give an equally ac cu rate sam pling if the con tri bu tion of the higher modes issmall.

The modes used are com puted in a Modal Anal y sis Case that you de fine. They canbe the un damped free-vi bra tion Modes (eigenvectors) or the load-de pend entRitz-vec tor Modes.

If all of the spa tial load vec tors, pi , are used as start ing load vec tors for Ritz-vec toranal y sis, then the Ritz vec tors will al ways pro duce more ac cu rate re sults than if thesame num ber of eigenvectors is used. Since the Ritz-vec tor al go rithm is faster thanthe eigenvector al go rithm, the for mer is rec om mended for time-his tory anal y ses.

It is up to you to de ter mine if the Modes cal cu lated by the pro gram are ad e quate torep re sent the time-his tory re sponse to the ap plied load. You should check:

• That enough Modes have been com puted

• That the Modes cover an ad e quate fre quency range

• That the dy namic load (mass) par tic i pa tion mass ra tios are ad e quate for theload cases and/or Ac cel er a tion Loads be ing ap plied

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• That the modes shapes ad e quately rep re sent all de sired de for ma tions

See Chap ter “Modal Anal y sis” (page 303) for more in for ma tion.

Modal Damping

The damp ing in the struc ture is mod eled us ing un cou pled modal damp ing. Eachmode has a damp ing ra tio, damp, which is mea sured as a frac tion of crit i cal damp -ing and must sat isfy:

0 1£ <damp

Modal damp ing has three dif fer ent sources, which are de scribed in the fol low ing.Damping from these sources is added to gether. The pro gram au to mat i cally makessure that the to tal is less than one.

Modal Damping from the Anal y sis Case

For each lin ear modal time-his tory Anal y sis Case, you may spec ify modal damp ing ra tios that are:

• Con stant for all modes

• Lin early in ter po lated by pe riod or fre quency. You specify the damp ing ra tio ata se ries of fre quency or pe riod points. Be tween spec i fied points the damp ing islin early in ter po lated. Out side the spec i fied range, the damp ing ra tio is con stantat the value given for the clos est spec i fied point.

• Mass and stiff ness pro por tional. This mim ics the pro por tional damp ing usedfor di rect-in te gra tion, ex cept that the damp ing value is never al lowed to ex ceed unity.

In ad di tion, you may op tion ally spec ify damp ing over rides. These are spe cific val -ues of damp ing to be used for spe cific modes that re place the damp ing ob tained byone of the meth ods above. The use of damp ing over rides is rarely nec es sary.

Com pos ite Modal Damping from the Ma te rials

Modal damp ing ratios, if any, that have been spec i fied for the Ma te rials are con -verted au to mat i cally to com pos ite modal damp ing. Any cross cou pling be tween the modes is ig nored. These modal-damp ing val ues will gen er ally be dif fer ent for eachmode, de pend ing upon how much de for ma tion each mode causes in the el e mentscom posed of the dif fer ent Ma te rials.

336 Modal Time-His tory Analysis

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Ef fec tive Damping from the Link/Support El e ments

Lin ear ef fec tive-damp ing co ef fi cients, if any, that have been spec i fied forLink/Sup port el e ments in the model are au to mat i cally con verted to modal damp -ing. Any cross cou pling be tween the modes is ig nored. These ef fec tivemodal-damp ing val ues will gen er ally be dif fer ent for each mode, de pend ing uponhow much de for ma tion each mode causes in the Link/Sup port el e ments.

Direct-Integration Time-His tory Analysis

Di rect in te gra tion of the full equa tions of mo tion with out the use of modal su per po -si tion is avail able in SAP2000. While modal su per po si tion is usu ally more ac cu rate and ef fi cient, di rect-in te gra tion does of fer the fol low ing ad van tages for lin ear prob -lems:

• Full damp ing that cou ples the modes can be con sid ered

• Im pact and wave prop a ga tion prob lems that might ex cite a large num ber ofmodes may be more efficiently solved by di rect in te gra tion

For non lin ear prob lems, di rect in te gra tion also al lows con sid er ation of more typesof nonlinearity that does modal su per po si tion.

Di rect in te gra tion re sults are ex tremely sen si tive to time-step size in a way that isnot true for modal su per po si tion. You should al ways run your di rect-in te gra tionanal y ses with de creas ing time-step sizes un til the step size is small enough that re -sults are no lon ger af fected by it.

In par tic u lar, you should check stiff and lo cal ized re sponse quan ti ties. For ex am -ple, a much smaller time step may be re quired to get ac cu rate re sults for the ax ialforce in a stiff mem ber than for the lat eral dis place ment at the top of a struc ture.

Time In te gra tion Pa ram e ters

A va ri ety of com mon meth ods are avail able for per form ing di rect-in te gra tiontime-his tory anal y sis. Since these are well doc u mented in stan dard textbooks, wewill not de scribe them fur ther here, ex cept to sug gest that you use the de fault“Hilber-Hughes-Tay lor al pha” (HHT) method, un less you have a spe cific pref er -ence for a dif fer ent method.

The HHT method uses a sin gle pa ram e ter called al pha. This pa ram e ter may takeval ues be tween 0 and -1/3.

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For al pha = 0, the method is equiv a lent to the Newmark method with gamma = 0.5and beta = 0.25, which is the same as the av er age ac cel er a tion method (also calledthe trap e zoidal rule.) Using al pha = 0 of fers the high est ac cu racy of the avail ablemeth ods, but may per mit ex ces sive vi bra tions in the higher fre quency modes, i.e.,those modes with pe ri ods of the same or der as or less than the time-step size.

For more neg a tive val ues of al pha, the higher fre quency modes are more se verelydamped. This is not phys i cal damp ing, since it de creases as smaller time-steps areused. How ever, it is of ten nec es sary to use a neg a tive value of al pha to en cour age anon lin ear so lu tion to con verge.

For best re sults, use the small est time step prac ti cal, and se lect al pha as close to zero as pos si ble. Try dif fer ent val ues of al pha and time-step size to be sure that the so lu -tion is not too de pend ent upon these pa ram e ters.


In di rect-in te gra tion time-his tory anal y sis, the damp ing in the struc ture is mod eledus ing a full damp ing ma trix. Un like modal damp ing, this al lows cou pling be tweenthe modes to be con sid ered.

Di rect-in te gra tion damp ing has three dif fer ent sources, which are de scribed in thefol low ing. Damping from these sources is added to gether.

Pro por tional Damping from the Anal y sis Case

For each di rect-in te gra tion time-his tory Anal y sis Case, you may spec ify pro por -tional damp ing co ef fi cients that ap ply to the struc ture as a whole. The damp ing ma -trix is cal cu lated as a lin ear com bi na tion of the stiff ness ma trix scaled by a co ef fi -cient that you spec ify, and the mass ma trix scaled by a sec ond co ef fi cient that youspec ify.

You may spec ify these two co ef fi cients di rectly, or they may be com puted by spec -i fy ing equiv a lent frac tions of crit i cal modal damp ing at two dif fer ent pe ri ods or fre -quen cies.

Stiff ness pro por tional damp ing is lin early pro por tional to fre quency. It is re lated tothe de for ma tions within the struc ture. Stiff ness pro por tional damp ing may ex ces -sively damp out high fre quency com po nents.

Mass pro por tional damp ing is lin early pro por tional to pe riod. It is re lated to themo tion of the struc ture, as if the struc ture is mov ing through a vis cous fluid. Masspro por tional damp ing may ex ces sively damp out long pe riod com po nents.

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338 Direct-Integration Time-His tory Analysis

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Proportional Damping from the Ma te rials

You may spec ify stiff ness and mass pro por tional damp ing co ef fi cients for in di vid -ual ma te ri als. For ex am ple, you may want to use larger co ef fi cients for soil ma te ri -als than for steel or con crete. The same in ter pre ta tion of these co ef fi cients ap pliesas de scribed above for the Anal y sis Case damp ing.

Ef fec tive Damping from the Link/Support El e ments

Lin ear ef fec tive-damp ing co ef fi cients, if any, that have been spec i fied forLink/Sup port el e ments are di rectly used in the damp ing ma trix.

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C h a p t e r XXII

Geometric Nonlinearity

SAP2000 is ca pa ble of con sid er ing geo met ric nonlinearity in the form of ei therP-delta ef fects or large-dis place ment/ro ta tion ef fects. Strains within the el e mentsare as sumed to be small. Geo met ric nonlinearity can be con sid ered on astep-by-step ba sis in non lin ear static and di rect-in te gra tion time-his tory anal y sis,and in cor po rated in the stiff ness ma trix for lin ear anal y ses.

Advanced Topics

• Over view

• Non lin ear Anal y sis Cases

• The P-Delta Ef fect

• Ini tial P-Delta Anal y sis

• Large Displacements


When the load act ing on a struc ture and the re sult ing de flec tions are small enough,the load-de flec tion re la tion ship for the struc ture is lin ear. For the most part,SAP2000 anal y ses as sume such lin ear be hav ior. This per mits the pro gram to formthe equi lib rium equa tions us ing the orig i nal (undeformed) ge om e try of the struc —

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ture. Strictly speak ing, the equi lib rium equa tions should ac tu ally re fer to the ge om -e try of the struc ture af ter de for ma tion.

The lin ear equi lib rium equa tions are in de pend ent of the ap plied load and the re sult -ing de flec tion. Thus the re sults of dif fer ent static and/or dy namic loads can besuperposed (scaled and added), re sult ing in great com pu ta tional ef fi ciency.

If the load on the struc ture and/or the re sult ing de flec tions are large, then theload-de flec tion be hav ior may be come non lin ear. Sev eral causes of this non lin earbe hav ior can be iden ti fied:

• P-delta (large-stress) ef fect: when large stresses (or forces and mo ments) arepres ent within a struc ture, equi lib rium equa tions writ ten for the orig i nal andthe de formed ge om e tries may dif fer sig nif i cantly, even if the de for ma tions arevery small.

• Large-dis place ment ef fect: when a struc ture un der goes large de for ma tion (inpar tic u lar, large strains and ro ta tions), the usual en gi neer ing stress and strainmea sures no lon ger ap ply, and the equi lib rium equa tions must be writ ten forthe de formed ge om e try. This is true even if the stresses are small.

• Ma te rial nonlinearity: when a ma te rial is strained be yond its pro por tionallimit, the stress-strain re la tion ship is no lon ger lin ear. Plas tic ma te ri als strainedbe yond the yield point may ex hibit his tory-de pend ent be hav ior. Ma te rialnonlinearity may af fect the load-de flec tion be hav ior of a struc ture even whenthe equi lib rium equa tions for the orig i nal ge om e try are still valid.

• Other ef fects: Other sources of nonlinearity are also pos si ble, in clud ing non -lin ear loads, bound ary con di tions and con straints.

The large-stress and large-dis place ment ef fects are both termed geo met ric (or ki ne -matic) nonlinearity, as dis tin guished from ma te rial nonlinearity. Ki ne maticnonlinearity may also be re ferred to as sec ond-or der geo met ric ef fects.

This Chap ter deals with the geo met ric nonlinearity ef fects that can be an a lyzed us -ing SAP2000. For each non lin ear static and non lin ear di rect-in te gra tion time-his -tory anal y sis, you may choose to con sider:

• No geo met ric nonlinearity

• P-delta ef fects only

• Large dis place ment and P-delta effects

The large dis place ment ef fect in SAP2000 in cludes only the ef fects of large trans la -tions and ro ta tions. The strains are as sumed to be small in all el e ments.

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Ma te rial nonlinearity is dis cussed in Chap ters “The Frame Element” (page 81),“Frame Hinge Properties” (page 119), and “The Link/Sup port Element—Basic”(page 211). Since small strains are as sumed, ma te rial nonlinearity and geo met ricnonlinearity ef fects are independent.

Once a non lin ear anal y sis has been per formed, its fi nal stiff ness ma trix can be usedfor sub se quent lin ear anal y ses. Any geo met ric nonlinearity con sid ered in the non -lin ear anal y sis will af fect the lin ear re sults. In par tic u lar, this can be used to in cluderel a tively con stant P-delta ef fects in build ings or the ten sion-stiff en ing ef fects inca ble struc tures into a se ries of su per pos able lin ear anal y ses.

For more in for ma tion:

• See Chap ter “Anal y sis Cases” (page 287)

• See Chap ter “Non lin ear Static Anal y sis” (page 357)

• See Chap ter “Non lin ear Time-His tory Anal y sis” (page 379)

Non lin ear Anal y sis Cases

For non lin ear static and non lin ear di rect-in te gra tion time-his tory anal y sis, you may choose the type of geo met ric nonlinearity to consider:

• None: All equi lib rium equa tions are con sid ered in the undeformed con fig u ra -tion of the struc ture

• P-delta only: The equi lib rium equa tions take into par tial ac count the de formed con fig u ra tion of the struc ture. Ten sile forces tend to re sist the ro ta tion of el e -ments and stiffen the struc ture, and com pres sive forces tend to en hance the ro -ta tion of el e ments and destabilize the struc ture. This may re quire a mod er ateamount of it er a tion.

• Large dis place ments: All equi lib rium equa tions are writ ten in the de formedcon fig u ra tion of the struc ture. This may re quire a large amount of it er a tion;New ton-Raphson it er a tions are usu ally most effective. Al though large dis -place ment and large ro ta tion ef fects are mod eled, all strains are as sumed to besmall. P-delta ef fects are in cluded.

When con tin u ing one non lin ear anal y sis case from an other, it is rec om mended thatthey both have the same geo met ric-nonlinearity set tings.

The large dis place ment op tion should be used for any struc tures un der go ing sig nif -i cant de for ma tion; and for buck ling anal y sis, par tic u larly for snap-through buck -ling and post-buck ling be hav ior. Ca bles (mod eled by frame el e ments) and other el —

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e ments that un dergo sig nif i cant rel a tive ro ta tions within the el e ment should be di -vided into smaller el e ments to sat isfy the re quire ment that the strains and rel a tivero ta tions within an el e ment are small.

For most other struc tures, the P-delta op tion is ad e quate, par tic u larly when ma te rial nonlinearity dom i nates.

If rea son able, it is rec om mended that the anal y sis be per formed first with out geo -met ric nonlinearity, add ing P-delta, and pos si bly large-dis place ment ef fects later.

Geo met ric nonlinearity is not avail able for non lin ear modal time-his tory (FNA)anal y ses, ex cept for the fixed ef fects that may have been in cluded in the stiff nessma trix used to gen er ate the modes.

Note that the cat e nary Ca ble el e ment does not re quire P-delta or Large Dis place -ments to ex hibit its in ter nal geo met ric nonlinearity. The choice should be de ter -mined by the rest of the struc ture.

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Original Configuration

Deformed Configuration








Figure 73Geometry for Cantilever Beam Example

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The P-Delta Effect

The P-Delta ef fect re fers spe cif i cally to the non lin ear geo met ric ef fect of a largeten sile or com pres sive di rect stress upon trans verse bend ing and shear be hav ior. Acom pres sive stress tends to make a struc tural mem ber more flex i ble in trans versebend ing and shear, whereas a ten sile stress tends to stiffen the mem ber againsttrans verse de for ma tion.

This op tion is par tic u larly use ful for con sid er ing the ef fect of grav ity loads uponthe lat eral stiff ness of build ing struc tures, as re quired by cer tain de sign codes (ACI2002; AISC 2003). It can also be used for the anal y sis of some ca ble struc tures,such as sus pen sion bridges, ca ble-stayed bridges, and guyed tow ers. Other ap pli ca -tions are pos si ble.

The ba sic con cepts be hind the P- Delta ef fect are il lus trated in the fol low ing ex am -ple. Con sider a can ti le ver beam sub ject to an ax ial load P and a trans verse tip load Fas shown in Figure 73 (page 344). The in ter nal ax ial force through out the mem beris also equal to P.

If equi lib rium is ex am ined in the origi nal con figu ra tion (us ing the un de formed ge -ome try), the mo ment at the base is M FL= , and de creases line arly to zero at theloaded end. If, in stead, equi lib rium is con sid ered in the de formed con figu ra tion,there is an ad di tional mo ment caused by the ax ial force P act ing on the trans versetip dis place ment, D. The mo ment no longer var ies line arly along the length; thevaria tion de pends in stead upon the de flected shape. The mo ment at the base is now M FL P= — D. The mo ment dia grams for vari ous cases are shown in Figure74 (page 346).

Note that only the trans verse de flec tion is con sid ered in the de formed con figu ra -tion. Any change in mo ment due to a change in length of the mem ber is ne glectedhere.

If the beam is in ten sion, the mo ment at the base and through out the mem ber is re -duced, hence the trans verse bend ing de flec tion, D, is also re duced. Thus the mem -ber is ef fec tively stiffer against the trans verse load F.

Con versely, if the beam is in com pres sion, the mo ment through out the mem ber,and hence the trans verse bend ing de flec tion, D, are now in creased. The mem ber isef fec tively more flexi ble against the load F.

If the com pres sive force is large enough, the trans verse stiff ness goes to zero andhence the de flec tion D tends to in fin ity; the struc ture is said to have buck led. The

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theo reti cal value of P at which this oc curs is called the Euler buck ling load for thebeam; it is de noted by Pcr and is given by the for mula


Lcr = —

p 2


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Moment in Original Configuration without P-Delta

Moment for Tensile Load P with P-Delta






Moment for Compressive Load P with P-Delta

Figure 74Moment Diagrams for Cantilever Beam Examples

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where EI is the bend ing stiff ness of the beam sec tion.

The ex act P- Delta ef fect of the ax ial load upon the trans verse de flec tion and stiff -ness is a rather com pli cated func tion of the ra tio of the force P to the buck ling load Pcr . The true de flected shape of the beam, and hence the ef fect upon the mo mentdia gram, is de scribed by cu bic func tions un der zero ax ial load, hy per bolic func -tions un der ten sion, and trigo no met ric func tions un der com pres sion.

The P- Delta ef fect can be pres ent in any other beam con figu ra tion, such as simply- supported, fixed- fixed, etc. The P- Delta ef fect may ap ply lo cally to in di vid ualmem bers, or glob ally to the struc tural sys tem as a whole.

The key fea ture is that a large ax ial force, act ing upon a small trans verse de flec tion,pro duces a sig nifi cant mo ment that af fects the be hav ior of the mem ber or struc ture.If the de flec tion is small, then the mo ment pro duced is pro por tional to the de flec -tion.

P-Delta Forces in the Frame Element

The im ple men ta tion of the P-Delta ef fect in the Frame el e ment is de scribed in thefol low ing subtopics.

Cubic Deflected Shape

The P-Delta ef fect is in te grated along the length of each Frame el e ment, tak ing intoac count the de flec tion within the el e ment. For this pur pose the trans verse de flectedshape is as sumed to be cu bic for bend ing and lin ear for shear be tween the rigid ends of the el e ment. The length of the rigid ends is the prod uct of the rigid-end fac tor and the end off sets, and is usu ally zero. See Topic “End Off sets” (page 101) in Chap ter“The Frame El e ment” for more in for ma tion.

The true de flected shape may dif fer some what from this as sumed cu bic/lin ear de -flec tion in the fol low ing sit u a tions:

• The el e ment has non-pris matic Sec tion prop er ties. In this case the P-Delta de -flected shape is com puted as if the el e ment were pris matic us ing the av er age ofthe prop er ties over the length of the el e ment

• Loads are act ing along the length of the el e ment. In this case the P-Delta de -flected shape is com puted us ing the equiv a lent fixed-end forces ap plied to theends of the el e ment.

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• A large P-force is act ing on the el e ment. The true de flected shape is ac tu ally de -scribed by trig o no met ric func tions un der large com pres sion, and by hy per bolic func tions un der large ten sion.

The as sumed cu bic shape is usu ally a good ap prox i ma tion to these shapes ex ceptun der a com pres sive P-force near the buck ling load with cer tain end re straints. Ex -cel lent re sults, how ever, can be ob tained by di vid ing any struc tural mem ber intotwo or more Frame el e ments. See the SAP2000 Soft ware Ver i fi ca tion Man ual formore de tail.

Computed P-Delta Axial Forces

The P-Delta ax ial force in each Frame el e ment is de ter mined from the ax ial dis -place ments com puted in the element. For mean ing ful re sults, it is im por tant to usere al is tic val ues for the ax ial stiff ness of these el e ments. The ax ial stiff ness is de ter -mined from the Sec tion prop er ties that de fine the cross-sec tional area and themodu lus of elas tic ity. Using val ues that are too small may un der es ti mate theP-Delta ef fect. Using val ues that are too large may make the P-Delta force in the el -e ment very sen si tive to the it er a tion pro cess.

El e ments that have an ax ial force re lease, or that are con strained against ax ial de -for ma tion by a Con straint, will have a zero P-Delta ax ial force and hence noP-Delta ef fect.

The P-Delta ax ial force also in cludes loads that act within the el e ment it self. Thesemay in clude Self-Weight and Grav ity Loads, Con cen trated and Dis trib uted SpanLoads, Pre stress Load, and Tem per a ture Load.

The P-Delta ax ial force is as sumed to be con stant over the length of each Frame el e -ment. If the P-Delta load com bi na tion in cludes loads that cause the ax ial force tovary, then the av er age ax ial force is used for com put ing the P-Delta ef fect. If thedif fer ence in ax ial force be tween the two ends of an el e ment is small com pared tothe av er age ax ial force, then this ap prox i ma tion is usu ally rea son able. This wouldnor mally be the case for the col umns in a build ing struc ture. If the dif fer ence islarge, then the el e ment should be di vided into many smaller Frame el e ments wher -ever the P-Delta ef fect is im por tant. An ex am ple of the lat ter case could be a flag -pole un der self-weight.

For more in for ma tion:

• See Topic “Sec tion Prop erties” (page 90) in Chap ter “The Frame El e ment.”

• See Topic “End Re leases” (page 105) in Chap ter “The Frame El e ment.”

• See Chap ter “Con straints and Welds” (page 49).

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When Pre stress Load is in cluded in the P-Delta load com bi na tion, the com binedten sion in the prestressing ca bles tends to stiffen the Frame el e ments against trans -verse de flec tions. This is true re gard less of any ax ial end re leases. Ax ial com pres -sion of the Frame el e ment due to Pre stress Load may re duce this stiff en ing ef fect,per haps to zero.

See Topic “Pre stress Load” (page 114) in Chap ter “The Frame El e ment” for morein for ma tion.

Directly Specified P-delta Axial Forces

You may di rectly spec ify P-delta forces known to be act ing on Frame el e ments.This is an old-fash ioned fea ture that can be used to model ca ble struc tures wherethe ten sions are large and well-known. No it er a tive anal y sis is re quired to in cludethe ef fect of di rectly spec i fied P-Delta ax ial forces.

Use of this fea ture is not usu ally rec om mended! The pro gram does not check if the forces you spec ify are in equi lib rium with any other part of the struc ture. The di -rectly spec i fied forces ap ply in all anal y ses and are in ad di tion to any P-delta af -fects cal cu lated in a non lin ear anal y sis.

We rec om mend in stead that you per form a non lin ear anal y sis in clud ing P-delta orlarge-dis place ment ef fects.

If you use di rectly spec i fied P-delta forces, you should treat them as if they were asec tion prop erty that al ways af fects the be hav ior of the el e ment.

You can as sign di rectly specified P-Delta force to any Frame el e ment us ing the fol -low ing pa ram e ters:

• The P-Delta ax ial force, p

• A fixed co or di nate sys tem, csys (the de fault is zero, in di cat ing the global co or -di nate sys tem)

• The pro jec tion, px, of the P-Delta ax ial force upon the X axis of csys

• The pro jec tion, py, of the P-Delta ax ial force upon the Y axis of csys

• The pro jec tion, pz, of the P-Delta ax ial force upon the Z axis of csys

Normally only one of the pa ram e ters p, px, py, or pz should be given for eachFrame el e ment. If you do choose to spec ify more than one value, they are ad di tive:

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Pc c cx y z

0 = + + +ppx py pz

where P0 is the P-Delta ax ial force, and c

x, c

y, and c

z are the co sines of the an gles be —

tween the lo cal 1 axis of the Frame el e ment and the X, Y, and Z axes of co or di natesys tem csys, re spec tively. To avoid di vi sion by zero, you may not spec ify the pro -jec tion upon any axis of csys that is per pen dic u lar to the lo cal 1 axis of the el e ment.

The use of the P-delta ax ial force pro jec tions is con ve nient, for ex am ple, whenspec i fy ing the ten sion in the main ca ble of a sus pen sion bridge, since the hor i zon talcom po nent of the ten sion is usu ally the same for all el e ments.

It is im por tant when di rectly spec i fy ing P-Delta ax ial forces that you in clude allsig nif i cant forces in the struc ture. The pro gram does not check for equi lib rium ofthe spec i fied P-Delta ax ial forces. In a sus pen sion bridge, for ex am ple, the ca bleten sion is sup ported at the an chor ages, and it is usu ally suf fi cient to con sider theP-Delta ef fect only in the main ca ble (and pos si bly the tow ers). On the other hand,the ca ble ten sion in a ca ble-stayed bridge is taken up by the deck and tower, and it is usu ally nec es sary to con sider the P-Delta ef fect in all three com po nents.

P-Delta Forces in the Link/Support Element

P-delta ef fects can only be con sid ered in a Link/Sup port el e ment if there is stiff ness in the ax ial (U1) de gree of free dom to gen er ate an ax ial force. A trans verse dis -place ment in the U2 or U3 di rec tion cre ates a mo ment equal to the ax ial force (P)times the amount of the de flec tion (delta).

The to tal P-delta mo ment is dis trib uted to the joints as the sum of:

• A pair of equal and op po site shear forces at the two ends that cause a mo mentdue to the length of the el e ment

• A mo ment at End I

• A mo ment at End J

The shear forces act in the same di rec tion as the shear dis place ment (delta), and themo ments act about the re spec tively per pen dic u lar bend ing axes.

For each di rec tion of shear dis place ment, you can spec ify three cor re spond ingfrac tions that in di cate how the to tal P-delta mo ment is to be dis trib uted be tween thethree mo ments above. These frac tions must sum to one.

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For any el e ment that has zero length, the frac tion spec i fied for the shear forces willbe ig nored, and the re main ing two frac tions scaled up so that they sum to one. Ifboth of these frac tions are zero, they will be set to 0.5.

You must con sider the phys i cal char ac ter is tics of the de vice be ing mod eled by aLink/Sup port el e ment in or der to de ter mine what frac tions to spec ify. Long braceor link ob jects would nor mally use the shear force. Short stubby iso la tors wouldnor mally use mo ments only. A fric tion-pen du lum iso la tor would nor mally take allthe mo ment on the dish side rather than on the slider side.

Other Elements

For el e ment types other than the Frame and Link/Sup port, the stresses in the eachel e ment are first de ter mined from the dis place ments com puted in the pre vi ous it er -a tion. These stresses are then in te grated over the el e ment, with re spect to the de riv -a tives of the isoparametric shape func tions for that el e ment, to com pute a stan dardgeo met ric stiff ness ma trix that rep re sents the P-delta ef fect. This is added to theorig i nal elas tic stiff ness ma trix of the el e ment. This for mu la tion pro duces onlyforces, no mo ments, at each joint in the el e ment.

Shell el e ments that are mod el ing only plate bend ing will not pro duce any P-deltaef fects, since no in-plane stresses will be de vel oped.

Ini tial P-Delta Analysis

For many ap pli ca tions, it is ad e quate to con sider the P-delta ef fect on the struc tureun der one set of loads (usu ally grav ity), and to con sider all other anal y ses as lin earus ing the stiff ness ma trix de vel oped for this one set of P-delta loads. This en ablesall anal y sis re sults to be superposed for the pur poses of de sign.

To do this, de fine a non lin ear static anal y sis case that has, at least, the fol low ingfea tures:

• Set the name to, say, “PDELTA”

• Start from zero ini tial con di tions

• Apply the Load Cases that will cause the P-delta ef fect; of ten this will be deadload and a frac tion of live load

• For geo met ric nonlinearity, choose P-delta ef fects

Other pa ram e ters in clude the num ber of saved steps, the num ber of it er a tions al -lowed per step, and the con ver gence tol er ance. If the P-delta ef fect is rea son ably

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small, the de fault val ues are ad e quate. We are not con sid er ing staged con struc tionhere, al though that could be added.

We will re fer to this non lin ear static case as the ini tial P-delta case. You can thende fine or mod ify other lin ear Anal y sis Cases so that they use the stiff ness from casePDELTA:

• Linear static cases

• A modal Anal y sis Cases, say called “PDMODES”

• Lin ear di rect-in te gra tion time-his tory cases

• Moving-load cases

Other lin ear anal y sis cases can be de fined that are based on the modes from casePDMODES:

• Re sponse-spec trum cases

• Modal time-his tory cases

Re sults from all of these cases are su per pos able, since they are lin ear and are basedupon the same stiff ness ma trix.

You may also want to de fine a buck ling anal y sis case that ap plies the same loads asdoes case PDELTA, and that starts from zero con di tions (not from case PDELTA).The re sult ing buck ling fac tors will give you an in di ca tion of how far from buck lingare the loads that cause the P-delta ef fect.

Be low are some ad di tional guide lines re gard ing prac ti cal use of the P-Delta anal y -sis op tion. See also the SAP2000 Soft ware Ver i fi ca tion Man ual for ex am ple prob -lems.

Building Structures

For most build ing struc tures, es pe cially tall build ings, the P-Delta ef fect of mostcon cern oc curs in the col umns due to grav ity load, in clud ing dead and live load.The col umn ax ial forces are com pres sive, mak ing the struc ture more flex i bleagainst lat eral loads.

Build ing codes (ACI 2002; AISC 2003) nor mally rec og nize two types of P-Deltaef fects: the first due to the over all sway of the struc ture and the sec ond due to thede for ma tion of the mem ber be tween its ends. The for mer ef fect is of ten sig nif i cant;it can be ac counted for fairly ac cu rately by con sid er ing the to tal ver ti cal load at astory level, which is due to grav ity loads and is un af fected by any lat eral loads. The

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lat ter ef fect is sig nif i cant only in very slen der col umns or col umns bent in sin glecur va ture (not the usual case); this re quires con sid er ation of ax ial forces in themem bers due to both grav ity and lat eral loads.

SAP2000 can an a lyze both of these P-Delta ef fects. How ever, it is rec om mendedthat the for mer ef fect be ac counted for in the SAP2000 anal y sis, and the lat ter ef fect be ac counted for in de sign by us ing the ap pli ca ble build ing-code mo ment-mag ni fi -ca tion fac tors (White and Hajjar 1991). This is how the SAP2000 de sign pro ces sors for steel frames and con crete frames are set up.

The P-Delta ef fect due to the sway of the struc ture can be ac counted for ac cu ratelyand ef fi ciently, even if each col umn is mod eled by a sin gle Frame el e ment, by us ing the fac tored dead and live loads in the ini tial P-delta analysis case. The it er a tiveP-Delta anal y sis should con verge rap idly, usu ally re quir ing few it er a tions.

As an ex am ple, sup pose that the build ing code re quires the fol low ing load com bi -na tions to be con sid ered for de sign:

(1) 1.4 dead load

(2) 1.2 dead load + 1.6 live load

(3) 1.2 dead load + 0.5 live load + 1.3 wind load

(4) 1.2 dead load + 0.5 live load – 1.3 wind load

(5) 0.9 dead load + 1.3 wind load

(6) 0.9 dead load + 1.3 wind load

For this case, the P-Delta ef fect due to over all sway of the struc ture can usu ally beac counted for, con ser va tively, by spec i fy ing the load com bi na tion in the ini tialP-delta anal y sis case to be 1.2 times the dead load plus 0.5 times the live load. Thiswill ac cu rately ac count for this ef fect in load com bi na tions 3 and 4 above, and willcon ser va tively ac count for this ef fect in load com bi na tions 5 and 6. This P-delta ef -fect is not gen er ally im por tant in load com bi na tions 1 and 2 since there is no lat eralload.

The P-Delta ef fect due to the de for ma tion of the mem ber be tween its ends can beac cu rately an a lyzed only when sep a rate non lin ear anal y sis cases are run for eachload com bi na tion above. Six cases would be needed for the ex am ple above. Also, at least two Frame el e ments per col umn should be used. Again, it is rec om mendedthat this ef fect be ac counted for in stead by us ing the SAP2000 de sign features.

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Cable Structures

The P-Delta ef fect can be a very im por tant con trib u tor to the stiff ness of sus pen sion bridges, ca ble-stayed bridges, and other ca ble struc tures. The lat eral stiff ness of ca -bles is due al most en tirely to ten sion, since they are very flex i ble when un stressed.

In many ca ble struc tures, the ten sion in the ca bles is due pri mar ily to grav ity load,and it is rel a tively un af fected by other loads. If this is the case, it is ap pro pri ate tode fine an ini tial P-delta anal y sis case that ap plies a re al is tic com bi na tion of thedead load and live load. It is im por tant to use re al is tic val ues for the P-delta loadcom bi na tion, since the lat eral stiff ness of the ca bles is ap prox i mately pro por tionalto the P-delta ax ial forces.

P-delta ef fects are in her ent in any non lin ear anal y sis of Ca ble el e ments. P-deltaanal y sis of the whole struc ture should be con sid ered if you are con cerned aboutcom pres sion in the tower, or in the deck of a ca ble-stayed bridge.

Be cause con ver gence tends to be slower for stiff en ing than soft en ing struc tures, the non lin ear P-delta anal y sis may re quire many it er a tions. Twenty or more it er a tionswould not be un usual.

Guyed Towers

In guyed tow ers and sim i lar struc tures, the ca bles are un der a large ten sion pro -duced by me chan i cal meth ods that shorten the length of the ca bles. These struc tures can be an a lyzed by the same meth ods dis cussed above for ca bled bridges.

A Strain or Deformation load can be used to pro duce the req ui site short en ing. TheP-delta load com bi na tion should in clude this load, and may also in clude other loads that cause sig nif i cant ax ial force in the ca bles, such as grav ity and wind loads. Sev -eral anal y ses may be re quired to de ter mine the mag ni tude of the length changeneeded to pro duce the de sired amount of ca ble ten sion.

Large Displacements

Large-dis place ments anal y sis con sid ers the equi lib rium equa tions in the de formedcon fig u ra tion of the struc ture. Large displacements and ro ta tions are ac counted for, but strains are as sumed to be small. This means that if the po si tion or ori en ta tion ofan el e ment changes, its ef fect upon the struc ture is ac counted for. How ever, if theel e ment changes sig nif i cantly in shape or size, this ef fect is ig nored.

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The pro gram tracks the po si tion of the el e ment us ing an up dated Lagrangian for -mu la tion. For Frame, Shell, and Link/Sup port el e ments, ro ta tional de grees of free -dom are up dated as sum ing that the change in ro ta tional dis place ments be tweensteps is small. This re quires that the anal y sis use smaller steps than might be re -quired for a P-delta anal y sis. The ac cu racy of the re sults of a large-dis place mentanal y sis should be checked by re-run ning the anal y sis us ing a smaller step size andcom par ing the re sults.

Large dis place ment anal y sis is also more sen si tive to con ver gence tol er ance than isP-delta anal y sis. You should al ways check your re sults by re-run ning the anal y sisus ing a smaller con ver gence tol er ance and com par ing the re sults.


Large-dis place ment anal y sis is well suited for the analysis of some ca ble or mem -brane struc tures. Ca ble struc tures can be mod eled with Frame el e ments, and mem -brane struc tures with full Shell el e ments (you could also use Plane stress el e ments). Be sure to di vide the ca ble or mem brane into suf fi ciently small el e ments so that therel a tive ro ta tions within each el e ment are small.

The cat e nary Ca ble el e ment does not re quire large-dis place ments anal y sis. Formost struc tures with cables, P-delta anal y sis is suf fi cient un less you ex pect sig nif i -cant de flec tion or ro ta tion of the struc ture sup port ing or sup ported by the ca bles.

Snap-through buck ling prob lems can be con sid ered us ing large-dis place ment anal -y sis. For non lin ear static anal y sis, this usu ally re quires us ing dis place ment con trolof the load ap pli ca tion. More re al is tic so lu tions can be ob tained us ing non lin ear di -rect-in te gra tion time-history anal y sis.

Ini tial Large-Dis place ment Analysis

The dis cus sion in Topic “Ini tial P-Delta Anal y sis” (page 351) in this Chap ter ap -plies equally well for an ini tial large-dis place ment anal y sis. De fine the ini tial non -lin ear static anal y sis case in the same way, se lect large-dis place ment effects in stead of P-delta ef fects, and make sure the con ver gence tol er ance is small enough. Thiscase can be used as the ba sis for all sub se quent lin ear anal y ses.

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C h a p t e r XXIII

Nonlinear Static Anal y sis

Non lin ear static anal y sis is can be used for a wide va ri ety of pur poses, in clud ing: toan a lyze a struc ture for ma te rial and geo met ric nonlinearity; to form the P-deltastiff ness for sub se quent lin ear anal y ses; to in ves ti gate staged (in cre men tal) con -struc tion with time-de pend ent ma te rial behavior; to per form ca ble anal y sis; to per -form static push over anal y sis; and more.

Al though much of this Chap ter is ad vanced, ba sic knowl edge of non lin ear staticanal y sis is es sen tial for P-delta anal y sis and mod el ing of ten sion-only braces andca bles.

Basic Topics for All Users

• Over view

• Nonlinearity

• Im por tant Considerations

• Loading

• Ini tial Con di tions

• Out put Steps


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Ad vanced Topics

• Load Ap pli ca tion Con trol

• Staged Construction

• Non lin ear So lu tion Control

• Hinge Un loading Method

• Static Push over Anal y sis


Non lin ear static anal y sis can be used for many pur poses:

• To per form an ini tial P-delta or large-dis place ment anal y sis to get the stiff nessused for sub se quent su per pos able lin ear anal y ses

• To per form staged (in cre men tal, seg men tal) con struc tion anal y sis, in clud ingma te rial time-de pend ent ef fects like ag ing, creep and shrinkage

• To an a lyze struc tures with ten sion-only brac ing

• To an a lyze ca ble struc tures

• To per form static push over anal y sis

• To per form snap-through buck ling anal y ses

• To es tab lish the ini tial con di tions for non lin ear di rect-in te gra tion time-his toryanal y ses

• For any other static anal y sis that con sid ers the ef fect of ma te rial or geo met ricnon lin ear be hav ior

Any num ber of non lin ear Static Anal y sis Cases can be de fined. Each case can in -clude one or more of the fea tures above. In a non lin ear anal y sis, the stiff ness andload may all de pend upon the dis place ments. This re quires an it er a tive so lu tion tothe equa tions of equilibrium.


The fol low ing types of nonlinearity are avail able in SAP2000:

• Ma te rial nonlinearity

– Var i ous type of non lin ear prop er ties in Link/Sup port el e ments

– Ten sion and/or com pres sion lim its in Frame el e ments

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358 Overview

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– Plas tic hinges in Frame el e ments

• Geo met ric nonlinearity

– P-delta ef fects

– Large dis place ment ef fects

• Staged con struc tion

– Changes in the struc ture

– Ag ing, creep, and shrinkage

All ma te rial nonlinearity that has been de fined in the model will be con sid ered in anon lin ear static anal y sis case.

You have a choice of the type of geo met ric nonlinearity to be con sid ered:

• None

• P-delta ef fects

• Large dis place ment ef fects

If you are con tin u ing from a pre vi ous non lin ear anal y sis, it is strongly rec om -mended that you se lect the same geo met ric nonlinearity pa ram e ters for the cur rentcase as for the pre vi ous case. See Chap ter “Geo met ric Nonlinearity” (page 341) formore in for ma tion.

Staged con struc tion is avail able as an op tion. Even if the in di vid ual stages are lin -ear, the fact that the struc ture changes from one stage to the next is con sid ered to bea type of nonlinearity.

Important Considerations

Non lin ear anal y sis takes time and pa tience. Each non lin ear prob lem is dif fer ent.You can ex pect to need a cer tain amount of time to learn the best way to ap proacheach new prob lem.

Start with a sim ple model and build up grad u ally. Make sure the model per forms asex pected un der lin ear static loads and modal anal y sis. Rather than start ing withnon lin ear prop er ties ev ery where, add them in in cre ments be gin ning with the ar easwhere you ex pect the most nonlinearity.

If you are us ing frame hinges, start with mod els that do not lose strength for pri -mary mem bers; you can mod ify the hinge mod els later or re de sign the struc ture.

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When possible, perform your ini tial anal y ses with out geo met ric nonlinearity. AddP-delta ef fects, and pos si bly large de for ma tions, much later. Start with mod est tar -get dis place ments and a lim ited num ber of steps. In the be gin ning, the goal shouldbe to per form the anal y ses quickly so that you can gain ex pe ri ence with yourmodel. As your con fi dence grows with a par tic u lar model you can push it fur therand con sider more ex treme non lin ear be hav ior.

Math e matically, non lin ear static anal y sis does not al ways guar an tee a unique so lu -tion. In er tial ef fects in dy namic anal y sis and in the real world limit the path a struc -ture can fol low. But this is not true for static anal y sis, par tic u larly in un sta ble caseswhere strength is lost due to ma te rial or geo met ric nonlinearity. If a non lin ear staticanal y sis con tin ues to cause dif fi cul ties, change it to a di rect-in te gra tion time-his -tory anal y sis and ap ply the load quasi-stat i cally (very slowly.)

Small changes in prop er ties or load ing can cause large changes in non lin ear re -sponse. For this rea son, it is ex tremely im por tant that you con sider many dif fer entload ing cases, and that you per form sen si tiv ity stud ies on the ef fect of vary ing theprop er ties of the struc ture.


You may ap ply any com bi na tion of Load Cases, Ac cel er a tion Loads, and modalloads.

A modal load is a spe cial ized type of load ing used for push over anal y sis. It is a pat -tern of forces on the joints that is pro por tional to the prod uct of a spec i fied mode

shape times its cir cu lar fre quency squared (w2 ) times the mass trib u tary to the joint.

The spec i fied com bi na tion of loads is ap plied si mul ta neously. Normally the loadsare ap plied incrementally from zero to the full spec i fied mag ni tude. For spe cial ized pur poses (e.g., push over or snap-though buck ling), you have the op tion to con trolthe load ing by mon i tor ing a re sult ing dis place ment in the struc ture. See Topic“Load Ap pli ca tion Con trol” (page 360) in this Chap ter for more in for ma tion.

Load Application Con trol

You may choose be tween a load-con trolled or dis place ment-con trolled non lin earstatic anal y sis. For both op tions, the pat tern of loads act ing on the struc ture is de ter -mined by the spec i fied com bi na tion of loads. Only the scal ing is dif fer ent.

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Normally you would choose load con trol. It is the most com mon, phys i cal sit u a -tion.

Dis place ment con trol is an ad vanced fea ture for spe cial ized pur poses.

Load Con trol

Se lect load con trol when you know the mag ni tude of load that will be ap plied andyou ex pect the struc ture to be able to sup port that load. An ex am ple would be whenap ply ing grav ity load, since it is gov erned by na ture.

Un der load con trol, all loads are ap plied incrementally from zero to the full spec i -fied mag ni tude.

Dis place ment Con trol

Se lect dis place ment con trol when you know how far you want the struc ture tomove, but you don’t know how much load is re quired. This is most use ful for struc -tures that be come un sta ble and may lose load-car ry ing ca pac ity dur ing the courseof the anal y sis. Typ i cal ap pli ca tions in clude static push over anal y sis andsnap-through buck ling anal y sis.

To use dis place ment con trol, you must se lect a dis place ment com po nent to mon i -tor. This may be a sin gle de gree of free dom at a joint, or a gen er al ized displacementthat you have pre vi ously de fined. See Topic “Gen er al ized Dis place ment” (page 45) in Chap ter “Joints and De grees of Free dom” for more in for ma tion.

You must also give the mag ni tude of the dis place ment that is your tar get for theanal y sis. The pro gram will at tempt to ap ply the load to reach that dis place ment.The load mag ni tude may be in creased and de creased dur ing the anal y sis.

Be sure to choose a dis place ment com po nent that monotonically in creases dur ingload ing. If this is not pos si ble, you may need to di vide the anal y sis into two or morese quen tial cases, chang ing the mon i tored dis place ment in the dif fer ent cases. Theuse of the con ju gate dis place ment control, de scribed be low, may au to mat i callysolve this prob lem for you.

Im por tant note: Using dis place ment con trol is NOT the same thing as ap ply ingdis place ment load ing on the struc ture! Dis place ment con trol is sim ply used toMEA SURE the dis place ment at one point that re sults from the ap plied loads, and to ad just the mag ni tude of the load ing in an at tempt to reach a cer tain mea sured dis -place ment value. The over all dis placed shape of the struc ture will be dif fer ent fordif fer ent pat terns of load ing, even if the same dis place ment is controlled.

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Con ju gate Dis place ment Control

If the anal y sis is hav ing trou ble con verg ing, you can choose the op tion for the pro -gram to use the con ju gate dis place ment for con trol. The conjugate dis place ment isa weighted av er age of all dis place ments in the struc ture, each dis place ment de greeof free dom be ing weighted by the load acting on that de gree of free dom. In otherwords, it is a mea sure of the work done by the ap plied load.

When sig nif i cant changes in the de for ma tion pat tern of the struc ture are de tected,such as when a hinge yields or un loads, con ju gate dis place ment con trol will au to -mat i cally ad just to find a monotonically in creas ing dis place ment com po nent tocon trol. This is a new fea ture, and may cause slight changes in anal y sis re sultscom pared to pre vi ous ver sions.

If you choose to use the con ju gate dis place ment for load con trol, it will be used tode ter mine whether the load should be in creased or de creased. The spec i fied mon i -tored dis place ment will still be used to set the tar get dis place ment, i.e., how far thestruc ture should move. How ever, this tar get may not be matched ex actly.

Ini tial Conditions

The ini tial con di tions de scribe the state of the struc ture at the be gin ning of an anal -y sis case. These in clude:

• Dis place ments and ve loc i ties

• In ter nal forces and stresses

• In ter nal state vari ables for non lin ear elements

• En ergy val ues for the struc ture

• Ex ter nal loads

For a static anal y sis, the ve loc i ties are al ways taken to be zero.

For non lin ear anal y ses, you may spec ify the ini tial con di tions at the start of theanal y sis. You have two choices:

• Zero ini tial con di tions: the struc ture has zero dis place ment and ve loc ity, all el -e ments are un stressed, and there is no his tory of non lin ear de for ma tion.

• Con tinue from a pre vi ous non lin ear anal y sis: the dis place ments, ve loc i ties,stresses, loads, en er gies, and non lin ear state his to ries from the end of a pre vi -ous anal y sis are car ried for ward.

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Non lin ear static and non lin ear di rect-in te gra tion time-his tory cases may be chained to gether in any com bi na tion, i.e., both types of anal y sis are com pat i ble with eachother. It is strongly rec om mended that you se lect the same geo met ric nonlinearitypa ram e ters for the cur rent case as for the pre vi ous case.

When con tin u ing from a pre vi ous case, all ap plied loads spec i fied for the pres entanal y sis case are in cre men tal, i.e., they are added to the loads al ready act ing at theend of the pre vi ous case.

Non lin ear static cases can not be chained to gether with non lin ear modal time-his -tory (FNA) cases.

Output Steps

Normally, only the fi nal state is saved for a non lin ear static anal y sis. This is the re -sult af ter the full load has been ap plied.

You can choose in stead to save in ter me di ate re sults to see how the struc ture re -sponded dur ing load ing. This is par tic u larly im por tant for static push over anal y sis,where you need to de velop the ca pac ity curve.

If you are only in ter ested in the sav ing the fi nal re sult, you can skip the rest of thistopic.

Saving Multiple Steps

If you choose to save mul ti ple states, the state at the be gin ning of the anal y sis (step0) will be saved, as well as a num ber of in ter me di ate states. From a ter mi nol ogypoint of view, sav ing five steps means the same thing as sav ing six states (steps 0 to5): the step is the in cre ment, and the state is the re sult.

The num ber of saved steps is de ter mined by the pa ram e ters:

• Min i mum num ber of saved steps

• Max i mum num ber of saved steps

• Op tion to save pos i tive in cre ments only

These are de scribed in the fol low ing.

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Min i mum and Max i mum Saved Steps

The Min i mum Num ber of Saved Steps and Max i mum Num ber of Saved Steps pro -vide con trol over the num ber of points ac tu ally saved in the anal y sis. If the min i -mum num ber of steps saved is too small, you may not have enough points to ad e -quately rep re sent a push over curve. If the min i mum and max i mum num ber ofsaved steps is too large, then the anal y sis may con sume a con sid er able amount ofdisk space, and it may take an ex ces sive amount of time to dis play re sults.

The pro gram au to mat i cally de ter mines the spac ing of steps to be saved as fol lows.The max i mum step length is equal to to tal force goal or to tal dis place ment goal di -vided by the spec i fied Min i mum Num ber of Saved Steps. The pro gram starts bysav ing steps at this in cre ment. If a sig nif i cant event oc curs at a step length less thanthis in cre ment, then the pro gram will save that step too and con tinue with the max i -mum in cre ment from there. For ex am ple, sup pose the Min i mum Num ber of SavedSteps and Max i mum Num ber of Saved Steps are set at 20 and 30 re spec tively, andthe tar get is to be to a dis place ment of 10 inches. The max i mum in cre ment of savedsteps will be 10 / 20 = 0.5 inches. Thus, data is saved at 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5 inches.Sup pose that a sig nif i cant event oc curs at 2.7 inches. Then data is also saved at 2.7inches, and con tin ues on from there be ing saved at 3.2, 3.7, 4.2, 4.7, 5.2, 5.7, 6.2,6.7, 7.2, 7.7, 8.2, 8.7, 9.2, 9.7 and 10.0 inches.

The Max i mum Num ber of Saved Steps con trols the num ber of sig nif i cant eventsfor which data will be saved. The pro gram will al ways reach the force or dis place -ment goal within the spec i fied num ber of max i mum saved steps, how ever, in do ingso it could have to skip sav ing steps at later events. For ex am ple, sup pose the Min i -mum Saved Steps is set to 20, the Max i mum Num ber of Saved Steps is set to 21,and the push over is to be to a dis place ment of 10 inches. The max i mum in cre mentof saved steps will be 10 / 20 = 0.5 inches. Thus, data is saved at 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5inches. Sup pose that a sig nif i cant event oc curs at 2.7 inches. Then data is also saved at 2.7 inches, and con tin ues on from there be ing saved at 3.2 and 3.7 inches. Sup -pose an other sig nif i cant event oc curs at 3.9 inches. The pro gram will not save thedata at 3.9 inches be cause if it did it would not be able to limit the max i mum in cre -ment to 0.5 inches and still get through the full push over in no more than 21 steps.Note that if a sec ond sig nif i cant event oc curred at 4.1 inches rather than 3.9 inches,then the pro gram would be able to save the step and still meet the spec i fied cri te riafor max i mum in cre ment and max i mum num ber of steps.

Save Pos i tive In cre ments Only

This op tion is pri mar ily of in ter est for push over anal y sis un der dis place ment con -trol. In the case of ex treme nonlinearity, particularly when a frame hinge sheds

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load, the push over curve may show neg a tive in cre ments in the mon i tored dis place -ment while the struc ture is try ing to re dis trib ute the force from a fail ing com po nent.

You may choose whether or not you want to save only the steps hav ing pos i tive in -cre ments. The neg a tive in cre ments of ten make the push over curve look con fus ing.How ever, see ing them can pro vide in sight into the per for mance of the anal y sis andthe struc ture.

You may want to choose to Save Positive Increments Only in most cases ex ceptwhen the anal y sis is hav ing trou ble con verg ing.

Nonlinear Solution Control

The spec i fied com bi na tion of ap plied loads is ap plied incrementally, us ing as many steps as nec es sary to sat isfy equi lib rium and to pro duce the re quested num ber ofsaved out put steps.

The non lin ear equa tions are solved iteratively in each load step. This may re quirere-form ing and re-solv ing the stiff ness matrix. The it er a tions are car ried out un tilthe so lu tion con verges. If con ver gence can not be achieved, the pro gram di vides the step into smaller substeps and tries again.

Sev eral pa ram e ters are avail able for you to con trol the it er a tion and substeppingpro cess. These are de scribed in the following. We rec om mend that you use the de -fault val ues of these pa ram e ters to start, ex cept that you may of ten need to in creasethe max i mum num ber of to tal steps and null steps for more com plex mod els.

If you are hav ing con ver gence dif fi cul ties, you may try vary ing the it er a tion con trol pa ram e ters below. How ever, you should also con sider that the model it self mayneed im prove ment. Look for instabilites due to in ad e quate sup port, buck ling, andexccesively large stiffnesses. If you have hinges that lose strength, make sure thatthis be hav ior is re ally nec es sary and that the negative slopes are not un re al is ti callytoo steep.

Max i mum Total Steps

This is the max i mum num ber of steps al lowed in the anal y sis. It may in clude savedsteps as well as in ter me di ate substeps whose re sults are not saved. The pur pose ofset ting this value is to give you con trol over how long the anal y sis will run.

Start with a smaller value to get a feel for the time the anal y sis will take. If an anal y -sis does not reach its tar get load or dis place ment be fore reach ing the max i mum

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num ber of steps, you can re-run the anal y sis af ter in creas ing this max i mum num berof saved steps. The length of time it takes to run a non lin ear static anal y sis is ap -prox i mately pro por tional to the to tal num ber of steps.

Max i mum Null (Zero) Steps

Null (zero) steps oc cur dur ing the non lin ear so lu tion pro ce dure when:

• A frame hinge is try ing to un load

• An event (yield ing, un load ing, etc.) trig gers an other event

• It er a tion does not con verge and a smaller step size is at tempted

An ex ces sive num ber of null steps may in di cate that the so lu tion is stalled due tocat a strophic fail ure or nu mer i cal sen si tiv ity.

You can set the Max i mum Null (Zero) Steps so that the so lu tion will ter mi nateearly if it is hav ing trou ble con verg ing. Set this value equal to the Max i mum To talSteps if you do not want the anal y sis to ter mi nate due to null steps.

Maximum Iterations Per Step

It er a tion is used to make sure that equi lib rium is achieved at each step of the anal y -sis. For each step, con stant-stiff ness it er a tion is tried first. If con ver gence is notachieved, New ton-Raphson (tan gent-stiff ness) it er a tion is tried next. If both fail,the step size is re duced, and the pro cess is re peated.

You can sep a rately con trol the num ber of con stant-stiff ness and New ton-Raphsonit er a tions al lowed in each step. Set ting ei ther pa ram e ter to zero pre vents that typeof it er a tion. Set ting both to zero causes the pro gram to au to mat i cally de ter mine thenum ber and type of it er a tions to al low. Con stant-stiff ness it er a tions are faster thanNew ton-Raphson it er a tions, but the lat ter are usu ally more ef fec tive, es pe cially forca bles and geo met ric nonlinearity. The de fault val ues work well in many sit u a -tions.

Iteration Convergence Tolerance

It er a tion is used to make sure that equi lib rium is achieved at each step of the anal y -sis. You can set the rel a tive con ver gence tol er ance that is used to com pare the mag -ni tude of force er ror with the mag ni tude of the force act ing on the struc ture.

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You may need to use sig nif i cantly smaller val ues of con ver gence tol er ance to getgood re sults for large-dis place ments prob lems than for other types of nonlinearity.Try de creas ing this value un til you get con sis tent re sults.

Event-to-Event Iteration Control

The non lin ear so lu tion al go rithm uses an event-to-event strat egy for the framehinges. If you have a large num ber of hinges in your model, this could re sult in ahuge num ber of so lu tion steps. You can spec ify an event-lump ing tol er ance that isused to group events to gether in or der to re duce so lu tion time.

When one hinge yields or moves to an other seg ment of the force-dis place ment(mo ment-ro ta tion) curve, an event is trig gered. If other hinges are close to ex pe ri -enc ing their own event, to within the event-lump ing tol er ance, they will be treatedas if they have reached the event. This in duces a small amount of er ror in the force(mo ment) level at which yield ing or the change in segment oc curs.

Spec ifying a smaller event-lump ing tol er ance will in crease the ac cu racy of theanal y sis, at the ex pense of more computational time.

You can turn event-to-event step ping off com pletely, in which case the pro gramwill it er ated on the frame hinges. This may be help ful in mod els with a large num -ber of hinges, but it is not rec om mended if you ex pect hinges to lose strength withsteep drops.

Hinge Un loading Method

This op tion is pri mar ily in tended for push over anal y sis us ing frame hinge prop er -ties that ex hibit sharp drops in their load-car ry ing ca pac ity.

When a hinge un loads, the pro gram must find a way to re move the load that thehinge was car ry ing and pos si bly re dis trib ute it to the rest of the struc ture. Hinge un -load ing oc curs when ever the stress-strain (force-de for ma tion or mo ment-ro ta tion)curve shows a drop in ca pac ity, such as is of ten as sumed from point C to point D, orfrom point E to point F (com plete rup ture).

Such un load ing along a neg a tive slope may be un sta ble in a static anal y sis, and aunique so lu tion is not al ways math e mat i cally guar an teed. In dy namic anal y sis (and the real world) in er tia pro vides sta bil ity and a unique so lu tion.

For static anal y sis, spe cial meth ods are needed to solve this un sta ble prob lem. Dif -fer ent meth ods may work better with dif fer ent prob lems. Dif fer ent meth ods may

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pro duce dif fer ent re sults with the same prob lem. SAP2000 pro vides three dif fer entmeth ods to solve this prob lem of hinge un load ing, which are de scribed next.

If all stress-strain slopes are pos i tive or zero, these meth ods are not used un less thehinge passes point E and rup tures. In sta bil ity caused by geo met ric ef fects is nothan dled by these meth ods.

Note: If needed dur ing a non lin ear di rect-in te gra tion time-his tory anal y sis,SAP2000 will use the Ap ply-Lo cal-Re dis tri bu tion method.

Un load En tire Struc ture

When a hinge reaches a neg a tive-sloped por tion of the stress-strain curve, the pro -gram con tin ues to try to in crease the ap plied load. If this re sults in in creased strain(de creased stress) the anal y sis pro ceeds. If the strain tries to re verse, the pro gramin stead re verses the load on the whole struc ture un til the hinge is fully un loaded tothe next seg ment on the stress-strain curve. At this point the pro gram re verts to in -creas ing the load on the struc ture. Other parts of the struc ture may now pick up theload that was re moved from the un load ing hinge.

Whether the load must be re versed or not to un load the hinge de pends on the rel a -tive flex i bil ity of the un load ing hinge com pared with other parts of the struc turethat act in se ries with the hinge. This is very prob lem-de pend ent, but it is au to mat i -cally de tected by the pro gram.

This method is the most ef fi cient of the three meth ods avail able, and is usu ally thefirst method you should try. It gen er ally works well if hinge un load ing does not re -quire large re duc tions in the load ap plied to the struc ture. It will fail if two hingescom pete to un load, i.e., where one hinge re quires the ap plied load to in crease whilethe other re quires the load to de crease. In this case, the anal y sis will stop with themes sage “UN ABLE TO FIND A SO LU TION”, in which case you should try oneof the other two meth ods.

This method uses a mod er ate num ber of null steps.

Ap ply Lo cal Re dis tri bu tion

This method is sim i lar to the first method, ex cept that in stead of un load ing the en -tire struc ture, only the el e ment con tain ing the hinge is un loaded. When a hinge ison a neg a tive-sloped por tion of the stress-strain curve and the ap plied load causesthe strain to re verse, the pro gram ap plies a tem po rary, lo cal ized, self-equilibrating,in ter nal load that un loads the el e ment. This causes the hinge to un load. Once thehinge is un loaded, the tem po rary load is re versed, trans fer ring the re moved load to

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neigh bor ing el e ments. This pro cess is in tended to im i tate how lo cal in er tia forcesmight sta bi lize a rap idly un load ing el e ment.

This method is of ten the most ef fec tive of the three meth ods avail able, but usu allyre quires more steps than the first method, in clud ing a lot of very small steps and alot of null steps. The limit on null steps should usu ally be set be tween 40% and 70% of the to tal steps al lowed.

This method will fail if two hinges in the same el e ment com pete to un load, i.e.,where one hinge re quires the tem po rary load to in crease while the other re quires the load to de crease. In this case, the anal y sis will stop with the mes sage “UN ABLETO FIND A SO LU TION”, af ter which you should di vide the el e ment so the hingesare sep a rated and try again. Check the .LOG file to see which el e ments are hav ingprob lems. The eas i est ap proach is to as sign Frame Hinge Overwrites, and choose to au to mat i cally sub di vide at the hinges.

Re start Using Se cant Stiff ness

This method is quite dif fer ent from the first two. When ever any hinge reaches aneg a tive-sloped por tion of the stress-strain curve, all hinges that have be come non -lin ear are re formed us ing se cant stiff ness prop er ties, and the anal y sis is re started.

The se cant stiff ness for each hinge is de ter mined as the se cant from point O to pointX on the stress strain curve, where: Point O is the stress-stain point at the be gin ningof the analysis case (which usu ally in cludes the stress due to grav ity load); andPoint X is the cur rent point on the stress-strain curve if the slope is zero or pos i tive,or else it is the point at the bot tom end of a neg a tively-slop ing seg ment of thestress-strain curve.

When the load is re-ap plied from the be gin ning of the anal y sis, each hinge movesalong the se cant un til it reaches point X, af ter which the hinge re sumes us ing thegiven stress-strain curve.

This method is sim i lar to the ap proach sug gested by the FEMA-356 guide lines, and makes sense when view ing push over anal y sis as a cy clic load ing of in creas ing am -pli tude rather than as a monotonic static push.

This method is the least ef fi cient of the three, with the num ber of steps re quired in -creas ing as the square of the tar get dis place ment. It is also the most ro bust (leastlikely to fail) pro vided that the grav ity load is not too large. This method may failwhen the stress in a hinge un der grav ity load is large enough that the se cant from Oto X is neg a tive. On the other hand, this method may be able to pro vide so lu tions

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where the other two meth ods fail due to hinges with small (nearly hor i zon tal) neg a -tive slopes.

Static Push over Anal y sis

Non lin ear static push over anal y sis is a spe cial ized pro ce dure used in per for -mance-based de sign for seis mic load ing. SAP2000 pro vides the fol low ing toolsneeded for push over anal y sis:

• Ma te rial nonlinearity at dis crete, user-de fined hinges in Frame el e ments. Thehinge prop er ties were cre ated with push over anal y sis in mind. De fault hingeprop er ties are pro vided based on FEMA-356 cri te ria. See Chap ter “FrameHinge Prop erties” (page 119).

• Non lin ear static anal y sis pro ce dures spe cially de signed to han dle the sharpdrop-off in load car ry ing ca pac ity typ i cal of frame hinges used in push overanal y sis. See Topic “Hinge Un loading Method” (page 367) in this Chap ter.

• Non lin ear static anal y sis pro ce dures that al low dis place ment con trol, so thatun sta ble struc tures can be pushed to de sired dis place ment tar gets. See Topic“Load Ap pli ca tion Control” (page 360) in this Chap ter.

• Dis play ca pa bil i ties in the graph i cal user in ter face to gen er ate and plot push -over curves, in clud ing de mand and ca pac ity curves in spec tral or di nates. Seethe on line Help fa cil ity in the graph i cal user in ter face for more in for ma tion.

• Ca pa bil ities in the graph i cal user in ter face to plot and out put the state of ev eryhinge at each step in the push over anal y sis. See Chap ter “Frame Hinge Prop -erties” (page 119) and the on line Help fa cil ity in the graph i cal user in ter face for more in for ma tion.

In ad di tion to these spe cial ized fea tures, the full nonlinearity of the pro gram can beused, in clud ing non lin ear Link/Sup port be hav ior, geo met ric nonlinearity, andstaged con struc tion. In ad di tion, you are not re stricted to static push over anal y sis:you can also per form full non lin ear time-his tory anal y sis.

The fol low ing gen eral se quence of steps is in volved in per form ing non lin ear staticpush over anal y sis us ing SAP2000:

1. Cre ate a model just like you would for any other anal y sis.

2. De fine frame hinge prop er ties and assign them to the frame el e ments.

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3. De fine any Load Cases and static and dy namic Anal y sis Cases that may beneeded for steel or con crete de sign of the frame el e ments, par tic u larly if de fault hinges are used.

4. Run the Anal y sis Cases needed for de sign.

5. If any con crete hinge prop er ties are based on de fault val ues to be com puted bythe pro gram, you must per form con crete de sign so that re in forc ing steel is de -ter mined.

6. If any steel hinge prop er ties are based on de fault val ues to be com puted by thepro gram for Auto-Se lect frame sec tion prop er ties, you must per form steel de -sign and ac cept the sec tions cho sen by the pro gram.

7. De fine the Load Cases that are needed for use in the push over anal y sis,including:

• Grav ity loads and other loads that may be act ing on the struc ture be fore thelat eral seis mic loads are ap plied. You may have al ready de fined these Load Cases above for de sign.

• Lat eral loads that will be used to push the struc ture. If you are go ing to useAcceleration Loads or modal loads, you don’t need any new Load Cases,al though modal loads re quire you to de fine a Modal Anal y sis Case.

8. De fine the non lin ear static Anal y sis Cases to be used for push over anal y sis, in -clud ing:

• A se quence of one or more cases that start from zero and ap ply grav ity andother fixed loads us ing load con trol. These cases can in clude staged con -struc tion and geo met ric nonlinearity.

• One or more push over cases that start from this se quence and ap ply lat eralpush over loads. These loads should be ap plied un der dis place ment con trol. The mon i tored dis place ment is usu ally at the top of the struc ture and willbe used to plot the push over curve.

9. Run the push over Anal y sis Cases.

10. Re view the push over re sults: Plot the push over curve, the de flected shapeshow ing the hinge states, force and mo ment plots, and print or dis play anyother re sults you need.

11. Re vise the model as nec es sary and re peat.

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It is im por tant that you con sider sev eral dif fer ent lat eral push over cases to rep re sent dif fer ent se quences of re sponse that could oc cur dur ing dy namic load ing. In par tic -u lar, you should push the struc ture in both the X and Y di rec tions, and pos si bly atan gles in be tween. For non-sym met ri cal struc tures, push ing in the pos i tive andneg a tive di rec tion may yield dif fer ent re sults. When push ing in a given di rec tion,you may want to con sider dif fer ent ver ti cal dis tri bu tions of the lat eral load, such asthe first and sec ond mode in that di rec tion.

Staged Construction

Staged con struc tion is a spe cial type of non lin ear static anal y sis that re quires a sep -a rate add-on mod ule for this fea ture to be come avail able in the pro gram.

Staged con struc tion al lows you to de fine a se quence of stages wherein you can addor re move por tions of the struc ture, se lec tively ap ply load to por tions of the struc -ture, and to con sider time-de pend ent ma te rial be hav ior such as ag ing, creep, andshrink age. Staged con struc tion is var i ously known as in cre men tal con struc tion, se -quen tial con struc tion, or seg men tal con struc tion.

Nor mally the pro gram an a lyzes the whole struc ture in all anal y sis cases. If you donot want to per form staged-con struc tion anal y sis, you can skip the rest of this topic.

Staged con struc tion is con sid ered a type of non lin ear static anal y sis be cause thestruc ture may change dur ing the course of the anal y sis. How ever, con sid er ation ofma te rial and geo met ric nonlinearity is op tional. Be cause staged con struc tion is atype of non lin ear static anal y sis, it may be part of a se quence of other non lin earstatic and di rect-in te gra tion time-his tory anal y sis cases, and it may also be used as a stiff ness ba sis for lin ear anal y sis cases.

If you con tinue any non lin ear anal y sis from a staged con struc tion anal y sis, or per -form a lin ear anal y sis us ing its stiff ness, only the struc ture as built at the end of thestaged con struc tion will be used.


For each non lin ear staged-con struc tion anal y sis case, you de fine a se quence ofstages. These are an a lyzed in the or der de fined. You can spec ify as many stages asyou want in a sin gle anal y sis case. Staged con struc tion can also con tinue from oneanal y sis case to an other.

For each stage you spec ify the fol low ing:

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• A du ra tion, in days. This is used for time-de pend ent ef fects. If you do not wantto con sider time-de pend ent ef fects in a given stage, set the du ra tion to zero.

• Any num ber of groups of objects to be added to the struc ture, or none. The ageof the ob jects at the time they are added can be spec i fied, if time-de pend ent ef -fects are to be con sid ered.

• Any num ber of groups of ob jects to be re moved from the struc ture, or none

• Any num ber of groups of objects to be loaded by spec i fied Load Cases, ornone. You may spec ify that all objects in the group are to be loaded, or onlythose ob jects in the group that are be ing added to the struc ture in this stage.

Ob vi ously, the first step to set ting up staged-con struc tion anal y sis is to de finegroups for that pur pose. See Topic “Groups” (page 9) in Chap ter “Ob jects and El e -ments” for more in for ma tion. Note that there is al ways a built-in group called»ALL» that in cludes the whole struc ture.

When you spec ify staged con struc tion, the anal y sis starts with the struc ture as builtfrom the pre vi ous anal y sis case. If you are start ing from zero, then the struc turestarts with no ob jects.

Each stage is an a lyzed sep a rately in the or der the stages are de fined. The anal y sis of a stage has two parts:

(1) Changes to the struc ture and ap pli ca tion of loads are an a lyzed. These oc cur in -stan ta neously in time, i.e., the anal y sis may be in cre men tal, but no time elapsesfrom the point-of-view of the ma te rial

(2) If non-zero du ra tion has been spec i fied, time-de pend ent ma te rial ef fects arethen an a lyzed. Dur ing this time, the struc ture does not change and ap pliedloads are held con stant. How ever, in ter nal stress re dis tri bu tion may oc cur.

The in stan ta neous part (1) of the stage is an a lyzed as fol lows:

• The groups to be added, if any, are pro cessed. Only new ob jects in the spec i fied groups (not al ready pres ent in the struc ture) are added. For each non-joint ob -ject added, all joints con nected to that ob ject are also added, even if they are not ex plic itly in cluded in the group.

• The groups to be re moved, if any, are pro cessed. Only ob jects ac tu ally pres entin the struc ture are re moved. When ob jects are re moved, their stiff ness, mass,loads, and in ter nal forces are re moved from the struc ture and re placed withequiv a lent forces. These forces are lin early re duced to zero dur ing the course of the anal y sis. Joints that were au to mat i cally added will be re moved when allcon nected ob jects are re moved.

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• All spec i fied loads will be in creased lin early dur ing the course of the anal y sis.Loads spec i fied on all ob jects in a group will only be ap plied to ob jects that areac tu ally pres ent in the struc ture or are be ing added in this stage. Loads spec i -fied on added ob jects in a group will only be ap plied to ob jects that are be ingadded in this stage.

If an ob ject is in cluded in more than one group that is be ing added or re moved, theob ject will only be added or re moved once. Whether it is added or re moved de -pends on which op er a tion oc curs last in the or der you have specified them. For ex -am ple, if an ob ject is in cluded in three groups that are be ing added and one groupthat is be ing re moved, the ob ject will be re moved if that was the last op er a tion spec -i fied for that stage.

If an ob ject is in cluded in more than one group that is be ing loaded, the ob ject willbe mul ti ply loaded.

Load ap pli ca tion must be by load con trol. Dis place ment con trol is not al lowed.

Out put Steps

The spec i fi ca tion of out put steps is sim i lar to that de scribed ear lier in this Chap terin Topic “Out put Steps” (page 363), ex cept that you can in di vid u ally con trol thenum ber of steps to be saved for the two parts of each stage:

(1) How many steps to save dur ing changes to the struc ture and in stan ta neous ap -pli ca tion of load

(2) How many steps to save dur ing the time-de pend ent anal y sis for ag ing, creepand shrink age.

The num ber of steps re quested for these two parts of each stage ap plies equally toall stages in the anal y sis case.

Im por tant! The time step used for the time-de pend ent anal y sis is based on thenum ber of steps saved. For stat i cally in de ter mi nate struc tures where sig nif i cantstress re dis tri bu tion may oc cur due to creep and shrink age, it is im por tant to usesmall-enough time steps, es pe cially dur ing the youth of the struc ture where largechanges may be oc cur ring. You may want to re-run the anal y sis with in creas ingnum bers of steps saved un til you are sat is fied that the re sults have con verged.

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Ex am ple

Let’s build a sim ple bridge. De fine four groups: “BENTS,” “DECK1,” “DECK2,”“SHOR ING,” and “APPURTS.” The struc ture can be lin ear or non lin ear. Time-de -pend ent prop er ties are as sumed for the con crete ma te rial.

Also de fine three load cases:

• “GRAV ITY”, to ap ply dead load

• “TEN SION”, to ap ply post-tensioning ca ble loads

• “EQUIP MENT”, to ap ply the weight of tem po rary con struc tion equip ment onthe deck

De fine a staged-con struc tion anal y sis case called “BUILD” that starts from zero,and con tains the fol low ing stages:

1. (a) Add group “BENTS” with an age of 10 days.(b) Ap ply load “GRAV ITY” to added el e ments in group “ALL”.©) No time-de pend ent ef fects need to be con sid ered—we can as sume these al -ready hap pened in the first 10 days.

2. (a) Add group “SHOR ING” with an age of 10 days.(b) Ap ply load “GRAV ITY” to added el e ments in group “ALL”.©) No time-de pend ent ef fects need to be con sid ered for the shor ing.

3. (a) Add group “DECK1” with an age of 0 days (wet con crete).(b) Ap ply load “GRAV ITY” to added el e ments in group “ALL”.©) Ap ply load “EQUIP MENT” to all el e ments in group “DECK1”.(d) Al low 3 days du ra tion for ag ing, creep, and shrink age.

4. (a) Add group “DECK2” with an age of 0 days (wet con crete).(b) Ap ply load “GRAV ITY” to added el e ments in group “ALL”.©) Re move load “EQUIP MENT” from all el e ments in group “DECK1” (ap plywith a scale fac tor of -1.0).(d) Ap ply load “EQUIP MENT” to all el e ments in group “DECK2”.(e) Al low 3 days du ra tion for ag ing, creep, and shrink age.

5. (a) Re move load “EQUIP MENT” from all el e ments in group “DECK2” (ap plywith a scale fac tor of -1.0).(b) Ap ply load “TENSION” to all el e ments in group “ALL”.

4. (a) Re move group “SHOR ING”.(b) Al low 3 days du ra tion for ag ing, creep, and shrink age.

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5. (a) Add group “APPURTS” with an age of 10 days.(b) Al low 30 days du ra tion for ag ing, creep, and shrink age.

6. (a) Al low 300 days du ra tion for ag ing, creep, and shrink age.

7. (a) Al low 3000 days du ra tion for ag ing, creep, and shrink age.

The rea son for add ing sev eral stages with in creas ing length of time at the end is toget long term ef fects at in creas ing time-step size, since the num ber of out put steps is the same for all stages.

Case BUILD can now be used to de fine the stiff ness ma trix for any num ber of lin -ear anal y ses, in clud ing modal, re sponse-spec trum, mov ing-load, and other types.You can also con tinue case BUILD with a non lin ear di rect-in te gra tion time-his tory anal y sis for seis mic load, or even more non lin ear static cases that may in cludepush over anal y sis or more staged con struc tion for the pur poses of ret ro fit.

Tar get-Force It er a tion

When any Load Case con tain ing tar get-force loads is ap plied in a non lin ear staticanal y sis case, in ter nal de for ma tion load is iteratively ap plied to achieve the tar getforce. In a staged-con struc tion anal y sis, the it er a tion oc curs in di vid u ally over anystage for which tar get-force loads are ap plied. Oth er wise, the it er a tion is for thewhole non lin ear static anal y sis case.

Trial de for ma tion loads are ap plied to those el e ments for which tar get forces havebeen as signed, and a com plete non lin ear anal y sis (or stage thereof) is per formed.At the end of the anal y sis, and as sum ing that con ver gence for equi lib rium has beenachieved, forces in the tar geted el e ments are com pared with their de sired tar gets. Arel a tive er ror is com puted that is the root-mean-square over all the el e ments of thedif fer ence be tween the tar get and the ac tual force, di vided by the larger of the twoval ues. If this er ror is greater than the rel a tive con ver gence tol er ance that you spec i -fied, a re vised de for ma tion load is com puted and the com plete non lin ear anal y sis(or stage thereof) is per formed again. This pro cess is re peated un til the er ror is lessthan the tol er ance, or the spec i fied max i mum num ber of it er a tions is reached.

As part of the def i ni tion of the non lin ear static anal y sis case, you may spec ify thefol low ing pa ram e ters to con trol tar get-force it er a tion:

• Rel a tive con ver gence tol er ance: This is the er ror you are will ing to ac cept inthe tar get forces. Since tar get forces rep re sent your de sire, and not a nat u ral re -quire ment like equi lib rium, a large value such as 0.01 to 0.10 is rec om mended.

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• Max i mum num ber of it er a tions: Many it er a tions may be re quired for somestruc tures, and each it er a tion may take some time. Start with a mod er ate value,such as 5 to 10, and in crease it as nec es sary.

• Ac cel er a tion fac tor: The dif fer ence be tween the tar get force and the force ac tu -ally achieved is con verted to de for ma tion load and ap plied in the next it er a tion.You can in crease or de crease this load by the ac cel er a tion fac tor. Use a valuegreater than one if converence is slow, such as when pull ing or push ing againsta flex i ble struc ture. Use a value less than one if the so lu tion is di verg ing, i.e.,the un bal ance is grow ing or os cil lat ing be tween it er a tions.

• Whether to con tinue the anal y sis if con ver gence is not achieved: Since achiev -ing the tar get forces is not a nat u ral re quire ment, and may not even be pos si ble,you may want to con tinue the anal y sis even if the tar get is not reached.

You should be re al is tic in your ex pec ta tions for tar get-force it er a tion. You can notar bi trarily spec ify the forces in a stat i cally de ter mi nate struc ture, such as a truss.Con ver gence will be slow when tar get forces are spec i fied in el e ments con nected to very flex i ble supports, or that act against other tar get-force el e ments. Best re sultswill be ob tained in stiff, re dun dant struc tures.

Tar get-force loads can be ap plied at the same time as other loads. How ever, bettercon ver gence be hav ior may be ob tained by ap ply ing tar get-force loads in a sep a ratestage or anal y sis case when this is pos si ble.

For more in for ma tion:

• See Topic “Tar get-Force Load” (page 115) in Chap ter “The Frame El e ment.”

• See Topic “Tar get-Force Load” (page 143) in Chap ter “The Ca ble El e ment.”

• See Topic “Tar get-Force Load” (page 281) in Chap ter “Load Cases.”

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C h a p t e r XXIV

Nonlinear Time-History Anal y sis

Time-his tory anal y sis is a step-by-step anal y sis of the dy nam i cal re sponse of astruc ture to a spec i fied load ing that may vary with time. The anal y sis may be lin earor non lin ear. The Chap ter de scribes con cepts that ap ply only to non lin ear time-his -tory anal y sis. You should first read Chap ter “Lin ear Time-His tory Anal y sis” (page329) which de scribes con cepts that ap ply to all time-his tory anal y ses.

Advanced Topics

• Over view

• Nonlinearity

• Loading

• Ini tial Con di tions

• Time Steps

• Non lin ear Modal Time-His tory Anal y sis (FNA)

• Non lin ear Di rect-In te gra tion Time-His tory Anal y sis


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Time- history analy sis is used to de ter mine the dy namic re sponse of a struc ture toar bi trary load ing. The dy namic equi lib rium equa tions to be solved are given by:

K u C u M u r( ) &( ) &&( ) ( )t t t t+ + =

where K is the stiff ness ma trix; C is the damp ing ma trix; M is the di ago nal massma trix; u, &u, and &&u are the dis place ments, ve loci ties, and ac cel era tions of the struc -ture; and r is the ap plied load. If the load includes ground acceleration, thedisplacements, velocities, and accelerations are relative to this ground motion.

Any number of time- history Analysis Cases can be de fined. Each time-his tory casecan dif fer in the load ap plied and in the type of analy sis to be per formed.

There are sev eral op tions that de ter mine the type of time-his tory anal y sis to be per -formed:

• Lin ear vs. Non lin ear.

• Modal vs. Di rect-in te gra tion: These are two dif fer ent so lu tion meth ods, eachwith ad van tages and dis ad van tages. Un der ideal cir cum stances, both meth odsshould yield the same re sults to a given prob lem.

• Tran sient vs. Pe ri odic: Tran sient anal y sis con sid ers the ap plied load as aone-time event, with a be gin ning and end. Pe riodic anal y sis con sid ers the loadto re peat in def i nitely, with all tran sient re sponse damped out.

In a non lin ear anal y sis, the stiff ness, damp ing, and load may all de pend upon thedis place ments, ve loc i ties, and time. This re quires an it er a tive so lu tion to the equa -tions of mo tion.

Be fore read ing this Chap ter on non lin ear anal y sis, you should first read Chap ter“Lin ear Time-His tory Anal y sis” (page 329) which de scribes con cepts that ap ply toall time-his tory anal y ses


The fol low ing types of nonlinearity are avail able in SAP2000:

• Ma te rial nonlinearity

– Var i ous type of non lin ear prop er ties in Link/Sup port el e ments

– Ten sion and/or com pres sion lim its in Frame el e ments

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– Plas tic hinges in Frame el e ments

• Geo met ric nonlinearity

– P-delta ef fects

– Large dis place ment ef fects

For non lin ear di rect-in te gra tion time-his tory anal y sis, all of the availablenonlinearities may be con sid ered.

For non lin ear modal time-his tory anal y sis, only the non lin ear be hav ior of theLink/Sup port el e ments is in cluded. If the modes used for this anal y sis were com -puted us ing the stiff ness from the end of a non lin ear anal y sis, all other types ofnonlinearities are locked into the state that ex isted at the end of that non lin ear anal -y sis.


The ap pli ca tion of load for non lin ear time-his tory anal y sis is iden ti cal to that usedfor lin ear time-his tory anal y sis. Please see Topic “Loading” (page 330) in Chap ter“Lin ear Time-His tory Anal y sis” for more in for ma tion.

Ini tial Conditions

The ini tial con di tions de scribe the state of the struc ture at the be gin ning of atime-his tory case. These in clude:

• Dis place ments and ve loc i ties

• In ter nal forces and stresses

• In ter nal state vari ables for non lin ear elements

• En ergy val ues for the struc ture

• Ex ter nal loads

The ac cel er a tions are not con sid ered ini tial con di tions, but are com puted from theequi lib rium equa tion.

For non lin ear anal y ses, you may spec ify the ini tial con di tions at the start of theanal y sis. You have two choices:

• Zero ini tial con di tions: the struc ture has zero dis place ment and ve loc ity, all el -e ments are un stressed, and there is no his tory of non lin ear de for ma tion.

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• Con tinue from a pre vi ous non lin ear anal y sis: the dis place ments, ve loc i ties,stresses, loads, en er gies, and non lin ear state his to ries from the end of a pre vi -ous anal y sis are car ried for ward.

There are some re stric tions when con tin u ing from a pre vi ous non lin ear case:

• Non lin ear static and non lin ear di rect-in te gra tion time-his tory cases may bechained to gether in any com bi na tion, i.e., both types of anal y sis are com pat i ble with each other.

• Non lin ear modal time-his tory (FNA) cases can only con tinue from other FNAcases that use modes from the same modal anal y sis case.

When con tin u ing from a pre vi ous case, all ap plied loads spec i fied for the pres entanal y sis case are in cre men tal, i.e., they are added to the loads al ready act ing at theend of the pre vi ous case.

When per form ing a non lin ear time-his tory anal y sis, such as for earth quake load -ing, it is of ten nec es sary to start from a non lin ear static state, such as due to grav ityload ing. For non lin ear di rect-in te gra tion anal y sis, you can con tinue from a non lin -ear static anal y sis case. But since FNA anal y ses can only con tinue from other FNAcases, spe cial con sid er ation must be given to how to model static load ing us ingFNA. See Topic “Non lin ear Modal Time-His tory Anal y sis (FNA)” (page 121) formore in for ma tion.

Note that, by con trast, lin ear time-his tory anal y ses al ways start from zero ini tialcon di tions.

Time Steps

The choice of out put time steps is the same for lin ear and nonlin ear time-his toryanal y sis. Please see Topic “Time Steps” (page 334) in Chap ter “Lin ear Time-His -tory Anal y sis” for more in for ma tion.

The non lin ear anal y sis will in ter nally solve the equa tions of mo tion at each out puttime step and at each load func tion time step, just as for lin ear anal y sis. In ad di tion,you may spec ify a max i mum substep size that is smaller than the out put time step in or der to re duce the amount of non lin ear it er a tion, and also to in crease the ac cu racyof di rect-in te gra tion anal y sis. The pro gram may also choose smaller substeps sizesau to mat i cally when it de tects slow con ver gence.

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Nonlinear Modal Time-His tory Analysis (FNA)

The method of non lin ear time-his tory anal y sis used in SAP2000 is an ex ten sion ofthe Fast Non lin ear Anal y sis (FNA) method de vel oped by Wil son (Ibrahimbegovicand Wil son, 1989; Wil son, 1993). The method is ex tremely ef fi cient and is de -signed to be used for struc tural sys tems which are pri mar ily lin ear elas tic, butwhich have a lim ited num ber of pre de fined non lin ear el e ments. For the FNAmethod, all nonlinearity is re stricted to the Link/Sup port el e ments. A short de scrip -tion of the method fol lows.

The dy namic equi lib rium equa tions of a lin ear elas tic struc ture with pre de finednon lin ear Link/Sup port el e ments sub jected to an ar bi trary load can be writ ten as:

K u C u M u r rL Nt t t t t( ) &( ) &&( ) ( ) ( )+ + + =

where K L is the stiff ness ma trix for the lin ear elas tic el e ments (all el e ments ex ceptthe Links/Supports); C is the pro por tional damp ing ma trix; M is the di ag o nal massma trix; rN is the vec tor of forces from the non lin ear de grees of free dom in theLink/Sup port el e ments; u, &u, and &&u are the rel a tive dis place ments, ve loc i ties, andac cel er a tions with re spect to the ground; and r is the vec tor of ap plied loads. SeeTopic “Loading” (page 330) in Chap ter “Lin ear Time-His tory Anal y sis” for thedef i ni tion of r.

Initial Conditions

See Topic “Ini tial Con di tions” (page 121) in this Chap ter for a gen eral dis cus sionof ini tial con di tions.

Be cause FNA anal y ses can only con tinue from other FNA anal y ses, spe cial con sid -er ation must be given to how you can model static loads that may act on the struc -ture prior to a dy namic anal y sis.

It is ac tu ally very sim ple to per form static anal y sis us ing FNA. The load is ap pliedquasi-stat i cally (very slowly) with high damp ing. To de fine a quasi-static FNAanalysis:

• De fine a ramp-type time-his tory func tion that in creases lin early from zero toone over a length of time that is long (say ten times) com pared to the first pe riod of the struc ture, and then holds con stant for an equal length of time. Call thisfunc tion “RAMPQS”

• De fine a non lin ear modal time-his tory (FNA) case:

– Call this case “HISTQS”

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– Start from zero or an other FNA case

– Ap ply the de sired Load Case(s) us ing func tion “RAMPQS”

– Use as few or as many time steps as you wish, but make sure the to tal timeis at least twice the ramp-up time of func tion “RAMPQS”

– Use high modal damp ing, say 0.99

You can use case “HISTQS” as the ini tial con di tions for other FNA cases.

This ap proach is par tic u larly use ful for non lin ear anal y sis where the be hav ior ofcer tain Link/Sup port el e ments, es pe cially the Gap, Hook and Friction types, isstrongly de pend ent on the to tal force or dis place ment act ing on the el e ments.

Link/Support Effective Stiffness

For the pur poses of anal y sis, a lin ear ef fec tive stiff ness is de fined for each de greeof free dom of the non lin ear el e ments. The ef fec tive stiff ness at non lin ear de grees of free dom is ar bi trary, but gen er ally var ies be tween zero and the max i mum non lin ear stiff ness of that de gree of free dom.

The equi lib rium equa tion can then be re writ ten as:

K u C u M u r r K u( ) &( ) &&( ) ( ) [ ( ) ( ) ]t t t t t tN N+ + = — —

where K K K= +L N , with K L be ing the stiff ness of all the lin ear el e ments and forthe lin ear de grees of free dom of the Link/Sup port el e ments, and K N be ing the lin -ear ef fec tive-stiff ness ma trix for all of the non lin ear de grees of free dom.

See Chap ter “The Link/Sup port El e ment—Basic” (page 211) for more in for ma -tion.

Mode Superposition

Modal anal y sis is per formed us ing the full stiff ness ma trix, K, and the mass ma trix,M. It is strongly rec om mended that the Ritz-vec tor method be used to per form themodal anal y sis.

Using stan dard tech niques, the equi lib rium equa tion can be writ ten in modal formas:

W L2

a a I a q q( ) &( ) &&( ) ( ) ( )t t t t tN+ + = —

where W2 is the di ag o nal ma trix of squared struc tural fre quen cies given by:

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W F F2 = T K

L is the modal damp ing ma trix which is as sumed to be di ag o nal:

L F F= T C

I is the iden tity ma trix which sat is fies:


q( )t is the vec tor of modal ap plied loads:

q r( ) ( )t t= FT

q N t( ) is the vec tor of modal forces from the non lin ear el e ments:

q r K uN N Nt t t( ) [ ( ) ( ) ]= -FT

a( )t is the vec tor of modal dis place ment am pli tudes such that:

u a( ) ( )t t= F

and F is the ma trix of mode shapes.

It should be noted that, un like lin ear dy namic anal y sis, the above modal equa tionsare cou pled. In gen eral the non lin ear forces, q N t( ), will cou ple the modes sincethey are func tions of the modal dis place ments, a( )t .

It is im por tant to rec og nize that the so lu tion to these modal equa tions is de pend enton be ing able to ad e quately rep re sent the non lin ear forces by the modal forces, q N t( ). This is not au to matic, but re quires the fol low ing spe cial con sid er ations:

• Mass and/or mass mo ments of in er tia should be pres ent at all non lin ear de greesof free dom.

• The Ritz-vec tor method should be used to de ter mine the Modes, un less all pos -si ble struc tural Modes are found us ing eigenvector anal y sis

• The Ritz start ing load vec tors should in clude a non lin ear de for ma tion load foreach in de pend ent non lin ear de gree of free dom

• A suf fi cient num ber of Ritz-vec tors should be sought to cap ture the de for ma -tion in the non lin ear el e ments com pletely

For more in for ma tion:

• See Topic “Ritz-Vector Anal y sis” (page 295) in Chap ter “Modal Analysis”.

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• See Chap ter “The Link/Sup port El e ment—Basic” (page 211).

Modal Damping

As for lin ear modal time-his tory anal y sis, the damp ing in the struc ture is mod eledus ing un cou pled modal damp ing. Each mode has a damp ing ra tio, damp, which ismea sured as a frac tion of crit i cal damp ing and must sat isfy:

0 1£ <damp

Modal damp ing has two dif fer ent sources, which are de scribed in the fol low ing.Damping from these sources is added to gether. The pro gram au to mat i cally makessure that the to tal is less than one.

Im por tant note: For lin ear modal time-his tory anal y sis, the lin ear ef fec tive damp -ing for the Link/Sup port el e ments is also used. How ever, it is not used for non lin ear modal time-history anal y sis.

Modal Damping from the Anal y sis Case

For each nonlin ear modal time-his tory Anal y sis Case, you may spec ify modaldamp ing ra tios that are:

• Con stant for all modes

• Lin early in ter po lated by pe riod or fre quency. You spec ify the damp ing ra tio ata se ries of fre quency or pe riod points. Be tween spec i fied points the damp ing islin early in ter po lated. Out side the spec i fied range, the damp ing ra tio is con stantat the value given for the clos est spec i fied point.

• Mass and stiff ness pro por tional. This mim ics the pro por tional damp ing usedfor di rect-in te gra tion, ex cept that the damp ing value is never al lowed to ex ceed unity.

In ad di tion, you may op tion ally spec ify damp ing over rides. These are spe cific val -ues of damp ing to be used for spe cific modes that re place the damp ing ob tained byone of the meth ods above. The use of damp ing over rides is rarely nec es sary.

It is also im por tant to note that the as sump tion of modal damp ing is be ing madewith re spect to the to tal stiff ness ma trix, K, which in cludes the ef fec tive stiff nessfrom the non lin ear el e ments. If non-zero modal damp ing is to be used, then the ef -fec tive stiff ness spec i fied for these el e ments is im por tant. The ef fec tive stiff nessshould be se lected such that the modes for which these damp ing val ues are spec i -fied are re al is tic.

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In gen eral it is rec om mended that ei ther the ini tial stiff ness of the el e ment be usedas the ef fec tive stiff ness or the se cant stiff ness ob tained from tests at the ex pectedvalue of the max i mum dis place ment be used. Ini tially-open gap and hook el e mentsand all damper el e ments should gen er ally be spec i fied with zero ef fec tive stiff ness.

Com pos ite Modal Damping from the Ma te rials

Modal damp ing ra tios, if any, that have been spec i fied for the Ma te rials are con -verted au to mat i cally to com pos ite modal damp ing. Any cross cou pling be tween the modes is ig nored. These modal-damp ing val ues will gen er ally be dif fer ent for eachmode, de pend ing upon how much de for ma tion each mode causes in the el e mentscom posed of the dif fer ent Ma te rials.

Iterative Solution

The non lin ear modal equa tions are solved iteratively in each time step. The pro -gram as sumes that the right-hand sides of the equa tions vary lin early dur ing a timestep, and uses ex act, closed-form in te gra tion to solve these equa tions in each it er a -tion. The it er a tions are car ried out un til the so lu tion con verges. If con ver gence can -not be achieved, the pro gram di vides the time step into smaller substeps and triesagain.

Sev eral pa ram e ters are avail able for you to con trol the it er a tion pro cess. In gen eral,the use of the de fault val ues is rec om mended since this will solve most prob lems. Ifcon ver gence can not be achieved, in ac cu rate re sults are ob tained, or the so lu tiontakes too long, chang ing these con trol pa ram e ters may help. How ever, you shouldfirst check that rea son able loads and prop er ties have been spec i fied, and that ap pro -pri ate Modes have been ob tained, pref er a bly us ing the Ritz vec tor method.

The pa ram e ters that are avail able to con trol it er a tion and substepping are:

• The rel a tive force con ver gence tol er ance, ftol

• The rel a tive en ergy con ver gence tol er ance, etol

• The max i mum al lowed substep size, dtmax

• The min i mum al lowed substep size, dtmin

• The max i mum num ber of force it er a tions per mit ted for small substeps, itmax

• The max i mum num ber of force it er a tions per mit ted for large substeps, itmin

• The con ver gence fac tor, cf

These pa ram e ters are used in the it er a tion and substepping al go rithm as de scribedin the fol low ing.

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Force Convergence Check

Each time step of length dt is di vided into substeps as needed to achieve con ver -gence. In each substep, the so lu tion is it er ated un til the change in the right-handside of the modal equa tions, ex pressed as a frac tion of the right-hand side, be comesless than the force tol er ance, ftol. If this does not oc cur within the per mit ted num ber of it er a tions, the substep size is halved and the it er a tion is tried again.

The de fault value for ftol is 10-5. It must sat isfy ftol > 0.

Energy Convergence Check

If force con ver gence oc curs within the per mit ted num ber of it er a tions, the workdone by the non lin ear forces is com pared with the work done by all the other forceterms in the modal equi lib rium equa tions. If the dif fer ence, ex pressed as a frac tionof the to tal work done, is greater than the en ergy tol er ance, etol, the substep size ishalved and the it er a tion is tried again.

This en ergy check es sen tially mea sures how close to lin ear is the vari a tion of thenon lin ear force over the time step. It is par tic u larly use ful for de tect ing sud denchanges in non lin ear be hav ior, such as the open ing and clos ing of gaps or the on setof yield ing and slip ping. Set ting etol greater than unity turns off this en ergy check.

The de fault value for etol is 10-5. It must sat isfy etol > 0.

Maximum and Minimum Substep Sizes

If the substep meets both the force and en ergy con ver gence cri te ria, the re sults ofthe substep are ac cepted, and the next substep is at tempted us ing twice the pre vi oussubstep length. The substep size is never in creased be yond dtmax.

When the substep size is halved be cause of fail ure to meet ei ther the force or en ergy con ver gence cri te ria, the re sult ing substep size will never be set less than dtmin. Ifthe failed substep size is al ready dtmin, the re sults for the re main ing time steps inthe cur rent His tory are set to zero and a warn ing mes sage is is sued.

The de fault value for dtmax is dt. The de fault value for dtmin is dtmax·10-9. They

must sat isfy 0 < dtmin £ dtmax £ dt.

Maximum Number of Iterations

The max i mum num ber of it er a tions per mit ted for force it er a tion var ies be tweenitmin and itmax. The ac tual num ber per mit ted for a given substep is cho sen au to —

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mat i cally by the pro gram to achieve a bal ance be tween it er a tion and substepping.The num ber of it er a tions per mit ted tends to be larger for smaller substeps.

The de fault val ues for itmin and itmax are 2 and 100, re spec tively. They must sat —

isfy 2 £ itmin £ itmax.

Convergence Factor

Un der-re lax ation of the force it er a tion may be used by set ting the con ver gence fac -tor, cf, to a value less than unity. Smaller val ues in crease the sta bil ity of the it er a -tion, but re quire more it er a tions to achieve con ver gence. This is gen er ally onlyneeded when Damper-type el e ments are pres ent with non lin ear damp ing ex po -nents. Spec ifying cf to be greater than unity may re duce the num ber of it er a tions re -quired for cer tain types of prob lems, but may cause in sta bil ity in the it er a tion and isnot rec om mended.

The de fault value for cf is 1. It must sat isfy cf > 0.

Static Period

Normally all modes are treated as be ing dy namic. In each time step, the re sponse ofa dy namic mode has two parts:

• Forced re sponse, which is di rectly pro por tional to the modal load

• Tran sient re sponse, which is os cil la tory, and which de pends on the dis place -ments and ve loc i ties of the struc ture at the be gin ning of the time step

You may op tion ally spec ify that high-fre quency (short pe riod) modes be treated asstatic, so that they fol low the load with out any tran sient re sponse. This is done byspec i fy ing a static pe riod, tstat, such that all modes with pe ri ods less than tstat arecon sid ered to be static modes. The de fault for tstat is zero, mean ing that all modesare con sid ered to be dy namic.

Al though tstat can be used for any non lin ear time-his tory anal y sis, it is of most usefor quasi-static anal y ses. If the de fault it er a tion pa ram e ters do not work for such ananal y sis, you may try us ing the fol low ing pa ram e ters as a start ing point:

• tstat greater than the lon gest pe riod of the struc ture

• itmax = itmin ³ 1000

• dtmax = dtmin = dt

• ftol £ 10-6

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• cf = 0.1

This causes all modes to be treated as static, and uses it er a tion rather thansubstepping to find a so lu tion. The choice of pa ram e ters to achieve con ver gence isvery prob lem de pend ent, and you should ex per i ment to find the best val ues to usefor each dif fer ent model.

Nonlinear Direct-Integration Time-His tory Analysis

Di rect in te gra tion of the full equa tions of mo tion with out the use of modal su per po -si tion is avail able in SAP2000. While modal su per po si tion is usu ally more ac cu rate and ef fi cient, di rect-in te gra tion does of fer the fol low ing ad van tages:

• Full damp ing that cou ples the modes can be con sid ered

• Im pact and wave prop a ga tion prob lems that might ex cite a large num ber ofmodes may be more efficiently solved by di rect in te gra tion

• All types of nonlinearity avail able in SAP2000 may be in cluded in a non lin eardi rect in te gra tion anal y sis.

Di rect in te gra tion re sults are ex tremely sen si tive to time-step size in a way that isnot true for modal su per po si tion. You should al ways run your di rect-in te gra tionanal y ses with de creas ing time-step sizes un til the step size is small enough that re -sults are no lon ger af fected by it.

Time In te gra tion Pa ram e ters

See Topic “Lin ear Di rect-In te gra tion Time-His tory Anal y sis” (page 121) for in for -ma tion about time-in te gra tion pa ram e ters. The same con sid er ations ap ply here asfor lin ear anal y sis.

If your non lin ear anal y sis is hav ing trou ble con verg ing, you may want to use theHHT method with al pha = -1/3 to get an ini tial so lu tion, then re-run the anal y siswith de creas ing time step sizes and al pha val ues to get more ac cu rate re sults.


All ma te rial nonlinearity that has been de fined in the model will be con sid ered in anon lin ear di rect-in te gra tion time-his tory anal y sis.

You have a choice of the type of geo met ric nonlinearity to be con sid ered:

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• None

• P-delta ef fects

• Large dis place ment ef fects

If you are con tin u ing from a pre vi ous non lin ear anal y sis, it is strongly rec om -mended that you se lect the same geo met ric nonlinearity pa ram e ters for the cur rentcase as for the pre vi ous case. See Chap ter “Geo met ric Nonlinearity” (page 341) formore in for ma tion.

Initial Conditions

See Topic “Ini tial Con di tions” (page 121) in this Chap ter for a gen eral dis cus sionof ini tial con di tions.

You may con tinue a non lin ear di rect-in te gra tion time-his tory anal y sis from a non -lin ear static anal y sis or an other di rect-in te gra tion time-his tory non lin ear anal y sis.It is strongly rec om mended that you se lect the same geo met ric non lin earity pa ram -e ters for the cur rent case as for the pre vi ous case.


In di rect-in te gra tion time-his tory anal y sis, the damp ing in the struc ture is mod eledus ing a full damp ing ma trix. Un like modal damp ing, this al lows cou pling be tweenthe modes to be con sid ered.

Di rect-in te gra tion damp ing has two dif fer ent sources, which are de scribed in thefol low ing. Damping from these sources is added to gether.

Im por tant note: For lin ear di rect-in te gra tion time-his tory anal y sis, the lin ear ef fec -tive damp ing for the non lin ear Link/Sup port el e ments is also used. How ever, it isnot used for non lin ear di rect-in te gra tion time-his tory anal y sis.

Pro por tional Damping from the Anal y sis Case

For each di rect-in te gra tion time-his tory Anal y sis Case, you may spec ify pro por -tional damp ing co ef fi cients that ap ply to the struc ture as a whole. The damp ing ma -trix is cal cu lated as a lin ear com bi na tion of the stiff ness ma trix scaled by a co ef fi -cient that you spec ify, and the mass ma trix scaled by a sec ond co ef fi cient that youspec ify.

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You may spec ify these two co ef fi cients di rectly, or they may be com puted by spec -i fy ing equiv a lent frac tions of crit i cal modal damp ing at two dif fer ent pe ri ods or fre -quen cies.

Stiff ness pro por tional damp ing is lin early pro por tional to fre quency. It is re lated tothe de for ma tions within the struc ture. Stiff ness pro por tional damp ing may ex ces -sively damp out high fre quency com po nents.

Stiff ness-pro por tional damp ing uses the cur rent, tan gent stiff ness of the struc ture at each time step. Thus a yield ing el e ment will have less damp ing than one which iselas tic. Like wise, a gap el e ment will only have stiff ness-pro por tional damp ingwhen the gap is closed.

Mass pro por tional damp ing is lin early pro por tional to pe riod. It is re lated to themo tion of the struc ture, as if the struc ture is mov ing through a vis cous fluid. Masspro por tional damp ing may ex ces sively damp out long pe riod com po nents.

Proportional Damping from the Ma te rials

You may spec ify stiff ness and mass pro por tional damp ing co ef fi cients for in di vid -ual ma te ri als. For ex am ple, you may want to use larger co ef fi cients for soil ma te ri -als than for steel or con crete. The same in ter pre ta tion of these co ef fi cients ap pliesas de scribed above for the Anal y sis Case damp ing.

Iterative Solution

The non lin ear equa tions are solved iteratively in each time step. This may re quirere-form ing and re-solv ing the stiff ness and damp ing ma tri ces. The it er a tions arecar ried out un til the so lu tion con verges. If con ver gence can not be achieved, thepro gram di vides the step into smaller substeps and tries again.

Sev eral pa ram e ters are avail able for you to con trol the it er a tion and substeppingpro cess. These are de scribed in the fol low ing. We rec om mend that you use the de -fault val ues of these pa ram e ters, ex cept that you may want to vary the max i mumsubstep size for rea sons of ac cu racy.

If you are hav ing con ver gence dif fi cul ties, you may try vary ing the it er a tion con trol pa ram e ters below. How ever, you should also con sider that the model it self mayneed im prove ment. Look for instabilites due to in ad e quate sup port, buck ling, andexccesively large stiffnesses. If you have hinges that lose strength, make sure thatthis be hav ior is re ally nec es sary and that the neg a tive slopes are not un re al is ti callytoo steep.

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Max i mum Substep Size

The anal y sis will al ways stop at ev ery out put time step, and at ev ery time stepwhere one of the in put time-his tory func tions is de fined. You may, in ad di tion, setan up per limit on the step size used for in te gra tion. For ex am ple, sup pose your out -put time step size was 0.005, and your in put func tions were also de fined at 0.005sec onds. If you set the Max i mum Substep Size to 0.001, the pro gram will in ter nally take five in te gra tion substeps for ev ery saved out put time step. The pro gram mayau to mat i cally use even smaller substeps if nec es sary to achieve con ver gence whenit er at ing.

The ac cu racy of di rect-in te gra tion meth ods is very sen si tive to in te gra tion timestep, es pe cially for stiff (high-fre quency) re sponse. You should try de creas ing themax i mum substep size un til you get con sis tent re sults. You can keep your out puttime step size fixed to pre vent stor ing ex ces sive amounts of data.

Mi ni mum Substep Size

When the non lin ear it er a tion can not con verge within the spec i fied max i mum num -ber of it er a tions, the pro gram au to mat i cally re duces the cur rent step size and triesagain. You can limit the small est substep size the pro gram will use. If the pro gramtries to re duce the step size be low this limit, it will stop the anal y sis and in di catethat con ver gence had failed.

Maximum Iterations Per Step

It er a tion is used to make sure that equi lib rium is achieved at each step of the anal y -sis. For each step, con stant-stiff ness it er a tion is tried first. If con ver gence is notachieved, New ton-Raphson (tan gent-stiff ness) it er a tion is tried next. If both fail,the step size is re duced, and the pro cess is re peated.

You can sep a rately con trol the num ber of con stant-stiff ness and New ton-Raphsonit er a tions al lowed in each step. Set ting ei ther pa ram e ter to zero pre vents that typeof it er a tion. Set ting both to zero causes the pro gram to au to mat i cally de ter mine thenum ber and type of it er a tions to al low. Con stant-stiff ness it er a tions are faster thanNew ton-Raphson it er a tions, but the lat ter are usu ally more ef fec tive, es pe cially forca bles and geo met ric nonlinearity. The de fault val ues work well in many sit u a -tions.

Nonlinear Direct-Integration Time-His tory Analysis 393

Chapter XXIV Nonlinear Time-History Anal y sis

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Iteration Convergence Tolerance

It er a tion is used to make sure that equi lib rium is achieved at each step of the anal y -sis. You can set the rel a tive con ver gence tol er ance that is used to com pare the mag -ni tude of force er ror with the mag ni tude of the force act ing on the struc ture.

You may need to use sig nif i cantly smaller val ues of con ver gence tol er ance to getgood re sults for large-dis place ments prob lems than for other types of nonlinearity.Try de creas ing val ues un til you get con sis tent re sults.

Line-Search Con trol

For each it er a tion, a line search is used to de ter mine the op ti mum dis place ment in -cre ment to ap ply. This in creases the compution time for each it er a tion, but of ten re -sults in fewer it er a tions and better con ver gence be hav ior, with a net gain in ef fi -ciency. The use of the line-search al go rithm is a new fea ture, and may cause slightchanges in anal y sis re sults com pared to pre vi ous ver sions.

You can con trol the fol low ing pa ram e ters:

• Max i mum Line Searches per It er a tion: Use this pa ram e ter to limit the num berof line searches al lowed per it er a tion, usu ally in the range of 5 to 40. Set thisvalue to zero (0) to turn off line search.

• Line-Search Ac cep tance Tol er ance (Rel a tive): The so lu tion increment is suc -ces sively re duced or in creased un til the min i mum er ror is found, the max i mumnum ber of line searches is reached, or the rel a tive change in er ror from the pre -vi ous trial is less than the ac cep tance tol er ance set here. The prac ti cal range isabout 0.02 to 0.50. This value should not be to small, since the goal is only toim prove the next it er a tion.

• Line-search Step Fac tor: For each line-search trial, the so lu tion in cre ment issuc ces sively re duced by the step fac tor spec i fied here un til the min i mum er roris found, the max i mum num ber of line searches is reached, or the ac cep tancetol er ance is sat is fied. If re duc ing the in cre ment does not de crease the er ror,then the in cre ment is in stead in creased by the step fac tor fol low ing the samepro ce dure. This fac tor must be greater than 1.0, and should usu ally be no morethan 2.0.

The de fault val ues are rec om mended.

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C h a p t e r XXV

Frequency-Domain Analyses

Fre quency-domain anal y sis is based upon the dy nam i cal re sponse of the struc tureto har mon i cally vary ing load. Two types of fre quency-do main anal y sis cases arecur rently avail able: de ter min is tic Steady-State anal y sis and proba bil is ticPower-Spec tral-Den sity analysis.

Advanced Topics

• Over view

• Har monic Motion

• Fre quency Domain

• Damping

• Loading

• Fre quency Steps

• Steady-State Analysis

• Power-Spec tral-Den sity Analysis


Page 416: Sap 2000 Reference Manual


Fre quency-do main anal y sis is based upon the dy nam i cal re sponse of the struc tureto har mon i cally vary ing load. The anal y sis is per formed at one or more fre quen ciesof vi bra tion. At each fre quency, the load ing var ies with time as sine and co sinefunc tions. Two types of fre quency-do main anal y sis cases are cur rently avail able:steady-state anal y sis and power-spec tral-den sity anal y sis.

Steady-state anal y sis com putes the de ter min is tic re sponse at each re quested fre -quency. The load ing may have com po nents at act ing dif fer ent phase an gles. Thephase an gles of the re sponse are com puted and may be displayed.

Power-spec tral-density anal y sis is based on a proba bil is tic spec trum of load ing.The anal y sis com putes a proba bil is tic spec trum for each re sponse com po nent. Inad di tion, a sin gle proba bil is tic ex pected value for each re sponse com po nent is pre -sented that is the root-mean-square (RMS) of the proba bil is tic spec trum. The load -ing may have com po nents at act ing dif fer ent phase an gles, but the phase in for ma -tion is not pre served for the proba bil is tic re sponse.

Hysteretic and vis cous damp ing may be spec i fied. Fre quency-de pend ent prop er ties for Link and Sup port el e ments, if de fined, are con sid ered in the anal y ses. All anal y -ses are per formed in the com plex do main.

Harmonic Motion

Har monic load ing is of the form r p0 p90( ) cos( ) sin( )t t t= +w w , where w is the cir -cu lar fre quency of the ex ci ta tion. This load ing is as sumed to ex ist for all time, sothat tran sient com po nents of the re sponse have van ished. In other words,steady-state con di tions have been achieved.

The spa tial load ing con sists of two parts: the in-phase com po nent p0, and the 90°out-of-phase com po nent p90. The spa tial dis tri bu tions do not vary as a func tion oftime.

The equi lib rium equa tions for the struc tural sys tem are of the fol low ing form:

K u C u M u r p0 p90( ) &( ) &&( ) ( ) cos( ) sin( )t t t t t t+ + = = +w w

where K is the stiff ness ma trix, C is the vis cous damp ing ma trix, M is the di ag o nalmass ma trix, and u, &u, and &&u are the joint dis place ments, ve loc i ties, and ac cel er a -tions, re spec tively.

396 Overview

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Fre quency Domain

It is more con ve nient to re-write the equa tions in com plex form. The load ing is then given by

r p p( ) exp( ) (cos( ) sin( ))t i t t i t= = +w w w

where the overbar in di cates a com plex quan tity. The real co sine term rep re sents the

in-phase com po nent, and the imag i nary sine term rep re sents the 90° out-of-phasecom po nent.

The steady-state so lu tion of this equa tion re quires that the joint dis place ments be of the same form:

u a a( ) exp( ) (cos( ) sin( ))t i t t i t= = +w w w

Sub sti tut ing these into the equa tion of mo tion yields:

[ ]K C M a p+ — =iw w2

We can de fine a com plex im ped ance ma trix

K K M C= — +w w2


where the real part rep re sents stiff ness and in er tial ef fects, and the imag i nary partrep re sents damp ing ef fects. Note that the real part may be zero or neg a tive. Theequa tions of mo tion can be writ ten:

(Eqn. 1)K a p( ) ( )w w w= ( )

where here we em pha size that the im ped ance ma trix, the load ing, and the dis place -ments are all func tions of fre quency.

The im ped ance ma trix is a func tion of fre quency not only be cause of the in er tialand damp ing terms, but also be cause fre quency-de pend ent Link and Sup port el e -ment prop er ties are per mit ted. Thus

K K M C( ) ( ) i ( )w w w w w= — +2

Please see Topic “Fre quency-De pend ent Link/Sup port Prop er ties” (page 257) inChap ter “The Link/Sup port El e ment—Ad vanced” for more in for ma tion.

Fre quency Domain 397

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Damp ing

It is com mon for fre quency-do main prob lems to spec ify a hysteretic (dis place -ment-based) damp ing ma trix D rather than a vis cous (ve loc ity-based) damp ing ma -trix C. These are re lated as:

D C= w

[As an aside, note that from this def i ni tion a non zero value of hysteretic damp ing Dat w = 0 (static con di tions) re sults in an un de fined value for vis cous damp ing C. This leads to con sid er ations of the noncausality of hysteretic damp ing, as dis cussed inMakris and Zhang (2000). How ever, this is usu ally ig nored.]

Hysteretic damp ing may be spec i fied as a func tion of fre quency, i.e., D D= w( ), and there is no re stric tion im posed on the value at w = 0.

Us ing hysteretic damp ing, the com plex im ped ance ma trix be comes

K K M D( ) ( ) i ( )w w w w= — +2

Sources of Damping

In fre quency-do main anal y sis, the damp ing ma trix D( )w has four dif fer ent sourcesas de scribed in the fol low ing. Damp ing from these sources is added to gether.

Hysteretic Damping from the Anal y sis Case

For each Steady-state or Power-spec tral-den sity Anal y sis Case, you may spec ifypro por tional damp ing co ef fi cients that ap ply to the struc ture as a whole. The damp -ing ma trix is cal cu lated as a lin ear com bi na tion of the stiff ness ma trix scaled by aco ef fi cient, dK , and the mass ma trix scaled by a sec ond co ef fi cient, d M . For mostprac ti cal cases, d M = 0 and only dK is used.

You may spec ify that these co ef fi cients are con stant for all fre quen cies, or theymay be lin early in ter po lated be tween val ues that you spec ify at dif fer ent fre quen -cies. Thus the damp ing ma trix becomes:

D K M( ) d ( ) d ( )K Mw w w= +

The stiff ness ma trix used here in cludes all el e ments in the struc ture ex cept for anyLink or Sup port el e ments that have fre quency-de pend ent prop er ties.

If you spec ify d M = 0 and d ( )K w to lin early in crease with fre quency, this is equiv a -lent to vis cous damp ing.

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You can ap prox i mate modal damp ing by set ting d M = 0 and d ( ) d( )K w w= 2 , where d( )w is the modal damp ing ra tio. For ex am ple, if you typ i cally use a con stant 5%modal damp ing for all modes, the equiv a lent hysteretic damp ing value is a con stant d ( )K w = 010. . For each mode, this leads to ap prox i mately the same level of re sponse at res o nance.

Hysteretic Damping from the Ma te rials

You may spec ify stiff ness and mass pro por tional damp ing co ef fi cients for in di vid -ual ma te ri als. For ex am ple, you may want to use larger co ef fi cients for soil ma te ri -als than for steel or con crete. The same in ter pre ta tion of these co ef fi cients ap pliesas de scribed above for the Anal y sis Case damp ing. Be sure not to dou ble-count thedamp ing by in clud ing it in both the anal y sis case and the ma te ri als.

Hysteretic Damp ing from Fre quency-De pend ent Link/Sup port El e ments

For any Link or Sup port el e ments that have fre quency-de pend ent prop er ties as -signed to them, the fre quency-de pend ent hysteretic damp ing val ues are added tothe damp ing ma trix used.

Viscous Damping from the Link/Support El e ments

For any Link or Sup port el e ments that do not have fre quency-de pend ent prop er tiesas signed to them, the lin ear ef fec tive-damp ing co ef fi cients are mul ti plied by fre -quency w and added to the damp ing ma trix. The lin ear ef fec tive-damp ing val ues are used re gard less of whether or not non lin ear damp ing co ef fi cients have been spec i -fied.


The load, p( )w , ap plied in a given Steady-state or Power-spec tral-den sity case maybe an ar bi trary func tion of space and frequency. It can be writ ten as a fi nite sum ofspa tial load vec tors, pi , mul ti plied by fre quency func tions, f i ( )w , as:

(Eqn. 2)p p p( ) ( ) ( ) (cos sin )w w w q qq

= = +å ås f e s f ij j jj

i jj j j

jj j

Here s j is a scale fac tor and q j is the phase an gle at which load p j is ap plied.

The pro gram uses Load Cases and/or Ac cel er a tion Loads to rep re sent the spa tialload vec tors, p j , as de scribed below.

Loading 399

Chapter XXV Frequency-Domain Analyses

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The fre quency func tions used here de pend on the type of anal y sis. See Top ics“Steady-State Analysis” (page 402) and “Power-Spec tral-Den sity Analysis” (page403) in this Chap ter for more information.

If Ac cel er a tion Loads are used, the dis place ments, ve loc i ties, and ac cel er a tions areall mea sured rel a tive to the ground. The fre quency func tions as so ci ated with theAc cel er a tion Loads m

x, m

y, and m

z are the cor re spond ing com po nents of uni form

ground ac cel er a tion, &&ugx , &&ugy , and &&ugz .

See Topic “Func tions” (page 296) in Chap ter “Anal y sis Cases” for more in for ma -tion.

Defining the Spatial Load Vectors

To de fine the spa tial load vec tor, p j , for a sin gle term of the load ing sum of Equa -tion 2, you may spec ify ei ther:

• The la bel of a Load Case us ing the pa ram e ter load, or

• An Ac cel er a tion Load us ing the pa ram e ters csys, ang, and acc, where:

– csys is a fixed co or di nate sys tem (the de fault is zero, in di cat ing the globalco or di nate sys tem)

– ang is a co or di nate an gle (the de fault is zero)

– acc is the Ac cel er a tion Load (U1, U2, or U3) in the ac cel er a tion lo cal co or -di nate sys tem as de fined be low

Each Ac cel er a tion Load in the load ing sum may have its own ac cel er a tion lo cal co -or di nate sys tem with lo cal axes de noted 1, 2, and 3. The lo cal 3 axis is al ways thesame as the Z axis of co or di nate sys tem csys. The lo cal 1 and 2 axes co in cide withthe X and Y axes of csys if an gle ang is zero. Oth er wise, ang is the an gle from the X axis to the lo cal 1 axis, mea sured coun ter clock wise when the +Z axis is point ing to -ward you. This is il lus trated in Figure 71 (page 332).

The acceleration lo cal axes are al ways re ferred to as 1, 2, and 3. The global Ac cel -er a tion Loads m

x, m

y, and m

z are trans formed to the lo cal co or di nate sys tem for

load ing.

It is gen er ally rec om mended, but not re quired, that the same co or di nate sys tem beused for all Ac cel er a tion Loads ap plied in a given anal y sis case.

Load Cases and Ac cel er a tion Loads may be mixed in the load ing sum.

For more in for ma tion:

400 Loading

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• See Chap ter “Load Cases” (page 271).

• See Topic “Ac cel er a tion Loads” (page 284) in Chap ter “Load Cases”.

Frequency Steps

Fre quency-do main anal y ses are per formed at dis crete fre quency steps. For aSteady-state or Power-spec tral-den sity Anal y sis Case, you may re quest the re -sponse at the fol low ing fre quen cies:

• A re quired range of equally spaced fre quen cies. This is de fined by spec i fy ingthe first fre quency, f 1 0³ ; the last fre quency, f f2 1³ ; and the num ber of in cre -ments, n > 0. This re sults in the fol low ing set of fre quen cies:

f f f f f f1 1 1 22, , , ,+ +D D K ,

where Df f f n= -( ) /2 1 .

• Op tion ally, at all fre quen cies cal cu lated in a spec i fied Modal Anal y sis Case.Only fre quen cies that fall within the fre quency range f 1 to f 2 will be used. SeeChap ter “Modal Anal y sis” (page 303) for more in for ma tion.

• Op tion ally, at spec i fied frac tional de vi a tions from all fre quen cies cal cu lated ina spec i fied Modal Anal y sis Case. For ex am ple, sup pose you spec ify frac tionalde vi a tions of 0.01 and -0.02. For each fre quency f found by the Modal Anal y -sis Case, the fre quency-do main anal y sis will be per formed at 101. f and 098. f .Only fre quen cies that fall within the fre quency range f 1 to f 2 will be used.

• Op tion ally, at any num ber of di rectly spec i fied fre quen cies f . Only fre quen -cies that fall within the fre quency range f 1 to f 2 will be used.

Fre quen cies may be spec i fied in Hz (cy cles/sec ond) or RPM (cy cles/min ute).These will be con verted to cir cu lar fre quen cies, w, by the pro gram.

The use of modal fre quen cies and their frac tional de vi a tions can be very im por tantto cap ture res o nant be hav ior in the struc ture. Any set of equally-spaced fre quen cies could eas ily skip over the most significant re sponse in a given frequency range. The use of di rectly spec i fied fre quen cies can be im por tant when you are con cernedabout sen si tive equip ment that may re spond strongly at cer tain frequencies.

Frequency Steps 401

Chapter XXV Frequency-Domain Analyses

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Steady-State Analysis

Steady-state anal y sis seeks the re sponse of the struc ture at one or more fre quen ciesto load ing of the form:

p p p( ) ( ) ( ) (cos sin )w w w q qq

= = +å ås f e s f ij j jj

i jj j j

jj j

See Topic “Load ing” (page 399) in this Chap ter for more in for ma tion about thistype of load ing.

The fre quency func tion, f j ( )w , is given di rectly by a steady-state func tion that youde fine. It rep re sents the mag ni tude of the load be fore scal ing by s j . See Topic“Func tions” (page 296) in Chap ter “Anal y sis Cases” for more in for ma tion.

If you are in ter ested in the re sponse char ac ter is tics of the struc ture it self, a con stantfunc tion could be used, i.e., f j ( )w =1. For load ing that is caused by ro tat ing ma —

chin ery, f j ( )w w=2 might be used.

Ex am ple

Sup pose we have a ma chine with a spin ning fly wheel that has an ec cen tric mass.The mass is m and the cen ter of mass is ec cen tric by an amount e. The fly wheelspins about an axis par al lel to the global Y axis. This ma chine is mounted on astruc ture, and we are in ter ested in the steady-state re sponse of the struc ture to thema chine run ning at any speed in the range from 0 to 30Hz (1800 RPM).

The mag ni tude of the force from the ec cen tric mass that acts on the cen ter of ro ta —

tion is given by emw2 . This force ro tates in the X-Z plane. To de fine the load ing, we need the fol low ing:

• A Load Case, say “ECCX”, in which a unit load in the +X di rec tion is as signedto the joint that rep re sents the cen ter of the fly wheel.

• An other Load Case, say “ECCZ”, in which a unit load in the +Z di rec tion is as -signed to the same joint.

• A Steady-state Func tion, say “FSQUARED”, which var ies as f j ( )w w=2

• A Modal Anal y sis Case, say “MODAL”, which cal cu lates all nat u ral fre quen -cies in the range from 0 to 30Hz. This can be for eigen or Ritz vectors; if Ritz,use the two Load Cases “ECCX” and “ECCZ” as the start ing load vec tors.

We then de fine a Steady-state Analysis Case with the fol low ing fea tures:

402 Steady-State Analysis

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• The loads ap plied in clude the fol low ing two contributions:

– Load Case “ECCX”, Func tion “FSQUARED”, a scale fac tor equal to em,

and a phase an gle of 0°

– Load Case “ECCZ”, Func tion “FSQUARED”, a scale fac tor equal to em,

and a phase an gle of 90°

• Fre quency range from 0 to 30Hz, with 15 in cre ments (ev ery 2Hz)

• Ad di tional fre quen cies at the modal fre quen cies of Anal y sis Case “MODAL”

• Ad di tional fre quen cies at the fol low ing frac tional de vi a tions from the modal

fre quen cies of Anal y sis Case “MODAL”: +0.01, -0.01, +0.02, -0.02, +0.03,

-0.03, +0.05, -0.05

• Stiff ness-pro por tional hysteretic damp ing with a co ef fi cient of d k = 004. , cor -re spond ing to modal damp ing of 2%, which may be ap pro pri ate for small vi -bra tions

Af ter anal y sis, we can plot the de flected shape or force/stress re sponse at any of there quested fre quen cies and at any phase an gle. For ex am ple, the re sponse at phase

an gle 0° pri mar ily rep re sents the be hav ior due to hor i zon tal load ing, plus a damp -ing com po nent due to ver ti cal load ing. We can in stead plot the mag ni tude of the re -sponse at any re quested fre quency, where the mag ni tude is given by the square-root

of the sum of the squares of the real (0°) and imag i nary (90°) re sponse components.

It is also pos si ble to dis play plots of any re sponse quan tity as a func tion of fre -quency, yield ing a fre quency spec trum. This can be done for the com po nent at anyphase an gle, or for the mag ni tude of the re sponse.

Power-Spectral-Density Analysis

Power-spec tral-den sity (PSD) anal y sis is sim i lar to Steady-state anal y sis in that itcon sid ers the har monic be hav ior of the struc ture over a range of fre quen cies. How -ever, the load ing is con sid ered to be proba bil is tic over the fre quency range of theanal y sis, and so too is the re sponse. This proba bil is tic re sponse can be in te gratedover the fre quency range to de ter mine a single ex pected value. This can be useful,for ex am ple, for fa tigue de sign.

A PSD Anal y sis Case con sid ers cor re lated load ing of the form:

p p p( ) ( ) ( ) (cos sin )w w w q qq

= = +å ås f e s f ij j jj

i jj j j

jj j

Power-Spectral-Density Analysis 403

Chapter XXV Frequency-Domain Analyses

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See Topic “Load ing” (page 399) in this Chap ter for more in for ma tion about thistype of load ing.

The fre quency func tion, f j ( )w , used in this sum is taken as the square root of a

Power-spec tral-den sity func tion that you de fine.

To ex plain this fur ther, PSD func tions are spec i fied as load-squared per unit of fre -quency. In or der to com bine cor re lated load ing algebraically, the square-root ofthese func tions are used. Nor mally one would ex pect that the same PSD func tionwould be used for all cor re lated load ing terms, but this is not re quired. Note that us -ing a scale fac tor s j = 2 in the sum here is the same as mul ti ply ing the PSD func tionit self by a fac tor of four. See Topic “Func tions” (page 296) in Chap ter “Anal y sisCases” for more in for ma tion.

The PSD curve for any re sponse quan tity (dis place ment, force, stress, etc.) is givenby the square of the mag ni tude of that cal cu lated re sponse, plot ted at ev ery re -quested fre quency step. The square-root of the in te gral un der the PSD curve for agiven re sponse quan tity gives the proba bil is tic ex pected value for that quan tity,i.e., the root-mean-square (RMS) value. This will al ways be a pos i tive num ber.

Be cause the PSD curves rep re sent the square of the re sponse, most of the in te grated area will be near res o nant fre quen cies of the struc ture. For ac cu racy, it is very im -por tant to cap ture the re sponse at fre quency steps at and around the nat u ral modesof the struc ture.

Uncorrelated load ing should be de fined in sep a rate PSD Analysis Cases, and thencom bined us ing SRSS-types of Com bi na tions. See Topic “Com bi na tions (Com -bos)” (page 297) in Chap ter “Anal y sis Cases.”

Ex am ple

Con sider the same ex am ple used in Topic “Steady-State Analysis” (page 402) ofthis Chap ter. Sup pose that the ma chine is ex pected to op er ate 95% of the time in the range of 20 to 25Hz, and 5% of the time at other fre quen cies from 0 to 30Hz.

The only dif fer ence be tween the def i ni tion of the two types of anal y sis cases forthis prob lem is in the func tions. Now we will use a PSD Func tion, say “FPOWER”,de fined as fol lows:


Hz Hz

Hz Hzj ( )

. / ,

. / ,

. /

w w



£ <

£ <4

005 25 0 20

095 5 20 25

005 25 25 30Hz Hz, £ £



îï w

404 Power-Spectral-Density Analysis

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Note that the w2 term is squared again. However, in the def i ni tion of the PSD Anal -y sis Case, the scale fac tor will still be em (not squared), since it was not in cluded inthe PSD func tion it self.

The two loads, “ECCX” and “ECCZ”, must be com bined in the same Anal y sisCase be cause they are clearly cor re lated. How ever, if a sec ond ma chine with itsown in de pend ent func tion ing was mounted to the same struc ture, this should be an -a lyzed in a sep a rate PSD Anal y sis Case and the two cases com bined in an SRSSCom bi na tion.

Power-Spectral-Density Analysis 405

Chapter XXV Frequency-Domain Analyses

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406 Power-Spectral-Density Analysis

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C h a p t e r XXVI

Bridge Analysis

Bridge Analy sis can be used to com pute in flu ence lines and sur faces for traf ficlanes on bridge struc tures and to ana lyze these struc tures for the re sponse due to ve -hi cle live loads.

Advanced Topics

• Over view

• SAP2000 Bridge Mod eler

• Bridge Anal y sis Procedure

• Lanes

• In flu ence Lines and Surfaces

• Ve hi cle Live Loads

• Gen eral Ve hi cle

• Ve hi cle Re sponse Com po nents

• Stan dard Vehicles

• Ve hi cle Classes

• Mov ing Load Anal y sis Cases

• Mov ing Load Response Control


Page 428: Sap 2000 Reference Manual

• Step-by-Step Analysis

• Com pu ta tional Con sid era tions


Bridge Analy sis can be used to de ter mine the re sponse of bridge struc tures due tothe weight of Ve hi cle live loads. Con sid er able power and flexi bil ity is pro vided forde ter min ing the maxi mum and mini mum dis place ments, forces, and stresses due tomultiple- lane loads on com plex struc tures, such as high way in ter changes. The ef -fects of Ve hi cle live loads can be com bined with static and dy namic loads, and en -ve lopes of the re sponse can be com puted.

The bridge to be an a lyzed can be cre ated us ing the SAP2000 Bridge Mod eler; builtman u ally us ing Frame, Shell, Solid, and/or Link el e ments; or by com bin ing thesetwo ap proaches. The su per struc ture can be rep re sented by a sim ple “spine” (or“spline”) model us ing Frame el e ments, or it can be mod eled in full 3-dimensionalde tail us ing Shell or Solid el e ments.

Lanes are de fined that rep re sent where the live loads can act on the su per struc ture.Lanes may have width and can fol low any straight or curved path. Mul ti ple Lanesneed not be par al lel nor of the same length, so that com plex traf fic pat terns may becon sid ered. The pro gram au to mat i cally de ter mines how the Lanes load the su per -struc ture, even if they are ec cen tric to a spine model. Conventional in flu ence linesand sur faces due to the load ing of each Lane can be dis played for any re sponsequantity.

You may se lect Ve hi cle live loads from a set of stan dard high way and rail way Ve -hi cles, or you may cre ate your own Ve hi cle live loads. Ve hi cles are grouped in Ve -hi cle Classes, such that the most se vere load ing of each Class gov erns.

Two types of live-load anal y sis can be con sid ered:

• In flu ence-based en vel op ing anal y sis: Ve hi cles move in both di rec tions alongeach Lane of the bridge. Us ing the in flu ence sur face, Ve hi cles are au to mat i -cally lo cated at such po si tions along the length and width of the Lanes to pro -duce the max i mum and min i mum re sponse quan ti ties through out the struc ture.Each Ve hi cle may be al lowed to act on ev ery lane or be re stricted to cer tainlanes. The pro gram can au to mat i cally find the max i mum and min i mum re -sponse quan ti ties through out the struc ture due to place ment of dif fer ent Ve hi -cles in dif fer ent Lanes. For each max i mum or min i mum ex treme re sponsequan tity, the cor re spond ing val ues for the other com po nents of re sponse canalso be com puted.

408 Overview

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• Step-by-step anal y sis: Any num ber of Ve hi cles can be run si mul ta neously onthe Lanes, each with its own start ing time, po si tion, di rec tion and speed.Step-by-step static or time-his tory anal y sis can be per formed, with non lin earef fects in cluded if de sired.

For most de sign pur poses the en vel op ing-type anal y sis us ing Mov ing-Load Anal y -sis Cases is most ap pro pri ate. For spe cial stud ies and un usual per mit ve hi cles, thestep-by-step ap proach can be valu able.

Im por tant Note:

The SAP2000 Bridge Mod eler is re quired to take ad van tage of many fea tures de -scribed in the chap ter. If you do not have the Bridge Mod eler, you can still per -form bridge anal y sis, but with the fol low ing re stric tions:

• Bridge loads can only be ap plied to Frame el e ments. This means that spinemod els are the most suit able, al though you can also work with gril lages, orlay phan tom Frame el e ments on Shell or Solid el e ment decks.

• Lanes are de fined by ref er ence to a line (path) of Frame el e ments, and theload will be ap plied to these el e ments. Lanes may be spec i fied to be ec cen tric to the Frame el e ments.

• Width ef fects for Lanes and Ve hi cles are not in cluded.

• In flu ence lines, but not sur faces, are avail able

• In flu ence-based Mov ing-Load Anal y sis Cases are avail able, but step-by-stepanal y sis is not.

SAP2000 Bridge Modeler

The SAP2000 Bridge Mod eler pro vides a pow er ful way to cre ate and man age sim -ple or com plex bridge mod els. The bridge is rep re sented parametrically with a setof high-level ob jects: lay out (align ment) lines, bents (pier sup ports), abut ments(end sup ports), deck cross sec tions, pre stress ten dons, and more.

These ob jects are com bined into a super ob ject called a Bridge Ob ject. Typ i cally asin gle Bridge Ob ject rep re sents the en tire struc ture, al though you may need mul ti -ple Bridge Ob jects if you have par al lel struc tures, or want to con sider merges orsplits.

A Bridge Wiz ard is avail able in the SAP2000 Bridge Mod eler to guide you through the pro cess of cre at ing a bridge model, and help is avail able within the wiz ard itself.

SAP2000 Bridge Modeler 409

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The im por tant thing to un der stand here is that this para met ric model of the bridgeex ists in de pend ently from the discretization of the model into el e ments. You maychoose to discretize the Bridge Ob ject as Frames (spine model), Shells, or Sol ids,and you may choose the size of the el e ments to be used. You can change thediscretization at any time with out af fect ing your parameterized bridge model.When you do this, the pre vi ously gen er ated el e ments are au to mat i cally de leted, and new el e ments cre ated.

You can add ad di tional el e ments to the model to rep re sent fea tures of the bridgethat may not be pro vided by the Bridge Mod eler. These el e ments will not be af -fected by changes to the Bridge Ob ject or its discretization, al though it may be nec -es sary to move or mod ify them if you change the ge om e try of the bridge.

You can make changes to the el e ments gen er ated from a Bridge Ob ject, such as as -sign ing dif fer ent prop er ties or ad di tional loads. These changes will sur vive re gen -er a tion of the model if a new el e ment is gen er ated in ex actly the same lo ca tion.How ever, this may not oc cur if there are changes in bridge ge om e try ordiscretization, so it is best to check a re gen er ated model and make your changesagain if nec es sary.

Bridge Anal y sis Pro ce dure

There are two types of live-load anal y sis that can be per formed: in flu ence-base en -vel op ing anal y sis, and step-by-step anal y sis with full cor re spon dence. The ba sicsteps re quired for these two types of anal y sis are as fol lows.

For both types of anal y sis:

(1) Cre ate a struc tural model us ing the Bridge Mod eler and/or stan dard SAP2000model-build ing tech niques.

(2) De fine Lanes that spec ify the lo ca tion on the bridge where ve hi cles can travel.

(3) De fine Ve hi cles that rep re sent the live load act ing in the Lanes.

For In flu ence-Based Analysis:

(4) De fine Ve hi cle Classes that group to gether one or more Ve hi cles that should be en vel oped.

(5) De fine Mov ing-Load Anal y sis Cases that spec ify which Ve hi cle Classesshould be moved on which Lanes to pro duce the en vel oped re sponse.

410 Bridge Anal y sis Pro ce dure

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(6) Spec ify Bridge Re sponse pa ram e ters that de ter mine for which el e ments mov -ing-load re sponse should be cal cu lated, and set other parameters that con trol the in flu ence-based anal y sis.

(7) Af ter run ning the anal y sis, you may view in flu ence lines for any el e ment re -sponse quan tity in the struc ture, and en ve lopes of re sponse for those el e mentsre quested un der Bridge Re sponse.

For Step-by-Step Analysis:

(8) De fine Load Cases of type “Bridge Live” that spec ify which Vehicles move onwhich Lanes, at what speed, and from what start ing po si tions.

(9) Ap ply the Bridge-Live Load Cases in Multi-Step Static Anal y sis Cases, or inTime-His tory Anal y sis Cases if you are in ter ested in dy nam i cal ef fects.

(10) Af ter run ning the anal y sis, you may view step-by-step re sponse or en ve lopesof re sponse for any el e ment in the struc ture. You may cre ate a video show ingthe step-by-step static or dy namic re sults. In flu ence lines are not avail able.

Both types of bridge anal y sis may ex ist in the same model. You may cre ate ad di -tional Load Cases and Anal y sis Cases, and com bine the re sults of these with the re -sults for ei ther type of bridge anal y sis.


The Ve hi cle live loads are con sid ered to act in traf fic Lanes trans versely spacedacross the bridge road way. The number of Lanes and their trans verse spac ing canbe cho sen to sat isfy the ap pro pri ate design- code re quire ments. For sim ple bridgeswith a sin gle road way, the Lanes will usu ally be par al lel and evenly spaced, andwill run the full length of the bridge struc ture.

For com plex struc tures, such as in ter changes, mul ti ple road ways may be con sid -ered; these road ways can merge and split. Lanes need not be par al lel nor be of thesame length. The number of Lanes across the road way may vary along the length toac com mo date merges. Mul ti ple pat terns of Lanes on the same road way may be cre -ated to ex am ine the ef fect of dif fer ent lat eral place ment of the Ve hi cles.

Centerline and Direction

A traf fic Lane is de fined with re spect to a ref er ence line, which can be ei ther abridge lay out line or a line (path) of Frame el e ments. The trans verse po si tion of the

Lanes 411

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Lane cen ter line is spec i fied by its ec cen tric ity rel a tive to the ref er ence line. Lanesare said to “run” in a par tic u lar di rec tion, namely from the first lo ca tion on the ref -er ence line used to de fine the Lane to the last.


Each Lane across the road way width will usu ally re fer to the same ref er ence line,but will typ i cally have a dif fer ent ec cen tric ity. The ec cen tric ity for a given Lanemay also vary along the length.

The sign of a Lane ec cen tric ity is de fined as fol lows: in an el e va tion view of thebridge where the Lane runs from left to right, Lanes lo cated in front of the road wayel e ments have pos i tive ec cen tric ity. Al ter na tively, to a driver trav el ing on the road -way in the di rec tion that the Lane runs, a Lane to the right of the ref er ence line has apos i tive ec cen tric ity. (Note that this is the op po site sign con ven tion from older ver -sions of SAP2000 be fore the Bridge Mod eler.) The best way to check ec cen tric i ties is to view them graph i cally in the graph i cal user in ter face.

In a spine model, the use of ec cen tric i ties is pri mar ily im por tant for the de ter mi na -tion of tor sion in the bridge deck and trans verse bend ing in the sub struc ture. InShell and Solid mod els of the su per struc ture, the ec cen tric ity de ter mines where theload is ap plied on the deck.


You may spec ify a width for each Lane, which may be con stant or vari able alongthe length of the Lane. When a Lane is wider than a Ve hi cle, each axle or dis trib -uted load of the Ve hi cle will be moved trans versely in the Lane to max i mum ef fect.If the Lane is nar rower than the Ve hi cle, the Ve hi cle is cen tered on the Lane and the Ve hi cle width is re duced to the width of the Lane.

Interior and Exterior Edges

Cer tain AASHTO ve hi cles re quire that the wheel loads main tain a spec i fied min i -mum dis tance from the edge of the lane. This dis tance may be dif fer ent de pend ingon whether the edge of the lane is at the edge of the road way or is in te rior to theroad way. For each lane, you may spec ify for the left and right edges whether theyare in te rior or ex te rior, with in te rior be ing the de fault. This only af fects ve hi cleswhich spec ify min i mum dis tances for the wheel loads. By de fault, ve hi cle loadsmay be placed trans versely any where in the lane, i.e., the min i mum dis tance is zero.

412 Lanes

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Left and right edges are as they would be viewed by a driver trav el ing in the di rec -tion the lane runs.


A in flu ence sur face will be con structed for each Lane for the pur pose of plac ing theve hi cles to maximum ef fect. This sur face is in ter po lated from unit point loads,called in flu ence loads, placed along the width and length of the Lane. Us ing morein flu ence loads in creases the ac cu racy of the anal y sis at the ex pense of morecomputational time, mem ory, and disk stor age.

You can con trol the num ber of in flu ence loads by in de pend ently spec i fy ing thediscretization to be used along the length and across the width of each Lane.Discretization is given as the max i mum dis tance al lowed be tween load points.Transversely, it is usu ally suf fi cient to use half the lane width, re sult ing in loadpoints at the left, right, and cen ter of the Lane. Along the length of the Lane, us ingeight to six teen points per span is of ten ad e quate.

As with anal y ses of any type, it is strongly rec om mended that you start with mod els that run quickly, us ing coarser discretization, so that you can gain ex pe ri ence withyour model and per form re al ity checks. Later, you can in crease the re fine ment un til you achieve the de sired level of ac cu racy and ob tain the de tailed re sults that youneed.

Influence Lines and Surfaces

SAP2000 uses in flu ence lines and sur faces to com pute the re sponse to ve hi cle liveloads. In flu ence lines and sur faces are also of in ter est in their own right for un der -stand ing the sen si tiv ity of var i ous re sponse quan ti ties to traf fic loads.

In flu ence lines are com puted for Lanes of zero width, while in flu ence sur faces arecom puted for Lanes hav ing fi nite width.

An in flu ence line can be viewed as a curve of in flu ence val ues plot ted at the loadpoints along a traf fic Lane. For a given re sponse quan tity (force, dis place ment, orstress) at a given lo ca tion in the struc ture, the in flu ence value plot ted at a load pointis the value of that re sponse quan tity due to a unit con cen trated down ward forceact ing at that load point. The in flu ence line thus shows the in flu ence upon the given re sponse quan tity of a unit force mov ing along the traf fic lane. Figure 75 (page 414) shows some sim ple ex am ples of in flu ence lines. An influence sur face is the ex ten -sion of this con cept into two di men sions across the width of the lane.

Influence Lines and Surfaces 413

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In flu ence lines and sur faces may ex hibit dis con ti nui ties (jumps) at the lo ca tion ofthe re sponse quan tity when it is lo cated at a load point on the traf fic lane. Dis con ti -nui ties may also oc cur where the struc ture it self is not con tinu ous (e.g., ex pan sionjoints).

414 Influence Lines and Surfaces

CSI Analysis Reference Manual

(a) Influence Line for Vertical Shear at Center of a Simple Span

(b) Influence Line for Moment at Center of Left Span of Two Continuous Spans

(c) Influence Line for Moment at Center Support of Two Continuous Spans

Figure 75Examples of Influence Lines for One-Span and Two-Span Beams

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In flu ence lines and sur faces may be dis played in the graph i cal user in ter face for thedis place ment, force, or stress re sponse of any el e ment in the struc ture. They areplot ted on the Lanes with the in flu ence val ues plot ted in the ver ti cal di rec tion. Apos i tive in flu ence value due to grav ity load is plot ted up ward. In flu ence val ues arelin early in ter po lated be tween the known val ues at the load points.

Vehicle Live Loads

Any number of Ve hi cle live loads, or sim ply Ve hi cles, may be de fined to act on the traf fic Lanes. You may use stan dard types of Ve hi cles known to the pro gram, or de -sign your own us ing the gen eral Ve hi cle speci fi ca tion.

Direction of Loading

All ve hi cle live loads rep re sent weight and are as sumed to act down ward, in the –Zglobal co or di nate di rec tion.

See “Up ward and Hori zon tal Di rec tions” (page 13) in Chap ter “Co or di nate Sys -tems.”

Distribution of Loads

Lon gi tu di nally, each Ve hi cle con sists of one or more axle loads and/or one or moreuni form loads. Axle loads act at a sin gle lon gi tu di nal lo ca tion in the ve hi cle. Uni -form loads may act be tween pairs of ax les, or ex tend in fi nitely be fore the first axleor af ter the last axle. The width of each axle load and each uni form load is in de -pend ently spec i fied. These widths may be fixed or equal to the width of the Lane.

For Mov ing-Load Anal y sis Cases us ing the in flu ence sur face, both axle loads anduni form loads are used to max i mum ef fect. For step-by-step anal y sis, only the axleloads are used.

Axle Loads

Lon gi tu di nally, axle loads look like a point load. Trans versely, axle loads may berep re sented as one or more point (wheel) loads or as dis trib uted (knife-edge) loads.Knife-edge loads may be dis trib uted across a fixed width or the full width of thelane. Axle loads may be zero, which can be used to sep a rate uni form loads of dif fer -ent mag ni tude.

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Uniform Loads

Lon gi tu di nally, the uni form loads are con stant be tween ax les. Lead ing and trail ingloads may be spec i fied that ex tend to in fin ity. Trans versely, these loads may be dis -trib uted uni formly across the width of the lane, over a fixed width, or they may becon cen trated at the cen ter line of the lane.

Min i mum Edge Distances

Cer tain AASHTO ve hi cles re quire that the wheel loads main tain a spec i fied min i -mum dis tance from the edge of the lane. For any ve hi cle, you may spec ify a min i -mum dis tance for in te rior edges of lanes, and an other dis tance for ex te rior edges.By de fault, these dis tances are zero. The spec i fied dis tances ap ply equally to allaxle loads, but do not af fect lon gi tu di nally-uniform loads. The def i ni tion of in te rior and ex te rior edges is given in Subtopic “Lanes” (page 411).

Re strict ing a Ve hi cle to the Lane Length

When mov ing a ve hi cle along the length of the lane, the front of the ve hi cle starts atone end of the lane, and the ve hi cle trav els for ward un til the back of the ve hi cle ex -its the other end of the lane. This means that all lo ca tions of the ve hi cle are con sid -ered, whether fully or par tially on the lane

You have the op tion to spec ify that a ve hi cle must re main fully on the lane. This isuse ful for cranes and sim i lar ve hi cles that have stops at the end of their rails thatpre vent them from leav ing the lane. This set ting only af fects in flu ence-sur faceanal y sis, not step-by-step anal y sis where you can ex plic itly con trol where thevehicle runs.

Ap pli ca tion of Loads to the Influence Surface

The max i mum and min i mum val ues of a re sponse quan tity are com puted us ing thecor re spond ing in flu ence line or sur face. Con cen trated loads are mul ti plied by thein flu ence value at the point of ap pli ca tion to ob tain the cor re spond ing re sponse;dis trib uted loads are mul ti plied by the in flu ence val ues and in te grated over thelength and width of ap pli ca tion.

By de fault, each con cen trated or dis trib uted load is con sid ered to rep re sent a rangeof val ues from zero up to a spec i fied max i mum. When com put ing a re sponse quan -tity (force or dis place ment) the max i mum value of load is used where it in creasesthe se ver ity of the re sponse, and zero is used where the load would have a re liev ing

416 Vehicle Live Loads

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ef fect. Thus the spec i fied load val ues for a given Ve hi cle may not al ways be ap -plied pro por tion ally. This is a con ser va tive ap proach that ac counts for Ve hi clesthat are not fully loaded. Thus the max i mum re sponse is al ways pos i tive (or zero);the min i mum re sponse is al ways neg a tive (or zero).

You may over ride this con ser va tive be hav ior as dis cussed in the next Subtopic,“Op tion to Al low Re duced Re sponse Se ver ity”.

By way of ex am ple, con sider the in flu ence line for the mo ment at the cen ter of theleft span shown in Figure 75(b) (page 414). Any axle load or por tion of a dis trib -uted load that acts on the left span would con trib ute only to the pos i tive max i mumvalue of the mo ment re sponse. Loads act ing on the right span would not de creasethis max i mum, but would con trib ute to the neg a tive min i mum value of this mo ment re sponse.

Option to Allow Re duced Response Severity

You have the op tion to al low loads to re duce the se ver ity of the re sponse. If youchoose this op tion, all con cen trated and uni form loads will be ap plied at full valueon the en tire in flu ence sur face, re gard less of whether or not that load re duces these ver ity of the re sponse. This is less con ser va tive than the de fault method of loadap pli ca tion. The use of this op tion may be use ful for rout ing spe cial ve hi cles whose loads are well known. How ever, for no tional loads that rep re sent a dis tri bu tion oren ve lope of un known ve hi cle load ings, the de fault method may be more ap pro pri -ate.

Width Effects

Fixed-width loads will be moved trans versely across the width of a Lane for max i -mum ef fect if the Lane is wider than the load. If the Lane is nar rower than the load,the load will be cen tered on the Lane and its width re duced to be equal to that of theLane, keep ing the to tal mag ni tude of the load un changed.

The load at each lon gi tu di nal lo ca tion in the ve hi cle is in de pend ently moved acrossthe width of the Lane. This means that the front, back, and mid dle of the ve hi clemay not oc cupy the same trans verse lo ca tion in the lane when placed for max i mumef fect.

Ap pli ca tion of Loads in Multi-Step Analysis

Ve hi cles can be moved in a multi-step anal y sis. This can use ei ther Multi-StepStatic Anal y sis Cases or Time-His tory Anal y sis Cases, the lat ter of which can belin ear or non lin ear.

Vehicle Live Loads 417

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In flu ence sur faces are not used for this type of anal y sis. Rather, SAP2000 cre atesmany in ter nal load cases rep re sent ing dif fer ent po si tions of the ve hi cles along thelength of the lanes.

Only axle loads are con sid ered; the uni form loads are not ap plied. In the case of avari able axle spac ing, the min i mum dis tance is used. The trans verse dis tri bu tion ofthe axle loads is con sid ered. The ve hi cle is moved lon gi tu di nally along the cen ter -line of the lane; it is not moved trans versely within the lane. To con sider dif fer enttrans verse po si tions, you can de fine ad di tional lanes.

The full mag ni tude of the loads are ap plied, re gard less of whether they in crease orde crease the se ver ity of the re sponse. Each step in the anal y sis cor re sponds to a spe -cific po si tion of each ve hi cle act ing in its lane. All re sponse at that step is fully cor -re lated.

General Vehicle

The gen eral Ve hi cle may rep re sent an ac tual ve hi cle or a no tional ve hi cle used by ade sign code. Most trucks and trains can be mod eled by the SAP2000 gen eral Ve hi -cle.

The gen eral Ve hi cle con sists of n ax les with speci fied dis tances be tween them.Con cen trated loads may ex ist at the ax les. Uni form loads may ex ist be tween pairsof ax les, in front of the first axle, and be hind the last axle. The dis tance be tween any one pair of ax les may vary over a speci fied range; the other dis tances are fixed. Thelead ing and trail ing uni form loads are of in fi nite ex tent. Ad di tional “float ing” con -cen trated loads may be speci fied that are in de pend ent of the po si tion of the ax les.

By de fault for in flu ence sur face anal y sis, ap plied loads never de crease the se ver ityof the com puted re sponse, so the ef fect of a shorter Ve hi cle is cap tured by a lon gerVe hi cle that in cludes the same loads and spac ings as the shorter Ve hi cle. Only thelon ger Ve hi cle need be con sid ered in such cases.

If you choose the option to allow loads to re duce the se ver ity of re sponse, then youmust con sider the shorter and lon ger ve hi cles, if they both ap ply. This is also truefor step-by-step anal y sis.

418 General Vehicle

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To de fine a Ve hi cle, you may spec ify:

• n–1 posi tive dis tances, d, be tween the pairs of ax les; one inter- axle dis tance

may be speci fied as a range from dmin to dmax, where 0 < dmin £ dmax, anddmax = 0 can be used to rep re sent a maxi mum dis tance of in fin ity

• n con cen trated loads, p, at the ax les, in clud ing the trans verse load dis tri bu tionfor each

• n+1 uni form loads, w: the lead ing load, the inter-axle loads, and the trail ingload, in clud ing the trans verse load dis tri bu tion for each

• Float ing axle loads:

– Load pm for su per struc ture mo ments, in clud ing its trans verse distribution.You may spec ify whether or not to dou ble this load for neg a tive su per -struc ture mo ments over the sup ports, as de scribed be low

– Load pxm for all re sponse quan ti ties ex cept su per struc ture mo ments, in -clud ing its trans verse dis tri bu tion

• Whether or not this Ve hi cle is to be used for calculating:

– “Nega tive” su per struc ture mo ments over the sup ports

– Re ac tion forces at in te rior sup ports

– Re sponse quan ti ties other than the two types above

• Min i mum dis tances be tween the axle loads and the edges of the lane; by de fault these dis tances are zero

• Whether or not the ve hi cle must re main fully within the length of lane

• Whether or not to au to mat i cally re duce the mag ni tude of the uni form loadsbased on the loaded length of the lane ac cord ing to the Brit ish code

The number of ax les, n, may be zero, in which case only a sin gle uni form load andthe float ing con cen trated loads can be speci fied.

These pa rame ters are il lus trated in Figure 76 (page 420). Some specific ex am plesare given in Topic “Stan dard Vehicles” (page 423). Ad di tional de tail is pro vided inthe fol low ing.

Moving the Vehicle

When a Ve hi cle is ap plied to a traf fic Lane, the ax les are moved along the length ofthe lane to where the maxi mum and mini mum val ues are pro duced for every re —

General Vehicle 419

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sponse quan tity in every ele ment. Usu ally this lo ca tion will be dif fer ent for each re -sponse quan tity. For asym met ric (front to back) Ve hi cles, both di rec tions of travelare con sid ered.

Vehicle Response Components

Cer tain fea tures of the AASHTO H, HS, and HL ve hic u lar live loads (AASHTO,2004) ap ply only to cer tain types of bridge re sponse, such as neg a tive mo ment in

420 Vehicle Response Components

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¥ d2 d3 dn ¥


pm pxm







(1) All loads are point loads or uniform line loads acting on the Lane center line

(2) Any of the point loads or uniform line loads may be zero

(3) The number of axles, n, may be zero or more

(4) One of the inter-axle spacings, d through d , may vary over a specified range2 n

(5) The locations of loads pm and pxm are arbitrary

Figure 76General Vehicle Definition

Page 441: Sap 2000 Reference Manual

the su per struc ture or the re ac tions at in te rior sup ports. SAP2000 uses the con ceptof ve hi cle re sponse com po nents to iden tify these re sponse quan ti ties. You se lectthe ob jects that need spe cial treat ment, and as sign the ap pro pri ate ve hi cle re sponsecom po nents to them.

The dif fer ent types of avail able ve hi cle re sponse com po nents are de scribed in thefol low ing subtopics.

Su per struc ture (Span) Mo ment

For AASHTO H and HS “Lane” loads, the float ing axle load pm is used for cal cu -lat ing the su per struc ture mo ment. How this mo ment is rep re sented de pends on thetype of model used. For all other types of re sponse, the float ing axle load pxm isused.

The gen eral pro ce dure is to se lect the el e ments rep re sent ing the su per struc ture andas sign ve hi cle response components “H and HS Lane Loads – Su per struc ture Mo -ment” to the de sired re sponse quan ti ties, as de scribed next.

For a spine (spline) model where the su per struc ture is mod eled as a line of frame el -e ments, su per struc ture mo ment cor re sponds to frame mo ment M3 for el e mentswhere the lo cal-2 axis is in the ver ti cal plane (the de fault.) Thus you would se lectall frame el e ments rep re sent ing the su per struc ture and as sign the ve hi cle re sponsecom po nents to M3, in di cat ing to “Use All Val ues” (i.e., pos i tive and neg a tive.)Load pm will be used for com put ing M3 of these el e ments.

For a full-shell model of the su per struc ture, su per struc ture mo ment cor re sponds tolon gi tu di nal stresses or mem brane forces in the shell el e ments. As sum ing the lo -cal-1 axes of the shell el e ments are ori ented along the lon gi tu di nal di rec tion of thebridge, you would se lect all shell el e ments rep re sent ing the su per struc ture and as -sign the ve hi cle re sponse com po nents to S11 and/or F11, in di cat ing to “Use AllVal ues” (i.e., pos i tive and neg a tive.) You could also make this same as sign ment toshell mo ments M11. Load pm will be used for com put ing any com po nents youhave so as signed.

Negative Su per struc ture (Span) Mo ment

For AASHTO H and HS “Lane” loads, the float ing axle load pm is ap plied in twoad ja cent spans for cal cu lat ing the neg a tive su per struc ture mo ment over thesupports. Sim i larly, for AASHTO HL loads, a spe cial dou ble-truck ve hi cle is usedfor cal cu lat ing neg a tive su per struc ture mo ment over in te rior sup ports. Neg a tivemo ment here means a mo ment that causes ten sion in the top of the su per struc ture,

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even if the sign of the SAP2000 response is pos i tive due to a par tic u lar choice of lo -cal axes.

The pro ce dure for dif fer ent types of struc tures is very sim i lar to that de scribedabove for su per struc ture mo ment: se lect the el e ments rep re sent ing the su per struc -ture, but now as sign ve hi cle re sponse com po nents “H, HS and HL Lane Loads –Su per struc ture Neg a tive Mo ment over Supports” to the de sired re sponse quan ti -ties. How ever, we have to de cide how to han dle the sign.

There are two gen eral ap proaches. Let’s con sider the case of the spine model withframe mo ment M3 rep re sent ing su per struc ture mo ment:

(1) You can se lect the en tire su per struc ture, and as sign the ve hi cle re sponse com -po nents to M3, in di cat ing to “Use Neg a tive Val ues”. Only neg a tive val ues ofM3 will be com puted us ing the dou ble pm or dou ble-truck load.

(2) You can se lect only that part of the su per struc ture within a pre-de ter mined neg -a tive-mo ment re gion, such as be tween the in flec tion points un der dead load.As sign the ve hi cle re sponse com po nents to M3, in di cat ing to “Use Neg a tiveVal ues” or “Use All Val ues.”

The first ap proach may be slightly more con ser va tive, giv ing neg a tive mo mentsover a larger re gion. However, it does not re quire you to determine a neg a tive-mo -ment re gion.

The sit u a tion with the shell model is more com pli cated, since neg a tive mo mentscor re spond to pos i tive mem brane forces and stresses at the top of the su per struc -ture, neg a tive val ues at the bot tom of the su per struc ture, and chang ing sign in be -tween. For this rea son, ap proach (2) above may be better: de ter mine a neg a tive-mo -ment re gion, then as sign the ve hi cle re sponse com po nents to the de sired shellstresses, mem brane forces, and/or mo ments, in di cat ing to “Use All Val ues.” Thisavoids the prob lem of sign where it changes through the depth.

Reactions at Interior Supports

For AASHTO HL loads, a spe cial dou ble-truck ve hi cle is used for cal cu lat ing there ac tions at in te rior sup ports. It is up to you to de ter mine what re sponse com po -nents you want to be com puted for this pur pose. Choices could in clude:

• Ver ti cal up ward re ac tions, or all re ac tions, for springs and re straints at the baseof the col umns

• Com pres sive ax ial force, or all forces and mo ments, in the col umns

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• Compressive ax ial force, or all forces and mo ments, in link el e ments rep re sent -ing bear ings

• Bend ing mo ments in out rig gers at the col umns

The pro ce dure is as above for su per struc ture mo ment. Se lect the el e ments rep re -sent ing the in te rior sup ports and as sign the ve hi cle re sponse com po nents “HL – Re -ac tions at Interior Sup ports” to the de sired re sponse quan ti ties. Care fully de cidewhether you want to use all val ues, or only neg a tive or pos i tive val ues. You willhave to re peat this pro cess for each type of el e ment that is part of the in te rior sup -ports: joints, frames, links, shells, and/or sol ids.

Standard Vehicles

There are many stan dard ve hi cles avail able in SAP2000 to rep re sent ve hicu lar liveloads speci fied in vari ous de sign codes. More are be ing added all the time. A fewex am ples are pro vided here for illustrative pur poses. Only the lon gi tu di nal dis tri -bu tion of load ing is shown in the figures. Please see the graph i cal user in ter face forall avail able types and fur ther information.

Hn-44 and HSn-44

Ve hi cles speci fied with type = Hn-44 and type = HSn-44 rep re sent the AASHTOstan dard H and HS Truck Loads, re spec tively. The n in the type is an in te ger scalefac tor that speci fies the nomi nal weight of the Ve hi cle in tons. Thus H15- 44 is anomi nal 15 ton H Truck Load, and HS20- 44 is a nomi nal 20 ton HS Truck Load.These Ve hi cles are il lus trated in Figure 77 (page 424).

The ef fect of an H Ve hi cle is in cluded in an HS Ve hi cle of the same nomi nalweight. If you are de sign ing for both H and HS Ve hi cles, only the HS Ve hi cle isneeded.

Hn-44L and HSn-44L

Ve hi cles speci fied with type = Hn-44L and type = HSn-44L rep re sent theAASHTO stan dard H and HS Lane Loads, re spec tively. The n in the type is an in -te ger scale fac tor that speci fies the nomi nal weight of the Ve hi cle in tons. ThusH15- 44 is a nomi nal 15 ton H Lane Load, and HS20- 44 is a nomi nal 20 ton HSLane Load. These Ve hi cles are il lus trated in Figure 77 (page 424). The Hn-44L and HSn-44L Ve hi cles are iden ti cal.

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424 Standard Vehicles

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14′ to 30′



8 k

8 k

32 k

32 k

32 k

0.640 k/ft

18 k

26 k

H20-44L and HS20-44L Lane Loads

HS20-44 Truck Load

H20-44 Truck Load

Figure 77AASHTO Standard H and HS Vehicles

Page 445: Sap 2000 Reference Manual


Ve hi cles speci fied with type = AML rep re sent the AASHTO stan dard Al ter nateMili tary Load. This Ve hi cle con sists of two 24 kip ax les spaced 4 ft apart.

HL-93K, HL-93M and HL-93S

Ve hi cles speci fied with type = HL- 93K rep re sent the AASHTO stan dard HL- 93Load con sist ing of the code- specified de sign truck and the de sign lane load.

Ve hi cles speci fied with type = HL- 93M rep re sent the AASHTO stan dard HL- 93Load con sist ing of the code- specified de sign tan dem and the de sign lane load.

Ve hi cles speci fied with type = HL- 93S rep re sent the AASHTO stan dard HL- 93Load con sist ing of two code- specified de sign trucks and the de sign lane load, allscaled by 90%. The axle spac ing for each truck is fixed at 14 ft. The spac ing be -tween the rear axle of the lead truck and the lead axle of the rear truck var ies from50 ft to the length of the Lane. This ve hi cle is only used for nega tive su per struc turemo ment over sup ports and re ac tions at in te rior sup ports. The re sponse will be zerofor all re sponse quan ti ties that do not have the ap pro pri ately as signed ve hi cle re -sponse com po nents.

A dy namic load al low ance may be speci fied for each Ve hi cle us ing the pa rame terim. This is the ad di tive per cent age by which the con cen trated truck or tan dem axleloads will be in creased. The uni form lane load is not af fected. Thus if im = 33, allcon cen trated axle loads for the ve hi cle will be mul ti plied by the fac tor 1.33.

These Ve hi cles are il lus trated in Figure 78 (page 426) for im = 0.

P5, P7, P9, P11, and P13

Ve hi cles speci fied with type = P5, type = P7, type = P9, type = P11, and type =P13 rep re sent the Cal trans stan dard Per mit Loads. These Ve hi cles are il lus trated inFigure 79 (page 427).

The ef fect of a shorter Cal trans Per mit Load is in cluded in any of the longer Per mitLoads. If you are de sign ing for all of these per mit loads, only the P13 Ve hi cle isneeded.

Cooper E 80

Ve hi cles speci fied with type = CO OP ERE80 rep re sent the AREA stan dard Coo per E 80 train load. This Ve hi cle is il lus trated in Figure 80 (page 429).

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426 Standard Vehicles

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14′ to 30′

50′ to ¥ 14′ 14′ ¥



7.2 k 7.2 k

8 k

28.8 k 28.8 k 28.8 k 28.8 k

32 k

25 k 25 k

32 k

HL-93S Truck and Lane Load for Negative Moment and Reactions at Interior Piers

HL-93K Truck and Lane Load

HL-93M Tandem and Lane Load

0.576 k/ft

0.640 k/ft

0.640 k/ft

Note: All point loads will be increased by the dynamic load allowance, im, expressed as a percentage

Figure 78AASHTO Standard HL Vehicles

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Standard Vehicles 427

Chapter XXVI Bridge Analysis





















26 k

26 k

26 k

26 k

26 k

48 k

48 k

48 k

48 k

48 k

48 k

48 k

48 k

48 k

48 k

48 k

48 k

48 k

48 k

48 k

48 k

48 k

48 k

48 k

48 k

P11 Permit Load

P13 Permit Load

P9 Permit Load

P7 Permit Load

P5 Permit Load

Figure 79Caltrans Standard Permit Vehicles

Page 448: Sap 2000 Reference Manual


Ve hi cles speci fied with type = UICn rep re sent the Euro pean UIC (or Brit ish RU)train load. The n in the type is an in te ger scale fac tor that speci fies mag ni tude of the uni form load in kN/m. Thus UIC80 is the full UIC load with an 80 kN/m uni formload, and UIC60 is the UIC load with an 60 kN/m uni form load. The con cen tratedloads are not af fected by n.

This Ve hi cle is il lus trated in Figure 80 (page 429).


Ve hi cles speci fied with type = RL rep re sent the Brit ish RL train load. This Ve hi cleis il lus trated in Figure 80 (page 429).

Vehicle Classes

The de signer is of ten in ter ested in the maxi mum and mini mum re sponse of thebridge to the most ex treme of sev eral types of Ve hi cles rather than the ef fect of thein di vid ual Ve hi cles. For this pur pose, Ve hi cle Classes are de fined that may in cludeany number of in di vid ual Ve hi cles. The maxi mum and mini mum force and dis -place ment re sponse quan ti ties for a Ve hi cle Class will be the maxi mum and mini -mum val ues ob tained for any in di vid ual Ve hi cle in that Class. Only one Ve hi cleever acts at a time.

For in flu ence-based anal y ses, all Ve hi cle loads are ap plied to the traf fic Lanesthrough the use of Ve hi cle Classes. If it is de sired to ap ply an in di vid ual Ve hi cleload, you must de fine a Ve hi cle Class that con tains only that sin gle Ve hi cle. Forstep-by-step anal y sis, Ve hi cle loads are ap plied di rectly with out the use of Classes,since no en vel op ing is performed.

For ex am ple, the you may need to con sider the most se vere of a Truck Load and thecor re spond ing Lane Load, say the HS20- 44 and HS20- 44L loads. A Ve hi cle Classcan be de fined to con tain these two Ve hi cles. Ad di tional Ve hi cles, such as the Al -ter nate Mili tary Load type AML, could be in cluded in the Class as ap pro pri ate. Dif -fer ent mem bers of the Class may cause the most se vere re sponse at dif fer ent lo ca -tions in the struc ture.

For HL- 93 load ing, you would first de fine three Ve hi cles, one each of the stan dardtypes HL- 93K, HL- 93M, and HL- 93S. You then could de fine a sin gle Ve hi cleClass con tain ing all three Ve hi cles.

428 Vehicle Classes

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Vehicle Classes 429

Chapter XXVI Bridge Analysis

40 k

250 kN 250 kN

200 kN

250 kN 250 kN

4 @ 80 k

4 @ 52 k 4 @ 52 k

4 @ 80 k

40 k

8 k/ft

80 kN/m80 kN/m

25 kN/m50 kN/m

25 kN/m

Cooper E 80 Train Load

UIC80 Train Load

RL Train Load

5′ 5′ 5′ 9′ 5′ 6′ 5′ 8′ 8′ 5′ 5′ 5′ 9′ 5′ 6′ 5′ 5′ ¥






0.8 m 1.6 m 1.6 m

100 m

1.6 m 0.8 m


Figure 80Standard Train Vehicles

Page 450: Sap 2000 Reference Manual

Moving Load Analysis Cases

The fi nal step in the defi ni tion of the in flu ence-based ve hi cle live load ing is the ap -pli ca tion of the Ve hi cle Classes to the traf fic Lanes. This is done by cre at ing in de -pend ent Moving-Load Anal y sis Cases.

A Moving Load Case is a type of Anal y sis Case. Un like most other Anal y sis Cases, you can not ap ply Load Cases in a Moving Load case. In stead, each Moving Loadcase con sists of a set of as sign ments that spec ify how the Classes are as signed to the Lanes.

Each as sign ment in a Mov ing Load case re quires the fol low ing data:

• A Ve hi cle Class, class

• A scale fac tor, sf, mul ti ply ing the ef fect of class (the de fault is unity)

• A list, lanes, of one or more Lanes in which class may act (the de fault is allLanes)

• The mini mum number, lmin, of Lanes lanes in which class must act (the de -fault is zero)

• The maxi mum number, lmax, of Lanes lanes in which class may act (the de -fault is all of lanes)

The pro gram looks at all of the as sign ments in a Mov ing Load case, and tries everypos si ble per mu ta tion of load ing the traf fic Lanes with Ve hi cle Classes that is per -mit ted by the as sign ments. No Lane is ever loaded by more than one Class at a time.

You may spec ify multiple- lane scale fac tors, rf1, rf2, rf3, …, for each Mov ingLoad case that mul ti ply the ef fect of each per mu ta tion de pend ing upon the numberof loaded Lanes. For ex am ple, the ef fect of a per mu ta tion that loads two Lanes ismul ti plied by rf2.

The maxi mum and mini mum re sponse quan ti ties for a Mov ing Load case will bethe maxi mum and mini mum val ues ob tained for any per mu ta tion per mit ted by theas sign ments. Usu ally the per mu ta tion pro duc ing the most se vere re sponse will bedif fer ent for dif fer ent re sponse quan ti ties.

The con cepts of as sign ment can be clari fied with the help of the fol low ing ex am -ples.

430 Moving Load Analysis Cases

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Example 1 — AASHTO HS Loading

Con sider a four- lane bridge de signed to carry AASHTO HS20- 44 Truck and LaneLoads, and the Al ter nate Mili tary Load (AASHTO, 1996). Sup pose that it is re -quired that the number of Lanes loaded be that which pro duces the most se vere re -sponse in every mem ber. Only one of the three Ve hi cle loads is al lowed per lane.Load in ten si ties may be re duced by 10% and 25% when three or four Lanes areloaded, re spec tively.

Gen er ally, load ing all of the Lanes will pro duce the most se vere mo ments andshears along the span and ax ial forces in the piers. How ever, the most se vere tor sion of the bridge deck and trans verse bend ing of the piers will usu ally be pro duced byload ing only those Lanes pos sess ing ec cen trici ties of the same sign.

As sume that the bridge struc ture and traf fic Lanes have been de fined. Three Ve hi -cles are de fined:

• name = HSK, type = HS20- 44

• name = HSL, type = HS20- 44L

• name = AML, type = AML

where name is an ar bi trary la bel as signed to each Ve hi cle. The three Ve hi cles areas signed to a sin gle Ve hi cle Class, with an ar bi trary la bel of name = HS, so that themost se vere of these three Ve hi cle loads will be used for every situa tion.

A sin gle Mov ing Load case is then de fined that seeks the maxi mum and mini mumre sponses through out the struc ture for the most se vere of load ing all four Lanes,any three Lanes, any two Lanes or any sin gle Lane. This can be ac com plished us ing a sin gle as sign ment. The pa rame ters for the as sign ment are:

• class = HS

• sf = 1

• lanes = 1, 2, 3, 4

• lmin = 1

• lmax = 4

The scale fac tors for the load ing of mul ti ple Lanes in the set of as sign ments are rf1= 1, rf2 = 1, rf3 = 0.9, and rf4 = 0.75.

There are fif teen pos si ble per mu ta tions as sign ing the sin gle Ve hi cle Class HS toany one, two, three, or four Lanes. These are pre sented in the fol low ing ta ble:

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Permutation Lane 1 Lane 2 Lane 3 Lane 4 Scale Factor

1 HS 1.00

2 HS 1.00

3 HS 1.00

4 HS 1.00

5 HS HS 1.00

6 HS HS 1.00

7 HS HS 1.00

8 HS HS 1.00

9 HS HS 1.00

10 HS HS 1.00

11 HS HS HS 0.90

12 HS HS HS 0.90

13 HS HS HS 0.90

14 HS HS HS 0.90

15 HS HS HS HS 0.75

An “HS” in a Lane col umn of this ta ble in di cates ap pli ca tion of Class HS; a blankin di cates that the Lane is un loaded. The scale fac tor for each per mu ta tion is de ter -mined by the number of Lanes loaded.

Example 2 — AASHTO HL Loading

Con sider a four- lane bridge de signed to carry AASHTO HL- 93 load ing(AASHTO, 2004). The ap proach is the same as used for AASHTO HS load ing inthe pre vi ous ex am ple. Only the multiple- lane scale fac tors and the Ve hi cles dif fer.

Three Ve hi cles are de fined:

• name = HLK, type = HL- 93K

• name = HLM, type = HL- 93M

• name = HLS, type = HL- 93S

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where name is an ar bi trary la bel as signed to each Ve hi cle.

The three Ve hi cles are as signed to a sin gle Ve hi cle Class, with an ar bi trary la bel ofname = HL, so that the most se vere of these three Ve hi cle loads will be used forevery situa tion. By defi ni tion of the stan dard Ve hi cle type HL- 93S, Ve hi cle HLSwill only be used when com put ing nega tive mo ments over sup ports or the re ac tionat in te rior piers. The other two Ve hi cles will be con sid ered for all re sponse quan ti -ties.

A sin gle Mov ing Load case is then de fined that is iden ti cal to that of the pre vi ousex am ple, ex cept that class = HL, and the scale fac tors for mul ti ple Lanes are rf1 =1.2, rf2 = 1, rf3 = 0.85, and rf4 = 0.65.

There are again fif teen pos si ble per mu ta tions as sign ing the sin gle Ve hi cle ClassHL to any one, two, three, or four Lanes. These are simi lar to the per mu ta tions ofthe pre vi ous ex am ple, with the scale fac tors changed as ap pro pri ate.

Example 3 — Caltrans Permit Loading

Con sider the four- lane bridge of the pre vi ous ex am ples now sub ject to Cal transCom bi na tion Group IPW (Cal trans, 1995). Here the per mit load(s) are to be usedalone in a sin gle traf fic Lane, or in com bi na tion with one HS or Al ter nate Mili taryLoad in a sepa rate traf fic lane, de pend ing upon which is more se vere.

Four Ve hi cles are de fined:

• name = HSK, type = HS20- 44

• name = HSL, type = HS20- 44L

• name = AML, type = AML

• name = P13, type = P13

where name is an ar bi trary la bel as signed to each Ve hi cle.

The first three Ve hi cles are as signed to a Ve hi cle Class that is given the la bel name= HS, as in Ex am ple 1. The last Ve hi cle is as signed as the only mem ber of a Ve hi cle Class that is given the la bel name = P13. Note that the ef fects of SAP2000 Ve hi cletypes P5, P7, P9, and P11 are cap tured by Ve hi cle type P13.

Com bi na tion Group IPW is then rep re sented as a sin gle Mov ing Load case con sist -ing of the as sign ment of Class P13 to any sin gle Lane with or with out Class HS be -ing as signed to any other sin gle Lane. This can be ac com plished us ing two as sign -ments. A scale fac tor of unity is used re gard less of the number of loaded Lanes.

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The first as sign ment as signs Class P13 to any sin gle Lane:

• class = P13

• sf = 1

• lanes = 1, 2, 3, 4

• lmin = 1

• lmax = 1

The sec ond as sign ment as signs Class HS to any sin gle Lane, or to no Lane at all:

• class = HS

• sf = 1

• lanes = 1, 2, 3, 4

• lmin = 0

• lmax = 1

There are six teen pos si ble per mu ta tions for these two as sign ments such that noLane is loaded by more than one Class at a time. These are pre sented in the fol low -ing ta ble:

Permutation Lane 1 Lane 2 Lane 3 Lane 4 Scale Factor

1 P 1.00

2 P HS 1.00

3 P HS 1.00

4 P HS 1.00

5 HS P 1.00

6 P 1.00

7 P HS 1.00

8 P HS 1.00

9 HS P 1.00

10 HS P 1.00

11 P 1.00

434 Moving Load Analysis Cases

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Permutation Lane 1 Lane 2 Lane 3 Lane 4 Scale Factor

12 P HS 1.00

13 HS P 1.00

14 HS P 1.00

15 HS P 1.00

16 P 1.00

Example 4 — Restricted Caltrans Permit Loading

Con sider the four- Lane bridge and the Cal trans per mit load ing of Ex am ple 3, butsub ject to the fol low ing re stric tions:

• The per mit Ve hi cle is only al lowed in Lane 1 or Lane 4

• The Lane ad ja cent to the Lane oc cu pied by the per mit Ve hi cle must be empty

Two Mov ing Load cases are re quired, each con tain ing two as sign ments. A scalefac tor of unity is used re gard less of the number of loaded Lanes.

The first Mov ing Load case con sid ers the case where the per mit Ve hi cle oc cu piesLane 1. The first as sign ment as signs Class P13 to Lane 1

• class = P13

• sf = 1

• lanes = 1

• lmin = 1

• lmax = 1

The sec ond as sign ment as signs Class HS to ei ther Lane 3 or 4, or to no Lane at all:

• class = HS

• sf = 1

• lanes = 3, 4

• lmin = 0

• lmax = 1

These as sign ments per mits the fol low ing three per mu ta tions:

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Permutation Lane 1 Lane 2 Lane 3 Lane 4 Scale Factor

1 P 1.00

2 P HS 1.00

3 P HS 1.00

Simi larly, the sec ond Mov ing Load case con sid ers the case where the per mit Ve hi -cle oc cu pies Lane 4. The first as sign ment as signs Class P13 to Lane 4

• class = P13

• sf = 1

• lanes = 4

• lmin = 1

• lmax = 1

The sec ond as sign ment as signs Class HS to ei ther Lane 1 or 2, or to no Lane at all:

• class = HS

• sf = 1

• lanes = 1, 2

• lmin = 0

• lmax = 1

These as sign ments per mits the fol low ing three per mu ta tions:

Permutation Lane 1 Lane 2 Lane 3 Lane 4 Scale Factor

1 P 1.00

2 HS P 1.00

3 HS P 1.00

An envelope- type Combo that in cludes only these two Mov ing Load cases wouldpro duce the most se vere re sponse for the six per mu ta tions above.

See Topic “Com bi na tions (Combos)” (page 297) in Chap ter “Anal y sis Cases” formore in for ma tion.

436 Moving Load Analysis Cases

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Moving Load Response Control

Sev eral pa ram e ters are avail able for con trol ling in flu ence-based Mov ing-LoadAnal y sis Cases. These have no ef fect on step-by-step anal y sis.

Bridge Re sponse Groups

By de fault, no Mov ing Load re sponse is cal cu lated for any joint or ele ment, sincethis cal cu la tion is com pu ta tion ally in ten sive. You must ex plic itly re quest the Mov -ing Load re sponse that you want cal cu lated.

For each of the fol low ing types of re sponse, you may re quest a Group of el e mentsfor which the re sponse should be cal cu lated:

• Joint displacements

• Joint re ac tions

• Frame forces and mo ments

• Shell stresses

• Shell re sul tant forces and mo ments

• Plane stresses

• Solid stresses

• Link/sup port forces and de for ma tions

If the dis place ments, re ac tions, spring forces, or in ter nal forces are not cal cu latedfor a given joint or Frame ele ment, no Mov ing Load re sponse can be printed orplot ted for that joint or ele ment. Like wise, no re sponse can be printed or plot ted forany Combo that con tains a Mov ing Load case.

Ad di tional con trol is avail able as de scribed in the fol low ing subtopics.


For each maxi mum or mini mum Frame- element re sponse quan tity com puted, thecor re spond ing val ues for the other five in ter nal force and mo ment com po nents may be de ter mined. For ex am ple, the shear, mo ment, and torque that oc cur at the sametime as the maxi mum ax ial force in a Frame ele ment may be com puted.

Sim i larly, cor re spond ing dis place ments, stresses, forces and mo ments can be com -puted for any re sponse quan tity of any el e ment type. Only the cor re spond ing val ues

Moving Load Response Control 437

Chapter XXVI Bridge Analysis

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for each joint or el e ment are com puted. If you want to see the full cor re spond ingstate of the struc ture, you must use step-by-step anal y sis.

By de fault, no cor re spond ing quan ti ties are com puted since this sig nifi cantly in -creases the com pu ta tion time for moving- load re sponse.

Influence Line Tolerance

SAP2000 sim pli fies the in flu ence lines used for re sponse cal cu la tion in or der to in -crease ef fi ciency. A rel a tive tol er ance is used to re duce the num ber of load pointsby re mov ing those that are ap prox i mately du pli cated or that can be ap prox i matelylin early-in ter po lated. The de fault value of this tol er ance per mits re sponse er rors onthe or der of 0.01%. Set ting the tol er ance to zero will pro vide ex act re sults to withinthe res o lu tion of the anal y sis.

Exact and Quick Response Calculation

For the pur pose of mov ing a Ve hi cle along a lane, each axle is placed on ev ery loadpoint in turn. When an other axle falls be tween two load points, the ef fect of thataxle is de ter mined by lin ear in ter po la tion of the in flu ence val ues. The ef fect of uni -form loads is com puted by in te grat ing the lin early-in ter po lated seg ments of the in -flu ence line. This method is ex act to within the res o lu tion of the anal y sis, but iscomputationally in ten sive if there are many load points.

A “Quick” method is avail able which may be much faster than the usual “Ex act”method, but it may also be less ac cu rate. The Quick method ap prox i mates the in flu -ence line by us ing a lim ited num ber of load points in each “span.” For pur poses ofthis dis cus sion, a span is con sid ered to be a re gion where the in flu ence line is allpos i tive or all neg a tive.

The de gree of ap prox i ma tion to be used is spec i fied by the pa ram e ter quick, whichmay be any non-neg a tive in te ger. The de fault value is quick = 0, which in di cates touse the full in flu ence line, i.e., the Ex act method.

Pos i tive val ues in di cate in creas ing de grees of re fine ment for the Quick method. For quick = 1, the in flu ence line is sim pli fied by us ing only the max i mum or min i mumvalue in each span, plus the zero points at each end of the span. For quick = 2, anad di tional load point is used on ei ther side of the max i mum/min i mum. Higher de -grees of re fine ment use ad di tional load points. The num ber of points used in a spancan be as many as 2quick+1, but not more than the num ber of load points avail able inthe span for the Ex act method.

438 Moving Load Response Control

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It is strongly rec om mended that quick = 0 be used for all fi nal anal y ses. For pre lim -i nary anal y ses, quick = 1, 2, or 3 is usu ally ad e quate, with quick = 2 of ten pro vid -ing a good bal ance be tween speed and ac cu racy. The ef fect of pa ram e ter quickupon speed and ac cu racy is prob lem-de pend ent, and you should ex per i ment to de -ter mine the best value to use for each dif fer ent model.

Step-By-Step Analysis

Step-by-step anal y sis can con sider any com bi na tion of Ve hi cles op er at ing on theLanes. Multiple Ve hi cles can op er ate si mul ta neously, even in the same Lane if de -sired. You de fine a Load Case of type “Bridge Live,” in which you spec ify one ormore sets of the fol low ing:

• Ve hi cle type

• Lane in which it is trav el ing

• Start ing po si tion in the Lane

• Start ing time

• Ve hi cle speed

• Di rec tion (for ward or back ward, rel a tive to the Lane di rec tion)

You also spec ify a time-step size and the to tal num ber of time steps to be con sid -ered. The to tal du ra tion of load ing is the prod uct of these two. To get a finer spa tialdiscretization of load ing, use smaller time steps, or re duce the speed of the ve hi cles.


This type of Load Case is multi-stepped. It au to mat i cally cre ates a different pat ternof load ing for each time step. At each step, the load ap plied to the struc ture is de ter -mined as fol lows:

• The lon gi tu di nal po si tion of each Vehicle in its Lane at the cur rent time is de -ter mined from its starting po si tion, speed and di rec tion.

• The Vehicle is cen tered trans versely in the Lane.

• Axle loads are ap plied to the bridge deck. Con cen trated ax les loads are ap pliedas spec i fied. Dis trib uted axle loads are con verted to four equiv a lent con cen -trated loads.

• For each in di vid ual con cen trated load, con sis tent joint loads are calculated atthe cor ners of any loaded shell or solid el e ment on the deck. In a spine model, a

Step-By-Step Analysis 439

Chapter XXVI Bridge Analysis

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con cen trated force and ec cen tric mo ment is ap plied to the clos est frame el e -ment rep re sent ing the su per struc ture.

• Vari able axle spac ing, if pres ent, is fixed at the min i mum dis tance.

• Lon gi tu di nally-uni form loads are not con sid ered.

• Float ing axle loads are not con sid ered.

If you wish to con sider dif fer ent axle spac ing, de fine ad di tional Ve hi cles. If youwish to con sider dif fer ent trans verse place ment of the Ve hi cles, de fine ad di tionalLanes.

Static Analysis

When a Load Case of type “Bridge Live” is ap plied in a Multi-Step Static Anal y sisCase, there re sults a sep a rate lin ear static so lu tion step for each time step, start ing at time zero. Each so lu tion is in de pend ent, rep re sent ing the dis place ment and stressstate in the struc ture for the cur rent po si tion of the ve hi cles. You can plot these re -sults in se quence, cre ate a video show ing the move ment of the ve hi cles across thestruc ture along with the re sult ing dis place ments and/or stresses, or en ve lope the re -sults for the Anal y sis Case.

Since the anal y sis is static, the speed of the Ve hi cles has no ef fect on the re sults,other than de ter min ing the change in po si tion from one load step to the next.

Time-His tory Analysis

When a Load Case of type “Bridge Live” is ap plied in a Time-His tory Anal y sisCase, SAP2000 au to mat i cally cre ates a sep a rate time func tion for each load pat ternthat ramps the load up from zero to one over one time step, and back down to zero in the suc ceed ing time step. This is done re gard less of what time func tion you mayspec ify. Thus at any given time within a time step, the ap plied load is a lin ear in ter -po la tion of the load pat tern at the be gin ning and the end of the time step.

Di rect in te gra tion is rec om mended. Modal su per po si tion would re quire a verylarge num ber of modes since the spa tial dis tri bu tion of the load is con stantly chang -ing.

Dy nam i cal ef fects are im por tant in a time-history anal y sis, and dif fer ent re sultsmay be ex pected de pend ing upon the speed of the ve hi cle.

The Time-His tory Anal y sis Case may be lin ear or non lin ear. If you wish to con -sider static nonlinearity, you should per form a quasi-static non lin ear time-his toryanal y sis, i.e., at very slow speed with long time steps. The speed should be slow

440 Step-By-Step Analysis

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enough so that the time it takes to cross a span is sig nif i cantly lon ger than the firstpe riod of the struc ture.

En vel op ing and Com bi na tions

Re sults for each step-by-step Anal y sis Case may be dis played or printed for in di -vid ual steps, or as an en ve lope giv ing the max i mum and min i mum re sponse. Whenin cluded in Com bos, en ve lope re sults will be used.

You can ap prox i mate an in flu ence-based anal y sis by the fol low ing tech nique:

• De fine one or more Load Cases of type Bridge-Live, each of which moves asin gle Ve hi cle in a sin gle Lane in a sin gle di rec tion

• For each Load Case, cre ate a cor re spond ing Multi-Step Static Anal y sis Casethat ap plies only that Load Case

• For each Lane, de fine an en ve lope-type Combo of all Analysis Cases de finedfor that Lane

• De fine a sin gle range-type Combo that in cludes all of the Lane en ve lope-typeCom bos

You can mod ify this pro ce dure as needed for your par tic u lar ap pli ca tion. The im -por tant thing is to be sure that in the fi nal Combo, no Lane is ever loaded by morethan one Ve hi cle at a time, un less that is your in ten tion.

In flu ence-based anal y sis is still more com pre hen sive, since it in cludes dis trib utedloads, trans verse place ment of the Ve hi cles in the Lanes, vari able axle spac ing, andmore ac cu rate place ment of the Ve hi cles for max i mum ef fect.

See Topic “Com bi na tions (Com bos)” (page 297) in Chap ter “Anal y sis Cases” formore in for ma tion.

Computational Considerations

The com pu ta tion of in flu ence lines re quires a mod er ate amount of com puter timeand a large amount of disk stor age com pared with the exe cu tion of other typi calSAP2000 analy ses. The amount of com puter time is ap proxi mately pro por tional toN

2L, where N is the number of struc ture degrees- of- freedom, and L is the number of

load points. The amount of disk stor age re quired is ap proxi mately pro por tional toNL.

Computational Considerations 441

Chapter XXVI Bridge Analysis

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The com pu ta tion of Mov ing Load re sponse may re quire a large amount of com -puter time com pared with the exe cu tion of other typi cal SAP2000 analy ses. Theamount of disk stor age needed (be yond the in flu ence lines) is small.

The com pu ta tion time for Mov ing Load re sponse is pro por tional to the number ofre sponse quan ti ties re quested. The com pu ta tion time for Mov ing Load re sponse isalso di rectly pro por tional to the number of Lanes.

For each Ve hi cle load, the com pu ta tion time is ap proxi mately pro por tional to the

square of the number of ax les. It is also pro por tional to L¢, the ef fec tive number ofload points. Larger val ues of the truck in flu ence tol er ance tend to pro duce smaller

val ues of L¢ com pared to L. The value of L¢ will be dif fer ent for each re sponse quan -tity; it tends to be smaller for struc tures with sim ple spans than with con tinu ousspans.

For step-by-step anal y sis, com pu ta tional time is pri mar ily af fected by the num berof time steps used. Discretization of the Lanes, and the num ber and type of Ve hi cles used has a sec ond ary ef fect.

442 Computational Considerations

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C h a p t e r XXVII


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Page 464: Sap 2000 Reference Manual

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“Evalua tion of a New Quad ri lat eral Thin Plate Bend ing Ele ment,” In ter na -tional Jour nal for Nu meri cal Meth ods in En gi neer ing, Vol. 18, pp.1655–1677.

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R. D. Cook, D. S. Malkus, and M. E. Ple sha, 1989

Con cepts and Ap pli ca tions of Fi nite Ele ment Analy sis, 3rd Edi tion, John Wiley & Sons, New York, N.Y.

R. D. Cook and W. C. Young, 1985

Ad vanced Me chan ics of Ma te ri als, Macmillan, New York, N.Y.


CSI Analysis Reference Manual

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R. K. Dowell, F. S. Seible, and E. L. Wilson, 1998

“Pivot Hysteretic Model for Re in forced Con crete Mem bers,” ACI Struc turalJour nal, Vol. 95, pp. 607–617.

FEMA, 2000

Prestandard and Com men tary for Seis mic Re ha bil i ta tion of Buildings, Pre -pared by the American So ci ety of Civil En gi neers for the Fed eral Emer gencyMan age ment Agency (Re port No. FEMA-356), Wash ing ton, D.C.

A. K. Gupta, 1990

Re sponse Spec trum Method in Seis mic Analy sis and De sign of Struc tures,Black well Sci en tific Pub li ca tions, Cam bridge, Mass.

J. P. Hollings and E. L. Wil son, 1977

3–9 Node Iso para met ric Pla nar or Axi sym met ric Fi nite Ele ment, Re port No.UC SESM 78-3, Di vi sion of Struc tural En gi neer ing and Struc tural Me chan ics,Uni ver sity of Cali for nia, Ber keley.

A. Ibra him be go vic and E. L. Wil son, 1989

“Sim ple Nu meri cal Al go rithms for the Mode Su per po si tion Analy sis of Lin earStruc tural Sys tems with Non-pro por tional Damp ing,” Com put ers and Struc -tures, Vol. 33, No. 2, pp. 523–531.

A. Ibra him be go vic and E. L. Wil son, 1991

“A Uni fied For mu la tion for Tri an gu lar and Quad ri lat eral Flat Shell Fi nite El e -ments with Six Nodal De grees of Free dom,” Com mu ni ca tions in Ap plied Nu -mer i cal Meth ods, Vol. 7, pp. 1–9.

M. A. Ketchum, 1986

Re dis tri bu tion of Stresses in Seg men tally Erected Pre stressed Con creteBridges, Re port No. UCB/SESM-86/07, De part ment of Civil En gi neer ing,Uni ver sity of Cal i for nia, Berke ley.

N. Makris and J. Zhang, 2000

“Time-do main Viscoelastic Anal y sis of Earth Struc tures,” Earth quake En gi -neer ing and Struc tural Dynamics, Vol. 29, pp. 745–768.


Chapter XXVII References

Page 466: Sap 2000 Reference Manual

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T. Takeda, M. A. Sozen, and N. N. Nielsen, 1970

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Y. K. Wen, 1976

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E. L. Wil son, 1970

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Chapter XXVII References

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“Dy namic Analy sis by Di rect Su per po si tion of Ritz Vec tors,” Earth quake En -gi neer ing and Struc tural Dy nam ics, Vol. 10, pp. 813–823.

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The Fi nite Ele ment Method, 4th Edi tion, Vol. 1, McGraw- Hill, Lon don.

O. C. Zi en kiewicz and R. L. Tay lor, 1991

The Fi nite Ele ment Method, 4th Edi tion, Vol. 2, McGraw- Hill, Lon don.


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TAUCS Ver sion 2.0, No vem ber 29, 2001. Copy right ©) 2001, 2002, 2003 bySivan To ledo, Tel-Aviv Univesity, [email protected]. All Rights Re served.

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Chapter XXVII References

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CSI Analysis Reference Manual




SAP2000: 01 Вводный урок

SAP2000: 01 Вводный урок

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Page 1: SAP 2000 MANUAL


Design of Water Tank using SAP2000 Advertisements

Unit = lb-ft.

New Model

Grid. Cylinder R= 5, θ = 9, z = 5. Along, r = 5.93, θ = 4.5, z = 13. Edit Z last value = 49. Draw beams in 2nd storey.

Edit > Replicate parallel to Z-axis. Z = 13, number = 2.

Draw edge beam in 1st storey.

Select beams.

Edit > replicate parallel to z-axis. Z = 13, No.= 1 For ring beam.

Define > co-ordinate. t = 0, 11.25, 22.5 …………. 360

Draw one element on one grid line. Select it and replicate. Radial along Z-axis. θ = 11.25, No. 31.

Select all beams in this storey.

Select insertion point to center.

Draw single element of area.

Select area.

Assign > Area > Local axis, 5.625,

Select area and replicate 31 No & θ = 11.25

Tz plane select.

Draw walls.

Select walls.

Page 2: SAP 2000 MANUAL

Edit > auto mesh  1-2 = 2,  1-3 = 10


Define > joint pattern, hydropath Define > load cases. Name = hydro water pressure = type

Define frame section. Define B15 x 12, C12 x12

Define > area section. Slab, top slab, wall

Select beams, assign B 15 x 12

Select column assign C12 x 12

Select tank base, assign slab

Select wall


Assign > joint pattern hydropath, C = 1, D = -49

Select > get previous selection

Assign > area load > surface pressure, Load = hydro, face = 5. By joint pattern. Name = hydropath. Multipliers = 62.4

Add to existing load

Select slab. Assign load= 62.4 lb/ft2


Analyze > run analysis, model “DO NOT RUN”

Display > show forces/stresses > hydro. Check it for hoop stress

Design (Design Check & Area of Steel)

Design > concrete frame design > display design combo. UDCON1, UDCON2

Design > concrete frame design > start design/check

Page 3: SAP 2000 MANUAL

Design > concrete frame design > verify all memberance passed

Design > concrete frame design > display design info

Select longitudinal reinforcement. Design slab, top slab, wall by getting AST1, AST2, beams and columns.

Design & Analysis of Stairs Using SAP2000 Advertisements

WD =50 lb/ft2 , WL= 75 lb/ft2

Slab waist = 6”, f’c= 4ksi; fy = 60 ksi


Unit = lb-ft

Model= stair cases o Stair type = type2, o Right level width= 6”, o Storey height = 13”, o Stair projected length = 11.25’ o Opening b/w stairs = 1, o width1=5’, o width2 =6’ o Max mash spacing = 1

Option>preference> concrete frame design ACI-2003

Define> material concrete, modify, f’c =4 ksi, fy=60ksi

Define > area section, modify, name= slab6. Thickness= 6”

Define > load cases, line load

Define > add default combo

Select waist slab

Page 4: SAP 2000 MANUAL

Select > invert selection

Assign > area > local axis, -90°

Select All

Assign > Area load > uniform assign loads

Analysis > analysis option, 3D

Analysis > run analysis; model “Do NOT RUN” Run Now

Display > show forces > area M11, M22 Display > show forces > area AST1, AST2

Design of Slab in SAP2000 Advertisements

Watch Videos on How to design a Flat Slab | One Way Slab | Two Way Slab in SAP2000

WD = 50 LB/ft, WL = 60 lb/ft, F’C = 4 ksi, Fy = 60 ksi, hf = 6″, B15 x 12


Unit kft-F

New model = grid o X = 7, Y = 2, Z = 1; spacing o X = 10, o Y = 25

Option > o Preference o Concrete ACI-2003

Watch Videos on How to design a Flat Slab | One Way Slab | Two Way Slab in SAP2000

Page 5: SAP 2000 MANUAL


Define > Material, o Concrete, modify. o Fy = fys = 60ksi, o f’c = 4ksi

Define > frame section. o Add rectangular, name

B15 * 12. Reinforcement,

o Beam clear cover top = bottom = 2.5”

o Name = slab

Define > Area sections, o Asec 1 modify,o thickness bending =

membrane = 6”.

Define > load cases, add live load.

Define > add default combo check concrete,

o Convert to user check boxes.

Draw > quick draw area, draw the area.

Draw > quick draw frame draw beam, B15 x 12

Select edge paints at both ends


Assign > joint restrained, hinge support.

Select beams

Assign > frame > insertion point, select slab

Page 6: SAP 2000 MANUAL

Select slab

Assign > area load o Uniformly Distributed

Load Analyze > set analysis uses,

o Select Slab

Analyze > run analysis model, o Do No runo Run now

Unit K-is


Display > deformed shape, o Select UDCON2o Drag the mouse over

the slab & find max deflation

Display > show forces stresses o Area UDCON2o Design steel, o Bottom face, o Area/ Select max value

Display > show forces stresses o Area Ast 2o Select max value

Display > show forces stresses o Area too faceo Select max value

Display > show forces stresses o Area Ast 1

Display > concrete frame design

o Select design comboo Select UDCON1,

Page 7: SAP 2000 MANUAL



Design > concrete frame design o Start design/checks

Design > Concrete frame design o Verify all members passed

All members should pass otherwise increase beam size to pass

Design > concrete frame design > display design/np Select longitudinal reinforcement

For beam, for both upper and lower face, select max value & for column select max value and calculate No. of bars

esign & Beam Analysis using SAP2000 Advertisements

Watch Videos on How to design a 2D — 3 Span Beam | 2 Span Beam | Beam in SAP2000

WD = 20 K/ft, WL = 60 k/ft, Fy = 60 Ksi, fi’ = 4 ksi.


Unit = Kft-f

New model = Beam, o span = 2.o Modify x1 =0, o x2=20, o x3 = 45.

Option > Preference o concrete code = ACI 2003.

Watch Videos on How to design a 2D — 3 Span Beam | 2 Span Beam | Beam in SAP2000

Page 8: SAP 2000 MANUAL


Define > Material Create, Modify fy = fys = 60 Ksi, fi’ = 4 ks

Define > Frame sections. o Add rectangular section. o Name = B 15 * 12, o Depth = 15m, o width = 12” Reinforcement, click Beam

bottom. o Clear cover top = Bottom = 2.5”

Define> load cases, add live load.

Define > add default combo. Check concrete & convert to user editable boxes.

Select beams


Assign > frame

Frame section, select B15* 12. Select> get previous select.

Assign > frame load o Distributed. o Load cases = dead, o Load = 0.02.

Select > get previous select

Assign > frame load o Distributed. o Load case = live, o Load= 0.0 6

Analyze > analysis case. x-z plane

Save model.


Page 9: SAP 2000 MANUAL

Analyze > Run analysis.

o Select model, o Click do not run, o Click “Run”.

Design > deformed shape, select DCON2.

Display > show forces/stress. o Select UDCON2, o select F22, it gives such values. o Uncheck fill,o check show values.

Display > show forces/stresses, o select M33. It gives banding moment values.

By clicking right button of mouse on any member, a window opens showing full details of shear, moment & deflation of that member.

Display >show forces/stress o Joints. o Select UDCON2, this gives Joint reaction.

Design of Transmission Tower in SAP2000 Advertisements

D.L = 30K, L.L= 35k, on top most joint in gravity direction Unit = k-ft New model = 3D truss.

Transmission Tower

S. No Elevation Wud in a (H) b (W) 1 0 40 0 02 16 32 0.3 0.33 32 24 0.3 0.34 48 16 0.3 0.35 64 8 1 16 72 8 0 0

Page 10: SAP 2000 MANUAL

7 80 8 0 08 88 8 0 0

Chord = W18 x 35 Braces = W 18 x 35


Define > material, steel, modifying fy = 36 ksi. Fx = 58ksi.

Define > load cases add D.L & in L.L

Self wt =0

Define > add default combo select steel & convert to user check boxes.

Select top most joints.


Assign > Joint loads> forces apply loads.

Select all.

Assign > frame> release/Partial fixity, check M33 both check boxes.


Analyze >select analysis option. Select 3D trauss.

Display > show forces> frames. Select UDSTL2 & axial force. Uncheck fill , check show values, check boxes and view the values on top most and bottom most members

Reponse Spectrum in Seismic Analysis Advertisements

Define > function > response spectrum. Add new function, name = Rs.

Define > analysis cases. Add new function, new = Rsx Analysis case = Response spectrum. Acceleration U1 Rs 32.2

Page 11: SAP 2000 MANUAL

Select Rsx

Add copy

Name Rsy

Acceleration U2 Rs 32.2 Do rest of the work for structure analysis

After Analysis:

Display > show deformed shape. Select model and run animation and change the model.

Time History Analysis SAP2000 Advertisements

Define > o function > time historyo Function type = function from fileo Name = THo Browse & select elcentro. o Values = time and function value, display

Define > Analysis Case o New case name = THx o Analysis case = time historyo Load type = Accel, load name = Uo Function = TH, scale = 32.2 o Select lines, model, transient.

Select THx

Add copy name Thy o Load name = U2o Do rest of the work for structure analysis

After Analysis:

Display > show deformed shape, o Select model, o Start animation and o Change model

Page 12: SAP 2000 MANUAL

2D TRUSSAdvertisements

Watch Videos on How to design a 2D Truss in SAP2000

D.L= 10K, L.L= 20K, FY = 36KSI, FY=58KSI.


Unit = K-ft.

New model 2d truss, sloped truss. Number of division = 3, length (division)=15, Height= 12ft,

Option>preference > steel frame design, ALSC-LRFD-93.

Define > material, steel, modify, fy=36 ksi, fy= 58ksi.

Define > frame section, import angle. Add angles, add auto select insert – all angles.

Define > load cases, add line load, self xple=0.

Watch Videos on How to design a 2D Truss in SAP2000

Define > add default combo, select steel, convert.

Select all members.

Assign > frame > frame sections, select autos elect.

Select joint.

Assign > join load > forces, apply loads.

Select all.

Assign > frame > release > partial fixity.

Design > steel > steel design combo, UDSR1, UDSR2.

Design > steel > select design/check.

Page 13: SAP 2000 MANUAL

Design > steel > verify analysis Vs designed section.

If members changed, reanalyze structure till no change, then select max x-sections & apply to all membrane & analyze for economy purpose.

Display > show forces> joint UDSR2. It gives joint reaction.

Display > show forces/stresses > frame, axial. It gives member forces.

3D Frame Analysis using SAP2000 Advertisements

Watch Videos on How to design a 3D Frame — Part 1 | Part 2 in SAP2000

D.L = 20 lb/ft, L.L = 60lb/ft, Fy = 60 ksi, fc’ = 4ksi B1 = 18” x 12”, C1 = 12” x 12”.


Unit = Kft-F

New model= grid, o x = 4, o y = 1, o z = 4 o Edit

x = 0, 20,35,40, y = 0 Z = 0, 2,18, 23.

Watch Videos on How to design a 3D Frame — Part 1 | Part 2 in SAP2000

Draw > draw frame & draw the frame.

Option Preferences o Concrete ACI-2003

Define > material, o concrete,

Page 14: SAP 2000 MANUAL

o Modify,o fy= fys=60ksi, o f’c= 4ksi.

Define > frame sections. o Add rectangular sections, o Name= B1, o Depth= 18”, o width =12”, o Reinforcement, click beam button clear cover top=Bottom=2.5”

Define > frame section. o Add rectangular section, o Name= C1, o Depth=12”, o width =12”, o Reinforcement, click column button, clear cover= 2.5, click design button.

Define > load cases, o Add line load.

Define > add default combo, check concrete. o Cover to uses check boxes.

Select beams.

Assign > frame

Frame sections, Select B1. Select columns.

Assign > frame o Frame section, o Select C1

Select Beams.

Assign > frame load o Distributed,o Load case = dead, o select= gravity projected direction. o Wu =0.02k/ft.

Select > get previous select.

Page 15: SAP 2000 MANUAL

Assign > frame load > o Distributed. Load case = live, o select gravity projected direction.o Wu = 0.06 K/ft.

Select extreme left column.

Assign > frame loads > point. o Direction = x, o select relative radio button. o X= 0.5, o Load= 10k.

Select extreme left support.

Assign > Joint o Restrained, o Select fixed support.

Select middle support & select roller support.

Select > Get Previous selection.

Assign > Joint o Load case, o Y= -30.

Analyze > Analysis case, o x-z plane.

Analyze > Run analysis, o Select model. o Click “DO NOT RUN” button, o “RUN NOW , button.

Display > deformed shape; o select UDCON2.

Display > show forces/stress o frame, o select UDCON2

Select F22, o Uncheck full, o Check show values.

Page 16: SAP 2000 MANUAL

Display > show forces > stress o Frame, o Select M22 > Joints o Select UDCON2.

Design > concrete frame design > select design combo. o Select UDCON1, UDCON2.

Design > concrete frame design o Start design check.

Design > concrete frame design o Verify all members posed.

Design > concrete frame design> display design info. Select longitudinal reinforcement.

For beams, select max, upper & lower value, and for column, select max. Value. Do calculation and find No. of Bars.

3D Frame Analysis using SAP2000 Advertisements

Watch Videos on How to design a 3D Frame — Part 1 | Part 2 in SAP2000

D.L = 20 lb/ft, L.L = 60lb/ft, Fy = 60 ksi, fc’ = 4ksi B1 = 18” x 12”, C1 = 12” x 12”.


Unit = Kft-F

New model= grid, o x = 4, o y = 1, o z = 4 o Edit

x = 0, 20,35,40, y = 0

Page 17: SAP 2000 MANUAL

Z = 0, 2,18, 23.

Watch Videos on How to design a 3D Frame — Part 1 | Part 2 in SAP2000

Draw > draw frame & draw the frame.

Option Preferences o Concrete ACI-2003

Define > material, o concrete, o Modify,o fy= fys=60ksi, o f’c= 4ksi.

Define > frame sections. o Add rectangular sections, o Name= B1, o Depth= 18”, o width =12”, o Reinforcement, click beam button clear cover top=Bottom=2.5”

Define > frame section. o Add rectangular section, o Name= C1, o Depth=12”, o width =12”, o Reinforcement, click column button, clear cover= 2.5, click design button.

Define > load cases, o Add line load.

Define > add default combo, check concrete. o Cover to uses check boxes.

Select beams.

Assign > frame

Frame sections, Select B1. Select columns.

Assign > frame o Frame section, o Select C1

Page 18: SAP 2000 MANUAL

Select Beams.

Assign > frame load o Distributed,o Load case = dead, o select= gravity projected direction. o Wu =0.02k/ft.

Select > get previous select.

Assign > frame load > o Distributed. Load case = live, o select gravity projected direction.o Wu = 0.06 K/ft.

Select extreme left column.

Assign > frame loads > point. o Direction = x, o select relative radio button. o X= 0.5, o Load= 10k.

Select extreme left support.

Assign > Joint o Restrained, o Select fixed support.

Select middle support & select roller support.

Select > Get Previous selection.

Assign > Joint o Load case, o Y= -30.

Analyze > Analysis case, o x-z plane.

Analyze > Run analysis, o Select model. o Click “DO NOT RUN” button, o “RUN NOW , button.

Display > deformed shape;

Page 19: SAP 2000 MANUAL

o select UDCON2.

Display > show forces/stress o frame, o select UDCON2

Select F22, o Uncheck full, o Check show values.

Display > show forces > stress o Frame, o Select M22 > Joints o Select UDCON2.

Design > concrete frame design > select design combo. o Select UDCON1, UDCON2.

Design > concrete frame design o Start design check.

Design > concrete frame design o Verify all members posed.

Design > concrete frame design> display design info. Select longitudinal reinforcement.

For beams, select max, upper & lower value, and for column, select max. Value. Do calculation and find No. of Bars.

Page 1: Sap2000 Tutorial

Tutorial to SAP2000 Student Edition

by Keith Kowalkowskifor CE470, Design of Metal Structures

September 15, 2005

Page 2: Sap2000 Tutorial





35 ft = 420 in 35’ = 420 in 35 ft = 420 in

W27 x 84 W27 x 84 W27 x 84

W10x49 W10x49 W10x49 W10x49

Frame Spacing = 35 ft

Exterior Loads: P = 168.4 kipsWind: W = 8.19 kipsDistributed Load: wu = (1.2*0.233333 + 0.5*0.1166667) = 0.33833 kips/in

Page 3: Sap2000 Tutorial

Step 1. Open Program

• Different Versions of Sap2000 vary differently. • On, ECN computers on the third floor. • Click “Start-Programs-CE Software-SAP2000

Nonlinear-SAP2000 Nonlinear”.

Page 4: Sap2000 Tutorial

Step 2 Getting Started (Student Edition)• Click: “File-New”• 3-35’ spans = 105 ft• I choose to have grid marks in feet and making each 12

units to have units of inches

Page 5: Sap2000 Tutorial

Step 2: Getting Started• Click on the xz tab on the top

Page 6: Sap2000 Tutorial

Step 3. Define Materials and Sections• Click “Define-Materials” at the top• Click on the material “steel”. It should be listed and then

click on “Modify/Show” Material• Type in the following properties for steel, we don’t want

to consider dead load separately

Page 7: Sap2000 Tutorial

Step 3. Define Materials and Sections• Click “Define-Sections” at the top.• Click to: “Add I/Wide Flange”.• Give the section a name and input the properties from

the AISC manual.• Make sure the proper material is listed (STEEL).• Define all sections for the model

Page 8: Sap2000 Tutorial

Step 4. Define Nodes and Elements• Click “Draw-Special Joint”. This is a node.• Add the nodes to the appropriate locations.• See below.

Page 9: Sap2000 Tutorial

Step 4. Define Nodes and Elements• Click “Draw-Draw Frame Element”. • Insert the elements by connecting the nodes.

Page 10: Sap2000 Tutorial

Step 5. Assigning Sections (For this model)• Click on (highlight) the three beams• Click “Assign-Frame-Sections”• Click on “W27x84” and “ok”• Click on (highlight) the four columns• Click “Assign-Frame-Sections”• Click on “W10x49” and “ok”• You should see as below

Page 11: Sap2000 Tutorial

Step 6. Define Restraints• Click on the two end nodes on the bottom (pinned

nodes). Make sure they are highlighted.• Click on “Assign-Joint-Restraints”• Click on the second tab so the three translations are

highlighted.• Click “OK”

Page 12: Sap2000 Tutorial

Step 6. Define Restraints• Click on the two center nodes on the bottom. Make sure

they are highlighted• Click on “Assign-Joint-Restraints”• Click on the first tab so all translations and rotations are

highlighted.• Click “OK”

Page 13: Sap2000 Tutorial

Step 6. Define Restraints

• You should see restraints as below

Page 14: Sap2000 Tutorial

Step 7. Assign Loads• Click on the top left node.• Click on “Assign-Joint Static Loads-Forces”• Enter the proper loads as shown below.• Click “OK”

Page 15: Sap2000 Tutorial

Step 7. Assign Loads• Click on the top right node (make sure it is the

only one clicked).• Click on “Assign-Joint Static Loads-Forces”• Enter the proper load as shown below.• Click “OK”

Page 16: Sap2000 Tutorial

Step 7. Assign Loads• Click on all four top beam elements.• Click on “Assign-Frame Static Loads-Point and

Uniform”• Enter the proper load as shown below.• Click “OK”

Page 17: Sap2000 Tutorial

Step 7. Assign Loads• You should see as below.• Note they may be difficult to see on your printout.

Page 18: Sap2000 Tutorial

Step 8. Making Pin Connections• Click on the elements you want to release (The two end

columns or end beams will work, you want to make the connection pinned). You will need to do this for truss members in roofs.

• Click on Assign-Frame-Releases. Release the “Start nodes or End nodes as required”. It depends on which node you click first for the element.

Page 19: Sap2000 Tutorial

Step 8. Making Pin Connections

• You should see as below. However, if you make a mistake you can always Click on “Edit-Undo”.

Page 20: Sap2000 Tutorial

Step 9. Run analysis

• Click “Analyze-Run”• You should get a deformed shape that looks as

below.• You will be asked to save at this point

Page 21: Sap2000 Tutorial

Step 10. Analysis Results• You have four tabs on the top as

shown below.

• The J stands for Joint Reactions. • The F stands for member forces.

This is where you will get the design axial forces, shears, and moments. For instance, click on Moment 3-3.

• Click “OK”

Page 22: Sap2000 Tutorial

Step 10. Analysis Results

• You will see something as below:

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Step 10. Analysis Results

• If you right click on the element, it will compute the forces on the beam

• Units are in kip-in• This is what you will do to design your members

Page 24: Sap2000 Tutorial

Step 10. Analysis Results• If you want displacements at the nodes and

maximum element forces, click on “File-Print Output Tables”

• Click the appropriate boxes and click “OK”.• The file will be found as indicated in the textbox.

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