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Изучать программу мы будем на основе 10‑й версии. При запуске программы по умолчанию открывается редактор CAM Editor, в котором и происходит вся основная работа (рис. 1). Рассмотрим более подробно элементы редактора.

Основное окно программы

Рис. 1. Основное окно программы

Информация о названии файла и версии программы находится в Title Bar.

  • Main Menu Bar— основное меню CAM Editor, содержащее различные команды, необходимые для обработки файлов. Кратко рассмотрим назначение каждого пункта меню.
  • File— команды по работе с файлами. Импорт и экспорт файлов различных форматов, печать и начальные установки.
  • Edit— команды редактирования объектов.
  • Add— команды добавления различных объектов.
  • View— команды для изменения внешнего вида редактора.
  • Info— команды для определения свойств объектов, создание отчетов.
  • Utilities — специальные команды для корректировки топологии платы под требования производства.
  • Analysis— команды, позволяющие анализировать проект и выявлять типичные ошибки в топологии платы.
  • Tools— с помощью команд этого меню пользователь получает доступ к другим редакторам.
  • Tables— содержит основные таблицы проекта (таблица апертур, список слоев, композиция слоев).
  • Macro— команды для создания и запуска макросов.
  • Settings— установки редактора.
  • Help— помощь.

Кнопки некоторых команд из основного меню и кнопки, по своему значению дублирующие некоторые горячие клавиши, находятся на панели инструментов Tool Bar. Данная панель настраивается в зависимости от предпочтений пользователя.

В панели Dashboard расположено окно Grid Selection, в котором задается шаг координатной сетки.

  • Active Dcode— выбор и отображение активного Д‑кода.
  • Active Layer— отображение активного слоя проекта.
  • Navigation Pane— навигационная панель инструментов обеспечивает быстрый доступ к различным данным проекта, часто используемым командам (command pallet) и инструментам программы (tool pallet). Вид панели изменяется в зависимости от перехода в тот или иной редактор.
  • Layer Control Bar— часть навигационной панели, которая позволяет управлять слоями проекта.

При запуске какой-либо команды в строке Status Line отображается информация о том, что эта команда в данный момент активна, и там же выводятся различные необходимые подсказки.

В Coordinate Display отображаются координаты курсора, перемещаемого по рабочей области. При двойном щелчке мыши по Coordinate Display появляется панель Coordinate Bar, с чьей помощью можно задавать координаты в абсолютных и относительных величинах.

Переход в другие редакторы, кроме команд главного меню Tools, может выполняться через панель выбора редактора Editor Selection.

Отображение всей информации и работа с данными осуществляется в рабочей области Workspace.

Для того чтобы отобразить или скрыть какую-либо панель, следует воспользоваться командами главного меню View (рис. 2). Если напротив названия панели стоит галочка, то данная панель отображена на экране. Щелкнув по ней левой кнопкой мыши, мы скрываем эту панель (галочка исчезает). И наоборот, чтобы отобразить панель, нужно щелкнуть мышью по названию, и галочка появится.

Команды меню View

Рис. 2. Команды меню View

Как уже было сказано, программа содержит несколько специальных редакторов, доступ к ним реализуется через меню Tools. В следующих уроках мы будем подробно изучать работу в этих редакторах. Сейчас лишь рассмотрим их назначение.

CAP (Custom Aperture) Editor
Этот редактор позволяет создавать специальные формы площадок, которые потом применяются в проекте. После создания такой площадки ее записывают в библиотеку и в дальнейшем используют в других проектах.

Part Editor
Редактор предназначен для создания и редактирования компонентов библиотек САМ350.

Flying Probe Editor и Bed-of-Nails Editor
В этих редакторах осуществляется подготовка данных для тестирующих систем, с помощью которых проводится электроконтроль печатных плат.

NC Editor
Редактор для создания управляющих программ для станков с ЧПУ. В нем проводится вся работа со сверловкой и фрезеровкой (создание, редактирование и экспорт файлов).

Panel Editor
В этом редакторе выполняется создание технологической заготовки (добавление рамки, текстовых надписей, тест-купонов, реперных точек и т. д.). Затем производится размещение плат на имеющейся заготовке.

Symbol Editor
Редактор доступен только из Panel Editor. Позволяет создавать тестовые купоны, текстовые надписи, технологические отверстия и реперы для совмещения, которые в дальнейшем будут использоваться в Panel Editor.

Настройка панели инструментов (Edit Toolbar)

Как и любая другая программа, САМ350 позволяет настроить панель инструментов. Добавить/удалить кнопки часто используемых команд (макросов), задать горячие клавиши, изменить состав команд основного меню. Для перехода в режим настроек щелкаем правой кнопкой мыши в любом свободном месте панели Tool Bar, в появившемся меню выбираем Customize. В диалоговом окне Customize содержатся вкладки для пользовательских настроек (рис. 3).

Окно пользовательского меню Customize

Рис. 3. Окно пользовательского меню Customize

По умолчанию в CAM Editor присутствует стандартная панель инструментов (CAM Editor Toolbar), в которой уже расположены кнопки некоторых команд (рис. 4).

Стандартная панель инструментов

Рис. 4. Стандартная панель инструментов

Но, кроме стандартной панели инструментов можно сформировать любое количество пользовательских панелей. Рассмотрим на примере создание пользовательской панели инструментов и добавление в нее кнопки команды из главного меню (рис. 5).

Вкладка Toolbars

Рис. 5. Вкладка Toolbars

Создадим пользовательскую панель:

  1. Заходим во вкладку Toolbars.
  2. Нажимаем кнопку New и вводим имя панели. Нажимаем ОК.
  3. Появляется панель, которую нужно перенести в область, находящуюся рядом со стандартной панелью.

Теперь в созданную панель добавим кнопку:

  1. Заходим во вкладку Commands.
  2. Выбираем категорию команд (область Categories).
  3. Находим нужную команду (область Commands) (рис. 6).
  4. Щелкаем и, удерживая левую кнопку мыши, перемещаем курсор в область созданной панели инструментов и отпускаем кнопку мыши.

Вкладка Commands

Рис. 6. Вкладка Commands

По умолчанию кнопка создается в виде иконки, но при желании ее вид можно изменить. Для этого необходимо щелкнуть правой кнопкой мыши по этой кнопке и в меню выбрать пункт Button appearance. В появившемся окне (рис. 7) задаются параметры кнопки.

  • Image only— кнопка будет представлена в виде иконки.
  • Text only— кнопка в виде названия команды (название кнопки можно изменить в строке Button text).
  • Image and text— кнопка в виде иконки и текста одновременно.

Окно Button appearance

Рис. 7. Окно Button appearance

Также предоставляется возможность изменить саму иконку. Для этого необходимо выбрать Select User defined Image и выбрать другую из предложенных или создать свою иконку, нажав кнопку New.

С помощью вкладки Tools можно в главное меню Tools добавлять ссылки на внешние программы.

Для добавления ссылки в меню Tools необходимо:

  1. Зайти во вкладку Tools (рис. 8).
  2. Нажать кнопку New (Insert) и ввести название.
  3. В поле Command прописать путь к исполняемому файлу нашей программы или воспользоваться кнопкой, расположенной справа от этого поля.

Вкладка Tools

Рис. 8. Вкладка Tools

В поле Arguments можно вводить ключи, с которыми будет запускаться программа. А в поле Initial directory задается путь к папке, где расположен исполняемый файл. Если в поле Command путь прописан полностью, то поле Initial directory можно оставить пустым.

Во вкладке Keyboard задаем горячие клавиши для часто используемых команд.

Для примера присвоим команде Copy горячую клавишу F5.

  1. Заходим во вкладу Keyboard (рис. 9).
  2. Выбираем категорию команд (меню Category).
  3. Находим нужную команду (область Commands).
  4. Встаем в поле Press New Shortcut Key и нажимаем клавишу F5.
  5. Для завершения нажимаем кнопку Assign.

Вкладка Keyboard

Рис. 9. Вкладка Keyboard

Вкладка Import-Export позволяет нам быстро и легко перенести настройки программы с одного компьютера на другой.

Во вкладке Menu можно редактировать стандартное меню. Удалять или перемещать команды в меню, изменять их название. При необходимости можно все вернуть в первоначальный вид, нажав кнопку Reset.

В Mouse можно задать команду двойному  щелчку левой кнопки мыши.

В Options можно изменять вид кнопок команд на панели инструментов (увечить размер кнопок, убрать всплывающие подсказки при наведении курсора на кнопку).

Навигация по программной оболочке

Рассмотрим основные приемы навигации по рабочей области программы. Приближаться и отдаляться от объектов, расположенных на рабочей области Workspace, можно тремя способами:

  1. С помощью кнопок View на панели инструментов (рис. 1). Либо с помощью команд View/In (приближение к объектам) и View/Out (отдаление от объектов).
  2. С помощью колесика мыши и клавиши Ctrl. Удерживая клавишу Ctrl, прокручиваем колесо мыши, приближаемся/отдаляемся от объекта.
  3. С помощью клавиш «+» и «–».

Для того чтобы отобразить все данные, расположенные в рабочей области, необходимо нажать клавишу Home. Также предусмотрена возможность развернуть рабочую область на весь экран монитора, при этом все панели исчезают.

Для этого нужно нажать сочетание клавиш Ctrl + L, повторное нажатие вернет все обратно.

Вид объектов на экране

Все объекты рабочей области экрана могут отображаться в трех режимах:

  • Filled— отображается сплошная заливка объектов (используется по умолчанию).
  • Outline— отображены только контуры объектов.
  • Centerline— отображается осевая линия объекта. Площадки в данном режиме отображены так же, как и в режиме Outline.

Переключение между режимами происходит последовательно, для этого нужно нажимать горячую клавишу F.

В ходе следующего урока мы расскажем о способах загрузки данных в программу, научимся управлять слоями проекта и редактировать таблицу апертур.                     

Продолжение следует.

Техническая литература

   Мы подготовили учебники для отделов разработки и производства печатных плат. Ниже вы можете скачать ознакомительные фрагменты, а полную версию книг можно заказать по e-mail book @ pcbsoftware.com

Система подготовки печатных плат к производству CAM350
Автор: А.В. Лопаткин

Электронная книга в формате PDF в 7 томах 


1. Технологический редактор CAM350

2. Редактор Сверловки CAM350

3. Редактор апертур CAM350

4. Редактор компонентов CAM350

5. Редактор панели CAM350

6. Редактор символов CAM350

7. Редактор тестов с летающими зондами CAM350

Проектирование печатных плат в OrCAD

Автор: К.Митцнер
Перевод на русский язык
, печатная книга 580 стр.

1. Содержание и ознакомительный фрагмент

Page 1: CAM350 Ver.10 Macro Manual

What is a Macro?

Macros are a way to automatically perform a sequence of functions. Typcially they are special commands which the user makes a recording of, while interactively performing the function he wishes to replicate. However, a CAM350 macro is much more than just a record and play back proposition. A CAM350 macro can also interact with the user, make decisions, and get information from the database.

Some users may be familiar with the term Script. Scripts are common in UNIX products and are basically the same thing as macros. Of course not all UNIX products use scripts, and a script may only provide for record and play back functions, rather than allowing for full user interaction, including database queries.

A Simple Process

Creating, editing, and using a macro is fairly easy with the Macro Menu commands, but more advanced use does require a knowledge of BASIC programming. A macro typically begins by turning on macro record and then recording a series of steps. When played back, the macro merely plays back the recorded steps. Next, you may want to modify certain parameters for subsequent runs of the macro, so you can edit the macro using a text editor and prompt the user to enter parameters. This makes the same macro useful across other databases. Then you may realize that it would be nice to have the macro itself detect certain problems for you (such as not allowing a drill sort unless drill data exists), and perhaps repeat a series of commands automatically. Once you have a useful set of macros you may want to make them easier to execute, so you assign them to the menu or a function key.

Examples of How Macros Can Be Useful

One of the sample macros provided with your CAM350 software, Automatic Panelizer, panelizes any database onto a specified panel size. It then queries the database to find the smallest apertures used for draws and flashes. It uses the smallest shapes to build a test coupon. The test coupon is placed ½» below the resultant panel images centered on the X axis. It also queries the database to get all the drill tools. It then builds a drill coupon and it places it ½» below the images and right justified on the X axis. This is an example of how a macro can be used to build a «Panelization Station» that requires very little user input. Using a macro like this results in more productivity with fewer errors and yields consistent results.

Macros are not required to use the application, but they can become quite handy for optimizing a production environment, accelerating multiple processes and making sure that all steps in a process are followed in a consistent manner.

Macro Syntax

BASIC is a common programming language. Knowledge of BASIC is not required to record and play back macros. BASIC is only needed for the more advanced user who may want to add capabilities to their macros. If you want the macro to perform other functions, such as interact with the user, test values, or repeat a command sequence (looping), you have to use a little BASIC.

Overview of BASIC

BASIC commands

Product Macro Commands


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Types of BASIC Commands

BASIC commands fall under some simple categories, depending on the functions they perform. Some commands deal specifically with string processing, while others can only perform file input and output procedures. Below is a categorized list of all BASIC commands used in CAM350: for a more detailed description of each command, click on its link to view the full description.

Note: Some of these commands fall under two or more categories.

To See Information on each command category, click below:









Process Flow Commands

These are commands which control the structure of a BASIC program, including its termination, etc.

Control Flow Functions

Commands which organize a macro’s execution sequence. These commands determine which aspects of a macro will run, based on conditional values or numeric counters.

DELAY used to pause a script while running, for the specified amount of milliseconds

END terminates the macro which is currently running

EXIT MACRO similar to END, but leaves the application in whatever command it was currently executing (i.e. Edit > Delete).

GOSUB calls a subroutine in the macro

GOTO continues running the macro from the line specified in the command

!INCLUDE allows the macro to insert another macro as if it were a part of the original macro

MACRO_LINK the macro make activate another macro using this command. Original macro ends.

MACRO_PLAY the macro may activate another macro, but unlike MACRO_LINK, the original macro continues running after the called macro ends.

RETURN returns control from the subroutine being called by a GOSUB statement


temporarily suspends the macro currently running. User may perform normal system commands and then resume macro.

DO..LOOP repeats statements between the do..loop commands, until either a condition is met (loop until) or while a condition is true (do while)


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String Functions

These are commands which manipulate string variables, by returning substrings within the main string, modifying strings, changing strings to upper/lowercase, etc.

Math Functions and Operators

Commands which allow you to perform operations on integer and real numbers.

FOR..NEXT repeats statements between the for..next commands a specified number of times, using a counter variable

IF..THEN..ELSE executes commands or modifies statements if a given condition has been met (can be nested to perform multiple conditional checks)

SELECT CASE executes commands or modifies statements based on the value of a specified variable

ASC returns the ASCII code number for any given character

CHR$ returns the string equivalent of an ASCII code number

FMTUSING$ can be used to assign a string to a variable that is formatted as if a PRINT USING statement was used

INSTR determines if a given string exists within another string

LCASE$ returns a copy of a string with all characters converted to lower case

LEFT$ returns a given number of characters from the left side of a string

LEN tells how many characters are in a string

LTRIM$ returns a copy of a string which has had the leading blank spaces stripped away

MID$ has two uses: 1) as a function, returns a specified number of characters from any location in a string 2) as a statement, replaces part of a string with another string

RIGHT$ returns a given number of characters from the right side of a string

RTRIM$ returns a copy of a string which has had the trailing blank spaces stripped away

STR$ converts a numeric value to a string

UCASE$ returns a copy of a string with all characters converted to upper case

VAL converts a numeric string to a number value

ABS returns the absolute value of a number

ATN returns the arctangent of a number

COS returns the cosine of an angle (in radians)

EXP calculates the exponential function of a number

HEX$ returns a string representing the hexadecimal value of a decimal number

LOG returns the natural logarithm of a number

MOD divides one number by another and returns the resulting value


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File Functions

Commands to allow a macro to read and write data from an ASCII text file, manipulate files/directories on the host system, and launch external programs.

Message & Dialog Commands

These commands allow you to place message boxes on screen for warnings or to receive input from the operator.

SGN gives the sign of a number

SIN returns the sine of an angle, given the radians value of the angle

SQR returns the square root of a number

TAN returns the tangent of an angle, given the radians value of the angle

CLOSE closes an external file which was being read from or written to

EOF used to determine if the end of a file has been reached

FILEEXISTS used to determine if a file exists in a given directory

HTMLHELP used to display an HTML help topic, from a compressed HTML Help file (*.chm format), in the Help System. (Note: recommended for advanced macro programmers).

INPUT# reads fields from a data file and assigns them to variables

KILL deletes a file

LCLOSE closes the printer (prints any pending data first)


assigns an entire line of a data file to a string variable, ignoring delimiters


prints specified text and/or variables to a printer; LPRINT USING specifies the formatting of the text

MKDIR creates a directory

NAME changes the name of a file or directory

OPEN opens a data file for input/output


writes data (variables, strings, etc). to a data file. PRINT# USING specifies the format of the information being output.

RESET closes all files currently open by the macro for input or output

RMDIR deletes an existing directory

WINCALL launches an external program, and waits for it to close before resuming macro. (Note: recommended for advanced macro programmers).

WINEXEC same as WINCALL, but doesn’t wait for application to close before resuming macro. (Note: recommended for advanced macro programmers).

WRITE# write data to a data file, but inserts commas between fields and quotation marks around strings

CLOSE_MSG used to close a message box displayed on screen using the PRINT_MSG or PRINT_MSG USING commands


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Debugging Commands

These commands are intended to help in the debugging of macro programs themselves. As such they are not useful in programming macros themselves, but are extremely useful in determining why a macro isn’t functioning as expected. The commands are executed only while running a macro through the Macro Debugger.

Miscellaneous Commands

These are commands which are not categorized in any of the sections above.

DELAY used to pause a script while running, for the specified amount of milliseconds. Can be used to display a PRINT_MSG message for a specific amount of time.

INPUT displays a window (with a specified message) which retrieves information input by the user

LINE INPUT similar to INPUT, but allowing the user to enter up to 255 characters of text as a single string

MESSAGE_BOX displays a user-configurable message box, similar to OK_CANCEL, but with more options (Note: recommended for intermediate and up users)

OK_CANCEL displays a message box requiring a YES or NO response from the user

PRINT opens a window which displays a string message to the user, and also requires an OK button to close dialog


similar to PRINT command, but formatted in a number of specified ways


displays a message on screen, like PRINT & PRINT USING, but doesn’t pause macro, as they do. Instead, message remains on screen until CLOSE_MSG is used in macro.


temporarily suspends the macro currently running. User may perform normal system commands and then resume macro.

BREAK execution pauses when this command is encountered in a macro, resuming when the user hits RUN in the Debugger


like BREAK, pauses execution, but may specify the line # in the program to stop at


again, same as the above two, but specifies a program label to pause at


temporarily suspends the macro currently running. User may perform normal CAM350 commands and then resume macro. Useful to pause a macro to determine the current state of the application.

WATCH specifies a variable to track in the Debugger’s WATCH window

DEF can be used to set the data type for a series of variables

DIM used to specify the variables in an array

SWAP can be used to exchange the values of two variables


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BASIC Commands

Most of the following commands operate as standard BASIC commands. However, some have been added, modified, or expanded in order to suit the needs of the software. They use a BASIC Keyword, along with one or more of the following expressions:

Numeric/Mathematical — An expression which evaluates to a number

Boolean — Expressions which to evaluate a condition as either true or false. (See the IF/THEN/ELSE Statement for more information.)

Strings — An expression which evaluates text.

Anything placed in brackets [ ] is optional.

Macro Commands

Database Queries


ABS Function

Returns the absolute value of a numeric expression.


n = -6 y = ABS(n) y = 6

ASC Function

Returns a numeric value that is the ASCII code for the first character in a string expression.


n$ = «April» y = ASC(n$) y = 65

ATN Function

Returns the arctangent of a numeric expression (the angle whose tangent is equal to the numeric expression).


n% = 30 PRINT ATN (n%)

Output: 1.537475


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BREAK Command

Pauses a macro at the point the command is present in the program. To be used only in conjunction with the Macro Debugger to determine problems in the execution of a macro script.




X% = Y% BREAK ‘pause after variable definition

CHR$ Function

Returns a one-character string of the ASCII code used.



Output is «A»

CLOSE Statement

Concludes I/O to a file or device.


CLOSE ‘close all open files CLOSE #1 ‘close file #1

CLOSE_MSG Statement

Removes a message box.


FOR n = 1 to 10 PRINT_MSG «Number is»,n DELAY 500 CLOSE_MSG

COS Function


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Returns the cosine of an angle given in radians.


n% = 30 PRINT COS (n%)

Output: 0.154251

DEFtype Statements

Sets the default data type for variables. DEFINT sets the data type as an Integer (%), DEFREAL sets it as a Real number (#), and DEFSTRING sets it as a String ($).


DEFINT <letter range[,letter range]> DEFREAL <letter range[,letter range]> DEFSTRING <letter range[,letter range]>


DEFINT a-b,e a = 34 b = 100 eagle = 10 PRINT eagle, a + b

Output: 10 134

DEFREAL q quest = 3.45 quarry = 78.31 PRINT quest + quarry

Output: 81.76

DEFSTRING r-v roger = «wilco, » r = «and » s = «out» type = «over » voice = «Roger, » PRINT voice + roger + type + r + s

Output: Roger, wilco, over and out

DELAY Statement

The delay is used to slow down the playback of a macro. For example, you may want to display a message for a set period of time. This function is independent of computer speed.




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n is the delay in milliseconds (1/1000 of a second).


FOR n = 1 to 10 PRINT_MSG «Number is»,n DELAY 500 ‘half second delay) CLOSE_MSG

DIM Statement

Allocates space for an n dimensional array. The maximum number of dimensions is currently 20. The type of the array is determined by the type of variable used.


DIM C%(10)

Dimensions an array of 11 integers (0-10) named C.

Examples of DIM Statements using multidimensional arrays, as well as arrays from one index to another:

DIM a%(10) DIM b#(-10 to 0) DIM c$(5) DIM d%(10,10)

DO/LOOP Statements

Repeats a block of statements while a condition is true, or until a condition becomes true.


DO INPUT «Enter a number less than 10»,i LOOP UNTIL i >= 10 PRINT «End of do test» END

END Statement

Ends a BASIC program, procedure, or block.


DO INPUT «Enter a number less than 10»,i LOOP UNTIL i >= 10 PRINT «End of do test» END

EOF Function


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Tests for the end-of-file condition (returns 1 if end of file is reached).


EOF (File#)


OPEN «Test.dat» FOR OUTPUT as #1 FOR i = 1 to 10 WRITE #1, i, 2 * i, 5 * i NEXT CLOSE #1 OPEN «Test.dat» FOR INPUT as #1 DO LINE INPUT #1, a$ PRINT a$ LOOP UNTIL EOF (1) = 1

EXIT MACRO Statement

Ends the macro while leaving the command processor in its current state (even in the middle of a command).




[email protected] 10,1,10.0000,10.0000,0,»» [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 0.0000,0.0000 [email protected] 125.0000,-125.0000 [email protected] 250.0000,0.0000 [email protected] EXIT MACRO

EXP Function

Calculates the exponential function.


x = 10 PRINT EXP (x) Output: 22026.465795


Determines if a file exists in a given directory. Returns a 1 if file exists; 0 if not.




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File$ is the full filepath of the file being checked.


if FileExists(«d:temptest.doc») = 1 then OK_Cancel «There is already a file of that name in the directory. Overwrite file?», OK end if

FMTUSING$ Statement

Returns a string which is formatted as if PRINT USING was used.



formatstring$ is a character string which contains formatting characters. The syntax of this string is the same as for PRINT USING.

expressionlist is one or more expressions separated by commas.

Characters that format a numeric expression

# Digit position

. Decimal point position

, Placed left of the decimal point, prints a comma every third digit

+ Position of number sign

— Placed after digit, prints trailing sign for negative numbers

$$ Prints leading $.

** Fills leading spaces with *

**$ Combines ** and $$

Characters used to format a string expression

& Prints entire string

! Prints only the first character of the string

Prints first n characters, where n is the number of blanks between slashes + 2

Characters used to print literal characters

_ Prints the following formatting character as a literal

Any character not in this table is printed as a literal.


s$ = FMTUSING$(» ###.##»,x,y,z)


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FOR/NEXT Statement

Repeats the statements enclosed in the loop a definite number of times, counting from a starting value to an ending value by increasing or decreasing the loop counter. As long as the loop counter has not reached the ending value, the loop continues to execute. Note that when playing a macro that has For/Next statements, the system checks for «suspect logic.» Specifically, if there is more than one Next for a For statement, an error is reported.

In a FOR…NEXT loop, the counter variable initially has the value of the expression start. After each repetition of the loop, the value of counter is adjusted. If you leave off the optional STEP keyword, the default value for this adjustment is one (one is added to counter each time the loop executes).

If you use STEP, then counter is adjusted by the stepsize amount. The stepsize argument can be any numeric value; if it is negative, the loop counts down from start to end. After the counter is increased or decreased, its value is compared with end. At this point, if either of the following is true, the loop is completed:

The loop is counting up (stepsize is positive) and counter is greater then end.

The loop is counting down (stepsize is negative) and counter is less then end.


FOR <counter> = <start value> TO <end value> [STEP stepsize] [statementblock-1] [EXIT FOR] [statementblock-2] NEXT


FOR a# = 1 to 10 step .5 PRINT_MSG «a# = «,a# DELAY 10 NEXT PRINT «a# = «,a# END


Functions similarly to the Windows «Open» file dialog box: obtains a filename from the user by displaying a Windows-style drop down list (see the Forms topic). The returned filename can be used for file input/output purposes.


GetOpenFilename filename$, filter$, filter_desc$, FLAG

filename$ is the variable which will return the retrieved filename. Returns the full filepath of the file.

filter$ is a file filter to limit which file types are displayed (such as *.txt). More than one file type can be indicated by separating them with semi-colons ( «*.gbr;*.lgr»). If omitted, the default will be *.*.

filter_desc$ describes filter$ (e.g. «Gerber files»).

FLAG is any one of the following:


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NoFileMustExist Does not verify if the file exists or not.

NoPathMustExist Does not verify if the path exists or not.

NoChangeDir Will not allow the user to change the current working directory.

Multiple FLAGS are permitted, separated by commas. If none of the above FLAGS are used, then their opposite, default functions will be used.


getopenfilename Read$, «*.txt»,»Text Files», NoFileMustExist


Functions similarly to the Windows «Save As» file dialog box: obtains a filename from the user by displaying a Windows-style drop down list (see the Forms topic). The returned filename can be used for file input/output purposes.


GetSaveFilename filename$, default_ext$, filter$, filter_desc$, FLAG

filename$ is the variable which will return the retrieved filename. Returns the full filepath of the file.

default_ext$ is the default extension of the file being saved. It is a three character string with no period (e.g. «txt»).

filter$ is a file filter to limit which files are displayed (such as «*.txt»). If omitted, will be «*.*».

filter_desc$ describes filter$ (e.g. «Text files»).

FLAG is any one of the following:

NoOverWritePrompt If the filename already exists, it does not prompt the user to verify before overwriting it.

PathMustExist Requires the saved file’s path to already exist.

NoChangeDir Will not allow the user to change the current working directory.

Multiple FLAGS are permitted, separated by commas. If none of the above FLAGS are used, then the opposite, default functions will be used.


getsavefilename Save$, «gbr»,»*.gbr»,»Gerber Files», PathMustExist


Transfers control to, and returns from, a subroutine. The target, or return, for a gosub may be a number or alphanumeric notation. The label may be on the same line as a command or it may be on its own line. Note that labels which are not numeric must be ended in a colon.



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This macro draws a box around any coordinate.

50 INPUT «The size of the box in inches»,boxsize half = (boxsize * 1000)/2 INPUT «The center X coordinate in inches»,x INPUT «The center Y coordinate in inches»,y x = x * 1000 y = y * 1000 GOSUB 100 OK_CANCEL «Continue?»,OK IF OK = 1 THEN GOTO 50 END ‘ Box drawing subroutine 100 startx = x — half starty = y — half endx = x + half endy = y + half [email protected] [email protected] startx,starty [email protected] endx,endy RETURN

Use a subroutine whenever a task must be repeated. Note also that all variables are «global,» meaning that a variable has the same value in a subroutine as in the main program.

GOTO Statement

Branches unconditionally to the specified line. A goto is a way to control the macro flow. The target, or label, for a goto may be a number or alphanumeric notation. The label may be on the same line as a command or it may be on its own line. Note that Labels which are not numeric must be ended in a colon


GOTO 100 100 PRINT «this is a numeric label» GOTO label1 label1: PRINT «this is an alphanumeric label»

HEX$ Function

Returns a hexadecimal string representation of a number.


x = 10 PRINT HEX$ (x) Output: A

HTMLHELP Statement

Allows the programmer to open an individual HTML document from a compressed HTML help file (*.chm).

Note: This command is recommended for advanced macro programmers.


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HtmlHelp htmlhelpfile$, htmlhelppage$

htmlhelpfile$ = the filename for the HTML Help format file (e.g. help.chm)

htmlhelppage$ = the specific HTML topic file within that help file (e.g. TOC.html)


Htmlhelp «help.chm»,»basic_commands.html»

IF/THEN/ELSE Statements

Allows conditional execution, based on the evaluation of a Boolean expression. This statement may be a single line, or a block

Single Line Syntax:

IF <Boolean expression> [AND <Boolean expression> ]THEN <expression> [ELSE Statement]

Block Syntax:

IF <Boolean expression> [AND <Boolean expression> ]THEN <Block statements> [ELSEIF <boolean expression> THEN <Block statements>] [ELSE <Block statements>] END IF

If the expression is true then the statement is executed. Strings can also be compared using the If/Then statement.


IF taxes > 10000 AND taxes <100000 THEN GOTO 500 IF X = 14 THEN Time = Time + 1

!INCLUDE Statement

!INCLUDE functions like the MACRO_PLAY Statement, except for the following differences.

!INCLUDE can see variables which are used in the macro program calling the !INCLUDE statement, whereas MACRO_PLAY cannot.

When the subprogram called by MACRO_PLAY comes to an END statement, the calling macro continues on the next line. If an END statement is encountered in a macro called by !INCLUDE, then the main macro is also ended.

Unlike MACRO_PLAY, you cannot use a variable for the filename parameter of the command. (The full filename path for the macro to be included must be entered in the parameter).

See also the MACRO_PLAY and MACRO_LINK statements.



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!INCLUDE Filename


if Add% = 1 then !INCLUDE «d:temptestscript.scr»

end if

INPUT Statement

The input command opens a dialog box, displays a string, and waits for the user to enter a value and press OK. Adding CR! to your message inputs a carriage line feed. This allows you to have multiple lines in the dialog box, and control where the line breaks.


INPUT «Enter your name», name$

INPUT# Statement

Reads data items from a sequential device or file and assigns them to variables.


OPEN «Price.dat» FOR INPUT AS #1 INPUT «Display all items below what level»; Reorder DO UNTIL EOF (1) INPUT #1, Company$, Styles$, Sizes$, Clr$,

INSTR Statement

Determines if a string exists within another string. It returns a numeric value for the position the substring begins, relative to the beginning of the string.




position = character position in the string to begin the search (optional — defaults to first char. in string)

string = the string expression to be searched


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substring = the string expression to be searched for


Test% = instr(1,»where is mary jane?»,»mary»)

KILL Statement

Deletes a file from disk.


KILL «c:Act_IncScriptstesting1.scr»

LCASE$ Function

Returns a string expression with all letters in lower-case.


Test$ = «THE string» PRINT Test$ PRINT LCASE$(Test$); » in lowercase»

LCLOSE Statement

Closes the printer and sends any unprinted characters to the printer.


FOR i = 32 to 127 s$ = s$ + chr$(i) NEXT FOR i = 1 to 190 LPRINT s$; NEXT LCLOSE END

LEFT$ Function

Returns a string consisting of the leftmost n characters of a string.


a$ = «Microsoft Qbasic» PRINT LEFT$(a$, 5)

Output is «Micro»


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LEN Statement

Returns the number of characters in a string, or the number of bytes required by a variable.


Temp$ = «1234567» PRINT LEN (Temp$)

Output: «7»

LINE INPUT Statement

Inputs an entire line (up to 255 characters) to a string variable, without the use of delimiters.


LINE INPUT[;][ «prompt string»] string variable


LINE INPUT «Enter three values separated by commas: «, D$ PRINT «D$ = » D$

LINE INPUT# Statement

Reads an entire line, without delimiters, from a sequential file to a string variable.


Creates sample file:

OPEN «List» FOR OUTPUT as #1 DO INPUT » NAME: «, Name$ INPUT » AGE: «, Age$ WRITE #1, Name$, Age$ INPUT «Add another entry? Y or N», R$ LOOP WHILE UCASE$(R$) = «Y» CLOSE #1

Reads the file:



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LOG Function

Returns the natural logarithm of a numeric expression.


x = 10 PRINT LOG (x)

Output: 2.302585


LPRINT prints data to the default printer (as defined by the printer settings under Macro > Setup Printer). LPRINT USING prints the data in a specified format. These statements function exactly the same as PRINT and PRINT USING, but instead of the output going to the screen it goes to a printer

See also the File > Print macro commands.

Characters that format a numeric expression

# Digit position

. Decimal point position

, Placed left of the decimal point, prints a comma every third digit

+ Position of number sign

^^^^ Prints in exponential format

— Placed after digit, prints trailing sign for negative numbers

$$ Prints leading $.

**Fills leading spaces with *

**$ Combines ** and $$

Characters used to format a string expression

& Prints entire string

! Prints only the first character of the string

Prints first n characters, where n is the number of blanks between slashes + 2

Characters used to print literal characters

_ Prints the following formatting character as a literal

Any character not in this table is printed as a literal.


FOR i = 32 to 127


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s$ = s$ + chr$(i) NEXT FOR i = 1 to 190 LPRINT s$; NEXT LCLOSE END


x# = 1441.2318 LPRINT USING «No Decimal ####»;x#

Output would be: 1441

LPRINT USING «The number with 3 decimal places ####.###»;x#

Output would be: 1441.232

LPRINT USING «The number with a dollar sign and 2 decimals $$##.##»;x#

Output would be: $1441.23

LPRINT USING «Number with plus signs +###.#### «; x#

Output would be: +1441.2318

LPRINT USING «The number with a comma ##,.##»;x#

Output would be: 1,441.23

b$ = «ABCDEFG» LPRINT USING «The entire string &»;b$

Output would be: ABCDEFG

LPRINT USING «The first character of the string !»; b$

Output would be: A

LPRINT USING «The first 3 characters «; b$

Output would be: ABC

LTRIM$ Function

Returns a copy of a string with leading spaces removed.


a$ = » Basic » PRINT «*» + a$ + «*» ‘Output is: * Basic * PRINT «*» + LTRIM$(a$) + «*» ‘Output is: *Basic *

MACRO_LINK Statement


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Links an existing macro file to your macro. Control will not return when the new macro ends. If you do not specify a path in the filename, the system will assume it is the same as the path of the macro you are linking from.

See also the MACRO_PLAY and !INCLUDE Statements.


Macro_link «filename.ext»

MACRO_PLAY Statement

Starts the macro script indicated. When this new macro ends, the existing macro resumes with the next instruction after the MACRO_PLAY command.

See also the MACRO_LINK and !INCLUDE statements.


MACRO_PLAY «filename.ext»


This command displays a Windows-style message box, with configurable buttons and titles. A number of choices are offered for the display title. Each command returns a numeric value, depending on the buttons used in the box, which can be used as a conditional value in other statements.

Note: This command is recommended for intermediate to advanced macro programmers. Beginning macro programmers should use the OK_CANCEL or PRINT commands


MessageBox message$ [, title$] [, flags] [, return%]

message$ = message displayed within the box

title$ = title of dialog (INFORMATION is assumed if title$ value is empty).

flags = specifies the style of box to display (again, INFORMATION is assumed default) The following flags are available:

INFORMATION = OK button and lowercase i icon

WARNING = OK button and Exclamation point icon

ERROR = OK button and Stop sign icon

OKCANCEL = OK and CANCEL buttons, Question mark icon

YESNO = YES and NO buttons, Question mark icon

YESNOCANCEL = YES, NO, and CANCEL buttons, Question mark icon

RETRYCANCEL = RETRY and CANCEL buttons, Question mark icon


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# = an integer representing the code for other Windows-style buttons (requires knowledge of MS codes; negative integer is possible).

return% = integer value returned, dependant on button pressed:

1 OK button was selected.

2 Cancel button was selected.

3 Abort button was selected. (Only if flag integer is set to ABORT)

4 Retry button was selected.

5 Ignore button was selected. (Only if flag integer is set to IGNORE)

6 Yes button was selected.

7 No button was selected.


MessageBox «Continue Running Macro?»,»INFORMATION»,YESNO,MacroEnd% if MacroEnd% = 6 then end

MID$ Function

The MID$ Function returns a substring of a string. The MID$ statement replaces part of a string variable with another string.


As a Function:


As a Statement:



a$ = «Where is Paris?» PRINT MID$(a$, 10, 3)

Output is «Par»

Text$ = «Paris, France» PRINT Text$

Output is «Paris, France»

MID$(Text$, 8) = «Texas» PRINT Text$

Output is «Paris, Texas»


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MKDIR Statement

Creates a new directory.


MKDIR «c:MacroTest»

This creates a directory on the C drive called MacroTest.

MOD Function

Divides one number by another and returns the remainder. Real numbers are rounded to integers.


numeric-expression1 MOD numeric-expression2


PRINT 19 MOD 6.7

BASIC rounds 6.7 to 7, then divides. Output is 5.

NAME Statement

Changes the name of a disk file or directory.


NAME <OldFilename> AS <NewFilename>


NAME «c:Test» AS «c:Testing»

This renames the file Test on the C drive to Testing.

OK_CANCEL Statement

The OK_CANCEL command is similar to the Print Statement except there are two buttons: Yes and No. The command returns a value (1=Yes, 0=No) which can be used as a conditional in other macro commands.


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Ok_cancel message$, return%


FOR n = 1 to 10 PRINT «Number is»,n OK_CANCEL «Continue?»,OK IF OK = 1 THEN next END

OPEN Statement

Enables I/O to a file. In CAM350, it is ASCII Text based, not binary, so only the following syntaxes are accepted:

OPEN «filename» FOR INPUT AS #n OPEN «filename» FOR OUTPUT AS #n OPEN «filename» FOR APPEND AS #n

In each case, n is the number between 1 and 255, and is used to refer to the file in subsequent PRINT, WRITE, and INPUT statements


OPEN «print.data» for output as #1 PRINT #1, «This is some test data»,10,33.4,»Snark»,25 PRINT #1, «This is some more test data»,200 CLOSE #1 END

PRINT Statement

Print opens a dialog box to display a message. The message may include variables, and can be multiple lines. This dialog box has an OK button. This box stays up, and macro execution is suspended, until OK is pressed.


PRINT «message»,variable(s)


PRINT «Number of flashes using current Dcode: «,numflashes!


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Adding CR! to your message inputs a carriage line feed. This allows you to have multiple lines in the dialog box, and control where the line breaks.


PRINT «Number of times the current Dcode Type»+CR!+»is used as a flash: «, NumdcodetypeF!

Because quotation marks are used to specify file names or text to print in macros, a special database query command, Quote!, will insert the character («) into the text that you are printing


PRINT «This is a «+Quote!+»quote.»+Quote!

Output is: This is a «quote.»


Prints strings or numbers using a specified format.

Characters that format a numeric expression

# Digit position

. Decimal point position

, Placed left of the decimal point, prints a comma every third digit

+ Position of number sign

— Placed after digit, prints trailing sign for negative numbers

$$ Prints leading $.

** Fills leading spaces with *


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**$ Combines ** and $$

Characters used to format a string expression

& Prints entire string

! Prints only the first character of the string

Prints first n characters, where n is the number of blanks between slashes + 2

Characters used to print literal characters

_ Prints the following formatting character as a literal

Any character not in this table is printed as a literal.


x# = 1441.2318 PRINT USING «No Decimal ####»;x#

Output would be: 1441

PRINT USING «The number with 3 decimal places ####.###»;x#

Output would be: 1441.232

PRINT USING «The number with a dollar sign and 2 decimals $$##.##»;x#

Output would be: $1441.23

PRINT USING «Number with plus signs +###.#### «; x#

Output would be: +1441.2318

PRINT USING «The number with a comma ##,.##»;x#

Output would be: 1,441.23

b$ = «ABCDEFG» PRINT USING «The entire string &»;b$

Output would be: ABCDEFG

PRINT USING «The first character of the string !»; b$

Output would be: A

PRINT USING «The first 3 characters «; b$

Output would be: ABC


PRINT# writes data to a sequential file. PRINT# USING writes the strings or numbers using a specified format.


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Characters that format a numeric expression

# Digit position

. Decimal point position

, Placed left of the decimal point, prints a comma every third digit

+ Position of number sign

— Placed after digit, prints trailing sign for negative numbers

$$ Prints leading $.

** Fills leading spaces with *

**$ Combines ** and $$

Characters used to format a string expression

& Prints entire string

! Prints only the first character of the string

Prints first n characters, where n is the number of blanks between slashes + 2

Characters used to print literal characters

_ Prints the following formatting character as a literal

Any character not in this table is printed as a literal.


OPEN «print.data» for output as #1 PRINT #1, «This is some test data»,10,33.4,»Snark»,25 PRINT #1, «This is some more test data»,200 CLOSE #1 END


OPEN «print.data» for output as #1 a# = 123.4567 PRINT #1, USING «###.##»; a# CLOSE #1 END

Output is 123.46


PRINT_MSG is similar to PRINT: you may include variables and have multiple lines. The only difference is there is no OK button. The message will remain until another print_msg or close_msg command, or until macro execution stops.



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PRINT_MSG «message»,variable(s)

Adding CR! to your message inputs a carriage line feed. This allows you to have multiple lines in the dialog box, and control where the line breaks.

Because quotation marks are used to specify file names or text to print in macros, a special database query command, Quote!, will insert the character («) into the text that you are printing.

PRINT_MSG USING prints the strings and numbers using a specified format.

Characters that format a numeric expression

# Digit position

. Decimal point position

, Placed left of the decimal point, prints a comma every third digit

+ Position of number sign

— Placed after digit, prints trailing sign for negative numbers

$$ Prints leading $.

** Fills leading spaces with *

**$ Combines ** and $$

Characters used to format a string expression

& Prints entire string

! Prints only the first character of the string

Prints first n characters, where n is the number of blanks between slashes + 2

Characters used to print literal characters

_ Prints the following formatting character as a literal

Any character not in this table is printed as a literal.


PRINT_MSG Quote!+»Promise only what you can deliver.»+CR+»Then deliver more than you promise.»+Quote! DELAY 5000 NEXT


a# = 123.4567 PRINT_MSG USING «###.##»; a# PRINT_MSG USING «+###.####»; a# a$ = «ABCDEFG» PRINT_MSG USING «!»; a$ PRINT_MSG USING » «; a$


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RESET Statement

Closes all disk files.


OPEN «print.data» for output as #1 PRINT #1, «This is some test data»,10,33.4,»Snark»,25 PRINT #1, «This is some more test data»,200 RESET END

RETURN Statement

Returns control from a subroutine.


‘ This macro draws a box about any coordinate. 50 INPUT «The size of the box in inches»,boxsize half = (boxsize * 1000)/2 INPUT «The center X coordinate in inches»,x INPUT «The center Y coordinate in inches»,y x = x * 1000 y = y * 1000 GOSUB 100 OK_CANCEL «Continue?»,OK IF OK = 1 THEN GOTO 50 END ‘ Box drawing subroutine 100 startx = x — half starty = y — half endx = x + half endy = y + half [email protected] [email protected] startx,starty [email protected] endx,endy RETURN

RIGHT$ Function

Returns the right-most n characters of a string.


a$ = «Microsoft Qbasic» PRINT RIGHT$(a$, 5)

Output is «basic»

RMDIR Statement

Removes an existing directory.


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RMDIR «c:MacroTest»

This will remove a directory on your c drive called MacroTest.

RTRIM$ Function

Returns a string with trailing (right-hand) spaces removed.


a$ = » Basic » PRINT «*» + a$ + «*» ‘Output is: * Basic * PRINT «*» + RTRIM$(a$) + «*» ‘Output is: * Basic*


This is similar to the If/Then statement, but it evaluates a single expression then executes different statements or branches to different parts of the script, based on results.


SELECT CASE <expression> CASE <expression> <statement> CASE ELSE <statement> END SELECT

If the expression is true, then the statement is executed. A numeric or string expression can be evaluated. End select terminates statement.


INPUT «Enter an interger between 1-9», TestValue SELECT CASE TestValue

CASE 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 PRINT «Odd»

CASE 2, 4, 6, 8 PRINT «Even»

CASE IS < 1 PRINT «Too low»

CASE IS > 9 PRINT «Too high»

CASE ELSE PRINT «Not an integer»


SGN Function

Indicates the sign of a number.


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n = -5 PRINT SGN (n)

Output: -1

Y = 10 PRINT SGN (y)

Output: 1

SIN Function

Returns the sine of the angle x, where x is in radians.


n% = 30 PRINT SIN (n%)

Output: =0.988032

SQR Function

Returns the square root of n.


n% = 25 PRINT SQR (n%)

Output: 5.000000

STR$ Function

Returns a string representation of a number.


PRINT «The answer is: «+str$(answer%)


SUSPEND stops running the macro and puts up a message box with a Resume button so you can return to the macro later. While the macro is suspended, you can use the software as if the macro weren’t running at all. When you press the Resume button, execution of the macro resumes with the next instruction after the SUSPEND command.


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SUSPEND <message$>

message$ is the text in the message box which is displayed when the macro is executed.

SUSPEND USING displays a message in the specified format.

Characters that format a numeric expression

# Digit position

. Decimal point position

, Placed left of the decimal point, prints a comma every third digit

+ Position of number sign

— Placed after digit, prints trailing sign for negative numbers

$$ Prints leading $.

** Fills leading spaces with *

**$ Combines ** and $$

Characters used to format a string expression

& Prints entire string

! Prints only the first character of the string

Prints first n characters, where n is the number of blanks between slashes + 2

Characters used to print literal characters

_ Prints the following formatting character as a literal

Any character not in this table is printed as a literal.


FOR n = 1 to 10 PRINT_MSG «number is», n DELAY 500 SUSPEND CLOSE_MSG


SUSPEND USING «###.##»,123.45

SWAP Statement

Exchanges the values of two variables.



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Temp$ = «123456» Temp2$ = «789» SWAP Temp$, Temp2$ PRINT Temp$ PRINT Temp2$

Output: «789»

Output: «123456»

TAN Function

Returns the tangent of the angle x, where x is in radians.


n% = 30 PRINT TAN (n%)

Output: -6.405331

UCASE$ Function

Returns a string expression with all letters in uppercase.


Test$ = «THE string» PRINT Test$ PRINT UCASE$(Test$); » IN UPPERCASE»

VAL Function

Returns the numeric value of a string of digits.


n$ = 3456 PRINT VAL (n$)

Output: 3456

WINCALL Statement

Allows the macro to execute an external application (Notepad, etc), and waits for the application to exit before returning control to the calling macro.

Note: This command is recommended for advanced macro programmers.


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WinCall commandline$ [, cmdshow] [, return%]

commandline$ is the full path and name of the external program, along with all parameters (e.g. «d:mybinprog.exe param1 param2»). Spaces may be used in parameters and paths, but they must be surrounded by quotes («): e.g. commandline$ = chr$(34) + «d:my binprog.exe» + chr$(34) + » » + chr$(34) + «param» + chr$(34) produces the following character string: «»d:my binprog.exe» «param»» (Here » is » in the string)

cmdshow is a keyword for how a Windows-based application window is to be shown. Values for cmdshow are (if value is not provided, NormalFocus is assumed):

Show = window has focus and is restored to its original size and position.

Hide = window is hidden and focus is passed to the hidden window.

NormalFocus = window has focus and is restored to its original size and position.

MinimizedFocus = wiindow is displayed as an icon with focus.

MaximizedFocus = wiindow is maximized with focus.

NormalNoFocus = window is restored to its most recent size and position. The currently active window remains active.

MinimizedNoFocus = wiindow is displayed as an icon. The currently active window remains active.

cmdshow can be an integer instead. (See the «Microsoft Win32 API» for more information about the integer values for cmdshow, under ShowWindow).

return% is the return code from the external program. This is a value defined by the external program, so you must check its documentation for the appropriate value. (Note: 0 usually means the program finished successfully — but that is not guaranteed).


Program$ = chr$(34) + «d:programsnotepad.exe» + chr$(34) + » » + chr$(34) + «param» + chr$(34) WinCall Program$, Show, Done% if Done% = 0 then print «External Application was closed»

WINEXEC Statement

Like WinCall, allows the macro to execute an external application (Notepad, etc), but does not wait for the application to exit before returning control to the calling macro (like WinCall does).

Note: This command is recommended for advanced macro programmers.


WinExec commandline$ [, cmdshow]

commandline$ is the full path and name of the external program, along with all parameters (e.g. «d:mybinprog.exe param1 param2»).


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Spaces may be used in parameters and paths, but they must be surrounded by quotes («): e.g. commandline$ = chr$(34) + «d:my binprog.exe» + chr$(34) + » » + chr$(34) + «param» + chr$(34) produces the following character string: «»d:my binprog.exe» «param»» (Here » is » in the string)

cmdshow is a keyword for how a Windows-based application window is to be shown. Values for cmdshow are (if value is not provided, NormalFocus is assumed):

Show = window has focus and is restored to its original size and position.

Hide = window is hidden and focus is passed to the hidden window.

NormalFocus = window has focus and is restored to its original size and position.

MinimizedFocus = wiindow is displayed as an icon with focus.

MaximizedFocus = wiindow is maximized with focus.

NormalNoFocus = window is restored to its most recent size and position. The currently active window remains active.

MinimizedNoFocus = wiindow is displayed as an icon. The currently active window remains active.

cmdshow can be an integer instead. (See the «Microsoft Win32 API» for more information about the integer values for cmdshow, under ShowWindow).


Program$ = chr$(34) + «d:programsnotepad.exe» + chr$(34) + » » + chr$(34) + «param» + chr$(34) WinExec Program$, Show

WRITE# Statement

Writes data to a sequential file.


OPEN «write.dat» for output as #1 WRITE #1, «This is some test data»,10,33.4,»Snark»,25 WRITE #1, «This is some more test data»,200 CLOSE #1 END


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Macro Search Tips

Recording and Viewing Macros

Most CAM350 commands have macro’s that can be recorded and played back. Macros that relate to each command are noted in each of the main Help topics. These macro commands end with the @ sign.

As commands are added or modified, the recorded CAM350 commands may change. To verify a recorded command, just select the Macro > Record command, execute the desired command(s), and view the saved macro file.

Pressing the M hotkey changes the prompt on the status bar between (1) the actual prompt, (2) the memory used, and (3) the actual macro command that would be saved. Using the M hotkey is a fast way to see each macro command without going through the steps of recording a macro and then opening the macro file in an editor.

Restriction: The availability of product macro commands is dependant on your product and its specific modules. Some macro commands are available only to specific modules. If you encounter problems when using specific macro commands, refer to the Editor List icon for each Menu Command you’re attempting to use: this will display a list of Editors the command is available for. If you do not have a listed Editor, you cannot run the macro command.

Macro Basics

Macro commands are the RESULT of a command rather than the command itself. For example, to set the size and shape of Dcode 71 you would interactively select Tables, then Apertures, then click in the Dcode 71 field, enter an r (for round), and then 100 for the size. The recorded result for this process is:

[email protected] 71,1,100.0000,100.0000,71,»»

Where 71 is Dcode 71, 1 is the round shape, 100-100 are the X and Y values, the second 71 is the default swap Dcode, and the «» is reserved for the name if it was a custom aperture.

Other commands are almost the same as what you would do if you selected them from the menu. For example, the macro recorded for adding a line is something like this:

[email protected] 12

Sets the active Dcode to 12.

[email protected] 0

Sets the active layer to 1 (layer numbering starts from 0 in macros).

[email protected]

The same as selecting add line.

[email protected] 505.0000,4670.0000 [email protected] 3753.0000,4751.0000 [email protected] 1341.0000,2810.0000 [email protected] [email protected]

All of the macro commands listed below appear in the order you would need to add them to your macro. In other words, they must placed in the same sequence as they are listed to function properly.

INCORRECT: [email protected] 2.144,3.455 [email protected] [email protected]


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Would NOT add a flash at the given coordinates, because the coordinates were specified before the command was called.

CORRECT: [email protected] [email protected] 2.144,3.455 [email protected]

The commands follow the proper sequence, and a flash will be added at the coordinates.

Obsolete Macros and Their New Equivalents

Common Macros

The macros below are commonly used in scripts.

[email protected] x,y

X,Y are coordinates (same as selecting a point with the left mouse button).

[email protected]

Backs out of (cancels) a command (same as clicking the right mouse button to cancel a command). Useful for terminating the previous macro command state before initiating a new one.

[email protected]

Selects all data within the database extents. Can be used in commands which require a selection window to specify the area being checked, etc. (Replaces commands, such as [email protected], which must specify two points on a rectangular selection window).


[email protected] [email protected]


[email protected] [email protected] 10.1200,45.7500 [email protected] 46.8700,15.8900 [email protected]

[email protected]

Ends a command. (Only certain commands need [email protected]). An example is the + hotkey for zoom in. Since this command is recursive the [email protected] is necessary to stop the zoom in function.


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Data Analysis Macros

The following macros collect tolerance information about the designated layers. They are used solely in preparation for the Database Analysis Queries that report their findings.

[email protected]

Looks at the data on all ON electrical and NC layers.

[email protected] llx,lly,urx,ury

Looks at data which is inside the prescribed box (parameters are lower-left X coordinate, lower-left Y coordinate, upper-right X, upper-right Y), for all ON NC and electrical layers.

[email protected] llx,lly,urx,ury

Looks at data which is outside the prescribed box (parameters are lower-left X coordinate, lower-left Y coordinate, upper-right X, upper-right Y), for all ON NC and electrical layers.

Note: For the last two commands, data which crosses the box edge is considered both inside and outside the box (it will be included in both analyze box commands).

Database Analysis Queries


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Key Function Associated Macro Command

A Aperture table

C Zoom close [email protected] D Set active Dcode [email protected] #

#=Dcode number

F Toggle fill mode (filled/outline/centerline)

[email protected] # 0=centerline, 1=filled, 2=outline [email protected]

G Turn graphics on/off (speeds up edit selections)

[email protected] # 0=on, 1=off

H Highlight active Dcode [email protected] [email protected]

K Turn layer(s) off (inactive) [email protected] Must be followed by [email protected] 0,-2,-2,0,1 layer number, draw color, flash color, layer type, 1=off

L Turn layer(s) on (active) [email protected] Must be followed by [email protected],-2,-2,0,0 layer number, draw color, flash color, layer type, 0=on

Ctrl L Toggle Full Screen mode [email protected] N Toggle active layer

negative/positive (display only) [email protected] # 0=Negative, 1=Positive

O Toggle orthogonal snap (0/45/90 degrees)

[email protected] # 0=90, 1=45, 2=0

P Zoom previous [email protected] Q Query all data [email protected] R Redraw [email protected] S Snap-to-grid on/off [email protected] #

0=off, 1=on

T Transparency on/off [email protected] # 0=off, 1=on

U Undo [email protected] Ctrl U Redo [email protected] V Grid visibility on/off [email protected] #

1=on, 0=off W Zoom window (must select 2

points) [email protected] For example: [email protected] [email protected] 1375.0,5350.0 [email protected] 3300.0,3175.0 [email protected]

X Toggle cursor (target/cross-hair)

Y Layer table

Z Object snap on/off [email protected] # 1=on, 0=off

F1 Context-Sensitive Help

F2-F9, F11, F12

User-Definable keys

Home View all [email protected] 0-9 Number keys 1 to 9 turn ON

layer sets 1 to 9, respectively. [email protected] # # is the number of the layerset to turn


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Hotkeys that change during Edit commands

Keyboard/Mouse Equivalents

0 turns on layer set 10. The first layer of the layer set is made active. (If no layer set exists, nothing happens.)


Ins Pan to cursor location

+ Zoom in [email protected] — Zoom out [email protected] PgUp Increase snap box size [email protected] #

# in pixels [email protected] # # in current user units (mils or mm)

PgDn Decrease snap box size [email protected] # # in pixels [email protected] # # in current user units (mils or mm)

A Select All

B Toggle group display box mode/ghost mode

C Toggle window mode crossing/non-crossing

I Toggle windowed selection inside/outside

[email protected] [email protected]

M Mirror a part during Add > Part and Quick Part, or Mirror the Reference Designator or Device Name during Build Part or in the Part Editor.

[email protected]

T Rotate a part during Add > Part and Quick Part, or rotate the Reference Designator or Device Name during Build Part or in the Part Editor

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] # Sets the turn angle. # is 100 times the angle (650=6.5 degrees)

W Enable group Window mode

Spacebar Left mouse button

, Center mouse button (re-execute last command)

Esc Right mouse button


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Layer Bar Macros

[email protected] 4

Sets the active layer.

[email protected] 5

Displays this layer on top. Remember layers start from 0 (layer 1 = layer 0 in a macro).

[email protected] 1

Turns all layers expect the active layer on or off: 1 = all off and 0 = all on.

[email protected]

Updates the display to reflect the current Layer Bar settings.

[email protected] Layer#,drawcolor,flashcolor,type,on/off,»name.gbr»

See Import Gerber for a full explanation of the [email protected] command.

The layer bar can only turn layers on/off, set the active layer, bring a layer to the top, and set the draw and flash colors. The numbers associated with each of the colors depends upon the current positions of each of the colors in the palette. Here is an example of a color palette, with the numbers that are assigned to each position. Since the numbers correlate to the position and not the color itself, please refer to the palette in your CAM350 software to determine which number is assigned to your desired color. (Right-click on any of the colors in the layer bar to open the palette editor.)

[email protected] «name.pal»

If you’ve customized your display with unique colors, this command allows you to save the palette.

[email protected] «name.pal»

Allows you to load a unique color palette.

view_LayerFlash #, #

Flashes can be turned off, even though the active layer is On.

First #: layer number

Second #: 0=Flashes are Off, 1=Flashes are On.

view_layerDraw #,#

Draws can be turned off even though the active layer is On.

First #: layer number


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Second #: 0=Draws are Off, 1=Draws are On.


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Status Bar Macros

Coordinate Readout/Input

[email protected] 1

Sets the coordinate box readout type: 0 = absolute, 1 = relative.

H button

Used to highlight the active Dcode in the Tool Bar. Dcode must be made active first: see Active Dcode.

[email protected]

Turns highlight on.

[email protected]

Turns highlight off.

S button

[email protected] #

Sets the grid snap: (1=on, 0=off). Grid may be set using Grid Selection.

T button

[email protected] #

Sets transparency mode: 0=off, 1=on

V button

[email protected] #

Turns the grid on or off: 1=on, 0=off.


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Z button

[email protected] #

Set the object snap: 1=on, 0=off.

Desirable to turn off when in macros, to avoid snapping to objects accidentally when providing exact coordinates.


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Tool Bar Macros

The Tool Bar changes depending what editor you are in and what menu command you have selected. Only those functions which have associated macro commands are listed here.

[email protected]

Causes the display of the Tool Bar buttons and Units Measurement field to be refreshed to reflect the current settings.

Active Dcode

[email protected] 19

Sets the active Dcode to the given number.

[email protected]

Updates the Dcode bar.

Active Layer

[email protected] 5

Sets the active layer (remember layers start from 0).

Check Boxes

There are a variety of check boxes available during Edit Menu commands, which allow you to limit the types of data being selected. The availability of a check box for an Edit command is dependant on the editor.

Each check box is a yes/no toggle to indicate if the data type should be available to the Edit command.


[email protected] #

If Set, you can select Components (‘parts’) in the database for editing. If Cleared, the components are not selectable. 0 = clear, 1 = set the «Cmp» selection filter.

Drill & Mill


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[email protected] # [email protected] #

Sets edit drill and mill options (1=on, 0=off)

Drw & Flsh

[email protected] # [email protected] #

Sets edit draw and flash options (1=on, 0=off)


[email protected] #

0 = Clear 1 = Set the «Via» selection filter.

If Set, you can select entire vias for deletion (though not component pins). This also allows you to delete empty vias (padstacks without any apertures assigned). If Clear, and the «Flsh» selection filter is set, only the individual pads of vias will be selected for deletion.

Note: This check box is only available for the Edit > Delete command.

See also Filter button


[email protected] [email protected] 1 [email protected] 1 [email protected] 1 [email protected] 0 [email protected] 1 [email protected] 0 [email protected] 3000.4000,1586.2000 [email protected]

Check button

There is no macro command for this feature.

Config button


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Fixture Setup:

Each fixture (top and bottom) must be setup individually, using the following commands:

[email protected] 1,20000.0000

Sets the width of the fixture being added (in inches or mm).

[email protected] 1,20000.0000

Sets the height of the fixture being added (in inches or mm).

[email protected] 1,100.0000,100.0000

Defines the new gridsize for the fixture side:

First parameter is 1=topside, 2=bottomside

Second and third parameters are the X and Y values (respectively) for the grid spacing.

[email protected] 1,»4,2540000,-95250000,-95250000,158750000,158750000,0,3″ [email protected] 1,»1,1587500,-95250000,-95250000,158750000,158750000,76200,1″ [email protected] 1,»4,2540000,-95250000,-95250000,158750000,158750000,0,3″ [email protected] 1,»3,1270000,-95250000,-95250000,158750000,158750000,76200,1″ [email protected] 1,»4,2540000,-95250000,-95250000,158750000,158750000,0,3″ [email protected] 1,»2,2374900,-95250000,-95250000,158750000,158750000,76200,1″ [email protected] 1,20000.0000,20000.0000

Fixture Modification

Use these commands to modify existing fixtures. Commands must be run for each fixture side.

[email protected] 1

Removes the grid on for the designated fixture (1=topside, 2=bottomside).

[email protected] 1

Removes the fixture plates for the designated fixture (1=topside, 2=bottomside).

[email protected] 1

Deletes the error flags for the designated fixture (1=topside, 2=bottomside).

[email protected] 1

Removes the test probes for the designated fixture (1=topside, 2=bottomside).

[email protected] 1

Removes the stiffeners for the designated fixture (1=topside, 2=bottomside).

[email protected] 1

Removes the plates for the designated fixture (1=topside, 2=bottomside).

Probe Setup

Test Probe


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[email protected] 1

Rebuilds test probes of the designated fixture (1=topside, 2=bottomside).

[email protected] 1

Rebuilds stiffeners of the designated fixture (1=topside, 2=bottomside).

[email protected] 1

Resets the grid for the designated fixture to the default values (1=topside, 2=bottomside).

[email protected] «3,3175000,12700,254000,2540,2000,5000,200,0» [email protected] «3,3175000,12700,127000,2540,2000,5000,200,0» [email protected]

Removes all test probe definitions for the designated fixture (1=topside, 2=bottomside).


[email protected]

Removes all stiffener definitions for the designated fixture (1=topside, 2=bottomside).

[email protected] «4,3175000,12700,635000,2000,2000,5000,200,200» [email protected] «4,3175000,12700,127000,2000,2000,5000,200,200»

Fixture Drill Setup

Drill Table

See the Tables > NC Tool Tables macro commands. A Fixture Drill table is identical to a normal NC Tool Table, but must be assigned to the fixture NC drill layers created for each fixture (top and/or bottom).

Drill Rule

[email protected] 2.0000

Tells the system that the drill hole size must be this amount greater than the probe size (in user units), so that the probe will not touch the plate.

[email protected] 5.0000

If you do not have a drill tool that exactly matches a particular drill size, the system will use the next biggest drill tool in the table that is within this range (in user units).

Create button

See File > Create Test Points

Drill button


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[email protected] 23.0000

Adds a drill to the fixture NC drill layer. Parameter is the size of the drill being added.

[email protected] 1

Creates the NC Data layers for fixture drills. Must follow [email protected] command to assign the drill to the correct NC drill table. 1=top fixture side 2=bottom fixture side.

Drop Pins button

[email protected] #

Determines the disposition of probes being added to test fixtures: 0 = Minimize multiple grid assignment 1 = Minimize grid deflection.

Export button

See the following topics for the specific Bed-of-Nails export format: TTI, Circuit-Line

See the following topics for the specific Flying Probe export format: ATG, Integri-test, Probot, PROBOTECH, ACT Neutral

Filter button

Available during Edit commands

[email protected] «18»

Sets selection Dcode filter. Notice the Dcode number is a string. This is required since the Dcode filter can have many Dcodes, Dcode ranges, etc.

[email protected] #

Includes/Excludes vector polygons from selection. (1=include, 0=exclude)

[email protected] #


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Includes/Excludes outline polygons from selection. (1=include, 0=exclude)

[email protected] #

Includes/Excludes raster polygons from selection. (1=include, 0=exclude))

[email protected] #

Includes/Excludes stroked text from selection. (1=include, 0=exclude)

[email protected] #

Includes/Excludes TrueType fonts from selection. (1=include, 0=exclude)

[email protected] #

Includes/Excludes plated drill hits from selection. (1=include, 0=exclude)

[email protected] #

Includes/Excludes unplated drill hits from selection. (1=include, 0=exclude)

[email protected] #

Includes/Excludes drilled circles from selection. (1=include, 0=exclude)

[email protected] #

Includes/Excludes drilled slots from selection. (1=include, 0=exclude)

[email protected] #

Includes/Excludes drilled text from selection. (1=include, 0=exclude)

[email protected] #

Includes/Excludes milled circles from selection. (1=include, 0=exclude)

[email protected] #

Includes/Excludes mill paths from selection. (1=include, 0=exclude)

[email protected] #

Includes/Excludes milled slots from selection. (1=include, 0=exclude)

[email protected] #

Includes/Excludes operator messages from selection. (1=include, 0=exclude)

[email protected] #

Includes/Excludes optional stops from selection. (1=include, 0=exclude)

Grid Selection


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[email protected] 3,55.0000,55.0000

Chooses or sets the grid.

First parameter sets the grid number (Remember, like macro layers, they begin at 0: i.e. grids 1-5 are numbered 0-4).

Second parameter sets the x-dimension of the grid.

Third parameter sets the y-dimension of the grid.

Orthogonal Lock

[email protected] 2

Sets the orthogonal lock: 0=90, 1=45, 2=0.

Output button

Camtek interface

[email protected] #,#,»job setup file name»

Saves setup file for the layers you wish to inspect.

First parameter sets the server notification: 0 = do not notify server or 1 = notify server.

Second parameter specifies export directory: 0 = export to 2V20 directory or 1 = export to 2V50 directory.

Third parameter specifies the filename of the output file.

Prev button

Available during Edit commands

[email protected]

Add previous selection list to the current list.


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Return To CAM Editor button

[email protected]

Returns control to CAM Editor from any of the listed sub-editors.

SelectAll button

Available during Edit commands

[email protected]

Selects all data within the database extents. Can be used in commands which require a selection window to specify the area being checked, etc. (Replaces commands, such as [email protected], which must specify two points on a rectangular selection window).


[email protected] [email protected]

Test Pt button

Test Point Settings: [email protected] Type,Side,»Dcode»

Specifies the Dcode filter to use for each test probe type. Must be set for each style of probe being used, and each fixture side being used (see example below).

Type sets the test point style being used: 1=through-hole pin 2=SMT pin 3=plated through-hole 4=surface pad

Side sets the fixture for the test points being added: 0=top and bottom 1=top 2=bottom

Dcode is a string stating a single Dcode or range of Dcode numbers to filter by.

[email protected] Filter,Set

Sets Selection Criteria filter being applied to the test probes. Must be set on or off for each filter criteria type.

Filter specifies the filter being used: 0=use top mask 1=use bottom mask


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2=use end points only 3=offset through hole 4=include single point nets

Set determines if filter is to be used: 1=used, 0=not used.

[email protected] 40.0000

If you elect to offset through hole test probes, this command sets the minimum size (in user units) a through hole must be before it should be offset.

[email protected] Type,Side,Used

Sets the board side to use when generating test points. Must be set for each type of test point being used and each side being used for that type of test point.

Type sets the test point style being used: 1=through-hole pin 2=SMT pin 3=plated through-hole 4=surface pad

Side sets the fixture for the test points being added: 0=top, 1=bottom.

Used determines whether that fixture is used for this test point type: 0=no, 1=yes

[email protected] Type,Size

Command sets the minimum size a potential test point can be for selection as a test point. Must be set for each type of test point being used.

Type sets the test point style: 1=through-hole pin, 2=SMT pin, 3=plated through-hole, 4=surface pad

Size is the minimum size the data can be (in user units)

Test Point Generation:

Once test point settings have been defined, the following commands create the actual test points.

[email protected]

If you have previously created test points, this command deletes them before placing test points again.

[email protected]

Includes single-point nets in creation.

[email protected]

A necessary «internal» function that gathers the information from the filter that has been set up by the above commands, and applies it to the test point creation process.

[email protected]

Generates the test points.

[email protected]

Staggers the test points on any SMT layer.

[email protected] 1


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Displays created test points: 0 = do not show test points, 1=show test points

[email protected]

Ends test point creation. A necessary «internal» function that clears the filter information from memory.


[email protected] 3,1,»» ‘Set Dcode filter for each type of probe [email protected] 3,2,»» [email protected] 3,0,»10″ [email protected] 1,1,»10″ [email protected] 1,2,»» [email protected] 1,0,»» [email protected] 2,1,»» [email protected] 2,2,»10″ [email protected] 2,0,»» [email protected] 0,1 ‘Set filter criteria applied to the test points [email protected] 1,1 [email protected] 2,0 [email protected] 3,1 [email protected] 5,1 [email protected] 6,1 [email protected] 40.0000 ‘Sets min. size for an offsettable through-hole test point [email protected] 1,0,1 ‘Sets board side for generating test points [email protected] 1,1,0 [email protected] 1,15.0000 ‘Sets minimum size for through-hole test points at 15 mils [email protected] 2,0,1 ‘subsequent repeats set same information for other point types [email protected] 2,1,0 [email protected] 2,15.0000 [email protected] 3,0,1 [email protected] 3,1,0 [email protected] 3,15.0000 [email protected] 4,0,0 [email protected] 4,1,0 [email protected] 4,0.0000 ‘Generate new test points [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 1 [email protected]

Visibility button

[email protected] 1,1

Displays the pins as circles.

First parameter is the fixture side (1=top side, 2=bottom side)

Second parameter is 1=Visible, 0=Not Visible

[email protected] 1,0

Displays a line through the center points of the pins.


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First parameter is the fixture side (1=top side, 2=bottom side)

Second parameter is 1=Visible, 0=Not Visible

[email protected] 1,1

Shows stiffeners.

First parameter is the fixture side (1=top side, 2=bottom side)

Second parameter is 1=Visible, 0=Not Visible

[email protected] 1,1

Shows plates.

First parameter is the fixture side (1=top side, 2=bottom side)

Second parameter is 1=Visible, 0=Not Visible

[email protected] 1,0

Displays the fixture grid.

First parameter is the fixture side (1=top side, 2=bottom side)

Second parameter is 1=Visible, 0=Not Visible

[email protected] 1,1

Displays the test probes.

First parameter is the fixture side (1=top side, 2=bottom side)

Second parameter is 1=Visible, 0=Not Visible

[email protected] 1,0

Shows any violations (after Check function has been run).

First parameter is the fixture side (1=top side, 2=bottom side)

Second parameter is 1=Visible, 0=Not Visible

[email protected] 1,4 [email protected] 1,6 [email protected] 1,7

Each of the above commands control the color of the Grid, Pins, and and Stiffener, respectively.

The first parameter is the Fixture side (1=top, 2=bottom) and the second parameter is the color code.

[email protected] 1,5.0000

Controls the size of the grid.

First parameter is 1=top, 2=bottom.

Second parameter is the grid size in mils.

[email protected] 30.0000


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Parameter is the test point graphic size, in mils.

[email protected] 8,9,11

Sets the display color for test points.

First # is the Top color, second is the Bottom color, and third is the Through-Hole color.

See Layer Color Codes. view_settop[email protected] 1

Controls visibility of top test fixture: 1=visible, 0=not visible

[email protected] 1

Controls visibility of bottom test fixture: 1=visible, 0=not visible

[email protected] 1 [email protected] 1 [email protected] 0

Controls visibility of top, bottom, and through-hole test points, respectively. 1=visible, 0=not visible


[email protected] 45.0000 [email protected] 0,10,14 [email protected] 2,1 [email protected] 2,1 [email protected] 2,1 [email protected] 2,1 [email protected] 2,1 [email protected] 2,1 [email protected] 2,1 [email protected] 2,12 [email protected] 2,5 [email protected] 2,3 [email protected] 2,15.0000 [email protected] 0 [email protected] 1 [email protected] 0 [email protected] 1 [email protected] 1


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Markers are a visual reference that you can use in any macro: they appear like a small X, in the same color as the cursor. It is a visual reference only: you cannot snap to it because it is not part of your design. The X is scaleable, just as if it were real data (the size changes with a zoom in or out). Markers are not saved with the database, though they will remain visible for the entire time your data is loaded, unless you use the [email protected] command to turn them off.

[email protected] N,X,Y,S

Adds a marker. It can also be used to move a marker or change its size, by entering a marker number that currently exists.

N: marker ID number (unlimited) X,Y: the X and Y coordinates to place the marker S: size of the marker (in user units)

[email protected] N

Deletes the marker (N is the marker ID number).

[email protected]

Deletes all markers.

[email protected] N

Sets the current marker to N.


Returns the X coordinate for the current marker.


Returns the Y coordinate for the current marker

markerX! and markerY! always return a value. 0 is returned for both if no markers are present or the [email protected] value is not valid.


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Getting Mouse Coordinates

Sometimes it is required to get the current mouse cursor coordinates for use in your macro. For example, a macro that builds a test coupon from the current database needs to know where to place the test coupon. In other cases a macro may need to process data only after the user is prompted to select it.

[email protected] «Text»

Causes macro execution to pause until a mouse button or key is pushed. The text string will be displayed as message on the prompt line to assist the user.


Returns the action taken on the mouse, following the [email protected] command: 1=left mouse button 2=right mouse button 3=middle mouse button 0=keyboard action

Coordinates of the mouse when the button/key is pushed are stored internally until requested by either of these sets of queries:

coordx! coody!

These queries return the actual coordinates of the mouse cursor. If grid snap is on, they return the nearest grid coordinate. If object snap is on, they return the coordinate of the object within the snap box.

If you do not want the effects of snapping and want the exact coordinate of the mouse cursor when the button was pushed, either turn all snapping off prior to the command’s execution, or use these queries:

mouseposx! mouseposy!


100 [email protected] «Select FIRST Point (Right Button Exits)» If Button! = 1 then goto 110 If Button! = 2 then goto 820 Goto 100 110 Marker = 1 Gosub 840 … … ‘ Exit routine 820 OK_Cancel «OK to EXIT? «,OK If OK = 0 then goto 110 [email protected] ‘ Add the marker subroutine ‘ Coord X & Y are after the effects of all snap modes. 840 CoordX# = CoordX! CoordY# = CoordY! [email protected] Marker,CoordX#,CoordY#,60 [email protected] «Button 1 to MOVE, Button 2 to ACCEPT!» If Button! = 1 then goto 840 If Button! = 2 then Return Goto 840 [email protected]


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Database Queries

Once you start writing macros you quickly recognize how important it is to be able to get data from the database: what is the current active layer, what size is Dcode 10, what is the name of the current database, or what is the date and time? Database queries provide you information on the current state of the database, and its various elements.

Database query functions all end with the ! symbol and can return either real, integer or string values.

An example of a database query is dbminx! The code: MX% = dbminx! results in the integer variable MX% being set to a whole value (in mils), representing the minimum X coordinate of the current database.

View Queries by Type:

Macros Provided with the CAM350 Software

Obsolete Macros and Their New Equivalents

Macro Variables: Real, Integer and String

Database Analysis Mouse/Cursor Database

Properties Net & Padstack

Dcode System & Product Drill & Mill Text Layer Analysis Miscellaneous


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Database Analysis Queries

These queries give specific design information about the current database. All of the following database queries must be preceded by one of the Analyze Data macros. These queries only retrieve information that is gathered by those macros. Otherwise, no information will be given by the query. All data returned is only for ACTIVE layers.

R = Real, I = Integer, S = String

Tip: Remember, macro language layer numbering starts at 0. For example, layer 1 in a database returns layer ID 0 within a macro.

Requirement: Most of these queries require the data be part of the netlist. If the design doesn’t have extracted nets, you can use Utilities > Netlist Extract to do so.

Select a query:

Smallest Pad

Returns the smallest round Dcode that is part of a net.

Smallest Trace Dcode

Returns the smallest round Dcode used in a trace (if nets are present)

Smallest Pad Smallest Air Gap

Smallest Trace Dcode Smallest Annular Ring

Smallest Line Dcode Smallest Drill

SMT Pads Present Smallest Drill to Trace

SMT Pitch

Command Type Description/Example

min_pad_round_valid! I If nets are present, and round pads were found, this returns 1. Otherwise, returns 0.

num_pads_round! I Number of round pads present.

min_pad_round_dcode! I Dcode number of the smallest round pad.

min_pad_round_loc_x! R X coordinate of the smallest round pad.

min_pad_round_loc_y! R Y coordinate of the smallest round pad.

min_pad_round_layer! I Number of layer that contains the smallest round pad. (Remember, layer numbers start at 0)

min_pad_round_netname! S Net which contains the smallest round pad.

Command Type Description/Example

min_trace_valid! I Returns a 1 if traces were found, 0 if not.

min_trace_dcode! I Returns the number of the smallest Dcode used in a trace.

min_trace_loc_x! R Returns the X coordinate of the start of the trace.

min_trace_loc_y! R Returns the Y coordinate of the start of the trace.

min_trace_layer! I Returns the Layer ID of the layer that the smallest Dcode occurs on.

min_trace_netname! S Returns the name of the Net that the smallest


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Smallest Line Dcode

Returns the smallest round Dcode used in a graphic line (if nets are not present in the database).

SMT Pads Present

Returns the number of SMT pads present on the selected layer(s). They must be part of nets.

Dcode occurs on.

Command Type Description/Example

min_line_valid! I Returns a 1 if lines were found, 0 if not.

min_line_dcode! I Returns the number of the smallest Dcode used in a line.

min_line_loc_x! R Returns the X coordinate of the start of the line.

min_line_loc_y! R Returns the Y coordinate of the start of the line.

min_trace_layer! I Returns the Layer ID of the layer that the smallest Dcode occurs on.

Command Type Description/Example

min_pad_smt_valid! I If nets are present, and SMT pads were found, this returns 1. Otherwise returns 0.

num_pads_smt! I Number of SMT pads on nets found.

min_pad_smt_width_dcode! I Dcode number of the SMT with the shortest width (measuring the shortest side).

min_pad_smt_width_loc_x! R X coordinate of the SMT with the shortest width.

min_pad_smt_width_loc_y! R Y coordinate of the SMT with the shortest width.

min_pad_smt_width_layer! I Number of the layer that contains the SMT with the shortest width.

min_pad_smt_width_netname! S Name of the net containing the SMT with the shortest width.

min_pad_smt_length_dcode! I Dcode number of the SMT with the shortest length (measuring the longest side).

min_pad_smt_length_loc_x! R X coordinate of the SMT with the shortest length.

min_pad_smt_length_loc_y! R Y coordinate of the SMT with the shortest length.

min_pad_smt_length_layer! I Number of the layer that contains the SMT with the shortest length.

min_pad_smt_length_netname! S Name of the net containing the SMT with the shortest length.

min_pad_smt_area_dcode! I Dcode of the SMT with the smallest area.

min_pad_smt_area_loc_x! R X coordinate of the SMT with the smallest area.

min_pad_smt_area_loc_y! R Y coordinate of the SMT with the smallest area.

min_pad_smt_area_layer! I Number of the layer that contains the SMT with the smallest area.

min_pad_smt_area_netname! S Name of the net containing the SMT with the smallest area.


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SMT Pitch

Returns the shortest center-to-center distance between SMT pads.

Smallest Air Gap (metal-to-metal clearance)

Returns the air gap when nets are present. If no nets are detected, returns the area between any graphical objects.

Smallest Annular Ring

Returns the smallest width of material between a pad and the drill piercing it (to assure proper plating).

Smallest Drill

Smallest drill used in the design.

Command Type Description/Example

min_smt_pitch_valid! I Returns a 1 if SMT were found, 0 if not.

min_smt_pitch_size! R Returns the shortest pitch distance.

min_smt_pitch_layer! I Number of the layer with the shortest pitch.

min_smt_pitch_loc1_x! min_smt_pitch_loc2_x!

R Returns the X coordinate of the two SMT pads.

min_smt_pitch_loc1_y! min_smt_pitch_loc2_y!

R Returns the Y coordinate of the two SMT pads.

Command Type Description/Example

min_spacing_valid! I Returns a 1 if an air gap is found, 0 if not.

min_spacing_size! R Returns the smallest clearance.

min_spacing_layer! I Number of the layer with the smallest clearance.

min_spacing_loc1_x! min_spacing_loc1_y! min_spacing_loc2_x! min_spacing_loc2_y!

R Represents an «imaginary line» drawn at the location where the two nets/objects that have the smallest clearance are closest (such as with Info > Measure > Object-Object, which has a small white line which indicates the location and distance being measured between the objects).

Command Type Description/Example

min_annular_ring_valid! I Returns a 1 if any annular ring space is found, 0 if not.

min_annular_ring_size! R Returns the shortest annular ring space.

min_annular_ring_layer! I Number of the layer with the shortest annular ring space.

min_annular_ring_loc1_x! min_annular_ring_loc1_y! min_annular_ring_loc2_x! min_annular_ring_loc2_y!

R Represents an «imaginary line» drawn between the drill and pad that have the smallest annular ring space (such as with Info > Measure > Object-Object, which has a small white line which indicates the location and distance being measured between the objects).


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Smallest Drill-to-Trace Spacing

Returns the smallest distance between a drill and a trace that does not touch it. Must be on a positive electrical layer (top, internal, bottom, pos. plane, etc.).

Command Type Description/Example

min_drill_valid! I Returns a 1 if drills are found in design, 0 if not.

min_drill_ref! I Returns the drill reference number of the smallest drill.

min_drill_size! R Size of the smallest drill.

min_drill_layer! I Layer number of the drill layer with the smallest drill.

min_drill_loc_x! R Returns the X coordinate of the smallest drill hit.

min_drill_loc_y! R Returns the Y coordinate of the smallest drill hit.

Command Type Description/Example

min_drill_2_trace_valid! I Returns a 1 if any drill-to-trace spacing is found, 0 if not.

min_drill_2_trace_size! R Returns the drill-to-trace space.

min_drill_2_trace_layer! I Number of the layer with the shortest drill-to-trace space.

min_drill_2_trace_loc1_x! min_drill_2_trace_loc1_y! min_drill_2_trace_loc2_x! min_drill_2_trace_loc2_y!

R Represents an «imaginary line» drawn between the drill and trace that have the shortest spacing (such as with Info > Measure > Object-Object, which has a small white line which indicates the location and distance being measured between the objects).


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Database Properties Queries

Queries which return information about the extents of the database, workspace, etc., as well as general database information.

Restriction: Database extent queries take into account all data in the design or specific layer, including any Step&Repeat and Panel data present.

R = Real, I = Integer, S = String

Command Type Description/Example

Dbminx! R X coordinate of the minimum extent in the database, to the centerline of the data at that coordinate

Dbmaxx! R X coordinate of the maximum extent in the database, to the centerline of the data at that coordinate

Dbminy! R Y coordinate of the minimum extent in the database, to the centerline of the data at that coordinate

Dbmaxy! R Y coordinate of the maximum extent in the database, to the centerline of the data at that coordinate

Visminx! Visminy! Vismaxx! Vismaxy!


Similar to the database extent queries above: however these commands return the coordinate values for only the «visible data» (layers turned ON). Coordinates returned are to the centerline of the extent data.

Visminx_tshape! Vismaxx_tshape! Visminy_tshape! Vismaxy_tshape!


Function much the same as the visxxxx! queries above, but return the full extent of any data on the layer, including the width of the Dcode used to draw the extent data. These queries are better to use for determining the true extents of the data in the design.

Filmminx! Filmminy! Filmmaxx! Filmmaxy!


X coordinate of the minimum filmbox extent Y coordinate of the minimum filmbox extent X coordinate of the maximum filmbox extent Y coordinate of the maximum filmbox extent

Dbname! S String value for the filename of the current database, including full path information

Units! I Returns the current user units setting for the database: 0 for English, 1 for Metric. (These values are the same as the parameter for [email protected]).

Precision! I Returns the current database precision (as set in Settings > Unit command). Value is denominator of the resolution: 1, 10, 100, 1000, etc. (These are the same as the parameter for [email protected]).

Borderminx! Borderminy! Bordermaxx! Bordermaxy!


X coordinate of the minimum one-up border extent. Y coordinate of the minimum one-up border extent. X coordinate of the maximum one-up border extent. Y coordinate of the maximum one-up border extent.


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Dcode Queries

Returns information on the active Dcode in the design. Interactively this is indicated by the Dcode on the Tool Bar. Within a macro, dcodes can be made active by using the [email protected] command.

Tip: It is recommended you familiarize yourself with the available intrinsic apertures (especially their parameters) and aperture macro commands before attempting to use them in a macro.

User Interface > ToolBar

Product Macro Commands > [email protected]

Product Macro Commands > Tables > Apertures

Getting Started > Aperture Chart

R = Real, I = Integer, S = String

Command Type Description/Example

Activedcode! I 10 — 9999

Dcodename! S Returns the name of the active Dcode if it is a custom. Returns a null «» if not.

Dcodeshape! I 1=Round, 2=Square, 3=Rectangle, 4=Target, 5=Thermal, 6=Custom, 7=Donut, 8=Octagon, 9=Oblong

Dcodesizex! R In mils. Returns x-size for applicable apertures (Round, etc). and width for applicable apertures (Diamond, etc).

Dcodesizey! R In mils. Returns y-size for applicable apertures (Round, etc). and heigth for applicable apertures (Diamond, etc).

DcodeExtentsx! R Returns the X extent (width) of the bounding box which encloses an aperture. Useful for rotated apertures.

DcodeExtentsy! R Returns the Y extent (heigth) of the bounding box which encloses an aperture. Useful for rotated apertures.

Dcodewidth! R Returns the width of all intrinsic apertures with the width parameter, regardless of rotation.

Dcodeheight! R Returns the heigth of all intrinsic apertures with the heigth parameter, regardless of rotation.

DcodeDescript! S Returns the parameter string for all apertures which use it. (see CAM350 commands>[email protected] command )

Active_dcode_flashed! I Returns the number of times the active Dcode has been used as a Flash on the active layer. (In Cam Editor returns value for one-up; in Panel Editor for panel data only).

Active_dcode_drawn! I Returns the number of times the active Dcode has been used as a Draw on the active layer. (In Cam Editor returns value for one-up; in Panel Editor for panel data only).

NumdcodetypeD! I Number of times the active Dcode TYPE has been used as a Draw on the active layer.

NumdcodetypeF! I Number of times the active Dcode TYPE has been used as a Flash on the active layer.

Numflashes! I Number of times Dcode is used as a flash.

Numdraws! I Number of times Dcode is used as a draw.

Highestdcode! I The highest USED Dcode.

Blankdcode! I 10 — 999


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Drill & Mill Queries

NC Data macro queries have two states for determining tool information: current layer or current table.

For Current Layer mode, the NC data layer must be ON for tool queries. Information is derived about the NC tools from the table which is assigned to that NC data layer. Tool information for other layers or NC Tables is ignored.

For Current Table mode, the NC Table itself is referenced directly for the tool information, regardless of layer. This state will return values for NC tools on all layers the table is assigned to.

Each state has its own set of macro queries assigned to it. The table below are formatted to provide all queries from the same state.

In addition, there are a number of miscellaneous NC data queries which are not tool or table dependant.

Select a set of queries:

Current Layer:

Current Table:

Miscellaneous NC Queries


Current Layer Queries:

To access current tool information, you must first turn ON the NC layer you wish to query. If you wish to get tool-specific information, you will need to use the following command to set the tool to retrieve information from:

[email protected] # where the # is the Reference number of the tool in the table attached to the NC layer.

Once you have set a tool, you may use these queries to retrieve information about it:

Rule: Each NC tool is automatically assigned a reference number by the system, which should be used to manipulate the tool when writing macros related to NC data. The tool ID number, which is more familiar to most operators, is used to identify the tool for import/export purposes.

R = Real, I = Integer, S = String

Tool-Specific Information:

Command Type Description/Example

Lyrdrillcount! I Number of occurrences of the current drill, on the active layer.

Lyrdrillcount_plated! I Same as above, but counts only Plated drill hits on the NC data layer.

Lyrdrillcount_unplated! I Same as above, but counts only Unplated drill hits on the NC data layer.

Toolnum! I Returns the tool ID number of the current tool.

Toolsize! or Drillsize!

R Size of current NC tool.

Toolused! I Returns a 1 if tool is used on the current NC data layer, 0 if not.


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Tables>NC Tools>Use Tool Size checkbox

Table-Specific Information:

Drilllegend! I Returns the DCode of the aperture used to display usage of the tool; if necessary an entry in the aperture table will be created.

Toolreference! I Returns the tool reference of the current tool.

Tooltype! I Returns an integer specifying the type of the tool: 0 = Type Unknown 1 = Either (tool can be used for both mill and drill) 2 = Mill tool 3 = Drill tool

Toolinfeed! I Returns in feed value, 0 implies use machine default.

Tooloutfeed! I Returns out feed value, 0 implies use machine default.

Toolfeedrate! I Returns feed rate value, 0 implies use machine default.

Toolrpms! I Returns tool RPM, 0 implies use machine default.

Toollinktool! I Returns tool reference of link tool (tool to be used when maxhits reached on this tool).

Toolshape! I Returns shape to be used when displaying the tool: -1 = Unknown 1 = Round 4 = Target 6 = Custom Aperture

Toolusesize! I Returns the setting of the Use Tool Size checkbox in the NC Table (ignored when shape is custom aperture): 0 = Display user-supplied size (value is 0 when shape is custom aperture) 1 = Match displayed size to tool size (shape must be round or target)

Tooldisplaysize! R Returns the size used in the Display Size field of the NC Table. Value returned is not applicable if shape is Custom Aperture. Only returns a value if Use Tool Size is selected in table.

Toolcapname! I If tool is assigned a Custom Aperture display shape, query returns the name of the custom aperture.

Command Type Description/Example

Highestdrill! I Returns the tool reference of the drill tool with the highest tool ID number, that is USED on any drill layer.

Highestuseddrillnum! I Same as above, but returns highest used drill tool ID number.

Highestmill! I Returns the tool reference of the mill tool with the highest tool ID number, that is USED on any mill layer.

Highestusedmillnum! I Same as above, but returns highest used mill tool ID number.

Highesttool! I Similar to above queries, but returns tool reference regardless of used tool type (drill or mill).

Highestusedtoolnum! I Same as above, but returns highest used NC tool ID number.

Highestdefdrill! I Returns the tool reference of the drill tool with the


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Current Table Queries:

The following NC data queries retrieve information from a specific tool table. Note that these queries perform the same functions as the ones just listed in the previous section, but do so regardless of the NC layer. The queries themselves share a similar naming format, with the exception of the addition text «dbq_» indicating these are database queries.

To activate the tool table to be checked, you must use this command:

[email protected] #, where # is the number of the table to be used

In addition, to retrieve tool-specific information, you must use this command:

[email protected] #, where # is the tool reference of the tool to be queried

R = Real, I = Integer, S = String

Tool-Specific Information:

highest tool ID number in the table, irregardless of usage.

Highestdefdrillnum! I Same as above, but returns highest drill tool ID number in the table.

Highestdefmill! I Returns the tool reference of the mill tool with the highest tool ID number in the table, irregardless of usage.

Highestdefmillnum! I Same as above, but returns the highest mill tool ID number in the table.

Highestdeftool! I Returns the tool reference of the tool with the highest ID number in the table, irregardless of tool type.

Highestdeftoolnum! I Same as above, but returns highest tool ID number.

Highesttoolref! I Returns the highest tool reference in the table.

Toolexportorder! I Returns tool export order (note that drill tools are always exported before mill tools).

Tooltable! I Returns the number of the current tool table

Command Type Description/Example

dbq_drillcount! I Number of occurrences of the current drill, on the active layer.

dbq_drillcount_plated! I Same as above, but counts only Plated drill hits on the NC data layer.

dbq_drillcount_unplated! I Same as above, but counts only Unplated drill hits on the NC data layer.

dbq_toolnum! I Returns the tool ID number of the current tool.

dbq_toolsize! or dbq_drillsize!

R Size of current NC tool.

dbq_toolused! I Returns a 1 if tool is used on the current NC data layer, 0 if not.

dbq_drilllegend! I Returns the DCode of the aperture used to display usage of the tool; if necessary an entry in the aperture table will be created.

dbq_toolreference! I Returns the tool reference of the current tool.

dbq_tooltype! I Returns an integer specifying the type of the tool: 0 = Type Unknown 1 = Either (tool can be used for both mill and drill) 2 = Mill tool


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Tables>NC Tools>Use Tool Size checkbox

Ta ble-Specific Information:

3 = Drill tool

dbq_toolinfeed! I Returns in feed value, 0 implies use machine default.

dbq_tooloutfeed! I Returns out feed value, 0 implies use machine default.

dbq_toolfeedrate! I Returns feed rate value, 0 implies use machine default.

dbq_toolrpms! I Returns tool RPM, 0 implies use machine default.

dbq_toollinktool! I Returns tool reference of link tool (tool to be used when maxhits reached on this tool).

dbq_toolshape! I Returns shape to be used when displaying the tool: -1 = Unknown 1 = Round 4 = Target 6 = Custom Aperture

dbq_toolusesize! I Returns the setting of the Use Tool Size checkbox in the NC Table (ignored when shape is custom aperture): 0 = Display user-supplied size (value is 0 when shape is custom aperture) 1 = Match displayed size to tool size (shape must be round or target)

dbq_tooldisplaysize! R Returns the size used in the Display Size field of the NC Table. Value returned is not applicable if shape is Custom Aperture. Only returns a value if Use Tool SIze is selected in table.

dbq_toolcapname! I If tool is assigned a Custom Aperture display shape, query returns the name of the custom aperture.

Command Type Description/Example

dbq_highestdrill! I Returns the tool reference of the drill tool with the highest tool ID number, that is USED on any drill layer.

dbq_highestuseddrillnum! I Same as above, but returns highest used drill tool ID number.

dbq_highestmill! I Returns the tool reference of the mill tool with the highest tool ID number, that is USED on any mill layer.

dbq_highestusedmillnum! I Same as above, but returns highest used mill tool ID number.

dbq_highesttool! I Similar to above queries, but returns tool reference regardless of used tool type (drill or mill).

dbq_highestusedtoolnum! I Same as above, but returns highest used NC tool ID number.

dbq_highestdefdrill! I Returns the tool reference of the drill tool with the highest tool ID number in the table, irregardless of usage.

dbq_highestdefdrillnum! I Same as above, but returns highest drill tool ID number in the table.

dbq_highestdefmill! I Returns the tool reference of the mill tool with the highest tool ID number in the table, irregardless of usage.

dbq_highestdefmillnum! I Same as above, but returns the highest mill tool ID


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Miscellaneous NC Data Queries:

Information pertaining to NC data layers and tools.

R = Real, I = Integer, S = String

number in the table.

dbq_highestdeftool! I Returns the tool reference of the tool with the highest ID number in the table, irregardless of tool type.

dbq_highestdeftoolnum! I Same as above, but returns highest tool ID number.

dbq_highesttoolref! I Returns the highest tool reference in the table.

dbq_toolexportorder! I Returns tool export order (note that drill tools are always exported before mill tools).

dbq_tooltable! I Returns the number of the current tool table

Command Type Description/Example

Drilllayer! I Returns plated drill layer. Layers start at 0.

Drilllayer_unplated! I Returns unplated drill layer. Layers start at 0.

Milllayer! I Returns the mill layer.

Drilltool! I Returns the drill tool reference of the drill assigned to the current padstack.


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Layer Queries

Returns information about the layers in the current database.

Tip: Remember, macro language layer numbering starts at 0. For example, layer 1 in a database returns layer ID 0 within a macro.

R = Real, I = Integer, S = String

Command Type Description/Example

Blanklayer! I Returns the first blank layer.

Activelayer! I Returns the active layer.

Borderlayer! I Returns the border layer .

Numlayers! I Total number of defined layers.

Drilllayer! I Returns plated drill layer.

Drilllayer_unplated! I Returns unplated drill layer.

Milllayer! I Returns the NC data layer containing mill data. (If more than one exists, first layer’s ID is returned).

Highestlayer! I The number of the highest layer.

Layerblank! I Returns a 1 if the active layer is blank, or a 0 if not. Tests the active layer in the current editor being used (i.e. Symbol Editor).

Layername! S The name of the current layer.

Layertype! I Returns the type for the active layer: 0=Top 13=Temporary 1=Internal 14=PosPlane 2=NegPlane 16=RefDes Top 3=Bottom 17=RefDes Bottom 4=Graphic 18=Insulator 6=Border 19=Paste Top 7=Silktop 20=Paste Bottom 8=Silkbot 21=NC Data 11=Masktop -2 = keep old value 12=Maskbot

Layerncrank! I Returns the NC Rank for the active layer (for use with layers of type NC Data) :


Layermirrorstate! I Reports whether the active layer will be exported as mirrored. Returns a 1 if it will be mirrored, returns a 0 if not.

Layerimagepolarity! I Returns the image polarity of the active layer. 0=positive, 1=negative.

Firstlayer! I The layer ID of the first layer.

Nextlayer! I The layer ID of the next layer AFTER the active layer. Returns a -1 if there is no next layer.

Previouslayer! I The layer ID of the layer BEFORE the active layer. Returns a -1 if there is no previous layer.

First_composite! I Returns the ID of the first composite in the design. Returns -1 if there are no composites.

Next_composite! I Returns the ID of the next composite in the design. Returns -1 if there are no composites.

Composite_background! I Returns 1 for dark, -1 for clear, or 0 for no composite selected.

Composite_mirrored! I Returns 0 if the composite is not mirrored, 1 if mirrored, -1 if there are no composites.

Composite_name! S Returns the name of the current composite.


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Composite_plot_name! S Returns the plot (file) name of the current composite.

First_composite_layer! I Returns the layer ID of the first layer in the composite. -1 if no composite layer.

Next_composite_layer! I Returns the layer ID of the next layer in the composite. -1 if no more composite layers.

Composite_layer_polarity! I Returns 1 for dark, -1 for clear, 0 if no composite selected.


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Misc. Queries

All other uncategorized queries.

R = Real, I = Integer, S = String

Marker Macros

Command Type Description/Example

Quote! S Returns a quotation mark («)

CR! S Returns a new line character (carriage return)

Queryfound! I During a query, this returns whether anything was found (1 if something is found, 0 if not found). This remains in effect until the next query or the end of the macro. Example: if queryfound! = 1 then [do something]

querystring! S During any query, this returns all strings that appear in the Query dialog. During any Measure, this returns all strings that appear in the Measure dialog. Example: if queryfound! = 1 then [do something]

MarkerX! MarkerY!

R Return the X and Y coordinates of the current graphical Marker.


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Mouse/Cursor Queries

Return input from the mouse, including coordinate of mouse cursor.

R = Real, I = Integer, S = String

Getting Mouse Coordinates

Command Type Description/Example

Mouseposx! R Returns the X coordinate of the cursor after the [email protected] command (ignores object and grid snapping).

Mouseposy! R Returns the Y coordinate of the cursor after the [email protected] command (ignores object and grid snapping).

Coordx! Coordy!


These commands return the coordinates of the mouse cursor after a command has been run which changes the mouse cursor’s position (for example, Info > Query > Dcode). This new position is returned using grid and object snapping: if grid snap is on, it returns the nearest grid coordinate. If object snap is on, it returns the coordinate of the object within the snap box.

Button! R Returns the cause of the termination of the [email protected] command: 1=left mouse button 2=right mouse button 3=middle mouse button 0=keyboard action


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Net & Padstack Queries

Returns information on the nets and padstacks in the database.

R = Real, I = Integer, S = String

Command Type Description/Example

Numnets! I Total number of nets in a database.

Nets! I 1=nets present, 0=no nets present

Padstacks! I 1=padstacks present, 0=no padstacks

Activepadstack! I Current padstack # (Padstacks start at 0)

Padstacksizex! R X dimension of current padstack.

Padstacksizey! R Y dimension of current padstack.

Highestpstk! I The highest USED padstack.


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System & Product Queries

General queries about the application, and its state of performance.

R = Real, I = Integer, S = String

Command Type Description/Example

System_memory! I The amount of memory allocated, and is expected to remain allocated for the entire session, for working space. This amount is independent of data loaded.

Data_memory! I The amount of memory allocated for user data.

Font_memory! I The amount of memory used to load fonts.

Product! S Returns the current application’s product name.

Exepath! S Returns the application’s executable file directory.

Time! S Example: Wed Apr 13 09:21:45 1994

Version! R Returns the current application’s version number.


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Text Queries

Allows you to query the text style and contents of any current text in the database. For more information see the macro commands for Add > Text.

R = Real, I = Integer, S = String

Command Type Description/Example

Text_fontname! S Returns current font name.

Text_height! R Returns current text height. This is the total height of the text, not capital letter height.

Text_character_spacing! R Returns spacing between characters.

Text_line_spacing! R Returns spacing between lines.

Text_spaces_per_tab! R Returns number of spaces inserted for each tab character.

Text_angle! R Returns angle of text.

Text_slant! I Returns slant of characters.

Text_fitted! I Returns whether selected text is fitted or not: 0 = Not 1 = Fitted

Text_horizontal_justification! I Returns horizontal justification: 0 = None 1 = Left 2 = Middle 3 = Right

Text_vertical_justification! I Returns vertical justification: 0 = None 1 = Baseline 2 = Bottom 3 = Center 4 = Top

Text_mirror! I Returns mirror setting: 0=not mirrored or 1=mirrored.

Text_vertical! I Returns vertical text display setting: 1=yes or 0=no

Text_width_scale! I Returns width X-scaling factor.


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Analysis Queries

These queries return various information found by the Analysis Menu commands they refer to. In each case, the Analysis command must be run either interactive, or in the course of the macro, for the query to return a value.

R = Real, I = Integer, S = String

Command Type Description/Example

Copperarea! R Returns total copper area for ON layers in CAM Editor, and copper area for panel layers in Panel Editor. (Analysis > Copper Area must be run first).

Number_solder_bridges! I Reports the number of solder bridges found (Analysis > Find Solder Bridges must be run first).

Number_layer_compares! I Reports the number of layer comparison errors found (Analysis > Compare Layers must be run first).

Number_starved_thermals! I Reports the number of starved thermals found (Analysis > Find Starved Thermals must be run first).

Number_drill_errors! I Reports the number of drill errors found (Analysis > Check Drill must be run first).

Number_mill_errors! I Reports the number of mill errors found (Analysis>Check Mill must be run first).

Number_slivers! I Reports the number of slivers—both mask and copper—found (Analysis > Copper Slivers or Analysis > Mask Slivers must be run first).

Number_acid_traps! Number_acid_traps_ON_layers!

I Reports the number of acid traps found (Analysis > Acid Traps must be run first).

Number_minimum_gap_errors! Number_minimum_gap_errors_ON_layers!


Reports the number of minimum gap errors found (Analysis > Minimum Gaps must be run first).

Number_minimum_width_errors! Number_minimum_width_errors_ON_layers!


Reports the number of minimum width errors found (Analysis > Minimum Widths must be run first).

Number_drc_errors I Reports the number of DRC errors found (Analysis > DRC must be run first).

Histo1! Histo2! Histo3! Histo4!


Number of violations for that particular histogram. (Analysis > DRC Histogram must be run first).

Number_negplanethermconflicts! I Reports the number of negative plane thermal conflicts found (Analysis > Negative Plane Thermal Conflicts must be run first).

Number_pin_holes! I Reports the number of pin holes found (Analysis > Find Pin Holes


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Analysis > Copper Area

Analysis > Find Solder Bridges

Analysis > Compare Layers

Analysis > Find Starved Thermals

Analysis > Check Drill

Analysis > Check Mill

Analysis > Copper Slivers

Analysis > Mask Slivers

Analysis > Acid Traps

Analysis > DRC

Analysis > DRC Histogram

Analysis > Negative Plane Thermal Conflicts

Analysis > Find Pin Holes

Analysis > Part to Part Spacing

Analysis > Silk to Solder Spacing

Analysis > Solder Mask to Trace Spacing

must be run first).

Number_Part2Part_errors! I Reports the number of part to part spacing errors found (Analysis > Part to Part Spacing must be run first).

Number_SilkScreen_errors! I Reports the number of silkscreen to solder mask spacing errors found (Analysis > Silk to Solder Spacing must be run first).

Number_ElecSolder_errors! I Reports the number of solder mask to trace layer spacing errors found (Analysis > Solder Mask to Trace Spacing must be run first).


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A form is a dialog box similar to a Windows-style dialog: it is used to query input from the user. Instead of relying upon combinations of Print and Input to obtain user-entered data, forms in BASIC allow macro programmers to design a more powerful user interface by creating data entry forms which are custom-tailored to a specific job function. Forms relieve the macro programmer from having to follow the traditional method of using several input statements to get simple information from the user. If there is a choice between multiple options, the programmer may now list the options within a single Form instead of using Yes/No tree answers or having the user enter a number, letter, name, etc. to determine which path to follow. However, it is an advanced piece of programming and not recommended for the beginning BASIC programmer.

Each form is comprised of a title bar, a control area, and one to three buttons at the bottom.


To add a form to a macro, you must use the macro commands listed below to create it, place controls inside the control area, and then display the form for user interaction. There are a number of input options available to the form writer: Input, Check, and Choice, as well as the ability to retrieve filenames from the user, and to Print descriptive lines in the form. All of these input controls can be assigned variables which can be used by the calling macro.

During the course of running a macro, the form is displayed on screen for the user to fill out. When the user has finished filling out the form, they press one of the buttons at the bottom of the form to delete it and continue the macro. If either the OK or the Yes button is pressed, the values entered into the input controls are saved in the user-supplied variables. If either the Cancel or the No button is pressed, the values entered into the controls are thrown away and the user’s variables are left unchanged.

Each form must contain an OpenForm, a DisplayForm and a DeleteForm statement. The number of controls and print lines contained in the form can be variable; the only limitations occur depending on the type of display units chosen for the form:

Pixel display units show the form in direct screen resolution, giving you absolute control over the size of the form, but can make it more difficult to arrange the layout of the form, especially when dealing with line-spacing issues between the controls.


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Character display assumes the width and height of a screen font as its display unit. This allows you to more easily space out lines and controls, but can result in limitations on the number of lines your form can display, dependant on the resolution of the screen the macro is running on.

Using either display mode, the form cannot be larger or wider than the CAM350 work area (which includes any toolbars that are currently turned on). To increase the available space in the work area, you may turn off the toolbars while the form is being displayed on screen, using the macro commands for View > Toolbar, View > Status Bar, and View > Layer Bar. Once the form has been deleted, these toolbars may be turned back on again.


These commands create, populate, and close the form. Each command has should appear in the sequence below: the exception is the AddForm command, which may be repeated multiple times to fill the form with controls, before calling the DisplayForm command brings the Form up on screen.

Note: Any parameters enclosed in brackets [] are optional. If these parameters are not specified in a macro, the system uses default values.


Creates a blank form and gives it the identifier n. This must be done before controls can be placed on a form.


OpenForm #n, width%, height%, title$, unit, buttons

#n is a number used to identify the form for adding controls, and for displaying and deleting the form. It must be in the range 1 to 255.

width% is the width of the forms control area (based on the setting for unit)

height% is the height of the form’s control area (based on the setting for unit) This value does not make provisions for any buttons that you might put at the bottom of the form; you must factor those into the overall height of the form.

title$ is the text placed in the title bar.

unit is either PIXEL or CHARACTER. If the unit is PIXEL, then all form coordinates (as well as the form height and width) are in pixels. (Note that if you have a 640X480 display, then the display has 640 pixels across by 480 pixels down.) If unit is CHARACTER, then all form coordinates (as well as the form height and width) are in characters across and lines down. (A line is the height of a capital letter plus some space to separate it from the next line.)

buttons indicates which buttons will appear at the bottom of the form (these are not in the control area). You can choose between several combinations of buttons:

OK Just one button with «OK» on it. OKCANCEL Two buttons, «OK» and «Cancel» YESNO Two buttons, «Yes» and «No» YESNOCANCEL Three buttons, «Yes», «No», and «Cancel» PREVFINISH Two buttons, «Prev» and «Finish». Useful in conjunction with forms using the NEXT buttons below, or as a final form. NEXTCANCEL Two buttons, «Next» and «Cancel». NEXTFINISH Two buttons, «Next» and «Finish». Useful as the final form in a series. PREVNEXT Two buttons, «Prev» and «Next».

PREVNEXTFINISH Three buttons, «Prev», «Next», and «Finish». Useful as the final form in a series.



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Adds a control to the form identified by n in OpenForm.


AddForm #n, x%, y%, prompt$, type[, variable][, options]

#n identifies the form to which the control is to be added.

x% is the distance the control is offset from the left side of the form; this value uses the unit set in OpenForm.

If CHARACTER, then this is the number of lines from the left of the control area.

If PIXEL, then this is the number of pixels from the left of the control area.

y% is the distance the control is offset from the top of the control area of the form (ignoring the distance for the title bar); this value is in the unit set in OpenForm.

If CHARACTER, then this is the number of lines from the top of the cotnrol area.

If PIXEL, this is the number of pixels from the top of the control area.

prompt$ is a character string (either a literal or a string variable) which is displayed as a prompt line.

type is the kind of control to be added. This is either PRINT, INPUT, CHECK or CHOICE. Two other controls may also be used here (GetOpenFilename and GetSaveFilename), but these alter the syntax of the AddForm command (see their descriptions for the proper syntax).

variable applies to all control types except PRINT. The control will have a default state, which is set based upon the value of the variable.

options are specific to each control type.


Displays the form and waits for the user to fill it out. Control returns after the user presses one of the buttons specified in OpenForm (OK, Cancel, etc.)


DisplayForm #n[, where]

where indicates where the form is to be displayed within the main application window. The setting can be one of the following:CENTER, UPPERLEFT, UPPERRIGHT, LOWERLEFT or LOWERRIGHT. If not specified, then CENTER is assumed.


Frees the form ID n so that it can be reused. This should be called when the form is no longer needed.


DeleteForm #n



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Controls use the standard values explained in the AddForm command. However, each control may have unique variables:


Displays a check box, which the user may check and uncheck with the mouse or keyboard.


AddForm #n, x%, y%, prompt$, Check, state%

state% is a variable that records the current state of the check box: 0 = off, 1 = on. It may be used initially to set the box state, but returns the value the user has set after the form is displayed.


AddForm #1, 0, 4, «Display summary», Check, SummaryState%


Displays radio buttons, surrounded by a box, which the user may select one option from, using the mouse or keyboard.


AddForm #n, x% y%, prompt$, Choice, which%, choice1$, choice2$[, choice3$, …..]

which% is the variable that returns the choice the user made: choices are numbered in sequence from 0 to n This value can be set initially to a specific choice before the form is displayed, but returns whatever value the user chose while the form was displayed.

choicen$ represents the set of choices made available to the user. Each choice must have its own variable. Two or more choices must be given.


AddForm #1, 0, 5, «Choose a name», Name%, «Tom», «Dick», «Harry»


Functions similarly to the Windows «Open» file dialog box: obtains a filename from the user by displaying a Windows-style drop down list. The returned filename can be used for file input/output purposes.


AddForm #n, x%, y%, prompt$, GetOpenFilename, filename$[, filter$[, filter_desc$[, FLAG[, FLAG]]]]

filename$ is the variable which will return the retrieved filename. Returns the full filepath of the file.

filter$ is a file filter to limit which file types are displayed (such as *.txt). More than one file type can be indicated by separating them with semi-colons ( «*.gbr;*.lgr»). If omitted, the default will be *.*.

filter_desc$ describes filter$ (e.g. «Gerber files»).


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FLAG is any one of the following:

NoFileMustExist Does not verify if the file exists or not.

NoPathMustExist Does not verify if the path exists or not.

NoChangeDir Will not allow the user to change the current working directory.

Multiple FLAGS are permitted, separated by commas. If none of the above FLAGS are used, then their opposite (default) functions will be used.


AddForm #1, 0, 5, «Open file:», GetOpenFilename, Read$, «*.txt»,»Text Files», NoFileMustExist


Functions similarly to the Windows «Save As» file dialog box: obtains a filename from the user by displaying a Windows-style drop down list. The returned filename can be used for file input/output purposes.


AddForm #n,x%,y%,prompt$,GetSaveFilename,filename$[,default_ext$[,filter[,filter_desc$[,FLAG[,FLAG]]]]]

filename$ is the variable which will return the retrieved filename. Returns the full filepath of the file.

default_ext$ is the default extension of the file being saved. It is a three character string with no period (e.g. «txt»).

filter$ is a file filter to limit which files are displayed (such as «*.txt»). If omitted, will be «*.*».

filter_desc$ describes filter$ (e.g. «Text files»).

FLAG is any one of the following:

NoOverWritePrompt If the filename already exists, it does not prompt the user to verify before overwriting it.

PathMustExist Requires the saved file’s path to already exist.

NoChangeDir Will not allow the user to change the current working directory.

Multiple FLAGS are permitted, separated by commas. If none of the above FLAGS are used, then the opposite, default functions will be used.


AddForm #1, 0, 5, «Please select a file to save», GetSaveFilename, Save$, «gbr»,»*.gbr»,»Gerber Files», PathMustExist


Accepts typed input from the user. There are three types of input controls: integer, real, and string:

1. Integer Input


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Syntax for integer controls:

AddForm #n, x%, y%, prompt$, Input, integer%[, low% to high%]


AddForm #1, 0, 1, «Enter the current year:», Input, Year%, 1990 to 2999

2. Real Input

Syntax for real controls:

AddForm #n, x%, y%, prompt$, Input, real#[, low# to high#]


AddForm #1, 0, 2, «Enter the offset in Inches:», Input, Offset#, 0.0 to 5.0

3. String Input

Syntax for string controls:

AddForm #n, x%, y%, prompt$, Input, string$[, width%]


AddForm#1, 0, 3, «Enter file name:», Input, Filename$, 80

Arguments for these commands are as follows:

integer% is used to retrieve the interger value entered by the user.

real# is used to retrieve the real value entered by the user.

string$ returns the string entered by the user.

low% to high% is an optional range of values which the user input must lie within. The control will automatically validate this range, if it is present. It may be used for either integer or real input values.

width% is the optional string width (in characters) of the input box. If width% is not given, then the width of the control is approximately 21 characters. The input box automatically scrolls to the left if more characters are entered.


Prints «dumb» text on the form, useful for information or instructions.


AddForm #n, x%, y%, prompt$, Print[, width%]

width% is the width (in characters) of the text. If necessary, the string will wrap either at this width% number of characters or at the right edge of the control area (whichever is less).

prompt$ is the text to be displayed on the form.



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AddForm #1, 0, 0, «this is a string», Print, 40


All these functions are used to check if a given button is pressed. They return n, which is either a 1 or a 0 and may all be used in a Boolean expression. These functions only refer to the buttons on the bottom of the form, they are not used by the macro programmer to add buttons to a form.





Both functions check to see if the last GetOpenFileName or GetSaveFileName were completed properly (by the user selecting a file and pressing OK)..


OpenNameOK(n) = ok% SaveNameOK(n) = ok%

n is the number of the form

ok% is the returned value: 1 = completed 0 = not completed


IF OpenName(1) = 0 THEN Error% = 1 IF SaveName(1) = 1 THEN GOTO 500


May be used to determine if the file returned by GetOpenFileName or GetSaveFileName exists.


Button Function






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FileExists(filename$) = ok%

ok% returns 1 if the file exists and is readable, 0 if not.


IF FileExists(test.gbr) = 1 THEN GOTO 100


Following is an example of a macro that creates a form, and the resulting form.

label1$ = «This is an eighty character string to be used as a test for the Print command.» i% = 4 d# = 12345.678 s$ = «The quick brown fox» j% = 1 k% = 2 OpenForm #1, 40, 12, «Test form», character, yesnocancel AddForm #1, 0, 0, «Integer:», INPUT, i%, 0 to 10 AddForm #1, 0, 1, «Real : «, INPUT, d# AddForm #1, 0, 2, «String :», INPUT, s$ AddForm #1, 1, 3, «Check:», CHECK, j% AddForm #1, 2, 4, «Choice», CHOICE, k%, «Choice One», «Choice Two», «Choice Three» AddForm #1, 0, 8, label1$, PRINT AddForm #1, 2, 10, «Open File», GETOPENFILENAME, filename$ DisplayForm #1 if formcancel(1) then goto skipit ‘Set strings for print statement: i$ = str$(i%) d$ = str$(d#) j$ = str$(j%) k$ = str$(k%) print «i% = «,i$+cr!+»d# = «,d$+cr!+»s$ = «+quote!+s$+quote!+cr!+»Check = «,j$+cr!+»Choice = «,k$+cr!+»File = «,filename$ skipit: DeleteForm #1 End


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Add Menu Macros

Add > Alignment Pins

[email protected]

Initiates command.

[email protected] # [email protected] 0.0000,0.0000

Adds a new alignment pin, at the coordinates given. Multiple sets of coordinates may be given to add additional pins. Parameter sets the type of alignment pin to use:

1=Top 2=Bottom 3=Through-Hole


[email protected] [email protected] 1 [email protected] 1225.0000,2725.0000 [email protected] 2175.0000,2275.0000 [email protected] 2 [email protected] 1750.0000,2500.0000 [email protected] 2000.0000,2000.0000 [email protected] 3 [email protected] 1500.0000,2675.0000 [email protected] 1250.0000,2250.0000 [email protected]

Add > Arc


Alignment Pins Flash Rectangle

Arc Line Refdes

Border Mill Circle Step Image

Circle Mill Path Stiffener

Device Name Mill Slot Symbol

Drill Mill Tab Test Points

Drill Circle Operator Message Text

Drill Hit Optional Stop Tooling Offset (G93)

Drill Sequence Padstack Variable Text

Drill Slot Part Via

Drill Text Pin Wire

Ellipse (macro only) Polygon

Fixture Probes Polygon Void


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[email protected] [email protected] -50.0000,100.0000 [email protected] 0.0000,100.0000 [email protected] -150.0000,100.0000 [email protected]

Adds an arc. Points specified are the center, start, and point that defines the angle.

In addition to the command sequence above, several commands may be added after the [email protected] command to assign the layer(s) which arc will appear on in the symbol, once the symbol is placed in a panel.

[email protected] #

Sets the layer in the Symbol Editor that the arc will be added to. (Remember macro layering begins at 0).

[email protected] Lay

Specifies type of layer which symbol is to be placed on in a panel. Lay is as follows:

1 = ALL Layers 2 = All Electric Layers 3 = All Layers of the type data is being created on 4 = Current Layer (active layer # in the symbol editor)

[email protected] Type

When choosing 3 in [email protected], this command specifies the layertype of the layer.


See Layer Type codes

Same as the above CAM Editor command sequence, but commands listed below may be added after [email protected] command to define attributes of the arc’s graphic:

[email protected] Value

Sets the draw polarity for the line.

Value : 0=positive, 1=negative.

[email protected] Width

Sets the drawing width in either mils or mm.


[email protected] [email protected] -50.0000,-50.0000 [email protected] 100.0000,-50.0000 [email protected] 50.0000,100.0000 [email protected]


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The first two points are the end points of the arc. The third point is any other point (except the end points) on the arc.

In addition to the command sequence above, several commands may be added after the [email protected] command to assign the layer(s) which arc will appear on in the symbol, once symbol is placed in a panel.

[email protected] #

Sets the layer in the Symbol Editor that the arc will be added to. (Remember macro layering begins at 0).

[email protected] Lay

Specifies type of layer which symbol is to be placed on in a panel. Lay is as follows:

1 = ALL Layers 2 = All Electric Layers 3 = All Layers of the type data is being created on 4 = Current Layer (active layer # in the symbol editor)

[email protected] Type

When choosing 3 in [email protected], this command specifies the layertype of the layer.

See Layer Type codes

Same as the above CAM Editor command sequence, but commands listed below may be added after [email protected] command to define attributes of the arc’s graphic:

[email protected] Value

Sets the draw polarity for the line.

Value : 0=positive, 1=negative.

[email protected] Width

Sets the drawing width in either mils or mm.


[email protected] [email protected] -100.0000,50.0000 [email protected] 200.0000,200.0000 [email protected]

The two points are the end points of the arc.

In addition to the command sequence above, several commands may be added after the [email protected] command to assign the layer(s) which arc will appear on in the symbol, once symbol is placed in a panel.

[email protected] #


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Sets the layer in the Symbol Editor that the arc will be added to. (Remember macro layering begins at 0).

[email protected] Lay

Specifies type of layer which symbol is to be placed on in a panel. Lay is as follows:

1 = ALL Layers 2 = All Electric Layers 3 = All Layers of the type data is being created on 4 = Current Layer (active layer # in the symbol editor)

[email protected] Type

When choosing 3 in [email protected], this command specifies the layertype of the layer.

See Layer Type codes

Same as the above CAM Editor command sequence, commands listed below may be added after [email protected] command to define attributes of the arc’s graphic:

[email protected] Value

Sets the draw polarity for the line.

Value : 0=positive, 1=negative.

[email protected] Width

Sets the drawing width in either mils or mm.

Add > Border

Adds a polygonal border to the one-up design in the CAM Editor. This border will be used to determine step&repeat image spacing in the Panel Editor, as well as provide a border for panel venting. Any number of points describing the border may be entered — the command will automatically close the polygon after the final point is specified.

[email protected]

Inititates command.

[email protected] #

Sets the orthagonal angle of the slot being made.

0 = 90 degrees 1 = 45 degrees 2 = any angle

[email protected] -118.6000,2355.5000 [email protected] 2355.9000,2367.9000 [email protected] 2268.8000,769.4000 [email protected]


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[email protected] commands select each susequent point on the polygonal outline. [email protected] command closes polygon and ends function.

[email protected] [email protected] -25.0000,100.0000 [email protected] 75.0000,0.0000 [email protected]

Draws a rectangular border for the symbol, as defined by two opposite corner coordinates.

Add > Circle

3 Points

[email protected] [email protected] -50.0000,150.0000 [email protected] 100.0000,150.0000 [email protected] 0.0000,250.0000 [email protected]

Adds a circle given three points: the first two points are the end-points of the circle’s arc. The third point is any point on the circle EXCEPT an end point.

Same as the above command sequence, but command listed below may be added after [email protected] command to define attributes of the circle’s graphic:

[email protected] Value

Sets the draw polarity for the line.

Value : 0=positive, 1=negative.

Similar to the CAM Editor 3 Point Circle command above, but several commands may be added after [email protected] to assign the layer(s) which circle will appear on, in the symbol, once symbol is placed in a panel.

[email protected]

Adds a circle. given the following settings:

[email protected] #

Sets the layer in the Symbol Editor that the circle will be added to. (Remember macro layering begins at 0).

[email protected] Lay

Specifies type of layer which symbol is to be placed on in a panel. Lay is as follows:


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1 = ALL Layers 2 = All Electric Layers 3 = All Layers of the type data is being created on 4 = Current Layer (active layer # in the symbol editor)

[email protected] Type

When choosing 3 in [email protected], this command specifies the layertype of the layer.

See Layer Type codes

[email protected] -50.0000,150.0000 [email protected] 100.0000,150.0000 [email protected] 0.0000,250.0000 [email protected]

Creates the circle, given three points: the first two points are the end-points of the circle’s arc. The third point is any point on the circle EXCEPT an end point.

Center Radius

[email protected] [email protected] -100.0000,200.0000 [email protected] -50.0000,200.0000 [email protected]

This adds a normal 2 point circle, with the first point defining the center and the second point defining a point on the radius.

Same as the above command sequence, but command listed below may be added after [email protected] command to define attributes of the circle’s graphic:

[email protected] Value

Sets the draw polarity for the line.

Value : 0=positive, 1=negative.

Similar to the CAM Editor Center Radius command above, but several commands may be added after [email protected] to assign the layer(s) which circle will appear on, in the symbol, once symbol is placed in a panel.

[email protected]

Adds a circle, given the following settings:

[email protected] #

Sets the layer in the Symbol Editor that the circle will be added to. (Remember macro layering begins at 0).

[email protected] Lay

Specifies type of layer which symbol is to be placed on in a panel. Lay is as follows:

1 = ALL Layers 2 = All Electric Layers


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3 = All Layers of the type data is being created on 4 = Current Layer (active layer # in the symbol editor)

[email protected] Type

When choosing 3 in [email protected], this command specifies the layertype of the layer.

See Layer Type codes

Add > Device Name

[email protected]

Adds a Device Name designator to the part.

[email protected]

Turns the Device Name attached to the cursor. Each instance of the command turns the Device Name a fixed degree counter-clockwise. Degree is specified by [email protected] command.

[email protected] #

Sets the turn angle. # is 100 times the angle (650=6.5 degrees)

[email protected] #

Mirrors the Device Name attached to the cursor.

[email protected] #

Sets the text height of the Device Name (capital letter height), in current user units.

[email protected] 0.0000, 0.0000

Placement point for the Device Name designator.


[email protected] [email protected] 4500 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 45.0000 [email protected] [email protected] -325.0000,0.0000 [email protected]

Add > Drill

Adds a single drill hit in a drill coupon. Hit must be associated with the drill tools in the NC Table.

[email protected]


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Initiates the command.

Select one of the following to set the tool value for the drill:

[email protected] Nth, Set, min/max

Sets the first drill based on the smallest drill in the design. Parameters are:

Nth: sets how far offset from the smallest drill in the table it should be: 0 means smallest, 1 is next to smallest, etc.

Set indicates whether min/max setting is to be used. 0 = no, 1 = yes.

min/max: sets a value for the smallest size the first tool in the sequence can be (i.e. 45 indicates a tool larger than 45 mils must be the first tool in the sequence)

[email protected] Nth, Set, min/max

Sets the first drill based on the largest drill in the design. Parameters are:

Nth: sets how far offset from the largest drill in the table it should be: 0 means largest, 1 is one below largest, etc.

Set indicates whether min/max setting is to be used. 0 = no, 1 = yes.

min/max: sets a value for the largest size the first tool in the sequence can be (i.e. 100 indicates a tool no larger than 100 mils must be the first tool in the sequence)

[email protected] Tool Number

Sets the first tool in the sequence based on the ID number of the tool.

[email protected] Size

Sets the first tool in the sequence based on the size of the tool (in user units).

[email protected] 1

Sets the drill type to use in the sequence. 0 = Plated, 1 = Unplated.

[email protected] x,y

Sets the coordinate to place the drill hit.


[email protected] [email protected] 0,0,0.0000 [email protected] 0 [email protected] -375.0000,-100.0000 [email protected]

Add > Drill Circle

[email protected]


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[email protected] #

Specifies the tool being used to make the circle. # is the tool REF number of the new tool.

[email protected] -3075.0000,1300.0000 [email protected] -2150.0000,825.0000 [email protected]

This adds a drilled circle using the same format as a normal 2 point circle, with the first point defining the center and the second point defining a point on the radius.

Add > Drill Hit

[email protected]

Initiates command.

[email protected] #

Specifies the tool being used to make the hit. # is the tool REF number of the new tool.

[email protected] #

Specifies if a hit is plated (1) or unplated/tented (0).

[email protected] 525.0000,5000.0000

Hit is added at the specified coordinate.

[email protected]

Ends command.


[email protected] [email protected] 4 [email protected] 0 [email protected] 15.0800,53.7200 [email protected]

Add > Drill Sequence

Adds a series of drill hits to a drill coupon. Drills may be ordered from smallest to largest, largest to smallest, etc.: once the coupon is used in a panel, the command will space drill hits evenly along the path specified by the two end points of the sequence. These «anchor» drills may be defined by their relationship to the smallest or largest tool in the NC Table, by tool number, or by tool size. The hits will be propagated using the NC tool table in the design.

[email protected]

Intializes the command.

First Drill tool settings:


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Select one of the following to set the FIRST anchor tool’s value.

[email protected] Nth, Set, min/max

Sets the first drill based on the smallest drill in the design. Parameters are:

Nth: sets how far offset from the smallest drill in the table it should be: 0 means smallest, 1 is next to smallest, etc.

Set indicates whether min/max setting is to be used. 0 = no, 1 = yes.

min/max: sets a value for the smallest size the first tool in the sequence can be (i.e. 45 indicates a tool larger than 45 mils must be the first tool in the sequence)

[email protected] Nth, Set, min/max

Sets the first drill based on the largest drill in the design. Parameters are:

Nth: sets how far offset from the largest drill in the table it should be: 0 means largest, 1 is one below largest, etc.

Set indicates whether min/max setting is to be used. 0 = no, 1 = yes.

min/max: sets a value for the largest size the first tool in the sequence can be (i.e. 100 indicates a tool smaller than 100 mils must be the first tool in the sequence)

[email protected] Tool Number

Sets the first tool in the sequence based on the ID number of the tool.

[email protected] Size

Sets the first tool in the sequence based on the size of the tool (in user units).

Last Drill Tool settings:

Select one of the following to set the LAST anchor tool’s value.

[email protected] Nth, Set, min/max

Sets the last drill based on the smallest drill in the design. Parameters are:

Nth: sets how far offset from the smallest drill in the table it should be: 0 means smallest, 1 is next to smallest, etc.

Set indicates whether min/max setting is to be used. 0 = no, 1 = yes.

min/max: sets a value for the smallest size the first tool in the sequence can be (i.e. 45 indicates a tool larger than 45 mils must be the first tool in the sequence)

[email protected] Nth, Set, min/max

Sets the first drill based on the largest drill in the design. Parameters are:

Nth: sets how far offset from the largest drill in the table it should be: 0 means largest, 1 is one below largest, etc.

Set indicates whether min/max setting is to be used. 0 = no, 1 = yes.

min/max: sets a value for the largest size the first tool in the sequence can be (i.e. 100 indicates a tool smaller than 100 mils must be the first tool in the sequence)


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[email protected] Tool Number

Sets the first tool in the sequence based on the ID number of the tool.

[email protected] Size

Sets the first tool in the sequence based on the size of the tool (in user units).

Other sequence settings: [email protected] 0

Sets the number of drill hits to use in the sequence.

[email protected] 1

Sets the drill type to use in the sequence. 0 = Plated, 1 = Unplated.

[email protected] 32.8000,153.6000 [email protected] 340.2000,-27.7000

Indicate the positions of the First and Last anchor drills in the sequence.


[email protected] [email protected] 0,0,0.0000 [email protected] 0,0,0.0000 [email protected] 0 [email protected] 0 [email protected] 32.8000,153.6000 [email protected] 340.2000,-27.7000 [email protected]

Add > Drill Slot

[email protected]

Adds a slot composed of overlapping drill hits.

[email protected] #

Specifies the tool being used to make the slot. # is the tool REF number of the new tool.

[email protected] #

Sets the orthagonal angle of the slot being made.

0 = 90 degrees 1 = 45 degrees 2 = any angle

[email protected] 50.0000,2800.0000 [email protected] 625.0000,2325.0000 [email protected]

Coordinates are the beginning and ending drill hits of the slot.


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[email protected] [email protected] 7 [email protected] 1 [email protected] 7.5300,63.6000 [email protected] 23.9900,49.5100 [email protected]

Add > Drill Text

[email protected] X, Y, LyrID, Ref, Position,Text$

Adds text which is drilled using NC Tools:

X,Y are the starting point coordinates of the text.

LyrID is the number of the layer the text is being created on (must be an NC layer).

Ref is the tool reference number (in the tool table).

Position is the orientation of the text. 0=horizontal, 1=vertical

Test$ is the text string being drilled.


[email protected] 8234.4500,2792.5000,8,2,0,»THIS IS A TEST» [email protected]

Add an Ellipse

This special macro command sequence adds filled ellipses (sectorized representations of an ellipse).

Exception: this command is for macro use only, and does not have an Add Menu command equivalent.

[email protected]

Initializes command.

[email protected] 100,200,10

First #: Width of the ellipse (greater than 0)

Second #: Height of the ellipse (greater than 0)

Third #: Angle (in degrees) of each sector of the ellipse (must be between -90 and 90 degrees, and not 0 degrees)

[email protected] 500,500


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Creates an ellipse at each X,Y coordinate. X,Y coordinate is the center of the ellipse.

Tip: you may use the [email protected] command between coordinates to change the size of the ellipse being added.


[email protected] [email protected] 100,200,10 ‘Sets first ellipse size [email protected] 500,500 ‘Adds two ellipses using this size [email protected] -500,-500 [email protected] 150,75,5 ‘Changes size of ellipse [email protected] -400,400 ‘Adds new ellipse of that size [email protected]

Add > Fixture Probes

On Bottom Fixture

[email protected] [email protected] 442.4000,4276.1000 [email protected] 493.6000,4187.8000 [email protected]

Adds a probe on bottom fixture. First coordinates are the test point location. Second set is the grid point where the probe enters the first plate.

On Top Fixture

[email protected] [email protected] 442.4000,4276.1000 [email protected] 493.6000,4187.8000 [email protected]

Adds a probe on top fixture. First coordinates are the test point location. Second set is the grid point where the probe enters the first plate.

Add > Flash

[email protected] [email protected] 5704.0000,17412.0000 [email protected]

Adds a flash (using the Active Dcode) on the active layer, at the given location. Layer and Dcode must be predefined before use.

In addition to the command sequence above, several commands may be added after the [email protected] command


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to assign the layer(s) which flash will appear on in the symbol, once symbol is placed in a panel.

[email protected] #

Sets the layer in the Symbol Editor that the flash will be added to. (Remember macro layering begins at 0).

[email protected] Lay

Specifies type of layer which symbol is to be placed on in a panel. Lay is as follows:

1 = ALL Layers 2 = All Electric Layers 3 = All Layers of the type data is being created on 4 = Current Layer (active layer # in symbol editor)

[email protected] Type

When choosing 3 in [email protected], this command specifies the layertype of the layer.


See Layer Type codes

Add > Line

[email protected] [email protected] 5666.0000,17043.0000 [email protected] 5856.0000,17240.0000 [email protected]

Draws a line from the given beginning point to end point (using the Active Dcode) on the active layer. Layer and Dcode must be predefined before use.

In addition to the command sequence above, several commands may be added after the [email protected] command to assign the layer(s) which line will appear on in the symbol, once symbol is placed in a panel.

[email protected] #

Sets the layer in the Symbol Editor that the line will be added to. (Remember macro layering begins at 0).

[email protected] Lay

Specifies type of layer which symbol is to be placed on in a panel. Lay is as follows:

1 = ALL Layers 2 = All Electric Layers 3 = All Layers of the type data is being created on 4 = Current Layer (active layer # in the symbol editor)

[email protected] Type

When choosing 3 in [email protected], this command specifies the layertype of the layer.

See Layer Type codes


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[email protected]

Draws a line, using the Active Dcode, on the active layer.

[email protected] Value

Sets the draw polarity for the line.

Value : 0=positive, 1=negative.

[email protected] Value

Sets the drawn endcap shape.

Value: 0=square, 1=round.

[email protected] Width

Sets the drawing width, in user units (either mils or mm).

[email protected] 5666.0000,17043.0000 [email protected] 5856.0000,17240.0000 [email protected]

Sets beginning and end coordinates for the line being drawn.


[email protected] [email protected] 2 [email protected] 0 [email protected] 20.0000 [email protected] -53.8000,7.0000 [email protected] 38.4000,3.3000 [email protected]

Add > Mill Circle

[email protected]

Adds a milled circle using the following specifications:

[email protected] #

Specifies the mill tool being used. # is the tool REF number of the new tool.

[email protected] 1

Defines the circle as Inside or Outside (0=inside, 1=outside)

[email protected] 1


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Denotes the direction the circle is to be milled. (0 = counter-clockwise, 1 = clockwise)

[email protected] -1200.0000,1950.0000

Sets the center point.

[email protected] -825.0000,1675.0000

Selects any point on the radius.


[email protected] [email protected] 1 [email protected] 1 [email protected] 1 [email protected] 1400.0000,4350.0000 [email protected] 1700.0000,4275.0000 [email protected]

Add > Mill Path

[email protected]

Starts the command.

Setup commands:

These commands may be set at the beginning of the path, or at subsequent new sections being added (i.e. if an arc is added as the first section, setting [email protected] 1 will change the path to a line for the next section).

[email protected] #

Specifies the mill tool being used. # is the tool REF number of the new tool.

[email protected] #

Sets the orthagonal placement angle of the mill path section being added.

0 = 90 degrees 1 = 45 degrees 2 = any angle

[email protected] 1

Sets the type of segment to be used in the path: 0= line, 1 = arc.

[email protected] 1

Sets Tangential state of the path (smoothing connections between sections). 0 = off, 1 = on.

Coordinates: [email protected] -5875.0000,2875.000

Sets the First vertex of the path.


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[email protected] -4250.0000,2875.0000

Any subsequent coordinate will set the end point of the first segment, and become the beginning point of a new segment. There is no limit to the number of sections that can be added in this manner.

[email protected]

Closes the first path being added.

You may continue adding more paths by using the commands outlined above, but these will be completely new paths, unconnected to the original one.

[email protected]

A second [email protected] command ends the path creation command entirely.


[email protected] [email protected] 2 [email protected] 0 [email protected] 0 [email protected] 0 [email protected] 2050.0000,2875.0000 ‘Create first section of path [email protected] 4125.0000,2775.0000 [email protected] 1 ‘Add new settings for next section [email protected] 1 [email protected] 1 [email protected] 5100.0000,1700.0000 ‘Add next section of path [email protected] 4300.0000,925.0000 [email protected] 2 ‘Change settings for last section [email protected] 0 [email protected] 0 [email protected] 0 [email protected] 2100.0000,825.0000 [email protected] ‘Add last section of path and close path [email protected] 5625.0000,4325.0000 ‘Start a new path here [email protected] 7000.0000,3675.0000 [email protected] [email protected] ‘Exit Add Path command

Add > Mill Slot

[email protected]

Adds a milled slot using the following settings:

[email protected] #

Specifies the mill tool being used. # is the tool REF number of the new tool.

[email protected] #

Sets the orthagonal placement angle of the mill slot being added.

0 = 90 degrees 1 = 45 degrees 2 = any angle


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[email protected] -125.0000,5125.0000

Sets the plunge point.

[email protected] 900.0000,5075.0000

Sets the extraction point.


[email protected] [email protected] 1 [email protected] 2 [email protected] 675.0000,1975.0000 [email protected] 3825.0000,1750.0000 [email protected]

Add > Mill Tab

[email protected]

Initiates command.

[email protected] 2

Selects the mill tab to be used. Parameter is Tab ID number. Tabs must be defined before they can used (see Tables Define Mill Tabs).

[email protected] 436.0769,3399.3846

Places tab at the assigned coordinates. You may continue adding tabs by specifying more coordinate points.

[email protected]

Closes the command.


[email protected] [email protected] 2 [email protected] 1372.4480,3991.8251 [email protected] 1340.9424,3995.6548 [email protected] 625.0000,3525.0000 [email protected]

Add > Operator Message

[email protected]

Adds an operator message to a drill/mill path, as defined by these settings:


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[email protected] -525.0000,3650.0000

This is a point on the drill/mill path that will have the operator message.

[email protected] #

If so desired, can be used to change the drill/mill tool used for the path. # is the tool REF number of the new tool. (Optional)

[email protected] 0

0=message is displayed after the selected path, 1=message is displayed before the selected path.

[email protected] «Test»

Defines the operator message. May be up to 20 alphanumerical digits.

[email protected] -525.0000,3700.0000

The placement of the text.

[email protected]

Closes command.


[email protected] [email protected] 2474.6724,4148.0181 [email protected] 1 [email protected] 2 [email protected] «this is a test» [email protected] 6150.0000,4325.0000 [email protected]

Add > Optional Stop

[email protected]

Initiates command.

[email protected] -290.1188,3457.9083

Any point on the drill/mill path to which the stop will be added.

[email protected] -290.1188,3457.9083

The actual location of the stop.

[email protected]

Ends command.


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Add > Padstack

[email protected]

Initiates command.

[email protected] 1

Chooses the padstack to add (remember padstacks, like layers, start from 0).

[email protected] -150.0000,0.0000 [email protected]

Adds padstack at selected point and closes command.

Add > Part

[email protected]

Initiates command.

Part settings:

You may set the library and part to use. Project library is default, unless external library is selected. You must also set the Device Name and Ref/Des number.

[email protected] Type, Id, Merge, «Filename»

Selects external part library. Only required when using external, not project, library.

Type is the type of library: 1=cap 2=part 3=symbol

Id is the source of the library: 0=system (filename parameter is ignored) 1=external

Merge determines if current library should be replaced: 0=overwrite 1=merge

Filename : Name of external library to load.

[email protected] Type, Part$

Selects part from the part library.

Type is the type of library: 1=cap 2=part 3=symbol


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Part$ is the part name in the library.

[email protected] «Devname»

Specifies the Device Name of the part being added.

[email protected] «RefDes»

Specifies the Ref/Des number of the part being added.

Part Placement: [email protected] [email protected] 1750.0000,4350.0000

Places part at given coordinate.

Prior to giving the coordinates, you may rotate the part or mirror it using the following commands:

[email protected]

Rotates the part by the angle set in the [email protected] command.

[email protected] #

Sets the turn angle. # is 100 times the angle (650=6.5 degrees)

[email protected]

Mirrors part around centerline of part.

[email protected]

Stops command. Used twice in sequence it completes the placement of one part. Macro may continue adding parts by giving another coordinate point. Used 3 times it ends the command completely (see example).


[email protected] [email protected] 1,0,»d:CAM350productt-bird devdemo.plb» [email protected] 2,»DCASE» [email protected] «Resistor» [email protected] «R1» [email protected] [email protected] 18000 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 2556.4000,18.4000 ‘Adds first part [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 3232.9000,94.1000 ‘Adds another part of same type [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] ‘ends command

Add > Pin

[email protected]


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Begins command.

[email protected] 1

Sets the type of pin to add to the device:

0 = Thru 1 = SMD Device side (mounted on the same side as part) 2 = SMD Opposite side (mounted on opposite side to part; used to denote edge connectors).

[email protected] 0.0000,0.0000

Specifies the point to insert the new pin. The device’s pin numbering will automatically be updated to include the new pin you’ve entered, but if you want to designate the pin number, use the [email protected] command:

[email protected] «1»

Assigns a new pin number to the added pin.


[email protected] [email protected] 1 [email protected] 50.0000,325.0000 [email protected] «5» [email protected]

Add > Polygon

Style 1

Style 2

Style 3

Style 4

Style 1

Set Polygon Parameters:

Polygon parameters can be set at any time prior to the actual adding of the polygon:

[email protected] lyrID

Sets the layer for the polygon to be created on. (-1 values specifies using the current layer).

[email protected] Dcode

Sets the Dcode for the polygon fill (Vector-filled polygons only).

[email protected] Clear

Clear specifies the offset distance from the border the polygon will pour up to. (0 offset fills the polygon).

[email protected] «Pattern»

Designates the fill pattern for a Vector-filled polygon.The pattern can be SOLID, HATCHED, or DCODE.


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[email protected] «Fill_method»

The fill method can be OUTLINE, RASTER, or VECTOR

[email protected] «Polygon_type»

The polygon type can be SELBORDER, AREAFILL, or DRAWBORDER.

[email protected] «Yes»

Define whether to fill to the border («Yes» or «No»)

[email protected] «No»

Determines the treatment of clearances (islands) within the polygon’s area.»Yes» indicates to Pour the polygon, preserving islands, «No» indicates to Flood it, filling any islands.

[email protected] «No»

Determines the treatment of outlines within the polygon’s area.»Yes» indicates that any new polygon outline and internal islands will trace exactly the outer edge of existing shapes. «No» indicates that the normal polygon clearance will be used during outline generation. The [email protected] can only be «Yes: if the [email protected] is «OUTLINE».

Set Polygon Patterns (Vector-filled polygons only):

HATCHED fill pattern: a hatched pattern uses 3 lines that make up the pattern, so the following values must be set for all 3 lines (see example at end of section):

[email protected] Line#, Dcode

Sets the Dcode number for a line in the polygon. Line# can be any line in the polygon (remember, like layers, line numbers start at 0).

[email protected] Line#, Angle

Sets the Angle for the Line# being added to the hatch.

[email protected] Line#, Step

Sets the step distance (in mils) for the Line# being added to the hatch.

DCODE fill pattern: a Dcode pattern uses 3 lines that are spaced by offsetting and step distance, with the final line representing only the Y-step value of the pattern. Lines 1 & 2 must set all three commands listed below, while line 3 (the Y-step line) only needs to set the [email protected] command (see example at end of section):

[email protected] Line#, Dcode

Sets the Dcode number for a line in the polygon. Line# can be any line in the polygon (remember, like layers, line numbers start at 0).

[email protected] Line#, Off

Sets the X-offset for the Line# being added.

[email protected] Line#, Step

Sets the X-step distance (in mils) for the Line# being added.

Note: this command also sets the Y-step for the final line in the pattern.

Creating the Polygon:


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After setup is finished, there are two types of pouring commands available to create the polygon:

[email protected] [email protected] 225.0000,1575.0000 [email protected] 225.0000,1375.0000 [email protected] 450.0000,1375.0000 [email protected]

[email protected] creates the polygon itself based on settings from the above macro commands. The resultant polygon always deletes islands when it is poured.

To add a polygon without deleting islands, use:

[email protected] [email protected] 225.0000,1575.0000 [email protected] 225.0000,1375.0000 [email protected] 450.0000,1375.0000 [email protected]

[email protected] uses the [email protected] macro command to determine if islands should be deleted during the pour.

see also Style 4


Raster Polygon:

[email protected] -1 [email protected] 10 [email protected] 0.0000 [email protected] «SOLID» [email protected] «RASTER» [email protected] «DRAWBORDER» [email protected] «No» [email protected] [email protected] 8416.9000,8477.8000 [email protected] 9675.8000,8499.1000 [email protected] 9789.2000,7407.8000 [email protected] 8473.6000,7360.6000 [email protected]

HATCH Pattern:

[email protected] -1 [email protected] 10 [email protected] 20.0000 [email protected] «HATCHED» [email protected] 0,232 [email protected] 0,45 [email protected] 0,400.0000 [email protected] 1,232 [email protected] 1,30 [email protected] 1,400.0000 [email protected] 2,232 [email protected] 2,45 [email protected] 2,400.0000 [email protected] «VECTOR» [email protected] «DRAWBORDER» [email protected] «No» [email protected] [email protected] 9054.6000,8034.9000 [email protected] 9570.7000,8045.5000 [email protected] 9642.7000,7574.3000 [email protected] 8962.5000,7505.8000 [email protected]


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DCODE Pattern:

[email protected] -1 [email protected] 10 [email protected] 20.0000 [email protected] «DCODE» [email protected] 0,15 [email protected] 0,0.0000 [email protected] 0,100.0000 [email protected] 1,15 [email protected] 1,50.0000 [email protected] 1,100.0000 [email protected] 2,100.0000 [email protected] «VECTOR» [email protected] «DRAWBORDER» [email protected] «No» [email protected] [email protected] 8960.1000,8112.9000 [email protected] 9645.1000,8077.4000 [email protected] 9645.1000,7551.9000 [email protected] 8925.9000,7547.2000 [email protected] [email protected]

SOLID fill:

[email protected] -1 [email protected] 10 [email protected] 0.0000 [email protected] «SOLID» [email protected] «VECTOR» [email protected] «DRAWBORDER» [email protected] «No» [email protected] [email protected] 7995.0000,8766.8000 [email protected] 9839.1000,8833.2000 [email protected] 10146.9000,7272.8000 [email protected] 8004.0000,7179.2000 [email protected]

Style 2

Creating polygons in these editors is more simplified than in the CAM or Panel Editors: the editors are only capable of creating solid polygons, requiring only basic commands:

[email protected] [email protected] 0.0000, 0.0000

Adds a solid polygon, as denoted by a created border. The placement coordinates designate the end points of one line segment in the border. Any number of line segments can be added in the border using new coordinates for end points. Exiting the command, using [email protected], automatically closes the polygon.

see also Style 4


[email protected] [email protected] -100.0000,80.0000 [email protected] 40.0000,76.0000 [email protected] 40.0000,-56.0000 [email protected] -148.0000,-72.0000 [email protected]


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Style 3

Creating polygons in the Symbol Editor is more simplified than in the CAM or Panel Editors: the editor is only capable of creating solid polygons, requiring only basic commands:

[email protected] [email protected] 0.0000, 0.0000

Adds a solid polygon, as denoted by a created border. The placement coordinates designate the end points of one line segment in the border. Any number of line segments can be added in the border using new coordinates for end points. Exiting the command, using [email protected], automatically closes the polygon.

In addition to the command sequence above, several commands may be added after the [email protected] command to assign the layer(s) which polygon will appear on in the symbol, once symbol is placed in a panel.

[email protected] #

Sets the layer in the Symbol Editor that the polygon will be added to. (Remember macro layering begins at 0).

[email protected] Lay

Specifies type of layer which symbol is to be placed on in a panel. Lay is as follows:

1 = ALL Layers 2 = All Electric Layers 3 = All Layers of the type data is being created on 4 = Current Layer (active layer # in the symbol editor)

[email protected] Type

When choosing 3 in [email protected], this command specifies the layertype of the layer.

See Layer Type codes


[email protected] [email protected] 2 [email protected] 2 [email protected] -275.0000,200.0000 [email protected] 250.0000,200.0000 [email protected] 225.0000,-150.0000 [email protected] -275.0000,-125.0000 [email protected]

Style 4

You may use this macro-only command to add a positive polygon to your design. The polygon is solid-fill only, and will be created on the active layer. However, unlike the [email protected] command, you may add «cut-line» polygon voids during the course of creating the polygon:

[email protected] [email protected] 870.0000,3885.0000 [email protected] 870.0000,3910.0000


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[email protected] 885.0000,3910.0000 [email protected]

Each coordinate denotes the end point of a line segment in the polygon’s border. Entering the final coordinate pair automatically closes the polygon.

Add > Polygon Void


[email protected]

Adds a circular void in a solid raster polygon. (Command will not work on vector-filled polygons).

[email protected] 3129.6000,10784.2000 [email protected] 3246.3000,10709.9000 [email protected] 3458.6000,10571.9000

3 points follow the initial command: first point selects the polygon to add the void to (can be any point in polygon), second is center of circular void, and third is the radius of the void.

[email protected]

Ends command.


add[email protected]

Adds a polygonal-shaped void in a solid raster polygon. (Command will not work on vector-filled polygons).

[email protected] #

Sets the orthagonal angle for placing line segments that will form the void’s outline.

0 = 90 degrees 1 = 45 degrees 2 = any angle

[email protected] 0.0000, 0.0000

Each coordinate following the initial command designates the end point of a line segment on the void’s «outline». Multiple coordinates may be entered to create the void.

[email protected]

Ends the command; polygonal void will automatically close itself, forming a clearance in the polygon.


[email protected] [email protected] 2 [email protected] 3904.4000,10784.2000 [email protected] 3893.7000,10954.0000 [email protected] 6048.2000,10168.6000


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[email protected] 6048.2000,10943.4000 [email protected] 4318.3000,11155.6000 [email protected]

Add > Rectangle

[email protected] [email protected] -150.0000,-100.0000 [email protected] 150.0000,-300.0000 [email protected]

Draws a rectangle, as defined by the coordinates of two opposite corners, using the Active Dcode, on the active layer (both must be pre-defined).

In addition to the command sequence above, several commands may be added after the [email protected] command to assign the layer(s) which line will appear on in the symbol, once symbol is placed in a panel.

[email protected] #

Sets the layer in the Symbol Editor that the rectangle will be added to. (Remember macro layering begins at 0).

[email protected] Lay

Specifies type of layer which symbol is to be placed on in a panel. Lay is as follows:

1 = ALL Layers 2 = All Electric Layers 3 = All Layers of the type data is being created on 4 = Current Layer (active layer # in the symbol editor)

[email protected] Type

When choosing 3 in [email protected], this command specifies the layertype of the layer.

See Layer Type codes

Add > Refdes

[email protected]

Adds a Ref/Des designator to a part, as defined by the commands below:

[email protected] #

Sets the turn angle. # is 100 times the angle (650=6.5 degrees)

[email protected]


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Turns the Reference Designator attached to the cursor, at the angle defined by [email protected]

[email protected] #

Mirrors the Reference Designator attached to the cursor.

[email protected] 70.0000

Sets the Reference Designator text height.

[email protected] 10

Selects the Dcode to use to create the Ref/Des text in the finished part.

[email protected] 0.0000,50.0000 [email protected]

Specifies the placement point for the Ref/Des designator and ends command.


[email protected] [email protected] 4500 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 45.0000 [email protected] 10 [email protected] [email protected] 0.0000,50.0000 [email protected]

Add > Step Image

[email protected] [email protected] X#, Y# [email protected]

Command adds a copy of the one-up design to the panel. [email protected] command specifies placement coordinates: note — these coordinates correspond to the location of the image’s space origin in the one-up image.

Add > Stiffener

On Bottom Fixture

[email protected] [email protected] 74.9000,4701.9000 [email protected]

Places a stiffener on the bottom fixture. Coordinates are the location point of the stiffener.

On Top Fixture


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[email protected] [email protected] 74.9000,4701.9000 [email protected]

Places a stiffener on the top fixture. Coordinates are the location point of the stiffener.

Add > Symbol

[email protected]

Initializes command.

[email protected] 3,»change»

Specifies symbol to add: parameters are library being used (3 defaults to project library) and name of the symbol.

[email protected] #

Sets the turn angle. # is 100 times the angle (650=6.5 degrees)

[email protected]

Turns the symbol attached to the cursor, at the angle defined by [email protected]

[email protected] -3875.0000,24700.0000

Notes location to add aymbol.

[email protected] «test»

Changes the symbol being added to a new selection (same effect as using the drop-down menu in the tool bar while running command interactively).


[email protected] [email protected] 3,»drill» [email protected] 4500 [email protected] [email protected] -12250.0000,21825.0000 [email protected]

Add > Test Points

Manually adds inidividual test points to a database. To add them automatically, use File > Create > Test Points.

[email protected]


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Intializes command.

[email protected]

Begins addition of test points.

[email protected] 1075.0000,4275.0000

Coordinates define the location for each test point. Any number can be added.

[email protected]

Ends addition of new test point coordinates.

[email protected] [email protected]

Closes test point creation process and ends command.


[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 3875.0000,1925.0000 [email protected] 7825.0000,3100.0000 [email protected] 200.0000,1575.0000 [email protected] 200.0000,2175.0000 [email protected] 200.0000,2375.0000 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Add > Text

Text parameters can be set at any time prior to the actual addition of the text with the [email protected] command. For more information on these parameters see Edit > Change > Text.

Font Settings:

Specifies the font to use for text. May be set prior to or after text settings in the Text Settings section below.

[email protected] «SIMPLE.EFN»

This is used if an EFN font is used. Otherwise, the following command is used:

[email protected] 2, «Arial»

Specifies a non-EFN font to use. This is the font face name, not a filename.

First number is the type of font:

2=True Type 4=Autocad SHP 8=Autocad SHX

The second parameter is the face name of the font.


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Text Settings:

Once the text and font to be changed have been selected, any of the following commands can be issued (in any order) to change the text attributes:

[email protected] 100.0000

Sets the full text height, in user units, taking into account characters with descenders (as well as a little additional font-dependent spacing so that lines will not overlap). The old command [email protected], used with version 2.X and earlier, will still function with this macro.

[email protected] 50

Specifies the exact height for the font’s capital letters, in user units. All other characters are based relative to this set height.

Note: the above two macro commands are mutually exclusive. When used in a macro, each overrides the previous one’s settings for any new text being added.

[email protected] 4500

Angle of the text, times 100 (i.e. 4500 = 45 degrees)

[email protected] 1

Sets text mirroring state. 0=not mirrored or 1=mirrored

[email protected] 4

Sets the text justification, as follows:

33 = Left Baseline 36 = Center Baseline 34 = Right Baseline 17 = Left Bottom 20 = Center Bottom 18 = Right Bottom 5 = Left Center 4 = Center Center 6 = Right Center 9 = Left Top 12 = Center Top 10 = Right Top

[email protected] 1

Sets the text as fitted or not. 0=no fit or 1=fit

[email protected] 20.0000

Sets the character spacing, in user units.

[email protected] 100.0000

Sets the line spacing, in user units.

[email protected] 0

Text slant is set in degrees times 100. Positive values slant the font to the right, negative values slant it to the left. You can italicize a non-italics font face by specifying a slant angle. (Typical italic font faces are slanted about 10 to 15 degrees.)


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[email protected] 500

Sets a text scale value (times 100). This applies to the width of individual characters. For example, [email protected] 200 would make each character twice a wide as initially defined, while [email protected] 50 would make the characters half as wide as initially defined.

[email protected] 1

Determines if text is displayed vertically. 1=yes or 0=no

Text creation: [email protected]

Initializes add text entry.

[email protected] BeginX, BeginY, PointX, PointY, «Text»

[email protected] commands performs the actual creation of the text:

BeginX and BeginY are the beginning coordinates of the text being added.

PointX & PointY is a coordinate anywhere within the text being added. This second set of coordinates finalizes the addition of the text; for ease of use, it is recommended you reuse the beginning coordinates for these coordinates.

Text is the text to be added. Notice that the text is carried as a string, and is limited to 250 characters per string. You may use +CR!+ as a carriage return, so for example, a Text value of «This is line 1″+CR!+»Line 2» will display as:

This is line 1 Line 2

[email protected]

Exits the command.


[email protected] [email protected] 2,»Arial Black» [email protected] 100.0000 [email protected] 0 [email protected] 0.0000 [email protected] 30.0000 [email protected] 27000 [email protected] 3400 [email protected] 200 [email protected] 1 [email protected] 1 [email protected] 4 [email protected] 2017.1000,3547.0000,2489.2555,4246.9994,»this is a test» [email protected]

Commands are identical to the CAM Editor Add > Text commands above, but several additional commands may be added after the [email protected] command to assign the layer(s) which text will appear on in the symbol, once symbol is placed in a panel.


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[email protected] #

Sets the layer in the Symbol Editor that the text will be added to. (Remember macro layering begins at 0).

[email protected] Lay

Specifies type of layer which symbol is to be placed on in a panel. Lay is as follows:

1 = ALL Layers 2 = All Electric Layers 3 = All Layers of the type data is being created on 4 = Current Layer (active layer # in the symbol editor)

[email protected] Type

When choosing 3 in [email protected], this command specifies the layertype of the layer.

See Layer Type codes

Add > Tooling Offset (G93)

Drill Origin

[email protected] [email protected] 1125.0000,2575.0000 [email protected]

Sets the tooling offset drill origin (G93 command), as specified by the coordinates.

Mill Origin

[email protected] [email protected] 1350.0000,2525.0000 [email protected]

Sets the tooling offset mill origin (G93 command), as specified by the coordinates.

Add > Variable Text

Similar to Add > Text command, but adds Variable Text to a Symbol.

Text parameters can be set at any time prior to the actual addition of the variable text. For more information on these parameters see Edit > Change > Text.

Font Settings:

Specifies the font to use for text. May be set prior to or after text settings in the Text Settings section below.

[email protected] «SIMPLE.EFN»

This is used if an EFN font is used. Otherwise, the following command is used:


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[email protected] 2, «Arial»

Specifies a non-EFN font to use. This is the font face name, not a filename.

First number is the type of font: 2=True Type 4=Autocad SHP 8=Autocad SHX

The second parameter is the face name of the font.

Text Settings:

Once the text and font to be changed have been selected, any of the following commands can be issued (in any order) to change the text attributes:

[email protected] 100.0000

Sets the full text height, in user units, taking into account characters with descenders (as well as a little additional font-dependent spacing so that lines will not overlap). The old command [email protected], used with version 2.X and earlier, will still function with this macro.

[email protected] 50

Specifies the exact height for the font’s capital letters, in user units. All other characters are based relative to this set height.

Note: the above two macro commands are mutually exclusive. When used in a macro, each overrides the previous one’s settings for any new text being added.

[email protected] 4500

Angle of the text, times 100 (i.e. 4500 = 45 degrees)

[email protected] 1

Sets text mirroring state. 0=not mirrored or 1=mirrored

[email protected] 4

Sets the text justification, as follows:

33 = Left Baseline 36 = Center Baseline 34 = Right Baseline 17 = Left Bottom 20 = Center Bottom 18 = Right Bottom 5 = Left Center 4 = Center Center 6 = Right Center 9 = Left Top 12 = Center Top 10 = Right Top

[email protected] 1

Sets the text as fitted or not. 0=no fit or 1=fit

[email protected] 20.0000

Sets the character spacing, in user units.


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[email protected] 100.0000

Sets the line spacing, in user units.

[email protected] 0

Text slant is set in degrees times 100. Positive values slant the font to the right, negative values slant it to the left. You can italicize a non-italics font face by specifying a slant angle. (Typical italic font faces are slanted about 10 to 15 degrees.)

[email protected] 500

Sets a text scale value (times 100). This applies to the width of individual characters. For example, [email protected] 200 would make each character twice a wide as initially defined, while [email protected] 50 would make the characters half as wide as initially defined.

[email protected] 1

Determines if text is displayed vertically. 1=yes or 0=no

Text Creation: [email protected]

Initializes command.

[email protected] #

Sets the layer in the Symbol Editor that the variable text will be added to. (Remember macro layering begins at 0).

[email protected] Lay

Specifies type of layer which symbol is to be placed on in a panel. Lay is as follows:

1 = ALL Layers 2 = All Electric Layers 3 = All Layers of the type data is being created on 4 = Current Layer (active layer # in the symbol editor)

[email protected] Type

When choosing 3 in [email protected], this command specifies the layertype of the layer.

See Layer Type codes

[email protected] BeginX, BeginY, PointX, PointY, «Variable»

Command performs the actual creation of the text:

BeginX and BeginY are the beginning coordinates of the text being added.

PointX & PointY is a coordinate anywhere within the text being added. This second set of coordinates finalizes the addition of the text; for ease of use, it is recommended you reuse the beginning coordinates for these coordinates.

Variable is the text to be added. This is a string, and is limited to 250 characters per string.

Note: Spaces, tabs and carriage returns are not allowed in Variable Text. The text being added is considered a single variable. To separate words/ideas, use an underscore «_».

[email protected]


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Exits the command.


[email protected] [email protected] 2 [email protected] 2 [email protected] 10 [email protected] [email protected] 2,»Algerian» [email protected] 120.0000 [email protected] 5.0000 [email protected] 10.0000 [email protected] 4500 [email protected] 100 [email protected] 1 [email protected] 33 [email protected] -1050.0000,175.0000,-790.6253,175.0000,»jobnumber» [email protected]

Add > Via

[email protected]

Intiates the command.

[email protected] 1

Chooses the padstack to add (remember padstacks, like layers, start from 0).

[email protected] -150.0000,0.0000 [email protected]

Specifies the point to add the Via, and closes command.

Add > Wire

Adds sections to a trace that maintain electrical conductivity with the net. Can also be used to add new nets to the design.

[email protected]

Initiates command.

[email protected] «netname»

Sets net name for new net being added (not required if command is ammending a previous net. i.e. the first section begins on a net).

[email protected] #

Sets the orthagonal angle for placing the line segments of the wire.


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0 = 90 degrees 1 = 45 degrees 2 = any angle

[email protected] X, Y

Sets the begin/end points for line segments on the wire. Initial [email protected] command is the first point, while all other subsequent coordinates represent end point of each new section. If first coordinate is on an existing net, wire is merged as part of that net. Any number of segments may be added to the wire.

[email protected]

Ends segment addition, closing net and ending command.


[email protected] [email protected] «test$» [email protected] 1 [email protected] 3 [email protected] 1907.7000,3632.4000 [email protected] 2143.4000,3868.1000 [email protected] 3739.0000,3868.1000 [email protected] 4301.1000,3868.1000 [email protected] 4600.3000,3868.1000 [email protected] 4527.8000,3868.1000 [email protected] 4908.6000,4248.9000 [email protected]


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Analysis Menu Macros

Analysis > Acid Traps

[email protected]

Initiates command.

[email protected] Size, Angle, Layers, Remove, Fix

Sets the values to use for finding acid traps:

Size: Maximum size of acid traps detected (mils).

Angle: Maximum angle of acid traps detected (1 to 89 degrees).

Layers: 1 = process ON copper/electrical layers only, 0 = process all ON layers.

Remove: Remove old acid trap flags on layers that are processed.

Fix : repair any located acid traps, 1 = fix any acid traps that are found, 0 = do not fix acid traps

To specify the area to be checked, the selection window coordinates must be added at the end:

[email protected] 16336.7000,12527.7000 [email protected] 24443.2000,19409.3000 [email protected]

To have the entire layer or composite be processed, the following command replaces the [email protected] selection commands:

[email protected]


[email protected] [email protected] 10.0000,50,1,1,1 [email protected] 841.9000,1983.7000 [email protected] 1935.4000,1043.5000 [email protected]

Acid Traps DRC Histogram Minimum Gaps

Check Drill Find Pin Holes Negative Plane Thermal Conflicts

Check Mill Find Solder Bridges Net Check

Compare Layers Find Starved Thermals Part to Part Spacing

Copper Area Isolated Connections Silk to Solder Spacing

Copper Slivers Mask Slivers Solder Mask to Trace Spacing

DRC Minimum Gaps


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Analysis > Check Drill

All of the following commands must be run for each drill layer being checked (see example).

[email protected] ListID, lyrID

Removes any old error flags from previous use of the check.

ListID indicates type of error flags. In this case 5 indicates «drill».

lyrID indicates layer number of drill layer being checked.

[email protected] Layer ID, Overlap, Redundant, Double, Clearance

Analyzes drill layers, given the settings in the parameters:

Layer ID: ID of the NC layer to be checked

Overlap: check for overlapping drill hits. 1=Yes, 0=No

Redundant: check for multiple drill hits by same tool in same location. 1=Yes, 0=No

Double: check for multiple drill hits by different tools in same location. 1=Yes, 0=No

Clearance: # = when non-zero value is specified, checks for drill holes that are not touching, but are within this distance from each other. 0 = do not check.

[email protected] FixCoincident, FixRedundant

Determines which type of fixes will be performed on drill errors:

FixCoincident: 1 = fix coincident drill hits, 0 = do not fix coincident drill hits

FixRedundant: 1 = fix redundant drill hits, 0 = do not fix redundant drill hits


[email protected] 5,7 [email protected] 7,1,1,1,0.2540 ‘performs check for layer 8 [email protected] 1, 1 [email protected] 5,10 [email protected] 10,1,1,1,0.2540 ‘performs check for layer 11 [email protected] 1, 1 [email protected]

Analysis > Check Mill

All commands must be run for each NC data layer, containing mill data, being checked (see example).

[email protected] ListID, lyrID

Removes any old error flags from previous use of the check.


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ListID indicates type of error flags. In this case 6 indicates «mill».

lyrID indicates layer number of drill layer being checked.

[email protected] Layer ID, Implode, Intersect, Tab Error

Analyzes drill layers, given the settings in the parameters:

Layer ID: ID of the NC layer to be checked

Implode: check for imploded arcs. 1=Yes, 0=No

Intersect: check for intersecting mill paths. 1=Yes, 0=No

Mill Tabs: check for mill tabs that are too large for the line segments they are placed on. 1=Yes, 0=No


[email protected] 6,10 [email protected] 10,1,1,1 ‘performs check for layer 11 [email protected] 6,13 [email protected] 13,1,1,1 ‘performs check for layer 14 [email protected]

Analysis > Compare Layers

[email protected]

Intiates command.

[email protected] Layer ID 1, Layer ID 2, Resolution, Remove, ErrSize

The first two parameters are the ID’s of the layers to be compared (remember, macro layer numbers start at 0)

Resolution: finer resolution produces greater accuracy, but processes slower. Available resolutions (in user units):

.01, .025, .05, 0.1000, 0.5000, 1.0000 (mils). .00025, .000625, .00125, .0025, .125, .025 (mms).

Remove: Remove old error flags on layers that are processed.

ErrSize: ErrSize is always in relation to the specified Resolution (errors will only be reported when the area of difference exceeds the limits indicated by the ErrSize value):

0 = Errors must be > Resolution x Resolution (same as original layer compare command) 1 = Errors must be > (2 * Resolution) x (2 * Resolution) 2 = Errors must be > (4 * Resolution) x (4 * Resolution) 3 = Errors must be > (8 * Resolution) x (8 * Resolution) Any value for ErrSize other than the 0-3 will be interpreted as 0.

To specify the area to be checked, the selection window coordinates must be added at the end:

[email protected] 16336.7000,12527.7000 [email protected] 24443.2000,19409.3000


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[email protected] [email protected]

To have the entire area of the layers be processed, the following command replaces the [email protected] commands above:

[email protected]


[email protected] [email protected] 0,1,1.0000,1,2 [email protected] -1.0000,2142.7000 [email protected] 1526.1000,9.3000 [email protected] ‘window area to compare [email protected]


[email protected] [email protected] 0,1,1.0000,1,2 [email protected] ‘compare entire layer(s)

Analysis > Copper Area

[email protected]

Initiates command.

[email protected] Resolution, Scan, Drill, Board

Sets the preferences for the copper area check:

Resolution: smaller resolution increases accuracy, but slows provessing time.

Scan: sets the scan box size. Again, smaller box is more accurate, but slower. Available sizes:

.25, 1, 4 sq inch 161, 645, 2581 sq mm

Drill: specifies whether to include drill hole copper in totals (1=yes,0=no)

Board: the board thickness, used to help calculate drill copper.

[email protected] Resolution, Scan, Drill, Board, «File»

Saves resulting copper area information to a textual report file. Parameters are the same as for [email protected] command, except File, which is the complete filename & path to save the file under.

[email protected] Resolution, Scan, Drill, Board

Prints copper area report file to the default printer for the system. Parameters are the same as for [email protected] command.


[email protected] [email protected] 5.0000,1000.0000,0,62.0000


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[email protected] 5.0000,1000.0000,0,62.0000,»c:my documentscopper.rpt» [email protected] 5.0000,1000.0000,0,62.0000

[email protected]

Initiates command.

[email protected] Resolution, Scan, Drill, Board

Sets the preferences for the panel copper area check:

Resolution: smaller resolution increases accuracy, but slows provessing time.

Scan: sets the scan box size. Again, smaller box is more accurate, but slower. Available sizes:

.25, 1, 4 sq inch 161, 645, 2581 sq mm

Drill: specifies whether to include drill hole copper in totals (1=yes,0=no)

Board: the board thickness, used to help calculate drill copper.

[email protected] Resolution, Scan, Drill, Board, «File»

Saves resulting panel copper area information to a textual report file. Parameters are the same as for [email protected] command, except File, which is the complete filename & path to save the file under.

[email protected] Resolution, Scan, Drill, Board

Prints panel copper area report file to the default printer for the system. Parameters are the same as for [email protected] command.


[email protected] [email protected] 5.0000,1000.0000,0,62.0000 [email protected] 5.0000,1000.0000,0,62.0000,»c:my documentscopper.rpt» [email protected] 5.0000,1000.0000,0,62.0000

Analysis > Copper Slivers

[email protected]

Detects slivers, using the following setting commands:

[email protected] Size, Slivers, Remove, Fix

Specifies the scan box, etc. to use when searching for copper slivers.

Size: Maximum size of slivers detected (mils).

Slivers: determines which type of sliver to find. 0 = Copper slivers, 1 = Mask slivers. (should be set to 0)

Remove: Remove old sliver flags on layers that are processed.


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Fix: determines if command should attempt to repair encountered slivers. 1 = fix all slivers that are found, 0 = do not fix slivers. (should be set to 0)

Exception: sliver fix option is not available for Copper Slivers analysis, only Mask Slivers.

To specify the area to be checked, the selection window coordinates must be added at the end:

[email protected] 16336.7000,12527.7000 [email protected] 24443.2000,19409.3000 [email protected]

To have the entire layer or composite be processed, the following command replaces the [email protected] commands above:

[email protected]


[email protected] [email protected] 8.0000,0,1,0 [email protected]

Analysis > DRC

DRC Analysis has the ability to set muliple passes and layers to check for DRC violations. After the passes are set, you must set the parameters for each individual check being run in a pass. The pass ID value will be used to denote which pass to run the test under. Multiple passes may be run by using the same check command, but with a new pass ID number. In addition, layers or groups must be specified for the passes being run. You have the option to set the layers being checked by specific layer, type, or selected groupings (see commands below).

A typical DRC macro layout would look something like this:

<Begin DRC> <Load/Save Pass> <Set Passes> <Set Error Handling> <Set Layers to Check> <Set Checks to Run> <Run DRC> <End DRC>

Begin DRC: [email protected]

Initiates DRC checking.

Load/Save Pass:

These macro commands allow you to load and save the DRC pass file. Each pass file may contain only one saved pass. In addition, only generic layers and layer groups may be saved as part of the pass (see ‘Set Layers to Check’ section below).

Tip: if you are using a pre-existing pass file in your macro, you may skip to the ‘Run DRC’ section below, since the pass file you load will contain all of the DRC layer & check information. If you do not load an existing pass file, you must set all the applicable DRC information in the sections below.

[email protected] «FileName»


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Loads a DRC pass file, from the full path denoted by FileName.

Tip: when loading a pass file, if any pass of the same name as the pass in the file exists, it will be overwritten by the loaded file. If no pass name exists in the file, the pass will be assigned the name «Pass_<ID>» where ID is the pass ID number fo the pass.

[email protected] PassID,»FileName»

Saves a DRC pass file.

PassID: the number of the DRC Pass to be saved. Remember, like layers, passes begin numbering at 0.

FileName: the DRC Pass file to be loaded or saved

Set Passes:

Passes are automatically tracked as both Pass ID numbers and pass names. Pass names are what the user typically sees in the DRC dialog. Names may sometimes be used to manipulate passes, as outlined in the commands below. In addition to names, Pass ID numbers are assigned by the system automatically. Each pass added to the list of passes increments the ID counter. Likewise deleting a pass removes that number from the list and compresses all pass ID numbers (i.e. if passes 0-4 exists and you delete pass #3, the list is now 0-3).

Rule: pass ID numbers begin with 0 for macro-writing purposes. I.e. the first pass in the list is considered pass ID 0.

This information is crucial to manipulating DRC passes, as the actual run command (as well as some other commands) only takes a pass ID number as a value. If you’ve done multiple changes to the passes’ list, this number may not be what it began as. For that reason it is safer to determine which pass ID is attached to the pass name you are working with, and use that ID in commands which require it.

To do so, use the new drc_CurrentPassID! query to determine the ID of the pass. For example:

drc_S[email protected] «Low Tolerance» ‘sets the pass named ‘Low Tolerance’ to the active pass ID% = drc_CurrentPassID! ‘determines the ID number of the active pass. [email protected] ID% ‘runs DRC checks for that pass ID number

[email protected]

Adds a DRC pass. Automatically updates the Pass ID list to create a new ID #. (Should be accompanied by [email protected] command).

[email protected] NameStr

Adds the pass name to the new pass created by the [email protected] command above. NameStr is a string. (Must follow [email protected] to assure the pass name is assigned to the correct pass ID).

[email protected] PassId

Delete a DRC pass with the given Pass ID.

[email protected] NameStr [email protected] PassId, NameStr

Give new name to a specific DRC pass. PassID is the number of the pass. NameStr is a string.

[email protected] NameStr

Sets the DRC pass with the given name as the current pass.

Set Error Handling:


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[email protected] «c:act30errors.drc»

Sets the name of the DRC error file for a DRC run. If this is not set, the filename will default to «errors.drc» in the current directory.

[email protected] «c:act30errors.drc»

Deletes a previous DRC error file specified in the filepath, prior to running any DRCs.

[email protected]

Deletes ALL DRC violation flags.

Set Layers to Check: [email protected] PassId, LyrId, LyrGrp, NCRank

Add a layer or layer group to the Clearance checks layer list. Command must be run separately for each individual layer being checked.

[email protected] PassId, LyrId, LyrGrp, NCRank

Delete a layer or layer group from the Clearance checks layer list.

[email protected] PassId, LyrId, LyrGrp, NCRank

Set the drill layer(s) to get drills from for Drills to Mask Test.

[email protected] PassId, LyrId, LyrGrp, NCRank

Set the mask layer(s) to test for Drills to Mask Test.

[email protected] PassId, LyrId, LyrGrp, NCRank

Set the drill layer(s) to get drills from for Drills to Pads Test.

[email protected] PassId, LyrId, LyrGrp, NCRank

Set the pad layer(s) to test for Drills to Pads Test.

[email protected] PassId, LyrId, LyrGrp, NCRank

Set the drill layer(s) to get drills from for all Special Checks.

[email protected] PassId, LyrId, LyrGrp, NCRank

Set the copper layer(s) to test for all Special Checks.

Parameters for all above commands:

PassId: Id number of the pass to be used.

LyrId: Layer Id to be checked, -1 indicates use layer group. (remember layer numbering in macros begins with 0).

LyrGrp: Layer Group to be checked, layer groups are defined as:

0 = Top Layer 1 = Internal Layers (ALL) 2 = Neg Plane layers (ALL) 3 = Bottom Layer 11 = Mask Top layer (ALL)


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12 = Mask Bottom (ALL) 14 = Positive Planes layers (ALL) 21 = NC Primary layers (ALL), NCRank parameter must be 0 21 = NC Secondary layers (ALL), NCRank parameter must be 1 32 = All Electrical layers — all Top, Bottom, Internal, Pos Plane and Neg Plane layers 33 = Outer Electrical — Top and Bottom layers only 34 = Inner Electrical — all Internal, Pos Plane, and Neg Plane layers only 35 = Inner Pos Electrical — all Internal and Pos Plane layers 36 = Inner Neg Electrical — all Neg Plane layers 37 = All Mask — all Mask Top & Mask Bottom layers

NCRank: must be 0 unless LyrGrp NC Data (21) is specified, in which case 0 = NC Primary, 1 = NC Secondary.

Set Checks to Run:

Each DRC check has several set-up commands, which control the values used by the check for each pass. Set all commands for each DRC check being run in the current pass. Once all DRC checks have been setup, use the [email protected] command to run all checks for that pass.

To run multiple passes for DRC checks, these commands must be set again for each subsequent pass being run (followed, again, by the [email protected] command).

Clearance Checks:.


[email protected] PassId, Flag

Sets the pass to run Track to Track check on:

PassId: Id number of the pass to be used.

Flag: 1 = On, 0 = Off

[email protected] PassId, Value

Set Track to Track clearance value to use. PassID: pass to use. Value is in user units.

[email protected] PassId, DcodeStr

Set DCode filter for Track to Track check. PassID: pass to use. DcodeStr is a string.

Track to Pad

[email protected] PassId, Flag

Sets the pass to run Track to Pad check on:

PassId: Id number of the pass to be used.

Flag: 1 = On, 0 = Off

[email protected] PassId, Value

Set Track to Pad clearance value to use. PassID: pass to use. Value is in user units.

[email protected] PassId, DcodeStr

Set DCode filter for Track to Pad check. PassID: pass to use. DcodeStr is a string.

Pad to Pad


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[email protected] PassId, Flag

Sets the pass to run Pad to Pad check on:

PassId: Id number of the pass to be used.

Flag: 1 = On, 0 = Off

[email protected] PassId, Value

Set Pad to Pad clearance value to use. PassID: pass to use. Value is in user units.

[email protected] PassId, DcodeStr

Set DCode filter for Pad to Pad check. PassID: pass to use. DcodeStr is a string.


[email protected] PassId, Flag

Sets the pass to run Outline check on:

PassId: Id number of the pass to be used.

Flag: 1 = On, 0 = Off

[email protected] PassId, Value

Set Outline clearance value to use. PassID: pass to use. Value is in user units.

Minimum Track Width

[email protected] PassId, Flag

Sets the pass to run Min Track check on:

PassId: Id number of the pass to be used.

Flag: 1 = On, 0 = Off

[email protected] PassId, Value

Set Min Track clearance value to use. PassID: pass to use. Value is in user units.

[email protected] PassId, DcodeStr

Set DCode filter for Min Track check. PassID: pass to use. DcodeStr is a string.

Minimum Pad

[email protected] PassId, Flag

Sets the pass to run Min Pad check on:

PassId: Id number of the pass to be used.

Flag: 1 = On, 0 = Off

[email protected] PassId, Value

Set Min Pad clearance value to use. PassID: pass to use. Value is in user units.


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[email protected] PassId, DcodeStr

Set DCode filter for Min Pad check. PassID: pass to use. DcodeStr is a string.

Redundant Pads

[email protected] PassId, Flag

Sets the pass to run Redundant Pad check on:

PassId: Id number of the pass to be used.

Flag: 1 = On, 0 = Off

Annular Ring Checks:

In addition to the usual setting commands for the annular ring checks, you must also Filter the Dcodes and drill tools to use in the checks themselves.

Pad to Mask

Top Mask —

[email protected] PassId, Flag

Sets the pass to run Top to Top Mask check on:

PassId: Id number of the pass to be used.

Flag: 1 = On, 0 = Off

[email protected] PassId, Value

Set Top to Top Mask annular ring clearance value to use. PassID: pass to use. Value is in user units.

[email protected] PassId, Flag

Sets the pass to run Bottom to Bottom Mask check on:

PassId: Id number of the pass to be used.

Flag: 1 = On, 0 = Off

[email protected] PassId, Value

Set Bottom to Bottom Mask annular ring clearance value to use. PassID: pass to use. Value is in user units.

Drill to Mask

[email protected] PassId, Flag

Sets the pass to run Drill to Mask check on:

PassId: Id number of the pass to be used.

Flag: 1 = On, 0 = Off

[email protected] PassId, Value

Set Drill to Mask annular ring clearance value to use. PassID: pass to use. Value is in user units.


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Drill to Pad

[email protected] PassId, Flag

Sets the pass to run Drill to Mask check on:

PassId: Id number of the pass to be used.

Flag: 1 = On, 0 = Off

[email protected] PassId, Value

Set Drill to Pad annular ring clearance value to use. PassID: pass to use. Value is in user units.


[email protected] PassId, DcodeStr

Set DCode filter for all annular ring tests involving pads (Pad to Mask, Drill to Pad).

[email protected] PassId, ToolRefStr

Set Tool Reference filter for all annular ring tests involving drills (Drill to Mask, Drill to Pad).

Special Checks:

Drills without Pads

[email protected] PassId, Flag

Sets the pass to run Drills without Pads check on:

PassId: Id number of the pass to be used.

Flag: 1 = On, 0 = Off

Pads without Drills

[email protected] PassId, Flag

Sets the pass to run Pads without Drills check on:

PassId: Id number of the pass to be used.

Flag: 1 = On, 0 = Off

Drills to Copper

[email protected] PassId, Flag

Sets the pass to run Drills to Copper check on:

PassId: Id number of the pass to be used.

Flag: 1 = On, 0 = Off

[email protected] PassId, Value

Set Drills to Copper clearance value to use. PassID: pass to use. Value is in user units.

Run DRC:


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Select the data to be checked by windowing out the search area:

[email protected] 887.9000,1896.4000 [email protected] 2816.4000,109.8000

Commands give coordinates for the two opposite corners of a selection rectangle.

[email protected]

Checks for the existence of nets, and runs layer netlist extract if necessary. Should be done before [email protected] is executed.

[email protected] PassID

Run all DRC checks assigned to the specified PassID.

[email protected]

Should be executed if nets did NOT exist in the database prior to the DRC run. It reverses the [email protected] command so that the database is returned to its original state. While recording a DRC run, this is recorded as a comment if nets existed in the database.

[email protected]

Closes DRC command.


[email protected] ‘Add new pass to DRC [email protected] [email protected] «test2» ‘Set error files [email protected] «d:CAM350productt-bird devmacro recordserrors.drc» [email protected] «d:CAM350productt-bird devmacro recordserrors.drc» [email protected] ‘Set layers [email protected] 1,10,-1,0 [email protected] 1,6,-1,0 [email protected] 1,10,-1,0 [email protected] 1,0,-1,0 [email protected] 1,10,-1,0 [email protected] 1,3,-1,0 [email protected] 1,0,-1,0 [email protected] 1,3,-1,0 [email protected] 1,6,-1,0 [email protected] 1,7,-1,0 [email protected] 1,10,-1,0 ‘Set Clearance checks to run [email protected] 1,1 [email protected] 1,5.0000 [email protected] 1,»» [email protected] 1,1 [email protected] 1,5.0000 [email protected] 1,»» [email protected] 1,1 [email protected] 1,5.0000 [email protected] 1,»» [email protected] 1,1 [email protected] 1,5.0000 [email protected] 1,1 [email protected] 1,5.0000 [email protected] 1,»» [email protected] 1,1 [email protected] 1,5.0000 [email protected] 1,»» [email protected] 1,1


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‘Set Annular Ring checks to run [email protected] 1,»» [email protected] 1,»» [email protected] 1,1 [email protected] 1,5.0000 [email protected] 1,1 [email protected] 1,5.0000 [email protected] 1,1 [email protected] 1,5.0000 ‘Set Special Checks to run [email protected] 1,1 [email protected] 1,5.0000 [email protected] 1,1 [email protected] 1,1 [email protected] 1,5.0000 ‘Window area to check [email protected] 109.2000,2035.6000 [email protected] 3867.4000,66.9000 ‘Check for nets and, if none, extract netlist [email protected] ‘perform checks for pass ID #2 [email protected] 1 ‘The following should be executed only if nets did not already exist [email protected] [email protected]

Analysis > DRC Histogram

[email protected]

Starts DRC Histogram.

[email protected] HistoIndex, EnableFlag, MinVal, MaxVal, Color ID

Command sets the histogram test data for each histogram row being used (Histo_1 through Histo_4). Command must be repeated for each row you wish to use. Parameters are:

HistoIndex: row number ID representing the row being run. (Histo_1, Histo_2, Histo_3, Histo_4) (Remember, like layers, row numbers begin at 0; i.e. row 1 = ID 0)

EnableFlag: whether row is used in histogram or not. 0 = no, 1 = yes.

MinVal: minimum clearance value of the range being checked, in user units.

MaxVal: maximum clearance value of the range being checked, in user units

Color ID: sets the color for the resulting histogram error layer. Default is 0 (red), but see Tables > Layers for more color choices.

[email protected]

Run the DRC Histogram based on the previously defined Histogram data ranges.


[email protected] [email protected] 0,1,5.0000,10.0000,2 [email protected] 1,1,10.0000,15.0000,4 [email protected] 2,1,15.0000,20.0000,10 [email protected] 3,1,20.0000,30.0000,1


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[email protected]

Analysis > Find Pin Holes

[email protected] Max Size, Electric Only, Remove Old Errors, Fix Errors

Command called initially to set the pin hole checking parameters.

Max Size is the maximum size of pinholes that are to be detected.

Electric Only determines if check is to be preformed on electrical layers:

1 = Only electrical layers that are ON will be checked 0 = Any layer that is ON will be checked

Remove Old Errors sets the status to remove previously-flagged errors from the check:

1 = Remove any existing errors on layers that are checked 0 = Do not remove existing errors

Fix Errors specifies if errors should be repaired:

1 = Try to fix any errors detected (by adding a polygon to cover the pinhole) 0 = Do not try to fix errors

[email protected] [email protected] #,# [email protected] #,#

Activates pinhole detection command, in window mode. Subsequent [email protected] commands are two points defining the rectangular window area to be checked for pinholes.

[email protected]

Runs pinhole detection on the entire layer for layers that qualify, [email protected] commands are not needed.


[email protected] [email protected] 5.0000,1,1,1 [email protected]

Analysis > Find Solder Bridges

[email protected]

Initiates command.

[email protected] 10.0000,1,1

Sets the search criterion for the check.


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First parameter is the Bridge Distance.

Second parameter determines fix status: 1 = auto-fix solder bridge errors, 0 = do not auto-fix.

Third parameter removes old error flags: 1 = remove all previous error flags, 0 = do not remove.

To specify the area to be checked, the selection window coordinates must be added at the end, followed by the [email protected] command:

[email protected] 4133.5000,2201.1000 [email protected] 4458.2000,1977.7000 [email protected] 0,1

Performs the actual check. This command may be repeated to check as many pairs of layers as necessary.

First parameter is the Layer ID of the mask layer to be checked (layer numbers start at 0)

Second parameter is the Layer ID of the copper layer to be checked against.

[email protected]

Ends check.

To have the entire layer or composite be processed, the following command replaces the three commands above:

[email protected] 0,1

Performs the actual check. This command may be repeated to check as many pairs of layers as necessary.

First parameter is the Layer ID of the mask layer to be checked (layer numbers start at 0)

Second parameter is the Layer ID of the copper layer to be checked against.


[email protected] 10.0000,1,1 [email protected] 460.8000,1494.2000 [email protected] 1638.3000,741.6000 [email protected] 6,0 [email protected] 7,3 [email protected]

Analysis > Mask Slivers

[email protected]

Initializes command.

[email protected] Size, Slivers, Remove, Fix

Specifies the scan box, etc. to use when searching for mask slivers.

Size: Maximum size of slivers detected (in user units).

Slivers: determines which type of sliver to find. 0 = Copper slivers, 1 = Mask slivers. (should be set to 1)


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Remove: Remove old sliver flags on layers that are processed.

Fix: determines if command should attempt to repair encountered slivers. 1 = fix all slivers that are found, 0 = do not fix slivers.

To specify the area to be checked, the selection window coordinates must be added at the end:

[email protected] 16336.7000,12527.7000 [email protected] 24443.2000,19409.3000 [email protected]

To have the entire layer or composite be processed, the following command replaces the above [email protected] commands:

[email protected]


[email protected] [email protected] 8.0000,1,1,1 [email protected] [email protected]

Analysis > Minimum Gaps

[email protected]

Initializes command.

[email protected] Size, Noise, Remove, Flags

Specifies the scan box, etc. to use when searching for gap violations.

Size: Maximum size of gap violations detected (in user units).

Noise: Minimum size of gap violations detected (in percent of maximum size).

Remove: Remove old gap violation flags on layers that are processed.

Flags: Straits flag, Gulfs flag, Create layer.

To specify the area to be checked, the selection window coordinates must be added at the end:

[email protected] 16336.7000,12527.7000 [email protected] 24443.2000,19409.3000 [email protected]

To have the entire layer or composite be processed, the following command replaces the above [email protected] commands:

[email protected]


[email protected] [email protected] 8.0,50,1,11 [email protected]


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[email protected]

Analysis > Minimum Widths

[email protected]

Initializes command.

[email protected] Size, Noise, Remove, Flags

Specifies the scan box, etc. to use when searching for width violations.

Size: Maximum size of width violations detected (in user units).

Noise: Minimum size of width violations detected (in percent of maximum size).

Remove: Remove old width violation flags on layers that are processed.

Flags: Necks Flag, Spikes Flag, Create layer

To specify the area to be checked, the selection window coordinates must be added at the end:

[email protected] 16336.7000,12527.7000 [email protected] 24443.2000,19409.3000 [email protected]

To have the entire layer or composite be processed, the following command replaces the above [email protected] commands:

[email protected]


[email protected] [email protected] 8.0,50,1,11 [email protected] [email protected]

Analysis > Nets > Apply Nets

[email protected]

Initiates the command that applies the net names from the external netlist to the CAM net names that are present after Netlist Extract in the CAM database..

Analysis > Nets > Compare External Nets

[email protected]

Initiates the command that compares the nets in the external netlist to the CAM nets that are present after


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Netlist Extract in the CAM database.

Analysis > Nets > Net Check

[email protected]

Initiates the command.

[email protected] 1

Specifies the type of netcheck to perform: 1 = centerline, 0 = true shape

[email protected] 1,0,1

Sets the parameters for the net check being performed:

First #: Nets (1 = all, 0 = single net) Second #: Check shorts (0 = no short checking, 1 = enable short checking) Third #: Check antennas (0 = no antenna checking, 1 = enable antenna checking)

If single net check is enabled an [email protected] coordinate must follow which selects the net:

[email protected] 0.0000,0.0000

Gives a point on the net being checked (single-point net check only).


[email protected] [email protected] 0 [email protected] 1,0,1

Analysis > Part to Part Spacing

Add/Delete Part to Part Checks:

[email protected] ChkID

Add a new check rule, or reset an existing check to the default values.

ChkID: number of the check rule.

[email protected] ChkID

Delete the specified part to part check.

ChkID: number of the check rule.

Set Parameters for Part to Part checks:


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This following set of commands must be repeated for each check rule being used:

[email protected] ChkID,»<name>»

Command sets the component footprint for the first component to be checked against.

ChkID: number of the check rule. «<name>»: first footprint to test; if <name> is omitted then All Footprints are used.

[email protected] ChkID,»<name>»

Sets the second component footprint to be used in the checks.

Values are set the same as above.

[email protected] ChkID, Angle

Sets the angle to performs checks at, for the first part.

ChkID: number of the check rule being used.

Angle: 0 = any angle 1 = 0 degrees 2 = 90 degrees 3 = 0 or 90 degrees 4 = 180 degrees 5 = 0 or 180 degrees 6 = 90 or 180 degrees 7 = 0 or 90 or 180 degrees 8 = 270 degrees 9 = 0 or 270 degrees 10 = 90 or 270 degrees 11 = 0 or 90 or 270 degrees 12 = 180 or 270 degrees 13 = 0 or 180 or 270 degrees 14 = 90 or 180 or 270 degrees 15 = 0 or 90 or 180 or 270 degrees

[email protected] ChkID, Angle

Sets the angle to performs checks at, for the second part.

Values are set same as above.

[email protected] ChkID, Clearance

Sets clearance value to use for checks.

ChkID: number of the check rule Clearance: clearance value

[email protected] ChkID, ChkType

Specify the type of part to part check to run for this check rule.

ChkID: number of the check rule.

ChkType: 0 = Outline to Outline 1= Pad to Pad 2 = Outline to Pad


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3 = Pad to Outline

Run Check Rules tests:

[email protected]

Invokes the Part to Part Spacing check, with the rules which have been defined using the other commands. Only needs to be run once for multiple check rules.


‘set up check rule #1 [email protected] 1 [email protected] 1,0 [email protected] 1,»87C256″ [email protected] 1,»24-576MHZ» [email protected] 1,15 analysis_set_p[email protected] 1,0 [email protected] 1,10.0000 ‘set up check rule #2 [email protected] 2 [email protected] 2,1 [email protected] 2 [email protected] 2 [email protected] 2,0 [email protected] 2,0 [email protected] 2,40.0000 ‘run checks [email protected]

Analysis > Plane Checks > Isolated Connections

[email protected]

Initiates the command.

To specify the area to be checked, the selection window coordinates must be added at the end:

[email protected] -1255.6000,4848.2000 [email protected] -1066.8000,4715.1000 [email protected] 25400,10,-1,36,1

Command performs the actual check:

First parameter is the required over etch clearance ( greater than or equal to zero).

Second parameter is the drill layer.

Third specifies which Negative Layers to check (-1 = all negative layers are checked).

Fourth parameter is 1 = remove all previous error flags, 0 = do not remove.

[email protected]

The window coordinates and isolated_connections_window command may be repeated as many times as desired before the [email protected] command.

To have the entire layer or composite be processed, the following command replaces the 3 commands listed above:


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[email protected] 25400,10,-1,36,1

First parameter is the required over etch clearance ( greater than or equal to zero).

Second parameter is the drill layer.

Third specifies which Negative Layers to check (-1 = all negative layers are checked).

Fourth parameter is 1 = remove all previous error flags, 0 = do not remove.


[email protected] [email protected] 50,1,0,0,1

Analysis > Plane Checks > Negative Plane Thermal Conflicts

[email protected]

Initiates the running of the check. No parameters required.

Analysis > Plane Checks > Starved Thermals

[email protected]

Initiates the command.

To specify the area to be checked, the selection window coordinates must be added at the end:

[email protected] -1255.6000,4848.2000 [email protected] -1066.8000,4715.1000 [email protected] 50,1,4,0,1

Command performs the actual check:

First parameter is the required spoke width clearance ( from 1 to 100).

Second parameter is 1 = remove all previous error flags, 0 = do not remove

Third parameter specifies the minimum number of clear spokes the thermal must have.

Fourth specifies which Negative Layers to check (1 = all negative layers are checked, 0 = only negative layers that are active are checked).

Fifth indicates if command should attempt to fix errors (by rotating thermals) (0 = No, 1 = Yes).

[email protected]

The window coordinates and starved_thermals_window command may be repeated as many times as desired before the [email protected] command.

To have the entire layer or composite be processed, the following command replaces the 3 commands listed


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[email protected] 50,1,4,0,1

First parameter is the required spoke width clearace ( from 1 to 100).

Second parameter is 1 = remove all previous error flags, 0 = do not remove

Third parameter specifies the minimum number of clear spokes, or ties, the thermal must have.

Fourth specifies which Negative Layers to check (1 = all negative layers are checked, 0 = only negative layers that are active are checked).

Fifth indicates if command should attempt to fix errors (by rotating thermals) (0 = No, 1 = Yes).


[email protected] [email protected] 50,1,0,0,1

Analysis > Silk to Solder Spacing

[email protected] SilkLyrID, SolderLyrID, Clearance, RemoveOldErrors, Dcode

Checks the selected silkscreen layer against the selected solder mask layer:

SilkLyrID: Layer ID of the silkscreen layer.

SolderLyrID: Layer ID of the solder mask layer.

Clearance: acceptable width clearance between the two layers.

Restriction: a silk to solder clearance equal to this value will be flagged as an error.

RemoveOldErrors: (1 = remove previously-flagged silk to solder errors, 0 = do not remove) Dcode: the Dcode filter to use with the check.


[email protected] 4,6,50.0000,1,»12″

Analysis > Solder Mask to Trace Spacing

[email protected] SolderLyrID, ElecLyrID, Clearance, RemoveOldErrors, Dcode

Checks the selected solder mask layer against the selected trace layer:

SolderLyrID: Layer ID of the solder mask layer.

ElecLyrID: Layer ID of the electrical layer.

Clearance: acceptable width clearance between the two layers. (Note: a solder to trace clearance equal to


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this value will be flagged as an error).

RemoveOldErrors: (1 = remove previously-flagged solder to trace errors, 0 = do not remove)

Dcode: the Dcode filter to use with the check.


[email protected] 0,6,50.0000,1,»23″


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File Menu Macros

File > Config


[email protected] «d:test.job»

Loads an external configuration file.


[email protected] «d:test.job»

Saves an external configuration file.

File > Create Test Points

Creates a series of test points for the database, as defined by the set up command below:

Set Dcode Filter: [email protected] Test,Side,»Dcode»

Specifies the Dcode filter selections for placing test points. When using dcodes for filtering purposes, one of these commands must be set for each test point type being used:

Test specifies the Test Point Type: 1=through-hole pin 2=SMT pin 3=plated through-hole 4=surface pad

Side specifies the side(s) being tested: 0=top and bottom 1=top 2=bottom

Dcode is the Dcode number/range to filter by.

Config Import Save & Save As

Create Test Points Merge Setup

Drill Calculation Aid New Test Point Attribs

Exit Open Test Point->Gerber

Export Print


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Set Selection Criteria: [email protected] Filter, Use

Sets the usage of each type of selection available under ‘Additional Selection Criteria’.

Filter specifies each criteria: 0=use top mask 1=use bottom mask 2=use end points only 3=offset through hole 5=include single point nets 6=test all points, if a net ends with a 0 or 1 test point

Use determines if the criteria will be used: 1=used 0=not used

[email protected] Offset

If ‘offset through hole’ is selected as a criteria, this command must accompany it to specify the offset (in mils).

Set Side to Probe:

Determines which side of the board will have test points added to it. These commands must be set individually for each test point type which will be used.

[email protected] Test, Filter, Use

Determines which side will have test points added.

Test is the test point type: 1=through-hole pin 2=SMT pin 3=plated through-hole 4=surface pad

Filter selects the side to use: 0=top 1=bottom

Use determines whether top or bottom is used: 0=no1=yes

[email protected] Test, Size

Specifies the minimum size for each test point type. One of these commands must accompany each type being used.

Test specifies the type: 1=through-hole pin 2=SMT pin 3=plated through-hole 4=surface pad

Size specifies the minimum size (in mils).

Other Commands: [email protected]

If you have previously created test points, this command deletes them before placing test points again.


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[email protected]

Includes single-point nets

[email protected] [email protected]

A necessary «internal» function that gathers the information from the filter that has been set up by the above commands, and applies it to the test point creation process.

[email protected] 1

0 = do not show test points, 1=show test points

[email protected]

A necessary «internal» function that clears the filter information from memory.


[email protected] 3,1,»» ‘Sets Dcode Filter for each test point type: [email protected] 3,2,»» [email protected] 3,0,»12″ [email protected] 4,1,»» [email protected] 4,2,»» testpt_dcodefi[email protected] 4,0,»14″ [email protected] 1,1,»» [email protected] 1,2,»» [email protected] 1,0,»16″ [email protected] 2,1,»» [email protected] 2,2,»» [email protected] 2,0,»18″ [email protected] 0,0 ‘Sets each Selection Criteria on or off [email protected] 1,0 [email protected] 2,1 [email protected] 3,0 [email protected] 5,1 [email protected] 6,1 [email protected] 0.0000 ‘For Offset Through Hole criteria, specify offset value [email protected] 1,0,1 ‘Sets side to probe, for each type [email protected] 1,1,1 [email protected] 1,30.0000 ‘Sets the minimum size each type of point can be [email protected] 2,0,1 [email protected] 2,1,1 [email protected] 2,40.0000 [email protected] 3,0,1 [email protected] 3,1,1 [email protected] 3,10.0000 [email protected] 4,0,1 [email protected] 4,1,1 [email protected] 4,20.0000 [email protected] ‘Remaining commands set all other settings and run test point creation [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 1 [email protected]

File > Drill Calculation Aid


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[email protected] 23.0000

Parameter is the size of the drill being added.

File > Exit

[email protected]

Returns to the main CAM Editor from any other Editor.

There is no macro for the Exit command in the CAM Editor.

File > Export

ACT Neutral

[email protected] [email protected] «d:acttest.tst»

Parameter is the directory and job name.


[email protected] [email protected] «d:acttest»

Parameter is the directory and job name.

Aperture Table

[email protected] «d:tempaperfile.gap»

Saves the aperture table list to a specified filename.

CAD Data

[email protected] Version,»Filename»

Exports PADS ASCII file, as defined by the Filename.

Version is the PADS version number * 100. (For example, PowerPCB v2.1 would be 210).

[email protected] Type,»Filename»


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Exports CAD system ASCII file, as defined by the filename.

Type is the CAD system format (see table below for supported systems).

CAM350 v6.0 Database

[email protected] «c:act_inctest60.cam»

Exports a database in the previous version of the CAM350 File Format.

CAM350 v7.0 Database

[email protected] «c:act_inctest70.cam»

Exports a database in the previous version of the CAM350 File Format.

CAM350 v8.0 Database

[email protected] «c:act_inctest80.cam»

Exports a database in the previous version of the CAM350 File Format.


Create File and Directory Settings: [email protected]

Initiates export process.

[email protected] «Circuitline»

The .APF and .CL file names.

[email protected] «Customer»

The customer name (for the .CL file).

Interface Type

PADS PCB (up to v2.0) 1

PADS PowerPCB (2.0) 2

PADS PowerPCB (2.1) 3

PADS PowerPCB (3.0) 4

PADS PowerPCB (4.0) 14

Zuken-Redac Visula 5

Accel TangoPRO 9

AccelEDA 10

GenCAD 11


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[email protected] «Tested By»

The Tested By name (for the.CL file).

[email protected] «D:ACTTest»

Sets directory to export files to.

Set Up Plate Drill Fomatting: [email protected] 1,5

Configures the drill files in the Excellon drill file format used by Circuit Line.

[email protected] 1,0

Configures the drill files to use English units.

[email protected] 1,2,4

Exports the drill files in the 2.4 format required by Circuit Line.

[email protected] 1,0

Configures the type of drill format as Absolute.

[email protected] 1,2

Exports the files with no zero suppression, as required by Circuit Line

Export Plate Drill Layers: [email protected] 10,»D:ACTTestUP.MP2″

Exports the Tooling Files. The file extensions are based on the plate name (TOP, BOT, or MP2). One command must be run for each tooling file being exported.

Set Up Gerber Layer Formatting: [email protected] 0,0

Configures the necessary Gerber files in the 274D format.

[email protected] 0,0

Sets the Gerber files to use English units.

[email protected] 0,2,3

Sets the Gerber files in 2.3 format.

[email protected] 0,0

Configures the type of Gerber format as Absolute.

[email protected] 0,0

Sets the files to have leading zero suppression

[email protected] Layer#,Drawcolor,Flashcolor,Type,Status,Name$

Creates a temporary layer for use in exporting information for Circuitline.

Layer#: a layer larger than the highest layer in the design (i.e. if design has 8 layers, this should be layer 9).


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Remember layer numbering begins at 0 = layer 1.

Drawcolor = 0

Flashcolor = 0

Type is 4 (layer type ‘Graphic’).

Status = 0 (on)

Name is appropriate to Circuitline use: «TFCLOUT_TEMPLYR»

For more detailed information on creating layers, see the Add Layers command.

Export Gerber Layers: [email protected] 0

Sets the active layer to 1 (layers start from 0).

[email protected] 12,-1,»D:ACTTestUP.MAP»

Layer #,Composite ID,name.

Exports the Gerber file. Composite ID of -1 means it is not a composite.


[email protected] [email protected] «1345x» [email protected] «PSI Inc» [email protected] «John» [email protected] «C:TEMP» [email protected] 1,5 [email protected] 1,0 [email protected] 1,2,4 [email protected] 1,0 [email protected] 1,2 plate_drill_[email protected] 31,»C:TEMPDW.TOP» [email protected] 32,»C:TEMPDW.BOT» [email protected] 1,5 [email protected] 1,0 [email protected] 1,2,4 [email protected] 1,0 [email protected] 1,1 [email protected] 0,0 [email protected] 0,0 [email protected] 0,2,3 [email protected] 0,0 [email protected] 0,0 [email protected] 33,0,0,4,0,»TFCLOUT_TEMPLYR» [email protected] 0 [email protected] 33,-1,»C:TEMPUP.MAP» [email protected] 33,0,0,4,0,»TFCLOUT_TEMPLYR» [email protected] 0 [email protected] 33,-1,»C:TEMPDW.MAP» [email protected] 0,2 [email protected] 0,0 [email protected] 0,3,4 [email protected] 0,0 [email protected] 0,0 [email protected] 0,0 [email protected] 0,0 [email protected] 0,2,3 [email protected] 0,0 [email protected] 0,0 [email protected] 0,-1,»C:TEMPTOPPLOT.GBR»


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[email protected] 0,0 [email protected] 0,0 [email protected] 0,2,3 [email protected] 0,0 [email protected] 0,0 [email protected] 3,-1,»C:TEMPBOTPLOT.GBR»


[email protected] CompID%, Use%

Determines if composite will be mirrored on export.

[email protected] CompID%, Use%

Determines if composite will be exported as negative.

For both commands:

CompID% is the number of the composite (remember numbering begins at 0, Composite #1 = ID 0). Composite ID of -1 means it is not a composite.

Use% declares if setting is to be used, 1=Yes, 0=No.

[email protected] Layer#, CompID%, Name$

Layer# is the first layer of the composite.

CompID% is the same as above.

Name$ is the full export path for the filename.


[email protected] 1, 1 [email protected] 1, 1 [email protected] 4, 1, «Mixed_Plane»

Drill Data

Define Format Settings:

All settings must be defined prior to running the export command, or the default settings will be used.

[email protected] 1,5

Sets the output Format:

First #: 0 = photoplotter 1 = drill machine 2 = mill machine

Second #: 5 = Excellon 6 = Sieb & Meyer 1000 7 = Sieb & Meyer 3000


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[email protected] 1,0

Sets the output Unit:

First #: 0=photoplotter 1=drill machine 2=mill machine

Second #: 0=English 1=Metric

[email protected] 1,2,4

Sets the output Precision:

First #: 0=photoplotter 1=drill machine 2=mill machine Second # is the integer number

Third # is the fractional number (2,4 = 2.4)

[email protected] 1,0

Sets the output Mode:

First #: 0=photoplotter 1=drill machine 2=mill machine

Second #: 0=Absolute 1=Incremental

[email protected] 1,0

Sets the Zero Suppression:

First #: 0=photoplotter 1=drill machine 2=mill machine

Second #: 0=leading 1=trailing 2=none

Export the File, using Settings: [email protected] File$

Exporting a drill file can also append a drill header. This command appends a header to the file listed by File$.

[email protected] #

If the Tooling Offset has been set using the Add > Tooling Offset > Drill Origin command, this command may be used to specify whether the exported drill file uses a G93 command, or recomputes the drill


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1 = use new 0:0 point 0 = use G93 command

[email protected] #

Excellon files only: command sets the decimal usage. If this command is used, it is unnecessary to use the [email protected] and [email protected] commands listed above.

1 = use decimals in numbers 0 = use implied decimals

[email protected] 3,»d:act_incdrill_4.drl»

First parameter is the drill layer number (remember, layers start from 0) and the second is the exported drill file name.

Exports one-up drill data from CAM & NC Editors, and panelized, step & repeat data from Panel Editor.

[email protected] 3,»d:act_incdrill_4.drl»

Same as [email protected] command above for CAM & NC Editors, but exports only one-up drill data from the Panel Editor.


[email protected] 1,5 [email protected] 1,0 [email protected] 1,2,4 [email protected] 1,0 [email protected] 1,1 [email protected] 7,»C:TEMPdrill_10.drl»

See also File > Setup > Drill Machine.


[email protected] «d:test.dxf»

The name of the file you are exporting.

[email protected] 1

Defines whether lines are exported with square ends (0) or as polylines with round ends (1).

[email protected] 0

Defines whether flashes are output as circles (0) or as filled donuts (1).

[email protected]

Executes the function.

[email protected]

Aborts the process.

Gerber Data


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Define Format Settings:

All settings must be defined prior to running the export command, or the default settings will be used. Device settings must be set to ‘Photoplotter’.

[email protected] 0,1

Sets the output Format:

First #: 0 = photoplotter 1 = drill machine 2 = mill machine

Second #: 0 = 274D 1 = 274X 2 = Fire 9xxx 3 = Barco

[email protected] 0,0

Sets the output Unit. Does not apply to Barco files.

First #: 0=photoplotter 1=drill machine 2=mill machine

Second #: 0=English 1=Metric

[email protected] 0,2,4

Sets the output Precision. Does not apply to Barco files.

First #: 0=photoplotter 1=drill machine 2=mill machine

Second # is the integer number.

Third # is the fractional number (2,4 = 2.4).

[email protected] 0,0

Sets the output Mode. Does not apply to Barco files.

First #: 0=photoplotter 1=drill machine 2=mill machine

Second #: 0=Absolute 1=Incremental

[email protected] 0,0


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Sets the Zero Suppression. Does not apply to Barco files.

First #: 0=photoplotter 1=drill machine 2=mill machine

Second #: 0=leading 1=trailing 2=none

[email protected] #

Fire 9xxx files only: sets the command to swap the Axes of the data on export.

1 = Yes 0 = No

[email protected] #

Fire 9xxx files only: sets the command to save the Film Size in the file header on export.

1 = Yes 0 = No

[email protected] #,#

Defines which layers to mirror upon export. Must be set for each layer being mirrored. Does not apply to 274D files.

The first number is the layer number. (Remember, layers start with 0). The second number is 1 to mirror on export, or 0 to not mirror on export.

[email protected] #,#

Defines each layer’s polarity on export. Must be set for each layer being made negative. Does not apply to 274D files.

The first number is the layer number (starting with layer 1 as 0).The second number is 0 for positive, 1 for negative.

Export, using Settings: [email protected] 3,-1,»name»

Layer #,Composite ID,name.

Composite ID of -1 means it is not a composite. In CAM Editor, command will export one-up design; in Panel Editor it will export all panelized data, including step&repeat designs.


[email protected] 3,-1,»name»

Same as above command (including parameters), but will only export the one-up design from the Panel Editor, not the fully panelized data.

[email protected] «d:tempname.GAP»

274D format files require the saving of an aperture table, to provide apertures for the exported files. Parameter is full filepath.


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[email protected] 0,0 [email protected] 0,1 [email protected] 0,2,4 [email protected] 0,1 [email protected] 0,1 [email protected] 0,-1,»C:TEMPcomp.lgr» [email protected] 1,-1,»C:TEMPsolder.lgr» [email protected] «c:tempaperture.gap»


[email protected] 0,1 [email protected] 0,0 [email protected] 0,2,4 [email protected] 0,0 [email protected] 0,0 [email protected] 0,0 [email protected] 0,0 [email protected] 1,0 [email protected] 1,0 [email protected] 0,-1,»C:TEMPcomp.lgr» [email protected] 1,-1,»C:TEMPsolder.lgr»

Fire 9XXX

[email protected] 0,2 [email protected] 0,0 [email protected] 0,2,4 [email protected] 0,0 [email protected] 0,0 [email protected] 1 [email protected] 1 [email protected] 0,1 [email protected] 0,0 [email protected] 1,0 [email protected] 1,1 [email protected] 0,-1,»C:TEMPcomp.lgr» [email protected] 1,-1,»C:TEMPsolder.lgr»


[email protected] 0,3 [email protected] 0,1 [email protected] 0,0 [email protected] 1,0 [email protected] 1,1 [email protected] 0,-1,»C:TEMPcomp.lgr» [email protected] 1,-1,»C:TEMPsolder.lgr»


[email protected] [email protected] «c:acttest»

Parameter is the directory and job name.



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[email protected] «c:temptest.ipc»

Save the database in IPC Format, to the given filename.


[email protected] «D:ACTTesttest fixture demoint.net»

Save the database in IPC-D356 Format, to the given filename.


[email protected] «D:ACTTestdemoint.net»

Save the database in IPC-D-356A Format, to the given filename.

Mill Data

Define Format Settings:

All settings must be defined prior to running the export command, or the default settings will be used.

[email protected] 2,5

First #: 0 = photoplotter 1 = drill machine 2 = mill machine

Second #: 5 = Excellon 6 = Sieb & Meyer 1000 7 = Sieb & Meyer 3000

[email protected] 2,0

Sets the output Unit:

First #: 0=photoplotter 1=drill machine 2=mill machine

Second #: 0=English 1=Metric

[email protected] 2,2,4

Sets the output Precision:

First #: 0=photoplotter 1=drill machine


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2=mill machine

Second # is the integer number

Third # is the fractional number (2,4 = 2.4)

[email protected] 2,0

Sets the output Mode:

First #: 0=photoplotter 1=drill machine 2=mill machine

Second #: 0=Absolute 1=Incremental

[email protected] 2,0

Sets the Zero Suppression:

First #: 0=photoplotter 1=drill machine 2=mill machine

Second #: 0=leading 1=trailing 2=none

Export the File, using Settings: [email protected] File$

Exporting a mill file can also append a mill header. This command appends a header to the file listed by File$.

[email protected] #

Indicates whether to include drill hits in the mill file. 0 = No, 1 = Yes.

[email protected] #

If the Tooling Offset has been set using the Add > Tooling Offset > Mill Origin command, this command may be used to specify whether the exported mill file uses a G93 command, or recomputes the mill coordinates:

1 = use new 0:0 point 0 = use G93 command

[email protected] #

Excellon files only: command sets the decimal usage. If this command is used, it is unnecessary to use the [email protected] and [email protected] commands listed above.

1 = use decimals in numbers 0 = use implied decimals

[email protected] 123.4567


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For Sieb and Meyer files, this is the feed rate for each mill path, in distance per second. Can be used to set the feed rate in the exporting macro, when no feed rate is set in the NC Tool Table.

[email protected] 4,»c:tempmill.rou»

First parameter is the layer number (remember, they start at 0) and second parameter is the name of the exported mill file.

Exports one-up drill data from CAM & NC Editors, but panelized, step&repeat data from Panel Editor.


[email protected] 4,»c:tempmill.rou»

Same as above command, but exports one-up mill data from the Panel Editor.


Excellon Format

[email protected] 0 [email protected] 2,1 [email protected] 2,3,3 [email protected] 2,1 [email protected] 2,0 [email protected] 10,»c:tempLayer_11.rou»

Excellon Format, Using Decimals setting

[email protected] 1 [email protected] 10,»c:tempLayer_11.rou»

Sieb&Meyer Format

[email protected] 1 [email protected] 2,6 [email protected] 2,0 [email protected] 2,2,4 [email protected] 2,0 [email protected] 2,1 [email protected] 10,»c:tempLayer_11.rou»

See also File > Setup > Mill Machine.


[email protected] RefDes%,Name$

Export a ref/des based netlist.

RefDes: 0 = export CAM350 format using RefDes/Pin # only. 1 = export CAM350 format using RefDes/Pin #, including X,Y coordinates.

Name$ = filename.

[email protected] Coord%,Name$

Export a netlist using coordinates only. Parts are not present so RefDes/pin # will not apply.

Coord%: 0 = netlist is X,Y coordinates for «All Points.»


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1 = then netlist is X,Y coordinates for «Ends Only.»

Name$ = filename.

[email protected] Name$

Exports IPC-D-356 netlist format.

Name$ = filename.

[email protected] #

IPC-D-356A export only: sets the adjacency when outputting the netlist to flying probe testers. # is adjacency value.

[email protected] Type, Ends, Unused, Surface, «Dcodes»

Allows setting of the netlist export parameters.

Type: 0 = CAM350 X,Y 1 = CAM350 Refdes/Pin # 2 = IPC-D-356 5 = CAM350 X,Y and Refdes/Pin# 9 = IPC-D-356A

Ends: 0 = All points 1 = Ends only

Unused: 0 = Only exports entities that belong to nets. Not 0 = All unused entities are exported as single entity nets. It is context sensitive as to what goes out (e.g. RefDes only puts out unused Pins).

Surface: 0 = Top and bottom 1 = Top only 2 = Bottom only

Dcodes is the Dcode(s) to filter for when exporting the netlist.

[email protected] «filename»

Writes the netlist to the defined file name.


IPC-D-356A Format

[email protected] 25.0000 [email protected] 9,0,0,0,»10″ [email protected] «d:tempdemo.net»


[email protected] «d:temptest.cam»

Sets the name of the file you are exporting.

[email protected] «d:temptest»


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Executes the export. Parameter is the directory to save uncompressed ODB files to, or will be used as the filename for compressed ODB files (.tgz extension is assumed).

Plate Drills

Define Format Settings:

All settings must be defined prior to running the export command, or the default settings will be used.

[email protected] 1,5

Sets the output Format:

First #: 0 = photoplotter 1 = drill machine 2 = mill machine

Second #: 5 = Excellon 6 = Sieb & Meyer 1000 7 = Sieb & Meyer 3000

[email protected] 1,0

Sets the output Unit:

First #: 0=photoplotter 1=drill machine 2=mill machine

Second #: 0=English 1=Metric

[email protected] 1,2,4

Sets the output Precision:

First #: 0=photoplotter 1=drill machine 2=mill machine

Second # is the integer number

Third # is the fractional number (2,4 = 2.4)

[email protected] 1,0

Sets the output Mode:

First #: 0=photoplotter 1=drill machine 2=mill machine


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Second #: 0=Absolute 1=Incremental

[email protected] 1,0

Sets the Zero Suppression:

First #: 0=photoplotter 1=drill machine 2=mill machine

Second #: 0=leading 1=trailing 2=none

Export Command [email protected] #

Excellon files only: command sets the decimal usage. If this command is used, it is unnecessary to use the [email protected] and [email protected] commands listed above.

1 = use decimals in numbers

0 = use implied decimals

[email protected] 11,»TFTPLATE_6.drl»

First parameter is the layer number (starts at 0 for layer 1) and second parameter is the exported file’s name.


[email protected] 1,1 [email protected] 1,3,3 [email protected] 1,1 [email protected] 1,0 [email protected] 31,»c:tempTFBPLATE_2.drl» [email protected] 32,»c:tempTFBPLATE_4.drl»

See also File > Setup > Drill Machine.


[email protected] 3.0000

Sets the default adjacency distance. It resets any specific layer adjacency distance.

[email protected] 5.0000,1

The first parameter is the adjacency for a specific layer, and the second parameter is the layer it is being set for (remember, layer numbers start at 0).

[email protected] 1

Specifies the movement of the probe while testing the board. (1=From top to bottom, 2=from bottom to top)

[email protected] 0


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Indicates if you have double sided alignment (1=yes, 0=no)

[email protected] 1

0 = Do not write RAID files

1= Write RAID files

[email protected] «c:act_incdemoint»

Indicates the export path, including the job name (extensions will be added by the system to distinguish files).


[email protected] 25.0000 [email protected] 1 [email protected] 0 [email protected] 1 [email protected] «C:TEMPmetprob»


[email protected]

Initializes command.

[email protected] 3.0000

Sets the default adjacency distance.

[email protected] 3,1,»c:act»

First parameter: 1=test for opens 2=test for shorts 3=test for both.

Second parameter: 1=test top 2=test bottom

Third is the export directory.


[email protected] [email protected] 25.0000 [email protected] 3,1,»C:TEMP»


[email protected] «c:actfilename.ttu»

Parameter is filename of the TTI File being exported.


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File > Import

Aperture Table

To import ECAM .GAP files: [email protected] 0,»filename.gap»

This command reads the .GAP format and will overwrite the current aperture information.

[email protected] 0,»filename.gap»

Merges a .GAP file into the current aperture table (transcoding will occur, current aperture data will not be overwritten).

To import all CAD system Aperture Tables: [email protected] «filename»

Sets the ARL (Aperture Rule) file to use to translate the aperture table (*.arl).

[email protected] «filename»

Loads and converts (as defined by [email protected] above) the aperture file . This «replaces» the current aperture information.

[email protected] «filename»

This converts and merges (defined by [email protected] above) the aperture file. This is the same as [email protected] except it does not replace the current aperture information, merely augments it.


[email protected] «path»

This automatically imports all the NC Data files (whose format could be determined) in the specified directory path.


[email protected] «path»

This automatically imports ALL the files whose format could be determined in the specified directory path.

CAD Data

[email protected] «filename»

Imports PADS ASCII file, as defined by the filename.

[email protected] Type, Polyextract,»filename»

Imports CAD system ASCII file, using the specified filename.

Type is the CAD format to import (see table below for available CAD systems):


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Polyextract indicates if polygons should be extracted on import:

0=No 1=Yes

Drill Data

Define Format Settings:

All settings must be defined prior to running the import command, or the default settings will be used.

[email protected] 1,5

Sets the output Format:

First #: 0 = photoplotter 1 = drill machine 2 = mill machine

Second #: 5 = Excellon 6 = Sieb & Meyer 1000 7 = Sieb & Meyer 3000

[email protected] 1,0

Sets the input Unit:

First #: 0=photoplotter 1=drill machine 2=mill machine

Second #: 0=English 1=Metric

[email protected] 1,2,4

Sets the input Precision:

First #: 0=photoplotter 1=drill machine 2=mill machine


PADS PCB (up to v2.0) PADS PowerPCB (2.0) PADS PowerPCB (2.1) PADS PowerPCB (3.0) Zuken-Redac Visula Mentor Accel TangoPRO AccelEDA GenCAD


1 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11

Polyextract available

Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No


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Second # is the integer number

Third # is the fractional number (2,4 = 2.4)

[email protected] 1,0

Sets the input Mode:

First #: 0=photoplotter 1=drill machine 2=mill machine

Second #: 0=Absolute 1=Incremental

[email protected] 1,0

Sets the Zero Suppression:

First #: 0=photoplotter 1=drill machine 2=mill machine

Second #: 0=leading 1=trailing 2=none

Import Drill File, using Settings [email protected] 12,1,»d:devplated.drl»

Imports a plated drill layer. The first parameter is the layer ID (starts at 0).

The second parameter is the ID of the Tool Table to be used (this is the number that appears before the Tool Table name in the NC Tool Table dialog box). If the Table ID is 0, then the most recently created table will be used. If no Table exists, a new one will be created.

Last is the drill file name.

[email protected] 13,1,»d:devunplated.drl»

Imports an unplated drill layer. The first parameter is the layer ID (starts at 0).

The second parameter is the ID of the Tool Table to be used (this is the number that appears before the Tool Table name in the NC Tool Table dialog box). If the Table ID is 0, then the most recently created table will be used. If no Table exists, a new one will be created.

Last is the drill file name.

[email protected] 3

Creates a new NC Tool Table. If this precedes the above nc_import_drill commands, this new table will be considered the most recently created table.

The parameter describes the type of table: 1=Mill & Drill 2=Mill 3=Drill


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[email protected] 1,1 [email protected] 1,3,3 [email protected] 1,1 [email protected] 1,0 [email protected] 3 [email protected] 7,1,»c:tempdrill_10.drl» [email protected] 8,1,»c:tempdrill_10.drl»

See File > Import > Gerber Data for formatting commands.

DXF & Append DXF

[email protected] 1,0,»d:test.dxf»

First parameter: 1=overwrite loaded data (functions like the File > Import > DXF command) 0=do not overwrite (functions like the File > Import > Append DXF command)

Second parameter (When set to 1, the DXF Import dialog box is skipped during the import process, and all the default parameters are used to load the data): 1=Quick Import 0=no Quick Import (refer to File > Import > Autoimport).

Third parameter is the file name.

[email protected] 2

The import unit 0=mils 1=mm 2=inches

[email protected] 0

1=fill closed polylines 0=do not fill.

[email protected] 1

1=convert square lines to polygons 0=do not convert.

[email protected] 0

1=explode non-solid linestyles 0=convert non-solid linestyles to solid.

[email protected] 1

For arc settings in polygon borders: 1=use sectorize angle (see [email protected] below) 0=use deviation distance from true arc (see [email protected]).

[email protected] 1

1=compress multi-layer block to one layer 0=break block up for each layer.


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[email protected] 150.0000

Flash circles less than this value (in mils).

[email protected] 2.0000

Default line width (in mils).

[email protected] 2.0000

Default text line width (in mils).

[email protected] 150.0000

Block size threshold (in mils).

[email protected] 10.00

If [email protected] has a value of 1, this is the sectorization angle used (in percent).

[email protected] 10.0000

If [email protected] has a value of 0, this is the deviation distance from the true arc (in mils).

[email protected] 31

The import scale factor. Parameter must always be an integer above 0 (this value is divided by 100 to provide the scaling factor).

[email protected] xxx, yyy

Provides the ability to import DXF files with a scale factor value that has a very high precision.

xxx = Integer scale value yyy = scale value divisor

The two parameters are combined by the command to produce the import scale by dividing the first parameter by the second (i.e. scale = xxx / yyy).

[email protected] «d:test.dxf»

Completes the import process (data appears in workspace).

[email protected]

Cancels the process.


[email protected] 1,0,»d:tempmotorcyc.dxf» [email protected] 1 [email protected] 1 [email protected] 1 [email protected] 0 [email protected] 0 [email protected] 0 [email protected] 150.0000 [email protected] 2.0000 [email protected] 2.0000 import_dxf_flashth[email protected] 150.0000 [email protected] 1000 [email protected] 10.0000 [email protected] 1,1


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[email protected] «d:tempmotorcyc.dxf»

ECAM dsn

[email protected] «name»

Reads in the ECAM DSN defined by name. No layer preparation is required because ECAM DSN replaces all current information.


[email protected] «Filename»

This imports an ECAM lib file and converts it to a system CAP library.

Edit Aper Conv

There are no macro commands for this feature.

Gerber Data

Define Format Settings:

All settings must be defined prior to running the import command, or the default settings will be used. For Barco DPF format, only [email protected] command needs to be set.

[email protected] 0,0

Sets the import format type.

First #: 0 = photoplotter 1 = drill machine 2 = mill machine

Second #: 0 = 274 1 = 274X 2 = Fire 9xxx 3 = Barco DPF 4 = Reserved 5 = Excellon 6 = Sieb & Meyer 1000 7 = Sieb & Meyer 3000

[email protected] 1,0

Sets the Unit:

First #: 0=photoplotter 1=drill machine 2=mill machine


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Second #: 0=English 1=Metric

[email protected] 1,2,4

Sets the Precision:

First #: 0=photoplotter 1=drill machine 2=mill machine

Second # is the integer number

Third # is the fractional number (2,4 = 2.4)

[email protected] 1,0

Sets the Mode:

First #: 0=photoplotter 1=drill machine 2=mill machine

Second #: 0=Absolute 1=Incremental

[email protected] 1,0

Sets the Zero Suppression:

First #: 0=photoplotter 1=drill machine 2=mill machine

Second #: 0=leading 1=trailing 2=none

Import Files, using format settings [email protected] 0,»filename.gap»

If using a GAP file for aperture information, this command reads the .GAP format and will overwrite the current aperture information.

[email protected] 0,»name.gap»

If using a GAP file for aperture information: this command merges GAP file into the current aperture table (transcoding will occur, current aperture data will not be overwritten). See File > Import > Aperture Table for an explanation of how to handle other aperture table formats.

[email protected] Layer#,Drawcolor,Flashcolor,Type,Status,Name$

Creates a new layer in the database.

Parameters are as follows:


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Layer# sets the layer number. -2=no change (remember layer numbering in macros starts from 0: i.e. layer 1 = 0).

Drawcolor and Flashcolor set the draw & flash colors to display for the layer.

See Layer Color Codes.

Type is the layer type to associate with that layer:

Status determines the appearance of the layer on screen: 0=on 1=off 2=ref -2=no change

Name$ is the filename of the Gerber file being exported (including the full path). «» =no change (keep old name)

[email protected] Layer,X,Y,»name»

Import the Gerber file:

Layer is the layer number to save the file to (remember layer numbering begins at 0. i.e 0 = layer 1)

X,Y is the insertion point, which is usually 0,0.

Name is the filename of the Gerber file.

[email protected]

Updates the layer bar to reflect the new layers.

[email protected]

Updates the button bar to reflect new dcodes.



[email protected] 0,0 [email protected] 0,1 [email protected] 0,2,4 [email protected] 0,1 [email protected] 0,1 [email protected] 11,13,13,4,0,»demobdr.gbr» [email protected] 11,0.0000,0.0000,»d:tempdemobdr.gbr» [email protected]


[email protected] 0,1 [email protected] 0,0 [email protected] 0,2,3 [email protected] 0,0 [email protected] 0,0 [email protected] 12,14,14,4,0,»democomp.gbr» [email protected] 12,0.0000,0.0000,»d:tempdemocomp.gbr» [email protected]

Fire 9xxx

[email protected] 0,2


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[email protected] 0,1 [email protected] 0,2,3 [email protected] 0,1 [email protected] 0,1 [email protected] «1» [email protected] «1» [email protected] 13,15,15,4,0,»demognd.gbr» [email protected] 13,0.0000,0.0000,»d:tempdemognd.gbr» [email protected]


[email protected] 0,3 [email protected] 14,2,2,4,0,»lstbs.dpf» [email protected] 14,0.0000,0.0000,»d:templstbs.dpf» [email protected]


Importing HPGL and HPGL/2 require several identical statements.

[email protected] Layer#,Drawcolor,Flashcolor,Type,Status,Name$

Prepares a layer for import of HPGL data:

(See Import > Gerber Data for more information on this command).

[email protected] Layer#, X#, Y#, Name$

Imports the HPGL file.

Layer# is the layer number (layer numbering in macros begins at 0; i.e. layer 1 = 0)

X# & Y# are the coordinates for the space origin.

Name$ is tge filename of the HPGL file being imported.

[email protected]

Updates the layer bar.

[email protected]

Updates the Dcode bar.


[email protected] 33,7,7,4,0,»columbia.hpg» [email protected] 33,0.0000,0.0000,»d:tempcolumbia.hpg» [email protected] [email protected]


[email protected] «name»

Reads in the defined IPC file. No layer preparation is required because IPC files replace all information and are not assigned to individual layers.


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Mill Data

Define Format Settings:

All settings must be defined prior to running the import command, or the default settings will be used.

[email protected] 2,5

Sets the output Format:

First #: 0 = photoplotter 1 = drill machine 2 = mill machine

Second #: 5 = Excellon 6 = Sieb & Meyer 1000 7 = Sieb & Meyer 3000

[email protected] 2,0

Sets the input Unit:

First #: 0=photoplotter 1=drill machine 2=mill machine

Second #: 0=English 1=Metric

[email protected] 2,2,4

Sets the input Precision:

First #: 0=photoplotter 1=drill machine 2=mill machine

Second # is the integer number

Third # is the fractional number (2,4 = 2.4)

[email protected] 2,0

Sets the input Mode:

First #: 0=photoplotter 1=drill machine 2=mill machine

Second #: 0=Absolute 1=Incremental


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[email protected] 2,0

Sets the Zero Suppression:

First #: 0=photoplotter 1=drill machine 2=mill machine

Second #: 0=leading 1=trailing 2=none

Import Mill Files, using settings: [email protected] 14,0,»d:devlayer_11.rou»

Imports an NC data file containing mill data. The first parameter is the layer ID (starts at 0).

The second parameter is the ID of the Tool Table to be used (this is the number that appears before the Tool Table name in the NC Tool Table dialog box). If the Table ID is 0, then the most recently created table will be used. If no Table exists, a new one will be created.

Last is the mill file name.

[email protected] 2

Creates a new NC Tool Table. If this precedes the above nc_import_mill commands, this new table will be considered the most recently created table.

The parameter describes the type of table: 1=Mill & Drill 2=Mill 3=Drill


[email protected] 2,1 [email protected] 2,3,4 [email protected] 2,1 [email protected] 2,0 [email protected] 2 [email protected] 34,3,»c:temp25341.rou»


[email protected] 1.0000

Defines the tolerance for matching connectivity points.

[email protected] «name»

Reads in a CAM350 refdes/pin# netlist defined by the file path.

[email protected] «name»

Reads in a CAM350 X,Y coordinate netlist defined by the file path.

[email protected] «name»


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Reads in an IPC-D-356 netlist defined by the file path.

Other CAD Netlists: [email protected] «format name»

Sets the format for the import of «Other» CAD netlist formats. Current format names accepted are ALLEGRO, MENTOR, PCAD, PADS, REDAC, and TANGO. This excludes the use of CAM350 and IPC-D-356 formats (which have separate macro commands).

[email protected] «filename»

Imports the specified netlist file, which is assumed to be in the netlist format set by [email protected]


[email protected] «Allegro» [email protected] «d:tempdemo.net»


[email protected] «filename»

Imports an ODB++ format database job tree or zipped file. Where filename can either be a) the location of the job tree for an ODB++ database, or b) the name of a compressed ODB++ database.

[email protected] «filename»

When manually specifying ODB++ format, add this command to convert the file to a flattened, one-up design.


[email protected] «D:temptestODB» [email protected] «D:temptestODB»

File > Merge

[email protected] «File_Name»

File_Name is the .CAM file that is being merged-in

[email protected] Start,Merge

Merging to existing layers: command specifies the layer mapping for the new database being merged in. A separate command must be used for each layer in the merged design.

Start is a layer number in the merged-in PCB.

Merge is the layer number in the master PCB that it is being mapped to.

[email protected] lyrID,Type,AutoName


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Merging to new layers: specifies the layer number and type of the new layer being created. (System will assign new layer number automatically).

lyrID is a layer number in the merged-in PCB

Type is the type of new layer that is being created for it.

AutoName is a flag indicating whether a new layer name should be assigned or the current name should be used. This is only used internally for Design Compare checking. The default value is zero (0).

[email protected] 3845.0000,-1450.0000

Once layer mapping has been specified, [email protected] states the coordinates where the new design will be merged in.

[email protected] X,Y,»name»

Merges in a PCB file at location X,Y (x & y are reals): uses same coordinates as the [email protected] command. If another copy of the same PCB file has already merged into the workspace, it will merge in the file again.

[email protected] X,Y,»name»

Merges in a PCB file at location X,Y (x & y are reals): uses same coordinates as the [email protected] command. If the same PCB file has previously been merged in, it will make a copy of the file already in the workspace. (Works the same as Edit > Copy.)

[email protected]

This macro command is recorded if the user aborts the merging process after initiating it. All it does is free-up the memory which was created to store the layer mappings. (This would never be used in writing a script).


[email protected] «d:testdemoint.cam» [email protected] 0,0 [email protected] 1,2,0 [email protected] 2,2,0 [email protected] 3,3 [email protected] 4,7,0 [email protected] 5,8,0 [email protected] 6,6,0 [email protected] 7,16,0 [email protected] 8,17,0 [email protected] -8943.7000,1147.6000 [email protected] -8943.7000,1147.6000,»d:testdemoint.cam» [email protected]

File > New

[email protected]

Closes current file (if any) in the CAM or Panel Editor and clears the main window.

[email protected]


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This clears the current custom aperture memory in the CAP Editor, part memory in the Part Editor, or symbol memory in the Symbol Editor. It does not affect loaded libraries.

[email protected] [email protected]

Deletes all current test information. It does not affect any other data that is loaded.

[email protected]

Deletes all current test information. It does not affect any other data that is loaded.

File > Open

[email protected] «filename»

Opens CAM350 database (*.cam) designated by filename.

[email protected] Type, Id, Merge, «Filename»

Type is the type of library:

1=cap 2=part 3=symbol

Id is the source of the library: 0=system (filename parameter is ignored) 1=external

Merge determines if current library should be replaced: 0=overwrite 1=merge

Filename : Name of external library to load.

[email protected] #

Sets the active library (0 = system, 1 = external) in the CAP Editor.

File > Print

See also the Basic commands LPRINT & LPRINT USING.


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Printer Settings: [email protected]

Does nothing in macro playback, other than setting the state back to the default command mode.

[email protected]

Does nothing in macro playback, other than setting the state back to the default command mode.

[email protected] «state$»

Sets the option which tells Printer to print all data in black (even to a color printing device).

State$: «No» for printing in color «Yes» for printing all in black.

[email protected] «plotter name»

This sets the plotter/printer to be «plotter name»; where «plotter name» is one of the printers listed in the Windows WIN.INI file. The name must be as it appears in the printer name list, either in CAM350, or in the Control Panel’s printer setup.

[email protected] #

Sets the printer orientation. It can be set to the following values: -32768 = Not set (use printer default) 1 = Portrait 2 = Landscape

[email protected] #

Sets the printer paper size. It can be set to the following values: -32768 = Not set (use default) 1 = Letter 8 1/2 x 11 in 2 = Letter Small 8 1/2 x 11 in 3 = Tabloid 11 x 17 in 4 = Ledger 17 x 11 in 5 = Legal 8 1/2 x 14 in 6 = Statement 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 in 7 = Executive 7 1/4 x 10 1/2 in 8 = A3 297 x 420 mm 9 = A4 210 x 297 mm 10 = A4 Small 210 x 297 mm 11 = A5 148 x 210 mm 12 = B4 250 x 354 13 = B5 182 x 257 mm 14 = Folio 8 1/2 x 13 in 15 = Quarto 215 x 275 mm 16 = 10 x 14 in 17 = 11 x 17 in 18 = Note 8 1/2 x 11 in 19 = Envelope #9 3 7/8 x 8 7/8 20 = Envelope #10 4 1/8 x 9 1/2 21 = Envelope #11 4 1/2 x 10 3/8 22 = Envelope #12 4 1/4 x 11 23 = Envelope #14 1/2 x 11 1/2 24 = C size sheet 25 = D size sheet 26 = E size sheet 27 = Envelope DL 110 x 220 mm 28 = Envelope C5 162 x 229 mm 29 = Envelope C3 324 x 458 mm 30 = Envelope C4 229 x 324 mm


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31 = Envelope C6 114 x 162 mm 32 = Envelope C65 114 x 229mm 33 = Envelope B4 250 x 353 mm 34 = Envelope B5 176 x 250 mm 35 = Envelope B6 176 x 125 mm 36 = Envelope 110 x 230 mm 37 = Monarch 3.8 x 7 1/2 in 38 = Envelope 3 5/8 x 6 1/2 in 39 = US Fanfold 14 7/8 x 11 in 40 = German Std 8 1/2 x 12 in 41 = German Legal Fanfold 8 1/2 x 13 in

[email protected] #

Sets the printer paper source. It can be set to the following values: -32768= Not set (use printer default) 1 = Upper paper bin 2 = Lower paper bin 3 = Middle paper bin 4 = Manual paper feed 5 = Automatic envelope feeder 6 = Manual envelope feed 7 = Automatic bin selection 8 = Tractor feed 9 = Small format 10 = Large format 12 = Large capacity 14 = Cassette loader 256 = Device specific bin

[email protected] «On» or «Off»

Determines if a header is to be printed.

The following commands «persist» for the current macro run. In other words, they only need to be set once, but they can be changed at any time prior to printing the next player.

[email protected] «on» or «off»

Specifies whether or not the layer should be rotated 90 degrees before plotting.

[email protected] «#» or «fit»

Sets the plot scale: 1.0 equals 1-to-1, 2.0 equals 2-to-1, and so on. Fit (case not important) tells the plotter driver to calculate the scale which would «fit» the layer on the page.

[email protected] #, #

Specifies the offset in user units (inches or millimeters) of the upper left corner of the layer to the upper left corner of the page.

[email protected] Draw#, Flash#

Sets the pens to use when plotting draws and flashes on the paper. Pens may be numbered as defined by the plotter you are using (usually 1 to 16 or 1 to 8).

[email protected] «state$»

Sets the layer alignment for the plot layer.

state$ = «on» if the layer is to be aligned with the other layers, «off» if layer is not to be aligned.

[email protected]


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Specifies that the layer should be centered on the page. This is mutually exclusive with PlotLayerOffsetXY.

[email protected] «#» or «ALL»

# is the composite number (0 = 1, 1 = 2, etc.). «All» will plot all composites.

[email protected] fillmode

Plots all layers which have been marked for plotting on the same sheet of paper, and «tile» them on the page such that, from left to right, the first layer is plotted, then the second is plotted next to it, and so on, wrapping around until all layers are plotted. The scale of the layers is the smallest scale set by the [email protected] command, or a computed scale, if the set scale would result in not all layers being plotted on the same sheet of paper. The rotation is maintained for all plots.

Fillmode can be: fill, outline or centerline.

[email protected] fillmode

Plots all layers which have been marked for plotting on separate sheets of paper, while maintaining their set location, scale and rotation.

Fillmode can be: fill, outline or centerline.

[email protected] fillmode

Plots all layers which have been marked for plotting on the same sheet of paper, while maintaining their set location, scale and rotation.

Fillmode can be: fill, outline or centerline.

Print Data:

[email protected] Lay$

Prints layers based on printer settings above. Unless «All» is entered as the parameter, a new command must be used for each individual layer being printed.

Lay$ is a string representing the layer to print:

«#» = specific layer number (note macro layer numbering begins at 0; i.e. layer 1 = 0, or in this case «0»).

«All» = plot all layers that are turned on

[email protected]

Prints all data which displays in the application’s workspace. Will print data exactly as it is, including zooming, etc. Uses default printer settings (not necessary to use setting commands above).


[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] «Yes» [email protected] «\DC_230_STDC_230_ST» [email protected] 2 [email protected] -32768 [email protected] -32768 [email protected] «On» [email protected] «on» [email protected] «on» [email protected] «on» [email protected] «-8.41» [email protected] -65138.0597,157.4803


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[email protected] 1,1 [email protected] «0» [email protected] «1» [email protected] «fill»

[email protected]

Prints the application’s workspace display: prints any CAP that appears in the display (including any zooming, etc).

[email protected] n

Prints all custom apertures in the currently selected library

0 = internal library 1 = external library

[email protected]

Prints the application’s workspace display: prints any Part or Symbol that appears in the display (including any zooming, etc).

[email protected] n

Prints all parts or symbols in the currently selected library.

0 = internal library 1 = external library

File > Refresh Symbols

[email protected]

Reads in the Symbol Library, overwriting any symbols in the database which have the same name as library symbols. (This command takes no parameters).

File > Save & Save As

[email protected] «name»

Saves a .CAM file of the specified filename.

[email protected] «name»

Saves a version 6.0 .CAM file of the specified filename.

[email protected] «name»


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Saves a version 7.0 .CAM file of the specified filename.

[email protected] «name»

Saves a version 8.0 .CAM file of the specified filename.

[email protected] «Filename»

Saves either a CAP, a PART, or a SYMBOL to the current library.

[email protected] Mode, LibID, «Filename»

This saves the entire library.

Mode: 1 = part 2 = cap 7 = symbol

LibID: 0 = system (name is ignored) 1 = external

[email protected] #

Sets the type for the symbol being saved: 1 = coupon 2 = title block 3 = pinning hole 4 = fiducial

[email protected] «Filename»

Saves a symbol to the current library.


[email protected] 1 [email protected] «new coupon» [email protected]

File > Setup

Access Code

There are no macro commands for this feature.


There are no macro commands for this feature.


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Drill Machine

[email protected] «filename»

Includes the file in the tool definition area.

[email protected] «filename»

Includes the file before closing M02.

[email protected] #

Includes the CAM350 description of the tools. 1 = Yes, 0 = No.

[email protected] #

Includes the CAM350 header information.

[email protected] #

Sets DETECT,ON directive status:

0=do not include 1=include

[email protected] #

Sets ATC,ON directive status:

0=do not include 1=include

[email protected] #

Adds tool in-feed rate:

0=do not include 1=include

[email protected] #

Adds tool retract speed:

0=do not include 1=include

[email protected] #

Adds spindle spin rate:

0=do not include 1=include

[email protected] #

Adds maximum tool hits:

0=do not include 1=include


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[email protected] #

Adds the VER value (1-8) that tells the machine how to interpret the coordinate base of the file.

[email protected] 1

Adds the T00 command at the end of the drill file:

1=append 0=do not append

[email protected] #, # and [email protected] #, #

This sets up the end of block character for the various formats.

The first # is the machine type: 0=photoplotter 1=drill machine 2=mill machine

The second # is the ASCII value for the desired end of block character.

For example, 42=*, 37=$, and 10=carriage return. The default is 42.

[email protected] #, # and [email protected] #, #

This sets the mode as modal or nonmodal.

The first # is the machine type: 0=photoplotter 1=drill machine 2=mill machine

The second # is modal on/off (0=off, 1=on). The default is ON.

[email protected] 1,5

Sets the output Format:

First #: 0 = photoplotter 1 = drill machine 2 = mill machine

Second #: 5 = Excellon 6 = Sieb & Meyer 1000 7 = Sieb & Meyer 3000


[email protected] 0 [email protected] 0 [email protected] 0 [email protected] 1,0 [email protected] 1 [email protected] 0 [email protected] 1,5

File Extensions


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[email protected] Format%,Ext$

Sets the default file extension to use for a particular format of file.

Format% is defined as follows (all numeric codes must begin with a 10; i.e. 1000 = Design Files):

00 = Design files 01 = Gerber files 02 = NC Drill files 03 = NC Mill files 04 = DRC report files 05 = Netlist files 06 = Info report files 07 = Error files 08 = Macro files 09 = Plot files 10 = Custom aperture library files 11 = Part library files 12 = IPC files 13 = Aperture files 14 = ECAM design files 15 = Polygon pattern files 16 = ECAM library files 17 = NC Mill tool table files 18 = NC Drill tool table files 19 = Drill and Mill header files 41 = NC Mill tab files 42 = NC Tool Table files (contains mill and/or drill) 43 = Part to Part files

Ext$ is the new extension to use; (i.e. «txt»).

[email protected]

Saves current Preference settings to the default database (CAM350.CAM or CAM350.CAM).


[email protected] 1019, «hdr» [email protected]

Film Box

[email protected] 0.0000,20000.0000,24000.0000,0.0000

Sets the size of the film box in inches. The values are not grid coordinates—they are based on the lower left X and Y values of the film box, which are always 0.

The first value is the lower left X coordinate (always 0), second value is the upper right Y coordinate, third is the upper right X coodinate, and fourth is the lower left Y coordinate (always 0).

[email protected] #

Defines which area of the filmbox is located on the origin.

1 = Lower left corner.

2 = Upper left corner.


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3 = Center of film box.

4 = Upper right corner.

5 = Lower right corner.

[email protected] 0.0000,0.0000

Sets the origin of the film box in inches. The values are grid coordinates.

Mill Machine

[email protected] «filename»

Includes the file in the tool definition area.

[email protected] «filename»

Includes the file before closing M02.

[email protected] #

Includes the CAM350 description of the tools. 1 = Yes, 0 = No.

[email protected] #

Includes the CAM350 header information. 1 = Yes, 0 = No.

[email protected] #

Sets DETECT,ON directive status:

0=do not include 1=include

[email protected] #

Sets ATC,ON directive status:

0=do not include 1=include

[email protected] #

Adds tool in-feed rate:

0=do not include 1=include

[email protected] #

Adds tool retract speed:

0=do not include 1=include

[email protected] #


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Adds spindle spin rate:

0=do not include 1=include

[email protected] 1

Adds the VER value (1-8) that tells the machine how to interpret the coordinate base of the file.

[email protected] 1

Adds the T00 command at the end of the drill file:

1=append 0=do not append

[email protected] #, # and [email protected] #, #

This sets up the end of block character for the various formats.

The first # is the machine type: 0=photoplotter 1=drill machine 2=mill machine

The second # is the ASCII value for the desired end of block character.

For example, 42=*, 37=$, and 10=carriage return. The default is 42.

[email protected] #, # and [email protected] #, #

This sets the mode as modal or nonmodal.

The first # is the machine type: 0=photoplotter 1=drill machine 2=mill machine

The second # is modal on/off (0=off, 1=on). The default is ON.

[email protected] 2,5

Sets the output Format:

First #: 0 = photoplotter 1 = drill machine 2 = mill machine

Second #: 5 = Excellon 6 = Sieb & Meyer 1000 7 = Sieb & Meyer 3000


[email protected] 0 [email protected] 2,0 [email protected] 1 [email protected] 0 [email protected] 2,5


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[email protected] Code#,Path$

Alters the path from which files are opened, imported, or exported.

Code# specifies the file type the path is being changed for, as follows (note the code always begins with a 100 — i.e. 1000 = Aperture Files):

1 = Aperture files 2 = ARL (aperture rule) files 3 = Import from here 4 = Export to here 5 = Macro files 6 = Custom aperture library files 7 = Part library files 8 = Symbol library files 9 = CAD files

Path$ is the name of the directory path


[email protected] 0,37 [email protected] 0,37

These commands set up the end of block character for the various formats.

The first # is the machine type: 0=photoplotter 1=drill machine 2=mill machine

The second # is the ASCII value for the desired end of block character.

For example, 42=*, 37=$, and 10=carriage return. The default is 42.

[email protected] 0

[email protected] 0

These commands set the default photo expose mode, if the G55 code does not exist. Default is off.

1 = on 0 = off

[email protected] 1

This sets the assumed interpolated arc type if no G74/G75 is present. This value only has an effect on files where the arc type is not explicitly defined. Default is Quad.

0=full arcs are assumed 1=quad arcs are assumed

[email protected] 1

This controls whether the exported Gerber file will contain a Carriage Return (CR) at the end of each line.


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1 = on (include CR’s) 0 = off (no CR’s)

[email protected] 0

This determines whether incoming arcs that have the same coordinate for both the start and end points are read in as a circle or ignored.

0 = off (accept as circle) 1 = on (ignore the arc)

Default is off (considered a circle).

[email protected] 1

Sets whether database and date comments should appear in the header.

1 = Include 0 = exclude

[email protected] 1

Determines if step & repeat codes will be exported to photoplotter:

1 = yes 0 = no

[email protected] 0,1 [email protected] 0,1

These commands set the mode as modal or nonmodal, for import and export.

The first # is the machine type: 0=photoplotter 1=drill machine 2=mill machine

The second # is modal on/off (0=off, 1=on). The default is ON.

[email protected] -1

Sets the polarity of the imported plotter files.

0 = clear 1 = dark -1 = no change

[email protected] 0,0

First # specifies output device: 0 = photoplotter 1 = drill machine 2 = mill machine

Second # specifies output format: 0 = 274 1 = 274X 2 = Fire 9xxx 3 = Barco DPF 4 = Reserved 5 = Excellon 6 = Sieb & Meyer 1000 7 = Sieb & Meyer 3000


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[email protected] 0,97 [email protected] 0,98 [email protected] 1 [email protected] 1 [email protected] 0 [email protected] 0 [email protected] 1 [email protected] 0 [email protected] 0 [email protected] 0,0 [email protected] 0,0 [email protected] -1 [email protected] 0,1


[email protected] 0

Turns Undo on or off.

0 = off 1 = on

[email protected] 0

Adds carriage return linefeeds to exported IPC files.

0 = no CR added 1 = CR is added

[email protected] 1

Determines whether a database uses the old font definitions it contains, or loads new font definitions each time its loaded:

0 = use old fonts 1 = load new fonts

[email protected] 1

Specifies if a backup of the current database should be saved automatically.

0 = off 1 = on

[email protected] #

Sets the time interval to save to backup.

# is in minutes

[email protected] «editor»

Sets a different text editor instead of the Windows Notepad. The entire path must be included unless the path is included in the system path. «Editor» will be called, followed by the file name.

[email protected] 1

Determines how custom apertures will be exploded using the Edit > Change > Explode > Custom command:


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0 = explode custom to polygons 1 = explode custom to intrinsics

[email protected] 0

Determines how accurate arcs are approximated by segments in commands such as Add Polygon and Draw to Raster.

0 = faster performance, less accurate arc approximation 1 = more accurate arc approximation

Save Defaults

[email protected]

Saves current Preference settings to the default database (CAM350.CAM or CAM350.CAM).

File > Test Point Attribs


[email protected] 8,9,11

First # is the Top color, second is the bottom color, and third is the through-hole color.

See Layer Color Codes.


[email protected] #

# is the test point graphic size, in mils.

File > Test Point To Gerber

[email protected]

Creates new graphic layers to graphically represent Top, Bottom and Through-Hole test points.


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Edit Menu Macros

Edit > Add Vertex

[email protected] [email protected] 1325.0000,4525.0000 [email protected] 1550.0000,4625.0000 [email protected]

Adds a vertex to an existing one. The first coordinate point is the handle, the second point is the target.

Edit > Add Vtx

[email protected] [email protected] 503.7293,3445.8564

The existing point on the mill path that is becoming a vertex.

[email protected] 475.0000,3225.0000

The new location of the vertex you created

[email protected]

Ends command.

Edit > Change


[email protected] [email protected] X,Y

Add Vertex Delete Segment Move Vtx

Add Vtx Delete Tab Move Vtx/Seg

Break At Vtx Delete Vertex Redo

Change Delete Vtx Reverse Test Points Staggering

Change Fixture Origin Join Segments Rotate

Convert To Polygons Layers Spin Image

Copy Line Change Trim Using

Delete Mirror Undo

Delete All Move

Delete Seg Move Tab


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[email protected]

Moves the part anchor to the indicated coordinate.

Rule: Command remains the same for all three editors, but sets different data anchors. In CAM, sets the one-up image anchor for Panel Editor; in Part, sets the part anchor or adding parts in CAM Editor; and in Symbol sets the anchor for symbols being added in Panel Editor.


Attribute macro commands consist of 1) a command to set the type of attribute being created, and 2) a series of commands to edit that attribute.


Use one of the following commands to specify the attribute being set.

[email protected]

Use for a Component attribute.

[email protected]

Use for a Net attribute.

[email protected]

Use for a Panel attribute.

Editing the Attribute [email protected] 1690.0000,2800.0000

A coordinate within the item who’s attribute is being changed.

Requirement: Only used for component and net attributes.

[email protected] «1`2»

Adds the attribute with the «Category`Key» value.

[email protected] «2`3»

Deletes the attribute with the «Category`Key» value.

[email protected] «4`5»

Selects the attribute to be changed, by «Category`Key» value.

[email protected] «3»

The new Value of the attribute


‘Component attribute: [email protected] [email protected] 1325.0000,1540.3600 [email protected] «test`1» [email protected] «2» [email protected]


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‘Net attribute: [email protected] [email protected] 1525.0000,1395.0000 [email protected] «test`4» [email protected] «test`5» [email protected] «667» [email protected] ‘Panel attribute: [email protected] [email protected] «ch`1» [email protected] «djkd» [email protected]


[email protected]

Initiates command.

[email protected] 500.0000,2525.0000

Coordinate on the mill path to change.

[email protected] 1,1

First parameter is the compensation direction: 0=none 1=left 2=right.

Second parameter is the compensation index: 0=use tool ID (no index) 1-99=use given index number.


[email protected] [email protected] 500.0000,2525.0000 [email protected] 1,1 [email protected]

Group Selection is also available for this function.


[email protected] [email protected] 2325.0000,4775.0000 [email protected] [email protected] 15 [email protected]

[email protected] starts the command, the point selects the Dcode, the Dcode is then changed.

Group Selection is also available for this function.

Destination Layer


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[email protected]

Invokes command.

[email protected] x, y

Selects symbol data (draw or flash only) which is to have its destination layer changed. Maybe be used multiple times to select several datum.

[email protected]

Alternately, this command may be used, instead of the [email protected] command, to select all symbol data in the symbol.

[email protected]

Ends data selection mode.

[email protected] lyrID

Changes the specified destination layer(s) of the selected data. Uses same designations as Utilities > Draw to Symbol:

lyrID is the layer destination for the symbol data. The mapping is as follows: 1 = all Non-NC layers 2 = all electric layers 3 = goes on all layers of one type. Symbol will appear on all layers of the type it was originally generated on (e.g. internal) 4 = appears only on the specified layer the symbol is created on

[email protected]

Cancels the selections made in the command.

[email protected]

Ends command.


[email protected] [email protected] 125.0000,100.0000 [email protected] [email protected] 1 [email protected]

Device Name

[email protected] [email protected] 2075.0000,4075.0000 [email protected] «newname» [email protected]

Change_devname starts the command, a point is selected, the change is made. Note that new Device Name is a string.

Drill First/Last


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[email protected] 1 [email protected] 0.0000,-150.0000

Sets the First drill hit at the specified point.

[email protected] 0 [email protected] 150.0000,0.0000

Sets the Last drill hit at the specified point.

[email protected]

Drill Hit

[email protected] [email protected] -700.0000,-575.0000

The location of the drill hit to be changed

[email protected] 1,0

First parameter is the Tool ID number. Second parameter is 0=unplated, 1=plated.

[email protected]

Ends command.

Group Selection is also available for this function.

Drill Order

There are no macro commands for this feature.

Drill Sequence

Each drill sequence has a first and last «anchor» drill in the sequence. These drills may be defined by their relationship to the smallest or largest tool in the NC Table, by tool number or by tool size. This command allows you to alter the settings of these drill tools in an existing Drill Sequence .

[email protected] [email protected] 0.0000,0.0000

Selects sequence to be changed at coordinates given.

First drill tool setting

Select one of the following to set the FIRST tool’s value:

[email protected] Nth, Set, min/max

Sets the first drill based on the smallest drill in the design. Parameters are:

Nth: sets how far offset from the smallest drill in the table it should be: 0 means smallest, 1 is next to


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smallest, etc.

Set indicates whether min/max setting is to be used. 0 = no, 1 = yes.

min/max: sets a value for the smallest size the first tool in the sequence can be (i.e. 45 indicates a tool largerr than 45 mils must be the first tool in the sequence)

[email protected] Nth, Set, min/max

Sets the first drill based on the largest drill in the design. Parameters are:

Nth: sets how far offset from the largest drill in the table it should be: 0 means largest, 1 is one below largest, etc.

Set indicates whether min/max setting is to be used. 0 = no, 1 = yes.

min/max: sets a value for the largest size the first tool in the sequence can be (i.e. 100 indicates a tool smaller than 100 mils must be the first tool in the sequence)

[email protected] Tool Number

Sets the first tool in the sequence based on the ID number of the tool.

[email protected] Size

Sets the first tool in the sequence based on the size of the tool (in user units).

Last drill tool setting

Select one of the following to set the LAST tool’s value.

[email protected] Nth, Set, min/max

Sets the last drill based on the smallest drill in the design. Parameters are:

Nth: sets how far offset from the smallest drill in the table it should be: 0 means smallest, 1 is next to smallest, etc.

Set indicates whether min/max setting is to be used. 0 = no, 1 = yes.

min/max: sets a value for the smallest size the first tool in the sequence can be (i.e. 45 indicates a tool larger than 45 mils must be the first tool in the sequence)

[email protected] Nth, Set, min/max

Sets the first drill based on the largest drill in the design. Parameters are:

Nth: sets how far offset from the largest drill in the table it should be: 0 means largest, 1 is one below largest, etc.

Set indicates whether min/max setting is to be used. 0 = no, 1 = yes.

min/max: sets a value for the largest size the first tool in the sequence can be (i.e. 100 indicates a tool smaller than 100 mils must be the first tool in the sequence)

[email protected] Tool Number

Sets the first tool in the sequence based on the ID number of the tool.

[email protected] Size


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Sets the first tool in the sequence based on the size of the tool (in user units).

[email protected] 0

Sets the number of drill hits to use in the sequence.

[email protected] 1

Sets the drill type to use in the sequence. 0 = Plated, 1 = Unplated.

[email protected]

Makes the changes to the drill sequence. No parameter.


[email protected] [email protected] -300.0000,200.0000 [email protected] 0,0,0.0000 [email protected] 0,1,34.0000 [email protected] 0 [email protected] 1 [email protected] [email protected]


[email protected] -56.0000,64.0000 [email protected]

Selects the line to change end cap on.

[email protected] # [email protected] #

Changes the line width. Both commands must be used to make change.

Width # is in database units.

EdCap_Ok value: 0 = change width.

[email protected] # [email protected] #

EndCap # allows changing the end cap shape (0 = square, 1 = round).

EdCap_Ok value = 1 for change end cap.

[email protected] # [email protected] #

Polarity # allows changing element polarity (0 = negative, 1 = positive).

EdCap_Ok value = 2 for change polarity.


[email protected] -20.0000,16.0000 [email protected] [email protected] 0


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[email protected] 2 [email protected]


Explode All:

[email protected] [email protected] X,Y [email protected] [email protected]

Explodes anything at the selected point.

Group Selection is also available for this function.

Explode Custom Aperture:

[email protected] [email protected] -492.7000,-50.0000 [email protected] [email protected] -1

If you are exploding the custom to a vector-filled polygon, the parameter for [email protected] is a Dcode. If it is being converted to a raster polygon, the parameter is always -1.

Group Selection is also available for this function.

Explode Merged Database:

[email protected] [email protected] 1575.0000,3605.0000 [email protected]

Explodes merged design at coordinate given.

Group Selection is also available for this function.

Explode Net:

[email protected] [email protected] X,Y [email protected] [email protected]

Only requires a single selected point on a net.

Group Selection is also available for this function.

Explode Padstack:

[email protected] [email protected] X,Y [email protected] [email protected]


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Explodes the padstack at the selected point.

Group Selection is also available for this function.

Explode Part:

[email protected] [email protected] X,Y [email protected] [email protected]

Explodes the part at the selected point.

Group Selection is also available for this function.

Explode Text:

[email protected] [email protected] X,Y [email protected] [email protected]

Explodes the text at the selected point.

Group Selection is also available for this function.

Explode Vector Polygon:

[email protected] [email protected] X,Y [email protected] [email protected]

Explodes the vector polygon at the selected point.

Group Selection is also available for this function.

Explode Merged PCB NC Data:

[email protected]

Explodes NC Data from a merged PCB file.

Explode Step And Repeated NC Data:

[email protected]

Explodes step&repeat NC Data in panelized designs.

Explode Symbol:

[email protected]


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[email protected] -2350.0000,27525.0000

Explodes symbol at given location.

[email protected] -1

If you are exploding the symbol to a vector-filled polygon, the parameter for [email protected] is a Dcode. If it is being converted to a raster polygon, the parameter is always -1.

Flatten Panel:

[email protected]

Explodes entire panel.

[email protected]

Ends command.

Fixture Origin

Both Fixtures

bn_mo[email protected] [email protected] 14.9000,172.3000 [email protected]

Coordinates are the new origin.

Bottom Fixture

[email protected] [email protected] -16.1000,467.2000 [email protected]

Coordinates are the new origin.

Top Fixture

[email protected] [email protected] -31.6000,327.5000 [email protected]

Coordinates are the new origin.

Fixture Probe

[email protected] [email protected] 405.3000,4288.5000 [email protected]

The coordinates of the probe to be changed.

[email protected] 1


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Parameter is the ID of the new test probe.

[email protected]

Mill First/Last

[email protected] 1 [email protected] 0.0000,-150.0000

Sets the First mill path at the specified point.

[email protected] 0 [email protected] 150.0000,0.0000

Sets the Last mill path at the specified point.

[email protected]

Ends selection

Mill Order

There are no macro commands for this topic.

Mill Path

Add Vtx At Intersection [email protected] [email protected] 2750.0000,2775.0000 [email protected]

Coordinates are a point on the single mill path that you want to create vertices on.

Group Selection is also available for this function.

Chamfer [email protected]

Initiates command.

[email protected] 90.0000

Sets the Backoff distance

[email protected] 60

Sets the minimum angle that can be selected (in degrees).

[email protected] 120

Sets the maximum angle that can be selected (in degrees).

[email protected] 3119.3000,4867.2000 [email protected]


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The coordinates of the vertex to be chamfered.

Group Selection is also available for this function.

Fillet [email protected]

Initiates command.

[email protected] 100.0000

Sets the radius of the arc that is created.

[email protected] 75

Sets the minimum angle that can be selected (in degrees).

[email protected] 105

Sets the minimum angle that can be selected (in degrees).

[email protected] 3119.3000,4858.3000 [email protected]

The coordinates of the vertex to be filleted.

Group Selection is also available for this function.

Plunge/Extract [email protected] [email protected] -10.0000,3202.5000 [email protected]

The coordinates denote the new plunge/extraction point.

Segments To Arcs [email protected] [email protected] 524.3600,2664.7500 [email protected]

Select any point located on the arc that you are converting.

Mill Tab

[email protected] [email protected] 839.5000,4951.6000

The coordinates of the tab that you wish to change.

[email protected] 1

This changes the tab. The parameter is the ID of the mill tab in the Mill Tab Table.

[email protected]



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[email protected] [email protected] 1625.0000,4325.0000 [email protected] «new netname» [email protected]

[email protected] starts the command, coordinates denote a point on the net selected; [email protected] makes the change. Note that new netname is a string.


Change Space Origin [email protected] [email protected] 1343.0000,4251.0000 [email protected] 1343.0000,4251.0000

[email protected] starts the command. The new space origin is defined by [email protected]

Change Panel Space Origin [email protected] [email protected] 1343.0000,4251.0000 [email protected] 1343.0000,4251.0000

[email protected] starts the command. The new space origin is defined by [email protected] Note that the same macro is used for both the CAM Editor and the Panel Editor. The origin changed depends on the current editor.

Change Grid Origin [email protected] [email protected] 1560.0000,4390.0000 [email protected] 1560.0000,4390.0000

[email protected] starts the command. The new grid origin is defined by [email protected]

Change Datum Coordinate Origin [email protected] 1137.6000,2025.5000

This is the point selected to change.

[email protected] 1127.6000,2015.5000

This defines the new space origin.

Change Film Box Origin [email protected] [email protected] 1560.0000,4390.0000 [email protected] 1560.0000,4390.0000

[email protected] starts the command. The new grid origin is defined by [email protected]

Change NC Origin [email protected] [email protected] 1560.0000,4390.0000 [email protected] 1560.0000,4390.0000


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[email protected] starts the command. The new grid origin is defined by [email protected]

Panelization Anchor

see Change > Anchor


[email protected] [email protected] 3750.0000,1400.0000 [email protected] [email protected] #

[email protected] starts the command, the point specified selects the padstack; the new number is assigned.

Group Selection is also available for this function.

Path Direction

[email protected]

Starts the command.

[email protected] -1025.0000,2950.0000

Any point on the desired mill path.

[email protected]

When selection is completed, this command executes the function and the paths are changed.

[email protected]

Path Properties

[email protected]

Initiates command.

[email protected] 1110.6000,4938.3000

Any point on the desired path.

[email protected] 3

Reference number of the tool to be assigned to the path (as defined by the Tool Table assigned to the layer).

[email protected] 2


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Applies to milled paths, circles, or slots only. Reference number of the tool to be used for the pilot holes. If 0, then no pilot holes.

[email protected] 33.3333

Applies only to mill paths. The feedrate of the mill tool in user units per second (defined under Settings > Unit).

[email protected] 1

Applies only to drilled text. The text direction is 0=Horizontal, 1=Vertical

[email protected] «string»

Applies only to drilled text, «string» is the text to be used.

[email protected] «string»

Changes the text displayed for the operator message.

[email protected] 466.9614

Changes the radius of a mill or drill circle.

[email protected] 2,1

Changes the compensation for mill paths.

First parameter: 0=No Compensation 1=Left Compensation 2=Right Comensation

Second parameter: 0=Use tool ID as Compensation Index 1-99=Use given Compensation Index ID

[email protected] 1

Applies only to mill circles. Defines the circle as Inside or Outside (0=inside, 1=outside).

[email protected] 1

Changes the type of path, when the current path is as specified:

[email protected]

Ends command.


[email protected]

Current Change to (type #)

Mill Circle Mill path (1) Drill circle (8)

Drill Circle Mill path (1) Mill circle (7)

Mill Slot Mill path (1) Drill slot (6)

Drill Slot Mill path (1) Mill slot (5)


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[email protected] 1325.0000,2100.0000 [email protected] 1,0 [email protected] 5000.0000 [email protected]

Pilot Holes

[email protected] [email protected] 3590.3000,4845.0000

Initiates command at any point on the mill path you wish to work with.

[email protected] 2

0=No pilot holes, 1-99=tool reference ID of the tool to be used.

[email protected]

Ends command.

Group Selection is also available for this function.

Pin Number

[email protected]

Initiates command.

[email protected] 0.0000,0.0000

The coordinate of the pin being renumbered.

[email protected] «1»

Sets the next number in the pin sequence. By default, the system begins with pin 1 and increases the number each time a coordinate is selected.


[email protected] [email protected] -175.0000,110.0000 [email protected] «1» [email protected] -72.4000,109.4000 ‘Each new [email protected] changes pin number to next in sequence: «2», «3», etc. [email protected] -26.0000,112.2000 [email protected] 26.5000,110.8000 [email protected]


[email protected] Value

Sets the draw polarity inside the CAP Editor.

Value : 0=positive, 1=negative.


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[email protected] [email protected] 2225.0000,4050.0000 [email protected] «newrefdes» [email protected]

[email protected] starts the command, coordinates denote a point on the ref/des selected; [email protected] makes the change. Note that new RefDes is a string.


[email protected] [email protected] 1625.0000,4400.0000

Selects the arc/circle to sectorize.

[email protected] 1,4500

Sets the sectorization angle. First parameter is fixed. Second is the angle of the sectorization out to two decimal places ( i.e. 4500 = 45 degrees)

[email protected]

Performs the actual change.


[email protected] [email protected] 2423.8000,1729.8000 [email protected] 1,1550 [email protected] [email protected]

Group Selection is also available for this function.


[email protected] [email protected] -7.6000,4685.4000 [email protected]

Selects stiffener to change.

[email protected] 1

The parameter is the new ID number of the stiffener.


[email protected] [email protected] 632.0000,3389.6000 [email protected] [email protected] 2 [email protected]


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Symbol Drill

[email protected] [email protected] -200.0000,50.0000

Changes the drill located in the symbol at the given location.

Select one of the following to set the tool value for the drill:

[email protected] Nth, Set, min/max

Sets the first drill based on the smallest drill in the design. Parameters are:

Nth: sets how far offset from the smallest drill in the table it should be: 0 means smallest, 1 is next to smallest, etc.

Set indicates whether min/max setting is to be used. 0 = no, 1 = yes.

min/max: sets a value for the smallest size the first tool in the sequence can be (i.e. 45 indicates a tool larger than 45 mils must be the first tool in the sequence)

[email protected] Nth, Set, min/max

Sets the first drill based on the largest drill in the design. Parameters are:

Nth: sets how far offset from the largest drill in the table it should be: 0 means largest, 1 is one below largest, etc.

Set indicates whether min/max setting is to be used. 0 = no, 1 = yes.

min/max: sets a value for the largest size the first tool in the sequence can be (i.e. 100 indicates a tool no larger than 100 mils must be the first tool in the sequence)

[email protected] Tool Number

Sets the first tool in the sequence based on the ID number of the tool.

[email protected] Size

Sets the first tool in the sequence based on the ID number of the tool.

[email protected] 1

Sets the drill type to use in the sequence. 0 = Plated, 1 = Unplated.

[email protected]

Makes the change to the drill.


[email protected] [email protected] -375.0000,-100.0000 [email protected] 0,1,56.0000 [email protected] 1 [email protected] [email protected]



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Changing the Content:

There are no macro commands for this function at this time.

Changing the Font: [email protected] [email protected] 1285.0000,4745.0000

Selects text whose font is to be changed.

[email protected] 2,0,»Arial»

First number is the type of font: 1 = EFN (DownStream Technologies’ Simple font) 2 = True Type 4 = Autocad SHP 8 = Autocad SHX

Second number is the Dcode number. This is always 0 for True Type fonts (True Type fonts are raster polygons).

The last parameter is the face name of the font. If the font type is 1 (EFN), then it can be the filename of the font.

Group Selection is also available for this function.

Changing the Style: [email protected] [email protected] 1800.0000,4525.0000

Selects text whose style is to be changed.

Font Settings:

Specifies the font to use for the text. May be set prior to or after text settings in the Text Settings section below.

[email protected] «SIMPLE.EFN»

This is used if an EFN font is used. Otherwise, the following command is used:

[email protected] 2, «Arial»

Specifies a non-EFN font to use. This is the font face name, not a filename.

First number is the type of font: 2=True Type 4=Autocad SHP 8=Autocad SHX

The second parameter is the face name of the font.

Text Settings:

Once the text and font to be changed have been selected, any of the following commands can be issued (in any order) to change the text attributes:

[email protected] 100.0000

Sets the full text height, in user units, taking into account characters with descenders (as well as a little additional font-dependent spacing so that lines will not overlap). The old command [email protected], used with version 2.X and earlier, will still function with this macro.


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[email protected] 50

Specifies the exact height for the font’s capital letters, in user units. All other characters are based relative to this set height.

Exception: the two macro commands above are mutually exclusive. When used in a macro, each overrides the previous one’s settings for any new text being added.

[email protected] 4500

Angle of the text, times 100 (i.e. 4500 = 45 degrees)

[email protected] 1

Sets text mirroring state. 0=not mirrored or 1=mirrored

[email protected] 4

Sets the text justification, as follows:

33 = Left Baseline 36 = Center Baseline 34 = Right Baseline 17 = Left Bottom 20 = Center Bottom 18 = Right Bottom 5 = Left Center 4 = Center Center 6 = Right Center 9 = Left Top 12 = Center Top 10 = Right Top

[email protected] 1

Sets the text as fitted or not. 0=no fit or 1=fit

[email protected] 20.0000

Sets the character spacing, in user units.

[email protected] 100.0000

Sets the line spacing, in user units.

[email protected] 0

Text slant is set in degrees times 100. Positive values slant the font to the right, negative values slant it to the left. You can italicize a non-italics font face by specifying a slant angle. (Typical italic font faces are slanted about 10 to 15 degrees.)

[email protected] 500

Sets a text scale value (times 100). This applies to the width of individual characters. For example, [email protected] 200 would make each character twice a wide as initially defined, while [email protected] 50 would make the characters half as wide as initially defined.

[email protected] 1

Determines if text is displayed vertically. 1=yes or 0=no

[email protected]


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Finalizes the changes made to the text style.

[email protected]

Ends command.


[email protected] [email protected] -106.1360,571.5170 [email protected] «SIMPLE.EFN» [email protected] 30.0000 [email protected] 1500 [email protected] 0 [email protected] [email protected]

Group Selection is also available for this function.

Changing the Text Style and Contents:

In addition to the commands listed in Changing the Text Style above, the following command allows you to change the text string itself:

[email protected] «This is new text»

Inserts a new text string, as designated by the parameter, replacing the old one. Finalizes the text style and content changes.

[email protected]

Ends command.


[email protected] [email protected] -80.5600,569.2930 [email protected] 2,»Arial» [email protected] 0 [email protected] 4 [email protected] «This is a test» [email protected]


[email protected] [email protected] 1612.8000,5373.8000

Any point on the drill or mill that you wish to change the tool for.

[email protected] 3

The new tool reference ID (as defined in the NC Tool Table).

[email protected]

Ends command.

Group Selection is also available for this function.

Update Part Pins


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[email protected]

Command invokes the Update Part Pins feature.

[email protected] 1612.8000,5373.8000

Indicates the coordinates for the selected part.

[email protected] 0

Performs the update itself: 0 = use the selected component’s pin sequence as the template to update the other parts of the same type 1 = use the pin sequence from the part library version of the component to update the other parts


[email protected] [email protected] 2015.5000,4311.1000 [email protected] 1 [email protected]

Variable Text

Similar to the Change > Text Style & Contents command, but only functions on Variable Text and uses a new command to invoke the changes:

[email protected] [email protected] 1800.0000,4525.0000

Initiates command and selects text to change.

Font Settings:

Specifies the font to use for the text. May be set prior to or after text settings in the Text Settings section below.

[email protected] «SIMPLE.EFN»

This is used if an EFN font is used. Otherwise, the following command is used:

[email protected] 2, «Arial»

Specifies a non-EFN font to use. This is the font face name, not a filename.

First number is the type of font: 2=True Type 4=Autocad SHP 8=Autocad SHX

The second parameter is the face name of the font.

Text Settings:

Once the text and font to be changed have been selected, any of the following commands can be issued (in any order) to change the text attributes:

[email protected] 100.0000


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Sets the full text height, in user units, taking into account characters with descenders (as well as a little additional font-dependent spacing so that lines will not overlap). The old command [email protected], used with version 2.X and earlier, will still function with this macro.

[email protected] 50

Specifies the exact height for the font’s capital letters, in user units. All other characters are based relative to this set height.

Exception: the two macro commands above are mutually exclusive. When used in a macro, each overrides the previous one’s settings for any new text being added.

[email protected] 4500

Angle of the text, times 100 (i.e. 4500 = 45 degrees)

[email protected] 1

Sets text mirroring state. 0=not mirrored or 1=mirrored

[email protected] 4

Sets the text justification, as follows:

33 = Left Baseline 36 = Center Baseline 34 = Right Baseline 17 = Left Bottom 20 = Center Bottom 18 = Right Bottom 5 = Left Center 4 = Center Center 6 = Right Center 9 = Left Top 12 = Center Top 10 = Right Top

[email protected] 1

Sets the text as fitted or not. 0=no fit or 1=fit

[email protected] 20.0000

Sets the character spacing, in user units.

[email protected] 100.0000

Sets the line spacing, in user units.

[email protected] 0

Text slant is set in degrees times 100. Positive values slant the font to the right, negative values slant it to the left. You can italicize a non-italics font face by specifying a slant angle. (Typical italic font faces are slanted about 10 to 15 degrees.)

[email protected] 500

Sets a text scale value (times 100). This applies to the width of individual characters. For example, [email protected] 200 would make each character twice a wide as initially defined, while [email protected] 50 would make the characters half as wide as initially defined.

[email protected] 1


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Determines if text is displayed vertically. 1=yes or 0=no

[email protected] «This is new text»

Inserts a new text string, as designated by the parameter, replacing the old one.


[email protected] [email protected] 25.0000,25.0000 [email protected] «SIMPLE.EFN» [email protected] 150.0000 [email protected] 4 [email protected] «variable test» [email protected]

Group Selection is also available for this function.


[email protected] Width

Sets the drawing width in either mils or mm.

Group Selection is also available for this function.

Edit > Convert To Polygons

[email protected]

Converts the current custom aperture into polygons. No parameter.

Edit > Copy

[email protected] [email protected] -150.0000,375.0000 [email protected] 50.0000,275.0000 [email protected]

First coordinate is the «copy from» point and the next coordinate is the «copy to» point.

Group Selection is also available for this function.

Check Box & Filter data selection options are available for this function.

Copy Options: [email protected] #,#

The first number is the layer # and the second number is either a 0 (do not copy to this layer) or a 1 (copy


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to this layer).

[email protected]

This must follow the [email protected] command and actually does the copy.

[email protected] 3

This specifies how many copies to make. The angle and distance are calculated from the first and second copy points.


[email protected] [email protected] 3 [email protected] [email protected] 3,1 [email protected] [email protected]

Edit > Delete

Main Delete command. Deletes all selected data.

[email protected] [email protected] 175.0000,400.0000

Deletes item at specified coordinate.

[email protected]

Required to end the individual or window selection process.

[email protected] 4, 1

This comes at the end of the code and performs the actual deletion. The first parameter is 4 to delete everything selected, or 11 to delete just the vertices (as if you were in the Edit > Delete Vertex command). The second parameter is 0 to cancel the operation, or 1 to execute the operation.

Group Selection is also available for this function.

Check Box & Filter data selection options are available for this function.


[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 795.2000,3716.4000 [email protected] 3103.8000,1631.8000 [email protected] 1 [email protected] [email protected] 4,1 [email protected]

Fixture Probe


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[email protected] [email protected] 1090.1000,4291.5000 [email protected]

Deletes the selected fixture probe.


[email protected] [email protected] -67.5000,4692.4000 [email protected]

Deletes the selected stiffener.

Test Point

[email protected] [email protected] 440.9000,4279.5000 [email protected]

Deletes the selected test point.

Edit > Delete All

Alignment Pins

[email protected]

Removes all alignment pins in database.

Fixture Probes

On Top Fixture: [email protected]

Removes all fixture probes on top side fixture.

On Bottom Fixture: [email protected]

Removes all fixture probes on bottom side fixture.


On Top Fixture:


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[email protected]

Removes all stiffeners on top side fixture.

On Bottom Fixture: [email protected]

Removes all stiffeners on bottom side fixture.

Test Points

[email protected]

Removes all test points in database.

Edit > Delete Seg

[email protected] [email protected] 3110.4000,3182.9000

The mill path segment defined by the point will be deleted.

[email protected]

Ends command.

Edit > Delete Segment

[email protected] [email protected] 1400.0000,4625.0000

The segment defined by the point will be deleted.

[email protected]

Ends command.

Edit > Delete Tab

[email protected] [email protected] 435.6000,3404.9000

The mill tab defined by the point will be deleted.


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[email protected]

Ends command.

Group Selection is also available for this function.

Edit > Delete Vertex

[email protected] [email protected] 1450.0000,4150.0000

The vertex defined by the point will be deleted.

Group Selection is also available for this function.

Edit > Delete Vtx

[email protected] [email protected] 1857.2000,3258.5000

The mill vertex defined by the point will be deleted.

[email protected]

Ends command.

Edit > Layers

Add Layers

[email protected] Layer#,Drawcolor,Flashcolor,Type,Status,Name$

Creates a new layer in the database.

Parameters are as follows:

Layer# sets the layer number. -2=no change (remember layer numbering in macros starts from 0: i.e. layer 1 = 0).

Drawcolor and Flashcolor set the draw & flash colors to display for the layer:

See Layer Color Codes

Type is the layer type to associate with that layer:


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See Layer Type codes

Status determines the appearance of the layer on screen: 0=on 1=off 2=ref -2=no change

Name$ is the filename of the Gerber file being exported (including the full path). «» =no change (keep old name)

[email protected] LyrID,TableID

When adding an NC layer, you may assign an NC Tool Table assigned to the layer with this command. If the command is not set, the first table in the database (if any exists) is used for the layer.

LyrID: ID of NC Data layer the table is to be assigned to. TableID: Table ID of the NC Tool Table to be assigned to the layer.

See also Tables > Assign > Tool_Table_To_Layer.

[email protected] LayerId, Rank

Sets the new layer as an NC data layer.

LayerID is the layer number (0 based).

Rank: type of NC layer. 0 = NC Primary, 1 = NC Secondary.


[email protected] 8,14,14,2,0,»Layer_9″ ‘creates a negative layer named Layer_9

Add NC Data Layers

[email protected] 1

Adds an NC Tool Table; parameter is the Table ID number. Only necessary if you need to create a new tool table for the layers you are adding.

[email protected] Layer#,Drawcolor,Flashcolor,Type,Status,Name$

Creates a new NC layer in the database.

Parameters are as follows:

Layer# sets the layer number. -2=no change (remember layer numbering in macros starts from 0: i.e. layer 1 = 0).

Drawcolor and Flashcolor set the draw & flash colors to display for the layer.

See Layer Color Codes

Type is the layer type to associate with that layer:

See Layer Type codes

Status determines the appearance of the layer on screen:


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0=on 1=off 2=ref -2=no change

Name$ is the filename of the Gerber file being exported (including the full path). «» =no change (keep old name)

[email protected] LyrID,TableID

Assigns the specified NC Tool Table to the specified layer. Note that no checking is done for the existance of the NC Tool Table or that any NC data on the layer will have a valid tool within the newly assigned tool table.

LyrID = ID of NC Data layer the table is to be assigned to.

TableID = Table ID of the NC Tool Table to be assigned to the layer.

[email protected] LayerId, Rank

Sets the new layer as an NC data layer.

LayerID is the layer number (0 based).

Rank: type of NC layer. 0 = NC Primary, 1 = NC Secondary.


[email protected] 11,2,2,21,0,»Layer_12″ ‘creates an NC Data named Layer_12 [email protected] 12,1 ‘Assign tool table 1 to layer 12 [email protected] 12,1 ‘assign NC Secondary rank


Aligns one layer to another layer. Select an initial point on the target layer, and then a corresponding point on the layer to align to it. It is recommended the alignment point be an object (pad, etc).

It is a good idea to use the Snap command (Z Hot Key) to assure the objects being aligned are selected properly.

[email protected] [email protected] 172.1000,3287.7000 [email protected]

Selects alignment point on target layer.

[email protected] 178.5000,1066.6000

Selects point/object on the layer to align.

[email protected]

Ends coordinate selection.

[email protected]

Records if user OK’s the Align Layer confirmation. (Not required for macro to run).

[email protected]

Records if user cancels the Align Layer confirmation. (Not required for macro to run).


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[email protected]

Ends command.


[email protected] [email protected] 1 [email protected] 225.0000,525.0000 [email protected] [email protected] 1375.0000,1400.0000 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 0 [email protected]


[email protected] #

Removes layer designated by #. (remember layer numbering begins at 0. i.e. 0 = layer 1).


[email protected]

Takes all layers, renumbers them sequentially (1, 2, 3, etc.), and compresses spaces in the layers.

Reorder sequence:

Reorders layers using a specific order.

[email protected]

Initializes the reordering of layers (must be first command in sequence).

[email protected] pos%,oldid%,newid%

Pos% is the new position for the layer being reordered (same numbering sequence as the interactive table: 1 to n).

OldID% is the layer number of the layer being reordered.

NewID% is the new number to be assigned to the old layer.

[email protected]

Applies the changes made through [email protected]


[email protected] [email protected] 0,0,0 [email protected] 1,8,1 [email protected] 2,2,2 [email protected] 3,4,3


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[email protected] 4,5,4 [email protected] 5,3,5 [email protected] 6,6,6 [email protected] 7,7,7 [email protected] 8,1,8 [email protected]


[email protected] lyrID, Target, X#, Y#

Scales a layer by the given X & Y scaling factors.

lyrID is the number of the layer being scaled.

Target is the new layer to add the scaled data to.

X# & Y# are the X,Y scaling factors (displayed as the scaling percentage, times 1000 squared: i.e 50% = 50000000).


[email protected] 0,11,80000000,80000000

Snap Drill To Pad

[email protected] Master,Slave,Snap

Snaps an offset drill to its corresponding pad.

Master is the ID of the Master Lyer (starts at 0 for layer 1)

Slave is the ID of Slave Layer (starts at 0 for layer 1)

Snap is the Snap Distance (maximum distance a drill on the slave layer can be from a pad on the master layer, and be moved)

If you are aligning more than one Slave Layer to the Master Layer, repeat this command for each Slave Layer.


[email protected] 0,1,2.0000 [email protected] 0,3,2.0000

Snap Pad To Drill

[email protected] Master,Slave,Snap

Snaps offset pad to its corresponding drill.

Master is the ID of the Master Lyer (starts at 0 for layer 1)

Slave is the ID of Slave Layer (starts at 0 for layer 1)

Snap is the Snap Distance (maximum distance a pad on the slave layer can be from a drill on the master


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layer, and be moved)

If you are aligning more than one Slave Layer to the Master Layer, repeat this command for each Slave Layer.


[email protected] 0,1,2.0000 [email protected] 0,3,2.0000

Snap Pad To Pad

[email protected] Master,Slave,Snap

Snaps a pad on one layer to a corresponding pad on one or more other layers.

Master is the ID of the Master Lyer (starts at 0 for layer 1)

Slave is the ID of Slave Layer (starts at 0 for layer 1)

Snap is the Snap Distance (maximum distance a pad on the slave layer can be from a pad on the master layer, and be moved)

Tip: If you are aligning more than one Slave Layer to the Master Layer, repeat this command for each Slave Layer.


[email protected] 0,1,2.0000 [email protected] 0,3,2.0000

Edit > Line Change

Break At Vtx

[email protected] [email protected] 1200.0000,6635.0000

Breaks a vertex at the selected point. The first command starts the process, followed by the coordinates of the vertex that is the breaking point.


Chamfers selected vertex or vertices.

[email protected]

Initiates command.

[email protected] 90.0000

Sets the Backoff distance.


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[email protected] 60

Sets the minimum angle that can be selected (in degrees).

[email protected] 120

Sets the maximum angle that can be selected (in degrees).

[email protected] -4100.0000,7025.0000

The coordinates of the vertex to be chamfered.

[email protected]

End command.

Group Selection is also available for this function.


Fillets selected vertex or vertices.

[email protected]

Initiates command.

[email protected] 100.0000

Sets the radius of the arc that is created.

[email protected] 75

Sets the minimum angle that can be selected (in degrees).

[email protected] 105

Sets the minimum angle that can be selected (in degrees).

[email protected] 3119.3000,4858.3000

The coordinates of the vertex to be filleted.

[email protected]

End command.

Group Selection is also available for this function.

Join Segments

Joins multiple segments into a continuous line.

[email protected]

Starts the process

[email protected] -4519.7000,3158.3000


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[email protected] -2980.2000,3793.4000

The coordinates are a point on one of the segments that you are joining. More than one set of coordinates is needed only if more than one set of lines are being joined.

[email protected] [email protected]

Joins together the selected lines.

join[email protected]

Unselects all the selected lines.

[email protected]

Unselects the most recently selected set of lines.

[email protected]

Ends the process.


[email protected] [email protected] -2575.0000,875.0000 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Segments To Arcs

Converts segmented acrs to true arcs.

[email protected] [email protected] -983.6000,6307.1000

Initializes command. Coordinates are a point on the chosen arc.

[email protected] 0

Executes the command. The parameter sets the type of arc created from the data:

0=Circumscribed 1=Inscribed 2=Closest

[email protected]

Ends the function.

Group Selection is also available for this function.

Edit > Mirror


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Mirrors data at a given location.

[email protected]

Initiates command.

[email protected] -125.0000,400.0000 [email protected] -50.0000,375.0000

First coordinate is selection point of data to mirror. Second is the mirror axis placement.

[email protected] 2

Changes the mirror axis. 1 = vertical, 2 = horizontal

Group Selection is also available for this function.


[email protected] [email protected] 1 [email protected] 2425.0000,2325.0000 [email protected] 2425.0000,2325.0000 [email protected]

Edit > Move


Primary command. Moves all selected data.

[email protected]

Moves selected data by given coordinates:

[email protected] 0.0000,650.0000 [email protected] -300.0000,650.0000 [email protected]

First coordinate is the «move from» point and the next coordinate is the «move to» point.

Group Selection is also available for this function.

Check Box & Filter data selection options are available for this function.

Move Option:

[email protected] #

Move to layer function where # is the target layer.


[email protected] [email protected] 1850.0000,2325.0000 [email protected] 2700.0000,2325.0000 [email protected] 0 [email protected]


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Fixture Probe

[email protected] [email protected] 893.1000,2953.0000 [email protected] 927.1000,3066.3000 [email protected]

Moves fixture probe. First coordinate is the «move from» point and the next coordinate is the «move to» point.

Test Point

[email protected] [email protected] 1086.7000,4280.5000 [email protected] 841.1000,4017.3000 [email protected]

Move test point. First coordinate is the «move from» point and the next coordinate is the «move to» point.

Edit > Move Tab

[email protected]

Initiates move of mill tab.

[email protected] 1150.8853,3149.6813

The existing location of the mill tab.

[email protected] 747.8541,2865.9871

The new location of the mill tab (must be on a mill path).

[email protected]

Confirms placement of the first tab. Other tabs may be moved by adding their existing X,Y coordinates and new coordinates.

[email protected]

Ends the command.

Edit > Move Vtx

[email protected]


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Initiates move of mill vertex.

[email protected] 1875.0000,3250.0000

The existing location of the vertex.

[email protected] 1849.5000,3055.0000

The new location of the vertex.

[email protected]

Confirms placement of the first vertex. Other vertices may be moved by adding their existing X,Y coordinates and new coordinates.

[email protected]

Ends the command.

Edit > Move VtxSeg

[email protected] [email protected] 1550.0000,4350.0000 [email protected] 1400.0000,4225.0000 [email protected]

Moves a vertex. The first point is the selection handle of the vertex, the second point is the target coordinate.

Group Selection is also available for this function.

Edit > Redo

[email protected]

Restores the previous action removed by the Undo command. May be done several times.

Edit > Reverse Test Points Staggering

[email protected] [email protected] 3157.0000,2733.9000 [email protected]

Reverse the test point staggering. Coordinate is any single test point in the group of staggered test points.


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Edit > Rotate

[email protected]

Initiates rotation.

[email protected] 4500

Sets the angle to rotate the item (in 100ths of a degree).

[email protected] 245.0000,3338.8000 [email protected] 265.0000,3314.8000 [email protected]

Each coordinate is a mouse pick that causes an additional rotation of the specified amount.

Group Selection is also available for this function.

Check Box & Filter data selection options are available for this function.

Rotate Options:

[email protected] 42,6,14.2,16,1530,»mycap»

This macro is used to automatically build a custom from an intrinsic aperture that is rotated. The values refer to the original aperture from which the Dcode was derived: Dcode #, shape, xsize, ysize, angle rotated in 100ths of a degree, name of custom aperture. (see Tables Apertures)

Shapes: 0 = None 1 = Round 2 = Square 3 = Rectangle 4 = Target 5 = Thermal 6 = Custom 7 = Donut 8 = Octagon 9 = Oblong

[email protected] 90,1

The first number sets the degree to which the panel is to be rotated, counter-clockwise.

The second number is 0 = no, 1 = yes. If yes, the dimensions of the film box will be «swapped» (X becomes the Y value, and Y becomes the X value).

Edit > Spin Image

[email protected]

Rotate a single step & repeat image in a panel 90 degrees.


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[email protected] 0.0000,0.0000

Any point in the step image being rotated. May be repeated to rotate image multiple times.

[email protected]

Ends command.


[email protected] [email protected] 75.0000,4500.0000 [email protected] -225.0000,4575.0000 [email protected] -300.0000,4300.0000 [email protected]

Edit > Trim Using

Arc — 2-Points

[email protected]

Trims data using a 2 point-arc, as defined by coordinates given below:

[email protected] 1016.7000,1855.4000

One end point of the arc used to trim the line segment.

[email protected] 1190.9000,1629.2000

The other end point of the arc. The system selects the curve automatically.

[email protected] 1018.7000,1699.3000

This is a coordinate on the part of the line segment you are deleting.

[email protected]

Brings you back to the initial [email protected] command, allowing you to trim another line.

[email protected]

This second [email protected] command ends the function.

Arc — 3-Points

[email protected]

Trims data using a 3 point-arc, as defined by coordinates given below:

[email protected] 948.7000,1821.4000

One end point of the arc used to trim the line segment.


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[email protected] 1088.8000,1657.2000

The other end point of the arc.

[email protected] 986.7000,1667.3000

The third point that defines the curve of the arc.

[email protected] 870.6000,1699.3000

This is a coordinate on the part of the line segment you are deleting.

[email protected]

Brings you back to the initial [email protected] command, allowing you to trim another line.

[email protected]

This second [email protected] command ends the function.

Arc — Center-Angle

[email protected]

Trims data using a center/angle-arc, as defined by coordinates given below:

[email protected] 646.4000,1803.4000

This is the center-point of the circle used to create the arc.

[email protected] 654.4000,1615.2000

Sets the radius of the circle and the clockwise-most end point of the arc

[email protected] 778.5000,1855.4000

The other end point of the arc.

[email protected] 660.4000,1705.3000

This is a coordinate on the part of the line segment you are deleting.

[email protected]

Brings you back to the initial [email protected] command, allowing you to trim another line.

[email protected]

This second [email protected] command ends the function.


There are no macro commands for this feature.



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[email protected]

Trims data using a circle, as defined by coordinates given below:

[email protected] 778.5000,1945.5000

The center point of the circle that is used to trim.

[email protected] 968.7000,2015.6000

A point that sets the radius of the circle.

[email protected] 902.6000,1983.5000

This is a coordinate on the part of the line segment you are deleting.

[email protected]

Brings you back to the initial [email protected] command, allowing you to trim another line.

[email protected]

This second [email protected] command ends the function.


[email protected]

Trims data using a line, as defined by coordinates given below:

[email protected] 492.3000,1791.4000 [email protected] 624.4000,1795.4000 [email protected]

These are the two end coordinates of the line segment that is used to trim.

[email protected] 550.3000,1819.4000

This is a coordinate on the part of the line segment you are deleting.

[email protected]

Brings you back to the initial [email protected] command, allowing you to trim another line.

[email protected]

This second [email protected] command ends the function.

Edit > Undo

[email protected]

Reverses the previous action or command. May be done several times. (Not available for all commands,


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however — exceptions are usually noted with a warning message).


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Info Menu Macros

Info > Find

Acid Traps

There are no macro commands for this feature.


There are no macro commands for this feature.


[email protected] 15 [email protected]

Sets Dcode to search for. (same as selecting Dcode in the Tool Bar).

[email protected]

Finds the currently active Dcode.

[email protected]

Ends command.


[email protected] 19 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]


[email protected]

Starts the Find DRC command.

[email protected] DrcType

Sets the currently defined DRC type, for display in Find DRC.

DrcType is the type of DRC error: 0 = All DRC types 1 = Pad to Pad

Find Query Status

Measure Report

Notes Show


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2 = Track to Pad 3 = Track to Track 4 = Outline clearance 5 = Minimum Track Width 6 = Minimum Pad Width 7 = Redundant Pads 8 = Annular Ring Pad to Mask 9 = Annular Ring Drill to Mask 10 = Annular Ring Drill to Pad 11 = Drills without Pads 12 = Pads without Drills

Other Find DRC Commands: [email protected]

Highlight the First DRC error, based on the current DrcType and visible layers.

[email protected]

Highlight the Next DRC error, based on the current DrcType and visible layers.

[email protected]

Highlight the Previous DRC, error based on the current DrcType and visible layers.

[email protected]

Zoom to and center the currently-highlighted DRC error on the main screen.

[email protected]

Delete the currently-highlighted DRC error flag from the system. The system will automatically highlight the Next DRC error after deleting the current one.

[email protected]

Deletes all the DRC error flags which fit the current DrcType, and are on the currently visible layers.

[email protected] LayerNameStr

Creates a graphical data layer which represents the DRC errors of the current DrcType (and on the visible layers). The Layer name is defined by LayerNameStr (string type containing name of new layer) and will be created on the first new available layer in the layer table.

Drill Errors

There are no macro commands for this feature.

Isolated Connections

There are no macro commands for this feature.

Layer Compare Errors

There are no macro commands for this feature.


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Mill Errors

There are no macro commands for this feature.

Minimum Gaps

There are no macro commands for this feature.

Minimum Widths

There are no macro commands for this feature.


[email protected] [email protected] «NetName» [email protected]

Finds a net by name. NetName is a string representing the net’s name.


[email protected]

Initiates command.

[email protected] #

Selects padstack to look for. (remember, like layers, padstack numbering begins at 0. i.e. padstack 17 = #16)

[email protected]

Executes actual search for padstack.

The above two commands may be entered multiple times to find new padstacks.

[email protected]

Ends command.


[email protected] [email protected] 2 [email protected] [email protected] 4 [email protected] [email protected]


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[email protected]

Initializes command.

[email protected] #,»name»

Finds part using given parameters:

# specifies search format : 1 = refdes, 0 = device name

«name» is the ref/des or device name

[email protected]

Closes command.

Part to Part

There are no macro commands for this feature.


[email protected] [email protected] «#»

# is the pin number.

[email protected]

Finds a pin number in a part, as designated by the [email protected] parameter.

Silk to Solder

There are no macro commands for this feature.


There are no macro commands for this feature.

Solder to Trace

There are no macro commands for this feature.

Starved Thermals


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There are no macro commands for this feature.

Step Image

[email protected]

Initializes the command.

[email protected] #

Selects the image to find, # being the image ID of the step image.

[email protected]

Closes command.


There are no macro commands for this feature.


There are no macro commands for this feature.


There are no macro commands for this feature.

Unprobed Test Points

There are no macro commands for this feature.

Info > Measure

Object to Object

[email protected] [email protected] 1953.0000,3595.0000 [email protected] 2199.0000,3908.0000 [email protected]

Measures the distance between two objects. Coordinates specify the first and second object (points may be


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anywhere within the objects being measured).

Note: To query the results of any Measure command, get the strings from the Measure dialog in one comma delimited string using the miscellaneous macro, querystring!.

Point to Point

[email protected] [email protected] 1849.0000,3703.0000 [email protected] 2361.0000,4350.0000 [email protected]

Measures the distance between two points, as defined by the [email protected] commands.

Net to Net

[email protected] [email protected] 1849.0000,3703.0000 [email protected] 2361.0000,4350.0000 [email protected]

Measures the distance between two nets, as defined by the [email protected] commands.

Info > Notes

Adding a new note: [email protected] «notename»

Adds a note of the given name.

[email protected] «text»

Adds associated text to the note.

Deleting a note: [email protected] «notename»

Deletes the note name and its associated text from the design.

Editing a note: [email protected] «notename»

Empties the contents of the named note without deleting the note itself.

[email protected] «text»

Adds the new text to the note.

Renaming a note: [email protected] «new notename»


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Creates a note with the new name to be used.

[email protected] «old notename»

Copies information from old note to new note.

[email protected] «old notename»

Removes the old note.

Printing notes: [email protected] «notename»

Prints a note of the given name.

[email protected]

Prints all notes for the current design.

Importing notes: [email protected] «filename»

Adds a note that was created with an outside text editor to the note list. The file name is used as the note name.

Exporting notes:

There are no macro commands for this feature.

Info > Query


[email protected] [email protected] 1830.0000,4166.0000 [email protected]

Queries any data element at the location given by [email protected]

Note: To query the results of any Query command, get the results from the Query dialog in a comma delimited string using the miscellaneous macro, querystring!.


[email protected] [email protected] 1958.0000,3686.0000 [email protected]

Queries any Dcode at the location given by [email protected]



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There are no macro commands for this feature.


[email protected] [email protected] 200.0000,100.0000 [email protected]

Queries any drill located in a Symbol, at the location given by [email protected]

Drill Paths

There are no macro commands for this feature.

Drill Sequence

[email protected] [email protected] 25.0000,50.0000 [email protected]

Queries any Drill Sequence located in a Symbol, at the location given by [email protected]

Fixture Probe

[email protected] [email protected] 930.1000,2956.9000 [email protected]

Queries any Probe in a Fixture, at the location given by [email protected]

Mill Paths

There are no macro commands for this feature.

NC Data

There are no macro commands for this feature.


[email protected] [email protected] 1963.0000,3653.0000


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[email protected]

Queries any net at the location given by [email protected]


[email protected] [email protected] 2004.0000,4196.0000 [email protected]

Queries any padstack at the location given by [email protected]


[email protected] [email protected] 1832.0000,4171.0000 [email protected]

Queries any Part at the location given by [email protected]


[email protected] [email protected] 0.0000,300.0000 [email protected] 100.0000,300.0000 [email protected]

Queries any Pin in a Part, at the location given by [email protected]

Step Image

[email protected] [email protected] #,# [email protected]

Queries a step image at the location given by [email protected]


[email protected] [email protected] 47.7000,4879.2000 [email protected]

Queries any Stiffener at the location given by [email protected]



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[email protected] [email protected] 1832.0000,4171.0000 [email protected]

Queries any Symbol found at coordinate given by [email protected] command.


There are no macro commands for this feature.

Test Point

[email protected]

Initiates command.

[email protected] 1

Enables viewing of found test points. 1=enable visibility of test points, 0=disable visibility of test points

[email protected] 500.0000,2600.0000 [email protected]

Queries any Test Point, at the location given by [email protected]

Note: To query the results of any Query command, get the results from the Query dialog in a comma delimited string using the miscellaneous macro, querystring!.

Info > Report

Acid Traps

[email protected] [email protected] 0,0,»d:devtestdatatest.rpt»

Saves report to designated file path.

[email protected] 0,0

Prints report.

For the save and print functions, the First parameter specifies the type of report: 0=All acid trap data (second parameter is ignored) 1=Acid trap data for all layers (second parameter is ignored) 2=Acid trap data for all layers that are ON (second parameter is ignored) 3=Acid trap data for all composites (second parameter is ignored) 4=Acid trap data for one layer (the second parameter is the layer number—starts at 0) 5=Acid trap data for one composite (second parameter is the composite ID—starts at 0)

Second parameter identifies the layer or composite to be printed or saved (if first parameter is set to 4 or 5): number is layer number or composite ID number.


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[email protected] [email protected] «d:devtestdatatest.rpt» [email protected]

Lists the current bill of materials (or parts list) in the design. Save command saves the report to the filename designated.


[email protected] [email protected] 0,0,»d:devtestdatatest.rpt» [email protected] 0,0

For the save and print functions, the first parameter specifies the type of report: 0=All bridge data (second parameter is ignored) 1=Bridge data for all layers (second parameter is ignored) 2=Bridge data for all layers that are ON (second parameter is ignored) 3=Bridge data for all composites (second parameter is ignored) 4=Bridge data for one layer (the second parameter is the layer number—starts at 0) 5=Bridge data for one composite (second parameter is the composite ID—starts at 0)

Second parameter identifies the layer or composite to be printed or saved (if first parameter is set to 4 or 5): number is layer number or composite ID number.


[email protected]

Initiates command.

[email protected] #

Creates a new graphic layer, displaying all part centroid locations (layer is automatically assigned to next new layer in table).

[email protected] #,»d:devtestdatatest.rpt»

Saves report to given filename.

report_p[email protected] #

Prints report.

For the Create, Save, and Print functions, the following parameter # applies: 0=do not report step and repeated component centroids 1=report step and repeated component centroids



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[email protected] [email protected] 1,0,0,»d:devtestdatatest.rpt» [email protected] 1,0,0

For both Save and Print functions:

First parameter is the layer ID (starts at 0)

For the second parameter, 0=All Layers, 1=Only ON Layers

For the third parameter, 0=All Dcodes, 1=Only Undefined Dcodes

For the fourth parameter (save only) this is the filename you want the report saved under.


[email protected] DRC Check, Layer Control, Layer Id

Prints only the errors for the DRC Check specified in the command (see parameters below).

[email protected] DRC Check, Layer Control, Layer Id, File Name

Saves only the errors for the DRC Check specified by the command (see parameters below).

[email protected] Layer Control, Layer Id

Prints ALL DRC errors in the design. (see parameters below)

[email protected] Layer Control, Layer Id, File Name

Saves ALL DRC errors in the design. (see parameters below)

Parameters for these commands are as follows:

DRC Check is the specific check to generate the report for: 0=Track to Track 1=Track to Pad 2=Pad to Pad 3=Outline 4=Minimum Track 5=Minimum Pad 6=Redundant Pad 7=Pad to Mask Annular Ring Check 8=Drill to Mask Annular Ring Check 9=Drill to Pad Annular Ring Check 10=Drills without Pads 11=Pads without Drills 12=Drill to Track

Layer Control specifies the layers for which errors will appear in the saved or printed report: 0=All layers 1=All ON Layers 2=Specific Layer

Layer Id is the specific layer to save/print errors for (only relevant when Layer Control is 2).

File Name is the name of file to save report to.

Drill Errors


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[email protected] [email protected] 0,0,»d:devblindbur.rpt»

Saves report to designated file path. (See Below.)

[email protected] 0,0

Prints report.

For the save and print functions, the First parameter specifies the type of report: 0 & 1=All data in drill error list (second parameter is ignored) 2=Drill errors for all NC layers that are ON (second parameter is ignored) 4=Data for the NC layer (specified by the second parameter)

Second parameter is the Layer ID (used only when report type is 4)

Layer Compare

[email protected] [email protected] 0,0,»c:helpact_devdevtest.rpt»

Saves report to designated file path. (See Below.)

[email protected] 0,0

Prints report.

For the save and print functions, the first parameter specifies the type of report: 0=All layer compare data (second parameter is ignored) 1=Layer compare data for all layers (second parameter is ignored) 2=Layer compare for all layers that are ON (second parameter is ignored) 4=Layer compare data for one layer (the second parameter is the layer number—starts at 0)

Second parameter is the Layer ID (used only when report type is 4)

Third parameter in the save function is the report file name.

Mill Errors

[email protected] [email protected] 0,0,»d:devblindbur.rpt»

Saves report to designated file path. (See Below.)

[email protected] 0,0

Prints report.

For the save and print functions, the first parameter is the type of report: 0 & 1=All data in mill error list (second parameter is ignored) 2=Mill errors for all NC layers that are ON (second parameter is ignored) 4=Data for the NC layer (specified by the second parameter)


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Second parameter is the Layer ID (used only when report type is 4)

Minimum Gaps

[email protected]

Initiates command.

[email protected] 0,0,»d:devtestdatatest.rpt»

Saves report to given filename. (See below.)

[email protected] 0,0

Prints report.

For the save and print functions, the first parameter specifies the type of report: 0=All sliver data (second parameter is ignored) 1=Minimum Gap data for all layers (second parameter is ignored) 2=Minimum Gap data for all layers that are ON (second parameter is ignored) 3=Minimum Gap data for all composites (second parameter is ignored) 4=Minimum Gap data for one layer (the second parameter is the layer number—starts at 0) 5=Minimum Gap data for one composite (second parameter is the composite ID—starts at 0)

Second parameter is the layer or composite ID number (if first parameter is set to 4 or 5)

Minimum Widths

[email protected]

Initiates command.

[email protected] 0,0,»d:devtestdatatest.rpt»

Saves report to given filename. (See below.)

[email protected] 0,0

Prints report.

For the save and print functions, the first parameter specifies the type of report: 0=All sliver data (second parameter is ignored) 1=Minimum Widths data for all layers (second parameter is ignored) 2=Minimum Widths data for all layers that are ON (second parameter is ignored) 3=Minimum Widths data for all composites (second parameter is ignored) 4=Minimum Widths data for one layer (the second parameter is the layer number—starts at 0) 5=Minimum Widths data for one composite (second parameter is the composite ID—starts at 0)

Second parameter is the layer or composite ID number (if first parameter is set to 4 or 5)

NC Tool


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[email protected]

Initiates the command.

[email protected] tblID, sort_field, sort_direction

Sorts the tool table by the value selected.

tblID is the ID Number of the NC Tool Table that is to be sorted.

sort_field is the tool value to base the sort on. There are three options: 0 = Tool Number 1 = Tool Size 2 = Tool Export Order

sort_direction determines the method of sorting the values selected in sort_field (either increasing or decreasing): 0 = Decreasing (n .. 1) 1 = Increasing (1 .. n)

[email protected] lyrID,tblID

Prints the report.

lyrID sets the drill layer number (starts at 0). -1=All layers using the specified Tool Table.

tblID sets the table ID number to use. 0=All tables

[email protected] lyrID,tblID,Filename$

Saves the NC Tool report.

lyrID sets the drill layer number (starts at 0). -1=All layers using the specified Tool Table.

tblID sets the table ID number to use. 0=All tables

Filename$ specifies the name and path the report is to be saved under.


[email protected] [email protected] 1,1,1 [email protected] 1,1,0 [email protected] 30,1 [email protected] 30,1,»d:temptest.rpt»


[email protected] [email protected] 1, Filename [email protected] 1

The first parameter for the save and print function sets the netlist type: 1 = report the RefDes/Pin#, or 2 = report Coordinates.

Filename is the name of the report you wish to save, including full path.

Part to Part


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[email protected] [email protected] Type, LyrID

Prints report. (See Below)

[email protected] Type, LyrID, Filename

Saves report.

For the save and print functions, the Type parameter specifies the type of report: 0=All Part to Part data (LyrID parameter is ignored) 1=Part to Part data for all layers (LyrID parameter is ignored) 2=Part to Part data for all ON layers only (LyrID parameter is ignored) 4=Part to Part data for Top or Bottom side parts (must specify layer number of either the Top or Bottom layer)

LyrID parameter is the layer number errors occur on (used only when report type is 2 & 4)

Filename parameter in the save function is the report file name (save only).


[email protected]

Initiates command.

[email protected] Resolution, Scan Box, Drill, Board

Calculates copper area of the panel to display in the final report, given these parameters:

Resolution is the smallest resolution level to check copper.

Scan Box is the size of the scanning area used, smaller settings is more accurate, but takes longer to process.

Drill specifies if plated copper in drilled thru holes should be calculated (1=yes,0=no)

Board is thickness of board (used to calculate plated thru hole copper).

(functions similar to Analysis > Copper Area)

[email protected]

Prints report.

[email protected] Filename

Saves report. Filename is the name of the report you wish to save, including full path.

Pin Holes

[email protected]

Initiates command.


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[email protected] 0,0,Filename

Saves report. (See Below.)

[email protected] 0,0

Prints report.

For the save and print functions, the first parameter specifies the type of report: 0=All Pin Hole data (second parameter is ignored) 1=Pin Hole data for all layers (second parameter is ignored) 2=Pin Hole data for all layers that are ON (second parameter is ignored) 4=Pin Hole data for one layer (the second parameter is the layer number—starts at 0) 5=Pin Holedata for one composite (second parameter is the composite ID—starts at 0)

Second parameter is the Layer ID (used only when report type is 4)

Third parameter in the save function is the report file name.

Silk to Solder

[email protected]

Initiates command.

[email protected] Type, LyrID

Saves report. (See Below.)

[email protected] Type, LyrID, Filename

Prints report.

For the save and print functions, the Type parameter specifies the type of report: 0=All Silk to Solder data (LyrID parameter is ignored) 1=Silk to Solder data for all layers (LyrID parameter is ignored) 2=Silk to Solder data for all ON layers only (LyrID parameter is ignored) 4=Silk to Solder data for a specific solder mask layer (must specify layer number) LyrID parameter is the layer number errors occur on (used only when report type is 2 or 4) Filename parameter in the save function is the report file name (save only).


[email protected]

Initiates command.

[email protected] 0,0,»d:devtestdatatest.rpt»

Saves report to given filename. (See below.)

[email protected] 0,0

Prints report.

For the save and print functions, the first parameter specifies the type of report: 0=All sliver data (second parameter is ignored)


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1=Sliver data for all layers (second parameter is ignored) 2=Sliver data for all layers that are ON (second parameter is ignored) 3=Sliver data for all composites (second parameter is ignored) 4=Sliver data for one layer (the second parameter is the layer number—starts at 0) 5=Sliver data for one composite (second parameter is the composite ID—starts at 0)

Second parameter is the layer or composite ID number (if first parameter is set to 4 or 5)

Solder to Trace

[email protected]

Initiates command.

[email protected] Type,LyrID,Filename

Saves report. (See below.)

[email protected] Type,LyrID

Prints report.

For the save and print functions, the Type parameter specifies the type of report: 0=All Solder to Trace data (LyrID parameter is ignored) 1=Solder to Trace data for all layers (LyrID parameter is ignored) 2=Solder to Trace data for all ON layers only (LyrID parameter is ignored) 4=Solder to Trace data for a specific solder mask layer (must specify layer number)

LyrID parameter is the layer number errors occur on (used only when report type is 2 or 4)

Filename parameter in the save function is the report file name (save only).

Starved Thermals

[email protected] [email protected] 0,0,»d:devtestdatatest.rpt»

Saves report to designated file path. (See below.)

[email protected] 0,0

Prints report.

For the save and print functions, the first parameter specifies the type of report: 0=All starved thermal data (second parameter is ignored) 1=Starved thermal data for all layers (second parameter is ignored) 2=Starved thermal data for all layers that are ON (second parameter is ignored) 3=Starved thermal data for all composites (second parameter is ignored) 4=Starved thermal data for one layer (the second parameter is the layer number—starts at 0) 5=Starved thermal data for one composite (second parameter is the composite ID—starts at 0)

Second parameter is the layer or composite ID number (if first parameter is set to 4 or 5)



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[email protected]

Initiates command.

[email protected] Filename

Saves report. Filename is the name of the report you wish to save, including full path.

[email protected]

Prints reports.

Test Point

[email protected]

Initiates command.

[email protected] «d:act_inctestdatatest.rpt»

Saves report. Filename is the name of the report you wish to save, including full path.

[email protected]

Prints reports.

Info > Show

Drill Machine Moves

There are no macro commands for this feature.

Mill Machine Moves

There are no macro commands for this feature.

Set Park Locations

Drill Machine: [email protected] 500.0000,600.0000 [email protected] 700.0000,800.0000

Mill Machine: [email protected] 900.0000,100.0000 [email protected] 110.0000,120.0000

Sets park location of NC machines. Parameters for either set of commands are the distances in the X and Y


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direction. Measurement is in User Units (defined under Settings > Unit). If English value is in mils, if Metric in mm.

Info > Status

There are no macro commands for this feature.


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Macro Menu Macros

Macro > Absolute

There are no macro commands for this feature.

Macro > Assign

Function Keys

There are no macro commands for this feature.

Menu Items

There are no macro commands for this feature.

Macro > Clear Markers

[email protected]

Removes all visible markers from the display.

Macro > Debug

See BASIC Debugging Commands

Macro > Edit

Absolute Edit Record Settings

Assign Play Relative

Clear Markers Record Setup Printer

Debug Record Comment Stop


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There are no macro commands for this feature.

Macro > Play

There are no macro commands for this feature.

Macro > Record

There are no macro commands for this feature.

Macro > Record Comment

There are no macro commands for this feature.

Macro > Record Settings

There are no macro commands for this feature.

Macro > Relative

There are no macro commands for this feature.


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Macro > Setup Printer

There are no macro commands for this feature.

Macro > Stop

There are no macro commands for this feature.


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Panelization Menu Macros

Panelization > Setup


[email protected] <Panel Dimension X>, <Panel Dimension Y> [email protected] 12000.0,10000.0

Maximum X and Y dimension of the panel.

[email protected] <Left>, <Top>, <Right>, <Bottom> [email protected] 1000.0,1000.0,1000.0,1000.0

Panel border to Image spacing for each side of the panel border.

[email protected] <x>, <y> [email protected] 500.0,500.0

Minimum X and Y spacing between panel Images.


[email protected] <assigned id (set to zero for default)>,<symbol name> [email protected] 1,»DF1″

Add a panel symbol instance based on symbol name and makes it available for placement in the panel. The symbol ID is assigned for symbol instance reference. The symbol ID is used to make a symbol instance active for operation by associated macros that work with symbol instances.

alternate commands for [email protected]:

[email protected]

[email protected] <assigned id (set to zero for default)>,<symbol name> [email protected] 3,»Title1″

[email protected] <assigned id> [email protected] 1

Deletes a symbol instance from a panel by symbol ID.

[email protected]

Deletes all symbol instances for a panel.

[email protected] <assigned id> [email protected] 1

Make a symbol instance active for successive operation.

Setup Venting

Create Panel Border To Layer


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[email protected] <x>, <y>, <Horizontal Offset (0=Left,1=Center,2=Right)>, <Vertical Offset (0=Bottom, 1=Center, 2=Top)>

[email protected] 0.0,0.0,2,0

For the active symbol instance, set a symbol instance placement and justification with respect to the panel border.

[email protected] <angle (degree * 100)> [email protected] 0

For the active symbol instance, set a symbol instance rotation. This can only be multiples of 90 degrees.

[email protected] <NC rank (0=NC_PRIMARY, 1=NC_SECONDARY)> [email protected] 0

For the active symbol instance, set the associated NC ranking (drill layer association).

Panelization > Create


[email protected] <rotation code for active image (0,1,2,3: 0,90,180,270)> [email protected] 1

For the Create dialog in auto-calculation mode, set the rotation code for all Images on the panel.

[email protected] <x>, <y> [email protected] 500.0,500.0

For the Create dialog in auto-calculation mode, set the minimum x and y Image spacing for the panel.

[email protected] <number of x steps> <number of y steps>

For the Create dialog in auto-calculation mode, set the number of x Image steps and the number of y Image steps for the panel.

[email protected] <image spacing: 0=between images,1=origin offsets> [email protected] 1

For the Create dialog in auto-calculation mode, set the auto calculation spacing mode: “0” means that the spacing is the distance between Images, and “1” means that the spacing is the difference in the Image offsets.

[email protected] <compute x and y steps, 0=manual only, 1=automatic> [email protected] 1

For the Create dialog in auto-calculation mode, set the auto calculation mode for copies (x steps and y steps): “0” means that the number of copies is manually specified, and “1” means that the copies are automatically calculated.

[email protected] <creation mode: 0=spreadsheet,1=autocalc mode> [email protected] 1

For the Create dialog, set the auto calculation mode for panel creation: “0” means that the spreadsheet dialog settings are used, and “1” means that the auto-calculation dialog settings are used.


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[email protected]

Performs panel creation based on auto-calculation or spreadsheet settings.


[email protected]

Refreshes placement in panel of all symbol instances based on current symbol placement information.

[email protected] <assigned id>, <x>, <y>,<angle (degree * 100)> [email protected] 1,4000.0,800.0,9000

Adds an Image to the panel with the specified placement and assigned ID. The ID is used to identify the Image instance in future Image operations.

[email protected] <assigned id> [email protected] 1

Deletes an Image from the panel based on Image ID.

[email protected]

Deletes all Images on the panel.

[email protected] <assigned id>, <x>, <y>,<angle (degree * 100)> [email protected] 1,2000.0,800.0,9000

Sets the placement location and rotation for an Image based on Image ID.

Panelization > Venting


[email protected] <name string> [email protected] «Vent_001»

Adds a venting definition by name.

[email protected] <name string> [email protected] «Vent_001»

Deletes a venting definition by name.

[email protected]

Deletes all venting definitions for the panel.

[email protected] <name string> [email protected] «Vent_001»

Sets the active venting definition by name.

[email protected] <layer id> [email protected] 1

Adds a layer to the active venting definition. The layer ID is the layer number minus one.


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[email protected] <layer id> [email protected] 1

Deletes a layer from the active venting definition. The layer ID is the layer number minus one.

[email protected]

Deletes all layers from the active venting definition.

[email protected] <offset> [email protected] 200.0

Sets the venting clearance from the panel border for the active venting definition.

[email protected] <offset> [email protected] 200.0

Sets the venting clearance from the Images for the active venting definition.

[email protected] <offset> [email protected] 200.0

Sets the venting clearance from the symbols for the active venting definition.

[email protected] <width> [email protected] 0.0

For solid venting patterns only, sets the robber bar (galvanic) width which is drawn around all the Images for the active venting definition.

[email protected] <x> <y> set_panel_vent_patternoffset[email protected] 0.0,0.0

Set the placement offset from the panel origin for the active venting definition.

[email protected] <robber bar mode, 0=Disabled, 1=Enabled> [email protected] 0

For solid venting patterns only, sets the robber bar (galvanic) mode for the active venting definition. If enabled, the robber bar will be drawn

[email protected] <pattern offset mode, 0=Disabled, 1=Enabled> [email protected] 0

Sets the placement offset mode for the active venting definition.

[email protected] <hatch outline mode, 0=Disabled, 1=Enabled> [email protected] 0

For hatch venting patterns only, sets the hatch outline mode for the active venting definition. If enabled, an outline is drawn for the outer edges and voids for the hatched venting pattern.

[email protected] <dot pattern partials mode, 0=Partials allows,1=No Partials> [email protected] 0

For dot venting patterns only, sets the partial pattern mode for the active venting definition. If enabled, partial patterns will be rendered.

[email protected] <dot/hatch polarity, 0=Positive, 1=Negative> [email protected] 0

For dot and hatch venting patterns only, sets the polarity for the rendering of the active venting definition.


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[email protected] <pattern code, 0=Solid, 1=Dot, 2=Hatch> [email protected] 0

Set the pattern style for the active venting definition.

[email protected] <line index,0 or 1>,<shape,1=Round,2=Square> <width> <X Step> <X Offset> [email protected] 0,1,60.0,120.0,0.0

For dot venting patterns only, set the line shape for the first or second lines of the dot pattern definition for the active venting definition.

[email protected] <line index,0 or 1>, <line enable mode, 0=Disabled, 1=Enabled> [email protected] 0,1

For dot venting patterns only, set the enabled status for the first and second lines of the dot pattern definition for the active venting definition.

[email protected] <y step for dot lines> [email protected] 120.0

For dot venting patterns only, set the y step distance for the delta in dots between the first and second lines of the dot pattern for the active venting definition.

[email protected] <line index,0,1 or 2>, <line enable mode, 0=Disabled, 1=Enabled>,<line width>, <step size>, <hatch angle,0,45,90,135> [email protected] 1,1,10.0,100.0,4500

For hatch venting patterns only, set the line characteristics for the three lines used to define the hatch. The line index uniquely identifies each line in the hatch pattern. The enable status indicates whether that line is rendered. The line width defines the width used for the line rendering. The step size defines the delta between the hatch patterns. The angle determine the angle at which the line is rendered.

[email protected]

Refreshes all venting graphics based on current venting definition settings.

Panelization > Panel Border To Layer

[email protected] Dcode#, Layer#, <0=Don’t include One-Up Borders, 1=Include One-Up Borders>

Specifies the Panel Border settings to run on the border data and initiates the command:

Dcode#: Dcode to use for rendering the converted panel border graphics.

Layer#: layer to which the border data is converted. May be existing layer, or new layer. Specify 35000 if new layer.

Boolean: determines whether One-Up Borders for Stepped Images are included in the conversion.



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For new layer without One-Up Borders

[email protected] 1,35000,0

For existing layer with One-Up Borders

[email protected] 1,12,1


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Settings Menu Macros

Settings > Arc/Circle

[email protected] 1,4500

Determines if arcs & circles are to be created as true arcs or sectorized data.

First parameter sets type: 0 = Circular interpolation, 1 = Sectorize

If sectorized, the second number is the sector degrees.

[email protected] #

Sets the sectorization angle for pouring polygons around circular pads.

# is the sectorization angle times 100 (10 degrees would be 1000)

Settings > Line

[email protected] 10.0000

Sets the width of the line being added (in user units).

[email protected] #

Sets the polarity of the data being added: 0=Positive, 2=Negative

[email protected] #

Sets the endcap style to use when adding lines in the editor: 128=Round, 0=Not Round

Settings > Snap

[email protected] #

Sets the size of the snap box around the cursor. #=Snap Size (an integer from 5 to 100).

Arc/Circle Text

Line Unit

Snap View Options


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[email protected] #

Determines if snap will snap to objects: 1=Snap Object, 0=Do Not Snap Object

Settings > Text

Font Settings:

Specifies the font to use for text. May be set prior to or after text settings in the Text Settings section below.

[email protected] «SIMPLE.EFN»

This is used if an EFN font is used. Otherwise, the following command is used:

[email protected] 2, «Arial»

Specifies a non-EFN font to use. This is the font face name, not a filename.

First number is the type of font: 2=True Type 4=Autocad SHP 8=Autocad SHX

The second parameter is the face name of the font.

Text Settings:

Once the text and font to be changed have been selected, any of the following commands can be issued (in any order) to change the text attributes:

[email protected] 100.0000

Sets the full text height, in user units, taking into account characters with descenders (as well as a little additional font-dependent spacing so that lines will not overlap). The old command [email protected], used with version 2.X and earlier, will still function with this macro.

[email protected] 50

Specifies the exact height for the font’s capital letters, in user units. All other characters are based relative to this set height.

Note: The above two macro commands are mutually exclusive. When used in a macro, each overrides the previous one’s settings for any new text being added.

[email protected] 4500

Angle of the text, times 100 (i.e. 4500 = 45 degrees)

[email protected] 1

Sets text mirroring state. 0=not mirrored or 1=mirrored

[email protected] 4

Sets the text justification, as follows:


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33 = Left Baseline 36 = Center Baseline 34 = Right Baseline 17 = Left Bottom 20 = Center Bottom 18 = Right Bottom 5 = Left Center 4 = Center Center 6 = Right Center 9 = Left Top 12 = Center Top 10 = Right Top

[email protected] 1

Sets the text as fitted or not. 0=no fit or 1=fit

[email protected] 20.0000

Sets the character spacing, in user units.

[email protected] 100.0000

Sets the line spacing, in user units.

[email protected] 0

Text slant is set in degrees times 100. Positive values slant the font to the right, negative values slant it to the left. You can italicize a non-italics font face by specifying a slant angle. (Typical italic font faces are slanted about 10 to 15 degrees.)

[email protected] 500

Sets a text scale value (times 100). This applies to the width of individual characters. For example, [email protected] 200 would make each character twice a wide as initially defined, while [email protected] 50 would make the characters half as wide as initially defined.

[email protected] 1

Determines if text is displayed vertically. 1=yes or 0=no


[email protected] 50.0000 [email protected] 0 [email protected] 0 [email protected] 33 [email protected] 0 [email protected] 0.0000 [email protected] 50.0000 [email protected] 0 [email protected] 100 [email protected] 0 [email protected] 2,»Algerian»

Settings > Unit


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[email protected] 1

Sets user units (0=English, 1=Metric)

[email protected] 100

Sets the resolution for the current units.


[email protected] 0 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 100 [email protected]

Settings > View Options

[email protected] #

Display graphics as changes are made: 0 = minimize repaint, 1 = show repaint.

[email protected] Annotate [email protected] Annotate

These commands determine whether user can see mill or drill paths. May be set in any Editor, but will only appear in the NC Editor.

Annotate parameter indicates whether or not the NC path annotation should be drawn: 0 = Annotation OFF, 1 = Annotation ON

[email protected] #

View panel circuit images, rather than step image outlines, when in the Panel Editor: 0 = do not show all panel images, 1 = show panel images.

[email protected] #

View part centroids: 0 = do not show part centroids, 1 = show part centroids.

[email protected] #

View any merged databases in the design: 0 = do not show all merged PCB graphics, 1 = show merged PCB graphics.

[email protected] #

Display padstack markers (‘+’ symbol over each padstack): 0 = do not show the padstack markers, 1 = show padstack markers.

[email protected] #

Defines how part outlines for components on the top of the board are displayed (shown as solid lines):

0 = Do not display top part outlines. 1 = Display top part outlines before graphical data (outlines are drawn first, so they appear beneath layers)


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2 = Display top part outlines after graphical data (outlines are drawn last, so they appear on top of layers)

[email protected] #

Defines how part outlines for components on the bottom of the board are displayed (shown as dashed lines):

0 = Do not display bottom part outlines. 1 = Display bottom part outlines before graphical data (outlines are drawn first, so they appear beneath layers) 2 = Display bottom part outlines after graphical data (outlines are drawn last, so they appear on top of layers)

[email protected] #

Invokes both the [email protected] and view_setpartoutlinebottom commands.

0 = Do not show any part outlines. 1 = Display all part outlines before graphical data (outlines are drawn first, so they appear beneath layers) 2 = Display all part outlines after graphical data (outlines are drawn first, so they appear beneath layers)

[email protected] 1

Display test points for the top layer on the design: 0 = do not show, 1=show.

[email protected] 1

Display test points for the bottom layer on the design: 0 = do not show, 1=show.

[email protected] 1

Display through hole test points: 0 = do not show , 1=show.

When setting the View Options selection «Apply Settings to All Editors» you must switch on each option individually, using the commands listed below. They function the same as their corresponding commands above (which do not include the _all ), but set the view options for all Editors for which they are available. Once set, these options do not need to be set for each individual editor.

Note: The NC Data Annotation commands do not have a corresponding _all command (as they only apply to the NC Editor), and should be set as shown above.

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]


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Tables Menu Macros

Tables > Apertures

Note: Due to the inclusion of new intrinsic apertures, new macro commands were added to support the expanded parameters which these apertures can contain. The [email protected] command has been maintained for compatibility with older scripts, but all new scripts should utilize the new [email protected] and [email protected] macro commands, as outlined below.

Old Macro [email protected] 71,1,100.0000,100.0000,71,»»

Dcode #, Shape, Size, Swap, Custom name (if its a custom).

Shapes: 0 = None 1 = Round 2 = Square 3 = Rectangle 4 = Target 5 = Thermal 6 = Custom 7 = Donut 8 = Octagon 9 = Oblong

New Macros [email protected] Type, Id, Merge, «Filename»

Sets the external library to select Custom apertures. Only required when adding custom apertures from an external library.

Type is the type of library: 1=cap, 2=part, 3=symbol.

Id is the source of the library: 0=system (filename parameter is ignored), 1=external.

Merge determines if current library should be replaced: 0=overwrite, 1=merge.

Filename : Name of external library to load.

[email protected] Dcode#, «Type <Subtype> Key:nnn…»

Actual command to Create or Modify an aperture. This command utilizes a string field to specify the parameters for each aperture:

Dcode#: defines the number of the aperture.

Apertures Fixture Drills NC Tool Tables

Assign Tool Table To Layer Footprint Attributes New NC Tool Table

Board Attributes GenCAD Devices Padstacks

Composites Layer Sets Variable Text

Define Mill Tabs Layers

Delete NC Tool Table Layers Mapping


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Type: specifies the main aperture shape to use. See the Aperture Chart for a list.

<Subtype>: defines the sub-shape for those apertures with multiple formats.

Key: describes each parameter which is required for the aperture shape, followed by a colon

n: a real number describing the value associated with that parameter.

Each type and subtype of aperture may have multiple parameters. For this reason it is advisable to refer to the Aperture Chart for the parameters associated with each, before attempting to use them in a script. (Parameter code letters are highlighted in maroon). Generally the first parameter for each shape is a required field — other parameters definitions will use a default value — except in the cases where the shape has multiple dimension parameters (ex: w width is a required parameter for a Round, but h height or w width may serve as the required parameter for a Diamond). The only exception to this is the Moire shape, which requires parameter le (line length)Multiple parameters can be entered in one aperture definition string. Each parameter must be separated from the others by a space.


[email protected] 100,»Butterfly Sq s:100.0 a:34.000000″ [email protected] Dcode#

Deletes the specified aperture.

Dcode #: the number of the aperture to be deleted.

[email protected]

Required to update the tool bar after adding/deleting dcodes.

[email protected]

Pushes all of the aperture definitions (as opposed to the ones which are unused, indicated by [None]) to the top of the aperture table. All Dcode references in the database will be replaced to reflect these changes. This will not function if there are any undefined Dcodes.

[email protected]

Changes all Dcodes which are defined but not used to shape «None.»


‘adding an intrinsic aperture [email protected] 1007,»Butterfly Sq s:60.0 a:45.000000″ [email protected] [email protected] ‘adding a custom aperture [email protected] 1,1,0,»d:CAM350productt-bird devdemo.clb» [email protected] 48,»Custom nm:DRILL4 a:0.000000″ [email protected]

Tables > Assign Tool Table To Layer

[email protected] LyrID,TableID


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Assigns the specified NC Tool Table to the specified layer. Note that no checking is done for the existance of the NC Tool Table or that any NC data on the layer will have a valid tool within the newly assigned tool table.

LyrID: ID of NC Data layer the table is to be assigned to.

TableID: Table ID of the NC Tool Table to be assigned to the layer.

Tables > Board Attributes

[email protected]

Initiates the command.

[email protected] «3`4»

Adds an attribute with the Category’Key

[email protected] «5»

Changes (or adds) the value to the one specified in the parameter.

[email protected] «1`2»

Deletes the attribute with the Category’Key.


[email protected] [email protected] «New Database`Cam350_Database» [email protected] «12/18/00» [email protected] «PADS`PowerPCB_CAM350_Lock1»

Tables > Composites

Creating and Editing a Composite: [email protected] Comp#,Pos#,Layer#,Polarity,CompName$

Command serves a dual-purpose: 1) creates a composite or 2) sets the values for a layer being used in the composite. When setting the layers, a new command must be used for each layer in the composite.

1. When creating a new composite, only the Comp# and CompName$ parameters are required. Other parameters should be set to -2 (no change).

2. When modifying layer settings, all parameters, except CompName$, are required. (CompName$ should be left out).

Comp# is the composite ID number. The Composite Numbering sequence in macros begins with a 0 (i.e. Composite_1 = Comp# 0)


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Pos# gives the order of the layer in the composite.

Layer# is the number of the layer being added to composite.

Polarity: -1=clear 1=dark

CompName$ is the composite name

[email protected] Comp#,Polarity

Sets the background polarity of the composite.

Comp# is the ID number of the composite. The Composite Numbering sequence in macros begins with a 0 (i.e. Composite_1 = Comp# 0)

Polarity: -1=clear 1=dark

Deleting a Composite: [email protected] Comp#

Deletes any composite in the table. Comp# is the composite ID number. Must be repeated for each composite being deleted. The Composite Numbering sequence in macros begins with a 0 (i.e. Composite_1 = Comp# 0)

Manipulating Composites: [email protected] Comp#

Sets the active composite being viewed/edited. Comp# is the composite ID number. The Composite Numbering sequence in macros begins with a 0 (i.e. Composite_1 = Comp# 0)

[email protected]

Can be used to view the composite currently being created/edited. (Same as Redraw button on Table dialog).


‘use [email protected] to create a composite [email protected] 0,-2,-2,-2,»Composite_1″ [email protected] 0,1 ‘use [email protected] to set the layers in the composite you just created [email protected] 0,0,0,-1 [email protected] 0,1,1,1 [email protected] ‘delete a composite [email protected] 0

Tables > Define Mill Tabs

[email protected] TabID,Size,ToolSize,Side,»TabName»

Changes the settings for the specified tab, where:


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TabID: ID number of tab being changed.

Size: size of the tab, note that if perforations are set the size of the tab is controlled by the perforation specifications

ToolSize: size of the tool that tab is defined for. This is relevant when tab is perforated, because the size of the tab will vary depending on the relationship of the path to the perforations used to determine if the perforation placement must be recalculated.

Side: side of the tab (relative to the direction the mill toll is cutting), used for locating perforations and angled exit/entry legs (see below). 0 = left, 1 = right.

TabName: name of tab

[email protected] «TabID»,OnOff,Angle,Length

Changes the angled exit/entry leg settings for the specified tab, where:

TabID: ID number of tab being changed.

OnOff : turns angled exit/entry legs on or off, 1 = on, 0 = off.

Angle: angle of exit/entry legs in degrees. Valid angle range is -90 to +180 degrees.

Length: the length of the exit/entry legs, from the center of the tool to the center of the tool. The actual length of leg is Length + tool radius of the tool assigned to the path the tab is on.

[email protected] «TabID»,OnOff,Num,PerfSize

Changes the perforation settings for the specified tab (see also [email protected]) where:

TabID: ID number of tab being changed.

OnOff: turns perforations on or off, 1 = on, 0 = off.

Num: number of perforation holes to be made.

PerfSize: size of tool to be used to create perforation holes

[email protected] «TabID», OnOff, Spacing, Offset

Changes the perforation settings for the specified tab (see also [email protected]) where:

TabId: ID number of tab being changed.

OnOff: turns perforations on or off, 1 = on, 0 = off.

Spacing: distance between 1) perforation holes and 2) between perforation holes and mill path.

Offset: distance the edge of the perforation hole is offset from the edge of the board, based on the «side» (see [email protected]) setting for the tab.

[email protected] TabID

Deletes mill tab TabID from the defined Mill Tab Table.

[email protected] «FileName»

Saves the currently-defined mill tabs in the specified file.



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‘create tab [email protected] 1,200.0000,100.0000,0,»TAB_1″ [email protected] 1,0,3,25.0000 [email protected] 1,0,25.0000,5.0000 [email protected] 1,0,125,100.0000 ‘save tab file [email protected] «d:tempnew tabs.tab» ‘delete tab [email protected] 1

Tables > Delete NC Tool Table

[email protected] 2

Deletes the NC Tool Table with the specified tool table ID.

Tables > Fixture Drills

See Tables > NC Tool Table.

Tables > Footprint Attributes

[email protected]

Start command.

[email protected] «3`4»

Adds an attribute with the Category’Key

[email protected] «5»

Changes (or adds) the value to the one specified in the parameter.

[email protected] «1`2»

Deletes the attribute with the Category’Key.

Tables > GenCAD Devices


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[email protected]

Initiates command.

[email protected] «device name»

Adds a new Device of the given name.

[email protected] «device name»

Deletes a Device of the given name.

[email protected] «device name»

Sets the active Device, in order to modify its values.

[email protected] «new part name»

Adds/modifies a Device’s part name.

[email protected] «new Type»

Adds/modifies a Device’s type.

[email protected] «new Style»

Adds/modifies a Device’s style.

[email protected] «new Package»

Adds/modifies a Device’s package.

[email protected] «new Value»

Adds/modifies a Device’s value.

[email protected] «new Tolerance»

Adds/modifies a Device’s tolerance.

[email protected] «new Negative Tolerance»

Adds/modifies a Device’s negative tolerance.

[email protected] «new Positive Tolerance»

Adds/modifies a Device’s positive tolerance.

[email protected] «new Volts»

Adds/modifies a Device’s voltage value.

[email protected] «new Description»

Adds/modifies a Device’s description.

Pin information: [email protected] «new Pin Name»


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Creates a new pin for the active Device.

[email protected] «edit pin Name»

Sets the active pin for the active Device, to allow for modification.

[email protected] «new pin Description»

Adds/modifies pin description for active pin.

[email protected] «new pin Function»

Adds/modifies pin function for active pin.

[email protected] «deleted pin Name»

Deletes pin of specified name.

Device attributes:

[email protected] «new Category`new Key»

Adds a Device attribute with the given Category’Key value.

[email protected] «new Value»

Changes (or adds) the value to the one specified in the parameter.

[email protected] «delete Category`delete Key»

Deletes the attribute with the Category’Key.

[email protected] «edit Category`edit Key»

Sets the active device attribute.


[email protected] ‘add new device [email protected] «Device_2» [email protected] «rollins» [email protected] «SMT» [email protected] «lateral» [email protected] «34» [email protected] «56» [email protected] «12» [email protected] «5» [email protected] «5» [email protected] «3» [email protected] «This is a surface mount» ‘add pin to device [email protected] «Test1» [email protected] «First pin» [email protected] «Checks tolerance» ‘delete device [email protected] «Device_3» ‘Add device attributes [email protected] «test`34» [email protected] «22» [email protected] «test`34» [email protected] «test`35» [email protected] «56»


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Tables > Layer Sets

Blind and Buried

Note: Blind & Buried layer sets cannot be created if you have pre-existing MCM Layersets.

[email protected] 3,1,»Layer_Set_Name»

Adds a layer set. If a layer set for this ID already exists, it will be deleted and this one added in its place.

First parameter is the ID number/hot key that the layer set is assigned to. (remember, only 10 layer sets can be assigned to hot keys, though more than 10 layer sets can be created).

Second parameter will always be 1 (identifies it as a blind and buried layer set).

Third is the layer set name.

[email protected] 1,»Layer_Set_Name»

Sets the name of an existing layer set.

First parameter is the ID number assigned to the layer set.

Second parameter is the new name of the layer set.

[email protected] 3,1,2

Adds a layer to a layer set. Command must be repeated for each subsequent layer being added to the set.

First parameter is the ID number for this layer set.

Second parameter is the position of the layer being set (equivalent to the number buttons in the User Layer Sets For Blind And Buried Vias dialog box).

Third parameter is the number of the layer being added (starting at 0).

[email protected] 2

Deletes the layer set for the specified ID number.

[email protected] 3

Turns ON the layer set assigned to the specified ID number (any others are turned OFF). The first layer of the layer set is made active. This command should be followed by [email protected] if you want only the layers in the set you turned ON made visible.

[email protected] 3,-1

Sets the drill layer for an existing layer set.

First parameter is the ID number.

Second parameter is the layer number (layers start at 0). -1 means that there is no drill layer.

[email protected] 8

Sets the drill layer to be used for the through-hole drill. The parameter is the drill layer ID (layers start at 0).


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[email protected] 1,1,»LyrSet_1″ [email protected] 2,»New_Layer_Set» [email protected] 1,4 [email protected] 1,1,0 [email protected] 1,2,2 [email protected] 2,1,»LyrSet_2″ [email protected] 2,-1 [email protected] 2,1,1 [email protected] 2,2,2 [email protected] 1

Layer Stackup

Only one Layer Stackup set may be in effect at one time. However, this stackup must fall in sequence with other layersets (if any) in the design. In other words, if 3 other layersets (User, Blind & Buried or MCM) exist, the Layer Stackup set will be layerset 4, and this ID number will control the additions made to the set below:

[email protected] 3,3,»Layer_Set_Name»

Adds a new Layer Stackup layer set. If a layer set for this ID already exists, it will be deleted and this one added in its place.

First parameter is the ID number/hot key that the layer set is assigned to. (remember, only 10 layer sets can be assigned to hot keys, though more than 10 layer sets can be created).

Second parameter will always be 3 (identifies it as a Layer Stackup layer set).

Third is the layer set name.

[email protected] 3,1,2

Adds a layer to the Layer Stackup.

First parameter is the ID number for this layer set.

Second parameter is the position of the layer being set (equivalent to the number buttons in the Layer Stackup dialog box).

Third parameter is the number of the layer being added (starting at 0).

[email protected] 1,»Layer_Set_Name»

Changes the name of the existing Layer Stackup.

First parameter is the ID number assigned to the layer set.

Second parameter is the new name of the layer set.

[email protected] 3,-1

Sets a drill layer for the Layer Stackup layer set.

First parameter is the ID number of the layerset.

Second parameter is the layer number of the drill layer (layers start at 0). -1 means that there is no drill layer.


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[email protected]

Identifies the layers in the design with their types, in relation to the symbol layer types, for the purpose of mapping the symbol layers to the appropriate panel layers.


[email protected] 4,3,»Stackup» [email protected] 4,-1 [email protected] 4,1,0 [email protected] 4,2,1 [email protected] 4,3,2 [email protected] 4,4,3 [email protected] 4,5,4 [email protected] 4,6,10 [email protected]

MCM Technology

Note: MCM layersets cannot be created if you have pre-existing Blind & Buried Layersets.

[email protected] 3,0,»Layer_Set_Name»

Adds a new layer set. If a layer set for this ID already exists, it will be deleted and this one added in its place.

First parameter is the ID number/hot key that the layer set is assigned to. (remember, only 10 layer sets can be assigned to hot keys, though more than 10 layer sets can be created).

Second parameter will always be 0 (identifies it as a MCM technology layer set).

Third is the layer set name.

[email protected] 3,1,2

Adds a layer to a layer set.

First parameter is the ID number for this layer set.

Second parameter is the position of the layer being set (equivalent to the number buttons in the Layer Set For MCM Technology dialog box).

Third parameter is the number of the layer being added (starting at 0).

[email protected] 1,»Layer_Set_Name»

Sets the name of an existing layer set.

First parameter is the ID number assigned to the layer set.

Second parameter is the new name of the layer set.

[email protected] 3,-1

Sets the drill layer for an existing layer set.

First parameter is the ID number of the layerset.

Second parameter is the layer number of the drill layer (layers start at 0). A -1 means that there is no drill layer.


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[email protected] 2

Deletes the layer set for the specified ID number.

[email protected] 3

Turns ON the layer set assigned to the specified ID number (any others are turned OFF). The first layer of the layer set is made active. This command should be followed by [email protected] if you want only the layers in the set you turned ON made visible.


[email protected] 1,0,»LyrSet_1″ [email protected] 1,-1 [email protected] 1,1,0 [email protected] 1,2,2 [email protected] 1,3,3 [email protected] 1


[email protected] 3,2,»Layer_Set_Name»

Adds a new layer set. If a layer set for this ID already exists, it will be deleted and this one added in its place.

First parameter is the ID/hot key that the layer set is assigned to (remember, only 10 layer sets can be assigned to hot keys, though more than 10 layer sets can be created).

Second parameter will always be 2 (identifies it as a user layer set).

Third is the layer set name.

[email protected] 1,»Layer_Set_Name»

Sets the name of an existing layer set.

First parameter is the ID assigned to the layer set.

Second parameter is the new name of the layer set.

[email protected] 3,1,2

Adds a layer to a layer set.

First parameter is the ID for this layer set.

Second parameter is the position of the layer being set (equivalent to the number buttons in the User Layer Sets dialog box).

Third parameter is the number of the layer being added (starting at 0).

[email protected] 2

Deletes the layer set for the specified layerset ID.

[email protected] 3,-1

Sets the drill layer for an existing layer set.


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First parameter is the ID number of the layerset.

Second parameter is the layer number of the drill layer (layers start at 0). -1 means that there is no drill layer.

[email protected] 3

Turns ON the layer set assigned to the specified ID (any others are turned OFF). The first layer of the layer set is made active. This command should be followed by [email protected] if you want only the layers in the set you turned ON made visible.


[email protected] 2,2,»New_Set» [email protected] 2,-1 [email protected] 2,1,0 [email protected] 2,2,1 [email protected] 2,3,3 [email protected] 2,4,10 [email protected] 2

Tables > Layers

[email protected] 7

Sets the active layer, by the layer ID number. Layer numbering in macros begins at 0 (i.e. layer 1 in the program equates to layer ID 0 when used in a macro).

[email protected] 6

Brings this layer to top.

[email protected] #,#

Turns the flashes ON or OFF on the specified layer. First number is the layer number, second number is 1=on, 0=off.

[email protected] #,#

Turns the drawn data ON or OFF on the specified layer. First number is the layer number, second number is 1=on, 0=off.

[email protected] Layer#,Drawcolor,Flashcolor,Type,Status,Name$

Creates a new layer in the database, or modifies the settings of an existing one.

Layer# sets the layer number. -2=no change (remember layer numbering in macros starts from 0: i.e. layer 1 = 0).

Drawcolor and Flashcolor set the draw & flash colors to display for the layer.

See Layer Color Codes.

Type is the layer type to associate with that layer.

See Layer Type Codes.

Status determines the appearance of the layer on screen:


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0=on 1=off 2=ref -2=no change

Name$ is the filename of the Gerber file being exported (including the full path). «» =no change (keep old name)

[email protected] LyrID,TableID

When adding an NC layer, you may set the specific NC Tool Table assigned to the layer with this command. If the command is not set, the first table in the database (if any exists) is used for the layer.

LyrID: ID of NC Data layer the table is to be assigned to.

TableID: Table ID of the NC Tool Table to be assigned to the layer.

See also Tables > Assign > Tool Table To Layer.

[email protected] LayerId, Rank

Sets the new layer as an NC data layer.

LayerID is the layer number (0 based).

Rank: type of NC layer. 0 = NC Primary, 1 = NC Secondary.

[email protected]

Required to update the layer bar after any change to a layer.

[email protected]

Confirms the changes you made and sets layer mapping to the default mapping for all layers.

[email protected] 3

Turns ON the layer set assigned to the specified layer set ID number (any others are turned OFF) (see Tables > Layersets). The first layer of the layer set is made active.


Non-NC Layer:

[email protected] 12,14,14,4,0,»Layer_13″ [email protected] 12 [email protected] 12 [email protected] 12,0,0,-2,-2 ‘change colors to red for draw/flash [email protected] 12,0,0,1,0,»Internal» ‘change name to ‘Internal’ [email protected]

NC Layer:

[email protected] 14,2,2,21,0,»Layer_15″ [email protected] 14,1 [email protected] 14,1 [email protected]


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The Symbol Editor layer table uses most of the same commands listed above, with the exception of the [email protected] command, which is not available in the Symbol Editor. In addition, the editor uses the following two commands.

[email protected] Layer#,Type,Ordinal#

Sets the virtual layer status of each layer added to the layer table. Must be set after the [email protected] command.

Layer#: the layer number (remember macro layer numbering begins with 0)

Type: the layer type to associate with that layer:

Ordinal#: sets the virtual layer numbering for the layer, if Type is a layertype already used in the table. For example, if a negative layer already exists in the table, it is assigned ordinal 0 (first negative layer). Adding a second negative layer, you would set the ordinal to 1, a third would be 2, etc.

[email protected]

As an option to individual Ordinal settings, this command sets the layer type Ordinals for the layers in the table based upon the Layer Stackup layer set. (see Tables > Layer Sets > Layer Stackup).


[email protected] 15,8,8,2,0,»NegPlane(3rd)» [email protected] 15,2,2 [email protected]

Tables > Layers Mapping

[email protected] 0,2

Map first layer # to the second layer #.

[email protected]

Resets the layers to all map to themselves.

Tables > NC Tool Tables

General Tool Table Settings: [email protected] 1,2

Sets the NC Tool Table type for the table with the given Table ID (first parameter).

Valid table types (second parameter): 1=Table can contain both mill and drill tools. 2=Table contain only mill tools. 3=Table contains only drill tools.


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[email protected] 1,»Drill Tool»

Sets the NC Tool Table name. First parameter is the Table ID, second is the desired name.

[email protected] 1

Activates an NC tool table to allow querying of its tools. Parameter is Table ID. See Drill & Mill Queries

Set Tool Information for Individual Tools: [email protected] 1,3

Adds an NC Tool with the Tool ID (second parameter) to the table specified by the Table ID (first parameter). It is followed by several macros that set the parameters of the tool.

[email protected] 2,1

Deletes the NC Tool.

First parameter is the tool table ID.

Second parameter is the Tool Reference number.

[email protected] 1,2,3

Sets the tool number assigned to the tool.

First parameter is the Table ID.

Second is the Tool Reference

Third is the tool number to assign to the tool.

[email protected] 1,1,2

Sets the type of tool.

First parameter is the Table ID.

Second is the Tool Reference.

Third is the tool type: 1=tool can be used for both drilling and milling. 2=tool can only be used for milling. 3=tool can only be used for drilling.

[email protected] 1,1,32.0000

Sets the physical size of the tool.

First parameter is the Table ID.

Second is the Tool Reference.

Third is the size of the tool (units of measure depends upon the NC Tool Table Dialog Units).

[email protected] 1,3,5

Sets the color assigned to the tool.

Table ID is the first parameter.


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Tool Reference is the second parameter

Third is the color.

See Layer Color Codes. [email protected] 1,3,1

Sets the shape of the drill hit display.

First parameter is the Table ID.

Second is the Tool Reference.

Third is the Shape: 1=Round 4=Target 6=Custom. If set to custom, the following macro must also be used:

[email protected] 1,3,»CapName»

Sets the custom aperture assigned to the tool (Table ID is the first parameter, Tool Reference is the second parameter) to CapName. The CAP will be used to display any drill hits assigned this tool.

[email protected] 1,2,0

Sets whether to use the actual tool size as the size of the drill hits displayed.

0=use the [email protected] value (below) 1=use the physical size of the tool ([email protected])

[email protected] 1,2,13.0000

This macro is used if you choose to set the drill tool display size (when it is displayed as a round or target) as something other than the actual tool size.

First parameter is the Table ID.

Second is the Tool Reference.

Third is the Tool Display Size.

[email protected] 1,2,1500.0000

Sets the tool’s plunge rate.

First parameter is the Table ID.

Second is the Tool Reference.

Third is the plunge rate in user units/second.

[email protected] 1,2,1500.0000

Sets the tool’s retract rate.

First parameter is the Table ID.

Second is the Tool Reference.

Third is the retract rate in user units/second.


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[email protected] 1,2,16.6666

Sets the feed rate for a mill tool.

First parameter is the Table ID.

Second is the Tool Reference.

Third is the feed rate (in user units/second, user units being defined under Settings > Unit).

[email protected] 1,2,60000

Set the Rotations Per Minute for the tool.

First parameter is the Table ID.

Second the Tool Reference.

Third the RPMs.

[email protected] 1,2,2000

Sets the maximum number of drill hits that this tool can make.

First parameter is the Table ID.

Second is the Tool Reference.

Third is the number of hits.

[email protected] 1,2,3

Sets the tool that will be used if the maximum number of hits is reached.

First parameter is the Table ID.

Second is the Tool Reference of the tool being used.

Third is the Tool Reference of the tool that is being used as the Link Tool.

[email protected] tblID, toolref, plate

Sets the plated or unplated status of an NC tool.

tblID is the Table ID of the NC Tool Table that contains the tool being changed

toolref is the tool reference of the tool to be modified

plate is the plating characteristic to be assigned to the tool: 0 = Plated & Unplated 1 = Plated 2 = Unplated

[email protected] 1

Sets the active tool on an NC Data layer to allow querying of the tool’s values. Parameter is Tool Reference. See Drill & Mill Queries

[email protected] 1

Similar to above, but sets the active tool in an NC Table to allow querying of the tool’s values. Parameter is


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Tool Reference. See Drill & Mill Queries

Tool Table Functions:

Set Export Order

[email protected] #

Sets the export order to match the ascending tool number order. Parameter is the Table ID.

[email protected] #

Sets the export order to match the ascending tool size order. Parameter is the Table ID.

[email protected] #

Sets the export order to match the ascending tool number order. Parameter is the Table ID.

[email protected] 1,1,2

Unlike the above commands, this command sets the order on a tool by tool basis: a separate command must be used for each specific tool to be exported. Note that drill usages are always exported before mill usages.

First parameter is the Table ID.

Second is the Tool Reference.

Third is the export order.

Set Compensation Index

[email protected] 1,1

Used to enable/disable the use of the Compensation Index Table.

First parameter is the Table ID.

Second parameter determines if the Compensation Index Table is used: 0=do not use Compensation Index Table (use tool radius for compensation) 1=use the Compensation Index Table.

[email protected] 1,1,7.0000

First parameter is the Table ID

Second is the Tool Reference.

Third is the Compensation Value.

Delete & Save Table

[email protected] 2

Deletes the NC Tool Table specified by the table ID.

[email protected] 1,»d:acttest.nct»

Saves the table with the Table ID specifed in the first parameter to the file name in the second parameter.

Load Table


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These commands are not recorded when you do a Macro > Record. You must add them manually to your macro program in order to run them.

[email protected] 2,»d:acttest.nct»

Appends the tool table from a file to a «master» tool table that is already loaded. First parameter is the ID of the master table. Second parameter is the name of the file to append. Any tools from the file will be added after the last tool in the master table.

[email protected] 2,»d:acttest.nct»

Loads the tool table from the file (second parameter) into the table with the table ID (first parameter). If tools have the same Tool Reference number, the tool from the existing table is kept (data from the incoming .NCT file is ignored).

[email protected] 2,»d:acttest.nct»

Loads the tool table from the file specified (second parameter) into the table with the table ID (first parameter). If tools have the same Tool Reference number, the tool from the incoming .NCT file is used (overwrites the existing tool in the table).

[email protected] «d:acttest.nct»

Loads the tool table from a file. If a table ID exists in the .NCT file data, it will be used for the table created. If a table with that ID already exists, the existing tabe will be assigned a new ID. If the table is from an older version of the application (pre-6.0), a new table ID and name will be assigned.

[email protected] 2,»d:acttest.nct»

Loads the tool data from the file name specified (second parameter) into the table with the table ID specified (first parameter). If a table already exists with the given table ID, all tools within that table will be deleted and the tool information from the .NCT file read in.

Sort Table

[email protected] tblID, sort_field, sort_direction

Sorts the tool table by the value the user selects.

tblID is the ID Number of the NC Tool Table that is to be sorted

sort_field is the tool value to base the sort on. There are three options: 0 = Tool Number 1 = Tool Size 2 = Tool Export Order

sort_direction determines the method of sorting the values selected in sort_field (either increasing or decreasing): 0 = Decreasing (n .. 1) 1 = Increasing (1 .. n)

Tables>New NC Tool Table

See Tables > NC Tool Table.


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Tables > Padstacks

[email protected] 2,2,3

Padstack #, Layer #, Aperture ID. Assigns an aperture to the padstack at the designated layer.

[email protected] 2,2,10

Padstack #, Layer #, Dcode. Assigns a Dcode to the padstack at the designated layer.

[email protected]

Removes all unused padstacks from the current database.

Tables > Variable Text

[email protected] «Symbol»

Specifies the Variable Text being defined in the table.

[email protected] «This is a coupon»

Assigns the text string value for the Variable Text specified above. All symbols in the current panel that use the Variable Text will be updated to display the new string.


[email protected] «test» [email protected] «this is a title block»


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Tools Menu Macros

Tools > Bed-of-Nails Editor

[email protected]

Opens Bed-of-Nails Editor.

Tools > CAM Editor

[email protected]

Opens CAM Editor.

Tools > CAP Editor

[email protected]

Opens CAP Editor.

Tools > Flying Probe Editor

[email protected]

Opens Flying Probe Editor.

Tools > NC Editor

[email protected]

Opens NC Editor.

Bed-of-Nails Editor Flying Probe Editor Part Editor

CAM Editor NC Editor Symbol Editor

CAP Editor Panel Editor


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Tools > Panel Editor

[email protected]

Opens Panel Editor.

Tools > Part Editor

[email protected]

Opens Part Editor.

Tools > Symbol Editor

[email protected]

Opens Symbol Editor.


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Utilities Menu Macros

Utilities > Assign Endpoints

[email protected]

Assigns endpoint status to pins, pads, or vias. Command has no parameters.

Utilities > Assign Single Pt Nets

[email protected]

Assigns nets to single-point pins, pads, or vias. Command has no parameters.

Utilities > Build Part

[email protected]

Initiates command.

Part Text Setup

The Reference Designator and Device Name special text can be manipulated much the same as normal text being added to a design. The following commands determine the formatting for the Reference Designator and/or Device Name being added to the part:

[email protected] #

Sets the rotation angle for placing the elements. # is 100 times the angle (650=6.5 degrees)

Assign Endpoints Draw To One-Up Border Pads To Padstack

Assign Single Pt Nets Draw To Symbol Panelization

Build Part Draws To Flash Polygon Conversion

Camtek Gerber To Drill Quick Part

Clear Silkscreen Gerber To Mill Sort Drill Hits

Composite To Layer NC Data To Gerber Sort Mill Paths

Convert Composite Netlist Extract Step and Repeat Image Order

Create Drill Offset Mill Path Teardrop

Data Optimization One-Up Border To Layer

Draw To Custom Over/Under Size


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[email protected]

Turns the text attached to the cursor by the angle defined in [email protected]

[email protected] #

Mirrors the text attached to the cursor. 1=Mirror, 0=Don’t Mirror

[email protected] 70.0000

Controls the text height.

Note: You may change these settings at any time before the placement of either type of special part text.

Adding the Elements of a Part

Each part element (Reference Designator, Outline, etc) must be entered by first activating the [email protected] command for that element, then adding the required number of coordinates for the elements. The Build Part command adds these parts in a proscribed sequence; it is best to mimic this in your macro.

[email protected] 1

This command controls what Build Part action you are doing.

0=Device Name (requires one coordinate) 1=RefDes Name (requires one coordinate) 2=Outline (requires 2 coordinate points for two corners of the selection box — similar to Add > Rectangle command) 3=Pin Sequence (variable number of coordinates. You can use individual pin coordinates, or inline pins — see [email protected] below) 4=Anchor (requires one coordinate)


Sets one coordinate (Device Name, RefDes & Anchor)

[email protected] 0 [email protected] 1765.0000,844.9000

Sets two coordinates (Outline)

[email protected] 2 [email protected] 1765.0000,844.9000 [email protected] -1765.0000,-844.9000

Sets pin sequence

Individual Pins

[email protected] 3 [email protected] ‘Turns off inline pin recognition [email protected] 3386.8000,2990.3000 [email protected] 3391.3000,2949.6000 [email protected] 3386.8000,2906.7000 [email protected] 3391.3000,2861.5000 [email protected] 3391.3000,2798.3000 [email protected] 3389.1000,2748.6000 [email protected] 3391.3000,2692.1000 [email protected] 3142.9000,2692.1000 [email protected] 3142.9000,2753.1000 [email protected] 3142.9000,2796.0000 [email protected] 3140.6000,2850.2000 [email protected] 3142.9000,2888.6000 [email protected] 3142.9000,2947.4000


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[email protected] 3147.4000,3001.6000

Inline Pins — you need only select the «key» pins in the sequence — first, end of first row, beginning of second row, and last. The program will select the pins lying inbetween them.

[email protected] 3 [email protected] 2815.3000,3001.6000 [email protected] 2817.6000,2678.5000 [email protected] 2815.3000,2694.4000 [email protected] 2560.1000,2698.9000

[email protected]

Acts as a toggle to turn inline pin recognition on and off. Note: the program assumes inline pins to be ON. It is only necessary to use this command when selecting individual pins for the part.

[email protected] 1765.0000,844.9000

Coordinates control where the text names are placed, the window around the part outline, the pin sequence, or the anchor, depending on the [email protected] variable selected.

Finishing the Build Part Process

After all elements of the part are added, the part is given a name and saved to the local part library for the design. This part library may be saved external to the design using File > Save Lib As.

[email protected] «Part Name»

Assigns a user-specified name to the part.

[email protected]

Confirms the creation of the part, saves to local library, and ends command.


[email protected] ‘Settings for text addition [email protected] 50.0000 [email protected] 18000 ‘Add Reference Designator [email protected] 1 [email protected] ‘turn and mirror refdes [email protected] [email protected] 2695.6000,3103.2000 ‘Add Outline [email protected] 2 [email protected] 2621.0000,3069.3000 [email protected] 2770.1000,2626.6000 ‘Add Pin Sequence (inline) [email protected] 3 [email protected] 2815.3000,3001.6000 [email protected] 2817.6000,2678.5000 [email protected] 2815.3000,2694.4000 [email protected] 2560.1000,2698.9000 ‘Add Device Name [email protected] 0 [email protected] 9000 ‘set new turn angle [email protected] ‘turn device name [email protected] 2566.8000,3006.1000 ‘Add Anchor [email protected] 4 [email protected] 2645.0000,2650.0000 ‘Finish Building part [email protected] «test3» [email protected]


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Utilities > Camtek


There are no macro commands for this feature.

New Job

There are no macro commands for this feature.

Old Job

There are no macro commands for this feature.

Utilities > Clear Silkscreen

[email protected]

Initializes command.

[email protected] 2,0,20.0000,5.0000,»»

Performs the clearing.

First #: the silkscreen layer number.

Second #: the mask layer number.

Third #: the clearance.

Fourth #: the minimum stub length.

Fifth #: the Dcode filter (Dcodes not used). If left blank, all Dcodes are used

[email protected]

Ends command.

Utilities > Composite To Layer


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[email protected] 0,-1

Converts a composite to a single layer, while maintaining as much intelligent data (pads, traces, etc). as possible.

First number is the Composite ID (like layer-numbering, this 0 based). In the above example, 0 = C1

Second number is the Layer ID of the target layer (where the polygon data will be placed). If -1, then a new layer is created.

Utilities > Convert Composite

[email protected] 0,-1,1.0000,2

Converts ALL data in a composite to raster polygons, on a single layer, including all pads and traces. Optionally algorithm is optimized with settings for fast layer combining, maintaining pads and traces, and creating customs for shaved pads.

First number is the Composite ID (like layer-numbering, this 0 based). In the above example, 0 = C1

Second number is the Layer ID of the target layer (where the polygon data will be placed). If -1, then a new layer is created.

Third number is the Resolution of the conversion process (in user-units). To replicate the command itself, the value should be 1, 2, or 4, where 1 is the most accurate. However, any value will be accepted by the macro command (bear in mind the smaller the resolution, the longer the processing time will be).

Fourth number is the setting for conversion optimization 0 — Fast layer combining 1 — Merge data into raster polygons 2 — Fast layer combining; maintain draws and flashes 6 — Fast layer combining; maintain draws and flashes; create customs for shaved pads

Utilities > Create Drill

The Create Drill macro command creates a new drill file for a databse where none existed. As such it presumes you have created a new NC Drill Table from which to assign tools to the new drill file. To create the table, use Tables > NC Tools.

[email protected]

Initiates command.

Assign Drills to Padstacks

Each padstack in the design must have a drill tool assigned to it. The following commands may be used multiple


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times in the macro to do so:

[email protected] 0,7,3

Assigns a Plated drill tool to a padstack.

First parameter: Padstack # (remember padstack numbering, like layers, begins with 0 in macros)

Second parameter: Tool Reference #

Third parameter: Pass (0 = first, 1 = second)

[email protected] 10,5,0

Assigns an Unplated drill tool to a padstack.

Parameters for both commands are:

First parameter: Padstack # (remember padstack numbering, like layers, begins with 0 in macros)

Second parameter: Tool Reference #

Third parameter: Pass (0 = first, 1 = second)

Create New Drill Layers & Reports [email protected]

Starts a new drill report file, using the .cam file name with a .rpt extension. If one already exists, it deletes the report information contained in the file. Without this command, the following two commands would append the information to an existing file, and previous information would not be deleted.

[email protected] 10,»plated.drl»

Creates an NC Data layer for plated drills and appends the information to an existing plated drill report, or creates a new report if one doesn’t already exist. Parameters are Layer # and layer name.

[email protected] 14,»L15:drill_15.dr»

Creates an NC Data layer for unplated drills and appends the information to an existing unplated drill report, or creates a new report if one doesn’t already exist. Parameters are Layer # and layer name.

Example [email protected] [email protected] 0,1,0 ‘assigns plated tool #1 to padstacks 1-2 [email protected] 1,1,0 [email protected] 2,1,0 [email protected] 3,2,0 ‘assigns unplated tool #2 to padstacks 4-6 [email protected] 4,2,0 [email protected] 5,2,0 [email protected] 6,1,0 ‘resumes assigning tool #1 to padstacks [email protected] 7,1,0 [email protected] 8,1,0 [email protected] 9,3,0 ‘switches to plated tool #3 for remaining padstacks [email protected] 10,3,0 [email protected] 11,3,0 [email protected] 12,3,0 [email protected] 13,3,0 [email protected] [email protected] 7,»drill_8.drl» [email protected] 8,»drill_9.drl»


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Utilities > Data Optimization

Remove Covered Data

[email protected]

Removes covered data, using the commands below:

To process the entire layer (for all layers that are ON):

[email protected] 0.1000,1,1,0

First parameter is the tolerance.

Second parameter is whether to remove pads covered by graphics (1=yes, 0=no).

Third parameter is whether to remove graphics covered by pads (1=yes, 0=no).

Fourth parameter is whether to delete the covered data or move it to a new layer. 1=move to a new layer, 0=delete.

To process a portion of the layer (for all layers that are ON):

[email protected] -250.2000,4906.2000 [email protected] 3553.9000,1609.3000

You must specify coordinates that define two corners of the rectangle containing the data to be processed.

[email protected] 0.1000,1,1,0

First parameter is the tolerance.

Second parameter is whether to remove pads covered by graphics (1=yes, 0=no).

Third parameter is whether to remove graphics covered by pads (1=yes, 0=no).

Fourth parameter is whether to delete the covered data or move it to a new layer. 1=move to a new layer, 0=delete.

The coordinates and subsequent command may be repeated as often as necessary before the final [email protected] command.

ba[email protected]

Ends command.


[email protected] [email protected] 2491.3000,5431.7000 [email protected] 5506.6000,3297.5000 [email protected] 0.1000,1,1,1 [email protected]

Remove Isolated Pads


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[email protected]

Initiates command.

[email protected] 1375.0000,2725.0000 [email protected] 3225.0000,1425.0000

Coordinates define the window to be processed.

[email protected] «17»

Sets the Dcode of the pads being removed. Setbydcode is only required if a Dcode filter is used.

[email protected]

Stops selection process.

[email protected]

Performs the actual removal.


[email protected] [email protected] 2251.0000,5569.1000 [email protected] 5689.7000,3114.4000 [email protected] «10» [email protected] [email protected]

Remove Redundant Pads

[email protected] [email protected] #,»Dcode number»

Deletes the extra pads (the same Dcode at the same location on the same layer) for all the ON layers.

# is the tolerance (in mils). The maximum tolerance is 10 mils.

You may specify a Dcode number (as a string) to limit pad removal to selected Dcode, or leave blank to process all Dcodes.

Utilities > Draw To Custom

[email protected]

Initiates command.

[email protected] -50.0000,2775.0000 [email protected] 375.0000,2375.0000


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Coordinates define the corners of rectangular selection window around the drawn pad.

[email protected]

Ends custom selection.

[email protected] make_polygons, «custom_name»

Defines settings for the custom being created.

First parameter specifies if the custom aperture is constructed solely of polygons (0 = no, 1 = yes).

Second parameter is the name of the custom aperture you are creating

[email protected] 12,6,0.0000,0.0000,0,»custom_name»

Adds the custom aperture to the Aperture Table.

Parameters are: Dcode #, Shape, Size, Swap, Custom name. (see Tables > Apertures for more information)

Shape should be set to 6 (for custom aperture).


[email protected] [email protected] 2737.4000,5835.1000 [email protected] 3016.3000,5584.7000 [email protected] [email protected] 1,»acap0001″ [email protected] 137,6,0.0000,0.0000,0,»acap0001″ [email protected]

Utilities > Draw To One-Up Border

[email protected]

Start draw to border command.

[email protected] 0.0000,0.0000

Selects the drawn data to be converted. One or more [email protected] commands may be used to select multiple line data (such as contiguous, but not joined, lines).

[email protected]

Ends selection of data to include in the border.

[email protected] 50.0000

Specifies an offset (in user units) for one-up border from the drawn data being used. Useful for creating one-up borders which clearance around a drawn design border, for instance.


util_draw[email protected]


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[email protected] 3175.0000,-2575.0000 [email protected] [email protected] 0.0000 ‘set for no clearance

Utilities > Draw To Symbol

[email protected]

Initializes command.

[email protected] LyrID,Spacing#,Type,Name$

Changes drawn data to a symbol; assigns Symbol Border automatically.

LyrID: the layer destination for the resulting symbol data. The mapping is as follows: 1 = all Non-NC layers 2 = all electric layers 3 = goes on all layers of one type. Symbol will appear on all layers of the type it was originally generated on (e.g. internal) 4 = appears only on the specified layer the symbol is created on

Spacing#: the minimum distance from the data that the symbol border will be created, in user units.

Type: the symbol type being created: 1 = Coupon 2 = Title Block 3 = Fiducial 4 = Pinning Hole

Name$: the symbol’s name. if a symbol already exists with symbol name, it will be replaced with results of Draw2Symb

[email protected] x#,y#

Specifies coordinates for the drawn data to be converted.


[email protected] [email protected] -466.7000,4512.2000 [email protected] 1,50.0000,1,»Coupon1″

Utilities > Draws To Flash


[email protected]

Converts draws to apertures, as defined by the settings and area below.


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Define the parameters to use when searching for apertures to convert.

[email protected] 0,1,1,1

Controls the type of conversion, elements to exclude, and view state:

First # is the type of conversion: 0=Fully Automatic 1=User Check Rejected 2=User Check All

Second # controls flashes: 0=Existing flashes can be included in groups of draws 1=Ignore existing flashes

Third # controls single stroked lines: 0=Do not reject single stroked lines 1=Always reject single stroked lines

Fourth # controls the view 0=Maintain current view 1=View all graphics

[email protected] 200.0000,200.0000,13.0000,2.0000,»Dcode String»

Specifies which draws to consider including in conversion.

First #: Maximum width of a group of draws to be considered for conversion to a flash

Second #: Maximum height of a group of draws to be considered for conversion to a flash

Third #: Minimum width of a group of draws to be considered for conversion to a flash

Fourth #: Tolerance used in determining if adjacent draws are part of the same group

Fifth #: Dcode filter string.

[email protected] UseMaskTop, UseMaskBot, UseDrill

Sets elements to control the search for apertures to convert.

UseMaskTop: 1 = if a top layer is processed, then use the mask top (if it exists) to control the search 0 = do not use mask top layer to control search

UseMaskBot: 1 = if a bottom layer is processed, then use the mask bottom (if it exists) to control the search 0 = do not use mask bottom layer to control search

UseDrill: 1 = if an internal layer is processed, then use the drill layer (if it exists) to control the search 0 = do not use drill layer to control search

Area Selection

[email protected] -358.2000,5089.8000 [email protected] 5242.9000,-64.0000

The two [email protected] commands define the pattern search area (does not limit the area where matching patterns will be converted).


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[email protected]

An alternative to the [email protected] commands, selects all data on the layer.


[email protected] [email protected] 0,1,0,0 [email protected] 200.0000,200.0000,5.0000,2.0000,»10″ [email protected] 1,1,1 [email protected] 2331.1000,5506.1000 [email protected] 5638.2000,3200.3000


[email protected]

Converts selected draws to an aperture, using the commands below.

[email protected] 2.0000,1,1,»dcode string»

Locates the drawn data to convert to an aperture, using these parameters:

First #: Tolerance

Second #: Find rotations (1=yes 0=no)

Third #: View of data onscreen (0=leave view unchanged, 1=View All)

Last variable: Dcode filter string.

[email protected] 9495.0000,11326.0000 [email protected] 9608.0000,11275.0000

Coordinates define the selection window around the drawn pad.

[email protected] 1,90.0000,24.0000,0,11

Command replaces the drawn data with a new aperture and adds aperture to Aperture Table. Parameters set the values for the new aperture.

Replacement type: 1=compute size 0=select specific replacement Dcode)

Computed size X value

Computed size Y value

Replacement shape: 0=rectangle 1=round 2=oblong

Replacement Dcode number (if first parameter was 0)

Note: the coordinates and [email protected] command may be repeated multiple times to select many drawn pads. There is no need to rerun the [email protected] command.


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[email protected] 1

Begins and ends pad selection. 1 = continue selecting pads 0 = Stop selecting pads and start the conversion process.


[email protected] [email protected] 5.0000,1,0,»» [email protected] 3229.4000,5759.3000 [email protected] 3434.0000,5457.4000 [email protected] 1,91.2000,158.4000,2,323 ‘converts first selected pad to an oblong [email protected] 3448.3000,5742.1000 [email protected] 3665.7000,5496.1000 [email protected] 1,131.2000,147.1000,0,323 ‘converts need drawn pad to rectangle [email protected] 3695.7000,5732.1000 [email protected] 3937.5000,5529.0000 [email protected] 1,128.4000,128.4000,1,323 ‘converts last pad to round

Utilities > Gerber To Drill

[email protected] 6,-1,0,1,1,»»

Converts Gerber pad data to NC drill data, using the following parameters:

First parameter is the Source layer number (remember macro layer numbering starts at 0).

Second parameter is the Target layer number. If -1, a new layer is created.

Third parameter is the Tool Table ID (only relevant if you are creating a new target layer). If 0, a new tool table is created.

Fourth is whether the hits will be plated (1) or unplated (0).

Fifth is whether to remove redundant data during the conversion (1=yes, 0=no).

Last is the Dcode filter string (used by setbydcode) to limit the Gerber Data to be converted. Leave blank («») and no Dcode filter is used.

Utilities > Gerber To Mill

[email protected] #

Sets a flag to attempt to repair mill path compensation issues on converted Gerber data. Has no effect if compensation of mill paths is not specified (using Edit > Change > Compensation).

1 = system will attempt to fix compensated mill paths 0 = compensated mill paths will not be fixed.


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[email protected] 6,-1,0,1,1,»»

Converts Gerber draws on layer to NC Mill paths, using these parameters:

First parameter is the Source layer number (remember macro layer numbering starts at 0).

Second parameter is the Target layer number. If -1, a new layer is created.

Third parameter is the Tool Table ID (only relevant if you are creating a new target layer). If 0, a new tool table is created.

Fourth is whether to remove redundant data during the conversion (1=yes, 0=no).

Fifth is whether to convert segmented arcs to true arcs during the process (1-yes, 0=no).

Last is the Dcode filter string (used by setbydcode) to limit the Gerber Data to be converted. Leave blank («») and no Dcode filter is used.

Utilities > NC Data To Gerber

[email protected] 8,-1

Converts NC Data to Gerber data. First parameter is the source NC Data layer. Second parameter is the Target layer (-1 if it creates a new layer).

Utilities > Netlist Extract

[email protected] lyrID

Sets the NC drill layer to use when extracting the netlist. (Must be specified).

[email protected] Type,Pads,Point,Exist,Neg

Performs the netlist extraction, using the NC drill layer from the command above:

Type is the extraction type (0=true shape, 1=centerline)

Pads defines whether to allow nets without pads (1=allow nets without pads, 0=don’t allow nets without pads).

Point defines whether to extract single point nets (1=yes, 0=no).

Exist is the treatment of existing nets (0 = augment nets, 1 = explode nets (preserve negative planes) and extract, 2 = explode nets and extract.

Neg is whether or not the negative planes are split (0=they are split. 1=they are not split). Turning this option off can significantly increase extraction speeds on non-split planes.


[email protected] 7 [email protected] 0,0,0,2,0


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Utilities > Offset Mill Path

Offset All Paths [email protected]

Starts command sequence.

[email protected] 1,0

Offsets all mill paths for the active layer.

First parameter: 0=offset the paths by half the tool diameter 1=use the current compensation value assigned to the mill tool in the NC Tool Table

Second parameter: 0=offset the path in the direction of the compensation value assigned to the mill tool in the NC Tool Table 1=offset to the left 2=offset to the right

Offset Individual Paths

Following is the macro sequence for individual path selection, with unique offset parameters for each path.

[email protected]

Starts command sequence.

[email protected] 0,1,0

Sets the offset parameter to use for the path.

First parameter value of 0 designates that no compensation information from the NC Tool Table will be used (offset information is used from the [email protected] command below instead).

Second and Third parameters are ignored.

[email protected] 48.0000,1

Specifies compensation settings for the mill path:

First parameter is the distance to offset the mill paths.

Second parameter: 0=offset to the right, 1=offset to the left.

[email protected] 1675.0000,2000.0000

Coordinates of mill path selected.

[email protected]

Ends command.

Following is the macro sequence for individual path selection, with universal offset parameters for all.


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[email protected] [email protected] 1,1,0

Sets the offset parameter to use for the path.:

First parameter: 1=use the offset parameters as designated by the remaining two parameters.

Second parameter: 0=offset the path by the tool radius 1=use the Compensation Index as defined in the NC Tool Table

Third parameter: 0=offset the path in the direction specified by the Compensation Index 1=offset to the left 2=offset to the right

[email protected] 1825.0000,1900.0000

Coordinates of mill path selected.

[email protected]


Offset All Paths

[email protected] [email protected] 0,1

Offset Individual Paths

Unique Offset

[email protected] [email protected] 0,0,1 [email protected] 100.0000,2 [email protected] 3412.4000,7892.0000 [email protected]

Universal Offset

[email protected] [email protected] 1,1,0 [email protected] 1 [email protected] 3275.1000,8098.0000 [email protected]

Utilities > Over/Under Size

[email protected]

Initiates the command.

[email protected] Template#, Target#, Amount, Over/Under


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Specifies the over/under settings to run on the selected data:

Template#: layer being over/undersized

Target#: layer over/undersized data is created on. May be existing layer, or new layer. Specify layer number if new layer.

Amount: specifies amount to over/undersize data (in user units)

Over/Under: sets flag to over or undersize data. 0=oversize, 1=undersize.

[email protected] Template#, Target#, Percent, Over/Under

Same as the above command, but allows for percentage changes of the data being over/undersized:

Template#: layer being over/undersized

Target#: layer over/undersized data is created on. May be existing layer, or new layer. Specify layer number if new layer.

Percent: specifies percent to over/undersize data. Expressed as the percent * 100, up to two decimal places (i.e. 101.5 percent is 10150)

Over/Under: sets flag to over or undersize data. 0=oversize, 1=undersize.

[email protected] 1

Specifies if SMT pads are to be over/undersized. This is a macro-only command. It does not record.

0 = all pads may be selected 1 = only pads which do not belong to a padstack are selected

Note: If used, this command turns off the selectability of draws, so if you wish for draws to also be selected, this command would have to be followed by [email protected] 1.

[email protected] -236.5000,5370.2000 [email protected] 5310.3000,-196.6000

Coordinates define the window to be processed.


By Amount

[email protected] [email protected] 0,21,5.0000,0,0 [email protected] 1 [email protected] 2268.1000,5437.4000 [email protected] 3200.7000,3240.3000

By Percent

[email protected] [email protected] 0,21,12300,0,0 [email protected] 1 [email protected] 2268.1000,5437.4000 [email protected] 3200.7000,3240.3000


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Utilities > One-Up Border To Layer

[email protected]

Initiates the command.

[email protected] Dcode#, Layer#

Specifies the One-Up Border settings to run on the border data:

Dcode#: Dcode to use for rendering the converted border graphics.

Layer#: layer to which the border data is converted. May be existing layer, or new layer. Specify 35000 if new layer.


For new layer

[email protected] [email protected] 1,35000

For existing layer

[email protected] [email protected] 1,11

Utilities > Pads To Padstack

[email protected]

This does the pads to padstack conversion. No parameters required.

Utilities > Panelization


[email protected] 0,3

Spread (0 =OFF, 1 = ON), Panelize to layer #.

[email protected] bx, by, sx, sy, 0

Border X spacing, Border Y spacing, Image spacing X, Image spacing Y, Spacing type (0=space between, 1=spacing offset). If you turn ON [email protected] below, the Image spacing and Spacing type parameters are ignored (but a value must still be specified for the macro to play properly)


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[email protected] 24000.0000,20000.0000

Maximum X and Y

[email protected] 0,10,15,15.0000

Generate border (0=no, 1=yes), generate Dcode, target layer, step off distance. The step off distance is only used if generate border is set to 1.

[email protected] 1

1 = center images in their quadrant area, 0=do not center images (use layout specified in [email protected])

[email protected] 0.0000,20000.0000,24000.0000,0.0000

The size of the Film Box. Lower left X coordinate, upper right X coordinate, upper right Y coordinate, lower left Y coordinate.

[email protected]

Generates the panel.


[email protected] 1,11 [email protected] 1000.0000,1000.0000,500.0000,500.0000,0 [email protected] 12000.0000,12000.0000 [email protected] 0,10,0,0.0000 [email protected] 1 [email protected] 0.0000,12000.0000,12000.0000,0.0000 [email protected]

Panel Editor

[email protected]

Switches to Panel Editor, where Panelization Menu commands may be used to panelize a database.

Utilities > Polygon Conversion

Draw To Raster Poly

[email protected]

Starts the process.

Selecting Polygons [email protected] -330.0000,5199.9000

Selects polygon to convert. Coordinates may be anywhere within the polygon. Subsequent coordinates may be selected to convert multiple polygons.


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[email protected]

Ends selection of polygons.

Alternately, the following command may be used to select all vector-drawn polygons on the active layer(s):

[email protected]

Filtering Apertures

This utility may use filter selections to limit the apertures in the polygons which should be converted:

[email protected] «10»

Specifies the Dcode to convert (excludes all other Dcodes).

Convert Polygons [email protected] [email protected] 1

Performs the conversion, where «0» means show prompts for excessive polygon vertices and «1» means hide prompts for excessive polygon vertices.

[email protected]

Cancels the operation on the selected data. The application reverts back to the start of the process (waiting for a polygon to be picked). This command is normally only seen when recording a macro script (and is unlikely to be used when writing a script).


[email protected] [email protected] 6433.5000,4939.7000 [email protected] «38» [email protected] [email protected]

Raster Poly To Vector Poly

[email protected]

Starts the process.

[email protected] -338.2000,5183.6000

Any point within the polygon you wish to convert. Subsequent coordinates may be selected to convert multiple polygons.

[email protected]

Ends selection of polygons to convert.

[email protected] 10

Sets the Dcode to be used to fill in the vector polygon. It also triggers the actual conversion.

[email protected]

Ends the command.


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[email protected]

Cancels the pick of a raster polygon at the stage of choosing a Dcode to fill the raster polygon. The application reverts back to the start of the process (waiting for a polygon to be picked). This command is normally only seen when recording a macro script (and is unlikely to be used when writing a script).


[email protected] [email protected] 6497.6000,5051.9000 [email protected] [email protected] 136 [email protected]

Utilities > Quick Part

[email protected]

Initiates command.

Pin Selection

Pins may be selected as inline sequences or as individual pins.

[email protected] #

Determines inline pin recognition. Inline recognition is the default for Quick Part pin selection. Use this command only if you want greater control over the individual pins being selected.

1 = Selects Inline Pin Recognition 0 = Deselects Inline Pin Recognition.

[email protected] «pin_number»

Specifies the current «pin number.» Pin numbering is normally done in an automatic numeric sequence, but you may use this command to assign specific pin numbers to pins. Should appear before the [email protected] selecting the next pin.

Parameter is a string of the new number to use. Up to 5 characters allowed.

[email protected] 0.0000,0.0000

Used to select the beginning and end pins of an inline pin sequence, or only individual pins in a part (see [email protected])

[email protected]

Ends pin selection.

Part Pattern Settings and Selection [email protected] «pattern_name»

Creates a part pattern using all the pins that have been previously assigned.

[email protected] «pattern_name»


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Select the «pattern name» as the current part to be used for pattern-matching. This can be the most recently created part, or any part in the project library. (Must be a pattern that already exists.)

[email protected] «new_pattern_name»

Changes the pattern name of the currently selected part to be the «new pattern name.»

Part Pattern Matching/Placement [email protected] «new_refdes_name»

Changes the reference designator that is currently displayed in the toolbar to «new refdes name.» Normally Ref/des number is automatically incremented when matching part patterns, but this command can be used if you wish to have complete control over the ref/des being assigned. Command must appear before the [email protected] command:

[email protected] 4500

Sets turn angle for part pattern. Angle is times 100 (45 degress = 4500).

[email protected]

Turns part pattern by the angle set in [email protected]

[email protected]

Mirrors part pattern on its axis.

[email protected] X,Y, angle, mirrored, «refdes_name»

Used to match a selected pattern to a potential part. Performs the actual part placement. May be run multiple times to place additional part instances.

X,Y = Coordinates of the first pin, for matching current pattern. Coordinates contain no decimals (multiply by 10000)

Angle = Degrees that the pattern is to be rotated around the pattern’s first pin.

Mirrored = Indicates whether the pattern is mirrored or not (0 = No, 1 = Yes).

«refdes_name» = Reference designator to be assigned to the part. («» = let system assign ref/des number).

[email protected]

Closes command.


[email protected] [email protected] 2225.0000,1550.0000 ‘Select inline pin sequence [email protected] 1875.0000,1550.0000 [email protected] 0 ‘switch to individual pin selection for next sequence [email protected] 1875.0000,1350.0000 [email protected] 1925.0000,1325.0000 [email protected] 1975.0000,1350.0000 [email protected] 2225.0000,1325.0000 [email protected] [email protected] «18smt.1» ‘name part pattern [email protected] «18smt.1″ ‘select pattern to use [email protected] 28257500,19812000,0,0,»U1″ ‘place first part [email protected] 28257500,11430000,0,0,»U2″ [email protected] 11430000,21590000,0,0,»U3» [email protected] «U4» ‘Sets next ref/des to use [email protected] 4500 ‘turn and mirror part


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[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 11430000,21590000,90,1,»U4″ [email protected]

Utilities > Segregate Drills

[email protected] SrcLyrId, SrcToolRef, TgtLyrId, TgtToolRef, Which

Separates drill hits to another layer, based on the tool reference.

SrcLyrId = Source NC Layer number (0 based)

SrcToolRef = Tool Reference of drill hits to move

TgtLyrId = Target NC Layer number (0 based)

TgtToolRef = Tool Reference to be assigned to the hits when moved to the target layer

Which = which drill hits to move: 0 = All drill hits made by SrcToolRef 1 = All plated drill hits made by SrcToolRef 2 = All unplated drill hits made by SrcToolRef

Utilities > Sort Drill Hits

[email protected] 1

Specifies if user will set the first/last drill hits in the path. 1 = yes, 0 = no.

[email protected] 0,0,50.0000,15

Specifies the search settings to use when sorting the drill hits.

First parameter is Scan Type (0 = scanx, 1 = scany, 2 = closest)

Second parameter is the Drill path Dcode (in v5.0 and earlier. Use a 0 value as a placeholder in v6.0 and later).

Third parameter is the Scan Width, in user-units

Last is the NC data layer ID (remember macro layer numbering begins at 0)

[email protected] 1200.0000,1875.0000 [email protected] 800.0000,2700.0000

If recording the function, these are the coordinates selected for the first and last drill hits. They are not necessary when playing the macro (the coordinates are taken care of in the following command).


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[email protected] 1222.2183,1877.7817,907.4061,2737.0305

Performs the sorting. These are the actual coordinates where the first and last drill hits will be (functions like snapping to an object).

[email protected]

Ends command.


[email protected] 1 [email protected] 1,0,60.0000,9 [email protected] 1224.5000,3031.0000,4626.5000,1473.0000 [email protected]

Utilities > Sort Mill Paths

[email protected]

Sorts all mill paths on the active layer(s). No parameters.

Utilities > Step and Repeat Image Order

[email protected] SROrderSequence

Specifies the NC output pattern order for Panelized stepped images.

Values for SROrderSequence:

0 — left to right, then top to bottom 1 — left to right, then bottom to top 2 — right to left, then top to bottom 3 — right to left, then bottom to top 4 — top to bottom, then left to right 5 — top to bottom, then right to left 6 — bottom to top, then left to right 7 — bottom to top, then right to left

[email protected] 1

Specifies NC output format will include step and repeat instructions for Excellon and Seib&Meyer formats. 1 = yes, 0 = no.


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Utilities > Teardrop

[email protected]

Starts the teardrop command.

[email protected] #,#,#

Specifies the teardrop settings to use:

The first # is the function to use: 0 = delete teardrops 1 = use pad teardrops 2 = use line teardrops

The second # is the percent to multiply the radius for line teardrops (not used for pads teardrops). Maximum value is 400 (400%).

The third # controls the DRC (0=don’t do DRC, 1=do DRC).

[email protected] X,Y [email protected] X,Y

Defines the rectangular selection window to process. (Coordinates of two opposite corners of the rectangle)


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View Menu Macros

View > All

[email protected]

Zooms out to view extents of design.

View > Back Side

[email protected] #

Useful for viewing solder side of design. 1 = view back side of data 0 = normal view

View > Composite

[email protected]

This is a toggle, meaning that each time the command is executed it changes the state from normal to composite view. You may change the composite being viewed using [email protected] command.

View > Film Box

[email protected]

Views the extents of the filmbox on screen (shows placement of data within box). This is a toggle, meaning

All Layer Bar Status Bar

Back Side Out Tool Bar

Composite Pan Tool Bar Help

Film Box Panoramic Window

Fixture Extent Redraw With Compensation

In Rotate


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that each time the command is executed it changes the state from filmbox on/off.

View > Fixture Extent

[email protected] [email protected] -3000.0000,-3000.0000 [email protected] 8000.0000,8000.0000 [email protected]

Views a test fixture on screen. Coordinates are the opposite corners of a window drawn around the test fixture, so that the entire fixture appears in the workspace, zoomed-in as closely as possible.

These coordinates may be obtained in this manner: use the height and width value assigned to the test fixture by your macro by the [email protected] & [email protected] commands, determine the centerpoint of the database by using the database extent queries, and add or subtract 1/2 of the width/height value from this centerpoint to obtain the end coordinates:


[email protected] is 20 inches (20000 mils) [email protected] is 22 inches (22000 mils)

visminx! & viminy! are 0, 0 and vismaxx! & vismaxy! are 10,10 inches (1000,1000 mils) — giving a center point of 5,5 inches (500,500 mils)

To determine the lower-left corner of the view window: subtract half the width (10 inches) from 5X and half the height (11 inches) from 5Y, which yields a lower left point of -5,-6 inches.

Repeating same process for upper corner results in an upper coordinate of 15, 16 inches.

Finished [email protected] would look like this:

[email protected] [email protected] -5000.0000,-6000.0000 [email protected] 15000.0000,16000.0000 [email protected]

View > In

[email protected] [email protected] 1875.0000,4050.0000 [email protected]

Zooms database view in one level, at given coordinates. Commands may be repeated to zoom further levels.


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View > Layer Bar

[email protected]

Turns layer bar off /on. This is a toggle, meaning that each time the command is executed it changes the state.

View > Out

[email protected] [email protected] 2525.0000,3950.0000 [email protected]

Zooms database view out one level, at given coordinates. Commands may be repeated to zoom further levels. (opposite of View > In command).

View > Pan

[email protected] [email protected] 4700.0000,3475.0000 [email protected]

View > Panoramic

[email protected]

Opens a view window showing the database in relation to the workspace. This is a toggle, meaning that each time the command is executed it changes the state.

View > Redraw

[email protected]


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Refreshes all data on screen.

View > Rotate

[email protected] #

Will show the view of your data rotated counterclockwise by the # of degrees specified: 0, 90, 180, 270. (0 sets it to the normal view.)

View > Status Bar

[email protected]

Turns the Status bar on or off. This is a toggle, meaning that each time the command is executed it changes the state.

View > Tool Bar

[email protected]

Turns the toolbar on or off. This is a toggle, meaning that each time the command is executed it changes the state.

View > Tool Bar Help

[email protected]

Turns tool bar help display on and off. This is a toggle, meaning that each time the command is executed it changes the state.

View > Window


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[email protected] [email protected] 1375.0000,5350.0000 [email protected] 3300.0000,3175.0000 [email protected]

Zooms workspace to a designated rectangular area of the database. The coordinates given represent the two opposite corners of the rectangle being viewed.

View > With Compensation

There are no macro commands for this feature.


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Sample Macros Provided with the CAM350 Software

To show the versatility of the macro language, as well as to help our customers increase their productivity, several macros (.SCR files) are provided with the application. Following is a brief description of each file. We recommend you open any macro you wish to use in a text editor to view any comments that appear in them. These comments contain instructions and descriptions of sections in the macros.

Apersort-V7.scr Script sorts all apertures in the database, as well as compressing the aperture table to remove unused apertures.

Autodim.scr This script allows the user to add mechanical dimensions to a database using either linear or datum techniques.

ColorControl.scr This script allows the user to set the layer colors automatically by layer type.

Drl_lgnd.scr Creates a drill «legend» table of all the used drill tools in the NC Tool Table.

Layerord.scr This macro scans the layer tags and builds the proper stack up.

Pads_drill.scr PADS outputs a separate drill table from their drill file. This script reads in the table file (*.rep) and sets the NC Tool Table based on that information.

ShowEachLayer.scr Allows the user to examine the individual layers in a design by toggling through them, displaying only the active layer.

Simple1.scr An example of a record/play back macro.

Simple2.scr A simple macro that asks the user questions.

Simple3.scr A macro demonstrating the capabilities of macro Forms.

Textins.scr This Macro will read any ASCII text file and insert the text into a database at a location chosen by the user.


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Obsolete Macros and Their New Equivalents

As the CAM350 software has evolved, it has been necessary to replace old macro commands and database queries with new ones. In order to assist users who are using scripts that contain those macros, following is a list of obsolete macros & database queries, and their new equivalent command(s). The hyperlinks will take you to the Macro Language Guide topic where the alternative macro command is discussed.

ALL Editors

CAM Editor

Obsolete Macro Alternative

l Composite layer type (macro layer type 5)


l Plated Drill layer type (macro layer type 9)

Replaced by NC Data layer (21)

l Mill layer type (macro layer type 10)

Replaced by NC Data layer (21)

l Unplated Drill layer type (macro layer type 15)

Replaced by NC Data layer (21)

l [email protected] [email protected]

Obsolete Macro Alternative

l [email protected] l [email protected]

[email protected]

l [email protected] l [email protected]

[email protected]

l [email protected] [email protected]

l [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] See Analysis > DRC

l [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] See Analysis > DRC

l [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] See Analysis > DRC

l [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] See Analysis > DRC

l [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] See Analysis > DRC

l [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] See Analysis > DRC

l [email protected] [email protected] See Analysis > DRC


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Panel Creation

The Panel Editor allows for the fast creation of efficiently-panelized designs, complete with test coupons, registration holes, vent patterns, title boxes, etc. (generated using the new Symbol Editor) The original one-up design, and the panelized result, are separate entities that can be manipulated at any time before, during, and even after the process.

This tutorial provides you with an overview of how to use the Panel Editor. Each setup you create may be saved as a file that can be used to panelize subsequent jobs. Multiple panel formats can be saved for later execution as «one button», fully-automatic routines. Or you can chose to prepare individualized panels on a job by job basis: the flexibility exists for both approaches.

Note: It is highly recommended you read and complete the Symbol Creation tutorial before reading this tutorial, as a number of the symbols created in the Symbol tutorial are used to set up your example panel.

Creating a Panel

Panelizing a Job

Creating a Panel

A panel can be generated using the Panelization Menu commands in the Panel Editor. Each menu command controls a specific area of the panel, from setting up the panel’s physical layout to actually generating the panelized images and creating the venting patterns. The panel setup may be reconfigured at any time, even after panelization has occurred.

Setup Symbols

Before beginning a Panel Setup it is advisable to create all the symbols you are likely to require in your panel(s). Symbols, such as coupons, will be placed at fixed locations in the panel during a panel set up. They may be placed on an individual basis when, you actually panelize a job (using Add > Symbol), but it is generally preferred you have a symbol library available for the variety of panels you are likely to need to set up: most shops have a fixed set of symbols they use for their panels.

If you completed the manual symbol creation section of the Symbol Creation tutorial, you will already have a symbol library to draw from for this tutorial.

Setup Panel

It’s best to begin a fresh panel setup with no database loaded in the application. This will give you a blank slate to work on. Enter the Panel Editor using Tools > Panel Editor. In the editor you will notice a number of similar functions to the CAM Editor — this is intended to give you much of the functionality of the main editor for all panel-level data. Note that panel data includes such things as symbols, venting patterns, etc, but doesn’t not include the data (draws, flashes, drills, etc). in the one-up image you are panelizing. Once in the Panel Editor, you will not be able to make edits to the database itself without a) exiting to the CAM Editor (all changes there will reflect in the Panel Editor) or b) exploding the Panel using Edit > Change > Explode > Flatten Panel (once you explode a panel, however, there is no recourse! The panelized data will lose its panel intelligence and become one-up data, not step & repeat images).

Inside the Panel Editor you will notice 3 buttons on the toolbar: Setup, Create and Venting. (These commands are also available in the Panelization menu). These buttons show the basic steps needed to panelize a job. . Begin by clicking Setup.

This tutorial does not exhaustively cover each individual command in the Setup dialog, but will go over all the required steps to make a generic panel setup. For more information, see Panelization > Setup.

Set Panel Size

You will need to set the panel size for your generic panel. Size may be set as a function of the specific boards your shop receives, or as a general size for all jobs. The Size Tab allows you to set this information, as well as the spacing clearances for all step & repeat data in the panel.


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1. Set the panel size to 12″ x 12″

2. Border spacing controls the minimum distance step images will be created from the panel border. Set this value to 2″

If you want to custom tailor this border spacing for your panel, check the Advanced box and enter spacing values from all four sides of the panel.

3. Set the image spacing value to .5″. This controls how close step images may be generated in a panel, allowing you to maximize the panelized images or leave adequate clearance for venting patterns. Your panel will now look like this:

Note: Use the checkbox Automatically Update FilmBox to keep the Film Box definition in sync with the Panelization box definition. The default is to keep the Film Box and Panelization Box matched. If you chose not to keep the Film Box and Panelization Box in sync, you can use the Edit > Change > Origin commands to manage the panel origin and film box origin separately. Use the File > Setup > Film Box command to define the size and location of the film box.

Add Pinning Holes

Pinning Holes are the most basic Symbol used to set up your panel. Each fabrication shop typically has its own pinning hole unique to its production processes. For our purposes, set up a generic series of holes, as outlined below:

1. Click on the Pinning Hole tab

2. Click the Add button to select a pinning hole Symbol to use in the panel. Use the symbol «pinhole». This is available in the Symbol tutorial library (this library should already be set in your application from the Symbol Creation tutorial; if not, see the tutorial for how to specify the symbol library to use).

3. Now you’ll need to set the placement points for the pinning hole you’re adding. You may set these as absolute or relative coordinates from the edge of the panel. Use the coordinates for the first pinning hole below, then use Add again to insert an additional 4 holes, at the given coordinates:

Relative coordinate mode allows you to set the pinning holes a given distance from the edge of the panel, regardless of the panel size — the symbols will move automatically should you change the size.

Hole #1 Hole #2 Hole #3 Hole #4 Hole #5

x1″, y5″

x1″, y6″

x6″, y1″

x11″,y6″ x5″,y11″


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Note: You can also set the rotation of each pinning hole by using the Rotation drop-down list. However, rotations are limited to 90 degree increments and may only be useful for special pinning hole designs.

4. Pinning holes may be added as Primary (plated) or Secondary (unplated/tented) drill hits by checking the appropriate box. When done, your panel preview should look like this:

Add Fiducials

Fiducials are required for film alignment/collation. The process and commands are essentially the same as for Pinning Holes, with the exception of the drill settings — fiducials have no drills, so these commands do not apply to them.

1. Click on the Fiducial tab.

2. Click the Add button to select a fiducial symbol to use in the panel: use «fiducial» from the symbol library.

3. Place several fiducials around the panel., as indicated by these coordinates:

When done, your panel preview should look like this:

Add Title Block

Hole #1 Hole #2

x7″, y1″ x5″, y11″


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The Title Block tab is used to enter your title block. Commands are the same as for Pinning Holes and Fiducials, again with no need for a drill option. The title block in our sample panel will be offset from the lower left corner.

1. Click on the Title Block tab.

2. Click the Add button to select a title block Symbol to use in the panel: use «title_block».

3. Place your Title Block at x2.5″, y1.4″. When done, your panel preview should look something like this:

Add Coupons

Finally, add the coupon(s) required for your panel. For our example panel, we will use one drill coupon, offset from the lower right corner.

1. Click on the Coupons tab.

2. Click the Add button to select a coupon Symbol to use in the panel: use «firstlast».

3. Place your Coupon at x11″, y3″. Select Primary from the NC Layer check boxes, to make sure these drill hits will be plated hits.

4. In this case, we also need to rotate the coupon to avoid overrunning the step images: use a 90 degree rotation. When done, your panel preview should look something like this:


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Save & Load Panel Setup —

Once you’ve verified that all symbols have been added correctly, it’s time to save the final panel. You can save any number of panel setups in the application directory, under the *.pan extension. These setups can be loaded for any design you wish to panelize. You may make case by case adjustments to the setups as necessary, and still be assured that you have a clean copy saved for future jobs.

1. Click the Save button. The Save Setup As dialog box appears with a list of all current panel setups.

2. Type a setup name in the top field (it isn’t necessary to add the .pan extension — the system will assign it automatically) or select a previous panel setup from the list, if you wish to overwrite it. For this tutorial, add the new panel setup as «tutorial.pan»

3. You may now test the saved setup by exiting the Setup dialog and reopening it. Notice the dialog box still shows the current setup you were working on.

4. Change the panel size to 24″ x 20″.

5. Click Load and select «tutorial.pan». The size values you changed will be overwritten by the saved panel setup.

Panelizing a Job

Now that you’ve created your basic panel setup, you’re ready to begin panelizing a job. Panelization involves adding the desired step images to your panel, as well as setting up venting patterns and exporting the final result.

Import Gerbers and Prepare Database

It is assumed you know how to import and prepare standard Gerber files. If not, refer to the Import > Gerber Data and Tables > Layers commands to import and tag your files properly. To panelize a sample design in this tutorial, please use either the sample Gerber files located in the application’s Demos directory (use must import & prep these), or use the sample .CAM database, preview.cam, under the same directory (this file has been prepped).

In addition to the normal file preparation, you must set some panel-specific items:

Panelization Anchor

Each step image in the Panel Editor has a «handle» or anchor which will be used to place the image in the panel, as well as calculate rotations, etc. This anchor point is set in the CAM Editor, using Edit > Change > Origin > Panelization Anchor. You may assign the point anywhere within the one-up image. The anchor point appears on screen briefly to show you its new location, but disappears after you exit the command.

You only need to set the anchor point if you want to change its default location — if no new anchor is set in the CAM Editor, the origin point (0,0) is assumed to also be the panel anchor in the Panel Editor. For our purposes, leaves this as the default.


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One-Up Border

In addition to an anchor, each step image has a «border» which acts as the outline when calculating panel spacing between images, as well as protecting the step images from venting patterns. This border defaults to a rectangular shape around the extents of the one-up image in the CAM Editor (visible as a bounding box in the Panel Editor).

If you have a complex board outline you wish to use for this purpose, you can set the border to a specific shape using the Utilities > Draw To One-Up Border command in the CAM Editor. The command allows you to select any continuous line on the database’s «border» layer as the one-up border. In the case of preview.cam, we’ll stick with the default border.

Layer Stackup

The layer stackup controls the placement of symbol data on specific layers in your panel. If you don’t select a layer stackup for your job, you will be prompted to enter one before you can create your panel. It’s a good idea to get into the habit of setting your layer stackup prior to entering the Panel Editor, using Tables > Layer Sets > Layer Stackup. If you do forget, you may also set the layer stackup under the same command in the Panel Editor, at any time prior to panelization. A typical stackup may look like this (use this for preview.cam):

See also the Symbol Creation tutorial.

Viewing Step Images

While working on a panel, you have a few options on how to display the step images contained in the panel. As a default, step images appear as a rectangular box with the number of the step image inside. This indicates that step images themselves cannot be edited in the Panel Editor (you cannot change the contents of a step image). If you’d like to get a more visual representation of the step images, in the Panel Editor you may select Settings > View Options > View Circuit Images, which displays all internal data in each step image. This gives you a better feel for how the data in each image orients compared to its neighbors.

However, on larger step images, this amount of graphical data in the panel can slow redraw times significantly. In those cases you may select the BitBlt Circuit Images view option under the main View Circuit Images option — this will redraw step images in a much faster mode. The trade-off is in accuracy: while the normal mode displays all data as it exists in the step images, this mode is less graphically accurate, depending on screen resolution, etc., so is better suited for getting an overview of the data, rather than a 100% accurate image.

Load Panel Setup

Once you’ve prepared the database, you’re ready for panelization. Go to the Panel Editor and select the Setup button from the toolbar or Panelization > Setup from the menus. You’ll be loading the sample panel you created, so hit the Load button and select «tutorial.pan»

If you needed to make adjustments to the panel setup (increase panel size, etc). you can make those changes now. For this tutorial, leave the setup as is, and exit the dialog.


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NOTE: CAM350 supports alternatives for importing Panel Template data. In the Panel Editor, you are able to import Gerber data using the File > Import > Gerber Data command. You can import drill and mill data using File > Import > Drill Data and File > Import > Mill Data. Further, you can merge panel data template using the File > Merge Panel command.

Create Panel

The Create command places the step images in the panelized job, much as the old command Utilities > Panelization > Panelize did in previous versions of the software, but allows more flexible control over the images.

You can choose to allow the system to calculate some of the values in the panel: either 1) the image offset values, or 2) the number of step images in the panel. Unlike the old command, you can specify rotations for the images, or use SpreadSheet mode to have complete control over the placements of each individual step image.

Note: When switching between AutoCalc and SpreadSheet modes, be aware that all changes you made in one mode will be discarded when you switch to another mode! You cannot return and expect your previous values to remain.

AutoCalc Mode

By default Create operates in AutoCalc mode, in which the system generates some of the values in the panelized job. As noted, these are the between/offset values for the images, or the number of step images in the panel. Rotation will allow you to change the orientation of the step images, but only works on all step images and only in 90 degree increments.

1. Determine if you wish to have the system calculate Panel Size, Border Spacing, Image Spacing or Number of Copies and select the appropriate Compute radio button.

2. If you selected Copies, you will need to fill in the Spacing information:

Between Select the x & y spacing between the panelization borders of the step images

Offset Specify an offset distance between the data in the step images themselves (i.e. trace to trace)

3. Set the Between Spacing values at .5″

4. If you had selected Copies, you would have specified the number of copies in the x- & y-axis: the results of your selections appear in the panel preview.

5. You may also set the angle of the step images. Click on the 90 degree radio button and notice how the


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images all rotate to the new position. (In this case the rotation doesn’t yield any extra step images in the panel).

6. If you need to make any adjustments to the panel Setup, click the Setup button — this brings up the Setup dialog box, where you can make changes as described in the first section of this tutorial.

7. When you have set all the step image values, click the Create button to generate the panelized job:

SpreadSheet Mode

Spreadsheet mode allows you complete control over the placement of step images in the panel, but requires more finesse than AutoCalc mode. You must set the x,y placement of each step image individually. You can set each image’s Rotation to any angle, though you will need to keep an eye on superimposing one image over another accidentally.

1. SpreadSheet mode displays a table of the current images in the panel. You may set the values for any of the image’s characteristics by typing in the appropriate field. All coordinate values are absolute from the panel origin (always the lower left corner of the panel). As a demonstration we’ll be changing step images 1-4 in this tutorial panel.

image 1 — set the rotation to 90 degrees and placement to x 4″,y 2″

image 2 — leave the rotation, but set the spacing to x 3.9″, y 2″

image 3 — set rotation to 90 degrees and x 10″, y 2″

image 4 — finally, leave rotation, but set location to x 3.9″, y 3.9″

Your final panel image should appear like this:


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2. Notice the orientation change did not give more space in this case, as the step images were only reorganized. However there will be many cases where turning the images will free up additional space on the panel for more step images.

In those cases, you can use the Add Image button to add additional images to the table: you will need to set the rotation and location of the new image as you did for the others.

3. If you wish to decrease the number of step images in a panel, use the Delete Image button. A selection dialog appears in which you can select individual or multiple step images (using the Shift or Ctrl keys) for deletion.

4. Click the Create button to generate the panelized job:

Add Variable Text


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The next step is to define any Variable Text in your panel’s symbols. Variable Text is a form of variable name that you can replace with information in a panelized job. See the Symbol Creation tutorial for more information on this topic.

1. Select Tables > Variable Text. The dialog will show all currently-defined variable text in the left-hand selection list. You should see a list of all the variable text in the Symbol «title_block»:

Note: preview.cam has no internal or positive layers. Therefore you do not need to fill in the Variable Text pertaining to these layer types — symbols contain all potential Variable Text, even those variables used on layers which don’t exist in the current job. These entries cannot be deleted, as they are part of the original Symbol’s layout.

2. Fill in all the pertinent Variable Text in the dialog. Click on the text in the left-hand selection area and the definition area to the right will activate.

Simply click in the definition area and begin typing your text. Use these values:

3. Once you finish entering all of the Variable Text values, click OK to save the entries. All the Variable Text contained in the title block will now be updated to the new definitions. Turn on layer 1 (top layer) for example and view the results:

Each Variable Text entry has been replaced with its new definition. Toggle through the layers to make sure all variable text is as you want it, and go on to the next process.

Add Venting

date today’s date and time

job_no Job# 1234

layer_no_bot Layer 4

layer_no_neg_1 Layer 2

layer_no_top Layer 1

layer_type_bot bottom

layer_type_neg1 negative

layer_type_top top

Rev Rev A


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You will now be adding venting to your panel. The Panel Editor make allowances for most major venting styles and gives you complete control of each vent pattern on a layer-by-layer basis. Venting patterns may include solid vents, dot-pattern and hatched vents, as well as robber bars to equalize the copper balance.

Positive Venting

This type of venting should be used on all positive layers (top, bottom, internal, etc). In preview.cam we will be adding positive venting to the top and bottom layers.

Note: If you want your pattern to vent up to the border of each step image, be sure to set the one-up border as described above.

1. Select Venting. Notice you have a choice of units to work in: Inches, MMs, or mils. Select mils.

2. In the upper left, under Vents, use Add to enter a new venting pattern.

3. Add the details of the vent pattern:

Offset from Panel Edge controls how close the venting will come to the edge of the panel. Set this value to 2000 mils (same as our panel border spacing — 2″).

Offset from Images determines how close venting comes to step images. Use 50 mils — we want to get relatively close.

Offset from Symbols Set this to 5 mils.

Pattern This drop-down list allows you to select a dot, hatched, or solid pattern. Pick Dot. Notice the Polarity field highlights and a spread sheet for setting the pattern is opened.

Polarity Set this to Positive.

No Partials This check box determines if the vent pattern will include only whole dots. If this is selected the venting pattern for the layer will be generated as a polygon — much the same way venting was created in older versions of the application — leaving clearance areas around each step image’s border. For our purposes, leave this unchecked.

Tip: If you select the No Partials option, you must use Offset From Images and Offset from Symbols values of at least half the shape’s Width to insure the shape does not overlap the image edge. For example, if you choose a round dot pattern with 0.06 width, the offset values should be at least 0.03.

Spread Sheet The dot pattern spreadsheet is set to the default pattern, using a 60 mil round aperture. Leave these default values, but change the shape used to Square with the drop-down list.

4. Add the layers that will use this venting pattern: in Layers selection area (lower left), use the Add button and select the top and bottom layers from the Layer List dialog box which appears. Your final venting pattern should look like this:


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5. Click OK to exit the command.

6. Turn on only layer 1 (top). The venting will appear like this:

Robber Bars

Robber bars (or galvanic vents) are often added to top and bottom layers to balance the copper between them, preventing over etching from occurring. You’ll need to determine the existing copper balance before attempting to fix it using robber bars. This can be done using the Analysis > Copper Area command. Once you’ve determined that information, you can either calculate out the needed copper to be added, and determine the subsequent size of the robber bars to add, or do some trial and error additions of robber bars until the balance is


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For our purposes, you’ll be adding a fixed bar size, assuming the design you’re panelizing has no significant copper difference between the two layers.

1. Select the Panelization > Venting command.

2. Under Vents, click Add to add a new pattern.

3. Select the Pattern first: pick Solid. Notice that the Robber Bar option appears in the upper right, and the Polarity dropdown list is grayed out. Click the Robber Bar check box.

4. Set the Offsets for the venting pattern:

Offset from Panel Edge controls how close the venting will come to the edge of the panel. Set this value to 1000 mils.

Robber Bar Width Notice that this field has changed from the «Offset from Images» settings. It now determines how wide the robber bar being added is. Set this to 1000 mils, or a 1″ robber bar.

Offset from Symbols Set this to 5 mils.

5. Under Layers, select top and bottom from the list. Your final Robber Bar pattern should look like this:

6. Click OK. The top layer will now display the robber bar at the edge of the previous venting pattern:


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Notice how the bars clearance around all Symbols — the symbol border protects the symbols from venting patterns.

Negative Venting

Negative venting is used on all layers which will be plotted with reverse polarity (negative planes). You will be adding this venting to the two negative layers in the design.

As with positive venting, setting the one-up border allows you to vent to the exact shape of the board’s outline.

Negative layers should take advantage of the Offset command to stagger their venting patterns, allowing them to interlock and perform better venting.

1. Select Panelization > Venting.

2. In the upper left, under Vents, use Add to enter a new venting pattern.

3. We will add the negative venting for the first negative layer in the database (layer 2):

Offset From Panel Edge Set to 900 mils

Offset From Images Set to 0.

Offset From Symbols Set to 5 mils.

Pattern Select Hatched pattern. (The hatch-pattern spreadsheet appears).

Polarity Set to Negative.

Spread Sheet You can set the hatch-pattern spreadsheet to any desired combination of hatched lines (again


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similar to old versions of the application). Set the hatch pattern to a single 45 degree line: Width 200 mils, Step 500 mils, and Angle 45 degree.

Your final venting pattern should look like this:

4. Under Layers, select only layer 2. The first hatch pattern is done.

5. Create the second, offset hatch pattern for layer 3. The settings are the same as above, with these exceptions:

Polarity Set to Positive.

Click the Offset check box.

6. Add layer 3 to the pattern:

7. Click OK to generate the two patterns:


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Notice how the two layers interlock their venting patterns.

8. The patterns are not complete yet. They appear correct since they are displayed in positive mode. Use the N key to toggle each layer’s polarity and you’ll see the hatch patterns have created dead-ends for the venting just at the border offset of the panel. To fix this, you must add positive venting where the hatched venting meets the border offset zone, creating a flow area for the venting. To do so, place a Robber Bar on both negative layers, with these settings:

Robber Bar Width 1000 mils

Offset from Symbols 5 mils

9. Select both negative layers in the Layers > Add command.

10. Click OK. The new robber bars will appear positive, but using the N-key you can see they created the desired clearance area:


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Save Database

Before you begin exporting files, it’s a good idea to Save your design as a .CAM file. This assures all panel and symbol information used in your panelized job will remain with the original design — you can refer back to the .CAM file to make any changes to the panel without having to start the panelization process over again.

You may save your file in the Panel Editor by using File > Save PCB or File > Save As PCB, or exit to the CAM Editor and save it as you would normally.

In the Panel Editor, if you wish to overwrite the original preview.cam file (not recommended), select File > Save PCB. Skip this step, as you should retain the original preview.cam file for other demonstration purposes.


Use File > Save As PCB, which functions the same as the File > Save As command in the CAM Editor. The Save As dialog appears and you are prompted to enter a name for a new file: use «preview_panel.cam»

Export Panel

Once you have completed the panel creation process, it’s time to export the files for plotting. There are several export options in the Panel Editor. Once you have panelized a job you may export it as individual files (Gerber data, composites, drill & mill data), or as a complete panel to some CAD systems (DXF, ODB++, GenCAD).

Export Gerber

Exporting a panel as Gerber files is essentially the same as exporting individual layers using the standard File > Export Gerber Data command. Refer to the File > Export Panel > Gerber Data command for details, with the following caveats:


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Panel Gerber layers will be flattened on export: all symbol and panel data will be exploded and exported as normal Gerber data, while the step & repeat codes for the step images themselves will be retained (if exported in a Gerber format other than 274D). If you reimport these files, you will not get an intelligent panelized database, as you do by saving the .CAM file.

Layers containing venting patterns will be exported as composites. If imported back into the application, they appear as multi-layer composites, which must be viewed using View > Composite or Tables > Composites.

Export Composites

If your panel contains any composites from the original one-up design, you must export these using File > Export Panel > Composites. Again, this command is essentially the same as the CAM Editor equivalent, with the exceptions noted above.

Export Drill/Mill Data

NC Data files are exported in the same fashion as they are in the CAM Editor, with the exception that the drill/mill files will contain any panel drills (from symbols, etc), as well as all drills used in the step images of the panel.

Refer to File > Export Panel > Drill Data & File > Export Panel > Mill Data for details.

Export DXF

Functions the same as its CAM Editor equivalent.

Refer to File > Export Panel > DXF for details.

Export ODB++

Functions the same as its CAM Editor equivalent.

Refer to File > Export Panel > ODB++ for details.


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Overview of the Panelization Process

The Panelization Menu commands are used to create a multiple-board array for manufacturing. Since Panelization uses Step & Repeat codes, it does not make the database any larger than the one-up image. You can «explode» a panel into raw data using Edit > Change > Explode > Flatten Panel. However, this will increase the database size.

All editing of panelized data (and the panel itself), must be made in the Panel Editor.

Prior to panelizing a database, it is assumed that the operator has prepared the data for being panelized. Please be sure to follow the steps below to properly panelize data:

Command Sequence:

In the CAM Editor

1. Import all the Gerber layers or import a CAD design.

2. Make sure all the layers are «tagged.» Refer to Tables > Layers for instructions on how to tag your layers.

3. Use the Edit > Layers > Reorder command to set the layer sequence. Although not specifically required, it helps production if all your jobs have the same «stackup». This is also a good time to set the layer colors to match your internal standard.

4. Make sure that any data outside the one-up image is deleted.

All data will be panelized, so make sure templates and title boxes are removed. Use Edit > Layers > Remove to remove any layers that do not pertain to the result.

5. Use Tools > Panel Editor to open the Panel Editor

In the Panel Editor

1. If you will be adding symbols to the panel, you first need to create those using the Symbol Editor.

2. Select Panelization > Setup. The Panel Setup dialog box appears.

3. After setting up the panel configuration, use Panelization > Create to generate a panel for your specific database.

4. Select Panelization > Venting to generate a venting pattern for your panel.

5. After the panelization process is complete, save your panel using the File > Save PCB or File > Save As PCB commands, or export the panel for manufacture, using the variety of options under the File > Export Panel command.

6. When you are finished with the panelization process, select File > Exit Panel Editor or the Return To CAM Editor button (on the Task Bar) to exit the Panel Editor.


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Overview of the Panelization Process

The Panelization Menu commands are used to create a multiple-board array for manufacturing. Since Panelization uses Step & Repeat codes, it does not make the database any larger than the one-up image. You can «explode» a panel into raw data using Edit > Change > Explode > Flatten Panel. However, this will increase the database size.

All editing of panelized data (and the panel itself), must be made in the Panel Editor.

Prior to panelizing a database, it is assumed that the operator has prepared the data for being panelized. Please be sure to follow the steps below to properly panelize data:

Command Sequence:

In the CAM Editor

1. Import all the Gerber layers or import a CAD design.

2. Make sure all the layers are «tagged.» Refer to Tables > Layers for instructions on how to tag your layers.

3. Use the Edit > Layers > Reorder command to set the layer sequence. Although not specifically required, it helps production if all your jobs have the same «stackup». This is also a good time to set the layer colors to match your internal standard.

4. Make sure that any data outside the one-up image is deleted.

All data will be panelized, so make sure templates and title boxes are removed. Use Edit > Layers > Remove to remove any layers that do not pertain to the result.

5. Use Tools > Panel Editor to open the Panel Editor

In the Panel Editor

1. If you will be adding symbols to the panel, you first need to create those using the Symbol Editor.

2. Select Panelization > Setup. The Panel Setup dialog box appears.

3. After setting up the panel configuration, use Panelization > Create to generate a panel for your specific database.

4. Select Panelization > Venting to generate a venting pattern for your panel.

5. After the panelization process is complete, save your panel using the File > Save PCB or File > Save As PCB commands, or export the panel for manufacture, using the variety of options under the File > Export Panel command.

6. When you are finished with the panelization process, select File > Exit Panel Editor or the Return To CAM Editor button (on the Task Bar) to exit the Panel Editor.

Panelization > Setup

The Setup command creates a panel configuration, by setting the placement of the symbol and structure of a panel. Each tab in the dialog box controls a separate set of information for the panel you create. All tabs display a preview window which allows you to view the proposed layout for the panel. In addition, each tab allows you to specify the unit format for the placement values of the symbols (either in Inches or MMs).

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Note: You may click Cancel at any time during the Panel Setup to quit this function; however any panel settings you have made will not be recorded.

Command Sequence:

1. Select Panelization > Setup, or click the Setup button in the Tool Bar. The Panel Setup dialog box appears.

2. Select the tab for the area you wish to modify.

Size This section allows you to control the physical size and layout of your panel. Panel size may be set, as well as the spacing multiple images on the panel must maintain from the Panel Border (and from each other).

Coupons You can add various types of coupons to the panel using this section. These coupons may include text, drill coupons, etc. You can determine the location of the coupon, either relative to the panel border, or absolute from the lower left corner of the panel, as well as the rotation of the coupon relative to the panel border. Each coupon must be placed as an individual instance — in other words, if your panel needs four drill coupons in all corners, each coupon must be placed individually.

Title Block You can add a title block to a panel using this section. A title block is a block of text which states particular information about the panel being produced. It generally lists the operator, number of layers, job & revision, date of manufacture, as well which particular layer of the panel is on the film.

Location and placement controls are the same as for the Coupons Tab.

Pinning Hole These are manufacturing holes necessary to hold the panel for drilling or routing operations. This tab allows you to place an unplated drill hit in the location appropriate to your manufacturing process. Again, placement controls are similar to the previous two tab controls.

Fiducial Use this section to place one or more fiducials to assist in the manual alignment of film. Similar controls to the other tabs exist to allow you to specify the placement point(s) for the fiducials.

3. For the Size Tab, you are given choices to set the physical properties of the panel and its multiple images:

4. Set the Panel Size by entering values in the for the X and Y coordinates in the Panel text boxes.

Note: Panel sizes up to 56″ (~1422mm) per side are handled normally. Above that range, the panel origin defaults to the center of the panel. Such panel sizes require the use of a special photoplotter to plot the panel.

l Define the Border Spacing . For more complete control of the border spacing, check the Advanced check box and specify the exact spacing of the border for all four orientations: Left, Right, Top & Bottom.

l Minimum Image Spacing controls the minimum distance multiple designs must maintain from one another. Type the distance in the two text boxes.

4. For all Other Tabs, the selection list on the left displays all (if any) currently used symbols in the panel.

5. To add a symbol to this list, click the Add button. The Select Symbol dialog box appears. Select the specific symbol in the list which appears below the symbol type buttons: a preview of the symbol you select appears in the upper right corner of the dialog. If this symbol is correct, click the OK button. Otherwise make another selection, or click Cancel to return to the Panel Setup dialog box.

l Once you have selected a symbol to insert in the panel, you need to specify its placement in the panel.

Absolute placement allows you to specify the symbol’s placement relative to the lower left corner of the panel.

Relative placement lets you to place the symbol offset from a specific edge of the panel, as determined by the selection buttons. These buttons control the symbol distance relative to the horizontal (Left, Center, & Right) and vertical (Top, Middle & Bottom) panel edges. Enter an offset distance for the symbol from each of these

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Rotation can be used to specify the orientation of the symbol, relative to the placement point selected for it in the panel.

NC Layer is only available for coupon and pinning hole symbols: this allows you to set the NC drill layer to use for drilling these type of coupons. Use the radio button to select Primary (plated) or Secondary (unplated/tented).

l To remove a symbol you no longer want in the panel, select the symbol from the list and click Delete.

5. Click OK to close the dialog box.

Related Macro Command(s)

Panelization > Create

After setting up a panel configuration using the Panelization > Setup command, use the Create command to generate a panel for the current design loaded in the application. This command allows you to specify the orientation of the images in the panel and automatically calculates either the number of image copies in the panel, or a logical offset based on an arbitrary number of images which you enter.

Note: Click Cancel at any time during the Panel Create to quit this function; however, any panel settings you have made will not be recorded.

Command Sequence:

1. Select Panelization > Create, or click the Create button on the Tool Bar. The Parameters dialog box appears.

2. The panel size and border spacing are in the upper left corner of the dialog box. As in the Panelization > Setup command, a preview pane to the upper right displays the current configuration of the panel. This are updated as you change the panel settings.

3. Specify the units for the panel by selecting the Inches or MMs radio button.

4. Select the desired Image Rotation for the orientation of the panelized images: 0, 90, 180, or 270 degrees counter-clockwise.

5. Underneath the Image Rotation is the AutoCalculate area. Click the Compute toggle button to specify which of the major panel elements you would like the command to calculate for you:

l If your selection is Spacing, the command determines the optimal number and spacing for the panel images, based on the number of copies you enter in the X & Y Copies fields.

l For the command to calculate the number of copies, you are required to enter a spacing value for the multiple images: Between specifies the spacing between the border of one image to another. Offset specifies the spacing between the same element in each image, such as their center points.

6. As an alternative to AutoCalculate, the Spreadsheet button allows you to manually edit the exact locations of the panel images in a text-based format. If you click this button, the Parameters dialog box changes, replacing the AutoCompute section with a scrollable display showing each Image ID #, Rotation, X-Location, and Y-Location for the panelized images.

7. You may change any of these values (except ID #) to fine-tune the location of the images.

8. The list of images may be sorted by selecting one of the buttons above each column type.

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9. Use the scroll bar on the right side to scan through the images and their associated coordinates.

10. Make modifications to the images by typing new values directly into the associated fields for the image.

11. The Add Image and Delete Image buttons allow you to add or remove images from the panel.

Warning: Changes made in the Spreadsheet mode are not retained if you switch back to AutoCalculate mode.

7. When you are finished, click the Create button to generate the panel.

Related Macro Command(s)

Panelization > Venting

Use this command to create a venting pattern for your panel. Venting is used to fill in the areas around the design images in a panel. You must have first created a panel before adding venting patterns to it.

You may create three basic types of patterns, Solid, Hatched, or Dot. (Venting uses the same Raster and Vector fill modes as the Solid, Hatched and Dcode fill patterns in Add > Polygon). Each venting pattern you create may be assigned to single or multiple layers in the panel, as well as saved as a file for future use with other panels.

You are given options to fine tune the pattern to suit your panel’s particular needs, including spacing distances relative to all panel data, etc.

Command Sequence:

1. Select Panelization > Venting, or the click the Venting button in the Tool Bar. The Vent dialog box appears.

2. You may set the unit for all venting pattern specifications by selecting the Inches, MMs or Mils radio button.

3. The Vents list box allows you to Add or Remove venting patterns in your panel. Select Add if you wish to create a new venting pattern.


If you want to reuse a previously-saved pattern, click the Load button and select the pattern .VPT file you wish to use.

4. The Layers list box allows you to control which layers utilize the venting pattern selected in the other list. It is possible to have multiple layers assigned to a venting pattern, and different layers in a panel may have unique patters assigned to them, but only one venting pattern may be associated with any particular layer.

l Click the Add button to select each layer that will use the current venting pattern (a Layer List dialog box appears, allowing you to select single or multiple layers).

l Click the Remove button to deselect layers from the current venting pattern.

5. Create the pattern specifications. The Offset text boxes allow you to describe the venting pattern’s placement on the panel. (These offsets have a maximum value of 56 inches [~1422mm], unless otherwise noted).

Note: No Partials options is fully supported for both Positive polarity and Negative Polarity venting patterns.

Tip: If you select the No Partials option, you must use Offset From Images and Offset from Symbols values of at least half the shape’s Width to insure the shape does not overlap the image edge. For example, if you choose a round dot pattern with 0.06 width, the offset values should be at least 0.03.

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Offset from Panel Edge is the distance you want the pattern to start from the edge of the panel.

Offset from Images specifies the distance a venting pattern must maintain from each step image in the panel. This value is in addition to any offset the step image border may have from the actual image data. (May be specified as a negative value).

Offset from Symbols sets the pattern’s distance from any symbols in the panel. (May be specified as a negative value).

6. Set venting pattern Polarity (positive or negative, depending on the layer its to be used on).

7. The Galvanic check box allows you to set the current venting pattern as galvanic . Galvanic venting creates a solid border around the data, but does not fill the areas between images.

8. You can edit the venting pattern itself. Begin by selecting the Pattern type: solid, hatched, or dot. New input fields for pattern specifications are displayed, depending on the pattern type.

The Solid pattern has no settings, and merely fills in all space within the panel that is not excluded by a border (images, symbols, and any panel border offsets).

For a Hatch pattern, you can use 3 different lines at different angles. Use the check boxes to the left of the line to deselect/select any you wish to use. Each line allows you to specify the width, step distance, and angle of the line.

For a Dot pattern, you can select two types of Shape Lines (rows of same-shaped Dcodes). Line 1 and 2 alternate. Select the shape (round or square) and size of the Dcode. The X-Step is the distance between each Dcode on the X axis, and the Y-Step is the distance between the Dcodes on the Y axis. The X Offset is the offset of the pattern from the origin, on the X axis.

After you have made edits to the pattern, the resulting changes appear in the preview window to the right of the input fields.

9. To make a final review of your venting pattern, press the Redraw button below the Layers list. The venting pattern is displayed on your panel.

10. Once you are satisfied with the format of the venting pattern, click the Save button to save the pattern for later use in other panels.

11. Click the Default button to select the current pattern as the default pattern. This pattern will automatically be loaded as the default during each subsequent use of the Venting function.

12. When completed, click OK to finalize the venting pattern, or Cancel to quit the command and abandon your changes.

Related Macro Command(s)

Panelization > Rotate

After you have panelized your board, use the Panelization > Rotate command to rotate the entire panel.

Command Sequence:

1. While viewing your panelized board in the Panel Editor, select Panelization > Rotate.

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2. Select if you wish to rotate your panel 90, 180, or 270 degrees counterclockwise.

3. Select if you wish to rotate the film box.

4. Click the OK button to rotate the panel.

Related Macro Command(s)

Panelization > Panel Border To Layer

The Panelization > Setup command is used to define the Panel Border.

The one-up border for a design serves as a clearance outline in the Panel Editor when panelizing step & repeated images. In addition, it also functions as a venting border to keep venting from pouring over the stepped images. The Panel Editor allows you to panelize one-up designs, using the border layer of the design as a clearance border. It is sometimes desirable to have a border which is outside the actual border layer of the design, to provide a wider area of spacing around the one-up.

The Panel Border to Layer command allows you to convert the existing Panel Border and optionally one-up borders for the design to graphics on an existing layer or on a new layer in the Panel Editor. This graphic data can be useful for creating assembly array drawings.

Command Sequence:

1. Select Panelization > Panel Border To Layer.

2. The Panel Border to Layer dialog appears. Select the DCODE for rendering the graphics for the Panel Border. Select either an existing layer or new layer for the Target Layer to which the Panel Border graphics will be converted. You have a choice to Include One-Up Borders for Stepped Images in the conversion operation. Click the checkbox to include the One-Up Borders.

3. Click OK to complete the conversion. Click CANCEL to cancel the command.

Related Macro Command(s)

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Symbol Creation

Before you panelize a job, you need to create a library of symbols for use in the panelization process. Symbols may be created manually in the Symbol Editor, or by automatically converting existing symbols using the Utilities > Draw To Symbol command. Once created, a symbol may be saved in a symbol library and reused for a variety of panelized jobs. As a time-saving tool, it is advisable to maintain a library of all symbols used in your manufacturing processes, rather than recreate symbols on a job-by-job basis.

Symbol Layers

The function of layers in the Symbol Editor is slightly different from that of layers in the CAM Editor. Although the Symbol Editor workspace and functions appear much the same as the CAM Editor, Symbol layers are independent of the one-up PCB layers that you work on in the CAM Editor.

Virtual Layers

Because they are designed to be used universally for different jobs, symbols contain «virtual layers» that you map to «destination layers» in your PCB stackups. Each virtual layer is a layer type rather than a specific layer number. For example, when using the layer «Top» in the Symbol Editor, this layer represents the top layer in any design, regardless of where it may fall in the layer stackup for a specific job. When you create a panel, if a PCB does not have a destination layer which corresponds to a virtual layer, that symbol layer is not used for that job.

It is possible to place symbol data on multiple layers of the same type. Each subsequent layer of a specific type created in the Layers Table will be denoted by a new layer name of the format «layertype(#th)». For example, each Internal layer added after the initial one will be called «Internal(2nd)», «Internal(3rd)», etc. in the symbol layer table. This denotes that the symbol’s data will be placed on the 1st, 2nd & 3rd internal layers in the panelized job (the order being determined by the layer stackup). Symbol data will only be placed if those layers exist in the design, regardless of how may virtual layers are assigned to the symbol itself.

Destination Layers

Symbol data is targeted at Destination Layers. You can either design a symbol so that all data on each symbol layer (drill hits, draws, flashes, virtual text, etc) is mapped to a particular destination layer (All Layers of Type), or you can minimize the number of virtual layers by specifying the destination layer(s) which specific symbol data elements are added to (All Layers, All Electrical Layers, or the Current Layer). When adding text or other graphical elements to a symbol, the toolbar gives you the option to select from the destination layers:

All Layers Data will be added to all layers in the PCB, where possible (for instance, drill data cannot be added to graphic layers and vice-versa).

All Electrical Layers Data will be added to all electrical layer types in the design: top, bottom, internal, negative and positive layers.

All Layers of Type Data will be added only to layers of the same type that the data was added to in the symbol. For example: if virtual text was added to a negative plane symbol layer, all negative planes in the panel would display this virtual text. Use this setting if you are mapping all elements on each virtual layer to a corresponding destination layer.

Current Layer Data will display only on the layer with the same layer number as the symbol layer the data was created on. If a series of flashes was added to layer 3 in the Symbol Editor, these flashes would only display on layer 3 in a panelized job.

Destination Layers may be set when data is first added to the symbol, by using the pull-down selector on the toolbar, or at any time by changing its destination layer using Edit > Change > Destination Layer in the Symbol Editor.

Layer Stackup

Before you can place a create a panel you must define a layer stackup . This list of PCB layers is required to determine which virtual symbol layers will be placed on actual panel layers. Setting the stackup can be done in the CAM or Panel Editors, under the Tables > Layer Sets > Layer Stackup command. A typical layer stackup


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may look like this:

If you create a layer stackup first, before creating your symbols, you will notice that the Symbol Editor reflects this set of layers. you may choose to use this specific set of layers to create your symbol, or you may alter the set using the standard Edit > Layer commands in the Symbol Editor.

Symbol Anchor

Each symbol has an insertion point, called the anchor, which is used to place the symbol in a panel (through Panelization > Setup or Add > Symbol in the Panel Editor). As such it determines symbol placement in relation to the panel border. This anchor defaults to the lower left corner of the data in the symbol. If you wish to change the anchor, and thus the distance calculation from the panel border, you may do so by using Edit > Change > Anchor in the Symbol Editor.

Creating Symbols

You can create symbols manually or use the Draw to Symbol command. It is advisable that you run through both of these sections before moving on to the Panel Creation tutorial, as you will be using the symbols you created manually in the panel tutorial.

Regardless of the creation method, you will be saving symbols to a symbol library. For demonstration purposes, you should begin with an empty symbol library. When saving or modifying symbols for this tutorial, use the blank symbol library «symbols.smb» located where you saved the application, under the ../Symbols subdirectory.

To make sure you are using this library, follow these steps:

1. In the CAM Editor, select File > Setup > Paths: under the Symbol Library button, note the location of the path for the current symbol library.

2. Click the Symbol Library button and browse for ..Symbolssymbols.smb under the application’s directory.

3. Once the path displays, click OK to accept this as the new symbol library.

4. Click OK on the Setup Paths dialog.

5. Select Tools > Panel Editor.

6. Select Tools > Symbol Editor.

7. Select File > Open to check the library — no symbols should appear in the selection box.

8. After you have finished either this tutorial and the Panelization Tutorial, reinstate the original symbol library by changing the symbol library path to its original directory.

You’re ready to begin adding symbols.


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Create Symbol Manually

Create Symbol using Draw to Symbol

Create Symbol Manually

Begin the process by entering the Panel Editor, using Tools > Panel Editor. From there, use Tools > Symbol Editor to enter the Symbol Editor itself. Notice that the symbol only has two default layers: top layer and a drill layer (unless you’ve already created a layer stackup). Your first step in symbol creation is to set the layers for your symbol:

Add layers to your symbol.

1. Your symbols should contain all the layers you are likely to need to add to a typical panel setup. You can always add more layers as needed on a job-by-job basis, but it’s best to start out with a «master» set. For our purposes, create the following set of layers, using Tables > Layers to add and tag the layers properly. These layers don’t need to be in any particular order, but for the purposes of this tutorial, reorder them using Edit > Layers > Reorder until they appear as below:

Note: These are primarily electrical layers, with the exception of the mask and silk layers, which can be used to create test coupons.

2. When creating any type of symbol, you must specify the clearance border for the symbol. This border is used to protect the symbol data from other elements on the final panel, such as venting patterns. The border is closed polygon in shape and typically encompasses all the data in the symbol for it to be protected from venting, etc. In the manual creation process you may draw a border using the Add > Border command. If you find the border doesn’t meet your size needs further down the process, you may change the border at any time by reselecting the command and drawing a new border — the old border is discarded. NOTE: You can use symbols to create venting keepouts. Further, if desired, you can specify a symbol border so that the symbol is not protected from venting.


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Create a pinning hole symbol.

Pinning holes (or tooling holes) are used to hold the finished board for NC machine processing, etc. They are the most basic symbol, consisting of a drill tool hit, a mask clearance, and a symbol border.

1. Use the Add > Drill command to add a drill hit at the desired location. You may specify the size of the tooling hole by selecting the Drill Spec button on the toolbar: specify a tool size of 185 mils. (see Add > Drill for more information)

2. Add the drill hit at the origin (0,0)

3. If you have not already done so when you set up your symbol layers, add mask layers to the symbol layer table.

3. Use Tables > Apertures to create a mask aperture. This Dcode should be of the appropriate size to clearance the tooling hole (typically 30 mils larger than the drill tool being used): create a 215 mil round aperture.

4. Turn on only the Mask Top layer and add a flash at 0,0 with the new Dcode. Do the same for the Mask Bottom layer.

5. Using Add > Border, you may now add a symbol border to your tooling hole. Add a border square approximately 50 mils offset from the sides of the mask clearances you made. Alternatively, you may wait for the system to assign a border when you Save the symbol. When you first save a symbol, a border is assigned to it, at a given clearance distance. However, it’s best to use Add > Border if you have a specific clearance distance requirement for your symbols.


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Add the symbol to your library

1. Select File > Save Symbol. Type the name of your new pinning hole in the text box above the symbol list (use «pinhole»). Select «Pinning Hole» as the type from the Save Symbol As radio buttons.

2. Select File > Save Lib to save the symbol library.

Create a Title Block Symbol —

Title Blocks display job and layer information for each layer in the design. They are often used for film identification purposes.

Title Blocks are an excellent place to learn the use of Variable Text . There are pieces of information that you will be called on again and again to add to layers in the panel: job number, date, revision, etc. You can automate this process by adding Variable Text to your symbols. Variable Text functions as a variable name in the symbol itself (ex: «revision»), but once the symbol is added to your panel, this variable can be defined in the Panel Editor (under Tables > Variable Text) — the new information will replace the variable name in all symbols that use that variable text in the panel. This is a handy way to update all Title Block symbols to list the Date the job was run, for instance.

Note: Due to its use as a «variable», Variable Text cannot contain commas, periods, spaces, or carriage returns. If you wish to demark two words for your variable text, use an underscore: ex — «job name» should be called «job_name».

1. Define the contents you need to display in your Title Block. For this exercise, use the following list: job number, revision, date, layer number and layer type.

2. Select Add > Border to create a symbol border. For a Title Block you want a border which will leave enough space for the text definitions which will replace the Variable Text terms: once placed in a panel, a symbol border does not grow with the symbol’s contents, so very long terms may overrun the border and be at risk of being vented over. For this tutorial, use a 1″ x 3″ border with the symbol origin at the center of the rectangle.

3. Add a 5 mil round aperture to the Aperture Table, to use for the Variable Text.

4. Select Add > Variable Text


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5. You can use the Style button on the toolbar to set the text style & font, as you can with the normal Add > Text command. Set the variable text height to 100 mils.

6. Now add your variables: space each variable out to allow room for those which will take the most room.

7. As you are placing them, specify the name and set the Destination Layer for each, using the toolbar pull-down:

* Since layer numbers and layer types will be added to specific layers, you must customize the Variable Text for each layer they appear on. Layer number should be placed as «layer_no_top», «layer_no_int», «layer_no_neg», etc. for all electrical layers. Turn ON only one electrical layer at a time and add the variable appropriate for that layer.

Tip: add layer_no_top to the top layer and use Edit > Copy to copy it to each subsequent electrical layer. Then use Edit > Change > Variable Text Style & Contents to rename the variable for each specific layer. Follow the same procedure for layer type.

When completed, your Title Bar should look something like this:

8. Use File > Save Symbol As to save your Title Block as symbol «title_block». Be sure to check the correct symbol type in the save dialog.

9. Use File > Save Lib to save the library.

Create a Coupon Symbol

Coupons are used for testing various aspects of the manufacturing process, including drilling and plating. They may contain NC drill hits, lines, flashes, etc.

The most important aspect of some coupons is the Drill Sequence . A Drill Sequence represents a series of virtual drill tool hits. These drill tools comprise specific sizes, or ranges of sizes, that are replaced by the equivalent tools from the job being panelized when the coupon is placed in a panel. In this manner you can place representative drill hits from a wide selection of drill tools in your job.

Drill Sequence drills are defined by the Sequence Spec button: a dialog box opens, giving you the settings for the first and last drill tools in the sequence. You have the option to set the first and last hits to smallest tool, largest tool, tool size or tool number:

Smallest takes the smallest tool in the design

Largest takes the largest tool in the design.

Tool size gives a set size to use: if no tool of this size exists, one will be created and added to the panel’s drill table.

Variable Text Name Destination Layer

job_no All Layers

revision All Layers

date All Layers

layer_no_xxx* Current Layer

layer_type_xxx* Current Layer


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Tool num gives a specific tool number (useful if you always have a set tool table).

In addition, smallest and largest have several subsettings. You can set the minimum size that each must be above/below: for example, setting the largest tool with a minimum size «smaller than» 150 mils might be useful for ignoring any pinning drill tools in the table. You may set a range where the smallest/largest falls in the table, using the drop-down list: this allows you to specify a tool that’s a set amount up or down the tool table.

For example, say you set the First drill in the Drill Sequence to «smallest» tool and then select «3rd smallest» from the drop-down list. If you were to use this coupon in a job with an NC table containing 20 mil, 50 mil, 60 mil, 80 mil, 120 mil and 135 mil tools, the first drill tool in the sequence would be the 60 mil tool, or the 3rd smallest in the table.

Note: Drill Sequences are «virtual» in that they will display a series of equal-sized hits in the Symbol Editor. In reality, these hits will be of varying sizes in the finished panel. In the panel, these drills will be spaced evenly with a set distance separating them. You must account for the expected size a drill sequence will ultimately take up when creating your symbol border. Otherwise you run the risk of the drills being outside the border and thus potentially drilling into venting patterns, etc. outside this clearance area. See Add > Drill Sequence for more information.

1. Use Add > Drill Sequence to add all desired drill sequences to the coupon:

2. For your example drill coupon, add one sequence: from smallest to largest tools (horizontally from left to right)

3. Add > Border to place a symbol border around the coupon. Again, leave additional space around the ends of the sequence to account for the ultimate tool sizes which will be placed there in the panel. When finished your border should look like this:

4. Add a solder mask clearance for the drill sequences: turn ON only the appropriate mask layer.

5. Use the Add > Polygon command to add a clearance polygon on that mask layer. Select three of the corners of the border, in sequence, and then click your right mouse button. The command will close the polygon, creating a rectangular mask clearance.


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6. Repeat this procedure for the bottom mask layer.

7. Use File > Save Symbol As to save your Coupon as symbol «firstlast». Be sure to check the correct symbol type in the save dialog.

8. Use File > Save Lib to save the library.

Fiducial Symbol

Fiducials are alignment markers for collating or comparing plotted film. These can include shapes such as targets, rounds, etc. to form a unique identifier. They are a very basic type of symbol, but care must be given to their use on negative planes — each symbol must contain a positive fiducial for use on electrical layers which are plotted positive (top, bottom, internal) as well as a reverse-image fiducial for layers which are plotted negative (negative and positive planes).

1. Create the aperture or drawn data you wish to use as the fiducial. Tables > Apertures allows you to select from a number of intrinsic apertures — if these do not meet your requirements you may use the Add Menu in the Symbol Editor to generate drawn data approximating your fiducial.

2. You may generate a custom aperture for unusual fiducials. This is a recommended procedure when you have unique fiducial shapes that require reverse images for negative planes. For our example fiducial, use the CAP Editor: to access it, click the Return To Panel Editor button on the toolbar, and select Tools > CAP Editor there.

3. Once in the editor, first create the positive fiducial image. It is recommended you set the grid to an even working distance using the toolbar: switch to a 10:10 grid.

4. Select Add > Circle > Center Radius to add a 40mil circle at the origin

5. Then add an arc with a radius of 70 mils (close the arc to create a full circle)

6. You need to add an outline for the custom aperture: use Add > Line. Set the width of the line on the toolbar to 1mil and draw a square around the fiducial elements (at 80mils from the origin).

Circle Arc Border


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7. Save the CAP as a unique name: «fidpos» is recommended.

8. Now you may create the negative version of this fiducial. First, use File > New to clear the other CAP.

9. Add a positive polygon at 80 mils from the origin: this will serve as the CAP outline clearance when the negative layer is plotted.

10. Add a negative circle of 70 mils in diameter

11. Add a positive circle of 60 mils diameter

12. Add a negative circle of 40 mils directly at the origin

13. Save the CAP as «fidneg».

14. Return to the Panel Editor, and then to the Symbol Editor.

15. Add the CAP’s you’ve just created to the Aperture Table (note their Dcode numbers).

Polygon Neg. Circle

Pos. Circle Neg. Circle


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16. You’re ready to place the CAP’s for your fiducials, on the following layers:

Top & Bottom layers — add a flash using «fidpos», setting the Destination Layer to Current Layer

Negative & Positive Plane layers — add «fidneg» to these layers, setting Destination Layer to All Layers of Type

Add mask clearance for these fiducials to the Mask Top and Mask Bottom layers: create a rectangular polygon tracing the edges of the CAPs you’ve just added (an 80 mil square) using Add > Polygon


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17. Use File > Save Symbol As to save your Fiducial as symbol «fiducial». Check symbol type Fiducial in the save dialog.

18. Use File > Save Lib to save the library.

You have now created one symbol of each major type. To review your symbols, select File > Open in the Symbol Editor. Note that there are now 4 symbols in your symbol library. If you close the application and reopen it, the symbols will still be present in the selection list, as they are now permanently part of your library.

If you should ever need to delete a symbol from your library, click on the symbol in question in the selection list and click on the Delete button. Click Cancel (not OK) to delete the symbol. Now use File > Save Lib to save the new library.

You are ready to begin using your sample symbols in the Panel Creation tutorial.

Create Symbol Using Draw to Symbol

In addition to the manual method of creating symbols, you may also take existing graphical data and convert it to a symbol. This allows you to use any existing symbols which you’ve created for use with previous versions of the product. It is not a 100% automated process, however, and you will still be required to set up the new symbol for use.

Depending on the old-style symbol which you created, the steps described here may only apply to parts of your symbol. We’ll be starting out with a typical drawn coupon and following the conversion process. The process is similar for other types of coupons you may be using (pinning holes, title blocks, etc) — refer to the manual symbol creation instructions for a sense of how these symbols are constructed in the Symbol Editor.

Begin by opening the file ..Symbolsymbol.cam in the applications directory. Note that this is a drawn Coupon symbol with multiple layers of information. This is typical of a symbol which is saved as a separate .cam file and intended to be merged into the panelized job using File > Merge. Toggle through the layers (either manually or using the showeachlayer.scr macro) to familiarize yourself with the format of the symbol on each layer type:

Full Symbol Top/Bottom/Internal Negative Plane


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Top & Bottom use positive images for the coupon draws and flashes. Negative and positive planes use test polygons, etc. which are mirror opposites of each other in polarity, owing to the fact that the negative plane will be plotted with the opposite polarity. A border layer consisting of some 10 mil lines would have served as a clearance border for venting patterns, if copied to all the layers which were vented. Finally, the NC Primary layer shows the test plated drills used in the coupon.

Draw to Symbol Conversion

The first step in the process is to convert the existing data to a symbol.

1. In the CAM Editor, select Utilities > Draw To Symbol

2. If you have not already done so, you will be prompted to create a layer stackup. Add all current layers to the layer stackup. These will correspond to the symbol’s virtual layers in the Symbol Editor:

3. You may now select the data to convert to a symbol. If you intend to convert only some of the data in your old symbol to the new symbol format, you could turn off all unnecessary layers at this point, or choose to select individual data in the symbol, using the standard Edit Menu grouping commands.

Positive Plane Border Drill


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For this tutorial, however, we will be converting the entire drawn symbol, so click on SelectAll. All drawn data will highlight.

4. Right click on your mouse to approve the selection.

5. The Draw to Symbol dialog box appears.

6. Type a name for your new symbol in the top field: use «manual_coupon»

7. Select a symbol type: use Coupon.

8. Under Layer Treatment, you may now select the type of layer this symbol’s data will appear on in a panelized job. If you were converting a single layer of data, instead of multiple layer types worth, you could select All Layers or All Electrical Layers. Since the layer types in this symbol each have unique data, you are better off selecting All Layers of Type or Current Layer: for our purposes, select All Layers of Type.

9. The Spacing field controls the distance the symbol border will be generated from any graphical data in the new symbol. This border serves as the clearance border for vent patterns, etc. Leave the default at 50 mils.

10. Click OK. Your new coupon has been converted. Right click to end the Draw To Symbol command.

Editing the Symbol

The conversion process is automatic, but you may need to change some of your new symbol’s Destination Layers, etc. To do so, you’ll need to edit the symbol in the Symbol Editor, which is accessible by using Tables > Panel Editor from the CAM Editor, and then using Tables > Symbol Editor.

Notice the symbol editor layer bar now includes all of the layers in the Layer Stackup you created. Open your symbol by selecting File > Open: select «manual_coupon» from the list and hit OK. The coupon you converted will display:

Data have been added to all layers in your stackup. Toggle through the layers to make sure all data appears correctly on the appropriate layers.

You may now make manual edits to the symbol if desired:

Symbol Border


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1. Notice that the symbol now displays a white border around all of the data, offset 50 mils from the graphics — as you specified. This symbol border makes the data on the symbol’s actual border layer superfluous. Remove the border layer using Edit > Layers > Remove.

2. If you want to change the size of the symbol border itself, you may do so by using Add > Border to draw a new rectangular border for the symbol. The old border will remain as a reference guide until you right click to OK the new border.

Setting Destination Layers

1. To change the Destination Layer of any data in the symbol, simply turn ON only that layer.

2. Use the Edit > Change > Destination Layer command to specify a new target layer for the data.

For example, select the data on the internal layer (layer 3). Use the Edit > Change > Destination Layer command and pick SelectAll on the data. (Notice you may also use the toolbar check boxes to select only draw or flash information if you choose).

3. Right click to accept the selection.

4. Specify the Destination Layer: in the dialog box, choose «Current Layer» from the drop-down list. In this case, the internal layer’s symbol data will now only appear on layer 3 in your panelized job.

Adding Layers

1. You may need to add additional virtual layers in your symbol, to account for additional layers you anticipate in your job.

2. Add layers in the Symbol Editor just as you would in the CAM Editor, but note that these layers are virtual, as described above: each additional layer of the same type will be labeled as «layertype 2nd», «layertype 3rd», etc.

Adding Data

1. You may add data to these new layers (or existing layers) by copying the existing data from another symbol layer, using Edit > Copy.

2. Additionally, you may add new symbol data manually, using the available graphic options in the Add Menu (flash, line, etc).

Once you have made all the necessary edits, save the modified symbol using File > Save Symbol, or Save Symbol As (if you wish to change the name). The symbol is now stored in your project library and can be used immediately in panelizing a job. If you wish to save the symbol permanently to your symbol library, for use with all future jobs, use File > Save Lib.

You are now ready to move on to the Panel Creation tutorial.


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Panel Creation

The Panel Editor allows for the fast creation of efficiently-panelized designs, complete with test coupons, registration holes, vent patterns, title boxes, etc. (generated using the new Symbol Editor) The original one-up design, and the panelized result, are separate entities that can be manipulated at any time before, during, and even after the process.

This tutorial provides you with an overview of how to use the Panel Editor. Each setup you create may be saved as a file that can be used to panelize subsequent jobs. Multiple panel formats can be saved for later execution as «one button», fully-automatic routines. Or you can chose to prepare individualized panels on a job by job basis: the flexibility exists for both approaches.

Note: It is highly recommended you read and complete the Symbol Creation tutorial before reading this tutorial, as a number of the symbols created in the Symbol tutorial are used to set up your example panel.

Creating a Panel

Panelizing a Job

Creating a Panel

A panel can be generated using the Panelization Menu commands in the Panel Editor. Each menu command controls a specific area of the panel, from setting up the panel’s physical layout to actually generating the panelized images and creating the venting patterns. The panel setup may be reconfigured at any time, even after panelization has occurred.

Setup Symbols

Before beginning a Panel Setup it is advisable to create all the symbols you are likely to require in your panel(s). Symbols, such as coupons, will be placed at fixed locations in the panel during a panel set up. They may be placed on an individual basis when, you actually panelize a job (using Add > Symbol), but it is generally preferred you have a symbol library available for the variety of panels you are likely to need to set up: most shops have a fixed set of symbols they use for their panels.

If you completed the manual symbol creation section of the Symbol Creation tutorial, you will already have a symbol library to draw from for this tutorial.

Setup Panel

It’s best to begin a fresh panel setup with no database loaded in the application. This will give you a blank slate to work on. Enter the Panel Editor using Tools > Panel Editor. In the editor you will notice a number of similar functions to the CAM Editor — this is intended to give you much of the functionality of the main editor for all panel-level data. Note that panel data includes such things as symbols, venting patterns, etc, but doesn’t not include the data (draws, flashes, drills, etc). in the one-up image you are panelizing. Once in the Panel Editor, you will not be able to make edits to the database itself without a) exiting to the CAM Editor (all changes there will reflect in the Panel Editor) or b) exploding the Panel using Edit > Change > Explode > Flatten Panel (once you explode a panel, however, there is no recourse! The panelized data will lose its panel intelligence and become one-up data, not step & repeat images).

Inside the Panel Editor you will notice 3 buttons on the toolbar: Setup, Create and Venting. (These commands are also available in the Panelization menu). These buttons show the basic steps needed to panelize a job. . Begin by clicking Setup.

This tutorial does not exhaustively cover each individual command in the Setup dialog, but will go over all the required steps to make a generic panel setup. For more information, see Panelization > Setup.

Set Panel Size

You will need to set the panel size for your generic panel. Size may be set as a function of the specific boards your shop receives, or as a general size for all jobs. The Size Tab allows you to set this information, as well as the spacing clearances for all step & repeat data in the panel.


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1. Set the panel size to 12″ x 12″

2. Border spacing controls the minimum distance step images will be created from the panel border. Set this value to 2″

If you want to custom tailor this border spacing for your panel, check the Advanced box and enter spacing values from all four sides of the panel.

3. Set the image spacing value to .5″. This controls how close step images may be generated in a panel, allowing you to maximize the panelized images or leave adequate clearance for venting patterns. Your panel will now look like this:

Note: Use the checkbox Automatically Update FilmBox to keep the Film Box definition in sync with the Panelization box definition. The default is to keep the Film Box and Panelization Box matched. If you chose not to keep the Film Box and Panelization Box in sync, you can use the Edit > Change > Origin commands to manage the panel origin and film box origin separately. Use the File > Setup > Film Box command to define the size and location of the film box.

Add Pinning Holes

Pinning Holes are the most basic Symbol used to set up your panel. Each fabrication shop typically has its own pinning hole unique to its production processes. For our purposes, set up a generic series of holes, as outlined below:

1. Click on the Pinning Hole tab

2. Click the Add button to select a pinning hole Symbol to use in the panel. Use the symbol «pinhole». This is available in the Symbol tutorial library (this library should already be set in your application from the Symbol Creation tutorial; if not, see the tutorial for how to specify the symbol library to use).

3. Now you’ll need to set the placement points for the pinning hole you’re adding. You may set these as absolute or relative coordinates from the edge of the panel. Use the coordinates for the first pinning hole below, then use Add again to insert an additional 4 holes, at the given coordinates:

Relative coordinate mode allows you to set the pinning holes a given distance from the edge of the panel, regardless of the panel size — the symbols will move automatically should you change the size.

Hole #1 Hole #2 Hole #3 Hole #4 Hole #5

x1″, y5″

x1″, y6″

x6″, y1″

x11″,y6″ x5″,y11″


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Note: You can also set the rotation of each pinning hole by using the Rotation drop-down list. However, rotations are limited to 90 degree increments and may only be useful for special pinning hole designs.

4. Pinning holes may be added as Primary (plated) or Secondary (unplated/tented) drill hits by checking the appropriate box. When done, your panel preview should look like this:

Add Fiducials

Fiducials are required for film alignment/collation. The process and commands are essentially the same as for Pinning Holes, with the exception of the drill settings — fiducials have no drills, so these commands do not apply to them.

1. Click on the Fiducial tab.

2. Click the Add button to select a fiducial symbol to use in the panel: use «fiducial» from the symbol library.

3. Place several fiducials around the panel., as indicated by these coordinates:

When done, your panel preview should look like this:

Add Title Block

Hole #1 Hole #2

x7″, y1″ x5″, y11″


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The Title Block tab is used to enter your title block. Commands are the same as for Pinning Holes and Fiducials, again with no need for a drill option. The title block in our sample panel will be offset from the lower left corner.

1. Click on the Title Block tab.

2. Click the Add button to select a title block Symbol to use in the panel: use «title_block».

3. Place your Title Block at x2.5″, y1.4″. When done, your panel preview should look something like this:

Add Coupons

Finally, add the coupon(s) required for your panel. For our example panel, we will use one drill coupon, offset from the lower right corner.

1. Click on the Coupons tab.

2. Click the Add button to select a coupon Symbol to use in the panel: use «firstlast».

3. Place your Coupon at x11″, y3″. Select Primary from the NC Layer check boxes, to make sure these drill hits will be plated hits.

4. In this case, we also need to rotate the coupon to avoid overrunning the step images: use a 90 degree rotation. When done, your panel preview should look something like this:


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Save & Load Panel Setup —

Once you’ve verified that all symbols have been added correctly, it’s time to save the final panel. You can save any number of panel setups in the application directory, under the *.pan extension. These setups can be loaded for any design you wish to panelize. You may make case by case adjustments to the setups as necessary, and still be assured that you have a clean copy saved for future jobs.

1. Click the Save button. The Save Setup As dialog box appears with a list of all current panel setups.

2. Type a setup name in the top field (it isn’t necessary to add the .pan extension — the system will assign it automatically) or select a previous panel setup from the list, if you wish to overwrite it. For this tutorial, add the new panel setup as «tutorial.pan»

3. You may now test the saved setup by exiting the Setup dialog and reopening it. Notice the dialog box still shows the current setup you were working on.

4. Change the panel size to 24″ x 20″.

5. Click Load and select «tutorial.pan». The size values you changed will be overwritten by the saved panel setup.

Panelizing a Job

Now that you’ve created your basic panel setup, you’re ready to begin panelizing a job. Panelization involves adding the desired step images to your panel, as well as setting up venting patterns and exporting the final result.

Import Gerbers and Prepare Database

It is assumed you know how to import and prepare standard Gerber files. If not, refer to the Import > Gerber Data and Tables > Layers commands to import and tag your files properly. To panelize a sample design in this tutorial, please use either the sample Gerber files located in the application’s Demos directory (use must import & prep these), or use the sample .CAM database, preview.cam, under the same directory (this file has been prepped).

In addition to the normal file preparation, you must set some panel-specific items:

Panelization Anchor

Each step image in the Panel Editor has a «handle» or anchor which will be used to place the image in the panel, as well as calculate rotations, etc. This anchor point is set in the CAM Editor, using Edit > Change > Origin > Panelization Anchor. You may assign the point anywhere within the one-up image. The anchor point appears on screen briefly to show you its new location, but disappears after you exit the command.

You only need to set the anchor point if you want to change its default location — if no new anchor is set in the CAM Editor, the origin point (0,0) is assumed to also be the panel anchor in the Panel Editor. For our purposes, leaves this as the default.


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One-Up Border

In addition to an anchor, each step image has a «border» which acts as the outline when calculating panel spacing between images, as well as protecting the step images from venting patterns. This border defaults to a rectangular shape around the extents of the one-up image in the CAM Editor (visible as a bounding box in the Panel Editor).

If you have a complex board outline you wish to use for this purpose, you can set the border to a specific shape using the Utilities > Draw To One-Up Border command in the CAM Editor. The command allows you to select any continuous line on the database’s «border» layer as the one-up border. In the case of preview.cam, we’ll stick with the default border.

Layer Stackup

The layer stackup controls the placement of symbol data on specific layers in your panel. If you don’t select a layer stackup for your job, you will be prompted to enter one before you can create your panel. It’s a good idea to get into the habit of setting your layer stackup prior to entering the Panel Editor, using Tables > Layer Sets > Layer Stackup. If you do forget, you may also set the layer stackup under the same command in the Panel Editor, at any time prior to panelization. A typical stackup may look like this (use this for preview.cam):

See also the Symbol Creation tutorial.

Viewing Step Images

While working on a panel, you have a few options on how to display the step images contained in the panel. As a default, step images appear as a rectangular box with the number of the step image inside. This indicates that step images themselves cannot be edited in the Panel Editor (you cannot change the contents of a step image). If you’d like to get a more visual representation of the step images, in the Panel Editor you may select Settings > View Options > View Circuit Images, which displays all internal data in each step image. This gives you a better feel for how the data in each image orients compared to its neighbors.

However, on larger step images, this amount of graphical data in the panel can slow redraw times significantly. In those cases you may select the BitBlt Circuit Images view option under the main View Circuit Images option — this will redraw step images in a much faster mode. The trade-off is in accuracy: while the normal mode displays all data as it exists in the step images, this mode is less graphically accurate, depending on screen resolution, etc., so is better suited for getting an overview of the data, rather than a 100% accurate image.

Load Panel Setup

Once you’ve prepared the database, you’re ready for panelization. Go to the Panel Editor and select the Setup button from the toolbar or Panelization > Setup from the menus. You’ll be loading the sample panel you created, so hit the Load button and select «tutorial.pan»

If you needed to make adjustments to the panel setup (increase panel size, etc). you can make those changes now. For this tutorial, leave the setup as is, and exit the dialog.


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NOTE: CAM350 supports alternatives for importing Panel Template data. In the Panel Editor, you are able to import Gerber data using the File > Import > Gerber Data command. You can import drill and mill data using File > Import > Drill Data and File > Import > Mill Data. Further, you can merge panel data template using the File > Merge Panel command.

Create Panel

The Create command places the step images in the panelized job, much as the old command Utilities > Panelization > Panelize did in previous versions of the software, but allows more flexible control over the images.

You can choose to allow the system to calculate some of the values in the panel: either 1) the image offset values, or 2) the number of step images in the panel. Unlike the old command, you can specify rotations for the images, or use SpreadSheet mode to have complete control over the placements of each individual step image.

Note: When switching between AutoCalc and SpreadSheet modes, be aware that all changes you made in one mode will be discarded when you switch to another mode! You cannot return and expect your previous values to remain.

AutoCalc Mode

By default Create operates in AutoCalc mode, in which the system generates some of the values in the panelized job. As noted, these are the between/offset values for the images, or the number of step images in the panel. Rotation will allow you to change the orientation of the step images, but only works on all step images and only in 90 degree increments.

1. Determine if you wish to have the system calculate Panel Size, Border Spacing, Image Spacing or Number of Copies and select the appropriate Compute radio button.

2. If you selected Copies, you will need to fill in the Spacing information:

Between Select the x & y spacing between the panelization borders of the step images

Offset Specify an offset distance between the data in the step images themselves (i.e. trace to trace)

3. Set the Between Spacing values at .5″

4. If you had selected Copies, you would have specified the number of copies in the x- & y-axis: the results of your selections appear in the panel preview.

5. You may also set the angle of the step images. Click on the 90 degree radio button and notice how the


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images all rotate to the new position. (In this case the rotation doesn’t yield any extra step images in the panel).

6. If you need to make any adjustments to the panel Setup, click the Setup button — this brings up the Setup dialog box, where you can make changes as described in the first section of this tutorial.

7. When you have set all the step image values, click the Create button to generate the panelized job:

SpreadSheet Mode

Spreadsheet mode allows you complete control over the placement of step images in the panel, but requires more finesse than AutoCalc mode. You must set the x,y placement of each step image individually. You can set each image’s Rotation to any angle, though you will need to keep an eye on superimposing one image over another accidentally.

1. SpreadSheet mode displays a table of the current images in the panel. You may set the values for any of the image’s characteristics by typing in the appropriate field. All coordinate values are absolute from the panel origin (always the lower left corner of the panel). As a demonstration we’ll be changing step images 1-4 in this tutorial panel.

image 1 — set the rotation to 90 degrees and placement to x 4″,y 2″

image 2 — leave the rotation, but set the spacing to x 3.9″, y 2″

image 3 — set rotation to 90 degrees and x 10″, y 2″

image 4 — finally, leave rotation, but set location to x 3.9″, y 3.9″

Your final panel image should appear like this:


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2. Notice the orientation change did not give more space in this case, as the step images were only reorganized. However there will be many cases where turning the images will free up additional space on the panel for more step images.

In those cases, you can use the Add Image button to add additional images to the table: you will need to set the rotation and location of the new image as you did for the others.

3. If you wish to decrease the number of step images in a panel, use the Delete Image button. A selection dialog appears in which you can select individual or multiple step images (using the Shift or Ctrl keys) for deletion.

4. Click the Create button to generate the panelized job:

Add Variable Text


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The next step is to define any Variable Text in your panel’s symbols. Variable Text is a form of variable name that you can replace with information in a panelized job. See the Symbol Creation tutorial for more information on this topic.

1. Select Tables > Variable Text. The dialog will show all currently-defined variable text in the left-hand selection list. You should see a list of all the variable text in the Symbol «title_block»:

Note: preview.cam has no internal or positive layers. Therefore you do not need to fill in the Variable Text pertaining to these layer types — symbols contain all potential Variable Text, even those variables used on layers which don’t exist in the current job. These entries cannot be deleted, as they are part of the original Symbol’s layout.

2. Fill in all the pertinent Variable Text in the dialog. Click on the text in the left-hand selection area and the definition area to the right will activate.

Simply click in the definition area and begin typing your text. Use these values:

3. Once you finish entering all of the Variable Text values, click OK to save the entries. All the Variable Text contained in the title block will now be updated to the new definitions. Turn on layer 1 (top layer) for example and view the results:

Each Variable Text entry has been replaced with its new definition. Toggle through the layers to make sure all variable text is as you want it, and go on to the next process.

Add Venting

date today’s date and time

job_no Job# 1234

layer_no_bot Layer 4

layer_no_neg_1 Layer 2

layer_no_top Layer 1

layer_type_bot bottom

layer_type_neg1 negative

layer_type_top top

Rev Rev A


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You will now be adding venting to your panel. The Panel Editor make allowances for most major venting styles and gives you complete control of each vent pattern on a layer-by-layer basis. Venting patterns may include solid vents, dot-pattern and hatched vents, as well as robber bars to equalize the copper balance.

Positive Venting

This type of venting should be used on all positive layers (top, bottom, internal, etc). In preview.cam we will be adding positive venting to the top and bottom layers.

Note: If you want your pattern to vent up to the border of each step image, be sure to set the one-up border as described above.

1. Select Venting. Notice you have a choice of units to work in: Inches, MMs, or mils. Select mils.

2. In the upper left, under Vents, use Add to enter a new venting pattern.

3. Add the details of the vent pattern:

Offset from Panel Edge controls how close the venting will come to the edge of the panel. Set this value to 2000 mils (same as our panel border spacing — 2″).

Offset from Images determines how close venting comes to step images. Use 50 mils — we want to get relatively close.

Offset from Symbols Set this to 5 mils.

Pattern This drop-down list allows you to select a dot, hatched, or solid pattern. Pick Dot. Notice the Polarity field highlights and a spread sheet for setting the pattern is opened.

Polarity Set this to Positive.

No Partials This check box determines if the vent pattern will include only whole dots. If this is selected the venting pattern for the layer will be generated as a polygon — much the same way venting was created in older versions of the application — leaving clearance areas around each step image’s border. For our purposes, leave this unchecked.

Tip: If you select the No Partials option, you must use Offset From Images and Offset from Symbols values of at least half the shape’s Width to insure the shape does not overlap the image edge. For example, if you choose a round dot pattern with 0.06 width, the offset values should be at least 0.03.

Spread Sheet The dot pattern spreadsheet is set to the default pattern, using a 60 mil round aperture. Leave these default values, but change the shape used to Square with the drop-down list.

4. Add the layers that will use this venting pattern: in Layers selection area (lower left), use the Add button and select the top and bottom layers from the Layer List dialog box which appears. Your final venting pattern should look like this:


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5. Click OK to exit the command.

6. Turn on only layer 1 (top). The venting will appear like this:

Robber Bars

Robber bars (or galvanic vents) are often added to top and bottom layers to balance the copper between them, preventing over etching from occurring. You’ll need to determine the existing copper balance before attempting to fix it using robber bars. This can be done using the Analysis > Copper Area command. Once you’ve determined that information, you can either calculate out the needed copper to be added, and determine the subsequent size of the robber bars to add, or do some trial and error additions of robber bars until the balance is


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For our purposes, you’ll be adding a fixed bar size, assuming the design you’re panelizing has no significant copper difference between the two layers.

1. Select the Panelization > Venting command.

2. Under Vents, click Add to add a new pattern.

3. Select the Pattern first: pick Solid. Notice that the Robber Bar option appears in the upper right, and the Polarity dropdown list is grayed out. Click the Robber Bar check box.

4. Set the Offsets for the venting pattern:

Offset from Panel Edge controls how close the venting will come to the edge of the panel. Set this value to 1000 mils.

Robber Bar Width Notice that this field has changed from the «Offset from Images» settings. It now determines how wide the robber bar being added is. Set this to 1000 mils, or a 1″ robber bar.

Offset from Symbols Set this to 5 mils.

5. Under Layers, select top and bottom from the list. Your final Robber Bar pattern should look like this:

6. Click OK. The top layer will now display the robber bar at the edge of the previous venting pattern:


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Notice how the bars clearance around all Symbols — the symbol border protects the symbols from venting patterns.

Negative Venting

Negative venting is used on all layers which will be plotted with reverse polarity (negative planes). You will be adding this venting to the two negative layers in the design.

As with positive venting, setting the one-up border allows you to vent to the exact shape of the board’s outline.

Negative layers should take advantage of the Offset command to stagger their venting patterns, allowing them to interlock and perform better venting.

1. Select Panelization > Venting.

2. In the upper left, under Vents, use Add to enter a new venting pattern.

3. We will add the negative venting for the first negative layer in the database (layer 2):

Offset From Panel Edge Set to 900 mils

Offset From Images Set to 0.

Offset From Symbols Set to 5 mils.

Pattern Select Hatched pattern. (The hatch-pattern spreadsheet appears).

Polarity Set to Negative.

Spread Sheet You can set the hatch-pattern spreadsheet to any desired combination of hatched lines (again


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similar to old versions of the application). Set the hatch pattern to a single 45 degree line: Width 200 mils, Step 500 mils, and Angle 45 degree.

Your final venting pattern should look like this:

4. Under Layers, select only layer 2. The first hatch pattern is done.

5. Create the second, offset hatch pattern for layer 3. The settings are the same as above, with these exceptions:

Polarity Set to Positive.

Click the Offset check box.

6. Add layer 3 to the pattern:

7. Click OK to generate the two patterns:


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Notice how the two layers interlock their venting patterns.

8. The patterns are not complete yet. They appear correct since they are displayed in positive mode. Use the N key to toggle each layer’s polarity and you’ll see the hatch patterns have created dead-ends for the venting just at the border offset of the panel. To fix this, you must add positive venting where the hatched venting meets the border offset zone, creating a flow area for the venting. To do so, place a Robber Bar on both negative layers, with these settings:

Robber Bar Width 1000 mils

Offset from Symbols 5 mils

9. Select both negative layers in the Layers > Add command.

10. Click OK. The new robber bars will appear positive, but using the N-key you can see they created the desired clearance area:


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Save Database

Before you begin exporting files, it’s a good idea to Save your design as a .CAM file. This assures all panel and symbol information used in your panelized job will remain with the original design — you can refer back to the .CAM file to make any changes to the panel without having to start the panelization process over again.

You may save your file in the Panel Editor by using File > Save PCB or File > Save As PCB, or exit to the CAM Editor and save it as you would normally.

In the Panel Editor, if you wish to overwrite the original preview.cam file (not recommended), select File > Save PCB. Skip this step, as you should retain the original preview.cam file for other demonstration purposes.


Use File > Save As PCB, which functions the same as the File > Save As command in the CAM Editor. The Save As dialog appears and you are prompted to enter a name for a new file: use «preview_panel.cam»

Export Panel

Once you have completed the panel creation process, it’s time to export the files for plotting. There are several export options in the Panel Editor. Once you have panelized a job you may export it as individual files (Gerber data, composites, drill & mill data), or as a complete panel to some CAD systems (DXF, ODB++, GenCAD).

Export Gerber

Exporting a panel as Gerber files is essentially the same as exporting individual layers using the standard File > Export Gerber Data command. Refer to the File > Export Panel > Gerber Data command for details, with the following caveats:


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Panel Gerber layers will be flattened on export: all symbol and panel data will be exploded and exported as normal Gerber data, while the step & repeat codes for the step images themselves will be retained (if exported in a Gerber format other than 274D). If you reimport these files, you will not get an intelligent panelized database, as you do by saving the .CAM file.

Layers containing venting patterns will be exported as composites. If imported back into the application, they appear as multi-layer composites, which must be viewed using View > Composite or Tables > Composites.

Export Composites

If your panel contains any composites from the original one-up design, you must export these using File > Export Panel > Composites. Again, this command is essentially the same as the CAM Editor equivalent, with the exceptions noted above.

Export Drill/Mill Data

NC Data files are exported in the same fashion as they are in the CAM Editor, with the exception that the drill/mill files will contain any panel drills (from symbols, etc), as well as all drills used in the step images of the panel.

Refer to File > Export Panel > Drill Data & File > Export Panel > Mill Data for details.

Export DXF

Functions the same as its CAM Editor equivalent.

Refer to File > Export Panel > DXF for details.

Export ODB++

Functions the same as its CAM Editor equivalent.

Refer to File > Export Panel > ODB++ for details.


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CAM-350 обеспечивает связь
систем автоматизированного проектирования
с автоматизированным производством.
Для изготовления печатной платы
производству, как минимум, нужны
фотошаблоны слоев и программы сверлений
отверстий. В современных САПР обычно
имеются средства формирования
соответствующих файлов. Для описания
фотошаблонов используется форматGerber, а
для сверлений – форматExcellon.
Для качественного изготовления печатной
платы эти файлы должны быть доработаны
технологом, учитывающим возможности и
требования имеющегося оборудования.

бывают двух типов: векторные и растровые.
Векторный фотоплоттер рисует фотошаблон
лучом света, проходящим через диафрагму
заданной формы и размеров. Перемещение
луча выполняется механическим способом
и требует много времени. Растровыефотоплоттеры
рисуют фотошаблон аналогично лазерному
или струйному принтеру. Современное
производство использует, как правило,
растровые фотоплоттеры из-за их высокой
скорости и минимума механических

несколько задач, решаемых на этапе
технологической подготовки производства
печатной платы с помощью системы CAM-350.

  1. Преобразование
    слоев файла PCBв форматGerber.

  2. Удаление
    неподключенных площадок на внутренних
    слоях. Это необходимо для облегчения
    сверления отверстий и для уменьшения
    вероятности короткого замыкания на
    внутренних слоях.

  3. Сглаживание
    соединений круглых площадок с

  4. Мультиплицирование
    фотошаблонов — размещение на одной
    пленке нескольких слоев одной платы
    или повторение одного слоя.

  5. Сортировка
    отверстий для сокращения холостых
    ходов инструмента.

  6. Добавление
    технологической рамки и реперных

  7. Маркировка

  8. Вычисление
    площади металлизации слоя для выбора
    тока осаждения.

  9. Формирование
    программы фрезеровки контура платы.

  10. Формирование
    негативного изображения слоя.

настоящее время отсутствует полное
описание CAM-350 на русском
языке, но этот недостаток компенсируется
наличием хорошегоHELPа на
английском языке. Чтобы эффективно
использоватьCAM-350, нужно
немного знать английский язык и хорошо
знать область применения данной системы,
т. е. знать технологию изготовления
печатных плат. Предполагается, что все
студенты обладают навыками работы в

курсовой работе требуется в CAM-350
выполнить следующие операции:

формирование Gerber- файлов

Удаление неподключенных площадок на
внутренних слоях,

Вычисление площади металлизации слоев,

распечатка рисунков слоев.

слоями подразумеваются слои PCBTop,Int1,Int2,….,Bottom. В данном пособии
даны рекомендации для 7-ой версииCAM-350.
Переход на более позднюю версию не
представляет трудностей.

ФормированиеGerber-файлов слоевPcb

Gerber-файлы можно в редактореPCBили вCAM-350.

редакторе PCBдля этого
используется опцияFile/Gerber
Out. В версияхP-CAD-2004 иP-CAD-2006
соответствующая опцияFile/Export/Gerber.

способ требует задания правил формирования
по каждому слою, в результате чего могут
возникать ошибки из-за невнимательности

CAM-350 эта операция выполняется
Data. Во всплывающем
окне выбрать пунктAccel
EDA. Появится
панель выбора файлаPCB.
После выбора файлаPCBпоявится окно (Рис.28), в котором в
графической форме представленыGerber-файлы
всех слоевPCB, включая
несигнальные. К сожалению, эта операция
игнорирует русские буквы, поэтомуGerber-файлы, содержащие
русские буквы, следует сформировать в
редактореPCBили вCAM-350
воспользоваться опциейAdd/Text.



все слои

все слои, кроме выделенного

чисел — номера слоев в P-CAD-2000

слой (левой клавишей мыши щелкнуть по

квадратики определяют цвет линий
(левый треугольник) и площадок (правый

изменить цвет графического элемента,
нужно мышью указать соответствующий
треугольник и нажать правую кнопку
мыши. Всплывет меню выбора цвета.

  1. Вертикальная
    линейка главного меню


выделенного элемента

слой (помечен красным прямоугольником
на вертикальной линейке главного

  1. Горизонтальная
    линейка главного меню

1. Погасить несигнальные слои (3-11), а
также слои 1 и 2(TopиBottom).Перед этим выделить
какой-нибудь сигнальный слой кроме 1 и
2, так как выделенный слой невозможно

2. Удалить неподключенные площадки на
внутренних слоях. Для этого выбирается
опция главного меню

Optimisation/Remove Isolated Pads
Далее следовать указаниям в левом
нижнем углу экрана.

REMOVE:Window] Enter first corner…

REMOVE:Window] Enter second corner…

REMOVE:Window] Enter first corner…
<RightButton =

первому указанию одним щелчком левой
клавиши мыши указать первый угол окна
обрабатываемой области, затем, по второму
указанию, отпустив клавишу, передвинуть
курсор мыши во второй угол окна и щелкнуть
левой клавишей мыши. Последует третье
указание: выполнить, нажав правую кнопку

9a. ИзображениеGerber-файлов

9б. Изображение Gerber-файлов

3. Сохранение Gerber-файлов
сигнальных слоев.

опцию главного меню File/Export/GerberData.
Далее следует выбрать папку для
сохранения файлов (кнопкаExportPath),
нажать кнопкуApply(применить выбранную папку), пометить
галочками сохраняемые файлы и нажать

Соседние файлы в папке docx4

  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  1. Manuals
  2. Brands
  3. CLASSE AUDIO Manuals
  4. Amplifier
  5. CAM-350

Manuals and User Guides for CLASSE AUDIO CAM-350. We have 2 CLASSE AUDIO CAM-350 manuals available for free PDF download: Service Manual, Owner’s Manual

CLASSE AUDIO CAM-350 Owner's Manual

CLASSE AUDIO CAM-350 Owner’s Manual (17 pages)

Mono Power Amplifier

Category: Amplifier
Size: 1.4 MB

Table of Contents


Classe Audio CAM-350 Service Manual

Classe Audio CAM-350 Service Manual (23 pages)

Brand: Classe Audio
Category: Amplifier
Size: 1.4 MB


Related Products

  • Classe Audio CA-M400





  • CLASSE AUDIO CA-M300 — V1.4

  • CLASSE AUDIO CA-M600 — V1.9

  • Classe Audio CA-101

  • Classe Audio CAP-151

  • Classe Audio CA-100



CD Player
CD Player

Computer Hardware

DVD Player
DVD Player

Recording Equipment


Импортировать файлы Gerber (возвраты от производителей плат или файлы, созданные другими)

Файл gerber не может быть открыт напрямую, вам нужно использовать функцию импорта программного обеспечения cam350, чтобы открыть его следующим образом:

Этот раздел извлечен из: http://wenku.baidu.com/link?url=tZ63X1zqv-AD8TR5415q_-GW2zMU-9IPCthjkIRybeGGiCaDFjftYpCRVlGbuEuW5-yHIV5xdBZ-vXTzHnNmSwBWPW

Здесь также связано с работой программного обеспечения камеры

Примечание: если данные гербер были открыты ранее, я хотел бы выключить программное обеспечение CAM350 и снова открыть новую герберу. Здесь сначала нажмите кнопку «Создать» под строкой меню файла, а затем используйте автоматический метод ввода для импорта!

Настройка шкалы единиц измерения

Самое важное расстояние для проверки САМ — это шкала единиц измерения. Метод установки шкалы единиц измерения заключается в следующем:

Важно, чтобы настройки здесь были правильными:

Здесь лучше использовать шкалу единиц измерения английской системы, эффект лучше, метрическая система слишком велика, преобразование между английской системой и метрической системой выглядит следующим образом:

дюйм: дюйм мил: мил мм: миллиметр мм: см: см





нога есть нога

1 foot = 12 inch = 304.8 mm=30.48 cm

В муниципальных единицах, 1 фут = 1/3 метра = 33,3 см, оба одинаковы

CAM измерение

Единица измерения здесь является очень важным фактором, установите единицы измерения ниже:

Обратите внимание, что по умолчанию здесь нет 0.1000: 0.1000, выберите один из них и нажмите, чтобы изменить:

Меню Инфо-> Измерение-> Точка-точка, щелкните по соответствующей позиции для измерения расстояния.

Описание теста апертуры:


Измерение на CAM:

Как это выглядит на AD:

Под CAM, что такое 27,7? Очевидно, 19,6, что это означает 27,7?

Ниже приведено объяснение в группе QQ:

Инструкция по эксплуатации и сочетания клавиш

Выдержка из: https://zhidao.baidu.com/question/558178035.html

После определенных операций (например, MOVE, COPY и т. Д.) Введите
 W поле выбора
 Окно выбора W-I
 А выбрать все
 F Показать осевую линию
 Первый шаг: обработка одного файла (доска для написания должна обрабатываться отдельно)
 1. Импорт GERBER (файл / импорт / автоимпорт)
 2. Позиционирование:
EDIT-Change-orgin-grid orgin
 Левая угловая сетка установлена ​​на (10, 10) (верхняя левая нога)
 3. Удалить лишние вещи вне рамки (редактировать / удалять)
 4. Установите источник: (это точка сращивания)
 Примечание. Если две платы соединены вместе, начало координат одной платы устанавливается в правом нижнем углу рамки платы, а другая доска должна быть установлена ​​в рамке платы.
 Нижний левый угол
EDIT-Change-orgin-space orgin
 5. Сохраните файл CAM
 Второй шаг
 1. Откройте один файл CAM (необходимо установить точку соединения)
 2. Настройка единицы (мм)
 3. При загрузке другого файла CAM, пожалуйста, обратите внимание на расстояние между двумя платами, и его можно контролировать в зависимости от размера сетки
 FILE-MERGE, тогда появится рамка
 4. Взрываться
EDIT-Change-explove all
 5. Выравнивание слоя DRILL переносится в слой DRILL отдельно
 Цифры устанавливают целое число от 3 до 5

Примечание. Упомянутые выше сочетания клавиш действуют только после выбора определенных операций, в противном случае даже одинаковые сочетания клавиш будут иметь разные эффекты. Например, сочетание клавиш W имеет функцию выбора кадра только после выбора определенной операции. В противном случае это может быть эффект увеличения. Конкретная операция здесь относится к выбору соответствующих параметров в меню редактирования, как показано ниже:

Page 1: CAM350 Ver.10 Macro Manual

What is a Macro?

Macros are a way to automatically perform a sequence of functions. Typcially they are special commands which the user makes a recording of, while interactively performing the function he wishes to replicate. However, a CAM350 macro is much more than just a record and play back proposition. A CAM350 macro can also interact with the user, make decisions, and get information from the database.

Some users may be familiar with the term Script. Scripts are common in UNIX products and are basically the same thing as macros. Of course not all UNIX products use scripts, and a script may only provide for record and play back functions, rather than allowing for full user interaction, including database queries.

A Simple Process

Creating, editing, and using a macro is fairly easy with the Macro Menu commands, but more advanced use does require a knowledge of BASIC programming. A macro typically begins by turning on macro record and then recording a series of steps. When played back, the macro merely plays back the recorded steps. Next, you may want to modify certain parameters for subsequent runs of the macro, so you can edit the macro using a text editor and prompt the user to enter parameters. This makes the same macro useful across other databases. Then you may realize that it would be nice to have the macro itself detect certain problems for you (such as not allowing a drill sort unless drill data exists), and perhaps repeat a series of commands automatically. Once you have a useful set of macros you may want to make them easier to execute, so you assign them to the menu or a function key.

Examples of How Macros Can Be Useful

One of the sample macros provided with your CAM350 software, Automatic Panelizer, panelizes any database onto a specified panel size. It then queries the database to find the smallest apertures used for draws and flashes. It uses the smallest shapes to build a test coupon. The test coupon is placed ½» below the resultant panel images centered on the X axis. It also queries the database to get all the drill tools. It then builds a drill coupon and it places it ½» below the images and right justified on the X axis. This is an example of how a macro can be used to build a «Panelization Station» that requires very little user input. Using a macro like this results in more productivity with fewer errors and yields consistent results.

Macros are not required to use the application, but they can become quite handy for optimizing a production environment, accelerating multiple processes and making sure that all steps in a process are followed in a consistent manner.

Macro Syntax

BASIC is a common programming language. Knowledge of BASIC is not required to record and play back macros. BASIC is only needed for the more advanced user who may want to add capabilities to their macros. If you want the macro to perform other functions, such as interact with the user, test values, or repeat a command sequence (looping), you have to use a little BASIC.

Overview of BASIC

BASIC commands

Product Macro Commands


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Types of BASIC Commands

BASIC commands fall under some simple categories, depending on the functions they perform. Some commands deal specifically with string processing, while others can only perform file input and output procedures. Below is a categorized list of all BASIC commands used in CAM350: for a more detailed description of each command, click on its link to view the full description.

Note: Some of these commands fall under two or more categories.

To See Information on each command category, click below:









Process Flow Commands

These are commands which control the structure of a BASIC program, including its termination, etc.

Control Flow Functions

Commands which organize a macro’s execution sequence. These commands determine which aspects of a macro will run, based on conditional values or numeric counters.

DELAY used to pause a script while running, for the specified amount of milliseconds

END terminates the macro which is currently running

EXIT MACRO similar to END, but leaves the application in whatever command it was currently executing (i.e. Edit > Delete).

GOSUB calls a subroutine in the macro

GOTO continues running the macro from the line specified in the command

!INCLUDE allows the macro to insert another macro as if it were a part of the original macro

MACRO_LINK the macro make activate another macro using this command. Original macro ends.

MACRO_PLAY the macro may activate another macro, but unlike MACRO_LINK, the original macro continues running after the called macro ends.

RETURN returns control from the subroutine being called by a GOSUB statement


temporarily suspends the macro currently running. User may perform normal system commands and then resume macro.

DO..LOOP repeats statements between the do..loop commands, until either a condition is met (loop until) or while a condition is true (do while)


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String Functions

These are commands which manipulate string variables, by returning substrings within the main string, modifying strings, changing strings to upper/lowercase, etc.

Math Functions and Operators

Commands which allow you to perform operations on integer and real numbers.

FOR..NEXT repeats statements between the for..next commands a specified number of times, using a counter variable

IF..THEN..ELSE executes commands or modifies statements if a given condition has been met (can be nested to perform multiple conditional checks)

SELECT CASE executes commands or modifies statements based on the value of a specified variable

ASC returns the ASCII code number for any given character

CHR$ returns the string equivalent of an ASCII code number

FMTUSING$ can be used to assign a string to a variable that is formatted as if a PRINT USING statement was used

INSTR determines if a given string exists within another string

LCASE$ returns a copy of a string with all characters converted to lower case

LEFT$ returns a given number of characters from the left side of a string

LEN tells how many characters are in a string

LTRIM$ returns a copy of a string which has had the leading blank spaces stripped away

MID$ has two uses: 1) as a function, returns a specified number of characters from any location in a string 2) as a statement, replaces part of a string with another string

RIGHT$ returns a given number of characters from the right side of a string

RTRIM$ returns a copy of a string which has had the trailing blank spaces stripped away

STR$ converts a numeric value to a string

UCASE$ returns a copy of a string with all characters converted to upper case

VAL converts a numeric string to a number value

ABS returns the absolute value of a number

ATN returns the arctangent of a number

COS returns the cosine of an angle (in radians)

EXP calculates the exponential function of a number

HEX$ returns a string representing the hexadecimal value of a decimal number

LOG returns the natural logarithm of a number

MOD divides one number by another and returns the resulting value


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File Functions

Commands to allow a macro to read and write data from an ASCII text file, manipulate files/directories on the host system, and launch external programs.

Message & Dialog Commands

These commands allow you to place message boxes on screen for warnings or to receive input from the operator.

SGN gives the sign of a number

SIN returns the sine of an angle, given the radians value of the angle

SQR returns the square root of a number

TAN returns the tangent of an angle, given the radians value of the angle

CLOSE closes an external file which was being read from or written to

EOF used to determine if the end of a file has been reached

FILEEXISTS used to determine if a file exists in a given directory

HTMLHELP used to display an HTML help topic, from a compressed HTML Help file (*.chm format), in the Help System. (Note: recommended for advanced macro programmers).

INPUT# reads fields from a data file and assigns them to variables

KILL deletes a file

LCLOSE closes the printer (prints any pending data first)


assigns an entire line of a data file to a string variable, ignoring delimiters


prints specified text and/or variables to a printer; LPRINT USING specifies the formatting of the text

MKDIR creates a directory

NAME changes the name of a file or directory

OPEN opens a data file for input/output


writes data (variables, strings, etc). to a data file. PRINT# USING specifies the format of the information being output.

RESET closes all files currently open by the macro for input or output

RMDIR deletes an existing directory

WINCALL launches an external program, and waits for it to close before resuming macro. (Note: recommended for advanced macro programmers).

WINEXEC same as WINCALL, but doesn’t wait for application to close before resuming macro. (Note: recommended for advanced macro programmers).

WRITE# write data to a data file, but inserts commas between fields and quotation marks around strings

CLOSE_MSG used to close a message box displayed on screen using the PRINT_MSG or PRINT_MSG USING commands


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Debugging Commands

These commands are intended to help in the debugging of macro programs themselves. As such they are not useful in programming macros themselves, but are extremely useful in determining why a macro isn’t functioning as expected. The commands are executed only while running a macro through the Macro Debugger.

Miscellaneous Commands

These are commands which are not categorized in any of the sections above.

DELAY used to pause a script while running, for the specified amount of milliseconds. Can be used to display a PRINT_MSG message for a specific amount of time.

INPUT displays a window (with a specified message) which retrieves information input by the user

LINE INPUT similar to INPUT, but allowing the user to enter up to 255 characters of text as a single string

MESSAGE_BOX displays a user-configurable message box, similar to OK_CANCEL, but with more options (Note: recommended for intermediate and up users)

OK_CANCEL displays a message box requiring a YES or NO response from the user

PRINT opens a window which displays a string message to the user, and also requires an OK button to close dialog


similar to PRINT command, but formatted in a number of specified ways


displays a message on screen, like PRINT & PRINT USING, but doesn’t pause macro, as they do. Instead, message remains on screen until CLOSE_MSG is used in macro.


temporarily suspends the macro currently running. User may perform normal system commands and then resume macro.

BREAK execution pauses when this command is encountered in a macro, resuming when the user hits RUN in the Debugger


like BREAK, pauses execution, but may specify the line # in the program to stop at


again, same as the above two, but specifies a program label to pause at


temporarily suspends the macro currently running. User may perform normal CAM350 commands and then resume macro. Useful to pause a macro to determine the current state of the application.

WATCH specifies a variable to track in the Debugger’s WATCH window

DEF can be used to set the data type for a series of variables

DIM used to specify the variables in an array

SWAP can be used to exchange the values of two variables


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BASIC Commands

Most of the following commands operate as standard BASIC commands. However, some have been added, modified, or expanded in order to suit the needs of the software. They use a BASIC Keyword, along with one or more of the following expressions:

Numeric/Mathematical — An expression which evaluates to a number

Boolean — Expressions which to evaluate a condition as either true or false. (See the IF/THEN/ELSE Statement for more information.)

Strings — An expression which evaluates text.

Anything placed in brackets [ ] is optional.

Macro Commands

Database Queries


ABS Function

Returns the absolute value of a numeric expression.


n = -6 y = ABS(n) y = 6

ASC Function

Returns a numeric value that is the ASCII code for the first character in a string expression.


n$ = «April» y = ASC(n$) y = 65

ATN Function

Returns the arctangent of a numeric expression (the angle whose tangent is equal to the numeric expression).


n% = 30 PRINT ATN (n%)

Output: 1.537475


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BREAK Command

Pauses a macro at the point the command is present in the program. To be used only in conjunction with the Macro Debugger to determine problems in the execution of a macro script.




X% = Y% BREAK ‘pause after variable definition

CHR$ Function

Returns a one-character string of the ASCII code used.



Output is «A»

CLOSE Statement

Concludes I/O to a file or device.


CLOSE ‘close all open files CLOSE #1 ‘close file #1

CLOSE_MSG Statement

Removes a message box.


FOR n = 1 to 10 PRINT_MSG «Number is»,n DELAY 500 CLOSE_MSG

COS Function


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Returns the cosine of an angle given in radians.


n% = 30 PRINT COS (n%)

Output: 0.154251

DEFtype Statements

Sets the default data type for variables. DEFINT sets the data type as an Integer (%), DEFREAL sets it as a Real number (#), and DEFSTRING sets it as a String ($).


DEFINT <letter range[,letter range]> DEFREAL <letter range[,letter range]> DEFSTRING <letter range[,letter range]>


DEFINT a-b,e a = 34 b = 100 eagle = 10 PRINT eagle, a + b

Output: 10 134

DEFREAL q quest = 3.45 quarry = 78.31 PRINT quest + quarry

Output: 81.76

DEFSTRING r-v roger = «wilco, » r = «and » s = «out» type = «over » voice = «Roger, » PRINT voice + roger + type + r + s

Output: Roger, wilco, over and out

DELAY Statement

The delay is used to slow down the playback of a macro. For example, you may want to display a message for a set period of time. This function is independent of computer speed.




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n is the delay in milliseconds (1/1000 of a second).


FOR n = 1 to 10 PRINT_MSG «Number is»,n DELAY 500 ‘half second delay) CLOSE_MSG

DIM Statement

Allocates space for an n dimensional array. The maximum number of dimensions is currently 20. The type of the array is determined by the type of variable used.


DIM C%(10)

Dimensions an array of 11 integers (0-10) named C.

Examples of DIM Statements using multidimensional arrays, as well as arrays from one index to another:

DIM a%(10) DIM b#(-10 to 0) DIM c$(5) DIM d%(10,10)

DO/LOOP Statements

Repeats a block of statements while a condition is true, or until a condition becomes true.


DO INPUT «Enter a number less than 10»,i LOOP UNTIL i >= 10 PRINT «End of do test» END

END Statement

Ends a BASIC program, procedure, or block.


DO INPUT «Enter a number less than 10»,i LOOP UNTIL i >= 10 PRINT «End of do test» END

EOF Function


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Tests for the end-of-file condition (returns 1 if end of file is reached).


EOF (File#)


OPEN «Test.dat» FOR OUTPUT as #1 FOR i = 1 to 10 WRITE #1, i, 2 * i, 5 * i NEXT CLOSE #1 OPEN «Test.dat» FOR INPUT as #1 DO LINE INPUT #1, a$ PRINT a$ LOOP UNTIL EOF (1) = 1

EXIT MACRO Statement

Ends the macro while leaving the command processor in its current state (even in the middle of a command).




edit_aperture@ 10,1,10.0000,10.0000,0,»» update_dcodebar@ add_line@ axy@ 0.0000,0.0000 axy@ 125.0000,-125.0000 axy@ 250.0000,0.0000 view_redraw@ EXIT MACRO

EXP Function

Calculates the exponential function.


x = 10 PRINT EXP (x) Output: 22026.465795


Determines if a file exists in a given directory. Returns a 1 if file exists; 0 if not.




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File$ is the full filepath of the file being checked.


if FileExists(«d:\temp\test.doc») = 1 then OK_Cancel «There is already a file of that name in the directory. Overwrite file?», OK end if

FMTUSING$ Statement

Returns a string which is formatted as if PRINT USING was used.



formatstring$ is a character string which contains formatting characters. The syntax of this string is the same as for PRINT USING.

expressionlist is one or more expressions separated by commas.

Characters that format a numeric expression

# Digit position

. Decimal point position

, Placed left of the decimal point, prints a comma every third digit

+ Position of number sign

— Placed after digit, prints trailing sign for negative numbers

$$ Prints leading $.

** Fills leading spaces with *

**$ Combines ** and $$

Characters used to format a string expression

& Prints entire string

! Prints only the first character of the string

\ \ Prints first n characters, where n is the number of blanks between slashes + 2

Characters used to print literal characters

_ Prints the following formatting character as a literal

Any character not in this table is printed as a literal.


s$ = FMTUSING$(» ###.##»,x,y,z)


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FOR/NEXT Statement

Repeats the statements enclosed in the loop a definite number of times, counting from a starting value to an ending value by increasing or decreasing the loop counter. As long as the loop counter has not reached the ending value, the loop continues to execute. Note that when playing a macro that has For/Next statements, the system checks for «suspect logic.» Specifically, if there is more than one Next for a For statement, an error is reported.

In a FOR…NEXT loop, the counter variable initially has the value of the expression start. After each repetition of the loop, the value of counter is adjusted. If you leave off the optional STEP keyword, the default value for this adjustment is one (one is added to counter each time the loop executes).

If you use STEP, then counter is adjusted by the stepsize amount. The stepsize argument can be any numeric value; if it is negative, the loop counts down from start to end. After the counter is increased or decreased, its value is compared with end. At this point, if either of the following is true, the loop is completed:

The loop is counting up (stepsize is positive) and counter is greater then end.

The loop is counting down (stepsize is negative) and counter is less then end.


FOR <counter> = <start value> TO <end value> [STEP stepsize] [statementblock-1] [EXIT FOR] [statementblock-2] NEXT


FOR a# = 1 to 10 step .5 PRINT_MSG «a# = «,a# DELAY 10 NEXT PRINT «a# = «,a# END


Functions similarly to the Windows «Open» file dialog box: obtains a filename from the user by displaying a Windows-style drop down list (see the Forms topic). The returned filename can be used for file input/output purposes.


GetOpenFilename filename$, filter$, filter_desc$, FLAG

filename$ is the variable which will return the retrieved filename. Returns the full filepath of the file.

filter$ is a file filter to limit which file types are displayed (such as *.txt). More than one file type can be indicated by separating them with semi-colons ( «*.gbr;*.lgr»). If omitted, the default will be *.*.

filter_desc$ describes filter$ (e.g. «Gerber files»).

FLAG is any one of the following:


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NoFileMustExist Does not verify if the file exists or not.

NoPathMustExist Does not verify if the path exists or not.

NoChangeDir Will not allow the user to change the current working directory.

Multiple FLAGS are permitted, separated by commas. If none of the above FLAGS are used, then their opposite, default functions will be used.


getopenfilename Read$, «*.txt»,»Text Files», NoFileMustExist


Functions similarly to the Windows «Save As» file dialog box: obtains a filename from the user by displaying a Windows-style drop down list (see the Forms topic). The returned filename can be used for file input/output purposes.


GetSaveFilename filename$, default_ext$, filter$, filter_desc$, FLAG

filename$ is the variable which will return the retrieved filename. Returns the full filepath of the file.

default_ext$ is the default extension of the file being saved. It is a three character string with no period (e.g. «txt»).

filter$ is a file filter to limit which files are displayed (such as «*.txt»). If omitted, will be «*.*».

filter_desc$ describes filter$ (e.g. «Text files»).

FLAG is any one of the following:

NoOverWritePrompt If the filename already exists, it does not prompt the user to verify before overwriting it.

PathMustExist Requires the saved file’s path to already exist.

NoChangeDir Will not allow the user to change the current working directory.

Multiple FLAGS are permitted, separated by commas. If none of the above FLAGS are used, then the opposite, default functions will be used.


getsavefilename Save$, «gbr»,»*.gbr»,»Gerber Files», PathMustExist


Transfers control to, and returns from, a subroutine. The target, or return, for a gosub may be a number or alphanumeric notation. The label may be on the same line as a command or it may be on its own line. Note that labels which are not numeric must be ended in a colon.



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This macro draws a box around any coordinate.

50 INPUT «The size of the box in inches»,boxsize half = (boxsize * 1000)/2 INPUT «The center X coordinate in inches»,x INPUT «The center Y coordinate in inches»,y x = x * 1000 y = y * 1000 GOSUB 100 OK_CANCEL «Continue?»,OK IF OK = 1 THEN GOTO 50 END ‘ Box drawing subroutine 100 startx = x — half starty = y — half endx = x + half endy = y + half Add_rectangle@ axy@ startx,starty axy@ endx,endy RETURN

Use a subroutine whenever a task must be repeated. Note also that all variables are «global,» meaning that a variable has the same value in a subroutine as in the main program.

GOTO Statement

Branches unconditionally to the specified line. A goto is a way to control the macro flow. The target, or label, for a goto may be a number or alphanumeric notation. The label may be on the same line as a command or it may be on its own line. Note that Labels which are not numeric must be ended in a colon


GOTO 100 100 PRINT «this is a numeric label» GOTO label1 label1: PRINT «this is an alphanumeric label»

HEX$ Function

Returns a hexadecimal string representation of a number.


x = 10 PRINT HEX$ (x) Output: A

HTMLHELP Statement

Allows the programmer to open an individual HTML document from a compressed HTML help file (*.chm).

Note: This command is recommended for advanced macro programmers.


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HtmlHelp htmlhelpfile$, htmlhelppage$

htmlhelpfile$ = the filename for the HTML Help format file (e.g. help.chm)

htmlhelppage$ = the specific HTML topic file within that help file (e.g. TOC.html)


Htmlhelp «help.chm»,»basic_commands.html»

IF/THEN/ELSE Statements

Allows conditional execution, based on the evaluation of a Boolean expression. This statement may be a single line, or a block

Single Line Syntax:

IF <Boolean expression> [AND <Boolean expression> ]THEN <expression> [ELSE Statement]

Block Syntax:

IF <Boolean expression> [AND <Boolean expression> ]THEN <Block statements> [ELSEIF <boolean expression> THEN <Block statements>] [ELSE <Block statements>] END IF

If the expression is true then the statement is executed. Strings can also be compared using the If/Then statement.


IF taxes > 10000 AND taxes <100000 THEN GOTO 500 IF X = 14 THEN Time = Time + 1

!INCLUDE Statement

!INCLUDE functions like the MACRO_PLAY Statement, except for the following differences.

!INCLUDE can see variables which are used in the macro program calling the !INCLUDE statement, whereas MACRO_PLAY cannot.

When the subprogram called by MACRO_PLAY comes to an END statement, the calling macro continues on the next line. If an END statement is encountered in a macro called by !INCLUDE, then the main macro is also ended.

Unlike MACRO_PLAY, you cannot use a variable for the filename parameter of the command. (The full filename path for the macro to be included must be entered in the parameter).

See also the MACRO_PLAY and MACRO_LINK statements.



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!INCLUDE Filename


if Add% = 1 then !INCLUDE «d:\temp\testscript.scr»

end if

INPUT Statement

The input command opens a dialog box, displays a string, and waits for the user to enter a value and press OK. Adding CR! to your message inputs a carriage line feed. This allows you to have multiple lines in the dialog box, and control where the line breaks.


INPUT «Enter your name», name$

INPUT# Statement

Reads data items from a sequential device or file and assigns them to variables.


OPEN «Price.dat» FOR INPUT AS #1 INPUT «Display all items below what level»; Reorder DO UNTIL EOF (1) INPUT #1, Company$, Styles$, Sizes$, Clr$,

INSTR Statement

Determines if a string exists within another string. It returns a numeric value for the position the substring begins, relative to the beginning of the string.




position = character position in the string to begin the search (optional — defaults to first char. in string)

string = the string expression to be searched


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substring = the string expression to be searched for


Test% = instr(1,»where is mary jane?»,»mary»)

KILL Statement

Deletes a file from disk.


KILL «c:\Act_Inc\Scripts\testing1.scr»

LCASE$ Function

Returns a string expression with all letters in lower-case.


Test$ = «THE string» PRINT Test$ PRINT LCASE$(Test$); » in lowercase»

LCLOSE Statement

Closes the printer and sends any unprinted characters to the printer.


FOR i = 32 to 127 s$ = s$ + chr$(i) NEXT FOR i = 1 to 190 LPRINT s$; NEXT LCLOSE END

LEFT$ Function

Returns a string consisting of the leftmost n characters of a string.


a$ = «Microsoft Qbasic» PRINT LEFT$(a$, 5)

Output is «Micro»


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LEN Statement

Returns the number of characters in a string, or the number of bytes required by a variable.


Temp$ = «1234567» PRINT LEN (Temp$)

Output: «7»

LINE INPUT Statement

Inputs an entire line (up to 255 characters) to a string variable, without the use of delimiters.


LINE INPUT[;][ «prompt string»] string variable


LINE INPUT «Enter three values separated by commas: «, D$ PRINT «D$ = » D$

LINE INPUT# Statement

Reads an entire line, without delimiters, from a sequential file to a string variable.


Creates sample file:

OPEN «List» FOR OUTPUT as #1 DO INPUT » NAME: «, Name$ INPUT » AGE: «, Age$ WRITE #1, Name$, Age$ INPUT «Add another entry? Y or N», R$ LOOP WHILE UCASE$(R$) = «Y» CLOSE #1

Reads the file:



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LOG Function

Returns the natural logarithm of a numeric expression.


x = 10 PRINT LOG (x)

Output: 2.302585


LPRINT prints data to the default printer (as defined by the printer settings under Macro > Setup Printer). LPRINT USING prints the data in a specified format. These statements function exactly the same as PRINT and PRINT USING, but instead of the output going to the screen it goes to a printer

See also the File > Print macro commands.

Characters that format a numeric expression

# Digit position

. Decimal point position

, Placed left of the decimal point, prints a comma every third digit

+ Position of number sign

^^^^ Prints in exponential format

— Placed after digit, prints trailing sign for negative numbers

$$ Prints leading $.

**Fills leading spaces with *

**$ Combines ** and $$

Characters used to format a string expression

& Prints entire string

! Prints only the first character of the string

\ \ Prints first n characters, where n is the number of blanks between slashes + 2

Characters used to print literal characters

_ Prints the following formatting character as a literal

Any character not in this table is printed as a literal.


FOR i = 32 to 127


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s$ = s$ + chr$(i) NEXT FOR i = 1 to 190 LPRINT s$; NEXT LCLOSE END


x# = 1441.2318 LPRINT USING «No Decimal ####»;x#

Output would be: 1441

LPRINT USING «The number with 3 decimal places ####.###»;x#

Output would be: 1441.232

LPRINT USING «The number with a dollar sign and 2 decimals $$##.##»;x#

Output would be: $1441.23

LPRINT USING «Number with plus signs +###.#### «; x#

Output would be: +1441.2318

LPRINT USING «The number with a comma ##,.##»;x#

Output would be: 1,441.23

b$ = «ABCDEFG» LPRINT USING «The entire string &»;b$

Output would be: ABCDEFG

LPRINT USING «The first character of the string !»; b$

Output would be: A

LPRINT USING «The first 3 characters \ \»; b$

Output would be: ABC

LTRIM$ Function

Returns a copy of a string with leading spaces removed.


a$ = » Basic » PRINT «*» + a$ + «*» ‘Output is: * Basic * PRINT «*» + LTRIM$(a$) + «*» ‘Output is: *Basic *

MACRO_LINK Statement


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Links an existing macro file to your macro. Control will not return when the new macro ends. If you do not specify a path in the filename, the system will assume it is the same as the path of the macro you are linking from.

See also the MACRO_PLAY and !INCLUDE Statements.


Macro_link «filename.ext»

MACRO_PLAY Statement

Starts the macro script indicated. When this new macro ends, the existing macro resumes with the next instruction after the MACRO_PLAY command.

See also the MACRO_LINK and !INCLUDE statements.


MACRO_PLAY «filename.ext»


This command displays a Windows-style message box, with configurable buttons and titles. A number of choices are offered for the display title. Each command returns a numeric value, depending on the buttons used in the box, which can be used as a conditional value in other statements.

Note: This command is recommended for intermediate to advanced macro programmers. Beginning macro programmers should use the OK_CANCEL or PRINT commands


MessageBox message$ [, title$] [, flags] [, return%]

message$ = message displayed within the box

title$ = title of dialog (INFORMATION is assumed if title$ value is empty).

flags = specifies the style of box to display (again, INFORMATION is assumed default) The following flags are available:

INFORMATION = OK button and lowercase i icon

WARNING = OK button and Exclamation point icon

ERROR = OK button and Stop sign icon

OKCANCEL = OK and CANCEL buttons, Question mark icon

YESNO = YES and NO buttons, Question mark icon

YESNOCANCEL = YES, NO, and CANCEL buttons, Question mark icon

RETRYCANCEL = RETRY and CANCEL buttons, Question mark icon


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# = an integer representing the code for other Windows-style buttons (requires knowledge of MS codes; negative integer is possible).

return% = integer value returned, dependant on button pressed:

1 OK button was selected.

2 Cancel button was selected.

3 Abort button was selected. (Only if flag integer is set to ABORT)

4 Retry button was selected.

5 Ignore button was selected. (Only if flag integer is set to IGNORE)

6 Yes button was selected.

7 No button was selected.


MessageBox «Continue Running Macro?»,»INFORMATION»,YESNO,MacroEnd% if MacroEnd% = 6 then end

MID$ Function

The MID$ Function returns a substring of a string. The MID$ statement replaces part of a string variable with another string.


As a Function:


As a Statement:



a$ = «Where is Paris?» PRINT MID$(a$, 10, 3)

Output is «Par»

Text$ = «Paris, France» PRINT Text$

Output is «Paris, France»

MID$(Text$, 8) = «Texas» PRINT Text$

Output is «Paris, Texas»


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MKDIR Statement

Creates a new directory.


MKDIR «c:\MacroTest»

This creates a directory on the C drive called MacroTest.

MOD Function

Divides one number by another and returns the remainder. Real numbers are rounded to integers.


numeric-expression1 MOD numeric-expression2


PRINT 19 MOD 6.7

BASIC rounds 6.7 to 7, then divides. Output is 5.

NAME Statement

Changes the name of a disk file or directory.


NAME <OldFilename> AS <NewFilename>


NAME «c:\Test» AS «c:\Testing»

This renames the file Test on the C drive to Testing.

OK_CANCEL Statement

The OK_CANCEL command is similar to the Print Statement except there are two buttons: Yes and No. The command returns a value (1=Yes, 0=No) which can be used as a conditional in other macro commands.


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Ok_cancel message$, return%


FOR n = 1 to 10 PRINT «Number is»,n OK_CANCEL «Continue?»,OK IF OK = 1 THEN next END

OPEN Statement

Enables I/O to a file. In CAM350, it is ASCII Text based, not binary, so only the following syntaxes are accepted:

OPEN «filename» FOR INPUT AS #n OPEN «filename» FOR OUTPUT AS #n OPEN «filename» FOR APPEND AS #n

In each case, n is the number between 1 and 255, and is used to refer to the file in subsequent PRINT, WRITE, and INPUT statements


OPEN «print.data» for output as #1 PRINT #1, «This is some test data»,10,33.4,»Snark»,25 PRINT #1, «This is some more test data»,200 CLOSE #1 END

PRINT Statement

Print opens a dialog box to display a message. The message may include variables, and can be multiple lines. This dialog box has an OK button. This box stays up, and macro execution is suspended, until OK is pressed.


PRINT «message»,variable(s)


PRINT «Number of flashes using current Dcode: «,numflashes!


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Adding CR! to your message inputs a carriage line feed. This allows you to have multiple lines in the dialog box, and control where the line breaks.


PRINT «Number of times the current Dcode Type»+CR!+»is used as a flash: «, NumdcodetypeF!

Because quotation marks are used to specify file names or text to print in macros, a special database query command, Quote!, will insert the character («) into the text that you are printing


PRINT «This is a «+Quote!+»quote.»+Quote!

Output is: This is a «quote.»


Prints strings or numbers using a specified format.

Characters that format a numeric expression

# Digit position

. Decimal point position

, Placed left of the decimal point, prints a comma every third digit

+ Position of number sign

— Placed after digit, prints trailing sign for negative numbers

$$ Prints leading $.

** Fills leading spaces with *


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**$ Combines ** and $$

Characters used to format a string expression

& Prints entire string

! Prints only the first character of the string

\ \ Prints first n characters, where n is the number of blanks between slashes + 2

Characters used to print literal characters

_ Prints the following formatting character as a literal

Any character not in this table is printed as a literal.


x# = 1441.2318 PRINT USING «No Decimal ####»;x#

Output would be: 1441

PRINT USING «The number with 3 decimal places ####.###»;x#

Output would be: 1441.232

PRINT USING «The number with a dollar sign and 2 decimals $$##.##»;x#

Output would be: $1441.23

PRINT USING «Number with plus signs +###.#### «; x#

Output would be: +1441.2318

PRINT USING «The number with a comma ##,.##»;x#

Output would be: 1,441.23

b$ = «ABCDEFG» PRINT USING «The entire string &»;b$

Output would be: ABCDEFG

PRINT USING «The first character of the string !»; b$

Output would be: A

PRINT USING «The first 3 characters \ \»; b$

Output would be: ABC


PRINT# writes data to a sequential file. PRINT# USING writes the strings or numbers using a specified format.


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Characters that format a numeric expression

# Digit position

. Decimal point position

, Placed left of the decimal point, prints a comma every third digit

+ Position of number sign

— Placed after digit, prints trailing sign for negative numbers

$$ Prints leading $.

** Fills leading spaces with *

**$ Combines ** and $$

Characters used to format a string expression

& Prints entire string

! Prints only the first character of the string

\ \ Prints first n characters, where n is the number of blanks between slashes + 2

Characters used to print literal characters

_ Prints the following formatting character as a literal

Any character not in this table is printed as a literal.


OPEN «print.data» for output as #1 PRINT #1, «This is some test data»,10,33.4,»Snark»,25 PRINT #1, «This is some more test data»,200 CLOSE #1 END


OPEN «print.data» for output as #1 a# = 123.4567 PRINT #1, USING «###.##»; a# CLOSE #1 END

Output is 123.46


PRINT_MSG is similar to PRINT: you may include variables and have multiple lines. The only difference is there is no OK button. The message will remain until another print_msg or close_msg command, or until macro execution stops.



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PRINT_MSG «message»,variable(s)

Adding CR! to your message inputs a carriage line feed. This allows you to have multiple lines in the dialog box, and control where the line breaks.

Because quotation marks are used to specify file names or text to print in macros, a special database query command, Quote!, will insert the character («) into the text that you are printing.

PRINT_MSG USING prints the strings and numbers using a specified format.

Characters that format a numeric expression

# Digit position

. Decimal point position

, Placed left of the decimal point, prints a comma every third digit

+ Position of number sign

— Placed after digit, prints trailing sign for negative numbers

$$ Prints leading $.

** Fills leading spaces with *

**$ Combines ** and $$

Characters used to format a string expression

& Prints entire string

! Prints only the first character of the string

\ \ Prints first n characters, where n is the number of blanks between slashes + 2

Characters used to print literal characters

_ Prints the following formatting character as a literal

Any character not in this table is printed as a literal.


PRINT_MSG Quote!+»Promise only what you can deliver.»+CR+»Then deliver more than you promise.»+Quote! DELAY 5000 NEXT


a# = 123.4567 PRINT_MSG USING «###.##»; a# PRINT_MSG USING «+###.####»; a# a$ = «ABCDEFG» PRINT_MSG USING «!»; a$ PRINT_MSG USING «\ \»; a$


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RESET Statement

Closes all disk files.


OPEN «print.data» for output as #1 PRINT #1, «This is some test data»,10,33.4,»Snark»,25 PRINT #1, «This is some more test data»,200 RESET END

RETURN Statement

Returns control from a subroutine.


‘ This macro draws a box about any coordinate. 50 INPUT «The size of the box in inches»,boxsize half = (boxsize * 1000)/2 INPUT «The center X coordinate in inches»,x INPUT «The center Y coordinate in inches»,y x = x * 1000 y = y * 1000 GOSUB 100 OK_CANCEL «Continue?»,OK IF OK = 1 THEN GOTO 50 END ‘ Box drawing subroutine 100 startx = x — half starty = y — half endx = x + half endy = y + half Add_rectangle@ axy@ startx,starty axy@ endx,endy RETURN

RIGHT$ Function

Returns the right-most n characters of a string.


a$ = «Microsoft Qbasic» PRINT RIGHT$(a$, 5)

Output is «basic»

RMDIR Statement

Removes an existing directory.


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RMDIR «c:\MacroTest»

This will remove a directory on your c drive called MacroTest.

RTRIM$ Function

Returns a string with trailing (right-hand) spaces removed.


a$ = » Basic » PRINT «*» + a$ + «*» ‘Output is: * Basic * PRINT «*» + RTRIM$(a$) + «*» ‘Output is: * Basic*


This is similar to the If/Then statement, but it evaluates a single expression then executes different statements or branches to different parts of the script, based on results.


SELECT CASE <expression> CASE <expression> <statement> CASE ELSE <statement> END SELECT

If the expression is true, then the statement is executed. A numeric or string expression can be evaluated. End select terminates statement.


INPUT «Enter an interger between 1-9», TestValue SELECT CASE TestValue

CASE 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 PRINT «Odd»

CASE 2, 4, 6, 8 PRINT «Even»

CASE IS < 1 PRINT «Too low»

CASE IS > 9 PRINT «Too high»

CASE ELSE PRINT «Not an integer»


SGN Function

Indicates the sign of a number.


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n = -5 PRINT SGN (n)

Output: -1

Y = 10 PRINT SGN (y)

Output: 1

SIN Function

Returns the sine of the angle x, where x is in radians.


n% = 30 PRINT SIN (n%)

Output: =0.988032

SQR Function

Returns the square root of n.


n% = 25 PRINT SQR (n%)

Output: 5.000000

STR$ Function

Returns a string representation of a number.


PRINT «The answer is: «+str$(answer%)


SUSPEND stops running the macro and puts up a message box with a Resume button so you can return to the macro later. While the macro is suspended, you can use the software as if the macro weren’t running at all. When you press the Resume button, execution of the macro resumes with the next instruction after the SUSPEND command.


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SUSPEND <message$>

message$ is the text in the message box which is displayed when the macro is executed.

SUSPEND USING displays a message in the specified format.

Characters that format a numeric expression

# Digit position

. Decimal point position

, Placed left of the decimal point, prints a comma every third digit

+ Position of number sign

— Placed after digit, prints trailing sign for negative numbers

$$ Prints leading $.

** Fills leading spaces with *

**$ Combines ** and $$

Characters used to format a string expression

& Prints entire string

! Prints only the first character of the string

\ \ Prints first n characters, where n is the number of blanks between slashes + 2

Characters used to print literal characters

_ Prints the following formatting character as a literal

Any character not in this table is printed as a literal.


FOR n = 1 to 10 PRINT_MSG «number is», n DELAY 500 SUSPEND CLOSE_MSG


SUSPEND USING «###.##»,123.45

SWAP Statement

Exchanges the values of two variables.



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Temp$ = «123456» Temp2$ = «789» SWAP Temp$, Temp2$ PRINT Temp$ PRINT Temp2$

Output: «789»

Output: «123456»

TAN Function

Returns the tangent of the angle x, where x is in radians.


n% = 30 PRINT TAN (n%)

Output: -6.405331

UCASE$ Function

Returns a string expression with all letters in uppercase.


Test$ = «THE string» PRINT Test$ PRINT UCASE$(Test$); » IN UPPERCASE»

VAL Function

Returns the numeric value of a string of digits.


n$ = 3456 PRINT VAL (n$)

Output: 3456

WINCALL Statement

Allows the macro to execute an external application (Notepad, etc), and waits for the application to exit before returning control to the calling macro.

Note: This command is recommended for advanced macro programmers.


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WinCall commandline$ [, cmdshow] [, return%]

commandline$ is the full path and name of the external program, along with all parameters (e.g. «d:\mybin\prog.exe param1 param2»). Spaces may be used in parameters and paths, but they must be surrounded by quotes («): e.g. commandline$ = chr$(34) + «d:\my bin\prog.exe» + chr$(34) + » » + chr$(34) + «param» + chr$(34) produces the following character string: «\»d:\my bin\prog.exe\» \»param\»» (Here \» is » in the string)

cmdshow is a keyword for how a Windows-based application window is to be shown. Values for cmdshow are (if value is not provided, NormalFocus is assumed):

Show = window has focus and is restored to its original size and position.

Hide = window is hidden and focus is passed to the hidden window.

NormalFocus = window has focus and is restored to its original size and position.

MinimizedFocus = wiindow is displayed as an icon with focus.

MaximizedFocus = wiindow is maximized with focus.

NormalNoFocus = window is restored to its most recent size and position. The currently active window remains active.

MinimizedNoFocus = wiindow is displayed as an icon. The currently active window remains active.

cmdshow can be an integer instead. (See the «Microsoft Win32 API» for more information about the integer values for cmdshow, under ShowWindow).

return% is the return code from the external program. This is a value defined by the external program, so you must check its documentation for the appropriate value. (Note: 0 usually means the program finished successfully — but that is not guaranteed).


Program$ = chr$(34) + «d:\programs\notepad.exe» + chr$(34) + » » + chr$(34) + «param» + chr$(34) WinCall Program$, Show, Done% if Done% = 0 then print «External Application was closed»

WINEXEC Statement

Like WinCall, allows the macro to execute an external application (Notepad, etc), but does not wait for the application to exit before returning control to the calling macro (like WinCall does).

Note: This command is recommended for advanced macro programmers.


WinExec commandline$ [, cmdshow]

commandline$ is the full path and name of the external program, along with all parameters (e.g. «d:\mybin\prog.exe param1 param2»).


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Spaces may be used in parameters and paths, but they must be surrounded by quotes («): e.g. commandline$ = chr$(34) + «d:\my bin\prog.exe» + chr$(34) + » » + chr$(34) + «param» + chr$(34) produces the following character string: «\»d:\my bin\prog.exe\» \»param\»» (Here \» is » in the string)

cmdshow is a keyword for how a Windows-based application window is to be shown. Values for cmdshow are (if value is not provided, NormalFocus is assumed):

Show = window has focus and is restored to its original size and position.

Hide = window is hidden and focus is passed to the hidden window.

NormalFocus = window has focus and is restored to its original size and position.

MinimizedFocus = wiindow is displayed as an icon with focus.

MaximizedFocus = wiindow is maximized with focus.

NormalNoFocus = window is restored to its most recent size and position. The currently active window remains active.

MinimizedNoFocus = wiindow is displayed as an icon. The currently active window remains active.

cmdshow can be an integer instead. (See the «Microsoft Win32 API» for more information about the integer values for cmdshow, under ShowWindow).


Program$ = chr$(34) + «d:\programs\notepad.exe» + chr$(34) + » » + chr$(34) + «param» + chr$(34) WinExec Program$, Show

WRITE# Statement

Writes data to a sequential file.


OPEN «write.dat» for output as #1 WRITE #1, «This is some test data»,10,33.4,»Snark»,25 WRITE #1, «This is some more test data»,200 CLOSE #1 END


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Macro Search Tips

Recording and Viewing Macros

Most CAM350 commands have macro’s that can be recorded and played back. Macros that relate to each command are noted in each of the main Help topics. These macro commands end with the @ sign.

As commands are added or modified, the recorded CAM350 commands may change. To verify a recorded command, just select the Macro > Record command, execute the desired command(s), and view the saved macro file.

Pressing the M hotkey changes the prompt on the status bar between (1) the actual prompt, (2) the memory used, and (3) the actual macro command that would be saved. Using the M hotkey is a fast way to see each macro command without going through the steps of recording a macro and then opening the macro file in an editor.

Restriction: The availability of product macro commands is dependant on your product and its specific modules. Some macro commands are available only to specific modules. If you encounter problems when using specific macro commands, refer to the Editor List icon for each Menu Command you’re attempting to use: this will display a list of Editors the command is available for. If you do not have a listed Editor, you cannot run the macro command.

Macro Basics

Macro commands are the RESULT of a command rather than the command itself. For example, to set the size and shape of Dcode 71 you would interactively select Tables, then Apertures, then click in the Dcode 71 field, enter an r (for round), and then 100 for the size. The recorded result for this process is:

edit_aperture@ 71,1,100.0000,100.0000,71,»»

Where 71 is Dcode 71, 1 is the round shape, 100-100 are the X and Y values, the second 71 is the default swap Dcode, and the «» is reserved for the name if it was a custom aperture.

Other commands are almost the same as what you would do if you selected them from the menu. For example, the macro recorded for adding a line is something like this:

setdcode@ 12

Sets the active Dcode to 12.

setlayer@ 0

Sets the active layer to 1 (layer numbering starts from 0 in macros).


The same as selecting add line.

axy@ 505.0000,4670.0000 axy@ 3753.0000,4751.0000 axy@ 1341.0000,2810.0000 back@ back@

All of the macro commands listed below appear in the order you would need to add them to your macro. In other words, they must placed in the same sequence as they are listed to function properly.

INCORRECT: axy@ 2.144,3.455 add_flash@ back@


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Would NOT add a flash at the given coordinates, because the coordinates were specified before the command was called.

CORRECT: add_flash@ axy@ 2.144,3.455 back@

The commands follow the proper sequence, and a flash will be added at the coordinates.

Obsolete Macros and Their New Equivalents

Common Macros

The macros below are commonly used in scripts.

axy@ x,y

X,Y are coordinates (same as selecting a point with the left mouse button).


Backs out of (cancels) a command (same as clicking the right mouse button to cancel a command). Useful for terminating the previous macro command state before initiating a new one.


Selects all data within the database extents. Can be used in commands which require a selection window to specify the area being checked, etc. (Replaces commands, such as edit_group@, which must specify two points on a rectangular selection window).


edit_selectall2@ back@


edit_group@ axy@ 10.1200,45.7500 axy@ 46.8700,15.8900 back@


Ends a command. (Only certain commands need end@). An example is the + hotkey for zoom in. Since this command is recursive the end@ is necessary to stop the zoom in function.


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Data Analysis Macros

The following macros collect tolerance information about the designated layers. They are used solely in preparation for the Database Analysis Queries that report their findings.


Looks at the data on all ON electrical and NC layers.

analyze_data_in_box@ llx,lly,urx,ury

Looks at data which is inside the prescribed box (parameters are lower-left X coordinate, lower-left Y coordinate, upper-right X, upper-right Y), for all ON NC and electrical layers.

analyze_data_out_box@ llx,lly,urx,ury

Looks at data which is outside the prescribed box (parameters are lower-left X coordinate, lower-left Y coordinate, upper-right X, upper-right Y), for all ON NC and electrical layers.

Note: For the last two commands, data which crosses the box edge is considered both inside and outside the box (it will be included in both analyze box commands).

Database Analysis Queries


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Key Function Associated Macro Command

A Aperture table

C Zoom close view_close@ D Set active Dcode setdcode@ #

#=Dcode number

F Toggle fill mode (filled/outline/centerline)

setvmfill@ # 0=centerline, 1=filled, 2=outline view_redraw@

G Turn graphics on/off (speeds up edit selections)

view_SuppressGrphcs@ # 0=on, 1=off

H Highlight active Dcode Hilite_dcode_on@ Hilite_dcode_off@

K Turn layer(s) off (inactive) layer_kill@ Must be followed by edit_layer@ 0,-2,-2,0,1 layer number, draw color, flash color, layer type, 1=off

L Turn layer(s) on (active) layer_set@ Must be followed by edit_layer@0,-2,-2,0,0 layer number, draw color, flash color, layer type, 0=on

Ctrl L Toggle Full Screen mode view_fullscreen@ N Toggle active layer

negative/positive (display only) view_NegateActiveLayer@ # 0=Negative, 1=Positive

O Toggle orthogonal snap (0/45/90 degrees)

setortho@ # 0=90, 1=45, 2=0

P Zoom previous view_previous@ Q Query all data query_all@ R Redraw view_redraw@ S Snap-to-grid on/off setgridsnap@ #

0=off, 1=on

T Transparency on/off setvmtrans@ # 0=off, 1=on

U Undo undo@ Ctrl U Redo redo@ V Grid visibility on/off setgridvis@ #

1=on, 0=off W Zoom window (must select 2

points) view_window@ For example: view_window@ axy@ 1375.0,5350.0 axy@ 3300.0,3175.0 back@

X Toggle cursor (target/cross-hair)

Y Layer table

Z Object snap on/off setsnap@ # 1=on, 0=off

F1 Context-Sensitive Help

F2-F9, F11, F12

User-Definable keys

Home View all view_all@ 0-9 Number keys 1 to 9 turn ON

layer sets 1 to 9, respectively. layerset_view@ # # is the number of the layerset to turn


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Hotkeys that change during Edit commands

Keyboard/Mouse Equivalents

0 turns on layer set 10. The first layer of the layer set is made active. (If no layer set exists, nothing happens.)


Ins Pan to cursor location

+ Zoom in view_zoomin@ — Zoom out view_zoomout@ PgUp Increase snap box size setsnapdist@ #

# in pixels setsnapdistdb@ # # in current user units (mils or mm)

PgDn Decrease snap box size setsnapdist@ # # in pixels setsnapdistdb@ # # in current user units (mils or mm)

A Select All

B Toggle group display box mode/ghost mode

C Toggle window mode crossing/non-crossing

I Toggle windowed selection inside/outside

edit_inside@ edit_outside@

M Mirror a part during Add > Part and Quick Part, or Mirror the Reference Designator or Device Name during Build Part or in the Part Editor.


T Rotate a part during Add > Part and Quick Part, or rotate the Reference Designator or Device Name during Build Part or in the Part Editor

quickpart_turn@ partname_turn@ setturn100angle@ # Sets the turn angle. # is 100 times the angle (650=6.5 degrees)

W Enable group Window mode

Spacebar Left mouse button

, Center mouse button (re-execute last command)

Esc Right mouse button


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Layer Bar Macros

setlayer@ 4

Sets the active layer.

settoplayer@ 5

Displays this layer on top. Remember layers start from 0 (layer 1 = layer 0 in a macro).

layer_alloff@ 1

Turns all layers expect the active layer on or off: 1 = all off and 0 = all on.


Updates the display to reflect the current Layer Bar settings.

edit_layer@ Layer#,drawcolor,flashcolor,type,on/off,»name.gbr»

See Import Gerber for a full explanation of the edit_layer@ command.

The layer bar can only turn layers on/off, set the active layer, bring a layer to the top, and set the draw and flash colors. The numbers associated with each of the colors depends upon the current positions of each of the colors in the palette. Here is an example of a color palette, with the numbers that are assigned to each position. Since the numbers correlate to the position and not the color itself, please refer to the palette in your CAM350 software to determine which number is assigned to your desired color. (Right-click on any of the colors in the layer bar to open the palette editor.)

savecolors@ «name.pal»

If you’ve customized your display with unique colors, this command allows you to save the palette.

loadcolors@ «name.pal»

Allows you to load a unique color palette.

view_LayerFlash #, #

Flashes can be turned off, even though the active layer is On.

First #: layer number

Second #: 0=Flashes are Off, 1=Flashes are On.

view_layerDraw #,#

Draws can be turned off even though the active layer is On.

First #: layer number


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Second #: 0=Draws are Off, 1=Draws are On.


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Status Bar Macros

Coordinate Readout/Input

setabsrel@ 1

Sets the coordinate box readout type: 0 = absolute, 1 = relative.

H button

Used to highlight the active Dcode in the Tool Bar. Dcode must be made active first: see Active Dcode.


Turns highlight on.


Turns highlight off.

S button

setgridsnap@ #

Sets the grid snap: (1=on, 0=off). Grid may be set using Grid Selection.

T button

setvmtrans@ #

Sets transparency mode: 0=off, 1=on

V button

setgridvis@ #

Turns the grid on or off: 1=on, 0=off.


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Z button

setsnap@ #

Set the object snap: 1=on, 0=off.

Desirable to turn off when in macros, to avoid snapping to objects accidentally when providing exact coordinates.


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Tool Bar Macros

The Tool Bar changes depending what editor you are in and what menu command you have selected. Only those functions which have associated macro commands are listed here.


Causes the display of the Tool Bar buttons and Units Measurement field to be refreshed to reflect the current settings.

Active Dcode

setdcode@ 19

Sets the active Dcode to the given number.


Updates the Dcode bar.

Active Layer

setlayer@ 5

Sets the active layer (remember layers start from 0).

Check Boxes

There are a variety of check boxes available during Edit Menu commands, which allow you to limit the types of data being selected. The availability of a check box for an Edit command is dependant on the editor.

Each check box is a yes/no toggle to indicate if the data type should be available to the Edit command.


seteditcmp@ #

If Set, you can select Components (‘parts’) in the database for editing. If Cleared, the components are not selectable. 0 = clear, 1 = set the «Cmp» selection filter.

Drill & Mill


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seteditdrill@ # seteditmill@ #

Sets edit drill and mill options (1=on, 0=off)

Drw & Flsh

seteditflash@ # seteditdraw@ #

Sets edit draw and flash options (1=on, 0=off)


seteditvia@ #

0 = Clear 1 = Set the «Via» selection filter.

If Set, you can select entire vias for deletion (though not component pins). This also allows you to delete empty vias (padstacks without any apertures assigned). If Clear, and the «Flsh» selection filter is set, only the individual pads of vias will be selected for deletion.

Note: This check box is only available for the Edit > Delete command.

See also Filter button


edit_delete@ seteditvia@ 1 seteditcmp@ 1 seteditdraw@ 1 seteditflash@ 0 seteditdrill@ 1 seteditmill@ 0 axy@ 3000.4000,1586.2000 back@

Check button

There is no macro command for this feature.

Config button


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Fixture Setup:

Each fixture (top and bottom) must be setup individually, using the following commands:

bn_fixture_width@ 1,20000.0000

Sets the width of the fixture being added (in inches or mm).

bn_fixture_height@ 1,20000.0000

Sets the height of the fixture being added (in inches or mm).

bn_add_newgrid@ 1,100.0000,100.0000

Defines the new gridsize for the fixture side:

First parameter is 1=topside, 2=bottomside

Second and third parameters are the X and Y values (respectively) for the grid spacing.

bn_add_newplt@ 1,»4,2540000,-95250000,-95250000,158750000,158750000,0,3″ bn_add_newplt@ 1,»1,1587500,-95250000,-95250000,158750000,158750000,76200,1″ bn_add_newplt@ 1,»4,2540000,-95250000,-95250000,158750000,158750000,0,3″ bn_add_newplt@ 1,»3,1270000,-95250000,-95250000,158750000,158750000,76200,1″ bn_add_newplt@ 1,»4,2540000,-95250000,-95250000,158750000,158750000,0,3″ bn_add_newplt@ 1,»2,2374900,-95250000,-95250000,158750000,158750000,76200,1″ bn_fitboard@ 1,20000.0000,20000.0000

Fixture Modification

Use these commands to modify existing fixtures. Commands must be run for each fixture side.

bn_grid_init@ 1

Removes the grid on for the designated fixture (1=topside, 2=bottomside).

bn_pltlyr_init@ 1

Removes the fixture plates for the designated fixture (1=topside, 2=bottomside).

bn_error_init@ 1

Deletes the error flags for the designated fixture (1=topside, 2=bottomside).

bn_testpin_init@ 1

Removes the test probes for the designated fixture (1=topside, 2=bottomside).

bn_stiffener_init@ 1

Removes the stiffeners for the designated fixture (1=topside, 2=bottomside).

bn_plate_init@ 1

Removes the plates for the designated fixture (1=topside, 2=bottomside).

Probe Setup

Test Probe


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bn_testpin_rebuild@ 1

Rebuilds test probes of the designated fixture (1=topside, 2=bottomside).

bn_stiffener_rebuild@ 1

Rebuilds stiffeners of the designated fixture (1=topside, 2=bottomside).

bn_grid_reset@ 1

Resets the grid for the designated fixture to the default values (1=topside, 2=bottomside).

bn_add_testpindef@ «3,3175000,12700,254000,2540,2000,5000,200,0» bn_add_testpindef@ «3,3175000,12700,127000,2540,2000,5000,200,0» bn_testpindef_init@

Removes all test probe definitions for the designated fixture (1=topside, 2=bottomside).



Removes all stiffener definitions for the designated fixture (1=topside, 2=bottomside).

bn_add_stiffenerdef@ «4,3175000,12700,635000,2000,2000,5000,200,200» bn_add_stiffenerdef@ «4,3175000,12700,127000,2000,2000,5000,200,200»

Fixture Drill Setup

Drill Table

See the Tables > NC Tool Tables macro commands. A Fixture Drill table is identical to a normal NC Tool Table, but must be assigned to the fixture NC drill layers created for each fixture (top and/or bottom).

Drill Rule

bn_set_mindrloversize@ 2.0000

Tells the system that the drill hole size must be this amount greater than the probe size (in user units), so that the probe will not touch the plate.

bn_set_maxdrloversize@ 5.0000

If you do not have a drill tool that exactly matches a particular drill size, the system will use the next biggest drill tool in the table that is within this range (in user units).

Create button

See File > Create Test Points

Drill button


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bn_adddrill@ 23.0000

Adds a drill to the fixture NC drill layer. Parameter is the size of the drill being added.

bn_drill@ 1

Creates the NC Data layers for fixture drills. Must follow bn_adddrill@ command to assign the drill to the correct NC drill table. 1=top fixture side 2=bottom fixture side.

Drop Pins button

bn_droppin@ #

Determines the disposition of probes being added to test fixtures: 0 = Minimize multiple grid assignment 1 = Minimize grid deflection.

Export button

See the following topics for the specific Bed-of-Nails export format: TTI, Circuit-Line

See the following topics for the specific Flying Probe export format: ATG, Integri-test, Probot, PROBOTECH, ACT Neutral

Filter button

Available during Edit commands

setbydcode@ «18»

Sets selection Dcode filter. Notice the Dcode number is a string. This is required since the Dcode filter can have many Dcodes, Dcode ranges, etc.

set_polyvector_filter@ #

Includes/Excludes vector polygons from selection. (1=include, 0=exclude)

set_polyoutline_filter@ #


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Includes/Excludes outline polygons from selection. (1=include, 0=exclude)

set_polyraster_filter@ #

Includes/Excludes raster polygons from selection. (1=include, 0=exclude))

set_textstroked_filter@ #

Includes/Excludes stroked text from selection. (1=include, 0=exclude)

set_texttruetype_filter@ #

Includes/Excludes TrueType fonts from selection. (1=include, 0=exclude)

set_pldrill_filter@ #

Includes/Excludes plated drill hits from selection. (1=include, 0=exclude)

set_upldrill_filter@ #

Includes/Excludes unplated drill hits from selection. (1=include, 0=exclude)

set_drillcircle_filter@ #

Includes/Excludes drilled circles from selection. (1=include, 0=exclude)

set_drillslot_filter@ #

Includes/Excludes drilled slots from selection. (1=include, 0=exclude)

set_drilltext_filter@ #

Includes/Excludes drilled text from selection. (1=include, 0=exclude)

set_millcircle_filter@ #

Includes/Excludes milled circles from selection. (1=include, 0=exclude)

set_millpath_filter@ #

Includes/Excludes mill paths from selection. (1=include, 0=exclude)

set_millslot_filter@ #

Includes/Excludes milled slots from selection. (1=include, 0=exclude)

set_operatormsg_filter@ #

Includes/Excludes operator messages from selection. (1=include, 0=exclude)

set_optionalstop_filter@ #

Includes/Excludes optional stops from selection. (1=include, 0=exclude)

Grid Selection


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setgrid@ 3,55.0000,55.0000

Chooses or sets the grid.

First parameter sets the grid number (Remember, like macro layers, they begin at 0: i.e. grids 1-5 are numbered 0-4).

Second parameter sets the x-dimension of the grid.

Third parameter sets the y-dimension of the grid.

Orthogonal Lock

setortho@ 2

Sets the orthogonal lock: 0=90, 1=45, 2=0.

Output button

Camtek interface

camtek_batch@ #,#,»job setup file name»

Saves setup file for the layers you wish to inspect.

First parameter sets the server notification: 0 = do not notify server or 1 = notify server.

Second parameter specifies export directory: 0 = export to 2V20 directory or 1 = export to 2V50 directory.

Third parameter specifies the filename of the output file.

Prev button

Available during Edit commands


Add previous selection list to the current list.


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Return To CAM Editor button


Returns control to CAM Editor from any of the listed sub-editors.

SelectAll button

Available during Edit commands


Selects all data within the database extents. Can be used in commands which require a selection window to specify the area being checked, etc. (Replaces commands, such as edit_group@, which must specify two points on a rectangular selection window).


edit_selectall2@ back@

Test Pt button

Test Point Settings: testpt_dcodefil@ Type,Side,»Dcode»

Specifies the Dcode filter to use for each test probe type. Must be set for each style of probe being used, and each fixture side being used (see example below).

Type sets the test point style being used: 1=through-hole pin 2=SMT pin 3=plated through-hole 4=surface pad

Side sets the fixture for the test points being added: 0=top and bottom 1=top 2=bottom

Dcode is a string stating a single Dcode or range of Dcode numbers to filter by.

testpt_genfil@ Filter,Set

Sets Selection Criteria filter being applied to the test probes. Must be set on or off for each filter criteria type.

Filter specifies the filter being used: 0=use top mask 1=use bottom mask


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2=use end points only 3=offset through hole 4=include single point nets

Set determines if filter is to be used: 1=used, 0=not used.

testpt_genfil_minsize@ 40.0000

If you elect to offset through hole test probes, this command sets the minimum size (in user units) a through hole must be before it should be offset.

testpt_sidefil@ Type,Side,Used

Sets the board side to use when generating test points. Must be set for each type of test point being used and each side being used for that type of test point.

Type sets the test point style being used: 1=through-hole pin 2=SMT pin 3=plated through-hole 4=surface pad

Side sets the fixture for the test points being added: 0=top, 1=bottom.

Used determines whether that fixture is used for this test point type: 0=no, 1=yes

testpt_minsizefil@ Type,Size

Command sets the minimum size a potential test point can be for selection as a test point. Must be set for each type of test point being used.

Type sets the test point style: 1=through-hole pin, 2=SMT pin, 3=plated through-hole, 4=surface pad

Size is the minimum size the data can be (in user units)

Test Point Generation:

Once test point settings have been defined, the following commands create the actual test points.


If you have previously created test points, this command deletes them before placing test points again.


Includes single-point nets in creation.


A necessary «internal» function that gathers the information from the filter that has been set up by the above commands, and applies it to the test point creation process.


Generates the test points.


Staggers the test points on any SMT layer.

view_settestpt@ 1


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Displays created test points: 0 = do not show test points, 1=show test points


Ends test point creation. A necessary «internal» function that clears the filter information from memory.


testpt_dcodefil@ 3,1,»» ‘Set Dcode filter for each type of probe testpt_dcodefil@ 3,2,»» testpt_dcodefil@ 3,0,»10″ testpt_dcodefil@ 1,1,»10″ testpt_dcodefil@ 1,2,»» testpt_dcodefil@ 1,0,»» testpt_dcodefil@ 2,1,»» testpt_dcodefil@ 2,2,»10″ testpt_dcodefil@ 2,0,»» testpt_genfil@ 0,1 ‘Set filter criteria applied to the test points testpt_genfil@ 1,1 testpt_genfil@ 2,0 testpt_genfil@ 3,1 testpt_genfil@ 5,1 testpt_genfil@ 6,1 testpt_genfil_minsize@ 40.0000 ‘Sets min. size for an offsettable through-hole test point testpt_sidefil@ 1,0,1 ‘Sets board side for generating test points testpt_sidefil@ 1,1,0 testpt_minsizefil@ 1,15.0000 ‘Sets minimum size for through-hole test points at 15 mils testpt_sidefil@ 2,0,1 ‘subsequent repeats set same information for other point types testpt_sidefil@ 2,1,0 testpt_minsizefil@ 2,15.0000 testpt_sidefil@ 3,0,1 testpt_sidefil@ 3,1,0 testpt_minsizefil@ 3,15.0000 testpt_sidefil@ 4,0,0 testpt_sidefil@ 4,1,0 testpt_minsizefil@ 4,0.0000 ‘Generate new test points testpt_clear@ singlenetextract@ testpt_startcreatefil@ testpt_create@ testpt_stagger@ view_settestpt@ 1 testpt_endcreatefil@

Visibility button

bn_view_pincircle@ 1,1

Displays the pins as circles.

First parameter is the fixture side (1=top side, 2=bottom side)

Second parameter is 1=Visible, 0=Not Visible

bn_view_pinline@ 1,0

Displays a line through the center points of the pins.


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First parameter is the fixture side (1=top side, 2=bottom side)

Second parameter is 1=Visible, 0=Not Visible

bn_view_stiffener@ 1,1

Shows stiffeners.

First parameter is the fixture side (1=top side, 2=bottom side)

Second parameter is 1=Visible, 0=Not Visible

bn_view_plate@ 1,1

Shows plates.

First parameter is the fixture side (1=top side, 2=bottom side)

Second parameter is 1=Visible, 0=Not Visible

bn_view_grid@ 1,0

Displays the fixture grid.

First parameter is the fixture side (1=top side, 2=bottom side)

Second parameter is 1=Visible, 0=Not Visible

bn_view_testpin@ 1,1

Displays the test probes.

First parameter is the fixture side (1=top side, 2=bottom side)

Second parameter is 1=Visible, 0=Not Visible

bn_view_violation@ 1,0

Shows any violations (after Check function has been run).

First parameter is the fixture side (1=top side, 2=bottom side)

Second parameter is 1=Visible, 0=Not Visible

bn_view_gridcolor@ 1,4 bn_view_pincolor@ 1,6 bn_view_toolcolor@ 1,7

Each of the above commands control the color of the Grid, Pins, and and Stiffener, respectively.

The first parameter is the Fixture side (1=top, 2=bottom) and the second parameter is the color code.

bn_view_gridsize@ 1,5.0000

Controls the size of the grid.

First parameter is 1=top, 2=bottom.

Second parameter is the grid size in mils.

testpt_setsize@ 30.0000


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Parameter is the test point graphic size, in mils.

testpt_setcolor@ 8,9,11

Sets the display color for test points.

First # is the Top color, second is the Bottom color, and third is the Through-Hole color.

See Layer Color Codes. view_settoptf@ 1

Controls visibility of top test fixture: 1=visible, 0=not visible

view_setbottf@ 1

Controls visibility of bottom test fixture: 1=visible, 0=not visible

view_settoptestpt@ 1 view_setbottestpt@ 1 view_setthrutestpt@ 0

Controls visibility of top, bottom, and through-hole test points, respectively. 1=visible, 0=not visible


testpt_setsize@ 45.0000 testpt_setcolor@ 0,10,14 bn_view_pincircle@ 2,1 bn_view_pinline@ 2,1 bn_view_stiffener@ 2,1 bn_view_plate@ 2,1 bn_view_grid@ 2,1 bn_view_testpin@ 2,1 bn_view_violation@ 2,1 bn_view_gridcolor@ 2,12 bn_view_pincolor@ 2,5 bn_view_toolcolor@ 2,3 bn_view_gridsize@ 2,15.0000 view_settoptf@ 0 view_setbottf@ 1 view_settoptestpt@ 0 view_setbottestpt@ 1 view_setthrutestpt@ 1


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Markers are a visual reference that you can use in any macro: they appear like a small X, in the same color as the cursor. It is a visual reference only: you cannot snap to it because it is not part of your design. The X is scaleable, just as if it were real data (the size changes with a zoom in or out). Markers are not saved with the database, though they will remain visible for the entire time your data is loaded, unless you use the clearmarkers@ command to turn them off.

addmarker@ N,X,Y,S

Adds a marker. It can also be used to move a marker or change its size, by entering a marker number that currently exists.

N: marker ID number (unlimited) X,Y: the X and Y coordinates to place the marker S: size of the marker (in user units)

delmarker@ N

Deletes the marker (N is the marker ID number).


Deletes all markers.

currentmarker@ N

Sets the current marker to N.


Returns the X coordinate for the current marker.


Returns the Y coordinate for the current marker

markerX! and markerY! always return a value. 0 is returned for both if no markers are present or the currentmarker@ value is not valid.


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Getting Mouse Coordinates

Sometimes it is required to get the current mouse cursor coordinates for use in your macro. For example, a macro that builds a test coupon from the current database needs to know where to place the test coupon. In other cases a macro may need to process data only after the user is prompted to select it.

getmousepos@ «Text»

Causes macro execution to pause until a mouse button or key is pushed. The text string will be displayed as message on the prompt line to assist the user.


Returns the action taken on the mouse, following the getmousepos@ command: 1=left mouse button 2=right mouse button 3=middle mouse button 0=keyboard action

Coordinates of the mouse when the button/key is pushed are stored internally until requested by either of these sets of queries:

coordx! coody!

These queries return the actual coordinates of the mouse cursor. If grid snap is on, they return the nearest grid coordinate. If object snap is on, they return the coordinate of the object within the snap box.

If you do not want the effects of snapping and want the exact coordinate of the mouse cursor when the button was pushed, either turn all snapping off prior to the command’s execution, or use these queries:

mouseposx! mouseposy!


100 Getmousepos@ «Select FIRST Point (Right Button Exits)» If Button! = 1 then goto 110 If Button! = 2 then goto 820 Goto 100 110 Marker = 1 Gosub 840 … … ‘ Exit routine 820 OK_Cancel «OK to EXIT? «,OK If OK = 0 then goto 110 end@ ‘ Add the marker subroutine ‘ Coord X & Y are after the effects of all snap modes. 840 CoordX# = CoordX! CoordY# = CoordY! Addmarker@ Marker,CoordX#,CoordY#,60 Getmousepos@ «Button 1 to MOVE, Button 2 to ACCEPT!» If Button! = 1 then goto 840 If Button! = 2 then Return Goto 840 end@


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Database Queries

Once you start writing macros you quickly recognize how important it is to be able to get data from the database: what is the current active layer, what size is Dcode 10, what is the name of the current database, or what is the date and time? Database queries provide you information on the current state of the database, and its various elements.

Database query functions all end with the ! symbol and can return either real, integer or string values.

An example of a database query is dbminx! The code: MX% = dbminx! results in the integer variable MX% being set to a whole value (in mils), representing the minimum X coordinate of the current database.

View Queries by Type:

Macros Provided with the CAM350 Software

Obsolete Macros and Their New Equivalents

Macro Variables: Real, Integer and String

Database Analysis Mouse/Cursor Database

Properties Net & Padstack

Dcode System & Product Drill & Mill Text Layer Analysis Miscellaneous


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Database Analysis Queries

These queries give specific design information about the current database. All of the following database queries must be preceded by one of the Analyze Data macros. These queries only retrieve information that is gathered by those macros. Otherwise, no information will be given by the query. All data returned is only for ACTIVE layers.

R = Real, I = Integer, S = String

Tip: Remember, macro language layer numbering starts at 0. For example, layer 1 in a database returns layer ID 0 within a macro.

Requirement: Most of these queries require the data be part of the netlist. If the design doesn’t have extracted nets, you can use Utilities > Netlist Extract to do so.

Select a query:

Smallest Pad

Returns the smallest round Dcode that is part of a net.

Smallest Trace Dcode

Returns the smallest round Dcode used in a trace (if nets are present)

Smallest Pad Smallest Air Gap

Smallest Trace Dcode Smallest Annular Ring

Smallest Line Dcode Smallest Drill

SMT Pads Present Smallest Drill to Trace

SMT Pitch

Command Type Description/Example

min_pad_round_valid! I If nets are present, and round pads were found, this returns 1. Otherwise, returns 0.

num_pads_round! I Number of round pads present.

min_pad_round_dcode! I Dcode number of the smallest round pad.

min_pad_round_loc_x! R X coordinate of the smallest round pad.

min_pad_round_loc_y! R Y coordinate of the smallest round pad.

min_pad_round_layer! I Number of layer that contains the smallest round pad. (Remember, layer numbers start at 0)

min_pad_round_netname! S Net which contains the smallest round pad.

Command Type Description/Example

min_trace_valid! I Returns a 1 if traces were found, 0 if not.

min_trace_dcode! I Returns the number of the smallest Dcode used in a trace.

min_trace_loc_x! R Returns the X coordinate of the start of the trace.

min_trace_loc_y! R Returns the Y coordinate of the start of the trace.

min_trace_layer! I Returns the Layer ID of the layer that the smallest Dcode occurs on.

min_trace_netname! S Returns the name of the Net that the smallest


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Smallest Line Dcode

Returns the smallest round Dcode used in a graphic line (if nets are not present in the database).

SMT Pads Present

Returns the number of SMT pads present on the selected layer(s). They must be part of nets.

Dcode occurs on.

Command Type Description/Example

min_line_valid! I Returns a 1 if lines were found, 0 if not.

min_line_dcode! I Returns the number of the smallest Dcode used in a line.

min_line_loc_x! R Returns the X coordinate of the start of the line.

min_line_loc_y! R Returns the Y coordinate of the start of the line.

min_trace_layer! I Returns the Layer ID of the layer that the smallest Dcode occurs on.

Command Type Description/Example

min_pad_smt_valid! I If nets are present, and SMT pads were found, this returns 1. Otherwise returns 0.

num_pads_smt! I Number of SMT pads on nets found.

min_pad_smt_width_dcode! I Dcode number of the SMT with the shortest width (measuring the shortest side).

min_pad_smt_width_loc_x! R X coordinate of the SMT with the shortest width.

min_pad_smt_width_loc_y! R Y coordinate of the SMT with the shortest width.

min_pad_smt_width_layer! I Number of the layer that contains the SMT with the shortest width.

min_pad_smt_width_netname! S Name of the net containing the SMT with the shortest width.

min_pad_smt_length_dcode! I Dcode number of the SMT with the shortest length (measuring the longest side).

min_pad_smt_length_loc_x! R X coordinate of the SMT with the shortest length.

min_pad_smt_length_loc_y! R Y coordinate of the SMT with the shortest length.

min_pad_smt_length_layer! I Number of the layer that contains the SMT with the shortest length.

min_pad_smt_length_netname! S Name of the net containing the SMT with the shortest length.

min_pad_smt_area_dcode! I Dcode of the SMT with the smallest area.

min_pad_smt_area_loc_x! R X coordinate of the SMT with the smallest area.

min_pad_smt_area_loc_y! R Y coordinate of the SMT with the smallest area.

min_pad_smt_area_layer! I Number of the layer that contains the SMT with the smallest area.

min_pad_smt_area_netname! S Name of the net containing the SMT with the smallest area.


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SMT Pitch

Returns the shortest center-to-center distance between SMT pads.

Smallest Air Gap (metal-to-metal clearance)

Returns the air gap when nets are present. If no nets are detected, returns the area between any graphical objects.

Smallest Annular Ring

Returns the smallest width of material between a pad and the drill piercing it (to assure proper plating).

Smallest Drill

Smallest drill used in the design.

Command Type Description/Example

min_smt_pitch_valid! I Returns a 1 if SMT were found, 0 if not.

min_smt_pitch_size! R Returns the shortest pitch distance.

min_smt_pitch_layer! I Number of the layer with the shortest pitch.

min_smt_pitch_loc1_x! min_smt_pitch_loc2_x!

R Returns the X coordinate of the two SMT pads.

min_smt_pitch_loc1_y! min_smt_pitch_loc2_y!

R Returns the Y coordinate of the two SMT pads.

Command Type Description/Example

min_spacing_valid! I Returns a 1 if an air gap is found, 0 if not.

min_spacing_size! R Returns the smallest clearance.

min_spacing_layer! I Number of the layer with the smallest clearance.

min_spacing_loc1_x! min_spacing_loc1_y! min_spacing_loc2_x! min_spacing_loc2_y!

R Represents an «imaginary line» drawn at the location where the two nets/objects that have the smallest clearance are closest (such as with Info > Measure > Object-Object, which has a small white line which indicates the location and distance being measured between the objects).

Command Type Description/Example

min_annular_ring_valid! I Returns a 1 if any annular ring space is found, 0 if not.

min_annular_ring_size! R Returns the shortest annular ring space.

min_annular_ring_layer! I Number of the layer with the shortest annular ring space.

min_annular_ring_loc1_x! min_annular_ring_loc1_y! min_annular_ring_loc2_x! min_annular_ring_loc2_y!

R Represents an «imaginary line» drawn between the drill and pad that have the smallest annular ring space (such as with Info > Measure > Object-Object, which has a small white line which indicates the location and distance being measured between the objects).


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Smallest Drill-to-Trace Spacing

Returns the smallest distance between a drill and a trace that does not touch it. Must be on a positive electrical layer (top, internal, bottom, pos. plane, etc.).

Command Type Description/Example

min_drill_valid! I Returns a 1 if drills are found in design, 0 if not.

min_drill_ref! I Returns the drill reference number of the smallest drill.

min_drill_size! R Size of the smallest drill.

min_drill_layer! I Layer number of the drill layer with the smallest drill.

min_drill_loc_x! R Returns the X coordinate of the smallest drill hit.

min_drill_loc_y! R Returns the Y coordinate of the smallest drill hit.

Command Type Description/Example

min_drill_2_trace_valid! I Returns a 1 if any drill-to-trace spacing is found, 0 if not.

min_drill_2_trace_size! R Returns the drill-to-trace space.

min_drill_2_trace_layer! I Number of the layer with the shortest drill-to-trace space.

min_drill_2_trace_loc1_x! min_drill_2_trace_loc1_y! min_drill_2_trace_loc2_x! min_drill_2_trace_loc2_y!

R Represents an «imaginary line» drawn between the drill and trace that have the shortest spacing (such as with Info > Measure > Object-Object, which has a small white line which indicates the location and distance being measured between the objects).


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Database Properties Queries

Queries which return information about the extents of the database, workspace, etc., as well as general database information.

Restriction: Database extent queries take into account all data in the design or specific layer, including any Step&Repeat and Panel data present.

R = Real, I = Integer, S = String

Command Type Description/Example

Dbminx! R X coordinate of the minimum extent in the database, to the centerline of the data at that coordinate

Dbmaxx! R X coordinate of the maximum extent in the database, to the centerline of the data at that coordinate

Dbminy! R Y coordinate of the minimum extent in the database, to the centerline of the data at that coordinate

Dbmaxy! R Y coordinate of the maximum extent in the database, to the centerline of the data at that coordinate

Visminx! Visminy! Vismaxx! Vismaxy!


Similar to the database extent queries above: however these commands return the coordinate values for only the «visible data» (layers turned ON). Coordinates returned are to the centerline of the extent data.

Visminx_tshape! Vismaxx_tshape! Visminy_tshape! Vismaxy_tshape!


Function much the same as the visxxxx! queries above, but return the full extent of any data on the layer, including the width of the Dcode used to draw the extent data. These queries are better to use for determining the true extents of the data in the design.

Filmminx! Filmminy! Filmmaxx! Filmmaxy!


X coordinate of the minimum filmbox extent Y coordinate of the minimum filmbox extent X coordinate of the maximum filmbox extent Y coordinate of the maximum filmbox extent

Dbname! S String value for the filename of the current database, including full path information

Units! I Returns the current user units setting for the database: 0 for English, 1 for Metric. (These values are the same as the parameter for setunit@).

Precision! I Returns the current database precision (as set in Settings > Unit command). Value is denominator of the resolution: 1, 10, 100, 1000, etc. (These are the same as the parameter for setresolution@).

Borderminx! Borderminy! Bordermaxx! Bordermaxy!


X coordinate of the minimum one-up border extent. Y coordinate of the minimum one-up border extent. X coordinate of the maximum one-up border extent. Y coordinate of the maximum one-up border extent.


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Dcode Queries

Returns information on the active Dcode in the design. Interactively this is indicated by the Dcode on the Tool Bar. Within a macro, dcodes can be made active by using the setdcode@ command.

Tip: It is recommended you familiarize yourself with the available intrinsic apertures (especially their parameters) and aperture macro commands before attempting to use them in a macro.

User Interface > ToolBar

Product Macro Commands > setdcode@

Product Macro Commands > Tables > Apertures

Getting Started > Aperture Chart

R = Real, I = Integer, S = String

Command Type Description/Example

Activedcode! I 10 — 9999

Dcodename! S Returns the name of the active Dcode if it is a custom. Returns a null «» if not.

Dcodeshape! I 1=Round, 2=Square, 3=Rectangle, 4=Target, 5=Thermal, 6=Custom, 7=Donut, 8=Octagon, 9=Oblong

Dcodesizex! R In mils. Returns x-size for applicable apertures (Round, etc). and width for applicable apertures (Diamond, etc).

Dcodesizey! R In mils. Returns y-size for applicable apertures (Round, etc). and heigth for applicable apertures (Diamond, etc).

DcodeExtentsx! R Returns the X extent (width) of the bounding box which encloses an aperture. Useful for rotated apertures.

DcodeExtentsy! R Returns the Y extent (heigth) of the bounding box which encloses an aperture. Useful for rotated apertures.

Dcodewidth! R Returns the width of all intrinsic apertures with the width parameter, regardless of rotation.

Dcodeheight! R Returns the heigth of all intrinsic apertures with the heigth parameter, regardless of rotation.

DcodeDescript! S Returns the parameter string for all apertures which use it. (see CAM350 commands>set_aperture@ command )

Active_dcode_flashed! I Returns the number of times the active Dcode has been used as a Flash on the active layer. (In Cam Editor returns value for one-up; in Panel Editor for panel data only).

Active_dcode_drawn! I Returns the number of times the active Dcode has been used as a Draw on the active layer. (In Cam Editor returns value for one-up; in Panel Editor for panel data only).

NumdcodetypeD! I Number of times the active Dcode TYPE has been used as a Draw on the active layer.

NumdcodetypeF! I Number of times the active Dcode TYPE has been used as a Flash on the active layer.

Numflashes! I Number of times Dcode is used as a flash.

Numdraws! I Number of times Dcode is used as a draw.

Highestdcode! I The highest USED Dcode.

Blankdcode! I 10 — 999


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Drill & Mill Queries

NC Data macro queries have two states for determining tool information: current layer or current table.

For Current Layer mode, the NC data layer must be ON for tool queries. Information is derived about the NC tools from the table which is assigned to that NC data layer. Tool information for other layers or NC Tables is ignored.

For Current Table mode, the NC Table itself is referenced directly for the tool information, regardless of layer. This state will return values for NC tools on all layers the table is assigned to.

Each state has its own set of macro queries assigned to it. The table below are formatted to provide all queries from the same state.

In addition, there are a number of miscellaneous NC data queries which are not tool or table dependant.

Select a set of queries:

Current Layer:

Current Table:

Miscellaneous NC Queries


Current Layer Queries:

To access current tool information, you must first turn ON the NC layer you wish to query. If you wish to get tool-specific information, you will need to use the following command to set the tool to retrieve information from:

set_current_toolref@ # where the # is the Reference number of the tool in the table attached to the NC layer.

Once you have set a tool, you may use these queries to retrieve information about it:

Rule: Each NC tool is automatically assigned a reference number by the system, which should be used to manipulate the tool when writing macros related to NC data. The tool ID number, which is more familiar to most operators, is used to identify the tool for import/export purposes.

R = Real, I = Integer, S = String

Tool-Specific Information:

Command Type Description/Example

Lyrdrillcount! I Number of occurrences of the current drill, on the active layer.

Lyrdrillcount_plated! I Same as above, but counts only Plated drill hits on the NC data layer.

Lyrdrillcount_unplated! I Same as above, but counts only Unplated drill hits on the NC data layer.

Toolnum! I Returns the tool ID number of the current tool.

Toolsize! or Drillsize!

R Size of current NC tool.

Toolused! I Returns a 1 if tool is used on the current NC data layer, 0 if not.


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Tables>NC Tools>Use Tool Size checkbox

Table-Specific Information:

Drilllegend! I Returns the DCode of the aperture used to display usage of the tool; if necessary an entry in the aperture table will be created.

Toolreference! I Returns the tool reference of the current tool.

Tooltype! I Returns an integer specifying the type of the tool: 0 = Type Unknown 1 = Either (tool can be used for both mill and drill) 2 = Mill tool 3 = Drill tool

Toolinfeed! I Returns in feed value, 0 implies use machine default.

Tooloutfeed! I Returns out feed value, 0 implies use machine default.

Toolfeedrate! I Returns feed rate value, 0 implies use machine default.

Toolrpms! I Returns tool RPM, 0 implies use machine default.

Toollinktool! I Returns tool reference of link tool (tool to be used when maxhits reached on this tool).

Toolshape! I Returns shape to be used when displaying the tool: -1 = Unknown 1 = Round 4 = Target 6 = Custom Aperture

Toolusesize! I Returns the setting of the Use Tool Size checkbox in the NC Table (ignored when shape is custom aperture): 0 = Display user-supplied size (value is 0 when shape is custom aperture) 1 = Match displayed size to tool size (shape must be round or target)

Tooldisplaysize! R Returns the size used in the Display Size field of the NC Table. Value returned is not applicable if shape is Custom Aperture. Only returns a value if Use Tool Size is selected in table.

Toolcapname! I If tool is assigned a Custom Aperture display shape, query returns the name of the custom aperture.

Command Type Description/Example

Highestdrill! I Returns the tool reference of the drill tool with the highest tool ID number, that is USED on any drill layer.

Highestuseddrillnum! I Same as above, but returns highest used drill tool ID number.

Highestmill! I Returns the tool reference of the mill tool with the highest tool ID number, that is USED on any mill layer.

Highestusedmillnum! I Same as above, but returns highest used mill tool ID number.

Highesttool! I Similar to above queries, but returns tool reference regardless of used tool type (drill or mill).

Highestusedtoolnum! I Same as above, but returns highest used NC tool ID number.

Highestdefdrill! I Returns the tool reference of the drill tool with the


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Current Table Queries:

The following NC data queries retrieve information from a specific tool table. Note that these queries perform the same functions as the ones just listed in the previous section, but do so regardless of the NC layer. The queries themselves share a similar naming format, with the exception of the addition text «dbq_» indicating these are database queries.

To activate the tool table to be checked, you must use this command:

set_nc_table@ #, where # is the number of the table to be used

In addition, to retrieve tool-specific information, you must use this command:

set_nc_tool@ #, where # is the tool reference of the tool to be queried

R = Real, I = Integer, S = String

Tool-Specific Information:

highest tool ID number in the table, irregardless of usage.

Highestdefdrillnum! I Same as above, but returns highest drill tool ID number in the table.

Highestdefmill! I Returns the tool reference of the mill tool with the highest tool ID number in the table, irregardless of usage.

Highestdefmillnum! I Same as above, but returns the highest mill tool ID number in the table.

Highestdeftool! I Returns the tool reference of the tool with the highest ID number in the table, irregardless of tool type.

Highestdeftoolnum! I Same as above, but returns highest tool ID number.

Highesttoolref! I Returns the highest tool reference in the table.

Toolexportorder! I Returns tool export order (note that drill tools are always exported before mill tools).

Tooltable! I Returns the number of the current tool table

Command Type Description/Example

dbq_drillcount! I Number of occurrences of the current drill, on the active layer.

dbq_drillcount_plated! I Same as above, but counts only Plated drill hits on the NC data layer.

dbq_drillcount_unplated! I Same as above, but counts only Unplated drill hits on the NC data layer.

dbq_toolnum! I Returns the tool ID number of the current tool.

dbq_toolsize! or dbq_drillsize!

R Size of current NC tool.

dbq_toolused! I Returns a 1 if tool is used on the current NC data layer, 0 if not.

dbq_drilllegend! I Returns the DCode of the aperture used to display usage of the tool; if necessary an entry in the aperture table will be created.

dbq_toolreference! I Returns the tool reference of the current tool.

dbq_tooltype! I Returns an integer specifying the type of the tool: 0 = Type Unknown 1 = Either (tool can be used for both mill and drill) 2 = Mill tool


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Tables>NC Tools>Use Tool Size checkbox

Ta ble-Specific Information:

3 = Drill tool

dbq_toolinfeed! I Returns in feed value, 0 implies use machine default.

dbq_tooloutfeed! I Returns out feed value, 0 implies use machine default.

dbq_toolfeedrate! I Returns feed rate value, 0 implies use machine default.

dbq_toolrpms! I Returns tool RPM, 0 implies use machine default.

dbq_toollinktool! I Returns tool reference of link tool (tool to be used when maxhits reached on this tool).

dbq_toolshape! I Returns shape to be used when displaying the tool: -1 = Unknown 1 = Round 4 = Target 6 = Custom Aperture

dbq_toolusesize! I Returns the setting of the Use Tool Size checkbox in the NC Table (ignored when shape is custom aperture): 0 = Display user-supplied size (value is 0 when shape is custom aperture) 1 = Match displayed size to tool size (shape must be round or target)

dbq_tooldisplaysize! R Returns the size used in the Display Size field of the NC Table. Value returned is not applicable if shape is Custom Aperture. Only returns a value if Use Tool SIze is selected in table.

dbq_toolcapname! I If tool is assigned a Custom Aperture display shape, query returns the name of the custom aperture.

Command Type Description/Example

dbq_highestdrill! I Returns the tool reference of the drill tool with the highest tool ID number, that is USED on any drill layer.

dbq_highestuseddrillnum! I Same as above, but returns highest used drill tool ID number.

dbq_highestmill! I Returns the tool reference of the mill tool with the highest tool ID number, that is USED on any mill layer.

dbq_highestusedmillnum! I Same as above, but returns highest used mill tool ID number.

dbq_highesttool! I Similar to above queries, but returns tool reference regardless of used tool type (drill or mill).

dbq_highestusedtoolnum! I Same as above, but returns highest used NC tool ID number.

dbq_highestdefdrill! I Returns the tool reference of the drill tool with the highest tool ID number in the table, irregardless of usage.

dbq_highestdefdrillnum! I Same as above, but returns highest drill tool ID number in the table.

dbq_highestdefmill! I Returns the tool reference of the mill tool with the highest tool ID number in the table, irregardless of usage.

dbq_highestdefmillnum! I Same as above, but returns the highest mill tool ID


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Miscellaneous NC Data Queries:

Information pertaining to NC data layers and tools.

R = Real, I = Integer, S = String

number in the table.

dbq_highestdeftool! I Returns the tool reference of the tool with the highest ID number in the table, irregardless of tool type.

dbq_highestdeftoolnum! I Same as above, but returns highest tool ID number.

dbq_highesttoolref! I Returns the highest tool reference in the table.

dbq_toolexportorder! I Returns tool export order (note that drill tools are always exported before mill tools).

dbq_tooltable! I Returns the number of the current tool table

Command Type Description/Example

Drilllayer! I Returns plated drill layer. Layers start at 0.

Drilllayer_unplated! I Returns unplated drill layer. Layers start at 0.

Milllayer! I Returns the mill layer.

Drilltool! I Returns the drill tool reference of the drill assigned to the current padstack.


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Layer Queries

Returns information about the layers in the current database.

Tip: Remember, macro language layer numbering starts at 0. For example, layer 1 in a database returns layer ID 0 within a macro.

R = Real, I = Integer, S = String

Command Type Description/Example

Blanklayer! I Returns the first blank layer.

Activelayer! I Returns the active layer.

Borderlayer! I Returns the border layer .

Numlayers! I Total number of defined layers.

Drilllayer! I Returns plated drill layer.

Drilllayer_unplated! I Returns unplated drill layer.

Milllayer! I Returns the NC data layer containing mill data. (If more than one exists, first layer’s ID is returned).

Highestlayer! I The number of the highest layer.

Layerblank! I Returns a 1 if the active layer is blank, or a 0 if not. Tests the active layer in the current editor being used (i.e. Symbol Editor).

Layername! S The name of the current layer.

Layertype! I Returns the type for the active layer: 0=Top 13=Temporary 1=Internal 14=PosPlane 2=NegPlane 16=RefDes Top 3=Bottom 17=RefDes Bottom 4=Graphic 18=Insulator 6=Border 19=Paste Top 7=Silktop 20=Paste Bottom 8=Silkbot 21=NC Data 11=Masktop -2 = keep old value 12=Maskbot

Layerncrank! I Returns the NC Rank for the active layer (for use with layers of type NC Data) :


Layermirrorstate! I Reports whether the active layer will be exported as mirrored. Returns a 1 if it will be mirrored, returns a 0 if not.

Layerimagepolarity! I Returns the image polarity of the active layer. 0=positive, 1=negative.

Firstlayer! I The layer ID of the first layer.

Nextlayer! I The layer ID of the next layer AFTER the active layer. Returns a -1 if there is no next layer.

Previouslayer! I The layer ID of the layer BEFORE the active layer. Returns a -1 if there is no previous layer.

First_composite! I Returns the ID of the first composite in the design. Returns -1 if there are no composites.

Next_composite! I Returns the ID of the next composite in the design. Returns -1 if there are no composites.

Composite_background! I Returns 1 for dark, -1 for clear, or 0 for no composite selected.

Composite_mirrored! I Returns 0 if the composite is not mirrored, 1 if mirrored, -1 if there are no composites.

Composite_name! S Returns the name of the current composite.


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Composite_plot_name! S Returns the plot (file) name of the current composite.

First_composite_layer! I Returns the layer ID of the first layer in the composite. -1 if no composite layer.

Next_composite_layer! I Returns the layer ID of the next layer in the composite. -1 if no more composite layers.

Composite_layer_polarity! I Returns 1 for dark, -1 for clear, 0 if no composite selected.


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Misc. Queries

All other uncategorized queries.

R = Real, I = Integer, S = String

Marker Macros

Command Type Description/Example

Quote! S Returns a quotation mark («)

CR! S Returns a new line character (carriage return)

Queryfound! I During a query, this returns whether anything was found (1 if something is found, 0 if not found). This remains in effect until the next query or the end of the macro. Example: if queryfound! = 1 then [do something]

querystring! S During any query, this returns all strings that appear in the Query dialog. During any Measure, this returns all strings that appear in the Measure dialog. Example: if queryfound! = 1 then [do something]

MarkerX! MarkerY!

R Return the X and Y coordinates of the current graphical Marker.


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Mouse/Cursor Queries

Return input from the mouse, including coordinate of mouse cursor.

R = Real, I = Integer, S = String

Getting Mouse Coordinates

Command Type Description/Example

Mouseposx! R Returns the X coordinate of the cursor after the getmousepos@ command (ignores object and grid snapping).

Mouseposy! R Returns the Y coordinate of the cursor after the getmousepos@ command (ignores object and grid snapping).

Coordx! Coordy!


These commands return the coordinates of the mouse cursor after a command has been run which changes the mouse cursor’s position (for example, Info > Query > Dcode). This new position is returned using grid and object snapping: if grid snap is on, it returns the nearest grid coordinate. If object snap is on, it returns the coordinate of the object within the snap box.

Button! R Returns the cause of the termination of the getmousepos@ command: 1=left mouse button 2=right mouse button 3=middle mouse button 0=keyboard action


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Net & Padstack Queries

Returns information on the nets and padstacks in the database.

R = Real, I = Integer, S = String

Command Type Description/Example

Numnets! I Total number of nets in a database.

Nets! I 1=nets present, 0=no nets present

Padstacks! I 1=padstacks present, 0=no padstacks

Activepadstack! I Current padstack # (Padstacks start at 0)

Padstacksizex! R X dimension of current padstack.

Padstacksizey! R Y dimension of current padstack.

Highestpstk! I The highest USED padstack.


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System & Product Queries

General queries about the application, and its state of performance.

R = Real, I = Integer, S = String

Command Type Description/Example

System_memory! I The amount of memory allocated, and is expected to remain allocated for the entire session, for working space. This amount is independent of data loaded.

Data_memory! I The amount of memory allocated for user data.

Font_memory! I The amount of memory used to load fonts.

Product! S Returns the current application’s product name.

Exepath! S Returns the application’s executable file directory.

Time! S Example: Wed Apr 13 09:21:45 1994

Version! R Returns the current application’s version number.


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Text Queries

Allows you to query the text style and contents of any current text in the database. For more information see the macro commands for Add > Text.

R = Real, I = Integer, S = String

Command Type Description/Example

Text_fontname! S Returns current font name.

Text_height! R Returns current text height. This is the total height of the text, not capital letter height.

Text_character_spacing! R Returns spacing between characters.

Text_line_spacing! R Returns spacing between lines.

Text_spaces_per_tab! R Returns number of spaces inserted for each tab character.

Text_angle! R Returns angle of text.

Text_slant! I Returns slant of characters.

Text_fitted! I Returns whether selected text is fitted or not: 0 = Not 1 = Fitted

Text_horizontal_justification! I Returns horizontal justification: 0 = None 1 = Left 2 = Middle 3 = Right

Text_vertical_justification! I Returns vertical justification: 0 = None 1 = Baseline 2 = Bottom 3 = Center 4 = Top

Text_mirror! I Returns mirror setting: 0=not mirrored or 1=mirrored.

Text_vertical! I Returns vertical text display setting: 1=yes or 0=no

Text_width_scale! I Returns width X-scaling factor.


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Analysis Queries

These queries return various information found by the Analysis Menu commands they refer to. In each case, the Analysis command must be run either interactive, or in the course of the macro, for the query to return a value.

R = Real, I = Integer, S = String

Command Type Description/Example

Copperarea! R Returns total copper area for ON layers in CAM Editor, and copper area for panel layers in Panel Editor. (Analysis > Copper Area must be run first).

Number_solder_bridges! I Reports the number of solder bridges found (Analysis > Find Solder Bridges must be run first).

Number_layer_compares! I Reports the number of layer comparison errors found (Analysis > Compare Layers must be run first).

Number_starved_thermals! I Reports the number of starved thermals found (Analysis > Find Starved Thermals must be run first).

Number_drill_errors! I Reports the number of drill errors found (Analysis > Check Drill must be run first).

Number_mill_errors! I Reports the number of mill errors found (Analysis>Check Mill must be run first).

Number_slivers! I Reports the number of slivers—both mask and copper—found (Analysis > Copper Slivers or Analysis > Mask Slivers must be run first).

Number_acid_traps! Number_acid_traps_ON_layers!

I Reports the number of acid traps found (Analysis > Acid Traps must be run first).

Number_minimum_gap_errors! Number_minimum_gap_errors_ON_layers!


Reports the number of minimum gap errors found (Analysis > Minimum Gaps must be run first).

Number_minimum_width_errors! Number_minimum_width_errors_ON_layers!


Reports the number of minimum width errors found (Analysis > Minimum Widths must be run first).

Number_drc_errors I Reports the number of DRC errors found (Analysis > DRC must be run first).

Histo1! Histo2! Histo3! Histo4!


Number of violations for that particular histogram. (Analysis > DRC Histogram must be run first).

Number_negplanethermconflicts! I Reports the number of negative plane thermal conflicts found (Analysis > Negative Plane Thermal Conflicts must be run first).

Number_pin_holes! I Reports the number of pin holes found (Analysis > Find Pin Holes


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Analysis > Copper Area

Analysis > Find Solder Bridges

Analysis > Compare Layers

Analysis > Find Starved Thermals

Analysis > Check Drill

Analysis > Check Mill

Analysis > Copper Slivers

Analysis > Mask Slivers

Analysis > Acid Traps

Analysis > DRC

Analysis > DRC Histogram

Analysis > Negative Plane Thermal Conflicts

Analysis > Find Pin Holes

Analysis > Part to Part Spacing

Analysis > Silk to Solder Spacing

Analysis > Solder Mask to Trace Spacing

must be run first).

Number_Part2Part_errors! I Reports the number of part to part spacing errors found (Analysis > Part to Part Spacing must be run first).

Number_SilkScreen_errors! I Reports the number of silkscreen to solder mask spacing errors found (Analysis > Silk to Solder Spacing must be run first).

Number_ElecSolder_errors! I Reports the number of solder mask to trace layer spacing errors found (Analysis > Solder Mask to Trace Spacing must be run first).


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A form is a dialog box similar to a Windows-style dialog: it is used to query input from the user. Instead of relying upon combinations of Print and Input to obtain user-entered data, forms in BASIC allow macro programmers to design a more powerful user interface by creating data entry forms which are custom-tailored to a specific job function. Forms relieve the macro programmer from having to follow the traditional method of using several input statements to get simple information from the user. If there is a choice between multiple options, the programmer may now list the options within a single Form instead of using Yes/No tree answers or having the user enter a number, letter, name, etc. to determine which path to follow. However, it is an advanced piece of programming and not recommended for the beginning BASIC programmer.

Each form is comprised of a title bar, a control area, and one to three buttons at the bottom.


To add a form to a macro, you must use the macro commands listed below to create it, place controls inside the control area, and then display the form for user interaction. There are a number of input options available to the form writer: Input, Check, and Choice, as well as the ability to retrieve filenames from the user, and to Print descriptive lines in the form. All of these input controls can be assigned variables which can be used by the calling macro.

During the course of running a macro, the form is displayed on screen for the user to fill out. When the user has finished filling out the form, they press one of the buttons at the bottom of the form to delete it and continue the macro. If either the OK or the Yes button is pressed, the values entered into the input controls are saved in the user-supplied variables. If either the Cancel or the No button is pressed, the values entered into the controls are thrown away and the user’s variables are left unchanged.

Each form must contain an OpenForm, a DisplayForm and a DeleteForm statement. The number of controls and print lines contained in the form can be variable; the only limitations occur depending on the type of display units chosen for the form:

Pixel display units show the form in direct screen resolution, giving you absolute control over the size of the form, but can make it more difficult to arrange the layout of the form, especially when dealing with line-spacing issues between the controls.


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Character display assumes the width and height of a screen font as its display unit. This allows you to more easily space out lines and controls, but can result in limitations on the number of lines your form can display, dependant on the resolution of the screen the macro is running on.

Using either display mode, the form cannot be larger or wider than the CAM350 work area (which includes any toolbars that are currently turned on). To increase the available space in the work area, you may turn off the toolbars while the form is being displayed on screen, using the macro commands for View > Toolbar, View > Status Bar, and View > Layer Bar. Once the form has been deleted, these toolbars may be turned back on again.


These commands create, populate, and close the form. Each command has should appear in the sequence below: the exception is the AddForm command, which may be repeated multiple times to fill the form with controls, before calling the DisplayForm command brings the Form up on screen.

Note: Any parameters enclosed in brackets [] are optional. If these parameters are not specified in a macro, the system uses default values.


Creates a blank form and gives it the identifier n. This must be done before controls can be placed on a form.


OpenForm #n, width%, height%, title$, unit, buttons

#n is a number used to identify the form for adding controls, and for displaying and deleting the form. It must be in the range 1 to 255.

width% is the width of the forms control area (based on the setting for unit)

height% is the height of the form’s control area (based on the setting for unit) This value does not make provisions for any buttons that you might put at the bottom of the form; you must factor those into the overall height of the form.

title$ is the text placed in the title bar.

unit is either PIXEL or CHARACTER. If the unit is PIXEL, then all form coordinates (as well as the form height and width) are in pixels. (Note that if you have a 640X480 display, then the display has 640 pixels across by 480 pixels down.) If unit is CHARACTER, then all form coordinates (as well as the form height and width) are in characters across and lines down. (A line is the height of a capital letter plus some space to separate it from the next line.)

buttons indicates which buttons will appear at the bottom of the form (these are not in the control area). You can choose between several combinations of buttons:

OK Just one button with «OK» on it. OKCANCEL Two buttons, «OK» and «Cancel» YESNO Two buttons, «Yes» and «No» YESNOCANCEL Three buttons, «Yes», «No», and «Cancel» PREVFINISH Two buttons, «Prev» and «Finish». Useful in conjunction with forms using the NEXT buttons below, or as a final form. NEXTCANCEL Two buttons, «Next» and «Cancel». NEXTFINISH Two buttons, «Next» and «Finish». Useful as the final form in a series. PREVNEXT Two buttons, «Prev» and «Next».

PREVNEXTFINISH Three buttons, «Prev», «Next», and «Finish». Useful as the final form in a series.



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Adds a control to the form identified by n in OpenForm.


AddForm #n, x%, y%, prompt$, type[, variable][, options]

#n identifies the form to which the control is to be added.

x% is the distance the control is offset from the left side of the form; this value uses the unit set in OpenForm.

If CHARACTER, then this is the number of lines from the left of the control area.

If PIXEL, then this is the number of pixels from the left of the control area.

y% is the distance the control is offset from the top of the control area of the form (ignoring the distance for the title bar); this value is in the unit set in OpenForm.

If CHARACTER, then this is the number of lines from the top of the cotnrol area.

If PIXEL, this is the number of pixels from the top of the control area.

prompt$ is a character string (either a literal or a string variable) which is displayed as a prompt line.

type is the kind of control to be added. This is either PRINT, INPUT, CHECK or CHOICE. Two other controls may also be used here (GetOpenFilename and GetSaveFilename), but these alter the syntax of the AddForm command (see their descriptions for the proper syntax).

variable applies to all control types except PRINT. The control will have a default state, which is set based upon the value of the variable.

options are specific to each control type.


Displays the form and waits for the user to fill it out. Control returns after the user presses one of the buttons specified in OpenForm (OK, Cancel, etc.)


DisplayForm #n[, where]

where indicates where the form is to be displayed within the main application window. The setting can be one of the following:CENTER, UPPERLEFT, UPPERRIGHT, LOWERLEFT or LOWERRIGHT. If not specified, then CENTER is assumed.


Frees the form ID n so that it can be reused. This should be called when the form is no longer needed.


DeleteForm #n



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Controls use the standard values explained in the AddForm command. However, each control may have unique variables:


Displays a check box, which the user may check and uncheck with the mouse or keyboard.


AddForm #n, x%, y%, prompt$, Check, state%

state% is a variable that records the current state of the check box: 0 = off, 1 = on. It may be used initially to set the box state, but returns the value the user has set after the form is displayed.


AddForm #1, 0, 4, «Display summary», Check, SummaryState%


Displays radio buttons, surrounded by a box, which the user may select one option from, using the mouse or keyboard.


AddForm #n, x% y%, prompt$, Choice, which%, choice1$, choice2$[, choice3$, …..]

which% is the variable that returns the choice the user made: choices are numbered in sequence from 0 to n This value can be set initially to a specific choice before the form is displayed, but returns whatever value the user chose while the form was displayed.

choicen$ represents the set of choices made available to the user. Each choice must have its own variable. Two or more choices must be given.


AddForm #1, 0, 5, «Choose a name», Name%, «Tom», «Dick», «Harry»


Functions similarly to the Windows «Open» file dialog box: obtains a filename from the user by displaying a Windows-style drop down list. The returned filename can be used for file input/output purposes.


AddForm #n, x%, y%, prompt$, GetOpenFilename, filename$[, filter$[, filter_desc$[, FLAG[, FLAG]]]]

filename$ is the variable which will return the retrieved filename. Returns the full filepath of the file.

filter$ is a file filter to limit which file types are displayed (such as *.txt). More than one file type can be indicated by separating them with semi-colons ( «*.gbr;*.lgr»). If omitted, the default will be *.*.

filter_desc$ describes filter$ (e.g. «Gerber files»).


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FLAG is any one of the following:

NoFileMustExist Does not verify if the file exists or not.

NoPathMustExist Does not verify if the path exists or not.

NoChangeDir Will not allow the user to change the current working directory.

Multiple FLAGS are permitted, separated by commas. If none of the above FLAGS are used, then their opposite (default) functions will be used.


AddForm #1, 0, 5, «Open file:», GetOpenFilename, Read$, «*.txt»,»Text Files», NoFileMustExist


Functions similarly to the Windows «Save As» file dialog box: obtains a filename from the user by displaying a Windows-style drop down list. The returned filename can be used for file input/output purposes.


AddForm #n,x%,y%,prompt$,GetSaveFilename,filename$[,default_ext$[,filter[,filter_desc$[,FLAG[,FLAG]]]]]

filename$ is the variable which will return the retrieved filename. Returns the full filepath of the file.

default_ext$ is the default extension of the file being saved. It is a three character string with no period (e.g. «txt»).

filter$ is a file filter to limit which files are displayed (such as «*.txt»). If omitted, will be «*.*».

filter_desc$ describes filter$ (e.g. «Text files»).

FLAG is any one of the following:

NoOverWritePrompt If the filename already exists, it does not prompt the user to verify before overwriting it.

PathMustExist Requires the saved file’s path to already exist.

NoChangeDir Will not allow the user to change the current working directory.

Multiple FLAGS are permitted, separated by commas. If none of the above FLAGS are used, then the opposite, default functions will be used.


AddForm #1, 0, 5, «Please select a file to save», GetSaveFilename, Save$, «gbr»,»*.gbr»,»Gerber Files», PathMustExist


Accepts typed input from the user. There are three types of input controls: integer, real, and string:

1. Integer Input


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Syntax for integer controls:

AddForm #n, x%, y%, prompt$, Input, integer%[, low% to high%]


AddForm #1, 0, 1, «Enter the current year:», Input, Year%, 1990 to 2999

2. Real Input

Syntax for real controls:

AddForm #n, x%, y%, prompt$, Input, real#[, low# to high#]


AddForm #1, 0, 2, «Enter the offset in Inches:», Input, Offset#, 0.0 to 5.0

3. String Input

Syntax for string controls:

AddForm #n, x%, y%, prompt$, Input, string$[, width%]


AddForm#1, 0, 3, «Enter file name:», Input, Filename$, 80

Arguments for these commands are as follows:

integer% is used to retrieve the interger value entered by the user.

real# is used to retrieve the real value entered by the user.

string$ returns the string entered by the user.

low% to high% is an optional range of values which the user input must lie within. The control will automatically validate this range, if it is present. It may be used for either integer or real input values.

width% is the optional string width (in characters) of the input box. If width% is not given, then the width of the control is approximately 21 characters. The input box automatically scrolls to the left if more characters are entered.


Prints «dumb» text on the form, useful for information or instructions.


AddForm #n, x%, y%, prompt$, Print[, width%]

width% is the width (in characters) of the text. If necessary, the string will wrap either at this width% number of characters or at the right edge of the control area (whichever is less).

prompt$ is the text to be displayed on the form.



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AddForm #1, 0, 0, «this is a string», Print, 40


All these functions are used to check if a given button is pressed. They return n, which is either a 1 or a 0 and may all be used in a Boolean expression. These functions only refer to the buttons on the bottom of the form, they are not used by the macro programmer to add buttons to a form.





Both functions check to see if the last GetOpenFileName or GetSaveFileName were completed properly (by the user selecting a file and pressing OK)..


OpenNameOK(n) = ok% SaveNameOK(n) = ok%

n is the number of the form

ok% is the returned value: 1 = completed 0 = not completed


IF OpenName(1) = 0 THEN Error% = 1 IF SaveName(1) = 1 THEN GOTO 500


May be used to determine if the file returned by GetOpenFileName or GetSaveFileName exists.


Button Function






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FileExists(filename$) = ok%

ok% returns 1 if the file exists and is readable, 0 if not.


IF FileExists(test.gbr) = 1 THEN GOTO 100


Following is an example of a macro that creates a form, and the resulting form.

label1$ = «This is an eighty character string to be used as a test for the Print command.» i% = 4 d# = 12345.678 s$ = «The quick brown fox» j% = 1 k% = 2 OpenForm #1, 40, 12, «Test form», character, yesnocancel AddForm #1, 0, 0, «Integer:», INPUT, i%, 0 to 10 AddForm #1, 0, 1, «Real : «, INPUT, d# AddForm #1, 0, 2, «String :», INPUT, s$ AddForm #1, 1, 3, «Check:», CHECK, j% AddForm #1, 2, 4, «Choice», CHOICE, k%, «Choice One», «Choice Two», «Choice Three» AddForm #1, 0, 8, label1$, PRINT AddForm #1, 2, 10, «Open File», GETOPENFILENAME, filename$ DisplayForm #1 if formcancel(1) then goto skipit ‘Set strings for print statement: i$ = str$(i%) d$ = str$(d#) j$ = str$(j%) k$ = str$(k%) print «i% = «,i$+cr!+»d# = «,d$+cr!+»s$ = «+quote!+s$+quote!+cr!+»Check = «,j$+cr!+»Choice = «,k$+cr!+»File = «,filename$ skipit: DeleteForm #1 End


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Add Menu Macros

Add > Alignment Pins


Initiates command.

alignpt_side@ # axy@ 0.0000,0.0000

Adds a new alignment pin, at the coordinates given. Multiple sets of coordinates may be given to add additional pins. Parameter sets the type of alignment pin to use:

1=Top 2=Bottom 3=Through-Hole


add_probot_marker@ alignpt_side@ 1 axy@ 1225.0000,2725.0000 axy@ 2175.0000,2275.0000 alignpt_side@ 2 axy@ 1750.0000,2500.0000 axy@ 2000.0000,2000.0000 alignpt_side@ 3 axy@ 1500.0000,2675.0000 axy@ 1250.0000,2250.0000 back@

Add > Arc


Alignment Pins Flash Rectangle

Arc Line Refdes

Border Mill Circle Step Image

Circle Mill Path Stiffener

Device Name Mill Slot Symbol

Drill Mill Tab Test Points

Drill Circle Operator Message Text

Drill Hit Optional Stop Tooling Offset (G93)

Drill Sequence Padstack Variable Text

Drill Slot Part Via

Drill Text Pin Wire

Ellipse (macro only) Polygon

Fixture Probes Polygon Void


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add_arc@ axy@ -50.0000,100.0000 axy@ 0.0000,100.0000 axy@ -150.0000,100.0000 back@

Adds an arc. Points specified are the center, start, and point that defines the angle.

In addition to the command sequence above, several commands may be added after the add_arc@ command to assign the layer(s) which arc will appear on in the symbol, once the symbol is placed in a panel.

setlayer@ #

Sets the layer in the Symbol Editor that the arc will be added to. (Remember macro layering begins at 0).

SymSetLayerSpec@ Lay

Specifies type of layer which symbol is to be placed on in a panel. Lay is as follows:

1 = ALL Layers 2 = All Electric Layers 3 = All Layers of the type data is being created on 4 = Current Layer (active layer # in the symbol editor)

SymSetLayerOfType@ Type

When choosing 3 in SymSetLayerSpec@, this command specifies the layertype of the layer.


See Layer Type codes

Same as the above CAM Editor command sequence, but commands listed below may be added after add_arc@ command to define attributes of the arc’s graphic:

setpolarity@ Value

Sets the draw polarity for the line.

Value : 0=positive, 1=negative.

setwidth@ Width

Sets the drawing width in either mils or mm.


add_arc3pts@ axy@ -50.0000,-50.0000 axy@ 100.0000,-50.0000 axy@ 50.0000,100.0000 back@


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The first two points are the end points of the arc. The third point is any other point (except the end points) on the arc.

In addition to the command sequence above, several commands may be added after the add_arc3pts@ command to assign the layer(s) which arc will appear on in the symbol, once symbol is placed in a panel.

setlayer@ #

Sets the layer in the Symbol Editor that the arc will be added to. (Remember macro layering begins at 0).

SymSetLayerSpec@ Lay

Specifies type of layer which symbol is to be placed on in a panel. Lay is as follows:

1 = ALL Layers 2 = All Electric Layers 3 = All Layers of the type data is being created on 4 = Current Layer (active layer # in the symbol editor)

SymSetLayerOfType@ Type

When choosing 3 in SymSetLayerSpec@, this command specifies the layertype of the layer.

See Layer Type codes

Same as the above CAM Editor command sequence, but commands listed below may be added after add_arc3pts@ command to define attributes of the arc’s graphic:

setpolarity@ Value

Sets the draw polarity for the line.

Value : 0=positive, 1=negative.

setwidth@ Width

Sets the drawing width in either mils or mm.


add_arctang@ axy@ -100.0000,50.0000 axy@ 200.0000,200.0000 back@

The two points are the end points of the arc.

In addition to the command sequence above, several commands may be added after the add_arctang@ command to assign the layer(s) which arc will appear on in the symbol, once symbol is placed in a panel.

setlayer@ #


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Sets the layer in the Symbol Editor that the arc will be added to. (Remember macro layering begins at 0).

SymSetLayerSpec@ Lay

Specifies type of layer which symbol is to be placed on in a panel. Lay is as follows:

1 = ALL Layers 2 = All Electric Layers 3 = All Layers of the type data is being created on 4 = Current Layer (active layer # in the symbol editor)

SymSetLayerOfType@ Type

When choosing 3 in SymSetLayerSpec@, this command specifies the layertype of the layer.

See Layer Type codes

Same as the above CAM Editor command sequence, commands listed below may be added after add_arctang@ command to define attributes of the arc’s graphic:

setpolarity@ Value

Sets the draw polarity for the line.

Value : 0=positive, 1=negative.

setwidth@ Width

Sets the drawing width in either mils or mm.

Add > Border

Adds a polygonal border to the one-up design in the CAM Editor. This border will be used to determine step&repeat image spacing in the Panel Editor, as well as provide a border for panel venting. Any number of points describing the border may be entered — the command will automatically close the polygon after the final point is specified.


Inititates command.

setortho@ #

Sets the orthagonal angle of the slot being made.

0 = 90 degrees 1 = 45 degrees 2 = any angle

axy@ -118.6000,2355.5000 axy@ 2355.9000,2367.9000 axy@ 2268.8000,769.4000 back@


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Axy@ commands select each susequent point on the polygonal outline. Back@ command closes polygon and ends function.

add_symbol_border@ axy@ -25.0000,100.0000 axy@ 75.0000,0.0000 back@

Draws a rectangular border for the symbol, as defined by two opposite corner coordinates.

Add > Circle

3 Points

add_circle3pts@ axy@ -50.0000,150.0000 axy@ 100.0000,150.0000 axy@ 0.0000,250.0000 back@

Adds a circle given three points: the first two points are the end-points of the circle’s arc. The third point is any point on the circle EXCEPT an end point.

Same as the above command sequence, but command listed below may be added after add_circle3pts@ command to define attributes of the circle’s graphic:

setpolarity@ Value

Sets the draw polarity for the line.

Value : 0=positive, 1=negative.

Similar to the CAM Editor 3 Point Circle command above, but several commands may be added after add_circle3pts@ to assign the layer(s) which circle will appear on, in the symbol, once symbol is placed in a panel.


Adds a circle. given the following settings:

setlayer@ #

Sets the layer in the Symbol Editor that the circle will be added to. (Remember macro layering begins at 0).

SymSetLayerSpec@ Lay

Specifies type of layer which symbol is to be placed on in a panel. Lay is as follows:


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1 = ALL Layers 2 = All Electric Layers 3 = All Layers of the type data is being created on 4 = Current Layer (active layer # in the symbol editor)

SymSetLayerOfType@ Type

When choosing 3 in SymSetLayerSpec@, this command specifies the layertype of the layer.

See Layer Type codes

axy@ -50.0000,150.0000 axy@ 100.0000,150.0000 axy@ 0.0000,250.0000 back@

Creates the circle, given three points: the first two points are the end-points of the circle’s arc. The third point is any point on the circle EXCEPT an end point.

Center Radius

add_circle@ axy@ -100.0000,200.0000 axy@ -50.0000,200.0000 back@

This adds a normal 2 point circle, with the first point defining the center and the second point defining a point on the radius.

Same as the above command sequence, but command listed below may be added after add_circle@ command to define attributes of the circle’s graphic:

setpolarity@ Value

Sets the draw polarity for the line.

Value : 0=positive, 1=negative.

Similar to the CAM Editor Center Radius command above, but several commands may be added after add_circle@ to assign the layer(s) which circle will appear on, in the symbol, once symbol is placed in a panel.


Adds a circle, given the following settings:

setlayer@ #

Sets the layer in the Symbol Editor that the circle will be added to. (Remember macro layering begins at 0).

SymSetLayerSpec@ Lay

Specifies type of layer which symbol is to be placed on in a panel. Lay is as follows:

1 = ALL Layers 2 = All Electric Layers


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3 = All Layers of the type data is being created on 4 = Current Layer (active layer # in the symbol editor)

SymSetLayerOfType@ Type

When choosing 3 in SymSetLayerSpec@, this command specifies the layertype of the layer.

See Layer Type codes

Add > Device Name


Adds a Device Name designator to the part.


Turns the Device Name attached to the cursor. Each instance of the command turns the Device Name a fixed degree counter-clockwise. Degree is specified by setturn100angle@ command.

setturn100angle@ #

Sets the turn angle. # is 100 times the angle (650=6.5 degrees)

partname_Mirror@ #

Mirrors the Device Name attached to the cursor.

textcapheight@ #

Sets the text height of the Device Name (capital letter height), in current user units.

axy@ 0.0000, 0.0000

Placement point for the Device Name designator.


add_name@ setturn100angle@ 4500 partname_Turn@ partname_Turn@ textcapheight@ 45.0000 partname_Mirror@ axy@ -325.0000,0.0000 back@

Add > Drill

Adds a single drill hit in a drill coupon. Hit must be associated with the drill tools in the NC Table.



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Initiates the command.

Select one of the following to set the tool value for the drill:

SymDrlSpecSmallest@ Nth, Set, min/max

Sets the first drill based on the smallest drill in the design. Parameters are:

Nth: sets how far offset from the smallest drill in the table it should be: 0 means smallest, 1 is next to smallest, etc.

Set indicates whether min/max setting is to be used. 0 = no, 1 = yes.

min/max: sets a value for the smallest size the first tool in the sequence can be (i.e. 45 indicates a tool larger than 45 mils must be the first tool in the sequence)

SymDrlSpecLargest@ Nth, Set, min/max

Sets the first drill based on the largest drill in the design. Parameters are:

Nth: sets how far offset from the largest drill in the table it should be: 0 means largest, 1 is one below largest, etc.

Set indicates whether min/max setting is to be used. 0 = no, 1 = yes.

min/max: sets a value for the largest size the first tool in the sequence can be (i.e. 100 indicates a tool no larger than 100 mils must be the first tool in the sequence)

SymDrlSpecToolNum@ Tool Number

Sets the first tool in the sequence based on the ID number of the tool.

SymDrlSpecToolSize@ Size

Sets the first tool in the sequence based on the size of the tool (in user units).

SymSetDrillType@ 1

Sets the drill type to use in the sequence. 0 = Plated, 1 = Unplated.

axy@ x,y

Sets the coordinate to place the drill hit.


add_symbol_drill@ SymDrlSpecLargest@ 0,0,0.0000 SymSetDrillType@ 0 axy@ -375.0000,-100.0000 back@

Add > Drill Circle



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set_current_toolref@ #

Specifies the tool being used to make the circle. # is the tool REF number of the new tool.

axy@ -3075.0000,1300.0000 axy@ -2150.0000,825.0000 back@

This adds a drilled circle using the same format as a normal 2 point circle, with the first point defining the center and the second point defining a point on the radius.

Add > Drill Hit


Initiates command.

set_current_toolref@ #

Specifies the tool being used to make the hit. # is the tool REF number of the new tool.

set_nc_plated_add_drill@ #

Specifies if a hit is plated (1) or unplated/tented (0).

axy@ 525.0000,5000.0000

Hit is added at the specified coordinate.


Ends command.


nc_add_drill_hit@ set_current_toolref@ 4 set_nc_plated_add_drill@ 0 axy@ 15.0800,53.7200 back@

Add > Drill Sequence

Adds a series of drill hits to a drill coupon. Drills may be ordered from smallest to largest, largest to smallest, etc.: once the coupon is used in a panel, the command will space drill hits evenly along the path specified by the two end points of the sequence. These «anchor» drills may be defined by their relationship to the smallest or largest tool in the NC Table, by tool number, or by tool size. The hits will be propagated using the NC tool table in the design.


Intializes the command.

First Drill tool settings:


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Select one of the following to set the FIRST anchor tool’s value.

FirstSymDrlSpecSmallest@ Nth, Set, min/max

Sets the first drill based on the smallest drill in the design. Parameters are:

Nth: sets how far offset from the smallest drill in the table it should be: 0 means smallest, 1 is next to smallest, etc.

Set indicates whether min/max setting is to be used. 0 = no, 1 = yes.

min/max: sets a value for the smallest size the first tool in the sequence can be (i.e. 45 indicates a tool larger than 45 mils must be the first tool in the sequence)

FirstSymDrlSpecLargest@ Nth, Set, min/max

Sets the first drill based on the largest drill in the design. Parameters are:

Nth: sets how far offset from the largest drill in the table it should be: 0 means largest, 1 is one below largest, etc.

Set indicates whether min/max setting is to be used. 0 = no, 1 = yes.

min/max: sets a value for the largest size the first tool in the sequence can be (i.e. 100 indicates a tool smaller than 100 mils must be the first tool in the sequence)

FirstSymDrlSpecToolNum@ Tool Number

Sets the first tool in the sequence based on the ID number of the tool.

FirstSymDrlSpecToolSize@ Size

Sets the first tool in the sequence based on the size of the tool (in user units).

Last Drill Tool settings:

Select one of the following to set the LAST anchor tool’s value.

LastSymDrlSpecSmallest@ Nth, Set, min/max

Sets the last drill based on the smallest drill in the design. Parameters are:

Nth: sets how far offset from the smallest drill in the table it should be: 0 means smallest, 1 is next to smallest, etc.

Set indicates whether min/max setting is to be used. 0 = no, 1 = yes.

min/max: sets a value for the smallest size the first tool in the sequence can be (i.e. 45 indicates a tool larger than 45 mils must be the first tool in the sequence)

LastSymDrlSpecLargest@ Nth, Set, min/max

Sets the first drill based on the largest drill in the design. Parameters are:

Nth: sets how far offset from the largest drill in the table it should be: 0 means largest, 1 is one below largest, etc.

Set indicates whether min/max setting is to be used. 0 = no, 1 = yes.

min/max: sets a value for the largest size the first tool in the sequence can be (i.e. 100 indicates a tool smaller than 100 mils must be the first tool in the sequence)


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LastSymDrlSpecToolNum@ Tool Number

Sets the first tool in the sequence based on the ID number of the tool.

LastSymDrlSpecToolSize@ Size

Sets the first tool in the sequence based on the size of the tool (in user units).

Other sequence settings: SymSetNumHits@ 0

Sets the number of drill hits to use in the sequence.

SymSetDrillType@ 1

Sets the drill type to use in the sequence. 0 = Plated, 1 = Unplated.

axy@ 32.8000,153.6000 axy@ 340.2000,-27.7000

Indicate the positions of the First and Last anchor drills in the sequence.


add_drill_sequence@ FirstSymDrlSpecLargest@ 0,0,0.0000 LastSymDrlSpecSmallest@ 0,0,0.0000 SymSetNumHits@ 0 SymSetDrillType@ 0 axy@ 32.8000,153.6000 axy@ 340.2000,-27.7000 back@

Add > Drill Slot


Adds a slot composed of overlapping drill hits.

set_current_toolref@ #

Specifies the tool being used to make the slot. # is the tool REF number of the new tool.

setortho@ #

Sets the orthagonal angle of the slot being made.

0 = 90 degrees 1 = 45 degrees 2 = any angle

axy@ 50.0000,2800.0000 axy@ 625.0000,2325.0000 back@

Coordinates are the beginning and ending drill hits of the slot.


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nc_add_drilled_slot@ set_current_toolref@ 7 setortho@ 1 axy@ 7.5300,63.6000 axy@ 23.9900,49.5100 back@

Add > Drill Text

nc_add_drilled_text@ X, Y, LyrID, Ref, Position,Text$

Adds text which is drilled using NC Tools:

X,Y are the starting point coordinates of the text.

LyrID is the number of the layer the text is being created on (must be an NC layer).

Ref is the tool reference number (in the tool table).

Position is the orientation of the text. 0=horizontal, 1=vertical

Test$ is the text string being drilled.


nc_add_drilled_text@ 8234.4500,2792.5000,8,2,0,»THIS IS A TEST» back@

Add an Ellipse

This special macro command sequence adds filled ellipses (sectorized representations of an ellipse).

Exception: this command is for macro use only, and does not have an Add Menu command equivalent.


Initializes command.

set_filledellipsesize@ 100,200,10

First #: Width of the ellipse (greater than 0)

Second #: Height of the ellipse (greater than 0)

Third #: Angle (in degrees) of each sector of the ellipse (must be between -90 and 90 degrees, and not 0 degrees)

axy@ 500,500


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Creates an ellipse at each X,Y coordinate. X,Y coordinate is the center of the ellipse.

Tip: you may use the set_filledellipsesize@ command between coordinates to change the size of the ellipse being added.


add_filledellipse@ set_filledellipsesize@ 100,200,10 ‘Sets first ellipse size axy@ 500,500 ‘Adds two ellipses using this size axy@ -500,-500 set_filledellipsesize@ 150,75,5 ‘Changes size of ellipse axy@ -400,400 ‘Adds new ellipse of that size back@

Add > Fixture Probes

On Bottom Fixture

bn_addbotpin@ axy@ 442.4000,4276.1000 axy@ 493.6000,4187.8000 back@

Adds a probe on bottom fixture. First coordinates are the test point location. Second set is the grid point where the probe enters the first plate.

On Top Fixture

bn_addtoppin@ axy@ 442.4000,4276.1000 axy@ 493.6000,4187.8000 back@

Adds a probe on top fixture. First coordinates are the test point location. Second set is the grid point where the probe enters the first plate.

Add > Flash

add_flash@ axy@ 5704.0000,17412.0000 back@

Adds a flash (using the Active Dcode) on the active layer, at the given location. Layer and Dcode must be predefined before use.

In addition to the command sequence above, several commands may be added after the add_flash@ command


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to assign the layer(s) which flash will appear on in the symbol, once symbol is placed in a panel.

setlayer@ #

Sets the layer in the Symbol Editor that the flash will be added to. (Remember macro layering begins at 0).

SymSetLayerSpec@ Lay

Specifies type of layer which symbol is to be placed on in a panel. Lay is as follows:

1 = ALL Layers 2 = All Electric Layers 3 = All Layers of the type data is being created on 4 = Current Layer (active layer # in symbol editor)

SymSetLayerOfType@ Type

When choosing 3 in SymSetLayerSpec@, this command specifies the layertype of the layer.


See Layer Type codes

Add > Line

add_line@ axy@ 5666.0000,17043.0000 axy@ 5856.0000,17240.0000 back@

Draws a line from the given beginning point to end point (using the Active Dcode) on the active layer. Layer and Dcode must be predefined before use.

In addition to the command sequence above, several commands may be added after the add_line@ command to assign the layer(s) which line will appear on in the symbol, once symbol is placed in a panel.

setlayer@ #

Sets the layer in the Symbol Editor that the line will be added to. (Remember macro layering begins at 0).

SymSetLayerSpec@ Lay

Specifies type of layer which symbol is to be placed on in a panel. Lay is as follows:

1 = ALL Layers 2 = All Electric Layers 3 = All Layers of the type data is being created on 4 = Current Layer (active layer # in the symbol editor)

SymSetLayerOfType@ Type

When choosing 3 in SymSetLayerSpec@, this command specifies the layertype of the layer.

See Layer Type codes


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Draws a line, using the Active Dcode, on the active layer.

setpolarity@ Value

Sets the draw polarity for the line.

Value : 0=positive, 1=negative.

setendcap@ Value

Sets the drawn endcap shape.

Value: 0=square, 1=round.

setwidth@ Width

Sets the drawing width, in user units (either mils or mm).

axy@ 5666.0000,17043.0000 axy@ 5856.0000,17240.0000 back@

Sets beginning and end coordinates for the line being drawn.


add_line@ setpolarity@ 2 setendcap@ 0 setwidth@ 20.0000 axy@ -53.8000,7.0000 axy@ 38.4000,3.3000 back@

Add > Mill Circle


Adds a milled circle using the following specifications:

set_current_toolref@ #

Specifies the mill tool being used. # is the tool REF number of the new tool.

nc_set_circ_inout@ 1

Defines the circle as Inside or Outside (0=inside, 1=outside)

nc_set_circ_dir@ 1


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Denotes the direction the circle is to be milled. (0 = counter-clockwise, 1 = clockwise)

axy@ -1200.0000,1950.0000

Sets the center point.

axy@ -825.0000,1675.0000

Selects any point on the radius.


nc_add_milled_circle@ set_current_toolref@ 1 nc_set_circ_inout@ 1 nc_set_circ_dir@ 1 axy@ 1400.0000,4350.0000 axy@ 1700.0000,4275.0000 back@

Add > Mill Path


Starts the command.

Setup commands:

These commands may be set at the beginning of the path, or at subsequent new sections being added (i.e. if an arc is added as the first section, setting nc_set_mill_path_seg_type@ 1 will change the path to a line for the next section).

set_current_toolref@ #

Specifies the mill tool being used. # is the tool REF number of the new tool.

setortho@ #

Sets the orthagonal placement angle of the mill path section being added.

0 = 90 degrees 1 = 45 degrees 2 = any angle

nc_set_mill_path_seg_type@ 1

Sets the type of segment to be used in the path: 0= line, 1 = arc.

nc_set_mill_path_tang_type@ 1

Sets Tangential state of the path (smoothing connections between sections). 0 = off, 1 = on.

Coordinates: axy@ -5875.0000,2875.000

Sets the First vertex of the path.


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axy@ -4250.0000,2875.0000

Any subsequent coordinate will set the end point of the first segment, and become the beginning point of a new segment. There is no limit to the number of sections that can be added in this manner.


Closes the first path being added.

You may continue adding more paths by using the commands outlined above, but these will be completely new paths, unconnected to the original one.


A second back@ command ends the path creation command entirely.


nc_add_mill_path@ set_current_toolref@ 2 setortho@ 0 nc_set_mill_path_seg_type@ 0 nc_set_mill_path_tang_arc@ 0 axy@ 2050.0000,2875.0000 ‘Create first section of path axy@ 4125.0000,2775.0000 setortho@ 1 ‘Add new settings for next section nc_set_mill_path_seg_type@ 1 nc_set_mill_path_tang_arc@ 1 axy@ 5100.0000,1700.0000 ‘Add next section of path axy@ 4300.0000,925.0000 setortho@ 2 ‘Change settings for last section setortho@ 0 nc_set_mill_path_seg_type@ 0 nc_set_mill_path_tang_arc@ 0 axy@ 2100.0000,825.0000 back@ ‘Add last section of path and close path axy@ 5625.0000,4325.0000 ‘Start a new path here axy@ 7000.0000,3675.0000 back@ back@ ‘Exit Add Path command

Add > Mill Slot


Adds a milled slot using the following settings:

set_current_toolref@ #

Specifies the mill tool being used. # is the tool REF number of the new tool.

setortho@ #

Sets the orthagonal placement angle of the mill slot being added.

0 = 90 degrees 1 = 45 degrees 2 = any angle


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axy@ -125.0000,5125.0000

Sets the plunge point.

axy@ 900.0000,5075.0000

Sets the extraction point.


nc_add_milled_slot@ set_current_toolref@ 1 setortho@ 2 axy@ 675.0000,1975.0000 axy@ 3825.0000,1750.0000 back@

Add > Mill Tab


Initiates command.

set_current_tabid@ 2

Selects the mill tab to be used. Parameter is Tab ID number. Tabs must be defined before they can used (see Tables Define Mill Tabs).

axy@ 436.0769,3399.3846

Places tab at the assigned coordinates. You may continue adding tabs by specifying more coordinate points.


Closes the command.


nc_add_mill_tab@ set_current_tabid@ 2 axy@ 1372.4480,3991.8251 axy@ 1340.9424,3995.6548 axy@ 625.0000,3525.0000 back@

Add > Operator Message


Adds an operator message to a drill/mill path, as defined by these settings:


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axy@ -525.0000,3650.0000

This is a point on the drill/mill path that will have the operator message.

set_current_toolref@ #

If so desired, can be used to change the drill/mill tool used for the path. # is the tool REF number of the new tool. (Optional)

nc_set_operator_msg_pos@ 0

0=message is displayed after the selected path, 1=message is displayed before the selected path.

nc_set_operator_msg_text@ «Test»

Defines the operator message. May be up to 20 alphanumerical digits.

axy@ -525.0000,3700.0000

The placement of the text.


Closes command.


nc_add_operator_msg@ axy@ 2474.6724,4148.0181 nc_set_operator_msg_pos@ 1 set_current_toolref@ 2 nc_set_operator_msg_text@ «this is a test» axy@ 6150.0000,4325.0000 back@

Add > Optional Stop


Initiates command.

axy@ -290.1188,3457.9083

Any point on the drill/mill path to which the stop will be added.

axy@ -290.1188,3457.9083

The actual location of the stop.


Ends command.


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Add > Padstack


Initiates command.

setpadstack@ 1

Chooses the padstack to add (remember padstacks, like layers, start from 0).

axy@ -150.0000,0.0000 back@

Adds padstack at selected point and closes command.

Add > Part


Initiates command.

Part settings:

You may set the library and part to use. Project library is default, unless external library is selected. You must also set the Device Name and Ref/Des number.

lib_setextlib@ Type, Id, Merge, «Filename»

Selects external part library. Only required when using external, not project, library.

Type is the type of library: 1=cap 2=part 3=symbol

Id is the source of the library: 0=system (filename parameter is ignored) 1=external

Merge determines if current library should be replaced: 0=overwrite 1=merge

Filename : Name of external library to load.

openlibitem@ Type, Part$

Selects part from the part library.

Type is the type of library: 1=cap 2=part 3=symbol


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Part$ is the part name in the library.

addcomp_dev@ «Devname»

Specifies the Device Name of the part being added.

addcomp_refdes@ «RefDes»

Specifies the Ref/Des number of the part being added.

Part Placement: addcomp_makecmp@ axy@ 1750.0000,4350.0000

Places part at given coordinate.

Prior to giving the coordinates, you may rotate the part or mirror it using the following commands:


Rotates the part by the angle set in the setturn100angle@ command.

setturn100angle@ #

Sets the turn angle. # is 100 times the angle (650=6.5 degrees)


Mirrors part around centerline of part.


Stops command. Used twice in sequence it completes the placement of one part. Macro may continue adding parts by giving another coordinate point. Used 3 times it ends the command completely (see example).


add_component@ lib_setextpartlib_wmap@ 1,0,»d:\CAM350\product\t-bird dev\demo.plb» openlibitem@ 2,»DCASE» addcomp_dev@ «Resistor» addcomp_refdes@ «R1» addcomp_makecmp@ setturn100angle@ 18000 addcomp_turn@ addcomp_mirror@ axy@ 2556.4000,18.4000 ‘Adds first part back@ back@ axy@ 3232.9000,94.1000 ‘Adds another part of same type back@ back@ back@ ‘ends command

Add > Pin



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Begins command.

set_pintype@ 1

Sets the type of pin to add to the device:

0 = Thru 1 = SMD Device side (mounted on the same side as part) 2 = SMD Opposite side (mounted on opposite side to part; used to denote edge connectors).

axy@ 0.0000,0.0000

Specifies the point to insert the new pin. The device’s pin numbering will automatically be updated to include the new pin you’ve entered, but if you want to designate the pin number, use the set_pinseq@ command:

set_pinseq@ «1»

Assigns a new pin number to the added pin.


add_pin@ set_pintype@ 1 axy@ 50.0000,325.0000 set_pinseq@ «5» back@

Add > Polygon

Style 1

Style 2

Style 3

Style 4

Style 1

Set Polygon Parameters:

Polygon parameters can be set at any time prior to the actual adding of the polygon:

polylayer@ lyrID

Sets the layer for the polygon to be created on. (-1 values specifies using the current layer).

polyfilldcode@ Dcode

Sets the Dcode for the polygon fill (Vector-filled polygons only).

polyclearance@ Clear

Clear specifies the offset distance from the border the polygon will pour up to. (0 offset fills the polygon).

polyfillpattern@ «Pattern»

Designates the fill pattern for a Vector-filled polygon.The pattern can be SOLID, HATCHED, or DCODE.


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polyfillmethod@ «Fill_method»

The fill method can be OUTLINE, RASTER, or VECTOR

polyaddtype@ «Polygon_type»

The polygon type can be SELBORDER, AREAFILL, or DRAWBORDER.

polyfilltoborder@ «Yes»

Define whether to fill to the border («Yes» or «No»)

polydeleteislands@ «No»

Determines the treatment of clearances (islands) within the polygon’s area.»Yes» indicates to Pour the polygon, preserving islands, «No» indicates to Flood it, filling any islands.

polycenterline@ «No»

Determines the treatment of outlines within the polygon’s area.»Yes» indicates that any new polygon outline and internal islands will trace exactly the outer edge of existing shapes. «No» indicates that the normal polygon clearance will be used during outline generation. The polycenterline@ can only be «Yes: if the polyfillmethod@ is «OUTLINE».

Set Polygon Patterns (Vector-filled polygons only):

HATCHED fill pattern: a hatched pattern uses 3 lines that make up the pattern, so the following values must be set for all 3 lines (see example at end of section):

polypatdcode@ Line#, Dcode

Sets the Dcode number for a line in the polygon. Line# can be any line in the polygon (remember, like layers, line numbers start at 0).

polypatangle@ Line#, Angle

Sets the Angle for the Line# being added to the hatch.

polypatstep@ Line#, Step

Sets the step distance (in mils) for the Line# being added to the hatch.

DCODE fill pattern: a Dcode pattern uses 3 lines that are spaced by offsetting and step distance, with the final line representing only the Y-step value of the pattern. Lines 1 & 2 must set all three commands listed below, while line 3 (the Y-step line) only needs to set the polypatstep@ command (see example at end of section):

polypatdcode@ Line#, Dcode

Sets the Dcode number for a line in the polygon. Line# can be any line in the polygon (remember, like layers, line numbers start at 0).

polypatoffset@ Line#, Off

Sets the X-offset for the Line# being added.

polypatstep@ Line#, Step

Sets the X-step distance (in mils) for the Line# being added.

Note: this command also sets the Y-step for the final line in the pattern.

Creating the Polygon:


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After setup is finished, there are two types of pouring commands available to create the polygon:

add_pouring@ axy@ 225.0000,1575.0000 axy@ 225.0000,1375.0000 axy@ 450.0000,1375.0000 back@

add_pouring@ creates the polygon itself based on settings from the above macro commands. The resultant polygon always deletes islands when it is poured.

To add a polygon without deleting islands, use:

add_poly_pouring@ axy@ 225.0000,1575.0000 axy@ 225.0000,1375.0000 axy@ 450.0000,1375.0000 back@

add_poly_pouring@ uses the polydeleteislands@ macro command to determine if islands should be deleted during the pour.

see also Style 4


Raster Polygon:

polylayer@ -1 polyfilldcode@ 10 polyclearance@ 0.0000 polyfillpattern@ «SOLID» polyfillmethod@ «RASTER» polyaddtype@ «DRAWBORDER» polydeleteislands@ «No» add_poly_pouring@ axy@ 8416.9000,8477.8000 axy@ 9675.8000,8499.1000 axy@ 9789.2000,7407.8000 axy@ 8473.6000,7360.6000 back@

HATCH Pattern:

polylayer@ -1 polyfilldcode@ 10 polyclearance@ 20.0000 polyfillpattern@ «HATCHED» polypatdcode@ 0,232 polypatangle@ 0,45 polypatstep@ 0,400.0000 polypatdcode@ 1,232 polypatangle@ 1,30 polypatstep@ 1,400.0000 polypatdcode@ 2,232 polypatangle@ 2,45 polypatstep@ 2,400.0000 polyfillmethod@ «VECTOR» polyaddtype@ «DRAWBORDER» polydeleteislands@ «No» add_poly_pouring@ axy@ 9054.6000,8034.9000 axy@ 9570.7000,8045.5000 axy@ 9642.7000,7574.3000 axy@ 8962.5000,7505.8000 back@


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DCODE Pattern:

polylayer@ -1 polyfilldcode@ 10 polyclearance@ 20.0000 polyfillpattern@ «DCODE» polypatdcode@ 0,15 polypatoffset@ 0,0.0000 polypatstep@ 0,100.0000 polypatdcode@ 1,15 polypatoffset@ 1,50.0000 polypatstep@ 1,100.0000 polypatstep@ 2,100.0000 polyfillmethod@ «VECTOR» polyaddtype@ «DRAWBORDER» polydeleteislands@ «No» add_poly_pouring@ axy@ 8960.1000,8112.9000 axy@ 9645.1000,8077.4000 axy@ 9645.1000,7551.9000 axy@ 8925.9000,7547.2000 back@ back@

SOLID fill:

polylayer@ -1 polyfilldcode@ 10 polyclearance@ 0.0000 polyfillpattern@ «SOLID» polyfillmethod@ «VECTOR» polyaddtype@ «DRAWBORDER» polydeleteislands@ «No» add_pouring@ axy@ 7995.0000,8766.8000 axy@ 9839.1000,8833.2000 axy@ 10146.9000,7272.8000 axy@ 8004.0000,7179.2000 back@

Style 2

Creating polygons in these editors is more simplified than in the CAM or Panel Editors: the editors are only capable of creating solid polygons, requiring only basic commands:

add_gr_poly@ axy@ 0.0000, 0.0000

Adds a solid polygon, as denoted by a created border. The placement coordinates designate the end points of one line segment in the border. Any number of line segments can be added in the border using new coordinates for end points. Exiting the command, using back@, automatically closes the polygon.

see also Style 4


add_gr_poly@ axy@ -100.0000,80.0000 axy@ 40.0000,76.0000 axy@ 40.0000,-56.0000 axy@ -148.0000,-72.0000 back@


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Style 3

Creating polygons in the Symbol Editor is more simplified than in the CAM or Panel Editors: the editor is only capable of creating solid polygons, requiring only basic commands:

add_gr_poly@ axy@ 0.0000, 0.0000

Adds a solid polygon, as denoted by a created border. The placement coordinates designate the end points of one line segment in the border. Any number of line segments can be added in the border using new coordinates for end points. Exiting the command, using back@, automatically closes the polygon.

In addition to the command sequence above, several commands may be added after the add_gr_poly@ command to assign the layer(s) which polygon will appear on in the symbol, once symbol is placed in a panel.

setlayer@ #

Sets the layer in the Symbol Editor that the polygon will be added to. (Remember macro layering begins at 0).

SymSetLayerSpec@ Lay

Specifies type of layer which symbol is to be placed on in a panel. Lay is as follows:

1 = ALL Layers 2 = All Electric Layers 3 = All Layers of the type data is being created on 4 = Current Layer (active layer # in the symbol editor)

SymSetLayerOfType@ Type

When choosing 3 in SymSetLayerSpec@, this command specifies the layertype of the layer.

See Layer Type codes


add_gr_poly@ SymSetLayerSpec@ 2 setlayer@ 2 axy@ -275.0000,200.0000 axy@ 250.0000,200.0000 axy@ 225.0000,-150.0000 axy@ -275.0000,-125.0000 back@

Style 4

You may use this macro-only command to add a positive polygon to your design. The polygon is solid-fill only, and will be created on the active layer. However, unlike the add_pouring@ command, you may add «cut-line» polygon voids during the course of creating the polygon:

add_polygon@ axy@ 870.0000,3885.0000 axy@ 870.0000,3910.0000


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axy@ 885.0000,3910.0000 back@

Each coordinate denotes the end point of a line segment in the polygon’s border. Entering the final coordinate pair automatically closes the polygon.

Add > Polygon Void



Adds a circular void in a solid raster polygon. (Command will not work on vector-filled polygons).

axy@ 3129.6000,10784.2000 axy@ 3246.3000,10709.9000 axy@ 3458.6000,10571.9000

3 points follow the initial command: first point selects the polygon to add the void to (can be any point in polygon), second is center of circular void, and third is the radius of the void.


Ends command.



Adds a polygonal-shaped void in a solid raster polygon. (Command will not work on vector-filled polygons).

setortho@ #

Sets the orthagonal angle for placing line segments that will form the void’s outline.

0 = 90 degrees 1 = 45 degrees 2 = any angle

axy@ 0.0000, 0.0000

Each coordinate following the initial command designates the end point of a line segment on the void’s «outline». Multiple coordinates may be entered to create the void.


Ends the command; polygonal void will automatically close itself, forming a clearance in the polygon.


add_polyvoid@ setortho@ 2 axy@ 3904.4000,10784.2000 axy@ 3893.7000,10954.0000 axy@ 6048.2000,10168.6000


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axy@ 6048.2000,10943.4000 axy@ 4318.3000,11155.6000 back@

Add > Rectangle

add_rectangle@ axy@ -150.0000,-100.0000 axy@ 150.0000,-300.0000 back@

Draws a rectangle, as defined by the coordinates of two opposite corners, using the Active Dcode, on the active layer (both must be pre-defined).

In addition to the command sequence above, several commands may be added after the add_rectangle@ command to assign the layer(s) which line will appear on in the symbol, once symbol is placed in a panel.

setlayer@ #

Sets the layer in the Symbol Editor that the rectangle will be added to. (Remember macro layering begins at 0).

SymSetLayerSpec@ Lay

Specifies type of layer which symbol is to be placed on in a panel. Lay is as follows:

1 = ALL Layers 2 = All Electric Layers 3 = All Layers of the type data is being created on 4 = Current Layer (active layer # in the symbol editor)

SymSetLayerOfType@ Type

When choosing 3 in SymSetLayerSpec@, this command specifies the layertype of the layer.

See Layer Type codes

Add > Refdes


Adds a Ref/Des designator to a part, as defined by the commands below:

setturn100angle@ #

Sets the turn angle. # is 100 times the angle (650=6.5 degrees)



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Turns the Reference Designator attached to the cursor, at the angle defined by setturn100angle@.

partname_Mirror@ #

Mirrors the Reference Designator attached to the cursor.

textcapheight@ 70.0000

Sets the Reference Designator text height.

setdcode@ 10

Selects the Dcode to use to create the Ref/Des text in the finished part.

axy@ 0.0000,50.0000 back@

Specifies the placement point for the Ref/Des designator and ends command.


add_refdes@ setturn100angle@ 4500 partname_Turn@ partname_Mirror@ textcapheight@ 45.0000 setdcode@ 10 update_dcodebar@ axy@ 0.0000,50.0000 back@

Add > Step Image

add_step_image@ axy@ X#, Y# back@

Command adds a copy of the one-up design to the panel. axy@ command specifies placement coordinates: note — these coordinates correspond to the location of the image’s space origin in the one-up image.

Add > Stiffener

On Bottom Fixture

bn_addbottool@ axy@ 74.9000,4701.9000 back@

Places a stiffener on the bottom fixture. Coordinates are the location point of the stiffener.

On Top Fixture


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bn_addtoptool@ axy@ 74.9000,4701.9000 back@

Places a stiffener on the top fixture. Coordinates are the location point of the stiffener.

Add > Symbol


Initializes command.

openlibitem@ 3,»change»

Specifies symbol to add: parameters are library being used (3 defaults to project library) and name of the symbol.

setturn100angle@ #

Sets the turn angle. # is 100 times the angle (650=6.5 degrees)


Turns the symbol attached to the cursor, at the angle defined by setturn100angle@.

axy@ -3875.0000,24700.0000

Notes location to add aymbol.

change_symbInstName@ «test»

Changes the symbol being added to a new selection (same effect as using the drop-down menu in the tool bar while running command interactively).


add_symbol@ openlibitem@ 3,»drill» setturn100angle@ 4500 add_symbinst_turn@ axy@ -12250.0000,21825.0000 back@

Add > Test Points

Manually adds inidividual test points to a database. To add them automatically, use File > Create > Test Points.



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Intializes command.


Begins addition of test points.

axy@ 1075.0000,4275.0000

Coordinates define the location for each test point. Any number can be added.


Ends addition of new test point coordinates.

testpt_endcreatefil@ back@

Closes test point creation process and ends command.


add_testpt@ testpt_startcreatefil@ axy@ 3875.0000,1925.0000 axy@ 7825.0000,3100.0000 axy@ 200.0000,1575.0000 axy@ 200.0000,2175.0000 axy@ 200.0000,2375.0000 back@ testpt_endcreatefil@ back@

Add > Text

Text parameters can be set at any time prior to the actual addition of the text with the add_text@ command. For more information on these parameters see Edit > Change > Text.

Font Settings:

Specifies the font to use for text. May be set prior to or after text settings in the Text Settings section below.

textfont@ «SIMPLE.EFN»

This is used if an EFN font is used. Otherwise, the following command is used:

textfontface@ 2, «Arial»

Specifies a non-EFN font to use. This is the font face name, not a filename.

First number is the type of font:

2=True Type 4=Autocad SHP 8=Autocad SHX

The second parameter is the face name of the font.


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Text Settings:

Once the text and font to be changed have been selected, any of the following commands can be issued (in any order) to change the text attributes:

textfullheight@ 100.0000

Sets the full text height, in user units, taking into account characters with descenders (as well as a little additional font-dependent spacing so that lines will not overlap). The old command textheight@, used with version 2.X and earlier, will still function with this macro.

textcapheight@ 50

Specifies the exact height for the font’s capital letters, in user units. All other characters are based relative to this set height.

Note: the above two macro commands are mutually exclusive. When used in a macro, each overrides the previous one’s settings for any new text being added.

textangle@ 4500

Angle of the text, times 100 (i.e. 4500 = 45 degrees)

textmirror@ 1

Sets text mirroring state. 0=not mirrored or 1=mirrored

textjust@ 4

Sets the text justification, as follows:

33 = Left Baseline 36 = Center Baseline 34 = Right Baseline 17 = Left Bottom 20 = Center Bottom 18 = Right Bottom 5 = Left Center 4 = Center Center 6 = Right Center 9 = Left Top 12 = Center Top 10 = Right Top

textfitting@ 1

Sets the text as fitted or not. 0=no fit or 1=fit

textcspace@ 20.0000

Sets the character spacing, in user units.

textlspace@ 100.0000

Sets the line spacing, in user units.

textslant@ 0

Text slant is set in degrees times 100. Positive values slant the font to the right, negative values slant it to the left. You can italicize a non-italics font face by specifying a slant angle. (Typical italic font faces are slanted about 10 to 15 degrees.)


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textxscale@ 500

Sets a text scale value (times 100). This applies to the width of individual characters. For example, textxscale@ 200 would make each character twice a wide as initially defined, while textxscale@ 50 would make the characters half as wide as initially defined.

textvertical@ 1

Determines if text is displayed vertically. 1=yes or 0=no

Text creation: add_text@

Initializes add text entry.

addtext@ BeginX, BeginY, PointX, PointY, «Text»

addtext@ commands performs the actual creation of the text:

BeginX and BeginY are the beginning coordinates of the text being added.

PointX & PointY is a coordinate anywhere within the text being added. This second set of coordinates finalizes the addition of the text; for ease of use, it is recommended you reuse the beginning coordinates for these coordinates.

Text is the text to be added. Notice that the text is carried as a string, and is limited to 250 characters per string. You may use +CR!+ as a carriage return, so for example, a Text value of «This is line 1″+CR!+»Line 2» will display as:

This is line 1 Line 2


Exits the command.


add_text@ textfontface@ 2,»Arial Black» textfullheight@ 100.0000 textfitting@ 0 textcspace@ 0.0000 textlspace@ 30.0000 textangle@ 27000 textslant@ 3400 textxscale@ 200 textmirror@ 1 textvertical@ 1 textjust@ 4 addtext@ 2017.1000,3547.0000,2489.2555,4246.9994,»this is a test» back@

Commands are identical to the CAM Editor Add > Text commands above, but several additional commands may be added after the add_text@ command to assign the layer(s) which text will appear on in the symbol, once symbol is placed in a panel.


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setlayer@ #

Sets the layer in the Symbol Editor that the text will be added to. (Remember macro layering begins at 0).

SymSetLayerSpec@ Lay

Specifies type of layer which symbol is to be placed on in a panel. Lay is as follows:

1 = ALL Layers 2 = All Electric Layers 3 = All Layers of the type data is being created on 4 = Current Layer (active layer # in the symbol editor)

SymSetLayerOfType@ Type

When choosing 3 in SymSetLayerSpec@, this command specifies the layertype of the layer.

See Layer Type codes

Add > Tooling Offset (G93)

Drill Origin

add_drillorg@ axy@ 1125.0000,2575.0000 back@

Sets the tooling offset drill origin (G93 command), as specified by the coordinates.

Mill Origin

add_millorg@ axy@ 1350.0000,2525.0000 back@

Sets the tooling offset mill origin (G93 command), as specified by the coordinates.

Add > Variable Text

Similar to Add > Text command, but adds Variable Text to a Symbol.

Text parameters can be set at any time prior to the actual addition of the variable text. For more information on these parameters see Edit > Change > Text.

Font Settings:

Specifies the font to use for text. May be set prior to or after text settings in the Text Settings section below.

textfont@ «SIMPLE.EFN»

This is used if an EFN font is used. Otherwise, the following command is used:


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textfontface@ 2, «Arial»

Specifies a non-EFN font to use. This is the font face name, not a filename.

First number is the type of font: 2=True Type 4=Autocad SHP 8=Autocad SHX

The second parameter is the face name of the font.

Text Settings:

Once the text and font to be changed have been selected, any of the following commands can be issued (in any order) to change the text attributes:

textfullheight@ 100.0000

Sets the full text height, in user units, taking into account characters with descenders (as well as a little additional font-dependent spacing so that lines will not overlap). The old command textheight@, used with version 2.X and earlier, will still function with this macro.

textcapheight@ 50

Specifies the exact height for the font’s capital letters, in user units. All other characters are based relative to this set height.

Note: the above two macro commands are mutually exclusive. When used in a macro, each overrides the previous one’s settings for any new text being added.

textangle@ 4500

Angle of the text, times 100 (i.e. 4500 = 45 degrees)

textmirror@ 1

Sets text mirroring state. 0=not mirrored or 1=mirrored

textjust@ 4

Sets the text justification, as follows:

33 = Left Baseline 36 = Center Baseline 34 = Right Baseline 17 = Left Bottom 20 = Center Bottom 18 = Right Bottom 5 = Left Center 4 = Center Center 6 = Right Center 9 = Left Top 12 = Center Top 10 = Right Top

textfitting@ 1

Sets the text as fitted or not. 0=no fit or 1=fit

textcspace@ 20.0000

Sets the character spacing, in user units.


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textlspace@ 100.0000

Sets the line spacing, in user units.

textslant@ 0

Text slant is set in degrees times 100. Positive values slant the font to the right, negative values slant it to the left. You can italicize a non-italics font face by specifying a slant angle. (Typical italic font faces are slanted about 10 to 15 degrees.)

textxscale@ 500

Sets a text scale value (times 100). This applies to the width of individual characters. For example, textxscale@ 200 would make each character twice a wide as initially defined, while textxscale@ 50 would make the characters half as wide as initially defined.

textvertical@ 1

Determines if text is displayed vertically. 1=yes or 0=no

Text Creation: add_variable_text@

Initializes command.

setlayer@ #

Sets the layer in the Symbol Editor that the variable text will be added to. (Remember macro layering begins at 0).

SymSetLayerSpec@ Lay

Specifies type of layer which symbol is to be placed on in a panel. Lay is as follows:

1 = ALL Layers 2 = All Electric Layers 3 = All Layers of the type data is being created on 4 = Current Layer (active layer # in the symbol editor)

SymSetLayerOfType@ Type

When choosing 3 in SymSetLayerSpec@, this command specifies the layertype of the layer.

See Layer Type codes

add_variable_text_do@ BeginX, BeginY, PointX, PointY, «Variable»

Command performs the actual creation of the text:

BeginX and BeginY are the beginning coordinates of the text being added.

PointX & PointY is a coordinate anywhere within the text being added. This second set of coordinates finalizes the addition of the text; for ease of use, it is recommended you reuse the beginning coordinates for these coordinates.

Variable is the text to be added. This is a string, and is limited to 250 characters per string.

Note: Spaces, tabs and carriage returns are not allowed in Variable Text. The text being added is considered a single variable. To separate words/ideas, use an underscore «_».



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Exits the command.


add_variable_text@ setlayer@ 2 SymSetLayerSpec@ 2 setdcode@ 10 update_dcodebar@ textfontface@ 2,»Algerian» textfullheight@ 120.0000 textcspace@ 5.0000 textlspace@ 10.0000 textangle@ 4500 textxscale@ 100 textmirror@ 1 textjust@ 33 add_variable_text_do@ -1050.0000,175.0000,-790.6253,175.0000,»jobnumber» back@

Add > Via


Intiates the command.

setpadstack@ 1

Chooses the padstack to add (remember padstacks, like layers, start from 0).

axy@ -150.0000,0.0000 back@

Specifies the point to add the Via, and closes command.

Add > Wire

Adds sections to a trace that maintain electrical conductivity with the net. Can also be used to add new nets to the design.


Initiates command.

setnetname@ «netname»

Sets net name for new net being added (not required if command is ammending a previous net. i.e. the first section begins on a net).

setortho@ #

Sets the orthagonal angle for placing the line segments of the wire.


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0 = 90 degrees 1 = 45 degrees 2 = any angle

axy@ X, Y

Sets the begin/end points for line segments on the wire. Initial axy@ command is the first point, while all other subsequent coordinates represent end point of each new section. If first coordinate is on an existing net, wire is merged as part of that net. Any number of segments may be added to the wire.


Ends segment addition, closing net and ending command.


add_wire@ setnetname@ «test$» setortho@ 1 setpadstack@ 3 axy@ 1907.7000,3632.4000 axy@ 2143.4000,3868.1000 axy@ 3739.0000,3868.1000 axy@ 4301.1000,3868.1000 axy@ 4600.3000,3868.1000 axy@ 4527.8000,3868.1000 axy@ 4908.6000,4248.9000 back@


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Analysis Menu Macros

Analysis > Acid Traps


Initiates command.

setacidtrapparms1@ Size, Angle, Layers, Remove, Fix

Sets the values to use for finding acid traps:

Size: Maximum size of acid traps detected (mils).

Angle: Maximum angle of acid traps detected (1 to 89 degrees).

Layers: 1 = process ON copper/electrical layers only, 0 = process all ON layers.

Remove: Remove old acid trap flags on layers that are processed.

Fix : repair any located acid traps, 1 = fix any acid traps that are found, 0 = do not fix acid traps

To specify the area to be checked, the selection window coordinates must be added at the end:

axy@ 16336.7000,12527.7000 axy@ 24443.2000,19409.3000 back@

To have the entire layer or composite be processed, the following command replaces the axy@ selection commands:



acidtrapdetect@ setacidtrapparms1@ 10.0000,50,1,1,1 axy@ 841.9000,1983.7000 axy@ 1935.4000,1043.5000 back@

Acid Traps DRC Histogram Minimum Gaps

Check Drill Find Pin Holes Negative Plane Thermal Conflicts

Check Mill Find Solder Bridges Net Check

Compare Layers Find Starved Thermals Part to Part Spacing

Copper Area Isolated Connections Silk to Solder Spacing

Copper Slivers Mask Slivers Solder Mask to Trace Spacing

DRC Minimum Gaps


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Analysis > Check Drill

All of the following commands must be run for each drill layer being checked (see example).

delete_error_list@ ListID, lyrID

Removes any old error flags from previous use of the check.

ListID indicates type of error flags. In this case 5 indicates «drill».

lyrID indicates layer number of drill layer being checked.

nc_analysis_drill_errors@ Layer ID, Overlap, Redundant, Double, Clearance

Analyzes drill layers, given the settings in the parameters:

Layer ID: ID of the NC layer to be checked

Overlap: check for overlapping drill hits. 1=Yes, 0=No

Redundant: check for multiple drill hits by same tool in same location. 1=Yes, 0=No

Double: check for multiple drill hits by different tools in same location. 1=Yes, 0=No

Clearance: # = when non-zero value is specified, checks for drill holes that are not touching, but are within this distance from each other. 0 = do not check.

nc_set_fix_drill_errors@ FixCoincident, FixRedundant

Determines which type of fixes will be performed on drill errors:

FixCoincident: 1 = fix coincident drill hits, 0 = do not fix coincident drill hits

FixRedundant: 1 = fix redundant drill hits, 0 = do not fix redundant drill hits


delete_error_list@ 5,7 nc_analysis_drill_errors@ 7,1,1,1,0.2540 ‘performs check for layer 8 nc_set_fix_drill_errors@ 1, 1 delete_error_list@ 5,10 nc_analysis_drill_errors@ 10,1,1,1,0.2540 ‘performs check for layer 11 nc_set_fix_drill_errors@ 1, 1 back@

Analysis > Check Mill

All commands must be run for each NC data layer, containing mill data, being checked (see example).

delete_error_list@ ListID, lyrID

Removes any old error flags from previous use of the check.


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ListID indicates type of error flags. In this case 6 indicates «mill».

lyrID indicates layer number of drill layer being checked.

nc_analysis_mill_errors@ Layer ID, Implode, Intersect, Tab Error

Analyzes drill layers, given the settings in the parameters:

Layer ID: ID of the NC layer to be checked

Implode: check for imploded arcs. 1=Yes, 0=No

Intersect: check for intersecting mill paths. 1=Yes, 0=No

Mill Tabs: check for mill tabs that are too large for the line segments they are placed on. 1=Yes, 0=No


delete_error_list@ 6,10 nc_analysis_mill_errors@ 10,1,1,1 ‘performs check for layer 11 delete_error_list@ 6,13 nc_analysis_mill_errors@ 13,1,1,1 ‘performs check for layer 14 back@

Analysis > Compare Layers


Intiates command.

set_layercompareparms1@ Layer ID 1, Layer ID 2, Resolution, Remove, ErrSize

The first two parameters are the ID’s of the layers to be compared (remember, macro layer numbers start at 0)

Resolution: finer resolution produces greater accuracy, but processes slower. Available resolutions (in user units):

.01, .025, .05, 0.1000, 0.5000, 1.0000 (mils). .00025, .000625, .00125, .0025, .125, .025 (mms).

Remove: Remove old error flags on layers that are processed.

ErrSize: ErrSize is always in relation to the specified Resolution (errors will only be reported when the area of difference exceeds the limits indicated by the ErrSize value):

0 = Errors must be > Resolution x Resolution (same as original layer compare command) 1 = Errors must be > (2 * Resolution) x (2 * Resolution) 2 = Errors must be > (4 * Resolution) x (4 * Resolution) 3 = Errors must be > (8 * Resolution) x (8 * Resolution) Any value for ErrSize other than the 0-3 will be interpreted as 0.

To specify the area to be checked, the selection window coordinates must be added at the end:

axy@ 16336.7000,12527.7000 axy@ 24443.2000,19409.3000


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layer_compare_window@ back@

To have the entire area of the layers be processed, the following command replaces the axy@ commands above:



layer_compare@ set_layercompareparms1@ 0,1,1.0000,1,2 axy@ -1.0000,2142.7000 axy@ 1526.1000,9.3000 layer_compare_window@ ‘window area to compare back@


layer_compare@ set_layercompareparms1@ 0,1,1.0000,1,2 layer_compare_layer@ ‘compare entire layer(s)

Analysis > Copper Area


Initiates command.

copper@ Resolution, Scan, Drill, Board

Sets the preferences for the copper area check:

Resolution: smaller resolution increases accuracy, but slows provessing time.

Scan: sets the scan box size. Again, smaller box is more accurate, but slower. Available sizes:

.25, 1, 4 sq inch 161, 645, 2581 sq mm

Drill: specifies whether to include drill hole copper in totals (1=yes,0=no)

Board: the board thickness, used to help calculate drill copper.

report_copper_save@ Resolution, Scan, Drill, Board, «File»

Saves resulting copper area information to a textual report file. Parameters are the same as for copper@ command, except File, which is the complete filename & path to save the file under.

report_copper_print@ Resolution, Scan, Drill, Board

Prints copper area report file to the default printer for the system. Parameters are the same as for copper@ command.


util_copper@ copper@ 5.0000,1000.0000,0,62.0000


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report_copper_save@ 5.0000,1000.0000,0,62.0000,»c:\my documents\copper.rpt» report_copper_print@ 5.0000,1000.0000,0,62.0000


Initiates command.

panelcopper@ Resolution, Scan, Drill, Board

Sets the preferences for the panel copper area check:

Resolution: smaller resolution increases accuracy, but slows provessing time.

Scan: sets the scan box size. Again, smaller box is more accurate, but slower. Available sizes:

.25, 1, 4 sq inch 161, 645, 2581 sq mm

Drill: specifies whether to include drill hole copper in totals (1=yes,0=no)

Board: the board thickness, used to help calculate drill copper.

report_panelcopper_save@ Resolution, Scan, Drill, Board, «File»

Saves resulting panel copper area information to a textual report file. Parameters are the same as for panelcopper@ command, except File, which is the complete filename & path to save the file under.

report_panelcopper_print@ Resolution, Scan, Drill, Board

Prints panel copper area report file to the default printer for the system. Parameters are the same as for panelcopper@ command.


util_panelcopper@ panelcopper@ 5.0000,1000.0000,0,62.0000 report_panelcopper_save@ 5.0000,1000.0000,0,62.0000,»c:\my documents\copper.rpt» report_panelcopper_print@ 5.0000,1000.0000,0,62.0000

Analysis > Copper Slivers


Detects slivers, using the following setting commands:

setsliverparms1@ Size, Slivers, Remove, Fix

Specifies the scan box, etc. to use when searching for copper slivers.

Size: Maximum size of slivers detected (mils).

Slivers: determines which type of sliver to find. 0 = Copper slivers, 1 = Mask slivers. (should be set to 0)

Remove: Remove old sliver flags on layers that are processed.


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Fix: determines if command should attempt to repair encountered slivers. 1 = fix all slivers that are found, 0 = do not fix slivers. (should be set to 0)

Exception: sliver fix option is not available for Copper Slivers analysis, only Mask Slivers.

To specify the area to be checked, the selection window coordinates must be added at the end:

axy@ 16336.7000,12527.7000 axy@ 24443.2000,19409.3000 back@

To have the entire layer or composite be processed, the following command replaces the axy@ commands above:



sliverdetect@ setsliverparms1@ 8.0000,0,1,0 sliver_layer@

Analysis > DRC

DRC Analysis has the ability to set muliple passes and layers to check for DRC violations. After the passes are set, you must set the parameters for each individual check being run in a pass. The pass ID value will be used to denote which pass to run the test under. Multiple passes may be run by using the same check command, but with a new pass ID number. In addition, layers or groups must be specified for the passes being run. You have the option to set the layers being checked by specific layer, type, or selected groupings (see commands below).

A typical DRC macro layout would look something like this:

<Begin DRC> <Load/Save Pass> <Set Passes> <Set Error Handling> <Set Layers to Check> <Set Checks to Run> <Run DRC> <End DRC>

Begin DRC: util_drc@

Initiates DRC checking.

Load/Save Pass:

These macro commands allow you to load and save the DRC pass file. Each pass file may contain only one saved pass. In addition, only generic layers and layer groups may be saved as part of the pass (see ‘Set Layers to Check’ section below).

Tip: if you are using a pre-existing pass file in your macro, you may skip to the ‘Run DRC’ section below, since the pass file you load will contain all of the DRC layer & check information. If you do not load an existing pass file, you must set all the applicable DRC information in the sections below.

drc_LoadPass@ «FileName»


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Loads a DRC pass file, from the full path denoted by FileName.

Tip: when loading a pass file, if any pass of the same name as the pass in the file exists, it will be overwritten by the loaded file. If no pass name exists in the file, the pass will be assigned the name «Pass_<ID>» where ID is the pass ID number fo the pass.

drc_SavePass@ PassID,»FileName»

Saves a DRC pass file.

PassID: the number of the DRC Pass to be saved. Remember, like layers, passes begin numbering at 0.

FileName: the DRC Pass file to be loaded or saved

Set Passes:

Passes are automatically tracked as both Pass ID numbers and pass names. Pass names are what the user typically sees in the DRC dialog. Names may sometimes be used to manipulate passes, as outlined in the commands below. In addition to names, Pass ID numbers are assigned by the system automatically. Each pass added to the list of passes increments the ID counter. Likewise deleting a pass removes that number from the list and compresses all pass ID numbers (i.e. if passes 0-4 exists and you delete pass #3, the list is now 0-3).

Rule: pass ID numbers begin with 0 for macro-writing purposes. I.e. the first pass in the list is considered pass ID 0.

This information is crucial to manipulating DRC passes, as the actual run command (as well as some other commands) only takes a pass ID number as a value. If you’ve done multiple changes to the passes’ list, this number may not be what it began as. For that reason it is safer to determine which pass ID is attached to the pass name you are working with, and use that ID in commands which require it.

To do so, use the new drc_CurrentPassID! query to determine the ID of the pass. For example:

drc_SetCurrentPass@ «Low Tolerance» ‘sets the pass named ‘Low Tolerance’ to the active pass ID% = drc_CurrentPassID! ‘determines the ID number of the active pass. drc_Run_Pass@ ID% ‘runs DRC checks for that pass ID number


Adds a DRC pass. Automatically updates the Pass ID list to create a new ID #. (Should be accompanied by drc_add_passname@ command).

drc_Add_PassName@ NameStr

Adds the pass name to the new pass created by the drc_add_pass@ command above. NameStr is a string. (Must follow drc_add_pass@ to assure the pass name is assigned to the correct pass ID).

drc_Delete_Pass@ PassId

Delete a DRC pass with the given Pass ID.

drc_Delete_PassName@ NameStr drc_Set_Pass_Name@ PassId, NameStr

Give new name to a specific DRC pass. PassID is the number of the pass. NameStr is a string.

drc_SetCurrentPass@ NameStr

Sets the DRC pass with the given name as the current pass.

Set Error Handling:


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drc_seterrorfile@ «c:\act30\errors.drc»

Sets the name of the DRC error file for a DRC run. If this is not set, the filename will default to «errors.drc» in the current directory.

drc_deletefile@ «c:\act30\errors.drc»

Deletes a previous DRC error file specified in the filepath, prior to running any DRCs.


Deletes ALL DRC violation flags.

Set Layers to Check: drc_Add_Drc_Lyr_To_Pass@ PassId, LyrId, LyrGrp, NCRank

Add a layer or layer group to the Clearance checks layer list. Command must be run separately for each individual layer being checked.

drc_Delete_Drc_Lyr@ PassId, LyrId, LyrGrp, NCRank

Delete a layer or layer group from the Clearance checks layer list.

drc_Set_Drill2Mask_Drill_Lyr@ PassId, LyrId, LyrGrp, NCRank

Set the drill layer(s) to get drills from for Drills to Mask Test.

drc_Set_Drill2Mask_Mask_Lyr@ PassId, LyrId, LyrGrp, NCRank

Set the mask layer(s) to test for Drills to Mask Test.

drc_Set_Drill2Pad_Drill_Lyr@ PassId, LyrId, LyrGrp, NCRank

Set the drill layer(s) to get drills from for Drills to Pads Test.

drc_Set_Drill2Pad_Pad_Lyr@ PassId, LyrId, LyrGrp, NCRank

Set the pad layer(s) to test for Drills to Pads Test.

drc_Set_SpChk_Drill_Lyr@ PassId, LyrId, LyrGrp, NCRank

Set the drill layer(s) to get drills from for all Special Checks.

drc_Set_SpChk_Copper_Lyr@ PassId, LyrId, LyrGrp, NCRank

Set the copper layer(s) to test for all Special Checks.

Parameters for all above commands:

PassId: Id number of the pass to be used.

LyrId: Layer Id to be checked, -1 indicates use layer group. (remember layer numbering in macros begins with 0).

LyrGrp: Layer Group to be checked, layer groups are defined as:

0 = Top Layer 1 = Internal Layers (ALL) 2 = Neg Plane layers (ALL) 3 = Bottom Layer 11 = Mask Top layer (ALL)


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12 = Mask Bottom (ALL) 14 = Positive Planes layers (ALL) 21 = NC Primary layers (ALL), NCRank parameter must be 0 21 = NC Secondary layers (ALL), NCRank parameter must be 1 32 = All Electrical layers — all Top, Bottom, Internal, Pos Plane and Neg Plane layers 33 = Outer Electrical — Top and Bottom layers only 34 = Inner Electrical — all Internal, Pos Plane, and Neg Plane layers only 35 = Inner Pos Electrical — all Internal and Pos Plane layers 36 = Inner Neg Electrical — all Neg Plane layers 37 = All Mask — all Mask Top & Mask Bottom layers

NCRank: must be 0 unless LyrGrp NC Data (21) is specified, in which case 0 = NC Primary, 1 = NC Secondary.

Set Checks to Run:

Each DRC check has several set-up commands, which control the values used by the check for each pass. Set all commands for each DRC check being run in the current pass. Once all DRC checks have been setup, use the drc_Run_Pass@ command to run all checks for that pass.

To run multiple passes for DRC checks, these commands must be set again for each subsequent pass being run (followed, again, by the drc_Run_Pass@ command).

Clearance Checks:.


drc_Set_Trk2Trk_Test@ PassId, Flag

Sets the pass to run Track to Track check on:

PassId: Id number of the pass to be used.

Flag: 1 = On, 0 = Off

drc_Set_Trk2Trk_Val@ PassId, Value

Set Track to Track clearance value to use. PassID: pass to use. Value is in user units.

drc_Set_Trk2Trk_Dcode@ PassId, DcodeStr

Set DCode filter for Track to Track check. PassID: pass to use. DcodeStr is a string.

Track to Pad

drc_Set_Trk2Pad_Test@ PassId, Flag

Sets the pass to run Track to Pad check on:

PassId: Id number of the pass to be used.

Flag: 1 = On, 0 = Off

drc_Set_Trk2Pad_Val@ PassId, Value

Set Track to Pad clearance value to use. PassID: pass to use. Value is in user units.

drc_Set_Trk2Pad_Dcode@ PassId, DcodeStr

Set DCode filter for Track to Pad check. PassID: pass to use. DcodeStr is a string.

Pad to Pad


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drc_Set_Pad2Pad_Test@ PassId, Flag

Sets the pass to run Pad to Pad check on:

PassId: Id number of the pass to be used.

Flag: 1 = On, 0 = Off

drc_Set_Pad2Pad_Val@ PassId, Value

Set Pad to Pad clearance value to use. PassID: pass to use. Value is in user units.

drc_Set_Pad2Pad_Dcode@ PassId, DcodeStr

Set DCode filter for Pad to Pad check. PassID: pass to use. DcodeStr is a string.


drc_Set_Outline_Test@ PassId, Flag

Sets the pass to run Outline check on:

PassId: Id number of the pass to be used.

Flag: 1 = On, 0 = Off

drc_Set_Outline_Val@ PassId, Value

Set Outline clearance value to use. PassID: pass to use. Value is in user units.

Minimum Track Width

drc_Set_MinTrk_Test@ PassId, Flag

Sets the pass to run Min Track check on:

PassId: Id number of the pass to be used.

Flag: 1 = On, 0 = Off

drc_Set_MinTrk_Val@ PassId, Value

Set Min Track clearance value to use. PassID: pass to use. Value is in user units.

drc_Set_MinTrk_Dcode@ PassId, DcodeStr

Set DCode filter for Min Track check. PassID: pass to use. DcodeStr is a string.

Minimum Pad

drc_Set_MinPad_Test@ PassId, Flag

Sets the pass to run Min Pad check on:

PassId: Id number of the pass to be used.

Flag: 1 = On, 0 = Off

drc_Set_MinPad_Val@ PassId, Value

Set Min Pad clearance value to use. PassID: pass to use. Value is in user units.


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drc_Set_MinPad_Dcode@ PassId, DcodeStr

Set DCode filter for Min Pad check. PassID: pass to use. DcodeStr is a string.

Redundant Pads

drc_Set_RedundPad_Test@ PassId, Flag

Sets the pass to run Redundant Pad check on:

PassId: Id number of the pass to be used.

Flag: 1 = On, 0 = Off

Annular Ring Checks:

In addition to the usual setting commands for the annular ring checks, you must also Filter the Dcodes and drill tools to use in the checks themselves.

Pad to Mask

Top Mask —

drc_Set_Pad2MaskTop_Test@ PassId, Flag

Sets the pass to run Top to Top Mask check on:

PassId: Id number of the pass to be used.

Flag: 1 = On, 0 = Off

drc_Set_Pad2MaskTop_Val@ PassId, Value

Set Top to Top Mask annular ring clearance value to use. PassID: pass to use. Value is in user units.

drc_Set_Pad2MaskBot_Test@ PassId, Flag

Sets the pass to run Bottom to Bottom Mask check on:

PassId: Id number of the pass to be used.

Flag: 1 = On, 0 = Off

drc_Set_Pad2MaskBot_Val@ PassId, Value

Set Bottom to Bottom Mask annular ring clearance value to use. PassID: pass to use. Value is in user units.

Drill to Mask

drc_Set_Drill2Mask_Test@ PassId, Flag

Sets the pass to run Drill to Mask check on:

PassId: Id number of the pass to be used.

Flag: 1 = On, 0 = Off

drc_Set_Drill2Mask_Val@ PassId, Value

Set Drill to Mask annular ring clearance value to use. PassID: pass to use. Value is in user units.


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Drill to Pad

drc_Set_Drill2Pad_Test@ PassId, Flag

Sets the pass to run Drill to Mask check on:

PassId: Id number of the pass to be used.

Flag: 1 = On, 0 = Off

drc_Set_Drill2Pad_Val@ PassId, Value

Set Drill to Pad annular ring clearance value to use. PassID: pass to use. Value is in user units.


drc_Set_AnRingPad_Dcode@ PassId, DcodeStr

Set DCode filter for all annular ring tests involving pads (Pad to Mask, Drill to Pad).

drc_Set_AnRingDrill_TRef@ PassId, ToolRefStr

Set Tool Reference filter for all annular ring tests involving drills (Drill to Mask, Drill to Pad).

Special Checks:

Drills without Pads

drc_Set_DrillWOPad_Test@ PassId, Flag

Sets the pass to run Drills without Pads check on:

PassId: Id number of the pass to be used.

Flag: 1 = On, 0 = Off

Pads without Drills

drc_Set_PadWODrill_Test@ PassId, Flag

Sets the pass to run Pads without Drills check on:

PassId: Id number of the pass to be used.

Flag: 1 = On, 0 = Off

Drills to Copper

drc_Set_Drill2Trk_Test@ PassId, Flag

Sets the pass to run Drills to Copper check on:

PassId: Id number of the pass to be used.

Flag: 1 = On, 0 = Off

drc_Set_Drill2Trk_Val@ PassId, Value

Set Drills to Copper clearance value to use. PassID: pass to use. Value is in user units.

Run DRC:


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Select the data to be checked by windowing out the search area:

axy@ 887.9000,1896.4000 axy@ 2816.4000,109.8000

Commands give coordinates for the two opposite corners of a selection rectangle.


Checks for the existence of nets, and runs layer netlist extract if necessary. Should be done before drc_Run_Pass@ is executed.

drc_Run_Pass@ PassID

Run all DRC checks assigned to the specified PassID.


Should be executed if nets did NOT exist in the database prior to the DRC run. It reverses the drc_NetlistExtract@ command so that the database is returned to its original state. While recording a DRC run, this is recorded as a comment if nets existed in the database.


Closes DRC command.


util_drc@ ‘Add new pass to DRC drc_Add_Pass@ drc_Add_PassName@ «test2» ‘Set error files drc_seterrorfile@ «d:\CAM350\product\t-bird dev\macro records\errors.drc» drc_deletefile@ «d:\CAM350\product\t-bird dev\macro records\errors.drc» drc_deleteall@ ‘Set layers drc_Set_Drill2Mask_Drill_Lyr@ 1,10,-1,0 drc_Set_Drill2Mask_Mask_Lyr@ 1,6,-1,0 drc_Set_Drill2Pad_Drill_Lyr@ 1,10,-1,0 drc_Set_Drill2Pad_Pad_Lyr@ 1,0,-1,0 drc_Set_SpChk_Drill_Lyr@ 1,10,-1,0 drc_Set_SpChk_Copper_Lyr@ 1,3,-1,0 drc_Add_Drc_Lyr_To_Pass@ 1,0,-1,0 drc_Add_Drc_Lyr_To_Pass@ 1,3,-1,0 drc_Add_Drc_Lyr_To_Pass@ 1,6,-1,0 drc_Add_Drc_Lyr_To_Pass@ 1,7,-1,0 drc_Add_Drc_Lyr_To_Pass@ 1,10,-1,0 ‘Set Clearance checks to run drc_Set_Trk2Trk_Test@ 1,1 drc_Set_Trk2Trk_Val@ 1,5.0000 drc_Set_Trk2Trk_Dcode@ 1,»» drc_Set_Trk2Pad_Test@ 1,1 drc_Set_Trk2Pad_Val@ 1,5.0000 drc_Set_Trk2Pad_Dcode@ 1,»» drc_Set_Pad2Pad_Test@ 1,1 drc_Set_Pad2Pad_Val@ 1,5.0000 drc_Set_Pad2Pad_Dcode@ 1,»» drc_Set_Outline_Test@ 1,1 drc_Set_Outline_Val@ 1,5.0000 drc_Set_MinTrk_Test@ 1,1 drc_Set_MinTrk_Val@ 1,5.0000 drc_Set_MinTrk_Dcode@ 1,»» drc_Set_MinPad_Test@ 1,1 drc_Set_MinPad_Val@ 1,5.0000 drc_Set_MinPad_Dcode@ 1,»» drc_Set_RedundPad_Test@ 1,1


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‘Set Annular Ring checks to run drc_Set_AnRingPad_Dcode@ 1,»» drc_Set_AnRingDrill_TRef@ 1,»» drc_Set_Pad2MaskTop_Test@ 1,1 drc_Set_Pad2MaskTop_Val@ 1,5.0000 drc_Set_Pad2MaskBot_Test@ 1,1 drc_Set_Pad2MaskBot_Val@ 1,5.0000 drc_Set_Drill2Mask_Test@ 1,1 drc_Set_Drill2Mask_Val@ 1,5.0000 ‘Set Special Checks to run drc_Set_Drill2Pad_Test@ 1,1 drc_Set_Drill2Pad_Val@ 1,5.0000 drc_Set_PadWODrill_Test@ 1,1 drc_Set_Drill2Trk_Test@ 1,1 drc_Set_Drill2Trk_Val@ 1,5.0000 ‘Window area to check axy@ 109.2000,2035.6000 axy@ 3867.4000,66.9000 ‘Check for nets and, if none, extract netlist drc_NetlistExtract@ ‘perform checks for pass ID #2 drc_Run_Pass@ 1 ‘The following should be executed only if nets did not already exist explode_allnets@ end@

Analysis > DRC Histogram


Starts DRC Histogram.

drchisto_setdata@ HistoIndex, EnableFlag, MinVal, MaxVal, Color ID

Command sets the histogram test data for each histogram row being used (Histo_1 through Histo_4). Command must be repeated for each row you wish to use. Parameters are:

HistoIndex: row number ID representing the row being run. (Histo_1, Histo_2, Histo_3, Histo_4) (Remember, like layers, row numbers begin at 0; i.e. row 1 = ID 0)

EnableFlag: whether row is used in histogram or not. 0 = no, 1 = yes.

MinVal: minimum clearance value of the range being checked, in user units.

MaxVal: maximum clearance value of the range being checked, in user units

Color ID: sets the color for the resulting histogram error layer. Default is 0 (red), but see Tables > Layers for more color choices.


Run the DRC Histogram based on the previously defined Histogram data ranges.


util_drchisto@ drchisto_setdata@ 0,1,5.0000,10.0000,2 drchisto_setdata@ 1,1,10.0000,15.0000,4 drchisto_setdata@ 2,1,15.0000,20.0000,10 drchisto_setdata@ 3,1,20.0000,30.0000,1


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Analysis > Find Pin Holes

setpinholeparms@ Max Size, Electric Only, Remove Old Errors, Fix Errors

Command called initially to set the pin hole checking parameters.

Max Size is the maximum size of pinholes that are to be detected.

Electric Only determines if check is to be preformed on electrical layers:

1 = Only electrical layers that are ON will be checked 0 = Any layer that is ON will be checked

Remove Old Errors sets the status to remove previously-flagged errors from the check:

1 = Remove any existing errors on layers that are checked 0 = Do not remove existing errors

Fix Errors specifies if errors should be repaired:

1 = Try to fix any errors detected (by adding a polygon to cover the pinhole) 0 = Do not try to fix errors

pinholedetect@ axy@ #,# axy@ #,#

Activates pinhole detection command, in window mode. Subsequent axy@ commands are two points defining the rectangular window area to be checked for pinholes.


Runs pinhole detection on the entire layer for layers that qualify, axy@ commands are not needed.


pinholedetect@ setpinholeparms@ 5.0000,1,1,1 pinhole_layer@

Analysis > Find Solder Bridges


Initiates command.

set_solderbridgeparms@ 10.0000,1,1

Sets the search criterion for the check.


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First parameter is the Bridge Distance.

Second parameter determines fix status: 1 = auto-fix solder bridge errors, 0 = do not auto-fix.

Third parameter removes old error flags: 1 = remove all previous error flags, 0 = do not remove.

To specify the area to be checked, the selection window coordinates must be added at the end, followed by the solder_bridge@ command:

axy@ 4133.5000,2201.1000 axy@ 4458.2000,1977.7000 solder_bridge@ 0,1

Performs the actual check. This command may be repeated to check as many pairs of layers as necessary.

First parameter is the Layer ID of the mask layer to be checked (layer numbers start at 0)

Second parameter is the Layer ID of the copper layer to be checked against.


Ends check.

To have the entire layer or composite be processed, the following command replaces the three commands above:

solder_bridge_layer@ 0,1

Performs the actual check. This command may be repeated to check as many pairs of layers as necessary.

First parameter is the Layer ID of the mask layer to be checked (layer numbers start at 0)

Second parameter is the Layer ID of the copper layer to be checked against.


set_solderbridgeparms@ 10.0000,1,1 axy@ 460.8000,1494.2000 axy@ 1638.3000,741.6000 solder_bridge@ 6,0 solder_bridge@ 7,3 back@

Analysis > Mask Slivers


Initializes command.

setsliverparms1@ Size, Slivers, Remove, Fix

Specifies the scan box, etc. to use when searching for mask slivers.

Size: Maximum size of slivers detected (in user units).

Slivers: determines which type of sliver to find. 0 = Copper slivers, 1 = Mask slivers. (should be set to 1)


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Remove: Remove old sliver flags on layers that are processed.

Fix: determines if command should attempt to repair encountered slivers. 1 = fix all slivers that are found, 0 = do not fix slivers.

To specify the area to be checked, the selection window coordinates must be added at the end:

axy@ 16336.7000,12527.7000 axy@ 24443.2000,19409.3000 back@

To have the entire layer or composite be processed, the following command replaces the above axy@ commands:



sliverdetectmask@ setsliverparms1@ 8.0000,1,1,1 sliver_layer@ back@

Analysis > Minimum Gaps


Initializes command.

setmingapparms@ Size, Noise, Remove, Flags

Specifies the scan box, etc. to use when searching for gap violations.

Size: Maximum size of gap violations detected (in user units).

Noise: Minimum size of gap violations detected (in percent of maximum size).

Remove: Remove old gap violation flags on layers that are processed.

Flags: Straits flag, Gulfs flag, Create layer.

To specify the area to be checked, the selection window coordinates must be added at the end:

axy@ 16336.7000,12527.7000 axy@ 24443.2000,19409.3000 back@

To have the entire layer or composite be processed, the following command replaces the above axy@ commands:



mingapdetect@ setmingapparms@ 8.0,50,1,11 mingap_layer@


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Analysis > Minimum Widths


Initializes command.

setminwidthparms@ Size, Noise, Remove, Flags

Specifies the scan box, etc. to use when searching for width violations.

Size: Maximum size of width violations detected (in user units).

Noise: Minimum size of width violations detected (in percent of maximum size).

Remove: Remove old width violation flags on layers that are processed.

Flags: Necks Flag, Spikes Flag, Create layer

To specify the area to be checked, the selection window coordinates must be added at the end:

axy@ 16336.7000,12527.7000 axy@ 24443.2000,19409.3000 back@

To have the entire layer or composite be processed, the following command replaces the above axy@ commands:



minwidthdetect@ setminwidthparms@ 8.0,50,1,11 minwidth_layer@ back@

Analysis > Nets > Apply Nets


Initiates the command that applies the net names from the external netlist to the CAM net names that are present after Netlist Extract in the CAM database..

Analysis > Nets > Compare External Nets


Initiates the command that compares the nets in the external netlist to the CAM nets that are present after


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Netlist Extract in the CAM database.

Analysis > Nets > Net Check


Initiates the command.

setnetextrparm@ 1

Specifies the type of netcheck to perform: 1 = centerline, 0 = true shape

setnetcheckparm@ 1,0,1

Sets the parameters for the net check being performed:

First #: Nets (1 = all, 0 = single net) Second #: Check shorts (0 = no short checking, 1 = enable short checking) Third #: Check antennas (0 = no antenna checking, 1 = enable antenna checking)

If single net check is enabled an axy@ coordinate must follow which selects the net:

axy@ 0.0000,0.0000

Gives a point on the net being checked (single-point net check only).


util_net_check@ setnetextrparm@ 0 setnetcheckparms@ 1,0,1

Analysis > Part to Part Spacing

Add/Delete Part to Part Checks:

analysis_add_part2part_check@ ChkID

Add a new check rule, or reset an existing check to the default values.

ChkID: number of the check rule.

analysis_del_part2part_check@ ChkID

Delete the specified part to part check.

ChkID: number of the check rule.

Set Parameters for Part to Part checks:


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This following set of commands must be repeated for each check rule being used:

analysis_set_part2part_fp1@ ChkID,»<name>»

Command sets the component footprint for the first component to be checked against.

ChkID: number of the check rule. «<name>»: first footprint to test; if <name> is omitted then All Footprints are used.

analysis_set_part2part_fp2@ ChkID,»<name>»

Sets the second component footprint to be used in the checks.

Values are set the same as above.

analysis_set_part2part_ang1@ ChkID, Angle

Sets the angle to performs checks at, for the first part.

ChkID: number of the check rule being used.

Angle: 0 = any angle 1 = 0 degrees 2 = 90 degrees 3 = 0 or 90 degrees 4 = 180 degrees 5 = 0 or 180 degrees 6 = 90 or 180 degrees 7 = 0 or 90 or 180 degrees 8 = 270 degrees 9 = 0 or 270 degrees 10 = 90 or 270 degrees 11 = 0 or 90 or 270 degrees 12 = 180 or 270 degrees 13 = 0 or 180 or 270 degrees 14 = 90 or 180 or 270 degrees 15 = 0 or 90 or 180 or 270 degrees

analysis_set_part2part_ang2@ ChkID, Angle

Sets the angle to performs checks at, for the second part.

Values are set same as above.

analysis_set_part2part_clear@ ChkID, Clearance

Sets clearance value to use for checks.

ChkID: number of the check rule Clearance: clearance value

analysis_set_part2part_type@ ChkID, ChkType

Specify the type of part to part check to run for this check rule.

ChkID: number of the check rule.

ChkType: 0 = Outline to Outline 1= Pad to Pad 2 = Outline to Pad


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3 = Pad to Outline

Run Check Rules tests:


Invokes the Part to Part Spacing check, with the rules which have been defined using the other commands. Only needs to be run once for multiple check rules.


‘set up check rule #1 analysis_add_part2part_check@ 1 analysis_set_part2part_type@ 1,0 analysis_set_part2part_fp1@ 1,»87C256″ analysis_set_part2part_fp2@ 1,»24-576MHZ» analysis_set_part2part_ang1@ 1,15 analysis_set_part2part_ang2@ 1,0 analysis_set_part2part_clear@ 1,10.0000 ‘set up check rule #2 analysis_add_part2part_check@ 2 analysis_set_part2part_type@ 2,1 analysis_set_part2part_fp1@ 2 analysis_set_part2part_fp2@ 2 analysis_set_part2part_ang1@ 2,0 analysis_set_part2part_ang2@ 2,0 analysis_set_part2part_clear@ 2,40.0000 ‘run checks checkpart2part@

Analysis > Plane Checks > Isolated Connections


Initiates the command.

To specify the area to be checked, the selection window coordinates must be added at the end:

axy@ -1255.6000,4848.2000 axy@ -1066.8000,4715.1000 isolated_connections_window@ 25400,10,-1,36,1

Command performs the actual check:

First parameter is the required over etch clearance ( greater than or equal to zero).

Second parameter is the drill layer.

Third specifies which Negative Layers to check (-1 = all negative layers are checked).

Fourth parameter is 1 = remove all previous error flags, 0 = do not remove.


The window coordinates and isolated_connections_window command may be repeated as many times as desired before the back@ command.

To have the entire layer or composite be processed, the following command replaces the 3 commands listed above:


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isolated_connections_layer@ 25400,10,-1,36,1

First parameter is the required over etch clearance ( greater than or equal to zero).

Second parameter is the drill layer.

Third specifies which Negative Layers to check (-1 = all negative layers are checked).

Fourth parameter is 1 = remove all previous error flags, 0 = do not remove.


isolated_connection@ isolated_connections_layer@ 50,1,0,0,1

Analysis > Plane Checks > Negative Plane Thermal Conflicts


Initiates the running of the check. No parameters required.

Analysis > Plane Checks > Starved Thermals


Initiates the command.

To specify the area to be checked, the selection window coordinates must be added at the end:

axy@ -1255.6000,4848.2000 axy@ -1066.8000,4715.1000 starved_thermals_window2@ 50,1,4,0,1

Command performs the actual check:

First parameter is the required spoke width clearance ( from 1 to 100).

Second parameter is 1 = remove all previous error flags, 0 = do not remove

Third parameter specifies the minimum number of clear spokes the thermal must have.

Fourth specifies which Negative Layers to check (1 = all negative layers are checked, 0 = only negative layers that are active are checked).

Fifth indicates if command should attempt to fix errors (by rotating thermals) (0 = No, 1 = Yes).


The window coordinates and starved_thermals_window command may be repeated as many times as desired before the back@ command.

To have the entire layer or composite be processed, the following command replaces the 3 commands listed


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starved_thermals_layer2@ 50,1,4,0,1

First parameter is the required spoke width clearace ( from 1 to 100).

Second parameter is 1 = remove all previous error flags, 0 = do not remove

Third parameter specifies the minimum number of clear spokes, or ties, the thermal must have.

Fourth specifies which Negative Layers to check (1 = all negative layers are checked, 0 = only negative layers that are active are checked).

Fifth indicates if command should attempt to fix errors (by rotating thermals) (0 = No, 1 = Yes).


starved_thermals@ starved_thermals_layer2@ 50,1,0,0,1

Analysis > Silk to Solder Spacing

checksilk@ SilkLyrID, SolderLyrID, Clearance, RemoveOldErrors, Dcode

Checks the selected silkscreen layer against the selected solder mask layer:

SilkLyrID: Layer ID of the silkscreen layer.

SolderLyrID: Layer ID of the solder mask layer.

Clearance: acceptable width clearance between the two layers.

Restriction: a silk to solder clearance equal to this value will be flagged as an error.

RemoveOldErrors: (1 = remove previously-flagged silk to solder errors, 0 = do not remove) Dcode: the Dcode filter to use with the check.


checksilk@ 4,6,50.0000,1,»12″

Analysis > Solder Mask to Trace Spacing

checksold2elec@ SolderLyrID, ElecLyrID, Clearance, RemoveOldErrors, Dcode

Checks the selected solder mask layer against the selected trace layer:

SolderLyrID: Layer ID of the solder mask layer.

ElecLyrID: Layer ID of the electrical layer.

Clearance: acceptable width clearance between the two layers. (Note: a solder to trace clearance equal to


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this value will be flagged as an error).

RemoveOldErrors: (1 = remove previously-flagged solder to trace errors, 0 = do not remove)

Dcode: the Dcode filter to use with the check.


checksold2elec@ 0,6,50.0000,1,»23″


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File Menu Macros

File > Config


bn_readconfig@ «d:\test.job»

Loads an external configuration file.


bn_saveconfig@ «d:\test.job»

Saves an external configuration file.

File > Create Test Points

Creates a series of test points for the database, as defined by the set up command below:

Set Dcode Filter: testpt_dcodefil@ Test,Side,»Dcode»

Specifies the Dcode filter selections for placing test points. When using dcodes for filtering purposes, one of these commands must be set for each test point type being used:

Test specifies the Test Point Type: 1=through-hole pin 2=SMT pin 3=plated through-hole 4=surface pad

Side specifies the side(s) being tested: 0=top and bottom 1=top 2=bottom

Dcode is the Dcode number/range to filter by.

Config Import Save & Save As

Create Test Points Merge Setup

Drill Calculation Aid New Test Point Attribs

Exit Open Test Point->Gerber

Export Print


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Set Selection Criteria: testpt_genfil@ Filter, Use

Sets the usage of each type of selection available under ‘Additional Selection Criteria’.

Filter specifies each criteria: 0=use top mask 1=use bottom mask 2=use end points only 3=offset through hole 5=include single point nets 6=test all points, if a net ends with a 0 or 1 test point

Use determines if the criteria will be used: 1=used 0=not used

testpt_genfil_minsize@ Offset

If ‘offset through hole’ is selected as a criteria, this command must accompany it to specify the offset (in mils).

Set Side to Probe:

Determines which side of the board will have test points added to it. These commands must be set individually for each test point type which will be used.

testpt_sidefil@ Test, Filter, Use

Determines which side will have test points added.

Test is the test point type: 1=through-hole pin 2=SMT pin 3=plated through-hole 4=surface pad

Filter selects the side to use: 0=top 1=bottom

Use determines whether top or bottom is used: 0=no1=yes

testpt_minsizefil@ Test, Size

Specifies the minimum size for each test point type. One of these commands must accompany each type being used.

Test specifies the type: 1=through-hole pin 2=SMT pin 3=plated through-hole 4=surface pad

Size specifies the minimum size (in mils).

Other Commands: testpt_clear@

If you have previously created test points, this command deletes them before placing test points again.


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Includes single-point nets

testpt_create@ testpt_startcreatefil@

A necessary «internal» function that gathers the information from the filter that has been set up by the above commands, and applies it to the test point creation process.

view_settestpt@ 1

0 = do not show test points, 1=show test points


A necessary «internal» function that clears the filter information from memory.


testpt_dcodefil@ 3,1,»» ‘Sets Dcode Filter for each test point type: testpt_dcodefil@ 3,2,»» testpt_dcodefil@ 3,0,»12″ testpt_dcodefil@ 4,1,»» testpt_dcodefil@ 4,2,»» testpt_dcodefil@ 4,0,»14″ testpt_dcodefil@ 1,1,»» testpt_dcodefil@ 1,2,»» testpt_dcodefil@ 1,0,»16″ testpt_dcodefil@ 2,1,»» testpt_dcodefil@ 2,2,»» testpt_dcodefil@ 2,0,»18″ testpt_genfil@ 0,0 ‘Sets each Selection Criteria on or off testpt_genfil@ 1,0 testpt_genfil@ 2,1 testpt_genfil@ 3,0 testpt_genfil@ 5,1 testpt_genfil@ 6,1 testpt_genfil_minsize@ 0.0000 ‘For Offset Through Hole criteria, specify offset value testpt_sidefil@ 1,0,1 ‘Sets side to probe, for each type testpt_sidefil@ 1,1,1 testpt_minsizefil@ 1,30.0000 ‘Sets the minimum size each type of point can be testpt_sidefil@ 2,0,1 testpt_sidefil@ 2,1,1 testpt_minsizefil@ 2,40.0000 testpt_sidefil@ 3,0,1 testpt_sidefil@ 3,1,1 testpt_minsizefil@ 3,10.0000 testpt_sidefil@ 4,0,1 testpt_sidefil@ 4,1,1 testpt_minsizefil@ 4,20.0000 testpt_clear@ ‘Remaining commands set all other settings and run test point creation singlenetextract@ testpt_startcreatefil@ testpt_create@ view_settestpt@ 1 testpt_endcreatefil@

File > Drill Calculation Aid


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bn_adddrill@ 23.0000

Parameter is the size of the drill being added.

File > Exit


Returns to the main CAM Editor from any other Editor.

There is no macro for the Exit command in the CAM Editor.

File > Export

ACT Neutral

flyprobe_act_init@ flyprobe_export_act@ «d:\act\test.tst»

Parameter is the directory and job name.


flyprobe_atg_init@ flyprobe_export_atg@ «d:\act\test»

Parameter is the directory and job name.

Aperture Table

save_gapfile@ «d:\temp\aperfile.gap»

Saves the aperture table list to a specified filename.

CAD Data

export_cad_pads@ Version,»Filename»

Exports PADS ASCII file, as defined by the Filename.

Version is the PADS version number * 100. (For example, PowerPCB v2.1 would be 210).

export_cad@ Type,»Filename»


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Exports CAD system ASCII file, as defined by the filename.

Type is the CAD system format (see table below for supported systems).

CAM350 v6.0 Database

export_60_database@ «c:\act_inc\test60.cam»

Exports a database in the previous version of the CAM350 File Format.

CAM350 v7.0 Database

export_70_database@ «c:\act_inc\test70.cam»

Exports a database in the previous version of the CAM350 File Format.

CAM350 v8.0 Database

export_80_database@ «c:\act_inc\test80.cam»

Exports a database in the previous version of the CAM350 File Format.


Create File and Directory Settings: bn_circuitline_init@

Initiates export process.

bn_exportcl_jobname@ «Circuitline»

The .APF and .CL file names.

bn_exportcl_customer@ «Customer»

The customer name (for the .CL file).

Interface Type

PADS PCB (up to v2.0) 1

PADS PowerPCB (2.0) 2

PADS PowerPCB (2.1) 3

PADS PowerPCB (3.0) 4

PADS PowerPCB (4.0) 14

Zuken-Redac Visula 5

Accel TangoPRO 9

AccelEDA 10

GenCAD 11


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bn_exportcl_testedby@ «Tested By»

The Tested By name (for the.CL file).

bn_export_circuitline@ «D:\ACT\Test»

Sets directory to export files to.

Set Up Plate Drill Fomatting: setup_fmtype@ 1,5

Configures the drill files in the Excellon drill file format used by Circuit Line.

setup_fmtunit@ 1,0

Configures the drill files to use English units.

setup_fmtdigits@ 1,2,4

Exports the drill files in the 2.4 format required by Circuit Line.

setup_fmtmode@ 1,0

Configures the type of drill format as Absolute.

setup_fmtzero@ 1,2

Exports the files with no zero suppression, as required by Circuit Line

Export Plate Drill Layers: plate_drill_out@ 10,»D:\ACT\Test\UP.MP2″

Exports the Tooling Files. The file extensions are based on the plate name (TOP, BOT, or MP2). One command must be run for each tooling file being exported.

Set Up Gerber Layer Formatting: setup_fmtype@ 0,0

Configures the necessary Gerber files in the 274D format.

setup_fmtunit@ 0,0

Sets the Gerber files to use English units.

setup_fmtdigits@ 0,2,3

Sets the Gerber files in 2.3 format.

setup_fmtmode@ 0,0

Configures the type of Gerber format as Absolute.

setup_fmtzero@ 0,0

Sets the files to have leading zero suppression

edit_layer@ Layer#,Drawcolor,Flashcolor,Type,Status,Name$

Creates a temporary layer for use in exporting information for Circuitline.

Layer#: a layer larger than the highest layer in the design (i.e. if design has 8 layers, this should be layer 9).


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Remember layer numbering begins at 0 = layer 1.

Drawcolor = 0

Flashcolor = 0

Type is 4 (layer type ‘Graphic’).

Status = 0 (on)

Name is appropriate to Circuitline use: «TFCLOUT_TEMPLYR»

For more detailed information on creating layers, see the Add Layers command.

Export Gerber Layers: setlayer@ 0

Sets the active layer to 1 (layers start from 0).

exportgbrfile@ 12,-1,»D:\ACT\Test\UP.MAP»

Layer #,Composite ID,name.

Exports the Gerber file. Composite ID of -1 means it is not a composite.


bn_circuitline_init@ bn_exportcl_jobname@ «1345x» bn_exportcl_customer@ «PSI Inc» bn_exportcl_testedby@ «John» bn_export_circuitline@ «C:\TEMP\» setup_fmtype@ 1,5 setup_fmtunit@ 1,0 setup_fmtdigits@ 1,2,4 setup_fmtmode@ 1,0 setup_fmtzero@ 1,2 plate_drill_out@ 31,»C:\TEMP\DW.TOP» plate_drill_out@ 32,»C:\TEMP\DW.BOT» setup_fmtype@ 1,5 setup_fmtunit@ 1,0 setup_fmtdigits@ 1,2,4 setup_fmtmode@ 1,0 setup_fmtzero@ 1,1 setup_fmtype@ 0,0 setup_fmtunit@ 0,0 setup_fmtdigits@ 0,2,3 setup_fmtmode@ 0,0 setup_fmtzero@ 0,0 edit_layer@ 33,0,0,4,0,»TFCLOUT_TEMPLYR» setlayer@ 0 exportgbrfile@ 33,-1,»C:\TEMP\UP.MAP» edit_layer@ 33,0,0,4,0,»TFCLOUT_TEMPLYR» setlayer@ 0 exportgbrfile@ 33,-1,»C:\TEMP\DW.MAP» setup_fmtype@ 0,2 setup_fmtunit@ 0,0 setup_fmtdigits@ 0,3,4 setup_fmtmode@ 0,0 setup_fmtzero@ 0,0 setup_fmtype@ 0,0 setup_fmtunit@ 0,0 setup_fmtdigits@ 0,2,3 setup_fmtmode@ 0,0 setup_fmtzero@ 0,0 exportgbrfile@ 0,-1,»C:\TEMP\TOPPLOT.GBR»


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setup_fmtype@ 0,0 setup_fmtunit@ 0,0 setup_fmtdigits@ 0,2,3 setup_fmtmode@ 0,0 setup_fmtzero@ 0,0 exportgbrfile@ 3,-1,»C:\TEMP\BOTPLOT.GBR»


set_compositemirrorstate@ CompID%, Use%

Determines if composite will be mirrored on export.

set_compositenegativestate@ CompID%, Use%

Determines if composite will be exported as negative.

For both commands:

CompID% is the number of the composite (remember numbering begins at 0, Composite #1 = ID 0). Composite ID of -1 means it is not a composite.

Use% declares if setting is to be used, 1=Yes, 0=No.

exportPCBgbrfile@ Layer#, CompID%, Name$

Layer# is the first layer of the composite.

CompID% is the same as above.

Name$ is the full export path for the filename.


set_compositemirrorstate@ 1, 1 set_compositenegativestate@ 1, 1 exportPCBgbrfile@ 4, 1, «Mixed_Plane»

Drill Data

Define Format Settings:

All settings must be defined prior to running the export command, or the default settings will be used.

setup_fmtype@ 1,5

Sets the output Format:

First #: 0 = photoplotter 1 = drill machine 2 = mill machine

Second #: 5 = Excellon 6 = Sieb & Meyer 1000 7 = Sieb & Meyer 3000


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setup_fmtunit@ 1,0

Sets the output Unit:

First #: 0=photoplotter 1=drill machine 2=mill machine

Second #: 0=English 1=Metric

setup_fmtdigits@ 1,2,4

Sets the output Precision:

First #: 0=photoplotter 1=drill machine 2=mill machine Second # is the integer number

Third # is the fractional number (2,4 = 2.4)

setup_fmtmode@ 1,0

Sets the output Mode:

First #: 0=photoplotter 1=drill machine 2=mill machine

Second #: 0=Absolute 1=Incremental

setup_fmtzero@ 1,0

Sets the Zero Suppression:

First #: 0=photoplotter 1=drill machine 2=mill machine

Second #: 0=leading 1=trailing 2=none

Export the File, using Settings: drill_sethdrfile@ File$

Exporting a drill file can also append a drill header. This command appends a header to the file listed by File$.

nc_exp_drill_Exc_toolingoffset@ #

If the Tooling Offset has been set using the Add > Tooling Offset > Drill Origin command, this command may be used to specify whether the exported drill file uses a G93 command, or recomputes the drill


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1 = use new 0:0 point 0 = use G93 command

nc_exp_drill_Exc_decimals@ #

Excellon files only: command sets the decimal usage. If this command is used, it is unnecessary to use the setup_fmtdigits@ and setup_fmtzero@ commands listed above.

1 = use decimals in numbers 0 = use implied decimals

drill_out@ 3,»d:\act_inc\drill_4.drl»

First parameter is the drill layer number (remember, layers start from 0) and the second is the exported drill file name.

Exports one-up drill data from CAM & NC Editors, and panelized, step & repeat data from Panel Editor.

drillPCB_out@ 3,»d:\act_inc\drill_4.drl»

Same as drill_out@ command above for CAM & NC Editors, but exports only one-up drill data from the Panel Editor.


setup_fmtype@ 1,5 setup_fmtunit@ 1,0 setup_fmtdigits@ 1,2,4 setup_fmtmode@ 1,0 setup_fmtzero@ 1,1 drill_out@ 7,»C:\TEMP\drill_10.drl»

See also File > Setup > Drill Machine.


export_dxf_initinfo@ «d:\test.dxf»

The name of the file you are exporting.

export_dxf_setlinemode@ 1

Defines whether lines are exported with square ends (0) or as polylines with round ends (1).

export_dxf_setroundasdonut@ 0

Defines whether flashes are output as circles (0) or as filled donuts (1).


Executes the function.


Aborts the process.

Gerber Data


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Define Format Settings:

All settings must be defined prior to running the export command, or the default settings will be used. Device settings must be set to ‘Photoplotter’.

setup_fmtype@ 0,1

Sets the output Format:

First #: 0 = photoplotter 1 = drill machine 2 = mill machine

Second #: 0 = 274D 1 = 274X 2 = Fire 9xxx 3 = Barco

setup_fmtunit@ 0,0

Sets the output Unit. Does not apply to Barco files.

First #: 0=photoplotter 1=drill machine 2=mill machine

Second #: 0=English 1=Metric

setup_fmtdigits@ 0,2,4

Sets the output Precision. Does not apply to Barco files.

First #: 0=photoplotter 1=drill machine 2=mill machine

Second # is the integer number.

Third # is the fractional number (2,4 = 2.4).

setup_fmtmode@ 0,0

Sets the output Mode. Does not apply to Barco files.

First #: 0=photoplotter 1=drill machine 2=mill machine

Second #: 0=Absolute 1=Incremental

setup_fmtzero@ 0,0


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Sets the Zero Suppression. Does not apply to Barco files.

First #: 0=photoplotter 1=drill machine 2=mill machine

Second #: 0=leading 1=trailing 2=none

export_swapaxes@ #

Fire 9xxx files only: sets the command to swap the Axes of the data on export.

1 = Yes 0 = No

export_filmsize@ #

Fire 9xxx files only: sets the command to save the Film Size in the file header on export.

1 = Yes 0 = No

set_layermirrorstate@ #,#

Defines which layers to mirror upon export. Must be set for each layer being mirrored. Does not apply to 274D files.

The first number is the layer number. (Remember, layers start with 0). The second number is 1 to mirror on export, or 0 to not mirror on export.

layer_setimagepolarity@ #,#

Defines each layer’s polarity on export. Must be set for each layer being made negative. Does not apply to 274D files.

The first number is the layer number (starting with layer 1 as 0).The second number is 0 for positive, 1 for negative.

Export, using Settings: exportgbrfile@ 3,-1,»name»

Layer #,Composite ID,name.

Composite ID of -1 means it is not a composite. In CAM Editor, command will export one-up design; in Panel Editor it will export all panelized data, including step&repeat designs.


exportPCBgbrfile@ 3,-1,»name»

Same as above command (including parameters), but will only export the one-up design from the Panel Editor, not the fully panelized data.

save_gapfile@ «d:\temp\name.GAP»

274D format files require the saving of an aperture table, to provide apertures for the exported files. Parameter is full filepath.


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setup_fmtype@ 0,0 setup_fmtunit@ 0,1 setup_fmtdigits@ 0,2,4 setup_fmtmode@ 0,1 setup_fmtzero@ 0,1 exportPCBgbrfile@ 0,-1,»C:\TEMP\comp.lgr» exportPCBgbrfile@ 1,-1,»C:\TEMP\solder.lgr» save_gapfile@ «c:\temp\aperture.gap»


setup_fmtype@ 0,1 setup_fmtunit@ 0,0 setup_fmtdigits@ 0,2,4 setup_fmtmode@ 0,0 setup_fmtzero@ 0,0 set_layermirrorstate@ 0,0 layer_setimagepolarity@ 0,0 set_layermirrorstate@ 1,0 layer_setimagepolarity@ 1,0 exportPCBgbrfile@ 0,-1,»C:\TEMP\comp.lgr» exportPCBgbrfile@ 1,-1,»C:\TEMP\solder.lgr»

Fire 9XXX

setup_fmtype@ 0,2 setup_fmtunit@ 0,0 setup_fmtdigits@ 0,2,4 setup_fmtmode@ 0,0 setup_fmtzero@ 0,0 export_swapaxes@ 1 export_filmsize@ 1 set_layermirrorstate@ 0,1 layer_setimagepolarity@ 0,0 set_layermirrorstate@ 1,0 layer_setimagepolarity@ 1,1 exportPCBgbrfile@ 0,-1,»C:\TEMP\comp.lgr» exportPCBgbrfile@ 1,-1,»C:\TEMP\solder.lgr»


setup_fmtype@ 0,3 set_layermirrorstate@ 0,1 layer_setimagepolarity@ 0,0 set_layermirrorstate@ 1,0 layer_setimagepolarity@ 1,1 exportPCBgbrfile@ 0,-1,»C:\TEMP\comp.lgr» exportPCBgbrfile@ 1,-1,»C:\TEMP\solder.lgr»


flyprobe_integritest_init@ flyprobe_export_integritest@ «c:\act\test»

Parameter is the directory and job name.



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exportipcfile@ «c:\temp\test.ipc»

Save the database in IPC Format, to the given filename.


export_ipc356_testpt@ «D:\ACT\Test\test fixture demoint.net»

Save the database in IPC-D356 Format, to the given filename.


export_ipc356A_testpt@ «D:\ACT\Test\demoint.net»

Save the database in IPC-D-356A Format, to the given filename.

Mill Data

Define Format Settings:

All settings must be defined prior to running the export command, or the default settings will be used.

setup_fmtype@ 2,5

First #: 0 = photoplotter 1 = drill machine 2 = mill machine

Second #: 5 = Excellon 6 = Sieb & Meyer 1000 7 = Sieb & Meyer 3000

setup_fmtunit@ 2,0

Sets the output Unit:

First #: 0=photoplotter 1=drill machine 2=mill machine

Second #: 0=English 1=Metric

setup_fmtdigits@ 2,2,4

Sets the output Precision:

First #: 0=photoplotter 1=drill machine


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2=mill machine

Second # is the integer number

Third # is the fractional number (2,4 = 2.4)

setup_fmtmode@ 2,0

Sets the output Mode:

First #: 0=photoplotter 1=drill machine 2=mill machine

Second #: 0=Absolute 1=Incremental

setup_fmtzero@ 2,0

Sets the Zero Suppression:

First #: 0=photoplotter 1=drill machine 2=mill machine

Second #: 0=leading 1=trailing 2=none

Export the File, using Settings: mill_sethdrfile@ File$

Exporting a mill file can also append a mill header. This command appends a header to the file listed by File$.

nc_exp_mill_IncludeDrills@ #

Indicates whether to include drill hits in the mill file. 0 = No, 1 = Yes.

nc_exp_mill_Exc_toolingoffset@ #

If the Tooling Offset has been set using the Add > Tooling Offset > Mill Origin command, this command may be used to specify whether the exported mill file uses a G93 command, or recomputes the mill coordinates:

1 = use new 0:0 point 0 = use G93 command

nc_exp_mill_Exc_decimals@ #

Excellon files only: command sets the decimal usage. If this command is used, it is unnecessary to use the setup_fmtdigits@ and setup_fmtzero@ commands listed above.

1 = use decimals in numbers 0 = use implied decimals

nc_exp_mill_SM_feedrate@ 123.4567


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For Sieb and Meyer files, this is the feed rate for each mill path, in distance per second. Can be used to set the feed rate in the exporting macro, when no feed rate is set in the NC Tool Table.

mill_out@ 4,»c:\temp\mill.rou»

First parameter is the layer number (remember, they start at 0) and second parameter is the name of the exported mill file.

Exports one-up drill data from CAM & NC Editors, but panelized, step&repeat data from Panel Editor.


millPCB_out@ 4,»c:\temp\mill.rou»

Same as above command, but exports one-up mill data from the Panel Editor.


Excellon Format

nc_exp_mill_IncludeDrills@ 0 setup_fmtunit@ 2,1 setup_fmtdigits@ 2,3,3 setup_fmtmode@ 2,1 setup_fmtzero@ 2,0 millPCB_out@ 10,»c:\temp\Layer_11.rou»

Excellon Format, Using Decimals setting

nc_exp_mill_Exc_decimals@ 1 millPCB_out@ 10,»c:\temp\Layer_11.rou»

Sieb&Meyer Format

nc_exp_mill_IncludeDrills@ 1 setup_fmtype@ 2,6 setup_fmtunit@ 2,0 setup_fmtdigits@ 2,2,4 setup_fmtmode@ 2,0 setup_fmtzero@ 2,1 millPCB_out@ 10,»c:\temp\Layer_11.rou»

See also File > Setup > Mill Machine.


export_netlist@ RefDes%,Name$

Export a ref/des based netlist.

RefDes: 0 = export CAM350 format using RefDes/Pin # only. 1 = export CAM350 format using RefDes/Pin #, including X,Y coordinates.

Name$ = filename.

export_netlistb@ Coord%,Name$

Export a netlist using coordinates only. Parts are not present so RefDes/pin # will not apply.

Coord%: 0 = netlist is X,Y coordinates for «All Points.»


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1 = then netlist is X,Y coordinates for «Ends Only.»

Name$ = filename.

export_netlist_IPC@ Name$

Exports IPC-D-356 netlist format.

Name$ = filename.

flyprobe_setdefadj@ #

IPC-D-356A export only: sets the adjacency when outputting the netlist to flying probe testers. # is adjacency value.

export_nl_setparms@ Type, Ends, Unused, Surface, «Dcodes»

Allows setting of the netlist export parameters.

Type: 0 = CAM350 X,Y 1 = CAM350 Refdes/Pin # 2 = IPC-D-356 5 = CAM350 X,Y and Refdes/Pin# 9 = IPC-D-356A

Ends: 0 = All points 1 = Ends only

Unused: 0 = Only exports entities that belong to nets. Not 0 = All unused entities are exported as single entity nets. It is context sensitive as to what goes out (e.g. RefDes only puts out unused Pins).

Surface: 0 = Top and bottom 1 = Top only 2 = Bottom only

Dcodes is the Dcode(s) to filter for when exporting the netlist.

export_nl_writeout@ «filename»

Writes the netlist to the defined file name.


IPC-D-356A Format

flyprobe_setdefadj@ 25.0000 export_nl_setparms@ 9,0,0,0,»10″ export_nl_writout@ «d:\temp\demo.net»


export_odb_initinfo@ «d:\temp\test.cam»

Sets the name of the file you are exporting.

export_odb@ «d:\temp\test»


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Executes the export. Parameter is the directory to save uncompressed ODB files to, or will be used as the filename for compressed ODB files (.tgz extension is assumed).

Plate Drills

Define Format Settings:

All settings must be defined prior to running the export command, or the default settings will be used.

setup_fmtype@ 1,5

Sets the output Format:

First #: 0 = photoplotter 1 = drill machine 2 = mill machine

Second #: 5 = Excellon 6 = Sieb & Meyer 1000 7 = Sieb & Meyer 3000

setup_fmtunit@ 1,0

Sets the output Unit:

First #: 0=photoplotter 1=drill machine 2=mill machine

Second #: 0=English 1=Metric

setup_fmtdigits@ 1,2,4

Sets the output Precision:

First #: 0=photoplotter 1=drill machine 2=mill machine

Second # is the integer number

Third # is the fractional number (2,4 = 2.4)

setup_fmtmode@ 1,0

Sets the output Mode:

First #: 0=photoplotter 1=drill machine 2=mill machine


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Second #: 0=Absolute 1=Incremental

setup_fmtzero@ 1,0

Sets the Zero Suppression:

First #: 0=photoplotter 1=drill machine 2=mill machine

Second #: 0=leading 1=trailing 2=none

Export Command nc_exp_drill_Exc_decimals@ #

Excellon files only: command sets the decimal usage. If this command is used, it is unnecessary to use the setup_fmtdigits@ and setup_fmtzero@ commands listed above.

1 = use decimals in numbers

0 = use implied decimals

plate_drill_out@ 11,»TFTPLATE_6.drl»

First parameter is the layer number (starts at 0 for layer 1) and second parameter is the exported file’s name.


setup_fmtunit@ 1,1 setup_fmtdigits@ 1,3,3 setup_fmtmode@ 1,1 setup_fmtzero@ 1,0 plate_drill_out@ 31,»c:\temp\TFBPLATE_2.drl» plate_drill_out@ 32,»c:\temp\TFBPLATE_4.drl»

See also File > Setup > Drill Machine.


flyprobe_setdefadj@ 3.0000

Sets the default adjacency distance. It resets any specific layer adjacency distance.

flyprobe_setlyradj@ 5.0000,1

The first parameter is the adjacency for a specific layer, and the second parameter is the layer it is being set for (remember, layer numbers start at 0).

flyprobe_setswapy@ 1

Specifies the movement of the probe while testing the board. (1=From top to bottom, 2=from bottom to top)

flyprobe_setalign@ 0


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Indicates if you have double sided alignment (1=yes, 0=no)

flyprobe_setraid@ 1

0 = Do not write RAID files

1= Write RAID files

flyprobe_probotout2@ «c:\act_inc\demoint»

Indicates the export path, including the job name (extensions will be added by the system to distinguish files).


flyprobe_setdefadj@ 25.0000 flyprobe_setswapy@ 1 flyprobe_setalign@ 0 flyprobe_setraid@ 1 flyprobe_probotout2@ «C:\TEMP\metprob»



Initializes command.

flyprobe_setdefadj@ 3.0000

Sets the default adjacency distance.

flyprobe_export_probotech@ 3,1,»c:\act\»

First parameter: 1=test for opens 2=test for shorts 3=test for both.

Second parameter: 1=test top 2=test bottom

Third is the export directory.


flyprobe_probotech_init@ flyprobe_setdefadj@ 25.0000 flyprobe_export_probotech@ 3,1,»C:\TEMP\»


bn_export_tti@ «c:\act\filename.ttu»

Parameter is filename of the TTI File being exported.


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File > Import

Aperture Table

To import ECAM .GAP files: read_gapfile@ 0,»filename.gap»

This command reads the .GAP format and will overwrite the current aperture information.

merge_apfile@ 0,»filename.gap»

Merges a .GAP file into the current aperture table (transcoding will occur, current aperture data will not be overwritten).

To import all CAD system Aperture Tables: set_arlfile@ «filename»

Sets the ARL (Aperture Rule) file to use to translate the aperture table (*.arl).

load_aperfile@ «filename»

Loads and converts (as defined by set_arlrfile@ above) the aperture file . This «replaces» the current aperture information.

merge_aperfile@ «filename»

This converts and merges (defined by set_arlrfile@ above) the aperture file. This is the same as load_aperfile@ except it does not replace the current aperture information, merely augments it.


Auto_Import_NCData@ «path»

This automatically imports all the NC Data files (whose format could be determined) in the specified directory path.


auto_import@ «path»

This automatically imports ALL the files whose format could be determined in the specified directory path.

CAD Data

import_cad_pads@ «filename»

Imports PADS ASCII file, as defined by the filename.

import_cad@ Type, Polyextract,»filename»

Imports CAD system ASCII file, using the specified filename.

Type is the CAD format to import (see table below for available CAD systems):


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Polyextract indicates if polygons should be extracted on import:

0=No 1=Yes

Drill Data

Define Format Settings:

All settings must be defined prior to running the import command, or the default settings will be used.

setup_fmtype@ 1,5

Sets the output Format:

First #: 0 = photoplotter 1 = drill machine 2 = mill machine

Second #: 5 = Excellon 6 = Sieb & Meyer 1000 7 = Sieb & Meyer 3000

setup_fmtunit@ 1,0

Sets the input Unit:

First #: 0=photoplotter 1=drill machine 2=mill machine

Second #: 0=English 1=Metric

setup_fmtdigits@ 1,2,4

Sets the input Precision:

First #: 0=photoplotter 1=drill machine 2=mill machine


PADS PCB (up to v2.0) PADS PowerPCB (2.0) PADS PowerPCB (2.1) PADS PowerPCB (3.0) Zuken-Redac Visula Mentor Accel TangoPRO AccelEDA GenCAD


1 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11

Polyextract available

Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No


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Second # is the integer number

Third # is the fractional number (2,4 = 2.4)

setup_fmtmode@ 1,0

Sets the input Mode:

First #: 0=photoplotter 1=drill machine 2=mill machine

Second #: 0=Absolute 1=Incremental

setup_fmtzero@ 1,0

Sets the Zero Suppression:

First #: 0=photoplotter 1=drill machine 2=mill machine

Second #: 0=leading 1=trailing 2=none

Import Drill File, using Settings nc_import_drill_pl@ 12,1,»d:\dev\plated.drl»

Imports a plated drill layer. The first parameter is the layer ID (starts at 0).

The second parameter is the ID of the Tool Table to be used (this is the number that appears before the Tool Table name in the NC Tool Table dialog box). If the Table ID is 0, then the most recently created table will be used. If no Table exists, a new one will be created.

Last is the drill file name.

nc_import_drill_upl@ 13,1,»d:\dev\unplated.drl»

Imports an unplated drill layer. The first parameter is the layer ID (starts at 0).

The second parameter is the ID of the Tool Table to be used (this is the number that appears before the Tool Table name in the NC Tool Table dialog box). If the Table ID is 0, then the most recently created table will be used. If no Table exists, a new one will be created.

Last is the drill file name.

nc_add_table@ 3

Creates a new NC Tool Table. If this precedes the above nc_import_drill commands, this new table will be considered the most recently created table.

The parameter describes the type of table: 1=Mill & Drill 2=Mill 3=Drill


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setup_fmtunit@ 1,1 setup_fmtdigits@ 1,3,3 setup_fmtmode@ 1,1 setup_fmtzero@ 1,0 nc_add_table@ 3 nc_import_drill_pl@ 7,1,»c:\temp\drill_10.drl» nc_import_drill_upl@ 8,1,»c:\temp\drill_10.drl»

See File > Import > Gerber Data for formatting commands.

DXF & Append DXF

import_dxf@ 1,0,»d:\test.dxf»

First parameter: 1=overwrite loaded data (functions like the File > Import > DXF command) 0=do not overwrite (functions like the File > Import > Append DXF command)

Second parameter (When set to 1, the DXF Import dialog box is skipped during the import process, and all the default parameters are used to load the data): 1=Quick Import 0=no Quick Import (refer to File > Import > Autoimport).

Third parameter is the file name.

import_dxf_importunit@ 2

The import unit 0=mils 1=mm 2=inches

import_dxf_fillclosedpoly@ 0

1=fill closed polylines 0=do not fill.

import_dxf_squarelinetopoly@ 1

1=convert square lines to polygons 0=do not convert.

import_dxf_explodelinetype@ 0

1=explode non-solid linestyles 0=convert non-solid linestyles to solid.

import_dxf_sectbyangle@ 1

For arc settings in polygon borders: 1=use sectorize angle (see import_dxf_sectangle@ below) 0=use deviation distance from true arc (see import_dxf_sectdist@).

import_dxf_compressblk@ 1

1=compress multi-layer block to one layer 0=break block up for each layer.


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import_dxf_circlethreshold@ 150.0000

Flash circles less than this value (in mils).

import_dxf_deflinewidth@ 2.0000

Default line width (in mils).

import_dxf_deftextlinewidth@ 2.0000

Default text line width (in mils).

import_dxf_flashthreshold@ 150.0000

Block size threshold (in mils).

import_dxf_sectangle@ 10.00

If import_dxf_sectbyangle@ has a value of 1, this is the sectorization angle used (in percent).

import_dxf_sectdist@ 10.0000

If import_dxf_sectangle@ has a value of 0, this is the deviation distance from the true arc (in mils).

import_dxf_importscale@ 31

The import scale factor. Parameter must always be an integer above 0 (this value is divided by 100 to provide the scaling factor).

import_dxf_importscale1@ xxx, yyy

Provides the ability to import DXF files with a scale factor value that has a very high precision.

xxx = Integer scale value yyy = scale value divisor

The two parameters are combined by the command to produce the import scale by dividing the first parameter by the second (i.e. scale = xxx / yyy).

import_dxf_convert2cam@ «d:\test.dxf»

Completes the import process (data appears in workspace).


Cancels the process.


import_dxf@ 1,0,»d:\temp\motorcyc.dxf» import_dxf_importunit@ 1 import_dxf_fillclosedpoly@ 1 import_dxf_squarelinetopoly@ 1 import_dxf_explodelinetype@ 0 import_dxf_sectbyangle@ 0 import_dxf_compressblk@ 0 import_dxf_circlethreshold@ 150.0000 import_dxf_deflinewidth@ 2.0000 import_dxf_deftextlinewidth@ 2.0000 import_dxf_flashthreshold@ 150.0000 import_dxf_sectangle@ 1000 import_dxf_sectdist@ 10.0000 import_dxf_importscale1@ 1,1


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import_dxf_convert2cam@ «d:\temp\motorcyc.dxf»

ECAM dsn

import_ecam@ «name»

Reads in the ECAM DSN defined by name. No layer preparation is required because ECAM DSN replaces all current information.


Ecamlib_in@ «Filename»

This imports an ECAM lib file and converts it to a system CAP library.

Edit Aper Conv

There are no macro commands for this feature.

Gerber Data

Define Format Settings:

All settings must be defined prior to running the import command, or the default settings will be used. For Barco DPF format, only setup_ftmype@ command needs to be set.

setup_fmtype@ 0,0

Sets the import format type.

First #: 0 = photoplotter 1 = drill machine 2 = mill machine

Second #: 0 = 274 1 = 274X 2 = Fire 9xxx 3 = Barco DPF 4 = Reserved 5 = Excellon 6 = Sieb & Meyer 1000 7 = Sieb & Meyer 3000

setup_fmtunit@ 1,0

Sets the Unit:

First #: 0=photoplotter 1=drill machine 2=mill machine


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Second #: 0=English 1=Metric

setup_fmtdigits@ 1,2,4

Sets the Precision:

First #: 0=photoplotter 1=drill machine 2=mill machine

Second # is the integer number

Third # is the fractional number (2,4 = 2.4)

setup_fmtmode@ 1,0

Sets the Mode:

First #: 0=photoplotter 1=drill machine 2=mill machine

Second #: 0=Absolute 1=Incremental

setup_fmtzero@ 1,0

Sets the Zero Suppression:

First #: 0=photoplotter 1=drill machine 2=mill machine

Second #: 0=leading 1=trailing 2=none

Import Files, using format settings read_gapfile@ 0,»filename.gap»

If using a GAP file for aperture information, this command reads the .GAP format and will overwrite the current aperture information.

merge_apfile@ 0,»name.gap»

If using a GAP file for aperture information: this command merges GAP file into the current aperture table (transcoding will occur, current aperture data will not be overwritten). See File > Import > Aperture Table for an explanation of how to handle other aperture table formats.

edit_layer@ Layer#,Drawcolor,Flashcolor,Type,Status,Name$

Creates a new layer in the database.

Parameters are as follows:


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Layer# sets the layer number. -2=no change (remember layer numbering in macros starts from 0: i.e. layer 1 = 0).

Drawcolor and Flashcolor set the draw & flash colors to display for the layer.

See Layer Color Codes.

Type is the layer type to associate with that layer:

Status determines the appearance of the layer on screen: 0=on 1=off 2=ref -2=no change

Name$ is the filename of the Gerber file being exported (including the full path). «» =no change (keep old name)

importgbrfile@ Layer,X,Y,»name»

Import the Gerber file:

Layer is the layer number to save the file to (remember layer numbering begins at 0. i.e 0 = layer 1)

X,Y is the insertion point, which is usually 0,0.

Name is the filename of the Gerber file.


Updates the layer bar to reflect the new layers.


Updates the button bar to reflect new dcodes.



setup_fmtype@ 0,0 setup_fmtunit@ 0,1 setup_fmtdigits@ 0,2,4 setup_fmtmode@ 0,1 setup_fmtzero@ 0,1 edit_layer@ 11,13,13,4,0,»demobdr.gbr» importgbrfile@ 11,0.0000,0.0000,»d:\temp\demobdr.gbr» update_dcodebar@


setup_fmtype@ 0,1 setup_fmtunit@ 0,0 setup_fmtdigits@ 0,2,3 setup_fmtmode@ 0,0 setup_fmtzero@ 0,0 edit_layer@ 12,14,14,4,0,»democomp.gbr» importgbrfile@ 12,0.0000,0.0000,»d:\temp\democomp.gbr» update_dcodebar@

Fire 9xxx

setup_fmtype@ 0,2


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setup_fmtunit@ 0,1 setup_fmtdigits@ 0,2,3 setup_fmtmode@ 0,1 setup_fmtzero@ 0,1 import_polygon_poex@ «1» import_polygon_poin@ «1» edit_layer@ 13,15,15,4,0,»demognd.gbr» importgbrfile@ 13,0.0000,0.0000,»d:\temp\demognd.gbr» update_dcodebar@


setup_fmtype@ 0,3 edit_layer@ 14,2,2,4,0,»lstbs.dpf» importgbrfile@ 14,0.0000,0.0000,»d:\temp\lstbs.dpf» update_dcodebar@


Importing HPGL and HPGL/2 require several identical statements.

edit_layer@ Layer#,Drawcolor,Flashcolor,Type,Status,Name$

Prepares a layer for import of HPGL data:

(See Import > Gerber Data for more information on this command).

hpgl_in@ Layer#, X#, Y#, Name$

Imports the HPGL file.

Layer# is the layer number (layer numbering in macros begins at 0; i.e. layer 1 = 0)

X# & Y# are the coordinates for the space origin.

Name$ is tge filename of the HPGL file being imported.


Updates the layer bar.


Updates the Dcode bar.


edit_layer@ 33,7,7,4,0,»columbia.hpg» hpgl_in@ 33,0.0000,0.0000,»d:\temp\columbia.hpg» update_dcodebar@ view_all@


importipcfile@ «name»

Reads in the defined IPC file. No layer preparation is required because IPC files replace all information and are not assigned to individual layers.


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Mill Data

Define Format Settings:

All settings must be defined prior to running the import command, or the default settings will be used.

setup_fmtype@ 2,5

Sets the output Format:

First #: 0 = photoplotter 1 = drill machine 2 = mill machine

Second #: 5 = Excellon 6 = Sieb & Meyer 1000 7 = Sieb & Meyer 3000

setup_fmtunit@ 2,0

Sets the input Unit:

First #: 0=photoplotter 1=drill machine 2=mill machine

Second #: 0=English 1=Metric

setup_fmtdigits@ 2,2,4

Sets the input Precision:

First #: 0=photoplotter 1=drill machine 2=mill machine

Second # is the integer number

Third # is the fractional number (2,4 = 2.4)

setup_fmtmode@ 2,0

Sets the input Mode:

First #: 0=photoplotter 1=drill machine 2=mill machine

Second #: 0=Absolute 1=Incremental


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setup_fmtzero@ 2,0

Sets the Zero Suppression:

First #: 0=photoplotter 1=drill machine 2=mill machine

Second #: 0=leading 1=trailing 2=none

Import Mill Files, using settings: nc_import_mill@ 14,0,»d:\dev\layer_11.rou»

Imports an NC data file containing mill data. The first parameter is the layer ID (starts at 0).

The second parameter is the ID of the Tool Table to be used (this is the number that appears before the Tool Table name in the NC Tool Table dialog box). If the Table ID is 0, then the most recently created table will be used. If no Table exists, a new one will be created.

Last is the mill file name.

nc_add_table@ 2

Creates a new NC Tool Table. If this precedes the above nc_import_mill commands, this new table will be considered the most recently created table.

The parameter describes the type of table: 1=Mill & Drill 2=Mill 3=Drill


setup_fmtunit@ 2,1 setup_fmtdigits@ 2,3,4 setup_fmtmode@ 2,1 setup_fmtzero@ 2,0 nc_add_table@ 2 nc_import_mill@ 34,3,»c:\temp\25341.rou»


import_netlist_tolerance@ 1.0000

Defines the tolerance for matching connectivity points.

import_netlist@ «name»

Reads in a CAM350 refdes/pin# netlist defined by the file path.

import_netlistb@ «name»

Reads in a CAM350 X,Y coordinate netlist defined by the file path.

import_netlistipc356@ «name»


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Reads in an IPC-D-356 netlist defined by the file path.

Other CAD Netlists: import_netlist_format@ «format name»

Sets the format for the import of «Other» CAD netlist formats. Current format names accepted are ALLEGRO, MENTOR, PCAD, PADS, REDAC, and TANGO. This excludes the use of CAM350 and IPC-D-356 formats (which have separate macro commands).

import_netlist_univ@ «filename»

Imports the specified netlist file, which is assumed to be in the netlist format set by import_netlist_format@.


import_netlist_format@ «Allegro» import_netlist_univ@ «d:\temp\demo.net»


import_odb@ «filename»

Imports an ODB++ format database job tree or zipped file. Where filename can either be a) the location of the job tree for an ODB++ database, or b) the name of a compressed ODB++ database.

import_odb_convert2cam@ «filename»

When manually specifying ODB++ format, add this command to convert the file to a flattened, one-up design.


import_odb@ «D:\temp\testODB» import_odb_convert2cam@ «D:\temp\testODB»

File > Merge

external_map_layer_start@ «File_Name»

File_Name is the .CAM file that is being merged-in

external_map_layer2layer@ Start,Merge

Merging to existing layers: command specifies the layer mapping for the new database being merged in. A separate command must be used for each layer in the merged design.

Start is a layer number in the merged-in PCB.

Merge is the layer number in the master PCB that it is being mapped to.

external_map_layer2new@ lyrID,Type,AutoName


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Merging to new layers: specifies the layer number and type of the new layer being created. (System will assign new layer number automatically).

lyrID is a layer number in the merged-in PCB

Type is the type of new layer that is being created for it.

AutoName is a flag indicating whether a new layer name should be assigned or the current name should be used. This is only used internally for Design Compare checking. The default value is zero (0).

axy@ 3845.0000,-1450.0000

Once layer mapping has been specified, axy@ states the coordinates where the new design will be merged in.

file_merge_refresh@ X,Y,»name»

Merges in a PCB file at location X,Y (x & y are reals): uses same coordinates as the axy@ command. If another copy of the same PCB file has already merged into the workspace, it will merge in the file again.

file_merge@ X,Y,»name»

Merges in a PCB file at location X,Y (x & y are reals): uses same coordinates as the axy@ command. If the same PCB file has previously been merged in, it will make a copy of the file already in the workspace. (Works the same as Edit > Copy.)


This macro command is recorded if the user aborts the merging process after initiating it. All it does is free-up the memory which was created to store the layer mappings. (This would never be used in writing a script).


external_map_layer_start@ «d:\test\demoint.cam» external_map_layer2layer@ 0,0 external_map_layer2new@ 1,2,0 external_map_layer2new@ 2,2,0 external_map_layer2layer@ 3,3 external_map_layer2new@ 4,7,0 external_map_layer2new@ 5,8,0 external_map_layer2new@ 6,6,0 external_map_layer2new@ 7,16,0 external_map_layer2new@ 8,17,0 axy@ -8943.7000,1147.6000 file_merge_refresh@ -8943.7000,1147.6000,»d:\test\demoint.cam» back@

File > New


Closes current file (if any) in the CAM or Panel Editor and clears the main window.



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This clears the current custom aperture memory in the CAP Editor, part memory in the Part Editor, or symbol memory in the Symbol Editor. It does not affect loaded libraries.

testpt_clear@ alignpt_clear@

Deletes all current test information. It does not affect any other data that is loaded.


Deletes all current test information. It does not affect any other data that is loaded.

File > Open

setopenfile@ «filename»

Opens CAM350 database (*.cam) designated by filename.

lib_setextlib@ Type, Id, Merge, «Filename»

Type is the type of library:

1=cap 2=part 3=symbol

Id is the source of the library: 0=system (filename parameter is ignored) 1=external

Merge determines if current library should be replaced: 0=overwrite 1=merge

Filename : Name of external library to load.

set_caplib@ #

Sets the active library (0 = system, 1 = external) in the CAP Editor.

File > Print

See also the Basic commands LPRINT & LPRINT USING.


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Printer Settings: print_plot@

Does nothing in macro playback, other than setting the state back to the default command mode.


Does nothing in macro playback, other than setting the state back to the default command mode.

print_SetOutputAllBlack@ «state$»

Sets the option which tells Printer to print all data in black (even to a color printing device).

State$: «No» for printing in color «Yes» for printing all in black.

print_SetPlotter@ «plotter name»

This sets the plotter/printer to be «plotter name»; where «plotter name» is one of the printers listed in the Windows WIN.INI file. The name must be as it appears in the printer name list, either in CAM350, or in the Control Panel’s printer setup.

print_SetOrientation@ #

Sets the printer orientation. It can be set to the following values: -32768 = Not set (use printer default) 1 = Portrait 2 = Landscape

print_SetPaperSize@ #

Sets the printer paper size. It can be set to the following values: -32768 = Not set (use default) 1 = Letter 8 1/2 x 11 in 2 = Letter Small 8 1/2 x 11 in 3 = Tabloid 11 x 17 in 4 = Ledger 17 x 11 in 5 = Legal 8 1/2 x 14 in 6 = Statement 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 in 7 = Executive 7 1/4 x 10 1/2 in 8 = A3 297 x 420 mm 9 = A4 210 x 297 mm 10 = A4 Small 210 x 297 mm 11 = A5 148 x 210 mm 12 = B4 250 x 354 13 = B5 182 x 257 mm 14 = Folio 8 1/2 x 13 in 15 = Quarto 215 x 275 mm 16 = 10 x 14 in 17 = 11 x 17 in 18 = Note 8 1/2 x 11 in 19 = Envelope #9 3 7/8 x 8 7/8 20 = Envelope #10 4 1/8 x 9 1/2 21 = Envelope #11 4 1/2 x 10 3/8 22 = Envelope #12 4 1/4 x 11 23 = Envelope #14 1/2 x 11 1/2 24 = C size sheet 25 = D size sheet 26 = E size sheet 27 = Envelope DL 110 x 220 mm 28 = Envelope C5 162 x 229 mm 29 = Envelope C3 324 x 458 mm 30 = Envelope C4 229 x 324 mm


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31 = Envelope C6 114 x 162 mm 32 = Envelope C65 114 x 229mm 33 = Envelope B4 250 x 353 mm 34 = Envelope B5 176 x 250 mm 35 = Envelope B6 176 x 125 mm 36 = Envelope 110 x 230 mm 37 = Monarch 3.8 x 7 1/2 in 38 = Envelope 3 5/8 x 6 1/2 in 39 = US Fanfold 14 7/8 x 11 in 40 = German Std 8 1/2 x 12 in 41 = German Legal Fanfold 8 1/2 x 13 in

print_SetPaperBin@ #

Sets the printer paper source. It can be set to the following values: -32768= Not set (use printer default) 1 = Upper paper bin 2 = Lower paper bin 3 = Middle paper bin 4 = Manual paper feed 5 = Automatic envelope feeder 6 = Manual envelope feed 7 = Automatic bin selection 8 = Tractor feed 9 = Small format 10 = Large format 12 = Large capacity 14 = Cassette loader 256 = Device specific bin

print_SetHeader@ «On» or «Off»

Determines if a header is to be printed.

The following commands «persist» for the current macro run. In other words, they only need to be set once, but they can be changed at any time prior to printing the next player.

plotLayerRotate@ «on» or «off»

Specifies whether or not the layer should be rotated 90 degrees before plotting.

plotLayerScale@ «#» or «fit»

Sets the plot scale: 1.0 equals 1-to-1, 2.0 equals 2-to-1, and so on. Fit (case not important) tells the plotter driver to calculate the scale which would «fit» the layer on the page.

plotLayerOffsetXY@ #, #

Specifies the offset in user units (inches or millimeters) of the upper left corner of the layer to the upper left corner of the page.

plotLayerPens@ Draw#, Flash#

Sets the pens to use when plotting draws and flashes on the paper. Pens may be numbered as defined by the plotter you are using (usually 1 to 16 or 1 to 8).

plotLayerAlign@ «state$»

Sets the layer alignment for the plot layer.

state$ = «on» if the layer is to be aligned with the other layers, «off» if layer is not to be aligned.



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Specifies that the layer should be centered on the page. This is mutually exclusive with PlotLayerOffsetXY.

plotLayerComposite@ «#» or «ALL»

# is the composite number (0 = 1, 1 = 2, etc.). «All» will plot all composites.

plotTiled@ fillmode

Plots all layers which have been marked for plotting on the same sheet of paper, and «tile» them on the page such that, from left to right, the first layer is plotted, then the second is plotted next to it, and so on, wrapping around until all layers are plotted. The scale of the layers is the smallest scale set by the PlotLayerScale@ command, or a computed scale, if the set scale would result in not all layers being plotted on the same sheet of paper. The rotation is maintained for all plots.

Fillmode can be: fill, outline or centerline.

plotSeparateSheets@ fillmode

Plots all layers which have been marked for plotting on separate sheets of paper, while maintaining their set location, scale and rotation.

Fillmode can be: fill, outline or centerline.

plotSameSheet@ fillmode

Plots all layers which have been marked for plotting on the same sheet of paper, while maintaining their set location, scale and rotation.

Fillmode can be: fill, outline or centerline.

Print Data:

plotLayer@ Lay$

Prints layers based on printer settings above. Unless «All» is entered as the parameter, a new command must be used for each individual layer being printed.

Lay$ is a string representing the layer to print:

«#» = specific layer number (note macro layer numbering begins at 0; i.e. layer 1 = 0, or in this case «0»).

«All» = plot all layers that are turned on


Prints all data which displays in the application’s workspace. Will print data exactly as it is, including zooming, etc. Uses default printer settings (not necessary to use setting commands above).


print_setup@ print_plot@ print_SetOutputAllBlack@ «Yes» print_SetPlotter@ «\\DC_230_ST\DC_230_ST» print_SetOrientation@ 2 print_SetPaperSize@ -32768 print_SetPaperBin@ -32768 print_SetHeader@ «On» PlotLayerAlign@ «on» PlotLayerRotate@ «on» PlotLayerMirror@ «on» PlotLayerScale@ «-8.41» PlotLayerOffsetXY@ -65138.0597,157.4803


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PlotLayerPens@ 1,1 PlotLayer@ «0» PlotLayer@ «1» PlotSeparateSheets@ «fill»


Prints the application’s workspace display: prints any CAP that appears in the display (including any zooming, etc).

print_allcaps@ n

Prints all custom apertures in the currently selected library

0 = internal library 1 = external library


Prints the application’s workspace display: prints any Part or Symbol that appears in the display (including any zooming, etc).

print_allparts@ n

Prints all parts or symbols in the currently selected library.

0 = internal library 1 = external library

File > Refresh Symbols


Reads in the Symbol Library, overwriting any symbols in the database which have the same name as library symbols. (This command takes no parameters).

File > Save & Save As

setsaveasfile@ «name»

Saves a .CAM file of the specified filename.

export_80_database@ «name»

Saves a version 6.0 .CAM file of the specified filename.

export_70_database@ «name»


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Saves a version 7.0 .CAM file of the specified filename.

export_60_database@ «name»

Saves a version 8.0 .CAM file of the specified filename.

saveaslibitem@ «Filename»

Saves either a CAP, a PART, or a SYMBOL to the current library.

saveaslib@ Mode, LibID, «Filename»

This saves the entire library.

Mode: 1 = part 2 = cap 7 = symbol

LibID: 0 = system (name is ignored) 1 = external

SymSetType@ #

Sets the type for the symbol being saved: 1 = coupon 2 = title block 3 = pinning hole 4 = fiducial

saveaslibitem@ «Filename»

Saves a symbol to the current library.


SymSetType@ 1 saveaslibitem@ «new coupon» back@

File > Setup

Access Code

There are no macro commands for this feature.


There are no macro commands for this feature.


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Drill Machine

Expdrl_ToolFile@ «filename»

Includes the file in the tool definition area.

Expdrl_TrailerFile@ «filename»

Includes the file before closing M02.

Expdrl_generate_Tools@ #

Includes the CAM350 description of the tools. 1 = Yes, 0 = No.

Expdrl_generate_Header@ #

Includes the CAM350 header information.

nc_exp_drill_detect@ #

Sets DETECT,ON directive status:

0=do not include 1=include

nc_exp_drill_atc@ #

Sets ATC,ON directive status:

0=do not include 1=include

nc_exp_drilltool_infeed@ #

Adds tool in-feed rate:

0=do not include 1=include

nc_exp_drilltool_retract@ #

Adds tool retract speed:

0=do not include 1=include

nc_exp_drilltool_RPMs@ #

Adds spindle spin rate:

0=do not include 1=include

nc_exp_drilltool_MaxHits@ #

Adds maximum tool hits:

0=do not include 1=include


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nc_exp_drill_version@ #

Adds the VER value (1-8) that tells the machine how to interpret the coordinate base of the file.

nc_exp_drill_t00@ 1

Adds the T00 command at the end of the drill file:

1=append 0=do not append

Import_End_of_Block@ #, # and Export_End_of_Block@ #, #

This sets up the end of block character for the various formats.

The first # is the machine type: 0=photoplotter 1=drill machine 2=mill machine

The second # is the ASCII value for the desired end of block character.

For example, 42=*, 37=$, and 10=carriage return. The default is 42.

Import_XYmodal@ #, # and Export_XYmodal@ #, #

This sets the mode as modal or nonmodal.

The first # is the machine type: 0=photoplotter 1=drill machine 2=mill machine

The second # is modal on/off (0=off, 1=on). The default is ON.

setup_fmtype@ 1,5

Sets the output Format:

First #: 0 = photoplotter 1 = drill machine 2 = mill machine

Second #: 5 = Excellon 6 = Sieb & Meyer 1000 7 = Sieb & Meyer 3000


expdrl_generate_Header@ 0 nc_exp_drill_detect@ 0 nc_exp_drill_atc@ 0 export_XYmodal@ 1,0 nc_exp_drill_t00@ 1 expdrl_generate_Tools@ 0 setup_fmtype@ 1,5

File Extensions


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setup_fext@ Format%,Ext$

Sets the default file extension to use for a particular format of file.

Format% is defined as follows (all numeric codes must begin with a 10; i.e. 1000 = Design Files):

00 = Design files 01 = Gerber files 02 = NC Drill files 03 = NC Mill files 04 = DRC report files 05 = Netlist files 06 = Info report files 07 = Error files 08 = Macro files 09 = Plot files 10 = Custom aperture library files 11 = Part library files 12 = IPC files 13 = Aperture files 14 = ECAM design files 15 = Polygon pattern files 16 = ECAM library files 17 = NC Mill tool table files 18 = NC Drill tool table files 19 = Drill and Mill header files 41 = NC Mill tab files 42 = NC Tool Table files (contains mill and/or drill) 43 = Part to Part files

Ext$ is the new extension to use; (i.e. «txt»).


Saves current Preference settings to the default database (CAM350.CAM or CAM350.CAM).


setup_fext@ 1019, «hdr» file_setup_save@

Film Box

setfilmbox@ 0.0000,20000.0000,24000.0000,0.0000

Sets the size of the film box in inches. The values are not grid coordinates—they are based on the lower left X and Y values of the film box, which are always 0.

The first value is the lower left X coordinate (always 0), second value is the upper right Y coordinate, third is the upper right X coodinate, and fourth is the lower left Y coordinate (always 0).

setfilmboxorigin@ #

Defines which area of the filmbox is located on the origin.

1 = Lower left corner.

2 = Upper left corner.


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3 = Center of film box.

4 = Upper right corner.

5 = Lower right corner.

set_filmboxorigin@ 0.0000,0.0000

Sets the origin of the film box in inches. The values are grid coordinates.

Mill Machine

Expmill_ToolFile@ «filename»

Includes the file in the tool definition area.

Expmill_TrailerFile@ «filename»

Includes the file before closing M02.

Expmill_generate_Tools@ #

Includes the CAM350 description of the tools. 1 = Yes, 0 = No.

Expmill_generate_Header@ #

Includes the CAM350 header information. 1 = Yes, 0 = No.

nc_exp_mill_detect@ #

Sets DETECT,ON directive status:

0=do not include 1=include

nc_exp_mill_atc@ #

Sets ATC,ON directive status:

0=do not include 1=include

nc_exp_milltool_infeed@ #

Adds tool in-feed rate:

0=do not include 1=include

nc_exp_milltool_retract@ #

Adds tool retract speed:

0=do not include 1=include

nc_exp_milltool_RPMs@ #


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Adds spindle spin rate:

0=do not include 1=include

nc_exp_mill_version@ 1

Adds the VER value (1-8) that tells the machine how to interpret the coordinate base of the file.

nc_exp_mill_t00@ 1

Adds the T00 command at the end of the drill file:

1=append 0=do not append

Import_End_of_Block@ #, # and Export_End_of_Block@ #, #

This sets up the end of block character for the various formats.

The first # is the machine type: 0=photoplotter 1=drill machine 2=mill machine

The second # is the ASCII value for the desired end of block character.

For example, 42=*, 37=$, and 10=carriage return. The default is 42.

Import_XYmodal@ #, # and Export_XYmodal@ #, #

This sets the mode as modal or nonmodal.

The first # is the machine type: 0=photoplotter 1=drill machine 2=mill machine

The second # is modal on/off (0=off, 1=on). The default is ON.

setup_fmtype@ 2,5

Sets the output Format:

First #: 0 = photoplotter 1 = drill machine 2 = mill machine

Second #: 5 = Excellon 6 = Sieb & Meyer 1000 7 = Sieb & Meyer 3000


expmill_generate_Header@ 0 export_XYmodal@ 2,0 nc_exp_mill_t00@ 1 expmill_generate_Tools@ 0 setup_fmtype@ 2,5


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setup_path@ Code#,Path$

Alters the path from which files are opened, imported, or exported.

Code# specifies the file type the path is being changed for, as follows (note the code always begins with a 100 — i.e. 1000 = Aperture Files):

1 = Aperture files 2 = ARL (aperture rule) files 3 = Import from here 4 = Export to here 5 = Macro files 6 = Custom aperture library files 7 = Part library files 8 = Symbol library files 9 = CAD files

Path$ is the name of the directory path


import_end_of_block@ 0,37 export_end_of_block@ 0,37

These commands set up the end of block character for the various formats.

The first # is the machine type: 0=photoplotter 1=drill machine 2=mill machine

The second # is the ASCII value for the desired end of block character.

For example, 42=*, 37=$, and 10=carriage return. The default is 42.

import_photo_expose@ 0

export_photo_expose@ 0

These commands set the default photo expose mode, if the G55 code does not exist. Default is off.

1 = on 0 = off

import_quadrant_arc@ 1

This sets the assumed interpolated arc type if no G74/G75 is present. This value only has an effect on files where the arc type is not explicitly defined. Default is Quad.

0=full arcs are assumed 1=quad arcs are assumed

export_include_cr@ 1

This controls whether the exported Gerber file will contain a Carriage Return (CR) at the end of each line.


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1 = on (include CR’s) 0 = off (no CR’s)

import_ignore_same_arc_end@ 0

This determines whether incoming arcs that have the same coordinate for both the start and end points are read in as a circle or ignored.

0 = off (accept as circle) 1 = on (ignore the arc)

Default is off (considered a circle).

export_include_hdr_comments@ 1

Sets whether database and date comments should appear in the header.

1 = Include 0 = exclude

set_plotsteprepeat@ 1

Determines if step & repeat codes will be exported to photoplotter:

1 = yes 0 = no

import_XYmodal@ 0,1 export_XYmodal@ 0,1

These commands set the mode as modal or nonmodal, for import and export.

The first # is the machine type: 0=photoplotter 1=drill machine 2=mill machine

The second # is modal on/off (0=off, 1=on). The default is ON.

import_default_polarity@ -1

Sets the polarity of the imported plotter files.

0 = clear 1 = dark -1 = no change

setup_fmtype@ 0,0

First # specifies output device: 0 = photoplotter 1 = drill machine 2 = mill machine

Second # specifies output format: 0 = 274 1 = 274X 2 = Fire 9xxx 3 = Barco DPF 4 = Reserved 5 = Excellon 6 = Sieb & Meyer 1000 7 = Sieb & Meyer 3000


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import_end_of_block@ 0,97 export_end_of_block@ 0,98 export_photo_expose@ 1 import_photo_expose@ 1 import_quadrant_arc@ 0 export_include_cr@ 0 import_ignore_same_arc_end@ 1 export_include_hdr_comments@ 0 set_plotsteprepeat@ 0 import_XYmodal@ 0,0 export_XYmodal@ 0,0 import_default_polarity@ -1 setup_fmtype@ 0,1


set_undostat@ 0

Turns Undo on or off.

0 = off 1 = on

set_ipc_cr@ 0

Adds carriage return linefeeds to exported IPC files.

0 = no CR added 1 = CR is added

set_refreshfonts@ 1

Determines whether a database uses the old font definitions it contains, or loads new font definitions each time its loaded:

0 = use old fonts 1 = load new fonts

backup_stat@ 1

Specifies if a backup of the current database should be saved automatically.

0 = off 1 = on

backup_intrvl@ #

Sets the time interval to save to backup.

# is in minutes

settexteditor@ «editor»

Sets a different text editor instead of the Windows Notepad. The entire path must be included unless the path is included in the system path. «Editor» will be called, followed by the file name.

explode_FillCustPoly@ 1

Determines how custom apertures will be exploded using the Edit > Change > Explode > Custom command:


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0 = explode custom to polygons 1 = explode custom to intrinsics

precise_arcs_approximation@ 0

Determines how accurate arcs are approximated by segments in commands such as Add Polygon and Draw to Raster.

0 = faster performance, less accurate arc approximation 1 = more accurate arc approximation

Save Defaults


Saves current Preference settings to the default database (CAM350.CAM or CAM350.CAM).

File > Test Point Attribs


testpt_setcolor@ 8,9,11

First # is the Top color, second is the bottom color, and third is the through-hole color.

See Layer Color Codes.


testpt_setsize@ #

# is the test point graphic size, in mils.

File > Test Point To Gerber


Creates new graphic layers to graphically represent Top, Bottom and Through-Hole test points.


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Edit Menu Macros

Edit > Add Vertex

vertex_add@ axy@ 1325.0000,4525.0000 axy@ 1550.0000,4625.0000 back@

Adds a vertex to an existing one. The first coordinate point is the handle, the second point is the target.

Edit > Add Vtx

nc_edit_add_millvtx@ axy@ 503.7293,3445.8564

The existing point on the mill path that is becoming a vertex.

axy@ 475.0000,3225.0000

The new location of the vertex you created


Ends command.

Edit > Change


add_anchor@ axy@ X,Y

Add Vertex Delete Segment Move Vtx

Add Vtx Delete Tab Move Vtx/Seg

Break At Vtx Delete Vertex Redo

Change Delete Vtx Reverse Test Points Staggering

Change Fixture Origin Join Segments Rotate

Convert To Polygons Layers Spin Image

Copy Line Change Trim Using

Delete Mirror Undo

Delete All Move

Delete Seg Move Tab


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Moves the part anchor to the indicated coordinate.

Rule: Command remains the same for all three editors, but sets different data anchors. In CAM, sets the one-up image anchor for Panel Editor; in Part, sets the part anchor or adding parts in CAM Editor; and in Symbol sets the anchor for symbols being added in Panel Editor.


Attribute macro commands consist of 1) a command to set the type of attribute being created, and 2) a series of commands to edit that attribute.


Use one of the following commands to specify the attribute being set.


Use for a Component attribute.


Use for a Net attribute.


Use for a Panel attribute.

Editing the Attribute axy@ 1690.0000,2800.0000

A coordinate within the item who’s attribute is being changed.

Requirement: Only used for component and net attributes.

Add_Attribute@ «1`2»

Adds the attribute with the «Category`Key» value.

Delete_Attribute@ «2`3»

Deletes the attribute with the «Category`Key» value.

Edit_Attribute@ «4`5»

Selects the attribute to be changed, by «Category`Key» value.

Change_Attribute_Value@ «3»

The new Value of the attribute


‘Component attribute: edit_attributes_component@ axy@ 1325.0000,1540.3600 Add_Attribute@ «test`1» Change_Attribute_Value@ «2» back@


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‘Net attribute: edit_attributes_net@ axy@ 1525.0000,1395.0000 Delete_Attribute@ «test`4» Add_Attribute@ «test`5» Change_Attribute_Value@ «667» back@ ‘Panel attribute: edit_panel_attributes@ Add_Attribute@ «ch`1» Change_Attribute_Value@ «djkd» back@



Initiates command.

axy@ 500.0000,2525.0000

Coordinate on the mill path to change.

nc_change_compensation@ 1,1

First parameter is the compensation direction: 0=none 1=left 2=right.

Second parameter is the compensation index: 0=use tool ID (no index) 1-99=use given index number.


nc_edit_change_compensation@ axy@ 500.0000,2525.0000 nc_change_compensation@ 1,1 back@

Group Selection is also available for this function.


change_dcode@ axy@ 2325.0000,4775.0000 back@ edit_chgdcode@ 15 back@

Change_dcode@ starts the command, the point selects the Dcode, the Dcode is then changed.

Group Selection is also available for this function.

Destination Layer


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Invokes command.

axy@ x, y

Selects symbol data (draw or flash only) which is to have its destination layer changed. Maybe be used multiple times to select several datum.


Alternately, this command may be used, instead of the axy@ command, to select all symbol data in the symbol.


Ends data selection mode.

edit_chgdestlyr@ lyrID

Changes the specified destination layer(s) of the selected data. Uses same designations as Utilities > Draw to Symbol:

lyrID is the layer destination for the symbol data. The mapping is as follows: 1 = all Non-NC layers 2 = all electric layers 3 = goes on all layers of one type. Symbol will appear on all layers of the type it was originally generated on (e.g. internal) 4 = appears only on the specified layer the symbol is created on


Cancels the selections made in the command.


Ends command.


change_layer_destination@ axy@ 125.0000,100.0000 back@ edit_chgdestlyr@ 1 back@

Device Name

change_devname@ axy@ 2075.0000,4075.0000 edit_devname@ «newname» back@

Change_devname starts the command, a point is selected, the change is made. Note that new Device Name is a string.

Drill First/Last


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nc_set_FirstOrLast@ 1 axy@ 0.0000,-150.0000

Sets the First drill hit at the specified point.

nc_set_FirstOrLast@ 0 axy@ 150.0000,0.0000

Sets the Last drill hit at the specified point.


Drill Hit

nc_edit_change_drill_hit@ axy@ -700.0000,-575.0000

The location of the drill hit to be changed

nc_change_drill_hit@ 1,0

First parameter is the Tool ID number. Second parameter is 0=unplated, 1=plated.


Ends command.

Group Selection is also available for this function.

Drill Order

There are no macro commands for this feature.

Drill Sequence

Each drill sequence has a first and last «anchor» drill in the sequence. These drills may be defined by their relationship to the smallest or largest tool in the NC Table, by tool number or by tool size. This command allows you to alter the settings of these drill tools in an existing Drill Sequence .

edit_change_drill_seq@ axy@ 0.0000,0.0000

Selects sequence to be changed at coordinates given.

First drill tool setting

Select one of the following to set the FIRST tool’s value:

FirstSymDrlSpecSmallest@ Nth, Set, min/max

Sets the first drill based on the smallest drill in the design. Parameters are:

Nth: sets how far offset from the smallest drill in the table it should be: 0 means smallest, 1 is next to


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smallest, etc.

Set indicates whether min/max setting is to be used. 0 = no, 1 = yes.

min/max: sets a value for the smallest size the first tool in the sequence can be (i.e. 45 indicates a tool largerr than 45 mils must be the first tool in the sequence)

FirstSymDrlSpecLargest@ Nth, Set, min/max

Sets the first drill based on the largest drill in the design. Parameters are:

Nth: sets how far offset from the largest drill in the table it should be: 0 means largest, 1 is one below largest, etc.

Set indicates whether min/max setting is to be used. 0 = no, 1 = yes.

min/max: sets a value for the largest size the first tool in the sequence can be (i.e. 100 indicates a tool smaller than 100 mils must be the first tool in the sequence)

FirstSymDrlSpecToolNum@ Tool Number

Sets the first tool in the sequence based on the ID number of the tool.

FirstSymDrlSpecToolSize@ Size

Sets the first tool in the sequence based on the size of the tool (in user units).

Last drill tool setting

Select one of the following to set the LAST tool’s value.

LastSymDrlSpecSmallest@ Nth, Set, min/max

Sets the last drill based on the smallest drill in the design. Parameters are:

Nth: sets how far offset from the smallest drill in the table it should be: 0 means smallest, 1 is next to smallest, etc.

Set indicates whether min/max setting is to be used. 0 = no, 1 = yes.

min/max: sets a value for the smallest size the first tool in the sequence can be (i.e. 45 indicates a tool larger than 45 mils must be the first tool in the sequence)

LastSymDrlSpecLargest@ Nth, Set, min/max

Sets the first drill based on the largest drill in the design. Parameters are:

Nth: sets how far offset from the largest drill in the table it should be: 0 means largest, 1 is one below largest, etc.

Set indicates whether min/max setting is to be used. 0 = no, 1 = yes.

min/max: sets a value for the largest size the first tool in the sequence can be (i.e. 100 indicates a tool smaller than 100 mils must be the first tool in the sequence)

LastSymDrlSpecToolNum@ Tool Number

Sets the first tool in the sequence based on the ID number of the tool.

LastSymDrlSpecToolSize@ Size


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Sets the first tool in the sequence based on the size of the tool (in user units).

SymSetNumHits@ 0

Sets the number of drill hits to use in the sequence.

SymSetDrillType@ 1

Sets the drill type to use in the sequence. 0 = Plated, 1 = Unplated.


Makes the changes to the drill sequence. No parameter.


edit_change_drill_seq@ axy@ -300.0000,200.0000 FirstSymDrlSpecSmallest@ 0,0,0.0000 LastSymDrlSpecLargest@ 0,1,34.0000 SymSetNumHits@ 0 SymSetDrillType@ 1 DrillSeqEditDo@ back@


axy@ -56.0000,64.0000 back@

Selects the line to change end cap on.

EdCap_Width@ # EdCap_Ok@ #

Changes the line width. Both commands must be used to make change.

Width # is in database units.

EdCap_Ok value: 0 = change width.

EdCap_EndCap@ # EdCap_Ok@ #

EndCap # allows changing the end cap shape (0 = square, 1 = round).

EdCap_Ok value = 1 for change end cap.

EdCap_Polarity@ # EdCap_Ok@ #

Polarity # allows changing element polarity (0 = negative, 1 = positive).

EdCap_Ok value = 2 for change polarity.


axy@ -20.0000,16.0000 back@ EdCap_EndCap@ 0


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EdCap_Ok@ 2 back@


Explode All:

edit_explode@ axy@ X,Y explode@ back@

Explodes anything at the selected point.

Group Selection is also available for this function.

Explode Custom Aperture:

explode_custom@ axy@ -492.7000,-50.0000 back@ explode_FillCustPoly@ -1

If you are exploding the custom to a vector-filled polygon, the parameter for explode_FillCustPoly@ is a Dcode. If it is being converted to a raster polygon, the parameter is always -1.

Group Selection is also available for this function.

Explode Merged Database:

explode_part@ axy@ 1575.0000,3605.0000 explode@

Explodes merged design at coordinate given.

Group Selection is also available for this function.

Explode Net:

explode_net@ axy@ X,Y explode@ back@

Only requires a single selected point on a net.

Group Selection is also available for this function.

Explode Padstack:

explode_padstack@ axy@ X,Y explode@ back@


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Explodes the padstack at the selected point.

Group Selection is also available for this function.

Explode Part:

explode_part@ axy@ X,Y explode@ back@

Explodes the part at the selected point.

Group Selection is also available for this function.

Explode Text:

explode_text@ axy@ X,Y explode@ back@

Explodes the text at the selected point.

Group Selection is also available for this function.

Explode Vector Polygon:

explode_vector_polygon@ axy@ X,Y explode@ back@

Explodes the vector polygon at the selected point.

Group Selection is also available for this function.

Explode Merged PCB NC Data:


Explodes NC Data from a merged PCB file.

Explode Step And Repeated NC Data:


Explodes step&repeat NC Data in panelized designs.

Explode Symbol:



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axy@ -2350.0000,27525.0000

Explodes symbol at given location.

explode_FillCustPoly@ -1

If you are exploding the symbol to a vector-filled polygon, the parameter for explode_FillCustPoly@ is a Dcode. If it is being converted to a raster polygon, the parameter is always -1.

Flatten Panel:


Explodes entire panel.


Ends command.

Fixture Origin

Both Fixtures

bn_movebothfixture@ axy@ 14.9000,172.3000 back@

Coordinates are the new origin.

Bottom Fixture

bn_movebotfixture@ axy@ -16.1000,467.2000 back@

Coordinates are the new origin.

Top Fixture

bn_movetopfixture@ axy@ -31.6000,327.5000 back@

Coordinates are the new origin.

Fixture Probe

bn_chgtestpin@ axy@ 405.3000,4288.5000 back@

The coordinates of the probe to be changed.

edit_chgtfpindef@ 1


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Parameter is the ID of the new test probe.


Mill First/Last

nc_set_FirstOrLast@ 1 axy@ 0.0000,-150.0000

Sets the First mill path at the specified point.

nc_set_FirstOrLast@ 0 axy@ 150.0000,0.0000

Sets the Last mill path at the specified point.


Ends selection

Mill Order

There are no macro commands for this topic.

Mill Path

Add Vtx At Intersection nc_edit_addvtxatintersection@ axy@ 2750.0000,2775.0000 back@

Coordinates are a point on the single mill path that you want to create vertices on.

Group Selection is also available for this function.

Chamfer nc_edit_chamfer@

Initiates command.

change_backoff@ 90.0000

Sets the Backoff distance

change_minangle@ 60

Sets the minimum angle that can be selected (in degrees).

change_maxangle@ 120

Sets the maximum angle that can be selected (in degrees).

axy@ 3119.3000,4867.2000 back@


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The coordinates of the vertex to be chamfered.

Group Selection is also available for this function.

Fillet nc_edit_fillet@

Initiates command.

change_radius@ 100.0000

Sets the radius of the arc that is created.

change_minangle@ 75

Sets the minimum angle that can be selected (in degrees).

change_maxangle@ 105

Sets the minimum angle that can be selected (in degrees).

axy@ 3119.3000,4858.3000 back@

The coordinates of the vertex to be filleted.

Group Selection is also available for this function.

Plunge/Extract nc_edit_move_plunge_extract@ axy@ -10.0000,3202.5000 back@

The coordinates denote the new plunge/extraction point.

Segments To Arcs nc_edit_segments_to_arcs@ axy@ 524.3600,2664.7500 back@

Select any point located on the arc that you are converting.

Mill Tab

nc_edit_change_mill_tab@ axy@ 839.5000,4951.6000

The coordinates of the tab that you wish to change.

nc_change_mill_tab@ 1

This changes the tab. The parameter is the ID of the mill tab in the Mill Tab Table.




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change_netname@ axy@ 1625.0000,4325.0000 edit_netname@ «new netname» back@

change_netname@ starts the command, coordinates denote a point on the net selected; edit_netname@ makes the change. Note that new netname is a string.


Change Space Origin edit_chg_orgn@ axy@ 1343.0000,4251.0000 change_origin@ 1343.0000,4251.0000

Edit_chg_orgn@ starts the command. The new space origin is defined by change_origin@.

Change Panel Space Origin edit_chg_orgn@ axy@ 1343.0000,4251.0000 change_origin@ 1343.0000,4251.0000

Edit_chg_orgn@ starts the command. The new space origin is defined by change_origin@. Note that the same macro is used for both the CAM Editor and the Panel Editor. The origin changed depends on the current editor.

Change Grid Origin edit_chg_grdorgn@ axy@ 1560.0000,4390.0000 change_gridorg@ 1560.0000,4390.0000

Edit_chg_grdorgn@ starts the command. The new grid origin is defined by change_gridorg@.

Change Datum Coordinate Origin axy@ 1137.6000,2025.5000

This is the point selected to change.

change_origin@ 1127.6000,2015.5000

This defines the new space origin.

Change Film Box Origin edit_chg_filmboxorgn@ axy@ 1560.0000,4390.0000 setup_filmboxorigin@ 1560.0000,4390.0000

Edit_chg_filmboxorgn@ starts the command. The new grid origin is defined by setup_filmboxorigin@.

Change NC Origin edit_chg_ncorgn@ axy@ 1560.0000,4390.0000 change_ncorigin@ 1560.0000,4390.0000


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Edit_chg_ncorgn@ starts the command. The new grid origin is defined by change_ncorigin@.

Panelization Anchor

see Change > Anchor


change_via@ axy@ 3750.0000,1400.0000 back@ edit_chgpadstk@ #

change_via@ starts the command, the point specified selects the padstack; the new number is assigned.

Group Selection is also available for this function.

Path Direction


Starts the command.

axy@ -1025.0000,2950.0000

Any point on the desired mill path.


When selection is completed, this command executes the function and the paths are changed.


Path Properties


Initiates command.

axy@ 1110.6000,4938.3000

Any point on the desired path.

nc_set_path_toolref@ 3

Reference number of the tool to be assigned to the path (as defined by the Tool Table assigned to the layer).

nc_set_path_pilottoolref@ 2


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Applies to milled paths, circles, or slots only. Reference number of the tool to be used for the pilot holes. If 0, then no pilot holes.

nc_set_path_feedrate@ 33.3333

Applies only to mill paths. The feedrate of the mill tool in user units per second (defined under Settings > Unit).

nc_set_path_text_direction@ 1

Applies only to drilled text. The text direction is 0=Horizontal, 1=Vertical

nc_set_path_text@ «string»

Applies only to drilled text, «string» is the text to be used.

nc_set_path_msg_text@ «string»

Changes the text displayed for the operator message.

nc_set_path_circle_radius@ 466.9614

Changes the radius of a mill or drill circle.

nc_set_path_compensation@ 2,1

Changes the compensation for mill paths.

First parameter: 0=No Compensation 1=Left Compensation 2=Right Comensation

Second parameter: 0=Use tool ID as Compensation Index 1-99=Use given Compensation Index ID

nc_set_circ_inout@ 1

Applies only to mill circles. Defines the circle as Inside or Outside (0=inside, 1=outside).

nc_set_path_type@ 1

Changes the type of path, when the current path is as specified:


Ends command.



Current Change to (type #)

Mill Circle Mill path (1) Drill circle (8)

Drill Circle Mill path (1) Mill circle (7)

Mill Slot Mill path (1) Drill slot (6)

Drill Slot Mill path (1) Mill slot (5)


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axy@ 1325.0000,2100.0000 nc_set_path_compensation@ 1,0 nc_set_path_feedrate@ 5000.0000 back@

Pilot Holes

nc_edit_change_pilot_holes@ axy@ 3590.3000,4845.0000

Initiates command at any point on the mill path you wish to work with.

nc_change_pilotholes@ 2

0=No pilot holes, 1-99=tool reference ID of the tool to be used.


Ends command.

Group Selection is also available for this function.

Pin Number


Initiates command.

axy@ 0.0000,0.0000

The coordinate of the pin being renumbered.

set_pinseq@ «1»

Sets the next number in the pin sequence. By default, the system begins with pin 1 and increases the number each time a coordinate is selected.


edit_pin@ axy@ -175.0000,110.0000 set_pinseq@ «1» axy@ -72.4000,109.4000 ‘Each new axy@ changes pin number to next in sequence: «2», «3», etc. axy@ -26.0000,112.2000 axy@ 26.5000,110.8000 back@


setpolarity@ Value

Sets the draw polarity inside the CAP Editor.

Value : 0=positive, 1=negative.


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change_refdes@ axy@ 2225.0000,4050.0000 edit_refdes@ «newrefdes» back@

change_refdes@ starts the command, coordinates denote a point on the ref/des selected; edit_refdes@ makes the change. Note that new RefDes is a string.


change_sector@ axy@ 1625.0000,4400.0000

Selects the arc/circle to sectorize.

setsectorize@ 1,4500

Sets the sectorization angle. First parameter is fixed. Second is the angle of the sectorization out to two decimal places ( i.e. 4500 = 45 degrees)


Performs the actual change.


change_sector@ axy@ 2423.8000,1729.8000 setsectorize@ 1,1550 edit_sectorize@ back@

Group Selection is also available for this function.


bn_chgstiffener@ axy@ -7.6000,4685.4000 back@

Selects stiffener to change.

edit_chgstiffenerdef@ 1

The parameter is the new ID number of the stiffener.


bn_chgstiffener@ axy@ 632.0000,3389.6000 back@ edit_chgstiffenerdef@ 2 back@


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Symbol Drill

edit_change_symbol_drill@ axy@ -200.0000,50.0000

Changes the drill located in the symbol at the given location.

Select one of the following to set the tool value for the drill:

SymDrlSpecSmallest@ Nth, Set, min/max

Sets the first drill based on the smallest drill in the design. Parameters are:

Nth: sets how far offset from the smallest drill in the table it should be: 0 means smallest, 1 is next to smallest, etc.

Set indicates whether min/max setting is to be used. 0 = no, 1 = yes.

min/max: sets a value for the smallest size the first tool in the sequence can be (i.e. 45 indicates a tool larger than 45 mils must be the first tool in the sequence)

SymDrlSpecLargest@ Nth, Set, min/max

Sets the first drill based on the largest drill in the design. Parameters are:

Nth: sets how far offset from the largest drill in the table it should be: 0 means largest, 1 is one below largest, etc.

Set indicates whether min/max setting is to be used. 0 = no, 1 = yes.

min/max: sets a value for the largest size the first tool in the sequence can be (i.e. 100 indicates a tool no larger than 100 mils must be the first tool in the sequence)

SymDrlSpecToolNum@ Tool Number

Sets the first tool in the sequence based on the ID number of the tool.

SymDrlSpecSizet@ Size

Sets the first tool in the sequence based on the ID number of the tool.

SymSetDrillType@ 1

Sets the drill type to use in the sequence. 0 = Plated, 1 = Unplated.


Makes the change to the drill.


edit_change_symbol_drill@ axy@ -375.0000,-100.0000 SymDrlSpecSmallest@ 0,1,56.0000 SymSetDrillType@ 1 SymDrillEditDo@ back@



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Changing the Content:

There are no macro commands for this function at this time.

Changing the Font: change_text_font@ axy@ 1285.0000,4745.0000

Selects text whose font is to be changed.

change_font@ 2,0,»Arial»

First number is the type of font: 1 = EFN (DownStream Technologies’ Simple font) 2 = True Type 4 = Autocad SHP 8 = Autocad SHX

Second number is the Dcode number. This is always 0 for True Type fonts (True Type fonts are raster polygons).

The last parameter is the face name of the font. If the font type is 1 (EFN), then it can be the filename of the font.

Group Selection is also available for this function.

Changing the Style: change_text_style@ axy@ 1800.0000,4525.0000

Selects text whose style is to be changed.

Font Settings:

Specifies the font to use for the text. May be set prior to or after text settings in the Text Settings section below.

textfont@ «SIMPLE.EFN»

This is used if an EFN font is used. Otherwise, the following command is used:

textfontface@ 2, «Arial»

Specifies a non-EFN font to use. This is the font face name, not a filename.

First number is the type of font: 2=True Type 4=Autocad SHP 8=Autocad SHX

The second parameter is the face name of the font.

Text Settings:

Once the text and font to be changed have been selected, any of the following commands can be issued (in any order) to change the text attributes:

textfullheight@ 100.0000

Sets the full text height, in user units, taking into account characters with descenders (as well as a little additional font-dependent spacing so that lines will not overlap). The old command textheight@, used with version 2.X and earlier, will still function with this macro.


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textcapheight@ 50

Specifies the exact height for the font’s capital letters, in user units. All other characters are based relative to this set height.

Exception: the two macro commands above are mutually exclusive. When used in a macro, each overrides the previous one’s settings for any new text being added.

textangle@ 4500

Angle of the text, times 100 (i.e. 4500 = 45 degrees)

textmirror@ 1

Sets text mirroring state. 0=not mirrored or 1=mirrored

textjust@ 4

Sets the text justification, as follows:

33 = Left Baseline 36 = Center Baseline 34 = Right Baseline 17 = Left Bottom 20 = Center Bottom 18 = Right Bottom 5 = Left Center 4 = Center Center 6 = Right Center 9 = Left Top 12 = Center Top 10 = Right Top

textfitting@ 1

Sets the text as fitted or not. 0=no fit or 1=fit

textcspace@ 20.0000

Sets the character spacing, in user units.

textlspace@ 100.0000

Sets the line spacing, in user units.

textslant@ 0

Text slant is set in degrees times 100. Positive values slant the font to the right, negative values slant it to the left. You can italicize a non-italics font face by specifying a slant angle. (Typical italic font faces are slanted about 10 to 15 degrees.)

textxscale@ 500

Sets a text scale value (times 100). This applies to the width of individual characters. For example, textxscale@ 200 would make each character twice a wide as initially defined, while textxscale@ 50 would make the characters half as wide as initially defined.

textvertical@ 1

Determines if text is displayed vertically. 1=yes or 0=no



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Finalizes the changes made to the text style.


Ends command.


change_text_style@ axy@ -106.1360,571.5170 textfont@ «SIMPLE.EFN» textfullheight@ 30.0000 textangle@ 1500 textvertical@ 0 edit_chgtext_style@ back@

Group Selection is also available for this function.

Changing the Text Style and Contents:

In addition to the commands listed in Changing the Text Style above, the following command allows you to change the text string itself:

edit_chgtext@ «This is new text»

Inserts a new text string, as designated by the parameter, replacing the old one. Finalizes the text style and content changes.


Ends command.


change_text@ axy@ -80.5600,569.2930 textfontface@ 2,»Arial» textangle@ 0 textjust@ 4 edit_chgtext@ «This is a test» back@


nc_edit_change_tool@ axy@ 1612.8000,5373.8000

Any point on the drill or mill that you wish to change the tool for.

nc_change_tool@ 3

The new tool reference ID (as defined in the NC Tool Table).


Ends command.

Group Selection is also available for this function.

Update Part Pins


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Command invokes the Update Part Pins feature.

axy@ 1612.8000,5373.8000

Indicates the coordinates for the selected part.

edit_chgpartpins@ 0

Performs the update itself: 0 = use the selected component’s pin sequence as the template to update the other parts of the same type 1 = use the pin sequence from the part library version of the component to update the other parts


change_partpins@ axy@ 2015.5000,4311.1000 edit_chgpartpins@ 1 back@

Variable Text

Similar to the Change > Text Style & Contents command, but only functions on Variable Text and uses a new command to invoke the changes:

change_variable_text@ axy@ 1800.0000,4525.0000

Initiates command and selects text to change.

Font Settings:

Specifies the font to use for the text. May be set prior to or after text settings in the Text Settings section below.

textfont@ «SIMPLE.EFN»

This is used if an EFN font is used. Otherwise, the following command is used:

textfontface@ 2, «Arial»

Specifies a non-EFN font to use. This is the font face name, not a filename.

First number is the type of font: 2=True Type 4=Autocad SHP 8=Autocad SHX

The second parameter is the face name of the font.

Text Settings:

Once the text and font to be changed have been selected, any of the following commands can be issued (in any order) to change the text attributes:

textfullheight@ 100.0000


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Sets the full text height, in user units, taking into account characters with descenders (as well as a little additional font-dependent spacing so that lines will not overlap). The old command textheight@, used with version 2.X and earlier, will still function with this macro.

textcapheight@ 50

Specifies the exact height for the font’s capital letters, in user units. All other characters are based relative to this set height.

Exception: the two macro commands above are mutually exclusive. When used in a macro, each overrides the previous one’s settings for any new text being added.

textangle@ 4500

Angle of the text, times 100 (i.e. 4500 = 45 degrees)

textmirror@ 1

Sets text mirroring state. 0=not mirrored or 1=mirrored

textjust@ 4

Sets the text justification, as follows:

33 = Left Baseline 36 = Center Baseline 34 = Right Baseline 17 = Left Bottom 20 = Center Bottom 18 = Right Bottom 5 = Left Center 4 = Center Center 6 = Right Center 9 = Left Top 12 = Center Top 10 = Right Top

textfitting@ 1

Sets the text as fitted or not. 0=no fit or 1=fit

textcspace@ 20.0000

Sets the character spacing, in user units.

textlspace@ 100.0000

Sets the line spacing, in user units.

textslant@ 0

Text slant is set in degrees times 100. Positive values slant the font to the right, negative values slant it to the left. You can italicize a non-italics font face by specifying a slant angle. (Typical italic font faces are slanted about 10 to 15 degrees.)

textxscale@ 500

Sets a text scale value (times 100). This applies to the width of individual characters. For example, textxscale@ 200 would make each character twice a wide as initially defined, while textxscale@ 50 would make the characters half as wide as initially defined.

textvertical@ 1


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Determines if text is displayed vertically. 1=yes or 0=no

edit_chgtext_contents@ «This is new text»

Inserts a new text string, as designated by the parameter, replacing the old one.


change_variable_text@ axy@ 25.0000,25.0000 textfont@ «SIMPLE.EFN» textfullheight@ 150.0000 textjust@ 4 edit_chgtext_contents@ «variable test» back@

Group Selection is also available for this function.


setwidth@ Width

Sets the drawing width in either mils or mm.

Group Selection is also available for this function.

Edit > Convert To Polygons


Converts the current custom aperture into polygons. No parameter.

Edit > Copy

edit_copy@ axy@ -150.0000,375.0000 axy@ 50.0000,275.0000 back@

First coordinate is the «copy from» point and the next coordinate is the «copy to» point.

Group Selection is also available for this function.

Check Box & Filter data selection options are available for this function.

Copy Options: setcoplayer@ #,#

The first number is the layer # and the second number is either a 0 (do not copy to this layer) or a 1 (copy


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to this layer).


This must follow the setcoplayer@ command and actually does the copy.

setcopies@ 3

This specifies how many copies to make. The angle and distance are calculated from the first and second copy points.


edit_copy@ setcopies@ 3 edit_selectall2@ setcoplayer@ 3,1 copy_to_layer@ back@

Edit > Delete

Main Delete command. Deletes all selected data.

edit_delete@ axy@ 175.0000,400.0000

Deletes item at specified coordinate.


Required to end the individual or window selection process.

delete_edits@ 4, 1

This comes at the end of the code and performs the actual deletion. The first parameter is 4 to delete everything selected, or 11 to delete just the vertices (as if you were in the Edit > Delete Vertex command). The second parameter is 0 to cancel the operation, or 1 to execute the operation.

Group Selection is also available for this function.

Check Box & Filter data selection options are available for this function.


edit_delete@ edit_group@ axy@ 795.2000,3716.4000 axy@ 3103.8000,1631.8000 seteditvia@ 1 back@ delete_edits@ 4,1 back@

Fixture Probe


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edit_deltfpin@ axy@ 1090.1000,4291.5000 back@

Deletes the selected fixture probe.


edit_delstiffener@ axy@ -67.5000,4692.4000 back@

Deletes the selected stiffener.

Test Point

edit_deltestpt@ axy@ 440.9000,4279.5000 back@

Deletes the selected test point.

Edit > Delete All

Alignment Pins


Removes all alignment pins in database.

Fixture Probes

On Top Fixture: bn_delalltoppins@

Removes all fixture probes on top side fixture.

On Bottom Fixture: bn_delallbotpins@

Removes all fixture probes on bottom side fixture.


On Top Fixture:


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Removes all stiffeners on top side fixture.

On Bottom Fixture: bn_delallbottools@

Removes all stiffeners on bottom side fixture.

Test Points


Removes all test points in database.

Edit > Delete Seg

nc_edit_delete_millseg@ axy@ 3110.4000,3182.9000

The mill path segment defined by the point will be deleted.


Ends command.

Edit > Delete Segment

segment_delete@ axy@ 1400.0000,4625.0000

The segment defined by the point will be deleted.


Ends command.

Edit > Delete Tab

nc_edit_delete_mill_tab@ axy@ 435.6000,3404.9000

The mill tab defined by the point will be deleted.


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Ends command.

Group Selection is also available for this function.

Edit > Delete Vertex

vertex_delete@ axy@ 1450.0000,4150.0000

The vertex defined by the point will be deleted.

Group Selection is also available for this function.

Edit > Delete Vtx

nc_edit_delete_millvtx@ axy@ 1857.2000,3258.5000

The mill vertex defined by the point will be deleted.


Ends command.

Edit > Layers

Add Layers

edit_layer@ Layer#,Drawcolor,Flashcolor,Type,Status,Name$

Creates a new layer in the database.

Parameters are as follows:

Layer# sets the layer number. -2=no change (remember layer numbering in macros starts from 0: i.e. layer 1 = 0).

Drawcolor and Flashcolor set the draw & flash colors to display for the layer:

See Layer Color Codes

Type is the layer type to associate with that layer:


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See Layer Type codes

Status determines the appearance of the layer on screen: 0=on 1=off 2=ref -2=no change

Name$ is the filename of the Gerber file being exported (including the full path). «» =no change (keep old name)

nc_assign_tool_table_to_layer@ LyrID,TableID

When adding an NC layer, you may assign an NC Tool Table assigned to the layer with this command. If the command is not set, the first table in the database (if any exists) is used for the layer.

LyrID: ID of NC Data layer the table is to be assigned to. TableID: Table ID of the NC Tool Table to be assigned to the layer.

See also Tables > Assign > Tool_Table_To_Layer.

nc_set_layer_rank@ LayerId, Rank

Sets the new layer as an NC data layer.

LayerID is the layer number (0 based).

Rank: type of NC layer. 0 = NC Primary, 1 = NC Secondary.


edit_layer@ 8,14,14,2,0,»Layer_9″ ‘creates a negative layer named Layer_9

Add NC Data Layers

nc_add_table@ 1

Adds an NC Tool Table; parameter is the Table ID number. Only necessary if you need to create a new tool table for the layers you are adding.

edit_layer@ Layer#,Drawcolor,Flashcolor,Type,Status,Name$

Creates a new NC layer in the database.

Parameters are as follows:

Layer# sets the layer number. -2=no change (remember layer numbering in macros starts from 0: i.e. layer 1 = 0).

Drawcolor and Flashcolor set the draw & flash colors to display for the layer.

See Layer Color Codes

Type is the layer type to associate with that layer:

See Layer Type codes

Status determines the appearance of the layer on screen:


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0=on 1=off 2=ref -2=no change

Name$ is the filename of the Gerber file being exported (including the full path). «» =no change (keep old name)

nc_assign_tool_table_to_layer@ LyrID,TableID

Assigns the specified NC Tool Table to the specified layer. Note that no checking is done for the existance of the NC Tool Table or that any NC data on the layer will have a valid tool within the newly assigned tool table.

LyrID = ID of NC Data layer the table is to be assigned to.

TableID = Table ID of the NC Tool Table to be assigned to the layer.

nc_set_layer_rank@ LayerId, Rank

Sets the new layer as an NC data layer.

LayerID is the layer number (0 based).

Rank: type of NC layer. 0 = NC Primary, 1 = NC Secondary.


edit_layer@ 11,2,2,21,0,»Layer_12″ ‘creates an NC Data named Layer_12 nc_assign_tool_table_to_layer@ 12,1 ‘Assign tool table 1 to layer 12 nc_set_layer_rank@ 12,1 ‘assign NC Secondary rank


Aligns one layer to another layer. Select an initial point on the target layer, and then a corresponding point on the layer to align to it. It is recommended the alignment point be an object (pad, etc).

It is a good idea to use the Snap command (Z Hot Key) to assure the objects being aligned are selected properly.

layer_align@ axy@ 172.1000,3287.7000 back@

Selects alignment point on target layer.

axy@ 178.5000,1066.6000

Selects point/object on the layer to align.


Ends coordinate selection.


Records if user OK’s the Align Layer confirmation. (Not required for macro to run).


Records if user cancels the Align Layer confirmation. (Not required for macro to run).


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Ends command.


layer_align@ setsnap@ 1 axy@ 225.0000,525.0000 back@ axy@ 1375.0000,1400.0000 back@ back@ layer_alignok@ end@ setsnap@ 0 back@


edit_removelyr@ #

Removes layer designated by #. (remember layer numbering begins at 0. i.e. 0 = layer 1).



Takes all layers, renumbers them sequentially (1, 2, 3, etc.), and compresses spaces in the layers.

Reorder sequence:

Reorders layers using a specific order.


Initializes the reordering of layers (must be first command in sequence).

change_layer_position@ pos%,oldid%,newid%

Pos% is the new position for the layer being reordered (same numbering sequence as the interactive table: 1 to n).

OldID% is the layer number of the layer being reordered.

NewID% is the new number to be assigned to the old layer.


Applies the changes made through change_layer_position@.


init_layer_reorder@ change_layer_position@ 0,0,0 change_layer_position@ 1,8,1 change_layer_position@ 2,2,2 change_layer_position@ 3,4,3


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change_layer_position@ 4,5,4 change_layer_position@ 5,3,5 change_layer_position@ 6,6,6 change_layer_position@ 7,7,7 change_layer_position@ 8,1,8 apply_layer_order@


edit_scale@ lyrID, Target, X#, Y#

Scales a layer by the given X & Y scaling factors.

lyrID is the number of the layer being scaled.

Target is the new layer to add the scaled data to.

X# & Y# are the X,Y scaling factors (displayed as the scaling percentage, times 1000 squared: i.e 50% = 50000000).


edit_scale@ 0,11,80000000,80000000

Snap Drill To Pad

edit_padsnap@ Master,Slave,Snap

Snaps an offset drill to its corresponding pad.

Master is the ID of the Master Lyer (starts at 0 for layer 1)

Slave is the ID of Slave Layer (starts at 0 for layer 1)

Snap is the Snap Distance (maximum distance a drill on the slave layer can be from a pad on the master layer, and be moved)

If you are aligning more than one Slave Layer to the Master Layer, repeat this command for each Slave Layer.


edit_padsnap@ 0,1,2.0000 edit_padsnap@ 0,3,2.0000

Snap Pad To Drill

edit_padsnap@ Master,Slave,Snap

Snaps offset pad to its corresponding drill.

Master is the ID of the Master Lyer (starts at 0 for layer 1)

Slave is the ID of Slave Layer (starts at 0 for layer 1)

Snap is the Snap Distance (maximum distance a pad on the slave layer can be from a drill on the master


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layer, and be moved)

If you are aligning more than one Slave Layer to the Master Layer, repeat this command for each Slave Layer.


edit_padsnap@ 0,1,2.0000 edit_padsnap@ 0,3,2.0000

Snap Pad To Pad

edit_padsnap@ Master,Slave,Snap

Snaps a pad on one layer to a corresponding pad on one or more other layers.

Master is the ID of the Master Lyer (starts at 0 for layer 1)

Slave is the ID of Slave Layer (starts at 0 for layer 1)

Snap is the Snap Distance (maximum distance a pad on the slave layer can be from a pad on the master layer, and be moved)

Tip: If you are aligning more than one Slave Layer to the Master Layer, repeat this command for each Slave Layer.


edit_padsnap@ 0,1,2.0000 edit_padsnap@ 0,3,2.0000

Edit > Line Change

Break At Vtx

break_vertex@ axy@ 1200.0000,6635.0000

Breaks a vertex at the selected point. The first command starts the process, followed by the coordinates of the vertex that is the breaking point.


Chamfers selected vertex or vertices.


Initiates command.

change_backoff@ 90.0000

Sets the Backoff distance.


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change_minangle@ 60

Sets the minimum angle that can be selected (in degrees).

change_maxangle@ 120

Sets the maximum angle that can be selected (in degrees).

axy@ -4100.0000,7025.0000

The coordinates of the vertex to be chamfered.


End command.

Group Selection is also available for this function.


Fillets selected vertex or vertices.


Initiates command.

change_radius@ 100.0000

Sets the radius of the arc that is created.

change_minangle@ 75

Sets the minimum angle that can be selected (in degrees).

change_maxangle@ 105

Sets the minimum angle that can be selected (in degrees).

axy@ 3119.3000,4858.3000

The coordinates of the vertex to be filleted.


End command.

Group Selection is also available for this function.

Join Segments

Joins multiple segments into a continuous line.


Starts the process

axy@ -4519.7000,3158.3000


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axy@ -2980.2000,3793.4000

The coordinates are a point on one of the segments that you are joining. More than one set of coordinates is needed only if more than one set of lines are being joined.

back@ join_ok@

Joins together the selected lines.


Unselects all the selected lines.


Unselects the most recently selected set of lines.


Ends the process.


join_segs@ axy@ -2575.0000,875.0000 back@ join_ok@ back@

Segments To Arcs

Converts segmented acrs to true arcs.

segments_to_arcs@ axy@ -983.6000,6307.1000

Initializes command. Coordinates are a point on the chosen arc.

edit_segments_to_arcs@ 0

Executes the command. The parameter sets the type of arc created from the data:

0=Circumscribed 1=Inscribed 2=Closest


Ends the function.

Group Selection is also available for this function.

Edit > Mirror


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Mirrors data at a given location.


Initiates command.

axy@ -125.0000,400.0000 axy@ -50.0000,375.0000

First coordinate is selection point of data to mirror. Second is the mirror axis placement.

setmirroraxis@ 2

Changes the mirror axis. 1 = vertical, 2 = horizontal

Group Selection is also available for this function.


edit_mirv@ setmirroraxis@ 1 axy@ 2425.0000,2325.0000 axy@ 2425.0000,2325.0000 back@

Edit > Move


Primary command. Moves all selected data.


Moves selected data by given coordinates:

axy@ 0.0000,650.0000 axy@ -300.0000,650.0000 back@

First coordinate is the «move from» point and the next coordinate is the «move to» point.

Group Selection is also available for this function.

Check Box & Filter data selection options are available for this function.

Move Option:

movetolayer@ #

Move to layer function where # is the target layer.


edit_move@ axy@ 1850.0000,2325.0000 axy@ 2700.0000,2325.0000 movetolayer@ 0 back@


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Fixture Probe

edit_movetfpin@ axy@ 893.1000,2953.0000 axy@ 927.1000,3066.3000 back@

Moves fixture probe. First coordinate is the «move from» point and the next coordinate is the «move to» point.

Test Point

edit_movetestpt@ axy@ 1086.7000,4280.5000 axy@ 841.1000,4017.3000 back@

Move test point. First coordinate is the «move from» point and the next coordinate is the «move to» point.

Edit > Move Tab


Initiates move of mill tab.

axy@ 1150.8853,3149.6813

The existing location of the mill tab.

axy@ 747.8541,2865.9871

The new location of the mill tab (must be on a mill path).


Confirms placement of the first tab. Other tabs may be moved by adding their existing X,Y coordinates and new coordinates.


Ends the command.

Edit > Move Vtx



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Initiates move of mill vertex.

axy@ 1875.0000,3250.0000

The existing location of the vertex.

axy@ 1849.5000,3055.0000

The new location of the vertex.


Confirms placement of the first vertex. Other vertices may be moved by adding their existing X,Y coordinates and new coordinates.


Ends the command.

Edit > Move Vtx\Seg

vertex_move@ axy@ 1550.0000,4350.0000 axy@ 1400.0000,4225.0000 back@

Moves a vertex. The first point is the selection handle of the vertex, the second point is the target coordinate.

Group Selection is also available for this function.

Edit > Redo


Restores the previous action removed by the Undo command. May be done several times.

Edit > Reverse Test Points Staggering

bn_stagger@ axy@ 3157.0000,2733.9000 back@

Reverse the test point staggering. Coordinate is any single test point in the group of staggered test points.


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Edit > Rotate


Initiates rotation.

setrot100angle@ 4500

Sets the angle to rotate the item (in 100ths of a degree).

axy@ 245.0000,3338.8000 axy@ 265.0000,3314.8000 back@

Each coordinate is a mouse pick that causes an additional rotation of the specified amount.

Group Selection is also available for this function.

Check Box & Filter data selection options are available for this function.

Rotate Options:

set_derived_dcode@ 42,6,14.2,16,1530,»mycap»

This macro is used to automatically build a custom from an intrinsic aperture that is rotated. The values refer to the original aperture from which the Dcode was derived: Dcode #, shape, xsize, ysize, angle rotated in 100ths of a degree, name of custom aperture. (see Tables Apertures)

Shapes: 0 = None 1 = Round 2 = Square 3 = Rectangle 4 = Target 5 = Thermal 6 = Custom 7 = Donut 8 = Octagon 9 = Oblong

panel_rotate@ 90,1

The first number sets the degree to which the panel is to be rotated, counter-clockwise.

The second number is 0 = no, 1 = yes. If yes, the dimensions of the film box will be «swapped» (X becomes the Y value, and Y becomes the X value).

Edit > Spin Image


Rotate a single step & repeat image in a panel 90 degrees.


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axy@ 0.0000,0.0000

Any point in the step image being rotated. May be repeated to rotate image multiple times.


Ends command.


edit_spin_image@ axy@ 75.0000,4500.0000 axy@ -225.0000,4575.0000 axy@ -300.0000,4300.0000 back@

Edit > Trim Using

Arc — 2-Points


Trims data using a 2 point-arc, as defined by coordinates given below:

axy@ 1016.7000,1855.4000

One end point of the arc used to trim the line segment.

axy@ 1190.9000,1629.2000

The other end point of the arc. The system selects the curve automatically.

axy@ 1018.7000,1699.3000

This is a coordinate on the part of the line segment you are deleting.


Brings you back to the initial edit_trimarc2pt@ command, allowing you to trim another line.


This second back@ command ends the function.

Arc — 3-Points


Trims data using a 3 point-arc, as defined by coordinates given below:

axy@ 948.7000,1821.4000

One end point of the arc used to trim the line segment.


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axy@ 1088.8000,1657.2000

The other end point of the arc.

axy@ 986.7000,1667.3000

The third point that defines the curve of the arc.

axy@ 870.6000,1699.3000

This is a coordinate on the part of the line segment you are deleting.


Brings you back to the initial edit_trimarc3pt@ command, allowing you to trim another line.


This second back@ command ends the function.

Arc — Center-Angle


Trims data using a center/angle-arc, as defined by coordinates given below:

axy@ 646.4000,1803.4000

This is the center-point of the circle used to create the arc.

axy@ 654.4000,1615.2000

Sets the radius of the circle and the clockwise-most end point of the arc

axy@ 778.5000,1855.4000

The other end point of the arc.

axy@ 660.4000,1705.3000

This is a coordinate on the part of the line segment you are deleting.


Brings you back to the initial edit_trimarc@ command, allowing you to trim another line.


This second back@ command ends the function.


There are no macro commands for this feature.



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Trims data using a circle, as defined by coordinates given below:

axy@ 778.5000,1945.5000

The center point of the circle that is used to trim.

axy@ 968.7000,2015.6000

A point that sets the radius of the circle.

axy@ 902.6000,1983.5000

This is a coordinate on the part of the line segment you are deleting.


Brings you back to the initial edit_trimcircle@ command, allowing you to trim another line.


This second back@ command ends the function.



Trims data using a line, as defined by coordinates given below:

axy@ 492.3000,1791.4000 axy@ 624.4000,1795.4000 back@

These are the two end coordinates of the line segment that is used to trim.

axy@ 550.3000,1819.4000

This is a coordinate on the part of the line segment you are deleting.


Brings you back to the initial edit_trimline@ command, allowing you to trim another line.


This second back@ command ends the function.

Edit > Undo


Reverses the previous action or command. May be done several times. (Not available for all commands,


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however — exceptions are usually noted with a warning message).


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Info Menu Macros

Info > Find

Acid Traps

There are no macro commands for this feature.


There are no macro commands for this feature.


setdcode@ 15 update_dcodebar@

Sets Dcode to search for. (same as selecting Dcode in the Tool Bar).


Finds the currently active Dcode.


Ends command.


setdcode@ 19 update_dcodebar@ find_dcode@ back@



Starts the Find DRC command.

find_drctype@ DrcType

Sets the currently defined DRC type, for display in Find DRC.

DrcType is the type of DRC error: 0 = All DRC types 1 = Pad to Pad

Find Query Status

Measure Report

Notes Show


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2 = Track to Pad 3 = Track to Track 4 = Outline clearance 5 = Minimum Track Width 6 = Minimum Pad Width 7 = Redundant Pads 8 = Annular Ring Pad to Mask 9 = Annular Ring Drill to Mask 10 = Annular Ring Drill to Pad 11 = Drills without Pads 12 = Pads without Drills

Other Find DRC Commands: find_drcfirst@

Highlight the First DRC error, based on the current DrcType and visible layers.


Highlight the Next DRC error, based on the current DrcType and visible layers.


Highlight the Previous DRC, error based on the current DrcType and visible layers.


Zoom to and center the currently-highlighted DRC error on the main screen.


Delete the currently-highlighted DRC error flag from the system. The system will automatically highlight the Next DRC error after deleting the current one.


Deletes all the DRC error flags which fit the current DrcType, and are on the currently visible layers.

find_drcmakelayer@ LayerNameStr

Creates a graphical data layer which represents the DRC errors of the current DrcType (and on the visible layers). The Layer name is defined by LayerNameStr (string type containing name of new layer) and will be created on the first new available layer in the layer table.

Drill Errors

There are no macro commands for this feature.

Isolated Connections

There are no macro commands for this feature.

Layer Compare Errors

There are no macro commands for this feature.


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Mill Errors

There are no macro commands for this feature.

Minimum Gaps

There are no macro commands for this feature.

Minimum Widths

There are no macro commands for this feature.


find_net@ findnet@ «NetName» end@

Finds a net by name. NetName is a string representing the net’s name.



Initiates command.

setpadstack@ #

Selects padstack to look for. (remember, like layers, padstack numbering begins at 0. i.e. padstack 17 = #16)


Executes actual search for padstack.

The above two commands may be entered multiple times to find new padstacks.


Ends command.


find_via@ setpadstack@ 2 findcpin@ setpadstack@ 4 findcpin@ end@


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Initializes command.

findpart@ #,»name»

Finds part using given parameters:

# specifies search format : 1 = refdes, 0 = device name

«name» is the ref/des or device name


Closes command.

Part to Part

There are no macro commands for this feature.


find_pin@ findfpin@ «#»

# is the pin number.


Finds a pin number in a part, as designated by the findfpin@ parameter.

Silk to Solder

There are no macro commands for this feature.


There are no macro commands for this feature.

Solder to Trace

There are no macro commands for this feature.

Starved Thermals


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There are no macro commands for this feature.

Step Image


Initializes the command.

change_stepImageId@ #

Selects the image to find, # being the image ID of the step image.


Closes command.


There are no macro commands for this feature.


There are no macro commands for this feature.


There are no macro commands for this feature.

Unprobed Test Points

There are no macro commands for this feature.

Info > Measure

Object to Object

info_measure_obj@ axy@ 1953.0000,3595.0000 axy@ 2199.0000,3908.0000 back@

Measures the distance between two objects. Coordinates specify the first and second object (points may be


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anywhere within the objects being measured).

Note: To query the results of any Measure command, get the strings from the Measure dialog in one comma delimited string using the miscellaneous macro, querystring!.

Point to Point

info_measure_pt@ axy@ 1849.0000,3703.0000 axy@ 2361.0000,4350.0000 back@

Measures the distance between two points, as defined by the axy@ commands.

Net to Net

info_net_pt@ axy@ 1849.0000,3703.0000 axy@ 2361.0000,4350.0000 back@

Measures the distance between two nets, as defined by the axy@ commands.

Info > Notes

Adding a new note: startnote@ «notename»

Adds a note of the given name.

addnoteline@ «text»

Adds associated text to the note.

Deleting a note: deletenote@ «notename»

Deletes the note name and its associated text from the design.

Editing a note: clearnote@ «notename»

Empties the contents of the named note without deleting the note itself.

addnoteline@ «text»

Adds the new text to the note.

Renaming a note: startnote@ «new notename»


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Creates a note with the new name to be used.

copynote@ «old notename»

Copies information from old note to new note.

deletenote@ «old notename»

Removes the old note.

Printing notes: printnote@ «notename»

Prints a note of the given name.


Prints all notes for the current design.

Importing notes: addnotefile@ «filename»

Adds a note that was created with an outside text editor to the note list. The file name is used as the note name.

Exporting notes:

There are no macro commands for this feature.

Info > Query


query_all@ axy@ 1830.0000,4166.0000 back@

Queries any data element at the location given by axy@.

Note: To query the results of any Query command, get the results from the Query dialog in a comma delimited string using the miscellaneous macro, querystring!.


query_dcode@ axy@ 1958.0000,3686.0000 back@

Queries any Dcode at the location given by axy@.



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There are no macro commands for this feature.


query_symbol_drill@ axy@ 200.0000,100.0000 back@

Queries any drill located in a Symbol, at the location given by axy@.

Drill Paths

There are no macro commands for this feature.

Drill Sequence

query_drill_seq@ axy@ 25.0000,50.0000 back@

Queries any Drill Sequence located in a Symbol, at the location given by axy@.

Fixture Probe

query_tfpin@ axy@ 930.1000,2956.9000 back@

Queries any Probe in a Fixture, at the location given by axy@.

Mill Paths

There are no macro commands for this feature.

NC Data

There are no macro commands for this feature.


query_net@ axy@ 1963.0000,3653.0000


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Queries any net at the location given by axy@.


query_via@ axy@ 2004.0000,4196.0000 back@

Queries any padstack at the location given by axy@.


query_part@ axy@ 1832.0000,4171.0000 back@

Queries any Part at the location given by axy@.


query_pin@ axy@ 0.0000,300.0000 axy@ 100.0000,300.0000 back@

Queries any Pin in a Part, at the location given by axy@.

Step Image

query_step_image@ axy@ #,# back@

Queries a step image at the location given by axy@.


query_stiffener@ axy@ 47.7000,4879.2000 back@

Queries any Stiffener at the location given by axy@.



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query_symbol@ axy@ 1832.0000,4171.0000 back@

Queries any Symbol found at coordinate given by axy@ command.


There are no macro commands for this feature.

Test Point


Initiates command.

view_settestpt@ 1

Enables viewing of found test points. 1=enable visibility of test points, 0=disable visibility of test points

axy@ 500.0000,2600.0000 back@

Queries any Test Point, at the location given by axy@.

Note: To query the results of any Query command, get the results from the Query dialog in a comma delimited string using the miscellaneous macro, querystring!.

Info > Report

Acid Traps

report_acidtraps@ report_acidtraps_save@ 0,0,»d:\dev\testdata\test.rpt»

Saves report to designated file path.

report_acidtraps_print@ 0,0

Prints report.

For the save and print functions, the First parameter specifies the type of report: 0=All acid trap data (second parameter is ignored) 1=Acid trap data for all layers (second parameter is ignored) 2=Acid trap data for all layers that are ON (second parameter is ignored) 3=Acid trap data for all composites (second parameter is ignored) 4=Acid trap data for one layer (the second parameter is the layer number—starts at 0) 5=Acid trap data for one composite (second parameter is the composite ID—starts at 0)

Second parameter identifies the layer or composite to be printed or saved (if first parameter is set to 4 or 5): number is layer number or composite ID number.


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report_bom@ report_bom_save@ «d:\dev\testdata\test.rpt» report_bom_print@

Lists the current bill of materials (or parts list) in the design. Save command saves the report to the filename designated.


report_solderbridges@ report_solder_bridges_save@ 0,0,»d:\dev\testdata\test.rpt» report_solder_bridges_print@ 0,0

For the save and print functions, the first parameter specifies the type of report: 0=All bridge data (second parameter is ignored) 1=Bridge data for all layers (second parameter is ignored) 2=Bridge data for all layers that are ON (second parameter is ignored) 3=Bridge data for all composites (second parameter is ignored) 4=Bridge data for one layer (the second parameter is the layer number—starts at 0) 5=Bridge data for one composite (second parameter is the composite ID—starts at 0)

Second parameter identifies the layer or composite to be printed or saved (if first parameter is set to 4 or 5): number is layer number or composite ID number.



Initiates command.

create_centroid_layer@ #

Creates a new graphic layer, displaying all part centroid locations (layer is automatically assigned to next new layer in table).

report_place_save@ #,»d:\dev\testdata\test.rpt»

Saves report to given filename.

report_place_print@ #

Prints report.

For the Create, Save, and Print functions, the following parameter # applies: 0=do not report step and repeated component centroids 1=report step and repeated component centroids



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report_dcode@ report_dcode_save@ 1,0,0,»d:\dev\testdata\test.rpt» report_dcode_print@ 1,0,0

For both Save and Print functions:

First parameter is the layer ID (starts at 0)

For the second parameter, 0=All Layers, 1=Only ON Layers

For the third parameter, 0=All Dcodes, 1=Only Undefined Dcodes

For the fourth parameter (save only) this is the filename you want the report saved under.


report_drc_print@ DRC Check, Layer Control, Layer Id

Prints only the errors for the DRC Check specified in the command (see parameters below).

report_drc_save@ DRC Check, Layer Control, Layer Id, File Name

Saves only the errors for the DRC Check specified by the command (see parameters below).

report_drc_print_all@ Layer Control, Layer Id

Prints ALL DRC errors in the design. (see parameters below)

report_drc_save_all@ Layer Control, Layer Id, File Name

Saves ALL DRC errors in the design. (see parameters below)

Parameters for these commands are as follows:

DRC Check is the specific check to generate the report for: 0=Track to Track 1=Track to Pad 2=Pad to Pad 3=Outline 4=Minimum Track 5=Minimum Pad 6=Redundant Pad 7=Pad to Mask Annular Ring Check 8=Drill to Mask Annular Ring Check 9=Drill to Pad Annular Ring Check 10=Drills without Pads 11=Pads without Drills 12=Drill to Track

Layer Control specifies the layers for which errors will appear in the saved or printed report: 0=All layers 1=All ON Layers 2=Specific Layer

Layer Id is the specific layer to save/print errors for (only relevant when Layer Control is 2).

File Name is the name of file to save report to.

Drill Errors


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report_drill_errors@ report_drill_errors_save@ 0,0,»d:\dev\blindbur.rpt»

Saves report to designated file path. (See Below.)

report_drill_errors_print@ 0,0

Prints report.

For the save and print functions, the First parameter specifies the type of report: 0 & 1=All data in drill error list (second parameter is ignored) 2=Drill errors for all NC layers that are ON (second parameter is ignored) 4=Data for the NC layer (specified by the second parameter)

Second parameter is the Layer ID (used only when report type is 4)

Layer Compare

report_layercompare@ report_layer_compare_save@ 0,0,»c:\help\act_dev\dev\test.rpt»

Saves report to designated file path. (See Below.)

report_layer_compare_print@ 0,0

Prints report.

For the save and print functions, the first parameter specifies the type of report: 0=All layer compare data (second parameter is ignored) 1=Layer compare data for all layers (second parameter is ignored) 2=Layer compare for all layers that are ON (second parameter is ignored) 4=Layer compare data for one layer (the second parameter is the layer number—starts at 0)

Second parameter is the Layer ID (used only when report type is 4)

Third parameter in the save function is the report file name.

Mill Errors

report_mill_errors@ report_mill_errors_save@ 0,0,»d:\dev\blindbur.rpt»

Saves report to designated file path. (See Below.)

report_mill_errors_print@ 0,0

Prints report.

For the save and print functions, the first parameter is the type of report: 0 & 1=All data in mill error list (second parameter is ignored) 2=Mill errors for all NC layers that are ON (second parameter is ignored) 4=Data for the NC layer (specified by the second parameter)


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Second parameter is the Layer ID (used only when report type is 4)

Minimum Gaps


Initiates command.

report_mingaps_save@ 0,0,»d:\dev\testdata\test.rpt»

Saves report to given filename. (See below.)

report_mingaps_print@ 0,0

Prints report.

For the save and print functions, the first parameter specifies the type of report: 0=All sliver data (second parameter is ignored) 1=Minimum Gap data for all layers (second parameter is ignored) 2=Minimum Gap data for all layers that are ON (second parameter is ignored) 3=Minimum Gap data for all composites (second parameter is ignored) 4=Minimum Gap data for one layer (the second parameter is the layer number—starts at 0) 5=Minimum Gap data for one composite (second parameter is the composite ID—starts at 0)

Second parameter is the layer or composite ID number (if first parameter is set to 4 or 5)

Minimum Widths


Initiates command.

report_minwidths_save@ 0,0,»d:\dev\testdata\test.rpt»

Saves report to given filename. (See below.)

report_minwidths_print@ 0,0

Prints report.

For the save and print functions, the first parameter specifies the type of report: 0=All sliver data (second parameter is ignored) 1=Minimum Widths data for all layers (second parameter is ignored) 2=Minimum Widths data for all layers that are ON (second parameter is ignored) 3=Minimum Widths data for all composites (second parameter is ignored) 4=Minimum Widths data for one layer (the second parameter is the layer number—starts at 0) 5=Minimum Widths data for one composite (second parameter is the composite ID—starts at 0)

Second parameter is the layer or composite ID number (if first parameter is set to 4 or 5)

NC Tool


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Initiates the command.

nc_sort_table@ tblID, sort_field, sort_direction

Sorts the tool table by the value selected.

tblID is the ID Number of the NC Tool Table that is to be sorted.

sort_field is the tool value to base the sort on. There are three options: 0 = Tool Number 1 = Tool Size 2 = Tool Export Order

sort_direction determines the method of sorting the values selected in sort_field (either increasing or decreasing): 0 = Decreasing (n .. 1) 1 = Increasing (1 .. n)

report_nc_tool_print@ lyrID,tblID

Prints the report.

lyrID sets the drill layer number (starts at 0). -1=All layers using the specified Tool Table.

tblID sets the table ID number to use. 0=All tables

report_nctool_save@ lyrID,tblID,Filename$

Saves the NC Tool report.

lyrID sets the drill layer number (starts at 0). -1=All layers using the specified Tool Table.

tblID sets the table ID number to use. 0=All tables

Filename$ specifies the name and path the report is to be saved under.


report_nctool@ nc_sort_table@ 1,1,1 nc_sort_table@ 1,1,0 report_nctool_print@ 30,1 report_nctool_save@ 30,1,»d:\temp\test.rpt»


report_net@ report_net_save@ 1, Filename report_net_print@ 1

The first parameter for the save and print function sets the netlist type: 1 = report the RefDes/Pin#, or 2 = report Coordinates.

Filename is the name of the report you wish to save, including full path.

Part to Part


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report_part2part@ report_part2part_errors_print@ Type, LyrID

Prints report. (See Below)

report_part2part_errors_save@ Type, LyrID, Filename

Saves report.

For the save and print functions, the Type parameter specifies the type of report: 0=All Part to Part data (LyrID parameter is ignored) 1=Part to Part data for all layers (LyrID parameter is ignored) 2=Part to Part data for all ON layers only (LyrID parameter is ignored) 4=Part to Part data for Top or Bottom side parts (must specify layer number of either the Top or Bottom layer)

LyrID parameter is the layer number errors occur on (used only when report type is 2 & 4)

Filename parameter in the save function is the report file name (save only).



Initiates command.

panelcopper@ Resolution, Scan Box, Drill, Board

Calculates copper area of the panel to display in the final report, given these parameters:

Resolution is the smallest resolution level to check copper.

Scan Box is the size of the scanning area used, smaller settings is more accurate, but takes longer to process.

Drill specifies if plated copper in drilled thru holes should be calculated (1=yes,0=no)

Board is thickness of board (used to calculate plated thru hole copper).

(functions similar to Analysis > Copper Area)


Prints report.

report_panel_save@ Filename

Saves report. Filename is the name of the report you wish to save, including full path.

Pin Holes


Initiates command.


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report_pinhole_errors_save@ 0,0,Filename

Saves report. (See Below.)

report_pinhole_errors_print@ 0,0

Prints report.

For the save and print functions, the first parameter specifies the type of report: 0=All Pin Hole data (second parameter is ignored) 1=Pin Hole data for all layers (second parameter is ignored) 2=Pin Hole data for all layers that are ON (second parameter is ignored) 4=Pin Hole data for one layer (the second parameter is the layer number—starts at 0) 5=Pin Holedata for one composite (second parameter is the composite ID—starts at 0)

Second parameter is the Layer ID (used only when report type is 4)

Third parameter in the save function is the report file name.

Silk to Solder


Initiates command.

report_silk_errors_save@ Type, LyrID

Saves report. (See Below.)

report_silk_errors_print@ Type, LyrID, Filename

Prints report.

For the save and print functions, the Type parameter specifies the type of report: 0=All Silk to Solder data (LyrID parameter is ignored) 1=Silk to Solder data for all layers (LyrID parameter is ignored) 2=Silk to Solder data for all ON layers only (LyrID parameter is ignored) 4=Silk to Solder data for a specific solder mask layer (must specify layer number) LyrID parameter is the layer number errors occur on (used only when report type is 2 or 4) Filename parameter in the save function is the report file name (save only).



Initiates command.

report_slivers_save@ 0,0,»d:\dev\testdata\test.rpt»

Saves report to given filename. (See below.)

report_slivers_print@ 0,0

Prints report.

For the save and print functions, the first parameter specifies the type of report: 0=All sliver data (second parameter is ignored)


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1=Sliver data for all layers (second parameter is ignored) 2=Sliver data for all layers that are ON (second parameter is ignored) 3=Sliver data for all composites (second parameter is ignored) 4=Sliver data for one layer (the second parameter is the layer number—starts at 0) 5=Sliver data for one composite (second parameter is the composite ID—starts at 0)

Second parameter is the layer or composite ID number (if first parameter is set to 4 or 5)

Solder to Trace


Initiates command.

report_sold_errors_save@ Type,LyrID,Filename

Saves report. (See below.)

report_sold_errors_print@ Type,LyrID

Prints report.

For the save and print functions, the Type parameter specifies the type of report: 0=All Solder to Trace data (LyrID parameter is ignored) 1=Solder to Trace data for all layers (LyrID parameter is ignored) 2=Solder to Trace data for all ON layers only (LyrID parameter is ignored) 4=Solder to Trace data for a specific solder mask layer (must specify layer number)

LyrID parameter is the layer number errors occur on (used only when report type is 2 or 4)

Filename parameter in the save function is the report file name (save only).

Starved Thermals

report_starved_thermals@ report_starved_thermals_save@ 0,0,»d:\dev\testdata\test.rpt»

Saves report to designated file path. (See below.)

report_starved_thermals_print@ 0,0

Prints report.

For the save and print functions, the first parameter specifies the type of report: 0=All starved thermal data (second parameter is ignored) 1=Starved thermal data for all layers (second parameter is ignored) 2=Starved thermal data for all layers that are ON (second parameter is ignored) 3=Starved thermal data for all composites (second parameter is ignored) 4=Starved thermal data for one layer (the second parameter is the layer number—starts at 0) 5=Starved thermal data for one composite (second parameter is the composite ID—starts at 0)

Second parameter is the layer or composite ID number (if first parameter is set to 4 or 5)



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Initiates command.

report_symbol_save@ Filename

Saves report. Filename is the name of the report you wish to save, including full path.


Prints reports.

Test Point


Initiates command.

report_testpt_save@ «d:\act_inc\testdata\test.rpt»

Saves report. Filename is the name of the report you wish to save, including full path.


Prints reports.

Info > Show

Drill Machine Moves

There are no macro commands for this feature.

Mill Machine Moves

There are no macro commands for this feature.

Set Park Locations

Drill Machine: nc_set_drill_start@ 500.0000,600.0000 nc_set_drill_end@ 700.0000,800.0000

Mill Machine: nc_set_mill_start@ 900.0000,100.0000 nc_set_mill_end@ 110.0000,120.0000

Sets park location of NC machines. Parameters for either set of commands are the distances in the X and Y


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direction. Measurement is in User Units (defined under Settings > Unit). If English value is in mils, if Metric in mm.

Info > Status

There are no macro commands for this feature.


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Macro Menu Macros

Macro > Absolute

There are no macro commands for this feature.

Macro > Assign

Function Keys

There are no macro commands for this feature.

Menu Items

There are no macro commands for this feature.

Macro > Clear Markers


Removes all visible markers from the display.

Macro > Debug

See BASIC Debugging Commands

Macro > Edit

Absolute Edit Record Settings

Assign Play Relative

Clear Markers Record Setup Printer

Debug Record Comment Stop


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There are no macro commands for this feature.

Macro > Play

There are no macro commands for this feature.

Macro > Record

There are no macro commands for this feature.

Macro > Record Comment

There are no macro commands for this feature.

Macro > Record Settings

There are no macro commands for this feature.

Macro > Relative

There are no macro commands for this feature.


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Macro > Setup Printer

There are no macro commands for this feature.

Macro > Stop

There are no macro commands for this feature.


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Panelization Menu Macros

Panelization > Setup


set_panel_dimensions@ <Panel Dimension X>, <Panel Dimension Y> set_panel_dimensions@ 12000.0,10000.0

Maximum X and Y dimension of the panel.

set_panel_border_spacing@ <Left>, <Top>, <Right>, <Bottom> set_panel_border_spacing@ 1000.0,1000.0,1000.0,1000.0

Panel border to Image spacing for each side of the panel border.

set_minimum_image_spacing@ <x>, <y> set_minimum_image_spacing@ 500.0,500.0

Minimum X and Y spacing between panel Images.


add_panel_symbol@ <assigned id (set to zero for default)>,<symbol name> add_panel_symbol@ 1,»DF1″

Add a panel symbol instance based on symbol name and makes it available for placement in the panel. The symbol ID is assigned for symbol instance reference. The symbol ID is used to make a symbol instance active for operation by associated macros that work with symbol instances.

alternate commands for add_panel_symbol@:


openlibitem@ <assigned id (set to zero for default)>,<symbol name> openlibitem@ 3,»Title1″

del_panel_symbol@ <assigned id> del_panel_symbol@ 1

Deletes a symbol instance from a panel by symbol ID.


Deletes all symbol instances for a panel.

edit_panel_symbol@ <assigned id> edit_panel_symbol@ 1

Make a symbol instance active for successive operation.

Setup Venting

Create Panel Border To Layer


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set_panel_symbol_loc@ <x>, <y>, <Horizontal Offset (0=Left,1=Center,2=Right)>, <Vertical Offset (0=Bottom, 1=Center, 2=Top)>

set_panel_symbol_loc@ 0.0,0.0,2,0

For the active symbol instance, set a symbol instance placement and justification with respect to the panel border.

set_panel_coupoon_angle@ <angle (degree * 100)> set_panel_coupoon_angle@ 0

For the active symbol instance, set a symbol instance rotation. This can only be multiples of 90 degrees.

set_panel_symbol_ncrank@ <NC rank (0=NC_PRIMARY, 1=NC_SECONDARY)> set_panel_symbol_ncrank@ 0

For the active symbol instance, set the associated NC ranking (drill layer association).

Panelization > Create


set_panel_image_rotation@ <rotation code for active image (0,1,2,3: 0,90,180,270)> set_panel_image_rotation@ 1

For the Create dialog in auto-calculation mode, set the rotation code for all Images on the panel.

set_panel_image_spacing@ <x>, <y> set_panel_image_spacing@ 500.0,500.0

For the Create dialog in auto-calculation mode, set the minimum x and y Image spacing for the panel.

set_panel_image_copies@ <number of x steps> <number of y steps>

For the Create dialog in auto-calculation mode, set the number of x Image steps and the number of y Image steps for the panel.

set_panel_use_spacebetween@ <image spacing: 0=between images,1=origin offsets> set_panel_use_spacebetween@ 1

For the Create dialog in auto-calculation mode, set the auto calculation spacing mode: “0” means that the spacing is the distance between Images, and “1” means that the spacing is the difference in the Image offsets.

set_panel_compute_copies@ <compute x and y steps, 0=manual only, 1=automatic> set_panel_compute_copies@ 1

For the Create dialog in auto-calculation mode, set the auto calculation mode for copies (x steps and y steps): “0” means that the number of copies is manually specified, and “1” means that the copies are automatically calculated.

set_panel_use_autocalc@ <creation mode: 0=spreadsheet,1=autocalc mode> set_panel_use_autocalc@ 1

For the Create dialog, set the auto calculation mode for panel creation: “0” means that the spreadsheet dialog settings are used, and “1” means that the auto-calculation dialog settings are used.


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Performs panel creation based on auto-calculation or spreadsheet settings.



Refreshes placement in panel of all symbol instances based on current symbol placement information.

add_panel_image@ <assigned id>, <x>, <y>,<angle (degree * 100)> add_panel_image@ 1,4000.0,800.0,9000

Adds an Image to the panel with the specified placement and assigned ID. The ID is used to identify the Image instance in future Image operations.

del_panel_image@ <assigned id> del_panel_image@ 1

Deletes an Image from the panel based on Image ID.


Deletes all Images on the panel.

edit_panel_image@ <assigned id>, <x>, <y>,<angle (degree * 100)> edit_panel_image@ 1,2000.0,800.0,9000

Sets the placement location and rotation for an Image based on Image ID.

Panelization > Venting


add_panel_vent@ <name string> add_panel_vent@ «Vent_001»

Adds a venting definition by name.

del_panel_vent@ <name string> del_panel_vent@ «Vent_001»

Deletes a venting definition by name.


Deletes all venting definitions for the panel.

edit_panel_vent@ <name string> edit_panel_vent@ «Vent_001»

Sets the active venting definition by name.

add_panel_vent_layer@ <layer id> add_panel_vent_layer@ 1

Adds a layer to the active venting definition. The layer ID is the layer number minus one.


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del_panel_vent_layer@ <layer id> del_panel_vent_layer@ 1

Deletes a layer from the active venting definition. The layer ID is the layer number minus one.


Deletes all layers from the active venting definition.

set_panel_vent_offsetfromedge@ <offset> set_panel_vent_offsetfromedge@ 200.0

Sets the venting clearance from the panel border for the active venting definition.

set_panel_vent_offsetfromimages@ <offset> set_panel_vent_offsetfromimages@ 200.0

Sets the venting clearance from the Images for the active venting definition.

set_panel_vent_offsetfromsymbols@ <offset> set_panel_vent_offsetfromsymbols@ 200.0

Sets the venting clearance from the symbols for the active venting definition.

set_panel_vent_galvanicwidth@ <width> set_panel_vent_galvanicwidth@ 0.0

For solid venting patterns only, sets the robber bar (galvanic) width which is drawn around all the Images for the active venting definition.

set_panel_vent_patternoffsets@ <x> <y> set_panel_vent_patternoffsets@ 0.0,0.0

Set the placement offset from the panel origin for the active venting definition.

set_panel_vent_galvanic@ <robber bar mode, 0=Disabled, 1=Enabled> set_panel_vent_galvanic@ 0

For solid venting patterns only, sets the robber bar (galvanic) mode for the active venting definition. If enabled, the robber bar will be drawn

set_panel_vent_offsetpattern@ <pattern offset mode, 0=Disabled, 1=Enabled> set_panel_vent_offsetpattern@ 0

Sets the placement offset mode for the active venting definition.

set_panel_vent_outline@ <hatch outline mode, 0=Disabled, 1=Enabled> set_panel_vent_outline@ 0

For hatch venting patterns only, sets the hatch outline mode for the active venting definition. If enabled, an outline is drawn for the outer edges and voids for the hatched venting pattern.

set_panel_vent_nopartials@ <dot pattern partials mode, 0=Partials allows,1=No Partials> set_panel_vent_nopartials@ 0

For dot venting patterns only, sets the partial pattern mode for the active venting definition. If enabled, partial patterns will be rendered.

set_panel_vent_polarity@ <dot/hatch polarity, 0=Positive, 1=Negative> set_panel_vent_polarity@ 0

For dot and hatch venting patterns only, sets the polarity for the rendering of the active venting definition.


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set_panel_vent_pattern@ <pattern code, 0=Solid, 1=Dot, 2=Hatch> set_panel_vent_pattern@ 0

Set the pattern style for the active venting definition.

set_panel_dotpatternline@ <line index,0 or 1>,<shape,1=Round,2=Square> <width> <X Step> <X Offset> set_panel_dotpatternline@ 0,1,60.0,120.0,0.0

For dot venting patterns only, set the line shape for the first or second lines of the dot pattern definition for the active venting definition.

set_panel_dotpatternlineenable@ <line index,0 or 1>, <line enable mode, 0=Disabled, 1=Enabled> set_panel_dotpatternlineenable@ 0,1

For dot venting patterns only, set the enabled status for the first and second lines of the dot pattern definition for the active venting definition.

set_panel_dotpatternystep@ <y step for dot lines> set_panel_dotpatternystep@ 120.0

For dot venting patterns only, set the y step distance for the delta in dots between the first and second lines of the dot pattern for the active venting definition.

set_panel_hatchpatternline@ <line index,0,1 or 2>, <line enable mode, 0=Disabled, 1=Enabled>,<line width>, <step size>, <hatch angle,0,45,90,135> set_panel_hatchpatternline@ 1,1,10.0,100.0,4500

For hatch venting patterns only, set the line characteristics for the three lines used to define the hatch. The line index uniquely identifies each line in the hatch pattern. The enable status indicates whether that line is rendered. The line width defines the width used for the line rendering. The step size defines the delta between the hatch patterns. The angle determine the angle at which the line is rendered.


Refreshes all venting graphics based on current venting definition settings.

Panelization > Panel Border To Layer

Border2LayerPanel_Set_Data@ Dcode#, Layer#, <0=Don’t include One-Up Borders, 1=Include One-Up Borders>

Specifies the Panel Border settings to run on the border data and initiates the command:

Dcode#: Dcode to use for rendering the converted panel border graphics.

Layer#: layer to which the border data is converted. May be existing layer, or new layer. Specify 35000 if new layer.

Boolean: determines whether One-Up Borders for Stepped Images are included in the conversion.



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For new layer without One-Up Borders

Border2LayerPanel_Set_Data@ 1,35000,0

For existing layer with One-Up Borders

Border2LayerPanel_Set_Data@ 1,12,1


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Settings Menu Macros

Settings > Arc/Circle

setsectorize@ 1,4500

Determines if arcs & circles are to be created as true arcs or sectorized data.

First parameter sets type: 0 = Circular interpolation, 1 = Sectorize

If sectorized, the second number is the sector degrees.

set_polygon_sectorize_angle@ #

Sets the sectorization angle for pouring polygons around circular pads.

# is the sectorization angle times 100 (10 degrees would be 1000)

Settings > Line

setwidth@ 10.0000

Sets the width of the line being added (in user units).

setpolarity@ #

Sets the polarity of the data being added: 0=Positive, 2=Negative

setendcap@ #

Sets the endcap style to use when adding lines in the editor: 128=Round, 0=Not Round

Settings > Snap

setsnapdist@ #

Sets the size of the snap box around the cursor. #=Snap Size (an integer from 5 to 100).

Arc/Circle Text

Line Unit

Snap View Options


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setsnap@ #

Determines if snap will snap to objects: 1=Snap Object, 0=Do Not Snap Object

Settings > Text

Font Settings:

Specifies the font to use for text. May be set prior to or after text settings in the Text Settings section below.

textfont@ «SIMPLE.EFN»

This is used if an EFN font is used. Otherwise, the following command is used:

textfontface@ 2, «Arial»

Specifies a non-EFN font to use. This is the font face name, not a filename.

First number is the type of font: 2=True Type 4=Autocad SHP 8=Autocad SHX

The second parameter is the face name of the font.

Text Settings:

Once the text and font to be changed have been selected, any of the following commands can be issued (in any order) to change the text attributes:

textfullheight@ 100.0000

Sets the full text height, in user units, taking into account characters with descenders (as well as a little additional font-dependent spacing so that lines will not overlap). The old command textheight@, used with version 2.X and earlier, will still function with this macro.

textcapheight@ 50

Specifies the exact height for the font’s capital letters, in user units. All other characters are based relative to this set height.

Note: The above two macro commands are mutually exclusive. When used in a macro, each overrides the previous one’s settings for any new text being added.

textangle@ 4500

Angle of the text, times 100 (i.e. 4500 = 45 degrees)

textmirror@ 1

Sets text mirroring state. 0=not mirrored or 1=mirrored

textjust@ 4

Sets the text justification, as follows:


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33 = Left Baseline 36 = Center Baseline 34 = Right Baseline 17 = Left Bottom 20 = Center Bottom 18 = Right Bottom 5 = Left Center 4 = Center Center 6 = Right Center 9 = Left Top 12 = Center Top 10 = Right Top

textfitting@ 1

Sets the text as fitted or not. 0=no fit or 1=fit

textcspace@ 20.0000

Sets the character spacing, in user units.

textlspace@ 100.0000

Sets the line spacing, in user units.

textslant@ 0

Text slant is set in degrees times 100. Positive values slant the font to the right, negative values slant it to the left. You can italicize a non-italics font face by specifying a slant angle. (Typical italic font faces are slanted about 10 to 15 degrees.)

textxscale@ 500

Sets a text scale value (times 100). This applies to the width of individual characters. For example, textxscale@ 200 would make each character twice a wide as initially defined, while textxscale@ 50 would make the characters half as wide as initially defined.

textvertical@ 1

Determines if text is displayed vertically. 1=yes or 0=no


textfullheight@ 50.0000 textangle@ 0 textmirror@ 0 textjust@ 33 textfitting@ 0 textcspace@ 0.0000 textlspace@ 50.0000 textslant@ 0 textxscale@ 100 textvertical@ 0 textfontface@ 2,»Algerian»

Settings > Unit


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setunit@ 1

Sets user units (0=English, 1=Metric)

setresolution@ 100

Sets the resolution for the current units.


setunit@ 0 update_dcodebar@ update_buttonbars@ setresolution@ 100 update_dcodebar@

Settings > View Options

view_minrepaint@ #

Display graphics as changes are made: 0 = minimize repaint, 1 = show repaint.

view_nc_annotate_mill@ Annotate view_nc_annotate_drill@ Annotate

These commands determine whether user can see mill or drill paths. May be set in any Editor, but will only appear in the NC Editor.

Annotate parameter indicates whether or not the NC path annotation should be drawn: 0 = Annotation OFF, 1 = Annotation ON

view_panel@ #

View panel circuit images, rather than step image outlines, when in the Panel Editor: 0 = do not show all panel images, 1 = show panel images.

view_setpartcentroid@ #

View part centroids: 0 = do not show part centroids, 1 = show part centroids.

view_setmrgedb@ #

View any merged databases in the design: 0 = do not show all merged PCB graphics, 1 = show merged PCB graphics.

view_setpstkmarker@ #

Display padstack markers (‘+’ symbol over each padstack): 0 = do not show the padstack markers, 1 = show padstack markers.

view_setpartoutlinetop@ #

Defines how part outlines for components on the top of the board are displayed (shown as solid lines):

0 = Do not display top part outlines. 1 = Display top part outlines before graphical data (outlines are drawn first, so they appear beneath layers)


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2 = Display top part outlines after graphical data (outlines are drawn last, so they appear on top of layers)

view_setpartoutlinebottom@ #

Defines how part outlines for components on the bottom of the board are displayed (shown as dashed lines):

0 = Do not display bottom part outlines. 1 = Display bottom part outlines before graphical data (outlines are drawn first, so they appear beneath layers) 2 = Display bottom part outlines after graphical data (outlines are drawn last, so they appear on top of layers)

view_setpartoutline@ #

Invokes both the view_setpartoutlinetop@ and view_setpartoutlinebottom commands.

0 = Do not show any part outlines. 1 = Display all part outlines before graphical data (outlines are drawn first, so they appear beneath layers) 2 = Display all part outlines after graphical data (outlines are drawn first, so they appear beneath layers)

view_settoptestpt@ 1

Display test points for the top layer on the design: 0 = do not show, 1=show.

view_setbottestpt@ 1

Display test points for the bottom layer on the design: 0 = do not show, 1=show.

view_setthrutestpt@ 1

Display through hole test points: 0 = do not show , 1=show.

When setting the View Options selection «Apply Settings to All Editors» you must switch on each option individually, using the commands listed below. They function the same as their corresponding commands above (which do not include the _all ), but set the view options for all Editors for which they are available. Once set, these options do not need to be set for each individual editor.

Note: The NC Data Annotation commands do not have a corresponding _all command (as they only apply to the NC Editor), and should be set as shown above.

view_minrepaint_all@ view_setpartcentroid_all@ view_setmrgedb_all@ view_panel_all@ view_setpstkmarker_all@ view_settoptestpt_all@ view_setbottestpt_all@ view_setthrutestpt_all@ view_setpartoutlinetop_all@ view_setpartoutlinebottom_all@


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Tables Menu Macros

Tables > Apertures

Note: Due to the inclusion of new intrinsic apertures, new macro commands were added to support the expanded parameters which these apertures can contain. The edit_aperture@ command has been maintained for compatibility with older scripts, but all new scripts should utilize the new set_aperture@ and del_aperture@ macro commands, as outlined below.

Old Macro edit_aperture@ 71,1,100.0000,100.0000,71,»»

Dcode #, Shape, Size, Swap, Custom name (if its a custom).

Shapes: 0 = None 1 = Round 2 = Square 3 = Rectangle 4 = Target 5 = Thermal 6 = Custom 7 = Donut 8 = Octagon 9 = Oblong

New Macros lib_setextlib@ Type, Id, Merge, «Filename»

Sets the external library to select Custom apertures. Only required when adding custom apertures from an external library.

Type is the type of library: 1=cap, 2=part, 3=symbol.

Id is the source of the library: 0=system (filename parameter is ignored), 1=external.

Merge determines if current library should be replaced: 0=overwrite, 1=merge.

Filename : Name of external library to load.

set_aperture@ Dcode#, «Type <Subtype> Key:nnn…»

Actual command to Create or Modify an aperture. This command utilizes a string field to specify the parameters for each aperture:

Dcode#: defines the number of the aperture.

Apertures Fixture Drills NC Tool Tables

Assign Tool Table To Layer Footprint Attributes New NC Tool Table

Board Attributes GenCAD Devices Padstacks

Composites Layer Sets Variable Text

Define Mill Tabs Layers

Delete NC Tool Table Layers Mapping


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Type: specifies the main aperture shape to use. See the Aperture Chart for a list.

<Subtype>: defines the sub-shape for those apertures with multiple formats.

Key: describes each parameter which is required for the aperture shape, followed by a colon

n: a real number describing the value associated with that parameter.

Each type and subtype of aperture may have multiple parameters. For this reason it is advisable to refer to the Aperture Chart for the parameters associated with each, before attempting to use them in a script. (Parameter code letters are highlighted in maroon). Generally the first parameter for each shape is a required field — other parameters definitions will use a default value — except in the cases where the shape has multiple dimension parameters (ex: w width is a required parameter for a Round, but h height or w width may serve as the required parameter for a Diamond). The only exception to this is the Moire shape, which requires parameter le (line length)Multiple parameters can be entered in one aperture definition string. Each parameter must be separated from the others by a space.


set_aperture@ 100,»Butterfly Sq s:100.0 a:34.000000″ del_aperture@ Dcode#

Deletes the specified aperture.

Dcode #: the number of the aperture to be deleted.


Required to update the tool bar after adding/deleting dcodes.


Pushes all of the aperture definitions (as opposed to the ones which are unused, indicated by [None]) to the top of the aperture table. All Dcode references in the database will be replaced to reflect these changes. This will not function if there are any undefined Dcodes.


Changes all Dcodes which are defined but not used to shape «None.»


‘adding an intrinsic aperture set_aperture@ 1007,»Butterfly Sq s:60.0 a:45.000000″ aptable_compress@ update_dcodebar@ ‘adding a custom aperture lib_setextlib@ 1,1,0,»d:\CAM350\product\t-bird dev\demo.clb» set_aperture@ 48,»Custom nm:DRILL4 a:0.000000″ update_dcodebar@

Tables > Assign Tool Table To Layer

nc_assign_tool_table_to_layer@ LyrID,TableID


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Assigns the specified NC Tool Table to the specified layer. Note that no checking is done for the existance of the NC Tool Table or that any NC data on the layer will have a valid tool within the newly assigned tool table.

LyrID: ID of NC Data layer the table is to be assigned to.

TableID: Table ID of the NC Tool Table to be assigned to the layer.

Tables > Board Attributes


Initiates the command.

Add_Attribute@ «3`4»

Adds an attribute with the Category’Key

Change_Attribute_Value@ «5»

Changes (or adds) the value to the one specified in the parameter.

Delete_Attribute@ «1`2»

Deletes the attribute with the Category’Key.


table_board_attributes@ Add_Attribute@ «New Database`Cam350_Database» Change_Attribute_Value@ «12/18/00» Delete_Attribute@ «PADS`PowerPCB_CAM350_Lock1»

Tables > Composites

Creating and Editing a Composite: edit_compo@ Comp#,Pos#,Layer#,Polarity,CompName$

Command serves a dual-purpose: 1) creates a composite or 2) sets the values for a layer being used in the composite. When setting the layers, a new command must be used for each layer in the composite.

1. When creating a new composite, only the Comp# and CompName$ parameters are required. Other parameters should be set to -2 (no change).

2. When modifying layer settings, all parameters, except CompName$, are required. (CompName$ should be left out).

Comp# is the composite ID number. The Composite Numbering sequence in macros begins with a 0 (i.e. Composite_1 = Comp# 0)


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Pos# gives the order of the layer in the composite.

Layer# is the number of the layer being added to composite.

Polarity: -1=clear 1=dark

CompName$ is the composite name

edit_compo_bkg@ Comp#,Polarity

Sets the background polarity of the composite.

Comp# is the ID number of the composite. The Composite Numbering sequence in macros begins with a 0 (i.e. Composite_1 = Comp# 0)

Polarity: -1=clear 1=dark

Deleting a Composite: reset_composite@ Comp#

Deletes any composite in the table. Comp# is the composite ID number. Must be repeated for each composite being deleted. The Composite Numbering sequence in macros begins with a 0 (i.e. Composite_1 = Comp# 0)

Manipulating Composites: setcompo@ Comp#

Sets the active composite being viewed/edited. Comp# is the composite ID number. The Composite Numbering sequence in macros begins with a 0 (i.e. Composite_1 = Comp# 0)


Can be used to view the composite currently being created/edited. (Same as Redraw button on Table dialog).


‘use edit_compo@ to create a composite edit_compo@ 0,-2,-2,-2,»Composite_1″ edit_compo_bkg@ 0,1 ‘use edit_compo@ to set the layers in the composite you just created edit_compo@ 0,0,0,-1 edit_compo@ 0,1,1,1 view_redraw@ ‘delete a composite reset_composite@ 0

Tables > Define Mill Tabs

set_tab@ TabID,Size,ToolSize,Side,»TabName»

Changes the settings for the specified tab, where:


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TabID: ID number of tab being changed.

Size: size of the tab, note that if perforations are set the size of the tab is controlled by the perforation specifications

ToolSize: size of the tool that tab is defined for. This is relevant when tab is perforated, because the size of the tab will vary depending on the relationship of the path to the perforations used to determine if the perforation placement must be recalculated.

Side: side of the tab (relative to the direction the mill toll is cutting), used for locating perforations and angled exit/entry legs (see below). 0 = left, 1 = right.

TabName: name of tab

set_tab_angle@ «TabID»,OnOff,Angle,Length

Changes the angled exit/entry leg settings for the specified tab, where:

TabID: ID number of tab being changed.

OnOff : turns angled exit/entry legs on or off, 1 = on, 0 = off.

Angle: angle of exit/entry legs in degrees. Valid angle range is -90 to +180 degrees.

Length: the length of the exit/entry legs, from the center of the tool to the center of the tool. The actual length of leg is Length + tool radius of the tool assigned to the path the tab is on.

set_tab_perforation1@ «TabID»,OnOff,Num,PerfSize

Changes the perforation settings for the specified tab (see also set_tab_perforation2@) where:

TabID: ID number of tab being changed.

OnOff: turns perforations on or off, 1 = on, 0 = off.

Num: number of perforation holes to be made.

PerfSize: size of tool to be used to create perforation holes

set_tab_perforation2@ «TabID», OnOff, Spacing, Offset

Changes the perforation settings for the specified tab (see also set_tab_perforation1@) where:

TabId: ID number of tab being changed.

OnOff: turns perforations on or off, 1 = on, 0 = off.

Spacing: distance between 1) perforation holes and 2) between perforation holes and mill path.

Offset: distance the edge of the perforation hole is offset from the edge of the board, based on the «side» (see set_tab@) setting for the tab.

delete_tab@ TabID

Deletes mill tab TabID from the defined Mill Tab Table.

save_tab@ «FileName»

Saves the currently-defined mill tabs in the specified file.



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‘create tab set_tab@ 1,200.0000,100.0000,0,»TAB_1″ set_tab_perforation1@ 1,0,3,25.0000 set_tab_perforation2@ 1,0,25.0000,5.0000 set_tab_angle@ 1,0,125,100.0000 ‘save tab file save_tab@ «d:\temp\new tabs.tab» ‘delete tab delete_tab@ 1

Tables > Delete NC Tool Table

nc_delete_table@ 2

Deletes the NC Tool Table with the specified tool table ID.

Tables > Fixture Drills

See Tables > NC Tool Table.

Tables > Footprint Attributes


Start command.

Add_Attribute@ «3`4»

Adds an attribute with the Category’Key

Change_Attribute_Value@ «5»

Changes (or adds) the value to the one specified in the parameter.

Delete_Attribute@ «1`2»

Deletes the attribute with the Category’Key.

Tables > GenCAD Devices


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Initiates command.

Add_Device@ «device name»

Adds a new Device of the given name.

Delete_Device@ «device name»

Deletes a Device of the given name.

Edit_Device@ «device name»

Sets the active Device, in order to modify its values.

Change_Device_PartName@ «new part name»

Adds/modifies a Device’s part name.

Change_Device_Type@ «new Type»

Adds/modifies a Device’s type.

Change_Device_Style@ «new Style»

Adds/modifies a Device’s style.

Change_Device_Package@ «new Package»

Adds/modifies a Device’s package.

Change_Device_Value@ «new Value»

Adds/modifies a Device’s value.

Change_Device_Tol@ «new Tolerance»

Adds/modifies a Device’s tolerance.

Change_Device_NTol@ «new Negative Tolerance»

Adds/modifies a Device’s negative tolerance.

Change_Device_PTol@ «new Positive Tolerance»

Adds/modifies a Device’s positive tolerance.

Change_Device_Volts@ «new Volts»

Adds/modifies a Device’s voltage value.

Change_Device_Desc@ «new Description»

Adds/modifies a Device’s description.

Pin information: Add_Device_Pin@ «new Pin Name»


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Creates a new pin for the active Device.

Edit_Device_Pin@ «edit pin Name»

Sets the active pin for the active Device, to allow for modification.

Change_Device_Pin_Desc@ «new pin Description»

Adds/modifies pin description for active pin.

Change_Device_Pin_Func@ «new pin Function»

Adds/modifies pin function for active pin.

Delete_Device_Pin@ «deleted pin Name»

Deletes pin of specified name.

Device attributes:

Add_Device_Attr@ «new Category`new Key»

Adds a Device attribute with the given Category’Key value.

Change_Device_Attr_Value@ «new Value»

Changes (or adds) the value to the one specified in the parameter.

Delete_Device_Attr@ «delete Category`delete Key»

Deletes the attribute with the Category’Key.

Edit_Device_Attr@ «edit Category`edit Key»

Sets the active device attribute.


table_devices@ ‘add new device Add_Device@ «Device_2» Change_Device_PartName@ «rollins» Change_Device_Type@ «SMT» Change_Device_Style@ «lateral» Change_Device_Package@ «34» Change_Device_Value@ «56» Change_Device_Tol@ «12» Change_Device_NTol@ «5» Change_Device_PTol@ «5» Change_Device_Volts@ «3» Change_Device_Desc@ «This is a surface mount» ‘add pin to device Add_Device_Pin@ «Test1» Change_Device_Pin_Desc@ «First pin» Change_Device_Pin_Func@ «Checks tolerance» ‘delete device Delete_Device@ «Device_3» ‘Add device attributes Add_Device_Attr@ «test`34» Change_Device_Attr_Value@ «22» Delete_Device_Attr@ «test`34» Add_Device_Attr@ «test`35» Change_Device_Attr_Value@ «56»


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Tables > Layer Sets

Blind and Buried

Note: Blind & Buried layer sets cannot be created if you have pre-existing MCM Layersets.

layerset_add@ 3,1,»Layer_Set_Name»

Adds a layer set. If a layer set for this ID already exists, it will be deleted and this one added in its place.

First parameter is the ID number/hot key that the layer set is assigned to. (remember, only 10 layer sets can be assigned to hot keys, though more than 10 layer sets can be created).

Second parameter will always be 1 (identifies it as a blind and buried layer set).

Third is the layer set name.

layerset_setname@ 1,»Layer_Set_Name»

Sets the name of an existing layer set.

First parameter is the ID number assigned to the layer set.

Second parameter is the new name of the layer set.

layerset_setlyr@ 3,1,2

Adds a layer to a layer set. Command must be repeated for each subsequent layer being added to the set.

First parameter is the ID number for this layer set.

Second parameter is the position of the layer being set (equivalent to the number buttons in the User Layer Sets For Blind And Buried Vias dialog box).

Third parameter is the number of the layer being added (starting at 0).

layerset_delete@ 2

Deletes the layer set for the specified ID number.

layerset_view@ 3

Turns ON the layer set assigned to the specified ID number (any others are turned OFF). The first layer of the layer set is made active. This command should be followed by view_redraw@ if you want only the layers in the set you turned ON made visible.

layerset_setdrill@ 3,-1

Sets the drill layer for an existing layer set.

First parameter is the ID number.

Second parameter is the layer number (layers start at 0). -1 means that there is no drill layer.

layerset_setThruDrill@ 8

Sets the drill layer to be used for the through-hole drill. The parameter is the drill layer ID (layers start at 0).


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layerset_add@ 1,1,»LyrSet_1″ layerset_setname@ 2,»New_Layer_Set» layerset_setdrill@ 1,4 layerset_setlyr@ 1,1,0 layerset_setlyr@ 1,2,2 layerset_add@ 2,1,»LyrSet_2″ layerset_setdrill@ 2,-1 layerset_setlyr@ 2,1,1 layerset_setlyr@ 2,2,2 layerset_delete@ 1

Layer Stackup

Only one Layer Stackup set may be in effect at one time. However, this stackup must fall in sequence with other layersets (if any) in the design. In other words, if 3 other layersets (User, Blind & Buried or MCM) exist, the Layer Stackup set will be layerset 4, and this ID number will control the additions made to the set below:

layerset_add@ 3,3,»Layer_Set_Name»

Adds a new Layer Stackup layer set. If a layer set for this ID already exists, it will be deleted and this one added in its place.

First parameter is the ID number/hot key that the layer set is assigned to. (remember, only 10 layer sets can be assigned to hot keys, though more than 10 layer sets can be created).

Second parameter will always be 3 (identifies it as a Layer Stackup layer set).

Third is the layer set name.

layerset_setlyr@ 3,1,2

Adds a layer to the Layer Stackup.

First parameter is the ID number for this layer set.

Second parameter is the position of the layer being set (equivalent to the number buttons in the Layer Stackup dialog box).

Third parameter is the number of the layer being added (starting at 0).

layerset_setname@ 1,»Layer_Set_Name»

Changes the name of the existing Layer Stackup.

First parameter is the ID number assigned to the layer set.

Second parameter is the new name of the layer set.

layerset_setdrill@ 3,-1

Sets a drill layer for the Layer Stackup layer set.

First parameter is the ID number of the layerset.

Second parameter is the layer number of the drill layer (layers start at 0). -1 means that there is no drill layer.


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Identifies the layers in the design with their types, in relation to the symbol layer types, for the purpose of mapping the symbol layers to the appropriate panel layers.


layerset_add@ 4,3,»Stackup» layerset_setdrill@ 4,-1 layerset_setlyr@ 4,1,0 layerset_setlyr@ 4,2,1 layerset_setlyr@ 4,3,2 layerset_setlyr@ 4,4,3 layerset_setlyr@ 4,5,4 layerset_setlyr@ 4,6,10 set_layer_ords@

MCM Technology

Note: MCM layersets cannot be created if you have pre-existing Blind & Buried Layersets.

layerset_add@ 3,0,»Layer_Set_Name»

Adds a new layer set. If a layer set for this ID already exists, it will be deleted and this one added in its place.

First parameter is the ID number/hot key that the layer set is assigned to. (remember, only 10 layer sets can be assigned to hot keys, though more than 10 layer sets can be created).

Second parameter will always be 0 (identifies it as a MCM technology layer set).

Third is the layer set name.

layerset_setlyr@ 3,1,2

Adds a layer to a layer set.

First parameter is the ID number for this layer set.

Second parameter is the position of the layer being set (equivalent to the number buttons in the Layer Set For MCM Technology dialog box).

Third parameter is the number of the layer being added (starting at 0).

layerset_setname@ 1,»Layer_Set_Name»

Sets the name of an existing layer set.

First parameter is the ID number assigned to the layer set.

Second parameter is the new name of the layer set.

layerset_setdrill@ 3,-1

Sets the drill layer for an existing layer set.

First parameter is the ID number of the layerset.

Second parameter is the layer number of the drill layer (layers start at 0). A -1 means that there is no drill layer.


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layerset_delete@ 2

Deletes the layer set for the specified ID number.

layerset_view@ 3

Turns ON the layer set assigned to the specified ID number (any others are turned OFF). The first layer of the layer set is made active. This command should be followed by view_redraw@ if you want only the layers in the set you turned ON made visible.


layerset_add@ 1,0,»LyrSet_1″ layerset_setdrill@ 1,-1 layerset_setlyr@ 1,1,0 layerset_setlyr@ 1,2,2 layerset_setlyr@ 1,3,3 layerset_delete@ 1


layerset_add@ 3,2,»Layer_Set_Name»

Adds a new layer set. If a layer set for this ID already exists, it will be deleted and this one added in its place.

First parameter is the ID/hot key that the layer set is assigned to (remember, only 10 layer sets can be assigned to hot keys, though more than 10 layer sets can be created).

Second parameter will always be 2 (identifies it as a user layer set).

Third is the layer set name.

layerset_setname@ 1,»Layer_Set_Name»

Sets the name of an existing layer set.

First parameter is the ID assigned to the layer set.

Second parameter is the new name of the layer set.

layerset_setlyr@ 3,1,2

Adds a layer to a layer set.

First parameter is the ID for this layer set.

Second parameter is the position of the layer being set (equivalent to the number buttons in the User Layer Sets dialog box).

Third parameter is the number of the layer being added (starting at 0).

layerset_delete@ 2

Deletes the layer set for the specified layerset ID.

layerset_setdrill@ 3,-1

Sets the drill layer for an existing layer set.


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First parameter is the ID number of the layerset.

Second parameter is the layer number of the drill layer (layers start at 0). -1 means that there is no drill layer.

layerset_view@ 3

Turns ON the layer set assigned to the specified ID (any others are turned OFF). The first layer of the layer set is made active. This command should be followed by view_redraw@ if you want only the layers in the set you turned ON made visible.


layerset_add@ 2,2,»New_Set» layerset_setdrill@ 2,-1 layerset_setlyr@ 2,1,0 layerset_setlyr@ 2,2,1 layerset_setlyr@ 2,3,3 layerset_setlyr@ 2,4,10 layerset_delete@ 2

Tables > Layers

setlayer@ 7

Sets the active layer, by the layer ID number. Layer numbering in macros begins at 0 (i.e. layer 1 in the program equates to layer ID 0 when used in a macro).

settoplayer@ 6

Brings this layer to top.

view_LayerFlash@ #,#

Turns the flashes ON or OFF on the specified layer. First number is the layer number, second number is 1=on, 0=off.

view_LayerDraw@ #,#

Turns the drawn data ON or OFF on the specified layer. First number is the layer number, second number is 1=on, 0=off.

edit_layer@ Layer#,Drawcolor,Flashcolor,Type,Status,Name$

Creates a new layer in the database, or modifies the settings of an existing one.

Layer# sets the layer number. -2=no change (remember layer numbering in macros starts from 0: i.e. layer 1 = 0).

Drawcolor and Flashcolor set the draw & flash colors to display for the layer.

See Layer Color Codes.

Type is the layer type to associate with that layer.

See Layer Type Codes.

Status determines the appearance of the layer on screen:


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0=on 1=off 2=ref -2=no change

Name$ is the filename of the Gerber file being exported (including the full path). «» =no change (keep old name)

nc_assign_tool_table_to_layer@ LyrID,TableID

When adding an NC layer, you may set the specific NC Tool Table assigned to the layer with this command. If the command is not set, the first table in the database (if any exists) is used for the layer.

LyrID: ID of NC Data layer the table is to be assigned to.

TableID: Table ID of the NC Tool Table to be assigned to the layer.

See also Tables > Assign > Tool Table To Layer.

nc_set_layer_rank@ LayerId, Rank

Sets the new layer as an NC data layer.

LayerID is the layer number (0 based).

Rank: type of NC layer. 0 = NC Primary, 1 = NC Secondary.


Required to update the layer bar after any change to a layer.


Confirms the changes you made and sets layer mapping to the default mapping for all layers.

layerset_view@ 3

Turns ON the layer set assigned to the specified layer set ID number (any others are turned OFF) (see Tables > Layersets). The first layer of the layer set is made active.


Non-NC Layer:

edit_layer@ 12,14,14,4,0,»Layer_13″ setlayer@ 12 settoplayer@ 12 edit_layer@ 12,0,0,-2,-2 ‘change colors to red for draw/flash edit_layer@ 12,0,0,1,0,»Internal» ‘change name to ‘Internal’ edit_lmapdefaults@

NC Layer:

edit_layer@ 14,2,2,21,0,»Layer_15″ nc_assign_tool_table_to_layer@ 14,1 nc_set_layer_rank@ 14,1 edit_lmapdefaults@


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The Symbol Editor layer table uses most of the same commands listed above, with the exception of the layerset_view@ command, which is not available in the Symbol Editor. In addition, the editor uses the following two commands.

edit_sym_layer@ Layer#,Type,Ordinal#

Sets the virtual layer status of each layer added to the layer table. Must be set after the edit_layer@ command.

Layer#: the layer number (remember macro layer numbering begins with 0)

Type: the layer type to associate with that layer:

Ordinal#: sets the virtual layer numbering for the layer, if Type is a layertype already used in the table. For example, if a negative layer already exists in the table, it is assigned ordinal 0 (first negative layer). Adding a second negative layer, you would set the ordinal to 1, a third would be 2, etc.


As an option to individual Ordinal settings, this command sets the layer type Ordinals for the layers in the table based upon the Layer Stackup layer set. (see Tables > Layer Sets > Layer Stackup).


edit_layer@ 15,8,8,2,0,»NegPlane(3rd)» edit_sym_layer@ 15,2,2 edit_lmapdefaults@

Tables > Layers Mapping

edit_lmap@ 0,2

Map first layer # to the second layer #.


Resets the layers to all map to themselves.

Tables > NC Tool Tables

General Tool Table Settings: nc_set_table_type@ 1,2

Sets the NC Tool Table type for the table with the given Table ID (first parameter).

Valid table types (second parameter): 1=Table can contain both mill and drill tools. 2=Table contain only mill tools. 3=Table contains only drill tools.


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nc_set_table_name@ 1,»Drill Tool»

Sets the NC Tool Table name. First parameter is the Table ID, second is the desired name.

set_nc_table@ 1

Activates an NC tool table to allow querying of its tools. Parameter is Table ID. See Drill & Mill Queries

Set Tool Information for Individual Tools: nc_add_tool@ 1,3

Adds an NC Tool with the Tool ID (second parameter) to the table specified by the Table ID (first parameter). It is followed by several macros that set the parameters of the tool.

nc_delete_tool@ 2,1

Deletes the NC Tool.

First parameter is the tool table ID.

Second parameter is the Tool Reference number.

nc_set_tool_id@ 1,2,3

Sets the tool number assigned to the tool.

First parameter is the Table ID.

Second is the Tool Reference

Third is the tool number to assign to the tool.

nc_set_tool_type@ 1,1,2

Sets the type of tool.

First parameter is the Table ID.

Second is the Tool Reference.

Third is the tool type: 1=tool can be used for both drilling and milling. 2=tool can only be used for milling. 3=tool can only be used for drilling.

nc_set_tool_size@ 1,1,32.0000

Sets the physical size of the tool.

First parameter is the Table ID.

Second is the Tool Reference.

Third is the size of the tool (units of measure depends upon the NC Tool Table Dialog Units).

nc_set_tool_display_color@ 1,3,5

Sets the color assigned to the tool.

Table ID is the first parameter.


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Tool Reference is the second parameter

Third is the color.

See Layer Color Codes. nc_set_tool_shape@ 1,3,1

Sets the shape of the drill hit display.

First parameter is the Table ID.

Second is the Tool Reference.

Third is the Shape: 1=Round 4=Target 6=Custom. If set to custom, the following macro must also be used:

nc_set_tool_cap@ 1,3,»CapName»

Sets the custom aperture assigned to the tool (Table ID is the first parameter, Tool Reference is the second parameter) to CapName. The CAP will be used to display any drill hits assigned this tool.

nc_set_tool_usesize@ 1,2,0

Sets whether to use the actual tool size as the size of the drill hits displayed.

0=use the nc_set_tool_display_size@ value (below) 1=use the physical size of the tool (nc_set_tool_size@)

nc_set_tool_display_size@ 1,2,13.0000

This macro is used if you choose to set the drill tool display size (when it is displayed as a round or target) as something other than the actual tool size.

First parameter is the Table ID.

Second is the Tool Reference.

Third is the Tool Display Size.

nc_set_tool_infeed@ 1,2,1500.0000

Sets the tool’s plunge rate.

First parameter is the Table ID.

Second is the Tool Reference.

Third is the plunge rate in user units/second.

nc_set_tool_outfeed@ 1,2,1500.0000

Sets the tool’s retract rate.

First parameter is the Table ID.

Second is the Tool Reference.

Third is the retract rate in user units/second.


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nc_set_tool_feedrate@ 1,2,16.6666

Sets the feed rate for a mill tool.

First parameter is the Table ID.

Second is the Tool Reference.

Third is the feed rate (in user units/second, user units being defined under Settings > Unit).

nc_set_tool_rpms@ 1,2,60000

Set the Rotations Per Minute for the tool.

First parameter is the Table ID.

Second the Tool Reference.

Third the RPMs.

nc_set_tool_maxhits@ 1,2,2000

Sets the maximum number of drill hits that this tool can make.

First parameter is the Table ID.

Second is the Tool Reference.

Third is the number of hits.

nc_set_tool_linktool@ 1,2,3

Sets the tool that will be used if the maximum number of hits is reached.

First parameter is the Table ID.

Second is the Tool Reference of the tool being used.

Third is the Tool Reference of the tool that is being used as the Link Tool.

nc_set_tool_plate@ tblID, toolref, plate

Sets the plated or unplated status of an NC tool.

tblID is the Table ID of the NC Tool Table that contains the tool being changed

toolref is the tool reference of the tool to be modified

plate is the plating characteristic to be assigned to the tool: 0 = Plated & Unplated 1 = Plated 2 = Unplated

set_current_toolref@ 1

Sets the active tool on an NC Data layer to allow querying of the tool’s values. Parameter is Tool Reference. See Drill & Mill Queries

set_nc_toolref@ 1

Similar to above, but sets the active tool in an NC Table to allow querying of the tool’s values. Parameter is


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Tool Reference. See Drill & Mill Queries

Tool Table Functions:

Set Export Order

nc_exp_tool_order_by_toolnum@ #

Sets the export order to match the ascending tool number order. Parameter is the Table ID.

nc_exp_tool_order_by_toolsize@ #

Sets the export order to match the ascending tool size order. Parameter is the Table ID.

nc_exp_tool_reverse_order@ #

Sets the export order to match the ascending tool number order. Parameter is the Table ID.

nc_set_tool_exportorder@ 1,1,2

Unlike the above commands, this command sets the order on a tool by tool basis: a separate command must be used for each specific tool to be exported. Note that drill usages are always exported before mill usages.

First parameter is the Table ID.

Second is the Tool Reference.

Third is the export order.

Set Compensation Index

nc_use_compensation_tbl@ 1,1

Used to enable/disable the use of the Compensation Index Table.

First parameter is the Table ID.

Second parameter determines if the Compensation Index Table is used: 0=do not use Compensation Index Table (use tool radius for compensation) 1=use the Compensation Index Table.

nc_set_comp_val@ 1,1,7.0000

First parameter is the Table ID

Second is the Tool Reference.

Third is the Compensation Value.

Delete & Save Table

nc_delete_table@ 2

Deletes the NC Tool Table specified by the table ID.

nc_save_table@ 1,»d:\act\test.nct»

Saves the table with the Table ID specifed in the first parameter to the file name in the second parameter.

Load Table


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These commands are not recorded when you do a Macro > Record. You must add them manually to your macro program in order to run them.

nc_load_table_append@ 2,»d:\act\test.nct»

Appends the tool table from a file to a «master» tool table that is already loaded. First parameter is the ID of the master table. Second parameter is the name of the file to append. Any tools from the file will be added after the last tool in the master table.

nc_load_table_ignore@ 2,»d:\act\test.nct»

Loads the tool table from the file (second parameter) into the table with the table ID (first parameter). If tools have the same Tool Reference number, the tool from the existing table is kept (data from the incoming .NCT file is ignored).

nc_load_table_overwrite@ 2,»d:\act\test.nct»

Loads the tool table from the file specified (second parameter) into the table with the table ID (first parameter). If tools have the same Tool Reference number, the tool from the incoming .NCT file is used (overwrites the existing tool in the table).

nc_load_table_new@ «d:\act\test.nct»

Loads the tool table from a file. If a table ID exists in the .NCT file data, it will be used for the table created. If a table with that ID already exists, the existing tabe will be assigned a new ID. If the table is from an older version of the application (pre-6.0), a new table ID and name will be assigned.

nc_load_table_replace@ 2,»d:\act\test.nct»

Loads the tool data from the file name specified (second parameter) into the table with the table ID specified (first parameter). If a table already exists with the given table ID, all tools within that table will be deleted and the tool information from the .NCT file read in.

Sort Table

nc_sort_table@ tblID, sort_field, sort_direction

Sorts the tool table by the value the user selects.

tblID is the ID Number of the NC Tool Table that is to be sorted

sort_field is the tool value to base the sort on. There are three options: 0 = Tool Number 1 = Tool Size 2 = Tool Export Order

sort_direction determines the method of sorting the values selected in sort_field (either increasing or decreasing): 0 = Decreasing (n .. 1) 1 = Increasing (1 .. n)

Tables>New NC Tool Table

See Tables > NC Tool Table.


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Tables > Padstacks

edit_padstack@ 2,2,3

Padstack #, Layer #, Aperture ID. Assigns an aperture to the padstack at the designated layer.

edit_padstack_dcode@ 2,2,10

Padstack #, Layer #, Dcode. Assigns a Dcode to the padstack at the designated layer.


Removes all unused padstacks from the current database.

Tables > Variable Text

edit_variabletext_tab@ «Symbol»

Specifies the Variable Text being defined in the table.

change_variabletext_tab@ «This is a coupon»

Assigns the text string value for the Variable Text specified above. All symbols in the current panel that use the Variable Text will be updated to display the new string.


edit_variabletext_tab@ «test» change_variabletext_tab@ «this is a title block»


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Tools Menu Macros

Tools > Bed-of-Nails Editor


Opens Bed-of-Nails Editor.

Tools > CAM Editor


Opens CAM Editor.

Tools > CAP Editor


Opens CAP Editor.

Tools > Flying Probe Editor


Opens Flying Probe Editor.

Tools > NC Editor


Opens NC Editor.

Bed-of-Nails Editor Flying Probe Editor Part Editor

CAM Editor NC Editor Symbol Editor

CAP Editor Panel Editor


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Tools > Panel Editor


Opens Panel Editor.

Tools > Part Editor


Opens Part Editor.

Tools > Symbol Editor


Opens Symbol Editor.


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Utilities Menu Macros

Utilities > Assign Endpoints


Assigns endpoint status to pins, pads, or vias. Command has no parameters.

Utilities > Assign Single Pt Nets


Assigns nets to single-point pins, pads, or vias. Command has no parameters.

Utilities > Build Part


Initiates command.

Part Text Setup

The Reference Designator and Device Name special text can be manipulated much the same as normal text being added to a design. The following commands determine the formatting for the Reference Designator and/or Device Name being added to the part:

setturn100angle@ #

Sets the rotation angle for placing the elements. # is 100 times the angle (650=6.5 degrees)

Assign Endpoints Draw To One-Up Border Pads To Padstack

Assign Single Pt Nets Draw To Symbol Panelization

Build Part Draws To Flash Polygon Conversion

Camtek Gerber To Drill Quick Part

Clear Silkscreen Gerber To Mill Sort Drill Hits

Composite To Layer NC Data To Gerber Sort Mill Paths

Convert Composite Netlist Extract Step and Repeat Image Order

Create Drill Offset Mill Path Teardrop

Data Optimization One-Up Border To Layer

Draw To Custom Over/Under Size


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Turns the text attached to the cursor by the angle defined in setturn100angle@.

partname_Mirror@ #

Mirrors the text attached to the cursor. 1=Mirror, 0=Don’t Mirror

textcapheight@ 70.0000

Controls the text height.

Note: You may change these settings at any time before the placement of either type of special part text.

Adding the Elements of a Part

Each part element (Reference Designator, Outline, etc) must be entered by first activating the part_modify@ command for that element, then adding the required number of coordinates for the elements. The Build Part command adds these parts in a proscribed sequence; it is best to mimic this in your macro.

part_modify@ 1

This command controls what Build Part action you are doing.

0=Device Name (requires one coordinate) 1=RefDes Name (requires one coordinate) 2=Outline (requires 2 coordinate points for two corners of the selection box — similar to Add > Rectangle command) 3=Pin Sequence (variable number of coordinates. You can use individual pin coordinates, or inline pins — see set_pininline@ below) 4=Anchor (requires one coordinate)


Sets one coordinate (Device Name, RefDes & Anchor)

part_modify@ 0 axy@ 1765.0000,844.9000

Sets two coordinates (Outline)

part_modify@ 2 axy@ 1765.0000,844.9000 axy@ -1765.0000,-844.9000

Sets pin sequence

Individual Pins

part_modify@ 3 set_pininline@ ‘Turns off inline pin recognition axy@ 3386.8000,2990.3000 axy@ 3391.3000,2949.6000 axy@ 3386.8000,2906.7000 axy@ 3391.3000,2861.5000 axy@ 3391.3000,2798.3000 axy@ 3389.1000,2748.6000 axy@ 3391.3000,2692.1000 axy@ 3142.9000,2692.1000 axy@ 3142.9000,2753.1000 axy@ 3142.9000,2796.0000 axy@ 3140.6000,2850.2000 axy@ 3142.9000,2888.6000 axy@ 3142.9000,2947.4000


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axy@ 3147.4000,3001.6000

Inline Pins — you need only select the «key» pins in the sequence — first, end of first row, beginning of second row, and last. The program will select the pins lying inbetween them.

part_modify@ 3 axy@ 2815.3000,3001.6000 axy@ 2817.6000,2678.5000 axy@ 2815.3000,2694.4000 axy@ 2560.1000,2698.9000


Acts as a toggle to turn inline pin recognition on and off. Note: the program assumes inline pins to be ON. It is only necessary to use this command when selecting individual pins for the part.

axy@ 1765.0000,844.9000

Coordinates control where the text names are placed, the window around the part outline, the pin sequence, or the anchor, depending on the part_modify@ variable selected.

Finishing the Build Part Process

After all elements of the part are added, the part is given a name and saved to the local part library for the design. This part library may be saved external to the design using File > Save Lib As.

part_name@ «Part Name»

Assigns a user-specified name to the part.


Confirms the creation of the part, saves to local library, and ends command.


util_bpart_create@ ‘Settings for text addition textcapheight@ 50.0000 setturn100angle@ 18000 ‘Add Reference Designator part_modify@ 1 partname_Turn@ ‘turn and mirror refdes partname_Mirror@ axy@ 2695.6000,3103.2000 ‘Add Outline part_modify@ 2 axy@ 2621.0000,3069.3000 axy@ 2770.1000,2626.6000 ‘Add Pin Sequence (inline) part_modify@ 3 axy@ 2815.3000,3001.6000 axy@ 2817.6000,2678.5000 axy@ 2815.3000,2694.4000 axy@ 2560.1000,2698.9000 ‘Add Device Name part_modify@ 0 setturn100angle@ 9000 ‘set new turn angle partname_Turn@ ‘turn device name axy@ 2566.8000,3006.1000 ‘Add Anchor part_modify@ 4 axy@ 2645.0000,2650.0000 ‘Finish Building part part_name@ «test3» part_build@


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Utilities > Camtek


There are no macro commands for this feature.

New Job

There are no macro commands for this feature.

Old Job

There are no macro commands for this feature.

Utilities > Clear Silkscreen


Initializes command.

clearsilk1@ 2,0,20.0000,5.0000,»»

Performs the clearing.

First #: the silkscreen layer number.

Second #: the mask layer number.

Third #: the clearance.

Fourth #: the minimum stub length.

Fifth #: the Dcode filter (Dcodes not used). If left blank, all Dcodes are used


Ends command.

Utilities > Composite To Layer


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conv_composite2layer@ 0,-1

Converts a composite to a single layer, while maintaining as much intelligent data (pads, traces, etc). as possible.

First number is the Composite ID (like layer-numbering, this 0 based). In the above example, 0 = C1

Second number is the Layer ID of the target layer (where the polygon data will be placed). If -1, then a new layer is created.

Utilities > Convert Composite

composite2layer@ 0,-1,1.0000,2

Converts ALL data in a composite to raster polygons, on a single layer, including all pads and traces. Optionally algorithm is optimized with settings for fast layer combining, maintaining pads and traces, and creating customs for shaved pads.

First number is the Composite ID (like layer-numbering, this 0 based). In the above example, 0 = C1

Second number is the Layer ID of the target layer (where the polygon data will be placed). If -1, then a new layer is created.

Third number is the Resolution of the conversion process (in user-units). To replicate the command itself, the value should be 1, 2, or 4, where 1 is the most accurate. However, any value will be accepted by the macro command (bear in mind the smaller the resolution, the longer the processing time will be).

Fourth number is the setting for conversion optimization 0 — Fast layer combining 1 — Merge data into raster polygons 2 — Fast layer combining; maintain draws and flashes 6 — Fast layer combining; maintain draws and flashes; create customs for shaved pads

Utilities > Create Drill

The Create Drill macro command creates a new drill file for a databse where none existed. As such it presumes you have created a new NC Drill Table from which to assign tools to the new drill file. To create the table, use Tables > NC Tools.


Initiates command.

Assign Drills to Padstacks

Each padstack in the design must have a drill tool assigned to it. The following commands may be used multiple


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times in the macro to do so:

drill_assign@ 0,7,3

Assigns a Plated drill tool to a padstack.

First parameter: Padstack # (remember padstack numbering, like layers, begins with 0 in macros)

Second parameter: Tool Reference #

Third parameter: Pass (0 = first, 1 = second)

drill_assign_upl@ 10,5,0

Assigns an Unplated drill tool to a padstack.

Parameters for both commands are:

First parameter: Padstack # (remember padstack numbering, like layers, begins with 0 in macros)

Second parameter: Tool Reference #

Third parameter: Pass (0 = first, 1 = second)

Create New Drill Layers & Reports drill_new_report@

Starts a new drill report file, using the .cam file name with a .rpt extension. If one already exists, it deletes the report information contained in the file. Without this command, the following two commands would append the information to an existing file, and previous information would not be deleted.

drill_create_plated@ 10,»plated.drl»

Creates an NC Data layer for plated drills and appends the information to an existing plated drill report, or creates a new report if one doesn’t already exist. Parameters are Layer # and layer name.

drill_create_unplated@ 14,»L15:drill_15.dr»

Creates an NC Data layer for unplated drills and appends the information to an existing unplated drill report, or creates a new report if one doesn’t already exist. Parameters are Layer # and layer name.

Example util_drill_create@ drill_assign@ 0,1,0 ‘assigns plated tool #1 to padstacks 1-2 drill_assign@ 1,1,0 drill_assign@ 2,1,0 drill_assign_upl@ 3,2,0 ‘assigns unplated tool #2 to padstacks 4-6 drill_assign_upl@ 4,2,0 drill_assign_upl@ 5,2,0 drill_assign@ 6,1,0 ‘resumes assigning tool #1 to padstacks drill_assign@ 7,1,0 drill_assign@ 8,1,0 drill_assign@ 9,3,0 ‘switches to plated tool #3 for remaining padstacks drill_assign@ 10,3,0 drill_assign@ 11,3,0 drill_assign@ 12,3,0 drill_assign@ 13,3,0 drill_new_report@ drill_create_plated@ 7,»drill_8.drl» drill_create_unplated@ 8,»drill_9.drl»


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Utilities > Data Optimization

Remove Covered Data


Removes covered data, using the commands below:

To process the entire layer (for all layers that are ON):

remove_covered_data_layer@ 0.1000,1,1,0

First parameter is the tolerance.

Second parameter is whether to remove pads covered by graphics (1=yes, 0=no).

Third parameter is whether to remove graphics covered by pads (1=yes, 0=no).

Fourth parameter is whether to delete the covered data or move it to a new layer. 1=move to a new layer, 0=delete.

To process a portion of the layer (for all layers that are ON):

axy@ -250.2000,4906.2000 axy@ 3553.9000,1609.3000

You must specify coordinates that define two corners of the rectangle containing the data to be processed.

remove_covered_data_window@ 0.1000,1,1,0

First parameter is the tolerance.

Second parameter is whether to remove pads covered by graphics (1=yes, 0=no).

Third parameter is whether to remove graphics covered by pads (1=yes, 0=no).

Fourth parameter is whether to delete the covered data or move it to a new layer. 1=move to a new layer, 0=delete.

The coordinates and subsequent command may be repeated as often as necessary before the final back@ command.


Ends command.


util_remove_covered_data@ axy@ 2491.3000,5431.7000 axy@ 5506.6000,3297.5000 remove_covered_data_window@ 0.1000,1,1,1 back@

Remove Isolated Pads


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Initiates command.

axy@ 1375.0000,2725.0000 axy@ 3225.0000,1425.0000

Coordinates define the window to be processed.

setbydcode@ «17»

Sets the Dcode of the pads being removed. Setbydcode is only required if a Dcode filter is used.


Stops selection process.


Performs the actual removal.


util_padremoval@ axy@ 2251.0000,5569.1000 axy@ 5689.7000,3114.4000 setbydcode@ «10» back@ padremoval@

Remove Redundant Pads

util_removeredun@ padrem_redund2@ #,»Dcode number»

Deletes the extra pads (the same Dcode at the same location on the same layer) for all the ON layers.

# is the tolerance (in mils). The maximum tolerance is 10 mils.

You may specify a Dcode number (as a string) to limit pad removal to selected Dcode, or leave blank to process all Dcodes.

Utilities > Draw To Custom


Initiates command.

axy@ -50.0000,2775.0000 axy@ 375.0000,2375.0000


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Coordinates define the corners of rectangular selection window around the drawn pad.


Ends custom selection.

add_draw2custom1@ make_polygons, «custom_name»

Defines settings for the custom being created.

First parameter specifies if the custom aperture is constructed solely of polygons (0 = no, 1 = yes).

Second parameter is the name of the custom aperture you are creating

edit_aperture_ex@ 12,6,0.0000,0.0000,0,»custom_name»

Adds the custom aperture to the Aperture Table.

Parameters are: Dcode #, Shape, Size, Swap, Custom name. (see Tables > Apertures for more information)

Shape should be set to 6 (for custom aperture).


begin_draw2custom@ axy@ 2737.4000,5835.1000 axy@ 3016.3000,5584.7000 back@ add_draw2custom1@ 1,»acap0001″ edit_aperture_ex@ 137,6,0.0000,0.0000,0,»acap0001″ back@

Utilities > Draw To One-Up Border


Start draw to border command.

axy@ 0.0000,0.0000

Selects the drawn data to be converted. One or more axy@ commands may be used to select multiple line data (such as contiguous, but not joined, lines).


Ends selection of data to include in the border.

draw2border_set_border@ 50.0000

Specifies an offset (in user units) for one-up border from the drawn data being used. Useful for creating one-up borders which clearance around a drawn design border, for instance.




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axy@ 3175.0000,-2575.0000 back@ draw2border_set_border@ 0.0000 ‘set for no clearance

Utilities > Draw To Symbol


Initializes command.

Draw2SymDo@ LyrID,Spacing#,Type,Name$

Changes drawn data to a symbol; assigns Symbol Border automatically.

LyrID: the layer destination for the resulting symbol data. The mapping is as follows: 1 = all Non-NC layers 2 = all electric layers 3 = goes on all layers of one type. Symbol will appear on all layers of the type it was originally generated on (e.g. internal) 4 = appears only on the specified layer the symbol is created on

Spacing#: the minimum distance from the data that the symbol border will be created, in user units.

Type: the symbol type being created: 1 = Coupon 2 = Title Block 3 = Fiducial 4 = Pinning Hole

Name$: the symbol’s name. if a symbol already exists with symbol name, it will be replaced with results of Draw2Symb

axy@ x#,y#

Specifies coordinates for the drawn data to be converted.


util_draw2sym@ axy@ -466.7000,4512.2000 Draw2SymDo@ 1,50.0000,1,»Coupon1″

Utilities > Draws To Flash



Converts draws to apertures, as defined by the settings and area below.


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Define the parameters to use when searching for apertures to convert.

set_draw2flashautoparm1@ 0,1,1,1

Controls the type of conversion, elements to exclude, and view state:

First # is the type of conversion: 0=Fully Automatic 1=User Check Rejected 2=User Check All

Second # controls flashes: 0=Existing flashes can be included in groups of draws 1=Ignore existing flashes

Third # controls single stroked lines: 0=Do not reject single stroked lines 1=Always reject single stroked lines

Fourth # controls the view 0=Maintain current view 1=View all graphics

set_draw2flashautoparm2@ 200.0000,200.0000,13.0000,2.0000,»Dcode String»

Specifies which draws to consider including in conversion.

First #: Maximum width of a group of draws to be considered for conversion to a flash

Second #: Maximum height of a group of draws to be considered for conversion to a flash

Third #: Minimum width of a group of draws to be considered for conversion to a flash

Fourth #: Tolerance used in determining if adjacent draws are part of the same group

Fifth #: Dcode filter string.

set_draw2flashautoparm3@ UseMaskTop, UseMaskBot, UseDrill

Sets elements to control the search for apertures to convert.

UseMaskTop: 1 = if a top layer is processed, then use the mask top (if it exists) to control the search 0 = do not use mask top layer to control search

UseMaskBot: 1 = if a bottom layer is processed, then use the mask bottom (if it exists) to control the search 0 = do not use mask bottom layer to control search

UseDrill: 1 = if an internal layer is processed, then use the drill layer (if it exists) to control the search 0 = do not use drill layer to control search

Area Selection

axy@ -358.2000,5089.8000 axy@ 5242.9000,-64.0000

The two axy@ commands define the pattern search area (does not limit the area where matching patterns will be converted).


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An alternative to the axy@ commands, selects all data on the layer.


util_autodraw2flash@ set_draw2flashautoparm1@ 0,1,0,0 set_draw2flashautoparm2@ 200.0000,200.0000,5.0000,2.0000,»10″ set_draw2flashautoparm3@ 1,1,1 axy@ 2331.1000,5506.1000 axy@ 5638.2000,3200.3000



Converts selected draws to an aperture, using the commands below.

setd2foptparm1@ 2.0000,1,1,»dcode string»

Locates the drawn data to convert to an aperture, using these parameters:

First #: Tolerance

Second #: Find rotations (1=yes 0=no)

Third #: View of data onscreen (0=leave view unchanged, 1=View All)

Last variable: Dcode filter string.

axy@ 9495.0000,11326.0000 axy@ 9608.0000,11275.0000

Coordinates define the selection window around the drawn pad.

setd2fparm@ 1,90.0000,24.0000,0,11

Command replaces the drawn data with a new aperture and adds aperture to Aperture Table. Parameters set the values for the new aperture.

Replacement type: 1=compute size 0=select specific replacement Dcode)

Computed size X value

Computed size Y value

Replacement shape: 0=rectangle 1=round 2=oblong

Replacement Dcode number (if first parameter was 0)

Note: the coordinates and setd2fparm@ command may be repeated multiple times to select many drawn pads. There is no need to rerun the setdr2foptparm1@ command.


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Set_D2fCont@ 1

Begins and ends pad selection. 1 = continue selecting pads 0 = Stop selecting pads and start the conversion process.


util_draw2flash1@ setd2foptparm1@ 5.0000,1,0,»» axy@ 3229.4000,5759.3000 axy@ 3434.0000,5457.4000 setd2fparm@ 1,91.2000,158.4000,2,323 ‘converts first selected pad to an oblong axy@ 3448.3000,5742.1000 axy@ 3665.7000,5496.1000 setd2fparm@ 1,131.2000,147.1000,0,323 ‘converts need drawn pad to rectangle axy@ 3695.7000,5732.1000 axy@ 3937.5000,5529.0000 setd2fparm@ 1,128.4000,128.4000,1,323 ‘converts last pad to round

Utilities > Gerber To Drill

nc_gerber_to_drill@ 6,-1,0,1,1,»»

Converts Gerber pad data to NC drill data, using the following parameters:

First parameter is the Source layer number (remember macro layer numbering starts at 0).

Second parameter is the Target layer number. If -1, a new layer is created.

Third parameter is the Tool Table ID (only relevant if you are creating a new target layer). If 0, a new tool table is created.

Fourth is whether the hits will be plated (1) or unplated (0).

Fifth is whether to remove redundant data during the conversion (1=yes, 0=no).

Last is the Dcode filter string (used by setbydcode) to limit the Gerber Data to be converted. Leave blank («») and no Dcode filter is used.

Utilities > Gerber To Mill

gerber2mill_set_fix_errors@ #

Sets a flag to attempt to repair mill path compensation issues on converted Gerber data. Has no effect if compensation of mill paths is not specified (using Edit > Change > Compensation).

1 = system will attempt to fix compensated mill paths 0 = compensated mill paths will not be fixed.


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nc_gerber_to_mill@ 6,-1,0,1,1,»»

Converts Gerber draws on layer to NC Mill paths, using these parameters:

First parameter is the Source layer number (remember macro layer numbering starts at 0).

Second parameter is the Target layer number. If -1, a new layer is created.

Third parameter is the Tool Table ID (only relevant if you are creating a new target layer). If 0, a new tool table is created.

Fourth is whether to remove redundant data during the conversion (1=yes, 0=no).

Fifth is whether to convert segmented arcs to true arcs during the process (1-yes, 0=no).

Last is the Dcode filter string (used by setbydcode) to limit the Gerber Data to be converted. Leave blank («») and no Dcode filter is used.

Utilities > NC Data To Gerber

nc_ncdata_to_gerber@ 8,-1

Converts NC Data to Gerber data. First parameter is the source NC Data layer. Second parameter is the Target layer (-1 if it creates a new layer).

Utilities > Netlist Extract

layerset_setThruDrill@ lyrID

Sets the NC drill layer to use when extracting the netlist. (Must be specified).

netextract4@ Type,Pads,Point,Exist,Neg

Performs the netlist extraction, using the NC drill layer from the command above:

Type is the extraction type (0=true shape, 1=centerline)

Pads defines whether to allow nets without pads (1=allow nets without pads, 0=don’t allow nets without pads).

Point defines whether to extract single point nets (1=yes, 0=no).

Exist is the treatment of existing nets (0 = augment nets, 1 = explode nets (preserve negative planes) and extract, 2 = explode nets and extract.

Neg is whether or not the negative planes are split (0=they are split. 1=they are not split). Turning this option off can significantly increase extraction speeds on non-split planes.


layerset_setThruDrill@ 7 netextract4@ 0,0,0,2,0


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Utilities > Offset Mill Path

Offset All Paths nc_utils_offset_mill_path@

Starts command sequence.

nc_offset_all_mill_paths@ 1,0

Offsets all mill paths for the active layer.

First parameter: 0=offset the paths by half the tool diameter 1=use the current compensation value assigned to the mill tool in the NC Tool Table

Second parameter: 0=offset the path in the direction of the compensation value assigned to the mill tool in the NC Tool Table 1=offset to the left 2=offset to the right

Offset Individual Paths

Following is the macro sequence for individual path selection, with unique offset parameters for each path.


Starts command sequence.

nc_offset_mill_path_parms@ 0,1,0

Sets the offset parameter to use for the path.

First parameter value of 0 designates that no compensation information from the NC Tool Table will be used (offset information is used from the nc_offset_mill_path_data@ command below instead).

Second and Third parameters are ignored.

nc_offset_mill_path_data@ 48.0000,1

Specifies compensation settings for the mill path:

First parameter is the distance to offset the mill paths.

Second parameter: 0=offset to the right, 1=offset to the left.

axy@ 1675.0000,2000.0000

Coordinates of mill path selected.


Ends command.

Following is the macro sequence for individual path selection, with universal offset parameters for all.


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nc_utils_offset_mill_path@ nc_offset_mill_path_parms@ 1,1,0

Sets the offset parameter to use for the path.:

First parameter: 1=use the offset parameters as designated by the remaining two parameters.

Second parameter: 0=offset the path by the tool radius 1=use the Compensation Index as defined in the NC Tool Table

Third parameter: 0=offset the path in the direction specified by the Compensation Index 1=offset to the left 2=offset to the right

axy@ 1825.0000,1900.0000

Coordinates of mill path selected.



Offset All Paths

nc_utils_offset_mill_path@ nc_offset_all_mill_paths@ 0,1

Offset Individual Paths

Unique Offset

nc_utils_offset_mill_path@ nc_offset_mill_path_parms@ 0,0,1 nc_offset_mill_path_data@ 100.0000,2 axy@ 3412.4000,7892.0000 back@

Universal Offset

nc_utils_offset_mill_path@ nc_offset_mill_path_parms@ 1,1,0 setsnap@ 1 axy@ 3275.1000,8098.0000 back@

Utilities > Over/Under Size


Initiates the command.

set_over_under@ Template#, Target#, Amount, Over/Under


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Specifies the over/under settings to run on the selected data:

Template#: layer being over/undersized

Target#: layer over/undersized data is created on. May be existing layer, or new layer. Specify layer number if new layer.

Amount: specifies amount to over/undersize data (in user units)

Over/Under: sets flag to over or undersize data. 0=oversize, 1=undersize.

set_over_under_percent1@ Template#, Target#, Percent, Over/Under

Same as the above command, but allows for percentage changes of the data being over/undersized:

Template#: layer being over/undersized

Target#: layer over/undersized data is created on. May be existing layer, or new layer. Specify layer number if new layer.

Percent: specifies percent to over/undersize data. Expressed as the percent * 100, up to two decimal places (i.e. 101.5 percent is 10150)

Over/Under: sets flag to over or undersize data. 0=oversize, 1=undersize.

set_SMTOnly@ 1

Specifies if SMT pads are to be over/undersized. This is a macro-only command. It does not record.

0 = all pads may be selected 1 = only pads which do not belong to a padstack are selected

Note: If used, this command turns off the selectability of draws, so if you wish for draws to also be selected, this command would have to be followed by seteditdraw@ 1.

axy@ -236.5000,5370.2000 axy@ 5310.3000,-196.6000

Coordinates define the window to be processed.


By Amount

util_over_under@ set_over_under@ 0,21,5.0000,0,0 set_SMTOnly@ 1 axy@ 2268.1000,5437.4000 axy@ 3200.7000,3240.3000

By Percent

util_over_under@ set_over_under_percent1@ 0,21,12300,0,0 set_SMTOnly@ 1 axy@ 2268.1000,5437.4000 axy@ 3200.7000,3240.3000


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Utilities > One-Up Border To Layer


Initiates the command.

Border2Layer_Set_Data@ Dcode#, Layer#

Specifies the One-Up Border settings to run on the border data:

Dcode#: Dcode to use for rendering the converted border graphics.

Layer#: layer to which the border data is converted. May be existing layer, or new layer. Specify 35000 if new layer.


For new layer

util_border2layer@ Border2Layer_Set_Data@ 1,35000

For existing layer

util_border2layer@ Border2Layer_Set_Data@ 1,11

Utilities > Pads To Padstack


This does the pads to padstack conversion. No parameters required.

Utilities > Panelization


panel_spread@ 0,3

Spread (0 =OFF, 1 = ON), Panelize to layer #.

panel_spacing@ bx, by, sx, sy, 0

Border X spacing, Border Y spacing, Image spacing X, Image spacing Y, Spacing type (0=space between, 1=spacing offset). If you turn ON panel_centerimg@ below, the Image spacing and Spacing type parameters are ignored (but a value must still be specified for the macro to play properly)


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panel_dimension@ 24000.0000,20000.0000

Maximum X and Y

panel_outline@ 0,10,15,15.0000

Generate border (0=no, 1=yes), generate Dcode, target layer, step off distance. The step off distance is only used if generate border is set to 1.

panel_centerimg@ 1

1 = center images in their quadrant area, 0=do not center images (use layout specified in panel_spacing@)

setfilmbox@ 0.0000,20000.0000,24000.0000,0.0000

The size of the Film Box. Lower left X coordinate, upper right X coordinate, upper right Y coordinate, lower left Y coordinate.


Generates the panel.


panel_spread@ 1,11 panel_spacing@ 1000.0000,1000.0000,500.0000,500.0000,0 panel_dimension@ 12000.0000,12000.0000 panel_outline@ 0,10,0,0.0000 panel_centerimg@ 1 setfilmbox@ 0.0000,12000.0000,12000.0000,0.0000 panelization@

Panel Editor


Switches to Panel Editor, where Panelization Menu commands may be used to panelize a database.

Utilities > Polygon Conversion

Draw To Raster Poly


Starts the process.

Selecting Polygons axy@ -330.0000,5199.9000

Selects polygon to convert. Coordinates may be anywhere within the polygon. Subsequent coordinates may be selected to convert multiple polygons.


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Ends selection of polygons.

Alternately, the following command may be used to select all vector-drawn polygons on the active layer(s):


Filtering Apertures

This utility may use filter selections to limit the apertures in the polygons which should be converted:

setbydcode@ «10»

Specifies the Dcode to convert (excludes all other Dcodes).

Convert Polygons draw2raster_ok@ draw2raster_ok2@ 1

Performs the conversion, where «0» means show prompts for excessive polygon vertices and «1» means hide prompts for excessive polygon vertices.


Cancels the operation on the selected data. The application reverts back to the start of the process (waiting for a polygon to be picked). This command is normally only seen when recording a macro script (and is unlikely to be used when writing a script).


util_draw2raster@ axy@ 6433.5000,4939.7000 setbydcode@ «38» back@ draw2raster_ok@

Raster Poly To Vector Poly


Starts the process.

axy@ -338.2000,5183.6000

Any point within the polygon you wish to convert. Subsequent coordinates may be selected to convert multiple polygons.


Ends selection of polygons to convert.

raster2vect_dcode@ 10

Sets the Dcode to be used to fill in the vector polygon. It also triggers the actual conversion.


Ends the command.


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Cancels the pick of a raster polygon at the stage of choosing a Dcode to fill the raster polygon. The application reverts back to the start of the process (waiting for a polygon to be picked). This command is normally only seen when recording a macro script (and is unlikely to be used when writing a script).


util_raster2vect@ axy@ 6497.6000,5051.9000 back@ raster2vect_dcode@ 136 back@

Utilities > Quick Part


Initiates command.

Pin Selection

Pins may be selected as inline sequences or as individual pins.

quickpart_SetPinInline@ #

Determines inline pin recognition. Inline recognition is the default for Quick Part pin selection. Use this command only if you want greater control over the individual pins being selected.

1 = Selects Inline Pin Recognition 0 = Deselects Inline Pin Recognition.

quickpart_SetPinName@ «pin_number»

Specifies the current «pin number.» Pin numbering is normally done in an automatic numeric sequence, but you may use this command to assign specific pin numbers to pins. Should appear before the axy@ selecting the next pin.

Parameter is a string of the new number to use. Up to 5 characters allowed.

axy@ 0.0000,0.0000

Used to select the beginning and end pins of an inline pin sequence, or only individual pins in a part (see quickpart_setpininline@)


Ends pin selection.

Part Pattern Settings and Selection quickpart_NewPattern@ «pattern_name»

Creates a part pattern using all the pins that have been previously assigned.

quickpart_SetPatternName@ «pattern_name»


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Select the «pattern name» as the current part to be used for pattern-matching. This can be the most recently created part, or any part in the project library. (Must be a pattern that already exists.)

quickpart_ChangePatternName@ «new_pattern_name»

Changes the pattern name of the currently selected part to be the «new pattern name.»

Part Pattern Matching/Placement quickpart_SetRefDes@ «new_refdes_name»

Changes the reference designator that is currently displayed in the toolbar to «new refdes name.» Normally Ref/des number is automatically incremented when matching part patterns, but this command can be used if you wish to have complete control over the ref/des being assigned. Command must appear before the quickpart_MatchPattern@ command:

setturn100angle@ 4500

Sets turn angle for part pattern. Angle is times 100 (45 degress = 4500).


Turns part pattern by the angle set in setturn100angle@.


Mirrors part pattern on its axis.

quickpart_MatchPattern@ X,Y, angle, mirrored, «refdes_name»

Used to match a selected pattern to a potential part. Performs the actual part placement. May be run multiple times to place additional part instances.

X,Y = Coordinates of the first pin, for matching current pattern. Coordinates contain no decimals (multiply by 10000)

Angle = Degrees that the pattern is to be rotated around the pattern’s first pin.

Mirrored = Indicates whether the pattern is mirrored or not (0 = No, 1 = Yes).

«refdes_name» = Reference designator to be assigned to the part. («» = let system assign ref/des number).


Closes command.


util_quickpart@ axy@ 2225.0000,1550.0000 ‘Select inline pin sequence axy@ 1875.0000,1550.0000 quickpart_SetPinInLine@ 0 ‘switch to individual pin selection for next sequence axy@ 1875.0000,1350.0000 axy@ 1925.0000,1325.0000 axy@ 1975.0000,1350.0000 axy@ 2225.0000,1325.0000 back@ quickpart_NewPattern@ «18smt.1» ‘name part pattern quickpart_SetPatternName@ «18smt.1″ ‘select pattern to use quickpart_MatchPattern@ 28257500,19812000,0,0,»U1″ ‘place first part quickpart_MatchPattern@ 28257500,11430000,0,0,»U2″ quickpart_MatchPattern@ 11430000,21590000,0,0,»U3» quickpart_SetRefDes@ «U4» ‘Sets next ref/des to use setturn100angle@ 4500 ‘turn and mirror part


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quickpart_Turn@ quickpart_Mirror@ quickpart_MatchPattern@ 11430000,21590000,90,1,»U4″ back@

Utilities > Segregate Drills

nc_segregate_drills@ SrcLyrId, SrcToolRef, TgtLyrId, TgtToolRef, Which

Separates drill hits to another layer, based on the tool reference.

SrcLyrId = Source NC Layer number (0 based)

SrcToolRef = Tool Reference of drill hits to move

TgtLyrId = Target NC Layer number (0 based)

TgtToolRef = Tool Reference to be assigned to the hits when moved to the target layer

Which = which drill hits to move: 0 = All drill hits made by SrcToolRef 1 = All plated drill hits made by SrcToolRef 2 = All unplated drill hits made by SrcToolRef

Utilities > Sort Drill Hits

drill_firstlast@ 1

Specifies if user will set the first/last drill hits in the path. 1 = yes, 0 = no.

drill_sort_set@ 0,0,50.0000,15

Specifies the search settings to use when sorting the drill hits.

First parameter is Scan Type (0 = scanx, 1 = scany, 2 = closest)

Second parameter is the Drill path Dcode (in v5.0 and earlier. Use a 0 value as a placeholder in v6.0 and later).

Third parameter is the Scan Width, in user-units

Last is the NC data layer ID (remember macro layer numbering begins at 0)

axy@ 1200.0000,1875.0000 axy@ 800.0000,2700.0000

If recording the function, these are the coordinates selected for the first and last drill hits. They are not necessary when playing the macro (the coordinates are taken care of in the following command).


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drill_sort@ 1222.2183,1877.7817,907.4061,2737.0305

Performs the sorting. These are the actual coordinates where the first and last drill hits will be (functions like snapping to an object).


Ends command.


drill_firstlast@ 1 drill_sort_set@ 1,0,60.0000,9 drill_sort@ 1224.5000,3031.0000,4626.5000,1473.0000 end@

Utilities > Sort Mill Paths


Sorts all mill paths on the active layer(s). No parameters.

Utilities > Step and Repeat Image Order

nc_exp_nc_SR_order@ SROrderSequence

Specifies the NC output pattern order for Panelized stepped images.

Values for SROrderSequence:

0 — left to right, then top to bottom 1 — left to right, then bottom to top 2 — right to left, then top to bottom 3 — right to left, then bottom to top 4 — top to bottom, then left to right 5 — top to bottom, then right to left 6 — bottom to top, then left to right 7 — bottom to top, then right to left

nc_exp_nc_use_SR@ 1

Specifies NC output format will include step and repeat instructions for Excellon and Seib&Meyer formats. 1 = yes, 0 = no.


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Utilities > Teardrop


Starts the teardrop command.

teardrop_set@ #,#,#

Specifies the teardrop settings to use:

The first # is the function to use: 0 = delete teardrops 1 = use pad teardrops 2 = use line teardrops

The second # is the percent to multiply the radius for line teardrops (not used for pads teardrops). Maximum value is 400 (400%).

The third # controls the DRC (0=don’t do DRC, 1=do DRC).

axy@ X,Y axy@ X,Y

Defines the rectangular selection window to process. (Coordinates of two opposite corners of the rectangle)


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View Menu Macros

View > All


Zooms out to view extents of design.

View > Back Side

view_backside@ #

Useful for viewing solder side of design. 1 = view back side of data 0 = normal view

View > Composite


This is a toggle, meaning that each time the command is executed it changes the state from normal to composite view. You may change the composite being viewed using setcompo@ command.

View > Film Box


Views the extents of the filmbox on screen (shows placement of data within box). This is a toggle, meaning

All Layer Bar Status Bar

Back Side Out Tool Bar

Composite Pan Tool Bar Help

Film Box Panoramic Window

Fixture Extent Redraw With Compensation

In Rotate


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that each time the command is executed it changes the state from filmbox on/off.

View > Fixture Extent

view_window@ axy@ -3000.0000,-3000.0000 axy@ 8000.0000,8000.0000 back@

Views a test fixture on screen. Coordinates are the opposite corners of a window drawn around the test fixture, so that the entire fixture appears in the workspace, zoomed-in as closely as possible.

These coordinates may be obtained in this manner: use the height and width value assigned to the test fixture by your macro by the bn_fixture_width@ & bn_fixture_height@ commands, determine the centerpoint of the database by using the database extent queries, and add or subtract 1/2 of the width/height value from this centerpoint to obtain the end coordinates:


bn_fixture_width@ is 20 inches (20000 mils) bn_fixture_height@ is 22 inches (22000 mils)

visminx! & viminy! are 0, 0 and vismaxx! & vismaxy! are 10,10 inches (1000,1000 mils) — giving a center point of 5,5 inches (500,500 mils)

To determine the lower-left corner of the view window: subtract half the width (10 inches) from 5X and half the height (11 inches) from 5Y, which yields a lower left point of -5,-6 inches.

Repeating same process for upper corner results in an upper coordinate of 15, 16 inches.

Finished view_window@ would look like this:

view_window@ axy@ -5000.0000,-6000.0000 axy@ 15000.0000,16000.0000 back@

View > In

view_zoomin@ axy@ 1875.0000,4050.0000 end@

Zooms database view in one level, at given coordinates. Commands may be repeated to zoom further levels.


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View > Layer Bar


Turns layer bar off /on. This is a toggle, meaning that each time the command is executed it changes the state.

View > Out

view_zoomout@ axy@ 2525.0000,3950.0000 end@

Zooms database view out one level, at given coordinates. Commands may be repeated to zoom further levels. (opposite of View > In command).

View > Pan

view_pan@ axy@ 4700.0000,3475.0000 back@

View > Panoramic


Opens a view window showing the database in relation to the workspace. This is a toggle, meaning that each time the command is executed it changes the state.

View > Redraw



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Refreshes all data on screen.

View > Rotate

view_rotate@ #

Will show the view of your data rotated counterclockwise by the # of degrees specified: 0, 90, 180, 270. (0 sets it to the normal view.)

View > Status Bar


Turns the Status bar on or off. This is a toggle, meaning that each time the command is executed it changes the state.

View > Tool Bar


Turns the toolbar on or off. This is a toggle, meaning that each time the command is executed it changes the state.

View > Tool Bar Help


Turns tool bar help display on and off. This is a toggle, meaning that each time the command is executed it changes the state.

View > Window


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view_window@ axy@ 1375.0000,5350.0000 axy@ 3300.0000,3175.0000 back@

Zooms workspace to a designated rectangular area of the database. The coordinates given represent the two opposite corners of the rectangle being viewed.

View > With Compensation

There are no macro commands for this feature.


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Sample Macros Provided with the CAM350 Software

To show the versatility of the macro language, as well as to help our customers increase their productivity, several macros (.SCR files) are provided with the application. Following is a brief description of each file. We recommend you open any macro you wish to use in a text editor to view any comments that appear in them. These comments contain instructions and descriptions of sections in the macros.

Apersort-V7.scr Script sorts all apertures in the database, as well as compressing the aperture table to remove unused apertures.

Autodim.scr This script allows the user to add mechanical dimensions to a database using either linear or datum techniques.

ColorControl.scr This script allows the user to set the layer colors automatically by layer type.

Drl_lgnd.scr Creates a drill «legend» table of all the used drill tools in the NC Tool Table.

Layerord.scr This macro scans the layer tags and builds the proper stack up.

Pads_drill.scr PADS outputs a separate drill table from their drill file. This script reads in the table file (*.rep) and sets the NC Tool Table based on that information.

ShowEachLayer.scr Allows the user to examine the individual layers in a design by toggling through them, displaying only the active layer.

Simple1.scr An example of a record/play back macro.

Simple2.scr A simple macro that asks the user questions.

Simple3.scr A macro demonstrating the capabilities of macro Forms.

Textins.scr This Macro will read any ASCII text file and insert the text into a database at a location chosen by the user.


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Obsolete Macros and Their New Equivalents

As the CAM350 software has evolved, it has been necessary to replace old macro commands and database queries with new ones. In order to assist users who are using scripts that contain those macros, following is a list of obsolete macros & database queries, and their new equivalent command(s). The hyperlinks will take you to the Macro Language Guide topic where the alternative macro command is discussed.

ALL Editors

CAM Editor

Obsolete Macro Alternative

l Composite layer type (macro layer type 5)


l Plated Drill layer type (macro layer type 9)

Replaced by NC Data layer (21)

l Mill layer type (macro layer type 10)

Replaced by NC Data layer (21)

l Unplated Drill layer type (macro layer type 15)

Replaced by NC Data layer (21)

l edit_selectall@ edit_selectall2@

Obsolete Macro Alternative

l setacidtrapparms@ l setacidtrapfix@


l setsliverparms@ l setsliverfix@


l set_layercompareparms@ set_layercompareparms1@

l drc_trktrk@ drc_Set_Trk2Trk_Test@ drc_Set_Trk2Trk_Val@ drc_Set_Trk2Trk_Dcode@ See Analysis > DRC

l drc_trkpad@ drc_Set_Trk2Pad_Test@ drc_Set_Trk2Pad_Val@ drc_Set_Trk2Pad_Dcode@ See Analysis > DRC

l drc_padpad@ drc_Set_Pad2Pad_Test@ drc_Set_Pad2Pad_Val@ drc_Set_Pad2Pad_Dcode@ See Analysis > DRC

l drc_outline@ drc_Set_Outline_Test@ drc_Set_Outline_Val@ See Analysis > DRC

l drc_mintrk@ drc_Set_MinTrk_Test@ drc_Set_MinTrk_Val@ drc_Set_MinTrk_Dcode@ See Analysis > DRC

l drc_minpad@ drc_Set_MinPad_Test@ drc_Set_MinPad_Val@ drc_Set_MinPad_Dcode@ See Analysis > DRC

l drc_redunpad@ drc_Set_RedundPad_Test@ See Analysis > DRC


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l drc_anringpaddata@ drc_Set_Drill2Pad_Pad_Lyr@ See Analysis > DRC

l drc_anringmaskdata@ drc_Set_Drill2Mask_Mask_Lyr@ See Analysis > DRC

l drc_anringdrilldata@ drc_Set_Drill2Mask_Drill_Lyr@ drc_Set_Drill2Pad_Drill_Lyr@ See Analysis > DRC

l drc_anringpadmask@ drc_Set_Pad2MaskTop_Test@ drc_Set_Pad2MaskTop_Val@ drc_Set_Pad2MaskBot_Test@ drc_Set_Pad2MaskBot_Val@ See Analysis > DRC

l drc_anringdrillmask@ drc_Set_Drill2Mask_Test@ drc_Set_Drill2Mask_Val@ See Analysis > DRC

l drc_anringdrillpad@ drc_Set_Drill2Pad_Test@ drc_Set_Drill2Pad_Val@ See Analysis > DRC

l drc_drillwopad@ drc_Set_DrillWOPad_Test@ See Analysis > DRC

l drc_padwodrill@ drc_Set_PadWODrill_Test@ See Analysis > DRC

l drc_drltrk@ drc_Set_Drill2Trk_Test@ drc_Set_Drill2Trk_Val@ See Analysis > DRC

l edit_layerreorder@ init_layer_reorder@ change_layer_position@ apply_layer_order@

l export_orbotech@ l import_orbotech@

None. (see Superceded Features).

l starved_thermals_window@ starved_thermals_window2@

l starved_thermals_layer@ starved_thermals_layer2@

l add_comp@ add_component@

l addcomp@ addcomp_makecmp@

l addcomp_ok@ None. (see Add > Part)

l panel_spread@ * l panel_spacing@ * l panel_merge@ l panel_dimension@ * l panel_outline@ * l panel_copies@ l panel_mode@ l panelization@ *

* = these commands are still used by the Utilities > Panelization > Autofilm command, but are no longer acceptable for generating true panels.

all Utilities > Panelization macro commands have been superceded by the Panel Editor Panelization Menu macro commands.

l set_panel_dimensions@ l set_panel_border_spacing@ l set_minimum_image_spacing@ l add_panel_symbol@ l del_panel_symbol@ l del_all_panel_symbols@ l edit_panel_symbol@ l set_panel_symbol_loc@ l set_panel_coupoon_angle@ l set_panel_symbol_ncrank@ l set_panel_image_rotation@ l set_panel_image_spacing@ l set_panel_image_copies@ l set_panel_use_spacebetween@ l set_panel_compute_copies@


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NC Editor

l set_panel_use_autocalc@ l do_panel_autocalc@ l place_panel_symbols@ l add_panel_image@ l del_panel_image@ l del_all_panel_images@ l edit_panel_image@ l do_panel_renderimages@

l vent_type@ l ventfillpattern@ l vent_borderlayer@ l vent_layera@ l vent_layerb@ l vent_offset@ l ventfilldcode@ l ventpatdcode@ l ventpatangle@ l ventpatstep@ l ventpatoffset@ l Vent_Galvanic@ l Vent_DataOffset@ l vent@

Panel Editor Panelization > Venting Macro Commands l add_panel_vent@ l del_panel_vent@ l del_all_panel_vents@ l edit_panel_vent@ l add_panel_vent_layer@ l del_panel_vent_layer@ l del_all_panel_vent_layers@ l set_panel_vent_offsetfromedge@ l set_panel_vent_offsetfromimages@ l set_panel_vent_offsetfromsymbols@ l set_panel_vent_galvanicwidth@ l set_panel_vent_patternoffsets@ l set_panel_vent_galvanic@ l set_panel_vent_offsetpattern@ l set_panel_vent_outline@ l set_panel_vent_nopartials@ l set_panel_vent_polarity@ l set_panel_vent_pattern@ l set_panel_dotpatternline@ l set_panel_dotpatternlineenable@ l set_panel_dotpatternystep@ l set_panel_hatchpatternline@ l do_panel_rendervents@

l explode_panel@ explode_flattenpanel@ in Panel Editor

Obsolete Macro Alternative

l change_drill@ nc_edit_change_tool@, nc_change_tool@

l drill_setup@ nc_add_tool@,nc_set_tool_type@,etc…

l drill_setup1@ nc_add_tool@,nc_set_tool_type@,etc…

l drill_setup2@ nc_set_tool_id@

l drill_start_reassign@ None

l drill_end_reassign@ None

l drill_setlegendstosize@ None

l drill_loadlib@ nc_load_table_replace@

l drill_savelib@ nc_save_table@

l set_adddrill@ set_current_toolref@

l set_fromdrill@ None


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l set_todrill@ None

l chgdrill_ok@ None

l chgdrill_cancel@ None

l mill_createdata@ nc_add_mill_path@

l mill_addtool@ nc_add_tool@

l mill_deletetool@ nc_delete_tool@

l mill_modifytool@ nc_set_tool_type@ nc_set_tool_size@ nc_set_tool_infeed@ nc_set_tool_outfeed@ nc_set_tool_feedrate@ nc_set_tool_rpms@ nc_set_tool_maxhits@ nc_set_tool_linktool@ nc_set_tool_exportorder@ nc_set_tool_display_color@ nc_set_tool_display_size@ nc_set_tool_cap@ nc_set_tool_shape@ nc_set_tool_usesize@

l mill_modifytoolid@ nc_set_tool_id@

l gerber2drill@ nc_gerber_to_drill@

l gerber2drill_unplated@ nc_gerber_to_drill@

l gerber2mill@ nc_gerber_to_mill@

l set_active_drilltbl@ nc_assign_tool_table_to_layer@

l view_drillpath@ view_nc_annotate_drill@

l nc_exp_nc_use_SR@ None. (see Superceded Features).


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Panel Creation

The Panel Editor allows for the fast creation of efficiently-panelized designs, complete with test coupons, registration holes, vent patterns, title boxes, etc. (generated using the new Symbol Editor) The original one-up design, and the panelized result, are separate entities that can be manipulated at any time before, during, and even after the process.

This tutorial provides you with an overview of how to use the Panel Editor. Each setup you create may be saved as a file that can be used to panelize subsequent jobs. Multiple panel formats can be saved for later execution as «one button», fully-automatic routines. Or you can chose to prepare individualized panels on a job by job basis: the flexibility exists for both approaches.

Note: It is highly recommended you read and complete the Symbol Creation tutorial before reading this tutorial, as a number of the symbols created in the Symbol tutorial are used to set up your example panel.

Creating a Panel

Panelizing a Job

Creating a Panel

A panel can be generated using the Panelization Menu commands in the Panel Editor. Each menu command controls a specific area of the panel, from setting up the panel’s physical layout to actually generating the panelized images and creating the venting patterns. The panel setup may be reconfigured at any time, even after panelization has occurred.

Setup Symbols

Before beginning a Panel Setup it is advisable to create all the symbols you are likely to require in your panel(s). Symbols, such as coupons, will be placed at fixed locations in the panel during a panel set up. They may be placed on an individual basis when, you actually panelize a job (using Add > Symbol), but it is generally preferred you have a symbol library available for the variety of panels you are likely to need to set up: most shops have a fixed set of symbols they use for their panels.

If you completed the manual symbol creation section of the Symbol Creation tutorial, you will already have a symbol library to draw from for this tutorial.

Setup Panel

It’s best to begin a fresh panel setup with no database loaded in the application. This will give you a blank slate to work on. Enter the Panel Editor using Tools > Panel Editor. In the editor you will notice a number of similar functions to the CAM Editor — this is intended to give you much of the functionality of the main editor for all panel-level data. Note that panel data includes such things as symbols, venting patterns, etc, but doesn’t not include the data (draws, flashes, drills, etc). in the one-up image you are panelizing. Once in the Panel Editor, you will not be able to make edits to the database itself without a) exiting to the CAM Editor (all changes there will reflect in the Panel Editor) or b) exploding the Panel using Edit > Change > Explode > Flatten Panel (once you explode a panel, however, there is no recourse! The panelized data will lose its panel intelligence and become one-up data, not step & repeat images).

Inside the Panel Editor you will notice 3 buttons on the toolbar: Setup, Create and Venting. (These commands are also available in the Panelization menu). These buttons show the basic steps needed to panelize a job. . Begin by clicking Setup.

This tutorial does not exhaustively cover each individual command in the Setup dialog, but will go over all the required steps to make a generic panel setup. For more information, see Panelization > Setup.

Set Panel Size

You will need to set the panel size for your generic panel. Size may be set as a function of the specific boards your shop receives, or as a general size for all jobs. The Size Tab allows you to set this information, as well as the spacing clearances for all step & repeat data in the panel.


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1. Set the panel size to 12″ x 12″

2. Border spacing controls the minimum distance step images will be created from the panel border. Set this value to 2″

If you want to custom tailor this border spacing for your panel, check the Advanced box and enter spacing values from all four sides of the panel.

3. Set the image spacing value to .5″. This controls how close step images may be generated in a panel, allowing you to maximize the panelized images or leave adequate clearance for venting patterns. Your panel will now look like this:

Note: Use the checkbox Automatically Update FilmBox to keep the Film Box definition in sync with the Panelization box definition. The default is to keep the Film Box and Panelization Box matched. If you chose not to keep the Film Box and Panelization Box in sync, you can use the Edit > Change > Origin commands to manage the panel origin and film box origin separately. Use the File > Setup > Film Box command to define the size and location of the film box.

Add Pinning Holes

Pinning Holes are the most basic Symbol used to set up your panel. Each fabrication shop typically has its own pinning hole unique to its production processes. For our purposes, set up a generic series of holes, as outlined below:

1. Click on the Pinning Hole tab

2. Click the Add button to select a pinning hole Symbol to use in the panel. Use the symbol «pinhole». This is available in the Symbol tutorial library (this library should already be set in your application from the Symbol Creation tutorial; if not, see the tutorial for how to specify the symbol library to use).

3. Now you’ll need to set the placement points for the pinning hole you’re adding. You may set these as absolute or relative coordinates from the edge of the panel. Use the coordinates for the first pinning hole below, then use Add again to insert an additional 4 holes, at the given coordinates:

Relative coordinate mode allows you to set the pinning holes a given distance from the edge of the panel, regardless of the panel size — the symbols will move automatically should you change the size.

Hole #1 Hole #2 Hole #3 Hole #4 Hole #5

x1″, y5″

x1″, y6″

x6″, y1″

x11″,y6″ x5″,y11″


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Note: You can also set the rotation of each pinning hole by using the Rotation drop-down list. However, rotations are limited to 90 degree increments and may only be useful for special pinning hole designs.

4. Pinning holes may be added as Primary (plated) or Secondary (unplated/tented) drill hits by checking the appropriate box. When done, your panel preview should look like this:

Add Fiducials

Fiducials are required for film alignment/collation. The process and commands are essentially the same as for Pinning Holes, with the exception of the drill settings — fiducials have no drills, so these commands do not apply to them.

1. Click on the Fiducial tab.

2. Click the Add button to select a fiducial symbol to use in the panel: use «fiducial» from the symbol library.

3. Place several fiducials around the panel., as indicated by these coordinates:

When done, your panel preview should look like this:

Add Title Block

Hole #1 Hole #2

x7″, y1″ x5″, y11″


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The Title Block tab is used to enter your title block. Commands are the same as for Pinning Holes and Fiducials, again with no need for a drill option. The title block in our sample panel will be offset from the lower left corner.

1. Click on the Title Block tab.

2. Click the Add button to select a title block Symbol to use in the panel: use «title_block».

3. Place your Title Block at x2.5″, y1.4″. When done, your panel preview should look something like this:

Add Coupons

Finally, add the coupon(s) required for your panel. For our example panel, we will use one drill coupon, offset from the lower right corner.

1. Click on the Coupons tab.

2. Click the Add button to select a coupon Symbol to use in the panel: use «firstlast».

3. Place your Coupon at x11″, y3″. Select Primary from the NC Layer check boxes, to make sure these drill hits will be plated hits.

4. In this case, we also need to rotate the coupon to avoid overrunning the step images: use a 90 degree rotation. When done, your panel preview should look something like this:


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Save & Load Panel Setup —

Once you’ve verified that all symbols have been added correctly, it’s time to save the final panel. You can save any number of panel setups in the application directory, under the *.pan extension. These setups can be loaded for any design you wish to panelize. You may make case by case adjustments to the setups as necessary, and still be assured that you have a clean copy saved for future jobs.

1. Click the Save button. The Save Setup As dialog box appears with a list of all current panel setups.

2. Type a setup name in the top field (it isn’t necessary to add the .pan extension — the system will assign it automatically) or select a previous panel setup from the list, if you wish to overwrite it. For this tutorial, add the new panel setup as «tutorial.pan»

3. You may now test the saved setup by exiting the Setup dialog and reopening it. Notice the dialog box still shows the current setup you were working on.

4. Change the panel size to 24″ x 20″.

5. Click Load and select «tutorial.pan». The size values you changed will be overwritten by the saved panel setup.

Panelizing a Job

Now that you’ve created your basic panel setup, you’re ready to begin panelizing a job. Panelization involves adding the desired step images to your panel, as well as setting up venting patterns and exporting the final result.

Import Gerbers and Prepare Database

It is assumed you know how to import and prepare standard Gerber files. If not, refer to the Import > Gerber Data and Tables > Layers commands to import and tag your files properly. To panelize a sample design in this tutorial, please use either the sample Gerber files located in the application’s Demos directory (use must import & prep these), or use the sample .CAM database, preview.cam, under the same directory (this file has been prepped).

In addition to the normal file preparation, you must set some panel-specific items:

Panelization Anchor

Each step image in the Panel Editor has a «handle» or anchor which will be used to place the image in the panel, as well as calculate rotations, etc. This anchor point is set in the CAM Editor, using Edit > Change > Origin > Panelization Anchor. You may assign the point anywhere within the one-up image. The anchor point appears on screen briefly to show you its new location, but disappears after you exit the command.

You only need to set the anchor point if you want to change its default location — if no new anchor is set in the CAM Editor, the origin point (0,0) is assumed to also be the panel anchor in the Panel Editor. For our purposes, leaves this as the default.


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One-Up Border

In addition to an anchor, each step image has a «border» which acts as the outline when calculating panel spacing between images, as well as protecting the step images from venting patterns. This border defaults to a rectangular shape around the extents of the one-up image in the CAM Editor (visible as a bounding box in the Panel Editor).

If you have a complex board outline you wish to use for this purpose, you can set the border to a specific shape using the Utilities > Draw To One-Up Border command in the CAM Editor. The command allows you to select any continuous line on the database’s «border» layer as the one-up border. In the case of preview.cam, we’ll stick with the default border.

Layer Stackup

The layer stackup controls the placement of symbol data on specific layers in your panel. If you don’t select a layer stackup for your job, you will be prompted to enter one before you can create your panel. It’s a good idea to get into the habit of setting your layer stackup prior to entering the Panel Editor, using Tables > Layer Sets > Layer Stackup. If you do forget, you may also set the layer stackup under the same command in the Panel Editor, at any time prior to panelization. A typical stackup may look like this (use this for preview.cam):

See also the Symbol Creation tutorial.

Viewing Step Images

While working on a panel, you have a few options on how to display the step images contained in the panel. As a default, step images appear as a rectangular box with the number of the step image inside. This indicates that step images themselves cannot be edited in the Panel Editor (you cannot change the contents of a step image). If you’d like to get a more visual representation of the step images, in the Panel Editor you may select Settings > View Options > View Circuit Images, which displays all internal data in each step image. This gives you a better feel for how the data in each image orients compared to its neighbors.

However, on larger step images, this amount of graphical data in the panel can slow redraw times significantly. In those cases you may select the BitBlt Circuit Images view option under the main View Circuit Images option — this will redraw step images in a much faster mode. The trade-off is in accuracy: while the normal mode displays all data as it exists in the step images, this mode is less graphically accurate, depending on screen resolution, etc., so is better suited for getting an overview of the data, rather than a 100% accurate image.

Load Panel Setup

Once you’ve prepared the database, you’re ready for panelization. Go to the Panel Editor and select the Setup button from the toolbar or Panelization > Setup from the menus. You’ll be loading the sample panel you created, so hit the Load button and select «tutorial.pan»

If you needed to make adjustments to the panel setup (increase panel size, etc). you can make those changes now. For this tutorial, leave the setup as is, and exit the dialog.


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NOTE: CAM350 supports alternatives for importing Panel Template data. In the Panel Editor, you are able to import Gerber data using the File > Import > Gerber Data command. You can import drill and mill data using File > Import > Drill Data and File > Import > Mill Data. Further, you can merge panel data template using the File > Merge Panel command.

Create Panel

The Create command places the step images in the panelized job, much as the old command Utilities > Panelization > Panelize did in previous versions of the software, but allows more flexible control over the images.

You can choose to allow the system to calculate some of the values in the panel: either 1) the image offset values, or 2) the number of step images in the panel. Unlike the old command, you can specify rotations for the images, or use SpreadSheet mode to have complete control over the placements of each individual step image.

Note: When switching between AutoCalc and SpreadSheet modes, be aware that all changes you made in one mode will be discarded when you switch to another mode! You cannot return and expect your previous values to remain.

AutoCalc Mode

By default Create operates in AutoCalc mode, in which the system generates some of the values in the panelized job. As noted, these are the between/offset values for the images, or the number of step images in the panel. Rotation will allow you to change the orientation of the step images, but only works on all step images and only in 90 degree increments.

1. Determine if you wish to have the system calculate Panel Size, Border Spacing, Image Spacing or Number of Copies and select the appropriate Compute radio button.

2. If you selected Copies, you will need to fill in the Spacing information:

Between Select the x & y spacing between the panelization borders of the step images

Offset Specify an offset distance between the data in the step images themselves (i.e. trace to trace)

3. Set the Between Spacing values at .5″

4. If you had selected Copies, you would have specified the number of copies in the x- & y-axis: the results of your selections appear in the panel preview.

5. You may also set the angle of the step images. Click on the 90 degree radio button and notice how the


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images all rotate to the new position. (In this case the rotation doesn’t yield any extra step images in the panel).

6. If you need to make any adjustments to the panel Setup, click the Setup button — this brings up the Setup dialog box, where you can make changes as described in the first section of this tutorial.

7. When you have set all the step image values, click the Create button to generate the panelized job:

SpreadSheet Mode

Spreadsheet mode allows you complete control over the placement of step images in the panel, but requires more finesse than AutoCalc mode. You must set the x,y placement of each step image individually. You can set each image’s Rotation to any angle, though you will need to keep an eye on superimposing one image over another accidentally.

1. SpreadSheet mode displays a table of the current images in the panel. You may set the values for any of the image’s characteristics by typing in the appropriate field. All coordinate values are absolute from the panel origin (always the lower left corner of the panel). As a demonstration we’ll be changing step images 1-4 in this tutorial panel.

image 1 — set the rotation to 90 degrees and placement to x 4″,y 2″

image 2 — leave the rotation, but set the spacing to x 3.9″, y 2″

image 3 — set rotation to 90 degrees and x 10″, y 2″

image 4 — finally, leave rotation, but set location to x 3.9″, y 3.9″

Your final panel image should appear like this:


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2. Notice the orientation change did not give more space in this case, as the step images were only reorganized. However there will be many cases where turning the images will free up additional space on the panel for more step images.

In those cases, you can use the Add Image button to add additional images to the table: you will need to set the rotation and location of the new image as you did for the others.

3. If you wish to decrease the number of step images in a panel, use the Delete Image button. A selection dialog appears in which you can select individual or multiple step images (using the Shift or Ctrl keys) for deletion.

4. Click the Create button to generate the panelized job:

Add Variable Text


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The next step is to define any Variable Text in your panel’s symbols. Variable Text is a form of variable name that you can replace with information in a panelized job. See the Symbol Creation tutorial for more information on this topic.

1. Select Tables > Variable Text. The dialog will show all currently-defined variable text in the left-hand selection list. You should see a list of all the variable text in the Symbol «title_block»:

Note: preview.cam has no internal or positive layers. Therefore you do not need to fill in the Variable Text pertaining to these layer types — symbols contain all potential Variable Text, even those variables used on layers which don’t exist in the current job. These entries cannot be deleted, as they are part of the original Symbol’s layout.

2. Fill in all the pertinent Variable Text in the dialog. Click on the text in the left-hand selection area and the definition area to the right will activate.

Simply click in the definition area and begin typing your text. Use these values:

3. Once you finish entering all of the Variable Text values, click OK to save the entries. All the Variable Text contained in the title block will now be updated to the new definitions. Turn on layer 1 (top layer) for example and view the results:

Each Variable Text entry has been replaced with its new definition. Toggle through the layers to make sure all variable text is as you want it, and go on to the next process.

Add Venting

date today’s date and time

job_no Job# 1234

layer_no_bot Layer 4

layer_no_neg_1 Layer 2

layer_no_top Layer 1

layer_type_bot bottom

layer_type_neg1 negative

layer_type_top top

Rev Rev A


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You will now be adding venting to your panel. The Panel Editor make allowances for most major venting styles and gives you complete control of each vent pattern on a layer-by-layer basis. Venting patterns may include solid vents, dot-pattern and hatched vents, as well as robber bars to equalize the copper balance.

Positive Venting

This type of venting should be used on all positive layers (top, bottom, internal, etc). In preview.cam we will be adding positive venting to the top and bottom layers.

Note: If you want your pattern to vent up to the border of each step image, be sure to set the one-up border as described above.

1. Select Venting. Notice you have a choice of units to work in: Inches, MMs, or mils. Select mils.

2. In the upper left, under Vents, use Add to enter a new venting pattern.

3. Add the details of the vent pattern:

Offset from Panel Edge controls how close the venting will come to the edge of the panel. Set this value to 2000 mils (same as our panel border spacing — 2″).

Offset from Images determines how close venting comes to step images. Use 50 mils — we want to get relatively close.

Offset from Symbols Set this to 5 mils.

Pattern This drop-down list allows you to select a dot, hatched, or solid pattern. Pick Dot. Notice the Polarity field highlights and a spread sheet for setting the pattern is opened.

Polarity Set this to Positive.

No Partials This check box determines if the vent pattern will include only whole dots. If this is selected the venting pattern for the layer will be generated as a polygon — much the same way venting was created in older versions of the application — leaving clearance areas around each step image’s border. For our purposes, leave this unchecked.

Tip: If you select the No Partials option, you must use Offset From Images and Offset from Symbols values of at least half the shape’s Width to insure the shape does not overlap the image edge. For example, if you choose a round dot pattern with 0.06 width, the offset values should be at least 0.03.

Spread Sheet The dot pattern spreadsheet is set to the default pattern, using a 60 mil round aperture. Leave these default values, but change the shape used to Square with the drop-down list.

4. Add the layers that will use this venting pattern: in Layers selection area (lower left), use the Add button and select the top and bottom layers from the Layer List dialog box which appears. Your final venting pattern should look like this:


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5. Click OK to exit the command.

6. Turn on only layer 1 (top). The venting will appear like this:

Robber Bars

Robber bars (or galvanic vents) are often added to top and bottom layers to balance the copper between them, preventing over etching from occurring. You’ll need to determine the existing copper balance before attempting to fix it using robber bars. This can be done using the Analysis > Copper Area command. Once you’ve determined that information, you can either calculate out the needed copper to be added, and determine the subsequent size of the robber bars to add, or do some trial and error additions of robber bars until the balance is


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For our purposes, you’ll be adding a fixed bar size, assuming the design you’re panelizing has no significant copper difference between the two layers.

1. Select the Panelization > Venting command.

2. Under Vents, click Add to add a new pattern.

3. Select the Pattern first: pick Solid. Notice that the Robber Bar option appears in the upper right, and the Polarity dropdown list is grayed out. Click the Robber Bar check box.

4. Set the Offsets for the venting pattern:

Offset from Panel Edge controls how close the venting will come to the edge of the panel. Set this value to 1000 mils.

Robber Bar Width Notice that this field has changed from the «Offset from Images» settings. It now determines how wide the robber bar being added is. Set this to 1000 mils, or a 1″ robber bar.

Offset from Symbols Set this to 5 mils.

5. Under Layers, select top and bottom from the list. Your final Robber Bar pattern should look like this:

6. Click OK. The top layer will now display the robber bar at the edge of the previous venting pattern:


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Notice how the bars clearance around all Symbols — the symbol border protects the symbols from venting patterns.

Negative Venting

Negative venting is used on all layers which will be plotted with reverse polarity (negative planes). You will be adding this venting to the two negative layers in the design.

As with positive venting, setting the one-up border allows you to vent to the exact shape of the board’s outline.

Negative layers should take advantage of the Offset command to stagger their venting patterns, allowing them to interlock and perform better venting.

1. Select Panelization > Venting.

2. In the upper left, under Vents, use Add to enter a new venting pattern.

3. We will add the negative venting for the first negative layer in the database (layer 2):

Offset From Panel Edge Set to 900 mils

Offset From Images Set to 0.

Offset From Symbols Set to 5 mils.

Pattern Select Hatched pattern. (The hatch-pattern spreadsheet appears).

Polarity Set to Negative.

Spread Sheet You can set the hatch-pattern spreadsheet to any desired combination of hatched lines (again


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similar to old versions of the application). Set the hatch pattern to a single 45 degree line: Width 200 mils, Step 500 mils, and Angle 45 degree.

Your final venting pattern should look like this:

4. Under Layers, select only layer 2. The first hatch pattern is done.

5. Create the second, offset hatch pattern for layer 3. The settings are the same as above, with these exceptions:

Polarity Set to Positive.

Click the Offset check box.

6. Add layer 3 to the pattern:

7. Click OK to generate the two patterns:


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Notice how the two layers interlock their venting patterns.

8. The patterns are not complete yet. They appear correct since they are displayed in positive mode. Use the N key to toggle each layer’s polarity and you’ll see the hatch patterns have created dead-ends for the venting just at the border offset of the panel. To fix this, you must add positive venting where the hatched venting meets the border offset zone, creating a flow area for the venting. To do so, place a Robber Bar on both negative layers, with these settings:

Robber Bar Width 1000 mils

Offset from Symbols 5 mils

9. Select both negative layers in the Layers > Add command.

10. Click OK. The new robber bars will appear positive, but using the N-key you can see they created the desired clearance area:


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Save Database

Before you begin exporting files, it’s a good idea to Save your design as a .CAM file. This assures all panel and symbol information used in your panelized job will remain with the original design — you can refer back to the .CAM file to make any changes to the panel without having to start the panelization process over again.

You may save your file in the Panel Editor by using File > Save PCB or File > Save As PCB, or exit to the CAM Editor and save it as you would normally.

In the Panel Editor, if you wish to overwrite the original preview.cam file (not recommended), select File > Save PCB. Skip this step, as you should retain the original preview.cam file for other demonstration purposes.


Use File > Save As PCB, which functions the same as the File > Save As command in the CAM Editor. The Save As dialog appears and you are prompted to enter a name for a new file: use «preview_panel.cam»

Export Panel

Once you have completed the panel creation process, it’s time to export the files for plotting. There are several export options in the Panel Editor. Once you have panelized a job you may export it as individual files (Gerber data, composites, drill & mill data), or as a complete panel to some CAD systems (DXF, ODB++, GenCAD).

Export Gerber

Exporting a panel as Gerber files is essentially the same as exporting individual layers using the standard File > Export Gerber Data command. Refer to the File > Export Panel > Gerber Data command for details, with the following caveats:


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Panel Gerber layers will be flattened on export: all symbol and panel data will be exploded and exported as normal Gerber data, while the step & repeat codes for the step images themselves will be retained (if exported in a Gerber format other than 274D). If you reimport these files, you will not get an intelligent panelized database, as you do by saving the .CAM file.

Layers containing venting patterns will be exported as composites. If imported back into the application, they appear as multi-layer composites, which must be viewed using View > Composite or Tables > Composites.

Export Composites

If your panel contains any composites from the original one-up design, you must export these using File > Export Panel > Composites. Again, this command is essentially the same as the CAM Editor equivalent, with the exceptions noted above.

Export Drill/Mill Data

NC Data files are exported in the same fashion as they are in the CAM Editor, with the exception that the drill/mill files will contain any panel drills (from symbols, etc), as well as all drills used in the step images of the panel.

Refer to File > Export Panel > Drill Data & File > Export Panel > Mill Data for details.

Export DXF

Functions the same as its CAM Editor equivalent.

Refer to File > Export Panel > DXF for details.

Export ODB++

Functions the same as its CAM Editor equivalent.

Refer to File > Export Panel > ODB++ for details.


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Overview of the Panelization Process

The Panelization Menu commands are used to create a multiple-board array for manufacturing. Since Panelization uses Step & Repeat codes, it does not make the database any larger than the one-up image. You can «explode» a panel into raw data using Edit > Change > Explode > Flatten Panel. However, this will increase the database size.

All editing of panelized data (and the panel itself), must be made in the Panel Editor.

Prior to panelizing a database, it is assumed that the operator has prepared the data for being panelized. Please be sure to follow the steps below to properly panelize data:

Command Sequence:

In the CAM Editor

1. Import all the Gerber layers or import a CAD design.

2. Make sure all the layers are «tagged.» Refer to Tables > Layers for instructions on how to tag your layers.

3. Use the Edit > Layers > Reorder command to set the layer sequence. Although not specifically required, it helps production if all your jobs have the same «stackup». This is also a good time to set the layer colors to match your internal standard.

4. Make sure that any data outside the one-up image is deleted.

All data will be panelized, so make sure templates and title boxes are removed. Use Edit > Layers > Remove to remove any layers that do not pertain to the result.

5. Use Tools > Panel Editor to open the Panel Editor

In the Panel Editor

1. If you will be adding symbols to the panel, you first need to create those using the Symbol Editor.

2. Select Panelization > Setup. The Panel Setup dialog box appears.

3. After setting up the panel configuration, use Panelization > Create to generate a panel for your specific database.

4. Select Panelization > Venting to generate a venting pattern for your panel.

5. After the panelization process is complete, save your panel using the File > Save PCB or File > Save As PCB commands, or export the panel for manufacture, using the variety of options under the File > Export Panel command.

6. When you are finished with the panelization process, select File > Exit Panel Editor or the Return To CAM Editor button (on the Task Bar) to exit the Panel Editor.


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Overview of the Panelization Process

The Panelization Menu commands are used to create a multiple-board array for manufacturing. Since Panelization uses Step & Repeat codes, it does not make the database any larger than the one-up image. You can «explode» a panel into raw data using Edit > Change > Explode > Flatten Panel. However, this will increase the database size.

All editing of panelized data (and the panel itself), must be made in the Panel Editor.

Prior to panelizing a database, it is assumed that the operator has prepared the data for being panelized. Please be sure to follow the steps below to properly panelize data:

Command Sequence:

In the CAM Editor

1. Import all the Gerber layers or import a CAD design.

2. Make sure all the layers are «tagged.» Refer to Tables > Layers for instructions on how to tag your layers.

3. Use the Edit > Layers > Reorder command to set the layer sequence. Although not specifically required, it helps production if all your jobs have the same «stackup». This is also a good time to set the layer colors to match your internal standard.

4. Make sure that any data outside the one-up image is deleted.

All data will be panelized, so make sure templates and title boxes are removed. Use Edit > Layers > Remove to remove any layers that do not pertain to the result.

5. Use Tools > Panel Editor to open the Panel Editor

In the Panel Editor

1. If you will be adding symbols to the panel, you first need to create those using the Symbol Editor.

2. Select Panelization > Setup. The Panel Setup dialog box appears.

3. After setting up the panel configuration, use Panelization > Create to generate a panel for your specific database.

4. Select Panelization > Venting to generate a venting pattern for your panel.

5. After the panelization process is complete, save your panel using the File > Save PCB or File > Save As PCB commands, or export the panel for manufacture, using the variety of options under the File > Export Panel command.

6. When you are finished with the panelization process, select File > Exit Panel Editor or the Return To CAM Editor button (on the Task Bar) to exit the Panel Editor.

Panelization > Setup

The Setup command creates a panel configuration, by setting the placement of the symbol and structure of a panel. Each tab in the dialog box controls a separate set of information for the panel you create. All tabs display a preview window which allows you to view the proposed layout for the panel. In addition, each tab allows you to specify the unit format for the placement values of the symbols (either in Inches or MMs).

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Note: You may click Cancel at any time during the Panel Setup to quit this function; however any panel settings you have made will not be recorded.

Command Sequence:

1. Select Panelization > Setup, or click the Setup button in the Tool Bar. The Panel Setup dialog box appears.

2. Select the tab for the area you wish to modify.

Size This section allows you to control the physical size and layout of your panel. Panel size may be set, as well as the spacing multiple images on the panel must maintain from the Panel Border (and from each other).

Coupons You can add various types of coupons to the panel using this section. These coupons may include text, drill coupons, etc. You can determine the location of the coupon, either relative to the panel border, or absolute from the lower left corner of the panel, as well as the rotation of the coupon relative to the panel border. Each coupon must be placed as an individual instance — in other words, if your panel needs four drill coupons in all corners, each coupon must be placed individually.

Title Block You can add a title block to a panel using this section. A title block is a block of text which states particular information about the panel being produced. It generally lists the operator, number of layers, job & revision, date of manufacture, as well which particular layer of the panel is on the film.

Location and placement controls are the same as for the Coupons Tab.

Pinning Hole These are manufacturing holes necessary to hold the panel for drilling or routing operations. This tab allows you to place an unplated drill hit in the location appropriate to your manufacturing process. Again, placement controls are similar to the previous two tab controls.

Fiducial Use this section to place one or more fiducials to assist in the manual alignment of film. Similar controls to the other tabs exist to allow you to specify the placement point(s) for the fiducials.

3. For the Size Tab, you are given choices to set the physical properties of the panel and its multiple images:

4. Set the Panel Size by entering values in the for the X and Y coordinates in the Panel text boxes.

Note: Panel sizes up to 56″ (~1422mm) per side are handled normally. Above that range, the panel origin defaults to the center of the panel. Such panel sizes require the use of a special photoplotter to plot the panel.

l Define the Border Spacing . For more complete control of the border spacing, check the Advanced check box and specify the exact spacing of the border for all four orientations: Left, Right, Top & Bottom.

l Minimum Image Spacing controls the minimum distance multiple designs must maintain from one another. Type the distance in the two text boxes.

4. For all Other Tabs, the selection list on the left displays all (if any) currently used symbols in the panel.

5. To add a symbol to this list, click the Add button. The Select Symbol dialog box appears. Select the specific symbol in the list which appears below the symbol type buttons: a preview of the symbol you select appears in the upper right corner of the dialog. If this symbol is correct, click the OK button. Otherwise make another selection, or click Cancel to return to the Panel Setup dialog box.

l Once you have selected a symbol to insert in the panel, you need to specify its placement in the panel.

Absolute placement allows you to specify the symbol’s placement relative to the lower left corner of the panel.

Relative placement lets you to place the symbol offset from a specific edge of the panel, as determined by the selection buttons. These buttons control the symbol distance relative to the horizontal (Left, Center, & Right) and vertical (Top, Middle & Bottom) panel edges. Enter an offset distance for the symbol from each of these

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Rotation can be used to specify the orientation of the symbol, relative to the placement point selected for it in the panel.

NC Layer is only available for coupon and pinning hole symbols: this allows you to set the NC drill layer to use for drilling these type of coupons. Use the radio button to select Primary (plated) or Secondary (unplated/tented).

l To remove a symbol you no longer want in the panel, select the symbol from the list and click Delete.

5. Click OK to close the dialog box.

Related Macro Command(s)

Panelization > Create

After setting up a panel configuration using the Panelization > Setup command, use the Create command to generate a panel for the current design loaded in the application. This command allows you to specify the orientation of the images in the panel and automatically calculates either the number of image copies in the panel, or a logical offset based on an arbitrary number of images which you enter.

Note: Click Cancel at any time during the Panel Create to quit this function; however, any panel settings you have made will not be recorded.

Command Sequence:

1. Select Panelization > Create, or click the Create button on the Tool Bar. The Parameters dialog box appears.

2. The panel size and border spacing are in the upper left corner of the dialog box. As in the Panelization > Setup command, a preview pane to the upper right displays the current configuration of the panel. This are updated as you change the panel settings.

3. Specify the units for the panel by selecting the Inches or MMs radio button.

4. Select the desired Image Rotation for the orientation of the panelized images: 0, 90, 180, or 270 degrees counter-clockwise.

5. Underneath the Image Rotation is the AutoCalculate area. Click the Compute toggle button to specify which of the major panel elements you would like the command to calculate for you:

l If your selection is Spacing, the command determines the optimal number and spacing for the panel images, based on the number of copies you enter in the X & Y Copies fields.

l For the command to calculate the number of copies, you are required to enter a spacing value for the multiple images: Between specifies the spacing between the border of one image to another. Offset specifies the spacing between the same element in each image, such as their center points.

6. As an alternative to AutoCalculate, the Spreadsheet button allows you to manually edit the exact locations of the panel images in a text-based format. If you click this button, the Parameters dialog box changes, replacing the AutoCompute section with a scrollable display showing each Image ID #, Rotation, X-Location, and Y-Location for the panelized images.

7. You may change any of these values (except ID #) to fine-tune the location of the images.

8. The list of images may be sorted by selecting one of the buttons above each column type.

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9. Use the scroll bar on the right side to scan through the images and their associated coordinates.

10. Make modifications to the images by typing new values directly into the associated fields for the image.

11. The Add Image and Delete Image buttons allow you to add or remove images from the panel.

Warning: Changes made in the Spreadsheet mode are not retained if you switch back to AutoCalculate mode.

7. When you are finished, click the Create button to generate the panel.

Related Macro Command(s)

Panelization > Venting

Use this command to create a venting pattern for your panel. Venting is used to fill in the areas around the design images in a panel. You must have first created a panel before adding venting patterns to it.

You may create three basic types of patterns, Solid, Hatched, or Dot. (Venting uses the same Raster and Vector fill modes as the Solid, Hatched and Dcode fill patterns in Add > Polygon). Each venting pattern you create may be assigned to single or multiple layers in the panel, as well as saved as a file for future use with other panels.

You are given options to fine tune the pattern to suit your panel’s particular needs, including spacing distances relative to all panel data, etc.

Command Sequence:

1. Select Panelization > Venting, or the click the Venting button in the Tool Bar. The Vent dialog box appears.

2. You may set the unit for all venting pattern specifications by selecting the Inches, MMs or Mils radio button.

3. The Vents list box allows you to Add or Remove venting patterns in your panel. Select Add if you wish to create a new venting pattern.


If you want to reuse a previously-saved pattern, click the Load button and select the pattern .VPT file you wish to use.

4. The Layers list box allows you to control which layers utilize the venting pattern selected in the other list. It is possible to have multiple layers assigned to a venting pattern, and different layers in a panel may have unique patters assigned to them, but only one venting pattern may be associated with any particular layer.

l Click the Add button to select each layer that will use the current venting pattern (a Layer List dialog box appears, allowing you to select single or multiple layers).

l Click the Remove button to deselect layers from the current venting pattern.

5. Create the pattern specifications. The Offset text boxes allow you to describe the venting pattern’s placement on the panel. (These offsets have a maximum value of 56 inches [~1422mm], unless otherwise noted).

Note: No Partials options is fully supported for both Positive polarity and Negative Polarity venting patterns.

Tip: If you select the No Partials option, you must use Offset From Images and Offset from Symbols values of at least half the shape’s Width to insure the shape does not overlap the image edge. For example, if you choose a round dot pattern with 0.06 width, the offset values should be at least 0.03.

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Offset from Panel Edge is the distance you want the pattern to start from the edge of the panel.

Offset from Images specifies the distance a venting pattern must maintain from each step image in the panel. This value is in addition to any offset the step image border may have from the actual image data. (May be specified as a negative value).

Offset from Symbols sets the pattern’s distance from any symbols in the panel. (May be specified as a negative value).

6. Set venting pattern Polarity (positive or negative, depending on the layer its to be used on).

7. The Galvanic check box allows you to set the current venting pattern as galvanic . Galvanic venting creates a solid border around the data, but does not fill the areas between images.

8. You can edit the venting pattern itself. Begin by selecting the Pattern type: solid, hatched, or dot. New input fields for pattern specifications are displayed, depending on the pattern type.

The Solid pattern has no settings, and merely fills in all space within the panel that is not excluded by a border (images, symbols, and any panel border offsets).

For a Hatch pattern, you can use 3 different lines at different angles. Use the check boxes to the left of the line to deselect/select any you wish to use. Each line allows you to specify the width, step distance, and angle of the line.

For a Dot pattern, you can select two types of Shape Lines (rows of same-shaped Dcodes). Line 1 and 2 alternate. Select the shape (round or square) and size of the Dcode. The X-Step is the distance between each Dcode on the X axis, and the Y-Step is the distance between the Dcodes on the Y axis. The X Offset is the offset of the pattern from the origin, on the X axis.

After you have made edits to the pattern, the resulting changes appear in the preview window to the right of the input fields.

9. To make a final review of your venting pattern, press the Redraw button below the Layers list. The venting pattern is displayed on your panel.

10. Once you are satisfied with the format of the venting pattern, click the Save button to save the pattern for later use in other panels.

11. Click the Default button to select the current pattern as the default pattern. This pattern will automatically be loaded as the default during each subsequent use of the Venting function.

12. When completed, click OK to finalize the venting pattern, or Cancel to quit the command and abandon your changes.

Related Macro Command(s)

Panelization > Rotate

After you have panelized your board, use the Panelization > Rotate command to rotate the entire panel.

Command Sequence:

1. While viewing your panelized board in the Panel Editor, select Panelization > Rotate.

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2. Select if you wish to rotate your panel 90, 180, or 270 degrees counterclockwise.

3. Select if you wish to rotate the film box.

4. Click the OK button to rotate the panel.

Related Macro Command(s)

Panelization > Panel Border To Layer

The Panelization > Setup command is used to define the Panel Border.

The one-up border for a design serves as a clearance outline in the Panel Editor when panelizing step & repeated images. In addition, it also functions as a venting border to keep venting from pouring over the stepped images. The Panel Editor allows you to panelize one-up designs, using the border layer of the design as a clearance border. It is sometimes desirable to have a border which is outside the actual border layer of the design, to provide a wider area of spacing around the one-up.

The Panel Border to Layer command allows you to convert the existing Panel Border and optionally one-up borders for the design to graphics on an existing layer or on a new layer in the Panel Editor. This graphic data can be useful for creating assembly array drawings.

Command Sequence:

1. Select Panelization > Panel Border To Layer.

2. The Panel Border to Layer dialog appears. Select the DCODE for rendering the graphics for the Panel Border. Select either an existing layer or new layer for the Target Layer to which the Panel Border graphics will be converted. You have a choice to Include One-Up Borders for Stepped Images in the conversion operation. Click the checkbox to include the One-Up Borders.

3. Click OK to complete the conversion. Click CANCEL to cancel the command.

Related Macro Command(s)

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Symbol Creation

Before you panelize a job, you need to create a library of symbols for use in the panelization process. Symbols may be created manually in the Symbol Editor, or by automatically converting existing symbols using the Utilities > Draw To Symbol command. Once created, a symbol may be saved in a symbol library and reused for a variety of panelized jobs. As a time-saving tool, it is advisable to maintain a library of all symbols used in your manufacturing processes, rather than recreate symbols on a job-by-job basis.

Symbol Layers

The function of layers in the Symbol Editor is slightly different from that of layers in the CAM Editor. Although the Symbol Editor workspace and functions appear much the same as the CAM Editor, Symbol layers are independent of the one-up PCB layers that you work on in the CAM Editor.

Virtual Layers

Because they are designed to be used universally for different jobs, symbols contain «virtual layers» that you map to «destination layers» in your PCB stackups. Each virtual layer is a layer type rather than a specific layer number. For example, when using the layer «Top» in the Symbol Editor, this layer represents the top layer in any design, regardless of where it may fall in the layer stackup for a specific job. When you create a panel, if a PCB does not have a destination layer which corresponds to a virtual layer, that symbol layer is not used for that job.

It is possible to place symbol data on multiple layers of the same type. Each subsequent layer of a specific type created in the Layers Table will be denoted by a new layer name of the format «layertype(#th)». For example, each Internal layer added after the initial one will be called «Internal(2nd)», «Internal(3rd)», etc. in the symbol layer table. This denotes that the symbol’s data will be placed on the 1st, 2nd & 3rd internal layers in the panelized job (the order being determined by the layer stackup). Symbol data will only be placed if those layers exist in the design, regardless of how may virtual layers are assigned to the symbol itself.

Destination Layers

Symbol data is targeted at Destination Layers. You can either design a symbol so that all data on each symbol layer (drill hits, draws, flashes, virtual text, etc) is mapped to a particular destination layer (All Layers of Type), or you can minimize the number of virtual layers by specifying the destination layer(s) which specific symbol data elements are added to (All Layers, All Electrical Layers, or the Current Layer). When adding text or other graphical elements to a symbol, the toolbar gives you the option to select from the destination layers:

All Layers Data will be added to all layers in the PCB, where possible (for instance, drill data cannot be added to graphic layers and vice-versa).

All Electrical Layers Data will be added to all electrical layer types in the design: top, bottom, internal, negative and positive layers.

All Layers of Type Data will be added only to layers of the same type that the data was added to in the symbol. For example: if virtual text was added to a negative plane symbol layer, all negative planes in the panel would display this virtual text. Use this setting if you are mapping all elements on each virtual layer to a corresponding destination layer.

Current Layer Data will display only on the layer with the same layer number as the symbol layer the data was created on. If a series of flashes was added to layer 3 in the Symbol Editor, these flashes would only display on layer 3 in a panelized job.

Destination Layers may be set when data is first added to the symbol, by using the pull-down selector on the toolbar, or at any time by changing its destination layer using Edit > Change > Destination Layer in the Symbol Editor.

Layer Stackup

Before you can place a create a panel you must define a layer stackup . This list of PCB layers is required to determine which virtual symbol layers will be placed on actual panel layers. Setting the stackup can be done in the CAM or Panel Editors, under the Tables > Layer Sets > Layer Stackup command. A typical layer stackup


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may look like this:

If you create a layer stackup first, before creating your symbols, you will notice that the Symbol Editor reflects this set of layers. you may choose to use this specific set of layers to create your symbol, or you may alter the set using the standard Edit > Layer commands in the Symbol Editor.

Symbol Anchor

Each symbol has an insertion point, called the anchor, which is used to place the symbol in a panel (through Panelization > Setup or Add > Symbol in the Panel Editor). As such it determines symbol placement in relation to the panel border. This anchor defaults to the lower left corner of the data in the symbol. If you wish to change the anchor, and thus the distance calculation from the panel border, you may do so by using Edit > Change > Anchor in the Symbol Editor.

Creating Symbols

You can create symbols manually or use the Draw to Symbol command. It is advisable that you run through both of these sections before moving on to the Panel Creation tutorial, as you will be using the symbols you created manually in the panel tutorial.

Regardless of the creation method, you will be saving symbols to a symbol library. For demonstration purposes, you should begin with an empty symbol library. When saving or modifying symbols for this tutorial, use the blank symbol library «symbols.smb» located where you saved the application, under the ../Symbols subdirectory.

To make sure you are using this library, follow these steps:

1. In the CAM Editor, select File > Setup > Paths: under the Symbol Library button, note the location of the path for the current symbol library.

2. Click the Symbol Library button and browse for ..\Symbols\symbols.smb under the application’s directory.

3. Once the path displays, click OK to accept this as the new symbol library.

4. Click OK on the Setup Paths dialog.

5. Select Tools > Panel Editor.

6. Select Tools > Symbol Editor.

7. Select File > Open to check the library — no symbols should appear in the selection box.

8. After you have finished either this tutorial and the Panelization Tutorial, reinstate the original symbol library by changing the symbol library path to its original directory.

You’re ready to begin adding symbols.


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Create Symbol Manually

Create Symbol using Draw to Symbol

Create Symbol Manually

Begin the process by entering the Panel Editor, using Tools > Panel Editor. From there, use Tools > Symbol Editor to enter the Symbol Editor itself. Notice that the symbol only has two default layers: top layer and a drill layer (unless you’ve already created a layer stackup). Your first step in symbol creation is to set the layers for your symbol:

Add layers to your symbol.

1. Your symbols should contain all the layers you are likely to need to add to a typical panel setup. You can always add more layers as needed on a job-by-job basis, but it’s best to start out with a «master» set. For our purposes, create the following set of layers, using Tables > Layers to add and tag the layers properly. These layers don’t need to be in any particular order, but for the purposes of this tutorial, reorder them using Edit > Layers > Reorder until they appear as below:

Note: These are primarily electrical layers, with the exception of the mask and silk layers, which can be used to create test coupons.

2. When creating any type of symbol, you must specify the clearance border for the symbol. This border is used to protect the symbol data from other elements on the final panel, such as venting patterns. The border is closed polygon in shape and typically encompasses all the data in the symbol for it to be protected from venting, etc. In the manual creation process you may draw a border using the Add > Border command. If you find the border doesn’t meet your size needs further down the process, you may change the border at any time by reselecting the command and drawing a new border — the old border is discarded. NOTE: You can use symbols to create venting keepouts. Further, if desired, you can specify a symbol border so that the symbol is not protected from venting.


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Create a pinning hole symbol.

Pinning holes (or tooling holes) are used to hold the finished board for NC machine processing, etc. They are the most basic symbol, consisting of a drill tool hit, a mask clearance, and a symbol border.

1. Use the Add > Drill command to add a drill hit at the desired location. You may specify the size of the tooling hole by selecting the Drill Spec button on the toolbar: specify a tool size of 185 mils. (see Add > Drill for more information)

2. Add the drill hit at the origin (0,0)

3. If you have not already done so when you set up your symbol layers, add mask layers to the symbol layer table.

3. Use Tables > Apertures to create a mask aperture. This Dcode should be of the appropriate size to clearance the tooling hole (typically 30 mils larger than the drill tool being used): create a 215 mil round aperture.

4. Turn on only the Mask Top layer and add a flash at 0,0 with the new Dcode. Do the same for the Mask Bottom layer.

5. Using Add > Border, you may now add a symbol border to your tooling hole. Add a border square approximately 50 mils offset from the sides of the mask clearances you made. Alternatively, you may wait for the system to assign a border when you Save the symbol. When you first save a symbol, a border is assigned to it, at a given clearance distance. However, it’s best to use Add > Border if you have a specific clearance distance requirement for your symbols.


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Add the symbol to your library

1. Select File > Save Symbol. Type the name of your new pinning hole in the text box above the symbol list (use «pinhole»). Select «Pinning Hole» as the type from the Save Symbol As radio buttons.

2. Select File > Save Lib to save the symbol library.

Create a Title Block Symbol —

Title Blocks display job and layer information for each layer in the design. They are often used for film identification purposes.

Title Blocks are an excellent place to learn the use of Variable Text . There are pieces of information that you will be called on again and again to add to layers in the panel: job number, date, revision, etc. You can automate this process by adding Variable Text to your symbols. Variable Text functions as a variable name in the symbol itself (ex: «revision»), but once the symbol is added to your panel, this variable can be defined in the Panel Editor (under Tables > Variable Text) — the new information will replace the variable name in all symbols that use that variable text in the panel. This is a handy way to update all Title Block symbols to list the Date the job was run, for instance.

Note: Due to its use as a «variable», Variable Text cannot contain commas, periods, spaces, or carriage returns. If you wish to demark two words for your variable text, use an underscore: ex — «job name» should be called «job_name».

1. Define the contents you need to display in your Title Block. For this exercise, use the following list: job number, revision, date, layer number and layer type.

2. Select Add > Border to create a symbol border. For a Title Block you want a border which will leave enough space for the text definitions which will replace the Variable Text terms: once placed in a panel, a symbol border does not grow with the symbol’s contents, so very long terms may overrun the border and be at risk of being vented over. For this tutorial, use a 1″ x 3″ border with the symbol origin at the center of the rectangle.

3. Add a 5 mil round aperture to the Aperture Table, to use for the Variable Text.

4. Select Add > Variable Text


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5. You can use the Style button on the toolbar to set the text style & font, as you can with the normal Add > Text command. Set the variable text height to 100 mils.

6. Now add your variables: space each variable out to allow room for those which will take the most room.

7. As you are placing them, specify the name and set the Destination Layer for each, using the toolbar pull-down:

* Since layer numbers and layer types will be added to specific layers, you must customize the Variable Text for each layer they appear on. Layer number should be placed as «layer_no_top», «layer_no_int», «layer_no_neg», etc. for all electrical layers. Turn ON only one electrical layer at a time and add the variable appropriate for that layer.

Tip: add layer_no_top to the top layer and use Edit > Copy to copy it to each subsequent electrical layer. Then use Edit > Change > Variable Text Style & Contents to rename the variable for each specific layer. Follow the same procedure for layer type.

When completed, your Title Bar should look something like this:

8. Use File > Save Symbol As to save your Title Block as symbol «title_block». Be sure to check the correct symbol type in the save dialog.

9. Use File > Save Lib to save the library.

Create a Coupon Symbol

Coupons are used for testing various aspects of the manufacturing process, including drilling and plating. They may contain NC drill hits, lines, flashes, etc.

The most important aspect of some coupons is the Drill Sequence . A Drill Sequence represents a series of virtual drill tool hits. These drill tools comprise specific sizes, or ranges of sizes, that are replaced by the equivalent tools from the job being panelized when the coupon is placed in a panel. In this manner you can place representative drill hits from a wide selection of drill tools in your job.

Drill Sequence drills are defined by the Sequence Spec button: a dialog box opens, giving you the settings for the first and last drill tools in the sequence. You have the option to set the first and last hits to smallest tool, largest tool, tool size or tool number:

Smallest takes the smallest tool in the design

Largest takes the largest tool in the design.

Tool size gives a set size to use: if no tool of this size exists, one will be created and added to the panel’s drill table.

Variable Text Name Destination Layer

job_no All Layers

revision All Layers

date All Layers

layer_no_xxx* Current Layer

layer_type_xxx* Current Layer


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Tool num gives a specific tool number (useful if you always have a set tool table).

In addition, smallest and largest have several subsettings. You can set the minimum size that each must be above/below: for example, setting the largest tool with a minimum size «smaller than» 150 mils might be useful for ignoring any pinning drill tools in the table. You may set a range where the smallest/largest falls in the table, using the drop-down list: this allows you to specify a tool that’s a set amount up or down the tool table.

For example, say you set the First drill in the Drill Sequence to «smallest» tool and then select «3rd smallest» from the drop-down list. If you were to use this coupon in a job with an NC table containing 20 mil, 50 mil, 60 mil, 80 mil, 120 mil and 135 mil tools, the first drill tool in the sequence would be the 60 mil tool, or the 3rd smallest in the table.

Note: Drill Sequences are «virtual» in that they will display a series of equal-sized hits in the Symbol Editor. In reality, these hits will be of varying sizes in the finished panel. In the panel, these drills will be spaced evenly with a set distance separating them. You must account for the expected size a drill sequence will ultimately take up when creating your symbol border. Otherwise you run the risk of the drills being outside the border and thus potentially drilling into venting patterns, etc. outside this clearance area. See Add > Drill Sequence for more information.

1. Use Add > Drill Sequence to add all desired drill sequences to the coupon:

2. For your example drill coupon, add one sequence: from smallest to largest tools (horizontally from left to right)

3. Add > Border to place a symbol border around the coupon. Again, leave additional space around the ends of the sequence to account for the ultimate tool sizes which will be placed there in the panel. When finished your border should look like this:

4. Add a solder mask clearance for the drill sequences: turn ON only the appropriate mask layer.

5. Use the Add > Polygon command to add a clearance polygon on that mask layer. Select three of the corners of the border, in sequence, and then click your right mouse button. The command will close the polygon, creating a rectangular mask clearance.


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6. Repeat this procedure for the bottom mask layer.

7. Use File > Save Symbol As to save your Coupon as symbol «firstlast». Be sure to check the correct symbol type in the save dialog.

8. Use File > Save Lib to save the library.

Fiducial Symbol

Fiducials are alignment markers for collating or comparing plotted film. These can include shapes such as targets, rounds, etc. to form a unique identifier. They are a very basic type of symbol, but care must be given to their use on negative planes — each symbol must contain a positive fiducial for use on electrical layers which are plotted positive (top, bottom, internal) as well as a reverse-image fiducial for layers which are plotted negative (negative and positive planes).

1. Create the aperture or drawn data you wish to use as the fiducial. Tables > Apertures allows you to select from a number of intrinsic apertures — if these do not meet your requirements you may use the Add Menu in the Symbol Editor to generate drawn data approximating your fiducial.

2. You may generate a custom aperture for unusual fiducials. This is a recommended procedure when you have unique fiducial shapes that require reverse images for negative planes. For our example fiducial, use the CAP Editor: to access it, click the Return To Panel Editor button on the toolbar, and select Tools > CAP Editor there.

3. Once in the editor, first create the positive fiducial image. It is recommended you set the grid to an even working distance using the toolbar: switch to a 10:10 grid.

4. Select Add > Circle > Center Radius to add a 40mil circle at the origin

5. Then add an arc with a radius of 70 mils (close the arc to create a full circle)

6. You need to add an outline for the custom aperture: use Add > Line. Set the width of the line on the toolbar to 1mil and draw a square around the fiducial elements (at 80mils from the origin).

Circle Arc Border


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7. Save the CAP as a unique name: «fidpos» is recommended.

8. Now you may create the negative version of this fiducial. First, use File > New to clear the other CAP.

9. Add a positive polygon at 80 mils from the origin: this will serve as the CAP outline clearance when the negative layer is plotted.

10. Add a negative circle of 70 mils in diameter

11. Add a positive circle of 60 mils diameter

12. Add a negative circle of 40 mils directly at the origin

13. Save the CAP as «fidneg».

14. Return to the Panel Editor, and then to the Symbol Editor.

15. Add the CAP’s you’ve just created to the Aperture Table (note their Dcode numbers).

Polygon Neg. Circle

Pos. Circle Neg. Circle


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16. You’re ready to place the CAP’s for your fiducials, on the following layers:

Top & Bottom layers — add a flash using «fidpos», setting the Destination Layer to Current Layer

Negative & Positive Plane layers — add «fidneg» to these layers, setting Destination Layer to All Layers of Type

Add mask clearance for these fiducials to the Mask Top and Mask Bottom layers: create a rectangular polygon tracing the edges of the CAPs you’ve just added (an 80 mil square) using Add > Polygon


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17. Use File > Save Symbol As to save your Fiducial as symbol «fiducial». Check symbol type Fiducial in the save dialog.

18. Use File > Save Lib to save the library.

You have now created one symbol of each major type. To review your symbols, select File > Open in the Symbol Editor. Note that there are now 4 symbols in your symbol library. If you close the application and reopen it, the symbols will still be present in the selection list, as they are now permanently part of your library.

If you should ever need to delete a symbol from your library, click on the symbol in question in the selection list and click on the Delete button. Click Cancel (not OK) to delete the symbol. Now use File > Save Lib to save the new library.

You are ready to begin using your sample symbols in the Panel Creation tutorial.

Create Symbol Using Draw to Symbol

In addition to the manual method of creating symbols, you may also take existing graphical data and convert it to a symbol. This allows you to use any existing symbols which you’ve created for use with previous versions of the product. It is not a 100% automated process, however, and you will still be required to set up the new symbol for use.

Depending on the old-style symbol which you created, the steps described here may only apply to parts of your symbol. We’ll be starting out with a typical drawn coupon and following the conversion process. The process is similar for other types of coupons you may be using (pinning holes, title blocks, etc) — refer to the manual symbol creation instructions for a sense of how these symbols are constructed in the Symbol Editor.

Begin by opening the file ..\Symbol\symbol.cam in the applications directory. Note that this is a drawn Coupon symbol with multiple layers of information. This is typical of a symbol which is saved as a separate .cam file and intended to be merged into the panelized job using File > Merge. Toggle through the layers (either manually or using the showeachlayer.scr macro) to familiarize yourself with the format of the symbol on each layer type:

Full Symbol Top/Bottom/Internal Negative Plane


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Top & Bottom use positive images for the coupon draws and flashes. Negative and positive planes use test polygons, etc. which are mirror opposites of each other in polarity, owing to the fact that the negative plane will be plotted with the opposite polarity. A border layer consisting of some 10 mil lines would have served as a clearance border for venting patterns, if copied to all the layers which were vented. Finally, the NC Primary layer shows the test plated drills used in the coupon.

Draw to Symbol Conversion

The first step in the process is to convert the existing data to a symbol.

1. In the CAM Editor, select Utilities > Draw To Symbol

2. If you have not already done so, you will be prompted to create a layer stackup. Add all current layers to the layer stackup. These will correspond to the symbol’s virtual layers in the Symbol Editor:

3. You may now select the data to convert to a symbol. If you intend to convert only some of the data in your old symbol to the new symbol format, you could turn off all unnecessary layers at this point, or choose to select individual data in the symbol, using the standard Edit Menu grouping commands.

Positive Plane Border Drill


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For this tutorial, however, we will be converting the entire drawn symbol, so click on SelectAll. All drawn data will highlight.

4. Right click on your mouse to approve the selection.

5. The Draw to Symbol dialog box appears.

6. Type a name for your new symbol in the top field: use «manual_coupon»

7. Select a symbol type: use Coupon.

8. Under Layer Treatment, you may now select the type of layer this symbol’s data will appear on in a panelized job. If you were converting a single layer of data, instead of multiple layer types worth, you could select All Layers or All Electrical Layers. Since the layer types in this symbol each have unique data, you are better off selecting All Layers of Type or Current Layer: for our purposes, select All Layers of Type.

9. The Spacing field controls the distance the symbol border will be generated from any graphical data in the new symbol. This border serves as the clearance border for vent patterns, etc. Leave the default at 50 mils.

10. Click OK. Your new coupon has been converted. Right click to end the Draw To Symbol command.

Editing the Symbol

The conversion process is automatic, but you may need to change some of your new symbol’s Destination Layers, etc. To do so, you’ll need to edit the symbol in the Symbol Editor, which is accessible by using Tables > Panel Editor from the CAM Editor, and then using Tables > Symbol Editor.

Notice the symbol editor layer bar now includes all of the layers in the Layer Stackup you created. Open your symbol by selecting File > Open: select «manual_coupon» from the list and hit OK. The coupon you converted will display:

Data have been added to all layers in your stackup. Toggle through the layers to make sure all data appears correctly on the appropriate layers.

You may now make manual edits to the symbol if desired:

Symbol Border


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1. Notice that the symbol now displays a white border around all of the data, offset 50 mils from the graphics — as you specified. This symbol border makes the data on the symbol’s actual border layer superfluous. Remove the border layer using Edit > Layers > Remove.

2. If you want to change the size of the symbol border itself, you may do so by using Add > Border to draw a new rectangular border for the symbol. The old border will remain as a reference guide until you right click to OK the new border.

Setting Destination Layers

1. To change the Destination Layer of any data in the symbol, simply turn ON only that layer.

2. Use the Edit > Change > Destination Layer command to specify a new target layer for the data.

For example, select the data on the internal layer (layer 3). Use the Edit > Change > Destination Layer command and pick SelectAll on the data. (Notice you may also use the toolbar check boxes to select only draw or flash information if you choose).

3. Right click to accept the selection.

4. Specify the Destination Layer: in the dialog box, choose «Current Layer» from the drop-down list. In this case, the internal layer’s symbol data will now only appear on layer 3 in your panelized job.

Adding Layers

1. You may need to add additional virtual layers in your symbol, to account for additional layers you anticipate in your job.

2. Add layers in the Symbol Editor just as you would in the CAM Editor, but note that these layers are virtual, as described above: each additional layer of the same type will be labeled as «layertype 2nd», «layertype 3rd», etc.

Adding Data

1. You may add data to these new layers (or existing layers) by copying the existing data from another symbol layer, using Edit > Copy.

2. Additionally, you may add new symbol data manually, using the available graphic options in the Add Menu (flash, line, etc).

Once you have made all the necessary edits, save the modified symbol using File > Save Symbol, or Save Symbol As (if you wish to change the name). The symbol is now stored in your project library and can be used immediately in panelizing a job. If you wish to save the symbol permanently to your symbol library, for use with all future jobs, use File > Save Lib.

You are now ready to move on to the Panel Creation tutorial.


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Panel Creation

The Panel Editor allows for the fast creation of efficiently-panelized designs, complete with test coupons, registration holes, vent patterns, title boxes, etc. (generated using the new Symbol Editor) The original one-up design, and the panelized result, are separate entities that can be manipulated at any time before, during, and even after the process.

This tutorial provides you with an overview of how to use the Panel Editor. Each setup you create may be saved as a file that can be used to panelize subsequent jobs. Multiple panel formats can be saved for later execution as «one button», fully-automatic routines. Or you can chose to prepare individualized panels on a job by job basis: the flexibility exists for both approaches.

Note: It is highly recommended you read and complete the Symbol Creation tutorial before reading this tutorial, as a number of the symbols created in the Symbol tutorial are used to set up your example panel.

Creating a Panel

Panelizing a Job

Creating a Panel

A panel can be generated using the Panelization Menu commands in the Panel Editor. Each menu command controls a specific area of the panel, from setting up the panel’s physical layout to actually generating the panelized images and creating the venting patterns. The panel setup may be reconfigured at any time, even after panelization has occurred.

Setup Symbols

Before beginning a Panel Setup it is advisable to create all the symbols you are likely to require in your panel(s). Symbols, such as coupons, will be placed at fixed locations in the panel during a panel set up. They may be placed on an individual basis when, you actually panelize a job (using Add > Symbol), but it is generally preferred you have a symbol library available for the variety of panels you are likely to need to set up: most shops have a fixed set of symbols they use for their panels.

If you completed the manual symbol creation section of the Symbol Creation tutorial, you will already have a symbol library to draw from for this tutorial.

Setup Panel

It’s best to begin a fresh panel setup with no database loaded in the application. This will give you a blank slate to work on. Enter the Panel Editor using Tools > Panel Editor. In the editor you will notice a number of similar functions to the CAM Editor — this is intended to give you much of the functionality of the main editor for all panel-level data. Note that panel data includes such things as symbols, venting patterns, etc, but doesn’t not include the data (draws, flashes, drills, etc). in the one-up image you are panelizing. Once in the Panel Editor, you will not be able to make edits to the database itself without a) exiting to the CAM Editor (all changes there will reflect in the Panel Editor) or b) exploding the Panel using Edit > Change > Explode > Flatten Panel (once you explode a panel, however, there is no recourse! The panelized data will lose its panel intelligence and become one-up data, not step & repeat images).

Inside the Panel Editor you will notice 3 buttons on the toolbar: Setup, Create and Venting. (These commands are also available in the Panelization menu). These buttons show the basic steps needed to panelize a job. . Begin by clicking Setup.

This tutorial does not exhaustively cover each individual command in the Setup dialog, but will go over all the required steps to make a generic panel setup. For more information, see Panelization > Setup.

Set Panel Size

You will need to set the panel size for your generic panel. Size may be set as a function of the specific boards your shop receives, or as a general size for all jobs. The Size Tab allows you to set this information, as well as the spacing clearances for all step & repeat data in the panel.


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1. Set the panel size to 12″ x 12″

2. Border spacing controls the minimum distance step images will be created from the panel border. Set this value to 2″

If you want to custom tailor this border spacing for your panel, check the Advanced box and enter spacing values from all four sides of the panel.

3. Set the image spacing value to .5″. This controls how close step images may be generated in a panel, allowing you to maximize the panelized images or leave adequate clearance for venting patterns. Your panel will now look like this:

Note: Use the checkbox Automatically Update FilmBox to keep the Film Box definition in sync with the Panelization box definition. The default is to keep the Film Box and Panelization Box matched. If you chose not to keep the Film Box and Panelization Box in sync, you can use the Edit > Change > Origin commands to manage the panel origin and film box origin separately. Use the File > Setup > Film Box command to define the size and location of the film box.

Add Pinning Holes

Pinning Holes are the most basic Symbol used to set up your panel. Each fabrication shop typically has its own pinning hole unique to its production processes. For our purposes, set up a generic series of holes, as outlined below:

1. Click on the Pinning Hole tab

2. Click the Add button to select a pinning hole Symbol to use in the panel. Use the symbol «pinhole». This is available in the Symbol tutorial library (this library should already be set in your application from the Symbol Creation tutorial; if not, see the tutorial for how to specify the symbol library to use).

3. Now you’ll need to set the placement points for the pinning hole you’re adding. You may set these as absolute or relative coordinates from the edge of the panel. Use the coordinates for the first pinning hole below, then use Add again to insert an additional 4 holes, at the given coordinates:

Relative coordinate mode allows you to set the pinning holes a given distance from the edge of the panel, regardless of the panel size — the symbols will move automatically should you change the size.

Hole #1 Hole #2 Hole #3 Hole #4 Hole #5

x1″, y5″

x1″, y6″

x6″, y1″

x11″,y6″ x5″,y11″


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Note: You can also set the rotation of each pinning hole by using the Rotation drop-down list. However, rotations are limited to 90 degree increments and may only be useful for special pinning hole designs.

4. Pinning holes may be added as Primary (plated) or Secondary (unplated/tented) drill hits by checking the appropriate box. When done, your panel preview should look like this:

Add Fiducials

Fiducials are required for film alignment/collation. The process and commands are essentially the same as for Pinning Holes, with the exception of the drill settings — fiducials have no drills, so these commands do not apply to them.

1. Click on the Fiducial tab.

2. Click the Add button to select a fiducial symbol to use in the panel: use «fiducial» from the symbol library.

3. Place several fiducials around the panel., as indicated by these coordinates:

When done, your panel preview should look like this:

Add Title Block

Hole #1 Hole #2

x7″, y1″ x5″, y11″


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The Title Block tab is used to enter your title block. Commands are the same as for Pinning Holes and Fiducials, again with no need for a drill option. The title block in our sample panel will be offset from the lower left corner.

1. Click on the Title Block tab.

2. Click the Add button to select a title block Symbol to use in the panel: use «title_block».

3. Place your Title Block at x2.5″, y1.4″. When done, your panel preview should look something like this:

Add Coupons

Finally, add the coupon(s) required for your panel. For our example panel, we will use one drill coupon, offset from the lower right corner.

1. Click on the Coupons tab.

2. Click the Add button to select a coupon Symbol to use in the panel: use «firstlast».

3. Place your Coupon at x11″, y3″. Select Primary from the NC Layer check boxes, to make sure these drill hits will be plated hits.

4. In this case, we also need to rotate the coupon to avoid overrunning the step images: use a 90 degree rotation. When done, your panel preview should look something like this:


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Save & Load Panel Setup —

Once you’ve verified that all symbols have been added correctly, it’s time to save the final panel. You can save any number of panel setups in the application directory, under the *.pan extension. These setups can be loaded for any design you wish to panelize. You may make case by case adjustments to the setups as necessary, and still be assured that you have a clean copy saved for future jobs.

1. Click the Save button. The Save Setup As dialog box appears with a list of all current panel setups.

2. Type a setup name in the top field (it isn’t necessary to add the .pan extension — the system will assign it automatically) or select a previous panel setup from the list, if you wish to overwrite it. For this tutorial, add the new panel setup as «tutorial.pan»

3. You may now test the saved setup by exiting the Setup dialog and reopening it. Notice the dialog box still shows the current setup you were working on.

4. Change the panel size to 24″ x 20″.

5. Click Load and select «tutorial.pan». The size values you changed will be overwritten by the saved panel setup.

Panelizing a Job

Now that you’ve created your basic panel setup, you’re ready to begin panelizing a job. Panelization involves adding the desired step images to your panel, as well as setting up venting patterns and exporting the final result.

Import Gerbers and Prepare Database

It is assumed you know how to import and prepare standard Gerber files. If not, refer to the Import > Gerber Data and Tables > Layers commands to import and tag your files properly. To panelize a sample design in this tutorial, please use either the sample Gerber files located in the application’s Demos directory (use must import & prep these), or use the sample .CAM database, preview.cam, under the same directory (this file has been prepped).

In addition to the normal file preparation, you must set some panel-specific items:

Panelization Anchor

Each step image in the Panel Editor has a «handle» or anchor which will be used to place the image in the panel, as well as calculate rotations, etc. This anchor point is set in the CAM Editor, using Edit > Change > Origin > Panelization Anchor. You may assign the point anywhere within the one-up image. The anchor point appears on screen briefly to show you its new location, but disappears after you exit the command.

You only need to set the anchor point if you want to change its default location — if no new anchor is set in the CAM Editor, the origin point (0,0) is assumed to also be the panel anchor in the Panel Editor. For our purposes, leaves this as the default.


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One-Up Border

In addition to an anchor, each step image has a «border» which acts as the outline when calculating panel spacing between images, as well as protecting the step images from venting patterns. This border defaults to a rectangular shape around the extents of the one-up image in the CAM Editor (visible as a bounding box in the Panel Editor).

If you have a complex board outline you wish to use for this purpose, you can set the border to a specific shape using the Utilities > Draw To One-Up Border command in the CAM Editor. The command allows you to select any continuous line on the database’s «border» layer as the one-up border. In the case of preview.cam, we’ll stick with the default border.

Layer Stackup

The layer stackup controls the placement of symbol data on specific layers in your panel. If you don’t select a layer stackup for your job, you will be prompted to enter one before you can create your panel. It’s a good idea to get into the habit of setting your layer stackup prior to entering the Panel Editor, using Tables > Layer Sets > Layer Stackup. If you do forget, you may also set the layer stackup under the same command in the Panel Editor, at any time prior to panelization. A typical stackup may look like this (use this for preview.cam):

See also the Symbol Creation tutorial.

Viewing Step Images

While working on a panel, you have a few options on how to display the step images contained in the panel. As a default, step images appear as a rectangular box with the number of the step image inside. This indicates that step images themselves cannot be edited in the Panel Editor (you cannot change the contents of a step image). If you’d like to get a more visual representation of the step images, in the Panel Editor you may select Settings > View Options > View Circuit Images, which displays all internal data in each step image. This gives you a better feel for how the data in each image orients compared to its neighbors.

However, on larger step images, this amount of graphical data in the panel can slow redraw times significantly. In those cases you may select the BitBlt Circuit Images view option under the main View Circuit Images option — this will redraw step images in a much faster mode. The trade-off is in accuracy: while the normal mode displays all data as it exists in the step images, this mode is less graphically accurate, depending on screen resolution, etc., so is better suited for getting an overview of the data, rather than a 100% accurate image.

Load Panel Setup

Once you’ve prepared the database, you’re ready for panelization. Go to the Panel Editor and select the Setup button from the toolbar or Panelization > Setup from the menus. You’ll be loading the sample panel you created, so hit the Load button and select «tutorial.pan»

If you needed to make adjustments to the panel setup (increase panel size, etc). you can make those changes now. For this tutorial, leave the setup as is, and exit the dialog.


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NOTE: CAM350 supports alternatives for importing Panel Template data. In the Panel Editor, you are able to import Gerber data using the File > Import > Gerber Data command. You can import drill and mill data using File > Import > Drill Data and File > Import > Mill Data. Further, you can merge panel data template using the File > Merge Panel command.

Create Panel

The Create command places the step images in the panelized job, much as the old command Utilities > Panelization > Panelize did in previous versions of the software, but allows more flexible control over the images.

You can choose to allow the system to calculate some of the values in the panel: either 1) the image offset values, or 2) the number of step images in the panel. Unlike the old command, you can specify rotations for the images, or use SpreadSheet mode to have complete control over the placements of each individual step image.

Note: When switching between AutoCalc and SpreadSheet modes, be aware that all changes you made in one mode will be discarded when you switch to another mode! You cannot return and expect your previous values to remain.

AutoCalc Mode

By default Create operates in AutoCalc mode, in which the system generates some of the values in the panelized job. As noted, these are the between/offset values for the images, or the number of step images in the panel. Rotation will allow you to change the orientation of the step images, but only works on all step images and only in 90 degree increments.

1. Determine if you wish to have the system calculate Panel Size, Border Spacing, Image Spacing or Number of Copies and select the appropriate Compute radio button.

2. If you selected Copies, you will need to fill in the Spacing information:

Between Select the x & y spacing between the panelization borders of the step images

Offset Specify an offset distance between the data in the step images themselves (i.e. trace to trace)

3. Set the Between Spacing values at .5″

4. If you had selected Copies, you would have specified the number of copies in the x- & y-axis: the results of your selections appear in the panel preview.

5. You may also set the angle of the step images. Click on the 90 degree radio button and notice how the


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images all rotate to the new position. (In this case the rotation doesn’t yield any extra step images in the panel).

6. If you need to make any adjustments to the panel Setup, click the Setup button — this brings up the Setup dialog box, where you can make changes as described in the first section of this tutorial.

7. When you have set all the step image values, click the Create button to generate the panelized job:

SpreadSheet Mode

Spreadsheet mode allows you complete control over the placement of step images in the panel, but requires more finesse than AutoCalc mode. You must set the x,y placement of each step image individually. You can set each image’s Rotation to any angle, though you will need to keep an eye on superimposing one image over another accidentally.

1. SpreadSheet mode displays a table of the current images in the panel. You may set the values for any of the image’s characteristics by typing in the appropriate field. All coordinate values are absolute from the panel origin (always the lower left corner of the panel). As a demonstration we’ll be changing step images 1-4 in this tutorial panel.

image 1 — set the rotation to 90 degrees and placement to x 4″,y 2″

image 2 — leave the rotation, but set the spacing to x 3.9″, y 2″

image 3 — set rotation to 90 degrees and x 10″, y 2″

image 4 — finally, leave rotation, but set location to x 3.9″, y 3.9″

Your final panel image should appear like this:


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2. Notice the orientation change did not give more space in this case, as the step images were only reorganized. However there will be many cases where turning the images will free up additional space on the panel for more step images.

In those cases, you can use the Add Image button to add additional images to the table: you will need to set the rotation and location of the new image as you did for the others.

3. If you wish to decrease the number of step images in a panel, use the Delete Image button. A selection dialog appears in which you can select individual or multiple step images (using the Shift or Ctrl keys) for deletion.

4. Click the Create button to generate the panelized job:

Add Variable Text


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The next step is to define any Variable Text in your panel’s symbols. Variable Text is a form of variable name that you can replace with information in a panelized job. See the Symbol Creation tutorial for more information on this topic.

1. Select Tables > Variable Text. The dialog will show all currently-defined variable text in the left-hand selection list. You should see a list of all the variable text in the Symbol «title_block»:

Note: preview.cam has no internal or positive layers. Therefore you do not need to fill in the Variable Text pertaining to these layer types — symbols contain all potential Variable Text, even those variables used on layers which don’t exist in the current job. These entries cannot be deleted, as they are part of the original Symbol’s layout.

2. Fill in all the pertinent Variable Text in the dialog. Click on the text in the left-hand selection area and the definition area to the right will activate.

Simply click in the definition area and begin typing your text. Use these values:

3. Once you finish entering all of the Variable Text values, click OK to save the entries. All the Variable Text contained in the title block will now be updated to the new definitions. Turn on layer 1 (top layer) for example and view the results:

Each Variable Text entry has been replaced with its new definition. Toggle through the layers to make sure all variable text is as you want it, and go on to the next process.

Add Venting

date today’s date and time

job_no Job# 1234

layer_no_bot Layer 4

layer_no_neg_1 Layer 2

layer_no_top Layer 1

layer_type_bot bottom

layer_type_neg1 negative

layer_type_top top

Rev Rev A


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You will now be adding venting to your panel. The Panel Editor make allowances for most major venting styles and gives you complete control of each vent pattern on a layer-by-layer basis. Venting patterns may include solid vents, dot-pattern and hatched vents, as well as robber bars to equalize the copper balance.

Positive Venting

This type of venting should be used on all positive layers (top, bottom, internal, etc). In preview.cam we will be adding positive venting to the top and bottom layers.

Note: If you want your pattern to vent up to the border of each step image, be sure to set the one-up border as described above.

1. Select Venting. Notice you have a choice of units to work in: Inches, MMs, or mils. Select mils.

2. In the upper left, under Vents, use Add to enter a new venting pattern.

3. Add the details of the vent pattern:

Offset from Panel Edge controls how close the venting will come to the edge of the panel. Set this value to 2000 mils (same as our panel border spacing — 2″).

Offset from Images determines how close venting comes to step images. Use 50 mils — we want to get relatively close.

Offset from Symbols Set this to 5 mils.

Pattern This drop-down list allows you to select a dot, hatched, or solid pattern. Pick Dot. Notice the Polarity field highlights and a spread sheet for setting the pattern is opened.

Polarity Set this to Positive.

No Partials This check box determines if the vent pattern will include only whole dots. If this is selected the venting pattern for the layer will be generated as a polygon — much the same way venting was created in older versions of the application — leaving clearance areas around each step image’s border. For our purposes, leave this unchecked.

Tip: If you select the No Partials option, you must use Offset From Images and Offset from Symbols values of at least half the shape’s Width to insure the shape does not overlap the image edge. For example, if you choose a round dot pattern with 0.06 width, the offset values should be at least 0.03.

Spread Sheet The dot pattern spreadsheet is set to the default pattern, using a 60 mil round aperture. Leave these default values, but change the shape used to Square with the drop-down list.

4. Add the layers that will use this venting pattern: in Layers selection area (lower left), use the Add button and select the top and bottom layers from the Layer List dialog box which appears. Your final venting pattern should look like this:


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5. Click OK to exit the command.

6. Turn on only layer 1 (top). The venting will appear like this:

Robber Bars

Robber bars (or galvanic vents) are often added to top and bottom layers to balance the copper between them, preventing over etching from occurring. You’ll need to determine the existing copper balance before attempting to fix it using robber bars. This can be done using the Analysis > Copper Area command. Once you’ve determined that information, you can either calculate out the needed copper to be added, and determine the subsequent size of the robber bars to add, or do some trial and error additions of robber bars until the balance is


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For our purposes, you’ll be adding a fixed bar size, assuming the design you’re panelizing has no significant copper difference between the two layers.

1. Select the Panelization > Venting command.

2. Under Vents, click Add to add a new pattern.

3. Select the Pattern first: pick Solid. Notice that the Robber Bar option appears in the upper right, and the Polarity dropdown list is grayed out. Click the Robber Bar check box.

4. Set the Offsets for the venting pattern:

Offset from Panel Edge controls how close the venting will come to the edge of the panel. Set this value to 1000 mils.

Robber Bar Width Notice that this field has changed from the «Offset from Images» settings. It now determines how wide the robber bar being added is. Set this to 1000 mils, or a 1″ robber bar.

Offset from Symbols Set this to 5 mils.

5. Under Layers, select top and bottom from the list. Your final Robber Bar pattern should look like this:

6. Click OK. The top layer will now display the robber bar at the edge of the previous venting pattern:


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Notice how the bars clearance around all Symbols — the symbol border protects the symbols from venting patterns.

Negative Venting

Negative venting is used on all layers which will be plotted with reverse polarity (negative planes). You will be adding this venting to the two negative layers in the design.

As with positive venting, setting the one-up border allows you to vent to the exact shape of the board’s outline.

Negative layers should take advantage of the Offset command to stagger their venting patterns, allowing them to interlock and perform better venting.

1. Select Panelization > Venting.

2. In the upper left, under Vents, use Add to enter a new venting pattern.

3. We will add the negative venting for the first negative layer in the database (layer 2):

Offset From Panel Edge Set to 900 mils

Offset From Images Set to 0.

Offset From Symbols Set to 5 mils.

Pattern Select Hatched pattern. (The hatch-pattern spreadsheet appears).

Polarity Set to Negative.

Spread Sheet You can set the hatch-pattern spreadsheet to any desired combination of hatched lines (again


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similar to old versions of the application). Set the hatch pattern to a single 45 degree line: Width 200 mils, Step 500 mils, and Angle 45 degree.

Your final venting pattern should look like this:

4. Under Layers, select only layer 2. The first hatch pattern is done.

5. Create the second, offset hatch pattern for layer 3. The settings are the same as above, with these exceptions:

Polarity Set to Positive.

Click the Offset check box.

6. Add layer 3 to the pattern:

7. Click OK to generate the two patterns:


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Notice how the two layers interlock their venting patterns.

8. The patterns are not complete yet. They appear correct since they are displayed in positive mode. Use the N key to toggle each layer’s polarity and you’ll see the hatch patterns have created dead-ends for the venting just at the border offset of the panel. To fix this, you must add positive venting where the hatched venting meets the border offset zone, creating a flow area for the venting. To do so, place a Robber Bar on both negative layers, with these settings:

Robber Bar Width 1000 mils

Offset from Symbols 5 mils

9. Select both negative layers in the Layers > Add command.

10. Click OK. The new robber bars will appear positive, but using the N-key you can see they created the desired clearance area:


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Save Database

Before you begin exporting files, it’s a good idea to Save your design as a .CAM file. This assures all panel and symbol information used in your panelized job will remain with the original design — you can refer back to the .CAM file to make any changes to the panel without having to start the panelization process over again.

You may save your file in the Panel Editor by using File > Save PCB or File > Save As PCB, or exit to the CAM Editor and save it as you would normally.

In the Panel Editor, if you wish to overwrite the original preview.cam file (not recommended), select File > Save PCB. Skip this step, as you should retain the original preview.cam file for other demonstration purposes.


Use File > Save As PCB, which functions the same as the File > Save As command in the CAM Editor. The Save As dialog appears and you are prompted to enter a name for a new file: use «preview_panel.cam»

Export Panel

Once you have completed the panel creation process, it’s time to export the files for plotting. There are several export options in the Panel Editor. Once you have panelized a job you may export it as individual files (Gerber data, composites, drill & mill data), or as a complete panel to some CAD systems (DXF, ODB++, GenCAD).

Export Gerber

Exporting a panel as Gerber files is essentially the same as exporting individual layers using the standard File > Export Gerber Data command. Refer to the File > Export Panel > Gerber Data command for details, with the following caveats:


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Panel Gerber layers will be flattened on export: all symbol and panel data will be exploded and exported as normal Gerber data, while the step & repeat codes for the step images themselves will be retained (if exported in a Gerber format other than 274D). If you reimport these files, you will not get an intelligent panelized database, as you do by saving the .CAM file.

Layers containing venting patterns will be exported as composites. If imported back into the application, they appear as multi-layer composites, which must be viewed using View > Composite or Tables > Composites.

Export Composites

If your panel contains any composites from the original one-up design, you must export these using File > Export Panel > Composites. Again, this command is essentially the same as the CAM Editor equivalent, with the exceptions noted above.

Export Drill/Mill Data

NC Data files are exported in the same fashion as they are in the CAM Editor, with the exception that the drill/mill files will contain any panel drills (from symbols, etc), as well as all drills used in the step images of the panel.

Refer to File > Export Panel > Drill Data & File > Export Panel > Mill Data for details.

Export DXF

Functions the same as its CAM Editor equivalent.

Refer to File > Export Panel > DXF for details.

Export ODB++

Functions the same as its CAM Editor equivalent.

Refer to File > Export Panel > ODB++ for details.


Pag. 18 di 18

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