Руководство пользователя по spaceclaim

Как любой инженер, я знаком с разными САПР. И многими пользовался для различный проектов.

Я признаю, что выбор каждого пользователя будет индивидуальным. И будет определяться той работой, которую он выполняет при помощи программного продукта, сферой использования и множеством других причин.

Но недавно я познакомился с продуктом, который выделяется  из всего многообразия ПО и который меня приятно удивил. О нем и хотелось бы рассказать.  Существуют простые и логические причины, по которым этот продукт мне понравился. Возможно, для кого-то данный отзыв будет полезен.

Итак, SpaceClaim. Относительно новый программный продукт. Это программа для создания и редактирования твердотельных 3D-моделей.

SpaceClaim отличается от типичной CAD-программы прежде всего  в том, что использует прямое моделирование геометрии.

Тип моделирования и определяет достоинства программы:

1.Простое и динамичное моделирование и редактирование геометрии.

Модель легко создается из серии  простых форм. А далее ими можно манипулировать для создания более сложных узлов.  Любую грань твердотельной модели можно переносить, тянуть , разворачивать . При этом прилегающая геометрия будет подстраиваться в режиме реального времени. В последних версиях есть возможность влиять на кривизну радиуса, выбирать обработку кромок и стыков поверхностей.


2. Любую грань можно быстро переместить.

Изменения пропорций и величины отражаются на модели.

Прямое моделирование  не использует дерево построения объекта, что позволяет вносить изменения напрямую, без перестроения геометрии по истории.


3. Легкость удаления компонентов модели.

Для удаления компонентов достаточно выделить нужный элемент и выбрать функцию удаления на панели. Т.е., по сути, все действие происходит в несколько кликов мышкой.


4. Модель можно «разрезать» на составные элементы и достроить недостающие конструкции.

Это экономит время при сложных сборках.  Кроме того, можно представить модель в прямой и обратной сборке.


5. Легкое и быстрое создание чертежей.

Создание чертежа происходит также в несколько кликов. Можно копировать любой компонент и его часть. Все параметры элемента сохраняют пропорции в режиме реального времени


6. Программа предоставляет прекрасные возможности по работе с листовым металлом.

В ней представлены специальная библиотека форм, плоские шаблоны, сгибаемые в объемные объекты.


7. Есть возможность редактировать геометрию, исправлять ее недочеты, достраивать пропавшие поверхности, определять пересечения, объединять поверхности.

И делается это очень просто:


8. Есть возможность представить модель в реальных условиях эксплуатации.

Иллюстрировать модель позволят функции фотореалистичного рендеринга. Достаточно выбрать текстуры, цвета, окружающую обстановку, и поместить в нее рисунок модели. Бесспорно, эта опция будет очень удобна для дизайнеров и архитекторов.


9. Главное — простота и интуитивность прямого моделирования.

Это значит, что работать в программе несложно. Программа обладает интуитивно понятным интерфейсом  с набором универсальных инструментов для редактирования , что сокращает время ее освоения.

На самом деле, этих плюсов, конечно, можно найти намного больше. В статье отмечены только основные достоинства программы. Кроме того, каждый год выходит свежий релиз, который предлагает новые возможности.

А вывод прост: SpaceClaim – мощный программный продукт, позволяющий на качественном уровне выполнять сложные и подробные проектные работы.

SpaceClaim User’s GuideVersion 2007A SPACECLAIM Document

Copyright 2007 SpaceClaim Corporation. All Rights Reserved. SpaceClaim is a registered trademark ofSpaceClaim Corporation.Anti-Grain Geometry Version 2.4 Copyright 2002-2005 Maxim Shemanarev (McSeem).Contains Autodesk RealDWG by Autodesk, Inc., Copyright 1998-2006 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.Autodesk, AutoCAD, and Autodesk Inventor are registered trademarks and RealDWG is a trademark ofAutodesk, Inc.CATIA is a registered trademark of Dassault Systèmes.Contains DotNetBar licensed from devcomponents.com.2007 Microsoft Office System User Interface is licensed from Microsoft. Direct3D, DirectX, PowerPoint,Windows, Windows Vista and the Windows Vista Start button are trademarks or registered trademarks ofMicrosoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.Portions of this software Copyright 2005 Novell, Inc. (http://www.novell.com)Contains OpenDWG licensed from the Open Design Alliance. OpenDWG is a trademark of the Open DesignAlliance.Pro/ENGINEER and PTC are registered trademarks of Parametric Technology Corporation.SolidWorks is a registered trademark of SolidWorks Corporation.Portions of this software are owned by Spatial Corp. 1986-2007. All Rights Reserved. ACIS and SAT areregistered trademarks of Spatial Corp.TraceParts is owned by TraceParts S.A. TraceParts is a registered trademark of TraceParts S.A.Contains a modified version of source available from Unicode, Inc., copyright 1991-2007 Unicode, Inc. Allrights reserved. Distributed under the Terms of Use in http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html.Portions of this software are owned by Unigraphics Solutions Inc. 1986-2006. All Rights Reserved.Parasolid and Unigraphics are registered trademarks and JT is a trademark of UGS Corp.All other trademarks, trade names or company names referenced in SpaceClaim software, documentationand promotional materials are used for identification only and are the property of their respective owners.

Table Of ContentsIntroduction .1Getting started .2Tutorials .2Creating a flag bracket .3Getting help .8The SpaceClaim interface.9Designing. 11Cutting, copying, and pasting. 11Detaching in 2D and 3D. 12Undoing and redoing your actions . 12The Move handle. 12Orienting designs . 14Spinning your design. 14Panning your design. 15Zooming into and out of your design. 15Rotating your design . 16Your Home view . 16Display a head-on view of the sketch grid. 17Selecting a view. 18Snapping to a view . 18Sketching. 20The sketch grid. 23Layouts . 23Dimensional sketching. 24Points. 26Lines . 26Tangent lines. 27Construction lines . 27Rectangles. 28Three-point rectangles . 29Circles . 29Three-point circles . 30Construction circles . 30Ellipses. 31Tangent arcs . 31Swept arcs . 32Three-point arcs . 32Splines . 33Splitting lines . 34ii

Table Of ContentsTrimming lines . 34Offsetting lines . 35Creating corners . 35Creating filleted corners . 36Projecting onto the sketch grid . 36Editing. 37Editing overview . 37Selecting . 38Editing with the Pull tool. 40Moving . 47Moving in two dimensions . 48Editing in cross-section. 49Filling . 49Bending. 50Editing faces as a blend. 50Power selection. 51Intersecting . 53Merging and splitting. 54Splitting a body. 58Splitting a face. 59Projecting to a solid . 59Inserting. 61Inserting a plane. 61Inserting an axis . 61Moving the sketch grid . 62Creating a linear or rectangular pattern . 62Creating a circular or cylindrical pattern. 63Turning a solid into a shell. 63Creating an offset relationship . 65Creating a mirror relationship . 65Assembling components . 67Inserting components into your design. 67Aligning components . 67Centering components . 68Orienting components . 68Measuring. 68Detailing . 71Annotations . 72Creating notes . 72Creating note leaders . 72Creating dimension annotations . 72Creating geometric tolerance annotations. 73iii

SpaceClaim User’s GuideDisplaying measurements . 73Displaying mass properties . 74Drawing sheets . 75Working with views . 75Formatting a drawing sheet . 763D markup. 77Creating 3D markup slides. 77Displaying changes to dimensions . 77Coloring changed faces . 78Displaying your design . 79Graphics style . 80Applying a graphics style to your design . 80Displaying edges. 80Applying colors to your design . 80Layers . 82Working with layers . 82Workspace windows . 83Displaying your design in multiple windows . 83Splitting the workspace window . 83Switching between windows in the workspace . 83Displaying workspace tools . 83Working with SpaceClaim documents. 85Designs, drawing sheets, and 3D markup . 85Opening, importing, and exporting designs, drawing sheets, and 3D markups. 86Journals. 87Design structure. 87Customizing SpaceClaim. 89Optimizing graphics and performance. 89Setting the color scheme . 89Changing the default units . 89Modifying the sketch grid. 90Displaying workspace tools . 90Setting advanced options. 90Setting detailing options . 92Changing the language. 93Setting snapping options. 93Setting file paths . 93Customizing the ribbon and Quick Access toolbar . 93Configuring SpaceClaim windows . 94iv

IntroductionSpaceClaim Professional 2007 is the 3D productivity tool for engineers who need to focus on their corecompetencies while also benefiting from working in 3D. The software provides a highly flexible designenvironment coupled with a modern user experience that speeds contributions to the product developmentprocess. SpaceClaim Professional 2007 is for those who collaborate in the design and manufacture ofmechanical products across a broad range of industries.The online help, tutorials, and training materials are provided to help you become productive withSpaceClaim as quickly as possible. We strongly recommend that you review the Getting Started section andstep through the tutorial provided in the online help before beginning your own work. Addition

Please note that as you move back and forth between this help window and the SpaceClaim application, you may need to click once in SpaceClaim to make it the active window before continuing with the directions in the tutorial. 1 Select New New Design from the Application menu to create a new design. 2 Set the units for the new design.

SpaceClaim tutorial: Prepare your model for 3D Printing with SpaceClaim

SpaceClaim is a game changer in the 3D CAD industry. This 3D design software is intuitive, easy to use and shortens modeling times a lot. It is also quite adapted to additive manufacturing since objects are created from volumes and not surfaces. In the latest version of SpaceClaim, there is a new STL editing tool that we are also going to review in this tutorial. 

This 3D modeling software is mainly used for engineering design, especially for electronic components. It is very useful for product development, thanks to its many simulation driven features. 

To understand this tutorial, mastering the SpaceClaim basics is required but it is very easy to learn how to use SpaceClaim’s 3D tools as it is a very intuitive 3D CAD software. It’s absolutely not reserved for engineers and designers and a couple of hours are enough to handle the software’s basics and be able to create your own CAD models. To help you get started with model prep, design automation, and the 3D modeling technology itself, tutorials can be found on the SpaceClaim Tutorial page of their web site.

Ansys SpaceClaim is a commercial software but you can ask for a 15 days trial. Educational Licenses are also available with discounts. All info to be found on the purchase page.


  • 1.1. Create Parts that Match Material Minimal Thickness Guidelines

  • 1.2. Associate One Solid with One Component

  • 1.3. Avoid Creating Intersecting Objects

  • 1.4. Avoid Creating Non Manifold Components

  • 1.5. Avoid Creating Cantilevered Objects

  • 1.6. Shell Objects

  • 1.7. Add Text

  • 1.8. Create Interlocking parts (Only possible for plastic, resin and alumide materials)

  • 1.9. Combine Solids

  • 2.1. Convert a File toa STL and Check the Mesh

  • 2.2. Adjust the Mesh

  • 2.3. Check Mesh

  • 2.4. Export, Upload and Review

  • 2.5. Best Practices when Modeling for 3D Printing

  • 3.1. Check Mesh

  • 3.2. Separate Parts

  • 3.3. Repair Non Manifold Parts

  • 3.4. Repair Intersection Issues

  • 3.5. Spot and Fix Modeling Errors

  • 4.1. Thicken a Mesh

  • 4.2. Solve Intersection Issues

  • 4.3. Repair on Sculpteo.com

  • 4.4. Solve Intersection Issues

  • 4.5. Adjust Mesh

  • 4.6. Online Hollowing

The Latest

Ansys SpaceClaim – Parameterizing using Excel

SpaceClaim has created a plugin for Excel that allows Driving Dimensions saved into the groups panel to be transferred to Excel. This will allow users to drive parameters off each other and update the model based on this.

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Ansys SpaceClaim – Project

Use the Project tool to create edges on a solid’s face by extending the edges of another solid, surface, sketch, or note text.

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Ansys SpaceClaim – Combine

The Combine Closed tool is used to make combinations of objects. You can add (or merge) objects together and you can subtract (or split) objects from each other. These actions are also known as Boolean operations.

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Ansys SpaceClaim – Enclosure

An enclosure is a solid around a body or bodies that has a cushion around the enclosed solid(s). The enclosure can be a box, cylinder, or sphere, as shown below.

Post Views: 3,143

Ansys SpaceClaim – Split Surface

Use the Split Face tool to create an edge on a face or surface by splitting it with another face or edge. You can use the new edge to modify the face independent of previously attached geometry.

Post Views: 4,559

Ansys SpaceClaim – Volume Extract

Use the Volume Extract tool in the Analysis group on the Prepare tab to create a solid based on the volume enclosed by a single body or set of bodies (including meshes).

Post Views: 3,100

Ansys SpaceClaim – Split Body

Use the Split Body tool to split a body by one or more of its faces or edges. Then select one or more regions for deletion.

Post Views: 2,962

Ansys SpaceClaim – Extrude, Revolve, Sweep, Blend/Loft

ANSYS SpaceClaim enables anyone to create, edit, or repair geometry without worrying about underlying technology. With SpaceClaim, working with 3D modeling software becomes fast, easy, flexible, and rewarding, no matter where in the workflow you need it.

Post Views: 3,057

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1 A SpaceClaim DocumentSpaceClaim User s GuideVersion 2007 Copyright 2007 SpaceClaim Corporation. All Rights Reserved. SpaceClaim is a registered trademark of SpaceClaim Corporation. Anti-Grain Geometry Version Copyright 2002-2005 Maxim Shemanarev (McSeem). Contains Autodesk RealDWG by Autodesk, Inc., Copyright 1998-2006 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved. Autodesk, AutoCAD, and Autodesk Inventor are registered trademarks and RealDWG is a trademark of Autodesk, Inc. CATIA is a registered trademark of Dassault Syst mes. Contains DotNetBar licensed from 2007 Microsoft Office System User Interface is licensed from Microsoft.

2 Direct3D, DirectX, PowerPoint, Windows, Windows Vista and the Windows Vista Start button are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Portions of this software Copyright 2005 Novell, Inc. ( ) Contains OpenDWG licensed from the Open Design Alliance. OpenDWG is a trademark of the Open Design Alliance. Pro/ENGINEER and PTC are registered trademarks of Parametric Technology Corporation. SolidWorks is a registered trademark of SolidWorks Corporation. Portions of this software are owned by Spatial Corp. 1986-2007. All Rights Reserved. ACIS and SAT are registered trademarks of Spatial Corp.

3 TraceParts is owned by TraceParts TraceParts is a registered trademark of TraceParts Contains a modified version of source available from Unicode, Inc., copyright 1991-2007 Unicode, Inc. All rights reserved. Distributed under the Terms of Use in Portions of this software are owned by Unigraphics Solutions Inc. 1986-2006. All Rights Reserved. Parasolid and Unigraphics are registered trademarks and JT is a trademark of UGS Corp. All other trademarks, trade names or company names referenced in SpaceClaim software, documentation and promotional materials are used for identification only and are the property of their respective owners.

4 Ii Table Of Contents Introduction ..1 Getting started ..2 Tutorials ..2 Creating a flag bracket ..3 Getting help ..8 The SpaceClaim Cutting, copying, and Detaching in 2D and Undoing and redoing your actions ..12 The Move Orienting designs ..14 Spinning your Panning your Zooming into and out of your 15 Rotating your design ..16 Your Home view ..16 Display a head-on view of the sketch 17 Selecting a Snapping to a view ..18 The sketch Layouts ..23 Dimensional Lines ..26 Tangent Construction lines ..27 Three-point rectangles ..29 Circles ..29 Three-point circles ..30 Construction circles ..30 Tangent arcs.

5 31 Swept arcs ..32 Three-point arcs ..32 Splines ..33 Splitting lines ..34 Table Of Contents iii Trimming lines ..34 Offsetting lines ..35 Creating corners ..35 Creating filleted corners ..36 Projecting onto the sketch grid ..36 Editing overview ..37 Selecting ..38 Editing with the Pull Moving ..47 Moving in two dimensions ..48 Editing in Filling ..49 Editing faces as a Power Intersecting ..53 Merging and Splitting a Splitting a Projecting to a solid ..59 Inserting a Inserting an axis ..61 Moving the sketch grid ..62 Creating a linear or rectangular pattern ..62 Creating a circular or cylindrical Turning a solid into a Creating an offset relationship.

6 65 Creating a mirror relationship ..65 Assembling components ..67 Inserting components into your 67 Aligning components ..67 Centering components ..68 Orienting components ..68 Detailing ..71 Annotations ..72 Creating notes ..72 Creating note leaders ..72 Creating dimension annotations ..72 Creating geometric tolerance 73 SpaceClaim User’s Guide iv Displaying measurements ..73 Displaying mass properties ..74 Drawing sheets ..75 Working with views ..75 Formatting a drawing sheet ..76 3D Creating 3D markup Displaying changes to dimensions ..77 Coloring changed faces ..78 Displaying your design ..79 Graphics style ..80 Applying a graphics style to your design.

7 80 Displaying Applying colors to your design ..80 Layers ..82 Working with layers ..82 Workspace windows ..83 Displaying your design in multiple windows ..83 Splitting the workspace window ..83 Switching between windows in the workspace ..83 Displaying workspace tools ..83 Working with SpaceClaim Designs, drawing sheets, and 3D markup .. 85 Opening, importing, and exporting designs, drawing sheets, and 3D Design Customizing Optimizing graphics and performance ..89 Setting the color scheme ..89 Changing the default units ..89 Modifying the sketch Displaying workspace tools ..90 Setting advanced Setting detailing options.

8 92 Changing the Setting snapping Setting file paths ..93 Customizing the ribbon and Quick Access toolbar ..93 Configuring SpaceClaim windows ..94 1 Introduction SpaceClaim Professional 2007 is the 3D productivity tool for engineers who need to focus on their core competencies while also benefiting from working in 3D. The software provides a highly flexible design environment coupled with a modern user experience that speeds contributions to the product development process. SpaceClaim Professional 2007 is for those who collaborate in the design and manufacture of mechanical products across a broad range of industries. The online help, tutorials, and training materials are provided to help you become productive with SpaceClaim as quickly as possible.

9 We strongly recommend that you review the Getting Started section and step through the tutorial provided in the online help before beginning your own work. Additional self-paced tutorial videos are available on You can also begin by exploring a library of SpaceClaim models. User’s Guide This User’s Guide begins with a focus on the basics and on simple concepts. SpaceClaim is all about adding and manipulating the faces of a design model, primarily through pull and move operations. If there is a face, you can pull on it. If you need a new face, draw an edge or copy an existing one. Design clutter is minimized wherever possible. This Guide communicates these simple, but powerful concepts so that you can extrapolate them to your real-world designs.

10 This Guide also provides useful shortcuts to use as you progress, and animations of tools in action to help you understand their function. SpaceClaim is different, and we encourage you to open your mind and enter into a world where you can focus on the design, not the software. SpaceClaim appreciates your feedback, so let us know where we have succeeded and what we can do better. Thanks for your purchase and we look forward to working with you! Get started using SpaceClaim 1 Sketch and pull to create a part, or open an existing model from any modeling software. 2 Edit the part using SpaceClaim ‘s 2D and 3D editing tools. 3 (Optional) Customize SpaceClaim and your workspace to your working style.

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