Руководство по обслуживанию фольксваген транспортер

Automotive Repair Manual VW Transporter 1968-1979.

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Volkswagen Transporter 1968-1979 годов выпуска.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Haynes
  • Год издания: 1990
  • Страниц: 235
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 230,1 Mb

Обслуживание и ремонт VW Transporter T2.

Сборник руководств на английском и немецком языках по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Volkswagen Transporter T2 1968-1979 годов выпуска.

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  • Размер: 123,5 Mb

Обслуживание и ремонт VW Transporter T3.

Сборник руководств на английском и немецком языках по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Volkswagen Transporter T3 с 1980 года выпуска.

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  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 92,9 Mb

Ремонт и техобслуживание VW Transporter T4 1996-1999 г.

Руководство по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Volksvagen Transporter T4 1996-1999 годов выпуска с дизельными двигателями объемом 1,9/2,4/2,5 л.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Машсервис
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 245
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Ремонт и техобслуживание VW Transporter с 1990 г.

Руководство по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобилей Volkswagen Caravelle и Volksvagen Transporter с 1990 года выпуска с бензиновыми и дизельными двигателями.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Терция
  • Год издания: 1999
  • Страниц: 334
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 133,3 Mb

Ремонт и ТО VW Transporter с 1990 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобилей Volkswagen Caravelle и Volkswagen Transporter c 1990 года выпуска.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Алфамер Паблишинг
  • Год издания: 2007
  • Страниц: 347
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 65,3 Mb

Ремонт и ТО VW Transporter с 2003 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобилей Volkswagen Multivan и Volkswagen Transporter c 2003 года выпуска.

  • Автор: Г.Р. Этцольд
  • Издательство: Алфамер Паблишинг
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 321
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 67,3 Mb

Ремонт и эксплуатация VW Transporter с 1990 г.

Мультимедийное руководство по эксплуатации и ремонту автомобилей Volkswagen Caravelle и Volksvagen Transporter с 1990 года выпуска.

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Ремонт, эксплуатация, электросхемы VW Transporter T4 с 1990 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации и ремонту автомобилей Volkswagen Caravelle/Transporter T4 и их модификаций с 1990 года выпуска с бензиновыми и дизельными двигателями.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Авторесурс
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 432
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Руководство по ремонту и ТО VW Transporter T4 1982-1992 г.

Руководство по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Volksvagen Transporter 1982-1992 годов выпуска с бензиновыми и дизельными двигателями.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: ЕТС
  • Год издания: 2004
  • Страниц: 221
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 113,0 Mb

Руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации VW Transporter T6 с 2015 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации и ремонту автомобилей Volkswagen Caravelle/Transporter/Multivan/California с 2015 года выпуска с бензиновыми и дизельными двигателями объемом 2,0 л.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Монолит
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 458
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Руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации VW Transporter с 2003 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации и ремонту автомобилей Volkswagen Multivan и Volkswagen Transporter c 2003 года выпуска с бензиновыми и дизельными двигателями.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Монолит
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 190
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Руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации VW Transporter с 2009 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации и ремонту автомобилей Volkswagen Caravelle/Transporter/Multivan/California с 2009 года выпуска с бензиновыми и дизельными двигателями объемом 2,0

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Монолит
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 528
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Руководство по эксплуатации VW Transporter T5.

Руководство по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию автомобилей Volkswagen Caravelle, Volkswagen Multivan и Volksvagen Transporter T5.

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  • Формат: DjVu, JPG
  • Размер: 17,6 Mb

Руководство по эксплуатации, ремонту и ТО VW Transporter T4 1990-2003 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобилей Volkswagen Caravelle/Multivan/Transporter T4 1990-2003 годов выпуска с дизельными двигателями объемом 1,9/2,4/2,5 л.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Атласы автомобилей
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 752
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Руководство по эксплуатации, ремонту и ТО VW Transporter T5 с 2003 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобилей Volkswagen Multivan и Volkswagen Transporter T5 c 2003 года выпуска с дизельными двигателями объемом 1,9/2,0/2,5 л.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Арго-Авто
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 800
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Руководство по эксплуатации, ремонту и ТО VW Transporter T5 с 2009 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобилей Volkswagen Caravelle/Multivan/Transporter T5 с 2009 года выпуска с дизельными двигателями объемом 2,0 л.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Атласы автомобилей
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 600
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Техническое обучение VW Transporter T5 GP.

Сборник програм самообучения по устройству автомобилей Volkswagen Transporter/Multivan T5 GP.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Volkswagen AG
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц:
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 39,7 Mb

Устройство, обслуживание, ремонт VW Transporter с 2009 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобилей Volkswagen T5 Multivan и Volkswagen Transporter c 2009 года выпуска.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Арус
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 436
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Руководство по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобилей Volkswagen Transporter серии T5 с 2003 года выпуска с бензиновыми и дизельными двигателями.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Третий Рим
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 384
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  • Contents

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Body builder guidelines 2008

Body builder guidelines

Transporter T5


Related Manuals for Volkswagen Transporter T5

Summary of Contents for Volkswagen Transporter T5

  • Page 1
    Body builder guidelines 2008 Body builder guidelines Transporter T5…
  • Page 2
    The body assembly guidelines should be strictly adhered to if modifications are made with the intention of doing so. Included in the Volkswagen body assembly guidelines are also the body dimension plans for our commercial vehicles Crafter, Transporter T4 and T5, Caddy and LT. These can be installed in 3 formats (TIF, DXF, IGES) for CAD programs and as PDF files.
  • Page 3
    Providing the customisation or conversion measures to the interior or exterior of the vehicle meet these guidelines, there will be no need to obtain a special permit from Volkswagen AG for submission to the relevant authority. The relevant work safety regulations should be observed.
  • Page 4
    With a view to the diversity of modifications and different end uses, the notes given by Volkswagen AG herein are restricted to the provision that they have not carried out any trials on the modified vehicles themselves. Modifications can result in changes to the properties of the vehicle.
  • Page 5
    Two wheelbases • Four weight categories of 2600 kg, 2800 kg, 3000 kg and 3200 kg. • • Good percentage of effective space Loading width between wheelbases of 124 cm, size of pallet • Low, level cargo bed of 56 cm in height •…
  • Page 6
    Note: Subject to errors and technical amendments. The electronic version of the body guidelines is the decisive source of up-to-date data on body guidelines (online body guidelines). Data status August 2007…
  • Page 7
    The body assembly guidelines should be strictly adhered to if modifications are made with the intention of doing so. Included in the Volkswagen body assembly guidelines are also the body dimension plans for our commercial vehicles Crafter, Transporter T4 and T5, Caddy and LT. These can be installed in 3 formats (TIF, DXF, IGES) for CAD programs and as PDF files.
  • Page 8
    Volkswagen AG offers front-wheel drive vehicle, such as panel van, Kombi, drop-side, chassis with cab, double cab and chassis with double cab, in the following weight categories: Reduced load capacity (PR no. 0WL). Standard load capacity (PR no. 0WM) and increased load capacity (PR no. 0J3) 4motion vehicles are only offered with standard load capacity (PR no.
  • Page 9
    Panel van, medium high 3400 3000 1575 1625 1860 1157 1140 roof Panel van, lowered 3400 3200 1) 1650 1720 1869 1162 1331 suspension Panel van, high roof, 3400 2800 1550 1500 1880 1162 lowered suspension +2MD Panel van, high roof 3400 2800 1550…
  • Page 10
    Double cab/deep, bed 3400 2800 1480 1630 1840 1180 drop-side Double cab/deep, bed 3400 3000 1510 1680 1840 1180 1160 drop-side Chassis with double cab 0WM 3400 2800 1480 1630 1690 1183 1110 Chassis with double cab 0WQ 3400 3000 1510 1680 1690…
  • Page 11
    Kombi 3000 3000 1575 1550 1940 2) 1235 1060 Kombi, medium high roof lowered 3000 3200 1) 1640 1720 1949 2) 1240 1251 suspension Kombi, medium roof 3000 2800 1575 1400 1970 2) 1248 Kombi, medium roof 3000 2800 1575 1460 1970 2) 1248…
  • Page 12
    Max. Perm. Perm. Unladen Of which Of which load Wheelbase Designation PR- No. perm. axle load axle load weight with on front on rear capacity weight kg front kg rear kg driver axle axle Panel van, lowered 3000 2800 1575 1500 1900 1218…
  • Page 13
    Kombi 3400 3000 1575 1550 2005 2) 1267 Kombi, medium high roof lowered 3400 2800 1575 1400 2035 2) 1276 +2MD suspension Kombi, medium roof 3400 2800 1575 1460 2035 2) 1276 Kombi, medium roof 3400 3000 1575 1550 2035 2) 1276 Kombi, high roof, 3400…
  • Page 14
    Panel van 3400 2850 1550 1550 1815 1132 683 1035 Panel van, medium high roof, lowered suspension 3400 2850 1550 1500 1845 1141 704 1005 +2MD Panel van, medium high roof 3400 2850 1550 1550 1845 1141 704 1005 Panel van, high roof, lowered suspension 3400 2850 1550 1500 1865 1146 719 +2MD Panel van, high roof…
  • Page 15
    Chassis with cab 3400 2850 1480 1580 1600 1163 437 1250 Chassis with cab 3400 2850 1575 1630 1825 1164 661 1025 Chassis with double cab 3400 2850 1575 1630 1675 1167 508 1175 1) Max. perm. weight 3,200 kg only for vehicles with 4 cyl. 77 kW and 5 cyl. 96 kW TDI 2) Unladen weight with side trim in passenger/load compartment.
  • Page 16
    Under no circumstances should max. perm. weight • • perm. front axle load perm. rear axle load • be exceeded. When drawing up plans for custom body parts/conversions, ensure that onesided weight distribution is avoided, in particular with permanently installed custom body parts.
  • Page 17
    Note: Subject to errors and technical amendments. The electronic version of the body guidelines is the decisive source of up-to-date data on body guidelines (online body guidelines). Data status August 2007…
  • Page 21
    Note: Subject to errors and technical amendments. The electronic version of the body guidelines is the decisive source of up-to-date data on body guidelines (online body guidelines). Data status August 2007…
  • Page 24
    Note: Subject to errors and technical amendments. The electronic version of the body guidelines is the decisive source of up-to-date data on body guidelines (online body guidelines). Data status August 2007…
  • Page 25
    Note: Subject to errors and technical amendments. The electronic version of the body guidelines is the decisive source of up-to-date data on body guidelines (online body guidelines). Data status August 2007…
  • Page 26
    The dimensions of the vehicle chassis can be gleaned from the diagrams. To aid your conversion plans, the chassis dimensions are given in a scale of 1:20 and 1:10. If uprated springs, comfort springs or tyre sizes that deviate from the standard specifications are fitted, the vehicle and frame heights can change considerably from the base level.
  • Page 27
    The frame is a hollow profile construction made from pressed panel parts. In order to ensure correct provision is made to secure the custom bodies in place, the following precautionary measures have been taken with regards to the construction. Consoles have been welded to the longitudinal members, which serve as a means of securing the custom bodies.
  • Page 28
    The body assembly guidelines should be strictly adhered to if modifications are made with the intention of doing so. Included in the Volkswagen body assembly guidelines are also the body dimension plans for our commercial vehicles Crafter, Transporter T4 and T5, Caddy and LT. These can be installed in 3 formats (TIF, DXF, IGES) for CAD programs and as PDF files.
  • Page 29
    Roof carriers Roof loads increase the centre point of gravity on the vehicle and lead to high dynamic shifts in axle load and tilting of the vehicle on uneven surfaces and in corners. Road handling is considerably impaired. For this reason, roof loads should be avoided if at all possible.
  • Page 30
    In onboard electrical systems, electrical disturbances can be caused by individual consumers. At Volkswagen AG, the electronic components installed in the factory are checked in the vehicle for their electromagnetic compatibility. If retrofitting electrical or electronic systems, their electromagnetic compatibility should also be checked.
  • Page 31
    An operating permit has been granted for the vehicle braking systems. This permit becomes void if any changes to the brake system are made. Modifications to brake system are not permitted! Note: Subject to errors and technical amendments. The electronic version of the body guidelines is the decisive source of up-to-date data on body guidelines (online body guidelines).
  • Page 32
    Pressure control and adjustment should be carried out by a Volkswagen commercial vehicle dealership. Note: Subject to errors and technical amendments. The electronic version of the body guidelines is the decisive source of up-to-date data on body guidelines (online body…
  • Page 33
    Connect pressure gauge to rear wheel cylinder. To do this, unscrew bleed valve. Press brake pedal hard until input pressure (see data plate of brake pressure limiter device) is reached and then adjust output pressure. Once checked, bleed the brake system. Tighten bleed screw to MA = 4.9+1 Nm. General note We recommend that custom body manufacturers/coachwork specialists include relevant service details and, if necessary, operating instructions for their scope of equipment.
  • Page 34
    The ABS requires an identical signal from the front and rear axle (active signal, detection of circumference to number of teeth). The ABS functions and settings have been checked and authorised for use only with series production components, rear axle brake, wheels and tyres. For use of different wheels/tyres, for example on the front axle, a new wheel bearing unit must be installed (with speed sender Z = see below).
  • Page 35
    • diverse VDE- Richtlinien für die Auslegung und den Verbau elektrischer Leitungen und Komponenten (Kabelquerschnitte, Sicherungen, usw.), für die Adaption an das Bordnetz dürfen nur von Volkswagen freigegebene Komponenten (Leitungen, Gehäuse, • Kontakte) verwendet werden. es werden ausschließlich VW- übliche Potenzialbezeichnungen verwendet •…
  • Page 36
    Ausgangsklemme vom nicht Relais X-Kontakt zulässig Ausgangsklemme am Glüh- nicht und Zündanlasser Klemme 50 200 mA 0,5 mm2 zulässig (Fahrtschalter) nicht S-Kontakt Zündschloss Klemme S S-Kontakt* 2,0 A 0,5 mm2 zulässig nicht Geschwindigkeitssignal 20 mA 0,35 mm2 zulässig Ausgangsklemme am Abblendschalter für Klemme 56b 1,0 A…
  • Page 37
    Diese beinhaltet die Zusatzkonsole, Kabelführung bis zum Dach bei allen Dacharten sowie den Schalter in der Zusatzkonsole. Nummern der ZSB Rundumkennleuchte (gelb) Normaldach: 7H0.941.083.D o.Z. Mittelhochdach: 7H0.941.083.K o.Z. Hochdach: 7H0.941.083.L o.Z. Pritsche/DOKA: 7H0.941.083.F o.Z. Koordinaten Punkt a Toleranz Pritsche 1036,2 1554,8 ±0,5 Doka…
  • Page 38
    Diese beinhaltet die Zusatzkonsole, Kabelführung bis zum Dach bai allen Dacharten sowie den Schalter in der Zusatzkonsole. Koordinaten Punkt a Dach PDA vom: Normal ohne SAD, KR 7H1.817.111.J TM3 29.10.2003 800,0 1525,0 Normal ohne SAD, LR 7H3.817.111.L TM2 29.10.2003 800,0 1525,0 Normal mit SAD, KR 7H1.817.111.K…
  • Page 39
    Pos Teilenummer N 017 716.2 7H0.945.713 Note: Subject to errors and technical amendments. The electronic version of the body guidelines is the decisive source of up-to-date data on body guidelines (online body guidelines). Data status August 2007…
  • Page 40
    The necessary clearance for the wheels, including snow chains, must be observed. The dimensions given in the chassis diagrams is the minimum distance from the upper edge of the longitudinal member to the wheel housings. Note: Subject to errors and technical amendments. The electronic version of the body guidelines is the decisive source of up-to-date data on body guidelines (online body guidelines).
  • Page 41
    Auxiliary equipment should be attached to the frame using consoles, which are welded to the longitudinal member in the neutral zone. If a bolted connection to the frame cannot be avoided, spacer sleeves should be welded into the hollow profile members as a supplementary measure. Observe: General notes on modifications to series prouktion vehicles (see 5.5) •…
  • Page 42
    Since no provision has been made for a power take-off from the gearbox, the crane can only be powered by an electric pump unit (heavy duty battery and heavy duty alternator required). Note: Subject to errors and technical amendments. The electronic version of the body guidelines is the decisive source of up-to-date data on body guidelines (online body guidelines).
  • Page 43
    Notes on installation of hydraulic tailboards Before installing a hydraulic tailboard, the permissible rear axle load and minimum front axle load should be checked by means of a calculation to determine the distribution of weight. The installation of a hydraulic tailboard on series production panel vans is not permissible without a special permit from the factory.
  • Page 44
    Only the trailer hitches authorised by the factory should be installed for towing. As an option, the following trailer hitches can be ordered from the factory: Ball head type — order number: Towing capacity max. 700 kg unbraked and 2000 — 2500 kg braked (depending on engine size) at 12% gradient rise. As above but removal and lockable The permissible drawbar load is 100 kg.
  • Page 45
    a) On hoists/lifting platforms The vehicle should only be raised at the prescribed lifting points (see diagram). Only 2 pillar vehicle hoists should be used. b) On jack For procedure and jacking points on all vehicle models see operating instructions (On all chassis cab versions not fitted with standard box body) The lifting points for vehicle hoists can be used (with the use of large plates).
  • Page 46
    If a vehicle is subjected to long periods out of use, the battery will be gradually discharged by electrical consumers (clock, tachograph, cigarette lighter or radio) and thereby permanently damaged. To avoid this kind of damage, the wiring harness is separated by a connector in the factory and reconnected on vehicle delivery and handover.
  • Page 47
    Power take-off via toothed belt from engine Power can be taken via a toothed belt from the engine (77 kW) for a refrigerant compressor by using the flange points provided up to a maximum of 10 kW. Refrigerant compressor made by SANDEN on 1.9 ltr. TDI as installed in factory The compressor should be used exclusively on the T5 with refrigerant oil of type SANDEN SP20.
  • Page 48
    The body assembly guidelines should be strictly adhered to if modifications are made with the intention of doing so. Included in the Volkswagen body assembly guidelines are also the body dimension plans for our commercial vehicles Crafter, Transporter T4 and T5, Caddy and LT. These can be installed in 3 formats (TIF, DXF, IGES) for CAD programs and as PDF files.
  • Page 49
    Body and platform form a self-supporting unit on the Kombi/panel van. Structural parts of this self-supporting unit should not be removed without replacement. Partition walls do not have a structural function. Modifications other than complete removal are permissible. Sidewall apertures Retrofitting of windows is difficult and expensive.
  • Page 50
    Note: Subject to errors and technical amendments. The electronic version of the body guidelines is the decisive source of up-to-date data on body guidelines (online body guidelines). Data status August 2007…
  • Page 51
    This design has been trialled by us and guarantees the highest possible level of rigidity in the body structure. The Volkswagen high top roof is offered from the factory for vehicles with wheelbase 3,400 mm only. If custom body manufacturers/coachwork specialists wish to retrofit a high top roof on a vehicle with 3,000 mm or 3,400 mm wheelbase, the following conditions must be met: Vehicles with high sliding doors and/or rear wing doors should not be retrofitted.
  • Page 52
    The roof apertures for both wheelbases should not exceed those shown in the diagrams (see below). The separated bracing elements must be replaced and adapted to the new roof shape. Design of high top roofThe high roof shell should be made of at least 4 mm thick glass-fibre reinforced polyester and should feature a securing flange laminated around its circumference (see below), which should be bonded and screwed to the roof frame.
  • Page 53
    Panel van (type 7HK..) • Retrofitting of seats and seatbelt anchor points is not possible • Kombi/Shuttle (type 7HC) On vehicles with panelled sidewalls at the rear, retrofitting of seats and seatbelt anchor points for the 2nd and 3rd seat row is not permitted. In the first seat row, there is an option of installing a 2-seater bench seat plus a single seat.
  • Page 54
    Assembly of seat attachment rails See diagram 2 • We recommend that our rubber matting is installed to compensate for gaps between seat attachment rails and • the vehicle floor…
  • Page 55
    Seat mountings on long wheelbase Retrofitting of 2-seater bench seat in 2nd seat row (long wheelbase only) Removal of relevant components in floor Riveting in of four reinforcement brackets 7H3.803.243 and 7H0.803.333 (see diagram 2.1) Drilling of seat mounting holes (see diagram 2) through holes already made in reinforcements and subsequent measures to protect against corrosion…
  • Page 56
    Note: Subject to errors and technical amendments. The electronic version of the body guidelines is the decisive source of up-to-date data on body guidelines (online body guidelines). Data status August 2007…
  • Page 57
    On panel vans with partitions, vent slits can be found in the partition and Dpillars. On box bodies, these should only be covered if new vents are provided, for example, in the cab doors. Note: Subject to errors and technical amendments. The electronic version of the body guidelines is the decisive source of up-to-date data on body guidelines (online body guidelines).
  • Page 58
    The damping characteristic, brake system and steering should not be modified. Exceptions must be authorised by Volkswagen AG before conversion measures are carried out. For modifications to parts that generate noise (e.g. engine, tyres, exhaust, …), carry out noise insulation measures in accordance with EC guidelines.
  • Page 59
    The body assembly guidelines should be strictly adhered to if modifications are made with the intention of doing so. Included in the Volkswagen body assembly guidelines are also the body dimension plans for our commercial vehicles Crafter, Transporter T4 and T5, Caddy and LT. These can be installed in 3 formats (TIF, DXF, IGES) for CAD programs and as PDF files.
  • Page 60
    For the supply of vehicle chasses on customer axles, a wide range of regulations must be met: Wheel covers • • Balance weight for braking Side impact protection • Lighting equipment • These parts were not developed and are not available and would make supply of vehicle chasses on customer axles unnecessarily expensive.
  • Page 61
    The max. aperture is limited by the B-pillars, the B-bracing elements and the cab floor. The box body should be flush fitted to the cab with flexible mountings. That is, the connection should not be flush bonded, but carried out in such a way that the twisting movement between box body and cab is not transmitted directly into the cab.
  • Page 62
    Additional securing points for custom bodies. • The longitudinal members are hollow profile beams. If holes have to be drilled in them, this should only be carried out in the neutral zone (centre of longitudinal member but with sufficient distance from flange). In addition, spacer sleeves should be welded in place.
  • Page 63
    Welding work on the vehicle frame should be limited to the absolute minimum and only be carried out if necessary. Before carrying out welding work on the vehicle, the vehicle battery should be disconnected. If, with the battery disconnected, concealed cables are damaged, short circuits could result in serious damage. If using electrical welding equipment, the earth clamp of the equipment should be attached directly to the vehicle part that is to be welded.
  • Page 64
    If a wheelbase extension becomes necessary, Use the long wheelbase as a basis. • The max. perm. weight, axle loads, rear overhang (depending on wheelbase), etc., should be adhered to. Please refer to paragraphs dimensions and weights . Note: Subject to errors and technical amendments. The electronic version of the body guidelines is the decisive source of up-to-date data on body guidelines (online body guidelines).
  • Page 65
    Subframe The subframe should be made of steel. It is required for custom bodies, on which loads are focused on specific areas of the chassis, e.g. tippers and fifth wheel tractor units. The subframe serves as a means of distributing the loads, focused in isolated areas, equally across the vehicle frame. To do this, it should be positioned above the longitudinal members, lead up to the cab and taper out in the front end area.
  • Page 66
    Note: Subject to errors and technical amendments. The electronic version of the body guidelines is the decisive source of up-to-date data on body guidelines (online body guidelines). Data status August 2007…
  • Page 67
    On vehicles with high bodies and with raised centre of gravity, a reduction in vehicle performance is to be expected. Note: Changing the steering and braking forces for vehicle conversions for disabled persons is not possible. The following table shows at which height the centre of gravity is permissible on vehicles with standard equipment. These heights should not be exceeded.
  • Page 68
    All commercial vehicles from 01.01.1991 should meet the demands set by the EC guidelines on brake systems 71/320 EEC». The inclusion of this EC guideline in the road traffic regulations means that these technical regulations must be fulfilled even for individual or one-off» conversions. Wheelbase 3000 mm Wheelbase 3400 mm For all perm.
  • Page 69
    The body assembly guidelines should be strictly adhered to if modifications are made with the intention of doing so. Included in the Volkswagen body assembly guidelines are also the body dimension plans for our commercial vehicles Crafter, Transporter T4 and T5, Caddy and LT. These can be installed in 3 formats (TIF, DXF, IGES) for CAD programs and as PDF files.
  • Page 70
    The individual dimensional drawings are in formats TIF, DXF, IGES and PDF. All files (except PDF) are packed in a zip archive. The files can be unpacked using Winzip (PC) or ZipIt (MAC). Click on the link in question to save the selected file directly to your computer. You can then view and print out the dimension drawing using appropriate software (e.g.
  • Page 71
    The individual dimensional drawings are in formats TIF, DXF, IGES and PDF. All files (except PDF) are packed in a zip archive. The files can be unpacked using Winzip (PC) or ZipIt (MAC). Click on the link in question to save the selected file directly to your computer. You can then view and print out the dimension drawing using appropriate software (e.g.
  • Page 72
    The individual dimensional drawings are in formats TIF, DXF, IGES and PDF. All files (except PDF) are packed in a zip archive. The files can be unpacked using Winzip (PC) or ZipIt (MAC). Click on the link in question to save the selected file directly to your computer. You can then view and print out the dimension drawing using appropriate software (e.g.
  • Page 73
    The individual dimensional drawings are in formats TIF, DXF, IGES and PDF. All files (except PDF) are packed in a zip archive. The files can be unpacked using Winzip (PC) or ZipIt (MAC). Click on the link in question to save the selected file directly to your computer. You can then view and print out the dimension drawing using appropriate software (e.g.
  • Page 74
    T5 Kastenwagen kurz T5 Kastenwagen lang T5 Kastenwagen Mitteldach kurz T5 Kastenwagen Mitteldach lang…
  • Page 75
    T5 Kastenwagen Hochdach lang T5 Kombi kurz T5 Kombi lang T5 Kombi Mitteldach kurz…
  • Page 76
    T5 Kombi Mitteldach lang T5 Kombi Hochdach lang T5 Shuttle kurz T5 Shuttle lang…
  • Page 77
    T5 Shuttle kurz, 2. Sitzreihe gedreht Note: Subject to errors and technical amendments. The electronic version of the body guidelines is the decisive source of up-to-date data on body guidelines (online body guidelines). Data status August 2007…
  • Page 78
    Offene Aufbauten T5-Nutzfahrzeuge Fahrzeugbrief-relevante Daten (Typ 7J0). 13.08.03 Schaltgetiebe SG: FM52Z004, FM52Z006, FM52Z008, FM6A5003 Automatikgetriebe AG: FA69K003, FA69K004, FA69K005 Gewichtsklassen: 2,8 t bis 3,0 t Radstand: 3000 und 3400 mm für vervollst. Fzg. mit für vervollst. Fzg. mit Fzg- u. Aufbauart Leermasse von 1736kg Leermasse bis 1735kg und mehr…
  • Page 79
    LKW offener Pritsche Kasten, * / 54 98/69/EG Doppelkabine DN 1002 III;A Festlegung Fahrgestell * / 54 98/69/EG Doppelkabine FD Abnahme III;A Festlegung Fahrgestell * / 54 98/69/EG Normalkabine FE Abnahme III;A LKW offener Prische Kasten, * / 54 98/69/EG Normalkabine PN 1002 III;A…
  • Page 80
    Abnahme I;B, FZG III Festlegung Fahrgestell * / 35 98/69/EG * / 35 98/69/EG Normalkabine FE Abnahme I;B, FZG II I;B, FZG III LKW offener Prische Kasten, * / 35 98/69/EG Normalkabine PN 1002 I;B, FZG III LKW offener Tiefladepritsche Kasten, * / 35 98/69/EG…
  • Page 81
    Fahrgestell Normalkabine fe prische SG FM6A5003 153 Normalkabine PN prische AG FA69k004 149 Normalkabine PN Tiefladepritsche SG FM6A5003 153 Normalkabine PT Tiefladepritsche AG FA69k004 149 Normalkabine PT AXE Diesel kW 128 Pritsche SG FM6A5003 172 Doppelkabine DN Pritsche AG FA69k005 167 Doppelkabine DN Fahrgestell SG FM6A5003 172…
  • Page 82
    Tiefladepritsche AG FA69k003 182 Normalkabine PT Note: Subject to errors and technical amendments. The electronic version of the body guidelines is the decisive source of up-to-date data on body guidelines (online body guidelines). Data status August 2007…
  • Page 83
    Body builder guidlines Transporter T5 Body builder guidelines Subject to modifications Edition September 2008 Internet: www.volkswagen-nutzfahrzeuge.de Consulting for body builders in Germany is available from the listed address. Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles Brieffach 2963 Postfach 21 05 80 D-30405 Hannover Fax. +49 511 798 8500…

  1. Руководства по ремонту
  2. Руководство по ремонту Фольксваген Транспортер Т4 1990-2000 г.в.

Руководство по ремонту Volkswagen Transporter / Фольксваген Т4

Общая информация об автомобиле.

Volkswagen Transporter 1990-2000

Четвертое поколение (Т4) популярнейших пикапов, фургонов Transporter (выпускающихся с 1990 года) кардинально отличается от прежних заднемоторных моделей вагонной компоновки. VW Transporter T4 переднеприводный, а по заказу их оснащают полноприводной трансмиссией Syncro с вискомуфтой, разработанной и производимой австрийской Steyr-Daimler-Push. В комплектации входит гидроусилитель рулевого управления, полный электропакет, установка Climatronik с раздельной регулировкой воздушных потоков и др. Версия Long существует в двух высотах 1940 и 2430 mm.

↓ Комментарии ↓

1. Инструкция по эксплуатации

1.0 Модификации переборки
1.1. Фургон
1.2. Замена резиновых лепестков дворников
1.3 Система мойки фар
1.4. Привод стеклоочистителя
1.5 Водяная помпа мойки стекол
1.6 Диагностика неисправностей дворников
1.7 Мойка машины
1.8 Уход за лаковым покрытием
1.9 Уход за пластмассовыми частями
1.10 Чистка стекол
1.11 Уход за резиновыми уплотнениями
1.12 Уход за алюминиевыми ободами
1.13 Ремни безопасности
1.14 Защита днища и консервация полуосей
1.15 Уход за мягкой обивкой
1.16 Запуск двигателя от другого источника
1.17 Буксировка машины
1.18 Установка машины на подставки
1.19 Идентификация
1.20. График обслуживания VW T4

2. Двигатель

2.0 Двигатель
2.1 Общие данные двигателя
2.2 Снятие и установка двигателя
2.3 Снятие радиатора
2.4 Снятие и установка брызговика двигателя
2.7 Снятие и установка распредвала
2.8 Гидравлические тарельчатые толкатели
2.9 Замена маслоотражательных колпачков
2.10. Клапана
2.11 Проверка компрессии
2.12. Клиновой ремень
2.13 Диагностика неисправностей двигателя
2.14. Система зажигания
2.15. Система смазки
2.16. Система охлаждения двигателя
2.17. Система питания двигателя
2.18. Система впрыска бензина
2.19. Система отвода выхлопных газов

3. Сцепление

3.0 Сцепление
3.1 Общие данные
3.2 Снятие, установка и проверка сцепления
3.3 Выпуск воздуха из привода сцепления
3.4 Замена тросика сцепления
3.5 Диагностика неисправностей сцепления

4. Коробка передач

4.0 Коробка передач
4.2 Снятие и установка коробки передач
4.3 Крепление двигатель-коробка передач
4.4 Полная автоматическая трансмиссия
4.5. Система переключения коробки передач

5. Подвески

5.0 Подвески
5.1. Общие данные
5.2. Задняя подвеска

6. Рулевое управление

6.0 Рулевое управление
6.1 Общие данные
6.2 Рулевое колесо
6.3 Шаровая опора и поперечная рулевая тяга
6.4 Проверка герметичности системы управления
6.5 Выпуск воздуха из системы управления
6.6 Устранение вибрации рулевого колеса и передней части машины
6.7. Основные параметры регулировки ходовой части

7. Тормозная система

7.0 Тормозная система
7.2 Технические данные тормозной системы
7.3. Тормозные колодки передних дисковых тормозов
7.4 Устранение скрипов дисковых тормозов
7.5 Проверка толщины тормозных дисков
7.6 Тормозной диск и тормозной механизм
7.7 Тормозной барабан
7.8 Тормозные колодки
7.9 Базовая регулировка тормоза заднего колеса
7.10 Регулировка ручного тормоза
7.11 Тормозная жидкость
7.12 Выпуск воздуха из тормозной системы
7.13 Замена тормозной жидкости
7.14 Тормозной цилиндр
7.15 Тормозной трубопровод и тормозной шланг
7.16 Регулятор тормозных сил
7.17 Выключатель стоп-сигнала
7.18 Антиблокировочная система (ABS)
7.19 Диагностика неисправностей тормозов

8. Колеса и шины

8.0 Колеса и шины
8.2 Обозначение ободов
8.3 Обозначение шин
8.4 Замена колес
8.5 Правила ухода за шинами
8.6 Снежные цепи (цепи против скольжения)
8.7 Запасное колесо
8.8 Неправильный износ шин
8.9 Диагностика неисправностей колес

9. Кузов

9.0 Кузов
9.2 Бампер
9.3 Передняя замыкающая балка
9.4 Крышка капота
9.5 Задняя дверь
9.6. Дверь багажника
9.7. Передняя дверь
9.8. Сдвижная дверь
9.9 Задняя двухстворчатая дверь
9.10 Решетка радиатора
9.11 Защитная планка освещения номерного знака
9.12. Зеркала
9.13 Переднее сидение
9.14 Средний ряд сидений салона
9.15 Задняя банкетка для сидения
9.16 Вещевой ящик
9.17. Система отопления

10. Электрооборудование

10.0 Электрооборудование
10.1. Измерение напряжения
10.2 Установка дополнительных электропринадлежностей
10.3. Поиск неисправностей в электрооборудовании
10.4 Реле
10.5 Электродвигатель дворников
10.6 Система указателей поворотов
10.7 Стоп-сигнал
10.8 Звуковой сигнал
10.9 Обогрев заднего стекла
10.10 Замена предохранителей
10.11. Аккумуляторная батарея
10.12 Контрольные лампы
10.13 Светодиоды
10.14 Стабилизатор напряжения
10.15 Приборы управления
10.16 Валик спидометра
10.17. Генератор
10.18. Стартер
10.19. Система освещения и сигнализации
10.20. Электросхемы

Руководство по обслуживанию и ремонту Volkswagen Transporter T5 (California, Caravelle, Multivan) (2003-)

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Руководство по обслуживанию и ремонту Volkswagen

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