Руководство по metercat

July 2004

Figure 3. A3 ALPHA meter with ITM3 RJ-11 cable

Metering Software and


To have the A3 ALPHA meter function properly as a data collector in the

EnergyAxis System, it is important that the meter be programmed correctly

using Metercat

. In the Remote component tab in Metercat, be sure that the fol-

lowing options are set:

Port 1 usage is set to internal modem.

Port 2 usage is set to direct connect.

On the Port 1 Modem tab, enable line sharing (the Enable Line Sharing

box is checked).

On the Port 2 Direct Connect tab, the bit rate is set to 9600.

The other options can be set as desired. For more information on using Meter-

cat, see the Metercat documentation.


The A3 ALPHA meter/collector requires Elster Electricity Metercat support soft-

ware release 1.4 or later. Metercat offers the following features:

program development to create user-defined configuration data

meter programming to send user-defined configuration data or com-

mands to the meter

meter reading to receive data that has been stored by the meter

diagnostic read including ILC1 option board and LAN status

ability to perform tasks related to replacing a collector

EnergyAxis Metering Automation Server

The EnergyAxis Metering Automation Server (MAS) reads meters over telephone

or wireless networks. Using MAS, meter readings can be scheduled or per-

formed on-request from the browser-based user interface. MAS allows all billing

data to be read from the meter; this includes data from the A3 ALPHA meter

and from each REX meter registered with the ILC1 option board. Billing data

from the A3 ALPHA meter includes multi-channel interval data, consumption,

demand, time-of-use registers as well as meter status flags. REX meter data can

be read from the stored data in the collector or on-request by using MAS to

communicate through the collector to the individual REX meter.

A3 ALPHA Meter/Collector

Product Guide



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schrodingersbox/meter_cat README

This Rails engine makes monitoring the usage history of your Rails environment easier.
It provides meters, similar to the odometer in a car, which can be incremented
when significant actions happen in your app, and are recorded on a daily basis.

Meters are managed in RAM and periodically flushed to DB after a configurable amount of time,
when the calendar day rolls over, or when the process exits.

Some examples of useful meters would be number of users created, number of emails sent, or
other events particular to your application. Even in cases where the equivalent value could be
determined with a count query, it can still be more efficient to look up a set of meter values,
rather than run a bunch of count queries.

Getting Started

  1. Add this to your Gemfile and bundle install

  2. Add this to your config/routes.rb

     mount MeterCat::Engine => '/meter_cat'
  3. Install and run migrations

     rake meter_cat:install:migrations
     rake db:migrate db:test:prepare
  4. Generate some random data

    rake meter_cat:random[my_test,0,100,365]

  5. Restart your Rails server

  6. Visit http://yourapp/meter_cat in a browser for an HTML meter report


All configuration should go in config/initializers/meter_cat.rb.

  MeterCat.configure do |config|

    config.layout = 'meters'
    config.expiration = 60

    config.ratio( :failed_to_create_ratio, :login_failed, :user_created )
    config.percentage( :failed_to_create_percentage, :login_failed, :user_created )
    config.sum( :failed_plus_create, [ :login_failed, :user_created ] )

    config.to = 'ops@schrodingersbox.com'
    config.from = 'ops@schrodingersbox.com'
    config.subject = "#{Rails.env.upcase} MeterCat Report"
    config.mail_days = 7

    config.authenticate_with do
      warden.authenticate! scope: :user

    config.authorize_with do
      redirect_to main_app.root_path unless current_user.try(:admin?)


How To

Increment A Meter

The easiest way is to call MeterCat.add.

    MeterCat.add( :any_name_you_like )

You can also optionally pass a value and date.

    MeterCat.add( :any_name_you_like, value = 1, created_on = Date.today )

Set A Meter

The easiest way is to call MeterCat.set.

    MeterCat.set( :any_name_you_like )

You can also optionally pass a value and date.

    MeterCat.set( :any_name_you_like, value = 1, created_on = Date.today )

This is useful where you want to record a single value for the day, such as from a daily cron job.

Add Calculated Values

Calculated values (ratios, percentages, and sums) can be defined in config/initializers/meter_cat.rb

  MeterCat.configure do |config|
    config.ratio( :failed_to_create_ratio, :login_failed, :user_created )
    config.percentage( :failed_to_create_percentage, :login_failed, :user_created )
    config.sum( :failed_plus_create, [ :login_failed, :user_created ] )

Generate Development Data

rake meter_cat:random[name, min, max, days] can be used to generate random data for development.

The arguments are defined as follows:

  • name = String, Any string up to 64 characters long
  • min = Integer, Minimum generated value
  • max = Integer, Maximum generated value
  • days = Integer, Days prior to date to generate values for

e.g. The following command will generate data for :my_test with value between 0 and 100 for the last year.

    rake meter_cat:random[my_test,0,100,365]

Configure Email Settings

Create or add to config/initializers/meter_cat.rb

MeterCat.configure do |config|
  config.to = 'ops@schrodingersbox.com'
  config.from = 'ops@schrodingersbox.com'
  config.subject = "#{Rails.env.upcase} MeterCat Report"

Email A Meter Report

You can email a meter report using rake:

You can email a meter report in code:

Require authentication

Create or add to config/initializers/meter_cat.rb

MeterCat.configure do |config|
  config.authenticate_with do
    warden.authenticate! scope: :user

Require authorization

Create or add to config/initializers/meter_cat.rb

MeterCat.configure do |config|
  config.authorize_with do
    redirect_to main_app.root_path unless current_user.try(:admin?)

Apply a custom layout

Create or add to config/initializers/meter_cat.rb

MeterCat.configure do |config|
  config.layout = 'admin'

Get Started Developing

  1. cp spec/dummy/config/passwords.yml.sample spec/dummy/config/passwords.yml
  2. rake app:db:create app:db:migrate app:db:test:prepare


  • Getting Started with Engines
  • Testing Rails Engines With Rspec
  • How do I write a Rails 3.1 engine controller test in rspec?
  • Best practice for specifying dependencies that cannot be put in gemspec?
  • Clarifying the Roles of the .gemspec and Gemfile
  • The Semi-Isolated Rails Engine
  • FactoryGirl
  • Add Achievement Badges to Your Gem README
  • Publishing your gem


  • Version 0.0.8 = Rails 4 compatible
  • Version 5.0.0 = Rails 5 compatible

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  • Getting Started Guide


    Metercat Release 1.95

  • 2006 by Elster Electricity, LLC. All rights are reserved.

    No part of this software or documentation may be reproduced,
    transmitted, processed or recorded by any means or form,
    electronic, mechanical, photographic or otherwise, translated to
    another language, or be released to any third party without the
    express written consent of Elster Electricity, LLC.

    Printed in the United States of America.

    ALPHA, ALPHA Plus, REX, and EnergyAxis are registered trademarks
    and Metercat and AlphaPlus are trademarks of Elster Electricity,
    LLC.Microsoft, MS-DOS, and Windows are registered trademarks of
    Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other
    countries.Other product and company names mentioned herein may be
    the trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective

  • Metercat Rel. 1.95Getting Started Guide

    28 February 2006 3


    1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5Introducing Metercat .
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    . . . . . 5

    Metercat System Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    . . . . . . . . . . . 5Introducing AlphaPlus. . . . . . . . . . . .
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

    AlphaPlus System Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    . . . . . . . . . . . 6Introducing Alpha Keys. . . . . . . . . . .
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

    Alpha Keys Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7Additional CD Contents . . . . . . . . .
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

    Meter Technical Manuals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8Software Documentation . . . . . . . .
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

    Registering Your Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

    2. Installing Metercat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9Preparing to Install . . .
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    . . . . . 9Installing from CD-ROM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

    Installing Additional Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22Installing from a Network . . . . . . .
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    27Configuring Your Monitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

    WinNT/2000/XP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28Win95 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Starting Metercat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28Forgotten Password? . . . .
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    . 29

    3. Upgrading Metercat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31Backing Up Existing Databases
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    31Upgrading Metercat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

    4. Installing AlphaPlus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37AlphaPlus Installation
    Disks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    . . . 37Installing from CD-ROM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

    5. Installing Alpha Keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51Installing .NET Framework . .
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    52Installing Alpha Keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

    6. Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59Installing or Upgrading
    Metercat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    . . 59

    User Prompted for Installation CD When First Launching Metercat.
    . 59Installing Metercat on WinXP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

    Merge Error Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59Uninstalling Metercat —
    Self-registration error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    60Installing Metercat — Network installation error. . . . . . . . .
    . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

    Metercat Rel. 1.95 Getting Started Guide

  • Metercat Rel. 1.95 Getting Started Guide

    4 28 February 2006

    Installing Metercat — Installation Interrupted. . . . . . . . .
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61Installing Metercat — No Metercat
    Icon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

  • 28 February 2006 5

    Metercat Rel. 1.95Getting Started Guide 1 Introduction

    1 Introduction

    Introducing Metercat

    Metercat, the meter configuration and analysis tool, is a
    user-friendly software package developed to program and read Elster
    Electricitys A3 ALPHA meter and manage the REX meter. Designed as a
    flexible Microsoft Windows-based application, Metercat runs on
    Windows 95/98/Millennium Edition/NT/2000/XP platforms.

    Note: Computers running Windows NT 4.0 must have Service Pack 6

    Metercat is used to communicate with Elster Electricity
    electronic meters for program development, meter programming, meter
    reading, meter testing, and report generation. Features of the
    Metercat software include:

    user-friendly interface

    function-level security

    program development wizard

    component editor

    user management

    function management

    viewset management

    database synchronization

    launching AlphaPlus software from Metercat

    Metercat users include:

    meter shop administrators and supervisors

    meter readers and programmers

    program developers

    remote communicators

    Metercat System RequirementsMetercat has the following minimum
    system requirements:

    Intel Pentium/Celeron family, AMD K6/Athlon/Duron family, or
    compatible processor recommended with appropriate keyboard and
    pointing device

    32 MB of RAM (64 MB recommended)

    a hard disk with 50 MB free space

    a CD drive (or network access to the installation CD)

    Metercat Rel. 1.95 Getting Started Guide

  • Metercat Rel. 1.951 Introduction Getting Started Guide

    6 28 February 2006

    a SVGA monitor (minimum resolution of 800 x 600 pixels, Font
    Size = Small Fonts)

    Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher

    Introducing AlphaPlus

    AlphaPlus is a MS-DOS-based software package that provides an
    intuitive, easy to use interface for configuring a broad range of
    meter functions. With AlphaPlus software you create meter programs
    that you download to meters. Meter programs tell meters to perform
    in ways that you specify. The software also lets you retrieve data
    from the meter on command.

    AlphaPlus software was developed for use with Elster
    Electricitys ALPHA, ALPHA Plus, AIN ALPHA, and EMF meters. Refer to
    the AlphaPlus Getting Started Guide for details on functions and
    meters supported.

    AlphaPlus System Requirements personal computer (PC)

    430 KB of RAM

    a hard disk drive with 4-10 MB free space

    Note: To minimize disk storage required, you may remove the
    AlphaPlus on-line documentation. To do this, simply delete all
    files with extensions of .XDB and .TPC.

    MS-DOS 3.0 or higher (DOS 3.3 or higher)


    Windows 3.0 or later. AlphaPlus will run in standard or Real
    Mode. In 386 Enhanced mode, it is necessary to run AlphaPlus in
    Full Screen mode.


    Windows 95, 98, NT, 2000, and XP. AlphaPlus will run windowed or
    full screen. (Depending upon your systems configurations, the
    AlphaPlus System Menu screen may default to full screen view, but
    the program will switch back to windowed mode once a selection has
    been made.)

    a CD drive (or network access to the installation CD)

    a UNICOM probe (for optical communication)

    The Elster Electricity UNICOM probe provides the interface
    between the computer and the meters optical port. With the UNICOM
    probe, service personnel can communicate with the meter both in the
    shop and in the field.

    Optional equipment:

    a printer (for printed reports)

    a modem (for remote communication)

    null modem cable (for direct PCtometer communication)

    USBtoserial adapter for UNICOM probe connection (Windows 2000
    and XP only)

  • 28 February 2006 7

    Metercat Rel. 1.95Getting Started Guide 1 Introduction

    Introducing Alpha Keys

    Alpha Keys is a combination of hardware and software that can
    perform either meter type upgrades (for example, upgrade a demand
    only meter [A3D] to a time of use meter [A3T]) or function upgrades
    (for example, add load profile).

    Alpha Keys has three components:

    Alpha Keys software — Windows-based software that performs the
    meter upgrade

    Hard Key III — a physical device that attaches to any USB
    (universal serial bus) port of a computer and acts as a storage
    container for the Soft Keys. The Hard Key can be detached from one
    computer and moved to another as long as the computer has a USB
    port and both Metercat and Alpha Keys software installed.

    Figure 1-1. Alpha Keys Hard Key III (USB)

    Soft Keys — software counters stored in the Hard Key that allow
    specific upgrades to occur. One Soft Key permits one upgrade of one
    A3 ALPHA meter; the Soft Keys counters are decremented accordingly
    as upgrades are performed.

    Alpha Keys RequirementsTo use Alpha Keys, you must have Metercat
    1.7 or later installed on your computer and a Hard Key with Soft
    Keys available.

    Additional CD Contents

    In addition to the Metercat installation files, the Metercat
    installation CD contains:

    Metercat Getting Started Guide

    Metercat Release Notes

    Metercat User Guide

    Adobe Acrobat Reader 6.0.1 installation files

    customizable HTML Help project files

    You may open and print the Metercat Getting Started Guide to a
    printer (600 dpi is recommended).

  • Metercat Rel. 1.951 Introduction Getting Started Guide

    8 28 February 2006

    Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to view and print the Metercat
    and AlphaPlus documentation (in portable document format (PDF)
    format). Acrobat Reader 6.0.1 requires Windows 98 SE or later;
    Windows 95 or 98 (non-SE) is inadequate to run Acrobat Reader 6.0.
    If your operating system is not able to run Acrobat Reader 6.0, you
    can download and install Acrobat Reader 5.0 from the Adobe website

    Note: PDF files of the User Guide are installed as part of the
    Metercat installation.

    Meter Technical Manuals A3 ALPHA Meter Technical Manual

    A3 ALPHA Meter Technical Manual for Use in Canada

    ALPHA Plus Meter Technical Manual (TM42-2182D)

    ALPHA Plus Meter Technical Manual for Use in Canada

    REX Meter Technical Manual (TM42-2210A)

    A1800 ALPHA Meter Series Technical Manual (TM42-2410)

    Software Documentation AlphaLite Software Quick Reference

    AlphaLite Technical Manual (TM42-2201C)

    AlphaPlus Software Menu Quick Reference

    AlphaPlus Getting Started Guide (TM42-2200C)

    Alpha Keys User Guide

    Registering Your Software

    The Metercat software installation CD comes shrink-wrapped with
    a software registration mail-in card that contains the serial
    number for Metercat.

    To register your software, complete the registration card
    (provide your name, company, address, etc.) and mail to Elster
    Electricity, LLC.

  • 28 February 2006 9

    Metercat Rel. 1.95Getting Started Guide 2 Installing

    2 Installing Metercat

    You can perform a standard installation of Metercat from:

    the Metercat installation CD-ROM

    a network server to which you have copied the contents of the
    Metercat installation disc

    Caution: Do not install multiple instances of Metercat on the
    same computer.

    Preparing to Install Before you begin installing the Metercat
    software, exit all open programs.WinNT/2000/XPYou must have
    Administrator privileges on the computer to install Metercat on
    Windows NT/2000/XP workstations. See your IS Administrator for

    Note: If the Metercat user does not have Administrator
    privileges on the computer, you must ensure that the user has Full
    Access to Metercats \Config, \Readings, and \Reports folders (and
    their sub-folders).

    Installing from CD-ROM

    Note: To install Metercat software on NT/2000/XP platforms, you
    must have Administrator privileges on the workstation.

    To install Metercat from the installation CD:

    1. Close all open applications.

    2. Insert the Metercat installation CD into your CD-ROM

    3. To start the installation wizard:

    a. If Auto-insert Notification is enabled on your computer, the
    installation wizard should begin automatically (that is

    b. If Auto-insert Notification is disabled, from the Windows
    Start menu, select Run and use the Browse button to navigate to the
    disc drive and double-click on AutoRun.exe.

    You will see the Metercat installation splash screen.

    Metercat Rel. 1.95 Getting Started Guide

  • Metercat Rel. 1.952 Installing Metercat Getting Started

    10 28 February 2006

    Figure 2-1. Metercat Installation Splash Screen

    4. You have the following options:

    a. Metercat Release Notes — click to view the PDF version of the
    release notes (including known limitations).

    b. Metercat Getting Started Guide — click to view the PDF
    version of the installation instructions.

    c. Install Adobe Reader — click to begin the installation of
    Acrobat Reader.

    Note: If you already have Adobe Reader 6.0 or later installed,
    you will not see this button. To view the Metercat User Guide and
    Program Development Guide you will need Adobe Reader installed on
    the computer.

    d. Install Metercat 1.95 — click to begin the installation.

    e. Alpha Keys — click to begin installing Elster Electricitys
    Alpha Keys software

    f. AlphaPlus Applications — click to begin installing Elster
    Electricitys AlphaPlus software (see Chapter 4, Installing
    AlphaPlus for more details)

  • 28 February 2006 11

    Metercat Rel. 1.95Getting Started Guide 2 Installing

    5. After clicking Install Metercat 1.95, you may see the
    InstallShield Wizard startup dialog box.

    Figure 2-2. Progress bar

    Note: If installer files are needed on your system, you will be
    required to restart your computer before the installation can
    continue. The installation procedure should automatically continue
    after your system is restarted.

    Figure 2-3. Metercat InstallShield Wizard dialog

    6. On the Welcome to the InstallShield Wizard for Metercat
    dialog box, click Next to acknowledge that you have closed all open
    programs and are ready to begin the installation process.

  • Metercat Rel. 1.952 Installing Metercat Getting Started

    12 28 February 2006

    Figure 2-4. Software License Agreement

    7. Read the Software License Agreement and select I accept the
    terms in the license agreement if you agree to abide by its terms
    and click Next.

    If you choose to not abide by the agreement, click Cancel to
    exit the setup program.

    Note: You can click Back to return to the previous step in the

    8. Read and comply with the Product Information.

  • 28 February 2006 13

    Metercat Rel. 1.95Getting Started Guide 2 Installing

    Figure 2-5. Product Information

    9. After you have read and complied with the instructions, click
    Next to continue to the next step.

  • Metercat Rel. 1.952 Installing Metercat Getting Started

    14 28 February 2006

    Figure 2-6.

    10. Enter your User Information: Name, Company, and Serial

    Note: Your Metercat CD has the serial number located on the back
    of the jewelcase.

    11. Click Next to continue to the next step.

  • 28 February 2006 15

    Metercat Rel. 1.95Getting Started Guide 2 Installing

    Figure 2-7. Setup Type

    12. Select to install the appropriate Metercat type:

    Typical ANSI — select if you are supporting A3 ALPHA and REX

    Typical IEC — select if you are supporting A1800 ALPHA

    Custom — select if you are supporting one or more of the
    following meters: A3 ALPHA, A1800 ALPHA and REX meters or Language
    Customization Tools

    Note: Depending on your selection, you will see different
    installation instructions.

    13. If you selected Typical ANSI or Typical IEC you will see the
    Destination Folder dialog.

  • Metercat Rel. 1.952 Installing Metercat Getting Started

    16 28 February 2006

    a. You can click Change to change the Metercat installation

    Figure 2-8. ANSI and IEC Setup — Destination Folder

    b. Click Next to continue.

  • 28 February 2006 17

    Metercat Rel. 1.95Getting Started Guide 2 Installing

    Figure 2-9. Begin the installation

    c. Click Install to begin the installation.

    14. If you selected Custom, you will see the Custom Setup

  • Metercat Rel. 1.952 Installing Metercat Getting Started

    18 28 February 2006

    Figure 2-10. Custom Setup

    a. Select the meter components you wish to install.

    Metercat 1.95 components:

    Printable Metercat Guides — you can choose to not install the
    PDF files of the User Guide and the Getting Started Guide

    Program Development — you can choose to not install Metercats
    program development module; if you do not install program
    development, Metercat will only open existing programs and
    components or import program and component files.

    System Preferences — you can choose to not install Metercats
    system preferences configuration module; if you do not install
    system preferences, you will only be able to use Metercats default
    system preference settings.

    Preference Default Value

    Meters Supported all installed meter types enabled

    Site ID Labels #1 — Account:#2 — Meter ID:

    Holidays No holidays will be generated automatically in Special
    Dates components

  • 28 February 2006 19

    Metercat Rel. 1.95Getting Started Guide 2 Installing

    DOS AlphaPlus Launching — you can choose to not install the
    Tools > Launch AlphaPlus command in Metercat; if you do not
    install DOS AlphaPlus Launching, you will not be able to start
    AlphaPlus software from within Metercat.

    A1800 ALPHA meter — you can select to not install support for
    the A1800 ALPHA meter

    A3 ALPHA meter — you can choose to not install support for the
    A3 ALPHA meter

    REX meter — you can choose to not install support for the REX

    Language Customization Tools

    Note: You can install any uninstalled features at a later date
    by inserting the Metercat installation CD and following the
    instructions in Installing Additional Features on page 22.

    Note: You can select to install a feature or to install a
    feature and all subfeatures on a local drive. Elster Electricity
    recommends you select to install a feature and all subfeatures.

    Dates and Rates Options Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall, Season 5,
    Season 6, etc.

    only 4 seasons will be enabled midnight switch times will be


    Programming Options line frequency will be the meter clock
    source one cycle of the alternate display list will be seen

    at power up KYZ Value and Adjusted Kh will be disabled

    Time Difference Options Metercat will not check for time

    Stored Readings Account value will be used when importing stored

    Preference Default Value

  • Metercat Rel. 1.952 Installing Metercat Getting Started

    20 28 February 2006

    Figure 2-11. Installation features selected

    b. Click Change to select a new installation path for the
    software or accept the default Destination folder (C:\Program

    Note: Installing to a location other than the default
    (C:\Program Files\Elster\Metercat) causes a broken link to the
    Special Option Board information page. To view this page, navigate
    to ..\Metercat\SpOBDefs and open the HTML file.

    15. Click Next to continue to the next step.

  • 28 February 2006 21

    Metercat Rel. 1.95Getting Started Guide 2 Installing

    Figure 2-12. Ready to Install

    16. If you wish to change your settings, click Back until you
    see the appropriate dialog and make your changes.


    Click Install to begin the installation.

  • Metercat Rel. 1.952 Installing Metercat Getting Started

    22 28 February 2006

    Figure 2-13. Finishing the Installation

    17. Click Finish to complete the installation.

    Note: When you first launch Metercat, you may be prompted for
    the Metercat installation CD-ROM.

    To prevent this problem from occurring you should insert the
    Metercat CD-ROM and select to Repair the installation, afterwards,
    Metercat will launch normally without prompting for the
    installation CD-ROM.

    Installing Additional FeaturesIf you have installed Typical ANSI
    support or Typical IEC support, you can install the other set at a
    later date by doing the following:

    1. Close all open applications.

    2. Insert the Metercat installation CD into your CD-ROM

    3. You will see the Metercat InstallShield Wizard dialog.

  • 28 February 2006 23

    Metercat Rel. 1.95Getting Started Guide 2 Installing

    Figure 2-14. Metercat InstallShield Wizard dialog

    4. Click Next to continue to the next step.

  • Metercat Rel. 1.952 Installing Metercat Getting Started

    24 28 February 2006

    Figure 2-15. Program Maintenance

    5. Select to Modify your current installation.

    6. Click Next.

  • 28 February 2006 25

    Metercat Rel. 1.95Getting Started Guide 2 Installing

    Figure 2-16. Select program features

    7. Select the additional meter components you wish to

    You can select to install a feature or to install a feature and
    all subfeatures on a local drive. Elster Electricity recommends you
    select to install a feature and all subfeatures.

    8. Click Next to continue.

  • Metercat Rel. 1.952 Installing Metercat Getting Started

    26 28 February 2006

    Figure 2-17. Begin installation

    9. Click Install to install the additional feature.

  • 28 February 2006 27

    Metercat Rel. 1.95Getting Started Guide 2 Installing

    Figure 2-18. Installation complete

    10. Click Finish to complete the installation.

    Installing from a Network

    To install the Metercat software from a network server:

    copy the contents of the Metercat installation disc to a
    location on a network server

    Note: Elster Electricity does not support installing the
    Metercat software to a shared network drive.

    To install Metercat from the network server:

    1. Close all open applications.

    2. From the workstation on which Metercat is to be installed,
    navigate (using Network Neighborhood or some other method) to the
    network server that contains the Metercat installation files.

    3. Double-click on AutoRun.exe.

    4. Follow the installation instructions as described in
    Installing from CD-ROM on page 9.

    Configuring Your Monitor

    Before you can run the Metercat software you must check that
    your monitor has the following settings:

    Desktop Area of at least 800 x 600 pixels

    Font Size set to Small Fonts

  • Metercat Rel. 1.952 Installing Metercat Getting Started

    28 28 February 2006

    WinNT/2000/XPTo check your monitors settings:

    1. From the Windows Start menu, select Settings > Control

    2. Double-click on Display.

    3. Select the Settings tab.

    4. If the Desktop Area is equal to 640 x 480 pixels, move the
    slider until the setting equals at least 800 x 600 pixels.

    5. If the Font Size is set to Large Fonts, click the drop list
    button and select Small Fonts.

    6. If you have changed any settings, click Test.

    Your monitor briefly displays a test pattern.

    7. If you see the pattern correctly you may click OK to apply
    your changed settings and return to the Control Panel window.

    8. Close the Control Panel window.

    Win95To check your monitors settings:

    1. From the Windows Start menu, select Settings > Control

    2. Double-click on Display.

    3. If the Desktop Area is equal to 640 x 480 pixels, move the
    slider until the setting equals at least 800 x 600 pixels.

    4. If the Font Size is set to Large Fonts, click the drop list
    button and select Small Fonts.

    5. Click OK to apply your changed settings and return to the
    Control Panel window.

    6. Close the Control Panel window.

    Starting Metercat During the installation process, the program
    created a Metercat Program Group containing shortcuts for the
    Metercat 1.95 application and the Metercat documentation (online
    help, Getting Started Guide, User Guide, Program Development Guide,
    and Release Notes).

    To start Metercat the first time after a new installation:

    1. Do one of the following:

    From the Windows Start menu, select Programs > Metercat >
    Metercat 1.95.

    Double click the Metercat 1.95 icon on your desktop.

    2. Select between Single User or Multiple User mode. The system
    will then auto-build several database entries.

    Note: You cannot rename or delete the Administrator account.
    Elster Electricity recommends changing the default password after
    the first use. See Chapter 3 in the Metercat User Guide for
    instructions on changing passwords.

  • 28 February 2006 29

    Metercat Rel. 1.95Getting Started Guide 2 Installing

    3. The only log on name available at initial startup for blank
    database is Administrator with the password Administrator (if you
    selected Multiple User mode the group is Administrators).

    Note: You can not rename or delete the Administrator account;
    Elster Electricity recommends changing the default password at the
    first log on. Refer to the Metercat User Guide, Chapter 3 for
    instructions on changing passwords.

    To start Metercat the first time after an upgrade

    1. Do one of the following:

    From the Windows Start menu, select Programs > Metercat >
    Metercat 1.95.

    Double click the Metercat 1.95 icon on your desktop.

    2. Do one of the following:

    a. Migrate your old data into the new database format. If you
    have ejected the Metercat CD, you will be prompted to insert the
    installation CD. When migrating the old data into the new database
    format, you may see DOS windows. Metercat will then start in either
    Single User or Multiple User mode depending upon the settings in
    the existing databases.

    b. If you are starting with a blank database, you must select
    between Single User and Multiple User mode. The system will then
    auto-build several database entries.

    Forgotten Password?

    If you have forgotten the Administrator password, you must
    contact Elster Electricity Technical Support. They will guide you
    through a process using a temporary password to access

  • Metercat Rel. 1.952 Installing Metercat Getting Started

    30 28 February 2006

  • 28 February 2006 31

    Metercat Rel. 1.95Getting Started Guide 3 Upgrading Metercat

    3 Upgrading Metercat

    Note: Installing Metercat Rel. 1.95 will automatically uninstall
    any previous releases of Metercat. Your existing program data,
    stored readings, or reports will not be deleted.

    Backing Up Existing Databases

    Before upgrading Metercat and as a precaution, Elster
    Electricity recommends that you create copies of your database
    (*.mdb) files (located at C:\Program Files\Elster\Metercat\Config1
    where C: is the drive designation for the software).

    Note: During the installation Metercats installer will
    create.bak (backup) files of existing databases. These .bak files
    will be numbered sequentially depending on the number of times
    Metercat has been upgraded (example, .bak1, .bak2, etc.).

    Elster Electricity recommends that you create periodic backup
    files of your database files (located in C:\Program
    Files\Elster\Metercat\Config\ *.mdb.

    Caution: The .bak files located in that directory should NOT be
    deleted from the system.

    Upgrading Metercat To upgrade to Metercat 1.95:1. Close all open

    2. Insert the Metercat installation CD into your disc drive.

    3. To start the installation wizard:

    If Auto-insert Notification is enabled on your computer, the
    installation wizard begins automatically.

    If Auto-insert Notification is disabled, from the Windows Start
    menu, select Run and use the Browse button to navigate to the CD
    ROM drive and double-click on AutoRun.exe.

    The Metercat installation splash screen appears.

    1 If you have upgraded from an earlier release of Metercat the
    path may be C:\Program Files\ABB\Metercat\Config.

    Metercat Rel. 1.95 Getting Started Guide

  • Metercat Rel. 1.953 Upgrading Metercat Getting Started Guide

    32 28 February 2006

    Figure 3-1. Metercat Installation Splash Screen

    4. You have the following options:

    a. Metercat Release Notes — click to view the PDF version of the
    release notes (including known limitations).

    b. Metercat Getting Started Guide — click to view the PDF
    version of the installation instructions.

    c. Install Adobe Acrobat — click to begin the installation of
    Acrobat Reader.

    Note: If you already have Acrobat Reader installed, you will not
    see this button. To view the Metercat User Guide and Program
    Development Guide you will need Acrobat Reader installed on the

    d. Install Metercat 1.95 — [Upgrade] click to begin the

    e. Alpha Keys — click to begin installing Elster Electricitys
    Alpha Keys software

    f. AlphaPlus Applications — click to select a type of AlphaPlus
    software to install — ANSI meters or ANSI and IEC meters

  • 28 February 2006 33

    Metercat Rel. 1.95Getting Started Guide 3 Upgrading Metercat

    5. After clicking Install Metercat 1.95, you may see the
    InstallShield Wizard startup dialog box.

    Figure 3-2. Progress bar

    Note: If installer files are needed on your system, you will be
    required to restart your computer before the installation can
    continue. The installation procedure should automatically continue
    after your system is restarted.

    6. On the Welcome to the InstallShield Wizard for Metercat
    dialog box, click Next to acknowledge that you have closed all open
    programs and are ready to begin the installation process.

    Figure 3-3. Metercat InstallShield Wizard dialog

    7. Read the Software License Agreement and select I accept if
    you agree to abide by its terms and click Next.

  • Metercat Rel. 1.953 Upgrading Metercat Getting Started Guide

    34 28 February 2006

    If you choose to not abide by the agreement, click Cancel to
    exit the setup program.

    Note: You can click Back to return to the previous step in the

    8. Read and comply with the Product Information.

    9. After you have read and complied with the instructions, click
    Next to continue to the next step.

    10. Enter your User Information: Name, Company, and Serial

    Note: Your Metercat CD has the serial number located on the back
    of the jewel case.

    11. Select to install the appropriate Metercat type:

    Typical ANSI — select if you are supporting A3 ALPHA and REX

    Typical IEC — select if you are supporting A1800 ALPHA

    Custom — select if you are supporting one or more of the
    following meters: A3 ALPHA, A1800 ALPHA and REX meters or Language
    Customization Tools

    12. Click Next to continue to the next step.

    13. Click Change to select a new installation path for the
    software or accept the default Destination folder (C:\Program

    Caution: If you are upgrading from Rel. 1.3 and change the
    installation path, the installation will complete but the existing
    Metercat database files, readings, and reports will not be copied
    over to the new location. If you wish to use existing Metercat
    files you must manually copy the files to the new installation

    14. Click Next to continue to the next step.

    15. Review your installation settings (for example, the
    installation folder); if you wish to change your settings, click
    Back until you see the appropriate dialog and make your

    16. Click Install to continue to the next step.

    17. As part of the upgrade, older versions of Metercat will be
    automatically uninstalled.

    a. When prompted, click OK to remove the older version. The
    uninstallation process should continue.

    Note: Program data, stored readings, and reports will not be

    b. If prompted to remove shared files, click Yes.

    Note: Check the Dont display this message again in the Shared
    File Detected dialog box to suppress the remaining shared file
    prompts from appearing.

    c. After the uninstallation of older Metercat versions is
    complete, a finish window is displayed. If prompted to do so, do
    not restart your computer.

  • 28 February 2006 35

    Metercat Rel. 1.95Getting Started Guide 3 Upgrading Metercat

    Figure 3-4.

    18. Select one of the following options:

    a. Use Existing Databases to continue to use your existing

    b. Install New Defaults to start with new default databases.

    Figure 3-5. Uninstall Complete dialog

    19. Click Finish on the final screen to complete the

    Note: If you selected Use Existing Databases, the databases will
    be migrated to the newer version automatically when Metercat is
    started for the first time. See Starting Metercat on page 28 for
    more details.

    20. When you first launch Metercat, you may be prompted for the
    Metercat installation CD-ROM.

    To prevent this problem from occurring you should insert the
    Metercat CD-ROM and select to Repair the installation. Afterwards,
    Metercat will launch normally without prompting for the
    installation CD-ROM.

  • Metercat Rel. 1.953 Upgrading Metercat Getting Started Guide

    36 28 February 2006

  • 28 February 2006 37

    Metercat Rel. 1.95Getting Started Guide 4 Installing

    4 Installing AlphaPlus

    You can perform a standard installation of AlphaPlus software
    and ALPHA Keys software from the Metercat installation CD-ROM.

    Caution: AlphaPlus software can only be installed from a network
    server whose drive has been mapped to a drive letter (for example,
    K:\) on the computer.

    AlphaPlus Installation Disks

    AlphaPlus 1.30 software is distributed by Elster Electricity,
    LLC on a CD-ROM. In some instances customers may need to install
    the AlphaPlus software using 3.5 in. disks.

    In these cases the customer should create their own installation
    disks by copying all of the files located in each of the subfolders
    in the 3.5 Install disks folder to a separate 3.5 in. disk.

    The folder named Install Disk1 contains the Install.exe program
    which should be run to start the installation process. The program
    will prompt the user to insert the other disks when they are

    Installing from CD-ROM

    To install AlphaPlus from the installation CD:

    1. Insert the Metercat installation CD into your CD ROM

    2. To start the installation wizard:

    a. If Auto-insert Notification is enabled on your computer, the
    installation wizard should begin automatically (that is,

    b. If Auto-insert Notification is disabled, from the Windows
    Start menu, select Run and use the Browse button to navigate to the
    disc drive and double-click on AutoRun.exe.

    You will see the Metercat installation splash screen.

    Metercat Rel. 1.95 Getting Started Guide

  • Metercat Rel. 1.954 Installing AlphaPlus Getting Started

    38 28 February 2006

    Figure 4-1. AlphaPlus Installation Splash Screen

    3. Click AlphaPlus Applications.

    The AlphaPlus Applications dialog displays.

  • 28 February 2006 39

    Metercat Rel. 1.95Getting Started Guide 4 Installing

    Figure 4-2. AlphaPlus Applications dialog

    4. You have the following options:

    a. ANSI Standard Meter Only — click to install AlphaPlus for
    ALPHA and ALPHA Plus meters

    b. Install ALPHA Keys — click to install ALPHA Keys software for
    ANSI meters

    c. ANSI & IEC Standard Meters — click to install AlphaPlus
    for ALPHA, ALPHA Plus, and AIN ALPHA meters

    d. Install ALPHA Keys — click to install ALPHA Keys software for
    ANSI & IEC meters

  • Metercat Rel. 1.954 Installing AlphaPlus Getting Started

    40 28 February 2006

    Figure 4-3. AlphaPlus for ANSI Standard Meters Only dialog

    Figure 4-4. AlphaPlus for ANSI & IEC Standard Meters

  • 28 February 2006 41

    Metercat Rel. 1.95Getting Started Guide 4 Installing

    5. For the AlphaPlus installation you have the following

    a. AlphaPlus Release Notes — click to view a text file of the
    release notes

    b. AlphaPlus Getting Started Guide — click to view a PDF of the
    AlphaPlus Getting Started Guide

    c. Install AlphaPlus — click to begin the software

    Figure 4-5. AlphaPlus for ANSI meter ALPHA Keys dialog

  • Metercat Rel. 1.954 Installing AlphaPlus Getting Started

    42 28 February 2006

    Figure 4-6. AlphaPlus for ANSI & IEC meters ALPHA Keys

    6. For the ALPHA Keys installation you have the following

    a. ALPHA Keys Release Notes — click to view a text file of the
    release notes

    b. Install ALPHA Keys — click to begin the software

    When you click to begin the installation process the software
    license agreement is displayed.

  • 28 February 2006 43

    Metercat Rel. 1.95Getting Started Guide 4 Installing

    Figure 4-7. AlphaPlus License Agreement dialog

    7. Read the Software License Agreement.

    8. Click I accept the terms in the license agreement.

    9. Click OK.

    The AlphaPlus Install.exe DOS splash screen displays.

    Figure 4-8. AlphaPlus DOS Splash Screen

  • Metercat Rel. 1.954 Installing AlphaPlus Getting Started

    44 28 February 2006

    10. Press Enter to continue with the installation.

    Figure 4-9. Selecting installation option

    11. Select the appropriate function, Install New AlphaPlus, to
    install the software.

    12. Press Enter to continue.

    Figure 4-10. Entering the installation path

  • 28 February 2006 45

    Metercat Rel. 1.95Getting Started Guide 4 Installing

    13. Enter the installation path for the AlphaPlus software (for
    example, C:\Elster\APLUS\).

    14. Press F10 to continue.

    Figure 4-11. Selecting type of system to install

    15. Select the correct software type to install.

    16. Press F10 to continue.

  • Metercat Rel. 1.954 Installing AlphaPlus Getting Started

    46 28 February 2006

    Figure 4-12. Selecting IEC meters to support

    17. Select all of the IEC meter types to be supported by the
    installed software.

    18. Press F10 to continue.

    Figure 4-13. Selecting ANSI meters to support

    19. Select all of the ANSI meter types to be supported by the
    installed software.

  • 28 February 2006 47

    Metercat Rel. 1.95Getting Started Guide 4 Installing

    20. Press F10 to continue.

    Figure 4-14. Selecting AlphaPlus functions to performed

    21. Select the functions to be supported by the installed

    22. Press F10 to continue.

    Figure 4-15. Confirming installation

  • Metercat Rel. 1.954 Installing AlphaPlus Getting Started

    48 28 February 2006

    23. Press Y if your selections are correct.


    Press N to review your selections.

    24. Press F10 to continue.

    Figure 4-16. Install.exe installs the software

    Figure 4-17. Installation complete

  • 28 February 2006 49

    Metercat Rel. 1.95Getting Started Guide 4 Installing

    25. After installation is complete, press any key to

    26. Close the DOS window.

    27. Close the Installer dialog.

    AlphaPlus meter support software has been installed.

  • Metercat Rel. 1.954 Installing AlphaPlus Getting Started

    50 28 February 2006

  • 28 February 2006 51

    Metercat Rel. 1.95Getting Started Guide 5 Installing Alpha

    5 Installing Alpha Keys

    To begin installing the software:

    1. Insert the Metercat installation CD into the appropriate
    drive of your computer.

    The Metercat installation splash screen displays.

    Figure 5-1. Metercat installation splash screen

    2. Click Install Alpha Keys.

    The Alpha Keys installer checks to see if Microsoft .NET
    Framework is installed on your computer. If you do not have it
    installed, Alpha Keys

    Metercat Rel. 1.95 Getting Started Guide

  • Metercat Rel. 1.955 Installing Alpha Keys Getting Started

    52 28 February 2006

    installer will begin the .NET Framework installation.

    Note: To use Alpha Keys, you must have Microsofts .NET Framework

    Installing .NET FrameworkTo install .NET Framework:

    Alpha Keys installer begins the .NET Framework installer.

    Figure 5-2. Begin .NET Framework installation

    1. Click Yes to begin the installation.

    .NET Framework installer extracts the installation files.

    Figure 5-3. Installation files extraction

    After the installation files have been extracted, the installer
    configures .NET Framework.

    Figure 5-4. Configuring .NET Framerwork

  • 28 February 2006 53

    Metercat Rel. 1.95Getting Started Guide 5 Installing Alpha

    Figure 5-5. Microsoft .NET Framework license agreement

    2. Read the software license agreement.

    3. If you agree to its conditions, select I agree.

    4. Click Install to begin the installation of .NET

    Figure 5-6. Installation complete

    5. Click OK to complete the installation.

    Installing Alpha KeysTo install Alpha Keys:

    1. Insert the Metercat installation CD into the appropriate port
    on your computer.

    2. Click Alpha Keys.

    After you have installed Microsofts .NET Framework (see
    Installing .NET Framework on page 52), the Alpha Keys installer

  • Metercat Rel. 1.955 Installing Alpha Keys Getting Started

    54 28 February 2006

    Figure 5-7. Alpha Keys installer

    3. Click Next to continue with the installation.

  • 28 February 2006 55

    Metercat Rel. 1.95Getting Started Guide 5 Installing Alpha

    Figure 5-8. Alpha Keys license agreement

    4. Read the license agreement.

    5. If you agree to its conditions, click I Agree.

    6. Click Next to continue.

  • Metercat Rel. 1.955 Installing Alpha Keys Getting Started

    56 28 February 2006

    Figure 5-9. Alpha Keys installation confirmation

    7. Click Next to continue.

    Figure 5-10. Digital Signature dialog

  • 28 February 2006 57

    Metercat Rel. 1.95Getting Started Guide 5 Installing Alpha

    8. Click Yes to continue the installation.

    Figure 5-11. Alpha Keys installation complete

    9. Click Close to complete the installation.

  • Metercat Rel. 1.955 Installing Alpha Keys Getting Started

    58 28 February 2006

  • 28 February 2006 59

    Metercat Rel. 1.95Getting Started Guide 6 Troubleshooting

    6 Troubleshooting

    Installing or Upgrading Metercat

    User Prompted for Installation CD When First Launching
    MetercatWhen Metercat has been upgraded from an earlier or Metercat
    1.95 has been newly installed, if a user attempts to launch
    Metercat for the first time, the following scenario may occur:

    1. IS Administrator installs Metercat on the machine.

    2. A user (administrator or not) logs into the machine.

    3. The user tries to launch Metercat for the first time.

    First, the installer runs in order to load some additional
    needed files. The installer prompts the user for the CD-ROM used to
    install Metercat 1.95 needs to be loaded in the machine or the path
    to the install files needs to be accessible.

    To prevent this problem from occurring:

    the user should insert the Metercat CD-ROM and select to Repair
    the installation, afterwards, launching of Metercat will not
    require Installation CD and Metercat will launch normally.

    Installing Metercat on WinXP

    Merge Error MessageIf a non-administrative1 user is going to use
    the software on a machine running Windows XP, the following
    scenario may occur:

    1. IS Administrator installs Metercat on the machine.

    2. A non-administrative user logs into the machine.

    3. The non-administrative user tries to launch Metercat for the
    first time.

    First, the installer runs in order to load some additional
    needed files. The installer prompts the user for the CD-ROM used to
    install Metercat 1.95 needs to be loaded in the machine or the path
    to the install files needs to be accessible.

    After running (with no prompts) an error message will

    1 Administrator privileges to the machine are granted using
    Control Panel > Settings > Users and Passwords. Depending
    upon IS policies, a user may not have Administrator privileges.
    Contact your IS Administrator.

    Metercat Rel. 1.95 Getting Started Guide

  • Metercat Rel. 1.956 Troubleshooting Getting Started Guide

    60 28 February 2006

    Figure 6-1. Windows XP Merge Error

    4. Click OK to acknowledge the message (no other action is
    required) and continue launching Metercat.

    Metercat completes loading.

    5. The user can log in to Metercat and start using the

    Once Metercat has been used once, this problem will no longer
    occur for that user; other non-administrative users may experience
    this problem if they attempt to launch Metercat on the same

    Uninstalling Metercat — Self-registration error

    When uninstalling Metercat, you may see the following message
    about a file not self-registering:

    Figure 6-2. Self-registration error

  • 28 February 2006 61

    Metercat Rel. 1.95Getting Started Guide 6 Troubleshooting

    If you see this error:

    1. Click OK to acknowledge the message.

    2. Usually, if this error occurs, Metercat forces you to reboot
    the computer; however, if the system does not prompt you to reboot,
    you should reboot the system manually (Start > Shut Down >

    Once the system is rebooted, the issue should be resolved.

    Installing Metercat — Network installation error

    If installing Metercat 1.95 from a network share, it is possible
    for the log on dialog to be displayed, which allows the user to
    continue with the installation before establishing a connection
    with the network share. If this occurs, the following dialog is

    Figure 6-3. Windows Installer error dialog

    To avoid this situation, wait a few seconds after the log on
    prompt is displayed after the restart before typing your password
    information. If you do see this error, navigate to the network
    share with the installation files and restart the installation

    Installing Metercat — Installation Interrupted

    If installing Metercat 1.95, the InstallShield Wizard may
    terminate the installation process unexpectedly and display the
    following dialog box.

  • Metercat Rel. 1.956 Troubleshooting Getting Started Guide

    62 28 February 2006

    Figure 6-4. InstallShield Wizard Complete (interrupted)

    If this occurs, click Finish to close out the installer. Restart
    your computer and install Metercat 1.95 again.

    Installing Metercat — No Metercat Icon

    If upgrading from a previous version of Metercat, the
    InstallShield Wizard first uninstalls the previous version before
    installing the current version. After the uninstall process of the
    previous version is complete, you may be prompted to restart your
    computer (as shown below). Restarting your computer at this point
    terminates the installation process altogether, and Metercat 1.95
    is not installed on your computer. To correct this situation, start
    the installation of Metercat 1.95 again.

  • 28 February 2006 63

    Metercat Rel. 1.95Getting Started Guide 6 Troubleshooting

    Figure 6-5. Uninstallation complete

  • Metercat Rel. 1.956 Troubleshooting Getting Started Guide

    64 28 February 2006

  • Metercat Rel. 1.95User Guide

    28 February 2006 65


    Symbols*.mdb: 31

    AALPHA Keys

    installing: 37AlphaPlus

    creating disks: 37functions supported: 47installing: 37meter
    types: 46

    CCD-ROM: 7

    contents: 7configuring the monitor: 27creating

    AlphaPlus disks: 37


    self-registration: 60

    Ggroup: 29

    Iinstalling from network server: 27

    Llog on name: 29logging onto Metercat: 29


    configuring the monitor: 27description: 5installing: 9,
    37installing from network server: 27logging on: 29preparing to
    install: 9starting: 28

    Microsoft .NET Framework: 51

    Ppassword: 29

    troubleshooting: 29

    Rregistering: 8

    Sself-registering: 60starting Metercat: 28startup modes: 29

    multi-user: 29single-user: 29

    system requirementoperating system: 5

    system requirementsminimum: 5


    self-registration error: 60

    Metercat Rel. 1.95 User Guide

  • Metercat Rel. 1.95 User Guide

    66 28 February 2006

  • Elster Electricity, LLC208 South Rogers LaneRaleigh, North
    Carolina USA+1 800 338 5251 (US Toll
    Free)[email protected]

    ContentsIntroductionIntroducing MetercatMetercat System

    Introducing AlphaPlusAlphaPlus System Requirements

    Introducing Alpha KeysAlpha Keys Requirements

    Additional CD ContentsMeter Technical ManualsSoftware

    Registering Your Software

    Installing MetercatPreparing to InstallWinNT/2000/XP

    Installing from CD- ROMInstalling Additional Features

    Installing from a NetworkConfiguring Your

    Starting MetercatForgotten Password?

    Upgrading MetercatBacking Up Existing DatabasesUpgrading

    Installing AlphaPlusAlphaPlus Installation DisksInstalling from
    CD- ROM

    Installing Alpha KeysInstalling .NET FrameworkInstalling Alpha

    TroubleshootingInstalling or Upgrading MetercatUser Prompted for
    Installation CD When First Launching Metercat

    Installing Metercat on WinXPMerge Error Message

    Uninstalling Metercat — Self- registration errorInstalling
    Metercat — Network installation errorInstalling Metercat —
    Installation InterruptedInstalling Metercat — No Metercat Icon


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