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  • Page 1
    Operating Instructions Lathes CNC lathes With prismatic cast iron bed D6000 D6000-C CC-D6000 D6000 hs D6000-C hs CC-D6000 hs…
  • Page 2
    Status at 10/2014 Dear Customer! With the purchase of the WABECO machine you have decided in favour of a quality tool. This machine has been manufactured with the greatest of care and subject to precise quality controls. These operating instructions are designed to help you to use your new machine safely and correctly.
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    Dimensions of D6000 with 1.4 kW motor with ball screw spindle, side view 4.2.8 Dimensions of D6000 hs with 2.0 kW motor with ball screw spindle, front view 4.2.9 Dimensions of D6000 hs with 2.0 kW motor with ball screw spindle, side view Noise emission declaration for D6000-C –…

  • Page 4
    Contents 4.3.5 Dimensions of D6000-C hs with 2.0 kW motor with trapezoidal-threaded spindle 27 Side view 4.3.6 Dimensions of D6000-C with 1.4 kW motor with ball screw spindle Front view 4.3.7 Dimensions of D6000-C with 1.4 kW motor with ball screw spindle Side view 4.3.8…
  • Page 5
    D6000 lathes with 1.4 kW motor with trapezoidal-threaded spindle 17.2 D6000 lathes with 2.0 kW motor with trapezoidal-threaded spindle 17.3 D6000 lathes with 1.4 kW motor with ball screw spindle 17.4 D6000 lathes with 2.0 kW motor with ball screw spindle 17.5 D6000-C lathes with 1.4 kW motor with trapezoidal-threaded spindle…
  • Page 6
    Contents 18.18 Motor for control of the x-axis 18.19 Motor for control of the z-axis 18.20 Operating console for 1.4 kW motor 18.21 Operating console for 2.0 kW motor 18.22 Bracket arm for operating console 18.23 Industrial screen and membrane keyboard 18.24 Industrial screen and membrane keyboard specifically for 1.4 kW motor 18.25…
  • Page 7
    Contents 22.8 Controlling the flow of coolant using the coolant shut-off valve 22.9 Drawing and legend Safety cabin (optional) 23.1 Setting up the safety cabin 23.2 Mounting of the safety cabin to the tool cabinet (optional) 23.3 Safety regulations for the handling of cooling lubricant 23.4 Filling the coolant system integrated in the safety cabin 23.5…
  • Page 8: Declaration Of Conformity For D6000 — D6000 Hs

    Telefon: (06564) 9697-0 Fax: (06564) 9697-25 that the following named Universal lathe Type: D6000 – D6000 hs in the serial version, meets the following relevant regulations EU Machine Directive 2006/42/EC EMC Directive 2004/108/EC EU Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC In order to fulfil/implement the requirements of the directives named above, the already…

  • Page 9: Declaration Of Conformity For D6000-C — D6000-C Hs

    Telefon: (06564) 9697-0 Fax: (06564) 9697-25 that the following named Universal lathe Type: D6000-C – D6000-C hs in the serial version, meets the following relevant regulations EU Machine Directive 2006/42/EC EMC Directive 2004/108/EC EU Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC In order to fulfil/implement the requirements of the directives named above, the already…

  • Page 10: Declaration Of Conformity For Cc-D6000 — Cc-D6000 Hs

    Telefon: (06564) 9697-0 Fax: (06564) 9697-25 that the following named Universal lathe Type: CC-D6000 – CC-D6000 hs in the serial version, meets the following relevant regulations EU Machine Directive 2006/42/EC EMC Directive 2004/108/EC EU Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC In order to fulfil/implement the requirements of the directives named above, the already…

  • Page 11: Important Safety Notes

    Important safety notes Intended use The lathes described in these operating instructions are designed for the processing of metal, plastic and timber only. To ensure safe operation of the lathes, the regulations set out in the chapter: «Safety regulations» must be observed.

  • Page 12
    Important safety notes Safety regulations for proper use 1. Only specially trained persons may operate the machine. The guarantee and warranty are voided if damages are caused by improper operation. 2. We remind you that no liability will be accepted for damages caused by not observing these operating instructions.
  • Page 13
    Important safety notes Safety regulations for proper use 19. Only have repairs carried out by a qualified specialist! Repair work may only be carried out by persons who are qualified for the relevant repairs and who are familiar with the appropriate health and safety requirements.
  • Page 14: Safety Features

    Important safety notes Safety features 1.5.1 For all lathes In order to enable you to work safely with our machines, we have incorporated the following safety mechanisms. These meet the relevant European safety requirements. ■ Chuck protection hood The main spindle of the machine operates only with the chuck protection hood closed. For safety reasons, if the chuck protection hood is open, the machine cannot be switched on.

  • Page 15: Explanations Of The Symbols

    Important safety notes Explanations of the symbols With an emission noise level as of 80 dB (A) at the workplace ear defenders must be worn Caution: Always pull the power plug prior to any maintenance work! Read the operating instructions prior to initial operation or maintenance work! Caution: Dangerous electric voltage!

  • Page 16: Transporting The Machine

    Delivery and set up The place of set up should be selected in such a way that ■ There is sufficient lighting ■ The electrical power supply with safety socket and earth are installed close enough to the machine that the power cable is not subject to any strain. ■…

  • Page 17: Putting Into Operation

    Putting into operation For all lathes ■ Use a dry cloth to remove the corrosion protection that was applied to all exposed parts for transport ■ In the event of marine impregnation of exposed parts, it is recommended you spray them with oil, allow it to work, and then remove the impregnation with a dry cloth ■…

  • Page 18: Specifications Regarding The Machine

    The precise model designation of your machine can be found on the type plate attached to the machine. Noise emission declaration D6000 – D6000 hs Noise emission declaration in accordance with DIN EN ISO 3744 Emission values in idle D6000…

  • Page 19: Technical Data For D6000 — D6000 Hs

    Specifications regarding the machine 4.2.1 Technical data for D6000 – D6000 hs D6000 D6000 hs Working areas Distance between centres 600 mm Centre height 135 mm Swing diameter via guide 270 mm Bed width 185 mm Main drive motor Nominal voltage…

  • Page 20: Dimensions Of D6000 With 1.4 Kw Motor With Trapezoidal-Threaded Spindle

    Specifications regarding the machine 4.2.2 Dimensions of D6000 with 1.4 kW motor with trapezoidal-threaded spindle Front view A 4 fixing holes M8 (20 mm deep) 4.2.3 Dimensions of D6000 with 1.4 kW motor with trapezoidal-threaded spindle Side view 4 fixing holes M8 (20 mm deep)

  • Page 21: Dimensions Of D6000 Hs With 2.0 Kw Motor With Trapezoidal-Threaded Spindle

    Specifications regarding the machine 4.2.4 Dimensions of D6000 hs with 2.0 kW motor with trapezoidal-threaded spindle Front view A 4 fixing holes M8 (20 mm deep) 4.2.5 Dimensions of D6000 hs with 2.0 kW motor with trapezoidal-threaded spindle Side view…

  • Page 22: Dimensions Of D6000 With 1.4 Kw Motor With Ball Screw Spindle Front View

    Specifications regarding the machine 4.2.6 Dimensions of D6000 with 1.4 kW motor with ball screw spindle Front view A 4 fixing holes M8 (20 mm deep) 4.2.7 Dimensions of D6000 with 1.4 kW motor with ball screw spindle Side view…

  • Page 23: Dimensions Of D6000 Hs With 2.0 Kw Motor With Ball Screw Spindle Front View

    Specifications regarding the machine 4.2.8 Dimensions of D6000 hs with 2.0 kW motor with ball screw spindle Front view A 4 fixing holes M8 (20 mm deep) 4.2.9 Dimensions of D6000 with 2.0 kW motor with ball screw spindle Side view…

  • Page 24: Noise Emission Declaration For D6000-C — D6000-C Hs

    Specifications regarding the machine Noise emission declaration D6000-C – D6000-C hs Noise emission declaration in accordance with DIN EN ISO 3744 Emission values in idle D6000-C D6000-C hs Emission noise level at the workplace at 50 % = 73.1 dB (A = 78.5 dB (A)

  • Page 25: Technical Data For D6000-C — D6000-C Hs

    Specifications regarding the machine 4.3.1 Technical data for D6000-C – D6000-C hs D6000-C D6000-C hs Working areas Distance between centres 600 mm Centre height 135 mm Swing diameter via guide 270 mm Bed width 185 mm Main drive motor Nominal voltage…

  • Page 26: Dimensions Of D6000-C With 1.4 Kw Motor With Trapezoidal-Threaded Spindle

    Specifications regarding the machine 4.3.2 Dimensions of D6000-C with 1.4 kW motor with trapezoidal-threaded spindle Front view A 4 fixing holes M8 (20 mm deep) 4.3.3 Dimensions of D6000-C with 1.4 kW motor with trapezoidal-threaded spindle Side view A 4 fixing holes M8 (20 mm deep)

  • Page 27: Dimensions Of D6000-C Hs With 2.0 Kw Motor With Trapezoidal-Threaded Spindle

    Specifications regarding the machine 4.3.4 Dimensions of D6000-C hs with 2.0 kW motor with trapezoidal-threaded spindle Front view A 4 fixing holes M8 (20 mm deep) 4.3.5 Dimensions of D6000-C hs with 2.0 kW motor with trapezoidal-threaded spindle Side view…

  • Page 28: Dimensions Of D6000-C With 1.4 Kw Motor With Ball Screw Spindle

    Specifications regarding the machine 4.3.6 Dimensions of D6000-C with 1.4 kW motor with ball screw spindle Front view A 4 fixing holes M8 (20 mm deep) 4.3.7 Dimensions of D6000-C with 1.4 kW motor with ball screw spindle Side view…

  • Page 29: Dimensions Of D6000-C Hs With 2.0 Kw Motor With Ball Screw Spindle

    Specifications regarding the machine 4.3.8 Dimensions of D6000-C hs with 2.0 kW motor with ball screw spindle Front view A 4 fixing holes M8 (20 mm deep) 4.3.9 Dimensions of D6000-C hs with 2.0 kW motor with ball screw spindle…

  • Page 30: Noise Emission Declaration For Cc-D6000 — Cc-D6000 Hs

    Specifications regarding the machine Noise emission declaration CC-D6000 – CC-D6000 hs Noise emission declaration in accordance with DIN EN ISO 3744 Emission values in idle CC-D6000 CC-D6000 hs Emission noise level at the workplace at 50 % = 66.0 dB (A = 68.0 dB (A)

  • Page 31: Technical Data For Cc-D6000 — Cc-D6000 Hs

    Specifications regarding the machine 4.4.1 Technical data for CC-D6000 – CC-D6000 hs CC-D6000 CC-D6000 hs Working areas Distance between centres 600 mm Centre height 135 mm Swing diameter via guide 270 mm Bed width 185 mm Main drive motor Nominal voltage…

  • Page 32: Dimensions Of Cc-D6000 With 1.4 Kw Motor With Trapezoidal-Threaded Spindle

    Specifications regarding the machine 4.4.2 Dimensions of CC-D6000 with 1.4 kW motor with trapezoidal-threaded spindle Front view A 4 fixing holes M8 (20 mm deep) 4.4.3 Dimensions of CC-D6000 with 1.4 kW motor with trapezoidal-threaded spindle Side view A 4 fixing holes M8 (20 mm deep)

  • Page 33: Dimensions Of Cc-D6000 Hs With 2.0 Kw Motor With

    Specifications regarding the machine 4.4.4 Dimensions of CC-D6000 hs with 2.0 kW motor with trapezoidal-threaded spindle Front view A 4 fixing holes M8 (20 mm deep) 4.4.5 Dimensions of CC-D6000 hs with 2.0 kW motor with trapezoidal-threaded spindle Side view…

  • Page 34: Dimensions Of Cc-D6000 With 1.4 Kw Motor With Ball Screw Spindle

    Specifications regarding the machine 4.4.6 Dimensions of CC-D6000 with 1.4 kW motor with ball screw spindle Front view A 4 fixing holes M8 (20 mm deep) 4.4.7 Dimensions of CC-D6000 with 1.4 kW motor with ball screw spindle Side view…

  • Page 35: Dimensions Of Cc-D6000 Hs With 2.0 Kw Motor With Ball Screw Spindle

    Specifications regarding the machine 4.4.8 Dimensions of CC-D6000 hs with 2.0 kW motor with ball screw spindle Front view A 4 fixing holes M8 (20 mm deep) 4.4.9 Dimensions of CC-D6000 hs with 2.0 kW motor with ball screw spindle…

  • Page 36: Revolution Selection

    Specifications regarding the machine Revolution selection Select the spindle revolutions according to the material type of work piece diameter: ⇒ Small work piece diameter Relatively high revolutions ⇒ Large work piece diameter Low revolutions Revolutions and diameter give the cutting speed. In the event of a specified cutting speed, the required spindle revolutions can be calculated as follows: Cutting speed (V) x 1000 Revolutions…

  • Page 37: Revolution Changer For 1.4 Kw Motor

    Specifications regarding the machine Revolution changer for 1.4 kW motor The potentiometer can be used to infinitely adjust the revolutions of the working spindle from 150-2300 rpm (2nd setting = preset at the factory). If the lower revolutions of 30-490 rpm (1st setting) are required, the drive belt must be applied. To do this, proceed as follows: 1.

  • Page 38: Revolution Changer For 2.0 Kw Motor

    Specifications regarding the machine Revolution changer for 2.0 kW motor The potentiometer can be used to infinitely adjust the revolutions of the working spindle from 100-5000 rpm (2nd setting = preset at the factory). If the lower revolutions of 50-2500 rpm (1st setting) are required, the drive belt must be applied. To do this, proceed as follows: 1.

  • Page 39: Electrical Equipment 1.4 Kw Motor

    Specifications regarding the machine Electrical equipment 1.4 kW motor The main drive motor (single phase series-wound motor) is supplied already installed ■ The main spindle drive has an ON/OFF switch with under-voltage trigger. ■ In order for the machine to start, the turn switch for forwards-reverse must be set to the required direction of rotation.

  • Page 40: Achieving Optimum Results And Avoiding Incorrect Usage

    Achieving optimum results and avoiding incorrect usage ■ Use of suitable processing tools. ■ Adaptation of revolution setting and feed to the material, work piece and tool. ■ Tension tools as far into the tool holder as possible (short projecting length). ■…

  • Page 41
    Achieving optimum results and avoiding incorrect usage Curved lathe chisel right (2) and left (1) ■ For longitudinal and face turning ■ This is designed to remove as much material as possible in a short time (without paying attention to the surface created on the work piece). Offset lateral lathe chisel (3) ■…
  • Page 42: Thread Cutting And Automatic Feed

    Thread cutting and automatic feed Thread cutting ■ The thread turning steel is a moulded turning steel with the profile of the thread to be cut. ■ It is ground according to templates (Figure 1) and must be set precisely to the centre of the work piece otherwise there will be a distortion in the thread profile.

  • Page 43: Tumbler Gear Drive

    Thread cutting and automatic feed Tumbler gear drive Setting for right thread and longitudinal feed (factory preset) ■ The toothed wheel (4) on the tumbler gear (1) is in contact with the toothed wheel (5) of the main spindle, thus, when the spindles rotate ant-clockwise (seen from the point of view of the lathe chuck), the tool skid moves towards the lathe chuck.

  • Page 44: Use Of Change Gears

    Thread cutting and automatic feed Use of change gears For automatic longitudinal turning, there are two feeds available with 0.085 and 0.16 mm per revolution (the wheels are set at the factory for feed with 0.085 mm per revolution). Fitting various toothed wheel combinations enables metric thread cutting from 0.10-7 mm and imperial threads with gradients of 10/1″-40/1″…

  • Page 45
    Thread cutting and automatic feed Use of change gears Table for cutting threads with a gradient of less than 0.4 mm. To do this, B1 and B2 are required as in automatic feed. 0,10 0,12 0,22 0,24 0,25 130*…
  • Page 46: Maintenance

    Thread cutting and automatic feed Use of change gears 0.75 1.25 1.75 120* Z/1″ Maintenance A long lifetime of the machine will depend on the appropriate care and maintenance. ■ All maintenance and repair tasks may only be carried out with the grounded plug pulled. ■…

  • Page 47: Lubrication Of The Machine

    Lubrication of the machine The lubrication process: ■ Reduces wear and friction ■ Increases the lifetime ■ Protects metal surfaces from corrosion We recommend: ■ A class 2NLGI multi-purpose grease for lubrication ■ A lubrication oil with a viscosity of 100 mm /s for oiling The lathe is to be lubricated every 8 hours of operation in accordance with the lubrication plan.

  • Page 48: Readjusting The Main Spindle

    Readjusting the main spindle The headstock is screwed to the lathe bed. The headstock contains the main spindle with two adjustable precision tapered roller bearings. If adjustment is required, proceed as follows: 1. Open the gear cover hood by undoing the safety screw with the supplied special key 2.

  • Page 49: Readjustment Of The Bearing Clearance Of The Lead Screw

    Readjustment of the bearing clearance of the lead screw On the right side, the lead screw is axial mounted. This mount enables the lead screw (1) to be set without play. If adjustment to the mount is required, please proceed as follows: Trapezoidal-threaded spindle 1.

  • Page 50: Tool Skid — Transverse Skid

    Tool skid – Transverse skid The tool skid is positioned, at the front, on a prismatic guide and, at the rear, on a flat guide. The skid is held onto the bed from below with the guide bar (9) and can be set to without play using the setting bar (12).

  • Page 51
    Tool skid – Transverse skid There are scale rings fitted to enable you to read of the distances Trapezoidal-threaded spindles ■ One interval on the scale ring (4) of the transverse skid represents a 0.05 mm distance, which corresponds to the same chip removal on the work piece, thus in reality the skid is only adjusted by 0.025 mm but the work piece diameter changes by 0.05 mm.
  • Page 52: Tool Skid — Longitudinal Skid

    Tool skid – Longitudinal skid ■ The longitudinal skid is secure to the transverse skid upper section with the clamping ring (3). ■ After undoing the two hexagonal nuts (5) the longitudinal skid can be slid or turned on the transverse skid.

  • Page 53: Tailstock

    Tailstock ■ The tailstock can be moved on the lathe bed. ■ By moving the clamping lever (3), the tailstock can easily be secured in any position. ■ The tailstock is made up of an upper and lower section. ■ The upper section can be moved by a maximum of ±10 mm in order to turn long, slim tapers.

  • Page 54: And 4 Jaw Lathe Chuck

    3 and 4 jaw lathe chuck The 3-jaw lathe chuck Is used to tension circular, three and six edged work piece centrally to the spindle axis. The 4-jaw lathe chuck Is used to tension square work pieces centrally to the spindle axis. Risk of accidents …

  • Page 55: Operational Faults And The Elimination Of Such

    Operational faults and the elimination of such Operational faults Possible cause Remedy Machine cannot be switched on 230V voltage is not present Plug is not fitted correctly Check the fuse for the socket The chuck protection hood is not Close the chuck protection closed hood Emergency off switch not…

  • Page 56
    Operational faults and the elimination of such Operational faults Possible cause Remedy The drive motor (1.4 kW) Carbon brushes and collector of Clean the carbon brushes and experiences «skips» during the drive motor are contaminated collector of the drive motor operation with a piece of coarse sandpaper…
  • Page 57
    Operational faults and the elimination of such Operational faults Possible cause Remedy Tool overheated Increased friction caused by Remove the shavings from the shaving build up in the tensioning hole more frequently groove of the tool (drilling work) (withdraw) Use a coated tool Wash the processing area with coolant Unsuitable tool chosen for the…
  • Page 58: Operating Elements

    Operating elements 17.1 D6000 lathes with 1.4 kW motor with trapezoidal-threaded spindle 1. Potentiometer rotating knob for speed selection of the electrical drive motor 2. Emergency off switch 3. Turn switch for forwards-reverse — main spindle 4. ON/OFF switch with low voltage trigger 5.

  • Page 59: D6000 Lathes With 2.0 Kw Motor With Trapezoidal-Threaded Spindle

    Operating elements 17.2 D6000 lathes with 2.0 kW motor with trapezoidal-threaded spindle 1. Turn switch for forwards-reverse — main spindle 2. Emergency off switch 3. Potentiometer rotating knob for speed selection of the electrical drive motor 4. Tensioning nut for tool clamping plate 5.

  • Page 60: D6000 Lathes With 1.4 Kw Motor With Ball Screw Spindle

    Operating elements 17.3 D6000 lathes with 1.4 kW motor with ball screw spindle 1. Potentiometer rotating knob for speed selection of the electrical drive motor 2. Emergency off switch 3. Turn switch for forwards-reverse — main spindle 4. ON/OFF switch with low voltage trigger 5.

  • Page 61: D6000 Lathes With 2.0 Kw Motor With Ball Screw Spindle

    Operating elements 17.4 D6000 lathes with 2.0 kW motor with ball screw spindle 1. Turn switch for forwards-reverse — main spindle 2. Emergency off switch 3. Potentiometer rotating knob for speed selection of the electrical drive motor 4. Tensioning nut for tool clamping plate 5.

  • Page 62: D6000-C Lathes With 1.4 Kw Motor With Trapezoidal-Threaded Spindle

    Operating elements 17.5 D6000-C lathes with 1.4 kW motor with trapezoidal-threaded spindle Potentiometer rotating knob for speed selection of the electrical drive motor Emergency off switch Turn switch for forwards-reverse — main spindle ON/OFF switch with low voltage trigger Tensioning nut for tool clamping plate…

  • Page 63: D6000-C Lathes With 2.0 Kw Motor With Trapezoidal-Threaded Spindle

    Operating elements 17.6 D6000-C lathes with 2.0 kW motor with trapezoidal-threaded spindle Turn switch for forwards-reverse — main spindle Emergency off switch Potentiometer rotating knob for speed selection of the electrical drive motor Tensioning nut for tool clamping plate Holding screw for longitudinal skid…

  • Page 64: D6000-C Lathes With 1.4 Kw Motor With Ball Screw Spindle

    Operating elements 17.7 D6000-C lathes with 1.4 kW motor with ball screw spindle Potentiometer rotating knob for speed selection of the electrical drive motor Emergency off switch Turn switch for forwards-reverse — main spindle ON/OFF switch with low voltage trigger…

  • Page 65: D6000-C Lathes With 2.0 Kw Motor With Ball Screw Spindle

    Operating elements 17.8 D6000-C lathes with 2.0 kW motor with ball screw spindle Turn switch for forwards-reverse — main spindle Emergency off switch Potentiometer rotating knob for speed selection of the electrical drive motor Tensioning nut for tool clamping plate…

  • Page 66: Switch Cover On Cnc Operating Console

    Operating elements 17.9 Switch cover on CNC operating console for CC-D6000 lathes with 1.4 kW motor Emergency off switch Mode selection switch (CNC operation) (Idle position) (Set-up mode) Potentiometer rotating knob for speed selection of the electrical drive motor ON/OFF switch with low voltage trigger…

  • Page 67: Switch Cover On Cnc Operating Console

    Operating elements 17.10 Switch cover on CNC operating console for lathes of type CC-D6000 with 2.0 kW motor Emergency off switch Mode selection switch (CNC operation) (Idle position) (Set-up mode) Potentiometer rotating knob for speed selection of the electrical drive motor…

  • Page 68: Cc-D6000 Lathes With 1.4 Kw Motor With Trapezoidal-Threaded Spindle

    Operating elements 17.11 CC-D6000 lathes with 1.4 kW motor with trapezoidal-threaded spindle Tensioning nut for tool clamping plate 10. Holding screw for longitudinal skid 11. Clamping screw for clamping the tool skid 12. Ball crank for adjusting the longitudinal skid 13.

  • Page 69: Cc-D6000 Lathes With 2.0 Kw Motor With Trapezoidal-Threaded Spindle

    Operating elements 17.12 CC-D6000 lathes with 2.0 kW motor with trapezoidal-threaded spindle Tensioning nut for tool clamping plate Holding screw for longitudinal skid 10. Clamping screw for clamping the tool skid 11. Ball crank for adjusting the longitudinal skid 12. Clamping lever for securing the tailstock sleeve 13.

  • Page 70: Cc-D6000 Lathes With 1.4 Kw Motor With Ball Screw Spindle

    Operating elements 17.13 CC-D6000 lathes with 1.4 kW motor with ball screw spindle Tensioning nut for tool clamping plate 10. Holding screw for longitudinal skid 11. Clamping screw for clamping the tool skid 12. Ball crank for adjusting the longitudinal skid 13.

  • Page 71: Cc-D6000 Lathes With 2.0 Kw Motor With Ball Screw Spindle

    Operating elements 17.14 CC-D6000 lathes with 2.0 kW motor with ball screw spindle Tensioning nut for tool clamping plate Holding screw for longitudinal skid 10. Clamping screw for clamping the tool skid 11. Ball crank for adjusting the longitudinal skid 12.

  • Page 72: Drawings And Legends

    Drawings and legends 18.1 Electronic console, 1.4 kW motor Part No. Items Order No. Description 51500807-0001 Potentiometer with cable and connector 43.1 51500807-00011 Potentiometer, complete 51500608 Turn switch 51500606-0001 On-Off switch 51500624-0001 Emergency off button, complete…

  • Page 73
    Drawings and legends 18.1 Electronic console, 1.4 kW motor Part No. Items Order No. Description 51001015-00021 Board holder with guide rails 16196500004008 Screw 51501402 Control board 16179910006020 Screw 51500102-0002 Motor 51004020-0003 Eccentric tappet 16191300005006 Threaded pin 51500619 End switch 51400405-0001 Cover plate 16191200004010 Screw…
  • Page 74
    Drawings and legends 18.1 Electronic console, 1.4 kW motor Part No. Items Order No. Description 51400403-0001 Chuck protective hood 16191200004010 Screw 51004010-0010 Guide rod 51400406-0001 Electronic housing 160705A0010000 Adjusting ring 16191200005020 Screw 16191200006012 Screw 16112500006001 Washer 16191200004016 Screw 51501304 Symbol for earthed connection 16167980004000 Fanned washer 16193400004000…
  • Page 75: Protective Hood, Drive 1.4 Kw Motor

    Drawings and legends 18.2 Protective hood, drive 1.4 kW motor Part No. Items Order No. Description 51400401-0001 Protective hood, drive 51400404-0001 Protective plate, lead screw drive 51400485-0001 Protective plate, spindle aperture 51508001 Key KW 4 for safety screw 16173800006012 Safety screw 16191200005012 Screw 16112500004000…

  • Page 76: Protective Hood, Drive 2.0 Kw Motor

    Drawings and legends 18.3 Protective hood, drive 2.0 kW motor…

  • Page 77
    Drawings and legends 18.3 Protective hood, drive 2.0 kW motor Part No. Items Order No. Description 51400421-0001 Protective hood, drive 51400404-0001 Protective plate, lead screw drive 51400485-0001 Protective plate, spindle aperture 51508001 Key KW 4 for safety screw 16173800006012 Safety screw 16191200005012 Screw 51004010-0006…
  • Page 78: Electronic Console, 2.0 Kw Motor

    Drawings and legends 18.4 Electronic console, 2.0 kW motor…

  • Page 79
    Drawings and legends 18.4 Electronic console, 2.0 kW motor Part No. Items Order No. Description 51400420-0001 Switching cabinet 51006575-0001 Gear wheel motor 51004025-0024 Pressure washer 16191200006020 Screw 16167980006000 Fanned washer 51502311 Drive belt 762 51006600-0001 Gear wheel main spindle 16193400004000 160705A0010000 Adjusting ring 16191200005020…
  • Page 80
    Drawings and legends 18.4 Electronic console, 2.0 kW motor Part No. Items Order No. Description 51400403-0001 Chuck protective hood 51500801-0001 Potentiometer, complete 51500602 Switch 51500624-0001 Emergency off button, complete 16191200006012 Screw 16147100012003 Securing ring 16073430004050 Spiral tensioning pin 51006940-0002 Bearing element, plate 51004015-0005 Shaft 51006450-0001…
  • Page 81: Headstock

    Drawings and legends 18.5 Headstock Part No. Items Order No. Description 10600101 Headstock 51502517 Lubrication nipple 51502109 Tapered roller bearing 10600104 Flange 10600105 Oil scraper ring 10600106 Main spindle 16191200006012 Screw 16196500006014 Screw 10600134 Flange 10600136 Sleeve 10600137 Toothed wheel 10600139 Gear wheel with 1.4 kW motor…

  • Page 82: Headstock — Transmission With Trapezoidal-Threaded Spindle

    Drawings and legends 18.6. Headstock – Transmission with trapezoidal-threaded spindle Part No. Items Order No. Description 16193400010000 10600109 Axes 10600110 Transmission lever 10600111 Transmission bolt 10600112 Clamping piece 16112500010000 Washer 10600114 Sleeve 51502113 Ball bearing 10600116 Sleeve 10600117 Transmission gear wheel 51502310 Belt 508 51502315…

  • Page 83: Headstock — Tumbler Gear With Trapezoidal-Threaded Spindle

    Drawings and legends 18.7. Headstock – Tumbler gear with trapezoidal-threaded spindle Part No. Items Order No. Description 51004025-0033 Bolt 10600121 Toothed wheel 51006530-00011 Toothed belt wheel Z16 51007016-0003 Sleeve 51004020-0010 Washer 51502518 Lubrication nipple 16193400008000 1606885A050320 Parallel key 10600128 Lever 51502124 Needle sleeve 51004020-0011…

  • Page 84: Headstock — Transmission With Ball Screw Spindle

    Drawings and legends 18.8. Headstock – Transmission with ball screw spindle Part No. Items Order No. Description 16193400010000 10600109 Axes 10600110 Transmission lever 10600111 Transmission bolt 10600112 Clamping piece 16112500010000 Washer 10600114 Sleeve 51502113 Ball bearing 10600116 Sleeve 10600117-0001 Transmission gear wheel 51502310 Belt 508 51502317…

  • Page 85: Headstock — Tumbler Gear With Ball Screw Spindle

    Drawings and legends 18.9. Headstock – Tumbler gear with ball screw spindle Part No. Items Order No. Description 51004025-0033 Bolt 51006530-00011 Toothed belt wheel Z16 51007016-0003 Sleeve 51004020-0010 Washer 51502518 Lubrication nipple 16193400008000 1606885A050320 Parallel key 16191300005006 Threaded pin 10600150 Clamping screw 51007250-0001 Push piece…

  • Page 86: Bed With Lead Screw With Trapezoidal-Threaded Spindle

    Drawings and legends 18.10 Bed with lead screw with trapezoidal-threaded spindle…

  • Page 87
    Drawings and legends 18.10 Bed with lead screw with trapezoidal-threaded spindle Part No. Items Order No. Description 10600201 10600202 Gear rod 16191200006016 Screw 10600204 Support bearing, right 16191200008025 Screw 51502122 Ball bearing 51004025-0020 Capstan nut 10600208 Lead screw 10600209 Support bearing, left 10600210 Sleeve 10600211…
  • Page 88: Bed With Lead Screw With Ball Screw Spindle

    Drawings and legends 18.11 Bed with lead screw with ball screw spindle Part No. Items Order No. Description 10600602 Support bearing, left 16191200005016 Screw 10600605 Sleeve 51004050-0011 Feed shaft 1606885A050325 Parallel key 51004035-0006 Adjusting ring 51004045-0006 Coupling element 51502021 Pressure spring 51003435-0001 Coupling disc 16073430003010…

  • Page 89
    Drawings and legends 18.11 Bed with lead screw with ball screw spindle Part No. Items Order No. Description 51502117 Ball bearing 51502127 Ball bearing 51004045-0008 Lead sleeve gear shaft 16047100020000 Securing ring 51004012-0006 Lead screw gear shaft 1606885A050325 Parallel key 51502401 Bevel gear 16073430003018…
  • Page 90
    Drawings and legends 18.11 Bed with lead screw with ball screw spindle…
  • Page 91
    Drawings and legends 18.11 Bed with lead screw with ball screw spindle Part No. Items Order No. Description 10600601 10600633 Support bearing, right 51502112 Ball bearing 51505226 Ball screw spindle with ball screw nut 16091300006006 Threaded pin 51007250-0001 Push piece 51002020-0004 Tailstock stopper 16191200005012…
  • Page 92: Change Gear Quadrant For Trapezoidal-Threaded Spindle And Ball Screw Spindle

    Drawings and legends 18.12 Change gear quadrant for trapezoidal-threaded spindle and ball screw spindle…

  • Page 93
    Drawings and legends 18.12 Change gear quadrant for trapezoidal-threaded spindle and ball screw spindle Part No. Items Order No. Description 51006580-0004 Toothed belt wheel Z48 51004025-0008 Sleeve 1606885A050325 Parallel key 10600219 Change gear quadrant 51004633-0001 Change gear bolt, long 16155700008000 10600222 Washer 51006525-00011…
  • Page 94: Tool Skid — Transverse Skid

    Drawings and legends 18.13 Tool skid – Transverse skid…

  • Page 95
    Drawings and legends 18.13 Tool skid – Transverse skid Part No. Items Order No. Description 10600301 Transverse skid, lower section 10600302 Transverse skid, upper section 51004015-0002 Washer 51004020-0012 Spindle 10600316 Spindle bearing 10600317 Scale ring 51502131 Steel ball 51502009 Pressure spring 51004045-0011 Dial 51007250-0001…
  • Page 96: Tool Skid — Lock Plate

    Drawings and legends 18.14 Tool skid – Lock plate…

  • Page 97
    Drawings and legends 18.14 Tool skid – Lock plate Part No. Items Order No. Description 10600307 Lock plate 10600308 Clasp nut, 2 pieces 16063250006020 Cylinder pin 10600310 Keylock switch 51507025-0001 Switch lever 51507025-0002 Switch lever for CNC 1606885A040410 Parallel key 51004015-0002 Washer 16191200004010…
  • Page 98: Tool Skid — Longitudinal Skid

    Drawings and legends 18.15 Tool skid – Longitudinal skid…

  • Page 99
    Drawings and legends 18.15 Tool skid – Longitudinal skid Part No. Items Order No. Description 10600303 Clamping ring 10600304 Guide ring 10600305 Longitudinal skid, lower section 10600306 Longitudinal skid, upper section 51502131 Steel ball 51502009 Pressure spring 51004045-0011 Dial 51007250-0001 Push piece 16091300006010 Threaded pin…
  • Page 100: Transverse Skid With Lock Plate With Ball Screw Spindle

    Drawings and legends 18.16 Transverse skid with lock plate with ball screw spindle…

  • Page 101
    Drawings and legends 18.16 Transverse skid with lock plate with ball screw spindle Part No. Items Order No. Description 10600701 Transverse skid, lower section 10600702 Transverse skid, upper section 51004020-0014 Reducing bush 51505210-0006 Ball screw spindle with ball screw nut 10600316 Spindle bearing, transverse skid 51502131…
  • Page 102: Tailstock

    Drawings and legends 18.17 Tailstock…

  • Page 103
    Drawings and legends 18.17 Tailstock Part No. Items Order No. Description 10600401 Tailstock upper section 10600402 Tailstock lower section 10600403 Clamping piece 10600404 Sleeve 51004020-0019 Spindle 51006550-0001 Flange 16191200005012 Screw 10600408 Scale ring 51502131 Steel ball 51502009 Pressure spring 51004045-0011 Dial 51007250-0001 Push piece…
  • Page 104: Motor For Control Of The X-Axis

    Drawings and legends 18.18 Motor for control of the x-axis…

  • Page 105
    Drawings and legends 18.18 Motor for control of the x-axis Part No. Items Order No. Description 51401805-0001 Cover hood 51004010-0020 Spacer 51502003 Pressure spring 16191200005020 Screw 51502131 Steel ball 51401806-0001 Motor holding plate and clamping plate 16147100014000 Securing ring 16073430003014 Spiral tensioning pin 51502328 Gear belt…
  • Page 106: Motor For Control Of The Z-Axis

    Drawings and legends 18.19 Motor for control of the z-axis…

  • Page 107
    Drawings and legends 18.19 Motor for control of the z-axis Part No. Items Order No. Description 16091300006006 Threaded pin 51401802-0001 Motor plate 16191200008016 Screw 51401804-0001 Motor housing with cover 51500122 Multiphase motor 16112500005000 Washer 16191200005016 Screw 16193400005000 16191200004010 Screw 51004020-00022 Belt pulley Z12 with flanged pulley 16073430003014 Spiral tensioning pin…
  • Page 108: Operating Console For 1.4 Kw Motor

    Drawings and legends 18.20 Operating console for 1.4 kW motor…

  • Page 109
    Drawings and legends 18.20 Operating console for 1.4 kW motor Part No. Items Order No. Description 51401535-0001 Switch cover 51500600 Switch for operating modes LEDs with switch (contained in controller package) 51500807-0001 Potentiometer with cable and connector 51500807-00011 Potentiometer, complete 16179810003095 Screw 16191200004025…
  • Page 110
    Drawings and legends 18.20 Operating console for 1.4 kW motor…
  • Page 111
    Drawings and legends 18.20 Operating console for 1.4 kW motor Part No. Items Order No. Description 1062105 Controller board for turning, basic 1062110 Controller board for turning, professional 16193400003000 16167980003000 Fanned washer 16191200003010 Screw 51500401-0001 Guide rails 51501402 Control board 51401528-0001 Cover 51501505…
  • Page 112: Operating Console For 2.0 Kw Motor

    Drawings and legends 18.21 Operating console for 2.0 kW motor…

  • Page 113
    Drawings and legends 18.21 Operating console for 2.0 kW motor Part No. Items Order No. Description 51401539-0001 Switch cover 51500600 Switch for operating modes LEDs with switch (contained in controller package) 51500801-0001 Potentiometer 16179810003095 Screw 16191200004025 Screw 51501304 Symbol for earthed connection 16191200004012 Screw 16191200003010…
  • Page 114
    Drawings and legends 18.21 Operating console for 2.0 kW motor…
  • Page 115
    Drawings and legends 18.21 Operating console for 2.0 kW motor Part No. Items Order No. Description 1062105 Controller board for turning, basic 1062110 Controller board for turning, professional 16193400004000 16167980004000 Fanned washer 51401528-0001 Cover 51501505 Counter nut 51501533 Cable screw 51501523 Closure screw 51501531…
  • Page 116: Bracket Arm For Operating Console

    Drawings and legends 18.22 Bracket arm for operating console…

  • Page 117
    Drawings and legends 18.22 Bracket arm for operating console Part No. Items Order No. Description 51007250-0001 Push piece 51507029 Clamping lever 51401316-0001 Console arm 51001016-00031 Holder for controller housing 16191200006016 Screw 16112500006001 Washer Without safety cabin 51002035-00011 Holder for arm 16191200008020 Screw 16112500008001…
  • Page 118: Industrial Screen And Membrane Keyboard

    Drawings and legends 18.23 Industrial screen and membrane keyboard…

  • Page 119
    Drawings and legends 18.23 Industrial screen and membrane keyboard Part No. Items Order No. Description 51505031 19“ built-in membrane keyboard 51505030 TFT flat screen monitor 51505043 Installation kit for TFT flat screen monitor 51401537-0001 Controller housing for industrial monitor Switch cover 51508322-0001 Cable duct 16193400004000…
  • Page 120: Industrial Screen And Membrane Keyboard Specifically For 1.4 Kw Motor

    Drawings and legends 18.24 Industrial screen and membrane keyboard specifically for 1.4 kW motor Part No. Items Order No. Description 51500624-0001 Emergency off switch, complete 51500600 Switch for operating modes 51500807-0002 Potentiometer with cable and connector 51500807-00021 Potentiometer, complete 51500606-0001 On-Off switch 51500608 Switch…

  • Page 121
    Drawings and legends 18.24 Industrial screen and membrane keyboard specifically for 1.4 kW motor Part No. Items Order No. Description 51401528-0001 Cover 51501304 Symbol for earthed connection 16191200004012 Screw 51500920-0003 Mains cable 51501531 Strain relief 51501523 Closure screw 51501533 Cable screw 51500401-0001 Guide rails 51501505…
  • Page 122: Industrial Screen And Membrane Keyboard Specifically For 2.0 Kw Motor

    Drawings and legends 18.25 Industrial screen and membrane keyboard specifically for 2.0 kW motor Part No. Items Order No. Description 51500624-0001 Emergency off switch, complete 51500600 Switch for operating modes 51500807-0002 Potentiometer with cable and connector 51500807-00021 Potentiometer, complete 51500602 Switch 51500601 Switch…

  • Page 123
    Drawings and legends 18.25 Industrial screen and membrane keyboard specifically for 2.0 kW motor Part No. Items Order No. Description 51401528-0001 Cover 51501304 Symbol for earthed connection 16191200004012 Screw 51500920-0003 Mains cable 51501531 Strain relief 51501523 Closure screw 51501533 Cable screw 51501505 Counter nut 16193400004000…
  • Page 124: Bracket Arm For Industrial Screen And Membrane Keyboard

    Drawings and legends 18.26 Bracket arm for industrial screen and membrane keyboard Part No. Items Order No. Description 51002130-00032 Holder for arm 51002416-00011 Console arm 51004040-0006 Washer 16112500008001 Washer 51507031-0003 Clamping lever 51002100-0001 Holding plate for industrial monitor 51004020-0013 Bolt 16112500006001 Washer 16191200006020…

  • Page 125: Lead Screw Cover

    Drawings and legends 18.27 Lead screw cover (optional) Part No. Items Order No. Description 51006555-0020 Sleeve 16196500004008 Screw 51502513 Lead screw cover 51006540-0020 Sleeve…

  • Page 126: Cnc 8-Fold Tool Changer

    Drawings and legends 18.28 CNC 8-fold tool changer (optional) In order to control the automatic 8-fold tool changer with the control software, this must be parameterised and activated in nccad professional in accordance with the enclosed parameter sheet. Part No. Items Order No.

  • Page 127
    Drawings and legends 18.28 CNC 8-fold tool changer (optional) Part No. Items Order No. Description 51502600-0001 Coupling 51500113 Motor 16191200004012 Screw 51401812-0001 Cover hood 51501505 Counter nut 51501533 Cable screw 51502601 Worm gear 51508480-00051 Spacer 51508480-00041 Ratchet wheel 51004055-0001 Capstan nut 51502108 Tapered roller bearing Main spindle…
  • Page 128: Speed Sensor (Optional) For 2.0 Kw Motor With Safety Cabin

    Drawings and legends 18.27 Speed sensor (optional) for 2.0 kW motor with safety cabin for 1.4 kW motor with and without safety cabin Part No. Items Order No. Description 51500101-0001 Speed sensor 51400223-0001 Speed sensor holder 16191200004010 Screw 51502323 Gear belt 51004055-0004 Sleeve 51006555-0002…

  • Page 129
    Drawings and legends 18.27 Speed sensor (optional) for 2.0 kW motor without safety cabin Part No. Items Order No. Description 51500101-0001 Speed sensor 51006575-0003 Holding flange 16196500004008 Screw 51502323 Gear belt 51004055-0004 Sleeve 51006555-0002 Toothed belt wheel Z32 51006555-0001 Toothed belt wheel Z32 16000002214020 Adjusting washer 16191300005006…
  • Page 130: Circuit Diagram

    Circuit diagram 19.1 For 1.4 kW motor This document shows all the equipment for the electrical set-up including connection to the power supply network…

  • Page 131: For 1.4 Kw Motor And Safety Cabin With Nccad Basic

    Circuit diagram 19.2 For 1.4 kW motor and safety cabin with nccad basic This document shows all the equipment for the electrical set-up including connection to the power supply network…

  • Page 132: For 1.4 Kw Motor And Safety Cabin With Nccad Professional

    Circuit diagram 19.3 For 1.4 kW motor and safety cabin with nccad professional This document shows all the equipment for the electrical set-up including connection to the power supply network…

  • Page 133: For 2.0 Kw Motor

    Circuit diagram 19.4 Industrial screen and membrane keyboard specifically for 1.4 kW motor This document shows all the equipment for the electrical set-up including connection to the power supply network…

  • Page 134
    Circuit diagram 19.5 For 2.0 kW motor This document shows all the equipment for the electrical set-up including connection to the power supply network…
  • Page 135: For 2.0 Kw Motor And Safety Cabin With Nccad Basic

    Circuit diagram 19.6 For 2.0 kW motor and safety cabin with nccad basic This document shows all the equipment for the electrical set-up including connection to the power supply network…

  • Page 136: Industrial Screen And Membrane Keyboard Specifically For 1.4 Kw Motor

    Circuit diagram 19.7 For 2.0 kW motor and safety cabin with nccad professional This document shows all the equipment for the electrical set-up including connection to the power supply network…

  • Page 137: Industrial Screen And Membrane Keyboard Specifically For 2.0 Kw Motor

    Circuit diagram 19.8 Industrial screen and membrane keyboard specifically for 2.0 kW motor This document shows all the equipment for the electrical set-up including connection to the power supply network…

  • Page 138: Multiphase Motor With End Stop

    Circuit diagram 19.9 Multiphase motor with end stop…

  • Page 139: Key For Circuit Diagram

    Circuit diagram 19.10 Key for circuit diagram Color-code by IEC 60757 Black Pink Brown Blue Violet Green White Grey Yellow Orange Yellow/Green Ports for industrial screen Control panel case Noise filter Carbon brush Carbon brush 3 — pole cable without shielding 1mm² 6 — pole cable with shielding 2 — pole cable with shielding 5 — pole cable without shielding…

  • Page 140
    Circuit diagram 19.10 Key for circuit diagram Power plug Motor plug 9- pin plug Clamping bar 15- pin plug Motor control board CNC control board Optical coupler board Feed board Protection against electrical shock 220 kΩ (ohm) potentiometers spindle speed 10 kΩ…
  • Page 141: Camlock Main Spindle (Optional)

    Camlock main spindle (optional) 20.1 Undoing a chuck or holding flange from the camlock main spindle lug ■ Open the three clamping tappets (4) located around the circumference of the main spindle (1) using an Allen key in size 10 mm (not included in the scope of delivery). ■…

  • Page 142: Shavings Tank With Spray Protection Wall (Optional)

    9 mm. The supplied fixture screws are designed for the installation on a WABECO tool cabinet. If the shavings tank with spray protection wall is attached to another, suitable surface, screws suitable for…

  • Page 143: Mounting The Shavings Tank With Spray Protection Wall On The

    Shavings tank with spray protection wall (optional) 21.2 Mounting the shavings tank with spray protection wall on the tool cabinet (optional) ■ The shavings tank with spray protection wall (2) is positioned, as shown, on the tool cabinet (1). ■ The screws and washers required for assembly are included in the scope of delivery.

  • Page 144: Drawing And Legend

    Shavings tank with spray protection wall (optional) 21.3 Drawing and legend Part No. Items Order No. Description 51400235-0001 Spray protection wall 51400484-0001 Shavings tank 16112500008001 Washer 16193300008020 Screw 16193400004000 16112500004000 Washer 16191200004010 Screw…

  • Page 145: Coolant System (Optional)

    Coolant system (optional) 22.1 Setting up the coolant system When mounting the coolant system to a WABECO tool cabinet, the appropriate bores are already present. The tool cabinet ensures a safe base for the lathe or coolant system. If the coolant system is secured to another suitable surface, the four through holes must be bored into the surface by the client.

  • Page 146: Safety Regulations For The Handling Of Cooling Lubricant

    Coolant system (optional) 22.2 Mounting of the coolant system to the tool cabinet (optional) 22.3 Safety regulations for the handling of cooling lubricant 1. Pay particular attention to leaked coolant as this can quickly cause people to slip and caused accidents as a result.

  • Page 147: Filling The Coolant System

    Coolant system (optional) 22.4 Filling the coolant system A number of protective measures must be observed and taken in order to ensure that the handling of coolant does not cause health risks or environmental loads. ■ Always observe the datasheet and the safety regulations of the coolant being used (can be obtained from the supplier or manufacturer) ■…

  • Page 148: Operating The Coolant System With Cnc Control

    Coolant system (optional) 22.6 Operating the coolant system with CNC control For machines with 1.4 kW drive motor For machines with 2.0 kW (hs) drive motor Switch for coolant pump Switch position ( 0 )  Pump switched off Switch position ( I )  Pump switched on (Caution: Coolant flow is controlled with the coolant shut-off valve)

  • Page 149: Positioning The Segmented Coolant Hose

    Coolant system (optional) 22.7 Positioning the segmented coolant hose The flexible segmented hose (shown in blue) is made up of individually adjustable elements and can be shaped by hand or set as required. The segmented hose and the nozzle are to be positioned in such a way that the coolant flows as directly as possible onto the blade of the cutting tool of the lathe.

  • Page 150: Drawing And Legend

    Coolant system (optional) 22.9 Drawing and legend Part No. Items Order No. Description 51401163-0001 Coolant system (tank and two shelf inserts) 51500119 Coolant pump 51504320 Screw-fitted hose bush 51504218 PVC fabric hose 51504318 Screw-fitted hose bush 51400400-0001 Bracket 51504349 Collar 51502507 Coolant hose with shut-off valve 16191200006016…

  • Page 151
    Coolant system (optional) 22.9 Drawing and legend Screws for securing the lathe to the coolant system and for securing the segmented coolant hose. Part No. Items Order No. Description 16091300008030 Threaded pin 16112500008001 Washer 16193400008000 161933000010025 Screw 16112500010000 Washer 16193400010000…
  • Page 152: Safety Cabin (Optional)

    Safety cabin (optional) 23.1 Setting up the safety cabin When mounting the safety cabin to a WABECO tool cabinet, the appropriate bored holes are already present. The tool cabinet ensures a safe base for the lathe or safety cabin. If the safety cabinet is placed and screwed to another suitable surface, the 4 through holes must be bored into the surface by the client.

  • Page 153: Safety Regulations For The Handling Of Cooling Lubricant

    Safety cabin (optional) 23.2 Mounting of the safety cabin to the tool cabinet (optional) 23.3 Safety regulations for the handling of cooling lubricant See point 22.3 23.4 Filling the coolant system integrated in the safety cabin See point 22.4 The capacity of the coolant system integrated in the safety cabin is approximately 36 litres. 23.5 Operating the coolant system with CNC control See point 22.6 23.6 Positioning the segmented coolant hose…

  • Page 154: Drawing And Legend

    Safety cabin (optional) 23.8 Drawing and legend…

  • Page 155
    Safety cabin (optional) 23.8 Drawing and legend Part No. Items Order No. Description 51401163-0001 Safety cabin (tank, three inserts, hood, gear cover sheet, two guide rails and holder for end switch) 51500119 Coolant pump 51504320 Screw-fitted hose bush 51504218 PVC fabric hose 51504318 Screw-fitted hose bush 51400400-0001…
  • Page 156: Fixed Bezel (Optional)

    Fixed bezel (optional) Bezels counteract the bending of longer shafts that is caused by shaving forces. The roll jaws prevent the bending of the turning elements. They are to be set in such a way that the rotating axis of the work piece is precisely flush with the rotating axis of the machine.

  • Page 157: Drawing And Legend

    Fixed bezel (optional) 24.2 Drawing and legend Part No. Items Order No. Description 51006831-0031 Basic body 16147100008000 Securing ring 51502117 Ball bearing 51401533-0001 Slider with axis 16112500008001 Washer 16193300008020 Screw 16155700008000 16193100008080 Screw 51001075-0001 Clamping bar…

  • Page 158: Moving Bezel (Optional)

    Moving bezel (optional) Bezels counteract the bending of longer shafts that is caused by shaving forces. The roll jaws prevent the bending of the turning elements. They are to be set in such a way that the rotating axis of the work piece is precisely flush with the rotating axis of the machine.

  • Page 159: Drawing And Legend

    Moving bezel (optional) 25.2 Drawing and legend Part No. Items Order No. Description 51006831-0032 Basic body 16147100008000 Securing ring 51502117 Ball bearing 51401533-0001 Slider with axis 16112500008001 Washer 16193300008020 Screw 16155700008000 16193300008025 Screw 51003625-0001 Clamping bar 16191200008035 Screw…

  • Page 160: Tensioning Bracket With Milling Machine Table (Optional)

    Tensioning bracket with milling machine table (optional) For drilling and milling work ■ For creating even surfaces and grooves ■ The feed and return motions are carried out by the work piece. ■ A machine vice may also be fitted to the milling machine table (6). ■…

  • Page 161: Operating Elements

    Tensioning bracket with milling machine table (optional) 26.2. Operating elements 1. Crank for adjustment of the milling machine table in the y axis 2. Scale ring for reading off the travel distance of the y axis 3. Lubrication nipple for greasing the spindle bearing 4.

  • Page 162: Adjustment Of The Dovetail Guide

    Tensioning bracket with milling machine table (optional) 26.4 Adjustment of the dovetail guide 1. Undo the lock nuts (4) 2. Set the adjustment bar using the threaded pins (5) in such a way that the skid is free of play and can be moved with little force.

  • Page 163: Drawing And Legend

    Tensioning bracket with milling machine table (optional) 26.7 Drawing and legend…

  • Page 164
    Tensioning bracket with milling machine table (optional) 26.7 Drawing and legend Part No. Items Order No. Description 51003790-0001 Milling machine table 51400242-00011 Longitudinal support, under section 51004016-0004 Spindle 51007016-0002 Bronze nut 51001016-0006 Adjustment bar 16143900006000 16091500006016 Threaded pin 51003000-0001 Longitudinal support, upper section 16093800010070 Pin screw 51006831-00332…
  • Page 165: Adjustable Longitudinal Stopper (Optional)

    Adjustable longitudinal stopper (optional) 27.1 Mounting and operation of the adjustable longitudinal stopper Undo the two screws (7) and remove the clamping piece (6). Place the longitudinal stopper (2) on the front guide prism (2) of the lathe. Lightly screw the clamping piece (6) with the screws (7) into place as shown. The longitudinal stopper can now be pushed to the desired position.

  • Page 166: Drawing And Legend

    Adjustable longitudinal stopper (optional) 27.2 Drawing and legend Part No. Items Order No. Description 51004332-0002 Longitudinal stopper 51002041-0001 Clamping piece 16112500008001 Washer 16193300008020 Screw 16193300008025 Screw 16193400008000…

  • Page 167: Collet Chuck (Optional)

    Collet chuck (optional) Only use work pieces that correspond to the nominal diameter of the collet. 28.1 Mounting the collect chuck 1. Remove the lathe chuck from the main spindle. To do this, undo the 3 fixing screws using a wrench.

  • Page 168: Installation And Removal Of Collets

    Collet chuck (optional) 28.3. Installation and removal of collets Installation 1. Place the collet on a flat surface. 2. Place the tensioning nut on the collet 3. Press the tensioning nut down against the collet until it «clicks». 4. The collet can now move freely in the central take-up shoulder and does not fall out when the collet is turned upside down.



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Руководство по эксплуатации


Руководство по эксплуатации


Руководство по эксплуатации на многоцелевых станках

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Руководство по эксплуатации. Общее

Руководство пользователя. Том 1


Руководство по техобслуживанию

Руководство по эксплуатации на многоцелевых станках

Руководство по эксплуатации на токарных станках

Руководство по эксплуатации. Общее



Руководство для токарных станков


Дополнительные функции

Измерительные циклы

Основные функции

Расширенное программирование

Справочник пользователя. Токарная обработка

Справочник по программированию. Основы

Справочник пользователя. Фрезерование


Компоненты управления

Расширенное программирование

Руководство NCU Руководство оператора HMI-Advanced

Руководство оператора HMI-Embedded

Руководство по диагностике

Руководство по программированию циклов

Руководство по программированию. Основы

Системные переменные

Списки параметров ЧПУ

Справочник по диагностике

Справочник по программированию измерительные циклы

Справочник пользователя. Токарная обработка

Справочник пользователя. Фрезерование

Справочник пользователя

Учебное пособие по токарной обработке ShopTurn


Инструкция для оператора диалог открытым текстом

Инструкция по обслуживанию для оператора

Обзорный каталог Обучение программированию ЧПУ

Общие сведения Опции и аксессуары

Осевые и шпиндельные серводвигатели

Приводные системы и блоки

Руководство по использованию циклов измерительных систем

Руководство пользователя DIN ISO программирование

Руководство пользователя по программированию Smart.NC

Руководство пользователя по программированию открытым текстом

Руководство пользователя по программированию циклов

Системы с OEM модулем

Системы с интерфейсом HSCI

Функции адаптивного контроля


Обучение программированию ЧПУ (1)

Опции и аксессуары

Осевые и шпиндельные сервоприводы

Приводные системы и блоки

Руководство по программированию V600

Руководство пользователя V530

Руководство пользователя V600

Руководство пользователя диалог открытым текстом

Руководство пользователя по DIN ISO программированию

Руководство пользователя по программированию циклов

Системы с интерфейсом HSCI


Программирование NAVI LATHE

Программирование NAVI MILL

Руководство по программированию


Mitsubishi M700_70 Руководство по программированию (токарная версия) IB-1500057(RUS)D

Инструкция по эксплуатации

Программирование NAVI LATHE

Программирование NAVI MILL

Руководство по программированию L версии

Руководство по программированию M версии

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