Руководство по эксплуатации ситроен с3 пикассо скачать

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Сообщения: 449
Зарегистрирован: 11 фев 2011, 22:13
Реальное имя: Эдуард
Машина: C3 Picasso, 2010, 95 л.с. МКПП, Confort
Откуда: ХМАО, г. Белоярский
Благодарил (а): 46 раз
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Re: Руководство по эксплуатации Citroen C3 Picasso

Непрочитанное сообщение

eduard » 26 апр 2011, 21:27

http://service.citroen.com уже кто-то писал, нужно только зарегиться, мне понравилось

Как известно, Бог создал людей, а полковник Кольт уравнял их в правах.

Аватара пользователя


Сообщения: 191
Зарегистрирован: 16 май 2012, 22:58
Реальное имя: Игорь
Машина: Ситроен C3 Picasso, 2011, 95л.с. МКПП Confort
Откуда: Санкт-Петербург
Благодарил (а): 19 раз
Поблагодарили: 11 раз
Возраст: 44

Re: Руководство по ремонту.

Непрочитанное сообщение

scorpion » 27 ноя 2012, 12:09

Юниан писал(а):Наконец-то получил «Руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации » С3 Picasso. Будем изучать…. :d860:


Поздравляю, на днях тоже приобрел такой же экземпляр и за те же деньги :D :D :D Изучаю :%)

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арсений 65

Ветеран клуба
Ветеран клуба
Сообщения: 979
Зарегистрирован: 24 янв 2012, 17:45
Реальное имя: Арсений
Машина: Emgrand X7 (Пикасика продал, (плакал))(Берлинго пр
Откуда: Москва
Благодарил (а): 27 раз
Поблагодарили: 104 раза
Возраст: 57

Re: Руководство по эксплуатации Citroen C3 Picasso

Непрочитанное сообщение

арсений 65 » 01 дек 2012, 17:32

Начал листать нашу «библию» руководство по ремонту! И сразу приятная находка, на мой взгляд очень полезная вкладка!

У вас нет необходимых прав для просмотра вложений в этом сообщении.

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арсений 65

Ветеран клуба
Ветеран клуба
Сообщения: 979
Зарегистрирован: 24 янв 2012, 17:45
Реальное имя: Арсений
Машина: Emgrand X7 (Пикасика продал, (плакал))(Берлинго пр
Откуда: Москва
Благодарил (а): 27 раз
Поблагодарили: 104 раза
Возраст: 57

Re: Руководство по эксплуатации Citroen C3 Picasso

Непрочитанное сообщение

арсений 65 » 01 дек 2012, 17:54

И еще, для тех , кто решил сделать «сход» не у ОД

У вас нет необходимых прав для просмотра вложений в этом сообщении.

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Ветеран клуба
Ветеран клуба
Сообщения: 946
Зарегистрирован: 08 ноя 2011, 22:12
Реальное имя: Сергей
Машина: Ситроен С5, 2.0, дизель, акпп, Exclusive
Благодарил (а): 251 раз
Поблагодарили: 102 раза
Возраст: 63

Re: Руководство по эксплуатации Citroen C3 Picasso

Непрочитанное сообщение

Анатолич » 01 дек 2012, 22:12

kiv_spb писал(а):Традиция наверное

Не традиция, просто диагностика работы двигателя по свечам всегда была одна и та-же. Не зависимо от того, какой двигатель, современный, или старых годов выпуска. Топливо горит одинаково во всех камерах сгорания. И от того, как оно горит зависит работа двигателя.

Кто умеет, тот делает.
Кто не умеет, тот учит.

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дядя Юра
дядя Юра
Сообщения: 11815
Зарегистрирован: 10 мар 2010, 20:29
Реальное имя: Юрий
Машина: С3P 2012г. confort 1,4 имя «White Horse»
Откуда: Малоярославец
Благодарил (а): 1084 раза
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Возраст: 61

Re: Руководство по эксплуатации Citroen C3 Picasso

Непрочитанное сообщение

Юниан » 25 дек 2012, 18:08

Phoebe писал(а):Робот в книжке есть?

Нет. Писали уже об этом.

Нет непреодолимых трудностей. Есть трудности, которые лень преодолевать.

Аватара пользователя


Ветеран клуба
Ветеран клуба
Сообщения: 3376
Зарегистрирован: 27 мар 2012, 09:04
Реальное имя: Евгений
Машина: С3пикассо 2011,115лс.конфорт серебристый
Откуда: Барнаул
Благодарил (а): 182 раза
Поблагодарили: 820 раз
Возраст: 76

Re: Руководство по эксплуатации Citroen C3 Picasso

Непрочитанное сообщение

жан » 25 дек 2012, 19:01

Появилась и у меня книженция! Товарищ привез из командировки в Челябинск! Пока только беглый осмотр, и возник ряд вопросов… На электросхемах нет расшифровки (названия) составляющих узлов, только номера. Я так понимаю, расшифровка должна идти приложением, а издатели забыли ее поместить. Еще картинки недостаточно четкие и мелковаты….
А в целом конечно, весьма полезное издание.

Жизнь- это деяние….. (Н.И. Лобачевский).

Аватара пользователя


Сообщения: 162
Зарегистрирован: 14 мар 2012, 08:50
Реальное имя: Евгений
Машина: Citroen C4 Grand Picasso
Откуда: Люберцы
Благодарил (а): 43 раза
Поблагодарили: 47 раз
Возраст: 37

Re: Руководство по эксплуатации Citroen C3 Picasso

Непрочитанное сообщение

jekaw » 13 фев 2013, 15:48

Появилась у меня эта книга как подарок к Новому году.Давно было желание сделать доброе дело,и,наконец, сегодня его завершил.Вчера нафотографировал страницы,а сегодня собрал их в PDF файл,создал закладки .По-моему,качество получилось вполне приемлемое.Работал в Foxit reader.Кому нужна книга,пишите в личку-скину ссылку.Или могу разместить эту ссылку здесь,если,конечно,никому не будет А-та-та за нарушение всяких авторских и прочих прав.PDF файл весит 21Мб.Есть также исходные фото,но их выложу только,когда доберусь до дома-скорость рабочего инета не позволяет выложить 320Мб.

Аватара пользователя


Ветеран клуба
Ветеран клуба
Сообщения: 2969
Зарегистрирован: 26 дек 2012, 18:11
Реальное имя: Егор
Машина: Пикасс 115л.с. 2010 МКПП
Откуда: Москва
Благодарил (а): 283 раза
Поблагодарили: 266 раз
Возраст: 35

Re: Руководство по эксплуатации Citroen C3 Picasso

Непрочитанное сообщение

Egorch » 13 фев 2013, 15:55

jekawЯ думаю тут всем надо — устанешь рассылать :%)
Надо как-нибудь тут это дело запилить, чтоб каждый забрал :wink:

Если чо, меня в список рассылки пож-ста :Yahoo!:

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CITROEN C3 Picasso 2013 Owner's Handbook Manual

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Related Manuals for CITROEN C3 Picasso 2013

Summary of Contents for CITROEN C3 Picasso 2013

  • Page 2
    FAMILIARISATION EXTERIOR Rear parking sensors Glass panoramic roof This equipment warns you if an obstacle This roof provides incomparable visibility is detected behind the vehicle when and light in the passenger compartment. reversing.  64  110 ASR and ESP systems Guide-me-home lighting These systems are linked to assure the directional stability of the vehicle, within…
  • Page 3
    FAMILIARISATION OPEN Remote control key Panoramic glass roof Fuel tank Lift the handle of the blind concerned A. Unfolding/Folding of the key. 1. Opening of the fuel fi ller fl ap. and release. 2. Opening and hooking of the fuel Each blind is fi…
  • Page 4
    FAMILIARISATION OPEN Boot Movable boot fl oor Bonnet 1. Unlocking of the vehicle. This movable boot fl oor with two posi- tions allows you to: 2. Opening of the boot. maximise the volume of the boot, partition the boot (storing of the rear shelf…), obtain a fl…
  • Page 5
    FAMILIARISATION INTERIOR Scented air freshener Dual-zone digital air conditioning This air freshener diffuses the fragrance This system allows you to set a different that you have selected throughout the level of comfort for the driver and front passenger compartment by means of passenger.
  • Page 6
    FAMILIARISATION INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS 1. Cruise control/speed limiter switch. 2. Steering wheel adjustment control. 3. Lighting and direction indicator control stalk. 4. Instrument panel. 5. Driver’s airbag. Horn. 6. Gear lever. 7. Bonnet release. 8. Door mirror controls. Electric window controls. Rear electric windows and doors deactivation control.
  • Page 7
    FAMILIARISATION INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS 1. Steering lock and ignition. 2. Audio equipment steering mounted control stalk. 3. Wipers/wash-wipe/trip computer control stalk. 4. Central adjustable air vents. 5. Storage tray. Scented air freshener. 6. Sunshine sensor. 7. Passenger air bag. 8. Side adjustable air vent. 9.
  • Page 8
    FAMILIARISATION SITTING COMFORTABLY Driver’s seat adjustment Forwards-backwards Height Seat back angle  49…
  • Page 9
    FAMILIARISATION SITTING COMFORTABLY Front seat additional adjustments Armrest Steering wheel adjustment Head restraint height A. Releasing the armrest. B. Adjusting the armrest. 1. Unlocking the adjustment mechanism. 2. Adjustment for height and reach. 3. Locking the adjustment mechanism.  54 11 11…
  • Page 10
    FAMILIARISATION SITTING COMFORTABLY Door mirror adjustment Rear view mirror adjustment Front seat belt This operates when the ignition is on. 1. Selection of the «day» position of the mirror. From the driver’s seat, select the mirror by moving the control 1 , to the left or to 2.
  • Page 11
    FAMILIARISATION SEEING CLEARLY Lighting Direction indicators Wipers Ring A Raise or lower the lighting stalk passing Control stalk A: windscreen wipers the point of resistance; the correspon-  71 Lights off. ding direction indicators will fl ash for as long as the stalk remains in this posi- Switching on «AUTO»…
  • Page 12
    FAMILIARISATION VENTILATION Recommended interior settings Heating or Manual Air Conditioning I require… Air recirculation/Intake Air distribution Air fl ow Temperature Manual A/C of outside air – COLD DEMISTING DEFROSTING Digital air conditioning: we recommend use of the fully automatic mode by pressing the «AUTO» button, after selecting the level of comfort required.
  • Page 13
    FAMILIARISATION MONITORING Translucent digital instrument panel Warning lamps Switch panel Lighting of the indicator lamp indicates A. With the ignition on, the level of fuel With the ignition on, the orange and red the status of the corresponding function. remaining is displayed on the digital warning lamps come on.
  • Page 14
    FAMILIARISATION PASSENGER SAFETY Passenger’s front airbag Seat belts and passenger’s front Electric child lock airbag 1. Insert the key. A. Front and/or rear seat belts not fas- Lighting of the warning lamp A indicates tened/unfastened warning lamp. activation of the electric child lock. 2.
  • Page 15
    FAMILIARISATION DRIVING SAFELY Speed limiter «LIMIT» Cruise control «CRUISE» Display on the instrument panel 1. Limiter mode Selection/Off. 1. Cruise control mode Selection/Off. The cruise control or speed limiter mode appears on the instrument panel when 2. Decreasing of the programmed value. 2.
  • Page 16
    SCREEN MENU MAPS monochrome A monochrome C MAIN FUNCTION CHOICE A Press the OK dial for access to short-cut Choice A1 Choice A2 menus according to the display on the CHOICE B… screen: RADIO RADIO-CD DISPLAY ADJUST activate/deactivate RDS RDS SEARCH YEAR activate/deactivate REG mode REG MODE…
  • Page 17
    monochrome C SCREEN MENU MAPS Pressing the MENU button displays: AUDIO FUNCTIONS PERSONALISATION-CONFIGURATION BLUETOOTH TELEPHONE FM BAND PREFERENCES DEFINE THE VEHICLE PARAMETERS * BLUETOOTH CONFIGURATION alternative frequencies (RDS) DISPLAY CONFIGURATION Connect/Disconnect a device activate/deactivate video brightness adjustment Telephone function regional mode (REG) normal video Audio Streaming function activate/deactivate…
  • Page 18
    FAMILIARISATION EXTERIOR Rear parking sensors Glass panoramic roof This equipment warns you if an obstacle This roof provides incomparable visibility is detected behind the vehicle when and light in the passenger compartment. reversing.  64  110 ASR and ESP systems Guide-me-home lighting These systems are linked to assure the directional stability of the vehicle, within…
  • Page 19
    FAMILIARISATION OPEN Remote control key Panoramic glass roof Fuel tank Lift the handle of the blind concerned A. Unfolding/Folding of the key. 1. Opening of the fuel fi ller fl ap. and release. 2. Opening and hooking of the fuel Each blind is fi…
  • Page 20
    FAMILIARISATION OPEN Boot Movable boot fl oor Bonnet 1. Unlocking of the vehicle. This movable boot fl oor with two posi- tions allows you to: 2. Opening of the boot. maximise the volume of the boot, partition the boot (storing of the rear shelf…), obtain a fl…
  • Page 21
    FAMILIARISATION INTERIOR Scented air freshener Dual-zone digital air conditioning This air freshener diffuses the fragrance This system allows you to set a different that you have selected throughout the level of comfort for the driver and front passenger compartment by means of passenger.
  • Page 22
    FAMILIARISATION INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS 1. Cruise control/speed limiter switch. 2. Steering wheel adjustment control. 3. Lighting and direction indicator control stalk. 4. Instrument panel. 5. Driver’s airbag. Horn. 6. Gear lever. 7. Bonnet release. 8. Door mirror controls. Electric window controls. Rear electric windows and doors deactivation control.
  • Page 23
    FAMILIARISATION INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS 1. Steering lock and ignition. 2. Audio equipment steering mounted control stalk. 3. Wipers/wash-wipe/trip computer control stalk. 4. Central adjustable air vents. 5. Storage tray. Scented air freshener. 6. Sunshine sensor. 7. Passenger air bag. 8. Side adjustable air vent. 9.
  • Page 24
    FAMILIARISATION SITTING COMFORTABLY Driver’s seat adjustment Forwards-backwards Height Seat back angle  49…
  • Page 25
    FAMILIARISATION SITTING COMFORTABLY Front seat additional adjustments Armrest Steering wheel adjustment Head restraint height A. Releasing the armrest. B. Adjusting the armrest. 1. Unlocking the adjustment mechanism. 2. Adjustment for height and reach. 3. Locking the adjustment mechanism.  54 11 11…
  • Page 26
    FAMILIARISATION SITTING COMFORTABLY Door mirror adjustment Rear view mirror adjustment Front seat belt This operates when the ignition is on. 1. Selection of the «day» position of the mirror. From the driver’s seat, select the mirror by moving the control 1 , to the left or to 2.
  • Page 27
    FAMILIARISATION SEEING CLEARLY Lighting Direction indicators Wipers Ring A Raise or lower the lighting stalk passing Control stalk A: windscreen wipers the point of resistance; the correspon-  71 Lights off. ding direction indicators will fl ash for as long as the stalk remains in this posi- Switching on «AUTO»…
  • Page 28
    FAMILIARISATION VENTILATION Recommended interior settings Heating or Manual Air Conditioning I require… Air recirculation/Intake Air distribution Air fl ow Temperature Manual A/C of outside air – COLD DEMISTING DEFROSTING Digital air conditioning: we recommend use of the fully automatic mode by pressing the «AUTO» button, after selecting the level of comfort required.
  • Page 29
    FAMILIARISATION MONITORING Translucent digital instrument panel Warning lamps Switch panel Lighting of the indicator lamp indicates A. With the ignition on, the level of fuel With the ignition on, the orange and red the status of the corresponding function. remaining is displayed on the digital warning lamps come on.
  • Page 30
    FAMILIARISATION PASSENGER SAFETY Passenger’s front airbag Seat belts and passenger’s front Electric child lock airbag 1. Insert the key. A. Front and/or rear seat belts not fas- Lighting of the warning lamp A indicates tened/unfastened warning lamp. activation of the electric child lock. 2.
  • Page 31
    FAMILIARISATION DRIVING SAFELY Speed limiter «LIMIT» Cruise control «CRUISE» Display on the instrument panel 1. Limiter mode Selection/Off. 1. Cruise control mode Selection/Off. The cruise control or speed limiter mode appears on the instrument panel when 2. Decreasing of the programmed value. 2.
  • Page 32: Instruments And Controls

    INSTRUMENTS and CONTROLS PETROL — DIESEL INSTRUMENT PANEL Multifunction screen This screen groups together the warn- ing and information messages. Indicator lamps display zone This zone groups together the vehicle operation indicator lamps. Panel grouping together the digital indicator, the multifunction screen and the vehicle operation indicator lamps.

  • Page 33
    INSTRUMENTS and CONTROLS Indicator and warning lamps Visual indicators informing the driver that a system is in operation (operation or deactivation indicator lamps) or of the occur- rence of a fault (warning lamp). When the ignition is switched on Certain warning lamps come on for a few seconds when the vehicle’s ignition is switched on. When the engine is started, these same warning lamps should switch off.
  • Page 34
    INSTRUMENTS and CONTROLS Warning lamp is on Cause Action/Observations Front front foglamps Turn the ring on the stalk rearwards twice to switch fi xed. foglamps switched on. off the front foglamps. Rear rear foglamps Turn the ring on the stalk rearwards to switch off fi…
  • Page 35
    INSTRUMENTS and CONTROLS Deactivation indicator lamps If one of the following indicator lamps comes on, this confi rms that the corresponding system has been switched off intentionally. This is accompanied by an audible signal and a message on the multifunction screen. Warning lamp is on Cause…
  • Page 36
    INSTRUMENTS and CONTROLS Warning lamps When the engine is running or the vehicle is Any fault resulting in the switching on of a warning lamp must be investigated being driven, the switching on of one of the fol- further by reading the associated message on the multifunction screen. lowing warning lamps indicates a fault which If you encounter any problems, do not hesitate to contact a CITROËN dealer.
  • Page 37
    INSTRUMENTS and CONTROLS Warning lamp is on Cause Action/Observations Anti-lock The vehicle retains conventional braking. Braking The anti-lock braking system fi xed. Drive carefully at reduced speed and contact a System has a fault. CITROËN dealer without delay. (ABS) The ESP/ASR regulation is The system optimises traction and improves the fl…
  • Page 38
    INSTRUMENTS and CONTROLS Warning lamp is on Cause Action/Observations Stop as soon as it is safe to do so. Maximum Wait until the engine has cooled down before temperature coolant fi xed red. topping up the level, if necessary. cooling system is too high. temperature If the problem persists, contact a CITROËN dealer.
  • Page 39
    INSTRUMENTS and CONTROLS Warning lamp is on Cause Action/Observations This lamp should switch off when the engine is This lamp comes on for a started. few seconds when you turn temporarily. on the ignition, then switches If it does not switch off, contact a CITROËN off.
  • Page 40
    INSTRUMENTS and CONTROLS Service indicator More than 600 miles (1 000 km) Less than 600 miles (1 000 km) remain before the next service is due remain before the next service is due System which informs the driver when For 5 seconds after the ignition is Example: 400 miles (900 km) remain the next service is due, in accordance switched on, the spanner symbolising…
  • Page 41
    INSTRUMENTS and CONTROLS Service overdue Service indicator zero reset For 5 seconds after the ignition is Following this operation, if you wish switched on, the spanner fl ashes to to disconnect the battery, lock the indicate that the service must be carried vehicle and wait at least fi…
  • Page 42
    INSTRUMENTS and CONTROLS Engine oil level indicator Oil level correct Oil level indicator fault System which informs the driver whether the engine oil level is correct or not. This is indicated by the fl ashing of «OIL—» . Consult a CITROËN dealer. Lack of oil Dipstick This is indicated by the fl…
  • Page 43
    INSTRUMENTS and CONTROLS Total distance recorder Lighting rheostat System which measures the total dis- System for manual adjustment of the tance travelled by the vehicle during its brightness of the instruments and con- life. trols in relation to the exterior bright- ness.
  • Page 44: Multifunction Screens

    MULTIFUNCTION SCREENS MONOCHROME SCREEN A Controls Main menu (WITHOUT AUDIO EQUIPMENT)  Press the «MENU» button to scroll through the various menus of the main menu : — vehicle confi guration, — options, Displays on the screen There are three display control buttons: — display settings, «ESC»…

  • Page 45
    MULTIFUNCTION SCREENS Display settings Language Once the «Display settings» menu has Once the «Language» menu has been been selected, you can gain access to selected, you can change the language the following settings: used by the display (Français, Italiano, Nederlands, Portugues, Portugues-Brasil, year, Türkçe, Deutsch, English, Espanol).
  • Page 46
    MULTIFUNCTION SCREENS MONOCHROME SCREEN A Controls Main menu  Press the «MENU» button for access to the main menu , then press the »  » or »  » buttons to scroll through the various menus: — radio-CD, Displays on the screen From the audio equipment control pan- — vehicle confi…
  • Page 47
    MULTIFUNCTION SCREENS Display settings Language Once the «Display settings» menu has Once the «Language» menu has been been selected, you can gain access to selected, you can change the language the following settings: used by the display (Français, Italiano, Nederlands, Portugues, Portugues- year,…
  • Page 48
    MULTIFUNCTION SCREENS MONOCHROME SCREEN Controls Main menu A ASSOCIATED WITH THE MYWAY COLOUR SCREEN  Press the «MENU» button to scroll through the various menus of the main menu : — vehicle confi guration, — options, There are three display control buttons: — language, «ESC»…
  • Page 49: Colour Screen

    MULTIFUNCTION SCREENS Options Displays on the MyWay system Date and time colour screen Once the «Options» menu has been se- This menu allows you to adjust the date lected, you can start diagnostics of the and time, and their format (refer to the status of the equipment (active, not ac- «Audio and telematics section»).

  • Page 50
    MULTIFUNCTION SCREENS MONOCHROME SCREEN C Controls Main menu  Press the «MENU» button for ac- cess to the main menu : — audio functions, — trip computer (refer to the end of the section), Displays on the screen From the audio equipment control pan- — personalisation-confi…
  • Page 51
    MULTIFUNCTION SCREENS «Trip computer» menu «Personalisation-  Press the «MENU» button for ac- cess to the main menu. Configuration» menu  Press the arrows, then the «OK» button to select the «Trip computer» Once this menu has been selected, you menu.
  • Page 52
    MULTIFUNCTION SCREENS For safety reasons, confi guration of the multifunction screen by the driver must only be done when sta- tionary.  Press the »  » or »  » buttons, then the «OK» button to select the «OK» box and confi…
  • Page 53
    MULTIFUNCTION SCREENS TRIP COMPUTER System which provides current informa- tion concerning the trip travelled (range, fuel consumption…). Monochrome screen A The trip computer provides the follo-  The next press then returns you to wing information: the normal display. range, Zero reset Data displays current fuel consumption,…
  • Page 54
    MULTIFUNCTION SCREENS TRIP COMPUTER Data displays — the trip «2» tab with: ● the distance travelled, System which provides current infor- ● the average fuel con- mation concerning the route travelled sumption, (range, consumption…). ● the average speed, for the second route. Monochrome screen C …
  • Page 55
    MULTIFUNCTION SCREENS A few definitions… Range Current fuel consumption Distance travelled (miles or km) (mpg or l/100 km or km/l) (miles or km) This indicates the distance This average fuel This indicates the distance which can still be travelled consumption during the last travelled since the last trip with the fuel remaining in the tank in few seconds.
  • Page 56: Air Distribution

    COMFORT The air distribution control enables you to diffuse the air in the passenger com- partment combining several air vents. The air fl ow control enables you to increase or reduce the speed of the ventilation blower. Control panel The controls of this system are grouped together on control panel A on the cen- tre console.

  • Page 57
    COMFORT RECOMMENDATIONS FOR VENTILATION AND AIR CONDITIONING The air conditioning system does In order for these systems to be fully effective, follow the guidelines on opera- not contain chlorine and does not tion and maintenance below: present any danger to the ozone …
  • Page 58: Switching Off

    COMFORT REAR SCREEN DEMIST/ HEATING/VENTILATION 1. Temperature adjustment DEFROST  Turn the dial from blue (cold) to red (hot) to adjust The control button is the temperature to your re- located on the heat- quirements. ing or air condition- ing system control panel.

  • Page 59
    COMFORT REAR SCREEN DEMIST/ HEATING/VENTILATION 1. Temperature adjustment DEFROST  Turn the dial from blue (cold) to red (hot) to adjust The control button is the temperature to your re- located on the heat- quirements. ing or air condition- ing system control panel.
  • Page 60
    COMFORT Footwells. 5. Air conditioning On/Off The air conditioning is de- signed to operate effectively in all seasons, with the windows closed. Central and side vents. It enables you to: lower the temperature, in summer, increase the effectiveness of the The air distribution can be demisting in winter, above 3 °C.
  • Page 61
    COMFORT REAR SCREEN DEMIST/ HEATING/VENTILATION 1. Temperature adjustment DEFROST  Turn the dial from blue (cold) to red (hot) to adjust The control button is the temperature to your re- located on the heat- quirements. ing or air condition- ing system control panel.
  • Page 62
    COMFORT Footwells. 5. Air conditioning On/Off The air conditioning is de- signed to operate effectively in all seasons, with the windows closed. Central and side vents. It enables you to: lower the temperature, in summer, increase the effectiveness of the The air distribution can be demisting in winter, above 3 °C.
  • Page 63: Automatic Operation

    COMFORT DUAL-ZONE DIGITAL AIR CONDITIONING When the engine is cold, to prevent On entering the vehicle, if the inte- too great a distribution of cold air, rior temperature is much colder or the air fl ow will reach its optimum warmer than the comfort value, there level gradually.

  • Page 64
    COMFORT Manual operation 6. Air distribution adjustment  As soon as possible, press this but- ton again to permit the intake of out- If you wish, you can make a different side air and prevent the formation  Press one or more buttons choice from that offered by the system of condensation.
  • Page 65
    COMFORT SCENTED AIR FRESHENER Fragrance cartridge Removing the cartridge  Press the dial and turn it a quarter of System permitting the diffusion of a fra- This cartridge can be removed easily. a turn anti-clockwise. grance in the passenger compartment You can change it at any time and store …
  • Page 66
    COMFORT FRONT SEATS Seat consisting of a seat cushion, a seat back and a head restraint which can all be adjusted to adapt your position for ease of driving and comfort. Forwards-backwards adjustment Driver’s seat height adjustment Seat back angle adjustment …
  • Page 67
    COMFORT Additional adjustments Heated seats control The head restraint is fi tted with a Head restraint height adjustment frame with notches which prevents it from lowering; this is a safety de- vice in case of impact. The adjustment is correct when the upper edge of the head re- straint is level with the top of the head.
  • Page 68
    COMFORT Table position of the front REAR SEATS Adjusting the seat back angle passenger seat Placing this seat in the table position, Each section (1/3 — 2/3) can be adjusted with the rear benchseat also in the table individually. position, allows you to transport long objects.
  • Page 69
    COMFORT Table position of the front REAR SEATS Adjusting the seat back angle passenger seat Placing this seat in the table position, Each section (1/3 — 2/3) can be adjusted with the rear benchseat also in the table individually. position, allows you to transport long objects.
  • Page 70
    COMFORT Adjusting the head restraints Fully-folded position Flaps behind the rear seats The 1/3 — 2/3 rear seat is fi tted with head Flaps B fi tted to the back of the rear  Move the corresponding front seat restraints. seat close the boot fl…
  • Page 71: Door Mirrors

    COMFORT MIRRORS Adjustment Folding  From outside: lock the vehicle using the remote control or the key.  From inside: with the ignition on, pull control A rearwards. If the mirrors are folded using con- trol A , they will not unfold when the vehicle is unlocked.

  • Page 72
    COMFORT Rear view mirror STEERING WHEEL ADJUSTMENT Adjustable mirror providing a central rearward view. The mirror is fi tted with a night-time anti- dazzle device.  When stationary , pull the control lever to release the steering wheel.  Adjust the height and reach to suit your driving position.
  • Page 73
    COMFORT Rear view mirror STEERING WHEEL ADJUSTMENT Adjustable mirror providing a central rearward view. The mirror is fi tted with a night-time anti- dazzle device.  When stationary , pull the control lever to release the steering wheel.  Adjust the height and reach to suit your driving position.
  • Page 74
    ACCESS REMOTE CONTROL KEY Unlocking using the key  Turn the key to the left in the driver’s door lock to unlock the vehicle. If one of the doors or the boot is still System which permits central unlock- open, the central locking does not ing or locking of the vehicle using the Unlocking is confi…
  • Page 75: Ignition Switch

    ACCESS Anti-theft protection Ignition switch Electronic engine immobiliser The key contains an electronic chip which has a special code. When the ignition is switched on, this code must be recognised in order for starting to be possible. This electronic engine immobiliser locks the engine management system a few minutes after the ignition is switched off and prevents starting of the engine by…

  • Page 76
    ACCESS Switching the vehicle off Remote control problem Changing the battery  Immobilise the vehicle. Following disconnection of the vehicle battery, replacement of the remote con-  Turn the key fully towards you to trol battery or in the event of a remote position 1 (Stop) .
  • Page 77
    ACCESS Lost keys Do not throw the remote control batteries away, they contain metals Visit a CITROËN dealer with the vehicle’s V5 registration document and your which are harmful to the environ- personal identifi cation documents. ment. The CITROËN dealer will be able to retrieve the key code and the transponder Take them to an approved collec- code required to order a replacement key.
  • Page 78
    ACCESS Anti-theft protection Ignition switch Electronic engine immobiliser The key contains an electronic chip which has a special code. When the ignition is switched on, this code must be recognised in order for starting to be possible. This electronic engine immobiliser locks the engine management system a few minutes after the ignition is switched off and prevents starting of the engine by…
  • Page 79
    ACCESS Lost keys Do not throw the remote control batteries away, they contain metals Visit a CITROËN dealer with the vehicle’s V5 registration document and your which are harmful to the environ- personal identifi cation documents. ment. The CITROËN dealer will be able to retrieve the key code and the transponder Take them to an approved collec- code required to order a replacement key.
  • Page 80
    ACCESS Anti-theft protection Ignition switch Electronic engine immobiliser The key contains an electronic chip which has a special code. When the ignition is switched on, this code must be recognised in order for starting to be possible. This electronic engine immobiliser locks the engine management system a few minutes after the ignition is switched off and prevents starting of the engine by…
  • Page 81
    ACCESS Switching the vehicle off Remote control problem Changing the battery  Immobilise the vehicle. Following disconnection of the vehicle battery, replacement of the remote con-  Turn the key fully towards you to trol battery or in the event of a remote position 1 (Stop) .
  • Page 82
    ACCESS WINDOW CONTROLS Electric windows The electric window switches re- System which opens or closes a win-  Press or pull the switch. main operational for approximately dow manually or automatically. It is The window stops as soon 45 seconds after the ignition is fi…
  • Page 83
    ACCESS Deactivating the rear window and Reinitialisation door switches In the event of a malfunction you must Always remove the key from the reinitialise the operation of the electric ignition when leaving the vehicle, windows: even for a short time. …
  • Page 84
    ACCESS DOORS From inside Closing When a door is not closed correctly: Opening when the engine is run- ning , this warning lamp From outside comes accompanied by a message on the mul- tifunction screen for a few seconds, when the vehicle is moving (speed higher than 6 mph (10 km/h)), this warning lamp comes on, accompa- nied by an audible signal and a mes-…
  • Page 85
    ACCESS Manual centralised control Activation System which provides full manual If the vehicle is locked from the out- locking or unlocking of the doors from side, the red indicator lamp fl ashes the inside. and button A is inactive.  In this case, use the remote control or the key to unlock the vehicle.
  • Page 86: Emergency Control

    ACCESS Emergency control BOOT Tailgate release System which locks or unlocks the System for mechanical unlocking of the doors mechanically in the event of a boot in the event of a battery or central malfunction of the battery or of the locking malfunction.

  • Page 87
    ACCESS Emergency control BOOT Tailgate release System which locks or unlocks the System for mechanical unlocking of the doors mechanically in the event of a boot in the event of a battery or central malfunction of the battery or of the locking malfunction.
  • Page 88
    ACCESS PANORAMIC GLASS ROOF System which consists of an area of panoramic tinted glass to increase the light and visibility in the passenger com- partment. It is fi tted with 2 independent manual blinds to help maintain a com- fortable temperature. Opening Closing …
  • Page 89
    ACCESS FUEL TANK Filling Fuel tank capacity: approximately A label affi xed to the inside of the fl ap 50 litres (petrol) or 48 litres (Diesel). reminds you of the type of fuel to be used depending on your engine. To fi…
  • Page 90
    ACCESS Quality of the fuel used for Quality of the fuel used for MISFUEL PREVENTION petrol engines Diesel engines Mechanical device which prevents fi lling the tank of a Diesel vehicle with petrol. The petrol engines are perfectly com- The Diesel engines are perfectly com- Located in the fi…
  • Page 91
    ACCESS Quality of the fuel used for Quality of the fuel used for MISFUEL PREVENTION petrol engines Diesel engines Mechanical device which prevents fi lling the tank of a Diesel vehicle with petrol. The petrol engines are perfectly com- The Diesel engines are perfectly com- Located in the fi…
  • Page 92
    VISIBILITY LIGHTING CONTROLS Manual controls System for selection and control of the The lighting commands are issued di- various front and rear lamps providing rectly by the driver by means of the Model without AUTO lighting the vehicle’s lighting. ring A and the stalk B . A.
  • Page 93
    VISIBILITY C. fog lamps selection ring. When the lighting is switched off auto- matically (with AUTO model) or when The fog lamps operate with the dipped the dipped headlamps are switched off and main beam headlamps. manually, the foglamps and sidelamps Model with rear foglamp only will remain on.
  • Page 94: Automatic Illumination Of Headlamps

    VISIBILITY Manual guide-me-home lighting Automatic illumination of headlamps In some climatic conditions (e.g. Temporarily keeping the dipped beam low temperature or humidity), the headlamps on after the vehicle’s igni- The sidelamps and dipped beam head- presence of misting on the internal tion has been switched off makes the lamps are switched on automatically, surface of the glass of the head-…

  • Page 95
    VISIBILITY Manual guide-me-home lighting Automatic illumination of headlamps In some climatic conditions (e.g. Temporarily keeping the dipped beam low temperature or humidity), the headlamps on after the vehicle’s igni- The sidelamps and dipped beam head- presence of misting on the internal tion has been switched off makes the lamps are switched on automatically, surface of the glass of the head-…
  • Page 96
    VISIBILITY Linked with the «Guide-me-home» HEADLAMP ADJUSTMENT lighting In fog or snow, the brightness Association with the automatic illumina- sensor may detect suffi cient light. tion of headlamps provides the «guide- Therefore, the lamps will not come me-home» lighting with the following on automatically.
  • Page 97
    VISIBILITY Manual guide-me-home lighting Automatic illumination of headlamps In some climatic conditions (e.g. Temporarily keeping the dipped beam low temperature or humidity), the headlamps on after the vehicle’s igni- The sidelamps and dipped beam head- presence of misting on the internal tion has been switched off makes the lamps are switched on automatically, surface of the glass of the head-…
  • Page 98
    VISIBILITY Linked with the «Guide-me-home» HEADLAMP ADJUSTMENT lighting In fog or snow, the brightness Association with the automatic illumina- sensor may detect suffi cient light. tion of headlamps provides the «guide- Therefore, the lamps will not come me-home» lighting with the following on automatically.
  • Page 99
    VISIBILITY Linked with the «Guide-me-home» HEADLAMP ADJUSTMENT lighting In fog or snow, the brightness Association with the automatic illumina- sensor may detect suffi cient light. tion of headlamps provides the «guide- Therefore, the lamps will not come me-home» lighting with the following on automatically.
  • Page 100
    VISIBILITY WIPER CONTROLS Manual controls System for selection and control of the The wiper commands are issued directly Model with intermittent wiping various front and rear wiping modes for by the driver by means of the stalk A the elimination of rain and cleaning. and the ring B .
  • Page 101
    VISIBILITY Rear wiper B. rear wiper selection ring: Wiping zone park, intermittent wipe, wash-wipe (set duration). The curved shape of the rear screen re- sults in a smaller wiping zone. Reverse gear When reverse gear is engaged, the rear wiper will come into operation if the windscreen wipers are operating.
  • Page 102: Windscreen Wipers

    VISIBILITY Automatic rain sensitive Vertical windscreen wiper windscreen wipers position It is accompanied by a message on the multifunction screen. The windscreen wipers operate automati- The automatic rain sensitive wipers cally, without any action on the part of the must be reactivated if the ignition has driver, if rain is detected (sensor behind been off for more than one minute, the rear view mirror), adapting their speed…

  • Page 103
    VISIBILITY COURTESY LAMPS Front and rear courtesy lamps In permanent lighting mode, differ- Selection and control of the various ent lighting times are available: passenger compartment lamps. with the ignition off, approxi- In this position, the courtesy mately ten minutes, lamp comes on gradually: in energy economy mode, ap- proximately thirty seconds,…
  • Page 104
    VISIBILITY BOOT LAMP Torch  Extract the torch from its location by This is a removable lamp, incorporated pulling it from the front. in the boot wall, which can be used to  Press the switch, located on the illuminate the boot or as a torch. back, to switch the torch on or off.
  • Page 105
    VISIBILITY BOOT LAMP Torch  Extract the torch from its location by This is a removable lamp, incorporated pulling it from the front. in the boot wall, which can be used to  Press the switch, located on the illuminate the boot or as a torch. back, to switch the torch on or off.
  • Page 106
    FITTINGS FRONT INTERIOR FITTINGS 1. Sun visor. 2. Child surveillance mirror. 3. Grab handle with coat hook. 4. Upper storage box. Scented air freshener adjustment. 5. Storage compartments. 6. Illuminated glove box. 7. Storage pockets. 8. Open storage compartment at side of passenger seat.
  • Page 107
    FITTINGS SUN VISOR CHILD MIRROR GLOVE BOX Component which protects against sun- light from the front or the side. A child monitoring mirror is installed This has areas for storing a bottle of wa- above the interior rear view mirror. This ter, the vehicle’s handbook, etc.
  • Page 108
    FITTINGS 12 V ACCESSORIES SOCKET STORAGE DRAWER It is located under the front passenger  To connect a 12 V accessory (max seat. power: 100 Watts), lift off the cap and connect a suitable adaptor. Opening  Raise the front of the drawer and pull it. Do not place heavy objects in the drawer.
  • Page 109
    FITTINGS TICKET HOLDER MATS Refitting Removable carpet protection. To refi t the mat on the driver’s side:  position the mat correctly,  refi t the fi xings by pressing, Fitting  check that the mat is secured cor- rectly. When fi…
  • Page 110
    FITTINGS 12 V ACCESSORIES SOCKET STORAGE DRAWER It is located under the front passenger  To connect a 12 V accessory (max seat. power: 100 Watts), lift off the cap and connect a suitable adaptor. Opening  Raise the front of the drawer and pull it. Do not place heavy objects in the drawer.
  • Page 111
    FITTINGS TICKET HOLDER MATS Refitting Removable carpet protection. To refi t the mat on the driver’s side:  position the mat correctly,  refi t the fi xings by pressing, Fitting  check that the mat is secured cor- rectly. When fi…
  • Page 112
    FITTINGS REAR INTERIOR FITTINGS Storage boxes Seat pockets Cup holder Two boxes are available, located under They are located on the back of the There is a cup holder located at the rear the rear passenger footwells. front seats. of the centre console. To open them, lift the lid using the cut- out.
  • Page 113
    FITTINGS Aircraft style tables Individual reading lamps Side blinds Lift the catch to release the table and Reading lamps are built into the back of Blinds are available for the side win- unfold it. the front seats, behind the tables. With dows.
  • Page 114
    FITTINGS Storage tray Ski flap Device for storing and transporting long objects. When unfolded, this provides a storage Opening area split into 2 sections, completing  Lower the storage shelf. the storage spaces available at the rear  Press the fl ap opening control. of the vehicle.
  • Page 115
    FITTINGS Aircraft style tables Individual reading lamps Side blinds Lift the catch to release the table and Reading lamps are built into the back of Blinds are available for the side win- unfold it. the front seats, behind the tables. With dows.
  • Page 116
    FITTINGS Storage tray Ski flap Device for storing and transporting long objects. When unfolded, this provides a storage Opening area split into 2 sections, completing  Lower the storage shelf. the storage spaces available at the rear  Press the fl ap opening control. of the vehicle.
  • Page 117
    FITTINGS Boot fittings 1. Storage net on right-hand boot trim. 2. Open storage compartments. 3. Torch. 4. Removable boot fl oor. 5. Carrier bag hook . 6. Securing rings. 7. Storage area under boot carpet . 8. Luggage cover.
  • Page 118
    FITTINGS Movable boot floor This movable boot fl oor with two posi- Placing the movable boot fl oor in Placing the movable boot fl oor in tions allows you to: the low position the high position maximise the volume of the boot, …
  • Page 119
    FITTINGS Hooks Load space cover The hooks can be used to hold shop- This consists of three sections. ping bags. The front section is fl exible, and the central and rear sections are rigid. The rear section is secured to the tail- gate by two cords.
  • Page 120: Child Safety

    CHILD SAFETY GENERAL POINTS RELATING INSTALLING A CHILD SEAT USING A THREE POINT SEAT BELT TO CHILD SEATS Although one of CITROËN’s main cri- «Rearwards-facing» «Forwards-facing» teria when designing your vehicle, the When a «rearwards-facing» child seat is When a «forwards-facing» child seat is safety of your children also depends on installed on the front passenger seat , installed on the front passenger seat ,…

  • Page 121
    CHILD SAFETY CHILD SEATS RECOMMENDED BY CITROËN CITROËN offers a complete range of recommended child seats which are secured using a three point seat belt : Group 0: from birth to 10 kg Groups 1, 2 and 3: from 9 to 36 kg Group 0+: from birth to 13 kg «KIDDY Life»…
  • Page 122
    CHILD SAFETY CHILD SEATS RECOMMENDED BY CITROËN CITROËN offers a complete range of recommended child seats which are secured using a three point seat belt : Group 0: from birth to 10 kg Groups 1, 2 and 3: from 9 to 36 kg Group 0+: from birth to 13 kg «KIDDY Life»…
  • Page 123
    CHILD SAFETY INSTALLING CHILD SEATS ATTACHED USING THE SEAT BELT In accordance with European regulations, this table indicates the options for installing child seats secured using a seat belt and universally approved (a) in accordance with the weight of the child and the seat in the vehicle. Weight of the child and indicative age Under 13 kg From 22 to 36 kg…
  • Page 124
    CHILD SAFETY ADVICE ON CHILD SEATS The incorrect installation of a child Children under the age of 10 must not As a safety precaution, do not leave: seat in a vehicle compromises the travel in the «forwards-facing» position a child or children alone and unsu- child’s protection in the event of an ac- on the front passenger seat, unless pervised in a vehicle,…
  • Page 125
    CHILD SAFETY «ISOFIX» MOUNTINGS Your vehicle is approved in conformance with the new ISOFIX regulations . There are 3 rings for each seat: The seats represented below, are fi tted 2 rings A , located between the back- with regulation ISOFIX mountings. a ring B , located in the roof, with the rest and the seat cushion, identifi…
  • Page 126
    CHILD SAFETY This ISOFIX mounting system guaran- ISOFIX CHILD SEAT RECOMMENDED BY CITROËN AND tees reliable, safe and fast fi tting of the APPROVED FOR YOUR VEHICLE child seat in your vehicle. RÖMER Duo Plus ISOFIX (size category B1 ) The ISOFIX child seats are fi…
  • Page 127
    CHILD SAFETY This ISOFIX mounting system guaran- ISOFIX CHILD SEAT RECOMMENDED BY CITROËN AND tees reliable, safe and fast fi tting of the APPROVED FOR YOUR VEHICLE child seat in your vehicle. RÖMER Duo Plus ISOFIX (size category B1 ) The ISOFIX child seats are fi…
  • Page 128
    CHILD SAFETY TABLE OF SEATING POSITIONS FOR ISOFIX CHILD SEATS In accordance with European Regulations, this table indicates the options for installing ISOFIX child seats on seats in the vehicle fi tted with ISOFIX mountings. In the case of universal and semi-universal ISOFIX child seats, the ISOFIX size category, determined by a letter from A to G , is indicated on the child seat next to the ISOFIX logo.
  • Page 129
    CHILD SAFETY MANUAL CHILD LOCK ELECTRIC CHILD LOCK Deactivation  Press button A again. Mechanical system to prevent opening Control system to prevent opening of The indicator lamp on button A switches of the rear door using its interior control. the rear doors using their interior con- off, accompanied by a message on the trols and use of the rear electric win-…
  • Page 130: Warning Lamps

    SAFETY DIRECTION INDICATORS HAZARD WARNING LAMPS HORN A visual warning by means of the direc- Audible warning to alert other road users Selection of the left or right direction indi- tion indicators to alert other road users to to an imminent danger. cators to signal a change of direction of a vehicle breakdown, towing or accident.

  • Page 131
    SAFETY DIRECTION INDICATORS HAZARD WARNING LAMPS HORN A visual warning by means of the direc- Audible warning to alert other road users Selection of the left or right direction indi- tion indicators to alert other road users to to an imminent danger. cators to signal a change of direction of a vehicle breakdown, towing or accident.
  • Page 132
    SAFETY DIRECTION INDICATORS HAZARD WARNING LAMPS HORN A visual warning by means of the direc- Audible warning to alert other road users Selection of the left or right direction indi- tion indicators to alert other road users to to an imminent danger. cators to signal a change of direction of a vehicle breakdown, towing or accident.
  • Page 133
    SAFETY BRAKING ASSISTANCE Operating fault Emergency braking assistance SYSTEMS System which, in an emergency, en- If this warning lamp comes on, ables you to obtain the optimum braking Group of supplementary systems which accompanied by an audible pressure more quickly, thus reducing help you to obtain optimum braking in signal and a message on the the stopping distance.
  • Page 134: Electronic Stability Programme

    SAFETY TRAJECTORY CONTROL Operating fault SYSTEMS If this warning lamp comes on, Anti-skid regulation (ASR) and accompanied by an audible sig- electronic stability programme nal and a message on the multi- function screen, this indicates a (ESP) malfunction of these systems. The anti-skid regulation (also known as Have systems…

  • Page 135
    SAFETY SEAT BELTS Fastening Height adjustment Front seat belts The front seat belts are fi tted with a pre- tensioning and force limiting system. This system improves safety in the front seats in the event of a front impact. Depending on the severity of the im- pact, the pretensioning system instantly tightens the seat belts against the body of the occupants.
  • Page 136
    SAFETY Seat belt not fastened/unfastened Rear seat belts Seat belt unfastened warning lamp warning lamp display This warning lamp comes on, either The rear seats are each fi tted with a on the instrument panel or on the three-point inertia reel seat belt with seat belt and passenger’s front airbag force limiter (with the exception of the warning lamp display, when one or…
  • Page 137
    SAFETY 2 nd row rear centre seat belt Removal and storing  Press the red button on the buckle B , then on the buckle A . The seat belt for the rear centre seat of  Guide the strap as it rolls up and the 2 nd row is incorporated at the rear bring the tongue B , then A onto the left of the roof.
  • Page 138
    SAFETY The driver must ensure that passen- In order to be effective, a seat belt Recommendations for children gers use the seat belts correctly and must: Use a suitable child seat if the pas- that they are all restrained securely be tightened as close to the body senger is less than 12 years old or before setting off.
  • Page 139
    AIRBAGS Impact detection zones Front airbags System designed to maximise the safety System which protects the driver and of the occupants (with the exception of front passenger in the event of a seri- the rear centre passenger) in the event ous front impact in order to limit the risk of violent collisions.
  • Page 140
    Deactivation contact a CITROËN dealer. To assure the safety of your child, Only the passenger’s front airbag can The passenger’s front airbag it is imperative that the passenger’s be deactivated: may no longer be triggered in front airbag is deactivated when with the ignition off , insert the key the event of a serious impact.
  • Page 141
    For the airbags to be fully effective, observe the following Front airbags safety rules: Do not drive holding the steering wheel by its spokes or resting your hands on Sit in a normal upright position. the centre part of the wheel. Wear a correctly adjusted seat belt.
  • Page 142
    Lateral airbags Activation front occupant of the vehicle and the The curtain airbag is triggered at the System which protects the driver and corresponding door trim panel. same time as the corresponding later- front passenger in the event of a seri- al airbag in the event of a serious side ous side impact in order to limit the risk impact applied to all or part of the side…
  • Page 143
    For the airbags to be fully effective, observe the following Front airbags safety rules: Do not drive holding the steering wheel by its spokes or resting your hands on Sit in a normal upright position. the centre part of the wheel. Wear a correctly adjusted seat belt.
  • Page 144
    DRIVING PARKING BRAKE Releasing  Pull the parking brake lever gently, press the release button then lower the lever fully. When the vehicle is being driven, if this warning lamp and the STOP warning lamp come on, accom- panied by an audible signal and a message on the multifunction screen, this indicates that the parking brake is still on or has not been properly released.
  • Page 145
    DRIVING SPEED LIMITER Steering mounted controls Displays on the instrument panel System which prevents the vehicle from exceeding the speed programmed by the driver. When the programmed speed limit is reached, pressing the accelerator pedal in the normal manner no longer has any effect. The speed limiter is switched on manu- ally: it requires a programmed speed of at least 20 mph (30 km/h).
  • Page 146
    DRIVING Programming Operating fault  Turn thumb wheel 1 to the «LIMIT» In the event of a speed limiter malfunc- position: the speed limiter mode tion, the speed is cleared resulting in is selected but is not switched on fl ashing of the dashes. (PAUSE).
  • Page 147
    DRIVING CRUISE CONTROL Steering mounted controls Displays on the instrument panel System which automatically maintains the speed of the vehicle at the value programmed by the driver, without any action on the accelerator pedal. The cruise control is switched on manually: it requires a minimum vehicle speed of 25 mph (40 km/h) and the en- gaging of at least 4th gear.
  • Page 148
    DRIVING Programming Operating fault In the event of a cruise control malfunc-  Turn dial 1 to the «CRUISE» posi- tion, the speed is cleared resulting in tion: the cruise control mode is fl ashing of the dashes. selected but is not switched on Have it checked by a CITROËN dealer.
  • Page 149
    DRIVING PARKING SENSORS System comprising four proximity sen- sors, located in the rear bumper. Detection zone When the distance between the rear of the vehicle and the obstacle is less than thirty centimetres, the audible signal be- comes continuous and the «Danger» sym- Activation bol appears on the multifunction screen.
  • Page 150
    DRIVING Deactivation Reactivation Press button A again to reactivate the system. The indicator lamp on the but- ton is switched off. If there is an operating fault, when re- verse gear is engaged, the service warning lamp comes on, accompanied by an audible signal (short beep) and a message on the multifunction screen.
  • Page 151
    CHECKS BONNET RUNNING OUT OF FUEL (DIESEL) Opening If your vehicle is fi tted with an HDI en- gine, the fuel system must be primed if you run out of fuel. This system consists of a priming pump, a transparent pipe and a bleed screw under the bonnet.
  • Page 152
    CHECKS BONNET RUNNING OUT OF FUEL (DIESEL) Opening If your vehicle is fi tted with an HDI en- gine, the fuel system must be primed if you run out of fuel. This system consists of a priming pump, a transparent pipe and a bleed screw under the bonnet.
  • Page 153
    CHECKS PETROL ENGINES 1. Screenwash reservoir. 4. Brake fl uid reservoir. 7. Engine oil dipstick. 8. Engine oil fi ller cap. 5. Battery. 2. Coolant header tank. 6. Fusebox. 3. Air fi lter * . * According to engine.
  • Page 154
    CHECKS DIESEL ENGINES 1. Screenwash reservoir. 4. Brake fl uid reservoir. 7. Engine oil dipstick. 2. Coolant header tank. 5. Battery. 8. Engine oil fi ller cap. 6. Fusebox. 3. Air fi lter * . 9. Priming pump * . * According to engine.
  • Page 155
    CHECKS CHECKING LEVELS Brake fluid level To avoid any risk of scalding, unscrew the cap by two turns to allow the pres- The brake fl uid level should be sure to drop. When the pressure has close to the «MAX» mark. If it is Check all of these levels regularly and dropped, remove the cap and top up not, check the brake pad wear.
  • Page 156
    CHECKS Diesel additive level (Diesel CHECKS Oil filter engine with particle emission Unless otherwise indicated, check Replace the oil fi lter each time filter) these components in accordance with the engine oil is changed. the Maintenance and Waranty Guide Refer to the Maintenance and A low additive level is indicated by light- and according to your engine.
  • Page 157
    CHECKS Diesel additive level (Diesel CHECKS Oil filter engine with particle emission Unless otherwise indicated, check Replace the oil fi lter each time filter) these components in accordance with the engine oil is changed. the Maintenance and Waranty Guide Refer to the Maintenance and A low additive level is indicated by light- and according to your engine.
  • Page 158
    CHECKS Manual gearbox Brake disc wear The gearbox does not re- information relating Only use products recommended quire any maintenance (no oil checking the brake disc wear, by CITROËN or products of equiva- change). contact a CITROËN dealer. lent quality and specifi cations. Refer to the Maintenance and In order to optimise the operation Warranty Guide for the details…
  • Page 159
    PRACTICAL INFORMATION TEMPORARY PUNCTURE Using the kit REPAIR KIT This procedure, comprising several steps, must be carried out in full. Complete system consisting of a com- pressor and an incorporated sealant  Switch off the ignition. cartridge which permits temporary re- …
  • Page 160
    PRACTICAL INFORMATION  Switch on the compressor by moving the switch B to position «1» until the tyre pressure reaches 2.0 bars. If after around 5 to 7 minutes the pressure is not attained, this indi- cates that the tyre is not repairable; contact a CITROËN dealer for as- sistance.
  • Page 161
    PRACTICAL INFORMATION  Connect the compressor’s electric plug to the vehicle’s 12 V socket.  Start the vehicle again and leave the Take care, this product is harmful engine running. (e.g. ethylene-glycol, colophony, ethanediol…) swallowed causes irritation to the eyes. Keep it out of reach of children.
  • Page 162
    PRACTICAL INFORMATION CHANGING A WHEEL List of tools 4. Centring guide. Procedure for changing a faulty wheel For refi tting an alloy wheel to the for the spare wheel using the tools hub. provided with the vehicle. 5. Socket security bolts (located in the glove box).
  • Page 163
    PRACTICAL INFORMATION Access to the spare wheel Taking out the wheel  Unscrew the yellow central bolt, and remove it.  Raise the spare wheel towards you from the rear.  Take the wheel out of the boot. Putting the wheel back in place …
  • Page 164
    PRACTICAL INFORMATION Removing the wheel List of operations  Remove the chromed bolt cover from each of the bolts using the tool 3 .  Fit the security socket 5 on the wheelbrace 1 to unlock the security bolt.  Unlock the other bolts using the wheelbrace 1 only.
  • Page 165
    PRACTICAL INFORMATION Fitting the wheel List of operations  Put the wheel in place on the hub using the centring guide 4 .  Screw in the bolts by hand as far as possible.  Pre-tighten the security bolt using the wheelbrace 1 fi…
  • Page 166
    PRACTICAL INFORMATION CHANGING A BULB Front lamps Procedure for replacing a faulty bulb with a new bulb.  Do not touch the bulb directly with your fi ngers, use lint-free cloths. Changing a halogen bulb should only be done after the headlamp has been switched off for a few minutes (risk of serious burns).
  • Page 167
    PRACTICAL INFORMATION Changing direction indicator bulbs Changing dipped headlamp bulbs  Remove the protective plastic cover by pulling on the tab. If either of the direction indicator warning lamps is fl ashing quickly,  Turn the bulb-holder by a quarter one of the bulbs is faulty.
  • Page 168
    PRACTICAL INFORMATION Changing integrated direction Changing front foglamp bulbs indicator side repeaters To obtain them, contact your CITROËN Contact a CITROËN dealer to obtain dealer. replacement repeaters.  Remove the grille located under the foglamp.  Disconnect the bulb holder connec- tor, by pressing on the tab.
  • Page 169
    PRACTICAL INFORMATION Rear lamps Changing stop lamp/sidelamp and direction indicator bulbs 1. Stop lamps / sidelamps  unscrew the two lamp unit fi xing  turn the bulb holder a quarter turn, (12VP21/5 W). bolts,  remove the faulty bulb and replace 2.
  • Page 170
    PRACTICAL INFORMATION Changing fog/reversing lamp bulbs Changing the third stop lamp bulbs Changing the number plate lamp (4 x W 5 W bulbs) bulbs (W5W)  open the boot,  open the boot,  insert a thin screwdriver into one of the lens’ exterior holes, …
  • Page 171: Interior Lighting

    PRACTICAL INFORMATION Interior lighting Interior lamps (1/W5W) Footwell lamps (W5W) Torch (Krypton 3.6 V) Detach the cover of the interior lamp 1 Unclip the cover using a thin screw-  Open the tab. with a thin screwdriver, close to the but- driver to access the faulty bulb.

  • Page 172
    PRACTICAL INFORMATION CHANGING A FUSE Changing a fuse Procedure for replacing a faulty fuse Before changing a fuse, the cause of Installing electrical accessories with a new fuse to rectify a failure of the the failure must be identifi ed and recti- Your vehicle’s electrical system is corresponding function.
  • Page 173
    PRACTICAL INFORMATION Dashboard fuses Fuse tables The fusebox is placed in the lower sec- Fuse N° Rating Functions tion of the dashboard (left-hand side). FH36 Trailer relay unit. FH37 15 A Trailer accessories socket supply. FH38 20 A Aftermarket navigation. FH39 20 A Heated seats.
  • Page 174
    PRACTICAL INFORMATION Fuse N° Rating Functions Multifunction screen, audio system, navigation 20 A radio. 30 A Audio system (aftermarket), 12 V socket. 15 A Steering wheel controls. 15 A Ignition, diagnostic socket. 15 A Rain/sunlight sensor, trailer relay unit. Main stop switch, engine relay unit. Parking assistance control unit, seat belt 15 A unfastened warning lamp, airbag control unit,…
  • Page 175
    PRACTICAL INFORMATION Engine compartment fuses Fuse table The fusebox is placed in the engine Fuse N° Rating Functions compartment near the battery (left-hand side). Engine control unit supply, cooling fan unit control, 20 A multifunction engine control main relay. 15 A Horn.
  • Page 176
    PRACTICAL INFORMATION Fuse N° Rating Functions 30 A Windscreen wipers slow/fast speed. 40 A Built-in systems interface supply (ignition positive). 30 A Valvetronic supply (petrol). 10 A Right-hand main beam headlamp. 10 A Left-hand main beam headlamp. 15 A Left-hand dipped beam headlamp. 15 A Right-hand dipped beam headlamp.
  • Page 177
    PRACTICAL INFORMATION Table of maxi-fuses Fuse N° Rating Functions MF1 * 60 A Fan assembly. MF2 * 30 A ABS/ESP control unit. MF3 * 30 A ABS/ESP control unit. MF4 * 60 A Built-in Systems Interface (BSI) supply. MF5 * 60 A Built-in Systems Interface (BSI) supply.
  • Page 178
    PRACTICAL INFORMATION BATTERY Starting using another battery Procedure for charging your battery when it is fl at or for starting the engine  Connect the red cable to the posi- using another battery. tive terminal (+) of the fl at battery A , then to the positive terminal (+) of the slave battery B .
  • Page 179
    PRACTICAL INFORMATION Charging the battery using a LOAD REDUCTION MODE battery charger System which manages the use of Do not disconnect the terminals certain functions according to the level  Disconnect the battery from the while the engine is running. of charge remaining in the battery.
  • Page 180
    PRACTICAL INFORMATION Charging the battery using a LOAD REDUCTION MODE battery charger System which manages the use of Do not disconnect the terminals certain functions according to the level  Disconnect the battery from the while the engine is running. of charge remaining in the battery.
  • Page 181
    PRACTICAL INFORMATION ENERGY ECONOMY MODE Exiting economy mode CHANGING A FRONT OR REAR WIPER BLADE System which manages the period of These functions are reactivated auto- use of certain functions to conserve a matically the next time the vehicle is Procedure for replacing a worn wiper suffi…
  • Page 182
    PRACTICAL INFORMATION ENERGY ECONOMY MODE Exiting economy mode CHANGING A FRONT OR REAR WIPER BLADE System which manages the period of These functions are reactivated auto- use of certain functions to conserve a matically the next time the vehicle is Procedure for replacing a worn wiper suffi…
  • Page 183
    PRACTICAL INFORMATION TOWING THE VEHICLE Towing your vehicle Towing another vehicle Procedure for having your vehicle towed or for towing another vehicle using a re- movable towing eye. Access to the tools  On the front bumper, unclip the cover …
  • Page 184
    PRACTICAL INFORMATION TOWING A TRAILER, Driving with a trailer subjects the towing The maximum towing load on a long vehicle to more signifi cant stress and its slope depends on the gradient and the A CARAVAN, ETC. driver must be particularly careful. ambient temperature.
  • Page 185
    PRACTICAL INFORMATION FITTING ROOF BARS To fi t longitudinal and/or transverse roof bars, visit your CITROËN dealer. Maximum authorised weight on the roof rack: 60 kg. If the height exceeds 40 cm, adapt the speed of the vehicle to the profi…
  • Page 186
    PRACTICAL INFORMATION «Universal»: screenwash fl uid, maintenance and clean- ing products for interior and exterior. Depending on the country in which the vehicle is sold, it is compulso- ry to have a high visibilty jacket, warning triangle and spare bulbs available in the vehicle.
  • Page 187
    TECHNICAL DATA MODELS: ENGINES AND GEARBOXES Model codes: 8FSC 5FW0 SH… PETROL ENGINES VTi 95 VTi 120 Cubic capacity (cc) 1 397 1 598 Bore x stroke (mm) 77 x 75 77 x 85.8 Max power: EU standard (kW) Max power engine speed (rpm) 6 000 5 660 Max torque: EU standard (Nm)
  • Page 188
    TECHNICAL DATA MODELS: ENGINES AND GEARBOXES Model codes: 9HXC 9HZC SH… DIESEL ENGINES HDi 90 HDi 110 PEF Cubic capacity (cc) 1 560 1 560 Bore x stroke (mm) 75 x 88.3 75 x 88.3 Max power: EU standard (kW) Max power engine speed (rpm) 4 000 4 000…
  • Page 189
    TECHNICAL DATA WEIGHTS AND TOWED LOADS (in kg) Petrol engines VTi 95 VTi 120 Model codes: 8FSC 5FW0 SH… Unladen weight 1 259 1 290 Kerb weight 1 334 1 365 Payload Gross vehicle weight (GVW) 1 742 1 753 Gross train weight (GTW) 2 592 2 603…
  • Page 190
    TECHNICAL DATA WEIGHTS AND TOWED LOADS (in kg) Diesel engines HDi 90 HDi 110 PEF Model codes: 9HXC 9HZC SH… Unladen weight 1 289 1 333 Kerb weight 1 364 1 408 Payload Gross vehicle weight (GVW) 1 771 1 795 Gross train weight (GTW) 2 971 2 745…
  • Page 191
  • Page 192: Technical Data

    TECHNICAL DATA D. Tyre/paint label. This label is affi xed to the centre pillar, on the left-hand side. It bears the following information: the tyre infl ation pressures with and without load, the wheel rim and tyre sizes, the brands of tyre recommended by the manufacturer, the infl…

  • Page 193: Table Of Contents

    MyWay MULTIMEDIA AUDIO EQUIPMENT/BLUETOOTH GPS EUROPE BY SD CARD CONTENTS MyWay is protected in such a way that it will only operate ● 01 First steps p. 152 in your vehicle. If it is to be installed in another vehicle, in your vehicle.

  • Page 194: First Steps

    FIRST STEPS MyWay CONTROL PANEL Engine not running Access to the «Phone» Menu. Display the call list. 13. Selection of the previous/next radio station. — Short press: on/off. Selection of the previous/next CD or MP3 track. — Long press: CD pause, mute for the radio. Access to the «MODE»…

  • Page 195: General Operation

    02 GENERAL OPERATION Press the MODE button several times in succession for access to the following menus: RADIO/MUSIC MEDIA PLAYERS FULL SCREEN MAP TELEPHONE NAVIGATION (If a conversation is in progress) (If guidance is in progress) SETUP: system language * , date and time * , display, TRAFFIC: vehicle settings * , unit and system settings, TMC information and messages.

  • Page 196: Main Menu


  • Page 197: Navigation — Guidance

    NAVIGATION — GUIDANCE Insert the SD card in the front panel reader and leave it there to use the Navigation functions. SELECTING A DESTINATION The navigation SD card data must not be modifi ed. Map data updates are available from CITROËN dealers. Select the «Address input»…

  • Page 198
    NAVIGATION — GUIDANCE To clear a destination; from steps 1 to 3, select «Choose from last destinations». A long press on one of the destinations displays a list of actions from which you can select: Delete entry Delete list Turn the dial and select OK. Then select «Start route guidance»…
  • Page 199: Route Options

    NAVIGATION — GUIDANCE ROUTE OPTIONS The route selected by the MyWay audio/telephone depends directly on the route options. Changing these options may change the route completely. Select the «Route dynamics» function. This function gives access to the Press the NAV button. «Traffi…

  • Page 200: Adding A Stopover

    NAVIGATION — GUIDANCE ADDING A STOPOVER Stopovers can be added to the route once the destination has been selected. Enter a new address, for example. Press the NAV button. ADDRESS INPUT Once the new address has been Press the NAV button again or select entered, select OK and press the dial the «Navigation»…

  • Page 201: Searching For Points Of Interest

    NAVIGATION — GUIDANCE SEARCHING FOR POINTS OF INTEREST The points of interest (POI) indicate all of the service locations in the vicinity (hotels, various (POI) businesses, airports…). Select the «POI in city» function to search for POIs in the city required. Select the country then enter the Press the NAV button.

  • Page 202
    03 NAVIGATION — GUIDANCE This icon appears when several POIs are grouped together in the same area. Zooming in on this icon shows details of the POIs. LIST OF PRINCIPAL POINTS OF INTEREST (POI) Service station Airport Cinema LPG station Railway station Camp site Garage…
  • Page 203: Navigation Settings

    NAVIGATION — GUIDANCE NAVIGATION SETTINGS The adjustment of the volume for the Risk Areas POIs is used only during the transmission of an alert. Press the NAV button. Select the «POI categories on Map» function to select the POIs to be displayed on the map by default.

  • Page 204: Traffic Information

    TRAFFIC INFORMATION TMC (Traffi c Message Channel) messages contain information on traffi c and weather conditions, received in real time and transmitted to the driver in the form of audible announcements and symbols on the navigation map. CONFIGURE THE FILTERING AND The navigation system can then suggest an alternative route to avoid a traffi…

  • Page 205
    TRAFFIC INFORMATION PRINCIPAL TMC SYMBOLS RECEIVING TA MESSAGES Black and blue triangle: general information, for example: The TA (Traffi c Announcement) function gives priority to TA alert messages. To operate, this function needs good reception of a radio station transmitting this type of message. When a traffi c report is Weather reports Traffi…
  • Page 206: Radio

    RADIO The external environment (hill, building, tunnel, underground car park…) may interfere with the reception, including in RDS following mode. This phenomenon is a normal result of the way in which radio waves are transmitted and does not in any way indicate a failure of the audio equipment. SELECTING A STATION RDS — REGIONAL MODE When the current radio station is…

  • Page 207: Music Media Players

    06 MUSIC MEDIA PLAYERS CD, MP3/WMA CD INFORMATION AND ADVICE The MyWay will only play audio fi les with the extension «.mp3» with The MyWay will only play audio fi les with the extension «.mp3» with The MP3 format, an abbreviation of MPEG 1, 2 & 2.5 Audio Layer 3 The MP3 format, an abbreviation of MPEG 1, 2 &…

  • Page 208
    MUSIC MEDIA PLAYERS SELECTING/PLAYING MUSIC CD, MP3/WMA CD Select the music source required: CD, MP3/WMA CD. Press the MUSIC button. Press the dial to confi rm. Play begins. Press the up or down button to select The list of tracks or MP3/WMA fi les appears under «Music» Menu. The list of tracks or MP3/WMA fi…
  • Page 209
    MUSIC MEDIA PLAYERS USING THE AUXILIARY INPUT (AUX) AUDIO/JACK CABLE NOT SUPPLIED Connect the portable Select the External device function device (MP3/WMA and press the dial to activate it. player…) to the JACK socket using a suitable cable. EXTERNAL DEVICE Select the AUX music source and Press the MUSIC button then press press the dial to confi…
  • Page 210: Bluetooth Telephone

    BLUETOOTH TELEPHONE * The services available depend on the network, the SIM card and the compatibility of the Bluetooth CONNECTING A TELEPHONE telephone used. Check the telephone manual and with your network provider for details of the services available to you. A list of mobile telephones with the best level of compatibility is available from the dealer network.

  • Page 211: Receiving A Call

    BLUETOOTH TELEPHONE RECEIVING A CALL MAKING A CALL An incoming call is announced by a ring and a superimposed display An incoming call is announced by a ring and a superimposed display Press the PHONE button. on the multifunction screen. The list of the last 20 calls made and received in the vehicle appears The list of the last 20 calls made and received in the vehicle appears under «Phone»…

  • Page 212: Confi Guration

    CONFIGURATION SETTING THE DATE AND TIME The SETUP function gives access to the following options: System language, Date & Time, Display (Brightness, Colour, Map colour), Vehicle, Units, System. These settings must be re-entered if the battery has been These settings must be re-entered if the battery has been disconnected.

  • Page 213: Steering Mounted Controls

    STEERING MOUNTED CONTROLS RADIO: change to the next radio station on the list. Long press: automatic search for a higher frequency. CD: selection of the next track. CD: continuous press: fast forward play. RADIO: selection of the next stored station. Selection of the next entry in the address book.

  • Page 214: Screen Menu Map


  • Page 215
    «NAVIGATION» MENU STOPOVERS ROUTE OPTIONS ABORT GUIDANCE/RESUME GUIDANCE Add stopover Route type DESTINATION INPUT Address input Fast route Address input Navigate HOME Short route Country Choose from address book Optimized route City Choose from last destinations Route dynamics Street Rearrange route Traffi…
  • Page 216
    «PHONE» MENU «SETUP» MENU Dark blue DIAL NUMBER SYSTEM LANGUAGE * MAP colour DIAL FROM ADDRESS BOOK Deutsch Day mode for MAP CALL LISTS English Night mode for MAP CONNECT PHONE Español Auto. Day/Night for MAP Search phone Français VEHICLE * Phones connected Italiano Vehicle information…
  • Page 217: Frequently Asked Questions

    FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS QUESTION ANSWER SOLUTION There is a difference in Check that the audio settings (Volume, Bass, For optimum sound quality, the audio settings (Volume, Bass, Treble, Treble, Ambience, Loudness) are adapted to sound quality between Ambience, Loudness) can be adapted to the different sound sources, the different audio the sources listened to.

  • Page 218
    QUESTION ANSWER SOLUTION The stored stations do An incorrect waveband is selected. Press the BAND AST button to return to the not function (no sound, waveband (AM, FM1, FM2, FMAST) on which the 87.5 Mhz is displayed…) stations are stored. The quality of reception The vehicle is too far from the transmitter used by the station listened to or Activate the RDS function to enable the system…
  • Page 219
    QUESTION ANSWER SOLUTION On starting, it is several minutes before the system begins to receive the The TA box is ticked. Wait until the traffi c information is being received However, certain traffi c traffi c information. correctly (displaying of the traffi c information jams along the route symbols on the map).
  • Page 220
    QUESTION ANSWER SOLUTION There is a long waiting When a new medium is inserted, the system reads a certain amount of This phenomenon is normal. time after inserting a CD. data (directory, title, artist, etc.). This may take a few seconds. I cannot connect my The telephone’s Bluetooth function may be deactivated or the equipment — Check that your telephone’s Bluetooth function…
  • Page 221
    Audio system Audio system Audio system BLUETOOTH SYSTEM BLUETOOTH SYSTEM CONTENTS Your Audio system is coded in such a way that it will only ● 01 First steps p. 180 operate in your vehicle. If it is to be installed in another operate in your vehicle.
  • Page 222: First Steps

    FIRST STEPS On/Off and volume adjustment. TA (Traffi c Announcement) function on/off. 15. The DARK button changes the display on the screen to Long press: access to the PTY improve driving comfort at night. CD eject. (Types of radio programme) mode. 1st press: lighting the upper band only.

  • Page 223: General Menu

    GENERAL MENU TELEPHONE : AUDIO FUNCTIONS : hands-free kit, pairing, radio, CD, USB, options. management of a call. > MONOCHROME SCREEN C PERSONALISATION- TRIP COMPUTER : CONFIGURATION : vehicle parameters, alerts, status of functions. display, languages. > MONOCHROME SCREEN A For a detailed global view of the menus available, refer to the «Screen menu map»…

  • Page 224: Audio

    03 AUDIO The external environment (hills, buildings, tunnels, basement car parks) may block reception, including in RDS mode. This is a normal effect of the way in which radio waves are transmitted and does not indicate any failure of the audio equipment. RADIO SELECTING A STATION Press the SOURCE button several…

  • Page 225
    AUDIO MP3 CD PLAYING A CD PLAYING AN MP3 COMPILATION Insert an MP3 compilation in the player. The audio equipment searches for all of the music tracks, which may take anything between a few seconds and several tens of seconds, Insert circular compact discs only.
  • Page 226
    AUDIO MP3 CD INFORMATION AND ADVICE The MP3 format, an abbreviation of MPEG 1.2 & 2.5 Audio Layer 3, The MP3 format, an abbreviation of MPEG 1.2 & 2.5 Audio Layer 3, The audio equipment will only play fi les with the extension «.mp3» The audio equipment will only play fi…
  • Page 227: Usb Box

    USB BOX The list of compatible equipment and the compression rates supported USING THE USB BOX are available from CITROËN dealers. CONNECTING A USB MEMORY STICK This unit consists of a USB port and a Jack socket * . The audio fi les are transmitted from Connect the memory stick to the port, directly or portable equipment such as a digital player or a using a lead.

  • Page 228
    USB BOX USING THE USB SOCKET Press one of these buttons to gain Press and hold LIST to display the access to the previous/next track on different classifi cations. the classifi cation list currently being Select by Folder/Artist/Genre/Playlist, played. press OK to select the classifi cation Press and hold one of the buttons for required, then press OK again to confi…
  • Page 229
    USB BOX ADJUSTING THE VOLUME OF THE USING THE AUXILIARY SOCKET (AUX) JACK SOCKET OR RCA SOCKET (according to vehicle) AUXILIARY SOURCE The auxiliary socket, JACK or RCA, permits the connection of portable equipment (MP3 player…). First adjust the volume of your portable equipment. Do not connect a single piece of equipment via the USB port and the JACK socket at the same time.
  • Page 230: Bluetooth Functions

    BLUETOOTH FUNCTIONS The services offered depend on the network, the SIM card and the compatibility of the Bluetooth BLUETOOTH TELEPHONE equipment used. Consult your telephone’s manual and your operator to fi nd out which services are SCREEN C available to you. A list of mobile telephones which offer the best range of services is available from the network.

  • Page 231: Bluetooth Audio Streaming

    BLUETOOTH FUNCTIONS BLUETOOTH AUDIO STREAMING (AVAILABLE DURING THE YEAR) RECEIVING A CALL Wireless transmission of the telephone’s music fi les via the audio equipment. The telephone must be able to manage the appropriate bluetooth profi les (Profi les A2DP/AVRCP). An incoming call is announced by a ring and a superimposed display on the multifunction screen.

  • Page 232: Steering Mounted Controls

    STEERING MOUNTED CONTROLS RADIO: automatic search for a higher frequency. CD/MP3/USB: selection of the next track. CD/USB: continuous press: fast forwards play. RADIO: selection of the previous stored Selection of the previous item. station. USB: selection of the previous genre/artist/ directory from the classifi…

  • Page 233: Confi Guration

    07 CONFIGURATION SETTING THE DATE AND TIME SCREEN C Press the MENU button. Press to confi rm the selection. Using the arrows, select PERSONALISATION CONFIGURATION Using the arrows, select ADJUST DATE AND TIME. Press to confi rm the selection. Press to confi rm the selection. Adjust the settings one by one Using the arrows, select DISPLAY confi…

  • Page 234: Screen Menu Map

    SCREEN MENU MAPS monochrome A monochrome C MAIN FUNCTION CHOICE A Press the OK dial for access to short-cut Choice A1 Choice A2 menus according to the display on the CHOICE B… screen: RADIO RADIO-CD DISPLAY ADJUST activate/deactivate RDS RDS SEARCH YEAR activate/deactivate REG mode REG MODE…

  • Page 235: Frequently Asked Questions

    FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS QUESTION ANSWER SOLUTION There is a difference in For optimum sound quality, the audio settings (Volume, Bass, Treble, Check that the audio settings (Volume, Bass, sound quality between Ambience, Loudness) can be adapted to the different sound sources, Treble, Ambience, Loudness) are adapted to the different audio which may result in audible differences when changing source (radio,…

  • Page 236
    QUESTION ANSWER SOLUTION The stored stations do An incorrect waveband is selected. Press the BAND AST button to return to the not function (no sound, waveband (AM, FM1, FM2, FMAST) on which the 87.5 Mhz is displayed…) stations are stored. The traffi…

Руководство по эксплуатации Citroen C3 Picasso.

Подборка руководств по эксплуатации Citroen C3 Picasso.

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  • Издательство: Citroen
  • Год издания: 2011-2014
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  • Размер: 63,6 Mb

Руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации Citroen C3 Picasso с 2009 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации и ремонту Citroen C3 Picasso с 2009 года выпуска с бензиновыми и дизельными двигателями.

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  • Издательство: Монолит
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 378
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Руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации Citroen C3 Picasso с 2009 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации и ремонту автомобилей Citroen C3 Picasso с 2009 года выпуска с бензиновыми и дизельными двигателями.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Монолит
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 386
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Наша служба поддержки выполняет поиск полезной информации по изделиям и отвечает на часто задаваемые вопросы. Если вы заметили неточность в наших часто задаваемых вопросах, сообщите нам об этом с помощью нашей контактной формы.

В моей машине есть цепь ГРМ. С каким интервалом ее нужно менять? Проверенный
При нормальной эксплуатации цепь ГРМ должна прослужить весь срок службы автомобиля и не нуждается в замене.

Это было полезно (2409)

Почему я не могу открыть одну или несколько дверей изнутри? Проверенный
Вероятно, в машине активирован детский замок. Обычно его можно разблокировать с помощью механизма в двери.

Это было полезно (761)

Как часто следует менять масло? Проверенный
Практически для каждого автомобиля есть свои точные рекомендации, однако в целом масло разумно менять каждые 10 000–15 000 км пробега или один раз в год. Загрязненное масло может со временем серьезно повредить двигатель.

Это было полезно (643)

Когда следует отключать подушку безопасности сбоку от пассажирского сиденья? Проверенный
При движении с ребенком в автокресле на пассажирском сиденье необходимо выключить подушку безопасности с этой стороны. Это также рекомендуется для детей до 12 лет, которые размещаются на пассажирском сиденье. Это необходимо для предотвращения травм в случае аварии.

Это было полезно (582)

Ключи от машины больше не будут открывать машину на расстоянии, почему? Проверенный
Автомобильные ключи, которые можно разблокировать на расстоянии, обычно работают от аккумулятора. Когда он закончится, ключ перестанет работать. Замените аккумулятор и попробуйте еще раз.

Это было полезно (576)

Приведет ли более низкое давление в шинах к большему сцеплению с дорожным покрытием при езде по снегу? Проверенный
Нет, несмотря на то что при снижении давления пятно контакта шин с дорогой увеличивается, автомобиль становится менее устойчивым. Садитесь за руль, только если в шинах правильное давление!

Это было полезно (330)

Я залил в машину не то топливо, что мне делать? Проверенный
Не садитесь за руль! Неважно, заливаете ли вы дизельное топливо в автомобиль с бензиновым двигателем или бензин в автомобиль с дизельным двигателем. В обоих случаях это может привести к повреждению машины и / или других частей автомобиля. Обратитесь в службу технической поддержки на дорогах.

Это было полезно (219)

Где я могу найти VIN-номер моей машины? Проверенный
Это может варьироваться в зависимости от марки и модели, но на многих автомобилях номер VIN можно найти на дверном косяке, под капотом или на металлическом полу переднего сиденья.

Это было полезно (184)

Как часто нужно менять щетки дворников? Проверенный
Желательно заменять щетки стеклоочистителя не реже одного раза в год. Признаками необходимости замены лезвий являются полосы, дымка, шум или отслоение резины.

Это было полезно (160)

Сколько миль в одном километре? Проверенный
1 километр равен 0,621 мили. 10 километров равны 6,21 мили. 1 миля равна 1,609 километра. 10 миль равны 16,09 километра.

Это было полезно (137)

Какой номер VIN? Проверенный
VIN означает идентификационный номер автомобиля и является уникальным номером, который есть у каждого автомобиля. Это делает автомобиль не идентифицируемым, например, после аварии или в случае отзыва. Это также позволяет идентифицировать автомобиль в случае отсутствия номерных знаков.

Это было полезно (135)

Могу ли я использовать дворники, когда на лобовом стекле обледенел? Проверенный
Нет, это не рекомендуется. Лед острый и может повредить резину на щетках стеклоочистителя.

Это было полезно (132)

Руководство Citroën C3 Picasso (2012)

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