Руководство по эксплуатации microlife

Для того чтобы медтехника Microlife бесперебойно служила долгие годы и показывала точные результаты, необходимо соблюдать рекомендации по ее использованию. Здесь вы можете скачать руководства ко всем моделям производителя: тонометрам, аппаратам WatchBP, термометрам, весам, грелкам, небулайзерам, пикфлоуметрам, пульсоксиметрам. С ними очень просто использовать аппараты Microlife: инструкция по применению на русском языке, есть схемы, подробные описания настроек.

Связанные файлы для товара

Тонометр Microlife BP A6 PC

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Тонометр Microlife BP AG1-10

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Тонометр Microlife BP W100

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Тонометр Microlife BP A150 AFIB

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Тонометр Microlife BP A2 Easy

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Тонометр Microlife BP A2 Basic

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Тонометр Microlife BP A100

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Тонометр Microlife BP A1 Easy

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Тонометр Microlife BP A1 Basic

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Стетоскоп Microlife ST-77

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Стетоскоп Microlife ST-72

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Стетоскоп Microlife ST-71

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Тонометр Microlife WatchBP Office AFIB

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Тонометр Microlife BP 3AG1

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Тонометр Microlife WatchBP O3 Central

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Тонометр Microlife WatchBP O3 AFIB

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Тонометр Microlife WatchBP Office

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Тонометр Microlife WatchBP Office ABI

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Тонометр Microlife WatchBP Office Central

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Небулайзер Microlife NEB 200

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Небулайзер Microlife NEB 400

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Небулайзер Microlife NEB PRO

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Термометр Microlife MT 3001

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Термометр Microlife MT 1931

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Термометр Microlife MT 700

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Термометр Microlife MT 1671

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Термометр Microlife MT 1622

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Термометp Microlife NC 200

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Термометр Microlife NC150 BT

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Термометр Microlife IR 210

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Термометр Microlife IR 200

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Термометр Microlife IFR 100

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Термометр Microlife NC 400

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Пикфлоуметр Microlife PF 100

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Весы Microlife WS 50

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Весы Microlife WS 80

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Весы Microlife WS 200 BT

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Пульсоксиметр Microlife OXY 200 со светодиодным дисплеем

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Пульсоксиметр Microlife OXY 300 с двухцветным дисплеем

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Тонометр Microlife BP A200 AFIB

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Тонометр Microlife BP B6 Connect

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Молокоотсос Microlife BC 100 Soft

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Молокоотсос Microlife BC 200 Comfy

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Молокоотсос Microlife BC 300 Maxi 2 in 1

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Электрогрелка Microlife FH 80

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Электроодеяло Microlife FH 422

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Электрогрелка Microlife FH 300

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Мягкая манжета Microlife

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Тонометр Microlife BP B3 AFIB

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Тонометр Microlife BP W3 Comfort

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Небулайзер Microlife NEB NANO basic

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Термометр Microlife MT 550

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Термометр Microlife MT 500

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Термометр Microlife MT 800

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Термометр Microlife MT 410

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Термометр Microlife MT 3010

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Тонометр для дома Microlife WatchBP Home (с адаптером)

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Тонометр для дома Microlife WatchBP Home A (с адаптером)

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Тонометр Microlife WatchBP O3 (24 часа)

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Тонометр Microlife BP A7 Touch BT

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Тонометр Microlife BP B2 Basic

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Тонометр Microlife BP B1 Classic

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Тонометр Microlife BP B2 Easy

Логотип торговой марки MICROLIFEМикролайф Корпорейшн — компания, занимающаяся медицинской диагностикой, которая специализируется на разработке и производстве тонометров, цифровых термометров, пикфлоуметров, средств для термотерапии, устройств для контроля уровня глюкозы в крови и устройств для контроля веса.

Каталог руководств пользователя и инструкций для продуктов Microlife можно найти ниже. Продукция Microlife запатентована и зарегистрирована под торговой маркой. Микролайф Корпорейшн.

Свяжитесь с нами:


Компания Микролайф.
9F, 431, RuiGuang Road, Нэйху
Тайбэй 114, Тайвань, Китайская Республика

Тел. 886 2 8797-1288
Факс 886 2 8797-1283

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Европа, Ближний Восток и Африка

Швейцарская корпорация Microlife AG
Эспенштрассе 139
9443 Виднау

Северная Америка

Микролайф США, Inc.
Залив 1617 в залив Бульвар
2-й этаж, Люкс Б
Клируотер, Флорида 33755, США

Телефон + 1 727 451 0484
Факс + 1 727 451 0492

Центральная и Южная Америка

Микролайф США, Inc.
Залив 1617 в залив Бульвар
2-й этаж, Люкс А
Клируотер, Флорида 33755, США

Телефон + 1 727 442 5353
Факс + 1 727 442 5377


Discover how to safely and accurately use the Microlife MT50 Medical Thermometer. This user manual provides instructions for oral, rectal, and axillary measurements, as well as tips on cleaning and maintenance. Keep your family healthy with this compact and reliable thermometer.

Узнайте, как использовать манжету для измерения артериального давления IB 3G, из этого информативного руководства пользователя. Узнайте о разъемах, инструкциях по очистке и компонентах продукта. Обеспечьте точный мониторинг артериального давления с помощью надежной манжеты Microlife.

Откройте для себя бесконтактный термометр Microlife NC 150. Точное и надежное, это инновационное инфракрасное устройство позволяет безопасно и гигиенично измерять температуру, не прикасаясь к объекту. Его изящный и простой в использовании дизайн идеально подходит для детей, обеспечивая вызов нескольких показаний для эффективного отслеживания. Сохраните данное руководство для дальнейшего использования и внимательно следуйте инструкциям по технике безопасности.

Узнайте, как использовать Armb L/XL Soft Con Cuff 3g 32–52 см, из этого подробного руководства пользователя. Найдите инструкции по выбору подходящего разъема, чистке манжеты и т. д. Идеально подходит для владельцев Microlife Cuff.

Руководство пользователя Microlife 3G 22–42 см Armb ML Rig Con Cuff | Инструкции по правильному использованию и очистке манжеты системы мониторинга артериального давления Microlife. Выберите разъем, соответствующий размеру вашей руки. Информация о гарантии включена.

Узнайте, как использовать манжету Armb L-XL Soft Con Cuff, из этого подробного руководства пользователя. Найдите информацию о разъемах, инструкциях по очистке и гарантии на продукт.

Ознакомьтесь с руководством пользователя Armb S Soft Con Cuff 3G 17–22 см. Узнайте о разъемах, инструкциях по очистке и сведениях о гарантии на этот продукт Microlife. Здесь вы найдете все, что вам нужно знать для правильного использования и обслуживания.

Узнайте, как правильно использовать автоматический тонометр Microlife BP A6 для ПК, следуя этим пошаговым инструкциям. Обеспечьте точные измерения и сохраните свое здоровье с помощью этого надежного устройства.

Узнайте, как эффективно использовать термометр MT 500, из руководства пользователя. Узнайте о его функциях, инструкциях по безопасности и правильных методах очистки. Получите точные показания температуры в оральной, ректальной или подмышечной области. Соблюдайте личную гигиену и соблюдайте местные правила утилизации аккумуляторов. Термометр классифицируется как рабочая часть типа BF и соответствует Директиве по медицинскому оборудованию 93/42/EEC. Получите пожизненную гарантию с момента покупки.

596.46 kB

340.26 kB

298.11 kB

1.08 Мб

930.78 kB

921.55 kB

Вы можете бесплатно скачать инструкции в PDF для Microlife Тонометры.
У нас есть 43 бесплатных инструкций в PDF для 43 Microlife Тонометры.

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  1. Piston compressor
  2. Power lead
  3. ON/OFF Switch
  4. Air filter compartment
  5. Nebuliser -a: Vaporiser head
  6. Air tube
  7. Mouthpiece
  8. Adult face mask
  9. Child face mask
  10. Replacing air filter
  11. Assembling nebuliser kit
  12. Nose piece
  13. Air filter


Dear Customer,
This nebuliser is an aerosol therapy system suitable for domestic use. This device is used for the nebulisation of liquids and liquid medication (aerosols) and for the treatment of the upper and lower respiratory tract. If you have any questions, problems or want to order spare parts please contact your local Microlife-Customer Service. Your dealer or pharmacy will be able to give you the address of the Microlife dealer in your country. Alternatively, visit the internet at www.microlife.com where you will find a wealth of invaluable information on our products.
Stay healthy – Microlife AG!

Explanation of Symbols

Electronic devices must be disposed of in accordance with the locally applicable regulations, not with domestic waste.
Read the instructions carefully before using this device.
Type BF applied part
Class II equipment
Serial number
Reference number
Protection against solid foreign objects and harmful effects due to the ingress of water
CE Marking of Conformity

Important Safety Instructions

  • Follow instructions for use. This document provides important product operation and safety information regarding this device. Please read this document thoroughly before using the device and keep for future reference.
  • This device may only be used for the purposes described in these instructions. The manufacturer cannot be held liable for damage caused by incorrect application.
  • Retain instructions in a safe place for future reference.
  • Do not operate the unit in presence of any anesthetic mixture inflammable with oxygen or nitrogen protoxide.
  • This device is not suitable for anaesthesia and lung ventilation.
  • This device should only be used with original accessories as shown in these instructions.
  • Do not use this device if you think it is damaged or notice anything unusual.
  • Never open this device.
  • This device comprises sensitive components and must be treated with caution. Observe the storage and operating conditions described in the «Technical Specifications» section.
  • Protect it from:
    • water and moisture
    • extreme temperatures
    • impact and dropping
    • contamination and dust
    • direct sunlight
    • heat and cold
  • Comply with the safety regulations concerning the electrical devices and in particular:
    • Never touch the device with wet or moist hands.
    • Place the device on a stable and horizontal surface during its operation.
    • Do not pull the power cord or the device itself to unplug it from the power socket.
    • The power plug is a separate element from the grid power; keep the plug accessible when the device is in use.
  • Before plugging in the device, make sure that the electrical rating, shown on the rating plate on the bottom of the unit, corresponds to the mains rating.
  • In case the power plug provided with the device does not fit your wall socket, contact qualified personnel for a replacement plug with that of a suitable one. In general, the use of adapters, simple or multiple, and/ or extension cables is not recommended. If their use is indispensable, it is necessary to use types complying with safety regulations, paying attention that they do not exceed the maximum power limits, indicated on adapters and extension cables.
  • Do not leave the unit plugged in when not in use; unplug the device from the wall socket when it is not in operation.
  • The installation must be carried out according to the instructions of the manufacturer. An improper installation can cause damage to persons, animals or objects, for which the manufacturer cannot be held responsible.
  • Do not replace the power lead of this device. In case of a power lead damage, contact a technical service center authorized by the manufacturer for its replacement.
  • The power supply cord should always be fully unwound in order to prevent dangerous overheating.
  • Before performing any maintenance or cleaning operation, turn off the device and disconnect the plug from the main supply.
  • Only use the medication prescribed for you by your doctor and follow your doctor’s instructions with regard to dosage, duration and frequency of the therapy.
  • Depending on the pathology, only use the treatment that is recommended by your doctor.
  • Only use the nose piece if expressly indicated by your doctor, paying special attention NEVER to introduce the bifurcations into the nose, but only positioning them as close as possible.
  • Check in the medicine instruction leaflet for possible contraindications for use with common aerosol therapy systems.
  • Do not position the equipment so that it is difficult to operate the disconnection device.
  • For greater hygienic safety, do not use the same accessories for more than one person.
  • Never bend the nebuliser over 60°.
  • Do not use this device close to strong electromagnetic fields such as mobile telephones or radio installations. Keep a minimum distance of 3.3 m from such devices when using this device.

Ensure that children do not use this device unsupervised; some parts are small enough to be swallowed. Be aware of the risk of strangulation in case this device is supplied with cables or tubes.
warningUse of this device is not intended as a substitute for a consultation with your doctor.

Preparation and Usage of this Device

Prior to using the device for the first time, we recommend cleaning it as described in the section «Cleaning and Disinfecting».

  1. Assemble the nebuliser kit . Ensure that all parts are complete.
  2. Fill the nebuliser with the inhalation solution as per your doctor’s instructions. Ensure that you do not exceed the maximum level.
  3. Connect the nebuliser with the air tube to the compressor and plug the power lead into the socket (230V 50 Hz AC).
  4. To start the treatment, set ON/OFF switch into the «I» position.
  5. During inhalation, sit upright and relaxed at a table and not in an armchair, in order to avoid compressing your respiratory airways and impairing the treatment effectiveness. Do not lie down while inhaling. Stop inhalation if you feel unwell.
  6. After completing the inhalation period recommended by your doctor, switch the ON/OFF switch to position «O» to turn off the device and unplug it from the socket.
  7. Empty the remaining medication from the nebuliser and clean the device as described in the section «Cleaning and Disinfecting».

This device was designed for intermittent use of 30 min. On / 30 min. Off. Switch off the device after 30 min. use and wait for another 30 min. before you resume treatment.
The device requires no calibration.
warningNo modification to the device is permitted.

Cleaning and Disinfecting

Thoroughly clean all components to remove medication residuals and possible impurities after each treatment. Use a soft and dry cloth with non-abrasive cleaners to clean the compressor.

warningMake sure that the internal parts of the device are not in contact with liquids and that the power plug is disconnected.

Cleaning and disinfecting of the accessories
Follow carefully the cleaning and disinfecting instructions of the accessories as they are very important to the performance of the device and success of the therapy.

Before and after each treatment
Disassemble the nebuliser by turning the top counterclockwise and remove the medicine conduction cone. Wash the components of the disassembled nebuliser, the mouthpiece and the nose piece by using tap water; dip in boiling water for 5 minutes. Reassemble the nebuliser components and connect it to the air tube connector, switch the device on and let it work for 10-15 minutes.

Wash masks and air tube with warm water.
Only use cold disinfecting liquids following the manufacturer’s instructions.
warningDo not boil nor autoclave the air tube and masks.

Maintenance, Care, and Service

Order all spare parts from your dealer or pharmacist, or contact Microlife-Service (see foreword).

Replacement of the nebuliser
Replace the nebuliser after a long period of inactivity, in cases where it shows deformities, breakage, or when the vaporiser head -a is obstructed by dry medicine, dust, etc. We recommend to replace the nebuliser after a period between 6 months and 1 year depending on the usage.

warning Only use original nebulisers!

Replacement of the air filter
In normal conditions of use, the air filter must be replaced approximately after 500 working hours or after each year. We recommend to periodically check the air filter (10-12 treatments) and if the filter shows a grey or brown colour or is wet, replace it. Extract the filter and replace it with a new one.

Do not try to clean the filter for reusing it.
The air filter shall not be serviced or maintained while in use with a patient.
warning Only use original filters! Do not use the device without filter!

Malfunctions and Actions to take

The device cannot be switched on

The nebuliser functions poorly or not at all


This device is covered by a 5 year guarantee from the date of purchase. During this guarantee period, at our discretion, Microlife will repair or replace the defective product free of charge.
Opening or altering the device invalidates the guarantee.
The following items are excluded from the guarantee:

  • Transport costs and risks of transport.
  • Damage caused by incorrect application or noncompliance with the instructions for use.
  • Damage caused by leaking batteries.
  • Damage caused by accident or misuse.
  • Packaging/storage material and instructions for use.
  • Regular checks and maintenance (calibration).
  • Accessories and wearing parts: Nebuliser, masks, mouthpiece, nose piece, tube, filters, nasal washer (optional).

Should guarantee service be required, please contact the dealer from where the product was purchased, or your local Microlife service. You may contact your local Microlife service through our website: www.microlife.com/support
Compensation is limited to the value of the product. The guarantee will be granted if the complete product is returned with the original invoice. Repair or replacement within guarantee does not prolong or renew the guarantee period. The legal claims and rights of consumers are not limited by this guarantee.

Technical Specifications

Nebulisation rate: 0.4 ml/min. (NaCI 0.9%)
Particle size: 63% < 5 µm 2.83 µm (MMAD)
Max. free air flow: 15 l/min.
Operating air flow: 5.31 l/min.
Acoustic noise level: 52 dBA
Power source: 230V 50 Hz AC
Power lead length: 1.6 m
Nebuliser capacity: min. 2 ml; max. 8 ml
Residual volume: 0.8 ml
Operating limits: 30 min. On / 30 min. Off
Operating conditions: 10 — 40°C / 50 — 104°F
30 — 85% relative maximum humidity
700 — 1060 hPa Atmospheric pressure
Storage and shipping conditions: -20 — +60°C / -4 — +140°F
10 — 95% relative maximum humidity
700 — 1060 hPa Atmospheric pressure
Weight: 1306 g
Dimensions: 103 x 160 x 140 mm
IP Class: IP21
Reference to standards: EN 13544-1; EN 60601-1;
EN 60601-2; EN 60601-1-6;
IEC 60601-1-11
Expected service life: 1000 hours

This device complies with the requirements of the Medical Device Directive 93/42/EEC.
Class II device as regards protection against electric shocks.
Nebuliser, mouthpiece and masks are type BF applied parts.

warning The technical specifications may change without prior notice.

Here you can download full pdf version of manual, it may contain additional safety instructions, warranty information, FCC rules, etc.

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