Руководство по эксплуатации мачт освещения

Техническое обслуживание мачт освещения.

Регулярное техническое обслуживание мачт освещения в процессе эксплуатации обеспечит изделию большую долговечность и безопасность использования.

ООО НПО «Легион» изготавливает мачты освещения из высокопрочной листовой стали.  Для антикоррозийной защиты используется лакокрасочное покрытие, горячее цинкование или комбинированное покрытие. Тем не менее, специалисты рекомендуют производить регулярный осмотр и проверку мачт освещения не реже, чем раз в 3 месяца. Профилактические работы должны выполняться по мере необходимости, но не реже 1 раза в год.

Исправная мачта должна противостоять коррозии и погодным условиям, иметь крепкое основание без повреждений, способна выдерживать вес осветительных приборов и иметь надежные электрические соединения.

Как мы знаем, высокомачтовые опоры освещения бывают двух видов – с мобильной или стационарной короной. Независимо от вида, существует ряд мероприятий, которые должны выполняться при техническом обслуживании всех высокомачтовых конструкций.

При обслуживании мачты освещения необходимо:

  • проверить пространство около мачты, убедившись, что вокруг нет мусора, грязи и снега, которые могут попасть в дверцу смотрового лючка и повредить работе изделия;
  • визуально осмотреть мачту освещения на предмет сколов, трещин;
  • убедиться в отсутствии коррозии и деформаций металлической опоры;
  • осмотреть сварочные швы;
  • проверить усилие затяжки гаек, соединяющих фланец опоры с фундаментом;
  • проверить отклонение мачты по вертикали;
  • осмотреть электрические элементы;
  • проверить пускорегулирующую аппаратуру.

К текущим профилактическим работам по обслуживанию мачт освещения можно отнести:

  • усиление или восстановление фундамента мачты освещения;
  • выравнивание ствола опоры по вертикали;
  • замену или усиление болтов крепления конструкции;
  • антикоррозийную защиту и покраску конструкции.

В процессе технического обслуживания необходимо очистить плафоны и, при необходимости, заменить лампы в короне мачты освещения.

Для мачт со стационарной короной все работы проводятся непосредственно на технической площадке, которая закреплена на верхней раме мачты. Подъем на мачту осуществляется по лестнице с защитными перилами или с помощью специальной автотехники. Производить техническое обслуживание таких мачт могут только специалистами с допуском к высотным работам.

Мачта освещения со стационарной короной.

Рис. 1 Обслуживание мачты освещения со стационарной короной.

Обслуживание мачт с мобильной короной производится на уровне земли, так как корона на них опускается при помощи редуктора. Обслуживать такие мачты проще, быстрее и намного менее затратно.

Предварительно на ствол мачты необходимо установить кронштейны, на которые будет опускаться корона мачты. Спуск мобильной короны производится при отключенном электропитании. В зависимости от комплектации, спуск может быть осуществлен вручную при помощи эксплуатационного набора (электродрели) или при помощи встроенной лебедки с электроприврдом. Необходимо произвести осмотр рамы и замков фиксации. Проверить состояние корпуса и ламп осветительных приборов на предмет механических повреждений, а также остального электрооборудования, находящегося на раме. При отклонении горизонтали рамы более, чем на 20 мм необходимо произвести ее регулировку.

Эксплуатация мачты освещения запрещена, если:

  • наблюдаются рывки или стуки в редукторе;
  • есть повреждения тросов;
  • есть повреждения штатных или питающих кабелей.

Техническое обслуживание мачты освещения с мобильной короной

Рис. 2 Обслуживание мачты освещения с мобильной короной.

Все работы по обслуживанию мачт освещения должны производится в строгом соответствии с инструкцией по эксплуатации и с соблюдением правил безопасности.

См. ГОСТ 12.3.032-84 «Работы электромонтажные. Общие требования безопасности»;

После тщательного осмотра и технического обслуживания мачты освещения рекомендуем составить список необходимых работ по устранению выявленных дефектов. Также необходимо сделать вывод о безопасности дальнейшего использования и при необходимости о замене конструкции. Заказать высокомачтовые опоры освещения по доступным ценам и с доставкой по всей России, вы можете в ООО НПО «Легион».

При правильной эксплуатации и своевременной техническом обслуживании, мачты освещения прослужат вам не один десяток лет.

Перечень необходимых регламентных работ при обслуживании мачт освещения и молниеотводов с мобильной короной серий: ММК, ВОУ, МГФ, ВГМ, ВМО:

1.Проверка вертикальности, юстировка

2.Протяжка болтовых соединений фланца опоры с фундаментом

3.Регулировка и перезапасовка троса на барабане лебедки

4.Регулировка и перезапасовка тросов на блоке крепления

5.Балансировка блока крепления тросов

6.Выставление оголовка

7.Спуск короны

8.Регулировка и перезапасовка тросов на короне

9.Балансировка короны

10.Протяжка болтовых соединений короны

11.Регулировка светотехнического оборудования

12.Протяжка болтовых соединений смонтированного на короне оборудования

13.Диагностика электрической схемы смонтированного на короне оборудования

14. Испытания кабеля мегаометром

15.При необходимости замена осветительной арматуры

16.Осмотр и проверка редуктора лебедки

17.Протяжка крепления редуктора и тросового барабана

18.Смазка цепного привода

19.Проверка состояния механизма фиксации короны и его обслуживание

20.Подъем короны

Работы необходимо выполнять в строгом соответствии с нормативными документами, в том числе:

  • «Правил технической эксплуатации электроустановок потребителей», утвержденных Приказом Минэнерго России №6 от 13.01.2003г.,
  • «Правил по охране труда при эксплуатации электроустановок», утвержденных Приказом Минтруда России от 15.12.2020г. № 903н.
  • «Правила устройства электроустановок», 6,7 издания.
  • «Требования, предъявляемые к аэродромам…», ФАП № 262, от 25.15.2015г.
  • «Правила противопожарного режима в РФ», ПП от 16.09.2020г.

– при выполнении работ руководствоваться технической документацией по эксплуатации завода-изготовителя

  • Contents

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Instruction Manual

User and maintenance manual

for light towers


HiLight H4 Kd ESF



Summary of Contents for Atlas Copco HiLight H4 Kd ESF

  • Page 1
    Instruction Manual User and maintenance manual for light towers English HiLight H4 Kd ESF D1105-EBG2…
  • Page 3
    HiLight H4 Kd ESF User and maintenance manual for light towers User and maintenance manual ………….. 5 Circuit diagrams ………………81 Original instructions Printed matter N° 2954 9590 00 ATLAS COPCO — PORTABLE ENERGY DIVISION www.atlascopco.com 04/2015…
  • Page 4
    While every effort has been made to ensure that the information in this manual is correct, Atlas Copco does not assume responsibility for possible errors. Copyright 2016, Grupos Electrógenos Europa, S.A.U., Zaragoza, Spain. Any unauthorized use or copying of the contents or any part thereof is prohibited.This applies in particular to trademarks, model denominations, part numbers and drawings.
  • Page 5: Table Of Contents

    Please read the following instructions carefully before starting to use your machine. While every effort has been made to ensure that the information in this manual is correct, Atlas Copco does not assume responsibility for possible errors. Atlas Copco reserves the right to make changes without prior notice.

  • Page 6 Switching on/off the Maintenance of the alternator ..45 Options available for floodlights automatically….31 5.3.1 Measuring the alternator HiLight H4 units ……63 4.2.7 Lowering the mast ……31 insulation resistance ……45 Overview of the mechanical 4.2.8 Stopping the engine ……32 Engine maintenance procedures ..46 options ……….63 Connecting appliances ….33 5.4.2…
  • Page 7
    Technical specifications of the light tower ……71 10.1 Technical specifications of the engine/alternator/unit ….71 10.2 Critical bolt connections ….75 10.3 Average illumination versus distance……….76 10.4 Dimension drawings……77 10.4.1 Dimension drawing for HiLight H4 with fixed towbar ..77 10.4.2 Dimension drawing for HiLight H4 with adjustable towbar ……….78 10.4.3 Dimension drawing for…
  • Page 8: Safety Precautions

    The policy of Atlas Copco is to provide the users of their Atlas Copco equipment. It is the responsibility of unsafe operating conditions. Take necessary steps to equipment with safe, reliable and efficient products.

  • Page 9: General Safety Precautions

    The manufacturer does not accept any liability for any All regulating and safety devices shall be General safety precautions damage arising from the use of non-original parts and for maintained with due care to ensure that they The owner is responsible for maintaining the unit in modifications, additions or conversions made without function properly.

  • Page 10: Safety During Transport And Installation

    Also check the coupling of the Atlas Copco. device must be applied and kept in good order. towing vehicle, 14 The electrical connections shall correspond to local…

  • Page 11: Safety During Use And Operation

    — above 85 dB(A): room to be classified as a noise- appropriate protection, at least safety glasses, for otherwise stated in the Atlas Copco Instruction hazardous area and an obvious warning shall be the operator as well as for any bystander. Do not Book (AIB).

  • Page 12
    15 Safety shoes should be compulsory in any 22 Whenever an abnormal condition arises, e.g. 28 When deploying the light tower mast, keep in mind workshop and if there is a risk, however small, of excessive vibration, noise, odour, etc., switch the following safety precautions: falling objects, wearing of a safety helmet should be circuit breakers to OFF and stop the engine.
  • Page 13: Safety During Maintenance And Repair

    Disconnect 18 Maintenance and repair work should be recorded in the alternator cables during arc welding on the unit. Parts shall only be replaced by genuine Atlas Copco an operator’s logbook for all machinery. Frequency replacement parts.

  • Page 14: Tool Applications Safety

    Tool applications safety Battery safety precautions Apply the proper tool for each job. With the knowledge When servicing batteries, always wear protecting of correct tool use and knowing the limitations of tools, clothing and glasses. along with some common sense, many accidents can be The electrolyte in batteries is a sulphuric acid prevented.

  • Page 15: Main Parts

    Main parts General description The light tower provides an undercarriage (frame, axle and towbar) and 4 floodlights of 1000 W each. The light tower is very useful for construction sites where no electricity nor lighting is available. Control panel Data plate Earth pin (optional) Filling cap coolant Filling cap fuel…

  • Page 16: Markings

    Markings Indicates the drain for the engine Markings provide instructions and information. They oil. also warn of hazards. For convenience and safety, Indicates that the mast should not be keep all markings in legible condition, replacing them extended near electric wires. when damaged or missing.

  • Page 17: Mechanical Features

    Mechanical features 2.3.4 Bodywork Indicates the earthing connections on The alternator, the engine, the cooling system, etc. are The mechanical features described in this chapter are the light tower. enclosed in a sound-insulated bodywork that can be standard provided on this light tower. For all optional opened by means of side doors.

  • Page 18: Filler Caps

    2.3.7 Filler caps 2.3.10 Undercarriage, road lights and reflectors The fuel filler cap is located on the left side and accessible from the outside. Oil filler cap and coolant There are 3 variants of undercarriage available for filler cap are easily accessible by opening HiLight H4 lights towers: respectively the maintenance door or the access –…

  • Page 19: Electrical Features

    Electrical features The electrical features described in this chapter are A1 ..LC 1003™ digital controller S2..Emergency stop button standard provided on this light tower. For all optional Push the button to stop the light tower in case F10 ..Fuse 10A electrical features, see “Overview of the electrical of an emergency.

  • Page 20: Outlet Socket (10 Amps)

    Features of the Lc1003™ controller 2.4.2 Outlet socket (10 Amps) Q6 ..Circuit breaker for X1 The dedicated Lc1003™ controller provides unique Interrupts the power supply to X1 when a A brief description of the outlet socket and circuit features and benefits for light tower application, such short-circuit occurs at the load side, or when breaker provided on the light tower is given hereafter: overcurrent…

  • Page 21: Connection

    To be able to lift the light tower by means of a forklift, Installation and Parking and towing forklift slots are provided in the frame at the left and connection The operator is expected to apply all right side of the unit. relevant safety precautions,…

  • Page 22: Positioning The Light Tower

    To release the light tower from the towing vehicle, 5. Uncouple the trailer from the towing vehicle. 3.2.2 Positioning the light tower carefully follow the procedure below: Release the locking lever of the towbar coupler Follow the steps below to position the light tower: (2), if applicable.

  • Page 23: Positioning For Transport

    4. Turn the handle (5) at the top of the supporting 5. Once the light tower is correctly positioned, install 3.2.3 Positioning for transport feet anticlockwise to lower them and get the light a suitable earthing (e.g. the optional earth pin (7)) 1.

  • Page 24: Towing

    3. Adjust the height of the support leg/jockey wheel 3.2.4 Towing using the handle (2) on top. The support leg/ Before commencing towing, ensure you follow the jockey wheel (3) should never touch the ground procedure below: once the light tower is coupled to the hook of the towing vehicle.

  • Page 25: Positioning Of The Light Tower Onto Vehicles

    3.2.5 Transportation and positioning Installation of the light tower onto vehicles 3.3.1 Indoor installation As well as the ability to be towed, the light tower can also be easily lifted and moved to difficult areas If the machine is operated in a closed environment, thanks to its central lifting eye and fork lift holes in its make sure that there is enough ventilation to remove frame.

  • Page 26: Outdoor Installation

    (at least 1 meter at each side). ray equipment, audio amplifiers and elevators. – Check that the inner earthing system is in Consult Atlas Copco for measures against the adverse compliance with the local legislation. influence of non-linear loads.

  • Page 27: Operating Instructions

    Operating instructions Before starting Operating the light tower – Perform all daily checks and maintenance as Carefully read follow In your own interest, always strictly specified in the “Maintenance schedule” on sequence operating observe relevant safety page 39. instructions in the Engine’s manual instructions.

  • Page 28: Starting The Engine

    3. Loosen the handle at the side of the floodlight (3) 4.2.2 Starting the engine 4.2.3 Positioning the floodlights and adjust the inclination of the floodlight. 1. Put starter switch S20 in position I (ON) (1) to 1. Check that the glass panes of the lights (1) are in power the Lc1003™…

  • Page 29: Extending The Mast

    4.2.4 Extending the mast 4.2.5 Rotating the mast If the Mast Down option is provided, 1. Unlock the locking pin (1) of the mast (located on the mast can only be extended if the its rotating base) and rotate the light tower using handbrake is engaged.

  • Page 30: Switching On/Off The Floodlights

    4. Wait for the lights to heat up. — this will take about 4.2.6 Switching on/off the floodlights Once the floodlights are switched 10 minutes. OFF (Q2-5 switches in the OFF Switching on the floodlights position), do not to switch them ON Switching off the floodlights manually…

  • Page 31: Switching On/Off The Floodlights Automatically Switching on/off the floodlights When the light tower is connected to When lowering the mast, check that automatically the mains (“External power input the power cord on the mast (spiral (230 VAC), with battery charger” cable) collapses freely into its holder Only applicable with timer or option, S10 in position 2) all lights and does not become pinched or…

  • Page 32: Stopping The Engine

    6. If the optional External power input (230 VAC) is 4.2.8 Stopping the engine installed, switch S10 to O (OFF) (5). See also Follow the instructions below to switch the engine off “External power input (230 VAC), with battery correctly: charger”…

  • Page 33: Connecting Appliances

    6. If the breaker Q6 (2) trips (10 A), adjust the load Connecting appliances until it falls within the maximum power limit Keep in mind that this machine is a allowed. light tower, not a generator set! If the 4 lamps are switched ON and the load of the socket is exceeded, an 1.

  • Page 34: Setting The Lc1003™ Controller

    Setting the Lc1003™ controller Following Leds are used on the Lc1003™: AUTO: Is used to activate Auto Controller settings should only be mode. performed by a qualified technician. It is also used for floodlight operation: 4.4.1 Push button and LED functions –…

  • Page 35: Module Display

    4.4.2 Module display 4.4.3 Icon overview Display Description Home page Instrumentation icons Appears when the event log is being displayed The home page is the page displayed when no other Display Description page has been selected: The default home page which Current time held in the unit displays Generator voltage and the Auto Run icon…

  • Page 36: Active Configuration Active configuration Mode icons Light output icons Display Description Display Description Display Description Appears when the corresponding Appears when the main Appears when the engine is at rest light output has been configured configuration is selected. and the unit is in stop mode. and is not active.

  • Page 37: Navigation Menu

    To view the event log: 4.4.4 Navigation menu Display Description To enter the navigation menu, press both the UP and 1. Press the UP and DOWN buttons simultaneously DOWN buttons simultaneously. Event Log to display the navigation menu. To navigate to the desired page, select the 2.

  • Page 38
    Menu flow: Configuration Parameters – Scheduler Enable Scheduler On (1), Off (0) Schedule Run On or On (1), Off Load Off (0) Schedule Period Weekly (0), Monthly (1) Scheduler (1) 0:00:00 Start Time Scheduler (1) Start Day (1=Monday) Scheduler (1) 1,2,3,4 Start Week Scheduler (1) Duration…
  • Page 39: Periodic Maintenance

    1636 3103 33 For the most important sub-assemblies, Atlas Copco has developed service kits that combine all wear parts. These service kits offer you the benefits of genuine parts, save on administration costs and are offered at reduced price, compared to the loose components. Refer to the parts list for more information on the contents of the service kits.

  • Page 40
    Maintenance schedule Daily Every 250 hours Every 500 hours Every 750 hours Yearly Service pack 1636 3103 31 1636 3103 32 1636 3103 33 Inspect/Adjust fan/alternator belt Replace fan/alternator belt (1) Replace coolant (9) Check/test emergency stop Clean radiator Drain condensate and water from spillage-free frame Check for leaks on engine-air-, oil-, or fuel system Hoses and clamps — Inspect Check electrical system cables for wear…
  • Page 41
    Maintenance schedule Daily Every 250 hours Every 500 hours Every 750 hours Yearly Service pack 1636 3103 31 1636 3103 32 1636 3103 33 Alternator Measure alternator diodes Measure alternator windings insulation resistance Test Earth Leakage breaker Check alternator and cubicle electrical system and cables for wear Check alternator cable connections on terminals Check Alternator vibration damper Light tower…
  • Page 42
    Maintenance schedule Daily Every 250 hours Every 500 hours Every 750 hours Yearly Service pack 1636 3103 31 1636 3103 32 1636 3103 33 Check towbar handbrake lever spring actuator, reversing lever, linkage and all movable parts for ease of movement Grease coupling head, towbar bearings and the housing of the overrun brake (8) Check brake system (if installed) and adjust if necessary…
  • Page 43
    At least once a month the engine should run for minimum 30 minutes at a Inspection by Atlas Copco Service technician high load (50% — 70%) that the engine reaches its operating temperature.
  • Page 44: Precautions

    The order number of the Service Packs are listed in running. engine block, coolants, lubricants …). the Atlas Copco Parts list (ASL). Order Service Packs (8) Please use the Atlas Copco grease as mentioned at your local Atlas Copco dealer.

  • Page 45: Preventing Low Loads

    Carbon build- operation. up on pistons can cause seizure when later operating at full load. For more info, please contact your Atlas Copco Service Center. – High oil consumption: prolonged no-load/low load operation of the engine may cause it to blue/…

  • Page 46: Engine Maintenance Procedures

    – Regularly perform maintenance work and replace For the intervals, see section “Maintenance schedule” carried out and when fuels and solvents are being parts as indicated in the Engine Operation on page 39. Use Atlas Copco engine oil PAROIL E or used. Manual. PAROIL Extra.

  • Page 47: Engine Oil And Oil Filter Change

    4. If the oil level is too low, remove the oil filler Changing engine oil Replacing the oil filter cartridge plug, and add new oil to the prescribed level. 1. Replace the oil filter cartridge as instructed in the When draining engine oil, place 5.

  • Page 48: Coolant Check

    – Check the pH value of the coolant using a pH- measuring device. The pH-meter can be ordered from Atlas Copco with part number 2913 0029 00. Typical value for EG = 8.6. For more details, read the instructions in the Engine 2.

  • Page 49: Adjustments And Service Procedures

    Always wear protective gloves and – Flush twice with clean water. Used coolant must – A refractometer can be ordered from Atlas Copco goggles when handling the battery — be disposed or recycled in accordance with laws with part number 2913 0028 00.

  • Page 50
    Apply with preference the slow charging method and – If doubtful conditions are noticed or malfunctions Activating a dry-charged battery adjust the charge current according to the following arise, keep in mind that the cause may be in the Always remove the battery and rule of thumb: battery capacity in Ah divided by 20 electrical system, e.g.
  • Page 51: Replacing Fuel Filter And Pre- Filter Element

    – Reassemble in reverse order of dismantling. Filter element – Inspect and tighten all air intake connections. Filter housing Recommendation The Atlas Copco air filters are specially designed this application. The use of non-genuine air filters may lead to severe damage of engine and/or alternator.

  • Page 52: Air Cooling Circuit

    2. Remove the lamp, first releasing the safety spring 5.5.4 Air cooling circuit 5.5.5 Replacing the lamps (2) placed around the lamp and then unscrewing Check every day that all the air Do not touch the lamps when they the lamp from its seat (3). cooling circuits are not clogged with are still hot without having taken all dust or other particles.

  • Page 53: Ordering Spare Parts

    ISO 3448, as follows. 3. On each maintenance alarm screen press and hold Specifications PAROIL the STOP/RESET button for 10 seconds. PAROIL from Atlas Copco is the ONLY oil tested Engine Type of lubricant 4. A password will be requested.

  • Page 54: Engine Coolant Specifications

    It is strongly recommended to use barrel 1630 0136 00 cover area. Atlas Copco branded coolant. PAROIL releases excess heat efficiently, whilst The use of the correct coolant is important for good PAROIL E maintaining excellent bore-polish protection to limit heat transfer and protection of liquid-cooled engines.

  • Page 55
    Atlas Copco compressors, generators and light towers. PARCOOL EG Atlas Copco’s PARCOOL EG extended life coolant is the new range of organic coolants purpose designed Order Litre cu.ft to meet the needs of modern engines.
  • Page 56: Checks And Trouble Shooting

    Checks and trouble Engine troubleshooting shooting Refer to the Engine Operation manual for engine troubleshooting. Never perform a test run with connected power cables. Never Solving controller alarms touch electrical connector without a voltage check. 6.2.1 General When a failure occurs, always If an alarm condition occurs, an icon is displayed in report what you experienced before, the Alarm Icon section of the Lc1003™…

  • Page 57: Alarm Overview

    6.2.2 Alarm overview Warning alarm icons Warnings are non-critical alarm conditions and do not affect the operation of the generator system, they serve to draw the operators attention to an undesirable condition. By default, warning alarms are self-resetting when the fault condition is removed. Display Description Reason…

  • Page 58
    Display Description Reason The generator output frequency has fallen below the pre-set pre-alarm setting after the Safety Generator Under Frequency On timer has expired. Generator Over Frequency The generator output frequency has risen above the pre-set pre-alarm setting. Immediate Over Current The measured current has risen above the configured trip level.
  • Page 59 Electrical trip alarm icons Electrical trips are latching and stop the light tower, but in a controlled manner. On initiation of the electrical trip condition the Lc1003™ module de-energises all the ‘Light Output’ outputs to remove the load from the light tower. Once this has occurred the Lc1003™ module starts the Cooling timer and allows the engine to cool off- load before shutting down the engine.
  • Page 60 Shutdown alarm icons Shutdown alarms are latching and immediately stop the light tower. On initiation of the shutdown condition the Lc1003™ module de-energises all the ‘Light Output’ outputs to remove the load from the light tower. Once this has occurred, the Lc1003™ module shuts the light tower down immediately to prevent further damage. The alarm must be accepted and cleared, and the fault removed to reset the Lc1003™…
  • Page 61
    Display Description Reason Battery Over Voltage The DC supply has risen above the high volts setting level. The generator output voltage has fallen below the pre-set pre-alarm setting after the Safety On Generator Under Voltage timer has expired Generator Over Voltage The generator output voltage has risen above the pre-set pre-alarm setting.
  • Page 62
    Display Description Reason Oil Filter Maintenance Alarm Maintenance due for oil filter. Air Filter Maintenance Alarm Maintenance due for air filter Fuel Filter Maintenance Alarm Maintenance due for fuel filter. — 62 -…
  • Page 63: Options Available For Hilight H4 Units

    Options available for HiLight H4 units Overview of the mechanical Not homologated for road use Homologated for road use, fixed towbar (max speed 20 km/h) This undercarriage provides: options This undercarriage provides: – Fixed towbar, with inertia coupling The following mechanical options are available: –…

  • Page 64: Overview Of The Electrical Options

    homologated light tower trolleys Homologated for road use, adjustable towbar Overview of the electrical manufactured according to ISO/European road This undercarriage provides: options standards currently applicable. – Articulated towbar, with inertia coupling The following electrical options are available: The undercarriage is equipped with an adjustable or –…

  • Page 65: Photocell

    The recommended value to set the regulator is at 7.4.2 Photocell Setting the sensitivity regulator 50 Lux. The photocell sensitivity regulator is used for Overview regulating the luminosity sensitivity level of the – < 50 Lux: the floodlights switch on. photocell.

  • Page 66: External Power Input (230 Vac), With Battery Charger

    7.4.3 External power input (230 VAC), S10 ..Input power selector At first use (or after Reset): with battery charger Position 1: running on Diesel engine – Choose the language (French, English,…). Position 0: neutral position – Choose to delete or to keep the default set Overview program.

  • Page 67
    Setting the ON and OFF triggers of the timer To program the ON trigger proceed as follows: To program the OFF trigger follow the menu flow above and select OFF after selecting ‘SWITCH’. When both the photocell and the timer option are installed, the lamps of the light tower will switch on/off, depending on which of both options triggers first.
  • Page 68: Override Fuel Shutdown

    7.4.4 Override fuel shutdown 7.4.5 Earth pin With this option installed, the floodlights will switch The earth pin (1), to be connected to the light tower’s off automatically one by one when the unit is running earth terminal is located at the bottom of the frame on out of fuel (<20%).

  • Page 69: Storage Of The Light Tower

    Storage of the light tower Storage Preparing for operation after storage – Store the light tower horizontally in a dry, frost- free room which is well ventilated. Before operating the light tower again, remove the wrapping, VCI paper and silica gel bags and check the –…

  • Page 70: Disposal

    (for example sand, sawdust) and recyclable materials. dispose it according the applicable local disposal Your Atlas Copco light tower consists for the most regulations. Do not drain into the sewage system or part of metallic materials, that can be re-melted in surface water.

  • Page 71: Technical Specifications Of The Light Tower

    Technical specifications of the light tower 10.1 Technical specifications of the engine/alternator/unit 50 Hz (230V — 1ph) Rated frequency 50 Hz Reference conditions 1) Rated speed 1500 rpm Generator service duty Absolute air inlet pressure 1 bar(a) Relative air humidity Air inlet temperature 25°C Maximum ambient temperature…

  • Page 72
    Maximum sound power level (Lw) complies with 2000/14/EC 90 dB(A) Capacity of standard fuel tank 109 l Single step load capability 100% 4.9 kW Mode of operation Application data Site land use Operation single Start-up and control mode manual/auto Start-up time unspecified Mobility/Config.
  • Page 73
    Standard IEC34-1 Design Data Alternator 4) ISO 8528-3 Make MECCALTE Model LT3N-160/4 Rated output, class H temperature rise 8 kVA Rating type acc. ISO 8528-3 «BR» 125/40°C Degree of protection (IP index acc. NF EN 60-529) IP 21 Insulation stator class Insulation rotor class Number of wires Circuit-breaker 1ph:…
  • Page 74
    Thermal release is higher at 25°C. 50 Hz — Derating Table (in %, 100% is declared power in “Performance Data”) Temperature Height (°C) 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 For use of generator outside these conditions, please contact Atlas Copco. — 74 -…
  • Page 75: 10.2 Critical Bolt Connections

    10.2 Critical bolt connections Applications Screw / Bolt / Nut Type Material Torque (Nm) Lifting beam to frame Horizontal lifting beam to vertical lifting beam Coupling housing alternator to flywheel housing engine 3/8″ UNC Rotor disk alternator to flywheel engine 5/16″…

  • Page 76: 10.3 Average Illumination Versus Distance

    10.3 Average illumination versus distance — 76 -…

  • Page 77: 10.4 Dimension Drawings

    10.4 Dimension drawings 10.4.1 Dimension drawing for HiLight H4 with fixed towbar HiLight H4 FIXED TOWBAR Total length (mm) See coupling system table Isometric view (1:30) l a t Base frame length (mm) 1700 Towbar length (mm) See coupling system table Towbar heigth (mm) Wheel track width (mm) 1025…

  • Page 78: 10.4.2 Dimension Drawing For Hilight H4 With Adjustable Towbar

    10.4.2 Dimension drawing for HiLight H4 with adjustable towbar HiLight H4 ARTICULATED TOWBAR Total length (mm) See coupling system table Total length 1 (mm) A+145 l a t Isometric view (1:30) Base frame length (mm) 1700 Towbar length (mm) See coupling system table Towbar length 1 (mm) E+145 Towbar height (mm)

  • Page 79: 10.4.3 Dimension Drawing For Hilight H4 With Not Homologated Towbar

    10.4.3 Dimension drawing for HiLight H4 with not homologated towbar Isometric view (1:30) HiLight H4 NOT HOMOLOGATED TOWBAR Total length (mm) 3095 Total width (mm) 1295 Total height (mm) 2240 Base frame length (mm) 1700 Towbar length (mm) 1395 Towbar height (mm) Wheel track width (mm) 1029 Front cantilever (mm)

  • Page 80: Conversion List Of Si Units Into

    10.5 Conversion list of SI units 10.6 Data plate Name of manufacturer into British units Maximum permitted total weight of the vehicle Machine type 1 bar 14.504 psi Mode of operation 0.035 oz Model number MASA (Kg) 1 kg 2.205 lbs Frequency 1 km/h 0.621 mile/h…

  • Page 81
    Circuit diagrams — 81 -…
  • Page 82
    1636 0024 44/00_01 Applicable for HiLight H4, Controller Circuit to Circ. Diagr POWER Fuses F1-F2, Current Transfo. S20 — Configuration 21 22 23 24 29 30 31 32 3 4 6 7 REMOTE Legend Wire size : Colour code : a = 1 mm²…
  • Page 83
    B1 B2 F G H I J K L M K110 P7.1 a3 a3 KT10 K110 K111 K100 K100 Canopy Canopy Cubicle Cubicle KT10 Time scale Multipier Function 1-10s — 83 -…
  • Page 84
    Connector wire harness Generator control unit Auxiliary terminals Fuel level sensor Customer’s terminals Preheat resistor Fuel stop solenoid Fuse 10A DC Mast down solenoid Battery 12Vdc Buzzer (2) Charging alternator (0.x) Optional mains connection Preheat light (see 1636 0024 44/00_03) Starter solenoid Optional photocell Preheat relay…
  • Page 85
    — 85 -…
  • Page 86
    1636 0024 44/00_02 Applicable for HiLight H4, Power Circuit Capacitor (alternator regulation) C11-C14 Capacitor 230V 50Hz E1-E4 Ignitor F1-F2 Fuses 2A Alternator Legend K111 Mast up aux. relay (2) Wire size : Colour code : L1-L4 Ballast a = 1 mm² 0 = black Pump b = 1.5 mm²…
  • Page 87
    K111 Cubicle Ballast housing b0 b6 16 8 Cubicle Mast 16 8 b0 b6 U1 V1 W1 PE — 87 -…
  • Page 88
    1636 0024 44/00_03 Applicable for HiLight H4, Mains Connection (optional) Mains light (0) K100 Remote start relay Mains K101-K104 Light control relay 230V — 50Hz K106 Mains aux. relay (0) Timer (scheduler) (0) GENSET/OFF/MAINS-switch (0) (see 1636 0024 44/00_02) Battery charger (0) S10a S10a Inlet socket 32A (0)
  • Page 89
    1636 0024 45/00 Applicable for HiLight H4, Wire Harness, Homologated Road Connector — ISO 114466 FUNCTION WIRE COLOUR CONNECTOR LEFT RIGHT PIN NUMBER REAR LIGHT REAR LIGHT Flasher left Yellow Fog light Blue Common — GND White Flasher right Green Tail light right Brown Stop light / Plate lamp…
  • Page 90
    — 90 -…
  • Page 91
    A company within the Atlas Copco Group Postal address Phone: +34 902 110 316 V.A.T A50324680 Poligono Pitarco II, Parcela 20 Fax: +34 902 110 318 50450 Muel ZARAGOZA For info, please contact your local Atlas Copco representative Spain www.atlas copco.com p.1(10) — 91 -…
  • Page 92
    A company within the Atlas Copco Group Postal address Phone: +34 902 110 316 V.A.T A50324680 Poligono Pitarco II, Parcela 20 Fax: +34 902 110 318 50450 Muel ZARAGOZA For info, please contact your local Atlas Copco representative Spain www.atlas copco.com p.2(10) — 92 -…

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