Руководство по эксплуатации хендай элантра 4 поколения

Автосервис АвтоМиг в Коптево

Автосервис САО — МЦД Красный Балтиец:

Ближайшие для подъезда улицы – Космонавта Волкова, Приорова, Новая Ипатовка, Большая Академическая.

Автосервис АвтоМиг в Лефортово

Автосервис ЮВАО, ВАО — метро Авиамоторная:

Ближайшие станции метро — Авиамоторная, Площадь Ильича, Шоссе Энтузиастов, Чкаловская, Бауманская, Семеновская. Ближайшие для подъезда улицы — третье транспортное кольцо (ТТК), проезд завода Серп и Молот, Лефортовский вал, Красноказарменная улица.

Автосервис АвтоМиг в Щукино

Автосервис СЗАО, САО — метро Октябрьское поле, станция Зорге МЦК (район Щукино, Хорошёво—Мнёвники)

Ближайшие станции метро — Октябрьское поле, Полежаевская. Станция Московского Центрального Кольца — Зорге. Ближайшие для подъезда улицы — Маршала Бирюзова, Берзарина, Народного ополчения, Зорге, Куусинена, Расплетина.

Автосервис АвтоМиг в Измайлово

Автосервис ВАО — метро Соколиная гора (район Измайлово)
Ближайшие станции метро — Соколиная гора, Партизанская, Измайлово, Шоссе Энтузиастов, Черкизовская. Ближайшие для подъезда улицы — Вернисажная, Шоссе Энтузиастов, проспект Будённого, Северо-Восточная хорда, Щербаковская улица, Большая Черкизовская улица.

Автосервис АвтоМиг в Гольяново

Автосервис ВАО — метро Щелковская (район Гольяново)
Ближайшие станции метро — Щелковская, Черкизовская, Бульвар Рокоссовского, Первомайская, Партизанская, Измайловская. Ближайшие для подъезда улицы — Щелковское шоссе, Амурская, Сиреневый бульвар, Монтажная улица, Байкальская улица, Открытое шоссе.


Франшиза автосервиса, Вакансии автосервиса, Инструкции к корейским авто, Инструкции к китайским авто

Ремонт (сервис) корейских автомобилей. Специализированный техцентр (автосервис) в Москве. Copyright © 2000-2023. Все права сохранены. Обращаем Ваше внимание на то, что данный сайт носит исключительно информационный характер и ни при каких условиях не является публичной офертой, определяемой положениями Статьи 437 (2) Гражданского кодекса Российской Федерации.

Компания «АвтоМиг» является НЕОФИЦИАЛЬНЫМ техническим центром по обслуживанию и ремонту автомобилей марок KIA и HYUNDAI. Никакого отношения ни к официальным представителям (дилерам), ни к самим производителям транспортных средств автосервис не имеет! Все упоминания торговых знаков (марок автомобилей) на данном сайте носят исключительно ИДЕНТИФИЦИРУЮЩИЙ характер (используются не в качестве средства индивидуализации), указывают, какие именно автомобили обслуживает техцентр (в соответствии со ст. 1474, 1487 Гражданского Кодекса РФ).


Хендай Элантра 4. Габаритные размеры автомобиля


Хендай Элантра 4. Коды ошибок

Хендай Элантра 4. Подкапотное пространство автомобиля


Хендай Элантра 4. КЛЮЧИ АВТОМОБИЛЯ

Хендай Элантра 4. ПАНЕЛЬ ПРИБОРОВ

Хендай Элантра 4. ПАНЕЛЬ ПРИБОРОВ — ЧАСТЬ 2

Хендай Элантра 4. ПАНЕЛЬ ПРИБОРОВ — ЧАСТЬ 3





Хендай Элантра 4. ЗАМКИ ДВЕРЕЙ







Хендай Элантра 4. КАПОТ




Хендай Элантра 4. БАГАЖНИК


















Хендай Элантра 4. Сцепление не полностью включается (пробуксовывает)

Хендай Элантра 4. При нажатии педали «газа» до упора в пол не включается режим kickdown

Хендай Элантра 4. Неисправности аккумуляторной батареи

Хендай Элантра 4. Не горят лампы блок-фар, фонарей

Хендай Элантра 4. Электродвигатель очистителя не работает, предохранитель защиты цепи в монтажном блоке исправен

Хендай Элантра 4. Не работает указатель температуры охлаждающей жидкости или указатель уровня топлива

Хендай Элантра 4. Увод автомобиля от прямолинейного движения (на ровной дороге)

Хендай Элантра 4. Скрип, визг при торможении

Хендай Элантра 4. Двигатель DOHC CVV

Хендай Элантра 4. Двигатель DOHC CVV — часть 2

Хендай Элантра 4. Возможные неисправности двигателя, их причины и способы устранения













Хендай Элантра 4. Замена сальников коленчатого вала

Хендай Элантра 4. Замена прокладки впускной трубы двигателя

Хендай Элантра 4. Замена маслосъемных колпачков двигателя



Хендай Элантра 4. Снятие и установка двигателя



Хендай Элантра 4. Снятие, дефектовка и установка масляного насоса


Хендай Элантра 4. Замена охлаждающей жидкости двигателя






Хендай Элантра 4. СИСТЕМА ПИТАНИЯ


Хендай Элантра 4. Замена фильтрующего элемента воздушного фильтра двигателя



Хендай Элантра 4. Снятие и установка топливного модуля двигателя


Хендай Элантра 4. Замена топливного бака

Хендай Элантра 4. Снятие и установка топливной рампы двигателя

Хендай Элантра 4. Снятие, проверка и установка форсунок двигателя

Хендай Элантра 4. Снятие и установка дроссельного узла двигателя

Хендай Элантра 4. Снятие и установка педали привода дроссельной заслонки двигателя


Хендай Элантра 4. Снятие и установка адсорбера системы улавливания паров топлива


Хендай Элантра 4. Замена подушек подвески системы выпуска отработавших газов двигателя

Хендай Элантра 4. Снятие и установка катколлектора двигателя

Хендай Элантра 4. Снятие и установка сильфона двигателя

Хендай Элантра 4. Снятие и установка дополнительного каталитического нейтрализатора и дополнительного глушителя двигателя

Хендай Элантра 4. Снятие и установка основного глушителя двигателя

Хендай Элантра 4. Снятие и установка термоэкранов системы выпуска отработавших газов

Хендай Элантра 4. СЦЕПЛЕНИЕ


Хендай Элантра 4. Прокачка гидропривода выключения сцепления

Хендай Элантра 4. Снятие и установка сцепления


Хендай Элантра 4. Замена главного цилиндра привода выключения сцепления

Хендай Элантра 4. Замена рабочего цилиндра привода выключения сцепления

Хендай Элантра 4. Замена шланга и трубки гидропривода выключения сцепления

Хендай Элантра 4. Снятие и установка педали сцепления


Хендай Элантра 4. Проверка уровня, доливка и замена масла в механической коробке передач

Хендай Элантра 4. Замена сальников механической коробки передач

Хендай Элантра 4. Снятие и установка механической коробки передач

Хендай Элантра 4. Замена тросов управления механической коробкой передач

Хендай Элантра 4. Снятие и установка кулисы рычага управления механической коробкой передач

Хендай Элантра 4. Регулировка привода управления механической коробкой передач

Хендай Элантра 4. Автоматическая коробка передач

Хендай Элантра 4. Замена сальников автоматической коробки передач

Хендай Элантра 4. Снятие и установка автоматической коробки передач

Хендай Элантра 4. Замена троса управления автоматической коробкой передач

Хендай Элантра 4. Снятие и установка кулисы селектора управления автоматической коробкой передач

Хендай Элантра 4. Регулировка привода управления автоматической коробкой передач

Хендай Элантра 4. Привод передних колес

Хендай Элантра 4. Снятие и установка приводов передних колес

Хендай Элантра 4. Замена шарниров равных угловых скоростей

Хендай Элантра 4. Передняя подвеска

Хендай Элантра 4. Проверка технического состояния деталей передней подвески на автомобиле

Хендай Элантра 4. Снятие и установка амортизаторной стойки передней подвески

Хендай Элантра 4. Ремонт амортизаторной стойки передней подвески

Хендай Элантра 4. Снятие и установка рычага передней подвески

Хендай Элантра 4. Замена шаровой опоры передней подвески

Хендай Элантра 4. Замена стоек стабилизатора передней подвески

Хендай Элантра 4. Замена штанги стабилизатора передней подвески

Хендай Элантра 4. Снятие и установка поворотного кулака

Хендай Элантра 4. Замена подшипника ступицы переднего колеса

Хендай Элантра 4. Снятие и установка поперечины передней подвески

Хендай Элантра 4. Особенности конструкции задней подвески

Хендай Элантра 4. Проверка технического состояния деталей задней подвески на автомобиле

Хендай Элантра 4. Снятие и установка амортизатора задней подвески

Хендай Элантра 4. Замена пружины задней подвески

Хендай Элантра 4. Снятие и установка ступицы заднего колеса

Хендай Элантра 4. Замена шпилек крепления колеса

Хендай Элантра 4. Замена балки задней подвески

Хендай Элантра 4. Особенности конструкции рулевого управления

Хендай Элантра 4. Осмотр и проверка рулевого управления на автомобиле

Хендай Элантра 4. Проверка свободного хода (люфта) рулевого колеса

Хендай Элантра 4. Снятие и установка рулевого колеса

Хендай Элантра 4. Снятие и установка кожуха рулевой колонки

Хендай Элантра 4. Снятие и установка рулевой колонки

Хендай Элантра 4. Замена наконечника рулевой тяги

Хендай Элантра 4. Замена рулевой тяги

Хендай Элантра 4. Замена рабочей жидкости и прокачка системы гидроусилителя рулевого управления

Хендай Элантра 4. Замена бачка гидроусилителя рулевого управления

Хендай Элантра 4. Замена рулевого механизма

Хендай Элантра 4. Замена насоса гидроусилителя рулевого управления

Хендай Элантра 4. Тормозная система

Хендай Элантра 4. Проверка тормозной системы

Хендай Элантра 4. Проверка герметичности гидропривода тормозной системы

Хендай Элантра 4. Проверка работы вакуумного усилителя тормозов

Хендай Элантра 4. Проверка степени износа тормозных колодок, дисков и барабанов

Хендай Элантра 4. Замена тормозной жидкости в гидроприводе тормозов

Хендай Элантра 4. Проверка стояночного тормоза

Хендай Элантра 4. Замена бачка главного тормозного цилиндра

Хендай Элантра 4. Замена главного тормозного цилиндра

Хендай Элантра 4. Замена вакуумного усилителя тормозов

Хендай Элантра 4. Замена тормозных шлангов

Хендай Элантра 4. Замена трубопроводов тормозной системы

Хендай Элантра 4. Снятие, регулировка положения и установка педали тормоза

Хендай Элантра 4. Замена тормозных колодок тормозных механизмов передних колес

Хендай Элантра 4. Замена суппорта тормозного механизма переднего колеса

Хендай Элантра 4. Замена тормозного диска тормозного механизма переднего колеса

Хендай Элантра 4. Замена тормозных колодок тормозных механизмов задних колес

Хендай Элантра 4. Замена рабочего цилиндра барабанного тормозного механизма заднего колеса

Хендай Элантра 4. Замена суппорта дискового тормозного механизма заднего колеса

Хендай Элантра 4. Замена тормозного барабана тормозного механизма заднего колеса

Хендай Элантра 4. Замена тормозного диска тормозного механизма заднего колеса

Хендай Элантра 4. Регулировка привода стояночного тормоза

Хендай Элантра 4. Замена тросов привода стояночного тормоза

Хендай Элантра 4. Замена рычага привода стояночного тормоза

Хендай Элантра 4. Электрооборудование

Хендай Элантра 4. Расположение предохранителей, плавких вставок, реле и их замена

Хендай Элантра 4. Снятие и установка монтажных блоков


Хендай Элантра 4. Снятие и установка аккумуляторной батареи

Хендай Элантра 4. Особенности конструкции генератора

Хендай Элантра 4. Замена ремня привода вспомогательных агрегатов

Хендай Элантра 4. Снятие и установка генератора

Хендай Элантра 4. Ремонт генератора

Хендай Элантра 4. СТАРТЕР

Хендай Элантра 4. Снятие и установка стартера

Хендай Элантра 4. Ремонт стартера

Хендай Элантра 4. Снятие и установка антенного блока иммобилизатора и цилиндра выключателя (замка) зажигания

Хендай Элантра 4. Снятие и установка контактной группы выключателя (замка) зажигания

Хендай Элантра 4. Снятие и установка выключателя (замка) зажигания


Хендай Элантра 4. Снятие и установка катушек зажигания

Хендай Элантра 4. Замена и обслуживание свечей зажигания

Хендай Элантра 4. Снятие и установка электронного блока управления двигателем

Хендай Элантра 4. Замена датчиков системы управления двигателем

Хендай Элантра 4. Освещение, световая и звуковая сигнализация

Хендай Элантра 4. Проверка и регулировка света фар

Хендай Элантра 4. Замена ламп приборов освещения

Хендай Элантра 4. Замена блок-фары

Хендай Элантра 4. Замена заднего фонаря

Хендай Элантра 4. Замена дополнительного стоп-сигнала

Хендай Элантра 4. Замена плафона индивидуального освещения

Хендай Элантра 4. Замена плафона общего освещения салона

Хендай Элантра 4. Замена подрулевых переключателей

Хендай Элантра 4. Снятие и установка звукового сигнала

Хендай Элантра 4. Замена моторедуктора стеклоочистителя ветрового окна

Хендай Элантра 4. Замена электронасоса омывателя

Хендай Элантра 4. Снятие и установка бачка омывателя

Хендай Элантра 4. Замена блока управления электростеклоподъемниками

Хендай Элантра 4. Замена моторедуктора стеклоподъемника

Хендай Элантра 4. Снятие и установка электродвигателя вентилятора радиатора системы охлаждения

Хендай Элантра 4. Снятие и установка воздухонагнетателя

Хендай Элантра 4. Замена дополнительного сопротивления вентилятора воздухонагнетателя

Хендай Элантра 4. Снятие и установка брызговиков колес и подкрылков

Хендай Элантра 4. Снятие и установка переднего бампера

Хендай Элантра 4. Снятие и установка заднего бампера

Хендай Элантра 4. Снятие и установка переднего крыла

Хендай Элантра 4. Снятие и установка решетки короба воздухопритока

Хендай Элантра 4. Снятие и установка капота

Хендай Элантра 4. Снятие, установка и регулировка замка капота

Хендай Элантра 4. Снятие и установка облицовок багажника

Хендай Элантра 4. Снятие и установка замка крышки багажника

Хендай Элантра 4. Снятие и установка декоративной накладки крышки багажника

Хендай Элантра 4. Снятие и установка крышки багажника

Хендай Элантра 4. Снятие и установка крышки люка наливной трубы топливного бака

Хендай Элантра 4. Снятие и установка облицовки передней двери

Хендай Элантра 4. Замена стекла передней двери

Хендай Элантра 4. Снятие и установка механизма электростеклоподъемника передней двери

Хендай Элантра 4. Замена внутренней ручки привода замка передней двери

Хендай Элантра 4. Снятие и установка облицовки задней двери

Хендай Элантра 4. Снятие и установка панели приборов

Хендай Элантра 4. Прочистка дренажных отверстий

Хендай Элантра 4. Особенности устройства системы отопления

Хендай Элантра 4. Особенности устройства системы кондиционирования

Хендай Элантра 4. Особенности устройства системы вентиляции

Хендай Элантра 4. Снятие и установка компрессора кондиционера


Хендай Элантра 4. Снятие и установка подушки безопасности водителя

Хендай Элантра 4. Снятие и установка подушки безопасности переднего пассажира

Хендай Элантра 4. Снятие и установка передних ремней безопасности

Хендай Элантра 4. Снятие и установка задних ремней безопасности

Хендай Элантра 4. Снятие и установка электронного блока управления системой пассивной безопасности

Хендай Элантра 4. Замена датчика удара системы безопасности




Хендай Элантра 4. КУЗОВНЫЕ РАЗМЕРЫ

Хендай Элантра 4. Электросхемы

Хендай Элантра 4. Электросхемы — часть 2

Хендай Элантра 4. Электросхемы — часть 3

Hyundai 2007 Elantra Owner's Manual

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Summary of Contents for Hyundai 2007 Elantra

  • Page 2
    RESPONSIBILITY FOR MAINTENANCE The maintenance requirements for your new Hyundai are found in Section 7. As the owner, it is your responsibility to see that all maintenance operations specified by the manufacturer are carried out at the appropriate intervals. When the vehicle is used in severe driving conditions, more frequent main- tenance is required for some operations.
  • Page 3
    All information in this Owner’s Manual is current at the time of publication. However, Hyundai reserves the right to make changes at any time so that our policy of continual product improvement may be carried out. This manual applies to all Hyundai models and includes descriptions and explanations of optional as well as standard equipment.
  • Page 4
    CAUTION: MODIFICATIONS TO YOUR HYUNDAI Your Hyundai should not be modified in any way. Such modifications may adversely affect the per- formance, safety or durability of your Hyundai and may, in addition, violate conditions of the limited warranties covering the vehicle. Certain modifications may also be in violation of regulations estab- lished by the U.S.
  • Page 5
    SAFETY AND VEHICLE DAMAGE WARNING This manual includes information titled as WARNING, CAUTION and NOTICE. These titles indicate the following: WARNING This indicates that a condition may result in harm, serious injury or death to you or other persons if the warning is not heeded. Follow the advice provided with the warning. CAUTION This indicates that a condition may result in damage to your vehicle or its equipment if the caution is not heeded.
  • Page 6
    Your Owner’s Manual will introduce you to the features and operation of your new Hyundai. It is suggested that you read it care- fully because the information it contains can contribute greatly to the satisfaction you receive from your new car.
  • Page 7
    Hyundai Genuine Parts are engi- neered and built to meet rigid manu- facturing requirements. Using imita- tion, counterfeit or used salvage parts is not covered under the Hyundai New Vehicle Limited Warranty or any other Hyundai warranty. A100A01L In addition, any damage to or failure of…
  • Page 9: Table Of Contents

    table of contents Introduction Your vehicle at a glance Safety system of your vehicle Features of your vehicle Driving your vehicle What to do in an emergency Maintenance Consumer information Specifications Index…

  • Page 10: Introduction

    Introduction How to use this manual / 1-2 Fuel requirements / 1-3 Vehicle break-in process / 1-5 Vehicle data collection and event data recorders / 1-6 Indicator symbols on the instrument cluster / 1-7…

  • Page 11: Introduction

    Introduction HOW TO USE THIS MANUAL We want to help you get the greatest possible driving pleasure from your vehi- cle. Your Owner’s Manual can assist you in many ways. We strongly recommend that you read the entire manual. In order to minimize the chance of death or injury, you must read the WARNING and CAU- TION sections spread throughout the…

  • Page 12: Fuel Requirements

    Never add any fuel system cleaning agents to the fuel tank other than what has been specified. (Consult an authorized Hyundai dealer for details.) CAUTION • Do not «top off» after the nozzle automatically shuts off when refueling.

  • Page 13
    Introduction Use of MTBE We recommend that fuels containing MTBE (Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether) over 15.0% vol. (Oxygen Content 2.7% weight) should not be used in your vehi- cle. Fuel containing MTBE over 15.0% vol. (Oxygen Content 2.7% weight) may reduce vehicle performance and produce vapor lock or hard starting.
  • Page 14: Vehicle Break-In Process

    VEHICLE BREAK-IN PROCESS No special break-in period is needed. By following a few simple precautions for the first 600 miles (1,000 km) you may add to the performance, economy and life of your vehicle. • Do not race the engine. •…

  • Page 15
    • with the consent of the vehicle owner or, if the vehicle is leased, with the consent of the lessee, or • as part of Hyundai’s defense of liti- gation, or • as required by law.
  • Page 16: Indicator Symbols On The Instrument Cluster

    INDICATOR SYMBOLS ON THE INSTRUMENT CLUSTER Door ajar warning light Seat belt warning light High beam indicator Turn signal indicator lights Front fog light indicator (If equipped) ESC indicator (If equipped) ESC OFF indicator (If equipped) ABS warning light (If equipped) Parking brake &…

  • Page 17: Your Vehicle At A Glance

    Your vehicle at a glance Interior overview / 2-2 Instrument panel overview / 2-3…

  • Page 18: Interior Overview

    Your vehicle at a glance INTERIOR OVERVIEW 1. Door lock/unlock button …4-8 2. Outside rearview mirror control switch*…4-37 3. Central door lock switch* …4-9 4. Power window lock switch* …4-17 5. Power window switches* …4-14 6. Trunk lid release button …4-12 7.

  • Page 19: Instrument Panel Overview

    Your vehicle at a glance INSTRUMENT PANEL OVERVIEW 1. Driver’s air bag…3-37 2. Light control / Turn signals …4-51 3. Instrument cluster …4-38 4. Wiper/Washer…4-54 5. Auto cruise controls* …5-26 6. Ignition switch …5-4 7. Steering wheel …4-28 8. Digital clock …4-85 9.

  • Page 20: Safety System Of Your Vehicle

    Seat / 3-2 Seat belts / 3-12 Child restraint system / 3-21 Airbag-advanced supplemental restraint system / 3-29 Safety system of your vehicle…

  • Page 21
    Safety system of your vehicle SEAT Front seat (1) Forward and backward (driver seat) (2) Seatback angle (driver seat) (3) Seat cushion height (driver seat)* (4) Seat warmer (driver seat)* (5) Headrest (driver seat) (6) Forward and backward (passenger seat) (7) Seatback angle (passenger seat) (8) Headrest (passenger seat) (9) Seat warmer (passenger seat)*…
  • Page 22
    WARNING Loose objects Loose objects in the driver’s foot area could interfere with the opera- tion of the foot pedals, possibly causing an accident. Do not place anything under the front seats. WARNING — Uprighting seat When you return the seatback to its upright position, hold the seatback and return it slowly and be sure there are no other occupants…
  • Page 23
    Safety system of your vehicle OHD036003 Seatback angle To recline the seatback: 1. Lean forward slightly and lift up on the seatback recline lever located on the outside of the seat at the rear. 2. Carefully lean back on the seat and adjust the seatback of the seat to the position you desire.
  • Page 24
    Headrest WARNING • For maximum effectiveness in case of an accident the headrest should be adjusted so the middle of the headrest is at the same height as the top of the occu- pant’s eyes. Also adjust the head- rest so its distance from the head is as wide as your fist.
  • Page 25
    Safety system of your vehicle OHD036006 Adjusting the height up and down To raise the headrest, pull it up to the desired position (1). To lower the head- rest, push and hold the release button (2) on the headrest support and lower the headrest to the desired position (3).
  • Page 26
    CAUTION • When cleaning the seats, do not use an organic solvent such as thinner, benzene, alcohol and gasoline. Doing so may damage the surface of the heater or seats. • To prevent overheating the seat warmer, do not place blankets, cushions or seat covers on the seats while the seat warmer is in operation.
  • Page 27
    Safety system of your vehicle WARNING For proper operation of the occu- pant classification system: • Do not place any items cumula- tively weighing over 2.2 lbs (1 kg) in the seatback pocket or on the seat. • Do not hang onto the front pas- senger seat.
  • Page 28
    WARNING • For maximum effectiveness in case of an accident, the headrest should be adjusted so the middle of the headrest is at the same height as the top of the occu- pant’s eyes. The use of a cushion that holds the body away from the seatback is not recommend- •…
  • Page 29
    Safety system of your vehicle Folding the rear seat The rear seatbacks may be folded to facilitate carrying long items or to increase the luggage capacity of the vehicle. WARNING The purpose of the fold-down rear seatbacks is to allow you to carry longer objects than could other- wise be accommodated.
  • Page 30
    WARNING When you return the rear seatback to its upright position after being folded down: Be careful not to damage the seat belt webbing or buckle. Do not allow the seat belt webbing or buckle to get caught or pinched in the rear seat.
  • Page 31: Seat Belts

    Safety system of your vehicle SEAT BELTS Seat belt restraint system WARNING • For maximum restraint system protection, the seat belts must always be used whenever the car is moving. • Seat belts are most effective when seatbacks upright position. •…

  • Page 32
    Seat belt warning chime If the driver’s seat belt is not fastened when the ignition key is turned ON, the seat belt warning chime sounds for approximately 6 seconds. And if the vehi- cle speed exceeds 10km/h with the seat belt unfastened, the seat belt warning chime sounds with the pattern of 6 sec- onds on and 24 seconds off for 11…
  • Page 33
    Safety system of your vehicle To raise the height adjuster, pull it up (1). To lower it, push it down (3) while press- ing the height adjuster button (2). Release the button to lock the anchor into position. Try sliding the height adjuster to make sure that it has locked into position.
  • Page 34
    When the seat belt is fully extended from the retractor to allow the installation of a child restraint system, the seat belt oper- ation changes to allow the belt to retract, but not to extend (Automatic Locking Retractor Type). Refer to “Using a child restraint system”…
  • Page 35
    Safety system of your vehicle When the vehicle stops suddenly, or if the occupant tries to lean forward too quickly, the seat belt retractor will lock into position. In certain frontal collisions, the pre-tensioner will activate and pull the seat belt into tighter contact against the occupant’s body.
  • Page 36
    6 sec- onds, or if it illuminates while the vehicle is being driven, please have an authorized Hyundai deal- er inspect the pre-tensioner seat belt or SRS air bag system as soon as possible.
  • Page 37: Seat Belt Precautions

    Safety system of your vehicle (Continued) • Improper handling of the pre-ten- sioner seat belt assemblies, and failure to heed the warnings not to strike, modify, inspect, replace, service or repair the pre-tension- er seat belt assemblies may lead to improper operation or inadver- tent activation and serious injury.

  • Page 38
    ✽ ✽ NOTICE Small children are best protected from injury in an accident when properly restrained in the rear seat by a child restraint system that meets the require- ments of the the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards. Before buying any child restraint system, make sure that it has a label certifying that it meets Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard…
  • Page 39
    Safety system of your vehicle Pregnant women The use of a seat belt is recommended for pregnant women to lessen the chance of injury in an accident. When a seat belt is used, the lap belt portion should be placed as low and snugly as possible on the hips, not across the abdomen.
  • Page 40: Child Restraint System

    This should be done even if no damage is visible. Additional questions concern- ing seat belt operation should be directed to an authorized Hyundai dealer. CHILD RESTRAINT SYSTEM Children riding in the car should sit in the rear seat and must always be properly…

  • Page 41
    Safety system of your vehicle WARNING To reduce the chance or serious or fatal injuries: • Children of all ages are safer when restrained in the rear seat. A child riding in the front passen- ger seat can be forcefully struck by an inflating air bag resulting in serious or fatal injuries.
  • Page 42
    Rearward-facing child restraint system Forward-facing child restraint system HNF1008 Using a child restraint system For small children and babies, the use of a child seat or infant seat is required. This child seat or infant seat should be of appropriate size for the child and should be installed in accordance with the man- ufacturer’s instructions.
  • Page 43
    Safety system of your vehicle MMSA3028 3. Pull the shoulder portion of the seat belt all the way out. When the shoulder portion of the seat belt is fully extend- ed, it will shift the retractor to the “Auto Lock” (child restraint) mode. MMSA3029 4.
  • Page 44
    WARNING — Auto lock mode The lap/shoulder belt automatically returns to the “emergency lock mode” whenever the belt is allowed to retract fully. Therefore, the pre- ceding seven steps must be fol- lowed each time a child restraint is installed. If the retractor is not in the Automatic Locking mode, the child restraint can move when your vehi-…
  • Page 45
    Safety system of your vehicle WARNING When using the vehicle’s «Tether Anchor» system to install a child restraint system in the rear seat, all unused vehicle rear seat belt metal latch plates or tabs must be latched securely in their seat belt buckles and the seat belt webbing must be retracted behind the child restraint to prevent the child from reaching…
  • Page 46
    B230D01NF Child seat lower anchors Some child seat manufacturers make child restraint seats that are labeled as International Standards Organization Fixed (ISOFIX) or ISOFIX-compatible child restraint seats. These seats include two rigid or webbing mounted attach- ments that connect to two ISOFIX anchors at specific seating positions in your vehicle.
  • Page 47
    Safety system of your vehicle WARNING — ISOFIX Anchors • A child can be seriously injured or killed in a collision if the child restraint properly anchored. Always follow the child seat manufacturer’s instructions for installation and use. • Never install a child restraint using the ISOFIX anchors at the center position of the rear seat.
  • Page 48
    AIR BAG — ADVANCED SUPPLEMENTAL RESTRAINT SYSTEM (IF EQUIPPED) Driver’s air bag Front passenger’s air bag * : if equipped OHD036026/OHD036023/OHD036024/OUN026109/OUN026110/OHD036125/OHD036030/OHD036029/OVQ036096N/OVQ036095N/OHD036028 Side impact air bag* Curtain Air bag* Side impact sensor* Driver seat position Occupant classi- sensor fication system Safety system of your vehicle Front impact sensor SRS control module 3 29…
  • Page 49
    AIR BAG warning light should go out. If any of the following conditions occurs, this indicates a malfunetion of the SRS. Have an authorized Hyundai dealer inspect the air bag system as soon as possible. • The light does not turn on briefly when you turn the ignition ON.
  • Page 50
    Driver’s front air bag (2) B240B02L Upon deployment, tear seams molded directly into the pad covers will separate under pressure from the expansion of the air bags. Further opening of the covers then allows full inflation of the air bags. Driver’s front air bag (3) B240B03L A fully inflated air bag, in combination…
  • Page 51
    SRS is not working properly. If this occurs, have your vehicle immediately inspected by an authorized Hyundai dealer. • Before you replace a fuse or dis- connect a battery terminal, turn the ignition key to the LOCK position and remove the ignition key.
  • Page 52
    If the front passenger seat is occupied by a person that the system determines to be of adult size, and he/she sits properly (sitting upright with the seatback in an upright position, centered on the seat cushion with their seat belt on, legs com- fortably extended and their feet on the floor), the «PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF»…
  • Page 53
    Safety system of your vehicle (Continued) OVQ036013N — Never put a heavy load in the front passenger seat or seatback pocket. OVQ036014N — Never place feet on the front pas- senger seatback. 1KMN3663 — Never sit with hips shifted towards the front of the seat. 1KMN3662 — Never excessively recline the front passenger seatback.
  • Page 54
    Proper position B990A01O When an adult is seated in the front pas- senger seat, if the «PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF» indicator is on, turn the igni- tion key to «LOCK» and ask the passen- ger to sit properly (sitting upright with the seat back in an upright position, centered on the seat cushion with their seat belt on, legs comfortably extended and their…
  • Page 55
    6 seconds when the ignition key is turned to the «ON» position, or if it illuminates while the vehicle is being driven, have an authorized Hyundai dealer inspect the occu- pant classification system and the SRS air bag system as soon as pos- sible.
  • Page 56: Driver’s And Passenger’s Front Air Bag

    • Air bags can only be used once – have an authorized Hyundai deal- er replace the air bag immediately after deployment. • A smaller-stature adult who is not…

  • Page 57
    6 sec- onds when the ignition key is turned to the «ON» position, or if it illuminates while the vehicle is being driven, have an authorized Hyundai dealer inspect advanced SRS air bag system as soon as possible.
  • Page 58
    • If you are considering modification of your vehicle due to a disability, please contact Hyundai Customer Assistance Center at 1-800-633-5151. Safety system of your vehicle WARNING Always use seat belts and child restraints –…
  • Page 59
    (Continued) (Continued) • Air bags can only be used once – have an authorized Hyundai deal- er replace the air bag immediate- ly after deployment. • The SRS is designed to deploy the front air bags only when an…
  • Page 60
    Rear impact 1VQA2087 Side impact 1JBA3514 Rollover 1JBA3522 (Continued) • Even though your vehicle is equipped with the occupant clas- sification system, do not install a child restraint system in the front passenger seat position. A child restraint system must never be placed in the front seat.The infant or child could be severely injured or killed by an air bag deployment…
  • Page 61
    • If seat or seat cover is damaged, have the vehicle checked and repaired authorized Hyundai dealer. Inform them that your vehicle is equipped with side air bags and an occupant classification system.
  • Page 62
    • Never try to open or repair any components of the side curtain air bag system. This should only done authorized Hyundai dealer. Failure to follow the above men- tioned instructions can result in injury or death to the vehicle occu- pants in an accident.
  • Page 63
    Safety system of your vehicle Why didn’t my air bag go off in a collision? (Inflation and non-infla- tion conditions of the air bag) There are many types of accidents in which the air bag would not be expect- ed to provide additional protection. These include rear impacts, second or third collisions in multiple impact accidents, as well as low speed…
  • Page 64
    Therefore, do not try to perform maintenance on or around the air bag sensors. Have the vehicle checked and repaired by an authorized Hyundai dealer. (Continued) (Continued) • Problems may arise if the sensor installation angles are changed due to the deformation of the…
  • Page 65
    Safety system of your vehicle 1JBA3516 OUN026090 Side and/or air bags (if equipped) Side and/or curtain air bags are designed to inflate when an impact is detected by side collision sensors depending on the strength, speed or angles of impact resulting from a side impact collision or rollover.
  • Page 66
    1VQA2087 • Frontal air bags are not designed to inflate in rear collisions, because occu- pants are moved backward by the force of the impact. In this case, inflat- ed air bags would not be able to pro- vide any additional benefit. 1JBA3516 •…
  • Page 67
    Safety system of your vehicle 1JBA3517 • Just before impact, drivers often brake heavily. Such heavy braking lowers the front portion of the vehicle causing it to “ride” under a vehicle with a higher ground clearance. Air bags may not inflate in this «under-ride»…
  • Page 68
    How does the air bag system operate • Air bag only operates when the ignition switch is turned to ON or START posi- tion. • Air bags inflate instantly in the event of serious frontal or side collision (if equipped with side air bag or curtain air bag) in order to help protect the occupants from serious physical injury.
  • Page 69
    Safety system of your vehicle Noise and smoke When the air bags inflate, they make a loud noise and they leave smoke and powder in the air inside of the vehicle. This is normal and is a result of the igni- tion of the air bag inflator.
  • Page 70
    WARNING • Never put child restraint in the front passenger’s seat. If the front passenger air bag inflates, it would cause serious or fatal injuries. • When children are seated in the rear outboard seats in which side air bags are equipped, be sure to put the child restraint system as far away from the door side as possible, and secure the child…
  • Page 71
    Any work on the SRS system, such as removing, installing, repairing, or any work on the steering wheel must be per- formed by an authorized Hyundai dealer. Improper handling of the SRS system may result in serious personal injury. WARNING •…
  • Page 72
    Additional safety precautions • Never let passengers ride in the cargo area or on top of a folded- down back seat. All occupants should sit upright, fully back in their seats with their seat belts on and their feet on the floor.
  • Page 73: Air Bag Warning Label

    Safety system of your vehicle (if equipped) (if equipped) (if equipped) (if equipped) OHD036027/OHD036117L/1VQA2097/OHD036121L/OHD036122L Air bag warning label Air bag warning labels required by the U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) are attached to alert driver and passengers of potential risks of the air bag system.

  • Page 74: Features Of Your Vehicle

    Keys / 4-2 Remote keyless entry / 4-3 Theft-alarm system / 4-6 Door locks / 4-8 Trunk / 4-12 Windows / 4-14 Hood / 4-18 Fuel filler lid / 4-20 Features of your vehicle Sunroof / 4-23 Steering wheel / 4-28 Mirrors / 4-30 Instrument cluster / 4-38 Hazard warning flasher / 4-50…

  • Page 75
    The key code number is stamped on the bar code tag attached to the key set. Should you lose your keys, this number will enable an authorized Hyundai dealer to duplicate the keys easily. Remove the bar code tag and store it in a safe place.
  • Page 76
    When the transmitter does not work correctly, open and close the door with the ignition key. If you have a problem with the transmitter, contact an author- ized Hyundai dealer.
  • Page 77
    2. Replace the battery with new one. When replacing the battery, make sure the battery positive “+” symbol faces up as indicated in the illustration. 3. Install the battery in the reverse order of removal. For replacement transmitters, see an authorized Hyundai dealer for repro- gramming.
  • Page 78
    If you are unsure how to use your transmitter or replace the battery, contact an authorized Hyundai dealer. CAUTION • Using the wrong battery can cause the transmitter to malfunc- tion. Be sure to use the correct battery.
  • Page 79
    Features of your vehicle THEFT-ALARM SYSTEM (IF EQUIPPED) Armed stage Disarmed Theft-alarm stage stage This system is designed to provide pro- tection from unauthorized entry into the car. This system is operated in three stages: the first is the «Armed» stage, the second is the «Theft-alarm»…
  • Page 80
    ON position and wait for 30 seconds. Then the system will be disarmed. • If you lose your keys, consult your authorized Hyundai dealer.
  • Page 81: Door Locks

    Features of your vehicle DOOR LOCKS Unlock Lock OHD046001 Operating door locks from out- side the vehicle • Turn the key toward rear of vehicle to unlock and toward front of vehicle to lock. • If you lock/unlock the door with a key, all vehicle doors will lock/unlock auto- matically.

  • Page 82
    Lock Unlock OHD046003 Operating door locks from inside the vehicle With the door lock button • To unlock a door, push the door lock button (1) to the “Unlock” position. The red mark (2) on the button will be visi- ble.
  • Page 83
    Features of your vehicle • When pushing down on the front por- tion (1) of the switch, all vehicle doors will lock. • When pushing down on the rear por- tion (2) of the switch, all vehicle doors will unlock. •…
  • Page 84
    When the speed of the vehicle keeps above 20 km/h for 1 second, it will auto- matically lock all doors. For activation of this feature, contact an authorized Hyundai dealer. OHD046005 Child-protector rear door lock The child safety lock is provided to help prevent children from accidentally open- ing the rear doors from inside the vehicle.
  • Page 85
    Features of your vehicle TRUNK OHD046007 Opening the trunk With remote trunk lid release To open the trunk lid without using the key, push the trunk lid release button. OHD046006 With the key To open the trunk lid, insert the key and turn it clockwise to unlock.
  • Page 86
    OHD046008 Emergency trunk safety release Your vehicle is equipped with an emer- gency trunk release cable located inside the trunk. The lever glows in the dark when the trunk lid is closed. If someone is inadvertently locked in the trunk, pulling this handle will release the trunk latch mechanism and open the trunk.
  • Page 87
    Features of your vehicle WINDOWS Power windows (if equipped) (1) Driver’s door power window switch (2) Front passenger’s door power win- dow switch (3) Rear door (left) power window switch (4) Rear door (right) power window switch (5) Window opening and closing (6) Automatic power window up*/down* (Driver’s window) (7) Power window lock switch…
  • Page 88
    The ignition switch must be in the ON position for power windows to operate. Each door has a power window switch that controls the door’s window. However, the driver has a power window lock switch which can block the operation of passenger windows.
  • Page 89
    Features of your vehicle Auto up/down window (if equipped) (Driver’s window) Depressing or pulling up the power win- dow switch momentarily to the second detent position (6) completely lowers or lifts the window even when the switch is released. To stop the window at the desired position while the window is in operation, pull up or depress and release the switch to the opposite direction of the…
  • Page 90
    WARNING • Passengers can be injured if their head, hands or other body parts are trapped by a closing window. Always check for obstructions before raising any window. • NEVER leave the ignition key in the vehicle. • NEVER leave any child unattend- ed in the vehicle.
  • Page 91
    Features of your vehicle HOOD OHD046011 Opening the hood 1. Pull the release lever to unlatch the hood. The hood should pop open slightly. OHD046012 2. Go to the front of the vehicle, raise the hood slightly, pull the secondary latch (1) inside of the hood center and lift the hood (2).
  • Page 92
    WARNING • Always double check to be sure that the hood is firmly latched before driving away. If it is not latched, the hood could fly open while the vehicle is being driven, causing a total loss of visibility, which might result in an accident. •…
  • Page 93: Fuel Filler Lid

    Features of your vehicle FUEL FILLER LID OHD046014 Opening the fuel filer lid The fuel-filler lid must be opened from inside the vehicle by pulling up on the fuel-filler lid opener located on the front floor area on the left side of the car. ✽…

  • Page 94
    WARNING — Refueling • If pressurized fuel sprays out, it can cover your clothes or skin and thus subject you to the risk of fire and burns. Always remove the fuel cap carefully and slowly. If the cap is venting fuel or if you hear a hissing sound, wait until the condition stops before com- pletely removing the cap.
  • Page 95
    • Make sure to refuel with unleaded fuel only. • If the fuel filler cap requires replacement, use only a genuine Hyundai cap or the equivalent specified for your vehicle. An incorrect fuel filler cap can result in a serious malfunction of the fuel system or emission control system.
  • Page 96
    SUNROOF (IF EQUIPPED) OHD046016 If your vehicle is equipped with this fea- ture, you can slide or tilt your sunroof with the sunroof control buttons located on the overhead console. 1. Slide button 2. Tilt button 3. Close button The sunroof can only be opened, closed, or tilted when the ignition switch is in the ON position.
  • Page 97
    Features of your vehicle OHD046017 Sliding the sunroof To open the sunroof (autoslide feature), press the slide button (1) on the over- head console (for more than 0.5 sec- onds). The sunroof will slide all the way open. To stop the sunroof sliding at any point, press any sunroof control button.
  • Page 98
    OUN026031 Sunshade The sunshade will be opened with the glass panel automatically when the glass panel is slid. You will have to close it manually if you want it closed. WARNING — Sunroof • Do not extend face, neck, arms or body outside through the sunroof opening while driving.
  • Page 99
    Features of your vehicle OHD046083 In case of an emergency If the sunroof does not open electrically: 1. Open the sunglass holder. OHD046019 OUN026030 2. Remove the two (2) screws, and then remove the overhead console. 3. Insert the emergency handle (provided with the vehicle) and turn the handle clockwise to open or counterclockwise to close.
  • Page 100
    5. Press and hold the tilt button (for more than 5 seconds) until the sun- roof is operated as follows; TILT DOWN → SLIDE OPEN → SLIDE CLOSE Then, release the button. When this is complete, the sunroof sys- tem is reset. Features of your vehicle 4 27…
  • Page 101
    Should you notice any change in the effort required to steer during normal vehicle operation, have the power steer- ing checked by an authorized Hyundai dealer. ✽ ✽ NOTICE The following symptoms may occur dur- ing normal vehicle operation: •…
  • Page 102
    WARNING • Never adjust the angle and height of steering wheel while driving. You may lose your steering con- trol and cause severe personal injury or accidents. • After adjusting, push the steering wheel both up and down to be certain it is locked in position.
  • Page 103
    Features of your vehicle MIRRORS Inside rearview mirror Day/night rearview mirror Adjust the rearview mirror to center on the view through the rear window. Make this adjustment before you start driving. WARNING — Rear visibility Do not place objects in the rear seat or cargo area which would interfere with your vision out the rear window.
  • Page 104
    OHD046024 To operate the electric rearview mirror • Press the ON/OFF button (1) to turn the automatic dimming function on. The mirror indicator light will illuminate. Press the ON/OFF button to turn the automatic- dimming function off. The mirror indicator light will turn off. •…
  • Page 105
    Features of your vehicle WARNING • When programming HomeLink® Wireless Control System, you may be operating a garage door or gate operator. Make sure that people and objects are out of the way of the moving door or gate to prevent potential harm or damage.
  • Page 106
    ✽ ✽ NOTICE For non rolling code garage door open- ers, follow steps 2 — 3. For rolling code garage door openers, follow steps 2 — 6. For Canadian Programming, please fol- low the Canadian Programming section. For help with determining whether your garage is non-rolling code or rolling code, please refer to the garage door openers owner’s manual or contact…
  • Page 107
    Features of your vehicle Operating HomeLink To operate, simply press the pro- grammed HomeLink button. Activation will now occur for the trained product (garage door, security system, entry door lock, estate gate, or home or office light- ing). For convenience, the hand-held transmitter of the device may also be used at any time.
  • Page 108: Driving Your Vehicle

    Gate operator programming & canadi- an programming During programming, your hand-held transmitter may automatically stop trans- mitting. Continue to press and hold the HomeLink button (note steps 2 through 4 in the “Programming” portion of this text) while you press and re-press (“cycle”) your handheld transmitter every two sec- onds until the frequency signal has been learned.

  • Page 109
    Features of your vehicle WARNING — Rearview mir- rors • The right outside rearview mirror is convex. Objects seen in the mirror are closer than they appear. • Use your interior rearview mirror or direct observation to deter- mine the actual distance of fol- lowing vehicles when changing lanes.
  • Page 110
    OHD046025 Electric type (if equipped) The electric remote control mirror switch allows you to adjust the position of the left and right outside rearview mirrors. To adjust the position of either mirror, move the lever (1) to R or L to select the right side mirror or the left side mirror, then press a corresponding point ( ) on the…
  • Page 111: Instrument Cluster

    Features of your vehicle INSTRUMENT CLUSTER 1. Tachometer 2. Turn signal indicators 3. Speedometer 4. Engine temperature gauge 5. Warning and indicator lights 6. Shift position indicator (Automatic transaxle only) 7. Odometer/Trip computer 8. Fuel gauge OHD046027N…

  • Page 112: Instrument Panel Illumination

    OHD046045L Instrument panel illumination When the vehicle’s parking lights or head- lights are on, rotate the illumination con- trol knob to adjust the instrument panel illumination intensity. The instrument cluster illumination inten- sity can be adjusted by rotating the con- trol knob with the headlight switch in any position when the ignition switch is in ON position.

  • Page 113
    Features of your vehicle OHD046031 Engine temperature gauge This gauge shows the temperature of the engine coolant when the ignition switch is ON. Do not continue driving with an overheat- ed engine. If your vehicle overheats, refer to “If the engine overheats” in the Index. CAUTION If the gauge pointer moves beyond the normal range area toward the…
  • Page 114
    OHD046035 Odometer/Tripmeter (if equipped) You can choose the odometer, tripmeter A or tripmeter B by pressing the TRIP button for less than 1 second. OHD046036N Odometer The odometer indicates the total dis- tance the vehicle has been driven. You will also find the odometer useful to determine when periodic maintenance should be performed.
  • Page 115
    Features of your vehicle OHD046035 Trip computer (if equipped) The trip computer is a microcomputer- controlled driver information system that displays information related to driving, including distance to empty, tripmeter, average fuel consumption and average speed on the display when the ignition switch is in ON position.
  • Page 116
    ✽ ✽ NOTICE • If the vehicle is not on level ground or the battery power has been interrupt- ed, the “Distance to empty” function may not operate correctly. The trip computer may not register additional fuel if less than 1.6 gallons (6 liters) of fuel are added to the vehi- cle.
  • Page 117
    ABS. If this occurs, have your vehicle checked by an authorized Hyundai dealer as soon as possible. The normal braking system will still be operational, but without the assistance of the anti-lock brake system.
  • Page 118
    In this case, your ABS and regular brake system may not work normally. Have the vehicle checked by an authorized Hyundai dealer as soon as possible. WARNING If the both ABS and Brake warning lights are on and stay on, your vehi- cle’s brake system will not work…
  • Page 119
    3. Do not drive the vehicle if leaks are found, the warning light remains on or the brakes do not operate properly. Have it towed to any authorized Hyundai dealer for a brake system inspection and necessary repairs.
  • Page 120
    2. With the engine off, check the genera- tor drive belt for looseness or break- age. 3. If the belt is adjusted properly, a prob- lem exists somewhere in the electrical charging system. Have an authorized Hyundai dealer correct the problem as soon as possible. 4 47…
  • Page 121
    ON posi- tion, take your vehicle to your nearest authorized Hyundai dealer and have the system checked. Generally, your vehicle will continue to be drivable, but have the system checked by an authorized Hyundai dealer promptly.
  • Page 122
    OFF indicator will illuminate indicating the ESC is deactivated. If this indicator stays on in the ESC ON mode, the ESC may have a malfunction. Take your car to an authorized Hyundai dealer and have the system checked. Cruise indicator (if equipped)
  • Page 123: Hazard Warning Flasher

    Features of your vehicle HAZARD WARNING FLASHER OHD046044L The hazard warning flasher should be used whenever you find it necessary to stop the car in a hazardous location. When you must make such an emer- gency stop, always pull off the road as far as possible.

  • Page 124: Lighting Control

    LIGHTING Battery saver function • The purpose of this feature is to pre- vent the battery from being dis- charged. The system automatically turns off the small light when the driver removes the ignition key and opens the driver- side door. •…

  • Page 125: High Beam Operation

    Features of your vehicle OUN026222 Headlight position ( When the light switch is in the headlight position (2nd position) the head, tail, position, license and instrument panel lights are ON. ✽ ✽ NOTICE The ignition switch must be in the ON position to turn on the headlights.

  • Page 126
    OUN026226 Turn signals and lane change sig- nals The ignition switch must be on for the turn signals to function. To turn on the turn signals, move the lever up or down (A). Green arrow indicators on the instru- ment panel indicate which turn signal is operating.
  • Page 127: Wipers And Washers

    Features of your vehicle WIPERS AND WASHERS OHD046046 Windshield wipers Operates as follows when the ignition switch is turned ON. : For a single wiping cycle, push the lever upward and release it with the lever in the OFF position. The wipers will operate continuously if the lever is pushed upward and held.

  • Page 128
    OHD046048 Windshield washers In the OFF position, pull the lever gently toward you to spray washer fluid on the windshield and to run the wipers 1-3 cycles. Use this function when the windshield is dirty. The spray and wiper operation will con- tinue until you release the lever.
  • Page 129: Interior Light

    Features of your vehicle INTERIOR LIGHT ✽ ✽ NOTICE Do not use the interior lights for extend- ed periods when engine is not running. It may cause battery discharge. OHD046049 ap lamp Push in the map lamp lens to turn the light on or off.

  • Page 130
    In the ON position, the light stays on at all times. CAUTION Do not leave the switch in this posi- tion for an extended period of time when the vehicle is not running. In the OFF position, the light stays off at all times even though a door is open.
  • Page 131
    Features of your vehicle OHD046052 Vanity mirror lamp (if equipped) Opening the lid of the vanity mirror will automatically turn on the mirror light.
  • Page 132
    DEFROSTER CAUTION • To prevent damage to the con- ductors bonded to the inside sur- face of the rear window, never use sharp instruments or window cleaners containing abrasives to clean the window. • If you want to defrost and defog on the front windshield, refer to “Windshield Defrosting…
  • Page 133
    Features of your vehicle MANUAL CLIMATE CONTROL SYSTEM (IF EQUIPPED) 1. Temperature control knob 2. Fan speed control knob 3. Mode selection knob 4. Air conditioning button (if equipped) 5. Air intake control button 6. Rear window defroster button OHD046056N…
  • Page 134
    Heating and air conditioning 1. Start the engine. 2. Set the mode to the desired position. 3. Set the temperature control to the desired position. 4. Set the air intake control to the outside (fresh) air position. 5. Set the fan speed control to the desired speed.
  • Page 135
    Features of your vehicle OHD046057N Mode selection The mode selection knob controls the direction of the air flow through the venti- lation system. Air can be directed to the floor, dash- board outlets, or windshield. Five sym- bols are used to represent Face, Bi- Level, Floor, Floor-Defrost and Defrost air position.
  • Page 136
    OHD046060 Instrument panel vents If air flow control is not satisfactory, check the instrument panel vents. The outlet port can be opened or closed separately using the horizontal thumbwheel. To close the vent, rotate it left to the maxi- mum position. To open the vent, rotate it right to the desired position.
  • Page 137
    Features of your vehicle Recirculated air position The indicator light on the button is illuminated when the recirculated air position is selected. With the recirculated air position selected, air from passenger compartment will be drawn through the heating system and heated or cooled according to the function selected.
  • Page 138
    OHD046063N Fan speed control The ignition switch must be in the ON position for fan operation. The fan speed control knob allows you to control the fan speed of the air flowing from the ventilation system. To change the fan speed, turn the knob to the right for higher speed or left for lower speed.
  • Page 139
    Air conditioning (if equipped) All Hyundai Air Conditioning Systems are filled with environmentally friendly R-134a refrigerant which is not damag- ing to the ozone layer.
  • Page 140
    (fresh) air position is selected. If this hap- pens, have the climate control air filter replaced by an authorized Hyundai deal- Features of your vehicle CAUTION • Replace the filter every 10,000 miles (15,000 km) or once a year.
  • Page 141
    Hyundai dealer. CAUTION The air conditioning system should be serviced by an authorized Hyundai dealer. Improper service may cause serious injury to the per- son performing the service. ✽ ✽ NOTICE When the performance of the air condi-…
  • Page 142
    AUTOMATIC CLIMATE CONTROL SYSTEM (IF EQUIPPED) 1. Front windshield defrost button 2. Rear window defrost button 3. Air conditioning button 4. Air intake control button 5. Temperature control button 6. Fan speed control button 7. AUTO (automatic control) button 8. OFF button Features of your vehicle 9.
  • Page 143
    Features of your vehicle OHD046067 Automatic heating and air condi- tioning The automatic climate control system is controlled by simply setting the desired temperature. The Full Automatic Temperature Control (FATC) system automatically controls the heating and cooling system as follows; 1.
  • Page 144
    Manual heating and air condition- The heating and cooling system can be controlled manually as well by pushing buttons other than the AUTO button. In this case, the system works sequentially according to the order of buttons select- When pressing any button except AUTO button while automatic operation, the functions of the buttons not selected will be controlled automatically.
  • Page 145
    Features of your vehicle OHD046069 Defrost-level (A, D) Most of the air flow is directed to the windshield with a small amount of air directed to the side window defrosters. OHD046060 Instrument panel vents If air flow control is not satisfactory, check the instrument panel vents.
  • Page 146
    Temperature conversion If the battery has been discharged or dis- connected, the temperature mode dis- play will reset to Fahrenheit. This is normal condition. You can switch temperature mode between Fahrenheit to Centigrade as follows; While depressing the AUTO button, depress the OFF button for 3 seconds or more.
  • Page 147
    Features of your vehicle ✽ ✽ NOTICE It should be noted that prolonged oper- ation of the heating in recirculated air position will cause fogging of the wind- shield and side windows and the air within the passenger compartment will become stale.
  • Page 148
    CAUTION If the windows fog up with the Recirculation or A.Q.S mode select- ed, set the air intake control to the Fresh air position or A.Q.S control to «OFF». OHD046073 Fan speed control The fan speed can be set to the desired speed by pressing the fan speed control button.
  • Page 149
    Features of your vehicle OHD046075 Outside tempmeter The current outer temperature is dis- played in 1°C where the temperature range is between -40°F ~ 140°F (-40°C ~ 60°C). OHD046076 OFF mode Push the OFF button to turn off the air cli- mate control system.
  • Page 150: Windshield Defrosting And Defogging

    WINDSHIELD DEFROSTING AND DEFOGGING CAUTION — Windshield heating Do not use the position during cooling operation extremely humid weather. The dif- ference between the temperature of the outside air and that of the wind- shield could cause the outer sur- face of the windshield to fog up, causing loss of visibility.

  • Page 151
    Features of your vehicle OHD046079 Automatic climate control system To defog inside windshield 1. Select desired fan speed. 2. Select desired temperature. 3. Press the defrost button ( 4. The air-conditioning will be turned on according to the detected ambient temperature, outside (fresh) air posi- tion and higher fan speed will be selected automatically.
  • Page 152
    OHD046105N Manual climate control system 1. Turn the ignition switch to the ON posi- tion. 2. Turn the mode selection knob to the defrost position ( 3. Push the air intake control button ) at least 5 times within 3 sec- onds.
  • Page 153: Storage Compartment

    Features of your vehicle STORAGE COMPARTMENT These compartments can be used to store small items required by the driver or passengers. CAUTION • To avoid possible theft, do not leave valuables in the storage compartment. • Always keep the storage com- partment covers closed while driving.

  • Page 154
    OHD046083 Sunglass holder To open the sunglass holder, press the cover and the holder will slowly open. Place your sunglasses in the compart- ment door with the lenses facing out. Push to close. CAUTION Make sure the sunglass holder is closed while driving.
  • Page 155: Interior Features

    This can damage the heating element and create a fire hazard. If it is necessary to replace the cigarette lighter, use only a genuine Hyundai replacement or its approved equivalent. CAUTION • Do not hold the lighter in after it is already heated because it will overheat.

  • Page 156: Cup Holder

    Cup holder WARNING Hot liquids • Do not place uncovered cups of hot liquid in the cup holder while the vehicle is in motion. If the hot liquid spills, you could be burned. Such a burn to the driver could cause a loss of control of the vehicle.

  • Page 157
    Features of your vehicle CAUTION — Vanity mirror lamp (if equipped) Close the vanity mirror cover securely and return the sunvisor to its original position after use. If the vanity mirror is not closed securely, the lamp will stay on and could result in battery discharge and pos- sible sunvisor damage.
  • Page 158
    OHD046091N Digital clock Whenever the battery terminals, related fuses are disconnected, you must reset the time. When the ignition switch is in the ACC or ON position, the clock buttons operate as follows: WARNING Do not adjust the clock while driv- ing.
  • Page 159
    To keep items from shifting in the cargo area, you can use the four holders locat- ed in the cargo area to attach the lug- gage net. Contact your authorized Hyundai dealer to obtain a luggage net. CAUTION To prevent damage to the goods or…
  • Page 160: Audio System

    AUDIO SYSTEM B870A01A Antenna Fixed Rod Antenna (if equipped) Your car uses a fixed rod antenna to receive both AM and FM broadcast sig- nals. This antenna is a removable type. To remove the antenna, turn it counter- clockwise. To install the antenna, turn it clockwise.

  • Page 161
    Features of your vehicle OHD046094 Audio remote control (if equipped) The steering wheel audio remote control button is installed to promote safe driv- ing. ✽ ✽ NOTICE Do not operate audio remote control buttons simultaneously. MODE (1) Press the button to select Radio, Tape (if equipped) or CD (compact disc).
  • Page 162
    FM reception JBM001 How car audio works AM and FM radio signals are broadcast from transmitter towers located around your city.They are intercepted by the radio anten- na on your car. This signal is then received by the radio and sent to your car speakers. When a strong radio signal has reached your vehicle, the precise engineering of your audio system ensures the best pos-…
  • Page 163
    Features of your vehicle JBM004 • Fading — As your car moves away from the radio station, the signal will weaken and sound will begin to fade. When this occurs, we suggest that you select another stronger station. • Flutter/Static — Weak FM signals or large obstructions between the trans- mitter and your radio can disturb the signal causing static or fluttering nois-…
  • Page 164
    Care of cassette tapes (if equipped) • Because the thickness of a cassette tape with the total playback time of over 60 minutes (C-60) are too thin, we suggest that you do not use any of them to avoid having tapes being tan- gled.
  • Page 165
    Features of your vehicle STEREO RADIO PLAYER OPERATION (M420) (IF EQUIPPED) 1. POWER ON-OFF, VOLUME Control Knob 2. BAND Select Button 3. TUNE/MODE Select Knob 4. AUTO SEEK Select Button 5. SCAN Button 6. PRESET Station Select Buttons HD_420 AM…
  • Page 166
    1. POWER ON-OFF Control Knob The radio unit may be operated when the ignition key is in the “ACC” or “ON” posi- tion. Press the knob to switch the power on. The LCD shows the radio frequency in the radio mode or the tape direction indicator in the tape mode.
  • Page 167
    Features of your vehicle 4. AUTO SEEK Select Button (Automatic Channel Selection) Press the AUTO SEEK select button. When the side is pressed, the unit will automatically tune to the next higher frequency and when the side is pressed, it will automatically tune to the next lower frequency.
  • Page 168
    Features of your vehicle CASSETTE TAPE PLYER OPERATION (M420) (IF EQUIPPED) 1. Tape Program/AUX Button 2. Tape Eject Button 3. DOLBY Button 4. REPEAT (RPT) Button 5. AUTO MUSIC Search (AMS) Button 6. FF/REW Button HD_420 4 95…
  • Page 169
    Features of your vehicle 1. TAPE PROGRAM/AUX Button This allows you to play the reverse side of the tape by merely pressing the pro- gram button. The PLAY and an arrow will appear in the display to show tape direc- tion.
  • Page 170
    Features of your vehicle STEREO RADIO PLAYER OPERATION (M445) (IF EQUIPPED) 1. POWER ON-OFF, VOLUME Control Knob 2. Band Select Buttons 3. TUNE/MODE Select Knob 4. AUTO SEEK Select Button 5. SCAN Button 6. EQ Button 7. PRESET STATION Select Buttons HD_445 AM 4 97…
  • Page 171
    Features of your vehicle 1. POWER ON-OFF Control Knob The radio unit may be operated when the ignition key is in the “ACC”or “ON” posi- tion. Press the knob to switch the power on. The LCD shows the radio frequency in radio mode or displays the CD track in CD mode.
  • Page 172
    4. AUTO SEEK Select Button (Automatic Channel Selection) Press the AUTO SEEK select button. When the side is pressed, the unit will automatically tune to the next higher frequency and when the side is pressed, it will automatically tune to the next lower frequency.
  • Page 173
    Features of your vehicle COMPACT DISC PLAYER OPERATION (M445) (IF EQUIPPED) 1. CD/AUX Select Button 2. Track Up/Down Button 3. FF/REW Button 4. REPEAT (RPT) Button 5. CD SCAN Button 6. CD Eject Button 7. RANDOM (RDM) Button HD_445 AM…
  • Page 174
    1. CD/AUX Select Button • Insert the CD with the label facing upward. • Insert the CD to start CD playback, during radio operation. • When a disc is in the CD deck, if you press the CD button the CD player will begin playing even if the radio player is being used.
  • Page 175
    Features of your vehicle 6. CD EJECT Button When the button is pressed with a CD loaded, the CD will eject. Forcing to eject : To force to eject a CD, press this button for more than 3 sec- onds. (Do this only when a CD is jammed and you can not eject it in the normal way — e.g.) in case that you have inserted 2…
  • Page 176
    Features of your vehicle STEREO RADIO PLAYER OPERATION (M465) (IF EQUIPPED) 1. POWER ON-OFF, VOLUME Control Knob 2. BAND Select Button 3. TUNE/AUDIO Control Knob 4. AUTO SEEK Select Button 5. SCAN Button 6. EQ Button 7. PRESET Station Select Buttons 8.
  • Page 177
    Features of your vehicle 1. POWER ON-OFF Control Knob The radio unit may be operated when the ignition key is in the «ACC» or “ON” posi- tion. Press the knob to switch the power on. The LCD shows the radio frequency in the radio mode, the tape direction indi- cator in the tape mode or CD track in either the CD mode or CD AUTO…
  • Page 178
    5. CD SCAN Button • To playback the first 10 seconds of each track, press the CD SCAN button. • Press the CD SCAN button again with- in 10 sec. when you have reached the desired track. 6. EQ Button Press the EQ button to select the CLAS- SIC, POPS, ROCK, JAZZ and OFF MODE for the desired tone quality.
  • Page 179
    Features of your vehicle CASSETTE TAPE PLAYER OPERATION (M465) (IF EQUIPPED) 1. TAPE PROGRAM Button 2. TAPE EJECT Button 3. Auto Music Search (AMS) Button 4. DOLBY Button 5. FF/REW Button 6. REPEAT (RPT) Button 7. EQ Button HD_465 AM…
  • Page 180
    1. TAPE PROGRAM Button This allows you to play the reverse side of the tape by merely pressing the pro- gram button. The PLAY and an arrow will appear in the display to show tape direc- tion. 2. TAPE EJECT Button •…
  • Page 181
    Features of your vehicle COMPACT DISC PLAYER/CD AUTO CHANGER OPERATION (M465) (IF EQUIPPED) 1. LOAD Button 2. CD(AUDIO/MP3)/AUX Select Button 3. CD EJECT Button 4. TRACK UP/DOWN Button 5. SCROLL Button 6. FF/REW Button 7. EQ (Equalizer) Button 8. CD SCAN Button 9.
  • Page 182
    1. LOAD Button This compact disc player will accommo- date up to six compact discs. To insert one disc into the player, do the following: 1. Press and release the LOAD Button. 2. Blue light on the slot will be illuminated and the lowest number of empty slot will blink on the display.
  • Page 183
    Features of your vehicle • If you press this button. you can change to AUX mode. • AUX mode is available only when AUX jack is plugged in and change back to last mode if you pull it out. 3. CD EJECT Button •…
  • Page 184
    ✽ ✽ NOTICE Tracks stored on Mark Memory will be automatically erased after you eject CDs that contain those tracks. 10. RPT (Repeat) Button • To repeat the track you are currently listening to, press the RPT button. To cancel, press it again. If it pressed for more than one second, it will be repeated all tracks within currently played CD.
  • Page 185
    Features of your vehicle ✽ ✽ NOTICE • To assure proper operation of the unit, keep the vehicle interior temperature within a normal range by using the vehicle’s air conditioning or heating system. • When replacing the fuse, replace it with a fuse having the correct capaci- •…
  • Page 186
    Before driving / 5-3 Key positions / 5-4 Starting the engine / 5-5 Manual transaxle / 5-7 Automatic transaxle / 5-10 Brake system / 5-16 Cruise control system / 5-26 Economical operation / 5-30 Special driving conditions / 5-32 Winter driving / 5-35 Trailer towing / 5-39 Driving your vehicle Vehicle load limit / 5-47…
  • Page 187: Driving Your Vehicle

    Hyundai dealer. • Do not run the engine in an enclosed area.

  • Page 188: Before Driving

    PROPOSITION 65 WARN- Engine exhaust and a wide variety of automobile components and parts, including components found in the interior furnishings in a vehi- cle, contain or emit chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects and reproductive harm.

  • Page 189: Key Positions

    Driving your vehicle WARNING — Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs Drinking and driving is dangerous. Drunk driving is the number one contributor to the highway death toll each year. Even a small amount of alcohol will affect your reflexes, perceptions judgement.

  • Page 190: Starting The Engine

    ACC (Accessory) The steering wheel is unlocked and elec- trical accessories are operative. ✽ ✽ NOTICE If difficulty is experienced in turning the ignition key to the ACC position, turn the steering wheel right and left to release the tension and then turn the key.

  • Page 191
    Driving your vehicle 3. Turn the ignition switch to START and hold it there until the engine starts (a maximum of 10 seconds), then release the key. 4. In extremely cold weather (below 0°F / -18°C) or after the vehicle has not been operated for several days, let the engine warm up without depress- ing the accelerator.
  • Page 192
    MANUAL TRANSAXLE (IF EQUIPPED) The shift lever can be moved without pulling the ring (1). The ring (1) must be pulled up while moving the shift lever. Driving your vehicle Manual transaxle operation The manual transaxle has 5 forward gears. This shift pattern is imprinted on the shift knob.
  • Page 193
    Driving your vehicle CAUTION • When downshifting from fifth gear to fourth gear, caution should be taken not to inadver- tently press the gear shift lever sideways in such a manner that second gear is engaged. Such a drastic downshift may cause the engine speed to increase to the point that the tachometer will enter the red-zone.
  • Page 194
    Using the clutch The clutch should be pressed all the way to the floor before shifting, then released slowly. The clutch pedal should always be fully released while driving. Do not rest your foot on the clutch pedal while driv- ing.
  • Page 195: Automatic Transaxle

    Driving your vehicle AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE Depress the brake pedal when shifting The shift lever can be moved freely OHD056003…

  • Page 196
    Automatic transaxle operation The highly efficient automatic transaxle has 4 forward speeds and one reverse speed. The individual speeds are select- ed automatically, depending on the posi- tion of the shift lever. All normal forward driving is done with the shift lever in the D (Drive) position. To move the shift lever from the P (Park) position, the brake pedal must be depressed with the ignition switch ON.
  • Page 197
    Driving your vehicle Transaxle ranges The indicator lights in the instrument cluster indicate the shift lever position when the ignition switch is in the ON position. P (Park) Always come to a complete stop before shifting into P (Park). This position locks the transaxle and prevents the front wheels from rotating.
  • Page 198
    3 (Third gear) Use for towing a trailer during hill climb- ing or to use engine braking downhill. «3» automatically shifts between 1st, 2nd and 3rd gears. This means that no shift- up to 4th gear is performed. However, the shift-up to 4th gear is done when the car speed exceeds a certain value to prevent the engine from over-revving.
  • Page 199
    (or key). 3. Move the shift lever. 4. Have your vehicle inspected by an authorized Hyundai dealer immediate- Ignition key interlock system The ignition key cannot be removed unless the shift lever is in the P (Park) position.
  • Page 200
    Good driving practices • Never move the gear selector lever from P (Park) or N (Neutral) to any other position with the accelerator pedal depressed. • Never move the gear selector lever into «P» when the vehicle is in motion. •…
  • Page 201: Brake System

    Driving your vehicle BRAKE SYSTEM Power brakes Your vehicle has power-assisted brakes that adjust automatically through normal usage. In the event that the power-assisted brakes lose power because of a stalled engine or some other reason, you can still stop your vehicle by applying greater force to the brake pedal than you nor- mally would.

  • Page 202
    Disc brakes wear indicator Your vehicle has disc brakes. When your brake pads are worn and new pads are required, you will hear a high- pitched warning sound from your front brakes or rear brakes (if equipped). You may hear this sound come and go or it may occur whenever you depress the brake pedal.
  • Page 203
    Driving your vehicle OHD056005 Parking brake Applying the parking brake To engage the parking brake, first apply the foot brake and then without pressing the release button in, pull the parking brake lever up as far as possible. In addi- tion it is recommended that when parking the vehicle on a gradient, the shift lever should be positioned in the appropriate…
  • Page 204: Anti-Lock Brake System (Abs)

    W-75 Check the brake warning light by turning the ignition switch ON (do not start the engine). This light will be illuminated when the parking brake is applied with the ignition switch in the START or ON position. Before driving, be sure the parking brake is fully released and the brake warning light is off.

  • Page 205
    ABS will go through self-diagnosis and the light will go off if everything is normal. If the light stays on, you may have a problem with your ABS. Contact an authorized Hyundai dealer as soon as possible.
  • Page 206
    Otherwise, you may have a prob- lem with the ABS. Contact an authorized Hyundai dealer as soon as possible. ✽ ✽ NOTICE When you jump start your vehicle because of a drained battery, the engine…
  • Page 207
    Driving your vehicle The Electronic Stability Control (ESC) system is an electronic system designed to help the driver maintain vehicle control under adverse conditions. It is not a substitute for safe driving practices. Factors including speed, road conditions and driver steering input can all affect whether ESC will be effective in preventing a loss of control.
  • Page 208
    ESC operation off ESC OFF state • To cancel ESC operation, press the ESC OFF button (ESC OFF indicator light illu- minates). • If the ignition switch is turned to LOCK position when ESC is off, ESC remains off. Upon restarting the engine, the ESC will automatically turn on again.
  • Page 209
    If the braking action does not return to normal, stop as soon as it is safe to do so and call an authorized Hyundai dealer for assistance. • Don’t coast down hills with the car out of gear.
  • Page 210
    • Don’t «ride» the brake pedal. Resting your foot on the brake pedal while driv- ing can be dangerous because it can result in the brakes overheating and losing their effectiveness. It also increases the wear of the brake com- ponents.
  • Page 211
    Driving your vehicle CRUISE CONTROL SYSTEM (IF EQUIPPED) The cruise control system allows you to program the vehicle to maintain a con- stant speed without resting your foot on the accelerator pedal. This system is designed to function above approximately 24 mph (40 km/h). WARNING •…
  • Page 212
    OHD056011L 3. Push the COAST/SET switch, and release it at the desired speed. The SET indicator light in the instrument cluster will illuminate. Release the accelerator at the same time. The desired speed will automatically be maintained. On a steep grade, the vehicle may momentarily slow down while going down- hill.
  • Page 213
    Driving your vehicle To temporarily accelerate with the cruise control on: If you want to speed up temporarily when the cruise control is on, depress the accelerator pedal. Increased speed will not interfere with cruise control operation or change the set speed. To return to the set speed, take your foot off the accelerator.
  • Page 214
    OHD056012L To resume cruising speed at more than 24 mph (40 km/h): If any method other than the CRUISE ON-OFF switch was used to cancel cruising speed and the system is still activated, the most recent set speed will automatically resume when RES/ACCEL switch is pushed.
  • Page 215: Economical Operation

    Driving your vehicle ECONOMICAL OPERATION Your vehicle’s fuel economy depends mainly on your style of driving, where you drive and when you drive. Each of these factors affects how many miles (kilometers) you can get from a gal- lon (liter) of fuel. To operate your vehicle as economically as possible, use the fol- lowing driving suggestions to help save money in both fuel and repairs:…

  • Page 216
    Keeping a vehicle in good operating con- dition is important both for economy and safety. Therefore, have an authorized Hyundai dealer perform scheduled inspections and maintenance. WARNING — Engine off dur- ing motion…
  • Page 217: Special Driving Conditions

    Driving your vehicle SPECIAL DRIVING CONDITIONS Hazardous driving conditions When hazardous driving conditions are encountered such as water, snow, ice, mud, sand, or similar hazards, follow these suggestions: • Drive cautiously and allow extra dis- tance for braking. • Avoid sudden movements in braking or steering.

  • Page 218
    Smooth cornering Avoid braking or gear changing in cor- ners, especially when roads are wet. Ideally, corners should always be taken under gentle acceleration. If you follow these suggestions, tire wear will be held to a minimum. Driving at night Because night driving presents more hazards than driving in the daylight, here are some important tips to remember:…
  • Page 219
    Driving your vehicle Higher speed motoring Tires: Adjust the tire inflation pressures to specification. Low tire inflation pressures will result in overheating and possible failure of the tires. Avoid using worn or damaged tires which may result in reduced traction or tire fail- ure.
  • Page 220: Winter Driving

    WINTER DRIVING The more severe weather conditions of winter result in greater wear and other problems. To minimize the problems of winter driving, you should follow these suggestions: Snowy or Icy conditions To drive your vehicle in deep snow, it may be necessary to use snow tires or to install tire chains on your tires.

  • Page 221
    Driving your vehicle CAUTION • Make sure the snow chains are the correct size and type for your tires. Incorrect snow chains can cause damage to the vehicle body and suspension and may not be covered by your vehicle manufac- turer warranty.
  • Page 222
    Visually inspect the bat- tery and cables as described in Section 7. The level of charge in your battery can be checked by an authorized Hyundai dealer or a service station. Change to «winter weight» oil if necessary In some climates it is recommended that a lower viscosity «winter weight»…
  • Page 223
    Driving your vehicle Don’t let your parking brake freeze Under some conditions your parking brake can freeze in the engaged position. This is most likely to happen when there is an accumulation of snow or ice around or near the rear brakes or if the brakes are wet.
  • Page 224: Trailer Towing

    Since laws vary from state to state the requirements for towing trailers, cars, or other types of vehicles or apparatus may differ. Ask an authorized Hyundai dealer for further details before towing. WARNING — Towing a trail-…

  • Page 225
    Driving your vehicle Hitches It’s important to have the correct hitch equipment. Crosswinds, large trucks going by, and rough roads are a few rea- sons why you’ll need the right hitch. Here are some rules to follow: • Will you have to make any holes in the body of your vehicle when you install a trailer hitch? If you do, then be sure to seal the holes later when you remove…
  • Page 226
    Do not connect a trailer lighting system directly to your vehicle’s lighting system. Use only an approved trailer wiring har- ness. An authorized Hyundai dealer can assist you in installing the wiring harness. WARNING Failure to use an approved trailer…
  • Page 227
    Driving your vehicle Driving on grades Reduce speed and shift to a lower gear before you start down a long or steep downgrade. If you don’t shift down, you might have to use your brakes so much that they would get hot and no longer operate efficiently.
  • Page 228
    WARNING — Parking brake It can be dangerous to get out of your vehicle if the parking brake is not firmly set. If you have left the engine running, the vehicle can move suddenly. You or others could be seriously or fatally injured.
  • Page 229
    Failure to heed this caution may result in serious engine or transaxle damage. • When towing a trailer, be sure to con- sult an authorized Hyundai dealer for further information additional requirements such as a towing kit, etc.
  • Page 230
    Tongue Load Total Trailer Weight C190E01JM Weight of the trailer How heavy can a trailer safely be? It should never weigh more than the maxi- mum trailer weight with trailer brakes. But even that can be too heavy. It depends on how you plan to use your trailer.
  • Page 231
    Driving your vehicle (Continued) • Never exceed maximum weight limits of the trailer or trail- er towing equipment. Improper loading can result in damage to your vehicle and/or personal injury. Check weights and loading at a commercial scale or highway patrol office equipped…
  • Page 232
    VEHICLE LOAD LIMIT OHD056900N Tire and loading information label The label located on the driver’s door sill gives the original tire size, cold tire pressures recommended for your vehicle, the number of people that can be in your vehicle and vehicle capacity weight.
  • Page 233
    Driving your vehicle Steps for determining correct load limit 1. Locate the statement «The com- bined weight of occupants and cargo should never exceed XXX kg or XXX lbs.» on your vehicle’s placard. 2. Determine the combined weight of the driver and passengers that will be riding in your vehicle.
  • Page 234
    Example 2 C190F02JM Item Description Total Vehicle Capacity 1400 lbs Weight (635 kg) Subtract Occupant 750 lbs Weight (340 kg) 150 lbs (68 kg) × 5 Available Cargo and 650 lbs Luggage weight (295 kg) Refer to your vehicle’s tire and loading information label for specific informa- tion about your vehicle’s capacity weight and seating positions.
  • Page 235
    Driving your vehicle To find out the actual loads on your front and rear axles, you need to go to a weigh station and weigh your vehicle.Your dealer can help you with this. Be sure to spread out your load equally on both sides of the center- line.
  • Page 236
    CAUTION • Overloading your vehicle may cause damage. Repairs would not be covered by your war- ranty. Do not overload your vehicle. • Using heavier suspension components to get added durability might not change your weight ratings. Ask your dealer to help you load your vehicle the right way.
  • Page 237: Weight Of The Vehicle

    Driving your vehicle WEIGHT OF THE VEHICLE This section will guide you in the proper loading of your vehicle and/or trailer, to keep your loaded vehicle weight within its design rating capability, with or without a trailer. Properly loading your vehicle will provide maximum return of the vehicle design performance.

  • Page 238: What To Do In An Emergency

    Road warning / 6-2 In case of an emergency while driving / 6-2 If the engine will not start / 6-3 Emergency starting / 6-4 If the engine overheats / 6-5 If you have a flat tire / 6-7 Towing / 6-15 What to do in an emergency…

  • Page 239: In Case Of An Emergency While Driving

    What to do in an emergency ROAD WARNING OHD046044L Hazard warning flasher The hazard warning flasher serves as a warning to other drivers to exercise extreme caution when approaching, overtaking, or passing your vehicle. It should be used whenever emergency repairs are being made or when the vehi- cle is stopped near the edge of a road- way.

  • Page 240: If The Engine Will Not Start

    2. Turn on your emergency flashers. 3. Try to start the engine again. If your vehicle will not start, contact an authorized Hyundai dealer or seek other qualified assistance. IF THE ENGINE WILL NOT START WARNING If the engine will not start, do not push or pull the car to start it.

  • Page 241: Emergency Starting

    What to do in an emergency EMERGENCY STARTING Jumper Cables Discharged battery Booster battery 1VQA4001 Jump starting Jump starting can be dangerous if done incorrectly. Therefore, to avoid harm to yourself or damage to your vehicle or battery, follow the jump starting proce- dures.

  • Page 242: If The Engine Overheats

    2,000 rpm, then start the engine of the vehi- cle with the discharged battery. If the cause of your battery discharging is not apparent, you should have your vehi- cle checked by an authorized Hyundai dealer. Push-starting Vehicles equipped…

  • Page 243
    7. Proceed with caution, keeping alert for further signs of overheating. If over- heating happens again, call an author- ized Hyundai dealer for assistance. CAUTION Serious loss of coolant indicates there is a leak in the cooling system…
  • Page 244
    IF YOU HAVE A FLAT TIRE OHD066002 Jack and tools The spare tire, jack, jack handle, wheel lug nut wrench are stored in the luggage compartment. Remove the luggage under tray out of the way to reach this equipment. 1. Spanner 2.
  • Page 245
    What to do in an emergency (Continued) • The vehicle can easily roll off jack causing serious injury or death. No person should place any portion of their body under a vehicle that is supported only by a jack; use vehicle support stands. •…
  • Page 246
    1JBA6504 4. Remove the wheel lug nut wrench, jack, jack handle, and spare tire from the vehicle. 5. Block both the front and rear of the wheel that is diagonally opposite the jack position. WARNING — Changing a tire • To prevent vehicle movement while changing a tire, always set the parking brake fully, and always block the wheel…
  • Page 247
    What to do in an emergency 1JB6025 7. Place the jack at the front or rear jacking position closest to the tire you are changing. Place the jack at the designated locations under the frame. The jacking positions are plates welded to the frame with two tabs and a raised dot to index with the jack.
  • Page 248
    WARNING Wheels and wheel covers may have sharp edges. Handle them carefully to avoid possible severe injury. Before putting the wheel into place, be sure that there is nothing on the hub or wheel (such as mud, tar, gravel, etc.) that interferes with the wheel from fitting…
  • Page 249
    If in doubt, consult an author- ized Hyundai dealer. WARNING — Wheel studs If the studs are damaged, they may lose their ability to retain the wheel.
  • Page 250
    Important — use of compact spare tire Your vehicle is equipped with a com- pact spare tire. This compact spare tire takes up less space than a regu- lar-size tire. This tire is smaller than a conventional tire and is designed for temporary use only.
  • Page 251
    What to do in an emergency • Do not take this vehicle through an automatic car wash while the com- pact spare tire is installed. • Do not use tire chains on the com- pact spare tire. Because of the smaller size, a tire chain will not fit properly.
  • Page 252
    Towing service If emergency towing is necessary, we recommend having it done by an author- ized Hyundai dealer or a commercial tow-truck service. Proper lifting and tow- ing procedures are necessary to prevent damage to the vehicle. The use of wheel dollies or flatbed is recommended.
  • Page 253
    OMG065013 Emergency towing If towing is necessary, we recommend you to have it done by an authorized Hyundai dealer or a commercial tow truck service. If towing service is not available in an emergency, your vehicle may be tem- porarily towed using a cable or chain secured to the emergency towing hook under the front (or rear) of the vehicle.
  • Page 254
    • If the disabled vehicle is unable to be moved, do not forcibly con- tinue the towing. Contact an authorized Hyundai dealer or a commercial tow truck service for assistance. • Tow the vehicle as straight ahead as possible.
  • Page 255: Tie-Down Hook

    What to do in an emergency Emergency towing precautions • Turn the ignition switch to ACC so the steering wheel isn’t locked. • Place the transaxle shift lever in N (Neutral). • Release the parking bake. • Press the brake pedal with more force than normal since you will have reduced brake performance.

  • Page 256: Maintenance

    Engine compartment / 7-2 Maintenance services / 7-3 Owner maintenance / 7-5 Scheduled maintenance service / 7-7 Explanation of scheduled maintenance items / 7-12 Engine oil / 7-15 Engine coolant / 7-16 Brakes and clutch fluid / 7-19 Automatic transaxle fluid / 7-20 Washer fluid / 7-22 Parking brake / 7-22 Air cleaner / 7-23…

  • Page 257: Engine Compartment

    Maintenance ENGINE COMPARTMENT ■ ■ Gasoline Engine (2.0L) 1. Engine coolant reservoir 2. Engine oil filler cap 3. Brake fluid reservoir 4. Air cleaner 5. Fuse box 6. Negative battery terminal 7. Positive battery terminal 8. Auto transaxle oil dipstick* 9.

  • Page 258: Maintenance Services

    Should you have any doubts concerning the inspection or servicing of your vehi- cle, we strongly recommend that you have an authorized Hyundai dealer per- form this work. An authorized Hyundai dealer has facto- ry-trained technicians and genuine Hyundai parts to service your vehicle properly.

  • Page 259
    For details, read the sepa- rate Service Passport provided with the vehicle. If you’re unsure about any serv- icing or maintenance procedure, have it done by an authorized Hyundai dealer. WARNING — Maintenance work • Performing maintenance work on a vehicle can be dangerous.
  • Page 260: Owner Maintenance

    OWNER MAINTENANCE The following lists are vehicle checks and inspections that should be performed by the owner or an authorized Hyundai dealer at the frequencies indicated to help ensure safe, dependable operation of your vehicle. Any adverse conditions should be brought to the attention of your dealer as soon as possible.

  • Page 261
    Maintenance At least monthly: • Check coolant level in the engine coolant reservoir. • Check the operation of all exterior lights, including the stoplights, turn sig- nals and hazard warning flashers. • Check the inflation pressures of all tires including the spare. At least twice a year (i.e., every Spring and Fall) : •…
  • Page 262: Scheduled Maintenance Service

    SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE SERVICE Follow Normal Maintenance Schedule if the vehicle is usually operated where none of the following conditions apply. If any of the following conditions apply, fol- low Maintenance Under Severe Usage Conditions. • Repeated short distance driving. • Driving in dusty conditions or sandy areas.

  • Page 263
    Maintenance NORMAL MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE The following maintenance services must be performed to ensure good emission control and performance. Keep receipts for all vehicle emission services to protect your warranty. Where both mileage and time are shown, the frequency of service is deter- mined by whichever occurs first.
  • Page 264
  • Page 265
  • Page 266: Maintenance Under Severe Usage Conditions

    MAINTENANCE UNDER SEVERE USAGE CONDITIONS The following items must be serviced more frequently on cars normally used under severe driving conditions. Refer to the chart below for the appropriate maintenance intervals. R : Replace I : Inspect and, after inspection, clean, adjust, repair or replace if necessary MAINTENANCE ITEM ENGINE OIL AND FILTER AIR CLEANER FILTER…

  • Page 267: Explanation Of Scheduled Maintenance Items

    Maintenance EXPLANATION OF SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE ITEMS Engine oil and filter The engine oil and filter should be changed at the intervals specified in the maintenance schedule. If the car is being driven in severe conditions, more fre- quent oil and filter changes are required. Drive belts Inspect all drive belts for evidence of cuts, cracks, excessive wear or oil satu-…

  • Page 268
    Hoses should be replaced immediately if there is any evidence of deterioration or damage. Maintenance Air cleaner filter A Genuine Hyundai air cleaner filter is recommended when filter replaced. Spark plugs Make sure to install new spark plugs of the correct heat range.
  • Page 269: Automatic Transaxle Fluid

    Maintenance Manual transaxle fluid (if equipped) Inspect the manual transaxle fluid according to the maintenance schedule. ✽ ✽ NOTICE If the oil level is low, check for possible leaks before adding oil. Do not overfill. Automatic transaxle fluid (if equipped) The fluid level should be in the «HOT»…

  • Page 270: Engine Oil

    Use only the specified engine oil. (Refer to the section 9.) Changing the engine oil and filter Have engine oil and filter changed by an authorized Hyundai dealer according to the Maintenance Schedule at the begin- ning of this section. 7 15…

  • Page 271: Engine Coolant

    Maintenance PROPOSITION 65 WARN- Used engine oil may cause irritation or cancer of the skin if left in con- tact with the skin for prolonged periods of time. Used engine oil contains chemicals that have caused cancer in laboratory ani- mals.

  • Page 272
    Bring the level to F, but do not overfill. If frequent additions are required, see an authorized Hyundai dealer for a cooling system inspection. Recommended engine coolant • Use only soft (de-mineralized) water in the coolant mixture.
  • Page 273
    Scalding hot coolant and steam may blow out under pres- sure causing serious injury. Changing the coolant Have coolant changed by an authorized Hyundai dealer according Maintenance Schedule at the beginning of this section. WARNING — Coolant •…
  • Page 274
    Never mix different types of fluid. WARNING — Loss of brake fluid In the event the brake system requires frequent additions of fluid, the vehicle should be inspected by an authorized Hyundai dealer. Maintenance WARNING — Brake fluid When changing adding brake/clutch fluid, handle it careful- ly.
  • Page 275
    Maintenance AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE FLUID (IF EQUIPPED) OHD076012 Checking the automatic transaxle fluid level The automatic transaxle fluid level should be checked regularly. The volume of the transaxle fluid changes with temperature. Although it is best to check the level after having driv- en the vehicle for at least 30 minutes, the level can be checked after warming the fluid using the following procedure.
  • Page 276
    (Refer to the section 9.) Maintenance Changing the automatic transaxle fluid Have automatic transaxle fluid changed by an authorized Hyundai dealer accord- ing to the Maintenance Schedule at the beginning of this section. 7 21…
  • Page 277: Washer Fluid

    Also, the parking brake alone should securely hold the vehicle on a fair- ly steep grade. If the stroke is more or less than specified, have the parking brake adjusted by an authorized Hyundai dealer. Stroke : 7 “clicks’’…

  • Page 278: Air Cleaner

    AIR CLEANER OHD076016 Filter replacement It must be replaced when necessary, and should not be cleaned and reused. OHD076017 1. Loosen the air cleaner cover attaching clips and open the cover. Maintenance OHD076018 2. Replace the air cleaner filter. 3. Lock the cover with the cover attaching clips.

  • Page 279
    • When removing the air cleaner fil- ter, be careful that dust or dirt does not enter the air intake, or damage may result. • Use a Hyundai genuine part. Use of nongenuine part could damage the air flow sensor.
  • Page 280: Climate Control Air Filter

    CLIMATE CONTROL AIR FILTER OHD046065 Filter inspection The climate control air filter should be replaced every 10,000 miles (15,000 km). If the vehicle is operated in the severely air-polluted cities or on dusty rough roads for a long period, it should be inspected more frequently and replaced earlier.

  • Page 281
    Maintenance OHD076022 OHD076023 3. Remove the climate control air filter 4. Replace the climate control air filter. case pulling out the cover. 5. Reassemble in the reverse order of disassembly. ✽ ✽ NOTICE When replacing the climate control air filter install it according to the “AIR FLOW ”…
  • Page 282: Wiper Blades

    WIPER BLADES 1JBA5122 Blade inspection ✽ ✽ NOTICE Commercial hot waxes applied by auto- matic car washes have been known to make the windshield difficult to clean. Contamination of either the windshield or the wiper blades with foreign matter can reduce the effectiveness of the wind- shield wipers.

  • Page 283
    Maintenance 1LDA5023 Front windshield wiper blade 1. Raise the wiper arm and turn the wiper blade assembly to expose the plastic locking clip. CAUTION Do not allow the wiper arm to fall against the windshield, since it may chip or crack the windshield. 1JBA7037 1JBA7038 2.
  • Page 284
    BATTERY OHD076024 For best battery service • Keep the battery securely mounted. • Keep the battery top clean and dry. • Keep the terminals and connections clean, tight, and coated with petroleum jelly or terminal grease. • Rinse any spilled electrolyte from the battery immediately with a solution of water and baking soda.
  • Page 285
    Maintenance (Continued) • When lifting a plastic-cased bat- tery, excessive pressure on the case may cause battery acid to leak, resulting in personal injury. Lift with a battery carrier or with your hands on opposite corners. • Never attempt to recharge the battery when the battery cables are connected.
  • Page 286
    WARNING — Recharging battery When recharging battery, observe the following precautions: • The battery must be removed from the vehicle and placed in an area with good ventilation. • Do not allow cigarettes, sparks, or flame near the battery. • Watch the battery during charg- ing, and stop or reduce the charg- ing rate if the battery cells begin gassing (boiling) violently or if…
  • Page 287
    Maintenance TIRES AND WHEELS Tire care For proper maintenance, safety, and maximum fuel economy, you must always maintain recommended tire inflation pressures and stay within the load limits and weight distribution recommended for your vehicle. Recommended cold tire inflation pressures All tire pressures (including the spare) should be checked when the tires are cold.
  • Page 288
    Keep your tire pres- sures at the proper levels. If a tire frequently needs refilling, have it checked by an author- ized Hyundai dealer. • Overinflation produces harsh ride, excessive wear at the center of the tire tread, and a greater possibility of dam- age from road hazards.
  • Page 289
    Replace tires that are worn, show uneven wear, or are damaged. • Remember to check the pres- sure your spare tire. Hyundai recommends that you check the spare every time you check the pressure of the other tires on your vehi- cle.
  • Page 290
    Tire rotation To equalize tread wear, it is recom- mended that the tires be rotated every 7,500 miles (12,000 km) or sooner if irregular wear develops. During rotation, check the tires for correct balance. When rotating tires, check for uneven wear and damage.
  • Page 291
    Maintenance Wheel alignment and tire balance The wheels on your vehicle were aligned and balanced carefully at the factory to give you the longest tire life and best overall performance. In most cases, you will not need to have your wheels aligned again. However, if you notice unusual tire wear or your vehicle pulling one way or the other, the alignment may need…
  • Page 292
    • Wheels that do not meet Hyundai’s specifications may fit poorly and result in damage to the vehicle or unusual han- dling and poor vehicle control. Compact spare tire replacement A compact spare tire has a shorter tread life than a regular size tire.
  • Page 293
    Maintenance Tire traction Tire traction can be reduced if you drive on worn tires, tires that are improperly inflated or on slippery road surfaces. Tires should be replaced when tread wear indicators appear. To reduce the possibility of losing control, slow down whenever there is rain, snow or ice on the road.
  • Page 294
    89 — Load Index, a numerical code associated with the maximum load the tire can carry. H — Speed Rating Symbol. See the speed rating chart in this section for additional information. Wheel size designation Wheels are also marked with impor- tant information that you need if you ever have to replace one.
  • Page 295
    Maintenance WARNING — Tire age A tire more than 6 years old may sustain separation of cord lay- ers inside the tire. Tire failure to separation of cord, can cause accidents resulting in severe injuries or death. Make sure to check the manu- facturing date of the tire and replace it within 6 years of that date.
  • Page 296
    Temperature -A, B & C The temperature grades are A (the highest), B and C. The grades repre- sent the tire’s resistance to the gen- eration of heat and its ability to dissi- pate heat when tested under con- trolled conditions on a specified indoor laboratory test wheel.
  • Page 297
    Maintenance Cold Tire Pressure: The amount of air pressure in a tire, measured in pounds per square inch (psi) or kilo- pascals (kPa) before a tire has built up heat from driving. Curb Weight: This means the weight of a motor vehicle with standard and optional equipment including the maximum capacity of fuel, oil and coolant, but without passengers and…
  • Page 298
    Maintenance All season tires Hyundai specifies all season tires on some models to provide good per- formance for use all year round, including snowy and icy road condi- tions. All season tires are identified by ALL SEASON and/or M+S (Mud and Snow) on the tire sidewall.
  • Page 299
    Maintenance Snow tires If you equip your car with snow tires, they should be the same size and have the same load capacity as the original tires. Snow tires should be installed on all four wheels; other- wise, poor handling may result. Snow tires should carry 4 psi (28 kPa) more air pressure than the pressure recommended for the stan-…
  • Page 300
    If the replacement fuse blows, this indi- cates an electrical problem. Avoid using the system involved and immediately consult an authorized Hyundai dealer. Three kinds of fuses are used: blade type for lower amperage rating, cartridge type, and fusible link for higher amperage rat- ings.
  • Page 301
    5. Push in a new fuse of the same rating, and make sure it fits tightly in the clips. If it fits loosely, consult an authorized Hyundai dealer. If you do not have a spare, use a fuse of the same rating from a circuit you may not need for operating the vehicle, such as the cigar lighter fuse.
  • Page 302
    4. Push in a new fuse of the same rating, and make sure it fits tightly in the clips. If it fits loosely, consult an authorized Hyundai dealer. 7 47…
  • Page 303
    2. Remove the nuts shown in the picture above. 3. Replace the fuse with a new one of the same rating. 4. Reinstall in the reverse order of removal. ✽ ✽ NOTICE If the main fuse is blown, consult an Authorized Hyundai Dealer.
  • Page 304
    Fuse/Relay panel description Inside the fuse/relay box covers, you can find the fuse/relay label describing fuse/relay name and capacity. Driver’s side panel Engine compartment OHD076031L/OHD076032 Maintenance ✽ ✽ NOTICE Not all fuse panel descriptions in this manual may be applicable to your vehi- cle.
  • Page 305
    Maintenance Driver’s side fuse panel Description Fuse rating START Ignition lock switch, Antitheft alarm, Transaxle range switch A/CON SW A/C control module HTD MIRR Outside heated mirror motor SEAT HTR Seat warmer switch A/CON Blower relay, A/C control module, Sunroof control module HEAD LAMP Head lamp relay FR WIPER…
  • Page 306
    Description Fuse rating CLUSTER Instrument cluster, EPS module, ESC switch A/BAG SRS control module SPARE (Spare) SPARE (Spare) TAIL RH Head lamp(RH), Glove box lamp, Rear combination lamp(RH), License lamp TAIL LH Head lamp(LH), Power window main switch, Rear combination lamp(LH), License lamp Protected component Maintenance 7 51…
  • Page 307
    Maintenance Engine compartment Description Fuse rating ALTERNATOR 125A ABS.2 ABS.1 B+.1 Fusible link RR HTD BLOWER C/FAN B+.2 IGN.2 IGN.1 SPARE.1 FR FOG A/CON Fuse HAZARD F/PUMP SNSR.2 HORN Protected component Generator EPS control module ESC control module, ABS control module, Multi purpose check connector ESC control module, ABS control module, Multi purpose check connector Instrument panel junction box Instrument panel junction box…
  • Page 308
    Description Fuse rating ESC control module, ABS control module, Multi purpose check connector ECU.2 B/UP Back up lamp switch, Transaxle range switch, Cruise control module H/LP LO RH Head lamp(RH) Fuse H/LP LO LH Head lamp(LH) H/LP HI Head lamp Hi relay SNSR.1 Oxygen sensor, ECM, Mass air folw sensor etc.
  • Page 309: Light Bulbs

    CAUTION If you don’t have necessary tools, the correct bulbs and the expertise, consult an authorized Hyundai dealer. In many cases, it is difficult to replace vehicle light bulbs because other parts of the vehicle must be removed before you can get to the bulb.

  • Page 310
    G270A030N Headlight bulb WARNING — Halogen bulbs • Halogen bulbs contain pressur- ized gas that will produce flying pieces of glass if broken. • Always handle them carefully, and avoid scratches and abra- sions. If the bulbs are lit, avoid contact with liquids.
  • Page 311
    7. Install the headlight. Turn signal light/position light, side mark light, fog light bulb (if equipped) If the light bulb is not operating, have the vehicle checked by an authorized Hyundai dealer. OHD076037 Rear combination light bulb replacement (1) Back-up light…
  • Page 312
    OHD076039 3. Remove the socket from the assembly by turning the socket counterclockwise until the tabs on the socket align with the slots on the assembly. 4. Remove the bulb from the socket by pressing it in and rotating it counter- clockwise until the tabs on the bulb align with the slots in the socket.
  • Page 313
    Maintenance Front map lamp OHD076041 Dome lamp OHD076042 Interior light bulb replacement 1. Using a flat-blade screwdriver, gently pry the lens from the interior light housing. 2. Remove the bulb by pulling it straight out. Sunvisor lamp OHD076043 Glove box lamp OHD076044 WARNING Prior to working on the Interior…
  • Page 314: Appearance Care

    APPEARANCE CARE Exterior care Exterior general caution It is very important to follow the label directions when using any chemical cleaner or polish. Read all warning and caution statements that appear on the label. Finish maintenance Washing To help protect your vehicle’s finish from rust and deterioration, wash it thoroughly and frequently at least once a month with lukewarm or cold water.

  • Page 315
    Maintenance Waxing Wax the vehicle when water will no longer bead on the paint. Always wash and dry the vehicle before waxing. Use a good quality liquid or paste wax, and follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Wax all metal trim to protect it and to maintain its luster.
  • Page 316
    Underbody maintenance Corrosive materials used for ice and snow removal and dust control may col- lect on the underbody. If these materials are not removed, accelerated rusting can occur on underbody parts such as the fuel lines, frame, floor pan and exhaust system, even though they have been treated with rust protection.
  • Page 317
    Maintenance Corrosion protection Protecting your vehicle from corro- sion By using the most advanced design and construction practices to combat corro- sion, we produces cars of the highest quality. However, this is only part of the job. To achieve the long-term corrosion resistance your vehicle can deliver, the owner’s cooperation and assistance is also required.
  • Page 318
    To help prevent corrosion You can help prevent corrosion from get- ting started by observing the following: Keep your car clean The best way to prevent corrosion is to keep your car clean and free of corrosive materials. Attention to the underside of the car is particularly important.
  • Page 319
    Maintenance Interior care Interior general precautions Prevent caustic solutions such as per- fume and cosmetic oil from contacting the dashboard because they may cause damage or discoloration. If they do con- tact the dashboard, wipe them off imme- diately. See the instructions that follow for the proper way to clean vinyl.
  • Page 320: Emission Control System

    In order to assure the proper function of the emission control systems, it is rec- ommended that you have your car inspected and maintained by an author- ized Hyundai dealer in accordance with the maintenance schedule in this manu- Caution Inspection…

  • Page 321
    Maintenance 3. Exhaust emission control system The Exhaust Emission Control System is a highly effective system which controls exhaust emissions while maintaining good vehicle performance. Vehicle modifications This vehicle should not be modified. Modification of your vehicle could affect its performance, safety or durability and may even violate governmental safety and emissions regulations.
  • Page 322
    All inspections and adjustments must be made by an authorized Hyundai dealer. • Avoid driving with a very low fuel level. If you run out of gasoline, it could cause the engine to misfire and result in excessive loading of the catalytic converter.
  • Page 323: Consumer Information

    Label information / 8-2 Consumer information / 8-4 Reporting safety defects / 8-5 Binding arbitration (U.S.A only) / 8-5 Consumer information…

  • Page 324: Consumer Information

    Consumer information LABEL INFORMATION Frame number OHD086001 Vehicle identification number (VIN) The vehicle identification number (VIN) is the number used in registering your car and in all legal matters pertaining to its ownership, etc. It can be found on the floor under the passenger seat.

  • Page 325: Specifications

    OHD086003 Tire specification/pressure label The tires supplied on your new vehicle are chosen to provide the best perform- ance for normal driving. The tire label located on the driver’s side of the center pillar outer panel gives the tire pressures recommended for your car. OHD086005 Engine number The engine number is stamped on the…

  • Page 326
    Department of Transportation. It provides the purchasers and/or prospective pur- chasers of Hyundai automobiles with information on uniform tire quality grad- ing. Your Hyundai dealer will help answer any questions you may have as you read this information. Hyundai motor vehicles are designed and manufactured to meet or exceed all applicable safety standards.
  • Page 327
    You will not be responsible for paying fil- ing and hearing fees above $275.00. All other arbitration costs shall be borne by Hyundai Motor America. You are not responsible to pay any of the costs Hyundai incurs. This Binding Arbitration Agreement shall not deprive you of any remedies avail- able to you under applicable law.
  • Page 328: Specifications

    Dimensions / 9-2 Bulb wattage / 9-2 Tires and wheels / 9-3 Specifications…

  • Page 329: Specifications

    Specifications DIMENSIONS Item in (mm) Overall length 177.4 (4505) Overall width 69.9 (1775) Overall height 58.3 (1480) Front tread 60.7 (1543), 60.2 (1529)* Rear tread 60.7 (1541), 60.1 (1526)* Wheelbase 104.3 (2650) : with 205/55R16 tire BULB WATTAGE Light Bulb Headlights (Low) Headlights (High) Front turn signal/Position lights…

  • Page 330: Tires And Wheels

    TIRES AND WHEELS Tire Item Wheel size size P195/65R15 89T 5.5J×15 Full size tire P205/55R16 89H 6.0J×16 Compact T125/80D15 95M 4.0T×15 spare tire Inflation pressure Wheel lug nut torque lb•ft psi (kPa) Front Rear 32 (220) 32 (220) (420) (420) Specifications (kg•m, N•m) 65~79…

  • Page 331: Recommended Lubricants And Capacities

    Volume API Service SJ, SL or above, API Service GL-4 (SAE 75W-85, fill for-life) HYUNDAI GENUINE ATF SP-III, DIAMOND ATF SP-III, SK ATF SP-III or other brands metting the SP-III specification approved by Hyundai Motor Co. MIXTURE, Antifreeze with water…

  • Page 332
    Recommended SAE viscosity number CAUTION Always be sure to clean the area around any filler plug, drain plug, or dipstick before checking or drain- ing any lubricant. This is especially important in dusty or sandy areas and when the vehicle is used on unpaved roads.
  • Page 333
  • Page 334
    Index Air cleaner ··································································· 7-23 Airbag-advanced supplemental restraint system ········· 3-29 Driver’s and passenger’s front air bag ······················ 3-37 SRS components and functions ······························· 3-30 Occupant classification system ································ 3-32 Side air bag ······························································· 3-42 Curtain air bag ·························································· 3-43 Air bag warning label ···············································…
  • Page 335
    Emission control system ·············································· 7-65 Engine compartment ······················································ 7-2 Engine coolant ····························································· 7-16 Engine oil ····································································· 7-15 Explanation of scheduled maintenance items ············· 7-12 Fuel filler lid ································································ 4-20 Fuel requirements ·························································· 1-3 Fuses ············································································ 7-45 Hazard warning flasher ··············································· 4-50 Hood ············································································…
  • Page 336
    Index Light bulbs ··································································· 7-54 Lighting ······································································· 4-51 Maintenance services ····················································· 7-3 Manual climate control system ··································· 4-60 Manual transaxle ··························································· 5-7 Mirrors ········································································· 4-30 Owner maintenance ······················································· 7-5 Parking brake ······························································· 7-22 Remote keyless entry ····················································· 4-3 Reporting safety defects ················································ 8-5 Road warning ·································································…
  • Page 337
    Hitches ······································································ 5-40 Safety chains ···························································· 5-40 Trailer brakes ···························································· 5-40 Weight of the trailer (tongue) ··································· 5-45 Trunk ············································································ 4-12 Vehicle break-in process ················································ 1-5 Vehicle data collection and event data recorders ·········· 1-6 Vehicle load limit ························································· 5-47 Compliance label ······················································…
  • Page 338
    This Owner’s Manual should be considered a part of the car and remain with it when it is sold for the use of the next owner. OWNER’S INFORMATION ORIGINAL OWNER _____________________________________________________ ADDRESS CITY _________________ STATE ___________ ZIP CODE _____________________ DELIVERY DATE (Date Sold to Original Retail Purchaser) DEALER NAME _______________ DEALER NO.

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