Руководство по эксплуатации хендай акцент 2005

Рабочее место водителя
1. Рычаг замка капота 2. Выключатель передних и задних противотуманных фар 3. Регулятор положения светового пучка фар 4. Комбинация приборов 5. Комбинированный…

Комбинация приборов, тип А
Комбинация приборов, тип А. Световые и цифровые индикаторы. Аналоговые указатели 1. Тахометр 2. Световой индикатор указателя поворотов 3. Световой индикатор незакрытых…

Комбинация приборов, тип В
Комбинация приборов, тип В. Световые и цифровые индикаторы. Аналоговые указатели 1. Тахометр 2. Световой индикатор указателя поворотов 3. Световой индикатор давления…

Контрольные и сигнальные индикаторы
Световой индикатор указателя поворотов. Мигающие зеленые стрелки на приборной панели показывают направление, которое указывают показатели поворотов. Если стрелки…

Бортовой компьютер (опция)
Бортовой компьютер — прибор, который отображает на дисплее ряд параметров (температуру наружного воздуха, пробег, время поездки, расход топлива, среднюю скорость…

Стрелка прибора указывает скорость движения автомобиля в километрах в час (км/час).

Стрелка прибора указывает частоту вращения коленчатого вала двигателя в оборотах в минуту (об/мин). Старайтесь не допускать работы двигателя на высоких оборотах (стрелка…

Одометр показывает суммарную величину пробега автомобиля, а также используется для соблюдения периодического сервисного обслуживания.

Путевой одометр
После нажатия кнопки TRIP при включенном зажигании начинают отображаться два путевых одометра. Переход между режимами TRIP А и TRIP В осуществляется нажатием кнопки…

Ключи от автомобиля
К автомобилю прилагаются три ключа. Два «мастер-ключа» и один «сервис-ключ». При помощи «мастер-ключа» можно открыть все замки автомобиля. «Сервис- ключ» позволяет…

Иммобилайзер (опция)
Иммобилайзер — противоугонное приспособление. При помощи «мастер-ключа» можно открыть все замки автомобиля. На одну из сторон ключа нанесен символ М. «Сервис-ключ»…

Положения ключа в замке зажигания
Положение START: в этом положении происходит запуск двигателя. Положение ON: в этом положении включается зажигание. Подается питание на все приборы. Во избежание…

Пуск двигателя. Подсветка замка зажигания
Пуск двигателя Если автомобиль оборудован механической коробкой передач (далее МКПП), установите рычаг переключения передач в нейтральное положение и нажмите до конца на…

Переключатель указателей поворотов
При перемещении рычага переключателя из среднего положения вниз включаются указатели левого поворота, а при переключении рычага вверх — указатели правого поворота. После…

Переключатель света фар
Для переключения режима работы фар поверните наконечник рукоятки переключателя. В первой позиции включаются подфарники, задние габаритные фонари и подсветка панели…

Дневные габаритные огни (опция)
Ваш автомобиль Hyundai оборудован системой дневных габаритных огней. Габаритные огни в таком случае включены все время, пока работает двигатель. Это происходит и в том…

Переключатель дальнего света фар
Для включения дальнего света фар переместите рычаг переключателя от себя. При этом должен загореться контрольный индикатор дальнего света.

Подача сигналов дальним светом фар
Для кратковременного включения дальнего света потяните рычаг переключателя на себя (в нефиксируемое положение) из положения ближнего света. Подача сигналов дальним…

Регулировка работы щеток
Включение щеток на один ход Для включения щеток на один ход потяните рычаг переключателя вверх. Регулировка работы щеток в прерывистом режиме Для включения прерывистого…

Переключатель противотуманных фар
Выключатель передних противотуманных фар (опция) Передние противотуманные фонари включаются нажатием верхней клавиши. Они будут функционировать при установленном во…

Механическая коробка передач
МКП имеет классическую схему переключения передач. Схема изображена на ручке переключения передач. Коробка передач полностью синхронизирована. Перед включением задней…

Автоматическая коробка передач
АКПП имеет четыре передние и одну заднюю скорости. При переключении передач в зависимости от выбираемого диапазона нужно либо нажать педаль тормоза одновременно с…

Стояночный тормоз
Перед выходом из автомобиля всегда включайте стояночный тормоз. При включенном зажигании о включенном состоянии стояночного тормоза предупреждает соответствующий…

Освещение салона
Лампы направленного освещения (опция) Для включения направленного индивидуального освещения нажмите на выключатель. Плафон освещения салона В положении «DOOR» свет…

Система отопления и вентиляции
1. Боковые верхние дефлекторы обдува 2. Боковые дефлекторы обдува 3. Дефлекторы обдува ветрового стекла 4. Центральные дефлекторы обдува

Переключатель режима притока воздуха
При помощи этого переключателя (две клавиши) осуществляется переход между режимом подачи свежего воздуха снаружи автомобиля и рециркуляции воздуха в салоне.

Регулятор воздушного потока
Регулятор позволяет изменять направление потока воздуха. Режимы распределения потоков воздуха Режим «Максимальный уровень кондиционера» (опция) (МАХ А/С) Воздух подается…

Управление системой отопления
В обычном режиме работы системы устанавливают регулятор режима притока воздуха в положение подачи свежего воздуха, а регулятор воздушного потока — в положение «пол». Для…

Двухуровневая подача воздуха
Это режим дает возможность подавать прохладный воздух из дефлекторов приборной панели и теплый воздух на уровне пола одновременно. Установите регулятор режима притока…

Вентиляция салона
Для включения вентиляции установите регулятор режима притока воздуха в положение «свежий воздух». Для подачи воздуха только через дефлекторы приборной панели установите…

Кондиционер (опция)
Выключатель кондиционера Кондиционер включается нажатием переключателя «А/С» на панели управления системой. Охлаждение воздуха Включите вентилятор. Включите кондиционер,…

Переключатель управления подачей воздуха
Для выбора между подачей воздуха снаружи автомобиля или циркуляцией воздуха в салоне нажмите соответствующую кнопку. При включении режима должен загореться световой…

Фильтр системы вентиляции салона(опция)
Фильтр находится во впускном патрубке вентилятора за вещевым ящиком. Он предназначен для очистки воздуха, который подается в салон. 1. Воздух в салон 2. Фильтр 3….

Вещевой ящик
Вещевой ящик расположен в передней панели салона перед передним пассажиром.

Наружные зеркала заднего вида
Положение наружных зеркал заднего вида регулируется изнутри салона. Регулирование может осуществляться как механическим приводом вручную, так и электромеханическим…

Внутреннее зеркало заднего вида
Внутреннее зеркало заднего вида имеет механизм, изменяющий его положение для предотвращения ослепления водителя светом фар автомобилей, едущих сзади. Это положение…

Открывание капота
1. Для открывания капота нужно потянуть за рукоятку его замка, расположенную слева от рулевой колонки 2. Предохранительный рычаг находится слева от замка капота (если…

Крышка багажника и задние двери
Для открывания крышки багажника 4-дверной модели нужно повернуть ключ по часовой стрелке и открыть крышку вручную. Для открывания задней двери 3-дверной модели нужно при…

Дистанционное открывание крышки багажника
Рычаг дистанционного открывания крышки багажника расположен рядом с рычагом открывания лючка горловины топливного бака и помечен пиктограммой в виде автомобиля с…

Звуковой сигнал
Клавишей включения звукового сигнала является центральный элемент рулевого колеса.

Системы безопасности
Ремни безопасности с креплением в 3-х точках и блокирующим натяжным устройством Ремни безопасности с креплением в 2-х точках для среднего заднего сиденья (опция) Ремни…

Регулирование фар
Перед началом регулирования фар нужно выполнить следующие действия. 1. Отрегулировать давление во всех шинах. 2. Установить автомобиль на ровной площадке на расстоянии…

Замена ламп. Задние комбинированные фонари
1. Откройте крышку багажника. 2. Снимите крышку лючка для обслуживания задних фонарей. 3. Открутите гайки. 4. Снимите задний фонарь. 5. Поверните нужную лампу против…

Типы и мощность ламп
Применение Тип лампы Мощность, Вт Тип лампы по IEC Изображение 1. Дальний — ближний свет фар Н4 60/55 P43t-38 2. Передние указатели поворотов R21W 21 BAU15S Передние…

Блок предохранителей в моторном отсеке
Описание предохранителей, описанных в руководстве, может не соответствовать панели предохранителей вашего автомобиля. Все приведенные данные верны на момент публикации….

Блок предохранителей в салоне
Предохранитель Номинал Защищаемый компонент электрооборудования 1 RR WIPER 15A Комбинированный переключатель фар, привод заднего стеклоочистителя 2 Н/LP(LH) 10A Левая…

Технические характеристики
Габаритные размеры, мм Четырехдверный Трехдверный Длина 4280 мм 4045 мм Ширина 1695 мм 1695 мм Высота 1470 мм 1470 мм База 2500 мм 2500 мм Колея передних колес 1470 мм…

Технические характеристики. Двигатели
Бензиновые двигатели Дизельный двигатель 1,4L 1,6L 1,5L Тип двигателя 4-цилиндровый, рядный, DOHC Диаметр и ход поршня 75,5×78,1мм 76,5×87 мм 75×84,5 мм Рабочий объем…

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Hyundai 2005 Accent Owner's Manual

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  • Features of Your Hyundai

  • Driving Your Hyundai

  • What to Do in an Emergency

  • Corrosion Prevention & Appearance Care

  • Vehicle Maintenance Requirements

  • Table of Contents

  • Do-It-Yourself Maintenance

  • Consumer Information, Reporting Safety Defects & Binding Arbitration of Warranty Claims


Related Manuals for Hyundai 2005 Accent

Summary of Contents for Hyundai 2005 Accent

  • Page 1
  • Page 2
    A020A01A-AAT RESPONSIBILITY FOR MAINTENANCE The maintenance requirements for your new Hyundai are found in Section 5. As the owner, it is your responsibility to see that all maintenance operations specified by the manufacturer are carried out at the appropriate intervals.
  • Page 3: Maintenance Specifications

    Specifications A030A01A All information in this Owner’s Manual is current at the time of publication. However, Hyundai reserves the right to make changes at any time so that our policy of continual product improvement may be carried out. This manual applies to all Hyundai models and includes descriptions and explanations of optional as well as standard equipment.

  • Page 4
    Your Hyundai should not be modified in any way. Such modifications may adversely affect the performance, safety or durability of your Hyundai and may, in addition, violate conditions of the limited warranties covering the vehicle. Certain modifications may also be in violation of regulations established by the U.S. Department of Transportation and other federal or state agencies.
  • Page 5
    A090A01A-AAT SAFETY AND VEHICLE DAMAGE WARNING This manual includes information titled as WARNING, CAUTION and NOTE. These titles indicate the following: WARNING: This indicates that a condition may result in harm, serious injury or death to you or other persons if the warning is not heeded.
  • Page 6
    To retrieve this information, special equipment is needed and access to the vehicle or the device that stores the data is required. Hyundai will not access information about a crash event or share it with others except: o in response to an official request of police or similar government office, or o with the consent of the vehicle owner or, if the vehicle is leased, with the consent of the lessee, or o as part of Hyundai’s defense of litigation through the discovery process, or…
  • Page 7
    Your Owner’s Manual will introduce you to the features and operation of your new Hyundai. It is suggested that you read it carefully because the information it contains can contribute greatly to the satisfaction you receive from your new car.
  • Page 8
    Hyundai Warranty. 3. How can you tell if you are purchasing Hyundai Genuine Parts? Look for the Hyundai Genuine Parts Logo on the package (see below). Hyundai Genuine Parts exported to the United States are packaged with labels written only in English.
  • Page 9: Table Of Contents


  • Page 10: Instruments And Controls


  • Page 11
    1. Panel Brightness Control Knob (Rheostat Switch) 2. Rear Wiper/Washer Switch (If Installed) 3. Multi-Function Light Switch 4. Instrument Cluster 5. Horn and Driver’s Airbag 6. Windshield Wiper/Washer Switch 7. Digital Clock (If Installed) 8. Rear Window Defroster Switch (If Installed) 9.
  • Page 12
    YOUR VEHICLE AT A GLANCE B255A01A-AAT INDICATOR SYMBOLS ON THE INSTRUMENT PANEL SRS (Airbag) Service Reminder Indicator ABS Service Reminder Indicator (If Installed) O/D OFF Indicator (Automatic transaxle only) Turn Signal Indicator Lights High Beam Indicator Light Low Oil Pressure Warning Light Parking Brake/Low Brake Fluid Level Warning Light * More detailed explanations of these items will be found begining on page 1-38.
  • Page 13: Features Of Your Hyundai

    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI Fuel Recommendations … 1-2 Breaking in Your New Hyundai … 1-3 Key … 1-3 Door Locks (Keyless Entry System) … 1-4, 1-6 Window Glass (Power Windows) … 1-9, 1-10 Seat … 1-11 Seat Belt … 1-16 Child Restraint System …

  • Page 14: Fuel Recommendations

    B010D01A-AAT Do Not Use Methanol Fuels containing methanol (wood alcohol) should not be used in your Hyundai. This type of fuel can reduce vehicle performance and damage components of the fuel system. CAUTION: Your Hyundai’s New Vehicle Limited Warran-…

  • Page 15: Breaking In Your New Hyundai

    Emission Control System. B010F01A-AAT Operation in Foreign Countries If you are going to drive your Hyundai in another country, be sure to: o Observe all regulations regarding registra- tion and insurance.

  • Page 16: Key

    Record Your Key Number B030B01E A code number is stamped on the number plate that came with the keys to your Hyundai. This key number plate should not be left with the keys but kept in a safe place, not in the vehicle.

  • Page 17
    B040E03A-AAT CHILD-PROTECTOR REAR DOOR LOCK (If Installed) HLC2005 Your Hyundai is equipped with a «child-protec- tor» rear door lock assembly. When the lock mechanism is engaged, the rear door cannot be opened from the inside. Its use is recom- mended whenever there are small children in the rear seat.
  • Page 18
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B040G02A-GAT Central Door Lock (If Installed) B040G01A-1 The central door locking is operated by pushing the driver’s door lock switch toward the front or rear of the vehicle. If the passenger and rear doors are open when the switch is pushed, the door will remain locked when closed.
  • Page 19
    After completion of the steps above, the turn signal lights will blink once to indicate that the system is armed. FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI NOTE: If any door, trunk lid (4 Door)/tail gate (3 Door) or engine hood remains open, the system will not be armed.
  • Page 20
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B070C03A-AAT Alarm Stage The alarm will be activated if any of the follow- ing occurs while the car is parked and the system is armed. 1) A door or tail gate(3 Door) is opened without using the transmitter or the ignition key.
  • Page 21: Window Glass (Power Windows)

    2. Remove the old battery from the case and note the polarity. Make sure the polarity of the new battery is the same(+side facing down), then insert it in the transmitter. FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI WINDOW GLASS B050A01A-AAT B050A01A To raise or lower the window, turn the window regulator handle clockwise or counterclock- wise.

  • Page 22
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B060A01E-AAT POWER WINDOWS (If Installed) 4 Door 3 Door HLC2009 The power windows operate when the ignition key is in the «ON» position. The main switches are located on the driver’s armrest and control the front and rear windows on both sides of the vehicle.
  • Page 23: Seat

    WARNING: To ensure the seat is locked securely, at- tempt to move the seat forward or rearward without using the lock release lever. FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B080C01A-AAT Adjusting Seatback Angle HLC2027 To recline the seatback, lean forward to take your weight off it, then pull up on the recliner control lever at the outside edge of the seat.

  • Page 24
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI WARNING: To minimize risk of severe injury in the event of a collision or sudden stop, both the driver and passenger seatbacks should always be in a nearly upright position while the vehicle is in motion. The protection provided by the…
  • Page 25
    To raise or lower the rear part of the seat cushion, turn the rear knob forward or rear- ward. Clockwise raises the seat, counterclockwise lowers the seat. FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B080G01A-GAT Adjusting Armrest Angle (Driver’s side only) B080G02A-1 The armrest will be raised or lowered manu- ally.
  • Page 26
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B130A01A-AAT REAR SEAT ENTRY (For 3-door model) HTB258 The front passenger’s seatback should be tilted to enter the rear seat. By pulling up on the recliner control lever (1) at the outside of the front passenger’s seat, the seatback will tilt forward and the seat will automatically slide forward.
  • Page 27
    When you return the seatback to its upright position, always be sure it has locked into position by pulling and pushing on the top of the seatback. FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI WARNING: When you return the rear seatback to its upright position after being folded down, be careful not to damage the seat belt webbing or buckle.
  • Page 28: Seat Belts

    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B140A01S-AAT REAR SEAT WARNING B140A01A For the safety of all passengers, luggage or other cargo should not be piled higher than the top of the seatback. In addition, do not place objects on the rear shelf as they may move forward during braking or in an accident and strike vehicle passengers.

  • Page 29
    A seat belt cannot provide proper protection if the person is lying down in the rear seat or if the front seat is in a reclined position. FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI WARNING: Sitting in a reclined position or lying down when your vehicle is in motion can be danger- ous.
  • Page 30: Care Of Seat Belts

    This should be done even if no damage is visible. Additional ques- tions concerning seat belt operation should be directed to your Hyundai Dealer. B170A04A-AAT HEIGHT ADJUSTABLE FRONT SEAT SHOULDER BELT (If Installed)

  • Page 31
    Combination retractor type seat belts are in- stalled in the rear seat outboard positions to help accommodate the installation of child re- straint systems. Hyundai strongly recommends that children always be seated in the rear seat. NEVER place any infant restraint system in the front seat of the vehicle.
  • Page 32
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI cally adjusts to the proper length only after the lap belt portion of the seat belt is adjusted manually so that it fits snugly around your hips. When the seat belt is fully extended from the…
  • Page 33
    There will be an audible «click» when the tab locks into the buckle. Check to make sure the belt is properly locked and that the belt is not twisted. FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B220B01A-AAT Adjusting Your Seat Belt high…
  • Page 34: Child Restraint System

    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B220C01A-AAT To Release the Seat Belt B220C01A-1 When you want to release the seat belt, press the button in the locking buckle. WARNING: The center lap belt latching mechanism is different from those for the rear seat shoulder belts.

  • Page 35
    If the seat belt will not properly fit the child, Hyundai recommends the use of an approved booster seat in the rear seat in order to raise the child’s seating height so that the seat belt will properly fit the child.
  • Page 36
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI Rear seat package tray Child Restraint Hook Holders Tether Strap Hook Front of Vehicle B230C02A-1 2. Route the child restraint seat strap over the seatback. For vehicles with adjustable headrests, route the tether strap under the headrest…
  • Page 37: Seat

    The improper increased load may cause the anchorage points or tether anchor to break, causing serious injury or death. FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B230D04E-AAT Securing the Child Restraint Seat with the «ISOFIX» System B230D01A…

  • Page 38
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI WARNING: o Do not install a child restraint seat at the center of the rear seat using the vehicle’s ISOFIX anchors. The ISOFIX anchors are only provided for the left and right outboard rear seating posi- tions.
  • Page 39: Seat Belt

    Always refer to the child restraint system manufacturer’s recommendation before install- ing the child restraint system in your vehicle. FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B230G01A-AAT Installation on Outboard Rear Seats On outboard rear seats…

  • Page 40: Child Restraint System

    B180C02A-AAT Pre-Tensioner Seat Belt Your Hyundai vehicle is equipped with driver’s and front passenger’s pre-tensioner seat belts. The purpose of the pre-tensioner is to make sure that the seat belts fit tightly against the occupant’s body in certain frontal collisions.

  • Page 41
    Do not attempt to inspect or replace the pre-tensioner seat belts yourself. This must be done by an authorized Hyundai dealer. o Do not strike the pre-tensioner seat belt assemblies.
  • Page 42: Dual-Stage Supplemental Restraint (Airbag) System

    RESTRAINT (AIRBAG) SYSTEM (SRS) B240A01A-AAT Driver’s Airbag B240A03A Your Hyundai is equipped with a Dual-stage Supplemental Restraint (Airbag) System. The indications of the system’s presence are the letters «SRS AIRBAG» embossed on the airbag pad cover in the steering wheel and the passenger’s side front panel pad above the glove box.

  • Page 43
    If the airbags deploy, they must be replaced by an authorized Hyundai dealer. o Do not tamper with or disconnect SRS wiring, or other components of the SRS system.
  • Page 44
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B240B03A-AAT SRS Components and Functions B240B01L The SRS consists of the following compo- nents: — Driver’s Airbag Module — Passenger’s Airbag Module — Knee Bolster — Pre-tensioner seat belt — Front impact sensors — Driver’s and front passenger’s seat belt usage…
  • Page 45
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI WARNING: o The SRS can function only when the ignition key is in the «ON» position. If…
  • Page 46
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B990B04Y-GAT Side Impact Airbag (If Installed) B990B02Y Your Hyundai is equipped with a side impact airbag in each front seat. The purpose of the airbag is to provide the vehicle’s driver and/or the front passenger with additional protection than that offered by the seat belt alone.
  • Page 47
    The entire SRS system must be inspected by an authorized Hyundai dealer in 10 years after the date that the vehicle was manufactured. o Any work on the SRS system, such as remov-…
  • Page 48
    If your car was flooded and has soaked carpeting or water on the floor, you shouldn’t try to start the engine; have the car towed to an authorized Hyundai dealer. B240D01JM-AAT Additional Safety Precautions…
  • Page 49: Instrument Cluster And Indicator Lights


  • Page 50
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI 1. Tachometer (If Installed) 2. Turn Signal Indicator Light 3. Speedometer 4. Odometer / Trip Odometer / Trip Computer (If Installed) 5. Fuel Gauge 6. Temperature Gauge 7. SRS Service Reminder Indicator 8. ABS Service Reminder Indicator (If Installed) 9.
  • Page 51: Warning And Indicator Lights

    ABS. If this occurs, have your vehicle checked by your Hyundai dealer as soon as possible. The normal braking system will still be operational, but without the assistance of the anti-lock brake system.

  • Page 52
    If the light stays on with the engine running, turn the engine off immediately. In any in- stance where the oil light stays on when the engine is running, the engine should be checked by a Hyundai dealer before the car is driven again. B260H03A-AAT PARKING BRAKE/…
  • Page 53
    If it illuminates while driving, or does not illuminate when the ignition key is turned to the «ON» position, take your car to your nearest authorized Hyundai dealer and have the system checked. FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI…
  • Page 54
    It may also be heard when the brake pedal is pushed down firmly. Expensive rotor damage will result if the worn pads are not replaced. See your Hyundai dealer immediately. B900A01A-AAT LIGHTS ON WARNING SOUND The warning chime sounds when the tail lights are on and the driver side door is open.
  • Page 55
    If you suspect cooling system trouble, have your cooling system checked by a Hyundai dealer as soon as possible. B330A03A-AAT TACHOMETER (If Installed)
  • Page 56: Trip Computer

    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B310B01A-AAT ODOMETER/TRIP ODOMETER B310A01A 1. Odometer The odometer records the total distance trav- eled in miles. You will also find the odometer useful to determine when periodic maintenance should be performed. NOTE: Federal law forbids alteration of the odometer of any vehicle with the intent to change the number of the odometer.

  • Page 57
    B320A01A o This mode indicates the total distance trav- eled since the last tripmeter reset. FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI o To reset the tripmeter to zero, press and hold the reset switch to the right of the speedometer for more than 1 second while the tripmeter is being displayed.
  • Page 58
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI 3. Average Fuel Consumption (MPG) Average Fuel Consumption Odometer B400B03A-E o This mode calculates the average fuel consumption from the total fuel used and the distance since the last average con- sumption reset. o The total fuel used is calculated from the fuel consumption input.
  • Page 59: Turn Signal Operation

    Check for a burned- out fuse or bulb or see your Hyundai dealer. B340B01A-AAT Lane Change Signal…

  • Page 60: Windshield Wiper And Washer Switch

    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B340D01A-AAT High-Beam Switch To turn on the headlight high beams, push the lever forward (away from you). The High Beam Indicator Light will come on at the same time. For low beams, pull the lever back toward you.

  • Page 61: Rear Window Wiper And Washer

    1 to 18 seconds by turning the interval adjuster barrel. This is also varied automatically depending on your road speed. FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B390A02A-AAT REAR WINDOW WIPER AND WASHER (If Installed) B390A01A-1 The rear window wiper and washer are turned on by depressing the button.

  • Page 62: Hazard Warning System

    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI Do not operate the washer continuously for more than 15 seconds or when the fluid reser- voir is empty; this could damage the system. Do not operate the wiper when the window is dry; this can result in scratching as well as premature wiper blade wear.

  • Page 63
    NOTE: The ignition must be in the «ON» position for the rear window defroster to operate. FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI FRONT FOG LIGHT SWITCH B360A04A-AAT (If Installed) B360B01A To turn on the front fog lights, push the switch.
  • Page 64: Cigarette Lighter

    Do not hold the cigarette lighter pressed in. This can damage the heating element and create a fire hazard. If it is necessary to replace the cigarette lighter, use only a genuine Hyundai replacement or its approved equivalent. ASHTRAY B430A01S-AAT…

  • Page 65: Drink Holder

    The front drink holder is located on the center facia panel for holding cups or cans in its holes. The drink holder can be used by pushing it. FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI CAUTION: Place the drink holder in its closed position when not in use.

  • Page 66
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B450B02A-AAT Rear Drink Holder HLC2117 The rear drink holder is located on the rear main console and may be used for holding cups or cans. WARNING: o Use caution when using the drink hold- ers. A spilled beverage that is very hot can injure you or your passengers.
  • Page 67: Glove Box

    To open the glove box, pull on the glove box release lever. o To close glove box, push up on glove box. FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI SEAT POCKET B540B01TB-AAT (If Installed) HLC2119 A seat side pocket is located on the front passenger seat to hold papers.

  • Page 68: Mirror

    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI OUTSIDE REARVIEW MIRROR B510A01A-AAT Manual Type (If Installed) HLC2113 The outside rearview mirrors are equipped with a remote control for your convenience. It is operated by the control lever in the bottom front corner of the window.

  • Page 69
    Push the switch again to turn the heater off. The outside rearview mirror heater automatically turns itself off after 20 minutes. FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B510C01A-AAT Folding the Outside Rearview Mirrors HLC2115 To fold the outside rearview mirrors, push them towards the rear.
  • Page 70: Mirror

    DAY/NIGHT INSIDE REARVIEW MIRROR B520A01A-AAT HLC2112 Your Hyundai is equipped with a day/night inside rearview mirror. The «night» position is selected by flipping the tab at the bottom of the mirror toward you. In the «night» position, the glare of headlights of cars behind you is re- duced.

  • Page 71: Hood Release

    Do not move the vehicle with the hood in the raised position, as vision is obstructed and the hood could fall or be damaged. FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI FLOOR MAT ANCHOR B571A03Y-AAT HXGS263…

  • Page 72
    If you need to replace the filler cap, use a genuine Hyundai re- placement part. o If you open the fuel filler cap during high ambient temperatures, a slight «pressure sound»…
  • Page 73
    See addi- tional warnings concerning exhaust gases on page 2-2. FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B540C02A-AAT To Unlock Using the Key. B450E01A To open the trunk lid, insert the key and turn it clockwise to unlock.
  • Page 74
    HYUNDAI recommends that cars be kept locked and keys be kept out of the reach of children, and that parents teach their children about the dangers of playing in trunks.
  • Page 75: Cargo Area Cover

    (3 Door Model) B650A01A-1 Nothing should be carried on top of the lug- gage cover. Loose materials could result in injury to vehicle occupants during sudden braking. FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI SUN VISOR B580A01TB-AAT Type A Type B HLC2105 Type A…

  • Page 76
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI Your Hyundai is equipped with sun visors to give the driver and front passenger either frontal or sideward shade. To reduce glare or to shut out direct rays of the sun, turn the sun visor down. A ticket holder is provided on the back of the sun visor for the driver.
  • Page 77: Heating And Cooling Control

    (If Installed) 1. Side Defrost Nozzle 2. Side Ventilator 3. Windshield Defrost Nozzle 4. Center Ventilator FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B710B01S-AAT CENTER VENTILATOR The center ventilators are located in the middle of the dashboard. The direction of air flow from the vents in the center of the dashboard is adjustable.

  • Page 78: Heating And Ventilation

    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI HEATING AND VENTILATION B670A02A-AAT (If Installed) B670A01A This model has four controls and one switch for the heating and cooling system. They are: 1. Fan speed control 2. Air flow control 3. Temperature control 4. Air conditioning switch 5.

  • Page 79: Air Flow Control

    B670D01A-1 Face-Level Selecting the «Face» mode will cause air to be discharged through the face level vents. FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B670D02A-1 Bi-Level Air is discharged through the face vents and the floor vents. This makes it possible to have cooler air from the dashboard vents and warmer air from the floor outlets at the same time.

  • Page 80
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B670D03A-1 Floor-Level Air is discharged through the floor vents, windshield defroster nozzle, side defroster nozzle, side ventilator. BB670D04A-1 Floor-Defrost Level Air is discharged through the windshield de- froster nozzle, the floor vents, side defroster nozzle, side ventilator.
  • Page 81: Bi-Level Heating

    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI BI-LEVEL HEATING B700A01A-AAT B670B01A Your Hyundai is equipped with bi-level heating controls. This makes it possible to have cooler air from the dashboard vents and warmer air from the floor outlets at the same time. To use…

  • Page 82
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI VENTILATION B710A01A-AAT B710A01A To operate the ventilation system: o Set the air intake control at the fresh air ) position. o To direct all intake air to the dashboard vents, set the airflow control to the face ) position.
  • Page 83
    Set the air intake control (5) to the fresh air ) position. o Set the air flow control (2) to the face ( position. FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI o Adjust the fan control (1) to the desired speed. o For more rapid action, set the fan at one of the higher speeds.
  • Page 84
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI DEFROSTING/DEFOGGING B720A05A-AAT Use the heating/ventilation system to defrost or defog the windshield: To remove interior fog on the windshield: o Set the air intake control to the fresh air ( o Set the air flow control to the defrost ( ) position.
  • Page 85
    When the air flow rate is decreased, it must be checked at an authorized dealer. FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI…
  • Page 86: Stereo Sound System

    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI STEREO SOUND SYSTEM B750A02A-AAT How Car Audio Works FM reception Ionosphere B750A01L AM and FM radio signals are broadcast from transmitter towers located around your city. They are intercepted by the radio antenna on your car. This signal is then received by the radio and sent to your car speakers.

  • Page 87
    If this occurs, select another station until the con- dition has passed. FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B750B03Y-AAT Using a cellular phone or a two-way radio When a cellular phone is used inside the vehi- cle, noise may be produced from the audio equipment.
  • Page 88: Audio System

    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI AUDIO SYSTEM H210A01O-AAT STEREO RADIO OPERATION (H215) (If Installed) 2. FADER Control Knob 5. TUNE/SEEK Select Button 4. BAND Selector 6. PRESET Station Select Button 3. BASS/TREBLE Control Knob 1. POWER ON-OFF, BALANCE, VOLUME, SCAN Control Knob…

  • Page 89
    With the button held down for 1 sec. or more, the stop signal (broad- casting radio wave) is ignored and channel selection continues. FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI SEEK Operation (Automatic Channel Selection) Press the TUNE select button for 1 sec. or more.
  • Page 90
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI o Press the station select button for more than two seconds. A select button indicator will show in the display indicating which select button you have depressed. You should then release the button, and pro- ceed to program the next desired station.
  • Page 91
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI H240A01O-GAT STEREO RADIO OPERATION (H245) (If Installed) 5. BAND Selector 3. TREBLE/FADER Control Knob (TREB/FAD) 6. PRESET Buttons 2. BASS/BALANCE Control Knob (BASS/BAL) 7. SCAN Button 4. TUNE/SEEK Select Button 1. POWER ON/OFF, VOLUME Control Knob…
  • Page 92
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI H240B04O-AAT 1. POWER ON-OFF Control Knob The radio unit may be operated when the igni- tion key is in the «ACC» or «ON» position. Press the knob to switch the power on. The LCD shows the radio frequency in the radio mode or the tape direction indicator in the tape mode.
  • Page 93
    Do not place beverages close to the audio system. The audio system mecha- nism may be damaged if you spill them. o Do not impact on the audio system, or the audio system mechanism could be damaged. FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI…
  • Page 94
  • Page 95
    DOLBY SELECT button. If you want to release, press the button again. FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI CAUTION: o Do not insert anything like coins into the player slot as damage to the unit may occur.
  • Page 96
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI H260A01O-AAT STEREO RADIO OPERATION (H265) (If Installed) 3. BASS/TREBLE Control Knob 4. SCAN Button 6. BAND Selector 7. PRESET Button 5. TUNE/SEEK Select Button 1. POWER ON-OFF/VOLUME/BALANCE Control Knob H260A01A 2. FADER Control Knob…
  • Page 97
    Press the ( ) side or ( ) side to increase or to decrease the frequency. Press either button and hold down to continuously scroll. Release but- ton once the desired station is reached. FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI SEEK Operation (Automatic Channel Selection) Press the TUNE select button for 0.5 sec or more.
  • Page 98
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI HOW TO PRESET STATIONS Six AM and twelve FM stations may be pro- grammed into the memory of the radio. Then, by simply pressing the band select button and/or one of the six station select buttons, you may recall any of these stations instantly.
  • Page 99
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI H260B01O-AAT COMPACT DISC PLAYER OPERATION (H265) (If Installed) 4. SCAN Button 1. Playing CD 3. TRACK UP/DOWN 6. EJECT Button 2. FF/REW Button H260A01A 5. REPEAT Button…
  • Page 100
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B260D04O-AAT 1. Playing CD o Insert the CD with the label facing upward. o Insert the CD to start CD playback, during radio operation. o When a disc is in the CD deck, if you press the CD button, the CD player will begin playing even if the radio is being used.
  • Page 101
    Avoid using CD-Recordable or CD- Rewritable as the player could not be operated in recording way of the CD maker. When using the compact disc player, genuine CDs are recommended. FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI…
  • Page 102: Audio Fault Code

    If you see any error indication in the display while using the system in CD or Tape mode, find the cause in the chart below. If you cannot clear the error indication, take the car to your Hyundai dealer. INDICATION…

  • Page 103: Care Of Disc

    If the surface is heavily soiled, dampen a clean soft cloth in a solution of mild neutral detergent to wipe it clean. See drawing. FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI CARE OF CASSETTE TAPES B860A01A-AAT B860A01L…

  • Page 104
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI o Never leave a cassette inserted in the player when not being played. This could damage the tape player unit and the cas- sette tape. o We strongly recommend against the use of tapes longer than C-60 (60 minutes total).
  • Page 105: Antenna

    When reinstalling your antenna, it is im- portant that it is fully tightened to ensure proper reception. FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B870B01Y-AAT Power Antenna (If Installed) HLC2123 The antenna will automatically be extended when the radio power switch is turned on while the ignition key is in either the «ON»…

  • Page 106
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI NOTE: o Before turning on the radio, make sure that no one is near the antenna. o Before entering an automatic car wash or a place with a low height clearance, be sure that the antenna is retracted and stored.
  • Page 107: Driving Your Hyundai

    DRIVING YOUR HYUNDAI Before Starting the Engine … 2-3 Key Positions … 2-3 Starting … 2-4 Operating the Manual Transaxle … 2-5 Automatic Transaxle … 2-7 Good Braking Practices … 2-10 Anti-Lock Brake System … 2-11 Driving for Economy … 2-12 Winter Driving …

  • Page 108: Driving Your Hyundai

    Hyundai dealer. o Do not run the engine in an enclosed area.

  • Page 109: Before Starting The Engine

    «ON» position. TO START THE ENGINE C030A01A-AAT COMBINATION IGNITION SWITCH o If your Hyundai is equipped with a manual transaxle, place the shift lever in neutral and depress the clutch pedal fully. o If your Hyundai has an automatic transaxle, place the shift lever in «P»…

  • Page 110: Starting

    DRIVING YOUR HYUNDAI o «ON» When the key is in the «ON» position, the ignition is on and all accessories may be turned on. If the engine is not running, the key should not be left in the «ON» position. This will discharge the battery and may also damage the ignition system.

  • Page 111: Operating The Manual Transaxle

    OPERATING THE MANUAL TRANSAXLE C070A02A-AAT C070A01A Your Hyundai’s manual transaxle has a con- ventional shift pattern. This shift pattern is also imprinted on the shift knob. The transaxle is fully synchronized in all forward gears so shifting to either a higher or a lower gear is easily accomplished.

  • Page 112
    DRIVING YOUR HYUNDAI o If you’ve come to a complete stop and it’s hard to shift into 1 or R(Reverse), put the shift lever in N(Neutral) position and release the clutch. Press the clutch pedal back down, and then shift into 1 or R(Reverse) gear position.
  • Page 113: Automatic Transaxle

    Never exceed posted speed limits. AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE C090A01A-AAT C090A01A The highly efficient Hyundai automatic transaxle has four forward speeds and one reverse speed. It has a conventional shift pattern as shown in the illustration. At night, with the multi-function switch turned on to the…

  • Page 114
    DRIVING YOUR HYUNDAI C090C01A-AAT o R(Reverse): Use for backing up the vehicle. Bring the car to a complete stop before shifting the selector lever to «R» position. C090D02A-AAT o N (Neutral): In the «N» position, the transaxle is in neutral position, which means that no gears are en- gaged.
  • Page 115: Overdrive Switch

    «P» (Park) position. Then, reinstall the cap. Have the system checked by your Hyundai dealer.

  • Page 116: Good Braking Practices

    If the braking action does not return to normal, stop as soon as it is safe to do so and call your Hyundai dealer for assis- tance. o Don’t coast down hills with the car out of gear.

  • Page 117: Anti-Lock Brake System

    Do not hold the vehicle on the upgrade with the accelerator pedal. This can cause the transaxle to overheat. Always use the brake pedal or parking brake. DRIVING YOUR HYUNDAI ANTI-LOCK BRAKE SYSTEM C120A03A-AAT (If Installed) The Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS) is de- signed to prevent wheel lock-up during sud- den braking or on hazardous road surfaces.

  • Page 118: Driving For Economy

    (see Sec- tion 5 for details). o Keep your car clean. For maximum service, your Hyundai should be kept clean and free of corrosive materials. It is especially impor- tant that mud, dirt, ice, etc. not be allowed to accumulate on the underside of the car.

  • Page 119: Winter Driving

    Remember, your Hyundai does not require extended warm-up. As soon as the engine is running smoothly, you can drive away. In very cold weather, however, give your en- gine a slightly longer warm-up period. o Don’t «lug» or «over-rev» the engine. Lug- ging is driving too slowly in too high a gear resulting in the engine bucking.

  • Page 120
    C160C01A-AAT Use High Quality Ethylene Glycol Coolant Your Hyundai is delivered with high quality eth- ylene glycol coolant in the cooling system. It is the only type of coolant that should be used because it helps prevent corrosion in the cooling system, lubricates the water pump and prevents freezing.
  • Page 121
    DRIVING YOUR HYUNDAI HIGHER SPEED MOTORING C170A01A-AAT Pre-Trip Inspections 1. Tires: Adjust the tire inflation pressures for highway driving.
  • Page 122: Trailer Towing

    TRAILER TOWING C190A01A-AAT C190A02A Your Hyundai should not be used to tow a trailer. It is designed to be compact and light for good fuel economy, and is not designed as a trailer-towing vehicle. Damages or malfunc- tions caused by towing may not be covered by the limited warranties applying to your Hyundai.

  • Page 123
    (2)Determine the combined weight of the driver and passengers that will be riding in your vehicle. DRIVING YOUR HYUNDAI (3)Subtract the combined weight of the driver and passengers from XXX kilograms or XXX pounds. (4)The resulting figure equals the avail- able amount of cargo and luggage load capacity.
  • Page 124
    DRIVING YOUR HYUNDAI Example 1 C190F01JM Item Description Total 1400 lbs Vehicle Capacity Weight (640 kg) Subtract Occupant Weight 300 lbs 150 lbs (70 kg) × 2 (140 kg) Available Cargo and 1100 lbs Luggage weight (500 kg) Example 2…
  • Page 125
    Your dealer can help you with this. Be sure to spread out your load equally on both sides of the centerline. DRIVING YOUR HYUNDAI WARNING: o Never exceed the GVWR for your vehicle, the GAWR for either the front or rear axle and vehicle ca- pacity weight.
  • Page 126
    DRIVING YOUR HYUNDAI WARNING: o Overloading your vehicle can cause heat buildup in your vehicle’s tires and possible tire failure that could lead to a crash. o Overloading your vehicle can cause increased stopping dis- tances that could lead to a crash.
  • Page 127
    WHAT TO DO IN AN EMERGENCY If the Engine Will Not Start … 3-2 Jump Starting … 3-3 If the Engine Overheats … 3-4 Spare Tire … 3-5 If You Have a Flat Tire … 3-6 Changing a Flat Tire … 3-7 If Your Car Must Be Towed …
  • Page 128: What To Do In An Emergency

    Reconnect any that may be disconnected or loose. 3. Check the fuel line in the engine room. 4. If the engine still refuses to start, call a Hyundai dealer or seek other qualified assis- tance.

  • Page 129: Jump Starting

    Move cautiously off the road to a safe place. 2. Turn on your emergency flashers. 3. Try to start the engine again. If your vehicle will not start, contact a Hyundai dealer or seek other qualified assistance. JUMP STARTING D020A02A-AAT…

  • Page 130: If The Engine Overheats

    (Page 6-7) to bring the fluid level in the reservoir up to the halfway mark. 7. Proceed with caution, keeping alert for fur- ther signs of overheating. If overheating hap- pens again, call a Hyundai dealer for assis- tance.

  • Page 131: Spare Tire

    CAUTION: Serious loss of coolant indicates there is a leak in the cooling system and this should be checked as soon as possible by a Hyundai dealer. SPARE TIRE D040A01A-AAT The following instructions for the tem- porary spare tire should be observed: 1.

  • Page 132: If You Have A Flat Tire

    WHAT TO DO IN AN EMERGENCY CAUTION: o Do not use snow chains with your temporary spare tire. o Do not use more than one tem- porary spare tire at a time. o Do not tow a trailer while the temporary spare tire is installed.

  • Page 133: Changing A Flat Tire

    3. Have all passengers get out of the car. Be sure they all get out on the side of the car that is away from traffic. 4. Change the tire following the in- structions provided on the follow- ing pages. CHANGING A FLAT TIRE D060A01A-AAT D060A01A…

  • Page 134
    WHAT TO DO IN AN EMERGENCY HLC4010 4. Reinstall the wheel cap by fitting the boss of the wheel cap in the notch of the wheel, hitting the cen- ter of the wheel cap with your hand. D060B01E-AAT 1. Obtain Spare Tire and Tool D060B01A Remove the spare tire and remove the jack and tool bag from the trunk.
  • Page 135
    D060D01A-AAT 3. Loosen Wheel Nuts HLC4007 The wheel nuts should be loosened slightly before raising the car. To loosen the nuts, turn the wrench handle counterclockwise. When do- ing this, be sure that the socket is seated completely over the nut so it cannot slip off.
  • Page 136
    WHAT TO DO IN AN EMERGENCY Raise the car high enough so that the fully inflated spare tire can be in- stalled. To do this, you will need more ground clearance than is required to remove the flat tire. WARNING: Do not get under the car when it is supported by the jack! This is very dangerous as the vehicle could…
  • Page 137
    If there is not good contact on the mounting surface between the wheel and hub, the wheel nuts could loosen and cause the loss of a wheel. Loss of a wheel may result in loss of control of the vehicle. This may cause serious injury or death.
  • Page 138: If Your Car Must Be Towed

    Your car can be damaged if towed incor- rectly! If your car has to be towed, it should be done by your Hyundai dealer or a commercial tow truck service. This will help assure that your car is not damaged in towing. Also, professionals are gen- erally aware of state and local laws governing towing.

  • Page 139
    D080B01A-AAT TOWING A CAR WITH MANUAL TRANSAXLE o OK FOR AUTOMATIC OR MANUAL TRANSAXLE EQUIPPED VEHICLE WITH NO DAMAGE D080B01A o If the car is being towed with the rear wheels on the ground, be sure the parking brake is released.
  • Page 140: Emergency Towing

    IF YOU LOSE YOUR KEYS D120A01A-AAT If you lose your keys, many Hyundai dealers can make you a new key if you have your key number. If you lock the keys inside your car and you cannot obtain a new key, many Hyundai dealers can use special tools to open the door for you.

  • Page 141: Corrosion Prevention & Appearance Care

    CORROSION PREVENTION & APPEARANCE CARE Corrosion Protection … 4-2 To Help Prevent Corrosion … 4-2 Washing and Waxing … 4-3 Cleaning the Interior … 4-5…

  • Page 142: Corrosion Protection

    Protecting Your Hyundai from Corro- sion By using the most advanced design and con- struction practices to combat corrosion, Hyundai produces cars of the highest quality. However, this is only part of the job. To achieve the long term corrosion resistance your Hyundai can deliver, the owner’s cooperation and assistance is also required.

  • Page 143: Washing And Waxing

    Use a good quality car-washing solution and follow the manufacturer’s directions on the package. These are available at your Hyundai dealer or auto parts outlet. Don’t use strong household deter- gents, gasoline, strong solvents or abrasive cleaning powders as these may damage the finish.

  • Page 144
    To protect the paintwork of the car against corrosion, you must clean your Hyundai (at least once a month). Give special attention to the removal of salt, mud and other substanc- es on the underside of the splashboards of the car.
  • Page 145: Cleaning The Interior

    Maintaining Bumpers Special precautions must be observed to pre- serve the appearance of the bumpers on your Hyundai. They are: o Be careful not to spill battery electrolyte or hydraulic brake fluid on the bumpers. If you do, wash it off immediately with clean water.

  • Page 146
    CORROSION PREVENTION AND APPEARANCE CARE ANY QUESTIONS? E050A01A-AAT If you have any questions about the care of your car, consult your Hyundai dealer.
  • Page 147
    VEHICLE MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS Maintenance Intervals … 5-2 Scheduled Maintenance … 5-4 Maintenance Under Severe Usage Conditions … 5-6 Explanation of Scheduled Maintenance Items … 5-7…
  • Page 148: Vehicle Maintenance Requirements

    F010D01A-AAT General Checks These are the regular checks you should per- form when you drive your Hyundai or you fill the fuel tank. A list of these items will be found on page 6-3. F010E01A-AAT Do-It-Yourself Maintenance…

  • Page 149: Scheduled Maintenance

    Hyundai dealer. o If you choose to do your own maintenance and repairs, you may find it helpful to have an official Hyundai Shop Manual. A copy of this publication may be purchased at your Hyundai dealer’s parts department. SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE…

  • Page 150
    VEHICLE MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE F030A01A-AAT The following maintenance services must be performed to assure good vehicle control and performance. Keep receipts for all vehicle services to protect your warranty. Where both mileage and time are shown, the frequency of service is determined by whichever occurs first. F030B03A-AAT R : Replace I : Inspect and, after inspection, clean, adjust, repair or replace if necessary MILES X 1000…
  • Page 151
  • Page 152: Maintenance Under Severe Usage Conditions

    VEHICLE MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS F040A08A-AAT MAINTENANCE UNDER SEVERE USAGE CONDITIONS The following items must be serviced more frequently on cars normally used under severe driving conditions. Refer to the chart below for the appropriate maintenance intervals. R : Replace I : Inspect and, after inspection, clean, adjust, repair or replace if necessary MAINTENANCE ITEM ENGINE OIL AND FILTER AIR CLEANER FILTER…

  • Page 153: Explanation Of Scheduled Maintenance Items

    F060H01A-AAT o Air Cleaner Filter A Genuine Hyundai air cleaner filter is recom- mended when the filter is replaced. F060J01A-AAT o Spark Plugs Make sure to install new spark plugs of the correct heat range.

  • Page 154: Automatic Transaxle Fluid

    Check the automatic transaxle fluid level with the engine running and the transaxle in neutral, with the parking brake properly applied. Use HYUNDAI GENUINE ATF SP III, DIAMOND ATF SP III, ATF SP III or other brands meeting the SP III specification approved by Hyundai Motor Co.

  • Page 155: Suspension Mounting Bolts

    F070L01A-AAT o Suspension Mounting Bolts Check the suspension connections for loose- ness or damage. Retighten to the specified torque. F070M01A-AAT o Steering Gear Box, Linkage & Boots/Lower Arm Ball Joint With the vehicle stopped and engine off, check for excessive free-play in the steering wheel. Check the linkage for bends or damage.

  • Page 156: Do-It-Yourself Maintenance

    Do-It-Yourself Maintenance Engine Compartment… 6-2 General Checks … 6-3 Checking the Engine Oil … 6-4 Changing the Oil and Filter … 6-5 Checking and Changing the Engine Coolant … 6-6 Spark Plugs … 6-8 Changing the Air Cleaner Filter … 6-10 Checking the Transaxle Oil (manual) …

  • Page 157: Engine Compartment

    DO-IT-YOURSELF MAINTENANCE ENGINE COMPARTMENT G010C01A-GAT (1.6 DOHC) 1. Engine coolant reservoir 2. Power steering fluid reservoir (If Installed) 3. Rocker cover 4. Engine oil filler cap 5. Brake booster 6. Brake fluid reservoir 7. Clutch fluid reservoir 8. Air filter element 9.

  • Page 158: General Checks

    Seat control condition and operation o Seat belt condition and operation o Sun visor operation If you notice anything that does not operate correctly or appear to be functioning correctly, inspect it carefully and seek assistance from your Hyundai dealer if service is needed.

  • Page 159: Checking The Engine Oil

    DO-IT-YOURSELF MAINTENANCE CHECKING THE ENGINE OIL G030A01A-AAT Engine oil is essential to the performance and service of the engine. It is suggested that you check the oil level at least once a week in normal use and more often if you are on a trip or driving in severe conditions.

  • Page 160: Changing The Oil And Filter

    CHANGING THE OIL AND FILTER G040A03A-AAT Oil filler cap Oil filter Drain plug F040A02TB The engine oil and filter should be changed at those intervals specified in the maintenance schedule in Section 5. If the car is being driven in severe conditions, more frequent oil and filter changes are required.

  • Page 161: Checking And Changing The Engine Coolant

    «L» mark, add engine coolant to bring it up between «L» and «F». If the level is low, inspect for coolant leaks and recheck the fluid level frequently. If the level drops again, visit your Hyundai dealer for an inspection and diag- nosis of the reason.

  • Page 162
    G050D02A-AAT To Change the Coolant The coolant should be changed at those inter- vals specified in the vehicle maintenance sched- ule in Section 5. CAUTION: Engine coolant can damage the finish of your car. If you spill engine coolant on the car, wash it off thoroughly with clean water.
  • Page 163
    When spark plugs are replaced, always use spark plugs recommended by Hyundai. The use of other spark plugs can result in loss of perfor- mance, radio interference or engine damage.
  • Page 164: Spark Plugs

    3. To remove the spark plug cable, pull straight up on the insulated connector, not the cable. Pulling on the cable may damage the carbon core conductor. WARNING: It is recommended that the engine be cool or cold when changing the spark plugs. If the engine is hot, you could burn yourself on the insulated connector, the spark plug or the engine itself.

  • Page 165: Changing The Air Cleaner Filter

    If the wipers continue to streak or smear the glass, replace them with genuine Hyundai re- placement parts or their equivalent. CAUTION: o Do not operate the wipers on dry glass.

  • Page 166: Checking The Transaxle Oil (Manual)

    Transaxle lubricant in the manual transaxle should be checked at those intervals specified in the vehicle maintenance schedule in Section Recommended Oil Use only HYUNDAI GENUINE PARTS MTF 75W/85 (API GL-4) or equivalent in the manual transaxle. Manual Transaxle Oil Capacity The oil capacity of the manual transaxle is 2.27…

  • Page 167: Checking The Transaxle Fluid (Automatic)

    Only use HYUNDAI GENUINE ATF SP III, DIAMOND ATF SP III, SK ATF SP III or other brands meeting the SP III specification approved by Hyundai Motor Co.. If you are having your vehicle serviced at a facility other than a Hyundai dealer, verify that the correct ATF is used for your vehicle.

  • Page 168
    G110D02A-AAT To Check the Transaxle Fluid Level C090A01A Park the car on level ground with the parking brake engaged. When the transaxle fluid level is checked, the transaxle fluid should be at normal operating temperature and the engine idling. G110D03A While the engine is idling, apply the brakes and move the gear selector lever from «P»…
  • Page 169: Checking The Brakes

    CAUTION: Because brakes are essential to the safe operation of the car, it is suggested that they be checked and inspected by your Hyundai dealer. The brakes should be checked and inspected for wear at those intervals speci- fied in the vehicle maintenance schedule in Section 5.

  • Page 170: Checking The Clutch Fluid

    «MAX» and «MIN» level markings on the fluid reservoir. Fill as required. Fluid loss indicates a leak in the clutch system which should be inspected and repaired immediately. Consult your Hyundai dealer. G130B02A-AAT To Replace the Fluid Recommended brake fluid conforming to DOT 3 or DOT 4 specification should be used.

  • Page 171: Changing The Air Conditioner Filter

    Pressing with your finger, you should not be able to deflect this belt anymore than 1/3 of an inch. If the belt is too loose, have it adjusted by your Hyundai dealer. CHANGING THE AIR CONDITIONER FILTER…

  • Page 172
    Use very light finger pressure and be sensitive to changes in resistance that mark the limits of the free-play. If the free-play is greater than specified, have it inspected by your Hyundai dealer and adjusted or repaired if necessary.
  • Page 173
    This is the clutch pedal free-play. The free-play should be within the limits specified in the illustration below. If it is not, have it inspected by your Hyundai dealer and adjusted or repaired if nec- essary. G170A01A-AAT Brake Pedal 0.12 ~ 0.31 in.
  • Page 174: Checking Drive Belts

    (This could be caused by a short in the system drawing too much current.) If this ever happens, have a Hyundai dealer determine the cause, repair the system and replace the fusible link. The fusible links are located in a relay box for easy inspection.

  • Page 175
    The fuse should be a snug fit. If it is not, have the fuse clip repaired or replaced by a Hyundai deal- er. If you do not have a spare fuse, you may…
  • Page 176
    CHECKING THE BATTERY G210A01A-AAT D010B01A WARNING: When working with batteries, carefully ob- serve the following precautions to avoid se- rious injuries. The fluid in the battery contains a strong solution of sulfuric acid, which is poisonous and highly corrosive. Be careful not to spill it on yourself or the car.
  • Page 177: Power Steering Fluid Level

    DO-IT-YOURSELF MAINTENANCE If any electrolyte gets into your eyes, flush your eyes with clean water for at least 15 minutes and get immediate medical attention. If possible, continue to apply wa- ter with a sponge or cloth until medical attention is received. If electrolyte gets on your skin, thoroughly wash the contacted area.

  • Page 178
    YOUR HYUNDAI If you desire additional information about main- taining and servicing your Hyundai, you may purchase a factory Shop Manual at your Hyundai dealer’s parts department. This is the same manual used by dealership technicians and while it is highly technical it can be useful in obtaining a better understanding of your car and how it works.
  • Page 179
    7. Adjust each cut-off line of the low beam to the parallel line with a phillips screwdriver — VERTICAL AIMING WARNING: Horizontal aiming should be adjusted by an authorized Hyundai dealer. G290B02A-AAT Adjustment After Headlight Assembly Replacement Vertical line 0.8 in. (21mm) Horizontal line «P»…
  • Page 180: Headlight Bulb

    REPLACEMENT OF LIGHT BULBS G260A02A-AAT Before attempting to replace a light bulb, be sure the switch is turned to the «OFF» position. The next paragraph shows how to reach the light bulbs so they may be changed. Be sure to replace the burned-out bulb with one of the same number and wattage rating.

  • Page 181
    DO-IT-YOURSELF MAINTENANCE HLC5010 7. Push the bulb spring to remove the headlight bulb. HLC5011 8. Remove the protective cap from the replace- ment bulb and install the new bulb by match- ing the plastic base with the headlight hole. Re-attach the bulb spring and install the dust cover.
  • Page 182
    G270B01A-GAT Front Turn Signal light / Position Light HLC5034 1. Disconnect the power cord from the bulb. HLC5012 2. To replace the front turn signal light (1) or position light (2), take it out from the bulb holder by turning it counterclockwise. 3.
  • Page 183
    DO-IT-YOURSELF MAINTENANCE 2. Remove the mounting screws as shown with a phillips screwdriver. 4 Door G270D02A 3 Door HLC5016 3. To replace the rear combination light (stop/ tail light, turn signal light or back-up light), take it out from the bulb holder by turning it counterclockwise.
  • Page 184
    HTB283 2. Disconnect the power cord. HTB284 3. Replace with a new bulb. G270G01A-AAT Interior Light (Map Light) (If Installed) HLC5017 1. Remove the cover with a flat-head screw- driver. DO-IT-YOURSELF MAINTENANCE HLC5018 2. Replace with a new bulb.
  • Page 185
    DO-IT-YOURSELF MAINTENANCE G270H01A-AAT Interior Light HLC5020 2. Replace with a new bulb. HLC5019 1. Remove the cover with a flat-head screw- driver.
  • Page 186: Bulb Wattages

    BULB WATTAGES G280A03A-AAT Part Name Front Position Light Headlight (High/Low) Front Turn Signal Light Interior Light (Map Light) (If Installed) Interior Light Front Fog Light (If Installed) Front Side Marker Light 4 DOOR Wattage Part Name Rear Combination Turn Signal Light 60/55 Light Stop/Tail Light…

  • Page 187: Fuse Panel Description

    DO-IT-YOURSELF MAINTENANCE FUSE PANEL DESCRIPTION G200C02A-GAT Engine Compartment NOTE: Not all fuse panel descriptions in this manual may be applicable to your vehicle. It is accurate at the time of printing. When you inspect the fuse box on your vehicle, refer to the fuse box label. DESCRIPTION FUSE RATING 120A…

  • Page 188
    DESCRIPTION FUSE RATING Radiator fan, Condenser fan, ECM, Oxygen sensor, Purge control valve, ECU #1 SMATRA, Glow plug relay, Heater relay, Stop lamp switch A/CON COMP A/C relay Horn relay HORN Illumination lamps, Left rear combination lamp, License lamp, DRL control, TAIL LH Position lamp, H/LP washer relay TAIL RH…
  • Page 189
    DO-IT-YOURSELF MAINTENANCE G200E01A-GAT Inner Panel HLC5031 FUSE FUSE RATING PROTECTED COMPONENTS Hazard warning, Back-up lamp switch, Transaxle range switch, A/T shift & key lock control module ETACM, Pre-Excitation resistor, Instrument cluster, Seat belt timer Instrument cluster Air bag ECM, A/T shift lever, Transaxle range switch, Mass air flow sensor, Vehicle speed sensor, Water sensor Power door lock Hazard warning, ETACM…
  • Page 190: Emission Control Systems

    EMISSION CONTROL SYSTEMS Emission Control System … 7-2 Catalytic Converter … 7-3…

  • Page 191
    EMISSION CONTROL SYSTEMS EMISSION CONTROL SYSTEM H010A01A-AAT Your Hyundai is equipped with an emission control system to meet all requirements of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency or Cali- fornia Air Resources Board. There are three emission control systems which are as follows.
  • Page 192: Catalytic Converter

    CATALYTIC CONVERTER H020A01A-AAT Catalytic Converter HLC5022 All Hyundai vehicles are equipped with a mono- lith type three-way catalytic converter reduce the carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides contained in the exhaust gas. Exhaust gases passing through the cata- lytic converter cause it to operate at a very high temperature.

  • Page 193
    Tire Balancing … 8-11 Tire Traction… 8-11 When to Replace Tires … 8-11 Spare Tire and Tools … 8-12 Warranties for Your Hyundai Vehicle … 8-12 Consumer Information … 8-13 Reporting Safety Defects … 8-15 Binding Arbitration of Warranty Claims … 8-16…
  • Page 194: Vehicle Identification Number (Vin)

    CONSUMER INFORMATION, REPORTING SAFETY DEFECTS & BINDING ARBITRATION OF WARRANTY CLAIMS VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (VIN) I010A02A-AAT I010A01A-1 The vehicle identification number (VIN) is the number used in registering your car and in all legal matters pertaining to its ownership, etc. It can be found in four different places on your car: 1.

  • Page 195: Recommended Cold Tire Inflation Pressures

    I030A02JM-AAT RECOMMENDED COLD TIRE INFLA- TION PRESSURES I030A01A-2 Tire label located on the driver’s side of the center pillar outer panel gives the cold tire pressures recommended for your vehicle with the original tire size, the number of people that can be in your vehicle and vehicle capacity weight.

  • Page 196
    Keep your tire pressures at the proper levels. If a tire frequently needs refilling, have it checked by your Hyundai Dealer. o Overinflation produces a harsh ride, excessive wear at the center of the tire tread, and a greater possibility of damage from road hazards.
  • Page 197
    I035A01JM-AAT CHECKING TIRE INFLATION PRES- SURE Check your tires once a month or more. Also, check the tire pressure of the spare tire. How to Check Use a good quality gage to check tire pressure. You can not tell if your tires are properly inflated simply by looking at them.
  • Page 198
    CONSUMER INFORMATION, REPORTING SAFETY DEFECTS & BINDING ARBITRATION OF WARRANTY CLAIMS 1. Manufacturer or Brand name o Manufacturer or Brand name is shown. 2. Tire size (example: P175/70R13) o The «P» indicates the tire is de- signed for passenger vehicles. A «T»…
  • Page 199
    6. Maximum load rating This number indicates the maxi- mum load in kilograms and pounds that can be carried by the tire. When replacing the tires on the vehicle, always use a tire that has the same load rating as the factory installed tire.
  • Page 200: Index

    CONSUMER INFORMATION, REPORTING SAFETY DEFECTS & BINDING ARBITRATION OF WARRANTY CLAIMS Intended Outboard Sidewall: The side of an asymmetrical tire, that must always face outward when mounted on a vehicle. Kilopascal (kPa): The metric unit for air pressure. Load Index: An assigned number rang- ing from 1 to 279 that corresponds to the load carrying capacity of a tire.

  • Page 201: Snow Tires

    CONSUMER INFORMATION, REPORTING SAFETY DEFECTS & BINDING ARBITRATION OF WARRANTY CLAIMS I040B01JM-AAT ALL SEASON TIRES Hyundai specifies all season tires on some models to provide good perfor- mance for use all year round, including snowy and icy road conditions. All sea-…

  • Page 202: Tire Chains

    (12,000 km). If you notice that tires are wearing unevenly between rotations, have the car checked by a Hyundai dealer so the cause may be corrected. After rotating, adjust the tire pressures and be sure to check the wheel nut torque.

  • Page 203: Tire Balancing

    Wheels that do not meet Hyundai’s dimensional specifications may fit poorly and result in damage to the vehicle, including broken wheel studs.

  • Page 204: Spare Tire And Tools

    Spare tire and wheel Wheel nut wrench, Wrench bar Jack I110A01A-AAT SHOP MANUAL A Hyundai Shop Manual is available from your authorized Hyundai dealer. It’s written for pro- fessional technicians, but is simple enough for most mechanically-inclined owners to under- stand.

  • Page 205: Consumer Information

    Hyundai automobiles with infor- mation on uniform tire quality grading. Your Hyundai dealer will help answer any questions you may have as you read this information. CONSUMER INFORMATION, REPORTING SAFETY DEFECTS & BINDING ARBITRATION OF WARRANTY CLAIMS…

  • Page 206
    «WARNING». If, after reading this manual, you have any questions regarding the operation of your vehi- cle, please contact your nearest Hyundai Motor America Regional Office as listed below: Eastern Region : Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvanina, Rhode Is- land, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia.
  • Page 207: Reporting Safety Defects

    How- ever, NHTSA cannot become involved in individual problems between you, your dealer, or HYUNDAI MOTOR AMERICA. To contact NHTSA, you may either call the Auto Safety Hotline toll-free at 1-888-327-4236 or write to: NHTSA, U.S.

  • Page 208
    You will not be responsible for paying filing and hearing fees above $275.00. All other arbitration costs shall be borne by Hyundai Motor America. You are not responsible to pay any of the costs Hyundai incurs. This Binding Arbitration Agreement shall not deprive you of any remedies available to you under applicable law.
  • Page 209: Vehicle Specifications

    VEHICLE SPECIFICATIONS Measurement … 9-2 Engine … 9-3 Lubrication Chart … 9-4…

  • Page 210
    VEHICLE SPECIFICATIONS J010A01A-AAT MEASUREMENT Item 4 DOOR Overall length 167.7 (4260) Overall width 66.1 (1680) Overall height (unladen) 54.9 (1395) Wheel base 96.1 (2440) Wheel tread Front 56.5 (1435) Rear 56.1 (1425) J020A01A-AAT POWER STEERING Type Rack and pinion Wheel free play 0 ~ 1.18 in (0 ~ 30 mm) Rack stroke 5.3 in.
  • Page 211
    ENGINE J070A04A-AAT ITEMS Engine Type Bore x Stroke Displacement (cc) Idle Speed (RPM) Spark plug CHAMPION Spark plug gap Valve Clearance Intake valve (warm engine) Exhaust valve Ignition timing (Base) Firing order Oil grade (API) SPECIFICATIONS 1.6 MPI 4-Cylinder in-line DOHC 76.5 x 87 1,599 800 ±…
  • Page 212
    Transaxle Manual HYUNDAI GENUINE PARTS MTF 75W/85 (API GL-4) Auto HYUNDAI GENUINE ATF SP III, DIAMOND ATF SP III, SK ATF SP III or other brands meeting the SP III specification approved by Hyundai Motor Co.. Power steering PSF-3 Brake fluid…
  • Page 213: Index


  • Page 214
    Headlight switch … 1-47 High-beam switch … 1-48 Lane change signal … 1-47 Turn signal operation … 1-47 Cooling Fans … 6-22 Corrosion Protection Cleaning the interior … 4-5 Protecting your Hyundai from corrosion … 4-2 Washing and waxing … 4-3…
  • Page 215
    Defrosting/Defogging … 1-72 Door Central door lock … 1-6 Door locks … 1-4 Locking, unlocking front door with a key … 1-4 Drink Holder … 1-53 Drive Belts … 6-19 Driving Economical driving … 2-12 Smooth cornering … 2-13 Winter driving … 2-13 Dual-Stage Supplemental Restraint (AIRBAG) System …
  • Page 216
    INDEX Headlight Bulb … 6-25 Heating and Ventilation Air flow control … 1-67 Air intake control … 1-66 Bi-level heating … 1-69 Defrosting/Defogging … 1-72 Fan seed control (Blower control) … 1-66 Temperature control … 1-69 High-Mounted Rear Stop Light … 1-58 Hood Release …
  • Page 217
    Precautions … 1-16 Spark Plugs … 6-8 Speedometer … 1-43 Starting Procedures … 2-5 Steering Wheel Free-play … 6-17 Stereo Sound System … 1-74 Sun Visor … 1-63 Tachometer … 1-43 Tailgate … 1-62 Theft-Alarm System … 1-7 Tires Balancing … 8-11 Chains …
  • Page 218
    A000A01A-AAT This Owner’s Manual should be considered a part of the car and remain with it when it is sold for the use of the next owner. ORIGINAL OWNER ADDRESS CITY DELIVERY DATE DEALER NAME ADDRESS CITY OWNER’S I.D. STATE ZIP CODE (Date Sold to Original Retail purchaser) DEALER NO.
  • Page 219
    Apply the parking brake, with the engine running, shift the selector lever through all ranges and return to “N” (Neutral) position. Then check the level of fluid on the dipstick. Use only HYUNDAI GENUINE ATF SP III, DIAMOND ATF SP III, SK ATF SP III or other brands meeting the SP III specification approved by Hyundai Motor Co..

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Руководство по ремонту и ТО Hyundai Accent 1999-2006 г.

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Руководство по ремонту и ТО Hyundai Accent 2006-2011 г.

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Руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации Hyundai Accent с 2006 г.

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Руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации Hyundai Accent с 2006 г.

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Руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации Hyundai Accent с 2010 г.

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Руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации Hyundai Accent с 2015 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации и ремонту автомобилей Hyundai Accent и Hyundai Solaris с 2015 года выпуска с бензиновыми двигателями объемом 1,4/1,6 л.

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Руководство по ТО и ремонту Hyundai Accent с 1995 г.

Руководство на испанском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Hyundai Accent с 1995 года выпуска.

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Руководство по эксплуатации Hyundai Accent.

Руководство по эксплуатации автомобилей Hyundai Accent и Hyundai Verna.

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Руководство по эксплуатации Hyundai Accent.

Руководство по эксплуатации автомобиля Hyundai Accent.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Hyundai Motor Company
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 134
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 2,4 Mb

Руководство по эксплуатации и ТО Hyundai Accent.

Руководство по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию автомобиля Hyundai Accent.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство:
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 299
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 96,8 Mb

Руководство по эксплуатации, ТО и ремонту Hyundai Accent.

Руководство по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Hyundai Accent с 1999 года выпуска.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство:
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 230
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 14,0 Mb

Устройство, эксплуатация, обслуживание, ремонт Hyundai Accent.

Руководство по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Hyundai Accent с двигателем 1,5i.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: За рулем
  • Год издания: 2005
  • Страниц: 232
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 41,7 Mb

Устройство, эксплуатация, обслуживание, ремонт Hyundai Accent.

Руководство по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Hyundai Accent с двигателем 1,5i.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: За рулем
  • Год издания: 2012
  • Страниц: 232
  • Формат:
  • Размер:

Электрооборудование Hyundai Accent.

Руководство по ремонту электрооборудования автомобиля Hyundai Accent.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: За рулем
  • Год издания: 2010
  • Страниц: 49
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 3,4 Mb

Доп информация

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