Руководство по эксплуатации gle coupe

  • Contents

  • Table of Contents

  • Bookmarks

Quick Links

Your Operator’s Manual

Digital form inside the vehicle

Familiarize yourself with the contents of the Operator’s Manual directly via your

vehicle’s multimedia system (Menu item «Vehicle»).

Booklet inside the vehicle

In addition to the vehicle’s Operator’s Manual, you can obtain the complete multi-

media system Supplement from your authorized Mercedes-Benz Center.

Digital form via the Internet

You can find the Operator’s Manual on the Mercedes-Benz homepage.

Digital form as an App

The Mercedes-Benz Guides App is available for free on the Apple




Order no. P292 0328 13 Part no. 292 584 38 02 Edition B 2019


App store or Google

Apple® iOS


GLE Coupe

Operator’s Manual



Summary of Contents for Mercedes-Benz GLE Coupe 2019

инструкцияMercedes-Benz GLE Coupe (2021)

Digital in the vehicleVehicle document walletDigital on the InternetDigital as an app

Familiarize yourself with the con‐

tents of the Operator’s Manual

directly via the vehicle’s multi‐

media system (menu item «Vehi‐

cle information»). Start with the

quick guide or broaden your

knowledge with practical tips.

Here you can find comprehen‐

sive information about operating

your vehicle and about services

and guarantees in printed form.

You can find the Operator’s Man‐

ual on the Mercedes-Benz home‐


The Mercedes-Benz Guides app

is available free-of-charge in

familiar app stores.



Order no. P167 0257 13 Part no. 167 584 74 13

Edition B 2021

GLE Coupe

Operator’s Manual


Mercedes-Benz GLE Coupe

Посмотреть инструкция для Mercedes-Benz GLE Coupe (2021) бесплатно. Руководство относится к категории автомобили, 2 человек(а) дали ему среднюю оценку 8.4. Руководство доступно на следующих языках: английский. У вас есть вопрос о Mercedes-Benz GLE Coupe (2021) или вам нужна помощь? Задайте свой вопрос здесь

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Логотип Mercedes-Benz

Автомобиль Mercedes-Benz GLE Coupe (2021) — это спортивный кроссовер сегмента E, который характеризуется высокой производительностью и современными технологиями. Он предназначен для любителей динамичного вождения и комфорта. Один из главных элементов экстерьера — это спортивные обводы кузова и двухцветная окраска крыши. Внутренность авто также не оставляет равнодушным — используются только материалы высокого качества, а современная аудио-система и прочие функции обеспечивают комфортный и качественный звук в автомобильном салоне.
Mercedes-Benz GLE Coupe (2021) оснащен мощным и многофункциональным двигателем, благодаря чему автомобиль выдает высокую производительность. Он содержит обширный набор систем безопасности и помощи, таких как система контроля стабильности автомобиля, гибкий камера парковки, система информирования о погодных условиях и многое другое. Просторный багажник и высокое качество материалов обеспечивают удобство и комфорт в длительных поездках. В общем, Mercedes-Benz GLE Coupe (2021) представляет собой высокотехнологичный и мощный автомобиль класса люкс, который украсит любую коллекцию и порадует покупателей во всех отношениях.


Не можете найти ответ на свой вопрос в руководстве? Вы можете найти ответ на свой вопрос ниже, в разделе часто задаваемых вопросов о Mercedes-Benz GLE Coupe (2021).

Как перевести мили в километры?

1 миля равна 1,609344 километрам, а 1 километр — 0,62137119 милям.

Где я могу узнать идентификационный номер транспортного средства Mercedes-Benz?

Место размещения идентификационного номера транспортного средства зависит от марки и типа транспортного средства. Номер может быть выбит на раме транспортного средства или указан на номерном знаке. Чтобы узнать место расположения идентификационного номера транспортного средства лучше всего ознакомиться с руководством по эксплуатации Mercedes-Benz GLE Coupe (2021).

Что такое идентификационный номер транспортного средства (VIN)?

Идентификационный номер транспортного средства — уникальный для каждого транспортного средства идентификационный номер. Аббревиатура VIN расшифровывается как «Vehicle Identification Number» (Идентификационный номер транспортного средства).

Когда транспортному средству Mercedes-Benz требуется техническое обслуживание?

Регулярное техническое обслуживание необходимо всем транспортным средствам. С информацией о том, как часто необходимо проходить техническое обслуживание и чему именно стоит уделять особое внимание можно ознакомиться в инструкции по техническому обслуживанию. Как правило, транспортное средство требует технического обслуживания каждые 2 года или 30 000 километров пробега.

Когда следует заменять тормозную жидкость на Mercedes-Benz?

Тормозную жидкость рекомендуется менять каждые два года.

В чем разница между топливом E10 и E5?

В топливе E10 содержится до десяти процентов этанола, в то время как в E5 содержится менее пяти процентов. Соответственно, топливо E10 менее вредит окружающей среде.

Одна или несколько дверей не открываются изнутри. Что мне делать?

Скорее всего, замок оснащен защитой от детей и поэтому не может быть открыт изнутри. Процедура открытия замка с защитой от детей зависит от марки и типа замка.

Автомобильный радиоприемник не включается, что делать?

Если автомобильный радиоприемник не включен, на него не будет подаваться питание. Убедитесь, что красный провод подключен к контактному источнику питания, а желтый провод — к источнику питания постоянной мощности.

Инструкция Mercedes-Benz GLE Coupe (2021) доступно в русский?

К сожалению, у нас нет руководства для Mercedes-Benz GLE Coupe (2021), доступного в русский. Это руководство доступно в английский.

Не нашли свой вопрос? Задайте свой вопрос здесь

Инструкции по эксплуатации

Узнайте больше о своём Mercedes-Benz в интерактивной форме! Вы сможете ознакомиться с техническими и эксплуатационными особенностями автомобилей Mercedes-Benz. В этом вам поможет интерактивное руководство по эксплуатации, где информация представлена в наглядной и увлекательной форме. Перейдите по ссылке к интерактивному руководству по эксплуатации

Вы можете легко ознакомиться с техническими и эксплуатационными особенностями автомобилей Mercedes-Benz. В этом вам поможет интерактивное руководство по эксплуатации, где информация представлена в наглядной и увлекательной форме.


Межсервисный интервал для новых автомобилей марки Mercedes-Benz

• Для легковых автомобилей Mercedes-Benz межсервисный интервал составляет 15 000 км или 1 год, в зависимости от того, что наступит раньше.
• Для автомобиля V-Класса межсервисный интервал определяется системой ASSYST или 1 год, в зависимости от того, что наступит раньше.

В зависимости от комплектации автомобиля компьютер сервисной системы может индицировать следующий актуальный срок ТО раньше, чем указано выше. Дальнейшую информацию Вы получите в специализированной мастерской с квалифицированным персоналом, например, в пункте ТО Mercedes-Benz.

Межсервисный интервал для автомобилей марки Mercedes-Benz, снятых с производства

• Для легковых автомобилей Mercedes-Benz с дизельными двигателями межсервисный интервал составляет 10 000 км или 1 год, в зависимости от того, что наступит раньше.
• Для легковых автомобилей Mercedes-Benz с бензиновыми двигателями межсервисный интервал составляет 15 000 км или 1 год, в зависимости от того, что наступит раньше.
• Для автомобиля V-Класса межсервисный интервал определяется системой ASSYST или 1 год, в зависимости от того, что наступит раньше.

Новые модели

Модели, снятые с производства


Operator’s Manual


Your Operator’s Manual

Digital form inside the vehicle

Familiarize yourself with the contents of the Operator’s Manual directly via your

vehicle’s multimedia system (Menu item «Vehicle»).

Booklet inside the vehicle

In addition to the vehicle’s Operator’s Manual, you can obtain the complete multi-

media system Supplement from your authorized Mercedes-Benz Center.

Digital form via the Internet

You can find the Operator’s Manual on the Mercedes-Benz homepage.

Digital form as an App

The Mercedes-BenzGuides App is available for free on the Apple


App store or Google


Apple® iOS Android™

Order no. P166 0444 13 Part no. 166 584 38 08 Edition A 2018



GLE Operator’s Manual

Publication details


Further information about Mercedes-Benz vehi-

cles and about Daimler AG can be found on the

following websites:

http://www.mbusa.com (USA only)

http://www.mercedes-benz.ca (Canada only)

Editorial office

You are welcome to forward any queries or sug-

gestions you may have regarding this Operator’s

Manual to the technical documentation team at

the following address:

Customer Assistance Center

Mercedes-Benz USA, LLC

3 Mercedes Drive

Montvale, NJ 07645-0350

Daimler AG: not to be reprinted, translated or

otherwise reproduced, in whole or in part, with-

out written permission from Daimler AG.

Vehicle manufacturer

Daimler AG

Mercedesstrae 137

70327 Stuttgart



Registered trademarks:




is a registered trademark of Blue-

tooth SIG Inc.


DTS™ is a registered trademark of DTS, Inc.




and MLP™ are registered trademarks

of DOLBY Laboratories.


BabySmart™, ESP




are reg-

istered trademarks of Daimler AG.




is a registered trademark of John-

son Controls.




and iTunes


are registered trademarks

of Apple Inc.




is a registered trademark of Harman

International Industries.




and Windows media


are regis-

tered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.




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XM Radio Inc.


HD Radio™ is a registered trademark of iBiq-

uity Digital Corporation.




is a registered trademark of

Gracenote, Inc.


ZAGAT Survey


and related brands are regis-

tered trademarks of Zagat Survey, LLC.

In this Operator’s Manual you will find the fol-

lowing symbols:



Warning notes make you aware of dangers

which could pose a threat to your health or

life, or to the health and life of others.


Environmental note

Environmental notes provide you with infor-

mation on environmentally aware actions or



Notes on material damage alert you to dan-

gers that could lead to damage to your vehi-



Practical tips or further information that

could be helpful to you.


This symbol indicates an instruction

that must be followed.


Several of these symbols in succession

indicate an instruction with several




This symbol tells you where you can find

more information about a topic.


This symbol indicates a warning or an

instruction that is continued on the next




This text indicates a message on the

multifunction display/multimedia dis-


As at 08.03.2017

Welcome to the world of Mercedes-Benz

We urge you to read this Operator’s Manual

carefully and familiarize yourself with the vehi-

cle before driving. For your own safety and a

longer vehicle life, follow the instructions and

warning notices in this Operator’s Manual.

Ignoring them could result in damage to the

vehicle or personal injury to you or others.

Vehicle damage caused by failure to follow

instructions is not covered by the Mercedes-

Benz Limited Warranty.

The equipment or product designation of your

vehicle may vary depending on:






Country specification



Mercedes-Benz therefore reserves the right to

introduce changes in the following areas:






Technical features

The equipment in your vehicle may therefore

differ from that shown in the descriptions and


The following are integral components of the



Digital Operator’s Manual


Printed Operator’s Manual


Maintenance Booklet


Equipment-dependent supplements

Keep these documents in the vehicle at all

times. If you sell the vehicle, always pass all

documents on to the new owner.

Your Operator’s Manual:

Digital form inside the vehicle

The Digital Operator’s Manual provides

comprehensive and specifically adapted

information on your vehicle’s equipment

and multimedia system. It contains infor-

mative animations, individual language

settings and an intuitive search function.

Booklet inside the vehicle

In addition to this manual and the afore-

mentioned digital media, you also have the

option to obtain a comprehensive printed

version of the Supplement for your multi-

media system from your authorized

Mercedes-Benz Center.

Digital form via the Internet

The Operator’s Manual on the Internet pro-

vides easy access to all information

regarding your vehicle and multimedia sys-

tem. It also provides helpful animations,

interesting background information and a

wide array of search options.

Digital form as an App

Using the Mercedes-Benz Guides App, you

can view all the information on your vehicle

and multimedia system via mobile Internet

or download it independently of network

access. Available for smartphones or tab-


You can also use the Mercedes-Benz Guides


Please note that the Mercedes-Benz Guides App

may not yet be available in your country.

Mercedes-Benz USA, LLC

Mercedes-Benz Canada, Inc.

A Daimler Company



Index ………………………………………………. 4

Digital Operator’s Manual ……………… 26

Introduction …………………………………….26

Operation ……………………………………….. 26

Introduction ………………………………….. 27

Protecting the environment ……………….27

Genuine Mercedes-Benz parts …………...27

Operator’s Manual …………………………… 28

Service and vehicle operation …………….28

Operating safety ……………………………… 30

QR codes for the rescue card …………….32

Data stored in the vehicle …………………. 32

Information on copyright ………………….. 35

At a glance ……………………………………. 36

Cockpit ………………………………………….. 36

Instrument cluster …………………………… 37

Multifunction steering wheel …………….. 38

Center console ……………………………….. 39

Overhead control panel …………………….42

Door control panel …………………………… 43

Safety …………………………………………… 44

Panic alarm …………………………………….. 44

Occupant safety ……………………………… 44

Children in the vehicle ……………………… 59

Pets in the vehicle …………………………… 65

Driving safety systems ……………………… 66

Protection against theft …………………….75

Opening and closing ……………………… 77

SmartKey ……………………………………….. 77

Doors …………………………………………….. 83

Cargo compartment ………………………….84

Side windows ………………………………….. 88

Sliding sunroof ………………………………… 92

Seats, steering wheel and mirrors …. 97

Correct driver’s seat position ……………. 97

Seats …………………………………………….. 97

Steering wheel ………………………………. 103

Mirrors …………………………………………. 105

Memory function …………………………… 108

Lights and windshield wipers ………. 110

Exterior lighting …………………………….. 110

Interior lighting ……………………………… 114

Replacing bulbs (vehicles with LED

headlamps) …………………………………… 115

Replacing bulbs (vehicles with halo-

gen headlamps) …………………………….. 115

Windshield wipers ………………………….. 117

Climate control …………………………… 122

Overview of climate control systems 122

Operating the climate control sys-

tems ……………………………………………. 127

Setting the air vents ………………………. 132

Driving and parking …………………….. 134

Notes on breaking-in a new vehicle ….. 134

Driving …………………………………………. 134

DYNAMIC SELECT controller …………… 142

Automatic transmission ………………….. 143

Refueling ……………………………………… 150

Parking ………………………………………… 156

Driving tips …………………………………… 159

Driving systems …………………………….. 169

Towing a trailer ……………………………… 219

Bicycle rack ………………………………….. 225

On-board computer and displays …. 228

Important safety notes …………………… 228

Displays and operation …………………… 228

Menus and submenus ……………………. 231

Display messages …………………………. 243

Warning and indicator lamps in the

instrument cluster …………………………. 274

Multimedia system ……………………… 287

General notes ……………………………….. 287

Important safety notes …………………… 287

Function restrictions ………………………. 287

Operating system ………………………….. 288

Stowage and features …………………. 295

Stowage areas ………………………………. 295



Features ………………………………………. 304

Maintenance and care …………………. 321

Engine compartment ……………………… 321

ASSYST PLUS ……………………………….. 325

Care …………………………………………….. 326

Breakdown assistance ………………… 334

Where will I find…? ………………………… 334

Flat tire ………………………………………… 335

Battery (vehicle) ……………………………. 340

Jump-starting ………………………………… 342

Towing and tow-starting …………………. 345

Fuses …………………………………………… 348

Wheels and tires …………………………. 351

Important safety notes …………………… 351

Operation …………………………………….. 351

Winter operation ……………………………. 353

Tire pressure ………………………………… 354

Loading the vehicle ………………………… 361

All about wheels and tires ………………. 364

Changing a wheel ………………………….. 371

Wheel and tire combinations …………… 376

Emergency spare wheel ………………….. 376

Technical data …………………………….. 381

Information regarding technical data 381

Vehicle electronics ………………………… 381

Identification plates ……………………….. 382

Service products and filling capaci-

ties ……………………………………………… 383

Vehicle data ………………………………….. 390

Vehicle data for off-road driving ………. 392

Trailer tow hitch …………………………….. 394



1, 2, 3

4ETS (Electronic Traction System)

see ETS/4ETS (Electronic Trac-

tion System)

4MATIC (permanent four-wheel

drive) ………………………………………….. 213

12 V socket

see Sockets

115 V socket ……………………………….. 308

360° camera

Cleaning …………………………………..330

Display in the multimedia system .. 200

Function/notes ………………………..198


ABS (Anti-lock Braking System)

Display message ………………………. 244

Function/notes ………………………….. 66

Important safety notes ……………….. 66

Warning lamp …………………………… 277


Automatic measures after an acci-

dent …………………………………………. 59

Activating media mode

General notes ………………………….. 293

Activating/deactivating cooling

with air dehumidification …………….. 127

Active Blind Spot Assist

Activating/deactivating (on-

board computer) ………………………. 237

Display message ………………………. 264

Function/information ……………….. 208

Trailer towing …………………………… 210

Active Brake Assist

Activating or deactivating ………….. 237

Display message ………………………. 249

Function/notes ………………………….. 67

Active Brake Assist with cross-

traffic function

Activating or deactivating ………….. 237

Display message ………………………. 250

Function/notes ………………………….. 72

Important safety notes ……………….. 73

Warning lamp …………………………… 285

Active Curve System

Display message ………………………. 261

Function/notes ……………………….. 184

Active Lane Keeping Assist

Activating/deactivating (on-

board computer) ………………………. 237

Display message ………………………. 263

Function/information ……………….. 210

Trailer towing …………………………… 213

Active light function ……………………. 112

ADAPTIVE BRAKE …………………………… 72

Adaptive Damping System

see ADS (Adaptive Damping System)

Adaptive Highbeam Assist

Display message ………………………. 256

Function/notes ……………………….. 113

Switching on/off ……………………… 114

Additives (engine oil) …………………… 388

Address book

see also Digital Operator’s Man-

ual ………………………………………….. 287

Adjusting the volume

Multimedia system …………………… 288

ADS (Adaptive Damping System)

Function/notes ……………………….. 183

Air bags


oyment ………………………………. 56


lay message ………………………. 253

Front air bag (driver, front

passenger) ………………………………… 50

Important safety notes ……………….. 49

Introduction ………………………………. 49

Knee bag …………………………………… 50

Occupant Classification System

(OCS) ……………………………………….. 51


lamps ……………………………………….. 45

Side impact air bag …………………….. 51

Window curtain air bag ……………….. 51

Air filter (display message) ………….. 259

AIR FLOW ……………………………………. 128

Air vents

Glove box ………………………………… 132

Important safety notes ……………… 132

Rear ……………………………………….. 133

Setting ……………………………………. 132

Setting the center air vents ……….. 132

Setting the side air vents …………… 132



Air-conditioning system

see Climate control

AIRMATIC package

ADS (Adaptive Damping System) ...183

Function/notes ………………………..183


ATA (Anti-Theft Alarm system) ……… 75

Switching off (ATA) …………………….. 75

Switching the function on/off

(ATA) ………………………………………… 75

Alarm system

see ATA (Anti-Theft Alarm system)


Adaptive sport suspension sys-

tem ………………………………………… 186

AMG menu (on-board computer) ….. 240

Anti-lock braking system

see ABS (Anti-lock Braking System)

Anti-skid chains

see Snow chains

Anti-Theft Alarm system

see ATA (Anti-Theft Alarm system)

Approach/departure angle ………….. 168

Ashtray ……………………………………….. 307

Assistance display (on-board com-

puter) …………………………………………..236

Assistance menu (on-board com-

puter) …………………………………………..236


Displaying a service message ……..325

Hiding a service message ………….. 325

Resetting the service interval dis-

play ………………………………………… 325

Service message ………………………. 325

Special service requirements ……… 326

ATA (Anti-Theft Alarm system)

Activating/deactivating ………………. 75

Function …………………………………….75

Switching off the alarm ……………….. 75


Activating/deactivating …………….. 237

Display message ………………………. 260

Function/notes ……………………….. 202

Audio menu (on-board computer) …. 234

Authorized Mercedes-Benz Center

see Qualified specialist workshop

Authorized workshop

see Qualified specialist workshop

AUTO lights

Display message ………………………. 255

see Lights

Automatic car wash (care) …………… 326

Automatic engine start (ECO start/

stop functio

n) ……………………………… 140


matic engine switch-off (ECO

start/stop function) …………………….. 139

Automatic headlamp mode ………….. 110

Automatic transmission

Accelerator pedal position …………. 146

Changing gear …………………………. 146

DIRECT SELECT lever ………………… 143

Display message ………………………. 270

Drive program ………………………….. 146

Drive program display ……………….. 145

Driving tips ……………………………… 146

DYNAMIC SELECT controller ……… 142

Emergency running mode ………….. 150

Engaging drive position ……………… 145

Engaging neutral ………………………. 144

Engaging park position automati-

cally ……………………………………….. 144

Engaging reverse gear ………………. 144

Engaging the park position ………… 144

Important safety notes ……………… 143

Kickdown ………………………………… 146

Manual shifting ………………………… 147

Oil temperature (on-board com-

puter, Mercedes-AMG vehicles) ….. 240

Overview …………………………………. 143

Problem (malfunction) ………………. 150

Pulling away …………………………….. 138

Starting the engine …………………… 137

Steering wheel paddle shifters …… 147

Trailer towing …………………………… 146

Transmission position display …….. 145

Transmission positions ……………… 145

Automatic transmission emer-

gency mode ………………………………… 150

AUX jacks

CD/DVD drive …………………………. 294

Axle load, permissible (trailer tow-

ing) ……………………………………………… 394




Back button ………………………………… 288

Bag hook …………………………………….. 300

Ball coupling

Installing …………………………………. 221

Removing ………………………………… 224

BAS (Brake Assist System) …………….. 67

Battery (SmartKey)

Checking …………………………………… 80

Important safety notes ……………….. 80

Replacing ………………………………….. 80

Battery (vehicle)

Charging …………………………………. 342

Display message ………………………. 257

Important safety notes ……………… 340

Jump starting …………………………… 342

Overview …………………………………. 340


see Seat belts

Belt warning ………………………………….. 48

Bicycle rack ………………………………… 225

Blind Spot Assist

Activating/deactivating …………….. 237

Display message ………………………. 264

Notes/function ………………………… 204

Trailer towing …………………………… 206

see Active Blind Spot Assist


Adding DEF ……………………………… 153

BlueTEC (DEF) ……………………………… 386



Searching for a mobile phone …….. 291

Searching for a mobile phone

(device manager) ……………………… 292

see also Digital Operator’s Man-

ual ………………………………………….. 287

Telephony ……………………………….. 291

Brake Assist

see BAS (Brake Assist System)

Brake fluid

Display message ………………………. 249

Notes ……………………………………… 388

Brake force distribution

see EBD (electronic brake force


Brake lamps

Display message ………………………. 255

Brake linings

Display message ………………………. 249


ABS ………………………………………….. 66

BAS ………………………………………….. 67

Brake fluid (notes) ……………………. 388

Braking assistance appropriate to

the situation ………………………………. 69

Display message ………………………. 244

High-performance brake system …. 163

Hill start assist …………………………. 139

Important safety notes ……………… 161

Maintenance ……………………………. 162

Parking brake ………………………….. 157

Riding tips ……………………………….. 161

Warning lamp …………………………… 276

Braking assistance appropriate to

the situatio



on/notes ………………………….. 69


Where will I find…? …………………… 334

see Flat tire

see Towing away

Brightness control (instrument

cluster lighting) …………………………….. 37


see Replacing bulbs



Important notice for retail cus-

tomers and lessees …………………….. 28

Calling up a malfunction

see Display messages


see Vehicle


360° camera …………………………… 330

Car wash …………………………………. 326

Carpets …………………………………… 333

Display ……………………………………. 331

Exhaust pipe ……………………………. 330

Exterior lights ………………………….. 329

Gear or selector lever ……………….. 332

Interior ……………………………………. 331

Matte finish …………………………….. 328

Notes ……………………………………… 326



Paint ……………………………………….328

Plastic trim ……………………………...331

Power washer ………………………….. 327

Rear view camera …………………….. 330

Roof lining ……………………………….. 333

Seat belt …………………………………. 332

Seat cover ………………………………. 332

Sensors ………………………………….. 330

Side running board …………………… 330

Steering wheel …………………………. 332

Trim pieces ……………………………...332

Washing by hand ……………………… 327

Wheels …………………………………….329

Windows …………………………………. 329

Wiper blades ……………………………. 329

Wooden trim ……………………………. 332

Cargo compartment cover

Notes/how to use ……………………. 300

Cargo compartment enlargement

Important safety notes ……………… 298

Cargo compartment floor

Important safety notes ……………… 302

Opening/closing ………………………. 303

Stowage well (under) ………………… 302

Cargo net

Attaching ………………………………… 301

Important safety information ……… 301

Cargo tie down rings ……………………. 299


see also Digital Operator’s Man-

ual …………………………………………..287

CD player (on-board computer) ……..234

Center console

Lower section ……………………………. 40

Upper section ……………………………. 39

Central locking

Automatic locking (on-board com-

puter) ……………………………………… 239

Locking/unlocking (SmartKey) ……..77


Restraint system ………………………… 61

Child seat

Forward-facing restraint system …… 64

LATCH-type (ISOFIX) child seat

anchors ………………………………

…….. 62


the front-passenger seat ………… 63

Rearward-facing restraint system …. 64

Top Tether ……………………………......62

Child-proof locks

Important safety notes ……………….. 64

Rear doors …………..…………………….65


Special seat belt retractor …………...60

Children in the vehicle

Important safety notes ……………….. 59

Cigarette lighter ………………………….. 307


Mirror turn signal ……………………...330

Trailer tow hitch ………………………..331

Climate control

Automatic climate control (3-

zone) ………………………………………. 125

Controlling automatically …………...128

Cooling with air dehumidification .. 127

Defrosting the windows …………….. 130

Defrosting the windshield ………….. 129

Dual-zone automatic climate con-

trol …………………………………………. 123

General notes ………………………….. 122

Indicator lamp ………………………….. 128

Ionization ………………………………… 131

Maximum cooling …………………….. 130

Notes on using the automatic cli-

mate control ……………………………. 127

Overview of systems ………………….122

Problem with the rear window

defroster …………………………………. 131

Problems with cooling with air

dehumidification ………………………. 128

Rear control panel ……………………. 125

Refrigerant ………………………………. 389


filling capacity …………. 390


ng the air distribution …………. 129

Setting the air vents ………………….132

Setting the airflow ……………………. 129

Setting the climate mode (AIR

FLOW) …………………………………….. 128

Setting the temperature ……………. 128

Switching air-recirculation mode

on/off …………………………………….. 131

Switching on/off ……………………… 127

Switching residual heat on/off …… 131

Switching the rear window

defroster on/off ………………………. 130

Switching the ZONE function

on/off …………………………………….. 129



Coat hooks …………………………………..302


Overview …………………………………… 36

see Instrument cluster

Collapsible spare wheel

Inflating ………………………………….. 379

see Emergency spare wheel


Driving dynamics display …………… 218

COMAND display

Cleaning ………………………………….. 331

Combination switch …………………….. 111

Connecting a USB device

see also Digital Operator’s Man-

ual ………………………………………….. 287

Consumption statistics (on-board

computer) …………………………………… 231

Controller ……………………………………. 288

Convenience closing feature ………….. 90

Convenience opening feature ………… 89

Coolant (engine)

Checking the level ……………………. 324

Display message ………………………. 256

Filling capacity …………………………. 389

Important safety notes ……………… 388

Temperature (on-board computer,

Mercedes-AMG vehicles) …………… 240

Temperature gauge …………………… 229

Warning lamp …………………………… 283


see Climate control

Copyright ……………………………………… 35

Cornering light function

Display message ………………………. 255

Crash-responsive emergency light-

ing ………………………………………………. 115

Crosswind Assist …………………………… 72

Crosswind driving assistance ………… 72

Cruise control

Activating ………………………………… 170

Activation conditions ………………… 170

Cruise control lever ………………….. 170

Deactivating …………………………….. 171

Display message ………………………. 266

Driving system …………………………. 169

Function/notes ……………………….. 169

Important safety notes ……………… 169

Storing and maintaining current

speed ……………………………………… 170

Cup holder

Center console ………………………… 305

Important safety notes ……………… 304

Rear compartment ……………………. 305

Temperature controlled …………….. 305


Assistance Center


CAC) …………………………………………….. 31

Customer Relations Department ……. 31



see Instrument cluster


see Technical data

Data carrier

Selecting …………………………………. 234

Daytime running lamps

Display message ………………………. 255

Function/notes ……………………….. 110

Switching on/off (on-board com-

puter) ……………………………………… 238

Declarations of conformity …………….. 30


Adding ……………………………………. 153

Display message ………………………. 259

Filling capacity …………………………. 387

Important safety notes ……………… 386

Diagnostics connection …………………. 31

Differential lock (display mes-

sage) …………………………………………… 262

Digital Operator’s Manual

Help …………………………………………. 26

Introduction ………………………………. 26

Digital speedometer ……………………. 232


Automatic transmission …………….. 143

Display messages

ASSYST PLUS ………………………….. 325

Calling up (on-board computer) ….. 243

Driving systems ……………………….. 260

Engine …………………………………….. 256

General notes ………………………….. 243

Hiding (on-board computer) ……….. 243

KEYLESS-GO ……………………………. 273

Lights ……………………………………… 255



Safety systems ………………………… 244

SmartKey ………………………………… 273

Tires ……………………………………….. 268

Vehicle ……………………………………. 270

Distance Pilot DISTRONIC

Activating ………………………………… 173

Activation conditions ………………… 173

Cruise control lever ………………….. 173

Display Message ………………………. 265

Displays in the instrument cluster .. 176

Driving tips ……………………………… 177

Function/notes ……………………….. 171

Important safety notes ……………… 171

Setting the specified minimum

distance ………………………………….. 175

Stopping …………………………………. 174

Switching off ……………………………. 175

Warning lamp …………………………… 285

Distance recorder

see Odometer

see Trip odometer

Distance warning (warning lamp) …. 285

Distance warning function

Function/notes ………………………….. 68

Warning lamp …………………………… 285


Automatic locking (on-board com-

puter) ……………………………………… 239

Automatic locking (switch) …………… 84

Central locking/unlocking

(SmartKey) ………………………………… 77

Control panel …………………………….. 43

Display message ………………………. 272

Emergency locking ……………………… 84

Emergency unlocking ………………….. 84

Important safety notes ……………….. 83

Opening (from inside) …………………. 83

Overview …………………………………… 83

Power closing ……………………………. 84

Downhill speed regulation

see DSR (Downhill Speed Regulation)

Drinking and driving ……………………. 160

Drive program

Automatic transmission …………….. 146

Off-Road program (vehicles with-

out Off-Road Engineering pack-

age) ……………………………………….. 214

Off-road programs (vehicles with

Off-Road Engineering package) …… 215

SETUP (on-board computer,

Mercedes-AMG vehicles) …………… 241

Drive programs

Display (DIRECT SELECT lever) …… 145

Driver’s door

see Doors


Important safety notes ……………… 134

Driving abroad

Mercedes-Benz Service …………….. 326

Driving Assistance PLUS package


Driving in mountainous terrain

Approach/departure angle ………… 168

Driving lamps

see Daytime running lamps

Driving off-road

see Off-road driving

Driving safety system

Active Brake Assist …………………….. 67

Braking assistance appropriate to

the situation ………………………………. 69

Driving safety systems

ABS (Anti-lock Braking System) ……. 66

Active Brake Assist with cross-

traffic function …………………………… 72

ADAPTIVE BRAKE ……………………….. 72

BAS (Brake Assist System) ………….. 67

Distance warning function …………… 68

EBD (electronic brake force distri-

bution) ……………………………………… 72



(Electronic Stability Pro-

gram) ……………………………………….. 70

Important safety information ……….. 66

Overview …………………………………… 66

STEER CONTROL ……………………….. 75

Driving system

AIRMATIC package …………………… 183

Distance Pilot DISTRONIC …………. 171

Distance Pilot DISTRONIC with

Steering Pilot …………………………… 177

Parking assist PARKTRONIC ………. 187

Parking Pilot ……………………………. 190

Driving systems

360°camera ……………………………. 198

Active Blind Spot Assist …………….. 208

Active Curve System …………………. 184



Active Lane Keeping Assist ………… 210

ADS ……………………………………….. 183

AMG adaptive sport suspension

system ……………………………………. 186


Blind Spot Assist ………………………. 204

Cruise control ………………………….. 169

Display message ………………………. 260

Driving Assistance Plus package 208

HOLD function …………………………. 182

Lane Keeping Assist …………………. 206

Level control (vehicle with the Off-

Road Engineering package) ……….. 179

Rear view camera …………………….. 194

Traffic Sign Assist …………………….. 203

Driving tips

Automatic transmission …………….. 146

Brakes ……………………………………. 161

Break-in period ………………………… 134

Distance Pilot DISTRONIC …………. 177

Downhill gradient ……………………… 161

Drinking and driving ………………….. 160

Driving in winter ……………………….. 164

Driving on flooded roads ……………. 163

Driving on sand ………………………… 167

Driving on wet roads …………………. 163

Driving over obstacles ………………. 168

Exhaust check …………………………. 160

Fuel ………………………………………… 159

General …………………………………… 159

Hydroplaning …………………………… 163

Icy road surfaces ……………………… 164

Limited braking efficiency on sal-

ted roads ………………………………… 162

Off-road driving ………………………… 165

Off-road fording ……………………….. 164

Snow chains ……………………………. 353

The first 1000 miles (1500 km) ….. 134

Tire ruts ………………………………….. 167

Towing a trailer ………………………… 220

Traveling uphill …………………………. 168

Wet road surface ……………………… 162

DSR (Downhill Speed Regulation)

Display message ………………………. 262

Function/notes ……………………….. 213

DVD video

Operating (on-board computer) ….. 234

see also Digital Operator’s Man-

ual ………………………………………….. 287


Automatic transmission …………….. 142


EASY-ENTRY feature

Activating/deactivating …………….. 239

Function/notes ……………………….. 104

EASY-EXIT feature

Crash-responsive ……………………… 105

Function/notes ……………………….. 104

Switching on/off ……………………… 239

EASY-PACK cargo compartment

management system …………………… 302

EBD (electronic brake force distri-


Display message ………………………. 246

Function/notes ………………………….. 72

ECO display

Function/notes ……………………….. 160

On-board computer ………………….. 232

ECO start/stop function

Automatic engine start ……………… 140

Automatic engine switch-off ………. 139

Deactivating/activating …………….. 140

General information ………………….. 139

Important safety notes ……………… 139

Introduction …………………………….. 139

Electronic Stability Program

see ESP


(Electronic Stability Program)


Automatic measures after an acci-

dent …………………………………………. 59

Emergency release

Driver’s door ……………………………… 84

Vehicle ……………………………………… 84

Emergency spare wheel

General notes ………………………….. 377

Important safety notes ……………… 376

Removing ………………………………… 377

Storage location ………………………. 377

Stowing …………………………………… 377

Emergency Tensioning Devices

Activation ………………………………….. 56

Emergency unlocking

Tailgate …………………………………….. 88



Emissions control

Service and warranty information …. 28


Check Engine warning lamp ………..283

Display message ………………………. 256

ECO start/stop function ……………. 139

Engine number …………………………. 383

Irregular running ………………………. 141

Jump-starting …………………………… 342

Starting (important safety notes) 136

Starting problems …………………….. 141

Starting the engine with the

SmartKey ………………………………… 137

Starting via smartphone ……………. 137

Starting with KEYLESS-GO …………. 137

Switching off ……………………………. 157

Tow-starting (vehicle) ………………… 348

Engine electronics

Problem (malfunction) ………………. 141

Engine jump starting

see Jump starting (engine)

Engine oil

Adding …………………………………….323

Additives …………………………………. 388

Checking the oil level ………………… 322

Checking the oil level using the

dipstick …………………………………… 323

Display message ………………………. 258

Filling capacity …………………………. 387

Notes about oil grades ………………. 387

Notes on oil level/consumption …. 322

Temperature (on-board computer,

Mercedes-AMG vehicles) …………...240

Engine switch-off

see ECO start/stop function

Entering an address

see also Digital Operator’s Man-

ual …………………………………………..287



(Electronic Stability Pro-


AMG menu (on-board computer) 241

Characteristics …………………………… 70

Deactivating/activating ………………. 71

Display message ………………………. 244

Function/notes ………………………….. 70

General notes ……………………………. 70

Important safety information ……….. 70

Warning lamp ………………………..…. 279

ETS/4ETS (Electronic Traction Sys-

tem) ……………………………………………… 70

Exhaust check …………………………….. 160

Exhaust pipe (cl

eaning instruc-

tions) …………………………………………..330

Exterior lighting

see Lights

Exterior mirrors

Adjusting ………………………………… 105

Dipping (automatic) ………………….. 107

Folding in when locking (on-board

computer) ……………………………….. 240

Folding in/out (automatically) ……. 106

Folding in/out (electrically) ……….. 106

Out of position (troubleshooting) 107

Setting ……………………………………. 106

Storing settings (memory func-

tion) ……………………………………….. 108

Storing the parking position ………. 107

Eyeglasses compartment …………….. 297



Overview …………………………………. 289

Filler cap

see Refueling

Flat tire

MOExtended tires …………………….. 336

Preparing the vehicle ………………… 335

TIREFIT kit ……………………………….. 337

see Emergency spare wheel

Floormats ……………………………………. 319

Fog lamps (extended range) …………. 113

Folding the rear bench seat for-

wards/back ………………………………… 298


Off-road ………………………………….. 164

On flooded roads ……………………… 163


Mobile phone …………………………… 381

Two-way radio ………………………….. 381


Additives …………………………………. 385

Consumption statistics ……………… 231

Displaying the current consump-

tion ………………………………………… 232

Displaying the range …………………. 232



Driving tips ……………………………… 159

Flexible fuel vehicles …………………. 386

Fuel gauge ………………………………… 37

Grade (gasoline) ………………………. 384

Important safety notes ……………… 384

Low outside temperatures …………. 385

Problem (malfunction) ………………. 153

Quality (diesel) …………………………. 385

Refueling …………………………………. 150

Tank content/reserve fuel …………. 384

Fuel filler flap

Opening ………………………………….. 152

Fuel filter (display message) ………… 259

Fuel level

Calling up the range (on-board

computer) ……………………………….. 232

Fuel tank

Capacity …………………………………. 384

Problem (malfunction) ………………. 153


Allocation chart ……………………….. 348

Before changing ……………………….. 348

Dashboard fuse box ………………….. 349

Fuse box in the engine compart-

ment ………………………………………. 349

Fuse box under rear bench seat …. 350

Important safety notes ……………… 348


Garage door opener

Clearing the memory ………………… 319

General notes ………………………….. 316

Important safety notes ……………… 317

Opening/closing the garage door..319

Problems when programming ……..318

Programming (button in the rear-

view mirror) …………………………….. 317

Synchronizing the rolling code ……. 318

Gear indicator (on-board com-

puter, Mercedes-AMG vehicles) ……. 240

Genuine parts ……………………………….. 27

Glove box …………………………………….296

Google™ Local Search

see also Digital Operator’s Man-

ual …………………………………………..287

GTW (Gross Trailer Weight) (defini-

tion) ……………………………………………. 370



see Parking brake

Hazard warning lamps ………………….112

Head restraints

Adjusting ………………………………….. 99

Adjusting (electrically) ………………. 100

Adjusting (manually) …………………… 99

Adjusting (rear) ………………………… 100

Installing/removing (rear) ………….. 100

Luxury …………………………………….. 100


Fogging up ………………………………. 114

see Automatic headlamp mode


see Climate control

High beam flasher ………………………..111

High-beam headlamps

Adaptive Highbeam Assist …………. 113

Display message ………………………. 255

Replacing bulbs ………………………..116

Switching on/off ……………………… 111

Highway mode …………………………….. 113

Hill start assist ……………………………. 139

HOLD function

Deactivating …………………………….. 182

Display message ………………………. 263

Function/notes ………………………..182

Home address

see also Digital Operator’s Man-

ual …………………………………………..287


Closing …………………………………….322

Display message ………………………. 272

Important safety notes ……………… 321

Opening ………………………………….. 321

Horn ……………………………………………… 36

Hydroplaning ………………………………. 163


Ignition lock

see Key positions

Immobilizer …………………………………… 75

Indicator lamps

see Warning and indicator lamps




see Turn signals

Insect protection on the radiator …. 322

Instrument cluster

Overview …………………………………… 37

Warning and indicator lamps ………..37

Instrument cluster lighting ………….. 228

Intelligent Light System

Activating/deactivating ……………..238

Display message ………………………. 255

Overview …………………………………. 112

Interior lighting

Automatic control …………………….. 114

Emergency lighting …………………… 115

General notes ………………………….. 114

Manual control …………………………. 114

Overview …………………………………. 114

Reading lamp …………………………… 114



see also Digital Operator’s Man-

ual …………………………………………..287



Storage location ………………………. 335

Using ……………………………………… 373

Jump starting (engine) ………………….342


Key positions

KEYLESS-GO ……………………………. 135

SmartKey ………………………………… 135


Activating ………………………………….. 78

Convenience closing feature ………… 91

Deactivation ………………………………. 78

Display message ………………………. 273

Locking …………………………………….. 78

Removing the Start/Stop button 136

Start function …………………………….. 79

Start/Stop button …………………….. 135

Starting the engine …………………… 137

Unlocking ………………………………….. 78


Driving tips ……………………………...146

Manual gearshifting ……………….. 149

Knee bag ………………………………………. 50



see Warning and indicator lamps

Lane detection (automatic)

see Lane Keeping Assist

Lane Keeping Assist

Activating/deactivating …………….. 237

Display message ………………………. 263

Function/information ……………….. 206

see Active Lane Keeping Assist

Lap time (RACETIMER) …………………. 241

LATCH-type (ISOFIX) child seat

anchors ………………………………………… 62

Level control

AIRMATIC ……………………………….. 185

Level control (display message) …… 260

Level control (vehicle with the Off-

Road Engineering package)

Basic settings ………………………….. 179

Function/notes ……………………….. 179

Important safety notes ……………… 179

License plate lamp (display mes-

sage) …………………………………………… 255

Light function, active

Display message ………………………. 255

Light sensor (display message) ……. 255

Light switch

Operation ………………………………… 110


Activating/deactivating the Intel-

ligent Light System …………………… 238

Active light function ………………….. 112

Adaptive Highbeam Assist …………. 113

Automatic headlamp mode ………… 110

Fog lamps (extended) ……………….. 113

Hazard warning lamps ………………. 112

High beam flasher …………………….. 111

High-beam headlamps ………………. 111

Highway mode …………………………. 113

Light switch …………………………….. 110

Low-beam headlamps ……………….. 111

Off-road lights ………………………….. 113

Parking lamps ………………………….. 111

Rear fog lamp ………………………….. 111

Standing lamps ………………………… 111



Switching the daytime running

lamps on/off (on-board com-

puter) ……………………………………… 238

Turn signals …………………………….. 111

see Interior lighting

see Replacing the bulbs

Loading guidelines ………………………. 295


see Central locking

Locking (doors)

Automatic …………………………………. 84

Emergency locking ……………………… 84

From inside (central locking but-

ton) ………………………………………….. 83

Locking centrally

see Central locking

Locking verification signal (on-

board computer) …………………………. 239


Display message ………………………. 262

Off-road gear …………………………… 216

LOW RANGE off-road gear ……………. 216

Low-beam headlamps

Display message ………………………. 255

Replacing bulbs ……………………….. 116

Switching on/off ……………………… 111

Lumbar support

Adjusting (on the seat) ……………… 101

Luxury head restraints ………………… 100


M+S tires …………………………………….. 353

Malfunction message

see Display messages

Matte finish (cleaning instruc-

tions) ………………………………………….. 328


Call priority ……………………………… 313

Display message ………………………. 249

Downloading destinations

(COMAND) ………………………………. 313

Downloading routes ………………….. 316

Emergency call ………………………… 310

General notes ………………………….. 310

Geo fencing …………………………….. 316

Info call button ………………………… 312

Locating a stolen vehicle …………… 315

Remote fault diagnosis ……………… 315

Remote vehicle locking ……………… 314

Roadside assistance button ……….. 311

Search & Send …………………………. 313

Self-test ………………………………….. 310

Speed alert ……………………………… 316

System …………………………………… 310

Triggering the vehicle alarm ……….. 316

Vehicle remote unlocking ………….. 314

Mechanical key

Function/notes ………………………….. 79

General notes ……………………………. 79

Inserting …………………………………… 79

Locking vehicle ………………………….. 84

Removing ………………………………….. 79

Unlocking the driver’s door ………….. 84

Media Interface

USB port in the armrest of the

center console …………………………. 296

see Digital Operator’s Manual

Memory card (audio) ……………………. 234

Memory function …………………………. 108

Mercedes-Benz Intelligent Drive

360°camera ……………………………. 198

Active Blind Spot Assist …………….. 208

Active Lane Keeping Assist ………… 210


Blind Spot Assist ………………………. 204

Distance Pilot DISTRONIC …………. 171

Distance Pilot DISTRONIC with

Steering Pilot …………………………… 177

General notes ………………………….. 169

Lane Keeping Assist …………………. 206

Parking Assist PARKTRONIC ………. 187

Parking Pilot ……………………………. 190



PLUS (anticipatory

occupant protection PLUS) ………….. 59

Rear view camera …………………….. 194

Traffic Sign Assist …………………….. 203

Message memory (on-board com-


r) ………………………………………….. 243


Vanity mirror (sun visor) ……………. 305

Mirror turn signal

Cleaning ………………………………….. 330


see Exterior mirrors



see Rear-view mirror

see Vanity mirror (in the sun visor)

Mobile phone

Connecting (Bluetooth



face) ……………………………………….291

Connecting (device manager) ……..292

Frequencies …………………………….. 381

Installation ………………………………. 381

Menu (on-board computer) ………… 235

Transmission output (maximum) …. 381

Modifying the programming

(SmartKey) …………………………………….79

MOExtended tires ………………………… 336

Mounting wheels

Lowering the vehicle …………………. 375

Mounting a new wheel ………………. 374

Preparing the vehicle ………………...372

Raising the vehicle ……………………. 373

Removing a wheel …………………….. 374

Securing the vehicle against roll-

ing away …………………………………. 372


Operation ………………………………… 234

see also Digital Operator’s Man-

ual …………………………………………..287

Multifunction display

Function/notes ………………………..230

Permanent display ……………………. 238

Multifunction steering wheel

Operating the on-board computer .. 229

Overview …………………………………… 38

Multimedia system

Switching on and off ………………….288

Music files

see also Digital Operator’s Man-

ual ………………………………………….. 287



Entering a destination ……………….. 289

Menu (on-board computer) ………… 232

see also Digital Operator’s Man-

ual ………………………………………….. 287

Notes on breaking-in a new vehi-

cle ………………………………………………. 134


Occupant Classification System


Conditions ………………………………… 52

Faults ……………………………………….. 55

Operation ………………………………….. 52

System self-test …………………………. 54

Occupant safety

Air bags ……………………………………. 49

Automatic measures after an acci-

dent …………………………………………. 59

Belt warning ………………………………. 48

Children in the vehicle ………………… 59

Important safety notes ……………….. 44

Introduction to the restraint sys-

tem ………………………………………….. 44

Occupant Classification System

(OCS) ……………………………………….. 51


lamps ……………………………………….. 45

Pets in the vehicle ……………………… 65



(anticipatory occu-

pant protection) …………………………. 58



PLUS (anticipatory

occupant protection PLUS) ………….. 59

Restraint system warning lamp …….. 45

Seat belt …………………………………… 45


Conditions ………………………………… 52

Faults ……………………………………….. 55

Operation ………………………………….. 52

System self-test …………………………. 54

Odometer ……………………………………. 231

Off-road driving

Approach/departure angle ………… 393

Checklist after driving off-road …… 167

Checklist before driving off-road …. 166

Fording depth ………………………….. 392

General information ………………….. 165

Important safety notes ……………… 165

Maximum gradient climbing abil-

ity ………………………………………….. 393

Traveling uphill …………………………. 168

Off-road lights ……………………………… 113

Off-Road program (vehicles with-

out Off-Road Engineering package)

Function/notes ……………………….. 214



Off-road programs (vehicles with

Off-Road Engineering package)

Function/notes ……………………….. 215

Off-road drive program ……………… 215

Offroad Plus drive program ………… 216

Off-road programs (vehicles with

the Off-Road Engineering package)

Displays in the COMAND display 218

Off-road system

4MATIC …………………………………… 213

DSR ……………………………………….. 213

LOW RANGE off-road gear …………. 216

Off-road 4ETS ……………………………. 70

Off-road ABS ……………………………… 67

Off-road ESP


……………………………. 72

Off-Road program (vehicles with-

out Off-Road Engineering pack-

age) ……………………………………….. 214

Off-road programs (vehicles with

Off-Road Engineering package) …… 215


see Engine oil

On and Offroad menu (on-board

computer) …………………………………… 240

On-board computer

AMG menu ………………………………. 240

Assistance menu ……………………… 236

Audio menu …………………………….. 234

Convenience submenu ……………… 239

Display messages …………………….. 243

Displaying a service message …….. 325

Distance Pilot DISTRONIC …………. 176

Factory settings submenu …………. 240

Important safety notes ……………… 228

Instrument cluster submenu ………. 238

Lighting submenu …………………….. 238

Menu overview ………………………… 231

Message memory …………………….. 243

Navigation menu ………………………. 232

On and Offroad menu ……………….. 240

Operation ………………………………… 229

RACETIMER …………………………….. 241

Service menu …………………………… 237

Settings menu …………………………. 238

Standard display ………………………. 231

Telephone menu ………………………. 235

Trip menu ……………………………….. 231

Vehicle submenu ……………………… 239

Video DVD operation ………………… 234

Operating safety

Declaration of conformity ……………. 30

Important safety notes ……………….. 30

Operating system

see On-board computer


Digital Operator’s Manual …………….



r’s Manual

Overview …………………………………… 28

Vehicle equipment ……………………… 28

Outside temperature display ……….. 228

Overhead control panel …………………. 42

Override feature

Rear side windows ……………………… 65


Paddle shifters

see Steering wheel paddle shifters

Paint code number ………………………. 382

Paintwork (cleaning instructions) 328

Panic alarm …………………………………… 44

Panorama roof with power tilt/

sliding panel

Important safety notes ……………….. 92

Opening/closing the roller sun-

blind …………………………………………. 95

Operating ………………………………….. 94

Operating the roller sunblinds for

the sliding sunroof ……………………… 94

Problem (malfunction) ………………… 95

Reversing feature ……………………….. 93


Important safety notes ……………… 156

Parking brake ………………………….. 157

Position of exterior mirror, front-

passenger side …………………………. 107

Rear view camera …………………….. 194


Parking aid

Parking Pilot ……………………………. 190

see 360° camera

see Exterior mirrors


Parking Assist PARKTRONIC

Deactivating/activating …………….. 189

Driving system …………………………. 187



Function/notes ……………………….. 187

Important safety notes ……………… 187

Problems (malfunctions) ……………. 190

Sensor range …………………………...188

Towing a trailer ………………………… 187

Warning display ……………………….. 189

Parking assistance

see Driving system

Parking brake

Applying automatically ………………. 158

Applying or releasing manually …… 158

Display message ………………………. 246

Electric parking brake ……………….. 157

Emergency braking …………………… 159

General notes ………………………….. 157

Releasing automatically …………….. 158

Warning lamp …………………………… 282

Parking lamps

Switching on/off ……………………… 111

Parking Pilot

Canceling ………………………………… 194

Detecting parking spaces ………….. 191

Display Message ………………………. 264

Exiting a parking space ……………… 193

Function/notes ……………………….. 190

Important safety notes ……………… 190

Parking …………………………………… 192


Display message ………………………. 253

Indicator lamps ………………………….. 45

Problem (malfunction) ………………. 253

Pets in the vehicle …………………………. 65

Phone book

see also Digital Operator’s Man-

ual ………………………………………….. 287

Plastic trim (cleaning instruc-

tions) ………………………………………….. 331

Power locks ………………………………….. 84

Power washers ……………………………. 327

Power windows

see Side windows



(anticipatory occupant


Display message ………………………. 250

Operation ………………………………….. 58



PLUS (anticipatory

occupant protection PLUS)

Display message ………………………. 250

Operation ………………………………….. 59

Protection against theft

ATA (Anti-Theft Alarm system) ……… 75

Immobilizer ……………………………….. 75

Protection of the environment

General notes ……………………………. 27

Pulling away

Automatic transmission …………….. 138


neral notes ………………………….. 138


ll start assist …………………………. 139

Trailer …………………………………….. 138


QR code

Mercedes-Benz Guide App …………….. 1

Rescue card ………………………………. 32

Qualified specialist workshop ……….. 31


RACE TIMER (on-board computer,

Mercedes-AMG vehicles) ……………… 241

Radiator cover …………………………….. 322


Selecting a station ……………………. 234

Radio mode

see also Digital Operator’s Man-

ual ………………………………………….. 287

Radio-controlled devices (instal-

ling) …………………………………………….. 320

Radio-wave reception/transmis-

sion in the vehicle

Declaration of conformity ……………. 30

Reading lamp ………………………………. 114

Rear bench seat

Folding forwards/back ……………… 299

Rear compartment

Setting the air vents …………………. 133

Setting the temperature ……………. 128

Rear fog lamp

Display message ………………………. 255

Switching on/off ……………………… 111

Rear Seat Entertainment System

AUX jacks ……………………………….. 294



AUX jacks CD/DVD drive ………….. 294

Rear seats

Adjusting ………………………………… 100

Rear view camera

Cleaning instructions ………………… 330

Display in the multimedia system .. 195

Function/notes ……………………….. 194

Switching on/off ……………………… 195

Rear window defroster

Problem (malfunction) ………………. 131

Switching on/off ……………………… 130

Rear window wiper

Replacing the wiper blade ………….. 120

Switching on/off ……………………… 118

Rear-view mirror

Anti-glare (manual) …………………… 105

Dipping (automatic) ………………….. 107

Reflective safety jacket ……………….. 334

Refrigerant (air-conditioning sys-


Important safety notes ……………… 389


Fuel gauge ………………………………… 37

Important safety notes ……………… 150

Refueling process …………………….. 151

see Fuel

Remote control

Garage door opener ………………….. 316

Replacing bulbs

General notes ………………………….. 115

High-beam headlamps ………………. 116

Important safety notes ……………… 115

Installing/removing the cover

(front wheel arch) …………………….. 116

Low-beam headlamps ……………….. 116

Overview of bulb types ……………… 115

Turn signals (front) ……………………. 117

Reporting safety defects ……………….. 32

Rescue card ………………………………….. 32

Reserve (fuel tank)

see Fuel

Reserve fuel

Display message ………………………. 258

Warning lamp …………………………… 283

Residual heat (climate control) …….. 131

Restraint system

Display message ………………………. 251

Introduction ………………………………. 44

Warning lamp …………………………… 282

Warning lamp (function) ………………. 45

Reversing feature

Panorama sliding sunroof ……………. 93

Roller sunblinds …………………………. 94

Side windows …………………………….. 89

Sliding sunroof …………………………… 93


te …………………………………….. 85


ersing lamps (display mes-

sage) …………………………………………… 255

Roadside Assistance (breakdown) …. 29

Roller sunblind

Panorama roof with power tilt/

sliding panel ………………………………. 94

Rear side windows ……………………. 306

Roof carrier …………………………………. 304

Roof lining and carpets (cleaning

guidelines) ………………………………….. 333

Roof load (maximum) …………………… 390

Route (navigation)

see Route guidance (navigation)

Route guidance

see also Digital Operator’s Man-

ual ………………………………………….. 287

Route guidance (navigation) ………… 232

Route guidance active …………………. 233



Children in the vehicle ………………… 59

see Occupant safety

see Operating safety

Safety system

see Driving safety systems

SD card

Inserting …………………………………. 293

Inserting/removing …………………… 293

Removing ………………………………… 293

SD memory card

see also Digital Operator’s Man-

ual ………………………………………….. 287

Selecting …………………………………. 234

Search & Send

see also Digital Operator’s Man-

ual ………………………………………….. 287


Correct driver’s seat position ……….. 97



Seat belts

Adjusting the driver’s and front-

passenger seat belt …………………….48

Adjusting the height ……………………. 48

Cleaning ………………………………….. 332

Correct usage ……………………………. 47

Fastening ………………………………….. 48

Important safety guidelines …………. 46

Introduction ……………………………….45

Releasing ………………………………….. 48

Switching belt adjustment on/off

(on-board computer) …………………. 239

Warning lamp …………………………… 274

Warning lamp (function) ………………. 48


Adjusting (electrically) ………………… 98

Adjusting the 4-way lumbar sup-

port ………………………………………… 101

Adjusting the head restraint ………… 99

Calling up a stored setting (mem-

ory function) ……………………………. 109

Cleaning the cover ……………………. 332

Folding the rear bench seat for-

wards/back …………………………….. 298

Important safety notes ……………….. 97

Overview …………………………………… 97

Seat heating problem ……………….. 103

Seat ventilation problem ……………. 103

Storing settings (memory func-

tion) ……………………………………….. 108

Switching seat heating on/off ……. 101

Switching seat ventilation on/off .. 102


Sliding sunroof …………………………… 92

Securing hooks ……………………………. 300

Selector lever

Cleaning ………………………………….. 332

Sensors (cleaning instructions) ……. 330

Service menu (on-board com-

puter) ………………………………………….. 237

Service message


Service products

Brake fluid ………………………………. 388

Coolant (engine) ………………………. 388

DEF special additives ………………… 386

Engine oil ……………………………..…. 387

Fuel ……………………………………..…. 384

Important safety notes ……………… 383

Refrigerant (air-conditioning sys-

tem) ……………………………………….. 389

Washer fluid …………………………….. 389

Setting the air distribution …………… 129

Setting the airflow ………………………. 129

Setting the date/

time format

see also Digital Operator’s Man-

ual ………………………………………….. 287

Setting the language

see also Digital Operator’s Man-

ual ………………………………………….. 287

Setting the time

see also Digital Operator’s Man-

ual ………………………………………….. 287


Factory (on-board computer) ……… 240

On-board computer ………………….. 238

SETUP (on-board computer,

Mercedes-AMG vehicles) ……………… 241

Side impact air bag ……………………….. 51

Side marker lamp (display mes-

sage) …………………………………………… 255

Side windows

Cleaning ………………………………….. 329

Convenience closing feature ………… 90

Convenience opening feature ………. 89

Important safety information ……….. 88

Opening/closing ………………………… 89

Overview …………………………………… 88

Problem (malfunction) ………………… 91

Resetting ………………………………….. 91

Reversing feature ……………………….. 89

SIRIUS services

see also Digital Operator’s Man-

ual ………………………………………….. 287

Sliding sunroof

Important safety notes ……………….. 92

Opening/closing ………………………… 93

Problem (malfunction) ………………… 95

Resetting ………………………………….. 93

see Panorama roof with power

tilt/sliding panel


Changing the battery ………………….. 80

Changing the programming …………. 79

Checking the battery ………………….. 80



Convenience closing feature ………… 90

Convenience opening feature ………. 89

Display message ………………………. 273

Door central locking/unlocking …….77

Important safety notes ……………….. 77

KEYLESS-GO start function ………….. 79

Loss ………………………………………….81

Mechanical key ………………………….. 79

Overview …………………………………… 77

Positions (ignition lock) …………….. 135

Problem (malfunction) ………………… 81

Starting the engine …………………… 137


Starting the engine …………………… 137


see also Digital Operator’s Man-

ual ………………………………………….. 287

Snow chains

Information ……………………………… 353


Center console ………………………… 308

General notes ………………………….. 308

Luggage compartment ……………….308

Rear compartment ……………………. 308


Switching on/off ……………………… 288

Special seat belt retractor ……………… 60

Specialist workshop ………………………. 31

Speed, controlling

see Cruise control


Digital …………………………………….. 232

In the Instrument cluster …………….. 37

Segments ……………………………….. 228

Selecting the display unit …………...238

Standing lamps

Display message ………………………. 255

Switching on/off ……………………… 111

Start/Stop button

Starting the engine …………………… 137

Start/stop function

see ECO start/stop function

Starting (engine) ………………………….. 136


…………. 75



Display message ………………………. 272

Steering Pilot

Activating/deactivating …………….. 236

Display message ………………………. 266

Steering wheel

Adjusting (electrically) ………………. 104

Adjusting (manually) …………………. 103

Button overview …………………………. 38

Buttons (on-board computer) ……… 229

Cleaning ………………………………….. 332

Important safety notes ……………… 103

Steering wheel heating ……………… 104

Storing settings (memory func-

tion) ……………………………………….. 108

Steering wheel heating

Problem (malfunction) ………………. 104

Switching on/off ……………………… 104

Steering wheel paddle shifters …….. 147

Stopwatch (RACETIMER) ………………. 241

Stowage areas …………………………….. 295

Stowage compartments

Armrest (under) ……………………….. 296

Center console ………………………… 297

Center console (rear) ………………… 297

Cup holders …………………………….. 304

Eyeglasses compartment …………… 297

Glove box ………………………………… 296

Important safety information ……… 295

Stowage net …………………………….. 297

Stowage net ………………………………… 297

Summer tires

In winter …………………………………. 353

Sun visor …………………………………….. 305

Suspension setting

AIRMATIC ……………………………….. 183

AMG adaptive sport suspension

system ……………………………………. 186

Suspension tuning

SETUP (on-board computer,

Mercedes-AMG vehicles) …………… 241


(Sport Utility Vehicle) ………………….. 30

Switching air-recirculation mode

on/off …………………………………………. 131

Switching on media mode

Via the device list …………………….. 293


Tachometer …………………………………. 228




Display message ………………………. 271

Emergency unlocking ………………….. 88

Important safety notes ……………….. 84

Limiting the opening angle …………… 88

Opening dimensions …………………. 390

Opening/closing (automatically

from inside) ……………………………….. 87

Opening/closing (automatically

from outside) …………………………….. 86

Opening/closing (from outside) ……. 85

Power closing ……………………………. 84


see Fuel tank

Tank content

Fuel gauge ………………………………… 37

Technical data

Capacities ……………………………….. 383

Information ……………………………… 381

Tires/wheels …………………………… 376

Trailer loads …………………………….. 394

Vehicle data …………………………….. 390


Accepting a call (multifunction

steering wheel) ………………………… 235

Authorizing a mobile phone (con-

necting) ………………………………….. 291

Authorizing a mobile phone via the

device manager (connecting) ……… 292

Connecting a mobile phone

(device manager) ……………………… 292

Connecting a mobile phone (gen-

eral information) ………………………. 291

Display message ………………………. 272

Menu (on-board computer) ………… 235

Number from the phone book …….. 235

Redialing …………………………………. 235

Rejecting/ending a call …………….. 235

see also Digital Operator’s Man-

ual ………………………………………….. 287


Coolant (display in the instrument

cluster) …………………………………… 229

Coolant (on-board computer,

Mercedes-AMG vehicles) …………… 240

Engine oil (on-board computer,

Mercedes-AMG vehicles) …………… 240

Outside temperature …………………. 228

Setting (climate control) ……………. 128

Transmission oil (on-board com-

puter, Mercedes-AMG vehicles) ….. 240

Through-loading feature ………………. 298

Timing (RACETIMER) …………………….


Tire pressure

Calling up (on-board computer) ….. 358

Checking manually …………………… 357

Display message ………………………. 268

Maximum ………………………………… 357

Not reached (TIREFIT) ……………….. 338

Notes ……………………………………… 356

Reached (TIREFIT) …………………….. 339

Recommended …………………………. 354

Tire pressure loss warning system

General notes ………………………….. 357

Important safety notes ……………… 358

Restarting ……………………………….. 358

Tire pressure monitor

Checking the tire pressure elec-

tronically …………………………………. 360

Function/notes ……………………….. 358

General notes ………………………….. 358

Important safety notes ……………… 359

Radio type approval for the tire

pressure monitor ……………………… 361

Restarting ……………………………….. 361

Warning lamp …………………………… 286

Warning message …………………….. 360

Tire pressure table ………………………. 355


Important safety notes ……………… 337

Storage location ………………………. 335

Tire pressure not reached ………….. 338

Tire pressure reached ……………….. 339

Using ……………………………………… 337


Aspect ratio (definition) …………….. 370

Average weight of the vehicle

occupants (definition) ……………….. 369

Bar (definition) …………………………. 369

Changing a wheel …………………….. 371

Characteristics ………………………… 369

Checking …………………………………. 351

Curb weight (definition) …………….. 370

Definition of terms ……………………. 369

Direction of rotation …………………. 372

Display message ………………………. 268



Distribution of the vehicle occu-

pants (definition) ………………………. 371

DOT (Department of Transporta-

tion) (definition) ……………………….. 369

DOT, Tire Identification Number

(TIN) ……………………………………….. 368

GAWR (Gross Axle Weight Rating)

(definition) ……………………………….369

GTW (Gross Trailer Weight) (defi-

nition) …………………………………….. 370

GVW (Gross Vehicle Weight) (def-

inition) …………………………………….370

GVWR (Gross Vehicle Weight Rat-

ing) (definition) ………………………… 370

Important safety notes ……………… 351

Increased vehicle weight due to

optional equipment (definition) …… 369

Information on driving ……………….. 351

Kilopascal (kPa) (definition) ……….. 370

Labeling (overview) …………………… 366

Load bearing index (definition) …… 371

Load index ………………………………. 368

Load index (definition) ………………. 370

M+S tires ………………………………… 353

Maximum load on a tire (defini-

tion) ……………………………………….. 370

Maximum loaded vehicle weight

(definition) ………………………………. 370

Maximum permissible tire pres-

sure (definition) ……………………….. 370

Maximum tire load ……………………. 368

Maximum tire load (definition) ……. 370

MOExtended tires …………………….. 353

Optional equipment weight (defi-

nition) …………………………………….. 371

PSI (pounds per square inch) (def-

inition) ……………………………………. 370

Replacing ………………………………… 371

Service life ………………………………. 352

Sidewall (definition) ………………….. 371

Snow chains ……………………………. 353

Speed rating (definition) ……………. 370

Storing ……………………………………. 372

Structure and characteristics

(definition) ………………………………. 369

Summer tires in winter ……………… 353

Temperature ……………………………. 365


IN (Tire Identification Number)

(definition) ………………………………. 371

Tire bead (definition) …………………. 370

Tire pressure (definition) ……………. 370

Tire pressures (recommended) …… 369

Tire size (data) …………………………. 376

Tire size designation, load-bearing

capacity, speed rating ……………….. 366

Tire tread ………………………………… 352

Tire tread (definition) ………………… 370

Total load limit (definition) …………. 371

Traction ………………………………….. 365

Traction (definition) ………………….. 371

Tread wear ………………………………. 365

TWR (permissible trailer drawbar

noseweight) (definition) …………….. 371

Uniform Tire Quality Grading

Standards ……………………………….. 364

Uniform Tire Quality Grading

Standards (definition) ……………….. 369

Wear indicator (definition) …………. 371

Wheel and tire combination ……….. 376

Wheel rim (definition) ……………….. 369

see Flat tire

Top Tether …………………………………….. 62


Emergency engine starting ………… 348

Important safety notes ……………… 345

Towing a trailer

Axle load, permissible ……………….. 394

Cleaning the trailer tow hitch ……… 331

Coupling up a trailer …………………. 222

Decoupling a trailer ………………….. 224

Driving tips ……………………………… 220

Important safety notes ……………… 219

Installing the ball coupling …………. 221

Lights display message ……………… 255

Mounting dimensions ……………….. 394

Parking Assist PARKTRONIC ………. 187

Power supply …………………………… 225

Pulling away with a trailer ………….. 138

Removing the ball coupling ………… 224

Trailer loads …………………………….. 394

Towing away

Important safety guidelines

……….. 345


ling the towing eye ……………. 346

Notes for 4MATIC vehicles ………… 348

Removing the towing eye …………… 346



Transporting the vehicle …………….347

With both axles on the ground ……. 346

Towing eye ………………………………….. 335

Traffic reports

see also Digital Operator’s Man-

ual …………………………………………..287

Traffic Sign Assist

Activating/deactivating the warn-

ing function ……………………………...236

Display message ………………………. 263

Function/notes ………………………..203

Important safety notes ……………… 204

Instrument cluster display …………. 204

Trailer coupling

see Towing a trailer

Trailer loads and drawbar nose-

weights ……………………………………….. 224

Trailer towing

Active Blind Spot Assist …………….. 210

Active Lane Keeping Assist ………… 213

Blind Spot Assist ………………………. 206

Permissible trailer loads and

drawbar noseweights ………………… 224

Transfer case ………………………………. 150


see Automatic transmission

Transmission position display ……… 145

Transporting the vehicle ……………… 347

Traveling uphill

Brow of hill ………………………………. 169

Driving downhill ………………………..169

Maximum gradient-climbing capa-

bility ……………………………………….. 168

Trim pieces (cleaning instruc-

tions) …………………………………………..332

Trip computer (on-board com-

puter) …………………………………………..231

Trip odometer

Calling up ………………………………… 231

Resetting (on-board computer) …… 232


see Tailgate

Turn signals

Display message ………………………. 255

Replacing bulbs (front) ………………. 117

Switching on/off ……………………… 111

Two-way radio

Frequencies …………………………….. 381

Installation ………………………………. 381

Transmission output (maximum) …. 381

TWR (Tongue Weight Rating) (defi-

nition) …………………………………………. 371

Type identification plate

see Vehicl

e identification plate



Emergency unlocking ………………….. 84

From inside the vehicle (central

unlocking button) ……………………….. 83

Upshift indicator (on-board com-

puter, Mercedes-AMG vehicles) ……. 240

USB devices

Connecting to the Media Inter-

face ……………………………………….. 294


Vanity mirror (in the sun visor) …….. 306


Correct use ……………………………….. 31

Data acquisition …………………………. 32

Display message ………………………. 270

Equipment ………………………………… 28

Individual settings …………………….. 238

Limited Warranty ……………………….. 32

Loading …………………………………… 361

Locking (in an emergency) …………… 84

Locking (SmartKey) …………………….. 77

Lowering …………………………………. 375

Maintenance ……………………………… 29

Operating safety ………………………… 30

Parking …………………………………… 156

Parking for a long period ……………. 159

Pulling away …………………………….. 138

Raising ……………………………………. 373

Reporting problems ……………………. 31

Securing from rolling away ………… 372

Towing away ……………………………. 345

Transporting ……………………………. 347

Unlocking (in an emergency) ……….. 84

Unlocking (SmartKey) …………………. 77

Vehicle data …………………………….. 390



Vehicle battery

see Battery (vehicle)

Vehicle data ………………………………… 390

Vehicle data (off-road driving)

Approach/departure angle ………… 393

Fording depth ………………………….. 392

Maximum gradient climbing abil-

ity ………………………………………….. 393

Vehicle dimensions ……………………… 390

Vehicle emergency locking ……………. 84

Vehicle identification number

see VIN

Vehicle identification plate ………….. 382

Vehicle level

AIRMATIC ……………………………….. 185

Vehicle level (display message) ……. 260

Vehicle tool kit ……………………………. 335


Operating the DVD ……………………. 234

see also Digital Operator’s Man-

ual ………………………………………….. 287

VIN ……………………………………………… 382

Seat ……………………………………….. 383

Type plate ……………………………….. 382


Warning and indicator lamps

ABS ………………………………………… 277

Brakes ……………………………………. 276

Coolant …………………………………… 283

Distance Pilot DISTRONIC …………. 285

Distance warning ……………………… 285

Engine diagnostics ……………………. 283



………………………………………. 279



OFF ………………………………… 280

Fuel tank …………………………………. 283

Overview …………………………………… 37

Parking brake ………………………….. 282


Reserve fuel …………………………….. 283

Restraint system ………………………. 282

Seat belt …………………………………. 274

Tire pressure monitor ……………….. 286

Warranty ………………………………………. 28

Washer fluid

Display message ………………………. 272

Weather display (COMAND)

see also Digital Operator’s Man-

ual ………………………………………….. 287

Wheel and tire combinations

Tires ……………………………………….. 376

Wheel bolt tightening torque ……….. 375

Wheel chock ……………………………….. 372


Changing a wheel …………………….. 371

Checking …………………………………. 351

Cleaning ………………………………….. 329

Emergency spare wheel …………….. 376

Important safety notes ……………… 351

Information on driving ……………….. 351

Interchanging/changing ……………. 371

Mounting a new wheel ………………. 374

Mounting a wheel …………………….. 372

Overview …………………………………. 351

Removing a wheel …………………….. 374

Snow chains ……………………………. 353

Storing ……………………………………. 372

Tightening torque ……………………… 375

Wheel size/tire size ………………….. 376

Window curtain air bag

Display message ………………………. 252

Operation ………………………………….. 51


see Side windows


Defrosting ……………………………….. 129

Infrared reflective …………………….. 320

Windshield washer fluid

see Windshield washer system

Windshield washer system

Adding washer fluid ………………….. 325

Important safety notes ……………… 389

Windshield wipers

Problem (malfunction) ………………. 121

Rear window wiper …………………… 118

Replacing the wiper blades ………… 118

Replacing the wiper blades



Switching on/off ……………………… 117

Winter driving

Slippery road surfaces ………………. 164

Winter operation

Overview …………………………………. 353

Radiator cover …………………………. 322



Winter tires

M+S tires ………………………………… 353

Wiper blades

Cleaning ………………………………….. 329

Replacing ………………………………… 118

Replacing (rear window) ……………. 120

Replacing (windshield) ……………….118

Wooden trim (cleaning instruc-

tions) …………………………………………..332


see Qualified specialist workshop


ZONE function

Switching on/off ……………………… 129




The printed Operator’s Manual provides infor-

mation about the safe operation of your vehicle.

The Digital Operator’s Manual provides compre-

hensive and specifically adapted information on

your vehicle’s equipment and multimedia sys-

tem. You can call up the Digital Operator’s Man

ual via the multimedia system.


You will not incur any costs when calling up

the Digital Operator’s Manual. The Digital

Operator’s Manual works without connecting

to the Internet.

There are three ways to access the topics of the

Digital Operator’s Manual:


Visual search

The visual search allows you to explore your

vehicle «virtually». Starting from either the

vehicle exterior view or interior view, you can

access many of the different topics covered

by the Digital Operator’s Manual. To access

the vehicle interior section, select the «Vehi-

cle interior» view.


Keyword search

The keyword search allows you to search for a

keyword by entering characters. Further

information can be found in the Digital Oper

ator’s Manual in the «Audio 20« or «COMAND«

section under the «Character entry (teleph

ony)» keyword.



You can select individual sections in the con-



The Digital Operator’s Manual is deactiva-

ted for safety re

asons while driving.


Calling up the Digital Operator’s Man-



Press the Ø button on the center console.

The overview relating to the vehicle appears.


Select the «Operator’s Manual» menu item by

turning 3 or pressing 7 the controller.


Confirm 7 the message about the warning

and safety notes.

The menu for the Digital Operator’s Manual


Operating the Digital Operator’s Man-


General notes

Please observe the information about the oper

ation of the controller (

Y page 288).

Content pages

The content pages can be accessed by means of

a visual search, a keyword search or using the



To scroll forward/back: turn 3 the con-



To display in full-screen or animation: slide

8 the controller to the left :.


To select information text or save book

marks: slide 9 the controller to the

right ;.


To select a link: slide 6 the controller

down =.


To exit a content page: select the %

symbol ?.


To call up the menu of the Digital Opera

tor’s Manual: select Þ symbol A.


Digital Operator’s Manual

Protecting the environment

General notes


Environmental note

Daimler’s declared policy is one of compre-

hensive environmental protection.

The objectives are for the natural resources

that form the basis of our existence on this

planet to be used sparingly and in a manner

that takes the requirements of both nature

and humanity into account.

You too can help to protect the environment

by operating your vehicle in an environmen-

tally responsible manner.

Fuel consumption and the rate of engine,

transmission, brake and tire wear are affected

by these factors:


operating conditions of your vehicle


your personal driving style

You can influence both factors. You should

bear the following in mind:

Operating conditions:


avoid short trips as these increase fuel con-



always make sure that the tire pressures

are correct.


do not carry any unnecessary weight.


remove roof racks once you no longer need



a regularly serviced vehicle will contribute

to environmental protection. You should

therefore adhere to the service intervals.


always have service work carried out at a

qualified specialist workshop.

Personal driving style:


do not depress the accelerator pedal when

starting the engine.


do not warm up the engine when the vehicle

is stationary.


drive carefully and maintain a safe distance

from the vehicle in front.


avoid frequent, sudden acceleration and



change gear in good time and use each gear

only up to Ô of its maximum engine speed.


switch off the engine in stationary traffic.


keep an eye on the vehicle’s fuel consump-


Environmental concerns and recom-


Wherever the operating instructions require you

to dispose of materials, first try to regenerate or

re-use them. Observe the relevant environmen-

tal rules and regulations when disposing of

materials. In this way you will help to protect the


Genuine Mercedes-Benz parts


Environmental note

Daimler AG also supplies reconditioned major

assemblies and parts which are of the same

quality as new parts. They are covered by the

same Limited Warranty entitlements as new



Air bags and Emergency Tensioning Devi-

ces, as well as control units and sensors for

these restraint systems, may be installed in

the following areas of your vehicle:




door pillars


door sills






instrument cluster


center console

Do not install accessories such as audio sys-

tems in these areas. Do not carry out repairs

or welding. You could impair the operating

efficiency of the restraint systems.

Have aftermarket accessories installed at a

qualified specialist workshop.

You could jeopardize the operating safety of

your vehicle if you use parts, tires and wheels as

well as accessories relevant to safety which

have not been approved by Mercedes-Benz. This

could lead to malfunctions in safety-relevant

Genuine Mercedes-Benz parts




systems, e.g. the brake system. Use only genu-

ine Mercedes-Benz parts or parts of equal qual-

ity. Only use tires, wheels and accessories that

have been specifically approved for your vehi-


Genuine Mercedes-Benz parts are subject to

strict quality control. Every part has been spe-

cifically developed, manufactured or selected

for and adapted to Mercedes-Benz vehicles.

Therefore, only genuine Mercedes-Benz parts

should be used.

More than 300,000 different genuine

Mercedes-Benz parts are available for

Mercedes-Benz models.

All authorized Mercedes-Benz Centers maintain

a supply of genuine Mercedes-Benz parts for

necessary service and repair work. In addition,

strategically located parts delivery centers pro-

vide quick and reliable parts service.

Always specify the vehicle identification number

(VIN) when ordering genuine Mercedes-Benz

parts (

Y page 382).

Operator’s Manual

Vehicle equipment


This Operator’s Manual describes all models

and all standard and optional equipment of

your vehicle available at the time of going to

print. Country-specific differences are possi-

ble. Bear in mind that your vehicle may not

feature all functions described here. This also

applies to safety-relevant systems and func-

tions. The equipment in your vehicle may

therefore differ from that shown in the

descriptions and illustrations.

The original purchase contract documentation

for your vehicle contains a list of all the systems

in your vehicle.

Should you have any questions concerning

equipment and operation, please consult an

authorized Mercedes-Benz Center.

The Operator’s Manual and Maintenance Book-

let are important documents and should be kept

in the vehicle.

Service and vehicle operation


The Limited Warranty for your vehicle applies in

accordance with the warranty terms and condi-

tions in the Service and Warranty Information


Your authorized Mercedes-Benz Center will

replace and repair all factory-installed parts in

accordance with the following warranty terms

and conditions:


New Vehicle Limited Warranty


Emission System Warranty


Emission Performance Warranty


California, Connecticut, Maine, Massachu-

setts, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island

and Vermont Emission Control System War-



State warranty enforcement laws (lemon


Replacement parts and accessories are covered

by the Mercedes-Benz Parts and Accessories

warranties. These are available at any author-

ized Mercedes-Benz Center.


Should you lose your Service and Warranty

Information booklet, have an authorized

Mercedes-Benz Center arrange for a replace-

ment. The new Service and Warranty Infor-

mation booklet will be posted to you.

Information for customers in Califor-


Under California law you may be entitled to a

replacement of your vehicle or a refund of the

purchase price or lease price, if after a reason-

able number of repair attempts Mercedes-Benz

USA, LLC and/or its authorized repair or service

facilities fail to fix one or more substantial

defects or malfunctions in the vehicle that are

covered by its express warranty.

During the period of 18 months from original

delivery of the vehicle or the accumulation of

18,000 miles (approximately 29,000 km) on the

odometer of the vehicle, whichever occurs first,

a reasonable number of repair attempts is pre-

sumed for a retail buyer or lessee if one or more

of the following occurs:

(1) the same substantial defect or malfunction

results in a condition that is likely to cause


Service and vehicle operation


death or serious bodily injury if the vehicle is

driven, that defect or malfunction has been

subject to repair two or more times, and you

have directly notified Mercedes-Benz USA,

LLC in writing of the need for its repair.

(2) the same substantial defect or malfunction

of a less serious nature than category (1)

has been subject to repair four or more

times and you have directly notified

Mercedes-Benz in writing of the need for its


(3) the vehicle is out of service by reason of

repair of the same or different substantial

defects or malfunctions for a cumulative

total of more than 30 calendar days.

Please send your written notice to:

Mercedes-Benz USA, LLC

Customer Assistance Center

One Mercedes Drive

Montvale, NJ 07645-0350


USA only:

Always have the Service and Warranty Booklet

with you when you bring the vehicle to an

authorized Mercedes-Benz Center. The service

advisor will record every service for you in the

Service and Warranty Booklet.

Canada only:

Have every service in a qualified specialist work-

shop confirmed in the service report.

Roadside Assistance

The Mercedes-Benz Roadside Assistance Pro-

gram offers technical help in the event of a

breakdown. Calls to the toll-free Roadside Assis-

tance Hotline are answered by our agents 24

hours a day, 365 days a year.

1-800 FOR-MERCEDES (1-800-367-6372)


1-800-387-0100 (Canada)

For additional information, refer to the

Mercedes-Benz Roadside Assistance Program

brochure (USA) or the «Roadside Assistance»

section in the Service and Warranty Booklet

(Canada). You will find both in the vehicle docu-

ment wallet.

Change of address or change of own-


In the event of a change of address, please send

us the «Notification of Address Change» in the

Service and Warranty Booklet or simply call the

Mercedes-Benz Customer Assistance Center

(USA) at the hotline number

1-800 FOR-MERCEDES (1-800-367-6372) or

Customer Service Center (Canada) at

1-800-387-0100. This will assist us in contact-

ing you in a timely manner should the need arise.

If you sell your Mercedes, please leave all liter-

ature in the vehicle so that it is available to the

next owner.

If you have purchased a used car, please send us

the «Notification of Used Car Purchase» in the

Service and Warranty Booklet or simply call the

Mercedes-Benz Customer Assistance Center

(USA) at the hotline number

1-800 FOR-MERCEDES (1-800-367-6372) or

Customer Service (Canada) at 1-800-387-0100.

Vehicle operation outside the USA

and Canada

When you are abroad with your vehicle, observe

the following points:


Service facilities or replacement parts may

not be readily available.


Lead-free fuel for vehicles with a catalytic

converter may not be available. Leaded fuel

can cause damage to the catalytic converter.


The fuel may have a considerably lower

octane number. Unsuitable fuel can cause

engine damage.

Some Mercedes-Benz models are available for

delivery in Europe through our European Deliv-

ery Program. For details, consult an authorized

Mercedes-Benz Center or write to one of the

following addresses.

In the USA

Mercedes-Benz USA, LLC

European Delivery Department

One Mercedes Drive

Montvale, NJ 07645-0350

In Canada

Mercedes-Benz Canada, Inc.

European Delivery Department

98 Vanderhoof Avenue

Toronto, Ontario M4G 4C9

Service and vehicle operation




Sports Utility Vehicle



Due to the high center of gravity, the vehicle

may start to skid and roll over in the event of

an abrupt steering maneuver and/or when

the vehicle’s speed is not adapted to the road

conditions. There is a risk of an accident.

Always adapt your speed and driving style to

the vehicle’s driving characteristics and to the

prevailing road and weather conditions.

Utility vehicles have a significantly higher roll-

over rate than other types of vehicles.

Failure to operate this vehicle safely may result

in an accident, rollover of the vehicle, and severe

or fatal injury.

In a rollover crash, an unbelted person is signif-

icantly more likely to die than a person wearing

a seat belt.

You and all vehicle occupants should always

wear your seat belts.

Operating safety

Important safety notes



If you do not have the prescribed service/

maintenance work or any required repairs

carried out, this can result in malfunctions or

system failures. There is a risk of an accident.

Always have the prescribed service/mainte-

nance work as well as any required repairs

carried out at a qualified specialist workshop.



Flammable material such as leaves, grass or

twigs may ignite if they come into contact with

hot parts of the exhaust system. There is a risk

of fire.

When driving off road or on unpaved roads,

check the vehicle’s underside regularly. In

particular, remove parts of plants or other

flammable materials which have become

trapped. In the case of damage, contact a

qualified specialist workshop.



Modifications to electronic components, their

software as well as wiring can impair their

function and/or the function of other net-

worked components. In particular, systems

relevant to safety could also be affected. As a

result, these may no longer function as inten-

ded and/or jeopardize the operating safety of

the vehicle. There is an increased risk of an

accident and injury.

Never tamper with the wiring as well as elec-

tronic components or their software. You

should have all work to electrical and elec-

tronic equipment carried out at a qualified

specialist workshop.


There is a risk of damage to the vehicle if:


the vehicle becomes stuck, e.g. on a high

curb or an unpaved road


you drive too fast over an obstacle, e.g. a

curb, a speed bump or a pothole in the road


a heavy object strikes the underbody or

parts of the chassis

In situations like this, the body, the under-

body, chassis parts, wheels or tires could be

damaged without the damage being visible.

Components damaged in this way can unex-

pectedly fail or, in the case of an accident, no

longer withstand the loads they are designed


If the underbody paneling is damaged, com-

bustible materials such as leaves, grass or

twigs can gather between the underbody and

the underbody paneling. If these materials

come in contact with hot parts of the exhaust

system, they can catch fire.

In such situations, have the vehicle checked

and repaired immediately at a qualified spe-

cialist workshop. If on continuing your jour-

ney you notice that driving safety is impaired,

pull over and stop the vehicle immediately,

paying attention to road and traffic condi-

tions. In such cases, consult a qualified spe-

cialist workshop.

Declarations of conformity

USA: «The wireless devices of this vehicle com-

ply with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is

subject to the two following two conditions: 1)


Operating safety


These devices may not cause harmful interfer-

ence, and 2) These devices must accept any

interference received, including interference

that may cause undesired operation. Changes

or modifications not expressly approved by the

party responsible for compliance could void the

user’s authority to operate the equipment.»

Canada: «The wireless devices of this vehicle

comply with Industry Canada license-exempt

RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the fol-

lowing two conditions: (1) These devices may

not cause interference, and (2) These devices

must accept any interference, including inter-

ference that may cause undesired operation of

the device.»

Diagnostics connection

The diagnostics connection is only intended for

the connection of diagnostic equipment at a

qualified specialist workshop.



If you connect equipment to a diagnostics

connection in the vehicle, it may affect the

operation of vehicle systems. As a result, the

operating safety of the vehicle could be affec-

ted. There is a risk of an accident.

Only connect equipment to a diagnostics con-

nection in the vehicle, which is approved for

your vehicle by Mercedes-Benz.



Objects in the driver’s footwell can restrict the

pedal travel or obstruct a depressed pedal.

The operating and road safety of the vehicle is

jeopardized. There is a risk of an accident.

Make sure that all objects in the vehicle are

stowed correctly, and that they cannot enter

the driver’s footwell. Install the floormats

securely and as specified in order to ensure

sufficient clearance for the pedals. Do not use

loose floormats and do not place floormats on

top of one another.


If the engine is switched off and equipment

on the diagnostics connection is used, the

starter battery may discharge.

Connecting equipment to the diagnostics con

nection can lead to emissions monitoring infor-

mation being reset, for example. This may lead

to the vehicle failing to meet the requirements of

the next emissions test during the main inspec-


Qualified specialist workshop

An authorized Mercedes-Benz Center is a quali-

fied specialist workshop. It has the necessary

specialist knowledge, tools and qualifications to

correctly carry out the work required on your

vehicle. This is especially the case for work rel-

evant to safety.

Always have the following work carried out at an

authorized Mercedes-Benz Center:


work relevant to safety


service and maintenance work


repair work


alterations, installation work and modifica-



work on electronic components

Correct use

If you remove any warning stickers, you or oth-

ers could fail to recognize certain dangers.

Leave warning stickers in position.

Observe the following information when driving

your vehicle:


the safety notes in this manual


the vehicle technical data


traffic rules and regulations


laws and safety standards pertaining to motor


Problems with your vehicle

If you should experience a problem with your

vehicle, particularly one that you believe may

affect its safe operation, we urge you to contact

an authorized Mercedes-Benz Center immedi-

ately to have the problem diagnosed and recti-

fied. If the problem is not resolved to your sat-

isfaction, please discuss the problem again with

the Mercedes-Benz Center or, if necessary, con-

tact us at one of the following addresses.

In the USA

Customer Assistance Center

Mercedes-Benz USA, LLC

Operating safety




3 Mercedes Drive

Montvale, NJ 07645-0350

In Canada

Customer Relations Department

Mercedes-Benz Canada, Inc.

98 Vanderhoof Avenue

Toronto, Ontario M4G 4C9

Reporting safety defects

USA only:

The following text is reproduced as required of

all manufacturers under Title 49, Code of U.S.

Federal Regulations, Part 575 pursuant to the

National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act of


If you believe that your vehicle has a defect

which could cause a crash or could cause injury

or death, you should immediately inform the

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

(NHTSA) in addition to notifying Mercedes-Benz


If NHTSA receives similar complaints, it may

open an investigation, and if it finds that a safety

defect exists in a group of vehicles, it may order

a recall and remedy campaign. However, NHTSA

cannot become involved in individual problems

between you, your dealer, or Mercedes-Benz


To contact NHTSA, you may call the Vehicle

Safety Hotline toll-free at 1-888-327-4236

(TTY: 1-800-424-9153); go to http://

www.safercar.gov; or write to: Administrator,

NHTSA, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Washington,

DC 20590.

You can also obtain other information about

motor vehicle safety from


Limited Warranty


Observe the notes in this Operator’s Manual

regarding the correct operation of your vehi-

cle and possible damage to the vehicle. Dam-

age to the vehicle which is caused by violation

of these notes is not covered by the

Mercedes-Benz implied warranty or the new

or used-vehicle warranty.

QR codes for the rescue card

The QR codes are secured in the fuel filler flap

and on the opposite side on the B-pillar. In the

event of an accident, rescue services can use

the QR code to quickly find the appropriate res-

cue card for your vehicle. The current rescue

card contains the most important information

about your vehicle in a compact form, e.g. the

routing of the electric cables.

You can find more information at


Data stored in the vehicle

Information from electronic control


There are electronic control units installed in

your vehicle. Some of these are necessary for

your vehicle to operate safely, while some offer

support during driving (driver assistance sys-

tems). In addition, your vehicle offers comfort

and entertainment functions that are also made

possible by electronic control units.

Electronic control units contain data storage

systems that can temporarily or permanently

save technical information concerning the vehi-

cle’s condition, component stress and mainte-

nance requirements as well as technical events

and malfunctions.

This information generally documents the con-

dition of a component, a module, a system or the

surroundings, for example:


operating states of system components (e.g.

fill levels, battery status, tire pressure)


status messages concerning the vehicle or its

individual components (e.g. wheel rpm/

speed, deceleration, lateral acceleration, indi-

cation of whether seat belts are fastened)


malfunctions and defects in important system

components (e.g. lights, brakes)


information about events leading to vehicle



system responses in special driving situations

(e.g. air bag deployment, intervention of sta-

bility control systems)


ambient conditions (e.g. temperature, rain


In addition to performing the actual control unit

function, these data are used by manufacturers


Data stored in the vehicle


to detect and rectify malfunctions and to opti-

mize vehicle functions. Most of these data are

volatile and processed only in the vehicle itself.

Only a small part of the data is stored in event or

malfunction memories.

When you use services, the technical data from

the vehicle can be read out by service network

employees or third parties. Services can include

repair services, maintenance processes, war-

ranty cases and quality assurance measures.

The data is read out via the legally prescribed

diagnostics connection in the vehicle. The rele-

vant offices in the service network or third par-

ties collect, process and use the data. These

data document the vehicle’s technical states,

are used to help in finding malfunctions and

improving quality and are sent to the manufac-

turer where necessary. In addition, the manu-

facturer is subject to product liability. The man-

ufacturer needs technical data from vehicles for

this purpose.

Malfunction memories in the vehicle can be

reset by a service center during repair or service


You can incorporate data into the vehicle’s com-

fort and infotainment functions yourself as part


the selected equipment.


hese include, for example:


multimedia data such as music, films or pho-

tos for playback in an integrated multimedia



address book data for use in conjunction with

an integrated hands-free system or an inte-

grated navigation system


navigation destinations that have been



data about using Internet services

These data can be saved locally in the vehicle or

are located on a device that you have connected

to the vehicle. If this data is saved in the vehicle,

you can delete it at any time. These data are sent

to third parties only at your request, particularly

when you use online services in accordance with

the settings that you have selected.

You can save and change comfort settings/

customizations in the vehicle at any time.

Depending on the piece of equipment in ques-

tion, these can include, for example:


seat and steering wheel position settings


suspension and climate control settings


custom settings such as interior lighting

If your vehicle is equipped appropriately, you

can connect your smartphone or another mobile

end device to the vehicle. You can control this by


of the control elements integrated in the


hicle. The smartphone’s picture and sound

can be output via the multimedia system. Spe-

cific items of information are also sent to your


Depending on the type of integration, this can



general vehicle information


position data

This allows the use of selected smartphone

apps, such as navigation or music player apps.

There is no additional interaction between the

smartphone and the vehicle, particularly active

access to vehicle data. The type of additional

data processing is determined by the provider of

the app being used. Whether you can configure

settings for it and, if so, which ones, depends on

the app and your smartphone’s operating sys-


Service provider

Wireless network connection

If your vehicle has a wireless network connec-

tion, data can be exchanged between your vehi-

cle and other systems. The wireless network

connection is made possible by the vehicle’s

own transmitter and receiver or by mobile devi-

ces that you have brought into the vehicle (e.g.

smartphones). Online functions can be used via

this wireless network connection. These include

online services and applications/Apps provided

by the manufacturer or other providers.

Services provided by the manufacturer

In the case of the manufacturer’s online serv-

ices, the manufacturer describes the functions

in a suitable place and the associated informa-

tion subject to data protection legislation. Per-

sonal data can be used in order to provide online

services. The data exchange for this takes place

via a secure connection, e.g. with the manufac-

turer’s IT systems intended for the purpose. Col-

lecting, processing and using personal data

beyond the provision of services is permitted

only on the basis of a statutory permit or decla-

ration of consent.

Data stored in the vehicle




You can usually activate and deactivate the serv-

ices and functions (some of which are subject to

charge). In many cases, this also applies to the

vehicle’s entire data connection. However, this

does not apply in particular to legally prescribed

functions and services such as the «eCall» emer-

gency call system.

Services from third parties

If it is possible to use online services from other

providers, these services are the responsibility

of the provider in question and subject to that

provider’s data protection conditions and terms

of use. The manufacturer has no influence over

the content exchanged here.

For this reason, please ask the service provider

for information about the type, extent and pur-

pose of the collection and use of personal data

when services are provided by third parties.


If the vehicle is equipped with COMAND or

mbrace, additional data about the vehicle’s

operation, the use of the vehicle in certain sit-

uations, and the location of the vehicle may be

compiled through COMAND or the mbrace sys-


For additional information please refer to the

COMAND User Manual or the Digital Operator’s

Manual and/or the mbrace Terms and Condi-


Event data recorders

This vehicle is equipped with an event data

recorder (EDR). This vehicle is equipped with an

event data recorder (EDR). The main purpose of

an EDR is to record, in certain crash or near

crash-like situations, such as an air bag deploy-

ment or hitting a road obstacle, data that will

assist in understanding how a vehicle’s systems

performed. The EDR is designed to record data

relating to vehicle dynamics and safety systems

for a short period of time, typically 30 seconds

or less.

The EDR in this vehicle is designed to record

such data as:


How various systems in your vehicle were



Whether or not the driver and passenger

safety belts were buckled/fastened


How far (if at all) the driver was depressing the

accelerator and/or brake pedal and


How fast the vehicle was traveling

These data can help provide a better under-

standing of the circumstances in which crashes

and injuries occur. NOTE: EDR data are recor-

ded by your vehicle only if a non-trivial crash

situation occurs; no data are recorded by the

EDR under normal driving conditions and no

personal data (e.g. name, gender, age and crash

location) are recorded. However, other parties,

such as law enforcement could combine the

EDR data with the type of personally identifying

data routinely acquired during a crash investi-


Access to the vehicle and/or the EDR is needed

to read data that is recorded by an EDR, and

special equipment is required. In addition to the

vehicle manufacturer, other parties that have

the special equipment, such as law enforce-

ment, can read the information by accessing


vehicle or the


EDR data may be used in civil and criminal mat-

ters as a tool in accident reconstruction, acci-

dent claims and vehicle safety. Since the Crash

Data Retrieval CDR tool that is used to extract

data from the EDR is commercially available,

Mercedes-Benz USA, LLC («MBUSA») expressly

disclaims any and all liability arising from the

extraction of this information by unauthorized

Mercedes-Benz personnel.

MBUSA will not share EDR data with others

without the consent of the vehicle owners or, if

the vehicle is leased, without the consent of the

lessee. Exceptions to this representation

include responses to subpoenas by law enforce-

ment; by federal, state or local government; in

connection with or arising out of litigation involv-

ing MBUSA or its subsidiaries and affiliates; or,

as required by law.

Warning: The EDR is a component of the

Restraint System Module. Tampering with, alter-

ing, modifying or removing the EDR component

may result in a malfunction of the Restraint Sys-

tem Module and other systems.

State laws or regulations regarding EDRs that

conflict with federal regulation are pre-empted.


Data stored in the vehicle


This means that in the event of such conflict, the

federal regulation governs. As of February 2013,

13 states have enacted laws relating to EDRs.

Information on copyright

Free and open-source software

Information on license for free and open-source

software used in your vehicle can be found on

the data carrier in your vehicle document wallet

and, including updates, on the following web-




Information on copyright





Function Page


Steering wheel paddle shifter 147


Combination switch 111


Instrument cluster 37






Parking Assist PARKTRONIC

warning display



Overhead control panel 42


Climate control systems 122


Ignition lock 135

Start/Stop button 135

Function Page


Adjusts the steering wheel




Adjusts the steering wheel



Steering wheel heating 104


Cruise control lever 170


Opens the hood 321


Diagnostics connection 31


Electric parking brake 157


Light switch 110



At a glance

Instrument cluster

Function Page


Speedometer with segments 228

Warning and indicator lamps:







Brakes 276

$ (USA only)

J (Canada only)

L Low-beam headlamps


T Parking lamps





K High-beam headlamps


Electric parking brake (red) 282

F (USA only)

! (Canada only)

! Electric parking brake



· Distance warning



#! Turn signals



Multifunction display 230

Function Page


Tachometer 228

Warning and indicator lamps:

R Rear fog lamp


; Check Engine


h Tire pressure monitor


6 Restraint system


ü Seat belts


% Diesel engine: preglow


é RBS (Recuperative

Brake System)


Coolant temperature gauge 229

Warning and indicator lamps:

? Coolant



Fuel level indicator

Warning and indicator lamps:

8 Reserve fuel with fuel

filler flap location indicator

(right-hand side)



Instrument cluster lighting 228


Information on displaying the outside tem-

perature in the multifunction display can be

found under «Outside temperature display»


Y page 228).

Instrument cluster


At a glance

Multifunction steering wheel

Function Page


Multifunction display 230


Multimedia system display

= ?

Switches on voice-operated

navigation or the Voice Con-

trol System




Adjusts the volume


Rejects or ends a call 235

Exits phone book/redial



Makes or accepts a call

Switches to the redial mem-


Function Page



Selects a menu 229


Selects a submenu or scrolls

through lists



Confirms a selection 229

Hides display messages 243


Back 229

Switches off voice-operated

navigation or the Voice Con-

trol System

i In vehicles with multimedia system

COMAND you can find further information:


on the multimedia system in the Digital

Operator’s Manual


on the DVD changer or single DVD drive in

the Digital Operator’s Manual


on the Voice Control System in the sepa-

rate operating instructions

i In vehicles with multimedia system Audio 20

you can find further information:


on the multimedia system in the Digital

Operator’s Manual


on the voice-operated control of the navi-

gation in the manufacturer’s operating



Multifunction steering wheel

At a glance

Center console

Center console, upper section

Function Page


Multimedia system; see the

Digital Operator’s Manual


c Seat heating



s Seat ventilation



c Parking Assist




è ECO start/stop func-



Function Page


£ Hazard warning lamps




tor lamps


Anti-theft alarm system indi-

cator lamp






Center console


At a glance

Center console, lower section


Vehicles with the Off-Road Engineering


Function Page


Stowage compartment 297

Cup holder 304

Ashtray 307

Cigarette lighter 307

Socket 308


Selector wheel for level con-




à DSR (Downhill Speed




r Manual gearshifting

(permanent setting)



DYNAMIC SELECT controller 142


Stowage compartment with

Media Interface


Function Page


Touchpad; see Digital Opera-

tor’s Manual


% Back button (see the

Digital Operator’s Manual)


Multimedia system control-

ler; see Digital Operator’s



g Switches to the favor-

ites button (see the Digital

Operator’s Manual)


Switches to the vehicle set-

tings display (see the Digital

Operator’s Manual)


+ LOW RANGE off-road




Center console

At a glance


Vehicles with the AIRMATIC package and

Mercedes-AMG vehicles

Function Page


Stowage compartment 297

Cup holder 304

Ashtray 307

Cigarette lighter 307

Socket 308


à DSR (Downhill Speed




r Manual gearshifting

(permanent setting)



DYNAMIC SELECT controller 142


Stowage compartment with

Media Interface



Touchpad; see Digital Opera-

tor’s Manual

Function Page


% Back button (see the

Digital Operator’s Manual)


Multimedia system control-

ler; see Digital Operator’s



g Switches to the favor-

ites button (see the Digital

Operator’s Manual)


Switches to the vehicle set-

tings display (see the Digital

Operator’s Manual)

AMG adaptive sport suspen-

sion system (Mercedes-AMG




Á Level control


Center console


At a glance

Overhead control panel

Function Page


p Switches the left-hand

reading lamp on/off



c Switches the front inte-

rior lighting on



u Switches the rear inte-

rior lighting on or off



| Switches the front inte-

rior lighting/automatic inte-

rior lighting control off



p Switches the right-

hand reading lamp on/off



3 Opens/closes the pan-

orama roof with power tilt/

sliding panel and roller sun-



Function Page


Eyeglasses compartment 297


F Breakdown assistance

call button (mbrace system)



G SOS button (mbrace




ï Info call button

(mbrace system)



Rear-view mirror 105


Buttons for the garage door




Microphone for mbrace

(emergency call system),

telephone and the Voice

Control System



The Voice Control System is only available in combination with COMAND. Please observe the separate oper-

ating instructions.


Overhead control panel

At a glance

Door control panel

Function Page


Opens the door 83



the vehicle



r 45=

Stores settings for the seat,

exterior mirrors and steering

column (memory function)



Adjusts the seats 97



Adjusts and folds the exterior

mirrors in/out electrically


Function Page


W Opens/closes the side




q Opens/closes the tail-




6 Plug-in hybrid: Unlocks

the fuel filler flap


n Activates/deactivates

the override feature for the

side windows in the rear



Door control panel


At a glance

Panic alarm


To activate: press ! button : for

approximately one second.

A visual and audible alarm is triggered if the

alarm system is armed.


To deactivate: press ! button : again.



Insert the SmartKey into the ignition lock.

or, on vehicles with KEYLESSGO:


Press the Start/Stop button.

The SmartKey must be in the vehicle.

Occupant safety

Introduction to the restraint system

The restraint system can reduce the risk of vehi-

cle occupants coming into contact with parts of

the vehicle’s interior in the event of an accident.

The restraint system can also reduce the forces

to which vehicle occupants are subjected during

an accident.

The restraint system comprises:


Seat belt system


Air bags


Child restraint system


Child seat securing systems

The components of the restraint system work in

conjunction with each other. They can only

deploy their protective function if, at all times, all

vehicle occupants:


have fastened their seat belts correctly


Y page 47)


have the seat and head restraint adjusted

properly (

Y page 97)

As the driver, you also have to make sure that

the steering wheel is adjusted correctly.

Observe the information relating to the correct

driver’s seat position (

Y page 97).

You also have to make sure that an air bag can

inflate properly if deployed (

Y page 49).

An air bag supplements a correctly worn seat

belt. As an additional safety device, the air bag

increases the level of protection for vehicle

occupants in the event of an accident. For exam-

ple, if, in the event of an accident, the protection

offered by the seat belt is sufficient, the air bags

are not deployed. When an accident occurs, only

the air bags that increase protection in that par-

ticular accident situation are deployed. How-

ever, seat belts and air bags generally do not

protect against objects penetrating the vehicle

from the outside.

Information on restraint system operation can

be found under «Triggering of the Emergency

Tensioning Devices and air bags» (

Y page 56).

See «Children in the vehicle» for information on

children traveling with you in the vehicle as well

as on child restraint systems (

Y page 59).

Important safety notes



Modifications to the restraint system may

cause it to no longer work as intended. The

restraint system may then not perform its

intended protective function and may fail in an

accident or trigger unexpectedly, for example.

This poses an increased risk of injury or even

fatal injury.

Never modify parts of the restraint system.

Never tamper with the wiring, the electronic

components or their software.

If it is necessary to modify components of the

restraint system to accommodate a person with

disabilities, contact an authorized Mercedes-

Benz Center for details. USA only: for further

information contact our Customer Assistance

Center at 1-800 FOR-MERCEDES


Mercedes-Benz recommends that you only use

driving aids which have been approved specifi-

cally for your vehicle by Mercedes-Benz.


Occupant safety


Restraint system warning lamp

The functions of the restraint system are

checked after the ignition is switched on and at

regular intervals while the engine is running.

Therefore, malfunctions can be detected in

good time.

The 6 restraint system warning lamp on the

instrument cluster lights up when the ignition is

switched on. It goes out no later than a few sec-

onds after the vehicle is started. The compo-

nents of the restraint system are in operational


A malfunction has occurred if the 6 restraint

system warning lamp:


does not light up after the ignition is switched



does not go out after a few seconds with the

engine running


lights up again while the engine is running



If the restraint system is malfunctioning,

restraint system components may be trig-

gered unintentionally or may not deploy as

intended during an accident. This can affect

for example the Emergency Tensioning

Device or the air bag. This poses an increased

risk of injury or even fatal injury.

Have the restraint system checked and

repaired in a qualified specialist workshop as

soon as possible.

PASSENGER AIR BAG indicator lamp

PASSENGER AIR BAG ON indicator lamp : and

PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF indicator lamp ; are

part of the Occupant Classification System


The indicator lamps display the status of the

front-passenger front air bag.


PASSENGER AIR BAG ON lights up for 60 sec-

onds, subsequently both indicator lamps are


front-passenger front air bag is able to deploy

in the event of an accident.


PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF lights up: the front-

passenger front air bag is deactivated. It will

then not be deployed in the event of an acci-


If the PASSENGER AIR BAG ON indicator lamp is

off, only the PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF indicator

lamp shows the status of the front-passenger

front air bag. The PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF

indicator lamp may be lit continuously or be off.

Depending on the person in the front-passenger

seat, the front-passenger front air bag must

either be deactivated or enabled; see the fol-

lowing points. You must make sure of this both

before and during a journey.


Children in a child restraint system:

whether the front-passenger front air bag is

enabled or deactivated depends on the instal-

led child restraint system, and the age and

size of the child. Therefore, be sure to observe

the notes on the «Occupant Classification

System (OCS)» (

Y page 51) and on «Chil-

dren in the vehicle» (

Y page 59). There you

will also find instructions on rearward and

forward-facing child restraint systems on the

front-passenger seat.


All other persons: depending on the classi-

fication of the person in the front-passenger

seat, the front-passenger front air bag is ena-

bled or deactivated (

Y page 51). Be sure to

observe the notes on «Seat

belts“ (

Y page 45) and «Air bags»


Y page 49). There you can also find infor-

mation on the correct seat position.

Seat belts


Seat belts are the most effective means of

restricting the movement of vehicle occupants

in the event of an accident or the vehicle rolling

over. This reduces the risk of vehicle occupants

coming into contact with parts of the vehicle

interior or being ejected from the vehicle. Fur-

thermore, the seat belt helps to keep the vehicle

Occupant safety




occupant in the best position in relation to the

air bag.

The seat belt system comprises:


Seat belts


Emergency Tensioning Devices for the front

seat belts and the outer seat belts in the rear


Seat belt force limiters

If the seat belt is pulled out of the belt outlet

quickly or with a jerky movement, the belt

retractor locks. The belt strap cannot be extrac-

ted any further.

The Emergency Tensioning Device tightens the

seat belt in an accident, pulling the belt close

against the body. However it does not pull the

vehicle occupant back in the direction of the


The Emergency Tensioning Device does not cor-

rect an incorrect seat position or the routing of

an incorrectly fastened seat belt.

When triggered, a seat belt force limiter helps to

reduce the force exerted by the seat belt on the

vehicle occupant.

The seat belt force limiters for the front seats are

synchronized with the front air bags, which

absorb part of the deceleration force. This can

reduce the force exerted on the vehicle occu-

pants during an accident.


If the front-passenger seat is not occupied,

do not engage the seat belt tongue in the

buckle on the front-passenger seat. Other-

wise, in addition to other systems, the Emer-

gency Tensioning Device could also be trig-

gered in the event of an accident and would

need to be replaced.

Important safety notes

The use of seat belts and child restraint systems

is required by law in:


all 50 states


the U.S. territories


the District of Columbia


all Canadian provinces

Even where this is not required by law, all vehicle

occupants should correctly fasten their seat

belts before starting the journey.



If the seat belt is not worn correctly, it cannot

perform its intended protective function. An

incorrectly fastened seat belt can also cause

injuries, for example, in the event of an acci-

dent or when braking or changing direction

abruptly. This poses an increased risk of injury

or even fatal injury.

Always ensure that all vehicle occupants have

their seat belts fastened correctly and are sit-

ting properly.

The components of the restraint system work in

conjunction with each other. They can only

deploy their protective function if, at all times, all

vehicle occupants:


have fastened their seat belts correctly


Y page 47)


have the seat and head restraint adjusted

properly (

Y page 97)



The seat belt does not offer the intended level

of protection if you have not moved the back-

rest to an almost vertical position. When brak-

ing or in the event of an accident, you could

slide underneath the seat belt and sustain

abdomen or neck injuries, for example. This

poses an increased risk of injury or even fatal


Adjust the seat properly before beginning

your journey. Always ensure that the backrest

is in an almost vertical position and that the

shoulder section of your seat belt is routed

across the center of your shoulder.



Persons less than 5 ft (1.50 m) tall cannot

wear the seat belt correctly without an addi-

tional and suitable restraint system. If the

seat belt is not worn correctly, it cannot per-

form its intended protective function. An

incorrectly fastened seat belt can also cause

injuries, for example, in the event of an acci-

dent or when braking or changing direction

abruptly. This poses an increased risk of injury

or even fatal injury.

For this reason, always secure persons under

5 ft (1.50 m) tall in suitable additionalrestraint



Occupant safety


If a child younger than twelve years old and

under 5 ft (1.50 m) in height is traveling in the



always secure the child in a child restraint

system suitable for this Mercedes-Benz vehi-

cle. The child restraint system must be appro-

priate to the age, weight and size of the child


always observe the instructions and safety

notes on «Children in the vehicle»


Y page 59) in addition to the child restraint

system manufacturer’s installation and oper-

ating instructions


always observe the instructions and safety

notes on the «Occupant classification system

(OCS)» (

Y page 51)



The seat belts may not perform their intended

protective function if:


they are damaged, modified, extremely

dirty, bleached or dyed


the seat belt buckle is damaged or

extremely dirty


the Emergency Tensioning Devices, belt

anchorages or inertia reels have been modi-


Seat belts may be damaged in an accident,

although the damage may not be visible, e.g.

due to splinters of glass. Modified or damaged

seat belts may tear or fail, e.g. in an accident.

Modified Emergency Tensioning Devices

could accidentally trigger or fail to deploy

when necessary. This poses an increased risk

of injury or even fatal injury.

Never modify the seat belts, Emergency Ten-

sioning Devices, belt anchorages and inertia

reels. Make sure that the seat belts are

undamaged, not worn out and clean. Follow-

ing an accident, have the seat belts checked

immediately at a qualified specialist work-


Only use seat belts that have been approved for

your vehicle by Mercedes-Benz.

Proper use of the seat belts

Observe the safety notes on the seat belt


Y page 46).

All vehicle occupants must be wearing the seat

belt correctly before beginning the journey. Also

make sure that all vehicle occupants are always

wearing the seat belt correctly while the vehicle

is in motion.

When fastening the seat belt, always make sure



the seat belt buckle tongue is inserted only

into the belt buckle belonging to that seat


the seat belt is pulled tight across your body

Avoid wearing bulky clothing, e.g. a winter



the seat belt is not twisted

Only then can the forces which occur be dis-

tributed over the area of the belt.


the shoulder section of the belt is routed

across the center of your shoulder

The shoulder section of the seat belt should

not touch your neck or be routed under your

arm or behind your back. Where possible,

adjust the seat belt to the appropriate height.


the lap belt is taut and passes across your lap

as low down as possible

The lap belt must always be routed across

your hip joints and not across your abdomen.

This applies particularly to pregnant women.

If necessary, push the lap belt down to your

hip joint and pull it tight using the shoulder

section of the belt.


the seat belt is not routed across sharp, poin-

ted or fragile objects

If you have such items located on or in your

clothing, e.g. pens, keys or eyeglasses, store

these in a suitable place.


only one person is using a seat belt

Infants and children must never travel sitting

on the lap of a vehicle occupant. In the event

of an accident, they could be crushed

between the vehicle occupant and seat belt.


objects are never secured with a seat belt if

the seat belt is also being used by one of the

vehicle’s occupants

Also ensure that there are never objects

between a person and the seat, e.g. cushions.

Seat belts are only intended to secure and

restrain vehicle occupants. Always observe the

«Loading guidelines» for securing objects, lug-

gage or loads (

Y page 295).

Occupant safety




Fastening and adjusting the seat belts

Observe the safety notes on the seat belt


Y page 46) and the notes on correct use of seat

belts (

Y page 47).

Basic illustration


Adjust the seat (Y page 97).

The seat backrest must be in an almost

upright position.


Pull the seat belt smoothly from the belt outlet

and engage belt tongue ; into belt

buckle :.

The seat belt on the driver’s seat and the

front-passenger seat may be tightened auto

matically, see «Belt adjustment»


Y page 48).


If necessary, pull up on the shoulder section

of the seat belt to tighten the belt across your


The shoulder section of the seat belt must

always be routed across the center of the shoul-

der. Adjust the belt outlet if necessary.


To raise: slide the belt outlet up.

The belt outlet will engage in various posi-



To lower: hold belt outlet release = and slide

the belt outlet down.


Let go of belt outlet release = in the desired

position and make sure that the belt outlet


All seat belts except the driver’s seat belt are

equipped with a special seat belt retractor to

securely fasten child restraint systems in the

vehicle. Further information can be found under

«Special seat belt retractor» (

Y page 60).

Releasing seat belts


Make sure that the seat belt is fully rolled up.

Otherwise, the seat belt or belt tongue will be

trapped in the door or in the seat mechanism.

This could damage the door, the door trim

panel and the seat belt. Damaged seat belts

can no longer fulfill their protective function

and must be replaced. Visit a qualified spe-

cialist workshop.


Press the release button in the belt buckle,

hold the belt tongue firmly and guide the belt


Seat belt adjustment

The belt adjustment is a convenience function

integrated into PRE-SAFE


. With this function,

the driver’s and front-passenger seat belts are

adjusted to the upper body of the vehicle occu-


The seat belt strap will slightly tighten if:


the belt tongue is inserted into the buckle and


the ignition is switched on

The seat belt adjustment will apply a certain

tightening force if any slack is detected between

the vehicle occupant and the seat belt. Do not

grab hold of the seat belt.

The belt adjustment can be switched on and off

using the on-board computer (

Y page 239).

Belt warning for the driver and front


The 7 seat belt warning lamp in the instru-

ment cluster is a reminder that all vehicle occu-

pants must wear their seat belts. It may light up

continuously or flash. In addition, there may be

a warning tone.

Regardless of whether the driver’s seat belt has

already been fastened, the 7 seat belt warn

ing lamp lights up for six seconds each time the

engine is started. If the front doors are closed

and the driver’s or front-passenger seat belt has

not been fastened, the 7 seat belt warning

lamp lights up again after the six seconds. As

soon as the driver’s and front-passenger seat

belts are fastened or a front door is opened

again, the 7 seat belt warning lamp goes out.

If the driver’s seat belt is not fastened after the

engine is started, an additional warning tone will

sound. The warning tone switches off after six


Occupant safety


(Ocr-Read Summary of Contents of some pages of the Mercedes-Benz GLE Coupe Document (Main Content), UPD: 13 June 2023)

  • 268, Mercedes-Benz GLE Coupe Warning/ indicator lamp N Signal type Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions ü N The red seat belt warning lamp lights up after the engine starts, as soon as the driver’s or the front-passenger door is closed. The driver or front passenger has not fastened their seat belt. X Fasten your seat belt (Y page 42). The warning lamp goes out. There are objects on the front-passenger seat. X Remove the objects from the front…

  • 108, The rear-view mirror and the exterior mirror on the driver’s side automatically go into anti-glare mode if the following conditions are met simul- taneously: R the ignition is switched on and R incident light from headlamps strikes the sen- sor in the rear-view mirror The mirrors do not go into anti-glare mode if reverse gear is engaged or if the interior lighting is switched on. Parking position for the exterior mir- ror on the front-passenger side Setting a…

  • 16, Operating the roller sunblinds for the sliding sunroof ……………………… 91 Problem (malfunction) ………………… 93 Rain closing feature …………………….91 Reversing feature ………………………..90 Parcel shelf ………………………………….283 Parking Important safety notes ……………… 156 Parking brake ………………………….. 158 Position of exterior mirror, front- passenger side …..…

  • 223, 9 : Press and hold: R In the Audio menu: selects a pre- set list or a station list in the desired frequency range, or selects an audio track or video scene using rapid scrolling R In the Tel (Telephone) menu: starts rapid scrolling if the phone book is open a R Confirms the selection or display message R In the Tel (Telephone) menu: switches to the telephone book and starts dialing the selected number % Press briefly: R Back R Switches off voice-operated con- trol for navigation or the Voic…

  • 78, X Repeatedly tap the SmartKey against your palm until battery = falls out. X Insert the new battery with the positive ter- minal facing upwards. Use a lint-free cloth to do so. X Make sure that the surface of the battery is free of lint, grease and other contaminants. X Insert the front tabs of battery compartment cover : into the housing first and then press to close it. X Insert mechanical key ; into the SmartKey ( Y page 75). X Check the function of all SmartKey buttons on the vehicle…

  • 305, ! Make sure that the windshield wipers are not folded away from the windshield. You could otherwise damage the windshield wip- ers or the hood. X Make sure that the windshield wipers are turned off. X Pull release lever : on the hood. The hood is released. X Reach into the gap, pull hood catch handle ; up and lift the hood. If you lift the hood by approximately 15 in (40 cm), the hood is opened and held open…

  • 279, Tires Warning/ indicator lamp N Signal type Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions h N The yellow tire pressure monitor warning lamp (pressure loss/malfunction) is lit. The tire pressure monitor has detected a loss of pressure in at least one of the tires. G WARNING Tire pressures that are too low pose the following hazards: R they may burst, especially as the load and vehicle speed increase. R they may wear excessively and/or unevenly, which may greatly impair…

  • 217, X Secure the bolt using spring cotter B. X Check the ball coupling, bolt and spring cotter for correct installation. If the ball coupling cannot be correctly mounted, remove the ball coupling. Under these circum- stances, the ball coupling must not be used for trailer towing. Have the entire trailer tow hitch checked at a qualified specialist workshop. Coupling up a trailer ! Do not connect the trailer’s brake system (if featured…

  • 112, Combination switch Turn signal : High-beam headlamps ; Turn signal, right = High-beam flasher ? Turn signal, left X To indicate briefly: press the combination switch briefly to the pressure point in the direction of arrow ; or ?. The corresponding turn signal flashes three times. X To indicate: press the combination switch beyond the pressure point in the direction of arrow ; or ?. High-beam headlamps X To acti…

  • 272, Warning/ indicator lamp N Signal type Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions ! N The yellow ABS warning lamp is lit while the engine is running. EBD is not available due to a malfunction. ABS, BAS, BAS PLUS with Cross-Traffic Assist, COLLISION PREVENTION ASSIST PLUS, ESP ® , ESP ® trailer stabilization, PRE‑SAFE ® , PRE‑SAFE ® PLUS, PRE‑SAFE ® Brake, HOLD function, hill start assist, Crosswind Assist, STEER CO…

  • 41, Never modify parts of the restraint system. Never tamper with the wiring, the electronic components or their software. If it is necessary to modify an air bag system to accommodate a person with disabilities, con- tact an authorized Mercedes-Benz Center for details. USA only: for further information con- tact our Customer Assistance Center at 1-800-FOR-MERCedes (1‑800‑367‑6372). Restraint system warning lamp The functions of the restraint system are checked after the ignition is switched o…

  • 273, Warning/ indicator lamp N Signal type Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions ÷ N The yellow ESP ® warning lamp flashes while the vehicle is in motion. ESP ® or traction control has intervened because there is a risk of skidding or at least one wheel has started to spin. Cruise control or DISTRONIC PLUS is deactivated. X When pulling away, only depress the accelerator pedal as far as necessary. X Ease off the accelerator pedal while the vehicle is in motion. X Adapt you…

  • 71, Always pay particular attention to the traffic situation and be ready to brake, especially if PRE-SAFE ® Brake warns you. Terminate the intervention in a non-critical driving situation. G WARNING PRE-SAFE ® Brake cannot always clearly iden- tify people, especially if they are moving. In these cases, PRE-SAFE ® Brake cannot inter- vene. There is a risk of an accident. Always pay particular attention to the traffic situation and be r…

  • 330, You can find information on «Jump-starting» under ( Y page 323). Fuses Important safety notes G WARNING If you manipulate or bridge a faulty fuse or if you replace it with a fuse with a higher amper- age, the electric cables could be overloaded. This could result in a fire. There is a risk of an accident and injury. Always replace faulty fuses with the specified new fuses having the correct a…

  • 300, Mercedes-Benz GLE Coupe include text message, e-mail or an automated call. The data you receive contains the following information: R the location where the speed limit was excee- ded R the time at which the speed limit was excee- ded R the selected speed limit which was exceeded Geo fencing Geo fencing allows you to select areas which the vehicle should not enter or leave. You will be informed if the vehicle crosses the boundaries of the selected areas. You can select the way in which you receive this info…

  • 51, Mercedes-Benz GLE Coupe passenger seat may not be used. Do not install a child restraint system on the front- passenger seat. Have the Occupant Classifi- cation System (OCS) checked and repaired immediately at a qualified specialist work- shop. G WARNING Objects between the seat surface and the child restraint system could affect OCS oper- ation. This could result in the front-passenger air bag not functioning as intended during an accident. This poses an increased risk of injury or even fatal…

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