Руководство hyundai sonata с 2001

Руководство по самостоятельному ремонту и техническому обслуживанию автомобилей «Хендай Соната 4» (код EF), которые выпускались с 2001 года по 2012 год. Здесь описываются процедуры ремонта рестайлинговых автомобилей только с бензиновыми двигателями объемом 2,0 и 2,4 литра (четырехцилиндровые рядники), а также объемом 2,7 литра (шестицилиндровый V-образный).

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Система охлаждения

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Насос охлаждающей жидкости (двигатели 2,0 л / 2,4 л)

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Системы впуска и выпуска

Воздушный фильтр

Впускной коллектор (двигатели 2,0 л / 2,4 л)

Впускной коллектор (двигатель 2,7 л)

Выпускной коллектор

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Система впрыска топлива MFI

Общие правила при работе с электронной системой управления

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Электрооборудование двигателя

Поиск неисправностей по их признакам

Система зажигания — общая информация

Замок зажигания — снятие и установка

Катушки зажигания (двигатели 2,0 л / 2,4 л) — снятие и установка

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Прокачка привода выключения сцепления

Педаль сцепления

Главный цилиндр привода выключения сцепления

Рабочий цилиндр привода выключения сцепления

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Механическая коробка

Проверка уровня и замена масла

Механическая коробка передач — технические характеристики

Замена сальников приводных валов

Тросы управления коробкой передач

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Автоматическая коробка

Автоматическая коробка передач — общее описание

Автоматическая коробка передач — технические характеристики

Предварительные проверки

Диагностика АКПП

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Приводные валы

Передние приводные валы — снятие, проверка, установка

Разборка приводного вала (модели с МКПП).

Разборка переднего приводного вала (модели с АКПП)

Проверка приводных валов

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Передняя подвеска

Подвеска — предварительные проверки

Проверка и регулировка углов установки передних колёс

Ступица переднего колеса и поворотный кулак

Стойка передней подвески

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Задняя подвеска

Проверка и регулировка углов установки задних колёс

Кулак и ступица заднего колеса

Стойка задней подвески (модели до 2001 г.)

Стойка задней подвески (модели с 2001 г.)

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Рулевое управление

Проверка давления рабочей жидкости

Проверка люфта рулевого колеса

Снятие и установка рулевой колонки

Насос усилителя рулевого управления

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Тормозная система

Проверка и регулировка педали тормоза

Проверка работы вакуумного усилителя тормозов

Прокачка тормозной системы (модели без ABS)

Прокачка тормозной системы (модели с ABS)

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Поиск неисправностей по их признакам

Капот — регулировка

Крышка багажника — снятие и установка

Передняя боковая дверь

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Центральная консоль — снятие и установка

Панель приборов — снятие и установка

Отделка салона

Отделка крыши

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Отопитель и кондиционер

Меры безопасности и особенности технического обслуживания и ремонта

Поиск неисправностей

Основные проверки и регулировки — подсоединение измерительного коллектора

Откачка хладагента из системы кондиционирования

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Системы безопасности

Дополнительная система пассивной безопасности (SRS) — общая информация

Меры безопасности при эксплуатации и техническом обслуживании

Поиск неисправностей

Модуль подушки безопасности водителя и спиральный провод SRS

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Поиск неисправностей

Указатели и индикаторы

Система освещения

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Стеклоподъемники с электроприводом

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Электрические схемы

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Блоки реле, предохранители и плавкие вставки

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Related Manuals for Hyundai 2001 Sonata

Summary of Contents for Hyundai 2001 Sonata

  • Page 1
    2001 D R I V I N G IS B E L I E V I N G…
  • Page 2
    A020A01A-AAT RESPONSIBILITY FOR MAINTENANCE The maintenance requirements for your new Hyundai are found in Section 5. As the owner, it is your responsibility to see that all maintenance operations specified by the manufacturer are carried out at the appropriate intervals. When the vehicle is used in severe driving conditions, more frequent maintenance is required for some operations.
  • Page 3
    A000A01A-AAT This Owner’s Manual should be considered a part of the car and remain with it when it is sold for the use of the next owner. ONWER’S I.D. ORIGINAL OWNER ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE DELIVERY DATE (Date Sold to Original Retail purchaser) DEALER NAME DEALER NO.
  • Page 4: Specifications

    A030A01Y Specifications All information in this Owner’s Manual is current at the time of publication. However, Hyundai reserves the right to make changes at any time so that our policy of continual product improvement may be carried out. This manual applies to all 2001 Hyundai models and includes descriptions and explanations of optional as well as standard…

  • Page 5
    Your Owner’s Manual will introduce you to the features and operation of your new Hyundai. It is suggested that you read it carefully since the information it contains can contribute greatly to the satisfaction you receive from your new car.
  • Page 6
    CAUTION: MODIFICATIONS TO YOUR HYUNDAI Your Hyundai should not be modified in any way. Such modifications may adversely affect the performance, safety or durability of your Hyundai and may, in addition, violate conditions of the limited warranties covering the vehicle. Certain modifications may also be in violation of regulations established by the U.S.
  • Page 7
    A090A01A-AAT SAFETY AND VEHICLE DAMAGE WARNING This manual includes information titled as WARNING, CAUTION and NOTE. These titles indicate the following: WARNING: This indicates that a condition may result in harm, serious injury or death to you or other persons if the warning is not heeded. Follow the advice provided with the warning.
  • Page 8
    United States are packaged with facturing requirements. Using imita- labels written only in English. tion, counterfeit or used salvage parts Hyundai Genuine Parts are only sold A100A03A is not covered under the Hyundai New through authorized Hyundai Vehicle Limited Warranty or any other Dealerships.
  • Page 9
  • Page 10: Features Of Your Hyundai

    Hyundai. Fuels containing methanol (wood alcohol) should YOUR HYUNDAI WARNING: not be used in your Hyundai. This type of fuel can reduce vehicle performance and damage o Do not «TOP-OFF» after the first nozzle shut off when refueling.

  • Page 11
    Use moderate acceleration. Don’t start quick- master keys and a sub key. The master keys that came with the keys to your Hyundai. This ly or depress the accelerator pedal fully. will open all locks on your vehicle. The sub key…
  • Page 12
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B030C01Y-AAT when combined with the proper use of B040C02Y-AAT ILLUMINATED IGNITION SWITCH Locking From the Outside seat belts, locking the doors helps keep (If installed) occupants from being ejected from the car in case of an accident.
  • Page 13
    Whenever the driver’s door handle is pulled, the the door and push the lock switch to the «LOCK» Your Hyundai is equipped with a “child-protec- key cylinder of the door handle will be illumi- position. When this is done, neither the outside tor”…
  • Page 14
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI CAUTION: B040G01Y-AAT B070A01S-AAT Central Door Locks (If installed) THEFT-ALARM SYSTEM (If installed) Do not arm the system until all passengers This system is designed to provide protection have left the car. If the system is armed while a passenger(s) remains in the car, the from unauthorized entry into the car.
  • Page 15
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI NOTE: The siren will sound 3 times for 30 seconds. To B060A01Y-AAT POWER WINDOWS (If installed) turn off the system, unlock the door or trunk lid Once the system has been disarmed, it can with the key.
  • Page 16
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI normal operation, press the window lock switch B080A01A-AAT B080C01A-AAT ADJUSTABLE FRONT SEATS Adjusting Seatback Angle a second time. The power windows can be operated for 30 seconds after the ignition key is WARNING: turned to the «ACC» or the «LOCK» position.
  • Page 17
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI clined. The seat belt cannot provide full o Do not operate the vehicle with the head- B080F01A-AAT Seat Cushion Height Adjustment protection to an occupant if the seat back is rests removed as severe injury to an reclined.
  • Page 18
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B090D01Y-AAT WARNING: WARNING: Adjusting Seatback Angle o Never attempt to adjust the seat while the To ensure the seat is locked securely, at- vehicle is moving. This could result in tempt to move the seat forward or rearward loss of control, and an accident causing without using the control knob.
  • Page 19
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B140A01S-AAT B110A01Y-AAT REAR SEAT WARNING FOLDING REAR SEATBACKS (If installed) SSA1481A B140A01Y WARNING: The purpose of the folding rear seatbacks is SSA1480A For the safety of all passengers, luggage or to allow you to carry longer objects than…
  • Page 20
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B120A01Y-AAT B150A02A-AAT lap could be so great that you could not REAR SEATBACK LOCK SEAT BELT PRECAUTIONS hold the child. Any child riding in the vehicle should always be in a proper restraint in the WARNING: rear seat of the vehicle.
  • Page 21
    Additional questions should be sitting up and the front seats should concerning seat belt operation should be direct- be in an upright position when the car is mov- ed to your Hyundai Dealer. 1- 12…
  • Page 22
    Hyundai strongly recommends that children al- Release the button to lock the anchor into ways be seated in the rear seat. NEVER place position. Try sliding the release button to make…
  • Page 23
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI o Seat belts are most effective when B200A01A-AAT B210A01A-AAT ADJUSTING YOUR SEAT BELT To Release the Seat Belt seatbacks are in the upright position. o Children must always be seatbelted in the rear seats. Never allow children to ride in the front passenger seat.
  • Page 24
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B220A02Y-AAT B220C01Y-AAT To Release the Seat Belt SEAT BELTS — Rear Seat Center’s 3- Point System With Emergency Lock- ing Retractor (If Installed) B220A02Y B220C01Y WARNING: o When using the rear seat center belt, you When you want to release the seat belt, press the must lock all metal tabs and buckles.
  • Page 25
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI tistics provided by the National Highway Traffic o Since a safety belt or child restraint sys- it is satisfactory for use with this vehicle. Safety Administration (NHTSA), children are tem can become very hot if it is left in a…
  • Page 26
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B230B01E-GAT B230C02Y-AAT B230G01Y-AAT Using a Child Restraint System Installing a Child Restraint seat Installation on Rear Seats Rear seat package tray Cover, Child Restraint Anchorage Hook Holder Bolt, Holder (5/16″ — 30 mm) Washer, Conical Spring…
  • Page 27
    Emergency Locking Retractor diately by your authorized Hyundai deal- (ELR) type of seat belt. When the vehicle stops Your Hyundai vehicle is equipped with driver’s suddenly, or if the occupant tries to lean for- and front passenger’s pre-tensioner seat belts.
  • Page 28
    This correct position. «ON» or «ACC» positions, and then it must be done by an authorized Hyundai should turn off. dealer. NOTE: o If the pre-tensioner seat belt is not work-…
  • Page 29
    Your Hyundai is equipped with a Supplemental accident. o The SRS is designed to deploy the airbags Restraint (Airbag) System. The indications of…
  • Page 30
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI o The SRS airbag system must deploy very the SRSCM detects a considerable impact to rapidly to provide protection in a crash. If the front of the vehicle, it will automatically an occupant is out of position because of deploy the airbags.
  • Page 31
    YR10353A spected by your Hyundai dealer. belt pretensioner deployment when the right o Before you replace a fuse or disconnect front passenger seat is unoccupied. Deploy-…
  • Page 32
    For best protection from the side airbag yourself. The entire SRS system must be Your Hyundai is equipped with a side airbag in system and to avoid being injured by the inspected by an authorized Hyundai dealer each front seat.
  • Page 33
    Solvents car towed to an authorized Hyundai deal- or cleaners could adversely affect the airbag covers and proper deployment of the system.
  • Page 34
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B250A02Y-AAT INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS 1 2 3 5 6 7 CAUTION: When installing a container of liquid air freshener inside a vehicle, do not place it near the instrument cluster nor on the in- strument panel pad surface. If there is any…
  • Page 35
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B260A02Y-AAT INSTRUMENT CLUSTER AND INDICATOR LIGHTS 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 B260A03Y 15 16 18 19 20 1. Coolant Temperature Gauge 8. Speedometer 16. Cruise Indicator (If installed) 2. ABS Service Reminder Indicator 9. Odometer 17.
  • Page 36
    If you suspect brake trouble, have your ignition key is turned to the «ON» position or brakes checked by a Hyundai dealer as soon The high beam indicator light comes on when- after the engine is started, after which it will go as possible.
  • Page 37
    If the light The low fuel level warning light comes on when your Hyundai dealer as soon as possible. The comes on while you are driving, stop, turn off the fuel tank is approaching empty. When it normal braking system will still be operational, the engine and check under the hood.
  • Page 38
    B260C02Y-GAT firmly. Excessive rotor damage will result if the B290A01A-AAT Traction Control Indicator ENGINE COOLANT TEMPERATURE worn pads are not replaced. See your Hyundai Lights(If installed) dealer immediately. GAUGE The traction control indicators change opera- tions according to the ignition switch position B900A01A-AAT and whether the system is in operation or not.
  • Page 39
    Your Hyundai’s speedometer is calibrated in Check for a burned-out fuse or bulb or see your miles per hour (on the outer scale) and kilome- Hyundai dealer.
  • Page 40
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI To indicate a lane change, move the lever up or B340E01A-AAT To turn on the front fog lights, place the switch Headlight Flasher down to a point where it begins flashing. in the «ON» position. They will come on when…
  • Page 41
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI heater in the defrost mode to melt the snow To use the intermittent wiper feature, place the Mist Wiper Operation or ice before using the wiper. wiper switch in the «INT» position. With the switch in this position, the interval between…
  • Page 42
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI NOTE: B380A01A-AAT B410A01A-AAT INSTRUMENT PANEL LIGHT CON- REAR WINDOW DEFROSTER The engine must be running for the rear TROL (RHEOSTAT) SWITCH window defroster to operate. B400A01A-AAT DIGITAL CLOCK (If Installed) B410A01Y B380A01Y The instrument panel lights can be made bright-…
  • Page 43
    If it is necessary to replace the cigarette lighter, B440A01Y-AAT REAR ASHTRAY use only a genuine Hyundai replacement or its approved equivalent. B430A02Y-AAT B450A01Y FRONT ASHTRAY The drink holder is located on the main console for holding cups or cans.
  • Page 44
    The sunroof can be electrically opened or closed with the ignition key in the «ON» position. To Your HYUNDAI is equipped with a sliding sun- open or to close, press and hold the button shade which you can manually adjust to let in B460C01Y located in the front of the roof panel.
  • Page 45
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B460D03Y-AAT B480A01Y-AAT FRONT INTERIOR LIGHT Manual Operation of Sunroof Map Light (with sunroof) If the sunroof does not electrically operate: B460D03Y 3. Insert the hexagonal head wrench provided with the vehicle into the socket. This wrench…
  • Page 46
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI Push in the map light switch to turn the light on o OFF B510A01A-AAT OUTSIDE REAR VIEW MIRROR or off. This light produces a spot beam for In the «OFF» position, the light stays off at all convenient use as a map light at night or as a times even though a door is open.
  • Page 47
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI mechanism or move the vehicle to a warm B510D01Y-AAT OUTSIDE REAR VIEW MIRROR HEAT- place and allow the ice to melt. ER (If installed) B510B01Y-AAT Electric Type (If installed) B510B02Y CAUTION: o Do not operate the switch continuously B380A01Y for an unnecessary length of time.
  • Page 48
    Always engage the parking brake before leav- ing the car. This also turns on the parking brake Your Hyundai is equipped with a day/night To fold the outside rear view mirrors, push them indicator light when the key is in the «ON» or inside rear view mirror.
  • Page 49
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B540A01S-GAT B540B02Y-AAT B540C02Y-AAT TRUNK LID Trunk Lid Knob Lock (If installed) To unlock using the key Remote Trunk Lid Release With the remote release B540C02Y B540B02Y B540A01Y To open the trunk lid, insert the key and turn it If the trunk lid lock knob (located near the latch) clockwise to unlock.
  • Page 50
    If you need to replace the the car. stoplight in the center of the rear window or filler cap, use a genuine Hyundai replace- installed in the rear spoiler also comes on when ment part. NOTE: the brakes are applied.
  • Page 51
    B580A01Y WARNING: Make sure that the support rod has been Your Hyundai is equipped with sun visors to released prior to closing the hood. Always give the driver and front passenger either fron- double check to be sure that the hood is tal or sideward shade.
  • Page 52
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B580B02Y-AAT B610A01L-GAT B660A01S-AAT Illuminated Vanity Mirror (If installed) HORN CRUISE CONTROL (If installed) Opening the lid of the vanity mirror on the passenger’s side will automatically turn on the mirror light when the vehicle lights are on.
  • Page 53
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B660B01Y-AAT B660C01S-AAT B660E01Y-AAT To Set the Cruise Speed To cancel the cruise speed To Reset at a Faster Speed Do one of the followings: 1. Push the control switch «RESUME (ACCEL)» and hold it. o Depress the brake pedal.
  • Page 54
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI o Do not use the cruise control when it B620A01S-AAT B990A01Y-AAT FRONT DOOR EDGE WARNING CAR MAT ANCHOR may not be safe to keep the car at a LIGHT (If Installed) constant speed, for instance, driving in…
  • Page 55
    B690A01Y B700A01Y B690A01Y For normal heating operation, set the air intake Your Hyundai is equipped with bi-level heating To operate the ventilation system: control to the fresh air ( ) position and the air controls. This makes it possible to have cooler flow control to the floor ( ) position.
  • Page 56
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B710B01A-AAT B710C01Y-AAT B720A05Y-AAT Center Ventilator Side Ventilator DEFROSTING/DEFOGGING ROTARY TYPE B710B01Y B710C01Y B690A01Y The center ventilators are located in the middle The side ventilators are located on each side of of the dashboard. the dash board. The side vent knobs control the…
  • Page 57
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI o Set the air intake control to the fresh ( o Set the temperature control to the warm. B670A01A-AAT HEATING AND VENTILATION ROTA- position. o Set the fan speed control to position 3 or 4. o Set the temperature control to the warm.
  • Page 58
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B670B01A-AAT B670C01A-AAT ger compartment will become stale. In addi- Fan Speed Control (Blower Control) Air Intake Control tion prolonged use of the air conditioning with the » » mode selected may result in the air within the passenger compartment becoming excessively dry.
  • Page 59
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI This is used to turn the heating system on and 3. Air intake control. Bi-Level off and to select the degree of heating desired. This allows you to select fresh outside air or Air is discharged through the face vents and the recirculation inside air.
  • Page 60
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B670C02A-AAT side windows and the air within the passen- Bi-Level Air Intake Control ger compartment will become stale. In addi- Air is discharged through the face vents and the tion prolonged use of the air conditioning floor vents.
  • Page 61
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B670E02A-AAT The air conditioning is turned on or off by TEMPERATURE CONTROL pushing the A/C button on the heating/air con- ditioning control panel. B740B01A-AAT Air Conditioning Operation (If installed) Cooling Rotary and push button type B700A01Y o Set the temperature control to «Cool».
  • Page 62
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B740C01A-AAT o Set the air intake control to the fresh air De-Humidified Heating ) position. o Set the air flow control to the face ( position. o Adjust the fan control to the desired speed. o For more rapid action, set the fan at one of the higher speeds.
  • Page 63
    B970A01Y-AAT B970B02Y-AAT AUTOMATIC HEATING AND COOL- Heating and Cooling Controls ING CONTROL SYSTEM (If installed) Your Hyundai is equipped with an automatic heating and cooling control system controlled by simply setting the desired temperature. B970B01Y 1. Temperature Control Knob 7. Ambient Switch 2.
  • Page 64
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B970C02Y-AAT cause the temperature to decrease by 32.9°F B995A01Y-GAT Automatic Operation (If installed) AMBIENT SWITCH (0.5°C). Pressing the AMB button displays the ambient temperature on the LCD. B980A01Y-AAT MANUAL OPERATION The heating and cooling system can be con- trolled manually as well by pushing buttons other than the «AUTO»…
  • Page 65
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B980C01Y-AAT B980D01Y-AAT Floor-Defrost Level Air Intake Control Heating and Cooling System Off When selecting the «Floor-Defrost» mode, the This is used to select fresh outside air or Press the «OFF» button to stop the operation of indicator light will come on and the air will be recirculation inside air.
  • Page 66
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI It operates to prevent pollutant enter the car cants and keep your system in peak operat- AM reception Ionosphere and to purify the air. ing condition. CAUTION: B750A01A-AAT o Replace the filter every 12,000 miles STEREO SOUND SYSTEM (20,000 km) or once a year.
  • Page 67
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI FM radio station Unobstructed area Mountains Buildings Iron bridges Obstructed area SSAR012A SSAR013A SSAR014A FM broadcasts are transmitted at high frequen- o Fading — As your car moves away from the o Station Swapping — As a FM signal weak- cy and do not bend to follow the earth’s surface.
  • Page 68
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B750B01Y-AAT Using a cellular phone or a two-way radio When a cellular phone is used inside the vehi- cle, noise may be produced from the audio equipment. This does not mean that something is wrong with the audio equipment. In such a case, use the cellular phone at a place as far as possible from the audio equipment.
  • Page 69
  • Page 70
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B910B01Y-AAT When the control knob is turned counterclock- by simply pressing the band select button and/ 1. POWER ON-OFF wise, rear speaker sound will be emphasized. or one of the six station select buttons, you may /VOLUME CONTROL KNOB (Front speaker sound will be attenuated).
  • Page 71
  • Page 72
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B910D02Y-AAT o When the EJECT button is pressed during 1. FF/REW Button FF/REW, the cassette is ejected. o The FF (Fast forward tape winding) starts NOTE: when the button is pressed during PLAY or REW. o To assure proper operation of the unit,…
  • Page 73
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B920A01Y-GAT STEREO RADIO OPERATION (H920) (If installed) 3. BASS/TREBLE Control Knob 6. PRESET Buttons 5. TUNE/SEEK Select Button 4. BAND Selector 2. FADER Control Knob B920A01Y 1. POWER ON-OFF/VOLUME/BALANCE Control Knob 1- 64…
  • Page 74
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B920B01Y-GAT 3. BASS/TREBLE Control Knob HOW TO PRESET STATIONS 1. POWER ON-OFF/VOLUME Six AM and twelve FM stations may be pro- BASS Control Knob CONTROL KNOB grammed into the memory of the radio. Then, Press to pop the knob out and turn to the left or…
  • Page 75
  • Page 76
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B920F01Y-GAT 5. EJECT Button 1. STOP When the EJECT button is pressed with the CD o Insert the CD to start CD playback, during loaded, the CD is ejected. the radio operation. o Press the button to stop CD playback NOTE: and to change the source to Radio.
  • Page 77
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B930A02Y-GAT STEREO RADIO OPERATION (H935) (If installed) 4. TUNE/SEEK Select Button 8. BEST STATION MEMORY or SCAN Button (If installed) 7. EQ Button 5. PRESET Buttons 6. BAND Selector 3. TREBLE/FAD Knob B930A01Y 1. POWER ON/OFF/VOLUME CONTOL Knob 2.
  • Page 78
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B930B02Y-GAT 3. TREBLE/FAD Knob HOW TO PRESET STATIONS 1. POWER ON-OFF/VOLUME Six AM and twelve FM stations may be pro- TREBLE Control Knob CONTROL KNOB grammed into the memory of the radio. Then, Press to pop the knob out and turn to the left or…
  • Page 79
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI 7. EQ Button Pressing the EQ button to select the CLASSIC, JAZZ, ROCK and DEFEAT MODE for the de- sired tone quality. Each press of the button changes the display as follows; CLASSIC → JAZZ → ROCK → DEFEAT ↑…
  • Page 80
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B930C02Y-GAT CASSETTE TAPE PLAYER OPERATION (H935) (If installed) 4. EJECT Button 3. TAPE PROGRAM 2. AUTO MUSIC Button Select Button 1. FF/REW Button B930A01Y 5. DOLBY Button 1- 71…
  • Page 81
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B930D01Y-GAT 4. EJECT button 1. FF/REW Button o When the EJECT button is pressed with the o Fast forward tape winding starts when the cassette loaded, the cassette is ejected. FF button is pressed during the PLAY or o When the EJECT button is pressed during REW modes.
  • Page 82
  • Page 83
    The Hyundai CD 2. FF/REW o When replacing the fuse, replace it with a changer can hold up to six discs or eight discs.
  • Page 84
  • Page 85
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B850A01F-AAT while the disc is being pulled into the unit by the B860A01A-AAT Care of DISC CARE OF CASSETTE TAPES self loading mechanism. Do not pull the unit from the dash immediately Proper Handling after a disc is inserted or the eject switch has been pressed.
  • Page 86
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI Head Cotton applicator B860B01Y SSAR042B SSAR053B o Be sure that the cassette label is not loose o The playback head, capstan and pinch roll- NOTE: or peeling off or tape ejection may be diffi- ers will develop a coating of tape residue Look at a tape before you insert it.
  • Page 87
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B870A01A-AAT B870B01Y-AAT Fixed Rod Antenna (If installed) Power Antenna (If installed) B870A01F B870B01Y Your car uses a fixed rod antenna to receive The antenna will automatically be extended both AM and FM broadcast signals. when the radio power switch is turned «ON»…
  • Page 88: Driving Your Hyundai

    Hyundai dealer. o Do not run the engine in an enclosed area.

  • Page 89
    With the key in the «ACC» position, radio and other accessories may be operated. If you open o If your Hyundai is equipped with a manual the driver’s door with the key in the «ACC» or transaxle, place the shift lever in neutral and «LOCK»…
  • Page 90
    YR20020A ing the clutch, there is the potential to cause Your Hyundai’s manual transaxle has a con- damage to the vehicle or injury to someone ventional shift pattern. This shift pattern is im-…
  • Page 91
    DRIVING YOUR HYUNDAI CAUTION: and shift to a lower gear. When you do this, o In a collision crash, an unbelted person When downshifting from fifth gear to fourth engine braking will help slow the car. is significantly more likely to die than a person wearing a seatbelt.
  • Page 92
    DRIVING YOUR HYUNDAI C070E01A-AAT The highly efficient Hyundai automatic transaxle the car, apply the parking brake and shift the Recommended Shift Speeds has four forward speeds and one reverse speed. selector lever to the «P» (Park) position. It has a conventional shift pattern as shown in CAUTION: the illustration.
  • Page 93
    DRIVING YOUR HYUNDAI C090F01A-AAT C090H01Y-AAT o Check the automatic transaxle fluid level o 2 (Second gear): NOTE: regularly, and add fluid as necessary. Use for driving on a slippery road, hill climbing o For smooth and safe operation, depress or engine braking downhill. «2» automatically the brake pedal when shifting from “Neu-…
  • Page 94
    DRIVING YOUR HYUNDAI cate that the anti-lock brake system is func- C300A02Y-GAT WARNING: TRACTION CONTROL SYSTEM (TCS) tioning properly. o The risk of rollover is greatly increased if (If installed) you lose control of your vehicle at high- WARNING: way speeds.
  • Page 95
    TCS mode will automati- authorized Hyundai dealer. not return to normal, stop as soon as it is cally turn ON. safe to do so and call your Hyundai dealer NOTE: 2) When the traction control is operating for assistance.
  • Page 96
    Always maintain a safe distance from the front wheels away from the curb to help your Hyundai should be kept clean and free other vehicles so you can avoid unneces- keep the car from rolling. If there is no curb of corrosive materials.
  • Page 97
    Section 6. The level of charge conditioning system is operated by engine fullest extent. Sudden brake applications on in your battery can be checked by your Hyundai power so your fuel economy is reduced snowy or icy roads may cause skids to occur.
  • Page 98
    1.5 times more fuel container. Window washer anti-freeze is avail- than urban motoring. Do not forget to check able from Hyundai dealers and most auto parts both engine coolant and engine oil. outlets. Do not use engine coolant or other types of anti-freeze as these may damage the 3.
  • Page 99
    Ask your the additional load. See Maintenance Under Hyundai dealer for further details before towing. Severe Usage Conditions” on page 5-5. CAUTION CAUTION:…
  • Page 100
    DRIVING YOUR HYUNDAI weight of the loaded trailer and then check- C190F01S-AAT Trailer or Vehicle Towing Tips ing the load on the tongue. 1. Before towing, check hitch and safety chain NOTE: connections as well as proper operation of the trailer running lights, brake lights, and 1.
  • Page 101
    DRIVING YOUR HYUNDAI CAUTION: 9. If the trailer has electric brakes, start your vehicle and trailer moving, and then apply If overheating should occur when towing, the trailer brake controller by hand to be (the temperature gauge reads near red zone), sure the brakes are working.
  • Page 102: What To Do In An Emergency

    3. Check the fuel line in the engine room. serious personal injury and damage to the 4. If engine still refuses to start, call a Hyundai vehicle may occur! If you are not sure how dealer or seek other qualified assistance.

  • Page 103
    Then attach the other pinging or knocking, the engine is probably too Hyundai dealer for assistance. end of the same cable to the positive (+) hot. If this happens, you should: post or cable of the booster battery. Next,…
  • Page 104
    Hyundai 1. Take your foot off the accelerator pedal and dealer.
  • Page 105
    WHAT TO DO IN AN EMERGENCY D060A01A-AAT D060B01A-AAT D060C01A-AAT CHANGING A FLAT TIRE 1. Obtain Spare Tire and Tool 2. Block the Wheel Flat tire SSA3070A D040B01Y SSA3050D Remove the spare tire and take out the jack, The procedure described on the following pages Block the wheel that is diagonally opposite from jack handle, and tool bag from the trunk.
  • Page 106
    WHAT TO DO IN AN EMERGENCY The wheel nuts should be loosened slightly D060F01A-AAT D060G01A-AAT 5. Raising the Car 6. Changing Wheels before raising the car. To loosen the nuts, turn the wrench handle counterclockwise. When doing this, be sure that the socket is seated completely over the nut so it cannot slip off.
  • Page 107
    WHAT TO DO IN AN EMERGENCY D060H01A-AAT D060I01A-AAT 7. Reinstall Wheel Nuts 8. Lower Vehicle and Tighten Nuts SSA3071H YL30140A JP30150A WARNING: Wheel covers may have sharp edges. Han- To reinstall the wheel cover, hold it on the wheel Lower the car to the ground by turning the jack dle them carefully to avoid possible severe and put the wheel nuts on the studs and tighten handle counterclockwise.
  • Page 108
    Also, be sure that the correct. Always reinstall the valve cap after your Hyundai dealer or a commercial tow truck ignition key is in the «ACC» position. This is checking or adjusting tire pressure. If the cap is service.
  • Page 109
    WHAT TO DO IN AN EMERGENCY D080C01A-AAT driver must be in the towed vehicle to oper- D080D01A-AAT Towing a Car With Automatic Transaxle Emergency Towing ate the steering and brakes. SSA3100A o NOT OK FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE EQUIPPED VEHICLE SSA3101A o OK FOR MANUAL TRANSAXLE o OK FOR AUTOMATIC OR MANUAL D080D01Y…
  • Page 110
    WHAT TO DO IN AN EMERGENCY D120A01A-AAT IF YOU LOSE YOUR KEYS If you lose your keys, many Hyundai dealers can make you a new key if you have your key number. If you lock the keys inside your car and you…
  • Page 111: Corrosion Prevention And Appearance Care

    In such conditions, the corrosive material is struction practices to combat corrosion, Hyundai to clean the underside thoroughly when win- kept in contact with the car surfaces by mois- produces cars of the highest quality.

  • Page 112
    Check under the the car is to remove water from the car so it will age. These are available at your Hyundai dealer mats periodically to be sure the carpeting is dry. dry without water spots. Don’t rub, this can or auto parts outlet.
  • Page 113
    (If installed) to dry on the painted surfaces. Hyundai. They are: In the normal course of use, leather upholstered surfaces will, like any material, pick-up dust and o Be careful not to spill battery electrolyte or E030B01A-AAT dirt.
  • Page 114
    Using a vacuum cleaner with If you have any questions about the care of the appropriate attachment, remove as much your car, consult your Hyundai dealer. dirt from the carpets as possible. Apply the foam following the manufacturer’s directions, then rub in overlapping circles.
  • Page 115: Vehicle Maintenance Requirements

    These are the regular checks you should per- REQUIREMENTS The maintenance required for your Hyundai can form when you drive your Hyundai or you fill the o Inspection should be performed any time a be divided into three main areas: fuel tank.

  • Page 116
    VEHICLE MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS compliance with conditions of the emissions system warranty. o After 120 months or 150,000 miles (240,000 km), continue to follow the prescribed main- tenance intervals. o For severe usage maintenance require- ments, see page 5-5 of this section. 5- 2…
  • Page 117
    VEHICLE MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS F030A01A-AAT SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE The following maintenance services must be performed to ensure good emission control and performance. Keep receipts for all vehicle emission services to protect your warranty. Where both mileage and time are shown, the frequency of service is determined by whichever occurs first. F030B02Y-AAT R :Replace I : Inspect and, after Inspection, clean, adjust, repair or replace if necessary.
  • Page 118
    VEHICLE MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS F030C05Y-AAT R : Replace I : Inspect and, after inspection, clean, adjust, repair or replace if necessary MILES X 1000 22.5 37.5 52.5 67.5 82.5 97.5 112.5 127.5 142.5 KILOMETERS X 1000 DESCRIPTION MONTHS GENERAL ITEMS DRIVE BELT 2.4DOHC (ALT, W/PUMP, P/STR’G, A/CON) 2.5V6 (AUTO-TENSIONER, ALT, P/STR’G, A/CON) ENGINE COOLANT…
  • Page 119
    VEHICLE MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS F040A03Y-AAT MAINTENANCE UNDER SEVERE USAGE CONDITIONS The following items must be serviced more frequently on cars normally used under severe driving conditions. Refer to the chart below for the appropriate maintenance intervals. R : Replace I : Inspect and, after inspection, clean, adjust, repair or replace if necessary MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE DRIVING…
  • Page 120
    Fuel Lines, Fuel Hoses and Connec- EXPLANATION OF SCHEDULED MAIN- o Air cleaner filter tions A Genuine Hyundai air cleaner filter is recom- TENANCE ITEMS Check the fuel lines, fuel hoses and connec- mended when filter is replaced. F060M01A-AAT tions for leakage and damage.
  • Page 121
    VEHICLE MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS F070E03A-AAT F070H01A-AAT F070M01Y-AAT o Rear Brake Drums and Linings/ o Steering Gear Box, Linkage & Boots/ o Automatic Transaxle Fluid and Filter Parking Brake Lower Arm Ball Joint, Upper Arm The fluid level should be in the «HOT» range of Check the rear brake drums and linings for Ball Joint the dipstick, after the engine and transaxle are…
  • Page 122
    DO-IT-YOURSELF MAINTENANCE 6. DO-IT-YOURSELF MAINTENANCE G010A02Y-GAT ENGINE COMPARTMENT (2.4 DOHC) G010A02Y 1. Engine oil filler cap 4. Clutch fluid reservoir (If installed) 7. Radiator cap 2. Air cleaner 5. Windshield washer fluid reservoir 8. Coolant reservoir cap 3. Brake fluid reservoir 6.
  • Page 123
    DO-IT-YOURSELF MAINTENANCE G010B02Y-AAT ENGINE COMPARTMENT (2.5 V6) G010B03Y 1. Cruise control actuator 5. Power steering fluid reservoir 9. Radiator cap 2. Brake fluid reservoir 6. Engine oil level dipstick 10. Air cleaner 3. Brake booster 7. Engine oil filler cap 11.
  • Page 124
    Windshield glass condition ly, inspect it carefully and seek assistance from o Wiper blade condition your Hyundai dealer if service is needed. o Paint condition and body corrosion o Fluid leaks o Door and hood lock condition…
  • Page 125
    DO-IT-YOURSELF MAINTENANCE G030C01A-AAT G030D01A-AAT G040A01A-AAT To Check the Oil Level Adding Oil CHANGING THE OIL AND FILTER DOHC DOHC DOHC G030C01Y G030D01Y G040A01Y/G040A02Y The engine oil and filter should be changed at Before checking the oil, warm up the engine to If the oil level is close to or below the «LOW»…
  • Page 126
    DO-IT-YOURSELF MAINTENANCE NOTE: 3. Slide underneath the car and loosen the G050B01A-AAT Recommended Engine Coolant drain plug by turning it counterclockwise Always dispose of used engine oil in an with a wrench of the proper size. Be sure environmentally acceptable manner. It is sug- that a drain pan is in position to catch the oil gested that it be placed in a sealed container as it drains out, then remove the drain plug.
  • Page 127
    If the level drops again, visit your 5. Replace the radiator and reservoir caps and Engine Coolant concentration Ambient Hyundai dealer for an inspection and diagnosis check to be sure the drain cocks are fully Antifreeze temperature of the reason.
  • Page 128
    It is recommended that the engine be cool You will find it easier to change spark plugs if plugs recommended by Hyundai. The use of or cold when changing the spark plugs. If the engine is cold. Always change one spark…
  • Page 129
    2. When this is done, the cover can be lifted If the wipers continue to streak or smear the off, the old filter removed and the new filter glass, replace them with genuine Hyundai re- 7. Replace the cable by pushing the insulated put in its place.
  • Page 130
    Recommended Oil 1. Using a wrench of the correct size, loosen The capacity of the washer reservoir is 3.2 U.S. Use only HYUNDAI GENUINE PARTS MTF the oil filler plug by turning it counterclock- quarts (3.0 Liters). 75W/90 (API GL-4) in the manual transaxle.
  • Page 131
    Recommended Fluid 2. Remove the transaxle dipstick, wipe it clean, Your Hyundai automatic transaxle is specially reinsert the dipstick as far as it will go, then designed to operate with DIAMOND ATF SP-III remove it again. Now check the fluid level on or SK ATF SP-III.
  • Page 132
    Because brakes are essential to the safe operation of the car, it is suggested that they be checked and inspected by your Hyundai dealer. The brakes should be checked and inspected for wear at those intervals specified in the vehicle mainte- nance schedule in Section 5.
  • Page 133
    2. If the air coming out of the in-dash vents is Auto tensioner not cold, have the air conditioning system NOTE: inspected by your Hyundai dealer. Do not allow any other liquids to contami- nate the brake fluid. Seal damage will result. CAUTION: 0.315 in.
  • Page 134
    Then, using your hand, press down slowly on to changes in resistance that mark the limits of it is not, have it inspected by your Hyundai the brake pedal until you feel a change in the free-play. If the free-play is greater than dealer and adjusted or repaired if necessary.
  • Page 135
    If this ever happens, other parts of the engine. After a belt is re- brake pedal to the asphalt sheeting under the have a Hyundai dealer determine the cause, placed, the new belt should be adjusted again floor mat.
  • Page 136
    Hyundai ous and should be referred to a Hyundai If any of your car’s lights or other electrical dealer. If you do not have a spare fuse, you dealer for diagnosis and repair.
  • Page 137
    DO-IT-YOURSELF MAINTENANCE G210A01A-AAT o Charge batteries only in a well ventilated condition. CHECKING THE BATTERY area. o Do not permit flames, sparks or smoking in G220B01A-AAT WARNING: the area. Checking Engine Cooling Fan Batteries can be dangerous! When working o Keep children away from the area. The engine cooling fan should come on auto- with batteries, carefully observe the follow- matically if the engine coolant temperature is…
  • Page 138
    Hyundai, you may 1. Allow the bulb to cool. Wear eye protection. bulb against abrasions or scratches and purchase a factory Shop Manual at your Hyundai 2. Always grasp the bulb by its plastic base, against liquids when lighted. Turn on the dealer’s parts department.
  • Page 139
    DO-IT-YOURSELF MAINTENANCE place the headlight if damaged or cracked. 6. Draw the vertical line (through the center of If the vehicle has had front body repair and the Keep the bulb out of the reach of children each headlight) and the horizontal line headlight assembly has been replaced, the and dispose of the used bulb with care.
  • Page 140
    DO-IT-YOURSELF MAINTENANCE G280A03Y-AAT G280A01Y Part Name Wattage Part Name Wattage Head Light (Low/High) 55/55 High Mounted Rear Stop Light Front Fog Light (If installed) Luggage Compartment Light Turn Signal Light License Plate Light Side Mark Light Rear Combination Light Front Door Edge Warning Light Stop/Tail Light 28/8 Map Light…
  • Page 141: Emission Control Systems

    Hyundai dealer in ac- a canister while refueling at the gas station, engine, thereby reducing cylinder combustion…

  • Page 142
    The introduction of large amounts your best source of assistance. of unburned gasoline into the exhaust may o Do not stop your Hyundai over any com- cause the catalytic converter to overheat and bustible material such as grass, paper, create a fire hazard.
  • Page 143
    TIRE INFORMATION The vehicle identification number (VIN) is the dling. The tires supplied on your new Hyundai are number used in registering your car and in all o Higher-than-recommended tire pressures legal matters pertaining to its ownership, etc. It…
  • Page 144
    (12,000 km). If you notice that tires are wearing I040A01S-AAT unevenly between rotations, have the car SNOW TIRES checked by a Hyundai dealer so the cause may If you equip your car with snow tires, they be corrected. should be the same size and have the same After rotating, adjust the tire pressures and be load capacity as the original tires.
  • Page 145
    Using tires and wheels of other than the A tire that is out of balance may affect handling recommended sizes could cause unusu- and tire wear. The tires on your Hyundai were 0.06 in. (1.6 mm) al handling characteristics that could…
  • Page 146
    Hyundai automobiles with infor- The traction grade assigned to this tire is mation on uniform tire quality grading. Your A Hyundai Shop Manual is available from your based on straight-ahead braking traction authorized Hyundai dealer. It’s written for pro-…
  • Page 147
    CONSUMER INFORMATION & REPORTING SAFETY DEFECTS I130D01A-AAT Southern Region: Alabama, Arkansas, Flori- Hyundai motor vehicles are designed and man- da, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Caro- ufactured to meet or exceed all applicable safe- lina, South Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, ty standards.
  • Page 148
    (NHTSA) in addition to notifying motor vehicle safety from the Hotline. HYUNDAI MOTOR AMERICA. If NHTSA receives similar complaints, it may open an investigation, and if it finds that a safety defect exists in a group of vehicles, it may order a recall and remedy campaign.
  • Page 149: Vehicle Specifications

    VEHICLE SPECIFICATIONS J040A02Y-AAT 9. VEHICLE SPECIFICATIONS ELECTRICAL Item 2.4L 2.5L (V6) J010A02Y-AAT MEASUREMENT Battery MF 60AH (12V) MF 68 AH (12V) Generator 95A (13.5 V) Overall length 185.4 in. (4710 mm) Overall width 71.4 in. (1815 mm) Overall height (unladen) 55.5 in.

  • Page 150
    VEHICLE SPECIFICATIONS J070A02Y-AAT ENGINE SPECIFICATIONS ITEMS 2.4L (DOHC) 2.5L (V6) Engine Type 4-Cyl., In-line DOHC 6-Cyl., V-type DOHC Bore x Stroke in. (mm) 3.41 x 3.94 (86.5 x 100) 3.307 x 2.953 (84 x 75) Displacement cu.in. (cc) 143.5 (2,351) 181.4 (2,493) Firing order 1 — 3 — 4 — 2…
  • Page 151
    Cold Climate:SAE 5W-30 5W-40 (BELOW 95°F OR 35°C) 4.5 (3.76, 4.3) 4.77 (3.96, 4.5) 2.2 (1.8, 2.1) Transaxle Manual Hyundai Genuine Parts MTF 75W/90 (API GL-4) 8.2 (6.9, 7.8) Auto DIAMOND ATF SP-III or SK ATF SP-III Engine coolant Ethylene glycol base for aluminum radiator 9.0 (7.6, 8.6)
  • Page 152
    Cooling Fans ………………6-16 Pedal free-play …………….6-13 Corrosion protection Practices ………………. 2-8 ~ 2-9 Cleaning the interior …………….4-3 Breaking-In your New Hyundai ………….. 1-2 Protecting your Hyundai from corrosion ……….4-1 Washing and waxing …………….. 4-2 Cruise Control ………………1-43 10-1…
  • Page 153
    INDEX Defroster Fan Speed Control Rotary type ………………1-47 Push button type …………….1-50 Door Rotary type ………………1-49 Door locks ………………1-3 Fog Light Front door edge warning light …………1-45 Front ………………..1-31 Locking, unlocking front door with a key ……….. 1-3 Front Seats Drink Holder ………………
  • Page 154
    INDEX Push button type …………….1-50 Maintenance under severe usage conditions ……..5-5 Rotary type ………………1-48 Scheduled maintenance …………..5-3 Temperature control …………….. 1-52 Service requirements …………….. 5-1 High-Mounted Rear Stoplight …………… 1-41 Mirrors Hood Release ………………1-42 Day-night inside rearview …………..1-39 Horn …………………
  • Page 155
    INDEX Shop Manual ………………8-4 Traction ………………..8-3 Spark Plugs ……………….. 6-6 Towing Speedometer ………………1-30 A trailer (or vehicle) …………….2-12 Starting Procedure …………….. 2-3 Emergency ………………3-8 Steering Wheel If your car must be towed …………..3-7 Free play ………………6-13 Traction Control System ……………
  • Page 156
    SERVICE STATION INFORMATION MANUAL TRANSAXLE: FUEL: HYUNDAI GENUINE PARTS MTF 75W/90 (API GL-4) Oil level UNLEADED gasoline only should be up to filler-bolt hole in housing beside differential. Pump Octane Rating of 87 (Research Octane Number 91) or higher. AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE:…

Body Repair Manual Hyundai Sonata 2005 г.

Руководство на английском языке по кузовному ремонту автомобиля Hyundai Sonata 2005 года выпуска.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Hyundai Motor Company
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 129
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 11,1 Mb

Electrical Troubleshooting Manual Hyundai Sonata 2005 г.

Руководство на английском языке по ремонту электрооборудования автомобиля Hyundai Sonata 2005 года выпуска.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Hyundai Motor Company
  • Год издания: 2004
  • Страниц:
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 46,6 Mb

Electrical Troubleshooting Manual Hyundai Sonata.

Руководство на английском языке по ремонту электрооборудования автомобиля Hyundai Sonata.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Hyundai Motor Company
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 330
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 21,9 Mb

Service Training Hyundai Sonata NF.

Учебные материалы по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобилей Hyundai Sonata NF и Hyundai NF.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Hyundai Motor Company
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц:
  • Формат: PPT
  • Размер: 194,4 Mb

Shop Manual Hyundai Sonata 1991 г.

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Hyundai Sonata 1991 года выпуска.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Hyundai Motor Company
  • Год издания: 1990
  • Страниц:
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 88,4 Mb

Shop Manual Hyundai Sonata 2005 г.

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Hyundai Sonata 2005 года выпуска.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Hyundai Motor Company
  • Год издания: 2004
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Руководство по ремонту и ТО Hyundai Sonata с 1993 г.

Руководство по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Hyundai Sonata с 1993 года выпуска с бензиновыми двигателями объемом 1,8/2,0/3,0 л.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Арго-Авто
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 256
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 28,7 Mb

Руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации Hyundai Sonata NF с 2006 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации и ремонту автомобилей Hyundai Sonata NF и Hyundai Sonica с 2006 года выпуска с бензиновыми и дизельными двигателями.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Монолит
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 324
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Руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации Hyundai Sonata YF с 2009 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации и ремонту автомобилей Hyundai i45 и Hyundai Sonata YF с 2009 года выпуска с бензиновыми двигателями объемом 2,0/2,4 л.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Монолит
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 346
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Руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации Hyundai Sonata с 2001 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации и ремонту автомобиля Hyundai Sonata с 2001 года выпуска с бензиновыми двигателями объемом 2,0/2,4/2,7 л.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Монолит
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 310
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Руководство по эксплуатации Hyundai Sonata 2001 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию автомобиля Hyundai Sonata 2001 года выпуска.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Hyundai Motor Company
  • Год издания: 2001
  • Страниц: 179
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 10,0 Mb

Руководство по эксплуатации Hyundai Sonata NF 2008 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию автомобиля Hyundai Sonata NF 2008 года выпуска.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Hyundai Motor Company
  • Год издания: 2008
  • Страниц: 448
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 8,1 Mb

Руководство по эксплуатации Hyundai Sonata YF 2010 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию автомобиля Hyundai Sonata NF 2008 года выпуска.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Hyundai Motor Company
  • Год издания: 2010
  • Страниц: 430
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 5,9 Mb

Руководство по эксплуатации, ТО и ремонту Hyundai Sonata NF с 2006 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Hyundai Sonata NF с 2006 года выпуска с бензиновыми двигателями.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Автомастер
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 242
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Устройство, ТО и ремонт Hyundai Sonata NF 2004-2010 г.

Руководство по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Hyundai Sonata NF 2004-2010 годов выпуска с двигателями объемом 2,0/2,4 л.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Легион-Автодата
  • Год издания: 2010
  • Страниц: 407
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Устройство, ТО и ремонт Hyundai Sonata с 2001 г.

Руководство по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Hyundai Sonata с 2001 года выпуска с двигателями объемом 2,0/2,4/2,7 л.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Легион-Автодата
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 408
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Данное руководство содержит информационные материалы по ремонту и обслуживанию автомобиля Hyundai Sonata 4 EF (2001-2012, бензин). Вы найдете инструкции по снятию и установке различных узлов и агрегатов Hyundai Sonata 4 EF, схемы электрооборудования, справочные данные и реккомендации по уходу.

Hyundai Sonata EF (Mark IV, рестайлинг 2001 (V), Sonica) профессиональное руководство по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту с бензиновыми двигателями: G4JP Sirius II 2.0 л (1997 см³) 131-137 л.с./96-101 кВт, 4G64 Sirius II 2.4 л (2351 см³) 142-146 л.с./104-107 кВт и G6BA Delta 2.7 л (2656 см³) 173 л.с./128 кВт; технические характеристики, электросхемы, устройство, диагностика, особенности конструкции. Производственно-практическое издание легковой автомобиль среднего класса Хундай Соната с кузовами четырехдверный седан переднеприводные модели четвёртого поколения после рестайлинга выпуска с 2001 по 2004 год (ТагАЗ до 2012)

ЕСЛИ ВЫ ВИДИТЕ ОШИБКУ 406 Not Acceptable и не видите документ, то скорей всего у Вас IP РФ и его надо сменить, на любой другой страны, с помощью VPN ( Scribd и SlideShare блокируют посетителей с Российским IP).

Видео Hyundai Sonata EF замена ремня ГРМ и роликов, передних тормозных колодок (Хундай Соната 01-04)

Hyundai Sonata V общая информация (Хёндэ Соната 2001-2004)

Установка ремня привода ГРМ.
Хёндэ Соната 2001-2004 Установка ремня привода ГРМ
Хёндэ Соната 2001-2004 Устанавливайте ремень привода ГРМ против часовой стрелки на ролик натяжителя и звёздочку коленчатого вала
1) Устанавливайте ремень привода ГРМ против часовой стрелки на ролик натяжителя и звёздочку коленчатого вала.

Удерживайте ремень на ролике натяжителя левой рукой.
2) Натягивая ремень правой рукой, наденьте его на звёздочку масляного насоса.
3) Наденьте ремень на направляющий ролик.
4) Наденьте ремень на звёздочку впускного распределительного вала.
5) Поверните звёздочку распределительного вала выпускных клапанов по часовой стрелке на один зуб до совмещения метки звёздочки с установочной меткой.
6) Натянув ремень двумя руками, наденьте его на звёздочку распределительного вала выпускных клапанов.
7) Слегка поднимите ролик автоматического натяжителя, чтобы отсутствовало провисание ремня, затем предварительно затяните болт ролика.
8) Проверьте совмещение всех меток звездочек с установочными метками.
9) Извлеките установочный штифт из корпуса автоматического натяжителя.
10) Проверните коленчатый вал на два оборота по часовой стрелке и оставьте неподвижным примерно на 15 минут.
11) Измерьте выступание «А» штока натяжителя (расстояние между рычагом и корпусом натяжителя) и убедитесь, что оно соответствует диапазону номинальных значений.

Номинальное значение ……… 6-8 мм
Хёндэ Соната 2001-2004 Установка ремня привода ГРМ - размеры болтов
12) Затяните болт ролика натяжителя номинальным моментом.
Момент затяжки ……… 43-55 Нм
13) Установите верхнюю и нижнюю крышки ремня привода ГРМ и затяните болты крепления крышек номинальным моментом затяжки.

Момент затяжки:
Болты «А» и «В» ……… 8-10 Нм
Болт «С» ……… 10-12 Нм
14) Установите шкив коленчатого вала, шкив насоса охлаждающей жидкости и установите ремни привода навесных агрегатов.
15) Отрегулируйте натяжение ремней привода навесных агрегатов.

Габаритные размеры Хундай Соната 1998-2004 (dimensions Hyundai Sonata EF)

Основные технические характеристики (General technical specifications) Hyundai Sonata 2003 с мотором 2.4 литра

Спецификация / Specs Данные
Габариты (мм/mm) и масса (кг/kg) / Dimensions and Weight
1 Длина / Length 4747
2 Ширина (без/с зеркалами) / Width 1820
3 Высота (загружен/пустой) / Height 1420
4 Колёсная база / Wheelbase 2700
5 Дорожный просвет (клиренс) / Ground clearance 167⇒154
6 Снаряжённая масса / Total (curb) weight 1420-1480
Полная масса / Gross (max.) weight 2020

Двигатель / Engine

7 Тип / Engine Type, Code Бензиновый, жидкостного охлаждения, четырехтактный, 4G64 Sirius II
8 Количество цилиндров / Cylinder arrangement: Total number of cylinders, of valves 4-цилиндровый, рядный, 16V, DOHC с верхним расположением двух распределительных валов
9 Диаметр цилиндра / Bore 86.5 мм
10 Ход поршня / Stroke 100.0 мм
11 Объём / Engine displacement 2351 см³
12 Система питания / Fuel supply, Aspiration Распределенный впрыск топлива
13 Степень сжатия / Compression ratio 10.0:1
14 Максимальная мощность / Max. output power kW (HP) at rpm 104 кВт (142 л.с.) при 5250 об/мин
15 Максимальный крутящий момент / Max. torque N·m at rpm 218 Нм при 4000 об/мин

Трансмиссия / Transmission

16 Сцепление / Clutch type Однодисковое, сухое, с диафрагменной нажимной пружиной и гасителем крутильных колебаний, постоянно замкнутого типа
17 КПП / Transmission type МКПП 5 пятиступенчатая механическая, двухвальная, с синхронизаторами на всех передачах переднего хода

О Книге

  • Название: Hyundai Sonata устройство, техническое обслуживание, ремонт
  • Бензиновые двигатели: G4JP Sirius II 2.0 л (1997 см³) 131-137 л.с./96-101 кВт, 4G64 Sirius II 2.4 л (2351 см³) 142-146 л.с./104-107 кВт и G6BA Delta 2.7 л (2656 см³) 173 л.с./128 кВт
  • Выпуск с 2001 года
  • Серия: «Авторемонт»
  • Год издания: 2011
  • Автор: Коллектив авторов
  • Издательство: «Ассоциация независимых издателей»
  • Формат: PDF
  • Страниц в книге: 361
  • Размер: 210.05 МБ
  • Язык: Русский
  • Количество электросхем: более 60

Hyundai Sonata EF руководство по эксплуатации, техобслуживанию и ремонту

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