Руководство генератора stamford

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ManualsLib has more than 6 Stamford Portable Generator manuals

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Document Type


UCD 224

Installation, Service & Maintenance Manual

UCD 274

Installation, Service & Maintenance Manual

UCI 224

Installation, Service & Maintenance Manual

UCI 274

Installation, Service & Maintenance Manual

UCM 224

Installation, Service & Maintenance Manual

UCM 274

Installation, Service & Maintenance Manual

 / Руководство серия BC
 / 2

Перед эксплуатацией генераторного агрегата внимательно прочтите настоящее руководство, а также всю дополнительную документацию, поставленную вместе с ним. При проектировании данного продукта были предприняты особые меры предосторожности для обеспечения его безопасной работы. Неправильное соблюдение или несоблюдение правил техники безопасности, приведенных в руководстве, может привести к несчастным случаям.

Прочтите руководство и убедитесь в том, что весь персонал, работающий с данным оборудованием, имеет доступ к данному руководству. Руководство следует рассматривать как часть продукции и хранить вместе с продуктом. Проследите за тем, чтобы данное руководство оставалось доступным для всех пользователей в течение всего срока службы продукта.

Данное руководство содержит рекомендации и инструкции по установке, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту генератора.

В рамках данного руководства не представляется возможным обучить читателя основам и навыкам в области электричества и машиностроения, необходимым для безопасного выполнения процедур, предусмотренных данным руководством. Настоящее руководство написано для квалифицированного технического персонала и инженеров в области электротехники и машиностроения, владеющих соответствующими знаниями и обладающих опытом работы с генераторным оборудованием данного типа.

Мы предлагаем ряд учебных курсов, охватывающих все аспекты, связанные с генераторами STAMFORD.


1 8 4 D 1 (пример)

P — Тип генератора

I = промышленное, M = морское

1 — Размер корпуса

8 — 18 = высота центра в см.

4 — Количество полюсов: 2 или 4

CРазмер сердечника

1 — Количество опор: 1 или 2


Продукт представляет собой управляемый при помощи АРН синхронный генератор переменного тока с самовозбуждением. Предназначен для работы в составе генераторного агрегата. (В соответствии с европейскими директивами, генераторный агрегат определяют как «механизм»).

Каждый генератор имеет уникальный серийный номер, выбитый на верхней части стороны привода корпуса.

Серийный номер также указан на паспортной табличке.

Две другие бирки расположены внутри клеммной коробки и закреплены внутри нее — одна на металлическом листе, а другая на основном корпусе генератора. Ни одна из этих бирок не считается постоянно закрепленной.

Генератор оснащен самоклеющейся этикеткой – табличкой с техническими данными – для облегчения подгонки после окончательной сборки и окраски. Наклейте паспортную табличку снаружи неприводной части клеммной коробки. Поверхность, предназначенная для приклеивания бирки, должна быть плоской и чистой. Перед приклеиванием бирки следует убедиться в том, что окрашенная поверхность успела высохнуть. Рекомендуется следующий метод приклеивания бирки: отклеить и отвернуть достаточное количество бумажной основы, обнажив приблизительно по 20 мм липкого слоя вдоль края бирки, предназначенного для приклеивания к выступающим поверхностям листового металла. После того, как эта первая часть бирки будет осторожно размещена и приклеена на место, постепенно отклейте бумажную основу и разгладьте бирку движением вниз, используя чистую ткань. Клей схватывается через 24 часа.

Для некоторых агрегатов имеются заводские паспортные таблички из металла.

Осторожно: Не допускайте превышения параметров, обозначенных на табличке с техническими данными.

(Ocr-Read Summary of Contents of some pages of the Stamford AC generators Document (Main Content), UPD: 20 April 2023)

  • 37, PARTS LIST TYPICAL TWO BEARING GENERATOR Plate Ref. Description 1 Stator 2 Rotor 3 Exciter Rotor 4 Exciter Stator 5 N.D.E. Bracket 6 Cover N.D.E. 7 Bearing ‘O’ Ring N.D.E. 8 Bearing N.D.E. 9 Bearing Wave Washer.D.E. 10 D.E. Bracket 11 D.E. Screen 12 Bearing D.E. 13 14 Foot 15 Frame Cover Bottom 16 Frame Cover Top 17 Air Inlet Cover 18 Terminal Box Lid 19 Endpanel D.E. 20 Endpanel N.D.E. 21 AVR 22 Side Panel 23 AVR Mounting Bracket 24 Main Rectifier …

  • 23, SECTION 7 SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE As part of routine maintenance procedures, periodic attention to winding condition (particularly when generators have been idle for a long period) and bearings is recommended. (Refer to subsections 7.1 and 7.2 respectively). When generators are fitted with air filters regular inspection and filter maintenance is required. (Refer to subsection 7.3). 7.1 WINDING CONDITION Service and fault finding procedures present hazards wh…

  • 15, 4.7 LOAD TESTING During testing it may be necessary to remove covers to adjust controls exposing ‘live’ terminals or components. Only personnel qualified to perform electrical service should carry out testing and/or adjustments. Refit all access covers after adjustments are completed. …

  • 35, PARTS LIST TYPICAL SINGLE BEARING GENERATOR Plate Ref. Description 1 Stator 2 Rotor 3 Exciter Rotor 4 Exciter Stator 5 N.D.E. Bracket 6 Cover N.D.E. 7 Bearing ‘O’ Ring N.D.E. 8 Bearing N.D.E. 9 Bearing Circlip N.D.E. 10 D.E. Bracket/Engine Adaptor 11 D.E. Screen 12 Coupling Disc 13 Couplimg Bolt 14 Foot 15 Frame Cover Bottom 16 Frame Cover Top 17 Air Inlet Cover 18 Terminal Box Lid 19 Endpanel D.E. 20 Endpane…

  • 19, SECTION 6 ACCESSORIES Generator control accessories may be fitted, as an option, in the generator terminal box. If fitted at the time of supply, the wiring diagram(s) in the back of this book shows the connections. When the options are supplied separately, fitting instructions are provided with the accessory. The following matrix indicates availability of accessories with the differing AVRs. Note the SX460 is not s…

  • 21, 6.4.1 RESETTING THE BREAKER In the event of operation of the circuit breaker, indicated by loss of generator output voltage, manual resetting is required. When in the «tripped» state the circuit breaker switch lever shows «OFF». To reset move the switch lever to the position showing «ON». When fitted in the generator, access to the breaker is gained by removal of the AVR access cover. Terminals which are LIVE with the generating s…

  • 39, PARTS LIST TYPICAL TWO BEARING (SERIES 5) GENERATOR Plate Ref. Description 1 Stator 2 Rotor 3 Exciter Rotor 4 Exciter Stator 5 N.D.E. Bracket 6 Cover N.D.E. 7 Bearing ‘O’ Ring N.D.E. 8 Bearing N.D.E. 9 Bearing Wave Washer N.D.E. 10 D.E. Bracket 11 D.E. Screen 12 Bearing D.E. 13 14 Foot 15 Frame Cover Bottom 16 Frame Cover Top 17 Air Inlet Cover 18 Terminal Box Lid 19 Endpanel D.E. 20 Endpanel N.D.E. 21 Series 5 Control Gear 22 …

  • 28, 7.4.5 MX341 AVR — FAULT FINDING No voltage build-up when starting set 1. Check link K1-K2 on auxiliary terminals 2. Follow Separate Excitation Test Procedure to check machine and AVR. Refer to subsection 7.5. Loss of voltage when set runninig 1. First stop and restart set. If no voltage or voltage collapses after short time, follow Separate Excitation Test Procedure. Refer to subsection 7.5. Generator voltage high foll…

  • 11, Stamford AC generators 4.2.2 TWO BEARING GENERATORS A flexible coupling should be fitted and aligned in accordance with the coupling manufacturer’s instruction. If a close coupling adaptor is used the alignment of machined faces must be checked by offering the generator up to the engine. Shim the generator feet if necessary. Ensure adaptor guards are fitted after generator/engine assembly is complete. Open coupled sets require a suitable g…

  • 31, 3. Set the AVR VOLTS control potentiometer fully clockwise. 4. Connect a 12V, 1.0A DC supply to the exciter field leads X & XX (F1 & F2) with X (F1) to the positive. 5. Start the generating set and run at rated speed. 6. Check that the generator output voltage is within +/-10% of rated voltage. Voltages at AVR terminals 7-8 on SX460 AVR or P2-P3 on SX440 or SX421 AVR should be between 170 and 250 volts. If the generator out…

  • 6, SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 INTRODUCTION The UC22/27 range of generators is of brushless rotating field design, available up to 660V/50Hz (1500 rpm) or 60Hz (1800 rpm), and built to meet BS5000 Part 3 and international standards. All the UC22/27 range are self-excited with excitation power derived from the main output windings, using either the SX460/SX440/SX421 AVR. The UC22 is also available with specific windings …

  • 27, 7.4.2 SX440 AVR — FAULT FINDING No voltage build-up when starting set 1. Check link K1-K2 on auxiliary terminals. 2. Check speed 3. Check residual voltage. Refer to subsection 7.4.7. 4. Follow Separate Excitation Test Procedure to check generator and AVR. Refer to subsection 7.5. Unstable voltage either on no-load or with load 1. Check speed stability. 2. Check stability setting. Refer to subsection 4.6. High voltage either on no-load or with load 1. Check s…

  • 14, 4.4.5 TRANSFORMER CONTROLLED EXCITATION SYSTEM (Series 5) This control system is identified with the digit 5 as the last digit of the frame size quoted on the nameplate. The excitation control is factory set for the specific voltage shown on the nameplate and requires no adjustment. 4.5 GENERATOR SET TESTING During testing it may be necessary to remove covers to adjust controls exposing ‘live’ terminals or components. Only personnel qualified to perf…


  • 8, SECTION 3 APPLICATION OF THE GENERATOR The generator is supplied as a component part for installation in a generating set. It is not, therefore, practicable to fit all the necessary warning/hazard labels during generator manufacture. The additional labels required are packaged with this Manual, together with a drawing identifying their locations. (See below). …

  • 25, Blown Air Drying Remove the covers from all apertures to allow the escape of the water-laden air. During drying, air must be able to flow freely through the generator in order to carry off the moisture. Direct hot air from two electrical fan heaters of around 1 – 3 kW into the generator air inlet apertures. Ensure the heat source is at least 300mm away from the windings to avoid over heating and damage to the insulation. Apply the heat and plot…

  • 16, Stamford AC generators EXC TRIP (Excitation Trip) AVR Types MX341 and MX321 An AVR supplied from a permanent magnet generator inherently delivers maximum excitation power on a line to line or line to neutral short circuit or large overload. In order to protect the generator windings the AVR incorporates an over excitation circuit which detects high excitation and removes it after a pre-determined time, i.e. 8-10 seconds. Symptoms …

  • 26, Ground V and W phase and megger U phase to ground Ground U and W phase and megger V phase to ground Ground U and V phase and megger W phase to ground If the minimum value of 1.0MΩ is not obtained, drying out must be continued and the test repeated. 7.2 BEARINGS All bearings are supplied sealed for life and are, therefore, not regreasable. Important ! The life of a bearing in service is subject to the …

Table of Contents for Stamford AC generators:

  • Ground V and W phase and megger U phase to ground Ground U and W phase and megger V phase to ground Ground U and V phase and megger W phase to ground If the minimum value of 1.0MΩ is not obtained, drying out must be continued and the test repeated. 7.2 BEARINGS All bearings are supplied sealed for life and are, therefore, not regreasable. Important ! The life of a bearing in service is subject to the working conditions and the environment. Important ! Long stationary pe

  • 4.7 LOAD TESTING During testing it may be necessary to remove covers to adjust controls exposing ‘live’ terminals or components. Only personnel qualified to perform electrical service should carry out testing and/or adjustments. Refit all access covers after adjustments are completed. 4.7.1 AVR CONTROLLE

  • REGISTERED OFFICE AND ADDRESS: BARNACK ROAD STAMFORD LINCOLNSHIRE PE9 2NB ENGLAND Telephone: 44 (0) 1780 484000 Fax: 44 (0) 1780 484100 SUBSIDIARY COMPANIES 1. AUSTRALIA : NEWAGE ENGINEERS PTY. LIMITED PO Box 6027, Baulkham Hills Business Centre, Baulkham Hills NSW 2153. Telephone: Sydney (61) 2 9680 2299 Fax: (61) 2 9680 1545 2. CHINA: WUXI NEWAGE ALTERNATORS LI

  • RAMP AVR Type MX321 The RAMP potentiometer enables adjustment of the time taken for the generator’s initial build up to normal rated voltage during each start and run up to speed. The potentiometer is factory set to give a ramp time of three seconds, which is considered to be suitable for most applications. This time can be reduced to one second by turning the pot. fully counter clockwise, and increased to eight secon

  • SECTION 8 SPARES AND AFTER SALES SERVICE 8.1 RECOMMENDED SPARES Service parts are conveniently packaged for easy identification. Genuine parts may be recognised by the Nupart name. We recommend the following for Service and Maintenance. In critical applications a set of these service spares should be held with the generator. AVR Controlled Generators 1. Diode Set (6 diodes with surge suppressor)

  • SECTION 5 INSTALLATION — PART 2 5.1 GENERAL The extent of site installation will depend upon the generating set build, e.g. if the generator is installed in a canopied set with integral switchboards and circuit breaker, on site installation will be limited to connecting up the site load to the generating set output terminals . In this case reference should be made to the generating set manufacturer’s instruction book and any pertinent local regulations. If the generator has been instal

  • EXC TRIP (Excitation Trip) AVR Types MX341 and MX321 An AVR supplied from a permanent magnet generator inherently delivers maximum excitation power on a line to line or line to neutral short circuit or large overload. In order to protect the generator windings the AVR incorporates an over excitation circuit which detects high excitation and removes it after a pre-determined time, i.e. 8-10 seconds. Symptoms of incorrect setting are the generator output collapses on load or small overload, and the LED is permanently i

  • 4.2.2 TWO BEARING GENERATORS A flexible coupling should be fitted and aligned in accordance with the coupling manufacturer’s instruction. If a close coupling adaptor is used the alignment of machined faces must be checked by offering the generator up to the engine. Shim the generator feet if necessary. Ensure adaptor guards are fitted after generator/engine assembly is complete. Open coupled sets require a suita

  • PARTS LIST TYPICAL TWO BEARING (SERIES 5) GENERATOR Plate Ref. Description 1 Stator 2 Rotor 3 Exciter Rotor 4 Exciter Stator 5 N.D.E. Bracket 6 Cover N.D.E. 7 Bearing ‘O’ Ring N.D.E. 8 Bearing N.D.E. 9 Bearing Wave Washer N.D.E. 10 D.E. Bracket 11 D.E. Screen 12 Bearing D.E. 13 14 Foot 15 Frame Cover Bottom 16 Frame Cover Top 17 Air Inlet Cover 18 Terminal Box Lid 19 Endpanel D.E. 20 Endpanel N.D.E. 21 Series 5 Control Gear 22 Side Panel 23 24 Main

  • 6.4.1 RESETTING THE BREAKER In the event of operation of the circuit breaker, indicated by loss of generator output voltage, manual resetting is required. When in the «tripped» state the circuit breaker switch lever shows «OFF». To reset move the switch lever to the position showing «ON». When fitted in the generator, access to the breaker is gained by removal of the AVR access cover. Terminals w

  • Installation, Service & Maintenance Manual AC generators with the following for prefixes: UCI; UCM; UCD 224 & 274 .

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