Руководство для айком

  • 1. Первоначальная настройка системы iiko и модулей

    • 1.1 Настройка параметров ресторана

    • 1.2 Настройка схемы зала

  • 2. Концепции

    • 2.1 Концепции — варианты использования и настройка

  • 3. Номенклатура

    • 3.1 Создание справочника номенклатуры, заведение товаров

    • 3.2 Создание блюд и заполнение технологических карт

    • 3.3 Групповое изменение технологических карт

    • 3.4 Модификаторы

    • 3.5 Свободный модификатор

    • 3.6 Создание бизнес-ланча или конструктор блюд

  • 4. Склад, складские документы и отчеты

    • 4.1 Создание приходной накладной

    • 4.2 Внутренние перемещения

    • 4.3 Акт переработки

    • 4.4 Инвентаризация

    • 4.5 Быстрая инвентаризация Кухни и Бара с использованием iikoFront

    • 4.6 Расход продуктов (Акт реализации и Акт списания)

    • 4.7 Расход продуктов (реализация и списание)

    • 4.8 Товарный отчет

  • 5. ЕГАИС и Алкогольная декларация

    • 5.1 Функционал, принцип работы, составления и сдачи

    • 5.2 ЕГАИС. Вскрытие тары в iikoFront 5.5 и iikoFront 4.5

  • 6. Кадры, зарплата, персонал

    • 6.1 Прием и увольнение сотрудников, права доступа

    • 6.2 Ручной расчет зарплаты (без учета явок)

    • 6.3 Выдача зарплаты

    • 6.4 Платежная ведомость

    • 6.5 Доработки кадрового блока, для версия 2.0 и выше

  • 7. Прейскурант, меню

    • 7.1 Быстрое меню

  • 8. Дисконтная система

    • 8.1 Дисконтная система: назначение скидки вручную

    • 8.2 Дисконтная система: назначение скидки по карте

    • 8.3 Дисконтная система: автоматические скидки

  • 9. Продажи и выручка

    • 9.1 Принятие кассовой смены

    • 9.2 Количественный учет ваучеров

    • 9.3 Отчеты по продажам и выручке

  • 10. Банкеты и резервы

    • 10.1 Отчетность по банкетам

    • 10.2 Работа с банкетами

    • 10.3 Работа с резервами

  • 11. Финансовый учет

    • 11.1 Обзор плана счетов

    • 11.2 Создание счета в плане счетов

    • 11.3 Ввод начального капитала

    • 11.4 Движение денежных средств

    • 11.5 Оплата накладных

    • 11.6 Операции с подотчетом

    • 11.7 Учет дебиторской задолженности

    • 11.8 Работа с услугами

    • 11.9 Ограничение доступа к финансам

  • 12. Загрузка данных из iiko в 1с

    • 12.1 Выгрузка из iiko в 1С через сервер и файл

    • 12.2 Установка компонента «Выгрузка 1С» и обработчика загрузки данных (1С 8.2)

    • 12.3 Загрузка данных из iiko в 1С 8.2

    • 12.4 Установка компонента «Выгрузка 1С» и обработчика загрузки данных (1С 7.7)

    • 12.5 Загрузка данных из iiko в 1С 7.7

  • 13. Дополнительные возможности, интересные функции iiko

    • 13.1 Автоматическое добавление блюда в заказ

    • 13.2 Автоматическая печать блюда при добавлении в заказ

    • 13.3 Печать этикеток для штучных товаров

    • 13.4 Фасовка и маркировка товаров на весах CAS LP

    • 13.5 Терминалы сбора данных

    • 13.6 Блокировка кассы при открытом денежном ящике

  • 14. Служба доставки (iikoCallCenter и iikoDelivery)

    • 14.1 iikoCallCenter — автоматизация служб доставки

    • 14.2 Права доступа для работы в режиме call центра

    • 14.3 Регистрация терминалов доставки

    • 14.4 Справочники улиц и клиентов доставки

    • 14.5 Общие правила работы со справочниками доставки

    • 14.6 Прием заказа в call центре от нового клиента

    • 14.7 Прием заказа в call центре от существующего клиента

    • 14.8 Статусы и редактирование заказов в call центре

    • 14.9 Проблемные заказы на доставку

    • 14.10 Контроль обработки заказов в call центре

    • 14.11 Конфликты и черновики

    • 14.12 Отмена доставки в Call центре

    • 14.13 iikoDelivery — настройка конфигурационных файлов

    • 14.14 iikoDelivery — настройка торгового предприятия, осуществляющего доставку

    • 14.15 Настройки доставки

    • 14.16 Начало работы. Терминал доставки

    • 14.17 iikoDelivery — настройка должностей и прав доступа

    • 14.18 iikoDelivery — ввод нового заказа на доставку

    • 14.19 iikoDelivery — ввод заказа и предоставление скидки

    • 14.20 iikoDelivery — самостоятельный выбор курьера

    • 14.21 Назначение курьера

    • 14.22 iikoDelivery — типовая схема работы с заказом

    • 14.23 Приготовление заказа, печать на хукню

  • 15. Бонусно-платаежная система Platius (ака iikoNET)

    • 15.1 Использование iiko.NET

    • 15.2 Подключение платежной системы iiko.NET

    • 15.3 Использование электронного флаера iiko.NET (часть №1)

    • 15.4 Использование электронного флаера iiko.NET (часть №2)

    • 15.5 Использование электронного флаера iiko.NET (часть №3)

    • 15.6 Начисление бонусов iiko.NET и оплата по штрихкоду

    • 15.7 Начисление бонусов iiko. NET по промо коду на гостевом чеке

    • 15.8 Начисление бонусов iiko.NET по промо коду на фискальном чеке

    • 15.9 Ступенчатый бонус iiko.NET

    • 15.10 Приветственный бонус iiko.NET

    • 15.11 Бонусные коэффициенты для блюд в iiko.NET

    • 15.12 Категории гостей в iiko.NET

    • 15.13 Как ограничить выдачу бонусов iiko.NET для банкетов и корпоративов

    • 15.14 Настройка печати гостевого чека на сайте iiko.Biz

    • 15.15 Карты iiko.NET — операции в iikoFront (часть №1)

    • 15.16 Карты iiko.NET — работа с картами на iiko.Biz (часть №2)

  • 16. Депозитно-платежная система iikoCard

    • 16.1 iikoCard — бслуживание гостей по клубной системе Карта на входе

    • 16.2 iikoCard — шаблоны для карт

  • 17. Кухонный экран повара iikoSousChef

    • 17.1 iikoSousChef — кухонный экран

  • Contents

  • Table of Contents

  • Troubleshooting

  • Bookmarks

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Related Manuals for Icom IC-7000

Summary of Contents for Icom IC-7000

  • Page 1
  • Page 2: Supplied Accessories

    We want to take a cou- ple of moments of your time to thank you for making the IC-7000 your radio of choice, and hope you agree with Icom’s philosophy of “technology first.” Many hours of research and development went into the de- sign of your IC-7000.

  • Page 3: Front Panel

    ILLUSTRATIONS Front panel HM-151 SPCH TUNER /LOCK /CALL MODE GENE F-INP ⁄3 ⁄2 ⁄1 ⁄0 Mic element The front panel and HM-151’s panel descriptions are descrived on pages 1 to 4, and on page 9, respectively (see the Chapter 1 (Panel descrip- tion) for more details).

  • Page 4
    ■ Front panel q AF GAIN CONTROL [AF] (inner control; p. 33) w RF GAIN CONTROL/SQUELCH CONTROL [RF/SQL] (outer control; p. 35) e POWER KEY [PWR] (p. 25) r FRONT PANEL LATCH (p. 16) t PASSBAND TUNING/M-ch/RIT CONTROLS [PBT/M-ch/RIT] (pgs. 73, 77, 86, 100, 104) y TWIN PBT (M-ch/RIT) INDICATOR (pgs.
  • Page 5
    fier will be damaged. Use Icom microphones only (supplied or optional). Other manufacturer’s microphones have different pin assign- ments, and connection to the IC-7000 may damage the transceiver. For U.S.A. only Caution: Changes or modifications to this transceiver, not expressly approved by Icom Inc., could void your…
  • Page 6: Table Of Contents

    TABLE OF CONTENTS IMPORTANT …………………………………………i-1 FOREWORD ………………………………………… i-1 EXPLICIT DEFINITIONS …………………………… i-1 SUPPLIED ACCESSORIES …………………………i-1 ILLUSTRATIONS ……………………………………i-2 ■ Front panel ……………………………………… i-3 ■ Microphone (HM-151) ………………………… i-3 PRECAUTIONS ………………………………………ii TABLE OF CONTENTS …………………………… iii 1 PANEL DESCRIPTION ………………… 1–14 ■ Front panel ………………………………………… 1 ■…

  • Page 7
    4 Paddle Polarity ……………………………… 50 5 Keyer Type ………………………………… 50 6 MIC U/D Keyer (HM-103) ………………… 50 D Paddle operation from [MIC] connector …… 50 ■ Operating RTTY (FSK) ………………………… 51 D Convenient functions for receive …………… 52 D RTTY reverse mode ………………………… 53 D Twin peak filter ……………………………………
  • Page 8
    TABLE OF CONTENTS D Selecting a memory channel using the memory channel list……………… 103 D Setting a memory channel as a select memory ………………………… 104 D Selecting a memory bank ………………… 104 D Memory names ……………………………… 105 ■ Memory clearing ……………………………… 106 D Memory clearing using the memory channel list…………………
  • Page 9
    17 Tuner (Auto Start) ………………………… 130 18 Tuner (PTT start) …………………………… 131 19 [TUNER] Switch …………………………… 131 20 VSEND Select ……………………………… 131 21 SPEECH Level …………………………… 131 22 SPEECH Language ……………………… 131 23 SPEECH Speed …………………………… 131 24 SPEECH S-Level ………………………… 132 25 SPEECH [MODE] Switch ……………………
  • Page 10: Panel Description

    PANEL DESCRIPTION ■ Front panel q AF GAIN CONTROL [AF( ➥ Rotate to vary the audio output level from the speaker or headphones. Audio outut decreases Push momentarily to enter the set mode menu. • Push again to exit the set mode menu. w RF GAIN CONTROL/SQUELCH CONTROL [RF/SQL] (outer control;…

  • Page 11
    ✔ What is the PBT control? PBT electronically narrows the IF passband width to reject interference. This transceiver uses DSP to implement PBT. ➥ While M-ch/RIT is selected: ● Rotate the inner control to select a memory ● channel number (p. 100). ●…
  • Page 12
    PANEL DESCRIPTION !0 MANUAL NOTCH KEY [MNF/ADJ] (p. 81) ➥ Push momentarily to turn the manual notch func- tion ON and OFF in SSB, CW and AM modes. • “ ” appears on the display when the function is ac- tivated.
  • Page 13
    !9 TUNING STEP KEY [TS] (pgs. 30–32) ➥ While in SSB/CW/RTTY modes, push momentar- ily to turn the programmable tuning step ON and OFF. While in AM/FM/WFM modes, push mo- mentarily to toggle the programmable tuning step and 1 MHz quick tuning step. •…
  • Page 14: Multi-Function Keys

    PANEL DESCRIPTION ■ Multi-function keys D Menu M-1 functions SPLIT OPERATION ➥ Push momentarily to toggle the split func- tion ON and OFF. (p. 89) • “ ” and transmit frequency appear when the split function is ON. ➥ Push and hold for 1 sec. to turn the quick split function ON.

  • Page 15
    DURING FM/WFM OPERATIONS: VOX FUNCTION (p. 83) ➥ Push momentarily to toggle the VOX func- tion ON and OFF. • “ ” appears when the VOX function is ➥ Push and hold for 1 sec. to enter the VOX set mode. •…
  • Page 16: D Menu S-1 Functions

    PANEL DESCRIPTION D Menu S-1 functions DURING SSB/AM OPERATION: DURING CW OPERATION: KEY MET DURING RTTY OPERATION: DURING FM/WFM OPERATIONS: VO (p. 93) Push to enter the voice recorder mode. • The voice TX/RX menu or voice root menu appears depending on the “V V O O I I C C E E 1 1 s s t t M M e e n n u u ”…

  • Page 17: D Menu S-3 Functions

    D Menu S-3 functions MEMORY WRITE (pgs. 101, 102) Push and hold for 1 sec. to store the dis- played VFO frequency and operating mode into the selected memory channel. MEMO PAD WRITE (p. 109) Push to store the displayed VFO fre- quency and operating mode into a memo pad.

  • Page 18
    ➥ Pushing the same key 2 or 3 times calls up other stacked frequencies in the band. (p. 28) • Icom’s triple band stacking register memorizes 3 fre- quencies in each band. ➥ After pushing [(F-INP)ENT], enter a numeric fre- quency, followed by pressing [(F-INP)ENT] again.
  • Page 19: Microphone Connector

    D Microphone connector MICROPHONE CONNECTOR INFORMATION Rear panel view HM-151 q +8 V DC output w Frequency up/down e M8V SW r PTT t GND (Microphone ground) y Microphone input u GND i DATA IN HM-103 q +8 V DC output w Frequency up/down e M8V SW r PTT…

  • Page 20: Rear Panel

    (p. 142) ➥ Designed for use with a personal computer for re- mote control of the transceiver functions. ➥ Used for transceiver operation with another Icom CI-V transceiver or receiver. y TUNER CONTROL SOCKET [TUNER] (p. 20) Accepts the control cable from an optional AH-4…

  • Page 21
    D DATA socket DATA PIN No. NAME DATA IN Input terminal for data transmit. (1200 bps: AFSK/9600 bps: G3RUH, GMSK) Common ground for DATA IN, DATA OUT and AF OUT. PTT terminal for packet operation. Connect to ground to activate the transmitter. PTT P When grounded, microphone input (pin 6) of [MIC] connector will be disconnected.
  • Page 22: Function Display

    PANEL DESCRIPTION • When connecting the ACC conversion cable (OPC-599) Connect to ACC socket 9 10 11 12 ■ Function display q FREQUENCY READOUT Shows the operating frequency. w METER READOUTS ➥ Shows received signal strength while receiving. ➥ Shows either transmit power meter (Po), SWR, ALC or compression level meter (COM) while transmitting.

  • Page 23
    !1 SPLIT INDICATOR (pgs. 89, 90) Appears during split operation. !2 IF FILTER INDICATOR (p. 75) Shows the selected IF filter number. !3 PASSBAND WIDTH INDICATOR (p. 75, 77) Graphically displays the passband width for twin PBT operation and center frequency for IF shift op- eration.
  • Page 24: Antenna Connection

    In this case, an antenna tuner is used to match the transceiver and antenna. Low SWR allows full power for transmitting even when using the antenna tuner. The IC-7000 has an SWR meter to monitor the an- tenna SWR continuously. Protect your transceiver from lightning…

  • Page 25: D Front Panel Separation

    ■ Installation D Single body mounting MB-62 (optional) Supplied with the MB-62* Flat washer *CAUTION: Non-supplied screws (longer than 8 mm) may damage the internal units. D Front panel separation q While pulling the front panel latch towards you, slide the front panel to the left (fig. 1). w Attach the optional OPC-1443 to the main body and tighten the supplied screw as in fig.

  • Page 26: Required Connections

    INSTALLATION AND CONNECTIONS ■ Required connections STRAIGHT KEY DATA 2 m/70 cm ANTENNA MICROPHONE (p. 10) HM-151 RTTY TERMINAL UNIT (p. 23) ANT2 ANT1 DC 13.8V DC POWER SUPPLY (p.19) AC outlet A DC power supply 13.8 V; at least 25 A Black GROUND (p.

  • Page 27: Advanced Connections

    ■ Advanced connections DATA SOCKET (p. 12) 6-pin mini DIN socket to connect to a TNC, etc. for packet operation. VIDEO OUT to [VOUT] jack Vout 3.5(d) mm SOCKET (p. 12) DATA REMOTE (p. 142) Used for computer control and transceive operation.

  • Page 28: Power Supply Connections

    12 V battery IMPORTANT! Detailed installation notes for Icom mobile trans- ceivers to be fitted into vehicles are available. Con- tact your Icom dealer or distributor. Before connecting the DC power : positive + terminal : negative _ terminal…

  • Page 29: External Antenna Tuners

    [ACC] [ANT1] IC-7000 Ground • Turn the IC-7000’s power OFF when connecting the AT-180, otherwise, the CPU may malfunction and the AT-180 may not function properly. • The OPC-742 is required when using both the AT- 180 and a 2m/70cm linear amplifier.

  • Page 30: Linear Amplifier Connections

    EXCITER 1&2 Ground : 230 V • The IC-7000 SEND line (ACC connector pin 3) is rate at 16 V/200 mA DC. If this level is exceeded, a larger external relay must be used. 50 Ω coaxial cable ALC (Blue)

  • Page 31: Connections For Cw

    ■ Connections for CW [KEY] Rear panel [ACC] For no break-in operation: Connect an external switch 9 10 11 such as a foot switch; or use the RTTY SEND terminal for 1 2 3 all bands. (See p. 23) [MICROPHONE] See p.

  • Page 32: Connections For Rtty

    INSTALLATION AND CONNECTIONS ■ Connections for RTTY D Connections for RTTY (FSK) Rear panel [ACC] [RTTY] Rear panel view 9 10 11 1 2 3 D Connections for RTTY (AFSK) [ACC] [MIC] 9 10 11 1 2 3 Rear panel view !2 AF out (light blue) [EXT SP]…

  • Page 33: Connections For Packet, Sstv Or Psk

    ■ Connections for packet, SSTV or PSK31 D When connecting to [DATA] socket DATA IN PTTP AF OUT [DATA] (Rear panel) D When connecting to [ACC] socket Rear panel [ACC] Rear panel view SQL* (light green) AF in (pink) AF out (light blue) 9 10 11 MSEND* GND (red)

  • Page 34: Basic Operation

    BASIC OPERATION ■ When first applying power (CPU resetting) Before first applying power, make sure all connec- tions required for your system are complete by refer- ring to Chapter 2. Then, reset the transceiver using the following procedure. Resetting CLEARS all programmed contents in memory channels and returns default values in set mode.

  • Page 35: Vfo Description

    The IC-7000 VFO is somewhat different. The VFO dis- play of the IC-7000 acts like a computer’s window and can show one frequency and one operating mode. You can call up a desired frequency to the VFO with the memo pad-read key (p.

  • Page 36: Vfo Operation

    BASIC OPERATION ■ VFO operation D D Selecting VFO A/VFO B q Select M M — — 1 1 . Menu group selection Push [MENU/GRP] for 1 sec. Selection from: M M , S S or G G (Graphic) Menu selection (Example: M) Push [MENU/GRP] momentarily.

  • Page 37: Selecting An Operating Band

    ■ Selecting an operating band HM-151 SPCH TUNER /LOCK /CALL MODE GENE F-INP BAND REGISTER 1 1.8 MHz 1.900000 MHz CW 3.5 MHz 3.550000 MHz LSB 7 MHz 7.050000 MHz LSB 10 MHz 10.120000 MHz CW 14 MHz 14.100000 MHz USB 18 MHz 18.100000 MHz USB 21 MHz…

  • Page 38: Frequency Setting

    BASIC OPERATION ■ Frequency setting The transceiver has several tuning methods for conve- nient frequency tuning. D D Tuning with the main dial HM-151 SPCH TUNER /LOCK /CALL MODE GENE F-INP D D Direct frequency entry with the microphone’s keypad The HM-151 has a keypad for direct frequency entry as described right.

  • Page 39: D Programmable Tuning Step

    D D Programmable tuning step The operating frequency can be changed in steps of (0.01 (AM/FM/WFM only), 0.1, 1, 5, 9, 10, 12.5, 20, 25 or 100 kHz selectable) for quick tuning. [TS] [DIAL] Appears D D Selecting “kHz” step Programmable tuning steps are available to suit your operating requirements.

  • Page 40
    BASIC OPERATION D D Selecting 1 Hz or 10 Hz step (SSB/CW/RTTY only) When neither the quick tuning step or programmable tuning step “ ” appear, rotating [DIAL] changes the frequency in increments of 1 or 10 Hz. These tuning steps are only available in SSB, CW and RTTY modes.
  • Page 41
    • [TS] switch flow chart SSB/CW/RTTY modes Push momentarily 10 Hz tuning 1 sec. Push 1 sec. 1 Hz tuning Appears ⁄ tuning function (CW/RTTY only) While operating in CW/RTTY, the ⁄ available for critical tuning. Dial sensitivity is reduced ⁄…
  • Page 42: D Auto Tuning Step Function

    BASIC OPERATION D D Auto tuning step function When rotating the tuning dial rapidly, the tuning speed accelerates automatically as selected. q Push [AF( )] momentarily to enter the set mode menu. w Push [F-4 O O T T H H ] to enter the miscellaneous (oth- ers) set mode.

  • Page 43: Operating Mode Selection

    ■ Operating mode selection The following modes are available in the IC-7000: SSB (LSB/USB), CW, CW-R (CW reverse), RTTY, RTTY-R (RTTY reverse), AM, FM and WFM (receive only). To select the desired mode of operation, push [MODE] one or more times, then push [MODE] for 1 sec., if necessary.

  • Page 44: Squelch And Receive (Rf) Sensitivity

    BASIC OPERATION ■ Squelch and receive (RF) sensitivity [RF/SQL] adjusts the RF gain and squelch threshold level. The squelch removes noise output from the speaker (closed position) when no signal is received. • The squelch is particularly effective for FM. It is also avail- able for other modes.

  • Page 45: Meter Function

    ■ Meter function The transceiver has 4 transmit meter functions for your convenience. Select the desired meter with the [F-3 M M E E T T ] in the S S — — 1 1 display. [MENU/GRP] [F-3] q Select S S — — 1 1 . •…

  • Page 46: Lock Functions

    BASIC OPERATION ■ Lock functions The lock function can only be activated when display- ing frequency, not in set mode or memory channel list- ing display. D Dial lock function The dial lock function prevents accidental change caused by [DIAL]. ➥…

  • Page 47: D Setting Output Power

    D Setting output power q Push [AF( )] momentarily to enter the set mode menu. w Push [F-1 Q Q S S ] to enter the quick set mode. e Push [F-1 Y] or [F-2 Z] to select “R R F F P P o o w w e e r r .” r Rotate [DIAL] to set the desired output setting.

  • Page 48: Receive And Transmit

    RECEIVE AND TRANSMIT ■ Operating SSB q Push [ )] to select the desired Y Y ( )]/[ Z Z ( BAND BAND band or push a band key on the HM-151. w Push [MODE] momentarily or push and hold for 1 sec.

  • Page 49: D Convenient Functions For Transmit

    filter settings into the memory channel for easy recall. *The channel center frequencies that are specified by the FCC, show the center frequency of their passband. However, the IC-7000 displays carrier point frequency, so set 1.5 kHz below from FCC channel center frequency.

  • Page 50
    RECEIVE AND TRANSMIT ■ Operating CW q Connect a paddle or straight key as on page 22. w Push [Y Y ( )]/[Z Z ( BAND BAND band or push a band key on the HM-151. e Push [MODE] momentarily to select CW mode. •…
  • Page 51: D Convenient Functions For Receive

    D Convenient functions for receive • Preamp and attenuator (p. 72) ➥ Push [P.AMP/ATT] momentarily to turn the pre- amp ON or OFF. • “ ” appears when the preamp is set to ON. ➥ Push [P.AMP/ATT] for 1 sec. to turn the attenua- tor ON.

  • Page 52: D Cw Reverse Mode

    RECEIVE AND TRANSMIT D CW reverse mode The CW-R (CW Reverse) mode receives CW signals on the reverse sideband like that of LSB and USB modes. Use when interference is near the desired signal and you want to change the interference tone. q Push [MODE] momentarily several times to select CW mode.

  • Page 53: D Cw Pitch Control

    D CW pitch control The received CW audio pitch and monitored CW audio pitch can be adjusted to suit your preferences (300 to 900 Hz) without changing the operating fre- quency. q When CW (CW-R) mode is selected, enter the quick set mode.

  • Page 54: Electronic Cw Keyer

    [F-2] [F-3] [F-4] ¡ Memory keyer send menu ¡Memory keyer root menu The IC-7000 has a number of convenient functions for the electronic keyer that can be accessed from the memory keyer menu. q Push [MODE] to select CW mode.

  • Page 55: D Memory Keyer Send Menu

    Menu group selection Push [MENU/GRP] for 1 sec. Selection from: M M , S S or G G (Graphic) Menu selection (Example: S) Push [MENU/GRP] momentarily. Selection from: S S — — 1 1 , S S — — 2 2 or S S — — 3 3 D Memory keyer send menu Pre-set messages can be sent using the memory keyer send menu.

  • Page 56: D Editing A Keyer Memory

    [F-2] [F-3] [F-4] Memory channel select Selected character • Pre-programmed contents Contents CQ TEST CQ TEST DE ICOM ICOM TEST UR 5NN✽ BK CFM TU QRZ? • Programming contents q Push [MODE] to select CW mode. w Select S S — — 1 1 .

  • Page 57: D Contest Number Set Mode

    D Contest number set mode This menu is used to set the contest (serial) number and incrementing trigger channel, etc. [MODE] [F-1] [MENU/GRP] [F-2] [F-3] [F-4] 1 N N u u m m b b e e r r S S t t y y l l e e This item sets the numbering system used for contest (serial) numbers—…

  • Page 58: D Keyer Set Mode

    RECEIVE AND TRANSMIT D Keyer set mode This set mode is used to set the memory keyer repeat time, dash weight, paddle specifications, keyer type, etc. [MODE] [F-1] [MENU/GRP] [F-2] [F-3] [F-4] 1 K K e e y y e e r r R R e e p p e e a a t t T T i i m m e e When sending CW using the repeat timer, this item sets the time between transmission.

  • Page 59: D Paddle Operation From [Mic] Connector

    D D Keyer set mode (continued) 3 R R i i s s e e T T i i m m e e This item sets the envelop rise time during which the output power reaches the set transmit power. •…

  • Page 60: Operating Rtty (Fsk)

    RECEIVE AND TRANSMIT ■ Operating RTTY (FSK) When using your RTTY terminal or TNC, consult the manual that comes with the RTTY terminal or TNC. q Push [Y Y ( )]/[Z Z ( BAND BAND band or push a band key on the HM-151. w Push [MODE] momentarily to select RTTY mode.

  • Page 61
    D Convenient functions for receive • Preamp and attenuator (p. 72) ➥ Push [P.AMP/ATT] momentarily to turn the pre- amp ON or OFF. • “ ” appears when the preamp is set to ON. ➥ Push [P.AMP/ATT] for 1 sec. to turn the attenua- tor ON.
  • Page 62: D Rtty Reverse Mode

    RECEIVE AND TRANSMIT D RTTY reverse mode Received characters are occasionally garbled when the receive signal is reversed between MARK and SPACE. This reversal can be caused by incorrect TNC connections, settings, commands, etc. To receive a reversed RTTY signal correctly, select RTTY-R (RTTY reverse) mode.

  • Page 63: D Setting The Decoder Threshold Level

    D D Function for the RTTY decoder indication [MENU/GRP] [F-1] [F-2] RTTY tuning meter D D Setting the decoder threshold level Adjust the RTTY decoder threshold level if some characters are displayed when no signal is received. [MENU/GRP] [F-3] [F-4] The transceiver has an RTTY decoder for Baudot (mark freq.: 2125 Hz, shift freq.: 170 Hz, 45 bps).

  • Page 64: D Rtty Decode Set Mode

    RECEIVE AND TRANSMIT D D RTTY decode set mode This set mode is used to set the decode USOS func- tion, etc. [MENU/GRP] [F-1] [F-2] [F-4] 1 R R T T T T Y Y D D e e c c o o d d e e U U S S O O S S This item selects the USOS (UnShift On Space) func- tion of the internal RTTY decoder.

  • Page 65: D Pre-Setting For Using Rtty Terminal Or Tnc

    D Pre-setting for using RTTY terminal or TNC When using your RTTY terminal or TNC, consult the manual that comes with the RTTY terminal or TNC. [AF] [MODE] [MENU/GRP] [F-1] [F-2] [F-4] RTTY mark frequency is set to 2125 Hz. (default) 2125, 1615 and 1275 Hz are available.

  • Page 66
    RECEIVE AND TRANSMIT ■ Operating AM q Push [Y Y ( )]/[Z Z ( )] to select the desired BAND BAND band or push a band key on the HM-151. w Push [MODE] momentarily or push and hold for 1 sec.
  • Page 67
    Convenient functions for receive (continued) • DSP noise reduction (p. 79) ➥ Push [NR/LEV] to turn the DSP noise reduction ON and OFF. • “ ” appears when the DSP noise reduction is set to ➥ Push [NR/LEV] for 1 sec. to enter the noise re- duction level set mode, then rotate [DIAL] to ad- just the DSP noise reduction level.
  • Page 68
    RECEIVE AND TRANSMIT ■ Operating FM q Push [ )] to select the desired Y Y ( )]/[ Z Z ( BAND BAND band or push a band key on the HM-151. w Push [MODE] momentarily or push and hold for 1 sec.
  • Page 69: Tone Squelch Operation

    D Tone squelch operation Tone squelch operation is a method of communica- tions using selective calling. Only received signals having a matching tone will open the squelch. Before communicating using tone squelch, all members of your party must agree on the tone squelch frequency. q Push [MODE] one or more times to select FM mode.

  • Page 70: D Dtcs Operation

    RECEIVE AND TRANSMIT D DTCS operation DTCS function is an another method of communica- tions using selective calling. Only received signals having a matching 3-digit code will open the squelch. q Push [MODE] one or more times to select FM mode.

  • Page 71: D Tone Scan Operation

    D Tone scan operation By monitoring a signal that is being transmitted on a repeater input frequency, you can determine the tone frequency necessary to access a repeater. During tone squelch, DTCS squelch or repeater operation (“ ,” “ ” or “ played), select M M — — 3 3 .

  • Page 72: Repeater Operation

    RECEIVE AND TRANSMIT ■ Repeater operation A repeater amplifies received signals and retransmits them at a different frequency. When using a repeater, the transmit frequency is shifted from the receive fre- quency by an offset frequency. A repeater can be ac- cessed using split frequency operation with the shift frequency set to the repeater’s offset frequency.

  • Page 73: D Repeater Tone Frequency

    D Repeater tone frequency Some repeaters require subaudible tones to be ac- cessed. Subaudible tones are superimposed over your normal signal and must be set in advance. The transceiver has 50 tones from 67.0 Hz to 254.1 Hz. Each memory channel can store a different subaudi- ble tone frequency.

  • Page 74: D Transmit Frequency Monitor Check

    RECEIVE AND TRANSMIT D Transmit frequency monitor check You may be able to receive the other party’s transmit signal directly (called ‘listening on the repeater input’) without having to go through a repeater. Transmit frequency monitor check (XFC) allows you to check this.

  • Page 75: D Storing A Non Standard Repeater

    D Storing a non standard repeater [F-1] [MENU/GRP] [F-2] [F-3] [F-4] q Turn the auto repeater function OFF in the miscel- laneous (others) set mode. (p. 130) w Push [MODE] to select FM mode. e Select M M — — 2 2 . •…

  • Page 76: Hz Tone Burst

    RECEIVE AND TRANSMIT ■ 1750 Hz tone burst A 1750 Hz tone is required to access most European repeaters. ➥ While pushing and holding [PTT], push [F-3 T T O O N N ] in the M M — — 1 1 display during repeater operation. (pgs.

  • Page 77: Dtmf Speed

    D D Programming a DTMF code q Push [MODE] to select FM mode. w Select S S — — 1 1 . • Push and hold [MENU/GRP] for 1 sec. once or twice to select the menu group S S . •…

  • Page 78: Functions For Receive

    This DSP-based simple band scope allows you to dis- play conditions on the selected band, as well as rela- tive strength of signals. The IC-7000 has two modes for the spectrum indication—one is fix mode, and an- other one is center mode.

  • Page 79: D Fix Mode

    D Fix mode Displays signals within the specified frequency range. The selected band conditions can be observed at a glance when using this mode. q Set a mode and frequency. w Select G G — — 1 1 (Scope). • Push and hold [MENU/GRP] for 1 sec. once or twice to select the menu group G G (Graphic).

  • Page 80: D Center Mode

    FUNCTIONS FOR RECEIVE D Center mode Displays signals around the displayed frequency within the selected span. The set frequency is always displayed at the center of the screen. q Set a mode and frequency. w Select G G — — 1 1 (Scope). •…

  • Page 81: Preamp And Attenuator

    Scope set mode (Continued) 1 M M a a x x H H o o l l d d This item turns the peak level holding function ON and OFF. 2 S S c c o o p p e e S S i i z z e e This item toggles the scope size setting between nor- mal and wide.

  • Page 82: Rit Function

    FUNCTIONS FOR RECEIVE ■ RIT function The RIT (Receive Incremental Tuning) function com- pensates for stations transmitting off-frequency. The function shifts the receive frequency up to ±9.999 kHz in 1 Hz steps (10 Hz steps when cancelling the 1 Hz step readout) without moving the transmit fre- quency.

  • Page 83: Agc Function

    ■ AGC function The AGC (auto gain control) controls receiver gain to produce a constant audio output level even when the received signal strength is varied by fading, etc. The transceiver has 3 AGC characteristics (time con- stant; fast, mid, slow) for non-FM/WFM mode. D AGC time constant selection q Select non-FM/WFM mode with [MODE].

  • Page 84: If Filter Selection

    FUNCTIONS FOR RECEIVE ■ IF filter selection The transceiver has 3 passband IF filter widths for each mode. For SSB and CW modes, the passband width can be set from 50 to 3600 Hz in 50 or 100 Hz steps. A total of 41 passband widths are available.

  • Page 85
    D FIlter passband width setting (SSB/CW/RTTY/AM only) q Select SSB, CW, RTTY or AM mode. • Passband widths for FM and WFM modes are fixed and cannot be set. w Select M M — — 1 1 . • Push and hold [MENU/GRP] for 1 sec. once or twice to select the menu group M M .
  • Page 86: Twin Pbt Operation

    FUNCTIONS FOR RECEIVE ■ Twin PBT operation The general PBT (Passband Tuning) function elec- tronically narrows the IF passband width by shifting the IF frequency slightly outside of the IF filter passband to reject interference. This transceiver uses the DSP circuit for the PBT function.

  • Page 87: Noise Blanker

    ■ Noise blanker The noise blanker eliminates pulse-type noise such as from car ignitions. The noise blanker is not avail- able for WFM mode. ➥ Push [NB/ADJ] momentarily to toggle the noise blanker ON and OFF. • “ ” indicator appears when the NB function is ON. When using the noise blanker, received signals may be distorted if they are excessively strong or the noise type is other than impulse.

  • Page 88: Noise Reduction

    FUNCTIONS FOR RECEIVE ■ Noise reduction The noise reduction function enhances desired sig- nals in the presence of noise by using the DSP cir- cuit. The amount of enhancement is adjustable. ➥ Push [NR/LEV] momentarily to toggle the noise re- duction ON and OFF.

  • Page 89: Notch Function

    ■ Notch function This transceiver has auto and manual notch func- tions. The auto notch function automatically attenu- ates up to 3 beat tones, tuning signals, etc., even if they are moving. The manual notch can be set to at- tenuate a frequency via the manual notch filter set mode.

  • Page 90: D Manual Notch Function

    FUNCTIONS FOR RECEIVE D D Manual notch function The manual notch function can be used in SSB, CW, RTTY and AM modes. ➥ Push [MNF/ADJ] momentarily to turn the manual notch function ON and OFF. • “ ” appears when manual notch function is in use. •…

  • Page 91: Voice Squelch Control Function

    ■ Voice squelch control function This function is useful when you don’t want to hear unmodulated signals. When the voice squelch control function is activated, the transceiver checks received signals for voice components. If a receiver signal includes voice components, and the tone of the voice components changes within 1 sec., squelch opens.

  • Page 92: Functions For Transmit

    FUNCTIONS FOR TRANSMIT ■ VOX function The VOX (Voice-Operated Transmission) function switches between transmit and receive with your voice. This function provides an opportunity for hands-free operation or to input log entries into your computer, etc., while operating. q Select a phone mode (SSB, AM, FM) with [MODE]. w Select M M — — 3 3 .

  • Page 93: D Vox Set Mode

    D VOX set mode 1. V V O O X X G G a a i i n n This item adjusts the VOX gain for the VOX (voice ac- tivated transmit) function. This setting can be adjusted from 0 to 100% in 1% steps. •…

  • Page 94: Break-In Function

    ■ Break-in function The break-in function is used in CW mode to automat- ically switch the transceiver between transmit and re- ceive when keying. The IC-7000 is capable of full break-in or semi break-in. D Semi break-in operation During semi break-in operation, the transceiver se-…

  • Page 95: Tx Function

    ■ ∂ ∂ TX function The ∂TX function shifts the transmit frequency up to ±9.999 kHz in 1 Hz steps (10 Hz steps when can- celling the 1 Hz step readout) without moving the re- ceive frequency. q Push [PBT/M-ch/RIT] momentarily to select the M- ch/RIT function, if the twin PBT is selected.

  • Page 96: Monitor Function

    Use headphones to prevent feedback. ■ Speech compressor The IC-7000 has a built-in, low distortion speech com- pressor circuit. This circuit increases your average talk power in SSB mode and is especially useful for DX-ing or noisy condition when the receiving station is having difficulty copying your signal.

  • Page 97: D Compression Level Setting

    D Compression level setting • Pre-setting the transceiver [AF] [MENU/GRP] [F-1] [F-2] [F-3] q Select an SSB mode. w Turn the speech compressor function OFF, if it’s ● Select M M — — 1 1 . ● • Push and hold [MENU/GRP] for 1 sec. once or twice to select the menu group M M .

  • Page 98: Split Frequency Operation

    FUNCTIONS FOR TRANSMIT ■ Split frequency operation Split frequency operation allows you to transmit and receive in the same mode on two different frequencies. The split frequency operation is basically performed using 2 VFO frequencies (VFO A and VFO B) on the main and sub readouts.

  • Page 99: Quick Split Function

    ■ Quick split function When you find a DX station, an important considera- tion is how to set the split frequency. When you push and hold [F-1 S S P P L L ] (M M — — 1 1 ) for 1 sec., split frequency operation is turned ON, the undisplayed VFO is automatically changed according to the plus/minus shift fre- quency programmed in the miscellaneous (others) set…

  • Page 100: D Split Offset Frequency Setting

    FUNCTIONS FOR TRANSMIT D D Split offset frequency setting By setting an often-used split frequency offset in ad- vance, you can operate the quick split function to se- lect split operation at the push of one key. q Push [AF( )] momentarily to enter the set mode menu.

  • Page 101: D Spot Measurement

    ■ Measuring SWR The IC-7000 has a built-in circuit for measuring an- tenna SWR—no external equipment or special adjust- ments are necessary. The IC-7000 can measure SWR in 2 ways—spot mea- surement and plot measurement. D Spot measurement q Select CW or RTTY operation with [MODE].

  • Page 102: D Basic Recording

    VOICE RECORDER FUNCTIONS ■ Digital voice recorder The transceiver has digital voice memories, up to 4 channels for transmit, and up to 99 channels for re- ceive. A maximum message length of 120 sec. can be recorded into a receive channel (total message length for all channels of up to 1500 sec.), and a total mes- sage length of 90 sec.

  • Page 103: D One-Touch Voice Recording

    D One-touch voice recording To record the receiving signal contents immediately, one-touch voice recording is available. q Push and hold [ANF/• REC] for 1 sec. while re- ceiving a signal to start recording. • “ ” blinks. • Records audio into the new channel. w Push and hold [ANF/•…

  • Page 104: Erasing The Recorded Contents

    VOICE RECORDER FUNCTIONS ■ Erasing the recorded contents The recorded contents can be erased independently by channel. q Select S S — — 1 1 . w Push [F-1 V V O O ] to call up the voice recorder menu. •…

  • Page 105: Recording A Message For Transmit

    ■ Recording a message for transmit D Recording To transmit a message using a voice recorder, record the desired message in advance as described below. q Select S S — — 1 1 . w Push [F-1 V V O O ] then [Z Z ( MENU voice root menu.

  • Page 106: Programming A Memory Name For Transmit

    VOICE RECORDER FUNCTIONS ■ Programming a memory name for transmit Memory channels can be tagged with alphanumeric names of up to 5 characters each. Capital letters, small letters, numerals, some symbols (! # $ % & ¥ ? » ‘ ` ^ + – ✱ / . , : ; = < > ( ) [ ] { } | _ and space can be used.

  • Page 107: Sending A Recorded Message

    ■ Sending a recorded message q Select S S — — 1 1 . w Push [F-1 V V O O ] to call up the voice recorder menu. • If the receive voice memory channels screen appears, )] then push [F-2 T T X X ] to select the push [Z Z ( MENU transmit voice memory channel.

  • Page 108: Voice Set Mode

    VOICE RECORDER FUNCTIONS ■ Voice set mode [MENU/GRP] [F-1] [F-2] [F-4] q Select S S — — 1 1 . w Push [F-1 V V O O ] then [Z Z ( MENU voice root menu. • If the voice root menu appears, skip the pushing [Z Z ( )].

  • Page 109: Memory Operation

    ■ Memory channels The transceiver has 501 memory channels including 6 scan edge channels (3 pairs), and 2 call channels. In addition, a total of 5 memory banks (99 memory chan- nel each), A to E, are available for usage by group, etc. Memory mode is very useful for quickly changing to often-used frequencies.

  • Page 110: D Programming In Vfo Mode

    MEMORY OPERATION ■ Memory programming Memory channel programming can be performed ei- ther in VFO mode or in memory mode. D Programming in VFO mode q Push [PBT/M-ch/RIT] momentarily to select the M- ch/RIT function, if the twin PBT is selected. •…

  • Page 111: D Programming In Memory Mode

    D Programming in memory mode [PBT/M-ch/RIT] switch/[M-ch] (inner) control [PBT/M-ch/RIT] indicator [MENU/GRP] [F-2] [F-4] q Push [PBT/M-ch/RIT] momentarily to select the M- ch/RIT function, if the twin PBT is selected. • [PBT/M-ch/RIT] indicator (Green) goes out. w Select M M — — 2 2 . e Push [F-4 V V / / M M ] to select memory mode, then se- lect the desired memory channel with [M-ch].

  • Page 112: Memory Channel List

    MEMORY OPERATION ■ Memory channel list The memory channel list simultaneously shows 7 memory channels and their programmed contents. You can select a desired memory channel from the memory channel list. D Selecting a memory channel using the memory channel list [PBT/M-ch/RIT] switch/[M-ch] (inner) control [PBT/M-ch/RIT] indicator [MENU/GRP] [F-1]…

  • Page 113: D Selecting A Memory Bank

    Setting select memory channels is also possible in the memory scan indication. (p. 113) D Selecting a memory bank The IC-7000 has a total of 5 memory banks (99 mem- ory channel each), A to E, available for usage by group, etc.

  • Page 114: Memory Names

    MEMORY OPERATION D Memory names All memory channels (including scan edges) can be tagged with alphanumeric names of up to 9 charac- ters each. Capital letters, small letters, numerals, some symbols (! # $ % & ¥ ? » ’ ` ^ + – ✱ / . , : ; = < > ( ) [ ] { } | _ and spaces can be used.

  • Page 115: Memory Clearing

    ■ Memory clearing Any unnecessary memory channels can be cleared. The cleared memory channels become blank chan- nels. q Select M M — — 2 2 . w Push [F-4 V V / / M M ] momentarily to select the memory mode.

  • Page 116: Frequency Transferring

    MEMORY OPERATION ■ Frequency transferring The frequency and operating mode in a memory chan- nel can be transferred to the VFO. Frequency transferring can be performed in either VFO mode or memory mode. D Transferring in VFO mode This is useful for transferring programmed contents to VFO.

  • Page 117: Push [Pbt/M-Ch/Rit] Momentarily To Select The M

    D Transferring in memory mode This is useful for transferring frequency and operat- ing mode while operating in memory mode. When you have changed the frequency or operat- ing mode in the selected memory channel. • Displayed frequency and mode are transferred. •…

  • Page 118: Menu Group Selection Push [Menu/Grp] For 1 Sec

    MEMORY OPERATION ■ Memo pads The transceiver has a memo pad function to store fre- quency and operating mode for easy write and recall. The memo pads are separate from memory channels. The default number of memo pads is 5, however, this can be increased to 10 in the miscellaneous (others) set mode if desired (p.

  • Page 119: D Calling Up A Frequency From A Memo Pad

    D Calling up a frequency from a memo pad You can call up the desired frequency and operating mode of a memo pad by pushing [F-3 M M P P R R ] in the S S — — 3 3 menu. •…

  • Page 120: Scan Operation

    SCAN OPERATION ■ Scan types PROGRAMMED SCAN Repeatedly scans between two scan edge frequencies (scan edge memory channels 1A and 1B). Scan Scan edge 1A or 1B Jump This scan operates in VFO mode. MEMORY SCAN Repeatedly scans all programmed memory channels. ß…

  • Page 121: Menu Selection (Example: M) Push [Menu/Grp] Momentarily

    Menu group selection Push [MENU/GRP] for 1 sec. Selection from: M M , S S or G G (Graphic) Menu selection (Example: M) Push [MENU/GRP] momentarily. Selection from: S S — — 1 1 , S S — — 2 2 or S S — — 3 3 ■…

  • Page 122: Select Memory Scan Operation

    SCAN OPERATION ■ Select memory scan operation q Select S S — — 2 2 . w Push [F-3 V V / / M M ] to select memory mode. e Close the squelch with [RF/SQL]. r Push [F-1 S S C C N N ] to start the memory scan. •…

  • Page 123: Antenna Tuner Operation

    • The AT-180 can match both HF and 50 MHz bands. However, operation is different for the HF and 50 MHz bands. • When connecting the AT-180, the IC-7000’s output power must be set over the 10 W. Otherwise, the AT-180 may not be tuned correctly. (AT-180’s min- imum operating input power is 8 W.)

  • Page 124: D Ah-4 Operation

    ANTENNA TUNER OPERATION ■ Optional AH-4 AUTOMATIC ANTENNA TUNER The AH-4 matches the IC-7000 to a long wire antenna more than 7 m/23 ft long (3.5 MHz and above). • See p. 20 for connection. • See the AH-4 instruction manual for AH-4 installation and antenna connection details.

  • Page 125: Packet Operation

    0.4 Vp-p (0.2 Vrms): recommended level 0.2–0.5 Vp-p (0.1–0.25 Vrms): acceptable level 2. When not using a measuring device. q Connect the IC-7000 to a TNC. w Enter a test mode (“CAL”, etc.) on the TNC, then transmit some test data.

  • Page 126: Clock And Timers

    CLOCK AND TIMERS ■ Time set mode This transceiver has a built-in 24-hour clock with power-off timer function. The clock indication is always displayed except after pushing [F-INP/ENT] (HM-151). • Set mode operation [AF] [F-1] [MENU/GRP] [F-2] [F-3] [F-4] 1 Y Y e e a a r r This item sets the current year.

  • Page 127: D Setting The Current Time

    D Setting the current year q Entering time set mode, push [F-1 ≤ ≤ ] to select “Y Y e e a a r r ” item. D Setting the current date q Entering time set mode, push [F-1 ≤ ≤ ] or [F-2 ≥ ≥ ] to select “D D a a t t e e ”…

  • Page 128: D Clock2 Function Activity

    CLOCK AND TIMERS D Clock2 function activity q Entering time set mode, push [F-1 ≤ ≤ ] or [F-2 ≥ ≥ ] to select “C C L L O O C C K K 2 2 F F u u n n c c t t i i o o n n ” item. w Select the CLOCK2 function activity using [DIAL].

  • Page 129: Set Mode

    ■ Set mode description Set mode is used for programming infrequently changed values or conditions of functions. This trans- ceiver has a quick set mode, display set mode, timer set mode and miscellaneous (others) set mode. • Set mode operation [AF] [F-1] [MENU/GRP]…

  • Page 130
    SET MODE ■ Quick set mode Mode Set mode item R R F F P P o o w w e e r r M M I I C C G G a a i i n n S S S S B B T T B B W W ( ( W W I I D D E E ) ) L L S S S S B B T T B B W W ( ( W W I I D D E E ) ) H H S S S S B B T T B B W W ( ( M M I I D D ) ) L L S S S S B B T T B B W W ( ( M M I I D D ) ) H H…
  • Page 131
    ■ Quick set mode (continued) S S S S B B T T B B W W ( ( W W I I D D E E ) ) H H (SSB mode) These items set the transmission passband width for the wide setting by selecting the lower and higher fre- quencies.
  • Page 132
    SET MODE ■ Quick set mode (continued) S S i i d d e e T T o o n n e e L L e e v v e e l l This item adjusts the CW side tone level from 0% to 100% in 1% steps.
  • Page 133: Display Set Mode

    4 L L C C D D F F l l i i c c k k e e r r This item adjusts the flicker of the LCD from 0% to 100% in 1% steps. Icom recommends using the default value. But if you find the LCD flicker objectionable, adjust this item.

  • Page 134
    SET MODE ■ Display set mode 7 D D i i s s p p l l a a y y F F o o n n t t T T y y p p e e This item sets the font type of the frequency readouts. Basic and Italic (2 fonts) are selectable.
  • Page 135
    ■ Display set mode (continued) 14 T T V V P P o o p p u u p p ( ( C C H H U U p p / / D D o o w w n n ) ) This item turns the popup indication ON and OFF for the TV channel Up/Down operation.
  • Page 136
    SET MODE ■ Display set mode 21 M M y y C C a a l l l l Your call sign, etc. can be displayed in the opening screen when turning power ON. Up to 10 characters can be programmed. Capital letters, numerals, some symbols (–…
  • Page 137
    ■ Miscellaneous (others) set mode 1 M M o o n n i i t t o o r r This item sets the TX monitor function ON and OFF. The monitor gain can be set described below. 2 M M o o n n i i t t o o r r L L e e v v e e l l This item adjusts the transmit IF signal monitor level from 0% to 100% in 1% steps.
  • Page 138
    SET MODE ■ Miscellaneous (others) set mode 7 R R F F / / S S Q Q L L C C o o n n t t r r o o l l The [RF/SQL] control can be set as the RF/squelch control (default), the squelch control only (RF gain is fixed at maximum) or ‘Auto’…
  • Page 139
    ■ Miscellaneous (others) set mode 13 D D U U P P O O f f f f s s e e t t 1 1 4 4 4 4 M M This item sets the offset (difference between transmit and receive frequencies) for duplex operation.
  • Page 140
    SET MODE ■ Miscellaneous (others) set mode 18 T T u u n n e e r r ( ( P P T T T T S S t t a a r r t t ) ) When an optional AH-4 ANTENNA TUNER tuning can be started automatically at the moment the PTT is pushed.
  • Page 141
    ■ Miscellaneous (others) set mode 24 S S P P E E E E C C H H S S — — L L e e v v e e l l You can have frequency, mode and signal level an- nouncement.
  • Page 142
    SET MODE ■ Miscellaneous (others) set mode 30 H H M M — — 1 1 5 5 1 1 [ [ F F — — 1 1 ] ] This item programs one of several functions to [F-1] key of HM-151. Programmable key assignments are described as below.
  • Page 143
    ■ Miscellaneous (others) set mode 35 C C W W N N o o r r m m a a l l S S i i d d e e Selects the carrier point of CW mode from LSB and USB.
  • Page 144
    SET MODE ■ Miscellaneous (others) set mode 42 M M o o d d e e S S e e l l e e c c t t ( ( A A M M ) ) This item inhibits the selection of AM mode, and al- lows you to simplify operation during normal opera- tion.
  • Page 145
    To distinguish equipment, each CI-V transceiver has its own Icom standard address in hexadecimal code. The IC-7000’s address is 70h. When 2 or more IC-7000’s are connected to an op- tional CT-17 V LEVEL CONVERTER select a different address for each IC-7000 in the range 01h to 7Fh.
  • Page 146: Memory Backup

    Disconnect the DC power cable from the transceiver when changing a fuse. The IC-7000 has three fuses (DC power cable fuses × 2, circuitry fuse × 1) installed for transceiver protection. • DC power cable fuses … ATC20 30 A •…

  • Page 147: Troubleshooting

    Preamp is activated. TROUBLESHOOTING If you are unable to locate the cause of a problem or solve it through the use of this chart, contact your near- est Icom Dealer or Service Center. POSSIBLE CAUSE power cable improperly Reconnect the power cable correctly.

  • Page 148
    TROUBLESHOOTING PROBLEM Transmitting is impossi- ble. Output power is too low. No contact possible with other stations. Repeater cannot be ac- cessed. Transmitted signals are distorted. Displayed frequency does not change proper- Programmed scan does not stop. Programmed scan does not start.
  • Page 149
    The band voltage appears on pin 5 of [ACC] connector after modification is completed. Performing this modification is the customer’s re- sponsibility. Icom does not guarantee this modifi- cation’s result. CAUTION: Disconnect the DC power cable from the transceiver before any work on the trans- ceiver.
  • Page 150
    OPTION UNITS SETTING ■ AT-180 internal switch description The optional AT-180 has 3 operating configurations for HF band operation. Select a suitable configuration according to your antenna system. q Remove the top cover of the AT-180. w Set the tuner switches to the desired positions ac- cording to the table below.
  • Page 151: D Data Format

    RS-232C port. The Icom Communi- cation interface-V (CI-V) controls the following func- tions of the transceiver. Up to four Icom CI-V transceivers or receivers can be connected to a personal computer equipped with an RS-232C port. See p. 136 for setting the CI-V condi- tion using the miscellaneous (others) set mode.

  • Page 152
    CONTROL COMMAND • Command table (continued) Command Sub command Set as non-select channel Set as select channel Set scan resume OFF Set scan resume ON Turn the split function OFF Turn the split function ON Select simplex operation Select –DUP operation Select +DUP operation AM/FM/WFM modes: Select 10 Hz tuning step…
  • Page 153
    • Command table (continued) Command Sub command 050007 Send/read of SSB TX bandwidth (lower edge) for narrow (0=100, 1=200, 2=300, 3=500 HZ) 050008 Send/read of SSB TX bandwidth (higher edge) for narrow (0=2500, 1=2700, 2=2800, 3=2900 HZ) 050009 Twin Peak Filter (0=OFF; 1=ON) 050010 Send/read RTTY mark frequency (0=1275 Hz, 1=1615 Hz,…
  • Page 154
    CONTROL COMMAND • Command table (continued) Command Sub command 050063 Send/read [TUNER/CALL] key ac- tion set (0=Manual, 1=Auto) 050064 Send/read [ACC] (pin 7) output “VSEND” set (0=OFF, 1=UHF only, 2=ON) 050065 Send/read speech level (0=0 to 255=100%) 050066 Send/read speech language (0=English, 1=Japanese) 050067 Send/read speech speed (0=Slow,…
  • Page 155: D Band Stacking Register

    • Command table (continued) Command Sub command 050114 Send/read NR level set (0=0 to 15=15) 050115 Send/read VOX gain (0=0% to 255=100%) 050116 Send/read anti VOX gain (0=0% to 255=100%) 050117 Send/read VOX delay (0=0.0 sec. to 20=2.0 sec.) 050118 Send/read (0=100 msec., 1=200 msec., 2=300 msec., 3=500 msec.)

  • Page 156
    CONTROL COMMAND D D Character codes for My Call Character ASCII code 0–9 30–39 Numerals A–Z 41–5A Alphabetical characters space Word space – Symbol Symbol Symbol D D Codes for memory name contents To send or read the desired memory name settings, the char- acter codes, instruction codes for memory keyer contents as above, and the following are used.
  • Page 157: Specifications

    ■ General • Frequency coverage : Receive 30 kHz–199.999999 MHz* 400–470.000000 MHz* Transmit 1.800–1.999999 MHz* , 3.500–3.999999 MHz* 5.33050* , 5.34650* , 5.36650* 5.37150* , 5.40350* 7.000–7.300 MHz* 10.100–10.150 MHz* 14.000–14.350 MHz* 18.068–18.168 MHz* 21.000–21.450 MHz* 24.890–24.990 MHz* 28.000–29.700 MHz* 50.000–54.000 MHz* 144.000–148.000 MHz* , 430.000–450.000 MHz*…

  • Page 158
    SP-12: Slim-type; 8 Ω/5 W SP-10: Compact-type; 4 Ω/5 W MB-65 MOUNTING BASE Allows you to conveniently vehicle-mount the front panel of the IC-7000. An MB-105 must be used in combination with the MB- AH-2b ANTENNA ELEMENT A 2.5 m long antenna ele- ment for mobile operation with the AH-4.
  • Page 159
    13-pin, ACC connector to 7-pin + 8-pin ACC connector. OPTIONS OPC-589 MICROPHONE ADAPTOR CABLE Conversion between 8-pin modular and 8- pin metal connector for using a desktop mi- crophone with the IC-7000. OPC-742 ACC 13-PIN CABLE Required when using both the AT-180 and 2 m linear amplifier.
  • Page 160: V/M

    MENU GUIDE Main menu group SPL A/B FIL MEM MW MCL VOX COM AGC 1/4 AGC VOX DUP TON BAND scope Multi function meter Push momentarily Push for 1 sec. Sub menu group (SSB) (CW) (RTTY) (AM) 9600 (FM/WFM) BAND scope Multi function meter SWR meter Graphic menu group…

  • Page 161
    Set mode description • Set mode menu • Display set mode Quick set mode RF Power MIC Gain SSB TBW (WIDE) L SSB TBW (WIDE) H SSB TBW (MID) L SSB TBW (MID) H SSB TBW (NAR) L SSB TBW (NAR) H •…
  • Page 162
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  • Page 164
  • Page 165
  • Page 166
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Руководство пользователя интерфейсного модуля IC-EX309 содержит исчерпывающие инструкции по эксплуатации интерфейсного модуля ICOM IC-EX309. Из этого подробного руководства вы узнаете, как настроить и эффективно использовать устройство. Получите в свои руки интерфейсный блок IC-EX309 и наслаждайтесь бесперебойной связью.

Узнайте все, что вам нужно знать о мобильном трансивере IC-2300H VHF FM. Благодаря выходной мощности 65 Вт и 207 каналам памяти этот трансивер имеет прочную конструкцию и протестирован в соответствии с последними спецификациями MIL-STD 810 G на ударопрочность, вибрацию и температуру. Откройте для себя его простое управление и многочисленные функции сканирования уже сегодня.

В данном руководстве пользователя содержится подробная инструкция по приемопередатчику ICOM IC-718. Загрузите руководство в формате PDF, чтобы легко найти важные характеристики и функции.

Узнайте, как использовать усовершенствованную радиосистему IP501HIP вместе с другими моделями IP503H и IP504H, из этого подробного руководства по эксплуатации от ICOM. Ознакомьтесь с важными мерами предосторожности и явными определениями для обеспечения безопасного и эффективного использования. Идеально подходит для тех, кто хочет оптимизировать свою связь с этими передовыми радиосистемами.

Узнайте, как установить и использовать КВ-антенну с автоматической настройкой AH-760 с помощью этого руководства пользователя. Этот важный компонент для систем связи включает в себя коаксиальный кабель длиной 6 м, кабель-адаптер и кабель управления. Соблюдайте меры предосторожности и сценарии установки для оптимальной производительности.

Узнайте, как использовать спутниковый трансивер IC-SAT100 с помощью этого руководства пользователя. Устройство «нажми и говори» поддерживает связь «один ко многим» и мощный звук. Перед началом работы прочтите меры предосторожности и инструкции по использованию изделия. Доступен на нескольких языках и соответствует требованиям IP67.

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1 «Icom IC-746 + ГУ-81м (в «легком режиме»)»»com IC-746 + ГУ» 5843 16.01.2002 2 IC-736, IC-736M, IC-736S схемы, schematic diagram 9526 2302 14.11.2014 3 Icom — интерфейс для программирования на BC557/BC546 5 4681 22.11.2000 4 Icom — интерфейс для программирования радиостанции на КТ3102/КТ3107 14 4308 22.11.2000 5 Icom 718 service manual 8060 8264 24.04.2006 6 Icom 756PROIII описание, manual 5743 3453 03.03.2008 7 Icom 765 переделка блока питания на 220 вольт 3681 23.04.2003 8 Icom AG-20 мануал и схема 894 1864 14.11.2014 9 Icom AG-25 cхема, schematic diagram 516 2363 14.11.2014 10 Icom AG-25, AG-35, AG-1200 инструкция, manual 234 1975 14.11.2014 11 Icom AG-35 cхема, schematic diagram 419 2101 14.11.2014 12 Icom AH-2 cхема, schematic diagram 274 3277 15.09.2000 13 Icom AH-2 руковдство и схема, manual and schematic diagram 3828 11559 13.03.2003 14 Icom BC-30 cхема, schematic diagram 37 4314 13.03.2003 15 Icom BC-35 cхема, schematic diagram 74 4211 13.03.2003 16 Icom BC-36 cхема, schematic diagram 85 4049 13.03.2003 17 Icom Catalog 2007, каталог оборудования 2007 год 8496 5194 09.08.2007 18 Icom CS-F3 Programming manual 956 11965 13.03.2003 19 Icom CS-F30G Programming manual 2425 10307 13.03.2003 20 Icom CT-16 инструкция пользователя, manual 178 1773 14.11.2014 21 Icom D-STAR брошюра, info 888 5295 27.09.2007 22 Icom F300/F400 клонирование, cloning software 545 3436 30.08.2002 23 Icom IC-02 инструкция по эксплуатации, manual 1468 4517 13.03.2003 24 Icom IC-03AT перечень функций, quick function 490 3890 13.03.2003 25 Icom IC-1271 схема 12224 1887 14.11.2014 26 Icom IC-1275 схема 6466 1085 14.11.2014 27 Icom IC-201 cхема, schematic diagram 661 3806 13.03.2003 28 Icom IC-202 cхема, schematic diagram 1027 3468 13.03.2003 29 Icom IC-207 руководство, workshop manual 4862 3556 13.03.2003 30 Icom IC-207H инструкция по эксплуатации, instruction manual 1193 7320 13.03.2003 31 Icom IC-208H — схема, описание работы 4201 65 26.02.2023 32 Icom IC-2100H инструкция, instruction manual 768 4633 13.03.2003 33 Icom IC-2100H обзор, review QST 1999 173 6702 13.03.2003 34 Icom IC-211E схема и печатная плата, schematic diagram and PCB layout 6266 3854 13.03.2003 35 Icom IC-229 cхема, schematic diagram 691 3400 13.03.2003 36 Icom IC-229 cхема, schematic diagram 467 2138 08.08.2001 37 Icom IC-2330A инструкция, instruction manual 4131 3149 17.08.2006 38 Icom IC-2340 руководство по эксплуатации, user manual 5096 1973 13.11.2007 39 Icom IC-2340 сервисная инструкция, service manual 26510 1813 13.11.2007 40 Icom IC-2410 руководство по эксплуатации, user manual 3234 1358 13.11.2007 41 Icom IC-2410 сервисная инструкция, service manual 26273 3052 13.11.2007 42 Icom IC-260 cхема, schematic diagram 438 2088 13.03.2003 43 Icom IC-260 инструкция, instruction manual 3426 2280 13.03.2003 44 Icom IC-2710H инструкция, instruction manual 1350 4075 13.03.2003 45 Icom IC-2720H сервисная инструкция, service manual 3795 6335 01.12.2008 46 Icom IC-275 схема 4164 1382 14.11.2014 47 Icom IC-275H описание и схема, manual incl schematic diagram 6807 2362 13.03.2003 48 Icom IC-2800H инструкция, instruction manual 969 2459 13.03.2003 49 Icom IC-2800H обзор, review QST 1999 329 2997 13.03.2003 50 Icom IC-2800H сервисное руководство, service manual 3431 2609 13.03.2003 51 Icom IC-281H cхема, schematic diagram 1079 1734 13.03.2003 52 Icom IC-281H инструкция, instruction manual 4070 2925 13.03.2003 53 Icom IC-290 cхема, schematic diagram 6636 924 29.08.2013 54 Icom IC-290 схема 3164 1425 14.11.2014 55 Icom IC-2AT cхема, schematic diagram 133 1431 13.03.2003 56 Icom IC-2E A руководство, manual 700 1584 13.03.2003 57 ICOM IC-2GX cхема, schematic diagram 390 2133 18.09.2000 58 Icom IC-2GX cхема, schematic diagram 465 1271 13.03.2003 59 Icom IC-2GX сервисное руководство, service manual 13877 1768 30.01.2007 60 Icom IC-2SAT cхема, schematic diagram 392 1503 13.03.2003 61 Icom IC-2SAT описание, quick function 74 1371 13.03.2003 62 Icom IC-2SAT/SET cхема, schematic diagram 673 2126 15.09.2000 63 Icom IC-310F программатор, programmer 425 2136 03.09.2001 64 Icom IC-32 Instruction manual 2093 1387 13.03.2003 65 Icom IC-390 cхема, schematic diagram 5984 718 15.05.2012 66 Icom IC-390 схема 10473 1351 14.11.2014 67 Icom IC-3PS + (50L, 20L,30L) руководство по эксплуатации, user manual 1001 1363 06.02.2008 68 Icom IC-3PU cхема, schematic diagram 115 1225 13.03.2003 69 Icom IC-4008 документация 127 2354 11.02.2003 70 Icom IC-402 руководство, manual 3820 1459 13.03.2003 71 Icom IC-471 руководство по эксплуатации, user manual 7305 1506 06.02.2008 72 Icom IC-471E cхема, schematic diagram 997 1279 06.02.2008 73 Icom IC-475 сервисная инструкция, service manual 23453 1636 06.02.2008 74 Icom IC-4Gxx инструкция, instruction manual 837 1474 13.03.2003 75 Icom IC-575 руководство по эксплуатации, user manual 2211 1191 05.03.2008 76 Icom IC-7000 инструкция по эксплуатации, user manual 7359 8499 22.01.2008 77 Icom IC-7000 инструкция, instruction manual 4135 3940 03.03.2006 78 Icom IC-7000 настройка ТВ, дополнение, TV Addendum 73 4512 23.04.2008 79 Icom IC-7000 реклама, brochure 1668 2322 25.01.2008 80 Icom IC-7000 сервисная инструкция, service manual 11205 12061 23.03.2006 81 Icom IC-701 руководство пользователя, user manual 6317 1952 17.11.2008 82 Icom IC-703 cхема, schematic diagram 7876 7452 29.01.2007 83 Icom IC-703 User Manual, руководство 8072 2954 29.12.2005 84 Icom IC-703 раскрытие частот 250 2027 09.05.2007 85 Icom IC-703 руководство пользователя, instruction manual 8072 2095 29.01.2007 86 Icom IC-703 сервисное руководство, service manual 2074 4275 29.01.2007 87 Icom IC-706 cхема и руководство, schematic diagram and manual 10672 1473 15.05.2012 88 Icom IC-706 cхема, schematic diagram 2233 2390 13.03.2003 89 Icom IC-706 cхема, schematic diagram 2227 3272 27.11.2000 90 Icom IC-706MK2 cхема, schematic diagram 548 2353 13.03.2003 91 Icom IC-706MK2 инструкция, instruction manual 14851 2962 13.03.2003 92 Icom IC-706MK2G — переделка микрофона MH36b от YAESU 4558 01.12.2004 93 Icom IC-706MK2G cхема в формате DjVU, schematic diagram 1314 2635 24.11.2004 94 Icom IC-706MK2G cхема в формате JPG, schematic diagram 2503 3467 04.01.2001 95 Icom IC-706MK2G cхема, schematic diagram 1549 2227 13.03.2003 96 Icom IC-706MK2G service manual 1154 2976 24.11.2004 97 Icom IC-706MK2G инструкция, instruction manual 2629 2220 06.06.2010 98 Icom IC-706MK2G инструкция, instruction manual 2272 3542 13.03.2003 99 Icom IC-706MK2G печатные платы, board layout 1733 2383 19.11.2004 100 Icom IC-706MK2G руководство, manual 2617 5064 18.01.2007 101 Icom IC-706MK2G руководство, service manual 13297 79472 13.03.2003 102 Icom IC-706MKG результаты тестирования ARRL Test-result report 438 4712 13.03.2003 103 Icom IC-706MKII cхема и руководство, schematic diagram and manual 26228 921 15.05.2012 104 Icom IC-706MKII схемы и сервисная инструкция, schematic diagram, service manual 26228 1716 14.11.2014 105 Icom IC-706MKIIG инструкция пользователя, manual 4244 2400 14.11.2014 106 Icom IC-706MKIIG сервисное руководство, service manual 31149 800 15.05.2012 107 Icom IC-707 cхема, schematic diagram 1089 1810 13.03.2003 108 Icom IC-707 cхема, schematic diagram 966 2318 28.11.2000 109 Icom IC-707 руководство по эксплуатации, user manual 4045 2754 28.05.2008 110 Icom IC-707 сервисная инструкция, service manual 25516 3005 28.05.2008 111 Icom IC-7100 cервисная инструкция, service manual 6752 2078 06.01.2015 112 Icom IC-718 cхема, schematic diagram 2879 4066 13.03.2003 113 Icom IC-718 инструкция по эксплуатации, manual 2957 38104 20.02.2007 114 Icom IC-718 инструкция, instruction manual 3769 3845 13.03.2003 115 Icom IC-718 описание параметров, QST 378 4973 19.12.2003 116 Icom IC-718, IC-78 Scервисная инструкция, service manual 11939 9401 19.01.2005 117 Icom IC-720 инструкция, instruction manual 4555 2355 13.03.2003 118 Icom IC-7200 модификация, modification 838 1020 14.11.2014 119 Icom IC-7200 реклама, brochure 782 2556 20.05.2008 120 Icom IC-7200 руководство, manual 11986 3718 14.11.2008 121 Icom IC-725 руководство по эксплуатации, user manual 2427 3966 21.01.2008 122 Icom IC-725 сервисное руководство, service manual 11735 3667 21.01.2008 123 Icom IC-725A руководство по эксплуатации, user manual 6038 1996 21.01.2008 124 Icom IC-726 переделки в трансивере 1669 3101 24.03.2011 125 Icom IC-726 руководство по эксплуатации, user manual 3099 3827 21.01.2008 126 Icom IC-730 cхема, schematic diagram 1573 2135 13.03.2003 127 Icom IC-730 компоновка, alignments 2722 1969 13.03.2003 128 Icom IC-730 печатные платы, PCB layout 6374 1804 13.03.2003 129 Icom IC-730 сервисная инструкция, service manual 7295 2642 13.03.2003 130 Icom IC-7300 инструкция, manual 4301 2532 27.07.2016 131 Icom IC-7300 сервисное описание 17000 499 19.01.2022 132 Icom IC-732, IC-732M, 732S и IC-737 cхема, schematic diagram hi-res 29674 1084 15.05.2012 133 Icom IC-735 инструкция, instruction manual 3483 3687 13.03.2003 134 Icom IC-735 обзор журнала QST Review 728 7440 13.03.2003 135 Icom IC-735 сервисная инструкция, service manual 54656 3584 13.03.2003 136 Icom IC-736 раскрытие на передачу 206 736 15.05.2012 137 Icom IC-736 руководство по эксплуатации, user manual 7396 3381 06.05.2008 138 Icom IC-736 сервисная инструкция, service manual 33877 2826 06.05.2008 139 Icom IC-737 руководство по эксплуатации, user manual 6453 2431 06.05.2008 140 Icom IC-737 сервисная инструкция, service manual 24052 3455 07.05.2008 141 Icom IC-737, IC-732, IC-732M, 732S схемы, schematic diagram 20832 1350 14.11.2014 142 Icom IC-737A руководство по эксплуатации, user manual 5726 1888 06.05.2008 143 Icom IC-737A сервисная инструкция, service manual 24635 1897 06.05.2008 144 Icom IC-740 руководство по эксплуатации, user manual 3967 2456 07.05.2008 145 Icom IC-740 сервисная инструкция, service manual 41458 2245 07.05.2008 146 Icom IC-7400 инструкция, instruction manual 5677 13511 13.03.2003 147 Icom IC-7400 сервисное руководство, service manual 15622 9891 26.02.2006 148 Icom IC-7410 реклама, brochure 401 1890 20.01.2011 149 Icom IC-7410 руководство, manual 19703 2052 20.01.2011 150 Icom IC-745 руководство по эксплуатации, user manual 4867 1627 07.05.2008 151 Icom IC-745 сервисная инструкция, service manual 18483 2316 07.05.2008 152 Icom IC-746 инструкция, instruction manual 2219 3149 13.03.2003 153 Icom IC-746 инструкция, manual 921 1657 14.11.2014 154 Icom IC-746 обзор журнала QST Review 459 3019 13.03.2003 155 Icom IC-746 результаты тестирования ARRL test-result report 285 4336 13.03.2003 156 Icom IC-746 сервисное руководство, service manual 50893 6271 13.03.2008 157 Icom IC-746PRO cервисная инструкция, service manual 3119 4217 21.05.2007 158 Icom IC-746PRO cервисная инструкция, service manual 3063 4242 21.06.2007 159 Icom IC-746PRO cхема, schematic diagram 532 2862 21.06.2007 160 Icom IC-746PRO инструкция, instruction manual 5017 4268 13.03.2003 161 Icom IC-746PRO инструкция, manual 3913 1514 14.11.2014 162 Icom IC-746PRO полный комплект технической документации (англ.) 56300 1355 24.03.2015 163 ICOM IC-750 инструкция на русском языке 48 1046 07.12.2018 164 Icom IC-751 — комплект техдокументации 4050 2438 26.12.2002 165 Icom IC-751 инструкция, instruction manual 6329 1940 13.05.2003 166 Icom IC-751 настройка, adjustment 361 1835 13.03.2003 167 Icom IC-751 обзор журнала QST Review 967 2179 13.03.2003 168 Icom IC-751 основная плата, mainboard 1114 1720 13.03.2003 169 Icom IC-751A cхема, schematic diagram 1 4661 2605 13.03.2003 170 Icom IC-751A cхема, schematic diagram 2 4091 1719 13.03.2003 171 Icom IC-751A модернизация 341 877 15.11.2012 172 Icom IC-751A руководство, user manual 10943 2708 13.03.2003 173 Icom IC-751A сервисная инструкция, service manual adjustments 5466 2139 13.03.2003 174 Icom IC-751A сервисная инструкция, service manual options installations 2137 2036 13.03.2003 175 Icom IC-756 cхема, schematic diagram 2372 2711 13.03.2003 176 Icom IC-756 PROIII инструкция, instruction manual 3443 1873 09.10.2007 177 Icom IC-756 PROIII реклама, info 1608 2618 31.03.2005 178 Icom IC-756 инструкция, instruction manual 1313 3718 13.03.2003 179 Icom IC-756 приципиальная cхема, schematic diagram PDF format 2373 3283 01.12.2000 180 Icom IC-756PRO инструкция, instruction manual 1575 3272 13.03.2003 181 Icom IC-756PRO сервисная инструкция, service manual 17705 24885 13.03.2003 182 Icom IC-756pro схема интерфейса для работы PSK/RTTY 2803 30.08.2002 183 Icom IC-756PRO2 инструкция, instruction manual 1733 2779 13.03.2003 184 Icom IC-756PRO2 сервисная инструкция, service manual 36932 3322 13.03.2003 185 Icom IC-756PRO3 реклама, brochure 2528 2279 25.01.2008 186 Icom IC-756PRO3 руководство по эксплуатации, user manual 2627 2184 22.01.2008 187 Icom IC-756PRO3 сервисное руководство, service manual 24009 5114 22.01.2008 188 Icom IC-756PROIII реклама, info 1521 753 14.11.2014 189 Icom IC-761 сервисная инструкция, service manual 37593 2855 14.12.2006 190 Icom IC-765 (он же IC-760PRO) инструкция пользователя, manual 4676 2086 14.11.2014 191 Icom IC-765 (он же IC-760PRO) сервис-мануал, manual 27840 1961 14.11.2014 192 Icom IC-765 обзор QST Review 717 2962 13.03.2003 193 Icom IC-765 сервисная инструкция, service manual 28160 6180 13.03.2003 194 Icom IC-7700 реклама, brochure 2701 1635 23.04.2008 195 Icom IC-7700 руководство, user manual 8801 1749 23.04.2008 196 Icom IC-7700 сервисная инструкция, service manual 23621 7183 23.04.2008 197 Icom IC-775 cервисная инструкция, service manual 13382 2805 12.04.2008 198 Icom IC-775 DSP обзор журнала QST Review 1996 467 4662 13.03.2003 199 Icom IC-775 инструкция по установке roofing filter manual 111 1938 22.02.2007 200 Icom IC-775DSP Inrad Roofing Filter инструкция по установке 2650 1624 22.02.2007 201 Icom IC-775DSP инструкция по эксплуатации, instruction manual 15373 3160 03.03.2006 202 Icom IC-775DSP руководство, maintenance guide 1132 2137 03.03.2006 203 Icom IC-78 инструкция, instruction manual 2704 1928 13.03.2003 204 Icom IC-780 схема 30846 1123 14.11.2014 205 Icom IC-7800 cхема, schematic diagram 5546 2768 10.01.2008 206 Icom IC-7800 обзор, review 703 3716 29.06.2004 207 Icom IC-7800 руководство, manual 8844 2889 14.11.2005 208 Icom IC-7800 сервисная инструкция, service manual 30916 1695 10.01.2008 209 Icom IC-7800 характеристики, info 886 2901 12.12.2003 210 Icom IC-781 cервисная инструкция, service manual 40045 2386 11.08.2006 211 Icom IC-781 обзор журнала QST review 915 2388 13.03.2003 212 Icom IC-820H руководство по эксплуатации, user manual 5213 3003 05.08.2008 213 Icom IC-820H сервисная инструкция, service manual 47720 3098 05.08.2008 214 Icom IC-821H руководство по эксплуатации, user manual 4970 2947 05.08.2008 215 Icom IC-900 руководство по эксплуатации, user manual 3033 1713 05.03.2008 216 Icom IC-900 сервисная инструкция, service manual 60567 1459 05.03.2008 217 Icom IC-901 руководство по эксплуатации, user manual 6755 1593 05.03.2008 218 Icom IC-901 сервисная инструкция, service manual 67404 1582 05.03.2008 219 Icom IC-910 руководство по эксплуатации, user manual 3447 1957 05.03.2008 220 Icom IC-910H инструкция, instruction manual 2604 2150 13.03.2003 221 Icom IC-910H сервисная инструкция, service manual 5313 9063 13.03.2003 222 Icom IC-910H сервисная инструкция, service manual A3 Sheet 7610 4289 13.03.2003 223 Icom IC-970 cервисная инструкция, service manual 33000 1820 03.01.2011 224 Icom IC-970 руководство по эксплуатации, user manual 5083 2560 05.03.2008 225 Icom IC-A24, Icom IC-A6 сервисная инструкция, service manual 4896 9652 15.03.2013 226 Icom IC-AT100 схема и печатная плата, schematic diagram and print layout 2684 1612 13.03.2003 227 Icom IC-AT500 принципиальная схема 517 2600 12.08.2001 228 Icom IC-DELTA100. Инструкция пользователя, manual 9130 1855 14.11.2014 229 Icom IC-E90 инструкция, instruction manual 8464 1741 07.01.2008 230 Icom IC-F110, IC-F111, IC-F121 cервисная инструкция, service manual 2381 53116 12.06.2007 231 Icom IC-F21, IC-F22 series сервисное руководство, service manual 1637 6226 16.06.2008 232 Icom IC-F3 cхема, schematic diagram 1837 1672 13.03.2003 233 Icom IC-F3 cхема, schematic diagram JPEG format 1838 2928 01.12.2000 234 Icom IC-F3 Software, программатор 458 2286 25.10.2007 235 Icom IC-F3 сервисная инструкция, service manual 1090 9222 13.03.2003 236 Icom IC-F3, IC-F3S, IC-F4, IC-F4S service manual 2436 2835 12.01.2005 237 Icom IC-F3S cхема, schematic diagram 357 1557 13.03.2003 238 Icom IC-F7000 брошюра, info 2001 2233 27.09.2007 239 Icom IC-H16 инструкция, instruction manual 1752 1702 13.03.2003 240 Icom IC-H16T Instruction Manual 1215 1822 13.03.2003 241 Icom IC-M700 cервисная инструкция, service manual 6977 2636 14.03.2008 242 Icom IC-M700 руководство пользователя, user manual 3271 2162 14.03.2008 243 Icom IC-M700PRO руководство пользователя, user manual 512 1748 14.03.2008 244 Icom IC-M700PRO сервисная инструкция, service manual 27018 2134 14.03.2008 245 Icom IC-M700TY руководство, service manual 24000 2146 27.07.2007 246 Icom IC-M710 инструкция по эксплуатации, instruction manual 5835 2883 03.03.2006 247 Icom IC-P2 документация 41 1950 02.02.2001 248 Icom IC-PCR1000 cхема, schematic diagram 892 2216 13.03.2003 249 Icom IC-PS15 cхема, schematic diagram 86 1319 13.03.2003 250 Icom IC-PS15 мануал и схема 2227 2497 14.11.2014 251 Icom IC-PS15 руководство и схема, user manual and schematic diagram 2227 719 15.05.2012 252 Icom IC-PS15 руководство по эксплуатации, user manual 944 2855 06.02.2008 253 Icom IC-PS25 мануал и схема 1757 2411 14.11.2014 254 Icom IC-PS25 руководство и схема, user manual and schematic diagram 1757 697 15.05.2012 255 Icom IC-PS25 руководство по эксплуатации, user manual 330 1453 06.02.2008 256 Icom IC-PS30 руководство по эксплуатации, user manual 324 1390 06.02.2008 257 Icom IC-PW1 инструкция, instruction manual 484 1568 13.03.2003 258 Icom IC-PW1 сервисная инструкция, service manual 4262 2879 13.03.2003 259 Icom IC-PW1 схема блока питания, Power Supply schematic diagram 566 1996 13.03.2008 260 Icom IC-Q7 cхема, schematic diagram 928 2179 09.05.2001 261 Icom IC-Q7A инструкция, instruction manual 665 1834 13.03.2003 262 Icom IC-Q7E cхема, schematic diagram 402 2257 13.03.2003 263 Icom IC-R1 документация, documentation 238 4001 20.09.2000 264 Icom IC-R1 инструкция, instruction manual 1797 1944 13.03.2003 265 Icom IC-R20 инструкция пользователя, manual 10561 2151 14.11.2014 266 Icom IC-R3 Intruction manual 974 2776 04.03.2002 267 Icom IC-R7100 инструкция, instruction manual 7700 1892 13.03.2003 268 Icom IC-R7100 сервисная инструкция, service manual 28507 2260 13.03.2003 269 Icom IC-R71A руководство, user manual 3760 2014 13.03.2003 270 Icom IC-R75 руководство, manual 8890 2380 05.01.2012 271 Icom IC-RM2 инструкция, instruction manual 4243 1585 13.03.2003 272 Icom IC-RP4520 cхема, schematic diagram 783 1993 18.09.2000 273 Icom IC-RP4520 cхема, schematic diagram 871 1222 13.03.2003 274 Icom IC-SM2 cхема, schematic diagram 122 1434 13.03.2003 275 Icom IC-SM5 инструкция, instruction manual 51 1481 13.03.2003 276 Icom IC-SM8 инструкция, instruction manual 73 1405 13.03.2003 277 Icom IC-T21 cхема, schematic diagram 623 1215 13.03.2003 278 Icom IC-T21A/E cхема, schematic diagram 826 2043 15.09.2000 279 Icom IC-T22A инструкция, instruction manual 206 1356 13.03.2003 280 Icom IC-T2H cхема, schematic diagram 126 1246 13.03.2003 281 Icom IC-T2H инструкция, instruction manual 1104 1792 13.03.2003 282 Icom IC-T7H инструкция, instruction manual 472 1687 13.03.2003 283 Icom IC-T81 сервисная инструкция, service manual 2363 2097 13.03.2003 284 Icom IC-T81A инструкция, instruction manual 1051 1515 13.03.2003 285 Icom IC-u2A инструкция, instruction manual 1166 1244 13.03.2003 286 Icom IC-V68 cхема, schematic diagram 445 1270 13.03.2003 287 Icom IC-V68 инструкция, instruction manual 416 1995 13.03.2003 288 Icom IC-V8 инструкция, instruction manual 1252 3277 13.03.2003 289 Icom IC-V8000 cервисная инструкция, service manual 2085 11313 31.10.2008 290 Icom IC-V8000 руководство, manual 1748 2004 31.10.2008 291 Icom IC-W21 cервисная инструкция, service manual 30000 1535 11.07.2005 292 Icom IC-w21e cервисная инструкция, service manual 6 1835 19.12.2001 293 Icom IC-W2A инструкция, instruction manual 7957 1320 13.03.2003 294 Icom IC-W32A инструкция, instruction manual 717 1476 13.03.2003 295 Icom ICF-3 программатор (Icom cloning format) 163 2315 04.03.2002 296 Icom ICF-3 программатор (Icom cloning format) 1.1 EX-1489 422 2455 04.03.2002 297 Icom Icom IC-707: взгляд пользователя 4170 30.09.2001 298 Icom ID-51A PLUS cервисная инструкция, service manual 4562 31.01.2016 299 Icom ID-800H рекламная брошюра, brochure 514 1454 09.08.2007 300 Icom ID-800H руководство, manual 8687 1408 09.08.2007 301 Icom IС-DELTA100. Сервисная инструкция, manual 21048 1430 14.11.2014 302 Icom PS-125 инструкция, instruction manual 79 1959 13.03.2003 303 Icom PS-200 руководство по эксплуатации, user manual 102 2537 06.02.2008 304 Icom PS-45 руководство по эксплуатации, user manual 106 2454 06.02.2008 305 Icom PS-55 руководство по эксплуатации, user manual 139 2958 06.02.2008 306 Icom PS-60 руководство по эксплуатации, user manual 125 3937 06.02.2008 307 Icom PS-65 руководство по эксплуатации, user manual 118 2454 06.02.2008 308 Icom SM-20 cхема, schematic diagram 37 1629 14.11.2014 309 Icom SP-20 инструкция и схема 1006 2494 14.11.2014 310 Icom V68 cхема, schematic diagram 456 1625 01.12.2000 311 Icom документация на микрофон, microphone reference 62 6384 13.03.2003 312 Icom монтажные кронштейны, mounting brackets 38 4869 13.03.2003 313 Icom программа для клонирования, cloning software for Icom radios 758 5193 22.11.2000 314 Icom схема соединений кабелей, connection cables 64 7381 13.03.2003 315 Icom-756 модификация 3000 30.11.2001 316 Инструкция по эксплуатации ICOM IC-746 user manual (PDF) 681 10.06.2021 317 Комьютерный интерфейс для ICOM 306 1372 21.08.2014 318 Модификации трансиверов Icom 6922 2864 03.03.2008 319 Описание автоматического антенного тюнера Icom IC-AT500 tuner manual 2900 648 16.03.2018 320 Переделка блока питания Icom IC-761/765 и пр. на 220 В 2312 30.10.2007 321 Принципиальная схема радиостанции ICOM IC-T2H 132.5 1541 26.02.2001 322 Программатор Icom ICF1000 169 1547 22.11.2000 323 Программатор Icom ICF2800 797 1787 22.11.2000 324 Программатор Icom ICF30 574 2123 22.11.2000 325 Программатор Icom ICF300 540 1912 22.11.2000 326 Программатор Icom ICF300 326 1905 22.11.2000 327 Программатор Icom ICF300S 425 1820 22.11.2000 328 Программатор Icom ICF310S 425 2026 22.11.2000 329 Программатор Icom ICF35 191 1603 22.11.2000 330 Программатор Icom ICF3F4 448 1959 22.11.2000 331 Программатор Icom ICM127 144 1514 22.11.2000 332 Программатор Icom ICM3 258 1155 22.11.2000 333 Программатор Icom ICM45 143 1655 22.11.2000 334 Программатор Icom ICM59 279 1541 22.11.2000 335 Программатор Icom ICM700 90 1848 22.11.2000 336 Программатор Icom ICM710 100 1788 22.11.2000 337 Программатор Icom ICM85 98 1487 22.11.2000 338 Программатор для IC-751 и других RAM-содержащих аппаратов 4845 04.01.2002 339 Простой симулятор тюнера для Icom-706 2028 14.12.2004 340 Самодельный разъём ACC для Трасивера Icom из ничего, за 20 минут 1358 23.03.2012 341 Схема микрофонного усилителя для трансивера 42,7 820 22.10.2021 342 Тангента HM-152 cхема, schematic diagram 2511 18.01.2016

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