Pure magic spa инструкция по применению

13. The series of lights around the perimeter of the

Control Panel illuminate as the treatment progresses.

Each light illuminates for 5 minutes and the total

treatment lasts about 30 minutes.

14. Once 30 minutes are over, a buzzer will sound and

all the lights on the Control Panel will flash a few

times. Your spa will automatically shut off. Your

session is complete. Disassemble the Pure Magic

Spa™, empty out the used water from the tub and

follow the care instructions for cleaning and storing

your Pure Magic Spa™

Important: Use a new plastic bag to cover the Pure

Magic Spa™ Tub before each use.

After Each Use:

1. After you have completed your session, disassemble

the Pure Magic Spa™ foot tub and drain the water.

2. Disconnect the Center Array from the Control Panel

by turning the Center Array clockwise and pull apart.

3. Rinse the Center Array with warm water.

Dry thoroughly. Note: After first use, the Center

Array may become discolored. This is normal.

4. Wipe the Control Panel with a damp cloth (do not

immerse in water). Dry thoroughly.

5. Wash the Pure Magic Spa™ foot tub with hot soapy

water. Rinse and dry thoroughly. Do not use any

abrasive materials, cleaning sprays or alcohol

based cleaners.

6. Store the Pure Magic Spa™ in a dry place.

Technicial Specifications:

Model No.: DTX-08

Voltage: DC 12V, 20W


• Use only the approved supplied electrical adapter. This device

must only be used with the supplied array. DO NOT use alternative

manufactured arrays.

• DO NOT change or remove the array from the foot tub during the


• User should NOT undertake repairs themselves. Repairs should

only be conducted by an authorized technician.

• DO NOT immerse the control panel or adapter in water.

• DO NOT use the Pure Magic Spa™ if you are pregnant or nursing.

• DO NOT use the Pure Magic Spa™ if you have epilepsy, have an

organ implant, or have metal implants.

• Children 10 years old and under should not use the Pure Magic

Spa™. Children between 11 and 15 years old should only use the

Pure Magic Spa for 15 minutes under adult supervision.

• Keep away from children at all times and store in a safe place.

• Keep the Pure Magic Spa™ plastic liners away from children.

• Be sure to use a new plastic liner to cover the Pure Magic Spa™

before each use (re-use of bags is not advisable).

• Use clean water for each detoxification session.

Made in China.

© 2008 International Edge


Fairfield, NJ 07004



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Этот прибор очищает клетки организма и насыщает их кислородом. Регулярное применение ионной ванны для ног улучшит Ваше здоровье, подарит Вам прилив энергии и спокойный сон.
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Table of Contents for Telebrands Pure Magic Spa DTX-08:

  • 6. Add 3 mg /0.5 oz. or 1 heaped spoonful (using the measuring spoon included) of low sodium salt to the water. The amount of low sodium salt required for the treatment depends on the hardness of the water in your area. 7. Place a comfortable chair near your Pure Magic Spa™. 8. Before putting your feet in the water, connect the Electrical Adapter to the top of the Control Panel (illustration E). Then, plug in your Pure Magic Spa™ and turn it on by pressing the start button. 9. Now, soak your feet in the wa

Questions, Opinions and Exploitation Impressions:

You can ask a question, express your opinion or share our experience of Telebrands Pure Magic Spa DTX-08 device using right now.

File Specifications:

1659/1659142-pure_magic_spa_dtx08.pdf file (28 Aug 2023)

Accompanying Data:

Telebrands Pure Magic Spa DTX-08 Hot Tub PDF Instruction Manual (Updated: Monday 28th of August 2023 06:51:13 PM)

Rating: 4.2 (rated by 2 users)

Compatible devices: FM-588D, Experience VIRGINIA, MySpa 226, Aura Series, Evolution, AQUA SILENT, Solace FORTE’, Wish.

Recommended Documentation:

Instruction Manual (Text Version):

(Ocr-Read Summary of Contents of some pages of the Telebrands Pure Magic Spa DTX-08 Document (Main Content), UPD: 28 August 2023)

  • 1, 13. The series of lights around the perimeter of the Control Panel illuminate as the treatment progresses. Each light illuminates for 5 minutes and the total treatment lasts about 30 minutes. 14. Once 30 minutes are over, a buzzer will sound and all the lights on the Control Panel will flash a few times. Your spa will automatically shut off. Your session is complete. Disassemble the Pure Magic Spa™, empty out the used water from the tub and follow the car…

  • 2, 6. Add 3 mg /0.5 oz. or 1 heaped spoonful (using the measuring spoon included) of low sodium salt to the water. The amount of low sodium salt required for the treatment depends on the hardness of the water in your area. 7. Place a comfortable chair near your Pure Magic Spa™. 8. Before putting your feet in the water, connect the Electrical Adapter to the top of the Control Panel (illustration E). Then, plug in your …

  • Telebrands Pure Magic Spa DTX-08 User Manual

  • Telebrands Pure Magic Spa DTX-08 User Guide

  • Telebrands Pure Magic Spa DTX-08 PDF Manual

  • Telebrands Pure Magic Spa DTX-08 Owner’s Manuals

Recommended: Villain, ICR-RS171NX, IFB-1000, DM05, Go Wi-Fi! E300

Links & Tools

Product Types by Telebrands:
  • Fitness Equipment
  • Hot Tub

Operating Impressions, Questions and Answers:

Congratulations on your purchase of the Pure Magic

Spa™! You’ll benefit from increased vitality, extra energy

and general well being.

Your Personal ‘Pure Magic Spa™’ Includes

the Following:

• Large Size Foot Bath

• Plastic Measuring Spoon

• Center Array

• 2 Travel Bags

• Control Panel

• Electrical Adapter

• 10 Plastic Spa Liners


Large Size


Foot Bath


Measuring Spoon

Plastic Spa Liners

The duration of each treatment is 30 minutes. You can

use the Pure Magic Spa™ once or twice a week.

Instructions for Use:

1. Remove any jewelry that may be damaged before your

Pure Magic Spa™ session.

2. Cover the Pure Magic Spa™

tub with one Plastic Spa Liner

provided (illustration A). Always

use a new plastic spa liner to

cover the Pure Magic Spa™

before each use.

Note: For best results, use the Plastic

Spa Liners that come with your Pure

Magic Spa™, other plastic liners/bags

may break and your Pure Magic


Spa™ may be damaged.




Important: The distributor is not liable

for damage caused by using the Pure

Magic Spa™ incorrectly or by the use


of wrong bags.


3. Insert the Center Array into

the bottom of the Control

Panel (illustration B), and

twist 1/4 turn counter clock-

wise to lock in place (illus-

tration C).

4. Place the Control Panel

on the three prongs on the

Pure Magic Spa™ Tub, and

line up the Center Array in

the center of the tub (illus-

Travel Bags

tration D). Make sure it is


5. Fill the Pure Magic Spa™

with very warm water, 5cm

(2 inches) below the Control

Panel. Do not overfill.

6. Add 3 mg /0.5 oz. or 1 heaped spoonful (using the

Illustration A

measuring spoon included) of low sodium salt to the

water. The amount of low sodium salt required for the

treatment depends on the hardness of the water in

your area.

7. Place a comfortable chair

near your Pure Magic Spa™.

8. Before putting your feet in the

water, connect the Electrical

Adapter to the top of the

Control Panel (illustration E).

Then, plug in your Pure

Magic Spa™ and turn it on by

pressing the start button.

9. Now, soak your feet in the warm salt water. Make

Illustration B

sure the water level does not reach the top of the

Center Array. Your Pure Magic Spa™ session has now

begun. If the Control Panel buzzes or turns off prema-

Illustration C

turely or the water is too tingly, start the process again

by adding clean water and less low sodium salt.

10. The Pure Magic Spa™ works using the Center Array

which effectively rebalances the body and harmo-


nizes your system. This process helps create natural

1/4″ to

stimulation and starts the detoxification process.

lock in


11. Once you have started the treatment the first green

light will stay on.

12. After the Pure Magic Spa™ is turned on, you will

start to see tiny bubbles form in the water. The water

will gradually turn color. As the color changes, you

know your Pure Magic Spa™ is working. Various

color changes can occur. The water color can be

light or dark depending on your body type, the hard-

Illustration D

ness of your water and the amount of salt used.

Illustration E

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