Пульт от кондиционера митсубиси электрик инструкция к пульту

дистанционное управление
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Модель МСЗ-ГЛ 18
Модель MSY-GL 18



Пульт дистанционного управления кондиционером MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC A01

переменный ток

Выбор режимов работы

A Нажмите Пульт дистанционного управления кондиционером MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC A01для запуска/остановки операции.

B Нажмите Пульт дистанционного управления кондиционером MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC A02 для выбора режима работы. Каждое нажатие изменяет режим в следующем порядке:

Пульт дистанционного управления кондиционером MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC A03

C Нажмите Пульт дистанционного управления кондиционером MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC A04 or Пульт дистанционного управления кондиционером MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC A05 для установки температуры. Каждое нажатие повышает или понижает температуру на 1° F (1° C).

Пульт дистанционного управления кондиционером MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC A02


Скорость вентилятора и направление воздушного потока

D Нажмите artika PMB C7 Уличный настенный светильник из нержавеющей стали A07 для выбора скорости вентилятора. При каждом нажатии скорость вращения вентилятора изменяется в следующем порядке:

Пульт дистанционного управления кондиционером MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC A06

  • При установке на АВТО из внутреннего блока раздаются два коротких звуковых сигнала.
  • Используйте более высокую скорость вентилятора, чтобы быстрее охладить или нагреть помещение. Рекомендуется снижать скорость вращения вентилятора, когда в помещении становится прохладно/тепло.
  • Для бесшумной работы используйте меньшую скорость вентилятора.

E Нажмите Пульт дистанционного управления кондиционером MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC A07 для выбора направления воздушного потока. Каждое нажатие изменяет направление воздушного потока в следующем порядке:

Пульт дистанционного управления кондиционером MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC A08

  • При установке на АВТО из внутреннего блока раздаются два коротких звуковых сигнала.

F Нажмите Пульт дистанционного управления кондиционером MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC A08 для выбора горизонтального воздушного потока. Каждое нажатие изменяет направление воздушного потока в следующем порядке:

Пульт дистанционного управления кондиционером MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC A10

Режимы направления воздушного потока

Пульт дистанционного управления кондиционером MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC A11  Лопасти настроены на наиболее эффективное направление воздушного потока.

Пульт дистанционного управления кондиционером MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC A12 Лопасть прерывисто движется вверх и вниз.

Пульт дистанционного управления кондиционером MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC A13Для эффективного охлаждения выберите направление 1. Для обогрева выберите направление 5. Если в режиме ОХЛАЖДЕНИЕ/СУШКА выбрано направление 4 или 5, лопасть поднимается вверх через 30 минут – 1 час, чтобы предотвратить капание конденсата.

artika PMB C7 Уличный настенный светильник из нержавеющей стали A05


Умный набор операций

G Нажмите Пульт дистанционного управления кондиционером MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC A14в режимах ОХЛАЖДЕНИЕ, ЭКОНОМИЧНОЕ ОХЛАЖДЕНИЕ или НАГРЕВ, чтобы выбрать режим SMART SET.

Установите температуру, скорость вентилятора и направление воздушного потока.

  • Эта же установка выбирается в следующий раз нажатиемПульт дистанционного управления кондиционером MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC A14.
  • Можно сохранить две настройки. Один для ОХЛАЖДЕНИЯ/ЭКОНОМИЧНОГО ОХЛАЖДЕНИЯ и один для НАГРЕВАНИЯ.
  • Выберите подходящую температуру, скорость вентилятора и направление воздушного потока в соответствии с вашей комнатой.
  • Обычно минимальная температура в режиме HEAT составляет 59° F (16° C). Однако только во время работы SMART SET минимальная настройка температуры составляет 50° F (10° C).

Нажмите Пульт дистанционного управления кондиционером MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC A14 еще раз, чтобы отменить операцию SMART SET.

  • Работа SMART SET также отменяется при нажатии кнопки MODE.

Что такое СМАРТ-СЕТ?

Упрощенная функция возврата позволяет вызывать предпочитаемую (предустановленную) настройку одним нажатием кнопки. Пульт дистанционного управления кондиционером MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC A15кнопка. Нажмите кнопку еще раз, и вы можете вернуться к предыдущей настройке.

ExampФайлы использования

  1. Режим низкого энергопотребления:
    Установите температуру от 4° F (2° C) до 6° F (3° C) выше в режиме ОХЛАЖДЕНИЕ и ниже в режиме НАГРЕВ. Эта настройка подходит для незанятой комнаты и во время сна.
  2. Сохранение часто используемых настроек:
    Сохраните предпочтительные настройки для ОХЛАЖДЕНИЯ/ЭКОНОМИЧНОГО ОХЛАЖДЕНИЯ и ОБОГРЕВА. Это позволяет выбрать желаемую настройку одним нажатием кнопки.

MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC Пульт дистанционного управления кондиционером A5a



H Нажмите Пульт дистанционного управления кондиционером MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC A16в режиме ОХЛАЖДЕНИЯ, чтобы начать работу в режиме ЭКОНОМИЧЕСКОГО ОХЛАЖДЕНИЯ.

  • В зависимости от температуры воздушного потока агрегат выполняет операцию качания по вертикали в различных циклах. Заданная температура автоматически устанавливается на 4° F (2° C) выше.

Нажмите Пульт дистанционного управления кондиционером MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC A16 еще раз, чтобы отменить режим ЭКОНОМИЧЕСКОГО ОХЛАЖДЕНИЯ.

  • Режим ЭКОНОМИЧНОГО ОХЛАЖДЕНИЯ также отменяется при нажатии кнопки VANE.

Что такое ЭКОНО ХОЛОД?

Поворотный воздушный поток заставляет вас чувствовать себя прохладнее, чем стационарный воздушный поток. Несмотря на то, что заданная температура автоматически повышается на 4° F (2° C). В результате вы можете экономить энергию и оставаться в комфорте.

artika PMB C7 Уличный настенный светильник из нержавеющей стали A06


Работа таймера

I Нажмите Пульт дистанционного управления кондиционером MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC A17  or Пульт дистанционного управления кондиционером MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC A18 во время работы установить таймер.

Пульт дистанционного управления кондиционером MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC A17Таймер включения: устройство включается в установленное время.

Пульт дистанционного управления кондиционером MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC A18 Таймер выключения: устройство выключается в установленное время.

  • Таймеры включения и выключения можно установить вместе.
  • метка указывает порядок операций таймера.
  • Убедитесь, что текущее время установлено правильно.

J Нажмите Пульт кондиционера MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC A19 - копия вперед и Пульт дистанционного управления кондиционером MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC A20 назад, чтобы установить время таймера.

Нажмите Пульт дистанционного управления кондиционером MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC A17 or Пульт дистанционного управления кондиционером MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC A18 для отмены таймера.

Пульт дистанционного управления кондиционером MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC C01



Мультисистемная работа

Два или более внутренних блока могут управляться одним наружным блоком. Когда несколько внутренних блоков работают одновременно, операции охлаждения и обогрева не могут выполняться одновременно. Когда для одного блока выбрано ОХЛАЖДЕНИЕ, а для другого — НАГРЕВ, или наоборот, последний выбранный блок переходит в режим ожидания.


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Технические характеристики, представленные в данной брошюре, могут быть изменены без предварительного уведомления. Ознакомьтесь с полной гарантией для ознакомления с условиями и ограничениями. Копию можно получить в Mitsubishi Electric Trane HVAC US LLC.

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Mitsubishi Electric PAR-21MAA Technical Manual

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Summary of Contents for Mitsubishi Electric PAR-21MAA

  • Page 1
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    CONTENTS !. Advantage of New MA Remote Controller !. Advantage of New MA Remote Controller …………….2 . Weekly Timer ……………………2 2. Easy Maintenance Function (Only for PUHZ type) ………….2 @. New Functions 3. New Display ……………………3 3. Dot Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) ……………………3 3.2 Multi-language Display ……………………….3 4. The Other Functions ………………….3 4. Temperature Range Limit Setting ……………………3 4.2 Auto Off Timer …………………………3 #. Appearance 4.3 Simple Operation Lock ……………………….3 @. New Functions ……………………4 #. Appearance ……………………..5 . Display Section ……………………5 $. Easy Maintenance Function 2. Operation Section …………………..5 (For Mr. SLIM PUHZ series)

  • Page 4: Weekly Timer

    ! . Advantage of New MA Remote Controller 1. Weekly Timer The built-in weekly timer enables you not only to make on/off settings but also temperature settings. Up to 8 patterns can be set for each day of the week. Saves you money and space because you need only one remote controller. Conventional Schedule remote controller remote controller Deluxe remote controller Setting example (Restaurant in summer) Economical operation according to air conditioner use Set the Set the temperature low. temperature high. Lunch time Dinner time Seven patterns can be set.

  • Page 5: Dot Liquid Crystal Display (Lcd)

    3. New Display Various information is displayed and conveyed clearly, enabling more accurate operation of the air conditioner. 3.1 Dot Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) The dot liquid crystal display enables quick understanding of the operation Display example [Operation mode] state. Dot liquid crystal display 3.2 Multi-language Display  Display example [Cool mode] [English] [German] [Spanish] [Russian] In addition to English, contents can be displayed in 7 other languages. This function makes the remote controller very useful in facilities where foreign- [Itarian] [Chinese] [French] [Japanese] ers are present. 4. The Other Functions 4.1 Temperature Range Limit Setting Enables operation of air conditioner at comfortable temperatures at all times. Upper and lower limits can be established for the temperature setting. This prevents overcooling or overheating, thereby contributing to energy saving. 4.2 Auto Off Timer Shuts off wasteful air conditioner operations. Operation is stopped automatically when the preset time elapses following the start of operation, thereby preventing wasteful operations.

  • Page 6: New Functions

    @ . New Functions Available when connect PU(H) Function Description Go to page PUHZ series series Displays information necessary for maintenance. Below information for easy maintenance of air-conditioner can be displayed. • Compressor • Accumulated operating time • Number of ON/OFF times • Operating current (A) • Outdoor unit • Heat exchanger temperature (°C) Easy maintenance function ○ • Discharge temperature (°C) × • Outside air temperature (°C) • Indoor unit • Intake air temperature (°C) •…

  • Page 7: Appearance

    Test Run button TEMP. ON/OFF Set Time buttons Check button (Clear button) Back MENU ON/OFF FILTER Ahead BACK MONITOR/SET CHECK TEST Airflow Up/Down butto OPERATION PAR-21MAA CLOCK CLEAR Timer On/Off button (Set Day button) Louver button Operation button) To preceding operation Opening the number. door. Ventilation button Operation button) To next operation number. Note:  If you press a button for a feature that is not installed at the indoor unit, the remote controller will display the “Not Available”…

  • Page 8: Maintenance Mode Operating Method

    $ . Easy Maintenance Function (For Mr.SLIM PUHZ series) ●Reduces maintenance work drastically. ●Enables you to check operation data of the indoor and outdoor units by remote controller. Furthermore, use of maintenance stable-operation control that fixes the operating frequency, allows smooth inspection, even for inverter models. Smooth Mainte- Discharge temperature 64 °C ●…

  • Page 9
    � Data measurement When the operation is stabilized, measure operation data as explained below. (4) Press the [TEMP] buttons ( ) to select the desired refrigerant address. [Screen (5) Select the type of data to be displayed. After selecting, go to step (6). Compressor information button MENU…
  • Page 10: Guide For Operation Condition

    2. Guide for Operation Condition Check Points Inspection item Result Breaker Good Retightened Enter the temperature differences between into Terminal block Outdoor Unit Good Retightened the graph given below. Indoor Unit Good Retightened Operation state is determined according to the plotted areas on (Insulation resistance) the graph.

  • Page 11
    % . How to Select Functions of remote controller 1. Function Items The setting of the following remote controller functions can be changed using the remote controller function selection mode. Change the setting when needed. Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 (Setting content) 1.Change Language Language setting to display Display in multiple languages is possible.
  • Page 12: Flowchart Of Function Setting

    ON/OFF Italian MENU ON/OFF FILTER BACK MONITOR/SET CHECK TEST Chinese OPERATION PAR-21MAA CLOCK CLEAR French Japanese Item 3 Function Operation lock setting is not used. selection (Initial setting value) Operation lock setting is except On/Off button. Operation lock setting is all buttons.

  • Page 13
    3. Screen Structure for Function Setting Description of each screen • Function selection of remote controller : Used to set the timer function and operation limit function, etc. • Set day time : Used to set the current day of the week and time. • Standard control screen : Used to set the air conditioner’s operating state. • Timer monitor screen : Used to display the current settings of the timers (weekly, simple, auto off). • Timer set up screen : Used to set the timers (weekly, simple, auto off). Function Selection of Remote Controller Set Day Time Standard Control Screens °С °С (OFF) (ON) Timer Monitor Timer Setup °C How to change the screen display…
  • Page 14
    4. Function Setting Mode 4.1 Change Language The language that appears on the dot display can be selected. The following languages can be selected. 1English (GB) 2German (D) 3Spanish (E) 4Russian (RU) 5Italian (I) 6Chinese (CH) 7French (F) 8Japanese (JP) Changing the Display Language  Display example () While pressing the button, press the button for 2 seconds to activate the remote controller’s function MODE ON/OFF selection mode. (2) Press the button until appears on the screen (at MODE [Display CHANGE FUNCTION…
  • Page 15
    Multi Language Display Italian Italian…
  • Page 16
    4.2 Function Setting 4.2.1 Operation Lock (Operation Function Limit Setting) The following settings can be made. :All buttons except for the [ON/OFF] button are locked. 1no1 :All buttons are locked. 2no2 3OFF (default) :No buttons are locked. * To activate this operation lock function on the normal screen, hold down the button for 2 seconds while ON/OFF holding down the ) button. FILTER How to Lock the Buttons  Display example (6)(7) (1)(5) () While pressing the button, press the button for 2 seconds to activate the remote controller’s func- MODE ON/OFF tion selection mode. FUNCTION (2) Press the button to select on the screen (at MODE SELECTION…
  • Page 17
    Enabling the Lock Function (6) While pressing the ) button , press the button for 2 seconds to enable the operation lock func- ON/OFF FILTER tion. appears on the screen (at * If a locked button is pressed while the operation lock function is in use, will blink on the screen (at  Display example when operation lock function is in use How to Unlock the Buttons (7) While pressing the ) button , press the button for 2 seconds. ON/OFF FILTER disappears from the screen (at  Display example when the operation lock function is not in use…
  • Page 18: Auto Mode Setting

    4.2.2 Auto Mode Setting The following settings can be made. 1ON (default) : Auto mode is displayed when selecting an operation mode only if the unit to be connected supports the auto mode. However, this does not apply if the unit to be connected does not support the auto mode. Operation mode can be switched : COOL AUTO HEAT : Even if the unit supports the auto mode, auto mode is not displayed when selecting an operation mode. 2OFF Operation mode can be switched : COOL HEAT How to Set Auto Mode  Display example () While pressing the button, press the button for 2 seconds to activate the remote controller’s func- MODE ON/OFF tion selection mode. FUNCTION (2) Press the button to select on the screen (at MODE SELECTION CHANGE FUNCTION MODE DISP MODE [Display LANGUAGE SELECTION SELECTION SETTING SELECT (3) Press the…

  • Page 19
     Screen display when auto mode is set to ON () Press the button. ON/OFF The ON lamp lights up and operating contents are displayed on the LCD. (2) Press the button. MODE Each time the button is pressed, the operation mode switches from one to another. “AUTO” is also displayed. MODE COOL AUTO HEAT *: If the remote controller is connected with the unit for cool operation only, “AUTO” and “HEAT” will not be displayed, nor will it be possible to select them.  Display example when auto mode is set to ON If AUTO MODE DISP C/H is ON (see 4.4.3), it takes about 0 seconds before the display is switched from one mode to another.  Screen display when auto mode is set to OFF () Press the button. ON/OFF The ON lamp lights up and operating contents are displayed on the LCD. (2) Press the button. MODE Each time the button is pressed, the operation mode switches from one to another, but “AUTO” is not displayed. MODE COOL HEAT…
  • Page 20
    4.2.3 Temperature Range Limit Setting The temperature setting range can be limited. It can be limited for each mode. : The temperature setting range for cool/dry mode can be changed. 1Cool mode : The temperature setting range for heat mode can be changed. 2Heat mode : The temperature setting range for auto mode can be changed. 3Auto mode 4OFF (default) : The temperature setting range is not limited. * When a mode other than OFF mode is set, temperature setting range limit setting for cool, heat and auto modes will be made simultaneously. However, limit setting will not be made unless the range has been changed. Setting range Standard setting COOL·DRY Mode Lower limit 9 °C – 30 °C 9 °C – 30 °C Upper limit 30 °C – 9 °C HEAT Mode Lower limit 7 °C – 28 °C 7 °C – 28 °C Upper limit 28 °C – 7 °C AUTO Mode Lower limit 9 °C – 28 °C 9 °C – 28 °C Upper limit 28 °C – 9 °C * Temperatures can be set within the range of “upper limit ” “lower limit”. Limiting the Temperature Range  Display example () While pressing the button, press the button for 2 seconds to activate the remote controller’s func-…
  • Page 21
    (5) Press the button to select lower limit or upper limit. Lower limit blinks. Upper limit blinks. [Display (6) Press the [TEMP] buttons ( ) to set the desired temperature setting range. [Setting example for lower limit] Display С С С (7) While pressing the button, press the button for 2 seconds to return to normal mode. Setting is MODE ON/OFF now complete.
  • Page 22
    4.3 Basic Functions Setting 4.3.1 Remote Controller Main/Sub Setting When using 2 remote controllers, they must be designated as the main and sub remote controllers. The following settings can be made. 1MAIN (default) : The remote controller is set as the main controller. : The remote controller is set as the sub controller. 2SUB To Change the Main/Sub Setting  Display example () While pressing the button, press the button for 2 seconds to activate the remote controller’s func- MODE ON/OFF tion selection mode. (2) Press the button until MODE appears on the screen (at MODE SELECTION CHANGE FUNCTION MODE DISP MODE [Display LANGUAGE SELECTION SELECTION SETTING (3) Press the button to select “CONTROLLER” on the screen (at MENU (4) Press the button to select “CONTROLLER MAIN” or “CONTROLLER SUB” on the screen (at ON/OFF CONTROLLER CONTROLLER [Display…
  • Page 23: Timer Function Setting (Weekly Timer/Auto Off Timer/Simple Timer)

    4.3.2 Timer function setting (Weekly timer/Auto off timer/Simple timer) The following settings can be made. 1Weekly Timer (default) : The weekly timer can be used. : The auto off timer can be used. 2Auto Off Timer : The simple timer can be used. 3Simple Timer : Timer mode cannot be used. 4Timer Mode Off * If the clock function is disabled (OFF), “Weekly Timer” cannot be selected.  Clock function setting The following settings can be made. 1ON (default) : The clock function can be used. : The clock function cannot be used. 2OFF * If “OFF” is selected to disable the clock function, the weekly timer cannot be used to make day of the week/time settings. To use the weekly timer to set the day of the week and time, the clock function must be set to “ON” (default). To Use the Clock  Display example () While pressing the button, press the button for 2 seconds to activate the remote controller’s func- MODE ON/OFF tion selection mode. (2) Press the button until MODE appears on the screen (at MODE SELECTION CHANGE FUNCTION MODE DISP MODE [Display LANGUAGE SELECTION…

  • Page 24
    Setting the Day of the Week and Time  Display example () Press the buttons ( ) to display on the screen (at (2) Press the button until the desired day of the week appears. ON/OFF [Display (3) Press the buttons ( ) to set the desired time. Press the buttons ( ) longer will switch the time in 0-minute and -hour increments. One-minute Ten-minute One hour [Display (4) Press the ) button to confirm the time FILTER Note The time you have set can be cancelled by pressing the (BACK) button without confirming it MODE (5) Press the (BACK) button to return to the normal screen and complete the day of the week/time setting.
  • Page 25
    1 Weekly Timer  The weekly timer allows you to set up to 8 operations per day of the week. • For each operation, you can set the ON (start) or OFF (stop) timer and temperature. The start timer, stop timer and tempera- ture can also be set individually. • The air conditioner is operated at the times you have set and according to the settings you have made.  The time for the weekly timer can be set in -minute increments. * If “OFF” is selected to disable the clock function, the weekly timer cannot be used to make day of the week/time settings. To use the weekly timer to set the day of the week and time, the clock function must be set to “ON” (default). (Refer to 4.3.2) Note With the weekly timer, it is not possible to designate an operation mode. The air conditioner will be operated in the currently selected operation mode. (Cool, Dry, Heat or Auto) How to set the Weekly Timer  Display example (for (11) (10) (1) Make sure that “WEEKLY” is displayed on the screen (at (2) Press the button to select on the screen (at MENU [Display TIMER TIMER SET MONITOR…
  • Page 26
    (5) Press the [CLOCK] buttons ( ) to set the desired time. (0:00 to 23:59) [Display (6) Press the button to select whether to start or stop the air conditioner at the time you have set in step (5). [Display (Space) (7) Press the [TEMP] buttons ( ) to set the desired room temperature. (2 °C to 30 °C) [Display (Space) Temperature setting range : The temperature can be set within a range of 2 °C to 30 °C. However, the setting range varies with the type of the air conditioner. (Refer to 4-2-3.) (8) After completing the settings in steps (4) to (7), press the ) button to confirm them. FILTER To cancel the settings you have made, press the (CLEAR) button once. * The time setting will change to “- -:- -”, and the ON/OFF and temperature settings will all disappear. (To clear all the weekly timer settings you have made, hold down the (CLEAR) button for 2 seconds or more until the settings blink. All of the settings will be cleared.) Note The settings you have made can be cancelled by pressing the (BACK) button before pressing MODE FILTER button.
  • Page 27
    To Turn On the Weekly Timer () Press the button so that disappears from the screen (at ON/OFF  Weekly timer setting procedure To facilitate weekly timer setting, it is recommended to input the set up table below with the settings (day of the week, time, op- eration (on/off)) that you are going to make. Weekly timer setup table (up to 8 patterns can be set for each day of the week, 56 patterns in total for a week). Operation No. Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Time setting no  On/off setting Temperature Time setting no 2 On/off setting Temperature Time setting no 3 On/off setting Temperature Time setting no 4 On/off setting Temperature Time setting no 5 On/off setting Temperature Time setting no 6 On/off setting Temperature Time setting…
  • Page 28
    Auto Off Timer  The auto off timer begins counting down when the air conditioner starts, and shuts off the air conditioner when the set time passed.  The time on the auto off timer can be set in a range of 30 minutes to 4 hours, in 30-minute increments. * By default, the weekly timer is selected as the remote controller’s timer function. To use the auto off timer, switch the timer function to the auto off timer using the remote controller’s function selection. Note  : If the auto off timer is selected, it is not possible to use the weekly and simple timers. Note 2 : Timer operation is not possible when: A timer is operating, an error has occurred, the air conditioner is operating, the remote controller is diagnosing a problem, function selection is in progress, timer setting is in progress, or the system is centrally controlled. (ON/OFF operation is prohibited under the above conditions.) Selecting the Auto Off Timer  Display example Steps () to (5) are necessary when switching the timer function from simple timer, weekly timer and no timer. () While pressing the button, press the button for 2 seconds to activate the remote controller’s func- MODE ON/OFF tion selection mode.
  • Page 29
    How to Set the Auto Off Timer  Display example ()Press the button for 3 seconds so that appears on the screen (at MENU TIMER TIMER SET [Display MONITOR :ENTER (2) Press the [CLOCK] buttons ( ) to set the desired time. (The time can be set up to 4 hours in 30-minute increments.) [Display (3) Press the ) button to confirm the setting FILTER (4) Press the button to complete the setting procedure. MODE [Set display example] [Display [Display AUTO OFF AFTER Two hours Checking the Current Auto Off Timer Setting…
  • Page 30
    To Turn Off the Auto Timer… () Press the button for 3 seconds so that the timer execution time disappears from the screen (at ON/OFF • If the air conditioner is operated with the auto off timer turned OFF, will appear on the screen (at * The auto off timer will be effective the next time that the air conditioner is operated.  Display example (auto off timer is off) To Turn On the Auto Off Timer……
  • Page 31
    3 Simple Timer  You can set the simple timer in any of 3 ways.  Start time only : The air conditioner starts when the set time has passed.  Stop time only : The air conditioner stops when the set time has passed.  Start & Stop times : The air conditioner starts and stops at the respective passed times.  The simple timer (Start and stop) can be set only once within a 72-hour period. The time setting is made in hour increments. Note : Timer operation is not possible when: A timer is operating, an error has occurred, the air conditioner is operating, the remote controller is diagnosing a prob- lem, function selection is in progress, timer setting is in progress, or the system is centrally controlled. (ON/OFF operation is prohibited under the above conditions.)  If the simple timer is not currently selected, select it and make the necessary changes to the current settings as explained below.
  • Page 32
    How to Set the Simple Timer  Display example Make sure that “SIMPLE TIMER” is displayed on the screen (at () Press the button to select on the screen (at MENU TIMER TIMER SET [Display MONITOR :ENTER (2) Press the button to select “Start time only” or “Stop time only”. AFTER AFTER • Start time only (Displays the time at which the air conditioner starts) : “Hr AFTER ON” • Stop time only (Displays the time at which the air conditioner stops) : “Hr AFTER OFF” (3) Press the buttons ( ) to set the desired time. (The time can be set up to 72 hours in -hour increments.) [Display * To cancel the time you have set, press the (CLEAR) button. (4) Press the ) button to confirm the setting FILTER *. When using only the start timer or stop timer, make sure that “– –” is displayed for the timer you are not going to use.
  • Page 33
    Review the Current Simple Timer Settings () Be sure that the “SIMPLE” indicator is visible on the screen (at (2) Press the button, so that the appears on the screen (at MENU • The time you have set to start or stop the timer appears on the screen (at (3) Press the button to close the display and return to the standard control screen. MODE To Turn Off the Simple Timer… () Press the button so that the timer setting no longer appears on the screen (at ON/OFF Examples  Start timer operation : Operation starts 2 Stop timer operation : Operation stops 3 Timer cancelled : Timer setting no longer appears after 2 hours. after 0 hours. 4 When both the start and stop timers are set Example 1 : To activate the on timer firs Once 7 hours have elapsed, the air Time set for the on timer: ON after 3 hours conditioner will remain stopped until Time set for the off timer: OFF after 7 hours…
  • Page 34
    4 Timer Mode Off Timer mode cannot be used.  Display example How to set the Timer mode Off () While pressing the button, press the button for 2 seconds to activate the remote controller’s func- MODE ON/OFF tion selection mode. (2) Press the button until appears on the screen (at MODE CHANGE FUNCTION MODE DISP MODE [Display LANGUAGE SELECTION SELECTION SETTING (3) Press the button so that “TIMER” appears on the screen (at MENU (4) Press the button until “TIMER MODE OFF” appears on the screen (at ON/OFF TIMER MODE AUTO OFF SIMPLE WEEKLY [Display TIMER TIMER TIMER (5) While pressing the button, press the…
  • Page 35: Contact Number Setting For Error Situation

    4.3.3 Contact Number Setting for Error Situation The following settings can be made. 1 CALL • OFF (default) : The preset contact number is not displayed even when an error occurs. : The preset contact number is displayed when an error occurs. (The contact number can consist of up 2 CALL • ************ to 2 digits.) CALL • – : The contact number is not set in default setting. It is displayed. Setting the Contact Numbers  Display example () While pressing the button, press the button for 2 seconds to activate the remote controller’s func- MODE ON/OFF tion selection mode. (2) Press the button until appears on the screen (at MODE [Display CHANGE FUNCTION MODE DISP MODE LANGUAGE SELECTION SELECTION SETTING (3) Press the button until “CALL” appears on the screen (at MENU [Display CALL . TIMER CONTROLLER CLOCK (4) Press the…

  • Page 36
    (6) While pressing the button, press the button for 2 seconds to return to normal mode. MODE ON/OFF * If you press the button before the button, the settings you have made will be cancelled. ON/OFF MODE (7) If you press the (CLEAR) button, the contact number will be displayed for 5 seconds.  Once the contact number has been set, the error code and contact number will be displayed alternately when an error occurs. Error Code Indoor unit No. (Alternating Display) Indoor unit No. Error Code…
  • Page 37: Temperature Display C/F Setting

    4.4 Display Change Setting 4.4.1 Temperature Display °C/°F Setting The following settings can be made. °C(default) : Temperatures are displayed in Celsius. °F : Temperatures are displayed in Fahrenheit. (Degrees F = .8 × degrees C + 32) Switching the Temperature Display Unit between °F and °C  Display example () While pressing the button, press the button for 2 seconds to activate the remote controller’s func- MODE ON/OFF tion selection mode. (2) Press the button until appears on the screen (at MODE [Display CHANGE FUNCTION MODE DISP MODE LANGUAGE SELECTION SELECTION SETTING (3) Press the button to select “TEMP MODE °C/°F” on the screen (at MENU (4) Press the button to select “°C” or “°F”on the screen (at ON/OFF [Display (5) While pressing the button, press the button for 2 seconds to return to normal mode.

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    4.4.2 Room Temperature Display Setting The following settings can be made. 1 ON (default) : The room temperature is displayed. : The room temperature is not displayed. 2 OFF Setting the Room Temperature  Display example () While pressing the button, press the button for 2 seconds to activate the remote controller’s func- MODE ON/OFF tion selection mode. (2) Press the button until appears on the screen (at MODE CHANGE FUNCTION MODE DISP MODE [Display LANGUAGE SELECTION SELECTION SETTING (3) Press the button so that “ROOM TEMP DISP SELECT” appears on the screen (at MENU (4) Press the button to select “on” or “oFF” on the screen (at ON/OFF [Display (5) While pressing the button, press the button for 2 seconds to return to normal mode. MODE ON/OFF * If you press the…
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    4.4.3 Automatic Cooling/Heating Display Setting • This section explains how to set whether to display “COOL”/ “HEAT” in auto mode. It will not be displayed if auto mode is set to OFF. 1 ON (default) : One of “Automatic cooling” and “Automatic heating” is displayed under the automatic mode is displayed. : Only “Automatic” is displayed under the automatic mode. 2 OFF Selecting Whether to Display “COOL”/“HEAT” in Auto Mode  Display example () While pressing the button, press the button for 2 seconds to activate the remote controller’s func- MODE ON/OFF tion selection mode.
  • Page 40: Unit Function Setting By The Remote Controller (For Mr. Slim)

    ^ . Unit Function Setting by the Remote Controller (for Mr. SLIM) Perform the following settings only to change the functions for Mr. Slim series. (This setting is not possible with the City-Multi series.) Each function can be set according to necessity using the remote controller. The setting of function for each unit can only be done by the remote controller. Select available function from the table. (For details regarding initial settings and operation modes of each unit, refer to the unit installation manual.) () Itemised functions of the entire refrigerant system (select unit number 00) Function Settings Mode No. Setting No. Check Remarks Power failure automatic recovery Average data from each indoor unit Indoor temperature Data from the indoor unit with remote controller detecting * Data from main remote controller Not supported Supported (indoor unit does not intake outdoor air LOSSNAY through LOSSNAY) connectivity Supported (indoor unit intakes outdoor air through LOSSNAY) 240V Power voltage 220V, 230V Auto operating mode Auto energy-saving operation ON Auto energy-saving operation OFF Frost prevention 2:(Normal) temperature Standard Defrosting control For high humidity 70% (RP35, 50) / 80% (RP60-40, HRP) Refrigerant leakage setting(%) *3…

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    (2) Itemised functions of the indoor unit (select unit numbers 01 to 03 or AL [ Wired remote controller ] / 07 [ Wireless remote controller ]) Function Settings Mode No. Setting No. Check Remarks 00Hr Filter sign 2500Hr «Clean the filter» indicator is not displayed Silent Standard Air flo Standard High ceiling1 PLA-RP·AA type…
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    [Flow of function selection] First, try to familiarize yourself with the flow of the function selection procedure. In this section, an example of setting the room temperature detection position is given. For actual operations, refer to steps Setting number Refrigerant address Unit number Mode number Modes 01 to 14 can be activated…
  • Page 43: Operating Procedure

    [Operating Procedure] Check the setting items provided by function selection. If settings for a mode are changed by function selection, the functions of that mode will be changed accordingly. Check all the current settings according to steps , fill in the «Check» column in Table, and then change them as necessary. For initial settings, refer to the indoor unit’s installation manual. Switch off the remote controller.

  • Page 44: Test Run By The Remote Controller (For Mr. Slim)

    & . Test Run by the Remote Controller (for Mr. SLIM) 1. Check Points Under Test Run Before test run • After installation of indoor and outdoor units, piping work and electric wiring work, re-check that there is no refrigerant leakage, loosened connections and incorrect polarity. • Measure impedance between the ground and the power supply terminal block(L, N) on the outdoor unit by 500V Megger and check that it is .0M» or over. wDon’t use 500V Megger to indoor/outdoor connecting wire terminal block(S, S2, S3) and remote controller terminal block (, 2). This may cause malfunction. • Make sure that test run switch (SW4) is set to OFF before turning on power supply. • Turn on power supply 2 hours before test run in order to protect compressor. • For specific models which requires higher ceiling settings or auto-recovery feature from power failure, make proper changes of settings referring to the description of Selection of Functions through Remote Controller. Make sure to read operation manual before test run. (Especially items to secure safety.) 2.Test Run using the Wired Remote Controller Operating procedures While the room temperature display on the remote «TEST RUN»…

  • Page 45
    w Press the remote controller’s button twice to perform self-diagnosis. See the table below for the contents of LCD display. For details, please refer to » *.2.Error code list » Contents of inferior phenomena P~9 Malfunction outdoor unit Malfunction indoor unit U~UP Malfunction outdoor unit F3~F9 Malfunction outdoor unit E0~E5 Remote controller transmitting error E6~EF Indoor/outdoor unit communication error —- No error history FFFF No applied unit See the table below for details of the LED display (LED , 2, 3) on the indoor controller board. LED (microcomputer power supply) Lits when power is supplied. Lits when power is supplied for wired remote controller. LED2 (remote controller) The indoor unit should be connected to the outdoor unit with address «0» setting. LED3 (indoor/outdoor communication) Blink when indoor and outdoor unit are communicating.
  • Page 46: How To Proceed «Self-Diagnosis

    * . Self-Diagnosis by the Remote Controller (for Mr.SLIM) 1. How To Proceed «Self-Diagnosis» 1-1. When a Problem Occurs During Operation If a problem occurs in the air conditioner, the indoor and outdoor units will stop, and the problem is shown in the remote controller display. [CHECK] and the refrigerant address are displayed on the temperature display, and the error code and unit number are displayed alternately as shown below.

  • Page 47: Remote Controller Diagnosis

    When the error history is reset, the display will look like the one shown below. Press the ON/OFF button twice within 3 seconds. The self-diagnosis However, if you fail to reset the error history, the error content will be displayed again. address or refrigerant address will blink.

  • Page 48: Error Code List

    Remote controller transmitting error is detected by indoor unit. 4 blinking Check if remote controller is MA remote controller(PAR-21MAA). Error code is not defined. Check if noise entered into transmission wire of remote controller. Check if noise entered into indoor/outdoor connecting wire.

  • Page 49
    Indication Error Outdoor controller board Error Contents code Inspection method LED (Green) LED2 (Red) 3 blinking  blinking Abnormality of shell thermistor (TH32) 1Check if stop valves are open. and discharging temperature (TH4) 2Check if connectors (TH4, TH32, LEV-A and LEV-B) on outdoor controller board are not disconnected. Abnormality of superheat due to low dis- 3Check if unit fills with specified amount of refrigeran charge temperature 4Measure resistance values among terminals on indoor valve and outdoor linear expansion valve with a tester. 2 blinking Abnormal high pressure (High pressure 1Check if indoor/outdoor units have a short cycle on switch 63H worked.) their air ducts.
  • Page 50: Monitoring The Operation Data By The Remote Controller (For Mr. Slim)

    ( . Monitoring the Operation Data by the Remote Controller (for Mr. SLIM PUHZ series) 1.How to «Monitor the Operation Data» Turn on the [Monitoring the operation data] Example) Request code «004» Discharge temperature 69°C Refrigerant address «00» B: Refrigerant address C: Data display area D: Request code display area (1) Press the button for 3 seconds so that [ Maintenance mode] appears on the screen (at TEST (2) Press the button for 3 seconds to switch to [Maintenance monitor].

  • Page 51: Request Code List

    2. Request Code List * Certain indoor/outdoor combinations do not have the request code function; therefore, no request codes are displayed. Description Request content Unit Remarks (Display range) Operation state Refer to 2-1. Detail Contents in Request Code. – Compressor-Operating current (rms) 0 – 50 Compressor-Accumulated operating time 0 – 9999 10 hours Compressor-Number of operation times 0 – 9999 100 times Discharge temperature (TH4) 3 –…

  • Page 52
    Description Request content Unit Remarks (Display range) Indoor unit-Control state – Refer to 2-1.Detail Contents in Request Code. Outdoor unit-Control state – Refer to 2-1.Detail Contents in Request Code. Compressor-Frequency control state Refer to 2-1.Detail Contents in Request Code. – Outdoor unit-Fan control state –…
  • Page 53
    Description Request content Unit Remarks (Display range) Error history 1 (latest) Displays error history. (» — — » is displayed if no history is present.) Code Error history 2 (second to last) Displays error history. (» — — » is displayed if no history is present.) Code Error history 3 (third to last) Displays error history.
  • Page 54
    Description Request content Unit Remarks (Display range) Indoor-Fan operating time 0 – 9999 1 hour (After filter is reset) Indoor-Total operating time 0 – 9999 10 hours (Fan motor ON time) Indoor fan output value (Sj value) 0 – 255 Fan control data –…
  • Page 55: Detail Contents In Request Code

    2-1. Detail Contents in Request Code Example) Request code «004» Discharge temperature 69°C Refrigerant address «00» B: Refrigerant address C: Data display area D: Request code display area [Operation state] (Request code «0») Relay output state Power currently Data display Display Compressor Four-way valve Solenoid valve supplied to compressor –…

  • Page 56
    [Fan control state] (Request code :» 53 «) Data display Fan step correction value by heat sink temperature overheat prevention control Fan step correction value by cool condensation temperature overheat prevention control Display Correction value — (minus) – 1 [Actuator output state] (Request code :»54») Data display Actuator output state Actuator output state…
  • Page 57
    [Contact demand capacity] (Request code «61») Setting content Data display Setting Display Setting value Setting content SW7-1 SW7-2 100% [External input state] (Request code «62») Input state : Input present Data display Contact demand Silent mode Spare 1 Spare 2 Display Input state input…
  • Page 58
    [Outdoor unit switch setting display (SW1 to SW10, except SW3)] Request codes: 73 to 82 0: Swich OFF 1: Swich ON 0: Swich OFF 1: Swich ON SW1, SW2, SW6, SW7 Data display Data display 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 01 00 02 00 02…
  • Page 59
    [Indoor unit – Model setting information] (Request code : 162) Data display Display Model setting state Display Model setting state PSA-RP•GA, PSH-PGAH PKA-RP•FAL(2), PKH-P•FALH See the table on the right. PEAD-RP•EA(2)/GA, PEHD-P•EAH PCA-RP•GA(2), PCH-P•GAH, PLA-RP•BA(2) SEZ-KA•VA SLZ-KA•VA(L) PCA-RP•HA PEA-RP400/500GA PEA-RP200/250GA PKA-RP•GAL, PKH-P•GALH PLA-RP•…
  • Page 60: System Control (For Mr. Slim)

    Up to 2 remote controllers can be connected to Wired remote controller (addi- B.Remote control- Indoor tional) one group. unit ler operation (PAR-21MAA) Simultaneous twin, triple and quad units are counted Use of 2 con- as 1 unit. For PKA type, use remote trollers enables Remote controller…

  • Page 61
    72 hours (can MA Remote controller * For control by be set in 1-hour increments). (PAR-21MAA) external timer, • Auto off timer: Operation is stopped when the preset refer to Remote/ time elapses following the start of local combined operation.
  • Page 62: Wired Remote Controller

    1. 1 Remote Controller (Standerd) Operation 1-1 1 Wired Remote Controller (OC: Outdoor unit IC: Indoor unit R: Remote controller (for wireless type: optical receiver adapter) Slim Air Conditioners System Standard 1:1 Simultaneous Twin Simultaneous Triple Simultaneous Quad Outdoor unit OC Indoor/Outdoor connection 3(2) 3(2) 3(2) 3(2) 3(2)

  • Page 63: Remote Controller Operation

    1-3 Wired Remote Controller or Wireless Remote Controller Receiver Built into Indoor Unit [Floor type (wired remote controller)/4-way ceiling cassette type, ceiling suspended type, wall mounted type (wireless remote controller)] Slim Air Conditioner System Standard 1:1 Simultaneous Twin Simultaneous Triple Simultaneous Quad Outdoor unit 3(2)

  • Page 64: Wireless Remote Controllers

    2-2 2 Wireless Remote Controllers (R’: Wireless remote controller receiver) Slim Air Conditioner System Standard 1:1 Simultaneous Twin Outdoor unit OC System diagram Indoor/outdoor 3(2) 3(2) connection cable (Wireless Indoor unit IC — IC-1 IC-2 remote Receiver controller connection Wireless remote cable receiver) controller receiver…

  • Page 65: Operation

    3. Group Control Operation (Collective Operation and Control of Multiple Refrigerant Systems (2 to 16)) Multiple Mr.Slim air conditioners can be operated with the same settings (e.g., operation mode, preset temperature, etc.) by using 1 remote controller. Each outdoor unit can be turned ON/OFF individually by the intake sensor. Up to 16 refrigerant systems can be controlled as a group by 1 remote controller.

  • Page 66: Rotation Function (And Back-Up Function, 2Nd Stage Cut-In Function)

    4. Rotation Function (and back-up function, 2nd stage cut-in function) 4-1. Operation (1) Rotation function (and Back-up function) • Outline of functions · Main and sub units operate alternately according to the interval of rotation setting. w Main and sub unit should be set by refrigerant address. (Outdoor Dip switch setting) Refrigerant address «00» Main unit Refrigerant address «0» Sub unit · When error occurrs to one unit, another unit will start operation. (Back-up function) • System constraint · This function is available only by the grouping control system(INDOOR UNIT : OUTDOOR UNIT=:) of 2 refrigerant groups. (Refer to Fig. ) · Main indoor unit should be connected for wired remote controller and the transmission line(TB5) for main and sub unit should also be connected. (Refer to Fig. ) (This function cannot be set by wireless remote controller.) · Set refrigerant address of each unit. (Dip switch on the outdoor unit ··· Refrigerant address 00/0) Fig. 1 Refrigerant address Refrigerant address Operation pattern «00» «01» [Back-up function only]··· Request code number «312» Error occurs on main unit. Start operation OC-1 OC-2…

  • Page 67: How To Set Rotation Function(Back-Up Function, 2Nd Stage Cut-In Function)

    • System constraint · This function is available only in cooling mode. [2nd stage cut-in function]··· Request code number «322~324» Ex.) Set temp. by R/C = 20:: Set point = 26:: Room temp. Set point Room temp. < Set point -4 When request code number is “323”. Start operation Sub unit start operation Sub unit stop Main 2nd unit Cut-in unit IC-1 4 degree C…

  • Page 68
    (2) Setting method of each function by wired remote controller B: Refrigerant address C: Data display area D: Request code display area 1. Stop operation( ). 2. Press the button ( ) for 3 seconds so that [Maintenance mode] appears on the screen ( ). TEST After a while, [00] appears in the refrigerant address number display area.(at 3.
  • Page 69: External Dimensions

    . External Dimensions unit : mm External colors : Cover Pure white (Munsell 6.9Y 8.9/0.4) LCD peripheral area Medium gray…

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    Revised publication, Aug 2008. Issued in Mar. 2005 M-P0254A SIZ<MEE> New publication effective Mar 2005. Printed in Japan…

Кондиционеры Mitsubishi (Митсубиси) — одни из самых уважаемых и популярных на рынке. Покупателям нравится продукция этого производителя, поскольку бренд очень дорожит своей репутацией, и предлагает потребителям надежные технологичные аппараты.

В этой статье мы подробно расскажем, что означают все эти значки на пульте от кондиционера. Разобравшись в этом однажды, вы сможете настроить любую сплит-систему, вне зависимости от бренда.

Кнопки на пульте дистанционного управления

На пульте кондиционера расположено множество кнопок, в которых на первый взгляд непросто разобраться.

пульт кондиционера mitsubishi

Чтобы вы могли проще и быстрее понять их назначение, разделим кнопки на две категории: основные и дополнительные.

Основные обозначения

ON/OFF. Кнопка включения кондиционера. При однократном нажатии аппарат издает характерный звук и загорается светодиод на корпусе.

MODE. Отвечает за выбор режима работы. Основные режимы: COOL (охлаждение воздуха), HEAT (нагрев воздуха). Название выбранного режима отображается на дисплее пульта.

AUTO. Кнопка автоматической настройки. Параметры подбираются исходя из микроклимата в помещении и выбранного режима работы. Например, в режимах «COOL» и «HEAT» кнопка «AUTO» отвечает за автоматический выбор температуры.

/▼ или /-. Эти кнопки отвечают за выбор температуры, регулировку скорости вентиляции и других параметров.

DRY. Отвечает за включение осушения воздуха. Особенно полезно во влажном климате.

FAN. Включает вентиляцию воздуха. Скорость вентиляции настраивается кнопками «▲» и «▼».

VANE. Отвечает за регулировку направления потока воздуха. При однократном нажатии жалюзи начинают двигаться, при повторном они фиксируются в том положении, в котором находились в момент нажатия. В некоторых кондиционерах есть сразу две кнопки для регулировки жалюзи: вверх-вниз и вправо-влево. В таком случае они обозначаются как «VANE» и «WIDE VANE» соответственно.

Читайте также: Лучшие кондиционеры для квартир в 2019-2020 году

Дополнительные обозначения

На пульте кондиционера есть дополнительные кнопки, которые предназначены для более детальной настройки аппарата. Рассмотрим их подробнее.

ECONO COOL. Отвечает за включение режима охлаждения с пониженным уровнем энергопотребления.

I SAVE. Сохраняет установленные ранее настройки. Очень полезная функция, если вы не хотите при каждом включении настраивать кондиционер заново.

POWERFUL. При нажатии этой кнопки охлаждение/нагрев воздуха осуществляется быстрее и интенсивнее, чем в обычном режиме работы.

TIMER.  Отвечает за включение таймера. Настройка таймера может осуществляться кнопками ▲/▼, либо целым рядом дополнительных кнопок: SET (сохранить), DAY (день), CANCEL (отменить), TIME (время), TEMP (температура) и др. Для корректной настройки прочтите инструкцию к вашей модели кондиционера. Она поставляется в комплекте. Также ее можно найти в интернете в электронном формате.

CLOCK. При однократном нажатии появляется возможность настроить время, как на обычных часах. Не путайте с настройкой времени таймера. Настройка времени осуществляется кнопками ▲/▼.

RESET. Сброс всех заданных ранее настроек.


Мы рассказали обо всех самых важных кнопках на пульте кондиционера. В зависимости от модели сплит-системы количество кнопок может меняться, но базовый набор всегда одинаковый. Мы рекомендуем изучить инструкцию прежде чем настраивать кондиционер самостоятельно. Желаем удачи!

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