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После завершения цикла посудомоечной машины отсек с моющим средством не открылся. Почему? Проверенный
Данная проблема часто возникает, когда посуда блокирует отсек. Прежде, чем запускать машину, убедитесь, что отсек не заблокирован.
Это было полезно (7711)
Почему посудомоечная машина перестала нагревать воду? Проверенный
Скорее всего, нагревательный элемент неисправен. Его следует заменить. В случае сомнений обратитесь к производителю.
Это было полезно (7031)
Можно ли в посудомоечной машине использовать обычную соль? Проверенный
Нет, поваренная соль может содержать вещества, которые споcобны повредить ваше устройство.
Это было полезно (2999)
Нужно ли ополаскивать посуду, прежде чем поместить ее в посудомоечную машину? Проверенный
Ополаскивать посуду необязательно, однако следует удалить все крупные, твердые и жирные остатки пищи. Со временем они могут засорить слив.
Это было полезно (1195)
Могу ли я открыть посудомоечную машину во время ее работы? Проверенный
Большинство посудомоечных машин оснащены устройством остановки подачи воды, благодаря чему программа останавливается сразу же при открытии дверцы, что означает, что вода не будет вытекать. С некоторыми моделями со временем это может вызвать проблемы. При использовании встраиваемых посудомоечных машин частое открывание посудомоечной машины во время работы может привести к повреждению окружающих шкафов водой из-за выделяющегося пара.
Это было полезно (917)
Следует ли открывать посудомоечную машину после того, как она закончила работу, чтобы посуда высохла быстрее? Проверенный
Это зависит от типа посудомоечной машины и ее расположения. Некоторые посудомоечные машины оснащены функцией сушки посуды после программы мойки. В этом случае открытие посудомоечной машины не принесет никакой пользы. При использовании встраиваемых посудомоечных машин частое открывание посудомоечной машины во время работы может привести к повреждению окружающих шкафов водой из-за выделяющегося пара.
Это было полезно (733)
После того, как посудомоечная машина завершит свой цикл, пластиковая посуда еще влажная, а остальная — нет. Это почему? Проверенный
Пластик — плохой проводник тепла, позволяющий продуктам быстро остывать. Влага, которая остается на нем, испаряется гораздо меньше, чем, например, на керамике или металле.
Это было полезно (654)
Можно ли подключить посудомоечную машину к удлинителю? Проверенный
Технику, требующую большого количества энергии, например посудомоечную машину, нельзя подключать ко всем удлинителям. Посмотрите, какова потребляемая мощность посудомоечной машины, которая указывается в ваттах, и проверьте, справится ли с этим удлинитель. Существуют удлинители с более толстыми кабелями, предназначенные для работы с более крупными приборами.
Это было полезно (590)
Царапины на металле внутри посудомоечной машины — это проблема? Проверенный
Внутренняя часть большинства посудомоечных машин изготовлена из нержавеющей стали и не подвержена царапинам.
Это было полезно (589)
Можно ли мыть посуду с тефлоном в посудомоечной машине? Проверенный
Да, ты можешь. Однако сковорода изнашивается быстрее, чем при ручной очистке. При чистке сковороды тефлоном вручную никогда не используйте мочалку, а используйте мягкую губку или ткань.
Это было полезно (589)
Можно ли мыть в посудомоечной машине деревянные предметы, например, шпатели и разделочные доски? Проверенный
Нет. Деревянные предметы можно повредить или покоробить в посудомоечной машине. Кроме того, высвобождающиеся древесные волокна могут повредить посудомоечную машину. Деревянные разделочные доски часто изготавливаются с использованием клея, который может отслоиться после нескольких раз мытья в посудомоечной машине.
Это было полезно (589)
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Table of Contents
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Istruzioni per l’uso
Italiano, 1
DIF 14B1
Português, 29
Vista d’insieme
Regolazione cesto superiore
Tabella dei programmi
Escludere acqua e corrente elettrica
Pulire la lavastoviglie
Evitare i cattivi odori
Pulire gli irroratori
Pulizia filtro entrata acqua
Related Manuals for Indesit DIF 14B1
Summary of Contents for Indesit DIF 14B1
Page 1: Table Of Contents
Collegamenti idraulici ed elettrici Dati tecnici Avvertenze per il primo lavaggio Descrizione dell’apparecchio, 6 Vista d’insieme Pannello comandi Caricare i cesti, 7-8 DIF 14B1 Cesto inferiore Cesto superiore Cestino delle posate Vassoio portaposate Regolazione cesto superiore Avvio e utilizzo, 9…
Page 2: Scheda Prodotto
Scheda prodotto Scheda prodotto INDESIT Marchio DIF 14B1 Modello Capacità nominale in numero di coperti standard (1) Classe di efficienza energetica su una scala da A+++ (bassi consumi) a D (alti consumi) 295.0 Consumo energetico annuo in kWh (2) 1.04…
Page 3: Precauzioni E Consigli
Precauzioni e consigli Smaltimento L’apparecchio è stato progettato e costruito • Smaltimento del materiale di imballaggio: in conformità alle norme internazionali di sicurezza. attenersi alle norme locali, così gli imballaggi Queste avvertenze sono fornite per ragioni di potranno essere riutilizzati. sicurezza e devono essere lette attentamente.
Page 4: Installazione
Installazione Collegamento del tubo di scarico dell’acqua In caso di trasloco tenere l’apparecchio in posizione Collegare il tubo di scarico, senza piegarlo, a una conduttura verticale; se fosse necessario, inclinarlo sul lato posteriore. di scarico con diametro minimo di 4 cm. Posizionamento e livellamento Il tubo di scarico deve essere ad un’altezza compresa tra 40 e 80 cm. dal pavimento o piano d’appoggio della lavastoviglie (A). 1. Disimballare l’apparecchio e controllare che non abbia subìto danni durante il trasporto. Se fosse danneggiato non collegarlo e contattare il rivenditore. 2. Sistemare la lavastoviglie facendo aderire i fianchi o lo schienale ai mobili adiacenti o alla parete. L’apparecchio può…
Page 5: Dati Tecnici
(secondo il La macchina, è dotata di segnali acustici/toni Striscia anticondensa modello d lavastoviglie ) che avvisano dell’avvenuto comando: Dopo aver incassato la lavastoviglie aprire la porta e incollare accensione, fine ciclo ecc.. la striscia adesiva trasparente sotto al ripiano in legno per proteggerlo dalla eventuale condensa. I simboli/spie/led luminosi presenti sul pannello comandi/ display, possono variare di colore, pulsare o essere a luce Avvertenze per il primo lavaggio (secondo il modello di lavastoviglie)
Page 6: Descrizione Dell’apparecchio
Descrizione dell’apparecchio Vista d’insieme Cestello superiore Irroratore superiore Ribaltine Regolatore altezza cestello Cestello inferiore Irroratore inferiore Filtro lavaggio Serbatoio sale Vaschetta detersivo, serbatoio brillantante e dispositivo Active Oxigen 10. Targhetta caratteristiche Pannello comandi Pannello comandi Tasto Selezione Programma Spie programma Tasto e spia On-Off/Reset Solo sui modelli ad incasso totale Presente solo su alcuni modelli. Il numero e il tipo di programmi ed opzioni variano in base al modello di lavastoviglie.
Page 7: Caricare I Cesti
Caricare i cesti Suggerimenti Alcuni modelli di lavastoviglie, dispongono di settori reclinabili gli stessi si possono usare in posizione verticale per la Prima di caricare i cesti, eliminare dalle stoviglie i residui di cibo e vuotare bicchieri e i contenitori dei liquidi rimasti. Non è sistemazione dei piatti oppure in posizione orizzontale (abbassati) per poter caricare più…
Page 8: Vassoio Portaposate
Ribaltine a posizione variabile Il cesto superiore è regolabile in altezza a seconda della Le ribaltine laterali sono posizionabili su tre altezze differenti per necessità: in posizione alta quando nel cesto inferiore si vogliono ottimizzare la disposizione delle stoviglie nello spazio del cesto. sistemare stoviglie ingombranti;…
Page 9: Avvio E Utilizzo
Avvio e utilizzo Avviare la lavastoviglie Caricare il detersivo 1. Aprire il rubinetto dell’acqua. Il buon risultato del lavaggio dipende anche dal 2. Aprire la porta e premere il tasto ON-OFF: corretto dosaggio del detersivo, eccedendo non si lava 3. Dosare il detersivo. (vedi a lato). in modo più efficace e si inquina l’ambiente. 4. Caricare i cesti (vedi Caricare i cesti) . A seconda del grado di sporco, il dosaggio può…
Page 10: Programmi
Programmi I dati dei programmi sono misurati in condizioni di laboratorio secondo Norma europea EN 50242. A seconda delle diverse condizioni di utilizzo, la durata e i dati dei programmi possono variare. Il numero e il tipo di programmi ed opzioni variano in base al modello di lavastoviglie. Consumo Consumo Durata del Programma Asciugatura Opzioni acqua Energia…
Page 11: Brillantante E Sale Rigenerante
Brillantante e sale rigenerante della durezza dell’acqua. Il dato è reperibile presso l’Ente Usare solo prodotti specifici per lavastoviglie. erogatore dell’acqua potabile. Non usare sale alimentare o industriale nè detersivi per il Accendere e spegnere la lavastoviglie con il tasto ON/OFF. lavaggio a mano.
Page 12: Manutenzione E Cura
Manutenzione e cura Pulire i filtri Il gruppo filtrante è formato da tre filtri che puliscono l’acqua di lavaggio dai residui di cibo e la rimettono in circolo: per avere buoni risultati di lavaggio è necessario pulirli. Pulire i filtri con regolarità. La lavastoviglie non deve essere usata senza filtri o con filtro sganciato.
Page 13: Anomalie E Rimedi
Anomalie e rimedi Qualora l’apparecchio presenti delle anomalie di funzionamento, controllare i seguenti punti prima di rivolgersi all’Assistenza. Anomalie: Possibili cause / Soluzione: La lavastoviglie non parte o non • Spegnere la macchina con il tasto ON/OFF, riaccendere dopo un minuto risponde ai comandi circa e reimpostare il programma. • La spina non è ben inserita nella presa di corrente. •…
Page 14: Assistenza
Assistenza Prima di contattare l’Assistenza: (vedi Anomalie e Rimedi) • Verificare se l’anomalia può essere risolta da soli • Riavviare il programma per controllare se l’inconveniente è stato ovviato. • In caso negativo, contattare il Servizio Assistenza Tecnica Autorizzato. Non ricorrere mai a tecnici non autorizzati. Comunicare: • il tipo di anomalia; • il modello della macchina (Mod.); • il numero di serie (S/N). Queste informazioni si trovano sulla targhetta caratteristiche posta sull’apparecchio (vedi Descrizione dell’apparecchio). Assistenza Attiva 7 giorni su 7 Se nasce il bisogno di intervento chiamare il Numero Unico Nazionale 199.199.199 Un operatore sarà a completa disposizione per fissare un appuntamento con Centro Assistenza Tecnico autorizzato più…
Page 15
Connecting the water and electricity supplies Advice regarding the first wash cycle Technical data Description of the appliance, 21 Overall view Control panel DIF 14B1 Loading the racks, 22-23 Lower rack Cutlery basket Upper rack Adjusting upper rack Start-up and use, 24… -
Page 16: Product Fiche
Product fiche Product Fiche INDESIT Brand DIF 14B1 Model Rated capacity in standard place settings (1) Energy efficiency class on a scale from A+++ (low consumption) to D (high consumption) Energy consumption per year in kWh (2) 295.0 Energy consumption of the standard cleaning cycle in kWh 1.04…
Page 17: Precautions, Advice And Assistance
Precautions, advice and Assistance a dangerous obstacle. T h i s a p p l i a n c e w a s d e s i g n e d a n d • Keep detergent and rinse aid out of reach of manufactured in compliance with international children.
Page 18
Assistance Phosphate-free and chlorine-free detergents containing enzymes • We strongly recommend that you use detergents Before contacting Assistance: that do not contain phosphates or chlorine, as • Check whether the problem can be resolved using the these products are harmful to the environment. Troubleshooting guide (see Troubleshooting). • Enzymes provide a particularly effective action • Restart the programme to check whether the problem at temperatures around 50°C. As a result has ceased to exist. -
Page 19: Installation
Installation The hose should not be bent or compressed. If the appliance must be moved at any time, keep it in an upright position; if absolutely necessary, it may be tilted onto its Connecting the water outlet hose back. Connect the outlet hose (without bending it) to a drain duct with Positioning and levelling a minimum diameter of 4 cm.
Page 20: Advice Regarding The First Wash Cycle
Anti-condensation strip (depending on the The machine has a buzzer/set of tones After installing the dishwasher, open the door and stick the dishwasher model ) to inform the user that a command has adhesive transparent strip under the wooden shelf in order been implemented: power on, cycle end etc.
Page 21: Description Of The Appliance
Description of the appliance Overall view Upper rack Upper sprayer arm Tip-up compartments Rack height adjuster Lower rack Lower sprayer arm Washing filter Salt dispenser Detergent dispenser, rinse-aid dispenser and Active Oxygen device Data plate Control panel Control panel Select wash cycle button ON-OFF/Reset button and indicator light Wash cycle indicator lights…
Page 22: Loading The Racks
Loading the racks Tips Several dishwasher models are fitted with tip-up sectors Before loading the racks, remove all food residues from the They can be used in a vertical position when arranging dishes crockery and empty liquids from glasses and containers. No or in a horizontal position (lower) to load pans and salad bowls preventive rinsing is needed under running water.
Page 23
Tip-up compartments with adjustable position The upper rack can be adjusted for height based on requirements: The side tip-up compartments can be positioned at three high position to place bulky crockery in the lower rack and low different heights to optimize the arrangement of crockery inside position to make the most of the tip-up compartments/sectors the rack. by creating more space upwards. Wine glasses can be placed safely in the tip-up compartments by inserting the stem of each glass into the corresponding slots. Adjusting the height of the upper rack In order to make it easier to arrange the crockery, the upper rack may be moved to a higher or lower position. -
Page 24: Start-Up And Use
Start-up and use Starting the dishwasher Measuring out the detergent 1. Turn the water tap on. A good wash result also depends on the correct 2. Open the door and press the ON/OFF button. amount of detergent being used. Exceeding the stated amount does not result in a more effective wash and 3. Measure out the detergent. (see adjacent information). increases environmental pollution.
Page 25: Wash Cycles
Wash cycles Wash-cycle data is measured under laboratory conditions according to European Standard EN 50242. Based on the different conditions of use, the wash-cycle duration and data can change. The number and type of wash cycles and options may vary depending on the dishwasher model. Water Energy Wash Cycle Wash Cycle Drying Options Consumption (l/ Consumption…
Page 26: Rinse Aid And Refined Salt
Rinse aid and refined salt Switch the dishwasher on and off using the ON/OFF button. Only use products which have been specifically designed Press and hold the P button for a few seconds until you hear for dishwashers. a beep sound. Switch the dishwasher on using the ON/OFF Do not use table/industrial salt or washing-up liquid.
Page 27: Care And Maintenance
Care and maintenance Cleaning the filters The filter assembly consists of three filters which remove food residues from the washing water and then recirculate the water. They should be cleaned if you wish to achieve the best results in every wash. Clean the filters regularly.
Page 28: Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting Whenever the appliance fails to work, check for a solution from the following list before calling for Assistance. Problem: Possible causes / Solutions: • Switch off the appliance by pressing the ON/OFF button, switch it back on after approximately The dishwasher does not start or one minute and reset the program. cannot be controlled. • The appliance has not been plugged in properly. •…
Page 29
Ligações hidráulicas e eléctricas Dados técnicos Advertências para a primeira lavagem Assistência Descrição do aparelho, 34 Visão de conjunto Painel de comandos DIF 14B1 Carregar os cestos, 35-36 Cesto inferior Cesto dos talheres Cesto superior Regulação do cesto superior Início e utilização, 37 Ligar a máquina de lavar louça… -
Page 30: Ficha De Produto
Ficha de produto Ficha de produto INDESIT Marca DIF 14B1 Modelo Capacidade nominal, em serviços de louça-padrão (1) Classe de eficiência energética numa escala de A+++ (baixos consumos) a D (altos consumos) 295.0 Consumo de energia anual em kWh (2) 1.04…
Page 31: Precauções E Conselhos
Precauções e conselhos Eliminação O aparelho foi projectado e construído conforme as normas internacionais de segurança. Estas • Eliminação do material de embalagem: respeite a normas locais, assim as embalagens poderão ser advertências são fornecidas por razões de segurança reaproveitadas. e devem ser lidas com atenção. • A directiva Europeia 2012/19/CE relativa aos É…
Page 32: Instalaçãoe Assistência
Instalaçãoe Assistência Ligação do tubo de descarregamento da água No caso de mudança mantenha o aparelho em posição Ligar o tubo de descarregamento, sem dobrá-lo, a um conduto vertical; se for necessário, deite-o para trás. de descarga com diâmetro mínimo de 4 cm. Posicionamento e nivelamento O tubo de descarga deve estar a uma altura entre 40 e 80 cm do chão ou do plano de apoio da máquina de lavar louça (A).
Page 33: Dados Técnicos
A máquina emite sinais acústicos/tons (conforme o mo- Fita contra a condensação delo de máquina de lavar louça) que avisam que o co- Depois de ter encaixado a máquina de lavar louça, abra a mando foi efectuado: ligação, fim de ciclo, etc. porta e cole a fita adesiva transparente embaixo da prateleira de madeira para protegê-la contra eventual condensação.
Page 34: Descrição Do Aparelho
Descrição do aparelho Visão de conjunto Cesto superior Braço aspersor superior Peças basculantes Regulação da altura do cesto superior Cesto inferior Braço aspersor inferior Filtro de lavagem Reservatório do sal Recipiente do detergente, reservatório do abrilhantador e dispositivo Active Oxygen Placa das características Painel de comandos Painel de controlo…
Page 35: Carregar Os Cestos
Carregar os cestos Sugestões Alguns modelos de máquina de lavar louça dispõem de sectores Antes de carregar os cestos, elimine os resíduos de comida reclináveis*, que podem ser usados em posição vertical para das louças e esvazie os líquidos restantes dos copos e dos posicionar os pratos ou em posição horizontal (baixos) para recipientes.
Page 36
Peças basculantes com posição variável O cesto superior é regulável em altura consoante as As peças basculantes podem ser posicionadas em três alturas necessidades: na posição alta quando pretender colocar louças diferentes para optimizar a disposição das louças no espaço grandes no cesto inferior;… -
Page 37: Início E Utilização
Início e utilização Ligar a máquina de lavar louça Carregar o detergente 1. Abra a torneira da água. O bom resultado da lavagem depende também da 2. Abra a porta e carregue na tecla ON-OFF. dosagem correcta do detergente; uma dose excessiva 3. Doseie o detergente. (veja ao lado) não lava de modo mais eficaz e polui o ambiente. 4.
Page 38: Programas
Programas Os dados dos programas são medidos em laboratório de acordo com a norma europeia EN 50242. Consoante as diferentes condições de utilização, a duração e os dados dos programas podem diferir. O número e o tipo de programas e as opções variam conforme o modelo de máquina de lavar louça. Consumo Duração do Consumo de Programa Secagem Opções…
Page 39: Abrilhantador E Sal Regenerante
Abrilhantador e sal regenerante lavagem as louças. Use somente produtos específicos para máquinas de Esta máquina de lavar louça permite uma regulação que reduz lavar louça. a poluição e optimiza o desempenho de lavagem em função Não use sal de cozinha ou industrial nem detergentes para da dureza da água.
Page 40: Manutenção E Cuidados
Manutenção e cuidados Periodicamente, limpe o filtro de entrada da água posi- cionado na saída da torneira. — Feche a torneira da água. — Desparafuse a extremidade do tubo de alimentação da água, remova o filtro e limpe-o delicadamente sob um jacto de água corrente.
Page 41: Anomalias E Soluções
Anomalias e soluções No caso em que o aparelho apresente anomalias de funcionamento, controle os seguintes itens antes de contactar a Assistência Técnica. Anomalias: Possíveis causas / Solução: A máquina de lavar louças não • Desligue a máquina com a tecla ON/OFF, ligue novamente após um minuto e configure arranca ou não responde aos novamente o programa. comandos •…
Page 44
195115127.00 05/2013 pb — Xerox Fabriano…
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Извините, товара сейчас нет в наличии Сравнить Услуги:Установка и подключение посудомоечной машины Новости интернет-магазина «Лаукар»:28.03.2023 22.02.2023 13.02.2023 Дополнительная информация в категории Встраиваемая посудомоечная машина:Встраиваемые посудомоечные машины — разбираемся в терминах Таблица Авторизованных сервисных центров по брендам. Описание Инструкция Отзывы (0) В интернет-магазине бытовой техники «Лаукар» Вы можете скачать инструкцию к товару Встраиваемая посудомоечная машина Indesit DIF 14B1 EU совершенно бесплатно. Все инструкции, представленные на сайте интернет-магазина бытовой техники «Лаукар», предоставляются производителем товара. Для того чтобы скачать инструкцию, Вам необходимо нажать на ссылку «скачать инструкцию», расположенную ниже, а в случае, если ссылки нет, Скачать инструкцию Смотреть инструкцию
Фирма-производитель оставляет за собой право на внесение изменений в конструкцию, дизайн и комплектацию товара: Встраиваемая посудомоечная машина Indesit DIF 14B1 EU. Пожалуйста, сверяйте информацию о товаре с информацией на |
Displayed below is the user manual for DIF 14B1 EU by Indesit which is a product in the Dishwashers category.
This manual has pages.
Before using the appliance carefully read Health and Safety guide.
1. On-O/Reset button with indicator light
2. Program selection button
3. Program indicator lights
0000 000 00000
1. Upper rack
2. Foldable aps
3. Upper rack height adjuster
4. Upper spray arm
5. Lower rack
6. Cutlery basket
7. Lower spray arm
8. Filter Assembly
9. Salt reservoir
10. Detergent and Rinse Aid dispensers
11. Rating plate
12. Control panel
In order to receive a more complete assistance, please
register your appliance on:
You can download the Safety Instructions and the
Use and Care Guide, by visiting our website
docs.indesit.eu and following the Instructions on
the back of this booklet.
After installation, remove the stoppers from the racks and the reta-
ining elastic elements from the upper rack.
The use of salt prevents the formation of LIMESCALE on the dishes and
on the machine’s functional components.
• It is important that the salt reservoir be never empty.
• It is important to set the water hardness.
The salt reservoir is located in the lower part of the dishwasher
(see PRODUCT DESCRIPTION) and should be lled when the green oat
on the cap of the salt reservoir is no longer visible.
1. Remove the lower rack and unscrew the
reservoir cap (anticlockwise).
2. Only the rst time you do this: ll the salt re-
servoir with water.
3. Position the funnel (see gure) and ll the salt
reservoir right up to its edge (approximately
1 kg); it is not unusual for a little water to leak
4. Remove the funnel and wipe any salt residue
away from the opening.
Make sure the cap is screwed on tightly, so that no detergent can get
into the container during the wash program (this could damage the
water softener beyond repair).
Whenever you need to add salt, it is mandatory to complete the
procedure before the beginning of the washing cycle.
To allow the water softener to work in a perfect way, it is essential that
the water hardness setting is based on the actual water hardness in
your house. This information can be obtained from your local water
The factory setting is for avarage (2) water hardness.
•SwitchontheappliancebypressingtheON/OFF button.
•SwitchotheappliancebypressingtheON/OFF button.
•HolddownbuttonP for 5 seconds, until you hear a beep.
•SwitchontheappliancebypressingtheON/OFFF button.
•PressbuttonP to select the desired hardness level (see WATER
• Switch o the appliance by pressing the ON/OFF button.
Setting is complete!
As soon as this procedure is complete, run a program without loading.
Only use salt that has been specically designed for dishwashers.
After the salt has been poured into the machine, the SALT REFILL indi-
cator light switches o.
If the salt container is not lled, the water softener and the
heating element may be damaged as a result.
Rinse aid makes dish DRYING easier. The rinse aid dispenser A should
be lled when when the dark optical indicator on the dispenser door C
becomes transparent.
1. Open the dispenser B by pressing and pulling up the tab on the lid.
2. Pour in the rinse aid (max.110 ml), making sure it does not overow
from the dispenser. If this happens, clean the spill immediately with
a dry cloth.
3. Press the lid down until you hear a click to close it.
NEVER pour the rinse aid directly into the appliance tub.
If you are not completely satised with the drying results, you can ad-
just the quantity of rinse aid used.
•SwitchthedishwasheronusingtheON/OFF button.
•SwitchitousingtheON/OFF button.
•PressbuttonP three times — a beep will be heard.
•SwitchitonusingtheON/OFF button.
•PressbuttonP to select the level of rinse aid quantity to be
• Switch it o using the ON/OFF button
Setting is complete!
If the rinse aid level is set to 1 (ECO), no rinse aid will be supplied. The
LOW RINSE AID indicator light will not be lit if you run out of rinse aid.
A maximum of 4 levels can be set according to the dishwasher model.
The factory setting is specic to the model, please follow instruction
above to check this for your machine.
• If you see bluish streaks on the dishes, set a low number (1-2).
• If there are drops of water or limescale marks on the dishes, set a
mid-range number (3-4).
To open the detergent dispenser use the opening device A.
Introduce the detergent into the dry dispenser B only. Place the
amount of detergent for pre-washing directly inside the tub.
1. When measuring out the detergent
refer to the mentioned earlier infor—
mation to add the proper quantity.
Inside the dispenser B there are
indications to help the detergent
2. Remove detergent residues from
the edges of the dispenser and clo-
se the cover until it clicks.
3. Close the lid of the detergent di-
spenser by pulling it up until the
closing device is secured in place.
The detergent dispenser automatically opens up at the right time
according to the program.
Water Hardness Table
Level °dH
German degrees
French degrees
1 Soft 0 — 11 0 — 20
2 Average 12 — 17 21 — 30
3Hard 17 — 34 31 — 60
4 Very hard 35 — 50 61 — 90
ECO program data is measured under laboratory conditions according to European Standard EN 50242. Note for Test Laboratories: For information on
comparative EN testing conditions, please send an email to the following address: assistenza_en_lvs@indesitcompany.com
Pre-treatment of the dishes is not needed before any of the programs.
*) The duration of the program shown on the display or in the booklet is an estimate calculated on standard conditions. The actual time may vary
depending on many factors such as temperature and pressure of the incoming water, room temperature, amount of detergent, quantity and type of load,
load balancing, additional selected options and sensor calibration. The sensor calibration can increase program duration up to 20 min.
Standby consumption: Left-on mode consumption: 5 W — O mode consumption: 0.5 W
Instructions on wash cycle selection.
Normally soiled crockery. Standard program, the most ecient in
terms of its combined energy and water consumption.
Program recommended for heavily soiled crockery, especially suitable
for pans and saucepans (not to be used for delicate items).
Mixed soil. For normally soiled dishes with dried food residues.
Use to refresh crockery planned to be washed later. No detergent to be
used with this program.
To reduce consumption even further, only run the dishwasher
when it is full.
container Duration
of wash
Tub B
1Eco 50° 3:20 12 1,04
2 Intensive 65° —2:30 15,0 1,50
3 Normal 55° — 2:00 15,0 1,35
4 Soak — — — —0:10 4,5 0,01
Before loading the baskets, remove all food residues from the croc—
kery and empty the glasses. You do not need to rinse beforehand
under running water.
Arrange the crockery so that it is held in place rmly and does
not tip over; and arrange the containers with the openings facing
downwards and the concave/convex parts placed obliquely, thus
allowing the water to reach every surface and ow freely.
Warning: lids, handles, trays and frying pans do not prevent the
sprayer arms from rotating. Place any small items in the cutlery
basket. Very soiled dishes and pans should be placed in the lower
basket because in this sector the water sprays are stronger and
allow a higher washing performance.
After loading the appliance, make sure that the sprayer arms can
rotate freely.
To avoid odour and sediment which can be accumulated in the
dishwasher please run a high temperature program at least one
a month. Use a tea spoon of detergent and run it without the
loading to clean your appliance.
• Wooden crockery and cutlery.
• Delicate decorated glasses, artistic handicraft and antique
crockery. Their decorations are not resistant.
• Parts in synthetic material which do not withstand high
• Copper and tin crockery.
• Crockery soiled with ash, wax, lubricating grease or ink.
The colours of glass decorations and aluminium/silver pieces
can change and fade during the washing process. Some types of
glass (e.g. crystal objects) can become opaque after a number of
wash cycles too.
• Only use glasses and porcelain guaranteed by the manufac-
turer as dishwasher safe.
• Use a delicate detergent suitable for crockery.
• Collect glasses and cutlery from the dishwasher as soon as
the wash cycle is over.
Check that the dishwasher is connected to the water
supply and that the tap is open.
Open the door and press the ON/OFF button.
Select the most appropriate program in accordance with
the type of crockery and its soiling level (see PROGRAMS
DESCRIPTION) by pressing the P button.
Start the wash cycle by closing the door. When the program
starts you hear a beep.
The end of the wash cycle is indicated by beeps and by
the ashing of the indicator light of the selected program.
Open the door and switch o the appliance by pressing the
ON/OFF button.
Wait for a few minutes before removing the crockery — to
avoid burns.
Unload the racks, beginning with the lower one.
The machine will switch o automatically during certain
extended periods of inactivity, in order to minimise electri-
city consumption. If the crockery is only lightly soiled or if
it has been rinsed with water before being placed in the di-
shwasher, reduce the amount of detergent used accordingly.
If a wrong program was selected, it is possible to change it,
provided that it has only just begun: open the door, press and hold
the ON/OFF button, the machine will switch o.
Switch the machine back on using the ON/OFF button and select
the new wash cycle and any desired options; start the cycle by
closing the door.
Without switching o the machine, open the door (be ware
of HOT steam!) and place the crockery inside the dishwasher.
Close the door and the cycle will begin from the point at which
it was interrupted.
If the door is opened during the wash cycle, or if there is a power
cut, the cycle stops. It starts again from the point at which it was
interrupted once the door has been closed or the electricity
supply is restored.
For more information about the functions, you can request or do-
wnload from the WEB a Use & Care Guide by following the instruc-
tions on the last page.
Load delicate and light dishes: glasses, cups, saucers, low salad bowls.
(loading example for the upper rack)
The height of the upper rack can be adjusted: high position to place
bulky crockery in the lower basket and low position to make the most
of the tip-up supports by creating more space
upwards and avoid collision with the items
loaded into lower rack. The upper rack is equ—
ipped with a Upper Rack height adjuster (see
gure), without pressing the levers, lift it up by
simply holding the rack sides, as soon as the
rack is stable in its upper position.
To restore to the lower position, press the levers
A at the sides of the rack and move the basket
We strongly recommend that you do not
adjust the height of the rack when it is loaded.
NEVER raise or lower the basket on one side only.
The side foldable aps can be positioned at three dierent heights to
optimize the arrangement of crockery inside
the rack. Wine glasses can be placed safely
in the foldable aps by inserting the stem of
each glass into the corresponding slots. For
optimum drying results incline the foldable
aps more. To change the inclination, pull up
the foldable ap, slide it slightly and position
it as you wish.
For pots, lids, plates, salad bowls, cutlery etc. Large plates and lids
should ideally be placed at the sides to avoid interferences with the
spray arm.
(loading example for the lower rack)
The modular basket is equipped with top grilles for improved cutlery
arrangement. The cutlery basket should be positioned only at the
front of the lower rack.
Knives and other utensils with sharp edges must be placed in the
cutlery basket with the points facing downwards or they must be
positioned horizontally in the tip-up compartments on the upper
Regularly clean the lter assembly so that the lters do not clog and
that the waste water ows away correctly. The lter assembly consists
of three lters which remove food residues from the washing water
and then recirculate the water: to obtain the best washing results, you
need to keep them clean.
The dishwasher must not be used without lters or if the lter is
After several washes, check the lter assembly and if necessary clean it
thoroughly under running water, using a non-metallic brush and follo—
wing the instructions below:
1. Turn the cylindrical lter A in an anti-clockwise direction and pull it out
(Fig 1).
2. Remove the cup lter B by exerting a slight pressure on the side
aps (Fig 2).
3. Slide out the stainless-steel plate lter C (Fig 3).
4. Inspect the trap and remove any food residues. NEVER REMOVE
the wash-cycle pump protection (black detail) (Fig 4).
After cleaning the lters, re-place the lter assembly and x it in posi-
tion correctly; this is essential for maintaining the ecient operation
of the dishwasher.
On occasions, food residue may become encrusted onto the spray
arms and block the holes used to spray the water. It is therefore recom-
mended that you check the arms from time to time and clean them
with a small non-metallic brush.
To remove the upper spray arm, turn the plastic locking ring in an an-
ticlockwise direction. The upper spray arm should be replaced so that
the side with the greater number of holes is facing upwards.
The lower spray arm may be removed by pulling it upwards.
If the water hoses are new or have not been used for an extended
period of time, let the water run to make sure it is clear and free of
impurities before performing the necessary connections. If this
precaution is not taken, the water inlet could become blocked and
damage the dishwasher.
Your dishwasher may not work properly.
Before contacting the Service Centre check if the problem can be solved by going through the following list.
The dishwasher
won’t start
or does not
respond to
The appliance has not been plugged
in properly. Insert the plug into the socket.
Power outage. The dishwasher starts automatically when the power returns.
The dishwasher door is not closed. Vigorously push the door until you hear the “click”.
It does not respond to commands. Switch o the appliance by pressing the ON/OFF button, switch it back
on after approximately one minute and reset the program.
The dishwasher
won’t drain.
The wash cycle has not nished yet. Wait until the wash cycle nishes.
The drain hose is bent. Check that the drain hose is not bent (see INSTALATION INSTRUCTION).
The sink drain pipe is blocked. Clean the sink drain pipe.
The lter is clogged up with food
residues. Clean the lter (see CLEANING THE FILTER ASSEMBLY).
The dishwasher
The dishes are rattling against each Position the crockery correctly (see LOADING THE RACKS).
An excessive amount of foam has
been produced.
The detergent has not been measured out correctly or it is not suita-
ble for use in dishwashers (see FILLING THE DETERGENT DISPENSER).
Reset dishwasher by pressing the DRAIN button (see OPTIONS AND
FUNCTIONS) and run new program without detergent.
The dishes are
not clean.
The crockery has not been arranged
properly. Arrange the crockery correctly (see LOADING THE RACKS).
The spray arms cannot rotate freely,
being hindered by the dishes. Arrange the crockery correctly (see LOADING THE RACKS).
The wash cycle is too gentle. Select an appropriate wash cycle (see PROGRAMS TABLE).
An excessive amount of foam has
been produced. The detergent has not been measured out correctly or it is not suitable
for use in dishwashers (see FILLING THE DETERGENT DISPENSER).
The cap on the rinse aid compartment
has not been shut correctly. Make sure the cap of the rinse aid dispenser is closed.
The lter is soiled or clogged. Clean the lter assembly (see CARE AND MAINTENANCE).
There is no salt. Fill the salt reservoir (see FILLING THE SALT RESERVOIR).
For more information, maintenance procedures and tro—
ubleshooting, see the Use and Care Guide
The Use and Care Guide can be obtained by:
• After-Sales Service; phone number see in warranty
• download from website: docs.indesit.eu
• use QR code
When you contact the After-Sales Service, you must pro—
vide the codes shown on the rating plate attached to the
left or right side inside the door of the dishwasher.
The phone number is listed
in the warranty booklet or on the
The technical data containing the energy consumption
data can be downloaded from the website:
IEC 436
08/2018 jk — Xerox Fabriano
инструкцияIndesit DIF 14B1 EU
Istruzioni per l’uso
Scheda prodotto, 2
Precauzioni e consigli, 3
Sicurezza generale
Risparmiare e rispettare l’ambiente
Installazione, 4-5
Posizionamento e livellamento
Collegamenti idraulici ed elettrici
Dati tecnici
Avvertenze per il primo lavaggio
Descrizione dell’apparecchio, 6
Vista d’insieme
Pannello comandi
Caricare i cesti, 7-8
Cesto inferiore
Cesto superiore
Cestino delle posate
Vassoio portaposate
Regolazione cesto superiore
Avvio e utilizzo, 9
Avviare la lavastoviglie
Caricare il detersivo
Programmi, 10
Tabella dei programmi
Brillantante e sale rigenerante, 11
Caricare il brillantante
Caricare il sale rigenerante
Manutenzione e cura, 12
Escludere acqua e corrente elettrica
Pulire la lavastoviglie
Evitare i cattivi odori
Pulire gli irroratori
Pulizia filtro entrata acqua
Pulire i filtri
Se ci si assenta per lunghi periodi
Anomalie e rimedi, 13
Assistenza, 14
DIF 14B1
Italiano, 1
Русский, 71
Français, 29
Polski, 57
Посмотреть инструкция для Indesit DIF 14B1 EU бесплатно. Руководство относится к категории посудомоечные машины, 25 человек(а) дали ему среднюю оценку 7.8. Руководство доступно на следующих языках: русский, английский. У вас есть вопрос о Indesit DIF 14B1 EU или вам нужна помощь? Задайте свой вопрос здесь
- 114799_IT
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- 114799_RU
Посудомоечная машина Indesit DIF 14B1 EU имеет 13 мест для посуды и работает при уровне шума 49 дБ. Управляется машиной с помощью кнопок, встроенный экран отсутствует, задержки старта нет. Машина оснащена четырьмя программами мытья, которые обеспечивают класс мытья A и класс сушки A. Ее энергоэффективность составляет А+, а ежегодный расход энергии составляет 295 кВт·ч. Ее ширина составляет 595 мм и она является надежным и прочным кухонным прибором.
Indesit | |
DIF 14B1 EU | 84314 | |
посудомоечная машина | |
8007842843149 | |
русский, английский | |
Руководство пользователя (PDF), Класс энергоэффективности (PDF), Техническая спецификация (PDF) |
Размещение бытового устройства | Полностью встраиваемый |
Цвет двери | Неприменимо |
Тип управления | Кнопки |
Встроенный экран | Нет |
Размер | Полный размер (60 см) |
Длина шнура | 1.28 m |
Количество мест | 13 мест |
Уровень шума | 49 dB |
Количество программ стирки | 4 |
Таймер отложенного старта | Нет |
Температура (макс) | 0 °C |
Прочие свойства
Класс сушки | A |
Класс стирки | A |
Годовое потребление энергии | 295 кВт·ч |
Класс энергоэффективности (старый) | A+ |
Потребление энергии за цикл | — кВт·ч |
Потребление воды за цикл | — L |
Входящее напряжение сети | 220 — 230 V |
Частота входящего переменного тока | 50 Hz |
Вес и размеры
Ширина | 595 mm |
Глубина | 555 mm |
Высота | 820 mm |
Ширина упаковки | 650 mm |
Глубина упаковки | 675 mm |
Высота упаковки | 910 mm |
Глубина с открытой дверью | 1165 mm |
Ширина отверстия для установки | 600 mm |
Минимальная высота установки | 820 mm |
Максимальная высота установки | 820 mm |
Глубина установочного отверстия | 570 mm |
Вес | 32500 g |
Масса брутто | 34500 g |
Регулируемые по высоте ножки | Нет |
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Не можете найти ответ на свой вопрос в руководстве? Вы можете найти ответ на свой вопрос ниже, в разделе часто задаваемых вопросов о Indesit DIF 14B1 EU.
Что мне делать при появлении в посудомоечной машине неприятного запаха?
В случае появления в посудомоечной машине неприятного запаха вы можете предпринять следующие шаги: — Очистить фильтры — Очистить разбрызгиватели — Очистить резиновые прокладки — Запустить программу мытья горячей водой — Запустить программу мойки при пустой посудомоечной машине
Следует ли предварительно ополаскивать посуду?
Перед помещением посуды в посудомоечную машину не рекомендуется ее ополаскивать. Для продления срока службы посудомоечной машины лучше всего складывать в нее посуду грязной. Грязь на посуде является смазкой для насоса посудомоечной машины.
Сколько средства для мытья посуды следует использовать?
Среднее количество средства для мытья посуды составляет около 25 г. Рекомендуется следовать указанным на упаковке инструкциям.
Как добавлять в посудомоечную машину соль?
Каждая посудомоечная машина оснащена отдельным отсеком для соли. Такие отсеки открываются поворотом ручки на отделении. Соль можно засыпать в отсек при помощи воронки.
Какой вес Indesit DIF 14B1 EU?
Indesit DIF 14B1 EU имеет вес 32500 g.
Какая высота Indesit DIF 14B1 EU?
Indesit DIF 14B1 EU имеет высоту 820 mm.
Какая ширина Indesit DIF 14B1 EU?
Indesit DIF 14B1 EU имеет ширину 595 mm.
Какая толщина Indesit DIF 14B1 EU?
Indesit DIF 14B1 EU имеет толщину 555 mm.
Инструкция Indesit DIF 14B1 EU доступно в русский?
Да, руководствоIndesit DIF 14B1 EU доступно врусский .
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