Phased array system toolbox руководство

Design and simulate phased array and beamforming systems

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Phased Array System Toolbox™ provides algorithms and apps in MATLAB® and Simulink® for designing and simulating sensor array and beamforming systems in wireless
communication, radar, sonar, and acoustic applications. You can model and analyze the
behavior of active and passive arrays, including subarrays and arbitrary geometries. You can
also generate C code from the functions in the toolbox.

For 5G and LTE cellular, SATCOM, and WLAN communications systems, you can design multibeam
and electronically steerable antennas. The toolbox includes algorithms for simulating hybrid
and full digital beamforming architectures for massive MIMO and millimeter wave systems. You
can simulate multipath fading environments to test the performance of beamforming antenna

For radar, sonar, and acoustic system design, the toolbox includes algorithms for
beamforming, space-time adaptive processing (STAP), direction of arrival (DOA) estimation,
matched filtering, and image formation. The toolbox also provides continuous and pulsed
waveforms that you can use to generate simulation test signals and simulate target echoes
and interferences.

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Learn the basics of Phased Array System Toolbox


Wireless communications, radar and EW, sonar and acoustic systems

Phased Array Design and Analysis

Antennas, microphones, and sonar transducers, array geometries,
polarization, transmitters, receivers, and acoustic transducers

Beamforming and Direction of Arrival Estimation

Delay-and-sum, MVDR, LCMV, beamscan, monopulse, ESPRIT, MUSIC, DPCA, SMI,
generalized cross-correlation

Detection, Range and Doppler Estimation

Target detection, CFAR, SNR threshold, ROC curves, range and Doppler

Waveform Design and Signal Synthesis

Pulsed and continuous waveforms, matched filtering, ambiguity function,
channel propagation, target returns

Algorithm Acceleration and Code Generation

Speed up simulations and applications with generated C/C++ and MEX code or
generated HDL code

Спроектируйте и симулируйте сенсорную матрицу и beamforming системы

Phased Array System Toolbox™ предоставляет алгоритмы и приложения для разработки и симуляции сенсорной матрицы и beamforming систем в радиосвязи, радаре, гидролокаторе, акустических, и медицинских приложениях обработки изображений. Можно смоделировать и анализировать поведение активных и пассивных массивов, включая подрешетки и произвольные конфигурации. Симулированные сигналы могут быть переданы и получены этими массивами для beamforming и проекта алгоритма обработки сигналов.

Для 5G и сотовой связи LTE, SATCOM и систем связи WLAN, можно спроектировать многолучевые и электронно управляемые антенны. Тулбокс включает алгоритмы для симуляции гибрида и всех цифровых beamforming архитектур для крупного MIMO и систем волны миллиметра. Можно симулировать многопутевые исчезающие среды, чтобы проверить производительность beamforming антенных решеток.

Для радара, гидролокатора и акустической разработки системы, тулбокс включает алгоритмы обработки сигналов для beamforming, пространственно-временной адаптивной обработки (STAP), оценки направления прибытия (DOA), согласованной фильтрации и обнаружения сигнала. Тулбокс также обеспечивает непрерывные и импульсные формы волны, которые можно использовать, чтобы сгенерировать тестовые сигналы и симулировать целевое эхо, интерференцию и эффекты распространения.

Для ускорения симуляции или анализа прототипа, тулбокс поддерживает генерацию кода C. Справочные примеры обеспечивают рабочие процессы для генерации HDL-кода от Simulink® модели.


О системах фазированной решетки

  • Системные обзоры

    Описывает общие базовые блоки Систем Фазированной решетки.

  • Стандарты и соглашения

    Этот раздел вводит концепцию сгенерированных модулированных сигналов и задает локальные и глобальные системы координат, используемые в тулбоксе.

  • Единицы измерения и физические константы

    Phased Array System Toolbox использует Международную систему единиц (СИ).

Antennas, microphones, and sonar transducers, array geometries,
polarization, transmitters, receivers, and acoustic transducers

Phased arrays are collections of antennas,
microphones, or acoustic transducers arranged in a pattern. Arrays convert
signals into radiated energy for transmission to a target. Arrays also
convert incoming energy from a source or reflecting object into signals. The
performance of arrays in many ways exceeds that of the individual array
elements. Phased arrays have three main advantages over individual elements:

  • Improved spatial resolution — view more detailed
    resolution when localizing and imaging a target.

  • Electronic steering — use an array steering vector to
    increase detection performance in any direction.

  • Interference suppression — employ advanced suppression
    techniques, such as jammer nullification, adaptive beamforming,
    and high-resolution direction finding.

You can use the System objects and blocks in this toolbox to construct
phased array systems. These objects and blocks include element models, array
design models, and radiation and collection models. With these models, you
can simulate radar, audio, and sonar systems. While the toolbox emphasizes
phased arrays, you can also simulate systems consisting of single antennas,
microphones, or transducers. The toolbox also provides models for
transmitting and receiving amplifiers.


  • Antennas, Microphones, and Sonar Transducers

    Antennas with isotropic, cosine, sinc, cardioid, Gaussian, and custom
    response patterns; dipole antennas; microphones with omnidirectional and
    custom response patterns; sonar transducers; polarization

  • Array Geometries and Analysis

    Uniform linear arrays (ULA), uniform rectangular arrays (URA), uniform
    circular arrays (UCA), conformal arrays, subarrays, array response,
    steering vectors

  • Signal Radiation and Collection

    Narrowband and wideband signal radiation and collection
    by phased arrays

  • Transmitters and Receivers

    Transmitters, receivers, coherent-on-transmit, and coherent-on-receive

Featured Examples

Related Papers

Modern radar systems often have the conflicting requirements of a large phased array antenna for increased power-aperture product and/or angular resolution versus wide instantaneous signal bandwidth for fine range resolution. Pulse-to-pulse diversity may also be desired as a countermeasure against coherent repeater jammers. Using the multicarrier nature of orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing to encode wide instantaneous bandwidth pulses we propose a novel digital phased array architecture which mitigates dispersion effects experienced when the array main beam is electronically steered off broadside. The result is the ability to transmit and receive wideband pseudo-random phase coded pulses with a phased array antenna. Simulation results are used to quantify the benefit of the architecture. An overview of digital orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing waveform generation is also provided.

Improvements in RF and digital technology have made digital array radar (DAR) feasible. The combination of orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) as a wideband pulse compression modulation with a DAR architecture allows time dispersion effects to be mitigated for electrically-long antenna arrays. This concept can be extended to the simultaneous operation of multiple radar modes. Each mode is allocated some number of OFDM subcarriers. The subcarriers corresponding to a particular mode are then phase-shifted to create an element-to-element phase shift across the antenna array to steer the full-aperture antenna beam for that particular mode. This concept multiplexes the modes in the frequency domain while the OFDM-based DAR allows each mode to experience the full-aperture gain on transmit and receive while being electronically steered to an independent spatial position.

This paper presents a missile tracking and detection using SAR and MIMO Radar signal processing. SAR is a technique for computing high-resolution radar returns that exceed the traditional resolution limits imposed by the physical size, or aperture, of an antenna. By using Kaiser Window, the trade off exists between the main lobe width and the side lobe amplitude. Kalman filter is used to minimizing the maximum error between the frequency response of the filter & the response of the ideal filter.

Abstract: Beam forming is a signal processing technique used in antenna arrays for directional signal transmission or reception. Phased array radar is very important in modern radar development, and multiple digital beams forming technology is the most significant technology in phased array radar. Digital multiple beam forming on each antenna element about large phased array radar is impossible in processor based digital processing units, because it needs simultaneous processing many A/D channels.In this project we resolve this problem by using a multi array based beam forming technique with multiplexed signal processing unit on FPGA. The conventional technique of completely duplicated hardware and also dynamic reconfiguration does not yield the real time parallel beam processing. The proposed technique employs multiplexed signal processing unit which is time shared for various beam formers. This technique provides simultaneous beams without any compromise on functionality. The scope of the work includes the VHDL modeling of 16 element phased array antenna system and RTL implementation of complex NCO, digital mixer, low pass filter, multiplexers, demultiplexers, ROM for coefficient storage and Multiplier unit. The VHDL simulation of all these blocks shall demonstrate the beam formation for multiple beams. Simulated antenna outputs are used to test the developed beam former. The design is functionally verified by simulating the code in ModelSim from Mentor Graphics. The FPGA synthesis is done using Xilinx ISE tool. The synthesis results of ISE are analyzed for timing and area. The hardware output i.e FPGA output shows on Chipscope pro analyzer.

The FMCW Radar is widely used Radar for detecting the object and its velocity in various applications. Before an actual implementation of the FMCW Radar, it is essential to find out the correct combination of the components in the environment comprising noise and losses. The Radar system is analyzed using a SystemVue Software. Real-world impairments such as channel losses, propagation, and attenuation losses, nonlinearities of the system elements such as phase noise and mixer leakage have been incorporated into the simulation. The simulation helps to predict the results of the system before an actual development and saves development time. The velocity of the target (object) as well as its range is calculated using data flow technique in SystemVue.

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Set No.1 IV B.Tech. I Semester Regular Examinations, November -2008 RADAR SYSTEMS ( Common to Electronics & Communication Engineering and Electronics & Telematics) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any

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