Персонажи из аниме руководство гениального принца по вызволению страны из долгов

В августе 2021 года на официальном сайте аниме Руководство гениального принца по вызволению страны из долгов / The Genius Prince’s Guide to Raising a Nation Out of Debt появились чардизы персонажей.

Вейн — наследный принц Натры. Он возьмет на себя заботу о будущем страны от имени своего больного отца. Хотя слуги доверяют ему из-за его высокого положения, на самом деле он ленив. Он хочет продать зашедшее в тупик королевство Натра и вести безбедную уединенную жизнь

Ниним Ралей — близкий друг Вейна с детства и работает его помощником. Вейн доверяет ей до такой степени, что называет «своим сердцем».»

Младшая принцесса империи и бывшая одноклассница Вейна и Найнима.

Принцесса королевства Натра

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    Wein Salema Arbalest 


The prince regent of Natra.

  • Accidental Hero: Downplayed. He ends up scoring major victories against other nations due to a combination of wits and luck, and the results are often beyond what he’s trying to accomplish. While both his people and his enemies correctly recognize that he’s a brilliant schemer, they mistakenly believe all these events are going according to his plan.
  • Berserk Button: Downplayed.
    • When an emissary insulted Ninym, he managed to stay calm. On the next day, he beheaded the emissary and then presented his head to General Draghwood before splitting the latter’s upper body from the lower half in one slice. Considering how lazy he is, this just shows how badly he reacts when someone insults Ninym.
    • He reacts similarly brutal when King Ordalasse suggests hunting Natra’s Flahm for sport.
  • Beware the Silly Ones: He’s a comically pessimistic regent, but he’s ruthless in dealing with those who insult Ninym, as shown when he beheads an enemy general after the latter’s subordinate uses racial slurs. According to Raklum, Wein made three people «disappear» when they insulted Ninym.
  • Bitch in Sheep’s Clothing: Downplayed. He acts like a polite prince in public, but in private, he’s a perverted lazy bum who admits that he’s appealing to the public for pragmatic reasons and often complains about his precarious situation. That said, his care for Ninym and Falanya is genuine.
  • Didn’t See That Coming:
    • He thought that having the Earthworld soldiers train his own would make the empire’s annexation of his country more publicly acceptable. There was no way he could have known that the Emperor would relapse and die despite reports of his recovery. Ironically, everyone else except Ninym viewed him as The Chessmaster who foresaw this and pulled a fast one on the Empire.
    • In general, he tends to be caught off guard when people do things that he would consider irrational or suicidal. He is baffled by his troops insisting on claiming the mines from Marden, despite Natra’s budget issues. He also didn’t expect Demetrio to be spiteful enough to drink a cup of tea that was he suspected had been poisoned.
  • Enlightened Self-Interest: He’s the regent of an impoverished kingdom and the soldiers are technically loyal to his father and the country rather than himself, so he has to be a benevolent ruler if he wants to avoid a coup. He also has to choose the most diplomatic means of solving problems because using too much military force will send his country’s budget into the red.
  • Guile Hero: At his best, Wein is this. He uses manipulation, politics and trickery as his main means but does sometimes bend them to relatively benign ends.
  • Manipulative Bastard: While being manipulative is necessary for a regent, he’s willing to use some questionable means of Social Engineering. He wrote a book, «The Dignity of Imperial Court,» which reaffirms what most nobles believe while also stating that bookkeeping and frugality are unbecoming of nobility. His intention is for the nobles of western countries to read this, agree with most of the book, and get tricked into neglecting bookkeeping, which will eventually destabilize their governments.
  • Photographic Memory: He’s able to remember the names and faces of over ten-thousand people and is on a First-Name Basis with most of his soldiers.
  • Painful Persona: While Wein definitely has the brains to back it up, pretending to be a wise prince who loves his people can be quite stressful to him. Especially since…
  • Slave to PR: Despite his troops’ admiration of him, he believes that they’re primarily loyal to his father and that if he makes an unpopular decision, he’ll be overthrown in a military coup. In order to sell Natra to Earthworld without angering the public, Wein asks the imperial ambassador to have the stationed imperial soldiers train Natra’s troops, which will make the Natran soldiers more comfortable around the Imperial soldiers while making it easier for the Empire to absorb Natra’s military in the long run. During the war against Marden, Wein notes that marching further into enemy territory is risky, but has to do so anyway because his soldiers want to.
  • Underestimating Badassery: During the battle with Marden, he often underestimates his own troops. Whenever he expects a close victory that will make his troops reconsider pushing further into enemy territory, they end up curbstomping Marden’s troops and become overconfident.
  • Unluckily Lucky: Due to bad luck, many of his plans to sell out the country or deescalate a conflict go wrong, but at the same time, many of these outcomes end up benefiting Natra in a different way than he intended.
  • Warrior Prince: He’s a skilled swordsman due to his training at the Imperial Military Academy.

    Ninym Ralei 


A Flahm who serves as Wein’s aide.

  • A-Cup Angst: During the meeting with the imperial ambassador, Fyshe Blundell, Ninym realizes that Wein is looking at the ambassador’s chest and comparing it to her own small chest. She pokes him with a pen in response.
  • Action Girl: She went to an imperial military school with Wein and is skilled in combat, as shown when she kills a Marden general.
  • Beleaguered Assistant: During the moments when the otherwise capable Wein is No Hero to His Valet.
  • Mistaken for Romance: Because of their deeply rooted Fantastic Racism against the Flahm, some Westerners assume that she is Wein’s concubine (or, even worse, Sex Slave). It is Played With in that she clearly harbors feelings for Wein, and he cares a great deal for her, but they are not in a relationship.
  • No Hero to His Valet: This is a given since she’s the only person who is privy to Wein’s actual personality and goal. Nearly everyone else think Wein’s a wise prince, while his other academy clique members know his real personality, but not goal.
  • Servile Snarker: She’s loyal to Wein, but makes jabs at his expense because of his laziness and pessimism.
  • Subordinate Excuse: The exact nature of her position as Wein’s «heart» is not really specified, but she definitely harbors feelings for him. She tells Princess Falanya that she will always remain by Wein’s side and that, no matter how many wives of concubines he has, he will only ever have one heart.
  • Undying Loyalty: She and Raklum are the only ones in Natra’s army who pledged their loyalty solely to Wein, though she claims that many of the soldiers are just as loyal.

    Falanya Elk Arbalest 


The princess of Natra.

  • Big Brother Worship: Like most Natran citizens, she thinks Wein is a diligent regent who can overcome any political challenge. Unlike most others, she does recognize that her brother has faults and still loves him because of it, even if she doesn’t recognize his true personality and goal, since it serves as a big humanizing factor. In fact, when she is younger, she’s actually scared of Wein because he barely seemed human due to him looking like near-perfect being.
  • Shipper on Deck: Volume 4 reveals that she ships Wein/Ninym hard and does not want anyone else to break it.
  • Took a Level in Badass: In Volume 4, she attends the Summit of Imperial Children in Wein’s place, but finds herself unable to do much other than resist other diplomats’ offers and stay on defense. By the end of the volume, she’s able to rally the people of Mealtar into evacuating the city when the princes’ armies attack.

    Nanaki Ralei 


Voiced by: Yuki Sakakihara (Japanese), Elizabeth Maxwell (English), Karen Vallejo (Latin Spanish)

Princess Falanya’s bodyguard.

  • Master of Disguise: He disguised himself as a servant of Grinahae in order to prevent Owl from killing the marquis, since Wein still needs Grinahae alive to confess to the rebellion.

    Commander Raklum 


A commander in Natra’s army.

  • Berserker Tears: He briefly cries when Marden’s troops turn out to be weaker than expected, and then goes right back to killing them.
  • Blood Knight: At the start of the battle with Marden, he expected the enemy to be powerful enough to seriously challenge the Natran army, making Wein’s first victory that much more glorious. To his disappointment, he and his troops destroy Marden’s troops with ease.
  • Frontline General: During the first battle against Marden, he fights on the front lines and easily takes down several enemy soldiers.
  • Undying Loyalty: He and Ninym are technically the only ones in Natra’s army who pledged their loyalty solely to Wein.



Voiced by: Takayuki Sugo (Japanese), Brian Mathis (English), Armando Coria (Latin Spanish)

A Natran general who was once an accomplished officer in a foreign country.

  • Call to Agriculture: Subverted in the anime, where he retires to a farm instead of being a Fake Defector in order to lure out the rebels.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: His previous lord was jealous of his popularity and tried to have him assassinated.
  • Fake Defector: Double subverted. Wein orders him to feign disloyalty so he can expose all the rebel factions within Natra. However, Hagal ends up leading the rebels in battle against Wein, at least on the surface. In reality, he intentionally loses to Wein in battle and fakes his own execution, allowing him to play dead and catch Cavarin’s army off guard.
  • Old Soldier: He’s a old man with lots of experience on the battlefield, and generally has more realistic military goals than Natra’s boisterous soldiers. He’s the only one to realize that the Natran troops will underperform in their first battle due to being unused to the horrors of war and points out that despite winning that battle, they’ll need to rest and consider their next target carefully.


Princess Falanya’s Private Tutor. He is originally from the west.

  • Adaptational Attractiveness: He is a friendly old man with a full beard in the anime, whereas in the manga he looks like a gracefully aged, dignified Long-Haired Pretty Boy.
  • Cool Teacher: He is very encouraging towards Falanya, often gently nudging her on the path to the right conclusions about their current topic.
  • Mr. Exposition: His lectures often serve to explain what is happening on the ground or to expand on the setting’s lore.

Earthworld Empire

    Lowellmina Earthworld 


The youngest princess of the empire and a former classmate of Wein and Ninym.

  • Ambiguously Bi: Besides her feelings for Wein, she is also quite the Cuddle Bug with both Ninym and Fyshe. She also resolves to stand and both Wein’s and Ninym’ side after her talk woth the former during the Summit of Imperial Heirs.
  • Birds of a Feather: With Wein as both are far more clever and mischeivous than their public personas indicate. Ninym frequently lampshades it.
  • Chronic Hero Syndrome: After joining Wein’s circle of friends, she had them take on all sorts of problems in the empire, such as bandits, corrupt bureaucrats, and seizing smuggled goods from crooked merchants.
  • King Incognito: She attended the imperial military academy while posing as Lowa Felbis, a low-ranking noble.
  • Love Triangle: Subverted. She’s in love with Wein, but admires the relationship between him and Ninym and doesn’t want to confess to him until she feels like she can be the duo’s equal.
  • Politically-Active Princess: She uses the Succession Crisis between her brothers to build up her own powerbase, hoping one day sit on the imperial throne herself.
  • Secret Secret-Keeper: During their school days, Lowellmina figured out Wein’s true identity without him realizing it, but kept the secret to herself.
  • Tomboy Princess: She spots a Tomboyish Ponytail and her goal is Breaking the Glass Ceiling of her countries Heir Club for Men. She is also presuambly a WarriorPrincess, having attended the Imperial academy.
  • White Sheep: While still a schemer herself, she isn’t as ruthless or petty like her brothers.

    Demetrio Earthworld 


Voiced by: Ryuuichi Kijima (Japanese), J. Michael Tatum (English), Javier Olguín (Latin Spanish)

The eldest prince of Earthworld.

  • Disappointing Older Sibling: He doesn’t have any significant strengths, unlike his younger siblings. He’s also much more impulsive and unable to overlook any perceived offense against him.
  • The Scapegoat: A spy within Demetrio’s servants attempts to poison Wein in order to both get rid of a thorn in Manfred’s side and pin the blame on Demetrio. When this plan fails and leads to a battle over Mealtars, Wein convinces the other two princes to make Demetrio out to be the cause of the conflict, allowing them to save face and avoid any further conflict in Mealtars.
  • Pride: He believes that his status as the firstborn should automatically means people should respect him and make him the emperor. He won’t tolerate any sign of even slight disrespect, which is the reason why he sent assassins on Falanya: her being there at the meeting alone is a slight against him, since he thinks that Wein, as the leader, should have been there instead.
  • Too Dumb to Live: When Wein discovers that the tea being served was poisoned by the servant, Demetrio refuses to believe it and drinks the tea just to spite Wein. He manages to survive due to immediate medical attention.
  • Would Hurt a Child: He sends assassins after Falanya just to spite both Mealtar’s mayor and Lowellmina for perceived slights against him. Later, he tries to pressure Falanya into entering a political marriage with him while planning to engage in domestic abuse as an outlet to his wounded pride.

    Bardloche Earthworld 


The middle prince of Earthworld.

  • Crippling Overspecialization: He’s skilled when it comes to military matters, but not domestic matters and relies too much on intimidating provinces that don’t fall in line.
  • Only Sane Man: Relative to his other brothers (and still nothing compared to Lowa), for all his fault he’s the only one presented with some actual virtue (namely his belief in meritocracy), and the only one who doesn’t try to plot to assassinate a foreign head of state or their official high-level representative in an event that their nation have invited the foreign head to state to out of wounded pride or paranoia.
  • Worthy Opponent: He’s impressed with Wein’s skill as a fellow combatant and tactician, to the point of wanting to recruit him.

    Manfred Earthworld 


The youngest prince of Earthworld.

  • Crippling Overspecialization: He’s better at domestic affairs than Bardloche, but has less military experience and most of his allies don’t have much military power either. Downplayed in that his army manages to hold their own against Bardloche’s army by using their information of the city to their advantage.
  • Faux Affably Evil: He’s described as having a silver tongue, which he uses to rally the Nouveau Riche to his side, but he’s not considered trustworthy to keep his promises. He later attempts to have his spy assassinate Wein out of fear that the latter could be a thorn in his side.

    Fyshe Blundell 


Voiced by: Yōko Hikasa (Japanese), Kimberly Grace (English), Angélica Villa (Latin Spanish)

An ambassador who was initially stationed in Natra. After the Emperor’s sudden death costs her the job, she becomes Lowa’s aide after the latter scouted for her.

  • Anti-Villain: She may be looking for a way to annex Natra, but is reasonable about it and follows Wein’s request to have her troops train his, since it would make her army’s presence more acceptable to Natra’s citizens. She also respects Natra for treating the Flahm well, and believes that the empire will stamp out racism if they conquer the continent.
  • Brutal Honesty: She’s willing to point out the flaws in Lowellmina’s plans, which is why the latter considers her a good vassal.
  • D-Cup Distress: Downplayed. She thinks to herself that her large breasts are useful as a diplomat, but they’d get in the way in martial arts.
  • Didn’t See That Coming: When she agreed to have the empire’s soldiers train Natra’s soldiers, she did so believing this would make Natra easier to integrate into the empire’s army in the long run. This plan fails because the emperor unexpectedly dies of sickness despite supposedly recovering before.
  • Graceful Loser: Despite getting placed under house arrest, she doesn’t resent Wein for supposedly tricking her into training his troops for free.
  • Worthy Opponent: During her negotiation with Wein, she notes that he’s patient enough to not seek immediate results. Later, she believes Wein predicted the emperor’s death and tricked her into training his troops, causing her to see him as a genius. In reality, he didn’t expect the emperor to die and he was actually trying to sell his country out to the empire. After she moves back to the empire, she becomes obsessed with researching him and discovers that he studied at the empire’s military academy, causing her to see him as a threat to the empire.
  • You Have Failed Me: She’s on the receiving end of this. After her plan to train and later absorb Natra’s troops fails because of the emperor’s death, she’s placed under house arrest by the empire. This doesn’t last, since she starts working under Princess Lowellmina in Volume 2.

    Grinahae Antgadull 

The former prince of Antgadull, who is now the Marquis of the Gairan State.

  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: He angered when he thinks Wein killed his son, Geralt.
  • Inadequate Inheritor: He did a poor job of managing his territories, which is why his father, the king, sold out to Earthworld. The king knew that even if the anti-imperial alliance managed to win, they’d start wars with each other and Grinahae wouldn’t be able to lead their country to stability.
  • Kick the Morality Pet: He goes along with Wein’s plan to pin the rebellion on the deceased Geralt, which would allow Grinahae to save his own skin. He seems to regret this action, causing him to send his troops after Wein in an attempt to defend his son’s honor.
  • Unwitting Pawn: Owl, an agent from a western country, manipulated Grinahae into seeking rebellion against the empire. This is part of the West’s plan to destabilize the East.

    Geralt Antgadull 

The son of Grinahae, who visits Natra in an attempt to romance Lowellmina.

  • Alcohol-Induced Idiocy: He drinks too much during his reception at the Natran palace, causing him to challenge Wein to a swordfight, all while letting out Alcohol Hics. After being disarmed (and thereby losing), he charges Wein again. Even though the latter doges, he keeps charging, and charging and charging…
  • Fat Bastard: He is a portly Jerkass who treats Wein openly disrespectful and displays a clear case of Entitled to Have You towards Princess Lowellmina.
  • Inadequate Inheritor: Even more so than his father, who while incompetent at least tries to be engaged in politics. Geralt is a hedonist who cares more about his hopeless romantic quests than doing his duty as a noble.
  • Locked Out of the Loop: Grinahae didn’t reveal any of his plans for revolt to Geralt.
  • Master Swordsman: Subverted. He thinks he’s skilled at swordplay, but only because his servants lost on purpose to him in order to sate his ego.
  • Self-Disposing Villain: When he loses a swordfight against Wein, he attempts to attack Wein from behind out of spite. Wein dodges and Geralt accidentally runs through a window, falling to his death.
  • Yandere: He was always ignored by Lowellmina, causing him to scheme to attack her entourage once they return home from Natra.

     Strang Nanos 

One of the member of Wein, Ninym, and Lowa’s academy clique and a military commander working under Bardloche.

     Glen Markham 

One of the member of Wein, Ninym, and Lowa’s academy clique and a governer-general of his hometown Burnoch.


    King Fyshtarre 

The incompetent and vain ruler of Marden.

  • Arch Nemesis Dad: He placed his daughter, Zenovia, under house arrest for criticizing his rule.
  • The Caligula: He’s an ill-tempered ruler who is liable to lash out at his vassals when something goes wrong. When the Jilaat mine is taken, he chooses to devote more manpower to taking the mine back, despite how that leaves his military too weak to defend against Cavarin. He also went along with the Stella faction’s policy of using slave labor for the mine.
  • Killed Offscreen: During the battle between Natra and Marden at the Jilaat mine, Cavarin invades the capital and kills Fyshtarre, but Wein doesn’t learn this until after he wins the battle.
  • Laughably Evil: His incompetence and terrible sense of aesthetics is amusing, but he’s still a corrupt king who allowed the Stella faction to abuse the Jilaat miners.
  • Pragmatic Villainy: Despite his pride, he actually has a small moment where he can put that aside for the sake of more important goals. When Natra takes over the mines, Fyshtarre agrees to let General Draghwood take command of the operation to reclaim the mines, despite being jealous of the latter’s looks.
  • Stylistic Suck: He insisted on the architecture of his palace, but he has no sense of art or practicality, resulting in a mediocre looking palace despite his artisans’ attempts to salvage his design.



Jiva’s supposed nephew and a member of the Marden Liberation Front.

  • Dead Person Impersonation: Combined with Samus Is a Girl. She disguises herself as her deceased brother, Helmut, in order to lead the Liberation Front, knowing that they probably won’t listen to her because of her gender. She drops the disguise after gaining the confidence to lead them.
  • Gone Horribly Right: Played for laughs. Wein tells her that she shouldn’t take the burden of ruling by herself and that she needs to have a give-and-take relationship with her servants. She turns these words against him by having Marden become a vassal state to Natra, meaning that while Marden will follow Natra, Natra is obligated to protect them rather than use them as a buffer against invasion. This ends up creating more work for Wein, who now has to consider Marden’s security.
  • Good Counterpart: To King Fyshtarre. Both are impulsive ruling figures in Marden, but the king is a hedonist with no self-introspection while Zeno cares about her people and wants to be a better ruler for them.
  • Hidden Buxom: Her military jacket really hid how stacked she was, with Ninym having to jab Wein with a pen when his gaze starts to stray out of shock.
  • Insecure Love Interest: Downplayed; When a political marriage to Wein is put as an option to help secure Marden’s future, she decides not to pursue it due to perceiving him as her hero and herself as not being good enough for him.
  • King Incognito: She’s actually Princess Zenovia, though Wein and Ninym already suspected this.
  • Revenge Before Reason: Ninym has to stop Zeno from killing Holonyeh in Cavarin, since doing so would jeopardize Wein’s goals to curry favor with the Holy Elite. Later on, she ends up killing Holonyeh anyways, but Wein allows it because he needs to clean up loose ends after killing King Ordalasse.
  • Sole Survivor: She is Princess Zenovia, King Fyshtarre’s daughter and the last surviving member of the Marden royal family. As a result of being placed under house arrest by her father, Zenovia was away from the Marden capital when it was conquered by the Cavarin army and the rest of her family was executed.
  • Sweet Polly Oliver: She dresses up as a boy in order to disguise herself as Jiva’s nephew. Wein and Ninym quickly saw through it, but Wein’s impressed by how she managed to hide her considerable-sized chest while crossdressing.
  • Troll: After putting Wein in a situation forcing him to accept Marden as a vassal, she can’t help but stick out her tongue at him now that she has the last laugh.


A diplomat of Marden in the Mahdia faction.

  • Age Lift: He looks notiably older in in the anime, sporting greyer hair and a little mustache.
  • Big Fun: He’s described as roly-poly shaped and he’s one of the few benevolent authority figures in his kingdom.
  • Everyone Has Standards: Combined with Token Good Teammate. He’s disgusted by the working conditions in the Jilaat mine and is one of the few people in his country to oppose racism against the Flahm.
  • Failure Hero: He felt ashamed of the time he didn’t stand up for a persecuted Flahm, causing him to seek a career in politics so he can act on his sense of justice. Unfortunately, he feels like he has no power to change anything in his country. Even when he has a chance to resolve the war with Natra, he fails to realize that Wein would have accepted a peaceful solution if he just pushed a little harder.
  • Gave Up Too Soon: He believed Wein wasn’t willing to come to a concession on the Jilaat mine, causing him to give up on negotations and allow his country to continue the war. If he had followed through with the negotiation, he could have gotten the mine back, eased tensions between Marden and Natra, keep his military in condition to repel Cavarin, and save face for his egotistical king.


A Marden general who leads the initial invasion of Natra and is associated with the Mahdia faction.

  • Hypocrite: He calls the Natrans «opportunist scum,» even though his country is acting opportunistically by attempting an invasion of Natra while the Earthworld Empire is in turmoil.
  • Jerkass: He smugly dismisses Natra as a threat and uses his last breath to spew sexist and racist remarks towards Ninym.
  • Off with His Head!: After already losing an arm and refusing to surrender, Ninym decapitates him.
  • Underestimating Badassery: He thinks Natra will be easy to conquer and is baffled when their troops prove to be stronger than Marden’s.


A Marden general associated with the Stella faction. He is chosen to lead the army sent to retake the Jilaat mines from Natra.

  • Curb-Stomp Battle: His brief sword-fight against Wein, who stabs him in the gut before fully bisecting him.
  • General Failure: The Stella made him general not for his military mind but for his good looks, which they believed would make their faction more popular. Unfortunately, his lack of experience means he’s one of the worst choices to take back the Jilaat mines from Natra, as shown by how he falls for all of Wein’s tactics and fails to consider that his large army will get bottlenecked by the steep and narrow roads.
  • It’s Personal: After his emissary for peace talks (who declares beforehand to speak directly for him) pushes Wein’s Berserk Button, directly leading to his death.
  • Smug Snake: He refers to Natra as a country of savages and animals for not following his religion of Levetia. This just causes him to mentally break down faster when he fails to gain any advantage in the battle, despite his supposed superiority.
  • Too Dumb to Live: Two weeks after the start of the battle for the Jilaat mines, the royal palace orders Draghwood to negotiate with Wein to get the mines back quicker. Draghwood is still resentful over being outsmarted by «savages,» so he instead sends a rude subordinate to the negotiation in order to provoke Natra, despite how risky it is to continue fighting. This results in Wein personally invading his camp and killing him.
  • We Have Reserves: He sends freshly conscripted soldiers to fight Natra rather than his stronger, well-trained troops. This works against him when the conscripts’ lack of morale causes many of them to desert.


A Marden officer under Draghwood who is sent to the Natran camp for peace talks.

  • Adaptational Dumbass: The anime leaves out Holonyeh’s plan to provoke Wein into making a mistake, making him seem more incompetent as a diplomat rather than simply following instructions.
  • Adaptation Dye-Job: He is blonde in the manga, wheras the anime gives him brown hair.
  • «Ass» in Ambassador: He does a terrible job as an emissary, openly disrespecting everbody in the room, all the while declaring that his word can be treated as coming directly from Draghwood. This leads to Wein making the siege a case of It’s Personal.
  • Fantastic Racism: Against the Flahm, like many westerners.
  • Glory Hound: He places great importance on rank and station, as was an ardent supporter of the war against Natra for this reason.
  • Killed Offscreen: His severed head is delivered to Draghwood by a disguised Wein.


One of the residents of Jilaat.

  • Because You Were Nice to Me: He secretly kept a map of the mine interior and originally intended to sell it, but decided to give it to Wein after witessing the prince’s benevolence towards the miners. He also warns Wein that the mine is drying up.
  • Innocent Bigot: He mistakes Ninym for Wein’s concubine due to his country’s prejudice against Flahm. He apologizes when he realizes he offended Wein and promises to make sure he and his subordinates don’t make that mistake again.
  • Riches to Rags: He was once involved in politics, but was forced to work in the mines after losing his fortune to someone’s political schemes.


    King Ordalasse 

The king of Cavarin and one of the Holy Elite of Levetia.

  • Faux Affably Evil: He cordially invites Wein to become a Holy Elite, but only because he wants the latter to be indebted to him. He also turns out to be incredibly racist even by the standards of other members of Levetia.
  • Hunting the Most Dangerous Game: Unlike other racist figures who want to enslave the Flahm, Ordalasse wants to hunt them like wild animals. This convinces Wein that an alliance with the king is impossible, leading to Wein killing him.
  • Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: Wein kills him by stabbing him in the heart.
  • Mask of Sanity: He seems like a polite and composed ruler, but his enjoyment of hunting Flahm for sport shows that he’s not the least bit sane.
  • Theory Tunnel Vision: He has his wife executed for adultery. This due to the fact their child was not a genius and therefore could not have been his. When Wein asked if he had any evidence to her being unfaithful, he just laughs that he needed no more than that.

    General Levert 

A general who works with Holonyeh to secretly attack Wein’s entourage.

  • Off with His Head!: Hagal cuts off his head in battle.
  • The Scapegoat: Combined with Not Me This Time. While he didn’t kill King Ordalasse, Cavarin’s citizens believe Wein’s rumors about him doing it, since he was never a trustworthy general to begin with, not to mention that his plan to force Ordalasse to retire is exposed to the public.
  • The Starscream: There’s evidence that he’s plotting to usurp King Ordalasse, which makes it easier for Wein to frame him for the king’s assassination.
  • Unknown Rival: He was once defeated in battle by Hagal and considers the latter a Worthy Opponent, to the point where he’s disappointed when Hagal is seemingly executed, but Hagal doesn’t remember him.


The leader of Marden’s Stella faction, who later jumps ship to Cavarin.

  • Arch-Enemy: To Zeno and the rest of the Marden Liberation Army.
  • Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: When Marden is invaded by Cavarin, Holonyeh opens the capital’s gates so that he can join Cavarin. When Wein and Zeno have his back against the wall, he reveals Levert’s treachery in order to get them to spare him, but it doesn’t work.
  • Dark Is Evil: He is an Evil Chancellor to King Fyshtarre and certainly looks the part.
  • Dirty Coward: When he’s about to be killed by Zeno, he reveals incriminating information about his current ally, Levert, despite how no one asked him.
  • Eviler than Thou: He betrays the warmongering King Fyshtarre to the outright crazy Ordalasse.
  • Rewarded as a Traitor Deserves: He gets stabbed in the heart by Zeno after Wein kills his new King.
  • Worthy Opponent: Despite being scum, Wein considers him a brilliant schemer and briefly considers hiring him, albeit with means to keep his treacherous tendencies in check.

Other Levetia Aligned Characters



The Director of Levetia’s Gospel Bureau.

  • Breaking the Glass Ceiling: The church’s writings state that women should not hold high offices, so her occupying such a high position is highly unusual.
  • Face of an Angel, Mind of a Demon: She looks and sounds like a benevolent saintess, but she’s trying to destabilize the eastern nations and enjoys toying with Wein.
  • Fire-Forged Friends: She gives a rather dark take on this trope to a commoner seeking advice from her. She tells the commoner to orchestrate an incident that will force both her and her oppressors to overcome tragedy and despair together, which will result in them making peace with each other. She then tells the commoner that if that plan doesn’t work, she should kill her oppressors.
  • For the Evulz: She wants to destabilize the whole continent that will result into a continent-wide war. She doesn’t even care if she dies if chaos comes as a result of her scheme.
  • I Know You Know I Know: When Wein tries to become a member of the Holy Elite, Caldmellia prods him about whether or not he’ll wipe out Marden’s remnants, causing Wein to realize that she already figured out that his entourage includes Marden loyalists.
  • Not-So-Well-Intentioned Extremist: Despite claiming that she’s trying to save people by converting them to Levetia’s teachings, she seems to also believe that destabilizing the continent and taking advantage of conflict is the best way to make them desperate for «salvation.» When Wein offers her a solution that will both save the city of Mealtars from the feuding princes and allow the Church of Levetia to take credit for helping them, she considers refusing because this plan wouldn’t result in the bloodshed she wants. Her inner thoughts reveal that she enjoys death and chaos so much that she wouldn’t mind dying in any conflict she starts. To further illustrate this, she figured out the intention of Wein’s book, «The Dignity of Imperial Court,» but wants to spread its message so that the masses will hate their rulers for their mismanagement, making the masses easier to convert to Levetia.
  • Older Than They Look: She was supposed to be in her 60s, but looks like she’s in her 30s. Some people think that she’s actually a Legacy Character.

    King Gruyere Soljest 


The ruler of Soljest Kingdom and a Holy Elite.

  • Affably Evil: He’s somewhere between this and Faux Affably Evil. He enjoys making Wein’s political situation harder for his own amusement and is a self-admitted hedonist, but he also a Graceful Loser when he’s defeated and captured in Volume 5. Unlike other members of the Church of Levetia, he isn’t fanatically racist against the Flahm and treats Ninym with as much hospitality as any guest.
  • Fat Bastard: Not only is he a hedonist, he takes pride in being obese because it shows how rich and powerful he is.
  • The Hedonist: He’s proud of being an example of this trope, stating that he considers it a luxury to willingly destroy his own body and inconvenience others.
  • Hyperactive Metabolism: He somehow has the ability to burn all his fat in order to heal major wounds.
  • Lean and Mean: After burning all his fat to recover from his injuries, he becomes skinny.
  • Mighty Glacier: He is too obese to move without a chariot, but he’s incredibly Strong and Skilled at using his halberd.
  • Stout Strength: He is capable of swinging a massive halberd and can hold his own against Raklum and Hagal.
  • Villain Has a Point: He points out that Marden dug its own grave because of its government’s mismanagement and that the remnants have some blame in not fixing the regime before it was too late.

    Tolcheila Soljest 

The princess of Soljest Kingdom and King Gruyere�s daughter.

  • Daddy’s Girl: Unlike Zeno and her father, the Soljest�s have a very good relationship.
  • Missing Mom: The queen of Soljest has never been mentioned thus far, so it is not known if she is still alive or not.
  • The Ugly Guy’s Hot Daughter: Aside from her hair and eye color, she must have gotten her looks from her mother.


The kingdom of Delunio’s prime minister. Its young king leaves much of the ruling to him. A very conservative man and a staunch supporter of the church.

  • Cultural Posturing: He firmly believes in the superiority of Delunio’s culture, going so far as viewing the sale of eastern/Imperial goods (under Natran labels) as corrupting.
  • Didn’t Think This Through: Wein gets him to agree to take in Natran refugees. Before asking how many there will be…
  • Evil Chancellor: His ultimate goal in the conflict with Natra is to be declared a Holy Elite and fully take over Delunio.
  • Fatal Flaw: His Xenophobia and Cultural Posturing: When Wein spins him a wild conspiracy about poisonous Imperial dye and vividly tells him of civil conflicts resulting from Delunio taking in Natran refugees while dealing with the death caused by the dye, he folds.
  • Treacherous Advisor: While the views of his unseen King on the conflict are never stated, he is later forced to retire from politics after having gone behind his back to first ally with Soljest and then betraying it.

    Duke Steel Lozzo 

The duke of the Kingdom of Vanhelio.

  • Mad Artist: While he isn’t an artist yet, he wants to become one by putting artists through cycles of gain and loss in the hopes that they inspire him.
  • Misery Builds Character: He believes he can push his artists to their limits by putting them through tragedy. He states that some of his best artists ended up killing themselves from his torment.


An ally of Grinahae in starting a rebellion against the Earthworld Empire. In truth, he’s an agent from the West.

  • An Arm and a Leg: He escapes from Wein, but not before the latter cuts off his arm.
  • The Dragon: In Volume 3, he’s seen answering to Caldmellia, the director of Levetia’s Gospel Bureau.
  • Villainous Breakdown: He’s able to fight equally with Wein in combat until the latter reveals that Owl’s assassins have most likely been intercepted by Nanaki. This causes Owl to panic and move recklessly, leading to Wein defeating him.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: After he realizes that the rebel’s plans got leaked, he orders some of his men to assassinate Grinahae.


Another agent from the West who works with the nobles rebelling against Wein.

  • In the Hood: Similar to the other conspiritors, she first appears hooded, although she reveals her face when talking to Caldmellia.
  • Undying Loyalty: Whereas Owl acts more professional with Caldmellia, she basically worships her.

Принц Вайн вот-вот совершит худшее из предательств: продаст своё королевство на аукционе и оставит трон раз и навсегда. А что ему ещё остаётся? Управление небольшой по размеру страной, в которой процветает бедность, — дело не из лёгких. И в то время как принц осуществляет свой план в лучших традициях Макиавелли, происходит нечто непредвиденное. Его политика оказывается настолько эффективной, что королевство преодолевает экономический упадок и становится райским уголком.


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Многие хотели бы оказаться правителями королевства, жить в богатстве и роскоши, не знать забот и хлопот. Но что делать, если доставшееся государство никуда не годится. Территория мала, нет никаких ресурсов для развития. В казне не просто пусто. На королевстве весит множество долгов. Армия не способна вести боевые действия или просто защитить границы. Именно такое государство досталось принцу Вэйну Салему Арбалесту. Но не стоит отчаиваться. Ведь у правителя есть гениальный талант к управлению. Он сможет вывести королевство из кризиса. Однако есть одно обстоятельство, мешающее осуществлению этой мечте подданных. Вэйн Салема Арбалест ужасно ленив.

Ему категорически не хочется заниматься государственными делами. Поэтому парень просто решает все продать, чтобы обеспечить себе безбедное существование. Правда его планы пошли прахом. От принца отвернулась удача. Его предательство не удалось. Сделка сорвалась. Вместо этого он смог наладить дела, одержать первые значимые победы. И это плохая новость для юного правителя, ведь теперь у него забот только прибавилось.

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