Pdq deploy инструкция на русском языке

PDQ Deploy представляет собой очень надежную, универсальную и простую в работе программу, которая была разработана специально для системных администраторов. С ее помощью специалисты смогут эффективно и быстро устанавливать софт и разные обновления на подконтрольные компьютеры, совершая все операции в удаленном режиме.


Загрузка и установка

Следующий этап предусматривает установку приложения. На данном этапе важно чётко соблюдать имеющуюся ниже инструкцию:

  1. Переходим ниже и при помощи кнопки скачиваем файл.
  2. Извлекаем в любое удобное место содержимое архива.
  3. Начинаем с принятия лицензионного соглашения программы. Если нужно, также прописываем свой путь копирования файлов.

Достоинства и недостатки

Теперь настал черёд рассмотреть сильные и слабые стороны приложения.


  • в вашем случае приложение будет полностью бесплатным;
  • простота использования;
  • хранение настроек в папке пользователя.


  • использование устаревшей платформы.

Прикреплённая ниже кнопка позволит скачать программу. Тут вам понадобится любой торрент-клиент. Файл не содержит вирусов.

Название программы: PDQ Deploy
Лицензия: RePack
Обновлено и актуально: 2023 год

Скачать PDQ Deploy 19 — Программное обеспечение, которое поможет вам соединить несколько патч или приложение Windows (.ехе, .MSI) с несколькими операционными системами

PDQ Deploy:

PDQ Deploy Enterprise представляет собой приложение, чтобы держать ПК с Windows и программ, установленных на нем. Программное обеспечение PDQ Deploy помочь вам соединить несколько патч или приложение Windows (.ехе, .MSI) с несколькими операционными системами. Программа развертывания можно установить, удалить, запустить скрипт, перезагрузки, скопировать файл, скользящий режим, отправлять сообщения и т. д.


PDQ Deploy предприятия

Особенности PDQ Deploy предприятия

  • Отправка уведомлений (предупреждений) по электронной почте
  • Запустите скрипт так популярен, как .ВБС .Рег .BAT и .пс1
  • Выполнить команду set и команды (с помощью PowerShell, ВБ .летучая мышь) удаленной
  • Посетите многим людям справиться с общей базой данных
  • Он имеет библиотеку, состоящую из более чем 175 программа готовый для упрощения развертывания
  • Обновления и проверка новых версий программного обеспечения и относиться к каждой версии как можно скорее
  • Производя комплект многоступенчатой пользовательский (.ехе, .компания MSI .летучая мышь .пс1 .ВБС .УМК .Рег .МГУ)

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Admin Arsenal’s PDQ Deploy is an easy-to use application deployment software that allows you to deploy MSIs, EXEs, or scripts.


  1. Free vs. Pro
  2. Installation
  3. Application deployment
  4. Final thoughts
  • Author
  • Recent Posts

Back in April, we reviewed PDQ Inventory and found it to be very easy to use and packed with a fountain of features. Today, we are going to dig deep into PDQ Deploy, the sister product to PDQ Inventory and see how it stands up.

Any organization running Active Directory has native access to Group Policy Software Installation (GPSI). As a basic feature, GPSI supports rudimentary scheduling by installing applications on startup or login. While great, GPSI is limited to MSI and ZAP files. GPSI also suffers drawbacks with chained installations. Because of this, most organizations need something a little more robust in terms of enterprise management. PDQ Deploy can provide these additional features. However, only the new beta of version 2.2.1 supports chained installations (only available in the pro version).

Free vs. Pro

First, PDQ Deploy comes in two versions. The free version allows for full unfettered application deployment of MSIs, EXEs, Scripts, etc. These files can be core applications or upgrades/patches. As expected, it also integrates with PDQ Inventory and with the free packages in the Package Library.

The Pro Mode version allows for scheduled deployments, multistep deployments, and reporting. It also allows for advance filters, an increase in customization, and wake-on-LAN features. It also has unfettered access to the Package Library.


Like PDQ Inventory, installation is very simple due to little more than an install location being required. After the installation completes, you do have to complete a short wizard and make a choice between the Free and Pro mode versions. Because most people will likely try out the free version first, I chose to use the Free mode.

PDQ Deploy does require a dedicated administrator user for installations. This user must be an administrator of any target machine and of the PDQ Deploy machine. PDQ Deploy does allow you to use multiple credentials though. This is especially useful for environments with tightly regulated permissions or in non-AD environments. Although I didn’t use this in my testing, service accounts can also be used.

Application deployment

Once the initialization completes, we are taken to a welcome page and what would appear to be an order of steps to try.

The PDQ Deploy Welcome Screen

The PDQ Deploy Welcome Screen

I started with the “Download ready-to-deploy packages from the Package Library” and was impressed by the sheer number of packages that are ready to deploy. Scrolling through, Admin Arsenal already has every major plugin, Service Packs, Uninstall packages for common bloat ware, and many third party programs preconfigured. However, most of these packages require either PDQ Deploy Pro or a Basic subscription. A few packages are available for the free mode (including Adobe Flash).

PDQ Deploy Package Library

The Package Library (which currently has 86 premade packages).

As a test, I checked Adobe Flash and downloaded it. After a few minutes, it was added to my Packages and could be deployed.

Deploy Adobe Flash

Deploy Adobe Flash

A downside of PDQ Deploy is that it can only deploy to online computers. However, the pro version supports Wake-on-LAN (WOL). You can pull a list of computers from a variety of locations. These include Active Directory, PDQ Inventory, and Spiceworks. The inclusion of Spiceworks really surprised me and is a nice bonus that is also available in the free version. If needed, you can also import a list of computers from a text file.

Target selection in PDQ Deploy

Target selection in PDQ Deploy

Final thoughts

Over all, PDQ Deploy would be a nice addition to a small or medium organization without an existing application deployment method. If Admin Arsenal included basic scheduling (such as installation on restart) into the free version, then organizations with investments in GPSI or startup scripts would be likely to use the free tool. Because the free version limits you to deployments to live computers, medium size or larger environments would find this crippling and would need to purchase the Pro mode.

The integration with PDQ Inventory and Spiceworks prevents duplication of work and the ability to deploy EXEs, Scripts, and MSIs allows for the deployment of nearly anything. When paired with PDQ Inventory, it does a good job of completing an IT administrator tool belt.

PDQ Deploy Enterprise

Твой софтовый форум

описание (ru) PDQ Deploy инструмент удаленного контроля за развертыванием приложений, позволяющий упростить и обезопасить компьютеры организации. Продукт обеспечивает автоматическое развертывание всех используемых приложений, их обновление и контроль. Не обязательно личное присутствие, все процессы выполняются полностью автоматически. Продукт поддерживает библиотеку из около двухсот известных приложений, допускает добавление и настройку использование новых программ. Результаты работы протоколируются и направляются на электронную почто пользователя. Допускается работа нескольких администраторов, ведется общая база контролируемых приложений.

description (en) PDQ Deploy is a software deployment tool used to keep Windows PCs up-to-date without leaving your chair or bothering end users.

Deploy Almost Anything
Silently deploy almost any Windows patch or application (.exe, .msi) to multiple Windows PCs simultaneously. Deployments can install, uninstall, execute scripts, reboot, copy files, sleep, send messages, etc. Instructions and files are sent to the target computer, executed, monitored, and reported.

Deploy using the optional Agent
The Agent is an optional service installed on computers in the

database. It is used to perform tasks that would typically require a direct connection and use of the normal PDQ Inventory service. With PDQ Deploy 17 crack, we’ve now added the ability to deploy to computers in

that have the Agent installed. Even computers outside your network!

Set it ‘n Forget it
Never miss a critical patch again! Common applications (including Windows Monthly rollups) can download automatically and deploy on your schedule or even when offline targets come online when integrated with PDQ Inventory. Rest assured your patch updates are going out even when you are not in the office. Isn’t it time for that much-needed vacation?

Easily Execute Scripts
Run and deploy common scripts like .vbs, .reg, .bat, and .ps1. Execute from a file, or write them on the fly. The possibilities are almost endless. PDQ.com also has many resources for PowerShell, too. Start honing those scripting skills.

Ready-to-Deploy Applications
We maintain a library of over 175 ready-to-deploy popular applications so you don’t have to. When a new version of an application is released, PDQ.com updates and tests them and makes them available as soon as possible. You’ll wonder how you ever lived without it.

Email Notifications
Wouldn’t it be nice to glance at the inbox on your phone and see that deployment or schedule was successful? You won’t even have to put down that drink or game controller. PDQ Deploy crack is the assistance you always wanted!

Multi-Admin Access With a Shared Database
Share deployments, schedules, lists, and even preferences between PDQ Deploy license key consoles by creating a server/client relationship. Processes are initiated via either the console or Command Line Interface (CLI) but use the Server’s database. Why do all the work twice?

Interface languages:



: Windows 10/8/7 (32bit-64bit)



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Download PDQ Deploy 19 — Software that helps you to connect multiple patch or a windows app (.exe, .msi) with multiple operating systems

PDQ Deploy:

PDQ Deploy Enterprise is an application to keep the Windows PC and the programs installed on it. Software PDQ Deploy helps you to connect multiple patch or a windows app (.exe, .msi) with multiple operating systems. The deployment software can be install, delete, run script, reboot, copy the file, sliding mode, send messages, etc.


PDQ Deploy Enterprise

Features of PDQ Deploy Enterprise

  • Send notifications (alerts) via email
  • Run the script as popular as .vbs, .reg .bat and .ps1
  • Run the command set and command (PowerShell, VB, .bat) remote
  • Visit many people manage with the shared database
  • It has a library consisting of over 175 program ready-made for easy deployment
  • Update and check the new software version and treat each version as soon as possible
  • Generating set multi-step custom (.exe, .msi .bat .ps1, .vbs, .cmd .reg .msu)

As a sysadmin, I try to automate as much as possible of my daily tasks. One of the biggest time savers for me was when I started using PDQ Deploy back in 2016. Before that we were installing the software manually, using images (which were always outdated), and trying to stay up-to-date with the latest software patches.

PDQ Deploy combined with PDQ Inventory is a powerful patch management system that allows you to fully automate your software installation and patch deployment. One of the biggest advantages is that PDQ is pretty easy to set up and maintain. And the large package library that comes with the Enterprise license really helps a lot with that.

In this article

In this article, we are going to take a look at how to get started with PDQ Deploy and Inventory, creating our first packages, and setting up a baseline deployment.

PDQ Deploy and Inventory are two products that are bought together. Deploy is used to automate your patch management, install software and deploy custom scripts on your endpoints. Inventory scans, collects, and organizes your endpoints in collections.

The two products together form a powerful deployment system that allows you to install packages on targeted clients when needed. For example, when there is a new version of Autodesk Revit released. Before you had to install the new version manually on all workstations.

With Inventory, we can automatically create a collection of machines, that already have Revit 2022. In Deploy, we can create a new package for Revit 2023, as explained in this excellent guide. Now we only have to schedule the installation in PDQ Deploy, and all workstations that have Revit 2022, will automatically get the new version.

Creating these packages always takes a bit of time. But once you have your library built up with your custom packages, you will see that it becomes a huge time-saver when installing or updating software on the endpoints.

Free vs Paid version

Good to know, there is also a free version for both Deploy and Inventory available. Now I have to say the paid version, which costs $1500 per sysadmin for both tools, is really great value for money. But if you are on a tight budget then the free version can be a good start.

One of the biggest advantages of the paid version is the full package library in PDQ Deploy. This library contains more than 250 packages with the most popular software that is always up-to-date and managed by PDQ. In the Free version, you will find some packages in the library, but this is mainly the .Net Framework and a handful of other tools.

PDQ Inventory Feature Free Paid
Add computer by name X X
Active Directory Sync X
Network Discovery X
Standard Scan Information X X
Full Scan Information X
Static Collections X X
Dynamic Collections X X
Remote Tools (Reboot, shutdown, Wake, VNC, Run Command) X X
Built-in Reports X X
Custom Reports X
Auto Reports X
Collection Library X
Additional Tools Library X
PDQ Inventory Free vs Paid
PDQ Deploy Feature Free Paid
Package Library X X
– Full Library X
Create Custom Package X X
– Install steps X X
– Command or PowerShell steps X
– Nested Packages X
– File Copy X
– Message Step X
– Reboot, Sleep, Logoff X
– Package and Step Conditions X
Deploy Once X X
Scheduled deployments X
Retry Schedule X
Pull Copy Mode (Client downloads file from the repository) X
Notifications X
Deployment Reports X X
PDQ Deploy Free vs Paid

Automatically Installing new Computers

Every company has a couple of default applications that are installed on all computers. We call this a baseline. This is the minimal software that is required, like your company’s anti-virus scanner, PDF reader, browser, Office, etc. We can use PDQ Inventory and Deploy to automatically install this baseline on all new computers.

We do this by watching a specified OU in the Active Directory, any computer placed in the OU will get the baseline installed automatically, and once completed move it to a different OU.

I will explain more about setting up a baseline later in the article.

Getting Started with PDQ Inventory

So the first step is to set up and configure our PDQ Inventory installation. During the installation, you will need to select the license that you want to use and enter domain administrator credentials. I recommend creating a unique service account for this in your Active Directory with the appropriate permission (administrator access on the clients).


A better solution is to use LAPS (Local Administrator Password Solution), but you can only use it with PDQ Deploy Enterprise and you will need to use the push copy mode.

The next step is to connect PDQ Inventory to the Active Directory and select the containers you want to scan.

  1. Select Options > Preferences
  2. Make sure that Active Directory is selected on the left side
  3. Enable Auto Sync
  4. Set the sync to every 15 min
  5. Delete mode, Full Sync, so inventory also cleans up old deleted computers
  6. Click Include Container and select the OU with computers (repeat this for every OU needed)

PDQ Inventory AD Sync

PDQ Inventory AD Sync

.Net Framework is required by the clients to run the Inventory scans. On most Windows 10 and 11 devices is this installed by default, but to be sure, click on .Net Installation in the preferences and enable Automatically install .Net. Also, make sure that the install file is selected, or otherwise download .Net.

Creating Collections

Collection in PDQ Inventory allows you to organize and group your computers, based on installed applications, application details (version for example), operating system details, or hardware specifications. It comes with a lot of commonly used collections by default, which is great. But we can also create our own collections.

For example, we can create a collection based on the Windows version number. This way we can easily target and update computers that are running behind with the feature updates.

  1. Expand Workstation
  2. Right-click on Windows 11 and select New > Dynamic Collection

creating collection in PDQ Inventory

  1. Give your collection a name
  2. Enable Drill down from parent collection. This way only Windows 11 machines are selected in this case.
  3. Create a filter, where the Computer > SP/Release > equals 21H2

collection filter

Collection Filter

You will now get a list of all Windows 11 machines that are running on 21H2. Dynamic lists will automatically update, so machines that you upgrade to 21H2, will automatically be added to the list.

We can do the same for applications. Only what I like to do here is create first a dynamic collection based on the application name. This will give all computers that have, for example, DisplayLink, installed. Then create two nested dynamic collections based on the version numbers of the application. One will contain all clients with the latest version number and the other all clients that have a lower version. This way we can easily update outdated clients.

  1. First, create a new dynamic collection and set the filter to Application > Name > Contains, and as a value the name of the application
  2. Create a new dynamic collection under the one that we just created. Name it “latest” and add two filters:
    Application > Name > Contains > and as value the name of the applications
    Application > Version > Version Equals and as value the version number.
  3. The last step is to create a dynamic collection with the name Old. Here we will also add two filters:
    Application > Name > Contains > and as value the name of the applications
    Application > Version > Version Lower Than and as value the version number.

Software collection

Software Collection

Note that I selected the Drill down from the parent collection option. This way the filters are only run against the computers from the parent collection, so PDQ Inventory doesn’t have to go through all computers again, but only check the computers that have DisplayLink installed.

Read more about the drill-down function, and what it does and doesn’t do in this guide.

Getting Started with PDQ Deploy

The install configuration of PDQ Deploy is similar to Inventory. During the setup, you will need to enter credentials that Deploy can use the install software on the client. You can use the same service account as you have created for Inventory.

After the installation, we might need to make a couple of changes in the preferences depending on your environment. Open the preferences under Options and check the following settings:

  • Auto Download – Downloads automatically new versions of packages after 7 days by default. This is in most cases fine, it will download and update Chrome on the clients for example after 7 days automatically.
  • Deployments
    • Default Timeout for packages is 60 min. You can change this per package or increase it here. This will kill the installation if it hasn’t finished within 60 minutes.
    • Scan after deployment – Change it to Applications. No need to do a full scan after installing a package
    • Offline Status – Enable Ping before deployment to check if a client is online before attempting to install a package. Optional – Enable Send Wake-on-LAN to wake up computers if your clients support it.
  • Performance
    • Concurrent Targets Limit – Increase or decrease the concurrent installations depending on your server specifications and available bandwidth.
    • Copy ModeImportant one – Set it to Push if the repository is on the same server as PDQ Deploy. If you are using DFS shares or have the repository in a central location, then use Pull mode.

Auto Download Packages

The enterprise version of PDQ Deploy comes with a package library of more than 250 applications. A lot of these applications, like Chrome, and Adobe Reader, are updated regularly and you often want to install these updates also quickly on your clients.

To do this we can download these packages as auto downloads. This way, PDQ will automatically download a new version of the package within 7 days after it’s released. Later we will combine this with a schedule to install the applications.

  • Open the package library
  • Select the applications that you want to auto download
  • Click Download Selected in the top right corner

PDQ Deploy - auto download packages

Auto Download packages

The downloaded packages will appear on the left side, under packages.

Creating your own Packages

In both the free and enterprise version of PDQ, you can create your own packages. Now creating packages isn’t really difficult, but sometimes you will need to search the documentation or do a bit of trial and error to find the correct parameters to use for your installation.

When creating packages you want to run the installation in silent mode. This means that the installation is done in the background without the need for user interaction. If you have an MSI installation file, then this is pretty straightforward. But with .exe files, you sometimes first need to unpack the .exe file or run the .exe locally with the parameter /? behind it.


Make sure you check the documentation of the software to find the correct parameters to use for a silent install. Sometime you can preconfigure the software, for example, add license keys, or a server connection address, during the installation.

Packages can exist out of one or more steps that need to be performed for the installation. This can be an install step, where you actually install an MSI file for example. But also a message, (PowerShell) command, reboot, file copy, or nested step.

  1. In PDQ Deploy, Click File > New Package (or right-click in the sidebar)
  2. Enter the name of the package and optional the version and description
  3. Click on Steps > New Step and choose Install

PDq Deploy Add Install Step

Add Install Step
  1. Enter a step title, which describes what the steps do
  2. Select the installation file and make sure that the path starts with $(repository)
  3. When using an MSI file, the MSI options are already set correctly for a silent install. But if you are using a .exe file, you will need to add the silent install parameters in the parameters field.


$(repository) is a shorthand for the default repository location %PUBLIC%\Documents\Admin Arsenal\PDQ Deploy\Repository. Using the variable in your packages isn’t only shorter, but also allows you to change the repository location later easily.

Create new package

Create PDQ Deploy Package

For each step, we can also add conditions. These conditions can be a specific OS Architecture version, for example (32/64bit) or the logged-on state. When we need to restart a computer for example, then we want to make sure that nobody is logged on. So we can add a condition to the step to only run when no user is logged on:

Logged on state filter

When you have added the necessary steps for your package, click save in the top left corner. Make sure that you test your packages on a test machine before deploying them to production machines.

Deploying Packages

Installing (deploying) packages is where PDQ Deploy really starts to show its power. We have a variety of options when it comes to deploying packages. You can deploy the package to single or multiple computers, to a collection from PDQ Inventory, or to all computers in a specific OU in the Active Directory.

Besides that we also have multiple options for when to install the package:

  • Deploy Now
  • Schedule deployment
    • Once
    • Every n days/hours
    • Daily / Weekly / Monthly
  • Heartbeat (when the endpoint comes online)

So for example, to install our newly created package to a single computer, we can select the package, and click on Deploy > Deploy Once (or press Ctrl + D). If you know the computer’s name, then you can simply enter it or look it up in Inventory.

All targets that you select or entered will be listed. You will see a green checkmark behind the computer name if the target is online. Click on Deploy Now to install the package immediately.

If you have selected multiple targets (or a collection) then some of the targets might be offline. This isn’t an issue, you can still use the deploy now feature. Under the tab Offline Settings, you can configure what PDQ should do with the offline targets. By default, it will retry to deploy it within the next 3 days.

PDQ Deploy deployment

Deploy package

Automatically install packages with Schedules

We can also install packages automatically with schedules. Schedules are a great way to automate your application installation and make sure that all computers have the latest version of an application.

For example, we want to make sure that our computers have the latest version of DisplayLink installed. We have created the Inventory collection before which tracks the computers that have the latest or an old version of Display Link.

In PDQ Deploy we can create a new schedule, which we will need to give a name. What I like to do is start the name of my update schedules with (auto) and schedules that only run once with (once). This way it’s easier to clean up obsolete schedules later on.

Setting the Triggers

We need to determine the trigger(s) for our schedule. A good setup is to run the updates on a weekly basis around lunchtime for example. This way the majority of the computers are updated when they are not used.

For the computers that are offline, we will also add a heartbeat trigger. This way they will still update when they come online. The retry queue will also partially tackle this, but the problem with the retry queue is that it only runs n amounts of times (by default 72 times, each hour for the next 3 days).

Set triggers

Triggers in PDQ Deploy Schedule

Choosing the Targets

For the targets, we are going to select our Inventory collection DisplayLink (old). This contains all computers that still have an old version of DisplayLink.

automate deployment

Software collection

Packages and Options

In this case, we only selected one package, because we target computers with an old version of DisplayLink. But it’s also possible to attach multiple packages to one schedule.

We can also configure options like notifications, offline settings stop deployment settings.

Create and Install the Baseline Automatically

A baseline is a collection of software that all computers need. So the first step is to create our baseline package in PDQ Deploy.

Create a new package (ctrl + n) and name it Baseline. Next, we will add all the packages we want to install as a nested package. Click on add step and select nested package. Choose the package and repeat this step for every package that you want to install.

Sometimes you will need to add a Sleep or reboot step after a package before you can install the next one. This is a bit of a trial and error.

A couple of useful steps to add is a PowerShell script to enable BitLocker for example. You can add a PowerShell step for this and use the following code:

Enable-Bitlocker -MountPoint c: -UsedSpaceOnly -SkipHardwareTest -RecoveryPasswordProtector

Another useful PowerShell script that I use is to remove default installed Windows apps:

# Windows 10 Default App Removal Script
# src: https://community.spiceworks.com/topic/1777896-remove-pre-installed-apps-from-the-windows-10-all-apps-menu#entry-6116454
    "9E2F88E3.Twitter" #Twitter
    "ClearChannelRadioDigital.iHeartRadio" #iHeartRadio
    "Flipboard.Flipboard" #Flipboard
    "king.com.CandyCrushSodaSaga" #CandyCrushSodaSaga
    "Microsoft.3DBuilder" #3D Printing Software
    "Microsoft.BingFinance" #Bing Finance
    "Microsoft.BingNews" #Bing News
    "Microsoft.BingSports" #Bing Sports
    "Microsoft.CommsPhone" #Communications - Phone App
    "Microsoft.Getstarted" #Get Started Hub
    "Microsoft.Messaging" #Windows Messenger
    "Microsoft.MicrosoftOfficeHub" #Office 2016 Hub
    "Microsoft.MicrosoftSolitaireCollection" #Solitaire
    "Microsoft.Office.OneNote" #OneNote
    "Microsoft.Office.Sway" #Sway Presentation/Collab Software
    "Microsoft.People" #People Hub
    "Microsoft.SkypeApp" #Skype
    "Microsoft.Windows.Phone" #Windows Phone Connector
    "Microsoft.WindowsPhone" #More Windows Phone
    "Microsoft.WindowsSoundRecorder" #Recorder
    # "Microsoft.WindowsStore" #App Store
    "Microsoft.XboxApp" #Xbox
    "Microsoft.ZuneMusic" #Zune or Groove Music
    "Microsoft.ZuneVideo" #Zune Video or Groove Video
    "Microsoft.windowscommunicationsapps" #Default Mail and Calendar Apps
    "Microsoft.MinecraftUWP" #Minecraft
    "ShazamEntertainmentLtd.Shazam" #Shazam    
    "Microsoft.FreshPaint" #FreshPaint
    "TheNewYorkTimes.NYTCrossword" #New York Times Crossword
    "Microsoft.ConnectivityStore" #Microsoft WiFi App

foreach ($app in $apps) {    
    Write-Output $app
    $appVersion = (Get-AppxPackage -Name $app).Version 
    if ($appVersion){ 
      Get-AppxPackage -Name $app -AllUsers | Remove-AppxPackage
    Get-AppXProvisionedPackage -Online | where DisplayName -EQ $app | Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online
    Remove-Item $appPath -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction 0

Creating the OU’s in Active Directory

To install the baseline automatically we need to create two OU’s (or at least one of them) in our Active Directory, Deploy, and Stock. We are going to monitor the Deploy OU with PDQ Inventory and create a schedule that will install the baseline on all computers in this OU. When done, we move the computers to the Stock OU.

So in your Active Directory, create the two OU’s in your computers OU:

Active Directory

Active Directory

The next step is to create a new dynamic collection in PDQ Inventory. I like to use two collections for this, one to find all new computers and the other for new notebooks. The latter often need additional packages, so I have a Baseline Notebook package, where the first step is the normal Baseline package as a nested step.

For the collection, we can filter the computers based on the Chassis (if you want to split computers and notebooks) and we add another filter for the AD Path, which needs to contain Deploy (the OU name):

Baseline collection inventory

Schedule the baseline

We have set the sync time of PDQ Inventory and AD to 15 minutes. So we can run the schedule every 15 minutes as well. This way, the baseline will automatically start with installing on new computers within this timeframe.

In the schedule, at an Interval Trigger and set it to 15 minutes. For the targets, we select the Dynamic collection that we just created, _New Workstations.

Schedule triggers

The computer must be moved to a different OU in the Active Directory once the baseline installation is completed. To do this, we can add a PowerShell step in our baseline package:

$path = "OU=Stock,OU=Computers,OU=Oslo,DC=LAZYADMIN,DC=NL"
$session = New-PSSession -computerName LA-SRV-LAB02 # Name of the domain controller
$computer = $env:computername

Invoke-command { import-module activedirectory } -session $session
Invoke-command { Get-ADComputer $Using:computer | Move-ADObject -TargetPath $Using:path } -session $session

So now you only need to place your new computer in the correct OU, and the installation will automatically start. With this setup, you can install multiple computers simultaneously while you are working on other tasks.

Wrapping Up

As mentioned in the beginning, PDQ is really easy to set up and maintain. When you create new packages, make sure that you search the documentation of the software that you want to install for the appropriate silent install options.

If you can’t get it to work, then you can always reach out to the PDQ community where there is a lot of knowledge on deploying software packages silently.

I hope you liked this article, if you have any questions, just drop a comment below.

PDQ Deploy Enterprise

Твой софтовый форум

описание (ru) PDQ Deploy инструмент удаленного контроля за развертыванием приложений, позволяющий упростить и обезопасить компьютеры организации. Продукт обеспечивает автоматическое развертывание всех используемых приложений, их обновление и контроль. Не обязательно личное присутствие, все процессы выполняются полностью автоматически. Продукт поддерживает библиотеку из около двухсот известных приложений, допускает добавление и настройку использование новых программ. Результаты работы протоколируются и направляются на электронную почто пользователя. Допускается работа нескольких администраторов, ведется общая база контролируемых приложений.

description (en) PDQ Deploy is a software deployment tool used to keep Windows PCs up-to-date without leaving your chair or bothering end users.

Deploy Almost Anything
Silently deploy almost any Windows patch or application (.exe, .msi) to multiple Windows PCs simultaneously. Deployments can install, uninstall, execute scripts, reboot, copy files, sleep, send messages, etc. Instructions and files are sent to the target computer, executed, monitored, and reported.

Deploy using the optional Agent
The Agent is an optional service installed on computers in the

database. It is used to perform tasks that would typically require a direct connection and use of the normal PDQ Inventory service. With PDQ Deploy 17 crack, we’ve now added the ability to deploy to computers in

that have the Agent installed. Even computers outside your network!

Set it ‘n Forget it
Never miss a critical patch again! Common applications (including Windows Monthly rollups) can download automatically and deploy on your schedule or even when offline targets come online when integrated with PDQ Inventory. Rest assured your patch updates are going out even when you are not in the office. Isn’t it time for that much-needed vacation?

Easily Execute Scripts
Run and deploy common scripts like .vbs, .reg, .bat, and .ps1. Execute from a file, or write them on the fly. The possibilities are almost endless. PDQ.com also has many resources for PowerShell, too. Start honing those scripting skills.

Ready-to-Deploy Applications
We maintain a library of over 175 ready-to-deploy popular applications so you don’t have to. When a new version of an application is released, PDQ.com updates and tests them and makes them available as soon as possible. You’ll wonder how you ever lived without it.

Email Notifications
Wouldn’t it be nice to glance at the inbox on your phone and see that deployment or schedule was successful? You won’t even have to put down that drink or game controller. PDQ Deploy crack is the assistance you always wanted!

Multi-Admin Access With a Shared Database
Share deployments, schedules, lists, and even preferences between PDQ Deploy license key consoles by creating a server/client relationship. Processes are initiated via either the console or Command Line Interface (CLI) but use the Server’s database. Why do all the work twice?

Interface languages:



: Windows 10/8/7 (32bit-64bit)



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The purpose of this document is to help IT teams deploy the CurrentWare client to workstations using PDQ Deploy. PDQ is a well known software company that deals with deployment and computer management within the IT industry.


  1. PDQ Deploy
  2. CurrentWare Server installed
  3. Computers that need to install the CurrentWare Client

Install PDQ Deploy

Download PDQ here: https://www.pdq.com/pdq-deploy/. You will need to enter your name and email address for the installation file to be sent to you. Go through the install steps and launch PDQ Deploy.

PDQ First Use

  1. Once started, you will need to click Next
  2. Choose the Use Free Mode radio button and click Next
  3. Here you will enter your domain/workgroup, administrator user name and password and click Finish.

Create a cwClient Deployment Package

  1. Go to File and select New Package
  2. Here you will create your CurrentWare deployment package details. Name the package CurrentWare Client and put in the software version number
  3. Click on Steps and select Install
  4. In this window you can browse for the CurrentWare cwClient.exe install file. It is located in the following directory on your CurrentWare Server computer: C:\Program Files (x86)\CurrentWare\cwClient
  5. Once located, add the following installation parameters:
/qn ALLUSERS=1 USERPARAMS="-p Admin -ds" /norestart
  1. Replace the value after -ds with your CurrentWare Server IP Address or Computer Name
  2. When finished, click the Save button. Now you’re ready to deploy

Deploying the cwClient

  1. Click the Deploy button and Deploy Once
  2. Here select the Choose targets button and you can add PCs by Active Directory or manually by their IP address or computer name in the Add Computer text box.
  3. Once added, you can click Deploy Now
  4. You can see in the details section on the right the Deployment Details and the Target Details where you can see if it’s successful or failed.

Please refer to PDQ Deploy Support for troubleshooting

New to CurrentWare? Get Started Today!

“I chose CurrentWare for the solid product that gave more options with a lower price tag, high accuracy, and solid customer support.” -Vincent Pecoreno Network Administrator, Viking Yachts

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