Омни биотик панда инструкция по применению

Производитель: Германия (INSTITUT ALLERGOSAN Deutschland (privat) GmbH)

Возраст: 0+


OMNi-BiOTiC Panda Омни-Биотик Панда для диетического лечения иммунологического дисбаланса между клетками Th1 и Th2. Эффект, достигаемый мультивидовой комбинацией пробиотиков, физиологически возникающей в кишечнике ребенка, которой OMNi-BiOTiC PANDA/Омни-Биотик Панда обязан своим целевым назначением, основан на следующих параметрах:

  • Сниженная реакция на аллергены
  • Подавление индуцирующих аллергию IL-5 и IL-13
  • Повышенная выработка иммуномодулирующего ИЛ-10.
  • Лечение кишечных расстройств в первые месяцы жизни
  • компенсирует недостаток клеток T Reg
  • стимулирует выработку короткоцепочечных жирных кислот (SCFA)

Если у вас есть семейная склонность к нейродермиту, аллергическим заболеваниям или астме, вам следует начать использовать Омни-Биотик  Панда во время беременности (не позднее 8-го месяца беременности) . Исследования показывают, что своевременное введение выбранных кишечных бактерий может регулировать ослабленную иммунную систему и, таким образом, предотвращать возникновение нейродермита и аллергических заболеваний.

Три бактериальных штамма, содержащиеся в OMNi-BiOTiC PANDA, обладают следующими подтвержденными исследованиями эффектами:

  • они поддерживают жизненно важную бактериальную колонизацию кишечника ребенка
  • они компенсируют недостаток регулирующих Т-клеток и
  • они способствуют сбалансированному созреванию иммунной системы

Как и все пробиотики третьего поколения, OMNi-BiOTiC PANDA отличается особенно высоким качеством свойств продукта, которые , среди прочего ,

  • что указанное количество микробов доступно к концу срока годности
  • что выживаемость пробиотических микробов в желудке доказана 
  • что микробы могут активно поселяться и размножаться в кишечнике человека

Активные ингредиенты на 1 саше:
3 х 109 пробиотических кишечных симбионтов в пакетике (= 3 миллиарда КОЕ)

Рисовый крахмал

Дозировка и инструкция по применению:

Взрослые: один раз в день размешивайте 1 пакетик в 1/8 л, подождите не менее 10 минут для активации, снова перемешайте и затем используйте.
Младенцы: 1ираз в день размешайте 1 пакетик с 1 столовой ложкой грудного молока или кипяченой воды и с помощью пипетки закапайте эту специальную смесь прямо в рот ребенка. Если вы не кормите ребенка грудью, размешивайте по 1 пакетику в бутылочке каждый день. Внимание: не нагревайте выше 40 ° C! Малыш должен получать Омни-Биотик  Панда ежедневно с первого дня жизни и, по крайней мере, в первый год жизни .
Беременность: на основании данных исследования рекомендуется применять Омни-Биотик  Панда ежедневно не позднее 8-го месяца беременности, если есть семейная склонность к аллергическим заболеваниям.
Кормление грудью: препарат можно принимать во время кормления.

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OMNi-BiOTiC Panda Омни-Биотик Панда

OMNi-BiOTiC Panda Омни-Биотик Панда

Общее описание:

OMNi-BiOTiC Panda Пробиотик Омни-биотик Панда, 30 порций по 3 г, Германия — пищевая добавка для лечения иммунологического дисбаланса.

Питание специального лечебного назначения (рациональное питание). Для управления диетой в случае иммунологического дисбаланса между клетками TH1 и TH2. С высокоактивным кишечным симбионтом.

Эффект, достигаемый пробиотической мультивидовой комбинацией, физиологически возникающей в кишечнике ребенка, которой OMNi-BiOTiC® PANDA обязан своим целевым назначением, основан на следующих параметрах:

  • Снижение реакции на аллергены
  • Ингибирование ИЛ-5 и ИЛ-13, способствующих развитию аллергии.
  • Увеличение продукции иммуномодулирующего ИЛ-10
  • Лечение кишечных расстройств в первые месяцы жизни

Три бактериальных штамма, содержащиеся в OMNi-BiOTiC PANDA, обладают следующим подтвержденным исследованиями эффектом:

  • они поддерживают жизненно важную бактериальную колонизацию кишечника ребенка
  • они компенсируют недостаток регулирующих Т-клеток и
  • они способствуют сбалансированному созреванию иммунной системы

Как и все пробиотики третьего поколения, OMNi-BiOTiC® PANDA характеризуется особенно высоким качеством свойств продукта, которые гарантируют, среди прочего:

  • что указанное количество микробов доступно к концу срока годности,
  • что способность пробиотических микробов выживать в желудке была доказана и
  • что микробы могут активно оседать и размножаться в кишечнике человека


Нет информации, по рекомендации врача


Основные ингредиенты

  • не менее 3 миллиардов бактериальных культур; микробы

Lactococcus lactis W58, Bifidobacterium lactis W52, Bifidobacterium lactis W51, Bifidobacterium bifidum W23

Дополнительные ингредиенты

  • мальтодекстрин
  • рисовый крахмал

Способ приема:

Использовать особенно во время беременности и в первый год жизни ребенка.

Младенцы: Размешайте 1 пакетик OMNi-BiOTiC® PANDA в 1 столовой ложке грудного молока или кипяченой воды один раз в день и используйте пипетку, чтобы накапать эту специальную смесь прямо в рот ребенку. Если вы не кормите ребенка грудью, добавляйте 1 пакетик OMNi-BiOTiC® PANDA в бутылочку каждый день (примечание: не нагревайте выше 40°C).

Взрослые: Размешайте 1 пакетик OMNi-BiOTiC® PANDA (= 3 г) примерно в 1/8 л воды один раз в день, подождите не менее 10 минут, чтобы он активировался, снова перемешайте и выпейте. Рекомендуется принимать на голодный желудок. На основании данных исследования рекомендуется использовать OMNi-BiOTiC® PANDA ежедневно, начиная с 8-го месяца беременности, в случае возникновения аллергического дисбаланса. Конечно, молодая мама может и сама продолжать ежедневно принимать OMNi-BiOTiC® PANDA.

Преимущества для взрослых: прием OMNi-BiOTiC® PANDA также может быть показан во взрослом возрасте, особенно для очень чувствительных людей. Особенно хороший опыт получен в области тяжелой пищевой непереносимости и в онкологической области после химиотерапии или лучевой терапии.

Беременность и кормление грудью:

Нет информации, по рекомендации врача


в продукт не добавляются животные белки, глютен, дрожжи или лактоза, и он подходит для людей с аллергией на молоко. Используйте продукты для специальных медицинских целей только под наблюдением врача. Не подходит для парентерального питания. Не превышайте рекомендуемую суточную дозу. Хранить в недоступном для маленьких детей месте. Дополнительное сбалансированное питание.


Хранить в сухом, прохладном, недоступном для детей месте


Institut Allergosan Deutschland (privat) GmbH Nördliche Münchner Straße 47 D-82031 Grünwald (HRB 241674), Германия

Биологически активные добавки не являются заменой сбалансированного и разнообразного питания и здоровым образом жизни.

Оптимально работающий кишечник имеет большое значение для развития ребенка: потому что он является не только местом поглощения питательных веществ и пищеварения, но и местом расположения иммунной системы (80% наших иммунных клеток находятся в кишечнике).

С момента рождения ребенка кишечная флора находится в стадии развития и находится под влиянием множества факторов. Наиболее важно то, что тип родов (вагинальное или кесарево сечение) и источник питания (грудное вскармливание или смесь) оказывают значительное влияние на состав и биоразнообразие кишечной флоры ребенка.

Несбалансированная колонизация бактерий может привести к недостатку так называемых короткоцепочечных жирных кислот (SCFA) в кишечнике ребенка. Кроме того, у детей с аллергией в кишечнике значительно меньше короткоцепочечных жирных кислот. Другими словами, важны короткоцепочечные жирные кислоты.

OMNi-BiOTiC® PANDA содержит научно проверенную комбинацию трех природных штаммов бактерий, специально отобранных для беременных женщин и младенцев. Научные исследования доказывают, что бактерии, входящие в состав OMNi-BiOTiC® PANDA, постоянно оседают в кишечнике.

Для обеспечения бесперебойной работы всех процессов в кишечнике решающее значение имеет богатая видами кишечная флора .

Во время вагинальных родов бактериальная флора влагалища матери передается младенцу. Бифидобактерии и лактобациллы также могут передаваться ребенку через молочные железы во время грудного вскармливания. Однако кесарево сечение ограничивает эту естественную колонизацию и может позволить нежелательным бактериям заселять кишечник ребенка вместо полезных.

Кроме того, мать также может передать свою нарушенную кишечную флору своему ребенку во время родов, что может препятствовать развитию иммунной системы и пищеварения ребенка.

Исследования показывают, что использование специально комбинированных бактериальных штаммов, таких как те, что содержатся в OMNi-BiOTiC® PANDA, оказалось очень эффективным для матери и ребенка .

Способ применения:

Общие: один или два раза в день размешайте один пакетик OMNi-BiOTiC® PANDA (= 3 г) в 125 мл воды, подождите не менее 10 минут, чтобы он активизировался , затем снова перемешайте и выпейте.

Беременность: благодаря многолетнему опыту научных исследований и практического применения, рекомендуется принимать OMNi-BiOTiC® PANDA не позднее 8-го месяца беременности для ежедневного использования.

Грудное вскармливание: конечно, молодые матери также могут продолжать принимать OMNi-BiOTiC® PANDA каждый день.

Младенцы: раз в день размешайте один пакетик OMNi-BiOTiC® PANDA в 1 столовой ложке грудного молока или кипяченой воды и капайте эту смесь прямо в рот ребенка с помощью пипетки.
Если вы не кормите ребенка грудью, ежедневно размешивайте пакетик OMNi-BiOTiC® PANDA в бутылочке.

Примечание: не нагревайте выше 40 ° C!


Рисовый крахмал, мальтодекстрин, штаммы бактерий *

* 3 человеческих бактериальных штамма, содержащих не менее 3 миллиардов организмов на порцию (= 3 г):

Lactococcus lactis W58
Bifidobacterium lactis W52
Bifidobacterium bifidum W23

Эти научно проверенные бактерии гарантированно сохранят свою жизнеспособность и способность к размножению до истечения срока годности.

Важная информация

Продукт не содержит добавок животного белка, глютена, дрожжей или лактозы и подходит для людей с аллергией на молоко. Пищевые добавки не заменяют разнообразное и сбалансированное питание. Не превышайте рекомендованную суточную дозу. Хранить в недоступном для маленьких детей месте.

на 3 г (= разовая доза) 100 г
Энергия 49,20 кДж 11,76 ккал 1640 кДж 392 ккал
Жиры 0,01 г 0,37 г
из которых насыщенные <0,01 г 0,20 г
Углеводы 2,84 г 94,70 г
из них сахара <0,01 г 0,27 г
Протеин 0,07 г 2,43 г


<0,01 г 0,09 г

Полное Количество:
30 пакетиков по 3 г = 90 г

Институт Allergosan Германия (частный) GmbH
Аттила Strasse 16
12529 Schonefeld

*Перевод с немецкого на русский выполнен при помощи сервиса Google Translate и предоставлен в ознакомительных целях. Diskontshop.eu не несёт юридической ответственности за результаты машинного перевода. Перед применением препарата, пожалуйста, проконсультируйтесь с врачом

В наличии

7970,00 руб.

Пробиотик третьего поколения, OMNi-BiOTiC® PANDA отличается особенно высоким качеством. Для детей с рождения и взрослых.

1 в наличии (может быть предзаказано)

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Детский пробиотик в линейке Omnibiotic.

Все мы знакомы с коликами, вздутиями и изменениями стула у детей в первые месяцы жизни. Panda поможет нормализации работы детского кишечника, подарит спокойные дни ночи мамам.

Способ применения: для взрослых- 1 раз в день размешивайте 1 пакетик OMNi-BiOTiC® PANDA в 1/8 л теплой воды, подождите 10 минут для активации, снова перемешайте и пейте на голодный желудок.
При беременности Вы можете начать применение с 8-го месяца.
Младенцам с 1-го дня жизни размешайте содержимое одного пакетика OMNi-BiOTiC® PANDA в 1-2 столовых ложках грудного молока или кипяченой воды и с помощью пипетки закапайте прямо в рот ребенку. Если ребенок не находится (больше) на грудном вскармливании, размешайте 1 пакетик OMNi-BiOTiC® PANDA непосредственно в бутылочке для питья.

Состав препарата

Активные ингредиенты:
3 миллиарда бактериальных культур микробов, не менее
Вспомогательные ингредиенты:
Рисовый крахмал


Скачать инструкцию на немецком языке:
Omnibiotic Panda

Prenatal and Infant Probiotic

OMNi-BiOTiC® PandA

5 out of 5 based on 3 customer ratings

(3 customer reviews)

Omni-Biotic PandA is a probiotic supplement that was specifically developed to support the maternal and baby’s gut microbiome.

For Mom During Pregnancy:

  • Improves microbiome diversity 1
  • Supports immune balance for mother during pregnancy and postpartum 2
  • Supports healthy digestion and bowel movements during pregnancy 1

For Babies:

  • Supports function and development of microbiome and immune system 3
  • Reduces risks of allergy and atopic dermatitis into childhood 4
  • Helps alleviate 3-month colic 5


1 Rungsiprakarn P, Laopaiboon M, Sangkomkamhang US, Lumbiganon P, Pratt JJ. Interventions for treating constipation in pregnancy. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2015:Cd011448

2 Niers LE, Timmerman HM, Rijkers GT, van Bleek GM, van Uden NO, Knol EF, Kapsenberg ML, Kimpen JL, Hoekstra MO. Identification of strong interleukin-10 inducing lactic acid bacteria which down-regulate T helper type 2 cytokines. Clin Exp Allergy. 2005 Nov;35(11):1481-9.

3 Niers LE, Hoekstra MO, Timmerman HM, van Uden NO, de Graaf PM, Smits HH, Kimpen JL, Rijkers GT. Selection of probiotic bacteria for prevention of allergic diseases: immunomodulation of neonatal dendritic cells. Clin Exp Immunol. 2007 Aug;149(2):344-52

4 Niers L, Martín R, Rijkers G, Sengers F, Timmerman H, van Uden N, Smidt H, Kimpen J, Hoekstra M. The effects of selected probiotic strains on the development of eczema (the PandA study). Allergy. 2009 Sep;64(9):1349-58.

5 Hofmann H. Probiotikum gegen Verdauungsbeschwerden in der Schwangerschaft und Säuglingskoliken (translation: Probiotics for indigestion in pregnancy and infant colic). GYN-Aktiv. 26-11-2015. Source Site

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

  • Targeted Probiotics

  • Clinically Tested Health Benefits

  • Highly Effective Powder Delivery Mechanism

  • Vegan & Allergen-Free

  • 30 Daily Dose Sachets (No Refrigeration)

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we donate a portion to Feeding America, the largest hunger-relief organization in the U.S.

This Lyme Disease Awareness Month,

we donate a portion of every product purchased to Global Lyme Alliance, the leading nonprofit dedicated to conquering Lyme and other tick-borne diseases.

  • Learn More

  • Recommended Use

  • Composition

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Learn More

During pregnancy, a woman’s gut microbiome changes considerably from the first to the third trimester, with an overall reduction in microbial diversity. These changes have been associated with a variety of undesirable health effects for women. Furthermore, the mother’s gut and vaginal microbiome, and placenta are vital to the development of the baby’s microbiome and immune system. There is increasing evidence that links reduced infant microbiome diversity to the development of allergic conditions in childhood. Research also supports the safety and efficacy of probiotics for pregnant women and probiotics for babies. Omni-Biotic Panda is clinically shown to act as an effective pregnancy probiotic and baby probiotic.

Recommended Use

Adults: Stir one sachet of Omni-Biotic PandA in approximately 4 ounces/ 125 mL of room temperature water or other non-acidic liquid (e.g. dairy or dairy alternative milk or yogurt, apple juice), wait 10 minutes for probiotic activation, stir again and drink. Take one sachet daily or as directed by your healthcare practitioner. Omni-Biotic PandA is best consumed on an empty stomach, for example right after waking up in the morning or before going to bed in the evening.

Babies: Stir 1 sachet of Omni-Biotic PandA or as directed by your healthcare practitioner once daily into 1 tablespoon of breast milk, formula, or boiled (and cooled) water, and trickle this special mixture directly into the infant’s mouth with a dropper. If you are not breastfeeding your baby, stir 1 sachet of Omni-Biotic PandA into the baby bottle every day (Caution: Do not heat above 104°F).


Omni-Biotic PandA contains four specially selected, scientifically tested, well-characterized bacterial strains:

  • Lactococcus lactis W58
  • Bifidobacterium lactis W52
  • Bifidobacterium lactose W51
  • Bifidobacterium bifidum W23

Other Ingredients: Rice starch, maltodextrin

CFU: 3 Billion
Net Weight: 3.0 oz
Stability: Shelf-life stability guaranteed up to the expiration date
Storage: Shelf stable through expiration date at room temperature.
Does not require refrigeration.
Includes 30 daily servings/product sachets.

For Omni-Biotic Panda probiotic, please follow these intake instructions:

Adults: Stir 1 sachet of Omni-Biotic Panda once daily into a glass of still water (approx. 4 oz/125 mL) at room temperature, wait at least 10 minutes for bacterial activation, stir again and then drink. Omni-Biotic Panda should preferably be taken on an empty stomach, either right after waking up in the morning or before going to bed in the evening.

Babies: Stir 1 sachet of Omni-Biotic Panda once daily into 1 tablespoon of breast milk, formula, or boiled (and cooled) water, and trickle this special mixture directly into the infant’s mouth with a dropper. If you are not breastfeeding your baby, stir 1 sachet of Omni-Biotic Panda into the baby bottle every day (Caution: Do not heat above 104°F).

Yes. Omni-Biotic probiotics can also be mixed into non-acidic liquids such as apple juice, milk or yogurt (or non-dairy alternatives), apple sauce and lukewarm soups. Acidic beverages such as coffee, tea and orange juice should be avoided. For babies, Omni-Biotic Panda can also be mixed into breastmilk or formula.

Make sure the liquid does not exceed 104 degrees Fahrenheit as this can kill the probiotics.

Yes, Omni-Biotic Panda can be taken twice daily, especially if you are experiencing pregnancy-related constipation, immune system imbalance or stress.

For babies and toddlers up to three years of age, Omni-Biotic Panda should be limited to once daily.

All Omni-Biotic probiotics are best taken on an empty stomach. This helps the probiotic bacteria move through the acidic environment of the stomach as quickly as possible, and they reach their destination in the intestines alive and metabolically active.

For babies and toddlers, it is absolutely fine and still effective to take the probiotic with a meal, since you might be mixing Omni-Biotic Panda into your baby’s bottle or giving it to them while breastfeeding. The gastric juices of babies and toddlers are not as strong as those of adults, and therefore less disruptive to probiotic bacteria.

Yes. Omni-Biotic probiotics contain only strains of bacteria that naturally occur in the human intestine, and no chemical agents that can interact with other supplements or medications.

Omni-Biotic Panda contains three specially selected, scientifically tested, well-characterized probiotic strains:

  • Lactococcus lactis W58
  • Bifidobacterium lactis W52
  • Bifidobacterium bifidum W23

The other ingredients included in Omni-Biotic Panda are rice starch and maltodextrin.

These ingredients are specifically added to improve the delivery of the probiotic bacteria to the intestines. A small amount of rice starch actc serves as the carrier. The maltodextrin is a prebiotic nutrient that serves as the food for the probiotics. When the powder is dissolved in liquid, the probiotics can hydrate and consume these specialized nutrients, and become strong for their passage through the digestive tract to the intestines where they will be most effective.

A woman’s gut microbiome changes considerably during pregnancy. These changes have been associated with various undesirable health effects. One common digestive complaint during pregnancy is constipation. A probiotic like Omni-Biotic Panda helps with that.

The mother’s immune system also adapts to accommodate the fetus, which can make her more susceptible to infections such as a common cold or the flu. It is important to support the mother’s immune system so it can adjust to the changes occurring during pregnancy and postpartum. The probiotic strains in Omni-Biotic Panda help rebalance the mother’s immune system (Th1 and Th2 cell balance), which can benefit the mother and also the baby while breastfeeding.

A baby’s gut microbiome develops from birth to 36 months of age. An imbalance or lack of diversity in good bacteria in the gut microbiome can impact immune function, susceptibility to allergies, digestion and even cognitive function later in the child’s life. A probiotic like Omni-Biotic Panda supports the development of a healthy gut microbiome.

Infants also often struggle with digestive issues such as 3-month colic. In a clinical study, Omni-Biotic Panda reduced symptoms associated with 3-month colic.

Omni-Biotic Panda is characterized by 3 billion CFU per serving / sachet.

One box of Omni-Biotic Panda includes 30 servings. This probiotic is shelf stable through the expiration date at room temperature.

No, Omni-Biotic Panda does not need to be refrigerated.

All Omni-Biotic products meet “Generally Recognized As Safe” (GRAS) criteria specified by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Our products are developed by Institut AllergoSan in accordance with the highest quality criteria for probiotics presented by the FDA, World Health Organization (WHO), World Gastroenterology Organization (WGO), and Austrian/German Societies for Probiotic Medicine (OePROM / DePROM). Learn more about our quality criteria by clicking here.

Omni-Biotic probiotics are developed by Institut AllergoSan “Competence Center for Microbiome Research,” based on over 25 years of gut microbiome research and 100+ clinical studies using our products.

Each strain of probiotic bacteria for how effective it is in achieving a specific health outcome. The team then tests the combination of strains that is included in one Omni-Biotic probiotic to make sure they work well together to achieve a desired outcome. All Omni-Biotic probiotics are tested for efficacy in their final version in clinical studies.

Key clinical studies using Omni-Biotic can be found in the Research / Education website section.

All Omni-Biotic probiotics available on omnibioticlife.com are vegan, lactose, gluten, and soy-free, and made up of non-GMO ingredients.

Yes, all Omni-Biotic probiotics are safe for use when trying to conceive, during pregnancy, postpartum and while breastfeeding.

Omni-Biotic Panda was specifically formulated to support a woman’s immune system, digestion and gut health during the third trimester of pregnancy.

Improving gut health via probiotics and prebiotics during pregnancy and the first few months after birth will help support a healthy pregnancy and lay the foundation for the baby’s health.

Yes, Omni-Biotic Panda was specifically formulated for babies to support the development of a healthy gut microbiome and immune system. It is recommended to give Omni-Biotic Panda to babies starting at birth and through three years of age. From then on, you can select another Omni-Biotic probiotic based on the child’s health needs. 

For children older than three years of age: Children above three years of age typically respond well to taking the regular daily recommended dose. Omni-Biotic HETOX is typically not recommended for children under six years of age, unless under supervision by a healthcare practitioner.

To improve the taste of the probiotic, you can dissolve it in infant formula, milk or yogurt, a dairy alternative, lukewarm soups and apple juice. Avoid juices that are too acidic such as orange juice as these negatively impact the probiotic bacteria.

Learn More

During pregnancy, a woman’s gut microbiome changes considerably from the first to the third trimester, with an overall reduction in microbial diversity. These changes have been associated with a variety of undesirable health effects for women. Furthermore, the mother’s gut and vaginal microbiome, and placenta are vital to the development of the baby’s microbiome and immune system. There is increasing evidence that links reduced infant microbiome diversity to the development of allergic conditions in childhood. Research also supports the safety and efficacy of probiotics for pregnant women and probiotics for babies. Omni-Biotic Panda is clinically shown to act as an effective pregnancy probiotic and baby probiotic.

Recommended Use

Adults: Stir one sachet of Omni-Biotic PandA in approximately 4 ounces/ 125 mL of room temperature water or other non-acidic liquid (e.g. dairy or dairy alternative milk or yogurt, apple juice), wait 10 minutes for probiotic activation, stir again and drink. Take one sachet daily or as directed by your healthcare practitioner. Omni-Biotic PandA is best consumed on an empty stomach, for example right after waking up in the morning or before going to bed in the evening.

Babies: Stir 1 sachet of Omni-Biotic PandA or as directed by your healthcare practitioner once daily into 1 tablespoon of breast milk, formula, or boiled (and cooled) water, and trickle this special mixture directly into the infant’s mouth with a dropper. If you are not breastfeeding your baby, stir 1 sachet of Omni-Biotic PandA into the baby bottle every day (Caution: Do not heat above 104°F).


Omni-Biotic PandA contains four specially selected, scientifically tested, well-characterized bacterial strains:

  • Lactococcus lactis W58
  • Bifidobacterium lactis W52
  • Bifidobacterium lactose W51
  • Bifidobacterium bifidum W23

Other Ingredients: Rice starch, maltodextrin

CFU: 3 Billion
Net Weight: 3.0 oz
Stability: Shelf-life stability guaranteed up to the expiration date
Storage: Shelf stable through expiration date at room temperature.
Does not require refrigeration.
Includes 30 daily servings/product sachets.

Most of the time, it is a good idea to take probiotics to help maintain a healthy gut and the wellbeing of your entire body. The gut is the engine of your life; it provides fuel by digestion and influences many other vital processes within the body (i.e. the immune system, liver function and detox pathways, and stress management). 

Today’s lifestyle makes it difficult to keep the gut healthy with the oversupply of processed foods, and harmful environmental, physical and psychological impacts. Probiotics ensure that good bacteria are replenished in the gut in order to strengthen the intestinal lining, and maintain a strong digestive system and overall organism. 

OMNi-BiOTiC® probiotics are uniquely designed to support different critical processes within the body. Take a look at our Product Fit Chart on our homepage to find best probiotic that best supports your body’s needs.

OMNi-BiOTiC® products are developed by Institut AllergoSan in accordance with quality criteria of the World Health Organization (WHO), the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the World Gastroenterology Organization (WGO), and the Austrian/German Societies for Probiotic Medicine (OePROM / DePROM). All OMNi-BiOTiC® products have FDA GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) status and meet the quality criteria for medically relevant pro and synbiotics.

OMNi-BiOTiC® was developed by Institut AllergoSan in Graz, Austria. Institut AllergoSan was founded in 1991 and launched its first probiotic supplement in 1993. Over the last 25 years, Institut AllergoSan has become an internationally recognized center for research and formulation of natural products that support the wellbeing of the body by strengthening the gut. 

The OMNi-BiOTiC® product line is the #1 probiotic brand in Europe. Now, OMNi-BiOTiC® is also available in the U.S.

Institut AllergoSan’s expert Research and Development team first performs lab tests on each strain of bacteria for how effective it is in achieving a specific health outcome (e.g. reducing the amount of a specific potentially harmful bacteria in your gut that could cause digestive upset). The team then tests the combination of strains of probiotic bacteria that is included in one OMNi-BiOTiC® product via clinical studies on people to make sure it works well together to achieve the desired outcome.

Institut AllergoSan in partnership with leading research institutions and universities continuously performs placebo controlled, double-blinded studies to test and demonstrate the clinical efficacy of OMNi-BiOTiC® multi-species probiotics. In 2009, the World Gastroenterology Organization (WGO) acclaimed a study about OMNi-BiOTiC® AB 10 (Koning 2007) as one of the 12 best studies in the world. For more information about studies on OMNi-BiOTiC®, please refer to our Clinical Studies/OMNi-BiOTiC® Studies website section.

The human intestine contains more than 500 different bacterial strains. A mono-species probiotic preparation contains only one single bacterial strain, whereas the multi-species probiotic preparations of OMNi-BiOTiC® contain up to as many as eleven compatible, mutually reinforcing strains. Specific combinations of bacterial strains have been scientifically shown to be especially helpful when faced with particular health challenges.

The freeze-dried powder form of OMNi-BiOTiC® products protect the bacteria during transport and ensure that they are alive and strong when you receive the product. By reactivating the bacteria in water, it is ensured that the probiotics can navigate past your stomach, which is too acidic for the bacteria, and reach your intestine, where they will be most effective. Taking a probiotic capsule eliminates the critical step of bacterial reactivation in water for optimal strength.

Yes. OMNi-BiOTiC® products are certified vegan, lactose, gluten and soy-free, as well as Non-GMO.

OMNi-BiOTiC® probiotics are vegan, lactose-free, gluten-free, soy-free and nut-free. The probiotic powder contains different dietary fibers that serve as food for the natural, good bacteria, such as fructo-oligosaccharides and inulin. This is the food for intestinal bacteria. They are present in OMNi-BiOTiC® products only in minimal amounts, much less than is used in the clinical breath test to provoke a measurable reaction. If you extend the activation time of OMNi-BiOTiC® to 30 minutes, the bacteria almost completely metabolize their food so that, at most, only a few molecules of these substances enter your body.

For all OMNi-BiOTiC® products, only strains of bacteria are used that cannot produce histamine themselves, so OMNi-BiOTiC® products can be safely taken by people with a histamine intolerance.

Yes. OMNi-BiOTiC® products contain only strains of bacteria that naturally occur in the human intestine, and no chemical agents that can interact with other supplements or medications.

Depending on the health of your intestinal microbiome, this may be the case. If you are experiencing severe intestinal discomfort, it is recommended that you introduce and increase your daily dose slowly over a period of several weeks (beginning with the amount of a knife-tip) to prevent possible digestive side effects. Such situations are rare and only occur in about 5% of users.

Yes. You can easily take one OMNi-BiOTiC® in the morning and a different one in the evening. Different OMNi-BiOTiC® products should not be dissolved in the same liquid at the same time because each bacterial combination is exactly matched and supplemented with their special food in the form of a matrix.

The freeze-dried powder of OMNi-BiOTiC® products contains different dietary fibers that serve as food for the natural, good bacteria. This is the food for intestinal bacteria. 

If you extend the activation time of OMNi-BiOTiC® to 30 minutes, the bacteria almost completely metabolize their food so that, at most, only a few molecules of these substances enter your body.

Stir one sachet of OMNi-BiOTiC® once or twice daily into approx. 4 oz. / 125 mL of room temperature water, wait for at least one minute (reactivation time), then stir again before drinking. OMNi-BiOTiC® intake is recommended on an empty stomach, if possible (e.g. before breakfast and/or before dinner or bedtime).

OMNi-BiOTiC® probiotics are manufactured in the form of freeze-dried bacteria that need to be reactivated before intake. Due to its basic pH value, room temperature water creates the optimal environment to activate the bacteria and to energize them for their journey through your gastro-intestinal system. If you prefer, milk and milk alternatives, yogurt and yogurt alternatives, as well as tea are also well suited to rehydrate OMNi-BiOTiC®. Please note in general that the liquid in which you dissolve OMNi-BiOTiC®, should be under 100 degrees Fahrenheit, non-acidic. If the liquid is too cold, the bacteria cannot sufficiently “wake up” from their freeze-dried state. If the liquid is too hot, then they will die before you drink them. Juices and coffee are too acidic for the probiotic bacteria to survive.

The human body is made up of at least equal the amount of bacteria as cells. There are many different kinds of bacteria. Some bacteria are harmful, like pathogens. The majority of bacteria in our body are responsible for keeping us alive (e.g. modulating the immune system, defending the body against pathogens). The World Health Organization (WHO) defines probiotics as “live micororganisms, which when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host.” Probiotics are the good bacteria that naturally occur in a healthy gut. These good bacteria colonize the lining of the digestive system and ensure that the gut flora can perform its role in vital functions in the body (e.g. food digestion and nutrient absorption, the immune system, liver function and detoxification, stress management).

Yes, all OMNi-BiOTiC® probiotics are safe for use during pregnancy, post-partum, while breastfeeding and when trying to conceive. In fact, taking a high-quality probiotic supplement, like OMNi-BiOTiC®, during pregnancy and the first few months after birth will help support a healthy pregnancy and help lay the foundation for the newborn’s health.

Probiotics are the good bacteria that naturally occur in your gut. They are essential for good digestion, nutrient absorption, vaginal health, immune function, and even cognitive processes including mood.

To get the most benefits from OMNi-BiOTiC®, make sure to choose the probiotic that best fits your needs. For example, if you have a history of Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) or Yeast Infections, we recommend OMNi-BiOTiC® BALANCE. OMNi-BiOTiC® BALANCE is also a good choice if you’re looking for overall gut support and a boost to your immune system. If you are experiencing high levels of stress and/or have Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) or an inflammatory bowel conditions, we recommend taking OMNi-BiOTiC® STRESS Release. And if you recently had to take medications that negatively impact your gut flora, such as antibiotics, reach for OMNi-BiOTiC® AB 10.

You can also take our product fit quiz or contact us with any questions at info@omnibioticlife.com or 914-615-9914.

Yes! Taking a probiotic supplement in the post-partum period is highly beneficial. This is a very stressful time for the mother, which often takes a toll on the body and mind. 

The mother’s body is recovering from pregnancy and birth, and her hormones and immune system are re-adjusting. In addition, for many mothers, stress occurs due to the lack of sleep and constant worry about the newborn. In times of high stress, we recommend OMNi-BiOTiC® STRESS Release to support the body’s resilience and a healthy gut-brain-axis.

If you have a history of allergies, skin issues or frequent illness, then we recommend OMNi-BiOTiC® BALANCE to support your immune system during this time of transition.

Furthermore, a newborn baby starts developing their gut microbiome the day they are born. Over the course of the first 12 months, a baby forms the basis of their gut microbiome, which will stay with them for the rest of their life. The type of delivery, food, supplement and medication intake from the mother while breastfeeding all influence how the baby’s microbiome forms. The makeup of the microbiome in the first year after birth will influence a person’s health and wellbeing throughout their life. Therefore, taking a probiotic supplement will also greatly benefit the newborn baby in addition to the mother.

For example, research shows that children who consistently receive probiotics via breast milk, solid food, or supplements in the first few years after birth are less likely to develop seasonal and food allergies, intolerances, as well as chronic skin issues like eczema and atopic dermatitis.

Yes, most OMNi-BiOTiC® probiotics are safe for children.

For babies and up to one year of age: Omni-Biotic Panda was specifically developed for babies and young children to support the healthy development of the baby’s gut microbiome, digestive system, and immune function. It has also been shown in clinical studies to improve symptoms of infant colic and to reduce the risk of childhood allergies, such as eczema.

For children between one and three years of age: If the child is benefiting from Omni-Biotic Panda, this is often a good choice to continue until three years of age. Other probiotic formulations (except Omni-Biotic HETOX) can be taken at half of one sachet per day (i.e., half of the daily recommended dose for adults).

For children older than three years of age: Children above three years of age typically respond well to taking the regular daily recommended dose.

To improve the taste of the probiotic, you can dissolve it in infant formula, milk or yogurt, a dairy alternative, lukewarm soups and apple juice. Avoid juices that are too acidic such as orange juice as these negatively impact the probiotic bacteria.

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