Net core microservices полное руководство net 6 mvc

Video description

In this course, you will learn the foundational elements of microservices by incrementally building a real microservices-based application with .NET 6, step by step. We will be building multiple microservices and for authentication and authorization, we will be using IdentityServer. The content of the course will guide you through the basic blocks of Identity server and how to get it up and running.

You will learn how to build microservices in the .NET world using .NET API, Ocelot, IdentityServer, Entity Framework core, and clean architecture using the latest .NET 6!

We will develop ecommerce modules over product, shopping cart, ordering, payment, and email microservices with SQL server communicating over Azure Service Bus and using Ocelot API gateway. You can find microservices architecture and step-by-step implementation on .NET along with step-by-step development in this course with extensive explanations and details.

By the end of this course, you will have an application with seven fully working .NET-based microservices but most importantly, you will understand every line of code, how the microservices work together, and why we ended up with the final implementation.

What You Will Learn

  • Understand .NET 6 microservices architecture
  • Learn .NET API with authentication and authorization
  • Explore role-based authorization with the IdentityServer
  • Understanding IdentityServer integration
  • Learn the Azure Blob Storage basics
  • Understand Azure Service Bus — topics and queues


This course is for students looking to explore microservices with .NET core, learn communications with Azure Service Bus, and learn the basics of IdentityServer.

About The Author

Bhrugen Patel: Bhrugen Patel is a passionate and creative software engineer with a strong focus on simplicity and thorough details. He has been programming since high school and was involved with multiple web and desktop projects using .NET. He has a master’s degree in computer science and a bachelor’s degree in computer engineering. He also has many years of experience with .NET C# and .NET MVC. He enjoys teaching alongside his full-time job.

September 9, 2021

.NET Core Microservices – The Complete Guide (.NET 6 MVC)

English | MP4 | AVC 1280×720 | AAC 44KHz 2ch | 10.5 Hours | 4.66 GB

Learn Microservices architecture with .NET Core MVC(.NET 6) and Identity Server Integration with Azure Service Bus

Is your project or your team suffering from the drawbacks of a Monolithic application? or are you one of those developers who have heard the buzz word about Microservices but you don’t know where to start from? or are you wondering if a microservices architecture is the right fit for your .NET project? or are you tired of other courses where they give you a good start but halfway through the course you wonder what is going on and nothing makes sense!

If so, then this is the perfect course for all of your questions!

You will learn the foundational elements of microservices by incrementally building a real microservices based application with .NET 6, step by step. We will be building multiple microservices and and for authentication and authorization we will be using Identity Server! I will guide you through the basic blocks of Identity Server and how to get it up and running!

Learn how to build Microservices in the .NET world using .NET API, Ocelot, Identity Server, Entity Framework Core and clean architecture using the latest .NET 6!

You will develop e-commerce modules over Product, Shopping Cart, Ordering, Payment and Email microservices with SQL Server communicating over Azure Service Bus and using Ocelot API Gateway. You can find Microservices Architecture and Step by Step Implementation on .NET which step by step developing this course with extensive explanations and details.

Along with this you’ll develop following microservices and items:

  • Product Microservice
  • Identity Server Microservice
  • Coupon Microservice
  • Shopping Cart Microservice
  • Order Microservice
  • Email Microservice
  • Payment Microservice
  • Ocelot Gateway Project
  • MVC Web Application

On top of all these, you’ll learn how to write quality code, not just how to build microservices. In this course you will see the demonstrating a layered application architecture with best practices.

What you’ll learn

  • .NET 6 Microservices Architecture
  • Implementing 7 microservices using .NET 6
  • .NET API with Authentication and Authorization
  • Identity Server integration
  • Role based authorization with Identity Server
  • Async and Sync communcation between Microservices
  • Azure Blob Storage basics
  • Azure Service Bus – Topics and Queues
  • Gateways in Microservices
  • Implementing Ocelot gateway
  • Swagger Open API implementation
  • N-Layer implementation with Repository Pattern
  • ASPNET Core Web Application with Bootstrap 5
  • Entity Framework Core with SQL Server Database

Table of Contents

1 Introduction
2 Why microservices
3 Course Overview
4 Udemy Review
5 Prerequisite
6 Microservices architecture
7 Project Architecture
8 Tools needed
9 What we will build
10 Project Resources
11 How to setup final application from GitHub – Overview
12 Demo – How to setup final application from GitHub
13 Bonus Content

Product API basic setup
14 Introduction
15 Create project
16 Create product API Project
17 NuGet packages for Product API
18 Configure DbContext for Product API
19 Create tables for Product database

Product API Advance Setup
20 Introduction
21 Create DTO’s inside Product API
22 Product Repository Interface
23 AutoMapper Configuration in Product API
24 Product Repository Implementation Part 1
25 Product repository implementation Part 2
26 Product API controller HTTPGET
27 Product API controller POST PUT DELETE
28 Seed products in Product API
29 Azure Storage Explorer for Images
30 Product Repository Interface and DTOS
31 Base Service Interface and API Request Model
32 Base Service Implementation
33 Product Service in Mango Web Project
34 Configure ProductService and HttpClient in Startup
35 Bootstrap V5

Product CRUD
36 Introduction
37 Product Controller Get All Action
38 API Call debugging
39 Display all products
40 Create product
41 Update product
42 Delete product

Identity Server
43 Introduction
44 OAuth2 and OpenID Connect
45 Identity Server Introduction
46 Identity Server Terms
47 Integrate QuickStart in Identity Server Service
48 Nuget Packages for Identity Server
49 DbContext for Identity Server
50 Configuring APIScope Resource and Clients for Identity Server
51 Configuring Clients in Identity Server
52 Configure and run Identity Server
53 Seed Users
54 Secure Product API
55 Setup Main Project to use Identity Server
56 Login Registration Redirection
57 Login in Action
58 Register User From UI
59 Token Inspection
60 Passing custom claims
61 View Modified Token
62 Pass Token and perform operations
63 Request a new course

Home and Details
64 Introduction
65 Create Index Action Method
66 Index View Home Controller
67 Details Get Action Method
68 Details View

Shopping Cart API Service
69 Introduction
70 Create Shopping Cart API
71 NuGet package for Shopping Cart API
72 Setup startup class file for shopping cart
73 Entity Models for Shopping Cart API
74 Create DTO’s and push Models to Shopping Cart Database
75 Mapping Configuration for Shopping Cart
76 Cart Repository Interface for Shopping Cart API
77 Add to Shopping Cart Repository Method
78 Update Shopping Cart Repository Method
79 Implement Cart Repository Get and Remove
80 Cart Controller for API Endpoints

Consume Shopping Cart API Service
81 Introduction
82 Create models for Shopping Cart API
83 Define cart service interface
84 Configure Cart Service
85 Details Post Action Method
86 Demo – Add Items to Cart

Shopping Cart UI
87 Introduction
88 Add cart controller
89 Methods to load shopping cart
90 Debugging API call to shopping cart
91 Shopping cart UI
92 Remove items from cart

Coupon API Service
93 Introduction
94 Create Coupon Project and Add NuGet Packages
95 Create coupon API project
96 Coupon models and DTO’s
97 Coupon repository
98 Coupon controller

Consume Coupon API
99 Introduction
100 Configure Shopping Cart API with new methods
101 Logic for Apply or Remove Coupon in View
102 Cart Controller and Service for Applying or Removing Coupon
103 Demo – Apply or Remove Coupon
104 Configure Cart Service In Main Project
105 Demo – Calling Coupon Microservice
106 Checkout UI
107 DateTimePicker

Checkout Functionality
108 Introduction
109 Checkout Message
110 Checkout Method in Cart Service
111 Checkout Post Action
112 Demo – Checkout Header Dto
113 Async Await is not Async Communication in the project
114 Synchronous vs Asynchronous communication

Azure Service Bus
115 Introduction
116 Azure Service Bus Overview
117 Create Azure Service Bus with topic and subscription
118 Message Bus Interface
119 Message Bus Sender Implementation
120 Send Message to Topic
121 Upgrade to Azure Messaging ServiceBus

Order API
122 Introduction
123 Create Project
124 Adding Models for Order API
125 Startup file and Migrations
126 Order Repository Interface
127 Implement Order Repository
128 Configure DbContext for Order Repository
129 Create Models for Azure Messaging
130 Process Checkout Message and Create Order Details in Database
131 Setting up Constants
132 Create Service Bus Processor
133 Setup Auto Start and Stop for Service Bus Consumer
134 Demo Receive Message

Sync Microservice Communication
135 Introduction
136 Create Coupon Repository Interface
137 Implement Coupon Repository
138 Configure Start up file for Coupon Repository
139 Check for coupon changes
140 Demo – Synchronous Communication and Alerts Display
141 Synchronous Communication scenario

142 Introduction
143 Create Payment Processor Class library
144 Payment flow
145 Payment Status Models
146 Publish Payment Message
147 Demo – View Message for Payment Request
148 Payment API to consume message
149 Payment API Azure Service Bus Consumer
150 Demo – Consume Payment Processing
151 Demo – Consume Payment Status
152 Demo – Complete Flow

153 Introduction
154 Use Queue to forward message
155 Use Queue for checkout Message
156 Add Email Microservice
157 Setup Email Service Project Part 1
158 Setup Email Service Project Part 2
159 Azure Consumer Bus for Email Service
160 Multiple Subscribers

161 Introduction
162 Ocelot introduction
163 Create Project
164 Add Ocelot to the Gateway
165 Use Ocelot to retrieve all products
166 Ocelot setup for products API
167 Ocelot for other endpoints


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.Net Core Microservices — Полное Руководство (.Net 6 Mvc).
Изучите архитектуру микросервисов с .NET Core MVC (.NET 6) и интеграцию Identity Server со служебной шиной Azure


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