Nano screen guard 9h hardness инструкция

После стольких усилий и усилий по сбору средств для покупки смартфона вы обычно хотите его защитить. К счастью, рынок мобильных устройств достаточно велик.

Есть всевозможные аксессуары, особенно для исцеления от ударов. Если есть что-то, что вам нужно знать, так это то, как Жидкий протектор Nano Hi Tech работает для сотовых телефонов.

Поместите традиционную защитную пленку для экрана может принести как преимущества, так и недостатки . Несмотря на то, что в магазине есть ваша модель устройства, протектор может не поместиться полностью. Некоторые даже могут вызвать проблемы на уровне касания и цвета экрана.

Эти протекторы относительно новы на рынке мобильных устройств. Его главное достоинство и характеристика в том, что он совместим с любой моделью . Фактически, он даже совместим с планшетами.

Простой факт, что это защитная жидкость гарантирует большую эффективность при установке . Очень маловероятно (если не невозможно), что будет пузыри на экране вашего мобильного телефона .

Презентация и установка

Чтобы понять, как работает Nano Hi Tech Liquid Protector, вам необходимо изучить его внешний вид. Пакеты обычно содержат 2-4 небольших салфетки из микрофибры. Они сопровождаются своего рода крошечной бутылкой, который содержит защитную жидкость .

Перед установкой жидкости, ты должен убедиться очистите свой мобильный телефон спиртом . Для этого можно использовать как минимум две салфетки из микрофибры в упаковке. Во избежание возможных неудобств выключите мобильное устройство.

  • Вылейте защитную жидкость на экран мобильного телефона.
  • Используйте другую салфетку из микрофибры, чтобы распределить ее по экрану. Жидкость должна достигать всех углов экрана мобильный телефон для обеспечения защиты всех областей.
  • Подождите несколько минут, и вы можете приступить к тестированию этой защитной жидкости.

Как работает жидкая защита Nano Hi Tech для сотовых телефонов?

Как было показано, этот тип защиты экранов планшетов и мобильных телефонов прост в установке. Однако у многих все еще есть вопрос … это жидкое закаленное стекло работает- он действительно ?

Чтобы понять, как работает Nano Hi Tech Liquid Protector, вам нужно принять во внимание одну вещь: «9H». Что означают это число и эта буква? Это часть «шкалы Мооса», эта шкала указывает уровень твердости материалов .

Цифра 9H указывает на то, что Nano Hi Tech Liquid Protector изготовлен из материала под названием «корунд». Этот материал царапается только инструментами из карбида кремния .

Повлияет ли это на сенсорное управление телефоном?

Еще один фундаментальный аспект Nano Hi Tech и любых других защитных пленок для экрана. L ‘ установка заставки или традиционное закаленное стекло (пластик) может иметь в этом отношении серьезные последствия. главным образом если конечно некачественная .

Тем не менее, Nano Hi Tech Liquid Protector также отличается его чрезвычайно тонкий слой . Это не влияет на уровень защиты экрана вашего мобильного телефона. Так что с этой стороны у вас может быть много душевного спокойствия.

Замена протектора

Жидкий протектор Nano Hi Tech, как и остальные протекторы, можно удалить . На самом деле в Интернете вы найдете большое количество видеороликов на эту тему. Многие люди устанавливают этот протектор, чтобы проверить их, а затем снимают. По правде говоря, это просто захватывающие видео, потому что они демонстрируют уровень защиты.

Так что, если у вас довольно тяжелая работа, и ваш защитник был поврежден, сохраняйте спокойствие! вы можете удалить жидкость Nano Hi Tech и замените его другим, выполнив действия, описанные выше.

Осмелитесь ли вы попробовать этого нового протектора?

Как видите, есть много причин, по которым рекомендуется установка Nano Hi Tech Liquid Protector: его преимущества, его преимущества. простота установки и высокий уровень защиты в сделайте отличное долгосрочное вложение. Ваш телефон будет надежно защищен, и вы сможете вести себя спокойнее. Он никогда не поцарапается и не сколется.

Today, smartphones are getting more expensive, major mobile phone manufacturers are trying hard to increase the price level as much as possible. For most people, a smartphone is a “valuable” thing, people are more and more inseparable from mobile phones. The mobile phone screen is the weak point for mobile phone hardware. Consumers always consider getting a screen protector applied the first time they get their new phones, a screen protector is always a “personal guard” for a mobile phone screen. Smartphones are the most used digital product every day, as long as you are using your mobile phone, the screen might be scratched, so applying a screen protector seems an essential step for a mobile phone.

Many tempered glass films are featured with 9H or 9D

For the general public, tempered glass film is most hardest among all kinds of screen protectors if we are talking about scratch resistance, and the most important parameter measuring the quality of a tempered glass film is the hardness, from an intuitive experience, the harder a tempered glass film is, the better it is naturally able to protect the mobile phone display. Merchants always advertise their tempered glass film as “9H” to show they are premium product quality, we can always find the word “9H” in the most conspicuous position of the product description or carton, even more, some merchants use words such as “diamond”, “sapphire” to describe their tempered glass, so how hard a “9H” tempered is it? Is it really as hard as a “diamond”?

The “Secret” of 9H for a Tempered Glass Film

In fact, the word “H” in “9H” refers to the hardness of the graphite pencil, H means hardness, B=black (blackness), the higher value the “B”, the darker color and softer the pencil is, the higher the value “H”, the harder a pencil is, the lighter the color. Pencil hardness ranking order: 10B, 9B, 8B, 7B, 6B, 5B, 4B, 3B, 2B, B, HB, F, H, 2H, 3H, 4H, 5H, 6H, 7H, 8H, 9H, 10H. 10B indicates the softest ink and the blackest color, and 10H is the hardest graphite with the lightest color, this is the key.

But the 9H hardness is not the right parameter to judge the hardness of tempered glass, what people use to measure the hardness of an object is the Mohs hardness scale, not the hardness of a pencil.

What is Mohs Hardness Scale?

The hardness index is described by quoting the Mohs hardness scale proposed by the German mineralogist Frederic Mohs. Mohs hardness scale is a standard for the hardness of minerals, characterizing scratch resistance of various minerals through the ability of harder material to scratch softer material. The method of comparing hardness by observing which minerals can scratch others is of great antiquity. Substances with high hardness will leave marks on substances with low hardness. After comparing the results of various minerals in nature, he divided the mineral hardness into 10 levels. The minerals representing these 10 hardness grades are Talc 1 (the lowest hardness), Gypsum 2, and Calcite 3, Fluorite 4, Apatite 5, Orthoclase feldspar 6, Quartz 7, Topaz (topaz) 8, Corundum 9, Diamond 10.

Mohs hardness scale

The materials that come into contact in daily life such as nail hardness is about 2.5, copper coins are 3.5-4, steel is 5.5, special glass can be close to 7, quartz (the main component of sand) is 7, diamond is 10, the Mohs hardness of ordinary glass is between 5-5.5,

How Hard is a Tempered Glass Film?

Corning (Gorilla Glass), tempered glass specially used for iPhone and many other smartphone displays, is the leading company in the mobile phone tempered glass industry, has not stated the Mohs hardness scale for its own tempered glass products so far, even the latest Gorilla Glass Victus (Gorilla Glass 7), the other famous tempered glass manufacturer, Asahi Dragontrail Glass (AGC. Inc) has not disclosed the hardness level either.

Mohs hardness of steel is 4-4.5 while glass is 5.5

China’s tempered glass suppliers such as CSG, Luoyang Glass, and Xuhong Opto-Electronics have no official data available to show the hardness of their glass. We can only use data from third-party, for example, the test data provided by Youtube channel JerryRigEverything shows that Mohs hardness of tempered glass is at least 5 (this is certainly true because the hardness of ordinary glass is also 5-5.5), according to the data from another mobile blog site Android Authority, the Mohs hardness of Gorilla Glass 5 is between 5-7 (no more than 7). We have reason to believe that the Mohs hardness of tempered glass film is between 5-7, more inclined to 6-7 (but no more than 7) through a large amount of data collection.

The Biggest Lie in Screen Protector Industry

So what is the 9H hardness advertised by the tempered film manufacturer? This is a complete lie! 9H is just a means of propaganda in the tempered film industry!

Then we are curious about how much the 9H hardness of the pencil refill is equivalent to the Mohs hardness? According to the data, the hardness of 9H, which is almost the hardest in pencil refills, is only equivalent to level 2 or 3 in Mohs’s hardness scale. What is the equivalent of level 2 – 3? The hardness of Mohs hardness scale level 2 is roughly the hardness of gypsum, while the hardness of 3 is equivalent to the hardness of calcite or copper, and the Mohs hardness is nonlinearly enhanced between each level, each increment of one in the scale does not indicate a proportional increase in hardness. Simply put, the difference between 3 and 7 is very large.

“9H” tempered glass screen protector

Therefore, when businesses advertise their own products as 9H, they actually made a joke to the public, 9H = Mohs hardness scale 2 or 3, which is a very low hardness value, indicating that their own products are actually low-quality products (thinking of this, if any business sees this article, shouldn’t you quietly erase your 9H from the brochure?). Of course, we believe you will no longer be fooled by the merchant’s 9H when purchasing the tempered glass film now.

Through the explanation of this article, you should be clear that the Mohs hardness of the current tempered glass film can usually reach 5-7, it is neither 9(9H) advertised by the merchants, nor 2-3 converted from the 9H pencil hardness. In the current market, there is no doubt a tempered glass can prevent general hard objects from scratching the tempered glass, so consumers do not have to worry about the hardness of the tempered glass you are purchasing. Anyway, the tempered glass film itself is a mobile phone accessory. It is a consumer product, its purpose is to protect the mobile phone screen from scratches and bumps from any hard objects, if your tempered glass film is scratched or damaged, then replace it directly, it is usually cheap.

Can the Tempered Glass Film be Scratch-Resistant?

There are actually a lot of articles on the Internet that discuss the hardness of tempered glass, such as the hardness of the Gorilla Glass used on the iPhone. The main feature of Corning’s Gorilla Glass is right that it is scratch-resistant and with good performance of drop protection, so what is the meaning of applying tempered glass film?

Scratch test of tempered glass film by steel

Gorilla Glass does have good scratch-resistant and drop-resistant. Gorilla Glass has also been undergone several generations, each time the product performance has been upgraded. But so far, the information we have obtained is that the Mohs hardness of Gorilla Glass still maintains no more than 7, and you have to know that scratch resistance is not scratch-proof. If the tempered glass of your mobile phone screen is Gorilla Glass, yes, it is “immune” to ordinary metal or sharp tools such as keys and even steel knives, but the mobile phone screen may still be scratched, why? One day, you suddenly find a scar on your mobile phone, don’t be surprised, because it is most probably it is not scraped by general metal, the culprit may be sand. The main component of sand is quartz. In our nature, sand is common and exists anywhere, the Mohs hardness of quartz is 7, it can cause trouble to the surface of the mobile phone screens with high probability. In addition, the mobile phone may be scratched when it is dropped on the concrete floor.

Anyway, scratch resistance is not the only reason to purchase a tempered glass film, it is explosion-proof, drop protection, and if you want a better touch experience, a mobile phone tempered glass film is also a good choice, otherwise, the tempered glass film is not a must.

What is the Difference between 9H and 9D?

While searching for the tempered glass film, except the words 9H, you might also find some words like 9D, 10D, 12D, etc., then does 9D right means 9H? if not, what is 9D?

Tempered glass screen protector with 9D feature

9H is not 9D, anyway, both 9H and 9D are marketing words for merchants created, it’s no more than making their own products more mysterious and higher technical content to consumers, and we have explained the difference between 2.5D and 3D tempered glass film, or even 9D tempered films is in another article, the D refers to dimensions, 2.5d or 3D corresponding to a flat mobile display or tempered glass and curved mobile phone tempered glass, similar to 9H, 9D is the manufacturer’s trick, it can be said it doesn’t make sense, you may simply consider 9D as 3D, merchants just want to emphasize that their tempered film has a very good arc in edges, which can cover the display better than others.

What else to consider when choosing tempered glass film except for the hardness?

The hardness corresponding to the scratch resistance, a good tempered glass film should also have good coverage on screen (well, we know it is hard to judge before getting it), good manufacturing process, the back adhesive makes the tempered glass film more easily in pasting operation, the thickness of the tempered film should be moderate, too thick, the worse overall hand feeling; too thin, tempered glass film gets weak; in addition, glass material, touch experience (anti-fingerprint coating), the performance of explosion-proof and drop protection, as well as light transmittance, there are some special but optional features, such as blue light, anti-peek, etc, it’s up to you if you need them or not.

You’ve probably heard about the Nano Liquid Screen Protector, and if you are like me, you should be stunned with quite a number of questions regarding this nice tech.

nanotech liquid screen protector

It is supposed to give you an High-definition, Crystal clear, scratch resistance, water repellent and also protect your screen against physical damage up to the 9H level (more on this later in the article).

Some even protect you against radiations that come from your phone, and make your phone almost as strong as diamond.

I mean, does it even work? If it does, how long does it work?

A liquid glass? To some, that sound quite “impossible”. Well, you are about to see another instance where you get reminded that the word “Impossible” says “I’m possible”.

In this guide, I am going to show you everything you need to know about the Nano Liquid Screen Protector. All your questions will be answered here.

So, if you are ready, then let’s dive right in!


  • 1 What Does Nanotechnology Even Mean?
  • 2 What Are Nanotech Liquid Screen Protectors?
  • 3 Do Nanotech Liquid Protectors Work?
  • 4 How Protective Are They Really?
  • 5 How Long Can Nanotech Liquid Screen Protector Work?
  • 6 Is It Made For Plastic or Glass Screen?
  • 7 How to Apply the Nano Liquid Screen Protector
  • 8 Can I Remove Nano Screen Protectors After Applying?
  • 9 Nano Liquid Screen Protector Advantages
  • 10 Nano Liquid Screen Protector Disadvantages
  • 11 How to Remove Liquid Screen Protector

What Does Nanotechnology Even Mean?

Nanotechnology is exactly what it sounds like, technology at the “Nano” level, i.e between 1 to 10 nanometers.

The Nanotech can come in different forms, and has different applications and one of those is the liquid tech screen protector.

The way it works is materials that have very high strength are made or used in the nano very small) scale, and that’s what makes the screen protectors work.

I mean, think about it this way:

If a big strong diamond was cut as a flat material and placed on your screen to protect it, you most likely won’t be in two minds since you know that, first, diamond is strong and second, it’s a pretty big one, right?

Now, what if there was a way to convert that “big strong diamond” to a “very small (i.e nano) but still strong liquid diamond”.

Hey, no no, I’m not saying the Nanotechnology liquid glass protector is made of Diamond. Don’t get me wrong, I’m just trying to explain how Nanotechnology works.

What Are Nanotech Liquid Screen Protectors?

These are liquids that fill into spaces in your glass, and add special features.

The liquid screen protector is applied on the surface of your default device glass/plastic screen, which hardens the screen without any observable change in the texture or shape of the glass.

Apart from making it harder, it also makes it dust and dirt-proof.

They are kind of “Invisible protectors”, because what you are really doing is adding an invisible glass (that’s way thicker than your normal glass) to your mobile screen.

Do Nanotech Liquid Protectors Work?

If by now, you are still wondering if Nanotechnology liquid screen protectors work, the simple answer is YES.

How Protective Are They Really?

Nanotech liquid protectors have a 9H hardness.

Well, let me put it in another way.

The scale is from 1-10, 1 being the smallest (Talc is 1) and 10 being the hardest (diamond is 10).

NOTE: Regular glasses have a 5H hardness score.

So, when you think about it, these liquid protectors give your device screen an hardness score that is close to that of diamond (9H is equivalent to Sapphire actually).

But, that’s not all.

Your mobile device also becomes scratch-resistance, repel water and even have antibacterial properties.

To make it even cooler, the liquid screen protector by Nanofixit brand has been proven to protect against harmful radiations, reducing it by up to 90%!

How Long Can Nanotech Liquid Screen Protector Work?

As fascinating as these techs are, they aren’t quite permanent.

They have been shown to work for about 2 years, after which is recommended that you replace it.

Although it also depends on how you use your phone, you can decide to change it every year.

Well, that should not be a big surprise.

In fact, when you compare how much they cost to how long they last, it’s like getting too much value than you paid for.

Is It Made For Plastic or Glass Screen?

These liquid protectors are made for glass screen.

The are supposed to make your normal glass screen even stronger.

So, if you apply it to a plastic screen, it will not be as effective.

QUICK TIP: You can also apply the Liquid protector to the back of your phone too if it is made of glass.

How to Apply the Nano Liquid Screen Protector

When you buy the Nano liquid protector, it will come with an enclosed cleaning wipe (an alcohol prep pad).

  1. Wipe your screen with the cleaning wipe which does two things:
    • First, it cleans any dust/dirt that may be on your screen.
    • Also, it prepares your phone for the magic.
  2. Next, apply the liquid to the screen with the pre-treated pen over the entire screen in a circular motion.
  3. Wait for 5 minutes, then polish the screen with another micro fibre cloth.
  4. For even better protection, re-apply the liquid once more, wait for another five minutes and polish the screen once again.
  5. The Nano technology liquid screen protector will become fully absorbed and ready to be tested in 24 – 48 hours.

Can I Remove Nano Screen Protectors After Applying?

I see absolutely no reason why you will need to remove the liquid screen protectors after you apply them on your screen.

Actually, they are not meant to be removed as they basically become a part of your device screen.

However, you can remove it by polishing it off with a nail polish remover and cotton. Rub on the screen for about 2 minutes and then clean with alcohol.

Nano Liquid Screen Protector Advantages

Some of the benefits of Nano liquid screen protectors include:

  • It is cost-effective
  • It is very easy to apply
  • It is neat, smooth and does the work efficiently
  • It can be used to protect phones that have glass backs

Nano Liquid Screen Protector Disadvantages

Some of the downsides of using Nano liquid screen protectors include:

  • You can really damage your phone screen easily from a bad drop, unlike glass where the glass breaks and can be replaced without any damage to screen
  • It cannot be removed easily without potentially damaging the phone screen, unlike tempered glass.
  • It degrades over time and you will need to change it after a few months (or 2 years max) to avoid stories that touch

How to Remove Liquid Screen Protector

There is really no way to easily Nano liquid screen protector without potentially damaging the screen. The best thing you can do is to wait for it to wear out after some months.

What do you think about Liquid screen protectors and what are your experiences so far? Use the comment section below to share. 

If you found this article helpful, don’t forget to share by using the buttons below. 


  • [High-Tech Nano Liquid Material] Liquid glass screen protector is made of military nano liquid,it creates an invisible/ultra thin coating film on your phone/tablet screen,It provides a full cover/9H hardness/High definition protection to your phone/tablet screen,it’s a perfect replacement for tempered glass screen protectors.

  • [Wide Application] Nano liquid screen protector is suitable for all kinds of screens,such as smartphones,laptops,smartwatches,camera lens,tablets,glasses,etc.Especially for curved phone screens.

  • [Easy to Apply and Bubbles Free] Liquid glass screen protector is easy for every one to operation,just apply it to your phone screen.

  • [User Friendly] Free stickness,no harm to screen,no impact on 3D touch and fingerprint/ face recognition.

  • [What You Get] Liquid glass screen protector x 1,Wet Tissue x 2,Dry Tissue x 2,30 Days Money Back Guarantee.NOTE:For less than 6 inch phone,1 bottle is ok,for more than 6 inch or need to protect the full side of the phone,better use 2 bottles(for iPhone 6 Plus 7 plus s8 s8+ better use 2 bottles) For more than 10 inch tablet better use 3 bottles.

Совместимость Модель Телефона



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