Виды неисправностей
Сообщения о неисправностях, возникающих в MilkShuttle, могут быть подразделены на три различных категории. Отнесение сообщения к той или иной категории происходит в зависимости от серьезности и неотложности устранения возникающей неисправности.
Неисправности, вызывающие блокировку
Неисправности, вызывающие блокировку, отличаются тем, что на дисплее появляется и сохраняется сообщение о неисправности, и дополнительно постоянно мигает красный светодиод кнопки ESC/INFO.
При таких неисправностях нормальная работа MilkShuttle прерывается в силу обнаружения его ненадлежащего рабочего состояния. Для устранения возникшей неисправности требуется вмешательство пользователя. Только после этого возможно возобновление нормального режима работы MilkShuttle
Спустя короткое время после запуска процесса подогрева на дисплее появляется и сохраняется следующее сообщение о неисправности:
50 Oshibka
Nizkij uroven!!!
Из-за недостаточного отвода тепла от дна емкости система управления MilkShuttle отключила нагрев во избежание перегрева нагревательного элемента. Как правило, эта неисправность возникает при пустой или лишь минимально наполненной емкости. Чтобы MilkShuttle мог продолжить нормальный подогрев, наполнить емкость молоком или водой до минимальной отметки уровня.
Неисправности, не вызывающие блокировки
При неисправностях, не вызывающих блокировки, постоянно мигает красный светодиод кнопки ESC/INFO. Однако на дисплее сначала не появляется никакого сообщения. Текст сообщения о неисправности выходит на дисплей только после нажатия кнопки ESC/INFO. При таких
неисправностях, не вызывающих блокировки, нормальная работа MilkShuttle, несмотря на обнаруженное ненадлежащее рабочее состояние, может некоторое время продолжаться. Вмешательство пользователя хотя и желательно, но не требуется незамедлительно.
Постоянно мигает красный светодиод кнопки ESC/INFO. После нажатия кнопки ESC/INFO на дисплее появляется следующее сообщение о неисправности:
16 Oshibka
Это сообщение указывает на неисправность или неправильное подключение температурного предохранителя второго нагревательного элемента. Необходимо как можно скорее проверить этот предохранитель. При этом MilkShuttle может выполнять подогрев с помощью первого нагревательного элемента, т.е. неисправность не вызывает блокировки. Однако, в силу отказа второго нагревательного элемента, подогрев среды возможен только с пониженной мощностью, и следует ожидать увеличения времени подогрева.
Срочное указание
Если сообщение о возникшей неисправности относится к категории срочных указаний, при этом, как и в случае с неисправностью, не вызывающей блокировки, постоянно мигает красный светодиод кнопки ESC/INFO. Однако теперь на дисплее, сменяя друг друга, мигают текст обычной рабочей индикации и текст сообщения, касающегося возникшей неисправности. Сначала неисправность не вызывает блокировки, и работа в нормальном режиме еще может продолжаться. Однако от пользователя требуется срочное вмешательство, так как нормальное рабочее состояние может обеспечиваться лишь в течение короткого времени.
В режиме работы Кормление обнаруживается, что аккумуляторная батарея MilkShuttle почти истощена. Постоянно мигает красный светодиод кнопки ESC/INFO. Одновременно на дисплее сменяют друг друга обычный текст функции дозирования и следующее сообщение о неисправности:
70 Akku razrazen!
Заряд установленной (- ых) в MilkShuttle аккумуляторной (- ых) батареи (- й) постепенно истощается. Как можно скорее подвести MilkShuttle к сетевой розетке и подключить его к сетевому напряжению, чтобы подзарядить почти разряженные аккумулятоные батареи.
Коды ошибок о неисправностях MilkShuttle Молочный шаттл (такси) URBAN
- 11+12 Отсутствие сетевого напряжения
- 15, 16, 18 Неисправность температурного предохранителя
- 21-27 Датчик температуры, открытый разрыв кабеля
- 31-37 Датчик температуры, короткое замыкание
- 41-43 Неисправность при зарядке аккумуляторной батареи
- 50-52 Неисправность, связанная с уровнем наполнения
- 60 Отсутствие сетевого напряжения
- 70 Истощение аккумуляторной батареи
- 72 Расходомер
- 73 Переключающий выход для насоса
- 74 Выход за нижний предел температуры среды (T мин.)
- 75 Выход за верхний предел температуры среды (T макс.)
- 81 Переключающий выход насоса
- 82+83 Плата управления дозированием, переключающий выход 2 + 3
- 91 Истощение аккумуляторной батареи, невозможность дозирования
- 92 Превышение максимальной температуры (70°C)
- 93+94 Истощение аккумуляторной батареи, невозможность использования привода движения
Неисправности, связанные с сетевым напряжением
Код неисправности 11 или 12
На встроенное в MilkShuttle устройство управления нагревом (HC, узел AC230L31) не подается сетевое напряжение. В случае неисправности 11 речь идет об устройстве с адресом 1, в случае неисправности 12 — об устройстве с адресом 2. Как правило, устройство с адресом 1 расположено на основании U- образного держателя для плат с левой стороны. Устройство с адресом 2 (при его наличии) располагается рядом с устройством с адресом 1 с правой стороны, также на основании U- образного держателя. Следует учитывать, что устройство 2 монтируется с поворотом на 180°.
Устранение неисправности
- Проверить подводящую линию на предмет повреждений.
- Проверить предохранитель в электрической цепи.
- Проверить и при необходимости заменить слаботочный предохранитель на соответствующей плате управления нагревом. Более подробную информацию см. в Главе 9 Руководства по эксплуатации MilkShuttle.
Ограничения в работе
Неисправности 11 и 12 являются неисправностями, не вызывающими блокировки. Работа с MilkShuttle может быть продолжена, хотя возможны некоторые ограничения:
- Если MilkShuttle оснащен двумя устройствами нагрева, и на одно из этих устройств продолжает подаваться сетевое напряжение, возможность подогрева среды в емкости сохраняется. Однако в этом случае может использоваться лишь пониженная мощность нагрева, что ведет к увеличению времени подогрева.
- Эта неисправность не затрагивает управление дозированием, т.е. сохраняется возможность дозированной раздачи среды из емкости.
Неисправность 60
Выбранная функция не может быть выполнена, так как отсутствует сетевое напряжение.
Устранение неисправности
- Убедиться в том, что подсоединен сетевой штекер.
- Убедиться в том, что электропитание MilkShuttle отвечает минимальным требованиям. При этом следует учитывать, что при пониженном напряжении или превышении непряжения, при отсутствии нулевого проводника (N), одной или нескольких фаз (L1-L3), а также левом
- вращении поля реле контроля сети прерывает электропитание MilkShuttle ( см. главу 3.4, страница 29).
- При необходимости, используя переключатель фаз в сетевом штекере (400 В), поменять местами фазы L2 и L3.
- Проверить предохранители в электрических цепях.
Категория неисправности
В случае неисправности 60 речь идет о неисправности, вызывающей блокировку. Работа с MilkShuttle может быть продолжена только после устранения причины неисправности.
Неисправности, связанные с температурой
Код неисправности 15, 16 или 18 — Температурный предохранитель
Сообщения о неисправностях с кодами 15, 16 и 18 указывают на неисправности одного или обоих температурных предохранителей MilkShuttle.
Описание неисправности
Неисправны один или, возможно, оба температурных предохранителя MilkShuttle.
Код может иметь следующие значения:
- 1: Неисправен температурный предохранитель, подключенный к устройству управления нагревом (HC, узел AC230L31) с адресом 1 (код неисправности 15).
- 2: Неисправен температурный предохранитель, подключенный к устройству управления нагревом HC с адресом 2 (код неисправности 16).
- 4: Неисправны оба температурных предохранителя MilkShuttle (код неисправности 18).
Устранение неисправности
- Заменить неисправный(-ые) температурный(-ые) предохранитель(-и).
Ограничения в работе
Неисправности с кодами 15, 16 и 18 являются неисправностями, не вызывающими блокировки. Работа с MilkShuttle может быть продолжена, хотя возможны некоторые ограничения:
- Если MilkShuttle оснащен двумя устройствами нагрева, и температурный предохранитель хотя бы одного из устройств исправен, возможность подогрева среды в емкости сохраняется. Однако вызванное неисправностью понижение мощности нагрева приведет к увеличению времени подогрева.
- Эта неисправность не затрагивает управление дозированием, т.е. сохраняется возможность дозированной раздачи среды из емкости.
Код неисправности в диапазоне 20 — 37 — Неисправности датчиков температуры
Сообщения о неисправностях с кодами в диапазоне 20 — 37 указывают на неисправности одного или нескольких датчиков температуры MilkShuttle
Сообщения на дисплее
При этом коды неисправностей от 21 до 27 указывают на открытый разрыв кабеля или неправильное подключение датчика температуры.
Коды неисправностей от 31 до 37, напротив, сигнализируют о разрыве кабеля с коротким замыканием.
Table of Contents
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User’s Manual
H&L Milk Taxi
Version 2.0.9
Related Manuals for Holm & Laue Milk Taxi
Summary of Contents for Holm & Laue Milk Taxi
Page 1
User‘s Manual H&L Milk Taxi Version 2.0.9… -
Page 2
H&L Milk Taxi User’s Manual This manual is published under the responsibility of the company Holm & Laue. It applies to the products Milk Taxi 80 litres, 120 litres, 200 litres, and 250 litres. It also applies to the following optional extras: • Battery-powered pump and dosing/dispensing arm… -
Page 3
Dear Valued Customer: Congratulations on your purchase of the H&L Milk Taxi! You have selected a high-quality product from Holm & Laue. To make your Milk Taxi your reliable companion for many years, please read carefully and conform to the safety messages in this booklet. These safety messages are identified according to hazard levels as follows. Safety Messages DaNger! • This identifies a highly hazardous situation. Failure to conform to the safety message will result in severe, irreversible injury or death. WarNINg! • This identifies a highly hazardous situation. Failure to conform to the safety message may result in severe, irreversible injury or death. CaUTIoN! • This identifies a highly hazardous situation. Failure to conform to the safety message may result in light to moderate injury. NoTe! • This identifies a hazard for hardware and materials. Failure to conform to the safety message may result in damage to assets. -
Page 4
Danger to life and of casualty for children! The Milk Taxi may not be used by children. It is built with electrical and mechanical components that may cause hazards that children are unable to properly anticipate. They would be exposed to danger of death or severest injury. -
Page 5
DaNger! Danger of injury by moving parts of the appliance. rotating parts of the appliance (agitator) may sever body parts and get caught in clothes, both of which may result in severest injuries. • Never put your hand into the tank of the Milk Taxi while the floor-mounted agitator is running. • When the amount of milk powder to be mixed was poured into the tank, close the lid. Start the mixing agita- tor only thereafter. • Do not attempt to clear possible powder plugs in the pump manually. -
Page 6
DaNger! Fire hazard. The lid of the Milk Taxi may concentrate the sun’s rays, when it is open, because of its concave shape on the inside. In this case, the focal point of the lid may develop excessive heat. • Keep the lid closed at all times. -
Page 7
Hazards during milk transport. The Milk Taxi is mounted on a travelling chassis that allows pushing it manually to the pen to feed the calves. The tank may tilt over if the ground is not level, then affecting persons present. This may result in bruises, cuts, and other injuries. -
Page 8
NoTe! Danger of material damage. • The mixing agitator and the optional extras Pump Heater, and Pasteuriser must never run if there is no liquid in the tank. Damage the appliance sustains because the mixer or the pump turned dry or the heater over- heated is not eligible for warranty claims. • Turn the Milk Taxi off immediately at the On/Off switch if you notice an altered or uncommon sound of the motor or the pump. Then have a qualified shop check and repair the malfunction. • After cleaning the Milk Taxi, the drain tap should be opened to empty the remaining liquid from the tank. This is required in winter, in particular, to avoid liquid residues freezing in the draining pipe or the pump. • Prevent objects from falling into the tank. Foreign bodies may damage the pump and the agitator. • Use only genuine spare parts from the company Holm & Laue. Using other parts will cancel any and all war- ranty under which the product is. NoTe! Using beestings for pasteurisation prohibited. • The protein structure of colostrum is different from that of normal whole milk. Beestings proteins may de- naturate under the influence of heat. This, in turn, leads to reduced milk quality and may result in attaching agglutinations and burnt milk in the Milk Taxi. Such deposits will overstress the heating element and may lead to its failure. Therefore, do not use colostrum with a dry matter content in excess of 15% in your H&L Milk Taxi! If any deposits form in the tank, remove them immediately. repeated pasteurisation of milk prohibited. • The pasteurisation slightly lowers the pH of the milk. Repeated milk pasteurisation may result in substantial quality loss. For instance, the milk may turn butter as through churning. Feeding and pasteurising milk that contains antibiotics prohibited. -
Page 9: Table Of Contents
Table of Contents Understanding Operation …………………………… 10 Technical Specifications …………………………….12 Understanding the Appliance …………………………..13 Control Panel ………………………………14 Checking the Appliance out Prior to First Use ……………………..16 Checking out an Appliance with Battery-powered Pump ……………………17 Switching the Milk Taxi on …………………………..17 The Function Key F1 …………………………….18 Dissolving Milk Replacer with the Floor-mounted Mixing Agitator ………………..20 Warming Whole Milk with the Heating Foils Installed on the Floor ………………..22 Dispensing the Milk Diet with the Battery-powered Pump and the Dispensing Arm ……………24 Calibrating the Automatic Dosage Control ……………………….25 Dosing Milk Diet Using the Automatic Dosage Control ……………………26 Pasteurising Milk with the H&L Milk Taxi Pasteuriser ……………………28 Starting the Pasteurisation Manually …………………………30 Starting the Pasteurisation Automatically ……………………….32 Programming Illustrations ……………………………35 Warming and Pasteurising Whole Milk with the Hot Water-fired Heater ………………36…
Page 10: Understanding Operation
Understanding operation Intended Use The H&L Milk Taxi is designed for preparing and dosing calves’ milk diet. Its drenching equipment also allows drenching cows.* Do not fill anything other than water, whole milk or milk replacer and water into the tank. The pasteurisation feature is designed exclusively for the treatment of calves’ milk diet and for heating water. Any other use or purpose cancels any and all warranty under which the product is. Holm & Laue cannot be held liable for bodily injury or material damage that is the result of improper handling and/or use of the H&L Milk Taxi. DaNger! Danger to life by failure to conform to the user’s manual. • Make sure that all persons who operate the Milk Taxi have read and understood the user’s manual and the safety messages. • The user’s manual has to be kept ready at hand close to the Milk Taxi at all times. * Comply with all applicable national laws and rules on cow drenching.
Page 11
Unintended Use Any use other than those quoted above as intended uses is considered an unintended use. Note in particular: • Never pasteurise beestings / colostrum! The protein structure of colostrum is different from that of normal whole milk. The proteins beestings contain may become indigestible by the heat treatment, thereby putting the calves’ health at risk. The loss of quality that the milk sustains can be seen from agglutinations and burnt milk deposited in the Milk Taxi. • Never put food for human consumption, such as soup, coffee or tea, into the tank. • Never put harmful or toxic solutions into the tank (the only exception being common cleaning agents for milking installations)! In no circumstances put any hard or pointed objects into the tank, and don’t pour inhomogeneous liquid into it. All of them may damage the mixing agitator and the heating foils installed on the floor. Residues in the tank may contaminate the milk diet the calves are fed, thereby putting their health at risk, even when the tank was cleaned before being used again. • Prepare your animals’ milk diet according to the recommendations provided by the milk replacer manufacturer. • Avoid drinking temperatures in excess of 42°C (107°F), as they may cause scalding in the animals’ mouth. • Avoid too low milk diet temperatures (depending on the milk replacer used and the acid content in the milk), since they may cause undesired fermentation in the animals’ digestive system. • Wash the feeder buckets and the Milk Taxi after every feeding. Improper cleaning may cause increased bacteria growth, which would put the calves’ health at risk! • When using detergents, make sure that residues are properly rinsed out of the system. -
Page 12: Technical Specifications
Max. load of milk churn support frame Pressure at water supply inlet min. 1 bar, max. 6 bar Pressure at water connection outlet non-pressurised, max. head 3 m (10 ft) Dimensions Operating Tank Capacity Absolute Tank Capacity Width (cm/ft, in) Length (cm/ft, in) Height (cm/ft, in) 80 l (21 gal) 100 l (26½ gal) 60 (1′ 11½») 85 (2′ 9½») 102 (3′ 4″) Milk Taxi 80 l 120 l (31½ gal) 150 l (39½ gal) 75 (2′ 5½») 100 (3′ 3½») 102 (3′ 4″) Milk Taxi 120 l 200 l (52¾ gal) 240 l (63¼ gal) 75 (2′ 5½») 115 (3′ 9¼») 120 (3′ 9¾») Milk Taxi 200 l 250 l (66 gal) 290 l (76½ gal) 120 (3′ 9¼»)
Page 13: Understanding The Appliance
Understanding the appliance On the following pages, the various functions and modes of operation of the Milk Taxi are explained in detail. It’s so easy we just want to wish you having fun playing around and feeding your calves with your Milk Taxi. The standard version of all Milk Taxis comprises the following equipments. The handle of the lid doubles as a locking latch. In the normal flow of operation, a sealing ring prevents liquid from splashing out of the tank. Control Panel The control panel is located in the upper part of the Milk Taxi. Depending on the exact configuration of the unit, some keys may be inactive. Only with the pasteuriser* and the EL-AN drive*, all features are enabled. Handles The 80 — 200 litre Milk Taxis have solid handles. Depending on the level of equipment, the pump pushbutton and the steering lever for the EL-AN electrical drive are incorporated into them. Draining Tap The draining tap allows emptying the Milk Taxi completely. To empty the hose in the process, also open the check valve of the dispensing arm. Parking Brake The parking brake is located on the right-hand pivoting wheel. This brake avoids unwanted rolling of the Milk Taxi. Whenever you leave the Milk Taxi, the parking brake should be pulled. * optional Milk Taxi outfitting component…
Page 14: Control Panel
Control Panel The H&L Milk Taxi has an equipment cabinet in which the technical components of the appliance are located. On its top edge, a control panel is fitted. Depending on the level of equipment, some of the control keys may be disabled. Only if the Milk Taxi is equipped with pasteurisation unit and EL-AN drive, all keys are active. As an introduction, the principal functions of the control panel are explained on the next page. Pump Tel.: +49 (0) 4331 20174-0 Fax: +49 (0) 4331 20174-29 Plus and Minus keys www.holm-laue.de Cool Heat Function key Pasteurise 06:35 29°C 40°C EL-AN drive key Dosing Qty: 1,6 l Agitate Battery status indicators…
Page 15
The Pump key switches the pump on (continuous operation) or off. (Timed pumping is enabled by pushing the push- button on the handle of the appliance.) As soon as the pump runs, the status LED lights up. The Plus and Minus keys are used for various purposes. For instance, they can be used during feeding to change the dispensed quantity for individual calves. The Cool key starts manual, positive milk cooling (available only with pasteuriser). A short press on the Heat key launches milk warming. As soon as the heating process starts, the status LED indicates this. The function key F1 is used for various tasks. The Pasteurise key allows the programming of the pasteurisation cycles and, when pressed for just a short moment, starts the pasteurisation manually. To mix the milk replacer into the liquid, press the agitate key to start the mixing agitator on the floor of the tank. As soon as the mixer motor is on, the status LED indicates this. The eL-aN drive key is used to select one out of two speeds of the electrical drive motor. The left-hand status LED indicates that the lower gear is active, the right-hand LED is for the higher gear. The battery status LEDs indicate that the battery is discharged (lower, red LED) or fully charged (upper, green LED). The right-hand LEDs refer to the battery of the pump, the LEDs on the left-hand side to that of the EL -AN drive… -
Page 16: Checking The Appliance Out Prior To First Use
Checking the appliance out Prior to First Use To ensure reliable operation, please conform to the following indications on the preparation of the milk room in which the Milk Taxi will be used: Power Supply Depending on your Milk Taxi, it requires mains power supply of 230 V , 16 amps (Milk Taxi 80 litres) or 400 V , 16 amps or 230 V , 32 amps (Milk Taxi 120 — 250 litres). The Milk Taxi has to be earthed through its connection to power supply. This means that the Milk Taxi has to be connected to the mains with a power socket with protective contact in compliance with all applicable rules. Water Supply Connecting the appliance to a mains hot and cold water supply is also recommended. When a water tap is located at a height of 1.25 m (4 ft) above the floor, it is possible to push the Milk Taxi under the tap and fill it effortlessly. To drain remaining milk and rins- ing water cleanly, a drain in the floor is also recommended. environment To avoid damage by frost to the Milk Taxi, the storage room and the room where the calves’ milk diet is prepared have to be frost- proof. The minimum operating temperature of the Milk Taxi is 3°C (38°F). Milk Taxi Cleaning Thoroughly rinse the Milk Taxi prior to using it for the first time, to remove any solvent or detergent residues in the tank.
Page 17: Checking Out An Appliance With Battery-Powered Pump
The battery that powers the pump was fully charged before shipment and checked at the manufacturer’s. During storage and transport, however, it may partially discharge. 1. Connect the Milk Taxi to mains power. 2. Switch the Milk Taxi on at the On/Off switch. T his will cause the battery to be charged; the upper, green LED flashes. At its first charging, charge the battery for at least 12 hours. Charging the battery several hours every day is recommended, in order for it to be fully charged whenever needed. The Milk Taxi is now ready for operation. 2. Calibrate the dispensed quantity. Proceed as explained on page 25. Switching the Milk Taxi on Switch the Milk Taxi on at the On/Off switch. The display first shows the installed version of the software. A few seconds later it changes and shows the start screen with the current time-of-day, current temperature in the tank, and the currently set nominal temperature. The second line displays the currently set quantity to be dosed/dispensed (if the Milk Taxi is equipped with a dosing pump*). The indicated quantity is the result of the previous calibration of the pump run times (see page 25). 06:35 29°C 40°C The display screen works even when the Milk Taxi is not connected to power (it uses the integrated Dosing Qty: 1,6 l battery). The screen switches to stand-by and is no longer lit after approx. 20 minutes of inactivity. As soon as a key is pressed the display lights up again automatically. * optional Milk Taxi outfitting component…
Page 18: The Function Key F1
The Function Key F1 The function key F1, when pressed for a short moment, saves values to system memory that were modified in the various menus for a given feature. The exact function the key has in a given situation is described in the appropriate section of this booklet. In the standard display, the screen may read, for instance, as follows: 06:35 29°C 40°C Dosing Qty: 1,6 l Setting the Time of Day 1. When the standard screen is showing, hold the function key F1 down for 3 seconds. Thereby, you will proceed to the time-of-day screen. The following screen is displayed: Settings Time 13:15:23 2. Activate a cursor by pressing the function key F1 and move it to the right as appropriate by pressing the function key F1 several times. 3. Adjust the various places of the time of day with the Plus and Minus keys. 4. To quit the screen and return to the standard screen, hold down the function key F1 for 3 seconds.
Page 20: Dissolving Milk Replacer With The Floor-Mounted Mixing Agitator
Danger of injury by moving parts of the appliance. Danger of burns and scalding by the heater. • Prior to starting milk replacer mixing with the agitator, close the lid and press the appropriate controls only thereafter. • Before checking if the replacer dissolved totally, wait for the mixing agitator to stand still. • The features Mixing and Heating can be used only when the tank is full. An electrode in the tank senses the liquid level and, if too low, causes an error message (“Container empty”) on the screen. NoTe! • Make sure that the milk replacer manufacturer’s indications on mixing temperature are respected in all cases. • Don’t forget that, mainly in the winter, the milk may cool down in the nursing buckets that the calves are fed with. • To finish, check if the milk diet was heated to the desired temperature and readjust it with hot water or cold water and milk replacer as needed. • You may switch on the heating element* as needed by pressing the Heat key and warm the milk diet to a higher temperature. See also the instructions on pages 22 f. • Fill the tank to at least half of its nominal volume. * optional Milk Taxi outfitting component…
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Dissolving Milk replacer 1. Connect the Milk Taxi to mains power and switch it on at the On/Off switch. 2. Put the desired amount of warm water into the Milk Taxi tank. To avoid excessive splashing, it is recommended that the tank is at least half full of water. 3. Then pour the desired amount of milk replacer into the tank. 4. If the tank is less than half full of milk, close the lid to avoid excessive splashing of milk when the powerful agitator will be turning. The recommended minimum liquid level to operate the appliance is 30% of the tank capacity! 5. Press the agitate key to start the floor-mounted mixing agitator. Its status LED indicates that this function is currently active. 6. When the replacer powder is sufficiently dissolved, press the agitate key again to switch the mixer off. The status LED goes off. If the powder has not sufficiently dissolved: 7. Close the lid. 8. Restart the floor-mounted agitator. -
Page 22: Warming Whole Milk With The Heating Foils Installed On The Floor
The heating element resumes heating if the milk cools down to a temperature below the target level. It consistently warms the entire floor of the tank, thereby avoiding heat application to an area that is so small that it might result in burnt milk. While heating is in progress, the floor-mounted agitator stirs the milk periodically. This enhances the Milk Taxi’s heating perform- ance and reduces even further the risk of burnt milk. CaUTIoN! Danger of injury because of burns and scalding. • Prior to warming the milk, close the lid and then only press the Heat key. • The features Mixing and Heating can be used only when the tank is full. An electrode in the tank senses the liquid level and, if too low, causes an error message (“Container empty”) on the screen. NoTe! • Be aware of the time it will take to warm the milk. When the tank is full to the nominal capacity, it will take approx. 30 minutes for your Milk Taxi to raise the temperature of the milk by 10°C (18°F). • Don’t forget that, mainly in the winter, the milk may cool down in the nursing buckets that the calves are fed with. • While the whole milk is being heated, the mixing agitator on the floor of the tank is switched on at regular intervals for a couple of seconds. NoTe! • The use of the heating element may result in small deposits of milk on the floor of the tank. After every cy- cle of using the Milk Taxi, the tank has to be cleaned with an appropriate cleaner (e. g. TaxiClean) and a brush. * optional Milk Taxi outfitting component…
Page 23
Warming Whole Milk To set the desired target temperature of the milk, proceed as follows: 1. Hold the Heat key down for 3 seconds. The “Set Temperature” screen is displayed. 2. Using the Plus and Minus keys, set the desired target temperature to which the milk should be warmed. To save the target temperature to memory, continue as follows: 3. Hold the Heat key down for 3 seconds. This causes the temperature value to be saved to system memory, and the standard display screen shows again. The new temperature value is displayed in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. In the normal flow of everyday practice, this process is not needed; once set, the temperature value will in general be kept. Switching the heating off early 1. Press the Heat key. This will cause the LED to go off. Timed Heating The Pasteurise key allows presetting a start time for milk warming even when the appliance is not equipped with a pasteurisation unit. This process is analogous to that of automatic pasteurisation as described on page 32. -
Page 24: Dispensing The Milk Diet With The Battery-Powered Pump And The Dispensing Arm
Dispensing the Milk Diet with the Battery-powered Pump and the Dispensing arm* As soon as the milk diet is prepared and ready to feed, close the lid of the tank and push the Milk Taxi to the calf pens (80 — 200 litre model versions) or pull it there with a tractor vehicle (250 litre model version). To fill the nursing buckets or the feed bowls there are several possibilities: 1. Manual dosing by pressing the Pump key To switch the pump on and off, press the key on the control panel for a short moment. When the pump is running, the status LED on the key is lit. 2. Automatic dosage control In the left-hand handle of the Milk Taxi (80 — 200 litres) you will find another dispensing pushbutton which, when pushed, will cause a previously set quantity of milk diet to be sent to the bucket. In the 250 litre model version of the Milk Taxi, this same control can be found on the remote control box. When dosing is in progress, another press of the button stops the dispensing process. 3. Automatic dosage with the alternative control Select the desired quantity using the Plus key. The identifier number increments at every keypress. To start dispensing this quantity, press the Pump key. By pressing the key once more, you stop the dosing in progress. * optional Milk Taxi outfitting component…
Page 25: Calibrating The Automatic Dosage Control
Calibrating the automatic Dosage Control Before you can work with the dosage control, you have to calibrate the desired amounts to dispense according to their pump run times and set which number identifies them. To do so, first fill the Milk Taxi with milk or water and have a container of about 5 litres (1¼ gal), e.g. a bucket, ready. You can define up to 5 dosing quantities/amounts to dispense. Setting the dosing quantities is a two-step procedure. Hold the Pump key down for 3 seconds. This will cause the message “Calibrate, start F1” to be displayed. 1. First calibrate the flow rate. Press the function key F1; the following message is displayed, “5 l container, F1 to continue” . Hold a container with a capacity of about 5 l (1¼ gal) (bucket or similar) below the dispensing arm outlet. When you press the function key F1 again, the pump delivers liquid to the container. Measure the volume of liquid delivered; this is the calibration value that you will have to enter on the control panel by adjusting the one currently displayed. Adjusting this value is done using the Plus and Minus keys. Confirm the value you just entered by pressing the function key F1. You may, however, repeat the whole process as needed.
Page 26: Dosing Milk Diet Using The Automatic Dosage Control
2. Then set the desired dosing quantity. From the display message “Calibrate, start F1” , pressing the Plus and Minus keys will let you access five different pump run times. Each pump run time is represented by the quantity it will deliver, which you can change after accessing it. Pressing the function key F1 will enable a cursor in that quantity and when the cursor flashes, you can change the dosing quantity using the Plus and Minus keys. TIP: Pressing the Plus and Minus keys briefly will change the tenth-of-a-litre digit. Pressing them longer will change the one-litre digit. Confirm the value you just entered by pressing the function key F1. To quit the calibration routine, hold down the Pump key for 3 seconds. Dosing Milk Diet Using the automatic Dosage Control 80 — 200 litre model versions 1. Take the dispensing arm out of the return line funnel and turn it sideways to its dispens-…
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Milk diet dosage control using the radio remote control* If the Milk Taxi is equipped with an alternative control on the handle, its Plus button can be used to select the desired dosing quantity. This quantity to dispense is not displayed itself, but as a number from 1 to 5 (corresponding to the number of the pump run time that was previously calibrated). When the dosing quantity is modified, the displayed number lights up for a short moment. As opposed to using the control panel, the dosing quantity cannot be changed both ways (only ascending). After quantity/run time number 5 was selected the next push of the button will select number 1. S tart the dosing process by pressing the Pump button on the remote control; the number will light up a little for a short moment. NoTe! • Ensure that the check valve of the dispensing arm closes tightly. Straws or other foreign bodies may be the cause for milk dripping out of the dispensing arm. • There is also a risk for air to penetrate into the dispensing line, thereby lowering the milk column in the line, which may result in a bias in the amount of dispensed milk diet. * optional Milk Taxi outfitting component… -
Page 28: Pasteurising Milk With The H&L Milk Taxi Pasteuriser
Pasteurising Milk with the H&L Milk Taxi Pasteuriser* If your Milk Taxi is equipped with a pasteurisation unit, you have the possibility to reduce the bacteria load of the milk substantially. After the pasteurisation cycle is finished, the bacteria load in the milk is less than 0.5% of the load before the process. Therefore, this is a cornerstone of very healthy calf rearing. DaNger! Danger of burns and scalding by the heater. • When the optional heater or the optional pasteurisation unit is used, the tank and the milk may heat up sub- stantially while the appliance is heating, which results in a hazard for you to burn or scald yourself. Do not touch the hot tank nor the hot milk. NoTe! • The pasteurisation feature is designed exclusively for the treatment of calves’ milk diet. • Any other use or purpose cancels any and all warranty under which the product is. Holm & Laue cannot be held liable for bodily injury or material damage that is a result of improper handling and/or use of the pas- teurisation feature. NoTe! Using beestings for pasteurisation prohibited.
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NoTe! • Fill the tank at least to half its nominal capacity. A possible orientation is the cooling jacket. It should be in contact with the liquid for its full height. The Milk Taxi pasteuriser works in the form of a batch pasteuriser, i.e. it pasteurises the total amount of milk in one go at 64°C (147°F) in a period of 35 minutes. This is particularly practical insofar as you do not need any additional containers or fixtures to store, transport, and dose the milk. The following graph shows a typical development of bacteria load in relation to the pasteuri- sation process. Process Steps in an Automatic Pasteurisation Cycle 70000 60000 Nbr Bact. E. coli, Staphylococci, Enterococci, etc. 50000 40000 Milk Storage Feeding 30000 20000 Milk Temperature 10000 Time of Day… -
Page 30: Starting The Pasteurisation Manually
Starting the Pasteurisation Manually Preparing the Manually Started Pasteurisation Cycle 1. Tightly roll the hose around the tank. 2. Fit the dispensing arm tightly with its check valve end into the return line funnel of the tank and fasten it by pushing up the locking ring of the rubber bushing, to make sure that it does not draw air. Such air may cause considerable foaming. 3. Connect the cold water supply to the CoLD IN hose fitting and open the water tap fully. Locking ring down – Locking ring up – dispensing arm not fastened dispensing arm fastened 4. Close the lid. 5. Press the Pasteurise key to start the pasteurisation manually. The pasteurisation cycle follows a set time and temperature development.
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During pasteurisation, the floor-mounted agitator and the pump run at defined intervals to ensure that the pasteurisation extends consistently to all the milk in the tank. At the end of the pasteurisation stage (35 minutes at 64°C (147°F)), the milk is cooled down automatically using cold water. The desired cooled-down temperature can be set in the pasteurisation settings mode using the Plus and Minus keys. A good strat- egy is to have it cooled down to the desired drinking temperature, thereby avoiding that the milk has to be heated up again later. After successful pasteurisation, the display shows the information text “Pasteurisation o.k. – press F1 to cancel” . When the pas- teurisation is successfully over, the Milk Taxi automatically keeps the milk at the preset end-of-cycle temperature and heats again as needed (flashing the appropriate indicator LED while heating is in progress). NoTe! Pasteurisation Duration • The full pasteurisation cycle, including heating, pasteurisation, and cooling stages, may take anywhere from 1.5 to 3 hours, depending on the liquid level in the tank. As a rule of thumb, think of 30 minutes as the time it takes for the heating element to raise the temperature in the tank full of liquid (irrespective of the model version) by 10°C (18°F). aborting the Manual Pasteurisation 1. Press the Pasteurise key. The display shows a confirmation message that asks you if you want to stop the process. -
Page 32: Starting The Pasteurisation Automatically
Starting the Pasteurisation automatically You can program up to three times for a pasteurisation cycle to start automatically. This is particularly useful when it is not planned to pasteurise the milk immediately after filling the Milk Taxi, e.g. when the milk from the evening milking should be pasteurised overnight to have it ready for feeding in the morning. Preparing the automatically Started Pasteurisation Cycle 1. Tightly roll the hose around the tank. 2. Fit the dispensing arm tightly with its check valve end into the return line funnel of the tank and fasten it by pushing up the locking ring of the rubber bushing, to make sure that it does not draw air. Such air may cause considerable foaming. 3. Connect the cold water supply to the CoLD IN hose fitting and open Locking ring down – Locking ring up – the water tap fully. dispensing arm not fastened dispensing arm fastened 4. Close the lid. 5.
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6. Press the Pasteurise key for a short moment; this enables the cursor. Using the Plus and Minus keys, you can then set the hour of the start time. TIP: Pressing the Plus and Minus keys briefly will change the ones of the hour. Pressing them longer will change the tens of the hour. -
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9. To disable the modification cursor, press the Pasteurise key once again. 10. You may then set another automatic pasteurisation cycle by pressing the function key F1. Follow the same procedure as above. A maximum of three automatic pasteurisation start times can be programmed in this manner (A, B, C, D – E, F , G, H – I, J, K, L). The following figure shows the temperature graph of the cycle, along with the letter-coded reference points for the temperatures. °C D, H, L B, F, J A, E, I C, G, K 11. To cancel the pasteurisation parameter setting in progress, hold down the Pasteurise key for 3 seconds. -
Page 35: Programming Illustrations
Programming Illustrations As an illustration, please read the following three examples that show various possibilities of working with pasteurisation cycles. example The milk is milked in the evening and should be pasteurised and ready for feeding in the morning. At 04:00 a.m. the Milk Taxi starts heating the milk. When the tank is half full and the start temperature A:04:00 B:40°C in it is 15°C (59°F), it takes 1.5 hours to reach the pasteurisation temperature, 64°C (147°F). The Milk C:00:00 D:00°C Taxi then keeps the tank at this temperature for 35 minutes and cools the milk down thereafter to the drinking temperature, 40°C (104°F). The milk, accordingly, is ready for feeding at 40°C (104°F) at around 06:00 — 06:30 in the morning. example The milk should be pasteurised after the morning milking and then cooled down for storage to 15°C (59°F). It should then be warmed to drinking temperature automatically in the afternoon. E:08:00 F:15°C G:15:00 H:40°C At 08:00 a.m. the Milk Taxi starts heating the milk. When the tank is full and the start temperature in it is 25°C (77°F), it takes 2 hours to reach the pasteurisation temperature, 64°C (147°F). The Milk Taxi then keeps the tank at this temperature for 35 minutes and cools the milk down thereafter to the storage temperature, 15°C (59°F). At 15:00 (3 p.m.), the milk is heated again until the drinking tem- perature is reached, 40°C (104°F). That is, the milk will be ready to be fed at around 16:30 (4.30 p.m.). example The milk should be heated automatically in the morning, without pasteurisation.
Page 36: Warming And Pasteurising Whole Milk With The Hot Water-Fired Heater
• Water draining out of the hot water-fired heater may be very hot and a hazard of scalding. NoTe! Maximum water temperature • To prevent milk from attaching to the hot water/cooling heat exchange coil and burning, the temperature of the supplied hot water should not exceed 72°C (161°F). A pre-mixer tap may be needed to control and reach the appropriate temperature. The way in which the hot water-fired heater operates is preset ex works. Parameters can be adjusted by your service partner at the moment of checking the system out, if your situation has particular requirements. If any parameters change in the course of using the system (e.g., the temperature of the supplied hot water), contact your service partner. The general way of operation of the Milk Taxi is not altered in any way by the optional hot water-fired heater, which means that the sections of this manual on heating and pasteurising whole milk in general are valid without changes for an appliance with hot water-fired heater too. Preparing Heating the Milk with the Hot Water-fired Heater While heating is in progress, the Milk Taxi has to be connected to a power supply and the heat exchanger coil for heating/cooling has to be completely covered in milk. 1. First connect the water supply hose for hot water to the hose connector HoT IN and open the water tap. A water valve inside the Milk Taxi avoids water draining uncontrollably. * optional Milk Taxi outfitting component…
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2. Consider also connecting a second water hose to the HoT oUT port. This will enable you to recycle the water for other pur- poses (e.g. drinking water for cows, water for cleaning the parlour). Starting Heating the Milk with the Hot Water-fired Heater 1. Close the lid and then press the Heat key. 2. To abort the heating process early, press the Heat key again. 15:30 18°C 40°C T he temperature of the supplied water is measured by a sensor and displayed in the lower line Heat 65°C of the screen (65°C in this example). Water Saving In the normal flow of operation and with sufficiently hot water, the electrical heater will not operate at all. If the temperature of the supplied hot water is too low (too small a difference between the supply water temperature and the temperature inside the tank), the appliance switches the electrical heater on automatically. restarting the Hot Water-fired Heater 1. Switch heating off by pressing the Heat key. 2. Switch the hot water-fired heater on again by pressing the Heat key once more. -
Page 38: Cooling Milk
Preparing Milk Cooling 1. Start by connecting a water supply line to the hose fitting labelled CoLD IN of the tank and open the water supply. A water valve in the Milk Taxi ensures that the water is not wasted, uncontrollably draining from the appliance. 2. Then connect another water hose to the second port, called CoLD oUT. This out line allows recycling the water warmed by the heat exchange process for other purposes after cooling (for cows to drink, for cleaning the milking parlour, etc.). The electronic control also allows continued cooling operation. This means that the Milk Taxi works on keeping the calves’ milk diet at the set temperature by resuming cooling as needed. As a result, warm milk put into the tank at a later stage (i.e. in a system where a robotic milker fills the appliance) is cooled down as well, and milk warming because of high ambient temperatures is avoided. Setting Cooling Parameters Cooled Temperature 1. Hold the Cool key down for 3 seconds. The first parameter is the desired cooled temperature for 16°C storage that the milk should have. 2. Set this value using the Plus and Minus keys. A storage temperature after cooling of 15°C (59°F) is sufficient in general to keep the calves’ milk diet fresh for 12 hours. If a lower temperature is selected, water consumption increases considerably. * optional Milk Taxi outfitting component…
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3. Pressing the function key F1 will take you to the next parameter. The cooling delay is used to Cooling Delay start cooling only a certain time after the tank started being filled (i. e., provided a sufficient liquid 90 min level is sensed). This avoids unnecessary cooling of small quantities of milk (e. g. from a robotic milker) when the filling only just started. This value, too, is set using the Plus and Minus keys. To start cooling immediately after filling started, set this parameter to 0. 4. The following parameter sets the temperature difference experienced by the milk in the tank that Resume Cooling triggers the cooling element to resume cooling. This feature, too, is meant to reduce water con- 5°C sumption as it makes sure that the cooling process runs by intervals rather than continuously. 5. An automatic stop of the cooling operation a certain time period before the start of a pasteurisa- Autostop before Pa tion cycle can be programmed. This saves energy, as milk is not cooled down just before being 180 min heated. NoTe! • Be sure that the cooled storage temperature is not set too low. If the difference between the desired cooled temperature and the temperature of the water used as a coolant is too small (differing by less than 5°C (9°F)), then the Milk Taxi may require substantial amounts of water to perform the cooling operation. • If the temperature difference is too small altogether, the desired cooled temperature cannot be achieved. In this case, cooling is aborted automatically after a certain time. Starting Cooling DaNger! Danger of injury by moving parts of the appliance. -
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1. Press the Cool key to start the cooling cycle with cold water: water valve opens, floor-mounted agitator stirs the milk at inter- vals to positively cool all of it down consistently. The cooling can be stopped by a short press of the Cool key. Display Screens in Cooling Mode While the cycle is running, the screen displays various messages, as explained below. Cooling Mode 16°C If the Cool key is pressed when the tank is empty, the display looks like the figure to the right. In this Container Empty situation, the Milk Taxi waits for the tank to be filled (must sense a liquid level at the level electrode). The shown temperature value is the desired cooled temperature. As soon as the tank is filled (liquid Cooling Mode 16°C sensed at the electrode), the count-down to start of cooling is initiated. Start in 72 min When the Milk Taxi begins positive cooling, the display to the right is shown. The temperature value in Cooling Mode 16°C the lower line is the current temperature sensed in the tank. Cooling 30°C Cooling is suspended (paused) as soon as the set cooled temperature is reached. The Milk Taxi con- Cooling Mode 16°C tinues sensing the temperature in the tank and resumes cooling the milk when its temperature rises (because of new milk flowing into the tank or high ambient temperatures). -
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Cooling Using the Cooling Jacket NoTe! • The cooling jacket is equipped with a pressure relief valve. If the pressure in the cooling jacket exceeds the threshold of 1 bar, the valve opens to drain water in order to avoid the jacket’s bursting. The progress and the settings of the pasteurisation process are identical for both model versions (cooling coil in tank/cooling jacket in double wall). However, the appliances with the cooling jacket will drain the water in the jacket after the cooling process. Draining is automatic, through a valve in the floor of the tank. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary that the Milk Taxi is in an area with a drain in the floor while the cooling process runs. -
Page 42: Drenching Cows With The Drenching Probe
Danger of injury caused by the drenching probe. • When the probe is being inserted, there is a risk for the cow’s gullet to be injured. • After the insertion of the probe into the rumen, a check for the expected smell has to be performed (a slight- ly sour smell has to flow out of the probe). • Before using a drenching probe, consult with your veterinarian on its necessity. • Always conform to any national regulations. • Have your veterinarian explain the handling of the probe to you in detail. NoTe! • Depending on the feed additives used, the sealing rings of the floor-mounted agitator and the pump may be exposed to increased wear. Therefore, the Milk Taxi should be inspected and serviced by your service part- ner every 6 months. Selecting the proper drenching solution • In order to prevent milk fever in the cow after calving, it may be indicated to administer a specific mineral solution (Ca etc.) to her; this should be done within the first 4 hours, better still, the first 2 hours, after calving. • The solution should be prepared lukewarm and in line with the recommendations given by the producer of the used additive. The heater and the agitator of the Milk Taxi can be used in the preparation of the drenching solution. * optional Milk Taxi outfitting component…
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Drenching with the H&L Milk Taxi 1. Block the cow that needs drenching with the headlock. 2. Carefully insert the drenching probe through the mouth into the gullet of the cow. Then fasten the probe in place by attaching the nostril clip, so the fixture will remain undisturbed in the gullet. A smell test can be used to ascertain the proper position of the probe in the rumen. If no slightly sour odour escapes through the fixture immediately, blow into the probe with your mouth. A second person listening at the hunger groove will in general be able to recognise the distinctive bubbling inside the rumen. 3. Start pumping the drenching solution. 4. At first, pump only a small amount of liquid (approx. 5 l) from the Milk Taxi to the cow. If she behaves unexpectedly (e.g. chokes), the position of the hose/probe has to be verified. When all is well, pump the drenching solution into the rumen of the cow. CaUTIoN ! • Throughout the pumping operation, the cow has to be closely observed at all times. Stop immediately when something unexpected happens. -
Page 44: Battery-Powered Electrical Drive El-An
Battery-powered electrical Drive eL-aN* If your Milk Taxi is equipped with the EL-AN Electrical Drive, you can easily move the Milk Taxi even uphill. This locomotion drive is powering the front axle. As is the case for the dosing pump, with the battery powering the drive you are totally independent of an external power supply. The drive gear allows forward and reverse movement at two different speeds. When you switch the Milk Taxi on at the On/Off switch, the slower gear is selected automatically. The eL-aN Drive key gives you the possibility to switch easily back and forth between slow and fast gear. The left-hand LED indicates that the slower gear is active, the right-hand LED indicates the faster one. The steering lever on the right-hand handle is for selecting the direction of movement. When you push this lever to the front (coun- ter-clockwise), the Milk Taxi advances. When you pull this lever to the rear (clockwise), the Milk Taxi reverses. Infinitely variable speed selection is possible. The speed depends on how far you push the lever to the front or the rear. The drive axle is motor-braking. This means that the Milk Taxi will stop immediately, even up- and downhill, when the steering lever is not actuated. The drive features an integrated battery saver. As soon as the battery power level is found to be down to a red indication, the Milk Taxi uses the lower speed automatically to avoid too fast a discharging battery. When the battery is almost discharged, the faster, higher gear can no longer be selected. When this is the case, charge the battery without delay to disable the battery saver and to be able to use both gears again. WarNINg! Hazard of injury if tank tilts over. • The Milk Taxi is mounted on a travelling panel that allows pushing it manually or electrically assisted to the calf pen to feed milk. The tank may tilt over if the ground is not level, then affecting persons present. This may result in bruises, cuts, and other injuries. * optional Milk Taxi outfitting component…
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NoTe! • As long as the Milk Taxi is connected to mains power with the power supply cord, the EL-AN drive is disa- bled and it is impossible to use it. If you want to move the Milk Taxi manually, you can disable the motor brake. This is done by removing the plastic cap on the front- side guard of the axle and releasing the brake with the switch that is located behind this cap. Then, to move the Milk Taxi, switch it off at the On/Off switch. -
Page 46: Battery Status Indications
Battery Status Indications With no mains power connection, the battery status is indicated by LEDs and on the display. The LEDs in the left-hand area next to the battery status icons indicate the status of the battery of the EL-AN drive* and those in the right-hand area indicate whether the dosing pump* battery is charged or not. When the battery is fully charged, the upper, green one of the appropriate two LEDs flashes. If the battery level is low, the appropriate lower, red LED is lit. When the battery is discharged to minimum, an additional information text shows on the dis- play. To avoid the battery’s discharging completely, the pump can no longer be started if from this point the battery discharges any further. We recommend recharging the battery regularly, once a day. Be sure it is recharged when the red LED lights up. To recharge the battery, connect the Milk Taxi to the power supply as normal and switch it on at the On/Off switch. It may take up to 3 hours for the batteries to get fully charged. During pasteurisation,* the pump, hence the battery, is exposed to more stress than usual. This results in the need to recharge the battery after every pasteurisation cycle. While the Milk Taxi is connected to mains power, the green battery LEDs are lit or flash. In this situation they indicate that the batteries are being charged rather than that they are fully charged. * optional Milk Taxi outfitting component…
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With the following battery statuses, your H&L service technician may assess if the batteries still deliver their initial performance. Battery Status Indicator Battery being charged/charged Green LED flashing to maximum Battery fully charged Green LED Battery at medium level Battery almost discharged Red LED Battery discharged to minimum Red LED flashing and info text on screen < 860 Battery completely discharged Red LED flashing and info text on screen,impossible to start pump < 390… -
Page 48: Cleaning
Danger of burns by the cleaning chemicals. • Whenever using chemical cleaning agents, be sure to comply with all safety indications accompanying the product. CaUTIoN ! Danger of damage to the appliance • When cleaning the tank, keep in mind that the small temperature sensor fitted to the lower portion of the inside wall of it may sustain damage if it is exposed to heavy mechanical strain. This in turn would lead to malfunctions. • Do not use a high-pressure cleaner to clean the Milk Taxi. The water pressure may damage the seals of the appliance, which may then be the cause of consequential damage not covered by the product warranty. Preparing the Milk Taxi Cleaning 1. Empty the tank of all remaining milk. This can be done by opening the draining tap. 2. Empty also the hose. To do this, you will have to open the check valve of the dispensing arm: pull down the pin inside the dispensing arm outlet and tilt it slightly. While it is in this position, the valve remains open and the remaining milk in the hose flows back through the hose to the tank. When done, close the valve by bringing the pin back to its normal position.
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Cleaning the Milk Taxi 1. Put hot water (max. 60°C (140°F)) and detergent into the tank. Ensure that the liquid level in the tank is at least 5 cm (2 inch- es) from the floor of the tank (20 — 30 litres / 5¼ — 8 US gal, depending on the Milk Taxi model version). 2. Position the dispensing arm on its funnel-shaped rest and start the pump to recircu- late the detergent solution. The tank itself should be cleaned manually with an ap- propriate brush. 3. Go on to empty the tank and the hose completely as described above. 4. Use clear water to rinse the detergent solution out of the system. Here too, con- sider recirculating the water for some time by switching the pump on. 5. After every use, remove the milk filter set into the drain hole (see photograph) and rinse it thoroughly. Failure to do this would likely result in hindered or blocked milk flow. NoTe! • The Milk Taxi tank has to be properly cleaned. Milk or detergent residues may put your calves’ health at risk. • Solid residues on the floor of the tank have to be eliminated completely. This kind of residues may form ac- cumulated deposits over time and stick to the bottom. Solidified deposits on the floor may mean excessive load on the heater and, in extreme situations, cause its failure. When you are done cleaning, keep the Milk Taxi in a room that is frost-proof. You should also recharge the Milk Taxi’s battery. To do so, connect its power supply cord to mains power and leave it switched on at the On/Off switch. -
Page 50: Disposal
Disposal Please dispose of the packaging after sorting it and preparing any material for disposal through the appropriate disposal and recycling circuit. If you decide to discontinue the operation of your Milk Taxi, dispose of it in compli- ance with applicable laws and rules in force. Please contact your local disposal or collecting agent. Proper dis- posal and recycling avoids harm to the environment and to health! NoTe! • Do not remove the battery. This will be done by the disposal agent or other specialised staff. • Do not dispose of any parts of the Milk Taxi as household waste.
Page 51: Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting The tables below list the most common causes of problems. If you are unable to identify the cause of an error on your own based on the tables, please contact the seller of your Milk Taxi or our Customer Service. Holm & Laue gmbH & Co. Kg Moorweg 6 24784 Westerrönfeld, germany Phone: +49 (0) 4331 20 174 0 Fax: +49 (0) 4331 20 174 29 e-mail: info@holm-laue.de DaNger! Danger to life and danger of severest burns by damaged power supply cables and equipments as well as improper grounding! • For the use of optional equipments connected to mains power (pump, battery, charger, heater, or EL-AN drive), proper grounding through the power supply cord has to be ensured. This means that the Milk Taxi has…
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Probable Cause Correction Malfunction 1. No power supply 1. Plug plugged into mains outlet? Appliance turned on at On/Off switch? No operation, nothing dis- Main circuit breaker fused? played on screen One phase of power supply missing? Power supply cord damaged? 1. Battery discharged 1. Check charger, and switch it on if needed, or replace bat- Display lit, but nothing dis- tery as needed. 2. Display humid 2. Carefully dry the display screen. played 3. Display failed 3. Replace the display and control panel. 1. Pump has drawn air. -
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Probable Cause Correction Malfunction 1. Ensure sufficient liquid level in the tank. The tank is empty; the modes 2. If tank is sufficiently full (at least 10 litres (2½ gal)), the “Container empty” shown Heat, Cool, Agitate, and Pasteur- liquid level sensor may be dirty; then clean it. on display ise will not work. 3. If after cleaning the sensor the message does still not disappear, the liquid level sensor may be defective. 1. Power supply cord not con- 1. Plug the cord into a power supply outlet that is properly Despite working display, installed in compliance with all applicable rules. the modes Heat, Cool, agi- nected 2. One power supply phase 2. Check if power supply is properly wired. tate, and Pasteurise will not missing start. -
Page 54
Connections to water inlet and Check water supply connections. Constant water flow in outlet inverted cooler coil Cold water temperature ex- Check the cold water supply temperature and/or change Milk Taxi cools but does not cooled temperature setting. reach set cooled tempera- ceeds set cooled temperature ture 1. No mixing agitator action 1. Replace the mixing agitator on the floor of the tank. after pasteurisation, posi- (agitator failed) tive milk cooling very slow 2. Mixing agitator relay failed… -
Page 55: Application For Warranty
Warranty Pursuant to our General Terms and Conditions, the warranty term is 12 months. If defects appear in the course of the warranty term, return the item in question to Holm & Laue, attaching the Warranty Report below. Wear and tear parts (e. g., hoses and seals, but also batteries and tyres) and damage resulting from improper handling are not eligible for warranty claims. Repairs of defects that are not eligible for warranty can be performed by Holm & Laue upon order. If you desire to have them taken care of, please check the appropriate box on the Warranty Report. H&L Milk Taxi, 80l H&L Milk Taxi, 120l H&L Milk Taxi, 200l H&L Milk Ttaxi, 250l (please check the appopriate box) Serial Number: (of the unit for which a warranty claim is raised) Number and Date of Invoice to Customer: Date: (copy of invoice attached) Item Number of the Part in the Shipment: (in case of several sent items, number them) Designation of Repair Part: Part Number of Repair Part:…
Page 56
Description of Error: Customer’s order Please check the warranty claim submitted above: If the claim is eligible for warranty and there is no possible correction as provided for by Holm & Laue’s Terms & Conditions, please:- Applicant: Perform a replacement delivery Address: Make a credit Return the sent repair part (please check the appopriate box) Phone: If the claim is not eligible for warranty: Please return the unrepaired repair part, invoicing transport cost E-Mail: Please repair the part and invoice the cost Date/Signature: (please check the appopriate box) -
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Notes… -
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This product is brought you by:… -
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Tel.: +49 (0) 4331 20174-0 Fax: +49 (0) 4331 20174-29 www.holm-laue.de 06:35 29°C 40°C Dosing Qty: 1,6 l Pump Plus and Cool Function key eL-aN key Battery Status Minus keys Indicators Heat Pasteurise agitate… -
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Holm & Laue GmbH & Co. KG Moorweg 6 24784 Westerrönfeld, Germany Phone: +49 (0) 43 31 20 174 0 Fax: +49 (0) 43 31 20 174 29 E-mail: info@holm-laue.de Internet: www.holm-laue.de…
Молочное такси Urban. Молочный шаттл Urban.
Молочное такси Urban MilkShuttle. Функция автоматической пастеризации. 2-ступенчатый миксер. Характеристики внедорожника. Простое и точное автоматическое дозирование. Видео.
Молочное такси
Urban MilkShuttle
Легкий в использовании помощник в ежедневных задачах.
Отличается простотой конструкции и надёжностью компонентов.
Краткий обзор приемуществ
Раздаточный пистолет эргономичной формы легко дозирует молоко для ваших телят. Можно запрограммировать три различных объёма дозирования.
Предлагаются различные исполнения с объемом от 100 до 250 литров.
Для цельного молока или заменителя.
Препятствует внезапному скатыванию и обеспечивает надежное парковочное положение.
Минимальный радиус поворота
Благодаря радиусу поворота 1,72 м молочный шаттл обладает прекрасной манёвренностью и подходит для использования даже в небольших телятниках.
Опция: встроенная функция пастеризации
Для максимального усвоения скармливаемого молока.
Схема работы приложена к статье.
Рукоять эргономичной формы
для облегчения эксплуатации,
в т. ч. на грунтовых дорогах или уклонах.
Практически бесшумный
мотор миксера.
Крышка с уплотнением и замком
обеспечивает надежную защиту молока.
Легко монтируемый блок электроники /
пульт управления с наглядным дисплеем.
Раздаточный пистолет
с эргономичной рукоятью
для облегчения заполнения поилок.
Мощный аккумулятор на 12 В
можно комфортно заряжать
от бытовой электросети 240 В.
Встроенная функция подогрева дна.
В качестве опции также можно
установить блок охлаждения.
Три устойчивых к проколам больших колеса
(диаметр 40 см) обеспечивают необходимую
стабильность и высокий уровень
комфорта при перемещении.
Электрический привод с плавным
переключением вперёд и назад.
Варианты исполнения
Базовые модели
От самого маленького MilkShuttle, рассчитанного на 100 литров, до варианта XXL объёмом 250 литров. Базовые модели станут превосходными помощниками при решении ежедневных задач фермерского хозяйства. Мы с удовольствием проконсультируем Вас и поможем сделать правильный выбор.
Вариант оснащения
Электрический привод
В качестве опции все базовые модели можно оснастить на заводе мощным электрическим приводом. Привод плавно переключается и может обеспечивать движение как вперед, так и назад. Благодаря ему вы сможете довезти молоко до телят, не прилагая особых усилий.
Пульт управления
Пульт управления MilkShuttle имеет понятный интерфейс и может использоваться любым работником фермы, а различные программы можно выбирать при помощи кнопки. Все важные данные, например уровень заряда батареи, всегда находятся перед глазами у оператора.
Характеристики внедорожника
Благодаря компактной трехколесной конструкции молочный шаттл MilkShuttle характеризуется прекрасной маневренностью и проходимостью. За счет радиуса поворота 1,72 метра вы сможете без проблем доставить MilkShuttle в любое место. Встроенная парковочная автоматика обеспечивает надежную парковку на уклонах, а кнопка аварийного останова повышает безопасность труда, поскольку препятствует зажатию в результате остановки и откатывания MilkShuttle назад.
Устойчивые к проколам шины
Внутри наших шин находится высокоэластичный полимерный материал. Благодаря этому они устойчивы к проколам и не требуют технического обслуживания. Кроме того, сверхпрочные шины за счет своего веса стабилизируют MilkShuttle, обеспечивая отличную проходимость
Комфортное дозирование
При помощи дозирующего насоса и пистолета телята получают именно то количество молока, которое им требуется. Желаемое количество молока можно настроить заранее, а затем залить в поилку при помощи кнопки на дозирующем пистолете или на дозирующей консоли.
Молоко можно быстро и точно дозировать с шагом 0,1 литра. На выбор доступны три заранее запрограммированных объема. При помощи специальной функции можно заполнять также большие емкости.
2-ступенчатый миксер
Для достижения максимально однородной консистенции ступени перемешивания можно выбирать вручную, поэтому установка подходит как для цельного молока, так и для его заменителей. Медленная ступень используется для бережного перемешивания цельного молока в процессе нагрева — периодическое включение позволяет избежать пригорания молока. Быстрая ступень обеспечивает перемешивание заменителя цельного молока без образования комочков.
Непрерывное перемешивание
Благодаря этому порошок растворяется оптимальным образом.
Таблица параметров смеси на крышке
Всегда правильное соотношение воды и сухого молока для получения идеальной концентрации смеси.
Шкала уровня заполнения ёмкости
Для быстрого определения и контроля текущего уровня жидкости.
Программа полуавтоматической промывки
Вода циркулирует по шлангу и тщательно очищает его внутренние стенки. Длительность очистки и температура воды настраиваются индивидуально.
Дополнительная чистящая форсунка
Крышка MilkShuttle очищается автоматически, благодаря чему отпадает необходимость в дополнительном рабочем этапе.
Сливной кран
Для легкого опорожнения MilkShuttle по завершении кормления и очистки.
Опции и принадлежности
Широкий выбор специальных принадлежностей позволяет оптимальным образом адаптировать молочный шаттл MilkShuttle к вашим потребностям.
Теплоизоляционный кожух
Длительное время сохраняет температуру молока — позволяет сэкономить энергию.
Вакуумная крышка для лёгкого заполнения свежим молоком
Молоко перекачивается из бидона или цистерны в ёмкость MilkShuttle.
Дополнительный прожектор обеспе-чивает хорошую видимость в усло-виях недостаточно-го освещения.
Подготовка к подключению зонда для выпойки (дренчера)
Для размещения зонда для выпойки коров на молочном шаттле MilkShuttle.
Функция пастеризации
В процессе пастеризации в результате нагрева молока надежно уничтожаются все микробы и бактерии. Пастеризованное молоко лучше усваивается телятами, что позволяет избежать проблем с пищеварением. Поддерживаемая температура настраивается индивидуально — также возможна бережная пастеризация. Охлаждение происходит за счёт промежуточного дна — можно охлаждать даже небольшое количество. При этом потери энергии минимальны.
Процедура автоматической пастеризации
Три колeса для ЛЮБОЙ поверхности!
Кормление телят — тяжелый физический труд, при котором нередко приходится перемещать сотни килограммов. Особенно трудно двигаться в гору, по плохим дорогам или зимой в гололедицу и снегопад. Молочный Шаттл фирмы Urban разработан в соответствии с повседневными требованиями.
➜ 3 колеса для обеспечения оптимальной мобильности и проходимости — особенно по препятствиям, неровной местности и в зимнее время
➜ Предотвращение неожиданного качения: функция автоматического тормоза для обеспечения остановки, в том числе на возвышенностях
➜ Как с электроприводом колес, так и без него
➜ Исключительно небольшой радиус поворота
➜ Продуманные функции
➜ Практичные дополнительные опции
Пригоден для любых дорог благодаря 3 большим колесам и мощному электроприводу
➜ Привод и большие шины
➜ Обеспечивают легкий доступ к телятам, даже если территория фермы:
➜ Электропривод и большие шины
➜ каменистая
➜ холмистая
➜ имеет неровности
Разнообразные объемы! — четыре размера
Проверенная Kонструкция
Быстро накормить телят – больше времени на другие дела
Urban Молочный Шаттл Продуманно до мелочей радость при пользовании !
Правильная пастеризация — полная и без повторного инфицирования
В процессе пастеризации за счет нагревания молока надежно уничтожаются микроорганизмы и бактерии. Ваши телята будут легко усваивать молоко, проблемы с жидким стулом будут исключены.
Пастеризация пастеризации рознь!
Молочный Шаттл с пастеризацией компании Urban оснащен мощным блоком нагрева (6 кВт) и эффективной системой охлаждения. Медленно вращающийся миксер обеспечивает непрерывную и полную циркуляцию содержимого резервуара. Кроме того, предотвращается образование пены в молоке, которая может быть причиной неполной пастеризации.
Сильная соединения
Обе муфты для соединения Молочный Шаттл Пастера с подачей охлаждающей воды и слива расположены прямо на боковой стороне устройства.
Молочный Шаттл Принадлежности
Многочисленные дополнительные опции делают Молочный Шаттл еще более незаменимым помощником при кормлении телят.
Вакуумная крышка Молочного Шаттла облегчает заполнение молоком, которое наливается из бидонов. Держатель бидонов транспортирует два бидона с молоком или поилки для иглу на станцию очистки или к иглу и таким образом позволяет выполнять на одну рабочую операцию меньше.
Молочный шаттл — пастеризатор MS250 л.
• Подогрев и мешалка для цельного молока и ЗЦМ (2 скорости) с интервальным управлением, 3 кВт, 230В.
• Молочный насос, управление дозировкой (по времени) с аккумулятором 24V.
• Пистолет — дозатор для выдачи молока ( шланг 2,5 метра). Выдача молока не зависимо от электропитания.
• МS Электропривод колес 24В, бесступенчатая регулировка скорости вперед/назад, аварийный стоп с защитой. Колеса — 40 см.
• LED фара — прожектор.
Производство — Германия
Для покупки товара в нашем интернет-магазине выберите понравившийся товар и добавьте его в корзину. Далее перейдите в Корзину и нажмите на «Оформить заказ» или «Быстрый заказ».
Когда оформляете быстрый заказ, напишите ФИО, телефон и e-mail. Вам перезвонит менеджер и уточнит условия заказа. По результатам разговора вам придет подтверждение оформления товара на почту или через СМС. Теперь останется только ждать доставки и радоваться новой покупке.
Оформление заказа в стандартном режиме выглядит следующим образом. Заполняете полностью форму по последовательным этапам: адрес, способ доставки, оплаты, данные о себе. Советуем в комментарии к заказу написать информацию, которая поможет курьеру вас найти. Нажмите кнопку «Оформить заказ».