Micom p443 руководство по эксплуатации

MiCOM P443 - Инстин

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Код: REL P443

ASNI21P/21N, 50/27, ΔI/ΔV, 68, 78, 85, 50/51/67, 79, 25, 46, 46BC, 50N/51N/67N, 67SEF, 49, 27, 59, 59N, 50BF, CTS/VTS, 81U/O/R, FL


Полносхемная дистанционная защита для воздушной или кабельной линий ВН / НН

Функции защиты:

Одно- (Р443) и/или трехфазная логика отключения

Одно- и/или трехфазная автоматика АПВ с контролем синхронизма

Пять дистанционных зон

Mho (круговая) либо четырехугольные характеристики

Защита от потери нагрузки

Сигнал либо блокировка от качаний мощности

Направленная/ ненаправленная максимальная токовая защита

Направленная/ ненаправленная ТЗНП

Направленная/ ненаправленная защита по току обратной последовательности

Защита по напряжению нулевой последовательности

Защита минимального и максимального напряжения

Включение на короткое замыкание и отключение в цикле АПВ

Защита от асинхронного хода (out of sep) Измерения

Расширенные измерения

Временные значения, I, U, P, Q,

Средние значения и запросы

Диагностика и контроль канала связи для защит с телеускорением

Опросный листТехническая документацияПрограммное обеспечение

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MiCOM P44x — Терминалы дистанционной защиты. Доступны следующие модели: MiCOM P441, MiCOM P442, MiCOM P443, MiCOM P444, MiCOM. MiCOM P12x — МТЗ от междуфазных КЗ и замыканий на землю питаемая от. его в эксплуатацию, что подтверждается соответствующим документом. MiCOM C264 — Руководство по эксплуатации RU. C264/EN O/C30. Рус. 43.66 Mb. Скачать · MiCOM C264 — Техническое руководство RU. C264/EN T/C30. MICOM P115, Каталог MICOM P115, Брошюра MICOM P115, Руководство. P443, Руководство пользователя MICOM P443, Опросный лист MICOM P443. [Устройства микропроцессорной защиты и управления MiCOM]. Код ANSI. Каталог. • Инструкция по. P443 A: 16 входов / 24 выхода — A. • P443 B: 24. The MiCOM provides fast, highly selective protection, to trip for genuine line faults. Advanced load. The MiCOM P443, P445 and P446 are supplied with a full suite of protection and control. to be selected following manual, or auto- reclose. распространение в существующей отечественной практике эксплуатации. При оснащении. осуществлял научное руководство настоящим проектом, а также являлся инициатором. Углу линии. -. MiCOM P443. 7sd52/53 версия 4.60 руководство по эксплуатации c53000-g1156-c169-2. по эксплуатации тяговых подстанций и постов секционирования. давыдова.

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MiCOM P541, P542, P543, P544, P545, 546 Technical Guide Current
Differential Protection Relays Platform Hardware Version: J
Platform Software Version: 20 & 30 Publication Reference:
P54x/EN T/I53 P54x/EN T/I53 2011. ALSTOM, the ALSTOM logo and any
alternative version thereof are trademarks and service marks of
ALSTOM. The other names mentioned, registered or not, are the
property of their respective companies. The technical and other
data contained in this document is provided for information only.
Neither ALSTOM, its officers or employees accept responsibility
for, or should be taken as making any representation or warranty
(whether express or implied), as to the accuracy or completeness of
such data or the achievement of any projected performance criteria
where these are indicated. ALSTOM reserves the right to revise or
change this data at any time without further notice. GRID Technical
Guide P54x/EN T/I53MiCOM P541, P542, P543, P544, P545, P546 CURRENT
DIFFERENTIAL RELAYS MiCOM P541, P542, P543, P544, P545, P546
CONTENT Errata Section Handling of Electronic Equipment Safety
Instructions Introduction P54x/EN IT/I53Application Notes P54x/EN
AP/I53Relay Description P54x/EN HW/I53Technical Data P54x/EN
TD/I53Menu Content Tables P54x/EN HI/I53SCADA Communications
P54x/EN CT/I53UCA2.0 Communications P54x/EN UC/I53Relay Menu
Database P54x/EN GC/I53External Connection Diagrams P54x/EN
CO/I53Hardware / Software Version History & Compatibility
P54x/EN VC/I53Scheme Logic Diagrams P54x/EN LG/I53 P54x/EN T/I53
Technical Guide MiCOM P541, P542, P543, P544, P545, P546 Issue
Control P54x/EN T/I53MiCOM P541, P542, P543, P544, P545, P546 Page
1/6 Manual Issue H Amendments completed 02.2005 Doc Ref. Section
Page Description Throughout Company name changed IT 2 4/5
Introduction to MiCOM Guides 2 lines deleted IT 3.3 9 Menu
structure Sentence changed IT 3.8 17 First rear communication Title
& paragraph amended IT 3.8.2 20/21 Modbus communication New
cell added to end of section IT 3.9 23 Ethernet Rear Port (option)
New section inserted AP Throughout All instances of Courier
Database chapter replaced with Relay Menu Database chapter. AP
1.2.1 12 Protection features New bullet point added to end of
section AP 1.2.2 13 Non-protection features New bullet point added
to end of section Two paragraphs replaced AP 2.1 15 Configuration
column Last 4 rows in table amended AP 2.2.1 15/16 Differential
protection configuration Data in table deleted Last 3 rows of table
added AP 2.2.2 18 Phase differential characteristics Data in table
amended and line added AP 33 Teed feeder example Figure
12: Diagram updated AP 35 Three winding transformer in
zone with different rated CTs example Figure 13: Diagram updated AP
2.3 37 Distance protection Table 6: Data amended AP 2.3.1 38 Phase
fault distance protection Figure 14 & 15: Note 2 replaced AP 47 Residual compensation setting Sentence replaced AP 2.4
48 Phase fault overcurrent protection Data in table amended and
line added AP 2.4 49 Phase fault overcurrent protection Table 9:
Data amended AP 2.6 54 Earth fault protection Table 14: Data in
table amended and line added AP 2.6 55 Earth fault protection Table
15: Data in table amended and line added AP 3.2.2 72/73 Relay
settings P54x/EN T/I53 Issue Control MiCOM P541, P542, Page 2/6
P543, P544, P545, P546 Manual Issue H Amendments completed 02.2005
Doc Ref. Section Page Description Table 20: Data amended AP
80 System check on shot 1 (called Check Sinchronising for fast 3
phase reclose on software 13 or previous) Paragraph amended AP 80 Immediate Autoreclose with Check Synchronism (since
software 20 and onwards) Title replaced AP 81
Discrimination Timer Setting (since software 20 and onwards) Title
replaced AP 3.3.1 82 System Checks (for version 20 and onwards)
Title replaced AP 82 Overview Text moved to new section AP
3.3.2 87/90 Check synchronisation (applicable to P543 & P545)
For version 13 and previous Whole new section added AP 3.4 90
Autoreclose /Check Synchronisation Interface (Valid for sotfware 20
and onwards) Title replaced AP 3.7.1 94 Circuit breaker condition
monitoring features Table 25: Data amended AP 3.8 95 Circuit
breaker control Bullet point replaced AP 3.8.1 98 CB Control using
Hotkeys (Since software 20 and onwards) Title replaced AP
102 Fault locator settings Data in table amended AP 3.10 103 Event
& fault records Paragraph amended Data in table amended AP 105 Relay alarm conditions Table 29: Data amended AP 3.11
107 Disturbance recorder Paragraphs amended AP 3.12 109
Measurements Bullet point replaced AP 3.12.3 109 Slip Frequency
(Since software 20 and onwards) Title replaced AP 3.12.7 110
Settings Table 32: Data amended AP 110 Remote2 Values
(Since software 12 and onwards) Title replaced AP 3.13 112 Changing
Setting Groups First and second paragraph replaced Issue Control
P54x/EN T/I53MiCOM P541, P542, P543, P544, P545, P546 Page 3/6
Manual Issue H Amendments completed 02.2005 Doc Ref. Section Page
Description AP 3.14 112 Control inputs (Since software 20 and
onwards) Title replaced AP 3.15 113 Real time clock synchronization
via opto-inputs (Since software 20 and onwards) Title replaced AP
5. 118 Current Transformer Requirements Data replaced AP 6. 119
Commissioning Test Menu Data in table amended Data added to end of
table AP 6.10 121 Test autoreclose Information replaced AP 6.11 121
Test Loopback Whole section replaced AP 6.12 122 DDB Status
Existing section 6.13 renumbered and new section 6.12 added AP 7.1
122 Communications link options Whole section replaced AP 7.1.5 123
IEEE C37.94 interface to multiplexer Existing sections renumbered
and new section 7.1.5 added AP 7.1.5 123 IEEE C37.94 interface to
multiplexer (since software 30) added to heading AP 123
Switched communication networks (P541, P542, P543 & P544)
Paragraph amended AP 7.7 132 Clock source Line added to end of
section AP 7.8 133 Data rate Line added to end of section AP 7.13
134 Communications fail mode Sentence replaced HW 1.1.4 3 Analogue
/ Digital Input module Whole section replaced HW 1.1.8 4 Ethernet
board Figure 1: Diagram updated HW 2.4.2 7 Input board Term
replaced Figure 2: Diagram updated HW 2.4.3 8 Universal opto
isolated logic inputs Whole section replaced HW 3.3 13 Platform
software Term added to last sentence HW 4.1.2 17 Initialisation
software New bullet point added HW 4.2 17 Continuous self-testing
P54x/EN T/I53 Issue Control MiCOM P541, P542, Page 4/6 P543, P544,
P545, P546 Manual Issue H Amendments completed 02.2005 Doc Ref.
Section Page Description Replaced term Sentence replaced Sentence
changed to bullet point TD 1. 7 Reference conditions Data in table
amended and line added TD 2.1.4 9 Inverse time (IDMT)
characteristic Data in table amended TD 9 Required Time
Dial Settings for IEEE / US curves Data in table amended and line
added TD 2.1.6 10 Vectorial compensation settings (P541 and P542)
Data in table amended TD 12 Inverse Time (IDMT)
Characteristic Data in table amended TD 12 Time Dial
Settings for IEEE/US curves Data in table amended and line added TD
2.2.5 15 ANSI/IEEE IDMT curves Figure 2.2.5: Diagram updated TD 18 Polarising Quantities Data in table amended TD 2.13.1 20
Setting ranges New line added to end of table TD 6.1.1 25 Features
Data added to table TD 6.3.1 26 Level settings Data in table
amended and line added TD 8.2 27 Rear Port 1 Table replaced TD
10.1.4 31 Universal Logic inputs (P540 range) Table replaced TD
11.1 33 CT Requirements (P540 range) Data replaced TD 18.5 44
Battery life (P540 range) Line added to table CT 1. 5 Introduction
New section 1.1 added to end of introduction CT 2.1 5 Courier
protocol Text inserted CT 2.7 10 Disturbance record extraction
Whole section replaced CT 3.1 11 Communication Link Text added to
beginning of section CT 3.6.6 21 Record data Sentence deleted CT
3.8 22/24 Date and Time Format (Data Type G12) Whole section
replaced Issue Control P54x/EN T/I53MiCOM P541, P542, P543, P544,
P545, P546 Page 5/6 Manual Issue H Amendments completed 02.2005 Doc
Ref. Section Page Description CT 4.1 25 Physical connection and
link layer Text deleted CT 5.1 28 DNP3 Protocol Text inserted UC
3.4.3 12 UCA2.0 Settings & Statistics Data added to table GC —
— Courier menu database Amended to reflect latest relay software VC
— — Hardware/software version history and compatibility Amended to
reflect latest relay software LG — 1 Distance P543/P544/P545/P546
Zone 1 Tripping Logic Figure 1: Diagram amended LG — 1 Distance
P543/P544/P545/P546 Zone 2 Tripping Logic Figure 2: Diagram amended
LG — 14 CB failure for P541/P542 with Three Pole Tripping Figure
25: Diagram amended LG — 8 Autoreclose P543/P545 Single/Three Pole
Tripping Figure 17: Diagram amended LG — 9 Autoreclose P543/P545
Inhibit Sequence Count Figure 18: Diagram amended LG — 10
Autoreclose P543/P545 Cycles Figure 19: Diagram amended LG — 13
Autoreclose P543/P545 Force 3 Pole Trip Figure 22: Diagram amended
LG — 14 P543/P545 DDB Pole Discrepancy Trip Figure24: Diagram
amended LG — 16 VTS Logic Figure 29: Diagram amended LG — 24
Autoreclose P543/P545 Repeat Closer Figure 37: Diagram amended
P54x/EN T/I53 Issue Control MiCOM P541, P542, Page 6/6 P543, P544,
movements can easily generate electrostatic potentials of several
thousand volts. Discharge of these voltages into semiconductor
devices when handling circuits can cause serious damage, which
often may not be immediately apparent but the reliability of the
circuit will have been reduced. The electronic circuits of ALSTOM
Grid are immune to the relevant levels of electrostatic discharge
when housed in their cases. Do not expose them to the risk of
damage by withdrawing modules unnecessarily. Each module
incorporates the highest practicable protection for its
semiconductor devices. However, if it becomes necessary to withdraw
a module, the following precautions should be taken to preserve the
high reliability and long life for which the equipment has been
designed and manufactured. 1. Before removing a module, ensure that
you are a same electrostatic potential as the equipment by touching
the case. 2. Handle the module by its front-plate, frame, or edges
of the printed circuit board. Avoid touching the electronic
components, printed circuit track or connectors. 3. Do not pass the
module to any person without first ensuring that you are both at
the same electrostatic potential. Shaking hands achieves
equipotential. 4. Place the module on an antistatic surface, or on
a conducting surface which is at the same potential as yourself. 5.
Store or transport the module in a conductive bag. More information
on safe working procedures for all electronic equipment can be
found in BS5783 and IEC 60147-0F. If you are making measurements on
the internal electronic circuitry of an equipment in service, it is
preferable that you are earthed to the case with a conductive wrist
strap. Wrist straps should have a resistance to ground between 500k
10M ohms. If a wrist strap is not available you should maintain
regular contact with the case to prevent the build up of static.
Instrumentation which may be used for making measurements should be
earthed to the case whenever possible. ALSTOM Grid strongly
recommends that detailed investigations on the electronic
circuitry, or modification work, should be carried out in a Special
Handling Area such as described in BS5783 or IEC 60147-0F. CONTENT
1. SAFETY SECTION 3 1.1 Health and safety 3 1.2 Explanation of
3. EQUIPMENT OPERATING CONDITIONS 4 3.1 Current transformer
circuits 4 3.2 External resistors 4 3.3 Battery replacement 4 3.4
Insulation and dielectric strength testing 4 3.5 Insertion of
modules and pcb cards 4 3.6 Fibre optic communication 5 4. OLDER
SPECIFICATIONS 6 1. SAFETY SECTION This Safety Section should be
read before commencing any work on the equipment. 1.1 Health and
safety The information in the Safety Section of the product doc
umentation is intended to ensure that products are properly
installed and handled in order to maintain them in a safe
condition. It is assumed that everyone who will be associated with
the equipment will be familiar with the contents of the Safety
Section. 1.2 Explanation of symbols and labels The meaning of
symbols and labels may be used on the equipment or in the product
documentation, is given below. Caution: refer to product
documentation Caution: risk of electric shock Protective/ safety
*earth terminal Functional *earth terminal Note: This symbol may
also be used for a protective/ safety earth terminal if that
terminal is part of a terminal block or sub-assembly e.g. power
connections Personnel undertaking installation, commissioning or
servicing work on this equipment should be aware of the correct
working procedures to ensure safety. The product documentation
should be consulted before installing, commissioning or servicing
the equipment. Terminals exposed during installation, commissioning
and maintenance may present a hazardous voltage unless the
equipment is electrically isolated. If there is unlocked access to
the rear of the equipment, care should be taken by all personnel to
avoid electrical shock or energy hazards. Voltage and c urrent
connections should be made using insulated crimp terminations to
ensure that terminal block insulation requirements are maintained
for safety. To ensure that wires are correctly terminated, the
correct crimp terminal and tool for the wire size should be used.
Before energising the equipment it must be earthed using the
protective earth terminal, or the appropriate termination of the
supply plug in the case of plug connected equipment. Omitting or
disconnecting the equipment earth may cause a safety hazard. The
recommended minimum earth wire size is 2.5mm2, unless otherwise
stated in the technical data section of the product doc umentation.
Before energising the equipment, the following should be checked:
Voltage rating and polarity; CTcircuit rating and integrity of
connections; Protective fuse rating; Integrity of earth connection
(where applicable) Remove front plate plastic film protection
Remove insulating strip from battery compartment 3. EQUIPMENT
OPERATING CONDITIONS The equipment should be operated within the
specified electrical and environmental limits. 3.1 Current
transformer circuits Do not open the secondary circuit of a live CT
since the high level voltage produced may be lethal to personnel
and could damage insulation. 3.2 External resistors Where external
resistors are fitted to relays, these may present a risk of
electric shock or burns, if touched. 3.3 Battery replacement Where
internal batteries are fitted they should be replaced with the
recommended type and be installed with the correct polarity, to
avoid possible damage to the equipment. 3.4 Insulation and
dielectric strength testing Insulation testing may leave capacitors
charged up to a hazardous voltage. At the end of each part of the
test, the voltage should be gradually reduced to zero, to discharge
capacitors, before the test leads are disconnected. 3.5 Insertion
of modules and pcb cards These must not be inserted into or
withdrawn from equipment whist it is energised since this may
result in damage. 3.6 Fibre optic communication Where fibre optic
communication devices are fitted, these should not be viewed
directly. Optical power meters should be used to determine the
operation or signal level of the device. 4. OLDER PRODUCTS
Electrical adjustments Equipments which require direct physical
adjustments to their operating mechanism to change current or
voltage settings, should have the electrical power removed before
making the change, to avoid any risk of electrical shock.
Mechanical adjustments The electrical power to the relay contacts
should be removed before checking any mechanical settings, to avoid
any risk of electric shock. Draw out case relays Removal of the
cover on equipment incorporating electromechanical operating
elements, may expose hazardous live parts such as relay contacts.
Insertion and withdrawal of extender cards When using an extender
card, this should not be inserted or withdrawn from the equipment
whilst it is energised. This is to avoid possible shock or damage
hazards. Hazardous live voltages may be accessible on the extender
card. Insertion and withdrawal of heavy current test plugs When
using a heavy current test plug, CT shorting links must be in place
before insertion or removal, to avoid potentially lethal voltages.
5. DECOMMISSIONING AND DISPOSAL Decommissioning: The auxiliary
supply circuit in the relay may include capacitors across the
supply or to earth. To avoid electric shock or energy hazards,
after completely isolating the supplies to the relay (both poles of
any dc supply), the capacitors should be safely discharged via the
external terminals prior to decommissioning. Disposal: It is
recommended that incineration and disposal to water courses is
avoided. The product should be disposed of in a safe manner. Any
products containing batteries should have them removed before
disposal, taking precautions to avoid short circuits. Particular
regulations within the country of operation, may apply to the
disposal of lithium batteries. 6. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS
Protective fuse rating The recommended maximum rating of the
external protective fuse for this equipment is 16A, Red Spot type
or equivalent, unless otherwise stated in the technical data
section of the product documentation. Insulation class: IEC
601010-1 : 1990/ A2 : 2001 Class I EN 61010-1: 2001 Class I This
equipment requires a protective (safety) earth connection to ensure
user safety. Insulation Category (Overvoltage): IEC 601010-1 :
1990/ A2 : 1995 Category III EN 61010-1: 2001 Category III
Distribution level, fixed insulation. Equipment in this category is
qualification tested at 5kV peak, 1.2/ 50s, 5000.5J, between all
supply circ uits and earth and also between independent circuits.
Environment: IEC 601010-1 : 1990/ A2 : 1995 Pollution degree 2 EN
61010-1: 2001 Pollution degree 2 Compliance is demonstrated by
reference to generic safety standards. Product Safety: 72/ 23/ EEC
EN 61010-1: 2001 EN 60950-1: 2002 Compliance with the European
Commission Low Voltage Directive. Compliance is demonstrated by
reference to generic safety standards. Introduction P54x/EN
IT/I53MiCOM P541, P542, P543, P544, P545, P546 INTRODUCTION P54x/EN
IT/I53 Introduction MiCOM P541, P542, P543, P544, P545, P546
Introduction P54x/EN IT/I53MiCOM P541, P542, P543, P544, P545, P546
Introduction to the relay 6 3.1.1 Front panel 6 3.1.2 Relay rear
panel 7 3.2 Introduction to the user interfaces and settings
options 8 3.3 Menu structure 9 3.3.1 Protection settings 10 3.3.2
Disturbance recorder settings 10 3.3.3 Control and support settings
10 3.4 Password protection 10 3.5 Relay configuration 11 3.6 Front
panel user interface (keypad and LCD) 12 3.6.1 Default display and
menu time-out 13 3.6.2 Menu navigation and setting browsing 13
3.6.3 Hotkey menu navigation 13 Setting group selection 13 Control Inputs user assignable functions 14 CB
Control 14 3.6.4 Password entry 14 3.6.5 Reading and clearing of
alarm messages and fault records 15 3.6.6 Setting changes 15 3.7
Front communication port user interface 16 3.8 First rear
communication port 17 3.8.1 Courier communication 17 3.8.2 Modbus
communication 19 3.8.3 IEC 60870-5 CS 103 communication 21 3.8.4
DNP 3.0 Communication 22 3.9 Second Rear Communication Port
(option) 23 3.10 Ethernet Rear Port (option) 23 Figure 1: Relay
front view 6 Figure 2: Relay rear view 8 P54x/EN IT/I53
Introduction MiCOM P541, P542, Page 2/24 P543, P544, P545, P546
Figure 3: Menu structure 9 Figure 4: Front panel user interface 12
Figure 5: Hotkey menu navigation 14 Figure 6: Front port connection
16 Figure 7: PC relay signal connection 17 Figure 8: Remote
communication connection arrangements 18 Introduction P54x/EN
IT/I53MiCOM P541, P542, P543, P544, P545, P546 Page 3/24 1.
INTRODUCTION TO MiCOM MiCOM is a comprehensive solution capable of
meeting all electricity supply requirements. It comprises a range
of components, systems and services from ALSTOM Grid — SAS. Central
to the MiCOM concept is flexibility. MiCOM provides the ability to
define an application solution and, through extensive communication
capabilities, to integrate it with your power supply control
system. The components within MiCOM are: — P range protection
relays; — C range control products; — M range measurement products
for accurate metering and monitoring; — S range versatile PC
support and substation control packages. MiCOM products include
extensive facilities for recording information on the state and
behaviour of the power system using disturbance and fault records.
They can also provide measurements of the system at regular
intervals to a control centre enabling remote monitoring and
control to take place. For up-to-date information on any MiCOM
product, visit our website: www.alstom.com/grid/sas P54x/EN IT/I53
Introduction MiCOM P541, P542, Page 4/24 P543, P544, P545, P546 2.
INTRODUCTION TO MiCOM GUIDES The guides provide a functional and
technical description of the MiCOM protection relay and a
comprehensive set of instructions for the relays use and
application. Divided into two volumes, as follows: Volume 1
Technical Guide, includes information on the application of the
relay and a technical description of its features. It is mainly
intended for protection engineers concerned with the selection and
application of the relay for the protection of the power system.
Volume 2 Operation Guide, contains information on the installation
and commissioning of the relay, and also a section on fault
finding. This volume is intended for site engineers who are
responsible for the installation, commissioning and maintenance of
the relay. The chapter content within each volume is summarised
below: Volume 1 Technical Guide Handling of Electronic Equipment
Safety Section P54x/EN IT Introduction A guide to the different
user interfaces of the protection relay describing how to start
using the relay. P54x/EN AP Application Notes Comprehensive and
detailed description of the features of the relay including both
the protection elements and the relays other functions such as
event and disturbance recording, fault location and programmable
scheme logic. This chapter includes a description of common power
system applications of the relay, calculation of suitable settings,
some typical worked examples, and how to apply the settings to the
relay. P54x/EN HW Relay Description Overview of the operation of
the relays hardware and software. This chapter includes information
on the self-checking features and diagnostics of the relay. P54x/EN
TD Technical Data Technical data including setting ranges, accuracy
limits, recommended operating conditions, ratings and performance
data. Compliance with technical standards is quoted where
appropriate. P54x/EN CT Communications and Interface Guide This
chapter provides detailed information regarding the communication
interfaces of the relay, including a detailed description of how to
access the settings database stored within the relay. The chapter
also gives information on each of the communication protocols that
can be used with the relay, and is intended to allow the user to
design a custom interface to a SCADA system. P54x/EN UC UCA2.0
Communications The chapter gives information on the UCA2.0
communication protocol that can be used with the relay. P54x/EN GC
Relay Menu Database: User Interface / Courier / Modbus / IEC
60870-5-103/ DNP 3.0 Listing of all of the settings contained
within the relay together with a brief description of each. P54x/EN
CO External Connection Diagrams All external wiring connections to
the relay. P54x/EN VC Hardware / Software Version History and
Compatibility Introduction P54x/EN IT/I53MiCOM P541, P542, P543,
P544, P545, P546 Page 5/24 P54x/EN HI Menu Table Contents Volume 2
Operation Guide Handling of Electronic Equipment Safety Section
P54x/EN IT Introduction A guide to the different user interfaces of
the protection relay describing how to start using the relay.
P54x/EN IN Installation Recommendations on unpacking, handling,
inspection and storage of the relay. A guide to the mechanical and
electrical installation of the relay is provided incorporating
earthing recommendations. P594/EN IN P594 Installation Notes
P54x/EN CM Commissioning and Maintenance Instructions on how to
commission the relay, comprising checks on the calibration and
functionality of the relay. A general maintenance policy for the
relay is outlined. P54x/EN PR Problem Analysis Advice on how to
recognise failure modes and the recommended course of action.
P54x/EN GC Relay Menu Database: User Interface / Courier / Modbus /
IEC 60870-5-103/ DNP 3.0 / UCA2.0 Listing of all of the settings
contained within the relay together with a brief description of
each. P54x/EN CO External Connection Diagrams All external wiring
connections to the relay. P54x/EN VC Hardware / Software Version
History and Compatibility P54x/EN HI Menu Table Contents Repair
Form P54x/EN IT/I53 Introduction MiCOM P541, P542, Page 6/24 P543,
and functions of the MiCOM protection relay can be accessed both
from the front panel keypad and LCD, and via the front and rear
communication ports. Information on each of these methods is given
in this section to describe how to get started using the relay. 3.1
Introduction to the relay 3.1.1 Front panel The front panel of the
relay is shown in Figure 1, with the hinged covers at the top and
bottom of the relay shown open. Extra physical protection for the
front panel can be provided by an optional transparent front cover.
With the cover in place read only access to the user interface is
possible. Removal of the cover does not compromise the
environmental withstand capability of the product, but allows
access to the relay settings. When full access to the relay keypad
is required, for editing the settings, the transparent cover can be
unclipped and removed when the top and bottom covers are open. If
the lower cover is secured with a wire seal, this will need to be
removed. Using the side flanges of the transparent cover, pull the
bottom edge away from the relay front panel until it is clear of
the seal tab. The cover can then be moved vertically down to
release the two fixing lugs from their recesses in the front panel.
READ= ENTERSER NoDIAG NoInVxVnVV1/5 A 50/60 HzSerial No and I*, V
RatingsTop coverFixedfunctionLEDsBottomcoverBattery compartment
Front comms port Download/monitor portKeypadLCDP0103ENbHotkeys
Figure 1: Relay front view Introduction P54x/EN IT/I53MiCOM P541,
P542, P543, P544, P545, P546 Page 7/24 The front panel of the relay
includes the following, as indicated in Figure 1: — a 16-character
by 3-line alphanumeric liquid crystal display (LCD). — a 9 key
keypad comprising 4 arrow keys , and ), an enter key (), a clear
key (), a read key () and 2 additional hotkeys (). — 12 LEDs; 4
fixed function LEDs on the left hand side of the front panel and 8
programmable function LEDs on the right hand side. Hotkey
functionality: — SCROLL Starts scrolling through the various
default displays — STOP Stops scrolling the default display Under
the top hinged cover: — the relay serial number, and the relays
current and voltage rating information*. Under the bottom hinged
cover: — battery compartment to hold the 1/2 AA size battery which
is used for memory back-up for the real time clock, event, fault
and disturbance records. — a 9-pin female D-type front port for
communication with a PC locally to the relay (up to 15m distance)
via an EIA(RS)232 serial data connection. — a 25-pin female D-type
port providing internal signal monitoring and high speed local
downloading of software and language text via a parallel data
connection. The fixed function LEDs on the left hand side of the
front panel are used to indicate the following conditions: Trip
(Red) indicates that the relay has issued a trip signal. It is
reset when the associated fault record is cleared from the front
display. (Alternatively the trip LED can be configured to be
self-resetting)*. Alarm (Yellow) flashes to indicate that the relay
has registered an alarm. This may be triggered by a fault, event or
maintenance record. The LED will flash until the alarms have been
accepted (read), after which the LED will change to constant
illumination, and will extinguish when the alarms have been
cleared. Out of service (Yellow) indicates that the relays
protection is unavailable. Healthy (Green) indicates that the relay
is in correct working order, and should be on at all times. It will
be extinguished if the relays self-test facilities indicate that
there is an error with the relays hardware or software. The state
of the healthy LED is reflected by the watchdog contact at the back
of the relay. To improve the visibility of the settings via the
front panel, the LCD contrast can be adjusted using the LCD
Contrast setting in the CONFIGURATION column. 3.1.2 Relay rear
panel The rear panel of the relay is shown in Figure 2. All current
and voltage signals*, digital logic input signals and output
contacts are connected at the rear of the relay. Also connected at
the rear is the twisted pair wiring for the rear EIA(RS)485
communication port, the IRIG-B time synchronising input and the
optical fibre rear communication port which are both optional.
P54x/EN IT/I53 Introduction MiCOM P541, P542, Page 8/24 P543, P544,
P545, P546 D E F C B AIRIG BTXPORT 1RXOptional IRIG-B board Digital
input connectionsCurrent* and voltageinput terminalsDigital
output(relays) connectionsRear comms port(RS485)Power
supplyconnectionP0104ENa Figure 2: Relay rear view Refer to the
wiring diagram in the External Connection Diagrams chapter (P54x/EN
CO) for complete connection details. 3.2 Introduction to the user
interfaces and settings options The relay has three user
interfaces: — the front panel user interface via the LCD and
keypad. — the front port which supports Courier communication. —
the rear port which supports one protocol of either Courier,
Modbus, IEC 60870-5-103, DNP3.0 or UCA2.0. The protocol for the
rear port must be specified when the relay is ordered. The
measurement information and relay settings which can be accessed
from the five interfaces are summarised in Table 1. Introduction
P54x/EN IT/I53MiCOM P541, P542, P543, P544, P545, P546 Page 9/24
Keypad/LCD Courier Modbus IEC870-5-103 DNP3.0 UCA2.0 Display &
modification of all settings Digital I/O signal status
Display/extraction of measurements Display/extraction of fault
records Extraction of disturbance records Programmable scheme logic
settings Reset of fault & alarm records Clear event & fault
records Time synchronisation Control commands Table 1 3.3 Menu
structure The relays menu is arranged in a tabular structure. Each
setting in the menu is referred to as a cell, and each cell in the
menu may be accessed by reference to a row and column address. The
settings are arranged so that each column contains related
settings, for example all of the disturbance recorder settings are
contained within the same column. As shown in Figure 3, the top row
of each column contains the heading which describes the settings
contained within that column. Movement between the columns of the
menu can only be made at the column heading level. A complete list
of all of the menu settings is given the Relay Menu Database
Chapter (P54x/EN GC) of the manual. Up to 4 protection setting
groupsColumndatasettingsColumn headerControl & support Group 1
Group 2System data View records Overcurrent Ground fault
Overcurrent Ground faultRepeated for groups 2, 3 and 4P0106ENa
Figure 3: Menu structure P54x/EN IT/I53 Introduction MiCOM P541,
P542, Page 10/24 P543, P544, P545, P546 All of the settings in the
menu fall into one of three categories: protection settings,
disturbance recorder settings, or control and support (C&S)
settings. One of two different methods is used to change a setting
depending on which category the setting falls into. Control and
support settings are stored and used by the relay immediately after
they are entered. For either protection settings or disturbance
recorder settings, the relay stores the new setting values in a
temporary scratchpad. It activates all the new settings together,
but only after it has been confirmed that the new settings are to
be adopted. This technique is employed to provide extra security,
and so that several setting changes that are made within a group of
protection settings will all take effect at the same time. 3.3.1
Protection settings The protection settings include the following
items: — protection element settings — scheme logic settings —
auto-reclose and check synchronisation settings (where
appropriate)* — fault locator settings (where appropriate)* There
are four groups of protection settings, with each group containing
the same setting cells. One group of protection settings is
selected as the active group, and is used by the protection
elements. 3.3.2 Disturbance recorder settings The disturbance
recorder settings include the record duration and trigger position,
selection of analogue and digital signals to record, and the signal
sources that trigger the recording. 3.3.3 Control and support
settings The control and support settings include: — relay
configuration settings — open/close circuit breaker* — CT & VT
ratio settings* — reset LEDs — active protection setting group —
password & language settings — circuit breaker control &
monitoring settings* — communications settings — measurement
settings — event & fault record settings — user interface
settings — commissioning settings 3.4 Password protection The menu
structure contains three levels of access. The level of access that
is enabled determines which of the relays settings can be changed
and is controlled by entry of two different passwords. The levels
of access are summarised in Table 2. Introduction P54x/EN
IT/I53MiCOM P541, P542, P543, P544, P545, P546 Page 11/24 Access
level Operations enabled Level 0 No password required Read access
to all settings, alarms, event records and fault records Level 1
Password 1 or 2 As level 0 plus: Control commands, e.g. circuit
breaker open/close. Reset of fault and alarm conditions. Reset
LEDs. Clearing of event and fault records. Level 2 As level 1 plus:
Password 2 required All other settings Table 2 Each of the two
passwords are 4 characters of upper case text. The factory default
for both passwords is AAAA. Each password is user-changeable once
it has been correctly entered. Entry of the password is achieved
either by a prompt when a setting change is attempted, or by moving
to the Password cell in the System data column of the menu. The
level of access is independently enabled for each interface, that
is to say if level 2 access is enabled for the rear communication
port, the front panel access will remain at level 0 unless the
relevant password is entered at the front panel. The access level
enabled by the password entry will time-out independently for each
interface after a period of inactivity and revert to the default
level. If the passwords are lost an emergency password can be
supplied — contact ALSTOM Grid with the relays serial number. The
current level of access enabled for an interface can be determined
by examining the ‘Access level’ cell in the ‘System data’ column,
the access level for the front panel User Interface (UI), can also
be found as one of the default display options. Additionally the
current level of access for each interface is available for use in
the PSL by mapping to the following DDB signals: — HMI Access Lvl 1
— HMI Access Lvl 2 — FPort AccessLvl1 — FPort AccessLvl2 — RPrt1
AccessLvl1 — RPrt1 AccessLvl2 — RPrt2 AccessLvl1 — RPrt2 AccessLvl2
Each pair of DDB signals indicate the access level as follows: —
Lvl 1 off, Lvl 2 off = 0 — Lvl 1 on, Lvl 2 off = 1 — Lvl 1 off, Lvl
2 on = 2 The relay is supplied with a default access level of 2,
such that no password is required to change any of the relay
settings. It is also possible to set the default menu access level
to either level 0 or level1, preventing write access to the relay
settings without the correct password. The default menu access
level is set in the Password control cell which is found in the
System data column of the menu (note that this setting can only be
changed when level 2 access is enabled). 3.5 Relay configuration
The relay is a multi-function device which supports numerous
different protection, control and communication features. In order
to simplify the setting of the relay, there is a configuration
settings column which can be used to enable or disable many of the
functions of the relay. The settings associated with any function
that is disabled are made invisible, i.e. they are not shown in the
menu. To disable a function change the relevant cell in the
Configuration column from Enabled to Disabled. P54x/EN IT/I53
Introduction MiCOM P541, P542, Page 12/24 P543, P544, P545, P546
The configuration column controls which of the four protection
settings groups is selected as active through the Active settings
cell. A protection setting group can also be disabled in the
configuration column, provided it is not the present active group.
Similarly, a disabled setting group cannot be set as the active
group. The column also allows all of the setting values in one
group of protection settings to be copied to another group. To do
this firstly set the Copy from cell to the protection setting group
to be copied, then set the Copy to cell to the protection group
where the copy is to be placed. The copied settings are initially
placed in the temporary scratchpad, and will only be used by the
relay following confirmation. To restore the default values to the
settings in any protection settings group, set the Restore defaults
cell to the relevant group number. Alternatively it is possible to
set the Restore defaults cell to All settings to restore the
default values to all of the relays settings, not just the
protection groups settings. The default settings will initially be
placed in the scratchpad and will only be used by the relay after
they have been confirmed. Note that restoring defaults to all
settings includes the rear communication port settings, which may
result in communication via the rear port being disrupted if the
new (default) settings do not match those of the master station.
3.6 Front panel user interface (keypad and LCD) When the keypad is
exposed it provides full access to the menu options of the relay,
with the information displayed on the LCD. The , and keys which are
used for menu navigation and setting value changes include an
auto-repeat function that comes into operation if any of these keys
are held continually pressed. This can be used to speed up both
setting value changes and menu navigation; the longer the key is
held depressed, the faster the rate of change or movement becomes.
SystemfrequencyDate and time3-phase voltageAlarm messagesOther
default displaysColumn 1Sytem dataColumn 2View recordsColumn nGroup
4OvercurrentData 1.1LanguageData 2.1Last recordData n.1|>1
functionData 1.2PasswordData 2.2Time and dateData n.2|>1
directionalData 1.nPasswordlevel 2Data 2.nC A voltageData n.n|>
char angleOther settingcells incolumn 1Other settingcells incolumn
2Other settingcells incolumn nOther column headingsNote: The C key
will return to column header from any menu cellCCCP0105ENa Figure
4: Front panel user interface Introduction P54x/EN IT/I53MiCOM
P541, P542, P543, P544, P545, P546 Page 13/24 3.6.1 Default display
and menu time-out The front panel menu has a selectable default
display. The relay will time-out and return to the default display
and turn the LCD backlight off after 15 minutes of keypad
inactivity. If this happens any setting changes which have not been
confirmed will be lost and the original setting values maintained.
The contents of the default display can be selected from the
following options: 3-phase and neutral current, 3-phase voltage,
power, system frequency, date and time, relay description, or a
user-defined plant reference*. The default display is selected with
the Default display cell of the Measuret setup column. Also, from
the default display the different default display options can be
scrolled through using the and keys. However the menu selected
default display will be restored following the menu time-out
elapsing. Whenever there is an uncleared alarm present in the relay
(e.g. fault record, protection alarm, control alarm etc.) the
default display will be replaced by: Alarms/Faults Present Entry to
the menu structure of the relay is made from the default display
and is not affected if the display is showing the Alarms/Faults
present message. 3.6.2 Menu navigation and setting browsing The
menu can be browsed using the four arrow keys, following the
structure shown in Figure 4. Thus, starting at the default display
the key will display the first column heading. To select the
required column heading use the and keys. The setting data
contained in the column can then be viewed by using the and keys.
It is possible to return to the column header either by holding the
[up arrow symbol] key down or by a single press of the clear key .
It is only possible to move across columns at the column heading
level. To return to the default display press the key or the clear
key from any of the column headings. It is not possible to go
straight to the default display from within one of the column cells
using the auto-repeat facility of the key, as the auto-repeat will
stop at the column heading. To move to the default display, the key
must be released and pressed again. 3.6.3 Hotkey menu navigation
The hotkey menu can be browsed using the two keys directly below
the LCD. These are known as direct access keys. The direct access
keys perform the function that is displayed directly above them on
the LCD. Thus, to access the hotkey menu from the default display
the direct access key below the HOTKEY text must be pressed. Once
in the hotkey menu the and keys can be used to scroll between the
available options and the direct access keys can be used to control
the function currently displayed. If neither the or keys are
pressed with 20 seconds of entering a hotkey sub menu, the relay
will revert to the default display. The clear key C will also act
to return to the default menu from any page of the hotkey menu. The
layout of a typical page of the hotkey menu is described below. The
top line shows the contents of the previous and next cells for easy
menu navigation. The centre line shows the function. The bottom
line shows the options assigned to the direct access keys. The
functions available in the hotkey menu are listed below.
Setting group selection The user can either scroll using through
the available setting groups or the setting group that is currently
displayed. When the SELECT button is pressed a screen confirming
the current setting group is displayed for 2 seconds before the
user is prompted with the or options again. The user can exit the
sub menu by using the left and right arrow keys. P54x/EN IT/I53
Introduction MiCOM P541, P542, Page 14/24 P543, P544, P545, P546
For more information on setting group selection refer to Changing
setting group section in the application guide. Control
Inputs user assignable functions The number of control inputs (user
assignable functions USR ASS) represented in the hotkey menu is
user configurable in the CTRL I/P CONFIG column. The chosen inputs
can be SET/RESET using the hotkey menu. For more information refer
to the Control Inputs section in the application guide. CB
Control The CB control functionality varies from one Px40 relay to
another. For a detailed description of the CB control via the
hotkey menu refer to the Circuit breaker control section of the









OFFConfirmationscreendisplayed for2
secondsConfirmationscreendispalyed for2 seconds(See CB Control in
Application Notes)Default DisplayNOTE: Key returnsthe user to the
HotkeyMenu ScreenP1246ENe Figure 5: Hotkey menu navigation 3.6.4
Password entry When entry of a password is required the following
prompt will appear: Enter password **** Level 1 Note: The password
required to edit the setting is the prompt as shown above A
flashing cursor will indicate which character field of the password
may be changed. Press the and keys to vary each character between A
and Z. To move between the character fields of the password, use
the and keys. The password is confirmed by pressing the enter key
The display will revert to Enter Password if an incorrect password
is entered. At this point a message will be displayed indicating
whether a correct password has been entered and if so what level of
access has been unlocked. If this level is sufficient to edit the
selected setting then the display will return to the setting page
to allow the edit to continue. If the correct level of password has
not been entered then the password Introduction P54x/EN IT/I53MiCOM
P541, P542, P543, P544, P545, P546 Page 15/24 prompt page will be
returned to. To escape from this prompt press the clear key .
Alternatively, the password can be entered using the Password cell
of the System data column. For the front panel user interface the
password protected access will revert to the default access level
after a keypad inactivity time-out of 15 minutes. It is possible to
manually reset the password protection to the default level by
moving to the Password menu cell in the System data column and
pressing the clear key instead of entering a password. 3.6.5
Reading and clearing of alarm messages and fault records The
presence of one or more alarm messages will be indicated by the
default display and by the yellow alarm LED flashing. The alarm
messages can either be self-resetting or latched, in which case
they must be cleared manually. To view the alarm messages press the
read key. When all alarms have been viewed, but not cleared, the
alarm LED will change from flashing to constant illumination and
the latest fault record will be displayed (if there is one). To
scroll through the pages of this use the key. When all pages of the
fault record have been viewed, the following prompt will appear:
Press clear to reset alarms To clear all alarm messages press ; to
return to the alarms/faults present display and leave the alarms
uncleared, press . Depending on the password configuration
settings, it may be necessary to enter a password before the alarm
messages can be cleared (see section on password entry). When the
alarms have been cleared the yellow alarm LED will extinguish, as
will the red trip LED if it was illuminated following a trip.
Alternatively it is possible to accelerate the procedure, once the
alarm viewer has been entered using the key, the key can be
pressed, this will move the display straight to the fault record.
Pressing again will move straight to the alarm reset prompt where
pressing once more will clear all alarms. 3.6.6 Setting changes To
change the value of a setting, first navigate the menu to display
the relevant cell. To change the cell value press the enter key
which will bring up a flashing cursor on the LCD to indicate that
the value can be changed. This will only happen if the appropriate
password has been entered, otherwise the prompt to enter a password
will appear. The setting value can then be changed by pressing the
or keys. If the setting to be changed is a binary value or a text
string, the required bit or character to be changed must first be
selected using theand keys. When the desired new value has been
reached it is confirmed as the new setting value by pressing
Alternatively, the new value will be discarded either if the clear
button is pressed or if the menu time-out occurs. For protection
group settings and disturbance recorder settings, the changes must
be confirmed before they are used by the relay. To do this, when
all required changes have been entered, return to the column
heading level and press the key. Prior to returning to the default
display the following prompt will be given: Update settings Enter
or clear Pressing will result in the new settings being adopted,
pressing will cause the relay to discard the newly entered values.
It should be noted that, the setting values will also be discarded
if the menu time out occurs before the setting changes have been
confirmed. Control and support settings will be updated immediately
after they are entered, without Update settings prompt. P54x/EN
IT/I53 Introduction MiCOM P541, P542, Page 16/24 P543, P544, P545,
P546 3.7 Front communication port user interface The front
communication port is provided by a 9-pin female D-type connector
located under the bottom hinged cover. It provides EIA(RS)232
serial data communication and is intended for use with a PC locally
to the relay (up to 15m distance) as shown in Figure 5. This port
supports the Courier communication protocol only. Courier is the
communication language developed by ALSTOM Grid SAS to allow
communication with its range of protection relays. The front port
is particularly designed for use with the relay settings program
MiCOM S1 which is a Windows 98/NT based software package. d Figure
6: Front port connection The relay is a Data Communication
Equipment (DCE) device. Thus the pin connections of the relays
9-pin front port are as follows: Pin no. 2 Tx Transmit data Pin no.
3 Rx Receive data Pin no. 5 0V Zero volts common None of the other
pins are connected in the relay. The relay should be connected to
the serial port of a PC, usually called COM1 or COM2. PCs are
normally Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) devices which have a serial
port pin connection as below (if in doubt check your PC manual): 25
Way 9 Way Pin no. 3 2 Rx Receive data Pin no. 2 3 Tx Transmit data
Pin no. 7 5 0V Zero volts common For successful data communication,
the Tx pin on the relay must be connected to the Rx pin on the PC,
and the Rx pin on the relay must be connected to the Tx pin on the
PC, as shown in Figure 6. Therefore, providing that the PC is a DTE
with pin connections as given above, a straight through serial
connector is required, i.e. one that connects pin 2 to pin 2, pin 3
to pin 3, and pin 5 to pin 5. Note that a common cause of
difficulty with serial data communication is connecting Tx to Tx
and Rx to Rx. This could happen if a cross-over serial connector is
used, i.e. one that connects pin 2 to pin 3, and pin 3 to pin 2, or
if the PC has the same pin configuration as the relay. Introduction
P54x/EN IT/I53MiCOM P541, P542, P543, P544, P545, P546 Page 17/24
Figure 7: PC relay signal connection Having made the physical
connection from the relay to the PC, the PCs communication settings
must be configured to match those of the relay. The relays
communication settings for the front port are fixed as shown in the
table below: Protocol Courier Baud rate 19,200 bits/s Courier
address 1 Message format 11 bit — 1 start bit, 8 data bits, 1
parity bit (even parity), 1 stop bit The inactivity timer for the
front port is set at 15 minutes. This controls how long the relay
will maintain its level of password access on the front port. If no
messages are received on the front port for 15 minutes then any
password access level that has been enabled will be revoked. 3.8
First rear communication port Rear port 1 (RP1) support one of four
communication protocols (Courier, Modbus, DNP3.0, IEC 60870-5-103),
the choice of which must be made when the relay is ordered. The
rear communication port is provided by a 3-terminal screw connector
located on the back of the relay. See Appendix B for details of the
connection terminals. The rear port provides K-Bus/EIA(RS)485
serial data communication and is intended for use with a
permanently-wired connection to a remote control centre. Of the
three connections, two are for the signal connection, and the other
is for the earth shield of the cable. When the K-Bus option is
selected for the rear port, the two signal connections are not
polarity conscious, however for Modbus, IEC 60870-5-103 and DNP3.0
care must be taken to observe the correct polarity. The protocol
provided by the relay is indicated in the relay menu in the
Communications column. Using the keypad and LCD, firstly check that
the Comms settings cell in the Configuration column is set to
Visible, then move to the Communications column. The first cell
down the column shows the communication protocol being used by the
rear port. 3.8.1 Courier communication Courier is the communication
language developed by ALSTOM Grid — SAS to allow remote
interrogation of its range of protection relays. Courier works on a
master/slave basis where the slave units contain information in the
form of a database, and respond with information from the database
when it is requested by a master unit. The relay is a slave unit
which is designed to be used with a Courier master unit such as
MiCOM S1, MiCOM S10, PAS&T or a SCADA system. MiCOM S1 is a
Windows NT4.0/98 compatible software package which is specifically
designed for setting changes with the relay. To use the rear port
to communicate with a PC-based master station using Courier, a KITZ
K-Bus to EIA(RS)232 protocol converter is required. This unit is
available from ALSTOM Grid SAS. A typical connection arrangement is
shown in Figure 7. For more detailed information on other possible
connection arrangements refer to the manual for the Courier master
station software and the manual for the KITZ protocol converter.
Each spur of the K-Bus twisted pair wiring can be up to 1000m in
length and have up to 32 relays connected to it. P54x/EN IT/I53
Introduction MiCOM P541, P542, Page 18/24 P543, P544, P545, P546
P0109ENe Figure 8: Remote communication connection arrangements
Having made the physical connection to the relay, the relays
communication settings must be configured. To do this use the
keypad and LCD user interface. In the relay menu firstly check that
the Comms settings cell in the Configuration column is set to
Visible, then move to the Communications column. Only two settings
apply to the rear port using Courier, the relays address and the
inactivity timer. Synchronous communication is used at a fixed baud
rate of 64kbits/s. Move down the Communications column from the
column heading to the first cell down which indicates the
communication protocol: RP1 Protocol Courier The next cell down the
column controls the address of the relay: Introduction P54x/EN
IT/I53MiCOM P541, P542, P543, P544, P545, P546 Page 19/24 RP1
Address 1 Since up to 32 relays can be connected to one K-bus spur,
as indicated in Figure 7, it is necessary for each relay to have a
unique address so that messages from the master control station are
accepted by one relay only. Courier uses an integer number between
0 and 254 for the relay address which is set with this cell. It is
important that no two relays have the same Courier address. The
Courier address is then used by the master station to communicate
with the relay. The next cell down controls the inactivity timer:
RP1 Inactivity timer 10.00 mins The inactivity timer controls how
long the relay will wait without receiving any messages on the rear
port before it reverts to its default state, including revoking any
password access that was enabled. For the rear port this can be set
between 1 and 30 minutes. As an alternative to running courier over
K-Bus, courier over EIA485 may be selected. The next cell down
indicates the status of the hardware, e.g. RP1 Card Status EIA232
OK The next cell allows for selection of the port configuration RP1
Port Config EIA232 (EIA(RS)232) The port can be configured for
EIA485 or K-Bus. In the case of EIA485 the next cell selects the
communication mode. RP1 Comms Mode IEC60870 FT1.2 The choice is
either IEC60870 FT1.2 for normal operation with 11-bit modems, or
10-bit no parity. In the case of EIA485 the next cell down controls
the baud rate. For K-Bus the baud rate is fixed at 64kbit/second
between the relay and the KITZ interface at the end of the relay
spur. RP2 Baud Rate 19200 Courier communications is asynchronous.
Three baud rates are supported by the relay, 9600 bits/s, 19200
bits/s and 38400 bits/s, Note that protection and disturbance
recorder settings that are modified using an on-line editor such as
PAS&T must be confirmed with a write to the Save changes cell
of the Configuration column. Off-line editors such as MiCOM S1 do
not require this action for the setting changes to take effect.
3.8.2 Modbus communication Modbus is a master/slave communication
protocol which can be used for network control. In a similar
fashion to Courier, the system works by the master device
initiating all actions and the slave devices, (the relays),
responding to the master by supplying the requested data or by
taking the requested action. Modbus communication is achieved via a
twisted pair connection to the rear port and can be used over a
distance of 1000m with up to 32 slave devices. P54x/EN IT/I53
Introduction MiCOM P541, P542, Page 20/24 P543, P544, P545, P546 To
use the rear port with Modbus communication, the relays
communication settings must be configured. To do this use the
keypad and LCD user interface. In the relay menu firstly check that
the Comms settings cell in the Configuration column is set to
Visible, then move to the Communications column. Four settings
apply to the rear port using Modbus which are described below. Move
down the Communications column from the column heading to the first
cell down which indicates the communication protocol: RP1 Protocol
Modbus The next cell down controls the Modbus address of the relay:
RP1 Address 23 Up to 32 relays can be connected to one Modbus spur,
and therefore it is necessary for each relay to have a unique
address so that messages from the master control station are
accepted by one relay only. Modbus uses an integer number between 1
and 247 for the relay address. It is important that no two relays
have the same Modbus address. The Modbus address is then used by
the master station to communicate with the relay. The next cell
down controls the inactivity timer: RP1 InactivTimer 10.00 mins The
inactivity timer controls how long the relay will wait without
receiving any messages on the rear port before it reverts to its
default state, including revoking any password access that was
enabled. For the rear port this can be set between 1 and 30
minutes. The next cell down the column controls the baud rate to be
used: RP1 Baud rate 9600 bits/s Modbus communication is
asynchronous. Three baud rates are supported by the relay, 9600
bits/s, 19200 bits/s and 38400 bits/s. It is important that
whatever baud rate is selected on the relay is the same as that set
on the Modbus master station. The next cell down controls the
parity format used in the data frames: RP1 Parity None The parity
can be set to be one of None, Odd or Even. It is important that
whatever parity format is selected on the relay is the same as that
set on the Modbus master station. The next cell down controls the
format of the Date/Time (software 30 or later) Modbus IEC Time
Standard Introduction P54x/EN IT/I53MiCOM P541, P542, P543, P544,
P545, P546 Page 21/24 The format can be selected to either Standard
(as per IEC60870-5-4 Binary Time 2a), the default, or to Reverse
for compatibility with MICOM product ranges. For further
information see P54x/EN CT section 3.8. 3.8.3 IEC 60870-5 CS 103
communication The IEC specification IEC 60870-5-103: Telecontrol
Equipment and Systems, Part 5: Transmission Protocols Section 103
defines the use of standards IEC 60870-5-1 to IEC 60870-5-5 to
perform communication with protection equipment. The standard
configuration for the IEC 60870-5-103 protocol is to use a twisted
pair connection over distances up to 1000m. As an option for IEC
60870-5-103, the rear port can be specified to use a fibre optic
connection for direct connection to a master station. The relay
operates as a slave in the system, responding to commands from a
master station. The method of communication uses standardised
messages which are based on the VDEW communication protocol. To use
the rear port with IEC 60870-5-103 communication, the relays
communication settings must be configured. To do this use the
keypad and LCD user interface. In the relay menu firstly check that
the Comms settings cell in the Configuration column is set to
Visible, then move to the Communications column. Four settings
apply to the rear port using IEC 60870-5-103 which are described
below. Move down the Communications column from the column heading
to the first cell which indicates the communication protocol: RP1
Protocol IEC 60870-5-103 The next cell down controls the IEC
60870-5-103 address of the relay: RP1 Address 162 Up to 32 relays
can be connected to one IEC 60870-5-103 spur, and therefore it is
necessary for each relay to have a unique address so that messages
from the master control station are accepted by one relay only. IEC
60870-5-103 uses an integer number between 0 and 254 for the relay
address. It is important that no two relays have the same IEC
60870-5-103 address. The IEC 60870-5-103 address is then used by
the master station to communicate with the relay. The next cell
down the column controls the baud rate to be used: RP1 Baud rate
9600 bits/s IEC 60870-5-103 communication is asynchronous. Two baud
rates are supported by the relay, 9600 bits/s and 19200 bits/s. It
is important that whatever baud rate is selected on the relay is
the same as that set on the IEC 60870-5-103 master station. The
next cell down controls the period between IEC 60870-5-103
measurements: RP1 Meas period 30.00 s The IEC 60870-5-103 protocol
allows the relay to supply measurements at regular intervals. The
interval between measurements is controlled by this cell, and can
be set between 1 and 60 seconds. The next cell down the column
controls the physical media used for the communication: P54x/EN
IT/I53 Introduction MiCOM P541, P542, Page 22/24 P543, P544, P545,
P546 RP1 Physical link EIA(RS)485 The default setting is to select
the electrical EIA(RS)485 connection. If the optional fibre optic
connectors are fitted to the relay, then this setting can be
changed to Fibre optic. 3.8.4 DNP 3.0 Communication The DNP 3.0
protocol is defined and administered by the DNP User Group.
Information about the user group, DNP 3.0 in general and protocol
specifications can be found on their website: www.dnp.org The relay
operates as a DNP 3.0 slave and supports subset level 2 of the
protocol plus some of the features from level 3. DNP 3.0
communication is achieved via a twisted pair connection to the rear
port and can be used over a distance of 1000m with up to 32 slave
devices. To use the rear port with DNP 3.0 communication, the
relays communication settings must be configured. To do this use
the keypad and LCD user interface. In the relay menu firstly check
that the Comms setting cell in the Configuration column is set to
Visible, then move to the Communications column. Four settings
apply to the rear port using DNP 3.0, which are described below.
Move down the Communications column from the column heading to the
first cell which indicates the communications protocol: RP1
Protocol DNP 3.0 The next cell controls the DNP 3.0 address of the
relay: RP1 Address 232 Upto 32 relays can be connected to one DNP
3.0 spur, and therefore it is necessary for each relay to have a
unique address so that messages from the master control station are
accepted by only one relay. DNP 3.0 uses a decimal number between 1
and 65519 for the relay address. It is important that no two relays
have the same DNP 3.0 address. The DNP 3.0 address is then used by
the master station to communicate with the relay. The next cell
down the column controls the baud rate to be used: RP1 Baud rate
9600 bits/s DNP 3.0 communication is asynchronous. Six baud rates
are supported by the relay 1200bits/s, 2400bits/s, 4800bits/s,
9600bits/s, 19200bits/s and 38400bits/s. It is important that
whatever baud rate is selected on the relay is the same as that set
on the DNP 3.0 master station. The next cell down the column
controls the parity format used in the data frames: RP1 Parity None
The parity can be set to be one of None, Odd or Even. It is
important that whatever parity format is selected on the relay is
the same as that set on the DNP 3.0 master station. Introduction
P54x/EN IT/I53MiCOM P541, P542, P543, P544, P545, P546 Page 23/24
The next cell down the column sets the time synchronisation request
from the master by the relay: RP1 Time Sync Enabled The time synch
can be set to either enabled or disabled. If enabled it allows the
DNP 3.0 master to synchronise the time. 3.9 Second Rear
Communication Port (option) For relays with Courier, Modbus,
IEC60870-5-103 or DNP3 protocol on the first rear communications
port there is the hardware option of a second rear communications
port, which will run the Courier language. This can be used over
one of three physical links: twisted pair K-Bus (non polarity
sensitive), twisted pair EIA485 (connection polarity sensitive) or
EIA232. The settings for this port are located immediately below
the ones for the first port as described in previous sections of
this chapter. Move down the settings until the following sub
heading is displayed. REAR PORT2 (RP2) The next cell down indicates
the language, which is fixed at Courier for RP2. RP2 Protocol
Courier The next cell down indicates the status of the hardware,
e.g. RP2 Card Status EIA232 OK The next cell allows for selection
of the port configuration RP2 Port Config EIA232 (EIA(RS)232) The
port can be configured for EIA232, EIA485 or K-Bus. In the case of
EIA232 and EIA485 the next cell selects the communication mode. RP2
Comms Mode IEC60870 FT1.2 The choice is either IEC60870 FT1.2 for
normal operation with 11-bit modems, or 10-bit no parity. 3.10
Ethernet Rear Port (option) If UCA2.0 is chosen when the relay is
ordered, the relay is fitted with an Ethernet interface card. See
P54x/EN UC section 4.4 for more detail of the Ethernet hardware.
P54x/EN IT/I53 Introduction MiCOM P541, P542, Page 24/24 P543,
P544, P545, P546 Application Notes P54x/EN AP/I53MiCOM P541, P542,
P543, P544, P545, P546 APPLICATION NOTES P54x/EN AP/I53 Application
Notes MiCOM P541, P542, P543, P544, P545, P546 Application Notes
P54x/EN AP/I53MiCOM P541, P542, P543, P544, P545, P546 Page 1/138
CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 11 1.1 Protection of overhead lines and
cable circuits 11 1.2 P540 relay 11 1.2.1 Protection features 11
1.2.2 Non-protection features 12 2. APPLICATION OF INDIVIDUAL
PROTECTION FUNCTIONS 14 2.1 Configuration column 14 2.2 Phase
current differential protection 15 2.2.1 Differential protection
configuration 15 2.2.2 Phase differential characteristics 16 2.2.3
Time alignment of current vectors 18 Time alignment of
current vectors without GPS input (Traditional Technique) 18 Time Alignment of Current Vectors with GPS input P545 &
P546 20 2.2.4 Capacitive charging current 22 2.2.5 Protection of
transformer feeders 23 Transformer magnetising inrush and
High set differential setting 24 Ratio correction (all
models) 25 Phase correction and zero sequence current
filtering 25 2.2.6 3 to 2 terminal reconfiguration 26 2.2.7 Mesh
corner and 1 breaker switched substations 27 2.2.8 Stub bus
protection 28 2.2.9 Small Tapped Loads (Tee Feeds) 28 2.2.10
Additional protection considerations 28 The minimum
operating current 28 Relay sensitivity under heavy load
conditions 29 2.2.11 Example setting 30 Differential
element 30 Transformer feeder examples 31 Teed
feeder example 33 Three winding transformer in zone with
different rated CTs example 34 2.3 Distance protection 36 2.3.1
Phase fault distance protection 37 2.3.2 Earth fault distance
protection 38 2.3.3 Setting guidelines 38 Zone reaches 38
P54x/EN AP/I53 Application Notes MiCOM P541, P542,Page 2/138 P543,
P544, P545, P546 Zone time delay settings 39
Residual compensation for earth fault elements 39 Resistive
reach calculation — phase fault elements 39 Resistive reach
calculation — earth fault elements 41 Effects of mutual
coupling on distance settings 41 Effect of mutual coupling
on Zone 1 setting 41 Effect of mutual coupling on Zone 2
setting & Zone 3 when set in the forward direction 41 2.3.4
Power swing blocking (PSB) 42 The power swing blocking
element 42 Unblocking of the relay for faults during power
swings 43 2.3.5 Teed feeder protection 43 2.3.6 Distance Zone
Characteristic Generation 44 2.3.7 Setting example 44 Zone
1 reactive reach setting 45 Zone 2 reactive reach setting
45 Zone 3 reactive reach setting 46 Load avoidance
46 Phase element resistive reach settings 46
Residual compensation setting 47 Ground element resistive
reach settings 47 2.4 Phase fault overcurrent protection 47 2.4.1
Overcurrent intertripping feature 49 2.4.2 Overcurrent back-up on
communication channel failure 49 2.4.3 Example setting 50 2.4.4
Directional overcurrent characteristic angle settings 51 2.5
Thermal overload protection 51 2.5.1 Single time constant
characteristic 52 2.5.2 Dual time constant characteristic 52 2.5.3
Setting guidelines 53 Single time constant characteristic
53 Dual time constant characteristic 53 2.6 Earth fault
protection 53 2.6.1 Directional earth fault protection (P543, P544,
P545 and P546 only) 56 Residual voltage polarisation 56 Negative sequence polarisation 56 2.6.2 General setting
guidelines for DEF 57 2.7 Circuit breaker fail protection (CBF) 57
Application Notes P54x/EN AP/I53MiCOM P541, P542, P543, P544, P545,
P546 Page 3/138 2.7.1 Breaker failure protection configurations 57
2.7.2 Reset mechanisms for breaker fail timers 58 2.7.3 Typical
settings 59 Breaker fail timer settings 59 Breaker
fail undercurrent settings 59 2.8 Broken conductor detection 59
2.8.1 Setting guidelines 60 2.8.2 Example setting 61 2.9
Intertripping facilities 61 2.9.1 Permissive Intertrip 61 2.9.2
User Defined Intertrip/Inter-Relay Commands 62 Direct
Three phase auto-reclosing (applicable to P542) 63 3.1.1 Logic
functions 65 Opto-isolated logic inputs 65 CB
healthy 65 BAR 65 Reset lockout 65
Autoreclose logic outputs 65 AR in progress 66
Successful close 66 AR status 66 Block main
prot 66 Dead T in prog 66 Auto-close 66
Auto reclose alarms 66 AR CB unhealthy (latched) 66 AR lockout (self reset) 66 3.1.2 Auto-reclose logic
operating sequence 66 3.1.3 Main operating features 67
Operation modes 67 Autoreclose initiation 67
Blocking instantaneous protection during autoreclose cycle 67 Reclaim timer initiation 68 Autoreclose inhibit
following manual close 68 AR lockout 68 P54x/EN AP/I53
Application Notes MiCOM P541, P542,Page 4/138 P543, P544, P545,
P546 Reset from lockout 68 3.1.4 Setting guidelines 68 Number of shots 68 Dead timer setting 69
Load 69 Circuit breaker 69 Fault de-ionising
time 70 Protection reset 70 Reclaim timer setting
70 3.2 Single and three phase auto-reclosing (applicable to P543
& P545) 71 3.2.1 Time Delayed and High speed auto-reclosing 71
3.2.2 Relay settings 71 3.2.3 Autoreclose logic inputs 73
CB Healthy 73 BAR 73 Reset lockout 74 Pole
discrepancy 74 Enable 1 pole AR 74 Enable 3 pole AR
74 External trip 74 3.2.4 Internal Signals 74 Trip
Initiate signals 74 Circuit Breaker Status 74 Check
Synch OK and System Check OK 74 3.2.5 Autoreclose logic outputs 74 AR 1 pole in progress 75 AR 3 pole in progress 75 Successful close 75 AR status 75 Auto close
75 3.2.6 Autoreclose alarms 75 AR No Checksync (latched) 75 AR CB Unhealthy (latched) 75 AR lockout (self
reset) 75 3.2.7 Autoreclose logic operating sequence 75 3.2.8 Main
operating features 78 Autoreclose modes 78
Autoreclose initiation 78 Application Notes P54x/EN AP/I53MiCOM
P541, P542, P543, P544, P545, P546 Page 5/138 Autoreclose
inhibit following manual close 79 AR lockout 79
Reset from lockout 79 System check on shot 1 (called Check
Sinchronising for fast 3 phase reclose on software 13 or previous)
79 Immediate Autoreclose with Check Synchronism (since
software 20 and onwards) 79 3.2.9 Setting guidelines 80
Number of Shots 80 Dead Timer Setting 80
De-Ionising Time 80 Example Minimum Dead Time Calculation
81 Discrimination Timer Setting (since software 20 and
onwards) 81 Reclaim Timer Setting 81 3.3 System Checks
(applicable to P543 & P545) 82 3.3.1 System Checks (for version
20 and onwards) 82 Overview 82 VT selection 82 Basic functionality 82 System Check Logic Inputs 84 System Check Logic Outputs 84 Check sync 2 and
system split 84 Synchronism check 85 Slip control
by timer 86 System split 86 3.3.2 Check synchronisation
(applicable to P543 & P545) For version 13 and previous 87 3.4
Autoreclose /Check Synchronisation Interface (Valid for software 20
and onwards) 89 3.5 Voltage transformer supervision (VTS) (P543,
P544, P545 & P546 only) 90 3.5.1 Loss of one or two phase
voltages 90 3.5.2 Loss of all three phase voltages under load
conditions 90 3.5.3 Absence of three phase voltages upon line
energisation 90 3.5.4 Menu settings 91 3.6 Circuit breaker state
monitoring 91 3.6.1 Circuit breaker state monitoring features 92
3.7 Circuit breaker condition monitoring (P541, P542, P543 and
P545) 93 3.7.1 Circuit breaker condition monitoring features 93
3.7.2 Setting guidelines 94 Setting the E I^ thresholds 94 Setting the number of operations thresholds 94 P54x/EN
AP/I53 Application Notes MiCOM P541, P542,Page 6/138 P543, P544,
P545, P546 Setting the operating time thresholds 95
Setting the excessive fault frequency thresholds 95 3.8 Circuit
breaker control 95 3.8.1 CB Control using Hotkeys (Since software
20 and onwards) 97 3.9 Fault locator (P543, P544, P545 and P546) 98
3.9.1 Fault locator 98 Introduction 98 Basic theory
for ground faults 99 Data acquisition and buffer processing
99 Faulted phase selection 99 The fault location
calculation 99 Obtaining the vectors 100
Solving the equation for the fault location 100 Mutual
compensation 101 Fault locator settings 101 Fault
locator trigger 102 Setting example 102 3.10 Event &
fault records 103 3.10.1 Types of Event 104 Change of
state of opto-isolated inputs 104 Change of state of one
or more output relay contacts 104 Relay alarm conditions
104 Protection element starts and trips 105
General events 105 Fault records 105 Maintenance
reports 105 Setting Changes 106 3.10.2 Resetting of
event/fault records 106 3.10.3 Viewing event records via MiCOM S1
Support Software 106 3.10.4 Event Filtering 107 3.11 Disturbance
recorder 107 3.12 Measurements 108 Application Notes P54x/EN
AP/I53MiCOM P541, P542, P543, P544, P545, P546 Page 7/138 3.12.1
Measured voltages and currents 109 3.12.2 Sequence voltages and
currents 109 3.12.3 Slip Frequency (Since software 20 and onwards)
109 3.12.4 Power and energy quantities 109 3.12.5 Rms. Voltages and
Currents 110 3.12.6 Demand Values 110 Fixed Demand Values
110 Rolling Demand Values 110 Peak Demand Values
110 3.12.7 Settings 110 Default Display 111 Local
Values 111 Remote Values 111 Remote2 Values
(Since software 12 and onwards) 111 Measurement Ref 111 Measurement Mode 111 Fixed Demand Period 111 Rolling Sub-Period and Number of Sub-Periods 111
Distance Unit 111 Fault Location 111 3.13 Changing
Setting Groups 111 3.14 Control inputs (Since software 20 and
onwards) 112 3.15 Real time clock synchronization via opto-inputs
(Since software 20 and onwards) 113 4. FACTORY DEFAULT SETTINGS 114
4.1 Logic input mapping 114 4.2 Relay output mapping 115 4.3 Relay
output conditioning 116 4.4 LED mapping 116 4.5 LED output
conditioning 117 4.6 Fault recorder start mapping 117 5. CURRENT
TRANSFORMER REQUIREMENTS 118 5.1 Current differential protection
118 6. COMMISSIONING TEST MENU 119 6.1 Opto I/P status 119 6.2
Relay O/P status 120 6.3 Test Port status 120 6.4 LED status 120
P54x/EN AP/I53 Application Notes MiCOM P541, P542,Page 8/138 P543,
P544, P545, P546 6.5 Monitor bits 1 to 8 120 6.6 Test mode 120 6.7
Test pattern 121 6.8 Contact test 121 6.9 Test LEDs 121 6.10 Test
autoreclose 121 6.11 Test Loopback 121 6.12 DDB Status 122 6.13
Using a monitor/download port test box 122 7. COMMUNICATIONS
BETWEEN RELAYS 122 7.1 Communications link options 122 7.1.1 Direct
optical fibre link, 850nm multi-mode fibre 122 7.1.2 Direct optical
fibre link, 1300nm multi-mode fibre 122 7.1.3 Direct optical fibre
link, 1300nm single-mode fibre 123 7.1.4 Direct optical fibre link,
1550nm single-mode fibre 123 7.1.5 IEEE C37.94 interface to
multiplexer (since software 30) 123 7.1.6 Switched communication
networks 123 Switched communication networks (P541, P542,
P543 & P544) 123 Switched communication networks with
Permanent or Semi-Permanent Split Routings 125 7.2 Optical budgets
125 7.3 P590 Series optical fibre to electrical interface units 126
7.3.1 Multiplexer link with G.703 electrical interface using
auxiliary optical fibres and type P591 interface 126 7.3.2
Multiplexer link with V.35 electrical interface using auxiliary
optical fibres and type P592 interface 127 7.3.3 Multiplexer link
with X.21 electrical interface using auxiliary optical fibres and
type P593 interface 127 7.4 Protection communications scheme set-up
128 7.4.1 Dual redundant (Hot Standby) 129 7.5 Protection
communications address 129 7.6 Reconfiguration of three-ended
system 130 7.6.1 User reconfiguration 131 7.6.2 Energisation
reconfiguration 132 7.7 Clock source 132 7.7.1 Internal clock
source 132 7.7.2 External clock source 133 7.8 Data rate 133 7.9
Communication alarm 133 7.10 Communication error statistics 133
Application Notes P54x/EN AP/I53MiCOM P541, P542, P543, P544, P545,
P546 Page 9/138 7.11 Communications delay timer 133 7.12
Communications fail timer 134 7.13 Communications fail mode 134
7.14 MiCOM P594 Global Positioning System (GPS) Synchronising
Module 134 7.14.1 Synchronising Module Output 135 7.14.2 P594
Operation 136 7.14.3 P594 Options 137 7.14.4 P594 Synchronising
Module Block Diagram 138 Figure 1: Relay bias characteristic 17
Figure 2: Propagation delay measurement 19 Figure 3: Example of
switched Synchronous Digital Hierarchy 20 Figure 4: Data
Transmission 21 Figure 5: Capacitive charging current 22 Figure 6:
Transformer magnetising characteristic 24 Figure 7: Magnetising
inrush waveforms 25 Figure 8: Need for zero-sequence current
filtering 26 Figure 9: Breaker and a half switched substation 28
Figure 10: Typical plain feeder circuit 30 Figure 11: Typical
transformer feeder circuit 31 Figure 12: Typical Teed Feeder
Application 33 Figure 13: Three Winding Transformer in Zone
Application 35 Figure 14: Phase fault distance characteristics 38
Figure 15: Earth fault distance characteristics 38 Figure 16:
Setting of resistive reach to avoid load 40 Figure 17: Zone 1 reach
settings for parallel lines 41 Figure 18: Mutual coupling example
Zone 2 reach considerations 42 Figure 19: Power swing blocking
characteristic 43 Figure 20: Teed feeder application apparent
impedance seen by distance relay 44 Figure 21: Example system 45
Figure 22: Ring main application overcurrent back-up 50 Figure 23:
Permissive intertrip 61 Figure 24: Direct intertrip 62 Figure 25:
P542 Auto Reclose Timing Diagram 65 Figure 26: Autoreclose timing
diagram 77 P54x/EN AP/I53 Application Notes MiCOM P541, P542,Page
10/138 P543, P544, P545, P546 Figure 27: Autoreclose timing diagram
77 Figure 28: Autoreclose timing diagram 78 Figure 29: Autoreclose
timing diagram 78 Figure 30: Synchro check and synchro split
functionality 87 Figure 31: Remote control of circuit breaker 96
Figure 32: CB Control hotkey menu 98 Figure 33: Two-machine
equivalent circuit 99 Figure 34: Fault locator selection of fault
current zero 100 Figure 35: Switched communication network 124
Figure 36: Transient bias characteristic 125 Figure 37: 3-terminal
system connection 130 Figure 38: Network incorporating GPS
synchronising module 134 Figure 39: GPS synchronising module output
local end 135 Figure 40: GPS Synchronising module output local and
remote ends 136 Figure 41: P594 Synchronising Module Block Diagram
138 Application Notes P54x/EN AP/I53MiCOM P541, P542, P543, P544,
P545, P546 Page 11/138 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Protection of overhead
lines and cable circuits Overhead lines, typically ranging from
10kV distribution lines to 800kV transmission lines, are probably
the most fault susceptible items of plant in a modern power system.
It is therefore essential that the protection associated with them
provides secure and reliable operation. For distribution systems,
continuity of supply is of paramount importance. The majority of
faults on overhead lines are transient or semi-permanent in nature.
Multi-shot autoreclose cycles are therefore commonly used in
conjunction with instantaneous tripping elements to increase system
availability. For permanent faults it is essential that only the
faulted section of plant is isolated. As such, high speed,
discriminative fault clearance is often a fundamental requirement
of any protection scheme on a distribution network. The
requirements for a transmission network must also take into account
system stability. Where systems are not highly interconnected the
use of single phase tripping and high speed autoreclosure is often
required. This in turn dictates the need for very high speed
protection to reduce overall fault clearance times. Many line
configurations exist which need to be addressed. Transmission
applications may typically consist of 2 or 3 terminal applications,
possibly fed from breaker and a half or mesh arrangements. Lower
voltage applications may again be 2 or 3 terminal configurations
with the added complications of in zone transformers or small teed
load transformers. Charging current may also adversely affect
protection. This is a problem particularly with cables and long
transmission lines. Both the initial inrush and steady state
charging current must not cause relay maloperation and pre

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MiCOM P437, IEC -103 & IEC 61850

MiCOM P437,Distance Protection Device,IEC -103 XLS & IEC 61850 PICS, MICS, ADL

Дата : 31/07/2014
Тип : Руководство пользователя

Языки : Английский/ Немецкий
Версия : Protocol_2014_07_31

Обозначение документа : P437_PM_ADL_TelDoc

Дата : 31/07/2014
Тип : Руководство пользователя
Языки : Английский/ Немецкий
Версия : Protocol_2014_07_31
Обозначение документа : P437_PM_ADL_TelDoc




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(5,9 mb)

P437-614-204 ADL



(188,3 kb)

P437-614-204 PICS_MICS



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PX437-631-222 ADL



(233,4 kb)

PX437-631-222 PICS_MICS



(372,9 kb)

PX437-632-222 ADL



(234,4 kb)

PX437-632-222 PICS_MICS



(367,6 kb)

PX437-650-230 ADL



(283,1 kb)

PX437-650-230 PICS_MICS



(441,2 kb)

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