Mercedes benz gla руководство по эксплуатации

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All language versions of the following PDF document for this vehicle model

Das folgende PDF-Dokument für dieses Fahrzeugmodell bezieht sich in allen

relate solely to vehicles intended for sale on the German market and which

Sprachversionen nur auf die Fahrzeuge, die für den deutschen Markt bestimmt

The following version of the Owner’s Manual describes all models, series and

correspond to German regulations.

sind und die den deutschen Vorschriften entsprechen. Bitte wenden Sie sich an

special equipment of your vehicle. Country-specific language variations are

Ihren autorisierten Mercedes-Benz Servicestützpunkt, um ein gedrucktes Exemplar

possible. Please note that your vehicle might not be equipped with all the

Please contact your authorised Mercedes-Benz Service Centre to obtain

für andere Fahrzeugmodelle und Fahrzeugmodelljahre zu erhalten.

described functions. This also affects safety-relevant systems and functions.

a printed version for other vehicle models and vehicle model years. This PDF

Please contact your authorised Mercedes-Benz dealership if you would like

document is the latest version. Possible variations to your vehicle may not

Dieses PDF-Dokument stellt die aktuelle Version dar. Mögliche Abweichungen zu

to receive a printed Owner’s Manual for other vehicle models and vehicle

be taken into account as Mercedes-Benz constantly updates their vehicles to

model years.

Ihrem konkreten Fahrzeug könnten nicht berücksichtigt sein, da Mercedes-Benz

the state of the art and introduces changes in design and equipment. Please

seine Fahrzeuge ständig dem neuesten Stand der Technik anpasst, sowie

therefore note that this PDF document in no way replaces the printed version

Änderungen in Form und Ausstattung vornimmt. Bitte beachten Sie daher, dass

The online Owner’s Manual is the current and valid version. It is possible that

which was delivered with your vehicle.

dieses PDF-Dokument in keinem Fall das gedruckte Exemplar ersetzt, das mit

deviations affecting your specific vehicle could not be taken into account

dem Fahrzeug ausgeliefert wurde.

as Mercedes-Benz constantly adapts its vehicles according to the latest

technology and makes changes to the form and the equipment.

Please also read the printed Owner’s Manual, supplementary documents and

the digital Owner’s Manual in the vehicle.


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Internal use only


Summary of Contents for Mercedes-Benz GLA 180

Инструкции по эксплуатации

Узнайте больше о своём Mercedes-Benz в интерактивной форме! Вы сможете ознакомиться с техническими и эксплуатационными особенностями автомобилей Mercedes-Benz. В этом вам поможет интерактивное руководство по эксплуатации, где информация представлена в наглядной и увлекательной форме. Перейдите по ссылке к интерактивному руководству по эксплуатации

Вы можете легко ознакомиться с техническими и эксплуатационными особенностями автомобилей Mercedes-Benz. В этом вам поможет интерактивное руководство по эксплуатации, где информация представлена в наглядной и увлекательной форме.


Межсервисный интервал для новых автомобилей марки Mercedes-Benz

• Для легковых автомобилей Mercedes-Benz межсервисный интервал составляет 15 000 км или 1 год, в зависимости от того, что наступит раньше.
• Для автомобиля V-Класса межсервисный интервал определяется системой ASSYST или 1 год, в зависимости от того, что наступит раньше.

В зависимости от комплектации автомобиля компьютер сервисной системы может индицировать следующий актуальный срок ТО раньше, чем указано выше. Дальнейшую информацию Вы получите в специализированной мастерской с квалифицированным персоналом, например, в пункте ТО Mercedes-Benz.

Межсервисный интервал для автомобилей марки Mercedes-Benz, снятых с производства

• Для легковых автомобилей Mercedes-Benz с дизельными двигателями межсервисный интервал составляет 10 000 км или 1 год, в зависимости от того, что наступит раньше.
• Для легковых автомобилей Mercedes-Benz с бензиновыми двигателями межсервисный интервал составляет 15 000 км или 1 год, в зависимости от того, что наступит раньше.
• Для автомобиля V-Класса межсервисный интервал определяется системой ASSYST или 1 год, в зависимости от того, что наступит раньше.

Новые модели

Модели, снятые с производства

Посмотреть инструкция для Mercedes-Benz GLA (2023) бесплатно. Руководство относится к категории автомобили, 1 человек(а) дали ему среднюю оценку 7.9. Руководство доступно на следующих языках: английский. У вас есть вопрос о Mercedes-Benz GLA (2023) или вам нужна помощь? Задайте свой вопрос здесь

Не можете найти ответ на свой вопрос в руководстве? Вы можете найти ответ на свой вопрос ниже, в разделе часто задаваемых вопросов о Mercedes-Benz GLA (2023).

Как перевести мили в километры?

1 миля равна 1,609344 километрам, а 1 километр — 0,62137119 милям.

Где я могу узнать идентификационный номер транспортного средства Mercedes-Benz?

Место размещения идентификационного номера транспортного средства зависит от марки и типа транспортного средства. Номер может быть выбит на раме транспортного средства или указан на номерном знаке. Чтобы узнать место расположения идентификационного номера транспортного средства лучше всего ознакомиться с руководством по эксплуатации Mercedes-Benz GLA (2023).

Что такое идентификационный номер транспортного средства (VIN)?

Идентификационный номер транспортного средства — уникальный для каждого транспортного средства идентификационный номер. Аббревиатура VIN расшифровывается как «Vehicle Identification Number» (Идентификационный номер транспортного средства).

Когда транспортному средству Mercedes-Benz требуется техническое обслуживание?

Регулярное техническое обслуживание необходимо всем транспортным средствам. С информацией о том, как часто необходимо проходить техническое обслуживание и чему именно стоит уделять особое внимание можно ознакомиться в инструкции по техническому обслуживанию. Как правило, транспортное средство требует технического обслуживания каждые 2 года или 30 000 километров пробега.

Когда следует заменять тормозную жидкость на Mercedes-Benz?

Тормозную жидкость рекомендуется менять каждые два года.

В чем разница между топливом E10 и E5?

В топливе E10 содержится до десяти процентов этанола, в то время как в E5 содержится менее пяти процентов. Соответственно, топливо E10 менее вредит окружающей среде.

Одна или несколько дверей не открываются изнутри. Что мне делать?

Скорее всего, замок оснащен защитой от детей и поэтому не может быть открыт изнутри. Процедура открытия замка с защитой от детей зависит от марки и типа замка.

Автомобильный радиоприемник не включается, что делать?

Если автомобильный радиоприемник не включен, на него не будет подаваться питание. Убедитесь, что красный провод подключен к контактному источнику питания, а желтый провод — к источнику питания постоянной мощности.

Инструкция Mercedes-Benz GLA (2023) доступно в русский?

К сожалению, у нас нет руководства для Mercedes-Benz GLA (2023), доступного в русский. Это руководство доступно в английский.

Не нашли свой вопрос? Задайте свой вопрос здесь

Mercedes-Benz Updated Logo

Seatbelt and SRS Airbag


  • All persons in the vehicle must fasten their seatbelts BEFORE the vehicle starts to move. Otherwise, the possibility of serious injury becomes greater in the event of a sudden stop or accident.
  • To obtain maximum protection in the event of an accident, the driver and all passengers must always wear seatbelts when in the vehicle. The SRS (Supplemental Restraint System) airbag does not do away with the need to fasten seatbelts. In combination with seatbelts, it offers the best-combined protection in case of a serious accident.
    Not wearing a seatbelt increases the chance of severe injury or death in a crash even when the vehicle has the SRS airbag.
  • The SRS airbags deploy with considerable speed and force. Occupants who are not seated in the proper upright position when the SRS airbag deploys could suffer very serious injuries. Because the SRS airbag needs enough space for deployment, the driver should always sit upright and well back in the seat as far from the steering wheel as practical while still maintaining full vehicle control and the front passenger should move the seat as far back as possible and sit upright and well back in the seat.

Engine Exhaust Gas (Carbon Monoxide)


  • Never inhale engine exhaust gas. Engine exhaust gas contains carbon monoxide, a colorless and odorless gas that is dangerous, or even lethal if inhaled.
  • Always properly maintain the engine exhaust system to prevent engine exhaust gas from entering the vehicle.
  • Never run the engine in a closed space, such as a garage, except for the brief time needed to drive the vehicle in or out of it.
  • Avoid remaining in a parked vehicle for a long time while the engine is running. If that is unavoidable, then use the ventilation fan to force fresh air into the vehicle.
  • Always keep the front ventilator inlet grille free from snow, leaves or other obstructions to ensure that the ventilation system always works properly.
  • If at any time you suspect that exhaust fumes are entering the vehicle, have the problem checked and corrected as soon as possible. If you must drive under these conditions, drive only with all windows fully open.
  • Keep the trunk lid or rear gate closed while driving to prevent exhaust gas from entering the vehicle.

Drinking and Driving

Drinking and then driving is very dangerous. Alcohol in the bloodstream delays your reaction and impairs your perception, judgment and attentiveness. If you drive after drinking – even if you drink just a little  it will increase the risk of being involved in a serious or fatal accident, injuring or killing yourself, your passengers and others. In addition, if you are injured in an accident, alcohol may increase the severity of that injury. Please don’t drink and drive.

Drunken driving is one of the most frequent causes of accidents. Since alcohol affects all people differently, you may have consumed too much alcohol to drive safely even if the level of alcohol in your blood is below the legal limit. The safest thing you can do is never drink and drive. However, if you have no choice but to drive, stop drinking and sober up completely before getting behind the wheel.

Drugs and Driving

There are some drugs (over-the-counter and prescription) that can delay your reaction time and impair your perception, judgment, and attentiveness. If you drive after taking them, it may increase your, your passengers and other persons’ risk of being involved in a serious or fatal accident.

If you are taking any drugs, check with your doctor or pharmacist or read the literature that accompanies the medication to determine if the drug you are taking can impair your driving ability. Do not drive after taking any medications that can make you drowsy or otherwise affect your ability to safely operate a motor vehicle. If you have a medical condition that requires you to take drugs, please consult with your doctor. Never drive if you are under the influence of any illicit mind-altering drugs. For your own health and well-being, we urge you not to take illegal drugs in the first place and to seek treatment if you are addicted to those drugs.

Attaching Accessories


  • Do not attach any accessories, labels or stickers (other than properly placed inspection stickers) to the windshield. Such items may obstruct your view.
  • If it is necessary to attach an accessory (such as an electronic toll collection (ETC) device or security pass) to the windshield, consult your SUBARU dealer for details on the proper location.
  • Do not connect any unauthorized accessories or devices to the data link connector (OBDII port). This connector should be used only with compatible diagnostic devices for inspection and maintenance by an authorized service technician using authorized service tools. Connecting unauthorized devices, such as a driver-behavior tracking device, may adversely affect vehicle systems, including safety systems, or allow others to access information stored in your vehicle. The use of unauthorized devices may also cause unexpected malfunctions, such as a drained battery, or may damage vehicle systems. The manufacturer’s warranty will not cover any part that malfunctions, fails, or is damaged due to the use of an unauthorized device with the data link connector.

Event Data Recorder

This vehicle is equipped with an event data recorder (EDR). The main purpose of an EDR is to record, in certain crashes or near crash-like situations, such as an airbag deployment or hitting a road obstacle, data that will assist in understanding how a vehicle’s systems performed. The EDR is designed to record data related to vehicle dynamics and safety systems for a short period of time, typically 30 seconds or less. The EDR in this vehicle is designed to record such data as:

  • How various systems in your vehicle were operating
  • Whether or not the driver and passenger safety belts were buckled/fastened. How far (if at all) the driver was depressing the accelerator and/or brake pedal; and,
  • How fast the vehicle was traveling.

These data can help provide a better understanding of the circumstances in which crashes and injuries occur. NOTE: EDR data are recorded by your vehicle only if a non-trivial crash situation occurs; no data are recorded by the EDR under normal driving conditions and no personal data (e.g., name, gender, age, and crash location) are recorded. However, other parties, such as law enforcement, could combine the EDR data with the type of personally identifying data routinely acquired during a crash investigation.
To read data recorded by an EDR, special equipment is required, and access to the vehicle or the EDR is needed. In addition to the vehicle manufacturer, other parties, such as law enforcement, that have the special equipment, can read the information if they have access to the vehicle or the EDR.

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Reference Links

Download Manuals:

Auto User Guide, Benz, Benz 2023, Benz GLA SUV, Benz GLA SUV 2023, Benz SUV, Benz SUV 2023, GLA SUV, GLA SUV 2023, Mercedes, Mercedes 2023, Mercedes GLA SUV, Mercedes GLA SUV 2023, Mercedes SUV, Mercedes SUV 2023, Mercedes-Benz, Mercedes-Benz 2023, Mercedes-Benz GLA SUV, Mercedes-Benz GLA SUV 2023, Mercedes-Benz SUV, Mercedes-Benz SUV 2023, Owner Guide, Owner Instructions, Owner Manual, SUV 2023, User Guide, User Manual

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Order no. P247 0344 13 Part no. 247 584 34 05 Edition B 2021

GLA Mercedes-AMG Supplement


Publication details Internet Further information about Mercedes-Benz vehi cles and about Mercedes-Benz AG can be found on the following websites: (USA only) (Canada only)

Documentation team Mercedes-Benz AG: not to be reprinted, trans lated or otherwise reproduced, in whole or in part, without written permission from Mercedes- Benz AG.

Vehicle manufacturer Mercedes-Benz AG Mercedesstrae 120 70372 Stuttgart Germany

As at

Thank you for purchasing a Mercedes-AMG Before you first drive off, read this Operator’s Manual carefully and familiarize yourself with your vehicle. For your own safety and a longer operating lifespan of the vehicle, follow the instructions and warning notices in this Opera tor’s Manual. Disregarding them may lead to damage to the vehicle or injury to people. Damage to the vehicle resulting from the disre gard of the instructions is not covered by the Mercedes-Benz Limited Warranty. The standard equipment or product description of your vehicle may vary and depends on the fol lowing factors: R Model R Order R National version R Availability

Mercedes-AMG reserves the right to introduce changes in the following areas: R Design R Equipment

R Technical features

The equipment in your vehicle may therefore dif fer from that shown in the descriptions and illus trations. The following documents are integral parts of the vehicle: R Digital Operator’s Manual R Printed Operator’s Manual R Maintenance Booklet R Equipment-dependent Supplements

Keep these documents in the vehicle at all times. If you sell the vehicle, always pass all of the documents on to the new owner. Mercedes-Benz USA, LLC Mercedes-Benz Canada, Inc. A Daimler Company



Symbols ……………………………………………….. 3

At a glance ……………………………………………. 4 Cockpit ………………………………………………….. 4

General notes ……………………………………….. 7 Operator’s Manual …………………………………… 7 Operating safety ……………………………………… 7 Qualified specialist workshop ……………………. 8 Correct use of the vehicle …………………………. 9 Limited Warranty …………………………………….. 9

Occupant safety ………………………………….. 10 Seat belts …………………………………………….. 10 Airbags ………………………………………………… 10

Driving and parking ……………………………… 11 Driving …………………………………………………. 11 DYNAMIC SELECT switch ………………………… 13 Automatic transmission ………………………….. 14 Driving and driving safety systems ……………. 16

Function of the AMG steering-wheel but tons …………………………………………………….. 21

Instrument Display and on-board computer ……………………………………………. 22 Notes on the Instrument Display and on- board computer …………………………………….. 22 Calling up displays on the Performance menu …………………………………………………… 22 Function of the Head-up Display ………………. 24

MBUX multimedia system ……………………. 25 AMG TRACK PACE …………………………………. 25

Wheels and tires …………………………………. 31 Overview of the tire-change tool kit ………….. 31

Technical data …………………………………….. 32 Operating fluids …………………………………….. 32 Vehicle data ………………………………………….. 34

Display messages and warning/indi cator lamps …………………………………………. 37 Display messages ………………………………….. 37 Warning and indicator lamps …………………… 38

Index ………………………………………………….. 40

2 Contents

In this Operator’s Manual, you will find the fol lowing symbols:

& DANGER Danger due to not observing the warning notices

Warning notices draw your attention to haz ards that may endanger your health or life, or the health or life of others. # Observe the warning notices.

+ ENVIRONMENTAL NOTE Environmental damage due to failure to observe envi ronmental notes

Environmental notes include information on environmentally responsible behavior or envi ronmentally responsible disposal. # Observe environmental notes.

* NOTE Damage to property due to failure to observe notes on material damage

Notes on material damage inform you of risks which may lead to your vehicle being damaged.

# Observe notes on material damage.

% These symbols indicate useful instructions or further information that could be helpful to you.

# Instruction (/ page) Further information on a topic Display Information on the multifunction dis

play/media display 4 Highest menu level, which is to be

selected in the multimedia system 5 Relevant submenus, which are to be

selected in the multimedia system * Indicates a cause

Symbols 3

Left-hand drive vehicles

4 At a glance Cockpit

1 Steering wheel gearshift paddles 14

2 Combination switch

3 Instrument Display 22


5 Start/stop button 11

ECO start/stop function 12

6 Media display

7 Climate control systems

8 Hazard warning lights

9 PASSENGER AIR BAG indicator lamp

A Glove box

B AMG exhaust system 12

C AMG adaptive sport suspension system 20

D ESP 16

E Manual gearshifting 14

F Stowage compartment

G Cup holder

H Control knob for:

Volume and switching sound on/off

Switches the MBUX multimedia system on/off

I Calls up navigation

J Calls up the radio

Calls up media

K Calls up the telephone

L Calls up favorites

M Calls up vehicle functions

N Active Parking Assist


P Touchpad

Q Control panel for the MBUX multimedia sys tem

R AMG steering-wheel buttons 21

S Adjusts the steering wheel

At a glance Cockpit 5

T Switches the steering wheel heater on/off

U Control panel:

On-board computer 22

Cruise control

Active Distance Assist DISTRONIC

V Diagnostics connection

W Opens the hood

X Electric parking brake

Y Light switch

6 At a glance Cockpit

Operator’s Manual This Supplement provides information on all the important functions of your AMG vehicle that are either not described or differ from the descrip tions in the vehicle Operator’s Manual. This information supplements or replaces the corre sponding sections in the vehicle Operator’s Man ual. Under no circumstances does the Supple ment replace the Operator’s Manual. This Supplement describes all models, and standard and optional equipment for your vehi cle, as available at the time of going to press. Country-specific differences are possible. Bear in mind that your vehicle may not feature all functions described here. This is also the case for systems and functions relevant to safety. Therefore, the equipment on your vehicle may differ from that in the descriptions and illustra tions. The original purchase contract documentation for your vehicle contains a list of all of the sys tems in your vehicle.

Should you have any questions concerning equipment and operation, please consult an authorized Mercedes-Benz Center. The Operator’s Manual, the Supplement and the Maintenance Booklet are important documents and should be kept in the vehicle.

Operating safety

& WARNING Risk of accident due to mal functions or system failures

If you do not have the prescribed service/ maintenance work or any required repairs carried out, this could result in malfunctions or system failures. # Always have the prescribed service/

maintenance work as well any required repairs carried out at a qualified spe cialist workshop.

& WARNING Risk of accident and injury as a result of incorrect modifications to electronic component parts

Modification to electronic components, their software or wiring could impair their function and/or the function of other networked com ponent parts. In particular, systems relevant to safety could also be affected. As a result, they may no longer function as intended and/or endanger the operating safety of the vehicle. # Never tamper with the wiring and elec

tronic component parts or their soft ware.

# You should have all work on electrical and electronic components carried out at a qualified specialist workshop.

Observe the «On-board electronics» section in «Technical data» in the vehicle Operator’s Man ual.

General notes 7

& WARNING Risk of fire due to flammable materials on hot parts of the exhaust system

Flammable material such as leaves, grass or twigs may ignite if they come into contact with hot parts of the exhaust system. # When driving on unpaved roads or off-

road, regularly check the vehicle under side.

# Remove trapped plants or other flam mable material.

# If there is damage, consult a qualified specialist workshop immediately.

* NOTE Damage to the vehicle

In the following situations, in particular, there is a risk of damage to the vehicle: R The vehicle becomes grounded, e.g. on a

high curb or an unpaved road

R The vehicle is driven too fast over an obstacle, e.g. a curb, speed bump or pot hole R A heavy object strikes the underbody or

chassis components

In situations such as this, the body, the underbody, chassis components, wheels or tires could be damaged without the damage being visible. Components damaged in this way can unexpectedly fail or, in the case of an accident, may not absorb the loads that arise as intended. If the underbody paneling is damaged, flam mable materials such as leaves, grass or twigs can collect between the underbody and the underbody paneling. These materials may ignite if they come into contact with hot parts on the exhaust system. # Have the vehicle checked and repaired

immediately at a qualified specialist workshop.


# If driving safety is impaired while con tinuing your journey, pull over and stop the vehicle immediately in accordance with the traffic conditions, and contact a qualified specialist workshop.

Qualified specialist workshop An authorized Mercedes-Benz Center is a quali fied specialist workshop. It has the necessary special skills, tools and qualifications to cor rectly carry out the work required on your vehi cle. This particularly applies to safety-relevant works. For the following, always have your vehicle checked at an authorized Mercedes-Benz Cen ter: R safety-relevant works R service and maintenance work R repair work R modifications as well as installations and

conversions R work on electronic components

8 General notes

MercedesAMG recommends a MercedesBenz service center.

Correct use of the vehicle If you remove any warning stickers, you or others could fail to recognize certain dangers. Leave warning stickers in position. Observe the following information in particular when driving your vehicle: R the safety notes in this manual R technical data for the vehicle R traffic rules and regulations R laws and safety standards pertaining to

motor vehicles

Limited Warranty

* NOTE Damage to the vehicle arising from violation of these operating instruc tions.

Damage to the vehicle can arise from viola tion of these operating instructions.

This damage is not covered either by the Mercedes-Benz implied warranty or by the New or Used-Vehicle Warranty. # Follow the instructions in these operat

ing instructions on proper operation of your vehicle as well as on possible vehi cle damage.

General notes 9

Seat belts Reduced protection

The AMG sport seat and the AMG Performance seat are designed for the standard three-point seat belt. If you install a different multipoint seat belt, e.g. sport or racing seat belts, the restraint system cannot provide the intended level of pro tection. Depending on the type of seat, there may be openings in the seat backrest. These openings have no function.

& WARNING Risk of injury or fatal injury due to modified seat belt systems

If you feed seat belts through the opening in the seat backrest, the seat backrest may be damaged or may even break in the event of an accident. # Only use the standard three-point seat

belt. # Never modify the seat belt system.

Airbags Protection offered by the side airbag

Vehicles with AMG Performance seat: depending on the accident situation, the side air bag can increase the level of protection for the ribcage of the respective passenger in addition to a correctly fastened seat belt.

10 Occupant safety

Driving Breaking-in notes

To preserve the engine during the first 1,000 miles (1,500 km): R drive at varying road speeds and engine

speeds. R do not drive faster than 85 mph (140 km/h). R allow the engine to reach a maximum engine

speed of 4,500 rpm (4,500 rpm) only briefly. R drive the vehicle in drive programA. R change gear before the tachometer needle is

of the way to the red area of the tachome ter. R do not shift down a gear manually in order to

brake. R avoid overstraining the vehicle, e.g. driving at

full throttle. R do not depress the accelerator pedal past

the pressure point (kickdown). R only increase the engine speed gradually and

accelerate the vehicle to full speed after 1,000 miles (1,500 km).

This also applies when the engine or parts of the drivetrain have been replaced. Please also observe the following breaking-in notes: R In certain driving and driving safety systems,

the sensors adjust automatically while a cer tain distance is being driven after the vehicle has been delivered or after repairs. Full sys tem effectiveness is not reached until the end of this teach-in process. R Brakepads, brake discs and tires that are

either new or have been replaced only ach ieve optimum braking effect and grip after several hundred kilometers of driving. Com pensate for the reduced braking effect by applying greater force to the brake pedal.

Function of Emotion Start

# Start the vehicle with the start/stop button and simultaneously pull one of steering wheel gearshift paddles1 or2. The idle speed is briefly increased upon starting the engine, and in the sporty charac teristic the engine sound is reproduced.

Observe the notes on starting the vehicle in the vehicle Operator’s Manual.

Driving and parking 11

Operation of the ECO start/stop function

The engine is automatically switched off if the following conditions are met: R If all vehicle conditions for an automatic

engine stop are met. R You brake the vehicle to a standstill in trans

mission positionh ori. R You depress the brake pedal when driving at

speeds below 15 mph (20 km/h).

The symbol appears in the multifunction display when the vehicle is stationary. If not all the vehicle conditions are met, the symbol appears in the multifunction display. The engine is restarted automatically if: R You release the brake pedal in transmission

positionh when the HOLD function is not active. R You shift from transmission positionj. R You engage transmission positionh ork. R You depress the accelerator pedal. R You permanently activate manual gearshift


R You pull the left-hand steering wheel gear shift paddle. R An automatic engine start is necessary.

If the engine was switched off by the ECO start/ stop function and you leave the vehicle, a warn ing tone sounds and the engine is not restarted. The Vehicle Ready to Drive Switch the Ignition Off Before Exiting display message also appears in the multifunction display. If you do not switch off the ignition, the ignition is automatically switched off after one minute.

AMG exhaust system

Operating the AMG exhaust system

# Press button1. The sporty characteristic (Powerful) is selec ted when indicator lamp2 lights up.

12 Driving and parking

DYNAMIC SELECT switch Function of the DYNAMIC SELECT switch

% This chapter describes the function of the DYNAMIC SELECT switch for the MercedesAMG GLA 35 4MATIC.

Use the DYNAMIC SELECT switch to change between the following drive programs: o (Slippery): optimized pulling away and

driving characteristics in wintry and slip pery road conditions

= (Individual): individual settings A (Comfort): comfortable and economical

driving style C (Sport): sporty driving style B (Sport +): particularly sporty driving style

Mercedes-AMG recommends selecting the drive programA when in city traffic or stop-and-go traffic. Depending on the drive program selected, the following vehicle characteristics will change: R Drive:

— Engine and transmission management — Active Distance Assist DISTRONIC R AMG Dynamics:

— The agility functions are automatically selected depending on the drive program.

— The steering, shift timing point and stabi lization functions are adapted to the selected drive program.

R Suspension: R Availability of glide mode

Function of the DYNAMIC SELECT switch

% This chapter describes the function of the DYNAMIC SELECT switch for the MercedesAMG GLA 45 4MATIC and GLA 45 S 4MATIC.

Use the DYNAMIC SELECT switch to change between the following drive programs: o (Slippery): optimized pulling away and

driving characteristics in wintry and slip pery road conditions

= (Individual): individual settings

A (Comfort): comfortable and economical driving style

C (Sport): sporty driving style B (Sport +): particularly sporty driving style I (RACE): driving like on a race track

TheI (RACE) drive program may not be used on normal roads.I (RACE) must only be activated and used on dedicated race cir cuits, not on public roads. Mercedes-AMG recommends selecting the drive programA when in city traffic or stop-and-go traffic. Depending on the drive program selected, the following vehicle characteristics will change: R Drive:

— Engine and transmission management — Active Distance Assist DISTRONIC R AMG Dynamics:

— The agility functions are automatically selected depending on the drive program.

Driving and parking 13

— The steering, shift timing point and stabi lization functions are adapted to the selected drive program.

— When ESP is activated, agility function Pro is selected in drive programI (RACE). The Master function is automati cally selected when ESP is deactivated.

R Characteristic of the exhaust system R Suspension R TheI(RACE) drive program has the fol

lowing properties: — The vehicle exhibits driving characteris

tics suited for the racetrack. — All vehicle systems are set for maximum

sportiness. — The suspension tuning of the AMG adap

tive sport suspension system is particu larly firm.

— Glide mode is not available. — The sporty characteristic (Powerful) is

activated when the exhaust system is activated.

% You can change the following vehicle charac teristics using the buttons in the center con sole: R Characteristic of the exhaust system R Suspension tuning of the AMG adaptive

sport suspension system

Automatic transmission Manual gearshifting

# To activate/deactivate: press button1. If indicator lamp2 is lit, manual gearshift ing is activated. The current gear is displayed in the multifunction display.

14 Driving and parking

% To permanently shift the gears manually in drive program= using the steering wheel gearshift paddles, select the M (Manual) set ting for the transmission.

* NOTE Damage to the engine due to shift ing up too late

The automatic transmission does not shift up in manual mode even when the engine’s lim iting speed is reached. The fuel supply is interrupted in order to pre vent the engine from overrevving. # Shift up before the engine speed rea

ches the red area in the tachometer.

# To shift up: pull steering wheel gearshift paddle2.

# To shift down: pull steering wheel gearshift paddle1.

If the engine speed is too high or too low, you cannot change gear using the steering wheel gearshift paddles. In this case, segments1 light up red.

Gearshift recommendation

The gearshift recommendation assists you in adopting an economical driving style.

# If gearshift recommendation message1 is shown on the multifunction display, shift to the recommended gear.

Using kickdown

# Maximum acceleration: depress the accel erator pedal beyond the pressure point.

The automatic transmission shifts up to the next gear when the maximum engine speed is reached to protect the engine from overrevving.

Driving and parking 15

% If you have activated manual gearshifting with the button in the center console, the transmission does not react to the kick down.

Glide mode function

With an anticipatory driving style, glide mode helps you to reduce fuel consumption. Glide mode is characterized by the following: R The combustion engine is switched off. All of

the vehicle functions remain active. R TheJ symbol will appear on the multi

function display.

Glide mode is activated if the following condi tions are met: R The ECO start/stop function is switched on. R Drive program= is selected with the

drive setting «Moderate» or «Reduced». R The speed is within a suitable range. R The road’s course is suitable, e.g. no steep

uphill or downhill inclines or tight bends.

R You are no longer depressing the accelerator or brake pedal.

Glide mode is deactivated again if one of the conditions is no longer met. When Active Distance Assist DISTRONIC is active, glide mode is not available.

Driving and driving safety systems Functions of ESP (Electronic Stability Pro gram)

& WARNING Risk of skidding if ESP is malfunctioning

If ESP is malfunctioning, ESP cannot carry out vehicle stabilization. In addition, other driving safety systems are switched off. # Drive on carefully. # Have ESP checked at a qualified spe

cialist workshop.

You can select between the following modes of ESP: R ESP ON R ESP SPORT R ESP OFF

Characteristics when ESP is activated

ESP monitors and improves driving stability and traction, particularly in the following situations: R When pulling away on wet or slippery road

ways. R When braking. R In strong side winds when you are driving

faster than 47 mph (75 km/h).

ESP can stabilize the vehicle by intervening in the following ways: R One or more wheels are braked. R The engine output is adapted according to

the situation.

ESP is activated every time the engine is star ted regardless of whether ESP was in ESP

16 Driving and parking

SPORT or deactivated before the engine was switched off.

If the ESP warning lamp flashes in the instrument cluster, one or several vehicle wheels has reached its grip limit: R Adapt the driving style to suit the prevailing

road and weather conditions. R Do not deactivate ESP under any circum

stances. R Only depress the accelerator pedal as far as

is necessary.

Characteristics when ESP SPORT is activa ted

& WARNING Risk of skidding if ESP SPORT is used incorrectly

When you activate ESP SPORT, there is an increased risk of skidding and having an acci dent. # Activate ESP SPORT only in the cir

cumstances described below.

Select ESP SPORT when the vehicle’s own oversteering and understeering characteristics are desired, e.g. on designated roads.

Driving with ESP SPORT or with ESP deactiva ted requires an extremely qualified and experi enced driver.

If ESP SPORT is activated and one or more wheels start to spin, the ESP warning lamp on the instrument cluster flashes. ESP then only stabilizes the vehicle to a limited degree.

ESP SPORT also has the following characteris tics: R ESP only improves driving stability to a limi

ted degree. R ETS/4ETS traction control is still active. R The engine’s torque is only restricted to a

limited degree and the drive wheels can spin. The spinning of the wheels results in a cut ting action for better traction on loose surfa ces.

R ESP continues to provide assistance when the brakes are firmly applied. R Crosswind Assist is no longer active.

Characteristics when ESP is deactivated

& WARNING Risk of skidding if ESP is deactivated

If you deactivate ESP, ESP cannot carry out vehicle stabilization. # ESP should only be deactivated in the

following situations.

When ESP is deactivated, the ESP OFF warning lamp and the ESP OFF message light up continuously in the instrument cluster.

Deactivating ESP has the following effects: R Driving stability will no longer be improved. R The drive wheels could spin. R ETS/4ETS traction control is still active. R Crosswind Assist is no longer active.

Driving and parking 17

% Even when ESP is deactivated, you are still assisted by ESP when braking hard.

It may be best to activate ESP SPORT or deacti vate ESP in the following situations: R When using snow chains. R In deep snow. R On sand or gravel.

% Spinning the wheels results in a cutting action, which enhances traction.

% Activate ESP as soon as the situations described above no longer apply. ESP will otherwise not be able to stabilize the vehicle if the vehicle starts to skid or a wheel starts to spin.

If the ESP warning lamp lights up continu ously even when ESP is activated, ESP is not available due to a malfunction. Observe any information which may be displayed in the instrument cluster: R Warning and indicator lamps R Display messages

ETS/4ETS (Electronic Traction System) ETS/4ETS traction control is part of ESP. ETS/4ETS can improve the vehicle’s traction by intervening in the following ways: R The drive wheels are braked individually if

they spin. R More drive torque is transferred to the wheel

or wheels with traction.

Activating/deactivating ESP (Electronic Sta bility Program)

# To activate ESP SPORT: briefly press but ton1. The and warning lamps appear in the instrument cluster.

18 Driving and parking

# To deactivate ESP SPORT: briefly press button1. The and warning lamps in the instrument cluster go out.

# To deactivate ESP: press and hold button 1 until the and ESP OFF warning lamps appear in the instrument cluster.

% When you deactivate ESP in theI (RACE) drive program, AMG Dynamics auto matically switches to the Master level.

# To activate ESP: briefly press button1. The and ESP OFF warning lamps go out in the instrument cluster.

Observe the information on warning lamps and display messages which may be shown in the instrument cluster.


Function of RACE START RACE START enables optimal vehicle accelera tion from a standstill. For this, a suitably high-

grip road surface is required, the tires and vehi cle must also be in good condition. % RACE START is only available after the vehi

cle has been broken in (/ page 11). % RACE START may not be used on normal

roads. RACE START must only be activated and used on dedicated race circuits, not on public roads. Be sure to read the safety notes and infor mation on ESP (/ page 16).

& WARNING Risk of skidding and having an accident from wheels spinning

When you use RACE START, individual wheels could spin and you could lose control of the vehicle.

Depending on the ESP mode selected, there is an increased risk of skidding and having an accident. # Make sure that no persons or obstacles

are in the close vicinity of your vehicle.

Activating RACE START Requirements:

R The doors, the hood and the tailgate are closed. R The engine is running and the transmission

and engine are at normal operating tempera ture. R The steering wheel is in the straight-ahead

position. R The vehicle is on level ground. R The vehicle is stationary, the brake pedal is

depressed (left foot) and the parking brake is released. R One of the drive programsC,B or I is selected (/ page 13).

# Rapidly depress the accelerator pedal fully. The engine speed increases.

% If the activation conditions are not fulfilled, RACE START cannot be activated. The RACE START Not Possible See Operator’s Manual message appears in the multifunction dis play.

# The RACE START Release brake to start mes sage appears in the multifunction display.

Driving and parking 19

% Mercedes-AMG GLA 45 4MATIC and GLA 45 S 4MATIC: in this phase you can adjust RACE START depending on the road conditions: you can vary the engine speed by pulling on one of the steering wheel gear shift paddles. The segments in the multifunc tion display flicker rapidly.

% If the brake pedal is not released after a short while, RACE START is canceled. The RACE START Canceled message appears in the multifunction display.

# Take your foot off the brake, but keep the accelerator pedal depressed. The vehicle pulls away at maximum accelera tion. The RACE START Active message appears in the multifunction display.

RACE START is deactivated when the vehicle rea ches a speed of approximately 31 mph (50 km/h). RACE START is deactivated immediately if you release the accelerator pedal during RACE START or if any of the activation conditions are no longer fulfilled. The RACE START Canceled message appears in the multifunction display.

% After using it several times in short succes sion, RACE START is unavailable until a cer tain distance has been driven.

AMG adaptive sport suspension system

Function of AMG adaptive sport suspension system AMG adaptive sport suspension system is an electronically controlled damping system for improved driving comfort and increased driving safety. The damping is adjusted individually to each wheel and depends on the following factors: R The driving style, e.g. sporty R The road condition, e.g. bumps R The drive program selected R The individual selection of the «Sport», «Sport

Plus» or «Comfort» suspension setting

The suspension setting is dependent on the drive program selected via the DYNAMIC SELECT switch.

In addition, you can select the mode in every drive program individually via the AMG adaptive sport suspension system button in the center console. After a drive program is changed, the automatic suspension setting of the drive pro gram is reactivated.

AMG adaptive sport suspension system, selecting the suspension setting In «Comfort» mode, the driving characteristics of your vehicle are comfortable. Select this suspen sion setting if you prefer a comfortable driving style. «Sport» driving mode ensures a firmer suspen sion setting. Select this suspension setting when employing a sporty driving style, e.g. on winding country roads. «Sport Plus» driving mode ensures a very firm suspension setting.

20 Driving and parking

# Press button1 repeatedly until the selected setting is displayed. Depending on the number of indicator lamps 2 lighting up, the following suspension set ting is selected: R 0 «Comfort» suspension setting R 1 «Sport» suspension setting R 2 «Sport Plus» suspension setting

The currently selected suspension setting is shown as a display message in the media dis play.

Function of the AMG steering-wheel but tons

The AMG steering-wheel buttons are two addi tional control elements on the steering wheel. You can assign two vehicle functions of your choice to the left control element. You can change between the available functions by pressing display buttons2 repeatedly. The cur rently selected functions are displayed in display buttons2.

The following functions are available: R ESP(/ page 16) R AMG adaptive sport suspension system

(/ page 20) R AMG exhaust system(/ page 12) R ECO start/stop function(/ page 12) R Manual gearshifting(/ page 14) R AMG Dynamics(/ page 13)

If you have assigned a function to one of display buttons2, you can operate this function with corresponding button1. The assignment of display buttons2 remains stored even after a new engine start, but the operating status of the respective function is reset to the basic setting. You can change between the drive programs with stabilizer bar actuator3. The selected drive program appears in display button4. By pressing display button4, you can directly access the drive program= (Individual) (/ page 13).

Driving and parking 21

Notes on the Instrument Display and on- board computer Additional notes regarding your Mercedes-AMG vehicle: R If you activate manual gearshifting,

(/ page 14) the upshift bar will appear on the multifunction or Head-up Display. In addi tion, transmission set-upp (manual) and the current gear will appear on the transmis sion position display of the multifunction dis play. R Additional note regarding the indicator and

warning lamps: the vehicle is also equipped with the ESP , ESP OFF and ESP SPORT indicator and warning lamps (/ page 38).

You can select the following display content: R Tachometer with gear display R Date and time R Warm-up R AMG TRACK PACE R G-meter

R Engine data R SETUP R Trip computer R Navigation R Media R Telephone

AMG TRACK PACE is displayed on the left-hand section of the display. The warm-up, engine data, SETUP and G-meter menus are displayed on the right-hand section of the display.

Calling up displays on the Performance menu On-board computer: 4 Performance # To select a display: swipe upwards or down

wards on the left-hand Touch Control.

Displays on the Performance menu: R Warm-up R Engine data

R SETUP R G-meter

Warm-up (example) 1 Digital speedometer 2 Engine oil temperature 3 Transmission oil temperature 4 Boost pressure

22 Instrument Display and on-board computer

If the engine or transmission is not at normal operating temperature, the multifunction display will show temperature2 or3 in blue. Avoid using the full engine power output during this time.

Engine data (example) 1 Current power output 2 Current torque

When current power output1 or current torque 2 reaches the maximum value, the digital value will briefly be stationary. The bar display will continue.

SETUP in Mercedes-AMG vehicles (example) 1 Drive system setting:

Reduced/Moderate/Sport/Dynamic 2 Transmission position:


Basic/Advanced 4 Suspension tuning:


G-meter (example)

While the vehicle is in motion, the G-meter shows the forces that are exerted on the vehicle occupants both laterally and in the direction of travel. The maximum values are represented by red markings. # To reset the G-meter: press the left-hand

Touch Control. # Select Yes. # Press the left-hand Touch Control.

Instrument Display and on-board computer 23

Function of the Head-up Display The Head-up Display projects information above the cockpit into the driver’s field of vision, e.g. the speed of the vehicle, information from the navigation system or driver assistance systems and some warning messages. Depending on the vehicle’s equipment, different content can be shown in the three areas of the Head-up Display.

Mercedes-AMG display content

1 Current engine speed 2 Current speed

3 Currently selected gear, gearshift options with manual shifting

4 Detected instructions and traffic signs

Depending on the vehicle’s equipment, you can select further AMG displays in addition to the standard displays on the Display Content menu. In vehicles with AMG TRACK PACE, you can dis play additional content: R Speed and gear display R Lap and sector times R Acceleration and braking R Track layout graphics

% The content that can be displayed will vary depending on the settings.

When you receive a call, the6 Incoming Call message will appear on the Head-up Display. In audio mode, the station name or track will be shown temporarily when the audio source is being actively operated.

System limits The visibility of the displays will be affected by the following conditions: R Seat position R Image position setting R Ambient light R Wet road R Objects on the display cover R Polarization in sunglasses

% In extreme sunlight, sections of the display may appear washed out. You can correct this by deactivating and reactivating the Head-up Display.

24 Instrument Display and on-board computer

AMG TRACK PACE General information

With AMG TRACK PACE, the driving characteris tics on race tracks can be analyzed and opti mized. You can drive previously stored race tracks (e.g. Hockenheimring), or new tracks can be recorded and stored. The driven lap times are stored for every track. These can be analyzed and compared to other lap times to achieve the best possible race results. Additionally, accelera tion and braking procedures can be measured and stored. Please note: Use AMG TRACK PACE only on closed-off routes outside the public traffic area. Adapt your driving style to your personal abilities and the environmental conditions. As the driver, you are solely responsible for driving your vehi cle. Park your vehicle safely before operating the application.

Setting Track Race

Multimedia system: 4 TRACK PACE 5 Track Race

Recording a new track # Select New track. # Select Start Record. at the desired

starting point. The track recording starts at this point.

During track recording, sectors can be set to divide up the track. # Select Set Sector. # Select Stop Recording to end track

recording or cross the starting line again. # Confirm the prompt with. # Select the weather.

% The temperature is determined automati cally.

# After ending, select to save the track. # Enter a name.

# Pressa to confirm. The track is saved under the name entered.

Searching by track name # Select All Tracks . # Enter the track name.

Tracks with the searched name are dis played.

Measuring time on a saved track # Select All Tracks . # Select the desired track. # Selectu. # Select Start Race if you are already stood at

the starting line. or # Select Navigate to for navigation to the start

ing line. Timekeeping begins automatically when the starting line has been crossed. % When is selected, the track display can

be switched from 2D to AR. # Select Stop Race to end timekeeping.

MBUX multimedia system 25

# Confirm the prompt witha. # Select the weather. # Select Save Track to save the times

driven for this track.

Showing displays during Track Race The following displays can be shown: R Tire temperature R Mini map R Sector overview R Engine data R G-force display R Lap overview

# Select Start Race.

# SelectZ Setup. # Pull the desired display from the grid on the

left or right edge of the media display. The displays are shown during the Track Race.

By selecting on the active display, you can deactivate this. # Select% to return to the navigation map


Displaying the analysis # Select All Tracks .

An overview of all the driven tracks appears. # Select a track. # Select a session.

The following data is displayed: R Lap and sector times R Average and maximum permissible speed R Driver

R Vehicle R Date R Weather

# Select Compare to Rec. to use a different session as a reference value.

# Select% to return to the overview. # Select Diagram. # Set parameters and.

The analysis is displayed.

26 MBUX multimedia system

1 Lap overview 2 Parameter 1 3 Parameter 2 4 Trajectory of parameter 1 (e.g. time) 5 Trajectory of parameter 2 (e.g. speed) % The following values can be set for parame

ters 1 and 2, for example: R Speed

R Longitudinal/lateral acceleration R Steering angle R Engine speed R Engine oil/tire temperature

Based on the analysis you can check and opti mize driving characteristics for any position on the track.

Exporting tracks (USB) # Select Tracks.

An overview of all stored tracks appears. # Select the desired track. # Select optionsu for the desired track. # Select Export.

The selected track can be exported to a USB storage device connected to the vehicle.

MBUX multimedia system 27

Editing tracks and recordings # Select Tracks. # Select the desired track. # Select optionsu for the desired track. # Select Rename or Delete. or # Select a track. # Highlight the desired recording. # SelectZ options. # Select Export to or Delete.

Setting Drag Race

Multimedia system: 4 TRACK PACE 5 Drag Race

Measuring acceleration # SelectZ Drag mode. # Optional: set a target speed.

Measurement stops as soon as the specified target speed has been reached.

# Select Acceleration.

# Pull away start the measurement. Measurement begins when the vehicle accel erates. Measurement is incremental, in steps of 30 mph (50 km/h) to a maximum of 150 mph (270 km/h).

or # Select Start.

A countdown is activated. When the count down has run out, the measurement starts. After pulling away, the reaction time is dis played. Measurement is incremental, in steps of 30 mph (50 km/h) to a maximum of 150 mph (270 km/h).

Measurement can be stopped early by selecting Stop or stopping the vehicle.

Quarter-mile race # Z Drag mode # Optional: set a target distance.

Measurement stops as soon as the specified target distance has been reached.

# Select Quarter mile.

# Pull away start the measurement. Measurement begins when the vehicle accel erates. Timing runs until the target distance or a maximum of one mile has been traveled.

or # Select Start.

Timing runs until the target distance or a maximum of one mile has been traveled. Measurement can be stopped early by selecting Stop or stopping the vehicle.

Measuring braking # Z Drag mode # Select Braking. # Select Start.

Measurement is incremental, in steps of 5 mph (10 km/h) to a standstill. If the brak ing procedure is started e.g. at a speed of 58 mph (157 km/h), measurement starts as soon as 55 mph (150 km/h) has been reached.

28 MBUX multimedia system

Storing and calling up measurement values If measurement is completed or canceled, a prompt appears asking whether the measure ment should be saved. # Confirm the prompt with to save.

The stored measurements can be displayed via the History menu item.

Calling up saved measurements # Select History. # Select Acceleration, Quarter Mile or Braking. # Select the desired measurement.

The desired measurement is displayed in detail.

or # Delete the desired measurement.

Calling up the telemetry display

Multimedia system: 4 TRACK PACE 5 Telemetry The telemetry display shows current vehicle data as a digital value and as a diagram. Up to three

parameters can be selected that are to be shown in the display. For example: R Engine speed R Wheel angle R Speed R Steering angle

# Set the desired parameters. # Set the time.

The set parameters are evaluated in the dia gram for the time set.

% The time can range from 30 seconds to a maximum of 20 minutes.

Configuring AMG TRACK PACE

Requirements To connect a mobile devoice to the TRACK PACE app: R The TRACK PACE app is installed on the

mobile end device.

R The mobile end device is connected to the multimedia system via Wi-Fi.

Multimedia system: 4 TRACK PACE 5 Options

Connecting a mobile device via the TRACK PACE app The TRACK PACE app makes it possible to record videos and to synchronize them with stored tracks. # Select TRACK PACE App.

Already authorized devices are displayed in the list.

# Select AUTHORIZE NEW DEVICE. Available devices are displayed.

# Start the TRACK PACE app on the device to be connected and follow the instructions.

# Confirm the authorization prompt. # Enter the code displayed on the device.

The device is authorized. or # Select a device that is already authorized.

The device is de-authorized.

MBUX multimedia system 29

Setting the TRACK PACE display in the Head- up Display # Select HUD Content. # Activate or deactivate the desired contents.

The contents in the Head-up Display are adapted.

% For further information on the Head-up Dis play, see (/ page 24).

Setting acoustic feedback # Select Acoustic feedback.

A scale with values from 0 to 85 is shown. # Select a setting.

30 MBUX multimedia system

Overview of the tire-change tool kit Apart from some country-specific variants, vehi cles are not equipped with a tire-change tool kit. For more information on which tire-changing tools are required and approved for performing a wheel change on your vehicle, consult a qualified specialist workshop. You require the following tools, for instance, to change a wheel: R Jack R Chock R Lug wrench R Alignment bolt

The tire-change tool kit is located in tool bag1 in the cargo compartment.

Tool bag contains: R Jack R Gloves R Lug wrench R Alignment bolt R Folding chock R Ratchet for jack

Setting up the folding chock

Wheels and tires 31

Operating fluids Fuel

Notes on fuel grades for Mercedes-AMG vehi cles Observe the information on operating fluids in the vehicle Operator’s Manual.

* NOTE Damage caused by the wrong fuel

Even small amounts of the wrong fuel could result in damage to the fuel system, the engine and the emission control system. # Only refuel with low-sulfur unleaded


This fuel may contain up to 10% ethanol by volume. Your vehicle is suitable for use with E10 fuel. Never refuel with one of the following fuels: R Diesel R Gasoline with more than 10% ethanol by

volume, e.g. E15, E85, E100

R Gasoline with more than 3% methanol by volume, e.g. M15, M30, M85, M100 R Gasoline with additives containing metal

If you have accidentally refueled with the wrong fuel: # Do not switch the ignition on. # Consult a qualified specialist workshop.

If the available fuel is not sufficiently low in sul fur, this can produce unpleasant odors. Only refuel using unleaded premium grade gaso line with at least 91 AKI/95 RON. As a temporary measure, if the recommended fuel is not available, you may also use unleaded regular gasoline which has at least the octane number specified in the information label in the fuel filler flap (see the vehicle Operator’s Man ual). Never refuel using gasoline with an even lower RON.

* NOTE Premature wear through unleaded regular gasoline

Unleaded regular gasoline can cause the engine to wear more quickly and impair lon gevity and performance. If unleaded premium grade gasoline is unavailable and you have to refuel using unleaded regular gasoline: # Only fill the fuel tank to half full with

unleaded regular gasoline and refill as soon as possible with unleaded pre mium grade gasoline.

# Do not drive at the maximum design speed.

# Avoid sudden acceleration engine speeds over 3000 rpm.

Further information on fuel is available at the fol lowing locations: R At a gas station R At a qualified specialist workshop R On the (USA only)

32 Technical data

Tank content and reserve fuel


Model Total capacity

All models 13.5 gal (51.0 liters)

Model of which reserve fuel

All models 1.3 gal (5.0 liters)

Quality and capacity of engine oil

MB-Freigabe or MB-Approval

Gasoline engine Engine oil specifica tions

Mercedes-AMG GLA 35 4MATIC

229.51, 229.52, 229.61 229.71*

All other models 229.71*

* Recommended for lowest possible fuel con sumption (lowest SAE viscosity class in each

case; observe possible restrictions of the approved SAE viscosity classes). To achieve the lowest possible fuel consumption, it is recommended to use the engine oil specifi cations marked in the table for the lowest SAE viscosity class. Possible restrictions of the approved SAE viscosity classes must be observed. % Refill oil level to the maximum before

extreme driving maneuvers or using race track mode.

The following values refer to an oil change, including the oil filter. Missing values were not available at the time of going to press.

Replacement amount

Model Replacement amount

All models

Coolant capacity

Missing values were not available at the time of going to press.

Model Capacity

All models

Refrigerant filling capacity

Missing values were not available at the time of going to press.

Filling capacity for refrigerant and PAG oil

Model Refrigerant

All models

Model PAG oil

All models

Technical data 33

Vehicle data Vehicle dimensions

The heights specified may vary as a result of the following factors: R Tires R Load R Condition of the suspension R Optional equipment

Missing values were not available at the time of going to press.

Height when opened and headroom

Model 1 Height when opened

2 Head room

All models

Vehicle dimensions

All models

Vehicle length 175 in (4436 mm)

Vehicle width including out side mirrors

Vehicle height 63 in (1588 mm)

Wheelbase 107 in (2729 mm)

Turning radius

Weights and loads

Please observe the following notes for the speci fied vehicle data: R Items of optional equipment increase the

curb weight and reduce the payload.

Roof load

Model Maximum roof load

All models 165 lb (75 kg)

Off-road driving

Fording depth

* NOTE Damage caused by water when fording

Water can enter the engine compartment and vehicle interior in the following cases: R The maximum permissible fording depth

when driving through standing water is exceeded

34 Technical data

R A bow wave forms during fording R Water accumulates during fording of flow

ing water

# Do not exceed the maximum permissi ble fording depth and drive slowly through the water.

The specified value indicates the maximum per missible fording depth for vehicles that are ready to drive and for slow driving through standing water. Driving through flowing water reduces the per missible fording depth due to the accumulation of water. Observe the notes on off-road driving and ford ing in the vehicle Operator’s Manual.

Missing values were not available at the time of going to press.

Model 1 Fording depth

All models

Approach/departure angle The specified values are maximum values for vehicles that are ready to drive. On vehicles with AIR BODY CONTROL, loads up to the maximum permissible load have no influ ence on the approach/departure angle.

Observe the notes on driving in mountainous ter rain in the vehicle Operator’s Manual.

Model 1 Front 2 Rear

Mercedes-AMG GLA 35 4MATIC

15.6 21.7

Mercedes-AMG GLA 45 4MATIC

15.6 21.3

Maximum gradient climbing ability The vehicle’s gradient climbing ability depends on the weight distribution in the vehicle, the ter rain conditions and the road surface conditions.

Technical data 35

The specified value applies in the following cases: R The vehicle is ready to drive R The road surface conditions and thus trac

tion are good

A gradient climbing ability of 100% corresponds to an incline of 45. Observe the notes on driving in mountainous ter rain in the vehicle Operator’s Manual. Missing values were not available at the time of going to press.

Model Maximum gra dient climbing


All models

Maximum design speeds

The following values only apply to vehicles with the AMG Driver’s Package. Missing values were not available at the time of going to press.

Maximum design speeds

Mercedes-AMG GLA 35 4MATIC

1st gear 29 mph (47 km/h)

2nd gear 42 mph (67 km/h)

3rd gear 63 mph (102 km/h)

4th gear 90 mph (145 km/h)

5th gear 124 mph (200 km/h)

6th gear 155 mph (250 km/h)

7th gear 155 mph (250 km/h)

8th gear 155 mph (250 km/h)

Mercedes-AMG GLA 45 4MATIC

1st gear

2nd gear

3rd gear

Mercedes-AMG GLA 45 4MATIC

4th gear

5th gear

6th gear

7th gear

8th gear

36 Technical data

Display messages Driving systems

Display messages Possible causes/consequences andM Solutions

RACE START Not Possible See Operator’s Manual

* Possible causes are: R The conditions for activation are not met (/ page 19).

RACE START Canceled * Possible causes are: R you released the accelerator pedal during RACE START. R you depressed the brake pedal during RACE START.

You can try RACE START again at the next start.

Malfunction Drive at Max. 50 mph

* The AMG adaptive sport suspension system is malfunctioning. The vehicle’s handling characteristics may be affec ted. # Do not drive at speeds greater than 50 mph (80 km/h). # Consult a qualified specialist workshop.

Display messages and warning/indicator lamps 37

Warning and indicator lamps Driving safety systems

Warning/indicator lamp Possible causes/consequences andM Solutions


The yellow ESP OFF warning lamps are lit while the engine is running. *ESP is deactivated.

& WARNING Risk of skidding when driving with ESP deactivated

If ESP is deactivated, ESP cannot carry out vehicle stabilization. The availability of further driving safety sys tems is also limited. # Drive on carefully. # Only deactivate ESP for as long as the situation requires.

If ESP cannot be activated, ESP is malfunctioning. # Have ESP checked immediately at a qualified specialist workshop.

# Observe the notes on deactivating ESP (/ page 16).

38 Display messages and warning/indicator lamps

Warning/indicator lamp Possible causes/consequences andM Solutions

ESP SPORT is activated while the engine is running. *When ESP SPORT is activated, ESP will stabilize the vehicle only to a limited extent.

& WARNING Risk of skidding if ESP SPORT is used incorrectly

When you activate ESP SPORT, there is an increased risk of skidding and having an accident. # Activate ESP SPORT only in the circumstances described below.

# Observe the notes on activating ESP SPORT(/ page 16).

Driving systems

Warning/indicator lamp Possible causes/consequences andM Solutions

Suspension warning lamp

The yellow AMG adaptive sport suspension system warning lamp is lit. * There is a malfunction in the AMG adaptive sport suspension system. # Note the messages on the multifunction display.

Display messages and warning/indicator lamps 39

A Acceleration

see Kickdown AMG

Menu (on-board computer) ……………….. 22 Steering wheel control element …………. 21 Steering-wheel buttons …………………….. 21

AMG adaptive sport suspension sys tem

Selecting the suspension setting ……….. 20 Suspension …………………………………….. 20

AMG exhaust system Operating ……………………………………….. 12

AMG Performance steering wheel ……….. 21 AMG TRACK PACE

Configuring …………………………………….. 29 Drag Race ………………………………………. 28 General information …………………………. 25 Telemetry display ……………………………. 29 Track Race ……………………………………… 25

Authorized Mercedes-Benz Center see Qualified specialist workshop

Authorized workshop see Qualified specialist workshop

Automatic engine start (ECO start/ stop function) …………………………………….. 12 Automatic engine stop (ECO start/ stop function) …………………………………….. 12 Automatic transmission

Drive programs ……………………………….. 13 DYNAMIC SELECT switch …………………. 13 Kickdown ……………………………………….. 15 Manual gearshifting …………………………. 14 Oil temperature (on-board computer, Performance menu) …………………………. 22 Steering wheel paddle shifters ………….. 14

B Boost pressure (on-board computer, Performance menu) ……………………………. 22 Brakes

New/replaced brakepads/brake discs .. 11 Notes on breaking-in a new vehicle ……. 11

C Changing gears …………………………………… 14

Manually ………………………………………… 14 Chock …………………………………………………. 31

Storage location ……………………………… 31 Chock

see Chock Climate control

Filling capacity for PAG oil ………………… 33 Refrigerant filling capacity ………………… 33

Cockpit ………………………………………………… 4 Overview …………………………………………. 4

Coolant (engine) Capacity ………………………………………… 33

D Dashboard

see Cockpit Dealership

see Qualified specialist workshop

40 Index

Display messages Malfunction Drive at Max. 50 mph ………………………………………………. 37 RACE START Canceled ……………………… 37 RACE START Not Possible See Oper ator’s Manual …………………………………. 37

Drag Race Setting …………………………………………… 28

Drive programs see DYNAMIC SELECT

Driving safety system ESP (Electronic Stability Program) ……. 16

Driving system AMG adaptive sport suspension sys tem ……………………………………………….. 20

Driving tips Notes on breaking-in a new vehicle ……. 11

DYNAMIC SELECT ……………………………….. 13 Drive programs ……………………………….. 13 Function ………………………………………… 13

E E10 …………………………………………………….. 32 ECO start/stop function ……………………… 12

Automatic engine start …………………….. 12 Automatic engine stop ……………………… 12 Method of operation ………………………… 12

Emotion Start Starting the vehicle ………………………….. 11

Engine ECO start/stop function …………………… 12

Engine oil Capacity ………………………………………… 33 MB-Freigabe or MB-Approval …………….. 33 Quality …………………………………………… 33 Temperature (on-board computer, Performance menu) …………………………. 22

ESP (Electronic Stability Program) Activating/deactivating ……………………. 18 ESP SPORT …………………………………… 16 Function/notes ………………………………. 16 Status display (on-board computer, Performance menu) …………………………. 22

ESP SPORT Function/notes ………………………………. 16

F Fuel

E10 ……………………………………………….. 32 Flexible fuel vehicles ……………………….. 32 Fuel reserve ……………………………………. 33 Gasoline ………………………………………… 32 Quality (gasoline) …………………………….. 32 Sulfur content ………………………………… 32 Tank content ………………………………….. 33

G G-meter (on-board computer, Per formance menu) …………………………………. 22 Gasoline …………………………………………….. 32 Gear display (on-board computer, Per formance menu) …………………………………. 22 Gearshift recommendation …………………. 15 Glide mode …………………………………………. 16

Index 41

H Head-up Display

Function ………………………………………… 24

I Instrument display

AMG displays ………………………………….. 22

J Jack

Storage location ……………………………… 31

K Kickdown …………………………………………… 15

Using …………………………………………….. 15

L Limited Warranty

Vehicle …………………………………………….. 9

M Maximum speeds ……………………………….. 36

Menu (on-board computer) AMG displays ………………………………….. 22 Performance …………………………………… 22

N Notes on breaking-in a new vehicle ……… 11

O On-board computer

AMG menu …………………………………….. 22 Performance menu ………………………….. 22

Operating fluids Fuel (gasoline) ………………………………… 32

Operating safety Information ………………………………………. 7

Operator’s Manual Vehicle equipment …………………………….. 7

P Performance (on-board computer, Performance menu) ……………………………. 22 Power output (on-board computer, Performance menu) ……………………………. 22

Q Qualified specialist workshop ……………….. 8


Activating ………………………………………. 19 Activation conditions ……………………….. 19 Function ………………………………………… 19

Reserve Fuel ………………………………………………. 33

Roof load ……………………………………………. 34

S Seat belts

Reduced protection …………………………. 10 Selecting a gear

see Changing gears Service center

see Qualified specialist workshop SETUP (on-board computer, Perform ance menu) ………………………………………… 22

42 Index

Shift paddles see Steering wheel paddle shifters

Shifting gears Gearshift recommendation ……………….. 15

Specialist workshop ……………………………… 8 Start/Stop button

Emotion Start ………………………………….. 11 Start/stop function

see ECO start/stop function Steering wheel paddle shifters ……………. 14 Sulfur content …………………………………….. 32 Suspension

AMG adaptive sport suspension sys tem ……………………………………………….. 20 Selecting the suspension setting ……….. 20

T Tank content

Fuel ………………………………………………. 33 Reserve (fuel) …………………………………. 33

Telemetry display Calling up ………………………………………. 29

Temperature Engine oil (on-board computer, Per formance menu) ……………………………… 22 Transmission oil (on-board computer, Performance menu) …………………………. 22

Tire-change tool kit Overview ………………………………………… 31

Torque (on-board computer, Perform ance menu) ………………………………………… 22 Track Race

Setting …………………………………………… 25 Trunk lid

Opening dimensions ………………………… 34

V Vehicle

Correct use ………………………………………. 9 Equipment ……………………………………….. 7 Limited Warranty ………………………………. 9 Qualified specialist workshop ……………… 8 Starting (Emotion Start) ……………………. 11

Vehicle data Approach/departure angle ……………….. 34 Fording depth …………………………………. 34

Maximum gradient-climbing capability .. 34 Maximum speeds ……………………………. 36 Roof load ……………………………………….. 34 Turning radius …………………………………. 34 Vehicle height …………………………………. 34 Vehicle length …………………………………. 34 Vehicle width ………………………………….. 34 Wheelbase ……………………………………… 34

Vehicle dimensions …………………………….. 34

W Warm-up (on-board computer, P

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