Справочник инженера-механика, Тимингс Р.Л., 2008.
Справочник подготовлен в помощь инженерам-механикам, занятым проектированием и изготовлением технических изделий и оборудования. Издание учитывает изменения в технологиях и стандартах инженерного проектирования и содержит всю самую необходимую информацию по разработке проектов, теории, материалам и их свойствам. Книга предназначена для инженеров-механиков, студентов, а также всех, кому требуется часто обращаться к технической информации.
Прошло уже 14 лет с тех пор, как первое издание Справочника инженера-механика было выпущено в его существующем формате. Хотя в текст второго издания, опубликованного приблизительно 7 лет назад, было включено множество обновлений британских стандартов, структура книги не изменилась. В течение 14 лет, с момента выхода первого издания Справочника инженера-механика, британское машиностроение претерпело ряд существенных изменений с перемещением акцента с производства на проектирование и развитие. В то же самое время производство в значительной степени переместилось в Восточную Европу, Азию и на Дальний Восток с целью уменьшения эксплуатационных расходов в условиях все большей конкуренции на глобальном рынке.
Глава 1. Инженерная математика.
Глава 2. Инженерная статика.
Глава 3. Инженерная динамика.
Глава 4. Крепежные детали.
Глава 5. Механические передачи.
Глава 6. Машиностроительные материалы.
Глава 7. Назначение линейных и геометрических допусков.
Глава 8. Автоматизированное конструирование.
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Дата публикации:
Тимингс :: 2008 :: механика :: инженерия
Следующие учебники и книги:
- Справочное руководство по черчению, Годик Е.И., Хаскин А.М., 1974
- Справочник по городским сточным водам, Имхофф К., 1997
- Справочник по проектированию электроснабжения, Крупович В.И., Барыбин Ю.Г., Самовера М.Л., 1980
- Справочник инженера-шахтостроителя, в 2-х томах, том 2, Белый В.В., 1983
Предыдущие статьи:
- Справочник охотника, Малиновский А.В., Мануйлов П.И., Xолостов В.Г., 1963
- Справочник молодого шлифовщика, Наерман М.С., Наерман Я.М., Исаков А.Э., 1991
- Справочник молодого машиниста башенных кранов, Чернышев Н.И., Романюха В.А., 1966
- Справочник молодого маляра, Белогуров В.П., Чмырь В.Д., 1984
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Скачать Тимингс Р.Л. Справочник инженера-механика
Тимингс Р.Л. Справочник инженера-механика
Москва: Техносфера, 2008. — 632 с.
Справочник подготовлен в помощь инженерам-механикам, занятым проектированием и изготовлением технических изделий и оборудования. Издание учитывает изменения в технологиях и стандартах инженерного проектирования и содержит всю самую необходимую информацию по разработке проектов, теории, материалам и их свойствам.
Книга предназначена для инженеров-механиков, студентов, а также всех, кому требуется часто обращаться к технической информации.
13.1 MiB
Best Auto Mechanic Books Reviews & Recommendations
Our pick for the best overall auto mechanic book is the good old standby How Cars Work by well-respected expert Tom Newton. This book is chock full of simple and straightforward illustrations that aid in gaining basic to advanced knowledge of car systems and how they work.
It offers in-depth descriptions and explanations of the 250 most important car parts and how they function. It even includes mini tests at the end of each chapter so you can see just how much you’re absorbing along the way. Or, you could also use this book as a tutoring textbook for new auto enthusiasts.
The book is written in concise and easy-to-understand vocabulary with basic terms that will help you gain mechanical knowledge, learn to diagnose car problems, and be able to speak about them intelligently. That said, this book is a little dated, but most of the information is still relevant. More advanced mechanics may find this book too remedial or basic.
From the ever popular “For Dummies” repertoire comes Auto Repair For Dummies written by acclaimed auto repair guru Deanna Sclar. In true “For Dummies” fashion, this book covers a wide range of basic topics while providing fresh and relevant content that’s not only educational but entertaining as well.
Use this book to learn how to perform routine maintenance and basic repairs on your vehicle. You’ll also learn how to deal with roadside emergencies, troubleshoot issues, and extend the life of your car. This book will help you make sense of certain automotive systems that can seem confusing or daunting in their functions.
The book includes an under-the-hood checklist, tool advice, helpful illustrations, and much more. There’s even a guide to help you select, check, and care for your tires. It’s a great nuts and bolts resource for beginners. While not a great resource for in-depth issues or electrical components, this book will help to ensure you’re knowledgeable enough not to get hoodwinked by dishonest repair people
If you want a serious text that will provide an in-depth and detailed explanation of automotive principles and function, look no further than James D. Halderman’s Automotive Technology: Principles, Diagnosis, and Service. This is about as legit as you can get when it comes to learning the ins and outs of everything automotive.
Used as an in-class textbook for many automotive courses in high schools and trade schools, this text is designed to teach you how to diagnose, repair and service vehicles with confidence. It not only provides a basic understanding of automotive systems but also gives you a more in-depth understanding on the topic.
Since this book is used as a teaching text, it is big and bulky. It’s also quite pricey compared to many other auto mechanic books on the market. With so much information contained in it, you may also find that it’s hard to find exactly what you’re looking for quickly.
Automotive Wiring and Electrical Systems by Tony Candela will help you make sense of the often confusing and daunting topic of automotive and electrical wiring. It’s a detailed, non-brand-specific reference book that will take you through car wiring from the ground up. It even covers which tools and equipment you’ll need for doing a reliable wiring job.
You’ll also learn how to design, assemble, and troubleshoot automotive electrical systems. If you’re already familiar with car wiring, this book will also help you advance your skills by addressing and explaining some more complicated situations. Learn everything from the basics of electrical principles, amperage, resistance, and voltage to adding new circuits or installing aftermarket electronics.
This book is a little dated and covers relevant wiring concepts if you’re looking to restore an older car. However, it lacks vital information on modern vehicle electronics systems. Some of the diagrams can also be confusing to readers who are very new to wiring and electrical concepts.
It’s hard to compete with in-depth teaching texts when it comes to learning all you need or want to know about automotive repair and maintenance. That’s why we love Automotive Engines: Diagnosis, Repair, Rebuilding by Tom Gilles. Yes, it’s a little on the dry side, but you get a plethora of up-to-date and relevant information.
Tom Gilles has been a college-level automotive professor for decades and has authored several textbooks. This book is the product of six previous editions, giving you much-need updates. Learn about the theory of operation along with all you need to know about rebuilding an engine.
This book focuses on universal repair techniques that are relevant for a variety of car and truck makes and models. It emphasizes technical expertise, but also critical thinking skills to teach you how to diagnose a range of problems. That said, this book is heavy, and we don’t just mean weight-wise. Parts of it can be confusing. It’s also very pricey, like most texts, but if you just need it for a short time, you have the option of renting it online, which is pretty cool.
- Don’t be afraid to highlight, circle, underline, and write a few points in the manual. It will help you understand the book better and also help you learn to pick out the important bits of information.
- Do a little research about the book before you buy it. See what the book is about and learn the contents, size, and a little about the author. The best way to get all that information is to read as many user reviews as you can find.
- Buy a book that matches your experience; otherwise, you will feel like the book was a total waste of your time. If you are a professional, price shouldn’t be a motivating factor since the cheaper ones are mostly beginner manuals.
Q: Should beginners use advanced auto mechanic books?
A: If you are a beginner and choose an advanced level book, you may toss the book aside after a few chapters because it will be difficult to understand. Instead, buy something recommended for beginners with simpler language, better illustrations, and step-by-step guides into the basics.
Q: How do I pick the best auto mechanic book for my work?
A: First, you need to have clearly defined goals in terms of what kind of knowledge or skill you’d like to acquire. Most auto books are about repairs, maintenance, or troubleshooting the problem areas of an automobile. Go with the one that best suits your interests, and pick a few more surrounding the topic for some diversity.
Q: Do I still need formal training after buying auto mechanic books?
A: It depends on your level of interest and how far you would like to take your new-found skills. If you want to consider a career in mechanic work or want to expand your knowledge, you should consider enrolling in an online or local program for auto service technicians.
Final Thoughts
Our top pick is the Tom Newton-How Cars Work. It will help you understand your vehicle inside and out, and you will know what to do when a part fails. It’s also a great book for students and beginners.
If you are looking for a more pocket-friendly book, consider Auto Repair For Dummies. It’s an inexpensive and relevant resource that makes understanding the basics of auto mechanic issues easy and straightforward.
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Our reviews are driven by a combination of hands-on testing, expert input, “wisdom of the crowd” assessments from actual buyers, and our own expertise. We always aim to offer genuine, accurate guides to help you find the best picks.
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НИКАКОГО ОТНОШЕНИЯ К МИРАМ EVE НЕ ИМЕЕТ. В игру не играл, один лишь раз протестировал в пробном варианте, честно скажу не пошло. Но создателям EVE респект, в моем понимании они грамотно позаимствовали множество идей из фантастики и упаковав их в своём мире создали концепцию своего игрового мира. За что и стригут свои бонусы.
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Страниц: 688
Год издания: 2002
Язык: Русский
В данном издании собраны и классифицированы технические и регулировочные параметры бензиновых легковых автомобилей и микроавтобусов зарубежного производства. Справочник предназначен для автолюбителей и персонала СТО (Сертифицировано для станций технического обслуживания).
Олеся, Днепропетровск, 14.10.2017
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Василиса, Тюмень, 02.07.2017
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