Markem imaje 8018 инструкция на русском

Термотрансферный принтер 8018 Markem Imaje

Общий вид

“Как заменить печатающую головку Markem-Imaje 8018?”

В этой статье речь пойдет о процедуре замены печатающей головки на термотрансферном маркираторе Markem-Imaje 8018. Причиной принятия данного решения могут служить следующие факторы:

  • Отпечатанный оттиск имеет пропуски (полосы) перпендикулярные печатающей головке.
  • Оттиск отсутствует частично или полностью.
  • Контраст маркировки заметно снизился (маркировка стала бледной).

В любом случае, мы рекомендуем перед заменой печатающей головки получить бесплатную консультацию у наших специалистов.

При замене печатающей головки стоит обратить особое внимание на статическое напряжение, которое собирается на одежде. Мы рекомендуем использовать атистатический браслет при выполнении последующих работ.

  1. Отключите питание принтера.
  2. Извлеките поврежденную печатающую головку.

а.  Открутите с помощью шестигранника четыре крепежных винта с фиксатора разъема подключения печатающей головки.

b. Снимите фиксатор разъема.

c. Ослабьте разъем подключения гибкого шлейфа печатающей головки сдвинув черный фиксатор в сторону шлейфа печатающей головки.

d. Отключите гибкий шлейф печатающей головки от платы.

e. Ослабляем винт фиксации головки находящийся под печатающей головкой. Слегка прижав печатающую головку вниз извлекаем ее в сторону гибкого шлейфа.

Ослабляем разъем.

Ослабляем разъем.
Снимаем фиксатор
Снимаем фиксаторОтключаем шлейф печатающей головкиОтключаем шлейф печатающей головки
Отключаем шлейф печатающей головки
Отключаем шлейф печатающей головки
Ослабляем винт
Ослабляем винт
Извлекаем печатающую головку Markem 8018
Извлекаем печатающую головку

3. Новая печатающая головка Markem-Imaje 8018 устанавливается в обратном порядке.

При установке печатающей головки обратите внимание на фиксатор черного цвета, который мы ослабляли в пункте С, он должен быть ослаблен, а шлейф головки свободно заходить в разъем на плате.

Выравниваем печатающую головку и
устанавливаем зазор 1-3 мм.

Создаем или меняем образ отпечатка:

Для создания образа используется программное обеспечение ColosCreative скачать бесплатную версию можно на сайте markem-imaje.

При создании нового образа выбираем устройство 8018. 

Создаем дату (переносим из левого меню в печатающее поле. Определив размер шрифта 14. Font Ariel по умолчанию. Изменяем свойства даты, если ее нужно корректировать UserPromtedDate Там формируем изменяемое поле сточками или дефисами например 00.00.00

Текстовую приставку (цех, номер бригады). Изменяем свойства TEXT, если ее нужно корректировать UserPromtedDate и Shift Number. Определив размер шрифта 14. Font Ariel по умолчанию.

Сохраняем  файл, присвоив ему имя, на флешку размером не более 2Gb отформатированную в FAT обозначаем имя sablon.itf. 

Затем печатаем Print to File  выбирая устройство 8018 нажимая Send, получаем два файла имя.image и имя.bff. Переименовываем их добавляя _dat получаем sablon_dat.image и sablon_dat.bff. 

Устанавливаем флешку в USB разъем расположенный под крышкой принтера вверху ленты Риббон. вводим пароль. По умолчанию 1234. 

Попадаем в меню управления файлами. загружаем файл образа. 

Можем выгрузить все текущие файлы образа.на флешку.

Приятной работы!

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Неисправности ротационных печей Revent 725

Появление излишек воды с парогенератора: 1. Чистка трубы форсунки подачи воды от накипи. 2. Чистка шариков парогенератора. РАзбираем парогенератор. Вынимаем трубу форсунку подачи воды.Снимаем Щитки. Достаем шары. Помещаем их в бетономешалку на пол. часа. Устанавливаем очищенные шары на штатное место. Щитки. трубу. Вода больше не образуется, превращаясь в пар. Недостаточно пара в парогенераторе, отсутствие гланца на продукции: Проверяем расход воды. В ручном режиме за 20 секунд вытекает около 10 литров. Отсоединяем клапан от трубки. Подставляем ведро. Переводим  печь в ручной режим. Настраиваем работу клапана на 20 сек. Включаем выпекание. После останова процесса выключаем и взвешиваем массу воды. Если ее значительно меньше 10л (например 2 литра). Снимем и проверяем электромагнитный клапан 6213 24V. Проверяем состояние седла и мембраны. В случае значительного износа меняем электро-магнитный клапан..  Неисправность горелки Honeywell MMI962. Mod23. Ошибка на пульту печи Е8. 1. Отк

сервис и наладка.машины для раскатки теста RONDO Ecu, 4000

 Машины предназначены для раскатки тестового и марципанового полотна в пищевой промышленности. В памяти сохраняются до 100 обычных с 1 циклом  или мульти (2-5 циклов) программ. Режим слева направо 1. Раскатка в ручном режиме, 2. раскатка имеющихся программ 3. программирование 4. параметры 5. диагностика Программы раскатки: Предварительная раскатка на ширину вкл/выкл. Экран вверху слева направо: — Номер стандартной ступени интенсивности раскатки  (ручной, режим калибровки, непрерывно без фотоячеек). — Начальный зазор между валками. — Конечный зазор между валками. Окончание раскатки — Останов для складывания. — Останов для ручной намотки. — Автоматическая намотки (конечный зазор между валками меньше 9мм). Второй и последующие циклы аналогично. ? появится + нажать подтвердить. Коды: 17 отобразить программу в форме таблицы. Параметры: 1. Язык 5= русский 2. Сторона складывания. 0- не определена, 1 слева, 2 справа. 3. Сторона ручной намотки   0- не определена, 1 слева, 2 справа. 4. Положение

Автор: admin в рубриках: Компьютерное, модернизация, новое оборудование, полезное

Поставили на днях задачу — перенести с одного фасовочного станка-автомата на другой датер (принтер для печати текстовой информации на упаковках продукции). Автомат с принтером стоял на складе за ненадобностью — пошел его разбирать.

Принтер оказался довольно сложной и капризной конструкцией. Термотрансферный принтер Markem 18 серии а точнее 18с. Принтеры эти бывают двух модификаций по типу печати: старт-стоповые и непрерывные. Первые производят печать в момент останова движения подложки, вторы печатают прямо на движущемся материале. У меня в руках оказался второй. А автомат, на который его предполагалось перенести первого типа.

Позвонил в фирму, которая занималась наладкой принтера, начал консультироваться по поводу переделки «c» модификации в «i». Сказали, что такое вполне возможно и стоить будет примерно 450 евро замена механизма принтера и еще 450 евро замена станины.
В принтере непрерывного действия на станине находится вал с энкодером, с помощью которого вычисляется точная скорость движения материала и с соответственно такой же скоростью шаговый двигатель перемещает печатаюшую головку при печати. Пытался поначалу открутить энкодер от валика – попытка не удалась. Переписал с него информацию, нарыл в инете инструкцию, оказывается, он снимается хитрым шестигранником размером с иголку, вобщем я такого не нашел…
В принтере старт-стопного действия вал с энкодером соответственно не нужны и шаговый двигатель тоже. Вместо этого на станине крепится площадка, на которой реализуется прижим печатающей головки в момент печати.

Еще интересный момент с самой печатью. У принтера, как видно на фотографии, красуется USB разъем. Через него с флешки можно загружать прошивки, языковые файлы и собственно макеты отпечатков, которые создаются в программе CoLOS на компьютере. Так вот для реализации печати логотипа принтером (или любого другого графического объекта, отличного от текста)  необходимо купить Professional версию программы, которая стоит ни много ни мало 650 евро.

Порадовала обширная техническая документация на прилагаемом диске, хоть и на английском. На русском только работа, наладка описана.

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Markem Imaje 9028 User Manual

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08/2016 — AB

9, rue Gaspard Monge

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26501 Bourg-lès-Valence

Cedex — France

Tél. : +33 (0) 4 75 75 55 00

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Related Manuals for Markem Imaje 9028

Summary of Contents for Markem Imaje 9028

  • Page 1
    User Manual 9028 08/2016 — AB 9, rue Gaspard Monge B.P. 110 26501 Bourg-lès-Valence Cedex — France Tél. : +33 (0) 4 75 75 55 00 Fax : +33 (0) 4 75 82 98 10 A46980…
  • Page 2: Table Of Contents

    Contents Général ■ Introduction ■ Update ■ The consumables, warranty and civil liability ■ Contact Presentation of the printer ■ Overview ■ Print module ■ The head pressurization kit (option) and air filter kit ■ The positive air pump kit (optional) Presentation of the operator interface ■…

  • Page 3
    Contents ■ Starting/Stopping the jet(s) Starting the jet(s) Stopping the jet(s) ■ Initializing/Configuring the printer Choosing the dialogue language Initializing the date and hour Configuring the ink parameters Configuring the parameters of the print head Configuring the serial communication link Locking access ■…
  • Page 4
    Contents ■ Specifying the characteristics of the characters Selecting a font Using tabulation Bolderizing a character ■ Using the date and hour Setting the date and hour parameters Composing and inserting the date Composing and inserting the hour ■ Using a counter Setting the parameters of a counter Inserting a counter Viewing and initializing counters…
  • Page 5
    Contents Servicing ■ Cleaning the head ■ Protect the head ■ Correctly starting the jets Maintenance ■ Maintenance menus Using the desktop icons Description of icons Description of the maintenance icons Overview of the Maintenance menu ■ Maintenance management Viewing the maintenance data View the information on module M6’…
  • Page 6
    Contents Alarms and faults ■ Viewing a fault or an alarm Viewing the list of faults Table of faults and alarms ■ Preliminary checks External appearance Check the operating parameters ■ Trouble-Shooting Introduction Example of a diagnostic When using the printer While the printer is operating Technical Specifications Physical description…
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    Contents A46980-AB.doc 6/176…
  • Page 8: Général

    Général A46980-AB.doc 7/176…

  • Page 9: Introduction

    General ■ Introduction Thank you for choosing a Markem-Imaje product to meet your marking and encoding requirements. With its architecture, this printer can cover several configurations. An optimized design, great start-up/shut-down quality and easy maintenance give you a printer that is easy to install, easy to use and easy to service.

  • Page 10: Presentation Of The Printer

    Presentation of the printer A46980-AB.doc 9/176…

  • Page 11: Overview

    Presentation of the printer ■ Overview Housing M12 connector: tachometer (encoder) input (blue) M6’ module Ethernet port (optional) Addtitive cartridge M12 connector: RS-232 outlet Ink cartridge M12 connector: photo detector outlet (black) Operator interface Mains connector Air filter cover Umbilical 3 meters Identification label Print head Consumables access door…

  • Page 12: Print Module

    Presentation of the printer ■ Print module The print module comprises the umbilical and the print head. The type G, single jet head (standard characters: 2.8 pts/mm) can be used to print from 1 to 4 lines of characters depending on the fonts used. The conduit is available in a 3-meter length.

  • Page 13
    Presentation of the printer The removable cover is opened and closed as shown in the figure below. Opening and closing the head cover Head with covers removed Head cover Protective cover Modulation assembly Umbilical Back cover Gasket Charge electrode Detection electrode Drain gutter Drain header Deflection plates…
  • Page 14: The Head Pressurization Kit (Option) And Air Filter Kit

    Presentation of the printer ■ The head pressurization kit (option) and air filter kit The head pressurization kit (1) is recommended when using the printer in a dusty or humid atmosphere. The supply of dry air maintains a constant hygrometry in the head, which guarantees the proper operation of the printer and optimum print quality.

  • Page 15: The Positive Air Pump Kit (Optional)

    Presentation of the printer ■ The positive air pump kit (optional) The positive air pump kit performs the same function as the head pressurization kit. It is used when it is not possible to connect to a compressed air network. Positive air pump kit (reference in Spare parts catalog) A46980-AB.doc 14/176…

  • Page 16: Presentation Of The Operator Interface

    Presentation of the operator interface A46980-AB.doc 15/176…

  • Page 17: Description Of The Interface

    Presentation of the operator interface ■ Description of the interface     : user  : navigation  : function and editing A46980-AB.doc 16/176…

  • Page 18
    Presentation of the operator interface ■ User keys On/Off. Pressing this button allows for performing one or more test print(s).  This key is for viewing the printer parameters. It can also be used for viewing and acknowledging faults or alarms signaled by the printer.
  • Page 19
    Presentation of the operator interface ■ Function keys Functions F1 to F8 linked to keys are only active when you are in the icons panel. Pressing these keys gives you fast access to some of the printer’s functions. For more detail, see the chapter on “Navigating in the menus”.
  • Page 20
    Presentation of the operator interface In Message editing, this key is for choosing the mode: □ Insertion: the cursor becomes vertical and modifications are inserted in the message without overwriting the content. e.g. TE│ST □ Overwriting: the cursor becomes horizontal and the content of the message is modified by deleting the characters pointed at by the cursor.
  • Page 21: Warning Lights

    Presentation of the operator interface Pressing and holding this key when editing in lower case allows for switching to writing in upper case and back. Pressing these keys simultaneously allows for moving a page at a time towards the end of the message library list. …

  • Page 22: The Screen

    Presentation of the operator interface The screen This is in the form of a 240 X 128 pixel graphic WYSIWYG screen. It is made up of various zones: ■ Main menus Functions or commands Sub-menu Ink circuit status Menu name Message heading Message number Title zone…

  • Page 23
    Presentation of the operator interface  Title zone This zone displays: □ The status of the ink circuit: ON, OFF, MAIN (maintenance), O/S (out of service) or sometimes, in some operations, the progress of sequences (e.g. n/7 for a start-up). □…
  • Page 24: Navigating In The Menus

    Presentation of the operator interface ■ Navigating in the menus Using the Icons panel The panel made up of icons allows rapid access to printer some functions. It can be accessed directly when the printer is started up or by pressing the key in the main menu.

  • Page 25
    Presentation of the operator interface ■ Description of the icons Selecting a message. This is a short-cut to the function Production/Message/Select message. Creating a new message. This is a short-cut to the function Message editing/Message/New. Modifying the message in production. Access to the parameters of the message in production.
  • Page 26: Using The Menus

    Presentation of the operator interface Using the menus The main menu is the top level of the tree. It is broken down into four main menus: □ Production □ Message editing □ Printer preparation □ Symbol editing It can be accessed by pressing the key in the icons panel.

  • Page 27: Navigation Help

    Presentation of the operator interface Navigation help ■ Moving from the icons panel to the menu ■ Navigating in the menus To choose To exit (Icons panel) ■ Navigating in the sub-menus To choose To exit Choice of menus A46980-AB.doc 26/176…

  • Page 28
    Presentation of the operator interface ■ Modifying a field To choose To exit Choice of sub-menus To modify Where a box has to be checked, pressing the key changes the status of the box. ■ Navigating in the functions To choose To exit A46980-AB.doc 27/176…
  • Page 29: Overview Of The Menus

    Presentation of the operator interface Overview of the menus Production Printer Message Status Maint. Jet start Select message (F1) Jet maintenance (F8) Jet stop Display/init counters (F5) maintenance Manual print ElValves test General Services Fault override Message editing Message Font Variables Parameters New (F2)

  • Page 30: Description Of The Main Menus

    Presentation of the operator interface Description of the main menus Production: This menu contains all the functions needed for daily use and maintenance of the printer. Printer: starts or stops the printer and starts or stops the jets. It also allows for making a test print.

  • Page 31
    Presentation of the operator interface Symbol editing: This menu contains all the functions and commands needed for creating and modifying symbols, logos and drawings. Symbol: provides access to the symbol management functions. Size: provides access to the symbols size modification function. NOTE Access to some menus can be protected with an access code.
  • Page 32: Using The Printer

    Using the printer A46980-AB.doc 31/176…

  • Page 33: Starting Up The Printer

    Using the printer ■ Starting up the printer Daily start-up The printer is switched on when the light is lit. The ink circuit is off but all programming operations can be accessed via the menus. The icon desktop appears on the printer.

  • Page 34: Star-Up After A Long Shut-Down

    Using the printer ■ Automatic start-up Start-up can be performed automatically when it is switched on without pressing the key, by checking the command Printer preparation/initialization/Printer/Miscellaneous/Auto. Start Star-up after a long shut-down If the printer has been shut down for more than three weeks: Remove the front cover from the head and then the rubber…

  • Page 35: Shutting Down The Printer

    Using the printer ■ Shutting down the printer Daily or short shut-down (shut-down for less than 3 days) Press the key. Press the F1 : The shut-down sequence is displayed at the top left of the screen (n/4). The printer shuts off after 2 min, OFF appears at the top left of the screen. The printer is still on;…

  • Page 36: Long Shut-Down

    Using the printer Long shut-down ■ Shut-down lasting between 3 days and 21 days Press the key. Press the F1 : The shut-down sequence is displayed at the top left of the screen (n/4). The printer shuts off after 2 min, OFF appears at the top left of the screen. Disconnect the mains connector.

  • Page 37
    Using the printer ■ Shut-down greater than 3 weeks. Position the head on its maintenance support. 2. Clean the printer: Production/Maint./maintenance/Clean ink circuit  The cleaning procedure is described in the Chapter on “Draining/Cleaning the printer” in the Maintenance section. Press the key.
  • Page 38: Starting/Stopping The Jet(S)

    Using the printer ■ Starting/Stopping the jet(s) Starting the jet(s) Production/Printer/Jet start /Jet start (Production/Maint./Jet maintenance/Jet start). Selecting this function starts the jets. During start-up the light flashes green. When the jets are ready, it is lit steadily. REMINDER When the printer starts up, the jets start up automatically. Stopping the jet(s) Production/Printer/Jet stop /Jet stop (Production/Maint./Jet maintenance/Jet stop ).

  • Page 39: Initializing/Configuring The Printer

    Using the printer ■ Initializing/Configuring the printer All these functions allow for initializing the printer when it is first used or changing its configuration while it is used. Choosing the dialogue language Printer preparation/Initialization/Printer/Language A dialog box allows you to choose the user language for the Operator Interface. Initializing the date and hour Printer preparation/Initialization/Printer/Date/hour This dialog box allows for setting the printer date and time.

  • Page 40
    Using the printer ■ Using the Hijri calendar Setting the calendar parameters Printer preparation/Initialization/Message/Hijri calendar & Year Press key then enter the Hijri year. Press the key to access the parameters screen:  Using the navigation arrows and the key, enter the date values for each month of the year n and n+1, then validate.
  • Page 41: Configuring The Ink Parameters

    Using the printer Selecting the calendar Message editing/Parameters/Message/Hijri calendar Check this function to move to Hijri calendar mode. The dates and postdates will be  displayed and prints using the Hijri calendar. Otherwise, the printer is in Julian calendar mode. Configuring the ink parameters ■…

  • Page 42: Configuring The Parameters Of The Print Head

    Using the printer Configuring the parameters of the print head ■ Head level Printer preparation/Initialization/Printer/Head level The dialog box allows for programming the actual head level between the head (line of the head) and the ink circuit (bottom of the console) on the production site. This value varies between –1.5 m and 2 m, in 0.5 m steps.

  • Page 43: Configuring The Serial Communication Link

    Using the printer Configuring the serial communication link Printer preparation/Initialization/Printer/Communication This dialog box allows for configuring the parameters of the serial communication link: □ Format: 8 w/o parity 1 stop, 8 w/o parity 2 stops or 8 even parity 1 stop. □…

  • Page 44: Locking Access

    Using the printer Locking access Printer preparation/Access codes This function allows for programming an access code to protect access to the menus. Press the key to enter the Access codes field. Enter a code of 1 to 3 characters, Then validate. Check the menus you wish to protect. To delete a code, enter three «spaces»…

  • Page 45: Viewing The Printer Parameters

    Using the printer ■ Viewing the printer parameters Several functions allow for checking the different printer parameters. Viewing the operating parameters ■ Viewing the ink circuit parameters Production/Status For fast access, press the key. On this sub-menu, you can view the status of the machine and its operating parameters in real time: □…

  • Page 46
    Using the printer ■ Viewing the consumables level In the icon panel, the icons (ink and make-up) allow for directly viewing the level of each cartridge. In fact, each of the icons can show 6 different states depending on the cartridge status: Ink cartridge example: 100% Cartridge empty…
  • Page 47
    Using the printer ■ Viewing the number of prints Print preparation/Options/Totalizer This command allows for viewing a counter which shows the total number of prints made by the printer since it was first started. It increments one unit each time a message is printed, whatever set off is used. Once the final value (999999999) has been reached, it automatically returns to 0.
  • Page 48: Viewing The Programming Parameters

    Using the printer Viewing the programming parameters ■ Viewing the software versions Production/Maint./General Services/Software version ■ Viewing the available algorithms Print preparation/Initialization/Algorithms This dialog box shows a list of the different algorithms available, together with their characteristics: □ No: algorithm number □…

  • Page 49
    Using the printer ■ Viewing the machine options Print preparation/Options/Machine options This dialog box shows the printer’s hardware configuration and main software operations. NOTE The number of messages or logos indicated is the maximum value. The actual number is variable and depends on the size in bytes of the messages or logos.
  • Page 50: Exchanging Data

    Using the printer ■ Exchanging data This function allows for exchanging messages and fonts between the printer and a USB key. Connecting the USB key To access the USB connector, open the door on the printer. The reader is located on the left above the cartridge-holder (1).

  • Page 51: Exchanging Messages

    Using the printer Exchanging messages ■ Backing up messages Printer preparation/Initialization/USB transfer/Msg Printer→USB This function makes a backup of the printer’s message library in a USB key. The messages are saved in a directory then transferred. Enter the name of the directory (maximum of 8 characters) then press enter. ATTENTION Do not disconnect the USB key during data transfer.

  • Page 52: Exchanging Fonts

    Using the printer Exchanging fonts ■ Loading fonts Printer preparation/Initialization/USB transfer/Font USB→Printer This command allows for selecting a *. S7S extension file from the card and loading it into the printer. It contains one or more fonts together with the associated algorithms. Loading an *.

  • Page 53
    Using the printer A46980-AB.doc 52/176…
  • Page 54: Editing A Message

    Editing a message A46980-AB.doc 53/176…

  • Page 55: Selecting A Message

    Editing a message ■ Selecting a message Selecting a message from the library Production/Message/Select message A dialog box shows you a list of all the messages in the printer’s memory. A message can be selected either by its number, this is the «Number-Name» mode, or by its name, this is the «Name-Number»…

  • Page 56: Creating A Message

    Editing a message ■ Creating a message Message Editing/Message/New  Give your message a name. The name can be made up of eight alphanumeric characters. After validation, a cursor appears in the bottom left of the work zone, on the lowest line of your message.

  • Page 57: Modifying A Message

    Editing a message ■ Modifying a message Modifying the message in production In the icon panel, activating the icon allows for modifying the message in production. You then directly enter the menu Message editing, and the cursor appears in the message.

  • Page 58: Printing A Message

    Editing a message ■ Printing a message To print a message: □ the jet(s) must be ready: the light is green and lit steadily. □ the message must be in production. When these two conditions are met, a speed measurement signal from the photocell (TOP1 input) or the Tacho (Tacho input) triggers message printing.

  • Page 59: Managing The Message

    Editing a message ■ Managing the message Saving a message Message Editing/Message/Save Once you have finished creating a message with all its parameters and variables, it must be stored in the memory to be able to print it later if necessary; this is the role of the Save command.

  • Page 60: Transferring A Message To Print

    Editing a message Transferring a message to print Message Editing/Message/Load printer This command allows a message being edited to be transferred to the printer, to make a test print for example. Printing corresponds to the message editing at the time of the transfer.

  • Page 61: Specifying The Print Parameters

    Editing a message ■ Specifying the print parameters Specifying the parameters of a message Message editing/Parameters/Message All the data that will adapt the message to the production site appears in this dialog box. It allows for configuring the print characteristics specific to the message. Activating the icon allows for modifying the parameters of the in production message.

  • Page 62
    Editing a message ■ Head direction The programming of this parameter depends on the installation of your printer on your production line and on the result that you want to obtain in reading. The printer offers you four configuration choices that correspond to your application. NOTE In each case, to obtain a clearly readable message, reverse the object movement direction.
  • Page 63
    Editing a message The process entails rotating the encoder by a number of complete revolutions (e.g. 5 complete revolutions) then measuring the distance traveled by the cable. For example, if the cable travels 1000 mm in 5 complete revolutions of the encoder, the Tacho step must theoretically be set to 40 μm.
  • Page 64
    Editing a message ■ Set off This function allows for choosing between the object mode, repetitive mode and multitop mode: □ Object This mode corresponds to the printing of a single message per object. Object mode options Printer preparation/Initialization/Message/miscellaneous/Top object mode Continue or Stop: If the Top object mode is Stop, printing stops when the Top information is absent (even if the message is not completely printed).
  • Page 65: Specifying The Print Resolution

    Editing a message ■ Repetitive interval This parameter represents the space between two printings in Repetitive and Multitop set off. IMPORTANT — The minimum interval value is 9 mm. — The maximum interval value is 1400 mm. ■ Algorithm number This function is used for selecting an algorithm number.

  • Page 66: Specifying The Characteristics Of The Characters

    Editing a message ■ Specifying the characteristics of the characters These functions will allow you to choose the type, style and size of your characters or your symbols. Selecting a font Message editing/Font/select Font After validating a font, the cursor takes the height of the font selected. The fonts correspond to the keyboard characters for Cyrillic, Arabic, Hebrew and the languages that use the Latin alphabet.

  • Page 67: Using Tabulation

    Editing a message Using tabulation Message editing/Font/Tabulation This function allows for specifying a new blank area between two characters or symbols different from the standard space of the font used. In general, the space has the same width as a normal character, with this command you can determine its width (1 to 255 points).

  • Page 68
    Editing a message ■ Bit mode Pressing the key (space) inserts tabulations. These tabulations are made up of a number of bits programmed in this function. By placing the cursor in front of a tabulation, the help area shows you «tabulation x» with x representing the number of bits in this tabulation.
  • Page 69: Bolderizing A Character

    Editing a message Bolderizing a character Message editing/Font/Bolderization This function allows for the printing in bold the characters that you want to stand out in the message, without changing their height. You are offered a dialog box in which you program the bolderization coefficient needed between 1 and 9, 9 being the thickest print (by default this coefficient is on 1).

  • Page 70: Using The Date And Hour

    Editing a message ■ Using the date and hour To print the date and hour in a message, there are parameters that must first be set, then they must be composed and lastly, inserted in a message. Setting the date and hour parameters ■…

  • Page 71: Composing And Inserting The Date

    Editing a message Composing and inserting the date Message editing/Variables/Date This menu allows you to insert the calendar items in your message. A dialog box offers to compose your «Date» variable using the following items: The Entry line displays the date items as they are programmed. Once the date is composed, pressing the key inserts it in the message where the cursor is positioned.

  • Page 72: Composing And Inserting The Hour

    Editing a message Composing and inserting the hour Message editing/Variables/Hour This menu allows you to insert the hour items in your message. A dialog box offers to compose your «autodating» variable using the Hours, Minutes, Seconds and Separators (:/. ) fields, in any order you wish. The Mode field displays AM, PM or a blank in 24 mode.

  • Page 73: Using A Counter

    Editing a message ■ Using a counter To print a counter, the parameters must be set then inserted in the message. It can also be viewed then reset to its starting value. You can insert up to 2 different counters per message. Setting the parameters of a counter Message editing/Parameters/Counter The dialog box allows you to select a counter.

  • Page 74
    Editing a message ■ Base For selecting the counter’s numbering base. Once the base is specified, the counter’s Starting value and Final value are replaced in the values allowed by the base. □ 10 (0-9): standard digital. Goes from 0 to 9. □…
  • Page 75: Inserting A Counter

    Editing a message ■ Batch counter 0000 to 9999 – This is the object number in the batch. The counter increments when this value is reached. ■ Progression mode Inactive Fixed counter the counter is incremented according to the information from the Top Object object input Message…

  • Page 76: Viewing And Initializing Counters

    Editing a message Viewing and initializing counters Production/Message/Display/init counters This command allows you to view the value of the counters and reset them to their starting values as needed. Select the counter number from the groups offered, then validate. When the counter value is displayed, you can insert its starting value by checking the corresponding box using the key, then validate.

  • Page 77: Using A Postdate

    Editing a message ■ Using a postdate A postdate is a date deferred in relation to the current date. To print a postdate, its parameters must first be set, then it is composed and lastly it is inserted in the message. You can insert up to 6 different postdates per message.

  • Page 78: Default Parameters

    Editing a message ■ Modulo This parameter allows for coding the postdate: Postdate = Date + R with R = Postdate period (in days) – (n x Modulo) Example: 01 January 2014, an operator enters a postdate period of 1000 days, the postdate value will vary according to the modulo chosen: Modulo Postdate…

  • Page 79: Composing And Inserting A Postdate

    Editing a message Composing and inserting a postdate Message editing/Variables/Postdate This menu allows you to insert the postdate items in your message. A dialog box allows you to compose your «Postdate» variable using the following items: ■ Postdate 1 The figure indicates the postdate number. Example: D1 signifies PostDay month of Postdate 1.

  • Page 80: Using A Shift Code

    Editing a message ■ Using a shift code A shift code allows for printing a set of values contained in a circular list according to a period for changing at a given value. The code is specified using a given time and day and it is common to all messages.

  • Page 81
    Editing a message ■ Shift code 2 This allows for printing information on cycled times over a period greater than one day. ■ Shift code 3 This allows for programming the starting time (in AM, PM or 24 mode) and the interval for each day of the week.
  • Page 82: Inserting A Shift Code

    Editing a message Inserting a shift code Message editing/Variable/shift code Select a shift code from the 3 offered, then validate. ■ Shift code 1 A dialog box allows you to choose from three possible shift code displays: Letter (-I-O): The letters I and O will not be used for composing the shift code. Once your choice is validated, a character (alphabetic or numerical) appears in your message at the point your cursor is positioned.

  • Page 83: Using The Autodating Table

    Editing a message ■ Using the autodating table This function allows for inserting all the time and date variables coded using the autodating table. To print an autodating item, its parameters must first be set and then it is inserted in the message.

  • Page 84
    Editing a message Example: Encoding the time □ Field: 1/24 informs you that you are entering the code corresponding to the first hour. Coding 24 fields corresponds to the 24 hours in a day. □ Value: this is the field that you actually enter. In this case, it is the first (default value 000).
  • Page 85: Composing And Inserting An Autodating Item

    Editing a message Composing and inserting an autodating item Message editing/Variables/Autodating table This menu allows you to insert the coded autodating items in your message. A dialog box allows you to compose your «Autodating table» variable using the following items: Pressing the key allows for inserting it in the message at the point the cursor is positioned.

  • Page 86: Using External Variables

    Editing a message ■ Using external variables Message editing/Variables/External This function allows for reserving locations for variables information to be sent by RS232/V24 external link inside a message (example: weight from scales or information from a computer, from a bar code reader). If no information is sent, these reserved locations will be represented in print by a symbol chosen which is visible on the screen.

  • Page 87: Using A Barcode (Option)

    Editing a message ■ Using a barcode (option) To edit a barcode its parameters must first be set, then it is set and lastly inserted in the message. You can insert up to 3 different barcodes per message. Setting the barcode parameters Message editing/Parameters/barcodes A dialog box offers you a choice of a maximum of 3 codes (barcode or Datamatrix code).

  • Page 88
    Editing a message ■ Plain text Only for distribution codes – allows for choosing whether or not the code is printed as human readable text, as well as the position of this text: None Upper Lower 1114444ùùù444444111 44kkkkkkkkkkkk444 ■ Height Barcode Between 5 and 28 points — limited by the height of the fonts present.
  • Page 89
    Editing a message ■ Narrow bar From 1 to 4 (bit) — default value 1 for distribution codes. ■ Narrow space From 1 to 4 (bit) — default value 1 for distribution codes. ■ Wide bar From 2 to 9 (bit) — default value 2 for distribution codes. ■…
  • Page 90: Composing And Inserting The Barcode

    Editing a message Composing and inserting the barcode Message editing/Font/Barcode You can insert up to 3 codes (barcodes or Datamatrix code) of different types in your message using this command. A dialog box offers you a choice of 3 codes identified by their type. Select the desired barcode then validate.

  • Page 91: Barcode Characteristics

    Editing a message Barcode Characteristics ■ Industrial codes 2/5 interleaved □ Allows for transcribing digital characters in barcode only. □ These characters may be variable (counter, date, etc.). □ 32 characters maximum. The dialog box is as follows: If check digit □…

  • Page 92
    Editing a message ■ Distribution codes 42222222222 cursor signals the bottom of the barcode assembly (bars + human readable text) whatever the position of the human readable text. You can print the bars and the cleartext on a single jet. Pay attention to the height of the bars and the cleartext.
  • Page 93
    Editing a message EAN 128 and code 128 The dialog box is as follows: □ 47 characters maximum. □ The set of characters is divided into 4 menus that can be found in Mode 128 (Code A, Code B, Code C) and Characters to: Code A: comprises all the standard upper case alphanumeric characters, the command characters and the special characters.
  • Page 94
    Editing a message HIBC This code has the same characteristics as code 128 Mode C. □ The Optimization parameter is not valid. □ There is no Default mode. □ The first two characters are between parentheses. The dialog box is the same as that of EAN 128/code 128. HIBC LIC The basic data must be symbolized either in Code 128 or Code 39.
  • Page 95
    Editing a message ■ Datamatrix Code □ The code used is ECC200 type with automatic format calculation (square or rectangle). □ The height of the code can vary between 8 and 24 points. □ The size of the cells (bolderization) is programmable: 1 or 2 drops. □…
  • Page 96: Using Symbols

    Editing a message ■ Using symbols A symbol can be an alphabetic character, a number, a special symbol or a special shape (logo). A set of symbols of the same size constitutes a font. You can create maximum of 10 fonts. Chinese symbols are edited using a Pin Yin editor.

  • Page 97: Creating A Symbol

    Editing a message Creating a symbol ■ General rule Create the font: □ Give the font a name (8 characters). □ Give the font a number (201 to 255). □ Give the symbol in the font a number (001 to 224). Specify the size of the symbols: □…

  • Page 98
    Editing a message ■ Creating a font and specifying the size of the symbols Symbol editing/Symbol/New This command allows you to create a new symbol that will be filed in a font. The dialog box asks you to provide: □ a title for the font (8 characters max), □…
  • Page 99
    Editing a message ■ Creating the symbol Screen After specifying the font’s name, number, symbol number and size, the printer offers you the following screen. Number of existing symbols in the font Symbol number Font number Font name Coordinates of the cursor in the grid Draw mode >>…
  • Page 100
    Editing a message Using the keys In mode: Point by point >>           Allows for moving the cursor in the      drawing grid, in the direction of the arrows.
  • Page 101
    Editing a message In mode: zone Allows for choosing the color of  the zone (white or black).               Successively pressing 2 keys  allows for specifying a zone. …
  • Page 102: Saving A Symbol

    Editing a message Zoom This function is valid when the cursor is at the bottom left of the screen (coordinates 001 x 001). Use the keys to enlarge or reduce the grid. Delete symbol key with confirmation requested. Saving a symbol Symbol editing /Symbol/Save This command allows you to save the symbol you have just created or modified.

  • Page 103: Modifying A Symbol

    Editing a message Modifying a symbol ■ Modifying a symbol Symbol editing /Symbol/Open This command allows for modifying an existing symbol after it is selected. Once you choose Open, a dialog box offers you a list of existing symbol fonts. You can then scroll down the titles and choose the one that interests you or display a cursor using key and enter the title of the font you are looking for, then validate.

  • Page 104: Editing Chinese Symbols

    Editing a message ■ Modifying the size of a symbol Symbol editing /Size/Symbol size This function allows for modifying the height and width of the symbols specified in a font. ATTENTION — If you reduce the size, the symbols already drawn will be truncated.

  • Page 105
    Editing a message keys are for moving in the list offered. Pressing keys allows for selecting the ideogram concerned. It then appears in the composition zone: Pressing the keys deletes the last ideogram, combining deletes the whole zone. Once the composition is completed, pressing the key allows for inserting the ideograms into the message at the location of the cursor: A46980-AB.doc…
  • Page 106: Example Of Programming Messages

    Editing a message ■ Example of programming messages ■ Creating a message Font 7 pts 12:01:14 PARIS: 0 4 2 Font 7 pts Font 16 pts Bolderization 2 Postdate DIRECTIONS FOR PROCESSING WHAT YOU NEED THE ABOVE EXAMPLE TO USE All the functions needed for creating a message are in the Message editing menu.

  • Page 107
    Editing a message New is used to create a new message. key to validate the New stage. Identify the message by giving it a title made up of a maximum of 8 upper case alphanumeric characters. Direct access from the icon panel allows access to this screen.
  • Page 108
    Editing a message Bolderize to make the «042» characters appear thicker. keys then keys. The Bolderization function is in the sub- menu Font. Any character or symbol in any font can be bolderized. Select Bolderization with (X 2) then press the key.
  • Page 109
    Editing a message Before inserting the postdate in the message, enter the postdate’s value. key (X 2) then key. For all variables, it is preferable to enter their parameters first, before inserting them in the message. Press key (X 2) to select the Postdate line, then press the key.
  • Page 110
    Editing a message Choose a 16 point font and a bolderization of 1 to write the postdate in large characters in relation to the rest of the message. key then key (X 2) then press the key. press the .key The different fonts available in the machine appear in a dialog box.
  • Page 111
    Editing a message Inserting the postdate key then key, then key then key (X4). Press the key Select postdate 1 then For all the dialog boxes, the pre-selections are made with the navigation arrows then the choice is made with the key.
  • Page 112
    Editing a message The message is created. What you see on the screen is what is printed (WYSIWYG). To print it, the print parameters must correspond to the printer installation in the production site. keys then press the key. Press the The default values of these parameters are the values inserted in the Printer preparation menu when the printer was installed.
  • Page 113
    Editing a message Saving the message key then key then key. In this sub-menu you can carry out a Load printer for the message on the screen to carry out a test print (using the key on the operator interface, for example). This function is used when adjusting the message parameters and the form of the message.
  • Page 114: Servicing

    Servicing A46980-AB.doc 113/176…

  • Page 115: Cleaning The Head

    Servicing ■ Cleaning the head Special tools □ Drainage tray □ Cleaning flask, blower (or drying kit) Stop the jet(s) by pressing the F8 key then selecting and validating the Jet stop function. Position the head on its maintenance support. Open the head cover.

  • Page 116
    Servicing Clean the electrode and the cannon with the cleaning solution. In the event that certain inks are used (refer to the safety data sheet for your ink), or if the printer is used in a harsh environment (high temperature, dusty surroundings), operations 5, 6 and 7 are to be carried out.
  • Page 117
    Servicing Dry carefully. Using the blower or drying kit if this is specified on the ink technical sheet. Restart the jet by selecting and validating Jet start. Close the head cover and acknowledge the cover fault by pressing key or Replace the head on its operating support.
  • Page 118: Protect The Head

    Servicing ■ Protect the head A46980-AB.doc 117/176…

  • Page 119: Correctly Starting The Jets

    Servicing ■ Correctly starting the jets If the jet does not start up correctly (no jet or jet deflected), there are several functions for completely resetting the jet. Production/Maint./Jet Maintenance  Use the screen instructions to guide you for the three functions. The head is on its maintenance support and the cover has been removed.

  • Page 120
    Servicing Validate the function: Check jet stability Once the jet is stable, shut down the stability control. Clean the head. Once this phase has been completed, restart the jet by validating the function: Jet start Visually check the presence of the jet in the gutter. Close the head cover and press key to acknowledge the faults.
  • Page 121
    Servicing A46980-AB.doc 120/176…
  • Page 122: Maintenance

    Maintenance A46980-AB.doc 121/176…

  • Page 123: Maintenance Menus

    Maintenance ■ Maintenance menus Using the desktop icons The desktop consisting of icons gives rapid access to certain printer functions. It can be accessed from the main desktop (see page 23) and then pressing Description of icons View the printer information (serial No., messages in library, operating hours and number of printouts) (see page 125).

  • Page 124: Description Of The Maintenance Icons

    Maintenance Description of the maintenance icons Access the maintenance operation records. This is a short cut to the function Production/Maint/ General Services/record an Operation (see page 127). Access the printer draining and flushing functions (see page 133). Access the ink circuit test mode. Fault monitoring override.

  • Page 125: Maintenance Management

    Maintenance ■ Maintenance management Production/Maint./ General Services Maintenance management is carried out by various functions in this menu. It forms a maintenance log that can be viewed or added to during maintenance operations (e.g. part replacement). Viewing the maintenance data ■…

  • Page 126
    Maintenance ■ Viewing the maintenance parameters Production/Maint./General Services/Printer information This function allows for viewing 2 types of information: The printer configuration: □ Type: indicates the printer configuration name: □ SN: indicates the serial number. □ Mes in lib: the maximum number of messages in the library. The actual number is variable and depends on the size in bytes of the messages.
  • Page 127: View The Information On Module M6

    Maintenance View the information on module M6’ This function allows 3 types of information to be viewed: — the serial number of the module M6’, — the date of installation of the module M6’, — the number of hours for which the module has been in operation and its maximum operating time.

  • Page 128: Recording A Maintenance Operation

    Maintenance Recording a maintenance operation Production/Maint./General Services/record an Operation This menu allows for recording and acknowledging maintenance operations. Press the key to open the Operation field: Select the field for the operation and confirm. Then enter the part’s article code in the Code field and any comments in the Comments field.

  • Page 129: Exporting The Log File

    Maintenance ■ Preventive maintenance Fields Air filter change, Press. filter change, IC change are the three preventive maintenance groups: □ Air filter change: change the air inlet and air outlet filters. □ Press. filter change: change the pressurization filter on the head pressurization kit. □…

  • Page 130
    Maintenance Fault and alarm history / □ printer status history □ information on the module M6’: — serial number — date of first use of the module M6’ (date of installation) — operating time The log file thus indicates the file containing these records. This file is in *.HST format The file name format is «Lcountry code serial number.HST»…
  • Page 131: Overriding Cover And Drain Faults

    Maintenance ■ Overriding cover and drain faults Production/Maint./Fault override When carrying out servicing or maintenance operations, it may be desirable to turn off the open cover fault and drain fault control. This function overrides these faults, i.e. they are no longer managed. Each time the printer is shut down, this function returns to its initial value.

  • Page 132: Adjusting The Break Off Point Setting

    Maintenance Adjusting the break off point setting Special tools: □ Magnifying glass (shaded eyepiece) □ 2.5 mm hexagonal key or Flat-headed screwdriver ■ Prior operations Place the head on the maintenance support. Turn on the jet and let it run for at least 1/2 an hour. Remove the head cover.

  • Page 133
    Maintenance □ Correct adjustment is set only by the shape of the drops immediately under the break off point setting: Avoid Good Figure 2 NOTE When making the adjustment, handle the adjustment screw with care to avoid damaging it. ■ Final operations Close the head cover.
  • Page 134: Draining/Cleaning The Printer

    Maintenance ■ Draining/Cleaning the printer Draining the printer Production/Maint/Maintenance/Drain If you select this function, you will completely empty the ink from printer. This drainage is connected with some particular maintenance operations. Follow the instructions on the screen. A46980-AB.doc 133/176…

  • Page 135: Cleaning The Printer

    Maintenance Cleaning the printer Production/Maint/maintenance/Clean ink circuit By validating this function, the printer will carry out a complete drain, then automatically clean the ink circuit with make-up. This function also flushes all the umbilical and head parts. 2-3 depressurized empty cartridges are needed. After flushing, a machine can be put into storage for several months.

  • Page 136: Replacing Filters

    Maintenance ■ Replacing filters In order to establish a maintenance log, these operations must be saved in the General services function. For more details, consult the chapter on “Managing maintenance”. The air inlet and outlet filters must be changed annually if the printer is in daily use. Replacing the air inlet filter ■…

  • Page 137
    Maintenance Remove the used foam. Insert the new foam, ensuring that it is correctly positioned. Refit the plastic cover. Connect the printer to the mains supply and restart it. A46980-AB.doc 136/176…
  • Page 138: Replacing The Air Outlet Filter

    Maintenance Replacing the air outlet filter ■ Procedure A46980-AB.doc 137/176…

  • Page 139
    Maintenance Insert the new foam, ensuring that it is correctly positioned in its seating. Reassemble in the inverse order of disassembly. A46980-AB.doc 138/176…
  • Page 140: Replacing The Pressurization Air Filter

    Maintenance Replacing the pressurization air filter Stop the printer and unplug the power cable from the main supply.. Disconnect the air inlet or close the valve. Unscrew the air filter tank from the air treatment unit and pull it downwards. Unscrew the filter.

  • Page 141: Replacement Of The Module M6

    Maintenance Replacement of the module M6’ The module M6’ must be replaced every 6000 hours. ■ Procedure Follow the instructions on M6′ replacement the screen. Remove the additive cartridge and confirm. After about 45 s, the display will indicate «Over». A46980-AB.doc 140/176…

  • Page 142
    Maintenance Remove the ink cartridge: A46980-AB.doc 141/176…
  • Page 143
    Maintenance Put the used module M6’ in its original box with the protective foam wedges. As waste, the module M6’ must be dealt with in accordance with the local regulations regarding waste management and the transport of dangerous goods A46980-AB.doc 142/176…
  • Page 144: Inserting The New Module M6

    Maintenance Inserting the new module M6’ A46980-AB.doc 143/176…

  • Page 145
    Maintenance A46980-AB.doc 144/176…
  • Page 146: Testing The Electrovalves

    Maintenance ■ Testing the electrovalves Production/Maint/elValves test This test allows for manually operating the 4 electrovalves in the ink circuit and the 4 electrovalves in the head (A to D). The ink circuit is in stand by mode. When this screen is displayed, all the electrovalves are closed. They can be operated individually in open ( or closed ( status by pressing the…

  • Page 147
    Maintenance A46980-AB.doc 146/176…
  • Page 148: Alarms And Faults

    Alarms and faults A46980-AB.doc 147/176…

  • Page 149: Viewing A Fault Or An Alarm

    Alarms and faults ■ Viewing a fault or an alarm If one or more faults/alarms appear, the warning light :  □ flashes to signal an alarm (not blocking print), □ is lit steadily to signal a fault (blocking print). For an ink or make-up fault/alarm, the corresponding icon (F6 or F7) also flashes.

  • Page 150: Viewing The List Of Faults

    Alarms and faults Viewing the list of faults Production/Maint./General Services /List of faults When validating this function, a list of the last thirty printer faults and alarms appears in a dialogue box, in the order they occurred. If the information is spread over several pages, use the keys to reach the other pages.

  • Page 151: Table Of Faults And Alarms

    Alarms and faults Table of faults and alarms A: Alarm F: Fault N° Recommendation Message displayed Supply valves IC Call Markem-Imaje service** Change M6′ Replace M6’ Recuperation sensor out of service Call Markem-Imaje service** HV supply overload Check cleanliness head Piezo supply overload Check cleanliness head External communication timeout…

  • Page 152
    Alarms and faults N° Message displayed Recommendation Ambient pressure measurement failed Call Markem-Imaje service** Ink transfer timeout Call Markem-Imaje service** Printer empty. No more ink available Place a full ink cartridge Full tank Drain printer Ink cartridge unknow Change the ink cartridge Drop detection Clean and dry carefully head + cover Ink concentration out of range…
  • Page 153: Preliminary Checks

    Alarms and faults ■ Preliminary checks Any search for faulty components should always start with preliminary checks. Carrying out these checks allows for checking for problems such as dirt on the components, ink leaks or electrical connections with the naked eye. External appearance Sub-assemblies to check Type of malfunction looked for…

  • Page 154: Trouble-Shooting

    Alarms and faults ■ Trouble-Shooting Introduction The tables in this chapter show the following 2 columns: □ Malfunction. □ Remedies. Each malfunction is marked in the table with a number in bold. Each of the malfunctions can be resolved using several «Remedies». Example of a diagnostic Malfunction Actions and remedies…

  • Page 155: When Using The Printer

    Alarms and faults When using the printer Malfunction Actions and remedies 1- Blank screen. 1a- Check the power supply. 1b- Check the power cord and its connection. 2- Red alarm indicator/fault lit/flashes. 2a- Perform a self-diagnosis by pressing the ke y on the Operator Interface.

  • Page 156: While The Printer Is Operating

    Alarms and faults While the printer is operating Malfunction Actions and remedies 1- Low ink level. Prep. cartridge: 1a- Prepare a new ink cartridge. 2- Low make-up level. Prep. 2a- Prepare a new make-up cartridge. cartridge: 51 3- Empty ink level: 52 3a- Replace the ink cartridge.

  • Page 157
    Alarms and faults Malfunction Actions and remedies 9- Defective EHV power supply: 9a- Carefully clean and dry the head and cover electrodes. Defective EHV insulation: 87 9b- Ensure that the environmental conditions (humidity, temperature) conform to the specifications given in the ink technical file. If this is not the case, contact Markem-Imaje Technical Assistance to adapt the head pressurization accessories to dry air.
  • Page 158
    Alarms and faults Malfunction Actions and remedies 12- Print speed off specif.: 40 12a- Re-enter the «Tacho Division» setting on the printer, in the Message Parameters Menu. 12b- Choose another algorithm. 12c- Contact Markem-Imaje Technical Assistance. 13- Algo not available: 48 13a- The programmed printing speed is too high according to the message content.
  • Page 159
    Alarms and faults Malfunction Actions and remedies 17- Poor print quality 17a- Clean the print head (including cover) and check Example 1: there is no obstacle along the jet’s trajectory. 17b- Check the stability of the head support (no vibrations). 17c- Check the head/object distance (examples 1 and 2).
  • Page 160: Technical Specifications

    Technical Specifications A46980-AB.doc 159/176…

  • Page 161: Physical Description

    Technical Specifications Physical description Dimensions (mm) □ Printer cabinet……400 x 355 x 215 □ Print head (right) ……. 182 x 36 x 43 □ Consumables cartridge ….. 250 x 55 x 55 Weight (kg) □ Whole machine ……18.5 kg □…

  • Page 162: Limits Of Use

    Technical Specifications Limits of use Operating temperature □ + 5°C to + 40°C. (The use of some inks may limit the temperature range, see inks technical sheets). Humidity □ 0 to 90 % without condensation. Altitude □ 2000 m maximum. Installation conditions Printer operating position □…

  • Page 163: Characteristics

    Technical Specifications Characteristics Fonts □ Industrial Latin. □ Languages edited by the printer. □ Chimney, etc. For more detail, see following pages. Autodating □ Hour, minute, second. □ Day, month, year, Julian day, day of the week, last figure of the year, up to 3 shift codes, up to 6 postdates, autodating table.

  • Page 164: List Of Fonts

    Technical Specifications List of fonts Description Format Number of Number COMMENTS (16 chars.) (H*L) characters Latin Ind. 7 07 * 06 Latin Ind. 16 16 * 12 Latin Ind. 24 24 * 21 Chimney 5 Ext 05 * 06 Chimney 7 Ext 07 * 08 Cyrillic 7 Ext 07 * 07…

  • Page 165
    Technical Specifications Description Format Number of Number COMMENTS (16 chars.) (H*L) characters py00 PINYIN12 12 * 12 PINYN 12 Entetete py01 PINYIN 16 16 * 15 PINYIN py02 PINYIN 16 16 * 15 PINYIN py03 PINYIN 16 16 * 15 PINYIN py04 PINYIN 16 16 * 15…
  • Page 166
    Technical Specifications Description Format Number of Number COMMENTS (16 chars.) (H*L) characters Hebrew 16 16 * 12 Hebrew alphabet Hebrew 16 16 * 12 Latin alphabet Hebrew 7 07 * 06 Hebrew alphabet Hebrew 7 07 * 06 Latin alphabet Arabic 24 Ext 24 * 20 Japanese 24 Ext…
  • Page 167: List Of Algorithms

    Technical Specifications List of algorithms Number of droplets Total number of Maximum Type of Vertical Head-target Description (dots) of full grid droplets (dots) velocity in head resolution distance printed in full grid G10_28_1x05_LP_005_0001 10 mm 4,464 G10_28_1x07_LP_007_0002 10 mm 3,189 G10_28_1x16_NF_017_0003 10 mm 1,313…

  • Page 168: Overall Dimensions

    Technical Specifications Overall dimensions ■ Console A46980-AB.doc 167/176…

  • Page 169
    Technical Specifications ■ Head A46980-AB.doc 168/176…
  • Page 170: External Connections

    External connections A46980-AB.doc 169/176…

  • Page 171: Location Of Sockets And External Accessory Connections

    External connections ■ Location of sockets and external accessory connections Photocell connector The detector is connected to this connector. (black) When the detector is activated by a passing object, it sends a signal to the printer which triggers printing. Tachometer (encoder) When the conveyor speed is variable, the connector (blue) tachometer input can be used to connect a…

  • Page 172: Connection Of Optional Accessories

    External connections ■ Connection of optional accessories For more information on these operations, contact the Markem-Imaje technical assistance or your distributor. Procedure Connect the specific connection kit for the accessory to the CPU board (see diagram on following page). A46980-AB.doc 171/176…

  • Page 173
    External connections Alarm warning light RS232 link Tachometer (encoder) A46980-AB.doc 172/176…
  • Page 174: Alarm And Fault Outputs For The Alarm Warning Light

    External connections Alarm and fault outputs for the alarm warning light Configuring the alarm and fault outputs  Printer preparation/Initialization/Printer/Miscellaneous/Alarm relay/Fault With these functions, the alarm and fault outputs can be configured. Mode Standb Start-up Machine ready Alarm Empty Shut-down Color when phase to print…

  • Page 175
    External connections A46980-AB.doc 174/176…
  • Page 176: User Manual

    05/ 2005 Revision 11/ 2006 03/ 2007 05/ 2008 ■ 9028 User Manual Instructions update . The revision A index corresponds to the first edition of this manual. . The revision index changes with each update. Date published Revision index documentation…

  • Page 177
    A46980-AB.doc 176/176…

Термотрансферный принтер модели 8018 обеспечивает экономичную и высококачественную печать на гибких упаковочных пленках, фольге и этикетках.
Модель 8018 обеспечивает новый уровень эффективности и качества для развивающегося рынка маркировки. Компании, стремящиеся улучшить свой корпоративный имидж и рентабельность, имеют возможность заменить имеющуюся технологию ручного тиснения на цифровую маркировку в режиме реального времени.

Высокое качество – цифровая технология равномерного высокого качества, обеспечивающая четкость кодовой маркировки. Отсутствие необходимости в ручной настройке от первого отпечатка до последнего. Устранение дорогостоящих отзывов продукции, отбраковки и неверных кодов. Маркировка в реальном времени – обмен информацией в режиме реального времени для управления производством. Автоматизация нанесения даты и времени печати, срока годности, кодов партии и серии, логотипа заказчика и прочей полезной информации. Машина предназначена для эксплуатации в составе линий непрерывной или пошаговой подачи. Эффективность – снижение расхода ленты с помощью цифрового управления лентой, обеспечивающего большее количество отпечатков на рулон. Устранение ручной корректировки текста, уменьшение влияния человеческого фактора. Цифровая технология увеличивает производительность, за счет чего увеличивается рентабельность.

Возможности печати
Скорость печати:
– прерывистая: 100 мм/с, 150 мм/с, 200 мм/с,225 мм/с
– непрерывная: от 20 мм/с до 450 мм/с
Область печати: 32 мм x 40 мм
Разрешающая способность: 8 точек/мм, 1 мм зазор между отпечатками
Печать времени (часы/минуты) и дат в реальном времени, автоматическое обновление дат сроков годности
Печать буквенно-цифровой информации, вводимой пользователем (номер партии, индекс линии и т.п.)
Выбор изменяемых полей для ввода пользовательских данных
Автоматическая смена регистра по коду регистра
Автоматическая простановка серийного номера
Логотипы, фиксированные штрих-коды и прочие импортированные растровые изображения (при помощи приобретаемого дополнительно программного обеспечения CoLOS® Create Pro)
Полная поддержка шрифтов True Type

Пользовательский интерфейс — ЖК дисплэй
Программное обеспечение для создания изображений CoLOS® Create в комплекте поставки
USB-карта памяти для загрузки изображений
Выбор из 9 стандартных языков: арабский, китайский, английский, польский, португальский, русский, испанский, турецкий
Отображение остатка ленты
Диагностика и защита паролем
Аппаратный интерфейс:
– Входы: запуск печати (24 В постоянного тока)
– Выходы: Сбой и предупреждение
(релейные контакты)

Основные характеристики
Расходные материалы: термотрансферная лента, различного цвета и размера
Максимальная длина ленты: 450 м, 500 м для ленты 3818
Минимальная ширина ленты: 22 мм
Максимальная ширина ленты: 33 мм
Параметры рабочей среды:
– Температура: от 4° до 40° C.
– Относительная влажность: 20-90% без конденсации. Сухая среда (класс защиты по IP отсутствует), без заливания
Электрические характеристики:
– Напряжение: 90 В – 260 В, 47 Гц – 63 Гц
– Потребляемый ток: 1 A при 230 В – 2 A при 100 В
– Принтер: 8,5 кг
– Блок питания: 2 кг
– Пользовательский интерфейс: 0,5 кг
– Кронштейн: 10 кг

  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    TABLE OF CONTENTS General Information Uptime™ Total Services Setup and Timing Issues Introduction Setup Issues 2.2.1 Air Pressure Settings 2.2.2 Print Anvil 2.2.3 Printhead Gap 2.2.4 Ribbons Important Printer Settings Print Darkness 2.4.1 Print Speed Print Signal Issues 2.5.1 Debounce Time 2.5.2 Debounce Distance 2.5.3…

  • Page 4
    TABLE OF CONTENTS Maintenance Introduction Cleaning and Care Maintenance Scheme 3.3.1 Quick/Regular Checks 3.3.2 Monthly Checks Care of the Printhead Cleaning the Printhead Replacing the Printhead 3.6.1 Removing the damaged printhead 3.6.2 Setting the correct Printhead voltage Replacing the Peel Roller 3-11 Replacing the Ribbon Guide Rollers 3-13…
  • Page 5
    TABLE OF CONTENTS Technical Information Introduction The SmartDate 5 Printers Printer Components 4.3.1 Linear Slides 4.3.2 Intermittent Drive System — SmartDate 5 Printer 4.3.3 Continuous Drive System — SmartDate 5 Printer 4.3.4 Continuous Drive System — SmartDate 5s Shuttle Printer 4-10 4.3.5 Ribbon Drive System…
  • Page 6
    TABLE OF CONTENTS Printer Electrical Components 4-37 4.8.1 Stepper Motors 4-38 4.8.2 Ribbon Movement Sensor 4-39 4.8.3 Ribbon Tension Sensor 4-40 4.8.4 Micro Switches 4-42 4.8.5 Solenoid Operated Cylinders 4-45 4.8.6 Encoder 4-46 4.8.7 Printer PCB 4-47 4.8.8 Printer PCB Components 4-48 4.8.9 Printer PCB Connectors…
  • Page 7
    TABLE OF CONTENTS Troubleshooting Introduction Status LEDs Fault and Warning Messages 5.3.1 Fault Messages 5.3.2 Warning Messages 5-14 Common Issues 5-21 5.4.1 No Power to the Printer 5-21 5.4.2 Printhead Cables 5-21 5.4.3 Encoder 5-21 No Information Is Printed 5-22 The Printhead Does Not Move Out 5-22 Drive System Issues…
  • Page 8
    TABLE OF CONTENTS 5.12 Print Quality Problems 5-29 5.12.1 Poor Print Quality (when in DRS Mode) 5-30 5.12.2 Faded print 5-30 5.12.3 Faded on one side 5-31 5.12.4 Blurred edges 5-31 5.12.5 Missing lines perpendicular to printhead 5-31 5.12.6 Text missing at start of print 5-32 5.12.7 Text missing at end of print…
  • Page 9: General Information

    SECTION 1 GENERAL INFORMATION SmartDate 5 Maintenance Manual…

  • Page 11
    SECTION 1 — GENERAL INFORMATION General Information This manual is designed to assist with keeping your SmartDate 5 in good working order. Topics covered in the following sections include: • General maintenance and cleaning. • Technical information about the SmartDate 5. •…
  • Page 12: Uptime™ Total Services

    SECTION 1 — GENERAL INFORMATION Uptime™ Total Services • Application Specialists • Installation • myMARKEM • Repair Centre • Training As part of the Markem.Imaje continuous commitment to helping customers succeed, Markem.Imaje has introduced the Uptime Total Solutions Program, a comprehensive array of services to maximize uptime, productivity and customer satisfaction.

  • Page 13: Setup And Timing Issues

    SECTION 2 SETUP AND TIMING ISSUES SmartDate 5 Maintenance Manual…

  • Page 15: Introduction

    SECTION 2 — SETUP AND TIMING ISSUES Setup and Timing Issues Introduction The following section provides general advice for ensuring that your SmartDate 5 is working at its most efficient. Topics covered in this section include: • Air pressure • Printhead Gap •…

  • Page 16: Setup Issues

    SECTION 2 — SETUP AND TIMING ISSUES Setup Issues 2.2.1 Air Pressure Settings Make sure that the air is connected on the side of the printer body. The setting of the air pressure is critical to the performance of the printhead. •…

  • Page 17: Printhead Gap

    SECTION 2 — SETUP AND TIMING ISSUES 2.2.3 Printhead Gap This is the distance between the printhead in its prime position and the contact point on the substrate. This should be measured with the Cassette in its closed position. Do not use metal objects to test the gap distance, use only wood, plastic or other non conductive materials.

  • Page 18: Important Printer Settings

    SECTION 2 — SETUP AND TIMING ISSUES Important Printer Settings Various Printer Settings will affect the performance of the SmartDate 5 The initial setup of the machine would normally be performed by a qualified Markem.Imaje Technician, but if not the following information should prove helpful.

  • Page 19: Print Speed

    SECTION 2 — SETUP AND TIMING ISSUES 2.4.1 Print Speed The Speed that Printhead moves along the linear slide (SmartDate 5 Intermittent) The speed the ribbon moves on the print part of the cycle. (SmartDate 5 Continuous and SmartDate 5s) With Intermittent printers the speed is determined by the dwell time when the substrate has stopped moving.

  • Page 20: Print Signal Issues

    SECTION 2 — SETUP AND TIMING ISSUES Print Signal Issues 2.5.1 Debounce Time This is an Intermittent printer setting. This is the time that the PRINT GO signal must be present before it is actioned. This avoids double triggering of the print signal if the signal is particularly noisy (e.g ringing on a relay contact) If the signal used is arriving as a double pulse, set the Debounce time just high enough to stop the printer double printing.

  • Page 21: Print Quality Issues

    SECTION 2 — SETUP AND TIMING ISSUES Print Quality Issues The spreadsheet that is available with the CD can be used to assess the best configuration for the following printer settings. These settings will vary depending on such things as the printhead gap, air pressure, print speed etc. 2.6.1 Head Out Time The time delay between moving the head out and starting to print.

  • Page 22: Start Border

    SECTION 2 — SETUP AND TIMING ISSUES 2.6.2 Start Border This setting allows a number of blank lines (steps)(1 line = 0.083mm or 0.0033”) before printing. This helps to compensate for certain printing applications where it is difficult to obtain good print quality at the start of the print. The value should be set to the lowest value possible to ensure good print quality.

  • Page 23: Moving The Printed Image

    SECTION 2 — SETUP AND TIMING ISSUES Moving the Printed Image The position of print within the printing area can be changed. Altering the Registration and Offset co-ordinates moves the printed information in the head feeding direction and up and down the Printhead. On intermittent printers, when the Registration is altered the printhead will move to its new datum position immediately and will use this new datum until the Registration is altered again.

  • Page 24: Timing Issues

    SECTION 2 — SETUP AND TIMING ISSUES Timing issues Many timing issues (speeding up the line/host machine) can arise when setting up a new application, or when changing the way an existing application works. Timing issues can be common to the SmartDate 5 and SmartDate 5s. Since the machines work differently, it is likely that timing issues will vary with the machine type.

  • Page 25: Print Timings

    SECTION 2 — SETUP AND TIMING ISSUES 2.8.1 Print Timings This option lists speeds and times for the last print cycle performed. To access the Print Timings menu: From the Engineering screen menus select Diagnostics. The Diagnostics screen is displayed. Menu 1.

  • Page 26
    SECTION 2 — SETUP AND TIMING ISSUES Table 2– 1: Print Timings Title Description Printing Time This is the time taken to print the image This is the time taken for the printhead to move Print Cycle Time out, print and return to the Home position. Time after selection to image the design in the Imaging Time printer memory.
  • Page 27: Smartdate 5 — Intermittent Mode

    SECTION 2 — SETUP AND TIMING ISSUES 2.8.2 SmartDate 5 — Intermittent Mode The SmartDate 5 does not accelerate in a linear manner. As an example, it takes 7mm to accelerate to 500mm/s. It is therefore more difficult to give theoretical timings to the print cycle.

  • Page 28: Printing Time — Intermittent Printers

    SECTION 2 — SETUP AND TIMING ISSUES 2.8.3 Printing Time — Intermittent Printers The Printing Time (in the Timing menu) consists of the following: • Head Out time • Start Border • Print (Print speed set in Controller) • End Border •…

  • Page 29: Smartdate 5 — Continuous Mode And Smartdate 5S

    SECTION 2 — SETUP AND TIMING ISSUES 2.8.5 SmartDate 5 — Continuous Mode and SmartDate 5s The timing on the continuous printers is slightly different. It is not the Print Time that is the critical timing but generally the Repeat Time. 2.8.6 Printing Time — Continuous Printers The Printing Time (in the Timing menu) consists of the following:…

  • Page 30: Speed Profile Recorder

    SECTION 2 — SETUP AND TIMING ISSUES 2.8.8 Speed Profile Recorder The Speed Profile Recorder can be used on Continuous printers to determine if the print is occurring at the most appropriate time. For example, on certain Form — Fill — Seal machines or Flow Wrappers, the speed of the moving substrate can ramp up and down.

  • Page 31
    SECTION 2 — SETUP AND TIMING ISSUES To record a Speed Profile on the SmartDate 5 Continuous or SmartDate 5s, the following conditions apply: • The Printer must be connected to the controller. • The Encoder must be set to External — Quadrature or External — Pulse Train •…
  • Page 32
    SECTION 2 — SETUP AND TIMING ISSUES The Settings menu screen is displayed. Menu 1. Machine 2. Image 3. Print Features Back Select Use the bottom Quad button to scroll to Encoder. Select Encoder by pressing the right button. The Encoder menu screen is displayed. Menu 1.
  • Page 33
    SECTION 2 — SETUP AND TIMING ISSUES Select Encoder Type by pressing the right button. Menu 1. Encoder Type 2. Encoder Direction 3. Encoder Resolution Back Select Ensure that the Encoder type is set to External — Quadrature or External — Pulse Train Select Back by pressing the left button.
  • Page 34
    SECTION 2 — SETUP AND TIMING ISSUES Resolution This sets the period between speed samples in the profile. The speed profile once initiated records 1500 speed samples. A low resolution (100 ms) will record over a longer period. (2.5 mins) A high resolution (1 ms) will record over a shorter period but will provide more detailed information.
  • Page 35: Distance Between Prints On The Ribbon

    SECTION 2 — SETUP AND TIMING ISSUES Distance between prints on the ribbon Two things can affect the distance between each print on the ribbon. • If the substrate accelerates or decelerates between the end of the registration and the start of print, the gap will be affected. •…

  • Page 36: Minimum Distance Between Prints In Drs Mode

    SECTION 2 — SETUP AND TIMING ISSUES 2.10.1 Minimum Distance between prints in DRS mode When using DRS mode the percentage of ribbon saving will affect the distance travelled. Shuttle printer — DRS mode — 10.91 mm + Start border x max ribbon save ratio The maximum ribbon save ratio will be the ratio the printer uses at 1800mm/s If the DRS ratio is set at less than 56% the maximum ribbon save ratio will be 2.25:1…

  • Page 37: Maintenance

    SECTION 3 MAINTENANCE SmartDate 5 Maintenance Manual…

  • Page 39: Introduction

    SECTION 3 — MAINTENANCE Maintenance Introduction The SmartDate series of Overprinters are extremely successful, however as with any machine, if it is not set up and maintained correctly, problems can occur. This section is designed to provide information about how to keep your SmartDate 5 in good working order.

  • Page 40: Cleaning And Care

    SECTION 3 — MAINTENANCE Cleaning and Care To ensure that your SmartDate 5 operates correctly, the entire unit should be cleaned on a regular basis. Particular attention should be given to the inside of the printer body, especially if food products are able to fall into the unit. •…

  • Page 41: Maintenance Scheme

    SECTION 3 — MAINTENANCE Maintenance Scheme These recommended actions will ensure consistent high quality from the Markem.Imaje SmartDate 5 technology for package identification. 3.3.1 Quick/Regular Checks • Check and clean printhead (daily check). • Check that the ribbon is tracking through the cassette correctly. Pull the ribbon through by hand, and visually check to see if the ribbon is creasing across the width of the ribbon.

  • Page 42: Monthly Checks

    SECTION 3 — MAINTENANCE 3.3.2 Monthly Checks • Check condition of peel roller: Remove roller and inspect internally for wear. Replace if necessary. • Check condition of the ribbon guide rollers: Check that bearings are smooth. • Check the condition of the shuttle rollers (SmartDate 5s). •…

  • Page 43: Care Of The Printhead

    SECTION 3 — MAINTENANCE Care of the Printhead Although purpose-built for its application, the printhead is still subject to wear and tear. Careful consideration at the time of installation and regular preventative maintenance can significantly help to maximise printhead life. The most frequent cause of printhead damage is abrasion — either from ingress of airborne particles or from an abrasive substrate surface.

  • Page 44: Cleaning The Printhead

    SECTION 3 — MAINTENANCE Cleaning the Printhead The printhead should be cleaned at regular intervals. These depend on machine use, operating environment, and choice of thermal ribbon. Turn off the power to the controller and remove the ribbon cassette. Allow the printhead to cool to normal room temperature before proceeding in order to prevent the possibility of thermal shock damage.

  • Page 45: Replacing The Printhead

    SECTION 3 — MAINTENANCE Replacing the Printhead The SmartDate 5 printhead can be changed quickly and easily. Turn off the power to the controller and isolate the air supply to the printer body. Remove the ribbon cassette. Always ensure anti static precautions are used when handling new printheads. 3.6.1 Removing the damaged printhead 1.

  • Page 46
    SECTION 3 — MAINTENANCE 5. Connect the printhead cable to a 6. Push the printhead forwards in the replacement printhead. direction of the print line, against the retaining spring. 7. Swing the back of printhead inwards, this allows it to be secured into the print module.
  • Page 47: Setting The Correct Printhead Voltage

    SECTION 3 — MAINTENANCE 3.6.2 Setting the correct Printhead voltage Note the resistance value printed on the PCB side of the new Printhead. This value must be entered into the controller menu structure. The processor will then adjust the voltage level to suit the particular printhead resistance level.

  • Page 48
    SECTION 3 — MAINTENANCE The Engineering Menus screen is displayed. Menu 10. File Management 11. Printhead Resistance 12. Speed Profile Back Select Use the bottom Quad button to scroll to the Printhead Resistance menu. Press the right button to Select the menu. The Printhead Resistance menu screen is displayed.
  • Page 49: Replacing The Peel Roller

    SECTION 3 — MAINTENANCE Replacing the Peel Roller The Peel Roller body is a wear part and should be checked for damage and changed if necessary. 1. Remove the retaining screw from 2. Remove the screw and washer and the end of Peel roller. lift off the roller body.

  • Page 50
    SECTION 3 — MAINTENANCE 5. If the peel roller shaft has been 6. Fit a new peel roller assembly damaged, undo the retaining nut at and ensure that the retaining nut is the base and remove the complete secure. assembly. 3-12 SmartDate 5 06/08…
  • Page 51: Replacing The Ribbon Guide Rollers

    SECTION 3 — MAINTENANCE Replacing the Ribbon Guide Rollers The ribbon guide rollers are vulnerable to damage through misuse and may have to be changed if they become bent or damaged. The procedure is as follows: 2. Before fitting a replacement roller, 1.

  • Page 52: Replacing The Ribbon Movement Roller

    SECTION 3 — MAINTENANCE Replacing the Ribbon Movement Roller 3.9.1 Replacing the Roller Magnet If the magnet on the movement roller has been damaged it will have to be replaced. The procedure is as follows: 1. Remove the securing screw on 2.

  • Page 53: Replacing The Movement Roller

    SECTION 3 — MAINTENANCE 3.9.2 Replacing the Movement Roller The procedure for replacing the ribbon movement roller is the same as for the ribbon guide rollers. The procedure is as follows: 1. Remove the damaged roller by 2. Before fitting a replacement roller, applying a spanner to the two flat apply Loctite 222 to the screw thread surfaces at the base of the roller.

  • Page 54: Replacing The Ribbon Movement Sensor

    SECTION 3 — MAINTENANCE 3.9.3 Replacing the Ribbon Movement Sensor If the sensor has to be replaced, the procedure should be as follows: Switch off and disconnect the power to the machine. 1. Remove the cover from the 2. Remove the retaining screw printer body and disconnect the from the printer base plate.

  • Page 55: Replacing The Ribbon Tension Roller

    SECTION 3 — MAINTENANCE 3.10 Replacing the Ribbon Tension Roller If the tension roller becomes damaged the whole assembly will require changing. Dependant on the hand of the cassette the ribbon supply flange (red) may have to be removed to gain access to the securing screws. The procedure is as follows: 2.

  • Page 56: Replacing The Ribbon Tension Sensor

    SECTION 3 — MAINTENANCE 3.11 Replacing the Ribbon Tension Sensor If the tension sensor has to be replaced, the procedure should be as follows: Switch off and disconnect the power to the machine. 2. Remove the sensor retaining screws 1. Remove the cover from the printer from the printer base plate.

  • Page 57: Replacing The Micro Switches

    SECTION 3 — MAINTENANCE 3.12 Replacing the Micro Switches If the micro switches have to be replaced, the procedure should be as follows: Switch off and disconnect the power to the machine. 1. Remove the cover from the 2. Remove the micro switch printer body and disconnect the retaining screws from the printer appropriate micro switch connector.

  • Page 58: Replacing The Solenoid Valves

    SECTION 3 — MAINTENANCE 3.13 Replacing the Solenoid Valves If the solenoid valves have to be replaced, the procedure should be as follows: Switch off and disconnect the power to the machine. 1. Remove the cover from the printer 2. Disconnect the air pipes from the body and disconnect the PCB appropriate valve.

  • Page 59: Replacing The Drive Belts

    SECTION 3 — MAINTENANCE 3.14 Replacing the Drive Belts The Combined printer and Shuttle printer drive belts can become worn or damaged after long periods of running. The belt should be checked at regular intervals for wear or damage. If the belt has to be replaced, the procedure is as follows: 3.14.1 Replacing the Drive Belt — Combined Printer 2.

  • Page 60
    SECTION 3 — MAINTENANCE 6. Remove the belt clamp and re-fit it 5. Remove the damaged drive belt. to the new belt. 7. Fit the new belt onto the printer. 8. Refit the Drive belt clamp. 10. Position and re-secure the print 9.
  • Page 61: Replacing The Drive Belt — Shuttle Printer

    SECTION 3 — MAINTENANCE 3.15 Replacing the Drive Belt — Shuttle Printer 2. Remove the four retaining screws 1. Remove the two retaining screws from the print module. from the finger guard and place to the side. 4. Remove the three retaining screws 3.

  • Page 62
    SECTION 3 — MAINTENANCE 5.Remove the printhead module 6. Loosen off the belt tensioner adapter plate, and place to the side. screws. 8. Remove the shuttle carriage and 7. Remove the securing screws from damaged drive belt. the shuttle carriage. 3-24 SmartDate 5 06/08…
  • Page 63
    SECTION 3 — MAINTENANCE 9. Remove the belt clamp and re-fit it 10. Fit a new belt to the printer and re- to the new belt. connect the Shuttle carriage. 12. Adjust the belt tensioner, allowing 11. Secure the Shuttle carriage approximately 4 mm of movement on screws.
  • Page 64
    SECTION 3 — MAINTENANCE 13. Re-fit and secure the print module 14. Position and re-secure the print adaptor plate. module. 15.Re — fit the finger guard and the printer covers. 3-26 SmartDate 5 06/08…
  • Page 65: Changing The Printer Hand — Combined Printer

    SECTION 3 — MAINTENANCE 3.16 Changing the Printer Hand — Combined Printer Note: We strongly recommend that re-handing of the printers should not be attempted by anyone who has not received the relevant training from Markem.Imaje. Switch off and disconnect the power to the machine. Disconnect the printer from the controller and remove the side covers.

  • Page 66
    SECTION 3 — MAINTENANCE 5. Reposition the air pipes to suit the 6. Re- fold the printhead cable to suit opposite hand. Ensure that the rubber the opposite hand. ring is close to the edge of the support bracket. 7. Re-fit the printhead cable cover 8.
  • Page 67
    SECTION 3 — MAINTENANCE 9. Position and re-secure the print 10. Re-connect the printhead cable, module. and printer side covers. 3-29 SmartDate 5 06/08…
  • Page 68: Changing The Printer Hand — Shuttle Printer

    SECTION 3 — MAINTENANCE 3.17 Changing the Printer Hand — Shuttle Printer Note: We strongly recommend that re-handing of the printers should not be attempted by anyone who has not received the relevant training from Markem.Imaje. Switch off and disconnect the power to the machine. Disconnect the printer from the controller and remove the side covers.

  • Page 69
    SECTION 3 — MAINTENANCE 6. Undo the retaining nut from the Peel 5. Move the printhead adaptor plate to roller and move it to the opposite side. the opposite side, and secure it using Loctite 222. 7. Secure the Peel roller in the new 8.
  • Page 70
    SECTION 3 — MAINTENANCE 9.Turn the print module over and re — 10.Re-fit the cover plate, ensuring that position the air pipes and ribbon cable. the ribbon cable and air pipes are not trapped. 11.Re-connect the print module to the 12.Re-connect the printhead to the adaptor plate and secure the screws.
  • Page 71: Changing The Cassette Hand

    SECTION 3 — MAINTENANCE 3.18 Changing the Cassette Hand If the printer hand is changed the handing of the associated cassette must also be changed. Below is an example of how to re-hand the shuttle cassette, the procedure for the combined cassette is the same.

  • Page 72: Replacing The Printer Pcbs

    SECTION 3 — MAINTENANCE 3.19 Replacing the Printer PCBs If the printer PCB has to be replaced the procedure should be as follows: Switch off and disconnect the power to the printer. Remove the printer base cover. 2. Disconnect the connectors from the 1.

  • Page 73
    SECTION 3 — MAINTENANCE 4. Remove the securing nuts from the 5. Remove the retaining nuts from the printer power / control connector. printer PCB. 6. Pull back the connector plate and 7. Remove any remaining connectors release the PCB. from the underside of the PCB.
  • Page 74
    SECTION 3 — MAINTENANCE 9. Remove the printer PCB from the printer body. 10. Replace the printer PCB with a new one. Note: When a Printer PCB is replaced, the Printhead resistance has to be re- entered and the Tension Sensor has to be re-calibrated. 3-36 SmartDate 5 06/08…
  • Page 75: Replacing The Controller Pcb

    SECTION 3 — MAINTENANCE 3.20 Replacing the Controller PCB If the Controller PCB has to be replaced, the procedure should be as follows: Switch off and disconnect the power to the printer. 1. Remove the six retaining screws 2. Remove the four retaining screws from the D type connectors.

  • Page 76
    SECTION 3 — MAINTENANCE Carefully remove the PCB from the 5. Remove the two PCB securing controller unit. screws. Fitting a new controller PCB is the reversal of this process. 3-38 SmartDate 5 06/08…
  • Page 77: Technical Information

    SECTION 4 TECHNICAL INFORMATION SmartDate 5 Maintenance Manual…

  • Page 79: Introduction

    SECTION 4 — TECHNICAL INFORMATION Technical Information Introduction This section is designed to provide quick access to Technical information about the SmartDate 5 machines. Topics covered in this section include: • Printer Components • Printhead Module • Printer Orientation • Printer Cassette •…

  • Page 80
    SECTION 4 — TECHNICAL INFORMATION The SmartDate 5 Printers The SmartDate 5 printer is the unit that contains all the printer mechanics together with an intelligent control board. Two distinct versions of the printer are available: SmartDate 5 — Intermittent / Continuous Printer SmartDate 5s — Shuttle Continuous Printer The mechanical components vary between printer types within the SmartDate 5 family.
  • Page 81
    SECTION 4 — TECHNICAL INFORMATION Printer Components The image below shows the main components of the printers: SmartDate 5 Figure 4–3: SmartDate 5 Printer Components Ribbon Tension Sensor. Ribbon Movement Sensor. Ribbon Motor Drive Couplings. Cassette Lock. Carriage Drive Belt. Micro Switch.
  • Page 82
    SECTION 4 — TECHNICAL INFORMATION SmartDate 5s Figure 4–4: SmartDate 5s Printer Components Ribbon Tension Sensor. Ribbon Movement Sensor. Ribbon Motor Drive Couplings. Cassette Lock. Carriage Drive Belt. Micro Switch. Shuttle Carriage. Linear Slide. Printhead Module. 10. Peel Roller. SmartDate 5 08/08…
  • Page 83: Linear Slides

    SECTION 4 — TECHNICAL INFORMATION 4.3.1 Linear Slides Two linear slides are used on the SmartDate 5 machines, one for transportation of the Print module carriage and one for the Shuttle carriage. The linear slides are supplied with a linear ball bearing carriage which provides a smooth motion for the assemblies.

  • Page 84
    SECTION 4 — TECHNICAL INFORMATION The SmartDate 5 printers have the print module carriage plate mounted onto the bearing carriage. This slide is positioned near the edge of the printer plate. Print Module Carriage Plate. Linear Slide. Micro Switch. Linear Bearing Carriage SmartDate 5 08/08…
  • Page 85
    SECTION 4 — TECHNICAL INFORMATION The SmartDate 5s printers have the shuttle carriage plate mounted onto the bearing carriage. This slide is positioned in between the carriage drive belts. Print Module Mounting Plate. Linear Slide. Micro Switch. Shuttle Carriage. SmartDate 5 08/08…
  • Page 86: Intermittent Drive System — Smartdate 5 Printer

    SECTION 4 — TECHNICAL INFORMATION 4.3.2 Intermittent Drive System — SmartDate 5 Printer The intermittent version of this printer requires the printhead to move over the substrate while printing occurs. When this model is used as an Intermittent printer, the printhead module is driven backward and forward along a linear slide by means of a printhead carriage that is connected to the drive belt.

  • Page 87: Continuous Drive System — Smartdate 5 Printer

    SECTION 4 — TECHNICAL INFORMATION 4.3.3 Continuous Drive System — SmartDate 5 Printer The Continuous version of this printer does not require the printhead to move over the substrate while printing occurs. When this model is used as a continuous printer the printhead module is held in a fixed position and has no motion on the linear slide.

  • Page 88: Continuous Drive System — Smartdate 5S Shuttle Printer

    SECTION 4 — TECHNICAL INFORMATION 4.3.4 Continuous Drive System — SmartDate 5s Shuttle Printer The Continuous shuttle version of this printer does not require the printhead to move over the substrate while printing occurs. With this model the printhead module is held in a fixed position and is independent of the linear slide.

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    SECTION 4 — TECHNICAL INFORMATION A stepper motor is used to drive a toothed drive belt around two geared pulley’s, one of which is used to tension the belt. This drive belt is connected to the shuttle carriage. When the ribbon cassette is inserted into the printer body, the drive shafts of the shuttle are engaged into the two bushed holes in the shuttle carriage.
  • Page 90: Ribbon Drive System

    SECTION 4 — TECHNICAL INFORMATION 4.3.5 Ribbon Drive System The ribbon drive system is responsible for control of the ribbon tension, ribbon movement and ribbon operating speed. Ribbon Stepper Motor Drive Dogs The ribbon drive is a direct drive system and does not require the use of a clutch. This is achieved by the use of two stepper motors.

  • Page 91: Printhead Module

    SECTION 4 — TECHNICAL INFORMATION Printhead Module The SmartDate 5 Print Module is designed to be used on all versions of the SmartDate 5 series printers. The modular design means that it can be used for both Combined and Shuttle versions of the printer.

  • Page 92: Print Module Components

    SECTION 4 — TECHNICAL INFORMATION 4.4.1 Print Module Components The print module consists of a housing unit, an actuator block assembly, three solenoid operated air cylinders, a linear slide, a printhead mounting block and printhead. All three cylinders are mounted into an actuator block assembly. The actuator block also provides connection points for the cylinder air supplies.

  • Page 93: Printhead Module Operation

    SECTION 4 — TECHNICAL INFORMATION 4.4.2 Printhead Module Operation When the ribbon cassette is interlocked with the printer body, the two prime cylinders are activated and the printhead is moved to its prime position ready print. (1) This action is performed by the air cylinder pistons moving the actuator block assembly on the linear slide.

  • Page 94: Printhead Assembly

    SECTION 4 — TECHNICAL INFORMATION Printhead Assembly The printhead assembly is designed for easy removal and replacement. The assembly plate is attached to the printhead by two 3 mm dowel pins and two 3 mm cap head screws. The complete assembly can be detached from the print module easily by pushing against the retaining spring and pulling the assembly away from the print module.

  • Page 95: Printhead Type Detection

    SECTION 4 — TECHNICAL INFORMATION 4.5.1 Printhead Type Detection The SmartDate 5 printer can support two different widths of printhead a 53 mm wide printhead and a 128mm wide printhead. Both printhead types have thermistors and these have separate inputs to the printer board.

  • Page 96: Printer Orientation

    SECTION 4 — TECHNICAL INFORMATION Printer Orientation It is critical to the success of the printer that all parties understand the orientation of the printer. Orientation is common to both Intermittent and Continuous printers. Both Combined and Shuttle versions of the SmartDate 5 printers can be Left or Right hand orientated.

  • Page 97
    SECTION 4 — TECHNICAL INFORMATION Left Hand Printer showing: Right Hand Printer showing: Angle of the Printhead. Angle of the Printhead. Direction of the Substrate Direction of the Substrate travel. travel. If the SmartDate 5 is to print from the underside of the substrate, and the Cassette is to face in the same direction the opposite hand would be required.
  • Page 98: Orientation — Smartdate 5 Printer

    SECTION 4 — TECHNICAL INFORMATION 4.6.1 Orientation — SmartDate 5 Printer The Combined version of the SmartDate 5 printer calibrates the printer carriage on power up to establish if it is a left or right hand printer. The print module is always moved towards the left hand limit switch and handing switch.

  • Page 99
    SECTION 4 — TECHNICAL INFORMATION Direction of Substrate Travel Figure 4–8: SmartDate 5 Combined LH — Intermittent Mode Direction of Substrate Travel Figure 4–9: SmartDate 5 Combined RH — Intermittent Mode 4-21 SmartDate 5 08/08…
  • Page 100
    SECTION 4 — TECHNICAL INFORMATION Below are examples of the print module in offset positions. Direction of Substrate Travel Figure 4–10: SmartDate 5 Combined LH — Continuous Mode Direction of Substrate Travel Figure 4–11: SmartDate 5 Combined RH — Continuous Mode 4-22 SmartDate 5 08/08…
  • Page 101: Orientation — Smartdate 5S Shuttle Printer

    SECTION 4 — TECHNICAL INFORMATION 4.6.2 Orientation — SmartDate 5s Shuttle Printer The print module on the shuttle version of the SmartDate 5 printer does not move. It is held in a fixed position on the printer plate. A micro-switch determines if the printer is a left hand or a right hand. The switch is situated under the position for the left hand module and is only activated when the module is a left hand.

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    SECTION 4 — TECHNICAL INFORMATION Direction of Substrate Travel Figure 4–12: SmartDate 5s Shuttle LH Direction of Substrate Travel Figure 4–13: SmartDate 5s Shuttle RH 4-24 SmartDate 5 08/08…
  • Page 103: Printer Calibration

    SECTION 4 — TECHNICAL INFORMATION Printer Calibration The SmartDate 5 printer calibrates on power up or if the ribbon cassette has been removed and replaced. SmartDate 5 Combined printer The style of the printer (Intermittent or Continuous) is determined by a printer parameter setting.

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    SECTION 4 — TECHNICAL INFORMATION SmartDate 5s Shuttle printer The position of the print module on the SmartDate 5s shuttle version is fixed and a micro-switch is used to determine the hand of the printer. The shuttle is moved to the appropriate position for a left or right hand machine. Power up On power up the printer establishes the following information: •…
  • Page 105: Print Module / Shuttle Carriage Calibration

    SECTION 4 — TECHNICAL INFORMATION 4.7.1 Print Module / Shuttle Carriage Calibration SmartDate 5 requires that the print module / shuttle carriage is calibrated. On power up the printer will initiate the calibration sequence to determine if the printer is a left or right hand version. A stepper motor is used to drive a toothed drive belt around two geared pulley’s, one of which is used to tension the belt.

  • Page 106
    SECTION 4 — TECHNICAL INFORMATION Print Module Calibration — SmartDate 5 Left and Right hand limit switches are used along with a handing switch. With this printer model the “handing switch” is mounted above the left hand limit switch. Print Module Handing Switch Datum Switch…
  • Page 107
    SECTION 4 — TECHNICAL INFORMATION Shuttle Calibration — SmartDate 5s A Handing micro-switch determines if the printer is a left hand or a right hand printer. The switch is situated under the position for the left hand module and is only activated when the module is a left hand.
  • Page 108: Ribbon Calibration

    SECTION 4 — TECHNICAL INFORMATION 4.7.2 Ribbon Calibration Both Combined and Shuttle versions of the SmartDate 5 printer require the ribbon drive to be calibrated. Ribbon Calibration — SmartDate 5 and SmartDate 5s Ribbon calibration is performed by running the two ribbon drive stepper motors. This in turn drives the ribbon round a movement roller which has a 16 pole magnet on the end of it.

  • Page 109
    SECTION 4 — TECHNICAL INFORMATION Hall Effect Sensor Movement Roller Combined Printer LH Cassette Combined Printer LH Intermittent Hall Effect Sensor Movement Roller Shuttle Printer LH Cassette Shuttle Printer LH 4-31 SmartDate 5 08/08…
  • Page 110: Printer Cassette

    SECTION 4 — TECHNICAL INFORMATION 4.7.3 Printer Cassette The Printer Cassette is used to house the ribbon for the SmartDate 5 printers. Two styles of cassette are available: • SmartDate 5 cassette • SmartDate 5s Shuttle cassette The cassettes comprise of a ribbon supply reel and waste take up reel, ribbon guide rollers, ribbon movement and tension rollers.

  • Page 111: Cassette Components

    SECTION 4 — TECHNICAL INFORMATION 4.7.4 Cassette Components Figure 4–15: SmartDate 5 Cassette Ribbon Movement Roller. Ribbon Tension Roller. Ribbon Waste Take up. Ribbon Supply Ribbon Guide Rollers and Cassette location Pins. 4-33 SmartDate 5 08/08…

  • Page 112
    SECTION 4 — TECHNICAL INFORMATION Figure 4–16: SmartDate 5s Shuttle Cassette Ribbon Movement Roller. Ribbon Tension Roller. Ribbon Waste Take up. Ribbon Supply. Ribbon Guide Rollers and Cassette location Pins. Ribbon Guide Rollers. Shuttle. 4-34 SmartDate 5 08/08…
  • Page 113: Ribbon Calibration / Movement Roller

    SECTION 4 — TECHNICAL INFORMATION 4.7.5 Ribbon Calibration / Movement Roller The ribbon movement roller has a high friction coating and houses a 16 pole magnet which is located into a Hall effect sensor when the cassette is interlocked with the printer body. As the roller and magnet rotate, the magnetic field strength varies.

  • Page 114
    SECTION 4 — TECHNICAL INFORMATION 4.7.6 Ribbon Tension Roller The ribbon tension roller is used to help maintain a constant tension on the ribbon. The roller is mounted on a linear slide on the cassette, the end of the shaft is dome shaped and does not rotate.
  • Page 115
    SECTION 4 — TECHNICAL INFORMATION Printer Electrical Components The image below show the main electrical components of the printers: Motor and Sensor Connectors Printer Stepper Motors Printer Power and Signals Connector Encoder Connector Solenoid Valves Printhead 4-37 SmartDate 5 08/08…
  • Page 116
    SECTION 4 — TECHNICAL INFORMATION 4.8.1 Stepper Motors SmartDate 5 uses three stepper motors, one to drive the carriage for the printhead module/shuttle and two for control of the ribbon. The position of the stepper motors is the same for all models of the SmartDate 5 printer.
  • Page 117
    SECTION 4 — TECHNICAL INFORMATION 4.8.2 Ribbon Movement Sensor The ribbon sensor is monitored to determine the ribbon supply and waste take up reel diameters, and to enable ribbon break detection. The ribbon sensor input is connected to a Hall-effect sensor mounted on the printer base plate.
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    SECTION 4 — TECHNICAL INFORMATION 4.8.3 Ribbon Tension Sensor The ribbon tension sensor is a pressure type sensor (transducer) The sensor is mounted into the base plate of the printer. When the cassette is interlocked with the printer body, the end of the ribbon tension roller shaft comes into contact with the ribbon tension sensor.
  • Page 119: Ribbon Tension Roller

    SECTION 4 — TECHNICAL INFORMATION Cassette Linear Slide Ribbon Tension Roller Roller moves as the ribbon tension increases Ribbon Tension Sensor Printer Body Note: The end of the ribbon roller shaft does not rotate. 4-41 SmartDate 5 08/08…

  • Page 120
    SECTION 4 — TECHNICAL INFORMATION 4.8.4 Micro Switches The SmartDate 5 printer uses three micro switches. There is one «Printer Hand» switch: used to determine the handing of the machine. There is a Left Hand “Home” switch. There is one «Cassette Open/Closed» switch. The position of these switches is different for the SmartDate 5 printer and the SmartDate 5s Shuttle printer.
  • Page 121
    SECTION 4 — TECHNICAL INFORMATION Handing Detection SmartDate 5 Printer The handing detect switch is operated by the printhead carriage. Following power up the printhead is always driven toward the left-hand «Home» switch. The «Handing switch» is activated first but the firmware ignores this signal until the «Home switch»…
  • Page 122
    SECTION 4 — TECHNICAL INFORMATION Carriage Direction SmartDate 5 Printer The (Printhead) carriage is attached to the «lower edge» of the drive belt. To drive the carriage towards the left hand Home switch the motor must rotate anti-clockwise. SmartDate 5s — Shuttle Continuous Printer The (Shuttle) carriage is attached to the «upper edge»…
  • Page 123
    SECTION 4 — TECHNICAL INFORMATION 4.8.5 Solenoid Operated Cylinders SmartDate 5 uses two solenoid operated valves to activate the printhead module cylinders. One is used to activate the two «Prime» position cylinders. These move the printhead to the Ready position. One is used to activate the «Print»…
  • Page 124
    SECTION 4 — TECHNICAL INFORMATION 4.8.6 Encoder The Encoder is used in conjunction with Continuous printers. The Encoder is used to calculate the current Substrate speed and adjust the ribbon speed to match. The recommended Encoder used with SmartDate 5 is a Quadrature style encoder.
  • Page 125
    SECTION 4 — TECHNICAL INFORMATION 4.8.7 Printer PCB The SmartDate 5 printer PCB is located in the printer unit. The printer PCB controls the printhead signals, motor movement and solenoid actuation inputs and outputs. The Continuous shuttle version of the printer interfaces with a speed encoder for matching of print speed.
  • Page 126
    SECTION 4 — TECHNICAL INFORMATION 4.8.8 Printer PCB Components The main components of the printer PCB are shown below: V11 V6 TP10 TP29 4.8.9 Printer PCB Connectors The printer PCB connectors are listed below: 4-48 SmartDate 5 08/08…
  • Page 127
    SECTION 4 — TECHNICAL INFORMATION Table 4– 1: Printer PCB Connectors Number Connector Function 37W-D-PLG Controller to Printer Interface 6W-Molex Carriage Stepper Motor 3 2W-Molex Cassette Interlock Switch 6W-Molex Ribbon Wind Stepper Motor 1 4W-Molex Right Head Home Switch 2W-Molex Ribbon Roller Hall Effect Sensor 6W-Molex Ribbon Wind Stepper Motor 2…
  • Page 128
    SECTION 4 — TECHNICAL INFORMATION 4.8.10 Printer PCB Test Points The printer PCB Test points are listed below: Table 4– 2: Printer PCB Test Points Test Point Function +45VCP (Controller to Printer) +5V (Logic) 0VCP +VPH (Printhead “Variable” Voltage) 0VPH +3.3V (Logic) +2.5V (Logic) 0V (Logic)
  • Page 129
    SECTION 4 — TECHNICAL INFORMATION 4.8.12 Printer PCB LEDs The printer PCB LEDs are listed below: Table 4– 3: Printer PCB LEDs Description Function On when Printhead is in Print Head Print Solenoid (Yellow) position. On when Printhead is in Prime or Head Prime Solenoid (Yellow) Print position.
  • Page 130
    SECTION 4 — TECHNICAL INFORMATION The SmartDate 5 Controller The SmartDate 5 Controller contains the system power supplies, the controller board, the user interface panel and various external connection points. The User Interface panel uses a monochrome (1 bit) 240 x 64 pixel screen with a six button membrane keypad.
  • Page 131
    SECTION 4 — TECHNICAL INFORMATION 4.9.1 Controller Components The main components of the Controller are shown below: PCB Power Connector PCB Ethernet Connector Power Supply Unit User Interface Mains Power Connector LCD Connector Back Light Connector Keypad Connector Main Power Battery Switch RS-232…
  • Page 132
    SECTION 4 — TECHNICAL INFORMATION 4.9.2 Mains Power Switch The power supply connector comprises of an On/Off switch, a IEC320 socket and a 250V Fuse holder. On / Off Switch Fuse Holder Power Connection No voltage configuration is required as the unit uses a universal input power supply.
  • Page 133
    SECTION 4 — TECHNICAL INFORMATION 4.9.3 Power Supply The SmartDate 5 power supply unit has a Universal input and 45V DC output. The unit can deal with AC input voltages from 90 to 264V AC Input frequency of 47 to 63 Hz The unit provides power for the Controller and for the Printer and is convection cooled.
  • Page 134
    SECTION 4 — TECHNICAL INFORMATION 4.9.4 Controller PCB The SmartDate 5 Controller PCB is located in the SmartDate 5 Controller unit and provides connection points for Communication signals, External I/O and the SmartTouch user Interface. The Controller PCB also provides power and control signals for the printer. 4.9.5 Controller PCB Micro-processor The Micro-processor is responsible for the following:…
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    SECTION 4 — TECHNICAL INFORMATION 4.9.6 Controller PCB Components X11&12 V9 — V12 V13 — V16 4-57 SmartDate 5 08/08…
  • Page 136
    SECTION 4 — TECHNICAL INFORMATION 4.9.7 Controller PCB Connectors The Controller PCB connectors are listed below: Table 4– 4: Controller PCB Connectors Number Connector Function 37W D Type SKT Printer Power and Signals 15W D Type PLG External I/O 9W D Type PLG Auxiliary Communications 20W Molex Expansion I/O…
  • Page 137
    SECTION 4 — TECHNICAL INFORMATION 4.9.8 Controller PCB Test Points The Controller PCB Test points are listed below: Table 4– 5: Controller PCB Test Points Test Point Function TP10 +5VI Isolated Comms Supply TP12 0VI (Isolated) TP14 +45V Main PCB Supply TP15 +5VL Logic TP16…
  • Page 138
    SECTION 4 — TECHNICAL INFORMATION 4.9.9 Controller PCB LEDs The main Controller PCB LED’s are listed below: Table 4– 6: Controller PCB LEDs Description Function Flashes when Ethernet RCV — Ethernet Receive communications occur. LK — Ethernet Link On when an Ethernet link is present. SPD — Ethernet 10/100 Base Off = 10 Base — T T Speed…
  • Page 139
    SECTION 4 — TECHNICAL INFORMATION Table 4– 7: Controller PCB I/O LEDs Description Function Normally Open Relay WRN — Warning Output Close on Warning PG — Print Go Input PNP Input IN1 — User Configurable PNP Input Input TX — RS-232/RS-485 On when transmit is enabled Transmit Enable Flashes when active…
  • Page 140
    SECTION 4 — TECHNICAL INFORMATION 4.9.10 Controller PCB Links The Controller PCB use various links to configure functions on the board. The Controller PCB links are listed below: Table 4– 8: Controller PCB Links Link Description Function PNP Input PG — Print Go Input Position A — PNP IN1 — User Configurable PNP Input…
  • Page 141
    SECTION 4 — TECHNICAL INFORMATION 4.9.12 SmartDate 5 Interfaces The controller PCB uses various interfaces to communicate with the printer and the outside world. A description of these follows: 4.9.13 Controller to Printer Interface The Interface between the Controller and Printer is a single multi-core cable that carries the following: •…
  • Page 142
    SECTION 4 — TECHNICAL INFORMATION 4.9.14 Controller PCB to User Interface The Interface between the Controller and User Interface is a combination of three cables. The function of these connections follows: The User Interface Keypad connects via a 8-way single in line connector to X13 on the Controller PCB.
  • Page 143
    SECTION 4 — TECHNICAL INFORMATION 4.9.17 External I/O Interface A 15 way D type connector provides for customer I/O signals. All the external inputs and outputs are made available to the customer on connector X2. Inputs All customer inputs can be individually set to suit either PNP or NPN style devices. Selection is made via jumper links X11 and X12 where position A is PNP (default) and B is NPN.
  • Page 144
    SECTION 4 — TECHNICAL INFORMATION The table below shows the Default configuration for the X2 pin numbers. Table 4– 10: X2 Default Configuration Pin Number Function +24V — IO Print Go 0V — IO User Configurable Input 1 Fault — C Fault — N/O Warning — C Warning — N/O…
  • Page 145
    SECTION 5 TROUBLESHOOTING SmartDate 5 Maintenance Manual…
  • Page 147
    SECTION 5 — TROUBLESHOOTING Troubleshooting Introduction This section is designed to provide information that will help you quickly solve problems which may stop your SmartDate 5 working efficiently. Topics covered in this section include: • Status LEDs • Fault messages •…
  • Page 148
    SECTION 5 — TROUBLESHOOTING Status LEDs Status LED indicators on the printer will indicate if the machine is in Producing mode or Ready mode. LEDs will also indicate if the printer is in a Fault condition. The SmartDate 5 user Interface will also display any Warning or Error messages. Some basic guidelines for troubleshooting follow: Fault and Warning Messages The messages are listed below along with potential causes and remedial actions.
  • Page 149
    SECTION 5 — TROUBLESHOOTING 5.3.1 Fault Messages In the event of a fault, a message is displayed on the Home screen or Menu screen being accessed at the time. Some fault messages can be temporarily hidden by pressing the “Hide” option button. This allows the action being performed in a particular menu to be completed.
  • Page 150
    SECTION 5 — TROUBLESHOOTING Table 5– 1: Fault Messages Fault Message 1003 — Controller Hardware Fault Description Controller will not function. Possible A problem has occurred with the controller hardware. Causes Remedial Return the controller to the Markem.Imaje service centre. Action Fault Message 1004 — Printhead Detect Failure Description…
  • Page 151
    SECTION 5 — TROUBLESHOOTING Table 5– 1: Fault Messages Fault Message 1007 — Printhead Resistance Not Set Description The printhead resistance requires setting. Possible A new printer PCB has been fitted. Causes Remedial Set the printhead resistance level. Action Fault Message 1008 — Tension Not Calibrated Description The Tension sensor requires calibration.
  • Page 152
    SECTION 5 — TROUBLESHOOTING Table 5– 1: Fault Messages Fault Message 1100 — Bootstrap Failure Description Printer fails to program. Possible Faulty printer. Causes Remedial Return printer to Markem.Imaje for repair. Action Fault Message 1101 — Carriage Failed to Home The print module / shuttle carriage is not reaching the home Description position limit switch.
  • Page 153
    SECTION 5 — TROUBLESHOOTING Table 5– 1: Fault Messages Fault Message 1106 — Calibration Diameter Out of Range Description The ribbon reel diameter is out of range. Incorrect ribbon fitted. Possible The ribbon is wound directly onto the take up spool without a Causes ribbon core.
  • Page 154
    SECTION 5 — TROUBLESHOOTING Table 5– 1: Fault Messages Fault Message 1200- Ribbon Fault Description The printer will stop functioning. The ribbon has broken during calibration. Possible The ribbon has broken during printing. Causes The ribbon movement sensor is faulty. Remove the cassette and re- web the ribbon.
  • Page 155
    SECTION 5 — TROUBLESHOOTING Table 5– 1: Fault Messages Fault Message 1204 — Printhead Voltage Fault Description The Printhead voltage is out of range. Faulty printhead. Possible Faulty printhead ribbon cable. Causes Faulty printer PCB Check the printhead and ribbon cable for damage. Remedial Try fitting a different printhead or ribbon cable.
  • Page 156
    SECTION 5 — TROUBLESHOOTING Table 5– 1: Fault Messages Fault Message 1209 — Print Go Expected While Substrate Moving Description Possible The print trigger sensor has been triggered before the Causes substrate has stopped moving. (Intermittent printer) Remedial Check the sensor. Action Fault Message 1210 — Encoder Failed Description…
  • Page 157
    SECTION 5 — TROUBLESHOOTING Table 5– 1: Fault Messages Fault Message 1300- Cassette Open Description The printer will not calibrate. Possible The Printer Cassette is not closed correctly. Causes The cassette closed micro switch is faulty. Ensure that the cassette is engaged with the printer body Remedial and close the cassette locking lever.
  • Page 158
    SECTION 5 — TROUBLESHOOTING Table 5– 1: Fault Messages Fault Message 1400- Corrupt File system Description The job file can not be selected. Possible The database has become corrupted. Causes Remedial Use the “Restore to Factory” defaults function and re- Action download the jobs.
  • Page 159
    SECTION 5 — TROUBLESHOOTING Table 5– 1: Fault Messages Fault Message — 1500 Printer Overheat Description The printer temperature has reached an unacceptable level. Possible High ambient temperature Causes The pack rate is too high. Remedial Switch off the SmartDate 5 and allow to cool down. Action Reduce the line speed.
  • Page 160
    SECTION 5 — TROUBLESHOOTING 5.3.2 Warning Messages In the event of a warning, a message is displayed on the Home screen or Menu screen being accessed at the time. Home screen warnings can be hidden by pressing the “Hide” option button. If the same warning re-occurs the message will be displayed again.
  • Page 161
    SECTION 5 — TROUBLESHOOTING Table 5– 2: Warning Messages Warning Message 2100 — Image Not Ready Possible The SmartDate 5 was unable to locate the image due to a Causes timing issue Remedial Reduce the pack rate speed or reduce the number of updating Action fields on the image.
  • Page 162
    SECTION 5 — TROUBLESHOOTING Table 5– 2: Warning Messages Warning Message 2105 — Discarded Print Possible The printer has auto-aborted a print in Low speed reprint Causes mode. Increase the substrate speed. Remedial Run a Speed profile to establish if the print is occurring at the Action correct point of the packaging machine cycle.
  • Page 163
    SECTION 5 — TROUBLESHOOTING Table 5– 2: Warning Messages Warning Message 2110 — Low Ribbon Tension Corrected During Print Possible Adjustments were made to correct the ribbon tension during a Causes print. Remedial Warning message cleared by operator action. Action Warning Message 2111 — End of Ribbon Detaected Possible The end of ribbon sensor has detected the end of the ribbon.
  • Page 164
    SECTION 5 — TROUBLESHOOTING Table 5– 2: Warning Messages Warning Message 2200 — Corrupt File Possible The image file being selected has been corrupted Causes Remedial Re-download the image. Action Warning Message 2201 — Settings Corrupt Possible The printer settings have become corrupted. Causes Remedial By clearing this message the settings will be set to default…
  • Page 165
    SECTION 5 — TROUBLESHOOTING Table 5– 2: Warning Messages Warning Message 2207 — File System Nearly Full Possible The file system is almost full. Causes Remedial Delete unnecessary files from the system. Action Warning Message 2208 — File System is Full Possible The file system is full.
  • Page 166
    SECTION 5 — TROUBLESHOOTING Table 5– 2: Warning Messages Warning Message 2300 — Printer High Temperature Possible The printer temperature is reaching an unacceptable level. Causes Remedial Turn off the power to the SmartDate 5 and allow the printer to Action cool down.
  • Page 167
    SECTION 5 — TROUBLESHOOTING Common Issues Listed below are a number of possible faults and suggestions for possible corrective actions. 5.4.1 No Power to the Printer • Power switch must be in the ON position. This switch is located at the rear of the controller.
  • Page 168
    SECTION 5 — TROUBLESHOOTING No Information Is Printed If the printer appears to be operating correctly but no data is printed, check the following: • Is a valid design selected? • Check that the print speed and contrast values are at appropriate levels for the thermal ribbon and substrate.
  • Page 169
    SECTION 5 — TROUBLESHOOTING Drive System Issues 5.7.1 Ribbon is not driving • Check that the ribbon cores on the supply and take up spools are not slipping. You can see this by taking the ribbon core off and looking on the inside. •…
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    SECTION 5 — TROUBLESHOOTING 5.7.4 Ribbon Breaking or Scuffing Prints (Continuous printers) If there are problems with ribbon breaking or scuffing prints, it is possible that the Head Out Time is set too long. The printhead will move out as the ribbon begins to accelerate.The printhead will then make contact with the ribbon before it is up to speed.
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    SECTION 5 — TROUBLESHOOTING 5.7.7 Head not returning to home position (SmartDate 5 — Intermittent mode only) This problem only relates to the Intermittent printer. If the head feeds satisfactorily, but does not return to the correct home position, check the amount of registration that has been set.
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    SECTION 5 — TROUBLESHOOTING Printhead Module / Shuttle Carriage Drive Problems A stepper motor, drive belt and linear slide are used to move the Printhead module / Shuttle carriage. The carriage drive may stall when the SmartDate 5 is under excessive load. If the carriage does not drive, check the following: •…
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    SECTION 5 — TROUBLESHOOTING Cassette Problems 5.9.1 Cassette Release Problems (SmartDate 5s only) It is likely that the printer is in the middle of a print, or you have an error message that has stopped the machine in the middle of the print cycle. The print light on the front of the printer may or may not be on, depending at what stage of the print cycle it is at.
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    SECTION 5 — TROUBLESHOOTING 5.11 Display Issues 5.11.1 Back light only lit If the Controller LCD screen is lit, but the text or icons are just visible check the following: • Has the LCD contrast been set too high or low? •…
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    SECTION 5 — TROUBLESHOOTING 5.12 Print Quality Problems The most common causes of poor print quality are: • Dirty printhead: Clean the printhead with the Markem.Imaje Isopropanol wipes and try again. Take care not to damage the printhead during cleaning. Always allow the printhead to cool prior to cleaning.
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    SECTION 5 — TROUBLESHOOTING 5.12.1 Poor Print Quality (when in DRS Mode) If in Ribbon Save mode reduce the ratio gradually until an acceptable print is achieved. Note that other parameters such as print darkness and / or air pressure may require adjustment when altering the ratio.
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    SECTION 5 — TROUBLESHOOTING 5.12.3 Faded on one side This is generally due to a misalignment of the printer to the platen roller/ pad. The printhead will move down to print on the substrate, and will hit one side of the roller/ pad first.
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    SECTION 5 — TROUBLESHOOTING 5.12.6 Text missing at start of print This can usually be resolved by increasing the Start Border setting. This will allow the printhead to run along the ribbon before it starts printing. 5.12.7 Text missing at end of print This can usually be resolved by increasing the End Border setting.
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    SECTION 5 — TROUBLESHOOTING 5.12.9 First Dots Missing or Ragged Increase the Start Border if you experience print quality problems such as the first dots of the print are missing. The printhead will move X Lines (Set in Start Border) on the ribbon before starting to print.
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    SECTION 5 — TROUBLESHOOTING 5.12.12 Double printing Check the sensor/ signal source to make sure that it is not triggering twice per product. If the input is a relay, and you find that it is bouncing, then increase the Debounce Time or Debounce distance to filter out the bounce. 5.12.13 Prints occur on every other product (or less) The likely causes for this are timing issue (refer to Timing Issues, Section 3, for…
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    SECTION 5 — TROUBLESHOOTING 5.13 Job Selection Problems 5.13.1 Selecting a Job A valid Job or test pattern must be present in the printer memory for SmartDate 5 to able to print something. This can be done by selecting a test pattern in Engineer mode or selecting a Job by using select Job in Producing or Ready mode.
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    SECTION 5 — TROUBLESHOOTING 5.14 Checking Database Information 5.14.1 Local You can check whether the Job is present in the local memory by scrolling through the database using SELECT JOB. If the Job is not visible then it is not present.
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    SECTION 5 — TROUBLESHOOTING 5.15 Communication Problems 5.15.1 Communications Do Not Work If DCP communication fails between SmartDate 5 and CoLOS Control, check the following: Ethernet Communications • Is the correct IP address configured? • Is the correct IP Subnet mask configured? •…
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    SECTION 5 — TROUBLESHOOTING 5.15.2 Selecting RS-232/RS-485 operation SmartDate 5 is capable of RS-232 and networked RS-485 operation. The mode of operation is selected in software using the Comms — Serial Port 1 options. RS-232 is used only for NGPCL communication. This for external devices to communicate with the SmartDate 5.
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    SECTION 5 — TROUBLESHOOTING 5.15.5 Networking Issues The most common problems with down loading data are incompatibility between the PC baud rate settings or wrong RS232/RS485 settings. 5.15.6 Communication ports Check that the cable is installed on the correct communication port on your PC. RS232 If you are connected to the RS232 port on your External device, confirm that the Communications configuration is correct.
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    SECTION 5 — TROUBLESHOOTING 5.16 Disaster Recovery Data Backup For SmartDate 5 With all electronic memory systems, it is still possible to lose the contents if something extra-ordinary happens. It is therefore recommended that you have some means of backing up the data located in that memory. Your SmartDate 5 printer is no exception.
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    SECTION 5 — TROUBLESHOOTING 5.16.1 Recovery Using CoLOS Create Pro Job Files The Markem.Imaje CoLOS Create Pro image design software can be used transfer your Job files to the selected SmartDate 5. Back up copies of your images can be kept in CoLOS Create Pro. See your CoLOS Create Pro Help files for details on how to download Jobs.
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    SECTION 5 — TROUBLESHOOTING 5.16.2 Recovery Using CoLOS Control Job Files If your SmartDate 5 is linked to CoLOS Control via an Ethernet (multi-link) you can re-download all your Jobs by selecting the previously designed images and sending them to the required SmartDate 5. See your CoLOS Control help files for details on how to select and download Jobs.
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    SECTION 6 RECOMMENDED SPARES SmartDate 5 Maintenance Manual…
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    SECTION 6 — RECOMMENDED SPARES Recommended Spares Note: Fasteners may be sold in economic pre-packed quantities. Consumables Table 6– 1: Consumables Part Number Description Quantity 5825525 Printhead — 53mm wide 35688BA Anvil rubber 98mm x 98mm 35689BA Anvil rubber 128mm x 128mm B03285AA Head cleaning kit B03286AA…
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    SECTION 6 — RECOMMENDED SPARES Spares Kits Table 6– 3: Summary of Spares Kits Available Part Number Description Quantity 5564972 Combined — Basic Spares Kit 5564974 Shuttled — Basic Spares Kit 5825371 Printer Hardware Kit 5825343 Controller Hardware Kit 5825286 Roller magnet replacement kit 5825358 Ribbon retention spring kit…
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    SECTION 6 — RECOMMENDED SPARES Table 6– 4: Combined — Basic Spares Kit (5564972) Part Number Description Quantity B04297AA T5AH250V Fuse. 5825052 Ribbon cable assembly. 5825303 Print solenoid valve assembly. 5825396 Cassette latch switch assembly. 5825050 Limit switch assembly. 5630381 Toothed drive belt.
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    SECTION 6 — RECOMMENDED SPARES Table 6– 6: Spare Controller Part Number Description Quantity 5825273 Controller Table 6– 7: Spare Printer only Part Number Description 10019083 SmartDate 5 Combined printer (Right Hand) 10019082 SmartDate 5 Combined printer (Left Hand) 10019085 SmartDate 5s Shuttled printer (Right Hand) 10019084 SmartDate 5s Shuttled printer (Left Hand)
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    SECTION 6 — RECOMMENDED SPARES Table 6– 10: Recommended Cable Spares (Plastic Moulded) (MET Approved) Part Description Number Low Profile 5686420 Printer power and signals cable 1.0 m. 37 way D type connector — UL approved Low Profile 5686412 Printer power and signals cable 3.0 m. 37 way D type connector — UL approved Low Profile 5686423…
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    SECTION 6 — RECOMMENDED SPARES Table 6– 11: Recommended Communication Cable Spares Part Description Number Local area network cable (LAN) 5686405 Ethernet — RJ45 connector PC cross over cable 5686406 Ethernet — RJ45 connector Communication 232 Cable assembly 5824644 9 way D type connector — UL approved Table 6–…

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