Мануал ямаха браво 250

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Руководство по ремонту и обслуживанию Yamaha Bravo 250T
«Service Manual BR250 Bravo1984-2000»
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снегоход yamaha bravo 250..

Помогите плз… утопили снегоход в озере . пробыл под водой 3-е суток… все перебрал, gочистил просушил.. сейчас собираю… возникла проблема с подключением баков.. помогите плз.. нужна схема или подробные фото ! снегоход yamaha bravo 250… интересует соединения шлангов под капотом ! куда какие трубки подсоединяются…

  • #5

В сервис-мануале есть схемы подключения. Скачивайте,смотрите,там все не сложно. С фотками пока не помогу-нечем сделать. Тоже топил Бравика-был под водой сутки. Все посушил-почистил=ездит до сих пор. Так что ничего страшного. Не переживайте.
Проблема была с просушкой пороллона сиденья-само не сохнет,вода в поры набралась. пришлось снять обшивку и выдержать под мощным прессом двое суток. (взял два деревянных шита-между ними пороллоновую «начинку» и сверху положили погрузчиком плиту 700 кг. Так оставили на два дня. Вода сошла,потом посушил в обычной сушилке. Форму не теряет,собирается нетрудно с помощью мебельного степлера и водостойкого клея.

  • #6

Добрый день Уважаемые. Подскажите как лучше сделать под сиденьем багажник.

Page 1: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)



LI1-12618-00-41 884-28197-10

Page 2: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)


This Service Manual has been written to acquaint the mechanic with the dis­assembly, reassembly, maintenance, and troubleshooting procedures requiredto provide optimum performance and longevity of the machine.The information herein should be closely studied to avoid unnecessary repairsand to provide the owner with a sound, safe, dependable machine.


The Research and Engineering Department of Yamaha is continually strivingto further perfect all models. Improvements and modifications are thereforeinevitable.In light of this fact, all specifications within this manual are subject to changewithout notice. Information regarding changes is forwarded to all AuthorizedYamaha Dealers as soon asavailable.



© 1981 by Yamaha Motor Corporation, U.S.A.1st edition, June 1981

All rights reserved. Any reprinting orunauthorized use without the written

permission of Yamaha Motor Corporation,U.S.A. is expressly prohibited.

Printed in U.S.A.LIT-12618-00-41

Particularly important information is distingu ished in this manual by thefollowing notations:



A NOTE provides key information to make procedures easier orclearer.

A CAUTION indicates special procedures that must be followedto avoid damage to the machine.

A WARNING indicates special procedures that must be follow­ed to avoid injury to a machine operator or person inspectingor repairing the machine.

Page 3: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)









Page 4: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)


1-1. EXTERNAL VIEW » 1-1


1-3. TERMS 1-2

1-4. STORAGE 1-2


1-6. MAINTENANCE 1-3A. Periodic Maintenance 1-3B. Lubrication Intervals 1-4C. Seali ng the Carbu retor. 1-5



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Page 6: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)


A. Frame Serial NumberThe frame serial number is located on theright-hand side of frame (just below the frontof seat). The first three digits identify themodel. This is followed by a dash. Theremaining digits identify the productionnumber of the unit.

Grease:Unless other specified, use a low-tempera­ture lithium base grease when instructed togrease a part or component.

Thread-locking compound:Use Loctite® Lock N’ Seal (blue), unlessother wise specified, when applying athread-locking compound to securing hard­ware.

Oil:Use Yamalube 2 to oil components unlessanother oil is specified.

If a snowmobile will not be used for severalmonths, it should be stored in a proper placeso that both the engine and the track are notdamaged.

1. Completely drain the fuel tank, and dis­connect the fuel line from the carbure­tor.

2. With the engine running at idle, squirt oilinto the carburetor until the engine dies.This will distribute oil evenly throughoutthe engine and protect it against rust.

3. Disassemble the suspension, clean andgrease all parts, and reassemble thesuspension.

4. Lightly coat all shafts and axles withgrease.

5. Oil all fittings and wire controls with aIightly oiled cloth.

6. Loosen the track.7. Block the chassis so that the track is off

the floor.8. Protect the snowmobile with a covering.



8R4-000101Starting frame serial number

B. Engine Serial NumberThe engine serial number is located on the fancase. The prefix indicates the engine type anddisplacement. The prefix is followed by adash and the serial number. Normally boththe frame and engine serial numbers areidentical.

Starting engine serial number R246-000101Perform the predelivery service as describedin the predelivery check list before operatingany snowmobile that has been stored forseveral months.


Page 7: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)


A. Periodic MaintenancePerform the various inspections and services at the indicated intervals; however use this schedule asa guide only. Depending upon the operating conditions, certain components may require more fre­quent servicing.


Check point 20 hrs. or 40 hrs. or 80 hrs. or When Seasonally400 km 800 km 1,600 km necessary(2


Tighteness of bolts and nuts

Bends, cracks, and wear 0

Abnormal noise 0

Loose connection and breaks in the fuel and pulse pipes 0

Loose connection and breaks in the oil pipes 0

Loose connection and breaks in the oil delivery pipe 0

Recoil starter


• Operation of starter jet 0

• Mixing adjuster (pilot screw) 0

• Idle speed adjustment 0

Operation and adjustment of oil pump

Ignition timing 0

Cylinder compression 0

Cylinder/exhaust pipe decarbonize 0

Spark plug condition, gap, and cleaning 0

Tighten the cylinder** 0


Tightness of bolts and nuts

Wear on slide runners 0

Primary drive system 0

V-belt ()

Secondary drive system 0

Sheave distance 0

Sheave offset =Brake pad wear 0

Brake operation and adjustment 0

Guide wheel rubber 0

Wear of track drive sprockets

Initial100 km

IDrive track adjustment (60mi) & 0300km(200mi) I

Breaks in drive track 0

Bends in front and rear axles 0 j

Check lock washers 0 !

Drive chain adjustment 0 iChain case oil level 0

** Retighten every 10 hours from the first use.


Page 8: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)


Check point 20 hrs. or 40 hrs. or 80 hrs. or When Seasonally400 km 800 km 1,600 km necessary(250 mil (500 mil (1,000 rni]


Tightness of bolts and nuts 0

Bends and cracks 0

Welded riveted, joints 0

Ski adjustment 0

Ski runner wear 0

Breaks in fuel tank 0

Cleaning of fuel tank 0

Fuel filter 0

Loose connection and breaks in fuel pipe 0

Breaks in oil tank 0

Oil filter 0


Wear, breakage of wire covering 0

Breaks in high-tension cord 0

Voltage regulator output 0

Operation of engine stop switch 0

Operation of tether switch 0

Headlight 0

Taillight 0

Brake light 0

B. Lubrication Intervals


Check point 20 hrs. or 40 hrs, or 80 hrs. or When Seasonallv Oil/Grease400 km 800 km 1,600 km necessary Brand name{250 mil (500 mil (1,000 mil


Starter case 0

Oil pump control box 0 Aeroshell grease #7A or

Pump drive cover 0Esso Beacon 325 grease

Oil in the oil tank 0 YAMALUBE 2-cycle oil


Primary sheave weights 0and roller pins Molybedenum disulfideSecondary shaft and 0

snowmobile greasesliding sheave

Front axle housing 0

Shaft 1 and shaft 2 Light all-purpose grease

(Slide rail) 0

Replace chain case oil 0 Gear oit API «GL-3″SAE #75 or #80


Steering column lower 0bearing Light all-purpose grease

Steering column upper 0bearing Motor oil

Steering links 0

Ski column 0

Ski wear plate 0Light all-purpose grease

Ski retaining pin 0

Brake cable end stopper0and brake lever Esso Beacon 325 gear


Page 9: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)

C. Sealing the CarburetorALWAYS seal the carburetor before turninga snowmobile on its side for service. This willprevent fuel from spilling and creating ahazard.

1. Plug the fuel-tank vent pipe.2. Plug both float-bowl overflow pipes or

connect them together.3. Drain float bowl.


To attain the best performance in high altitude conditions, carefully tune the snowmobile as out­lined below.

Confirm STD settings• Carburetor (Page3-3)• Ignition timing (Page6-2)• Spark plug (Page6-5)

+Adjust main jet size according to the chart

! (Page3-3)

Test main jet size(performance & plug colour) Not OK ~ Adjust main jet size(Page3-6)

•I I I

Not OK



Check to see if gearing is too high or low

NotOK OKAdjust gearing as required(Page4-12)


Not OK OKCheck engagement speed andshift performance

Not OK OK——r~High altitudetuning OK

Adjust primary clutch as required{Page4-1)


Not 01<..Adjust secondary clutch as required{Page 4-1) OK


Page 10: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)










No. Description Tool No.

1 Dial Gauge 90890..Q3097..Q0

2 Dial Gauge Stand 90890-01195-00

3 Dial Gauge Needle (56 rnml 90890-03098-00

4 3-Way Puller A’ssy TLU·90901-05-20 (U.S.A.)

4-a 3-Way Puller Attachment 90890-01803..Q0

4-b 3-Way Puller Attachment 90890-01804-00

4-c 3-Way Puller Screw 90890-01906-00

4-d Drive Handle 90890—1906-00

4-e 3-Way PuIler Body 90890..Q1848-00

4-f 3-Way Puller Attachment 90890..Q1873-00

5 Rotor Holding Tool 90890..Q1235..Q0

608 Primary Sheave Puller (M18) TLS-90018-59-02 (U.S.A_)


6-b Primary Sheave Puller Attachment 90890-01899..Q0

7 Primary SheaveSubassembly Tool TLS-9091 0-60-00


8 Bushing Tool 90890..Q1883..Q0

9 SheaveGauge TLS-9091 0-47-02 (U.S.A.)


10 Pocket Tester 90890..Q3112-00

11 Electro Tester 90890..Q3021-00

12 AC Regulator Checker 90890..Q3090-00

13 Primary Sheave Holder TLS·90018-80..Q0 (U.S.A,)


14 Secondary Sheave Holder 90890..Q1872-00


Page 11: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)



2-2. DISASSEMBLY AND INSPECTION 2-2A. Recoil Starter 2-2B. Flywheel Magneto 2-3C. Oil Pump 2-4D. Top End 2-6E. Bottom End 2-10

2-3. ASSEMBLY AND ADJUSTMENT 2-12A. Bottom End 2-12B. Top End 2-13C. Flywheel Magneto 2-14D. Recoil Starter 2-15E. Oil Pump Gear Case 2-17


Page 12: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)



You do not have to remove the engine inorder to service the following components:

Cylinder,Piston,Recoil Starter,Flywheel Magneto, andCarburetor

To remove the engine, remove or disconnectthe following components in the order givenbelow.

1. Muffler.2. Drive guard, V-belt, and primary sheave

(Refer 4-3, A «Removal.»)

3. Carburetor (Refer to 3-1, A «Removal.»)4. D-handle from the starter rope. Knot the

rope so it will not be pulled into thestarter case.

5. Spark plug wire.6. Pulse pipe from the fuel pump.7. Oil line that feeds the autolube pump.

Disconnect the joint in the middle of theline. Do not let air enter the line.

8. Four flywheel magneto leads.9. Hood Iimiter cable.

10. Three engine mounts; remove the engine.


Page 13: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)


A. Recoil Starter

Drive Plate Spring

Drive Pawl

Drive Plate


1. Remove the air shroud and the starterfrom the engine.

2. Pull about four inches of starter ropefrom the cutout in the sheave drum.Rotate the sheave drum five times clock- .wise to release the preload on the starterspring.

3. Remove the securing nut, and carefullydisassemble the starter. Note the relativeposition of each piece. You will have toreassemble the starter as shown in theillustration above.

Be careful when removing the drive plate andthe sheave drum. There is a preloaded springbehind each of these items.


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B. Flywheel Magneto

Flywheel Magneto


1. Using the rotor holding tool, loosen thesecuring nut, and remove the flywheelpulley from the magneto.

1. Rotor Holding Tool: 90890-01235

2. Remove the six securing bolts and re­move the fan.

3. Using the 3-way puller, remove themagneto.


3-Way Puller Ass’y: TLU-90901-05-20 (U.S.A.)

1. 3-Way Puller: 90890-018482. 3-Way Puller Attachment: 90890-018033. 3-Way Puller Attachment: 90890-018044. 3-Way Puller Screw: 90890-019065. Drive handle: 90890-01817

4. Remove the woodruff key from thecrankshaft. Remove the two securingscrews and remove the coil plate.

5. For inspection, refer to 6-1, G «Pulserand Charge Coil.»,

Page 15: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)

C. Oil Pump


Adjusting Pulley

1. Loosen the four gear-case bolts, andremove the gear case/oil pump assemblyfrom the engine.

2. Remove the two gear case screws andopen the gear case.

3. Remove the snap ring and the twowashers, and remove the drive gear. Notethe relative positions of the washer. Thewave washer is against the drive gear.

4. Rotate the oil-pump drive shaft until thesecuring pin is opposite the slot in thegear case. Remove the pin and removethe pump from the gear case.

~@~Oil Pump Drive Shaft


5. Remove the drive shaft from the oilpump. Inspect the bearing surfaces ofthe shaft and the gear teeth. If any partof the shaft is worn or pitted, the shaftmust be replaced.

The oil pump should not be disas­sembled unless the pump stroke must bechecked. If a problem with the pump isnoted (such as excessive oil consump­tion) proceed as follows:

6. Remove the oil pump cover.


Page 16: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)

7. Check the minimum pump stroke.a. Turn the oil pump gear until the plunger

is at its maximum distance from thepump body.

b. Using a feeler gauge, measure the gapbetween the adjusting plate and theraised bosson the adjusting puIley.

Minimum pump stroke:

0.2′» 0.25 mm (0.08′» 0.010 in)

1. Oil pump gear 2. Plunger 3. Minimum pump stroke

8. Measure the maximum pump stroke.a. Pull the oil pump cable out of its sheath

as far as it will go. The cable must beheld in this taut position when measur­ing maximum pump stroke. It may behelpful to securely wrap duct tapearound the cable where it enters thesheath.

b. Turn the oil pump gear until the plungeris at its maximum distance from thepump body.

c. Using a feeler gauge, measure the gapbetween the adjusting plate and theraised bosson the adjusting pulley.

Maximum pump stroke:1.65 — 1.87 mm (0.065′» 0.074 in)

1. Oil pump gear 2. Plunger 3. Maximum pump stroke 2-5

9. If either the maximum pump stroke orthe minimum pump stroke does notequal specification, remove the adjustingplate and add or remove adjusting shimsas required. Adding shims increases thestroke, removing shims decreases thestroke.

1. Adjusting shim

1O. Reinstall the adjusting plate and locknut. Torque the nut to specification.Recheck maximum and minimum pumpstroke.

Tightening torque:0.67 m-kg (4.8 ft-lb)

11. Grease the adjusting plate, and reinstallthe oil pump cover. Seal the cover withYamabond 5. Torque the screws tospecification.

Tightening torque:0.2 m-kg (1.45 ft-Ib)

Page 17: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)

… Denotes a revision. Please remove and destroy the original page, and insert this revision page in its place.

D. Top EndThis model has a one-piece cylinder andcyl inder-head assembly. There is no cylinderhead to remove and service separately fromthe cyl inder.


Disassembly1. Loosen the spark plug, and remove the

cyl inder from the crankcase.2. Cover the crankcase with a clean rag so

nothing will accidently drop into thecrankcase.

3. Remove a piston pin cIip from the… piston, and remove the pin with the

universal piston-pin puller.

Universal piston-pin puller:YU-01304

MS623 BR250F Service Manual Revised 1/82


~ Cvlinder Bolt

Piston Pin CI ip

4. Remove the piston and the small-endbearing from the connecting rod.

Page 18: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)

Inspection1. Piston pin and bearing inspection.a. Check the piston pin for signs of wear.

If any wear is evident, replace the pinand the bearing.

b. Check the pin and bearing for signs ofheat discoloration. If excessive (indenta­tion on pin, etc.), replace the pin and thebearing.

c. Check the small-end bearing for exces­sive wear or damage. Check the rollersfor signs of flat spots. If such wear isfound, replace the pin and the bearing.

d. Apply a light film of oil to the pin andbearing surfaces. Install them in theconnecting rod small end to inspect forwear. Check for play. There should beno noticeable vertical play. If play exists,check the connecting rod small end forwear. Replace pin, connecting rod and/or bearing, as required.


e. The piston pin should have no noticeablefree play in the piston. If the piston pinis loose, replace the pin and/or piston.

2. Pistona. Remove the piston rings.b. Remove any carbon deposits from piston


c. Carefully remove any carbon depositsfrom the ring grooves.

d. Hernove score marks and lacquerdeposits from the sides of the pistonusing 600 — 800 grit wet sandpaper.Sand in a crisscross pattern. Do not sandexcessively.

Page 19: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)

e. Wash the piston in solvent, and dry itwith compressed air.

f. Measure the outside diameter of thepiston at the piston skirt.The measurement shouId be made at apoint 10 mm (0.39 in) above the bottom

edge of the piston. Place the micrometerat a right angle to the piston pin.The maximum piston diameter subtract­ed from the minimum cylinder diametergives the piston clearance. If the clear­ance is beyond tolerance, hone thecylinder to tolerance or bore it to thenext oversize and install an oversizedpiston.

Piston clearance:

Minimum 0.045 mm (0.0018 in)Maximum 0.050 mm (0.0020 in)

Piston oversize:

70.25 mm (2.766 in)70.50 mm (2.776 in)

1. 10 mm (0.39 in)


3. Piston ringsa. Check the rings for scoring. If any severe

scratches are noticed, replace the rings as

a set.b. Measure the ring end gap in the un­

installed rings. If it is beyond tolerance,replace the rings as a set.

Ring end gap, free:Approx. 6.5 mm (0.26 in)

c. Push the ring into the cylinder, andmeasure the ring end gap with a feelergauge. Push the ring into the cylinderwith the piston crown so the ring will beat a right angle to the cylinder bore. Ifthe end gap is not within specification,replace the rings as a set.

Ring end gap, installed:Minimum 0.20 mm (0.0079 in)Maximum 0040 mm (0.0157 in)

Page 20: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)

4. Cylindera. Remove all carbon deposits from the

cylinder and from the ports. Carburetorcleaner will help lift carbon from thecyl inder head. Thoroughly wash thecylinder in solvent, and blow it dry withcompressed air.

b. Inspect the cylinder walls for scratches.If vertical scratches are evident, thecylinder should be rebored or replaced.

c. Measure the cylinder wall wear at theplaces shown in the illustration; use acyl inder bore gauge. If wear is excessive,compression pressure will decrease; re­bore or replace the cylinder.

———-Standard Wear limit

Cylinder bore70.00 ……, 70.02 mm 70.05 mm(2.756 -2.757 in) (2.776 in)

Cylinder taper 0.05mm(0.002 in)

Cylinder out-of- 0.01 mmround

-(0.004 in)


……. ——_…-….,…….,.,..

BoringIf the cylinder requires boring, follow thestandard boring procedures but use an offsetbit as shown below. This bit is standardequipment with some boring bars. Be surethat the depth adjustment is precisely set sothe combustion chamber is not damaged.

HoningWhenever honing the cylinder on the BR250,use a hone with a bumper device so the com­bustion chamber will not be carelesslydamaged. Otherwise follow standard honingprocedures. Yamaha recommends the use ofan Ammco Hone. This kit includes all thenecessary piecesto properly hone the cylinderon the BR250.

Ammco Hone Kit: TLU-03950-00-00

Page 21: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)

E. Bottom End

Oil-Pump Drive Sprocket

Engine Mounting Bracket

~@ ae~o~ ..

Right Crankshaft aearing~@ i

Disassembly1. Remove the engine mounting bracket

from the crankcase.

2. Remove the four crankcase bolts. Notethe position of the wire bracket. Youwill have to reinstall it on the same bolt.

Page 22: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)

3. Separate the crankcase halves by rappingthe indicated points with a rubbermallet.

4. Remove the crankshaft.

Inspection1. Crankcasea. Thoroughly wash the case halves in a

mild solvent. Blow them dry with com­pressed air.

b. Thoroughly clean the crankcase matingsurfaces.

c. Visually inspect the case halves forcracks or damage.

d. Inspect the oil delivery passages in thetransfer ports for signs of blockage.

2. Bearings and oil sealsa. After cleaning and lubricating the bear­

ings, rotate the outer race with yourfinger. If rough spots are noticed, replacethe bearings.

b. Check the oil seal lips for damage orwear. Replace the seals as required.

b. Install bearings with their manufacturer’smarks or numbers facing outward. Theyshould be visible when intalled.

c. Install oil seals with their manufacturer’smarks also facing outward.

d. Always thoroughly lubricate bearingsand oil seals with the specified lubricantbefore installing them on the crankshaft.

4. Crankshafta. Check the connecting rod axial play at

the small end. This will indicate thecondition of the big-end bearing andcrankpin. If the rod axial play exceedsspecification, disassemble the crankshaftand check the connecting rod, crankpin,and big-end bearing. Replace any defec­tive or worn parts. Reassemble thecrankshaft, and recheck the rod axialplay.

Rod axial play:Maximum: 2.0 mm (0.079 in)

b. Check the connecting rod side clearanceat the big end. If it exceeds specification,disassemble the crankshaft and replaceany worn parts.

Rod side clearance

3. Bearing and oil seal installationa. When install ing or removing the left

crankshaft bearing or oil seal, remove theoil-pump drive sprocket. Replace it witha new one during installation.



0.25 mm (0.010 in)


0.75 mm (0.030 in)

Page 23: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)


Tightening torque:1.5 m-kg (10.8 ft-lb)

2. Thoroughly oil the bearing and the con­necting rod.

3. Apply Yamabond 4 to the mating sur­faces of the crankcase halves. Useenough Yamabond to completely sealthe crankcase. An air leak can lead tosevere engine damage.

4. Carefully fit the lower crankcase halfonto the upper half. The oils seals andthe bearings must be properly seated inboth crankcase halves. Place the wirebracket on the rear crankcase bolt asshown in the photograph. Torque thefou r crankcase bolts to specification.

5. Install the engine bracket onto thecrankcase. Torque the four bolts tospecification.


Right side

0.02 mm (0.0008 in)

80 mm (3.1 in)

Deflection tolerance

Left side

100 mm (3.9 in)

0.02 mm (0.0008 in)


c. Check the crankshaft assembly runoutwith a dial gauge. If the runout is notwithin specification, the crankshaft partsare not properly aligned. To correct thismisalignment, tap the flywheel with abrass hammer. Use a wedge if necessary.

A. Botton End1. Place the crankshaft in the upper crank­

case half. Be sure the lip of each oil sealand the nylon bearing support for theright crankshaft bearing are properlyseated in the crankcase. The open sideof the bearing support must face thefront of the engine.

Tightening torque:First 1.0 m-kg (7.2 ft-Ib)Final 2.5 m-kg (18 ft-Ib)


Page 24: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)

B. Top End


Small End Bearing

1. Install the piston rings as shown in theillustration.

Piston crown

////// / / /////(JUJ/J//J////

__’:1 ‘——..;;:0..,,-



rCYlinder Bolt



Piston ring


Page 25: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)

2. Add oil to the crankcase through the oilholes. Oil the connecting rod.

3. Cover the crankcase with a clean cloth sonothing will fall into the crankcase.

4. Oil the small-end bearing and install it inthe connecting rod.

5. Oil the connecting rod, and install thepiston. The arrow on the piston crownmust point to the front of the engine.

6. Oil the piston pin, and install it in thepiston. Be sure the piston pin clip iscorrectly seated in the groove.

C. Flywheel Magneto

7. Oil the piston, and install the cylinderonto the crankcase. Use a new cylindergasket. Torque the four cylinder bolts tospecification. You will need a 12 mmcrowfoot wrench.

Tightening torque:First: 2.0 m-kg (14.5 ft-lb)Final: 2.5 m-kg (18 ft-lb)

Flywheel Magneto


Coil Plate

Coil Plate DamperIIIIIIIII~


Page 26: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)

1. Feed the magneto leads through thehole in the crankcase, and secure thedamper in the case.

2. Install the coil plate onto the crankcase.Align the pry points on the plate withthe cutout in the crankcase. Apply athread-locking compound to both secur­ing screws.

3. Place the woodruff key in the crank­shaft, and install the flywheel magneto.The keyway in the magneto must alignwith the key in the crankshaft. Rap themagneto with a plastic mallet to seat iton the crankshaft.

4. Install the fan on the magneto. Thearrow on the fan must point to the key­way in the magneto. Torque the six boltsto specification.

Tightening torque:0.7 m-kg (5 ft-lb)


5. Install the flywheel pulley. The two cut­outs on the edge of the pulley must beopposite the holes in the fan. Torque thesecuring nut to specification.

Tightening torque:7.0 — 7.5 m-kg (51 — 54 ft-lb)

6. For timing adjustment (Refer to 6-1, C»Ignition Timing.»)

D. Recoil Starter

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1. Hook the outer book of the starterspring around the post in the startercase. Carefully wind the spring counter­clockwise, and fit the spring into thecase. Thoroughly grease the spring afterinstallation.

2. Feed the starter rope into the sheavedru m, knot the end, and fit the knotinto the cutout in the sheave drum.

3. Wind the starter rope 2-1/4 timescounterclockwise around the sheavedrum. Insert the drum in the starter case.Be sure the inner hook on the starterspring hooks around the post on thesheave drum.

4. Install the drive pawl and the returnspring. Hook the spring around the firstpost on the sheave drum as shown in thephotograph.


5. Install the drive plate spring, springcollar, and the drive plate. Be sure thecutout in the drive plate fits over thepost on the drive pawl. Install the thrustwasher and torque the nut. Grease thepivot point of the drive pawl.

Tightening torque:1.3 m-kg (9.4 ft-Ib)

6. Pull about four inches of starter ropefrom out of the cutout in the sheavedrum and form a loop. Rotate the sheavedrum five times couterclockwise to pre­load the starter spring.

7. Check the starter. If it does not operatesmoothly, disassemble it, and reassembleit correctly.

8. Install the recoil starter onto the engine.Be sure the hood limiter bracket is onthe forward, upper bolt as shown in thephotograph.

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9. Install the air shroud. Use a washer andlock washer with the screw that securesthe air shroud to the starter case. Applya thread-locking compound to the twobolts that thread into the engine. Torquethe bolts to specification.

E. Oil Pump Gear Case

Tightening torque:0.65 m-kg (4.7 ft-lb)


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1. Place the washer on the oil pump driveshaft, and insert the drive shaft into theoil pump. Be sure the worm gear correct­ly engages the oil pump gear in thepump.

2. Secure the pump to the gear case. Use anew gasket. Apply Yamabond 4 to thegear case side of the gasket only.

3. Align the hole in the drive shaft with theslot in the gear case and install the secur­ing pin.

4. Thoroughly grease the outer edges of thedrive gear onto the oil pump drive shaft.Be su re the gear correctly engages thesecuring pin.

5. Secure the drive gear in place with thetwo washers and the snap ring. Be su rethe wave washer is against the drive gear.

6. Grease the edges of the drive gear, andinstall the gear case cover.


7. Install the oil pump gear box onto theengine. Be sure the drive gear correctlyengages the oil pump drive gear on thecrankshaft. Torque the four securingbolts to specification.

Tightening torque:0.68 m-kg (4.9 ft-lb)

Bleeding the Oil PumpThe oil pump must be bled whenever:

Any portion of the oil system has beendisconnected.The machine has been turned on its side.Whenever the oil tank has been runempty.During predelivery.

There are two methods for bleeding the pumpon this model. Either will work very well.

1. Loosen the bleed screw at the pump. Oilshould begin to flow through the line.Keep the bleed screw open until all airhas left the fuel Iine. Tighten the bleedscrew.

2. Start the engine and keep it running atidle. Pull the pump stroke wire all theway out to set the pump at maximumstroke. Keep the pump operating at fullstroke for about two minutes. This willbleed the air from the oil system.

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1. Place the engine in the chassis. Torquethe three engine mounts to specification.

Tightening torque:Bolt: 3.0 m-kg (22 tt-lb)Nut: 1.4 rn-kq (10 ft-lb]

2. Install or connect the following compo­nents in the order given below.• Primary Sheave, V-belt. and drive

guard (Refer to 4-4, D «Assembly»)• Carburetor (Refer to 3-1, A III nstal­


• Pulse PipeOil line that feeds the oil pump

• Four magneto leads• D-handle to the starter rope• Spark plug and spark plug wire

Spark Plug Tightening Torque:2.5′» 3.0 m-kg (18′» 22 ft-lb)

• Muffler and hood limiter bracket.


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3-1. CARBURETOR 3-1A. Removal 3-1B. Disassembly 3-2C. Inspection 3-2D. Assembly 3-2E. Installation 3-3

3-2. TUNING AND ADJUSTMENT 3-3A. Carburetor Tuning Data 3-3B. Starter Cable Adjustment 3-4C. Throttle Cable Adjustment 3-5D. Oil Pump Cable Adjustment 3-5E. Low Speed Tuning 3-5F. Mid-range and High Speed Tuning 3-6G. Troubleshooting 3-7

3-3. INTAKE 3-9

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Carburetor Assembly

oMain Jet cover—@

A. Removal1. Disconnect the pulse pipe, oil pump

cable, oil delivery pipe, throttle cable,and the starter cable. Be careful not tolose the rubber cap or coil spring fromthe starter cable.


~ Starter Jet



2. Loosen the clamp on the carburetorboot and remove the carburetor. Do notlose a spring from the air box boot.

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B. Disassembly1. Carefully remove the jets, float, etc.

Never, however, disassemble the throttlevalve or the throttle shaft. The threadsof the throttle shaft have been crimpedso the screw will not come lose. Oncethe throttle valve is disassembled, it willbe very difficult to reassemble it correct­ly. The original characteristics of thiscarburetor will be difficult to reproduce,thus performance will be adverselyaffected.

2. Carefu Ily clean all parts. Blow the jetsand passages clear with compressed air.Use a soft brush to clean the outsidesurfaces so nothing will be scratched ordamaged. Do not use a wire or any suchobject to clear a jet. This will deform thejet and reduce performance.

3. Remove the carbon from the throttl-evalve and adjacent area. Take care not toscratch the throttle valve or bore.

C. Inspection1. Inspect all jets and passages. They must

be clear.2. Check the mating surfaces for wear.

Replace jets as required.3. Check the float valve for damage. If

either the float seat or float needle aredamaged, replace both parts.

4. Check the pilot screw for carbondeposits; check the threads for wear.Clean and replace the jet as required.

D. AssemblyUse new O-rings when assembling the carbure­tor. Thoroughly grease the contact surfaces ofthe throttle shaft. Be sure all moving parts inthe carbu retor operate smoothly.

1. Install the throttle stop screw with itsspring. For adjustment (Refer to 3-2, E»Low Speed Tuning».)

2. Install the main jet and the slow jet.3. Install the slow adjuster with its spring.

For adjustment (Refer to 3-2, E «LowSpeed Tuning».)

4. Install the clip onto the float needle.5. Hook the float needle clip onto the float

tang. Install the float, and insert thefloat needle into the float valve.


6. Measure the float level.a. Incline the carburetor approximately 20

or 30 degrees until the float valve justbarely closes. The float should be restingon the float needle, but not compressingthe spring.

b. Measure the distance from the carbure­tor body to the top of the float.

Float height:15 ± 2 mm (0.59 ± 0.08 in)

1. Float height

c. If the float height is not within specifica­tion, examine the valve seat and the floatneedle. If either is worn, replace themboth. If both are fine, adjust the floatheight by bending the tang on the float.

d. Reinstall the float and recheck the floatheight.

8. Reassemble the float.

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9. Apply grease to the following areas sothey will not freeze:Throttle return spring,Throttle shaft,Both spaces between the throttle shaftand carburetor body,Throttle lock washer,E~c1ip, andThe wire holder attached to the throttlevalve.

E. Installation1. Install the carburetor in the engine. Be

sure the air box boot and the carburetorboot correctly engage the carburetor.Secure the clamp on the carbu retorboot, and carefully secure the air boxboot spring.

Do not overstrech the air box boot spring.The spring can be damaged and will have tobe replaced.

2. Attach the throttle cable, starter cable,oil pump cable, oil del ivery line, and thepulse pipe. Refer to the Cable RoutingDiagram in the appendix.

2. High altitude tuning

3-2. Tuning and AdjustmentThe carburetor is set at the factory to run attemperatures of 32° F to _4° F (0° to -20°C)at seal level. If the machine has to be operatedunder conditions other than specified above,the carburetor must be reset as required.Special care should be taken in carburetorsetting so that the piston will not be damagedor seized.

A. Carburetor Tuning Data1. Standard specification

Carburetor BD32·28/KEIHIN

1.0. Mark 8R401

Main jet #108

Slow adjuster (turn out) 1·1/4

Starter jet. #120

Slow jet #78

15 ± 2.0 mmFloat height (0.59 ± 0.08 in)

~ -30°C -20°C -100 e O°C 10°C 20

0 e(-22°F) (_4°F) (14°F) (32°F) (50°F) (68°F)

Altitude I I J I I I.. #105 It’

Seal level .. #108 ………-#112 …..

…. #105 …»» 600 m (200 tt) .. #108 …

…#102 ….»» 1200 m (4000 ft) .. #105 ..

«»»‘-‘#108 …… #102 ..

«» 1800 m (6000 ft) .. #105 …….—#108 …..

……#100….»» 2400 m (8000 ft] .. #102 …

«»»‘-#105 …»» 3000 m or more .. #100 It’

(10000 ft) .. #102 …


Page 35: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)

3. Fuel flow

High-speed tuning

Mid-range. I Full 0 en

~~rq~:=========1t1:t====n:~~:E!=::~Elt====tt===ll=!~ttj1~~~ 1/2 ——~~—_1\:-__t__+_I_______/.I—-_:_~……L—~__+_~~l_!_

rClosed 1!~Low speed tuning

1. Starter jet2. Throttle stop screw, pilot screw,

bypass, float level3. Slow jet4. Main jet

BR250 CARBURETOR (KEIHIN 8032·28)Fuel Flow Chart

ITotal fuel flow


B. Starter Cable AdjustmentPuII the starter cable outer tube upward, andadjust the free play between the outer tubeend and adjuster to specification by turningthe adjuster. After the adjustment, tightenthe lock nut and replace the rubber cap tokeep the lock nut free from dust and water.

NOTE:— _

Starter cable free play must be adjusted afterthe cable is correctly routed. (Refer to CableRouting Diagram.)

Lock nut tightening torque:0.08 m-kg (0.6 ft-Ib)

Idle 1/4 1/2 3/4 1/1

Throttle opening •


Page 36: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)

-.-H__- Free play

1.5″‘2.5 mm (0.06″‘0.10 in)

1. Adjuster 2. Lock nut

1. Play 2. Adjusting screw 3. Lock nut

Free play between outer tube endand adjuster:

1.5′» 2.5 mm (0.06′» 0.10 in)

3. Lock the adjusting screw by tighteningthe nut.

C. Throttle Cable AdjustmentSet the throttle cable adjuster so that the freeplay between the throttle cable outer tubeend and adjuster equals specification whenthe throttle valve is closed (at idle).

Free play between outer tube endand adjuster:

0.5′» 1.0 mm (0.2 ‘» 0.4 in)

E. Low Speed TuningThe carburetor is built so that low speedtuning can be done by adjusting the slowadjuster and the throttle stop screw.

Always install air silencer before makingtuning adjustment. High performance tuningcannot be done without the silencer. Enginedamage may result from attempting to tunewithout the silencer installed.

Play: 25 ± 1 mm (1.00 ± 0.04 in)


Always adjust the throttle cable BEFOR Eadjusting the oil pump cable.

2. Start the engine, and fully warm up theengine.

3. Adjust the throttle stop screw until theengine runs at 2,000′» 2,500 rpm.

Stardard pilot screw (turns out):1-1/4

1. Tighten the slow adjuster lightly, andback it out from its lightly seated posi­tion.

1. Slow adjuster

3. Play2. Lock nut

1. Loosen the lock nut on the oil pumpcable adjusting screw.

2. Pull up the cable to its limit, and turnthe adjusting screw until the free play ofthe outer cable is as specified below:

1. Adjuster

D. Oil Pump Cable Adjustment


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4. Slowly loosen slow adjuster. As the slowadjuster is loosened, the mixture willbecome leaner and engine rpm will in­crease. Adjust the slow adjuster to attainthe highest posstble engine speed.

5. Finally, turn the throttle stop screwcounterclockwise so that the engine runsat 1,100 rpm.

Idle speed: 1,100 ± 100 rpm

1. Throttle stop screw


If the engine shows poor performance in highelevations or in an extremely cold area orwhen it is suddenly accelerated or run at lowspeeds, proceed as follows:

a. Replace the slow jet according to operat­ing conditions.

Standard slow jet: # 78

F. Mid-range and High Speed TuningNo adjustment is normally required, butadjustment is sometimes necessary depending

on temperatures and/or altitude.Mid-range speed and high-speed tuning (from1/4 to full-throttle) can be done by adjustingthe main jet.

1. Run the engine at high speeds, and makesure the engine operates smoothly.

2. Check the spark plug. The main jetshould be adjusted on the basis of thefollowing table. (Refer to spark plugcolor samples.)

Standard main jet: # 108

Spark plug color

No.1 Good (Carburetor is turned properly.)

No.2Bad (Mixture is too rich.lReplace main jet with one-step small one.

No.3Bad (Mixture is too lean.)Replace main jet with one-step larger one.

Bad (Due to too lean a mixture, piston isdamaged or seized.)

No.4 Replace the piston and spark plug.Tune the carburetor again starting withlow-speed tuning.

Bad (Due to too lean a mixture, theengine knocks.)Check the piston for holes or seizu reo

No.5 Check the cooling system, gasoline octanerating, and ignition timing. After replac-ing the spark plug, tune the carburetoragain starting with low-speed tuning.

Bad (Due to lean a mixture, the sparkplug melts.]Check the piston for holes or seizure.

No.6Check the cool ing system, gasoline octanerating, and ignition timing. After replac-ing the spark plug with colder type, tunethe carburetor again starting with low-speed tuning.

1. Slow jet 2. Main jet

b. By repeating steps 1 to 5 above, adjustthe idle speed.

Idle speed: 1,100 ± 100 rpm


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1. Main jet

G. Troubleshooting


Never remove the main jet cover bolt whilethe engine is hot. Fuel will flow out of thefloat chamber which could ignite and causedamage to the snowmobile and possible injuryto the mechanic.Place a rag under the carburetor so fuel doesnot spread. Place the main jet cover bolt in aclean place. Keep it away from fire. Afterassembling the carburetor, firmly tighten therubber joint screw. Make sure the throttleouter tube is in place and the throttle cablemoves smoothly. Clean the carburetor andallow it to dry.

Trouble Check point Remedy Adjustment

Hard starting Insufficient fuel Add gasoline

Excessive use of starter Clean spark plug Return starter lever to its seated(Excessively opened choke) position.

Fuel passage is clogged or Clean Parts other than carburetorfrozen • Clogged fuel tank air vent, clogg-

ed fuel filter, or clogged fuelpassage

Carburetor• Clogged or frozen air vent clogged

valve.• If water collects in float chamber,

clean.(Also check for ice.l

Overflow Correct

Poor idling Improper idling speed Tighten slow adjuster lightly, andadjustment check throttle opening. If incorrect,

(Relative troubles) • Slow adjuster Adjust idling speed back it out specification. Start the• Poor performance at low engine and turn slow adjuster in

speeds and out 1/4 turn each time. When• Poor acceleration the engine runs faster, back out• Slowresponse to throttle throttle stop screw so the engine• Engine tends to stall idles at specified speed.

• Throttle stop screw Adjust Tightened to much — Engine speedis higher.Backed out too much Enginedoes not idle.

Damaged slow adjuster Replace slow adjuster

Clogged bypass hole Clean

Clogged or loose slow jet Clean and retighten Remove slow jet, and blow it outwith compressed air.

Air leaking into carburetor Retighten band screwjoint

Defective starter valve seat Clean or replace

Overflow Correct

Poor performance at Clogged or loose slow jet Clean and retighten Remove slow jet, and blow it outmid-range speeds with compressed air.(Relative troubles)• Momentary slow response

to throttle• Poor acceleration Lean mixtures Overhaul carburetor


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Trouble Check point Remedy Adjustment

Poor performance at Clogged air vent Clean I Remove the air vent pipe, andnormal speeds clean.(Relative troubles)

Clogged or loose main jet Clean and retighten Remove main jet, and blow it out• Excess fuel consumption• Poor acceleration

with compressed air.

Overflow Check float and float valveand clean

Poor performance at high Starter valve is left open Fully close valve Return starter lever to its homespeeds position.(Relative troubles)

Clogged air vent Remove and clean• Power loss• Poor acceleration Clogged or loose main jet Clean and retighten Remove main jet, and clean with

compressed air, then install.

Clogged fuel pipe Clean or replace

Dirty fuel tank Clean fuel tank

Air leaking into fuel line Check joint and retighten

Low fuel pump performance Repair pump or replace

Clogged fuel filter Replace

Clogged intake Check for ice, and remove

Abnormal combustion Lean mix tu res Clean carburetor and adjust

(Mainly backfire) Dirty carburetor Clean carburetor

Dirty or clogged fuel pipe Clean or replace fuel pipe

Overflow Clogged air vent Clean

(Relative troubles)Clogged float valve Disassemble and clean Clean while taking care not to

• Power idling scratch valve seat.• Poor performance at low,

mid-range, and high Scraehed or unevenly worn Clean or replace float valve Valve seat is press-fitted to body.

speeds float valve or valve seat and valve seat So body must be replaced if seat is

• Excessive fuel consump- damaged.

tion Broken float Replace float• Hard starting

Incorrect float level If not within the specified• Power loss• Poor acceleration

range, check the followingparts and replace anydefective part.

• Worn float tang Replace float Replace float assembly.

• Worn pin Replace arm pin

• Deformed float arm Replace float

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Carburetor Boot

Air Box Boot

Pulse Pipe

1. Check to see that fuel moves from thefuel tank, to the fuel pump, then to thecarburetor. If fuel leaks, replace thecomponents as required.

2. Inspect the air box boot and the carbure­tor boot. Replace as necessary. Replacethe air box boot springs if either isfatigued.


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4-2. CLUTCH TUNING 4-1A. Clutch Setting Data 4-2B. Changing Clutch Engagement and Shift RPM 4-3

4-3. V-BELT 4-3A. Removal 4-3B. Inspection 4-3

4-4. PRIMARY SHEAVE , .4-4A. Removal 4-4B. Disassembly 4-5C. Inspection 4-5D. Assembly 4-6

4-5. SECONDARY SHEAVE 4-8A. Removal 4-8B. Inspection 4-9C. Assembly 4-9

4-6. CHAIN CASE 4-10A. Disassembly 4-11B. Inspection 4-11C. Gearing 4-12D. Assembly 4-12

4-7. BRAKE 4-14A. Disassembly 4-14B. Inspection 4-15C. Assembly 4-15D. Brake Adjustment 4-15

4-8. SLIDE RAIL SUSPENSION 4-16A. Removal 4-16B. Inspection 4-17C. Installation 4-18

4-9. DRIV E 4-19A. Removal 4-19B. Inspection 4-20C. Assembly 4-20D. Track Adjustment 4-20

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1. Sheave distance: 2. Sheave offset:266 ±2 mm (10.47 ±O.OS in) 11 ± 3 mm (0.43 ± 0.12 in)

1. Using the sheave gauge, check the sheaveoffset. If the gauge does not contact theprimary and secondary sheaves at thefour indicated points, the sheave offset isincorrect.

2. Check the sheave center-to-centerdistance.


3. If either the center-to-center distance orthe offset is not within specification,check the engine mounts. If the enginehas been mounted correctly, the enginemounting bracket, the frame, or both arebent. Replace as required.

Sheave gauge: TLS-9091O-47-02 (U.S.A.)90890-01702

Center-to-center:266 ± 2 mm (10.47 ± 0.08 in)

Sheave offset:11 ± 3 mm (0.43 ± 0.12 in)


The clutch may require tuning dependingupon the area of operation and the desiredhandling characteristics. The clutch can betuned by changing engagement & shiftingrpm.Clutch engagement rpm is defined as theengine speed where the machine first beginsto move from a complete stop.Shifting rpm is the engine speed when themachine passes a point 200 ~ 300 m (650 ~

1000 ft) from the starting position after themachine has been started at full-throttle froma dead stop.Normally, when a machine reaches shift rpm,the vehicle speed increases but the enginespeed remains nearly constant. Under un­favorable conditions, however (wet snow, icysnow, hills, or rough terrain), engine speedcan decrease after the engine has reachedshifting rpm.

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Engine rpm

tClutchshifting rpm

Clutchengagement rpm

Good condition

Clutch shifting rpm

Clutch engagement rpm

t Engine rpm

Bad condition

, __ Travelled distanceStarting position 200″»» 300 m (650″»» 1,000 ft)

A. Clutch Setting Data

1———+—4Travelled distance

——Starting position 200′»‘-‘ 300 m (650″»» 1,000 tt)

S.T.D. spec. High altitude spec.

Engagement r.p.m. 3100 ± 200 +-

Shifting r.p.m, 5750 ± 50 +-

Parts No. 90501·50654 +-

Set weight 15 kg (33Ib) +-Primary spring

2.4 kg/mm (134 lb/in)Spring constant +-

Color None +-

Q’ty 8 p.c.s./unit +-Roller shim

Parts No. 90201~06727 +-

Twist angle 1600

+-Secondary spring

Color None +-

NOTE.·~ _

High altitude specifications apply to operation at an altitude of more than 1506 meters (4500 tt),

Since the clutch weights are secured in placeby the sheave cap bolts, the centrifugal forcethat can alter clutch characteristics comesfrom the weight of the lever on the spider. Toadjust clutch engagement and clutch shiftingrpm, add or remove roller shims from thespider as indicated by the chart ..Clutch shifting rpm can also be adjusted bychanging the preload on the secondary sheavespring: 1600 and 280 0

• 1600 is standard.


Page 44: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)

B. Changing Clutch Engagement and Shift RPM

~Clutch engagement r.p.m. Clutch shifting r.p.m,

Decrease Increase Decrease Increase

Centrifugal force of rollers Add shims Remove shims Add shims Remove shims

Torsion spring- — Decrease Increase

Secondary spring constant

Twist angle — — Smaller wind Greater wind

1. New: 31.5 mm (1.24 in) 2. Wear limit: 26 mm (1.02 in)

Length of V-Belt

1,099 mm (42.8 in)

Part No.


3. Measu re the length of the V-belt. Itshould be within specification; if not,replace the belt.

Wear limit: 26 mm (1.02 in)

4-3. V-BELT

A. Removal1. Turn the secondary sliding sheave clock­

wise and push it towards the cha in case.2. While holding the sliding sheave in this

compressed position, remove the V-beltfrom the secondary sheave then from theprimary.

B. Inspection1. Visually inspect the V-belt for signs of

damage. Replace the belt if it isdamaged.

2. Measure the width of the V-belt. If thebelt is worn beyond the wear limit,replace it.

1. V-belt length


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Fixed Sheave


Sheave Cap



Spider Lever

A. Removal1. Remove the drive guard, and remove the

V-belt,2. Hold the fixed sheave with the primary

sheave holder and remove the clutchbolt. Drive the primary sheave off thecrankshaft with the primary sheavepuller.

Primary sheave holder:T L5-90018-80-00 (U.S. A.)9089Q..01701

Primary sheave pu lIer:90890-01898

1. Sheave holder2. Sheave puller


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B. Disassembly

1. Install the sheave subassembly tool inthe primary sheave.

Primary sheave subassembly tool:90890-01858

1. Sheave sub-assembly tool

2. Loosen the six sheave-cap bolts.3. Remove the sheave subassembly tool,

and remove the sheave cap.

C. Inspection1. Inspect the tapered ends of the crank­

shaft and the primary fixed sheave forscartches. If either is severely scratched,replace it. If scratches are minor, burnishthe component with emery cloth.

2. Check the primary sheave cap bushingand the sliding sheave bushing for wear.If worn beyond tolerance, replace thebushing.Use the bushing tool if a bushing is diffi­cult to remove.

Bushing tool: 90890-01883

1. Bushing tool


r. Bushing clearance, limit

Small bushing Large bushing

Inside 0.25 mm (0.01 in) 0.25 mm (0.01 in)

Outside 0.25 mm (0.01 in) 0.25 mm (0.01 in)

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3. Remove the sliding sheave from thefixed sheave, and remove the spider.

4. Measu re the wear on the slider buttons.If worn beyond specification, replace thebuttons.

Wear limit: 27.0 mm (1.06 in)

5. Inspect the slides in the sliding sheavefor scratches or other damage; replacethe sl iding sheave as required.

6. Disassemble and inspect the rollers;replace worn parts as necessary. Torquethe nut to specification during reassemb­ly.

Tightening torque: 1.0 m-kq (7 ft-lb)


7. Disassemble and inspect the spiderlevers; replace any worn parts. Reassem­ble the levers with new cotter pins.

8. Inspect the cams for wear; replace asnecessary.

9. Check the spring. Replace it if it isfatigued or damaged.

D. Assembly1. During assembly, grease the indicated

points, but take care to keep the otherindicated areas from grease.

+- X Free from grease+- Grease point

Page 48: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)

2. Install the bushing and the spider intothe sliding sheav’e. Be sure the bottonscorrectly engage the slider.

3. Thread the sliding sheave onto the fixedsheave.

4. Install the cams. Be sure they arecorrectly seated in the sliding sheave.

5. Install the spring and the sheave cap. Besure the /IX» on the sheave cap alignswith the JlX» on the sliding sheave.

6. Install the primary sheave subassemblytool and secure the sheave cap to thefixed sheave. The two long bolts mustalso secure the clutch cams in place.Torque all six bolts to specification.

Primary sheave subassembly tool:90890·01858

Tightening torque:

1.0 m-kq (7 ft-Ib)

7. Check the movement of the slidingsheave. If it is not smooth, disassemblethe primary sheave and reassemble itcorrectly.


8. Clean the tapered portions of crankshaftand fixed sheave.

9. Fit the fixed sheave to the tapered por­tion of crankshaft.

10. Apply engine oil to the threaded portionof primary sheave bolt and its contactsu rface with spri ng washer.

11. Hold the primary fixed sheave with theprimary sheave holder, and torque thesheave bolt to specification.

Primary sheave holder:TLS-90018-80-00 (U.S.A.)90890-01701

Tightening torque:

Tighten the bolt to A to properly seatthe primary sheave on the crankshaft.Loosen the bolt, then torque it to B, thefinal torque.

A: 10 m-kq (72 ft-lb)B: 5.8 m-kg (42 ft-lb)

Page 49: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)


Ramp Shoe


~jrCliP<:d. Colla, Bearlnq Cage ‘

. ~~~~ ‘» Spdng Seat

B»»,ong ~~Irl/3!!J;(J;;;1 fir.,’7 ~~


Fixed Sheave

A. Removal1. Lock the brake, and install the second­

ary sheave holder. Fit the tool behindthe spring seat so it will hold the slidingsheave in place when the fixed sheave isremoved. Remove the securing nut.

Secondary sheave holder:90890-01872

1. Secondary sheave holder

Page 50: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)

2. Using the 3~way puller, remove the fixedsheave.

3-WayPuller Ass’y: TLU-90901-05-20 (U.S.A.)

1. 3-WayPuller Body: 90890-018482. 3-Way Puller Attachment: 90890-01873

3. Remove the key from the [ackshaft.4. Very carefully remove the secondary

sheave holder. The spring will force thesheave out.

5. Remove the sliding sheave, the spring,and the spring seat. The spring seat has aleft-hand thread. If it is difficult toremove the spring seat, rap it with aplastic mallet.

6. Remove the collar and the circlip fromthe jackshaft bearing cage.

8. Inspection1. Inspect both sheaves. If either is warped,

replace it.2. Inspect the ramp shoes on the sliding

sheave; replace as necessary.3. Check the sheave bushings for wear;

replace the sheave as required.4. Check the spring. If it is fatigued or

damaged, replace it.

C. Assembly1. Install the circlip and collar into the

jackshaft bearing cage.2. Thread the spring seat onto the jack­

shaft; it has a left-hand th read. Thespring seat must be tight or it will comeloose when you preload the secondarysheave spri ng.

3. Install the spring into the spring seat. Besure the spring is in one of the holes.


The three holes in the spring seat are for con­venience only. Seating the spring in a differ­ent hole will not change the spring preload.

4. Install the sliding sheave onto the jack­shaft. Be sure the spring engages the holein the sheave.

5. Starti ng from the free position, rotatethe sliding sheave clockwise to preloadthe spring, and push the sheave towardsthe chain case. Lock the sliding sheave inplace with the secondary sheave holder.

Secondary sheave holder:90890-01872

Preload:Turning the sliding sheave 1/3 of aturn from the free position (past oneramp shoe) sets the spring at 1600

Turning the sliding sheave 2/3 of atu rn from the free position (past tworamp shoes) sets the spring at 2800

Page 51: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)

Std. secondary spring preload:1600 (Twist augle)

6. Install the key in the jackshaft, andinstall the fixed sheave. Grease theindicated point.


7. Install the washer and securing nut.Torque the nut to specification.

Tightening torque:4.0 rn-kq (29 ft-lb)

8. Wipe both sheaves. They should be freefrom oil and grease.


Page 52: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)

A. Disassembly

1. Remove the secondary sheave from thejackshaft (Refer to 4-5, A «Removal.»)

2. Remove the bearing cage from behindthe jackshaft bearing.

3. Disconnect the brake cable from thehandlebar. It will be helpful to loosenthe cable at the caliper. The caliper neednot be disassembled.

4. Place an oil pan beneath the drain holeunder the chain case.

5. Remove the chain case cover, and let theoil drain into the oil pan.

6. Loosen the chain tension.7. Remove the securing hardware and

washers from both the drive and drivensprockets.

8. Remove the drive chain and bothsprockets.

9. Remove the collar from behind eachsprocket.

10. Remove the three secu ring bolts andremove the chain case.


11. Remove the jackshaft from the left sideof the snowmobile.

B. Inspection1. Inspect the brake disc. Place it on a sur­

face plate and check around the edgeswith a feeler gauge. If the gap is uneven,the disc is bent and must be replaced.

2. Inspect the bearing surfaces of the jack­shaft. If worn or bent, replace the jack­shaft.

3. Inspect the bearings in the chain case.If the movement is rough or uneven,replace the bearings.

4. Inspect the drive and driven sprockets;replace if worn.

Page 53: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)

5. Inspect the drive chain; replace as neces­sary.

6. Inspect the adjusting block. If the raisedboss is worn to the base of the block,replace the block.

1 Wear limit 6 mm (0.24 in)

C. GearingUse the chart below to change the chain casegearing to suit the local conditions and therider’s driving style.

Higher gearing will increase the ma­chine’s top speed.Lower gearing will increase the ma­chine’s acceleration and climbing ability.

Do not set the gearing to any of the indicated(X) settings.

~ 11T 12T 13T 14TDriven gear

21T X X X 044

S.T.D.22T X X 0 X


23T X 0 X X44

24T 0 X X X*44

* No. of chain links

D. Assembly1. Grease the inner surfaces of the bearings

and oil seals in the chain case.2. Place the brake disc between the brake

pads. Be sure the raised side of the discfaces away from the chain case.

3. Loosely bolt the chain case in place inthe chassis. It may be helpful to blockup the chassis to relieve the tension onthe drive axle.


4. Grease the bearing surfaces of the jack­shaft. Place the key in the jackshaft, andinstall the jackshaft from the left-side ofthe machine. The splined end must gothrough the brake disc and into thechain case. Align the keyway in thedisc with the key on the jackshaft.

5. Tighten the chain case bolts and torquethem to specification.

Tightening torque:2.3 m-kg (17 ft-Ib)

6. Install the jackshaft bearing on the leftside of the machine. Install the bearingcage over the jackshaft bearing. Torquethe three bolts to specification.

Tightening torque:2.3 m-kg (17 ft-lb)

7. Install the collar and the circlip into thebearing cage.

8. Install both collars in the chain case. Thelarger goes on the jackshaft, the smalleron the drive axle.

9. Place both the drive and driven sprocketsin the drive chain, and install them in thechain case. Be sure the stepped side ofthe driven sprocket faces in towards theengine.

10. Install the adjusting block.

Page 54: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)

11. Secure the drive and driven sprocketsonto their respective shafts. Torque thesecuring hardward to specification. Usea new cotter pin with the drive sprocket.

Tightening torque:Drive sprocket nut: 4.0 rn-kq

(29 ft-lblDriven sprocket bolt: 2.3 rn-kq

(17 ft-lb)

12. Adjust the chain tension. Turn theadjusting bolt until the chain deflectionequals specification. Torque the lock nutto specification.

Chain deflection8 ‘» 15 mm (0.3 ‘» 0.6 in)

Tightening torque:3.5 m-kq (25 ft-lb)

1. Chain deflection

13. Install the chain case cover. Torque thetwo bolts to specification. Be sure therubber gasket is properly seated on thechain case.

Tightening torque:1.6 m-kq (12 ft-lb)

14. Add oil to the chain case until oil beginsto flow from the oil drain bolt.

Recommended oil:SAE 75W80 API-GL3 Gear Oil


1. Oil drain bolt

15. Install the secondary sheave onto thejackshaft. (Refer to 4-5, C «Assembly.»)

16. Reconnect and adjust the brake cable.(Refer to 4-7, D «Brake Adjustment.»)

Page 55: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)

4-7. BRAKE

A. Disassembly1. Remove the brake cable from the

handlebar. Loosen the adjuster at thecal iper, then remove the cable.

2. With a pair of pliers, left the arm of eachof the return springs off the chain caseto release the preload.


3. Remove the clevis pin and disassemblethe brake.

Page 56: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)

B. Inspection

1. Check the brake pads. If either is wornbeyond the wear limit, replace the padsas a set.

Wear limit: 1.0 mm (0.04 in)

1. Wear limit

2. Replace any fatigued return spring.

C. Assembly1. When assembling the brake caliper, be

sure that hooked end of each returnspring is seated in the brake arm beforeinstalling the clevis pin. Assemble thebrake as shown in the exploded illustra­tion. Always use a new cotter pin.

2. Preload the lower spring first, then theupper spring. Using a pair of pliers, liftthe spring up and over the chain case.

3. Connect the brake cable to the handle­bar.


D. Brake Adjustment

The brake is adjusted at two points so thatthe gaps between the disc and pads are equaland within tolerance. Proper adjustment willresult in 6 ‘» 7 mm (0.24′» 0.28 in) free playbetween the brake lever and the brake leverholder.

1. Loosen the lock nut on the screw (innerpad adjusting screw) until the innerbrake pad is 0.2 ‘» 1.0 mm (0.008 ‘»0.04 in) from the brake disc.

2. Loosen the lock nut on the cable adjustscrew (outer pad adjusting screw) andadjust until the outer pad is 0.2 ‘» 1.0mm (0.008 ,…, 0.04 in) from the brakedisc.

3. Make sure both lock nuts are tight aftercompleting this procedure.

1. Inner pad adjusting screw 2. Outer pad adjusting screw3. Outer pad arm 4. Inner pad arm

Page 57: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)


A. Removal1. Loosen the track.2. Seal the carburetor so fuel will not spill

when you turn the machine on its side.(Refer to 1-6, C «Sealing the Carbure­tor.»)


3. Turn the machine on its side, and lift therear torsion spring off its seat to releasethe preload. Repeat this procedure onthe opposite side.

Page 58: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)

1. Spring seat

4. Remove the two suspension bolts fromone side of the machine, turn themachine over, remove the remaining twobolts, and remove the suspension fromthe track.

B. Inspection1. Inspect the hyfax. Replace them if they

are worn beyond the wear limit. Torquethe screws to specification.

Wear limit: 8.5 mm (0.3 in)Slide runner securing screw tighteningtorque: 0.25 m-kg (2 ft-lb)

1. Wear limit: 8.5 mm (0.3 in)2. New: 13.5 mm (0.5 in)

2. Inspect the suspension wheels; replace asnecessary. Apply a thread-locking com­pound to the securing bolts, and torquethe bolts to specification.

Tightening torque:

7.0 m-kg (51 ft-lb)


3. Inspect the guide wheels; replace asnecessary. Apply a thread-locking com­pound and torque the bolt to specifica­tion.

Tightening torque:2.3 m-kg (17 ft-lb]

4. Replace any fatigued springs.5. Inspect both the front and rear stopper

bands. Replace if either is frayed ordamaged.

When installing the stopper bands, always usethe standard setting. Another setting willdamage the rear shock. Torque the nut tospecification.

Tightening torque:0.4 m-kg (3 ft-lb)

Standard setting:Front band: Lower hole (#1 hole)Rear band: Upper hole (#2 hole)

Page 59: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)

C. Installation

1. Grease the suspension where indicated inthe illustration.

2. Thoroughly grease the axle in the frontpivot arm. Tape the end caps in place.This will hold the axle within the pivotarm during installation of the suspen­sion.

3. Place the suspension in the track, andswing it into place in the chassis. Installboth front suspension-mounting bolts.Do not tighten them at this point.


4. Grease the rear axle, and install it in therear pivot arm.

5. Install both rear suspension-mountingbolts.

6. Tighten all four suspension-mountingbolts, and torque them to specification.

Tightening torque:4.5 rn-kq {33 ft-lb)

7. Place the torsion springs on their seats.8. Adjust the track tension. {Refer to 4-9,

D «Track Adjustment.»}

Page 60: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)

4-9. DRIVE

7. Remove the track.

5. Remove the suspension. (Refer to 4-8, A/I RemovaL»)

6. Place the machine on its right side.Remove the axle by lifting it up and outof the chain case, then out of the track.

A. RemovalI

1. Place an oil pan beneath the chain case,and remove the chain case cover. Let theoil drain into the oil pan.

2. Remove the driven sprocket.3. Remove the secondary sheave. (Refer to

4-5, A II Removal.»)4. Remove the axle nut and washer; remove

the bearing cage.

Bearing Cage

Drive Axle Bearing


Page 61: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)

B. Inspection1. Check the track and clips for cracks,

damage, or wear. Replace the track orclips as required.

2. Inspect the sprockets. If the lugs areexcessively worn, replace the sprockets.

3. Inspect the axle. If it is bent, excessivelyscratched, or if the splines or threads aredamaged, replace the axle.

4. When pressing the sprockets onto theaxle, be sure the lugs on each sprocketare opposite one another as shown in thephotograph. Locate each sprocket on theaxle whsre shown in the illustration.

2. Install the axle. Push the threaded endup towards the secondary sheave, theninstall the splined end into the chaincase. Be sure the lugs correctly engagethe track.

3. Install the bearing and the bearing cageonto the drive axle. Torque the threebolts to specification.

Tightening torque:2.3 m-kg (17 ft-lb)

4. Install the washer and the axle nut.Torque the nut to specification.

Tightening torque:8.0 m-kg (58 ft-Ib)

Track deflection: 25,.., 30 mm/10 kg1.0″» 1.2 in/22 Ib)

5. Install the slide rail suspension. (Refer to4-8, C II Installation.»)

6. Reassemble the chain case, and add oil.(Refer to 4-6, D «Assernolv.»)

D. Track AdjustmentThe track tension should be adjusted so thattrack deflection will equal specification whenthe track is pulled at the middle by a force of10 kg (22 lb].

178.4 mm{7.1 in}

211.4 mm(8,5 in)

63mm(2.5 in)

138.6 mm(5.5 in)

105.6 mm(4.2 in)


~—. .—~

~~~Turning direction

C. Assembly1. Place the track in the chassis. Be sure it

is positioned as shown in the illustration.


Page 62: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)

1. Turn the track by running the engine.2. Loosen the lock nuts, and turn both the

right and left track adjusting bolts untilthe track is aligned with the slide rail asillustrated.

No good

Slide runner

1. Lock nut


Slide runner

2. Adjusting bolt

No good

Slide runner

Track metal


Gap between slide runnerand edge of track window.

When shifted to right: Tighten the right track adjustingbolt, and loosen the left track adjusting bolt.

3. Check the track deflection. It shouldequal the specified value.

4. If it does not, repeat the above proce­dures until deflection equals specifica­tion.

5. Tighten the track adjusting lock nuts.Torque to specification.

Track metal

~ -lL:Forward

Gap between slide runnerand edge of track window.

When shifted to left: Tighten the left track adjustingbolt, and loosen the right track adjusting bolt.

Tightening torque:3.5 rn-kq (25 ft-lb)

Page 63: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)


5-1. STEERING 5-1A. Assembly 5-1B. Adjustment 5-2

5-2. SKiS 5-3A. Inspection 5-3B. Assembly 5-4

5-3. OIL TANK 5-4

5-4. FUEL TANK 5-5

Page 64: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)



Steering Column_—-i

A. Assembly1. Secure the steering relay rods (with the

universal joint attached) to the outsidearm. Torque the flange nut to specifica­tion and install a new cotter pin.

Tightening torque:3.0 m-kg (22 ft-lb)


Page 65: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)

2. Install the steering column onto theframe. Grease the upper and lower bear­ings. Torque the bolts to specificationand bend the lock tab.

Tightening torque:

2.5 m-kg (18 ft-lb)

Tightening torque:2.0 m-kg (15 ft-lb)

3. Connect the steering relay rods to thesteering column. Torque the flange nutto specification and install a new cotterpin.

Tightening torque:

2.5 m-kg (18 ft-lbl


1. Ski spindle center

A C =0″‘» 6 mm (0 «»‘ 0.23 in) B. Ski width

B. Adjustment1. Straighten the handlebars and check to

see that the skis are parallel. If not,loosen the steering relay-rod lock nut.By turning the steering relay rod, adjustthe ski toe-out to specification. Torquethe lock nut to specification.

Ski stance: 750 mm (29.53 in)Ski toe-out: 0 — 6 mm (0 — 0.23 in)


2. The height of the handlebars can beadjusted to suit the rider’s preference.After adjusting the handlebars, alternate­ly tighten the four securing bolts. Main­tain the specified gap in the steeringclamps. Torque the bolts to specifica­tion.

Tightening torque:1.4 m-kg (10 tt-tb)

1. Clamp2. HandJebar

Page 66: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)

5-2. SKIS

A. Inspection1. Check the ski runner. Replace it if it is

excessively worn. Torque the nuts tospecification.

Tightening torque:1.4 m-kg (10 ft-lb]

2. Inspect the leaf spring and the spring re­taining pins. If the spring is fatigued or ifa pin is worn, replace them as necessary.Torque the securing nut to specificationand install a new cotter pin.


Tightening torque:Spring nut: 1.4 m-kg (10 ft-Ib)

3. Check the wear plate. Replace it if it isworn.

Page 67: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)

B. Assembly1. After assembling the ski, thoroughly

grease the wear plate and all retainingpins.

2. Carefully install the ski onto the skicolumn. Tighten the securing bolt untilit is tight, then back it out 1/4 turn.Tighten the slotted nut, and install a newcotter pin.

3. When installing the ski shock, secure thebottom end to the sk i then secu re the


top end to the ski column. All collarsshould be greased, and securing nutsshould be torqued.

Be sure to install the shock with the worduyAMAHA» facing upward.

Tightening torque:1.45 m-kg (10.5 ft-lb)

Oil Gauge Line

OilLine~ …….-l.






Page 68: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)

1. Check the oil line from the tank to thepump. It should be free from all obstruc­tions and shouId not be pinched or

damaged in any way. Replace as neces­sary.

‘~~ Fuel Gauge Line


1. Check all lines. If any are cracked,crimped, or damaged in any way, replacethem.

2. Be sure all lines are secured in place by aretaining clip.

3. Be su re that all Iines are routed as shownin the Cable Routing Diagram in theappendix. The breather pipe must berouted so that no fuel will leak duringoperation.

4. Replace the fuel filter each season.5. When reinstalling the fuel tank, torque

the four securing bolts to specification.

Tightening torque:1.0 m-kq ( 7 ft-Ib )

Page 69: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)


6-1. IGNITION SySTEM 6-1A. Circuit Diagram 6-1B. Troubleshooting 6-1C. Ignition Timing 6-2D. Spark Gap Test 6-3E. Ignition Coil 6-4F. Spark Plug 6-4G. Pulser and Charge Coil. 6-5H. C.D.1. Unit 6-5

6-2. LIGHTING SYSTEM 6-6A. Circuit Diagram 6-6B. Headlight Beam 6-6C. Lighting Coil 6-7D. Voltage Regulator 6-7

Page 70: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)



A. Circuit Diagram

B. Troubleshooting

No spark is produced or weak.

Check of connections_____~—.JI Check lead wire connections for short circuits.

—1———-,OK Faulty. Correct.

SparkS See 6-1, D «Spark Gap Test.»

F= •No spark Spark. Plug is faulty .


……………………. Measure coil resistance.(See 6-1, G «Pulser and Charge Coil.»)

FauIty———…Replace .


Page 71: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)

Faulty——.. Replace.OK

……………………. Measure coil resistance.’——.—_……

(See 6-1, G «Pulser and Charge Coil.»)

………………….. Ignition coil test (See 6-1, E «Iqnition Coil.»)

OK Replace.

C.D.I.?g See 6-1, H. «C.D.1. Unit.»

+Faulty • Replace.

The engine starts but will not pick up speed.

…………………………… Clean or replace (See 6-1, F «Spark Plug.»)

……………………. Make continuity test’—__—,— …J (See 6-1, G «Pulser and Charge Coil.»)


……………. (See 6-1 , C «lqnition Timing.»)

………………………….. (See 6-1, H «C.D.1. Unit.»)


Dial gauge stand: 190890-01195

3. Insert the dial gauge with the needle intothe stand.

C. Ignition Timing1. Remove the starter from the engine.2. Remove the spark plug, and screw the

dial gauge stand into the spark plug hole.

4. Rotate the flywheel magneto until thepiston is at top-dead-center (T.D.C,).Set the dial gauge at zero. Tighten theset screw on the dial gauge stand tosecure the dial gauge assembly. Rotatethe flywheel back and forth to be surethat the indicator needle does not gopast zero.

5. Starting from T.D.C., rotate the flywheelcounterclockwise until the dial gaugereads 3-1/2 needle revolutions beforetop-dead-center.


90890-03098Dial gauge needle:

Dial gauge:


Page 72: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)

6. Slowly turn the flywheel clockwise untilthe dial gauge indicates the specifiedignition timing.

Ignition timing (B.T.D.C.);1.6 mm (0.062 in)

7. The marks on the coil plate should alignwith the timing mark on the magneto. Ifnot, adjust the timing.

8. Loosen both coil plate screws.

9. Rotate the coil plate by using a screw­driver at the pry points. Align the markson the coil plate with the mark on theflywheel. Tighten the screws and torquethem to spec.

Tightening torque:0.65 m-kg (5 ft-Ib)


10. Remove the dial gauge stands. Reinstallthe starter and the spark plug. Torquethe plug to specification.

Tightening torque:2.8 m-kg (20 ft-lb)

D. Spark Gap TestThe entire ignition system can be checked formisfire and weak spark by using the ElectroTester. If the ignition system will fire acrossa specified gap, the entire ignition system isgood. If it will not fire across the gap, pro­ceed with the individual component testsuntil the problem is located.

Electro tester: 90890-03021

1. Thoroughly warm up the engine so thatall electrical components are at operatingtemperatu reo

2. Stop the engine, and connect the testeras shown.


1. Electro-Tester 2. Plug wire from coil 3. Spark plug

3. Start the engine, and increase the sparkgap until misfire occurs.

Minimum spark gap: 9 mm (0.35 in)

Page 73: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)

E. Ignition Coil1. Coil spark gap testa. Remove the ignition coil from the frame.b. Connect the Electro Tester as shown.c. Connect a fully charged battery to the

tester.d. Turn on the spark gap switch, and in­

crease the gap until misfire occurs.

nx 1


Minimum spark gap: 9 mm (0.35 in)

1. Battery 2. 6 mm (0.24 in)

Spark plug color

No.1 Good (Carburetor is tuned properly.)

No.2Bad (Mixture is too rich.)Replace main jet with one-step small one.

No.3Bad (Mixture is too lean.)Replace main jet with one-step larger one.

Bad (Due to too lean a mixture, piston isdamaged or seized.)

No.4 Replace the piston and spark plug.Tune the carburetor again, starting withlow-speed tuning.

Bad (Due to too lean a mixture, the en-gine knocks.)Check the piston for holes or seizure.

No.5 Check the cooling system, gasoline octanerating and ignition timing. After replacingthe spark plug, tune the carburetor again,starting with low-speed tuning.

Bad (Due to lean a mixture, the sparkplug rnelts.)Check the piston for holes or seizure.

No.6Check the cooling system, gasoline octanerating and ignition timing. After replacingthe spark plug with colder type, tune thecarburetor again starting with low-speed


—-fIIo’- Primary coil resistance—….. Secondary coil resistance

F. Spark Plu9The Iife of a spark plug and its condition varyaccording to the habits of the rider. You canlearn a great deal about the operating condi­tion of an engine by studying the spark plug.Examine the spark plug at each periodicinspection, and replace it with a suitable plug.Ask the customer how long and how fasthe rides his snowmobile, and recommend ahot, standard, or cold plug accordingly.Encourage your customers to change thespark plug regularily. Their snowmobiles willrun better, and fuel consumption will remainlow.

Secondary coilresistance

5.9 kn ± 20%at 20°C (68°F)

Primary coilresistance

1.0n ± 10%at 20°C (68


2. Coil winding resistance testsUse a pocket tester to determine resist­ance and continuity of the primary andsecondary coil windings.




Page 74: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)

InspectionInstruct the rider to:

1. Inspect the clean the spark plug every400 km (250 mi) or 20 hours.

2. Clean the electrodes of carbon andadjust the electrode gap.

3. Be sure to use the proper reach plug toavoid overheating, fouling, or pistondamage.

Spark plug type: NGK BR8HS

Spark plug gap (use wire gap gauge):0.6 — 0.7 mm (0.023 — 0.028 in)

Spark plug torque:2.8 m-kg (20 ft-Ib)

G. Pulser and Charge CoilCheck the resistance of each coil as shown inthe illustartion. If the resistance is not withinspecification, the coil is not working. Checkthe connections. If the connections are good,the coil is damaged internally; it should bereplaced.

Pocket tester: 90890-03112

Charging coil resistance:Black to Brown leads:

426Q ± 10% at 20°C (68° F)

Pulser coil resistance:Black to White/Red leads:

20Q ± 10% at 20°C (68° F)

1. Yellow2. Brown3. Black4. White/Red5. Flywheel magneto6. Pocket tester7. Set tester at «RX1» position

®426Q (Charge Coil)

(Pulser Coil)


i- L…:.._—,..,…III

CDC] IL..—::::=~~\- @ :

I~—+®-t:>_—j I®c::J———- J

Pulser Coil —­Charge Coil—

H. C.D.1. UnitIf the ignition system malfunctions and all ofthe above components are working properly,then the C.D.1. unit is faulty; replace it.


Page 75: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)


A. Circuit Diagram

B. Headlight Beam1. Inspection

Check the headlight beam direction. Thehigh beam must be directed downwardat an angle of 1/2 0 to the horizontal line.

2. AdjustmentWhen necessary, adjust the headlightbeam by tightening or loosing the fourheadlight mounting screws.

~—— Q——__-4

Horizontal line


Q 3.0 m (0 ft) 7.6 m (25 ft)

h 26 mm (1.0 in) 66 mm (2.6 in)




Page 76: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)

C. Lighting CoilCheck the resistance between the yellow leadand ground. If the resistance is not withinspecification, the coil is not working. Checkthe connections. If the connections are good,the coil is broken internally; it should bereplaced.


D. Voltage Regulator

Lighting coil resistance:Black & Yellow:

0.23Q ± 20% at 20°C (68°F)


Qx 1

1. Yellow2. Brown3. Black4. White/Red5. Flywheel magneto6. Pocket tester7. Set tester at «RX1» position

Voltage regulator

Instruments required for inspection:• Voltage Regulator Tester:


• Two 12V batteries• One jumper

Connect the tester, batteries, and the voltageregulator as shown in the illustration.



000 Battery00

+ 0


Page 77: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)

Inspection1. Check the battery voltage.

Set the left and right switches to»VOLT» and Jl12V». If the checkerneedle reads 20 volts or more, batteryvoltage is sufficient.

611 []::J1211




YAMAHA 06\/ []::J12\/ ~


Replace the regulator

2. Check the tester.Set the right switch to JlREG.» If thelamp lights up, there is continuity in thetester. Proceed with the tester.

3. Test the regulatorSlowly turn the tester knob clockwise;the needle will move with the knob. Ifthe needle quickly returns to zero themoment it enters the black area on thescale, then the working voltage of thethyristor is good; the voltage regulatoris working properly.If the needle swings into the black areaof the scale but will not return to zero,the regulator is faulty and should bereplaced.

Thyristor working voltage:13.8 ± 0.5 volts at 5,000 r/min

light is out


1211 ~


Regulator is good


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7-4. EXPLODED DIAGRAMS 7-7Recoil Starter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7-7Flywheel Magneto. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7-8Oil Pump. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7-9Oil Pump Drive Gear 7-10Top End 7-11Bottom End 7-12Carburetor 7-13Intake 7-14Primary Sheave 7-15Secondary Sheave 7-16Chain Case 7-17Brake 7-18Slide Rail. 7-19Suspension Wheels 7-20Drive Axle 7-21Steering 7-22Ski. 7-23Ski Shock 7-24Oil Tank ‘ 7-25Fuel Tank » 7-26Electrical Components (1) 7-27Electrical Components (2) 7-28Control Cables 7-29



Page 79: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)


A. General


Model BR250F

Model:Model (I.B.M. No.) BR250F (8R4)Frame 1.0. & starting number 8R4-000101Engine 1.0. & staritng number R246-000101

Dimension:Overall length 2,360 mm (92.9 in)Overall width (std) 870 mm (34.3 in)Overall height (w/windshield) 940 mm (37.0 in)

Weight:Net weight 130 kg (286.6 Ib)

B. Engine

Description:Engine typeEngine modelDisplacementBore x StrokeEffective compression ratioStarting systemIgnition systemLubrication system

Cylinder:MaterialBore sizeTaper limitOut of round limitCombustion chamber volumeCompression chamber type

Piston:Piston skirt clearance (Measuring point)

Piston oversize

Piston pin outside diameter x length

Piston ring:Piston ring design (Top)Piston ring design (2nd)Ring end gap (installed) (Top)Ring end gap (installed) (2nd)

Small end bearing:Type

Big end bearing:Type

Fan cooled two-stroke 5-portR246246 ern» (15.01 cu. in)70 x 64 mm (2.76 x 2.52 in)6.1 : 1Recoil hand starterC.D.!.IIAutolube» oil injection

Cast iron sleeves aluminum70 mm (2.76 in)0.05 mm (0.0020 in)0.01 mm (0.0004 in)24.8 crrr’ (1.51 cu. in) with spark plugDome + Squish

0.045,…., 0.050 mm (0.0018′» 0.0020 in)(10 mm from piston skirt end)1st 70.25 mm (2.766 in)2nd 70.50 mm (2.776 in)¢18 x 55 mm (¢0.709 x 2.165 in)

KeystonePlain0.20′» 0.40 mm (0.0078′» 0.016 in)0.20′» 0.40 mm (0.0078′» 0.016 in)

Needle bearing

Needle bearing

Page 80: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)

Crankshaft:Crankshaft assembly width (A)

Crankshaft deflection (0)Connecting rod big end side clearance (C)Connecting rod small end deflection (P)

+ 0 ( 20 + 0.039 in]56 _ 0.05 mm 2. 0.00197 In

0.02 mm (0.0008 in)0.25 — 0.75 mm (0.010 — 0.030 in)2.0 mm (0.079 in)


D rc1 D

CLUTCH SIDE c:t{rI~100 mm (3.9 in)l—~11-ooc—l80 mm (3.1 in)

Crank pin outside diameter x lengthCrank pin typeCrank bearing type (Left) x q’tyCrank bearing type (Right) x q’tv

Crank oil seal type (Left) x q’tyCrank oil seal type (Right) x q’tv

Carburetor:Type & manufacturer/quantity1.0. MarkMain jet (M.J.)Pilot screw (P.S.)Throttle valve (Th.V.)Valve seat (V.S.)Float heightIdling engine speed

Lubrication:Autolube pump — Color codeAutolube pump — Minimum strokeAutolube pump — Maximum strokeAutolube pump — Reduction ratioAutolube pump — Output Min./200 strokesAutolube pump Output Max./200 strokesAutolube pump wire free playOil tank capacityOil grade

C. Drive and track suspencion

Transmission:TypeDrive ratioEngagement rpmShift rpmPrimary spring:

Part No.Color code

1>24 x 55 mm (1)0.945 x 2.165 in)Solid shaft#6306 special x 1 pc.#6305 special x 1 pc,S03-30 x 1 pc,505-25 x 1 pc,

B032-28 KEIHIN x 1 pc,8R401#1081-1/4 turns outt;;;; 1.01>1.4 mm (1)0.055 in)15 ± 2 mm (0.59 ± 0.08 in)1100 ± 100 r/rnin

Pink0.20 — 0.25 mm (0.0079 — 0.0098 in)1.65 — 1.87 mm (0.0650 — 0.0736 in)1/400.95 — 1.19 crrr’ (0.0321 — 0.0402 oz)7.84′» 8.89 ern» (0.2508 — 0.3006oz)

25 ± 1 mm (0.98 ± 0.04 in) at idle1.75YAMALUBE 2-cycle

V-belt automatic centrifugal engagement3.5: 1 ,…, 1 : 13100 ± 200 r/min5,700 — 5,800 r/min

90501-50654No painted


Page 81: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)

Secondary spring:Part No.Color code

Secondary spring pre-load (twist)Sheave distanceSheave off-setV·belt width and outer line lengthV-belt wear limit

Track suspenisonTypeDamper typeSpring color code (Front)Spring color code (Rear)Slide runner wear limitStopper band length/Hole No. (Front)Stopper band length/Hole No. (Rear)Track widthTrack deflectionLength on groundWheel sprocket material and number of teeth

Chain:TypeReduction ratioChain pitch x Number of links

Free play

Chain housing oil quantityChain housing oil grade

Brake:TypeBrake pad thicknessBrake pad wear limitGap between pad and disc

D. Chassis


Steering system:Caster (ski column)CamberSki length x width x thicknessSki stanceSki toe-outSteering linkage typeLock to lock angle (ski)

Lock to lock angle (steering column)

Front suspension:TypeDamper type

Fuel tank:CapacityFuel grade

90508-40506No painted160°266 ± 2 mm (10.47 ± 0.08 In)

! 11 ± 3 mm (0.43 ± 0.12 in)31.6 x 1,099 mm (1.24 x 43.3 in)26 mm (1.02 in)

Slide rail suspensionOil and gas damperGreen — GreenNo painted8.5 mm (0.335 in)218.5 mm (8.60 in) No.1152 mm (5.98 in) No.2381 mm (15 in)25″»‘ 30 mm/10 kg (0.984 — 1.18 in/22 lb]600 mm (23.6 In)Polyethylene 9T

Chain (#40K-l)22/13 (1.692)12.7 mm (0.5 in) x 44L

10 + 5 mm (04+ 0.2 «In)2 . — 0.08

200 crrr’ (6.8 oz)Gear oil API «G L3» (SAE #75 or 85)

Disc brake7.3 mm (0.287 in)1.0 mm (0.04 in)0.2 — 1.0 mm (0.008 — 0.039 in)


25°0°980 x 120 x 1.6 mm (38.6 x 4.7 x 0.06 in)750 mm (29.5 in)0-6 mm (0—0.23 in)Tie-rodRight ski, L: 26.8° R: 30.5°Left ski, L: 30.5° R: 26.8°Right: 55°Left: 55°

Leaf springOil damper

15 liter (4 US.gal)Regular gasoline


Page 82: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)

E. Electrical

Ignition system:Type flywheel magneto (C.D.I. type)

Model/manufactu rer F8R4/YAMAHAVoltage 12VPluser coil resistance 20n ± 10% at 20°C (68°F) (White/Red — Black)Charging coil resistance 426n ± 10% at 20°C (68°F) (Brown — Black)

Ignition timing:B.T.D.C. 1.6 ± 0.1 mm (0.063 ± 0.004 in)

Ignition coil:Model: Manufacturer F6T411/MITSUBISHISpark gap 9 mm (0.4 in)/300 r/min

11 mm (0.6 in)/3,000 r/minPrimary winding resistance 1.0n ± 10% at 20°C (68°F)Secondary winding resistance 5.9kn ± 20% at 20°C (68°F)Diode (Yes or No) No

Spark plug:Type & quantity NGK BR8HS x 1 pes,Spark plug gap 0.6″‘-‘ 0.7 mm (0.024″‘-‘ 0.028 in)

Spark plug cap:Type Resign typeResistance 5kn ± 25% at 20°C (68°F)

C.D.I. unit:Model/Manufacturer 8R4/YAMAHA

Lighting system:Lighting output 12V-l00WLighting coil resistance 0.23n ± 20% at 20°C (68°F) (Yellow — Black)Headlight type Semi shieldBulb wattage/q’ty 12V-60/60W x 1 pc.Tail/stop light wattage 12V-8W/23W

A.C. regulator:Model/manufacturer TRIZ-50 HITACHI/S85168 TOSHIBAVoltage 13.8 ± 0.5V

7-2 Tightening torque


Part to be tightened Thread size Tightening torque Remarks

[Engine]Spark plug M14 P1.25 2.8 m-kg (20 ft-lb]Cylinder M8 P1.25 First: 2.0 m-kg (14.5 ft-lb)

Final: 2.5 m-kg (18 ft-lb]Flywheel magneto M16 P1.9 7.3 m-kg (53 ft-lb)Crankcase upper and lower M8 Pl.25 First: 1.0 rn-kq (7 ft-lb) I

with engine bracketI

Final: 2.5 m-kg (18 ft-lb)Tightening sequence


71 0 35 0

0 0

— 1—,

0 08 0


Fan I M6 PLO I 0.7 m-kg (5.1 ft-lb) Use Loetite®


Page 83: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)

Part to be tightened Thread size Tightening torque Remarks

Oil pump gear case M6 P1.0 0.7 m-kg (5.1 ft-Ib)

[Drive and track suspension]Primary sliding sheave and cap M6 P1.0 1.1 m-kg (8 ft-lb)

Installation of primary sheave UNF 1/2″ Initial: 10 m-kg (72.5 ft-lb) Use motor oilLoosen once and retighten:6.0 m-kg (43.5 ft-Ib)

Installation of secondary sheave M12 P1.25 4.0 m-kq (29 ft-lb]Installation of drive chain sprocket M12 P1.25 6.0 m-kg (43.5 ft-Ib) Use cotter pinInstallation of driven chain sprocket M8 P1.25 2.3 m-kg (16.5 ft-lb]Chain housing and frame M8 P1.25 2.3 m-kg (16.5 ft-Ib)Chain hosing cap M6 P1.0 0.65 m-kg (5 ft-lb)Chain tensioner lock nut M10 P1.25 3.3 m-kg (24 ft-lb)Installation of front axle L.H. M20 P1.0 8.0 m-kg (58 ft-lb)Front axle housing and frame M8 P1.25 2.3 m-kg (16.5 ft-Ib)Shaft 1 and frame M10 P1.25 5.5 m-kg (40 ft-lb]Pivot arm 1 and sliding frame 1 M10 P1.25 5.0 m-kg (36 tt-lb) Use Loctite®Suspension wheel M12 P1.25 7.3 m-kg (53 ft-lblSpring hook M8 P1.0 2.3 m-kg (16.5 ft-lb}Sliding frame 1 M8 P1.25 2.3 m-kg (16.5 ft-Ib)Rear guide wheel M8 P1.25 2.3 m-kg (16.5 ft-lb)SIiding runner 1 M6 P1.0 0.25 m-kg (2 ft-lb) Use Loctite®Sliding runner 2 M6 P1.0 0.65 m-kg (5 ft-lb]Stopper 1 M6 P1.0 0.4 m-kg (3 ft-lb)

[Chassis]Engine mounting bolt M10 P1.25 3.0 m-kg (22 ft-lb)Ski runner M8 P1.25 1.4 m-kg (10 ft-lb)Steering column and gate M8 P1.25 2.0 m-kg (14.5 ft-lb) Use lock

washerSteering relay rod adjusting nut M10 P1.25 2.5 m-kg (18 ft-lb] Use Loctite®Outside arm and ski colume M10 P1.25 3.0 m-kg (22 ft-lb] Use lock

washerSteering lower bracket M8 P1.25 2.0 m-kg (15 ft-Ib) Use lock

washerInstallation of steering column 1,2 M8 P1.25 1.45 rn-kq (10.5 ft-lb)Steering relay ass’y M10 P1.25 3.0 m-kg (22 ft-lblUniversal joint and outside arm M10 P1.25 2.5 m-kg (18 ft-lb)


Page 84: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)


This chart specifies torque for standardfasteners with standard 1.8.0. pitch threads.Torque specifications for special componentsor assemblies are included in the applicablesections of this book. To avoid warpage,tighten multi-fastener assemblies in a criss­cross fashion, in progressive stages, until fulltorque is reached. Unless otherwise specified,torque specifications call for clean, drythreads. Components should be at roomtemperature.



Known Multiplier Result

rn-kq 7.233 ft-Ibm-kg 86.80 in-lbem-kg 0.0723 ft-lbem-kg 0.8680 in-lb

kg 2.205 Ibg 0.03527 oz

km/lit 2.352 mpgkm/hr 0.6214 mphkm 0.6214 mim 3.281 ftm 1.094 ydcm 0.3937 inmm 0.03937 in

ee (em3) 0.03382 oz (U.S. liq)

ee (ern») 0.06102 eu.inlit (liter) 2.1134 pt (U.S. liq)lit (liter) 1.057 qt (U.S. Iiq)lit (liter) 0.2642 gal (U.S. liq)

kg/mm 56.007 Ib/inkg/em2 14.2234 psi (lb/in2


Centigrade (oC) 9/5 (oC)+ 32 Fahrenheit (F)


General torqueA B specifications

(Nut) (Bolt) m-kg ft-lb

10 mm 6mm 0.6 4.5I

12mm 8mm 1.5 I 11

14mm 10mm 3.0 22

17 mm 12 mm 5.5 40

19mm 14 mm 8.5 51

22mm 16mm 13.0 94


Known Multiplier Result

ft-lb 0.13826 rn-kqin-lb 0.01152 rn-kqft-lb 13.831 em-kgin-lb 1.1521 em-kg

Ib 0.4535 kgoz 28.352 g

mpg 0.4252 km/litmph 1.609 km/hrmi 1.609 kmft 0.3048 myd 0.9141 min 2.54 emin 25.4 mm

oz (U.S. liq) 29.57 ee (ern»)cu.in 16.387 ee (em»)pt (U.S. liq) 0.4732 lit (liter)qt (U.S. Iiq) 0.9461 lit (liter)gal (U.S. liq) 3.785 lit (liter)

Ib/in 0.017855 kg/mmpsi (lb/irr») 0.07031 kg/em2

Fahrenheit (F) 519 (oF) — 32 Centigrade (oC)

Page 85: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)


. Plate SpringDrive

d Limiter BracketHoo




Page 86: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)


0.7 m-kg (5 tt-lb)

Coil Plate


7.5 m-kg (54 ft-lb)

~/// /

Flywheel Magneto / / 1r———— J




«‘» <,<,,..——..»‘»

Apply Thread ‘»Locking <,

Compound «‘JI ~»———— -/—

. @ ~ C,.nk,halt




Page 87: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)


ApplyYamabond 5To Gear CaseSide Only

ApplyYamabond 5

0.67 m-kg(4.8 ft-Ib)


IGrease I //

Plunger (

Oil PumpCover

Minimum Pump Stroke:0.20-0.25 mm <0.0079-0.0098 in)Maximum Pump Stroke:1.65 — 1.87 mm <0.0650 — 0.0736 in)


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Cylinder Bolt

3.0 m-kg (22 ft-Ib)

Ring End Gap:Free: 6.5 mm (0.26 in)

Installed: 0.20 ‘» 0.40 mm(0.0078 ‘»‘-‘0.016 in)

Piston ClearanceMin: 0.045 mm

(0.0018 in)Max: 0.050 mm

(0.0020 in)

Page 90: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)


Bearing Support


Page 91: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)


t- Starter Jet


j'<. ~OW’f10WP’

‘1 » U ‘P’


Main Jet

/)1(…… …



Page 92: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)


,Pulse Pipe (jj)….

Fuel Pump


Carburetor Boot

Page 93: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)

Spider Lever


Page 94: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)


2.3 m-kg (17 ft-lb]

Bearing Cage


Fixed Sheave

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0.4 m-kg (3 ft-Ib)

4.5 m-kg (33 ft-lbl

Front Axle

IGrease I

Wear Limit:8.5 mm (0.3 in)0.25 m-kg (2 ft-Ib)

4.5 m-kg (35 ft-Ibl


Page 98: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)



Guide Wheel

k · CompoundThread-Loc mg

7.0 m-kg, 51 ft-tb~

Suspension Wheel

——-.Thread-LockingCompound7.0 m-kg51 ft-Ib

Page 99: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)

178.4 mm(7.1 in)

63mm(2.5 in)

138.6 mm(5.5 in)

105.6 mm(4.2 in)

Axle Nut

I 8.0 m-kg (58 ft-lb)

Bearing Cage



Page 100: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)


Outside Arm ~~

~~J rA~ Universal Join’


1. Clamp—~-·2. Handlebar


Page 101: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)

…·-~1.4 rn-kq (10 ft-Ib) 1


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Oil Gauge Line


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1.0 m-kg (7 ft-Ib)


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Voltage Regulator


Main Swith

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Engine Stop Switch


Page 107: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)

Throttle Lever



Page 108: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)

COl unit

ro1~ ~


QQ!Xl -l



Main switchi f B IB/W


Taillight/brake light

, ~ L (12V 8/23W1_. . GIY G/V : B B L-e:::J<:l-LmtlIi .~, ===~ , ,JttJ~~~~~ro








Headlight(12V 6O/60W)

()lTether switchliB/wi B

Brake Iight switchI I L IG/vi



Voltage regulator COl magneto

Color CodeG GreenB BlackY YellowL Blue0 Orange

Gy GrayBr BrownB/W BlacklWhiteW/R White/RedG/Y Green/Yellow


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LIT..12618·00·70 8Y1 ..28197..10

Page 112: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)


This supplementary service manual for the BR250TJ has been published to supple­ment the BR250F service manual (L IT-12618-00-41). For complete information

on service procedures, it is necessary to use this Supplementary Service Manualtogether with the following manual.

I BR250F Service Manual (LIT-12618-00-41) r

NOTE: ~ _

The Research and Engineering Departments of Yamaha are continually striving tofurther perfect all models. Improvements and modifications are therefore inevita­ble.In light of this fact, all specifications within this manual are subject to changewithout notice. Information regarding changes is forwarded to all AuthorizedYamaha Dealers as soon as possible.




1984 by Yamaha MotorCorporation, U.S.A.

1st Edition, June 1984All rights reserved. Any reprinting orunauthorized usewithout the written

permission of Yamaha MotorCorporation, U.S.A.

is expressly prohibited.Printed in U.S.A.

PIN L1T-12618-00-70

Particularly important information is distinguished in this manual by the follow­ing notations:



A NOTE provides key information to make procedures easier orclearer.

A CAUTION indicates special procedures that must be followedto avoid damage to the machine.

A WARN ING indicates special procedures that must be followedto avoid injury to a machine operator or person inspecting orrepairing the machine.

Page 113: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)



MAINTENANCE 2Periodic Maintenance 2Lubrication Intervals 3

THROTTLE OVERRIDE SYSTEM 4Description 4T.O. R.S. cancellation 5Block diagram 5


PRIMARY SHEAVE 6Removal 7Disassembly 7Inspection 8Reassembly 10Installation 12

V-BELT 12Removal , , 12Inspection 12Reassembly 12







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Page 115: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)


Periodic MaintenancePerform the various inspections and services at the indicated intervals; however use this schedule as

a guide only. Depending upon the operating conditions, certain components may require more fre­

quent servici ng.


Check point 20 hrs. or 40 hrs. or 80 hrs. or WhenSeasonally

400 km 800 km 1,600 km necessary

(250 mil (500 mil (1,000 mil


Tighteness of bolts and nuts 0

Bends, cracks, and wear

Abnormal noise 0

Loose connection and breaks in the fuel and pulse pipes

Loose connection and breaks in the oil pipes 0

Loose connection and breaks in the oil delivery pipe 0

Recoil starter


• Operation of starter jet 0

• Mixing adjuster (pilot screw) 0

• Idle speed adjustment

Operation and adjustment of oil pump

Cylinder compression 0

Cylinder/exhaust pipe decarbonize

~Spark plug condition, gap, and cleaning 0

Tightening of the cylinder**


Tightness of bolts and nuts

Wear on slide runners

Primary drive system

V-belt 0

Secondary drive system 0

Sheave distance 0

Sheave offset 0

Brake pad wear 0

Brake operation and adjustment 0

Gu ide wheel rubber 0

Wear of track drive sprockets 0

Initial100 km

Drive track adjustment (60mi} &300 km(200 mil

Breaks in drive track 0

Bends in front and rear axles 0

Check lock washers 0

Drive chain adjustment 0

Drive chain oil level 0

** Retighten every 10 hours from the first use.


Page 116: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)


Check point 20 hrs. or 40 hrs. or 80 hrs, or WhenSeasonally

400 km 800 km 1,600 km necessary(250 mil (500mi) (1,000 mil


Tightness of bolts and nuts 0

Bends and cracks 0Welaed riveted, joints

Ski adjustment 0

Ski runner wear 0

Breaks in fuel tank 0

Cleaning of fuel tank 0

Fuel filter 0

Loose connection and breaks in fuel pipe := 0

Breaks in oil tank 0

Oil filter 0


Wear, breakage of wire covering 0

Breaks in high· tension cord 0 b=Voltage regulator output

Operation of engine stop switch 0

Operation of throttle override system 0

Headlight 0

Taillight 0

Brake light 0

Lubrication Intervals


Check point 20 hrs, or 40 hrs. or 80 hrs. or WhenSeasonally Oil/Grease

400 km 800 km 1,600 km necessary Brand name(250 mil (500mi) (1,000 mil


Starter case

Oil pump control box 0 Aeroshell grease #1A or

Pump drive cover 0Esso Beacon 325 grease

Oil in the oil tank o I YAMALUBE 2-cycle oil


Spider lever and pin,0

Spider roller and collar Molybedenum disulfideSecondary shaft and 0

snowmobile greasesliding sheave

Front axle housing 0

Shaft 1 and shaft 2 Light all-purpose grease

(Slide rail)

Replace chain case oil 0 Gear oil API «GL-3″SAE #75 ……. #80


Steering column lower0 ~ all-purpose greasebearing

Steering column upperbearing

0 Motor oil

Steering links 0

Ski column 0

Ski wear plate 0 Light all-purpose grease

Ski retaining pin 0

Brake cable end stopper 0and brake lever Esso Beacon 325 grease


Page 117: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)















Idle or Starting


Before restarting the engine, make sure thatthe cause of the malfunction has been cor­rected and that the engine can be operatedwithout a problem.

Throttle switch


Carburetor switch


Throttle override system

1. Carburetor switch2. Throttle stop screw3. Throttle cable4. Throttle switch5. Throttle valve


If during operation the throttle cable or carbshould malfunction in anyway, remove yourhand from the throttle lever. The throttleswitch will be deactivated, the ignition circuitwill be interrupted and the engine will stop.

Idle or Starting

ON ~~/’~’






Page 118: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)

(T .O .R .S.Cancellation

T.O.R.S. cancellation

If the engine cannot started due to carburetor

switch or throttle switch failure, first separate

the connections; then, short the circuit on the

wire harness side. This will turn on the igni­tion circuit and the engine can be restarted.

In this case, the throttle override system willnot work. Go to your Yamaha dealer forimmediate service.


Leads connection

To carbo

1. Lead from wire harness

Block diagram

2. Short

COl unitB/Y


Throttle switch



Page 119: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)


The bolt head must be insertedas shown.

Bushing clearance:0.25 mm (0.01 in)

Apply to bottomfour threads orthread-lockingcompound suchas «LOCT ITE #640with PRIMER Tn.

Belt width:New: 31.6 mm (1.24 in)Wear limit: 28 mm (1.10 in)

…..~ Oiling Point

—Siiiiiil Greasing point

….. X No oiling or greasing is allowed


Be sure the «X» on the sheave capaligns with «X» on the spider.

Bushing clearance:0.25 mm (0.01 in)

Use molybdenum spraysliberally on the weights.

1. Spider2. Plain washer3. Roller4. Bushing5. Primary sheavecap6. Fixed sheave7. Fi xed sheavestopper8. V-belt9. Sliding sheave

10. Slider11. Bush12. Plain washer13. Weight

Page 120: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)

2. Remove the sliders, rollers and weights.

3. Remove the sliding sheave bush asfollows.

3. Weight2. Roller1. Slider


For this operation, the special tools andLOCTITE #640 with PRIMER «T» (requiredfor fixed sheave) are necessary. If these areunavailable, avoid disassembling.

3. Remove the primary sheave assemblywith the Sheave Holder (special tool)and Sheave Puller (special tool) asshown.

1. Sheave Holder (PING. YS·01880)

Removal1. Remove the drive guard, and remove the

V-belt.2. Remove the blind cap, and remove the

primary sheave rnountinq bolt with theSheave Holder (special tool) as shown.

1. SheaveHolder (P/NO. YS·01880)2. SheavePuller (P/NO. YS·01882)

Disassembly1. Loosen the six sheave cap securing bolts,

and remove the sheave cap and spring.

a. Immerse the primary sheave assembly inappoximately BO°C (176°F) water forseveral minutes.

b. Hold the lower piece of the ClutchSpider Separator (special tool) on arigid table usingasuitable mounting bolts.Then, install the Clutch SeparatorAdapter onto the Separator.

1. Lower piece of the Clutch Spider Separator(PING. YS·28890·A)

2. Clutch Separator Adapter (P/NO. Y5-34480)3. Mounting bolt

c. Fit the primary sheave assembly ontothe Adapter, and secure the supportingplates.


Page 121: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)


Securely fit the projections of the Adapterinto the fixed sheave holes.

f. Remove the spider, sliding sheave andfixed sheave from the Clutch SpiderSeparator.

g. Remove the sliding sheave bush from thesliding sheave with Bushing Tool (specialtool) as shown.

1. Bushing Tool (special tool) 2. Bush

1. Supporting plate

d. Set the upper piece of the Clutch SpiderSeparator onto the spider as shown.

e. Remove the fixed sheave and fixedsheave stopper by turning the ClutchSeparator counterclockwise.

Inspection1. Inspect the tapered ends of the crank­

shaft and fixed sheave for scratches.If either is severely scratched, replace it.If scratches are minor, burnish thecomponent with emery cloth.

2. Check the primary sheave cap bush andsliding sheave bush for wear. If wornbeyond tolerance, replace the bush.

——— Primary sheave cap Sliding sheave

Bush clearance0.25 mm (0.01 in) 0.25 mm (0.01 in)


To loosen the fixed sheave, high torque isrequired. Therefore, make sure the primarysheave and special tools are placed securelyalso take care not to crack the fixed sheave.


1. Feeler gauge 2. Primary sheave cap

Page 122: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)

1. Feeler gauge 2. Sliding sheave

3. Inspect the sliders for scratches or otherdamage. If any, replace them.

4. Inspect the rollers for wear. If any,replace them.

1. Roller

5. Inspect the weights for wear. If any,replace them.


6. Check the spring. Replace it, if it isfatigued or damaged.

Page 123: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)

ReassemblyWhen reassembling the primary sheave,reverse the disassembly procedure. Note thefollowing points:

1. Before reassembling the primary sheave,the sheaves should be lubricated withthe low-temperature grease and motoroil as illustrated.

…….~ Oiling Point

~ Greasing point

…….X No oiling or greasing is allowed

2. Before tightening the fixed sheave, applythread-locking compound as LOCTITE#640 with PRIMER «T» to the threadportion (bottom four threads) of thespider.

1. LOCTITE should be applied only to thespecified area. Never apply to the otherareas.

2. Do not use the clutch until LOCTITEhas completely cured.


Do not apply grease to the area marked X.For other parts, oiling is unnecessary.

1. Apply LOCTITE #640 with PRIMER «T»2. 4 threads

3. Tighten the fixed sheave with the specialtools to specification.

Before securing the fixed sheave, fit the fixedsheave stoppers onto the spider shaft.

Page 124: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)

To tighten the fixed sheave, high torque isrequired. Therefore, make sure the primarysheave, vise and special tools are placedsecurely also take care not to crack the fixedsheave.

Tightening torque:200 Nm (20.0 rn- kg, 145 ft·lb)

1. Fixed sheavestopper

4. Install the (oilers and weights into thesliding. sheave and spider.Torque the roller securing bolts tospecification.


1. Be sure there is a washer on each side ofthe roller and weight.

2. The bolt head must be to the right of theroller asshow in the illustration.

Tightening torque:5 Nm (0.5 m- kg, 3.6 ft-Ib)

1. Washer 2. Weight3. Roller 4. Bolt5. Turning direction


5. Install the primary sheave cap onto thespider asshown.


1. Before installing the primary sheave cap,use molybdenum sprays liberally on theweights.

2. Be sure the IIX» on the sheave cap alignswith the «X» on the spider.

6. Secure the primary sheave cap withthe securing bolts. Torque the bolts tospecification.


Check the movement of the sliding sheave. Ifit is not smooth, disassemble the primarysheave. Then, reassemble it correctly.

Tightening torque:14 Nm (1.4 rn- kg, 10 ft-Ib)

Page 125: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)

InstallationWhen installing the primary sheave, reversethe removal procedure. Note the followingpoints:

1. Before installing the primary sheave,clean the oil off the tapered portionof the crankshaft using a lacquer thinner.

2. Before tightening the primary sheavemounting bolt, apply engine oil to thethread portion of the mounting bolt andits contact surface with the springwasher.

Inspection1. Visually inspect the V-belt for signs of

damage. Replace the belt, if it isdamaged.

2. Measure the width of the V-belt. If thebelt is worn beyond the wear limit,replace it.

Belt width:New: 31.6 mm (1.24 in)Wear limit: 28.0 mm (1.10 in)


Belt length:

1,099 mm (43.26 in)

3. Measure the length of the V-belt. Itshould be within specification; if not,replace the belt.

3. Tighten the mounting bolts with thespecial tools to specification.

Tightening torque:A: 100 Nm (10 rn-kq, 72 ft-Ib)B: 60 Nm (6.0 rn- kg, 43 ft·lb)

Tighten the bolt to A to properly seatthe primary sheave on the crankshaft.Loosen the bolt, then torque it to B,the final torque.


Removal1. Turn the secondary sliding sheave clock­

wise, and push it towards the chain case.2. While holding the sliding sheave in this

compressed position, remove the V-beltfrom the secondary sheave. Then,remove it from the primary sheave.

1. New 2. Wear limit

12 —

1. V-belt length

ReassemblyWhen reassembly the V-belt, reverse theremoval procedure. Note the following points:

1. Before installing the V-belt, clean theoil off the fixed sheaves and slidingsheaves using a lacquer thinner.

Page 126: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)


t1— Starter Jet



~ Overflow Pipe

@— Float Need~




~ ~/6:1.,/

Main Jet


O-R;ng —0 itMain Jetcover~


Slow Jet ——Q,CarburetorAssembly

-13 —

Page 127: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)


Pulse Pipe

Fuel Pump


Primer Pump

Intake Silencer

b ret o r Boot’ —-Car u

Page 128: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)

The bolt head must be insertedas shown.


Apply to bottomfour threads orthread-lockinqcompound suchas» LOCTITE #640with PRIMER T».

Belt width:New: 31.6 mm (1.24 in)

Wear limit: 28 mm (1.10 in)

Bushing clearance:0.25 mm (0.01 in)

Be sure the «X» on the sheave capaligns with «X» on the spider.

14 Nm (1.4 m-kg, 10 ft-Ib)

I Bushing clearance:I 0.25 mm (0.01 in)

Use molybdenum sprays

liberally on the weights.

……~ Oiling Point

~ Greasing point

……. X No oiling or greasing is allowed

-15 —

1. Spider

2. Plain washer3. Roller4. Bushing5. Primary sheave cap6. Fixed sheave

7. Fixed sheave stopper8. V-belt

9. Sliding sheave10. Slider11. Bush12. Plain washer13. Weight

Page 129: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)


Drive Sprocket

Axle Nut ftolbl!I (8 a m·kg, 5880 Nm .


Page 130: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)


Page 131: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)


-18 —

Page 132: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)



Page 133: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)


Protector 4

Front Bumper 3


~~~’itD Front Bumper

Bind Screw (@ (@6——~ Bumper End

>~. »..’ r.

Spring Nut

r Flanqe Bolt



Page 134: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)


Throttle Lever

LeverHolder (R)


Page 135: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)



Model BR250TJ

Model Code Number: 8Y1

Frame Starting Number: 8Y1-000101

Engine Starting Number: 8Y1-000101

Dimensions:Overall Length 2,925 mm (115.2 in)Overall Width 950 mm ( 37.4 in)Overall Height 1,115mm( 43.9 in)

Weight:With Oil and Full Fuel Tank 184 kg (406 Ib)

Engine:Engine Type Two-strokeCooling System Axial fan air cooledCylinder Arrangement Forward-incline, single cylinderDisplacement 246 cm ‘ (15.0 cu.in)Bore x Stroke 70 x 64 mm (2.76 x 2.52 in)Compression Ratio 6.1 : 1Start ing System Recoil hand starter

Lubrication System: YAMAHA Autolube system

Engine Oil:Type YAMALUBE 2-cycle oilTank Capacity 1.75 L (1.54 Imp qt, 1.85 US qt)


Transmission Oil:Type Gear oil API «GL-3″ (SAE # 75′»» # 80)

I Capacity 0.20 L (0.18 Imp qt, 0.21 US qt)

Fuel:Type Regular gasolineTank Capacity 15.0 L (3.3 Imp gal, 4.0 US gal)

Carburetor: I


BD32-28Manufacturer I KEIHIN

Spark Plug: i




Gap 0.6′»» 0.7 mm (0.024′»» 0.028 in)

Transmission:Primary Reduction System V-BeltPrimary Reduction Ratio 3.5 : 1 «» 1 : 1Clutch type Automatic centrifugal engagementSecondary Reduction System Chain (#40K-1)Secondary Reduction Ratio 24/11 (2.18)Reverse System No

Chassis:Frame Type Monocock (Steel)Caster 25°Ski Stance 750 mm (29.5 in)


Page 136: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)

Model BR250TJ

Suspension:Front Suspension Type Leaf spring, oil damper

Rear Suspension Type Slide rail

Track:Track Type Internal drive type

Track Width 381 mm (15.0 in)Length on Ground ‘,110 mm (43.7 in)Track Deflection 40′» 50 mm {lo57- ‘.97 in)/10 kg (22 Ib)

Brake:Brake Type Disc brake (Caliper swing type)

Operation Left hand

Electrical:Ignition System C.D.1. ignitionGenerator System Flywheel magnetoBattery Type -Battery Capacity —

Headlight:Type Halogen light

Bulb Wattage x Pes:Headlight GO/55W x 1Tail/Brake Light 8W/23W x 1Meter Light 3AW x 1


Page 137: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)





Cylinder head:Volume (With spark plug)Warp Limit

Cylinder:MaterialBore SizeTaper LimitOut-of-Round Limit

Piston:Piston Size (D)/Measuring Point (a)


D ‘7

Clearance between Piston & CylinderOversize 1st


Piston Pin Hole Off- Set


33.1 — 33.7 cm’ (2.02 — 2.06 cu.in)

Aluminum alloy with special cast iron sleeve70.000 — 70.020 mm (2.756 «»‘ 2.757 in)< 0.05 mm (0.0020 in) >< 0.01 mm (0.0004 in) >

69.950 — 69.980 mm (2.754 — 2.755 in)/10 mm (0.394 in)

0.045′» 0.050 mm (0.0018′» 0.0020 in)72.25 mm (2.845 in)72.50 mm (2.854 in)

1.0 mm (0.04 in) Exhaust side

Piston Pin:Outside Diameter x Length

Piston Ring:Sectional Sketch

End Gap (Installed)

Side Clearance


Top Ring

2nd Ring

Top Ring2nd RingTop Ring2nd RingTop Ring2nd Ring


18 x 55 mm (0.71 x 2.71 in)» — ..» _._ _-.. —-.—..——i

KeystoneB 1.2 mm (0.047 in)T:::: 2.8 mm (0.110 in)PlainB:::: 1.2 mm (0.047 in)T 2.8 mm (0.110 in)0.20 — 0.40 mm (0.0079′» 0.00157 in)0.20 — 0.40 mm (0.0079 — 0.00157 in)0.03 — 0.07 mm (0.0008 — 0.0024 in)0.02″» 0.06 mm (0.0008″» 0.0024 in)ParkerizingParkerizing

Page 138: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)


Crankshaft:Crank Width»F»Assembly Width»AnConnecti ng Rod Small End Free Play «B»Connecting Rod Big End Clearance «C»Crankshaft Deflection «0»:

Measuring Point — 1


4Inside Diameter for Crank Pin


55.95 — 56.00 mm (2.202 — 2.362 in)2.0 mm (0.080 in)0.25″‘» 0.75 mm (0.010′» 0.030 in)

0.02 mm (0.0008 in)0.02 mm (0.0008 in)

23.900 — 23.915 mm (0.941 — 0.942 in)

100 mm /3.9 in) 80 mm (3.1 in)I

~ &Jl ~ -1- Il

LlH [.’—‘ :=J R/H

~ JL :/



Big End Bearing:Type

Small End Bearing:Type

rank Pin:Outside Dia.

Crank Bearing:Type Quantity:

Crankshaft LeftCrankshaft CenterCrankshaft Right

Crank Oil Seal:Type/Size Quantity:

Crankshaft LeftCrankshaft CenterCrankshaft Right

Connecting Rod:Parallel Limit


Carburetor:Type/Manufacturer Quantity1.0. MarkMain JetMain Air JetJet NeedleNeedle JetPilot JetPilot Air JetAir ScrewPower Jet


. __ .__.._…._—_._…_—

Needle bearing

23.987′» 24.000 mm (0.9444′» 0.9449 in)



S03-30, 72, 71, GS

505-25/ 48, 8/ GS

< 0.05 mm (0.0020 in) >

Piston valve

B032-28/KEIH IN80JOO#105

#78#1001 and 1/4 turns out

Page 139: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)

Model BR250TJ

Power Air Jet (Pw.A.J.) -Starter Jet (G.S.) # 120Valve Seat Size (V.S.) ¢ 1.4

Idling Engine Speed 1,100 ± 100 r/minFloat Arm Height (F.H.) 15 ± 2.0 mm (a.59 ± O.OS in)

High Altitude Tuning

~-30°C -20°C -10°C O°C 10°C 20°C

Altitude (-22°F) (_4°F) (14°F) (32.oF) (50°F) (6SoF)

#105Sea level ~


-600 m #105(2,000 ftl #102

«»»1,200 m #105(4,000 ft] #102

-1,800 m #102(6,000 ft) #100

-2,400 m #102(8,000 ttl #100

-3,000 m #100(10,000 ftl #98

Fuel Pump:Type/Manufacturer Quantity Diaphragm type/KEIHIN/l

Oil Pump:Color Code Pink

Plunger Diameter 5.5 mm (0.16 in)

Minimum Stroke 0.20 — 0.25 mm (0.0079 — 0.0098 in)Maximum Stroke 1.65 — 1.87 mm (O.0650 — 0.0736 in)Reduction Ratio 1/45

Minimum Output (at 200 stroke) 0.95 — 1.19 cm ‘(0.033 — 0.042 Imp oz, 0.032 — 0.040 US oz)

Maximum Output (at 200 stroke)I 7.S4 — 8.S9 crrr’

(0.276 — 0.313 Imp oz, 0.265 — 0.301 US oz)Pump Cable Adjustment 24″»‘» 26 mm (0.94 — 1.02 in)

::d:::~~Cool ing System:

Cooling Fan Belt Tension —

Crankcase Tightening Sequence: 1 710 35 00 0

— —

0 0


~2 0 4.


Page 140: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)


Transmission:TypeRangeof Ratio~ngagement RPMShift RPMSheave Center Distance»A»Sheave Offset «B»


Part No.Outside CircumferenceWidth IIA»

Wear Limit «B»


V-belt Automatic3.5 : 1 — 1 : 1Approx. 2,800 r/minApprox. 5,700 r/min266 mm (10.47 in)11 mm (0.433 in)

8F2-17641-001,099 mm (43.26 in)31.6 mm (1.24 in)28.0 mm (1.10 in)

Primary Sheave Spring:Part No.Color CodeOutside Dia. x Wire Dia. ‘Pre-load/Set LengthSpring RateNo. of CoilsFree Length

Primary Sheave Weight Arm:Part No.Weight x QuantityAdditional Weight typeHole Position

27 —

90501-553A5Gold-Red55.0 x 5.5 mm (2.165 x 0.217 in)14 kg/61.5 mm (2.42 in)2.64 kg/mm4.966.8 mm (2.63 in)

8VO-17632·0046.1 9 x 3 pesNoneNone

Page 141: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)


Secondary Sheave Spring:Part No.Color CodeOutside Dia. x Wire Dia.Twist AngleHole Position (Sheave Side) *

(Spring Seat Side)**


90580-40080None50 x 4.0 mm (1.968 x 0.157 in)160



Spring RateNo. of CoilsFree LengthColor CodeTorque Cam Angle

Drive Chain:TypeNo. of LinksFree Play

Optional Sprocket:Drive SprocketDriven Sprocket

Track:Part No.Width x LengthPitch x No. of LinksThickness /IA»Height «8»




183 kq-rnrn/deq (15.9 lb-in/deq)9.9105 mm (4.13 in)

#40-1448′»‘» 15 mm (0.32′»‘» 0.59 in)


8XO-47110-00381 x 3,456 mm (15.0 x 136.1 in)64 mm (2.52 in) x 545.5 mm (0.22 in)15.5 mm (0.61 in)

Deflection at 10 kg (22 lb)


40 — 50 mm (1.57 -. 1.97 in)

Page 142: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)


Track Suspension:Front TravelRear Travel

Front Suspension Spring:Spring RateWire Dia.

Rear Suspension Spring:Spring RateWire Dia.

Suspension Setting Position:Stopper Band Hole Position

Shock Absorber:Damping Force (Extension)

Damping Force (Compression)

Slide Runner:Thickness IIA»

Wear Limit «B»




102 mm (4.02 in)76 mm (2.99 in)

305 kq/mrn (17,080 Ib!in)!deg9.5 mm (0.37 in)

318.3 kq/rnrn (17,825 Ib!in)!deg10 mm (0.39 in)


48 kg (106 Ib)!0.3 rn/s48 kg (106 Ib}!OA rn/s45 kg ( 99 Ib)!0.3 rn/s45 kg ( 99 Ib)!0.3 rn/s

15 mm (0.59 in)10 mm (0.39 in)

Track Drive Sprocket Wheel:MaterialNo. on Teeth

Rear Guide Wheel:MaterialOutside Dia.

Brake:Pad Thickness»A»Wear Limit «B»

— 29-


Alminium191 mm (7.52 in)

7.3 mm (0.287 in)1.0 mm (0.039 in)

Page 143: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)

Model BR250TJ

Padto Disc ClearanceDisc Outside Dia.Disc ThicknessBrake Lever Free Play*


0.2′» 1.0 mm (0.008′» 0.039 in)182 mm (7.16 in)3.2 rnrn (0.13 in)3.0′» 8.0 mm (0.12 — 0.32 in)


Frame:Frame MaterialSeat HeightLuggage Box Location

SteeringSteering AngleSteering Angle

Ski AlignmentSki Toe-out Size

Distance II A»




Between seat and shroud

55.0 mm (2.17 in)55.0 mm (2.17 in)

Toe-out0″»» 15 mm (0′» 0.59 in)

1,960 mm (77.0 in)

— 30

Page 144: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)


Model BR250TJ


Ignition System:Ignition TimingAdvanced TimingAdvancer Type



1.6 mm (0.063 in) 16° at 5,500 r/min


2 If—-+—t— —j——t— —t-.-+—t—+—t—j—t—I—-r—j—i—i



!—-f—f——-r—+—+—+—l—j—-+- +…_-j-._-+—t—+—t—+

Io II—j-.-+—~__+-_l_-+—+—t—+—+—+_—+-_+_-+___+-+____i

I /VOJc’Et=c:o:2cE:

_…. -_. —_._—_._._._—

CDI:Model/ManufacturerPickup Coil ResistanceColor CodeCharge Coil ResistanceColor CodeCOl Unit Model/Manufacturer

2 3 4 5 6 7

Engine Speed ( x 103 r/rnln)

F8R4/YAMAHA20n ± 10% at 20°C (68°F)(W/R B)426[2 ± 10% at 20°C (68°F)(Br B)


8 9

Ignition Coil:Model/ManufacturerMinimum Spark GapPrimary Winding ResistanceSecondary Winding Resistance

F6T411/MITSUBISH I11 mm (0,43 in) at 3,000 r/min1.0n ± 15% at 20°C (68°F)5.9 kn ± 15% at 20°C (68


Ignition Coil:Model/ManufacturerMinimum Spark GapPrimary Winding ResistanceSecondary Winding Resistance

Spark Plug Cap:TypeModel/ManufacturerResistance


L05E/NGK5.0 k[2 ± 25%

Flywheel Magneto:Model/ManufacturerCharging Current-Day

Charging Current-Night



— 31-

Page 145: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)

Model BR250TJ

Charging Coil Resistance -Color Code -Lighting Voltage (Min.) 11.8 V/3,000 r/min

(Max.) -Lighting Coil Resistance 0.23Q ± 20% at 20°C (68°F)Color Code Y-B

30 :

> IQ) IOJ ,~0 20>OJS…..s: ………..OJ

~:.J 10~



2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Engine Speed ( x 10 3 r/minl


Coil Resistance for Grip Warmer -. Color Code


Voltage Regulator:Type A.C. TypeModel/Manufacturer TR1Z·50/HITACHI,58516B/TOSHIBANo Load Regulated Voltage 13.3 «‘14.3 V

— 32-

Page 146: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)

Tightening torque

Tread sizeTightening torque

RemarksPart to be tightenedNm m·kg ft·lb

[Engine]Spark plug M14 x P1.25 28 2.8 20Cylinder head (bolt) M8 x P1.25 20 2.0 14

Cylinder head (nut) M10 x P1.25 25 2.5 18

Flywheel magneto M16 x P1.9 73 7.3 53Crankcase upper and lower

First: M8 x P1.25 10 1.0 7.2Final: 25 2.5 18

Tightening sequence

fOl J6l J6l A J—r~@

~I ~ I~Ir-

.r==:Q) ~?~ ~(c5’L .~

IL~ 1 ~ ~~)j@

~ \gF=iQJf-L

Crankcase and gear unit M8 x P1.25 25 2.5 18Oil pump and gear unit M5 x PO.8 8 0.8 5.8 with screw lockStarter pulley M8 x P1.25 15 1.5 11Crankcase and engine bracket M8 x P1.25 25 2.5 18

[Drive and track suspension]Primary sliding sheave and cap M6 x P1.0 11 1.1 8.0Installation of primary sheave

Initial: UNF 1/2″ 100 10 72 Use motor oil60 6.0 43 Loosen once and

retighten.Installation of secondary sheave M12 x P1.25 40 4.0 29Bearing housing M8 x Pl.25 23 2.3 17Secondary shaft and bearing collar Socket screw 6 0.6 4.3Brake cliper and housing chain M10 x P1.25 50 5.0 36Installation of drive chain sprocket M20 x Pl.25 60 6.0 43 BoltInstallation of driven chain sprocket M6 x Pl.0

I5.8 0.58 4.2 Bolt

Chain housing and frame M8 x P1.25 23 2.3 17Installation of front axle L.H. M22 x Pl.0 85 8.5 61

and bearingFront axle housing and frame M8 x P1.25 23 2.3 17Front pivot shaft M10 x P1.25 65 6.5 47Rear pivot shaft M10 x P1.25 65 6.5 47Guide wheel shaft M12xP1.25 80 8.0 58Sliding runner M6 x Pl.0 2.5 0.25 1.7Lower end bracket M8 x P1.25 20 2.0 14Lower end bracket and absorber M6 x P1.0 2 0.2 1.4 Loctite@Front arm 1 and 2 M10 x P1.25 45 4.5 32Installation of ski M10 x P1.25 45 4.5 32

[Chassis]Engine mounting bolt M10 x P1.25 52 5.2 37Ski runner M8 x P1.25 14 1.4 10 Use self-locking

nut and Loctite@


Page 147: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)

Part to be tightenedTightening torque

RemarksThread sizeNm rn-kq ft-lb

Steering column and gate M8 x P1.25 13.7 1.37 10 Use lock washerSteering tie rod adjusting nut M10 x P1.25 25 2.5 18 Loctite®Steering lower bracket M8 x P1.25 13.7 1.37 10 Use lock washerInstallation of steering column 1,2 M8 x P1.25 13.7 1.37 10Steering relay adjusting nut M10 x P1.25 25 2.5 18 Loctite®

GENERAL TORQUE SPECIFICATIONSThis chart specifies torque for standard fas­teners with standard I.S.O. pitch threads.

Torque specifications for special componentsor assemblies are included in the applicablesections of this book. To avoid warpage,

General torqueA B specifications

(Nut) lBoltl Nm rn-kq

10 mm 6 mm 6 0.6

12 mm 15 1.5

14 mm 30 3.0

55 5.5





Known Multiplier Result

m-kg 7.233 ft-Ibrn-kq 86.80 in-Ib

crn-kq 0.0723 ft-Ibem-kg 0.8680 in-Ib

kg 2.205 Ibg 0.03527 02

km/lit 2.352 mpgkm/hr 0.6214 mphkm 0.6214 mim 3.281 ftm 1.094 ydcm 0.3937 inmm 0.03937 in

cc (cm3) 0.03382 oz (U.S. liq)

cc (crn») 0.06102 cu.inlit (l iter) 2.1134 pt (U.S. liq)lit (liter) 1.057 qt (U.S. liq)lit (l iter) 0.2642 gal (U.S. liq)

kg/mm 56.007 Ib/inkq/crrr’ 14.2234 psi (lb/in2


Centigrade (0C) 9/5 (C) + 32 Fahrenheit lO F)


tighten multi-fastener assemblies in a criss­cross fashion, in progressive stages, until fulltorque is reached. Unless otherwise specified,torque specifications call for clean, dry

threads. Components should be at roomtemperature.


Known Multipl ier lesult

ft-Ib 0.13826 m-kqln-Ib 0.01152 m-kqft-Ib 13.831 em-kginIb 1.1521 em-kg

Ib 0.4535 kgoz 28.352 9

mpg 0.4252 km/litmph 1.609 krn/hrmi 1.609 kmft 0.3048 myd 0.9141 min 2.54 emin 25.4 mm

oz (U.S. liq) 29.57 ee (em3)

cu.in «16.387 ce (crn»)pt (U.S. liq) 0.4732 lit (liter)qt (U.S. liq] 0.9461 lit (liter)gal (U.S. liq) 3.785 lit (liter)

Ib/in 0.017855 kg/mmpsi (lb/in? ) 0.07031 kg/cm 2

Fahrenheit (0 F) 5/9 (F) — 32 Centigrade (C)

Page 148: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)


Throttle wire

Band Hold the engine stop switch lead wire


Wire harness assembly


— 35-

Brake wire assembtv

Band Hold both beam and brake lightswitch lead wires

Clamp Clamp the hose


Page 149: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)



Brake light switch lead wire

Beam switch lead wire

T.O.R.S. lead wire


Band — Clamp after gatheringthe terminals


C.D.I. unit

To flywheel magneto

Clamp — Install together with boltssecuring crankcases 1 and 2


t To head lamp

Pipe joint

T.O.R.S. lead wire

Wire harness assembly



Body earth

Page 150: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)



Recovery tank

Protector pipe

Fuel level gauge

To taillight …


Pulse pipe

Breather pipe

Route under the fuel tank

Protector pipe keep the hoseaway from the chain housing


Pump wire assembly

pump assembly


From fuel tank

Autolube pump assembly

37 —

Page 151: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)


Starter lever installation


— 38-

Page 152: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)


Recovery tank installation

Tank fitting band

Instrument panel

39 —


Panel frame

Page 153: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)


G/Y GreenIYellowB/W….•.Black/WhiteBIY …•••Black/YellowW/R White/Red

Spark plug



B . . .. . .BlackL BlueG …•…Greeno OrangeY YellowBr Brown

C.D.I. Unit


._ ._~,,~__ _ __ H Tail/Brake light

EL= . ! r+le:~:v



Main switch




. Y B B. 0 y I I I ,

Headlight beamswitch

Engine stop switchI i i

Brake Iight switch


Page 154: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)

• YAMAHA 1~,~:rOR CO.,LTD.


Page 155: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)



Page 156: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)


©1994 by Yamaha Motor Corporatlon, U.S.A.1st Editionl May 1994

All rights reserved. Any reprinting orunauthorized use without the written

permission of Yamaha Motor Corporation,U.S.A. is expressly prohibited.

Printed in U.S.A.PIN LlT-21618-01-61

Page 157: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)

FOREWORDThis Supplementary Service Manual has beenprepared to introduce new service and new datafor the BR250TV. For complete information onservice procedures, it is necessary to use thisSupplementary Service Manual together with fol­lowing manual:













Particularly important information is distin­guished inthismanual by the following notations:



Failure to follow WARNING instructions couldresult in severe or death to the machineoperator, a bystander, or a person inspecting orrepairing the machine.

A CAUTION indicates special precautions thatmust be taken to avoid damage to the machine.

NOTE:A NOTE provides key information to makeprocedures easier or clearer.

Page 158: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)

CD ®

II~~~I~I II:grl~1@ @


IENGI «»»»»»» IICOOLI :I: I@(j) ®


ISPEclo—l IOPTlol®







[ij]@ @

1a C§JI

® ®) @

1 1 1m ~ ~

@ @ ®

~ ~ ~



(Refer to the illustration)

Illustrated symbols CD to @ are designed asthumb tabs to indicate the chapter’s number andcontent.CD General information® Periodic inspection and adjustment@ Chassis@ Power train® Engine overhaul® Cooling system(j) Carburetion® Electrical® Specifications@ Optional kit

Illustrated symbols ® to @ are used to identifythe specifications which appear.® Filling fluid@ Lubricant@ Tightening® Wear limit, clearance@ Engine speed@ Special tool@n,V,A

Illustrated symbols @ to ® in the exploded dia­gram indicate grade of lubricant and location oflubrication point.@ Apply locking agent (LOCTITE®)@ Apply Yamabond No.5®® Apply engine oil®) Apply gear oil@ Apply molybdenum disulfide oil@ Apply wheel bearing grease@ Apply low-temperature lithium-soap base grease® Apply molybdenum disulfide grease

Page 159: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)


















Page 160: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)



MACHINE IDENTIFICATIONFRAME SERIAL NUMBERThe frame serial number CD is located on theright-hand side of the frame (just below thefront of the seat).

ENGINE SERIAL NUMBERThe engine serial number CD is located on theright-hand side of the crankcase.


The first three digits of these numbers are formodel identification: the remaining digits are theunit production number.

Starting Serial Number:BR250TV 8BD-008101


Designs and specifications are subject to changewithout notice.


Page 161: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)



Page 162: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)


FUEL SUB TANK ICHASI~IOrder Job name/Part name Q’ty Remarks

Removal of fuel sub tank Remove the parts in the order in which theyFuel are listed.Brake cable Extract the fuel from the fuel sub tank usi n9 a

pump.1 Oil tank cap 12 Screw 43 Nut 14 Bolt 45 Plate 2

6 Clamp 2 Refer to the «CABLE ROUTING» section.7 Fuel suction hose 18 Breather hose 1 NOTE:

Unclamp and remove the breather hose from

the fuel sub tank.

9 Fuel level hose 1 NOTE:Disconnect the fuel level hose connected tothe upper part of the fuel sub tank, then raise

the tank so that the other fuel level hose, the

one connected to the lower part of the tank

can be disconnected.

10 Fuel sub tank 1Reverse the removal procedure for installa-tion.


Page 163: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)

:-:-__C:.:I, __R.CUIT DIAGRAM



.~~: ‘

:» •, 1-·






Page 164: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)

G) Ignition coil® Spark plug® Throttle switch@ Carburetor switch® Main switch® «ENGINE STOP» switch(j) C.D.I. unit® C.D.1. magneto® Speedometer Iight**



<iQ) Brake light switch® Tail/Brake light@ Headlight beam switch@ Headlight@ Voltage regulator@ Thumb warmer*@ Grip warmer*® Grip warmer switch** Option** BR250T: Standard equipment

BR250TS: Option

B Black 0 Orange W/R White/Red

L Blue R Red Y/B Yellow/Black

Br Brown Y Yellow Y/R Yellow/Red

Ch Chocolate B/W Black/White GIY GreenIYellow

G Green BIY Black/Yellow

1 13



50mm(2.0in) 30mm(1.2in)



• Specified hole should be drilled for the»Grip warmer switch» installation.

• Refer to the illustration ® for locationand size.

Page 165: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)

ELEC!RICAL COMPONENTCD Mam switch® IJENGINE STOpIJ .I§\ switch\3J Throttle switch@ Headlight beam switch® Brake light switch® Wire harness(J) Vol~age regulator® Ignition coil® C.D.1. unit



Page 166: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)

IGNITION SYSTEMCIRCUIT DIAGRAMCD Ignition coil® Spark plug® Throttle switcho Carburetor switch® Main switch


® «ENGINE STOP» .0′ CD » switch\IJ . .. Unit

® C.D.I. magneto


Page 167: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)




ICheck the spark plug gap.


iCheck the spark plug cap resistance.

ICheck the ignition coil resistance.

ICheck the stator coil.

Check the IIENGINE STOP» switch, throttle

switch, carburetor switch and main switch.


Correct connection and/or replace C.D.1. unit.



IRepair or replace the spark plug.


IReplace the spark plug cap.


IReplace the ignition coil.


IReplace the stator coil.


Replace the handlebar switch (right),

carburetor switch and/or main switch.

Page 168: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)




• Spark plug cap2. Connect:

• Pocket tester(to spark plug cap)

3. Measure:

• Spark plug cap resistance

[::J11 Spark plug cap resistance:~ 5 k11 at 200 e (68°F)

Primary coil resistance:0.411 ± 20% at 20 0 e (68°F)

Secondary coil resistance:7.1 kn ± 20% at 200e (68°F)


IGNITION COIL1. Disconnect:

• Ignition coil lead (Orange)

• Spark plug lead2. Connect:

• Pocket tester(to ignition coil and spark plug lead)

3. Measure:

• Primary coil resistance CD• Secondary coil resistance ®


SOURCE COIL1. Disconnect:

• C.D.I. magneto lead and coupler (Brown,Black)

2. Connect:

• Pocket tester(to C.D.1. magneto lead and coupler)

3. Measure:

• Source coil/pulser coil resistanceOut of specification-efleplace.

Source coil resistance: CD(Brown — Black)

275 o ± 20% at 200 e (68°F)

Pulser coil resistance: ®(White/Red — Black)

20 11 ± 20% at 20 0 e (68°F)


Page 169: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)




SPARK PLUG1. Remove:

• Spark plugs2. Check:

• Spark plug

Standard spark plug:BR9ES (NGK)

Spark plug gap:0.6 — 0.7 mm (O.024 — 0.028 in)

THROTTLE OVERRIDE SYSTEM (T.O.R.S.)The ignition is turned off by the following switch­ing functions when the throttle system fails.

~AJ Idle &1 ~J

Switchor Run Trouble

startingThrottle OFF ON OFFswitch

CarburetorON OFF OFFswitch


<D Carburetor switch® Throttle switch® Throttlle cable@ Throttle stop screw@1I0N»(6) IIOFF»




Page 170: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)


HANDLEBAR SWITCH (RIGHT)»ENGINE STOP» switch and throttle switch

1. Disconnect:• Handlebar switch (riqhtl.coupler G)

2. Connect:• Pocket tester (90890-03112, YU-03112)

3. Check:

• «ENGINE STOP» switch continuityFaultv-efteplace.

Switch position Good condition

RUN (pull) x

OFF (push) 0

0: Continuity x : No continuity

4. Check:

• Throttle switch continuityFauIty-:)Replace.

Throttle switchGood condition


Throttle lever is 0operated.

Throttle lever is notoperated.




• Carburetor switch lead2. Connect:

• Pocket tester3. Check:

• Carburetor switch continuityFaultv-s Replace.

Carburetor switchGood condition


Throttle lever is xoperated.

Throttle lever is not 0operated.

-~+I () \:$I (

Ir ‘



0: Continuity

0: Continuity

x: No continuity

x : No continuity

Page 171: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)



MAIN SWITCH1. Disconnect:

• Main switch coupler CD2. Connect:

• Pocket tester3. Check:

• Main switch continuityFaulty ~ Replace.

Switch position Good condition


ON 0


o : Continuity x : No continuity

Page 172: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)

LIGHTING SYSTEMCIRCUIT DIAGRAM® C.D.I. magneto® Speedometer light@) Brake light switch® Tail/brake light

@ Headlight beam switch@ Headlight@ Voltage regulator


L .~ I

Hi , ,

f l- L I

@Y G L G/Y



— —

Page 173: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)





ICheck the bulbts),


Check the headlight beam switch and lightingcoil.

Correct connection and/or replace the voltageregulator.



IReplace the bulbts).


Replace the headlight beam switch and/or stator coif.

Page 174: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)




BULB (S)1. Remove:

• Headlight bulb• Tail/brake light bulb• Meter light bulb

2. Connect:

• Pocket tester(to bulb terminals)


Keep flammable products and your hands awayfrom the bulb while it is on; it will be hot. Do nottouch the bulb until it cools down.

® Headlight© Meter light

3. Check:

• Bulb(s)

(fi)Tail/brake light


Terminal Good condition

CD-® 0

CD-@ 0

o :Continuity


• Headlight beam switch coupler2. Connect:

• Pocket tester(to headlight beam switch coupler)

3. Check:• Headlight beam switch continuity


Switch ®Good (fi) Goodposition condition condition

HI x 0LO 0 x


0: Continuity x: No continuity

Page 175: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)



Model BR250T BR250TS

Model code number: 8BD2 8BC2

Frame & Engine starting number: 8BD-008l0l 8BC-001101

Dimensions:Overall length 2,945 mm (115.9 in) 2,425 mm (95.5 in)Overall width 950 mm (37.4 in) t-Overall height 1,120 mm (44.1 in) 1,100 mm (43.3 in)

Weight: 175 kg (386 Ib) 153 kg (337 Ib)

Model BR250TrrS

Minimum turning radius:Clockwise 3.7 m (12.1 ft)Counterclockwise 3.7 m (12.1 ft)

Engine:Engine type Air cooled 2-strokeInduction system Piston valveCylinder arrangement Forward inclined single cylinderDisplacement 246 ern»Bore x Stroke 70 x 64 mm (2.76 x 2.52 in)Compression ratio 6.1:1Starting system Recoil starter

Lubrication system: Separate Lubrication

Engine oil:Type YAMALUBE 2Tank capacity 1.8 L (1.6 Imp qt, 1.9 US qtl

Drive chain housing oil:Type Gear oil API /lGL-3″ SAE #75 or #80Capacity 0.2 L (0.18 Imp qt, 0.21 US qt)

Fuel:Type Unleaded gasolineTank capacity (main tank) 15 L (3.3 Imp gal, 3.96 US gal)

(sub tank) 9.3 L (2.05 Imp gal, 2.46 US gal)

Carburetor:Type/Quantity BD32-28Manufacturer KEIHIN

Spark plug:Type BR8HSManufacturer NGKGap 0.6 …, 0.7 mm (0.02 …, 0.03 in)

Transmission:Primary reduction system V-beltPrimary reduction ratio 3.5 ‘» 1.0:1Clutch type Automatic centrifugal engagementSecondary reduction system ChainSecondary reduction ratio 24/10 (2.40) (BR250T)

23/12 (1.92) (BR250TS)


Page 176: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)


Chassis:Frame type MonocoqueCaster 25°Ski stance (center to center) 750 mm (29.5 in)

Suspension:Front suspension type Leaf springRear suspension type Slide rail suspension

Track:Track type Internal drive typeTrack width 381 mm (15.0 in)Length on ground 1126 mm (44.3 in)Track deflection mm/l0 kg (22 Ib) 40″, 50 mm (1.6″, 2.0 in)

Brake:Brake type Caliper type disc brakeOperation method Handle lever, left handle operated

Electrical:Ignition system/Manufacturer C.D.I./YAMAHAGenerator system Flywheel magneto

Bulb wattage x Quantity:Headlight 12V 60W/55W x 1 (BR250T)

12V 60W/60W x 1 (BR250TS)Tail/Brake light 12V 8W/23W xlSpeedometer light 12V 3.4W xl


Page 177: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)



Cylinder:MaterialBore size<Taper limit><Out-of-Round limit>

Piston:Piston size (D)Measuring point ®

Piston to-Cylinder clearance


Aluminum alloy with cast iron sleeve70.00 ‘» 70.02 mm (2.756 ‘» 2.757 in)0.05 mm (0.0020 in)0.01 mm (0.0004 in)

69.955 ‘» 69.960 mm (2.7541 ‘» 2.7543 in)»,,—……, 10 mm (0.4 in)

o J ®7~=*I


0.045″, 0.050 mm (0.0018 ‘» 0.0020 in)

Piston ring:Sectional sketch Top ring

2nd ring

End gap (installed): Top ring2nd ring

Side clearance Top ring2nd ring

Coating Top ring2nd ring

KeystoneB= 1.2 mm (0.05 in)T= 2.8 mm (0.11 in)

PlainB= 1.2 mm (0.05 in)T= 2.8 mm (0.11 in)

0.2 ‘» 0.4 mm (0.008 ,.., 0.016 in)0.2 ‘» 0.4 mm (0.008,…, 0.016 in)0.02 ‘» 0.06 mm (0.0008 ‘» 0.0024 in)0.02 ‘» 0.06 mm (0.0008 ‘» 0.0024 in)Chrome plated/ParkerrizingChrome plated/Parkerrizing


Page 178: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)


Crankshaft:Crank width IIA» 55.95 … 56.00 mm (2.203 … 2.205 in)Connectingrod small end free play IIF» 2 mm (0.08 in)Connecting rod big end side clearance «D» 0.25 … 0.75 mm (0.01 … 0.03 in)Crankshaft deflection «C»: C 0.03 mm (0.0012 in)




Big end bearing:Type Needle bearing

Small end bearing:Type Needle bearing

Carburetor:Type/Quantity BD32-28/1Manufacturer KEIHINI.D. mark 80J 01Main jet (M.J.) #105Pilot jet (P.J.) #78Pilot screw (P.S.) 1-1/4Throttle valve (Th.V.) T= 1.0/15°Valve seat size (V.S.) 1.4Fuel level (F.L) 13 … 17 mm (0.51 … 0.67 in)Engine idle speed 1,000 … 1,200 r/rnin

Fuel pump:Type DiaphragmManufacturer KEIHIN

Oil pump:Pump cable free play 24 ‘» 26 mm (0.94 ‘» 1.02 in)


Page 179: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)


High altitude settings

~ -30°C -20°C -10°C ooe 10°C 20°C

Altitude (-22°F) (-4°F) (14°F) (32°F) (50°F) (68°F)I I I I I I

.. #1020″, 100 m(0 … 300 ft) #105 (STD) ..

100″, 600 m .. #102

(300 … 2,000 ft) #105 (STD) ..600 … 1,200 m .. #102

(2,000 N 4,000 ft) #105 (STD) ..1,200 ‘» 1,800 m Ill( #100

(4,000 N 6,000 ft) #102 ..1,800 … 2,400 m .. #100

(6,000 «» 8,000 ft) #102 ..2,400 «» 3,000 m #100 ..

(8,000 ‘» 10,000 ftl .. #98

# : Main jet number


Page 180: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)


Part to be tightenedTightening torque

RemarksNm rn-kq ft-lb

Spark plug 28 2.8 20Cylinder head (bolt) 20 2.0 14Cylinder head (nut) 25 2.5 18Flywheel magneto 85 8.5 61Crankcase upper and lower

First: 20 2.0 14 Tighten the bolts inFinal: 25 2.5 18 two stages.

Tightening sequence

1 710 35 00 0

— —

0 0

8~2 0 4

Crankcase and gear unit 25 2.5 18Oil pump and gear unit 8 0.8 5.8 With screw lockStarter pulley 15 1.5 11Crankcase and engine bracket 25 2.5 18


Page 181: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)




Transmission:TypeRange of ratioEngagement RPM

Shift RPM

Sheave center distance JI A»Sheave offset «B»

,Jiiiiiiiia.. • B

V-Belt:Part numberOutside circumferenceWidth «A»Wear limit «B»



V-belt automatic3.5 «»‘ 1.0:12,900 «»‘ 3,500 r/min (BR250T)2,600″, 3,200r/min (BR250TS)5,600 ‘» 7,200 r/min (BR250T)5,400 «»‘ 6,000 r/rnin (BR250TS)264″»‘ 268 mm (10.4 ,… 10.6 in)8″» 14 mm (0.31 ‘» 0.55 in)


89X-17641-001.095″»‘ 1.103 mm (43.1 .., 43.4 in)31.6 mm (1.24 in)28.0 mm (1.10 in)

Primary sheave spring:Part numberColor codeOutside diameterWire diameterPre-load/Set lengthSpring rateNumber of coilsFree length

Primary sheave weight arm:Part number (with bushing)Weight

Secondary sheave spring:Part numberColor codeOutside diameterWire diameter




90501-50654NO PAINTED55 mm (2.2 in)5 mm (0.2 in)15 kg (33 Ib}/61.5 m (2.42 in)24 N/mm (2.4 kg/mm , 134 Ib/in)4.0867.8 mm (2.67 in)

8V8-W176A-0045.7 ± 1 9 (1.61 ±0.04 oz)

90508-40080NO PAINTED50 mm (1.97 in)4 mm (0.16 in)


Page 182: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)


Hole positionSheave side-spring seat side(twist angle)Spring rateNumber of coilsFree length

Drive chain:TypeNumber of links

Track:Part numberWidthLengthPitchNumber of links

Suspension setting position:Stopper band hole position



183 kg/mm9.9105 mm (4.13 in)

DID 40K-144

89X-47110-00381 mm (15.0 in)3,456 mm (136 in)64 mm (2.52 in)54



Page 183: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)


Shock absorber: Damping forceFront

Extension 80 kg/0.3 m/sCompression 50 kg/0.3 rn/s

RearExtension 48 kg/0.3 m/sCompression 45 kg/0.3 mls

Slide runner:Thickness 13.5 mm (0.53 in)Wear limit 8.5 mm (0.33 in)

Track sprocket wheel:Material PolyethyleneNumber of teeth 9

Rear guide wheel:Material Aluminum with rubberOutside diameter f2S191 mm (7.5 in)

Brake:Pad thickness 7.3 mm (0.29 in)Pad wear limit 1 mm (0.04 in)Pad to disc clearance 0.2 «» 1.0 mm (0.008 … 0.040 in)Disc th ickness 3.2 mm (0.13 in)Brake lever free play 6 «» 7 mm (0.24 «» 0.28 in)


Page 184: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)


Parts to be tightenedTightening torque

RemarksNm rn-kp ft-lb

Primary sliding sheave and cap 11 1.1 8.0Installation of primary sheave

First: 100 10 72 Tighten the bolts inFinal: 60 6.0 43 two stages. See NOTE.

Installation of secondary sheave 40 4.0 29Bearing housing 23 2.3 17Secondary shaft and bearing collar 6 0.6 4.3Brake caliper and housing chain 50 5.0 36Installation of drive chain sprocket 60 6.0 43 BoltInstallation of driven chain sprocket 5.8 0.58 4.2 BoltChain housing and frame 23 2.3 17Installation of front axle L.H. and bearing 85 8.5 61Front axle housing and frame 23 2.3 17Front pivot shaft 65 6.5 47Rear pivot shaft 65 6.5 47Guide wheel shaft 80 8.0 58Sliding runner 2.5 0.25 1.7Lower end bracket 20 2.0 14Lower end bracket and absorber 2 0.2 1.4 Apply LOCTITE®Front arm 1 and 2 45 4.5 32Installation of ski 45 4.5 32


Tightening steps:1.Tighten the bolt. 120Nm (12 m • kg, 85 ft· Ib).2. Loosen it completely.3. Retighten it. 60Nm (6.0 m • kg, 43 ft • lb),


Page 185: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)



Frame:Frame material Steel

Steering:Lock to lock angle (left) 24.6° (R Ski), 28.P (L Ski)

(right) 28.10 (R Ski), 24.6° (L Ski)Ski alignment Toe-outToe-out size o «» 6 mm (0 «» 0.24 in)

Ski:Ski material SteelLength 980 mm (38.6 in)Width 120 mm (4.72 in)Thickness 1.6 mm (0.06 in)

Ski suspension:Spring type Leaf spring

Tightening torque:

Parts to be tightenedTightening torque

RemarksNm m-kq ft-lb

Engine mounting bolt 30 3.0 22Ski runner 14 1.4 10Steering column and gate 13.7 1.37 10 Use lock washerSteering tie rod adjusting nut 25 2.5 18 Apply LOCTITE®Steering lower bracket 13.7 1.37 10 Use lock washerInstallation of steering column 1, 2 13.7 1.37 10Steering relay adjusting nut 25 2.5 18 Apply LOCTITE®


Page 186: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)





Ignition system:Ignition timing (B.T.D.C.)


16.5°/3,000 r/rnin


ucir:e:i 20 I—j—t-+—+—l—+—+-+—l-~


8 10 h~f—t—+—+-+—l—+-+—+—If—1′;:;’2E

o 246 8

Engine speed (x 103 r/mln)


C.D.I.:Magneto model/ManufacturerPickup coil resistance(color code)Source coil resistance(color code)Lighting voltage-(minimum)Lighting voltage-(maximum)Lighting coil resistance(color code)Coil resistance for grip warmer(color code)C.D.1. unit manufacturer

Ignition coil:Model/ManufacturerMinimum spark gapPrimary coil resistanceSecondary coil resistance

Spark plug cap:TypeResistance

Charging system:Type

F85LIYAMAHA20 Q ± 20% at 20°C (68°F)(Wh ite/Hed — Black)275 Q ± 20% at 20°C (68°F)(Brown — Black)11 V/3,000 r/rnln15 V/6,000 r/min0.3 Q ± 20% at 20°C (68°F)(Yellow — Black)0.8 Q ± 20% at 20°C (68°F)(Red — Black)8AU-00/YAMAHA

86B-00IYAMAHA3 mm (0.12 in)0.4 Q ± 20% at 20°C (68°F)7.1 kQ ± 20% at 20°C (68°F)

Resin type5 kQ at 20°C (68°F)

Flywheel magneto


Page 187: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)


GENERAL TORQUESPECIFICATIONSThis chart specifies torque for standard fastenerswith standard I.S.0. pitch threads. Torque specifi­

cations for special components or assemblies areincluded inthe applicable sections ofthis book. Toavoid warpage, tighten multi-fastenerassemblies

in acrisscross fashion, in progressive stages, until

full torque is reached. Unless otherwise specified,torque specifications call for clean, dry threads.

Components should be at room temperature.



A: Distance across flatsB: Outside thread diameter


A B General Torque

(nut) (bolt) Specifications

Nm rn-kq ft-lb

10mm 6mm 6 0.6 4.3

12 mm 8mm 15 1.5 11

14mm 10mm 30 3.0 22

17 mm 12 mm 55 5.5 40

19mm 14mm 85 8.5 61

22mm 16mm 130 13.0 94

Page 188: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)


® Band

@) Starter cable

® Speedometercable

® Brake cable

® Clamp

® Clamp the wireharnessand pulser hose.

® Wireharness

@ Earth

@ Grommet

@ To headlight


® Clamp

CD Throttle cable

® Clamp__—-.::.._—e:t’

® Band (80)…I..-_~


120@ Clamp the



® Wireharness

@ Shroud

® Clamp the breatherhose.

® Brake cable

@ Breather hose


@ Clamp the wireharness


@ Primer pump hose

C (with primer pump*)* Option

(J) Headlight lead

C (without primer pump)

® Wireharness

@ Breatherhose

® Brake cable



Page 189: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)


® Clamp


® To oil pump@ Clamp the fuel hose, oil hose,

pulser hose and wireharness.

@ Breather hose

® Fuel level hose

@ Band

~~_ @ To carburetor switch

/ @ To fuel pump

® Oil hose

! ® Clamp

@ To flywheel magneto

/® To crankcase

@) To ignition coil


® Oil hose

~ ® To carburetor


CD Voltage regulator

® Grommet

® Wireharness

(J) Fuel suction hose

® Fuel level hose

@ Breather hose

@ To C.D.1. unit

® To meter ‘i’assembly -c_,,» »» …. «»

® Fuel hose

®> From primer pump(gold color nozzle)

@ Joint !

(J) Fuel suction hose

® Primer pump hose® Pulser hose

A (with primer pump*)* Option A (without primer pump)


Page 190: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)


CD Fuel level hose

® Sub tank

® Fuel suction hose

@ To taillight—

® Oil hose

® Breather hose

(j) Pass the wireharness belowthe fuel tank.

@ Starter cable

® Fuel pump

® From recovery tank@ Throttle cable

@ Brake cable

@ Oil pump

® Oil hose

® Breather hose

® Pulser hose

® Fuel suction hose

® Indicator panel

@ Oil tank

@ Place the taillight leadcoupler as shown.


Page 191: Yamaha BR250 Bravo Snowmobile Service Manual (2)


@ Speedometer lead

® Speedometer cable

® Starter cable

® Clamp

@ Taillight lead


® Clamp

(J) Band

® Recovery tank

® Headlight beam switch

® Tail/Brake light lead

@ Main switch

® Voltage regulator

® Grip warmer

@ Grip warmer switch

@ JlENGINE STOP» switch


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  1. Manuals
  2. Brands
  3. Yamaha Manuals
  4. Offroad Vehicle
  5. BR250F
  6. Service manual
  • Contents

  • Table of Contents

  • Troubleshooting

  • Bookmarks

Related Manuals for Yamaha BR250F

Summary of Contents for Yamaha BR250F

  • Page 1
    YAMAHA SNOWMOBILE SERVICE MANUAl LI1-12618-00-41 884-28197-10…
  • Page 2
    The information herein should be closely studied to avoid unnecessary repairs and to provide the owner with a sound, safe, dependable machine. NOTE; The Research and Engineering Department of Yamaha is continually striving to further perfect all models. Improvements and modifications are therefore inevitable.
  • Page 3
  • Page 4: Table Of Contents

    CHAPTER 1. GENERAL 1-1. EXTERNAL VIEW » 1-2. MACHINE IDENTIFICATION 1-3. TERMS 1-4. STORAGE 1-5. PRE-SEASON PREPARATION 1-6. MAINTENANCE A. Periodic Maintenance B. Lubrication Intervals C. Seali ng the Carbu retor. 1-7. HIGH ALTITUDE TUNING 1-8. SPECIAL TOOLS…

  • Page 5: External View


  • Page 6: Machine Identification

    1-2. MACHINE IDENTIFICATION 1-3. TERMS A. Frame Serial Number Grease: The frame serial number is located on the Unless other specified, use a low-tempera- right-hand side of frame (just below the front ture lithium base grease when instructed to of seat). The first three digits identify the grease a part or component.

  • Page 7: Maintenance

    1~6. MAINTENANCE A. Periodic Maintenance Perform the various inspections and services at the indicated intervals; however use this schedule as a guide only. Depending upon the operating conditions, certain components may require more fre- quent servicing. Every When 20 hrs. or 40 hrs.

  • Page 8: Lubrication Intervals

    Every When 20 hrs. or 40 hrs. or 80 hrs. or Seasonally Check point necessary 400 km 800 km 1,600 km (250 mil (500 mil (1,000 rni] CHASSIS: Tightness of bolts and nuts Bends and cracks Welded riveted, joints Ski adjustment Ski runner wear Breaks in fuel tank Cleaning of fuel tank…

  • Page 9: Sealing The Carburetor

    C. Sealing the Carburetor ALWAYS seal the carburetor before turning 1. Plug the fuel-tank vent pipe. a snowmobile on its side for service. This will 2. Plug both float-bowl overflow pipes or prevent fuel from spilling and creating a connect them together. hazard.

  • Page 10: Special Tools

    ‘·8. SPECIAL TOOLS 4-b. 4-d. &-b. Description Tool No. Dial Gauge 90890..Q3097..Q0 Dial Gauge Stand 90890-01195-00 rnml Dial Gauge Needle (56 90890-03098-00 TLU·90901-05-20 (U.S.A.) 3-Way Puller A’ssy 3-Way Puller Attachment 90890-01803..Q0 3-Way Puller Attachment 90890-01804-00 3-Way Puller Screw 90890-01906-00 Drive Handle 90890—1906-00 3-Way PuIler Body 90890..Q1848-00…

  • Page 11
    CHAPTER 2. ENGINE 2-1. ENGINE REMOVAL 2-2. DISASSEMBLY AND INSPECTION A. Recoil Starter B. Flywheel Magneto C. Oil Pump D. Top End E. Bottom End 2-10 2-3. ASSEMBLY AND ADJUSTMENT 2-12 A. Bottom End 2-12 B. Top End 2-13 C. Flywheel Magneto 2-14 D.
  • Page 12: Chapter 2. Engine

    ENGINE 2-1. ENGINE REMOVAL 3. Carburetor (Refer to 3-1, A «Removal.») You do not have to remove the engine in 4. D-handle from the starter rope. Knot the order to service the following components: rope so it will not be pulled into the Cylinder, starter case.

  • Page 13: Disassembly And Inspection

    2-2. DISASSEMBLY AND INSPECTION A. Recoil Starter Drive Pawl Drive Plate Drive Plate Spring 1. Remove the air shroud and the starter 3. Remove the securing nut, and carefully from the engine. disassemble the starter. Note the relative 2. Pull about four inches of starter rope position of each piece.

  • Page 14: Flywheel Magneto

    B. Flywheel Magneto Flywheel Magneto 1. Using the rotor holding tool, loosen the 3-Way Puller Ass’y: TLU-90901-05-20 (U.S.A.) securing nut, and remove the flywheel 1. 3-Way Puller: 90890-01848 pulley from the magneto. 3-Way Puller Attachment: 90890-01803 3. 3-Way Puller Attachment: 90890-01804 Rotor Holding Tool: 90890-01235 4.

  • Page 15: Oil Pump

    Oil Pump Plunger Adjusting Pulley Oil Pump Drive Shaft 5. Remove the drive shaft from the oil 1. Loosen the four gear-case bolts, and pump. Inspect the bearing surfaces of remove the gear case/oil pump assembly the shaft and the gear teeth. If any part from the engine.

  • Page 16
    7. Check the minimum pump stroke. 9. If either the maximum pump stroke or a. Turn the oil pump gear until the plunger the minimum pump stroke does not is at its maximum distance from the equal specification, remove the adjusting pump body.
  • Page 17: Top End

    Remove a piston pin ip from the piston, and remove the pin with the universal piston-pin puller. Universal piston-pin puller: YU-01304 Remove the piston and the small-end bearing from the connecting rod. MS623 BR250F Service Manual Revised 1/82…

  • Page 18
    Inspection 1. Piston pin and bearing inspection. a. Check the piston pin for signs of wear. If any wear is evident, replace the pin and the bearing. e. The piston pin should have no noticeable free play in the piston. If the piston pin is loose, replace the pin and/or piston.
  • Page 19
    3. Piston rings a. Check the rings for scoring. any severe scratches are noticed, replace the rings as a set. b. Measure the ring end gap in the un- installed rings. If it is beyond tolerance, replace the rings as a set. Ring end gap, free: (0.26 Approx.
  • Page 20
    Otherwise follow standard honing Standard Wear limit ———- procedures. Yamaha recommends the use of 70.00 .., 70.02 mm 70.05 mm an Ammco Hone. This kit includes all the Cylinder bore (2.756 -2.757 in) (2.776 in) necessary piecesto properly hone the cylinder 0.05mm…
  • Page 21: Bottom End

    E. Bottom End ~@ ae~o~ Right Crankshaft aearing Oil-Pump Drive Sprocket Engine Mounting Bracket Disassembly Remove the four crankcase bolts. Note Remove the engine mounting bracket the position of the wire bracket. You from the crankcase. will have to reinstall it on the same bolt.

  • Page 22
    3. Separate the crankcase halves by rapping b. Install bearings with their manufacturer’s indicated points with a rubber marks or numbers facing outward. They mallet. should be visible when intalled. c. Install oil seals with their manufacturer’s marks also facing outward. d.
  • Page 23: Assembly And Adjustment

    2. Thoroughly oil the bearing and the con- c. Check the crankshaft assembly runout with a dial gauge. If the ru nout is not necting rod. 3. Apply Yamabond 4 to the mating sur- within specification, the crankshaft parts faces of the crankcase halves.

  • Page 24: Top End

    B. Top End rCYlinder Bolt Cylinder Small End Bearing Install the piston rings as shown in the illustration. Piston crown ////// / / /////(JUJ/J//J//// _ _’:1 ‘ — — — — — . . ; ; : 0 . . , , — ‘l//7//7//// /77//7//7//7//7 Piston ring…

  • Page 25: Flywheel Magneto

    7. Oil the piston, and install the cylinder 2. Add oil to the crankcase through the oil holes. Oil the connecting rod. onto the crankcase. Use a new cylinder 3. Cover the crankcase with a clean cloth so gasket. Torque the four cylinder bolts to specification.

  • Page 26: Recoil Starter

    5. Install the flywheel pulley. The two cut- 1. Feed the magneto leads through the outs on the edge of the pulley must be hole in the crankcase, and secure the opposite the holes in the fan. Torque the damper in the case. securing nut to specification.

  • Page 27
    1. Hook the outer book of the starter spring around the post in the starter case. Carefully wind the spring counter- clockwise, and fit the spring into the case. Thoroughly grease the spring after installation. 5. Install the drive plate spring, spring collar, and the drive plate.
  • Page 28: Oil Pump Gear Case

    Tightening torque: 0.65 m-kg (4.7 ft-lb) 9. Install the air shroud. Use a washer and lock washer with the screw that secures the air shroud to the starter case. Apply a thread-locking compound to the two bolts that thread into the engine. Torque the bolts to specification.

  • Page 29
    7. Install the oil pump gear box onto the 1. Place the washer on the oil pump drive engine. Be sure the drive gear correctly shaft, and insert the drive shaft into the engages the oil pump drive gear on the oil pump.
  • Page 30: Engine Installation

    2-4. ENGINE INSTALLATION 1. Place the engine in the chassis. Torque the three engine mounts to specification. Tightening torque: Bolt: 3.0 m-kg (22 tt-lb) Nut: 1.4 rn-kq (10 ft-lb] 2. Install or connect the following compo- nents in the order given below. •…

  • Page 31
    CHAPTER 3. CARBURETION 3-1. CARBURETOR A. Removal B. Disassembly C. Inspection D. Assembly E. Installation 3-2. TUNING AND ADJUSTMENT A. Carburetor Tuning Data B. Starter Cable Adjustment C. Throttle Cable Adjustment D. Oil Pump Cable Adjustment E. Low Speed Tuning F.
  • Page 32: Chapter 3. Carburetion

    CARBURETION 3-1. CARBURETOR Starter Jet ® Carburetor Assembly Main c o v e r — — @ Removal 2. Loosen the clamp on the carburetor 1. Disconnect the pulse pipe, oil pump boot and remove the carburetor. Do not cable, oil delivery pipe, throttle cable, lose a spring from the air box boot.

  • Page 33: Disassembly

    B. Disassembly 6. Measure the float level. 1. Carefully remove the jets, float, etc. a. Incline the carburetor approximately 20 Never, however, disassemble the throttle or 30 degrees until the float valve just valve or the throttle shaft. The threads barely closes.

  • Page 34: Installation

    9. Apply grease to the following areas so 3-2. Tuning and Adjustment they will not freeze: The carburetor is set at the factory to run at Throttle return spring, temperatures of 32° F to _4° F (0° to -20°C) Throttle shaft, at seal level.

  • Page 35: Starter Cable Adjustment

    3. Fuel flow High-speed tuning Mid-range. Full ~~rq~:=========1t1:t====n:~~:E!=::~Elt====tt===ll=!~ttj1~~ ——~~—_1\:-__t__+_I_______/.I—-_:_~..L—~__+_~~l_!_ rClosed Low speed tuning 1. Starter jet Throttle stop screw, pilot screw, bypass, float level Slow jet Main jet BR250 CARBURETOR (KEIHIN 8032·28) B. Starter Cable Adjustment Fuel Flow Chart Pu II the starter cable outer tube upward, and adjust the free play between the outer tube Total fuel flow end and adjuster to specification by turning…

  • Page 36: Throttle Cable Adjustment

    Free play — . — H__- 1.5″‘2.5 mm (0.06″‘0.10 in) 2. Lock Adjuster 1. Play 3. Lock Adjusting screw Free play between outer tube end Lock the adjusting screw by tightening and adjuster: the nut. 1.5′» 2.5 (0.06′» 0.10 Low Speed Tuning The carburetor is built so that low speed C.

  • Page 37: Low Speed Tuning

    4. Slowly loosen slow adjuster. As the slow F. Mid-range and High Speed Tuning adjuster is loosened, the mixture will No adjustment is normally required, but become leaner and engine rpm will in- adjustment is sometimes necessary depending crease. Adjust the slow adjuster to attain on temperatures and/or altitude.

  • Page 38: Troubleshooting

    WARNING: Never remove the main jet cover bolt while the engine is hot. Fuel will flow out of the float chamber which could ignite and cause damage to the snowmobile and possible injury to the mechanic. Place a rag under the carburetor so fuel does not spread.

  • Page 39
    Adjustment Trouble Check point Remedy I Remove the air vent pipe, and Poor performance at Clogged air vent Clean normal speeds clean. (Relative troubles) Clogged or loose main jet Clean and retighten Remove main jet, and blow it out • Excess fuel consumption with compressed air.
  • Page 40: Intake

    3-3. INTAKE Pulse Pipe Air Box Boot Carburetor Boot 2. Inspect the air box boot and the carbure- 1. Check to see that fuel moves from the fuel tank, to the fuel pump, then to the tor boot. Replace as necessary. Replace the air box boot springs if either is carburetor.

  • Page 41
    CHAPTER 4. POWER TRAIN 4-1. SHEAVE ALIGNMENT 4-2. CLUTCH TUNING A. Clutch Setting Data B. Changing Clutch Engagement and Shift RPM 4-3. V-BELT A. Removal B. Inspection 4-4. PRIMARY SHEAVE , .4-4 A. Removal B. Disassembly C. Inspection D. Assembly 4-5.
  • Page 42: Chapter 4. Power Train

    POWER TRAIN 4-1. SHEAVE ALIGNMENT 3. If either the center-to-center distance or the offset is not within specification, check the engine mounts. If the engine has been mounted correctly, the engine mounting bracket, the frame, or both are bent. Replace as required. Sheave gauge: TLS-9091O-47-02 (U.S.A.) 90890-01702 Center-to-center:…

  • Page 43: Clutch Setting Data

    Engine rpm Engine rpm Good condition Bad condition Clutch Clutch shifting rpm shifting rpm Clutch engagement rpm Clutch engagement rpm 1———+—4 Travelled distance _ _ Travelled distance —— Starting position 200″»» 300 m (650″»» 1,000 Starting position 200′»‘-‘ 300 m (650″»» 1,000 A.

  • Page 44: Changing Clutch Engagement And Shift Rpm

    B. Changing Clutch Engagement and Shift RPM r.p.m. Clutch engagement Clutch shifting r.p.m, Increase Increase Decrease Decrease Centrifugal force of rollers Add shims Remove shims Add shims Remove shims Torsion spring Decrease Increase constant Secondary spring Twist angle Smaller wind Greater wind 4-3.

  • Page 45: Primary Sheave

    4-4. PRIMARY SHEAVE Fixed Sheave Bushing Spider Sheave Cap Spider Lever Bushing A. Removal 1. Remove the drive guard, and remove the V-belt, 2. Hold the fixed sheave with the primary sheave holder and remove the clutch bolt. Drive the primary sheave off the crankshaft with the primary sheave puller.

  • Page 46: Disassembly

    B. Disassembly Bushing clearance, limit Large bushing Small bushing Install the sheave subassembly tool in Inside 0.25 mm (0.01 in) 0.25 mm (0.01 in) the primary sheave. Outside 0.25 mm (0.01 in) 0.25 mm (0.01 in) Primary sheave subassembly tool: 90890-01858 1.

  • Page 47: Assembly

    Remove the sliding sheave from the Disassemble inspect the spider fixed sheave, and remove the spider. levers; replace any worn parts. Reassem- Measu re the wear on the slider buttons. ble the levers with new cotter pins. If worn beyond specification, replace the buttons.

  • Page 48
    Install the bushing and the spider into the sliding sheav’e. Be sure the bottons correctly engage the slider. 3. Thread the sliding sheave onto the fixed sheave. Install the cams. Be sure they are correctly seated in the sliding sheave. 8.
  • Page 49: Secondary Sheave

    SECONDARY SHEAVE ~jrCliP <: Colla, Bearlnq Cage ~~~ ~ ~~Irl ‘» Spdng Seat B»»,ong (J;;;1 /3!!J; fi r . Ramp Shoe Fixed Sheave A. Removal 1. Lock the brake, and install the second- ary sheave holder. Fit the tool behind the spring seat so it will hold the sliding sheave in place when the fixed sheave is removed.

  • Page 50: Inspection

    NOTE: 3~way 2. Using the puller, remove the fixed sheave. The three holes in the spring seat are for con- venience only. Seating the spring in a differ- ent hole will not change the spring preload. 3-Way Puller Ass’y: TLU-90901-05-20 (U.S.A.) 1.

  • Page 51: Chain Case

    Std. secondary spring preload: (Twist augle) 7. Install the washer and securing nut. Torque the nut to specification. Tightening torque: Install the key in the jackshaft, and 4.0 rn-kq (29 ft-lb) install the fixed sheave. Grease the indicated point. 8. Wipe both sheaves. They should be free from oil and grease.

  • Page 52: Disassembly

    A. Disassembly 1. Remove the secondary sheave from the jackshaft (Refer to 4-5, A «Removal.») Remove the bearing cage from behind the jackshaft bearing. Remove the jackshaft from the left side of the snowmobile. Inspection 1. Inspect the brake disc. Place it on a sur- face plate and check around the edges with a feeler gauge.

  • Page 53: Gearing

    5. Inspect the drive chain; replace as neces- 4. Grease the bearing surfaces of the jack- sary. shaft. Place the key in the jackshaft, and 6. Inspect the adjusting block. If the raised install the jackshaft from the left-side of boss is worn to the base of the block, the machine.

  • Page 54
    11. Secure the drive and driven sprockets onto their respective shafts. Torque the securing hardward to specification. Use a new cotter pin with the drive sprocket. Tightening torque: Drive sprocket nut: 4.0 rn-kq (29 ft-lbl Driven sprocket bolt: 2.3 rn-kq (17 ft-lb) 12.
  • Page 55: Brake

    4-7. BRAKE A. Disassembly Remove the clevis pin and disassemble 1. Remove the brake cable from the the brake. handlebar. Loosen the adjuster at the cal iper, then remove the cable. 2. With a pair of pliers, left the arm of each of the return springs off the chain case to release the preload.

  • Page 56: Inspection

    D. Brake Adjustment B. Inspection The brake is adjusted at two points so that Check the brake pads. If either is worn the gaps between the disc and pads are equal beyond the wear limit, replace the pads and within tolerance. Proper adjustment will as a set.

  • Page 57: Slide Rail Suspension

    4-8. SLIDE RAIL SUSPENSION A. Removal 3. Turn the machine on its side, and lift the Loosen the track. rear torsion spring off its seat to release the preload. Repeat this procedure on 2. Seal the carburetor so fuel will not spill when you turn the machine on its side.

  • Page 58: Inspection

    3. Inspect the guide wheels; replace as necessary. Apply a thread-locking com- pound and torque the bolt to specifica- tion. Tightening torque: 2.3 m-kg (17 ft-lb] Replace any fatigued springs. 5. Inspect both the front and rear stopper bands. Replace if either is frayed or 1.

  • Page 59: Installation

    Installation 1. Grease the suspension where indicated in the illustration. 4. Grease the rear axle, and install it in the 2. Thoroughly grease the axle in the front rear pivot arm. pivot arm. Tape the end caps in place. 5. Install both rear suspension-mounting This will hold the axle within the pivot arm during installation of the suspen- bolts.

  • Page 60: Drive

    4-9. DRIVE Drive Axle Bearing Bearing Cage Remove the suspension. (Refer to 4-8, A A. Removal RemovaL») 1. Place an oil pan beneath the chain case, and remove the chain case cover. Let the 6. Place the machine on its right side. Remove the axle by lifting it up and out oil drain into the oil pan.

  • Page 61: Inspection

    B. Inspection 2. Install the axle. Push the threaded end 1. Check the track and clips for cracks, up towards the secondary sheave, then damage, or wear. Replace the track or install the splined end into the chain clips as required. case.

  • Page 62
    1. Turn the track by running the engine. 2. Loosen the lock nuts, and turn both the right and left track adjusting bolts until the track is aligned with the slide rail as illustrated. 2. Adjusting bolt 1. Lock nut No good Good No good…
  • Page 63
    CHAPTER 5. CHASSIS 5-1. STEERING A. Assembly B. Adjustment 5-2. SKiS A. Inspection B. Assembly 5-3. OIL TANK 5-4. FUEL TANK…
  • Page 64
    CHASSIS 5-1. STEERING Steering Column_—-i A. Assembly 1. Secure the steering relay rods (with the universal joint attached) to the outside arm. Torque the flange nut to specifica- tion and install a new cotter pin. Tightening torque: m-kg (22 ft-lb)
  • Page 65
    Install the steering column onto the Tightening torque: frame. Grease the upper and lower bear- 2.5 m-kg (18 ft-lb) ings. Torque the bolts to specification and bend the lock tab. Tightening torque: 2.0 m-kg (15 ft-lb) Front 1. Ski spindle center B.
  • Page 66
    5-2. SKIS A. Inspection Tightening torque: 1. Check the ski runner. Replace it if it is Spring nut: 1.4 m-kg (10 ft-Ib) excessively worn. Torque the nuts to specification. 3. Check the wear plate. Replace it if it is worn. Tightening torque: 1.4 m-kg (10 ft-lb] Inspect the leaf spring and the spring re-…
  • Page 67
    B. Assembly top end to the ski column. All collars 1. After assembling the ski, thoroughly should be greased, and securing nuts grease the wear plate and all retaining should be torqued. pins. Be sure to install the shock with the word uy AMAHA»…
  • Page 68
    damaged in any way. Replace as neces- Check the oil line from the tank to the sary. pump. It should be free from all obstruc- tions and shouId not be pinched or Fuel Gauge Line <, 1. Check all lines. If any are cracked, 4.
  • Page 69
    CHAPTER 6. ELECTRICAL 6-1. IGNITION SySTEM A. Circuit Diagram B. Troubleshooting C. Ignition Timing D. Spark Gap Test E. Ignition Coil F. Spark Plug G. Pulser and Charge Coil. H. C.D.1. Unit 6-2. LIGHTING SYSTEM A. Circuit Diagram B. Headlight Beam C.
  • Page 70: Chapter 6. Electrical

    ELECTRICAL 6-1. IGNITION SYSTEM A. Circuit Diagram B. Troubleshooting No spark is produced or weak. _____ ~—.JI Check of connections Check lead wire connections for short circuits. —1———-, F a u l t y . Correct. SparkS «Spark Gap See 6-1, D Test.»…

  • Page 71: Ignition Timing

    ……Measure coil resistance. ‘ — — — — — . — — — _..(See 6-1, G «Pulser and Charge Coil.») Faulty——.. Replace……Ignition coil test (See 6-1, E «Iqnition Coil.») Replace. C.D.I.?g See 6-1, H. «C.D.1. Unit.» Faulty •…

  • Page 72: Spark Gap Test

    10. Remove the dial gauge stands. Reinstall 6. Slowly turn the flywheel clockwise until the starter and the spark plug. Torque the dial gauge indicates the specified ignition timing. the plug to specification. Ignition timing (B.T.D.C.); Tightening torque: 2.8 m-kg (20 ft-lb) 1.6 mm (0.062 in) The marks on the coil plate should align D.

  • Page 73: Ignition Coil

    E. Ignition Coil 1. Coil spark gap test a. Remove the ignition coil from the frame. b. Connect the Electro Tester as shown. c. Connect a fully charged battery to the 0 0 1 — — — — — — +… tester.

  • Page 74: Pulser And Charge Coil

    Inspection G. Pulser and Charge Coil Instruct the rider to: Check the resistance of each coil as shown in 1. Inspect the clean the spark plug every the illustartion. If the resistance is not within 400 km (250 mi) or 20 hours. specification, the coil is not working.

  • Page 75: Lighting System

    6-2. LIGHTING SYSTEM A. Circuit Diagram B. Headlight Beam 2. Adjustment 1. Inspection When necessary, adjust the headlight Check the headlight beam direction. The beam by tightening or loosing the four high beam must be directed downward headlight mounting screws. at an angle of 1/2 to the horizontal line.

  • Page 76: Lighting Coil

    C. Lighting Coil Lighting coil resistance: Check the resistance between the yellow lead & Black Yellow: and ground. If the resistance is not within 0.23Q 20% at 20°C (68°F) ± specification, the coil is not working. Check the connections. If the connections are good, the coil is broken internally;…

  • Page 77
    Inspection 1. Check the battery voltage. Set the left and right switches to «VOLT» and Jl12V». If the checker needle reads 20 volts or more, battery voltage is sufficient. YAMAHA []::J 12\/ IIOLT ElI] REGULATOR CHECKER Replace the regulator Light…
  • Page 78
  • Page 79: Chapter 7. Appendix

    APPENDIX 7-1. SPECIFICATIONS A. General Model BR250F Model: Model (I.B.M. No.) BR250F (8R4) 1.0. & Frame starting number 8R4-000101 1.0. & Engine staritng number R246-000101 Dimension: Overall length 2,360 mm (92.9 in) Overall width (std) 870 mm (34.3 in) Overall height (w/windshield) 940 mm (37.0 in)

  • Page 80
    Crankshaft: 0.039 Crankshaft assembly width (A) 56 _ 0.05 0.00197 0.02 mm (0.0008 in) Crankshaft deflection (0) 0.25 — 0.75 mm (0.010 — 0.030 in) Connecting rod big end side clearance (C) Connecting rod small end deflection 2.0 mm (0.079 in) c:t{r CLUTCH SIDE 100 mm (3.9…
  • Page 81
    Secondary spring: Part No. 90508-40506 Color code No painted Secondary spring pre-load (twist) 160° ± ± Sheave distance 2 mm (10.47 0.08 In) Sheave off-set 11 ± 3 mm (0.43 ± 0.12 in) V·belt width and outer line length 31.6 x 1,099 mm (1.24 x 43.3 in) V-belt wear limit 26 mm (1.02 in) Track suspenison…
  • Page 82: Tightening Torque

    E. Electrical Ignition system: Type flywheel magneto (C.D.I. type) Model/man ufactu rer F8R4/YAMAHA Voltage Pluser coil resistance 20n ± 10% at 20°C (68°F) (White/Red — Black) Charging coil resistance 426n ± 10% at 20°C (68°F) (Brown — Black) Ignition timing: B.T.D.C.

  • Page 83
    Part to be tightened Thread size Tightening torque Remarks Oil pump gear case P1.0 0.7 m-kg (5.1 ft-Ib) [Drive and track suspension] Primary sliding sheave and cap 1.1 m-kg (8 ft-lb) P1.0 Installation of primary sheave UNF 1/2″ Initial: 10 m-kg (72.5 ft-lb) Use motor oil Loosen once and retighten: 6.0 m-kg (43.5 ft-Ib)
  • Page 84: Conversion Tables

    GENERAL TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS General torque specifications (Nut) This chart specifies torque for standard (Bolt) m-kg ft-lb fasteners with standard 1.8.0. pitch threads. 10 mm Torque specifications for special components or assemblies are included in the applicable 12mm sections of this book. To avoid warpage, tighten multi-fastener assemblies in a criss- 14mm 10mm…

  • Page 85: Exploded Diagrams

    EXPLODED DIAGRAM RECOIL STARTER d Lim iter Bracket Drive Plate Spring…

  • Page 86: Flywheel Magneto

    FLYWHEEL MAGNETO 0.7 m-kg (5 tt-lb) 7.5 m-kg (54 ft-lb) Flywheel Magneto / / r — — — — — — — — — — — ———, Coil Plate <, <, «‘ » <, <, ,..——..»‘» Apply Thread ‘ » Locking <, -/—…

  • Page 87: Oil Pump

    OIL PUMP Oil Pump Cover Apply Yamabond 5 Minimum Pump Stroke: 0.20-0.25 <0.0079-0.0098 Maximum Pump Stroke: 1.65 — 1.87 <0.0650 — 0.0736 0.67 m-kg (4.8 ft-Ib) Adjusitng Plate Grease Plunger Apply Yamabond 5 To Gear Case Side Only…

  • Page 88: Oil Pump Drive Gear


  • Page 89: Top End

    TOP END Cylinder Bolt 3.0 m-kg (22 ft-Ib) Cylinder Ring End Gap: Free: 6.5 mm (0.26 in) Installed: 0.20 ‘» 0.40 mm (0.0078 ‘»‘-‘0.016 in) Piston Clearance Min: 0.045 mm (0.0018 in) Max: 0.050 mm (0.0020 in) 7-11…

  • Page 90: Bottom End

    BOTTOM END Bearing Support 7-12…

  • Page 91: Carburetor

    CARBURETOR Starter Jet § ~OW’f10WP’ ‘<. » <. (..@-FIOO’.; SIOWJet~ Main Jet 7-13…

  • Page 92: Intake

    INTAKE Fuel Pump (jj)..Pulse Pipe Carburetor Boot 7-14…

  • Page 93
    Spider Lever 7-15…
  • Page 94: Secondary Sheave

    SECONDARY SHEAVE Bearing Cage Fixed Sheave 2.3 m-kg (17 ft-lb] 7-16…

  • Page 95: Chain Case

    CHAIN CASE 7-17…

  • Page 96: Brake

    BRAKE 7-18…

  • Page 97: Slide Rail

    SLIDE RAIL 4.5 m-kg (35 ft-Ibl 0.4 m-kg (3 ft-Ib) Front Axle Grease 4.5 m-kg (33 ft-lbl Wear Limit: 0.25 m-kg (2 ft-Ib) (0.3 7-19…

  • Page 98: Suspension Wheels

    SUSPENSION WHEELS Guide Wheel k · Compound Thread-Loc mg 7.0 m-kg, 51 ft-tb Suspension Wheel ——-. Thread-Locking Compound 7.0 m-kg 51 ft-Ib 7-20…

  • Page 99: Drive Axle

    DRIVE AXLE 138.6 mm (5.5 105.6 178.4 mm 63mm (4.2 (7.1 (2.5 Bearing Cage Axle Nut 8.0 m-kg (58 ft-lb) 7-21…

  • Page 100: Steering

    STEERING Clamp—~-· Handlebar Outside Arm Universal Join’ 7-22…

  • Page 101: Ski

    ·-~1.4 rn-kq (10 ft-Ib)

  • Page 102: Ski Shock

    SKI SHOCK 7-24…

  • Page 103: Oil Tank

    OIL TANK Oil Gauge Line 7·25…

  • Page 104: Fuel Tank

    FUEL TANK 1.0 m-kg (7 ft-Ib) 7-26…

  • Page 105: Electrical Components

    ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS (1) Main Swith Voltage Regulator 7-27…

  • Page 106
    ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS (2) Engine Stop Switch 7-28…
  • Page 107: Control Cables

    CONTROL CABLE Throttle Lever 7-29…

  • Page 108
    Main switch 7-5 WIRING DIAGRAM B IB/W Brake Iight switch IG/vi (O/P SPEEDOMETER LIGHT) Headlight (12V 6O/60W) Taillight/brake light VI I ,JttJ~~~~~ro (12V 8/23W1 mtlIi _. . L-e:::J<:l-L Tether switch liB/wi ..>-Cl..JCDm COl unit Voltage regulator COl magneto Color Code Green Gray Black…
  • Page 109
    Good Mauvais Mauvais Mauvais Mauvais Mauvais…
  • Page 110
  • Page 111
  • Page 112
    FOREWORD This supplementary service manual for the BR250T has been published to supple- ment the BR250F service manual (L IT-12618-00-41). For complete information on service procedures, it is necessary to use this Supplementary Service Manual together with the following manual.
  • Page 113
    CONTENTS EXTERNAL VIEW MAINTENANCE Periodic Maintenance Lubrication Intervals THROTTLE OVERRIDE SYSTEM Description T.O. R.S. cancellation Block diagram POWER TRAIN PRIMARY SHEAVE Removal Disassembly Inspection Reassembly Installation V-BELT Removal Inspection Reassembly EXPLODED DIAGRAM CARBURETOR INTAKE PRIMARY SHEAVE , .. , DR IVE AXLE, SLIDE RAIL SUSPENSION WHEELS BUMPER…
  • Page 114
  • Page 115: Bends, Cracks, And Wear

    MAINTENANCE Periodic Maintenance Perform the various inspections and services at the indicated intervals; however use this schedule as a guide only. Depending upon the operating conditions, certain components may require more fre- quent servici Every When 20 hrs. or 40 hrs. or 80 hrs.

  • Page 116: Bends And Cracks

    Every When 20 hrs. or 40 hrs. or 80 hrs, or Check point Seasonally necessary 400 km 800 km 1,600 km (250 mil (500mi) (1,000 mil CHASSIS: Tightness of bolts and nuts Bends and cracks Welaed riveted, joints Ski adjustment Ski runner wear Breaks in fuel tank Cleaning of fuel tank…

  • Page 117
    THROTTLE OVERRIDE SYS.TEM Description WARNING: If during operation the throttle cable or carb Before restarting the engine, make sure that should malfunction in anyway, remove your the cause of the malfunction has been cor- hand from the throttle lever. The throttle rected and that the engine can be operated switch will be deactivated, the ignition circuit without a problem.
  • Page 118
    This will turn on the igni- tion circuit and the engine can be restarted. In this case, the throttle override system will To carbo not work. Go to your Yamaha dealer for immediate service. T .O .R .S. Cancellation L_——J 1.
  • Page 119
    POWER TRAIN PRIMARY SHEAVE The bolt head must be inserted as shown. Be sure the «X» on the sheave cap «X» aligns with on the spider. Bushing clearance: 0.25 (0.01 Apply to bottom four threads or thread-locking compound such #640 as «LOCT with PRIMER Bushing clearance:…
  • Page 120
    Removal 2. Remove the sliders, rollers and weights. 1. Remove the drive guard, and remove the V-belt. Remove the blind cap, and remove the primary sheave rnountinq bolt with the Sheave Holder (special tool) as shown. 1. Slider 2. Roller 3.
  • Page 121
    NOTE: f. Remove the spider, sliding sheave and Securely fit the projections of the Adapter fixed sheave from the Clutch Spider into the fixed sheave holes. Separator. g. Remove the sliding sheave bush from the sliding sheave with Bushing Tool (special tool) as shown.
  • Page 122
    1. Feeler gauge 2. Sliding sheave 6. Check the spring. Replace it, if it is Inspect the sliders for scratches or other fatigued or damaged. damage. If any, replace them. Inspect the rollers for wear. If any, replace them. Roller 5.
  • Page 123
    Reassembly When reassembling primary sheave, reverse the disassembly procedure. Note the following points: 1. Before reassembling the primary sheave, the sheaves should be lubricated with Do not apply grease to the area marked X. the low-temperature grease and motor For other parts, oiling is unnecessary. oil as illustrated.
  • Page 124
    5. Install the primary sheave cap onto the spider as shown. To tighten the fixed sheave, high torque is NOTE: required. Therefore, make sure the primary Before installing the primary sheave cap, sheave, vise and special tools are placed use molybdenum sprays liberally on the securely also take care not to crack the fixed weights.
  • Page 125
    Inspection Installation 1. Visually inspect the V-belt for signs of When installing the primary sheave, reverse the removal procedure. Note the following damage. Replace the belt, if it is points: damaged. Before installing the primary sheave, 2. Measure the width of the V-belt. If the clean the oil off the tapered portion belt is worn beyond the wear limit, of the crankshaft using a lacquer thinner.
  • Page 126
    . EXPLODED DIAGRAM CARBURETOR t1— Starter Jet ® Overflow Pipe Need~ ——Q, Float Slow Jet Carburetor Assembly Main Jet <~ ——-..~ ~ ~/6:1 ® —0 O-R;ng cover~ Main Jet -13 -…
  • Page 127
    INTAKE Primer Pump Intake Silencer Fuel Pump Pulse Pipe —-Car u b ret o r Boot…
  • Page 128
    PRIMARY SHEAVE bolt head must be inserted as shown. Be sure the «X» on the sheave cap «X» aligns with on the spider. Bushing clearance: 0.25 mm (0.01 in) 14 Nm (1.4 m-kg, 10 ft-Ib) Apply to bottom four threads or thread-lockinq compound such as»…
  • Page 129
    DRIVE AXLE Drive Sprocket ftolbl! Axle Nut 80 Nm m·kg, 58 -16-…
  • Page 131
    SLIDE RAIL -18 -…
  • Page 132
  • Page 133
    BUMPER Flap Protector 4 ‘itD Front Bumper 6—— (@ (@ Bind Screw Bumper End >~ ‘.. ‘ Spring Nut Flanqe Bolt Front Bumper 3 -20-…
  • Page 134
    ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS Throttle Lever Lever Holder (R)
  • Page 135
    70 x 64 mm (2.76 x 2.52 in) Compression Ratio 6.1 : 1 Start i ng System Recoil hand starter Lubrication System: YAMAHA Autolube system Engine Oil: Type Y AMALUBE 2-cycle oil Tank Capacity 1.75 L (1.54 Imp qt, 1.85 US qt) — — — — ~ — — _ .
  • Page 136
    BR250TJ Model Suspension: Leaf spring, oil damper Front Suspension Type Slide rail Rear Suspension Type Track: Track Type Internal drive type Track Width 381 mm (15.0 in) Length on Ground ‘,110 mm (43.7 in) Track Deflection 40′» 50 mm {lo57- ‘.97 in)/10 kg (22 Ib) Brake: Brake Type Disc brake (Caliper swing type)
  • Page 137
    MAINTENANCE SPECIFICATIONS Engine Model BR250T Cylinder head: Volume (With spark plug) 33.1 — 33.7 cm’ (2.02 — 2.06 cu.in) Warp Limit Cylinder: Material Aluminum alloy with special cast iron sleeve Bore Size 70.000 — 70.020 mm (2.756 «»‘ 2.757 in) <…
  • Page 138
    BR250TJ Model Crankshaft: Crank Width» F» Assembly Width» 55.95 — 56.00 mm (2.202 — 2.362 in) 2.0 mm (0.080 in) Connecti ng Rod Small End Free Play «B» Connecting Rod Big End Clearance «C» 0.25″‘» 0.75 mm (0.010′» 0.030 in) Crankshaft Deflection «0»: Measuring Point — 1 0.02 mm (0.0008 in)
  • Page 139
    BR250TJ Model Power Air Jet (Pw.A.J.) (G.S.) Starter Jet ¢ Valve Seat Size (V.S.) ± Idling Engine Speed 1,100 100 r/min ± ± Float Arm Height (F.H.) 2.0 mm (a.59 O.OS in) High Altitude Tuning 20°C -30°C -20°C -10°C O°C 10°C (_4°F) (6SoF)
  • Page 140
    Model BR250TJ Transmission: Type V-belt Automatic Range of Ratio 3.5 : 1 — 1 : 1 ~ngagement Approx. 2,800 r/min Shift RPM Approx. 5,700 r/min Sheave Center Distance» A» 266 mm (10.47 in) Sheave Offset «B» 11 mm (0.433 in) V-belt: Part No.
  • Page 141
    Model 8R250T Secondary Sheave Spring: 90580-40080 Part No. Color Code None Outside Dia. x Wire Dia. 4.0 mm (1.968 0.157 in) Twist Angle Hole Position (Sheave Side) (Spring Seat Side)** Spring Rate 183 kq-rnrn/deq (15.9 lb-in/deq) No. of Coils Free Length 105 mm (4.13 in) Color Code Torque Cam Angle…
  • Page 142
    Model BR250T J Track Suspension: Front Travel 102 mm (4.02 in) Rear Travel 76 mm (2.99 in) Front Suspension Spring: Spring Rate 305 kq/mrn (17,080 Ib!in)!deg Wire Dia. 9.5 mm (0.37 in) Rear Suspension Spring: Spring Rate 318.3 kq/rnrn (17,825 Ib!in)!deg Wire Dia.
  • Page 143
    Model BR250TJ Pad to Disc Clearance 0.2′» 1.0 mm (0.008′» 0.039 in) Disc Outside Dia. 182 mm (7.16 in) Disc Thickness 3.2 rnrn (0.13 in) Brake Lever Free Play* 3.0′» 8.0 mm (0.12 — 0.32 in) Chassis Model BR250TJ Frame: Frame Material Steel Seat Height…
  • Page 144
    +… !—-f—f——-r—+—+—+—l _-j-._-+—t—+—t—+ II—j-.-+—~__+-_l_-+—+—t—+—+—+_—+-_+_-+___+-+____i Engine Speed ( x 10 3 r/rnln) —_._—_._._._— — _ ..CDI: Model/Manufacturer F8R4/YAMAHA ± Pickup Coil Resistance 10% at 20°C (68°F) Color Code (W/R ± Charge Coil Resistance 426[2 10% at 20°C (68°F) Color Code…
  • Page 145
    BR250TJ Model Charging Coil Resistance Color Code Lighting Voltage (Min.) 11.8 V/3,000 r/min (Max.) ± Lighting Coil Resistance 0.23Q 20% at 20°C (68°F) Color Code > > ….Engine Speed ( r/minl Coil Resistance for Grip Warmer . Color Code Voltage Regulator: Type A.C.
  • Page 146
    Tightening torque Tightening torque Tread size Remarks Part to be tightened ft·lb m·kg [Engine] M14 x P1.25 Spark plug Cylinder head (bolt) M8 x P1.25 Cylinder head (nut) M10 x P1.25 Flywheel magneto M16 x P1.9 Crankcase upper and lower First: M8 x P1.25 Final:…
  • Page 147
    Tightening torque Part to be tightened Thread size Remarks rn-kq ft-lb Steering column and gate M8 x P1.25 13.7 Use lock washer 1.37 Steering tie rod adjusting nut M10 x P1.25 Loctite® Steering lower bracket M8 x P1.25 13.7 1.37 Use lock washer Installation of steering column 1,2 M8 x P1.25…
  • Page 148
    CABLE ROUTING (1) assembtv Brake wire Throttle wire Band Hold both beam and brake light Band Hold the engine stop switch lead wire switch lead wires Clamp Clamp the hose «C Clamp Wire harness assembly Clamp — 35-…
  • Page 149
    CABLE ROUTING (2) A-View Brake light switch lead wire Beam switch lead wire T.O.R.S. lead wire Pipe joint Grommet Band — Clamp after gathering To flywheel magneto the terminals T.O.R.S. lead wire Clamp — Install together with bolts Clamp securing crankcases 1 and 2 C.D.I.
  • Page 150
    ROUTI CABLE NG (3) B·View Recovery tank Breather pipe Protector pipe Fuel level gauge To taillight . . . Route under the fuel tank Protector pipe keep the hose away from the chain housing c-vlew Pump wire assembly Clip Pulse pipe pump assembly Clip From fuel tank…
  • Page 151
    CABLE ROUTING (4) Clamp installation Starter lever — 38-…
  • Page 152
    CABLE ROUTING (5) Recovery tank installation Instrument panel Tank fitting band Hook Panel frame 39 -…
  • Page 153
    WIRING DIAGRAM COLOR CODE Main switch B ..Black GreenIYellow Blue B/W ..• . Black/White G . . . • . . . Green BIY . . . • • • Black/Yellow Orange White/Red Brake Iight switch Yellow…
  • Page 154
  • Page 155
  • Page 156
    BR250TV SUPPLEMENTARY SERVICE MANUAL ©1994 by Yamaha Motor Corporatlon, U.S.A. 1st Edition May 1994 All rights reserved. Any reprinting or unauthorized use without the written permission of Yamaha Motor Corporation, U.S.A. is expressly prohibited. Printed in U.S.A. PIN LlT-21618-01-61…
  • Page 157
    BR250TV. For complete information on service procedures, it is necessary to use this Supplementary Service Manual together with fol- lowing manual: BR250F SERVICE MANUAL: 8R4-28197-10 BR250G SERVICE MANUAL: 8V6-28197-20 BR250H…
  • Page 158
    OE031 ® ILLUSTRATED SYMBOLS II~~~I~I II:grl~1 (Refer to the illustration) Illustrated symbols are designed as thumb tabs to indicate the chapter’s number and IP~:RIClDI content. .J.- CHAS General information ® Periodic inspection and adjustment Chassis ® ® Power train ® IENGI Engine overhaul «»»»»»»…
  • Page 159
  • Page 160: General Information

    II~~~ I~I MACHINE IDENTIFICATION 1E001 GENERAL INFORMATION MACHINE IDENTIFICATION FRAME SERIAL NUMBER The frame serial number is located on the right-hand side of the frame (just below the front of the seat). ENGINE SERIAL NUMBER The engine serial number is located on the right-hand side of the crankcase.

  • Page 161: Chassis


  • Page 162: Job Instruction Chart

    ICHASI FUEL SUB TANK JOB INSTRUCTION CHART Order Job name/Part name Q’ty Remarks Removal of fuel sub tank Remove the parts in the order in which they Fuel are listed. Brake cable Extract the fuel from the fuel sub tank usi n9 a pump.

  • Page 163: Electrical


  • Page 164
    CIRCUIT DIAGRAM <iQ) Ignition coil Brake light switch ® ® Tail/Brake light Spark plug ® Headlight beam switch Throttle switch Carburetor switch Headlight ® Voltage regulator Main switch ® Thumb warmer* «ENGINE STOP» switch C.D.I. unit Grip warmer* ® ® C.D.1.
  • Page 165: Electrical Component

    ELEC ELECTRICAL COMPONENT ELEC!RICAL COMPONENT Mam switch ® IJENGINE STOp IJ I§\ switch Throttle switch Headlight beam switch ® Brake light switch ® Wire harness Vol~age regulator ® Ignition coil ® C.D.1. unit…

  • Page 166: Ignition System

    ELEC IGNITION SYSTEM IGNITION SYSTEM CIRCUIT DIAGRAM ® «ENGINE STOP» Ignition coil CD » switch ® Spark plug . .. Unit ® ® Throttle switch C.D.I. magneto Carburetor switch ® Main switch…

  • Page 167: Troubleshooting

    ELEC IGNITION SYSTEM 8E021 TROUBLESHOOTING NO SPARK OR WEAK SPARK. OUT OF SPECIFICATION Check the spark plug gap. Repair or replace the spark plug. OUT OF SPECIFICATION Check the spark plug cap resistance. Replace the spark plug cap. OUT OF SPECIFICATION Check the ignition coil resistance.

  • Page 168: Spark Plug Cap

    IGNITION SYSTEM 8E041 SPARK PLUG CAP 1. Remove: • Spark plug cap 2. Connect: • Pocket tester (to spark plug cap) 3. Measure: • Spark plug cap resistance [::J 11 Spark plug cap resistance: 5 k11 at 20 (68°F) 8E051 IGNITION COIL 1.

  • Page 169: Spark Plug

    IGNITION SYSTEM 8E031 SPARK PLUG 1. Remove: • Spark plugs 2. Check: • Spark plug Standard spark plug: BR9ES (NGK) 377000 Spark plug gap: 0.6 — 0.7 (O.024 — 0.028 THROTTLE OVERRIDE SYSTEM (T.O.R.S.) The ignition is turned off by the following switch- ing functions when the throttle system fails.

  • Page 170: Handlebar Switch (Right)

    ELEC IGNITION SYSTEM 8E071 HANDLEBAR SWITCH (RIGHT) «ENGINE STOP» switch and throttle switch 1. Disconnect: • Handlebar switch (riqhtl.coupler 2. Connect: • Pocket tester (90890-03112, YU-03112) 3. Check: • «ENGINE STOP» switch continuity Faultv-efteplace. Good condition Switch position RUN (pull) OFF (push) 0: Continuity x : No continuity…

  • Page 171: Main Switch

    IGNITION SYSTEM aE101 MAIN SWITCH 1. Disconnect: • Main switch coupler 2. Connect: • Pocket tester 3. Check: • Main switch continuity Faulty Replace. Switch position Good condition Continuity x : No continuity -12-…

  • Page 172: Lighting System

    LIGHTING SYSTEM CIRCUIT DIAGRAM ® C.D.I. magneto Headlight beam switch ® Speedometer light Headlight Brake light switch Voltage regulator ® Tail/brake light L G/Y ® -13-…

  • Page 173: Troubleshooting

    ELEC LIGHTING SYSTEM 8E141 TROUBLESHOOTING HEADLIGHT, TAIL LIGHT AND/OR METER LIGHT DO NOT COME NO CONTINUITY Check the bulbts), bulbts). Replace the FAULTY Check the headlight beam switch and lighting coil. Replace the headlight beam switch and/ or stator coif. Correct connection and/or replace the voltage regulator.

  • Page 174: Bulb (S)

    LIGHTING SYSTEM BULB (S) ® 1. Remove: • Headlight bulb • Tail/brake light bulb • Meter light bulb 2. Connect: • Pocket tester (to bulb terminals) WARNING Keep flammable products and your hands away © from the bulb while it is on; it will be hot. Do not touch the bulb until it cools down.

  • Page 175: Specifications

    Ia-I SPEC GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Model BR250T BR250TS Model code number: 8BD2 8BC2 & Frame Engine starting number: 8BD-008l0l 8BC-001101 Dimensions: Overall length 2,945 mm (115.9 in) 2,425 mm (95.5 in) 950 mm (37.4 in) Overall width Overall height 1,120 mm (44.1 in) 1,100 mm (43.3 in) Weight:…

  • Page 176
    40″, 50 mm (1.6″, 2.0 in) Brake: Brake type Caliper type disc brake Operation method Handle lever, left handle operated Electrical: Ignition system/Manufacturer C.D.I./YAMAHA Generator system Flywheel magneto Bulb wattage x Quantity: Headlight 12V 60W/55W x 1 (BR250T) 12V 60W/60W x 1 (BR250TS) Tail/Brake light…
  • Page 177: Maintenance Specifications

    c:r-I SPEC MAINTENANCE SPECIFICATIONS MAINTENANCE SPECIFICATIONS ENGINE Model BR250T/TS Cylinder: Aluminum alloy with cast iron sleeve Material Bore size 70.00 ‘» 70.02 mm (2.756 ‘» 2.757 in) 0.05 mm (0.0020 in) <Taper limit> 0.01 mm (0.0004 in) <Out-of-Round limit> Piston: Piston size (D) 69.955 ‘»…

  • Page 178
    0—1 ISPECI MAINTENANCE SPECIFICATIONS Model BR250TfTS Crankshaft: Crank width A» 55.95 … 56.00 mm (2.203 … 2.205 in) Connecting rod small end free play 2 mm (0.08 in) I I F » Connecting rod big end side clearance «D» 0.25 … 0.75 mm (0.01 … 0.03 in) Crankshaft deflection «C»: C 0.03 mm (0.0012 in) ..-.
  • Page 179
    0—1 ISPECI MAINTENANCE SPECIFICATIONS Model BR250rffS High altitude settings -20°C -10°C -30°C 10°C 20°C (-22°F) (-4°F) (14°F) (32°F) (50°F) (68°F) Altitude #102 0″, 100 m (0 … #105 (STD) #102 100″, 600 m (300 … 2,000 #105 (STD) #102 600 … 1,200 m 4,000 (2,000 #105 (STD)
  • Page 180
    I0—1 SPEC MAINTENANCE SPECIFICATIONS Tightening torque: Tightening torque Part to be tightened Remarks rn-kq ft-lb Spark plug Cylinder head (bolt) Cylinder head (nut) Flywheel magneto Crankcase upper and lower First: Tighten the bolts in Final: two stages. Tightening sequence Crankcase and gear unit Oil pump and gear unit With screw lock Starter pulley…
  • Page 181: Power Train

    cr—I ISPECI MAINTENANCE SPECIFICATIONS POWER TRAIN Model BR250T/TS Transmission: Type V-belt automatic Range of ratio 3.5 «»‘ 1.0:1 Engagement RPM 2,900 «»‘ 3,500 r/min (BR250T) 2,600″, 3,200r/min (BR250TS) Shift RPM 5,600 ‘» 7,200 r/min (BR250T) 5,400 «»‘ 6,000 r/rnin (BR250TS) Sheave center distance A»…

  • Page 182
    I0—1 SPEC MAINTENANCE SPECIFICATIONS Model BR250TfTS Hole position Sheave side-spring seat side (twist angle) Spring rate kg/mm Number of coils Free length 105 mm (4.13 in) Drive chain: Type DID 40K-1 Number of links Track: Part number 89X-47110-00 Width mm (15.0 in) Length 3,456 mm (136 in)
  • Page 183
    I0-1 SPEC MAINTENANCE SPECIFICATIONS Model BR250TffS Shock absorber: Damping force Front Extension 80 kg/0.3 Compression 50 kg/0.3 rn/s Rear Extension 48 kg/0.3 Compression 45 kg/0.3 Slide runner: Thickness 13.5 mm (0.53 in) 8.5 mm (0.33 in) Wear limit Track sprocket wheel: Polyethylene Material Number of teeth…
  • Page 184
    Icr-I SPEC MAINTENANCE SPECIFICATIONS Tightening torque: Tightening torque Parts to be tightened Remarks ft-lb rn-kp Primary sliding sheave and cap Installation of primary sheave First: Tighten the bolts in Final: two stages. See NOTE. Installation of secondary sheave Bearing housing Secondary shaft and bearing collar Brake caliper and housing chain Installation of drive chain sprocket…
  • Page 185: Chassis

    I0—1 SPEC MAINTENANCE SPECIFICATIONS CHASSIS Model BR250TfTS Frame: Frame material Steel Steering: (left) 24.6° (R Ski), 28. P (L Ski) Lock to lock angle (right) 28.1 (R Ski), 24.6° (L Ski) Ski alignment Toe-out o «» Toe-out size 6 mm (0 «» 0.24 in) Ski: Ski material Steel…

  • Page 186: Electrical

    (Yellow — Black) ± Coil resistance for grip warmer 0.8 Q 20% at 20°C (68°F) (color code) (Red — Black) C.D.1. unit manufacturer 8AU-00/YAMAHA Ignition coil: Model/Manufacturer 86B-00IYAMAHA Minimum spark gap mm (0.12 in) ± Primary coil resistance 0.4 Q 20% at 20°C (68°F)

  • Page 187: General Torque Specifications

    g—I ISPECI GENERAL TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS 9E051 GENERAL TORQUE General Torque Specifications (nut) (bolt) SPECIFICATIONS ft-lb rn-kq This chart specifies torque for standard fasteners 10mm with standard I.S.0. pitch threads. Torque specifi- 12 mm cations for special components or assemblies are included inthe applicable sections ofthis book.

  • Page 188: Cable Routing

    ISPECI CABLE ROUTING CABLE ROUTING Throttle cable ® Brake cable ® Clamp _ _—-.::.._—e:t’ ® Band (80)…I..-_~ ® Brake cable ® Band Breather hose Starter cable Primer pump hose C (with primer pump*) * Option Clamp the wireharness ® ® Brake cable Clamp ®…

  • Page 189
    0—1 ISPECI CABLE ROUTING To ignition coil To C.D.1. unit !»»‘-. ® To meter assembly -c _,,» »» ..»» Band ® To carburetor Breather hose Voltage regulator ® Fuel level hose ® Oil hose ® Clamp Breather hose To carburetor switch To fuel pump ®…
  • Page 190
    ISPECI CABLE ROUTING ® Breather hose Fuel level hose ® Sub tank ® Fuel suction hose To taillight— ® Oil hose Pass the wireharness below the fuel tank. ® ® Throttle cable From recovery tank Indicator panel Brake cable Oil tank Starter cable Place the taillight lead coupler as shown.
  • Page 191
    I0—1 SPEC CABLE ROUTING Speedometer lead ® Speedometer cable ® Starter cable ® Clamp Taillight lead BR250T ® Clamp Band ® Recovery tank Main switch ® ® Voltage regulator Headlight beam switch ® Grip warmer Grip warmer switch ® Tail/Brake light lead JlENGINE STOP»…

инструкцияYamaha Bravo (2009)


















0.7×1 CR









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Il convient de lire attentivement ce manuel avant la première utilisation du véhicule.

Read this manual carefully before operating this vehicle.

Посмотреть инструкция для Yamaha Bravo (2009) бесплатно. Руководство относится к категории без категории, 1 человек(а) дали ему среднюю оценку 7.5. Руководство доступно на следующих языках: английский. У вас есть вопрос о Yamaha Bravo (2009) или вам нужна помощь? Задайте свой вопрос здесь

Логотип Yamaha

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Инструкция Yamaha Bravo (2009) доступно в русский?

К сожалению, у нас нет руководства для Yamaha Bravo (2009), доступного в русский. Это руководство доступно в английский.

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