Ответ: Обновлены ссылки на мануалы для Игниса
Здравствуйте! Я тут недавно, ничего не пойму пока. Но мне нужна инструкция к игнису 2001 на русском языке. Может кто может помочь,а? И еще хочу узнать где у него бензиновый фильтр?
Ответ: Обновлены ссылки на мануалы для Игниса
http://webfile.ru/2189631 — инструкция пользователя на русском, для машин с 2004 года, но в основном подходит и для Игнисов 2000-2003.
Сервисная инструкция (большая и подробная) — только на английском.
Бензиновый фильтр у нас в топливном баке, вроде как совмещен с бензонасосом — на Игнисах-венграх точно совмещен, а у нас могут быть варианты! но я точно не знаю еще. Пусть те, кто менял, ответят точнее
Ответ: Обновлены ссылки на мануалы для Игниса
ААААААА Спаибо, спасибо,спасибо!!!!:thumbsup: Буду изучать и правильно эксплуатировать! Классный сайт! Из меня прям прет благодарность и радость! Урааааа!!!!
Ответ: Обновлены ссылки на мануалы для Игниса
Обращайся всегда рады)
Ответ: Обновлены ссылки на мануалы для Игниса
ААААААА Спаибо, спасибо,спасибо!!!!:thumbsup:
Буду изучать и правильно эксплуатировать! Классный сайт! Из меня прям прет благодарность и радость! Урааааа!!!!
если благодарность прет — жми кнопку «спасибо»-)
Ответ: Обновлены ссылки на мануалы для Игниса
А если есть вопросы по ремонту, звони, Казань, 2131681, Ленар. Он этих Вагонов-Игнисов-Агил переделал…в. т.ч. и две моих.
А ЧТО-ТО НЕТ запрошенных файлов????
Ответ: Обновлены ссылки на мануалы для Игниса
Тут Sokolov выложил сервис-мануал Игнис-2007 на русском. У него правильный японец, говорил все очень похоже.
Проходил мимо
Ответ: Обновлены ссылки на мануалы для Игниса
А сможет кто-нибудь перевыложить
электросхема для Игниса-венгра, на английском.
В свое время не качал, а вот теперь понадобилась.
Ответ: Обновлены ссылки на мануалы для Игниса
У меня при выключенном зажигании бензиновая стрелка все равно показывает уровень топлива. Так должно быть? Раньше у меня был Опель, такого не было.Чешу репу.
Ответ: Обновлены ссылки на мануалы для Игниса
У меня тоже показывает. Это ж хорошо — всегда видно, сколько осталось
Ответ: Обновлены ссылки на мануалы для Игниса
Вот и славненько! А то я уж заволновалась!
Ответ: Обновлены ссылки на мануалы для Игниса
Ссылки на мануалы и схемы устарели. Перезалейте на японцев, если не сложно.
Ответ: Обновлены ссылки на мануалы для Игниса
Братцы, SOS, помогите! Срочно нужны данные по колесам: вылет диска и диаметр посадочного отверстия. Игнис, левый руль 2001 год, 3-хдверка! Заранее всем спасибо!!!
Ответ: Обновлены ссылки на мануалы для Игниса
Параметры родных дисков:
К-во болтов (LZ): 4
PCD: 100 мм
ET: 45 мм
DIA: 54 мм
X-Factor: 14 x 4 1/2 J,
Гайки M12 x 1.25
Из мануала:
Tire and wheel size (Standard):
165/70R14 ··· 14 x 4 1/2 J,
175/65R14 ··· 14 x 5J
185/60R15 ··· 15 x 5J
LZ 4
PCD — 100
4 1/2 J, — посадочная ширина диска в дюймах
Lateral runout limit
“a” : 0.90 mm (0.035 in.)
Radial runout limit
“b” : 0.70 mm (0.028 in.)
All models use metric lug nuts and wheel studs.
Metric lug nuts and wheel studs size
: M12 x 1.25
Добавлено через 3 минуты
Ссылки на мануалы и схемы устарели. Перезалейте на японцев, если не сложно.
http://webfile.ru/2268338 — сервис-мануал для всех модификаций Игниса 2000-2003 (по вину выберете нужную)+єлектросхема
Ответ: Обновлены ссылки на мануалы для Игниса
не помню где-то здесь скачал
руководство пользователя на игнис на русском языке в очень хорошом качестве в pdf формате
файл был Suzuki_Ignis_manual_scan.rar 12 003 745 байт
Ответ: Обновлены ссылки на мануалы для Игниса
руководство пользователя на игнис венгр на русском языке в очень хорошом качестве в pdf формате
файл Suzuki_Ignis_manual_scan.rar 12 003 745 байт
Ответ: Обновлены ссылки на мануалы для Игниса
По просьбам трудящихся
http://www.onlinedisk.ru/file/30739/ сервис-мануал для всех модификаций Игниса 2000-2003 (по вину выберете нужную)+электросхема
Ответ: Обновлены ссылки на мануалы для Игниса
Нужны электросхемы для венгра и для японца. Ссылки устарели. Поделитесь кто-нибудь.
Ответ: Обновлены ссылки на мануалы для Игниса
И ведь еще раз спасибо Аннеточка..
Ответ: Обновлены ссылки на мануалы для Игниса
Не за что
Ответ: Обновлены ссылки на мануалы для Игниса
Здравствуйте помогите пожалуйста достать инструкцию Венгра 2007 очень нужно
Ответ: Обновлены ссылки на мануалы для Игниса
#20 что не подходит или не качается?
до нового года можно с mail.ru у меня скачать
руководство пользователя на игнис венгр на русском языке в очень хорошом качестве в pdf формате
файл Suzuki_Ignis_manual_scan.rar 12 003 745 байт
Ответ: Обновлены ссылки на мануалы для Игниса
http://www.onlinedisk.ru/file/60137/ — сервис-мануал для всех модификаций Игниса-венгра 2004-2007 +электросхема, для японца еще активна прошлая ссылка
Ответ: Обновлены ссылки на мануалы для Игниса
#20 что не подходит или не качается?
до нового года можно с mail.ru у меня скачать
http://files.mail.ru/UCL5HCруководство пользователя на игнис венгр на русском языке в очень хорошом качестве в pdf формате
файл Suzuki_Ignis_manual_scan.rar 12 003 745 байт
:thumbsup: я скачала и после нового года!
Сборник руководств на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту + схемы электрооборудования автомобиля Suzuki Ignis.
- Автор: —
- Издательство: Suzuki Motor Company
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- Формат: PDF
- Размер: 66,2 Mb
Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Suzuki Ignis.
- Автор: —
- Издательство: Motorist
- Год издания: —
- Страниц: 1210
- Формат: PDF
- Размер: —
Руководство по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию автомобиля Suzuki Ignis.
- Автор: —
- Издательство: Suzuki Motor Company
- Год издания: 2005
- Страниц: 208
- Формат: PDF
- Размер: 12,3 Mb
Руководство по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобилей Chevrolet Cruze 2001-2008, Suzuki Swift 2000-2005 и Suzuki Ignis 2000-2008 годов выпуска с бензиновыми двигателями объемом 1,3/1,5 л.
- Автор: —
- Издательство: Легион-Автодата
- Год издания: —
- Страниц: 430
- Формат: —
- Размер: —
Руководство по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию автомобиля Suzuki Ignis.
- Автор: —
- Издательство: MoToR
- Год издания: —
- Страниц: 208
- Формат: —
- Размер: —
- Manuals
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Table of Contents
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Summary of Contents for Suzuki Ignis
Page 2
3. Search necessary information in the reverse order of manual group number. Applicable Manual Group (NO. : (1) — (4)) Model Category Language Service Manual Wiring Diagram Manual Model A IGNIS E, F, G, D, B, S (RM413) 2003- Model B IGNIS E, F, G, D, B, S… -
Page 3
99500U86G00-01D Service Manual 99500U86G00-01B 99500U86G00-01S 99501U86G10-01E 99501U86G10-01F IGNIS 99501U86G10-01G (RM415/RM413D) 99501U86G10-01D Supplementary Service Manual 99501U86G10-01B 99501U86G10-01S 99501U86G20-01E 99501U86G20-01F IGNIS/wagon R+ 99501U86G20-01G (RM413D/RB413D) 99501U86G20-01D Supplementary Service Manual 99501U86G20-01B 99501U86G20-01S IGNIS (RM413/415/413D) E,F,G,D,B,S 99512U86G20-669 Wiring Diagram Manual 99501U86G30-01E 99501U86G30-01F IGNIS/wagon R+ 99501U86G30-01G… -
Page 4
VIN TABLE MANUAL LIST Model A: The VIN within the range shown in the table are categorized as “Model A” HOW TO APPLICABLE TSMMHY51S00100001 TSMMHX51S00100001 Model B: The VIN within the range shown in the table are categorized as “Model B” TSMMHY81S00100001 TSMMHX81S00100001 Model C:… -
Page 5
SERVICE MANUAL 99500-80G00-01E… -
Page 6
Either of these two conditions may result in severe injury. • If the air bag system and another vehicle system both need repair, Suzuki recommends that the air bag system be repaired first, to help avoid unintended air bag system activation. -
Page 7
Strict observance of the so specified items will enable one to obtain the full performance of the vehicle. When replacing parts or servicing by disassembling, it is recommended to use SUZUKI genuine parts, tools and service materials (lubricant, sealants, etc.) as specified in each description. -
Page 8
TABLE OF CONTENTS GENERAL INFORMATION ENGINE General Information General Information and Diagnosis Maintenance and Lubrication Engine Mechanical HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING Engine Cooling Heater and Ventilation Engine Fuel Air Conditioning Engine and Emission Control System STEERING, SUSPENSION, WHEELS Ignition System AND TIRES Cranking System Steering, Suspension, Wheels and Tires… -
Page 9
Page 10
0A-2 GENERAL INFORMATION HOW TO USE THIS MANUAL 1) There is a “TABLE OF CONTENTS” on the third page of this manual, whereby you can easily find the sec- tion that offers the information you need. Also, there is a CONTENTS on the first page of each section, where the main items in that section are listed. -
Page 11
• If the air bag system and another vehicle system both need repair, SUZUKI recommends that the air bag sys- tem be repaired first, to help avoid unintended air bag system activation. -
Page 12
0A-4 GENERAL INFORMATION SERVICING AND HANDLING WARNING: Many of service procedures require disconnection of “AIR BAG” fuse and all air bag (inflator) module(s) from initiator circuit to avoid an accidental deployment. Driver and Passenger Air Bag (Inflator) Modules • For handling and storage of a live air bag (inflator) module, select a place where the ambient temperature below 65°C (150°F), without high humidity and away from electric noise. -
Page 13
GENERAL INFORMATION 0A-5 WARNING: • For handling and storage of a SDM, select a place where the ambient temperature below 65°C (150°F), without high humidity and away from electric noise. • During service procedures, be very careful when handling a Sensing and Diagnostic Module (SDM). Never strike or jar the SDM. -
Page 14
0A-6 GENERAL INFORMATION • Air bag wire harness can be identified easily as it is covered with a yellow protection tube. Be very careful when handling it. • When an open in air bag wire harness, damaged wire harness, connector or terminal is found, replace wire harness, connectors and terminals as an assembly. -
Page 15
GENERAL INFORMATION 0A-7 • Before starting any service work, cover fenders, seats and any other parts that are likely to get scratched or stained during servicing. Also, be aware that what you wear (e.g, buttons) may cause damage to the vehicle’s finish. -
Page 16
0A-8 GENERAL INFORMATION • Make sure that all parts used in reassembly are perfectly clean. When use of a certain type of lubricant, bond or sealant is specified, be sure to use the specified type. “A” : Sealant 99000-31150 • Be sure to use special tools when instructed. Special Tool (A) : 09917-98221 (B) : 09916-58210… -
Page 17
GENERAL INFORMATION 0A-9 • Use care not to expose connectors and electrical parts to water which will be a cause of a trouble. • Always be careful not to handle electrical parts (com- puter, relay, etc.) in a rough manner or drop them. PRECAUTIONS FOR CATALYTIC CONVERTER For vehicles equipped with a catalytic converter, use only unleaded gasoline and be careful not to let a large amount of unburned gasoline enter the converter or it can be damaged. -
Page 18
0A-10 GENERAL INFORMATION PRECAUTION IN SERVICING FULL-TIME 4WD VEHICLE This full-time 4WD vehicle can not be converted to 2WD man- ually. Observe the following caution in servicing. Otherwise, front wheels drive rear wheels or vise-versa and vehicle acci- dents, drivetrain damage and personal injury may result. •… -
Page 19
GENERAL INFORMATION 0A-11 PRECAUTIONS FOR ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT SERVICE • When replacing a fuse, make sure to use a fuse of the specified capacity. Use of a fuse with a larger capacity will cause a damage to the electrical parts and a fire. •… -
Page 20
0A-12 GENERAL INFORMATION • When installing the wiring harness, fix it with clamps so that no slack is left. • When installing vehicle parts, be careful so that the wir- ing harness is not interfered with or caught by any other part. -
Page 21
GENERAL INFORMATION 0A-13 • When taking measurements at electrical connectors using a tester probe, be sure to insert the probe (2) from the wire harness side (backside) of the connector (1). • When connecting meter probe (2) from terminal side of coupler (1) because it can’t be connected from harness side, use extra care not to bend male terminal of coupler of force its female terminal open for connection. -
Page 22
0A-14 GENERAL INFORMATION When checking system circuits including an electronic control unit such as ECM, TCM, ABS control module, etc., it is important to perform careful check, starting with items which are easier to check. 1) Disconnect negative (–) cable from battery 2) Check each connector at both ends of the circuit being checked for loose connection. -
Page 23
GENERAL INFORMATION 0A-15 2) Disconnect the connector included in the circuit (connector-B in the figure) and measure resistance between terminals A-1 and B-1. If no continuity is indicated, that means that the circuit is open between terminals A-1 and B-1. If continuity is indi- cated, there is an open circuit between terminals B-1 and C- 1 or an abnormality in connector-B. -
Page 24
0A-16 GENERAL INFORMATION SHORT CIRCUIT CHECK (WIRE HARNESS TO GROUND) 1) Disconnect negative (–) cable at battery. 2) Disconnect connectors at both ends of the circuit to be checked. NOTE: If the circuit to be checked is connected to other parts (1), disconnect all connectors of those parts. -
Page 25
GENERAL INFORMATION 0A-17 • Improperly formed or damaged terminals. Check each connector terminal in problem circuits carefully to ensure good contact tension by using the corresponding mating terminal. If contact tension is not enough, reform it to increase contact tension or replace. 1. -
Page 26
0A-18 GENERAL INFORMATION IDENTIFICATION INFORMATION VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER The number is punched on front dash panel in engine room. ENGINE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER The number is punched on cylinder block. TRANSMISSION IDENTIFICATION NUMBER The automatic transmission identification number is located on transmission case. -
Page 27
GENERAL INFORMATION 0A-19 WARNING, CAUTION AND INFORMATION LABELS The figure below shows main labels among others that are attached to vehicle component parts. When servicing and handling parts, refer to WARNING/CAUTION instructions printed on labels. If any WARNING/CAUTION label is found stained or damaged, clean or replace it as necessary. 1. -
Page 28
0A-20 GENERAL INFORMATION VEHICLE LIFTING POINTS WARNING: • Before applying hoist to underbody, always take vehicle balance throughout service into consider- ation. Vehicle balance on hoist may change depending on what part to be removed. • Before lifting up the vehicle, check to be sure that end of hoist arm is not in contact with brake pipe, fuel pipe, bracket or any other part. -
Page 29
GENERAL INFORMATION 0A-21 WHEN USING FLOOR JACK WARNING: If the vehicle to be jacked up only at the front or rear end, be sure to block the wheels on ground in order to ensure safety. After the vehicle is jacked up, be sure to support it on stands. -
Page 30
0A-22 GENERAL INFORMATION ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS MAY BE USED IN THIS MANUAL ABBREVIATIONS Anti-lock Brake System EFE Heater Early Fuel Evaporation Heater (Positive Temperature Coefficient, ATDC After Top Dead Center PTC Heater) American Petroleum Institute Automatic Transmission Fluid Electronic Power Steering Automatic Locking Retractor EVAP Evaporative Emission… -
Page 31
GENERAL INFORMATION 0A-23 PSP Switch Power Steering Pressure Switch (P/S Pressure Switch) Powertrain Control Module Positive Crankcase Ventilation R RH Right Hand Society of Automotive Engineers Sensing and Diagnostic Module (Air bag controller, Air bag con- trol module) Sequential Multiport Fuel Injec- tion SOHC Single over Head Camshaft… -
Page 32
0A-24 GENERAL INFORMATION SYMBOLS SYMBOL DEFINITION SYMBOL DEFINITION Tightening torque Apply SUZUKI BOND NO. 1216 99000-31160 Apply oil (engine, transmission, trans- Apply SILICONE SEALANT fer, differential) 99000-31120 Apply fluid (brake, power steering or Apply SEALING COMPOUND 366E automatic transmission fluid) -
Page 33: Metric Fasteners
GENERAL INFORMATION 0A-25 FASTENER INFORMATION METRIC FASTENERS Most of the fasteners used for this vehicle are metric. When replacing any fasteners, it is most important that replacement fasteners be the correct diameter, thread pitch and strength. FASTENER STRENGTH IDENTIFICATION Most commonly used metric fastener strength property classes are 4T, 6.8, 7T, 8.8 and radial line with the class identification embossed on the head of each bolt.
Page 34
0A-26 GENERAL INFORMATION Tightening torque chart : Thread Diameter (Nominal Diameter) (mm) A equivalent of 4T strength N·m fastener kg-m 0.15 0.30 0.55 10.5 lb-ft 21.0 32.5 47.0 76.0 116.0 A equivalent of 6.8 strength N·m fastener without flange kg-m 0.24 0.47 0.84… -
Page 35
• Service on and around the air bag system components or wiring must be performed only by an authorized SUZUKI dealer. Refer to “Air Bag System Components and Wiring Location View” under “General Description” in air bag system section in order to confirm whether you are performing ser- vice on or near the air bag system components or wiring. -
Page 36
0B-2 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE UNDER NORMAL DRIVING CONDITIONS NOTE: • This interval should be judged by odometer reading or months, whichever comes first. • This table includes service as scheduled up to 90,000 km (54,000 miles) mileage. Beyond 90,000 km (54,000 miles), carry out the same services at the same intervals respectively. -
Page 37
MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION 0B-3 Km (x 1,000) Interval Miles (x 1,000) Months BRAKE Brake discs and pads (thickness, wear, damage) Brake drums and shoes (wear, damage) – – – Brake hoses and pipes (leakage, damage, clamp) – – – Brake fluid –… -
Page 38
0B-4 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION MAINTENANCE RECOMMENDED UNDER SEVERE DRIVING CONDITIONS If the vehicle is usually used under the conditions corresponding to any severe condition code given below, IT IS RECOMMENDED that applicable maintenance operation be performed at the particular interval as shown in the following table. -
Page 39
MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION 0B-5 MAINTENANCE SERVICE ENGINE DRIVE BELT WARNING: All inspection and replacement are to be performed with ENGINE NOT RUNNING. WATER PUMP AND GENERATOR DRIVE BELT INSPEC- TION 1) Disconnect negative (–) cable at battery. 2) Inspect belt for cracks, cuts, deformation, wear and cleanli- ness. -
Page 40
0B-6 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION A/C COMPRESSOR DRIVE BELT (IF EQUIPPED) INSPEC- TION 1) Disconnect negative (–) cable at battery. 2) Inspect belt for cracks, cuts, deformation, wear and cleanli- ness. If any defect exists, replace. Check belt for tension. If belt tension is out of specification, adjust it referring to “COMPRESSOR DRIVE BELT”… -
Page 41
MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION 0B-7 1) Drain engine oil by removing drain plug. 2) After draining oil, wipe drain plug clean. Reinstall drain plug, and tighten it securely as specified below. Tightening torque Engine oil drain plug (a) : 50 N·m (5.0 kg-m, 36.5 lb-ft) 3) Loosen oil filter by using oil filter wrench (special tool). -
Page 42
0B-8 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION 6) Replenish oil until oil level is brought to FULL level mark on dipstick. (oil pan and oil filter capacity). The filler inlet is at the top of the cylinder head cover. It is recommended to use engine oil of SE, SF, SG, SH or SJ grade. -
Page 43
MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION 0B-9 CAUTION: When changing engine coolant, use mixture of 50% water and 50% ANTIFREEZE/ANTICORROSION COOLANT for the market where ambient temperature falls lower than – 16°C (3°F) in winter, and mixture of 70% water and 30% ANTIFREEZE/ANTICORROSION COOLANT for the market where ambient temperature doesn’t fall lower than –16°C (3°F). -
Page 44: Ignition System
0B-10 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION EXHAUST SYSTEM INSPECTION WARNING: To avoid danger of being burned, do not touch exhaust system when it is still hot. Any service on exhaust sys- tem should be performed when it is cool. When carrying out periodic maintenance, or the vehicle is raised for other service, check exhaust system as follows: •…
Page 45
MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION 0B-11 4) Install air cleaner filter fitting protrusion (1) of filter into groove (2) of case and clamp upper case securely. REPLACEMENT Replace air cleaner filter with new one according to steps 1), 2) and 4) of inspection procedure. FUEL LINES AND CONNECTIONS INSPECTION Visually inspect fuel lines and connections for evidence of fuel… -
Page 46
0B-12 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION FUEL TANK INSPECTION Check fuel tank damage, cracks, fuel leakage, corrosion and tank bolts looseness. If a problem is found, repair or replace. EMISSION CONTROL SYSTEM PCV VALVE INSPECTION Check crankcase ventilation hose and PCV hose for leaks, cracks or clog, and PCV valve for stick or clog. -
Page 47
MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION 0B-13 BRAKE DRUMS AND SHOES (REAR) INSPECTION 1) Remove wheel and brake drum. 2) Check rear brake drums and brake linings for excessive wear and damage, while wheels and drums are removed. At the same time, check wheel cylinders for leaks. Replace these parts as necessary. -
Page 48
0B-14 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION 2) Check tooth tip of each notch for damage or wear. If any damage or wear is found, replace parking lever. 3) Check parking brake lever for proper operation and stroke, and adjust it if necessary. For checking and adjusting procedures, refer to “PARKING BRAKE INSPECTION AND ADJUSTMENT”… -
Page 49
MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION 0B-15 WHEEL DISCS INSPECTION Inspect each wheel disc for dents, distortion and cracks. A disc in badly damaged condition must be replaced. WHEEL BEARING INSPECTION 1) Check front wheel bearing for wear, damage, abnormal noise or rattles. For details, refer to “WHEEL DISC, NUT AND BEARING CHECK”… -
Page 50
0B-16 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION 3) Check steering linkage for looseness and damage. Repair or replace defective parts, if any. 4) Check boots (1) and (2) of steering linkage and steering gear case for damage (leak, detachment, tear, etc.). If damage is found, replace defective boot with new one. -
Page 51
MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION 0B-17 MANUAL TRANSMISSION OIL INSPECTION 1) Inspect transmission case for evidence of oil leakage. Repair leaky point if any. 2) Make sure that vehicle is placed level for oil level check. 3) Remove oil filler/level plug (1) of transmission. 4) Check oil level. -
Page 52
0B-18 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION REPLACEMENT 1) Inspect transmission case for evidence of fluid leakage. Repair leaky point, if any. 2) Make sure that vehicle is placed level for fluid level check. 3) Change fluid. For its procedure, refer to “CHANGING A/T FLUID”… -
Page 53
MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION 0B-19 ALL LATCHES, HINGES AND LOCKS INSPECTION DOORS Check that each door of front, rear and back doors opens and closes smoothly and locks securely when closed. If any malfunction is found, lubricate hinge and latch or repair door lock system. -
Page 54
0B-20 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION ENGINE START Check engine start for readiness. WARNING: Before performing the following check, be sure to have enough room around the vehicle. Then, firmly apply both the parking brake and the regular brakes. Do not use the accelerator pedal. If the engine starts, be ready to turn off the ignition promptly. -
Page 55
MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION 0B-21 STEERING • Check to ensure that steering wheel is free from instability, or abnormally heavy feeling. • Check that the vehicle does not wander or pull to one side. ENGINE • Check that engine responds readily at all speeds. •… -
Page 56
Page 57
• Service on and around the air bag system components or wiring must be performed only by an authorized SUZUKI dealer. Refer to “Air Bag System Components and Wiring Location View” under “General Description” in Section 10B in order to confirm whether you are performing service on or near the air bag system components or wiring. -
Page 58
1A-2 HEATER AND VENTILATION GENERAL DESCRIPTION 1. Heater unit 5. Ventilation louver 9. Demister air 13. Heater core 2. Air inlet box 6. Ventilation air 10. Fresh air 3. Ventilator duct 7. Foot air 11. Recirculation air 4. Defroster nozzle 8. -
Page 59
HEATER AND VENTILATION 1A-3 DIAGNOSIS DIAGNOSIS TABLE Condition Possible Cause Correction Heater blower fan Fuse blown Check “HEATER” fuse, main heater motor won’t work even fuse and check for short circuit to when its switch is ground. operating position. Blower main relay faulty Check blower main relay. -
Page 60
1A-4 HEATER AND VENTILATION WIRING CIRCUIT 1. Main fuse box 4. Lighting switch 7. Blower fan switch 10. To ECM 2. Ignition switch 5. Blower fan motor 8. To ECM (idle up signal) 3. Circuit fuse box 6. Blower fan motor resistor 9. -
Page 61
HEATER AND VENTILATION 1A-5 ON-VEHICLE SERVICE HEATER UNIT 1. Heater core 4. Temperature door assembly 7. Temperature lever assembly Do not reuse 2. Blower fan motor assembly 5. Air outlet control door assembly 8. Packing 3. Blower fan motor resistor 6. -
Page 62
1A-6 HEATER AND VENTILATION REMOVAL 1) Disconnect negative (–) cable at battery. 2) Drain engine coolant and disconnect heater hoses (1) from heater unit. 3) Remove heater unit mounting nut (2). 4) Remove instrument panel by referring to “INSTRUMENT PANEL” in Section 9. 5) Disconnect blower motor and resistor couplers from heater unit. -
Page 63
HEATER AND VENTILATION 1A-7 BLOWER FAN MOTOR REMOVAL 1) Disconnect negative (–) cable at battery. 2) Remove steering column hole cover. 3) Remove brake and clutch pedals bracket from vehicle body. 4) Disconnect blower motor coupler (1). 5) Remove blower fan motor (2). INSPECTION 1) Check continuity between two terminal as shown. -
Page 64
1A-8 HEATER AND VENTILATION BLOWER FAN MOTOR RESISTOR REMOVAL 1) Disconnect negative (–) cable at battery. 2) Disconnect blower fan motor resistor coupler. 3) Remove blower fan motor resistor (1) as shown. INSPECTION Measure each terminal-to-terminal resistance on resistor If measured resistance is incorrect, replace blower motor resistor. Blower fan motor resistor resistance H–MH : approximately 0.5 Ω… -
Page 65: Heater Control Assembly
HEATER AND VENTILATION 1A-9 HEATER CONTROL ASSEMBLY 1. Heater control assembly 3. A/C switch LED (if equipped) 5. Fresh air control cable 7. Temperature control cable 2. A/C switch knob (if equipped) 4. Bulb 6. Air outlet control cable 8. Heater control knob REMOVAL 1) Disconnect negative (–) cable at battery.
Page 66
1A-10 HEATER AND VENTILATION INSTALLATION 1) Reverse removal procedure for installation. 2) Adjust the following items. a) Move air outlet control dial (1), temperature control dial (2) and fresh air control lever (3) fully in arrow direction as shown in figure. [A] : For LH model [B] : For RH model b) Push air outlet lever (4), temperature lever (5) and door link… -
Page 67
HEATER AND VENTILATION 1A-11 INSPECTION Check blower fan switch for each terminal-to terminal continuity. Circuit table of blower fan switch TERMINAL POSITION ILM S/W 1. Terminal arrangement of blower fan switch 2. Blower fan switch… -
Page 68
1A-12 HEATER AND VENTILATION AIR INLET BOX “A” 1. Resistance board 4. Fresh air duct packing 7. Air inlet door 10. Cable clamp 2. Air inlet case : Apply sealant 99000 — 31160 to hatched part “A” 5. Door link 8. -
Page 69
HEATER AND VENTILATION 1A-13 5) Remove air inlet box mounting nuts (1) and screws (2). 6) Remove air inlet box (3). INSTALLATION Reverse removal procedure to install air inlet box noting the fol- lowing instructions. • Adjust fresh air control cable referring to “INSTALLATION” under “HEATER CONTROL ASSEMBLY”… -
Page 70
Reverse removal procedure to install ventilation louver noting the following instruction. • Be sure to install ventilation louver holder (1) to proper direc- tion as shown. REQUIRED SERVICE MATERIALS Recommended SUZUKI product Material (Part Number) SUZUKI BOND No. 1216B Sealant • Air inlet box 99000 – 31160… -
Page 71
• Service on and around the air bag system components or wiring must be performed only by an authorized SUZUKI dealer. Refer to “Air Bag System Components and Wiring Location View” under “General Description” in air bag system section in order to confirm whether you are performing ser- vice on or near the air bag system components or wiring. -
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AIR CONDITIONING (OPTIONAL) 1B-3 GENERAL DESCRIPTION REFRIGERANT CIRCULATION 1. Compressor 4. Receiver/dryer 7. Evaporator 2. Magnet clutch 5. A/C refrigerant pressure switch 3. Condenser assembly 6. Expansion valve REFRIGERANT TYPE Whether the A/C in the vehicle being serviced uses HFC-134a (R-134a) or CFC-12 (R-12) is indicated on compressor label (1). -
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1B-4 AIR CONDITIONING (OPTIONAL) MAJOR COMPONENTS AND LOCATION 1. Cooling unit 7. Condenser outlet pipe 13. Demister air 19. High pressure charge valve 2. Compressor 8. Liquid pipe 14. Fresh air 20. Sight glass 3. Condenser assembly 9. Expansion valve 15. -
Page 75
AIR CONDITIONING (OPTIONAL) 1B-5 DIAGNOSIS GENERAL DIAGNOSIS TABLE Condition Possible Cause Correction Cool air won’t come No refrigerant Perform recover, evacuation and charging. out (A/C system won’t Fuse blown Check fuses in circuit fuse and main fuse operative) boxes, and check short circuit to ground. A/C switch faulty Check A/C switch. -
Page 76
1B-6 AIR CONDITIONING (OPTIONAL) Condition Possible Cause Correction Cool air won’t come Insufficient or excessive charge of Check charge of refrigerant and system for out or insufficient refrigerant leaks. cooling (A/C system Condenser clogged Check condenser. normal operative) A/C evaporator clogged or frosted Check A/C evaporator and A/C evaporator temperature sensor. -
Page 77
AIR CONDITIONING (OPTIONAL) 1B-7 ABNORMAL NOISE DIAGNOSIS There are various types of noise, ranging from those produced in the engine compartment to those from the passenger compartment, also from rumbling noises to whistling noises. ABNORMAL NOISE FROM COMPRESSOR Condition Possible Cause Correction During compressor Inadequate clearance in piston area (piston or… -
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1B-8 AIR CONDITIONING (OPTIONAL) ABNORMAL NOISE FROM CRANKSHAFT PULLEY Condition Possible Cause Correction A large rattling noise Loosen crankshaft pulley bolt Retighten bolt. is heard at idle or sud- den acceleration. ABNORMAL NOISE FROM TENSION PULLEY Condition Possible Cause Correction Clattering noise is Worn or damaged bearing Replace tension pulley. -
Page 79
AIR CONDITIONING (OPTIONAL) 1B-9 QUICKLY CHECKING OF REFRIGERANT CHARGE The following procedure can be used for quickly checking whether the A/C system has a proper charge of refrigerant or not. Run engine at fast idle, and operate A/C at its maximum cooling capacity for a few minutes. -
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1B-10 AIR CONDITIONING (OPTIONAL) PERFORMANCE DIAGNOSIS 1) Confirm that vehicle and environmental conditions are as fol- lows. • Vehicle is not exposed to direct sun. • Ambient temperature is within 15 – 35°C (59 – 95°F). 2) Make sure that high pressure valve (1) and low pressure valve (2) of manifold gauge set (3) are firmly closed. -
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AIR CONDITIONING (OPTIONAL) 1B-11Check for each pressure of low side and high side if it is within shaded range of graph. If each gauge reading is out of specified pressure, correct defective part referring to “PERFORMANCE DIAGNOSIS TABLE”. NOTE: Pressure registered on gauge varies with ambient tem- perature.
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1B-12 AIR CONDITIONING (OPTIONAL) PERFORMANCE DIAGNOSIS TABLE NOTE: If ambient temperature is approximately 30°C (86°F), it is possible to diagnose A/C system in detail referring to “DETAIL DIAGNOSIS TABLE (AMBIENT TEMPERATURE AT 30 °C (86°F))” under “PER- FORMANCE DIAGNOSIS” in this section. HIGH PRESSURE GAUGE Condition Possible Cause… -
Page 83
AIR CONDITIONING (OPTIONAL) 1B-13 DETAIL DIAGNOSIS TABLE (AMBIENT TEMPERATURE AT 30°C (86°F)) Condition MANIFOLD Possible Cause Correction (kg/cm GAUGE Detail (psi) 0.23 – 0.35 1.4 – 1.75 Normal condition – – (2.3 – 3.5) (14 – 17.5) (33 – 50) (200 –… -
Page 84
1B-14 AIR CONDITIONING (OPTIONAL) Condition MANIFOLD Possible Cause Correction (kg/cm GAUGE Detail (psi) 0.35 – 0.45 2.0 – 2.5 High pressure reading on Overcharged A/C system Adjust refrigerant to specified amount. (3.5 – 4.5) (20 – 25) both low and high pressure (50 –… -
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AIR CONDITIONING (OPTIONAL) 1B-15 COMPRESSOR DRIVE BELT INSPECTION • Check compressor drive belt (6) for wear and cracks, and replace as required. • Check compressor drive belt (6) tension by measuring how much it deflects when pushed at intermediate point between compressor pulley (1) and tension pulley (2) with about 100 N (10 kg) force after crankshaft pulley 1 rotating. -
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1B-16 AIR CONDITIONING (OPTIONAL) ELECTRICAL DIAGNOSIS WIRING DIAGRAM 1. Blower fan motor 6. Radiator/condenser cooling fan relay No.2 11. Ignition switch 16. Main fuse box 2. Blower fan motor resistor 7. Radiator/condenser cooling fan relay No.3 12. A/C evaporator temperature sensor 17. -
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AIR CONDITIONING (OPTIONAL) 1B-17 A/C SYSTEM INSPECTION OF ECM AND ITS CIRCUITS ECM and its circuits can be checked at ECM wiring couplers by measuring voltage. CAUTION: ECM cannot be checked by itself. It is strictly prohibited to connect voltmeter or ohmmeter to ECM with couplers disconnected from it. -
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1B-18 AIR CONDITIONING (OPTIONAL) System Circuit 1. Blower fan motor 8. Main relay A. To “HTR” fuse (25 A) in circuit fuse box 2. Blower fan switch 9. Radiator/condenser cooling fan motor relay No.1 B. To main fuse (15 A) 3. -
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AIR CONDITIONING (OPTIONAL) 1B-19 ECM Voltage Values Table for Relation of A/C Control Terminal Wire Circuit Measurement Normal value Condition ground C41-1 PNK/BLK Compressor magnet Ground to engine 12 – 15 V Except the above-mentioned condition with engine clutch output (Fig B) running 0 –… -
Page 90
1B-20 AIR CONDITIONING (OPTIONAL) REFRIGERANT RECOVERY, EVACUATING AND CHARGING WARNING: • Your eyes should not be exposed to refrigerant (liquid). Any liquid HFC-134a (R-134a) escaping by accident shows a temperature as low as approximately –6°C (32°F) below freezing point. Should liquid HFC-134a (R-134a) get into your eyes, it may cause a serious injury. -
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AIR CONDITIONING (OPTIONAL) 1B-21 RECOVERY REFRIGERANT RECOVERY When discharging refrigerant out of A/C system, always recover it by using refrigerant recovery and recycling equipment. Discharg- ing refrigerant HFC-134a (R-134a) into atmosphere would cause adverse effect to environments. NOTE: • After recovery refrigerant from system, the amount of removed compressor oil must be measured for replen- ishing compressor oil. -
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1B-22 AIR CONDITIONING (OPTIONAL) WHEN REPLACING COMPRESSOR CAUTION: Be sure to use HFC-134a (R-134a) compressor oil. Compressor oil is sealed in each new compressor by the amount required for A/C system. Therefore, when using a new compres- sor for replacement, drain oil from it by the amount calculated as follows. -
Page 93
AIR CONDITIONING (OPTIONAL) 1B-23 1) Connect high charging hose (1) and low charging hose (2) of manifold gauge set (3) respectively as follows : High charging hose (1) → High pressure charging valve (4) on condenser outlet pipe Low charging hose (2) → Low pressure charging valve (5) on suction pipe 2) Attach center charging hose (6) of manifold gauge set (3) to vacuum pump (7). -
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1B-24 AIR CONDITIONING (OPTIONAL) CHARGING CAUTION: • Always charge through low pressure side of A/C system at after the initial charging is performed from the high pressure side with the engine stopped. • Never charge to high pressure side of A/C system with engine running. •… -
Page 95
AIR CONDITIONING (OPTIONAL) 1B-25 7) When refrigerant container (1) is emptied, use the following procedure to replace it with a new refrigerant container (1). a) Close low pressure valve. b) Replace empty container (1) with a refrigerant container which has been charged with refrigerant. When using refrigerant container tap valve (2), use the following proce- dure for replacement. -
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1B-26 AIR CONDITIONING (OPTIONAL) REMOVING MANIFOLD GAUGE SET WARNING: High pressure side is naturally under high pressure. So, care must be used to protect your eyes and skin. When A/C system has been charged with a specified amount of refrigerant, remove manifold gauge set as fol- lows : 1) Close low pressure side valve of manifold gauge set. -
Page 97
AIR CONDITIONING (OPTIONAL) 1B-27 ON-VEHICLE SERVICE WARNING: Should refrigerant HFC-134a (R-134a) strike your eye(s), consult a doctor immediately. • Do not use your hand to rub affected eye(s). Instead, use quantities of fresh cold water to splash it over affected area to thus gradually raise its temperature above the freezing point. •… -
Page 98: Condenser Assembly
1B-28 AIR CONDITIONING (OPTIONAL) • Route drain hose so that drained water does not make any contact to vehicle components. • If pipes or hoses are replaced, replenish specified amount of compressor oil to compressor suction side by referring to “REPLENISHING COMPRESSOR OIL” in this section. HANDLING REFRIGERANT HFC-134a (R-134a) •…
Page 99
AIR CONDITIONING (OPTIONAL) 1B-29 REMOVAL 1) Disconnect negative (–) cable at battery. 2) Recover refrigerant from A/C system by referring to “RECOVERY” in this section. NOTE: The amount of removed compressor oil must be mea- sured for replenishing compressor oil. 3) Remove front bumper referring to “FRONT BUMPER”… -
Page 100
1B-30 AIR CONDITIONING (OPTIONAL) RECEIVER/DRYER REMOVAL 1) Remove condenser assembly referring to “CONDENSER ASSEMBLY” in this section. 2) Remove condenser mounting bracket (1) from condenser (2) as shown. 3) Remove receiver/dryer cap (3) using a hexagon wrench. 4) Remove filter (1) from the receiver/dryer (2). 5) Remove dryer (1) using a plier. -
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AIR CONDITIONING (OPTIONAL) 1B-31 • Tighten receiver/dryer cap to specified torque Tightening torque Receiver / dryer cap : 13 N·m (1.3 kg-m, 9.5 lb-ft) • Replenish specified amount of compressor oil to compressor suction side by referring to “REPLENISHING COMPRES- SOR OIL”… -
Page 102
1B-32 AIR CONDITIONING (OPTIONAL) COOLING UNIT (EVAPORATOR) 1. A/C evaporator 6. Dash packing 11. O-ring 2. A/C evaporator temperature sensor 7. Packing 12. Door link 3. Expansion valve 8. Fresh air duct case 13. Lower packing 4. Evaporator case 9. Clamp Do not reuse. -
Page 103
AIR CONDITIONING (OPTIONAL) 1B-33 4) Remove fresh air control cable (1) and A/C evaporator tem- perature sensor coupler. 5) Disconnect suction hose (1) and condenser outlet hose (2) by removing attaching bolt (3). 6) Remove cooling unit mounting nuts (4) and screws (5). 7) Remove cooling unit (6). -
Page 104: Expansion Valve
1B-34 AIR CONDITIONING (OPTIONAL) A/C EVAPORATOR TEMPERATURE SENSOR Check resistance between terminals for A/C evaporator tempera- ture sensor (1). If check results are as not specified, replace A/C evaporator tem- perature sensor. A/C evaporator temperature sensor resistance Sensor Temperature Resistance 6.4 –…
Page 105
AIR CONDITIONING (OPTIONAL) 1B-35 A/C REFRIGERANT PRESSURE SWITCH INSPECTION 1) Check A/C refrigerant pressure switch (1) for continuity at normal temperature (approximately 25°C (77°F)) when A/C system has a proper charge of refrigerant and A/C system (compressor) is under operation. In each of these cases, switch should show proper continuity. -
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1B-36 AIR CONDITIONING (OPTIONAL) A/C SWITCH REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION Refer to “HEATER CONTROL ASSEMBLY” in Section 1A. INSPECTION • Press A/C switch button and check if there is continuity between terminals “A” and “B”. • Connect battery voltage (+) to terminal “C” and (–) to termi- nal “A”, and then press A/C Switch button and check if indi- cator lamp lights. -
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AIR CONDITIONING (OPTIONAL) 1B-37 6) Remove compressor drive belt (1) by loosening tension pul- ley nut (2) and adjusting bolt (3). 7) Disconnect magnet clutch lead wire coupler.Disconnect suction pipe (4) and discharge hose (5) from compressor (6). NOTE: Cap open fittings immediately to keep moisture out of system.
Page 108: Magnet Clutch
1B-38 AIR CONDITIONING (OPTIONAL) MAGNET CLUTCH 1. Compressor thermal switch 6. Clutch coil a. Front head bolt : Tighten bolt (a) first, and next (b) 2. Compressor body 7. Clutch pulley b. Front head bolt : Tighten bolt (a) first, and next (b) 3.
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AIR CONDITIONING (OPTIONAL) 1B-39 • Use an ohmmeter to check thermal switch (1) for continuity. If it is no continuity, replace it. REMOVAL 1) Remove compressor from vehicle. Refer to “COMPRES- SOR” in this section. 2) Fix clutch plate (1) with special tool and remove clutch plate bolt (2) and washer (3). -
Page 110
1B-40 AIR CONDITIONING (OPTIONAL) 7) Remove clutch pulley (2) with puller (1). NOTE: • Be careful not to damage pulley when tapping clutch pulley. • Be careful not to scratch bearing.Remove clutch coil. 9) Remove circlip (1) by using special tool. Special tool (A) : 09900-06107 10) Remove clutch coil (2) from compressor (3).
Page 111
AIR CONDITIONING (OPTIONAL) 1B-41 4) Adjust clearance, between clutch plate (1) and clutch pulley (2) by putting shim on compressor shaft. Clearance between clutch plate and clutch pulley “a” : 0.3 – 0.6 mm (0.012 — 0.024 in.) 5) Tighten new clutch plate bolt (2) to specified torque as shown. -
Page 112
1B-42 AIR CONDITIONING (OPTIONAL) 5) Remove lip type seal from front head (1) using special tool. Special tool (A) : 09923-73210 INSTALLATION 1) Press-fit new lip type seal (1) into front head (2) using spe- cial tool. Special tool (A) : 09991-06050 CAUTION: Do not reuse lip type seal (1) once removed from com- pressor. -
Page 113
Front head bolt (b) : 22 N·m (2.2 kg-m, 16.0 lb-ft) NOTE: • Be sure to use new front head mounting bolts. • Tighten bolt (a) first, and next (b). REQUIRED SERVICE MATERIAL Recommended SUZUKI product Material (Part Number) Compressor oil COMPRESSOR OIL RS20 (150 cc) •… -
Page 114
1B-44 AIR CONDITIONING (OPTIONAL) SPECIAL TOOL 09900-06107 09990-06010 09990 -86011 Snap ring pliers Manifold gauge set Gas leak detector (Opening type) See NOTE below. 09991-06010 09991-06020 09991-06030 09991-06040 Magnet clutch pulley Armature plate spanner Armature plate remover Lip type seal protector installer 09991-06050 09923-73210… -
Page 115: Steering, Suspension, Wheels And Tires
Page 116: Brakes
3-2 STEERING, SUSPENSION, WHEELS AND TIRES DIAGNOSIS GENERAL DIAGNOSIS Since the problems in steering, suspension, wheels and tires involve several systems, they must all be consid- ered when diagnosing a complaint. To avoid using the wrong symptom, always road test the vehicle first. Pro- ceed with the following preliminary inspection and correct any defects which are found.
Page 117
STEERING, SUSPENSION, WHEELS AND TIRES 3-3 Condition Possible Cause Correction Hard Steering Tire not adequately inflated Inflate tires to proper pressure. Malfunction of power steering system Check and correct. Bind in tie rod end ball studs or lower ball joints Replace tie rod end or front sus- pension arm. -
Page 118
3-4 STEERING, SUSPENSION, WHEELS AND TIRES Condition Possible Cause Correction Wander or Poor Mismatched or uneven tires Replace or inflate tires to proper Steering Stability pressure. Loosen ball joints and tie rod ends Replace suspension arm or tie rod end. Faulty struts or mountings Replace strut or repair mounting. -
Page 119
STEERING, SUSPENSION, WHEELS AND TIRES 3-5 “H” NOTE: *1: Right-to-left trim height (“H”) difference should be within 15 mm (0.6 in.) with curb weight. (same with rear side.) TIRE DIAGNOSIS IRREGULAR AND/OR PREMATURE WEAR Irregular and premature wear has many causes. Some of them are: incorrect inflation pressures, lack of tire rotation, driving hab- its, improper alignment. -
Page 120
3-6 STEERING, SUSPENSION, WHEELS AND TIRES RADIAL TIRE WADDLE Waddle is side to side movement at the front and/or rear of the vehicle. It is caused by the steel belt not being straight within the tire. It is most noticeable at a low speed, 8 to 48 kph (5 to 30 mph). -
Page 121
STEERING, SUSPENSION, WHEELS AND TIRES 3-7 RADIAL TIRE LEAD “Lead” is the deviation of the vehicle from a straight path on a level rod even with no pressure on the steering wheel. Lead is usually caused by: • Incorrect alignment. •… -
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Page 124
3A-2 FRONT END ALIGNMENT GENERAL DESCRIPTION Front alignment refers to the angular relationship between the front wheels, the front suspension attaching parts and the ground. Generally, the only adjustment required for front alignment is toe setting. Camber and caster can’t be adjusted. Therefore, should camber or caster be out of specification due to the damage caused by hazardous road conditions or collision, whether the damage is in body or in suspension should be determined. -
Page 125
FRONT END ALIGNMENT 3A-3 DIAGNOSIS DIAGNOSIS TABLE For the details, refer to Section 3. PRELIMINARY CHECKS PRIOR TO ADJUSTING FRONT ALIGNMENT Steering and vibration complaints are not always the result of improper alignment. An additional item to be checked is the possibility of tire lead due to worn or improperly manufactured tires. “Lead” is the deviation of the vehicle from a straight path on a level road without hand pressure on the steering wheel. -
Page 126
3A-4 FRONT END ALIGNMENT CAMBER AND CASTER CHECK AND ADJUSTMENT Should camber or caster be found out of specifications upon inspection, locate its cause first. If it is in damaged, loose, bent, dented or worn suspension parts, they should be replaced. If it is in vehicle body, repair it so as to attain specifications. -
Page 127
• Service on or around air bag system components or wiring must be performed only by an autho- rized suzuki dealer. Please observe all WARNINGS and CAUTIONS in SECTION 10B and Precau- tions, Air Bag System Components and Wiring Location view in Section 10B before performing service on or around air bag system components or wiring. -
Page 128
3B-2 MANUAL RACK AND PINION GENERAL DESCRIPTION The rack and pinion steering system consists of two components, the rack (2) and the pinion (1). When the steering wheel (3) is turned, the motion is transmitted to the steering shaft joint (4) and then to the pinion. Since the pinion teeth mesh with teeth on rack, the motion is further transferred to the rack and changed to lin- ear motion. -
Page 129
MANUAL RACK AND PINION 3B-3 DIAGNOSIS DIAGNOSIS TABLE Refer to Section 3. STEERING RACK BOOT CHECK Hoist vehicle. Inspect each boot for tear. A torn boot allows entry of dust and water which can cause wear to steering rack and pinion to pro- duce noise as well as rust to result in malfunction of steering sys- tem. -
Page 130
It is recommended to use the grease as given below where grease application is indicated in the text. ✱ ✱ ✱ ✱ SUZUKI SUPER GREASE (E) 99000-25050, or Lithium grease (applicable for –40°C ~ 130°C or 104°F ~ 266°F) -
Page 131
!»#$»%&'»()&»#*&+,#,-#&./01 !» #$%%&'()*&+,- !7″ =+,-*01;()%&*30&'() .*/0012*)&%+3%*4455678585*$9*$%%$:*3;&<+,%*9<*&+,-» 7″ >’%*&9?*19,-*@+3:%& !A» #$%%&'()*&+,-*01;()%& .*/0012*)&%+3%*44555678585*$9*31′?'()*0+&$*9<*01;()%&» A» #$%%&'()*$’%*&9? !B» #$%%&'()*&+,-*:9;3′()*+(?*)%+&*,+3% B» >’%*&9?*%(? !8″ #$%%&'()*&+,-*C;3:'() .*/0012*)&%+3%*44555678585*$9*1′):$12*$9*%($’&%*3;&<+,%*9<* C;3:'()» 8″ D99$ !E» #(+0*&'() F» #$%%&'()*0′(‘9( !G» #$%%&'()*0′(‘9(*3’?%*H9;($ .*/0012*)&%+3%*44555678585*$9*0′(‘9(*3:+<$» E» #$%%&'()*)%+&*,+3%*9’1*3%+1 !4″ >’%*&9?*%(?*19,-*(;$ .*/0012*)&%+3%*44555678585*$9*9’1*3%+1*1’0″ G» I'(‘9(*C%+&'()*01;) 75″ =+,-*C99$*,1’0 .*/0012*)&%+3%*44555678585*$9*'(3’?%*9<*0′(‘9(*C%+&'()*01;)» .*/0012*3%+1+($*J9″*!75EK*445556A!!85*$9*01;)*$:&%+?»… -
Page 132
3B-6 MANUAL RACK AND PINION TIE ROD END REMOVAL 1) Hoist vehicle and remove wheel. 2) Remove split pin (1) and tie rod end castle nut (3) from steer- ing knuckle (2). 3) Disconnect tie rod end from knuckle, using special tool. Special tool (A) : 09913-65210 4) For ease of adjustment after installation, make marking (2) of… -
Page 133
MANUAL RACK AND PINION 3B-7 2) Connect tie rod end to knuckle. Tighten castle nut (1) until holes for split pin (2) are aligned, but only within specified torque. Tightening torque Castle nut (a) : 43 N·m (4.3 kg-m, 31.5 lb-ft) 3) Bend new split pin as shown. -
Page 134
3B-8 MANUAL RACK AND PINION 5) Hoist vehicle and remove both wheels. 6) Remove split pins (3) and tie rod castle nuts (2) from both knuckles (1). 7) Disconnect both tie rod ends (2) from knuckles (1), using special tool. Special tool (A) : 09913-65210Remove exhaust No.1 pipe (1).
Page 135
MANUAL RACK AND PINION 3B-9 INSTALLATION 1) Mount steering gear case (2) to body and tighten gear case mount bolts (1) to specified torque. Tightening torque Gear case mount bolt (a) : 25 N·m (2.5 kg-m, 18.0 lb-ft) 1, (a) 2) Install exhaust No.1 pipe (3). -
Page 136
3B-10 MANUAL RACK AND PINION 6) Reinstall cover (1) removed previously to steering shaft joint. 7) Put back floor mat as it was.Install both wheels and tighten wheel nuts to specified torque. Tightening torque Wheel nut : 85 N·m (8.5 kg-m, 61.5 lb-ft) 9) Lower hoist.
Page 137
MANUAL RACK AND PINION 3B-11 6) Unbend bent part of tie rod lock washer (1) and remove tie rod (2) from rack (3). INSTALLATION 1) Install new tie rod lock washer (2) and tie rod (3) to rack (1). Align straight part “A” of washer with flat part “B” of rack. NOTE: For correct installation of tie rod lock washer, referring to the figure. -
Page 138
3B-12 MANUAL RACK AND PINION 4) Position boot properly in grooves of gear case and tie rod (4) and clamp it with wire (1) and clip (3). Wire should be new and should go around twice and be tightened with its both ends twisted together. The twisted ends should be bent in the circumferential direction. -
Page 139
MANUAL RACK AND PINION 3B-13 INSPECTION • Inspect rack plunger (2) for wear or damage. • Inspect rack plunger spring (1) for deterioration. In either case, if found defective, replace. INSTALLATION 1) Apply grease lightly to sliding part of plunger against rack. Grease : 99000-25050 2) Install rack plunger (3), rack plunger spring (2), rack damper screw (1) to steering case in direction shown. -
Page 140
3B-14 MANUAL RACK AND PINION STEERING PINION REMOVAL 1) Remove rack plunger as shown in STEERING RACK PLUNGER. 2) Remove bearing plug with special tool. Special tool (A) : 09944-26011 3) Tap on position as shown with plastic hammer (2) to sepa- rate pinion assembly (1) from housing, and remove pinion assembly. -
Page 141: Steering Rack
MANUAL RACK AND PINION 3B-15 INSTALLATION 1) Install new oil seal with special tool to pinion bearing plug (1). Special tool (C) : 09925-98210 2) Apply grease to all around pinion teeth (2), pinion needle bearing, gear case O-ring (4) and gear case oil seal lip (1). Fill inside of pinion bearing plug (3) with grease.
Page 142
3B-16 MANUAL RACK AND PINION 4) Unbend bend part of tie rod lock washers (1) and remove tie rods from right and left sides of steering rack. 5) Mark left and right tie rods accordingly. 6) Remove rack plunger and pinion assembly from gear case by performing Steps 1) –… -
Page 143
MANUAL RACK AND PINION 3B-17 5) Before installing boot to steering rack housing (1), make sure that rack side mount (2) is positioned as shown. Install tie rods to rack by performing Steps 1) – 6) in RACK BOOT/TIE ROD INSTALLATION of this section. Rack side mount installing position “a”… -
Page 144
3B-18 MANUAL RACK AND PINION RACK BUSHING REMOVAL NOTE: When removing rack bushing, be careful not to pull out bushing by holding gear case in a vise. Or housing (pipe) may come off gear case. For this work, be sure to use the below specified special tool. -
Page 145
REQUIRED SERVICE MATERIAL Recommended SUZUKI product Material (Part Number) Lithium Grease SUZUKI SUPER GREASE (E) • Sliding part of rack against steering housing (All (Should be applicable (99000-25050) around rack plunger, rack bushing and rack) for –40C° ~ 130°C) •… -
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3B-20 MANUAL RACK AND PINION SPECIAL TOOL 09913-65210 09913-50121 09921-20200 09925-98210 Tie-rod end remover Oil seal remover Pinion bearing remover Bearing installer 09930-30102 09943-78210 09944-18211 09944-26011 Sliding shaft Rack bush installer Pinion torque checking 43 mm Socket (Pinion socket bearing plug remover) 09944-48210 Rack bush remover… -
Page 147
• Service on and around the air bag system components or wiring must be performed only by an authorized SUZUKI dealer. Refer to “Air Bag System Components and Wiring Location View” under “General Description” in air bag system section in order to confirm whether you are performing ser- vice on or near the air bag system components or wiring. -
Page 148
3B1-2 ELECTRICAL POWER STEERING (P/S) SYSTEM STEERING FORCE INSPECTION … 3B1-28 MOTOR AND CLUTCH ……3B1-30 STEERING COLUMN ASSEMBLY ..3B1-31 ON-VEHICLE SERVICE ……. 3B1-29 SPECIAL TOOL ……….. 3B1-31 P/S CONTROL MODULE ……3B1-29 TORQUE SENSOR ……..3B1-29 GENERAL DESCRIPTION SYSTEM COMPONENTS This power steering (P/S) system consists of a P/S control module, a torque sensor, a motor and clutch installed to the steering column. -
Page 149
ELECTRICAL POWER STEERING (P/S) SYSTEM 3B1-3 WIRING DIAGRAM BLK or RED G24-1-1 G24-2-2 G24-1-2 RED or BLK G24-2-1 G24-1-3 G24-1-4 G24-2-4 G24-1-5 G24-2-3 G24-6 G24-5 G24-3 G24-7 G24-4 PPL/WHT BLK/WHT G24-8 G24-1 G24-2 BLK/RED G24-1-1 G24-2-1 G24-1 G24-1-2 G24-3 G24-1-3 G24-2-3 G24-1-5 G24-2-2… -
Page 150
3B1-4 ELECTRICAL POWER STEERING (P/S) SYSTEM DIAGNOSIS The P/S system in this vehicle is controlled by P/S control module. P/S control module has an on-board diagnos- tic system which detects a malfunction in this system. When diagnosing troubles, be sure to have full understanding of the outline of “ON-BOARD DIAGNOSTIC SYS- TEM”… -
Page 151
ELECTRICAL POWER STEERING (P/S) SYSTEM 3B1-5 SYSTEM CHECK FLOW TABLE Step Action 1) Record details of the problem (failure, complaint) and how it Go to Step 2. Go to Step 3. occurred as described by the customer. For this purpose, use of such a questionnaire from as shown below will facilitate collecting information to the point required for proper analysis and diagnosis. -
Page 152
3B1-6 ELECTRICAL POWER STEERING (P/S) SYSTEM NOTE: • As execution of “DTC CLEARANCE” will clear all malfunction DTCs, be sure to record all DTCs before servicing. • When 2 or more codes are indicated, the lowest numbered code will appear first. •… -
Page 153
ELECTRICAL POWER STEERING (P/S) SYSTEM 3B1-7 CUSTOMER QUESTIONNAIRE (EXAMPLE) MALFUNCTION INDICATOR LAMP (“EPS” WARNING LAMP) CHECK 1) Turn ignition switch to ON position (but without running engine), check that malfunction indicator lamp (“EPS” warn- ing lamp) lights up. If lamp does not light up, go to “TABLE A”. -
Page 154
(C) : 09931-76030 3) Turn ignition switch to ON position. 4) Read DTC according to instructions displayed on SUZUKI scan tool and print it or write it down referring to SUZUKI SCAN TOOL OPERATOR’S MANUAL for further details. NOTE: If Suzuki scan tool cannot display DTC, perform “SERIAL DATA LINK CIRCUIT CHECK”… -
Page 155
DTC CLEARANCE USING SUZUKI SCAN TOOL 1) Turn ignition switch to OFF position. 2) After setting cartridge connect SUZUKI scan tool, connect scan tool to data link connector (DLC) (1) located on under- side of instrument panel at driver’s seat side. -
Page 156
Go to Step 2. Go to “SYSTEM CHECK formed? FLOW TABLE” in this sec- tion. 1) Make sure that SUZUKI scan tool free from Go to Step 3. Properly connect SUZUKI malfunction and correct cartridge for P/S scan tool to DLC. -
Page 157
ELECTRICAL POWER STEERING (P/S) SYSTEM 3B1-11 Step Action 1) Check if communication is possible by trying Go to Step 4. Repair open in common communication with other controller section of serial data cir- (ECM, ABS hydraulic unit/control module cuit (“BLU” wire circuit) assembly (if equipped) or SDM). -
Page 158
3B1-12 ELECTRICAL POWER STEERING (P/S) SYSTEM “EPS” light flashing pattern DTC (displayed DTC (indicated on SUZUKI scan by “EPS” light Model DIAGNOSTIC ITEM DIAGNOSIS tool) flashing pattern) This code appears NO DTC Normal when none of the other codes are identified. -
Page 159
Page 160
3B1-14 ELECTRICAL POWER STEERING (P/S) SYSTEM INSPECTION Step Action 1) Set parking brake. Go to Step 2. “BLK/YEL”, “BLK/WHT” 2) Note combination meter when ignition wire circuit or “IG METER” switch is turned to ON position. fuse open or short to Does the “BRAKE”… -
Page 161
ELECTRICAL POWER STEERING (P/S) SYSTEM 3B1-15 TABLE B — MALFUNCTION INDICATOR LAMP FLASHES AT IGNITION SWITCH CIRCUIT Refer to TABLE-A for System Circuit Diagram. Step Action 1) Check monitor coupler. Disconnect jumper wire Go to Step 2. Is it connected diagnosis switch terminal (“8”) from monitor coupler. -
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Page 163
ELECTRICAL POWER STEERING (P/S) SYSTEM 3B1-17 DTC C1114 (DTC No.14) TORQUE SENSOR 5V POWER SUPPLY CIRCUIT FAIL- G24-1-1 G24-1 G24-1-2 BLK/RED G24-2 G24-1 G24-1-3 G24-8 BLK/WHT G24-1-4 G24-8 G24-1-5 G24-2 G24-1-1 G24-1-2 G24-1-3 G24-1-5 G24-1-4 1. To main fuse 4. “IG METER” fuse (15A) in fuse box 7. -
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3B1-18 ELECTRICAL POWER STEERING (P/S) SYSTEM DTC C1116 (DTC No.16) TORQUE SENSOR 8V POWER SUPPLY CIRCUIT FAIL- G24-1-1 G24-1-2 BLK/RED G24-1 G24-1 G24-1-3 G24-2 BLK/WHT G24-1-4 G24-8 G24-8 G24-1-5 G24-2 G24-1-1 G24-1-2 G24-1-3 G24-1-4 G24-1-5 1. To main fuse 4. “IG METER” fuse (15A) in fuse box 7. -
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ELECTRICAL POWER STEERING (P/S) SYSTEM 3B1-19 DTC C1121/C1123/C1124 (DTC No.21/23/24) VSS CIRCUIT FAILURE BLK/RED G24-1 BLK/WHT G24-1 G24-8 BLK/WHT G24-2 G24-5 G24-7 G24-8 G24-5 G24-2 G24-7 1. To main fuse 5. “EPS” warning lamp 9. P/S control module 2. Ignition switch 6. -
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3B1-20 ELECTRICAL POWER STEERING (P/S) SYSTEM DTC C1122 (DTC No.22) ENGINE SPEED SIGNAL CIRCUIT FAILURE G24-1 BLK/RED G24-1 G24-2 G24-6 G24-8 BLK/WHT G24-8 G24-2 G24-6 1. To main fuse 4. “IG METER” fuse (15A) in fuse box 7. Connector “G24” 2. -
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ELECTRICAL POWER STEERING (P/S) SYSTEM 3B1-21 DTC C1141/C1142/C1143/C1144/C1145 (DTC No.41/42/43/44/45) MOTOR CIR- CUIT FAILURE BLK/RED G24-1 BLK or RED G24-2-2 RED or BLK G24-2-1 G24-1 BLK/WHT G24-8 G24-2 G24-2-4 G24-8 G24-2-3 G24-2 G24-2-1 G24-2-3 G24-2-2 G24-2-4 1. To main fuse 4. -
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3B1-22 ELECTRICAL POWER STEERING (P/S) SYSTEM DTC C1151 (DTC No.51) CLUTCH CIRCUIT FAILURE BLK/RED G24-1 G24-1 BLK or RED G24-2-2 RED or BLK BLK/WHT G24-2-1 G24-8 G24-2 G24-8 G24-2-4 G24-2-3 G24-2 G24-2-1 G24-2-3 G24-2-2 G24-2-4 1. To main fuse 4. “IG METER” fuse (15A) in fuse box 7. -
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ELECTRICAL POWER STEERING (P/S) SYSTEM 3B1-23 Fig. for Step 2 Fig. for Step 3… -
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3B1-24 ELECTRICAL POWER STEERING (P/S) SYSTEM DTC C1153(DTC No.53) P/S CONTROL MODULE POWER SUPPLY CIRCUIT FAILURE BLK/RED G24-1 G24-1 G24-2 BLK/WHT G24-8 G24-2 G24-8 1. To main fuse 3. “P/S” fuse (30A) in fuse box 5. P/S control module 2. Ignition switch 4. -
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ELECTRICAL POWER STEERING (P/S) SYSTEM 3B1-25 TROUBLE DIAGNOSIS (FOR TROUBLE NOT INDICATED BY ON BOARD DIAG- NOSTIC SYSTEM) This section describes trouble diagnosis of P/S system parts whose trouble is not indicated by the on-board diagnostic system (self-diagnostic function). When DTC No.12 is indicated by the on-board diagnostic system (self-diagnosis function) and assuredly those steering basic parts as described in “DIAGNOSIS TABLE”… -
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3B1-26 ELECTRICAL POWER STEERING (P/S) SYSTEM INSPECTION OF P/S CONTROL MODULE AND ITS CIRCUITS P/S control module (1) and its circuits can be checked at P/S con- trol module wiring couplers (2) by measuring voltage and resis- tance. CAUTION: P/S control module cannot be checked by itself. It is strictly prohibited to connect voltmeter or ohmmeter to P/S control module with connector disconnected from it. -
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ELECTRICAL POWER STEERING (P/S) SYSTEM 3B1-27 TERMINAL CIRCUIT NORMAL VOLTAGE CONDITION G24-2 Ground – – G24-1 P/S control module 10 – 14V – power supply from battery G24-8 P/S control module 10 – 14V Ignition switch ON power supply from igni- tion switch ✱… -
Page 174
3B1-28 ELECTRICAL POWER STEERING (P/S) SYSTEM STEERING WHEEL PLAY INSPECTION Check steering wheel for looseness or rattle by trying to move it in its shaft direction and lateral direction. If found defective, repair or replace. Check steering wheel play, holding vehicle in straight forward con- dition on the ground and with engine stopped. -
Page 175: Torque Sensor
ELECTRICAL POWER STEERING (P/S) SYSTEM 3B1-29 ON-VEHICLE SERVICE P/S CONTROL MODULE REMOVAL 1) Disconnect negative cable at battery. 2) Remove steering column hole cover. 3) Disconnect connectors (1) from P/S control module. 4) Remove P/S control module (2) from steering column assembly.
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3B1-30 ELECTRICAL POWER STEERING (P/S) SYSTEM MOTOR AND CLUTCH ON-VEHICLE INSPECTION 1) Remove steering column hole cover. 2) Disconnect motor and clutch connector (1) from P/S control module with ignition switch OFF. 3) Check resistance between terminals of motor and clutch connector (1) If check result is not as specified above, replace steering col- umn assembly. -
Page 177
ELECTRICAL POWER STEERING (P/S) SYSTEM 3B1-31 STEERING COLUMN ASSEMBLY Refer to Section 3C for removal and installation of steering col- umn assembly but perform the following step beforehand. • Disconnect all connectors from P/S control module. SPECIAL TOOL 09931-76011 09931-76030 Tech 1A kit Mass storage cartridge 16/14 pin DLC cable… -
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Page 179
• Service on and around the air bag system components or wiring must be performed only by an authorized SUZUKI dealer. Please observe all WARNINGS and “Service Precautions” under “On- Vehicle Service” in air bag system section before performing service on or around the air bag sys- tem components or wiring. -
Page 180: Steering Column
3C-2 STEERING WHEEL AND COLUMN GENERAL DESCRIPTION STEERING COLUMN This double tube type steering column has following three important features in addition to the steering function • The column is energy absorbing, designed to compress in a front-end collision. • The ignition switch and lock are mounted conveniently on this column. •…
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STEERING WHEEL AND COLUMN 3C-3 ON-VEHICLE SERVICE 1. Driver air bag (inflator) module 7. Steering column assembly 13. Immobilizer control module (if equipped) 2. Steering wheel 8. Steering lock assembly (ignition switch) 14. Upper and lower joint bolt : After tightening lower joint bolt, tighten upper joint bolt. 3. -
Page 182
3C-4 STEERING WHEEL AND COLUMN HANDLING AND STORAGE For handling and storage, refer to “HANDLING AND STORAGE” under “SERVICE PRECAUTIONS” in Section 10B. DISPOSAL For disposal, refer to “DISPOSAL” under “SERVICE PRECAUTIONS” in Section 10B. DRIVER AIR BAG (INFLATOR) MODULE WARNING: When handling an air bag (inflator) module, be sure to read “SERVICE PRECAUTIONS”… -
Page 183
STEERING WHEEL AND COLUMN 3C-5 INSPECTION WARNING: Never disassemble driver air bag (inflator) module or measure its resistance. Otherwise, personal injury may result. CAUTION: If air bag (inflator) module was dropped from a height of 90 cm (3 ft) or more, it should be replaced. Check air bag (inflator) module visually and if any of the following is found, replace it with a new one. -
Page 184: Steering Wheel
3C-6 STEERING WHEEL AND COLUMN STEERING WHEEL CAUTION: Removal of the steering wheel allows the contact coil to turn freely but do not turn the contact coil (on the combi- nation switch) more than allowable number of turns (about two and a half turns from the center position clockwise or counterclockwise respectively), or coil will break.
Page 185
STEERING WHEEL AND COLUMN 3C-7 INSTALLATION 1) Check that vehicle’s front tires are at straight-ahead position and contact coil is centered. Refer to “CENTERING CON- TACT COIL”. CAUTION: These two conditions are prerequisite for installation of steering wheel. If steering wheel has been installed with- out these conditions, contact coil will break when steer- ing wheel is turned. -
Page 186
3C-8 STEERING WHEEL AND COLUMN 4) From the position where contact coil became unable to turn any further (it stopped), turn it back clockwise about two and a half rotations and align center mark (1) with alignment mark. CONTACT COIL AND COMBINATION SWITCH ASSEMBLY CAUTION: Do not turn contact coil (on combination switch) more… -
Page 187
STEERING WHEEL AND COLUMN 3C-9 5) Remove contact coil and combination switch assembly screws (1) and disconnect connectors (2) from combination switch (3). 6) Disconnect horn connector (1) from instrument panel har- ness. 7) Remove contact coil and combination switch assembly from steering column. -
Page 188
3C-10 STEERING WHEEL AND COLUMN 3) Install contact coil and combination switch assembly (3) to steering column. NOTE: New contact coil and combination switch assembly is supplied with contact coil set and held at its center posi- tion with a lock pin (1) and seal (2). Remove this lock pin after installing contact coil and combination switch assembly to steering column. -
Page 189
STEERING WHEEL AND COLUMN 3C-11 REMOVAL WARNING: Never rest a steering column assembly on the steering wheel with the air bag (inflator) module face down and column vertical. Otherwise, personal injury may result. 1) Disconnect negative cable at battery. 2) Disable air bag system. Refer to “DISABLING AIR BAG SYSTEM”… -
Page 190
3C-12 STEERING WHEEL AND COLUMN 6) Remove steering column cover screws (1). 7) Separate upper column cover (2) and lower column cover (3), then remove them.Disconnect connectors (1) from combination switch assem- bly (2). 9) Disconnect ignition switch connectors (1) from ignition switch (2).
Page 191
STEERING WHEEL AND COLUMN 3C-13 11) Disconnect horn connector (1) from instrument panel har- ness. 12) If equipped with power steering (P/S) system, disconnect connector (2) from P/S control module (1). 13) Remove steering joint cover. 14) Make alignment marks (1) on joint (2) of steering column and steering lower shaft (3) for a guide during reinstallation. -
Page 192
3C-14 STEERING WHEEL AND COLUMN INSPECTION NOTE: Vehicles involved in accidents resulting in body damage, where steering column has been impacted (or air bag deployed), may have a damaged or misaligned steering column. For checking procedure of steering column assembly, refer to “CHECKING STEERING COLUMN ASSEMBLY AND LOWER SHAFT FOR ACCIDENT DAM- AGE”. -
Page 193
STEERING WHEEL AND COLUMN 3C-15 5) If contact coil and combination switch assembly is removed, install it. Refer to “CONTACT COIL AND COMBINATION SWITCH ASSEMBLY”. 6) Install upper and lower column covers (2 and 3) to steering column assembly by screws (1). 7) Tighten mounting nuts to specified torque in the order “A”… -
Page 194
3C-16 STEERING WHEEL AND COLUMN STEERING LOCK ASSEMBLY (IGNITION SWITCH) REMOVAL 1) Remove steering column (1). Refer to “STEERING COL- UMN”. 2) Using center punch (1), loosen and remove steering lock mounting bolts (2). NOTE: Use care not to damage aluminum part of steering lock body with center punch. -
Page 195
STEERING WHEEL AND COLUMN 3C-17 5) Tighten new bolts (1) until head of each bolt is broken off. 6) Turn ignition key to “ACC” or “ON” position and check to be sure that steering shaft (2) rotates smoothly. Also check for lock operation. -
Page 196
3C-18 STEERING WHEEL AND COLUMN INSTALLATION 1) Be sure that front wheels and steering wheel are in straight forward state. 2) Align flat part “A” of steering lower shaft (1) with bolt hole “B” of shaft joint (2) of column as shown. Then insert lower shaft into shaft joint of steering column with matching marks (4). -
Page 197
STEERING WHEEL AND COLUMN 3C-19 3) Take measurement “a”, “b” as shown. If it is shorter than specified length, replace column assem- bly with new one. Steering shaft and column length “a” : 518 — 521 mm (20.4 — 20.5 in.) “b”… -
Page 198
Page 199
FRONT SUSPENSION 3D-1 SECTION 3D FRONT SUSPENSION NOTE: • All front suspension fasteners are an important attaching part in that it could affect the perfor- mance of vital parts and systems, and/or could result in major repair expense. They must be replaced with one of the same part number or with an equivalent part if replacement becomes nec- essary. -
Page 200
3D-2 FRONT SUSPENSION 175 N·m(17.5 kg-m) 85 N·m(8.5 kg-m) 60 N·m(6.0 kg-m) 65 N·m(6.5 kg-m) 23 N·m(2.3 kg-m) 50 N·m(5.0 kg-m) 105 N·m(10.5 kg-m) 85 N·m(8.5 kg-m) 175 N·m(17.5 kg-m) 45 N·m (4.5kg-m) 43 N·m(4.3 kg-m) 60 N·m(6.0 kg-m) 65 N·m(6.5 kg-m) 1. -
Page 201
FRONT SUSPENSION 3D-3 DIAGNOSIS STABILIZER BAR AND/OR BUSHING CHECK Inspect for damage or deformation. If defective, replace. Bushing Inspect for damage, wear or deterioration. If defective, replace. STRUT ASSEMBLY CHECK • Inspect strut for oil leakage, damage or deformation. • If strut is found faulty, replace it as an assembly unit, because it can not be disassembled. -
Page 202
3D-4 FRONT SUSPENSION • Inspect spring seat for cracks or deformation. If defective, replace. • Inspect bump stopper for deterioration. If defective, replace. • Inspect rebound stopper and strut mount for wear, cracks or deformation. If defective, replace. SUSPENSION CONTROL ARM / STEERING KNUCKLE CHECK Inspect for cracks, deformation or damage. -
Page 203
FRONT SUSPENSION 3D-5 FRONT SUSPENSION FASTENERS CHECK Check each bolt and nut fastening suspension parts for tightness. Tighten loose one, if any, to specified torque, referring to “GEN- ERAL DESCRIPTION” in this section. WHEEL DISC, NUT AND BEARING CHECK • Inspect each wheel disc for dents, distortion and cracks. A disc in badly damaged condition must be replaced. -
Page 204
3D-6 FRONT SUSPENSION ON-VEHICLE SERVICE STRUT ASSEMBLY 1. Strut assembly 5. Coil spring upper seat 9. Strut support nut 2. Coil spring 6. Strut bearing 10. Strut bracket bolt : Apply grease (99000-25010) to all around bearing. : Insert from vehicle rear side. 3. -
Page 205
FRONT SUSPENSION 3D-7 5) Remove strut support nuts (1). NOTE: Hold strut by hand so that it will not fall off. 6) Remove strut assembly. DISASSEMBLY 1) Using a spring compressor (1), compress the strut spring (2) till its force pressing the spring seat (3) is released. WARNING: Use a commercially available spring compressor (1) and follow the operation procedure described in the Instruc-… -
Page 206
3D-8 FRONT SUSPENSION • Tighten strut nut to specified torque by using special tools. Tightening torque Strut nut (a) : 50 N·m (5.0 kg-m, 36.5 lb-ft) Special tool (A) : 09900-00411 (B) : 09900-00414 (C) : 09945-26010 INSTALLATION Install strut assembly by reversing removal procedure, noting the following instructions. -
Page 207
FRONT SUSPENSION 3D-9 STABILIZER BAR AND/OR BUSHINGS 1. Stabilizer bar 4. Bushing 7. Stabilizer bar mounting bracket bolt Tightening torque 2. Mount bracket 5. Washer 8. Sprit pin Do not reuse. 3. Mount bushing 6. Stabilizer bar nut REMOVAL 1) Hoist vehicle and allow front suspension control arms to hang free. -
Page 208
3D-10 FRONT SUSPENSION INSTALLATION For installation, reverse removal procedure, noting the following instructions. • Install stabilizer bar (2) so that paint mark (1) on it comes to the right side of vehicle. • There is a paint mark (1) of stabilizer bar. Install stabilizer bar mount bracket to inside of stabilizer bar at that mark. -
Page 209
FRONT SUSPENSION 3D-11 WHEEL HUB AND STEERING KNUCKLE 1. Front wheel hub 4. Steering knuckle Tightening torque 2. Circlip 5. Drive shaft nut Do not reuse. : Calk, after tightening. 3. Wheel bearing 6. Hub bolt : Face grooved rubber seal side to wheel hub. REMOVAL 1) Hoist vehicle and remove wheel. -
Page 210
3D-12 FRONT SUSPENSION 7) Pull out wheel hub (1) with special tools. Special tool (A) : 09943-17912 (B) : 09942-15510 CAUTION: When wheel hub is removed, replace wheel bearing as a set.Disconnect tie rod end (1) from steering knuckle (2) with special tool.
Page 211
FRONT SUSPENSION 3D-13 DISASSEMBLY 1) Uncaulk and remove dust cover (1). 2) Remove circlip. 3) Using hydraulic press (1) and special tool, remove wheel bearing. Special tool (A) : 09913-75810 CAUTION: When installing wheel bearing, replace it with new one. 4) Remove wheel bearing outside inner race (1). -
Page 212
3D-14 FRONT SUSPENSION ASSEMBLY 1) Face grooved rubber seal side (1) of new wheel bearing (2) upward as shown in figure and press-fit it into knuckle using special tool. Special tool (A) : 09913-75520 CAUTION: When replacing bearing, inner races or outer race, be sure to replace them with new ones as a set. -
Page 213
FRONT SUSPENSION 3D-15 5) Insert new stud bolt (1) in hub hole. Rotate stud bolt slowly to assure that serrations are aligned with those made by origi- nal bolt. INSTALLATION For installation, reverse removal procedure, noting the following instructions. • Using special tool, drive wheel hub (1) into steering knuckle (2) and then install steering knuckle (2). -
Page 214
3D-16 FRONT SUSPENSION • Connect tie rod end (1) to steering knuckle (2) and tighten tie rod end castle nut (3) to specified torque. Tightening torque The rod end castle nut (a) : 43 N·m (4.3 kg-m, 31.5 lb-ft) • Install new split pin (4). •… -
Page 215
FRONT SUSPENSION 3D-17 3) Remove suspension control arm bolt (1). 4) Remove suspension control arm (2). F: Forward DISASSEMBLY 1) Remove bushing. Place suspension control arm onto flat surface side of spe- cial tool and push out bushing with special tool and oil hydraulic press as shown. -
Page 216
3D-18 FRONT SUSPENSION 2) Press-fit bushing so that dimensions “A” and “B” in figure become equal. INSTALLATION 1) Install body side of suspension control arm but tighten sus- pension control arm bolt (1) only temporarily. 2) Install suspension control arm ball joint to steering knuckle. Align ball stud groove with steering knuckle bolt hole. -
Page 217
FRONT SUSPENSION 3D-19 REQUIRED SERVICE MATERIAL Recommended SUZUKI product Material (Part Number) Lithium grease SUZUKI SUPER GREASE A • Strut bearing (99000-25010) SPECIAL TOOL 09900-00411 09900-00414 09913-65210 09913-75520 Hexagon wrench socket Hexagon wrench bit 6 mm Tie rod end remover… -
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Page 219
REAR SUSPENSION 3E-1 SECTION 3E REAR SUSPENSION NOTE: • All suspension fasteners are an important attaching part in that it could affect the performance of vital parts and systems, and/or could result in major repair expense. They must be replaced with one of the same part number or with an equivalent part if replacement becomes necessary. -
Page 220
3E-2 REAR SUSPENSION GENERAL DESCRIPTION Rear suspension is Isolated Trailing Link (l.T.L.) type which consists of coil springs, rear axle, rear axle housing, shock absorbers, lateral rod and trailing arms. 2WD vehicle 63 N·m(6.3 kg-m) 85 N·m(8.5 kg-m) 175 N·m(17.5 kg-m) 65 N·m(6.5 kg-m) 58 N·m(5.8 kg-m) 50 N·m(5.0 kg-m) -
Page 221
REAR SUSPENSION 3E-3 4WD vehicle 63 N·m(6.3 kg-m) 85 N·m(8.5 kg-m) 8 14 13 65 N·m(6.5 kg-m) 58 N·m(5.8 kg-m) 50 N·m(5.0 kg-m) 90 N·m(9.0 kg-m) 80 N·m(8.0 kg-m) 80 N·m(8.0 kg-m) 1. Rear coil spring 5. Lateral rod 9. Brake drum 13. -
Page 222
3E-4 REAR SUSPENSION DIAGNOSIS REAR SHOCK ABSORBER CHECK • Inspect for deformation or damage. • Inspect bushings for wear or damage. • Inspect for evidence of oil leakage. Replace any defective part. WARNING: When handling rear shock absorber (1) in which high- pressure gas is sealed, make sure to observe the follow- ing precautions. -
Page 223
REAR SUSPENSION 3E-5 BUMP STOPPER/SPRING UPPER SEAT CHECK • Inspect for cracks, deformation or damage. Replace any defective part. [A] : 2WD VEHICLE [B] : 4WD VEHICLE REAR SUSPENSION FASTENERS Check each bolt and nut fastening suspension parts for tightness. Tighten loose one, if any, to specified torque referring to the figure in “GENERAL DESCRIPTION”… -
Page 224
3E-6 REAR SUSPENSION • By rotating wheel actually, check wheel bearing for noise and smooth rotation. If it is defective, replace bearing. ON-VEHICLE SERVICE LATERAL ROD REMOVAL 1) Hoist vehicle. 2) Remove lateral rod nuts (1) and bolt (2). 3) Remove lateral rod (3). INSTALLATION 1) Install lateral rod (1) to rear axle (2) (2WD vehicle) or rear axle housing (4WD vehicle) and vehicle body (3) referring to… -
Page 225: Rear Shock Absorber
REAR SUSPENSION 3E-7 3) Tighten lateral rod nuts (1) to specified torque. It is the most desirable to have vehicle off hoist and in no-loaded condition when tightening them. Tightening torque Lateral rod left side nut (a) : 50 N·m (5.0 kg-m, 36.5 lb-ft) Lateral rod right side nut (b) : 65 N·m (6.5 kg-m, 47.0 lb-ft) REAR SHOCK ABSORBER REMOVAL…
Page 226
3E-8 REAR SUSPENSION 3) Remove lateral rod right side bolt (1) and nut (2). 4) Detach lateral rod right side from vehicle body. 5) Remove brake flexible hose E-ring (1). 6) Remove LSPV adjust nut and detach spring end from rear axle (2WD vehicle) or axle housing (4WD vehicle) (if equipped with LSPV). -
Page 227
REAR SUSPENSION 3E-9 INSTALLATION 1) Install coil springs (1) (right & left) on spring seat (2) of rear axle (2WD vehicle) or rear axle housing (4WD vehicle) and raise rear axle (2WD vehicle) or rear axle housing (4WD vehicle). NOTE: Upper and lower diameters of coil spring are different. -
Page 228
3E-10 REAR SUSPENSION 9) Lower hoist and vehicle in non-loaded condition, tighten absorber lower bolt (1) and lateral rod right side nut (2) to specified torque. Tightening torque Rear shock absorber lower bolt (a) : 58 N·m (5.8 kg-m, 42.0 lb-ft) Lateral rod right side nut (b) : 65 N·m (6.5 kg-m, 47.0 lb-ft) 10) If equipped with LSPV, check and adjust LSPV spring refer-… -
Page 229
REAR SUSPENSION 3E-11 SPRING UPPER SEAT REMOVAL 1) Removal coil spring. Refer to “COIL SPRING” in this section. 2) Remove spring upper seat (1). INSTALLATION 1) Install spring upper seat (1). NOTE: For proper installing direction of spring upper seat (1), refer to the figure. -
Page 230
3E-12 REAR SUSPENSION 4) Remove shock absorber lower bolt (1). 5) Detach shock absorber (2) lower side from rear axle (2WD vehicle) or rear axle housing (4WD vehicle). 6) Remove parking brake cable clamp (1) from trailing arm (2). 7) Release wheel speed sensor lead wire clamps (right & left) from trailing arm (if equipped with ABS). -
Page 231
REAR SUSPENSION 3E-13 INSTALLATION 1) Install trailing arm (1) to vehicle body and rear axle (2WD vehicle) or rear axle housing (4WD vehicle), referring to fig- ure for proper installing direction of bolts (2). Tighten front nut (3) and rear nuts (4) temporarily at this step. -
Page 232
3E-14 REAR SUSPENSION 9) Tighten front and rear trailing arm nuts (1), shock absorber lower bolts (2) and lateral rod right nut (3) to specified torque (right and left). NOTE: When tightening these nuts, be sure that vehicle is off hoist and in no-loaded condition. -
Page 233
REAR SUSPENSION 3E-15 5) Disconnect brake pipe flare nuts (1) from wheel cylinders (2) (right & left) and put bleeder plug cap (3) onto brake pipe (4) to prevent fluid from spilling. 6) Remove brake back plates (1) (right & left) from rear axle and hang removed back plate with a wire hook. -
Page 234
3E-16 REAR SUSPENSION 11) Remove shock absorber lower bolts (1) (right & left). 12) Detach shock absorber (2) lower sides (right & left) from rear axle. 13) Lower rear axle gradually as far down as where coil springs (1) (right & left) can be removed. 14) Remove coil springs (right &… -
Page 235
REAR SUSPENSION 3E-17 2) Install trailing arms (1) (right & left) to rear axle in proper direction as shown in figure. Tighten rear trailing arm nuts (2) temporarily at this step. A : Vehicle outside B : Vehicle center side 3) Install coil springs (1) (right &… -
Page 236
3E-18 REAR SUSPENSIONInstall wheel speed sensor and clamp wire securely (right & left) (if equipped with ABS). 9) Install LSPV spring (1) to rear axle (2). Tighten nut (3) temporarily at this step (if equipped with LSPV). 10) Connect brake pipes (1) (right & left) to wheel cylinders (2) and tighten brake pipe flare nuts (3) to specified torque.
Page 237
REAR SUSPENSION 3E-19 15) Upon completion of all jobs, depress brake pedal with about 30 kg (66 Ibs) load three to five times so as to obtain proper drum-to-shoe clearance. Adjust parking brake cable. Refer to Section 5. 16) Install console box. 17) Lower hoist and bounce vehicle up and down several times to stabilize suspension. -
Page 238
3E-20 REAR SUSPENSION 3) Remove bearing circlip (1) using special tool. Special tool (A) : 09900-06108 4) Remove wheel bearing using special tool and hydraulic press (1). Special tool (A) : 09913-76010 5) Remove wheel stud bolts (1) using hydraulic press (2) and general rod (3). -
Page 239
REAR SUSPENSION 3E-21 2) Press-fit wheel bearing (1) with it’s seal side facing back plate side using special tools and hydraulic press. Special tool (A) : 09913-76010 (B) : 09924-84510-004 3) Install bearing circlip (1) using special tool. Special tool (A) : 09900-06108 4) Install wheel sensor ring (if equipped with ABS). -
Page 240
3E-22 REAR SUSPENSION 4) Disconnect parking brake cable from parking brake shoe lever (2) and remove parking brake cable (1) from brake back plate. 5) Remove brake back plate bolts from axle housing. 6) Disconnect brake pipe(s) (2) from wheel cylinder and put wheel cylinder bleeder plug (3) cap onto pipe to prevent fluid from spilling. -
Page 241
REAR SUSPENSION 3E-23 12) Using special tools, remove bearing (1) from shaft and then remove brake back plate (2). Special tool (D) : 09927-18411 (E) : 09921-57810 13) Remove stud bolts (1) by using hydraulic press (2). INSTALLATION 1) Aligning serrations between new stud bolts (1) and flange (4), install new stud bolts by tightening nut as shown. -
Page 242
3E-24 REAR SUSPENSION 2) Press in a new bearing (2) and retainer ring (3) in order by using an hydraulic press (4). NOTE: • Install wheel bearing spacer (1) with the tapered side of its inner diameter directed toward outside, or brake drum side. -
Page 243
REAR SUSPENSION 3E-25Connect brake pipe to wheel cylinder and tighten brake pipe flare nut to specified torque. Tightening torque Brake pipe flare nut (b) : 16 N·m (1.6 kg-m, 11.5 lb-ft) 9) Refill rear axle (differential) housing with new specified gear oil.
Page 244
3E-26 REAR SUSPENSION 2) Remove rear axle shaft oil seal (1) by using special tool. Special tool (A) : 09913-50121 2. Axle housing INSTALLATION 1) Using special tools, drive in oil seal (1) or (2) until it contacts oil seal protector (3) in axle housing. NOTE: •… -
Page 245
REAR SUSPENSION 3E-27For jobs hereafter, support rear axle housing by using floor jack (1) under axle housing (2). 9) Before removing propeller shaft, give match marks (1) on joint flange and propeller shaft (2) as shown. Remove propeller shaft. 10) Remove differential carrier assembly (3).
Page 246
3E-28 REAR SUSPENSION 16) Remove axle housing. INSTALLATION Install removed parts in reverse order of removal, noting the fol- lowing. 1) Place rear axle housing on floor jack. Then install rear trail- ing arm bolts (1) (right & left) in proper direction as shown. At this time, mount nuts (2) but don’t tighten them. -
Page 247
REAR SUSPENSION 3E-29 4) Install lateral rod (1) and install bolt (3) in proper direction as shown. At this time, mount bolt and nut (4) but don’t tighten them. 2. Vehicle body A : Forward 5) Clean mating surfaces of axle housing (1) and differential carrier and apply sealant to housing side. -
Page 248
3E-30 REAR SUSPENSION 13) Connect brake pipe to wheel cylinder (1) and tighten brake pipe flare nut (2) to specified torque. Tightening torque Brake pipe flare nut (b) : 16 N·m (1.6 kg-m, 11.5 lb-ft) 14) Clean mating surface of axle housing (2) (right & left) with brake back plate and apply sealant as shown. -
Page 249
REAR SUSPENSION 3E-31 21) Install wheel and tighten wheel nuts to specified torque. Tightening torque Wheel nuts (f) : 85 N·m (8.5 kg-m, 61.5 lb-ft) 22) Upon completion of all jobs, pull parking brake lever with about 20 kg, (44 lbs) load three to five times so as to obtain proper drum-to-shoe clearance. -
Page 250
!»#!$%&»‘&%()(*»+(,-+ &».),&»/%(«&0,1″%2’3″&,’4 &7;<==7>?7?%()@)A,%B8<?C;6 2567895: D*586%+C=E78F !»#$»%&'()*+,* -./.01′-.234’5436-3’768 ? 6@A*’,$+B#’C»A’,*+A 799:::;<=:>:8 ? D$**A’E*+)»F( -*+A+F# -./.01’GHIJ’IHK’><>= ? MC»F#’,*+&’CB’N»BB*)*F#»+A’O+))»*)’+FN’+@A*’ 799:::;L>>>:8 $C%,»F( 5*+)’C»A PC)'(*+)’C»A'»FBC)&+#»CFQ’)*B*)’#C’-*O#»CF’RPK ? J»BB*)*F#»+A'(*+)’74*+)’+@A*’$C%,»F(8 D+#*)’#»($#’ -./.01′-36!1I5’SHT2H.IJ’LUU3 ? MC»F#’,*+&’CB’+@A*’$C%,»F(‘7VDJ8’C)’)*+)’ ,*+A+F# 799:::;L>:9:8 +@A*’7<DJ8’+FN’E)+W*’E+OW’XA+#* (*»1,’4%3—4 :99::;:U>:Y :99>L;RU:>: :99<V;YV=>:;::V :99<R;>YV>> -F+X’)»F(‘XA»*), 4*+)’Z$**A’E*+)»F(‘ G*+)»F(‘»F,#+AA*)’+##+O$; .F»[*),+A’X%AA*) «F,#+AA*) &*F# :99>L;=:><>… -
Page 251
WHEELS AND TIRES 3F-1 SECTION 3F WHEELS AND TIRES NOTE: All wheel fasteners are important attaching parts in that they could affect the performance of vital parts and systems, and/or could result in major repair expense. They must be replaced with one of the same part number or with an equivalent part if replacement becomes necessary. -
Page 252
3F-2 WHEELS AND TIRES GENERAL DESCRIPTION TIRES This vehicle is equipped with the following tire. Tire size : 165/70R14 The tire is of tubeless type. The tire is designed to operate satisfactorily with loads up to the full rated load capacity when inflated to the recommended inflation pressures. -
Page 253
WHEELS AND TIRES 3F-3 HOW TO MEASURE WHEEL RUNOUT To measure the wheel runout, it is necessary to use an accurate dial indicator. The tire may be on or off the wheel. The wheel should be installed to the wheel balancer of the like for proper measurement. -
Page 254
3F-4 WHEELS AND TIRES Dynamic balance, as shown in left figure, is the equal distribution of weight on each side of the wheel centerline so that when the tire spins there is no tendency for the assembly to move from side to side. -
Page 255: Tire Maintenance
WHEELS AND TIRES 3F-5 MAINTENANCE AND MINOR ADJUSTMENTS WHEEL MAINTENANCE Wheel repairs that use welding, heating, or peening are not approved. All damaged wheels should be replaced. WHEEL ATTACHING STUDS If a broken stud is found, see Section 3E (rear) or Section 3D (front) for Note and Replacement procedure. MATCHED TIRES AND WHEELS Tires and wheels are match mounted at the assembly plant.
Page 256
3F-6 WHEELS AND TIRES INFLATION OF TIRES The pressure recommended for any model is carefully calculated to give a satisfactory ride, stability, steering, tread wear, tire life and resistance to bruises. Tire pressure, with tires cold, (after vehicle has set for 3 hours or more, or driven less than one mile) should be checked monthly or before any extended trip. -
Page 257
WHEELS AND TIRES 3F-7 ON-VEHICLE SERVICE WHEEL REMOVAL 1) Loosen wheel nuts by approximately 180° (half a rotation). 2) Hoist vehicle. 3) Remove wheel. CAUTION: Never use heat to loosen tight wheel because application of heat to wheel can shorten life of wheel and damage wheel bearings. -
Page 258
3F-8 WHEELS AND TIRES TIRE MOUNTING AND DISMOUNTING Use a tire changing machine to mount or dismount tires. Follow equipment manufacturer’s instructions. Do not use hand tools or tire irons alone to change tires as they may damage tire beads or wheel rim. Rim bead seats should be cleaned with a wire brush or coarse steel wool to remove lubricants, old rubber and light rust. -
Page 259
Page 260
4A-2 FRONT DRIVE SHAFT GENERAL DESCRIPTION COMPONENT A constant velocity ball joint is used on the wheel side of front drive shaft. For right side drive shaft of 2WD vehi- cle, a constant velocity tripod joint on the differential side. For left side drive shaft of every type vehicles and right side drive shaft of 4WD vehicle, a constant velocity double offset joint is used on the differential or transfer side. -
Page 261
FRONT DRIVE SHAFT 4A-3 ON-VEHICLE SERVICE 1. Differential side joint (RH of 2WD M/T vehicle) 9. Differential (or transfer) side joint (LH of every type 17. Circlip : Apply orange grease included in spare part to vehicles) joint. : Apply black grease included in spare part to joint. 2. -
Page 262
4A-4 FRONT DRIVE SHAFT DRIVE SHAFT ASSEMBLY REMOVAL 1) Undo caulking (“A”) and remove drive shaft nut (1) and washer. 2) Hoist vehicle. 3) Remove wheel. 4) Drain transmission oil or transfer oil. 5) Remove tie rod end split pin (1) and castle nut (2). 6) Disconnect tie rod end (3) from steering knuckle (4) by using special tool. -
Page 263
FRONT DRIVE SHAFT 4A-5 10) Remove drive shaft assembly. CAUTION: To prevent breakage of boots, be careful not to bring them into contact with other parts, when removing drive shaft assembly. 11) For vehicle with center shaft Remove center bearing support bolts (3) and remove center bearing support (2) with center shaft (1) from differential side gear. -
Page 264
4A-6 FRONT DRIVE SHAFT 3) Remove boot band, then pull out differential side boot from shaft. 4) Pull out damper through shaft. (if equipped) 5) Undo boot bands of wheel side joint boot, then pull out boot through shaft. CAUTION: •… -
Page 265
FRONT DRIVE SHAFT 4A-7 4) Draw away cage (1) by using bearing puller (2), and remove boot (3) from shaft. 5) Remove boot band, then pull out differential side boot from shaft. 6) Pull out damper through shaft. (if equipped) 7) Undo boot bands of wheel side joint boot, then pull out boot through shaft. -
Page 266
4A-8 FRONT DRIVE SHAFT 5) Remove circlip (1) by using flat end rod or the like. 6) Remove center bearing (2) from center bearing support. ASSEMBLY For Tripod Joint Type Drive Shaft Judging from abnormality noted before disassembly and what is found through visual check of component parts after disassembly, prepare replacing parts and proceed to reassembly. -
Page 267
FRONT DRIVE SHAFT 4A-9 5) Fill up boot inside with specified grease and then fasten boot with bands (1). CAUTION: • Bend each boot band against forward rotation (A). • Do not squeeze or distort boot when fastening it with bands. -
Page 268
4A-10 FRONT DRIVE SHAFT 10) When fixing boot (1) to outer race (2) with differential side big band (3), adjust so that measured dimensions become as indicated below. Drive shaft boot fixing position “a” : 155.5 mm (6.12 in.) for M/T vehicle “b”… -
Page 269
FRONT DRIVE SHAFT 4A-11 For DOJ Type Drive Shaft Judging from abnormality noted before disassembly and what is found though visual check of component parts after disassembly, prepare replacing parts and proceed to reassembly. Make sure that wheel side joint assembly (1) and DOJ housing (2) are washed thoroughly and air dried, and boots (3) are cleaned with cloth if they are to be reused. -
Page 270
4A-12 FRONT DRIVE SHAFT 7) Driver in the cage (1) by using a pipe (2). Drive shaft joint cage installing pipe diameter “a” : 22.5 mm (0.886 in.) or more “b” : 30.0 mm (1.181 in.) or less CAUTION: Install cage directing smaller outside diameter side to wheel side. -
Page 271
FRONT DRIVE SHAFT 4A-13 12) When fixing boot (1) to outer race (2) with differential side big band (3), adjust so that measurements become as indicated below. Drive shaft boot fixing position “d” : 157.8 mm (6.21 in.) for left side “e”… -
Page 272
4A-14 FRONT DRIVE SHAFT • When installing right oil seal (1), use care so that oil seal in proper direction as shown figure. • Be sure apply grease to oil seal lip and bearing side space indicated in figure. “A” : Grease 99000-25010 INSTALLATION CAUTION: •… -
Page 273
FRONT DRIVE SHAFT 4A-15 • Tighten each bolt and nut to the specified torque. Tightening torque Transfer oil filler/level and drain plugs (a) : 21 N·m (2.1 kg-m, 15.5 lb-ft) Transmission oil filler/level and drain plugs (b) : 23 N·m (2.3 kg-m, 17.0 lb-ft) Ball stud bolt (c) : 60 N·m (6.0 kg-m, 43.5 lb-ft) Tie rod end castle nut (d) : 35 — 50 N·m (3.5 — 5.0 kg-m, 25.5 — 36.0 lb-ft) -
Page 274
Center bearing support bolts 36.0 REQUIRED SERVICE MATERIAL Recommended SUZUKI product Material (Part Number) Lithium grease SUZUKI SUPER GREASE A • Oil seal lips (99000-25010) Sealant SUZUKI BOND NO. 1215 • Oil drain and filler plug for manual (99000-31110) transmission or transfer… -
Page 275
PROPELLER SHAFTS 4B-1 SECTION 4B PROPELLER SHAFTS CONTENTS GENERAL DESCRIPTION ……4B-1 PROPELLER SHAFT JOINT CHECK..4B-2 DIAGNOSIS …………. 4B-1 ON-VEHICLE SERVICE ……..4B-2 DIAGNOSIS TABLE ……..4B-1 TIGHTENING TORQUE SPECIFICATION..4B-4 GENERAL DESCRIPTION Most universal and constant velocity joints require no maintenance. They are lubricated for life and can not be lubricated on the vehicle. -
Page 276
4B-2 PROPELLER SHAFTS PROPELLER SHAFT JOINT CHECK If universal joints are suspected of producing chattering or rattling noise, inspect them for wear. Check to see if cross spider rattles in yokes or if splines are worn down and replace defective propel- ler shaft with new one. -
Page 277
PROPELLER SHAFTS 4B-3 4) Loosen propeller shaft bolt connecting propeller shaft No.1 with propeller shaft No.2, but keeping their connection provi- sionally. CAUTION: Don’t damage joint seal (1) to prevent lubrication defect of joint. 5) Loosen center support bolt, then remove propeller shaft No.1 with No.2. -
Page 278
4B-4 PROPELLER SHAFTS INSTALLATION 1) Reverse removal procedure to install propeller shaft noting following point. • When installing propeller shaft, align the match marks (1). Otherwise, vibration may occur during driving. • Use following specification to torque bolts. Tightening torque Propeller shaft bolt (a) : 23 N·m (2.3 kg-m, 17.0 Ib-ft) Center support bolt (b) : 50 N·m (5.0 kg-m, 36.5 lb-ft) 2. -
Page 279
BRAKES 5-1 SECTION 5 BRAKES NOTE: All front fasteners are important attaching parts in that they could affect the performance of vital parts and systems, and/or could result in major repair expense. They must be replaced with one of same part number or with an equivalent part if replacement becomes necessary. -
Page 280
5-2 BRAKES GENERAL DESCRIPTION When the foot brake pedal is depressed, hydraulic pressure is developed in the master cylinder to actuate pis- tons (two in front and four in rear). The master cylinder is a tandem master cylinder. Brake pipes are connected to the master cylinder and they make two independent circuits. -
Page 281
BRAKES 5-3 NOTE: The figures shows left-hand steering vehicle. [A] : For vehicle without ABS 3. Secondary side 7. LSPV (Load Sensing Proportioning valve) [B] : For vehicle with ABS 4. Primary side 8. P (Proportioning) valve 1. Brake booster 5. -
Page 282
5-4 BRAKES DIAGNOSIS ROAD TESTING BRAKES Brakes should be tested on dry, clean, smooth and reasonably level roadway which is not crowned. Road test brakes by making brake applications with both light and heavy pedal forces at various speeds to determine if the vehicle stops evenly and effectively. -
Page 283
BRAKES 5-5 DIAGNOSIS TABLE Condition Possible Cause Correction Not enough braking Brake oil leakage from brake lines Locate leaking point and repair. force Brake disc or pads stained with oil Clean or replace. Overheated brakes Determine cause and repair. Poor contact of shoes on brake drum Repair for proper contact. -
Page 284
5-6 BRAKES Condition Possible Cause Correction Excessive pedal travel Partial brake system failure Check brake systems and repair as (Pedal stroke too necessary. large) Insufficient fluid in master cylinder reservoirs Fill reservoirs with approved brake fluid. Check for leaks and air in brake system. -
Page 285
BRAKES 5-7 Condition Possible Cause Correction Brake warning lamp Parking brake applied Release parking brake and check lights after engine that brake warning lamp turns off. start Insufficient amount of brake fluid Add brake fluid. Brake fluid leaking from brake line Investigate leaky point, correct it and add brake fluid. -
Page 286: Brake Pedal Free Height Adjustment
5-8 BRAKES BRAKE PEDAL FREE HEIGHT ADJUSTMENT 1) Check brake pedal free height. If it is not within specification, check and adjust following item 1) and 2). Brake pedal free height “a” from dash silencer LH steering vehicle : 205 – 225 mm (8.08 – 8.85 in.) RH steering vehicle : 217 –…
Page 287
BRAKES 5-9 EXCESSIVE PEDAL TRAVEL INSPECTION 1) Start engine. 2) Depress brake pedal a few times. 3) With brake pedal depressed with approximately 30 kg (66 lbs) load, measure brake pedal to wall (dash panel silencer) clearance “a”. If clearance “a” is less than specification, the most possible cause is either rear brake shoes are worn out beyond limit or air is in lines. -
Page 288
5-10 BRAKES PARKING BRAKE INSPECTION AND ADJUSTMENT INSPECTION Hold center of parking brake lever grip and pull it up with 200 N (20 kg, 44 lbs) force. With parking brake lever pulled up as shown, count ratchet notches. There should be 4 to 9 notches. Also, check if both right and left rear wheels are locked firmly. -
Page 289
BRAKES 5-11 Parking brake stroke (When lever is pulled up at 200 N (20 kg, 44 lbs) : 4 to 9 notches BOOSTER OPERATION INSPECTION There are two ways to perform this inspection, with and without a tester. Ordinarily, it is possible to roughly determine its condition without using a tester. -
Page 290
5-12 BRAKES 2) Start engine while depressing brake pedal. If pedal travel increases a little, operation is satisfactory. But no change in pedal travel indicates malfunction. CHECK AIR TIGHTNESS UNDER LOAD 1) With engine running, depress brake pedal. Then stop engine while holding brake pedal depressed. -
Page 291
BRAKES 5-13 1) Stop vehicle on level floor and place approximately about 1,000 N (100 kg, 220 lbs) weight (1) on rear housing so that rear axle weighs 4,500 N (450 kg, 992 lbs). Rear axle weight “L” : 4,500 N (450 kg, 992 lbs) 2) Install special tool to front and rear brake. -
Page 292
5-14 BRAKES 5) If rear brake pressure is not within specification, adjust it by changing bolt (2) position as follows. • If rear brake pressure is higher than specification, move bolt (2) center side and if it is lower, out side. •… -
Page 293: Brake Hose And Pipe Inspection
BRAKES 5-15 BRAKE HOSE AND PIPE INSPECTION HOSE The brake hose assembly should be checked for road hazard damage, for cracks and chafing of outer cover, for leaks and blis- ters. A light and mirror may be needed for an adequate inspec- tion.
Page 294
5-16 BRAKES 1) Fill master cylinder reservoir with brake fluid and keep at least one-half full of fluid during bleeding operation. M A X 2) Remove bleeder plug cap. Attach a vinyl tube (1) to bleeder plug, and insert the other end into container (2). -
Page 295
BRAKES 5-17 FRONT BRAKE 26 N·m(2.6 kg-m) 85 N·m(8.5 kg-m) 8.5 N·m(0.85 kg-m) 1. Brake caliper carrier 9. Bleeder plug cap 2. Boot 10. Pad spring 3. Caliper 11. Anti noise shim 4. Disc brake piston 12. Caliper pin bolt 5. -
Page 296
5-18 BRAKES 3) Remove caliper (1) from caliper carrier (2). NOTE: Hang removed caliper (1) with a wire hook (4) or the like so as to prevent brake hose from bending and twisting excessively or being pulled. Don’t operate brake pedal with brake pads removed. 4) Remove brake pads (3). -
Page 297
BRAKES 5-19 4) Tighten wheel nuts to specified torque. Tightening torque Wheel nuts (a) : 85 N·m (8.5 kg-m, 61.5 lb-ft) 5) After completion of installation, check for brake effective- ness. CALIPER ASSEMBLY REMOVAL 1) Hoist vehicle and remove wheel. 2) Remove E-ring (1). -
Page 298
5-20 BRAKES DISASSEMBLY CAUTION: Clean around caliper with brake fluid before disassem- bly. 1) Remove piston with air blown into flexible hose bolt installa- tion hole. WARNING: Do not apply too highly compressed air which will cause piston to jump out of cylinder. Place a cloth (1) to prevent piston from damage. -
Page 299
BRAKES 5-21 Piston Seal Excessive or uneven wear of pad lining may indicate unsmooth return of piston. In such case, replace rubber seal. ASSEMBLY Assemble parts in reverse order of disassembly, observing the following instructions. CAUTION: • Wash each part cleanly before installation in the same fluid as the one used in master cylinder reservoir. -
Page 300
5-22 BRAKES b) Before inserting piston (2) into cylinder, install boot (1) onto piston as shown. “A” : 1-grooved side directed cylinder side “A” “B” “B” : 2-grooved side directed pad side c) Fit boot as it is in figure into boot groove in cylinder with fin- gers. -
Page 301
BRAKES 5-23 4) Torque flexible hose joint bolt to specification. Tightening torque Flexible hose joint bolt (b) : 23 N·m (2.3 kg-m, 17.0 Ib-ft) WARNING: Make sure that flexible hose is not twisted when tighten- ing joint bolt. If it is twisted, reconnect it using care not to twist it. -
Page 302
5-24 BRAKES INSPECTION • Using magnetic stand and with dial gauge positioned at about 10 mm (0.39 in.) inward from periphery of disc, mea- sure deflection of disc. If limit value is exceeded, replace correct or replace. Disc deflection Limit : 0.10 mm (0.004 in.) max. Special tool (A) : 09900-20606 (B) : 09900-20701… -
Page 303: Rear Brake
BRAKES 5-25 REAR BRAKE 1. Brake back plate 9. Bleeder plug : Apply water tight sealant (99000-31090) to joint seam of brake back plate and rear axle 2. Brake shoe 10. Bleeder plug cap 3. Push nut 11. Parking lever spring 4.
Page 304
5-26 BRAKES BRAKE DRUM REMOVAL 1) With parking brake pulled up, lift vehicle and remove wheels. 2) Remove spindle cap (1). (For 2WD vehicle only) NOTE: When removing cap with a chisel, tap it lightly at about 3 locations using care not to damage seat face of cap. 3) Uncaulk spindle nut, remove spindle nut. -
Page 305
BRAKES 5-27 b) For 4WD vehicle : Pull brake drum off by using 8 mm bolts. INSPECTION Brake Drum Inspect brake drum for wear. If limit value of drum inner diameter is exceeded or uneven or stepped wear is excessive, replace drum. Drum inner diameter “a”… -
Page 306
5-28 BRAKES INSTALLATION 1) Put flat end rod or the like between rod (1) and ratchet (2) and pull ratchet as shown to maximize clearance between shoe and drum. 2) Install brake drum (1) after making sure that inside of brake drum and brake shoes are free from dirt and oil. -
Page 307
BRAKES 5-29 BRAKE SHOE REMOVAL 1) Remove brake drum referring to “BRAKE DRUM”. 2) Remove shoe hold down springs (1) by turning shoe hold down pins (2). 3) Remove return springs, brake shoes and strut. 4) Disconnect parking brake shoe lever (1) from parking brake cable (2). -
Page 308
5-30 BRAKES INSTALLATION Install parts in reverse order of removal, noting the followings. • Install shoe hold down springs (2) by pushing them down in place and turning hold down pins (1). • For procedure hereafter referring to “BRAKE DRUM”. WHEEL CYLINDER REMOVAL 1) Remove brake drum referring to “BRAKE DRUM”. -
Page 309
BRAKES 5-31 INSTALLATION 1) Take off bleeder plug cap from brake pipe and connect pipe to wheel cylinder (1) just enough to prevent fluid from leak- ing. 2) Install wheel cylinder (1) to brake back plate (2) to specified torque. Tightening torque Cylinder mounting bolts (a) : 10 N·m (1.0 kg-m, 7.5 lb-ft) 3) Tighten flare nut (3) of brake pipe to specified torque. -
Page 310
5-32 BRAKES 5) Remove brake back plate (1) by removing bolts (2). INSTALLATION 1) Apply water tight sealant to mating surfaces of brake back plate and rear axle. “A” : Sealant 99000-31090 2) Install brake back plate and tighten back plate bolts to speci- fied torque. -
Page 311
BRAKES 5-33 BRAKE BACK PLATE (FOR 4WD VEHICLE) REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION Refer to “REAR AXLE SHAFT AND WHEEL BEARING (4WD VEHICLE)” in Section 3E. MASTER CYLINDER 1. Reservoir tank 9. Sleeve Tightening torque 2. Retainer 10. Primary piston Do not reuse. : Apply brake fluid to contact surface of cup. -
Page 312
5-34 BRAKES INSTALLATION 1) Apply brake fluid to new grommets and attach grommets (2) to master cylinder (1). NOTE: Be sure to use new grommets. 2) Install reservoir (2) to master cylinder and insert retainer (1). 3) Install master cylinder. 4) Fill reservoir with specified brake fluid up to MAX mark on it. -
Page 313
BRAKES 5-35 INSPECTION 1) Check all disassembled parts for wear and damage. If anything faulty is found, replace. CAUTION: • Wash disassembled parts with brake fluid. • Do not reuse piston cups. 2) Check screw hole in master cylinder for gall or corrosion. If anything faulty is found, replace. -
Page 314
5-36 BRAKES 2) Attach secondary cup (1) to secondary piston (2), they install it to cylinder body such a direction as shown. NOTE: • Secondary cup is the same as primary cup. • Diameter of secondary cup is the largest compared with sleeve cup and cap cup. -
Page 315
BRAKES 5-37 7) Install cup (1) and washer (2) such a direction as shown. NOTE: • Primary cup is the same as secondary cup. • Primary cup is the largest compared with that of cap and sleeve.Remove cap cup (1) from cap with caring not to cause any damage to inside of cap (2).
Page 316: Brake Booster
5-38 BRAKES 3) Set master cylinder (1) on vise (3) and adjust “A” to be the following. Cap adjustment position “A” : 50 mm (1.97 in.) 4) Apply air with radiator cap tester, and confirm that 50 kPa pressure is applied. 5) Perform same steps 1)-4) for port (2).
Page 317
BRAKES 5-39 3) Remove push rod clevis pin (1). 4) Remove wiper motor. (For right-hand steering vehicle only) 5) Remove booster mounting nuts (2) and then booster. INSTALLATION NOTE: • Adjust clearance between booster piston rod and mas- ter cylinder piston. (Refer to “INSPECTION AND ADJUSTEMENT”… -
Page 318
5-40 BRAKES INSPECTION AND ADJUSTMENT Installation Position Of Push Rod If push rod clevis (1) has been removed, adjust distance between booster installation surface (without including packing) and the center of clevis pin hole to standard value “a” and tighten nut (2) to specified torque. -
Page 319
BRAKES 5-41 BRAKE HOSE/PIPE FRONT BRAKE HOSE/PIPE REMOVAL 1) Raise and support vehicle properly. Remove tire and wheel. NOTE: This operation is not necessary when removing pipes connecting master cylinder. 2) Clean dirt and foreign material from both flexible hose end and pipe end fittings. 3) Remove brake flexible hose or pipe. -
Page 320
5-42 BRAKES For vehicle with ABS T : Top side [A] : For left-hand steering vehicle 4. From ABS hydraulic unit to right front brake F : Front side [B] : For right-hand steering vehicle 5. ABS hydraulic unit R : Right side 1. -
Page 321
BRAKES 5-43 For vehicle without ABS T : Top side 1. From master cylinder primary to left front brake [A] : For left-hand steering vehicle F : Front side 2. From master cylinder secondary to right front brake [B] : For right-hand steering vehicle R : Right side 3. -
Page 322
5-44 BRAKES REAR BRAKE HOSE/PIPE REMOVAL 1) Raise and support vehicle properly. Remove tire and wheel. 2) Clean dirt and foreign material from both flexible hose end and pipe end fittings. 3) Remove brake flexible hose or pipe. INSTALLATION Reverse brake flexible hose installation procedure, nothing the followings. •… -
Page 323
BRAKES 5-45 T : Top side 1. 4 way joint [A] : with ABS F : Front side 2. LSPV assembly [B] : without ABS R : Right side 3. P valve [C] : with LSPV L : Left side 4. -
Page 324: Parking Brake Cable
5-46 BRAKES PARKING BRAKE CABLE REMOVAL 1) Raise, suitably support vehicle and remove wheel. 2) Remove parking brake cable. INSTALLATION Install it by reversing removal procedure, noting the following points. • Install clamps properly referring to figure below. • Tighten bolts and nuts to specified torque. •…
Page 325
BRAKES 5-47 T : Top side 3. Inner cable end a : View A f : View F F : Front side 4. Spring b : View B Tightening torque R : Rear side 5. Adjusting nut c : View C 1. -
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5-48 BRAKES LSPV (LOAD SENSING PROPORTIONING VALVE) ASSEMBLY (IF EQUIPPED) 25 N·m(2.5 kg-m) 25 N·m(2.5 kg-m) 16 N·m(1.6 kg-m) 1. LSPV assembly 3. Adjust nut Tightening torque 2. Spring 4. Brake pipe CAUTION: Never disassemble LSPV assembly. Disassembly will spoil its original performance. Replace with new one if detective. -
Page 327
BRAKES 5-49 INSTALLATION 1) Install LSPV assembly with spring to vehicle body. 2) Torque each bolt and nut (1) to specification as indicated respectively in figure. Special tool (A) : 09950-78230 (10 x 11 mm) Tightening torque 1, (a) LSPV adjust nut (a) : 25 N·m (2.5 kg-m, 18.0 lb-ft) Brake pipe flare nuts (b) : 16 N·m (1.6 kg-m, 11.5 lb-ft) 3) Fill reservoir with specified fluid and bleed air from brake system. -
Page 328
(2WD vehicle) or rear axle housing (4WD vehicle). • To apply to mating surfaces of brake back plate and parking brake cable. Lithium grease SUZUKI SUPER GREASE A • To apply to slide pin of brake caliper carrier. (99000-25010) SPECIAL TOOL 09900-06106… -
Page 329
BRAKES 5-51 09950-96010 09956-02310 09950-78230 09952-48320 Booster piston rod gauge Fluid pressure gauge Flare nut wrench Pressure gauge attach- (10 x 11 mm) ment 09952-26020 Master cylinder plug… -
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5-52 BRAKES… -
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• Service on and around the air bag system components or wiring must be performed only by an authorized SUZUKI dealer. Refer to “Air Bag System Components and Wiring Location View” under “General Description” in air bag system section in order to confirm whether you are performing ser- vice on or near the air bag system components or wiring. -
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Page 333
ANTILOCK BRAKE SYSTEM (ABS) 5E-3 The main component parts of this ABS include the following parts in addition to those of the conventional brake system. • Wheel speed sensor which senses revolution speed of each wheel and outputs its signal. •… -
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5E-4 ANTILOCK BRAKE SYSTEM (ABS) SYSTEM SCHEMATIC INPUT OUTPUT Wheel speed sensor (LF) Hydraulic unit Wheel speed sensor (LR) Pump motor Pump motor Wheel speed sensor (RF) relay ABS control Wheel speed sensor (RR) module Stop lamp switch Fail-safe Diag. switch terminal relay Battery Voltage LF inlet solenoid… -
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ANTILOCK BRAKE SYSTEM (ABS) 5E-5 ABS HYDRAULIC UNIT/CONTROL MODULE ASSEMBLY ABS control module is a component of ABS hydraulic unit/control module assembly and has the following functions. SELF-DIAGNOSIS FUNCTION ABS control module diagnoses conditions of the system compo- nent parts (whether or not there is any abnormality) all the time and indicates the results (warning of abnormality occurrence and DTC) through the ABS warning lamp as described below. -
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Page 337
ANTILOCK BRAKE SYSTEM (ABS) 5E-7 1. Battery 9. ABS hydraulic unit/control module assembly 17. Left-rear wheel speed sensor 2. Main fuses 10. Terminal arrangement of connector E19 for ABS 18. Right-front wheel speed sensor hydraulic unit/control module assembly 3. Ignition switch 11. -
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5E-8 ANTILOCK BRAKE SYSTEM (ABS) DIAGNOSIS To ensure that the trouble diagnosis is done accurately and smoothly, observe “PRECAUTIONS IN DIAGNOSING TROU- BLES” and follow “ABS DIAGNOSTIC FLOW TABLE”. PRECAUTION IN DIAGNOSING TROUBLES • If the vehicles was operated in any of the following ways, ABS warning lamp may light momentarily but this does not indicate anything abnormal in ABS. -
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ANTILOCK BRAKE SYSTEM (ABS) 5E-9 ABS DIAGNOSTIC FLOW TABLE Refer to the following pages for the details of each step. Step Action 1) Perform “Customer Complaint Analysis”. Go to Step 2. Go to Step 5. 2) Perform “Problem Symptom Confirmation”. 3) Perform “Diagnostic Trouble Code Check, Record and Clearance”. -
Page 340
5E-10 ANTILOCK BRAKE SYSTEM (ABS) 1) MALFUNCTION ANALYSIS a) Customer Complaint Analysis Record details of the problem (failure, complaint) and how it occurred as described by the customer. For this purpose, use of such a questionnaire form as shown below will facilitate collecting information to the point required for proper analysis and diagnosis. -
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ANTILOCK BRAKE SYSTEM (ABS) 5E-11 c) Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Check, Record and Clearance Perform “DIAGNOSTIC TROUBLE CODE CHECK” procedure in this section, record it and then clear it referring to “DIAGNOSTIC TROUBLE CODE CLEARANCE” in this section. If the malfunction DTC which was once displayed and then cleared cannot be detected (indicated) again when the ignition switch is turned ON, attempt to diagnose the trouble based on the DTC recorded in this step may mislead the diagnosis or make diagnosing difficult. -
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5E-12 ANTILOCK BRAKE SYSTEM (ABS) ABS WARNING LAMP CHECK 1) Turn ignition switch ON. 2) Check that ABS warning lamp (1) comes ON for about 2 sec- onds and then goes off. If any faulty condition is found, advance to Diagnostic Flow Table-A, B, C or D. -
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ANTILOCK BRAKE SYSTEM (ABS) 5E-13 TABLE – A ABS WARNING LAMP CIRCUIT CHECK – LAMP DOES NOT COME “ON” AT IGNITION SWITCH ON 1. Main fuse 5. ABS warning lamp 9. Brake fluid level switch 2. Ignition switch 6. Brake warning lamp 10. -
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Perform diagnostic trouble code check. Is there Go to Step 2. Go to Step 3. any DTC (including code No.12, NO CODES on SUZUKI scan tool) exists? Does malfunction DTC (other than code No.12) Go to Step 7 of “ABS Go to Step 3. -
Page 345
ANTILOCK BRAKE SYSTEM (ABS) 5E-15 TABLE – C ABS WARNING LAMP CIRCUIT CHECK – THE LAMP FLASHES CONTINUOUSLY WHILE IGNITION SWITCH IS ON 1. “ABS” warning lamp in combination meter 3. Diagnosis monitor coupler 3-2. Diagnosis ground terminal 2. ABS hydraulic unit/control module assembly 3-1. -
Page 346
5E-16 ANTILOCK BRAKE SYSTEM (ABS) TABLE – D CODE (DTC) IS NOT OUTPUTTED EVEN WITH DIAGNOSIS SWITCH TERMINAL CONNECTED TO GROUND 1. ABS warning lamp in combination meter 3. Diagnosis monitor coupler 3-2. Diagnosis ground terminal 2. ABS hydraulic unit/control module assembly 3-1. -
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ANTILOCK BRAKE SYSTEM (ABS) 5E-17 TABLE – E EBD WARNING LAMP (BRAKE WARNING LAMP) CHECK – LAMP COMES “ON” STEADY CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION EBD warning lamp (brake warning lamp) is controlled by parking brake switch, brake fluid level switch and ABS control module/hydraulic unit assembly through lamp driver module in combination meter. -
Page 348
5E-18 ANTILOCK BRAKE SYSTEM (ABS) DIAGNOSTIC TROUBLE CODE (DTC) CHECK (USING ABS WARNING LAMP) 1) Perform ABS WARNING LAMP CHECK described above. 2) Using service wire (4), connect diagnosis switch terminal (2) of monitor coupler (1) to ground (3). 3) Turn ignition switch ON. 4) Read flashing of ABS warning lamp which represents DTC as shown in example below and write it down. -
Page 349
2) Turn ignition switch ON. 3) Read DTC according to instructions displayed on SUZUKI scan tool and print it or write it down. Refer to SUZUKI scan tool operator’s manual for further details. 4) After completing the check, turn ignition switch off and dis- connect SUZUKI scan tool from DLC. -
Page 350
FLOW TABLE” in this section) and “DTC CHECK” and con- firm that normal DTC (DTC 12) is displayed ; not malfunction DTC. NOTE: It is also possible to clear DTC by using SUZUKI scan tool. Refer to Cartridge Manual for procedure to clear DTC. DIAGNOSTIC TROUBLE CODE (DTC) TABLE CAUTION: Be sure to perform “ABS DIAGNOSTIC FLOW TABLE”… -
Page 351
ANTILOCK BRAKE SYSTEM (ABS) 5E-21 (displayed (indicated by ABS warning lamp flashing DIAGNOSTIC ITEMS on SUZUKI ABS warning pattern scan tool) lamp) C1022 C1026 Wheel speed sensor circuit or sensor ring C1032 C1036 C1041 Inlet solenoid valve circuit C1042 Outlet solenoid valve circuit… -
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5E-22 ANTILOCK BRAKE SYSTEM (ABS) DTC C1013 (DTC 13) – SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS DIFFERENT FROM ABS CONTROL MODULE SPECIFICATIONS DESCRIPTION When abnormal signal is inputted to a no-used terminal of control module white running or wrong ABS hydraulic unit/control module assembly is installed, this DTC will be set. INSPECTION 1) Ignition switch OFF. -
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ANTILOCK BRAKE SYSTEM (ABS) 5E-23 INSPECTION Step Action Is G sensor installed floor securely? Go to Step 2. Tighten sensor or bracket screw securely. If not, using new screw. 1) Ignition switch OFF. Go to Step 3. Replace G sensor. 2) Remove G sensor with bracket. -
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Page 355
ANTILOCK BRAKE SYSTEM (ABS) 5E-25 INSPECTION Step Action 1) Disconnect applicable ABS wheel speed sensor coupler Go to Step 2. Replace ABS wheel with ignition switch OFF. speed sensor 2) Measure resistance between terminals of ABS wheel assembly. speed sensor. Refer to “FRONT WHEEL SPEED SEN- SOR”… -
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ANTILOCK BRAKE SYSTEM (ABS) 5E-27 DTC C1057 (DTC 57) – POWER SOURCE CIRCUIT 1. Ignition switch 3. ABS hydraulic unit/control module assembly 2. Main fuse 4. ABS hydraulic unit/control module connector DESCRIPTION The ABS control module monitors the power source voltage at terminal “E19-18”. When the power source volt- age becomes extremely high or low, this DTC will be set. -
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5E-28 ANTILOCK BRAKE SYSTEM (ABS) DTC C1061 (DTC 61) – ABS PUMP MOTOR CIRCUIT 1. ABS hydraulic unit/control module assembly 3. ABS pump motor 5. ABS hydraulic unit/control module connector 2. ABS pump motor relay 4. ABS fail safe relay DESCRIPTION The ABS control module monitors the voltage at monitor terminal of pump motor circuit constantly with the igni- tion switch turned ON. -
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ANTILOCK BRAKE SYSTEM (ABS) 5E-29 DTC C1063 (DTC 63) – ABS FAIL-SAFE RELAY CIRCUIT 1. Ignition switch 3. ABS hydraulic unit/control module connector 5. To pump motor relay 2. ABS hydraulic unit/control module assembly 4. To solenoid valves 6. Fail-safe relay DESCRIPTION ABS control module monitors the voltage at the terminal of solenoid circuit constantly with ignition switch turned ON. -
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5E-30 ANTILOCK BRAKE SYSTEM (ABS) DTC C1071 (DTC 71) – ABS CONTROL MODULE 1. ABS hydraulic unit/control module assembly 3. ABS pump motor 5. ABS hydraulic unit/control module connector 2. ABS pump motor relay 4. ABS fail safe relay DESCRIPTION This DTC will be set when an internal malfunction is detected in the ABS control module. -
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ON. Then DTC will be set in ABS control module. ABS HYDRAULIC UNIT OPERATION CHECK (USING SUZUKI SCAN TOOL) 1) Connect SUZUKI scan tool to data link connector (DLC) (1) with ignition switch OFF. Special tool (A) : 09931-76011 (SUZUKI scan tool) -
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5E-32 ANTILOCK BRAKE SYSTEM (ABS) 7) With diagnosis switch terminal (1) of monitor coupler (2) con- nected to ground terminal (3) using service wire (4), turn ignition switch ON and check if ABS warning lamp indicates DTC 12. If malfunction DTC is indicated, repair it first.Turn ignition switch OFF.
Page 363
ANTILOCK BRAKE SYSTEM (ABS) 5E-33 ABS HYDRAULIC UNIT/CONTROL MODULE ASSEMBLY CAUTION: Never disassemble ABS hydraulic unit/control module assembly, loosen blind plug or remove motor. Performing any of these prohibited services will affect original performance of ABS hydraulic unit/ control module assembly. 16 N·m (1.6 kg-m) 16 N·m (1.6 kg-m) 9 N·m (0.9 kg-m) -
Page 364
5E-34 ANTILOCK BRAKE SYSTEM (ABS) 3) Using special tool, loosen flare nuts (1) and disconnect brake pipes (2) from ABS hydraulic unit/control module assembly (3). Special tool 09950-78220 NOTE: Put bleeder plug cap onto pipe to prevent fluid from spill- ing. -
Page 365
ANTILOCK BRAKE SYSTEM (ABS) 5E-35 FRONT WHEEL SPEED SENSOR 1. Left front wheel speed sensor 3. Grommet 5. Sensor ring 2. Clamp bolt 4. Connector OUTPUT VOLTAGE INSPECTION 1) Turn ignition switch OFF. 2) Hoist vehicle a little. 3) Disconnect wheel speed sensor connector. 4) Disconnect wheel speed sensor grommet from vehicle body. -
Page 366
5E-36 ANTILOCK BRAKE SYSTEM (ABS) Reference When using oscilloscope for this check, check if peak-to-peak voltage (1) meets specification and waveform is complete. Peak-to-peak voltage at 1/2 to 1 rotation per second : 150 mV or more at 20 Hz REMOVAL 1) Disconnect negative cable at battery. -
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ANTILOCK BRAKE SYSTEM (ABS) 5E-37 SENSOR ROTER INSPECTION • Check rotor for being missing, damaged or deformed. • Turn drive shaft and check if rotor rotation is free from eccentricity and looseness. • Check that no foreign material is attached. If any faulty is found, repair or replace. -
Page 368
5E-38 ANTILOCK BRAKE SYSTEM (ABS) REAR WHEEL SPEED SENSOR 1. Left rear wheel speed sensor 3. Trailing arm 2. Right rear wheel speed sensor 4. Sensor ring OUTPUT VOLTAGE INSPECTION 1) Turn ignition switch OFF. 2) Remove rear seat referring to Section 9. 3) Turn over floor carpet. -
Page 369
ANTILOCK BRAKE SYSTEM (ABS) 5E-39 Reference When using oscilloscope for this check, check if peak-to-peak voltage (1) meets specification and waveform is complete. Peak-to-peak voltage at 1/2 to 1 rotation per second 2WD vehicle : 120 mV or more at 20 Hz 4WD vehicle : 150 mV or more at 20 Hz REMOVAL 1) Disconnect negative cable at battery. -
Page 370
5E-40 ANTILOCK BRAKE SYSTEM (ABS) SENSOR ROTOR INSPECTION • Check rotor serration (teeth) for being missing, damaged or deformed. [A] : For 2WD [B] : For 4WD • Turn wheel and check if rotor rotation is free from eccentric- ity and looseness. •… -
Page 371
ANTILOCK BRAKE SYSTEM (ABS) 5E-41 REAR WHEEL SPEED SENSOR RING (FOR 2WD VEHICLE) REMOVAL 1) Remove rear wheel sensor from rear axle housing. 2) Remove brake drum referring to Section 5. 3) Remove sensor ring (1) from brake drum (2) using special tools. -
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5E-42 ANTILOCK BRAKE SYSTEM (ABS) REAR WHEEL SPEED SENSOR RING (FOR 4WD VEHICLE) REMOVAL 1) Remove rear axle shaft referring to Section 3E. 2) Remove rear wheel sensor ring from axle shaft by using spe- cial tools. Special tool (A) : 09927-18411 (B) : 09921-57810 INSTALLATION NOTE:… -
Page 373
ANTILOCK BRAKE SYSTEM (ABS) 5E-43 G SENSOR (FOR 4WD VEHICLE ONLY) REMOVAL 1) Turn ignition switch OFF and disconnect battery negative cable. 2) Remove ABS fuse from fuse box. 3) Disconnect ABS hydraulic unit/control module assembly connector by pulling up lock. 4) Remove center console box. -
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5E-44 ANTILOCK BRAKE SYSTEM (ABS) SPECIAL TOOL 09913-65135 09913-75520 09913-75840 09927-18411 Bearing puller Bearing installing tool Sensor ring installer Universal puller 09921-57810 09931-76011 09931-76030 Countershaft holder Tech 1A kit Mass storage cartridge 16/14 pin DLC cable (See NOTE below.) 09950-78220 Flare nut wrench (10 mm) NOTE: This kit includes the following items. -
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• Service on and around the air bag system components or wiring must be performed only by an authorized SUZUKI dealer. Refer to “Air Bag System Components and Wiring Location View” under “General Description” in air bag system section in order to confirm whether you are performing ser- vice on or near the air bag system components or wiring. -
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Page 378
6-4 ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS GENERAL INFORMATION STATEMENT ON CLEANLINESS AND CARE An automobile engine is a combination of many machined, honed, polished and lapped surfaces with tolerances that are measured in the thousands of an millimeter (ten thousands of an inch). Accordingly, when any internal engine parts are serviced, care and cleanliness are important. -
Page 379
ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS 6-5 PRECAUTION ON FUEL SYSTEM SERVICE • Work must be done with no smoking, in a well-ventilated area and away from any open flames. • As fuel feed line (between fuel pump and fuel delivery pipe) is still under high fuel pressure even after engine was stopped, loosening or disconnecting fuel feed line directly may cause dangerous spout of fuel to occur where loosened… -
Page 380
6-6 ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS FUEL PRESSURE RELIEF PROCEDURE CAUTION: This work must not be done when engine is hot. If done so, it may cause adverse effect to catalyst. After making sure that engine is cold, release fuel pressure as fol- lows. -
Page 381
ECM memory as freeze frame data. (For the details, refer to description on Freeze frame data.) • It is possible to communicate by using not only SUZUKI scan tool (Tech-1) (2) but also generic scan tool. (Diagnostic infor- mation can be accessed by using a scan tool.) -
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6-8 ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS FREEZE FRAME DATA ECM stores the engine and driving conditions (in the from of data as shown in the figure) at the moment of the detection of a mal- function in its memory. This data is called “Freeze frame data”. Therefore, it is possible to know engine and driving conditions (e.g., whether the engine was warm or not, whether the vehicle was running or stopped, whether air/fuel mixture was lean or rich) -
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DLC (1) is in compliance with SAEJ1962 in its installation posi- tion, the shape of connector and pin assignment. Serial data line (K line of ISO 9141) is used for SUZUKI scan tool (Tech-1) or generic scan tool to communicate with ECM, TCM, ABS control module and Air bag SDM. -
Page 384
6-10 ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS ON-BOARD DIAGNOSTIC SYSTEM (VEHICLE WITHOUT IMMOBILIZER INDICATOR LAMP) ECM diagnosis troubles which may occur in the area including the following parts when the ignition switch is ON and the engine is running, and indicates the result by turning on or flashing mal- function indicator lamp (1). -
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Such disconnection will erase memorized information in ECM memory. • Diagnostic information stored in ECM memory can be cleared as well as checked by using SUZUKI scan tool (Tech-1) or generic scan tool (Vehicle with immobilizer indicator lamp). Before using scan tool, read its Operator’s (Instruction) Manual carefully to have good understanding as to what functions are available and… -
Page 386
6-12 ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS ENGINE DIAGNOSTIC FLOW TABLE Refer to the following pages for the details of each step. Step Action Customer Complaint Analysis Go to Step 2. Perform cus- 1) Perform customer complaint analysis referring to the tomer complaint followings. -
Page 387
ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS 6-13 1. CUSTOMER COMPLAINT ANALYSIS Record details of the problem (failure, complaint) and how it occurred as described by the customer. For this purpose, use of such an inspection form will facilitate collecting information to the point required for proper anal- ysis and diagnosis. -
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6-14 ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS CUSTOMER PROBLEM INSPECTION FORM (EXAMPLE) NOTE: The above form is a standard sample. It should be modified according to conditions characteristic of each market. -
Page 389
“Diagnostic Flow Table A-2” for troubleshooting. DIAGNOSTIC TROUBLE CODE (DTC) CHECK [Using SUZUKI Scan Tool] 1) Prepare SUZUKI scan tool (Tech-1). 2) With ignition switch OFF, connect it to data link connector (DLC) (1) located on underside of instrument panel at driver’s seat side. -
Page 390
DIAGNOSTIC TROUBLE CODE (DTC) CLEARANCE Using Scan Tool 1) Connect SUZUKI scan tool (Tech-1) or generic scan tool (Vehicle with immobilizer indicator lamp) to data link connec- tor in the same manner as when making this connection for DTC check. -
Page 391
ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS 6-17 Without Using Scan Tool 1) Turn the ignition switch OFF position. 2) Disconnect battery negative cable for specified time below to erase diagnostic trouble code stored in ECM memory and reconnect it. Time required to erase DTC : Ambient Time to cut power to ECM temperature… -
Page 392
6-18 ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS DETECTING ITEM DETECTING CONDITION (DTC will set when detecting(vehicle (vehicle with immo- without bilizer indi- immobi- cator lamp) lizer indica- tor lamp) P0141 HO2S heater circuit mal- Terminal voltage is lower than specifica- 2 driving function (Sensor-2) tion at heater OFF or it is higher at heater…
Page 393
ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS 6-19 DETECTING ITEM DETECTING CONDITION (DTC will set when detecting(vehicle (vehicle with immo- without bilizer indi- immobi- cator lamp) lizer indica- tor lamp) P1451 Barometric pressure sen- Difference between manifold absolute 2 driving sor performance problem pressure (MAP sensor value) and baro- cycles…
Page 394
• For ( ) marked No. in DTC column, it is used for vehicle without immobilizer indication lamp. • DTC No.12 appears when none of the other codes is identified. • For vehicle with immobilizer indication lamp, star (✱) marked DTCs can be read with SUZUKI scan tool ECM application. -
Page 395
ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS 6-21 DTC NO. TROUBLE AREA FAIL-SAFE OPERATION SYMPTOM P0340 CMP SENSOR ECM changes injection control sys- Hard starting (No.15) tem from sequential injection to simul- taneous one. P0400 EGR VALVE – Hard starting/rough or incorrect idle/ excessive fuel consumption/ hesitation/ poor acceleration/ surge/ detonation or spark knock/… -
Page 396
6-22 ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS VISUAL INSPECTION Visually check following parts and systems. INSPECTION ITEM REFERRING SECTION • Engine oil – level, leakage Section 0B • Engine coolant – level, leakage Section 0B • Fuel – level, leakage Section 0B •… -
Page 397
Is it 650 – 750 r/min (700 – 800 r/min. for A/T vehicle)? Check ignition timing as follows : Go to “ENGINE DIAGNO- Check ignition control 1) When SUZUKI scan tool is not available, SIS TABLE”. related parts referring to disconnect scan tool from DLC and connect Section 6F1. -
Page 398
2) Using sound scope (1), check operating sound of each injector (2) when cranking engine. See Fig. 6. Was injector operating sound heard from all injectors? Fig. 1 for Step 5 Fig. 2 for Step 6 [A] : When not using SUZUKI scan tool:… -
Page 399
ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS 6-25 Fig. 3 for Step 6 [A] : When using SUZUKI scan tool Fig. 4 for Step 6 Fig. 5 for Step 9 Fig. 6 for Step 12… -
Page 400
6-26 ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS ENGINE DIAGNOSIS TABLE Perform troubleshooting referring to following table when ECM has detected no DTC and no abnormality has been found in visual inspection and engine basic inspection previously. Condition Possible Cause Correction Hard Starting Faulty spark plug Spark plugs in Section 6F1. -
Page 401
ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS 6-27 Condition Possible Cause Correction Engine noise Improper valve lash Valve lash in Section 6A1. Note : Before Worn valve stem and guide Valves inspection in Section 6A1. checking mechani- Weak or broken valve spring Valve springs inspection in Section cal noise, make sure 6A1. -
Page 402
6-28 ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS Condition Possible Cause Correction Poor gasoline mile- Leaks or loose connection of high-tension High-tension cords in Section 6F1. cord Faulty spark plug (improper gap, heavy Spark plugs in Section 6F1. deposits and burned electrodes, etc.) Malfunctioning EGR valve (if equipped) EGR system in Section 6E1. -
Page 403
ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS 6-29 Condition Possible Cause Correction Excessive detona- Faulty spark plug Spark plugs in Section 6F1. tion Loose connection of high-tension cord High-tension cords in Section 6F1. (Engine makes con- Engine overheating Refer to “Overheating” section. tinuously sharp Clogged fuel filter (faulty fuel pump) or fuel Diagnostic Flow Table B-1 or B-2. -
Page 404
6-30 ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS Condition Possible Cause Correction Improper engine Faulty spark plug Spark plugs in Section 6F1. idling or engine fails Leaky or disconnected high-tension cord High-tension cords in Section 6F1. to idle Faulty ignition coil with ignitor Ignition coil in Section 6F1. -
Page 405
ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS 6-31 SCAN TOOL DATA As the data values given below are standard values estimated on the basis of values obtained from the normally operating vehicles by using a scan tool, use them as reference values. Even when the vehicle is in good condi- tion, there may be cases where the checked value does not fall within each specified data range. -
Page 406
6-32 ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS SCAN TOOL DATA VEHICLE CONDITION NORMAL CONDITION/ REFERENCE VALUES ✱ THROTTLE POS Ignition switch Throttle valve fully closed 7 – 18% (ABSOLUTE THROTTLE ON/engine Throttle valve fully open 70 – 90% POSITION) stopped ✱ O2S B1 S1 At specified idle speed after warming up 0.01 –… -
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Page 408
6-34 ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS IGNITION ADVANCE (IGNITION TIMING ADVANCE FOR NO.1 CYLINDER, °) Ignition timing of NO.1 cylinder is commanded by ECM. The actual ignition timing should be checked by using the timing light. INTAKE AIR TEMP. (°C, °F) It is detected by intake air temp. -
Page 409
ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS 6-35 RADIATOR FAN (RADIATOR FAN CONTROL RELAY, ON/OFF) ON : Command for radiator fan control relay operation being output. OFF : Command for relay operation not being output. ELECTRIC LOAD (ON/OFF) ON : Headlight, small light or rear window defogger ON signal inputted. OFF : Above electric loads all turned OFF. -
Page 410
6-36 ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS INSPECTION OF ECM AND ITS CIRCUITS ECM and its circuits can be checked at ECM wiring couplers by measuring voltage and resistance. CAUTION: ECM cannot be checked by itself. It is strictly prohibited to connect voltmeter or ohmmeter to ECM with coupler disconnected from it. -
Page 411
ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS 6-37 ECM VOLTAGE VALUES TABLE For TYPE A (See NOTE) NOTE: Type A is other than follows. Type B is right hand steering vehicle equipped with fasten seat belt light and immobilizer control sys- tem. TERMINAL NO. -
Page 412
6-38 ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS TERMINAL CIRCUIT NORMAL CONDITION VOLTAGE A/C compressor clutch Ignition switch ON EGR valve (stepper motor coil 1) 10 – 14 V Ignition switch ON (if equipped) Throttle position sensor 0.2 – 1.0 V Ignition switch ON Throttle valve at idle position 2.8 –… -
Page 413
Data link connector 10 – 14 V Ignition switch ON (K line of ISO9141) Ignition switch 10 – 14 V Ignition switch ON Data link connector (SUZUKI serial 4 – 6 V Ignition switch ON data line) Blank – –… -
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Page 415
ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS 6-41 TERMINAL CIRCUIT NORMAL CONDITION VOLTAGE A/C compressor clutch Ignition switch ON – – – – – – – – – Power source 10 – 14 V Ignition switch ON Power source 10 – 14 V Ignition switch ON Power source for back-up 10 –… -
Page 416
0 V and 10 – 14 V D-range ID-up signal (A/T) 10 – 14 V Ignition switch ON Data link connector (SUZUKI serial 4 – 6 V Ignition switch ON data line) Blank – – Malfunction indicator lamp 0 –… -
Page 417
ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS 6-43 Resistance Check 1) Disconnect ECM couplers from ECM with ignition switch OFF. CAUTION: Never touch terminals of ECM itself or connect voltmeter or ohmmeter. 2) Check resistance between each terminal of connectors dis- connected. CAUTION: •… -
Page 418
6-44 ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS For TYPE B (Refer to NOTE in “ECM VOLTAGE VALUES TABLE” for applicable model.) TERMINALS CIRCUIT STANDARD RESISTANCE 5.0 – 6.4 Ω C42-7 to C41-11 HO2S-1 heater (if equipped) 12.0 – 14.3 Ω C41-4 to C41-11 HO2S-2 heater (if equipped) 11.3 –… -
Page 419
ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS 6-45 COMPONENT LOCATION 1. TP sensor 9. Radiator fan control relay No.3 17. ECM 2. MAP sensor 10. EVAP canister purge valve 18. Monitor connector 3. IAC valve 11. ECT sensor 19. VSS 4. IAT sensor 12. -
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Page 421
ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS 6-47 Step Action MIL Circuit Check Substitute a known-good Bulb burned out or “PPL/ 1) Turn ignition switch OFF and disconnect ECM and recheck. YEL” (Case of TYPE A. connectors from ECM. See NOTE) or “PPL/ 2) Check for proper connection to ECM at ter- WHT”… -
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6-50 ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS INSPECTION Step Action Main Relay Operating Sound Check Go to Step 5. Go to Step 2. Is operating sound of main relay heard at ignition switch Main Relay Check Go to Step 3. Replace main relay. 1) Turn OFF ignition switch and remove main relay (1). -
Page 425
ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS 6-51 Fig. 1 for Step 2 1. Main relay Fig. 2 for Step 2 Fig. 3 for Step 2 Fig. 4 for Step 3 1. Fuse… -
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Page 427
ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS 6-53 MAP SENSOR INDIVIDUAL CHECK 1) Disconnect connector from MAP sensor (1). 2) Remove MAP sensor (1). 3) Arrange 3 new 1.5 V batteries (2) in series (check that total voltage is 4.5 – 5.0 V) and connect its positive terminal to “Vin”… -
Page 428
6-54 ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS Step Action Check Wire Harness. Go to Step 4. “GRY/RED” wire open or 1) Disconnect MAP sensor connector with shorted to ground circuit ignition switch OFF. or shorted to power circuit 2) Check for proper connection of MAP sensor (See NOTE), “RED/WHT”… -
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6-56 ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS Step Action Check Wire Harness. Go to Step 5. “LT GRN/BLK” wire open 1) Disconnect IAT sensor connector with igni- or shorted to power, or tion switch OFF. poor C42-15 connection. 2) Check for proper connection to IAT sensor If wire and connection are at “LT GRN/BLK”… -
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Page 432
6-58 ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS DTC CONFIRMATION PROCEDURE 1) Clear DTC, start engine and keep it at idle for 1 min. 2) Select “DTC” mode no scan tool and check DTC. INSPECTION Step Action Was “ENGINE DIAG. FLOW TABLE” per- Go to Step 2. -
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ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS 6-59 Fig. 2 for Step 3 Fig. 3 for Step 4… -
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Page 435
ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS 6-61 INSPECTION Step Action Was “ENGINE DIAG. FLOW TABLE” per- Go to Step 2. Go to “ENGINE DIAG. formed? FLOW TABLE”. Check TP Sensor and Its Circuit. Go to Step 3. Intermittent trouble. 1) Connect scan tool to DLC with ignition Check for intermittent switch OFF and then turn ignition switch referring to “Intermittent… -
Page 436
6-62 ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS Fig. 2 for Step 3 Fig. 3 for Step 4… -
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Page 438
Between 1 and 2 : 4.0 – 6.0 kΩ Between 1 and 3 : 0.02 – 6.0 kΩ, varying according to throttle valve opening. Are measured values as specified? Fig. 1 for Step 3 [ A ] [A] : When using SUZUKI scan tool:… -
Page 439
ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS 6-65 Fig. 2 for Step 4 [A] : When not using SUZUKI scan tool: [a] : Case of TYPE A is shown (See NOTE) [b] : Case of TYPE B is shown (See NOTE) Fig. 3 for Step 3 and 4… -
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Page 441
ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS 6-67 INSPECTION Step Action Was “ENGINE DIAG. FLOW TABLE” per- Go to Step 2. Go to “ENGINE DIAG. formed? FLOW TABLE”. Is there DTC(s) other than HO2S-1 (DTC Go to applicable DTC Go to Step 3. P0130)? Diag. -
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Page 445
ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS 6-71 INSPECTION Step Action Was “ENGINE DIAG. FLOW TABLE” per- Go to Step 2. Go to “ENGINE DIAG. formed? FLOW TABLE”. Check Heater for operation. Intermittent trouble Check Go to Step 3. 1) Check voltage at terminal C42-7. See Fig. for intermittent referring to “Intermittent and Poor 2) Warm up engine to normal operating tem-… -
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Page 447
ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS 6-73 6) Repeat above steps 5) 4 times. 7) Increase vehicle speed to about 50 mph (80 km/h) in 3rd gear or 2 range.Release accelerator pedal and with engine brake applied, keep vehicle coasting (fuel cut condition) for 10sec.
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Page 449
ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS 6-75 INSPECTION Step Action Was “ENGINE DIAG. FLOW TABLE” per- Go to Step 2. Go to “ENGINE DIAG. formed? FLOW TABLE”. Check HO2S-2 Heater and Its Circuit. Intermittent trouble. Go to Step 3. 1) Warm up engine to normal operating tem- Check for intermittent perature. -
Page 450
6-76 ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS DTC P0171 FUEL SYSTEM TOO LEAN DTC P0172 FUEL SYSTEM TOO RICH WIRING DIAGRAM / CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION C42-9 BLU/YEL BLU/WHT C42-21 BLU/RED C42-31 BLU/ORN C42-8 C42-1 BLK/ORN C42-3 BLK/ORN C42-13 C42-10 1. Injector [a] : Signal to decrease amount of fuel injection [f] : A/F mixture becomes leaner 2. -
Page 451
ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS 6-77 DTC CONFIRMATION PROCEDURE WARNING: • When performing a road test, select a place where there is no traffic or possibility of a traffic acci- dent and be very careful during testing to avoid occurrence of an accident. •… -
Page 452
6-78 ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS Step Action Check Fuel Injectors and Circuit. Go to Step 6. Check injector circuit or 1) Using sound scope (1) or such, check oper- replace fuel injector(s). ating sound of each injector (2) when engine is running. -
Page 453
ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS 6-79 Fig. 1 for Step 3 Fig. 2 for Step 4 Fig. 3 for Step 5 Fig. 4 for Step 5… -
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6-80 ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS Fig. 5 for Step 5 Fig. 6 for Step 6… -
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Page 456
6-82 ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS DTC DETECTING CONDITION POSSIBLE CAUSE • Engine under other than high revolution condition • Engine overheating • Not on rough road • Vacuum leaks (air inhaling) from air intake system • Engine speed changing rate (Below specified value) •… -
Page 457
ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS 6-83 Step Action Is there DTC other than Fuel system (DTC P0171/ Go to applicable DTC Go to Step 3. P0172) and misfire (DTC P0300-P0304)? Diag. Flow Table. Check Ignition System. Go to Step 4. Check ignition sys- 1) Remove spark plugs and check them for;… -
Page 458
6-84 ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS Step Action Check EVAP Canister Purge Valve for Closing. Check EVAP control Go to Step 8. 1) Disconnect purge hose from EVAP canister purge system (See Section valve. 6E1). 2) Place finger against the end of EVAP canister purge valve. -
Page 459
ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS 6-85 Fig. 3 for Step 5 Fig. 4 for Step 5 Fig. 5 for Step 5 Fig. 6 for Step 7… -
Page 460
6-86 ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS DTC P0325 (DTC NO.17) KNOCK SENSOR CIRCUIT MALFUNCTION WIRING DIAGRAM / CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION C42-12 [A] C42-25 [B] C42 (31P) C41 (24P) G02 (17P) 13 12 28 27 [A] : Case of TYPE A is shown (See NOTE) [B] : Case of TYPE B is shown (See NOTE) NOTE: For TYPE A and TYPE B, refer to NOTE in “ECM VOLTAGE VALUES TABLE”… -
Page 461
ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS 6-87 Fig. 1 for Step 2 [A] : Case of TYPE A is shown (See NOTE) [B] : Case of TYPE B is shown (See NOTE) Fig. 2 for Step 2… -
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Page 463
ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS 6-89 INSPECTION Step Action Was “ENGINE DIAG. FLOW TABLE” performed? Go to Step 2. Go to “ENGINE DIAG. FLOW TABLE”. Check CKP Sensor and Connector for proper Go to Step 3. Correct. installation. Is CKP sensor installed properly and connector connected securely? Check Wire Harness and Connection. -
Page 464
6-90 ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS Fig. 1 for Step 3 Fig. 2 for Step 6 Fig. 3 for Step 6 Fig. 4 for Step 7… -
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Page 466
6-92 ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS INSPECTION Step Action Was “ENGINE DIAG. FLOW TABLE” performed? Go to Step 2. Go to “ENGINE DIAG. FLOW TABLE”. Check CMP Sensor and connector for proper installa- Go to Step 3. Correct. tion. Is CMP sensor installed properly and connector con- nected securely? Check Wire Harness and Connection. -
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ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS 6-93 Fig. 1 for Step 3 Fig. 2 for Step 6 Fig. 3 for Step 6 Fig. 4 for Step 7… -
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Page 469
Go to Step 4. Go to Step 5. EGR Valve Operation Check : Go to Step 4. Go to Step 5. 1) With ignition switch OFF, install SUZUKI scan tool. 2) Check EGR system referring to Section 6E1. Is it in good condition? -
Page 470
6-96 ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS Step Action EGR Valve Power Supply Circuit Check : Go to Step 7. Faulty “BLK/RED” wire. 1) With ignition switch OFF, disconnect EGR valve coupler. 2) With ignition switch ON, check voltage between terminal 2 and ground terminal 5 of EGR valve connector and ground. -
Page 471
ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS 6-97 DTC P0420 CATALYST SYSTEM EFFICIENCY BELOW THRESHOLD WIRING DIAGRAM / CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION C42-13 C42-10 C41-13 C42 (31P) C41 (24P) G02 (17P) 13 12 28 27 ECM monitors oxygen concentration in the exhaust gas which has passed the three way catalytic converter by HO2S-2 (2). -
Page 472
6-98 ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS DTC CONFIRMATION PROCEDURE WARNING: • When performing a road test, select a place where there is no traffic or possibility of a traffic acci- dent and be very careful during testing to avoid occurrence of an accident. •… -
Page 473
ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS 6-99 INSPECTION Step Action Was “ENGINE DIAG. FLOW TABLE” per- Go to Step 2. Go to “ENGINE DIAG. formed? FLOW TABLE”. Check Short Term Fuel Trim. Go to Step 3. Check fuel system. Did short term fuel trim vary within – 20% – Go to DTC P0171/P0172 +20% range in step 3) of DTC confirmation Diag. -
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Page 476
6-102 ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS Step Action Check Radiator Cooling Fan Control Relay. “BLK/RED” or “BLU” cir- Replace radiator cool- 1) Turn ignition switch OFF and remove radiator cuit open or short. ing fan relay. cooling fan relay. If wires and connections 2) Check for proper connection to the relay at are OK, substitute a “BLK/RED”, “BLU”, “BLU/RED”… -
Page 477
Page 478
6-104 ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS Step Action Check Vehicle Speed Signal. Intermittent trouble or Go to Step 4. Is vehicle speed displayed on scan tool in step faulty ECM. 2) and 3) of DTC confirmation procedure? Check for intermittent referring to “Intermittent and Poor Connection”… -
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Page 480
Go to Step 4. Check Idle Air Control System. Intermittent trouble or Go to Step 5. 1) Connect SUZUKI scan tool to DLC with igni- faulty ECM. tion switch OFF, set parking brake and Check for intermittent block drive wheels. -
Page 481
ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS 6-107 Fig. 2 for Step 4 [A] : Without using SUZUKI scan tool:… -
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Page 483
ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS 6-109 Step Action Check MAP Sensor. Check air intake system Replace MAP sensor. 1) Remove MAP sensor from intake manifold for air being drawn in and and connect vacuum pump gauge to MAP engine compression. sensor. -
Page 484
6-110 ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS DTC P1500 ENGINE STARTER SIGNAL CIRCUIT MALFUNCTION CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION C41-7 [A] BLK/YEL C41-20 [B] C42 (31P) C41 (24P) G02 (17P) 13 12 28 27 1. Ignition switch 2. Transmission range switch (A/T) 3. Starter motor [A] : Case of TYPE A is shown (See NOTE) [B] : Case of TYPE B is shown (See NOTE) NOTE:… -
Page 485
ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS 6-111 DTC P1510 ECM BACK-UP POWER SUPPLY MALFUNCTION WIRING DIAGRAM / CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION G02-17 [A] WHT/RED C41-7 [B] C42 (31P) C41 (24P) G02 (17P) 13 12 28 27 [A] : Case of TYPE A is shown (See NOTE) [B] : Case of TYPE B is shown (See NOTE) Battery voltage is supplied so that diagnostic trouble code memory, values for engine control learned by ECM, etc. -
Page 486
6-112 ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS DTC P1600 SERIAL COMMUNICATION PROBLEM BETWEEN ECM AND TCM WIRING DIAGRAM C44-20 BLK/WHT C41-23 C42 (31P) C41 (24P) G02 (17P) 13 12 28 27 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION The serial data line is pulled up to about 12 V by ECM and TCM transmits information to ECM through it by con- trolling its grounding. -
Page 487
ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS 6-113 Step Action Is it about 12 V at Step 2? “BLK/WHT” wire open, Go to Step 4. poor C44-20 connection or TCM power or ground circuit open. If wires and connections are OK, sub- stitute a known-good TCM and recheck. -
Page 488
Page 489
Go to Step 4. Check PNP Signal (“D” range signal). Intermittent trouble or Go to Step 5. 1) Connect SUZUKI scan tool to DLC with igni- faulty ECM. Check for tion switch OFF. See Fig. 1. intermittent referring to 2) Turn ignition switch ON and check PNP sig- “Intermittent and poor… -
Page 490
[A] : Case of TYPE A is shown (See NOTE) [B] : Case of TYPE B is shown (See NOTE) Table 1 for Step 3 and 4 Scan tool or voltmeter SUZUKI SCAN TOOL VOLTAGE AT C41-14 Selector lever “P” and “N” range P/N range 10 –… -
Page 491
ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS 6-117 TABLE B-1 FUEL INJECTOR CIRCUIT CHECK WIRING DIAGRAM C42-9 BLU/YEL BLK/RED BLU/WHT C42-21 BLU/RED C42-31 BLU/ORN C42-8 C42 (31P) C41 (24P) G02 (17P) 13 12 28 27 1. No.1 injector 3. No.3 injector 2. No.2 injector 4. -
Page 492
!»##$%&'()’&%(&’&*+,%)’-.*/+0).’%+’1%1)+(‘.2)2 0+3,&%3″4%-5&,%65/6%+’1%)02%7)*75)0%78&79 :)*)'(%1)+(*+/ BLK/WHT C41-19 BLK/RED C08-3 C08-4 C42 (31P) C41 (24P) G02 (17P) 13 12 28 27 !» #$%&'($)(‘*%&+, -» #$%&'($)( )’26&70).’ 7+50).’; 7<=>?%@A%BC?=%DEF=%@<C@%>AGG=>@HAG%HD%BCI=%J=@K==G%>AFF=>@%@=FBHGCLDM%:FAGN%>AGG=>@HAG%>CG%>CED= ICBCN=%@A%&7/O%KHF=%<CFG=DDO%=@>M 2@=P +>@HAG .+/’0123421’5463″‘#78.’96:71;'(%*< 3>’A>’BA%(‘-» 3>’A>’0123421’5463″‘ =>*)%?@ #78.’96:71;» CD%EF’#$%&’G$)(‘C>HA*>&’B,/A%)’=>*’>(%*+AI>H»‘ #$%&'($)(‘EI*E$IA’I/’IH’ 3>’A>’BA%(‘L» B%%’#IJ»‘!» J>>?’E>H?IAI>H» 4/’=$%&'($)(‘D%+*?’A>’>(%*+A%’=>*’-‘/%E»‘+=A%*’ IJHIAI>H’/KIAED’82@ CD%EF’#$%&’G$)(‘=>*’>(%*+AI>H»… -
Page 493
ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS 6-119 Step Action Check Fuel Pump Relay for operation. “PNK” circuit open or poor Replace fuel pump 1) Check resistance between each two termi- C41-19 connection. relay. nals of fuel pump relay. See Fig.3. If wire and connection are Between terminals “c”… -
Page 494
6-120 ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS TABLE B-3 FUEL PRESSURE CHECK WIRING DIAGRAM 1. Injector (A) : Fuel pressure gauge 2. Delivery pipe (B) : Hose 3. Fuel pump (C) : Attachment INSPECTION Step Action Check Fuel Pressure (Refer to Section 6E for Go to Step 2. -
Page 495
ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS 6-121 Fig. 1 for Step 1 1. Fuel pressure gauge 1, (A) 2. 3 way joint Special tool (A) : 09912-58441 (B) : 09912-58490 2, (B) -
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Page 497
Check PNP signal (“D” range signal). Go to Step 11. Repair or replace. 1) Connect SUZUKI scan tool to DLC with igni- tion switch OFF. 2) Turn ignition switch ON and check PNP sig- nal (“P/N” and “D” range) on display when shifting selector lever to each range. -
Page 498
6-124 ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS Table 1 for Step 9 and 10 Scan tool or voltmeter SUZUKI SCAN TOOL VOLTAGE AT C41-14 DISPLAY Selector lever “P” and “N” range P/N range 10 – 14V position “R”, “D”, “2” and “L” range D range 0 –… -
Page 499
ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS 6-125 INSPECTION Step Action Check evaporator temp. sensor resistance. Go to Step 2. Faulty A/C evaporator 1) Disconnect ECM connectors with ignition temp. sensor or its circuit. switch at OFF position. 2) Check resistance between G02-14 terminal and G02-10 terminal (Case of TYPE A. -
Page 500
Go to Step 3. Check Electric Load Signal Circuit. Electric load signal circuit “RED/BLK” (Case of 1) Connect SUZUKI scan tool to DLC with igni- is in good condition. TYPE A. See NOTE) or tion switch OFF. C41-17 (Case of TYPE B. -
Page 501
[A] : When using SUZUKI scan tool: Fig. 2 for Step 3 [A] : When not using SUZUKI scan tool: [a] : Case of TYPE A is shown (See NOTE) [b] : Case of TYPE B is shown (See NOTE) -
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Page 503
See Fig. 3. Is it in good condition? Fig. 1 for Step 1 [ A ] [A] : When using SUZUKI scan tool: Fig. 2 for Step 3 1. Radiator fan No.1 2. Radiator fan No.2 3. Radiator fan No.3… -
Page 504
6-130 ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS Fig. 3 for Step 4 SPECIAL TOOL 09912-58441 09912-58431 09912-58490 09912-58421 Pressure gauge Pressure hose 3-way joint & hose Checking tool set (See NOTE “A”.) 09912-57610 09917-47010 09930-88530 09931-76011 Checking tool plate Vacuum pump gauge Injector test lead Tech 1 A kit (See NOTE “B”.) -
Page 505
ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS 6-131 09931-76030 Mass storage cartridge 16/14 pin DLC cable NOTE: • “A” : This kit includes the following items. 1. Tool body & washer, 2. Body plug, 3. Body attachment, 4. Holder, 5. Return hose & clamp, 6. -
Page 506
Page 507
• Service on and around the air bag system components or wiring must be performed only by an authorized SUZUKI dealer. Refer to “Air Bag System Components and Wiring Location View” under “General Description” in air bag system section in order to confirm whether you are performing ser- vice on or near the air bag system components or wiring. -
Page 508
6A1-2 ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) GENERAL DESCRIPTION ENGINE The engine is water-cooled, in line 4 cylinders, 4 stroke cycle gasoline unit with its DOHC (Double overhead camshaft) valve mechanism arranged for “V” type valve configuration and 16 valves (4 valves/one cylinder). The double overhead camshaft is mounted over the cylinder head;… -
Page 509: Engine Lubrication
ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) 6A1-3 ENGINE LUBRICATION The oil pump is of a trochoid type, and mounted on the crankshaft. Oil is drawn up through the oil pump strainer and passed through the pump to the oil filter. The filtered oil flows into 2 paths in cylinder block. In one path, oil reaches the crankshaft journal bearings.
Page 510
6A1-4 ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) DIAGNOSIS DIAGNOSIS TABLE Refer to “ENGINE MECHANICAL DIAGNOSIS TABLE” in Sec- tion 6. COMPRESSION CHECK Check compression pressure on all 4 cylinders as follows: 1) Warm up engine to normal operating temperature. 2) Stop engine after warming up. NOTE: After warming up engine, place transmission gear shift lever in “Neutral”… -
Page 511
ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) 6A1-5 9) Install special tools (compression gauge) into spark plug hole. Special tool (A) : 09915-64510-001 (B) : 09915-64510-002 (C) : 09915-64530 (D) : 09915-67010 10) Disengage clutch (1) (to lighten starting load on engine) for M/T vehicle, and depress accelerator pedal (2) all the way to make throttle fully open. -
Page 512
6A1-6 ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) 13) After checking, install spark plugs and ignition coil assem- blies (1) with high-tension cord (2). 14) Connect ignition coil couplers (3). 15) Connect fuel injector wires(4) at the coupler. 16) Check cylinder head upper cover gasket for deterioration and then install it into groove of cylinder head upper cover (1) securely. -
Page 513
ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) 6A1-7 4) Connect special tool (Vacuum gauge) to intake manifold. Special tool (A) : 09915-67310 5) Run engine at specified idle speed and read vacuum gauge. Vacuum should be within specification. Vacuum specification (at sea level) : 59 –… -
Page 514
6A1-8 ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) 2) Install special tools (Oil pressure gauge) to vacated threaded hole. Special tool (A) : 09915-77310 (B) : 09915-78211 3) Start engine and warm it up to normal operating tempera- ture. NOTE: Be sure to place transmission gear shift lever in “Neu- tral”… -
Page 515
ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) 6A1-9 VALVE LASH (CLEARANCE) INSPECTION 1) Remove negative cable at battery. 2) Remove cylinder head cover referring to “CYLINDER HEAD COVER”. 3) Remove right side engine cover if necessary. 4) Using 17 mm wrench, turn crankshaft pulley (1) clockwise until cam lobes (2) become perpendicular to shim faces (3) at valves “1”… -
Page 516
6A1-10 ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) b) Check housing No. and select special tool corresponding to housing No., referring to “special tool selection table”. Special tool selection table No. on camshaft Embossed mark housing on special tool I3, I4, I5 IN345 E3, E4, E5 EX345 A: I : Intake side or E : Exhaust side… -
Page 517
ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) 6A1-11 For example of intake side : When thickness of removed shim is 2.40 mm (0.095 in.), and measured valve clearance is 0.45 mm (0.018 in.). A = 2.40 mm (0.094 in.) + (0.45 mm (0.018 in.) – 0.20 mm (0.008 in.)) = 2.65 mm (0.104 in.) Calculated thickness of new shim = 2.65 mm (0.104 in.) 6) Select new shim No. -
Page 518: Air Cleaner Element
6A1-12 ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) 9) Install camshaft housing (1) and tighten bolts to specified torque. Tightening torque Camshaft housing bolt (a) : 11 N·m (1.1 kg-m, 8.0 lb-ft) 10) Check valve clearance again after adjusting it. 11) After checking and adjusting all valves. 12) Install cylinder head cover, referring to “CYLINDER HEAD COVER”.
Page 519: Knock Sensor
ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) 6A1-13 AIR CLEANER ASSEMBLY AND RESONATOR REMOVAL 1) Disconnect negative cable at battery. 2) Disconnect IAT sensor coupler (1). 3) Disconnect breather hose (2) from cylinder head cover. 4) Remove air cleaner assembly (3), resonator (4) and their hoses.
Page 520
6A1-14 ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) 6) Remove oil level gauge (1). 7) Disconnect PCV hose (2) from PCV valve (3) and release harness clamp.Remove cylinder head cover mounting bolts in such order as indicated in figure. 9) Remove cylinder head cover (1) with cylinder head cover gasket (2) and spark plug hole gasket (3).
Page 521
ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) 6A1-15 • Timing chain cover (1) and cylinder head (2) matching sur- face as shown. “A” : Sealant 99000-31150 3) Install cylinder head cover to cylinder head. NOTE: When installing cylinder head cover, use care so that cyl- inder head cover gasket or spark plug hole gaskets will not get out of place or fall off. -
Page 522
6A1-16 ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) THROTTLE BODY AND INTAKE MANIFOLD 1. Intake manifold 7. EVAP canister purge valve 13. Intake manifold mounting bolt (short) 19. Cushion 2. Intake manifold gasket 8. TP sensor 14. Intake manifold mounting bolt (long) 20. Fuel delivery pipe mounting bolt 3. -
Page 523
ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) 6A1-17 4) Remove air cleaner assembly, resonator and hoses by refer- ring to “AIR CLEANER ASSEMBLY AND RESONATOR”. 5) Disconnect the following electric lead wires : • IAC valve (1) • TP sensor (2) • EVAP canister purge valve (3) •… -
Page 524
6A1-18 ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) 11) Remove intake manifold (1) with throttle body (2) and EGR pipe (3) from cylinder head, and then its gasket. INSTALLATION Reverse removal procedure for installation noting the followings. • Use new intake manifold gasket and EGR pipe gasket. •… -
Page 525
ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) 6A1-19 EXHAUST MANIFOLD 1. Exhaust manifold 6. Exhaust manifold stiffener 11. Exhaust manifold mounting bolt 2. Exhaust manifold gasket 7. Gasket Tightening torque 3. Heated oxygen sensor (if equipped) 8. Exhaust manifold mounting nut Do not reuse. 4. -
Page 526
6A1-20 ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) 5) Remove exhaust manifold stiffener (1). 6) Disconnect exhaust No.1 pipe (2) from exhaust manifold. 7) Remove exhaust manifold (1) and its gasket from cylinder head. INSTALLATION 1) Install new gasket to cylinder head. Then install exhaust manifold. Tighten manifold bolts and nuts to specified torque. -
Page 527: Oil Pan And Oil Pump Strainer
ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) 6A1-21 4) Install exhaust manifold cover (1) . 5) Connect heated oxygen sensor coupler (2) and fit coupler to bracket securely (if equipped). 6) Install heat insulator panel and front bumper with front grille by referring to Section 9. 7) Connect negative cable at battery.
Page 528
6A1-22 ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) 4) Remove exhaust No.1 pipe (1). 5) Drain engine oil by removing drain plug. 6) Remove clutch housing (torque converter housing for A/T vehicle) lower plate (1). 7) For 4WD vehicle, remove transfer referring to Section 7D.Remove oil pan and then oil pump strainer (1) from cylinder block.
Page 529
ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) 6A1-23 • Clean sealing surface on oil pan and cylinder block. Remove oil, old sealant and dust from sealing surface. INSTALLATION 1) Apply sealant continuously to oil pan mating surface as shown in figure. “A” : sealant 99000-31150 Sealant amount for oil pan Width “a”… -
Page 530
6A1-24 ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) 5) Install clutch housing (torque converter housing for A/T vehi- cle) lower plate (1). 6) For 4WD vehicle, install transfer by referring to Section 7D. 7) Install exhaust No.1 pipe (1). Tighten bolts to specified torque. Tightening torque Exhaust No.1 pipe bolts (a) : 50 N·m 5.0 kg-m, 36.5 lb-ft)Install oil level gauge.
Page 531: Timing Chain Cover
ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) 6A1-25 TIMING CHAIN COVER [A] : Sealant application 3. Oil seal 8. Oil pan mounting bolt amount : Apply engine oil to oil seal lip. “a” : 3 mm (0.12 in.) 4. Timing chain cover 9. Oil pan mounting nut : Apply sealant 99000-31140 to the mating surface of cylinder and cylinder head.
Page 532
6A1-26 ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) 3) Remove right side engine under cover (1). 4) Remove A/C compressor belt (3) (if equipped). 5) Remove water pump belt (1). 6) Remove water pump pulley (2). 7) Drain engine oil.Remove crankshaft pulley bolt (2). To lock crankshaft pulley (1), use special tool with it as shown in figure.
Page 533
ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) 6A1-27 11) Support engine with supporting device (1). 12) Remove engine right side mounting (2) with bracket from timing chain cover and body. 13) Remove timing chain cover (1). CLEAN • Clean sealing surface on timing chain cover, cylinder block and cylinder head. -
Page 534
6A1-28 ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) INSTALLATION Reverse removal procedure to install timing chain cover, noting the following points. 1) Apply sealant “A” to mating surface of cylinder and cylinder head and “B” to mating surface of timing chain cover as shown in figure. -
Page 535
ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) 6A1-29 5) Install cylinder head cover referring to “CYLINDER HEAD COVER”. 6) Install oil pan (1) referring to “OIL PAN AND OIL PUMP STRAINER”. 7) Install crankshaft pulley (1). Tighten bolt (2) to specified torque. To lock crankshaft pulley, use special tool with it as shown in the figure. -
Page 536
6A1-30 ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) OIL PUMP [A] : Sealant application 4. Timing chain cover 10. Circlip amount : Apply sealant 99000-31140 to the mating surface of cylinder and cylinder head. : Apply sealant 99000-31150 to mating surface of timing chain cover referring to the figure of Step 1) in “TIMING CHAIN COVER INSTALLATION”. -
Page 537
ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) 6A1-31 2) Remove outer rotor (1) and inner rotor (2). 3) Remove relief valve (1), spring (2) and retainer (3) by remov- ing circlip (4). INSPECTION • Check oil seal lip for fault or other damage. Replace as nec- essary. -
Page 538
6A1-32 ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) • Check outer (1) and inner rotors (2), rotor plate, and oil pump case for excessive wear or damage. • Check relief valve (1) for excessive wear or damage and operates smoothly. MEASUREMENT Radial Clearance Check radial clearance between outer rotor (1) and case (2), using thickness gauge (3). -
Page 539
ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) 6A1-33 ASSEMBLY 1) Wash, clean and then dry all disassembled parts. 2) Apply thin coat of engine oil to inner and outer rotors, oil seal lip portion, and inside surfaces of oil pump case and plate. 3) Install outer (1) and inner rotors (2) to oil pump case. -
Page 540
6A1-34 ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) TIMING CHAIN AND CHAIN TENSIONER 1. Crankshaft timing sprocket 4. Timing chain tensioner 7. Chain tensioner mounting bolt : Apply engine oil to sliding surface. 2. Timing chain 5. Timing chain tensioner adjuster assembly 8. Chain guide mounting bolt : Apply engine oil. -
Page 541
ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) 6A1-35 INSPECTION Timing chain tensioner • Check shoe (1) for wear or damage. Crankshaft timing sprocket • Check teeth of sprocket for wear or damage. Timing chain • Check timing chain for wear or damage. Timing chain tensioner adjuster •… -
Page 542
6A1-36 ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) Timing chain No.1 guide • Check shoe (1) for wear or damage. INSTALLATION CAUTION: After timing chain is removed, never turn crankshaft and camshafts independently more than such an extent (“a”, “b”) as shown in figure. If turned, interference may occur between piston and valves and valves themselves, and parts related to piston and valves may be damaged. -
Page 543
ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) 6A1-37 5) Apply engine oil to sliding surface of timing chain No.1 guide (1) and install it as shown in figure. Tighten guide bolts to specified torque. Tightening torque Timing chain No.1 guide bolt (a) : 9 N·m (0.9 kg-m, 6.5 lb-ft) 6) Apply engine oil to sliding surface of chain tensioner (1) and install chain tensioner and spacer. -
Page 544
6A1-38 ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) 9) Install timing chain tensioner adjuster assembly (1) with a retainer (2). Tighten adjuster bolts to specified torque and then remove a retainer from chain tensioner adjuster assembly. Tightening torque Timing chain tensioner adjuster bolts (a) : 11 N·m (1.1 kg-m, 8.0 lb-ft) 10) Apply engine oil to timing chain and then turn crankshaft clockwise by 2 revolutions and check that match marks (1) -
Page 545
ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) 6A1-39 CAMSHAFT, TAPPET AND SHIM 1. Intake camshaft 4. Tappet Tightening torque 2. Exhaust camshaft 5. Camshaft housing Apply engine oil to sliding surface of each part. 3. Shim 6. Camshaft housing bolt : Shim No. on it faces tappet side. REMOVAL 1) Remove cylinder head cover and oil pan as previously out- lined. -
Page 546
6A1-40 ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) 7) Remove tappets (2) with shims (1). INSPECTION Cam Wear Using a micrometer, measure cam height “a”. If measured height is below its limit, replace camshaft. Cam height “a” of camshaft Standard Limit Intake cam 44.919 –… -
Page 547
ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) 6A1-41 6) Tighten camshaft housing bolts in such order as indicated in figure a little at a time till they are tightened to specified torque. NOTE: Do not rotate camshaft while gaging plastic is installed. Tightening torque Camshaft housing bolts (a) : 11 N·m (1.1 kg-m, 8.0 lb-ft) 7) Remove housing, and using scale (2) on gaging plastic (1) envelop, measure gaging plastic width at its widest point. -
Page 548
6A1-42 ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) Wear of tappet and shim Check tappet and shim for pitting, scratches or damage. If any malcondition is found, replace. Measure cylinder head bore and tappet outside diameter to deter- mine cylinder head-to-tappet clearance. If clearance exceeds limit, replace tappet or cylinder head. -
Page 549
ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) 6A1-43 3) Install camshaft housing pins (1) as shown in figure. 4) Check position of camshaft housings. Embossed marks are provided on each camshaft housing, indicating position and direction for installation. Install hous- ings as indicated by these marks. A. -
Page 550
6A1-44 ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) VALVES AND CYLINDER HEAD [A]✱ 1) Tighten all bolts at 40 N·m (4.0 kg-m) 6. Intake valve 12. Knock pin 2) Turn all bolts at 60° 3) Then, Turn all bolt at 60° once again 1. -
Page 551
ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) 6A1-45 4) Drain coolant by loosening drain plug (1). WARNING: To help avoid danger of being burned, do not remove drain plug (1) and radiator cap while engine and radiator are still hot. Scalding fluid and steam can be blown out under pressure if plug and cap are taken off too soon. -
Page 552
6A1-46 ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) 10) Remove intake manifold stiffener (1). 11) Remove oil pan referring to “OIL PAN AND OIL PUMP STRAINER”. 12) Remove cylinder head cover referring to “CYLINDER HEAD COVER”. 13) Remove timing chain cover referring to “TIMING CHAIN COVER”. -
Page 553
ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) 6A1-47 DISASSEMBLY 1) For ease in servicing cylinder head, remove intake manifold, injectors and exhaust manifold from cylinder head. 2) Using special tools (Valve lifter), compress valve spring and then remove valve cotters (1) by using special tool (Forceps). Special tool (A) : 09916-14510 (B) : 09916-14910… -
Page 554
6A1-48 ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) INSPECTION Valve Guides Using a micrometer and bore gauge, take diameter readings on valve stems and guides to check stem-to-guide clearance. Be sure to take reading at more than one place along the length of each stem and guide. -
Page 555
ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) 6A1-49 Valves • Remove all carbon from valves. • Inspect each valve for wear, burn or distortion at its face and stem end, as necessary, replace it. • Measure thickness “a” of valve head. If measured thickness exceeds limit, replace valve. -
Page 556
6A1-50 ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) • Valve seat repair: A valve seat not producing a uniform contact with its valve or showing width of seating contact that is out of specified range must be repaired by regrinding or by cutting and regrinding and finished by lapping. -
Page 557
ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) 6A1-51 • Check cylinder head for cracks on intake and exhaust ports, combustion chambers, and head surface. Using a straightedge and thickness gauge, check flatness of gasketed surface at a total of 2 locations. If distortion limit, given below, is exceeded, correct gasketed surface with a surface plate and abrasive paper of about #400 (Waterproof silicon carbide abrasive paper): place abrasive paper on and… -
Page 558
6A1-52 ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) Valve Springs • Referring to data given below, check to be sure that each spring is in sound condition, free of any evidence of break- age or weakening. Remember, weakened valve springs can cause chatter, not to mention possibility of reducing power output due to gas leakage caused by decreased seating pressure. -
Page 559
ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) 6A1-53 ASSEMBLY 1) Before installing valve guide into cylinder head, ream guide hole with special tool (11 mm reamer for engine equipped with 69G type valve or 10.5 mm reamer for engine equipped with 54G type valve) so as to remove burrs and make it truly round. -
Page 560
6A1-54 ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) 3) Ream valve guide bore with special tool (6.0 mm reamer for engine equipped with 69G type valve or 5.5 mm reamer for engine equipped with 54G type valve). After reaming, clean bore. Special tool (A) : 09916-34542 (B) : 09916-37810 (6 mm) for engine equipped with 69G type valve… -
Page 561
ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) 6A1-55 7) Install valve spring and spring retainer. Each valve spring has top end (large-pitch end (1)) and bot- tom end (small-pitch end (2)). Be sure to position spring in place with its bottom end (small-pitch end) facing the bottom (valve spring seat side). -
Page 562
6A1-56 ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) 5) Install cylinder head to cylinder block. Apply engine oil to new cylinder head bolts and tighten them gradually as follows. a) Tighten cylinder head bolts (“1” – “10”) to 20 N·m (2.0 kg-m, 14.5 lb-ft) according to numerical order as shown by using a 12 corner socket wrenches. -
Page 563
ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) 6A1-57 PISTONS, PISTON RINGS, CONNECTING RODS AND CYLINDERS [A] : 1) Tighten all nuts to 15 N·m (1.5 kg-m) 7. Connecting rod bearing 2) Turn all nuts to 45° 3) Then, Turn all nuts to 45° one again 1. -
Page 564
6A1-58 ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE)Install guide hose (1) over threads of rod bolts. This prevents damage to bearing journal and rod bolt threads when removing connecting rod. 9) Decarbonize top of cylinder bore before removing piston from cylinder. 10) Push piston and connecting rod assembly out through the top of cylinder bore.
Page 565
ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) 6A1-59 • Using a cylinder gauge (1), measure cylinder bore in thrust and axial directions at two positions (“a” and “b”) as shown in figure. If any of the following conditions is noted, rebore cylinder. 1) Cylinder bore dia. exceeds limit. 2) Difference of measurements at two positions exceeds taper limit. -
Page 566
6A1-60 ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) • Piston clearance: Measure cylinder bore diameter and piston diameter to find their difference which is piston clearance. Piston clearance should be within specification as given below. If it is out of specification, rebore cylinder and use oversize piston. Piston clearance : 0.032 –… -
Page 567
ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) 6A1-61 • Piston pin clearance : Check piston pin clearance in small end and piston. Replace connecting rod and/or piston if its small end is badly worn or damaged or if measured clearance exceeds limit. Piston pin clearance in connecting rod small end : 0.003 –… -
Page 568
6A1-62 ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) • Connecting rod alignment : Mount connecting rod on aligner to check it for bow and twist. If limit is exceeded, replace it. Connecting rod alignment Limit on bow : 0.05 mm (0.0020 in.) Limit on twist : 0.10 mm (0.0039 in.) •… -
Page 569
ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) 6A1-63 • Rod bearing : Inspect bearing shells for signs of fusion, pitting, burn or flak- ing and observe contact pattern. Bearing shells found in defective condition must be replaced. Two kinds of rod bearing are available; standard size bearing and 0.25 mm (0.0098 in.) undersize bearing. -
Page 570
6A1-64 ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) 6) If clearance can not be brought to within its limit even by using a new standard size bearing, regrind crankpin to undersize and use 0.25 mm undersize bearing. NOTE: After checking the rod bearing clearance, make sure that checking for Connecting rod bolt deformation. -
Page 571
ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) 6A1-65 INSTALLATION 1) Apply engine oil to pistons, rings, cylinder walls, connecting rod bearings and crankpins. NOTE: Do not apply oil between connecting rod and bearing or between bearing cap and bearing. 2) Install guide hoses (1) over connecting rod bolts. These guide hoses protect crank pin and threads of rod bolt from damage during installation of connecting rod and piston assembly. -
Page 572
6A1-66 ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) NOTE: Before installing bearing cap, make sure that checking for connecting rod bolt deformation. Refer to “INSPECTION” of “CONNECTING ROD”. 6) Reverse removal procedure for installation as previously out- lined. 7) Adjust water pump belt tension referring to Section 6B.Adjust A/C compressor belt tension (if equipped) referring to Section 1B.
Page 573
ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) 6A1-67 ENGINE MOUNTINGS [A] : 4WD MODEL 3. Engine left mounting 6. Engine rear mounting No.1 bracket 1. Engine right mounting 4. Engine left mounting bracket 7. Engine rear mounting No.2 bracket 2. Engine right body side bracket 5. -
Page 574
6A1-68 ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) UNIT REPAIR OVERHAUL ENGINE ASSEMBLY REMOVAL 1) Relieve fuel pressure according to procedure described in Section 6. 2) Disconnect negative and positive cables at battery. 3) Remove engine hood after disconnecting windshield washer hose. 4) Remove right and left side engine under covers. 5) Remove A/C compressor belt (if equipped). -
Page 575
ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) 6A1-69 11) Disconnect the following electric lead wires: • TP sensor (1) • MAP sensor (2) • ECT sensor • CMP sensor • CKP sensor • Knock sensor • Heated oxygen sensors • EGR valve (3) •… -
Page 576
6A1-70 ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) 15) Remove exhaust No.1 pipe (1). 16) Disconnect right and left drive shaft joints from differential gear referring to Section 4. For engine and transmission removal, it is not necessary to remove drive shafts from steering knuckle. 17) For 4WD vehicle, remove propeller shaft referring to Section 18) Remove generator referring to Section 6H. -
Page 577
ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) 6A1-71 21) Before removing engine with transmission from body, recheck to make sure all hoses, electric wires and cables are disconnected from engine and transmission. 22) Lower engine with transmission from body. NOTE: Before lowering engine, to avoid damage to A/C com- pressor, raise it through clearance made on engine crankshaft pulley side. -
Page 578
6A1-72 ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) 6) Install generator referring to Section 6H. 7) For 4WD vehicle, install propeller shaft referring to SectionConnect drive shaft joints referring to Section 4. 9) Install exhaust No.1 pipe and tighten pipe fasteners to speci- fied torque.
Page 579
Page 580
6A1-74 ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) [A] : Sealant application amount 4. Venturi plug 14. Main bearing cap [B] : 1) Tighten all bolts to 50 N·m (5.0 kg-m) 5. Main bearing 15. Flywheel mounting bolt 2) Then, turn all bolts to 60° Tightening torque 6. -
Page 581
ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) 6A1-75 5) Loosen bearing cap No.1 and No.2 bolts in such order as indicated in figure and remove them. 6) Remove crankshaft from cylinder block. INSPECTION Crankshaft Crankshaft runout Using a dial gauge, measure runout at center journal. Rotate crankshaft slowly. -
Page 582
6A1-76 ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) Use a dial gauge to read displacement in axial (thrust) direction of crankshaft. If its limit is exceeded, replace thrust bearing with new standard one or oversize one to obtain standard thrust play. Crankshaft thrust play Standard : 0.11 –… -
Page 583
ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) 6A1-77 3) Place a piece of gaging plastic (1) the full width of bearing (parallel to crankshaft) on journal, avoiding oil hole. 4) Tighten bearing cap No.1 bolts (1) – (10) and No.2 bolts (11) – (20) gradually as follows. a) Tighten bolts (1) –… -
Page 584
6A1-78 ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) Selection of main bearings STANDARD BEARING : If bearing is in malcondition, or bearing clearance is out of specifi- cation, select a new standard bearing according to the following procedure and install it. 1) First check journal diameter. As shown in figure, crank web No.2 has stamped numbers. -
Page 585
ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) 6A1-79 3) There are five kinds of standard bearings differing in thick- ness. To distinguish them, they are painted in the following colors at the position as indicated in figure. Each color indicated the following thickness at the center of bearing. -
Page 586
6A1-80 ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) UNDERSIZE BEARING (0.25 mm) : • 0.25 mm undersize bearing is available, in five kinds varying in thickness. To distinguish them, each bearing is painted in the following colors at such position as indicated in figure. Each color represents the following thickness at the center of bearing. -
Page 587
ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) 6A1-81 Rear Oil Seal Carefully inspect oil seal (1) for wear or damage. If its lip is worn or damaged, replace it. For oil seal installation, press-fit rear oil seal (1) to oil seal housing (2) by using special tool as shown in the figure. Special tool (A) : 09911-97820 Drive in dimension… -
Page 588
6A1-82 ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) Cylinder Block Distortion of gasketed surface • Using straightedge and thickness gauge, check gasketed surface for distortion and, if flatness exceeds its limit, correct Cylinder block flatness Limit : 0.05 mm (0.0020 in.) Honing or reboring cylinders 1) When any cylinder needs reboring, all other cylinders must also be rebored at the same time. -
Page 589
ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) 6A1-83 INSTALLATION NOTE: • All parts to be installed must be perfectly clean. • Be sure to oil crankshaft journals, journal bearings, thrust bearings, crankpins, connecting rod bearings, pistons, piston rings and cylinder bores. • Journal bearings, bearings caps, connecting rods, rod bearings, rod bearing caps, pistons and piston rings are in combination sets. -
Page 590
6A1-84 ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) 6) Install bearing cap to cylinder block, making sure to point arrow mark (on each cap) to crankshaft pulley side. Fit them sequentially in ascending order, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, starting from pulley side. After applying engine oil to new bearing cap No.1 bolts ((1) –… -
Page 591
• Oil pan and oil pump strainer 11) Install clutch to flywheel (vehicle with M/T) referring to Sec- tion 7C. 12) Install engine assembly to vehicle as previously outlined. REQUIRED SERVICE MATERIAL Recommended SUZUKI product Material (Part Number) Sealant Sealant 1207C •… -
Page 592
6A1-86 ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) TIGHTENING TORQUE SPECIFICATION Tightening torque Fastening part N•m kg-m lb-ft Oil pressure switch 14.0 10.5 Camshaft housing bolts (for replacement of shim) Camshaft housing bolts 11.0 Cylinder head cover bolts Intake manifold bolts and nuts 25.0 18.0 Exhaust manifold bolts and nuts… -
Page 593
ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) 6A1-87 SPECIAL TOOL 09911-97720 09911-97820 09913-75520 09915-47330 Oil seal guide Oil seal installer Bearing installer Oil filter wrench 09915-64510-001 09915-64510-002 09915-64530 09915-67010 Compression gauge Connector Hose Attachment 09915-67310 09915-77310 09915-78211 09916-14510 Vacuum gauge Oil pressure gauge Oil pressure gauge Valve lifer attachment… -
Page 594
6A1-88 ENGINE MECHANICAL (M13 ENGINE) 09916-37810 09916-38210 09916-44910 09916-46020 Reamer (6 mm) Reamer (11 mm) Valve guide remover Valve guide remover 09916-56011 09916-57350 09916-58210 09916-67020 Valve guide installer Valve guide installer han- Valve guide installer han- Tappet holder attachment 09916-77310 09916-84511 09917-98221 09917-88240… -
Page 595
Page 596
6B-2 ENGINE COOLING GENERAL DESCRIPTION The cooling system consists of the radiator cap, radiator, coolant reservoir tank, hoses, water pump, cooling fan and thermostat. The radiator is of tube-and-fin type. COOLING SYSTEM CIRCULATION While the engine is warmed up (thermostat closed), coolant circulates as follows. Throttle body Water pump Cylinder block… -
Page 597
ENGINE COOLING 6B-3 COOLANT The coolant recovery system is standard. The coolant in the radiator expands with heat, and the overflow is col- lected in the reservoir. When the system cools down, the coolant is drawn back into the radiator. The cooling system has been filled at the factory with a quality coolant that is a 50/50 mixture of water and eth- ylene glycol antifreeze (70/30;… -
Page 598
6B-4 ENGINE COOLING DIAGNOSIS DIAGNOSIS TABLE Condition Possible Cause Correction Engine overheats Loose or broken water pump belt Adjust or replace. (It is in case that radia- Not enough coolant Check coolant level and add as tor fan operates) necessary. Faulty thermostat Replace. -
Page 599
ENGINE COOLING 6B-5 SYSTEM CIRCUIT BLU/WHT BLK/YEL GRN/BLK YEL/GRN PNK/GRN BLK/RED BRN/WHT BLK/RED BLU/BLK H– LT GRN/BLK L– PPL/YEL 1. Main fuse box 6. ECM main fuse 11. Radiator and condenser cooling fan motor 2. Generator 7. ECM main relay 12. -
Page 600
6B-6 ENGINE COOLING MAINTENANCE WARNING: • Do not remove radiator cap to check engine coolant level; check coolant visually at the see-through coolant reservoir. Coolant should be added only to reservoir as necessary. • As long as there is pressure in the cooling system, the temperature can be considerably higher than the boiling temperature of the solution in the radiator without causing the solution to boil. -
Page 601
ENGINE COOLING 6B-7 ENGINE COOLING SYSTEM INSPECTION AND SERVICE WARNING: To help avoid danger of being burned, do not remove radiator cap while engine and radiator are still hot. Scalding fluid and steam can be blown out under pres- sure if cap is taken off too soon. 1) Check cooling system for leakage or damage. -
Page 602
6B-8 ENGINE COOLING 3) Stop engine and drain coolant. 4) Close drain plug. Add water until system is filled and run engine until upper radiator hose is hot again. 5) Repeat Steps 3) and 4) several times until drained liquid is nearly colorless. -
Page 603
ENGINE COOLING 6B-9 WATER PUMP/GENERATOR DRIVE BELT TENSION INSPECTION AND ADJUSTMENT WARNING: • Disconnect negative cable at battery before checking and adjusting belt tension. • To help avoid danger of being burned, do not remove radiator cap while engine and radiator are still hot. -
Page 604
6B-10 ENGINE COOLING ON-VEHICLE SERVICE WARNING: • Check to make sure that engine coolant temperature is cold before removing any part of cooling system. • Also be sure to disconnect negative cord from battery terminal before removing any part. SYSTEM COMPONENTS 1. -
Page 605
ENGINE COOLING 6B-11 COOLING SYSTEM DRAINING 1) Remove radiator cap. 2) Loosen drain plug (1) of radiator to drain coolant. 3) After draining coolant, be sure to tighten drain plug securely. COOLING SYSTEM REFILL 1) Be sure to tighten drain plug (1) securely. 2) Add coolant that is a mixture of good quality ethylene glycol antifreeze and water to radiator and reservoir tank (2). -
Page 606
6B-12 ENGINE COOLING COOLING WATER PIPES OR HOSES REMOVAL 1) Drain cooling system. 2) To remove these pipes or hoses, loosen clamp on each hose and pull hose end off. INSTALLATION Install removed parts in reverse order of removal procedure, not- ing the following. -
Page 607
ENGINE COOLING 6B-13 • Check thermostatic movement of wax pellet as follows : a) Immerse thermostat (1) in water, and heat water gradually. b) Check that valve starts to open at specific temperature. Temperature at which valve begins to open : 80 –… -
Page 608
6B-14 ENGINE COOLING RADIATOR REMOVAL 1) Disconnect negative cable at battery. 2) Drain cooling system by loosening drain plug of radiator. Refer to “COOLING SYSTEM DRAINING”. 3) Disconnect connector of cooling fan motor. 4) Remove air cleaner inlet hose (1) and suction pipe (2). 5) Remove reservoir tank (1) and then its bracket (2). -
Page 609
ENGINE COOLING 6B-15 RADIATOR AND CONDENSER COOLING FAN Refer to “RADIATOR AND CONDENSER COOLING FAN” in Section 1B for removal, inspection and installation. RADIATOR AND CONDENSER COOLING FAN RELAY INSPECTION 1) Disconnect negative (–) cable at battery. 2) Remove radiator and condenser cooling fan relay No.1 (1), No.2 (2) and No.3 (3) from vehicle. -
Page 610: Water Pump
6B-16 ENGINE COOLING INSTALLATION 1) Install belt (1) to water pump pulley (2), crankshaft pulley (3) and generator pulley (4). When servicing car equipped with A/C, install compressor drive belt, too. 2) Adjust belt tension by referring to “WATER PUMP/GENERA- TOR DRIVE BELT TENSION INSPECTION AND ADJUST- MENT”…
Page 611
ENGINE COOLING 6B-17 5) Remove water pump assembly (1). INSPECTION CAUTION: Do not disassemble water pump. If any repair is required on pump, replace it as assembly. • Rotate water pump by hand to check for smooth operation. If pump does not rotate smoothly or makes abnormal noise, replace it. -
Page 612
Additive to engine cooling system for improving coolant (Anti-freeze/ — cooling efficiency and for protection against Anti-corrosion coolant) rusting. SUZUKI BOND NO. 1207C Sealant To apply to mating surface of water pump (99000-31150) TIGHTENING TORQUE SPECIFICATION Tightening torque Fastening part N•m… -
Page 613
• Service on and around the air bag system components or wiring must be performed only by an authorized SUZUKI dealer. Refer to “Air Bag System Components and Wiring Location View” under “General Description” in air bag system section in order to confirm whether you are performing ser- vice on or near the air bag system components or wiring. -
Page 614
6C-2 ENGINE FUEL ON-VEHICLE SERVICE COMPONENTS 1. Fuel tank 7. Fuel vapor line 13. Fuel filler hose clamp screw 19. Fuel pressure regulator 2. Fuel pump assembly 8. EVAP canister 14. Tank cover 20. Fuel pump 3. Breather hose 9. Delivery pipe 15. -
Page 615
ENGINE FUEL 6C-3 PRECAUTIONS WARNING: Before attempting service of any type on fuel system, the followings should be always observed in order to reduce the risk or fire and personal injury. • Disconnect negative cable at battery. • Do not smoke, and place no smoking signs near work area. -
Page 616: Fuel Lines
6C-4 ENGINE FUEL FUEL LINES CAUTION: Due to the fact that fuel feed line (1) is under high pres- sure, use special care when servicing it. INSPECTION Visually inspect fuel lines for evidence of fuel leakage, hose crack and deterioration, or damage. Make sure all clamps are secure.
Page 617: Fuel Filler Cap
ENGINE FUEL 6C-5 4) Mark the location of clamps (1) on fuel pipes (2), so that the clamps can be reinstalled to where they were. 5) Remove pipes (2) with clamp (1) from vehicle. 6) Remove clamp (1) from pipes (2). INSTALLATION 1) Install clamps to marked location on pipes.
Page 618
6C-6 ENGINE FUEL FUEL TANK INLET VALVE WARNING: Refer to the WARNING at the beginning of ON-VEHICLE SERVICE in this section. REMOVAL 1) Remove fuel filler cap. 2) Insert hose of a hand operated pump into fuel filler hose (1) and drain fuel in space “A”… -
Page 619: Fuel Tank
ENGINE FUEL 6C-7 INSTALLATION 1) Install fuel tank inlet valve (1) to fuel tank. 2) Install fuel filler hose (1) to fuel tank and secure it with clamp (2). For proper installation, refer to “COMPONENTS” under “ON- VEHICLE SERVICE”. 3) Lower vehicle and install fuel filler cap. FUEL TANK REMOVAL WARNING:…
Page 620
6C-8 ENGINE FUEL 6) Disconnect fuel pipe joint and fuel hoses from pipes. For quick joint, disconnect it as follows : a) Remove mud, dust and/or foreign material between pipe and joint by blowing compressed air. b) Unlock joint (1) lock by inserting special tool between pipe (2) and joint (1). -
Page 621
ENGINE FUEL 6C-9 FUEL TANK PURGING PROCEDURE WARNING: This purging procedure will not remove all fuel vapor. Do not attempt any repair on tank using heat of flame as an explosion resulting in personal injury could occur. The following procedure is used for purging fuel tank. 1) After removing fuel tank, remove all hoses, pipes, fuel pump assembly from fuel tank. -
Page 622: Fuel Pump Assembly
6C-10 ENGINE FUEL 5) Connect fuel feed hose (1) and vapor hose (2) to each pipe as shown in figure and clamp them securely. CAUTION: • When connecting joint, clean outside surfaces of pipe where joint is to be inserted, push joint into pipe till joint lock clicks and check to ensure that pipes are connected securely, or fuel leak may occur.
Page 623
ENGINE FUEL 6C-11 3) Remove fuel pump assembly (1) from fuel tank (2). INSPECTION • Check fuel pump assembly for damage. • Check fuel suction filter (1) for evidence of dirt and contami- nation. If present, replace or clean and check for presence of dirt in fuel tank. -
Page 624
6C-12 ENGINE FUEL DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY “A” : Apply oil 5. O-ring 10. Fuel pressure regulator 1. Fuel filter assembly (including check valve) 6. Fuel level sensor (Fuel sender gauge) 11. Gasket 2. Grommet 7. Fuel pump 12. Fuel pump plate 3. -
Page 625
ENGINE FUEL 6C-13 INSTALLATION 1) Clean mating surfaces of fuel pump assembly (1) and fuel tank. 2) Put plate (2) on fuel pump assembly (1) by matching the pro- trusion of fuel pump assembly (3) to plate hole (4) as shown. 3) Install new gasket (2) and fuel pump assembly (1) with plate (3) to fuel tank. -
Page 626
6C-14 ENGINE FUEL SPECIAL TOOL 09917-47010 09919-47020 Vacuum pump gauge Quick joint remover TIGHTENING TORQUE SPECIFICATION Tightening torque Fastening part N•m kg-m lb-ft Fuel tank bolts Fuel filler hose clamps 0.15 Fuel pump assembly bolts… -
Page 627
• Service on and around the air bag system components or wiring must be performed only by an authorized SUZUKI dealer. Refer to “Air Bag System Components and Wiring Location View” under “General Description” in air bag system section in order to confirm whether you are performing ser- vice on or near the air bag system components or wiring. -
Page 628
Page 629
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Page 631
ENGINE AND EMISSION CONTROL SYSTEM 6E1-5 1. Air Cleaner 16. Immobilizer indicator lamp (if equipped) 31. Monitor connector (vehicle without immobi- lizer indicator lamp) 2. EVAP canister purge valve 17. Knock sensor (if equipped) 31-1. Diagnosis switch terminal (vehicle without immobilizer indicator lamp) 3. -
Page 632
6E1-6 ENGINE AND EMISSION CONTROL SYSTEM FUEL DELIVERY SYSTEM The fuel system consists of fuel tank (1), fuel pump (2) (with built-in fuel filter (3) and fuel pressure regulator (4)), delivery pipe (5), injectors (6) and fuel feed line (7). The fuel (8) in the fuel tank (1) is pumped up by the fuel pump (2), sent into delivery pipe (5) and injected by the injectors (6). -
Page 633
ENGINE AND EMISSION CONTROL SYSTEM 6E1-7 ELECTRONIC CONTROL SYSTEM The electronic control system consists of 1) various sensors which detect the state of engine and driving condi- tions, 2) ECM which controls various devices according to the signals from the sensors and 3) various controlled devices. -
Page 634
Page 635
Page 636
6E1-10 ENGINE AND EMISSION CONTROL SYSTEM 1. CKP sensor 20. Blank 39. Ignition coil assembly (for No.1 and No.4 spark plugs) 2. CMP sensor 21. A/C switch 40. Ignition coil assembly (for No.2 and No.3 spark plugs) 3. VSS 22. A/C pressure switch 41. -
Page 637
Page 638
6E1-12 ENGINE AND EMISSION CONTROL SYSTEM 1. CKP sensor 20. Blank 39. Ignition coil assembly (for No.1 and No.4 spark plugs) 2. CMP sensor 21. A/C switch 40. Ignition coil assembly (for No.2 and No.3 spark plugs) 3. VSS 22. A/C pressure switch 41. -
Page 639
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Page 641
ENGINE AND EMISSION CONTROL SYSTEM 6E1-15 ON-VEHICLE SERVICE ACCELERATOR CABLE ADJUSTMENT With accelerator pedal depressed fully (1), check clearance between throttle lever (2) and lever stopper (3) (throttle body) which should be within following specification. If measured value is out of specification, adjust it to specification with cable adjusting nut (4). -
Page 642
6E1-16 ENGINE AND EMISSION CONTROL SYSTEM 1) Connect SUZUKI scan tool (1) to DLC with ignition switch OFF, if it is available. 2) Warm up engine to normal operating temperature. 3) Check engine idle speed and “IAC duty” as follows : 4) When using SUZUKI scan tool : a) Select “Data List”… -
Page 643
ENGINE AND EMISSION CONTROL SYSTEM 6E1-17 IDLE MIXTURE INSPECTION / ADJUSTMENT (VEHI- CLE WITHOUT HEATED OXYGEN SENSOR) All vehicles not equipped with heated oxygen sensor are shipped with their CO % factory adjusted as follows. Engine idle mixture (CO %) 0.5 –… -
Page 644: Throttle Body
6E1-18 ENGINE AND EMISSION CONTROL SYSTEM AIR INTAKE SYSTEM THROTTLE BODY 1. Throttle body 4. Gasket 7. TP sensor screws 2. Throttle stop screw 5. Idle air control valve Tightening torque 3. TP sensor 6. IAC valve screws Do not reuse. ON-VEHICLE INSPECTION •…
Page 645
ENGINE AND EMISSION CONTROL SYSTEM 6E1-19 5) Disconnect electric connector from TP sensor (1) and IAC valve (2). 6) Remove throttle body from intake manifold. 7) Disconnect engine coolant hoses from throttle body. DISASSEMBLY Remove TP sensor and IAC valve from throttle body. NOTE: While disassembling and assembling throttle body, use special care not to deform levers on throttle valve shaft… -
Page 646
6E1-20 ENGINE AND EMISSION CONTROL SYSTEM 3) Install throttle body (1) to intake manifold. 4) Connect connector to TP sensor (2) and IAC valve (3) securely. 5) Connect accelerator cable and adjust cable play to specifica- tion. 6) Install air cleaner assembly with air cleaner outlet hose and connect IAT sensor connector. -
Page 647
ENGINE AND EMISSION CONTROL SYSTEM 6E1-21 FUEL DELIVERY SYSTEM FUEL PRESSURE INSPECTION WARNING: Be sure to perform work in a well-ventilated area and away from any open flames, or there is a risk of a fire breaking out. 1) Relieve fuel pressure in fuel feed line referring to “Fuel Pres- sure Relief Procedure”… -
Page 648
6E1-22 ENGINE AND EMISSION CONTROL SYSTEM 6) Start engine and warm it up to normal operating tempera- ture. 7) Measure fuel pressure at idling. If measured pressure does not satisfy specification, refer to “Diagnostic Flow Table B-3” in “Engine Diagnosis” section and check each possibly defective part. -
Page 649
ENGINE AND EMISSION CONTROL SYSTEM 6E1-23 2) Turn OFF ignition switch and leave over 10 minutes as it is. 3) Fuel pressure should be felt at fuel feed hose (1) for about 2 seconds after ignition switch ON. If fuel pressure is not felt, advance to “Diagnostic Flow Table B-3”. -
Page 650
6E1-24 ENGINE AND EMISSION CONTROL SYSTEM REMOVAL 1) Relieve fuel pressure according to procedure described in Section 6. 2) Disconnect battery negative cable at battery. 3) Disconnect IAT sensor connector and remove air cleaner assembly with air cleaner outlet hose. 4) Disconnect fuel injector couplers. -
Page 651
6) Operate fuel pump and apply fuel pressure to injector as fol- lows: 7) When using SUZUKI scan tool : a) Connect SUZUKI scan tool to DLC with ignition switch OFF. b) Turn ignition switch ON, clear DTC and select “MISC TEST” mode on SUZUKI scan tool. -
Page 652
6E1-26 ENGINE AND EMISSION CONTROL SYSTEM INSTALLATION For installation, reverse removal procedure and note following 5, (a) precautions. • Replace injector O-ring (1) with new one using care not to damage it. • Check if cushion (2) is scored or damaged. If it is, replace with new one. -
Page 653
ENGINE AND EMISSION CONTROL SYSTEM 6E1-27 ELECTRONIC CONTROL SYSTEM ENGINE CONTROL MODULE (ECM) CAUTION: As ECM consists of precision parts, be careful not to expose it to excessive shock. REMOVAL 1) Disconnect battery negative cable at battery. 2) Disable air bag system, referring to “Disabling The Air Bag System”… -
Page 654
6E1-28 ENGINE AND EMISSION CONTROL SYSTEM THROTTLE POSITION SENSOR (TP SENSOR) INSPECTION 1) Disconnect negative cable at battery and connector from IAT sensor. 2) Remove air cleaner assembly with air cleaner outlet hose and disconnect TP sensor connector. 3) Using ohmmeter, check resistance between terminals under each condition given in table below. -
Page 655
ENGINE AND EMISSION CONTROL SYSTEM 6E1-29 INTAKE AIR TEMPERATURE SENSOR (IAT SENSOR) REMOVAL 1) Disconnect battery negative cable at battery. 2) Disconnect coupler (1) from IAT sensor. 3) Remove IAT sensor from air cleaner case (2). INSPECTION Immerse temperature sensing part of IAT sensor in water (or ice) and measure resistance between sensor terminals while heating water gradually. -
Page 656
6E1-30 ENGINE AND EMISSION CONTROL SYSTEM ENGINE COOLANT TEMPERATURE SENSOR (ECT SENSOR) REMOVAL 1) Disconnect battery negative cable at battery. 2) Drain coolant referring to Section 6B. WARNING: To help avoid danger of being burned, do not remove radiator cap while engine and radiator are still hot. Scalding fluid and steam can be blown out under pres- sure if cap is taken off too soon. -
Page 657
ENGINE AND EMISSION CONTROL SYSTEM 6E1-31 HEATED OXYGEN SENSOR (HO2S-1 AND HO2S-2) OXYGEN SENSOR HEATER INSPECTION 1) Disconnect sensor connector. 2) Using ohmmeter, measure resistance between terminals “V ” and “GND” of sensor connector. If found faulty, replace oxygen sensor. NOTE: Temperature of sensor affects resistance value largely. -
Page 658
6E1-32 ENGINE AND EMISSION CONTROL SYSTEM CAMSHAFT POSITION SENSOR INSPECTION Check camshaft position sensor referring to DTC P0340 (No.15) Diag. Flow Table in Section 6. If malfunction is found, replace. REMOVAL 1) Disconnect negative cable at battery. 2) Disconnect connector from camshaft position sensor. 3) Remove camshaft position sensor from cylinder head. -
Page 659
ENGINE AND EMISSION CONTROL SYSTEM 6E1-33 VEHICLE SPEED SENSOR (VSS) INSPECTION Check vehicle speed sensor referring to step 3 of DTC P0500 (No.16) Flow Table. If malfunction is found, replace. REMOVAL/INSTALLATION Refer to Section 7A. FUEL LEVEL SENSOR (GAUGE) INSPECTION Refer to Section 8. -
Page 660
6E1-34 ENGINE AND EMISSION CONTROL SYSTEM FUEL CUT OPERATION INSPECTION NOTE: Before inspection, check to make sure that gear shift lever is in neutral position (with A/T model, selector lever in “P” range), A/C is OFF and that parking brake lever is pulled all the way up. -
Page 661
ENGINE AND EMISSION CONTROL SYSTEM 6E1-35 3) Check resistance between each two terminals as in table below. If check results are as specified, proceed to next operation check. If not, replace. Radiator fan relay No.2 and No.3 resistance TERMINALS RESISTANCE ∞… -
Page 662
EMISSION CONTROL SYSTEM EGR SYSTEM SYSTEM INSPECTION (USING SUZUKI SCAN TOOL) 1) Connect SUZUKI scan tool to DLC with ignition switch OFF. 2) Turn ignition switch ON and then select “DATA LIST” mode on scan tool. 3) Make sure that vehicle condition is as following. -
Page 663
ENGINE AND EMISSION CONTROL SYSTEM 6E1-37 INSPECTION 1) Check resistance between following terminals of EGR valve (1) in each pair. If found faulty, replace EGR valve assembly. EGR valve resistance Terminal Standard resistance A – B C – B 20 – 24 Ω F –… -
Page 664
6E1-38 ENGINE AND EMISSION CONTROL SYSTEM 3) Connect purge hose to EVAP canister and warm up engine to normal operating temperature. 4) Disconnect purge hose from EVAP canister. 5) Also check that vacuum is felt when engine is running at idle speed. -
Page 665
ENGINE AND EMISSION CONTROL SYSTEM 6E1-39 EVAP CANISTER INSPECTION WARNING: DO NOT SUCK nozzles on EVAP canister. Fuel vapor inside EVAP canister is harmful. 1) Check outside of EVAP canister visually. 2) Disconnect vacuum hoses from EVAP canister. 3) Check that there should be no restriction of flow through purge pipe (1) and air pipe (2) when air is blown (4) into tank pipe (3). -
Page 666
6E1-40 ENGINE AND EMISSION CONTROL SYSTEM 4) After checking vacuum, stop engine and remove PCV valve (1). Shake valve and listen for the rattle of check needle inside the valve. If valve does not the rattle, replace valve. 5) After checking, remove plug and install PCV valve (1). SPECIAL TOOL 09912-58441 09912-58431… -
Page 667
ENGINE AND EMISSION CONTROL SYSTEM 6E1-41 09931-76030 16/14 pin DLC cable NOTE: • “A”: This kit includes the following items. 1. Tool body & washer, 2. Body plug, 3. Body attachment-1, 4. Holder, 5. Return hose & clamp, 6. Body attachment-2 & washer, 7. Hose attachment-1, 8. Hose attachment-2 •… -
Page 668
• Service on and around the air bag system components or wiring must be performed only by an authorized SUZUKI dealer. Refer to “Air Bag System Components and Wiring Location View” under “General Description” in air bag system section in order to confirm whether you are performing ser- vice on or near the air bag system components or wiring. -
Page 669
6F1-2 IGNITION SYSTEM (ELECTRONIC IGNITION SYSTEM) GENERAL DESCRIPTION The ignition system is an electronic (distributorless) ignition system. Its consists of the parts as described below and has an electronic ignition control system. • ECM It detects the engine and vehicle conditions through the signals from the sensors, determines the most suit- able ignition timing and time for electricity to flow to the primary coil and sends a signal to the ignitor (power unit) in the ignition coil assembly. -
Page 670
IGNITION SYSTEM (ELECTRONIC IGNITION SYSTEM 6F1-3 SYSTEM WIRING DIAGRAM 1. Ignition switch 7. No.1 spark plug 2. Main relay 8. No.2 spark plug 3. Ignition coil assembly for No.1 and No.4 spark plugs 9. No.3 spark plug 4. Ignition coil assembly for No.2 and No.3 spark plugs 10. -
Page 671
6F1-4 IGNITION SYSTEM (ELECTRONIC IGNITION SYSTEM) IGNITION SYSTEM DIAGNOSTIC FLOW TABLE Step Action Was “ENGINE DIAG. FLOW TABLE” in Section 6 per- Go to Step 2. Go to “ENGINE DIAG. formed? FLOW TABLE” in Sec- tion 6. Ignition Spark Test Go to Step 11. -
Page 672
IGNITION SYSTEM (ELECTRONIC IGNITION SYSTEM 6F1-5 ON-VEHICLE SERVICE IGNITION SPARK TEST 1) Disconnect all injector couplers (1) from injectors. WARNING: Without disconnection of injector couplers, combustible gas may come out from spark plug holes during this test and may get ignited in engine room. 2) Remove spark plug and check it for condition and type refer- ring to “Spark Plugs”… -
Page 673: Spark Plugs
6F1-6 IGNITION SYSTEM (ELECTRONIC IGNITION SYSTEM) 6) Install high-tension cords (2) to spark plugs and ignition coil assemblies (1) while gripping each cap. CAUTION: • Never attempt to use metal conductor high-tension cords as replacing parts. • Insert each cap portion fully when installing high-ten- sion cords.
Page 674: Crankshaft Position Sensor
IGNITION SYSTEM (ELECTRONIC IGNITION SYSTEM 6F1-7 6) Install spark plugs and torque them to specification. Tightening torque Spark plug : 25 N·m (2.5 kg-m, 18.0 lb-ft) 7) Install ignition coil assemblies referring to IGNITION COIL ASSEMBLY in this section.
Install high-tension cords securely by gripping their caps. 9) Install cylinder head upper cover and air intake pipe.
Page 675: Ignition Timing
“Neutral” (shift selector lever to “P” range for A/T model), and set parking brake. INSPECTION 1) When using SUZUKI scan tool, connect SUZUKI scan tool to DLC with ignition switch OFF. Special tool (A) : 09931-76011 (SUZUKI scan tool)
Page 676
• VSS • Timing chain cover installationAfter checking Initial Ignition Timing, release ignition timing fixation by using SUZUKI scan tool or disconnect service wire from monitor connector. 9) With engine idling (test switch terminal ungrounded, throttle opening at closed position and car stopped), check that igni- tion timing is about 7°–17°…
Page 677
Page 678
• Service on and around the air bag system components or wiring must be performed only by an authorized SUZUKI dealer. Refer to AIR BAG SYSTEM COMPONENTS and WIRING LOCATION VIEW under DIAGNOSIS in air bag system section in order to confirm whether you are performing service on or near the air bag system components or wiring. -
Page 679
6G-2 CRANKING SYSTEM GENERAL DESCRIPTION CRANKING CIRCUIT 1. Pinion drive lever 5. Plunger 9. Blank 2. Pinion & Over-running clutch 6. Magnetic switch contacts 10. A/T: Transmission range switch (shift lever switch) 3. Magnetic switch 7. Pull-in coil 11. Ignition & Starter switch 4. -
Page 680
CRANKING SYSTEM 6G-3 Condition Possible Cause Correction Motor not running Shift lever switch is not in P or N, or not adjusted Shift in P or N, or adjust switch. (No operating sound of (A/T) magnetic switch) Battery run down Recharge battery. -
Page 681: Performance Test
6G-4 CRANKING SYSTEM PERFORMANCE TEST CAUTION: Each test must be performed within 3 — 5 seconds to avoid coil from burning. PULL-IN TEST Connect battery to magnetic switch as shown. Check that plunger and pinion move outward. If plunger and pinion don’t move, replace magnetic switch. NOTE: Before testing, disconnect lead wire from terminal M.
Page 682: Starting Motor
CRANKING SYSTEM 6G-5 NO-LOAD PERFORMANCE TEST Connect battery and ammeter to starter as shown. Check that starter rotates smoothly and steadily with pinion mov- ing out. Check that ammeter indicates specified current. Specified current (No-load performance test) : 90 A MAX. at 11 V ON-VEHICLE SERVICE STARTING MOTOR DISMOUNTING…
Page 683
6G-6 CRANKING SYSTEM DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY 1.0 kW TYPE 1. Front housing 6. Lever 11. Planetary carrier shaft 16. Armature 2. Needle bearing 7. Plunger 12. Planetary gear 17. Brush holder 3. Snap ring 8. Seal rubber 13. Oilless bearing 18. -
Page 684
CRANKING SYSTEM 6G-7 1.2 kW TYPE 1. Front housing 7. Lever 13. Internal gear 19. Brush 2. Bush 8. Plunger 14. Planetary carrier shaft 20. Brush holder 3. Snap ring 9. Plate 15. Planetary gear 21. Rear bracket 4. Pinion stop ring 10. -
Page 685
Magnetic switch operating voltage 8 volts maximum REQUIRED SERVICE MATERIAL Recommended SUZUKI product Material (Part Number) Lithium grease SUZUKI SUPER GREASE A • Front and rear bush (for 1.2 kW (99000-25010) type only) • Plunger • Pinion drive lever • Internal gear •… -
Page 686
• Service on and around the air bag system components or wiring must be performed only by an authorized SUZUKI dealer. Refer to “Air Bag System Components and Wiring Location View” under “General Description” in air bag system section in order to confirm whether you are performing ser- vice on or near the air bag system components or wiring. -
Page 687
6H-2 CHARGING SYSTEM GENERAL DESCRIPTION BATTERY The battery has three major functions in the electrical system. • It is a source of electrical energy for cranking the engine. • It acts as a voltage stabilizer for the electrical system. • It can, for a limited time, provide energy when the electrical load exceeds the output of the generator. CARRIER AND HOLD-DOWN The battery carrier should be in good condition so that it will support the battery securely and keep it level. -
Page 688
CHARGING SYSTEM 6H-3 CARE OF BATTERY WARNING: • Never expose battery to open flame or electric spark because of battery generate gas which is flam- mable and explosive. • Do not allow battery fluid to contact eyes, skin, fabrics, or painted surfaces as fluid is a corrosive acid. -
Page 689
6H-4 CHARGING SYSTEM GENERATOR The generator is a small and high performance type with an IC regulator incorporated. The internal components are connected electrically as shown below figure. The generator features are as follows: • Solid state regulator is mounted inside the generator. •… -
Page 690
CHARGING SYSTEM 6H-5 DIAGNOSIS BATTERY VISUAL INSPECTION Check for obvious damage, such as cracked or broken case or cover, that could permit loss of electrolyte. If obvious damage is noted, replace battery. Determine cause of damage and correct as needed. HYDROMETER TEST The direct method of checking the battery for state of charge is to carry out a high rate discharge test, which involves a special pre-… -
Page 691
6H-6 CHARGING SYSTEM GENERATOR CAUTION: • Do not mistake polarities of IG terminal and L terminal. • Do not create short circuit between IG and L terminals. Always connect these terminals through a lamp. • Do not connect any load between L and E. •… -
Page 692
CHARGING SYSTEM 6H-7 UNDERCHARGED BATTERY This condition, as evidenced by slow cranking or indicator clear with red dot can be caused by one or more of the following condi- tions even though indicator lamp may be operating normal. Following procedure also applies to cars with voltmeter and ammeter. -
Page 693
6H-8 CHARGING SYSTEM 3) Ground F terminal and start engine, then measure voltage at B terminal as shown in left figure. • Voltage is higher than standard value It is considered that generator itself is good but IC regulator has been damaged, replace IC regulator. •… -
Page 694
CHARGING SYSTEM 6H-9 ON-VEHICLE SERVICE BATTERY JUMP STARTING IN CASE OF EMERGENCY WITH AUXILIARY (BOOSTER) BATTERY CAUTION: If vehicle is manual transmission model and has a catalytic converter, do not push or tow it to start. Damage to its emission system and/or to other parts may result. Both booster and discharged battery should be treated carefully when using jumper cables. -
Page 695
6H-10 CHARGING SYSTEM DISMOUNTING 1) Disconnect negative cable (1). 2) Disconnect positive cable (2). 3) Remove retainer (3). 4) Remove battery (4). 5. Body ground bolt 6. Nut HANDLING When handling battery, following safety precautions should be followed: • Hydrogen gas is produced by battery. A flame or spark near battery may cause the gas to ignite. -
Page 696
CHARGING SYSTEM 6H-11 DISMOUNTING AND REMOUNTING 1. “B” terminal wire 3. Generator bolt 5. Splash cover (Right) Tightening torque 2. “B” terminal nut 4. Generator belt 6. Generator DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY 1. Pulley nut 7. Bearing retainer 13. Seal plate 19. -
Page 697
6H-12 CHARGING SYSTEM INSPECTION ROTOR 1) Using ohmmeter, check for continuity between slip rings of rotor. If there is no continuity, replace rotor. Standard resistance between slip rings of rotor : 2.7 – 3.1 Ω Ω Ω Ω at 20°C (68°F) 2) Using ohmmeter, check that there is no continuity between slip ring and rotor. -
Page 698
CHARGING SYSTEM 6H-13 2) Using ohmmeter, check that there is no continuity between coil leads and stator core. If there is continuity, replace sta- tor. BRUSH AND BRUSH HOLDER Check each brush for wear by measuring its length as shown. If brush is found worn down to service limit, replace brush. -
Page 699
6H-14 CHARGING SYSTEM SPECIFICATION BATTERY NOTE: The battery used in each vehicle is one of the following two types, depending on specification. Battery type 38B20L 55B24L Rated capacity AH/5HR, 12 Volts Electrolyte L (US/Imp. pt) 2.1 (4.44/3.70) 2.8 (5.92/4.93) Electrolyte S.G. 1.28 when fully charged at 20°C (68°F) GENERATOR Type… -
Page 700
Page 701
6K-2 EXHAUST SYSTEM GENERAL DESCRIPTION The exhaust system consists of an exhaust manifold, three-way catalytic converter (TWC) in catalyst case, exhaust pipes, a muffler and seals, gasket and etc. The three-way catalytic converter is an emission control device added to the exhaust system to lower the levels of Hydrocarbon (HC), Carbon Monoxide (CO), and Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx) pollutants in the exhaust gas. -
Page 702
EXHAUST SYSTEM 6K-3 ON-VEHICLE SERVICE 1. Exhaust manifold cover 5. Seal ring 9. Muffler mounting 2. Gasket 6. Exhaust No.1 pipe 10. Gasket 3. Exhaust manifold 7. Exhaust No.2 pipe Tightening torque 4. Oxygen sensor 8. Muffler Do not reuse. WARNING: To avoid the danger of being burned, do not touch the exhaust system when the system is hot. -
Page 703: Exhaust Pipe
6K-4 EXHAUST SYSTEM EXHAUST MANIFOLD REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION Refer to Section 6A1 for removal and installation procedures of exhaust manifold. INSPECTION Check gasket and seal for deterioration or damage. Replace them as necessary. EXHAUST PIPE REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION For replacement of exhaust pipe, be sure to hoist vehicle and observe WARNING under “MAINTENANCE” and the following.
Page 704: Manual Transmission
• Service on and around the air bag system components or wiring must be performed only by an authorized SUZUKI dealer. Refer to “Air Bag System Components and Wiring Location View” under “General Description” in air bag system section in order to confirm whether you are performing ser- vice on or near the air bag system components or wiring.
Page 705
7A-2 MANUAL TRANSMISSION GENERAL DESCRIPTION CONSTRUCTION AND SERVICING The transmission provides five forward speeds and one reverse speed by means of three synchronizers and three shafts-input shaft, countershaft and reverse gear shaft. All forward gears are in constant mesh, and reverse uses a sliding idler gear arrangement. -
Page 706
MANUAL TRANSMISSION 7A-3 TRANSMISSION FOR 2WD MODEL 1. 5th speed sleeve & hub 8. Reverse idler gear 15. Countershaft 3rd gear 2. Input shaft 5th gear 9. Input shaft 16. Countershaft 2nd gear 3. Input shaft 4th gear 10. Right case 17. -
Page 707
7A-4 MANUAL TRANSMISSION TRANSMISSION FOR 4WD MODEL 1. 5th speed sleeve & hub 7. Reverse gear shaft 13. Countershaft 4th gear 19. Final gear 2. Input shaft 5th gear 8. Reverse idler gear 14. Countershaft 20. Differential case 3. Input shaft 4th gear 9. -
Page 708
MANUAL TRANSMISSION 7A-5 DIAGNOSIS Condition Possible Cause Correction Gears slipping out of Maladjusted gear shift/select control cables Adjust. mesh Worn shift fork shaft Replace. Worn shift fork or synchronizer sleeve Replace. Weak or damaged locating springs Replace. Worn bearings on input shaft or counter shaft Replace. -
Page 709
7A-6 MANUAL TRANSMISSION OIL CHANGE 1) Before changing or inspecting oil, be sure to stop engine and lift vehicle horizontally. 2) With vehicle lifted up, check oil level and leakage. If leakage exists, correct it. 3) Drain old oil and fill new specified oil by specified amount (up to level hole). -
Page 710
MANUAL TRANSMISSION 7A-7 7) By using large size screwdrivers (2), pull out drive shaft joint (1) so as to release snap ring fitting of joint spline at differen- tial side.Pushing knuckle portion outward, detach drive shaft at differential side.Remove oil seal (1) and install a new one until it becomes flush with case surface by using special tool and hammer.
Page 711
3. Gear shift lever boot 7. Gear shift control lever assembly 11. E-ring 4. Gear shift control cable 8. Cable mounting bolt Tightening torque : Apply SUZUKI SUPER GREASE A 99000-25010 to con- necting portion of gear shift control cable… -
Page 712
MANUAL TRANSMISSION 7A-9 REMOVAL 1) Remove console box. 2) Disconnect gear shift and select control cables from gear shift control lever assembly. 3) Remove gear shift control cable guide nuts and gear shift lever assembly from body. 4) Disconnect shift and select cables from transmission. 5) Remove E-rings, cable grommet and cable clamp, and then remove shift and select cables from body. -
Page 713
7A-10 MANUAL TRANSMISSION VEHICLE SPEED SENSOR (VSS) REMOVAL 1) Disconnect negative cable at battery. 2) Disconnect VSS coupler (1). 3) Remove VSS. INSTALLATION 1) Check O-ring (1) and VSS surface for their flawlessness, apply grease to O-ring and then install VSS to transmission. Grease 99000-25010 2) Connect negative cable at battery. -
Page 714
MANUAL TRANSMISSION 7A-11 UNIT REPAIR OVERHAUL TRANSMISSION UNIT 1. Engine 10. VSS connector 19. Engine rear mounting 2. Transmission 11. Transmission to engine bolts 20. Engine rear mounting No.2 bracket bolts 3. Engine rear mounting No.1 bracket 12. Engine left mounting bracket bolts 21. -
Page 715
13. Left case plate screw : Apply sealant 99000-31110 to mating surface of side cover and left case. 6. Backup lamp switch Tightening torque 7. O-ring Do not reuse. : Apply SUZUKI SUPER GREASE A 99000-25010 to O-ring. 8. Differential assembly… -
Page 716
MANUAL TRANSMISSION 7A-13 INPUT & COUNTER SHAFT 1. Input shaft 13. Input shaft 5th gear 26. Countershaft 2. Oil seal 14. 5th gear spacer 27. Countershaft 1st gear : Apply grease 99000-25010 to oil seal lip 3. Input shaft right bearing 15. -
Page 717
7A-14 MANUAL TRANSMISSION 38. Countershaft 4th gear 42. Countershaft nut 46. 2nd gear synchronizer inner ring : After tightening nut to specified torque, caulk nut securely. 39. Countershaft left bearing 43. Reverse shaft bolt Tightening torque : Apply thread lock cement 99000-32110 to thread part of bolt. 40. -
Page 718
MANUAL TRANSMISSION 7A-15 [A] : GEAR SHIFTER 12. Reverse gear shift arm 25. Reverse gear shift lever bolt : Apply thread lock 99000-32110 to all around thread part of bolt. [B] : DIFFERENTIAL 13. 5th gear shift fork 26. 5th gear shift fork plug : Apply thread lock 99000-32110 to all around thread part of plug. -
Page 719
7A-16 MANUAL TRANSMISSION TRANSMISSION UNIT DISMOUNTING Under Hood 1) Disconnect negative cable at battery. 2) Undo wiring harness clamps, disconnect backup lamp switch coupler, VSS coupler and ground cable. 3) Disconnect clutch cable from clutch release lever and bracket. 4) Disconnect gear shift and select control cables. 5) Remove water pipe bracket bolts from transmission. -
Page 720
MANUAL TRANSMISSION 7A-17 18) Remove engine left mounting (1) with bracket (2). 19) Remove other attached parts from transmission, if any. 20) Pull transmission out so as to disconnect input shaft from clutch disc and then lower it. REMOUNTING CAUTION: Care should be taken not to scratch oil seal lip with drive shaft while raising transmission. -
Page 721
7A-18 MANUAL TRANSMISSION 2) Using special tool, remove circlip (1) and then hub plate (2). Special tool (A) : 09900-06107 3) If equipped, remove shift fork plug (1) and guide ball (2). NOTE: Use of magnet would facilitate removal of guide ball. 4) Drive out spring pin (3) by using special tool and hammer. -
Page 722
MANUAL TRANSMISSION 7A-19 GEAR SHIFTER, INPUT SHAFT AND COUNTER SHAFT 1) Remove gear shift interlock bolt (1) and 5th to reverse inter- lock guide bolt (2) from transmission case. 2) Remove gear shifter assembly (3). 3) Remove gear shift locating bolts (1) with washers, then take out locating springs and steel balls. -
Page 723
7A-20 MANUAL TRANSMISSION 11) Tapping input shaft end with plastic hammer, push it out as assembly from case a little, then take out input shaft assem- bly (1), counter shaft assembly (2), high speed gear shift shaft (3) and low speed gear shift shaft (4) all at once. 12) Remove counter shaft left bearing cup from left case. -
Page 724
MANUAL TRANSMISSION 7A-21 SUB ASSEMBLY SERVICE NOTE: Before installation, wash each part and apply specified gear oil to sliding faces of bearing and gear. RIGHT CASE 1) Install input shaft oil seal (1) facing its spring side upward. Use special tool and hammer for installation and apply grease to oil seal lip. -
Page 725
7A-22 MANUAL TRANSMISSION INPUT SHAFT ASSEMBLY DISASSEMBLY 1) Remove input shaft right bearing (2) from input shaft (1) by using bearing puller (3) and press. 2) Drive out 5th gear spacer (2), left bearing (3) and 4th gear (4) all at once from input shaft (1) by using puller (5) and press. -
Page 726
MANUAL TRANSMISSION 7A-23 INSPECTION AND REASSEMBLY 1) Clean all components thoroughly, inspect them for any abnormality and replace with new ones as necessary. 2) If synchronizer parts need to be repaired, check clearance “a” between ring (2) and gear (1), each chamfered tooth of gear, ring and sleeve, then determine parts replacement. -
Page 727
7A-24 MANUAL TRANSMISSION 6) Install 3rd gear needle bearing of resin cage type, apply oil to it, then install 3rd gear (1) and synchronizer ring (2). 7) Drive in high speed sleeve & hub assembly (3) by using spe- cial tool and hammer, facing long flange side of hub to 3rd gear. -
Page 728
MANUAL TRANSMISSION 7A-25 COUNTER SHAFT ASSEMBLY DISASSEMBLY 1) Drive out left bearing cone (2) with 4th gear (3) from counter shaft (1) by using puller (4) and press. CAUTION: • Use puller and press that will bear at least 5 ton (11,000 lb) safely. -
Page 729
7A-26 MANUAL TRANSMISSIONRemove right bearing cone (2) by using puller (3), metal stick (1) and press. INSPECTION AND REASSEMBLY 1) Clean all components thoroughly, inspect them for any abnormality and replace with new ones as necessary. 2) If synchronizer parts need to be repaired, check clearance “a”…
Page 730
MANUAL TRANSMISSION 7A-27 5) Fit low speed synchronizer sleeve (4) to hub (3), insert 3 keys (2) in it and then set springs (1) as shown in figure. NOTE: • No specific direction is assigned to each key but it is assigned as sleeve &… -
Page 731
7A-28 MANUAL TRANSMISSION 9) Install circlip (1) and confirm that circlip is installed in groove securely. Install needle bearing (2) of separated steel cage type, apply oil to bearing. With synchronizer outer ring (3), center cone (4) & inner ring (5) put together and installed to 2nd gear (6) as shown in fig- ure. -
Page 732
MANUAL TRANSMISSION 7A-29 GEAR SHIFTER Gear Shift and Select Shaft Assembly 1) Push spring pins out using specified spring pin removers as shown bellow. Special tool (A) : 09922-85811 (4.5 mm) (B) : 09925-78210 (6.0 mm) (C) : 2.8 – 3.0 mm (0.11 – 0.12 in.) Commercially available spring pin remover 2) Inspect component parts for wear, distortion or damage. -
Page 733
7A-30 MANUAL TRANSMISSION 2) Insert each gear shift shaft into case and check that it moves smoothly. If it doesn’t, correct by using oilstone, reamer or the like. 5th & Reverse Gear Shifter 1) Disassemble component parts by using special tool and hammer. -
Page 734
MANUAL TRANSMISSION 7A-31 4) Using special tool and hammer, drive out differential pinion shaft pin and then disassemble component parts. Special tool (C) : 09922-85811 1. Differential case 2. Differential gear 3. Differential pinion shaft ADJUSTMENT AND REASSEMBLY Judging from abnormality noted before disassembly and what is found through visual check of component parts after disassembly, prepare replacing parts and proceed to reassembly. -
Page 735
7A-32 MANUAL TRANSMISSION 3) Drive in new differential pinion shaft pin (2) till the depth from differential case (3) surface is about 1 mm (0.04 in.). 4) Press-fit new sensor rotor (1) with groove (4) side downward as shown by using special tools and copper hammer. Special tool (A) : 09913-75510 (B) : 09940-54910… -
Page 736
MANUAL TRANSMISSION 7A-33 UNIT ASSEMBLY DIFFERENTIAL TO LEFT CASE ASSEMBLY 1) Install differential assembly (1) into right case (2). 2) Insert VSS (3) with grease applied to its O-ring, then tighten it with bolt. Grease 99000-25010 3) Join input shaft (5), countershaft (4), low speed gear shift shaft (2) and high speed gear shift shaft (3) assemblies all together, then install them into right case (1). -
Page 737
7A-34 MANUAL TRANSMISSION NOTE: • Distance “a” can be measured by installing reverse gear shaft provisionally. • When “a” is 5 mm (0.2 in.), clearance between reverse idler gear groove and shift lever end will be 1 mm (0.04 in.). 6) Make reverse idler gear (1) with reverse gear shift lever (2), insert reverse gear shaft (3) into case through idler gear and then align “A”… -
Page 738
MANUAL TRANSMISSION 7A-35 11) Check locating spring for deterioration and replace with new one as necessary. Locating spring free length For Low speed (3) and 5th & reverse (6) Standard : 26.1 mm (1.028 in.) Service Limit : 25.0 mm (0.984 in.) For High speed (5) Standard : 40.1 mm (1.579 in.) Service Limit : 39.0 mm (1.535 in.) -
Page 739
7A-36 MANUAL TRANSMISSION Available shim thickness 0.40, 0.45, 0.50, 0.55, 0.6, 0.65,0.7, 0.75, 0.8, 0.85, 0.9, 0.95, 1.0,1.05, 1.1 and 1.15 mm (0.015, 0.017, 0.019, 0.021, 0.023,0.025, 0.027, 0.029, 0.031, 0.033,0.035, 0.037, 0.039, 0.041, 0.043 and 0.045 in.) CAUTION: Do not reuse left case plate screw(s) (1) (and bolts (7)). Be sure to use new adhesive pre-coated screw(s) (and new adhesive pre-coated bolts). -
Page 740
MANUAL TRANSMISSION 7A-37Install needle bearing of separated steel cage type to input shaft, apply oil then install 5th gear (1) and special tool to stop shaft rotation. Special tool (B) : 09927-76010 9) Install new countershaft nut (2) and tighten it to specification. Tightening torque Countershaft nut (b) : 60 N·m (6.0 kg-m, 43.5 lb-ft) 10) Remove special tool, then caulk nut at C with caulking tool…
Page 741
7A-38 MANUAL TRANSMISSION 17) Clean mating surface of both left case (2) and side cover (1), apply sealant to side cover (1) by using a nozzle as shown in figure by such amount that its section is 1.5mm (0.059 in.) in diameter, mate it with left case and then tighten bolts. -
Page 742
MANUAL TRANSMISSION 7A-39 6) Tighten backup lamp switch (1) to specified torque. Tightening torque Backup lamp switch (b) : 19 N·m (1.9 kg-m, 14.0 lb-ft) 7) Check input shaft for rotation in each gear position.Also confirm function of back up light switch in reverse posi- tion by using ohmmeter.
Page 743
7A-40 MANUAL TRANSMISSION REQUIRED SERVICE MATERIAL Recommended SUZUKI product Material (Part Number) Lithium grease SUZUKI SUPER GREASE A • Oil seal lips (99000-25010) • O-rings • Select lever boss • Select lever shaft bush • Gear shift control cable end Sealant SUZUKI BOND NO.1215… -
Page 744
MANUAL TRANSMISSION 7A-41 09923-74510 09923-78210 09924-74510 09925-18011 Bearing remover Bearing installer Installer attachment Bearing installer 09925-68210 09925-78210 09925-88210 09925-98221 Bearing outer race Spring pin remover 6 mm Bearing puller attachment Bearing installer installer 09927-76010 09930-30104 09940-53111 09940-54910 Gear holder Sliding shaft Bearing installer Sensor rotor installer 09941-64511… -
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Page 746
• Service on and around the air bag system components or wiring must be performed only by an authorized SUZUKI dealer. Refer to “Air Bag System Components and Wiring Location View” under “General Description” in air bag system section in order to confirm whether you are performing ser- vice on or near the air bag system components or wiring. -
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Page 748
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 7B-3 GENERAL DESCRIPTION This automatic transmission is a full automatic type with 3-speed plus overdrive (O/D). The torque converter is a 3-element, 1-step and 2-phase type equipped with lock-up mechanism. The gear shift device consists of 2 sets of planetary gear units, sets of 3 disc type clutches, 3sets of disc type brakes and one- way clutch. -
Page 749
7B-4 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) Item Specifications Torque Type 3-element, 1-step, 2-phase type converter Stall torque ratio 1.65 –1.85 Type Internal gear type oil pump Oil pump Drive system Engine driven Type Forward 4-step, reverse 1-step planetary gear type “P” range Gear in neutral, output shaft fixed, engine start “R”… -
Page 750
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 7B-5 FUNCTIONS NOTE: For operation of each part, refer to TABLE OF COMPONENT OPERATION. PART NAME FUNCTION Rear clutch Meshes input shaft and rear sun gear through one-way clutch. Front clutch Meshes input shaft and front internal gear and rear carrier. Overdrive brake Fixes rear sun gear. -
Page 751
20. Suzuki scan tool J. Diagnosis switch signal 7. TCC solenoid (Lock-up solenoid) 21. Ignition switch K. Serial communication with Suzuki scan tool 8. Shift solenoid-A (Shift solenoid No.1) 22. Battery L. Power supply 9. Shift solenoid-B (Shift solenoid No.2) 23. -
Page 752
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 7B-7 TRANSMISSION CONTROL MODULE (TCM) TCM is an electronic circuit component that controls gear shift, idle-up according to the signal from each sensor. Also it has learning control function for performing optimum control. It is a microcomputer consisting of an IC, transistor, diode, etc. -
Page 753
7B-8 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) FAIL SAFE FUNCTION This function is provided by the safe mechanism that assures safe driveability even when the solenoid valve, sensor or its circuit fails. The table below shows the fail safe function for each fail condition of sensor, solenoid or its circuit. Area Detecting condition Fail safe function… -
Page 754
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 7B-9 Area Detecting condition Fail safe function “P” range → P, “R” range → R, “N” range → N, A/T hardware itself Difference in detected (DTC P0730) revolution between “D”/“2”/“L” range “To be controlled as follows : input shaft speed 1) When detecting trouble at first, gear is selected well-suited sensor and output… -
Page 755
7B-10 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) Area Detecting condition Fail safe function Throttle position No or abnormal throt- • Scheduling of automatic gear shift is performed as throttle signal circuit tle opening signal is valve opening is 0%. (DTC P1700) inputted •… -
Page 756
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 7B-11 AUTOMATIC GEAR SHIFT DIAGRAM Automatic shift schedule as a result of shift control is shown below. [For 2WD model] Shift Throttle opening 1→2 2→3 3→4 4→3 3→2 2→1 Full throttle Closed throttle Gear Shift Diagram TCC Lock-up Diagram… -
Page 757
7B-12 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) [For 4WD model] Shift Throttle opening 1→2 2→3 3→4 4→3 3→2 2→1 Full throttle Closed throttle Gear Shift Diagram TCC Lock-up Diagram… -
Page 758
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 7B-13 DIAGNOSIS This vehicle is equipped with an electronic transmission control system, which controls the automatic shift up and shift down timing, etc. suitably to vehicle driving conditions. When diagnosing a trouble in the transmission including this system, follow “AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION DIAGNOSTIC FLOW TABLE”… -
Page 759
7B-14 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) Step Action Automatic Transmission Basic Check and Trou- Go to Step 11. 1) Check repair ble Diagnosis Table malfunction part(s). 1) Check and repair according to “A/T BASIC 2) Go to Step 11. CHECK” and “TROUBLE DIAGNOSIS TABLE”… -
Page 760
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 7B-15 1. CUSTOMER COMPLAINT ANALYSIS Record details of the problem (failure, complaint) and how it occurred as described by the customer. For this purpose, use of such a questionnaire form as shown below will facilitate collecting information to the point required for proper analysis and diagnosis. -
Page 761
DTC in this step may mislead the diagnosis or make diagnosing difficult. Even after checking the DTC with the SUZUKI scan tool, diagnosis should be performed according to this flow chart to check TCM for proper self-diagnosis function. -
Page 762
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 7B-17 8. AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION BASIC CHECK AND TROUBLE DIAGNOSIS TABLE Perform basic automatic transmission check according to the list below first. When the end of the list has been reached, check the part of system suspected as a possible cause referring to “TROUBLE DIAGNOSIS TABLE” and based on symptoms appearing on vehicle (symptoms obtained through steps of customer complaint analy- sis, trouble symptom confirmation and/or A/T basic check) and repair or replace faulty parts, if any. -
Page 763
7B-18 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) TROUBLE DIAGNOSIS TABLE NOTE: For the inspection of throttle position sensor, refer to “TP SENSOR” in Section 6E. TABLE 1 (ELECTRICAL) Condition Possible Cause Correction 1st → → → → 2nd • Output shaft speed sensor or its circuit faulty Inspect output shaft speed sen- 2nd →… -
Page 764
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 7B-19 TABLE 2 (MECHANICAL) Condition Possible Cause Correction Vehicle does not move • Manual valve faulty Clean or replace. at any range • Primary regulator valve faulty Clean or replace. 1st ↔ ↔ 2nd ↔ ↔ •… -
Page 765
7B-20 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) STALL TEST This test is to check overall performance of automatic transmis- sion and engine by measuring stall speed at “D” and “R” ranges. Be sure to perform this test only when transmission fluid is at nor- mal operating temperature and its level is between FULL and LOW marks. -
Page 766
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 7B-21 TIME LAG TEST This test is to check conditions of clutch, reverse brake and fluid pressure. “Time lag” means time elapsed since select lever is shifted with engine idling till shock is felt. 1) With chocks placed in front and behind front and rear wheels respectively, depress brake pedal. -
Page 767
7B-22 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) LINE PRESSURE TEST Purpose of this test is to check operating conditions of each part by measuring fluid pressure in fluid pressure line. Line pressure test requires following conditions. • Automatic fluid is at normal operating temperature (70 – 80°C /158 –… -
Page 768
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 7B-23 ENGINE BRAKE TEST WARNING: Before test, make sure that there is no vehicle behind so as to pre- vent rear-end collision. 1) While driving vehicle in 3rd gear of “D” range, shift select lever down to “2” range and check if engine brake operates. -
Page 769
DTC stored in TCM memory. Such disconnection will clear memorized information in TCM memory. • Using SUZUKI scan tool (Tech-1) (4), diagnostic trouble code (DTC) stored in TCM memory can be checked and cleared as well. Before its use, be sure to read Operator’s (instruction) Man- ual supplied with it carefully to have good understanding of its functions and usage. -
Page 770
3) Turn ignition switch ON. 4) Read DTC according to instructions displayed on SUZUKI scan tool and print it or write it down. Refer to SUZUKI scan tool operator’s manual for further details. 5) After completing the check, turn ignition switch OFF and dis- connect SUZUKI scan tool from data link connector (DLC) (1). -
Page 771
7B-26 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 4) Using service wire, ground diagnosis switch terminal (2) of monitor connector No.2 (1). 3. Ground terminal 5) Turn ignition switch ON. 6) Read DTC from flashing pattern of O/D OFF lamp. 7) After completing the DTC check, turn ignition switch OFF and disconnect service wire from monitor connector No.2 (1). -
Page 772
(C) : 09931-76030 (16/14 pin DLC cable) 3) Turn ignition switch ON. 4) Erase DTC according to instructions displayed on scan tool. Refer to SUZUKI scan tool operator’s manual for further details. 5) After completing the clearance, turn ignition switch OFF and disconnect scan tool from data link connector (DLC) (1). -
Page 773
7B-28 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) DTC TABLE DTC NO. Vehicle Vehicle “O/D OFF” Lamp equipped equipped Flashing Pattern of DTC DETECTING ITEMS Using Not using with without scan tool scan tool (Not using scan tool) immobi- immobi- lizer indi- lizer indi- cator lamp cator lamp –… -
Page 774
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 7B-29 DTC NO. Vehicle Vehicle “O/D OFF” Lamp equipped equipped Flashing Pattern of DTC DETECTING ITEMS Using Not using with without scan tool scan tool (Not using scan tool) immobi- immobi- lizer indi- lizer indi- cator lamp cator lamp Torque converter clutch (lock-up) 2 driving… -
Page 775
7B-30 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) TCM POWER AND GROUND CIRCUIT CHECK 1. Battery 4. Circuit fuse (IG) 7. TCM 2. Main fuse 5. Ground 3. Ignition switch 6. A/T relay DTC DETECTING CONDITION • Automatic transmission doesn’t shift to 1st gear at vehicle start in “D” range. Step Action Check voltage between terminal “C44-2”… -
Page 776
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 7B-31 DTC P0715 (DTC NO.14) INPUT/TURBINE SPEED SENSOR CIRCUIT MALFUNCTION 1. Input shaft speed sensor 2. TCM coupler (viewed from harness side) 3. TCM DTC DETECTING CONDITION • Input shaft speed sensor signal voltage too high or too low. Step Action Was “AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION DIAGNOSTIC… -
Page 777
7B-32 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) Figure for Step 2 1. Output shaft speed sensor — Input shaft speed sensor coupler 2. Input shaft speed sensor terminal Figure for Step 4… -
Page 778
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 7B-33 DTC P0730 (DTC NO. 18) INCORRECT GEAR RATIO 1. Input shaft speed sensor 4. Shield wire 2. Output shaft speed sensor 5. TCM coupler (viewed from harness side) 3. TCM DTC DETECTING CONDITION • Difference in detected revolution between input shaft speed sensor and output shaft speed sensor too wide. Step Action Check if DTC P0730 (DTC No.18) dis-… -
Page 779
7B-34 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) Step Action Check input shaft speed sensor and out- • Broken wire in shield portion Inspect and replace put shaft speed sensor referring to each or broken “BLK” wire, or referring to each item in item in this section. -
Page 780
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 7B-35 DTC P0753 (DTC NO.21/22) SHIFT SOLENOID-A (NO.1) ELECTRICAL DTC P0758 (DTC NO.23/24) SHIFT SOLENOID-B (NO.2) ELECTRICAL DTC P0743 (DTC NO.25/26) TCC (LOCK-UP CLUTCH) SYSTEM ELECTRICAL 1. Shift solenoid-A (No.1) 4. TCM 2. Shift solenoid-B (No.2) 5. -
Page 781
7B-36 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) Step Action 1) Disconnect TCM couplers. “WHT/RED”, “WHT/BLU”, Go to Step 6. 2) Measure the resistance between terminal or “BRN/YEL” wire “C44-10”, “C44-23” or “C44-22” of the dis- shorted to ground. connected harness side TCM coupler and body ground. -
Page 782
Page 783
7B-38 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) DTC P0720 (DTC NO. 31) OUTPUT SHAFT SPEED SENSOR CIRCUIT MALFUNCTION 1. Output shaft speed sensor (A/T VSS) 4. TCM 2. Coupler 5. TCM coupler (viewed from harness side) 3. Shield wire DTC DETECTING CONDITION •… -
Page 784
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 7B-39 Step Action 1) Turn ignition switch OFF and disconnect Replace output shaft Go to Step 4. output shaft speed sensor – input shaft speed sensor. speed sensor coupler. (See figure.) 2) Measure resistance between terminal “3” (of disconnected sensor side coupler) and body ground then terminal “4”… -
Page 785
7B-40 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) Figure for Step 2, 5 1. “C43-14” terminal 2. “C43-6” terminal 3. “C43-13” terminal 4. TCM coupler Figure for Step 4 1. “C43-14” terminal 2. “C43-6” terminal 3. TCM coupler… -
Page 786
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 7B-41 DTC P1700 (DTC NO.32/33) THROTTLE POSITION SIGNAL INPUT MALFUNCTION 1. Throttle position (TP) sensor 4. TCM coupler (viewed from harness side) 2. ECM 5. ECM coupler (viewed from harness side) 3. TCM DTC DETECTING CONDITION •… -
Page 787
7B-42 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) Step Action 1) Turn ignition switch OFF and disconnect Go to Step 7. Substitute a known-good ECM couplers. TCM and recheck. 2) Turn ignition switch ON and check voltage between terminal “C41-21” of disconnected harness side ECM coupler and body ground. -
Page 788
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 7B-43 DTC P0705 (DTC NO.34) TRANSMISSION RANGE SENSOR (SWITCH) CIRCUIT MALFUNC- TION 1. Transmission range sensor (shift switch) 3. TCM coupler (viewed from harness side) 2. TCM 4. Power source DTC DETECTING CONDITION • No shift switch signal inputted or two or more shift switch signals inputted at the same time. Step Action 1) Turn ignition switch OFF, disconnect TCM… -
Page 789
7B-44 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) Step Action While ignition switch ON, check voltage Go to Step 6. Go to Step 7. between terminal “C43-10” and “C44-15” of dis- connected harness side TCM coupler. Is it 10 – 14 V at “2” range and 0 V at the other range? While ignition switch ON, check voltage Intermittent trouble or… -
Page 790
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 7B-45 DTC P0725 (DTC NO.35) ENGINE SPEED INPUT CIRCUIT MALFUNCTION 1. ECM 3. TCM coupler (viewed from harness side) 2. TCM 4. ECM coupler (viewed from harness side) DTC DETECTING CONDITION • Inputted engine rev. signal too low or too high. Step Action Check DTC of “ENGINE DIAGNOSIS”… -
Page 791
7B-46 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) Step Action 1) Turn ignition switch OFF and connect ECM Intermittent trouble or “BRN” wire is shorted to couplers. faulty ECM or TCM. power circuit or faulty 2) Turn ignition switch ON and measure volt- Check for intermittent ECM. -
Page 792
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 7B-47 DTC P0710 (DTC No.36/38) TRANSMISSION TEMPERATURE SENSOR CIRCUIT MALFUNC- TION 1. Transmission temperature sensor 3. TCM 2. Coupler 4. TCM coupler (viewed from harness side) DTC DETECTING CONDITION • A/T fluid temperature signal input voltage too low. •… -
Page 793
7B-48 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) Step Action 1) Turn ignition switch OFF and connect sen- “BLU/RED” or “GRY/ Go to Step 7. sor wire harness coupler. RED” wire open or poor 2) Disconnect TCM couplers. connection of solenoid 3) Measure the resistance between terminal wire harness coupler. -
Page 794
Page 795
7B-50 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) Step Action Check continuity between terminal of discon- Circuit between Go to Step 5. nected body side solenoid coupler and transmis- TCM and transmis- sion ground with TCM, dropping resister and sion shorted to solenoid couplers disconnected. ground. -
Page 796
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 7B-51 DTC P1709 (DTC NO.51) ENGINE COOLANT TEMPERATURE/BAROMETRIC PRESSURE SIGNAL CIRCUIT 1. ECM 3. TCM coupler (viewed from harness side) 2. TCM 4. ECM coupler (viewed from harness side) DTC DETECTING CONDITION • Engine coolant temperature/barometric pressure signal voltage too low although A/T fluid temperature is normal operating temperature and engine rev. -
Page 797
7B-52 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) DTC P0702/P1702 (DTC No.52)TRANSMISSION CONTROL SYSTEM ELECTRICAL OR INTERNAL MALFUNCTION OF TCM 1. TCM 3. A/T relay 2. Ignition switch 4. TCM coupler (viewed from harness side) DTC DETECTING CONDITION • Relay output voltage too high although TCM orders the relay to turn OFF or relay output voltage too low although TCM orders the relay to turn on. -
Page 798
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 7B-53 INSPECTION OF TCM AND ITS CIRCUITS TCM and its circuits can be checked at TCM wiring couplers by measuring voltage and resistance. CAUTION: TCM cannot be checked by itself, it is strictly prohibited to connect voltmeter or ohmmeter to TCM with coupler disconnected from it. -
Page 799
7B-54 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) STAN- TERMINAL CIRCUIT DARD CONDITION VOLTAGE Serial data link (SUZUKI scan 10 – 14 V IG switch ON tool) Output shaft speed sensor – – shield Output shaft speed sensor(–) – – Input shaft speed sensor(–) –… -
Page 800
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 7B-55 ON-VEHICLE SERVICE MAINTENANCE SERVICE FLUID LEVEL AT NORMAL OPERATING TEMPERA- TURE INSPECTION 1) Stop vehicle and place it level. 2) Apply parking brake and place chocks against wheels. 3) With selector at P position, start engine. 4) Warm up engine till fluid temperature reaches normal oper- ating temperature (70 –… -
Page 801
7B-56 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) FLUID LEVEL AT ROOM TEMPERATURE INSPECTION The fluid level check at room temperature performed after repair or fluid change before test driving is just preparation for level check of normal operation temperature. The checking procedure itself is the same as that described previously. -
Page 802
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 7B-57 4) Lower vehicle and fill proper amount of an equivalent of ® ® DEXRON -III or DEXRON -IIE 5) Check fluid level according to procedure described under “FLUID LEVEL AT NORMAL OPERATING TEMPERA- TURE. A/T fluid specification ®… -
Page 803
7B-58 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) INSPECTION Check selector lever for smooth and clear cut movement and position indicator for correct indication. For operation of selector lever, refer to the figure. TRANSMISSION RANGE SENSOR (SHIFT SWITCH) REMOVAL 1) Block wheels and turn select lever to “N” range. 2) Disconnect transmission range sensor coupler and select cable. -
Page 804
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 7B-59 INSTALLATION 1) Using flat tip screwdriver, turn transmission range sensor to have the match marks (1) line up (transmission range sensor “N” range). 2) Turn selector lever (1) to “N” range (to have the automatic transmission to “N”… -
Page 805
7B-60 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) SELECTOR CABLE 1. Selector lever assembly 6. Clip 2. Selector cable 7. Selector housing bolt 3. Selector housing 8. Shift control lever pin : Apply lithium grease 99000-25010 to all around pin (0.15 g) 4. Cable bracket 9. -
Page 806
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 7B-61 ADJUSTMENT 1) Turn transmission range sensor to have the match marks (1) line up (transmission range sensor “N” range). 2) Remove adjuster (cable end) from selector pin. 3) Release lock plate (1) which restrict moving of cable end holder (2). -
Page 807
7B-62 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) OUTPUT SHAFT SPEED SENSOR (A/T VSS) INSPECTION 1) Disconnect negative cable at battery. 2) Disconnect output shaft speed sensor – input shaft speed sensor coupler (1). 3) Check resistance between output shaft speed sensor termi- nals (2). -
Page 808
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 7B-63 INPUT SHAFT SPEED SENSOR INSPECTION 1) Disconnect negative cable at battery. 2) Disconnect output shaft speed sensor – input shaft speed sensor coupler (1). 3) Check resistance between input shaft speed sensor termi- nals (2). Input shaft speed sensor resistance Standard : 160 –… -
Page 809
7B-64 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) ENGINE COOLANT TEMP. (ECT) SENSOR INSPECTION Check engine coolant temp. sensor referring to Section 6E. DROPPING RESISTOR REMOVAL/INSTALLATION Refer to the figure for removal/installation. Tightening torque Dropping resistor bolts (a) : 20 N·m (2.0 kg-m, 14.5 lb-ft) INSPECTION Measure resistance between each resistor terminals. -
Page 810
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 7B-65 O/D OFF SWITCH INSPECTION 1) Remove console box. 2) Disconnect O/D off switch coupler (1). 3) Check continuity between O/D off switch terminals. O/D OFF switch specification O/D off switch Continuity Continuity No continuity 2. O/D off switch ON 3. -
Page 811
7B-66 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 6) Disconnect shift solenoid couplers. 7) Remove shift solenoid valves. SHIFT SOLENOID VALVES INSPECTION Resistance Check • Shift solenoid A (No.1), B (No.2) and lock-up solenoid Resistance between terminal and solenoid body Standard : 10.5 – 15.5 Ω Ω Ω Ω •… -
Page 812
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 7B-67 INSTALLATION 1) Install shift solenoid valves. Tightening torque Solenoid valve bolts (a) : 8 N·m (0.8 kg-m, 6.0 lb-ft) 2) Connect shift solenoid couplers. 3) Install oil strainer (2) and transmission temperature sensor (1). Tightening torque Transmission temperature sensor bolt (b) : 10 N·m (1.0 kg-m, 7.5 lb-ft) NOTE:… -
Page 813
7B-68 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) DIFFERENTIAL SIDE OIL SEAL REPLACEMENT 1) Lift up vehicle and drain transmission oil. 2) Remove drive shaft joints from differential gear of transmis- sion. Refer to Section 4 for procedure to disconnect drive shaft joints. For differential side oil seal removal, it is not necessary to remove drive shafts from steering knuckle. -
Page 814
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 7B-69 TRANSMISSION CONTROL MODULE (TCM) CAUTION: TCM and ECM consist of highly precise parts, so when handling it (or them), be careful not to expose to exces- sive shock. NOTE: When replacing TCM with used one, all learned contents which are stored in TCM memory should be erased refer- ring to “LEARNING CONTROL INITIALIZATION”… -
Page 815
7B-70 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) LEARNING CONTROL INITIALIZATION When one or more operations such as shown below are per- formed, all learned contents which are stored in TCM memory should be erased after the operations. • Replacing transmission with new or used one. •… -
Page 816
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 7B-71 SHIFT LOCK SOLENOID MANUAL RLEASE Without using brake pedal, shift lock can be moved by pushing shift lock solenoid cam (1) with screw driver or like through hole (2). (To shift selector lever from “P” range to any other position, turn ignition switch to “ACC”… -
Page 817
7B-72 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) • When ignition switch is turned “ON” and brake pedal is depressed, selector lever can be shifted from “P” range posi- tion to any other range. 3) With ignition lever shifted to any position other than “P” range, check that ignition key cannot be turned “LOCK”… -
Page 818
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 7B-73 REMOVAL 1) Disconnect negative cable at battery and disable air bag sys- tem, referring to “DISABLING AIR BAG SYSTEMS” in Sec- tion 10B (if equipped). 2) Remove steering column hole cover and steering column cover. 3) Remove steering column mounting bolts and nuts. -
Page 819
7B-74 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 3) If selector lever is in “P” range, shift selector lever to other than “P” range with releasing shift lock referring to “SHIFT LOCK SOLENOID MANUAL RELEASE” in this section. 4) Install cable end (1) and cable casing cap (2) to key interlock cam (3) and its bracket (4), then install cable (5) to selector pad (6). -
Page 820
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 7B-75 TRANSMISSION UNIT REPAIR OVERHAUL NOTE: When transmission is replaced, or when clutch or brake disc, plate and/or flange is changed to new and/or used one, all learned contents which are stored in TCM memory should be erased referring to “LEARNING CONTROL INITIALIZATION”… -
Page 821
7B-76 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) DISMOUNTING 1) Take down transmission with engine. For its procedure, refer to Section 6A1. 2) For 4WD vehicle, remove transfer referring to Section 7D For 2WD vehicle, remove engine rear mounting No.1 bracket and engine rear mounting No.2 bracket with stiff- ener. -
Page 822
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 7B-77 REMOUNTING 1) Make sure that torque converter is installed correctly to transmission. Refer to “UNIT ASSEMBLY” in this section. 2) Attach transmission to engine. Tightening torque Transmission to engine bolts and nut (a) : 85 N·m (8.5 kg-m, 61.5 lb-ft) WARNING: Be sure to keep transmission with torque converter hori- zontal or facing up throughout the work. -
Page 823
7B-78 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) UNIT DISASSEMBLY CAUTION: • Thoroughly clean transmission exterior before over- hauling it. • Keep working table, tools and hands clean while over- hauling. • Use special care to handle aluminum parts so as not to damage them. -
Page 824
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 7B-79 4) Remove output shaft speed sensor (1) and input shaft speed sensor (2). 5) Remove transmission range sensor (3). 6) Remove dropping resistor (4). 7) Remove breather hose (5).Remove A/T fluid level gauge (1) and filler tube (2). 9) Remove vehicle speed sensor (1) (for speedometer), shift cable bracket (2) and connector clamp bracket (3).
Page 825
7B-80 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 12) Disconnect couplers from solenoid valves, and transmission temperature sensor. Remove transmission temperature sensor. 13) Remove valve body assembly (1). CAUTION: Be careful not to let manual valve fall off when removing valve body assembly. NOTE: There are three kinds of bolts (bolts A, B and C) fixing valve body assembly. -
Page 826
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 7B-81 17) Remove thrust needle roller bearing (1) and thrust bearing race (2) from the top of counter driven gear assembly (3). 18) Remove differential gear assembly (1). 19) Remove oil pump assembly and gasket (1). 20) Remove front clutch assembly (1). -
Page 827
7B-82 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 22) Remove rear clutch assembly (1). 23) Remove intermediate shaft assembly (1) and follow shaft assembly (2). 24) Remove reverse brake (B2) snap ring, brake flange, brake discs, brake plates and cushion plate. 25) Remove oil guide plate (1) parking lock pawl cover (2), shaft, torsional spring (3) and parking lock pawl (4). -
Page 828
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 7B-83 27) Remove counter driven gear assembly (1) and thrust needle roller bearing (2). 28) Remove control shift lever (1), nuts (2), washer (3) from manual shift shaft (4). 29) Remove detent spring (1). 30) Remove manual shift shaft (1) with parking lock rod (2), and washer (3) from transmission case. -
Page 829
7B-84 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 31) Remove rear cover assembly (1), thrust washer (2) and thrust needle roller bearing (3). Remove gasket (4). 32) Remove direct clutch (C0) assembly (1), thrust roller bearing (2) and rear planetary sun gear No.1 assembly (3). 33) Remove planetary set (1) with bearing, thrust needle roller bearing (2). -
Page 830
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 7B-85 35) Remove planetary sun gear No.2 (1) and thrust needle roller bearing (2). 36) Remove snap ring, then remove brake flange and disc. 37) Remove snap ring, then remove brake discs and plates (B1 brake). 38) Remove snap ring (1), then O/D brake return spring seat (2), return spring (3) and spring retainer (4). -
Page 831
7B-86 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 40) Remove counter drive gear (1). 41) Use hydraulic press (8) and special tool to compress wave spring (4), then remove snap ring (1). Special tool (A) : 09926-96040 NOTE: • Do not compress wave spring more than necessary. •… -
Page 832
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 7B-87 INSPECTION Clutch and Brake Discs Dry and inspect them for pitting, burn flaking, wear, glazing, cracking, charring and chips or metal particles imbedded in lining. If discs show any of the above conditions, replacement is required. -
Page 833
7B-88 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) DISASSEMBLY/ASSEMBLY OF SUBASSEMBLY CAUTION: • Keep component parts in group for each subassembly and avoid mixing them up. • Clean all parts with cleaning solvent thoroughly and air dry them. • Use kerosene or automatic transmission fluid as cleaning solvent. •… -
Page 834
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 7B-89 DISASSEMBLY 1) Remove D-ring from pump body. 2) Remove 2 oil seal rings and clutch drum thrust washer. 3) Remove 11 bolts. 4) Separate pump body from stator shaft assembly. 5) Remove oil seal from pump body. INSPECTION 1) Inspect pump body oil seal. -
Page 835
7B-90 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) ASSEMBLY 1) Install pump body oil seal (1) Use special tool and hammer to install it, and then apply grease to its lip portion. Special tool (A) : 09913-85210 “A”: Grease 99000-25030 2) Install driven gear and drive gear to pump body (2) after applying A/T fluid to gears. -
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AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 7B-91 FRONT CLUTCH (C2 CLUTCH) 1. Front clutch No.1 drum 7. Clutch plate 2. D-ring 8. Clutch disc : Apply grease 99000-25030 to all over surface. 3. Front clutch piston 9. Clutch flange : Apply grease 99000-25030 to the lip of the piston. 4. -
Page 837
7B-92 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 4) Remove front clutch balancer (1) and front clutch return spring seat (2). 5) Remove front clutch piston (3). Blow compressed air through input shaft oil hole to remove piston. If piston does not pop out, take it out with long nose pliers. -
Page 838
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 7B-93 ASSEMBLY 1) Install new D-ring (5) to front clutch No.1 drum. Apply grease to D-ring and fit it to drum. “A” : Grease 99000-25030 2) Install piston (4) into front clutch No.1 drum (6). Use care that the piston lip does not get twisted or caught. Apply grease to the lip of the piston. -
Page 839
7) Place special tool (A) on soft jawed vise (1) and install 2 oil seal rings on special tool. Special tool (A) : 09926-26030 (B) : Clutch drum seal ring 22831-83E10 SUZUKI GENUINE PARTS NOTE: • Clutch drum seal set has two seal rings in a set. -
Page 840
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 7B-95 10) Attach special tool (B) to dial gauge (2) and set them on the lowest clutch plate. Special tool (B) : 09952-06010 11) Measure piston stroke by blowing compressed air (4 kg/cm 57 psi) as shown in figure. If the piston stroke is out of specification, replace clutch discs, plates and flange. -
Page 841
7B-96 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) DISASSEMBLY 1) Remove snap ring. 2) Remove flange (1), discs and plates. 3) Remove shaft snap ring (1). Compress piston return springs and remove shaft snap ring. Place special tool (clutch spring compressor) on spring seat and compress spring with a press (2), and then remove shaft snap ring, using a flat end rod or the like (3). -
Page 842
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 7B-97 Rear Clutch Return Spring Seat Measure height of overdrive clutch return spring. Height of overdrive clutch return spring : 22.01 mm (0.867 in.) NOTE: • Do not apply excessive force when measuring spring height. • Perform measurement at several points. ASSEMBLY 1) Install new D-ring (7) and oil seals (2) to input shaft subas- sembly. -
Page 843
7B-98 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 5) Install discs, plates and flange (1) in following order. (1) Plate → (2) Disc → (3) Plate → (4) Disc → (5) Plate → (6) Disc → (7) Plate → (8) Disc → (9) Plate → (10) Disc → (11) Flange NOTE: Before assembly, new discs should be soaked in auto-… -
Page 844
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 7B-99 7) Place special tool (C) on soft jawed vise (2) with wider open- ing (1) facing up. Special tool (C) : 09926-26040Place rear clutch assembly (1) on special tool (C). 9) Set dial gauge (2) on the top of clutch flange (3) and mea- sure clearance by blowing compressed air (4 kg/cm , 57 psi) as shown in figure.
Page 845
7B-100 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) DIRECT CLUTCH (C0 CLUTCH) 1. Direct clutch (C0) No.1 drum 5. Direct clutch balancer 9. Clutch flange 2. D-ring 6. Shaft snap ring 10. Snap ring : Apply grease 99000-25030 to all over surface. 3. Direct clutch piston 7. -
Page 846
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 7B-101 4) Remove direct clutch balancer (1) and direct clutch return spring seat (2). 5) Remove direct clutch piston (3). Blow compressed air through input shaft oil hole to remove piston. If piston does not pop out, take it out with long nose pliers. -
Page 847
7B-102 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) Direct Clutch Piston Lip and Direct Clutch Balancer Lip Check each lip for wear, deformation, cut, and/or hardening. If necessary, replace. ASSEMBLY 1) Install new D-ring (5) to direct clutch No.1 drum (6). Apply grease to D-ring and fit it to drum. “A”: Grease 99000-25030 2) Install piston (4) into direct clutch No.1 drum. -
Page 848
7) Place special tool (A) on soft jawed vise (1) and install 2 oil seal rings on special tool. Special tool (A) : 09926-26050 (B) : Rear cover seal ring 24742-78F10 SUZUKI GENUINE PARTS NOTE: • Rear cover seal set has two seal rings in a set. -
Page 849
7B-104 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 10) Attach special tool (B) to dial gauge (2) and set them on the lowest clutch plate. Special tool (B) : 09952-06010 11) Measure piston stroke by blowing compressed air (4 kg/cm 57 psi) as shown in figure. Direct clutch piston stroke : 0.96 –… -
Page 850
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 7B-105 DISASSEMBLY 1) Remove snap ring. Remove planetary ring gear No.2. 2) Remove planetary oil receiver No.1 (1) and planetary gear assembly No.1 (2) from planetary gear assembly No.2 (5). 3) Remove needle roller bearing (3) and planetary oil receiver No.2 (4) from planetary gear assembly No.2. -
Page 851
7B-106 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) VALVE BODY 1. Upper valve body 12. Lock-up control valve 23. Fail valve No.1 2. Upper valve body gasket 13. Lock-up control valve spring 24. Fail valve No.1 sleeve 3. Valve body plate 14. Lock-up signal valve plug 25. -
Page 852
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 7B-107 DISASSEMBLY Valve Body Assembly 1) Remove manual valve. 2) Remove 12 bolts from lower valve body. NOTE: • There are 4 different kinds of bolt fixing upper and lower valve body. Do not mix them up and remember where they belong to. -
Page 853
7B-108 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) Valve spring dimensions (Reference) Spring Free length Outside diameter “a” (mm) “b” (mm) Primary regula- 79.2 18.0 tor valve spring Lock-up control 31.1 valve spring Lock-up signal 36.1 valve spring Lower Valve Body 1) Remove oil strainers (1). 2) Remove solenoid valves, if still attached. -
Page 854
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 7B-109 ASSEMBLY Upper Valve Body 1) Apply A/T fluid to each valve, plate washer, spring, plunger, sleeve and key. Insert primary regulator valve (2) about half way then place plate washer and spring. Push in primary regulator valve assembly all the way in. -
Page 855
7B-110 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) Lower Valve Body 1) Apply A/T fluid to each valve, spring, sleeve and key. Insert them, then fix with key. NOTE: Make sure that the fail valve No.2 and secondary regula- tor valve is inserted in the right direction. 2) Insert oil strainers to lower valve body. -
Page 856
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 7B-111 3) Assemble lower valve body with gaskets and plate over upper valve body. First tighten bolts A then the other bolts. Tightening torque Valve body bolts (a) : 5.5 N·m (0.55 kg-m, 4.0 lb-ft) NOTE: •… -
Page 857
7B-112 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) DIFFERENTIAL ASSEMBLY Servicing procedure for differential assembly is similar to that for manual transmission. Refer to Section 7A of this manual for adjustment procedure. 1. Differential pinion 7. Differential right side bearing (R bearing) 13. Pinion shaft pin 2. -
Page 858
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 7B-113 3) Remove differential side L bearing (1). Drive it out by using special tool, bearing puller (2) and press. Special tool (B) : 09913-80112 4) Remove pinion shaft pin. Use special tool and hammer for its removal. Special tool (C) : 09922-85811 5) Remove pinion shaft (3), differential pinions with each… -
Page 859
7B-114 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 5) Install differential side L bearing (1). Press-fit it by using spe- cial tool and copper hammer. Special tool (D) : 09924-74510 (E) : 09926-68310 2. Differential case 6) Press-fit new sensor rotor (1) with groove (2) side downward as shown by using special tools and copper hammer. -
Page 860
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 7B-115 REAR COVER (O/D BRAKE PISTON ASSEMBLY) DISASSEMBLY 1) Remove O/D brake piston (1) from rear cover (2). NOTE: If O/D brake piston is hard to take it out, force low-pres- sure compressed air (1 kg/cm , 15 psi, 100 kPa max) into hole (5) shown in figure and pop out piston into a rag. -
Page 861
7B-116 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) • Inner race (1) can rotate only one direction shown in figure. • Fit 2 protrusions of washer to holes of planetary sun gear No.1. TORQUE CONVERTER HOUSING DISASSEMBLY 1) Remove oil seal (1). 2) Remove counter bearing (1) using special tools. Special tool (A) : 09930-30102 (B) : 09923-74510… -
Page 862
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 7B-117 2) Install new oil seal to torque converter housing. Use special tool to press-fit oil seal until the oil seal end face is flush with torque converter housing end face. Special tool (F) : 09940-53111 TRANSMISSION CASE DISASSEMBLY 1) Remove oil seal (1). -
Page 863
• Apply automatic transmission fluid on sliding or rotating surfaces of the parts before assembly. • Use yellow petrolatum grease or Suzuki Super Grease C to retain parts in place. • Be sure to install thrust bearings and races in correct direction and position. -
Page 864
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 7B-119 1) Install new O-rings (inside (5) and outside (6)) to reverse brake piston (4), and apply grease to them. “A” : Grease 99000-25030 2) Install reverse brake piston (4), wave spring (3) and reverse brake piston seat (2) to transmission case. 3) Install new snap ring (1) by compressing wave spring thru reverse brake piston seat with hydraulic press (8) and spe- cial tool. -
Page 865
7B-120 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 5) Install new inner and outer O-rings (4) to 1st & 2nd brake piston (3) and apply grease to them. “A” : Grease 99000-25030 6) Install 1st & 2nd brake piston (3) to transmission case, in such way that the side with spring holes comes to the top. -
Page 866
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 7B-121 12) Measure 1st & 2nd brake (B1) stroke and clearance in fol- lowing manner. • Set the dial gauge (1) to 1st & 2nd brake (B1) piston as shown. Blow compressed air into hole (4) shown in figure. Then measure the difference as the compressed air is blown 1st &… -
Page 867
7B-122 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 15) Install thrust needle roller bearing (1) and planetary sun gear No.2 (2). Turn planetary sun gear No.2 (2) right and left to match the brake discs and the spline of planetary sun gear No.2. 16) Install thrust needle roller bearing (3) and planetary set (4). -
Page 868
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 7B-123 19) Measure the clearance of O/D brake (B0) in the following manner. • Blow compressed air into hole (4) shown in figure to activate 1st & 2nd brake (B1) piston, then measure the distance between the top of O/D brake (B0) plate and the transmis- sion case –… -
Page 869
7B-124 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 22) Install thrust needle roller bearing (3). 23) Install thrust washer (2). 1. Rear cover 4. Gasket(a) 24) Install new gasket to transmission case and install rear cover (1). Tightening torque Rear cover bolts (a) : 19 N·m (1.9 kg-m, 14.0 lb-ft) NOTE: Install the hook (2) to the location shown in figure. -
Page 870
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 7B-125 26) Attach parking lock rod (2) to manual shift shaft (1). 27) Install manual shift shaft and washer (3) to transmission case. Fix manual shift shaft with washer, control shift lever (4) and two nuts (5). Apply grease to the washers. -
Page 871
7B-126 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 32) Install parking lock pawl (2). 33) Install parking lock pawl shaft (4), torsional spring (3), and cover (1), then hold them with 2 bolts. Tightening torque Parking lock pawl bolts (a) : 11 N·m (1.1 kg-m, 8.0 lb-ft) 34) Install reverse brake (B2) plates, discs, flange and cushion plate in following order : (1) Cushion plate →… -
Page 872
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 7B-127 36) Inspect reverse brake (B2) piston stroke and clearance by blowing compressed air into hole (4) shown in figure. Make sure that the obtained piston stroke and clearance sat- isfy the standard value. • Set dial gauge (1) to the top of reverse brake (B2) flange and blow compressed air into the hole shown in figure. -
Page 873
7B-128 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 38) Install follow shaft (1) to transmission case. Turn it right and left to match the reverse brake (B2) discs and the spline of follow shaft. NOTE: When installing follow shaft, do not let the thrust washer fall off from follow shaft. -
Page 874
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 7B-129 44) Apply grease to thrust needle roller bearing (1) and install it. “A” : Grease 99000-25030 45) Apply grease to clutch drum thrust washer (1) and install it to oil pump assembly (2). “A” : Grease 99000-25030 46) Install new gasket to transmission case and install oil pump assembly (1) to transmission case. -
Page 875
7B-130 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 49) Install differential gear assembly (1). NOTE: Grease can be applied around the R and L bearing of dif- ferential gear assembly to ease fitting to the transmis- sion case and torque converter housing. 50) Install thrust bearing race (1) and thrust needle roller bearing (2) to the top of counter driven gear (3). -
Page 876
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 7B-131 52) Install O-rings to each accumulator piston and apply grease or ATF to them. Grease 99000-25030 NOTE: C1 and B0 accumulator pistons are the same. 53) Install C1 and B0 accumulator pistons (1 and 6), springs (2, 3 and 7) and spacers (4). -
Page 877
7B-132 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 56) Install valve body assembly (1) to transmission case. First match the pin of the manual valve to the slot of the manual shift shaft. To fix valve body assembly (1) to transmission case, first tighten bolt B (3), then tighten other bolts. -
Page 878
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 7B-133 58) Install O-ring to oil strainer assembly (1). Make sure that O- ring is not twisted. 59) Install oil strainer assembly to the top of valve body assem- bly. Connect transmission temperature sensor (2) coupler. Fix transmission temperature sensor and oil strainer assem- bly with bolts. -
Page 879
7B-134 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 63) Install vehicle speed sensor (for speedometer) (1), shift cable bracket (2) and connector clamp bracket (3). Tightening torque Vehicle speed sensor bolt (a) : 5.5 N·m (0.55 kg-m, 4.0 lb-ft) Shift cable bracket bolts (b) : 13 N·m (1.3 kg-m, 9.5 lb-ft) Connector clamp bracket bolt : 8 N·m (0.8 kg-m, 6.0 lb-ft) 64) Install A/T fluid filler tube (2) and level gauge (1). -
Page 880
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 7B-135 67) Install breather sensor hose (1). 68) Install transmission range sensor (2). Install it temporarily so that the adjustment can be done after installing assembly back to the vehicle. Tightening torque Transmission range sensor bolt (a) : 18 N·m (1.8 kg-m, 13.0 lb-ft) 69) Install torque converter (1) to input shaft. -
Page 881
7B-136 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) TIGHTENING TORQUE SPECIFICATION Tightening torque Fastening part N•m kg-m lb-ft A/T fluid drain plug 16.5 Transmission rage sensor bolt 13.0 Output shaft speed sensor bolt Input shaft speed sensor bolt Dropping resistor bolts 14.5 Shift solenoid bolts Transmission temperature sensor bolt Transmission to engine bolts and nut 61.5… -
Page 882
AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 7B-137 SPECIAL TOOL 09900-06108 09900-20606 09900-20701 09913-75510 Snap ring plier Dial gauge Magnetic stand Bearing installer (Closing type) 09913-80112 09913-85210 9922-85811 09923-74510 Bearing installer Bearing installer Spring pin remover Bearing remover (6 mm) 09924-74510 09925-37811-001 09925-88210 09926-26030 Installer handle Oil pressure gauge… -
Page 883
7B-138 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 09926-96030 09926-96040 09930-30102 09931-76030 Clutch spring compressor Clutch spring compressor Sliding shaft 16/14 pin DLC adapter No.7 No.8 09931-76011 09941-64511 09944-68510 09951-16060 Tech 1A kit Bearing remover Bearing installer Bush remover See NOTE below. 09952-06010 09952-06020 09926-26050 Dial gauge plate No.1… -
Page 884
NOTE: This kit includes the following items. 1. Storage case, 2. Operator’s manual, 3. SUZUKI scan tool (Tech-1A), 4. DLC cable, 5. Test lead / probe, 6. Power source cable, 7. DLC cable adaptor, 8. Self-test adaptor REQUIRED SERVICE MATERIAL… -
Page 885
Page 886
• Service on and around the air bag system components or wiring must be performed only by an authorized SUZUKI dealer. Refer to “Air Bag System Components and Wiring Location View” under “General Description” in air bag system section in order to confirm whether you are performing ser- vice on or near the air bag system components or wiring. -
Page 887
7C-2 CLUTCH GENERAL DESCRIPTION The clutch is a diaphragm-spring clutch of a dry single disc type. The diaphragm spring is of a tapering-finger type, which is a solid ring in the outer diameter part, with a series of tapered fingers pointing inward. The disc, carrying four torsional coil springs, is positioned on the transmission input shaft with an involute spline fit. -
Page 888
CLUTCH 7C-3 DIAGNOSIS Condition Possible Cause Correction Slipping Improper clutch pedal free travel Adjust free travel. Worn or oily clutch disc facing Replace disc. Warped disc, pressure plate or flywheel surface Replace disc, clutch cover or flywheel. Weakened diaphragm spring Replace clutch cover. -
Page 889: Clutch Cable
7C-4 CLUTCH ON-VEHICLE SERVICE CLUTCH CABLE 1. Clutch cable 6. Pedal bracket 2. Release lever 7. Adjusting bolt 3. Joint pin 8. Lock nut : Apply grease 99000-25010 to joint pin. 4. Joint nut 9. Clutch cable hook : Apply grease 99000-25010 to cable hook. 5.
Page 890
CLUTCH 7C-5 INSPECTION Inspect clutch cable and replace it for any of the following condi- tions. • Excessive cable friction • Frayed cable • Bent or kinked cable • Broken boots • Worn end INSTALLATION 1) Apply grease to cable end hook and also joint pin before installing cable. -
Page 891
7C-6 CLUTCH CLUTCH PEDAL AND CLUTCH PEDAL BRACKET 1. Clutch cable hook 7. Pedal spring 13. Adjusting bolt cap : Apply grease 99000-25010 to cable : Apply grease 99000-25010 to inside surface hook. of spring. 2. Clutch pedal bracket 8. Pedal shaft spacer 14. -
Page 892
CLUTCH 7C-7 CLUTCH PEDAL HEIGHT Adjust clutch pedal (1) height with adjusting bolt (2) located on pedal bracket (3) so that clutch pedal height is same as brake pedal (4) height. Height difference “a” : 0 mm (0 in.) CLUTCH PEDAL FREE TRAVEL 1) Confirm that clutch pedal height is specification. -
Page 893
7C-8 CLUTCH UNIT REPAIR OVERHAUL CLUTCH COVER, CLUTCH DISC AND FLYWHEEL 1. Flywheel 7. Release bearing : Apply grease 99000-25010 to joint of bearing and release shaft and also bearing inside. (0.3 g) 2. Clutch release shaft seal 8. Clutch cover : Apply grease 99000-25010 to seal lip. -
Page 894
CLUTCH 7C-9 3) Pull out input shaft bearing (1) by using special tool (B), and wrench. Special tool (B) : 09921-26020 09930-30104 INSPECTION Input Shaft Bearing Check bearing (1) for smooth rotation and replace it if abnormality is found. Clutch Disc Measure depth of rivet head depression, i.e. -
Page 895
7C-10 CLUTCH INSTALLATION NOTE: Before assembling, make sure that flywheel surface and pressure plate surface have been cleaned and dried thor- oughly. 1) Install flywheel (1) to crankshaft and tighten bolts (2) to spec- ification. Special tool (A) : 09924-17810 Tightening torque Flywheel bolts (a) : 70 N·m (7.0 kg-m, 50.5 lb-ft) 2) Using special tool, install input shaft bearing to flywheel. -
Page 896
CLUTCH 7C-11 4) Slightly apply grease to input shaft (1), then join transmission assembly with engine. Refer to Section 7A for remounting procedure. “A” : Grease, 99000-25210 NOTE: When inserting transmission input shaft to clutch disc, turn crankshaft little by little to match splines. CLUTCH RELEASE SYSTEM REMOVAL 1) Remove release lever by loosening its bolt. -
Page 897
7C-12 CLUTCH INSPECTION Clutch release bearing Check clutch release bearing for smooth rotation. If abnormality is found, replace it. CAUTION: Do not wash release bearing. Washing may cause grease leakage and consequential bearing damage. Clutch release shaft Check clutch release shaft and its pin for deflection or damage. If abnormality is found, replace it. -
Page 898
CLUTCH 7C-13 3) Apply grease to No.2 bush (1) inside and press-fit it by using the same special tool as in removal. “A” : Grease 99000-25010 Special tool (C) : 09922-46010 4) Coat grease to shaft seal (2) lip and then install it till it is flush with case surface. -
Page 899
16.5 REQUIRED SERVICE MATERIAL Recommended SUZUKI product Material (Part Number) Lithium grease SUZUKI SUPER GREASE A • Cable end hook and joint pin. (99000-25010) • Release shaft bushes and seal. • Release shaft arm. • Release bearing inside. SUZUKI SUPER GREASE I Input shaft spline and front end. -
Page 900
CLUTCH 7C-15 09930-30104 Sliding shaft… -
Page 901
7C-16 CLUTCH… -
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Page 903
7D-2 TRANSFER GENERAL DESCRIPTION The transfer consists of parts as shown in figure. 1. Intermediate shaft 6. Shim 11. Transfer output retainer 2. Left case 7. Reduction driven gear 12. Flange ✱ : Forward 3. Reduction drive gear 8. Bevel gear 4. -
Page 904
TRANSFER 7D-3 ON-VEHICLE SERVICE OIL CHANGE 1) Before changing or inspecting oil, be sure to stop engine and lift vehicle horizontally. 2) With vehicle lifted up, check oil level and leakage. If leakage exists, correct or repair it. 3) Drain old oil, tighten drain plug (3) after applying sealant to its thread and fill new specified oil as shown below by speci- fied amount (roughly up to level hole). -
Page 905
8. Intermediate shaft 18. Circlip Apply transfer oil. 9. Oil seal 19. Snap ring : Apply SUZUKI SUPER GREASE A 99000-25010 to oil seal lip. 10. Pinion shaft bearing 20. Bevel gear nut : After tightening nut to specified torque, caulk nut securely… -
Page 906
TRANSFER 7D-5 UNIT DISMOUNTING 1) Disconnect negative cable at battery. 2) Hoist vehicle and remove wheels. 3) Drain transmission oil. 4) Remove exhaust No.1 pipe (1). 5) Remove propeller shaft. 2. Exhaust No.2 pipe 6) Remove right side drive shaft (1) refer to Section 4A. 7) Remove Stiffener (3). -
Page 907
7D-6 TRANSFER 10) Remove mounting (1) and mounting bracket (2) from trans- fer assembly. UNIT DISASSEMBLY TRANSFER ASSEMBLY 1) Remove retainer bolts (2) and remove transfer output retainer (1). 2) Remove transfer case bolts. 3) Separate right case with intermediate shaft from left case by tapping with plastic hammer. -
Page 908
TRANSFER 7D-7 5) Remove drive gear bearings (1) (right and left) from reduc- tion drive gear by using bearing puller (2). REDUCTION DRIVEN GEAR 1) Drive out left side driven gear bearing by using special tool. Special tool (A) : 09913-65135 2) Drive out right side driven gear bearing by using bearing puller, press and special tool. -
Page 909
7D-8 TRANSFER 5) Remove driven gear bearing outer race from left case (1) by using special tool. Special tool (A) : 09941-54911 6) Remove driven gear bearing outer race from right case (1) by using special tool. Special tool (A) : 09941-54911 INTERMEDIATE SHAFT 1) Remove reduction drive oil seal and snap ring, and then drive out intermediate shaft. -
Page 910
TRANSFER 7D-9 TRANSFER OUTPUT RETAINER 1) Uncaulk flange nut. 2) Remove flange nut while holding flange (2) by using special tool. Special tool (A) : 09930-40113 1. Power wrench 3) Remove flange (1) by special tool. Special tool (A) : 09913-65135 4) Drive out bevel pinion shaft from transfer output retainer by tapping with plastic hammer. -
Page 911: Component Inspection
Drive out pinion shaft bearing outer races (2) (front and rear) by using brass bar (1). COMPONENT INSPECTION • Check each bearing for smooth rotation, wear or discolora- tion. If found abnormal, replace. • Check oil seal for leakage and its lip for excessive hardness. If either is found, replace.
Page 912
TRANSFER 7D-11 BEVEL GEAR SHIM • Press-fit driven gear bearings (2) (right and left) to driven gear by using special tools. Special tool (A) : 09945-16070 NOTE: Support shaft with special tool as illustrated in the figure so that retainer of bearing cone will be free from com- pression. -
Page 913
7D-12 TRANSFER TRANSFER OUTPUT RETAINER ADJUSTMENT “a”: Pinion dummy (special tool) height 1. Transfer output retainer “b”: Height from retainer installation face to pinion dummy 2. Left case “c”: Distance from retainer installation face to end face of bearing race (“b” – “a”) 3. -
Page 914
TRANSFER 7D-13 To engage bevel pinion and gear correctly, it is prerequired to install bevel pinion to transfer output retainer properly by using adjusting shim (bevel pinion shim) as described on following pages. Shown in above page are relative positions of bevel pinion, gear and transfer output retainer. -
Page 915
7D-14 TRANSFER • Install reduction driven gear to left case and right case and then measure distance “d” as indicated in figure. Calculate “f” by using measured value. 14.85 mm (0.5846 in.) Distance “f” Distance “d” (“e”/2) • Obtain adjusting shim thickness by using calculated value in following equation. -
Page 916
TRANSFER 7D-15 3) Install bevel pinion shaft with new pinion shaft spacer (1) to transfer output retainer. 4) Press-fit pinion shaft bearing (rear side) (2) by using special tool (and press). Special tool (A) : 09913-75810 CAUTION: Press-fit bearing to such an extent that spacer is not compressed. -
Page 917
7D-16 TRANSFER RIGHT CASE 1) Press-fit intermediate right bearing to intermediate shaft. 2) Install intermediate center oil seals (1) to case by using spe- cial tool and apply grease to oil seal lip. CAUTION: Use care the installation direction and depth of oil seals for correct installation. -
Page 918
TRANSFER 7D-17 LEFT CASE 1) Install the bevel gear shim(s) selected in item BEVEL GEAR SHIM ADJUSTMENT and driven gear bearing outer race to left case. 2) Install reduction drive gear oil seal (1) to left case (2) by using special tool. Special tool (A) : 09913-75810 Transfer reduction drive gear oil seal installing depth… -
Page 919
7D-18 TRANSFER 2) Tighten transfer case bolts to specified torque. Tightening torque Transfer case bolts (a) : 23 N·m (2.3 kg-m, 17.0 lb-ft) 3) Install the bevel pinion shim(s) selected in preceding proce- dure (TRANSFER OUTPUT RETAINER ADJUSTMENT), install transfer output retainer (1) to transfer case and then tighten retainer bolts (2) to specified torque. -
Page 920
TRANSFER 7D-19 NOTE: • Be careful not to turn bevel gear more than one full revolution, for it will hinder accurate check. • If bevel gear back lash and bevel pinion shims are adjusted properly, correct tooth contact should be pro- vided. -
Page 921
7D-20 TRANSFER TOOTH CONTACT PATTERN DIAGNOSIS AND REMEDY These contact patterns indicate that the “offset” of reduction driven gear is too much or too little. The rem- edy is to change the division of the bevel gear shim(s). These contact patterns, located on toe or heel on both drive and coast sides, mean that 1) both pinion and gear are defective, 2) retainer is not true, or 3) gear is not properly seated on transfer case. -
Page 922
TRANSFER 7D-21 • Tighten mounting bolt and mounting bracket bolts and nuts to specified torque. Tightening torque Transfer rear mounting bracket nuts (a) : 50 N·m (5.0 kg-m, 36.5 lb-ft) Transfer mounting bolt (b) : 55 N·m (5.5 kg-m, 40.0 lb-ft) Transfer rear mounting bracket No.2 bolts (c) : 55 N·m (5.5 kg-m, 40.0 lb-ft) •… -
Page 923
36.5 Exhaust pipe bolts 36.5 REQUIRED SERVICE MATERIAL Recommended SUZUKI products Material (Part Number) Lithium grease SUZUKI SUPER GREASE A • Oil seal lips (99000-25010) Sealant SUZUKI BOND NO. 1216B • Oil drain plug (99000-31230) • Oil level plug • Mating surface of transfer case… -
Page 924
TRANSFER 7D-23 09913-75821 09930-40113 09913-50121 09913-75810 Bearing installer attach- Rotor holder Oil seal remover Bearing installer ment 09945-16070 09952-76011 09922-76140 09922-76150 Retainer ring installer set Snap ring pliers Bevel pinion shaft Bevel pinion nut (closing type) 09922-76340 09922-76430 09951-16090 Rear collar Front collar Oil seal installer… -
Page 925
Page 926
Page 927
7F-2 REAR DIFFERENTIAL GENERAL DESCRIPTION The differential assembly uses a hypoid bevel pinion and gear. The differential assembly is decisive in that the drive power is concentrated there. Therefore, use of genuine parts and specified torque is compulsory. Further, because of sliding tooth meshing with high pressure between bevel pinion and gear, it is mandatory to lubricate them by hypoid gear oil. -
Page 928
REAR DIFFERENTIAL 7F-3 DIAGNOSIS Condition Possible Cause Correction Gear noise Deteriorated or water mixed lubricant Repair and replenish. Inadequate or insufficient lubricant Repair and replenish. Maladjusted backlash between bevel pinion Adjust and prescribed. and gear Improper tooth contact in the mesh between Adjust or replace. -
Page 929
7F-4 REAR DIFFERENTIAL ON-VEHICLE SERVICE OIL CHANGE 1) Before oil change or inspection, be sure to stop engine and set vehicle horizontally. 2) Check oil level and existence of leakage. If leakage is found, correct its cause. 3) Remove level/filler plug (2) and drain plug (1), then drain old oil. -
Page 930
REAR DIFFERENTIAL 7F-5 UNIT REPAIR OVERHAUL 80 Nm (8.2 kg-m) 23 Nm (2.3kg-m) 70-250 Nm (7.0-25.0 kg-m) 23 Nm (2.3kg-m) 130 Nm(13.0 kg-m) 23 Nm (2.3kg-m) 1. Companion flange nut 10. Drive bevel pinion nut 19. Differential pinion shaft : After tightening nut to specified torque, : After tightening nut to specified torque, caulk nut securely. -
Page 931
7F-6 REAR DIFFERENTIAL DIFFERENTIAL UNIT DISMOUNTING 1) Hoist vehicle and remove wheels. 2) Drain oil from rear differential. (Refer to “OIL CHANGE” in this section.) 1. Drain plug 2. Level plug 3) Remove brake drum and disconnect parking brake cable from brake back plate. -
Page 932
REAR DIFFERENTIAL 7F-7 REMOUNTING Reverse removal procedure for installation, noting the following. Rear Differential • Clean mating surfaces of axle housing (1) and differential carrier and apply sealant to housing side. “A” : Sealant 9900-31110 • Install differential carrier assembly to axle housing and tighten carrier bolts to specified torque. -
Page 933
7F-8 REAR DIFFERENTIAL SUB-ASSEMBLY REPAIR VISCOUS COUPLING DISASSEMBLY 1) Uncaulk flange nut. 2) Hold companion flange with special tool and then remove flange nut by using power wrench. Special tool (A) : 09930-40113 3) Remove companion flange from pinion. Use special tool if it is hard to remove. Special tool (B) : 09913-65135 4) Remove viscous coupling assembly by using hydraulic… -
Page 934
REAR DIFFERENTIAL 7F-9 7) Remove coupling case oil seal by using special tool. Special tool (C) : 09913-50121 INSPECTION • Check companion flange for wear of damage. • Check bearing for wear or discoloration. • Check coupling case for cracks. •… -
Page 935
7F-10 REAR DIFFERENTIAL REAR DIFFERENTIAL DISASSEMBLY 1) Put identification marks (4) on differential side bearing caps (3) and differential carrier (1). 2) Take off differential side bearing caps by removing their bolts and remove differential gear assembly (2). NOTE: Check number of shims and thickness of each shim in advance. -
Page 936
REAR DIFFERENTIAL 7F-11 10) Remove bevel pinion (1) with rear bearing, and spacer from carrier. 11) Remove bevel pinion rear bearing (2) by using bearing puller (3) and press. 12) Drive out bevel pinion bearing outer race (1) by using metal- lic stick (2). -
Page 937
7F-12 REAR DIFFERENTIAL Bevel Pinion Bearing Outer Race For press-fitting bevel pinion bearing outer races, use special tools as shown. CAUTION: Perform press-fitting carefully so as not to tilt outer race. Special tool (A) : 09924-74510 (B) : 09925-68210 (C) : 09925-98210 (D) : 09924-84510-002 Differential Case Judging from abnormality noted before disassembly and what is… -
Page 938
REAR DIFFERENTIAL 7F-13 2) If thrust play is out of specification, select suitable side washer from among following available size, install it and check again that specified gear play is obtained. Available side washer thickness 0.90, 1.00 and 1.10 mm (0.035, 0.039 and 0.043 in.) 3) Put drive bevel gear (1) on differential case (2) and fasten them with bolts (3) by tightening them to specified torque. -
Page 939
7F-14 REAR DIFFERENTIAL Differential Carrier A: Pinion dummy height D: Drive bevel pinion mounting distance 68.00mm/2.67716 in. 3. Differential carrier B: Axle dummy radius E: Shim size for mounting distance adjustment (E = C) 4. Rear bearing A+B: Mounting dummy size 68.00mm/2.67716 in. 1. -
Page 940
REAR DIFFERENTIAL 7F-15 3) Set special tools and make drive bevel pinion dummy. Special tool (A) : 09922-76140 (B) : 09922-76430 4) Apply gear oil to drive bevel pinion bearing, install bearing to bevel pinion dummy and then install bevel pinion dummy to differential carrier. -
Page 941
7F-16 REAR DIFFERENTIALPlace zero-adjusted mounting dummy (1) and dial gauge set on pinion dummy (2) and take measurement between zero position and extended dial gauge measuring tip. NOTE: • Repeat turning back and forth of dummy and measure distance as far as top surface of pinion dummy accu- rately.
Page 942
REAR DIFFERENTIAL 7F-17 12) While tightening bevel pinion nut gradually with bevel pinion holder (special tool), set preload of pinion to specification. NOTE: • Before taking measurement, check for smooth rotation by hand. • Bevel pinion bearing preload is adjusted by tightening bevel pinon nut to deform spacer. -
Page 943
7F-18 REAR DIFFERENTIAL 3) Measure backlash by using dial gauge. Drive bevel gear backlash : 0.10 – 0.20 mm (0.0039 – 0.0078 in.) NOTE: • Be sure to apply measuring tip of dial gauge at right angles to convex side (drive side) of tooth. •… -
Page 944
REAR DIFFERENTIAL 7F-19 TOOTH CONTACT PATTERN DIAGNOSIS AND REMEDY NORMAL HIGH CONTACT Pinion is positioned too fat from the center of drive bevel gear. 1) Increase thickness of pinion height adjusting shim and position pinion closer to gear center. 2) Adjust drive bevel gear backlash to specification. -
Page 945
7F-20 REAR DIFFERENTIAL TOOTH CONTACT PATTERN DIAGNOSIS AND REMEDY Irregular patterns: If the pattern is not oval, it means that bevel gear is defective. High or low spots on tooth surfaces or on the seat of bevel gear are the cause of irregular patterns appearing on some teeth. -
Page 946
Material (Part Number) Thread lock cement THREAD LOCK CEMENT 1322 Bevel gear bolts (99000-32110) Lithium grease SUZUKI SUPER GREASE A Oil seal lips (99000-25010) Sealant SUZUKI BOND NO. 1215 • Thread part of differential carrier bolt (99000-31110) • Mating surface of differential housing •… -
Page 947
7F-22 REAR DIFFERENTIAL 09922-76350 09922-76120 09922-76250 09924-74510 Gauge block Dummy shaft Bevel gear dummy Bearing installer handle 09925-68210 09925-98210 09924-84510-002 09930-40113 Bearing installer Bearing installer Bearing installer Flange holder 09913-65135 09913-50121 Bearing puller Oil seal remover… -
Page 948
• Service on and around the air bag system components or wiring must be performed only by an authorized SUZUKI dealer. Refer to “Air Bag System Components and Wiring Location View” under “General Description” in air bag system section in order to confirm whether you are performing ser- vice on or near the air bag system components or wiring. -
Page 949
Page 950
BODY ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 8-3 DIAGNOSIS NOTE: Fuse name (“ ”) in the table below is shown on the fuse box cover. HEADLIGHT Condition Possible Cause Correction Headlights do not light Lighting or dimmer switch faulty Check headlight switch. Headlight R and L fuses blown Replace fuse to check for short. -
Page 951: Brake Light
8-4 BODY ELECTRICAL SYSTEM CLEARANCE, TAIL AND LICENSE PLATE LIGHT Condition Possible Cause Correction All lights do not light “TAlL” fuse blown Replace fuse to check for short. Combination switch (lighting and dimmer Check switch. switch) faulty Wiring or grounding faulty Repair circuit.
Page 952
BODY ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 8-5 SPEEDOMETER AND VSS Condition Possible Cause Correction Speedometer shows “IG/METER” and/or “RADIO/DOME” fuse(s) Replace fuse(s) to check for short. no operation or incor- blown rect operation VSS faulty Check VSS. Printed plate in combination meter faulty Check printed plate. -
Page 953
8-6 BODY ELECTRICAL SYSTEM BRAKE AND PARKING BRAKE WARNING LIGHT Condition Possible Cause Correction Brake warning light Bulb in combination meter blown Replace bulb. does not light up Printed plate in combination meter faulty Check printed plate. (when fluid low level “IG/METER”… -
Page 954: Cigarette Lighter
BODY ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 8-7 POWER WINDOW CONTROL SYSTEM (IF EQUIPPED) Condition Possible Cause Correction All power windows do “POWER WINDOW” fuse blown Replace fuse to check for short. not operate Ignition switch faulty Check ignition switch. Power window main switch faulty Check power window main switch.
Page 955: Interior Light
8-8 BODY ELECTRICAL SYSTEM POWER DOOR MIRROR CONTROL SYSTEM (IF EQUIPPED) Condition Possible Cause Correction All power mirrors do “CIGAR” fuse blown Replace fuse to check for short. not operate Power door mirror switch faulty Check switch. Wiring or grounding faulty Repair circuit.
Page 956
BODY ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 8-9 FRONT SEAT HEATER (IF EQUIPPED) Condition Possible Cause Correction Both seat back and “SEAT HTR” fuse blown Replace fuse to check for short. cushion do not Seat heater switch faulty Check switch. become hot although Seat heater circuit in seat back and/or seat Check heater front back and/or seat heater switch is cushion faulty… -
Page 957: Headlight Assembly
8-10 BODY ELECTRICAL SYSTEM INSPECTION Check for continuity between terminals at each switch position as shown below. If check result is not as speci- fied, replace. position Terminal Switch Position OFF and PASS OFF and HI SM and PASS SM and HI PASS LO and PASS LO and HI…
Page 958
BODY ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 8-11 1) Disconnect negative cable at battery. 2) Disconnect coupler from bulb. 3) Remove socket cover (1). 4) Replace bulb (2) and assemble all removed parts. HEADLIGHT AIMING ADJUSTMENT WITH SCREEN NOTE: • Unless otherwise obligated by local regulations, adjust headlight aiming according to following procedure. -
Page 959
8-12 BODY ELECTRICAL SYSTEM HEADLIGHT LEVELING SWITCH (IF EQUIPPED) INSPECTION Check for resistance between terminals at each switch position as shown below. If check result is not as specified, replace. Headlight leveling switch resistance Resistance (KΩ Ω Ω Ω ) Position Terminals –… -
Page 960
BODY ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 8-13 TURN SIGNAL AND HAZARD RELAY The turn signal and hazard relay (1) is located near the fuse box (2). INSPECTION Connect turn signal and hazard relay (1), battery (3) and two test bulbs (12 V, 27 W) (2) as shown. Unless a continued flash on and off is visible, replace. -
Page 961: Ignition Switch
8-14 BODY ELECTRICAL SYSTEM REAR FOG LIGHT (IF EQUIPPED) REAR FOG LIGHT SWITCH INSPECTION Check for continuity between terminals. Hold the switch button (ON or OFF) pushed in during checking switch. TERMINAL FOG SW OFF SW FREE FREE PUSH FREE PUSH PUSH NOTE:…
Page 962: Combination Meter
BODY ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 8-15 COMBINATION METER CIRCUIT or ABS 1. Speedometer 7. High beam light 13. “AIR BAG” warning light (if equipped) 2. Tachometer 8. Check engine light 14. Seat belt light (if equipped) 3. Fuel level meter 9. Oil pressure warning light 15.
Page 963
8-16 BODY ELECTRICAL SYSTEM REMOVAL 1) Disconnect negative cable at battery. 2) Loosen steering column mounting nuts. Refer to Section 3C. 3) Remove meter cluster panel (1). 4) Disconnect all couplers from combination meter, then remove combination meter (2). INSTALLATION Reverse removal procedure for installation. -
Page 964
BODY ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 8-17 FUEL LEVEL SENSOR (GAUGE UNIT) REMOVAL Remove fuel pump assembly (1) referring to Section 6C. INSTALLATION Install fuel pump assembly (1) referring to Section 6C. INSPECTION • Check that resistance between terminals “a” and “b” of fuel “b”… -
Page 965
8-18 BODY ELECTRICAL SYSTEM ECT SENSOR REMOVAL, INSTALLATION AND INSPECTION Refer to “ECT SENSOR” in Section 6E1. OIL PRESSURE WARNING LIGHT OIL PRESSURE SWITCH ON-VEHICLE INSPECTION 1) Disconnect oil pressure switch (1) lead wire. 2) Check for continuity between oil pressure switch terminal (2) and cylinder block (3) as shown in figure. -
Page 966
BODY ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 8-19 PARKING BRAKE SWITCH INSPECTION Check for continuity between parking brake switch terminal and body ground as shown in figure. If found defective, replace switch. Parking brake switch specification OFF position (parking brake released) (1) : No continuity ON position (parking brake lever pulled up) (2) : Continuity REAR WINDOW DEFOGGER… -
Page 967
8-20 BODY ELECTRICAL SYSTEM • Wire damage inspection. a) Turn ignition switch ON. b) Turn defogger switch ON. c) Check voltage at the center (1) of each heat wire as shown below. If measured voltage is 10 V, wire must be damaged between its center and positive end (5). -
Page 968
BODY ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 8-21 WIPERS AND WASHERS COMPONENTS [A] : RH steering vehicle 3. Wiper motor 7. Washer hose [B] : LH steering vehicle 4. Washer pump (for front washer) 8. Washer nozzle 1. Wiper blade 5. Washer pump (for rear washer) 9. -
Page 969
8-22 BODY ELECTRICAL SYSTEM INSPECTION Check for continuity between terminals at each switch position as shown below. If check result is not as specified, replace. Terminal WASHER ON Wiper SW Terminal Washer SW [A] : LH steering vehicle [B] : RH steering vehicle INTERMITTENT WIPER RELAY CIRCUIT INSPECTION 1) Turn the front wiper switch to “INT”… -
Page 970: Front Wiper Motor
BODY ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 8-23 WASHER LINKED CIRCUIT INSPECTION 1) Make sure that front wiper switch is at “OFF” position. 2) Connect battery positive terminal to terminal “B3” and its negative terminal to terminal “HE”. 3) Connect voltmeter positive lead to terminal “H” and its nega- tive lead to terminal “HE”.
Page 971
8-24 BODY ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Automatic Stop Operation 1) Connect battery positive terminal to terminal “L” and its neg- ative terminal to motor bracket (wiper ground) and let the motor turn. 2) Disconnect terminal “L” from battery positive terminal, and let the motor stop. 3) Connect terminal “L”… -
Page 972
BODY ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 8-25 REAR WIPER AND WASHER SWITCH (IF EQUIPPED) INSPECTION Check for continuity between terminals at each switch position as shown below. If check result is not as specified, replace. Terminal Position (1) WIPER and WASHER ON (2) WIPER ON (3) OFF (4) WASHER and WASHER ON REAR WIPER MOTOR… -
Page 973
8-26 BODY ELECTRICAL SYSTEM POWER WINDOW CONTROL SYSTEM (IF EQUIPPED) POWER WINDOW MAIN SWITCH INSPECTION Check for continuity between terminals at each switch position as shown below. If check result is not as specified, replace. Driver Side Passeger Side Rear RH Rear LH Window Window… -
Page 974: Door Switch
BODY ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 8-27 POWER WINDOW SUB SWITCH INSPECTION Check for continuity between terminals at each switch condition as shown below. If check result is not as specified, replace. Terminal Switch Position DOWN DOOR SWITCH INSPECTION Remove door switch from body and check switch for continuity. If found detective, replace switch.
Page 975
8-28 BODY ELECTRICAL SYSTEM POWER DOOR LOCK SYSTEM (IF EQUIPPED) DOOR LOCK CONTROLLER INSPECTION Check voltage between each terminal and body ground with con- necting controller coupler. If check result is not as specified, replace. Door lock controller specification Termi- Voltage (V) Condition 10 — 14… -
Page 976
BODY ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 8-29 DOOR LOCK ACTUATOR ON-VEHICLE INSPECTION 1) Remove door trim (front, rear or back) and disconnect door lock actuator (3) coupler. 2) Connect battery (+) terminal to terminal “L” and (-) terminal to terminal “UL”. Check that door lock actuator (3) is on “LOCK”… -
Page 977
8-30 BODY ELECTRICAL SYSTEM RECEIVER INSPECTION Check voltage between each terminal and body ground with con- necting controller coupler. If check result is not as specified, replace. Receiver specification Terminal Voltage (V) Condition 10 — 14 Always “A” Approx. 75 ms while trans- (Refer to the figure) mitter signal received Other condition than above… -
Page 978
BODY ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 8-31 CAUTION: Use care not to allow grease or dirt to be attached on the printed circuit board and the battery. NOTE: • To prevent theft, be sure to break the transmitter before discarding it. • Dispose of the used battery properly according to applicable rules or regulations. -
Page 979
8-32 BODY ELECTRICAL SYSTEM DOOR MIRROR ACTUATOR INSPECTION 1) Remove garnish from door. 2) Pull out door mirror coupler at bracket. 3) Disconnect door mirror coupler. 4) Check that door mirror operates properly when battery volt- age is applied to connector terminals. Connect battery positive and negative terminal to the door mirror terminal shown below. -
Page 980
BODY ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 8-33 SEAT HEATER WIRE INSPECTION 1) Confirm that seat heater switch is OFF position. 2) Disconnect two couplers of seat heater under the seat cush- ion. 3) Check for continuity between terminals as show below. If not continuity, replace faulty seat heater. Seat heater circuit in seat back Between “a”… -
Page 981
Page 982
• Service on and around the air bag system components or wiring must be performed only by an authorized SUZUKI dealer. Refer to “Air Bag System Components and Wiring Location View” under “General Description” in air bag system section in order to confirm whether you are performing ser- vice on or near the air bag system components or wiring. -
Page 983
8G-2 IMMOBILIZER CONTROL SYSTEM PROCEDURE AFTER IMMOBILIZER CONTROL SPECIAL TOOL ……….8G-25 MODULE REPLACEMENT ……8G-24 PROCEDURE AFTER ECM REPLACEMENT……….8G-25 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The immobilizer control system designed to prevent vehicle burglar consists of following components. • Engine control module (ECM) •… -
Page 984
IMMOBILIZER CONTROL SYSTEM 8G-3 WIRING CIRCUIT BLK/YEL BRN/WHT C41-10 BLK/RED C41-5/6 G02-5 BLK/WHT G02-6 G02-7 G02-12 C42-2 C42-1 BLK/ORG C42-3 BLK/ORG BLK/RED G06-4 G06-2 G06-3 BLK/WHT G06-1 1. Immobilizer Control Module 4. Ignition switch 7. Data link connector 2. ECM 5. -
Page 985
8G-4 IMMOBILIZER CONTROL SYSTEM ON-BOARD DIAGNOSTIC SYSTEM (SELF-DIAGNOSIS FUNCTION) Immobilizer Control Module and ECM diagnose troubles which may occur in the area including the following parts when the igni- tion switch is ON. ECM : • ECM/Immobilizer Control Module code •… -
Page 986
• Take a note of diagnostic trouble code indicated first. INTERMITTENT TROUBLES • There is case where Suzuki scan tool indicate a diagnostic trouble code representing a trouble which occurred only temporarily and has gone. In such case, it may occur that good parts are replaced unneces- sarily. -
Page 987
8G-6 IMMOBILIZER CONTROL SYSTEM DIAGNOSTIC FLOW TABLE Step Action 1) Check immobilizer indicator lamp while igni- Go to Step 3. If immobilizer indicator lamp tion switch is ON (but without starting remains ON, go to Step 2. engine). See Fig. 1. If immobilizer indicator lamp Does immobilizer indicator lamp flash? remains OFF, go to “TABLE… -
Page 988
DIAGNOSTIC TROUBLE CODE (DTC) CHECK (IMMOBILIZER CONTROL MODULE) 1) Turn ignition switch OFF. 2) After setting cartridge to Suzuki scan tool, connect it to data link connector (DLC) (1) located on underside of instrument panel at driver’s seat side. Special tool… -
Page 989
3) Turn ignition switch ON. 4) Read DTC stored in ECM according to instructions displayed on Suzuki scan tool and print it or write it down. Refer to Suzuki scan tool operator’s manual for further details. If communication between Suzuki scan tool and ECM is not possible, check if Suzuki scan tool is communicable by con- necting it to ECM in another vehicle. -
Page 990
IMMOBILIZER CONTROL SYSTEM 8G-9 DIAGNOSTIC TROUBLE CODE TABLE IMMOBILIZER CONTROL MODULE DIAGNOSTIC AREA DIAGNOSIS (indicated on Suzuki scan tool) This code appears when none of NO DTC Normal (No code) the other codes are identified. Transponder code Immobilizer Control Module… -
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8G-12 IMMOBILIZER CONTROL SYSTEM TABLE C — DTC IS NOT OUTPUT FROM IMMOBILIZER CONTROL MODULE WIRING DIAGRAM BLK/YEL BLK/RED G06-4 G06-2 G06-3 BLK/WHT BLK/WHT G06-1 1. To ECM 2. Immobilizer control module 3. To #9-pin in DLC INSPECTION Step Action Check voltage between G06-4 terminal Go to Step 2. -
Page 994
Immobilizer Control Module match when ignition switch is ON. If they do not, DTC 11 and/or 32 are set. INSPECTION Register ignition key with built-in transponder by using SUZUKI scan tool and performing following steps. 1) Register Transponder code in Immobilizer Control Module by performing procedure described in “How To Register Ignition Key”. -
Page 995
Immobilizer Control Module, this DTC is set. INSPECTION Register ignition key with built-in transponder by using SUZUKI scan tool and performing following steps. 1) Register Transponder code in Immobilizer Control Module by performing procedure described in “How To Register Ignition Key”. -
Page 996
IMMOBILIZER CONTROL SYSTEM 8G-15 DTC13 NO TRANSPONDER CODE TRANSMITTED OR COIL ANTENNA OPENED/SHORTED BLK/YEL BLK/RED G06-4 1. Main fuse 2. Main relay 3. Immobilizer Control Module Coil antenna To ECM DESCRIPTION Immobilizer Control Module energizes the coil antenna when the ignition switch is ON and reads Transponder code from the ignition key. -
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IMMOBILIZER CONTROL SYSTEM 8G-17 DTC22 IGNITION SWITCH CIRCUIT OPEN/SHORT G06-3 BLK/WHT BLK/WHT 1. Main fuse 2. Ignition switch 3. Immobilizer Control Module DESCRIPTION Immobilizer Control Module monitors ignition signal when the ignition switch is ON. This DTC is set when no ignition signal input is detected by Immobilizer Control Module. -
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IMMOBILIZER CONTROL SYSTEM 8G-19 NOTE: • After replacing with a known-good ECM, register ECM/Immobilizer Control Module code in ECM by performing procedure described in “PROCEDURE AFTER ECM REPLACEMENT” in this section. • After replacing with a known-good Immobilizer Control Module, register ECM/Immobilizer Control Module code in ECM and Transponder code and ECM/Immobilizer Control Module code in Immobi- lizer Control Module by performing procedure described in “PROCEDURE AFTER IMMOBILIZER CONTROL MODULE REPLACEMENT”… -
Page 1001
8G-20 IMMOBILIZER CONTROL SYSTEM INSPECTION OF ECM, IMMOBILIZER CON- TROL MODULE AND ITS CIRCUIT ECM, Immobilizer Control Module and its circuit can be checked at ECM wiring couplers and Immobilizer Control Module wiring coupler by measuring voltage. Described here is only inspection of Immobilizer Control Module.
Table of Contents
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Engine oil recommendation:
(K12C engine models)
Classification: ACEA A1/B1, A3/B3, A3/B4, A5/B5
ILSAC GF-3, GF-4 or GF-5
Viscosity: SAE 0W-16, 0W-20, 5W-30, 10W-30, 10W-40
(K12M engine models)
Classification: API SG, SH, SJ, SL, SM or SN
Viscosity: SAE 0W-20, 5W-30, 10W-30, 10W-40,
15W-40, 20W-40
For further details, see «Engine oil and filter» in the
Part No. 99011-75RM0-01E August, 2016
Suzuki Red: Magenta 100%, Yellow 100%
Suzuki Blue: Cyan 100%, Magenta 70%
Takumi Blue: Cyan 100%, Black 85%
20.5 mm
DOT3 or SAE J1703
CVT fluid:
Tire cold pressure:
See the Tire Information Label located on the
driver’s door lock pillar.
Printed in Japan
Keep With Vehicle At All Times.
Contains Important Information
On Safety, Operation & Maintenance.
Summary of Contents for Suzuki IGNIS Series 2016
(Ocr-Read Summary of Contents of some pages of the Suzuki Ignis Document (Main Content), UPD: 04 August 2023)
666, Suzuki Ignis 6E1-40 ENGINE AND EMISSION CONTROL SYSTEM 4) After checking vacuum, stop engine and remove PCV valve (1). Shake valve and listen for the rattle of check needle inside the valve. If valve does not the rattle, replace valve. 5) After checking, remove plug and install PCV valve (1). SPECIAL TOOL 09912-58441 09912-58431 09912-58490 09912-58421 Pressure gauge Pressure hose 3-way joint & hose Checking tool set (See NOTE “A”…
1606, Suzuki Ignis AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE 7B-201 91) Bend dents of lock washer (1) in order to prevent displace- ment of lock washer. 92) Install manual select lever (1). Tightening torque Manual select lever nut (a): 13 N·m (1.3 kg-m, 9.5 lb-ft) 93) Install engine mounting LH bracket (1). Tightening torque Engine mounting LH bracket bolts (a): 55 N·m (5.5 kg-m, 40.0 lb-ft) 1 1 (a)
… -
2570, ENGINE MECHANICAL (Z13DT ENGINE) 6A3-29 21) Remove engine rear mounting bolts (1), engine left mounting nuts (2) and engine right mounting bracket bolts (3). 22) Before removing engine with transaxle from vehicle, recheck to make sure all hoses, electric wires and cables are discon- nected from engine and transaxle. 23) Lower engine with transaxle from vehicle. 24) Disconnect transaxle from engine referring to “Transaxle Unit Dismounting and Remounting” in Section 7A3. 25) Remove cl…
3102, BRAKES PIPE / HOSE / MASTER CYLINDER 5A-9 INSTALLATION (FOR REAR BRAKE) Reverse brake flexible hose installation procedure, nothing the followings. • Install brake hose securely, making sure that there is no faulty condition such as inclination of metal fitting (1) of hose relative to bracket (2) of vehicle body. • Install E-ring (3) securely, making sure that it does not project from end face of bracket (2). After installing E-ring (3), check to make sure that tip end of ri…
315, BRAKES 5-37 7) Install cup (1) and washer (2) such a direction as shown.
Remove cap cup (1) from cap with caring not to cause any damage to inside of cap (2). 9) Install cap cup and O-rings (3) to cap such a direction as shown. 10) Install cap and tighten it to specified torque, then confirm the length “A”. Tightening torque Cap (a) : 14 N·m (1.4 kg-m, 10.5 lb-ft) Cap installation position “A” : Less than 26 mm (1.02 in.) …
3006, REAR SUSPENSION 3E-1 3E SECTION 3E REAR SUSPENSION CONTENTS General Description………………………………….3E-2 Rear Suspension Component Locator ……….3E-2 Rear Suspension Construction …………………3E-4 Diagnosis…………………………………………………3E-6 Rear Shock Absorber Check…………………….3E-6 Trailing Arm, Lateral Rod, Rear Axle, Rear Axle (Housing) and Coil Spring Check ………………………………………………………
3793, 8D-38 WINDOWS, MIRRORS, SECURITY AND LOCKS Seat back 1) Confirm that seat heater switch is in OFF position. 2) Disconnect seat back heater connector under the seat cush- ion. 3) Check for continuity between terminals “B” and “D” of seat back heater connector. 4) If there is no continuity, replace seat back as assembly. Seat cushion The seat cushion heater consists of the heater wire, bimetal, relay and their connecting circuit wirings. Heater malfunction…
252, Suzuki Ignis 3F-2 WHEELS AND TIRES GENERAL DESCRIPTION TIRES This vehicle is equipped with the following tire. Tire size : 165/70R14 The tire is of tubeless type. The tire is designed to operate satisfactorily with loads up to the full rated load capacity when inflated to the recommended inflation pressures. Correct tire pressures and driving habits have an important influence on tire life. Heavy cornering, excessively rapid acceleration, and unnecessary sharp braking increase tire …
3361, 6-160 ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS TROUBLESHOOTING Step Action Yes No 1 Was “Engine and Emission Control System Check” performed? Go to Step 2. Go to “Engine and Emis- sion Control System Check”. 2 Check MAP sensor and its circuit. 1) Connect scan tool to DLC with ignition switch turned OFF. 2) Turn ignition switch ON. 3) Check intake manifold pressure. Is it 146 kPa (43.1 in.Hg) or 0 kPa (0 in.Hg)? Go to Step 3. Intermittent trouble. Check for intermittent refe…
3362, ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS 6-161 8 Check MAP sensor signal circuit. 1) Turn ON ignition switch. 2) Measure voltage between “RED/WHT” wire terminal in MAP sensor harness connector and engine ground. Is voltage 0 V? Go to Step 9. “RED/WHT” wire shorted to other circuit. 9 Check MAP sensor signal circuit. 1) Disconnect connectors from ECM with igni- tion switch turned OFF. 2) Measur…
3321, 6-120 ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS DTC P0340 Camshaft Position Sensor Circuit WIRING DIAGRAM SYSTEM DESCRIPTION The CMP sensor located on the transmission side of cylinder head consists of the signal generator (magnetic sensor) and signal rotor (intake camshaft portion). The signal generator generates Reference signal through slits in the slit plate which turns together with the cam- shaft. Reference signal The CMP sensor generate…
3575, 6G-2 CRANKING SYSTEM General Description Cranking System Circuit Diagram Diagnosis Cranking System Symptom Diagnosis Possible symptoms due to starting system trouble would be as follows: • Starting motor does not run (or runs slowly) • Starting motor runs but fails to crank engine • Abnormal noise is heard Proper diagnosis must be made to determine exactly where the cause of each trouble lies…..in battery, wiring harness, (including starti…
786, AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION (4 A/T) 7B-41 DTC P1700 (DTC NO.32/33) THROTTLE POSITION SIGNAL INPUT MALFUNCTION 1. Throttle position (TP) sensor 4. TCM coupler (viewed from harness side) 2. ECM 5. ECM coupler (viewed from harness side) 3. TCM DTC DETECTING CONDITION • NO or abnormal throttle opening signal inputted. Step Action Yes No 1 Check DTC of “ENGINE DIAGNOSIS” referring to Section 6. Is there DTC related to throttle…
3366, ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS 6-165 MAP Sensor Individual Check 1) Disconnect connector from MAP sensor (1). 2) Remove MAP sensor (1). 3) Arrange 3 new 1.5 V batteries (2) in series (check that total voltage is 4.5 – 5.0 V) and connect its positive terminal to “Vin” terminal of sensor and negative terminal to “Ground” terminal. Then check voltage between “Vout” and “Ground”. Also, check…
1787, Suzuki Ignis 6-3-128 ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS (Z13DT ENGINE) T06 Check: Short to Ground of Signal Circuit •Ignition OFF • Connect fused jumper wire to: Pedal Position Sensor – Wiring harness connector (wiring harness side) terminal E25-6 & Pedal Position Sensor – Wiring harness connector (wiring harness side) terminal E25-1 •Ignition ON • Scan Tool Data List Parameter PPS 2 (Pedal Position Sensor) 2.4 … 2.6 V Yes: E01 No: T07 T07 Check: …
394, 6-20 ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS FAIL-SAFE TABLE When any of the following DTCs is detected, ECM enters fail-safe mode as long as malfunction continues to exist but that mode is canceled when ECM detects normal condition after that. P1620 (No.84) ECU code not registered Refer to Section 8G P1621 (No.83) No ECU code transmitted from Immobilizer Control Module P1622 (No.82) Fault in ECM P1623 (No.81) ECU code not matched DTC NO. DETECTING ITEM…
2222, ENGINE GENERAL INFORMATION AND DIAGNOSIS (Z13DT ENGINE) 6-3-25 T03 Tester Display – Glow plug control • Ignition ON • Engine OFF • Press corresponding key in the system main menu to select Out- put Tests under Misc Test, select the desired test and confirm with ENTER. Follow the instructions in the scan tool display. • After the test is started, the corresponding component can be actu- ated using the YES/NO keys. • Press YES key ON Diag…