Мануал поларис 550 туринг

Polaris 550 Touring International, 850 Owner's Manual v2 PDF

Summary of Content for Polaris 550 Touring International, 850 Owner’s Manual v2 PDF

PMS 419

Read this manual carefully. It contains important safety information. This is an adult vehicle only.

Operation is prohibited for those under 16 years of age.

Owner’s Manual for Maintenance and Safety

550 Touring International 850 Touring International


The text is printed on 100% recycled with 40% post-consumer waste (PCW).

For your nearest Polaris dealer, visit www.polarisindustries.com

Polaris Sales Inc., 2100 Hwy 55 Medina, MN 55340 USA

Part No. 9922825 Rev 01 Printed in USA

PMS 419

*9922825 *









Before you operate or ride this vehicle, read the owners manual.

Lesen Sie die Bedienungsanleitung, bevor Sie dieses Fahrzeug bedienen oder fahren.

Antes de operar o conducir este vehculo, lea el Manual del propietario.

Lire le Manuel dutilisation avant dutiliser ou de conduire ce vhicule.

Prima di usare o guidare il vecolo, leggere il Manuale di istruzioni.

Lue aina kyttohjekirja ennen tmn ajoneuvon kytt tai ajamista.

Antes de utilizar ou andar neste veculo, leia o Manual do proprietrio.

Innan du hanterar eller kr detta fordon, ls Handboken.



WELCOME Thank you for purchasing a POLARIS vehicle, and welcome to our world-wide family of POLARIS owners. We proudly produce an excit- ing line of utility and recreational products. Snowmobiles All-terrain vehicles (ATVs) RANGER utility vehicles Victory Motorcycles

Low emission vehicles (LEVs) Always follow the instructions and recommendations in this manual. The manual contains instructions for minor maintenance, but informa- tion about major repairs is outlined in the POLARIS Service Manual and should be performed only by a factory-certified Master Service Dealer (MSD) technician. Please see your dealer for all of your service needs during (and after) the warranty period. For more information about POLARIS, visit us online at www.polaris- industries.com.


POLARIS, THE WAY OUT and SPORTSMAN are registered trademarks of POLARIS Industries Inc. Copyright 2010 POLARIS Sales Inc. All information contained within this publication is based on the latest product information at the time of publication. Due to constant improvements in the design and quality of production components, some minor discrep- ancies may result between the actual vehicle and the information presented in this publi- cation. Depictions and/or procedures in this publication are intended for reference use only. No liability can be accepted for omissions or inaccuracies. Any reprinting or reuse of the depictions and/or procedures contained within, whether whole or in part, is expressly prohibited. The original instructions for this vehicle are in English. Other languages are provided as translations of the original instructions. Printed in U.S.A. 2011 SPORTSMAN 550/850 Touring International Owners Manual P/N 9922825


TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Features and Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Operation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Emission Control Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 POLARIS Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 Specifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 Declaration of Conformity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 Maintenance Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137


INTRODUCTION The following signal words and symbols appear throughout this manual and on your vehicle. Your safety is involved when these words and sym- bols are used. Become familiar with their meanings before reading the manual.

The safety alert symbol indicates a potential personal injury hazard.

WARNING A WARNING indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in death or serious injury.

CAUTION A CAUTION indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury.

NOTICE A NOTICE indicates a situation that may result in property damage.

The Prohibition Safety Sign indicates an action NOT to take in order to avoid a hazard.

The Mandatory Action Sign indicates an action that NEEDS to be taken to avoid a hazard.


INTRODUCTION As the operator of the vehicle, you are responsible for your personal safety, the safety of others (including your passenger), and the protec- tion of our environment. Read and understand your owner’s manual, which includes valuable information about all aspects of your vehicle, including safe operating procedures. Ride responsibly. Know all laws and regulations concerning the opera- tion of this vehicle in your area.

Vehicle Identification Numbers Record your vehicle’s identification numbers and key number in the spaces provided. Remove the spare key and store it in a safe place. An ignition key can be duplicated only by ordering a POLARIS key blank (using your key number) and mating it with one of your existing keys. The ignition switch must be replaced if all keys are lost.

Vehicle Model Number: ___________________________________________________________

Frame VIN: ____________________________________________________________________

Engine Serial Number: ____________________________________________________________

Key Number: ___________________________________________________________________



Engine Serial Number

Key Number 550 850



Failure to follow the warnings in this manual can result in serious injury or death. This POLARIS vehicle is not a toy and can be hazardous to operate. A collision or rollover can occur quickly, even during routine maneuvers, if you fail to take proper precautions. Read and understand your owner’s manual and all warnings before operating this POLARIS vehicle.

Safety Training When you purchased your new POLARIS vehicle, your dealer offered a hands-on safety training course. You were also provided with printed materials that explain safe operating procedures. Review this informa- tion on a regular basis. If you purchased a used POLARIS vehicle from a party other than a POLARIS dealer, please request free safety training from any autho- rized POLARIS dealer.

Age Restrictions This vehicle is an ADULT VEHICLE ONLY. Operation is prohibited for anyone under 16 years of age. Never allow anyone under 16 years of age to operate this vehicle. Never allow anyone under 12 years of age to ride as a passenger on this 2-up vehicle.




Restrictions Towing is approved OFF-ROAD ONLY. Towing a trailer with this vehi- cle on public roads is prohibited. See your POLARIS dealer about con- figuring the vehicle to be certified to tow a trailer on-road.

Equipment Modifications The warranty on your Polaris vehicle may be terminated if any equip- ment has been added, or if any modifications have been made, that increase speed or power.

The addition of certain accessories, including (but not limited to) mowers, blades, tires, sprayers and large racks may change vehicle handling. Use only Polaris-approved accessories. Know their function and effect on the vehicle.


SAFETY Rider Safety

Read and understand all warnings, cautions and operating procedures in this manual and on the safety labels before operating the vehicle.

Never operate this vehicle without proper instruction. Take a training course. Beginners should receive training from a certified instructor. Contact an authorized POLARIS dealer or visit the POLARIS web site at www.polarisindustries.com.

Never permit others to operate the vehicle unless they have read and understand this manual and all product labels, and have completed a certified safety training course.

Never allow anyone under 16 years of age to operate this vehicle. Never allow anyone under 12 years of age to ride as a passenger on this 2-up vehicle.

Never carry more than one passenger on this 2-up vehicle.

Do not carry a passenger until you have at least two hours of driving experience with this vehicle.


SAFETY Rider Safety

Always wear an approved helmet that fits properly. Wear eye protection (goggles or face shield), gloves, boots, long sleeves and long pants.

Never consume alcohol or drugs before or while operating this vehicle.

Never operate at excessive speeds. Travel and turn at speeds appropriate for the terrain, visibility, operating conditions and your experience.

Never attempt jumps or other stunts.


SAFETY Rider Safety

Always inspect your vehicle before each use to verify that it’s in safe operating condition. Follow the inspection and maintenance procedures outlined in this manual. See page 50.

Keep both hands on the handlebars. Keep both feet on the footrests. A passenger should always be seated in the passenger seat with both feet on the footrests and both hands on the passenger grab handles at all times. The passenger should never hold on to the operator.

Always travel slowly when operating on unfamiliar terrain. Use extra caution.

Use caution when operating on rough, slippery or loose terrain.


SAFETY Rider Safety

Always follow the procedures outlined in this manual for turning. See page 54. Never turn sharply at excessive speeds, which can lead to vehicle overturn.

If the vehicle has been involved in an accident, always have an authorized POLARIS dealer inspect the entire vehicle for possible damage, including (but not limited to) brake, throttle and steering systems.

Always follow the procedures outlined in this manual for driving on hills. See page 57. Always move the 4X4 switch to ADC 4X4 before ascending or descending a hill. See page 35. Never operate on hills too steep for the vehicle or for your abilities. Practice on smaller hills before attempting larger hills. Avoid climbing hills steeper than 15.

Always follow the procedures outlined in this manual for driving downhill and for braking on hills. See page 59. Always move the 4X4 switch to ADC 4X4 before ascending or descending a hill. See page 35. Always descend a hill with the transmission in forward gear. Do not descend a hill with the transmission in neutral.



SAFETY Rider Safety

Always follow the procedures outlined in this manual for crossing the side of a hill. See page 58. Never attempt to turn the vehicle around on any hill until you’ve mastered (on level ground) the turning technique outlined in this manual.

Always follow the procedures outlined in this manual for braking if you stall or roll backwards while climbing a hill. Never back down a hill. See page 60.

Always follow the procedures outlined in this manual for operating over obstacles. See page 63.

Always follow the procedures outlined in this manual for operating on slippery or loose surfaces. Use extra caution. Always avoid skidding or sliding. See page 56.


SAFETY Rider Safety

Always follow the procedures outlined in this manual for driving through water. Never drive through deep or fast-flowing water. See page 62.

Always follow the procedures outlined in this manual for driving in reverse. See page 64.

Always use the size and type of tires specified for your vehicle. Maintain the proper tire pressure.

Never modify the vehicle through improper installation or use of accessories.


SAFETY Rider Safety

Never exceed the stated load capacity for your vehicle. Cargo must be properly distributed and securely attached. Reduce speed and follow the instructions in this manual for carrying cargo or towing. See pages 66-68. Allow a greater distance for braking.

Never operate the vehicle on a frozen body of water unless you have independently verified that the ice is sufficiently thick to support the weight and moving force of the vehicle, you and your cargo, together with any other vehicles in your party. Variances in snow depth and/or water currents may result in uneven ice thickness. Always check with local authorities and residents to confirm ice conditions and thickness over your entire route. Vehicle operators assume all risk associated with ice conditions on frozen bodies of water.

Operating on paved surfaces may affect the handling and control of the vehicle and could result in loss of control. Avoid sudden turns or swift movement of the handlebars.


SAFETY Rider Safety

Always remove the ignition key when the vehicle is not in use to prevent unauthorized use or accidental starting.

Always unlock the steering before starting the engine. See page 31.

Handling Gasoline Gasoline is highly flammable and explosive under certain conditions. Always exercise extreme caution whenever handling gasoline. Always refuel with the engine stopped, and outdoors or in a well ventilated

area. Do not smoke or allow open flames or sparks in or near the area where refu-

eling is performed or where gasoline is stored. Do not overfill the tank. Do not fill the tank neck. If gasoline spills on your skin or clothing, immediately wash it off with soap

and water and change clothing.

Hot components can cause serious burns and fire. Do not touch hot exhaust system components. Always keep combustible materials away from the exhaust system.

For more information about safety, contact an authorized POLARIS dealer or visit the POLARIS web site at



SAFETY Safe Riding Gear Always wear protective clothing to reduce the chance of injury.

Helmet Always wear a helmet that meets or exceeds established safety stan- dards. Approved helmets in the USA and Canada bear a U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) label. Approved helmets in Europe, Asia and Oceania bear the ECE 22.05 label. The ECE mark consists of a circle surrounding the letter E, followed by the distinguishing number of the country which has granted approval. The approval number and serial number will also be displayed on the label.


Eye Protection



Long Pants

Long Sleeves


051039 0006.31


SAFETY Safe Riding Gear Eye Protection Do not depend on eyeglasses or sunglasses for eye protection. When- ever riding a POLARIS vehicle, always wear shatterproof goggles or use a shatterproof helmet face shield. POLARIS recommends wearing approved Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) bearing markings such as VESC 8, V-8, Z87.1, or CE. Make sure protective eye wear is kept clean. Gloves Off-road style gloves with knuckle pads are the best for comfort and protection. Boots The best footwear is a pair of sturdy over-the-calf boots with low heels. Clothing Always wear long sleeves and long pants to protect arms and legs. Riding pants with kneepads and a jersey with shoulder pads provide the best protection.


SAFETY Safety Labels and Locations Warning labels have been placed on the vehicle for your protection. Read and follow the instructions on each label carefully. If any of the labels shown in this manual differ from the labels on your vehicle, always read and follow the instructions of the labels on the vehicle. If an informational or graphic label becomes illegible or comes off, con- tact your POLARIS dealer to purchase a replacement. Replacement safety labels are provided by POLARIS at no charge. The part number is printed on the label.


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General Alert


Age 16 Alert

Hill Operation


Reverse Override Warning


SAFETY Safety Labels and Locations

General Alert (Multi-Lingual) Before you operate or ride this vehicle, read the owners manual.


Reverse Override Warning/4X4 Caution WARNING Improper use of the override button can lead to loss of control resulting in severe injury or death. Do not activate override while throttle is engaged. Always apply throttle gradually, while in reverse. CAUTION Do not push switch to engage 4X4 (AWD) if the rear wheels are spinning. This may cause severe drive shaft and clutch damage.


Hill Operation Alert Never operate this vehicle on HILLS steeper than 15 degrees 15. To prevent flip-over on hilly terrain, when going up or down, use throttle and

brakes gradually. 7174361

Tire Pressure/Load Alert TIRE PRESSURE IN PSI (KPa):

Front: 7.0 psi (48.3 kPa) Rear: 5.0 psi (34.5 kPa)

MAXIMUM WEIGHT CAPACITY 735 lbs. (333 kg) INCLUDES WEIGHT OF OPERATOR, PASSENGER, CARGO AND ACCESSORIES. Read Owners Manual for more detailed loading information.



Tire Pressure/Load Alert


SAFETY Safety Labels and Locations

Rack/Box Warning WARNING

DO NOT TOW FROM RACK OR BUMPER. Vehicle damage or tipover may result causing severe injury or death. Tow only from tow hooks or hitch.

Maximum Rack Loads: Front 120 lbs. (54 kg) Rear 240 lbs. (109 kg) 7175448

Clutch Cover Alert




Clutch Cover Alert (under



Rack/Box Warning

Rack/Box Warning

Hitch Capacity



FEATURES AND CONTROLS Switches Main Key Switch Use the main key switch to start the engine. See page 52.

End all electrical power to the vehi- cle.

LIGHTS ON position turns the head- lights on.

Start the engine. The headlights are not on in this position.

After starting the engine, release the key switch to the POSITION LIGHTS ON position.

4X4 Switch Use the 4X4 switch to engage ADC 4X4, 4X4 or 2X4. See page 35. The vehicle automatically engages 4X4 when operating in reverse if the switch is set to either 4X4 position.

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Main Key Switch

4X4 Switch


FEATURES AND CONTROLS Switches Engine Stop Switch The engine will not start or run when the switch is in the OFF position.


RUN Push the stop switch down to stop the engine quickly. Pull the stop switch up to the RUN position before attempt- ing to start the engine. Both the main switch and the engine stop switch will shut off all electrical power to the vehicle, including lights.

Hazard Switch

Push the hazard warning switch to cause all turn signal lights to flash simultaneously. Use this feature to alert others of an emer- gency or other situation requiring caution.

Turn Signal Switch Push the toggle switch either left or right to activate the corre- sponding turn signal light. Return the toggle to the center position to end the signal.

Horn Switch Press the horn switch to sound the horn.

Momentary High Beam Switch Press this switch with your left forefin- ger to activate the headlight high beam. The lights will return to low beam when the switch is released.


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Override Switch

Engine Stop


Headlight Switch

Horn Switch

Hazard Switch

Turn Signal Switch

Momentary High-Beam Switch


FEATURES AND CONTROLS Switches Override Switch This vehicle is equipped with a reverse speed limiter system. To gain additional wheel speed while backing, release the throttle and press the override switch.

Pressing the override switch while the throttle is open can cause loss of control, which may result in serious injury or death. Always release the throttle before pressing the override switch.

The reverse override button also acts as a MODE button when held down for approximately one half second. See the instrument cluster information beginning on page 36. Tip: The override button will not function as a MODE button if the transmission

is in reverse.

Headlight Switch The main key switch must be on and the engine stop switch must be in the RUN position to operate the headlight switch.

High Beam

Low Beam


FEATURES AND CONTROLS Mirrors Use the mirrors to assist in traffic maneuvers. Always check and adjust the mirrors before driving the vehicle.

Throttle Lever

Failure to check or maintain proper operation of the throttle system can result in an accident if the throttle lever sticks during operation. Check the lever for proper operation before starting the engine. Check occasionally during operation.

Do not start or operate the vehicle with sticking or improperly operating throttle controls. Contact your dealer for repair if throttle problems arise.

Press the throttle lever to increase engine speed and vehicle movement. Release the lever to reduce engine speed and vehicle movement.

Electronic Throttle Control (ETC) ETC causes the engine to stop if the throttle cable sticks in an open posi- tion when the operator releases the throttle lever.

The Electronic Throttle Control (ETC) stops the engine in the event of a throttle system malfunction. Do not modify the ETC system or replace it with other throttle mechanisms.

Electronic Throttle Control



Operating the vehicle with a spongy brake lever can result in loss of braking, which could cause an accident. Never operate the vehicle with a spongy-feeling brake lever. Always contact your dealer for service before operating the vehicle.

Squeeze the brake lever toward the handlebar to apply the front and rear brakes. These brakes are hydraulically activated disc type brakes that are activated by only one lever. Always test brake lever travel and master cylinder fluid level before riding. When squeezed, the lever should feel firm. Any sponginess would indicate a possible fluid leak or low master cylinder fluid level, which must be corrected before riding. Contact your dealer for proper diagnosis and repairs.


FEATURES AND CONTROLS Master Cylinder/Brake Fluid

An over-full master cylinder may cause brake drag or brake lock-up, which could result in an accident. Maintain brake fluid at the recommended level. Do not overfill.

Never store or use a partial bottle of brake fluid. Brake fluid is hygroscopic, meaning it rapidly absorbs moisture from the air. The moisture causes the boiling temperature of the brake fluid to drop, which can lead to early brake fade and the possibility of brake failure, which could result in an accident. After opening a bottle of brake fluid, always discard any unused portion.

Check the brake fluid in the master cylinder before each ride. 1. Position the vehicle on a level

surface. 2. Position the handlebars so the

master cylinder is level. 3. View the brake fluid level

through the indicator window on the top of the master cylin- der. The eye will appear dark when the fluid level is full. When fluid is low, the eye will be clear.

4. If the fluid level is low, remove the cover screws and add fluid to the fill line. Do not overfill. Use DOT 4 brake fluid only.

5. Reinstall the cover. Torque screws to 7 in. lbs. (.8 Nm).

Master Cylinder

Indicator Window


FEATURES AND CONTROLS Parking Brake Locking the Parking Brake 1. Place the transmission in

PARK. 2. Squeeze and release the brake

lever two or three times, then squeeze and hold.

3. Push the parking brake lock forward to engage the lock.

4. Release the brake lever. 5. To release the parking brake lock, squeeze and release the brake

lever. It will return to its unlocked position.

Operating the vehicle while the parking brake is engaged could result in an accident or fire. Always check to be sure the parking brake is disengaged before operating.

The parking brake may relax if left on for a long period of time. Always block the wheels to prevent rolling. Always block the wheels on the downhill side of the vehicle if leaving it parked on a hill. Another option is to park the vehicle in a sidehill position. Never depend on the parking brake alone if the vehicle is parked on a hill. Always block the wheels to prevent rolling.



Never back down a hill. Applying the auxiliary brake when backing down a hill may cause rear tipover, which could result in serious injury or death.

Use caution when applying the auxiliary brake. Do not aggressively apply the auxiliary brake when going forward. The rear wheels may skid and slide sideways, causing loss of control and serious injury or death.

The auxiliary brake system is intended to be used as a backup for the main brake system. Should the main system fail, use the auxiliary foot brake. The auxiliary foot brake is located on the inside of the right footrest. Operate this brake with your right foot. If the rear wheels slide while using the auxiliary brake, reduce brake pedal pressure to brake the rear wheels without skidding. Brake Fluid Level Check the brake fluid level fre- quently for the auxiliary brake sys- tem. The reservoir is located under the front storage box. See page 32. Maintain the fluid level between the maximum and minimum marks. Use DOT 4 brake fluid only. NOTICE: Do not use ADC fluid in the

brake fluid reservoir. ADC fluid will damage the rubber components of the brake system.

Auxiliary Foot Brake

Brake Fluid Reservoir


FEATURES AND CONTROLS Automatic Transmission Gear Selector The transmission gear selector is located on the right side of the vehicle. H: High Gear L: Low Gear N: Neutral R: Reverse P: Park To shift gears, brake to a complete stop. When the engine is idling, move the lever to the desired gear. NOTICE: Shifting gears with the engine speed above idle or while the vehicle is

moving could cause transmission damage.

Whenever the vehicle is left unattended, always place the transmission in PARK and lock the parking brake. Belt Life To extend belt life, use low forward gear when pulling a heavy load at less than seven miles per hour for extended periods and when operating uphill at a slow speed.

Gear Selector


FEATURES AND CONTROLS Electronic Power Steering (EPS) Electronic power steering engages when the ignition key is turned to the ON position. EPS remains engaged whether the vehicle is moving or idle. See page 37 for EPS Warning Indicator information.

Passenger Seat Always make sure the passenger seat is installed and securely latched before operating with a passenger. Test the seat latch by attempting to pull the seat upward. If the lock-out is not working properly, do not allow a passenger to ride the vehicle. See your POLARIS dealer for ser- vice. See pages 89-90 for passenger seat adjustment procedures. See page 89 for passenger seat removal and installation procedures.

Beverage Holders This vehicle is equipped with beverage holders on each side of the passenger seat. To secure a beverage or other container, remove the rubber retainer strap from one side of the holder. Place the container into the recess and reinstall the strap over the top of the con- tainer. Place one of the rubber cylinders through one of the holes to secure a strap. When trailering the vehicle, and whenever a holder is not in use, always secure the rub- ber straps in one of the tighter positions to prevent loss of the retainer.

Tight Position

Less Tight Position


FEATURES AND CONTROLS Fuel Tank Always refuel with the engine stopped, and outdoors or in a well ventilated area. Refuel on a level surface. Remove the fuel tank cap and add fuel. Use either leaded or unleaded gasoline with a minimum pump octane number of 87=(R+ M/2) octane. Do not use fuel with ethanol content greater than 10%, such as E-85 fuel. The fuel tank is designed to allow for the normal expansion of fuel. Do not overfill. Do not fill the tank neck.

Steering Lock Lock the steering to prevent unau- thorized use or theft of the vehicle. 1. Turn the handlebars to the full

right position. Tip: The handlebars may also be locked

in the full left position.

2. Insert the steering lock key and turn it clockwise.

3. Remove the key. Place the steer- ing lock keys in a safe place. The lock must be replaced if the keys are lost.

4. Reverse the procedure to unlock the steering.

The handlebars are locked in the fully turned position when the steering is locked. Always unlock the steering before starting the engine.

Fuel Tank Cap


FEATURES AND CONTROLS Front Storage Box Open the front storage box to access the under-compartment area. 1. Release the front

box cover latches and lift the cover.

2. Release the plunger latches that secure the box to the frame.

3. Close the cover and lift the unlatched edge of the box to disengage the plungers. Pivot the box forward.

4. To remove the box completely, disengage the plungers and slide the box rearward and upward.

5. Always secure the plunger latches and the cover latches before operating the vehicle.

Access the following components under the front box: Radiator cap Coolant recovery bottle cap Brake fluid reservoir Electrical/fuse/relay components ADC fluid reservoir Battery

Cover Latches Plunger Latches

ADC Fluid Reservoir

Brake Fluid Reservoir

Radiator Cap

Coolant Bottle Cap




FEATURES AND CONTROLS All Wheel Drive System The All Wheel Drive system is controlled by the 4X4 switch.

ADC 4X4 Mode When the switch is on ADC 4X4, the ADC system allows engine braking to all four wheels when the vehicle descends a hill or incline. Always move the 4X4 switch to ADC 4X4 before ascending or descending a hill. See page 35.

4X4 Mode When the switch is on 4X4, the vehicle is in 4X4, and the 4X4 indicator icon in the instrument cluster display will be visible. When in 4X4, the demand drive unit will automatically engage any time the rear wheels lose traction. When the rear wheels regain traction, the demand drive unit will automatically disengage. There is no limit to the length of time the vehicle may remain in 4X4. The vehicle automatically engages 4X4 when operating in reverse if the switch is set to either 4X4 position.

2X4 Mode When the switch is on 2X4, the vehicle is in two-wheel drive at all times.

4X4 Switch



FEATURES AND CONTROLS All Wheel Drive System Engaging 4X4 The 4X4 switch may be turned on or off while the vehicle is moving. Initially, the vehicle’s electronic system will not enable 4X4 until the engine RPM is below 3100. Once enabled, 4X4 remains enabled until the 4X4 switch is turned off. If the switch is turned off while the demand drive unit is moving, it will not disengage until the rear wheels regain traction. Engage the 4X4 switch before getting into conditions where front wheel drive may be needed. If the rear wheels are spinning, release the throttle before switching to 4X4. NOTICE: Switching to 4X4 or ADC 4X4 while the rear wheels are spinning may

cause severe drive shaft and gearcase damage. Always switch to 4X4 or ADC 4X4 while the rear wheels have traction or are at rest.


FEATURES AND CONTROLS Active Descent Control (ADC) System The ADC system allows engine braking to all four wheels when the vehicle descends a hill or incline. Always move the 4X4 switch to ADC 4X4 before ascending or descending a hill.

Engaging Active Descent Control The ADC system will automatically engage when all four of the follow- ing conditions occur: The 4X4 switch must be in the ADC 4X4 position Vehicle speed must be 15 mph (24 km/h) or less The throttle must be closed (throttle lever released) The transmission must be in gear (high, low or reverse)

Disengaging Active Descent Control The ADC system will automatically disengage if at least one of the fol- lowing conditions occur: The 4X4 switch is moved out of the ADC 4X4 position Vehicle speed exceeds 15 mph (24 km/h) The throttle is open (throttle is applied) The transmission is shifted to neutral or park


FEATURES AND CONTROLS Instrument Cluster NOTICE: High water pressure may damage vehicle components. Wash the

vehicle by hand or with a garden hose using mild soap.

Certain products, including insect repellents and chemicals, will damage the speedometer lens and other plastic surfaces. Do not use alcohol to clean the instrument cluster. Do not allow insect sprays to contact the lens. Immediately clean off any gasoline that splashes on the instrument cluster.

Digital/Analog Gauge Speedometer The speedometer displays vehicle speed in either miles per hour (MPH) or kilometers per hour (km/h).

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88:88 Rider

Information Center

Speedometer Indicator Lamps


FEATURES AND CONTROLS Instrument Cluster Digital/Analog Gauge Indicator Lamps

Lamp Indicates Condition

Vehicle Speed

When standard mode is selected, speed displays in miles per hour.

When metric mode is selected, speed displays in kilometers per hour.

Over Temperature

This lamp flashes to indicate an overheated engine. If the indicator stops flashing but remains illuminated, the overheating condition remains, and the system will automatically reduce engine power.

EPS Warning This indicator illuminates when the key is turned to the ON position and goes off when the engine is started. If the light remains on after starting the engine, the EPS system is inoperative. See your authorized POLARIS dealer for service.

Neutral This lamp illuminates when the transmission is in neutral and the ignition key is in the ON position.

High Beam This lamp illuminates when the headlamp switch is set to high beam.

Direction Indicators

A direction indicator flashes when a turn signal is active. Both indicators flash when the hazard signal is active.

Check Engine This indicator appears if an EFI-related fault occurs. Do not operate the vehicle if this warning appears. Serious engine damage could result. See your dealer.


FEATURES AND CONTROLS Instrument Cluster Digital/Analog Gauge Rider Information Center The rider information center is located in the instrument cluster. All seg- ments will light up for one second at start-up. If the instrument cluster fails to illuminate, a battery over-voltage may have occurred and the instrument cluster may have shut off to protect the electronic speedome- ter. If this occurs, take the vehicle to your POLARIS dealer for proper diagnosis. The information center is set to display standard units of measurement and a 12-hour clock at the factory. To change to metric and/or a 24-hour clock, see page 41.

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6 57




FEATURES AND CONTROLS Instrument Cluster Digital/Analog Gauge Rider Information Center 1. Gear Display — This area displays gear shifter position.

H = High Gear L = Low Gear N = Neutral R = Reverse Gear P = Park — = Gear Signal Error (or shifter between gears)

2. Fuel Gauge Display — The segments of the fuel gauge show the level of fuel in the fuel tank. When the last segment clears, a low fuel warning is activated. All segments including the fuel icon will flash. Refuel immediately.

Tip: If the fuel icon fails to display, an open or short circuit has occurred in the fuel sensor circuit. See your dealer.

3. Information Display — This area displays odometer, trip meter, engine hour meter, engine speed and programmable service hour interval.

4. Active Descent Control Display — This icon displays when ADC is active. See page 35.

5. Clock Display — The clock displays time in a 12-hour or 24-hour format. If the engine is turned off, press the MODE button. The time will display for 5-10 seconds. See page 41 for resetting instruc- tions.

6. Service Reminder Display — A flashing wrench symbol alerts the operator that the preset service interval has been reached. The vehi- cle should be brought to your dealer for scheduled maintenance. See page 41 for resetting instructions.

7. 4X4 Display — This icon displays when the 4X4 system is engaged (switch is on either ADC 4X4 or 4X4).


FEATURES AND CONTROLS Instrument Cluster Digital/Analog Gauge Rider Information Center The reverse override button acts as the MODE button when pressed and released quickly. The transmission cannot be in reverse when using the override button as a MODE button. This feature does not contain a vehi- cle speed lockout function and can be used at any operating speed.

Display Units (Standard/Metric) The display can be changed to display either standard or metric units of measurement. Tip: To exit the set-up mode at any time, wait 10 seconds.The display automati-

cally exits and returns to the odometer display.

1. Turn the key to the OFF position. 2. Place the transmission in neutral. 3. Press and hold the MODE button while turning the key to the ON

position. 4. When the display flashes the distance setting, tap the MODE button

to advance to the desired setting. 5. Press and hold the MODE button to save the setting and advance to

the next display option. 6. Repeat the procedure to change remaining display settings.

Standard Display Metric Display

Distance Miles Kilometers

Fuel U.S. Gallons Liters, Imperial Gallons

Temperature Fahrenheit Celsius

Time 12-Hour Clock 24-Hour Clock


FEATURES AND CONTROLS Instrument Cluster Digital/Analog Gauge Rider Information Center Clock Mode Tip: The clock must be reset any time the battery has been disconnected or dis-


1. Turn the key to the ON position. Use the MODE button to toggle to the odometer display.

2. Press and hold the MODE button until the hour segment flashes. Release the button.

3. With the segment flashing, tap the MODE button to advance to the desired setting.

4. Press and hold the MODE button until the next segment flashes. Release the button.

5. Repeat steps 3-4 twice to set the 10-minute and 1-minute segments. After completing the 1-minute segment, step 4 will save the new settings and exit the clock mode.

6. Turn the key to the OFF position.

Odometer Mode The odometer records and displays the distance traveled by the vehicle.

Trip Meter Mode The trip meter records the distance traveled by the vehicle if reset before each trip. To reset, select the trip meter mode. Press and hold the MODE button until the meter resets to zero. In the Rider Information Center, the trip meter display contains a decimal point, but the odometer displays without a decimal point.

Hour Meter Mode This mode logs the total hours the engine has been in operation.


FEATURES AND CONTROLS Instrument Cluster Digital/Analog Gauge Rider Information Center Programmable Service Interval When the hours of engine operation equal the programmed service interval setting, the wrench icon will flash for 5 seconds each time the engine is started. When this feature is enabled, it provides a convenient reminder to perform routine maintenance. The service interval is pro- grammed at 50 hours at the factory. Use the following procedure to change the service interval. 1. Press the MODE button until remaining service hours display. 2. Press and hold the MODE button. 3. When the service hours flash, press and release the MODE button to

advance the hours to the desired setting (including OFF). Press and hold the MODE button to set the new service hour interval.

Diagnostic Display Mode The EFI diagnostic display mode is for informational purposes only. Please see your POLARIS dealer for all major repairs. The diagnostic mode is accessible only when the check engine warning indicator activates after the key has been turned on. Leave the key on if you want to view the active code (failure code). The diagnostic mode becomes inaccessible if the key is turned off and on and the warning indicator is no longer active. This allows the deter- mination of persistent as well as intermittent faults. Inactive codes are stored in the history of the unit.


FEATURES AND CONTROLS Instrument Cluster Digital/Analog Gauge Rider Information Center Engine Error Codes The error screen displays only when the CHECK ENGINE light is on or when it goes on and off during one ignition cycle. Error codes are not stored in the gauge when the key is turned off. The code and message is lost, but will reappear if the fault reoccurs after restart- ing the engine. If the CHECK ENGINE light illuminates, retrieve the error codes from the dis- play. Please see your POLARIS dealer for all major repairs. 1. If the error codes are not displayed, use the MODE button to toggle

until Ck ENG displays on the main line of the display. 2. Press and hold the MODE button to enter the diagnostics code

menu. 3. Record the numbers displayed in the gear position (if any), clock

and odometer displays. 4. Press the MODE button to advance to the next error code. 5. Press and hold the MODE button to exit the diagnostics code menu. 6. See pages 44-47 for code definitions and failure descriptions. Please

see your POLARIS dealer for all major repairs.

Suspect Parameter Number (SPN)Error Code

Number (0-9)

Failure Mode Indicator (FMI)


FEATURES AND CONTROLS Instrument Cluster Diagnostic Display Code Definitions Open Load: There is a break in the wires that lead to the item listed in the chart (injector, fuel pump, etc.), or the item has failed. Short-to-Ground: The wire is shorted to ground between the electronic control unit and the item listed in the chart. Shorted Load: The wires leading to the item listed in the chart are shorted together, or the item has shorted internally. Short-to-Battery: The wire leading from the item listed in the chart to the electronic control unit is shorted to a wire at battery voltage.

SPORTSMAN 550 Touring Diagnostic Codes Component Condition SPN FMI

Throttle Position Sensor

Voltage Too High 51 3 Voltage Too Low 51 4

Engine Temperature Sensor

Voltage Too High 110 3 Voltage Too Low 110 4 Temperature Too High 110 16 Engine Overheat Shutdown 110 0

Intake Air Temperature Sensor

Voltage Too High 105 3 Voltage Too Low 105 4

Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor

Voltage Too High 102 3 Voltage Too Low 102 4

Crankshaft Position Sensor Circuit Fault 636 8 Gear Sensor Signal Voltage Too Low (to Calibrate) 523 4

Voltage Too High 523 3 Signal Fault 523 2

Injector 1 (MAG) Driver Circuit Open/Grounded 651 5 Driver Circuit Short to B+ 651 3

Ignition Coil Primary Driver 1 (MAG) Driver Open/Grounded 1268 5 Driver Circuit Short to B+ 1268 3

Fuel Pump Driver Circuit

Driver Circuit Open/Grounded 1347 5 Driver Circuit Short to B+ 1347 3

Fan Relay Driver Circuit Driver Circuit Open/Grounded 1071 5 Driver Circuit Short to B+ 1071 3


FEATURES AND CONTROLS Instrument Cluster Diagnostic Display Code Definitions

*Assumes unipolar configuration of stepper motor

SPORTSMAN 550 Touring Diagnostic Codes Component Condition SPN FMI

Idle Air Control Driver Circuit Grounded 520193 5 Shorted Load* 520193 11

Starter Enable Circuit Driver Circuit Short to B+ 1321 3 All Wheel Drive Control Driver Circuit Short to B+ 520207 3 System Power Voltage Too High 168 3

Voltage Too low 168 4 Throttle Safety Signal Voltage Too High 520194 3

Voltage Too Low 520194 4 Signal Out of Range 520194 2 Throttle Stuck 520194 7

Active Descent Control System Driver Circuit Short to B+ 520203 3

EPS Models Only

Steering Over Current Shut Down Current Above Normal or Grounded

520221 6

Steering Excessive Current Error Current Above Normal or Grounded

520222 6

Steering Torque Sensor T1 Partial Failure

T1 Shorted to Ground 520223 4 T1 Shorted to Bus 520223 3

Steering Torque Sensor T2 Partial Failure

T2 Shorted to Ground 520224 4 T2 Shorted to Bus 520224 3

Steering Torque Sensor Full Failure T1 and T2 Shorted to Ground 520225 4 T1 and T2 Shorted to Bus 520225 3 T1 Shorted to Ground & T2 Shorted to Bus

520225 16

T2 Shorted to Ground & T1 Shorted to Bus

520225 17

T1 and T2 are Shorted 520225 2 Steering Position Sensor P1 Partial Failure

P1 Shorted to Ground 520226 4 P1 Shorted to Bus 520226 3

Steering Position Sensor P2 Partial Failure

P2 Shorted to Ground 520227 4 P2 Shorted to Bus 520227 3

Steering Position Sensor Full Failure P1 and P2 Shorted to Ground 520228 4 P1 and P2 Shorted to bus 520228 3

EPAS Inverter Temperature Greater than 110 Degrees C 520229 16 Greater than 120 Degrees C 520229 0

EPAS CAN Communications Receive Error

No RX Message for 2 Seconds 520230 9

EPAS CAN Communications Transmit Error

No TX Message for 2 Seconds 520231 9


FEATURES AND CONTROLS Instrument Cluster Diagnostic Display Code Definitions

SPORTSMAN 850 Touring Diagnostic Codes Component Condition SPN FMI

Throttle Position Sensor Voltage Too High 51 3 Voltage Too Low 51 4

Engine Temperature Sensor Voltage Too High 110 3 Voltage Too Low 110 4 Temperature Too High 110 16 Engine Overheat Shutdown 110 0

Intake Air Temperature Sensor Voltage Too High 105 3 Voltage Too Low 105 4

Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor Voltage Too High 102 3 Voltage Too Low 102 4 Signal Out of Range 102 2

Crankshaft Position Sensor Circuit Fault 636 8 Plausibility Fault 636 2

Vehicle Speed Signal Speed Too High 84 8 Plausibility Fault 84 2

Gear Sensor Signal Voltage Too Low 523 4 Voltage too high 523 3 Signal fault 523 2

Injector 1 (MAG) (SDI Part Load) Driver Circuit Open/Grounded 651 5 Driver Circuit Short to B+ 651 3 Driver Circuit Grounded 651 4

Injector 2 (PTO) (SDI Part Load) Driver Circuit Open/Grounded 652 5 Driver Circuit Short to B+ 652 3 Driver Circuit Grounded 652 4

Ignition Coil Primary Driver 1 (MAG) Driver Circuit Short to B+ 1268 3 Ignition Coil Primary Driver 2 (PTO) Driver Circuit Short to B+ 1269 3 Fuel Pump Driver Circuit Driver Circuit Open/Grounded 1347 5

Driver Circuit Short to B+ 1347 3 Driver Circuit Grounded 1347 4

Fan Relay Driver Circuit Driver Circuit Open/Grounded 1071 5 Driver Circuit Short to B+ 1071 3 Driver Circuit Grounded 1071 4

Idle Air Control Driver Circuit Open/Grounded 634 5 Driver Circuit Short to B+ 634 3 Driver Circuit Grounded 634 4 Position Out of Range 634 7

Starter Enable Circuit Driver Circuit Open/Grounded 1321 5 Driver Circuit Short to B+ 1321 3 Driver Circuit Grounded 1321 4


FEATURES AND CONTROLS Instrument Cluster Diagnostic Display Code Definitions

SPORTSMAN 850 Touring Diagnostic Codes Component Condition SPN FMI

Chassis Relay Driver Circuit Open/Grounded 520208 5 Driver Circuit Short to B+ 520208 3 Driver Circuit Grounded 520208 4

All Wheel Drive Control Driver Circuit Open/Grounded 520207 5 Driver Circuit Short to B+ 520207 3 Driver Circuit Grounded 520207 4

System Power Voltage Too High 168 3 Voltage Too low 168 4

Throttle Safety Signal Voltage Too High 520194 3 Voltage Too Low 520194 4 Signal Out of Range 520194 2 Throttle Stuck 520194 7

Active Descent Control System Driver Circuit Open/Grounded 520203 5 Driver Circuit Short to B+ 520203 3 Driver Circuit Grounded 520203 4

Idle Speed Speed Too High 520211 3 Speed Too Low 520211 4

EPS Models Only

Steering Over Current Shutdown Current Above Normal/Grounded 520221 6 Steering Excessive Current Error Current Above Normal/Grounded 520222 6 Steering Torque Sensor T1 Par- tial Failure

T1 Shorted to Ground 520223 4 T1 Shorted to Bus 520223 3

Steering Torque Sensor T2 Par- tial Failure

T2 Shorted to Ground 520224 4 T2 Shorted to Bus 520224 3

Steering Torque Sensor Full Failure

T1 and T2 Shorted to Ground 520225 4 T1 and T2 Shorted to Bus 520225 3 T1 Short to Ground & T2 Short to Bus 520225 16 T2 Short to Ground & T1 Short to Bus 520225 17 T1 and T2 are Shorted 520225 2

Steering Position Sensor P1 Partial Failure

P1 Shorted to Ground 520226 4 P1 Shorted to Bus 520226 3

Steering Position Sensor P2 Partial Failure

P2 Shorted to Ground 520227 4 P2 Shorted to Bus 520227 3

Steering Position Sensor Full Failure

P1 and P2 Shorted to Ground 520228 4 P1 and P2 Shorted to bus 520228 3

EPAS Inverter Temperature Greater than 110 Degrees C 520229 16 Greater than 120 Degrees C 520229 0

EPAS CAN Comm. Receive Err No RX Message for 2 Seconds 520230 9 EPAS CAN Comm. Transmit Err No TX Message for 2 Seconds 520231 9 IC CAN Comm. w/EPAS EPAS Offline 520230 31



Failure to operate the vehicle properly can result in a collision, loss of control, accident or overturn, which may result in serious injury or death. Read and understand all safety warnings outlined in the safety section of this owners manual.

Break-In Period The break-in period for your new POLARIS vehicle is the first ten hours of operation, or the time it takes to use the first two full tanks of gaso- line. No single action on your part is as important as following the pro- cedures for a proper break-in. Careful treatment of a new engine and drive components will result in more efficient performance and longer life for these components. NOTICE: Excessive heat build-up during the first three hours of operation will

damage close-fitted engine parts and drive components. Do not operate at full throttle or high speeds during the first three hours of use.


OPERATION Break-In Period Engine and Drivetrain Break-in 1. Fill the fuel tank with gasoline. See page 31. Always exercise

extreme caution whenever handling gasoline. 2. Check the engine oil level on the dipstick. See page 75. Add oil if

necessary to maintain the level between the safe and add marks. 3. Drive slowly at first. Select an open area that allows room to famil-

iarize yourself with vehicle operation and handling. 4. Vary the throttle positions. Do not operate at sustained idle. 5. Perform regular checks on fluid levels, controls and areas outlined

on the daily pre-ride inspection checklist. See page 50. 6. Pull only light loads. 7. Change both the oil and the filter at 20 hours, one month or 500

miles (800 km), whichever comes first.

PVT Break-in (Clutches/Belt) A proper break-in of the clutches and drive belt will ensure a longer life and better performance. Break in the clutches and belt by operating at slower speeds during the break-in period as recommended. Pull only light loads. Avoid aggressive acceleration and high speed operation dur- ing the break-in period.


OPERATION Pre-Ride Checklist Failure to inspect and verify that the vehicle is in safe operating condi- tion before operating increases the risk of an accident. Always inspect the vehicle before each use to make sure it’s in safe operating condition.

Item Remarks Page

Passenger seat latch Ensure latch is secure 30

Brake system/lever travel Ensure proper operation 25 87

Brake fluid Ensure proper level 26

Auxiliary brake Ensure proper operation 28

Front suspension Inspect, lubricate if necessary 74

Rear suspension Inspect, lubricate if necessary 74

Steering/steering lock Unlock the steering; ensure free oper- ation


Steering Ensure free operation —

Tires Inspect condition and pressure 92

Wheels/fasteners Inspect, ensure fastener tightness 94

Frame nuts, bolts, fasteners Inspect, ensure tightness —

Fuel and oil Ensure proper levels 31 75

Coolant level Ensure proper level 85 86

Coolant hoses Inspect for leaks —

Throttle Ensure proper operation 24 114

Switches Ensure operation 21

Engine stop switch Ensure proper operation 22

Mirrors Adjust for best side/rear vision 24

Turn signals, indicators Ensure operation 22

Air filter, pre-filter Inspect, clean 95

Headlamp Check operation 23 97

Brake light/taillight Check operation 101

Riding gear Wear approved helmet, goggles, and protective clothing


ADC Fluid Ensure proper level 81


OPERATION Safe Operation Practices 1. Complete the recommended safety training before operating this

vehicle. See page 6. 2. Do not allow anyone under 16 years of age to operate this vehicle.

Do not allow anyone with cognitive or physical disabilities to oper- ate this vehicle.

3. Engine exhaust fumes are poisonous. Never start the engine or let it run in an enclosed area.

4. Before operating, learn how to use the auxiliary brake for emer- gency situations (if service brakes become inoperable).

5. Use caution and drive at reduced speeds in conditions of reduced visibility such as fog, rain and darkness. Clean headlights fre- quently and replace burned out headlamps promptly.

6. Drive in a manner appropriate for your skills, your passengers skills and operating conditions. Never operate at excessive speeds. Never attempt wheelies, jumps or other stunts. Never remove your hands from the handlebars while operating, and always keep both feet on the footrests.

7. Never consume alcohol or drugs before or while operating this vehi- cle.

8. Always use the size and type of tires specified for your vehicle. Always maintain proper tire pressure.

9. Never operate a damaged vehicle. After any overturn or accident, have a qualified service dealer inspect the entire machine for possi- ble damage.

10. Never operate the vehicle on a frozen body of water unless you have independently verified that the ice is sufficiently thick to support the weight and moving force of the vehicle, you and your cargo, together with any other vehicles in your party.

11. Do not touch hot exhaust system components. Always keep com- bustible materials away from the exhaust system.

12. Always remove the ignition key when the vehicle is not in use to prevent unauthorized use.


OPERATION Starting the Engine 1. Position the vehicle on a level surface outdoors or in a well-venti-

lated area. 2. Place the transmission in PARK. 3. Lock the parking brake. Tip: The starter interlock will prevent the engine from starting if the transmission

is in gear and the brake is not engaged.

4. Sit on the vehicle and move the engine stop switch to RUN. 5. Do not press the throttle while starting the engine. 6. Turn the ignition key past the POSITION

LIGHTS ON position to engage the starter. Activate the starter for a maximum of five seconds, releasing the key when the engine starts.

7. If the engine does not start, return the key to the OFF position and wait five seconds before attempting to start again. Activate the starter for another five seconds if necessary. Repeat this procedure until the engine starts.

NOTICE: Operating the vehicle immediately after starting could cause engine damage. Allow the engine to warm up for several minutes before operating the vehicle.

Cold Weather Operation If the vehicle is used year-round, check the oil level frequently. A rising oil level could indicate the accumulation of contaminates such as water or excess fuel in the bottom of the crankcase. Water in the bottom of the crankcase can lead to engine damage and must be drained. Water accu- mulation increases as outside temperature decreases.


OPERATION Driving Procedures

1. Wear protective riding gear. See page 16. 2. Perform the pre-ride inspection. See page 50. 3. Place the transmission in PARK. 4. Lock the parking brake. 5. Mount the vehicle from the left side. 6. Sit upright with both feet on the footrests and both hands on the

handlebars. 7. Start the engine and allow it to warm up. 8. Shift the transmission into gear. 9. Check your surroundings and determine your path of travel. 10. Release the parking brake. 11. Slowly depress the throttle with your right thumb and begin driving. 12. Drive slowly. Practice maneuvering and using the throttle and

brakes on level surfaces.


OPERATION Turning the Vehicle 1. Before turning, activate a

turn signal to alert others of your intentions. Activate the left signal before a left turn. Activate the right signal before a right turn.

2. Steer in the direction of the turn, leaning your upper body to the inside of the turn while supporting your weight on the outer footrest. Use the same leaning tech- nique for turning in reverse.

3. Practice making turns at slow speeds before attempt- ing to turn at faster speeds.

Turning improperly can result in vehicle overturn. Never turn abruptly or at sharp angles. Never turn at high speeds.


OPERATION Driving with a Passenger 1. Never allow anyone under 12 years of age to ride as a passenger on

this 2-up vehicle. Make sure any passenger is tall enough to com- fortably and safely reach the grab handles and footrests.

2. Do not carry a passenger until you have at least two hours of driving experience with this vehicle.

3. Make sure the passenger is wearing appropriate riding gear, includ- ing an approved helmet with a rigid chin guard. See page 16.

4. Perform the pre-ride inspection. See page 50. 5. Always make sure the passenger seat is installed and securely

latched before operating with a passenger. 6. Lock the parking brake. 7. Mount the vehicle from the left side. After the operator is seated, the

passenger should mount the vehicle from the left side. Always make sure the brake is engaged to ensure the vehicle remains motionless whenever a passenger mounts or dismounts.

8. Allow a passenger to ride only in the approved passenger seat. 9. Do not carry more than one passenger. 10. Slow down. Control may be more difficult with a passenger on

board. Allow more time and distance for braking. 11. Ride to the ability of your passenger, instead of to your own ability.

Avoid unexpected or aggressive maneuvers that could cause a pas- senger to fall from the vehicle.

12. Do not cross a hillside with a passenger on board. See page 58. 13. A passenger should always be seated in the passenger seat with both

feet on the footrests and both hands on the passenger grab handles at all times. The passenger should never hold on to the operator.

14. Make sure the passenger understands the importance of «active riding.» When hill-climbing or performing maneuvers, a passenger should shift body weight in the same manner in which the driver shifts body weight. For example, the passenger should lean to the inside of a turn along with the operator and should always lean uphill when climbing and descending hills.


OPERATION Driving on Slippery Surfaces

Whenever driving on slippery or loose surfaces such as wet trails, gravel, snow or ice, follow these precautions: 1. Do not operate on excessively rough, slippery or loose terrain. 2. Slow down when entering slippery areas. 3. Engage 4X4 before wheels begin to lose traction. NOTICE: Severe damage to drive train may occur if the 4X4 is engaged while

the wheels are spinning. Allow the rear wheels to stop spinning before engaging 4X4, or engage 4X4 before wheels begin to lose traction.

4. Be alert. Watch the trail. Avoid quick, sharp turns. 5. Never apply the brakes during a skid. Correct a skid by turning the

handlebars in the direction of the skid and shifting your body weight forward.

Sideways skid

Turn in direction of



OPERATION Driving Uphill

Whenever traveling uphill, follow these precautions: 1. Always move the 4X4 switch to ADC 4X4 before ascending or

descending a hill. See page 35. 2. Drive straight uphill. 3. Avoid steep hills (15 maximum). 4. Always check the terrain carefully before ascending any hill. 5. Avoid hills with slippery or loose surfaces. 6. Keep both feet on the footrests. 7. Shift body weight uphill. A passenger should also shift body weight

uphill. 8. Proceed at a steady rate of speed to avoid stalling. 9. Never open the throttle suddenly or make sudden gear changes. 10. Be alert. Be prepared to take emergency action. This may include

dismounting quickly.

15 Maximum


OPERATION Driving on a Sidehill (Sidehilling)

Avoid crossing the side of a hill (sidehilling) if possible. If sidehilling is necessary, follow these precautions: 1. Slow down. 2. Do not cross a hillside with a passenger on board. Ask the passenger

to dismount and walk across the hillside before remounting the vehicle.

3. Lean into the hill, transferring your upper body weight toward the hill while keeping your feet on the footrests.

4. If the vehicle begins to tip, quickly turn the front wheel downhill, if possible, or dismount on the uphill side immediately!


OPERATION Driving Downhill

When driving downhill, follow these precautions: 1. Always move the 4X4 switch to ADC 4X4 before ascending or

descending a hill. See page 35. 2. Always descend a hill with the transmission in forward gear. Do not

descend a hill with the transmission in neutral. 3. Slow down. Never travel down a hill at high speed. 4. Drive straight downhill. Avoid traveling down a hill at an angle,

which would cause the vehicle to lean sharply to one side. 5. Shift body weight uphill. A passenger should also shift body weight

uphill. 6. Apply the brakes slightly to aid in slowing. Applying the brakes too

firmly may cause the rear wheels to lock, which could result in loss of control.

15 Maximum


OPERATION Turning Around on a Hill (K-Turn) If the vehicle stalls while climbing a hill, never back it down the hill! Use the K-turn to turn around.

8 ft. (2.4 m)


OPERATION Turning Around on a Hill (K-Turn) 1. Stop and lock the parking brake while keeping body weight uphill. 2. Always move the 4X4 switch to ADC 4X4 before ascending or

descending a hill. See page 35. 3. Leave the transmission in forward and shut off the engine. 4. If a passenger is on board, ask the passenger to dismount first, then

the operator may dismount. Dismount on the uphill side of the vehi- cle, or on the left if the vehicle is pointing straight uphill. A passen- ger should not remount until the vehicle returns to firm, level ground.

5. Staying uphill of the vehicle, turn the handlebars full left. 6. While holding the brake lever, release the parking brake lock and

slowly allow the vehicle to roll around to your right until it’s point- ing across the hill or slightly downward.

7. Lock the parking brake. Remount the vehicle from the uphill side, keeping body weight uphill. A passenger should not remount until the vehicle returns to firm, level ground.

8. Start the engine with the transmission still in forward. 9. Release the parking brake and proceed slowly, controlling speed

with the brake lever, until the vehicle is on more level ground.


OPERATION Driving Through Water Follow these procedures when driving through water:

1. Check water depth and current before cross- ing.

2. Choose a crossing where both banks have gradual inclines.

3. Drive slowly. Avoid rocks and obstacles.

4. Avoid operating in water deeper than the bottom of the footrests. If it’s unavoidable, travel slowly, balance your weight carefully and avoid sudden movements. Maintain a slow and steady forward motion. Do not make sudden turns, stops or throttle changes.

NOTICE: Major engine damage can result if the vehicle is not thoroughly inspected after operation in water. Perform the services outlined in the maintenance chart. See page 70. The following areas need special attention: engine oil, transmission oil, demand drive fluid and all grease fittings. If the vehicle tips or overturns in water, or if the engine stops during or after operating in water, restarting can result in serious engine damage. Transport the vehicle to your dealer for service before restarting the engine. If this is not possible, follow the vehicle immersion inspection and drying procedures outlined on page 104, then see your dealer for service at the first opportunity.

5. After leaving water, test the brakes. Apply them lightly several times while driving slowly. The friction will help dry out the pads.

Maximum Depth


OPERATION Driving Over Obstacles

Follow these precautions when operating over obstacles: 1. Always check for obstacles before operating in a new area. 2. Be alert. Watch the terrain. Use extra caution. 3. Never operate over large obstacles. 4. Avoid hazards such as logs, rocks and low branches. 5. Always have a passenger dismount before operating over an obsta-

cle that could cause a fall from the vehicle or vehicle tipover.


OPERATION Driving in Reverse

Follow these precautions when operating in reverse: 1. Always check for obstacles or people behind the vehicle. Be aware

that a passenger can obstruct your view. 2. Always avoid backing downhill. 3. Drive slowly. Apply the brakes lightly for stopping. 4. Avoid turning at sharp angles. 5. Never open the throttle suddenly. 6. Do not use the override switch unless additional wheel speed is

required for vehicle movement. Use with caution. NOTICE: Excessive throttle operation while in the speed limit mode may cause

fuel to build in the exhaust, resulting in engine popping and/or engine damage.


OPERATION Parking on an Incline

Avoid parking on an incline if possible. If it’s unavoidable, follow these precautions: 1. Stop the engine. 2. Place the transmission in PARK. 3. Lock the parking brake. 4. Always block the rear wheels on the downhill side.


OPERATION Hauling Cargo

Overloading the vehicle or carrying or towing cargo improperly can alter vehicle handling and may cause loss of control or brake instability. Always follow these precautions when hauling cargo:

Read and understand the load distribution warnings listed on the vehicle warning labels.

Never carry cargo on the rear rack when operating the vehicle in the 2-up mode with a passenger.


Never exceed the stated load capacity for this vehicle. When determining the weight you are adding to the vehicle, include the weight of the operator, passenger, accessories, loads in the rack or box and the load on the trailer tongue. The combined weight of these items must not exceed the maximum weight capacity.

CARGO WEIGHT DISTRIBUTION should be 1/3 on the front rack and 2/3 on the rear rack. When operating over rough or hilly terrain, reduce speed and cargo to maintain stable driving conditions. Carrying loads on only one rack increases the possibility of vehicle overturn.

CARRY LOADS AS LOW ON THE RACKS AS POSSIBLE. Carrying loads high on the racks raises the center of gravity of the vehicle and creates a less stable operating condition.

SECURE ALL LOADS BEFORE OPERATING. Unsecured loads can create unstable operating conditions, which could result in loss of control of the vehicle.

OPERATE ONLY WITH STABLE AND SAFELY ARRANGED LOADS. When handling off-centered loads that cannot be centered, securely fasten the load and operate with extra caution. Always attach the tow load to the hitch point designated for your vehicle.

HEAVY LOADS CAN CAUSE BRAKING AND CONTROL PROBLEMS. Use extreme caution when applying brakes with a loaded vehicle. Avoid terrain or situations that may require backing downhill.

USE EXTREME CAUTION when operating with loads that extend over the rack sides. Stability and maneuverability may be adversely affected, causing the vehicle to overturn.


the front rack. TOWING SPEED should never exceed 16 km/h. Never exceed 8 km/h when

towing loads in rough terrain, while cornering, or while ascending or descending hills.


OPERATION Hauling Cargo Never exceed the weight capacities specified for your vehicle on warn- ing labels and in the specifications section of this manual. 1. Cargo weight should be evenly

distributed (1/3 on the front rack and 2/3 on the rear rack) and mounted as low as possible.

2. When operating over rough or hilly terrain, reduce speed and cargo weight to maintain stable driving conditions.

3. Do not obstruct the headlight beam with cargo. 4. Slow down. 5. Use low forward gear when hauling or towing heavy cargo to

extend belt life. 6. Always operate the vehicle with extreme caution whenever hauling

or towing loads. Balance, handling, and control may be affected.

2/3 1/3


OPERATION Hauling Cargo Towing Loads Towing is approved OFF-ROAD ONLY. See your Polaris dealer about configuring the vehicle to be certified to tow a trailer on-road. Do not tow any trailer on a grade steeper than 15 Always attach a towed load to the hitch point. Remove the hitch from

the vehicle when not towing a trailer. If towing a load, reduce rear rack cargo weight by the amount of

tongue weight. The combination of rear rack cargo weight and tongue weight must not exceed the rear rack capacity.

The total load (operator, passenger, accessories, cargo and weight on hitch) must not exceed the maximum weight capacity of the vehicle.

NOTICE: Using an improper hitch or exceeding the maximum tongue weight capacity can result in serious damage to the vehicle and will void your POLARIS warranty. Never install a hitch longer than 10 cm. Never install automotive accessories on your POLARIS vehicle. Always install POLARIS- approved (or equivalent) accessories designed for use on this vehicle.

Maximum Towing Capacities

Do not exceed maximum towing capacities. Avoid towing on inclines. 550 850

Maximum Towed Load (Level Ground) 1500 lbs. (680 kg) 1500 lbs. (680 kg)

Maximum Vertical Hitch Weight 150 lbs. (68 kg) 150 lbs. (68 kg)

Maximum 10 cm


EMISSION CONTROL SYSTEMS Noise Emission Control System Do not modify the engine, intake or exhaust components, as doing so may affect compliance with governmental noise level requirements.

Spark Arrestor Your Polaris vehicle has a spark arrestor that was designed for on-road and off-road operation. It is required that this spark arrestor remain installed and functional when the vehicle is operated.

Exhaust Emission Control System Exhaust emissions are controlled by engine design. An electronic fuel injection (EFI) system controls fuel delivery. The engine and EFI com- ponents are set at the factory for optimal performance and are not adjustable.

Electromagnetic Interference This spark ignition system complies with Canadian standard ICES-002. This vehicle complies with the EMC requirements of European direc- tives 97/24/EC and 2004/108/EC. Non-ionizing Radiation: This vehicle emits some electromagnetic energy. People with active or non-active implantable medical devices (such as heart monitoring or controlling devices) should review the lim- itations of their device and the applicable electromagnetic standards and directives that apply to this vehicle.


MAINTENANCE Periodic Maintenance Chart Careful periodic maintenance will help keep your vehicle in safe, reli- able condition. Inspect, clean, lubricate, adjust and replace parts as nec- essary. When inspection reveals the need for replacement parts, use genuine POLARIS parts available from your POLARIS dealer. Record maintenance and service in the Maintenance Log beginning on page 135. Service and adjustments are important for proper vehicle operation. If you’re not familiar with safe service and adjustment procedures, have a qualified dealer perform these operations. Maintenance intervals in the following chart are based upon average riding conditions and an average vehicle speed of approximately 10 miles per hour. Vehicles subjected to severe use must be inspected and serviced more frequently. Severe Use Definition Frequent immersion in mud, water or sand Racing or race-style high RPM use Prolonged low speed, heavy load operation Extended idle Short trip cold weather operation Pay special attention to the oil level. A rise in oil level during cold weather can indicate contaminants collecting in the oil sump or crank- case. Change oil immediately if the oil level begins to rise. Monitor the oil level, and if it continues to rise, discontinue use and determine the cause or see your dealer.


MAINTENANCE Periodic Maintenance Chart

Improperly performing the procedures marked with a n could result in component failure and cause an accident, which may result in serious injury or death. Always have an authorized POLARIS dealer perform these services.

Maintenance Chart Key Perform more often for vehicles subjected to severe use. E Emission-related service (Failure to conduct this maintenance will

not void the emissions warranty but may affect emissions.) n Have an authorized POLARIS dealer perform these services.


MAINTENANCE Periodic Maintenance Chart Perform all services at whichever maintenance interval is reached first.

Perform these procedures more often for vehicles subjected to severe use. E Emission-Related Service n Have an authorized POLARIS dealer perform these services.

Item Maintenance Interval (whichever comes first)


Hours Calendar Miles (Km)

Steering — Pre-Ride — Make adjustments as needed. See Pre-Ride Checklist on page 50.

Front suspension — Pre-Ride — Rear suspension — Pre-Ride — Tires — Pre-Ride — Brake fluid level — Pre-Ride — Brake lever travel — Pre-Ride — Brake system — Pre-Ride — Passenger seat latch

— Pre-Ride —

Wheels/fasteners — Pre-Ride — Frame fasteners — Pre-Ride — Engine oil level — Pre-Ride —


Air filter, pre-filter — Daily — Inspect; clean often; replace as needed

Coolant — Daily — Check level daily, change coolant every 2 years

ADC fluid — Daily — Check level, add as needed Power steering unit — Daily — Inspect daily; clean often

Headlight/taillight — Daily — Check operation E

Air filter, main element

— Weekly — Inspect; replace as needed

Engine oil change 20 H 1 Month 500 (800) Perform break-in oil and filter change (see page 48)


Brake pad wear 10 H Monthly 100 (160) Inspect periodically

Battery 20 H Monthly 200 (320) Check terminals; clean; test Rear gearcase oil 25 H Monthly 250 (400) Inspect level Transmission oil 25 H Monthly 250 (400) Inspect level Demand drive fluid 25 H Monthly 250 (400) Inspect level Demand drive fluid

(extreme use) 25 H 1 M 250 (400) Change fluid every 25 hours

if ADC is subjected to extreme use. See page 80.

General lubrication

50 H 3 M 500 (800) Lubricate all fittings, pivots, cables, etc.

Shift linkage 50 H 6 M 500 (800) Inspect, lubricate n Steering 50 H 6 M 500 (800) Lubricate Front suspension 50 H 6 M 500 (800) Lubricate Rear suspension 50 H 6 M 500 (800) Lubricate


MAINTENANCE Periodic Maintenance Chart

Item Maintenance Interval (whichever comes first)


Hours Calendar Miles (Km)

nE Throttle Cable/ ETC Switch

50 H 6 M 500 (800) Inspect; adjust; lubricate; replace if necessary

E Throttle Body Intake Duct

50 H 6 M 500 (800) Inspect duct for proper seal- ing/air leaks

Drive belt 50 H 6 M 500 (800) Inspect; adjust; replace as needed

Cooling system 50 H 6 M 1000 (1600) Inspect coolant strength seasonally; pressure test system yearly

Radiator 50 H 6 M 1000 (1600) Inspect; clean external surfaces

Cooling hoses 50 H 6 M 1000 (1600) Inspect for leaks Engine oil change 100 H 6 M 1000 (1600) Change the oil and filter Rear gearcase oil 100 H 12 M 1000 (1600) Change fluid Transmission oil 100 H 12 M 1000 (1600) Change fluid Demand drive fluid

(normal use) 100 H 12 M 1000 (1600) Change fluid

Fuel system 100 H 12 M 1000 (1600) Check for leaks at tank cap, lines, filter, pump; replace lines every two years

Engine mounts 100 H 12 M 1000 (1600) Inspect Exhaust muffler/ pipe

100 H 12 M 1000 (1600) Inspect

nE Spark plug 100 H 12 M 1000 (1600) Inspect; replace as needed Wiring 100 H 12 M 1000 (1600) Inspect for wear, routing,

security; apply dielectric grease to connectors subjected to water, mud, etc.

n Clutches (drive and driven)

100 H 12 M 1000 (1600) Inspect; clean; replace worn parts

n Front wheel bearings

100 H 12 M 1000 (1600) Inspect; replace as needed

n Brake fluid 200 H 24 M 2000 (3200) Change every two years n

ADC fluid 200 H 24 M 2000 (3200) Change every two years

Spark arrestor 300 H 36 M 3000 (4800) Clean out nE Valve clearance 1000 H — 10000

(16000) Inspect; adjust

n Toe adjustment — Inspect periodically; adjust when parts are replaced

Headlight aim — Adjust as needed


MAINTENANCE Lubrication Guide Check and lubricate all components at the intervals outlined in the Peri- odic Maintenance Chart beginning on page 70. Items not listed in the chart should be lubricated at the General Lubrication interval. The a-arms and upper control arms are lubricated at the factory, and no additional lubrication will be needed. However, if these components are subjected to severe use, grease zerks have been provided for additional lubrication at the user’s discretion.

Item Recommended Lubricant

Capacity at Fluid Change

Fill Plug Torque

Drain Plug Torque

Inspection Procedure

550 Engine Oil PS-4 PLUS Performance Synthetic 2W-50

2 qt. (1.9 l)

— 15-17 ft. lbs. (20-23 Nm)

Page 75.

850 Engine Oil PS-4 PLUS Performance Synthetic 2W-50

2 qt. (1.9 l)

— 12 ft. lbs. (16 Nm)

Page 75.

Transmission Oil

AGL PLUS Transmission Fluid

32 oz. (946 ml)

10-14 ft. lbs. (14-19 Nm)

10-14 ft. lbs. (14-19 Nm)

Page 78.

Demand Drive Fluid (Front Gearcase)

Demand Drive PLUS Fluid

9.3 oz. (275 ml)

8-10 ft. lbs. (11-14 Nm)

11 ft. lbs. (15 Nm)

Page 80.

Rear Gearcase Oil

ATV Angle Drive Fluid (or GL5 80- 90 weight gear lube)

7.1 oz. (210 ml)

10-14 ft. lbs. (14-19 Nm)

10-14 ft. lbs. (14-19 Nm)

Page 83.

Brake Fluid DOT 4 Only — — — Page 26.

ADC Fluid Demand Drive PLUS Fluid

— — — Page 81.

Front Prop Shaft Yoke

POLARIS Premium U-Joint Lube

Grease fittings (3 pumps maximum) every 500 miles, before long periods of storage, or after pressure washing or submerging.

A-Arms, Front and Rear

POLARIS Premium All- Season Grease

Grease fittings after extreme use or if suspension becomes squeaky.

Front Prop Shaft Yoke



MAINTENANCE Engine Oil Oil Recommendations POLARIS recommends the use of POLARIS PS-4 PLUS Performance Synthetic 2W-50 4-cycle oil or a similar oil for this engine. See the table on page 74 for fluid recommendations, capacities and plug torques. Oil may need to be changed more frequently if POLARIS oil is not used. Always use 2W-50 oil. Follow the manufacturer’s recommenda- tions for ambient temperature operation. See page 125 for the part num- bers of POLARIS products. NOTICE: Mixing brands or using a non-recommended oil may cause serious

engine damage. Always use the recommended oil. Never substitute or mix oil brands.

Oil Level Check the oil level when the engine is cold. Never check the oil with the engine running. 1. Position the vehicle on a

level surface. 2. Access the oil dipstick and

fill tube from the left side of the vehicle. Remove the dip- stick. Wipe it dry with a clean cloth.

3. Reinstall and tighten the dip- stick.

4. Remove the dipstick and check the oil level.

5. Add the recommended fluid as needed. Maintain the oil level in the safe range between the FULL and ADD marks. Do not overfill.

6. Reinstall and tighten the dip- stick.


Full Add


Full Add



MAINTENANCE Engine Oil Oil and Filter Change See the table on page 74 for fluid recommendations, capacities and plug torques. Always change the oil and filter at the intervals outlined in the Periodic Maintenance Chart beginning on page 70. Always change the oil filter whenever changing oil.

1. Position the vehicle on a level surface. 2. Start the engine. Allow it to warm up at idle for two to three min-

utes. 3. Stop the engine. 4. Clean the area around the drain plug. 5. Place a drain pan under the crankcase. 6. Remove the drain plug. Allow the oil to drain completely.

Hot oil can cause burns to skin. Do not allow hot oil to contact skin.

7. Install a new sealing washer on the drain plug. The sealing surfaces on drain plug and crankcase should be clean and free of burrs, nicks or scratches.

8. Reinstall the drain plug. Torque to specification.

550 Drain Plug

to front 850 Drain Plug

Filter Access


MAINTENANCE Engine Oil Oil and Filter Change 9. Place shop towels beneath

the oil filter. Using an oil fil- ter wrench (available from your POLARIS dealer), turn the filter counter-clockwise to remove it.

10. Using a clean dry cloth, clean the filter sealing surface on the crankcase.

11. Lubricate the o-ring on the new filter with a film of fresh engine oil. Check to make sure the o-ring is in good condition.

12. Install the new filter and rotate it clockwise by hand until the filter gasket contacts the sealing surface, then turn it an additional 1/2 turn.

13. Remove the dipstick. Add the proper amount of the recommended oil. Do not overfill.

14. Reinstall the dipstick. 15. Place the transmission in PARK. 16. Lock the parking brake. 17. Start the engine. Allow it to idle for one to two minutes. 18. Stop the engine. 19. Check for leaks. 20. Check the oil level. Add oil as needed to bring the level to the upper

mark on the dipstick. 21. Dispose of used filter and oil properly.

Oil Filter



MAINTENANCE Transmission Oil POLARIS recommends the use of POLARIS AGL PLUS Transmission Fluid for this transmission. See the table on page 74 for fluid recom- mendations, capacities and plug torques. Always check and change the transmission oil at the intervals outlined in the Periodic Maintenance Chart beginning on page 70. See page 125 for the part numbers of POLARIS products. Maintain the oil level at the bot- tom of the fill plug hole. The fill plug is located on the right side of the vehicle behind the footwell. The drain plug is located on the bottom rear side of the gearcase.

Oil Check 1. Remove the footwell (see

page 91). 2. Remove the fill plug. Check

the oil level. 3. Add the recommended fluid

as needed to bring the level to the bottom of the fill hole threads.

4. Reinstall the fill plug. Torque to specification. 5. Reinstall the footwell.

Drain Plug Fill Plug

Fill Level


MAINTENANCE Transmission Oil Oil Change 1. Remove the footwell. 2. Place a drain pan under the gearcase. Remove the drain plug. Allow

the oil to drain completely. 3. Clean and reinstall the drain plug. Torque to specification. 4. Remove the fill plug. Add the proper amount of the recommended

oil. 5. Reinstall the fill plug. Torque to specification. 6. Check for leaks. 7. Reinstall the footwell. 8. Dispose of used oil properly.


MAINTENANCE Front Gearcase (Demand Drive) Fluid See the table on page 74 for fluid recommendations, capacities and plug torques. Always check and change the demand drive fluid at the inter- vals outlined in the Periodic Maintenance Chart beginning on page 70. See page 125 for the part numbers of POLARIS products. Change the front gearcase fluid every 25 hours if the ADC unit is exposed to extreme use. Extreme use includes any of the following: operation in ADC mode for prolonged periods constant ADC operation on hilly or mountainous terrain ADC is the primary mode of all-wheel-drive operation Tip: If the front gearcase is makes excessive noise during ADC operation,

change the demand drive fluid. If the noise continues, please see your POLARIS dealer for service.

Use the recommended fluid. Use of other fluids may result in improper operation of components. Maintain the fluid level at the bottom of the fill hole threads. The fill plug is located on the right side of the demand drive unit. The drain plug is located on the bottom right side of the unit.

Fluid Check 1. Position the vehicle on a level sur-

face. Remove the fill plug. Check the fluid level.

2. Add the recommended fluid as needed to bring the level to the bot- tom of the fill hole threads.

3. Reinstall the fill plug. Torque to specification.

Fluid Change 1. Position the vehicle on a level surface. Remove the fill plug. 2. Place a drain pan under the demand drive unit. Remove the drain

plug. Allow the fluid to drain completely. 3. Clean and reinstall the drain plug. Torque to specification. 4. Add the proper amount of the recommended fluid. 5. Reinstall the fill plug. Torque to specification. 6. Check for leaks. Dispose of used fluid properly.

Drain Plug

Fill Plug

Fill Level


MAINTENANCE Active Descent Control (ADC) Fluid Check and change the ADC fluid at the intervals outlined in the Periodic Maintenance Chart beginning on page 70. We recommend the use of POLARIS Demand Drive Plus Fluid for the ADC unit. Maintain the fluid level between the minimum and maximum marks on the reservoir. See page 125 for the part numbers of POLARIS products. NOTICE: Do not use brake fluid. Brake fluid will damage rubber components in

the hydraulic system.

Fluid Check 1. Access the reservoir under

the front box. See page 32. 2. View the fluid level in the

reservoir. 3. If the level is below the

minimum mark, remove the cap and add the recommended fluid.

4. Reinstall the cap. 5. Close and secure the front

box and cover.

ADC Fluid Reservoir


MAINTENANCE Active Descent Control (ADC) Fluid Fluid Change 1. Position the vehicle on a level

surface. Before performing the fluid change, allow the vehicle to sit for at least 30 minutes.

2. Thoroughly clean the areas around and on the ADC reservoir and bleeder valves (one on each side of the differential).

3. Remove the reservoir cap and diaphragm assembly. Use a shop towel or suction tool to remove debris from the fluid and reservoir. Debris in the reservoir may result in inadequate bleeding and reduced performance of the system.

4. Fill the reservoir to the maximum line with fresh fluid. 5. Remove the protective caps from the bleeder valves. 6. Slowly loosen one of the bleeder valve screws (turn counter-clock-

wise) and allow fluid and trapped air to flow from the fitting. Tighten the screw when clean fluid begins to flow. Repeat this step for the remaining valve.

IMPORTANT: Close the bleeder valve screws before the reservoir fluid level drops below the minimum fill line. Adding fluid to an empty reservoir will result in trapped air. If the level drops below the minimum line, add fluid to the maximum line and repeat step 6 before proceeding.

7. Torque the bleeder valve screws to 80 in. lbs. (9 Nm). Reinstall the bleeder valve caps.

8. Add fresh ADC fluid to the reservoir until the level is between the minimum and maximum marks. Make sure the reservoir is free of debris.

9. Reinstall the cap securely. Clean up any drips or spills.

Bleeder Screw Cap

Bleeder Valve Screw


MAINTENANCE Rear Gearcase Oil See the table on page 74 for fluid recommendations, capacities and plug torques. Always check and change the rear gearcase oil at the intervals outlined in the Periodic Maintenance Chart beginning on page 70. See page 125 for the part numbers of POLARIS products. The fill plug is located on the rear of the gearcase. The drain plug is located on the bottom of the gearcase. Maintain the fluid level at the bottom of the fill hole threads. Do not overfill.

Oil Check 1. Position the vehicle on a

level surface. 2. Remove the fill plug.

Check the oil level. 3. Add the recommended oil

as needed to bring the level to the bottom of the fill hole threads. Do not overfill.

4. Reinstall the fill plug. Torque to specification.

Oil Change 1. Position the vehicle on a level surface. 2. Place a drain pan under the drain hole. 3. Remove the drain plug. Allow the oil to drain completely. 4. Clean and reinstall the drain plug with a new sealing washer. Torque

to specification. 5. Remove the fill plug. Add the proper amount of the recommended

oil. Do not overfill. 6. Reinstall the fill plug. Torque to specification. 7. Check for leaks. 8. Dispose of used oil properly.

Drain Plug

Fill Plug

Fill Level


MAINTENANCE Power Steering Unit If your model is equipped with power steering, frequently clean the areas around and on the power steering unit to allow proper cooling. Clean these areas thoroughly.

Steering Assembly The steering assembly of the vehicle should be checked periodically for loose nuts and bolts. If loose nuts and bolts are found, see your POLARIS dealer for service before operating the vehicle.

Cooling System The engine coolant level is controlled, or maintained, by the recovery system. The recovery system components are the recovery bottle, the radiator filler neck, the radiator pressure cap and the connecting hose. As coolant operating temperature increases, the expanding (heated) excess coolant is forced out of the engine, past the pressure cap, and into the recovery bottle. As engine coolant temperature decreases the con- tracting (cooled) coolant is drawn back up from the bottle, past the pres- sure cap, and into the radiator. Some coolant level drop on new vehicles is normal as the system is purging itself of trapped air. Check the coolant level and maintain as recommended by adding coolant to the recovery bottle. POLARIS recommends the use of POLARIS Premium 60/40 anti- freeze/coolant or a 50/50 mixture of high quality aluminum compatible anti-freeze/coolant and distilled water. POLARIS Premium 60/40 is already premixed and ready to use. Do not dilute with water. See page 125 for the part numbers of POLARIS products. Always follow the manufacturer’s mixing recommendations for the freeze protection required in your area.

Clean Often


MAINTENANCE Cooling System Recovery Bottle Coolant The recovery bottle fluid level can be viewed from inside the front right wheel well. Access the recovery bottle cap under the front box. See page 32. 1. View the fluid level in the bottle. 2. If the level is low, remove the bottle cap and add coolant as needed.

Maintain the coolant level between the minimum and maximum marks on the bottle (when the fluid is cool).

3. Reinstall the cap. 4. Close and secure the front box and cover.

Maximum Mark

Minimum Mark

Recovery Bottle Cap


MAINTENANCE Cooling System Radiator Coolant To ensure that the coolant maintains its ability to protect the engine, POLARIS recommends that you drain the system completely every two years and add a fresh mixture of antifreeze and water. Replace the coolant any time the cooling system has been drained for maintenance or repair. If the recovery bottle has run dry, check the level in the radiator. Add coolant as needed.

Escaping steam can cause burns. Never remove the pressure cap while the engine is warm or hot. Always allow the engine to cool before removing the pressure cap.

1. Access the pressure cap under the front box. See page 32.

2. Remove the pressure cap. 3. Using a funnel, slowly add cool-

ant through the radiator filler neck.

4. Reinstall the pressure cap. Use of a non-standard pressure cap will not allow the recovery system to function properly. Contact your dealer for the correct replacement part.

5. Close and secure the front box and cover.

Radiator Cap


MAINTENANCE Brakes Hand Brake The front and rear brakes are hydraulic disc brakes, activated by moving the single brake lever toward the handlebar. These brakes are self- adjusting. Under normal operation, the diaphragm extends into the reservoir as fluid level drops. If the fluid level is low and the diaphragm is not extended, a leak is likely and the diaphragm should be replaced. To ensure proper diaphragm operation, always fill the reservoir as needed whenever the cover is loosened or removed. Do not overfill.

An over-full master cylinder may cause brake drag or brake lock-up, which could result in serious injury or death. Maintain brake fluid at the recommended level. Do not overfill.

The following checks are recommended to keep the brake system in good operating condition. Check more often if brakes are used heavily under normal operation. 1. Always keep brake fluid at an adequate

level. See page 26. 2. Check the brake system for fluid leaks. 3. Check the brakes for excessive travel or

spongy feel. 4. Check the friction pads for wear, damage

and looseness. Replace brake pads when they are worn to 3/64″ (1 mm).

5. Check the security and surface condition of the disc.

Auxiliary Foot Brake The hydraulic auxiliary brake system requires no adjustment. Check the brake fluid level frequently for the auxiliary brake system. See page 28.

3/64″ (1 mm)


MAINTENANCE Toe Alignment Use the following procedure to check the toe alignment of the vehicle. The recommended toe alignment is 0 to 1/8 (0-3 mm).

Severe injury or death can result from improper toe alignment and adjustment. Do not attempt to adjust tie rod alignment. All tie rod adjustments should be performed by an authorized POLARIS dealer.

1. Position the vehicle on a level surface.

2. Place the handlebars in a straight-ahead position.

3. Tie a length of string between two stands as shown in the illustration. Position the stands so that the string is flush with the side of the rear tire. If available, you may use a long straight- edge instead of string.

4. Measure the distance from the string to the rim at the front (1) and rear (2) of the front rim. The rear measurement should be 1.5 mm more than the front measurement on each side of the vehicle to obtain the recommended 0 to 1/8 (0-3 mm) toe out alignment.

5. Repeat the measurement procedure on the other side of the vehicle. 6. If you discover improper alignment, see your POLARIS dealer for







MAINTENANCE Seats Passenger Seat Removal 1. Pull the latch at the rear of the seat. 2. Pivot the rear of the seat upward and

remove the front legs of the seat base from the frame.

3. To reinstall the seat, position the front legs of the seat base under the frame. Pivot the rear of the seat downward onto the latch. Press down firmly on the seat pad until the latch clicks. Test the seat latch by attempting to pull the seat upward.

Passenger Seat Backrest Adjustments The passenger backrest can be adjusted horizontally and vertically. 1. Unzip the two zippers at the bot-

tom of the backrest pad. Lift the pad upward to remove it from the backrest frame.

2. To adjust the backrest forward or rearward, loosen the top adjuster bolt. Pivot the adjuster forward or rearward to one of the three adjustment positions and tighten the bolt.

3. To adjust the backrest upward or downward, loosen the four verti- cal adjustment screws on the front side of the backrest frame. Slide the backrest upward or downward to the desired position and tighten the screws.

4. Reinstall the backrest pad.


MAINTENANCE Seats Passenger Seat Suspension 1. Remove the passenger seat. 2. Remove the fastener retaining the

passenger seat shock to the passenger seat support.

3. Pivot the seat support upward to access the lower shock fastener. Remove the lower shock fastener.

4. Remove the shock from the vehicle. If adjustment is necessary, use a suit- able pliers or spanner wrench. Adjust the shock to the desired spring pre- load. Rotate the adjustment cam to the left to increase preload.

5. Reinstall the shock. 6. Torque the upper and lower shock

fasteners to 38 ft. lbs. (51 Nm). 7. Reinstall the passenger seat.

Operator Seat Removal 1. Remove the passenger

seat. See page 89. 2. Grasp one side of the oper-

ators seat near the rear edge.

3. Pull upward abruptly to disengage the under-seat fasteners.

4. Remove the seat.


MAINTENANCE Side Panel/Footwell Removal 1. Remove the seat before removing a side panel. 2. To remove a side panel or footwell, remove the fasteners securing it

to the frame. Lift the right side panel upward while removing it to clear the shifter knob

Plastic Rivet Hex Head Screw

Plastic Rivet



Operating your vehicle with worn tires, improperly inflated tires, non-standard tires or improperly installed tires will affect vehicle handling and could cause an accident resulting in serious injury or death. Always follow all tire maintenance procedures as outlined in this manual and on the labels on the vehicle. Always use original equipment size and type when replacing tires.

Refer to the specifications section beginning on page 126 for recom- mended tire type, size and pressure.

Tire Tread Depth Always replace tires when tread depth is worn to 1/8 (3 mm) or less.

1/8″ (3 mm)


MAINTENANCE Tires Front Wheel Hub Tightening Front wheel bearing tightness and spindle nut retention are critical com- ponent operations. All service must be performed by your authorized POLARIS dealer.

Wheel Removal 1. Stop the engine. 2. Place the transmission in PARK. 3. Lock the parking brake. 4. Loosen the wheel nuts slightly.

Do not service axle nuts that have a cotter pin installed. See your POLARIS dealer.

5. Elevate the side of the vehicle by placing a suitable stand under the footrest frame.

6. Remove the wheel nuts. 7. Remove the wheel.


MAINTENANCE Tires Wheel Installation 1. Place the transmission in PARK. 2. Lock the parking brake. 3. Place the wheel on the hub with the valve stem toward the outside

and rotation arrows on the tire pointing toward forward rotation. 4. Install the wheel nuts and finger-tighten them. 5. Lower the vehicle to the ground. 6. Torque the wheel nuts to specification.

Loose nuts could cause a tire to come off during operation, which could result in an accident or overturn. Always ensure that all nuts are torqued to specification.

Wheel Nut Torque Specifications Check the wheel nut torques occasionally and when they’ve been loos- ened for service.

Wheel Type Nut Type Nut Torque

Aluminum Lug Nut 75 ft. lbs. (102 Nm)

Steel Lug Nut 45 ft. lbs. (61 Nm)

Cast Aluminum Steel

75 ft. lbs. (102 Nm)

45 ft. lbs. (61 Nm)


MAINTENANCE Air Filter 1. Remove the seat. 2. Remove the air box cover

screws, and remove the air box cover.

3. Remove the filter. 4. Remove the fabric type pre-

filter from the main filter. Wash the pre-filter in soapy water, then rinse and let dry.

5. Reinstall the pre-filter over the main filter. Install a new main filter if needed.

6. Reinstall the filter into the air box.

7. Reinstall the air box cover and the seat.

Main Filter




MAINTENANCE Fuse Replacement If the engine stops or will not start, or if you experience other electrical failures, a fuse may need replacement. Locate and correct any short cir- cuits that may have caused the blown fuse, then replace the fuse. Spare fuses are provided in the fuse box. 1. Access the fuses under the front box. See page 32. 2. Remove the fuse box cover. 3. Remove the suspect fuse from the fuse panel. If the fuse is blown,

install a new fuse with the same amperage rating. 4. Reinstall the fuse box cover. 5. Close and secure the front box and cover.

550 850

Fuse Box


MAINTENANCE Lights Poor lighting can result in reduced visibility when driving. Headlight and taillight lenses become dirty during normal operation. Clean head- lights frequently and replace burned out headlamps promptly. Always make sure lights are adjusted properly for best visibility.

Headlight Lamp Replacement When servicing a halogen lamp, avoid touching the lamp with bare fingers. Oil from your skin leaves a residue, causing a hot spot that will shorten the life of the lamp. If fingers do touch a lamp, clean it with denatured alcohol. 1. Remove the five (5) headlight pod

screws. 2. Lift the pod cover and disconnect

the speedometer harnesses from the speedometer.

Hot components can cause burns to skin. Allow lamps to cool before servicing.

3. Unplug the headlamp from the wiring harness. Be sure to pull on the connector, not on the wiring.

4. Turn the lamp counter-clockwise to remove it. 5. Install the new lamp. Make sure the tab on the lamp locates properly

in the housing. 6. Reassemble the pod.


MAINTENANCE Lights High Beam Adjustment The headlight beam can be adjusted slightly upward or downward. Use the following procedure to make the adjustment. 1. Position the vehicle on a level surface with the headlight approxi-

mately 25 ft. (7.6 m) from a wall. Place the transmission in PARK.

2. Measure the distance from the floor to the center of the headlight and make a mark on the wall at the same height.

3. Start the engine.Turn the headlight switch to high beam. 4. Observe the headlight aim on the wall. The most intense part of the

headlight beam should be two inches (5 cm) below the mark on the wall. Include rider weight on the seat when measuring.

5. The adjustment knob is located on the right side of the headlight pod. Adjust the beam to the desired position by turning the knob either clockwise or counter-clockwise.

2″ (5 cm)

Lamp Center Height

25 ft. (7.6 m)

Adjustment Screw


MAINTENANCE Lights Low Beam Adjustment The low beam can be adjusted slightly upward or downward. 1. Loosen the phillips screw

located at the rear of the headlamp.

2. Tilt the headlamp upward or downward.

3. Tighten the screw.

Phillips Screw


MAINTENANCE Lights Headlight Housing Replacement 1. Remove the five (5)

headlight pod screws. 2. Lift the pod cover and

disconnect the speedometer harnesses from the speedometer.

3. Unplug the headlamp from the wiring harness.

4. Use a small screwdriver to remove the o-rings from the headlight mounting tabs.

5. Pull the headlight housing up to release it from the locking tabs. 6. Carefully pull the assembly up and out of the pod. 7. Reverse the steps to install the new housing and reassemble the pod.


MAINTENANCE Lights Lower Headlamp Replacement 1. Turn the back of the headlight

harness counter-clockwise and pull the harness assembly away from the headlight assembly.

2. Remove the headlamp and install the new headlamp.

3. Reinstall the harness assembly into the headlight assembly.

4. Turn the headlight harness clock- wise to secure the headlamp.

Front Turn Signal Replacement If a front turn signal light becomes inoperable, the lamps cannot be replaced. Replace the entire signal lamp assembly.

Taillight/Brakelight Lamp Replacement 1. Remove the harness connector

from the back of the light assem- bly.

2. Turn the lamp counter-clockwise to remove it.

3. Install the new lamp. 4. Reinstall the harness connector. 5. Test the light for proper operation.




MAINTENANCE Spark Plugs Spark Plug Recommendations Refer to the specifications section beginning on page 126 for the recom- mended spark plug type and gap for your vehicle. Torque spark plugs to specification. NOTICE: Using non-recommended spark plugs can result in serious engine

damage. Always use POLARIS-recommended spark plugs.

Spark Plug Inspection Spark plug condition is indicative of engine operation. Check the spark plug firing end condition after the engine has been warmed up and the vehicle has been driven at higher speeds. Immediately check the spark plug for correct color. See page 103.

A hot exhaust system and engine can cause burns. Wear protective gloves when removing a spark plug for inspection.

1. Rotate the spark plug cap 1/4 turn and pull it off the spark plug. 2. Rotate the spark plug counter-clockwise to remove it. 3. Reverse the procedure for spark plug installation. Torque to specifi-


Plug Condition Torque Specification

550 850

New Spark Plug 9-11 ft. lbs. (12-15 Nm)

18-20 ft. lbs. (24-27 Nm)

Previously Installed Spark Plug

17-20 ft. lbs. (23-27 Nm)

18-20 ft. lbs. (24-27 Nm)


MAINTENANCE Spark Plugs Spark Plug Inspection Normal Spark Plug The normal insulator tip is gray, tan or light brown. There will be few combustion deposits. The electrodes are not burned or eroded. This indi- cates the proper type and heat range for the engine and the service. The tip should not be flaky and white. A white insulator tip indicates overheating, caused by use of an improper spark plug or incorrect fuel.

Wet Fouled Spark Plug The wet fouled insulator tip is black. A damp oil film covers the firing end. There may be a carbon layer over the entire nose. Generally, the electrodes are not worn. General causes of fouling are excessive oil, use of non-recommended oil or incorrect throttle body adjustments.


MAINTENANCE Vehicle Immersion If your vehicle becomes immersed, major engine damage can result if the machine is not thoroughly inspected. Take the vehicle to your dealer before starting the engine. If it’s impossible to take your vehicle to a dealer before starting it, follow the steps outlined below. 1. Move the vehicle to dry land or at the very least, to water below the

footrests. 2. Check the air box. If water is present, dry the air box and replace the

filter with a new filter. 3. Remove the spark plug. 4. Turn the engine over several times using the electric start. 5. Dry the spark plugs. Reinstall the plugs or install new plugs. 6. Attempt to start the engine. If necessary, repeat the drying proce-

dure. NOTICE: Serious damage can occur after immersion if fluids are not changed

promptly. See your dealer as recommended.

7. Take the vehicle to your dealer for service as soon as possible, whether you succeed in starting it or not.

8. If water has been ingested into the PVT, follow the procedure on page 108 for drying out the PVT.


MAINTENANCE Spark Arrestor

Failure to heed the following warnings while servicing the spark arrestor could result in serious injury or death. Never run the engine in an enclosed area. Remove any combustible materials from the area. Wear eye protection and leather work gloves. Do not stand behind or in front of the vehicle while purging. Never go under the vehicle while it’s inclined.

The exhaust system can get extremely hot. Do not perform service on the spark arrestor while the system is hot. Allow components to cool sufficiently before proceeding.

Use the following procedure to periodically purge accumulated carbon from the exhaust pipe/muffler. 1. Remove the arrestor clean-

out plug from the bottom of the muffler.

2. Place the transmission in PARK.

3. Start the engine. 4. Quickly squeeze and

release the throttle lever several times to purge car- bon from the system.

5. If carbon comes out of the exhaust, cover or plug the exhaust outlet(s). Wear protective gloves.

6. Lightly tap on the exhaust pipe with a rubber mallet while repeating step 4.

7. If particles are still suspected to be in the muffler, elevate the rear of the vehicle one foot (30 cm) higher than the front. Block the wheels.

8. Repeat steps 4 to 6 until no more particles are expelled. 9. Stop the engine. Allow the arrestor to cool. 10. Reinstall the arrestor plug and remove the exhaust outlet cover or


Clean-Out Plug



Failure to comply with the instructions in this warning can result in severe injury or death.

Do not modify any component of the PVT system. Doing so may reduce its strength so that a failure may occur at a high speed. The PVT system has been precision balanced. Any modification will cause the system to be out of balance, creating vibration and additional loads on components.

The PVT system rotates at high speeds, creating large amounts of force on clutch components. Extensive engineering and testing has been conducted to ensure the safety of this product. However, as the owner, you have the following responsibilities to make sure this system remains safe:

Always follow all recommended maintenance procedures. See your dealer as outlined in the owner’s manual.

This PVT system is intended for use on POLARIS products only. Do not install it in any other product.

Always make sure the PVT housing is securely in place during operation.


MAINTENANCE PVT System The basic operation of the POLARIS PVT system is dependent on engine speed and vehicle torque requirements. As engine speed increases, the force exerted on the movable drive sheave by the fly- weights also increases. This, in turn, increases the amount of pinch applied to the drive belt. Similarly, if the engine speed decreases, the amount of centrifugal force decreases, reducing the amount of belt pinch. The approximate gear ratio difference between high and low range is 1:2.25. This difference in gearing affects the operation of the PVT, espe- cially at speeds less than 7 MPH (11 km/h), due to the system’s depen- dence on engine speed. For example, when operating at a ground speed of 3 MPH (5 km/h) in low range, the engine speed would be around 3000 RPM. This is well above the engagement speed of 1600 — 1800 RPM. However, in high range at 3 MPH (5 km/h), the engine would be running at only 1500 RPM. Whenever operating this close to the engagement speed, the engine may be running at a speed too low to provide the pinch needed to prevent belt slip. Belt slip is responsible for creating the excessive heat that destroys belts, wears clutch components and causes outer clutch covers to fail. The air temperature in the clutch cover is substantially reduced by using low range while operating at low ground speeds. Reducing the tempera- ture inside the clutch cover greatly extends the life of the PVT compo- nents (belt, cover, etc.).


MAINTENANCE PVT System When To Use Low Range and High Range

PVT Drying There may be some instances when water is accidently ingested into the PVT system. Use the following instructions to dry it out before operat- ing. 1. Position the vehicle on a level surface. 2. Remove the drain plug. Allow the water to drain completely. Rein-

stall the drain plug. 3. Start the engine. Place the transmission in PARK. 4. Apply varying throttle for 10-15 seconds to expel the moisture and

air-dry the belt and clutches. Do not hold the throttle wide open for more than 5 seconds.

5. Allow the engine RPM to settle to idle speed, then shift the trans- mission to low range.

6. Test for belt slippage. If the belt slips, repeat the process. 7. Take the vehicle to your dealer for service as soon as possible.

Condition Range to Use

Operating at speeds less than 7 MPH (11 km/h) Low

Towing heavy loads Low

Operating in rough terrain (swamps, mountains, etc.) Low

Operating at speeds greater than 7 MPH (11 km/h) High



Improperly connecting or disconnecting battery cables can result in an explosion and cause serious injury or death. When removing the battery, always disconnect the negative (black) cable first. When reinstalling the battery, always connect the negative (black) cable last.

Your vehicle is equipped with a sealed battery, which requires little maintenance. POLARIS does not recommend using a conventional bat- tery in this vehicle. The orientation of the battery could result in electro- lyte leakage, which would shorten the life of the battery considerably. Always keep battery terminals and connections free of corrosion. If cleaning is necessary, remove corrosion with a stiff wire brush. Wash with a solution of one tablespoon baking soda and one cup water. Rinse well with tap water and dry off with clean shop towels. Coat the termi- nals with dielectric grease or petroleum jelly.

Battery Removal 1. Access the battery under the front box. See page 32. 2. Disconnect the black (negative) battery cable first. 3. Disconnect the red (positive) battery cable last. 4. Disconnect the battery hold-down strap. 5. Lift the battery out of the vehicle.


MAINTENANCE Battery Battery Installation Using a new battery that has not been fully charged can damage the bat- tery and result in a shorter life. It can also hinder vehicle performance. Follow the battery charging instructions on page 111 before installing the battery. 1. Ensure that the battery is fully charged. 2. Place the battery in the battery holder. 3. Coat the terminals with dielectric grease or petroleum jelly. 4. Secure the battery hold-down strap. 5. Connect and tighten the red (positive) cable first. 6. Connect and tighten the black (negative) cable last. 7. Verify that cables are properly routed. Cables should be safely

tucked away at the front and rear of the battery. 8. Close and secure the front box and cover.

Battery Storage Whenever the vehicle is not used for a period of three months or more, remove the battery from the vehicle, ensure that it’s fully charged, and store it out of the sun in a cool, dry place. Check battery voltage each month during storage and recharge as needed to maintain a full charge. POLARIS recommends maintaining battery charge by using a POLARIS Battery Tender charger or by charging about once a month to make up for normal self-discharge. Battery Tender can be left connected during the storage period, and will automatically charge the battery if the voltage drops below a pre-determined point. See page 125 for the part numbers of POLARIS products.


MAINTENANCE Battery Battery Charging The following battery charging instructions apply only to the installa- tion of a sealed battery. Read all instructions before proceeding with the installation of this battery. The sealed battery is already filled with electrolyte and has been sealed and fully charged at the factory. Never pry the sealing strip off or add any other fluid to this battery. The single most important thing about maintaining a sealed battery is to keep it fully charged. Since the battery is sealed and the sealing strip cannot be removed, you must use a voltmeter or multimeter to measure DC voltage.

An overheated battery may explode, causing severe injury or death. Always watch charging times carefully. Stop charging if the battery becomes very warm to the touch. Allow it to cool before resuming charging.

For a refresh charge, follow all instructions carefully. 1. The battery should be disconnected from a load or charger for at

least two hours before checking voltage. Check the battery voltage with a voltmeter or multimeter. A fully charged battery will register 12.8 V or higher.

2. If the voltage is less than 12.8 volts, recharge the battery at 1.2 amps or less until battery voltage is 12.8 or greater.

3. When using an automatic charger, refer to the charger manufac- turer’s instructions for recharging. When using a constant current charger, use the guidelines on the next page for recharging.


MAINTENANCE Battery Battery Charging (Sealed Battery) Always verify battery condition before and 1-2 hours after the end of charging.

State of Charge

Voltage Action Charge Time

(Using constant current charger @ standard amps

specified on top of battery)

100% 12.8-13.0 volts None, check at 3 mos. from date of


None required

75%-100% 12.5-12.8 volts May need slight charge, if no charge

given, check in 3 months

3-6 hours

50%-75% 12.0-12.5 volts Needs charge 5-11 hours

25%-50% 11.5-12.0 volts Needs charge At least 13 hours, ver- ify state of charge

0%-25% 11.5 volts or less Needs charge with desulfating charger

At least 20 hours


MAINTENANCE Camber and Caster The camber and caster are non-adjust- able.

Rear Spring The rear shock absorber spring is adjusted by rotating the adjuster either clockwise or counter-clockwise to increase or decrease spring tension. Accessory springs are available through your POLARIS dealer.

Handlebars The handlebars can be adjusted for rider preference.

Improper adjustment of the handlebars or incorrect torquing of the adjuster block tightening bolts can cause limited steering or loosening of the handlebars, resulting in loss of control and serious injury or death. Follow the adjustment procedures exactly, or see your POLARIS dealer for service.

1. Remove the upper headlight pod.

2. Loosen the four handlebar bolts.

3. Adjust the handlebar to the desired height. Be sure the handlebars do not contact the gas tank or any other part of the machine when turned fully to the left or right.

4. Torque the front two bolts to 10-12 ft. lbs. (14-17 Nm), then torque the rear two bolts. A gap of up to 1/8 (3 mm) will remain at the rear of the clamp blocks.


Handlebar Bolts


MAINTENANCE Throttle Body/Idle RPM Idle RPM is preset by the manufacturer. If the engine idle speed is not satisfactory, please see your POLARIS dealer for adjustment.

Throttle Cable Freeplay 1. Remove the four cover

screws from the right han- dlebar control and remove the cover.

2. With the handlebars straight ahead, place very light pressure on the throt- tle lever. A gap of 2-3 mm should be visible between the throttle arm stop pin and the throttle arm.

If adjustment is needed: 1. Locate the throttle cable

adjuster. Squeeze the end of the rubber boot and slide it back far enough to expose the inline cable adjuster locknut.

2. Loosen the adjuster lock nut. 3. Rotate the boot to turn the

adjuster until 2-3 mm of freeplay is achieved between the stop pin and the throttle arm. While adjusting free- play, flip the throttle lever back and forth repeatedly.

(continued on next page)

2-3 mm Gap

Throttle Arm

Arm Stop Pin

Lock Nut Adjuster


Cable Adjuster


MAINTENANCE Throttle Cable Freeplay 4. Place the transmission in PARK. Lock the parking brake. 5. Start the engine and allow the idle to stabilize. If necessary, tap the

throttle lever to ensure the idle speed settles. 6. If idle speed remains above or below the recommended setting (see

specification pages), verify the correct gap. If gap is correct and idle speed is still not satisfactory, please see your POLARIS dealer for service.

7. With the engine running, turn the handlebars fully to the left and right. Tap the throttle lever at each turn, verifying that idle RPM returns to the recommended setting. If idle speed increases, it may be necessary to increase the gap between the stop pin and throttle arm, but do not exceed the recommended 2-3 mm gap.

8. When adjustments are complete, tighten the locknut. 9. Squeeze the end of the rubber boot and slide it over the cable

adjuster to its original position. 10. Ensure the control cover seal is in place, then reinstall the cover and



MAINTENANCE Cleaning and Storage Washing the Vehicle Keeping your POLARIS vehicle clean will not only improve its appear- ance but it can also extend the life of various components. NOTICE: High water pressure may damage components. POLARIS

recommends washing the vehicle by hand or with a garden hose, using mild soap.

Certain products, including insect repellents and chemicals, will damage plastic surfaces. Do not allow these types of products to contact the vehicle.

The best and safest way to clean your POLARIS vehicle is with a gar- den hose and a pail of mild soap and water. 1. Use a professional-type washing cloth, cleaning the upper body first

and the lower parts last. 2. Rinse with clean water frequently. 3. Dry surfaces with a chamois to prevent water spots.

Washing Tips Avoid the use of harsh cleaners, which can scratch the finish. Do not use a power washer to clean the vehicle. Do not use medium to heavy duty compounds on the finish. Always use clean cloths and pads for cleaning and polishing. Old or

reused cloths and pads may contain dirt particles that will scratch the finish.


MAINTENANCE Cleaning and Storage Washing the Vehicle If a high pressure water system is used for cleaning (not recommended), exercise extreme caution. The water may damage components and could remove paint and decals. Avoid directing the water stream at the follow- ing items:

If an informational or graphic label becomes illegible or comes off, con- tact your POLARIS dealer to purchase a replacement. Replacement safety labels are provided by POLARIS at no charge. Grease all zerk fittings immediately after washing. Allow the engine to run for a while to evaporate any water that may have entered the engine or exhaust system.

Polishing the Vehicle POLARIS recommends the use of common household aerosol furniture polish for polishing the finish on your POLARIS vehicle. Follow the instructions on the container.

Polishing Tips Avoid the use of automotive products, some of which can scratch the

finish of your vehicle. Always use clean cloths and pads for cleaning and polishing. Old or

reused cloths and pads may contain dirt particles that will scratch the finish.

Wheel bearings Electrical components Radiator Switches and controls Transmission seals Fuel system components Cab and body panels Labels and decals


MAINTENANCE Cleaning and Storage Storage Tips NOTICE: Starting the engine during the storage period will disturb the

protective film created by fogging and damage could occur. Never start the engine during the storage period.

Clean the Exterior Make any necessary repairs and clean the vehicle as recommended. See page 116.

Stabilize the Fuel 1. Fill the fuel tank. 2. Add POLARIS Carbon Clean Fuel Treatment or POLARIS Fuel

Stabilizer. Follow the instructions on the container for the recom- mended amount. Carbon Clean removes water from fuel systems, stabilizes fuel and removes carbon deposits from pistons, rings, valves and exhaust systems.

3. Allow the engine to run for 15-20 minutes to allow the stabilizer to disperse through the entire fuel delivery system.

Oil and Filter Change the oil and filter. See page 76.

Air Filter / Air Box 1. Inspect and clean (or replace) the pre-cleaner and air filter. See page

95. 2. Clean the air box.

Fluid Levels Inspect the fluid levels. Add or change fluids as recommended in the Periodic Maintenance Chart beginning on page 70. Demand drive unit (front gearcase) ADC fluid (ADC models) (change every two years) Rear gearcase Transmission Brake fluid (change every two years and any time the fluid looks dark

or contaminated) Coolant (test strength/fill)


MAINTENANCE Cleaning and Storage Storage Tips Fog the Engine 1. After stabilizing the fuel, remove the spark plug and add 2-3 table-

spoons of engine oil. To access the plug hole, use a section of clear 1/4 hose and a small plastic squeeze bottle filled with the pre-mea- sured amount of oil.

2. Reinstall the spark plug. Torque to specification. 3. Apply dielectric grease to the inside of each spark plug cap and rein-

stall the caps onto the plugs. 4. Turn the engine over several timesusing electric start. Oil will be

forced in and around the piston rings and ring lands, coating the cyl- inder with a protective film of fresh oil.

5. If POLARIS fuel system additive is not used, the fuel tank, fuel lines, and injectors should be completely drained of gasoline.

Inspect and Lubricate Inspect all cables and lubricate all areas of the vehicle as recommended in the Periodic Maintenance Chart beginning on page 70.

Battery Storage See pages 110-111 for storage and charging procedures. Store the bat- tery in a cool, dry place.

Storage Area/Covers Set the tire pressure and safely support the vehicle with the tires slightly off the ground. Be sure the storage area is well ventilated. Cover the vehicle with a genuine POLARIS cover. Do not use plastic or coated materials. They do not allow enough ventilation to prevent condensa- tion, and may promote corrosion and oxidation.


MAINTENANCE Cleaning and Storage Accessories Auxiliary power outlets provide 12-volt power for operating accesso- ries. Accessory outlets are available for all models. POLARIS also has a wide range of additional accessories available for your vehicle. Always install accessories that are approved by POLARIS for your vehicle. Please see your POLARIS dealer.

Transporting the Vehicle Follow these procedures when transporting the vehicle. 1. Stop the engine. 2. Place the transmission in PARK. 3. Lock the parking brake. 4. Secure the fuel cap, oil cap and seats. 5. Always tie the frame of the vehicle to the transporting unit securely

with suitable straps or rope. Do not attach tie straps to the front A- arm bolt pockets, racks or handlebars.

6. Remove the key to prevent loss during transporting.



Possible Cause Solution

Driving onto a pickup or tall trailer in high range

Use low range during loading.

Starting out going up a steep incline

Use low range or turn around using the K-turn (see page 60).

Driving at low RPM or ground speed (3-7 MPH)

Drive at a higher speed or use low range more frequently. See page 108.

Insufficient warm-up at low ambient tempera- tures

Warm the engine at least 5 minutes. With the transmission in neutral, advance the throttle to about 1/8 throttle in short bursts, 5 to 7 times. The belt will become more flex- ible and prevent belt burning.

Slow/easy clutch engage- ment

Use the throttle quickly and effectively.

Towing/pushing at low RPM/low ground speed

Use low range only.

Utility use/plowing Use low range only.

Stuck in mud or snow Shift the transmission to low range and carefully use fast, aggressive throttle application to engage clutch.

WARNING! Excessive throttle may cause loss of control and vehicle overturn.

Climbing over large objects from a stopped position

Shift the transmission to low range and carefully use fast, brief, aggressive throttle application to engage clutch.

WARNING! Excessive throttle may cause loss of control and vehicle overturn.

Belt slippage from water or snow ingestion into the PVT system

Dry out the PVT. See page 108. Inspect clutch seals for damage if repeated leaking occurs.

Clutch malfunction See your POLARIS dealer.

Poor engine performance Check for fouled plugs or foreign material in gas tank or fuel lines. See your dealer.

Slippage from failure to warm up belt

Always warm up the belt by operating below 30 mph for one mile (5 miles or more when temperature is below freezing).

Wrong or missing belt Install the recommended belt.

Improper break-in Always break in a new belt and/or clutch. See page 49.


TROUBLESHOOTING Engine Doesn’t Turn Over

Engine Turns Over, Fails to Start

Engine Backfires

Possible Cause Solution

Low battery voltage Recharge the battery to 12.8 VDC

Loose battery connections Check all connections and tighten

Loose solenoid connections Check all connections and tighten

Possible Cause Solution

Out of fuel Refuel, cycle key to ON position three times for 5 seconds each, then start

Water is present in fuel Drain the fuel system and refuel

Old or non-recommended fuel Replace with fresh recommended fuel

Fouled or defective spark plug(s) Inspect plugs and replace if necessary

No spark to spark plug Inspect plugs, verify stop switch is on

Water or fuel in crankcase Immediately see your POLARIS dealer

Low battery voltage Recharge the battery to 12.8 VDC

Mechanical failure See your dealer

Possible Cause Solution

Weak spark from spark plug Inspect, clean and/or replace spark plug(s)

Incorrect spark plug gap or heat range Set gap to specs or replace plugs

Old or non-recommended fuel Replace with fresh recommended fuel

Incorrectly installed spark plug wires See your dealer

Incorrect ignition timing See your dealer

Mechanical failure See your dealer

Loose ignition connections Check all connections and tighten

Water present in fuel Replace with fresh recommended fuel

Leaking exhaust components See your dealer


TROUBLESHOOTING Engine Pings or Knocks

Engine Runs Irregularly, Stalls or Misfires

Possible Cause Solution

Poor quality or low octane fuel Replace with recommended fuel

Incorrect ignition timing See your dealer

Incorrect spark plug gap or heat range Set gap to specs or replace plugs

Possible Cause Solution

Fouled or defective spark plug(s) Inspect, clean and/or replace spark plugs

Worn or defective spark plug wires See your dealer

Incorrect spark plug gap or heat range Set gap to specs or replace plugs

Loose ignition connections Check all connections and tighten

Water present in fuel Replace with new fuel

Low battery voltage Recharge battery to 12.8 VDC

Kinked or plugged fuel tank vent line Inspect and replace

Incorrect fuel Replace with recommended fuel

Clogged air filter Inspect and clean or replace

Reverse speed limiter malfunction See your dealer

Electronic throttle control malfunction See your dealer

Other mechanical failure See your dealer

Possible Lean Fuel Cause Solution

Low or contaminated fuel Add or change fuel, clean the fuel system

Kinked or plugged fuel tank vent line Inspect and replace

Low octane fuel Replace with recommended fuel

Incorrect fuel Replace with recommended fuel

Possible Rich Fuel Cause Solution

Fuel is very high octane Replace with lower octane fuel

Stopping/starting without adequate warm-up

Allow engine to warm up before operat- ing and/or stopping

Incorrect fuel Replace with recommended fuel

Clogged air filter Inspect and clean or replace


TROUBLESHOOTING Engine Stops or Loses Power

Engine Overheating

Possible Cause Solution

Out of fuel Refuel, cycle key to ON position three times for 5 seconds each, then start

Kinked or plugged fuel vent line Inspect and replace

Water is present in fuel Replace with new fuel

Fouled or defective spark plug(s) Inspect, clean and/or replace spark plugs

Worn or defective spark plug wires See your dealer

Incorrect spark plug gap or heat range Set gap to specs or replace plug

Loose ignition connections Check all connections and tighten

Low battery voltage Recharge the battery to 12.8 VDC

Incorrect fuel Replace with fresh recommended fuel

Clogged air filter Inspect and clean or replace

Reverse speed limiter malfunction See your dealer

Electronic throttle control malfunction See your dealer

Other mechanical failure See your dealer

Overheated engine Clean radiator screen and core, clean engine exterior, see your dealer

Possible Cause Solution

Debris lodged in screen Clean the screen.

Plugged Radiator Use a garden hose to flush any debris from the radiator fins. NOTICE: High pressure washers can deform the radiator fins and reduce cooling efficiency.



Part Number


Engine Lubricant

2870791 Fogging Oil (12 oz./355 ml Aerosol)

2876244 PS-4 PLUS Performance Synthetic 2W-50 4-Cycle Oil (qt./.95 l)

2876245 PS-4 PLUS Performance Synthetic 2W-50 4-Cycle Oil (gal./3.8 l)

Gearcase / Transmission Lubricants

2878068 AGL PLUS Transmission Fluid (qt./.95 l)

2878069 AGL PLUS Transmission Fluid (gal./3.8 l)

2877922 Demand Drive Plus Fluid (qt./.95 l)

2877923 Demand Drive Plus Fluid (gal./3.8 l)

2871653 Premium ATV Angle Drive Fluid (8 oz./237 ml)

2872276 Premium ATV Angle Drive Fluid (2.5 gal./9.5 l)

2870465 Pump for Gallon (3.8 l) Jug


2871323 60/40 Coolant (gal./3.8 l)

2871534 60/40 Coolant (qt./.95 l)

Grease / Specialized Lubricants

2871312 Grease Gun Kit, Premium All Season

2871322 Premium All Season Grease (3 oz./89 ml cartridge)

2871423 Premium All Season Grease (14 oz./414 ml cartridge)

2871460 Starter Drive Grease

2871515 Premium U-Joint Lube (3 oz./89 ml cartridge)

2871551 Premium U-Joint Lube (14 oz./414 ml cartridge)

2871329 Dielectric Grease (NyogelTM)

Additives / Miscellaneous

2871326 Carbon Clean Plus

2870652 Fuel Stabilizer

2872189 DOT 4 Brake Fluid

2871956 LoctiteTM 565 Thread Sealant

2859044 POLARIS Battery TenderTM Charger



* Based on EU Directive 76/432/EC **A higher initial idle speed of 1800 RPM will occur for the first few minutes of operation.

SPORTSMAN 550 Touring Maximum Weight Capacity 735 lbs. (333 kg) (includes operator, passenger,

cargo, accessories)

Dry Weight 765 lbs. (347 kg)

Front Rack/Storage Box Capacity 120 lbs. (54 kg)

Rear Rack Capacity 240 lbs. (109 kg)

Hitch Tongue Weight 150 lbs. (68 kg) (Rear rack capacity and tongue weight not to exceed 240 lbs./109 kg)

Hitch Towing Rating 1500 lbs. (680 kg) on level ground

Unbraked Trailer Towing Capacity*

1995 lbs. (905 kg)

Overall Length 86.5 in. (219.7 cm)

Overall Width 47.6 in. (121 cm)

Overall Height 58.25 in. (148 cm)

Wheelbase 57 in. (145 cm)

Ground Clearance 11.6 in. (29.5 cm)

Minimum Turning Radius 96 in. (244 cm) unloaded

Fuel Capacity 5.25 gal. (20 l)

Engine Oil Capacity 2 qts. (1.9 l)

Coolant Capacity 2 qts. (1.9 l)

Demand Drive Fluid Capacity 9.3 oz. (275 ml)

Transmission Fluid Capacity 32 oz. (946 ml)

Rear Gearcase Fluid Capacity 7.1 oz. (210 ml)

Fuel System Visteon Electronic Fuel Injection

Fuel Delivery Electronic Fuel Pump (in tank)

Engine ES550PLE011

Displacement 549 cc

Bore x Stroke 96.6 x 75 mm

Alternator Output 490w @ 1350 RPM/Peak 630w

Compression Ratio 9.6:1

Starting System Electric

Ignition System Visteon EFI (ECU Controlled)

Ignition Timing 13 +/- 3 BTDC @ 1650 RPM

Idle RPM** 1750 +/- 50

Throttle Body/Size Mikuni/42 mm

Spark Plug / Gap NGK BKR6E / .035 in. (0.9 mm)




*EBS models require no helix/spring adjustment

SPORTSMAN 550 Touring Lubrication System Pressurized Wet Sump

Transmission Type Automatic PVT (POLARIS Variable Transmis- sion) In-Line H-L-N-R-P

Front Suspension Dual a-arm, 9″ (22.9 cm) travel

Rear Suspension Dual a-arm with Rolled IRS, 10″ (25.4 cm) travel

Gear Reduction, Low 5.034:1

Gear Reduction, Reverse 4.508:1

Gear Reduction, High 2.693:1

Drive Ratio, Front 3.818:1

Drive Ratio, Rear 3.7:1

Tire Size/Pressure, Front 26 x 8 — 14 / 7 psi (48.3 kPa)

Tire Size/Pressure, Rear 26 x 10 — 14 / 5 psi (34.5 kPa)

Brakes, Front/Rear Single-Control Hydraulic Disc, All-Wheel

Brake, Auxiliary Foot-Activated Hydraulic Disc, Rear Wheel

Brake, Parking Hydraulic lock, all wheel

Headlight 1 Single Beam on Headlight Pod (50 watt) 2 Single Beam on Bumper (50 watt)

Taillight 12v/7 watts

Brake Light 12v/27 watts

Instrumentation Digital/Analog

Altitude Shift Weight

Drive Clutch Spring

Driven Clutch Spring


Meters (Feet)

0-1800 (0-6000)

23-58 PN 1322911

Red/Black PN 7043500

Red/White PN 3235088

105-165 BA3 PN 3235092

1800-3700 (6000-12000)

23-54 PN 1322914

Red/Black PN 7043500

Red/White PN 3235088

105-165 BA3 PN 3235092



* Based on EU Directive 76/432/EC

SPORTSMAN 850 Touring Maximum Weight Capacity 735 lbs. (333 kg) (includes operator, passenger,

cargo, accessories)

Dry Weight 798 lbs. (362 kg)

Front Rack/Storage Box Capacity 120 lbs. (54 kg)

Rear Rack Capacity 240 lbs. (109 kg)

Hitch Tongue Weight 150 lbs. (55 kg) (Rear rack capacity and tongue weight not to exceed 240 lbs./55 kg)

Hitch Towing Rating 1500 lbs. (680 kg) on level ground

Unbraked Trailer Towing Capacity*

1995 lbs. (905 kg)

Overall Length 86.5 in. (219.7 cm)

Overall Width 47.6 in. (121 cm)

Overall Height 58.25 in. (148 cm)

Wheelbase 57 in. (145 cm)

Ground Clearance 11.6 in. (29.5 cm)

Minimum Turning Radius 96 in. (244 cm) unloaded

Fuel Capacity 5.25 gal. (20 l)

Engine Oil Capacity 2 qts. (1.9 l)

Coolant Capacity 2 qts. (1.9 l)

Demand Drive Fluid Capacity 9.3 oz. (275 ml)

Transmission Fluid Capacity 32 oz. (946 ml)

Rear Gearcase Fluid Capacity 7.1 oz. (210 ml)

Fuel System Bosch Multi-Port Sequential Electronic Fuel Injection

Fuel Delivery Electronic Fuel Pump (in tank)

Engine EH085OLE013

Displacement 850 cc

Bore x Stroke 87 x 71.5 mm

Alternator Output 475w @ 1200 RPM/Peak 630w

Compression Ratio 11.0:1

Starting System Electric

Ignition System Bosch EFI (ECU Controlled)

Ignition Timing 6 +/- 5 BTDC @ 1200 RPM

Idle RPM 1200 +/- 50

Throttle Body/Size Mikuni Dual Bore/40 mm

Spark Plug / Gap REA8MCX / .035 in. (0.9 mm)




*EBS models require no helix/spring adjustment

SPORTSMAN 850 Touring Lubrication System Pressurized Wet Sump

Transmission Type Automatic PVT (POLARIS Variable Transmis- sion) In-Line H-L-N-R-P

Front Suspension Dual a-arm, 9″ (22.9 cm) travel

Rear Suspension Dual a-arm with Rolled IRS, 10″ (25.4 cm) travel

Gear Reduction, Low 5.034:1

Gear Reduction, Reverse 4.508:1

Gear Reduction, High 2.367:1

Drive Ratio, Front 3.818:1

Drive Ratio, Rear 3.7:1

Tire Size/Pressure, Front 26 x 8 — 14 / 7 psi (48 kPa)

Tire Size/Pressure, Rear 26 x 10 — 14 / 5 psi (34.5 kPa)

Brakes, Front/Rear Single-Control Hydraulic Disc, All-Wheel

Brake, Auxiliary Foot-Activated Hydraulic Disc, Rear Wheel

Brake, Parking Hydraulic lock, all wheel

Headlight 1 Single Beam on Headlight Pod (50 watt) 2 Single Beam on Bumper (50 watt)

Taillight 12v/7 watts

Brake Light 12v/27 watts

Instrumentation Digital/Analog

Altitude Shift Weight

Drive Clutch Spring

Driven Clutch Spring


Meters (Feet)

0-1800 (0-6000)

24-68 PN5632418

Red/Green PN 7043382

Red/White PN 3235088

105-165 BA3 PN 3235092

1800-3700 (6000-12000)

24-63 PN 5632215

Red/White PN 7043349

Red/White PN 3235088

105-165 BA3 PN 3235092


DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY POLARIS Industries Inc., 2100 Hwy 55, Medina, MN 55340 U.S.A. Telephone 763-542-0500 April 22, 2010

We, POLARIS Industries Inc., declare that the vehicles listed below conform to the essential health and safety requirements applicable to off-road all-terrain vehicles.


APPLICABLE EUROPEAN DIRECTIVES TEST / EVALUATION METHODS 2006/42/EC as amended (Machinery Directive) EN 1050 hazard analysis

prEN 15997 driver-perceived noise level prEN 15997 vibration

2004/108/EC as amended (EMC Directive) CISPR 12:2009 CAN/CSA-C108.4-M92

EN 55012:2007 EN 61000-6-2:2005


___KA05__ / ___KA09__ OUTLAW 50 / 90 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 ___FA09__ SPORTSMAN 90 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 ___VA17__ RZR 170 2009, 2010, 2011 ___PB20__ PHOENIX 200 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 ___BA32__, ___NA32__ TRAIL BLAZER 330 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 ___CA32__, ___EA32__ TRAIL BOSS 330 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 ___BA50__, ___BG50__ SCRAMBLER 500 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 ___GJ45__ OUTLAW 450 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 ___GJ52__, ___GP52__ OUTLAW 525 / 525 S 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 ___LH46__ SPORTSMAN 400 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 ___MH50__ SPORTSMAN 500 HO 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 ___DH50__ SPORTSMAN 500 HO TOURING 2010, 2011 ___ZN55__ ___ZX55__ SPORTSMAN 550 EFI 2009, 2010, 2011 ___TN55__, ___TX55__ SPORTSMAN 550 X2 2010, 2011 ___DN55__, ___DX55__ SPORTSMAN 550 TOURING 2010, 2011 ___MN76__ SPORTSMAN 800 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 ___CL76__, ___CF76__ SPORTSMAN 800 6X6 2009, 2010, 2011 ___ZN85__, ___ZX85__ SPORTSMAN 850 EFI 2009, 2010, 2011 ___TN85__, ___TX85__ SPORTSMAN 850 X2 2010, 2011 ___DN85__, ___DX85__ SPORTSMAN 850 TOURING 2010, 2011 ___RH45__ RANGER 400 / 450 2010, 2011 ___RH50__ RANGER 500 4X4 2010, 2011 ___TH76__ RANGER 800 EFI 4X4 2010, 2011 ___WH50__ RANGER 500 CREW 2011 ___WH76__ RANGER 800 EFI CREW 2010, 2011 ___HR76__ RANGER 800 6X6 2010, 2011 ___HY76__, ___TY76__ RANGER HD 800 4X4 2010, 2011 ___TH90__ RANGER DIESEL 2011 ___WH90__ RANGER DIESEL CREW 2011 ___VH76__, ___VY76__ RANGER RZR / RZR S 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 ___XH76__ RANGER RZR 4 2011

European Community Person Authorized to Compile the Technical File:

Ross Clifford, General Manager POLARIS Britain Ltd Forge Mills Park, Station Road Coleshill, Warwickshire B46 1HT

Authorized Manufacturer Signatory Empowered to Draw up the EC Declaration of Conformity:

Lawrence E. Keller, Product Compliance Manager 7290 East Viking Blvd. Wyoming, MN 55092


WARRANTY LIMITED WARRANTY POLARIS Industries Inc., 2100 Highway 55, Medina, MN 55340, gives a SIX MONTH LIMITED WARRANTY on all components of the POLARIS vehicle against defects in material or workmanship. This warranty covers the parts and labor charges for repair or replacement of defective parts which are covered by this warranty. This warranty begins on the date of purchase. This warranty is transferable to another consumer during the warranty period through a POLARIS dealer.

REGISTRATION At the time of sale, the Warranty Registration Form must be completed by your dealer and submitted to POLARIS within ten days. Upon receipt of this registration, POLARIS will record the registration for warranty. No verification of registration will be sent to the purchaser as the copy of the Warranty Registration Form will be the warranty entitle- ment. If you have not signed the original registration and received the customer copy, please contact your dealer immediately. NO WARRANTY COVERAGE WILL BE ALLOWED UNLESS YOUR VEHICLE IS REGISTERED WITH POLARIS. Initial dealer preparation and set-up of your vehicle is very important in ensuring trou- ble-free operation. Purchasing a machine in the crate or without proper dealer set-up will void your warranty coverage.


WARRANTY WARRANTY COVERAGE AND EXCLUSIONS: LIMITATIONS OF WARRANTIES AND REMEDIES The POLARIS limited warranty excludes any failures that are not caused by a defect in material or workmanship. This warranty does not cover accidental damage, normal wear and tear, abuse or improper handling. This warranty also does not cover any vehicle that has been altered structurally, modified, neglected, improperly maintained, used for rac- ing, or used for purposes other than for which it was manufactured, or for any damages which occur during trailer transit or as a result of unauthorized service or the use of unauthorized parts. In addition, this warranty does not cover physical damage to paint or finish, stress cracks, tearing or puncturing of upholstery material, corrosion, or defects in parts, components or the vehicle due to fire, explosions or any other cause beyond POLARIS’ control.

Warranty does not apply to parts exposed to friction surfaces, stresses, environmental conditions and/or contamination for which they were not designed or not intended, including but not limited to the following items:

Warranty applies to the product only and does not allow for coverage of personal loss. Some items are considered «consumable,» meaning they are considered part of normal maintenance or part of completing an effective repair. The following items are excluded from warranty coverage in the event of a warranty claim:

Wheels and tires Finished and unfinished surfaces Suspension components Carburetor/Throttle body components Brake components Engine components Seat components Drive belts Clutches and components Hydraulic components Steering components Circuit breakers/Fuses Batteries Electronic components Light bulbs/Sealed beam lamps

Spark Plugs Lubricants such as oil, grease, etc. Filters Batteries (unless defective) Fuel Cosmetic damage/repair Sealants Coolants Hotel fees Meals Towing charges Shipping/ handling fees Mileage Product pick-up/delivery Rentals/Loss of product use Loss of vacation/personal time


WARRANTY LIMITATIONS OF WARRANTIES AND REMEDIES This warranty also excludes failures resulting from improper lubrication; improper engine timing; improper fuel; surface imperfections caused by external stress, heat, cold or contamination; operator error or abuse; improper component alignment, tension, adjustment or altitude compensation; failure due to snow, water, dirt or other foreign substance ingestion/contamination; improper maintenance; modified components; use of aftermarket components resulting in failure; unauthorized repairs; repairs made after the warranty period expires or by an unauthorized repair center; use of the product in competition or for commercial purposes. Warranty will not apply to any product which has been damaged by abuse, accident, fire or any other casualty not determined a defect of materials or workmanship.

This warranty does not cover the use of unauthorized lubricants, chemicals, or fuels that are not compatible with the vehicle. The exclusive remedy for breach of this warranty shall be, at POLARIS’ exclusive option, repair or replacement of any defective materi- als, or components or products. THE REMEDIES SET FORTH IN THIS WARRANTY ARE THE ONLY REMEDIES AVAILABLE TO ANY PERSON FOR BREACH OF THIS WARRANTY. POLARIS SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY TO ANY PERSON FOR INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR SPECIAL DAMAGES OF ANY DESCRIPTION, WHETHER ARISING OUT OF EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WAR- RANTY OR ANY OTHER CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE, OR OTHER TORT OR OTHERWISE. THIS EXCLUSION OF CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, AND SPECIAL DAMAGES IS INDEPENDENT FROM AND SHALL SURVIVE ANY FINDING THAT THE EXCLUSIVE REMEDY FAILED OF ITS ESSENTIAL PUR- POSE. Some states do not permit the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequen- tial damages or implied warranties, so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you if inconsistent with controlling state law.



HOW TO OBTAIN WARRANTY SERVICE If your vehicle requires warranty service, you must take it to a POLARIS dealer autho- rized to repair POLARIS vehicles. When requesting warranty service you must present your copy of the Warranty Registration form to the dealer. (THE COST OF TRANS- PORTATION TO AND FROM THE DEALER IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY). POLARIS suggests that you use your original selling dealer; however, you may use any POLARIS Servicing Dealer to perform warranty service. Please work with your dealer to resolve any warranty issues. Should your dealer require any additional assistance they will contact the appropriate person at POLARIS. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. If any of the above terms are void because of state or federal law, all other warranty terms will remain in effect.


MAINTENANCE LOG Present this section of your manual to your dealer each time your vehicle is serviced. This will provide you and future owners with an accurate log of maintenance and ser- vices performed.











4X4 Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21, 33

A Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 Active Descent Control Fluid . . . 81-82 Active Descent Control System . . . . 35 ADC System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Age Restrictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Air Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 All Wheel Drive System . . . . . . . 33-34 Auxiliary Foot Brake . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

B Battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109-112

Charging . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111-112 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110

Belt Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Beverage Holders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Boots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Box, Front . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Brake Fluid, Auxiliary Foot Brake . . 28 Brake Fluid, Main Brake System . . . 26 Brake Lever. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Brake, Foot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28, 87 Brake, Hand Lever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Brake, Parking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Brakelight Lamp Replacement . . . . 101 Brakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Break-In Period. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48-49

C Camber Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Cargo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67-68 Cargo Loading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Caster Adjustment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Check Engine Indicator . . . . . . . . . . 43 Cleaning and Storage . . . . . . . 116-120 Clothing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Clutching (550) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 Clutching (850) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129

C Cold Weather Operation . . . . . . . . . . 52 Coolant Bottle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Coolant, Radiator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Cooling System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84-86

D Demand Drive Fluid . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Diagnostic Codes (550) . . . . . . . 44-45 Diagnostic Codes (850) . . . . . . . 46-47 Disengaging Active Descent Control 35 Display Units, Standard/Metric . . . . 40 Drink Holders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Drive Belt Wear/Burn. . . . . . . . . . . 121 Drivetrain Break-In. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Driving Downhill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Driving in Reverse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Driving on a Sidehill. . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Driving on Slippery Surfaces . . . . . . 56 Driving Over Obstacles . . . . . . . . . . 63 Driving Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Driving Through Water . . . . . . . . . . 62 Driving Uphill. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Driving with a Passenger . . . . . . . . . 55

E Electromagnetic Interference . . . . . . 69 Electronic Power Steering . . . . . . . . 30 Electronic Throttle Control. . . . . . . . 24 Engaging 4X4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Engaging Active Descent Control . . 35 Engine Break-In . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Engine Fogging. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 Engine Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75-77 Engine Stop Switch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 EPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Equipment Modifications . . . . . . . . . . 7 Error Codes, Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Exhaust Emission Control System . . 69 Eye Protection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17



Fluid Active Descent Control . . . . 81-82 Brake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Demand Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Engine Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75-77 Front Gearcase . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Rear Gearcase Oil . . . . . . . . . . 83 Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . 78-79

Fluid Change Active Descent Control . . . . . . 82 Demand Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Engine Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76-77 Rear Gearcase . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

Fluid Level Active Descent Control . . . . . . 81 Brake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Brake (Auxiliary). . . . . . . . . . . 28 Brake Fluid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Coolant (Bottle) . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Coolant (Radiator) . . . . . . . . . . 86 Demand Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Engine Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Rear Gearcase . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

Foot Brake, Auxiliary . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Footwell Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 Front Box. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Front Gearcase Fluid . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Fuel Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . 31 Fuel Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Fuel Tank Cap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Fuse Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96

G Gasoline Handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Gauge, Code Definitions . . . . . . . 44-47 Gauge, Digital/Analog. . . . . . . . . 36-43 Gear Selector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Gearcase Oil, Front . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Gearcase Oil, Rear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Gloves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

H Hand Brake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Handlebar Adjustment. . . . . . . . . . . 113 Hauling Cargo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66-68 Hazard Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Headlight Housing Replacement . . . 100 Headlight Lamp Replacement . . . . . . 97 Headlight Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Helmet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 High Beam Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . 98 High Range Use. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 Horn Switch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Hub Tightening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93

I Idle RPM Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Immersion Maintenance . . . . . . . . . 104 Indicator Lamps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Instrument Cluster . . . . . . . . . . . . 36-47

K Key Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 K-Turn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60-61

L Lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97-101

Headlight Housing. . . . . . . . . . 100 Headlight Lamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 High Beam Adjustment . . . . . . . 98 Low Beam Adjustment . . . . . . . 99 Lower Headlamp Replacement 101 Taillight/Brakelight/Worklight 101 Turn Signal Replacement . . . . 101

Low Beam Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . 99 Low Range Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 Lower Headlamp Replacement . . . . 101 Lubrication Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

M Maintenance Chart. . . . . . . . . . . . 70-73 Master Cylinder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Metric Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Mirrors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Modifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Momentary High-Beam Switch . . . . 22



Noise Emission Control System . . . . 69

O Oil

Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75-77 Rear Gearcase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Transmission. . . . . . . . . . . . 78-79

Oil and Filter Change . . . . . . . . . 76-77 Oil Change

Rear Gearcase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

Oil Level Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Rear Gearcase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

Oil Recommendations. . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Override Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

P Parking Brake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Parking on an Incline . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Passenger Seat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Periodic Maintenance Chart . . . . 70-73 Polaris Product List. . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 Polishing the Vehicle . . . . . . . . . . . 117 Power Steering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Power Steering Unit (Cleaning) . . . . 84 Pre-Ride Checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 PVT Break-In . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 PVT Drying. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 PVT System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106-108

R Rear Gearcase Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Reverse Operation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Rider Information Center . . . . . . 38-43 Rider Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-15 Riding Gear. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-17

S Safe Operation Practices. . . . . . . . . . 51 Safety Labels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-20 Safety Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Seat Backrest, Passenger . . . . . . . . . 89 Seat Removal, Operator . . . . . . . . . . 90 Seat Removal, Passenger . . . . . . . . . 89 Seat Suspension, Passenger . . . . . . . 90 Seats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89-90 Severe Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Side Panel Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 Sidehilling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Signal Words . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Spark Arrestor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 Spark Arrestor Requirements . . . . . . 69 Spark Plug Inspection . . . . . . . 102-103 Spark Plug Recommendations . . . . 102 Spark Plug Torque Specification . . 102 Spark Plugs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102-103 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126-129 Speedometer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Spring Adjustment, Rear Shock . . . 113 Starting the Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Steering Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Steering Lock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Stop Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116-120 Storage Box, Front . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Storage Tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118-119 Suspension, Passenger Seat . . . . . . . 90 Switches

4X4 Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21, 33 Engine Stop Switch. . . . . . . . . . 22 Hazard Switch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Headlight Switch . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Horn Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Main Key Switch . . . . . . . . . . . 21 MODE Button. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Momentary High-Beam Switch 22 Override Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Turn Signal Switch . . . . . . . . . . 22



Taillight Lamp Replacement . . . . . 101 Throttle Body Adjustment . . . . . . . 114 Throttle Cable Freeplay . . . . . . 114-115 Throttle Lever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Tire Tread Depth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Tires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92-94

Wheel Installation . . . . . . . . . . 94 Wheel Nut Torque . . . . . . . . . . 94 Wheel Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . 93

Toe Alignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Towing Capacities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Towing Loads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Training, Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Transmission Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78-79 Transporting the Vehicle . . . . . . . . 120 Turn Signal Replacement . . . . . . . 101 Turn Signal Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Turning Around on a Hill . . . . . . 60-61 Turning the Vehicle . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

V Vehicle Identification Numbers. . . . . . 5 Vehicle Immersion . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 VIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

W Warning Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Washing the Vehicle . . . . . . . . 116-117 Wheel Installa

Manualsnet FAQs

If you want to find out how the 550 Touring International Polaris works, you can view and download the Polaris 550 Touring International, 850 Owner’s Manual v2 on the Manualsnet website.

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The Owner’s Manual should include all the details that are needed to use a Polaris 550 Touring International. Full manuals and user guide PDFs can be downloaded from Manualsnet.com.

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Table of Contents for Polaris Sportsman 550 Touring EPS:

  • 152 INDEX F Fluid Active Descent Control . . . . . . 88 ADC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88-89 Brake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Demand Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Engine Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81-83 Front Gearcase. . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Rear Gearcase Oil . . . . . . . . . . 87 Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . 84-85 Fluid Change ADC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 Demand Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Engine Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82-83 Rear Gearcase . . .

  • 80 MAINTENANCE Lubrication Guide Check and lubricate all components at the intervals outlined in the Peri- odic Maintenance Chart beginning on page 76. Items not listed in the chart should be lubricated at the General Lubrication interval. The a-arms and upper control arms are lubricated at the factory, and no additional lubrication will be needed. However, if these components are subjected to severe use, grease zerks have been provided for additional lubrication at the user’s discretion. Item Recommend

  • 126 MAINTENANCE Cleaning and Storage Chrome Wheel Care (if equipped) Proper maintenance will protect chrome wheels from corrosion, pre- serve wheel life and ensure a “like new” appearance for many years. Chrome wheels exposed to road salt (or salt in the air in coastal areas) are more susceptible to corrosion if not properly cleaned. Clean chrome wheels more often if they’re exposed to salt or other corrosive elements. 1. Wash chrome wheels freq

  • 112 MAINTENANCE PVT System Failure to comply with the instructions in this warning can result in severe injury or death. Do not modify any component of the PVT system. Doing so may reduce its strength so that a failure may occur at a high speed. The PVT system has been precision balanced. Any modification will cause the system to be out of balance, creating vibration and additional loads on components. The

  • 12 SAFETY Safety Warnings Protective Apparel Riding in this vehicle without wearing an approved helmet and protective eyewear increases the risk of a serious injuries in the event of an accident. Operator and passenger must always wear an approved helmet that fits properly and eye protection (goggles or face shield). Carrying a Passenger Do not carry a passenger until you have at least two hours of driving experience with this vehicle. Carrying More Than One Passenger Carrying more than one passenger greatly reduces the operator&a

  • 103 MAINTENANCE Lights Poor lighting can result in reduced visibility when driving. Headlight and taillight lenses become dirty during normal operation. Clean head- lights frequently and replace burned out headlamps promptly. Always make sure lights are adjusted properly for best visibility. Headlight Lamp Replacement When servicing a halogen lamp, avoid touching the lamp with bare fin- gers. Oil from your skin leaves a residue, causing a hot spot that will shorten the

  • 138 SPECIFICATIONS * Based on EU Directive 76/432/EC SPORTSMAN 850 Touring EPS Maximum Weight Capacity 735 lbs. (333 kg) (includes operator, passenger, cargo, accessories) Dry Weight 798 lbs. (362 kg) Front Rack/Storage Box Capacity 120 lbs. (54 kg) Rear Rack Capacity 240 lbs. (109 kg) Hitch Tongue Weight 150 lbs. (55 kg) (Rear rack capacity and tongue weight not to exceed 240 lbs./55 kg) Hitch Towing Rating 1500 lbs. (680 kg) on level ground Unbraked Trailer Towing Capacity* 1995 lbs. (905 kg) Overall L

  • 120 MAINTENANCE Battery Battery Charging (Sealed Battery) Always verify battery condition before and 1-2 hours after the end of charging. State of Charge Voltage Action Charge Time (Using constant current charger @ standard amps specified on top of battery) 100% 12.8-13.0 volts None, check at 3 mos. from date of manufacture None required 75%-100% 12.5-12.8 volts May need slight charge, if no charge given, check in 3 months 3-6 hours 50%-75% 12.0-12.5 volts Needs charge 5-11 hour

  • 147 WARRANTY U.S.A. EPA Emissions Limited Warranty This emissions limited warranty is in addition to the Polaris standard limited warranty for your vehicle. Polaris Industries Inc. warrants that at the time it is first purchased, this emissions-certified vehicle is designed, built and equipped so it conforms with applica- ble U.S. Environmental Protection Agency emiss

  • 54 OPERATION Pre-Ride Checklist Failure to inspect and verify that the ATV is in safe operating condition before operating increases the risk of an accident. Always inspect the ATV before each use to make sure it’s in safe operating condition. Item Remarks Page Passenger seat latch Ensure latch is secure 34 Brake system/lever travel Ensure proper operation 29 93 Brake f

  • 41 FEATURES AND CONTROLS Instrument Cluster Rider Information Center The rider information center is located in the instrument cluster. All seg- ments will light up for one second at start-up. If the instrument cluster fails to illuminate, a battery over-voltage may have occurred and the instrument cluster may have shut off to protect the electronic speedome- ter. If this occurs, take the ATV to your Polaris dealer for proper diagno- sis. The information center is set to display standard units of measurement and


  • 68 OPERATION Driving Through Water Your ATV can operate through water with a maximum recommended depth equal to the bottom of the footrests. Follow these procedures when operating through water: 1. Determine water depths and current before entering water. 2. Choose a crossing where both banks have gradual inclines. 3. Avoid operating through deep or fas

  • 115 MAINTENANCE Battery Improperly connecting or disconnecting battery cables can result in an explosion and cause serious injury or death. When removing the battery, always disconnect the negative (black) cable first. When reinstalling the battery, always connect the negative (black) cable last. Battery electrolyte is poisonous. It contains sulfuric acid. Serious burns can result from contact with skin, eyes or clothing. Antidote: External: Flus

  • 56 OPERATION Know Your Riding Area/Tread Lightly Familiarize yourself with all laws and regulations concerning the opera- tion of this off-road vehicle in your area. Respect the environment in which you ride. Find out where the designated riding areas are by con- tacting your Polaris dealer, a local riding club or local officials. Help keep our trails open for recreational vehicle use. As an off-road enthusiast, you represent the sport an

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Polaris Sportsman 550 Touring EPS Owner's Manual

  • Contents

  • Table of Contents

  • Troubleshooting

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Summary of Contents for Polaris Sportsman 550 Touring EPS

  • Page 2
    WARNING The engine exhaust from this product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm. A card containing important ATV safety information should be attached to the owner’s manual on the next page. If you cannot locate this card, or if it has been removed, please call 1-800- 342-3764 for assistance.
  • Page 3
    The text is printed on 100% recycled with 40% post-consumer waste (PCW).
  • Page 4
    NEVER CARRY NEVER USE MORE THAN WITH DRUGS 1 PASSENGER OR ALCOHOL For your nearest Polaris dealer, call 1-800-POLARIS or visit www.polarisindustries.com Polaris Sales Inc., 2100 Hwy 55 Medina, MN 55340 Phone 1-888-704-5290 Part No. 9922090 Rev 02 Printed in USA…
  • Page 5
    ® • Victory Motorcycles ® We believe Polaris sets a standard of excellence for all utility and recre- ational vehicles manufactured in the world today. Many years of experi- ence have gone into the engineering, design, and development of your Polaris vehicle, making it the finest machine we’ve ever produced.
  • Page 6
    POLARIS, THE WAY OUT and SPORTSMAN are registered trademarks of Polaris Industries Inc. Copyright 2009 Polaris Sales Inc. All information contained within this publication is based on the latest product information at the time of publication. Due to constant improvements in the design and quality of production components, some minor discrep- ancies may result between the actual vehicle and the information presented in this publi- cation.
  • Page 7: Table Of Contents

    Troubleshooting ….. . . 131 Polaris Products….. . . 135 Specifications .

  • Page 8: Introduction

    The following signal words and symbols appear throughout this manual and on your vehicle. Your safety is involved when these words and sym- bols are used. Become familiar with their meanings before reading the manual. The safety alert symbol indicates a potential personal injury hazard. WARNING A WARNING indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in death or serious injury.

  • Page 9: Safety

    Failure to heed the warnings and safety precautions contained in this manual can result in severe injury or death. A Polaris ATV is not a toy and can be hazardous to operate. This vehicle handles differently than other vehicles, such as motorcycles and cars.

  • Page 10: Vehicle Identification Numbers

    Record your vehicle’s identification numbers and key number in the spaces provided. Remove the spare key and store it in a safe place. An ignition key can be duplicated only by ordering a Polaris key blank (using your key number) and mating it with one of your existing keys.

  • Page 11: Safety

    You should review this information on a regular basis. If you purchased a used Polaris ATV in the United States, you can enroll in the ATV RiderCourse for a fee. Call ATV Enrollment Express at (800) 887-2887 or visit www.atvsafety.org.

  • Page 12: Safe Riding Gear

    Boots Helmet Wearing a helmet can prevent a severe head injury. Whenever riding a Polaris vehicle, always wear a helmet that meets or exceeds established safety standards. Approved helmets in the USA and Canada bear a U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) label.

  • Page 13: Eye Protection

    Eye Protection Do not depend on eyeglasses or sunglasses for eye protection. When- ever riding a Polaris vehicle, always wear shatterproof goggles or use a shatterproof helmet face shield. Polaris recommends wearing approved Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) bearing markings such as VESC 8, V-8, Z87.1, or CE.

  • Page 14: Safety Warnings

    SAFETY Safety Warnings WARNING Failure to operate the ATV properly can result in a collision, loss of control, accident or overturn, which may result in serious injury or death. Heed all safety warnings outlined in this section of the owner’s manual. See the OPERATION section of the owner’s manual for proper operating procedures.

  • Page 15: Handling Gasoline

    Safety Warnings Handling Gasoline Gasoline is highly flammable and explosive under certain conditions. • Always exercise extreme caution whenever handling gasoline. • Always refuel with the engine stopped, and outdoors or in a well ventilated area. • Do not smoke or allow open flames or sparks in or near the area where refueling is performed or where gasoline is stored.

  • Page 16: Protective Apparel

    SAFETY Safety Warnings Protective Apparel Riding in this vehicle without wearing an approved helmet and protective eyewear increases the risk of a serious injuries in the event of an accident. Operator and passenger must always wear an approved helmet that fits properly and eye protection (goggles or face shield).

  • Page 17: Operating On Pavement

    SAFETY Safety Warnings Operating on Pavement Operating an ATV on paved surfaces (including sidewalks, paths, parking lots and driveways) may adversely affect the handling of the ATV and could result in loss of control and accident or overturn. Avoid operating the ATV on pavement. ATV tires are designed for off-road use.

  • Page 18: Physical Control Of The Atv

    SAFETY Safety Warnings Physical Control of the ATV Removing even one hand or foot can reduce ability to control the vehicle or could cause loss of balance and ejection from the ATV. If a person’s feet are not firmly planted on the footrests, they could come into contact with the wheels or other moving parts and lead to accident or injury.

  • Page 19: Improper Hill Climbing

    Safety Warnings Improper Hill Climbing Improper hill climbing could cause loss of control or overturn. Always follow proper procedures for climbing hills as described in the owner’s manual. See page 63. Always move the 4X4 switch to ADC 4X4 before ascending or descending a hill. Descending Hills Improperly Improperly descending a hill could cause loss of control or overturn.

  • Page 20: Stalling While Climbing A Hill

    SAFETY Safety Warnings Stalling While Climbing a Hill Stalling, rolling backwards or improperly dismounting while climbing a hill could cause an overturn. • Always maintain a steady speed when climbing a hill. • Always move the 4X4 switch to ADC 4X4 before ascending or descending a hill.

  • Page 21: Operating On Slippery Terrain

    SAFETY Safety Warnings Operating on Slippery Terrain Failure to use extra caution when operating on excessively rough, slippery or loose terrain could cause loss of traction, loss of control, accident or overturn. Do not operate on excessively rough, slippery or loose terrain until you’ve learned and practiced the skills necessary to control the ATV on such terrain.

  • Page 22: Skidding Or Sliding

    SAFETY Safety Warnings Improper Tire Maintenance Operating this ATV with improper tires or with improper or uneven tire pressure could cause loss of control or accident. Always use the size and type of tires specified for your ATV. Always maintain proper tire pressure as described in the owner’s manual and on safety labels.

  • Page 23: Improper Cargo Loading

    Safety Warnings Operating Through Deep Water Operating the ATV through deep or fast- flowing water could cause the tires to float, causing loss of control or overturn. Avoid operating the ATV through deep or fast-flowing water. If it’s unavoidable to enter water that exceeds the recommended maximum depth (see page 68):…

  • Page 24: Poor Visibility

    SAFETY Safety Warnings Operating on Frozen Bodies of Water Operating on frozen bodies of water may result in serious injury or death if the ATV and/or riders fall through the ice. Never operate the ATV on a frozen body of water.

  • Page 25: Operating A Damaged Atv

    SAFETY Safety Warnings Operating a Damaged ATV Operating a damaged ATV can result in an accident. After any overturn or accident, have a qualified service dealer inspect the entire machine for possible damage, including (but not limited to) brakes, throttle and steering systems. Physical Skills Safe operation of this rider-active vehicle requires good judgement and physical skills.

  • Page 26: Age 16 Warning

    If an informational or graphic label becomes illegible or comes off, con- tact your Polaris dealer to purchase a replacement. Replacement safety labels are provided by Polaris at no charge. The part number is printed on the label. Reverse Override Warning/AWD Caution…

  • Page 27: General Warning


  • Page 28: Tire Pressure/Load Warning

    Safety Labels and Locations Passenger Warning/Discretionary Warning WARNING PASSENGER SAFETY To reduce the risk of SEVERE INJURY or DEATH NEVER CARRY MORE THAN ONE PASSENGER NEVER RIDE AFTER USING DRUGS OR ALCOHOL NEVER carry a passenger too small to firmly plant feet on footrests and securely grasp hand holds.

  • Page 29: Clutch Cover Warning

    Safety Labels and Locations Rack/Box Warning Rack/Box Warning WARNING • DO NOT TOW FROM RACK OR BUMPER. Vehicle damage or tipover may result causing severe injury or death. Tow only from tow hooks or hitch. • Maximum Rack Loads: Front 120 lbs. (54 kg) Rear 240 lbs. (109 kg) Clutch Cover Warning WARNING •…

  • Page 30: Features And Controls

    FEATURES AND CONTROLS Switches Headlight Switch Switch Mode/Reverse Override Switch Main Key Engine Switch Stop Switch Mode/Reverse Override Switch This vehicle is equipped with a reverse speed limiter system.To gain additional wheel speed while backing, depress the override switch. WARNING! Pressing the override button while the throttle is open can cause loss of control, which may result in serious injury or death.

  • Page 31: Engine Stop Switch

    FEATURES AND CONTROLS Switches Engine Stop Switch Move the stop switch either left or right to the OFF position to stop the engine quickly. Move the stop switch to the RUN position before attempt- ing to start the engine. The engine will not start or run when the switch is off.

  • Page 32: Operation

    The throttle lever is spring loaded. Engine speed returns to idle when the lever is released. This ATV is equipped with Polaris Electronic Throttle Con- trol (ETC), which is designed to reduce the risk of a frozen or stuck throttle.

  • Page 33: Brake Lever

    FEATURES AND CONTROLS Brake Lever WARNING Operating the ATV with a spongy brake lever can result in loss of braking, which could cause an accident. Never operate the ATV with a spongy-feeling brake lever. Always contact your dealer for service before operating the vehicle. Squeeze the brake lever toward the handlebar to apply the front and rear brakes.

  • Page 34
    FEATURES AND CONTROLS Master Cylinder/Brake Fluid WARNING An over-full master cylinder may cause brake drag or brake lock-up, which could result in an accident. Maintain brake fluid at the recommended level. Do not overfill. Never store or use a partial bottle of brake fluid. Brake fluid is hygroscopic, meaning it rapidly absorbs moisture from the air.
  • Page 35: Parking Brake

    Parking Brake Locking the Parking Brake 1. Place the transmission in PARK. 2. Squeeze and release the brake lever two or three times, then squeeze and hold. 3. Push the parking brake lock forward to engage the lock. 4. Release the brake lever. 5.

  • Page 36
    FEATURES AND CONTROLS Auxiliary Foot Brake WARNING Aggressively applying the auxiliary brake when backing down a hill may cause rear tipover, which could result in serious injury or death. Never back down a hill. Use caution when applying the auxiliary brake. Do not aggressively apply the auxiliary brake when going forward.
  • Page 37
    FEATURES AND CONTROLS Automatic Transmission Gear Selector The transmission gear Gear selector is located on the Selector right side of the vehicle. H: High Gear L: Low Gear N: Neutral R: Reverse P: Park To shift gears, brake to a complete stop.
  • Page 38: Passenger Seat

    Test the seat latch by attempting to pull the seat upward. If the lock-out is not working properly, do not allow a passenger to ride the vehicle. See your Polaris dealer for ser- vice. See pages 95-96 for passenger seat adjustment procedures.

  • Page 39: Fuel Tank

    FEATURES AND CONTROLS Fuel Tank Always refuel with the engine Fuel Tank stopped, and outdoors or in a well ventilated area. Refuel on a level surface. Remove the fuel tank cap and add fuel. Use either leaded or unleaded gasoline with a minimum pump octane number of 87=(R+ M/2) octane.

  • Page 40
    FEATURES AND CONTROLS Front Storage Box Open the front storage box to access the under-compartment area. 1. Release the front box cover latches and lift the cover. 2. Release the plunger latches that secure the box to the frame. 3. Close the cover and lift the unlatched edge of the box to disengage the plungers.
  • Page 41: All Wheel Drive System

    FEATURES AND CONTROLS All Wheel Drive System The All Wheel Drive system is ADC 4X4 controlled by the 4X4 switch. ADC 4X4 Mode When the switch is on ADC 4X4, the ADC system allows engine braking to all four wheels when the vehicle descends a hill or incline.

  • Page 42: Engaging 4X

    FEATURES AND CONTROLS All Wheel Drive System Engaging 4X4 The 4X4 switch may be turned on or off while the vehicle is moving. Initially, the vehicle’s electronic system will not enable 4X4 until the engine RPM is below 3100. Once enabled, 4X4 remains enabled until the 4X4 switch is turned off.

  • Page 43: Engaging Active Descent Control

    FEATURES AND CONTROLS Active Descent Control (ADC) System The ADC system allows engine braking to all four wheels when the vehicle descends a hill or incline. Always move the 4X4 switch to ADC 4X4 before ascending or descending a hill. Engaging Active Descent Control The ADC system will automatically engage when all four of the follow- ing conditions occur:…

  • Page 44: Instrument Cluster

    Instrument Cluster Your ATV is equipped with an instrument cluster that senses vehicle speed from a gear in the transmission. The instrument cluster measures distance in miles/kilometers as well as hours of operation. In addition to showing vehicle speed, the instrument cluster also dis- plays the following items: engine speed, odometer, resettable trip meters (2), total engine hours of operation, service interval timer and indicator, gear position, fuel level, AWD status, EPS status (if equipped), high…

  • Page 45: Rider Information Center

    If this occurs, take the ATV to your Polaris dealer for proper diagno- sis. The information center is set to display standard units of measurement and a 12-hour clock at the factory.

  • Page 46
    12. EPS Warning Indicator — This indicator illuminates when the key is turned to the ON position and goes off when the engine is started. If the light remains on after starting the engine, the EPS system is inoperative. See your authorized Polaris dealer for service.
  • Page 47
    Instrument Cluster Rider Information Center Speed Display Area Use the MODE button to toggle through the speed display options. MODE button operation is locked out at speeds above approximately 15 MPH (25 km/h). Tip: The reverse override button also acts as a MODE button when held down for approximately one half second.
  • Page 48: Standard/Metric Display

    Instrument Cluster Rider Information Center Information Display Area Use the SELECT button (SEL) to toggle through the information area options. SELECT button operation is locked out at speeds above approximately 15 MPH (25 km/h). Tip: The reverse override button also acts as the SELECT button when pressed and released quickly.

  • Page 49: Information Display Area

    FEATURES AND CONTROLS Instrument Cluster Rider Information Center Information Display Area Odometer Mode The odometer records and displays the distance traveled by the ATV. Trip Meter Mode The trip meters record the distance traveled by the ATV on each trip if reset before each trip.

  • Page 50
    FEATURES AND CONTROLS Instrument Cluster Rider Information Center Information Display Area Programmable Service Interval When the hours of engine operation equal the programmed service interval setting, the wrench icon will flash for 5 seconds each time the engine is started. When this feature is enabled, it provides a convenient reminder to perform routine maintenance.
  • Page 51
    Diagnostic Display Mode The EFI diagnostic display mode is for informational purposes only. Please see your Polaris dealer for all major repairs. The diagnostic mode is accessible only when the check engine warning indicator activates after the key has been turned on. Leave the key on if you want to view the active code (failure code).
  • Page 52
    Short-to-Battery: The wire leading from the item listed in the chart to the electronic control unit is shorted to a wire at battery voltage. SPORTSMAN 550 Touring EPS Diagnostic Codes Component Throttle Position Sensor…
  • Page 53
    Instrument Cluster Rider Information Center SPORTSMAN 550 Touring EPS Diagnostic Codes Component Idle Air Control Starter Enable Circuit All Wheel Drive Control System Power Throttle Safety Signal Active Descent Control System Steering Over Current Shut Down Steering Excessive Current Error…
  • Page 54
    FEATURES AND CONTROLS Instrument Cluster Rider Information Center SPORTSMAN 850 Touring EPS Diagnostic Codes Component Throttle Position Sensor Engine Temperature Sensor Intake Air Temperature Sensor Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor Crankshaft Position Sensor Vehicle Speed Signal Gear Sensor Signal Injector 1 (MAG) (SDI Part Load) Injector 2 (PTO) (SDI Part Load) Ignition Coil Primary Driver 1 (MAG) Ignition Coil Primary Driver 2 (PTO)
  • Page 55
    Instrument Cluster Rider Information Center SPORTSMAN 850 Touring EPS Diagnostic Codes Component Chassis Relay All Wheel Drive Control System Power Throttle Safety Signal Active Descent Control System Idle Speed Steering Over Current Shutdown Current Above Normal/Grounded Steering Excessive Current Error Current Above Normal/Grounded Steering Torque Sensor T1 Par- tial Failure Steering Torque Sensor T2 Par-…
  • Page 56: Operation

    Break-In Period The break-in period for your new Polaris ATV is the first ten hours of operation, or the time it takes to use the first two full tanks of gasoline. No single action on your part is as important as following the proce- dures for a proper break-in.

  • Page 57
    Break-In Period Engine and Drivetrain Break-in 1. Fill the fuel tank with gasoline. See page 35. Always exercise extreme caution whenever handling gasoline. 2. Check the engine oil level on the dipstick. See page 81. Add oil if necessary to maintain the level between the safe and add marks. 3.
  • Page 58: Pre-Ride Checklist

    OPERATION Pre-Ride Checklist Failure to inspect and verify that the ATV is in safe operating condition before operating increases the risk of an accident. Always inspect the ATV before each use to make sure it’s in safe operating condition. Item Passenger seat latch Brake system/lever travel Brake fluid…

  • Page 59: Safe Operation Practices

    Safe Operation Practices 1. Complete the recommended safety training before operating this vehicle. See page 7. 2. Do not allow anyone under 16 years of age to operate this vehicle. Do not allow anyone with cognitive or physical disabilities to oper- ate this vehicle.

  • Page 60: Trail Etiquette

    Respect the environment in which you ride. Find out where the designated riding areas are by con- tacting your Polaris dealer, a local riding club or local officials. Help keep our trails open for recreational vehicle use. As an off-road enthusiast, you represent the sport and can set a good example (or a poor example) for others to follow.

  • Page 61: Starting The Engine

    Starting the Engine 1. Position the vehicle on a level surface outdoors or in a well-venti- lated area. 2. Place the transmission in PARK. 3. Lock the parking brake. Tip: The starter interlock will prevent the engine from starting if the transmission is in gear and the brake is not engaged.

  • Page 62
    OPERATION Driving Procedures 1. Wear protective riding gear. See page 8. 2. Perform the pre-ride inspection. See page 54. 3. Place the transmission in PARK. 4. Lock the parking brake. 5. Mount the vehicle from the left side. 6. Sit upright with both feet on the footrests and both hands on the handlebars.
  • Page 63: Turning The Vehicle

    Turning the Vehicle Both rear wheels drive equally at all times. This means that the outside wheel must travel a greater distance than the inside wheel when turning, and the inside tire must slip traction slightly. 1. Slow down. 2. Never turn quickly when carrying a passenger or cargo.

  • Page 64: Driving With A Passenger

    Driving with a Passenger 1. Never allow anyone under 12 years of age to ride as a passenger on this 2-up ATV. Make sure any passenger is tall enough to comfort- ably and safely reach the grab handles and footrests. 2.

  • Page 65
    Driving with a Passenger 11. Ride to the ability of your passenger, instead of to your own ability. Avoid unexpected or aggressive maneuvers that could cause a pas- senger to fall from the vehicle. 12. Do not cross a hillside with a passenger on board. See page 64. 13.
  • Page 66: Driving On Slippery Surfaces

    Driving on Slippery Surfaces Whenever riding on slippery surfaces such as wet trails or loose gravel, or during freezing weather, follow these precautions: 1. Do not operate on excessively rough, slippery or loose terrain. 2. Slow down when entering slippery areas. 3.

  • Page 67: Driving Uphill

    Driving Uphill Braking and handling are greatly affected when operating in hilly ter- rain. Improper procedure could cause loss of control or overturn. When- ever traveling uphill, follow these precautions: 1. Always move the 4X4 switch to ADC 4X4 before ascending or descending a hill.

  • Page 68
    Driving on a Sidehill (Sidehilling) Driving on a sidehill is not recommended. Improper procedure could cause loss of control or overturn. Avoid crossing the side of any hill unless absolutely necessary. If crossing a sidehill is unavoidable, follow these precautions: 1.
  • Page 69: Driving Downhill

    Driving Downhill When driving downhill, follow these precautions: 1. Always check the terrain carefully before descending a hill. 2. Always move the 4X4 switch to ADC 4X4 before ascending or descending a hill. See page 39. 3. Always descend a hill with the transmission in forward gear. Do not descend a hill with the transmission in neutral.

  • Page 70
    OPERATION Turning Around on a Hill (K-Turn) If the vehicle stalls while climbing a hill, never back it down the hill! Use the K-turn to turn around. 8 ft. (2.4 m)
  • Page 71
    Turning Around on a Hill (K-Turn) 1. Stop and lock the parking brake while keeping body weight uphill. 2. Always move the 4X4 switch to ADC 4X4 before ascending or descending a hill. See page 39. 3. Leave the transmission in forward and shut off the engine. 4.
  • Page 72: Driving Through Water

    OPERATION Driving Through Water Your ATV can operate through water with a maximum recommended depth equal to the bottom of the footrests. Follow these procedures when operating through water: 1. Determine water depths and current before entering water. 2. Choose a crossing where both banks have gradual inclines.

  • Page 73: Driving Over Obstacles

    Driving Over Obstacles Follow these precautions when operating over obstacles: 1. Always check for obstacles before operating in a new area. 2. Look ahead and learn to read the terrain. Be constantly alert for haz- ards such as logs, rocks and low hanging branches. 3.

  • Page 74: Driving In Reverse

    Driving in Reverse Follow these precautions when operating in reverse: 1. Always check for obstacles or people behind the vehicle. Be aware that a passenger can obstruct your view. 2. Always avoid backing downhill. 3. Back slowly. 4. Apply the brakes lightly for stopping. 5.

  • Page 75: Parking On An Incline

    OPERATION Parking on an Incline Avoid parking on an incline if possible. If it’s unavoidable, follow these precautions: 1. Stop the engine. 2. Place the transmission in PARK. 3. Lock the parking brake. 4. Always block the rear wheels on the downhill side.

  • Page 76: Hauling Cargo

    OPERATION Hauling Cargo WARNING Overloading the vehicle or carrying or towing cargo improperly can alter vehicle handling and may cause loss of control or brake instability, which can result in serious injury or death. Always follow these precautions when hauling cargo: Never carry cargo on the rear rack when operating the ATV in the 2-up mode with a passenger.

  • Page 77
    Hauling Cargo Never exceed the weight capacities specified for your ATV on warning labels and in the specifications sec- tion of this manual. 1. Cargo weight should be evenly distributed (1/3 on the front rack and 2/3 on the rear rack) and mounted as low as possible.
  • Page 78: Towing Loads

    ATV warranty. Never install a hitch longer than 4″ (10 cm). Never install automotive accessories on your Polaris ATV. Always install Polaris- approved (or equivalent) accessories designed for ATV use. Maximum Towing Capacities Do not exceed maximum towing capacities. Avoid towing on inclines.

  • Page 79: Emission Control Systems

    CFR 205) and local noise level requirements. Operation on Public Lands in the U.S.A. Your Polaris vehicle has a spark arrestor that was tested and qualified to be in accordance with the USFS standard 5100-1c. Federal law requires that this spark arrestor be installed and functional when the vehicle is operated on public lands.

  • Page 80: Maintenance

    Inspect, clean, lubricate, adjust and replace parts as necessary. When inspection reveals the need for replacement parts, use genuine Polaris parts available from your Polaris dealer. Record maintenance and service in the Maintenance Log beginning on page 149.

  • Page 81: Periodic Maintenance Chart

    Improperly performing the procedures marked with a component failure and cause an accident, which may result in serious injury or death. Always have an authorized Polaris dealer perform these services. Maintenance Chart Key Perform these operations more often for vehicles subjected to severe use.

  • Page 82
    MAINTENANCE Periodic Maintenance Chart Item Hours Calendar Air filter, main element Engine oil change Brake pad wear Battery ADC fluid Rear gearcase oil (if equipped) Transmission oil Demand drive fluid General lubrication Throttle Cable/ ETC Switch E Throttle Body Intake Duct Drive belt Cooling system Radiator…
  • Page 83
    Valve clearance 1000 H Toe adjustment Headlight aim Perform these procedures more often for vehicles subjected to severe use. E Emission-Related Service Have an authorized Polaris dealer perform these services. Maintenance Interval (whichever comes first) Miles (Km) 100 H 12 M 1000 (1600) Inspect;…
  • Page 84: Lubrication Guide

    Fluid (or GL5 80- 90 weight gear lube) Brake Fluid DOT 4 Only ADC Fluid Demand Drive PLUS Fluid Front Prop Polaris Premium Shaft Yoke U-Joint Lube Front Prop Shaft Yoke Capacity Fill Plug at Fluid Torque Change 2 qt.

  • Page 85: Engine Oil

    2W-50 4-cycle oil or a similar oil for this engine. See the table on page 80 for fluid recommendations, capacities and plug torques. Oil may need to be changed more frequently if Polaris oil is not used. Always use 2W-50 oil. Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for ambient temperature operation.

  • Page 86: Oil And Filter Change

    Engine Oil Oil and Filter Change See the table on page 80 for fluid recommendations, capacities and plug torques. Always change the oil and filter at the intervals outlined in the Periodic Maintenance Chart beginning on page 76. Always change the oil filter whenever changing oil.

  • Page 87
    Oil and Filter Change 9. Place shop towels beneath the oil filter. Using an oil fil- ter wrench (available from your Polaris dealer), turn the filter counter-clockwise to remove it. 10. Using a clean dry cloth, clean the filter sealing surface on the crankcase.
  • Page 88: Transmission Oil

    Transmission Oil Polaris recommends the use of Polaris Synthetic SPORTSMAN XP Transmission Fluid for this transmission. See the table on page 80 for fluid recommendations, capacities and plug torques. Always check and change the transmission oil at the intervals outlined in the Periodic Maintenance Chart beginning on page 76.

  • Page 89: Oil Change

    Transmission Oil Oil Change 1. Remove the footwell. 2. Place a drain pan under the gearcase. Remove the drain plug. Allow the oil to drain completely. 3. Clean and reinstall the drain plug. Torque to specification. 4. Remove the fill plug. Add the proper amount of the recommended oil.

  • Page 90: Fluid Change

    Always check and change the demand drive fluid at the inter- vals outlined in the Periodic Maintenance Chart beginning on page 76. See page 135 for the part numbers of Polaris products. Use the recommended fluid. Use of other fluids may result in improper operation of components.

  • Page 91: Rear Gearcase Oil

    Always check and change the rear gearcase oil at the intervals outlined in the Periodic Maintenance Chart beginning on page 76. See page 135 for the part numbers of Polaris products. The fill plug is located on the rear of the gearcase. The drain plug is located on the bottom of the gearcase.

  • Page 92
    We recommend the use of Polaris Demand Drive Plus Fluid for the ADC unit. Maintain the fluid level between the minimum and maximum marks on the reservoir. See page 135 for the part numbers of Polaris products. NOTICE: Do not use brake fluid. Brake fluid will damage rubber components in the hydraulic system.
  • Page 93
    Active Descent Control (ADC) Fluid Fluid Change 1. Position the vehicle on a level surface. Before performing the fluid change, allow the vehicle to sit for at least 30 minutes. 2. Thoroughly clean the areas around and on the ADC reservoir and bleeder valves (one on each side of the differential).
  • Page 94: Cooling System

    Steering Assembly The steering assembly of the ATV should be checked periodically for loose nuts and bolts. If loose nuts and bolts are found, see your Polaris dealer for service before operating the vehicle. Cooling System The engine coolant level is controlled, or maintained, by the recovery system.

  • Page 95
    Cooling System Recovery Bottle Coolant The recovery bottle fluid level can be viewed from inside the front right wheel well. Access the recovery bottle cap under the front box. See page 1. View the fluid level in the bottle. 2. If the level is low, remove the bottle cap and add coolant as needed. Maintain the coolant level between the minimum and maximum marks on the bottle (when the fluid is cool).
  • Page 96: Radiator Coolant

    Radiator Coolant To ensure that the coolant maintains its ability to protect the engine, Polaris recommends that you drain the system completely every two years and add a fresh mixture of antifreeze and water. Replace the coolant any time the cooling system has been drained for maintenance or repair.

  • Page 97: Hand Brake

    Brakes Hand Brake The front and rear brakes are hydraulic disc brakes, activated by moving the single brake lever toward the handlebar. These brakes are self- adjusting. Under normal operation, the diaphragm extends into the reservoir as fluid level drops. If the fluid level is low and the diaphragm is not extended, a leak is likely and the diaphragm should be replaced.

  • Page 98: Toe Alignment

    0″ to 1/8″ (0-3 mm) toe out alignment. 5. Repeat the measurement procedure on the other side of the vehicle. 6. If you discover improper alignment, see your Polaris dealer for ser- vice. Stand…

  • Page 99
    Seats Passenger Seat Removal 1. Pull the latch at the rear of the seat. 2. Pivot the rear of the seat upward and remove the front legs of the seat base from the frame. 3. To reinstall the seat, position the front legs of the seat base under the frame.
  • Page 100
    MAINTENANCE Seats Passenger Seat Suspension 1. Remove the passenger seat. 2. Remove the fastener retaining the passenger seat shock to the passenger seat support. 3. Pivot the seat support upward to access the lower shock fastener. Remove the lower shock fastener. 4.
  • Page 101
    MAINTENANCE Side Panel/Footwell Removal 1. Remove the seat before removing a side panel. 2. Remove the fasteners securing the side panel or footwell to remove Plastic Rivet Hex Head Screw Plastic Rivet…
  • Page 102: Tire Tread Depth

    MAINTENANCE Tires WARNING Operating your ATV with worn tires, improperly inflated tires, non-standard tires or improperly installed tires will affect vehicle handling and could cause an accident resulting in serious injury or death. Always follow all tire maintenance procedures as outlined in this manual and on the labels on the vehicle. Always use original equipment size and type when replacing tires.

  • Page 103: Wheel Removal

    Tires Front Wheel Hub Tightening Front wheel bearing tightness and spindle nut retention are critical com- ponent operations. All service must be performed by your authorized Polaris dealer. Wheel Removal 1. Stop the engine. 2. Place the transmission in PARK.

  • Page 104: Wheel Installation

    Tires Wheel Installation 1. Place the transmission in PARK. 2. Lock the parking brake. 3. Place the wheel on the hub with the valve stem toward the outside and rotation arrows on the tire pointing toward forward rotation. 4. Install the wheel nuts and finger-tighten them. 5.

  • Page 105: Air Filter

    Air Filter 1. Remove the seat. 2. Remove the air box cover screws, and remove the air box cover. 3. Remove the filter. 4. Remove the fabric type pre- filter from the main filter. Wash the pre-filter in soapy water, then rinse and let dry. 5.

  • Page 106: Fuse Replacement

    MAINTENANCE Fuse Replacement If the engine stops or will not start, or if you experience other electrical failures, a fuse may need replacement. Locate and correct any short cir- cuits that may have caused the blown fuse, then replace the fuse. Spare fuses are provided in the fuse box.

  • Page 107: Headlight Lamp Replacement

    Lights Poor lighting can result in reduced visibility when driving. Headlight and taillight lenses become dirty during normal operation. Clean head- lights frequently and replace burned out headlamps promptly. Always make sure lights are adjusted properly for best visibility. Headlight Lamp Replacement When servicing a halogen lamp, avoid touching the lamp with bare fin- gers.

  • Page 108: High Beam Adjustment

    Lights High Beam Adjustment The headlight beam can be adjusted slightly upward or downward. Use the following procedure to make the adjustment. 1. Position the vehicle on a level surface with the headlight approxi- mately 25 ft. (7.6 m) from a wall. Place the transmission in PARK. 2.

  • Page 109
    Lights Low Beam Adjustment The low beam can be adjusted slightly upward or downward. 1. Loosen the phillips screw located at the rear of the headlamp. 2. Tilt the headlamp upward or downward. 3. Tighten the screw. MAINTENANCE Phillips Screw…
  • Page 110: Headlight Housing Replacement

    MAINTENANCE Lights Headlight Housing Replacement 1. Remove the five (5) headlight pod screws. 2. Lift the pod cover and disconnect the speedometer harnesses from the speedometer. 3. Unplug the headlamp from the wiring harness. 4. Use a small screwdriver to remove the o-rings from the headlight mounting tabs.

  • Page 111: Lower Headlamp Replacement

    Lights Lower Headlamp Replacement 1. Turn the back of the headlight harness counter-clockwise and pull the harness assembly away from the headlight assembly. 2. Remove the headlamp and install the new headlamp. 3. Reinstall the harness assembly into the headlight assembly. 4.

  • Page 112: Spark Plugs

    Refer to the specifications section beginning on page 136 for the recom- mended spark plug type and gap for your vehicle. Torque spark plugs to specification. NOTICE: Using non-recommended spark plugs can result in serious engine damage. Always use Polaris-recommended spark plugs. Plug Condition New Spark Plug Previously Installed…

  • Page 113
    MAINTENANCE Spark Plugs Spark Plug Inspection Normal Spark Plug The normal insulator tip is gray, tan or light brown. There will be few combustion deposits. The electrodes are not burned or eroded. This indi- cates the proper type and heat range for the engine and the service. The tip should not be flaky and white.
  • Page 114: Vehicle Immersion

    Vehicle Immersion If your vehicle becomes immersed, major engine damage can result if the machine is not thoroughly inspected. Take the vehicle to your dealer before starting the engine. If it’s impossible to take your ATV to a dealer before starting it, follow the steps outlined below. 1.

  • Page 115: Spark Arrestor

    Spark Arrestor WARNING Failure to heed the following warnings while servicing the spark arrestor could result in serious injury or death. Never run the engine in an enclosed area. Remove any combustible materials from the area. Wear eye protection and leather work gloves.

  • Page 116: Pvt System

    • Always follow all recommended maintenance procedures. See your dealer as outlined in the owner’s manual. • This PVT system is intended for use on Polaris products only. Do not install it in any other product. • Always make sure the PVT housing is securely in place during operation.

  • Page 117
    MAINTENANCE PVT System The basic operation of the Polaris PVT system is dependent on engine speed and vehicle torque requirements. As engine speed increases, the force exerted on the movable drive sheave by the flyweights also increases. This, in turn, increases the amount of pinch applied to the drive belt.
  • Page 118: Pvt Drying

    PVT System When To Use Low Range and High Range Operating at speeds less than 7 MPH (11 km/h) Towing heavy loads Operating in rough terrain (swamps, mountains, etc.) Operating at speeds greater than 7 MPH (11 km/h) PVT Drying There may be some instances when water is accidently ingested into the PVT system.

  • Page 119
    Battery WARNING Improperly connecting or disconnecting battery cables can result in an explosion and cause serious injury or death. When removing the battery, always disconnect the negative (black) cable first. When reinstalling the battery, always connect the negative (black) cable last. WARNING Battery electrolyte is poisonous.
  • Page 120: Battery Removal

    MAINTENANCE Battery Battery Removal 1. Remove the passenger seat and the seat pivot bolt. 2. Disconnect the black (negative) battery cable first. 3. Disconnect the red (positive) battery cable last. 4. Disconnect the battery hold-down strap. 5. On conventional batteries, remove the battery vent tube. 6.

  • Page 121: Battery Installation

    Battery Battery Installation Using a new battery that has not been fully charged can damage the bat- tery and result in a shorter life. It can also hinder vehicle performance. Follow the battery charging instructions on page 119 before installing the battery.

  • Page 122: Battery Storage

    Check battery voltage each month during storage and recharge as needed to maintain a full charge. Polaris recommends maintaining battery charge by using a Polaris Bat- tery Tender charger or by charging about once a month to make up for normal self-discharge.

  • Page 123
    Battery Battery Charging (Conventional Battery) 1. Remove the battery from the vehicle to prevent damage from leak- ing or spilled electrolyte during charging. See page 116. 2. Charge the battery with a charging output no larger than 1/10 of the battery’s amp/hr rating.
  • Page 124
    Battery Battery Charging (Sealed Battery) Always verify battery condition before and 1-2 hours after the end of charging. State of Voltage Charge 100% 12.8-13.0 volts 75%-100% 12.5-12.8 volts 50%-75% 12.0-12.5 volts 25%-50% 11.5-12.0 volts 0%-25% 11.5 volts or less Action specified on top of battery) None, check at 3 mos.
  • Page 125: Camber And Caster

    Follow the adjustment procedures exactly, or see your Polaris dealer for service. 1. Remove the upper headlight pod.

  • Page 126: Throttle Cable Freeplay

    Throttle Body/Idle RPM Idle RPM is preset by the manufacturer. If the engine idle speed is not satisfactory, please see your Polaris dealer for adjustment. Throttle Cable Freeplay 1. Remove the four cover screws from the right han- dlebar control and remove the cover.

  • Page 127
    6. If idle speed remains above or below the recommended setting (see specification pages), verify the correct gap. If gap is correct and idle speed is still not satisfactory, please see your Polaris dealer for ser- vice. 7. With the engine running, turn the handlebars fully to the left and right.
  • Page 128: Cleaning And Storage

    Do not allow these types of products to contact the vehicle. The best and safest way to clean your Polaris vehicle is with a garden hose and a pail of mild soap and water. 1. Use a professional-type washing cloth, cleaning the upper body first and the lower parts last.

  • Page 129: Polishing The Vehicle

    Polishing the Vehicle Polaris recommends the use of common household aerosol furniture polish for polishing the finish on your Polaris vehicle. Follow the instructions on the container. Polishing Tips • Avoid the use of automotive products, some of which can scratch the finish of your vehicle.

  • Page 130
    MAINTENANCE Cleaning and Storage Chrome Wheel Care (if equipped) Proper maintenance will protect chrome wheels from corrosion, pre- serve wheel life and ensure a “like new” appearance for many years. Chrome wheels exposed to road salt (or salt in the air in coastal areas) are more susceptible to corrosion if not properly cleaned.
  • Page 131: Storage Tips

    124. Stabilize the Fuel 1. Fill the fuel tank. 2. Add Polaris Carbon Clean Fuel Treatment or Polaris Fuel Stabilizer. Follow the instructions on the container for the recommended amount. Carbon Clean removes water from fuel systems, stabilizes fuel and removes carbon deposits from pistons, rings, valves and exhaust systems.

  • Page 132: Fluid Levels

    6. If Polaris fuel system additive is not used, the fuel tank, fuel lines, and injectors should be completely drained of gasoline.

  • Page 133
    Set the tire pressure and safely support the ATV with the tires slightly off the ground. Be sure the storage area is well ventilated. Cover the vehicle with a genuine Polaris cover. Do not use plastic or coated mate- rials. They do not allow enough ventilation to prevent condensation, and may promote corrosion and oxidation.
  • Page 134: Transporting The Atv

    MAINTENANCE Transporting the ATV Follow these procedures when transporting the vehicle. 1. Stop the engine. 2. Place the transmission in PARK. 3. Lock the parking brake. 4. Secure the fuel cap and oil cap. 5. Always tie the frame of the ATV to the transporting unit securely with suitable straps or rope.

  • Page 135: Troubleshooting

    Dry out the PVT. See page 114. Inspect clutch seals for damage if repeated leaking occurs. See your Polaris dealer. Check for fouled plugs or foreign material in gas tank or fuel lines. See your dealer.

  • Page 136
    Drain the fuel system and refuel Replace with fresh recommended fuel Inspect plugs and replace if necessary Inspect plugs, verify stop switch is on Immediately see your Polaris dealer Recharge the battery to 12.8 VDC See your dealer Solution Inspect, clean and/or replace spark…
  • Page 137
    Engine Pings or Knocks Possible Cause Poor quality or low octane fuel Incorrect ignition timing Incorrect spark plug gap or heat range Engine Runs Irregularly, Stalls or Misfires Possible Cause Fouled or defective spark plug(s) Worn or defective spark plug wires Incorrect spark plug gap or heat range Loose ignition connections Water present in fuel…
  • Page 138: Engine Overheating

    TROUBLESHOOTING Engine Stops or Loses Power Possible Cause Out of fuel Kinked or plugged fuel vent line Water is present in fuel Fouled or defective spark plug(s) Worn or defective spark plug wires Incorrect spark plug gap or heat range Loose ignition connections Low battery voltage Incorrect fuel…

  • Page 139: Polaris Products

    Premium U-Joint Lube (14 oz./414 ml cartridge) 2871329 Dielectric Grease (Nyogel 2871326 Carbon Clean Plus 2870652 Fuel Stabilizer 2872189 DOT 4 Brake Fluid 2871956 Loctite 565 Thread Sealant 2859044 Polaris Battery Tender POLARIS PRODUCTS Engine Lubricant Coolant Additives / Miscellaneous Charger…

  • Page 140: Specifications

    SPECIFICATIONS SPORTSMAN 550 Touring EPS Maximum Weight Capacity Dry Weight Front Rack/Storage Box Capacity 120 lbs. (54 kg) Rear Rack Capacity Hitch Tongue Weight Hitch Towing Rating Unbraked Trailer Towing Capacity* Overall Length Overall Width Overall Height Wheelbase Ground Clearance…

  • Page 141
    SPORTSMAN 550 Touring EPS Lubrication System Transmission Type Front Suspension Rear Suspension Gear Reduction, Low Gear Reduction, Reverse Gear Reduction, High Drive Ratio, Front Drive Ratio, Rear Tire Type/Pressure, Front Tire Type/Pressure, Rear Brakes, Front/Rear Brake, Auxiliary Brake, Parking Headlight…
  • Page 142
    SPECIFICATIONS SPORTSMAN 850 Touring EPS Maximum Weight Capacity Dry Weight Front Rack/Storage Box Capacity 120 lbs. (54 kg) Rear Rack Capacity Hitch Tongue Weight Hitch Towing Rating Unbraked Trailer Towing Capacity* Overall Length Overall Width Overall Height Wheelbase Ground Clearance Minimum Turning Radius Fuel Capacity Engine Oil Capacity…
  • Page 143
    Altitude Meters 0-1800 (Feet) (0-6000) 1800-3700 (6000-12000) SPECIFICATIONS Pressurized Wet Sump Automatic PVT (Polaris Variable Transmission) In-Line H-L-N-R-P Dual a-arm, 9″ (22.9 cm) travel Dual a-arm with Rolled IRS, 10″ (25.4 cm) travel 5.034:1 4.508:1 2.367:1 3.818:1 3.7:1 Maxxis AT 26 x 8 — 14…
  • Page 144: Declaration Of Conformity

    Polaris Industries Inc., 2100 Hwy 55, Medina, MN 55340 U.S.A. Telephone 763-542-0500 We, Polaris Industries Inc., declare that the vehicles listed below conform to the essential health and safety requirements applicable to off-road all-terrain vehicles. APPLICABLE EUROPEAN DIRECTIVES 98/37/EC as amended (Machinery Directive)

  • Page 145: Warranty

    WARRANTY LIMITED WARRANTY Polaris Sales Inc., 2100 Highway 55, Medina, MN 55340, gives a SIX MONTH LIM- ITED WARRANTY on all components of the Polaris All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) against defects in material or workmanship. Polaris also gives a one year limited warranty on the final drive chain (if equipped) for failure due to defects.

  • Page 146
    WARRANTY COVERAGE AND EXCLUSIONS: LIMITATIONS OF WARRANTIES AND REMEDIES The Polaris limited warranty excludes any failures that are not caused by a defect in material or workmanship. This warranty does not cover accidental damage, normal wear and tear, abuse or improper handling. This warranty also does not cover any ATV that…
  • Page 147
    ATV. The exclusive remedy for breach of this warranty shall be, at Polaris’ exclusive option, repair or replacement of any defective materials, or com- ponents or products. THE REMEDIES SET FORTH IN THIS WARRANTY ARE THE ONLY REMEDIES AVAILABLE TO ANY PERSON FOR BREACH OF THIS WAR- RANTY.
  • Page 148
    HOW TO OBTAIN WARRANTY SERVICE If your ATV requires warranty service, you must take it to a Polaris dealer authorized to repair Polaris ATVs. When requesting warranty service you must present your copy of the Warranty Registration form to the dealer.
  • Page 149
    How to Get Service In the Country where your vehicle was purchased: Warranty or Service Bulletin repairs must be done by an authorized Polaris dealer. If you move or are traveling within the country where your vehicle was purchased, Warranty or Service Bulletin repairs may be requested from any authorized Polaris dealer who sells the same line as your vehicle.
  • Page 150
    How to Get Service If Purchased From A Private Party: If you purchase a Polaris product from a private citizen, to be kept and used outside of the country in which the vehicle was originally purchased, all warranty coverage will be denied.
  • Page 151
    This emissions limited warranty is in addition to the Polaris standard limited warranty for your vehicle. Polaris Industries Inc. warrants that at the time it is first purchased, this emissions-certified vehicle is designed, built and equipped so it conforms with applica- ble U.S.
  • Page 152
    Polaris dealer to perform any service that may be necessary for your vehicle. Polaris also recommends that you use only Pure Polaris parts. It is a potential violation of the Clean Air Act if a part supplied by an aftermarket parts manufacturer reduces the effectiveness of the vehicle’s emission controls.
  • Page 153: Maintenance Log

    MAINTENANCE LOG Present this section of your manual to your dealer each time your vehicle is serviced. This will provide you and future owners with an accurate log of maintenance and ser- vices performed. DATE MILES (KM) TECHNICIAN SERVICE PERFORMED / COMMENTS OR HOURS…

  • Page 154
  • Page 155: Index

    4X4 Switch ….26, 37 Accessories ….129 Active Descent Control Fluid .

  • Page 156: Fluid Level

    INDEX Fluid Active Descent Control ..88 ADC….88-89 Brake ….30 Demand Drive .

  • Page 157
    Passenger Seat….34 Periodic Maintenance Chart ..76-79 Polaris Product List… . . 135 Polishing the Vehicle … 125 Power Steering .
  • Page 158
    INDEX Safety Warnings… . . 10-21 Protective Apparel ..12 Reverse Operation ..17 Skidding or Sliding .

PMS 419

Read this manual carefully. It contains important safety information. This is an adult vehicle only.

Operation is prohibited for those under 16 years of age.

Owner’s Manual for Maintenance and Safety

550 Touring International 850 Touring International


The text is printed on 100% recycled with 40% post-consumer waste (PCW).

For your nearest Polaris dealer, visit www.polarisindustries.com

Polaris Sales Inc., 2100 Hwy 55 Medina, MN 55340 USA

Part No. 9922825 Rev 01 Printed in USA

PMS 419

*9922825 *









Before you operate or ride this vehicle, read the owners manual.

Lesen Sie die Bedienungsanleitung, bevor Sie dieses Fahrzeug bedienen oder fahren.

Antes de operar o conducir este vehculo, lea el Manual del propietario.

Lire le Manuel dutilisation avant dutiliser ou de conduire ce vhicule.

Prima di usare o guidare il vecolo, leggere il Manuale di istruzioni.

Lue aina kyttohjekirja ennen tmn ajoneuvon kytt tai ajamista.

Antes de utilizar ou andar neste veculo, leia o Manual do proprietrio.

Innan du hanterar eller kr detta fordon, ls Handboken.



WELCOME Thank you for purchasing a POLARIS vehicle, and welcome to our world-wide family of POLARIS owners. We proudly produce an excit- ing line of utility and recreational products. Snowmobiles All-terrain vehicles (ATVs) RANGER utility vehicles Victory Motorcycles

Low emission vehicles (LEVs) Always follow the instructions and recommendations in this manual. The manual contains instructions for minor maintenance, but informa- tion about major repairs is outlined in the POLARIS Service Manual and should be performed only by a factory-certified Master Service Dealer (MSD) technician. Please see your dealer for all of your service needs during (and after) the warranty period. For more information about POLARIS, visit us online at www.polaris- industries.com.


POLARIS, THE WAY OUT and SPORTSMAN are registered trademarks of POLARIS Industries Inc. Copyright 2010 POLARIS Sales Inc. All information contained within this publication is based on the latest product information at the time of publication. Due to constant improvements in the design and quality of production components, some minor discrep- ancies may result between the actual vehicle and the information presented in this publi- cation. Depictions and/or procedures in this publication are intended for reference use only. No liability can be accepted for omissions or inaccuracies. Any reprinting or reuse of the depictions and/or procedures contained within, whether whole or in part, is expressly prohibited. The original instructions for this vehicle are in English. Other languages are provided as translations of the original instructions. Printed in U.S.A. 2011 SPORTSMAN 550/850 Touring International Owners Manual P/N 9922825


TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Features and Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Operation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Emission Control Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 POLARIS Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 Specifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 Declaration of Conformity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 Maintenance Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137


INTRODUCTION The following signal words and symbols appear throughout this manual and on your vehicle. Your safety is involved when these words and sym- bols are used. Become familiar with their meanings before reading the manual.

The safety alert symbol indicates a potential personal injury hazard.

WARNING A WARNING indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in death or serious injury.

CAUTION A CAUTION indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury.

NOTICE A NOTICE indicates a situation that may result in property damage.

The Prohibition Safety Sign indicates an action NOT to take in order to avoid a hazard.

The Mandatory Action Sign indicates an action that NEEDS to be taken to avoid a hazard.


INTRODUCTION As the operator of the vehicle, you are responsible for your personal safety, the safety of others (including your passenger), and the protec- tion of our environment. Read and understand your owner’s manual, which includes valuable information about all aspects of your vehicle, including safe operating procedures. Ride responsibly. Know all laws and regulations concerning the opera- tion of this vehicle in your area.

Vehicle Identification Numbers Record your vehicle’s identification numbers and key number in the spaces provided. Remove the spare key and store it in a safe place. An ignition key can be duplicated only by ordering a POLARIS key blank (using your key number) and mating it with one of your existing keys. The ignition switch must be replaced if all keys are lost.

Vehicle Model Number: ___________________________________________________________

Frame VIN: ____________________________________________________________________

Engine Serial Number: ____________________________________________________________

Key Number: ___________________________________________________________________



Engine Serial Number

Key Number 550 850



Failure to follow the warnings in this manual can result in serious injury or death. This POLARIS vehicle is not a toy and can be hazardous to operate. A collision or rollover can occur quickly, even during routine maneuvers, if you fail to take proper precautions. Read and understand your owner’s manual and all warnings before operating this POLARIS vehicle.

Safety Training When you purchased your new POLARIS vehicle, your dealer offered a hands-on safety training course. You were also provided with printed materials that explain safe operating procedures. Review this informa- tion on a regular basis. If you purchased a used POLARIS vehicle from a party other than a POLARIS dealer, please request free safety training from any autho- rized POLARIS dealer.

Age Restrictions This vehicle is an ADULT VEHICLE ONLY. Operation is prohibited for anyone under 16 years of age. Never allow anyone under 16 years of age to operate this vehicle. Never allow anyone under 12 years of age to ride as a passenger on this 2-up vehicle.




Restrictions Towing is approved OFF-ROAD ONLY. Towing a trailer with this vehi- cle on public roads is prohibited. See your POLARIS dealer about con- figuring the vehicle to be certified to tow a trailer on-road.

Equipment Modifications The warranty on your Polaris vehicle may be terminated if any equip- ment has been added, or if any modifications have been made, that increase speed or power.

The addition of certain accessories, including (but not limited to) mowers, blades, tires, sprayers and large racks may change vehicle handling. Use only Polaris-approved accessories. Know their function and effect on the vehicle.


SAFETY Rider Safety

Read and understand all warnings, cautions and operating procedures in this manual and on the safety labels before operating the vehicle.

Never operate this vehicle without proper instruction. Take a training course. Beginners should receive training from a certified instructor. Contact an authorized POLARIS dealer or visit the POLARIS web site at www.polarisindustries.com.

Never permit others to operate the vehicle unless they have read and understand this manual and all product labels, and have completed a certified safety training course.

Never allow anyone under 16 years of age to operate this vehicle. Never allow anyone under 12 years of age to ride as a passenger on this 2-up vehicle.

Never carry more than one passenger on this 2-up vehicle.

Do not carry a passenger until you have at least two hours of driving experience with this vehicle.


SAFETY Rider Safety

Always wear an approved helmet that fits properly. Wear eye protection (goggles or face shield), gloves, boots, long sleeves and long pants.

Never consume alcohol or drugs before or while operating this vehicle.

Never operate at excessive speeds. Travel and turn at speeds appropriate for the terrain, visibility, operating conditions and your experience.

Never attempt jumps or other stunts.


SAFETY Rider Safety

Always inspect your vehicle before each use to verify that it’s in safe operating condition. Follow the inspection and maintenance procedures outlined in this manual. See page 50.

Keep both hands on the handlebars. Keep both feet on the footrests. A passenger should always be seated in the passenger seat with both feet on the footrests and both hands on the passenger grab handles at all times. The passenger should never hold on to the operator.

Always travel slowly when operating on unfamiliar terrain. Use extra caution.

Use caution when operating on rough, slippery or loose terrain.


SAFETY Rider Safety

Always follow the procedures outlined in this manual for turning. See page 54. Never turn sharply at excessive speeds, which can lead to vehicle overturn.

If the vehicle has been involved in an accident, always have an authorized POLARIS dealer inspect the entire vehicle for possible damage, including (but not limited to) brake, throttle and steering systems.

Always follow the procedures outlined in this manual for driving on hills. See page 57. Always move the 4X4 switch to ADC 4X4 before ascending or descending a hill. See page 35. Never operate on hills too steep for the vehicle or for your abilities. Practice on smaller hills before attempting larger hills. Avoid climbing hills steeper than 15.

Always follow the procedures outlined in this manual for driving downhill and for braking on hills. See page 59. Always move the 4X4 switch to ADC 4X4 before ascending or descending a hill. See page 35. Always descend a hill with the transmission in forward gear. Do not descend a hill with the transmission in neutral.



SAFETY Rider Safety

Always follow the procedures outlined in this manual for crossing the side of a hill. See page 58. Never attempt to turn the vehicle around on any hill until you’ve mastered (on level ground) the turning technique outlined in this manual.

Always follow the procedures outlined in this manual for braking if you stall or roll backwards while climbing a hill. Never back down a hill. See page 60.

Always follow the procedures outlined in this manual for operating over obstacles. See page 63.

Always follow the procedures outlined in this manual for operating on slippery or loose surfaces. Use extra caution. Always avoid skidding or sliding. See page 56.


SAFETY Rider Safety

Always follow the procedures outlined in this manual for driving through water. Never drive through deep or fast-flowing water. See page 62.

Always follow the procedures outlined in this manual for driving in reverse. See page 64.

Always use the size and type of tires specified for your vehicle. Maintain the proper tire pressure.

Never modify the vehicle through improper installation or use of accessories.


SAFETY Rider Safety

Never exceed the stated load capacity for your vehicle. Cargo must be properly distributed and securely attached. Reduce speed and follow the instructions in this manual for carrying cargo or towing. See pages 66-68. Allow a greater distance for braking.

Never operate the vehicle on a frozen body of water unless you have independently verified that the ice is sufficiently thick to support the weight and moving force of the vehicle, you and your cargo, together with any other vehicles in your party. Variances in snow depth and/or water currents may result in uneven ice thickness. Always check with local authorities and residents to confirm ice conditions and thickness over your entire route. Vehicle operators assume all risk associated with ice conditions on frozen bodies of water.

Operating on paved surfaces may affect the handling and control of the vehicle and could result in loss of control. Avoid sudden turns or swift movement of the handlebars.


SAFETY Rider Safety

Always remove the ignition key when the vehicle is not in use to prevent unauthorized use or accidental starting.

Always unlock the steering before starting the engine. See page 31.

Handling Gasoline Gasoline is highly flammable and explosive under certain conditions. Always exercise extreme caution whenever handling gasoline. Always refuel with the engine stopped, and outdoors or in a well ventilated

area. Do not smoke or allow open flames or sparks in or near the area where refu-

eling is performed or where gasoline is stored. Do not overfill the tank. Do not fill the tank neck. If gasoline spills on your skin or clothing, immediately wash it off with soap

and water and change clothing.

Hot components can cause serious burns and fire. Do not touch hot exhaust system components. Always keep combustible materials away from the exhaust system.

For more information about safety, contact an authorized POLARIS dealer or visit the POLARIS web site at



SAFETY Safe Riding Gear Always wear protective clothing to reduce the chance of injury.

Helmet Always wear a helmet that meets or exceeds established safety stan- dards. Approved helmets in the USA and Canada bear a U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) label. Approved helmets in Europe, Asia and Oceania bear the ECE 22.05 label. The ECE mark consists of a circle surrounding the letter E, followed by the distinguishing number of the country which has granted approval. The approval number and serial number will also be displayed on the label.


Eye Protection



Long Pants

Long Sleeves


051039 0006.31


SAFETY Safe Riding Gear Eye Protection Do not depend on eyeglasses or sunglasses for eye protection. When- ever riding a POLARIS vehicle, always wear shatterproof goggles or use a shatterproof helmet face shield. POLARIS recommends wearing approved Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) bearing markings such as VESC 8, V-8, Z87.1, or CE. Make sure protective eye wear is kept clean. Gloves Off-road style gloves with knuckle pads are the best for comfort and protection. Boots The best footwear is a pair of sturdy over-the-calf boots with low heels. Clothing Always wear long sleeves and long pants to protect arms and legs. Riding pants with kneepads and a jersey with shoulder pads provide the best protection.


SAFETY Safety Labels and Locations Warning labels have been placed on the vehicle for your protection. Read and follow the instructions on each label carefully. If any of the labels shown in this manual differ from the labels on your vehicle, always read and follow the instructions of the labels on the vehicle. If an informational or graphic label becomes illegible or comes off, con- tact your POLARIS dealer to purchase a replacement. Replacement safety labels are provided by POLARIS at no charge. The part number is printed on the label.


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General Alert


Age 16 Alert

Hill Operation


Reverse Override Warning


SAFETY Safety Labels and Locations

General Alert (Multi-Lingual) Before you operate or ride this vehicle, read the owners manual.


Reverse Override Warning/4X4 Caution WARNING Improper use of the override button can lead to loss of control resulting in severe injury or death. Do not activate override while throttle is engaged. Always apply throttle gradually, while in reverse. CAUTION Do not push switch to engage 4X4 (AWD) if the rear wheels are spinning. This may cause severe drive shaft and clutch damage.


Hill Operation Alert Never operate this vehicle on HILLS steeper than 15 degrees 15. To prevent flip-over on hilly terrain, when going up or down, use throttle and

brakes gradually. 7174361

Tire Pressure/Load Alert TIRE PRESSURE IN PSI (KPa):

Front: 7.0 psi (48.3 kPa) Rear: 5.0 psi (34.5 kPa)

MAXIMUM WEIGHT CAPACITY 735 lbs. (333 kg) INCLUDES WEIGHT OF OPERATOR, PASSENGER, CARGO AND ACCESSORIES. Read Owners Manual for more detailed loading information.



Tire Pressure/Load Alert


SAFETY Safety Labels and Locations

Rack/Box Warning WARNING

DO NOT TOW FROM RACK OR BUMPER. Vehicle damage or tipover may result causing severe injury or death. Tow only from tow hooks or hitch.

Maximum Rack Loads: Front 120 lbs. (54 kg) Rear 240 lbs. (109 kg) 7175448

Clutch Cover Alert




Clutch Cover Alert (under



Rack/Box Warning

Rack/Box Warning

Hitch Capacity



FEATURES AND CONTROLS Switches Main Key Switch Use the main key switch to start the engine. See page 52.

End all electrical power to the vehi- cle.

LIGHTS ON position turns the head- lights on.

Start the engine. The headlights are not on in this position.

After starting the engine, release the key switch to the POSITION LIGHTS ON position.

4X4 Switch Use the 4X4 switch to engage ADC 4X4, 4X4 or 2X4. See page 35. The vehicle automatically engages 4X4 when operating in reverse if the switch is set to either 4X4 position.

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Main Key Switch

4X4 Switch


FEATURES AND CONTROLS Switches Engine Stop Switch The engine will not start or run when the switch is in the OFF position.


RUN Push the stop switch down to stop the engine quickly. Pull the stop switch up to the RUN position before attempt- ing to start the engine. Both the main switch and the engine stop switch will shut off all electrical power to the vehicle, including lights.

Hazard Switch

Push the hazard warning switch to cause all turn signal lights to flash simultaneously. Use this feature to alert others of an emer- gency or other situation requiring caution.

Turn Signal Switch Push the toggle switch either left or right to activate the corre- sponding turn signal light. Return the toggle to the center position to end the signal.

Horn Switch Press the horn switch to sound the horn.

Momentary High Beam Switch Press this switch with your left forefin- ger to activate the headlight high beam. The lights will return to low beam when the switch is released.


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Override Switch

Engine Stop


Headlight Switch

Horn Switch

Hazard Switch

Turn Signal Switch

Momentary High-Beam Switch


FEATURES AND CONTROLS Switches Override Switch This vehicle is equipped with a reverse speed limiter system. To gain additional wheel speed while backing, release the throttle and press the override switch.

Pressing the override switch while the throttle is open can cause loss of control, which may result in serious injury or death. Always release the throttle before pressing the override switch.

The reverse override button also acts as a MODE button when held down for approximately one half second. See the instrument cluster information beginning on page 36. Tip: The override button will not function as a MODE button if the transmission

is in reverse.

Headlight Switch The main key switch must be on and the engine stop switch must be in the RUN position to operate the headlight switch.

High Beam

Low Beam


FEATURES AND CONTROLS Mirrors Use the mirrors to assist in traffic maneuvers. Always check and adjust the mirrors before driving the vehicle.

Throttle Lever

Failure to check or maintain proper operation of the throttle system can result in an accident if the throttle lever sticks during operation. Check the lever for proper operation before starting the engine. Check occasionally during operation.

Do not start or operate the vehicle with sticking or improperly operating throttle controls. Contact your dealer for repair if throttle problems arise.

Press the throttle lever to increase engine speed and vehicle movement. Release the lever to reduce engine speed and vehicle movement.

Electronic Throttle Control (ETC) ETC causes the engine to stop if the throttle cable sticks in an open posi- tion when the operator releases the throttle lever.

The Electronic Throttle Control (ETC) stops the engine in the event of a throttle system malfunction. Do not modify the ETC system or replace it with other throttle mechanisms.

Electronic Throttle Control



Operating the vehicle with a spongy brake lever can result in loss of braking, which could cause an accident. Never operate the vehicle with a spongy-feeling brake lever. Always contact your dealer for service before operating the vehicle.

Squeeze the brake lever toward the handlebar to apply the front and rear brakes. These brakes are hydraulically activated disc type brakes that are activated by only one lever. Always test brake lever travel and master cylinder fluid level before riding. When squeezed, the lever should feel firm. Any sponginess would indicate a possible fluid leak or low master cylinder fluid level, which must be corrected before riding. Contact your dealer for proper diagnosis and repairs.


FEATURES AND CONTROLS Master Cylinder/Brake Fluid

An over-full master cylinder may cause brake drag or brake lock-up, which could result in an accident. Maintain brake fluid at the recommended level. Do not overfill.

Never store or use a partial bottle of brake fluid. Brake fluid is hygroscopic, meaning it rapidly absorbs moisture from the air. The moisture causes the boiling temperature of the brake fluid to drop, which can lead to early brake fade and the possibility of brake failure, which could result in an accident. After opening a bottle of brake fluid, always discard any unused portion.

Check the brake fluid in the master cylinder before each ride. 1. Position the vehicle on a level

surface. 2. Position the handlebars so the

master cylinder is level. 3. View the brake fluid level

through the indicator window on the top of the master cylin- der. The eye will appear dark when the fluid level is full. When fluid is low, the eye will be clear.

4. If the fluid level is low, remove the cover screws and add fluid to the fill line. Do not overfill. Use DOT 4 brake fluid only.

5. Reinstall the cover. Torque screws to 7 in. lbs. (.8 Nm).

Master Cylinder

Indicator Window


FEATURES AND CONTROLS Parking Brake Locking the Parking Brake 1. Place the transmission in

PARK. 2. Squeeze and release the brake

lever two or three times, then squeeze and hold.

3. Push the parking brake lock forward to engage the lock.

4. Release the brake lever. 5. To release the parking brake lock, squeeze and release the brake

lever. It will return to its unlocked position.

Operating the vehicle while the parking brake is engaged could result in an accident or fire. Always check to be sure the parking brake is disengaged before operating.

The parking brake may relax if left on for a long period of time. Always block the wheels to prevent rolling. Always block the wheels on the downhill side of the vehicle if leaving it parked on a hill. Another option is to park the vehicle in a sidehill position. Never depend on the parking brake alone if the vehicle is parked on a hill. Always block the wheels to prevent rolling.



Never back down a hill. Applying the auxiliary brake when backing down a hill may cause rear tipover, which could result in serious injury or death.

Use caution when applying the auxiliary brake. Do not aggressively apply the auxiliary brake when going forward. The rear wheels may skid and slide sideways, causing loss of control and serious injury or death.

The auxiliary brake system is intended to be used as a backup for the main brake system. Should the main system fail, use the auxiliary foot brake. The auxiliary foot brake is located on the inside of the right footrest. Operate this brake with your right foot. If the rear wheels slide while using the auxiliary brake, reduce brake pedal pressure to brake the rear wheels without skidding. Brake Fluid Level Check the brake fluid level fre- quently for the auxiliary brake sys- tem. The reservoir is located under the front storage box. See page 32. Maintain the fluid level between the maximum and minimum marks. Use DOT 4 brake fluid only. NOTICE: Do not use ADC fluid in the

brake fluid reservoir. ADC fluid will damage the rubber components of the brake system.

Auxiliary Foot Brake

Brake Fluid Reservoir


FEATURES AND CONTROLS Automatic Transmission Gear Selector The transmission gear selector is located on the right side of the vehicle. H: High Gear L: Low Gear N: Neutral R: Reverse P: Park To shift gears, brake to a complete stop. When the engine is idling, move the lever to the desired gear. NOTICE: Shifting gears with the engine speed above idle or while the vehicle is

moving could cause transmission damage.

Whenever the vehicle is left unattended, always place the transmission in PARK and lock the parking brake. Belt Life To extend belt life, use low forward gear when pulling a heavy load at less than seven miles per hour for extended periods and when operating uphill at a slow speed.

Gear Selector


FEATURES AND CONTROLS Electronic Power Steering (EPS) Electronic power steering engages when the ignition key is turned to the ON position. EPS remains engaged whether the vehicle is moving or idle. See page 37 for EPS Warning Indicator information.

Passenger Seat Always make sure the passenger seat is installed and securely latched before operating with a passenger. Test the seat latch by attempting to pull the seat upward. If the lock-out is not working properly, do not allow a passenger to ride the vehicle. See your POLARIS dealer for ser- vice. See pages 89-90 for passenger seat adjustment procedures. See page 89 for passenger seat removal and installation procedures.

Beverage Holders This vehicle is equipped with beverage holders on each side of the passenger seat. To secure a beverage or other container, remove the rubber retainer strap from one side of the holder. Place the container into the recess and reinstall the strap over the top of the con- tainer. Place one of the rubber cylinders through one of the holes to secure a strap. When trailering the vehicle, and whenever a holder is not in use, always secure the rub- ber straps in one of the tighter positions to prevent loss of the retainer.

Tight Position

Less Tight Position


FEATURES AND CONTROLS Fuel Tank Always refuel with the engine stopped, and outdoors or in a well ventilated area. Refuel on a level surface. Remove the fuel tank cap and add fuel. Use either leaded or unleaded gasoline with a minimum pump octane number of 87=(R+ M/2) octane. Do not use fuel with ethanol content greater than 10%, such as E-85 fuel. The fuel tank is designed to allow for the normal expansion of fuel. Do not overfill. Do not fill the tank neck.

Steering Lock Lock the steering to prevent unau- thorized use or theft of the vehicle. 1. Turn the handlebars to the full

right position. Tip: The handlebars may also be locked

in the full left position.

2. Insert the steering lock key and turn it clockwise.

3. Remove the key. Place the steer- ing lock keys in a safe place. The lock must be replaced if the keys are lost.

4. Reverse the procedure to unlock the steering.

The handlebars are locked in the fully turned position when the steering is locked. Always unlock the steering before starting the engine.

Fuel Tank Cap


FEATURES AND CONTROLS Front Storage Box Open the front storage box to access the under-compartment area. 1. Release the front

box cover latches and lift the cover.

2. Release the plunger latches that secure the box to the frame.

3. Close the cover and lift the unlatched edge of the box to disengage the plungers. Pivot the box forward.

4. To remove the box completely, disengage the plungers and slide the box rearward and upward.

5. Always secure the plunger latches and the cover latches before operating the vehicle.

Access the following components under the front box: Radiator cap Coolant recovery bottle cap Brake fluid reservoir Electrical/fuse/relay components ADC fluid reservoir Battery

Cover Latches Plunger Latches

ADC Fluid Reservoir

Brake Fluid Reservoir

Radiator Cap

Coolant Bottle Cap




FEATURES AND CONTROLS All Wheel Drive System The All Wheel Drive system is controlled by the 4X4 switch.

ADC 4X4 Mode When the switch is on ADC 4X4, the ADC system allows engine braking to all four wheels when the vehicle descends a hill or incline. Always move the 4X4 switch to ADC 4X4 before ascending or descending a hill. See page 35.

4X4 Mode When the switch is on 4X4, the vehicle is in 4X4, and the 4X4 indicator icon in the instrument cluster display will be visible. When in 4X4, the demand drive unit will automatically engage any time the rear wheels lose traction. When the rear wheels regain traction, the demand drive unit will automatically disengage. There is no limit to the length of time the vehicle may remain in 4X4. The vehicle automatically engages 4X4 when operating in reverse if the switch is set to either 4X4 position.

2X4 Mode When the switch is on 2X4, the vehicle is in two-wheel drive at all times.

4X4 Switch



FEATURES AND CONTROLS All Wheel Drive System Engaging 4X4 The 4X4 switch may be turned on or off while the vehicle is moving. Initially, the vehicle’s electronic system will not enable 4X4 until the engine RPM is below 3100. Once enabled, 4X4 remains enabled until the 4X4 switch is turned off. If the switch is turned off while the demand drive unit is moving, it will not disengage until the rear wheels regain traction. Engage the 4X4 switch before getting into conditions where front wheel drive may be needed. If the rear wheels are spinning, release the throttle before switching to 4X4. NOTICE: Switching to 4X4 or ADC 4X4 while the rear wheels are spinning may

cause severe drive shaft and gearcase damage. Always switch to 4X4 or ADC 4X4 while the rear wheels have traction or are at rest.


FEATURES AND CONTROLS Active Descent Control (ADC) System The ADC system allows engine braking to all four wheels when the vehicle descends a hill or incline. Always move the 4X4 switch to ADC 4X4 before ascending or descending a hill.

Engaging Active Descent Control The ADC system will automatically engage when all four of the follow- ing conditions occur: The 4X4 switch must be in the ADC 4X4 position Vehicle speed must be 15 mph (24 km/h) or less The throttle must be closed (throttle lever released) The transmission must be in gear (high, low or reverse)

Disengaging Active Descent Control The ADC system will automatically disengage if at least one of the fol- lowing conditions occur: The 4X4 switch is moved out of the ADC 4X4 position Vehicle speed exceeds 15 mph (24 km/h) The throttle is open (throttle is applied) The transmission is shifted to neutral or park


FEATURES AND CONTROLS Instrument Cluster NOTICE: High water pressure may damage vehicle components. Wash the

vehicle by hand or with a garden hose using mild soap.

Certain products, including insect repellents and chemicals, will damage the speedometer lens and other plastic surfaces. Do not use alcohol to clean the instrument cluster. Do not allow insect sprays to contact the lens. Immediately clean off any gasoline that splashes on the instrument cluster.

Digital/Analog Gauge Speedometer The speedometer displays vehicle speed in either miles per hour (MPH) or kilometers per hour (km/h).

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88:88 Rider

Information Center

Speedometer Indicator Lamps


FEATURES AND CONTROLS Instrument Cluster Digital/Analog Gauge Indicator Lamps

Lamp Indicates Condition

Vehicle Speed

When standard mode is selected, speed displays in miles per hour.

When metric mode is selected, speed displays in kilometers per hour.

Over Temperature

This lamp flashes to indicate an overheated engine. If the indicator stops flashing but remains illuminated, the overheating condition remains, and the system will automatically reduce engine power.

EPS Warning This indicator illuminates when the key is turned to the ON position and goes off when the engine is started. If the light remains on after starting the engine, the EPS system is inoperative. See your authorized POLARIS dealer for service.

Neutral This lamp illuminates when the transmission is in neutral and the ignition key is in the ON position.

High Beam This lamp illuminates when the headlamp switch is set to high beam.

Direction Indicators

A direction indicator flashes when a turn signal is active. Both indicators flash when the hazard signal is active.

Check Engine This indicator appears if an EFI-related fault occurs. Do not operate the vehicle if this warning appears. Serious engine damage could result. See your dealer.


FEATURES AND CONTROLS Instrument Cluster Digital/Analog Gauge Rider Information Center The rider information center is located in the instrument cluster. All seg- ments will light up for one second at start-up. If the instrument cluster fails to illuminate, a battery over-voltage may have occurred and the instrument cluster may have shut off to protect the electronic speedome- ter. If this occurs, take the vehicle to your POLARIS dealer for proper diagnosis. The information center is set to display standard units of measurement and a 12-hour clock at the factory. To change to metric and/or a 24-hour clock, see page 41.

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6 57




FEATURES AND CONTROLS Instrument Cluster Digital/Analog Gauge Rider Information Center 1. Gear Display — This area displays gear shifter position.

H = High Gear L = Low Gear N = Neutral R = Reverse Gear P = Park — = Gear Signal Error (or shifter between gears)

2. Fuel Gauge Display — The segments of the fuel gauge show the level of fuel in the fuel tank. When the last segment clears, a low fuel warning is activated. All segments including the fuel icon will flash. Refuel immediately.

Tip: If the fuel icon fails to display, an open or short circuit has occurred in the fuel sensor circuit. See your dealer.

3. Information Display — This area displays odometer, trip meter, engine hour meter, engine speed and programmable service hour interval.

4. Active Descent Control Display — This icon displays when ADC is active. See page 35.

5. Clock Display — The clock displays time in a 12-hour or 24-hour format. If the engine is turned off, press the MODE button. The time will display for 5-10 seconds. See page 41 for resetting instruc- tions.

6. Service Reminder Display — A flashing wrench symbol alerts the operator that the preset service interval has been reached. The vehi- cle should be brought to your dealer for scheduled maintenance. See page 41 for resetting instructions.

7. 4X4 Display — This icon displays when the 4X4 system is engaged (switch is on either ADC 4X4 or 4X4).


FEATURES AND CONTROLS Instrument Cluster Digital/Analog Gauge Rider Information Center The reverse override button acts as the MODE button when pressed and released quickly. The transmission cannot be in reverse when using the override button as a MODE button. This feature does not contain a vehi- cle speed lockout function and can be used at any operating speed.

Display Units (Standard/Metric) The display can be changed to display either standard or metric units of measurement. Tip: To exit the set-up mode at any time, wait 10 seconds.The display automati-

cally exits and returns to the odometer display.

1. Turn the key to the OFF position. 2. Place the transmission in neutral. 3. Press and hold the MODE button while turning the key to the ON

position. 4. When the display flashes the distance setting, tap the MODE button

to advance to the desired setting. 5. Press and hold the MODE button to save the setting and advance to

the next display option. 6. Repeat the procedure to change remaining display settings.

Standard Display Metric Display

Distance Miles Kilometers

Fuel U.S. Gallons Liters, Imperial Gallons

Temperature Fahrenheit Celsius

Time 12-Hour Clock 24-Hour Clock


FEATURES AND CONTROLS Instrument Cluster Digital/Analog Gauge Rider Information Center Clock Mode Tip: The clock must be reset any time the battery has been disconnected or dis-


1. Turn the key to the ON position. Use the MODE button to toggle to the odometer display.

2. Press and hold the MODE button until the hour segment flashes. Release the button.

3. With the segment flashing, tap the MODE button to advance to the desired setting.

4. Press and hold the MODE button until the next segment flashes. Release the button.

5. Repeat steps 3-4 twice to set the 10-minute and 1-minute segments. After completing the 1-minute segment, step 4 will save the new settings and exit the clock mode.

6. Turn the key to the OFF position.

Odometer Mode The odometer records and displays the distance traveled by the vehicle.

Trip Meter Mode The trip meter records the distance traveled by the vehicle if reset before each trip. To reset, select the trip meter mode. Press and hold the MODE button until the meter resets to zero. In the Rider Information Center, the trip meter display contains a decimal point, but the odometer displays without a decimal point.

Hour Meter Mode This mode logs the total hours the engine has been in operation.


FEATURES AND CONTROLS Instrument Cluster Digital/Analog Gauge Rider Information Center Programmable Service Interval When the hours of engine operation equal the programmed service interval setting, the wrench icon will flash for 5 seconds each time the engine is started. When this feature is enabled, it provides a convenient reminder to perform routine maintenance. The service interval is pro- grammed at 50 hours at the factory. Use the following procedure to change the service interval. 1. Press the MODE button until remaining service hours display. 2. Press and hold the MODE button. 3. When the service hours flash, press and release the MODE button to

advance the hours to the desired setting (including OFF). Press and hold the MODE button to set the new service hour interval.

Diagnostic Display Mode The EFI diagnostic display mode is for informational purposes only. Please see your POLARIS dealer for all major repairs. The diagnostic mode is accessible only when the check engine warning indicator activates after the key has been turned on. Leave the key on if you want to view the active code (failure code). The diagnostic mode becomes inaccessible if the key is turned off and on and the warning indicator is no longer active. This allows the deter- mination of persistent as well as intermittent faults. Inactive codes are stored in the history of the unit.


FEATURES AND CONTROLS Instrument Cluster Digital/Analog Gauge Rider Information Center Engine Error Codes The error screen displays only when the CHECK ENGINE light is on or when it goes on and off during one ignition cycle. Error codes are not stored in the gauge when the key is turned off. The code and message is lost, but will reappear if the fault reoccurs after restart- ing the engine. If the CHECK ENGINE light illuminates, retrieve the error codes from the dis- play. Please see your POLARIS dealer for all major repairs. 1. If the error codes are not displayed, use the MODE button to toggle

until Ck ENG displays on the main line of the display. 2. Press and hold the MODE button to enter the diagnostics code

menu. 3. Record the numbers displayed in the gear position (if any), clock

and odometer displays. 4. Press the MODE button to advance to the next error code. 5. Press and hold the MODE button to exit the diagnostics code menu. 6. See pages 44-47 for code definitions and failure descriptions. Please

see your POLARIS dealer for all major repairs.

Suspect Parameter Number (SPN)Error Code

Number (0-9)

Failure Mode Indicator (FMI)


FEATURES AND CONTROLS Instrument Cluster Diagnostic Display Code Definitions Open Load: There is a break in the wires that lead to the item listed in the chart (injector, fuel pump, etc.), or the item has failed. Short-to-Ground: The wire is shorted to ground between the electronic control unit and the item listed in the chart. Shorted Load: The wires leading to the item listed in the chart are shorted together, or the item has shorted internally. Short-to-Battery: The wire leading from the item listed in the chart to the electronic control unit is shorted to a wire at battery voltage.

SPORTSMAN 550 Touring Diagnostic Codes Component Condition SPN FMI

Throttle Position Sensor

Voltage Too High 51 3 Voltage Too Low 51 4

Engine Temperature Sensor

Voltage Too High 110 3 Voltage Too Low 110 4 Temperature Too High 110 16 Engine Overheat Shutdown 110 0

Intake Air Temperature Sensor

Voltage Too High 105 3 Voltage Too Low 105 4

Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor

Voltage Too High 102 3 Voltage Too Low 102 4

Crankshaft Position Sensor Circuit Fault 636 8 Gear Sensor Signal Voltage Too Low (to Calibrate) 523 4

Voltage Too High 523 3 Signal Fault 523 2

Injector 1 (MAG) Driver Circuit Open/Grounded 651 5 Driver Circuit Short to B+ 651 3

Ignition Coil Primary Driver 1 (MAG) Driver Open/Grounded 1268 5 Driver Circuit Short to B+ 1268 3

Fuel Pump Driver Circuit

Driver Circuit Open/Grounded 1347 5 Driver Circuit Short to B+ 1347 3

Fan Relay Driver Circuit Driver Circuit Open/Grounded 1071 5 Driver Circuit Short to B+ 1071 3


FEATURES AND CONTROLS Instrument Cluster Diagnostic Display Code Definitions

*Assumes unipolar configuration of stepper motor

SPORTSMAN 550 Touring Diagnostic Codes Component Condition SPN FMI

Idle Air Control Driver Circuit Grounded 520193 5 Shorted Load* 520193 11

Starter Enable Circuit Driver Circuit Short to B+ 1321 3 All Wheel Drive Control Driver Circuit Short to B+ 520207 3 System Power Voltage Too High 168 3

Voltage Too low 168 4 Throttle Safety Signal Voltage Too High 520194 3

Voltage Too Low 520194 4 Signal Out of Range 520194 2 Throttle Stuck 520194 7

Active Descent Control System Driver Circuit Short to B+ 520203 3

EPS Models Only

Steering Over Current Shut Down Current Above Normal or Grounded

520221 6

Steering Excessive Current Error Current Above Normal or Grounded

520222 6

Steering Torque Sensor T1 Partial Failure

T1 Shorted to Ground 520223 4 T1 Shorted to Bus 520223 3

Steering Torque Sensor T2 Partial Failure

T2 Shorted to Ground 520224 4 T2 Shorted to Bus 520224 3

Steering Torque Sensor Full Failure T1 and T2 Shorted to Ground 520225 4 T1 and T2 Shorted to Bus 520225 3 T1 Shorted to Ground & T2 Shorted to Bus

520225 16

T2 Shorted to Ground & T1 Shorted to Bus

520225 17

T1 and T2 are Shorted 520225 2 Steering Position Sensor P1 Partial Failure

P1 Shorted to Ground 520226 4 P1 Shorted to Bus 520226 3

Steering Position Sensor P2 Partial Failure

P2 Shorted to Ground 520227 4 P2 Shorted to Bus 520227 3

Steering Position Sensor Full Failure P1 and P2 Shorted to Ground 520228 4 P1 and P2 Shorted to bus 520228 3

EPAS Inverter Temperature Greater than 110 Degrees C 520229 16 Greater than 120 Degrees C 520229 0

EPAS CAN Communications Receive Error

No RX Message for 2 Seconds 520230 9

EPAS CAN Communications Transmit Error

No TX Message for 2 Seconds 520231 9


FEATURES AND CONTROLS Instrument Cluster Diagnostic Display Code Definitions

SPORTSMAN 850 Touring Diagnostic Codes Component Condition SPN FMI

Throttle Position Sensor Voltage Too High 51 3 Voltage Too Low 51 4

Engine Temperature Sensor Voltage Too High 110 3 Voltage Too Low 110 4 Temperature Too High 110 16 Engine Overheat Shutdown 110 0

Intake Air Temperature Sensor Voltage Too High 105 3 Voltage Too Low 105 4

Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor Voltage Too High 102 3 Voltage Too Low 102 4 Signal Out of Range 102 2

Crankshaft Position Sensor Circuit Fault 636 8 Plausibility Fault 636 2

Vehicle Speed Signal Speed Too High 84 8 Plausibility Fault 84 2

Gear Sensor Signal Voltage Too Low 523 4 Voltage too high 523 3 Signal fault 523 2

Injector 1 (MAG) (SDI Part Load) Driver Circuit Open/Grounded 651 5 Driver Circuit Short to B+ 651 3 Driver Circuit Grounded 651 4

Injector 2 (PTO) (SDI Part Load) Driver Circuit Open/Grounded 652 5 Driver Circuit Short to B+ 652 3 Driver Circuit Grounded 652 4

Ignition Coil Primary Driver 1 (MAG) Driver Circuit Short to B+ 1268 3 Ignition Coil Primary Driver 2 (PTO) Driver Circuit Short to B+ 1269 3 Fuel Pump Driver Circuit Driver Circuit Open/Grounded 1347 5

Driver Circuit Short to B+ 1347 3 Driver Circuit Grounded 1347 4

Fan Relay Driver Circuit Driver Circuit Open/Grounded 1071 5 Driver Circuit Short to B+ 1071 3 Driver Circuit Grounded 1071 4

Idle Air Control Driver Circuit Open/Grounded 634 5 Driver Circuit Short to B+ 634 3 Driver Circuit Grounded 634 4 Position Out of Range 634 7

Starter Enable Circuit Driver Circuit Open/Grounded 1321 5 Driver Circuit Short to B+ 1321 3 Driver Circuit Grounded 1321 4


FEATURES AND CONTROLS Instrument Cluster Diagnostic Display Code Definitions

SPORTSMAN 850 Touring Diagnostic Codes Component Condition SPN FMI

Chassis Relay Driver Circuit Open/Grounded 520208 5 Driver Circuit Short to B+ 520208 3 Driver Circuit Grounded 520208 4

All Wheel Drive Control Driver Circuit Open/Grounded 520207 5 Driver Circuit Short to B+ 520207 3 Driver Circuit Grounded 520207 4

System Power Voltage Too High 168 3 Voltage Too low 168 4

Throttle Safety Signal Voltage Too High 520194 3 Voltage Too Low 520194 4 Signal Out of Range 520194 2 Throttle Stuck 520194 7

Active Descent Control System Driver Circuit Open/Grounded 520203 5 Driver Circuit Short to B+ 520203 3 Driver Circuit Grounded 520203 4

Idle Speed Speed Too High 520211 3 Speed Too Low 520211 4

EPS Models Only

Steering Over Current Shutdown Current Above Normal/Grounded 520221 6 Steering Excessive Current Error Current Above Normal/Grounded 520222 6 Steering Torque Sensor T1 Par- tial Failure

T1 Shorted to Ground 520223 4 T1 Shorted to Bus 520223 3

Steering Torque Sensor T2 Par- tial Failure

T2 Shorted to Ground 520224 4 T2 Shorted to Bus 520224 3

Steering Torque Sensor Full Failure

T1 and T2 Shorted to Ground 520225 4 T1 and T2 Shorted to Bus 520225 3 T1 Short to Ground & T2 Short to Bus 520225 16 T2 Short to Ground & T1 Short to Bus 520225 17 T1 and T2 are Shorted 520225 2

Steering Position Sensor P1 Partial Failure

P1 Shorted to Ground 520226 4 P1 Shorted to Bus 520226 3

Steering Position Sensor P2 Partial Failure

P2 Shorted to Ground 520227 4 P2 Shorted to Bus 520227 3

Steering Position Sensor Full Failure

P1 and P2 Shorted to Ground 520228 4 P1 and P2 Shorted to bus 520228 3

EPAS Inverter Temperature Greater than 110 Degrees C 520229 16 Greater than 120 Degrees C 520229 0

EPAS CAN Comm. Receive Err No RX Message for 2 Seconds 520230 9 EPAS CAN Comm. Transmit Err No TX Message for 2 Seconds 520231 9 IC CAN Comm. w/EPAS EPAS Offline 520230 31



Failure to operate the vehicle properly can result in a collision, loss of control, accident or overturn, which may result in serious injury or death. Read and understand all safety warnings outlined in the safety section of this owners manual.

Break-In Period The break-in period for your new POLARIS vehicle is the first ten hours of operation, or the time it takes to use the first two full tanks of gaso- line. No single action on your part is as important as following the pro- cedures for a proper break-in. Careful treatment of a new engine and drive components will result in more efficient performance and longer life for these components. NOTICE: Excessive heat build-up during the first three hours of operation will

damage close-fitted engine parts and drive components. Do not operate at full throttle or high speeds during the first three hours of use.


OPERATION Break-In Period Engine and Drivetrain Break-in 1. Fill the fuel tank with gasoline. See page 31. Always exercise

extreme caution whenever handling gasoline. 2. Check the engine oil level on the dipstick. See page 75. Add oil if

necessary to maintain the level between the safe and add marks. 3. Drive slowly at first. Select an open area that allows room to famil-

iarize yourself with vehicle operation and handling. 4. Vary the throttle positions. Do not operate at sustained idle. 5. Perform regular checks on fluid levels, controls and areas outlined

on the daily pre-ride inspection checklist. See page 50. 6. Pull only light loads. 7. Change both the oil and the filter at 20 hours, one month or 500

miles (800 km), whichever comes first.

PVT Break-in (Clutches/Belt) A proper break-in of the clutches and drive belt will ensure a longer life and better performance. Break in the clutches and belt by operating at slower speeds during the break-in period as recommended. Pull only light loads. Avoid aggressive acceleration and high speed operation dur- ing the break-in period.


OPERATION Pre-Ride Checklist Failure to inspect and verify that the vehicle is in safe operating condi- tion before operating increases the risk of an accident. Always inspect the vehicle before each use to make sure it’s in safe operating condition.

Item Remarks Page

Passenger seat latch Ensure latch is secure 30

Brake system/lever travel Ensure proper operation 25 87

Brake fluid Ensure proper level 26

Auxiliary brake Ensure proper operation 28

Front suspension Inspect, lubricate if necessary 74

Rear suspension Inspect, lubricate if necessary 74

Steering/steering lock Unlock the steering; ensure free oper- ation


Steering Ensure free operation —

Tires Inspect condition and pressure 92

Wheels/fasteners Inspect, ensure fastener tightness 94

Frame nuts, bolts, fasteners Inspect, ensure tightness —

Fuel and oil Ensure proper levels 31 75

Coolant level Ensure proper level 85 86

Coolant hoses Inspect for leaks —

Throttle Ensure proper operation 24 114

Switches Ensure operation 21

Engine stop switch Ensure proper operation 22

Mirrors Adjust for best side/rear vision 24

Turn signals, indicators Ensure operation 22

Air filter, pre-filter Inspect, clean 95

Headlamp Check operation 23 97

Brake light/taillight Check operation 101

Riding gear Wear approved helmet, goggles, and protective clothing


ADC Fluid Ensure proper level 81


OPERATION Safe Operation Practices 1. Complete the recommended safety training before operating this

vehicle. See page 6. 2. Do not allow anyone under 16 years of age to operate this vehicle.

Do not allow anyone with cognitive or physical disabilities to oper- ate this vehicle.

3. Engine exhaust fumes are poisonous. Never start the engine or let it run in an enclosed area.

4. Before operating, learn how to use the auxiliary brake for emer- gency situations (if service brakes become inoperable).

5. Use caution and drive at reduced speeds in conditions of reduced visibility such as fog, rain and darkness. Clean headlights fre- quently and replace burned out headlamps promptly.

6. Drive in a manner appropriate for your skills, your passengers skills and operating conditions. Never operate at excessive speeds. Never attempt wheelies, jumps or other stunts. Never remove your hands from the handlebars while operating, and always keep both feet on the footrests.

7. Never consume alcohol or drugs before or while operating this vehi- cle.

8. Always use the size and type of tires specified for your vehicle. Always maintain proper tire pressure.

9. Never operate a damaged vehicle. After any overturn or accident, have a qualified service dealer inspect the entire machine for possi- ble damage.

10. Never operate the vehicle on a frozen body of water unless you have independently verified that the ice is sufficiently thick to support the weight and moving force of the vehicle, you and your cargo, together with any other vehicles in your party.

11. Do not touch hot exhaust system components. Always keep com- bustible materials away from the exhaust system.

12. Always remove the ignition key when the vehicle is not in use to prevent unauthorized use.


OPERATION Starting the Engine 1. Position the vehicle on a level surface outdoors or in a well-venti-

lated area. 2. Place the transmission in PARK. 3. Lock the parking brake. Tip: The starter interlock will prevent the engine from starting if the transmission

is in gear and the brake is not engaged.

4. Sit on the vehicle and move the engine stop switch to RUN. 5. Do not press the throttle while starting the engine. 6. Turn the ignition key past the POSITION

LIGHTS ON position to engage the starter. Activate the starter for a maximum of five seconds, releasing the key when the engine starts.

7. If the engine does not start, return the key to the OFF position and wait five seconds before attempting to start again. Activate the starter for another five seconds if necessary. Repeat this procedure until the engine starts.

NOTICE: Operating the vehicle immediately after starting could cause engine damage. Allow the engine to warm up for several minutes before operating the vehicle.

Cold Weather Operation If the vehicle is used year-round, check the oil level frequently. A rising oil level could indicate the accumulation of contaminates such as water or excess fuel in the bottom of the crankcase. Water in the bottom of the crankcase can lead to engine damage and must be drained. Water accu- mulation increases as outside temperature decreases.


OPERATION Driving Procedures

1. Wear protective riding gear. See page 16. 2. Perform the pre-ride inspection. See page 50. 3. Place the transmission in PARK. 4. Lock the parking brake. 5. Mount the vehicle from the left side. 6. Sit upright with both feet on the footrests and both hands on the

handlebars. 7. Start the engine and allow it to warm up. 8. Shift the transmission into gear. 9. Check your surroundings and determine your path of travel. 10. Release the parking brake. 11. Slowly depress the throttle with your right thumb and begin driving. 12. Drive slowly. Practice maneuvering and using the throttle and

brakes on level surfaces.


OPERATION Turning the Vehicle 1. Before turning, activate a

turn signal to alert others of your intentions. Activate the left signal before a left turn. Activate the right signal before a right turn.

2. Steer in the direction of the turn, leaning your upper body to the inside of the turn while supporting your weight on the outer footrest. Use the same leaning tech- nique for turning in reverse.

3. Practice making turns at slow speeds before attempt- ing to turn at faster speeds.

Turning improperly can result in vehicle overturn. Never turn abruptly or at sharp angles. Never turn at high speeds.


OPERATION Driving with a Passenger 1. Never allow anyone under 12 years of age to ride as a passenger on

this 2-up vehicle. Make sure any passenger is tall enough to com- fortably and safely reach the grab handles and footrests.

2. Do not carry a passenger until you have at least two hours of driving experience with this vehicle.

3. Make sure the passenger is wearing appropriate riding gear, includ- ing an approved helmet with a rigid chin guard. See page 16.

4. Perform the pre-ride inspection. See page 50. 5. Always make sure the passenger seat is installed and securely

latched before operating with a passenger. 6. Lock the parking brake. 7. Mount the vehicle from the left side. After the operator is seated, the

passenger should mount the vehicle from the left side. Always make sure the brake is engaged to ensure the vehicle remains motionless whenever a passenger mounts or dismounts.

8. Allow a passenger to ride only in the approved passenger seat. 9. Do not carry more than one passenger. 10. Slow down. Control may be more difficult with a passenger on

board. Allow more time and distance for braking. 11. Ride to the ability of your passenger, instead of to your own ability.

Avoid unexpected or aggressive maneuvers that could cause a pas- senger to fall from the vehicle.

12. Do not cross a hillside with a passenger on board. See page 58. 13. A passenger should always be seated in the passenger seat with both

feet on the footrests and both hands on the passenger grab handles at all times. The passenger should never hold on to the operator.

14. Make sure the passenger understands the importance of «active riding.» When hill-climbing or performing maneuvers, a passenger should shift body weight in the same manner in which the driver shifts body weight. For example, the passenger should lean to the inside of a turn along with the operator and should always lean uphill when climbing and descending hills.


OPERATION Driving on Slippery Surfaces

Whenever driving on slippery or loose surfaces such as wet trails, gravel, snow or ice, follow these precautions: 1. Do not operate on excessively rough, slippery or loose terrain. 2. Slow down when entering slippery areas. 3. Engage 4X4 before wheels begin to lose traction. NOTICE: Severe damage to drive train may occur if the 4X4 is engaged while

the wheels are spinning. Allow the rear wheels to stop spinning before engaging 4X4, or engage 4X4 before wheels begin to lose traction.

4. Be alert. Watch the trail. Avoid quick, sharp turns. 5. Never apply the brakes during a skid. Correct a skid by turning the

handlebars in the direction of the skid and shifting your body weight forward.

Sideways skid

Turn in direction of



OPERATION Driving Uphill

Whenever traveling uphill, follow these precautions: 1. Always move the 4X4 switch to ADC 4X4 before ascending or

descending a hill. See page 35. 2. Drive straight uphill. 3. Avoid steep hills (15 maximum). 4. Always check the terrain carefully before ascending any hill. 5. Avoid hills with slippery or loose surfaces. 6. Keep both feet on the footrests. 7. Shift body weight uphill. A passenger should also shift body weight

uphill. 8. Proceed at a steady rate of speed to avoid stalling. 9. Never open the throttle suddenly or make sudden gear changes. 10. Be alert. Be prepared to take emergency action. This may include

dismounting quickly.

15 Maximum


OPERATION Driving on a Sidehill (Sidehilling)

Avoid crossing the side of a hill (sidehilling) if possible. If sidehilling is necessary, follow these precautions: 1. Slow down. 2. Do not cross a hillside with a passenger on board. Ask the passenger

to dismount and walk across the hillside before remounting the vehicle.

3. Lean into the hill, transferring your upper body weight toward the hill while keeping your feet on the footrests.

4. If the vehicle begins to tip, quickly turn the front wheel downhill, if possible, or dismount on the uphill side immediately!


OPERATION Driving Downhill

When driving downhill, follow these precautions: 1. Always move the 4X4 switch to ADC 4X4 before ascending or

descending a hill. See page 35. 2. Always descend a hill with the transmission in forward gear. Do not

descend a hill with the transmission in neutral. 3. Slow down. Never travel down a hill at high speed. 4. Drive straight downhill. Avoid traveling down a hill at an angle,

which would cause the vehicle to lean sharply to one side. 5. Shift body weight uphill. A passenger should also shift body weight

uphill. 6. Apply the brakes slightly to aid in slowing. Applying the brakes too

firmly may cause the rear wheels to lock, which could result in loss of control.

15 Maximum


OPERATION Turning Around on a Hill (K-Turn) If the vehicle stalls while climbing a hill, never back it down the hill! Use the K-turn to turn around.

8 ft. (2.4 m)


OPERATION Turning Around on a Hill (K-Turn) 1. Stop and lock the parking brake while keeping body weight uphill. 2. Always move the 4X4 switch to ADC 4X4 before ascending or

descending a hill. See page 35. 3. Leave the transmission in forward and shut off the engine. 4. If a passenger is on board, ask the passenger to dismount first, then

the operator may dismount. Dismount on the uphill side of the vehi- cle, or on the left if the vehicle is pointing straight uphill. A passen- ger should not remount until the vehicle returns to firm, level ground.

5. Staying uphill of the vehicle, turn the handlebars full left. 6. While holding the brake lever, release the parking brake lock and

slowly allow the vehicle to roll around to your right until it’s point- ing across the hill or slightly downward.

7. Lock the parking brake. Remount the vehicle from the uphill side, keeping body weight uphill. A passenger should not remount until the vehicle returns to firm, level ground.

8. Start the engine with the transmission still in forward. 9. Release the parking brake and proceed slowly, controlling speed

with the brake lever, until the vehicle is on more level ground.


OPERATION Driving Through Water Follow these procedures when driving through water:

1. Check water depth and current before cross- ing.

2. Choose a crossing where both banks have gradual inclines.

3. Drive slowly. Avoid rocks and obstacles.

4. Avoid operating in water deeper than the bottom of the footrests. If it’s unavoidable, travel slowly, balance your weight carefully and avoid sudden movements. Maintain a slow and steady forward motion. Do not make sudden turns, stops or throttle changes.

NOTICE: Major engine damage can result if the vehicle is not thoroughly inspected after operation in water. Perform the services outlined in the maintenance chart. See page 70. The following areas need special attention: engine oil, transmission oil, demand drive fluid and all grease fittings. If the vehicle tips or overturns in water, or if the engine stops during or after operating in water, restarting can result in serious engine damage. Transport the vehicle to your dealer for service before restarting the engine. If this is not possible, follow the vehicle immersion inspection and drying procedures outlined on page 104, then see your dealer for service at the first opportunity.

5. After leaving water, test the brakes. Apply them lightly several times while driving slowly. The friction will help dry out the pads.

Maximum Depth


OPERATION Driving Over Obstacles

Follow these precautions when operating over obstacles: 1. Always check for obstacles before operating in a new area. 2. Be alert. Watch the terrain. Use extra caution. 3. Never operate over large obstacles. 4. Avoid hazards such as logs, rocks and low branches. 5. Always have a passenger dismount before operating over an obsta-

cle that could cause a fall from the vehicle or vehicle tipover.


OPERATION Driving in Reverse

Follow these precautions when operating in reverse: 1. Always check for obstacles or people behind the vehicle. Be aware

that a passenger can obstruct your view. 2. Always avoid backing downhill. 3. Drive slowly. Apply the brakes lightly for stopping. 4. Avoid turning at sharp angles. 5. Never open the throttle suddenly. 6. Do not use the override switch unless additional wheel speed is

required for vehicle movement. Use with caution. NOTICE: Excessive throttle operation while in the speed limit mode may cause

fuel to build in the exhaust, resulting in engine popping and/or engine damage.


OPERATION Parking on an Incline

Avoid parking on an incline if possible. If it’s unavoidable, follow these precautions: 1. Stop the engine. 2. Place the transmission in PARK. 3. Lock the parking brake. 4. Always block the rear wheels on the downhill side.


OPERATION Hauling Cargo

Overloading the vehicle or carrying or towing cargo improperly can alter vehicle handling and may cause loss of control or brake instability. Always follow these precautions when hauling cargo:

Read and understand the load distribution warnings listed on the vehicle warning labels.

Never carry cargo on the rear rack when operating the vehicle in the 2-up mode with a passenger.


Never exceed the stated load capacity for this vehicle. When determining the weight you are adding to the vehicle, include the weight of the operator, passenger, accessories, loads in the rack or box and the load on the trailer tongue. The combined weight of these items must not exceed the maximum weight capacity.

CARGO WEIGHT DISTRIBUTION should be 1/3 on the front rack and 2/3 on the rear rack. When operating over rough or hilly terrain, reduce speed and cargo to maintain stable driving conditions. Carrying loads on only one rack increases the possibility of vehicle overturn.

CARRY LOADS AS LOW ON THE RACKS AS POSSIBLE. Carrying loads high on the racks raises the center of gravity of the vehicle and creates a less stable operating condition.

SECURE ALL LOADS BEFORE OPERATING. Unsecured loads can create unstable operating conditions, which could result in loss of control of the vehicle.

OPERATE ONLY WITH STABLE AND SAFELY ARRANGED LOADS. When handling off-centered loads that cannot be centered, securely fasten the load and operate with extra caution. Always attach the tow load to the hitch point designated for your vehicle.

HEAVY LOADS CAN CAUSE BRAKING AND CONTROL PROBLEMS. Use extreme caution when applying brakes with a loaded vehicle. Avoid terrain or situations that may require backing downhill.

USE EXTREME CAUTION when operating with loads that extend over the rack sides. Stability and maneuverability may be adversely affected, causing the vehicle to overturn.


the front rack. TOWING SPEED should never exceed 16 km/h. Never exceed 8 km/h when

towing loads in rough terrain, while cornering, or while ascending or descending hills.


OPERATION Hauling Cargo Never exceed the weight capacities specified for your vehicle on warn- ing labels and in the specifications section of this manual. 1. Cargo weight should be evenly

distributed (1/3 on the front rack and 2/3 on the rear rack) and mounted as low as possible.

2. When operating over rough or hilly terrain, reduce speed and cargo weight to maintain stable driving conditions.

3. Do not obstruct the headlight beam with cargo. 4. Slow down. 5. Use low forward gear when hauling or towing heavy cargo to

extend belt life. 6. Always operate the vehicle with extreme caution whenever hauling

or towing loads. Balance, handling, and control may be affected.

2/3 1/3


OPERATION Hauling Cargo Towing Loads Towing is approved OFF-ROAD ONLY. See your Polaris dealer about configuring the vehicle to be certified to tow a trailer on-road. Do not tow any trailer on a grade steeper than 15 Always attach a towed load to the hitch point. Remove the hitch from

the vehicle when not towing a trailer. If towing a load, reduce rear rack cargo weight by the amount of

tongue weight. The combination of rear rack cargo weight and tongue weight must not exceed the rear rack capacity.

The total load (operator, passenger, accessories, cargo and weight on hitch) must not exceed the maximum weight capacity of the vehicle.

NOTICE: Using an improper hitch or exceeding the maximum tongue weight capacity can result in serious damage to the vehicle and will void your POLARIS warranty. Never install a hitch longer than 10 cm. Never install automotive accessories on your POLARIS vehicle. Always install POLARIS- approved (or equivalent) accessories designed for use on this vehicle.

Maximum Towing Capacities

Do not exceed maximum towing capacities. Avoid towing on inclines. 550 850

Maximum Towed Load (Level Ground) 1500 lbs. (680 kg) 1500 lbs. (680 kg)

Maximum Vertical Hitch Weight 150 lbs. (68 kg) 150 lbs. (68 kg)

Maximum 10 cm


EMISSION CONTROL SYSTEMS Noise Emission Control System Do not modify the engine, intake or exhaust components, as doing so may affect compliance with governmental noise level requirements.

Spark Arrestor Your Polaris vehicle has a spark arrestor that was designed for on-road and off-road operation. It is required that this spark arrestor remain installed and functional when the vehicle is operated.

Exhaust Emission Control System Exhaust emissions are controlled by engine design. An electronic fuel injection (EFI) system controls fuel delivery. The engine and EFI com- ponents are set at the factory for optimal performance and are not adjustable.

Electromagnetic Interference This spark ignition system complies with Canadian standard ICES-002. This vehicle complies with the EMC requirements of European direc- tives 97/24/EC and 2004/108/EC. Non-ionizing Radiation: This vehicle emits some electromagnetic energy. People with active or non-active implantable medical devices (such as heart monitoring or controlling devices) should review the lim- itations of their device and the applicable electromagnetic standards and directives that apply to this vehicle.


MAINTENANCE Periodic Maintenance Chart Careful periodic maintenance will help keep your vehicle in safe, reli- able condition. Inspect, clean, lubricate, adjust and replace parts as nec- essary. When inspection reveals the need for replacement parts, use genuine POLARIS parts available from your POLARIS dealer. Record maintenance and service in the Maintenance Log beginning on page 135. Service and adjustments are important for proper vehicle operation. If you’re not familiar with safe service and adjustment procedures, have a qualified dealer perform these operations. Maintenance intervals in the following chart are based upon average riding conditions and an average vehicle speed of approximately 10 miles per hour. Vehicles subjected to severe use must be inspected and serviced more frequently. Severe Use Definition Frequent immersion in mud, water or sand Racing or race-style high RPM use Prolonged low speed, heavy load operation Extended idle Short trip cold weather operation Pay special attention to the oil level. A rise in oil level during cold weather can indicate contaminants collecting in the oil sump or crank- case. Change oil immediately if the oil level begins to rise. Monitor the oil level, and if it continues to rise, discontinue use and determine the cause or see your dealer.


MAINTENANCE Periodic Maintenance Chart

Improperly performing the procedures marked with a n could result in component failure and cause an accident, which may result in serious injury or death. Always have an authorized POLARIS dealer perform these services.

Maintenance Chart Key Perform more often for vehicles subjected to severe use. E Emission-related service (Failure to conduct this maintenance will

not void the emissions warranty but may affect emissions.) n Have an authorized POLARIS dealer perform these services.


MAINTENANCE Periodic Maintenance Chart Perform all services at whichever maintenance interval is reached first.

Perform these procedures more often for vehicles subjected to severe use. E Emission-Related Service n Have an authorized POLARIS dealer perform these services.

Item Maintenance Interval (whichever comes first)


Hours Calendar Miles (Km)

Steering — Pre-Ride — Make adjustments as needed. See Pre-Ride Checklist on page 50.

Front suspension — Pre-Ride — Rear suspension — Pre-Ride — Tires — Pre-Ride — Brake fluid level — Pre-Ride — Brake lever travel — Pre-Ride — Brake system — Pre-Ride — Passenger seat latch

— Pre-Ride —

Wheels/fasteners — Pre-Ride — Frame fasteners — Pre-Ride — Engine oil level — Pre-Ride —


Air filter, pre-filter — Daily — Inspect; clean often; replace as needed

Coolant — Daily — Check level daily, change coolant every 2 years

ADC fluid — Daily — Check level, add as needed Power steering unit — Daily — Inspect daily; clean often

Headlight/taillight — Daily — Check operation E

Air filter, main element

— Weekly — Inspect; replace as needed

Engine oil change 20 H 1 Month 500 (800) Perform break-in oil and filter change (see page 48)


Brake pad wear 10 H Monthly 100 (160) Inspect periodically

Battery 20 H Monthly 200 (320) Check terminals; clean; test Rear gearcase oil 25 H Monthly 250 (400) Inspect level Transmission oil 25 H Monthly 250 (400) Inspect level Demand drive fluid 25 H Monthly 250 (400) Inspect level Demand drive fluid

(extreme use) 25 H 1 M 250 (400) Change fluid every 25 hours

if ADC is subjected to extreme use. See page 80.

General lubrication

50 H 3 M 500 (800) Lubricate all fittings, pivots, cables, etc.

Shift linkage 50 H 6 M 500 (800) Inspect, lubricate n Steering 50 H 6 M 500 (800) Lubricate Front suspension 50 H 6 M 500 (800) Lubricate Rear suspension 50 H 6 M 500 (800) Lubricate


MAINTENANCE Periodic Maintenance Chart

Item Maintenance Interval (whichever comes first)


Hours Calendar Miles (Km)

nE Throttle Cable/ ETC Switch

50 H 6 M 500 (800) Inspect; adjust; lubricate; replace if necessary

E Throttle Body Intake Duct

50 H 6 M 500 (800) Inspect duct for proper seal- ing/air leaks

Drive belt 50 H 6 M 500 (800) Inspect; adjust; replace as needed

Cooling system 50 H 6 M 1000 (1600) Inspect coolant strength seasonally; pressure test system yearly

Radiator 50 H 6 M 1000 (1600) Inspect; clean external surfaces

Cooling hoses 50 H 6 M 1000 (1600) Inspect for leaks Engine oil change 100 H 6 M 1000 (1600) Change the oil and filter Rear gearcase oil 100 H 12 M 1000 (1600) Change fluid Transmission oil 100 H 12 M 1000 (1600) Change fluid Demand drive fluid

(normal use) 100 H 12 M 1000 (1600) Change fluid

Fuel system 100 H 12 M 1000 (1600) Check for leaks at tank cap, lines, filter, pump; replace lines every two years

Engine mounts 100 H 12 M 1000 (1600) Inspect Exhaust muffler/ pipe

100 H 12 M 1000 (1600) Inspect

nE Spark plug 100 H 12 M 1000 (1600) Inspect; replace as needed Wiring 100 H 12 M 1000 (1600) Inspect for wear, routing,

security; apply dielectric grease to connectors subjected to water, mud, etc.

n Clutches (drive and driven)

100 H 12 M 1000 (1600) Inspect; clean; replace worn parts

n Front wheel bearings

100 H 12 M 1000 (1600) Inspect; replace as needed

n Brake fluid 200 H 24 M 2000 (3200) Change every two years n

ADC fluid 200 H 24 M 2000 (3200) Change every two years

Spark arrestor 300 H 36 M 3000 (4800) Clean out nE Valve clearance 1000 H — 10000

(16000) Inspect; adjust

n Toe adjustment — Inspect periodically; adjust when parts are replaced

Headlight aim — Adjust as needed


MAINTENANCE Lubrication Guide Check and lubricate all components at the intervals outlined in the Peri- odic Maintenance Chart beginning on page 70. Items not listed in the chart should be lubricated at the General Lubrication interval. The a-arms and upper control arms are lubricated at the factory, and no additional lubrication will be needed. However, if these components are subjected to severe use, grease zerks have been provided for additional lubrication at the user’s discretion.

Item Recommended Lubricant

Capacity at Fluid Change

Fill Plug Torque

Drain Plug Torque

Inspection Procedure

550 Engine Oil PS-4 PLUS Performance Synthetic 2W-50

2 qt. (1.9 l)

— 15-17 ft. lbs. (20-23 Nm)

Page 75.

850 Engine Oil PS-4 PLUS Performance Synthetic 2W-50

2 qt. (1.9 l)

— 12 ft. lbs. (16 Nm)

Page 75.

Transmission Oil

AGL PLUS Transmission Fluid

32 oz. (946 ml)

10-14 ft. lbs. (14-19 Nm)

10-14 ft. lbs. (14-19 Nm)

Page 78.

Demand Drive Fluid (Front Gearcase)

Demand Drive PLUS Fluid

9.3 oz. (275 ml)

8-10 ft. lbs. (11-14 Nm)

11 ft. lbs. (15 Nm)

Page 80.

Rear Gearcase Oil

ATV Angle Drive Fluid (or GL5 80- 90 weight gear lube)

7.1 oz. (210 ml)

10-14 ft. lbs. (14-19 Nm)

10-14 ft. lbs. (14-19 Nm)

Page 83.

Brake Fluid DOT 4 Only — — — Page 26.

ADC Fluid Demand Drive PLUS Fluid

— — — Page 81.

Front Prop Shaft Yoke

POLARIS Premium U-Joint Lube

Grease fittings (3 pumps maximum) every 500 miles, before long periods of storage, or after pressure washing or submerging.

A-Arms, Front and Rear

POLARIS Premium All- Season Grease

Grease fittings after extreme use or if suspension becomes squeaky.

Front Prop Shaft Yoke



MAINTENANCE Engine Oil Oil Recommendations POLARIS recommends the use of POLARIS PS-4 PLUS Performance Synthetic 2W-50 4-cycle oil or a similar oil for this engine. See the table on page 74 for fluid recommendations, capacities and plug torques. Oil may need to be changed more frequently if POLARIS oil is not used. Always use 2W-50 oil. Follow the manufacturer’s recommenda- tions for ambient temperature operation. See page 125 for the part num- bers of POLARIS products. NOTICE: Mixing brands or using a non-recommended oil may cause serious

engine damage. Always use the recommended oil. Never substitute or mix oil brands.

Oil Level Check the oil level when the engine is cold. Never check the oil with the engine running. 1. Position the vehicle on a

level surface. 2. Access the oil dipstick and

fill tube from the left side of the vehicle. Remove the dip- stick. Wipe it dry with a clean cloth.

3. Reinstall and tighten the dip- stick.

4. Remove the dipstick and check the oil level.

5. Add the recommended fluid as needed. Maintain the oil level in the safe range between the FULL and ADD marks. Do not overfill.

6. Reinstall and tighten the dip- stick.


Full Add


Full Add



MAINTENANCE Engine Oil Oil and Filter Change See the table on page 74 for fluid recommendations, capacities and plug torques. Always change the oil and filter at the intervals outlined in the Periodic Maintenance Chart beginning on page 70. Always change the oil filter whenever changing oil.

1. Position the vehicle on a level surface. 2. Start the engine. Allow it to warm up at idle for two to three min-

utes. 3. Stop the engine. 4. Clean the area around the drain plug. 5. Place a drain pan under the crankcase. 6. Remove the drain plug. Allow the oil to drain completely.

Hot oil can cause burns to skin. Do not allow hot oil to contact skin.

7. Install a new sealing washer on the drain plug. The sealing surfaces on drain plug and crankcase should be clean and free of burrs, nicks or scratches.

8. Reinstall the drain plug. Torque to specification.

550 Drain Plug

to front 850 Drain Plug

Filter Access


MAINTENANCE Engine Oil Oil and Filter Change 9. Place shop towels beneath

the oil filter. Using an oil fil- ter wrench (available from your POLARIS dealer), turn the filter counter-clockwise to remove it.

10. Using a clean dry cloth, clean the filter sealing surface on the crankcase.

11. Lubricate the o-ring on the new filter with a film of fresh engine oil. Check to make sure the o-ring is in good condition.

12. Install the new filter and rotate it clockwise by hand until the filter gasket contacts the sealing surface, then turn it an additional 1/2 turn.

13. Remove the dipstick. Add the proper amount of the recommended oil. Do not overfill.

14. Reinstall the dipstick. 15. Place the transmission in PARK. 16. Lock the parking brake. 17. Start the engine. Allow it to idle for one to two minutes. 18. Stop the engine. 19. Check for leaks. 20. Check the oil level. Add oil as needed to bring the level to the upper

mark on the dipstick. 21. Dispose of used filter and oil properly.

Oil Filter



MAINTENANCE Transmission Oil POLARIS recommends the use of POLARIS AGL PLUS Transmission Fluid for this transmission. See the table on page 74 for fluid recom- mendations, capacities and plug torques. Always check and change the transmission oil at the intervals outlined in the Periodic Maintenance Chart beginning on page 70. See page 125 for the part numbers of POLARIS products. Maintain the oil level at the bot- tom of the fill plug hole. The fill plug is located on the right side of the vehicle behind the footwell. The drain plug is located on the bottom rear side of the gearcase.

Oil Check 1. Remove the footwell (see

page 91). 2. Remove the fill plug. Check

the oil level. 3. Add the recommended fluid

as needed to bring the level to the bottom of the fill hole threads.

4. Reinstall the fill plug. Torque to specification. 5. Reinstall the footwell.

Drain Plug Fill Plug

Fill Level


MAINTENANCE Transmission Oil Oil Change 1. Remove the footwell. 2. Place a drain pan under the gearcase. Remove the drain plug. Allow

the oil to drain completely. 3. Clean and reinstall the drain plug. Torque to specification. 4. Remove the fill plug. Add the proper amount of the recommended

oil. 5. Reinstall the fill plug. Torque to specification. 6. Check for leaks. 7. Reinstall the footwell. 8. Dispose of used oil properly.


MAINTENANCE Front Gearcase (Demand Drive) Fluid See the table on page 74 for fluid recommendations, capacities and plug torques. Always check and change the demand drive fluid at the inter- vals outlined in the Periodic Maintenance Chart beginning on page 70. See page 125 for the part numbers of POLARIS products. Change the front gearcase fluid every 25 hours if the ADC unit is exposed to extreme use. Extreme use includes any of the following: operation in ADC mode for prolonged periods constant ADC operation on hilly or mountainous terrain ADC is the primary mode of all-wheel-drive operation Tip: If the front gearcase is makes excessive noise during ADC operation,

change the demand drive fluid. If the noise continues, please see your POLARIS dealer for service.

Use the recommended fluid. Use of other fluids may result in improper operation of components. Maintain the fluid level at the bottom of the fill hole threads. The fill plug is located on the right side of the demand drive unit. The drain plug is located on the bottom right side of the unit.

Fluid Check 1. Position the vehicle on a level sur-

face. Remove the fill plug. Check the fluid level.

2. Add the recommended fluid as needed to bring the level to the bot- tom of the fill hole threads.

3. Reinstall the fill plug. Torque to specification.

Fluid Change 1. Position the vehicle on a level surface. Remove the fill plug. 2. Place a drain pan under the demand drive unit. Remove the drain

plug. Allow the fluid to drain completely. 3. Clean and reinstall the drain plug. Torque to specification. 4. Add the proper amount of the recommended fluid. 5. Reinstall the fill plug. Torque to specification. 6. Check for leaks. Dispose of used fluid properly.

Drain Plug

Fill Plug

Fill Level


MAINTENANCE Active Descent Control (ADC) Fluid Check and change the ADC fluid at the intervals outlined in the Periodic Maintenance Chart beginning on page 70. We recommend the use of POLARIS Demand Drive Plus Fluid for the ADC unit. Maintain the fluid level between the minimum and maximum marks on the reservoir. See page 125 for the part numbers of POLARIS products. NOTICE: Do not use brake fluid. Brake fluid will damage rubber components in

the hydraulic system.

Fluid Check 1. Access the reservoir under

the front box. See page 32. 2. View the fluid level in the

reservoir. 3. If the level is below the

minimum mark, remove the cap and add the recommended fluid.

4. Reinstall the cap. 5. Close and secure the front

box and cover.

ADC Fluid Reservoir


MAINTENANCE Active Descent Control (ADC) Fluid Fluid Change 1. Position the vehicle on a level

surface. Before performing the fluid change, allow the vehicle to sit for at least 30 minutes.

2. Thoroughly clean the areas around and on the ADC reservoir and bleeder valves (one on each side of the differential).

3. Remove the reservoir cap and diaphragm assembly. Use a shop towel or suction tool to remove debris from the fluid and reservoir. Debris in the reservoir may result in inadequate bleeding and reduced performance of the system.

4. Fill the reservoir to the maximum line with fresh fluid. 5. Remove the protective caps from the bleeder valves. 6. Slowly loosen one of the bleeder valve screws (turn counter-clock-

wise) and allow fluid and trapped air to flow from the fitting. Tighten the screw when clean fluid begins to flow. Repeat this step for the remaining valve.

IMPORTANT: Close the bleeder valve screws before the reservoir fluid level drops below the minimum fill line. Adding fluid to an empty reservoir will result in trapped air. If the level drops below the minimum line, add fluid to the maximum line and repeat step 6 before proceeding.

7. Torque the bleeder valve screws to 80 in. lbs. (9 Nm). Reinstall the bleeder valve caps.

8. Add fresh ADC fluid to the reservoir until the level is between the minimum and maximum marks. Make sure the reservoir is free of debris.

9. Reinstall the cap securely. Clean up any drips or spills.

Bleeder Screw Cap

Bleeder Valve Screw


MAINTENANCE Rear Gearcase Oil See the table on page 74 for fluid recommendations, capacities and plug torques. Always check and change the rear gearcase oil at the intervals outlined in the Periodic Maintenance Chart beginning on page 70. See page 125 for the part numbers of POLARIS products. The fill plug is located on the rear of the gearcase. The drain plug is located on the bottom of the gearcase. Maintain the fluid level at the bottom of the fill hole threads. Do not overfill.

Oil Check 1. Position the vehicle on a

level surface. 2. Remove the fill plug.

Check the oil level. 3. Add the recommended oil

as needed to bring the level to the bottom of the fill hole threads. Do not overfill.

4. Reinstall the fill plug. Torque to specification.

Oil Change 1. Position the vehicle on a level surface. 2. Place a drain pan under the drain hole. 3. Remove the drain plug. Allow the oil to drain completely. 4. Clean and reinstall the drain plug with a new sealing washer. Torque

to specification. 5. Remove the fill plug. Add the proper amount of the recommended

oil. Do not overfill. 6. Reinstall the fill plug. Torque to specification. 7. Check for leaks. 8. Dispose of used oil properly.

Drain Plug

Fill Plug

Fill Level


MAINTENANCE Power Steering Unit If your model is equipped with power steering, frequently clean the areas around and on the power steering unit to allow proper cooling. Clean these areas thoroughly.

Steering Assembly The steering assembly of the vehicle should be checked periodically for loose nuts and bolts. If loose nuts and bolts are found, see your POLARIS dealer for service before operating the vehicle.

Cooling System The engine coolant level is controlled, or maintained, by the recovery system. The recovery system components are the recovery bottle, the radiator filler neck, the radiator pressure cap and the connecting hose. As coolant operating temperature increases, the expanding (heated) excess coolant is forced out of the engine, past the pressure cap, and into the recovery bottle. As engine coolant temperature decreases the con- tracting (cooled) coolant is drawn back up from the bottle, past the pres- sure cap, and into the radiator. Some coolant level drop on new vehicles is normal as the system is purging itself of trapped air. Check the coolant level and maintain as recommended by adding coolant to the recovery bottle. POLARIS recommends the use of POLARIS Premium 60/40 anti- freeze/coolant or a 50/50 mixture of high quality aluminum compatible anti-freeze/coolant and distilled water. POLARIS Premium 60/40 is already premixed and ready to use. Do not dilute with water. See page 125 for the part numbers of POLARIS products. Always follow the manufacturer’s mixing recommendations for the freeze protection required in your area.

Clean Often


MAINTENANCE Cooling System Recovery Bottle Coolant The recovery bottle fluid level can be viewed from inside the front right wheel well. Access the recovery bottle cap under the front box. See page 32. 1. View the fluid level in the bottle. 2. If the level is low, remove the bottle cap and add coolant as needed.

Maintain the coolant level between the minimum and maximum marks on the bottle (when the fluid is cool).

3. Reinstall the cap. 4. Close and secure the front box and cover.

Maximum Mark

Minimum Mark

Recovery Bottle Cap


MAINTENANCE Cooling System Radiator Coolant To ensure that the coolant maintains its ability to protect the engine, POLARIS recommends that you drain the system completely every two years and add a fresh mixture of antifreeze and water. Replace the coolant any time the cooling system has been drained for maintenance or repair. If the recovery bottle has run dry, check the level in the radiator. Add coolant as needed.

Escaping steam can cause burns. Never remove the pressure cap while the engine is warm or hot. Always allow the engine to cool before removing the pressure cap.

1. Access the pressure cap under the front box. See page 32.

2. Remove the pressure cap. 3. Using a funnel, slowly add cool-

ant through the radiator filler neck.

4. Reinstall the pressure cap. Use of a non-standard pressure cap will not allow the recovery system to function properly. Contact your dealer for the correct replacement part.

5. Close and secure the front box and cover.

Radiator Cap


MAINTENANCE Brakes Hand Brake The front and rear brakes are hydraulic disc brakes, activated by moving the single brake lever toward the handlebar. These brakes are self- adjusting. Under normal operation, the diaphragm extends into the reservoir as fluid level drops. If the fluid level is low and the diaphragm is not extended, a leak is likely and the diaphragm should be replaced. To ensure proper diaphragm operation, always fill the reservoir as needed whenever the cover is loosened or removed. Do not overfill.

An over-full master cylinder may cause brake drag or brake lock-up, which could result in serious injury or death. Maintain brake fluid at the recommended level. Do not overfill.

The following checks are recommended to keep the brake system in good operating condition. Check more often if brakes are used heavily under normal operation. 1. Always keep brake fluid at an adequate

level. See page 26. 2. Check the brake system for fluid leaks. 3. Check the brakes for excessive travel or

spongy feel. 4. Check the friction pads for wear, damage

and looseness. Replace brake pads when they are worn to 3/64″ (1 mm).

5. Check the security and surface condition of the disc.

Auxiliary Foot Brake The hydraulic auxiliary brake system requires no adjustment. Check the brake fluid level frequently for the auxiliary brake system. See page 28.

3/64″ (1 mm)


MAINTENANCE Toe Alignment Use the following procedure to check the toe alignment of the vehicle. The recommended toe alignment is 0 to 1/8 (0-3 mm).

Severe injury or death can result from improper toe alignment and adjustment. Do not attempt to adjust tie rod alignment. All tie rod adjustments should be performed by an authorized POLARIS dealer.

1. Position the vehicle on a level surface.

2. Place the handlebars in a straight-ahead position.

3. Tie a length of string between two stands as shown in the illustration. Position the stands so that the string is flush with the side of the rear tire. If available, you may use a long straight- edge instead of string.

4. Measure the distance from the string to the rim at the front (1) and rear (2) of the front rim. The rear measurement should be 1.5 mm more than the front measurement on each side of the vehicle to obtain the recommended 0 to 1/8 (0-3 mm) toe out alignment.

5. Repeat the measurement procedure on the other side of the vehicle. 6. If you discover improper alignment, see your POLARIS dealer for







MAINTENANCE Seats Passenger Seat Removal 1. Pull the latch at the rear of the seat. 2. Pivot the rear of the seat upward and

remove the front legs of the seat base from the frame.

3. To reinstall the seat, position the front legs of the seat base under the frame. Pivot the rear of the seat downward onto the latch. Press down firmly on the seat pad until the latch clicks. Test the seat latch by attempting to pull the seat upward.

Passenger Seat Backrest Adjustments The passenger backrest can be adjusted horizontally and vertically. 1. Unzip the two zippers at the bot-

tom of the backrest pad. Lift the pad upward to remove it from the backrest frame.

2. To adjust the backrest forward or rearward, loosen the top adjuster bolt. Pivot the adjuster forward or rearward to one of the three adjustment positions and tighten the bolt.

3. To adjust the backrest upward or downward, loosen the four verti- cal adjustment screws on the front side of the backrest frame. Slide the backrest upward or downward to the desired position and tighten the screws.

4. Reinstall the backrest pad.


MAINTENANCE Seats Passenger Seat Suspension 1. Remove the passenger seat. 2. Remove the fastener retaining the

passenger seat shock to the passenger seat support.

3. Pivot the seat support upward to access the lower shock fastener. Remove the lower shock fastener.

4. Remove the shock from the vehicle. If adjustment is necessary, use a suit- able pliers or spanner wrench. Adjust the shock to the desired spring pre- load. Rotate the adjustment cam to the left to increase preload.

5. Reinstall the shock. 6. Torque the upper and lower shock

fasteners to 38 ft. lbs. (51 Nm). 7. Reinstall the passenger seat.

Operator Seat Removal 1. Remove the passenger

seat. See page 89. 2. Grasp one side of the oper-

ators seat near the rear edge.

3. Pull upward abruptly to disengage the under-seat fasteners.

4. Remove the seat.


MAINTENANCE Side Panel/Footwell Removal 1. Remove the seat before removing a side panel. 2. To remove a side panel or footwell, remove the fasteners securing it

to the frame. Lift the right side panel upward while removing it to clear the shifter knob

Plastic Rivet Hex Head Screw

Plastic Rivet



Operating your vehicle with worn tires, improperly inflated tires, non-standard tires or improperly installed tires will affect vehicle handling and could cause an accident resulting in serious injury or death. Always follow all tire maintenance procedures as outlined in this manual and on the labels on the vehicle. Always use original equipment size and type when replacing tires.

Refer to the specifications section beginning on page 126 for recom- mended tire type, size and pressure.

Tire Tread Depth Always replace tires when tread depth is worn to 1/8 (3 mm) or less.

1/8″ (3 mm)


MAINTENANCE Tires Front Wheel Hub Tightening Front wheel bearing tightness and spindle nut retention are critical com- ponent operations. All service must be performed by your authorized POLARIS dealer.

Wheel Removal 1. Stop the engine. 2. Place the transmission in PARK. 3. Lock the parking brake. 4. Loosen the wheel nuts slightly.

Do not service axle nuts that have a cotter pin installed. See your POLARIS dealer.

5. Elevate the side of the vehicle by placing a suitable stand under the footrest frame.

6. Remove the wheel nuts. 7. Remove the wheel.


MAINTENANCE Tires Wheel Installation 1. Place the transmission in PARK. 2. Lock the parking brake. 3. Place the wheel on the hub with the valve stem toward the outside

and rotation arrows on the tire pointing toward forward rotation. 4. Install the wheel nuts and finger-tighten them. 5. Lower the vehicle to the ground. 6. Torque the wheel nuts to specification.

Loose nuts could cause a tire to come off during operation, which could result in an accident or overturn. Always ensure that all nuts are torqued to specification.

Wheel Nut Torque Specifications Check the wheel nut torques occasionally and when they’ve been loos- ened for service.

Wheel Type Nut Type Nut Torque

Aluminum Lug Nut 75 ft. lbs. (102 Nm)

Steel Lug Nut 45 ft. lbs. (61 Nm)

Cast Aluminum Steel

75 ft. lbs. (102 Nm)

45 ft. lbs. (61 Nm)


MAINTENANCE Air Filter 1. Remove the seat. 2. Remove the air box cover

screws, and remove the air box cover.

3. Remove the filter. 4. Remove the fabric type pre-

filter from the main filter. Wash the pre-filter in soapy water, then rinse and let dry.

5. Reinstall the pre-filter over the main filter. Install a new main filter if needed.

6. Reinstall the filter into the air box.

7. Reinstall the air box cover and the seat.

Main Filter




MAINTENANCE Fuse Replacement If the engine stops or will not start, or if you experience other electrical failures, a fuse may need replacement. Locate and correct any short cir- cuits that may have caused the blown fuse, then replace the fuse. Spare fuses are provided in the fuse box. 1. Access the fuses under the front box. See page 32. 2. Remove the fuse box cover. 3. Remove the suspect fuse from the fuse panel. If the fuse is blown,

install a new fuse with the same amperage rating. 4. Reinstall the fuse box cover. 5. Close and secure the front box and cover.

550 850

Fuse Box


MAINTENANCE Lights Poor lighting can result in reduced visibility when driving. Headlight and taillight lenses become dirty during normal operation. Clean head- lights frequently and replace burned out headlamps promptly. Always make sure lights are adjusted properly for best visibility.

Headlight Lamp Replacement When servicing a halogen lamp, avoid touching the lamp with bare fingers. Oil from your skin leaves a residue, causing a hot spot that will shorten the life of the lamp. If fingers do touch a lamp, clean it with denatured alcohol. 1. Remove the five (5) headlight pod

screws. 2. Lift the pod cover and disconnect

the speedometer harnesses from the speedometer.

Hot components can cause burns to skin. Allow lamps to cool before servicing.

3. Unplug the headlamp from the wiring harness. Be sure to pull on the connector, not on the wiring.

4. Turn the lamp counter-clockwise to remove it. 5. Install the new lamp. Make sure the tab on the lamp locates properly

in the housing. 6. Reassemble the pod.


MAINTENANCE Lights High Beam Adjustment The headlight beam can be adjusted slightly upward or downward. Use the following procedure to make the adjustment. 1. Position the vehicle on a level surface with the headlight approxi-

mately 25 ft. (7.6 m) from a wall. Place the transmission in PARK.

2. Measure the distance from the floor to the center of the headlight and make a mark on the wall at the same height.

3. Start the engine.Turn the headlight switch to high beam. 4. Observe the headlight aim on the wall. The most intense part of the

headlight beam should be two inches (5 cm) below the mark on the wall. Include rider weight on the seat when measuring.

5. The adjustment knob is located on the right side of the headlight pod. Adjust the beam to the desired position by turning the knob either clockwise or counter-clockwise.

2″ (5 cm)

Lamp Center Height

25 ft. (7.6 m)

Adjustment Screw


MAINTENANCE Lights Low Beam Adjustment The low beam can be adjusted slightly upward or downward. 1. Loosen the phillips screw

located at the rear of the headlamp.

2. Tilt the headlamp upward or downward.

3. Tighten the screw.

Phillips Screw


MAINTENANCE Lights Headlight Housing Replacement 1. Remove the five (5)

headlight pod screws. 2. Lift the pod cover and

disconnect the speedometer harnesses from the speedometer.

3. Unplug the headlamp from the wiring harness.

4. Use a small screwdriver to remove the o-rings from the headlight mounting tabs.

5. Pull the headlight housing up to release it from the locking tabs. 6. Carefully pull the assembly up and out of the pod. 7. Reverse the steps to install the new housing and reassemble the pod.


MAINTENANCE Lights Lower Headlamp Replacement 1. Turn the back of the headlight

harness counter-clockwise and pull the harness assembly away from the headlight assembly.

2. Remove the headlamp and install the new headlamp.

3. Reinstall the harness assembly into the headlight assembly.

4. Turn the headlight harness clock- wise to secure the headlamp.

Front Turn Signal Replacement If a front turn signal light becomes inoperable, the lamps cannot be replaced. Replace the entire signal lamp assembly.

Taillight/Brakelight Lamp Replacement 1. Remove the harness connector

from the back of the light assem- bly.

2. Turn the lamp counter-clockwise to remove it.

3. Install the new lamp. 4. Reinstall the harness connector. 5. Test the light for proper operation.




MAINTENANCE Spark Plugs Spark Plug Recommendations Refer to the specifications section beginning on page 126 for the recom- mended spark plug type and gap for your vehicle. Torque spark plugs to specification. NOTICE: Using non-recommended spark plugs can result in serious engine

damage. Always use POLARIS-recommended spark plugs.

Spark Plug Inspection Spark plug condition is indicative of engine operation. Check the spark plug firing end condition after the engine has been warmed up and the vehicle has been driven at higher speeds. Immediately check the spark plug for correct color. See page 103.

A hot exhaust system and engine can cause burns. Wear protective gloves when removing a spark plug for inspection.

1. Rotate the spark plug cap 1/4 turn and pull it off the spark plug. 2. Rotate the spark plug counter-clockwise to remove it. 3. Reverse the procedure for spark plug installation. Torque to specifi-


Plug Condition Torque Specification

550 850

New Spark Plug 9-11 ft. lbs. (12-15 Nm)

18-20 ft. lbs. (24-27 Nm)

Previously Installed Spark Plug

17-20 ft. lbs. (23-27 Nm)

18-20 ft. lbs. (24-27 Nm)


MAINTENANCE Spark Plugs Spark Plug Inspection Normal Spark Plug The normal insulator tip is gray, tan or light brown. There will be few combustion deposits. The electrodes are not burned or eroded. This indi- cates the proper type and heat range for the engine and the service. The tip should not be flaky and white. A white insulator tip indicates overheating, caused by use of an improper spark plug or incorrect fuel.

Wet Fouled Spark Plug The wet fouled insulator tip is black. A damp oil film covers the firing end. There may be a carbon layer over the entire nose. Generally, the electrodes are not worn. General causes of fouling are excessive oil, use of non-recommended oil or incorrect throttle body adjustments.


MAINTENANCE Vehicle Immersion If your vehicle becomes immersed, major engine damage can result if the machine is not thoroughly inspected. Take the vehicle to your dealer before starting the engine. If it’s impossible to take your vehicle to a dealer before starting it, follow the steps outlined below. 1. Move the vehicle to dry land or at the very least, to water below the

footrests. 2. Check the air box. If water is present, dry the air box and replace the

filter with a new filter. 3. Remove the spark plug. 4. Turn the engine over several times using the electric start. 5. Dry the spark plugs. Reinstall the plugs or install new plugs. 6. Attempt to start the engine. If necessary, repeat the drying proce-

dure. NOTICE: Serious damage can occur after immersion if fluids are not changed

promptly. See your dealer as recommended.

7. Take the vehicle to your dealer for service as soon as possible, whether you succeed in starting it or not.

8. If water has been ingested into the PVT, follow the procedure on page 108 for drying out the PVT.


MAINTENANCE Spark Arrestor

Failure to heed the following warnings while servicing the spark arrestor could result in serious injury or death. Never run the engine in an enclosed area. Remove any combustible materials from the area. Wear eye protection and leather work gloves. Do not stand behind or in front of the vehicle while purging. Never go under the vehicle while it’s inclined.

The exhaust system can get extremely hot. Do not perform service on the spark arrestor while the system is hot. Allow components to cool sufficiently before proceeding.

Use the following procedure to periodically purge accumulated carbon from the exhaust pipe/muffler. 1. Remove the arrestor clean-

out plug from the bottom of the muffler.

2. Place the transmission in PARK.

3. Start the engine. 4. Quickly squeeze and

release the throttle lever several times to purge car- bon from the system.

5. If carbon comes out of the exhaust, cover or plug the exhaust outlet(s). Wear protective gloves.

6. Lightly tap on the exhaust pipe with a rubber mallet while repeating step 4.

7. If particles are still suspected to be in the muffler, elevate the rear of the vehicle one foot (30 cm) higher than the front. Block the wheels.

8. Repeat steps 4 to 6 until no more particles are expelled. 9. Stop the engine. Allow the arrestor to cool. 10. Reinstall the arrestor plug and remove the exhaust outlet cover or


Clean-Out Plug



Failure to comply with the instructions in this warning can result in severe injury or death.

Do not modify any component of the PVT system. Doing so may reduce its strength so that a failure may occur at a high speed. The PVT system has been precision balanced. Any modification will cause the system to be out of balance, creating vibration and additional loads on components.

The PVT system rotates at high speeds, creating large amounts of force on clutch components. Extensive engineering and testing has been conducted to ensure the safety of this product. However, as the owner, you have the following responsibilities to make sure this system remains safe:

Always follow all recommended maintenance procedures. See your dealer as outlined in the owner’s manual.

This PVT system is intended for use on POLARIS products only. Do not install it in any other product.

Always make sure the PVT housing is securely in place during operation.


MAINTENANCE PVT System The basic operation of the POLARIS PVT system is dependent on engine speed and vehicle torque requirements. As engine speed increases, the force exerted on the movable drive sheave by the fly- weights also increases. This, in turn, increases the amount of pinch applied to the drive belt. Similarly, if the engine speed decreases, the amount of centrifugal force decreases, reducing the amount of belt pinch. The approximate gear ratio difference between high and low range is 1:2.25. This difference in gearing affects the operation of the PVT, espe- cially at speeds less than 7 MPH (11 km/h), due to the system’s depen- dence on engine speed. For example, when operating at a ground speed of 3 MPH (5 km/h) in low range, the engine speed would be around 3000 RPM. This is well above the engagement speed of 1600 — 1800 RPM. However, in high range at 3 MPH (5 km/h), the engine would be running at only 1500 RPM. Whenever operating this close to the engagement speed, the engine may be running at a speed too low to provide the pinch needed to prevent belt slip. Belt slip is responsible for creating the excessive heat that destroys belts, wears clutch components and causes outer clutch covers to fail. The air temperature in the clutch cover is substantially reduced by using low range while operating at low ground speeds. Reducing the tempera- ture inside the clutch cover greatly extends the life of the PVT compo- nents (belt, cover, etc.).


MAINTENANCE PVT System When To Use Low Range and High Range

PVT Drying There may be some instances when water is accidently ingested into the PVT system. Use the following instructions to dry it out before operat- ing. 1. Position the vehicle on a level surface. 2. Remove the drain plug. Allow the water to drain completely. Rein-

stall the drain plug. 3. Start the engine. Place the transmission in PARK. 4. Apply varying throttle for 10-15 seconds to expel the moisture and

air-dry the belt and clutches. Do not hold the throttle wide open for more than 5 seconds.

5. Allow the engine RPM to settle to idle speed, then shift the trans- mission to low range.

6. Test for belt slippage. If the belt slips, repeat the process. 7. Take the vehicle to your dealer for service as soon as possible.

Condition Range to Use

Operating at speeds less than 7 MPH (11 km/h) Low

Towing heavy loads Low

Operating in rough terrain (swamps, mountains, etc.) Low

Operating at speeds greater than 7 MPH (11 km/h) High



Improperly connecting or disconnecting battery cables can result in an explosion and cause serious injury or death. When removing the battery, always disconnect the negative (black) cable first. When reinstalling the battery, always connect the negative (black) cable last.

Your vehicle is equipped with a sealed battery, which requires little maintenance. POLARIS does not recommend using a conventional bat- tery in this vehicle. The orientation of the battery could result in electro- lyte leakage, which would shorten the life of the battery considerably. Always keep battery terminals and connections free of corrosion. If cleaning is necessary, remove corrosion with a stiff wire brush. Wash with a solution of one tablespoon baking soda and one cup water. Rinse well with tap water and dry off with clean shop towels. Coat the termi- nals with dielectric grease or petroleum jelly.

Battery Removal 1. Access the battery under the front box. See page 32. 2. Disconnect the black (negative) battery cable first. 3. Disconnect the red (positive) battery cable last. 4. Disconnect the battery hold-down strap. 5. Lift the battery out of the vehicle.


MAINTENANCE Battery Battery Installation Using a new battery that has not been fully charged can damage the bat- tery and result in a shorter life. It can also hinder vehicle performance. Follow the battery charging instructions on page 111 before installing the battery. 1. Ensure that the battery is fully charged. 2. Place the battery in the battery holder. 3. Coat the terminals with dielectric grease or petroleum jelly. 4. Secure the battery hold-down strap. 5. Connect and tighten the red (positive) cable first. 6. Connect and tighten the black (negative) cable last. 7. Verify that cables are properly routed. Cables should be safely

tucked away at the front and rear of the battery. 8. Close and secure the front box and cover.

Battery Storage Whenever the vehicle is not used for a period of three months or more, remove the battery from the vehicle, ensure that it’s fully charged, and store it out of the sun in a cool, dry place. Check battery voltage each month during storage and recharge as needed to maintain a full charge. POLARIS recommends maintaining battery charge by using a POLARIS Battery Tender charger or by charging about once a month to make up for normal self-discharge. Battery Tender can be left connected during the storage period, and will automatically charge the battery if the voltage drops below a pre-determined point. See page 125 for the part numbers of POLARIS products.


MAINTENANCE Battery Battery Charging The following battery charging instructions apply only to the installa- tion of a sealed battery. Read all instructions before proceeding with the installation of this battery. The sealed battery is already filled with electrolyte and has been sealed and fully charged at the factory. Never pry the sealing strip off or add any other fluid to this battery. The single most important thing about maintaining a sealed battery is to keep it fully charged. Since the battery is sealed and the sealing strip cannot be removed, you must use a voltmeter or multimeter to measure DC voltage.

An overheated battery may explode, causing severe injury or death. Always watch charging times carefully. Stop charging if the battery becomes very warm to the touch. Allow it to cool before resuming charging.

For a refresh charge, follow all instructions carefully. 1. The battery should be disconnected from a load or charger for at

least two hours before checking voltage. Check the battery voltage with a voltmeter or multimeter. A fully charged battery will register 12.8 V or higher.

2. If the voltage is less than 12.8 volts, recharge the battery at 1.2 amps or less until battery voltage is 12.8 or greater.

3. When using an automatic charger, refer to the charger manufac- turer’s instructions for recharging. When using a constant current charger, use the guidelines on the next page for recharging.


MAINTENANCE Battery Battery Charging (Sealed Battery) Always verify battery condition before and 1-2 hours after the end of charging.

State of Charge

Voltage Action Charge Time

(Using constant current charger @ standard amps

specified on top of battery)

100% 12.8-13.0 volts None, check at 3 mos. from date of


None required

75%-100% 12.5-12.8 volts May need slight charge, if no charge

given, check in 3 months

3-6 hours

50%-75% 12.0-12.5 volts Needs charge 5-11 hours

25%-50% 11.5-12.0 volts Needs charge At least 13 hours, ver- ify state of charge

0%-25% 11.5 volts or less Needs charge with desulfating charger

At least 20 hours


MAINTENANCE Camber and Caster The camber and caster are non-adjust- able.

Rear Spring The rear shock absorber spring is adjusted by rotating the adjuster either clockwise or counter-clockwise to increase or decrease spring tension. Accessory springs are available through your POLARIS dealer.

Handlebars The handlebars can be adjusted for rider preference.

Improper adjustment of the handlebars or incorrect torquing of the adjuster block tightening bolts can cause limited steering or loosening of the handlebars, resulting in loss of control and serious injury or death. Follow the adjustment procedures exactly, or see your POLARIS dealer for service.

1. Remove the upper headlight pod.

2. Loosen the four handlebar bolts.

3. Adjust the handlebar to the desired height. Be sure the handlebars do not contact the gas tank or any other part of the machine when turned fully to the left or right.

4. Torque the front two bolts to 10-12 ft. lbs. (14-17 Nm), then torque the rear two bolts. A gap of up to 1/8 (3 mm) will remain at the rear of the clamp blocks.


Handlebar Bolts


MAINTENANCE Throttle Body/Idle RPM Idle RPM is preset by the manufacturer. If the engine idle speed is not satisfactory, please see your POLARIS dealer for adjustment.

Throttle Cable Freeplay 1. Remove the four cover

screws from the right han- dlebar control and remove the cover.

2. With the handlebars straight ahead, place very light pressure on the throt- tle lever. A gap of 2-3 mm should be visible between the throttle arm stop pin and the throttle arm.

If adjustment is needed: 1. Locate the throttle cable

adjuster. Squeeze the end of the rubber boot and slide it back far enough to expose the inline cable adjuster locknut.

2. Loosen the adjuster lock nut. 3. Rotate the boot to turn the

adjuster until 2-3 mm of freeplay is achieved between the stop pin and the throttle arm. While adjusting free- play, flip the throttle lever back and forth repeatedly.

(continued on next page)

2-3 mm Gap

Throttle Arm

Arm Stop Pin

Lock Nut Adjuster


Cable Adjuster


MAINTENANCE Throttle Cable Freeplay 4. Place the transmission in PARK. Lock the parking brake. 5. Start the engine and allow the idle to stabilize. If necessary, tap the

throttle lever to ensure the idle speed settles. 6. If idle speed remains above or below the recommended setting (see

specification pages), verify the correct gap. If gap is correct and idle speed is still not satisfactory, please see your POLARIS dealer for service.

7. With the engine running, turn the handlebars fully to the left and right. Tap the throttle lever at each turn, verifying that idle RPM returns to the recommended setting. If idle speed increases, it may be necessary to increase the gap between the stop pin and throttle arm, but do not exceed the recommended 2-3 mm gap.

8. When adjustments are complete, tighten the locknut. 9. Squeeze the end of the rubber boot and slide it over the cable

adjuster to its original position. 10. Ensure the control cover seal is in place, then reinstall the cover and



MAINTENANCE Cleaning and Storage Washing the Vehicle Keeping your POLARIS vehicle clean will not only improve its appear- ance but it can also extend the life of various components. NOTICE: High water pressure may damage components. POLARIS

recommends washing the vehicle by hand or with a garden hose, using mild soap.

Certain products, including insect repellents and chemicals, will damage plastic surfaces. Do not allow these types of products to contact the vehicle.

The best and safest way to clean your POLARIS vehicle is with a gar- den hose and a pail of mild soap and water. 1. Use a professional-type washing cloth, cleaning the upper body first

and the lower parts last. 2. Rinse with clean water frequently. 3. Dry surfaces with a chamois to prevent water spots.

Washing Tips Avoid the use of harsh cleaners, which can scratch the finish. Do not use a power washer to clean the vehicle. Do not use medium to heavy duty compounds on the finish. Always use clean cloths and pads for cleaning and polishing. Old or

reused cloths and pads may contain dirt particles that will scratch the finish.


MAINTENANCE Cleaning and Storage Washing the Vehicle If a high pressure water system is used for cleaning (not recommended), exercise extreme caution. The water may damage components and could remove paint and decals. Avoid directing the water stream at the follow- ing items:

If an informational or graphic label becomes illegible or comes off, con- tact your POLARIS dealer to purchase a replacement. Replacement safety labels are provided by POLARIS at no charge. Grease all zerk fittings immediately after washing. Allow the engine to run for a while to evaporate any water that may have entered the engine or exhaust system.

Polishing the Vehicle POLARIS recommends the use of common household aerosol furniture polish for polishing the finish on your POLARIS vehicle. Follow the instructions on the container.

Polishing Tips Avoid the use of automotive products, some of which can scratch the

finish of your vehicle. Always use clean cloths and pads for cleaning and polishing. Old or

reused cloths and pads may contain dirt particles that will scratch the finish.

Wheel bearings Electrical components Radiator Switches and controls Transmission seals Fuel system components Cab and body panels Labels and decals


MAINTENANCE Cleaning and Storage Storage Tips NOTICE: Starting the engine during the storage period will disturb the

protective film created by fogging and damage could occur. Never start the engine during the storage period.

Clean the Exterior Make any necessary repairs and clean the vehicle as recommended. See page 116.

Stabilize the Fuel 1. Fill the fuel tank. 2. Add POLARIS Carbon Clean Fuel Treatment or POLARIS Fuel

Stabilizer. Follow the instructions on the container for the recom- mended amount. Carbon Clean removes water from fuel systems, stabilizes fuel and removes carbon deposits from pistons, rings, valves and exhaust systems.

3. Allow the engine to run for 15-20 minutes to allow the stabilizer to disperse through the entire fuel delivery system.

Oil and Filter Change the oil and filter. See page 76.

Air Filter / Air Box 1. Inspect and clean (or replace) the pre-cleaner and air filter. See page

95. 2. Clean the air box.

Fluid Levels Inspect the fluid levels. Add or change fluids as recommended in the Periodic Maintenance Chart beginning on page 70. Demand drive unit (front gearcase) ADC fluid (ADC models) (change every two years) Rear gearcase Transmission Brake fluid (change every two years and any time the fluid looks dark

or contaminated) Coolant (test strength/fill)


MAINTENANCE Cleaning and Storage Storage Tips Fog the Engine 1. After stabilizing the fuel, remove the spark plug and add 2-3 table-

spoons of engine oil. To access the plug hole, use a section of clear 1/4 hose and a small plastic squeeze bottle filled with the pre-mea- sured amount of oil.

2. Reinstall the spark plug. Torque to specification. 3. Apply dielectric grease to the inside of each spark plug cap and rein-

stall the caps onto the plugs. 4. Turn the engine over several timesusing electric start. Oil will be

forced in and around the piston rings and ring lands, coating the cyl- inder with a protective film of fresh oil.

5. If POLARIS fuel system additive is not used, the fuel tank, fuel lines, and injectors should be completely drained of gasoline.

Inspect and Lubricate Inspect all cables and lubricate all areas of the vehicle as recommended in the Periodic Maintenance Chart beginning on page 70.

Battery Storage See pages 110-111 for storage and charging procedures. Store the bat- tery in a cool, dry place.

Storage Area/Covers Set the tire pressure and safely support the vehicle with the tires slightly off the ground. Be sure the storage area is well ventilated. Cover the vehicle with a genuine POLARIS cover. Do not use plastic or coated materials. They do not allow enough ventilation to prevent condensa- tion, and may promote corrosion and oxidation.


MAINTENANCE Cleaning and Storage Accessories Auxiliary power outlets provide 12-volt power for operating accesso- ries. Accessory outlets are available for all models. POLARIS also has a wide range of additional accessories available for your vehicle. Always install accessories that are approved by POLARIS for your vehicle. Please see your POLARIS dealer.

Transporting the Vehicle Follow these procedures when transporting the vehicle. 1. Stop the engine. 2. Place the transmission in PARK. 3. Lock the parking brake. 4. Secure the fuel cap, oil cap and seats. 5. Always tie the frame of the vehicle to the transporting unit securely

with suitable straps or rope. Do not attach tie straps to the front A- arm bolt pockets, racks or handlebars.

6. Remove the key to prevent loss during transporting.



Possible Cause Solution

Driving onto a pickup or tall trailer in high range

Use low range during loading.

Starting out going up a steep incline

Use low range or turn around using the K-turn (see page 60).

Driving at low RPM or ground speed (3-7 MPH)

Drive at a higher speed or use low range more frequently. See page 108.

Insufficient warm-up at low ambient tempera- tures

Warm the engine at least 5 minutes. With the transmission in neutral, advance the throttle to about 1/8 throttle in short bursts, 5 to 7 times. The belt will become more flex- ible and prevent belt burning.

Slow/easy clutch engage- ment

Use the throttle quickly and effectively.

Towing/pushing at low RPM/low ground speed

Use low range only.

Utility use/plowing Use low range only.

Stuck in mud or snow Shift the transmission to low range and carefully use fast, aggressive throttle application to engage clutch.

WARNING! Excessive throttle may cause loss of control and vehicle overturn.

Climbing over large objects from a stopped position

Shift the transmission to low range and carefully use fast, brief, aggressive throttle application to engage clutch.

WARNING! Excessive throttle may cause loss of control and vehicle overturn.

Belt slippage from water or snow ingestion into the PVT system

Dry out the PVT. See page 108. Inspect clutch seals for damage if repeated leaking occurs.

Clutch malfunction See your POLARIS dealer.

Poor engine performance Check for fouled plugs or foreign material in gas tank or fuel lines. See your dealer.

Slippage from failure to warm up belt

Always warm up the belt by operating below 30 mph for one mile (5 miles or more when temperature is below freezing).

Wrong or missing belt Install the recommended belt.

Improper break-in Always break in a new belt and/or clutch. See page 49.


TROUBLESHOOTING Engine Doesn’t Turn Over

Engine Turns Over, Fails to Start

Engine Backfires

Possible Cause Solution

Low battery voltage Recharge the battery to 12.8 VDC

Loose battery connections Check all connections and tighten

Loose solenoid connections Check all connections and tighten

Possible Cause Solution

Out of fuel Refuel, cycle key to ON position three times for 5 seconds each, then start

Water is present in fuel Drain the fuel system and refuel

Old or non-recommended fuel Replace with fresh recommended fuel

Fouled or defective spark plug(s) Inspect plugs and replace if necessary

No spark to spark plug Inspect plugs, verify stop switch is on

Water or fuel in crankcase Immediately see your POLARIS dealer

Low battery voltage Recharge the battery to 12.8 VDC

Mechanical failure See your dealer

Possible Cause Solution

Weak spark from spark plug Inspect, clean and/or replace spark plug(s)

Incorrect spark plug gap or heat range Set gap to specs or replace plugs

Old or non-recommended fuel Replace with fresh recommended fuel

Incorrectly installed spark plug wires See your dealer

Incorrect ignition timing See your dealer

Mechanical failure See your dealer

Loose ignition connections Check all connections and tighten

Water present in fuel Replace with fresh recommended fuel

Leaking exhaust components See your dealer


TROUBLESHOOTING Engine Pings or Knocks

Engine Runs Irregularly, Stalls or Misfires

Possible Cause Solution

Poor quality or low octane fuel Replace with recommended fuel

Incorrect ignition timing See your dealer

Incorrect spark plug gap or heat range Set gap to specs or replace plugs

Possible Cause Solution

Fouled or defective spark plug(s) Inspect, clean and/or replace spark plugs

Worn or defective spark plug wires See your dealer

Incorrect spark plug gap or heat range Set gap to specs or replace plugs

Loose ignition connections Check all connections and tighten

Water present in fuel Replace with new fuel

Low battery voltage Recharge battery to 12.8 VDC

Kinked or plugged fuel tank vent line Inspect and replace

Incorrect fuel Replace with recommended fuel

Clogged air filter Inspect and clean or replace

Reverse speed limiter malfunction See your dealer

Electronic throttle control malfunction See your dealer

Other mechanical failure See your dealer

Possible Lean Fuel Cause Solution

Low or contaminated fuel Add or change fuel, clean the fuel system

Kinked or plugged fuel tank vent line Inspect and replace

Low octane fuel Replace with recommended fuel

Incorrect fuel Replace with recommended fuel

Possible Rich Fuel Cause Solution

Fuel is very high octane Replace with lower octane fuel

Stopping/starting without adequate warm-up

Allow engine to warm up before operat- ing and/or stopping

Incorrect fuel Replace with recommended fuel

Clogged air filter Inspect and clean or replace


TROUBLESHOOTING Engine Stops or Loses Power

Engine Overheating

Possible Cause Solution

Out of fuel Refuel, cycle key to ON position three times for 5 seconds each, then start

Kinked or plugged fuel vent line Inspect and replace

Water is present in fuel Replace with new fuel

Fouled or defective spark plug(s) Inspect, clean and/or replace spark plugs

Worn or defective spark plug wires See your dealer

Incorrect spark plug gap or heat range Set gap to specs or replace plug

Loose ignition connections Check all connections and tighten

Low battery voltage Recharge the battery to 12.8 VDC

Incorrect fuel Replace with fresh recommended fuel

Clogged air filter Inspect and clean or replace

Reverse speed limiter malfunction See your dealer

Electronic throttle control malfunction See your dealer

Other mechanical failure See your dealer

Overheated engine Clean radiator screen and core, clean engine exterior, see your dealer

Possible Cause Solution

Debris lodged in screen Clean the screen.

Plugged Radiator Use a garden hose to flush any debris from the radiator fins. NOTICE: High pressure washers can deform the radiator fins and reduce cooling efficiency.



Part Number


Engine Lubricant

2870791 Fogging Oil (12 oz./355 ml Aerosol)

2876244 PS-4 PLUS Performance Synthetic 2W-50 4-Cycle Oil (qt./.95 l)

2876245 PS-4 PLUS Performance Synthetic 2W-50 4-Cycle Oil (gal./3.8 l)

Gearcase / Transmission Lubricants

2878068 AGL PLUS Transmission Fluid (qt./.95 l)

2878069 AGL PLUS Transmission Fluid (gal./3.8 l)

2877922 Demand Drive Plus Fluid (qt./.95 l)

2877923 Demand Drive Plus Fluid (gal./3.8 l)

2871653 Premium ATV Angle Drive Fluid (8 oz./237 ml)

2872276 Premium ATV Angle Drive Fluid (2.5 gal./9.5 l)

2870465 Pump for Gallon (3.8 l) Jug


2871323 60/40 Coolant (gal./3.8 l)

2871534 60/40 Coolant (qt./.95 l)

Grease / Specialized Lubricants

2871312 Grease Gun Kit, Premium All Season

2871322 Premium All Season Grease (3 oz./89 ml cartridge)

2871423 Premium All Season Grease (14 oz./414 ml cartridge)

2871460 Starter Drive Grease

2871515 Premium U-Joint Lube (3 oz./89 ml cartridge)

2871551 Premium U-Joint Lube (14 oz./414 ml cartridge)

2871329 Dielectric Grease (NyogelTM)

Additives / Miscellaneous

2871326 Carbon Clean Plus

2870652 Fuel Stabilizer

2872189 DOT 4 Brake Fluid

2871956 LoctiteTM 565 Thread Sealant

2859044 POLARIS Battery TenderTM Charger



* Based on EU Directive 76/432/EC **A higher initial idle speed of 1800 RPM will occur for the first few minutes of operation.

SPORTSMAN 550 Touring Maximum Weight Capacity 735 lbs. (333 kg) (includes operator, passenger,

cargo, accessories)

Dry Weight 765 lbs. (347 kg)

Front Rack/Storage Box Capacity 120 lbs. (54 kg)

Rear Rack Capacity 240 lbs. (109 kg)

Hitch Tongue Weight 150 lbs. (68 kg) (Rear rack capacity and tongue weight not to exceed 240 lbs./109 kg)

Hitch Towing Rating 1500 lbs. (680 kg) on level ground

Unbraked Trailer Towing Capacity*

1995 lbs. (905 kg)

Overall Length 86.5 in. (219.7 cm)

Overall Width 47.6 in. (121 cm)

Overall Height 58.25 in. (148 cm)

Wheelbase 57 in. (145 cm)

Ground Clearance 11.6 in. (29.5 cm)

Minimum Turning Radius 96 in. (244 cm) unloaded

Fuel Capacity 5.25 gal. (20 l)

Engine Oil Capacity 2 qts. (1.9 l)

Coolant Capacity 2 qts. (1.9 l)

Demand Drive Fluid Capacity 9.3 oz. (275 ml)

Transmission Fluid Capacity 32 oz. (946 ml)

Rear Gearcase Fluid Capacity 7.1 oz. (210 ml)

Fuel System Visteon Electronic Fuel Injection

Fuel Delivery Electronic Fuel Pump (in tank)

Engine ES550PLE011

Displacement 549 cc

Bore x Stroke 96.6 x 75 mm

Alternator Output 490w @ 1350 RPM/Peak 630w

Compression Ratio 9.6:1

Starting System Electric

Ignition System Visteon EFI (ECU Controlled)

Ignition Timing 13 +/- 3 BTDC @ 1650 RPM

Idle RPM** 1750 +/- 50

Throttle Body/Size Mikuni/42 mm

Spark Plug / Gap NGK BKR6E / .035 in. (0.9 mm)




*EBS models require no helix/spring adjustment

SPORTSMAN 550 Touring Lubrication System Pressurized Wet Sump

Transmission Type Automatic PVT (POLARIS Variable Transmis- sion) In-Line H-L-N-R-P

Front Suspension Dual a-arm, 9″ (22.9 cm) travel

Rear Suspension Dual a-arm with Rolled IRS, 10″ (25.4 cm) travel

Gear Reduction, Low 5.034:1

Gear Reduction, Reverse 4.508:1

Gear Reduction, High 2.693:1

Drive Ratio, Front 3.818:1

Drive Ratio, Rear 3.7:1

Tire Size/Pressure, Front 26 x 8 — 14 / 7 psi (48.3 kPa)

Tire Size/Pressure, Rear 26 x 10 — 14 / 5 psi (34.5 kPa)

Brakes, Front/Rear Single-Control Hydraulic Disc, All-Wheel

Brake, Auxiliary Foot-Activated Hydraulic Disc, Rear Wheel

Brake, Parking Hydraulic lock, all wheel

Headlight 1 Single Beam on Headlight Pod (50 watt) 2 Single Beam on Bumper (50 watt)

Taillight 12v/7 watts

Brake Light 12v/27 watts

Instrumentation Digital/Analog

Altitude Shift Weight

Drive Clutch Spring

Driven Clutch Spring


Meters (Feet)

0-1800 (0-6000)

23-58 PN 1322911

Red/Black PN 7043500

Red/White PN 3235088

105-165 BA3 PN 3235092

1800-3700 (6000-12000)

23-54 PN 1322914

Red/Black PN 7043500

Red/White PN 3235088

105-165 BA3 PN 3235092



* Based on EU Directive 76/432/EC

SPORTSMAN 850 Touring Maximum Weight Capacity 735 lbs. (333 kg) (includes operator, passenger,

cargo, accessories)

Dry Weight 798 lbs. (362 kg)

Front Rack/Storage Box Capacity 120 lbs. (54 kg)

Rear Rack Capacity 240 lbs. (109 kg)

Hitch Tongue Weight 150 lbs. (55 kg) (Rear rack capacity and tongue weight not to exceed 240 lbs./55 kg)

Hitch Towing Rating 1500 lbs. (680 kg) on level ground

Unbraked Trailer Towing Capacity*

1995 lbs. (905 kg)

Overall Length 86.5 in. (219.7 cm)

Overall Width 47.6 in. (121 cm)

Overall Height 58.25 in. (148 cm)

Wheelbase 57 in. (145 cm)

Ground Clearance 11.6 in. (29.5 cm)

Minimum Turning Radius 96 in. (244 cm) unloaded

Fuel Capacity 5.25 gal. (20 l)

Engine Oil Capacity 2 qts. (1.9 l)

Coolant Capacity 2 qts. (1.9 l)

Demand Drive Fluid Capacity 9.3 oz. (275 ml)

Transmission Fluid Capacity 32 oz. (946 ml)

Rear Gearcase Fluid Capacity 7.1 oz. (210 ml)

Fuel System Bosch Multi-Port Sequential Electronic Fuel Injection

Fuel Delivery Electronic Fuel Pump (in tank)

Engine EH085OLE013

Displacement 850 cc

Bore x Stroke 87 x 71.5 mm

Alternator Output 475w @ 1200 RPM/Peak 630w

Compression Ratio 11.0:1

Starting System Electric

Ignition System Bosch EFI (ECU Controlled)

Ignition Timing 6 +/- 5 BTDC @ 1200 RPM

Idle RPM 1200 +/- 50

Throttle Body/Size Mikuni Dual Bore/40 mm

Spark Plug / Gap REA8MCX / .035 in. (0.9 mm)




*EBS models require no helix/spring adjustment

SPORTSMAN 850 Touring Lubrication System Pressurized Wet Sump

Transmission Type Automatic PVT (POLARIS Variable Transmis- sion) In-Line H-L-N-R-P

Front Suspension Dual a-arm, 9″ (22.9 cm) travel

Rear Suspension Dual a-arm with Rolled IRS, 10″ (25.4 cm) travel

Gear Reduction, Low 5.034:1

Gear Reduction, Reverse 4.508:1

Gear Reduction, High 2.367:1

Drive Ratio, Front 3.818:1

Drive Ratio, Rear 3.7:1

Tire Size/Pressure, Front 26 x 8 — 14 / 7 psi (48 kPa)

Tire Size/Pressure, Rear 26 x 10 — 14 / 5 psi (34.5 kPa)

Brakes, Front/Rear Single-Control Hydraulic Disc, All-Wheel

Brake, Auxiliary Foot-Activated Hydraulic Disc, Rear Wheel

Brake, Parking Hydraulic lock, all wheel

Headlight 1 Single Beam on Headlight Pod (50 watt) 2 Single Beam on Bumper (50 watt)

Taillight 12v/7 watts

Brake Light 12v/27 watts

Instrumentation Digital/Analog

Altitude Shift Weight

Drive Clutch Spring

Driven Clutch Spring


Meters (Feet)

0-1800 (0-6000)

24-68 PN5632418

Red/Green PN 7043382

Red/White PN 3235088

105-165 BA3 PN 3235092

1800-3700 (6000-12000)

24-63 PN 5632215

Red/White PN 7043349

Red/White PN 3235088

105-165 BA3 PN 3235092


DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY POLARIS Industries Inc., 2100 Hwy 55, Medina, MN 55340 U.S.A. Telephone 763-542-0500 April 22, 2010

We, POLARIS Industries Inc., declare that the vehicles listed below conform to the essential health and safety requirements applicable to off-road all-terrain vehicles.


APPLICABLE EUROPEAN DIRECTIVES TEST / EVALUATION METHODS 2006/42/EC as amended (Machinery Directive) EN 1050 hazard analysis

prEN 15997 driver-perceived noise level prEN 15997 vibration

2004/108/EC as amended (EMC Directive) CISPR 12:2009 CAN/CSA-C108.4-M92

EN 55012:2007 EN 61000-6-2:2005


___KA05__ / ___KA09__ OUTLAW 50 / 90 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 ___FA09__ SPORTSMAN 90 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 ___VA17__ RZR 170 2009, 2010, 2011 ___PB20__ PHOENIX 200 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 ___BA32__, ___NA32__ TRAIL BLAZER 330 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 ___CA32__, ___EA32__ TRAIL BOSS 330 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 ___BA50__, ___BG50__ SCRAMBLER 500 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 ___GJ45__ OUTLAW 450 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 ___GJ52__, ___GP52__ OUTLAW 525 / 525 S 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 ___LH46__ SPORTSMAN 400 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 ___MH50__ SPORTSMAN 500 HO 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 ___DH50__ SPORTSMAN 500 HO TOURING 2010, 2011 ___ZN55__ ___ZX55__ SPORTSMAN 550 EFI 2009, 2010, 2011 ___TN55__, ___TX55__ SPORTSMAN 550 X2 2010, 2011 ___DN55__, ___DX55__ SPORTSMAN 550 TOURING 2010, 2011 ___MN76__ SPORTSMAN 800 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 ___CL76__, ___CF76__ SPORTSMAN 800 6X6 2009, 2010, 2011 ___ZN85__, ___ZX85__ SPORTSMAN 850 EFI 2009, 2010, 2011 ___TN85__, ___TX85__ SPORTSMAN 850 X2 2010, 2011 ___DN85__, ___DX85__ SPORTSMAN 850 TOURING 2010, 2011 ___RH45__ RANGER 400 / 450 2010, 2011 ___RH50__ RANGER 500 4X4 2010, 2011 ___TH76__ RANGER 800 EFI 4X4 2010, 2011 ___WH50__ RANGER 500 CREW 2011 ___WH76__ RANGER 800 EFI CREW 2010, 2011 ___HR76__ RANGER 800 6X6 2010, 2011 ___HY76__, ___TY76__ RANGER HD 800 4X4 2010, 2011 ___TH90__ RANGER DIESEL 2011 ___WH90__ RANGER DIESEL CREW 2011 ___VH76__, ___VY76__ RANGER RZR / RZR S 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 ___XH76__ RANGER RZR 4 2011

European Community Person Authorized to Compile the Technical File:

Ross Clifford, General Manager POLARIS Britain Ltd Forge Mills Park, Station Road Coleshill, Warwickshire B46 1HT

Authorized Manufacturer Signatory Empowered to Draw up the EC Declaration of Conformity:

Lawrence E. Keller, Product Compliance Manager 7290 East Viking Blvd. Wyoming, MN 55092


WARRANTY LIMITED WARRANTY POLARIS Industries Inc., 2100 Highway 55, Medina, MN 55340, gives a SIX MONTH LIMITED WARRANTY on all components of the POLARIS vehicle against defects in material or workmanship. This warranty covers the parts and labor charges for repair or replacement of defective parts which are covered by this warranty. This warranty begins on the date of purchase. This warranty is transferable to another consumer during the warranty period through a POLARIS dealer.

REGISTRATION At the time of sale, the Warranty Registration Form must be completed by your dealer and submitted to POLARIS within ten days. Upon receipt of this registration, POLARIS will record the registration for warranty. No verification of registration will be sent to the purchaser as the copy of the Warranty Registration Form will be the warranty entitle- ment. If you have not signed the original registration and received the customer copy, please contact your dealer immediately. NO WARRANTY COVERAGE WILL BE ALLOWED UNLESS YOUR VEHICLE IS REGISTERED WITH POLARIS. Initial dealer preparation and set-up of your vehicle is very important in ensuring trou- ble-free operation. Purchasing a machine in the crate or without proper dealer set-up will void your warranty coverage.


WARRANTY WARRANTY COVERAGE AND EXCLUSIONS: LIMITATIONS OF WARRANTIES AND REMEDIES The POLARIS limited warranty excludes any failures that are not caused by a defect in material or workmanship. This warranty does not cover accidental damage, normal wear and tear, abuse or improper handling. This warranty also does not cover any vehicle that has been altered structurally, modified, neglected, improperly maintained, used for rac- ing, or used for purposes other than for which it was manufactured, or for any damages which occur during trailer transit or as a result of unauthorized service or the use of unauthorized parts. In addition, this warranty does not cover physical damage to paint or finish, stress cracks, tearing or puncturing of upholstery material, corrosion, or defects in parts, components or the vehicle due to fire, explosions or any other cause beyond POLARIS’ control.

Warranty does not apply to parts exposed to friction surfaces, stresses, environmental conditions and/or contamination for which they were not designed or not intended, including but not limited to the following items:

Warranty applies to the product only and does not allow for coverage of personal loss. Some items are considered «consumable,» meaning they are considered part of normal maintenance or part of completing an effective repair. The following items are excluded from warranty coverage in the event of a warranty claim:

Wheels and tires Finished and unfinished surfaces Suspension components Carburetor/Throttle body components Brake components Engine components Seat components Drive belts Clutches and components Hydraulic components Steering components Circuit breakers/Fuses Batteries Electronic components Light bulbs/Sealed beam lamps

Spark Plugs Lubricants such as oil, grease, etc. Filters Batteries (unless defective) Fuel Cosmetic damage/repair Sealants Coolants Hotel fees Meals Towing charges Shipping/ handling fees Mileage Product pick-up/delivery Rentals/Loss of product use Loss of vacation/personal time


WARRANTY LIMITATIONS OF WARRANTIES AND REMEDIES This warranty also excludes failures resulting from improper lubrication; improper engine timing; improper fuel; surface imperfections caused by external stress, heat, cold or contamination; operator error or abuse; improper component alignment, tension, adjustment or altitude compensation; failure due to snow, water, dirt or other foreign substance ingestion/contamination; improper maintenance; modified components; use of aftermarket components resulting in failure; unauthorized repairs; repairs made after the warranty period expires or by an unauthorized repair center; use of the product in competition or for commercial purposes. Warranty will not apply to any product which has been damaged by abuse, accident, fire or any other casualty not determined a defect of materials or workmanship.

This warranty does not cover the use of unauthorized lubricants, chemicals, or fuels that are not compatible with the vehicle. The exclusive remedy for breach of this warranty shall be, at POLARIS’ exclusive option, repair or replacement of any defective materi- als, or components or products. THE REMEDIES SET FORTH IN THIS WARRANTY ARE THE ONLY REMEDIES AVAILABLE TO ANY PERSON FOR BREACH OF THIS WARRANTY. POLARIS SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY TO ANY PERSON FOR INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR SPECIAL DAMAGES OF ANY DESCRIPTION, WHETHER ARISING OUT OF EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WAR- RANTY OR ANY OTHER CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE, OR OTHER TORT OR OTHERWISE. THIS EXCLUSION OF CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, AND SPECIAL DAMAGES IS INDEPENDENT FROM AND SHALL SURVIVE ANY FINDING THAT THE EXCLUSIVE REMEDY FAILED OF ITS ESSENTIAL PUR- POSE. Some states do not permit the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequen- tial damages or implied warranties, so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you if inconsistent with controlling state law.



HOW TO OBTAIN WARRANTY SERVICE If your vehicle requires warranty service, you must take it to a POLARIS dealer autho- rized to repair POLARIS vehicles. When requesting warranty service you must present your copy of the Warranty Registration form to the dealer. (THE COST OF TRANS- PORTATION TO AND FROM THE DEALER IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY). POLARIS suggests that you use your original selling dealer; however, you may use any POLARIS Servicing Dealer to perform warranty service. Please work with your dealer to resolve any warranty issues. Should your dealer require any additional assistance they will contact the appropriate person at POLARIS. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. If any of the above terms are void because of state or federal law, all other warranty terms will remain in effect.


MAINTENANCE LOG Present this section of your manual to your dealer each time your vehicle is serviced. This will provide you and future owners with an accurate log of maintenance and ser- vices performed.











4X4 Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21, 33

A Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 Active Descent Control Fluid . . . 81-82 Active Descent Control System . . . . 35 ADC System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Age Restrictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Air Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 All Wheel Drive System . . . . . . . 33-34 Auxiliary Foot Brake . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

B Battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109-112

Charging . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111-112 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110

Belt Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Beverage Holders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Boots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Box, Front . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Brake Fluid, Auxiliary Foot Brake . . 28 Brake Fluid, Main Brake System . . . 26 Brake Lever. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Brake, Foot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28, 87 Brake, Hand Lever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Brake, Parking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Brakelight Lamp Replacement . . . . 101 Brakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Break-In Period. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48-49

C Camber Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Cargo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67-68 Cargo Loading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Caster Adjustment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Check Engine Indicator . . . . . . . . . . 43 Cleaning and Storage . . . . . . . 116-120 Clothing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Clutching (550) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 Clutching (850) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129

C Cold Weather Operation . . . . . . . . . . 52 Coolant Bottle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Coolant, Radiator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Cooling System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84-86

D Demand Drive Fluid . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Diagnostic Codes (550) . . . . . . . 44-45 Diagnostic Codes (850) . . . . . . . 46-47 Disengaging Active Descent Control 35 Display Units, Standard/Metric . . . . 40 Drink Holders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Drive Belt Wear/Burn. . . . . . . . . . . 121 Drivetrain Break-In. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Driving Downhill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Driving in Reverse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Driving on a Sidehill. . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Driving on Slippery Surfaces . . . . . . 56 Driving Over Obstacles . . . . . . . . . . 63 Driving Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Driving Through Water . . . . . . . . . . 62 Driving Uphill. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Driving with a Passenger . . . . . . . . . 55

E Electromagnetic Interference . . . . . . 69 Electronic Power Steering . . . . . . . . 30 Electronic Throttle Control. . . . . . . . 24 Engaging 4X4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Engaging Active Descent Control . . 35 Engine Break-In . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Engine Fogging. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 Engine Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75-77 Engine Stop Switch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 EPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Equipment Modifications . . . . . . . . . . 7 Error Codes, Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Exhaust Emission Control System . . 69 Eye Protection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17



Fluid Active Descent Control . . . . 81-82 Brake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Demand Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Engine Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75-77 Front Gearcase . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Rear Gearcase Oil . . . . . . . . . . 83 Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . 78-79

Fluid Change Active Descent Control . . . . . . 82 Demand Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Engine Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76-77 Rear Gearcase . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

Fluid Level Active Descent Control . . . . . . 81 Brake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Brake (Auxiliary). . . . . . . . . . . 28 Brake Fluid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Coolant (Bottle) . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Coolant (Radiator) . . . . . . . . . . 86 Demand Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Engine Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Rear Gearcase . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

Foot Brake, Auxiliary . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Footwell Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 Front Box. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Front Gearcase Fluid . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Fuel Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . 31 Fuel Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Fuel Tank Cap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Fuse Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96

G Gasoline Handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Gauge, Code Definitions . . . . . . . 44-47 Gauge, Digital/Analog. . . . . . . . . 36-43 Gear Selector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Gearcase Oil, Front . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Gearcase Oil, Rear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Gloves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

H Hand Brake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Handlebar Adjustment. . . . . . . . . . . 113 Hauling Cargo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66-68 Hazard Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Headlight Housing Replacement . . . 100 Headlight Lamp Replacement . . . . . . 97 Headlight Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Helmet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 High Beam Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . 98 High Range Use. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 Horn Switch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Hub Tightening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93

I Idle RPM Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Immersion Maintenance . . . . . . . . . 104 Indicator Lamps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Instrument Cluster . . . . . . . . . . . . 36-47

K Key Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 K-Turn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60-61

L Lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97-101

Headlight Housing. . . . . . . . . . 100 Headlight Lamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 High Beam Adjustment . . . . . . . 98 Low Beam Adjustment . . . . . . . 99 Lower Headlamp Replacement 101 Taillight/Brakelight/Worklight 101 Turn Signal Replacement . . . . 101

Low Beam Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . 99 Low Range Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 Lower Headlamp Replacement . . . . 101 Lubrication Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

M Maintenance Chart. . . . . . . . . . . . 70-73 Master Cylinder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Metric Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Mirrors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Modifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Momentary High-Beam Switch . . . . 22



Noise Emission Control System . . . . 69

O Oil

Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75-77 Rear Gearcase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Transmission. . . . . . . . . . . . 78-79

Oil and Filter Change . . . . . . . . . 76-77 Oil Change

Rear Gearcase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

Oil Level Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Rear Gearcase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

Oil Recommendations. . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Override Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

P Parking Brake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Parking on an Incline . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Passenger Seat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Periodic Maintenance Chart . . . . 70-73 Polaris Product List. . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 Polishing the Vehicle . . . . . . . . . . . 117 Power Steering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Power Steering Unit (Cleaning) . . . . 84 Pre-Ride Checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 PVT Break-In . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 PVT Drying. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 PVT System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106-108

R Rear Gearcase Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Reverse Operation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Rider Information Center . . . . . . 38-43 Rider Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-15 Riding Gear. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-17

S Safe Operation Practices. . . . . . . . . . 51 Safety Labels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-20 Safety Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Seat Backrest, Passenger . . . . . . . . . 89 Seat Removal, Operator . . . . . . . . . . 90 Seat Removal, Passenger . . . . . . . . . 89 Seat Suspension, Passenger . . . . . . . 90 Seats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89-90 Severe Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Side Panel Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 Sidehilling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Signal Words . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Spark Arrestor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 Spark Arrestor Requirements . . . . . . 69 Spark Plug Inspection . . . . . . . 102-103 Spark Plug Recommendations . . . . 102 Spark Plug Torque Specification . . 102 Spark Plugs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102-103 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126-129 Speedometer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Spring Adjustment, Rear Shock . . . 113 Starting the Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Steering Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Steering Lock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Stop Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116-120 Storage Box, Front . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Storage Tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118-119 Suspension, Passenger Seat . . . . . . . 90 Switches

4X4 Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21, 33 Engine Stop Switch. . . . . . . . . . 22 Hazard Switch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Headlight Switch . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Horn Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Main Key Switch . . . . . . . . . . . 21 MODE Button. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Momentary High-Beam Switch 22 Override Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Turn Signal Switch . . . . . . . . . . 22



Taillight Lamp Replacement . . . . . 101 Throttle Body Adjustment . . . . . . . 114 Throttle Cable Freeplay . . . . . . 114-115 Throttle Lever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Tire Tread Depth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Tires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92-94

Wheel Installation . . . . . . . . . . 94 Wheel Nut Torque . . . . . . . . . . 94 Wheel Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . 93

Toe Alignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Towing Capacities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Towing Loads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Training, Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Transmission Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78-79 Transporting the Vehicle . . . . . . . . 120 Turn Signal Replacement . . . . . . . 101 Turn Signal Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Turning Around on a Hill . . . . . . 60-61 Turning the Vehicle . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

V Vehicle Identification Numbers. . . . . . 5 Vehicle Immersion . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 VIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

W Warning Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Washing the Vehicle . . . . . . . . 116-117 Wheel Installa

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  • Page 2: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    A card containi ng importan t A TV safety information should be attach ed to the owner’s manual on th e next page. If you cannot locate this car d, or if it has be en removed, plea se call 1-800- 342-3764 for assist ance. WA R N I N G The engine exhaust from this pr oduct contains chemica ls known to the S tate of California to cause cancer , […]

  • Page 3: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    The text is printed on 100% recycled with 40% post-consumer waste (PCW).[…]

  • Page 4: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    For your nearest Polaris dealer , call 1-800-POLARIS or visit www .polarisindustries.com Polaris Sales Inc., 2100 Hwy 55 Medina, MN 55340 Phone 1-888-704-5290 Part No. 9922090 Rev 02 Printed in USA W ARNING Improper vehicle use can result in SEVERE INJUR Y or DEA TH. READ OWNER’S MANUAL. FOLLOW ALL INSTRUCTIONS AND W ARNINGS. AL WA YS USE AN A[…]

  • Page 5: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    1 WELCOME Thank you for purcha sing a Polaris vehicle, and welcome to our world- wide family of Polaris owners. W e proudly produce an excit ing line of utility and recreati onal products. • Snowmobiles • All-terrain vehicles (A TVs) • RANGER ® utility vehicles • V ictory Motorcycles ® W e believe Polaris sets a standard of excellence for[…]

  • Page 6: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    2 POLARIS, THE W A Y OUT and SPOR TSMAN ar e registered tra demarks of Polaris Industries Inc. Copyright 2009 Polaris Sales Inc. All inform ation contained within this publication is based on the latest product information at th e time of publication. Due to constant improvements in the design and quality of production components, some minor discre[…]

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    3 T A BLE OF CONTENTS Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 F eatures and Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Emission Control Systems . . . . . . . . . . . […]

  • Page 8: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    4 INTRODUCTION The following signal words and symbol s appear throughout th is manual and on your vehicle. Y our safety is involved when these words and sym- bols are used. Become familiar with their meanings before reading the manual. The safety alert symb ol indicates a potential personal injury ha zard. W ARN ING A W ARNING indicates a hazardous[…]

  • Page 9: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    5 INTRODUCTION Failure to heed the warnings and safety precautions contained in thi s manual can result in severe injury or death. A Polaris A TV is not a toy and can be hazardous to operate. Thi s vehicle handles differently than other vehicles, such as motorcycles and cars. A collision or rollover can occur quickly , even during routine maneuvers[…]

  • Page 10: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    6 INTRODUCTION V ehicle Identification Numbers Record your vehicle’s identificatio n numbers and key numb er in the spaces provided. Remove the spare key and store it in a safe place. An ignition key can be duplicated only by ordering a Polaris key blank (using your k ey number) and mating it with one of your ex isting keys. The ignition switc[…]

  • Page 11: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    7 SAFETY Safety T raining A TV safety training is a top prior ity for Polaris. Polaris strongly encourages you and any family member s who will be riding the A TV to take a training course. If you purchased a new Polaris A T V in the United States, your dealer provided instruction to y ou about the authorized A TV RiderCourse sm that is available t[…]

  • Page 12: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    8 SAFETY Safe Riding Gear Always wear appropriate clothing when riding an A TV . W ear protective clothing for comfort and to redu ce the chance of injury . Helmet W earing a helmet can prevent a sever e head injury . Whenever riding a Polaris vehicle, always wear a helmet that meets or exceeds established safety standards. Approved helmets in the […]

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    9 SAFETY Safe Riding Gear Eye Protection Do not depend on eyeglasses or sunglasses for eye protection. When- ever riding a Polaris vehicle, always wear shatterproof goggles o r use a shatterproof helmet face shield. Po laris recommends wearing approved Personal Prot ective Equi pment (PPE) bearing markings such as VESC 8, V -8, Z87.1, or CE. Make s[…]

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    10 SAFETY Safety W arnings Failure to operate the A TV pro perly can re sult in a collision, loss of control, accident or overturn, which may result i n serious injury or death. Heed all safety warnings outlined in this section of the owner ’ s manual. See the OPERA TION section of the owner ’s manual for proper operating proce dures. Operating[…]

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    11 SAFETY Safety W arnings Handling Gasoline Gasoline is highl y flammable and explosive u nder certain conditions. • Always exercise extreme cau tion whenever handling gasol ine. • Always refuel wi th the engine stop ped, and outdoors or in a well ventilated area. • Do not smoke or allow open flames or sparks in or near the area where refuel[…]

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    12 SAFETY Safety W arnings Protective App arel Riding in this vehicle without wea ring an approved helmet and protective eyewear increases the risk of a seri ous injuries in the event of an accident. Operator and passenger must always wear an approved helmet that fits properly and eye protection (goggles or face shield). Carrying a Passenger Do not[…]

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    13 SAFETY Safety W arnings Operating on Pavement Operating an A T V on paved surfaces (including sidewalks, paths, parking lots and driveways) may adversely affect the handling of the A TV and could result in loss of control and accident or overturn. Avoid operating the A TV o n pavement. A TV tires are designed for o ff-road use. If it’s unav[…]

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    14 SAFETY Safety W arnings Physical Control of the A TV Removing even one hand or foot can reduce ability to control the vehicle or co uld cause loss of balance and ejection fro m the A TV . If a person’s feet are not firmly planted on the footrests, they could come into contact with the wheels or other moving parts and lead to accident or inj[…]

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    15 SAFETY Safety W arnings Improper Hill Climbing Improper hill climbing could cause loss of control or overturn. Always follow proper p rocedures for climbing hills as described i n the owner’s manual. See page 63. Always move th e 4X4 switch to ADC 4X4 before ascending or descending a hill. Descending Hill s Improper ly Improperly descending[…]

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    16 SAFETY Safety W arnings St alling While Climbing a Hill S t alling, rolling backwards or impr operly dismounting while climbing a hil l could cause an overturn. • Always maintain a steady speed when climbing a hill. • Always move the 4X4 switch to ADC 4X4 before ascending or descending a hill. See page 39. If all forward speed is lost: • L[…]

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    17 SAFETY Safety W arnings Operating on Slippery T errain Failure to use extra caution when operati ng on excessively rough, slipp ery or loose terrain could cause loss of traction, loss of control, accident or overturn. Do not operate on excessiv ely rough, slippery or loose terrain until you’ve learned and practiced the skills nece ssary to […]

  • Page 22: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    18 SAFETY Safety W arnings Improper Tire Maintenance Operating this A TV with improper tires or with improper or uneven tire pressure could cause loss of control or accident. Always use the size and type of tires specified for your A TV . Always maintain proper tire pressure as described in the owner’s manual and on safety labels. Operating Ov[…]

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    19 SAFETY Safety W arnings Operating Through Deep W ater Operating the A TV through deep or fast- flowing water could cause the tires to floa t, causing loss of control or overturn. Avoid operating the A T V through deep or fast-flowing water . If it’s unavoidable to enter water that exceeds the recommended maximum depth (see page 68): • T r[…]

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    20 SAFETY Safety W arnings Operating on Froz en Bodies of Wa t e r Operating on frozen bodie s of water may result in serious injury or death if the A TV and/or riders fall through the ice. Never operate the A TV on a frozen body of water . Poor V isibility Operating the A TV in darkness or inclement weather could result in a collision or accident,[…]

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    21 SAFETY Safety W arnings Operating a Damaged A TV Operating a dama ged A TV can resu lt in an accident. After any overturn or accident, have a qualifi ed service dealer inspect the entire ma chine for possible damage, including (but not limited to) brakes, th rottle and steering systems. Physical Skills Safe operation of this rider-active vehicle[…]

  • Page 26: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    22 SAFETY Safety Labels and Locations W arning labels have been placed on the vehicle for your protectio n. Read and follow the instructions on each label carefully . If any of the labels shown in this ma nual differ from the labels on your vehicle, always read and follow the instructio ns of the labels on the vehicle. If an informational or graphi[…]

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    24 SAFETY Safety Labels and Locations Passenger W arning/Discretionary W arning W ARNING P ASSENGER SAFETY T o reduce the risk of SEVERE INJURY or DEA TH NEVER CARR Y MORE THAN ONE P ASSENGER NEVER RIDE AFTER USING DRUGS OR ALCOHOL NEVER carry a passenger too small to firmly plant feet on footrests and securely grasp hand holds. THE P ASSENGER MUST[…]

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    25 SAFETY Safety Labels and Locations Rack/Box Warning W ARNING • DO NOT TOW FROM RACK OR BUMPER. V ehicle dama ge or tipover may result causing severe injury or death. T ow only from tow hooks or hitch. • Maximum Rack Loads: Front 120 lbs. (54 kg) Rear 240 lbs. (109 kg) 7175448 Clutch Cover W arning W ARNING • Moving parts hazard under belt-[…]

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    26 FEA TURES AND CONTROLS Switches Mode/Reverse Override Switch This vehicle is equipped with a re verse speed limi ter system.T o gain additional wheel speed while backin g, depress the override swi tch. W ARNING! Pressing the override button while the thro ttle is open can cause loss of control, which may result in seri ous injury or death. Alway[…]

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    27 FEA TURES AND CONTROLS Switches Engine Stop Switch Move the stop switch either left or right to the OFF position to stop the engine quickly . Move the stop switch to the RUN position before attempt- ing to start the engine. The engine will not start or run when the switch is off. Both the main switch and the engine stop switch will shut of f all[…]

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    28 FEA TURES AND CONTROLS Throttle Lever Operating an A TV with sticking or impr o perly operating throttle controls could cause an accident. Never start or oper ate an A TV that has a sticking or improperly operating throttle . Always c ontact your dealer for service before operating the vehicle. Failure to check or maintain proper operation of th[…]

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    29 FEA TURES AND CONTROLS Brake Lever Operating the A TV with a spongy brake leve r can result in loss of braking, which could cause an accident. Never operat e the A TV with a sp ongy-feeling brake lever . Always cont act your dealer for service before operating the vehicl e. Squeeze the brake lever toward the handlebar to apply the front and rear[…]

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    30 FEA TURES AND CONTROLS Master Cylinde r/Brake Fluid An over-full master cyl inder may cause brake drag or brake lock-up, which could result in an accident. Maintain brake fluid at the recommended level. Do not overfill. Never store or use a partial bottle of br ake fluid. Brake fluid is hygroscopic, meaning it rapidly absorbs moisture from the a[…]

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    31 FEA TURES AND CONTROLS Parking Brake Locking the Parking Brake 1. Place the transmission in PA R K . 2. Squeeze and release the brake lever two or three times, then squeeze and hold. 3. Push the parking brake lock forward to engage the lock. 4. Release the brake lever . 5. T o release the parking brake lo ck, squeeze and release the brake lever […]

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    32 FEA TURES AND CONTROLS Auxiliary Foot Brake Aggressively applying the auxiliary brake whe n backing down a hill may cause rear tipover , which could result in seri ous injury or death. Never back down a h ill. Use caution when ap plying the auxiliary b rake. Do not aggressively apply the auxiliary brake when going forward. The rear wheels may sk[…]

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    33 FEA TURES AND CONTROLS Automatic T ransmission Gear Selector The transmission gear selector is located on the right side of the vehicl e. H: High Gear L: Low Gear N: Neutral R: Reverse P: Park T o shift gears, brake to a complete stop. When the engine is idling, move the lever to the desired gear . NOTICE: Shifting gears with the engin e speed a[…]

  • Page 38: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    34 FEA TURES AND CONTROLS Electronic Power S teering (EPS) Electronic power steering (if equipped ) engages when the ignition key is turned to the ON position. EPS rema ins engaged whether the vehicle is moving or idle. See page 42 for EPS W arning Indicator information. Passenger Seat Always make sure the passenger seat is installed and securely l[…]

  • Page 39: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    35 FEA TURES AND CONTROLS Fuel T ank Always refuel with the engine stopped, and outdoors or in a well ventilated area. Refuel on a level surface. Remove the fuel tank cap and add fuel. Use either leaded or unleaded gasoline with a minimum pump octane number of 87=(R+ M/2) octane. Do not use fuel with ethanol content gr eater than 10%, such as E-85 […]

  • Page 40: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    36 FEA TURES AND CONTROLS Front Storage Box Open the front storage box to access the under-compartment area. 1. Release the front box cover latches and lift the cover . 2. Release the plunger latches that secure the box to the frame. 3. Close the cover and lift the unlatched edge of the box to disengage the plungers. Piv ot the box forward. 4. T o […]

  • Page 41: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    37 FEA TURES AND CONTROLS All Wheel Drive System The All Whee l Drive sy stem is controlled by the 4X4 switch. ADC 4X4 Mode When the switch is on ADC 4X4, the ADC system allows engine braking to all four wheels when the vehicle descends a hill or incline. Always move the 4X4 switch to ADC 4X4 before ascending or descending a hill. See page 39. 4X4 […]

  • Page 42: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    38 FEA TURES AND CONTROLS All Wheel Drive System Engaging 4X4 The 4X4 switch may be turned on or off while the vehicle is movin g. Initially , the vehicle’s electronic sy stem will not enable 4X4 until the engine RPM is below 3100. Once enabled, 4X4 remai ns enabled until the 4X4 switch is turned off. If the switch is turn ed of f while th e d[…]

  • Page 43: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    39 FEA TURES AND CONTROLS Active Descent Cont rol (ADC) System The ADC system allows engine brak ing to all four wheels when the vehicle descends a hill or incline. Always move the 4X4 switch to ADC 4X4 before ascending or descending a hill. Engaging Active Descent Control The ADC system will auto matically engage when all four of the follow- ing c[…]

  • Page 44: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    40 FEA TURES AND CONTROLS Instrument Cluster Y our A TV is equipped with an instrument cluster that senses vehicle speed from a gear in the transmis si on. The instrument cluster measures distance in miles/kilometers as well as hours of operation. In addition to showing vehicle speed, the instrument cluster also dis- plays the following items: engi[…]

  • Page 45: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    41 FEA TURES AND CONTROLS Instrument Cluster Rider Information Center The rider information center is located in the instrument cluster . All seg- ments will light up for one second at start-up. If the instrument cluster fails to illuminate, a battery over — voltage may have occurred and the instrument cluster ma y have shut of f to protect the ele[…]

  • Page 46: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    42 FEA TURES AND CONTROLS Instrument Cluster Rider Information Center 3. Speed Display — This area displays vehicle ground speed or engine rotational speed when the correspon ding display is selected. See page 43. 4. Fuel Gauge — The segments of the fuel gauge show the level of fuel in the fuel tank. When the last seg ment clears, a low fuel warnin[…]

  • Page 47: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    43 FEA TURES AND CONTROLS Instrument Cluster Rider Information Center Spe ed Display Area Use the MODE button to toggle through the speed display options. MODE button operation is locked out at speeds above approximately 15 MPH (25 km/h). Tip : The reverse override button also acts as a MODE button when held down for approximately one half second. […]

  • Page 48: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    44 FEA TURES AND CONTROLS Instrument Cluster Rider Information Center Information Display Area Use the SELECT button (SEL) to toggle through the information area options. SELECT button operation is locked out at speeds above approximately 15 MPH (25 km/h). Tip : The reverse overri de button also acts as the SELECT button when pressed and released q[…]

  • Page 49: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    45 FEA TURES AND CONTROLS Instrument Cluster Rider Information Center Information Display Area Odometer Mode The odometer records and displays the distance traveled by the A TV . T r ip Meter Mode The trip meters record the distance tr aveled by the A TV on eac h trip if reset before eac h trip. T o reset a trip me ter , select the trip meter 1 or […]

  • Page 50: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    46 FEA TURES AND CONTROLS Instrument Cluster Rider Information Center Information Display Area Programmable Service Interval When the hours of engine operation equ al the programmed service interval setting, the wr ench icon will flash for 5 seconds each time the engine is started. When this featur e is enabled, it provides a convenient reminder to[…]

  • Page 51: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    47 FEA TURES AND CONTROLS Instrument Cluster Rider Information Center Information Display Area Diagnostic Display Mode The EFI diagnostic display mode is for in formational purposes only . Please see your Polaris dealer for all major repairs. The diagnostic mode is accessible on ly when the check engine warning indicator activates after the key has[…]

  • Page 52: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    48 FEA TURES AND CONTROLS Instrument Cluster Rider Information Center Diagnostic Display Code Definitions Open Load: There is a break in the wires that lead to the item listed in the chart (inj ector , fuel pump, etc.), or the item has failed. Short-to-Ground: The wire is shorted to ground between the electronic control unit and the item listed in […]

  • Page 53: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    49 FEA TURES AND CONTROLS Instrument Cluster Rider Information Center *Assumes unipolar configuration of ste pper motor SPORTSMAN 550 T ouring EPS Diagnostic Codes Component Condition SPN FMI Idle Air Control Driver Circuit Grounded 520193 5 Shorted Load* 520193 1 1 S tarter Enable Circuit Drive r Circuit Short to B+ 1321 3 All Wheel Drive Control […]

  • Page 54: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    50 FEA TURES AND CONTROLS Instrument Cluster Rider Information Center SPORTSMAN 850 T ouring EPS Diagnostic Codes Component Condition SPN FMI Throttle Position Sensor V olt age T oo High 51 3 V olt age T oo Low 51 4 Engine T emper ature Sensor V oltage T oo High 1 10 3 V olt age T oo Low 1 10 4 T emperature T oo High 1 10 16 Engine Overheat Shutdow[…]

  • Page 55: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    51 FEA TURES AND CONTROLS Instrument Cluster Rider Information Center SPORTSMAN 850 T ouring EPS Diagnostic Codes Component Condition SPN FMI Chassis Relay Driver Circuit Open/Grounded 520208 5 Driver Circuit Short to B+ 520208 3 Driver Circuit Grounded 520208 4 All Wheel Drive Control Driver Circuit Open/Grounded 520207 5 Driver Circuit Short to B[…]

  • Page 56: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    52 OPERA T ION Failure to operate the A TV pro perly can re sult in a collision, loss of control, accident or overturn, which may result in serious injury or death. Rea d and understand all safety warnings outlined in the safety section of this owner ’s manual. Break-In Period The break-in period for your n ew Polaris A TV is the first ten hours […]

  • Page 57: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    53 OPERA TION Break-In Period Engine and Drivetrain Break-in 1. Fill the fuel tank with gasoline. See page 35. Always exercise extreme caution whenever handling gasoline. 2. Check the engine oil level on the dipstick. See page 81. Add oil if necessary to maintain the level between the safe and add marks. 3. Drive slowly at first. Select an op en ar[…]

  • Page 58: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    54 OPERA T ION Pre-Ride Checklist Failure to inspect and verify that th e A TV is in safe operating condition before operating increases the risk of an accident. Always inspect the A TV before each use to make sure it’s in safe operating condition. Item Remarks P age Passenger seat latch Ensure latch is secure 34 Brake system/lever travel Ensu[…]

  • Page 59: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    55 OPERA TION Safe Operation Practices 1. Complete the recommen ded safety training before operatin g this vehicle. See page 7. 2. Do not allow anyone und er 16 year s of age to operate this vehicle . Do not allow anyone w ith cognitive or physical disabi lities to oper- ate this ve hicle. 3. Engine exhaust fu mes are poisonous . Never start the en[…]

  • Page 60: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    56 OPERA T ION Know Y our Riding Area/T read Lightly Familiarize yourself with all laws and regulations concerning the opera- tion of this of f-road vehicle in your area. Respect the environment in which you ride. Fin d out where the de signated riding areas are by con- tacting your Polaris dealer , a local riding club or local officials. Help keep[…]

  • Page 61: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    57 OPERA TION S t arting the Engine 1. Position the vehicle on a level su rface outdoors or in a well-venti- lated area. 2. Place the transmission in P ARK. 3. Lock the parking brake . Tip : The starter interlock will prevent the eng ine from starting if the transmission is in gear and the brake is not engaged. 4. Sit on the vehicle and move the en[…]

  • Page 62: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    58 OPERA T ION Driving Procedures 1. W ear protective riding gear . See page 8. 2. Perform the pre-ride inspection. See page 54. 3. Place the transmission in P ARK. 4. Lock the parking brake . 5. Mount the vehicle from the left side. 6. Sit upright with both feet on th e footrests and both hands on the handlebars. 7. Star t the engine and allow it […]

  • Page 63: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    59 OPERA TION T urning the V ehicle Both rear wheels drive equally at all times. This means that the outs ide wheel must travel a greater distance than the inside wheel when turning, and the inside tire must slip traction slightly . 1. Slow down. 2. Never turn quickly when carrying a passenger or car go. 3. Steer i n the direction of the turn. 4. K[…]

  • Page 64: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    60 OPERA T ION Driving with a Passenger 1. Never allow anyone under 12 years of age to ride as a passenger on this 2-up A TV . Make sure an y p assenger is tall enough to comfort- ably and safely reach the grab handles and footrests. 2. Do not carry a passenger until you ha ve at least two hours of driving experience with this vehicle. 3. Make sure[…]

  • Page 65: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    61 OPERA TION Driving with a Passenger 1 1. Ride to the ability of your passeng er, instead of to your own ability . A void unexpected or aggressive maneuvers that could cause a pa s- senger to fall from the vehicle. 12. Do not cross a hillside with a passenger on board. See page 64. 13. A passenger should always be seat ed in the passenger seat wi[…]

  • Page 66: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    62 OPERA T ION Driving on Slippery Surfaces Whenever riding on slippery surfaces such as wet trails or loose gravel, or during freezing weather , follow these precautions: 1. Do not operate on excessively ro ugh, slippery or loose terrain. 2. Slow down when entering slippery areas. 3. Engage 4X4 before whee ls begin to lose traction. NOTICE: Severe[…]

  • Page 67: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    63 OPERA TION Driving Uphill Braking and handling are greatly affe cted when operating in hilly ter- rain. Improper pro cedure could cau se loss of control or overturn. When- ever traveling uphill, fo llow these precautions: 1. Always move the 4X4 switch to ADC 4 X4 before ascending or descending a hill. See page 39. 2. Drive straight uphill. 3. A […]

  • Page 68: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    64 OPERA T ION Driving on a Sidehill (Sidehilling) Driving on a sidehill is not reco mmended. Improper procedure could cause loss of control or overturn. A v oid crossing the side of any hill unless absolutely ne cessary . If crossing a sidehill is unavoidable , follow these precautions: 1. Slow down. 2. A void crossing the side of a steep hill. 3.[…]

  • Page 69: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    65 OPERA TION Driving Downhill When driving downhill, follow these precautions: 1. Always check the terrain carefully before descending a hill. 2. Always move the 4X4 switch to ADC 4 X4 before ascending or descending a hill. See page 39. 3. Always descend a hill with the tr ansmission in forward gear . Do not descend a hill with the tr ansmission i[…]

  • Page 70: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    66 OPERA T ION T urning Around on a Hill (K-T urn) If the vehicle stalls while climbing a hill, never back it down the hill! Use the K-turn to turn around. 8 ft. (2.4 m)[…]

  • Page 71: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    67 OPERA TION T urning Around on a Hill (K-T urn) 1. S top and lock the parking brake while keeping body weight uphil l. 2. Always move the 4X4 switch to ADC 4 X4 before ascending or descending a hill. See page 39. 3. Leave the transmission in forward and shut off the engine. 4. If a passenger is on board, ask the passenger to dismount first, then […]

  • Page 72: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    68 OPERA T ION Driving Through W ater Y our A TV can operate through water with a maximum recommended depth equal to the bottom of the footrests. Follow these procedures when operating through water: 1. Determine water depths and current before entering water . 2. Choose a crossing where both bank s have gradual inclines. 3. A void operating throug[…]

  • Page 73: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    69 OPERA TION Driving Over Obst acles Follow these precautions whe n operating over obstacles: 1. Always check for obstacles before operating in a new area. 2. Look ahead and learn to read the terrain. Be constantly alert for haz- ards such as logs, rocks and low hanging branches. 3. T ravel slowly and us e extra cau tion when operating on unfamili[…]

  • Page 74: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    70 OPERA T ION Driving in Reverse Follow these precautions w hen operating in reverse: 1. Always check for obstacles or people behind the vehicle. Be aware that a passenger can obstruct your view . 2. Always avoid backing downhill. 3. Back slowly . 4. Apply the bra kes lightly for stopping. 5. A void turning at sharp angles. 6. Never open the throt[…]

  • Page 75: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    71 OPERA TION Parking on an Incline A void parking on an incline if poss ible. If it’s unavoidable, follow these precautions: 1. S top the engine. 2. Place the transmission in P ARK. 3. Lock the parking brake . 4. Always block the rear wheels on the do wnhill side.[…]

  • Page 76: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    72 OPERA T ION Hauling Cargo Overloading the vehicl e or carrying or to wing cargo imp roperly can alte r vehicle handling and may cause loss of control or brake instability , whi ch can result in serious injury or death. Always follo w these precaution s when hauling cargo: Never carry cargo on the rear rack when operating the A TV in the 2-up mod[…]

  • Page 77: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    73 OPERA TION Hauling Cargo Never exceed the weight capacities specified for your A TV on warning labels and in the specifications sec- tion of this manual. 1. Cargo weight should be evenly distributed (1/3 on the front rack and 2/3 on the rear rack) and mounted as low as possible . 2. When operating ove r rough or hilly terrain, re duce speed and […]

  • Page 78: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    74 OPERA T ION Hauling Cargo T owing Loads Always attach a towed load to the hitch point. Remove the hitch from the A TV when not towing a trailer . If towing a load, reduce rear rack cargo weigh t by the amount of tongue weig ht. • The combination o f rear rack car go weight an d tongue weight must not exceed the rear rack capacity . • The tot[…]

  • Page 79: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    75 EMISSION CONTROL SYSTEMS Noise Emission Control System Do not modify the engine, intake or exhaust components, as doing so may affect compliance with U.S.A. EP A noise control requirements (40 CFR 205) and local noise level requirements. Operation on Public Lands in the U.S.A. Y our Polaris vehicle has a spark arrestor that was tested and qualif[…]

  • Page 80: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    76 MAINTENANCE Periodic Maintenance Chart Careful periodic maintenance will help keep your vehicle in the safest, most reliable condition. Inspection, adjustment and lubrication of important components are explained in the periodic main tenance chart . Inspect, clean, lubricate, adjust and replace parts as necessary . When inspection reveals the ne[…]

  • Page 81: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    77 MAINTENANCE Periodic Maintenance Chart Improperly performing the p rocedures marked with a Q coul d result in component failure and cause an accident, wh ich may result in se rious injury or death. Always have an authorized Pola ris de aler perform these services. Maintenance Chart Key X Perform these operations more often for vehic les subjecte[…]

  • Page 82: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    78 MAINTENANCE Periodic Maintenance Chart Item Maintenance Interval (whichever comes first) Remarks Hours Calendar Miles (Km) X E Air filter , main element — Weekly — Inspect; replace as needed X Engine oil change 20 H 1 Month 500 (800) Perform break-in oil and filter change (see page 52) X Q Brake pad wear 10 H Monthly 100 (160) Inspect periodical[…]

  • Page 83: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    79 MAINTENANCE Periodic Maintenance Chart X Perform these procedures more often fo r vehicles subjected to severe use. E Emission-Related Service Q Have an authorized Polaris dealer perform these services. Item Maintenance Interval (whichever comes first) Remarks Hours Calendar Miles (Km) Q E Spark plug 100 H 12 M 1000 (1600) Inspect; replace as ne[…]

  • Page 84: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    80 MAINTENANCE Lubrication Guide Check and lubricate all components at the intervals outlined in the Peri- odic Maintenance Ch art beginning on page 76. Items not listed in the chart should be lubricated at the General Lubrication interval. The a-arms and upper control arms are lubricated at the factory , and no additional lubrication will be neede[…]

  • Page 85: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    81 MAINTENANCE Engine Oil Oil Recommendations Polaris recommends the use of Polaris PS-4 PLUS Performance Syn- thetic 2W -50 4-cycle oil or a similar oil for this engine. See the table on page 80 for fluid recommendatio ns, capacities and plug torques. Oil may need to be changed more fre quently if Polaris oil is not used. Always use 2W -50 oil. Fo[…]

  • Page 86: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    82 MAINTENANCE Engine Oil Oil and Filter Change See the table on page 80 for flui d recommendations, capacities and plug torques. Always change th e oil and filter at the int ervals outlined in the Periodic Maintenance Ch art beginning on page 76. Al ways change the oil filter whenever changing oil. 1. Position the vehicle on a level surface. 2. St[…]

  • Page 87: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    83 MAINTENANCE Engine Oil Oil and Filter Change 9. Place shop towels beneath the oil filter . Using an oil fil- ter wrench (available from your Polaris dealer), turn the filter counter-clockwise to remove it. 10. Using a clean dry cloth, clean the filter sealing surface on the crankcase. 1 1. Lubricate the o-ring on the new filter with a film of fr[…]

  • Page 88: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    84 MAINTENANCE T ransmission Oil Polaris recommends the use of Polaris Synthetic SPOR TSMAN XP T ransmission Fluid for this transmis sion. See the table on page 80 for fluid recommendations, capacities an d plug torques. Always ch eck and change the transmission oil at the intervals outlined in the Periodic Maintenance Chart beginn ing on page 7 6.[…]

  • Page 89: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    85 MAINTENANCE T ransmission Oil Oil Change 1. Remove the foot well. 2. Place a drain pan under the gearca se. Remove the drain plug. Allow the oil to drain completely . 3. Clean and reinstall the drain plug. T orque to specification. 4. Remove the fill plug. Add the pr oper amount of the recommended oil. 5. Reinstall the fill plug. T orque to spec[…]

  • Page 90: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    86 MAINTENANCE Front Gearcase (Dem and Drive) Fluid See the table on page 80 for flui d recommendations, capacities and plug torques. Always check an d change th e demand drive fluid at the inter- vals outlined in the Periodic Mai n tenance Chart beginning on pa ge 76. See page 135 for the part nu mbers of Polaris products. Use the recommended flui[…]

  • Page 91: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    87 MAINTENANCE Rear Gearcase Oil See the table on page 80 for flui d recommendations, capacities and plug torques. Always check and change the rear gearcase oil at the intervals outlined in the Periodic Maintenan ce Chart beginning on page 76. See page 135 for the p art numbers of Polaris pro ducts. The fill plug is located on the rear of the gearc[…]

  • Page 92: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    88 MAINTENANCE Active Descent Control (ADC) Fluid If your vehicl e is equippe d with Ac tive Descent Control, there are two fluid levels that must be mainta ined (demand drive fl uid and AD C fluid). See page 86 for dema nd drive fluid maintena nce. Check and change the ADC fluid at th e intervals outlined in the Periodic Maintenance Chart beginn i[…]

  • Page 93: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    89 MAINTENANCE Active Descent Control (ADC) Fluid Fluid Change 1. Position the vehicle on a level surface. Before performing the fluid change, allow the vehicle to sit for at least 30 minutes. 2. Thoroughly clean the areas around and on the ADC reservoir and bleeder valves (one on each side of the dif ferential). 3. Remove the reservoir cap and dia[…]

  • Page 94: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    90 MAINTENANCE Power Steering Unit If your model is equipped with power steering, frequently clean the areas around and on the power steering unit to allow proper cooling. Clean these areas thoroughly . S teering Assembly The steering assembly o f the A TV shou ld be checked periodica lly for loose nuts and bolts. If loose nu ts and bolts are found[…]

  • Page 95: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    91 MAINTENANCE Cooling System Recovery Bottle Coolant The recovery bottle fluid level can be viewed from inside the front right wheel well. Access the recovery bottle cap under the front box. See page 36. 1. V iew the fluid level in the bottle. 2. If the level is low , remove the bottle cap and add coolant as needed. Maintain the coolant level be t[…]

  • Page 96: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    92 MAINTENANCE Cooling System Radiator Coolant T o ensure that the coolant maintain s its ability to prot ect the engine, Polaris recommends that you drain the system completely every two years and add a fresh mixture of antifreeze and water . Replace the coolant any time the coo ling system has been drained for maintenance or repair . If the recov[…]

  • Page 97: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    93 MAINTENANCE Brakes Hand Brake The front and rear brakes are hydraulic disc brakes, activated by moving the single brake lever toward the handlebar . These brakes are self- adjusting. Under normal operation, the diaphr agm extends into the reservoir as fluid level drops. If the fluid le ve l is low and the diaphragm is not extended, a leak is lik[…]

  • Page 98: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    94 MAINTENANCE T oe Alignment Use the following procedure to check the toe alignment of the vehicle. The recommended toe alignment is 0″ to 1/8″ (0-3 mm). W ARNING! Severe in jury or death can result from improper toe alignment and adjustment. Do not attempt to adju st tie rod alignment. All tie rod a djustments should be performed by an […]

  • Page 99: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    95 MAINTENANCE Seat s Passenger Seat Removal 1. Pull the latch at the rear of the seat. 2. Pivot the rear of the seat upwa rd and remove the front legs of the seat base from the frame. 3. T o reinstall the seat, position the front legs of the seat base under the frame. Pivot the rear of the seat downward onto the latch. Press down firmly on the sea[…]

  • Page 100: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    96 MAINTENANCE Seat s Passenger Seat Suspension 1. Remove the passenger seat. 2. Remove the fastener retaining the passenger seat shock to the passenger seat support. 3. Pivot the seat support upward to access the lower shock fastener . Remove the lower shock fastener . 4. Remove the sh ock from the vehicle. If adjustment is necessary , use a suit-[…]

  • Page 101: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    97 MAINTENANCE Side Panel/Footwe ll Removal 1. Remove the seat before remo ving a side panel. 2. Remove the fasteners securing the side panel or footwe ll to remove it. Plastic Rivet Hex Head Screw Plastic Rivet[…]

  • Page 102: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    98 MAINTENANCE Ti r es Operating your A TV with worn tires, impr operly i nflated tires, non-standard tires or improperly installed tires will affect vehicle handling and could cause an accident resulting in serious injury or death. Alwa ys follow all tire maintenance procedures as outlined in this manual a nd on the labels on the vehicle. Al ways […]

  • Page 103: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    99 MAINTENANCE Ti r es Front Wheel Hub Tightening Front wheel bearing tightness and spin dle nut retention are critical com- ponent operations. All service must be performed by your authorized Polaris dealer . Wheel Removal 1. S top the engine. 2. Place the transmission in P ARK. 3. Lock the parking brake . 4. Loosen the wheel nuts slightly . W ARN[…]

  • Page 104: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    100 MAINTENANCE Ti r es Wheel Inst allation 1. Place the transmission in P ARK. 2. Lock the parking brake . 3. Place the wheel on the hub with the valve stem toward the outside and rotation arrows on the tire pointing t oward forward rotation. 4. Install the wheel nuts and finger-tighten them. 5. Lower the vehicle to the ground. 6. T orque the whee[…]

  • Page 105: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    101 MAINTENANCE Air Filter 1. Remove the seat. 2. Remove the air box cover screws, and remove the air box cover . 3. Remove the filter . 4. Remove the fabric type pre- filter from the main filter . W ash the pre-filter in soapy water , then rinse and let dry . 5. Reinstall the pre-filter over the main filter . Install a new main filter if needed. 6[…]

  • Page 106: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    102 MAINTENANCE Fuse Replacement If the engine stops or will not start, or if you experience other electrical failures, a fuse may need replacement. Locate and correct any short cir- cuits that may have caused the blown fuse, then replace the fuse. Spare fuses are provided in the fuse box. 1. Access the fuses under the front box. See page 36. 2. Re[…]

  • Page 107: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    103 MAINTENANCE Light s Poor lighting can result in reduced visibility when driving. Headlight and taillight lenses become dirty duri ng normal opera tion. Clean head- lights frequently and replace burned out headlamps promptly . Always make sure lights are adjusted properly for best visibility . Headlight Lamp Replacement When servicing a halogen […]

  • Page 108: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    104 MAINTENANCE Light s High Beam Adjustment The headlight beam can be adjusted slightly upward or downward. Use the following procedure to make the adjustment. 1. Position the vehicle on a level su rface with the headlight approxi- mately 25 ft. (7.6 m) from a wall . Place the transmission in P ARK. 2. Measure the distance from the floo r to the c[…]

  • Page 109: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    105 MAINTENANCE Light s Low Beam Adjustment The low beam can be adjusted slightly upward or do wnward. 1. Loosen the phillips screw located at the rear of the headlamp . 2. T ilt the headlamp upward or downward. 3. T igh ten the screw . Phillips Screw[…]

  • Page 110: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    106 MAINTENANCE Light s Headlight Housin g Replacement 1. Remove the five (5) headlight pod screws. 2. Lift the pod cover and disconnect the speedometer harness es from the speedo meter . 3. Unplug the headlamp from the wiring harness. 4. Use a sma ll screwdrive r to remove the o-rings from the headlight mounting tabs. 5. Pull the headlight housing[…]

  • Page 111: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    107 MAINTENANCE Light s Lower Headlamp Replacement 1. T urn the back of the headlight harness counter-clockwise and pull the harness assembly away from the headlight assembly . 2. Remove the head lamp and install the new headlamp . 3. Reinstall the harness assembly into the headlight assembly . 4. T urn the headlight harness clock- wise to secure t[…]

  • Page 112: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    108 MAINTENANCE Spar k P l u g s Sp ark Plug Recommendations Refer to the specifications sect ion beginning on p age 136 for the recom- mended spark plug t ype and gap for your vehicle. T o rque spark plugs to specification. NOTICE: Using non-recommended spark plugs can result in serious engine damage. Always use Polaris-recommended spark plugs. Sp[…]

  • Page 113: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    109 MAINTENANCE Spar k P l u g s Sp ark Plug Inspection Normal Sp ark Plug The normal insulator tip is gray , ta n or light brown. There will be few combustion deposits. The electrodes are not burned or eroded. This indi- cates the proper type and heat range for the engine and the service. The tip should not be flaky and wh ite. A white insulator t[…]

  • Page 114: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    110 MAINTENANCE V ehicle Immersion If your vehicle becomes imm ersed, major engine da mage can result if the machine is not thoroughly inspecte d. T ake the vehicle to your dealer before starting the engine. If it’s impossi ble to take your A TV to a dealer before starting it, follow the steps outlined below . 1. Move the A TV to dry land or a[…]

  • Page 115: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    111 MAINTENANCE S p ark Arrestor Failure to heed the following warnings whil e servicing the spark arrestor could result in serious injury or death. Ne ver run the engine in an enclosed area. Remove any combustible materials from the area. Wear eye protectio n and leather work gloves. Do not stand behind or in fro nt of the vehicle while purging. N[…]

  • Page 116: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    112 MAINTENANCE P VT System Failure to comply with the instructions in this warning can result in severe injury or death. Do not modify any component of the PVT system. Doing so may reduce its strength so that a failure may occur at a hig h speed. The PVT system has been precision balanced. Any modi fication will cause the system to be out of balan[…]

  • Page 117: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    113 MAINTENANCE P VT System The basic operation of the Polaris PVT system is dependent on engine speed and vehicle torque requiremen ts. As engine speed increases, the force exerted on the movable drive sheave by the flyweights also increases. This, in turn, increases th e amount of pinch applied to the drive belt. Similarly , if the engine speed d[…]

  • Page 118: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    114 MAINTENANCE P VT System When T o Use Low Range and High Range PVT Drying There may be some instances when wate r is accidently ingested into the PVT system. Use the following instructions to dry it out before operat- ing. 1. Position the vehicle on a level surface. 2. Remove the drain plug. Allow the water to drain completely . Rein- stall the […]

  • Page 119: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    115 MAINTENANCE Battery Improperly connecting or disconnecting battery ca bles can result in an explosio n and cause serious injury or death. When removing the battery , always disconnect the negative (black) cable first. When reinstalling the battery , a lways connect the negative (black) cable last. Battery electrolyte is poisonous. It contains s[…]

  • Page 120: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    116 MAINTENANCE Battery Battery Removal 1. Remove the passenger seat and the seat pivot bolt. 2. Disconnect the black (negative) battery cable first. 3. Disconnect the red (positive) battery cable last. 4. Disconnect the battery hold-down strap. 5. On conventional batteries, re move the battery vent tube. 6. Lift the battery out of the A TV . Be ca[…]

  • Page 121: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    117 MAINTENANCE Battery Battery Inst allation Using a new battery that has not been fully char ged can damage the bat- tery and result in a shorter life. It can also hinder vehicle performance. Follow the battery charging instructio ns on page 1 19 before installing the battery . 1. Ensure that the battery is fully char ged. 2. Place the battery in[…]

  • Page 122: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    118 MAINTENANCE Battery Battery S t orage Whenever the vehicle is not used for a period of three mo nths or more, remove the battery from the vehicle, ensure that it’s fully char ged, and store it out of the sun in a cool, dry place. Check battery voltage each month during storag e and recharge as needed to mainta in a full charge. Polaris rec[…]

  • Page 123: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    119 MAINTENANCE Battery Battery Charging (Conventional Battery) 1. Remove the battery from the vehi cle to prevent dam age from leak- ing or spilled electroly te during charging. See page 1 16. 2. Charge the battery with a char ging output no larg er than 1/10 of the battery’ s amp/hr rating. Charge as needed to raise the spec ific grav- ity to 1[…]

  • Page 124: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    120 MAINTENANCE Battery Battery Charging (Sealed Battery) Always verify battery condition befo re and 1-2 hours after the end of charging. State of Charge V oltag e Action Charge Time (Using constant cu rrent charger @ standard amps specifie d on top of batt ery) 100% 12.8-13.0 volts None, check at 3 mos. from date of manufacture None required 75%-[…]

  • Page 125: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    121 MAINTENANCE Camber and Caster The camber and caster are non-adjust- able. Rear Spring The rear shock absorber spring is adjusted by rotating the adjuster either clockwise or counter-clockwise to increase or decrease spring tension. Accessory springs are available through your Polaris dealer . Handlebars The handlebars can be adjusted for rider […]

  • Page 126: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    122 MAINTENANCE Throttle Body/Idle RPM Idle RPM is preset by the manufactur er . If the engine idle speed is not satisfactory , please see your Pola ris dealer for adjustment. Throttle Cable Freeplay 1. Remove the four cover screws from the right han- dlebar control and remove the cover . 2. W ith the handlebars straight ahead , place very light pr[…]

  • Page 127: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    123 MAINTENANCE Throttle Cable Freeplay 4. Place the transmission in P ARK. Lock the parking brake. 5. Start the engine and allow the idle to stabilize. If necessary , tap the throttle lever to ensure the idle speed settles. 6. If idle speed remains above or below the recommended setting (see specification pages), verify the corre ct gap. If gap is[…]

  • Page 128: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    124 MAINTENANCE Cleaning and St orage W ashing the V ehicle Keeping your Polaris vehicle clean will not only improve its appearance but it can also extend the life of various comp onents. NOTICE: High water pressure may damage compone nts. Polaris recommends washing the vehicle by hand or with a garden hose, using mild soap. Certain products, inclu[…]

  • Page 129: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    125 MAINTENANCE Cleaning and St orage W ashing the V ehicle If a high pressure water system is u sed for cleaning (n ot recommended), exercise extreme caution. The wate r may damage components and could remove paint and decals. A void direc ting the water stream at the follow- ing items: If an informational or graphic label becomes illegible or com[…]

  • Page 130: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    126 MAINTENANCE Cleaning and St orage Chrome Wheel Care (if equipped) Proper maintenance will protect chrome wheels from corrosion, pre- serve wheel life and ensure a “like new” appearance for many years. Chrome wheels exposed to road salt (or salt in the air in coastal areas) are more susceptible to corrosion if not properly cleaned. Clean chr[…]

  • Page 131: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    127 MAINTENANCE Cleaning and St orage Sto r ag e Ti ps NOTICE: S t arting the engine durin g the storage period will disturb the protective film created by fogging and damage could occur . Never start the engine during the storage peri od. Clean the Exterior Make any necessary repairs and clean the vehicle as recommended. Se e page 124. St abilize […]

  • Page 132: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    128 MAINTENANCE Cleaning and St orage Sto r ag e Ti ps Fluid Levels Inspect the fluid levels. Add or change fluids as recommended in the Periodic Maintenance Char t beginning on page 76. • Demand drive unit (front gearcase) • ADC fluid (ADC models) (change every two years) • Rear gearcase • T ransmission • Brake fluid (change every two ye[…]

  • Page 133: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    129 MAINTENANCE Cleaning and St orage Sto r ag e Ti ps Inspect and Lubricate Inspect all cables and lubricate al l areas of the vehicle as recommended in the Periodic Maintenance Chart beginning on page 76. Battery Storage See pages 1 18-1 19 for storage and charging procedures. Store the bat- tery in a cool, dry place. Storage Area/Covers Set the […]

  • Page 134: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    130 MAINTENANCE T ransporting the A TV Follow these procedures when transporting the vehicle. 1. S top the engine. 2. Place the transmission in P ARK. 3. Lock the parking brake . 4. Secure the fuel cap and oil cap. 5. Always tie the frame of the A TV to the transporti ng unit securely with suitable straps or rope. Do no t attach tie straps to the f[…]

  • Page 135: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    131 TROUBLESHOOTING Drive Belt Wear/Burn Possible Cause Solution Driving onto a pickup or tall trailer in high range Use low range during loading. Starting out going up a steep incl ine Use low range or turn around using the K-turn (see page 66). Driving at low RPM or ground speed (3-7 MPH) Drive at a higher speed or us e low range more frequently […]

  • Page 136: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    132 TROUBLESHOOTING Engine Doesn’t T urn Over Engine T urns Over , Fails to St art Engine Backfires Possible Cause Solution Low battery voltage Recharge the battery to 12.8 VDC Loose battery connections Chec k all connections and tighten Loose solenoid connections Chec k all connections and tighten Possible Cause Solution Out of fuel Refuel, c[…]

  • Page 137: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    133 TROUBLESHOOTING Engine Pings or Knocks Engine Runs Irregularl y , St alls or Misfires Possible Cause Solution Poor quality or low octane fu el Replace with recommended fuel Incorrect ignition timing See your dealer Incorrect spark plug gap or heat range Set gap to specs or replace plugs Possible Cause Solution Fouled or defective spark plug(s) […]

  • Page 138: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    134 TROUBLESHOOTING Engine Stop s or Loses Power Engine Overheating Possible Cause Solution Out of fuel Refuel, cycle key to ON position three times for 5 seconds each, then start Kinked or plugged fuel vent line Inspect and replace W ater is present in fuel Replace with new fuel Fouled or defective spark plug(s) I nsp ect, clean and/or replace spa[…]

  • Page 139: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    135 POLARIS PRODUCTS Part Number Description Engine Lubr icant 2870791 Fogging Oil (12 oz. Aeroso l) 2876244 PS-4 PLUS Performance Synthetic 2W -50 4-Cyc le Oil (qt.) 2876245 PS-4 PLUS Performan ce Synthetic 2W-50 4-Cycle Oil (gal.) Gearcase / T ransmission Lubricants 2877606 Synthetic SPORTSMAN XP T r ansmission Fluid (qt./.95 l) 2873602 Premium A[…]

  • Page 140: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    136 SPECIFICA T IONS * Based on EU Directive 76/432/EC **A higher initial idle speed of 1800 RPM will occur for the first few minutes of op eration. SPORTSMAN 550 T ouring EPS Maximum W eight Capacity 735 lbs. ( 333 kg) (includes operator , passenger , cargo, accessories) Dry W eight 772 lbs. (350 kg) Front Rack/Storage Box Capacity 120 lbs. (54 kg[…]

  • Page 141: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    137 SPECIFICA T IONS Clutching SPORTSMAN 550 T ouring EPS Lubrication System Pressurized W et Sump T ransmission T ype Automatic PVT (Polaris V ariable T ran smission) In-Line H-L-N-R-P Front Suspension Dual a-arm, 9″ (22.9 cm) travel Rear Suspension Dual a-arm with Rolled IRS, 10″ (25.4 cm) travel Gear Reduction, Low 5.034:1 Gear Reducti[…]

  • Page 142: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    138 SPECIFICA T IONS * Based on EU Directive 76/432/EC SPORTSMAN 850 T ouring EPS Maximum W eight Capacity 735 lbs. ( 333 kg) (includes operator , passenger , cargo, accessories) Dry W eight 798 lbs. (362 kg) Front Rack/Storage Box Capacity 120 lbs. (54 kg) Rear Rack Capacity 240 lbs. (109 kg) Hitch T ongue W eight 150 lbs. (55 kg) (Rear rack capa […]

  • Page 143: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    139 SPECIFICA T IONS Clutching SPORTSMAN 850 T ouring EPS Lubrication System Pressurized W et Sump T ransmission T ype Automatic PVT (Polaris V ariable T ran smission) In-Line H-L-N-R-P Front Suspension Dual a-arm, 9″ (22.9 cm) travel Rear Suspension Dual a-arm with Rolled IRS, 10″ (25.4 cm) travel Gear Reduction, Low 5.034:1 Gear Reducti[…]

  • Page 144: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    140 DECLARA T ION OF CONFORMITY Polaris Industries Inc., 2100 Hwy 55, Medina, MN 55340 U.S.A. T elephone 7 63-542-0500 W e, Polaris Industries Inc., declare that the vehicles listed below conform to the essential health and safety requirements ap plicable to off-road all-terrain vehicles. PRODUCT IDENTIFICA TION APPLICABLE EUROPEAN DIRECTIVES TEST […]

  • Page 145: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    141 W ARRANTY LIMITED W ARRANTY Polaris Sales Inc., 2100 Highway 55, Me dina, MN 55340, gives a SIX MONTH LIM- ITED W ARRANTY on all components of the Po laris All T errain V ehicle (A TV) against defects in material or work manship. Polaris also gives a one year limited warranty on the final drive chain (if equipped) for failure due to defects. Th[…]

  • Page 146: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    142 W ARRANTY W ARRANTY COVERAGE AND EXCLUSIONS : LIMIT A TIONS OF W ARRANTIES AND REMEDIES The Polaris limi ted warranty excludes any failu res that are not caused by a def ect in material or workmanship. Th is warranty does not cover acci dental damage, normal wear and tear , abuse or improper handling. This warranty also does not cover any A TV […]

  • Page 147: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    143 W ARRANTY LIMIT A TIONS OF W ARRANTIES AND REMEDIES This warranty also excludes failures resu lting from improper lubrication; improper engine timing; improper fuel; su r face imperfections caused by external stress, heat, cold or contamination; operator error or abuse; improper component alignment, tension, adjustment or alti tude compensation[…]

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  • Page 149: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    145 W ARRANTY Exported V ehicles EXCEP T WHERE SPECIFICALL Y REQUIRED BY LA W , THERE IS NO W AR- RANTY OR SER VICE BULLETIN COVERAGE ON THIS VEHICLE IF IT IS SOLD OUTSIDE THE COUNTR Y OF THE SELLING DEALER’S AUTHORIZED LOCA- TION. This policy does not apply to vehicles that have receiv ed authorization for export from Polaris Industries. Deal[…]

  • Page 150: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    146 W ARRANTY Exported V ehicles How to Get Service If Purchased From A Private Party: If you purchase a Polaris product from a private ci tizen, to be kept and used outside of the country in which the vehicle was origin ally purchased, all warrant y coverage will be denied. Notice If your vehicle is registered outside of the country where it was p[…]

  • Page 151: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    147 W ARRANTY U.S.A. EP A Emis sion s Limited W arranty This emissions li mited warranty i s in addition t o the Polaris standa rd limited warranty for your vehicle. Polaris Industrie s Inc. warrants that at the time it is first purchased, this emissions-certified vehicle is designed, built and equipped so it conforms with applica- ble U.S. Environ[…]

  • Page 152: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    148 W ARRANTY U.S.A. EP A Emis sion s Limited W arranty The exclusive remedy for breac h of this limited warranty shall be, at the exclusive option of Polaris, repair or replacement of any defective materials, components or prod- ucts. THE REME DIES SET FOR TH IN THIS LIMITE D W ARRANTY ARE T HE ONL Y REMED IES A V AILABLE TO ANY PERSON FOR BREACH […]

  • Page 153: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    149 MAINTENANCE LOG Present this section of your ma nual to your dealer each ti me you r vehicle is serviced. This will provide you and future owners with an accurate log of maintenance and ser- vices performed. DA TE MILES (KM) OR HOURS TECHNICIAN SERVICE PERFORMED / COMMENTS[…]

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  • Page 155: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    151 INDEX 0-9 4X4 Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26, 37 A Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 Active Descent Control Fluid . . . 88-89 Active Descen t Control System . . . . 39 ADC System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Air Filte r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 All Wheel Drive System . . . . . . […]

  • Page 156: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    152 INDEX F Fluid Active Descent Cont rol . . . . . . 88 ADC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88-89 Brake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Demand Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Engine Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81-83 Front Gearcas e . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Rear Gearcase O il . . . . . . . . . . 87 Transmission . . . . .[…]

  • Page 157: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    153 INDEX O Oil Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81-83 Rear Gearcas e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Transmissi on . . . . . . . . . . . . 84-85 Oil Change Engine Oil and Filt er. . . . . . 82-83 Rear Gearcas e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Transmissi on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Oil Level Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . […]

  • Page 158: Polaris 550 Touring EPS

    154 INDEX S Safety Warnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-21 Protective Apparel . . . . . . . . . . 12 Reverse Operation . . . . . . . . . . 17 Skidding or Slidi ng . . . . . . . . . 18 Slippery Terrain . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Stalling While Climbing a Hill 16 Turning Improperly . . . . . . . . . 14 Unauthorized Use . . . . . . . . . . 21 Unfamil[…]

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