Мануал на тнвд delphi

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ТНДВ Мастер

Цех по ремонту топливной аппаратуры

ТНДВ Мастер

  • Главная
  • Ремонт ТНВД
    • Диагностика ТНВД на стенде
    • Ремонт ТНВД
    • Ремонт дизельных форсунок
    • Запчасти для ТНВД
  • Отзывы
  • Видеоблог
  • Контакты
  • Главная
  • Ремонт ТНВД
    • Диагностика ТНВД на стенде
    • Ремонт ТНВД
    • Ремонт дизельных форсунок
    • Запчасти для ТНВД
  • Отзывы
  • Видеоблог
  • Контакты

Замена дизельного насоса в Краснодаре

Руководство по Ремонту ТНВД Delphi

1.1 Насос
1.2 Общая информация
1.3 Настоящее руководство
1.4 Оборудование
1.5 Замена деталей
1.6 Табличка с названием насоса

2. Демонтаж
2.1 Подготовка
2.1.1 Очистка и дренаж
2.1.2 Установка насоса
2.1.3 Снятие уплотнительных колпачков и стопорной проволоки
2.1.4 Снятие ступицы привода (если установлена)
2.1.5 Измерение торцевого поплавка приводного вала
2.1.6 Измерение радиального люфта приводного вала

2.2 Крышка регулятора, рычаги управления и узел тяги
2.2.1 Снятие патрубков возврата топлива
2.2.2 Снятие стопорных винтов рычага дроссельной заслонки винта максимального расхода топлива и винта контроля крутящего момента
2.2.3 Снятие рычага дроссельной заслонки
2.2.4 Снятие рычага выпускного тормоза
2.2.5 Снятие рычага дроссельной заслонки электронного привода (жесткий тип)
2.2.6 Снятие крышки регулятора в сборе

2.3 Разборка универсального регулятора скорости
2.4 Снятие кронштейна управления и рычага в сборе
2.4.1 Снятие возвратной пружины пластины звена прокрутки
2.4.2 Снятие кронштейна управления регулятором в сборе
2.4.3 Демонтаж рычага управления регулятором в сборе
2.4.4 Демонтаж узла пластины управления регулятором для варианта триммера крутящего момента

2.5 Узел выходов высокого давления, электромагнитный запорный орган (ESOS) и перекачивающий насос
2.5.1 Узел выходов высокого давления
2.5.2 Торцевая пластина в сборе
2.6 Электромагнитный запорный клапан (ESOS)
2.7 Перекачивающий насос
2.7.1 Демонтаж компонентов перекачивающего насоса
2.7.2 Ослабление ротора перекачивающего насоса

2.8 Устройство опережения
2.8.1 Однопоршневая конструкция с 2 болтами холодного хода (CA)
2.8.2 Конструкция сервопоршня с 2 болтами холодного хода
2.8.3 Конструкция сервопоршня с 4 болтами холодного хода
2.8.4 Однопоршневая конструкция без холодного опережения

2.9 Откручивание винтов фиксации головки и снятие гидравлической головки
2.9.1 Стопорные винты с головкой
2.9.2 Снятие и разборка системы подачи малой нагрузки
2.9.3 Снятие и разборка запорного клапана
2.9.4 Снятие гидравлической головки

2.10 Приводной вал
2.10.1Демонтаж привода с нулевым люфтом в сборе
2.10.2 Демонтаж шлицевого привода в сборе
2.11 Демонтаж гидравлической головки — конструкции чеки и щеки
2.11.1 Освобождение винтов приводной пластины
2.11.2 Демонтаж компонентов ротора
2.11.3 Снятие нижнего чехла или щечной пластины
2.11.4 Сборка груза обратной тяги
2.11.5 Синхронизация стопорного вала
2.11.6 Снятие уплотнения/ уплотнений приводного вала

3.1 Очистка
3.2 Общие сведения
3.2.1 Проверка сопряжения узлов
3.2.2 Осмотр и замена
3.2.3 Уплотнения
3.3 Подробности
3.3.1 Ротор гидравлической головки
3.3.2 Плунжеры с гидравлической головкой
3.3.3 Кулачковое кольцо и спиральные пластины
3.3.4 Ролики и башмаки
3.3.5 Перекачивающий насос
3.3.6 Торцевая пластина
3.3.7 Регулирующие клапаны
3.3.8 Нагнетательные клапаны и клапаны давления в распределительных коробках
3.3.9 Выпускные клапаны высокого давления
3.3.10 Пружины
3.3.11 Фитинги и резьба
3.3.12 Соединения
3.3.13 Валы управления
3.3.14 Приводные валы и сопутствующие компоненты
3.3.15 Устройство опережения
3.3.16 Рычаги и внешние органы управления
3.3.17 Корпус насоса
3.3.18 Крышка управления регулятором
3.3.19 Отверстия
3.3.20 Электромагнитный запорный клапан
3.3.21 Восковой двигатель

4.1 Подготовка
4.2 Сборка гидравлической головки
4.2.1 Плунжер ротора
4.2.2 Приводной диск, ролики, башмаки и упорные пластины

4.3 Приводной вал
4.3.1 Нулевой люфт и шлицевой привод со щековыми пластинами
4.3.2 Шлицевой привод с головкой с контрольной пластиной и ротором

4.4 Крепление гидравлической головки и проверка люфта и радиального зазора конца приводного вала
4.4.1 Замена уплотнения приводного вала
4.4.2 Крепление приводного вала
4.4.3 Выравнивание гидравлической головки
4.4.4 Проверка концевого поплавка приводного вала
4.4.5 Проверка радиального люфта приводного вала
4.4.6 Винт продвижения кулачка
4.4.7 Установка стопорных винтов головки, клапана опережения зажигания и клапанов фиксации легкой нагрузки

4.5 Устройство опережения
4.5.1 Однопоршневая конструкция
4.5.2 Конструкции сервопоршней
4.5.3 2 болта холодного хода, установленные на однопоршневой конструкции
4.5.4 4 болта холодного хода, установленные в конструкции сервопоршня.

4.6 Перекачивающий насос и сборка торцевой пластины
4.6.1 Перекачивающий насос
4.6.2 Сборка торцевой пластины

4.7 Электромагнитный клапан и выходы высокого давления
4.7.1 Электромагнитный клапан или заглушка
4.7.2 Отводы высокого давления и зажимная пластина

4.8 Привод управления, кронштейн управления и крышка
4.8.1 Привод управления, кронштейн управления и крышка
4.8.2 Установка узла регулятора на насос
4.8.3 Установка возвратной пружины пластины звена прокрутки
4.8.4 Настройка длины управляющего звена
4.8.5 Монтаж узла регулятора для варианта триммера крутящего момента

4.9 Сборка крышки регулятора
4.9.1 Крышка регулятора ТНВД Delphi
4.9.2 Крышка регулятора оснащена гидравлическим избыточным топливом
4.9.3 Крышка регулятора устанавливается только с регулятором наддува
4.9.4 Крышки регулятора с управлением крутящим моментом и наддувом
4.9.5 Крышка регулятора оснащена электронным приводом

4.10 Внешние компоненты крышки регулятора
4.10.1 Монтаж соединений обратной утечки
4.10.2 Установка и выравнивание внешних рычагов
4.10.3 Винты и заглушки ограничителя управления
4.11 Крышка стопорного винта вала и заглушка для доступа к кулачковому кольцу
4.11.1 Стопорный винт вала
4.11.2 Сливная пробка
4.11.3 Крышка
4.11.4 Заглушка для доступа к кулачковому кольцу

4.12 Приводная втулка
4.13 Проверка на герметичность
4.14 Хранение
4.14.1 Новые насосы
4.14.2 Капитально отремонтированные насосы
4.14.3 Условия хранения

5.1 Подготовка
5.1.1 Проверка на герметичность
5.1.2 Испытательная машина
5.1.3 Привод испытательной машины
5.1.4 Условия испытаний
5.1.5 Подключение топливопроводов
5.1.6 Процедура испытания насоса
5.1.7 Измерение давления передачи и начальная настройка
5.1.8 Измерение давления в распределительной коробке
5.1.9 Предварительная настройка параметров

5.2 Процедура испытаний
5.2.1 Грунтование
5.2.2 Проверка и настройка давления передачи
5.2.3 Проверка давления в распределительной коробке и обратных утечек
5.2.4 Настройка опережения скорости
5.2.5 Холодное продвижение
5.2.6 Настройка клапана опережения зажигания при малой нагрузке
5.2.7 Управление форсировкой с помощью триммера крутящего момента
5.2.8 Настройка максимальной подачи топлива
5.2.9 Запорный клапан
5.2.10 Настройка и тестирование регулятора
5.2.11 Настройка винта крутящего момента
5.2.12 Проверка управления запорной арматурой
5.2.13 Настройка холостого хода

5.3 Тайминг
5.3.1 Общие сведения
5.3.2 Приводные валы со шпонкой
5.3.3 Бесшпоночные приводные валы
5.4 Тест на протечку ТНВД

6.1 Инструментарий
6.2 Значения крутящего момента
6.3 Диаграмма в разобранном виде

7.1 Сокращения, используемые в данном руководстве

Остались вопросы?

Оставь номер телефона и мастер перезвонит. Консультация бесплатная!


Стало интересно, почему ТНВД стоит таких космических денег и что в нём вообще такого.
Да и пробег SY уже большой, поэтому знать мат. часть полезно.

Фото в бортжурнале SsangYong Kyron

Устройство ТНВД_1
Фото в бортжурнале SsangYong Kyron
Устройство ТНВД_2
Фото в бортжурнале SsangYong Kyron
Устройство ТНВД_3

Как показало беглое ознакомление по неисправностям ТНВД, основные проблемы таковы:
1) Ржавчина — тут я думаю всё понятно. Топливо, вода, обслуживание.
2) Износ насоса низкого давления (130 на схеме №1) — износ кулачков ведёт к появлению стружки.
3) Износ насоса высокого давления (пара ролик-башмак) и самого вала.

1) На самом деле первый случай самый плохой, необходимо принимать решение от целесообразности ремонта такого насоса, от ржавчины и раковин очень тяжело избавиться полностью. Стоимость запчастей может превысить стоимость нового насоса.
2) Износ насоса низкого давления приводит к появлению стружки, если эту ситуацию вовремя заметить — начали лить форсы, металлическая пыль в фильтре то есть реальные шансы отделаться относительно легко — замена насоса низкого давления и промывка системы.
3) Износ насоса высокого давления следствие больших пробегов, тут я надеюсь всё понятно. Дополнительно данная ситуация может возникнуть если был упущен момент возникновения стружки. Для примера — начали лить форсы, человек меняет форсы или клапана, катается дальше. Ситуация повторяется. Стружка попадает дальше и начинает разрушать насос высокого давления, а конкретнее пару ролик — башмак.

Стоимость нового насоса известна всем — от 50 до 100 тыс. рублей.
Теперь ориентир по стоимости запчастей:
1) Насос низкого давления (7135-478) — от 5000 тысяч рублей.
2) Вал ТНВД (9303-534A) — от 5500 тысяч рублей
3) Подшипник ТНВД (9307-307A) — от 2500 рублей.
4) Ремкомплект ТНВД (ролик + башмак 7135-476) — от 2200 тысяч рублей.
Точные данные можно получить используя ПО Delphi Direct Evolution, данное ПО является платным.

Данные схемы и цены найдены на просторах всемирной сети. В абсолютной точности указанных артикулов я не уверен. Вся эта информация носит исключительно информационный характер.

Цена вопроса: 0 ₽
Пробег: 212 000 км

Page 1: Manual Dp210



Page 2: Manual Dp210

(D) Schutzbrille/Gesichtsschutz tragen.

(E) Úsese protección para los ojos/la cara.

(EN) Wear eye/face protection.

(F) Porter un appareil de protection des yeux / du visage.

(IT) Proteggersi gli occhi/la faccia.

(NL) Veiligheidsbril/-masker gebruiken.

(P) Use protecção da face/olhos.

(D) Von Zündquellen fernhalten — Nicht rauchen.

(E) Conservar alejado de toda llama o fuente de chispas -No fumar.

(EN) Keep away from sources of ignition — No smoking.

(F) Conserver à l’écart de toute flamme ou source d’étincelles — Ne pas fumer.

(IT) Conservare lontano da fiamme e scintille — Non fumare.

(NL) Ver van open vuur en ontstekingsbronnen houden – Niet roken.

(P) Mantenha afastado de fontes de ignição – Proibido fumar.

(D) Geeignete Schutzhandschuhe tragen.

(E) Usen guantes adecuados.

(EN) Wear suitable gloves.

(F) Porter des gants appropriés.

(IT) Usare guanti adatti.

(NL) Aangepaste veiligheidshandschoenen dragen.

(P) Use luvas apropriadas.

(D) Kommen Sie nicht mit dem Hochdruckstrahl in Verbindung! Besonders nicht, wennDruckrohrleitung oder Dichtung geprüft werden! Hochdruckflüssigkeiten können tödli-che Verletzungen verursachen! Im Falle einer Berührung mit der Haut, kontaktieren Siesofort einen Arzt. Bitte beachten Sie die Gesundheits-/und Sicherheitsunterlagen.

(E) Mantenga las manos y el cuerpo lejos del rociado del líquido, especialmente inyecto-res, tuberías y juntas de alta presión con fugas. La inyección de alta presión puede per-forar la piel humana y producir una lesión fatal. En caso de que la inyección atraviesela piel, consiga atención médica inmediatamente. Vea la hoja de Datos de Sanidad ySeguridad.

(EN) Do not put your skin into the fuel jets under pressure, especially those due to pressurepipe or seal leaks. High pressure liquids can cause deadly injuries. In case of an injec-tion under the skin, contact a doctor immediately. Please refer to the health and secu-rity fuel documents.

(F) Ne pas approcher les mains ni le corps des jets de liquides, particulièrement ceux pro-venant des fuites de tuyaux et des joint soumis a la haute pression. Le liquide soushaute pression injecté sous la peau peut causer des blessures mortelles. En cas d’in-jection sous la peau, consulter immédiatement un médecin. Se reporter a la fiche desanté et de sécurité du gazole.

(IT) Non esporre le mani o altre parti del corpo a getti di gasolio ad alta pressione, spe-cialmente a quelli provenienti da tubi o paraolii. I getti di liquidi ad alta pressione pos-sono causare ferite anche mortali. In caso di iniezione sotto pelle contattare immedia-tamente un medico. Fare riferimento alle schede di sicurezza del gasolio.

(NL) Zorg dat uw handen of andere lichaamsdelen niet in contact komen met vloeistofstra-len onder hoge druk, met name bij een lek aan een leiding of dichting. Als de vloeistofonder hoge druk onder de huid terechtkomt, kan dit zelfs tot dodelijke verwondingenleiden. Als de vloeistof onder de huid terechtkomt, onmiddellijk een arts raadplegen.Lees de gezondheids- en veiligheidsfiche met betrekking tot de brandstof.

(P) Não exponha a pele a jactos de combustível sob pressão, especialmente os devidos afugas de tubos de pressão ou vedantes. Líquidos a alta pressão podem causar ferimen-tos mortais. No caso de injecção subcutânea, consulte imediatamente um médico.Consulte por favor a documentação respeitante a saúde e segurança de combustíveis.

Page 3: Manual Dp210


© Delphi Diesel Systems UK Ltd

Publication N°: DDNX184(EN) 2K/03.03/FOLIUM i







Page 4: Manual Dp210

BC — Boost Control

CA — Cold Advance

CP — Zero Backlash Drive

CPS — Carriage Position Sensor

DCU — Diesel Control Unit

ESOS — Electric Shut-Off Solenoid

EVD — Exploded View Diagram

FIE — Fuel injection Equipment

HP — High Pressure

LLA — Light Load Advance

OEM — Original Equipment Manufacturer

SIN — Service Instruction Note

TP — Transfer Pressure



Produced by:

Delphi Diesel Aftermarket Operations

Stratford Road

Shirley, Solihull Tel.: (44) (0)121 746 6000

B90 4DT, UK Fax: (44) (0)121 746 6001

Page 5: Manual Dp210


1.1 The Pump …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….7

1.2 General ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………7 — 8

1.3 This Manual………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….8

1.4 Equipment ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………8

1.5 Replacement of Parts…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….8

1.6 Pump Name Plate…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….8 — 9


2.1 Preparation …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………11

2.1.1 Cleaning and draining……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….11

2.1.2 Mounting the pump ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….11

2.1.3 Sealing caps and drive shaft lock bolt………………………………………………………………………………………………..11

2.1.4 Drive hub (if fitted) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………12

2.1.5 Measuring drive shaft end float …………………………………………………………………………………………………………12

2.1.6 Measuring drive shaft radial play ………………………………………………………………………………………………………12

2.2 Drive Shaft………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….13

2.3 High Pressure Outlets and End Plate Assembly ……………………………………………………………………………………………13

2.3.1 High pressure outlets ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….13

2.3.2 Endplate assembly …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….13 — 14

2.4 Electric Shut-off Solenoid (ESOS) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..14

2.5 Transfer Pump…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….14

2.6 Governor Cover External Components ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..15

2.6.1 Fuel return connections ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………15

2.6.2 Throttle lever stop screws, maximum fuel adjuster blanking plug and torque control screw ………………15

2.6.3 Throttle lever ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………16

2.7 Governor Cover ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….16

2.7.1 Governor cover with torque control only ……………………………………………………………………………………16 — 17

2.7.2 Governor cover fitted with boost control ……………………………………………………………………………………17 — 19

2.8 All Speed Governor ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………19

2.9 Governor Control Bracket and Arm Assembly …………………………………………………………………………………………….19

2.9.1 Scroll link plate return spring …………………………………………………………………………………………………….19 — 20

2.9.2 Governor control bracket assembly ………………………………………………………………………………………………….20

2.9.3 Governor control arm assembly ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….20

2.10 Slackening the Transfer Pump Rotor …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..20

2.11 Advance Device …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..20 — 21

2.11.1 Cam screw………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..22

2.12. Head Locating Fittings and Hydraulic Head ………………………………………………………………………………………………….22

2.12.1 Head locking screws………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….22

2.12.2 Light load advance (LLA) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..22

2.12.3 Latch valve ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….22

2.12.4 Releasing the hydraulic head …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….23

2.12.5 Drive assembly ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….23 — 24

2.13 Drive Shaft Seal(s) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..24


3.1 Cleaning……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..25

3.2 General……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….25

3.2.1 Mated and matched assemblies ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..25

3.2.2 Examination and replacement …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..25



Page 6: Manual Dp210

3.2.3 Seals ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..25

3.3 Details ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..25

3.3.1 Hydraulic head rotor …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………25

3.3.2 Hydraulic head plungers……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………25

3.3.3 Cam ring and scroll plates…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………25

3.3.4 Rollers and shoes ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..25

3.3.5 Transfer pump ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………25 — 26

3.3.6 Endplate……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………26

3.3.7 Control valves …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..26

3.3.8 Delivery valves and cambox pressurising valves ……………………………………………………………………………….26

3.3.9 Springs …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….26

3.3.10 Fittings and threads…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..26

3.3.11 Linkages……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………26

3.3.12 Throttle shaft…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….26

3.3.13 Drive shafts and associated components …………………………………………………………………………………………..26

3.3.14 Advance device…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………26

3.3.15 External controls……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….26

3.3.16 Pump housing…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..26

3.3.17 Governor control cover……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..26

3.3.18 Orifices……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..26

3.3.19 Electric shut-off solenoid …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..26

3.4 Storage ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..26

3.4.1 New pumps ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..26

3.4.2 Overhaul pumps ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………26

3.4.3 Storage conditions …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..27


4.1 Preparation …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………29

4.1.1 Hydraulic head………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….29

4.2 Drive Shaft………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….29

4.2.1 Catch and support plates…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..29

4.2.2 Rollers and shoes ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..29

4.2.3 Governor weight cage ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..30

4.2.4 Fitting the governor weight assembly to the drive shaft ……………………………………………………………………30

4.2.5 O-ring and rear scroll plate ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………30

4.2.6 Cam ring, front scroll plate and inner bearing …………………………………………………………………………….30 — 31

4.2.7 Drive shaft assembly ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..31

4.2.8 Fitting the pump housing …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………31

4.3 Drive Shaft Seals, End Float and Radial Play ……………………………………………………………………………………………….31

4.3.1 Drive shaft seals ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………32

4.3.2 Securing the drive shaft ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………32

4.3.3 Measuring drive shaft end float …………………………………………………………………………………………………………32

4.3.4 Measuring drive shaft radial play ………………………………………………………………………………………………………33

4.4 Hydraulic Head, Cam Screw and Head Locating Fittings ………………………………………………………………………………33

4.4.1 Aligning the hydraulic head ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………33

4.4.2 Cam advance screw ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….33

4.4.3 Head locating fittings ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..34

4.5 Advance Device ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………34 — 35



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4.5.1 Fitting the advance device assembly to the pump housing…………………………………………………………………35

4.5.2 Tightening the head fittings and advance end plates ………………………………………………………………………….36

4.6 Governor Control Bracket and Arm Assembly……………………………………………………………………………………………………36

4.6.1 Governor control arm assembly ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..36

4.6.2 Fitting the governor control bracket assembly…………………………………………………………………………………………37

4.6.3 Scroll link plate return spring ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….37

4.6.4 Setting the governor link length………………………………………………………………………………………………………………37

4.7 Governor Cover …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..38

4.7.1 Governor covers fitted with boost control ………………………………………………………………………………………..38 — 39

4.7.2 Governor cover fitted with torque control only………………………………………………………………………………………..39

4.7.3 Assembling the torque trimmer ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….39 — 40

4.7.4 Throttle shaft and governor main spring ………………………………………………………………………………………………..40

4.7.5 Fitting the governor cover ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………40

4.8 Governor Cover External Components ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………41

4.8.1 Throttle levers…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………41

4.8.2 Throttle lever stop screws, maximum fuel screw and torque control screw………………………………………41 — 42

4.8.3 Fuel return connections…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..42

4.9 Drive Hub, Transfer Pump and Endplate Assembly …………………………………………………………………………………………..42

4.9.1 Drive hub ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….42

4.9.2 Transfer pump rotor ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….42

4.9.3 Internal recirculation (if fitted) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..43

4.9.4 Assembling the transfer pump ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….43

4.9.5 Endplate assembly ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….43 — 44

4.10 ESOS and High Pressure Outlets ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….44

4.10.1 ESOS ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………44 — 45

4.10.2 High pressure outlets and clamp plate ……………………………………………………………………………………………………45

4.11 Drive Shaft Lock Bolt, Drain Plug and Cam Advance Screw……………………………………………………………………………….45

4.11.1 Drive shaft lock bolt ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….45

4.11.2 Drain plug ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………46

4.11.3 Cam advance reading screw …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..46

4.12 Leak Testing ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………46


5.1 Pump Specification……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..47

5.1.1 Rotation ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………47

5.1.2 Gov. link length…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………47

5.1.3 Plunger diameter ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………47

5.1.4 Drive type …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………47

5.1.5 Pump features…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..47

5.1.6 OEM code…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………47

5.2 Test Conditions……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………48

5.2.1 Test fluid …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..48

5.2.2 Inlet feed pressure…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….48

5.2.3 Nozzles……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..48

5.2.4 Nozzle opening pressure …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..48

5.2.5 Nozzle holder ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………48

5.2.6 H.P. pipes ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….48

5.3 Pre-Test Notes …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….49

5.3.1 Introduction………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………49

5.3.2 Leak testing ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………49

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5.3.3 Test machine drive ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………49

5.3.4 Pre set notes ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………49 — 50

5.4 Test Procedure…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….50

5.4.1 Introduction………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………50

5.4.2 Warm-up and stabilisation…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………50

5.4.3 Initial settings …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..51

5.4.4 Transfer pressure ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….51 — 52

5.4.5 Cambox pressure ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..52

5.4.6 Speed advance …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..53 — 54

5.4.7 Cold advance …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….54 — 55

5.4.8 Light load advance……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..55 — 56

5.4.9 Maximum fuel…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..56

5.4.10 Torque trimmer ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….57 — 58

5.4.11 Boost control…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….59

5.4.12 Latch Valve ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….60

5.4.13 Maximum fuel adjustment ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..61

5.4.14 Torque screw ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..61 — 62

5.4.15 Governor ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………62 — 63

5.4.16 Light Load Valve ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….63

5.4.17 Idle setting………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..64

5.4.18 ESOS………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..65

5.4.19 Timing………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………65

5.5 Overcheck Procedure ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….66

5.5.1 Introduction………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………66

5.5.2 Pump preparation……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..66

5.5.3 Test machine drive ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………66

5.5.4 Overcheck pre-set notes ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..66 — 67

5.5.5 Overcheck test procedure ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….67


6.1 Tooling……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….69 — 70

6.2 Torque values……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………71

6.3 EVD …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..72 — 76

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1 — 7


The DP210 distributor-type fuel injection pump is a

compact, self-contained unit that is suitable for

direct injection engines of up to 33 BHP per cylinder

and with three, four or six cylinders with either

clockwise or anticlockwise gear drives. It is primarily

intended for diesel engines which have to meet the

Tier 2 off-highway exhaust emissions legislation for

the industrial and agricultural markets in Europe

and USA.

All internal working parts are lubricated by fuel oil

and the pump housing is maintained at an internal

pressure that prevents the ingress of external dirt or

other foreign matter.

Standard features include improved shaft locked

orientation timing, servo controlled light load

advance and speed advance with solenoid switched

cold advance, torque trimmer control of maximum

fuel delivery including excess fuel for starting,

transfer pressure curve slope adjustment with

viscosity compensation.

It can also be fitted with a range of options to suit

particular customer and engine rating

requirements, including boost-pressure control for

turbocharged engines, high strength camrings,

quick fit low pressure connections and throttle

levers with combined break-back and throttle return

spring features.

Due to the complexity of this product, the need for

highly trained personnel, and a high level of

investment in equipment and workshop resources,

together with the need for up-to-date Technical

Information, it can only be tested or serviced by a

Delphi authorised distributor.

It has been developed from the well-known range of

DPA, DPS and DP200 injection pumps and is the

result of the Delphi policy of continued

improvement of products to meet the demands of

new legislation and operational requirements.


Fuel pumps may require off-engine workshop

attention for two main reasons:

(a) Investigation of a specific fault in engine

performance, which may only require partial


(b) A complete overhaul e.g. at the same time as a

major engine overhaul.


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1 — 8

A full performance test is recommended, both

before and after any level of attention, as many

aspects of pump performance are interrelated.


The Dismantling, Reassembly and Testing Sections

are laid out on a “step-by-step” basis, with each

action accompanied by an illustration showing the

component(s) involved and where applicable,

its/their positions on the pump. The Manual is not

based on any one specification, but covers pump

features which have been included up to the time of

publication. For the purposes of illustration, more

than one pump specification has been used.

The pumps illustrated are for clockwise rotation

(when viewed from the drive end). Any component

used for anticlockwise pumps that is different, is

individually described.


Any tools, both standard and special-purpose, usedfor the servicing or repair of fuel injection equipment(FIE) must be reserved solely for use on FIE. Worn ordamaged tools can cause damage to criticalcomponents, as well as being a safety hazard.

The working area must be scrupulously clean andshould be in a room separated from any otheractivity; the ingress of dust and dirt, airborne orotherwise, must be prevented.

The minimum facilities required are:

1. A bench covered in non-rusting metal or industrial-grade linoleum and fitted with an engineer’s vicewith a jaw size of 100 mm (4 in). The vice jaws mustbe faced with either soft metal or fibre pads.

2. An adjustable pump-mounting device such as the“Hydraclamp”, fitted with an appropriate adaptorplate.

3. Easily cleaned compartmented trays for separatestorage of dismantled pumps are available fromDelphi Aftermarket Operations, Service OperationsDepartment.

4. All the necessary tools are listed in Section 6 of thismanual.

5. A low-pressure washing facility using a suitable,approved, cleaning fluid (not water or water-based)to clean pumps externally prior to dismantling.Cleaning must be carried out in a place separatedfrom the “clean area”.

6. A tank large enough to accommodate a completepump and filled with clean test oil, near to a sourceof clean, dry, variable pressure compressed air forcarrying out leakage tests.

7. Supplies of clean, lint-free (non-fluffy) cloths forcleaning and drying components. Cotton waste mustnever be used.

8. A pump test machine that conforms to ISO 4008.

9. Adequate storage facilities for pumps, tools and testequipment, with separate areas for pumps beforeand after repair.

Note: All cleaning tanks, workshop and test facilitiesand fluids must conform to any Fire Prevention orHealth and Safety Regulations in force at the time ofuse.


All gaskets and seals must be replaced during

reassembly. However, in the event of partial

dismantling, only those seals that have been

disturbed need replacement, unless leaks from

elsewhere are detected during testing prior to


If any part of a “mated” assembly is worn or

damaged, the whole assembly must be replaced.

Any component showing signs of corrosion or water

ingress, cracks or distortion must be replaced.

Only service parts supplied by Delphi Aftermarket

Operations may be used as replacements. Parts

supplied from alternative sources may appear to be

externally similar and may carry the same part

numbers as the genuine item but may be inferior in

material specification or finish and lead to

malfunction or premature failure.


The number stamped on the type-plate attached to

the pump housing identifies the type and model of

the pump. Pumps with identical build but with

different settings, dependent upon engine

application, are further identified by the setting code

stamped beneath the serial number.

A typical Despatch Number could be as shown in Fig.


Note 1: The pumps shown in the illustrations do notnecessarily represent any one specification, butare used to show particular features.

Note 2: As components are removed, inspect them andput those considered unfit for further service toone side for replacement; place those whichare fit for further service into a cleancompartmented tray. (Trays available throughDelphi Diesel Systems Aftermarket Operations,Service Operations Department.) A guide toareas of possible wear or damage appears inSection 3 (Component Inspection & Renewal).

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1 — 9

C 93 2 0 A 00 0 L

If the name plate has been painted over, special care is needed when removing the paint to avoid erasure of theinformation. Use a small quantity of proprietary paint-stripper, carefully observing the manufacturer’s instructions.

Marketing Code:

C = Spain

No letter = UK

Product Type (DP210)

Suffix letter —

Denotes the type of

ESOS fitted.

See SIN DT294

Change to the individual

specification affecting parts

interchangeability, but not fit or

function of pump.

Individual features


Design change letter —

Has no significance at the

time of publication of this


No. of delivery outlets:

0, 3 & 5 = 4 cyl.

1 & 4 = 6 cyl.

2 = 3 cyl.

6 — 9 to be allocated

Design Source:

0 = USA 1 = Korea

2 & 3 = UK

4 = France

5 = Spain 6 = Brazil

7 = India 8 = Poland

9 = Japan

Fig. 1 Explanation of Despatch Number

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1 — 10

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2 — 11


A list of all tools required to dismantle the pump is

given in Section 6.

2.1.1 Cleaning and draining

Externally clean the pump. Remove the drain plug

(1) and drain any fuel oil remaining in the housing.

If the pump is suspected to be faulty, or is subject to

a warranty assessment, a preliminary test on the test

machine may be required. In this case, externally

clean the pump as above but drain the fuel oil into a

clean container for possible subsequent analysis.

If the pump has not seized and it is to be tested prior

to dismantling, examination will first be necessary to

determine if dirt or water ingress has occurred, so as

to avoid contamination of the test fuel and possible

damage to the test equipment.

If it is not possible to see through the drain plug

hole, remove the spring end cover plate of the

advance device (see Section 2.11) and closely

examine the components for signs of corrosion or

metal particles.

Note: Do NOT remove the advance device as removalof the HLF will destroy the knife edge sealing ofthe plug.

If there is no contamination, refit the end cover plate,

using a new O-ring. Tighten the two screws to the

respective torque and proceed with the test.

2.1.2 Mounting the pump

Mount the pump on a Hydraclamp using a mounting

plate (1) with a suitable adaptor ring.

Align the pump with its axis horizontal and the

governor cover uppermost.

2.1.3 Sealing caps and drive shaft lock bolt

Remove any shrink sleeving or tamperproof caps

from adjustment screws. Remove the drive shaft

lock screw and washer (1) and discard the O-ring.

Remove the plug that enables accsess to the cam

ring for the advance readings (not shown).







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2 — 12

2.1.4 Drive hub (if fitted)

Restrain the drive hub with the special tool. Slacken

the drive hub nut and spring washer just sufficiently

to allow release of the hub.

Use a suitable extractor to release the hub from the

drive shaft taper. Remove the woodruff key (if fitted).

2.1.5 Measuring drive shaft end float

Note: To assess the condition of components subjectedto end-thrust, end-float must be measured priorto dismantling. The pump and gauge must beclamped to an assembly plate mounted in a viceor on a Hydraclamp.

Fit the appropriate adaptor (3) to the drive shaft

thread. Screw in the dial gauge holder (1), and fit the

gauge (2). Adjust the gauge pin to contact the thrust

washer (4). Push the drive shaft inwards and set the

dial gauge to zero. Pull the drive shaft outwards and

note the maximum gauge reading, ensuring the

thrust washer (4) remains against the pump housing.

End-float should be 0.05mm to 0.2mm. If the

maximum is exceeded, examine the housing thrust-

faces during dismantling. If no significant wear or

damage is apparent, requiring replacement of the

pump housing, correct the end-float by the use of

alternative shims during reassembly.

2.1.6 Measuring drive shaft radial play

Note: In order to assess the condition of the bearing anddrive shaft, radial play must be measured prior todismantling.

With the pump and gauge (1) mounted rigidly

relative to each other, adjust the gauge pin to bear (at

right angles) against the parallel section (2) of the

drive shaft.

Note that this section is very short, therefore a fine tipwill be required on the gauge pin. Push the shaftradially towards the gauge and set the gauge tozero.

Pull the shaft radially to the opposite extreme and

record the gauge movement. Repeat the readings

with the gauge repositioned as shown at (3) and (4).

Do not rotate the drive shaft. Reject the housing if the

maximum play is 0.27mm or the difference between

the measurements exceeds 0.2mm.







12 3


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2 — 13


Remove the circlip (2) and thrust washer (1).


2.3.1 High pressure outlets

Turn the pump vertical so that the endplate is


Remove all the nuts (1) securing the clamping plate

(2) to the outlet connections, and remove the plate.

If fitted, remove the four support plate screws and

the pump-to-engine support bracket (not shown).

The outlets contain delivery valves that must be

retained in their matched seat / valve pairs.

Unscrew and remove each high pressure outlet (1),

using a long-reach socket, and then remove the

delivery valves (2), delivery valve springs and pegs.

Delivery valve holders must be discarded.

Remove and discard the seating washer from the

bottom of each outlet bore.

2.3.2 Endplate assembly Removing the endplate assembly

Slacken, but do not remove, the fuel inlet

connection (1). Slacken and remove the four

endplate screws (2) and remove the endplate

assembly (3) complete.















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2 — 14 Internal components

Remove the fuel inlet connection (1) and discard

the O-ring (2). Tip out the filter (3) together with

the end plate sleeve assembly and remove the

piston retainer (12), the piston (10) and the

regulating springs with spring peg (8). From the

opposite end of the regulating sleeve unscrew

the double adjuster (4) using a 4.5mm hex key.

Remove the O-ring (5) and discard. With a 2mm

hex key remove, clockwise, the inner adjuster

(6), remove the O-ring (7) and discard. From the

regulating sleeve remove and discard the O-ring


Note: The piston, sleeve and adjusters arematched and are not interchangeable.

Remove the sandwich plate (13).

Note: If damaged carefully remove thesandwich plate locating pin (14) from the endplate using a pair of long nose pliers. Note theparticular hole in the endplate to which it isfitted. Incorrect fitting when reassembling willaffect transfer pump operation.


Remove any detachable electrical connections, nut

and washer, depending upon the type of ESOS

fitted; slacken and remove the ESOS body. Remove

and discard the O-ring.


Note: Make a note of the orientation of the transfer pumpliner (2) before dismantling, particularly the positionof the recess (1) in one face, to aid correctreassembly.

Remove the transfer pump sealing ring (3).

Carefully lift out the liner together with the two pairs

of transfer pump blades (4) and their separating

springs (5).

CAUTION: The springs are very small and could be easilymislaid.

Note: Care must be taken to avoid damage to the bladefaces during storage or assembly.

If internal recirculation is fitted, remove the spring

and poppet valve assembly (1) which is retained

within the barrel by the liner.























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2 — 15


2.6.1 Fuel return connections

Note: Fuel return arrangements will vary, dependentupon the pump specification.

Align the pump with its axis horizontal and the

governor cover uppermost.

Unscrew the tube nut (1), the banjo bolt (2) and

remove the drain pipe (3). Discard the two sealing

washers from the banjo bolt.

If any backleak connections are fitted unscrew and

remove them. Discard any washers.

2.6.2 Throttle lever stop screws, maximum fueladjuster blanking plug and torque control screw

Loosen the lock nuts on the idling stop screw (1),

and torque screw (3), and remove the screws and

washers. Using a pair of “molegrips” grip and undo

the conical tamperproof nut of the maximum speed

screw (2). Remove and discard the nut and screw.

Discard any rubber sealing washers.

Using the special tool, slacken and remove the

blanking plug (1) on the side of the governor cover.

Discard any sealing washer.







1 2




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2 — 16

2.6.3 Throttle lever Rigid type

Remove and discard the self-locking nut (1);

remove washer (2), upper spring retainer (3),

spring (4), spring retainer (6), spacer (5), throttle

lever (7), and dust cap (8). Break-back type

Remove and discard the self-locking nut (11);

remove washer (10), upper spring retainer (9),

spring (8), spacer (7), lower spring retainer (6)

and washer (1). Remove break-back lever (2) and

throttle lever (4) together with spring (3). Remove

dust cover (5).


2.7.1 Governor cover with Torque Control only

Remove the pressure end plug circlip (1). Spring end components

Note: It may be necessary to re-position thepump on the Hydraclamp mounting plate to gainaccess to the preload plug.

Unscrew and remove the plug (1) and discard the



























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2 — 17

Remove the large spring (4), the spring plate (5)

(if fitted), and the small spring (6) (if fitted).

Remove shim(s) (2) from inside preload plug (1);

remove and discard the O-ring (3). The pivot plug

If no boost control is fitted, the cam follower will

be pivoted on a spindle, which is formed as part

of a pivot plug (1) screwed into the governor

control cover. If the pivot plug is to be removed,

slacken it by no more than one turn before

removal of the governor control cover (to avoid

the risk of damage to internal components).

2.7.2 Governor cover fitted with Boost Control

Note the position of the air inlet connection (3) on

the boost control cover. Boost control cover and diaphragm

Slacken and remove the cover fixing screws (2).

Caution: The cover (1) will be lifted up under theaction of the diaphragm return spring as thescrews are loosened.

Remove the cover and the diaphragm assembly


If fitted, remove the shim from within the “cup”

in the lower face of the diaphragm assembly.

Note 1: Do not dismantle the diaphragmassembly as this is a factory-assembled item. Ifany part of it is worn or damaged, the wholeassembly must be replaced.









1 2 3 4 5 6



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2 — 18

Note 2: The spring, spring seat and spindle (3),cannot be lifted out at this stage, as they areretained by the cam follower and a circlip withinthe governor cover.

Push the throttle shaft (2) down into the cover.

Remove the Torx screws (1) securing the

governor cover. Removing the governor cover

Lift and rotate the cover off towards the torque

trimmer side, and push the throttle shaft (2) out

of its bore. Remove and discard the “trapped” O-

ring (1) from the sealing face of the cover.

Remove the O-ring from the transfer port and


Note: If the control cover is lifted too far, thecarriage angle plate may become distorted; ifresistance is felt, lower it and move it furtheraway, then lift it again. Removing the piston and the pressure end plug

Tip out the torque trimmer cam (1); remove and

discard circlip (2) (if fitted). Tip out piston (3). Use

a suitable piece of soft metal or plastic rod to

push the plug (5) out of the cover; remove and

discard the O-ring (4). Removing the cam follower and its pivot

Remove the small circlip (3) and the cam follower

(1) from the spindle (2). The washer behind the

cam follower (not visible) may be difficult to

extract and can be left until the spindle is













1 2 3 4 5





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2 — 19

If no boost control is fitted to the governor cover

remove the small circlip (4) and the cam follower

(3). Unscrew and remove the pivot plug (1); at

which point the washer (not visible) can be

removed from the spindle. Remove and discard

the O-ring (2). Boost housing

Remove the spindle (1), spring seat washer (2),

spring (3) and shim (4). Remove the stroke

adjuster (6) from the body (7) and discard the O-

ring (5). Using the special tool slacken and

remove the stroke adjustment screw body (7),

the shim (8) and the housing (9). Remove the

dowel pin (10) if damaged. Remove and discard

O-ring (11).


Detach the governor main spring (5) from the idling

spring peg (3). Remove the peg, idling spring (2) and

pivot ball washer (1) from the governor arm (4).

Remove the main spring from the throttle shaft link


Remove and discard the O-rings from the throttle

shaft (7).


2.9.1 Scroll link plate return spring

Push the scroll link plate (3), to compress the spring

and expose the end of the spring pin (1); grip the end

of the pin, release the scroll link plate and pull the

pin away from the spring stop (2). Tip the

“shouldered” end of the pin upwards to clear the

spring stop and carefully release and remove the pin

and spring.


Cover the pin and spring with a non-fluffy

cloth in case it is released prematurely,

allowing it to be ejected at speed.







2 3
























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2.9.2 Governor control bracket assembly

Straighten the “ears” of the two tab washers (3) and

(5). Slacken and remove the control plate screws (2)

and (6) and discard tab washers.

Note: Screws are of a different length and head shapeso a note must be made of their respectivepositions.

Lift out the bracket and anchor plate (7) together

with the control arm assembly (4) and the metering

valve (1), from the pump housing.

2.9.3 Governor control arm assembly

Unscrew and remove the linkage lock nut (7) and

adjusting nut (6). Remove the pivot ball washer (5).

Withdraw the linkage hook with the washer and

spring (3) from the governor control arm (4); remove

the spring retainer (2), and metering valve assembly

(1) from the linkage hook.


Temporarily refit a drive hub and key to the shaft and

push the hub fully onto the shaft taper; hold the hub

with the special tool (2). Hold the transfer pump

rotor with the special tool (1). Slacken but do not

remove the TP rotor; the direction in which it is to be

slackened can be determined by examination of the

end face of the TP rotor.

TP rotors marked with an arrow indicate a clockwise

(left handed thread) direction in which to turn the

rotor to remove it.

Remove the tools; drive hub and key, leaving the TP

rotor just finger-tight.


Align the pump vertically with the transfer pump


Slacken but do not remove the cold start solenoid (1)

and the four end plate bolts (2) and (5).

Slacken and remove the cap nut (3). Slacken and

undo the head locating fitting (4) no more than two


Push the advance assembly back onto the pump

housing enabling the head locating fitting to be

released and it to be fully removed. Remove the O-

rings and discard, noting their relevant positions.











1 2 3 4 5 6 7








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Remove the HLF plug (2) in the end by inserting a

suitable bar (1) in to the centre of the sleeve to allow

it to be gripped, without collapsing, with a pair of

side cutters to assist its removal. The sleeve will

collapse if no bar is inserted.

Note: DO NOT push the sleeve any further in to the headlocating fitting otherwise it will be unable to beremoved and a new head locating fitting will have tobe used.

Remove the advance device. Remove and discard

the advance housing gasket and the cap nut washer.

Remove the solenoid and discard the O-ring.

Remove the two screws and plate from the spring

end (1), opposite end to the cold start solenoid.

Remove the control spring and shim, remove and

discard the O-ring.

From the pressure end remove the two screws and

plate. Remove and discard the O-ring.

Slide out the advance piston and servo valve


Remove the servo valve assembly from the advance

piston. Using suitable spanners grip and remove the

light load screw (1) from the light load piston (2).

Lightly grip in a rubber jawed vice whilst pushing

down on the light load piston (2), compress the

spring (3) sufficiently to expose the retaining E-clip

(1). Remove the E-clip from the servo shaft (6),

gently release the spring pressure, lift off the light

load piston with the spring and bottom spring plate

(4). Only remove the bottom E-clip (5) if damaged.






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2.11.1 Cam screw

Using a suitable socket and wrench, slacken but do

not remove the cam screw.

If the cam ring has become stuck, remove the

wrench and socket from the cam advance screw and

tap the screw sideways with a soft-faced mallet until

the cam has been released. Remove the cam screw

from the cam ring.


2.12.1 Head locking screws

Align the pump horizontally with the top of the

pump uppermost.

Note: Before removing the head locating fittings makea note of their relative positions.

Slacken and remove the two head locking screws (1)

and (2); remove and discard the O-rings and the

filters (if fitted) in the inner ends of the screws.

2.12.2 Light Load Advance (LLA)

Remove the tamper resistant plug (5) from the

valve body (2). Unscrew and remove the

adjusting screw and tapered valve pin (4) from

the body. Remove and discard the O-ring (3).

Note: It is advisable to retain the filter (1) within thebody of the valve and to clean and clear anyforeign matter with the use of dry compressedair. The process of removing the filter willdamage the valve body and will require a newLLA valve to be fitted.

2.12.3 Latch valve

Remove the tamper resistant plug (1). Unscrew

and remove the adjuster (3) from the body (6)

and tip out the spring (4) and piston (5). Remove

and discard the O-rings (7) and (8).











1 2 3 4 56

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2.12.4 Releasing the hydraulic head

To release the hydraulic head twist and pull until the

large O-ring (1) is just exposed.

Align the pump with its axis vertical and with a

twisting action lift the head out of the pump housing;

carefully hold the plungers within the rotor and

invert the hydraulic head.

Note: The rear scroll plate may adhere to the face of thehydraulic head, if it does, remove it.

Place a plunger retaining cap (2) over the rotor;

remove and discard the large O-ring (1).

Keep the hydraulic head either in a bath of clean test

oil, ensuring that the exposed part of the rotor is

covered or in a clean plastic bag until it is required

for reassembly.

2.12.5 Drive assembly Drive shaft

Twist and push the drive shaft carefully up

through the front bearing and remove it from the

pump, holding the rollers and shoes in position

as the shaft is lifted above the cam ring. Rollers and shoes

Remove the rollers and shoes, keeping them in

their matched pairs.








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3 Catch and support plates

If the roller cage is to be removed, place a

suitable “tommy” bar (1) through the transverse

hole in the drive shaft; support the drive shaft in

a vice fitted with soft jaws, without gripping it

and use the “tommy” bar to resist the slackening


Use a “Torx” screw bit and adaptor to remove

the four catch plate screws. Remove the catch

plate (2) and shoe plate (3). Cam and scroll rings and bearing

Remove the rear scroll plate (7) (if still within the

housing), cam ring (6), front scroll plate (5), inner

bearing (4), and the governor weight cage

assembly complete with the weights, thrust

sleeve and thrust washer. Remove the weights

(8), thrust sleeve (3) and thrust washer (2) from

the weight cage (1).


Reposition the hydraclamp so that the drive shaft

seals are uppermost.

Using the special seal removal tool, carefully lever

out the seal noting the way round the seal is fitted

into the housing.

If two seals are fitted, remove the circlip spacer and

using the special seal removal tool, carefully lever

out the seal noting the way round the seal is fitted

into the housing.








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3.1 CLEANINGIf water contamination is suspected, carry out aninitial examination of all internal components beforeattempting any further cleaning. Clean out allpassageways in the head and rotor by flushing outwith clean test oil.

Also inspect for unusual markings, deposits, odouror seal swelling in the housing, in which casedegraded RME fuels may be a factor.


3.2.1 Mated and matched assembliesThe hydraulic head and rotor should be separatedand examined; they should be re-matedimmediately after examination and immersed in acovered bath of clean test oil until required forreassembly into the pump.

Note: If light load advance is specified, the meteringvalve will be matched to the hydraulic head.

The following groups are matched and must be keptassembled in their sets:

Rollers and shoesAdvance housing, piston and servo pistonDelivery Valve AssembliesCam ring and scroll platesRegulating sleeve, piston and adjusting screw assemblyGovernor cover and torque control piston

If any part of a matched set is considered to be unfitfor further service, the whole set must be replaced.

Note: The pump housing drive shaft bush is not aservice repair item; if the bearing is worn, thehousing must be replaced.

3.2.2 Examination and replacementAll components must be checked for corrosion,wear or damage. Under service workshopconditions it is not feasible to test individual parts orsub-assemblies to determine their suitability forfurther service. Close examination of the areasvulnerable to damage, and interpretation of theresults of tests prior to dismantling, should indicatethe condition of parts. CorrosionCheck for signs of corrosion or water ingress (rust orstaining) and damage to machined surfaces. Theseinclude the pump housing, drive shaft, hydraulichead bore, metering valve and bore, cam ring, scrollplates, end plate and auto-advance device mountingface. WearInspect the drive shaft tang and associated parts forwear or damage. If excessive end-float or radial playwas detected prior to pump strip-down examine thedrive shaft thrust washer and housing bearing thrustface, governor backplate and thrust face of the driveshaft for wear. DamageInspect all parts for damage or bending due toabuse, especially external levers and controls.

3.2.3 SealsReplace the advance device gasket and all O-ringseals, including the “trapped” O-ring in thegovernor cover face.

When fitting new O-rings and oil seals, care must betaken to use protection caps to avoid damage to theseals. O-rings must be dipped in clean test oil priorto being assembled. External seals must be lightlycoated with the specified grease. Where possible,inspect seals for small cuts after assembly.


3.3.1 Hydraulic head rotorWithdraw the rotor from the hydraulic head.Examine the running surface very closely for signsof erosion, particularly the area around the deliveryport. If significant erosion is evident, the head androtor assembly must be replaced. Also check thecondition of the drive tang.

3.3.2 Hydraulic head plungersIf damage to the plungers is suspected, carefullyseparate them from the rotor, one at a time, andinspect them for scoring or other damage. Replacethe hydraulic head if the plungers show severescratching. Clean each plunger with test oil andimmediately replace it very carefully in its originalbore, the same way round.

The recommended plastic retainer, or short lengthsof clean nitrile rubber tubing, should be used toretain the plungers in their bores.

Note 1: The two pairs of plungers are of differentlengths; the two longer plungers are fitted in linewith the axis of the rotor delivery port.

Note 2: DP200 pumps specified with light-loadadvance will be fitted with “graded” meteringvalves. Refer to the appropriate parts list for details.

3.3.3 Cam ring and scroll platesInspect the running surface of the cam ring andscroll plates for signs of breakdown of the leadingface or apex of the profile. If there are significantsigns of pitting or “smearing” they must be replacedas a set. Smearing is the result of failure of thesurface due to abrasion or overloading, which maybe due to excessive hydraulic pressure (possiblycaused by nozzle blockage).

3.3.4 Rollers and shoesInspect rollers and shoes for damage. Pay particularattention to the condition of the contact surfaces andcheck that the rollers rotate freely in their shoes. Ifthe cam ring has failed, the rollers and shoes mayalso have been severely damaged. If satisfactory,rollers must be replaced in their original shoes.

3.3.5 Transfer pumpCheck the blades for chips, scores or breakage’s.Examine the blade springs for distortion.

Blades must be replaced in sets and must be of thesame type as the originals. Examine the rotor forwear or damage.

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Examine the liner for corrosion or scoring andreplace it if there are any signs of damage.

3.3.6 EndplateExamine the inner face of the end plate for wear.Replace it if there is any significant scoring. If thesandwich plate is scored or worn, it must bereplaced and not reversed.

3.3.7 Control valvesCheck all control valves for wear or scoring.Examine the metering valve for “stepping” of thecontrol slot edges and at the point where it entersthe bore in the hydraulic head. Check that the valveand the governor link pin are securely fixed in thebar and that the roller is free to rotate on the pin andis not worn. Check the regulating sleeve and pistonand differential valve for damage, corrosion orblockage of orifices.

3.3.8 Delivery valves and cambox pressurising valvesCheck for erosion or other damage to delivery valveassemblies. Replace them (as matched pairs) ifnecessary.

If movement of the cambox pressurising valve canbe detected when shaken, the spring may havecollapsed, in which case the whole assembly mustbe replaced, as it is a factory-sealed item.

3.3.9 SpringsLook for distorted or fractured springs. Very carefullyexamine the areas of contact with adjoiningcomponents (spring pegs, throttle shaft links etc).

Check that all springs specified in the Parts List forthe pump are present.

3.3.10 Fittings and threadsCheck all screws and nuts for damage.

Check all threads for damage, especially on thetransfer and distributor rotors, hydraulic head, camadvance screw hole, studs, fuel inlet and return andhigh pressure outlet connections.

3.3.11 LinkagesInspect all mechanical governor linkages, shafts,pivot pins and arms for wear, cracks or scoring oftheir mating surfaces.

3.3.12 Throttle shaftExamine the throttle shaft and its associated bore inthe governor cover for distortion, wear andlooseness of joints or elongation of spring anchorhole.

3.3.13 Drive shafts and associated componentsInspect the shaft for wear or damage, especiallywhere the oil seal contacts the shaft. Check the tangslot on CP drive pumps.

Examine the thrust surfaces on the inner face of thepump housing and the weight cage for damage orscoring.

Examine the governor weight cage and weights forwear, cracks or damage. Ensure that the correctnumber and type of governor weights are fitted.

3.3.14 Advance deviceExamine the components for corrosion. If water hasbeen present in the fuel it will tend to settle in theadvance housing. Check that the piston and servopiston moves freely.

3.3.15 External controlsExamine all levers for cracks and for excessive wearat contact points.

3.3.16 Pump housingExamine the housing for damage, especially tosealing surfaces. If the bearing is unfit for furtherservice, the housing must be replaced. If theadvance device stud is damaged replace thehousing.

3.3.17 Governor control coverCheck the control shaft bore, stop screw threads,and adjusting screw seal spotfaces. Check the boostcontrol locating dowel pin. Check the torquetrimmer piston bore.

3.3.18 OrificesExamine all orifices for blockage and carefully clearany obstruction with dry compressed air.

3.3.19 Electric shut-off solenoidEnsure that all the solenoid electrical parts are clean,especially the connection(s). Check that the flexiblevalve seat is in good condition, with no pitting orother damage. Check the coil for electrical continuityby measuring its resistance. Ensure that thesolenoid is completely dry and check insulationresistance between each terminal and the solenoidbody (insulated return solenoids only).

Note 1: A few solenoids are specified to beoperated only when there is a requirement to stopthe engine.

Note 2: If any fault is apparent in the stopsolenoid assembly, the whole unit must be replaced.


3.4.1 New pumps

New pumps must be stored in their “as received”

condition, with their original packaging intact.

3.4.2 Overhauled pumps

Run the pump at full load and half maximum speed

for 5 minutes on ISO 4113 test oil. Drain the oil; fit

the drain plug and tighten it to the specified torque.

Fit protection caps to the inlet and outlet

connections and seal the pump, together with some

rust-preventing material, in damp-proof packaging.

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3.4.3 Storage conditions

Pumps must be stored in a dry, dust-free area, away

from direct sunlight or contact with any artificial

heat source.

The temperature limits of the storage area must be

between minus 30° C and plus 60° C. Humidity must

be between 0% and 80%.

Pumps must be stored with the axis horizontal;

unboxed pumps must not be stored one on top of


A stock-rotation system must be observed to

minimise storage time of any individual pump. If a

pump has been stored for one year, it should be

subjected to a full test according to the relevant Test

Plan and the storage procedure repeated.


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Before using thread-locking compound, if

specified, ensure that the mating surfaces are

completely oil-free and dry.

When reassembling pumps, it is important to use

the correct overhaul kits. The relevant kit numbers

can be found in the Service Parts List.

Lightly lubricate all flexible seals and O-rings with

clean test oil before fitment to their respective

components. Always use the correct protection cap

when fitting new O-rings. Apply the specified grease

to the drive shaft seal and the throttle shaft before

assembly in their respective positions. Dip all

internal components in clean test oil before


Refer to the relevant Test Plan for details of special

build items and any initial setting instructions.

Refer to Section 6 for all special tools and torque


The direction of rotation of the pump, as shown on

the nameplate, is as viewed from the drive end.


The plungers in four-plunger rotors must be fitted

with the longer plungers opposite to each other and

in line with the distributor port in the rotor.


4.2.1 Catch and support plates

Fit a suitable “tommy” bar (3) through the

transverse hole in the drive shaft; support the drive

shaft in a vice fitted with soft jaws without gripping

it and use the “tommy” bar to resist the tightening


Fit the shoe plate (2) and the catch plate (1) and

secure them with the four Torx screws tightened to

the specified torque.

4.2.2 Rollers and shoes

Fit the rollers and shoes to the drive shaft; keeping

them in their respective pairs.

Remove the drive shaft from the vice and place on

the workbench with the tapered end uppermost.






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4.2.3 Governor weight cage

Fit the governor weights to the weight cage (1).

Arrange them so that, if there are less than six

weights (i.e. 4 or 3) they are symmetrically

positioned. If there are only three, place one in every

alternate “pocket”; if there are four, place them as

shown in the illustration.

Place the governor thrust washer (2) on (not under)

the “toes” (4) of the weights, followed by the thrust

sleeve (3).

4.2.4 Fitting the governor weight assembly to the driveshaft

Hold the weight cage and the governor thrust sleeve

assembly and invert it. Place the assembly over the

drive shaft and lower it, rotating it a little if necessary

to engage the splines on the drive shaft.

4.2.5 O-ring and rear scroll plate

Place the assembled hydraulic head on the

workbench with the pumping plungers uppermost,

ensuring they stay in position by use of the plunger

retaining cap (not shown). Align the cutaway part of

the drive tang (5) with the metering valve bore (3).

Fit a new O-ring into the groove (2) in the hydraulic


Place one of the scroll plates (1) in the recess in the

hydraulic head (the “rear” scroll plate position).

Ensure that its arrow is facing in the correct direction

of rotation (as indicated on the pump nameplate)

and the slot (4) is centralised in the gap in the

hydraulic head, as shown.

4.2.6 Cam ring, front scroll plate and inner bearing

Place the cam ring (1) on the hydraulic head, with its

arrow facing in the direction of pump rotation, and

with the cam advance screw hole (2) aligned with

the head locating fitting hole (3).










2 1






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Place the front scroll plate on the cam with its arrow

pointing in the direction of rotation and with the slot

(8) aligned with the metering valve bore (6).

Place the inner bearing (4) over the front scroll plate,

with its shallow recess facing downwards and the

wide slot (7) centralised in line with the metering

valve bore.

Ensure that both scroll plate slots are aligned with

each other and with the metering valve bore.

Note: The small blind hole (5) accommodates theextended shank of one of the governor platesecuring screws to prevent rotation of the innerbearing.

4.2.7 Drive shaft assembly

Hold the drive shaft assembly together and place it

into the assembled components on the hydraulic

head, rotating the shaft as necessary to align the slot

with the hydraulic head rotor “tang” and the drive

shaft keyway (1) in line with the metering valve bore


Rotate the shaft so that a gap (2) between any two

adjacent weight “pockets” is aligned with the

metering valve bore (3) to ensure that the head of the

advance housing stud will pass between the two

opposite “pockets” when the pump housing is fitted.

4.2.8 Fitting the pump housing

Align the head locating fitting hole (1) in the pump

housing with the matching hole (2) in the hydraulic

head and lower the housing onto the inner

components until it just touches the hydraulic head

O-ring (3).


Fit the pump to the Hydraclamp and align

horizontally with the top of the pump uppermost.

Grip the hydraulic head and, using a twisting and

pushing action, slide the head fully into the pump
















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4.3.1Drive shaft seals

Fit the protection sleeve (1) over the tapered end of

the drive shaft. The sleeve must cover the circlip

groove in the drive shaft. Failure to do so will cause

the lip of the seal to be cut and create a fuel oil leak.

Fit a new seal into the pump housing. Ensure that

the seal is the correct way round as noted during

dismantling. Use the special punch tool (2) and a

soft-headed mallet to drive the seal fully into the

recess in the pump housing.

If a second drive shaft seal is required fit the circlip,

if specified, into the groove in the pump housing

seal recess. The circlip must be positioned within the

groove so that the ears are either side of the telltale

hole in the pump housing.

Repeat the process for fitting the first seal.

4.3.2 Securing the drive shaft

Fit the thrust washer (2) over the drive shaft and fit

the circlip (1) correctly into the shaft groove (3).

4.3.3 Measuring drive shaft end floatNote: If this dimension was found to be correct when

measured prior to dismantling, and nocomponents which could affect end-float havebeen replaced, it should not be necessary torepeat this measurement.

Fit the appropriate adaptor (3) to the drive shaft

thread. Screw in the dial gauge holder (5), and fit the

dial gauge (4). Adjust the gauge pin to contact the

thrust washer (1).

Push the drive shaft inwards and set the dial gauge

to zero. Pull the drive shaft outwards and note the

maximum gauge reading ensuring the thrust

washer (1) remains against the pump housing. End-

float should be between 0,05mm and 0,2mm. If it is

outside that tolerance, correct it by the use of an

alternative thrust washer (1).













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4.3.4 Measuring drive shaft radial play

Note: If the original housing and shaft are to be usedand radial play at the bearing was found to bewithin the limits stated below, it should not benecessary to measure radial play at this stage. Ifeither item has been replaced, radial play mustbe measured.

With the pump and dial gauge (1) mounted rigidly

relative to each other (e.g. on a plate fitted to the

Hydraclamp), adjust the gauge pin to bear against

the parallel section (2) of the drive shaft. Push the

shaft radially towards the gauge and set the gauge

to zero. Pull the shaft radially to the opposite

extreme and record the gauge movement.

Repeat the readings with the gauge repositioned as

shown at (3) and (4). Do not rotate the drive shaft.

Reject the housing if the maximum play is 0.27mm

or the difference between the measurements

exceeds 0.2mm.


4.4.1 Aligning the hydraulic head

Re-align the Hydraclamp so the pump is horizontal

with the top of the pump uppermost.

Grip the hydraulic head and, using a twisting action

ensure the holes in the housing (1) and the hydraulic

head are aligned with each other.

4.4.2 Cam advance screw

Align the Hydraclamp to place the pump with its axis

vertical. Fit the cam advance screw (1) to the cam

ring and using a suitable socket fitted to a torque

wrench tighten the screw to the specified torque.

Note: During this operation, the cam ring usuallybecomes “jammed” in the housing. Using arubber or hide mallet, lightly tap the cam screwaxially to free the cam ring.





23 4


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4.4.3 Head locating fittings

Note: To assist in the alignment of the Head andRotor the head locating fittings should first beinserted without the O-rings fittted. Head locking screws

Fit a new filter (3), if specified, into the open end

of the body (1). Fit new O-rings (4) and (5) into

the groove’s (2) of the screw body.

Fit the locking screw, finger tight, into the

hydraulic head-locating hole as noted during

dismantling. Light load advance valve (LLA)

Fit a new O-ring (1) to the valve body (3). Fit a

new O-ring (4) to the adjusting screw and valve

(5) and fit in to the valve body (3).

If filter (2) was removed during dismantling a

new filter should be fitted to the valve body.

Fit the assembly, finger tight, into the hydraulic

head-locating hole as noted during dismantling.

The tamper resistant plug (6) is to be left out until

the valve has been successfully set on the test

bench. Latch valve

Fit new O-rings (7) and (8) to the valve body (6).

Fit the piston (5) into the body followed by the

spring (4).

Fit a new O-ring (2) onto the adjuster (3) and

screw it into the valve body.

Fit the assembly, finger tight, into the hydraulic

head-locating hole as noted during dismantling.

The tamper resistant plug (1) is to be left out until

the valve has been successfully set on the test



Refit the bottom E-clip (6) to the servo valve shaft (7)

if removed during dismantling. Fit the bottom spring

plate (5), spring (4) and light load piston (3).

Compress the assembly sufficiently to enable

fitment of the E-clip (2) to the servo shaft (7).

Fit the light load screw (1) to the piston (3).

Use a spanner to hold the light load piston and

tighten the light load screw to the specified torque.

Lubricate the servo valve assembly (7) and fit to the

advance piston (8).












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7 8










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Lubricate and slide the advance piston assembly in

to the advance housing from the spring end (which

is the opposite end to the cold start solenoid)

ensuring that the port and slots (1) are inline with the

cold start solenoid hole (2).

Fit shim(s) (3), control spring (4) and a new O-ring

(5). Fit the end plate (6) and the two securing bolts (7)

finger tight.

Fit the plug (1) in to the head locating fitting (2) and

leave it protruding 4.1 ±0.2mm (A).

Note: Its final position will be set when the HLF istightened to the correct torque value.

4.5.1 Fitting the advance device assembly to the pumphousing

Fit new O-rings (2) and (3), as noted during

dismantling, to the grooves in the HLF (4).

Push the head locating fitting up through the larger

of the two holes in the advance housing. Place a new

gasket (1) onto the advance housing, with the

straight edge (7) adjacent to the pump housing stud

hole. Ensure that the shoulder of the head locating

fitting will not cut the gasket when the fitting is


Place the advance housing over the stud and the

cam advance screw, and onto the pump housing,

ensuring that the gasket is correctly located over the

housing stud shoulder.

Note: The position of the piston may need to beadjusted to enable the cam advance screw to belocated.

Engage the fitting with the thread in the hydraulic

head and screw it fully in finger tight. If necessary

adjust the position of the hydraulic head.

Centralisation of the hydraulic head is necessary to

avoid damage to the O-rings as the head fixings are

screwed in.

Fit a new sealing washer (6) to the stud, followed by






7 6 5 4 3










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the cap nut (5).

4.5.2 Tightening the head fittings and advance endplates

Progressively tighten in the following order, LLA

valve, head locating fitting, head locking bolt or latch

valve to their specified torques.

Note: When all screws are tightened, check that theadvance piston moves freely within the advancehousing.

Warning: If the HLF is slackened once

tightened, the plug MUST be replaced.

On the pressure end fit the O-ring in to the advance

housing and then fit the end plate (3) and secure

with the two bolts (2). Tighten these and the spring

end bolts (4) to the correct torque.

Fit a new O-ring to the cold start solenoid (1) and fit

the solenoid to the advance housing and tighten to

the correct torque.


4.6.1 Governor control arm assembly

On to the linkage hook (9) place the spring retainer

(2), long spring (3), and washer (4). Feed the linkage

hook through the smaller of the two holes in the

upper part of the governor arm (5) and then fit the

pivot ball washer (6) with its dome towards the

governor arm, plain adjusting nut (7), and self-

locking nut (8). Leave the nuts at the outer end of the

thread. Their final position will be established when

the link-length is set.

Engage the hook of the link with the roller (1) of the

metering valve; with the open end of the linkage

hook facing the metering valve lift stop (10).

Assemble the control arm to the support bracket as




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8








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4.6.2 Fitting the governor control bracket assembly

Align the pump horizontally with the top of the

pump uppermost.

Position the governor thrust sleeve so that the

“flats” are horizontal and visible through the access

hole (1). Ensure that the locating hole in the bearing

(5) is aligned with the governor control plate fixing

screw hole (2). Align the scroll plate slots (3) with the

metering valve bore (4).

Fit the assembled control arm and control bracket,

together with the metering valve, into the pump to

rest the control arm forks on the flats on the thrust

sleeve and the metering valve in to its bore. Fit the

arms of the scroll link plate into the scroll plate slots.

Fit a new tab washer, so that its lip will face

downwards, to the fixing screw with the longest

shank. Fit the screw at position (3), ensuring that it

enters the hole in the internal bearing.

Fit a new tab washer to screw (2), with its lip

positioned along the edge of the bracket.

Fit the plate (5 ) and hold in place with two screws

(1) and (4), as noted during dismantling. Check that

the scroll link plate is free, check that the governor

assembly is in the correct position, and then tighten

all control bracket screws to their specified torque

and bend up the locking tabs.

4.6.3 Scroll link plate return spring

Fit the spring over the spring pin (3) up to the pin

shoulder. Fully compress the spring; carefully grip

the pin and the spring and insert the exposed end of

the pin into the hole in the scroll link plate (4).

Transfer grip to the exposed end of the pin (1), push

the scroll link plate towards the pump centreline and

fit the spigot of the pin into the hole (2) in the spring


Caution: There is a risk of the spring and pin beingejected at high speed if grip is relaxed before thepin is securely fitted into the spring stop.

4.6.4 Setting the governor link-length

Set a vernier caliper (1) to the link-length specified in

the Test Pan. Move and hold the governor control

bracket to open the metering valve, i.e. towards the

head and rotor. Place one leg of the vernier gauge

against the smaller diameter of the metering valve

roller (3). Ensure that the gauge leg does not slip

into the link hook groove. With the use of a straight

edge guide against the end of the pump housing (2)

insert the other leg of the vernier gauge. Adjust and

lock the lock-nut on the end of the spring link to

obtain the test plan specified value.






















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4 — 38


4.7.1 Governor covers fitted with boost control

Note: The diaphragm assembly is a factory-assembleditem.

Fit a new O-ring (11) in the recess in the governor

control cover. Fit a new pin (10), if removed, into the

governor cover. Locate the boost control housing (9)

over the dowel pin (10) and secure it in position

using a new adjustment screw body (7) (and shim (8)

if fitted). Use the special tool to tighten the body to

the specified torque.

Fit a new O-ring (5) to the adjusting screw (6). Fit the

screw into the stroke adjustment screw body and

screw it into the body until the O-ring is just

concealed, or to a position specified in the relevant

Test Plan.

Place the shim (4) into the recess in the boost control

housing, followed by the spring (3). Fit the spring

plate (2) to the spindle (1) and place the spindle

assembly through the spring and the adjustment

screw (6).

Do not yet fit the cam follower to the spindle. Setting the boost stroke

a) Fit the diaphragm assembly to the boost control


Fit a dummy cover (see tool list) to the housing

and secure it with the two screws.

Note: At this stage, the position of the boostpressure inlet is not important.

b) Fitting the gauge

Fit the special tool (1) and dial gauge (2) to the

cover, locking the gauge in position with the grub

screw (3). Set the gauge to zero then fully

depress the gauge pin (4) against the diaphragm

spring and note the reading. This “boost stroke”

will be specified in the test plan.

c) Adjusting the stroke

If adjustment is required, remove the cover and

dial gauge and the inner components. Rotate the

adjustment screw to increase or decrease the


Note: Clockwise rotation of the strokeadjustment screw will increase stroke.

Replace the inner components, cover, gauge and

tool to check the stroke.

When the stroke has been set, remove the gauge

tool, temporary cover and diaphragm.


















Page 41: Manual Dp210


4 — 39 Fitting the cam follower

Place the washer (not shown) and the cam

follower (1) over the spindle (2) with the

“shaped” section of the follower facing into the

“window” (4) in the torque control bore. Fit a

new circlip (3) into the groove in the spindle. Boost control cover and diaphragm

Invert the governor control cover again and

place it on the bench. If specified, fit the shim to

the “cup” in the lower face of the diaphragm

assembly (1) and fit the assembly to the boost

control housing.

Place the boost control cover (2) over the

diaphragm with the air inlet connection (4) facing

in the correct direction (as noted during

dismantling) and secure it in position with the

two screws (3), tightened to the specified torque.

4.7.2 Governor cover with torque control only

Fitting the pivot-plug.

If the cam follower and pivot-plug were removed

during dismantling, fit a new O-ring (2) to the pivot-

plug (1). Fit the pivot-plug to the governor control

cover and screw it in finger-tight. Fit washer (not

shown) to the pivot plug spindle (4) then the cam

follower (3) retained by a new circlip (5) as shown.

4.7.3 Assembling the torque trimmer

Fit circlip (8), if fitted, to the torque trimmer piston

(9). Fit the torque trimmer piston and circlip, with the

conical recess in the piston facing inwards (i.e.

towards the “spring” end), into the plain bore in the

governor control cover (13). Fit a new O-ring (10) to

the plain plug (11). Fit the plain plug and O-ring into

the governor control cover (13), pushing it far

enough to reveal the circlip groove. Fit a new circlip

(12) into the groove. From the opposite end of the

torque trimmer bore, use a suitable bar to push the

plug back against the circlip.





























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4 — 40

Fit the torque trimmer cam (7), with the small conical

end facing the piston. Fit the small spring (6) (if

specified) into the hollow end of the cam, followed

by the spring plate (5) and the large spring (4).

Fit a new O-ring (3) to the threaded pre-load plug (1).

Fit the shim (2) in to the preload plug and fit the plug

to the governor control cover and screw it in to the

position specified in the relevant Test Plan. If no

position is specified, leave the plug protruding from

the cover by approximately 4 mm. The final position

of the plug will be set during Testing.

4.7.4 Throttle shaft and governor main spring

Fit two new O-rings onto the throttle shaft (1).

Fit the idling spring (6) and the pivot ball washer (5)

(with its spherical face towards the governor arm) to

the spring guide (7). Fit the guide through the large

hole in the governor arm (4). Hook one end of the

governor main spring (3) through the hole in the end

of the guide and the other end through the hole in

the throttle shaft link (2).

4.7.5 Fitting the governor cover

Fit the pre-shaped trapped O-ring (2) to the governor

cover and a new O-ring in to the transfer port recess

(not shown). Fill the throttle shaft grease groove (3)

with the specified grease. Moisten the shaft with

clean test oil and push it up through the hole (1) in

the governor cover. Press the shaft firmly into place.

Place the cover assembly onto the pump, and use a

small hook tool through the maximum fuel adjusting

screw hole (1) in the cover to pull the carriage link

plate away from the torque trimmer cam. Once the

cover is lowered remove the hook tool and secure

the governor cover with the four Torx screws (2),

tightened to their specified torque.






3 4



1 2















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4.8.1 Throttle levers

Rotate the throttle shaft fully anticlockwise Rigid type

Fit the dust cap (8) to the throttle shaft boss. Fit

the lever (7), (ensuring that the flats in the hole of

the lever engage with the flats on the shaft), bush

(5), spring guide (6), and spring (4). Fit the spring

into the grooves in the spring guide and place

the lower (shorter) leg of the spring against the

maximum speed stop lug (9) and the upper

(longer) leg against the lever “upstand” (10). Fit

the upper spring retainer (3), small washer (2)

and self-locking nut (1), tightened to its specified

torque. Break-back type

Fit the following components to the throttle

shaft; dust cap (5), throttle lever (4), break-back

lever (2). Fit spring (3) to the lugs of both levers

and then locate the lever over the flats of the

shaft. Then fit large washer (1), spring seat (6),

spacer (7), spring (8) (engaging the legs of the

spring with both levers). Spring retainer (9),

washer (10), and self-locking throttle shaft nut

(11). Tighten the nut to the specified torque.

Hold the throttle lever securely with one hand.

With the other hand move the throttle lever

against the spring; the throttle shaft should

rotate. If it does not, check that the flats in the

break-back lever are correctly located with those

of the throttle shaft.

4.8.2 Throttle lever stop screws, maximum fuel screwand torque control screw

Note 1: The nuts of any stop screws which passthrough the governor control cover must befitted with new rubber seals.

Note 2: The final positions of all stop screws willbe established during testing. Maximum speed screw

Fit the shearnut (1) to the screw, with the hex end

of the nut facing the hex end of the screw and fit

the screw through the pillar (2) so that the hex

end is accessible. The Test Plan will specify the

initial setting position for the screw. Idling screw

Fit the lock-nut to the screw (4) and fit the screw

through the lug (3). The Test Plan will specify the

initial setting position for the screw.





























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4 — 42 Torque screw

Fit the lock nut (1) with its circular end facing the

governor control cover, together with a new

flexible sealing washer (not shown) to the screw

(2) and fit the screw to the cover. Rotate the screw

four turns, unless the Test Plan specifies

otherwise, and tighten the lock nut to the

specified torque.

If no torque screw is specified, the housing will

be drilled and tapped and a blanking plug and

seal will replace the screw and lock nut. Maximum fuel adjuster blanking plug

Fit a new O-ring to the plug (1); fit the plug to the

cover and tighten to its specified torque.

4.8.3 Fuel return connections

Note: Fuel return arrangements will vary, dependentupon the pump specification.

Locate the tube nut (3) in the boost housing (1) and

fit the banjo bolt (2), using new washers, and tighten

both parts to the specified torques.

If any backleak connection(s) are specified use new

O-rings and tighten to their specified torque.


4.9.1 Drive hub

Fit a new Woodruff key to the keyway in the drive

shaft and fit a “slave” drive hub and nut finger tight.

Fit the special tool (2).

4.9.2 Transfer pump rotor

Fit the special tool (1) to the pump rotor and tighten

the rotor against the normal direction of pump

rotation, to the specified torque.

Remove the drive shaft nut and “slave” hub.












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4.9.3 Internal recirculation (if fitted)

Align the pump vertically with the transfer pump


Fit the retaining spring and poppet valve assembly

(1) into the recess in the hydraulic head barrel valve


4.9.4 Assembling the transfer pump

Fit the transfer pump liner (1) into the head. The cut-

out (2) in one end face of the liner must be

positioned at the lowest point in the liner cavity i.e.

approximately the 6 o’clock position.

The locating groove (5) in the liner must be

positioned so that it will align with the spring dowel

pin in the face of the end plate. The position of that

pin is determined by the direction of rotation of the


Lubricate a new transfer pump sealing ring (3) with

clean test oil and fit it into its groove in the head. Fit

the split steel transfer pump blades and springs (4).

4.9.5 Endplate assembly Internal components

Fit new O-rings (7) and (5) to the regulating

sleeve small adjuster (6) and large adjuster (4).

Place a small amount of grease (Alvania R2) on

to the small adjuster O-ring and using a 2mm

Allen key insert the small adjuster (from the

bottom end) in to the large adjuster. Using a

4.5mm Allen key insert the assembly in to the

regulating sleeve (9).

Insert the regulating springs with spring peg (8).

Insert the piston (10) and piston retainer (12) in to

the regulating sleeve and then fit a new filter (3)

to the outside of the sleeve.

Insert the assembly in to the end plate. Fit a new

O-ring (2) on to the fuel inlet adapter (1) and fit to

the end plate assembly finger tight.

2143 2138























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4 — 44 Sandwich plate

Fit the sandwich plate (1) into the recess in the

endplate (2), with either face outwards if new, but

with the same face towards the transfer rotor if

the original plate is to be used again. The spring

dowel pin will control the position of the groove

in the edge of the plate. Endplate assembly

Fit the endplate in position, matching the spring

pin (1) to the slot in the liner (4). Fasten the

endplate with the four Allen screws (3) tightened

progressively and diagonally to the specified


Tighten the fuel inlet connection (2) to the

specified torque.

Check that the drive shaft rotates freely. Support bracket

If specified, fit the pump-to-engine support

bracket (2) in the position noted during

dismantling and tighten the screws (3)

progressively and diagonally, to their specified


If the position of the plate was not noted during

dismantling, its orientation may be determined

by reference to the position of the engine

manufacturer’s adaptor plate for anchorage of

control cables (if fitted). The adaptor plate will be

retained by fixings through the holes (1). The

cable holes should align with the free end of the

throttle lever.


4.10.1 ESOS

Note: It is essential that the specified solenoid is fittedas there are versions available which operate inthe reverse sense to all others, or requireadditional wiring and resistors. Refer to theDespatch Number and SIN DT294 for correctdetails.

Fit a new O-ring to the solenoid body (1). Screw the

solenoid into the hydraulic head and leave it finger

tight. The solenoid will be removed for fitment of a

pressure gauge during testing.







4 3






2139 2146



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4 — 45

If detachable electrical connections are specified for

the solenoid fit the terminal blade to the solenoid,

retained by the washer and nut.

4.10.2 High pressure outlets and clamp plate

Into each high pressure outlet of the hydraulic head

fit a new sealing washer (1), delivery valve and body

(2). Fit the spring (3) on to the delivery valve and fit

the spring peg (4) in to the spring. Carefully fit the

holder (5) over the spring and peg and leave it finger-


Note 1: The delivery valve holders must not belubricated before fitment to the hydraulic head.

Note 2: Delivery valve holders which have been fittedto a pump and tightened to the correct torquemust not be used again. They must be replaced.

When all of the delivery valve holders have been

fitted, tighten them progressively to their initial

specified torque then rotate each holder through the

specified additional angle (see Section 6).

Fit the high pressure outlet clamp plate (6), followed

by a nut (7) on each outlet; tighten the nuts

progressively to their specified torque.


4.11.1 Drive shaft lock bolt

Fit a new O-ring to the shaft locking screw (1). Fit the

lockshaft spacing washer to the screw and fit the

screw to the pump housing. Position the washer (2)

with its smaller end under the screw head so that the

screw does not restrain the shaft. Lightly tighten the

screw. It will be tightened to the correct torque after

the shaft has been placed in the correct timing











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4 — 46

4.11.2 Drain plug

Fit the drain plug (1) with a new seal.

Screw the drain plug into the pump housing and

tighten it to the specified torque.

4.11.3 Cam advance reading screw

Fit a new O-ring to the plug (2) and screw into the

pump body finger tight.


All pumps must be pressure tested before and after

machine testing.

Drain test oil from the pump. Connect a supply of

clean, dry, variable pressure compressed air to the

pump fuel inlet and return connections. Immerse

the pump in a tank of clean test oil.

Raise the pressure to 1.4 bar (20 lbf/in2). Leave the

pump immersed for ten minutes and then look for


If leaks are detected remove and rectify. Some or the

entire Test Plan may need to be repeated, depending

upon the rectification necessary.

If no leaks are detected, reduce the pressure to 0.14

bar (2 lbf/in2) for 30 seconds. If no leaks appear,

return the pressure to 1.4 bar (20 lbf/in2) and wait for

30 seconds. If there is still no air leak, the pump may

be passed as leak-free. The setting devices must be

sealed with wire and lead seals (embossed with an

authorised stamp) or other methods as specified.




Page 49: Manual Dp210


5 — 47


The testing section of the manual is based on the

Service Test Plan format, which consists of five basic


‘Pump Specification’

‘Test Conditions’

‘Pre-Test Notes’

‘Test Procedure’

‘Overcheck Procedure’

The following notes will examine each section in

turn. Statements within a section will assist the

operator to pre-set the pump during assembly,

prepare the test bench and select the correct testing

tools ready for testing.

Each range of pump numbers are all covered by one

test plan. e.g. 9320A000G to 9320A009G.

It will also cover any variants of the ESOS, as

designated by the last letter of the despatch number.

The Original Manufacture will also be quoted

together with the engine type to which the pump has

been homologated, but not the application.

All test plans are released at issue 1. As a

specification evolves, a change in the settings may

be necessary. If this happens, the changes are

included in an up-issue of the test plan which can be

successfully applied to any pump released prior to

the up-date.


This section is designed to give a basic description of

the features and pump build dimensions specific to

the pump despatch number.

They are grouped in a sequence relevant to the order

encountered during build and test.

5.1.1 Rotation

Rotation refers to the pump drive shaft and always

relates to the direction it turns when looking at the

drive end of the pump.

Knowing the drive rotation enables the removal and

re-fitting of the ‘handed’ components, e.g.

Transfer pressure pump.

Advance device.

Cam and scroll plates.

Type plate label.

Rotating the pump against its designed direction on

a test bench will prevent fuel delivery and if

continued, components will be damaged.

5.1.2 Gov. Link Length

This measurement sets the correct distance between

the governor control arm and the metering valve.

The precise points to measure between are shown

in the workshop manual (section 4.6.4).

Failure to set the correct length will result in either

the governor not being able to shut fuel off and

therefore control the speed, or under full load

acceleration the metering valve will not fully open.

5.1.3 Plunger diameter

States the quantity and diameter of the pumping


5.1.4 Drive type

The pump drive shaft is of the supported type and

the drive from the engine is unsupported, e.g. an

engine gear driven design. Therefore the test bench

drive must also be unsupported.

Incorrect test bench drive selection will result in

shear or seizure of the drive shaft or head and rotor.

5.1.5 Pump features

The pump may contain any of the following


Transfer pressure slope adjuster

Viscosity compensating device in end plate

Cambox pressure

Servo Advance with:

Light load advance

Cold advance

Speed advance

Scroll plate max. fuel delivery adjustment

Torque trimmer cam

Torque screw

Boost Control

Latch valve

5.1.6 OEM Code:

e.g. 2644K901PH Setting Code: …../1/2350

The OEM Customer part number or setting code


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5 — 48

Fluctuations outside of the ± 0.5° C range will affect

the settings of valves and orifices that are viscosity

sensitive. In turn, the variations will affect the timing

and light load settings upon which engine emissions

are dependent.

5.2.2 Inlet feed pressure

A standard supply pressure is quoted for the pump

during test.

The pressure is quoted in psi and a variation during

test of ± 0.2 psi must be adhered to.

Pressure variations of more than ± 0.2 psi affect the

timing, full load and light load fuel settings upon

which engine emissions are dependent.

5.2.3 Nozzles

The range of nozzles available for testing pumps are;

Part No. Type No.

YDB286 BDL0S6844

YDB287 BDL0S6889

YDB445 BDL110S6133/2

Some nozzles are to a recognised ISO standard,

others to an agreed authenticated standard, and are

available to test different models of pumps.

Failure to use the nozzles as stated on the test plan

will affect the overall delivery capabilities and the

final delivery volumes from the pump to the engine.

Nozzles should be serviced weekly or every 40

pumps when the opening pressure must be checked

and reset.

If the seat leakage or backleakage is incorrect

replace where appropriate.

After 400 pumps replace the nozzles.

5.2.4 Nozzle Opening Pressure

A nozzle opening pressure is stated with a tolerance.

Failure to adhere to the stated value on the test plan

will affect the overall delivery capabilities and the

final delivery volumes from the pump to the engine.

5.2.5 Nozzle Holder

The type of nozzle holder is specified as part number

YDB289, which complies with ISO standard 7440. In

addition an agreed authenticated size of inlet filter,

part number YDB288, is included.

Failure to adhere to the stated parts on the test plan

will affect the overall delivery capabilities and the

final delivery volumes from the pump to the engine.


In order for the pump to be set or checked accurately

there are a number of conditions that the test

equipment has to meet.

These conditions are mostly related to ISO

standards. However, a number of deviations from

the standards are encountered, but are fully

contained within agreed parameters laid down

during development and final homoligation of the


Test conditions for Service are directly related to

Production conditions.

Pump performance can be influenced by test

machine design. To minimise performance

variations, Delphi Aftermarket Operations

recommend that the bench must adhere to ISO

standards. The Hartridge test machines conform to

the design requirement contained in the relevant

International Standard on FIE testing (ISO 4008 Parts

I and II).

These are:

HA3000, HA2500, HA700, AVM, AVM2 & PGM.

Hartridge test machines have the ability to test the

whole foreseeable range of DP210 pumps. If a

Hartridge test machine is not available, the use of a

Hartridge Universal Calibrator HF580 is

recommended, in conjunction with a test machine

having a drive motor of at least 5 kW (7.5 hp) power

output and conforming to ISO 4008 (Part 1 — Drive

Systems Requirements).

The test bench must also adhere to certain drive

requirements. The details of pump mounting will

depend upon the type of test machine available;

however, the machine must incorporate the

following features:

a) An anti-backlash coupling of sufficient torsional

stiffness for the particular pump under test.

b) A drive unit, suitable for distributor pumps, which

can accommodate pumps with either supported or

unsupported drive shafts.

5.2.1 Test fluid

The test plan requires the test fluid to be of an ISO

specification (ISO 4113). The pump must be tested

within the fuel temperature range of 40° ± 2° C.

Once set, variation must be held to within ± 0.5° C.

Too high or too low fluid temperatures affect the

volume of fuel being delivered by the pump due to

the change in viscosity. Too high a temperature, the

volume decreases, too low and the volume


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5 — 49

5.2.6 H. P. Pipes

Outside diameter, bore and length of injector pipes

are quoted, some to a recognised ISO standard,

others to an agreed authenticated standard.

The range of HP pipes used is:

6.0 mm x 1.8 mm x 450 mm

6.0 mm x 1.5 mm x 710 mm

6.0 mm x 1.6 mm x 365 mm

6.0 mm x 2.0 mm x 600 mm (ISO 4093.1)

6.0 mm x 2.0 mm x 845 mm (ISO 4093.2)

A number of service checks must be carried out on

the condition of the pipes. Failure to do so will affect

fuel delivery pressures and volumes.

The nipples at each end of the pipe must be in a

condition to permit a leak free seal to be formed

when tightened squarely into the seating cone by the

pipe gland nut.

The bore of the pipe must not be allowed to close.

This will occur more so at the ends of the pipe and if

the radius of a bend is less than 50 mm.


5.3.1 Introduction

The following notes are standard instructions that

must be applied to all pumps when being prepared

for testing. They will not be stated on any test plan,

as they will be recognised as the basic standard to

adhere to. However, if there is an exception to any of

these basic instructions a relevant note

countermanding the instruction will be stated on the

test plan.

5.3.2 Leak testing

All pumps must be leak-tested both before and after

bench testing and any leaks must be rectified.

During the test procedure, there should be no fuel

leaks from the pump.

5.3.3 Test Machine Drive

Caution: Before carrying out any activity on the test

machine drive arrangement ensure that the electrical

supply to the machine is switched off.

The details of pump mounting will depend upon the

type of test machine available (see section: 5.2 Test


The test plan includes information necessary for the

correct mounting of the pump on to the test


Fit a suitable test drive adaptor to the pump drive

shaft. For a dynamically timed pump use the

coupling in kit YDT261 or YDT 262. Ensure that the

adaptor is fully tightened (see section 6.1 for details

of drive adaptors).

Fit a suitable bore adaptor ring to the pump

mounting plate, if required.

Ensure that the test machine drive rotation is

compatible with the pump rotation.


Incorrect rotation will result in serious

damage to the pump.

Ensure that no end loading is applied to the pump

when it is fitted to the drive adaptor.

Rotate the drive by hand in the direction of normal

rotation to check that the pump is free to rotate.

Before starting the machine, check the following:

the pump is firmly secured to the mounting.

the mounting is secured to the machine bed.

the drive adaptor is securely clamped.

5.3.4 Pre-Set Notes

These notes give instructions on initial settings and

adjustments for the individual features built into a

pump specification.

These notes will be listed in the order with which

they will be encountered during the test setting


The instructions can be referred to during:

The build of a pump to determine the initial set

position of a feature.

The pre-set position of a feature before testing


Guidance as to how much adjustment is allowed to

meet a particular test parameter. Throttle lever: To be fully open unless otherwise

stated. Solenoids: To be energised unless otherwise

stated. Transfer Pressure:

Position of the transfer pressure adjusters before

testing commences.

Transfer pressure adjuster tool to be retracted

whilst test readings are being taken.

Transfer and cambox pressures can be taken at

more than one speed.

When taking a transfer pressure reading where

the test plan calls for the cambox pressure to be

included, the test bench transfer pressure gauge

must equal the sum of the transfer pressure and

cambox pressure shown in the test plan.

E.g. If the test plan states:

Test (11) Transfer Press.(C) 1200 Press at test (8)

+ 72 to 84 psi. (where test (8) is the cambox


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5 — 50

— Advance

— Maximum fuel

— Governor

Interspersed with these settings are the settings for

Light Load, the control valves, solenoids and lever


Note: As most aspects of pump performance are inter-related, if a specified figure for a test cannot beachieved then the fault must be rectified beforeproceeding to the next test. (However,continuation of the test sequence may assist inidentifying the cause, but the earlier tests must berepeated after the fault is corrected).

Errors in test results, which cannot be correctedby change of settings, should be rectified bychange of component.

The following notes give a guide to the procedures

to adopt.

5.4.2 Warm-up and stabilisation

Switch on the test oil supply, set the pressure to that

specified in the Test Plan and energise the stop

solenoid (if fitted).

Confirm that the test machine is set to rotate in the

correct direction, switch on the drive and set the

speed to that specified in the Test Plan for priming.

Run the pump at that speed until delivery is obtained

from all injectors and the flow of fuel from the

backleak connections is clear of air.

Backleakage is usually checked at about the mid-

point in the working speed range. Excessive

backleakage may be due to an internal leak e.g. worn

advance device or damaged or missing seals.

Low backleakage could be attributed to poor fuel

supply to the transfer pressure pump or restriction of

fuel flow from the H & R into the pump cambox via

advance assembly or restriction orifice.

If cambox pressure at test (8) was 12 psi then the

transfer pressure gauge should read between 84

(72+12) to 96 psi. (84+12). Advance:

The location from where the advance readings

are to be taken.

The initial amount of advance shimming that

must be present.

The amount of additional advance shimming

permitted to meet test values. Torque Trimmer:

The initial position of the torque trimmer cam

adjusting screw.

The initial position of the torque screw. Boost Control Unit:

The amount of boost control shimming


The boost stroke travel that must be obtained to

meet test parameters. Light Load and Latch Valve:

The initial position of light load and latch valve

adjusters before setting.


5.4.1 Introduction

This is the working part of the test plan and is in two

parts, a ‘Setting’ section and an ‘Overcheck’ section.

The ‘Setting’ section is a series of sequential setting

and checking instructions for new and repaired

pumps. This will enable the pump to be set to values

that will re-create the original homologated

performance curves of the engine to which the

pump is to be fitted.

The tests will enable the operator to determine:

— If the correct parts have been fitted.

— Determine the degree of wear that has occurred

during its service life.

— Identify failed components.

All test plans follow the same setting procedure.

Each feature or function is set, then checked for

correct performance. Once set and confirmed as

correctly built, the next feature or function is dealt

with. Performed in the correct order, the inter-action

of each feature or function is ensured.

The order of setting is:

— Warm-up and running pre-sets

— Transfer pressure

— Cambox pressure

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5.4.3 Initial settings

Use the 4.5mm hex adjusting tool (1) to set the upper

transfer pressure as stated in the test plan. Ensure

that the tool is fully retracted after each adjustment.

Fit the maximum fuel adjuster tool, part no. 6408-

80A, and set the maximum fuel delivery by adjusting

screw (1).

Run the pump at the specified speed and time

quoted at the end of which the fuel temperature

should be at the values quoted.

5.4.4 Transfer pressure Operation

The natural transfer pressure curve of both

springs operating together is depicted as line


After setting the transfer pressure the curve will

follow the line A,B,C,E. Where between (A) and

(C) both springs are controlling transfer pressure

and at a speed just after point C only the single

regulating spring is in control to point (E).

Note: Y = Transfer pressure

X = rpm Setting

The method of setting is to initially retract the

slope adjuster, using the TP adjusting tool (1)

fitted with the 4.5mm ‘T’ bar, so that it is within

the pre-load adjuster and has no influence on the

fuel flow; and therefore the true pressure
















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5 — 52

At the rpm point (C) the pre-load adjuster is

screwed in to reach a required pressure.

At the rpm point (D), the slope (inner) adjuster is

screwed down into the pre-load (outer) adjuster

to achieve a specific transfer pressure rise point

(E), above point (D) using the 2.0mm ‘T’ bar.

Note: Do not rotate more than 4 turns.

The lighter of the two springs (adjuster spring) is

initially compressed until the bottom edge of the

slope adjuster contacts the top of the spring

connector. Further adjustment pre-loads the

regulator spring and controls the rise of transfer

pressure (C, E).

The rpm point (C) is re-checked for any change in

value brought about by setting point (E). If so, the

outer adjuster has been moved in error and the

procedure must be repeated from the start.

Note1: Failure to retract the adjuster after eachadjustment will influence the pressure gaugereading and also, if left in place too long, a rapidrise in pressure will occur and result in possibledamage to the pressure gauge itself.

Note 2: Y = Transfer pressure

X = rpm

5.4.5 Cambox pressure

This feature is not adjustable but must be confirmed

as being within specified limits at the checkpoints


If the cambox pressure is significantly above the

specified level, it may indicate either an excessive

backleak rate or severe restriction at the cambox

pressurising valve.

If cambox pressure is too low the cambox

pressurising valve, a seal within the pump, or the

transfer pump may be faulty.

The Test Plan may specify that pressure be checked

at low speed or high speed.

Note: Diag 3 shows a typical cambox pressure curve.

Y = psi

X = rpm

Diag 3X










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5 — 53

5.4.6 Speed advance Operation

Full load speed advance is dependent on the

transfer pressure being fed through to the

pressure end of the advance piston (1) via the

servo valve (2). Fuel under transfer pressure is

fed to a slot in the side of the Advance piston and

into the centre where the servo valve controls the

flow under an intermediate or reaction pressure

to act on the pressure end face of the Advance

piston. The Advance piston moves in an advance

direction as the pressure acting on its end

increases with speed until the servo piston rod

(3) contacts the inner face of the Light Load screw

(4) at which point total advance travel will be

obtained. The rate of movement is controlled by

the speed advance spring (5) and the point of lift

by the shimming.

Note: A = Speed advance

B = Light load advance

C = Cold advance Setting

Remove the plug in the side of the pump housing

and insert the probe of the electronic advance

sensor (1) through the hole so that it makes

contact with the notch in the rim of the cam ring.









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Set the test bench advance gauge reading to suit

values stated in the test plan (see manufacturer’s

test bench instructions) and at the specified speed

stated datum the gauge to read zero, point (A).

Points (B) and (C) are then checked to determine

that the advance piston has traveled its total

distance point (C) and at a pre-determined point

in this travel, which relates to speed, the advance

position is at point (B).

If point (B) can not be obtained, but point (C) can,

then the speed advance spring is either of the

incorrect rate, requires shimming or there is a

problem with the transfer pressure. If point (C)

cannot be obtained, even at a higher speed than

that specified in the test plan or exceeds the value

stated, then there is a mechanical fault in the

advance assembly that controls the total limit of

advance travel. Incorrect parts fitted or

assembled are the most probable cause.

Note: Y = degrees of advance

X = rpm

V = total cold advance

W = total speed advance

(throttle lever open)

5.4.7 Cold advance Operation

Cold advance is dependent on the operation of

the solenoid (1). If the solenoid is energised, the

plunger lifts and transfer pressure flows to the

slot (2) in the side of the advance piston and into

the centre of the Light Load piston (3), moving it

in an advance direction. The movement of the

Light Load piston carries with it the servo valve

(5) which allows transfer / reaction pressure to act

on the pressure end of the Advance piston (4) and

lift it off of the cover plate (6) and into an

advanced state. This action will continue until the

slot in the side of the advance piston becomes

throttled. A balance is then maintained and no

further transfer pressure can be fed to it from the


Note: A = Speed advance

B = Light load advance

C = Cold advance











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5 — 55 Setting

At the appropriate point stated in the test plan the

cold advance solenoid is energised. Using the

same electronic sensor and test bench gauge

that monitors speed advance off the can ring, the

total movement of the advance piston is

measured at point (D).

If point (D) is not obtainable and there is little or

no advance movement then dirt, stickiness or the

solenoid must be suspected. If the value at point

(A) is greater or less than that stated, then

incorrect components have been fitted.

Note: Y = degrees of advance

X = rpm

V = total cold advance

W = total speed advance

(throttle lever open)

5.4.8 Light-load advance Operation

Light load advance is controlled by the position

of the metering valve and light load valve. As the

metering valve is rotated to reduce fuel, an

increase in signal pressure is fed to the light load

piston (3). The signal pressure is further

controlled by the light load valve which ‘bleeds

off’ some of the flow, thus pressure, to the

cambox. The resultant ‘finely’ controlled signal

pressure flows from the Head Locating Fitting (2)

into the centre of the Advance piston (1) and acts

on the Light Load piston. An increase in signal

pressure moves the Light Load piston into an

advance position under the control of the Light

Load spring (5) until the Light Load screw (4)

contacts the end cover (6).

Note: A = Speed advance

B = Light load advance

C = Cold advance










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5 — 56 Setting

The same electronic sensor and test bench

gauge that monitors speed and cold advance off

the cam ring is used to set and check light load

travel. If a torque screw is not fitted as standard,

remove the plug and temporarily fit a torque

screw, lock nut and seal (1). At the test plan

stated speed hold the throttle lever open using

tool 7244-411 (2) and adjust the torque screw (1)

to a set given advance piston travel which results

in a light load fuel delivery, point (F). Point (G)

checks the setting, which can be ‘finely’ set by

adjusting transfer pressure.

To ensure the advance position does not become

retarded as the throttle lever and fuel delivery

return to full load, a further check at point (E)

ensures there is no danger of an ‘engine’ misfire.

If LLA at (F) is low, remove a shim, if high, add a


Note: Y = advance and delivery

X = rpm

U = maximum LLA

(throttle closed)

V = LLA transition

W = no LLA (throttle open)

Providing the correct advance, transfer pressure

and metering valve components have been

fitted, failure to obtain the values required can be

attributed to the control mechanisms that

determine light load advance.

Having previously confirmed that transfer

pressure is correct then the light load spring or

its shimming must be suspect. The setting of the

light load valve with resultant flow of ‘bled’ fuel

into the cambox and the seating of the HLF and

its plug against the head and rotor must also be


5.4.9 Maximum fuel

Maximum fuel delivery is controlled by the scroll

plates, which limit the outward travel of pumping


The position of the scroll plates is set by adjusting

the position of the carriage link plate, which is in turn

dependent on the position of the torque trimmer

cam operated by transfer pressure.

Some applications have the addition of a boost


The diaphragm operated boost capsule, senses

engine boost pressure and changes the position of

the carriage link and scroll plates at the same time,

but independently to that set by the torque trimmer







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5.4.10 Torque trimmer Operation

It is necessary to adjust the position of the scroll

plates to achieve a specified delivery for a given

torque trimmer cam travel.

This is achieved by firstly setting the position and

travel of the carriage link plate relative to the

torque trimmer cam.

Transfer pressure acts directly on the torque

trimmer piston, which bears on the cam. Being

directly related to pump speed it will position the

carriage link plate for that speed.

An electronic sensor tool (1), introduced through

the access hole in the governor cover, contacts

the carriage link plate and registers that position.

An initial reading is used as a datum point and a

second position reading taken at a different

speed when the torque trimmer cam should have

travelled a set distance.

This is known as ‘Carriage Position Sensing’


Once the travel is confirmed as correct, but

before the scroll plates are adjusted relative to

this position to give a specified fuel delivery the

latch valve and, if fitted, the boost control, is set

using the CPS.

Once the latch valve and the optional boost

control has been set the electronic sensor is

removed and the maximum fuel adjusting tool

(1) is fitted in its place.

The tool adjusts the scroll plate position in

relation to the carriage link plate which enables

torque trimmer cam and maximum fuel delivery

relationship to be accurately set. Setting

Note: If the pump to be tested has both featuresof torque trimmer and boost, the boost capsulemust be supplied with a compressed air pressureonly when stated on the test plan and then onlyto the value stated. Failure to do so may causebending and damage to the cam follower.

To set and check the position and travel of the

carriage link plate, the advance probe sensor,

(AE3/1) has to be converted using kit YDT264.

Note: It will not be a requirement of the testprocedure to measure the pump advance travelat the same time as the carriage position travel.Therefore the same sensor tool can be used forsetting both features.





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The CPS kit contains a probe pin with a magnetic

tip to maintain contact with the maximum fuel

adjusting screw, an adaptor to enable the sensor

to be screwed into the governor cover and a

return spring. (The standard spring used in AE3/1

for measuring advance movement is of a too

strong a rate and, if used, will affect the

sensitivity of the torque trimmer cam and result

in incorrect settings).

The sensor (1), once converted, is fitted carefully

through the hole in the governor cover that is

used for maximum fuel adjustment.

Note: If fitted carelessly, the probe can be locatedalongside the maximum fuel adjustment screw.In this position it will not be possible to set theCPS and the probe pin may become bent.

Refer to the Pre-Test notes to confirm that the

initial setting of the torque trimmer cam is

correct. Adjust if necessary using the special tool


Select the test bench ‘advance mm’ option and at

the speed specified in the test plan zero the CPS

sensor, point (A).

Reduce the pump speed to that specified in the

test plan and adjust the torque trimmer cam

adjuster until the CPS reading is obtained, point

(B). Further checks are made to confirm the

accuracy of the settings, points (A),(B),(C).

Note: All CPS settings are carried out underdecreasing test bench speed conditions. Thehysterisis of the system will give inaccurateresults if the bench speed is allowed to go belowthe adjusting speed and then brought back ‘up’to the speed.

Note: Y1 = delivery (mm3/st)

Y2 = CPS travel (mm)

X = rpm











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5.4.11 Boost control Operation

A boost control device can, in addition to the

torque trimmer cam, also control the maximum

fuel delivery.

The setting of these combined features is carried

out in two stages. The torque trimmer cam

position is carried out first followed by the boost


The boost control device senses the engine turbo

boost pressure through the medium of a

diaphragm. Diaphragm movement is transmitted

through a linkage pin and moves the carriage link

plate independently to any changes brought

about by torque trimmer cam movement. Setting

Connect the boost capsule inlet (1) to a source of

dry, clean compressed air.

Note: The stroke of the boost control diaphragmshould have already been set (see section4.7.1.1).

At the specified test plan speed the CPS reading

(A) under the full boost pressure is set to zero.

A second CPS reading is taken at the same or

different speed (B), but at zero boost pressure.

The two readings confirm that the boost stroke is


Further readings taken at other points, speeds

and pressures (C) & (D) will confirm that the

boost control spring is of the correct rate.

Note: Y = boost

X = rpm

Failure to obtain the values at point (C) indicates

that the travel of the boost stroke is incorrect. The

procedure for setting the stroke must be re-

checked (see section

Failure to obtain the values at point (B) indicates

that the boost control spring rate or shimming is


Note: If the torque trimmer and maximum fuelsettings have been inaccurately set, then theboost settings will also be incorrect.




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5.4.12 Latch valve Operation

Transfer pressure operates the latch valve and is

used primarily to cut excess fuel by movement of

the torque trimmer. The latch valve is also used

to control advance. This results in there being no

speed, light load or cold advance before the

valve opens. Setting

At the test plan stated speed, adjust the latch

valve (1) at point (A) to obtain the CPS reading

specified. Further speed checks at points (B) &

(C) will confirm the correct operation of the valve.

Remove the Sensor from the pump and convert

it back ready to measure advance.

Note: Y = CPS

X = rpm

Providing transfer and cambox pressures are

being controlled accurately, failure to obtain the

settings could be attributed to either a weak or

incorrect control spring or debris restricting fuel

flow or causing ‘stickiness’ of the valve





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5.4.13 Maximum fuel adjustment

Fit the maximum fuel adjuster tool (1).

Adjust the fuel delivery at the speed and delivery

quoted in the test plan, point (D).

The fuel delivery once set at point (D), is checked

at points, (E) and (F), which confirm torque

trimmer fuel control is correct.

Note: Y1 = delivery (mm3/st)

Y2 = CPS travel (mm)

X = rpm

Failure to obtain the CPS readings can be

attributed to:

— Incorrect fitting or sticking of the tool.

— Incorrect transfer pressure that fails to position

the torque trimmer cam relevant to the speed


— The cam follower is contacting the trimmer cam

on the wrong side.

If the CPS readings are correct, but the fuel

delivery is outside the limits specified, then a

problem is indicated with the components that

set and control the outward movement of the

pumping plungers. That is; the carriage link

assembly, scroll plates, cam ring and Head and

Rotor assembly.

5.4.14 Torque screw Operation

The natural fuel delivery curve (A), (B) can be

influenced by the position of the metering valve

so that at high speed, a pressure time fill

situation occurs. When, on decreasing engine

speed, the metering valve position is adjusted,

the full load delivery curve is altered, (C), (A).

Note: Y = delivery

X = rpm










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5 — 62 Setting

The torque screw (1) inserted through the side of

the governor cover contacts the side of the

metering valve. If the screw point (C) is turned in,

the metering valve is rotated within its bore and

reduces the degree that the slot in the metering

valve stem registers with the metering port.

The reduction in metering port area will restrict

the flow of fuel that can pass through it for a set

period of time, point (C).

As pump / engine speed reduces, (C) to (D), more

time is available for the fuel to pass through the

metering port with the result that the fuel to the

distributor rotor increases. This increase

continues with the reduction in speed until the

fuel delivery reaches the natural delivery curve at

point (D).

Note: Y = delivery

X = rpm

The maximum speed screw (1) must be screwed

out. If the governor is allowed to influence the

setting of the torque screw at point (C), it will be

impossible to obtain the delivery required at

point (D).

Some applications may also be phasing sensitive

and an incorrect advance position can also affect

fuel delivery and the degree of torque back-up.

5.4.15 Governor Operation

Rotating the metering valve to a non-fuel delivery

position limits the maximum speed of an engine.

The metering valve change of position from fully

open to fully closed occurs over a set

pump/engine speed range. This is known as

‘droop’ or ‘run-out’.

It is achieved by controlling the outward

movement of the governor flyweights under

centrifugal force, by the opposing load exerted

by the governor control spring.









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5 — 63 Setting

With the throttle lever held in the open position,

using tool (1), the governor control spring holds

the flyweights closed and a fuel delivery reading

is taken (A).

The pump speed is increased to a pre-

determined value and by adjusting the throttle

lever stop screw (2) the governor spring load is

reduced. This reduction allows the flyweights to

start moving outwards under centrifugal force.

The metering valve closes and reduces fuel

delivery (B).

Pump speed is further increased and the fuel

delivery should be reduced to the value indicated

on the test plan (C).

Pump speed is then again re-set to a value that

will return delivery to a full load condition.

Note: Y = delivery

X = rpm

Failure to meet the points shown on the diagram

could be attributed to a ‘stiffness’ in the governor

mechanism, incorrect link length setting, or a

wrong or weak governor spring. If the pump has

seen an excessive service life then a build up of

wear on all the mechanical parts, from drive shaft

through to metering valve and throttle lever, is to

be suspected.

5.4.16 Light load valve Operation

The Light Load Valve (1), in conjunction with the

metering valve, controls the signal pressure to

the light load piston in the advance device. This

enables the position of the advance piston to be

set for a compatible position for the amount of

fuel required for light load. Setting

The test plan will specify a speed at which to

adjust the opening of the valve to give a pre-

determined fuel value for a given throttle


If there is difficulty in obtaining the light load fuel

deliveries to correspond to the light load advance

readings, then the accuracy of the operation of

the light load valve must be considered.

Providing metering valve and advance operation

is correct, failure to obtain the settings could be

attributed to either a weak or incorrect control

spring or debris restricting fuel flow.







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5.4.17 Idle setting Operation

As well as controlling the engine at its highest

speed, the governor must also control it at its

lowest speed, idle. Without adequate control,

engine stall or surge will occur. At high speed

when the throttle lever is released, the governor

flyweights open, as the governor control spring

no longer exerts a load keeping the weights

closed. In this position the metering valve rotates

to a closed position and the engine speed falls

due to lack of fuel.

As the engine speed approaches the idling

range, the load exerted by the light idle spring

hooked around the main governor control spring

peg slowly closes the flyweights. A fine balance

then occurs between this spring and the

centrifugal force produced by the flyweights. Setting

The idle fuel delivery must be set to a nominal

setting to ensure sufficient fuel is delivered, with

the throttle closed, to sustain idling when the

pump is first fitted to an engine.

With the test machine running at the specified

speed, adjust the idle screw (1) to achieve the

delivery (B) as quoted in the test plan. The test

machine speed is then checked at a higher speed

to ensure that the delivery reduces by the

required amount (C). This will confirm that the

governor mechanism is capable of controlling

the engine speed at idle and prevent stalling


Note: Y = delivery

X = rpm

V = maximum fuel

(throttle open)

W = zero delivery

(throttle closed)

If the readings cannot be achieved, re-check the

link length before dismantling the governor

mechanism to investigate incorrect build,

stiffness or wear problems.





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5.4.18 ESOS

Checking of the ESOS, (1) is carried out at a set

speed with the solenoid de-energised and the fuel

delivery measured. A delivery in excess to that

specified indicates a faulty seat.

If there is no change in the delivery quantity, a

complete operating failure or in the case of an

energised to stop ESOS an open electrical circuit of

the ESOS must be suspected. The ESOS is non-

repairable and a complete new unit must be fitted in

its place.

After checking, the test bench must be stopped to

allow any pressure above the solenoid plunger to

disperse. Failure to do so, will prevent the plunger

rising when re-energised to permit delivery to


5.4.19 Timing Operation

Timing is set dynamically. To do this, an

electronic pulse generated at a precise point in

drive shaft rotation is compared to a pulse

generated by the pumping action of the plungers

delivering fuel. Setting

The Dynamic Timing kit (1), part nos. YDT261 or

YDT262 (depending on the type of test bench)

contains a special encoder coupling (2) keyed to

the pump drive shaft.

A piezo transducer (1) which is fitted into the HP

outlet (as specified on the test plan).

All parts must be connected according to the

fitting instruction contained within the kit.

The setting of the timing is then a process

controlled by the timing kit along with the

instructions contained within the test plan.









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5.5.3 Test machine drive

Caution: Before carrying out any activity on the test

machine drive arrangement ensure that the

electrical supply to the machine is switched off.

The details of pump mounting will depend upon the

type of test machine available (see section: 5.2 Test


The test plan includes information necessary for the

correct mounting of the pump on to the test


Fit a suitable test drive adapter for the pump drive

shaft, for dynamically timed pumps use the coupling

in kit YDT261 or YDT262 Ensure that the adaptor is

fully tightened (see section 6.1 for details of drive


Ensure that the test machine drive rotation is

compatible with the pump rotation.


Incorrect rotation will result in serious

damage to the pump.

Ensure that no end loading is applied to the pump

when it is fitted to the drive adaptor.

Rotate the drive by hand in the direction of normal

rotation to check that the pump is free to rotate.

Before starting the machine, check the following:

the pump is firmly secured to the mounting

the mounting is secured to the machine bed

the drive adaptor is securely clamped

5.5.4 Overcheck pre-set notes Throttle lever

To be fully open unless otherwise stated. Solenoids

To be energised unless otherwise stated. Transfer Pressure

When taking a transfer pressure reading where

the test plan calls for the cambox pressure to be

included, the test bench transfer pressure gauge

must equal the sum of the transfer pressure and

cambox pressure shown in the test plan.

E.g. If the test plan states:

Test (11) Transfer Press. (C) 1200 Press. at test (8)

+ 72 to 84 psi (where test (8) is the cambox


If cambox pressure at test (8) was 12 psi then the

transfer pressure gauge should read between 84

(72+12) to 96 psi (84+12). Advance

The location from where the advance readings

are to be taken.


5.5.1 Introduction

This facility enables the operator to quickly assess

the ability of a pump to control an engine within the

performance parameters it has been designed for

and agreed with, the Original Equipment

Manufacturer (OEM).

The pump control curves are compared at set points

with pre-determined engine performance curves

that are known to produce the required engine


It is an ideal ‘tool’ to confirm if the pump is the cause

of engine malfunction or poor performance and the

section is designed to ‘stand alone’ from the setting


It is also part of the warranty return procedure and

any guarantees pertaining to the product are based

on the results of the Overcheck plan.

Note: Pumps that are timed dynamically should bereceived with the drive shaft locked in the timedposition. This permits comprehensive diagnosticsand validation if subject to Warranty.

Providing all the values specified are achieved, the

pump will be able to maintain the original

homologated engine performance for which it is

designed. Failure to attain any one of the values will

indicate that there is a pump setting or function

failure that will require further investigation. The

setting plan can be used for this purpose.

This section is not designed as a fault diagnostic

tool, but as confirmation that the pump is, or is not

the cause of an engine fault or performance


The following notes are standard instructions that

must be applied to all pumps when being prepared

for testing. They will not be stated on any test plan

as they will be recognised as the basic standard to

adhere to. It is important that the pump is fitted to

the test bench without disturbing any of the settings.

However, on some applications settings may have

to be disturbed. In these cases, instructions during

the checking procedure will indicate when to do so.

This will be after the setting to be disturbed has

been checked and recorded.

5.5.2 Pump preperation

The pump must be drained and the fuel retained in

case of contamination.

The pump should then be leak tested.

During the test procedure, there should be no fuel

leaks from the pump.

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5 — 67

5.5.5 Overcheck test procedure

Pump preparation, operation and validation of

results are fully described in the appropriate SIN’s

(refer to Direct2Web CD-ROM for a full list of notes.

Note: The drive shaft for those pumps that aredynamically timed must be received and keptlocked in the timed position. This will enable theaccuracy of the pump to engine bolt-up positionto be clarified. Unlocking the drive shaft out ofthe test plan sequence will result in loosing any“as received” data and make it impossible todetermine the root cause of a bolt-upmisalignment.

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5 — 68

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6 — 69

Part Number Description

7244-581 Adaptor for Boost Pressure Setting (13 mm dia)

YDT140 Adaptor for Transfer Pressure & Backleak

AE3/1 Advance Probe — Requires AE7 & AE3/2

HB343 Advance Probe Adaptor Kit for use with AE3/1

AE7 Advance Probe Box — Requires AE3/1 & AE3/2

AE3/2 Advance Probe Cable — Requires AE7 & AE3/1

7244-584 Body Screw Tool for Boost Stroke Adjustment

YDB328 Boost Control Tester

HB246 Boost Pressure Control Unit for Setting Boost Pressure

YDT146 Cam Car Torx Kit

YDT264 CPS Tool

7244-582 Dial Gauge Adaptor for Boost Control

YDT136 Dial Indicator Gauge

YDB314 Digital Advance Gauge Kit

APB94 Drive Adaptor Plate (3 Hole)

APB195 Drive Adaptor Plate (68 mm)

APB194 Drive Adaptor Ring (50mm)

7244-633 Drive Shaft Seal Guide for Double Seal Fitment

YDT263 Dual Transfer Pressure Adjuster

YDT262 Dynamic Timing Kit (Stand Alone)

YDT261 Dynamic Timing Kit for AVM2 Test Bench

YDB288 Edge Filter

5936-95Q Edge Filter Washer

7244-231 Extractor for Drive Hub

7244-604 Extractor for Regulating Sleeve

AHP134 High Pressure Pipe (6 x 1.5 x 710 mm)

AHP133 High Pressure Pipe (6 x 1.8 x 450 mm)

YDB372 Hydra-clamp

AI51 Injector for AVM & PGM Test Bench — Fitted with YDB286 Nozzle

AI53 Injector for AVM & PGM Test Bench — Fitted with YDB287 Nozzle

AI52 Injector for HA2500 & HA700 Test Bench — Fitted with YDB286 Nozzle

AI54 Injector for HA2500 & HA700 Test Bench — Fitted with YDB287 Nozzle

6408-80A Max. Fuel Adjuster

YDB286 Nozzle BDL0S6844 CFE

YDB287 Nozzle BDL0S6889 CFE

YDB289 Nozzle Holder

7244-275A Pressure Gauge for Cam Box

7244-625 Protection Cap for Boost Control Pivot Plug


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Part Number Description

7244-627 Protection Cap for Boost Control Plug

7244-626 Protection Cap for Boost Control Screw Body

1804-429 Protection Cap for Housing Drain Screw / TP Advance Screw / Timing Cover Plate Plug

7244-621 Protection Cap for Latch Valve Body

7244-621A Protection Cap for Latch Valve Body

7144-458C Protection Cap for Latch Valve Body / Throttle & Exhaust Shafts

7244-623 Protection Cap for LLA Body

7244-623A Protection Cap for LLA Body

6408-68 Protection Cap for Regulating Sleeve

7044-897 Protection Cap for Solenoid & Head Locating Fitting

7244-628 Protection Cap for Torque Trimmer Piston End Cap

7244-629 Protection Cap for Torque Trimmer Spring End Cap

1804-411 Pump Mounting Plate

ALP307 Quick Fit Pipe Connection

6408-59 Retainer for Rotor Plungers

7174-62 Retaining Clip for Hydraulic Head Plungers

ALP308 Screw Fit Pipe Connection

7244-275/3 Screw for Cambox Pressure Gauge

7044-889 Socket for TP Rotor

7244-24 Spanner for Holding Drive Hub

7244-411 Throttle Lever Movement Gauge

7244-405 Throttle Spring Assy Tool

6408-78 Torque Trimmer Adjuster

7244-439A Torx Bit T10 for Timing Plate Screw

7244-439 Torx Bit T15 for Timing Plate Screw

7244-437 Torx Bit T20 for Catch Plate Screw

7244-438 Torx Bit T25 for Governor Control Cover Screw

YDT146 Tamper-resist Torx bit kit

60620197 Dismantling tray available through Delphi Diesel Systems, Aftermarket Operations,

Service Operations Department

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LSN Description Part Number from to from to Head Type Comments

101 Drive Shaft Nut 7185-758 90.00 90.00 796 796 22mm AF

120 Catch Plate Screw 7174-350A 4.00 4.00 35 35 T15

123 Cam Ring Screw 7189-086 57.00 57.00 500 500 14mm AF

130 Transfer Pump Rotor 7182-245 7.40 7.40 65 65 Special

140 Endplate Screw 7185-015 5.10 5.10 45 45 4mm Allen

203 Latch Valve Assy 7185-884A 34.00 34.00 300 300 17mm AF for tightening sequence refer to manual

210 Blanking Plug 9101-335 5.50 5.50 48 48 5mm Allen

214 LLA Valve Body 7189-008 34.00 34.00 300 300 22mm AF

221 Stop Solenoid 7185-900H 15.00 15.00 130 130 24mm AF

224 Inlet Connection 7189-066 34.00 34.00 300 300 24mm AF

237 Clamping Plate Nut 7185-852A 30.40 30.40 270 270 18mm AF

238 Bracket Screw 7167-667A 14.00 14.00 120 120 5mm Allen

239 Delivery Valve Holder 7185-130D 8.00 12.00 70 103 16mm AF turn 65° ±5° (max 45.5Nm ±17.0 Nm)

245 Housing Plug Bolt 7167-299 2.30 2.30 20 20 5/16″ AF

247 Drive Shaft Lock Screw 7189-003 17.00 17.00 150 150 10mm AF drive shaft locked position

12.00 12.00 106 106 10mm AF drive shaft unlocked position — engine run

301 CA Housing Screw 7185-304A 9.50 9.50 85 85 4mm Allen

305 Light Load Screw 7189-096DQ 9.00 9.00 80 80 14mm AF

316 Nut 7185-854B 2.30 2.30 20 20 8mm AF

319 Solenoid 7185-900K 15.00 15.00 130 130 24mm AF

324 Head Locating Fitting 7189-010 40.00 40.00 350 350 3/4” AF for tightening sequence refer to manual

325 Housing Stud Cap Nut 5330-362C 28.00 28.00 240 240 1/2” AF

401 Control Bracket Screw 7174-798 2.30 2.30 20 20 2.5mm Allen

402 Control Bracket Screw 7174-798 2.30 2.30 20 20 2.5mm Allen

403 Control Bracket Screw 7182-023A 5.10 5.10 45 45 8mm AF

411 Control Bracket Bolt 7182-023 5.10 5.10 45 45 8mm AF

415 Backleak Adaptor 7189-142A 25.00 25.00 220 220 17mm AF

417 Governor Cover Screw 7174-895C 4.00 4.00 35 35 T25

503 Pivot Plug 7185-316 16.65 20.35 146 176 6mm Allen

504 Boost Cover Bolt 7185-645 2.30 2.30 20 20 Torx special

511 Adjusting Screw Body 7185-954 29.50 29.50 260 260 Special

519 Banjo and Pipe 7189-148 6.80 6.80 60 60 12mm AF

521 Gov Cover Plug Screw 7185-641 6.30 7.70 56 68 Torx special

522 Self Lock Nut 7174-637 5.70 5.70 50 50 10mm AF

537 Gov Cover Plug Screw 7182-569A 5.10 5.10 45 45 10mm AF

542 Idle Screw Lock Nut 7185-854E 5.70 5.70 50 50 10mm AF

547 Tamper Proof Nut 7189-040 6.20 6.20 55 55 13mm AF


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New 1000 Series

General description

Caution: Do not release the nut (A2) from the fuel injection pump. Illustration (A) shows the nut in position

when the fuel pump is fitted to the engine. The fuel pump hub is fitted to the shaft in the factory to ensure that

the fuel pump is in the correct position for timing. If the nut is removed and the hub moves, the hub will need

to be accurately fitted to the pump by use of specialist equipment before the pump can be fitted to the engine.

The manufacturer fits the hub (B2) to the pump to ensure very accurate timing. Engines that have this

arrangement have the drive gear fastened to the hub instead of to the shaft of the pump.

The hub is permanently mounted onto the drive shaft by the pump manufacturer to allow the pump timing to

be set accurately when the engine is in service.

To prevent incorrect adjustments to the engine timing by rotation of the fuel pump, the mounting flange has

holes instead of slots.

Accurate timing of the pump to the engine is by a pin (A1) used to align the fuel pump gear and the hub (A4),

with a hole in the body (A3) of the fuel pump. The gear is passed over the pin and fastened to the hub with four

fasteners (A6).

Note: For engine models AP, AQ and AS with belt driven coolant pumps, either four tamper proof fasteners

(A7) or one tamper proof fastener and three flanged setscrews are used to retain the fuel pump gear. All Torx

screws are fitted with a special hardened flat washer. A special Torx socket part number 27610122 is needed

to remove and to fit these tamper proof fasteners, refer to your Perkins distributor. All other engine models

have four flanged setscrews to secure the gear.





Workshop Manual, TPD 1350E, Issue 4

This document has been printed from SPI². Not for Resale














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добрый день. подскажите пожалуйста, почему на тнвд delphi 7189-033a. табличка на насосе perkins на холодный двигатель капает солярка, на горячую перестает? в чем причина и как его устранить , если возможно своими силами. есть ли от этого какая нибудь опасность кроме неприятности? и вообще по этому насосу где можно в общих чертах почитать? зараннее спасибо


А где находятся эти два диска CD «Delphi» и CD «Direct ADD». Не могу найти, подскажите пожалуйста


Здравствуйте. подскажите как правильно установить прогу, где находятся эти два диска CD «Delphi» и CD «Direct ADD». там только один образ? на какую ос ставить? какую дату конкретно ставить? буду очень благодарен.


Добрый день. Вам удалось установить программу?

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